# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl # tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr if {![info exists zincDemo]} { error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo." } set w .curveBezier catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Zinc Curve Bezier Demonstration" wm iconname $w Curve set defaultfont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w" pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1 text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 3 pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both $w.text insert 0.0 { 6 examples of curves containing control points are displayed with the list of control points written just below. You can move the handles to modify the bezier curves } zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 650 -font 9x15 -borderwidth 0 -backcolor white pack $w.zinc set group [$w.zinc add group 1] $w.zinc add text $group -position {50 20} -anchor w -text "Examples of curve items using cubic bezier control points" -color grey20 ## Please note: much of the following items below could be computed $w.zinc add curve $group {100 200 100 100} -tags {line1 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -filled 0 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {400 100 400 200} -tags {line1 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -filled 0 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 200} {100 100 c} {400 100 c} {400 200}} -tags {bezier1} -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {90 190 110 210} -tags {handle1 p1} -filled 1 -fillcolor \#BBBBBB $w.zinc add arc $group {90 90 110 110} -tags {handle1 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 -filled 1 $w.zinc add arc $group {390 90 410 110} -tags {handle1 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 -filled 1 $w.zinc add arc $group {390 190 410 210} -tags {handle1 p4} -filled 1 -fillcolor \#BBBBBB $w.zinc add curve $group {600 200 675 100} -tags {line2 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {975 100 900 200} -tags {line2 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 200} {675 100 c} {975 100 c} {900 200}} -tags {bezier2} -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {590 190 610 210} -tags {handle2 p1} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {665 90 685 110} -tags {handle2 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {965 90 985 110} -tags {handle2 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {890 190 910 210} -tags {handle2 p4} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {100 500 25 400} -tags {line3 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {475 400 400 500} -tags {line3 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 500} {25 400 c} {475 400 c} {400 500}} -tags {bezier3} -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {90 490 110 510} -tags {handle3 p1} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {15 390 35 410} -tags {handle3 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {465 390 485 410} -tags {handle3 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {390 490 410 510} -tags {handle3 p4} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 #$w.zinc add "text" $group -position {570 570} -anchor w -tags {"bezier4"} -color "grey20" $w.zinc add curve $group {600 500 600 350} -tags {line4 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {900 650 900 500} -tags {line4 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 500} {600 350 c} {900 650 c} {900 500}} -tags {bezier4} -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {590 490 610 510} -tags {handle4 p1} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {590 340 610 360} -tags {handle4 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {890 640 910 660} -tags {handle4 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {890 490 910 510} -tags {handle4 p4} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {100 800 175 700} -tags {line5 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -filled 0 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {325 700 400 800} -tags {line5 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -filled 0 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 800} {175 700 c} {325 700 c} {400 800}} -tags {bezier5} -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {90 790 110 810} -tags {handle5 p1} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {165 690 185 710} -tags {handle5 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 -filled 1 $w.zinc add arc $group {315 690 335 710} -tags {handle5 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 -filled 1 $w.zinc add arc $group {390 790 410 810} -tags {handle5 p4} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {600 800 625 700} -tags {line6 l1-2} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {725 700 750 800} -tags {line6 l3-4} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {750 800 775 900} -tags {line6 l4-5} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {875 900 900 800} -tags {line6 l6-7} -linecolor \#888888 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 800} {625 700 c} {725 700 c} {750 800} {775 900 c} {875 900 c} {900 800}} -tags {bezier6} -filled 0 -closed 0 -linecolor red -linewidth 5 $w.zinc add arc $group {590 790 610 810} -tags {handle6 p1} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {615 690 635 710} -tags {handle6 p2} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {715 690 735 710} -tags {handle6 p3} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {740 790 760 810} -tags {handle6 p4} -filled 1 -linecolor blue -fillcolor blue -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add arc $group {766 891 784 909} -tags {handle6 p5} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 4 $w.zinc add arc $group {865 890 885 910} -tags {handle6 p6} -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor grey80 $w.zinc add arc $group {890 790 910 810} -tags {handle6 p7} -filled 1 -linecolor grey80 -linewidth 2 $w.zinc add text $group -position {25 980} -anchor w -tags coords -color grey20 $w.zinc scale $group 0.6 0.6 ## Set the text of the text item with a tag "tag" ## to a human-readable form of the coords of the ## corresponding curve with the same tag "tag" proc setText {tag} { global w set textItem [$w.zinc find withtype text coords] set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve $tag] set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem] set count 0 $w.zinc itemconfigure $textItem -text $coords } foreach bezierCount {1 2 3 4 5 6} { set setText "bezier$bezierCount" set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve "bezier$bezierCount"] set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem] #puts "$bezierCount : $curveItem : $coords" $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" <1> {itemStartDrag %x %y} $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" {itemDrag %x %y} #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "" {\&press \&motion} #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "" {\&release} } ##### bindings for moving the handles set item "" set bezierNum "" set ptNum "" set x_orig "" set y_orig "" proc itemStartDrag {x y} { global w global x_orig y_orig global bezierNum ptNum global item set x_orig $x set y_orig $y set item [$w.zinc find withtag current] foreach val [$w.zinc gettags $item] { regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $val "" name num if {$name=="handle"} {set bezierNum $num} if {$name=="p"} {set ptNum $num} } #puts "bezierNum=$bezierNum ptNum=$ptNum" } # Callback for moving an item proc itemDrag {x y} { global x_orig y_orig global w global item $w.zinc transform $item "[expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig]" moveHandle [expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig] set x_orig $x; set y_orig $y; } proc moveHandle {dx dy} { global w global bezierNum global ptNum global item set pt1 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 0] set pt2 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 1] ## modifying the handle coords $w.zinc coords $item "[expr [lindex $pt1 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt1 1]+$dy] [expr [lindex $pt2 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt2 1]+$dy]" set prevPtNum [expr $ptNum-1] # there should only be one such item! set lineA [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$prevPtNum-$ptNum"] if {$lineA!=""} { set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 0] set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 1] $w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]" } set nextPtNum [expr $ptNum+1] # there should only be one such item: set lineB [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$ptNum-$nextPtNum"] if {$lineB!=""} { set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 0] set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 1] $w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]" } set tab [$w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1]] set x [lindex $tab 0] set y [lindex $tab 1] set control [lindex $tab 2] $w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1] "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy] $control" setText "bezier$bezierNum" }