$Summary = "Zinc, a canvas replacement for Tk"; $Name = "perl-Tk-Zinc"; $Copyright = "LGPL"; $Vendor = "Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne"; $Url = "http://www.cena.fr/divisions/PII/"; $Distribution = "Zinc"; $Group = "System Environment/Libraries"; $BuildArchitectures = "i386"; $Requires = "perl-Tk"; $Build = "./configure --enable-ptk=yes --enable-gl=damage --prefix=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr --exec-prefix=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr cd Perl ./export2cpan cd ../export2cpan/tk-zinc perl Makefile.PL make"; $Install = "rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdirhier \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib cd export2cpan/tk-zinc make PREFIX=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr prefix=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr INSTALLDIRS=perl pure_install find \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr -type f -print | sed \"s\@^\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\@\@g\" \| grep -v Zinc.bs | grep -v .packlist > ../../$Name-\%{version}-filelist"; $Description = "Zinc is a canvas like widget for the Tk toolkit. Its has been designed to provide a structured organization of its graphical components. It provides also advanced geometrical and graphical capabilities such as geometric construction (boolean ops), transformations, non rectangular clipping gradient fills, smart reliefs, etc. This contains the dynamic libraries that are necessary for running applications which use Zinc.";