AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-09Removing a useless try block.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-09Adding duration_max documentation.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-09Improving documentation. Managing scan path analyzer from other modules than ...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-09KeepUntil_UselessBenoît LAMIRAULT
2023-08-08Renaming Pupil by Pupill.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08Replacing time.time() by time.perf_counter() as the old one was not enough pr...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08Adding path_druation property to Basic analysis.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08Merge branch 'dev-screen' of ssh://git.recherche.enac.fr/interne-ihm-aero/eye...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08add-keep_untilBenoît LAMIRAULT
2023-08-08Merge branch 'dev-screen' of ssh://git.recherche.enac.fr/interne-ihm-aero/eye...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08Adding new ArEnvironment map method to project camera frame backgrund into ao...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-08Adding new ArEnvironment map method to project camera frame backgrund into ao...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-07add-keep_untilBenoît LAMIRAULT
2023-08-07Updating heatmap use.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-07Updating heatmap loading.Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-07Making Heatmap class as dataclass. Making size, buffer and sigma as Heatmap a...Théo de la Hogue
2023-08-07Loading heatmap parameters from JSON for ArFrame. Scaling gaze value accordin...Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Setting expected aoi in both case.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Fixing __looked_aoi_covering_mean calculation.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Wrapping code into a commented try.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Updating utils demo script variable name.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Renaming internal look method variable.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Printing unvalid gaze movement correctly.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Allowing to pass already identified gaze movement to look method.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Adding current_fixation_matching look option. Summing all times. Renaming a v...Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Assessing heatmap time.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Assing look processings times.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Updating utils demo scripts.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-28Resolving pandas warning by copying dataframe instead of making a view.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-26Improving looked aoi managment.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-26Adding scipy as requirement.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-25Catching drawing exception in ArFrame.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Laoding duration_max attribute to check scan path duration. Updating utils sc...Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Adding basic metric plugin for AOI scan path.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Rewriting basic metrics plugin.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Adding and testing aoi/scan path and scan step durations.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12removing double metadata.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Using faster detection parameters.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Improving argument commentThéo de la Hogue
2023-07-12Improving ar_feature demo.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Documenting AOI2DScene description.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Improving commentThéo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Documenting TimestampedGazePositions iterator feature.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Uncommenting ...Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Documenting from_dataframe methods.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Refining comment.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Documenting ArUco scene creation from detected markers and its exportation in...Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Remove useless print.Théo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Setting expected_aois from aoi_2d_sceneThéo de la Hogue
2023-07-11Removing old comment part.Théo de la Hogue