path: root/Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp
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authorfcolin2007-02-01 13:29:31 +0000
committerfcolin2007-02-01 13:29:31 +0000
commitafe2e7dfc1388cad991e8d38dda7d648c137aa52 (patch)
tree92bf63d2b2b34a805927aa294c7c51912638f66a /Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp
parent0be65f8a110ee9bf5da9c93e0bd5b5b62b3bad0c (diff)
parent04c263c314499e38d64af9d4a1aa5e2b8d9d5ead (diff)
modif struct svnwindows@3001
Diffstat (limited to 'Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2026 deletions
diff --git a/Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp b/Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b88b3..0000000
--- a/Bus/IvyFileMon/DirectoryChanges.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2026 +0,0 @@
-// DirectoryChanges.cpp: implementation of the CDirectoryChangeWatcher and CDirectoryChangeHandler classes.
- Author: Wes Jones
- File: DirectoryChanges.cpp
- Latest Changes:
- 11/22/2001 -- Fixed bug causing file name's to be truncated if
- longer than 130 characters. Fixed CFileNotifyInformation::GetFileName()
- Thanks to Edric( for pointing this out.
- Added code to enable process privileges when CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()
- is first called. See docuementation API for ReadDirectoryChangesW() for more information of required privileges.
- Currently enables these privileges: (11/22/2001)
- SE_RESTORE_NAME(02/09/2002)
- Implemented w/ helper class CPrivilegeEnabler.
- 11/23/2001 Added classes so that all notifications are handled by the
- same thread that called CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory(),
- ie: the main thread.
- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_Filexxxx() functions are now called in the
- context of the main thread instead of the worker thread.
- This is good for two reasons:
- 1: The worker thread spends less time handling each notification.
- The worker thread simply passes the notification to the main thread,
- which does the processing.
- This means that each file change notification is handled as fast as possible
- and ReadDirectoryChangesW() can be called again to receive more notifications
- faster.
- 2: This makes it easier to make an ActiveX or ATL object with this class
- because the events that are fired, fire in the context of the main thread.
- The fact that I'm using a worker thread w/ this class is totally
- transparent to a client user.
- If I decide to turn this app into an ActiveX or ATL object
- I don't have to worry about wierd COM rules and multithreading issues,
- and neither does the client, be the client a VB app, C++ app, Delphi app, or whatever.
- Implemented with CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler in DirectoryChangeHandler.h/.cpp
- 02/06/2002 Fixed a bug that would cause an application to hang.
- If ReadDirectoryChangesW was to fail during normal operation,
- the short story is that the application would hang
- when it called CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectory(const CString & )
- One way to reproduce this behavior on the old code
- is to watch a directory using a UNC path, and then change the IP
- address of that machine while the watch was running. Exitting
- the app after this would cause it to hang.
- Steps to reproduce it:
- 1) Assume that the computer running the code is
- named 'ThisComputer' and there is a shared folder named 'FolderName'
- 2) Start a watch on a folder using a UNC path: ie: \\ThisComputer\FolderName
- eg: CDirectoryChangeWatcher watcher;
- watcher.WatchDirectory(_T("\\\\ThisComputer\\FolderName",/ * other parameters * /)
- 3) Change the IP address of 'ThisComputer'
- ** ReadDirectoryChangesW() will fail some point after this.
- 4) Exit the application... it may hang.
- Anyways, that's what the bug fix is for.
- 02/06/2002 New side effects for CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_ReadDirectoryChangeError()
- If CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_ReadDirectoryChangeError() is ever executed
- the directory that you are watching will have been unwatched automatically due
- to the error condition.
- A call to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::IsWatchingDirectory() will fail because the directory
- is no longer being watched. You'll need to re-watch that directory.
- 02/09/2002 Added a parameter to CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_ReadDirectoryChangeError()
- Added the parameter: const CString & strDirectoryName
- The new signature is now:
- virtual void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_ReadDirectoryChangeError(DWORD dwError, const CString & strDirectoryName);
- This new parameter gives you the name of the directory that the error occurred on.
- 04/25/2002 Provided a way to get around the requirement of a message pump.
- A console app can now use this w/out problems by passing false
- to the constructor of CDirectoryChangeWatcher.
- An app w/ a message pump can also pass false if it so desires w/out problems.
- 04/25/2002 Added two new virtual functions to CDirectoryChangeHandler
- Added:
- On_WatchStarted(DWORD dwError, const CString & strDirectoryName)
- On_WatchStopped(const CString & strDirectoryName);
- See header file for details.
- 04/27/2002 Added new function to CDirectoryChangeHandler:
- Added virtual bool On_FilterNotification(DWORD dwNotifyAction, LPCTSTR szFileName, LPCTSTR szNewFileName)
- This function is called before any notification function, and allows the
- CDirectoryChangeHandler derived class to ignore file notifications
- by performing a programmer defined test.
- By ignore, i mean that
- On_FileAdded(), On_FileRemoved(), On_FileModified(), or On_FileNameChanged()
- will NOT be called if this function returns false.
- The default implementation always returns true, signifying that ALL notifications
- are to be called.
- 04/27/2002 Added new Parameters to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()
- The new parameters are:
- LPCTSTR szIncludeFilter
- LPCTSTR szExcludeFilter
- Both parameters are defaulted to NULL.
- Signature is now:
- CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory(const CString & strDirToWatch,
- DWORD dwChangesToWatchFor,
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler,
- BOOL bWatchSubDirs = FALSE,
- LPCTSTR szIncludeFilter = NULL,
- LPCTSTR szExcludeFilter = NULL)
- 04/27/2002 Added support for include and exclude filters.
- These filters allow you to receive notifications for just the files you
- want... ie: you can specify that you only want to receive notifications
- for changes to "*.txt" files or some other such file filter.
- NOTE: This feature is implemented w/ the PathMatchSpec() api function
- which is only available on NT4.0 if Internet Explorer 4.0 or above is installed.
- See MSDN for PathMatchSpec(). Win2000, and XP do not have to worry about it.
- Filter specifications:
- Accepts wild card characters * and ?, just as you're used to for the DOS dir command.
- It is possible to specify multiple extenstions in the filter by separating each filter spec
- with a semi-colon.
- eg: "*.txt;*.tmp;*.log" <-- this filter specifies all .txt, .tmp, & .log files
- Filters are passed as parameters to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()
- NOTE: The filters you specify take precedence over CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FilterNotification().
- This means that if the file name does not pass the filters that you specify
- when the watch is started, On_FilterNotification() will not be called.
- Filter specifications are case insensitive, ie: ".tmp" and ".TMP" are the same
- Include Filter:
- If you specify an include filter, you are specifying that you
- only want to receive notifications for specific file types.
- eg: "*.log" means that you only want notifications for changes
- to files w/ an exention of ".log".
- Changes to ALL OTHER other file types are ignored.
- An empty, or not specified include filter means that you want
- notifications for changes of ALL file types.
- Exclude filter:
- If you specify an exclude filter, you are specifying that
- you do not wish to receive notifications for a specific type of file or files.
- eg: "*.tmp" would mean that you do not want any notifications
- regarding files that end w/ ".tmp"
- An empty, or not specified exclude filter means that
- you do not wish to exclude any file notifications.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "DirectoryChanges.h"
-#include "DelayedDirectoryChangeHandler.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#undef THIS_FILE
-static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
-#define new DEBUG_NEW
-// Fwd Declares & #define's
-// Helper classes
-class CPrivilegeEnabler; //for use w/ enabling process priveledges when this code is first used. It's a singleton.
-class CFileNotifyInformation;//helps CDirectoryChangeWatcher class notify CDirectoryChangeHandler class of changes to files.
-class CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler; // Helps all notifications become handled by the main
- // thread, or a worker thread depending upon a value passed to the
- // constructor of CDirectoryChangeWatcher.
- //
- // For notifications to fire in the main thread, your app must have a message pump.
- //
- // The 'main' thread is the one that called CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()
-// Helper functions
-static BOOL EnablePrivilege(LPCTSTR pszPrivName, BOOL fEnable = TRUE);
-static bool IsDirectory(const CString & strPath);
-// Helper functions.
-BOOL EnablePrivilege(LPCTSTR pszPrivName, BOOL fEnable /*= TRUE*/)
-// I think this code is from a Jeffrey Richter book...
-// Enables user priviledges to be set for this process.
-// Process needs to have access to certain priviledges in order
-// to use the ReadDirectoryChangesW() API. See documentation.
- // Assume function fails
- HANDLE hToken;
- // Try to open this process's access token
- if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),
- {
- // privilege
- TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp = { 1 };
- if( LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, pszPrivName, &tp.Privileges[0].Luid) )
- {
- tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = fEnable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
- AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp,
- sizeof(tp), NULL, NULL);
- fOk = (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS);
- }
- CloseHandle(hToken);
- }
- return(fOk);
-static bool IsDirectory(const CString & strPath)
-// Returns: bool
-// true if strPath is a path to a directory
-// false otherwise.
- DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes( strPath );
- return static_cast<bool>( ( dwAttrib != 0xffffffff
- && (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) );
-//Helper class:
-class CFileNotifyInformation
-A Class to more easily traverse the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records returned
-by ReadDirectoryChangesW().
-FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION is defined in Winnt.h as:
- typedef struct _FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION {
- DWORD NextEntryOffset;
- DWORD Action;
- DWORD FileNameLength;
- WCHAR FileName[1];
- ReadDirectoryChangesW basically puts x amount of these records in a
- buffer that you specify.
- The FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure is a 'dynamically sized' structure (size depends on length
- of the file name (+ sizeof the DWORDs in the struct))
- Because each structure contains an offset to the 'next' file notification
- it is basically a singly linked list. This class treats the structure in that way.
- Sample Usage:
- BYTE Read_Buffer[ 4096 ];
- ...
- ReadDirectoryChangesW(...Read_Buffer, 4096,...);
- ...
- CFileNotifyInformation notify_info( Read_Buffer, 4096);
- do{
- switch( notify_info.GetAction() )
- {
- case xx:
- notify_info.GetFileName();
- }
- while( notify_info.GetNextNotifyInformation() );
- CFileNotifyInformation( BYTE * lpFileNotifyInfoBuffer, DWORD dwBuffSize)
- : m_pBuffer( lpFileNotifyInfoBuffer ),
- m_dwBufferSize( dwBuffSize )
- {
- ASSERT( lpFileNotifyInfoBuffer && dwBuffSize );
- m_pCurrentRecord = (PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION) m_pBuffer;
- }
- BOOL GetNextNotifyInformation();
- BOOL CopyCurrentRecordToBeginningOfBuffer(OUT DWORD & ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord);
- DWORD GetAction() const;//gets the type of file change notifiation
- CString GetFileName()const;//gets the file name from the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record
- CString GetFileNameWithPath(const CString & strRootPath) const;//same as GetFileName() only it prefixes the strRootPath into the file name
- BYTE * m_pBuffer;//<--all of the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records 'live' in the buffer this points to...
- DWORD m_dwBufferSize;
- PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION m_pCurrentRecord;//this points to the current FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record in m_pBuffer
-BOOL CFileNotifyInformation::GetNextNotifyInformation()
- Sets the m_pCurrentRecord to the next FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record.
- Even if this return FALSE, (unless m_pCurrentRecord is NULL)
- m_pCurrentRecord will still point to the last record in the buffer.
- if( m_pCurrentRecord
- && m_pCurrentRecord->NextEntryOffset != 0UL)//is there another record after this one?
- {
- //set the current record to point to the 'next' record
- PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION pOld = m_pCurrentRecord;
- m_pCurrentRecord = (PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION) ((LPBYTE)m_pCurrentRecord + m_pCurrentRecord->NextEntryOffset);
- ASSERT( (DWORD)((BYTE*)m_pCurrentRecord - m_pBuffer) < m_dwBufferSize);//make sure we haven't gone too far
- if( (DWORD)((BYTE*)m_pCurrentRecord - m_pBuffer) > m_dwBufferSize )
- {
- //we've gone too far.... this data is hosed.
- //
- // This sometimes happens if the watched directory becomes deleted... remove the FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag when using CreateFile() to get the handle to the directory...
- m_pCurrentRecord = pOld;
- }
- return (BOOL)(m_pCurrentRecord != pOld);
- }
- return FALSE;
-BOOL CFileNotifyInformation::CopyCurrentRecordToBeginningOfBuffer(OUT DWORD & ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord)
- Copies the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record to the beginning of the buffer
- specified in the constructor.
- The size of the current record is returned in DWORD & dwSizeOfCurrentRecord.
- ASSERT( m_pBuffer && m_pCurrentRecord );
- if( !m_pCurrentRecord ) return FALSE;
- BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;
- //determine the size of the current record.
- ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord = sizeof( FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION );
- //subtract out sizeof FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION::FileName[1]
- WCHAR FileName[1];//same as is defined for FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION::FileName
- ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord -= sizeof(FileName);
- //and replace it w/ value of FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION::FileNameLength
- ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord += m_pCurrentRecord->FileNameLength;
- ASSERT( (DWORD)((LPBYTE)m_pCurrentRecord + ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord) <= m_dwBufferSize );
- ASSERT( (void*)m_pBuffer != (void*)m_pCurrentRecord );//if this is the case, your buffer is way too small
- if( (void*)m_pBuffer != (void*) m_pCurrentRecord )
- {//copy the m_pCurrentRecord to the beginning of m_pBuffer
- ASSERT( (DWORD)m_pCurrentRecord > (DWORD)m_pBuffer + ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord);//will it overlap?
- __try{
- memcpy(m_pBuffer, m_pCurrentRecord, ref_dwSizeOfCurrentRecord);
- bRetVal = TRUE;
- }
- {
- TRACE(_T("EXCEPTION! CFileNotifyInformation::CopyCurrentRecordToBeginningOfBuffer() -- probably because bytes overlapped in a call to memcpy()"));
- bRetVal = FALSE;
- }
- }
- //else
- //there was only one record in this buffer, and m_pCurrentRecord is already at the beginning of the buffer
- return bRetVal;
-DWORD CFileNotifyInformation::GetAction() const
- ASSERT( m_pCurrentRecord );
- if( m_pCurrentRecord )
- return m_pCurrentRecord->Action;
- return 0UL;
-CString CFileNotifyInformation::GetFileName() const
- //
- //BUG FIX:
- // File Name's longer than 130 characters are truncated
- //
- // Thanks Edric @ for pointing this out.
- if( m_pCurrentRecord )
- {
- WCHAR wcFileName[ MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};//L"";
- memcpy( wcFileName,
- m_pCurrentRecord->FileName,
- //min( MAX_PATH, m_pCurrentRecord->FileNameLength) <-- buggy line
- min( (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)), m_pCurrentRecord->FileNameLength));
- return CString( wcFileName );
- }
- return CString();
-static inline bool HasTrailingBackslash(const CString & str )
- if( str.GetLength() > 0
- && str[ str.GetLength() - 1 ] == _T('\\') )
- return true;
- return false;
-CString CFileNotifyInformation::GetFileNameWithPath(const CString & strRootPath) const
- CString strFileName( strRootPath );
- //if( strFileName.Right(1) != _T("\\") )
- if( !HasTrailingBackslash( strRootPath ) )
- strFileName += _T("\\");
- strFileName += GetFileName();
- return strFileName;
-class CPrivilegeEnabler
-// Enables privileges for this process
-// first time CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory() is called.
-// It's a singleton.
- CPrivilegeEnabler();//ctor
- ~CPrivilegeEnabler(){};
- static CPrivilegeEnabler & Instance();
- //friend static CPrivilegeEnabler & Instance();
- LPCTSTR arPrivelegeNames[] = {
- SE_BACKUP_NAME, // these two are required for the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag used in the call to
- SE_RESTORE_NAME,// CreateFile() to open the directory handle for ReadDirectoryChangesW
- SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME //just to make's on by default for all users.
- //<others here as needed>
- };
- for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(arPrivelegeNames) / sizeof(arPrivelegeNames[0]); ++i)
- {
- if( !EnablePrivilege(arPrivelegeNames[i], TRUE) )
- {
- TRACE(_T("Unable to enable privilege: %s -- GetLastError(): %d\n"), arPrivelegeNames[i], GetLastError());
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher notifications may not work as intended due to insufficient access rights/process privileges.\n"));
- TRACE(_T("File: %s Line: %d\n"), _T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
- }
- }
-CPrivilegeEnabler & CPrivilegeEnabler::Instance()
- static CPrivilegeEnabler theInstance;//constructs this first time it's called.
- return theInstance;
-// Construction/Destruction
-: m_nRefCnt( 1 ),
- m_pDirChangeWatcher( NULL ),
- m_nWatcherRefCnt( 0L )
- UnwatchDirectory();
-long CDirectoryChangeHandler::AddRef()
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_nRefCnt);
-long CDirectoryChangeHandler::Release()
- long nRefCnt = -1;
- if( (nRefCnt = InterlockedDecrement(&m_nRefCnt)) == 0 )
- delete this;
- return nRefCnt;
-long CDirectoryChangeHandler::CurRefCnt()const
- return m_nRefCnt;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeHandler::UnwatchDirectory()
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csWatcher, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- if( m_pDirChangeWatcher )
- return m_pDirChangeWatcher->UnwatchDirectory( this );
- return TRUE;
-long CDirectoryChangeHandler::ReferencesWatcher(CDirectoryChangeWatcher * pDirChangeWatcher)
- ASSERT( pDirChangeWatcher );
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csWatcher, TRUE);
- if( m_pDirChangeWatcher
- && m_pDirChangeWatcher != pDirChangeWatcher )
- {
- TRACE(_T(" becoming used by a different CDirectoryChangeWatcher!\n"));
- TRACE(_T("Directories being handled by this object will now be unwatched.\nThis object is now being used to ")
- _T("handle changes to a directory watched by different CDirectoryChangeWatcher object, probably on a different directory"));
- if( UnwatchDirectory() )
- {
- m_pDirChangeWatcher = pDirChangeWatcher;
- m_nWatcherRefCnt = 1; //when this reaches 0, set m_pDirChangeWatcher to NULL
- return m_nWatcherRefCnt;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT( FALSE );//shouldn't get here!
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT( !m_pDirChangeWatcher || m_pDirChangeWatcher == pDirChangeWatcher );
- m_pDirChangeWatcher = pDirChangeWatcher;
- if( m_pDirChangeWatcher )
- return InterlockedIncrement(&m_nWatcherRefCnt);
- }
- return m_nWatcherRefCnt;
-long CDirectoryChangeHandler::ReleaseReferenceToWatcher(CDirectoryChangeWatcher * pDirChangeWatcher)
- ASSERT( m_pDirChangeWatcher == pDirChangeWatcher );
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csWatcher, TRUE);
- long nRef;
- if( (nRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_nWatcherRefCnt)) <= 0L )
- {
- m_pDirChangeWatcher = NULL; //Setting this to NULL so that this->UnwatchDirectory() which is called in the dtor
- //won't call m_pDirChangeWatcher->UnwatchDirecotry(this).
- //m_pDirChangeWatcher may point to a destructed object depending on how
- //these classes are being used.
- m_nWatcherRefCnt = 0L;
- }
- return nRef;
-// Default implmentations for CDirectoryChangeHandler's virtual functions.
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileAdded(const CString & strFileName)
- TRACE(_T("The following file was added: %s\n"), strFileName);
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileRemoved(const CString & strFileName)
- TRACE(_T("The following file was removed: %s\n"), strFileName);
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified(const CString & strFileName)
- TRACE(_T("The following file was modified: %s\n"), strFileName);
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileNameChanged(const CString & strOldFileName, const CString & strNewFileName)
- TRACE(_T("The file %s was RENAMED to %s\n"), strOldFileName, strNewFileName);
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_ReadDirectoryChangesError(DWORD dwError, const CString & strDirectoryName)
- TRACE(_T("WARNING!!!!!\n") );
- TRACE(_T("An error has occurred on a watched directory!\n"));
- TRACE(_T("This directory has become unwatched! -- %s \n"), strDirectoryName);
- TRACE(_T("ReadDirectoryChangesW has failed! %d"), dwError);
- ASSERT( FALSE );//you should override this function no matter what. an error will occur someday.
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_WatchStarted(DWORD dwError, const CString & strDirectoryName)
- if( dwError == 0 )
- TRACE(_T("A watch has begun on the following directory: %s\n"), strDirectoryName);
- else
- TRACE(_T("A watch failed to start on the following directory: (Error: %d) %s\n"),dwError, strDirectoryName);
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_WatchStopped(const CString & strDirectoryName)
- TRACE(_T("The watch on the following directory has stopped: %s\n"), strDirectoryName);
-bool CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FilterNotification(DWORD /*dwNotifyAction*/, LPCTSTR /*szFileName*/, LPCTSTR /*szNewFileName*/)
-// bool On_FilterNotification(DWORD dwNotifyAction, LPCTSTR szFileName, LPCTSTR szNewFileName);
-// This function gives your class a chance to filter unwanted notifications.
-// DWORD dwNotifyAction -- specifies the event to filter
-// LPCTSTR szFileName -- specifies the name of the file for the event.
-// LPCTSTR szNewFileName -- specifies the new file name of a file that has been renamed.
-// return true from this function, and you will receive the notification.
-// return false from this function, and your class will NOT receive the notification.
-// Valid values of dwNotifyAction:
-// FILE_ACTION_ADDED -- On_FileAdded() is about to be called.
-// FILE_ACTION_REMOVED -- On_FileRemoved() is about to be called.
-// FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED -- On_FileModified() is about to be called.
-// FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME-- On_FileNameChanged() is about to be call.
-// NOTE: When the value of dwNotifyAction is FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME,
-// szFileName will be the old name of the file, and szNewFileName will
-// be the new name of the renamed file.
-// The default implementation always returns true, indicating that all notifications will
-// be sent.
- return true;
-void CDirectoryChangeHandler::SetChangedDirectoryName(const CString & strChangedDirName)
- m_strChangedDirectoryName = strChangedDirName;
-CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirectoryChangeWatcher(bool bAppHasGUI /*= true*/, DWORD dwFilterFlags/*=FILTERS_CHECK_FILE_NAME_ONLY*/)
-: m_hCompPort( NULL )
- ,m_hThread( NULL )
- ,m_dwThreadID( 0UL )
- ,m_bAppHasGUI( bAppHasGUI )
- ,m_dwFilterFlags( dwFilterFlags == 0? FILTERS_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR : dwFilterFlags)
- //NOTE:
- // The bAppHasGUI variable indicates that you have a message pump associated
- // with the main thread(or the thread that first calls CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory() ).
- // Directory change notifications are dispatched to your main thread.
- //
- // If your app doesn't have a gui, then pass false. Doing so causes a worker thread
- // to be created that implements a message pump where it dispatches/executes the notifications.
- // It's ok to pass false even if your app does have a GUI.
- // Passing false is required for Console applications, or applications without a message pump.
- // Note that notifications are fired in a worker thread.
- //
- //NOTE:
- //
- //
- UnwatchAllDirectories();
- if( m_hCompPort )
- {
- CloseHandle( m_hCompPort );
- m_hCompPort = NULL;
- }
-DWORD CDirectoryChangeWatcher::SetFilterFlags(DWORD dwFilterFlags)
-// SetFilterFlags()
-// sets filter behavior for directories watched AFTER this function has been called.
- DWORD dwOld = m_dwFilterFlags;
- m_dwFilterFlags = dwFilterFlags;
- if( m_dwFilterFlags == 0 )
- m_dwFilterFlags = FILTERS_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR;//the default.
- return dwOld;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::IsWatchingDirectory(const CString & strDirName)const
- Determines whether or not a directory is being watched
- be carefull that you have the same name path name, including the backslash
- as was used in the call to WatchDirectory().
- ie:
- "C:\\Temp"
- is different than
- "C:\\Temp\\"
- CSingleLock lock( const_cast<CCriticalSection*>(&m_csDirWatchInfo), TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- int i;
- if( GetDirWatchInfo(strDirName, i) )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-int CDirectoryChangeWatcher::NumWatchedDirectories()const
- CSingleLock lock(const_cast<CCriticalSection*>(&m_csDirWatchInfo), TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- int nCnt(0),max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- for(int i(0); i < max; ++i)
- {
- if( m_DirectoriesToWatch[i] != NULL )//array may contain NULL elements.
- nCnt++;
- }
- return nCnt;
-DWORD CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory(const CString & strDirToWatch,
- DWORD dwChangesToWatchFor,
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler,
- BOOL bWatchSubDirs /*=FALSE*/,
- LPCTSTR szIncludeFilter /*=NULL*/,
- LPCTSTR szExcludeFilter /*=NULL*/
- )
-FUNCTION: WatchDirectory(const CString & strDirToWatch, --the name of the directory to watch
- DWORD dwChangesToWatchFor, --the changes to watch for see dsk docs..for ReadDirectoryChangesW
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler -- handles changes in specified directory
- BOOL bWatchSubDirs --specified to watch sub directories of the directory that you want to watch
- )
- const CString & strDirToWatch -- specifies the path of the directory to watch.
- DWORD dwChangesToWatchFor -- specifies flags to be passed to ReadDirectoryChangesW()
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * -- ptr to an object which will handle notifications of file changes.
- BOOL bWatchSubDirs -- specifies to watch subdirectories.
- LPCTSTR szIncludeFilter -- A file pattern string for files that you wish to receive notifications
- for. See Remarks.
- LPCTSTR szExcludeFilter -- A file pattern string for files that you do not wish to receive notifications for. See Remarks
- Starts watching the specified directory(and optionally subdirectories) for the specified changes
- When specified changes take place the appropriate CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_Filexxx() function is called.
- dwChangesToWatchFor can be a combination of the following flags, and changes map out to the
- following functions:
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileAdded()
- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileNameChanged,
- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileRemoved
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileNameAdded(),
- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileRemoved
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified
- FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY -- CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileModified?
- Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the directory will be watched,
- or a windows error code if the directory couldn't be watched.
- The error code will most likely be related to a call to CreateFile(), or
- from the initial call to ReadDirectoryChangesW(). It's also possible to get an
- error code related to being unable to create an io completion port or being unable
- to start the worker thread.
- This function will fail if the directory to be watched resides on a
- computer that is not a Windows NT/2000/XP machine.
- You can only have one watch specified at a time for any particular directory.
- Calling this function with the same directory name will cause the directory to be
- unwatched, and then watched again(w/ the new parameters that have been passed in).
- ASSERT( dwChangesToWatchFor != 0);
- if( strDirToWatch.IsEmpty()
- || dwChangesToWatchFor == 0
- || pChangeHandler == NULL )
- {
- TRACE(_T("ERROR: You've passed invalid parameters to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()\n"));
- }
- //double check that it's really a directory
- if( !IsDirectory( strDirToWatch ) )
- {
- TRACE(_T("ERROR: CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory() -- %s is not a directory!\n"), strDirToWatch);
- }
- //double check that this directory is not already being watched....
- //if it is, then unwatch it before restarting it...
- if( IsWatchingDirectory( strDirToWatch) )
- {
- UnwatchDirectory( strDirToWatch )
- );
- }
- //
- //
- // Reference this singleton so that privileges for this process are enabled
- // so that it has required permissions to use the ReadDirectoryChangesW API, etc.
- //
- CPrivilegeEnabler::Instance();
- //
- //open the directory to watch....
- HANDLE hDir = CreateFile(strDirToWatch,
- FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE ,//| FILE_SHARE_DELETE, <-- removing FILE_SHARE_DELETE prevents the user or someone else from renaming or deleting the watched directory. This is a good thing to prevent.
- NULL, //security attributes
- FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | //<- the required priviliges for this flag are: SE_BACKUP_NAME and SE_RESTORE_NAME. CPrivilegeEnabler takes care of that.
- NULL);
- {
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory() -- Couldn't open directory for monitoring. %d\n"), dwError);
- ::SetLastError(dwError);//who knows if TRACE will cause GetLastError() to return success...probably won't, but set it manually just for fun.
- return dwError;
- }
- //opened the dir!
- CDirWatchInfo * pDirInfo = new CDirWatchInfo( hDir, strDirToWatch, pChangeHandler, dwChangesToWatchFor, bWatchSubDirs, m_bAppHasGUI, szIncludeFilter, szExcludeFilter, m_dwFilterFlags);
- if( !pDirInfo )
- {
- TRACE(_T("WARNING: Couldn't allocate a new CDirWatchInfo() object --- File: %s Line: %d\n"), _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__);
- CloseHandle( hDir );
- }
- //create a IO completion port/or associate this key with
- //the existing IO completion port
- m_hCompPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(hDir,
- m_hCompPort, //if m_hCompPort is NULL, hDir is associated with a NEW completion port,
- //if m_hCompPort is NON-NULL, hDir is associated with the existing completion port that the handle m_hCompPort references
- (DWORD)pDirInfo, //the completion 'key'... this ptr is returned from GetQueuedCompletionStatus() when one of the events in the dwChangesToWatchFor filter takes place
- 0);
- if( m_hCompPort == NULL )
- {
- TRACE(_T("ERROR -- Unable to create I/O Completion port! GetLastError(): %d File: %s Line: %d"), GetLastError(), _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ );
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf( NULL );
- ::SetLastError(dwError);//who knows what the last error will be after i call pDirInfo->DeleteSelf(), so set it just to make sure
- return dwError;
- }
- else
- {//completion port created/directory associated w/ it successfully
- //if the thread isn't running start it....
- //when the thread starts, it will call ReadDirectoryChangesW and wait
- //for changes to take place
- if( m_hThread == NULL )
- {
- //start the thread
- CWinThread * pThread = AfxBeginThread(MonitorDirectoryChanges, this);
- if( !pThread )
- {//couldn't create the thread!
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory()-- AfxBeginThread failed!\n"));
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf( NULL );
- return (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS)? ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHED : GetLastError();
- }
- else
- {
- m_hThread = pThread->m_hThread;
- m_dwThreadID = pThread->m_nThreadID;
- pThread->m_bAutoDelete = TRUE;//pThread is deleted when thread's TRUE by default(for CWinThread ptrs returned by AfxBeginThread(threadproc, void*)), but just makin sure.
- }
- }
- if( m_hThread != NULL )
- {//thread is running,
- //signal the thread to issue the initial call to
- //ReadDirectoryChangesW()
- DWORD dwStarted = pDirInfo->StartMonitor( m_hCompPort );
- if( dwStarted != ERROR_SUCCESS )
- {//there was a problem!
- TRACE(_T("Unable to watch directory: %s -- GetLastError(): %d\n"), dwStarted);
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf( NULL );
- ::SetLastError(dwStarted);//I think this'll set the Err object in a VB app.....
- return dwStarted;
- }
- else
- {//ReadDirectoryChangesW was successfull!
- //add the directory info to the first empty slot in the array
- //associate the pChangeHandler with this object
- pChangeHandler->ReferencesWatcher( this );//reference is removed when directory is unwatched.
- //CDirWatchInfo::DeleteSelf() must now be called w/ this CDirectoryChangeWatcher pointer becuse
- //of a reference count
- //save the CDirWatchInfo* so I'll be able to use it later.
- VERIFY( AddToWatchInfo( pDirInfo ) );
- SetLastError(dwStarted);
- return dwStarted;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(FALSE);//control path shouldn't get here
- }
- }
- ASSERT( FALSE );//shouldn't get here.
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchAllDirectories()
- //unwatch all of the watched directories
- //delete all of the CDirWatchInfo objects,
- //kill off the worker thread
- if( m_hThread != NULL )
- {
- ASSERT( m_hCompPort != NULL );
- CSingleLock lock( &m_csDirWatchInfo, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- CDirWatchInfo * pDirInfo;
- //Unwatch each of the watched directories
- //and delete the CDirWatchInfo associated w/ that directory...
- int max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- for(int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- {
- if( (pDirInfo = m_DirectoriesToWatch[i]) != NULL )
- {
- VERIFY( pDirInfo->UnwatchDirectory( m_hCompPort ) );
- m_DirectoriesToWatch.SetAt(i, NULL) ;
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf(this);
- }
- }
- m_DirectoriesToWatch.RemoveAll();
- //kill off the thread
- PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hCompPort, 0, 0, NULL);//The thread will catch this and exit the thread
- //wait for it to exit
- WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, INFINITE);
- //CloseHandle( m_hThread );//Since thread was started w/ AfxBeginThread() this handle is closed automatically, closing it again will raise an exception
- m_hThread = NULL;
- m_dwThreadID = 0UL;
- //close the completion port...
- CloseHandle( m_hCompPort );
- m_hCompPort = NULL;
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- //make sure that there aren't any
- //CDirWatchInfo objects laying around... they should have all been destroyed
- //and removed from the array m_DirectoriesToWatch
- if( m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize() > 0 )
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize(); ++i)
- {
- ASSERT( m_DirectoriesToWatch[i] == NULL );
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectory(const CString & strDirToStopWatching)
-FUNCTION: UnwatchDirectory(const CString & strDirToStopWatching -- if this directory is being watched, the watch is stopped
- BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
- if( m_hCompPort != NULL )//The io completion port must be open
- {
- ASSERT( !strDirToStopWatching.IsEmpty() );
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csDirWatchInfo, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- int nIdx = -1;
- CDirWatchInfo * pDirInfo = GetDirWatchInfo(strDirToStopWatching, nIdx);
- if( pDirInfo != NULL
- && nIdx != -1 )
- {
- //stop watching this directory
- VERIFY( pDirInfo->UnwatchDirectory( m_hCompPort ) );
- //cleanup the object used to watch the directory
- m_DirectoriesToWatch.SetAt(nIdx, NULL);
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf(this);
- bRetVal = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return bRetVal;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectory(CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler)
- This function is called from the dtor of CDirectoryChangeHandler automatically,
- but may also be called by a programmer because it's public...
- A single CDirectoryChangeHandler may be used for any number of watched directories.
- Unwatch any directories that may be using this
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler to handle changes to a watched directory...
- The CDirWatchInfo::m_pChangeHandler member of objects in the m_DirectoriesToWatch
- array will == pChangeHandler if that handler is being used to handle changes to a directory....
- ASSERT( pChangeHandler );
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csDirWatchInfo, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- int nUnwatched = 0;
- int nIdx = -1;
- CDirWatchInfo * pDirInfo;
- //
- // go through and unwatch any directory that is
- // that is using this pChangeHandler as it's file change notification handler.
- //
- while( (pDirInfo = GetDirWatchInfo( pChangeHandler, nIdx )) != NULL )
- {
- VERIFY( pDirInfo->UnwatchDirectory( m_hCompPort ) );
- nUnwatched++;
- m_DirectoriesToWatch.SetAt(nIdx, NULL);
- pDirInfo->DeleteSelf(this);
- }
- return (BOOL)(nUnwatched != 0);
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectoryBecauseOfError(CDirWatchInfo * pWatchInfo)
-// Called in the worker thread in the case that ReadDirectoryChangesW() fails
-// during normal operation. One way to force this to happen is to watch a folder
-// using a UNC path and changing that computer's IP address.
- ASSERT( pWatchInfo );
- ASSERT( m_dwThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId() );//this should be called from the worker thread only.
- BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
- if( pWatchInfo )
- {
- CSingleLock lock(&m_csDirWatchInfo, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- int nIdx = -1;
- if( GetDirWatchInfo(pWatchInfo, nIdx) == pWatchInfo )
- {
- // we are actually watching this....
- //
- // Remove this CDirWatchInfo object from the list of watched directories.
- //
- m_DirectoriesToWatch.SetAt(nIdx, NULL);//mark the space as free for the next watch...
- //
- // and delete it...
- //
- pWatchInfo->DeleteSelf(this);
- }
- }
- return bRetVal;
-int CDirectoryChangeWatcher::AddToWatchInfo(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * pWatchInfo)
-// To add the CDirWatchInfo * to an array.
-// The array is used to keep track of which directories
-// are being watched.
-// Add the ptr to the first non-null slot in the array.
- CSingleLock lock( &m_csDirWatchInfo, TRUE);
- ASSERT( lock.IsLocked() );
- //first try to add it to the first empty slot in m_DirectoriesToWatch
- int max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- for(int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- {
- if( m_DirectoriesToWatch[i] == NULL )
- {
- m_DirectoriesToWatch[i] = pWatchInfo;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( i == max )
- {
- // there where no empty slots, add it to the end of the array
- try{
- i = m_DirectoriesToWatch.Add( pWatchInfo );
- }
- catch(CMemoryException * e){
- e->ReportError();
- e->Delete();//??? delete this? I thought CMemoryException objects where pre allocated in mfc? -- sample code in msdn does, so will i
- i = -1;
- }
- }
- return (BOOL)(i != -1);
-// functions for retrieving the directory watch info based on different parameters
-CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * CDirectoryChangeWatcher::GetDirWatchInfo(const CString & strDirName, int & ref_nIdx)const
- if( strDirName.IsEmpty() )// can't be watching a directory if it's you don't pass in the name of it...
- return FALSE; //
- CSingleLock lock(const_cast<CCriticalSection*>(&m_csDirWatchInfo), TRUE);
- int max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- CDirWatchInfo * p = NULL;
- for(int i = 0; i < max; ++i )
- {
- if( (p = m_DirectoriesToWatch[i]) != NULL
- && p->m_strDirName.CompareNoCase( strDirName ) == 0 )
- {
- ref_nIdx = i;
- return p;
- }
- }
- return NULL;//NOT FOUND
-CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * CDirectoryChangeWatcher::GetDirWatchInfo(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * pWatchInfo, int & ref_nIdx)const
- ASSERT( pWatchInfo != NULL );
- CSingleLock lock( const_cast<CCriticalSection*>(&m_csDirWatchInfo), TRUE);
- int i(0), max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- CDirWatchInfo * p;
- for(; i < max; ++i)
- {
- if( (p = m_DirectoriesToWatch[i]) != NULL
- && p == pWatchInfo )
- {
- ref_nIdx = i;
- return p;
- }
- }
- return NULL;//NOT FOUND
-CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * CDirectoryChangeWatcher::GetDirWatchInfo(CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler, int & ref_nIdx)const
- ASSERT( pChangeHandler != NULL );
- CSingleLock lock( const_cast<CCriticalSection*>(&m_csDirWatchInfo), TRUE);
- int i(0),max = m_DirectoriesToWatch.GetSize();
- CDirWatchInfo * p;
- for( ; i < max; ++i)
- {
- if( (p = m_DirectoriesToWatch[i]) != NULL
- && p->GetRealChangeHandler() == pChangeHandler )
- {
- ref_nIdx = i;
- return p;
- }
- }
- return NULL;//NOT FOUND
-long CDirectoryChangeWatcher::ReleaseReferenceToWatcher(CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler)
- ASSERT( pChangeHandler );
- return pChangeHandler->ReleaseReferenceToWatcher(this);
-CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::CDirWatchInfo(HANDLE hDir,
- const CString & strDirectoryName,
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler,
- DWORD dwChangeFilter,
- BOOL bWatchSubDir,
- bool bAppHasGUI,
- LPCTSTR szIncludeFilter,
- LPCTSTR szExcludeFilter,
- DWORD dwFilterFlags)
- : m_pChangeHandler( NULL ),
- m_hDir(hDir),
- m_dwChangeFilter( dwChangeFilter ),
- m_bWatchSubDir( bWatchSubDir ),
- m_strDirName( strDirectoryName ),
- m_dwBufLength(0),
- m_dwReadDirError(ERROR_SUCCESS),
- m_RunningState( RUNNING_STATE_NOT_SET )
- && !strDirectoryName.IsEmpty() );
- //
- // This object 'decorates' the pChangeHandler passed in
- // so that notifications fire in the context a thread other than
- // CDirectoryChangeWatcher::MonitorDirectoryChanges()
- //
- // Supports the include and exclude filters
- //
- //
- m_pChangeHandler = new CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler( pChangeHandler, bAppHasGUI, szIncludeFilter, szExcludeFilter, dwFilterFlags );
- if( m_pChangeHandler )
- m_pChangeHandler->SetPartialPathOffset( m_strDirName );//to support FILTERS_CHECK_PARTIAL_PATH..this won't change for the duration of the watch, so set it once... HERE!
- ASSERT( m_pChangeHandler );
- ASSERT( GetChangeHandler() );
- ASSERT( GetRealChangeHandler() );
- if( GetRealChangeHandler() )
- GetRealChangeHandler()->AddRef();
- memset(&m_Overlapped, 0, sizeof(m_Overlapped));
- //memset(m_Buffer, 0, sizeof(m_Buffer));
- if( GetChangeHandler() )
- {//If this call to CDirectoryChangeHandler::Release() causes m_pChangeHandler to delete itself,
- //the dtor for CDirectoryChangeHandler will call CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectory( CDirectoryChangeHandler * ),
- //which will make try to delete this object again.
- //if m_pChangeHandler is NULL, it won't try to delete this object again...
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pTmp = SetRealDirectoryChangeHandler( NULL );
- if( pTmp )
- pTmp->Release();
- else{
- }
- }
- CloseDirectoryHandle();
- delete m_pChangeHandler;
- m_pChangeHandler = NULL;
-void CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::DeleteSelf(CDirectoryChangeWatcher * pWatcher)
-// There's a reason for this function!
-// the dtor is private to enforce that it is used.
-// pWatcher can be NULL only if CDirecotryChangeHandler::ReferencesWatcher() has NOT been called.
-// ie: in certain sections of WatchDirectory() it's ok to pass this w/ NULL, but no where else.
- //ASSERT( pWatcher != NULL );
- ASSERT( GetRealChangeHandler() );
- if( pWatcher )
- {
- //
- //
- // Before this object is deleted, the CDirectoryChangeHandler object
- // needs to release it's reference count to the CDirectoryChangeWatcher object.
- // I might forget to do this since I getting rid of CDirWatchInfo objects
- // in more than one place...hence the reason for this function.
- //
- pWatcher->ReleaseReferenceToWatcher( GetRealChangeHandler() );
- }
- delete this;
-CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler* CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::GetChangeHandler() const
- return m_pChangeHandler;
-CDirectoryChangeHandler * CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::GetRealChangeHandler() const
-// The 'real' change handler is the CDirectoryChangeHandler object
-// passed to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirectory() -- this is the object
-// that really handles the changes.
- ASSERT( m_pChangeHandler );
- return m_pChangeHandler->GetRealChangeHandler();
-CDirectoryChangeHandler * CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::SetRealDirectoryChangeHandler(CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler)
-// Allows you to switch out, at run time, which object really handles the change notifications.
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pOld = GetRealChangeHandler();
- m_pChangeHandler->GetRealChangeHandler() = pChangeHandler;
- return pOld;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::CloseDirectoryHandle()
-// Closes the directory handle that was opened in CDirectoryChangeWatcher::WatchDirecotry()
- BOOL b = TRUE;
- if( m_hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
- {
- b = CloseHandle(m_hDir);
- }
- return b;
-DWORD CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::StartMonitor(HANDLE hCompPort)
- Sets the running state of the object to perform the initial call to ReadDirectoryChangesW()
- , wakes up the thread waiting on GetQueuedCompletionStatus()
- and waits for an event to be set before returning....
- The return value is either ERROR_SUCCESS if ReadDirectoryChangesW is successfull,
- or is the value of GetLastError() for when ReadDirectoryChangesW() failed.
- ASSERT( hCompPort );
- //Guard the properties of this object
- VERIFY( LockProperties() );
- m_RunningState = RUNNING_STATE_START_MONITORING;//set the state member to indicate that the object is to START monitoring the specified directory
- PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompPort, sizeof(this), (DWORD)this, &m_Overlapped);//make the thread waiting on GetQueuedCompletionStatus() wake up
- VERIFY( UnlockProperties() );//unlock this object so that the thread can get at them...
- //wait for signal that the initial call
- //to ReadDirectoryChanges has been made
- DWORD dwWait = 0;
- do{
- dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_StartStopEvent, 10 * 1000);
- if( dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
- {
- //
- // shouldn't ever see this one....but just in case you do, notify me of the problem
- //
- TRACE(_T("WARNING! Possible lockup detected. FILE: %s Line: %d\n"), _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__);
- }
- } while( dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0 );
- ASSERT( dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0 );
- m_StartStopEvent.ResetEvent();
- return m_dwReadDirError;//This value is set in the worker thread when it first calls ReadDirectoryChangesW().
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::UnwatchDirectory(HANDLE hCompPort)
- Sets the running state of the object to stop monitoring a directory,
- Causes the worker thread to wake up and to stop monitoring the dierctory
- ASSERT( hCompPort );
- //
- // Signal that the worker thread is to stop watching the directory
- //
- if( SignalShutdown(hCompPort) )
- {
- //and wait for the thread to signal that it has shutdown
- return WaitForShutdown();
- }
- return FALSE;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::SignalShutdown( HANDLE hCompPort )
-//added to fix a bug -- this will be called normally by UnwatchDirectory(HANDLE)
-// and abnormally by the worker thread in the case that ReadDirectoryChangesW fails -- see code.
-// Signals the worker thread(via the I/O completion port) that it is to stop watching the
-// directory for this object, and then returns.
- BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
- ASSERT( hCompPort );
- //Lock the properties so that they aren't modified by another thread
- VERIFY( LockProperties() ); //unlikey to fail...
- //set the state member to indicate that the object is to stop monitoring the
- //directory that this CDirWatchInfo is responsible for...
- m_RunningState = CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::RUNNING_STATE_STOP;
- //put this object in the I/O completion port... GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will return it inside the worker thread.
- bRetVal = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompPort, sizeof(CDirWatchInfo*), (DWORD)this, &m_Overlapped);
- if( !bRetVal )
- {
- TRACE(_T("PostQueuedCompletionStatus() failed! GetLastError(): %d\n"), GetLastError());
- }
- VERIFY( UnlockProperties() );
- return bRetVal;
-BOOL CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo::WaitForShutdown()
-// This is to be called some time after SignalShutdown().
- ASSERT_VALID(&m_StartStopEvent);
- //Wait for the Worker thread to indicate that the watch has been stopped
- DWORD dwWait;
- bool bWMQuitReceived = false;
- do{
- dwWait = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &m_StartStopEvent.m_hObject, FALSE, 5000, QS_ALLINPUT);//wait five seconds
- switch( dwWait )
- {
- case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
- //handle became signalled!
- break;
- case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
- {
- //This thread awoke due to sent/posted message
- //process the message Q
- //
- // There is a message in this thread's queue, so
- // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects returned.
- // Process those messages, and wait again.
- MSG msg;
- while( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0,0, PM_REMOVE ) )
- {
- if( msg.message != WM_QUIT)
- {
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- else
- {
- /****
- This appears to be causing quite a lot of pain, to quote Mustafa.
- //it's the WM_QUIT message, put it back in the Q and
- // exit this function
- PostMessage(msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam );
- bWMQuitReceived = true;
- ****/
- break;
- }
- }
- }break;
- {
- TRACE(_T("WARNING: Possible Deadlock detected! ThreadID: %d File: %s Line: %d\n"), GetCurrentThreadId(), _T(__FILE__), __LINE__);
- }break;
- }//end switch(dwWait)
- }while( dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && !bWMQuitReceived );
- ASSERT( dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || bWMQuitReceived);
- m_StartStopEvent.ResetEvent();
- return (BOOL) (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || bWMQuitReceived);
-UINT CDirectoryChangeWatcher::MonitorDirectoryChanges(LPVOID lpvThis)
- The worker thread function which monitors directory changes....
- DWORD numBytes;
- CDirWatchInfo * pdi;
- LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped;
- CDirectoryChangeWatcher * pThis = reinterpret_cast<CDirectoryChangeWatcher*>(lpvThis);
- ASSERT( pThis );
- pThis->On_ThreadInitialize();
- do
- {
- // Retrieve the directory info for this directory
- // through the io port's completion key
- if( !GetQueuedCompletionStatus( pThis->m_hCompPort,
- &numBytes,
- (LPDWORD) &pdi,//<-- completion Key
- &lpOverlapped,
- {//The io completion request failed...
- //probably because the handle to the directory that
- //was used in a call to ReadDirectoryChangesW has been closed.
- //
- // calling pdi->CloseDirectoryHandle() will cause GetQueuedCompletionStatus() to return false.
- //
- //
- if( !pdi
- || ( pdi && AfxIsValidAddress(pdi, sizeof(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo)))
- && pdi->m_hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE //the directory handle is still open! (we expect this when after we close the directory handle )
- )
- {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- TRACE(_T("GetQueuedCompletionStatus() returned FALSE\nGetLastError(): %d Completion Key: %p lpOverlapped: %p\n"), GetLastError(), pdi, lpOverlapped);
- MessageBeep( static_cast<UINT>(-1) );
- }
- }
- if ( pdi )//pdi will be null if I call PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hCompPort, 0,0,NULL);
- {
- //
- // The following check to AfxIsValidAddress() should go off in the case
- // that I have deleted this CDirWatchInfo object, but it was still in
- // "in the Queue" of the i/o completion port from a previous overlapped operation.
- //
- ASSERT( AfxIsValidAddress(pdi,
- sizeof(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo)) );
- /***********************************
- The CDirWatchInfo::m_RunningState is pretty much the only member
- of CDirWatchInfo that can be modified from the other thread.
- The functions StartMonitor() and UnwatchDirecotry() are the functions that
- can modify that variable.
- So that I'm sure that I'm getting the right value,
- I'm using a critical section to guard against another thread modyfying it when I want
- to read it...
- ************************************/
- bool bObjectShouldBeOk = true;
- try{
- VERIFY( pdi->LockProperties() );//don't give the main thread a chance to change this object
- }
- catch(...){
- //any sort of exception here indicates I've
- //got a hosed object.
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher::MonitorDirectoryChanges() -- pdi->LockProperties() raised an exception!\n"));
- bObjectShouldBeOk = false;
- }
- if( bObjectShouldBeOk )
- {
- //while we're working with this object...
- CDirWatchInfo::eRunningState Run_State = pdi->m_RunningState ;
- VERIFY( pdi->UnlockProperties() );//let another thread back at the properties...
- /***********************************
- Unlock it so that there isn't a DEADLOCK if
- somebody tries to call a function which will
- cause CDirWatchInfo::UnwatchDirectory() to be called
- from within the context of this thread (eg: a function called because of
- the handler for one of the CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_Filexxx() functions)
- ************************************/
- ASSERT( pdi->GetChangeHandler() );
- switch( Run_State )
- {
- {
- //Issue the initial call to ReadDirectoryChangesW()
- if( !ReadDirectoryChangesW( pdi->m_hDir,
- pdi->m_Buffer,//<--FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records are put into this buffer
- pdi->m_bWatchSubDir,
- pdi->m_dwChangeFilter,
- &pdi->m_dwBufLength,//this var not set when using asynchronous mechanisms...
- &pdi->m_Overlapped,
- NULL) )//no completion routine!
- {
- pdi->m_dwReadDirError = GetLastError();
- if( pdi->GetChangeHandler() )
- pdi->GetChangeHandler()->On_WatchStarted(pdi->m_dwReadDirError, pdi->m_strDirName);
- }
- else
- {//read directory changes was successful!
- //allow it to run normally
- pdi->m_RunningState = CDirWatchInfo::RUNNING_STATE_NORMAL;
- pdi->m_dwReadDirError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- if( pdi->GetChangeHandler() )
- pdi->GetChangeHandler()->On_WatchStarted(ERROR_SUCCESS, pdi->m_strDirName );
- }
- pdi->m_StartStopEvent.SetEvent();//signall that the ReadDirectoryChangesW has been called
- //check CDirWatchInfo::m_dwReadDirError to see whether or not ReadDirectoryChangesW succeeded...
- //
- // note that pdi->m_dwReadDirError is the value returned by WatchDirectory()
- //
- }break;
- case CDirWatchInfo::RUNNING_STATE_STOP:
- {
- //We want to shut down the monitoring of the directory
- //that pdi is managing...
- if( pdi->m_hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
- {
- //Since I've previously called ReadDirectoryChangesW() asynchronously, I am waiting
- //for it to return via GetQueuedCompletionStatus(). When I close the
- //handle that ReadDirectoryChangesW() is waiting on, it will
- //cause GetQueuedCompletionStatus() to return again with this pdi object....
- // Close the handle, and then wait for the call to GetQueuedCompletionStatus()
- //to return again by breaking out of the switch, and letting GetQueuedCompletionStatus()
- //get called again
- pdi->CloseDirectoryHandle();
- pdi->m_RunningState = CDirWatchInfo::RUNNING_STATE_STOP_STEP2;//back up step...GetQueuedCompletionStatus() will still need to return from the last time that ReadDirectoryChangesW() was called.....
- //
- // The watch has been stopped, tell the client about it
- // if( pdi->GetChangeHandler() )
- pdi->GetChangeHandler()->On_WatchStopped( pdi->m_strDirName );
- }
- else
- {
- //either we weren't watching this direcotry in the first place,
- //or we've already stopped monitoring it....
- pdi->m_StartStopEvent.SetEvent();//set the event that ReadDirectoryChangesW has returned and no further calls to it will be made...
- }
- }break;
- {
- //GetQueuedCompletionStatus() has returned from the last
- //time that ReadDirectoryChangesW was called...
- //Using CloseHandle() on the directory handle used by
- //ReadDirectoryChangesW will cause it to return via GetQueuedCompletionStatus()....
- if( pdi->m_hDir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
- pdi->m_StartStopEvent.SetEvent();//signal that no further calls to ReadDirectoryChangesW will be made
- //and this pdi can be deleted
- else
- {//for some reason, the handle is still open..
- pdi->CloseDirectoryHandle();
- //wait for GetQueuedCompletionStatus() to return this pdi object again
- }
- }break;
- {
- if( pdi->GetChangeHandler() )
- pdi->GetChangeHandler()->SetChangedDirectoryName( pdi->m_strDirName );
- DWORD dwReadBuffer_Offset = 0UL;
- //process the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records:
- CFileNotifyInformation notify_info( (LPBYTE)pdi->m_Buffer, READ_DIR_CHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE);
- pThis->ProcessChangeNotifications(notify_info, pdi, dwReadBuffer_Offset);
- // Changes have been processed,
- // Reissue the watch command
- //
- if( !ReadDirectoryChangesW( pdi->m_hDir,
- pdi->m_Buffer + dwReadBuffer_Offset,//<--FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records are put into this buffer
- READ_DIR_CHANGE_BUFFER_SIZE - dwReadBuffer_Offset,
- pdi->m_bWatchSubDir,
- pdi->m_dwChangeFilter,
- &pdi->m_dwBufLength,//this var not set when using asynchronous mechanisms...
- &pdi->m_Overlapped,
- NULL) )//no completion routine!
- {
- //
- // NOTE:
- // In this case the thread will not wake up for
- // this pdi object because it is no longer associated w/
- // the I/O completion port...there will be no more outstanding calls to ReadDirectoryChangesW
- // so I have to skip the normal shutdown routines(normal being what happens when CDirectoryChangeWatcher::UnwatchDirectory() is called.
- // and close this up, & cause it to be freed.
- //
- TRACE(_T("WARNING: ReadDirectoryChangesW has failed during normal operations...failed on directory: %s\n"), pdi->m_strDirName);
- ASSERT( pThis );
- //
- // To help insure that this has been unwatched by the time
- // the main thread processes the On_ReadDirectoryChangesError() notification
- // bump the thread priority up temporarily. The reason this works is because the notification
- // is really posted to another thread's message queue, setting this thread's priority
- // to highest, this thread will get to shutdown the watch by the time the other thread has a chance
- // to handle it. *note* not technically guaranteed 100% to be the case, but in practice it'll work.
- int nOldThreadPriority = GetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread() );
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
- //
- // Notify the client object....(a CDirectoryChangeHandler derived class)
- //
- try{
- pdi->m_dwReadDirError = GetLastError();
- pdi->GetChangeHandler()->On_ReadDirectoryChangesError( pdi->m_dwReadDirError, pdi->m_strDirName );
- //Do the shutdown
- pThis->UnwatchDirectoryBecauseOfError( pdi );
- //pdi = NULL; <-- DO NOT set this to NULL, it will cause this worker thread to exit.
- //pdi is INVALID at this point!!
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- //just in case of exception, this thread will be set back to
- //normal priority.
- }
- //
- // Set the thread priority back to normal.
- //
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), nOldThreadPriority);
- }
- else
- {//success, continue as normal
- pdi->m_dwReadDirError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
- }
- }break;
- default:
- TRACE(_T("MonitorDirectoryChanges() -- how did I get here?\n"));
- break;//how did I get here?
- }//end switch( pdi->m_RunningState )
- }//end if( bObjectShouldBeOk )
- }//end if( pdi )
- } while( pdi );
- pThis->On_ThreadExit();
- return 0; //thread is ending
-void CDirectoryChangeWatcher::ProcessChangeNotifications(IN CFileNotifyInformation & notify_info,
- IN CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo * pdi,
- OUT DWORD & ref_dwReadBuffer_Offset//used in case ...see case for FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME
- )
-// Processes the change notifications and dispatches the handling of the
-// notifications to the CDirectoryChangeHandler object passed to WatchDirectory()
- //
- // Sanity check...
- // this function should only be called by the worker thread.
- //
- ASSERT( m_dwThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId() );
- // Validate parameters...
- //
- ASSERT( pdi );
- ASSERT( AfxIsValidAddress(pdi, sizeof(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo) ) );
- if( !pdi || !AfxIsValidAddress(pdi, sizeof(CDirectoryChangeWatcher::CDirWatchInfo)) )
- {
- TRACE(_T("Invalid arguments to CDirectoryChangeWatcher::ProcessChangeNotifications() -- pdi is invalid!\n"));
- TRACE(_T("File: %s Line: %d"), _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ );
- return;
- }
- DWORD dwLastAction = 0;
- ref_dwReadBuffer_Offset = 0UL;
- CDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler = pdi->GetChangeHandler();
- //CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler * pChangeHandler = pdi->GetChangeHandler();
- ASSERT( pChangeHandler );
- ASSERT( AfxIsValidAddress(pChangeHandler, sizeof(CDirectoryChangeHandler)) );
- //ASSERT( AfxIsValidAddress(pChangeHandler, sizeof(CDelayedDirectoryChangeHandler)) );
- if( !pChangeHandler )
- {
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher::ProcessChangeNotifications() Unable to continue, pdi->GetChangeHandler() returned NULL!\n"));
- TRACE(_T("File: %s Line: %d\n"), _T( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ );
- return;
- }
- //
- // go through and process the notifications contained in the
- // CFileChangeNotification object( CFileChangeNotification is a wrapper for the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure
- // returned by ReadDirectoryChangesW)
- //
- do
- {
- //The FileName member of the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION
- //structure contains the NAME of the file RELATIVE to the
- //directory that is being watched...
- //ie, if watching C:\Temp and the file C:\Temp\MyFile.txt is changed,
- //the file name will be "MyFile.txt"
- //If watching C:\Temp, AND you're also watching subdirectories
- //and the file C:\Temp\OtherFolder\MyOtherFile.txt is modified,
- //the file name will be "OtherFolder\MyOtherFile.txt
- //The CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_Filexxx() functions will receive the name of the file
- //which includes the full path to the directory being watched
- //
- // See what the change was
- //
- switch( notify_info.GetAction() )
- {
- case FILE_ACTION_ADDED: // a file was added!
- pChangeHandler->On_FileAdded( notify_info.GetFileNameWithPath( pdi->m_strDirName ) ); break;
- case FILE_ACTION_REMOVED: //a file was removed
- pChangeHandler->On_FileRemoved( notify_info.GetFileNameWithPath( pdi->m_strDirName ) ); break;
- //a file was changed
- //pdi->m_pChangeHandler->On_FileModified( strLastFileName ); break;
- pChangeHandler->On_FileModified( notify_info.GetFileNameWithPath( pdi->m_strDirName ) ); break;
- {//a file name has changed, and this is the OLD name
- //This record is followed by another one w/
- //the action set to FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME (contains the new name of the file
- CString strOldFileName = notify_info.GetFileNameWithPath( pdi->m_strDirName );
- if( notify_info.GetNextNotifyInformation() )
- {//there is another PFILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record following the one we're working on now...
- //it will be the record for the FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME record
- ASSERT( notify_info.GetAction() == FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME );//making sure that the next record after the OLD_NAME record is the NEW_NAME record
- //get the new file name
- CString strNewFileName = notify_info.GetFileNameWithPath( pdi->m_strDirName );
- pChangeHandler->On_FileNameChanged( strOldFileName, strNewFileName);
- }
- else
- {
- //this OLD_NAME was the last record returned by ReadDirectoryChangesW
- //I will have to call ReadDirectoryChangesW again so that I will get
- //Adjust an offset so that when I call ReadDirectoryChangesW again,
- //the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION will be placed after
- //the record that we are currently working on.
- /***************
- Let's say that 200 files all had their names changed at about the same time
- There will be 400 FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION records (one for OLD_NAME and one for NEW_NAME for EACH file which had it's name changed)
- that ReadDirectoryChangesW will have to report to
- me. There might not be enough room in the buffer
- and the last record that we DID get was an OLD_NAME record,
- I will need to call ReadDirectoryChangesW again so that I will get the NEW_NAME
- record. This way I'll always have to strOldFileName and strNewFileName to pass
- to CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileRenamed().
- After ReadDirecotryChangesW has filled out our buffer with
- our read buffer would look something like this:
- End Of Buffer
- |
- \-/
- |_________________________________________________________________________
- | |
- |file1 OLD name record|file1 NEW name record|...|fileX+1 OLD_name record| |(the record we want would be here, but we've ran out of room, so we adjust an offset and call ReadDirecotryChangesW again to get it)
- |_________________________________________________________________________|
- Since the record I need is still waiting to be returned to me,
- and I need the current 'OLD_NAME' record,
- I'm copying the current FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION record
- to the beginning of the buffer used by ReadDirectoryChangesW()
- and I adjust the offset into the read buffer so the the NEW_NAME record
- will be placed into the buffer after the OLD_NAME record now at the beginning of the buffer.
- Before we call ReadDirecotryChangesW again,
- modify the buffer to contain the current OLD_NAME record...
- |_______________________________________________________
- | |
- |fileX old name record(saved)|<this is now garbage>.....|
- |_______________________________________________________|
- /-\
- |
- Offset for Read
- Re-issue the watch command to get the rest of the records...
- ReadDirectoryChangesW(..., pBuffer + (an Offset),
- After GetQueuedCompletionStatus() returns,
- our buffer will look like this:
- |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- | |
- |fileX old name record(saved)|fileX new name record(the record we've been waiting for)| <other records>... |
- |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
- Then I'll be able to know that a file name was changed
- and I will have the OLD and the NEW name of the file to pass to CDirectoryChangeHandler::On_FileNameChanged
- ****************/
- //NOTE that this case has never happened to me in my testing
- //so I can only hope that the code works correctly.
- //It would be a good idea to set a breakpoint on this line of code:
- VERIFY( notify_info.CopyCurrentRecordToBeginningOfBuffer( ref_dwReadBuffer_Offset ) );
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- //This should have been handled in FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME
- ASSERT( FALSE );//this shouldn't get here
- }
- default:
- TRACE(_T("CDirectoryChangeWatcher::ProcessChangeNotifications() -- unknown FILE_ACTION_ value! : %d\n"), notify_info.GetAction() );
- break;//unknown action
- }
- dwLastAction = notify_info.GetAction();
- } while( notify_info.GetNextNotifyInformation() );
-} \ No newline at end of file