BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
dev/threadsAdding a way to enable/disable the copy of the camera background into scenes ...Théo de la Hogue5 days
doc/updateFixing TimestampedException creation.Théo de la Hogue5 weeks
mainMoving pose estimation after marker detection if expected size is given.Théo de la Hogue3 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
5 daysAdding a way to enable/disable the copy of the camera background into scenes ...dev/threadsThéo de la Hogue
6 daysAdding a wait parameter to PipelineStepImage wrapper in order to not raise an...Théo de la Hogue
7 daysAdding key interaction to draw help and start recording.Théo de la Hogue
7 daysCatching context starting error to quit when it happens.Théo de la Hogue
7 daysRemoving a line break.Théo de la Hogue
10 daysRenaming variable to avoid confusion.Théo de la Hogue
10 daysRecording look and watch performance.Théo de la Hogue
10 daysUsing wraps decorator to allow decorator chaining.Théo de la Hogue
10 daysAdding loggingThéo de la Hogue
10 daysUncommenting try block.Théo de la Hogue