/* * List.c -- Implementation of list module. * * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet. * Creation date : Tue Mar 15 17:18:17 1994 * * $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1993 - 1999 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet -- * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this code; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* ********************************************************************************** * * This modules exports the following functions: * - RadarListNew * - RadarListDuplicate * - RadarListEmpty * - RadarListFromArray * - RadarListArray * - RadarListFree * - RadarListSize * - RadarListAssertSize * - RadarListAdd * - RadarListAt * - RadarListAtPut * - RadarListDelete * - RadarListTruncate * - RadarListDetect * - RadarListDo * * To appear soon: * - RadarListCollect * - RadarListReject * * And the following variables: * ********************************************************************************** */ /* ********************************************************************************** * * Included files * ********************************************************************************** */ #include "Types.h" #include "List.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include /* ********************************************************************************** * * Constants * ********************************************************************************** */ static const char rcs_id[]="$Id$"; static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $"; #define MAX_CHUNCK_SIZE 1024 #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) /* ********************************************************************************** * * New types * ********************************************************************************** */ typedef struct { char *list; long elem_size; long alloc_size; long used_size; } _RadarList; /* ********************************************************************************** * * GrowIfNeeded -- * Enlarge a list so that it has min_size available. Take care of * static storage. * ********************************************************************************** */ static void GrowIfNeeded(_RadarList *list, int min_size) { if (list->used_size+min_size <= list->alloc_size) { return; } if (list->alloc_size == 0) { if (list->list == NULL) { /* Normal case if we have created a zero sized list */ list->alloc_size = min_size; list->list = (char *) RadarMalloc(list->alloc_size*list->elem_size); } else { /* Case of a list made by RadarListFromArray. If we try to make it grow we need to reallocate and copy. */ char *new_list; list->alloc_size = list->used_size+min_size; new_list = (char *) RadarMalloc(list->alloc_size*list->elem_size); memcpy(new_list, list->list, list->used_size*list->elem_size); list->list = new_list; } } else { list->alloc_size = MAX(MIN(list->alloc_size*2, MAX_CHUNCK_SIZE), list->alloc_size+min_size); list->list = (char *) RadarRealloc(list->list, list->alloc_size*list->elem_size); } memset(list->list+(list->used_size*list->elem_size), 0, (list->alloc_size-list->used_size)*list->elem_size); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListNew -- * Return a new empty list 'initial_size' large. * ********************************************************************************** */ RadarList RadarListNew(int initial_size, int element_size) { _RadarList *new_list; if (initial_size < 0) { initial_size = 0; } if (element_size <= 0) { element_size = 1; } new_list = (_RadarList *) RadarMalloc(sizeof(_RadarList)); new_list->alloc_size = initial_size; new_list->used_size = 0; new_list->elem_size = element_size; if (initial_size) { long size = new_list->alloc_size*new_list->elem_size; new_list->list = RadarMalloc(size); memset(new_list->list, 0, size); } else { new_list->list = NULL; } return (RadarList) new_list; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListDuplicate -- * Return a copy of the list given as parameter. * ********************************************************************************** */ RadarList RadarListDuplicate(RadarList list) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; _RadarList *new_list; new_list = (_RadarList *) RadarMalloc(sizeof(_RadarList)); new_list->alloc_size = cur_list->alloc_size == 0 ? cur_list->used_size : cur_list->alloc_size; new_list->used_size = cur_list->used_size; new_list->elem_size = cur_list->elem_size; if (new_list->alloc_size) { long used_size = new_list->used_size*new_list->elem_size; long size = new_list->alloc_size*new_list->elem_size; new_list->list = RadarMalloc(size); if (used_size) { memcpy(new_list->list, cur_list->list, used_size); } memset(new_list->list + used_size, 0, size - used_size); } else { new_list->list = NULL; } return (RadarList) new_list; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListEmpty -- * Clear out a list, kkeping its allocated size. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListEmpty(RadarList list) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; cur_list->used_size = 0; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListFromArray -- * Return a list filled from the given array. * ********************************************************************************** */ RadarList RadarListFromArray(void *array, int array_size, int element_size) { _RadarList *new_list; new_list = (_RadarList *) RadarListNew(0, element_size); new_list->list = array; new_list->used_size = array_size; return (RadarList) new_list; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListArray -- * Return a pointer to the array containing the list. * ********************************************************************************** */ void * RadarListArray(RadarList list) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; return (void *) cur_list->list; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListFree -- * Delete a list and free its memory. The entries * still in the list are lost but no further deallocation * is attempted. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListFree(RadarList list) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; if (cur_list->list != NULL && cur_list->alloc_size != 0) { RadarFree(cur_list->list); } RadarFree(cur_list); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListSize -- * Return the current number of entries kept in list. * ********************************************************************************** */ int RadarListSize(RadarList list) { return ((_RadarList *)list)->used_size; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListAssertSize -- * Set the list length to size. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListAssertSize(RadarList list, int size) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; if (cur_list->used_size < size) { GrowIfNeeded(cur_list, size - cur_list->used_size); } cur_list->used_size = size; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListCopy -- * Destructively copy 'from' into 'to' starting at the first * position. It is the same as saying RadarListEmpty and then * RadarListAppend. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListCopy(RadarList to, RadarList from) { _RadarList *to_list = (_RadarList *) to; _RadarList *from_list = (_RadarList *) from; if (from_list->elem_size != to_list->elem_size) { return; } to_list->used_size = 0; GrowIfNeeded(to_list, from_list->used_size); memcpy(to_list->list, from_list->list, from_list->used_size*from_list->elem_size); to_list->used_size = from_list->used_size; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListAppend -- * Append 'from' at the end of 'to' which is enlarged as needed. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListAppend(RadarList to, RadarList from) { _RadarList *to_list = (_RadarList *) to; _RadarList *from_list = (_RadarList *) from; if (from_list->elem_size != to_list->elem_size) { return; } GrowIfNeeded(to_list, from_list->used_size); memcpy(to_list->list+(to_list->used_size*to_list->elem_size), from_list->list, from_list->used_size*from_list->elem_size); to_list->used_size += from_list->used_size; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListAdd -- * Add a new entry 'value' in the list before * 'index'. 'index' can be the position of a * previous entry or the special values RadarListHead, * RadarListTail. The entries have positions * starting at 0. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListAdd(RadarList list, void *value, int index) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; int i; GrowIfNeeded(cur_list, 1); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } if (index < cur_list->used_size) { for (i = cur_list->used_size-1; i >= index; i--) { memcpy(cur_list->list+((i+1)*cur_list->elem_size), cur_list->list+(i*cur_list->elem_size), cur_list->elem_size); } } else if (index > cur_list->used_size) { index = cur_list->used_size; } memcpy(cur_list->list+(index*cur_list->elem_size), (char *) value, cur_list->elem_size); (cur_list->used_size)++; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListAt -- * Return the entry at 'index'. Indices start at 0. * Indices out of the current range are constrained * to fit in the range. * ********************************************************************************** */ void * RadarListAt(RadarList list, int index) { if (!((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { return NULL; } if (index >= ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { index = ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size - 1; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } return (void *) ((_RadarList *) list)->list+(index*((_RadarList *) list)->elem_size); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListAtPut -- * Set the entry at 'index' to 'value'. * Indices start at 0. Indices out of the current * range are constrained to fit in the range. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListAtPut(RadarList list, void *value, int index) { if (!((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { return; } if (index >= ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { index = ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size - 1; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } memcpy(((_RadarList *) list)->list+(index*((_RadarList *) list)->elem_size), (char *) value, ((_RadarList *) list)->elem_size); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListDelete -- * Suppress the entry matching value, searching from position * 'index'. If value is NULL suppress entry at index. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListDelete(RadarList list, int index) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; int i; if (!((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { return; } if (index >= ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { index = ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size - 1; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } for (i = index; i < cur_list->used_size-1; i++) { memcpy(cur_list->list+(i*cur_list->elem_size), cur_list->list+((i+1)*cur_list->elem_size), cur_list->elem_size); } (cur_list->used_size)--; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListTruncate -- * Suppress the entries from position 'index' inclusive to the end. * ********************************************************************************** */ void RadarListTruncate(RadarList list, int index) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; if (!((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { return; } if (index >= ((_RadarList *) list)->used_size) { return; } if (index < 0) { index = 0; } cur_list->used_size = index; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * RadarListDo -- * Apply the function 'to_do' to each entry in the list. * Stop either at end of list or if 'to_do' returns a * non nul result. 'to_do' is a function with two * parameters. The first is bound in turn to each value of * the list, the second is the data passed to RadarListDo. * If the scan stops at the end of the list, the function * returns -1, else it returns the index at which it has * stopped. * ********************************************************************************** */ int RadarListDo(RadarList list, void *data, int (*to_do)(void *value, void *data)) { _RadarList *cur_list = (_RadarList *) list; int i; for (i = 0; i < cur_list->used_size && !(*to_do)((void *) (cur_list->list + (i * cur_list->elem_size)), data); i++); if (i == cur_list->used_size) { return -1; } else { return i; } }