#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: allreliefs.pl 1020 2003-04-16 10:18:46Z lecoanet $ # these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr use Tk; use Tk::Photo; use Tk::Zinc; use strict; my ($grp,, $s, $i); my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*'; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300, -render => 1, -backcolor => "red", # this will be transparent in the doc )->pack(); $grp = $zinc->add('group', 1); $zinc->add('rectangle', $grp, [0, 0, 70, 50], -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'tan', -linecolor => 'tan', -linewidth => 6, -relief => 'raised', -tags => ['attrs']); $zinc->add('text', $grp, -text => 'raised', -anchor => 'center', -font => $defaultfont, -position => [35, -10], -tags => ['attrs']); $zinc->translate($grp, 20, 30); $i = 1; foreach $s (('sunken', 'ridge', 'groove', 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundridge', 'roundgroove', 'raisedrule', 'sunkenrule')) { $grp = $zinc->clone($grp); $zinc->addtag("g$grp", 'withtag', 'attrs', $grp, 0); $zinc->itemconfigure("attrs && g$grp", -text => $s, -relief => $s); $i++; if ($i == 5) { $zinc->translate($grp, -3*100, 80); $i = 1; } else { $zinc->translate($grp, 100, 0); } } MainLoop();