#include "Zinc.hpp"
#include "ZincInternal.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <tk.h>
Defines | |
#define | EVENT_COUNT 5 |
#define | WIDGETCB_COUNT 3 |
#define | ITEMCB_COUNT 4 |
#define | z_tcl_call2(fct, msg) |
Functions | |
int | tclCallback (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) __attribute__((cdecl)) |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (render) | |
the "-render" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (firstend) | |
the "-firstend" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (lastend) | |
the "-lastend" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (position) | |
the "-position" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (tags) | |
the "-tags" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (backcolor) | |
the "-backcolor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (forecolor) | |
the "-forecolor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (height) | |
the "-height" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (borderwidth) | |
the "-borderwidth" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (closed) | |
the "-closed" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composealpha) | |
the "-composealpha" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composerotation) | |
the "-composerotation" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composescale) | |
the "-composescale" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (extent) | |
the "-extent" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillcolor) | |
the "-fillcolor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (filled) | |
the "-filled" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillpattern) | |
the "-fillpattern" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linecolor) | |
the "-linecolor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linepattern) | |
the "-linepattern" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linestyle) | |
the "-linestyle" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linewidth) | |
the "-linewidth" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (pieslice) | |
the "-pieslice" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (priority) | |
the "-priority" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (sensitive) | |
the "-sensitive" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (startangle) | |
the "-startangle" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (tile) | |
the "-tile" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (visible) | |
the "-visible" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (capstyle) | |
the "-capstyle" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillrule) | |
the "-fillrule" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (joinstyle) | |
the "-joinstyle" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (marker) | |
the "-marker" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (relief) | |
the "-relief" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (smoothrelief) | |
the "-smoothrelief" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (alpha) | |
the "-alpha" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (atomic) | |
the "-atomic" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (clip) | |
the "-clip" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (anchor) | |
the "-anchor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (color) | |
the "-color" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (connecteditem) | |
the "-connecteditem" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (connectionanchor) | |
the "-connectionanchor" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (image) | |
the "-image" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (mask) | |
the "-mask" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (alignment) | |
the "-alignment" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (font) | |
the "-font" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (overstriked) | |
the "-overstriked" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (spacing) | |
the "-spacing" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (text) | |
the "-text" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (underlined) | |
the "-underlined" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (width) | |
the "-width" option | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (device) | |
function constants | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (add) | |
the "add" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (bind) | |
the "bind" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (bbox) | |
the "bbox" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (cget) | |
the "cget" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (chggroup) | |
the "chggroup" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (clone) | |
the "clone" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (configure) | |
the "configure" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (contour) | |
the "contour" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (coords) | |
the "coords" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (dtag) | |
the "dtag" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (focus) | |
the "focus" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (gettags) | |
the "gettags" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (gname) | |
the "gname" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (group) | |
the "group" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (itemconfigure) | |
the "itemconfigure" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (itemcget) | |
the "itemcget" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (lower) | |
the "lower" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (raise) | |
the "raise" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (remove) | |
the "remove" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (rotate) | |
the "rotate" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (scale) | |
the "scale" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (skew) | |
the "skew" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (tget) | |
the "tget" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (translate) | |
the "translate" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (transform) | |
the "transform" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (treset) | |
the "treset" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (tset) | |
the "tset" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (type) | |
the "type" function | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (add) | |
the "add" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (arc) | |
the "arc" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (curve) | |
the "curve" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (icon) | |
the "icon" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (group) | |
the "group" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (rectangle) | |
the "rectangle" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (text) | |
the "text" constant | |
Z_DEFINE_ZITM (withtag) | |
the "withtag" constant | |
Variables | |
const char * | lineStylesStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | lineStyles [] |
const char * | capStylesStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | capStyles [] |
const char * | fillRulesStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | fillRules [] |
const char * | joinStylesStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | joinStyles [] |
const char * | reliefsStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | reliefs [] |
const char * | alignmentsStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | alignments [] |
const char * | anchorsStrings [] |
Tcl_Obj * | anchors [] |
const char * | itemTypeStrings [] |
How To call Zinc or Tcl functions: All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj. p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments. Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that you can fill with the value you want. Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add; Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200); Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call. p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj. To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too. |
Value: { \ int result = (fct); \ if (result != TCL_OK) \ { \ Tcl_AppendResult (Zinc::interp, msg, NULL); \ return TCL_ERROR; \ } \ } |
Real callback used by zinc TCL
the "type" function
the "tset" function
the "treset" function
the "transform" function
the "translate" function
the "tget" function
the "skew" function
the "scale" function
the "rotate" function
the "remove" function
the "raise" function
the "lower" function
the "itemcget" function
the "itemconfigure" function
the "group" function
the "gname" function
the "gettags" function
the "focus" function
the "dtag" function
the "coords" function
the "contour" function
the "configure" function
the "clone" function
the "chggroup" function
the "cget" function
the "bbox" function
the "bind" function
the "add" function
function constants
the "withtag" constant
the "text" constant
the "rectangle" constant
the "group" constant
the "icon" constant
the "curve" constant
the "arc" constant
the "add" constant
the "-width" option
the "-underlined" option
the "-text" option
the "-spacing" option
the "-overstriked" option
the "-font" option
the "-alignment" option
the "-mask" option
the "-image" option
the "-connectionanchor" option
the "-connecteditem" option
the "-color" option
the "-anchor" option
the "-clip" option
the "-atomic" option
the "-alpha" option
the "-smoothrelief" option
the "-relief" option
the "-marker" option
the "-joinstyle" option
the "-fillrule" option
the "-capstyle" option
the "-visible" option
the "-tile" option
the "-startangle" option
the "-sensitive" option
the "-priority" option
the "-pieslice" option
the "-linewidth" option
the "-linestyle" option
the "-linepattern" option
the "-linecolor" option
the "-fillpattern" option
the "-filled" option
the "-fillcolor" option
the "-extent" option
the "-composescale" option
the "-composerotation" option
the "-composealpha" option
the "-closed" option
the "-borderwidth" option
the "-height" option
the "-forecolor" option
the "-backcolor" option
the "-tags" option
the "-position" option
the "-lastend" option
the "-firstend" option
the "-render" option
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("left", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("right", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("center", -1), } |
Initial value: { "left", "right", "center" } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("nw", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("n", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("ne", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("e", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("se", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("s", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("sw", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("w", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("center", -1), } |
Initial value: { "nw", "n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "center" } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("butt", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("projecting", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("round", -1), } |
Initial value: { "butt", "projecting", "round" } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("odd", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("nonzero", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("positive", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("negative", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("abs_geq_2", -1), } |
Initial value: { "odd", "nonzero", "positive", "negative", "abs_geq_2" } |
Initial value: { "group", "arc", "text", "rectangle", "curve", "icon", NULL } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("bevel", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("miter", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("round", -1), } |
Initial value: { "bevel", "miter", "round" } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("simple", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("dashed", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("mixed", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("dotted", -1), } |
Initial value: { "simple", "dashed", "mixed", "dotted" } |
Initial value: { Tcl_NewStringObj ("flat", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("raised", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("sunken", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("ridge", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("groove", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundraised", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundsunken", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundridge", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundgroove", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("raisedrule", -1), Tcl_NewStringObj ("sunkenrule", -1), } |
Initial value: { "flat", "raised", "sunken", "ridge", "groove", "roundraised", "roundsunken", "roundridge", "roundgroove", "raisedrule", "sunkenrule" } |