*===========================================* The TkZinc widget version 3.3 *===========================================* WHAT IS THIS? TkZinc is a canvas like widget extension to Tcl/Tk. It adds support for ATC displays, provides structured assembly of items, transformations, clipping, and openGL based rendering features such as gradients and alpha blending. It is currently available on Unices (tested on Linux), Windows and Mac OSX (with X11 and fink). WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? The newest version is found at: http://www.openatc.org/zinc It should be at least available in source form in a file named Tkzinc.tgz. Distribution specific packages may also be available for Debian/Mandrake/Red Hat distributions, most likely for stable versions. For Tcl/Tk users, TkZinc is also available as a multi-plateforme (linux/windows) starkit on http://www.openatc.org/zinc For Perl/Tk users, TkZinc is available on the CPAN, see for example on http://search.cpan.org/search?query=TkZinc&mode=all As a convenience the documentation (pdf+html) is made available on the web site as a separate package. BUILDING AND INSTALLATION FOR TCL/TK 0. You need a working Tcl/Tk distribution (version >= 8.4). You can either grab it using your regular package manager, or build it and install it from scratch. On a Linux system, you need tcl tcl-dev tk tk-dev packages. On MacOSX you need: - fink with tcltk and tcltk-dev package (http://fink.sf.net) - tcl/tk sources, though you are _not_ required to compile and install them. tcl/tk sources are needed because some required files are missing in the packages (tclInt.h and tkInt.h, if you know how to get those files with fink, submit a suggestion to the maintainers). I couldn't install them using fink, d/l them instead: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fink/direct_download/source - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/) From sources or on Windows, get, build and _install_ the Tcl/Tk distribution. On Windows there is currently an incompatibility when using a TkZinc compiled under mingw32 with a core Tcl/Tk compiled with visual C++. You need to grab a Tcl/Tk compiled with the same environment as TkZinc. 1. Unpack the distribution On Unix/Linux/MacOSX: tar zxf Tkzinc.tgz On Windows: Use WinZip or something similar to unpack This creates a directory Tkzinc with all the needed files. This directory should be in the same directory as the Tcl/Tk sources. 2. Configure On Unix/Linux: cd Tkzinc ./configure