#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; use Tk::Zinc; use Controls; use Tk::Photo; require Tk::PNG; $top = 1; $lw = 8; $arrow = [8, 10, 6]; # # Cap, Filled, Border, Relief, Title # @show = ( ['round', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapRound'], ['butt', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapButt'], ['projecting', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapProjecting'], ['round', 0, 1, 'sunken', 'Sunken'], ['round', 0, 1, 'raised', 'Raised'], ['round', 0, 1, 'groove', 'Groove'], ['round', 0, 1, 'ridge', 'Ridge'], ['round', 1, 1, 'roundsunken', 'RoundSunken'], ['round', 1, 1, 'roundraised', 'RoundRaised'], ['round', 1, 1, 'roundgroove', 'RoundGroove'], ['round', 1, 1, 'roundridge', 'RoundRidge'], ['round', 1, 1, 'sunkenrule', 'SunkenRule'], ['round', 1, 1, 'raisedrule', 'RaisedRule'], ['round', 1, 0, 'flat', 'Fill'], ['round', 1, 1, 'flat', 'FillBorder']); $mw = MainWindow->new(); #$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "logo.gif"); $papier = $mw->Photo(-file => "texture-paper.xpm"); $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1, -lightangle => 120, -borderwidth => 0, -highlightthickness => 0, -relief => 'sunken', -takefocus => 1, -backcolor => 'red' # -tile => $papier ); $zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500); $zinc->scale($top, 1, -1); $view = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => 'controls'); $clipbez = $zinc->add('bezier', $view, [20, -20, 890, -20, 890, -900, 20, -400], -linewidth => 0, -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'tan'); #$zinc->itemconfigure($view, # -clip => $clipbez); # # Create the model # $model = $zinc->add('group', $view); $mp = $zinc->add('bezier', $model, [50, -150, 100, -50, 270, -130, 220, -200, 200, -180, 180, -300, 140, -160, 70, -300], -fillcolor => 'tan', -tags => 'bezier', -linewidth =>$lw); #$zinc->add('rectangle', $model, [50, -150, 100, -50]); @bbox = $zinc->bbox($mp); @bbox = $zinc->transform($model, \@bbox); $x = ($bbox[2] + $bbox[0]) / 2; $y = $bbox[1] + 5; $zinc->add('text', $model, -text => 'CapRound', -color => 'blue', -alignment => 'center', -anchor => 's', -tags => 'title', -position => [$x, $y]); # # Now clone for each variation on the polygon # $col = 0; $row = 0; foreach $current (@show) { ($cap, $filled, $border, $relief, $title) = @{$current}; $grp = $zinc->clone($model); $zinc->translate($grp, $col * 240, $row * (-290 - (2 * $lw))); $zinc->itemconfigure($zinc->find('withtag', 'bezier', $grp), -capstyle => $cap, -filled => $filled, -linewidth => $border ? $lw : 0, -relief => $relief, -linecolor => $relief eq 'flat' ? 'yellow' : 'tan'); $zinc->itemconfigure($zinc->find('withtag', 'title', $grp), -text => $title); $col++; if ($col >= 4) { $col = 0; $row++; } } # # Suppress the model # $zinc->remove($model); my @coords = ( 10, 0, 40, 0, 70, 0, 70, 0, 80, 0, 80, 10, 80, 10, 80, 40, 80, 70, 80, 70, 80, 80, 70, 80, 70, 80, 40, 80, 10, 80, 10, 80, 0, 80, 0, 70, 0, 70, 0, 40, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0); $zinc->add('bezier', $view, \@coords); # # Some optional graphic features $closed = 0; #set smooth 0 $arrows = 'none'; sub toggle_arrows { if ($arrows eq 'none') { $arrows = 'first'; $f = $arrow; $l = ''; } elsif ($arrows eq 'first') { $arrows = 'last'; $f = ''; $l = $arrow; } elsif ($arrows eq 'last') { $arrows = 'both'; $f = $arrow; $l = $arrow; } elsif ($arrows eq 'both') { $arrows = 'none'; $f = ''; $l = ''; } $zinc->itemconfigure('bezier', -firstend => $f, -lastend => $l) } sub toggle_closed { $closed = !$closed; foreach $ curve ($zinc->find('withtag', 'bezier')) { if ($closed) { @coords = $zinc->coords($curve, 0, 0); $zinc->coords($curve, 'add', \@coords); } else { $zinc->coords($curve, 'remove', -1) } } } $zinc->Tk::focus(); $zinc->Tk::bind('', \&toggle_arrows); $zinc->Tk::bind('', \&toggle_closed); $zinc->Tk::bind('', sub {my $ev = $zinc->XEvent(); my $it = $zinc->find('closest', $ev->x, $ev->y); print "$it ", $zinc->verticeat($it, $ev->x, $ev->y), "\n"}); $zinc->Tk::bind('', sub {Tk::break}); new Controls($zinc); MainLoop();