# $Id: transforms.tcl 1626 2005-04-12 09:06:30Z lecoanet $ # This simple demo has been developped by P. Lecoanet # # TODO: # # Add the building of missing items # if {![info exists zincDemo]} { error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo." } namespace eval transforms { variable w .transforms catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Zinc Transformation Demonstration" wm iconname $w Transformation variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal] grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 3 -column 0 -pady 10 grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 3 -column 1 -pady 10 ########################################### # Text zone ########################################### grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 12] \ -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew $w.text insert 0.0 {Items are always added to the current group. The available commands are: Button 1 on the background, add an item with initial translation Button 2 on the background, add a group with initial translation Button 1 on item/group axes, select/deselect that item coordinates Drag Button 1 on item/group axes, translate that item coordinates Home reset the transformation Shift-Home reset a group direct children transformations +/- scale the selected item up/down Ctrl-Left/Right rotate the selected item right/left Shift-Up/Down swap the selected item Y axis Shift-Left/Right swap the selected item X axis 4 arrows translate in the 4 directions Delete destroy the selected item} $w.text configure -state disabled ########################################### # Zinc ########################################### variable zincWidth 600 variable zincHeight 500 grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight \ -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -takefocus 1 -render 0] \ -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2 variable top 1 variable inactiveAxisColor blue variable activeAxisColor red variable worldAxisColor \#a5a5a5 variable composeRot 1 variable composeScale 1 variable drag 0 variable itemType Rectangle variable currentItem 0 image create photo logo -file [file join $::zinc_demos images zinc.gif] grid [frame $w.f] -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w tk_optionMenu $w.f.types itemType Rectangle Arc Curve Icon Tabular \ Text Track Triangles WayPoint grid $w.f.types -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w button $w.f.add -text {Add item} -command "::transforms::addItem $w.zinc" grid $w.f.add -row 0 -column 2 -padx 10 -sticky ew button $w.f.addg -text {Add group} -command "::transforms::addGroup $w.zinc" grid $w.f.addg -row 0 -column 3 -padx 10 -sticky ew button $w.f.remove -text Remove -command "::transforms::removeItem $w.zinc" grid $w.f.remove -row 0 -column 4 -padx 10 -sticky ew checkbutton $w.f.cscale -text -composescale -command "::transforms::toggleComposeScale $w.zinc" \ -variable ::transforms::composeScale grid $w.f.cscale -row 0 -column 6 -sticky w checkbutton $w.f.crot -text -composesrotation -command "::transforms::toggleComposeRot $w.zinc" \ -variable ::transforms::composeRot grid $w.f.crot -row 1 -column 6 -sticky w variable world [$w.zinc add group $top] variable currentGroup $world $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 80 0} -linewidth 3 \ -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 0 80} -linewidth 3 \ -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world $w.zinc add rectangle $top {-2 -2 2 2} -filled 1 \ -fillcolor $worldAxisColor -linecolor $worldAxisColor \ -linewidth 3 -tags axis:$world $w.zinc add text $top -text "This is the origin\nof the world" \ -anchor s -color $worldAxisColor -alignment center \ -tags [list "axis:$world" text] $w.zinc lower axis:$world bind $w.zinc <1> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Item %x %y} bind $w.zinc <2> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Group %x %y} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::moveUp %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::moveLeft %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::moveRight %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::moveDown %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::scaleDown %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::scaleDown %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::scaleUp %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::scaleUp %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::reset %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::resetChildren %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::rotateLeft %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::rotateRight %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::swapAxis %W y} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::swapAxis %W y} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::swapAxis %W x} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::swapAxis %W x} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::removeItem %W} bind $w.zinc {::transforms::resize %W %w %h} focus $w.zinc tk_focusFollowsMouse proc resize {z width height} { variable world set x [expr $width/2] set y [expr $height/2] $z treset $world $z treset axis:$world $z translate $world $x $y $z translate axis:$world $x $y } proc swapAxis {z axis} { variable currentItem set sx 1 set sy 1 if { $axis eq "x" } { set sx -1 } elseif { $axis eq "y" } { set sy -1 } if {$currentItem != 0} { $z scale $currentItem $sx $sy $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $sx $sy } } proc toggleComposeRot {z} { variable currentItem variable composeRot if {$currentItem != 0} { $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composerotation $composeRot $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot } } proc toggleComposeScale {z} { variable currentItem variable composeScale if {$currentItem != 0} { $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composescale $composeScale $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale } } proc removeItem {z} { variable currentGroup variable currentItem variable world if {$currentItem != 0} { $z remove $currentItem axisgrp:$currentItem if {$currentItem == $currentGroup} { set currentGroup $world } set currentItem 0 set composeScale 1 set composeRot 1 } } proc dragItem {z x y} { variable drag variable currentItem set drag 1 if {$currentItem == 0} { return } set group [$z group $currentItem] foreach {x y} [$z transform $group [list $x $y]] break $z treset $currentItem $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem $z translate $currentItem $x $y $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y } proc select {z} { foreach t [$z gettags current] { if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} { changeItem $z $item } } } proc changeItem {z item} { variable currentItem variable currentGroup variable composeRot variable composeScale variable drag variable activeAxisColor variable inactiveAxisColor if {($currentItem != 0) && !$drag} { $z itemconfigure axis:$currentItem&&!text \ -linecolor $inactiveAxisColor -fillcolor $inactiveAxisColor } if {($currentItem == 0) || ($item != $currentItem)} { $z itemconfigure axis:$item&&!text \ -linecolor $activeAxisColor -fillcolor $activeAxisColor -linewidth 3 set currentItem $item set composeRot [$z itemcget $currentItem -composerotation] $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot set composeScale [$z itemcget $currentItem -composescale] $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale } elseif {!$drag} { set currentItem 0 set composeRot 1 set composeScale 1 } } proc selectGroup {z} { foreach t [$z gettags current] { if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} { changeGroup $z $item return } } } proc changeGroup {z grp} { variable currentItem variable currentGroup variable world changeItem $z $grp if {$currentItem != 0} { set currentGroup $currentItem } else { set currentGroup $world } } proc reset {z } { variable currentItem if {$currentItem != 0} { $z treset $currentItem $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem } } proc resetChildren {z} { variable currentItem if {($currentItem != 0) && ([$z type $currentItem] == "group")} { $z addtag rt withtag .$currentItem. $z treset rt $z dtag rt rt } } proc moveUp {z} { move $z 0 20 } proc moveDown {z} { move $z 0 -20 } proc moveRight {z} { move $z 20 0 } proc moveLeft {z} { move $z -20 0 } proc move {z dx dy} { variable currentItem if {$currentItem != 0} { $z translate $currentItem $dx $dy $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy } } proc scaleUp {z} { scale $z 1.1 1.1 } proc scaleDown {z} { scale $z 0.9 0.9 } proc scale {z dx dy} { variable currentItem if {$currentItem != 0} { $z scale $currentItem $dx $dy $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy } } proc rotateLeft {z} { rotate $z [expr -3.14159/18] } proc rotateRight {z} { rotate $z [expr 3.14159/18] } proc rotate {z angle} { variable currentItem if {$currentItem != 0} { $z rotate $currentItem $angle $z rotate axisgrp:$currentItem $angle } } proc newRectangle {z} { variable currentGroup return [$z add rectangle $currentGroup {-15 -15 15 15} \ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan] } proc newArc {z} { variable currentGroup return [$z add arc $currentGroup {-25 -15 25 15} \ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan] } proc newCurve {z} { variable currentGroup return [$z add curve $currentGroup {-15 -15 -15 15 15 15 15 -15} \ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan] } proc newText {z} { variable currentGroup set item [$z add text $currentGroup -anchor s] $z itemconfigure $item -text "Item id: $item" return $item; } proc newIcon {z} { variable currentGroup return [$z add icon $currentGroup -image logo -anchor center] } proc newTriangles {z} { variable currentGroup return [$z add triangles $currentGroup \ {-25 15 -10 -15 5 15 20 -15 35 15 50 -30} \ -colors {tan wheat tan wheat}] } proc newTrack {z} { variable currentGroup set labelformat {x80x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2} set item [$z add track $currentGroup 6 -labelformat $labelformat \ -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 20] $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128 $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390 $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text / $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350 $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR return $item; } proc newWayPoint {z} { variable currentGroup set labelformat {a0a0+0+0 a0a0>0^1} set item [$z add waypoint $currentGroup 2 -labelformat $labelformat] $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -backcolor DarkGreen -text TUR $z itemconfigure $item 1 -text >>> return $item; } proc newTabular {z} { variable currentGroup set labelformat {f700f600+0+0 f700a0^0^0 f700a0^0>1 \ f700a0^0>2 f700a0^0>3 f700a0^0>4 f700a0^0>5} set item [$z add tabular $currentGroup 7 -labelformat $labelformat] $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -border contour \ -bordercolor black -backcolor gray60 $z itemconfigure $item 1 -alignment center -text AFR6128 $z itemconfigure $item 2 -alignment center -text 390 $z itemconfigure $item 3 -alignment center -text 370 $z itemconfigure $item 4 -alignment center -text 350 $z itemconfigure $item 5 -alignment center -text 330 $z itemconfigure $item 6 -alignment center -text TUR return $item; } proc addAxes {z item length command inFront} { variable currentGroup set axesGroup [$z add group $currentGroup -tags axisgrp:$item] $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 $length 0] -linewidth 3 \ -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 0 $length] -linewidth 3 \ -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item $z add rectangle $axesGroup {-3 -3 3 3} -filled 1 \ -linewidth 0 -composescale 0 -tags axis:$item if {$inFront} { $z raise $item $axesGroup } $z bind axis:$item {::transforms::dragItem %W %x %y} $z bind axis:$item "::transforms::$command %W; set drag 0" } proc addItem {z} { variable itemType set length 25 set itemOnTop 0 set item [eval "new$itemType $z"] if {($itemType == "Track") || ($itemType == "WayPoint")} { set itemOnTop 1 } addAxes $z $item 25 select $itemOnTop changeItem $z $item } proc addGroup {z} { variable currentGroup set item [$z add group $currentGroup] addAxes $z $item 80 selectGroup 1 changeGroup $z $item } proc mouseAdd {z itemOrGroup x y} { variable currentGroup variable currentItem if {[llength [$z find withtag current]] != 0} { return } foreach {x y} [$z transform $currentGroup [list $x $y]] break eval "add$itemOrGroup $z" $z translate $currentItem $x $y $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y } }