/* * Viewport.c -- Implementation of viewport item. * * Authors : Roland Tomczak. * Creation date : Fri Dec 2 14:47:42 1994 * * $Id: Viewport.c 1897 2008-01-22 08:33:42Z lemort $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet -- * * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * * Doc : A Viewport item is an item, which rendering is performed by a Third-Party API. * The third-Party Library must respect the API defined by the RendererApi.h file, and * export the corresponding functions. * * A Viewport item may be rendered in two way : * - DirectAccess rendering : In this case, the Third-Party rendering function is directly * called during the "Rendering" process of the tree. This is the most efficient way, but * has some limitation : * - As OpenGl viewport can't be others than "straight" rectangle, the item will be rendered * in its bounding box rect, and clipped so as it appears to its right position, inclucling * possible transforms. So, if the Viewport is rotated, its content WONT be rotated, but will * appear in the "clipped rotated" position defined. * * - Rotations aren't taken in accound for the item count, so as Alpha value * - The API MUST be very careful when manipulating stencil buffer, otherwhise its display may * overlap its container, or affect the rendering of the following tree items. The current clipping * level is passed as an argument : When entering the API Rendering, if this clipping level is > 0, * the clipping test is configured as glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) num_clips, 0xFF); You must * add/remove clipping levels with glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_INCR) and glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, * GL_DECR, GL_DECR); If the incoming clipping level is = 0, then GL_STENCIL_TEST is disabled. * - The API process MUST be very careful when changing glViewport ! It is set so that the item appears * to its right position onto TkZinc rendering. * If the displayed item is bellow all the others, especially when its cover the entire background, the two last * limitations aren't to be take in account. So, DirectAccess is specially dedicated to background items. * - Non DirectAccess rendering : Viewport is rendered onto a texture during a Pre-rendering phase, and then, * is copied onto screen. It's less efficient, but don't have any constraint. */ #include "Item.h" #include "Geo.h" #include "Draw.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Image.h" #include "Color.h" #include "WidgetInfo.h" #include "tkZinc.h" static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: Viewport.c 1897 2008-01-22 08:33:42Z lemort $"; static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $"; // Function prototypes definitions typedef void (*API_INITIALIZE_SIGNATURE)(int nID); typedef void (*API_RENDER_SIGNATURE)(int nID, int nClipLevel); typedef char * (*API_COMMAND_SIGNATURE)(int nID, const char * pchCommand ); typedef void (*API_FINALIZE_SIGNATURE)(int nID); /* * Bit offset of flags. */ #define ALIGNED_BIT 1 static int nNextViewportId = 0; /* ********************************************************************************** * * Specific Viewport item record * ********************************************************************************** */ typedef struct _ViewportItemStruct { ZnItemStruct header; /* Public data */ ZnPoint coords[2]; unsigned short flags; char * module_name; // Viewport module name ( DLL or .so to be loaded ) char * command; // Command to be send to module char * command_result; // Command result ( string ) unsigned short refresh; // Set it to force display refresh unsigned short directaccess; // Direct Access or Memory access unsigned short texture_width; // Non direct Access texture Width unsigned short texture_height; // Non direct Access texture Height unsigned short texture_opacity; // Non direct Access texture opacity( 0..100 ) /* Private data */ ZnPoint dev[4]; char cInitialized; // 1 when initialized int nViewportId; // Our viewport ID unsigned int nTextureId; // Texture ID for non-direct Access int nPrevTextureWidth; // Non direct Access texture Width int nPrevTextureHeight; // Non direct Access texture Height // External functions API_INITIALIZE_SIGNATURE pApiInitializeFunc; API_RENDER_SIGNATURE pApiRenderFunc; API_COMMAND_SIGNATURE pApiCommandFunc; API_FINALIZE_SIGNATURE pApiFinalizeFunc; } ViewportItemStruct, *ViewportItem; static ZnAttrConfig viewport_attrs[] = { { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-catchevent", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_CATCH_EVENT_BIT, ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.priority), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG|ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT, ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG|ZN_REPICK_FLAG|ZN_VIS_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-refresh", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, refresh), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_SHORT, "-directaccess", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, directaccess), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_SHORT, "-texturewidth", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, texture_width), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_SHORT, "-textureheight", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, texture_height), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_SHORT, "-textureopacity", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, texture_opacity), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_STRING, "-modulename", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, module_name), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_STRING, "-command", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, command), 0, 0, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_STRING, "-commandresult", NULL, Tk_Offset(ViewportItemStruct, command_result), 0, 0, False }, { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False } }; /* ********************************************************************************** * * Init -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static int Init(ZnItem item, int *argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[]) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; unsigned int num_points; ZnPoint *points; /* Init attributes */ SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT); SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT); SET(item->flags, ZN_CATCH_EVENT_BIT); SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT); SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT); SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT); item->priority = 1; if (*argc < 1) { Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " viewport coords expected", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, (*args)[0], &points, NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (num_points != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " malformed viewport coords", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; }; rect->coords[0] = points[0]; rect->coords[1] = points[1]; (*args)++; (*argc)--; rect->module_name = NULL; rect->command = NULL; rect->command_result = NULL; rect->directaccess = 0; rect->texture_width = 128; rect->texture_height = 128; rect->texture_opacity = 100; // Initialize our internal attributes rect->cInitialized = 0; rect->nViewportId = nNextViewportId ++; rect->nTextureId = 0; rect->nPrevTextureWidth = 128; rect->nPrevTextureHeight = 128; // API callbacks functions rect->pApiInitializeFunc = NULL; rect->pApiRenderFunc = NULL; rect->pApiCommandFunc = NULL; rect->pApiFinalizeFunc = NULL; // Increase number of viewport item wi->nb_of_viewport_items++; return TCL_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Clone -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static void Clone(ZnItem item) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; char * str; // Set a new Id.. rect->nViewportId = nNextViewportId ++; // .. and reset internal texture rect->nTextureId = 0; // Increase number of viewport item wi->nb_of_viewport_items++; // Copy our strings attributs if (rect->module_name) { str = ZnMalloc((strlen(rect->module_name) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(str, rect->module_name); rect->module_name = str; } if (rect->command) { str = ZnMalloc((strlen(rect->command) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(str, rect->command); rect->command = str; } if (rect->command_result) { str = ZnMalloc((strlen(rect->command_result) + 1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(str, rect->command_result); rect->command_result = str; } // .. Finally, initialize the viewport to the library if ( rect->pApiInitializeFunc != NULL ) { rect->pApiInitializeFunc ( rect->nViewportId ); } } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Destroy -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static void Destroy(ZnItem item) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; // Decrease number of viewport item wi->nb_of_viewport_items--; rect->cInitialized = 0; if ( rect->nTextureId != 0 ) { glDeleteTextures(1, &rect->nTextureId); rect->nTextureId = 0; } if (rect->module_name) { ZnFree(rect->module_name); } if (rect->command) { ZnFree(rect->command); } if (rect->command_result) { ZnFree(rect->command_result); } } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Configure -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static int Configure(ZnItem item, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[], int *flags) { ZnWInfo * wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; int status = TCL_OK; char * pOldModuleName = rect->module_name; status = ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, viewport_attrs, argc, argv, flags); // If library name has changed, load callback functions or realease them if ( rect->module_name != pOldModuleName ) { // Finalize our viewport for current module if ( rect->pApiFinalizeFunc != NULL ) { rect->pApiFinalizeFunc ( rect->nViewportId ); } // Release existing callbacks rect->pApiInitializeFunc = NULL; rect->pApiRenderFunc = NULL; rect->pApiCommandFunc = NULL; rect->pApiFinalizeFunc = NULL; if ( rect->module_name ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // There's a module name, let's load the librairie and recover function name char * pchLibraryName [ 1024 ]; HMODULE handle = NULL; strcpy ( pchLibraryName, rect->module_name ); strcat ( pchLibraryName, ".dll" ); handle = LoadLibrary (pchLibraryName); if (handle != NULL) { // printf ( "\nLibrary Loaded !"); // The Librarie has been loaded : let's recover callback functions rect->pApiInitializeFunc = ( API_INITIALIZE_SIGNATURE ) (GetProcAddress (handle, "apiInitialize" )); rect->pApiRenderFunc = ( API_RENDER_SIGNATURE ) (GetProcAddress (handle, "apiRender" )); rect->pApiCommandFunc = ( API_COMMAND_SIGNATURE ) (GetProcAddress (handle, "apiCommand" )); rect->pApiFinalizeFunc = ( API_FINALIZE_SIGNATURE ) (GetProcAddress (handle, "apiFinalize" )); } else { // printf ( "\nLibrary Loading failed !!"); } #endif /* ifdef _WIN32 */ } } // If a command needs to be executed, let's do it if ( rect->pApiCommandFunc != NULL ) { if ( rect->command ) { char * pchCommandResult = rect->pApiCommandFunc ( rect->nViewportId, rect->command ); // Free requested command... ZnFree(rect->command); rect->command = NULL; // ..Clean the result.. if (rect->command_result) { ZnFree(rect->command_result); rect->command_result = NULL; } // ..And, eventually, retrieve the new result if ( pchCommandResult != NULL ) { rect->command_result = ZnMalloc ( strlen ( pchCommandResult ) + 1 ); strcpy(rect->command_result, pchCommandResult); } } } return status; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Query -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static int Query(ZnItem item, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[]) { if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, viewport_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) { return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * ComputeCoordinates -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static void ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item, ZnBool force) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; ZnPoint p[4]; int i; ZnBool aligned; ZnDim delta, lw2; ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box); p[0] = rect->coords[0]; p[2] = rect->coords[1]; p[1].x = p[2].x; p[1].y = p[0].y; p[3].x = p[0].x; p[3].y = p[2].y; ZnTransformPoints(wi->current_transfo, p, rect->dev, 4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rect->dev[i].x = ZnNearestInt(rect->dev[i].x); rect->dev[i].y = ZnNearestInt(rect->dev[i].y); } /* * Add all points to the bounding box. Then expand by the line * width to account for mitered corners. This is an overestimate. */ ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, rect->dev, 4); item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 0.5; item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 0.5; item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 0.5; item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 0.5; delta = rect->dev[0].y - rect->dev[1].y; delta = ABS(delta); aligned = delta < X_PRECISION_LIMIT; delta = rect->dev[0].x - rect->dev[3].x; delta = ABS(delta); aligned &= delta < X_PRECISION_LIMIT; ASSIGN(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT, aligned); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * ToArea -- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1), * entirely inside (1) or in between (0). * ********************************************************************************** */ static int ToArea(ZnItem item, ZnToArea ta) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; int result, result2; ZnBBox *area = ta->area; result = -1; result = ZnPolygonInBBox(rect->dev, 4, area, NULL); if (result == 0) { return 0; } return result; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Draw -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static void Draw(ZnItem item) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; XGCValues values; unsigned int i, gc_mask; XRectangle r; XPoint xp[5]; if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) { if (rect->dev[0].x < rect->dev[2].x) { r.x = (int) rect->dev[0].x; r.width = ((int) rect->dev[2].x) - r.x; } else { r.x = (int) rect->dev[2].x; r.width = ((int) rect->dev[0].x) - r.x; } if (rect->dev[0].y < rect->dev[2].y) { r.y = (int) rect->dev[0].y; r.height = ((int) rect->dev[2].y) - r.y; } else { r.y = (int) rect->dev[2].y; r.height = ((int) rect->dev[0].y) - r.y; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { xp[i].x = (int) rect->dev[i].x; xp[i].y = (int) rect->dev[i].y; } xp[i] = xp[0]; } /* XDraw method have to be implemented */ } /* ********************************************************************************** * * PreRender -- * ********************************************************************************** */ #ifdef GL static void PreRender(ZnItem item) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; int i; unsigned short alpha; // Initialize the Viewport when accessing for the first time if ( rect->cInitialized == 0 ) { // Initialize our viewport if ( rect->pApiInitializeFunc != NULL ) { rect->pApiInitializeFunc ( rect->nViewportId ); } rect->cInitialized = 1; } // We only proceed if a Rendering function is defined if ( rect->pApiRenderFunc != NULL ) { if ( rect->directaccess == 0 ) { // Our texture is "non DirectAccess" // Clean up our texture if dimensions have changed if ( ( rect->texture_width != rect->nPrevTextureWidth ) || ( rect->texture_height != rect->nPrevTextureHeight ) ) { if ( rect->nTextureId != 0 ) { glDeleteTextures(1, &rect->nTextureId); rect->nTextureId = 0; } } // If no texture is associated with our viewport ( or if we'd just destroy the current one ), let's create one // ( Thanks to http://www.cppfrance.com/codes/RENDU-SUR-TEXTURE-OPENGL-VCPLUSPLUS_11278.aspx ) if ( rect->nTextureId == 0 ) { // Create a new empty RGBA texture buffer unsigned int *pTextureBuffer = NULL; pTextureBuffer = malloc ( sizeof ( unsigned int ) * rect->texture_width * rect->texture_height * 4 ); memset(pTextureBuffer, 0, rect->texture_width * rect->texture_height * 4 * sizeof(unsigned int)); glGenTextures(1, &(rect->nTextureId)); // Genere un nom de texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, rect->nTextureId); // Active la texture que nous venons de generer // Definition of our 2D RGBA texture glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, rect->texture_width, rect->texture_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pTextureBuffer); // Texture processing parameters glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // As the texture is stored onto OpenGL, no need to keep it in memory free ( ( void * ) pTextureBuffer ); // Let's save its dimension, if an user decide to change them ( in this case, it'll be regenerated ) rect->nPrevTextureWidth = rect->texture_width; rect->nPrevTextureHeight = rect->texture_height; } // Now, render the Viewport onto this texture // Set our viewport on texture size if ( rect->nTextureId != 0 ) { glViewport ( 0, 0, rect->texture_width, rect->texture_height ); rect->pApiRenderFunc ( rect->nViewportId, 0 ); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,rect->nTextureId); glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 0, rect->texture_width, rect->texture_height, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } } else { // Clean up our texture if any if ( rect->nTextureId != 0 ) { glDeleteTextures(1, &rect->nTextureId); rect->nTextureId = 0; } } } } #else static void PreRender(ZnItem item) { } #endif /* ********************************************************************************** * * Render -- * ********************************************************************************** */ #ifdef GL static void ViewportRenderCB(void *closure) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) closure; ZnItem item = (ZnItem) closure; // Proceed only if an rendering function has been found if ( rect->pApiRenderFunc != NULL ) { if ( rect->directaccess == 1 ) { // Window info. Needed because we've to retrieve its height, when changing // our viewport to set it on our object bounding box ZnWInfo * wi = item->wi; // Window width and height. int int_width = Tk_Width(wi->win); int int_height = Tk_Height(wi->win); // This point array will contain our viewport mask coordinates ZnPoint *points; // This triangle strip will contain our specific viewport clipping zone. ZnTriStrip tristrip; // Clip the region, so that only the viewport rect will be displayed // First of all, build our clipping triangle point list ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 4); points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints); points[0] = rect->dev[1]; points[1] = rect->dev[2]; points[2] = rect->dev[0]; points[3] = rect->dev[3]; ZnTriStrip1(&tristrip, points, 4, False); // Then, push this clipping level ZnPushClip(wi, &tristrip, False, True); // Store our global state : Push all rendering attributes... glPushAttrib ( GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_CURRENT_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_EVAL_BIT | GL_FOG_BIT | GL_HINT_BIT | GL_LIGHTING_BIT | GL_LINE_BIT | GL_LIST_BIT | GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT | GL_POINT_BIT | GL_POLYGON_BIT | GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT | GL_SCISSOR_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT | GL_TEXTURE_BIT | GL_TRANSFORM_BIT | GL_VIEWPORT_BIT ); // ... And the model transform matrix glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); // ... And the projection transform matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix( ); // Set our viewport on the whole object bounding box. glViewport ( ( GLint ) ( item->item_bounding_box.orig.x ), ( GLint ) ( int_height - item->item_bounding_box.corner.y ), ( GLsizei ) ( item->item_bounding_box.corner.x - item->item_bounding_box.orig.x ), ( GLsizei ) ( item->item_bounding_box.corner.y - item->item_bounding_box.orig.y ) ); // ... And invoke our rendering function ! rect->pApiRenderFunc ( rect->nViewportId, ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack) ); // ... Restore tje projection matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); // ... And the model transform matrix glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); // ... Our attributs glPopAttrib (); // ... And stop clipping ! ZnPopClip(wi, True); } else { // If Viewport is Non-DirectAccess, we just have to display prerendered // texture onto screen // Retrieve window information ( for alpha value ) ZnWInfo * wi = item->wi; // Item is displayed only if our texture is available if ( rect->nTextureId != 0 ) { unsigned short alpha; alpha = ( float ) rect->texture_opacity; alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha); // .. Prepare OGL for texture drawing... glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, rect->nTextureId ); glColor4us(65535, 65535, 65535, alpha); // ... and display our quad !!! glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f( 0, 1); glVertex2d(rect->dev[0].x, rect->dev[0].y); glTexCoord2f( 1, 1); glVertex2d(rect->dev[1].x, rect->dev[1].y); glTexCoord2f( 1, 0); glVertex2d(rect->dev[2].x, rect->dev[2].y); glTexCoord2f( 0, 0); glVertex2d(rect->dev[3].x, rect->dev[3].y); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } } } } #endif #ifdef GL static void Render(ZnItem item) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; int i; unsigned short alpha; #ifdef GL_LIST if (!item->gl_list) { item->gl_list = glGenLists(1); glNewList(item->gl_list, GL_COMPILE); #endif glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); // Viewport Item rendering callback ViewportRenderCB(rect); #ifdef GL_LIST glEndList(); } glCallList(item->gl_list); #endif } #else static void Render(ZnItem item) { } #endif /* ********************************************************************************** * * IsSensitive -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static ZnBool IsSensitive(ZnItem item, int item_part) { return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) && item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART)); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Pick -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static double Pick(ZnItem item, ZnPick ps) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; double best_dist; ZnPoint *p = ps->point; best_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(rect->dev, 4, p); if (best_dist <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } best_dist = ABS(best_dist); return best_dist; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * PostScript -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static int PostScript(ZnItem item, ZnBool prepass, ZnBBox *area) { ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi; ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; char path[500]; /* * Create the viewport rectangle path... */ sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g lineto closepath\n", rect->dev[0].x, rect->dev[0].y, rect->dev[1].x, rect->dev[1].y, rect->dev[2].x, rect->dev[2].y, rect->dev[3].x, rect->dev[3].y); Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL); /* * And emit code code to stroke the outline... Viewport content won't be displayed, only the rectangle area */ /* Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n", NULL); if (ZnPostscriptOutline(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, wi->win, rect->line_width, rect->line_style, rect->line_color, rect->line_pattern) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } */ return TCL_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * GetClipVertices -- * Get the clipping shape. * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices. * ********************************************************************************** */ static ZnBool GetClipVertices(ZnItem item, ZnTriStrip *tristrip) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; ZnPoint *points; if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) { ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 2); points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints); ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 2, False); tristrip->strips[0].fan = False; if (rect->dev[0].x < rect->dev[2].x) { points[0].x = rect->dev[0].x; points[1].x = rect->dev[2].x+1.0; } else { points[0].x = rect->dev[2].x; points[1].x = rect->dev[0].x+1.0; } if (rect->dev[0].y < rect->dev[2].y) { points[0].y = rect->dev[0].y; points[1].y = rect->dev[2].y+1.0; } else { points[0].y = rect->dev[2].y; points[1].y = rect->dev[0].y+1.0; } } else { ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 4); points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints); points[0] = rect->dev[1]; points[1] = rect->dev[2]; points[2] = rect->dev[0]; points[3] = rect->dev[3]; ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 4, False); } return ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Coords -- * Return or edit the item vertices. * ********************************************************************************** */ static int Coords(ZnItem item, int contour, int index, int cmd, ZnPoint **pts, char **controls, unsigned int *num_pts) { ViewportItem rect = (ViewportItem) item; if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) { Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " viewports can't add or remove vertices", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL) { if (*num_pts != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " coords command need 2 points on viewports", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } rect->coords[0] = (*pts)[0]; rect->coords[1] = (*pts)[1]; ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG); } else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) { if (*num_pts < 1) { Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " coords command need at least 1 point", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (index < 0) { index += 2; } if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) { range_err: Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp," incorrect coord index, should be between -2 and 1", NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } rect->coords[index] = (*pts)[0]; ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG); } else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL) { *num_pts = 2; *pts = rect->coords; } else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) { if (index < 0) { index += 2; } if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) { goto range_err; } *num_pts = 1; *pts = &rect->coords[index]; } return TCL_OK; } /* ********************************************************************************** * * GetAnchor -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static void GetAnchor(ZnItem item, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *p) { ZnBBox *bbox = &item->item_bounding_box; ZnOrigin2Anchor(&bbox->orig, bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y, anchor, p); } /* ********************************************************************************** * * Exported functions struct -- * ********************************************************************************** */ static ZnItemClassStruct VIEWPORT_ITEM_CLASS = { "viewport", sizeof(ViewportItemStruct), viewport_attrs, 0, /* num_parts */ 0, /* flags */ -1, Init, Clone, Destroy, Configure, Query, NULL, /* GetFieldSet */ GetAnchor, GetClipVertices, NULL, /* GetContours */ Coords, NULL, /* InsertChars */ NULL, /* DeleteChars */ NULL, /* Cursor */ NULL, /* Index */ NULL, /* Part */ NULL, /* Selection */ NULL, /* Contour */ ComputeCoordinates, ToArea, Draw, PreRender, /* Pre-render */ Render, IsSensitive, Pick, NULL, /* PickVertex */ PostScript }; ZnItemClassId ZnViewport = (ZnItemClassId) &VIEWPORT_ITEM_CLASS;