path: root/src/argaze/utils/tobii_camera_calibrate.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/argaze/utils/tobii_camera_calibrate.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/src/argaze/utils/tobii_camera_calibrate.py b/src/argaze/utils/tobii_camera_calibrate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 24cbe5c..0000000
--- a/src/argaze/utils/tobii_camera_calibrate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import argparse
-import os
-import time
-from argaze.TobiiGlassesPro2 import TobiiController, TobiiVideo
-from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoBoard, ArUcoDetector, ArUcoCamera
-import cv2 as cv
-def main():
- """
- Captures board pictures and finally outputs camera calibration data into a .json file.
- - Export and print a calibration board using
- - Place the calibration board in order to view it entirely on screen and move the camera in many configurations (orientation and distance) : the script will automatically take pictures. Do this step with a good lighting and a clear background.
- - Once enough pictures have been captured (~20), press Esc key then, wait for the camera calibration processing.
- - Finally, check rms parameter: it should be between 0. and 1. if the calibration succeeded (lower is better).
- ### Reference:
- - [Camera calibration using ArUco marker tutorial](https://automaticaddison.com/how-to-perform-camera-calibration-using-opencv/)
- """
- # manage arguments
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__.split('-')[0])
- parser.add_argument('columns', metavar='COLS_NUMBER', type=int, default=7, help='number of columns')
- parser.add_argument('rows', metavar='ROWS_NUMBER', type=int, default=5, help='number of rows')
- parser.add_argument('square_size', metavar='SQUARE_SIZE', type=float, default=5, help='square size (cm)')
- parser.add_argument('marker_size', metavar='MARKER_SIZE', type=float, default=3, help='marker size (cm)')
- parser.add_argument('-t', '--tobii_ip', metavar='TOBII_IP', type=str, default=None, help='tobii glasses ip')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='OUT', type=str, default='camera.json', help='destination filepath')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--dictionary', metavar='DICT', type=str, default='DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL', help='aruco marker dictionnary (DICT_4X4_50, DICT_4X4_100, DICT_4X4_250, DICT_4X4_1000, DICT_5X5_50, DICT_5X5_100, DICT_5X5_250, DICT_5X5_1000, DICT_6X6_50, DICT_6X6_100, DICT_6X6_250, DICT_6X6_1000, DICT_7X7_50, DICT_7X7_100, DICT_7X7_250, DICT_7X7_1000, DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL, DICT_APRILTAG_16h5, DICT_APRILTAG_25h9, DICT_APRILTAG_36h10, DICT_APRILTAG_36h11)')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Create tobii controller (with auto discovery network process if no ip argument is provided)
- print("Looking for a Tobii Glasses Pro 2 device ...")
- try:
- tobii_controller = TobiiController.TobiiController(args.tobii_ip)
- print(f'Tobii Glasses Pro 2 device found at {tobii_controller.address} address.')
- except ConnectionError as e:
- print(e)
- exit()
- # Setup camera at 25 fps to work on Full HD video stream
- tobii_controller.set_scene_camera_freq_25()
- # Get video stream dimension
- video_width = tobii_controller.get_configuration()['sys_sc_width']
- video_height = tobii_controller.get_configuration()['sys_sc_height']
- # Print current confirguration
- print(f'Tobii Glasses Pro 2 configuration:')
- for key, value in tobii_controller.get_configuration().items():
- print(f'\t{key}: {value}')
- # Enable tobii video stream
- tobii_video_stream = tobii_controller.enable_video_stream()
- # Create aruco camera
- aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera(dimensions=(video_width, video_height))
- # Create aruco board
- aruco_board = ArUcoBoard.ArUcoBoard(args.columns, args.rows, args.square_size, args.marker_size, args.dictionary)
- # Create aruco detecter
- aruco_detector = ArUcoDetector.ArUcoDetector(dictionary=args.dictionary, marker_size=args.marker_size)
- # Start tobii glasses streaming
- tobii_controller.start_streaming()
- print("Camera calibration starts")
- print("Waiting for calibration board...")
- expected_markers_number = aruco_board.markers_number
- expected_corners_number = aruco_board.corners_number
- # Capture loop
- try:
- while tobii_video_stream.is_alive():
- # capture frame with a full displayed board
- video_ts, video_frame = tobii_video_stream.read()
- # detect all markers in the board
- aruco_detector.detect_board(video_frame.matrix, aruco_board, expected_markers_number)
- # draw only markers
- aruco_detector.draw_detected_markers(video_frame.matrix)
- # draw current calibration data count
- cv.putText(video_frame.matrix, f'Capture: {aruco_camera.calibration_data_count}', (50, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv.LINE_AA)
- cv.imshow('Tobii Camera Calibration', video_frame.matrix)
- # if all board corners are detected
- if aruco_detector.board_corners_number == expected_corners_number:
- # draw board corners to notify a capture is done
- aruco_detector.draw_board(video_frame.matrix)
- # append data
- aruco_camera.store_calibration_data(aruco_detector.board_corners, aruco_detector.board_corners_identifier)
- cv.imshow('Tobii Camera Calibration', video_frame.matrix)
- # close window using 'Esc' key
- if cv.waitKey(1) == 27:
- break
- # exit on 'ctrl+C' interruption
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- # stop frame display
- cv.destroyAllWindows()
- # Stop tobii glasses streaming
- tobii_controller.stop_streaming()
- print('\nCalibrating camera...')
- aruco_camera.calibrate(aruco_board)
- print('\nCalibration succeeded!')
- print(f'\nRMS:\n{aruco_camera.rms}')
- print(f'\nDimensions:\n{video_width}x{video_height}')
- print(f'\nCamera matrix:\n{aruco_camera.K}')
- print(f'\nDistortion coefficients:\n{aruco_camera.D}')
- aruco_camera.to_json(args.output)
- print(f'\nCalibration data exported into {args.output} file')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()