#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id$ # This non-regression test has been developped by C. Mertz use Tk; use Tk::Zinc; use Getopt::Long; use TestLog; use strict; use constant ERROR => '--an error--'; # the following list be coherent with the treatments done in the TEST section. my @testsList = ( 1 => 'test_mapitems (quick)', 2 => 'test_every_field_attributes (long)', 3 => 'test_attributes (medium)', 4 => 'test_cloning (quick)', 5 => 'test_coords (quick)', ); my %testsHash; { my @tests = @testsList; while (@tests) { my $num = shift (@tests); my $comment = shift (@tests); $testsHash{ $num } = $comment; } } unshift (@INC, "/usr/lib/perl5/Tk"); # for getting Tk some images; # les variables positionnées en fonction des options de la ligne de commande my $opt_log = 0; my $opt_trace = ""; my $opt_render = -1; my $opt_type = 0; my $outfile; my $opt_tests = "all"; # on récupère les options Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); my $optstatus = GetOptions('log=i' => \$opt_log, 'out=s' => \$outfile, 'trace=s' => \$opt_trace, 'render:s' => \$opt_render, 'type=s' => \$opt_type, 'help' => \&usage, 'tests:s' => \$opt_tests, ); # on teste la validité de l'option -render! if ($opt_render eq '') { print "-render option have no value!\n"; &usage; } $opt_render = 1 if $opt_render == -1; unless ($opt_render==0 or $opt_render==1 or $opt_render==2) { print "-render option value must be 0, 1 or 2!\n"; &usage; } $outfile = "no-crash-$Tk::Zinc::VERSION.log" if (!defined $outfile); &openLog($outfile, $opt_log); sub usage { my ($text) = @_; print $text,"\n" if (defined $text); print "test-no-crash [options]\n"; print " A non-regression test suite for zinc.\n"; print " Some exhaustive test of zinc. Of course everything is not tested yet\n"; print " options are:\n"; print " -help to print this short help\n"; print " -log trace level, defaulted to 0; higher level trace more infos\n"; print " -out filename the log filename. defaulted to no-crash.log\n"; print " NB: the previous log file is always renamed with a .prev suffix\n"; print " -render 0|1|2 to select the render option of zinc (defaulted to 1)\n"; print " -trace to better trace usage of an option\n"; print " -type to limits tests to this item type.\n"; print " -tests to get the list of available tests.\n"; print " -tests i,j,k... to define the list of tests to pass.\n"; exit; } my $mw = MainWindow->new(); &log (0, "#testing Zinc-perl Version=" . $Tk::Zinc::VERSION . " - ", $mw->zinc(), "\n"); ## must be done after the LOG file is open my @tests = &parseTestsOpt($opt_tests); my %tests; foreach my $t (@tests) {$tests{$t} = $t } # The explanation displayed when running this demo my $label=$mw->Label(-text => "This is a non-regression test, testing that zinc is not core-dumping!", -justify => 'left')->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10); # Creating the zinc widget my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 500, -height => 500, -trackmanagedhistorysize => 10, -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources # but for this example it is set in the code! -borderwidth => 0, -relief => 'sunken', -render => $opt_render, )->pack; &setZincLog($zinc); my %itemtypes; my @itemtypes = qw(arc tabular track waypoint curve rectangle triangles group icon map reticle text window ); if ($opt_type) { @itemtypes = ($opt_type); } foreach my $type (@itemtypes) { $itemtypes{$type}=1 } #### some global variables needed as attributes values my ($text1, $text2, $text3, $text4); my ($image1, $image2, $image3, $image4); &creating_items ("unused"); &verifying_item_completion; sub creating_items { # first removing all remaining items foreach my $item (&test_eval (1, 'find', 'withtag', 'all')) { &test_eval (1, "remove", $item); } my $labelformat = "x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1"; # and then creating items &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1); &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1); &test_eval (1, "add", 'icon', 1); &test_eval (1, "add", 'map', 1); &test_eval (1, "add", 'map', 1); &test_eval (1, "add", 'reticle', 1); $text1 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [300,120], -text => "hello world1"); $text2 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [350,170], -text => "hello world2"); $text3 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [400,220], -text => "hello world3"); &test_eval (1, "add", 'window', 1); # &test_eval (1, "add", 'track', 1, 5, -position => [100,200]); &test_eval (1, "add", 'track', 1, 5, -position => [100,200], -labelformat => $labelformat); &test_eval (1, "add", 'waypoint', 1, 5, -position => [200,100], -labelformat => $labelformat); &test_eval (1, "add", 'tabular', 1, 5, -position => [100,20], -labelformat => $labelformat); &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1); &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo1', 'create'); &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo2', 'create'); &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo3', 'create'); #$zinc->itemconfigure ('tabular', -labelformat => "200x10"); #$zinc->update; &test_eval (1, "add", 'arc', 1, [10,10 , 50,50]); &test_eval (1, "add", 'curve', 1, [30,0 , 150,10, 100,110, 10,100, 50,140]); &test_eval (1, "add", 'rectangle', 1, [400,400 , 450,220]); &test_eval (1, "add", 'triangles', 1, [200,200 , 300,200 , 300,300, 200,300], -colors => ["blue:50", "red:20", "green:80"]); $image1 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("icon.gif") ); $image2 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif") ); $image3 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("tranicon.gif") ); $image4 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("anim.gif") ); &creating_datas; # some of the data are using items! } # end creating_items # verifies that we create an item of every existing type sub verifying_item_completion { my @all_types = $zinc->add(); ## this use of add is not documented yet XXX! my @all_items = $zinc->find ('withtag', 'all'); my %created_item_types; foreach my $item (@all_items) { $created_item_types{$zinc->type($item)} = 1; } foreach my $type (@all_types) { if (defined $created_item_types{$type}) { delete $created_item_types{$type}; } else { &log(-100, "item type \"type\" which exist in Zinc is not tested!\n"); } } foreach my $type (sort keys %created_item_types) { &log(-100, "This tested item type \"$type\" is supposed not to exist in Zinc!\n"); } } my %options; my %types; foreach my $itemType (@itemtypes) { my $anItem = $zinc->find('withtype', $itemType); if (!defined $anItem) { &log (-10, "no item $itemType\n"); next;}; my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($anItem); for my $elem (@options) { my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem; $options{$itemType}{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue]; $types{$optionType} = 1; } } my %fieldOptions; { my $aTrack = $zinc->find('withtype', 'track'); if (!defined $aTrack) { &log (-10, "no item track\n") } else { my @fieldOptions = $zinc->itemconfigure($aTrack, 0); for my $elem (@fieldOptions) { my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem; $fieldOptions{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue]; $types{$optionType} = 1; } } } foreach my $type (sort keys %types) { # print "$type\n"; } # a hash giving samples of valid data for attributes types my %typesValues; # the following hash associated to types valid value that should be all different from # default value and from value initiated when creating items (see up...) my %typesNonStandardValues; # a hash giving samples of NOT valid data for attributes types my %typesIllegalValues; sub creating_datas { %typesValues = ('alignment' => ['left', 'right', 'center'], 'alpha' => [0, 50, 100, 23], 'anchor' => ['n', 's', 'e', 'w', 'nw', 'ne', 'sw', 'se', 'center'], 'angle' => [0, 90, 180, 270, 360, 12, 93, 178, 272, 359], 'autoalignment' => ['lll', 'llr', 'llc', 'lrl', 'lrr', 'lrc', 'lcl', 'lcr', 'lcc', 'rll', 'rlr', 'rlc', 'rrl', 'rrr', 'rrc', 'rcl', 'rcr', 'rcc', 'cll', 'clr', 'clc', 'crl', 'crr', 'crc', 'ccl', 'ccr', 'ccc', '-',], 'boolean' => [0..1], 'bitmap' => ['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'], ####?! 'bitmaplist' => [['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'], ['AlphaStipple0']], ##TBC 'capstyle' => ['butt', 'projecting', 'round'], 'gradient' => ['green', 'LemonChiffon', '#c84', '#4488cc', '#888ccc444', 'red'], ## TBC 'gradientlist' => [['green'], ['LemonChiffon'], ['#c84'], ['#4488cc'], ['#888ccc444'], ['red', 'green'], ['red', 'green', 'blue'], ['red:50', 'green:50', 'blue:50'], ['blue:0', 'green:50', 'red:90'], ], ## TBC 'dimension' => [0..5, 10, 50, 100, 0.0, 5.5, 100.5, 4.5], ## and floats ?! 'edgelist' => ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'contour', 'oblique', 'counteroblique'], ## +combinations! 'font' => ['10x20', '6x10', '6x12', '6x13'], 'image' => [$image1, $image2, $image3], ## TBC 'integer' => [-10000, -100, -1, 0, 1, 10, 10000], ## pour quoi? 'item' => [$text1, $text2], 'joinstyle' => ['bevel', 'miter', 'round'], 'labelformat' => ["200x10", ## BUG BUG # "200x100 x100x20+0+0 x100x20+0+20 x200x40+100+20" ], 'leaderanchors' => ["%10x30", "|0|0", "%40x20", "|1|1", "|100|100", "%67x21" ], ## TBC! non exchaustif!! BUG non conforme à la doc # illegal et fait planter: "%50" 'lineend' => [ [10,10,10], [10,100,10], [100,10,10], [10,10,100], [100,10,100] ], 'lineshape' => ['straight', 'rightlightning', 'leftlightning', 'rightcorner', 'leftcorner', 'doublerightcorner', 'doubleleftcorner'], 'linestyle' => ['dotted', 'simple', 'dashed', 'mixed', 'dotted'], 'mapinfo' => ['mapinfo1','mapinfo2','mapinfo3'], ## TBC # 'number' => [2.3, 1.0, 5.6, 2.1], 'point' => [ [0,0] , [10,10], [20,20], [30,30], [20,20], [0,0] , [10,10] ], 'priority' => [ 1, 10, 50, 1000, 10000 ], # positif ou nul 'relief' => ['flat', 'groove', 'raised', 'ridge', 'sunken', 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundgroove', 'roundridge', 'sunkenrule', 'raisedrule'], 'string' => ['teststring', 'short', 'veryverylongstring'], 'taglist' => [ [1], [1..2], ['a','b'], ['tag1','tag2','tag3']], 'unsignedint' => [ 0..5 , 10, 20, 30, 100 ], 'window' => [], ## TBC ); # the following valid value associated to types should be all different from # default value and from value initiated when creating items (see up...) %typesNonStandardValues = ('alignment' => 'right', 'alpha' => 50, 'anchor' => 'w', 'angle' => 45, 'autoalignment' => 'llc', 'bitmap' => 'AlphaStipple14', 'bitmaplist' => ['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'], 'capstyle' => 'butt', 'gradient' => 'LemonChiffon', 'gradientlist' => ['red:50', 'green:50', 'blue:50'], 'dimension' => 45, 'edgelist' => 'contour', 'font' => '6x10', 'image' => $image4, 'integer' => 7, 'item' => $text3, 'joinstyle' => 'miter', 'labelformat' => "200x30", ## BUG BUG 'leaderanchors' => "%10x45", ## BUG BUG 'lineend' => [13,7,20], 'lineshape' => 'rightlightning', 'linestyle' => 'dotted', 'mapinfo' => 'mapinfo2', ## TBC 'number' => 7.6, 'point' => [100,100], 'priority' => 50, 'relief' => 'groove', 'string' => 'notsoshort', 'taglist' => ['tag1','tag11','tag111'], 'unsignedint' => 7, # 22, # 22 is to high for -visiblehistorysize and 5 is, the default value for reticle -period 'window' => undef, ### TBC ); %typesIllegalValues = ('alpha' => [0..100], 'anchor' => ['n', 's', 'e', 'w'], ##TBC 'angle' => [0..360], 'boolean' => [0..1], 'capstyle' => [], 'dimension' => [0..100], 'font' => ['10x20', '6x10', '6x12', '6x13'], 'leaderanchors' => ["%50" ], ## TBC! non exchaustif!! BUG non 'relief' => ['flat', 'groove', 'raised', 'ridge', 'sunken', 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundgroove', 'roundridge', 'sunkenrule', 'raisedrule'], ); } $mw->Button(-text => "Test options", -command => sub {&test_attributes}, )->pack(-pady => 4); $mw->Button(-text => "Test cloning", -command => sub {&test_cloning}, )->pack(-pady => 4); $mw->Button(-text => "Test fields attributes", -command => sub {&test_every_field_attributes}, )->pack(-pady => 4); sub test_attributes { &log (0, "#---- Start of test_attributes ----\n"); foreach my $type (@itemtypes) { my @items = $zinc->find('withtype', $type); &log (0, "#--------- Testing ", (1+$#items), " ",$type," attributes ----------------\n"); if ($#items == -1) { &log (-100, "No such item: $type\n"); next; } my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}}; foreach my $item (@items) { ## il faudrait tester les options selon un ordre défini à l'avance ## en passant par plusieurs occurences pour les options et en forçant ## certaines valeurs, par exemple les valeurs booléennees... (visible/sensible/filled) my @boolean_attributes; my %boolean_attributes; foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { next if $option eq -composerotation; next if $option eq -composescale; next if $option =~ /-\w+sensitive/ ; # to get rid of many track options! next if $option =~ /-filled\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options! next if $option =~ /-speed\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options! next if $option =~ /-\w+history/ ; # to get rid of many track options! push @boolean_attributes, $option; $boolean_attributes{$option}=1; } } &log (0, "# $type (id $item) : ", ((2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)) , " Combinations (", join (', ' , @boolean_attributes),")\n")); foreach my $i (0 .. (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes) -1) ) { my $format = "%0" . ($#{boolean_attributes} +1) . "b"; my $binary = sprintf ($format,$i); &log (0, "# $i/", (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)), " $binary\n"); my @binary = split (//,$binary); foreach my $j (0 .. $#boolean_attributes) { &test_eval (0, "itemconfigure", $item, $boolean_attributes[$j] => $binary[$j] ); # &log (0, "setting $type ($item) ", $boolean_attributes[$j], " to ", $binary[$j], "\n"); } foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random clipping item must belong to the group next if ($boolean_attributes{$option}); # skipping boolean attributes which are exhaustively tested my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; my $typeValues = $typesValues{$optionType}; if (!defined $typeValues) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;} my @values = @{$typeValues}; if (!@values) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;} my $valueRef = ref ($values[0]); my $previous_val; my @previous_val; if ($valueRef eq '') { $previous_val = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option); } else { @previous_val = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option); } &log (1, "#** itemconfigure of $item ($type), $option => ",&printableList (@values),"\n"); my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType ) ? 0 : 2 ; foreach my $value (@values) { &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $value); $zinc->update; $zinc->after(10); } if ($valueRef eq '') { &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $previous_val); } else { &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => \@previous_val); } } } } } &log (0, "#---- End of test_attributes ----\n"); } # end test_attributes # test2: configurer les fields des track / waypoint / tabular # jouer avec les labelformats # test3: tester toutes les fonctions aléatoirement selon les signatures # test4: tester qu'en clonant on obtient bien une copie de tous les attributs sub test_cloning { &log (0, "#---- Start of test_cloning ----\n"); &creating_items; foreach my $type (@itemtypes) { my $item = $zinc->find('withtype', $type); &log (0, "#--------- Cloning and testing item ",$type," ----------------\n"); if (!defined $item) { &log (-10, "No such item: $type\n"); next;}; my $clone = &test_eval(1, "clone", $item); &log (0, "#---- Modifying the clone $clone\n"); &test_a_clone ($type, $item, $clone); &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'original', $item, $zinc->bbox ($item)); &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'clone', $clone, $zinc->bbox ($clone)); &log (0, "#---- Modifying the original\n"); &test_a_clone ($type, $clone, $item); &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'original', $item, $zinc->bbox ($item)); &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'clone', $clone, $zinc->bbox ($clone)); &log (0, "#---- Deleting the original\n"); &test_eval (1, "remove", $item); &test_every_attributes_once($type,$clone); &log (0, "#---- Deleting the clone\n"); &test_eval (1, "remove", $clone); } # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox # faire la même chose que juste avant, mais en interchangeant clone et original # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox # supprimer l'item original # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox # modifier tous les attributs du clone # supprimer le clone # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox &log (0, "#---- End of test_cloning ----\n"); } # end test_cloning ## teste le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand # que la bbox donnée en paramètre. # si $item est différent de '', vérifie que l'item est enclosed/overlapping ## Vérifie aussi le fonctionnement ud closest pour le centre de la bbox sub test_enclosed_overlapping_closest { my ($type, $clone_or_original, $item, @bbox) = @_; if ($#bbox == -1) { &log(-100, "Undef bbox of a $type ($clone_or_original)\n"); } else { @bbox = ( $bbox[0]-10, $bbox[1]-10, $bbox[2]+10, $bbox[3]+10 ); my @items = &test_eval (1, "find", 'enclosed', @bbox); goto TESTOVERLAPPING if ($item eq ''); foreach my $i (@items) { goto TESTOVERLAPPING if ($i eq $item); # the item is included! } &log(-100, "The $type ($clone_or_original) is not enclosed in its bbox!\n"); TESTOVERLAPPING: # @items = $zinc->find ('overlapping', @bbox); @items = &test_eval (1, "find", 'overlapping', @bbox); goto TESTCLOSEST if ($item eq ''); foreach my $i (@items) { goto TESTCLOSEST if ($i eq $item); } &log(-100, "The $type ($clone_or_original) is not overlapping its bbox!\n"); TESTCLOSEST: my $x = ($bbox[0] + $bbox[2] )/2; my $y = ($bbox[1] + $bbox[3] )/2; # my $closest = $zinc->find ('closest', $x,$y); my $closest = &test_eval (1, "find", 'closest', $x,$y); } } # end test_enclosed_overlapping_closest sub test_a_clone { my ($type, $original, $clone) = @_; my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}}; foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random. Clipping item must belong to the group my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; my $value = $typesNonStandardValues{$optionType}; if ($optionType ne 'boolean' && !defined $value) { &log (-100, "No value for type $optionType (option $option)\n"); next; } my $valueRef = ref ($value); my $previous_val; my @previous_val; # memoryzing previous value of the clone if ($valueRef eq '') { $previous_val = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option); } else { @previous_val = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option); } # in the case of boolean, we must always take the not value: if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { $value = !$previous_val } my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ; &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => $value); $zinc->update; if ($valueRef eq 'ARRAY') { # the value is a list my @original_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $original, $option); my @clone_value = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $clone, $option); if ( &equal_flat_arrays (\@original_value, \@clone_value) ) { &log (-100, "Modified cloned $type gets the same value for $option (type $optionType) ". &printableArray(@original_value) . "\n"); } } else { # the value is either a scalar or a class instance my $original_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $original, $option); my $clone_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option); if (defined $original_value && $original_value eq $clone_value) { # print "ORIGIN = ",$original_value, " $original_value CLONE = ",$clone_value,"\n"; &log (-100, "Modified cloned $type gets the same value for $option (type $optionType) " . "(original=cloned: " . &printableItem($original_value) . "?=" . &printableItem($previous_val) . " :previous)\n"); } } # setting back the previous value if ($valueRef eq '') { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => $previous_val); } else { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => \@previous_val); } } } # end test_a_clone sub test_every_attributes_once { my ($type, $item) = @_; my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}}; foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random. Clipping item must belong to the group my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; my $value = $typesNonStandardValues{$optionType}; if ($optionType ne 'boolean' && !defined $value) { &log (-100, "No value for type $optionType (option $option)\n"); next; } # in the case of boolean, we must always take the not value: if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { $value = !$zinc->itemcget($item, $option) } my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ; &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $value); $zinc->update; } } # end test_every_attributes_once sub test_every_field_attributes { &log (0, "#---- Start of test_every_field_attributes ----\n"); foreach my $type qw(waypoint track tabular) { next unless $itemtypes{$type}; my %theoptions = %fieldOptions; my @items = $zinc->find('withtype', $type); &log (0, "#--------- Testing field attributes of ", (1+$#items), " ",$type,"(s) ----------------\n"); if ($#items == -1) { &log (-100, "No such item: $type\n"); next; } foreach my $item (@items) { ## il faudrait tester les options selon un ordre défini à l'avance ## en passant par plusieurs occurences pour les options et en forçant ## certaines valeurs, par exemple les valeurs booléennees... (visible/sensible/filled) my @boolean_attributes; my %boolean_attributes; foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { # next if $option =~ /-\w+sensitive/ ; # to get rid of many track options! # next if $option =~ /-filled\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options! # next if $option =~ /-speed\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options! # next if $option =~ /-\w+history/ ; # to get rid of many track options! push @boolean_attributes, $option; $boolean_attributes{$option}=1; } } &log (0, "# $type (id $item) : ", ((2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)) , " Combinations (", join (', ' , @boolean_attributes),")\n")); foreach my $i (0 .. (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes) -1) ) { my $format = "%0" . ($#{boolean_attributes} +1) . "b"; my $binary = sprintf ($format,$i); &log (0, "# $i/", (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)), " $binary\n"); my @binary = split (//,$binary); foreach my $j (0 .. $#boolean_attributes) { &log (0, "# setting $type ($item) field 0..",$zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1, " ", $boolean_attributes[$j], " to ", $binary[$j], "\n"); foreach my $field (0 .. $zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1 ) { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $boolean_attributes[$j] => $binary[$j] ); } } foreach my $field (0 .. $zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1 ) { foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) { next if ($boolean_attributes{$option}); # skipping boolean attributes which are exhaustively tested my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}}; my $typeValues = $typesValues{$optionType}; if (!defined $typeValues) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;} my @values = @{$typeValues}; if (!@values) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;} my $valueRef = ref ($values[0]); my $previous_val; my @previous_val; if ($valueRef eq '') { $previous_val = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $item, $field, $option); } else { @previous_val = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $item, $field, $option); } &log (1, "#** itemconfigure ($item ($type), $field, $option => ",&printableList (@values),"\n"); foreach my $value (@values) { my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ; &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => $value); $zinc->update; $zinc->after(10); } if ($valueRef ne 'ARRAY') { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => $previous_val); } else { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => \@previous_val); } }} } } } &log (0, "#---- End of test_every_field_attributes ----\n"); } # end test_every_field_attributes sub createMapInfo { my ($name, $N,$deltaN, $radius, $centerX,$centerY) = @_; &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", $name, 'create'); my @lineTypes=(qw/simple dashed dotted mixed marked/), my $deltaAngle=6.283/$N; for (my $i = 0; $i < $N; $i++) { my $x1 = $centerX + $radius * sin($i * $deltaAngle); my $y1 = $centerY + $radius * cos($i * $deltaAngle); my $x2 = $centerX+ $radius * sin( ($i + $deltaN) * $deltaAngle); my $y2 = $centerY + $radius * cos( ($i + $deltaN)* $deltaAngle); my $linetype = $lineTypes[$i%5]; $mw->mapinfo($name, 'add', 'line', $linetype, 1+$i%3, +$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); } } # end of createMapInfo sub test_mapitems { my @mapinfoNames = @_; &log (0, "#---- Start of test_mapitems ----\n"); my @maps = $zinc->find('withtype', 'map'); my $counter=0; foreach my $map (@maps) { &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $map, -mapinfo => $mapinfoNames[$counter]); if ($counter == $#maps) { $counter=0 } $counter++; } &log (0, "#---- End of test_mapitems ----\n"); } # end test_mapitems ## testing the returned value of coords sub test_coords { &log (0, "#---- Start of test_coords ----\n"); foreach my $it ($zinc->find('withtag','*')) { $zinc->remove($it); } ## creationg again items &creating_items; foreach my $type ($zinc->add()) { next if $type eq 'map'; ## map item does not support coords method my $it = $zinc->find('withtype',$type); my @coordsAll= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it); my $coordsAll = &printableArray(@coordsAll); &log (1, "=> $coordsAll\n"); my @coordsContour= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it,0); # all items have 1 contour my $coordsContour = &printableArray(@coordsContour); &log (1,"=> $coordsContour\n"); my @coordsPoint= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it,0,0); # all items have 1 contour with at least one point my $coordsPoint = &printableArray(@coordsPoint); &log (1,"=> $coordsPoint\n"); } &log (0, "#---- End of test_coords ----\n"); } sub parseTestsOpt { my ($opt) = @_; my @tests; if ($opt eq '') { print "Availables tests are:\n"; while (@testsList) { my $i = shift @testsList; my $comment = shift @testsList; print "\t$i => $comment\n"; } exit; } elsif ( $opt eq 'all' ) { ## default! &log (0, "# all tests will be passed through\n"); @tests = sort keys %testsHash; } elsif ( $opt =~ /^\d+(,\d+)*$/ ) { @tests = split (/,/ , $opt); my $testnumb = (scalar @testsList) / 2; foreach my $test (@tests) { die "tests num must not exceed $testnumb" if $test > $testnumb; } &log(0, "# Tests to be done:\n"); foreach my $test (@tests) { &log(0, "\t# $test => " . $testsHash{$test} . "\n"); } } else { print "bad -tests value. Must be a list of integer separated by ,\n"; &usage; } return @tests; } # end of parseTestsOpt # ---------- TEST ------------------ # the following code must be coherent with the tests list described # on the very beginning of this file (see @testsList definition) &createMapInfo ('firstmap', 50, 20, 200, 200, 300); &createMapInfo ('secondmap', 12, 3, 200, 300, 50); if ($tests{1}) { &test_mapitems ('firstmap', 'secondmap'); # should be done before really testing map items attributes } # #### &test_labelcontent; # should be done before really testing track/waypoint/tabular items attributes if ($tests{2}) { &test_every_field_attributes; } if ($tests{3}) { &test_attributes; # on peut configurer tous les attributs } ### we SHOULD test that setting a bad type value ofr an option does not core dump zinc! if ($tests{4}) { &test_cloning; # we test that cloning items and modifiyng/removing them does not core dump } ### we should also test multicontour curves if ($tests{5}) { &test_coords; } # #### &test_fonts; ## and specially big fonts with render = 1; # #### &test_path_tags; # #### &test_illegal_tags; # #### &test_illegal_call # for example: # calling a methode for an non-existing item # getting coords, contours, fields, etc... of non-existing index # # cloning, deleting topgroup # &log (0, "#---- End of test_no_crash ----\n"); MainLoop();