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diff --git a/src/argaze/utils/README.md b/src/argaze/utils/README.md
index ecb5352..7f0e904 100644
--- a/src/argaze/utils/README.md
+++ b/src/argaze/utils/README.md
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ python ./src/argaze/utils/export_tobii_segment_fixations.py -s SEGMENT_PATH
- Track ArUco markers into a Tobii camera video segment (replace SEGMENT_PATH). Load an roi scene (replace ROI_SCENE) .obj file, position it virtually relatively to any detected ArUco markers and project the scene into camera frame. Then, detect if Tobii gaze point is inside any ROI.
-python ./src/argaze/utils/live_tobii_aruco_rois.py -s SEGMENT_PATH -c export/tobii_camera.json -m 7.5 -r ROI_SCENE
+python ./src/argaze/utils/export_tobii_segment_aruco_markers.py -s SEGMENT_PATH -c export/tobii_camera.json -m 7.5 -r ROI_SCENE
- Track ArUco markers into Tobii camera video stream (replace IP_ADDRESS). Load an roi scene (replace ROI_SCENE) .obj file, position it virtually relatively to any detected ArUco markers and project the scene into camera frame. Then, detect if Tobii gaze point is inside any ROI.