#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2002 # Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne # # Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot for whole graphic design and coding # Christophe Mertz for adding simple animations # and integration in zinc-demos # This integration is still not perfect and requires an extension in zinc # We must know if a named gradient already exists, when launching # many time the same demo in the same process! # # $Id: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This small application illustrates both the use of groups in combination # of -composescale attributes and an implementation of kind of air traffic # control electronic strips. # However it is only a simplified example given as is, without any immediate usage! # # 3 strips formats are accessible through "+" / "-" buttons on the right side # # 1. small-format: with 2 lines of info, and reduced length # # 2. normal-format: with 3 lines of info, full length # # 3. extended-format: with 3 lines of infos, full length # the 3 lines are zoomed # an additionnel 4th lone is displayed # # An additionnal 4th format (micro-format) is available when double-clicking somewhere... # # Strips can be moved around by drag&drop from the callsign # # When changing size, strips are animated. The animation is a very simple one, # which should be enhanced.... You can change the animation parameters, by modifyng # $delay and $steps. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet if {![info exists zincDemo]} { error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo." } #package require profiler #::profiler::init set w .groupsInAtcStrips catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Atc electronic strips using groups" wm iconname $w groupsInAtcStrips set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold] set imagePath [file join $zinc_library demos images] frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w" button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w" pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1 ########################################### # Text zone ####################### #################### text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5 pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both $w.text insert end {These fake air Traffic Control electronic strips illustrates the use of groups for an advanced graphic design. The following interactions are possible: "drag&drop button1" on the callsign. "button 1" triangle buttons on the right side of the strips to modify strips size "double click 1" on the blueish zone to fully reduce size} ########################################### # Zinc ########################################## image create photo texture -file \ [file join $zinc_library demos images background_texture.gif] zinc $w.zinc -render 1 -width 700 -height 500 -borderwidth 0 -lightangle 130 -tile texture pack $w.zinc -fill both -expand 1 set stripGradients {} set stripFontSet {} set delay 50; # ms between each animation steps set steps 6; # number of steps for the animation # scales() # this hash just memorizes the current x and y scaling ratio # In a real appli, this should be memorized in strip objects #---------------------- # configuration data #---------------------- set ratio2FontSet {{1.2 normal} {10 large}} set stripStyle { gradSet { idnt {=axial 90|#ffffff 0|#ffeedd 30|#e9d1ca 90|#e9a89a} back {#c1daff|#8aaaff} shad {=path -40 -40|#000000;50 0|#000000;50 92|#000000;0 100} btnOutside #ffeedd|#8a9acc btnInside {=axial 180|#ffeedd|#8a9acc} ch1 {#8aaaff|#5b76ed} } fontSet { normal { callsign cenapii-radar-b15 type1 cenapii-digistrips-b12 type2 cenapii-digistrips-b10 type3 cenapii-digistrips-b10c } large { callsign cenapii-radar-m20 type1 cenapii-radar-m18 type2 cenapii-radar-b15 type3 cenapii-digistrips-b12 } } width 340 height 86 shadowcoords {8 8 374 94} shadowcolor shad strip { linewidth 3 linecolor \#aaccff fillcolor back relief roundraised } buttons { coords {340 0} clipcoords {0 0 90 83} zone { coords {0 0 26 85} fillcolor btnOutside linewidth 0 } btns { btnup { coords {0 0 26 43} arrow {14 2 24 40 1 40 14 2} linewidth 1 linecolor \#aabadd fillcolor btnInside label { coords {13 27} text + font cenapii-radar-m20 color \#ffffff anchor center } } btndn { coords {0 43 26 86} arrow {14 83 24 43 1 43 14 83} linewidth 1 linecolor \#aabadd fillcolor btnInside label { coords {13 56} text - font cenapii-radar-m20 color \#ffffff anchor center } } } } clipcoords {3 3 332 80} zones { ident { coords {3 3 90 50} atomic 1 priority 200 sensitive 1 tags move linewidth 1 filled 1 relief sunken linecolor \#ffeedd fillcolor idnt fields { callsign { coords {10 18} font callsign text EWG361 anchor w color \#000000 } company { coords {10 34} font type2 text Eurowing anchor w color \#444444 } } } input { coords {3 3 334 82} atomic 1 priority 100 sensitive 1 tags scale linewidth 0 filled 1 relief flat linecolor white fillcolor back # \#afb2cc fields { type { coords {100 18} font type1 text TYPA anchor w color \#444444 } cfmu { coords {200 18} font type1 text 08:26 anchor e color \#444444 } ptsid { coords {100 40} font type2 text NIPOR anchor w color \#444444 } confsid { coords {158 40} font type2 text 8G anchor center color \#444444 } park { coords {200 40} font type2 text G23 anchor e color \#444444 } dest { coords {10 66} font type2 text DEST anchor w color \#555555 } champ1 { type rect coords {45 56 135 76} filled 1 fillcolor ch1 linecolor white linewidth 0 } bret { coords {200 66} font type2 text Bret. anchor e color \#444444 } } } zreco { coords {210 3 346 82} atomic 1 priority 200 texture stripped_texture.gif sensitive 1 tags edit linewidth 2 filled 1 relief sunken linecolor \#deecff fillcolor \#d3e5ff } } zinfo { coords {0 86} rectcoords {0 0 340 20} shadowcoords {8 8 348 28} shadowcolor shad atomic 1 priority 200 sensitive 1 tags edit2 linewidth 2 linecolor \#aaccff fillcolor back relief roundraised fields { ssr { coords {4 10} font type3 text 7656 anchor w color \#444444 } pdep { coords {47 10} font type3 text G23 anchor center color \#444444 } qfu { coords {73 10} font type3 text 09R anchor center color \#444444 } slabel { coords {105 10} font type3 text vit: anchor e color \#444444 } speed { coords {106 10} font type3 text 260 anchor w color \#444444 } pper { coords {142 10} font type3 text EPL anchor center color \#444444 } rfl { coords {166 10} font type3 text 210 anchor center color \#444444 } cautra { coords {183 10} font type3 text 8350 anchor w color \#444444 } nsect { coords {219 10} font type3 text MOD anchor w color \#444444 } day { coords {297 10} font type3 text 21/05/02 anchor e color \#444444 } hour { coords {332 10} font type3 text 13:50 anchor e color \#444444 } } } } proc TLGetHash {list tag} { array set temp $list if { [info exists temp($tag)] } { return $temp($tag) } return "" } proc TLGet {list tag} { foreach {key val} $list { if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } { # puts "TLGet found \"$val\" for \"$key\"" return $val } } # puts "Unknown tag $tag in $list" return "" } # Création du Strip proc createStrip {index x y style} { global w stripGradients stripFontSet textures imagePath # initialise les gradients if { [llength $stripGradients] == 0 } { foreach {name gradient} [TLGet $style gradSet] { # création des gradiants nommés if {! [$w.zinc gname $name]} { $w.zinc gname $gradient $name } # the previous test is usefull only # when this script is executed many time in the same process # (it is typically the case in zinc-demos) lappend stripGradients $name } } # initialise les jeux de fontes if { ![llength $stripFontSet] } { set stripFontSet [TLGet $style fontSet] } # création du groupe de base : coords set g1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -priority 100 -tags "base$index"] $w.zinc coords $g1 [list $x $y] # group de transfo 1 : scaling (à partir du coin haut droit) set g2 [$w.zinc add group $g1 -tags "scaling$index"] #------------------------------------------------------------- # réalisation du strip lui même (papier support + ombre portée #------------------------------------------------------------- # params strip set stripw [TLGet $style width] set striph [TLGet $style height] # ombre portée $w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [TLGet $style shadowcoords] \ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor [TLGet $style shadowcolor] \ -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index" # strip set sstyle [TLGet $style strip] set strip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [list 0 0 $stripw $striph] -filled 1 \ -linewidth [TLGet $sstyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $sstyle linecolor] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $sstyle fillcolor] \ -relief [TLGet $sstyle relief] \ -priority 20 -tags "strip$index"] set texName [TLGet $sstyle texture] if { [llength $texName] != 0 } { if { ! [info exists textures(strip)] } { set textures(strip) [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath $texName]] } $w.zinc itemconfigure $strip -tile $textures(strip) } #------------------------------------------------- # ajout de la zone des boutons (à droite du strip) #------------------------------------------------- set bStyle [TLGet $style buttons] if { [llength $bStyle] != 0 } { # le groupe de la zone bouton set btnGroup [$w.zinc add group $g2 -priority 40] $w.zinc coords $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle coords] # sa zone de clipping set btnClip [$w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle clipcoords] \ -filled 0 -visible 0] # le clipping du groupe bouton $w.zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup -clip $btnClip # zone bouton set bZone [TLGet $bStyle zone] $w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bZone coords] \ -filled 1 -linewidth [TLGet $bZone linewidth] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $bZone fillcolor] -composescale 0 \ -tags "content$index" set btns [TLGet $bStyle btns] foreach {name btnStyle} $btns { # puts "bouton $name $btnStyle" set sGroup [$w.zinc add group $btnGroup -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 \ -composescale 0 -tags [list "$name$index" "content$index"]] $w.zinc add rectangle $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle coords] \ -filled 1 -visible 0 -priority 100 $w.zinc add curve $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle arrow] \ -closed 1 -filled 1 -priority 50 \ -linewidth [TLGet $btnStyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $btnStyle linecolor] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $btnStyle fillcolor] set lab [TLGet $btnStyle label] $w.zinc add text $sGroup -priority 60 \ -position [TLGet $lab coords] -text [TLGet $lab text] \ -font [TLGet $lab font] -color [TLGet $lab color] \ -anchor [TLGet $lab anchor] } # bindings boutons Up et Down du Strip $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> extendedStrip $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> smallStrip } # construction du contenu du strip buildContent $index $g2 100 $style # et de la barre d'extension info (extended format) buildExtent $index $g2 [TLGet $style zinfo] } # Construction des zones internes du Strips proc buildContent {index parent priority style} { global w textures stripFontSet imagePath # group content set g3 [$w.zinc add group $parent -priority $priority] # zone de clipping set clip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g3 [TLGet $style clipcoords] \ -filled 0 -visible 0] # clipping du groupe content $w.zinc itemconfigure $g3 -clip $clip # création d'un group intermédiaire pour bloquer le scaling set g4 [$w.zinc add group $g3 -composescale 0 -tags "content$index"] # création des zones set zones [TLGet $style zones] foreach {name zoneStyle} $zones { # group de zone set gz [$w.zinc add group $g4] if { [TLGet $zoneStyle atomic] } { $w.zinc itemconfigure $gz -atomic 1 \ -sensitive [TLGet $zoneStyle sensitive] \ -priority [TLGet $zoneStyle priority] \ -tags [concat "$name$index" [TLGet $zoneStyle tags]] } set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $zoneStyle coords] \ -filled [TLGet $zoneStyle filled] \ -linewidth [TLGet $zoneStyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $zoneStyle linecolor] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $zoneStyle fillcolor] \ -relief [TLGet $zoneStyle relief] \ -priority 10 -tags "$name$index"] set texName [TLGet $zoneStyle texture] if { [llength $texName] != 0 } { if { ! [info exists textures($name)] } { set textures($name) [image create photo \ -file [file join $imagePath $texName]] } $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures($name) } set fields [TLGet $zoneStyle fields] set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal] foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields { set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type] if { $fsType == "rect" } { $w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \ -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \ -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \ -priority 20 } else { set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font] # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font" $w.zinc add text $gz -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \ -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \ -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \ -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \ -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \ -priority 30 -tags "$font$index" } } } } # Construction de la barre d'extension info du Strip proc buildExtent {index parent infoStyle} { global w textures stripFontSet imagePath # group content set extGroup [$w.zinc add group $parent] $w.zinc coords $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle coords] $w.zinc itemconfigure $extGroup -visible 0 \ -atomic [TLGet $infoStyle atomic] \ -sensitive [TLGet $infoStyle sensitive] \ -priority [TLGet $infoStyle priority] \ -tags [concat "zinfo$index" [TLGet $infoStyle tags]] # ombre portée $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcoords] \ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index" \ -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcolor] set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle rectcoords] \ -filled 1 -priority 20 \ -linewidth [TLGet $infoStyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $infoStyle linecolor] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle fillcolor] \ -relief [TLGet $infoStyle relief]] set texName [TLGet $infoStyle texture] if { [llength $texName] != 0 } { if { ! [info exists textures(zinfo)] } { set textures(zinfo) [image create photo \ -file [file join $imagePath $texName]] } $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures(zinfo) } set fields [TLGet $infoStyle fields] set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal] foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields { set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type] if { $fsType == "rect" } { $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \ -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \ -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \ -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \ -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \ -priority 40 } else { set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font] # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font" $w.zinc add text $extGroup -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \ -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \ -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \ -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \ -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \ -priority 50 -tags "$font$index" } } } # initialisation des bindings généraux dy Strip proc initBindings {moveTag scaleTag} { global w $w.zinc bind $moveTag <1> "catchStrip %x %y" $w.zinc bind $moveTag releaseStrip $w.zinc bind $moveTag "motionStrip %x %y" $w.zinc bind $scaleTag microStrip } # Callback CATCH de début de déplacement du Strip proc catchStrip {x y} { global w dx dy set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] set p [$w.zinc coords "base$index"] set lx [lindex [lindex $p 0] 0] set ly [lindex [lindex $p 0] 1] # foreach {lx ly} $p {} set dx [expr $lx - $x] set dy [expr $ly - $y] $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 200 } # Callback MOVE de fin de déplacement du Strip proc motionStrip {x y} { global w dx dy set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] $w.zinc coords "base$index" [list [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]] } # Callback RELEASE de fin de déplacement du Strip proc releaseStrip {} { global w set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 100 } # Zoom Strip : normal format proc normalStrip {} { global w set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 1 displayRecoZone $index 1 displayExtentZone $index 0 configButtons $index extendedStrip smallStrip changeStripFormat $index 1 1 0 1 } # Zoom Strip : small format (lignes 1 et 2) proc smallStrip {} { global w set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] displayRecoZone $index 0 configButtons $index normalStrip 0 changeStripFormat $index 1 0.63 0 1 } # Zoom Strip : micro format (zone ident) proc microStrip {} { global w set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] configButtons $index normalStrip 0 changeStripFormat $index 0.28 0.63 0 1 } # Zoom Strip : extendedFormat proc extendedStrip {} { global w set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end] $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 0 $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 150 displayRecoZone $index 0 displayExtentZone $index 1 configButtons $index 0 normalStrip changeStripFormat $index 1.3 1.3 1 1.3 } # affiche/masque la zone Reco proc displayRecoZone {index state} { global w set priority [expr $state ? 200 : 0] $w.zinc itemconfigure "zreco$index" -priority $priority } # affiche/masque la zone Extent proc displayExtentZone {index state} { global w $w.zinc itemconfigure "zinfo$index" -visible $state -sensitive $state } # Configure affichage et callbacks des boutons du Strip proc configButtons {index funcUp funcDown} { global w # button Up if { $funcUp != 0 } { $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 1 $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> $funcUp } { $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 0 } # button Down if { $funcDown != 0 } { $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 1 $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> $funcDown } { $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 0 } } # this function has been hacked to provide the user with an animation # The animation is (too) simple but provide a better feedback than without proc changeStripFormat {index xratio yratio composeflag fontratio} { global w dx dy scales steps delay # réinitialisation du groupe scaling $w.zinc treset "scaling$index" # configure le blocage de transformation du format des champs $w.zinc itemconfigure "content$index" -composescale $composeflag # applique le nouveau scaling if { ![info exists scales($index)] } { set scales($index) {1 1} } foreach {oldXratio oldYratio} $scales($index) {} set scales($index) [list $xratio $yratio] set dx [expr ($xratio - $oldXratio) / $steps] set dy [expr ($yratio - $oldYratio) / $steps] _resize $index $delay [expr $oldXratio+$dx] [expr $oldYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps setFontes $index $yratio } proc _resize {index delay newXratio newYratio dx dy steps} { global w $w.zinc treset "scaling$index" $w.zinc scale "scaling$index" $newXratio $newYratio # jeu de fontes incr steps -1 if { $steps > 0 } { after $delay [list _resize $index $delay [expr $newXratio+$dx] [expr $newYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps] } #puts [::profiler::print] } proc getFKey {ratio} { global ratio2FontSet foreach param $ratio2FontSet { foreach {maxRatio fKey} $param {} set newfKey $fKey if { $ratio < $maxRatio } { return $newfKey; } } return $newfKey; } proc setFontes {index ratio} { global w stripFontSet oldFKey set newFKey [getFKey $ratio] if {![info exists oldFKey] || ([string compare $oldFKey $newFKey] != 0) } { set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet $newFKey] #puts "setFontes $oldFKey -> $newFKey" if { [llength $fontStyle] != 0 } { foreach type {callsign type1 type2 type3} { $w.zinc itemconfigure "$type$index" -font [TLGet $fontStyle $type] } } set oldFKey $newFKey } } # test Strips for {set xn 10; set yn 30; set index 0} {$index < 4} {incr index; incr xn 50; incr yn 120} { createStrip $index $xn $yn $stripStyle } initBindings move scale