path: root/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers')
5 files changed, 511 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoCube.py b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoCube.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2983df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoCube.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+import json
+import math
+import itertools
+from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoMarker
+import numpy
+import cv2 as cv
+import cv2.aruco as aruco
+class ArUcoCubeFace():
+ """Define cube face pose and marker."""
+ translation: numpy.array
+ """Position in cube referential."""
+ rotation: numpy.array
+ """Rotation in cube referential."""
+ marker: dict
+ """ArUco marker linked to the face """
+class ArUcoCube():
+ """Define a cube with ArUco markers on each face and estimate its pose."""
+ dictionary: ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary
+ """ArUco dictionary of cube markers."""
+ marker_size: int = field(init=False)
+ """Size of markers in centimeter."""
+ edge_size: int = field(init=False)
+ """Size of the cube edges in centimeter."""
+ faces: dict = field(init=False, default_factory=dict)
+ """All named faces of the cube and their ArUco markers."""
+ angle_tolerance: float = field(init=False)
+ """Angle error tolerance allowed to validate face pose in degree."""
+ distance_tolerance: float = field(init=False)
+ """Distance error tolerance allowed to validate face pose in centimeter."""
+ def __init__(self, configuration_filepath):
+ """Define cube from a .json file."""
+ with open(configuration_filepath) as configuration_file:
+ # Deserialize .json
+ # TODO find a better way
+ configuration = json.load(configuration_file)
+ # Load dictionary
+ self.dictionary = ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary(configuration['dictionary'])
+ # Load marker size
+ self.marker_size = configuration['marker_size']
+ # Load edge size
+ self.edge_size = configuration['edge_size']
+ # Load faces
+ self.faces = {}
+ for name, face in configuration['faces'].items():
+ marker = ArUcoMarker.ArUcoMarker(self.dictionary, face['marker'], self.marker_size)
+ self.faces[name] = ArUcoCubeFace(numpy.array(face['translation']).astype(numpy.float32), numpy.array(face['rotation']).astype(numpy.float32), marker)
+ # Load angle tolerance
+ self.angle_tolerance = configuration['angle_tolerance']
+ # Load distance tolerance
+ self.distance_tolerance = configuration['distance_tolerance']
+ # Init pose data
+ self.__translation = numpy.zeros(3)
+ self.__rotation = numpy.zeros(3)
+ self.__succeded = False
+ self.__validity = 0
+ # Process markers ids to speed up further calculations
+ self.__identifier_cache = {}
+ for name, face in self.faces.items():
+ self.__identifier_cache[face.marker.identifier] = name
+ # Process each face pose to speed up further calculations
+ self.__translation_cache = {}
+ for name, face in self.faces.items():
+ self.__translation_cache[name] = face.translation * self.edge_size / 2
+ # Process each face rotation matrix to speed up further calculations
+ self.__rotation_cache = {}
+ for name, face in self.faces.items():
+ # Create intrinsic rotation matrix
+ R = self.__make_rotation_matrix(*face.rotation)
+ assert(self.__is_rotation_matrix(R))
+ # Store rotation matrix
+ self.__rotation_cache[name] = R
+ # Process each axis-angle face combination to speed up further calculations
+ self.__angle_cache = {}
+ for (A_name, A_face), (B_name, B_face) in itertools.combinations(self.faces.items(), 2):
+ A = self.__rotation_cache[A_name]
+ B = self.__rotation_cache[B_name]
+ # Rotation matrix from A face to B face
+ AB = B.dot(A.T)
+ assert(self.__is_rotation_matrix(AB))
+ # Calculate axis-angle representation of AB rotation matrix
+ angle = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos((numpy.trace(AB) - 1) / 2))
+ try:
+ self.__angle_cache[A_name][B_name] = angle
+ except:
+ self.__angle_cache[A_name] = {B_name: angle}
+ try:
+ self.__angle_cache[B_name][A_name] = angle
+ except:
+ self.__angle_cache[B_name] = {A_name: angle}
+ # Process distance between face combination to speed up further calculations
+ self.__distance_cache = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array([0, 0, self.edge_size/2]) - numpy.array([0, self.edge_size/2, 0]))
+ def print_cache(self):
+ """Print pre-processed data."""
+ print('\nIdentifier cache:')
+ for i, name in self.__identifier_cache.items():
+ print(f'- {i}: {name}')
+ print('\nTranslation cache:')
+ for name, item in self.__translation_cache.items():
+ print(f'- {name}: {item}')
+ print('\nRotation cache:')
+ for name, item in self.__rotation_cache.items():
+ print(f'- {name}:\n{item}')
+ print('\nAngle cache:')
+ for A_name, A_angle_cache in self.__angle_cache.items():
+ for B_name, angle in A_angle_cache.items():
+ print(f'- {A_name}/{B_name}: {angle:3f}')
+ print(f'\nDistance cache: {self.__distance_cache}')
+ def __make_rotation_matrix(self, x, y, z):
+ # Create rotation matrix around x axis
+ c = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(x))
+ s = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(x))
+ Rx = numpy.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, c, -s], [0, s, c]])
+ # Create rotation matrix around y axis
+ c = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(y))
+ s = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(y))
+ Ry = numpy.array([[c, 0, s], [0, 1, 0], [-s, 0, c]])
+ # Create rotation matrix around z axis
+ c = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(z))
+ s = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(z))
+ Rz = numpy.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
+ # Return intrinsic rotation matrix
+ return Rx.dot(Ry.dot(Rz))
+ def __is_rotation_matrix(self, R):
+ """Checks if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix."""
+ I = numpy.identity(3, dtype = R.dtype)
+ return numpy.linalg.norm(I - numpy.dot(R.T, R)) < 1e-6
+ def __normalise_face_pose(self, name, face, F):
+ # Transform face rotation into cube rotation vector
+ R = self.__rotation_cache[name]
+ rvec, _ = cv.Rodrigues(F.dot(R))
+ #print(f'{name} rotation vector: {rvec[0][0]:3f} {rvec[1][0]:3f} {rvec[2][0]:3f}')
+ # Transform face translation into cube translation vector
+ OF = face.translation
+ T = self.__translation_cache[name]
+ FC = F.dot(R.dot(T))
+ tvec = OF + FC
+ #print(f'{name} translation vector: {tvec[0]:3f} {tvec[1]:3f} {tvec[2]:3f}')
+ return rvec, tvec
+ def estimate_pose(self, tracked_markers):
+ # Init pose data
+ self.__translation = numpy.zeros(3)
+ self.__rotation = numpy.zeros(3)
+ self.__succeded = False
+ self.__validity = 0
+ # Don't try to estimate pose if there is no tracked markers
+ if len(tracked_markers) == 0:
+ return self.get_pose()
+ # Look for faces related to tracked markers
+ tracked_faces = {}
+ for (marker_id, marker) in tracked_markers.items():
+ try:
+ name = self.__identifier_cache[marker_id]
+ tracked_faces[name] = marker
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ #print('-------------- ArUcoCube pose estimation --------------')
+ # Pose validity checking is'nt possible when only one face of the cube is tracked
+ if len(tracked_faces.keys()) == 1:
+ # Get arcube pose from to the unique face pose
+ name, face = tracked_faces.popitem()
+ F, _ = cv.Rodrigues(face.rotation)
+ self.__rotation, self.__translation = self.__normalise_face_pose(name,face, F)
+ self.__succeded = True
+ self.__validity = 1
+ #print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!')
+ #print(f'arcube rotation vector: {self.__rotation[0][0]:3f} {self.__rotation[1][0]:3f} {self.__rotation[2][0]:3f}')
+ #print(f'arcube translation vector: {self.__translation[0]:3f} {self.__translation[1]:3f} {self.__translation[2]:3f}')
+ # Pose validity checking processes faces two by two
+ else:
+ valid_faces = []
+ valid_rvecs = []
+ valid_tvecs = []
+ for (A_name, A_face), (B_name, B_face) in itertools.combinations(tracked_faces.items(), 2):
+ #print(f'** {A_name} > {B_name}')
+ # Get face rotation estimation
+ # Use rotation matrix instead of rotation vector
+ A, _ = cv.Rodrigues(A_face.rotation)
+ B, _ = cv.Rodrigues(B_face.rotation)
+ # Rotation matrix from A face to B face
+ AB = B.dot(A.T)
+ assert(self.__is_rotation_matrix(AB))
+ # Calculate axis-angles representation of AB rotation matrix
+ angle = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos((numpy.trace(AB) - 1) / 2))
+ #print('rotation angle:')
+ #print(angle)
+ expected_angle = self.__angle_cache[A_name][B_name]
+ #print('expected angle:')
+ #print(expected_angle)
+ # Calculate distance between A face center and B face center
+ distance = numpy.linalg.norm(A_face.translation - B_face.translation)
+ expected_distance = self.__distance_cache
+ # Check angle and distance according given tolerance then normalise face pose
+ valid_angle = math.isclose(angle, expected_angle, abs_tol=self.angle_tolerance)
+ valid_distance = math.isclose(distance, expected_distance, abs_tol=self.distance_tolerance)
+ if valid_angle and valid_distance:
+ if A_name not in valid_faces:
+ # Remember this face is already validated
+ valid_faces.append(A_name)
+ rvec, tvec = self.__normalise_face_pose(A_name, A_face, A)
+ # Store normalised face pose
+ valid_rvecs.append(rvec)
+ valid_tvecs.append(tvec)
+ if B_name not in valid_faces:
+ # Remember this face is already validated
+ valid_faces.append(B_name)
+ rvec, tvec = self.__normalise_face_pose(B_name, B_face, B)
+ # Store normalised face pose
+ valid_rvecs.append(rvec)
+ valid_tvecs.append(tvec)
+ if len(valid_faces) > 1:
+ # Consider arcube rotation as the mean of all valid translations
+ # !!! WARNING !!! This is a bad hack : processing rotations average is a very complex problem that needs to well define the distance calculation method before.
+ self.__rotation = numpy.mean(numpy.array(valid_rvecs), axis=0)
+ # Consider arcube translation as the mean of all valid translations
+ self.__translation = numpy.mean(numpy.array(valid_tvecs), axis=0)
+ #print(':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::')
+ #print(f'arcube rotation vector: {self.__rotation[0][0]:3f} {self.__rotation[1][0]:3f} {self.__rotation[2][0]:3f}')
+ #print(f'arcube translation vector: {self.__translation[0]:3f} {self.__translation[1]:3f} {self.__translation[2]:3f}')
+ self.__succeded = True
+ self.__validity = len(valid_faces)
+ #print('----------------------------------------------------')
+ return self.get_pose()
+ def get_pose(self):
+ return self.__translation, self.__rotation, self.__succeded, self.__validity
+ def set_pose(self, tvec = numpy.array([]), rvec = numpy.array([])):
+ if tvec.size == 3:
+ self.__translation = tvec
+ if rvec.size == 3:
+ self.__rotation = rvec
+ self.__succeded = True
+ self.__validity = 0
+ def draw(self, frame, K, D):
+ l = self.edge_size / 2
+ ll = self.edge_size
+ # Select color according validity score
+ n = 95 * self.__validity if self.__validity < 2 else 0
+ f = 159 * self.__validity if self.__validity < 2 else 255
+ try:
+ # Draw axis
+ axisPoints = numpy.float32([[ll, 0, 0], [0, ll, 0], [0, 0, ll], [0, 0, 0]]).reshape(-1, 3)
+ axisPoints, _ = cv.projectPoints(axisPoints, self.__rotation, self.__translation, K, D)
+ axisPoints = axisPoints.astype(int)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[0].ravel()), (n,n,f), 5) # X (red)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[1].ravel()), (n,f,n), 5) # Y (green)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(axisPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(axisPoints[2].ravel()), (f,n,n), 5) # Z (blue)
+ # Draw left face
+ leftPoints = numpy.float32([[-l, l, l], [-l, -l, l], [-l, -l, -l], [-l, l, -l]]).reshape(-1, 3)
+ leftPoints, _ = cv.projectPoints(leftPoints, self.__rotation, self.__translation, K, D)
+ leftPoints = leftPoints.astype(int)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(leftPoints[0].ravel()), tuple(leftPoints[1].ravel()), (n,n,f), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(leftPoints[1].ravel()), tuple(leftPoints[2].ravel()), (n,n,f), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(leftPoints[2].ravel()), tuple(leftPoints[3].ravel()), (n,n,f), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(leftPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(leftPoints[0].ravel()), (n,n,f), 2)
+ # Draw top face
+ topPoints = numpy.float32([[l, l, l], [-l, l, l], [-l, l, -l], [l, l, -l]]).reshape(-1, 3)
+ topPoints, _ = cv.projectPoints(topPoints, self.__rotation, self.__translation, K, D)
+ topPoints = topPoints.astype(int)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(topPoints[0].ravel()), tuple(topPoints[1].ravel()), (n,f,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(topPoints[1].ravel()), tuple(topPoints[2].ravel()), (n,f,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(topPoints[2].ravel()), tuple(topPoints[3].ravel()), (n,f,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(topPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(topPoints[0].ravel()), (n,f,n), 2)
+ # Draw front face
+ frontPoints = numpy.float32([[l, l, l], [-l, l, l], [-l, -l, l], [l, -l, l]]).reshape(-1, 3)
+ frontPoints, _ = cv.projectPoints(frontPoints, self.__rotation, self.__translation, K, D)
+ frontPoints = frontPoints.astype(int)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(frontPoints[0].ravel()), tuple(frontPoints[1].ravel()), (f,n,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(frontPoints[1].ravel()), tuple(frontPoints[2].ravel()), (f,n,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(frontPoints[2].ravel()), tuple(frontPoints[3].ravel()), (f,n,n), 2)
+ frame = cv.line(frame, tuple(frontPoints[3].ravel()), tuple(frontPoints[0].ravel()), (f,n,n), 2)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print(self.__translation)
+ print(self.__rotation)
+ print(self.__succeded)
+ print(self.__validity)
+ print(axisPoints)
+ return frame
diff --git a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarker.py b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f716bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary
+import numpy
+import cv2 as cv
+import cv2.aruco as aruco
+class ArUcoMarker():
+ """Define ArUco marker class."""
+ dictionary: ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary
+ """ """
+ identifier: int
+ """ """
+ size: float
+ """Size of marker in centimeters."""
+ corners: numpy.array = field(init=False, repr=False)
+ """Estimated 2D corner positions in camera image referential."""
+ translation: numpy.array = field(init=False, repr=False)
+ """Estimated 3D center position in camera referential."""
+ rotation: numpy.array = field(init=False, repr=False)
+ """Estimated 3D marker rotation in camera referential."""
+ points: numpy.array = field(init=False, repr=False)
+ """Estimated 3D corners positions in camera referential."""
+ def center(self, i):
+ """Get 2D center position in camera image referential."""
+ return self.corners[0].mean(axis=0)
+ def draw(self, frame, K, D):
+ """Draw marker in frame."""
+ # Draw marker axis if pose has been estimated
+ if self.translation.size == 3 and self.rotation.size == 3:
+ cv.drawFrameAxes(frame, K, D, self.rotation, self.translation, self.size)
+ aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, [self.corners], numpy.array([self.identifier])) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarkersDictionary.py b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarkersDictionary.py
index 58b55b8..84a78b9 100644
--- a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarkersDictionary.py
+++ b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoMarkersDictionary.py
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ all_aruco_markers_dictionaries = {
class ArUcoMarkersDictionary():
"""Handle an ArUco markers dictionary."""
- def __init__(self, aruco_dictionary_name):
+ def __init__(self, name):
- if all_aruco_markers_dictionaries.get(aruco_dictionary_name, None) is None:
- raise NameError(f'Bad ArUco markers dictionary name: {aruco_dictionary_name}')
+ if all_aruco_markers_dictionaries.get(name, None) is None:
+ raise NameError(f'Bad ArUco markers dictionary name: {name}')
- dict_name_split = aruco_dictionary_name.split('_')
+ self.name = name
+ dict_name_split = name.split('_')
self.__format = dict_name_split[1]
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ class ArUcoMarkersDictionary():
self.__number = int(dict_name_split[2])
- self.__aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(all_aruco_markers_dictionaries[aruco_dictionary_name])
+ self.__aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(all_aruco_markers_dictionaries[self.name])
def create_marker(self, i, dpi=300):
"""Create a marker image."""
diff --git a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoTracker.py b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoTracker.py
index b887812..f5b1715 100644
--- a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoTracker.py
+++ b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/ArUcoTracker.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import json
from collections import Counter
-from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoCamera
+from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoMarker, ArUcoCamera
import numpy
import cv2 as cv
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ ArUcoTrackerParameters = [
class ArUcoTracker():
"""Track ArUco markers into a frame."""
- def __init__(self, aruco_dictionary_name: str, marker_length: float, camera: ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera):
+ def __init__(self, dictionary: ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary, marker_size: float, camera: ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera):
"""Define which markers library to track and their size"""
# load ArUco markers dictionary
- self.__aruco_dict = ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary(aruco_dictionary_name)
+ self.__dictionary = dictionary
# define marker length in centimeter
- self.__marker_length = marker_length
+ self.__marker_size = marker_size
# define camera
self.__camera = camera
@@ -62,19 +62,8 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
self.__detector_parameters.cornerRefinementMethod = aruco.CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR # to get a better pose estimation
self.__detector_parameters_loaded = {}
- # define tracked markers data
- self.__markers_corners = []
- self.__markers_ids = []
- self.__rvecs = []
- self.__tvecs = []
- self.__points = []
- # define rejected markers data
- self.__rejected_markers_corners = []
- self.__rejected_markers_ids = []
- self.__rejected_rvecs = []
- self.__rejected_tvecs = []
- self.__rejected_points = []
+ # init tracked markers data
+ self.__tracked_markers = {}
# define tracked board data
self.__board = None
@@ -84,7 +73,7 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
# define track metrics data
self.__track_count = 0
- self.__tracked_markers = []
+ self.__tracked_ids = []
self.__rejected_markers = []
def load_configuration_file(self, configuration_filepath):
@@ -115,98 +104,56 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
def track(self, frame, estimate_pose = True, check_rotation = False):
"""Track ArUco markers in frame."""
+ self.__tracked_markers = {}
+ markers_corners, markers_ids, markers_rvecs, markers_tvecs, markers_points = [], [], [], [], []
# DON'T MIRROR FRAME : it makes the markers detection to fail
- # detect markers from gray picture
- gray = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- self.__markers_corners, self.__markers_ids, rejectedPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, self.__aruco_dict.get_markers(), parameters = self.__detector_parameters)
- self.__rejected_markers_corners, __rejected_markers_ids = [], []
- if len(self.__markers_corners) > 0 and estimate_pose:
- # markers pose estimation
- self.__rvecs, self.__tvecs, self.__points = aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(self.__markers_corners, self.__marker_length, self.__camera.get_K(), self.__camera.get_D())
- # optional: check marker rotation as described in [this issue](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/8813)
- if check_rotation:
- valid_rotation_markers = []
- bad_rotation_markers = []
- for i, rvec in enumerate(self.__rvecs):
- tvec = self.__tvecs[i][0]
- R, _ = cv.Rodrigues(rvec)
- zAxisPoint = (tvec.dot(R) + numpy.array([0., 0., 1.])).dot(R.T)
- zAxis = zAxisPoint - tvec
- # TODO: How to describe the expected Z axis orientation ?
- # In some situations, you can't provide such information.
- # !!! Here a description specific to SimOne cockpit !!!
- zAxisExpectedDict = {
- 1: numpy.array([0.5, 0.5, -1]),
- 2: numpy.array([0.5, 0.5, -1]),
- 3: numpy.array([1, -1, -1]),
- 4: numpy.array([1, -1, -1]),
- 5: numpy.array([1, -1, -1]),
- 6: numpy.array([1, 1, -1]),
- 7: numpy.array([1, 1, -1]),
- 8: numpy.array([1, -1, -1])
- }
- zAxisExpected = zAxisExpectedDict[self.__markers_ids[i][0]]
- cosine_angle = numpy.dot(zAxis/numpy.linalg.norm(zAxis), zAxisExpected)
- degree_angle = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos(cosine_angle))
- '''
- print(self.__markers_ids[i][0])
- print('marker position: ', tvec)
- print('zAxisPoint: ', zAxisPoint)
- print('zAxis: ', zAxis)
- print('zAxisExpected: ', zAxisExpected)
- print('cosine_angle: ', cosine_angle)
- print('degree_angle: ', degree_angle)
- '''
- # Is the marker oriented as expected ?
- if cosine_angle < 0 or cosine_angle > 1:
- #print('valid')
- valid_rotation_markers.append(i)
- else:
- #print('bad')
- bad_rotation_markers.append(i)
- # update track metrics
- self.__rejected_markers.append(self.__markers_ids[i][0])
- # keep markers with bad rotation
- self.__rejected_markers_corners = tuple([self.__markers_corners[i] for i in bad_rotation_markers])
- self.__rejected_markers_ids = self.__markers_ids[bad_rotation_markers]
- self.__rejected_rvecs = self.__rvecs[bad_rotation_markers]
- self.__rejected_tvecs = self.__tvecs[bad_rotation_markers]
- self.__rejected_points = self.__points[bad_rotation_markers]
- # keep markers with valid rotation
- self.__markers_corners = tuple([self.__markers_corners[i] for i in valid_rotation_markers])
- self.__markers_ids = self.__markers_ids[valid_rotation_markers]
- self.__rvecs = self.__rvecs[valid_rotation_markers]
- self.__tvecs = self.__tvecs[valid_rotation_markers]
- self.__points = self.__points[valid_rotation_markers]
+ # Track markers into gray picture
+ markers_corners, markers_ids, _ = aruco.detectMarkers(cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), self.__dictionary.get_markers(), parameters = self.__detector_parameters)
- else:
+ if len(markers_corners) > 0:
+ # Pose estimation is optional
+ if estimate_pose:
+ markers_rvecs, markers_tvecs, markers_points = aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(markers_corners, self.__marker_size, self.__camera.get_K(), self.__camera.get_D())
+ # Gather tracked markers data and update metrics
+ self.__track_count += 1
+ for i, marker_id in enumerate(markers_ids.T[0]):
+ marker = ArUcoMarker.ArUcoMarker(self.__dictionary, marker_id, self.__marker_size)
- self.__rvecs = []
- self.__tvecs = []
- self.__points = []
+ marker.corners = markers_corners[i]
- # update track metrics
- self.__track_count += 1
- for marker_id in self.get_markers_ids():
- self.__tracked_markers.append(marker_id)
+ if estimate_pose:
+ marker.translation = markers_tvecs[i][0]
+ marker.rotation = markers_rvecs[i]
+ marker.points = markers_points[i]
+ self.__tracked_markers[marker_id] = marker
+ self.__tracked_ids.append(marker_id)
+ def get_tracked_markers(self):
+ """Access to tracked markers dictionary."""
+ return self.__tracked_markers
+ def get_tracked_markers_number(self):
+ """Return tracked markers number."""
+ return len(list(self.__tracked_markers.keys()))
+ def draw_tracked_markers(self, frame):
+ """Draw traked markers."""
+ for marker_id, marker in self.__tracked_markers.items():
+ marker.draw(frame, self.__camera.get_K(), self.__camera.get_D())
def track_board(self, frame, board, expected_markers_number):
"""Track ArUco markers board in frame setting up the number of detected markers needed to agree detection."""
@@ -214,7 +161,7 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
# detect markers from gray picture
gray = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- self.__markers_corners, self.__markers_ids, rejectedPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, self.__aruco_dict.get_markers(), parameters = self.__detector_parameters)
+ self.__markers_corners, self.__markers_ids, rejectedPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, self.__dictionary.get_markers(), parameters = self.__detector_parameters)
# if all board markers are detected
if self.get_markers_number() == expected_markers_number:
@@ -229,33 +176,6 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
self.__board_corners = []
self.__board_corners_ids = []
- def draw(self, frame):
- """Draw tracked markers in frame."""
- # draw detected markers square
- if len(self.__markers_corners) > 0:
- # draw marker axis if pose has been estimated
- if len(self.__rvecs) > 0:
- for (i, marker_id) in enumerate(self.__markers_ids):
- cv.drawFrameAxes(frame, self.__camera.get_K(), self.__camera.get_D(), self.__rvecs[i], self.__tvecs[i], self.__marker_length)
- aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, self.__markers_corners, self.__markers_ids)
- # draw rejected markers square
- if len(self.__rejected_markers_corners) > 0:
- # draw marker axis if pose has been estimated
- if len(self.__rejected_rvecs) > 0:
- for (i, marker_id) in enumerate(self.__rejected_markers_ids):
- cv.drawFrameAxes(frame, self.__camera.get_K(), self.__camera.get_D(), self.__rejected_rvecs[i], self.__rejected_tvecs[i], self.__marker_length)
- aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, self.__rejected_markers_corners, self.__rejected_markers_ids, borderColor=(0, 255, 255))
def draw_board(self, frame):
"""Draw tracked board corners in frame."""
@@ -266,52 +186,11 @@ class ArUcoTracker():
def reset_track_metrics(self):
"""Enable marker tracking metrics."""
self.__track_count = 0
- self.__tracked_markers = []
+ self.__tracked_ids = []
def get_track_metrics(self):
"""Get marker tracking metrics."""
- return self.__track_count, Counter(self.__tracked_markers), Counter(self.__rejected_markers)
- def get_markers_dictionay(self):
- """Get tracked aruco markers dictionary."""
- return self.__aruco_dict
- def get_markers_number(self):
- """Get tracked markers number."""
- return len(self.__markers_corners)
- def get_markers_ids(self):
- """Get tracked markers identifers."""
- if self.__markers_ids is not None:
- return [i[0] for i in self.__markers_ids]
- else:
- return []
- def get_marker_index(self, marker_id):
- """Retreive marker index of a given merker id.
- Raise ValueError if not found."""
- return list(self.__markers_ids).index(marker_id)
- def get_marker_corners(self, i):
- """Get marker i corners."""
- return self.__markers_corners[i][0]
- def get_marker_center(self, i):
- """Get marker i center coordinates."""
- return self.__markers_corners[i][0].mean(axis=0)
- def get_marker_rotation(self, i):
- """Get marker i rotation vector."""
- return self.__rvecs[i]
- def get_marker_translation(self, i):
- """Get marker i translation vector."""
- return self.__tvecs[i]
- def get_marker_points(self, i):
- """Get marker i points."""
- return self.__points[i]
+ return self.__track_count, Counter(self.__tracked_ids), Counter(self.__rejected_markers)
def get_board_corners_number(self):
"""Get tracked board corners number."""
diff --git a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/__init__.py b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/__init__.py
index 28386d2..3a74eeb 100644
--- a/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/__init__.py
+++ b/src/argaze/ArUcoMarkers/__init__.py
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
.. include:: README.md
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
-__all__ = ['ArUcoMarkersDictionary', 'ArUcoBoard', 'ArUcoCamera', 'ArUcoTracker'] \ No newline at end of file
+__all__ = ['ArUcoMarkersDictionary', 'ArUcoMarker', 'ArUcoBoard', 'ArUcoCamera', 'ArUcoTracker', 'ArUcoCube'] \ No newline at end of file