/* * Geo.h -- Header for common geometric routines. * * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet. * Creation date : * * $Id: Geo.h 1758 2005-10-19 10:58:11Z lecoanet $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet -- * * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * */ #ifndef _Geo_h #define _Geo_h #include "Attrs.h" #include "List.h" #include #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 #endif #ifndef M_PI_2 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #endif #ifndef M_PI_4 #define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 #endif #define PRECISION_LIMIT 1.0e-10 #define X_PRECISION_LIMIT 5.0e-2 #define ZN_LINE_END_POINTS 6 /* * Constants used to specify circle approximation quality. */ #define ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE 0 #define ZN_CIRCLE_MEDIUM ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE+1 #define ZN_CIRCLE_FINE ZN_CIRCLE_MEDIUM+1 #define ZN_CIRCLE_FINER ZN_CIRCLE_FINE+1 #define ZN_CIRCLE_FINEST ZN_CIRCLE_FINER+1 /* * I would like to make these be floats, * but have to investigate how. Structures * handed to GL or GLU tess _must_ have * points has doubles. */ typedef struct { double x, y; } ZnPoint; typedef struct { double x, y, w, h; } ZnRect; /* * ZnBBox: orig is into the area while corner is not. * Thus the test: ((bbox.orig.x == bbox.corner.x) || * (bbox.orig.y == bbox.corner.y)) * tells whether the bbox is empty or not. * When interpreting bboxes the X coordinate system is * the norm. x goes from left toward the right and y * goes from the top toward the bottom. Bboxes are * always axes aligned. */ typedef struct { ZnPoint orig, corner; } ZnBBox; typedef struct { unsigned int num_points; ZnPoint *points; char *controls; ZnBool cw; } ZnContour; /* * contour1 can be used to store a single contour * without having to alloc the contours array. */ typedef struct { unsigned int num_contours; ZnContour *contours; ZnContour contour1; } ZnPoly; /* * Keep this enum in sync with op_strings in Contour() * in tkZinc.c. */ typedef enum { ZN_CONTOUR_ADD, ZN_CONTOUR_REMOVE } ZnContourCmd; typedef struct { unsigned int num_points; ZnPoint *points; ZnBool fan; /* When using a fan, all contour vertices must be * included to describe the contour as a polygon * (clipping code use that to speed up region * rendering) and the center must be the first * vertex. */ } ZnStrip; typedef struct { unsigned int num_strips; ZnStrip *strips; ZnStrip strip1; } ZnTriStrip; #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef ABS #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a)) #endif #define ZnDegRad(angle) \ (M_PI * (double) (angle) / 180.0) #define ZnRadDeg(angle) \ (fmod((angle) * 180.0 / M_PI, 360.0)) #define ZnRadDeg360(angle) \ (fmod(ZnRadDeg(angle)+360.0,360.0)) #define ZnNearestInt(d) \ (((int) ((d) + (((d) > 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5)))) void ZnPolyInit(ZnPoly *poly); void ZnPolyContour1(ZnPoly *poly, ZnPoint *pts, unsigned int num_pts, ZnBool cw); void ZnPolySet(ZnPoly *poly1, ZnPoly *poly2); void ZnPolyFree(ZnPoly *poly); void ZnTriStrip1(ZnTriStrip *tristrip, ZnPoint *pts, unsigned int num_pts, ZnBool fan); void ZnTriFree(ZnTriStrip *tristrip); void ZnAnchor2Origin(ZnPoint *position, ZnDim width, ZnDim height, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *origin); void ZnOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *origin, ZnDim width, ZnDim height, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *position); void ZnRectOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *rect, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *position); void ZnBBox2XRect(ZnBBox *bbox, XRectangle *rect); void ZnGetStringBBox(char *str, Tk_Font font, ZnPos x, ZnPos y, ZnBBox *str_bbox); void ZnResetBBox(ZnBBox *bbox); void ZnCopyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox_from, ZnBBox *bbox_to); void ZnIntersectBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1, ZnBBox *bbox2, ZnBBox *bbox_inter); ZnBool ZnIsEmptyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox); void ZnAddBBoxToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox, ZnBBox *bbox2); void ZnAddPointToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox, ZnPos px, ZnPos py); void ZnAddPointsToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox, ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points); void ZnAddStringToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox, char *str, Tk_Font font, ZnPos cx, ZnPos cy); ZnBool ZnPointInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox, ZnPos x, ZnPos y); int ZnLineInBBox(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnBBox *bbox); int ZnBBoxInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1, ZnBBox *bbox2); int ZnPolylineInBBox(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points, ZnDim width, int cap_style, int join_style, ZnBBox *bbox); int ZnPolygonInBBox(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points, ZnBBox *bbox, ZnBool *area_enclosed); int ZnOvalInBBox(ZnPoint *center, ZnDim width, ZnDim height, ZnBBox *bbox); ZnBool ZnHorizLineToArc(ZnReal x1, ZnReal x2, ZnReal y, ZnReal rx, ZnReal ry, int start_angle, int angle_extent); ZnBool ZnVertLineToArc(ZnReal x, ZnReal y1, ZnReal y2, ZnReal rx, ZnReal ry, int start_angle, int angle_extent); ZnBool ZnPointInAngle(int start_angle, int angle_extent, ZnPoint *p); void ZnPointCartesianToPolar(ZnReal heading, ZnReal *rho, ZnReal *theta, ZnReal delta_x, ZnReal delta_y); void ZnPointPolarToCartesian(ZnReal heading, ZnReal rho, ZnReal theta, ZnReal *delta_x, ZnReal *delta_y); ZnReal ZnProjectionToAngle(ZnReal dx, ZnReal dy); ZnDim ZnRectangleToPointDist(ZnBBox *bbox, ZnPoint *p); ZnDim ZnLineToPointDist(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnPoint *p, ZnPoint *closest); ZnDim ZnPolygonToPointDist(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points, ZnPoint *p); ZnDim ZnPolylineToPointDist(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points, ZnDim width, int cap_style, int join_style, ZnPoint *p); ZnDim ZnOvalToPointDist(ZnPoint *center, ZnDim width, ZnDim height, ZnDim line_width, ZnPoint *p); void ZnGetButtPoints(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnDim width, ZnBool projecting, ZnPoint *c1, ZnPoint *c2); ZnBool ZnGetMiterPoints(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnPoint *p3, ZnDim width, ZnPoint *c1, ZnPoint *c2); ZnBool ZnIntersectLines(ZnPoint *a1, ZnPoint *a2, ZnPoint *b1, ZnPoint *b2, ZnPoint *pi); void ZnShiftLine(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnDim dist, ZnPoint *p3, ZnPoint *p4); void ZnInsetPolygon(ZnPoint *p, unsigned int num_points, ZnDim inset); void ZnSmoothPathWithBezier(ZnPoint *from_points, unsigned int num_points, ZnList to_points); void ZnGetBezierPoints(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *c1, ZnPoint *c2, ZnPoint *p2, ZnList to_points, double eps); void ZnGetBezierPath(ZnList from_points, ZnList to_points); ZnPoint * ZnGetCirclePoints(int type, int quality, ZnReal start_angle, ZnReal angle_extent, unsigned int *num_points, ZnList point_list); void ZnGetArcPath(ZnReal start_angle, ZnReal end_angle, int type, ZnList to_points); void ZnFitBezier(ZnPoint *pts, unsigned int num_points, ZnReal error, ZnList controls); ZnBool ZnTestCCW(ZnPoint *p, unsigned int num_points); #endif /* _Geo_h */