path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 749c6cf..6387d15 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# Welcome to ArGaze's documentation
**ArGaze** is a python toolkit to deal with gaze tracking in **Augmented Reality (AR) environment**.
The ArGaze toolkit provides solutions to build 3D modeled AR environment defining **Areas Of Interest (AOI)** mapped on **<a href="https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html" target="_blank">OpenCV ArUco markers</a>** and so ease experimentation design with wearable eye tracker device.
@@ -6,103 +8,6 @@ Further, tracked gaze can be projected onto AR environment for live or post **ga
ArGaze can be combined with any wearable eye tracking device python library like Tobii or Pupil glasses.
-# Architecture
-ArGaze is divided in submodules dedicated to various specifics features:
-* `argaze.ArUcoMarkers`: ArUco markers generator, detector, camera calibration, scene description, ...
-* `argaze.AreaOfInterest`: Area Of Interest (AOI) scene management for 2D and 3D environment.
-* `argaze.ArFeatures`: Load and manage AR environement assets.
-* `argaze.GazeFeatures`: Generic gaze data and class definitions.
-* `argaze.GazeAnalysis`: Various gaze analysis algorithms.
-* `argaze.DataStructures`: Timestamped data features.
-* `argaze.utils`: Collection of command-line high level features scripts.
-# Installation
-Consider that all inline commands below have to be executed into ArGaze root folder.
-- Install build tool package:
-pip install build
-- Then, build ArGaze package:
-python -m build
-- Then, install ArGaze package (replace VERSION by what has been built into dist folder):
-pip install ./dist/argaze-VERSION.whl
-.. note:: As Argaze library developper
- *You should prefer to install the package in developer mode to test live code changes:*
- ```
- pip install -e .
- ```
-# Documentation
-## Wiki
-The [wiki](https://git.recherche.enac.fr/projects/argaze/wiki) provides many explanations about how works ArGaze, what is possible to do and code samples.
-## Cookbook
-The `argaze.utils` submodule is a good place to get ready made code examples.
-## Code
-ArGaze code documentation is based on [pdoc](https://pdoc.dev/).
-To generate html documentation:
-- Install 'pdoc' package:
-pip install pdoc
-- Then, build documentation into doc folder:
-pdoc -o ./doc ./src/argaze/
-.. note:: As Argaze library developper
- *You should prefer to create a local html server to watch live documentation changes:*
- ```
- pdoc ./src/argaze/
- ```
-# Test
-ArGaze package unitary tests are based on [unittest](https://docs.python.org/fr/3.10/library/unittest.html) module.
-Test files tree structure is mirroring the file tree structure of src/argaze folder.
-To run all unitary tests:
-python -m unittest discover ./src/argaze.test "*.py"
-To run only submodule unitary tests:
-python -m unittest discover ./src/argaze.test/SUBMODULE "*.py"
-To run only a single unitary test file from a submodule:
-python -m unittest discover ./src/argaze.test/SUBMODULE/ TEST_FILE.py
+Check out the [installation](getting_started#installation) section to start.
-.. note:: Verbose mode
- *Use -v option to get more details.*
+Check out the [API reference](api_reference) section to get deeper into library architecture.