# # $Id: tkZincLogo.tcl 1471 2004-05-07 15:31:01Z lecoanet $ # this simple demo has been adapted by C. Mertz from the original # work of JL. Vinot # Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet if {![info exists zincDemo]} { error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo." } namespace eval tkZincLogo { # # We need the zincLogo support package require zincLogo variable w .tkZincLogo catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Zinc logo Demonstration" wm iconname $w tkZincLogo grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10 grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10 ########################################### # Text zone ####################### #################### grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 7] \ -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew $w.text insert end {This tkZinc logo should used openGL for a correct rendering! You can transform this logo with your mouse: Drag-Button 1 for moving the logo, Drag-Button 2 for zooming the logo, Drag-Button 3 for rotating the logo, Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the logo transparency, Shift-Drag-Button 2 for modifying the logo gradient.} ########################################### # Zinc ########################################## grid [ zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 \ -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2 variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1] variable logo [zincLogo::create $w.zinc $topGroup 800 40 70 0.6 0.6] # # Controls for the window transform. # bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::press motion %x %y" bind $w.zinc ::tkZincLogo::release bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::press zoom %x %y" bind $w.zinc ::tkZincLogo::release bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::press mouseRotate %x %y" bind $w.zinc ::tkZincLogo::release # # Controls for alpha and gradient # bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::press modifyAlpha %x %y" bind $w.zinc ::tkZincLogo::release bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::press modifyGradient %x %y" bind $w.zinc ::tkZincLogo::release variable curX 0 variable curY 0 variable curAngle 0 proc press {action x y} { variable w variable curAngle variable curX variable curY set curX $x set curY $y set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)] bind $w.zinc "::tkZincLogo::$action %x %y" } proc motion {x y} { variable w variable topGroup variable curX variable curY foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \ [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2] set curX $x set curY $y } proc zoom {x y} { variable w variable topGroup variable curX variable curY if {$x > $curX} { set maxX $x } else { set maxX $curX } if {$y > $curY} { set maxY $y } else { set maxY $curY } if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} { return; } set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)] set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)] $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx set curX $x set curY $y } proc mouseRotate {x y} { variable w variable curAngle variable logo set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)] $w.zinc rotate $logo [expr $lAngle - $curAngle] set curAngle $lAngle } proc release {} { variable w bind $w.zinc {} } proc modifyAlpha {x y} { variable w variable topGroup set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]] set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate] set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)] $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha } proc modifyGradient {x y} { variable w set yRate [expr double($y) / [$w.zinc cget -height]] set yRate [expr ($yRate < 0) ? 0 : ($yRate > 1) ? 1 : $yRate] set gradPercent [expr int($yRate * 100)] $w.zinc itemconfigure letters -fillcolor "=axial 270|#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 $gradPercent|#7192aa;100 100" } }