Zinclib ======= Zinclib is a library that is made to use TkZinc into C++ code. It is a .o file that can be included directly into your executable. Zinclib has been contributed by IntuiLab (www.intuilab.com) to the open software community and is available as open software under the same licence as Zinc. Directory structure ------------------- - src : contains C++ sources of Zinclib - tmp : will contain temporary compilation file and the final zinclib.o - test : contains Zinclib tests' sources - doc : contains doxygen generated documentation and some examples of Zinclib usage - gen.pl is a file that have been used to generate some of the c++ source from TkZinc source. Code ---- API documentation is available into the doc directory as doxygen files. To use Zinclib in your own code, the 'HOWTO' file explains the basic on getting Zinclib working. Compilation with zinclib ------------------------ Before using zinclib into your application you need : - tcl/tk >= 8.4 - TkZinc compiled for tcl usage and installed - zinclib.o made as described into 'INSTALL' zinclib is a .o file because this is the easiest way to compile and use. This may change. To use a .o file just add it to your link command during the compilation of your applicaion. To link with zinklib you will need to add these option to your linker : -ltcl -ltk -lTkZinc zinclib.o Notes : - On some plateforms it can be -ltcl8.4 and -ltk8.4 if the linker doesn't find tcl and tk. - You need to have tkzinc compiled for TCL under the name libTkZinc. in your library search path. - this software is still in its first release, e.g. this installation process is still incomplete.