path: root/Bus
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Diffstat (limited to 'Bus')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Bus/IvyProbe/IvyProbeDlg.cpp b/Bus/IvyProbe/IvyProbeDlg.cpp
index 998c5dc..c37ee48 100644
--- a/Bus/IvyProbe/IvyProbeDlg.cpp
+++ b/Bus/IvyProbe/IvyProbeDlg.cpp
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ CTestDlg::CTestDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
// Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
+ bus = NULL;
void CTestDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTestDlg, CDialog)
@@ -134,16 +135,6 @@ BOOL CTestDlg::OnInitDialog()
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
- bus = new Ivy( "TEST NT","TEST NT READY",this);
- bus->BindMsg("^MIDICS10:fader([0-7]) value=([0-9]+)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, FaderCallback));
- bus->BindMsg("^MIDICS10:knob([0-5]) value=([0-9]+)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, FaderCallback));
- bus->BindMsg("(.*)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, IvyCallback ));
- //bus->BindMsg("^S( A=([0-9]+))?( B=([0-9]+))?",cb);
- m_busnumber = bus->GetDomain( m_busnumber );
- UpdateData(FALSE);
m_slider0.SetRange( 0, 127);
m_slider1.SetRange( 0, 127);
m_slider2.SetRange( 0, 127);
@@ -161,6 +152,18 @@ BOOL CTestDlg::OnInitDialog()
m_slider5.SetWindowText( "MIDICS10:fader5 value=" );
m_slider6.SetWindowText( "MIDICS10:fader6 value=" );
m_slider7.SetWindowText( "MIDICS10:fader7 value=" );
+ bus = new Ivy( "TEST NT","TEST NT READY",this);
+ bus->BindMsg("^MIDICS10:fader([0-7]) value=([0-9]+)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, FaderCallback));
+ bus->BindMsg("^MIDICS10:knob([0-5]) value=([0-9]+)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, FaderCallback));
+ bus->BindMsg("(.*)", BUS_CALLBACK_OF(CTestDlg, IvyCallback ));
+ //bus->BindMsg("^S( A=([0-9]+))?( B=([0-9]+))?",cb);
+ m_busnumber = bus->GetDomain( m_busnumber );
+ UpdateData(FALSE);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
@@ -228,26 +231,18 @@ void CTestDlg::IvyCallback(IvyApplication *app, int argc, const char **argv)
int i;
CString text;
TRACE(" Called function args:");
- m_text.SetSel( -1, -1, FALSE );
text.Format("Ivy callback %d args\r\n",argc );
- m_text.ReplaceSel( text );
+ WriteMessage( text );
for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
- m_text.SetSel( -1, -1, FALSE );
text.Format("Ivy callback arg%d '%s'\r\n",i, argv[i] );
- m_text.ReplaceSel( text );
+ WriteMessage( text );
TRACE(" '%s'",argv[i]);
-void CTestDlg::OnOK()
- // TODO: Add extra validation here
- delete bus;
- CDialog::OnOK();
void CTestDlg::FaderCallback(IvyApplication *app, int argc, const char **argv)
@@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ if ( argc != 2 )
m_slider7.SetPos( value );
@@ -298,18 +293,20 @@ TRACE("Direct Msg Receive %d, %s\n",id,arg );
void CTestDlg::OnApplicationConnected(IvyApplication *app)
CString text;
- m_text.SetSel( -1, -1, FALSE );
text.Format("Application: %s ready\r\n",(LPCSTR)(app->GetName()) );
- m_text.ReplaceSel( text );
+ WriteMessage( text );
void CTestDlg::OnApplicationDisconnected(IvyApplication *app)
CString text;
- m_text.SetSel( -1, -1, FALSE );
text.Format("Application: %s bye\r\n",(LPCSTR)(app->GetName()) );
+ WriteMessage( text );
+void CTestDlg::WriteMessage(const CString & text)
+ m_text.SetSel( -1, -1, FALSE );
m_text.ReplaceSel( text );
void CTestDlg::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
@@ -336,7 +333,27 @@ void CTestDlg::OnVscrollMsg()
buffer[len] = '\0';
TRACE("IDC MSG Scroll %d len= %d %s\n",line,len, buffer);
- bus->SendMsg( buffer );
+ int count = bus->SendMsg( buffer );
+ CString mess;
+ mess.Format("Sending %d message %s\r\n",count,buffer);
+ WriteMessage( mess );
+void CTestDlg::OnClose()
+ // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
+ TRACE ( "Quitting\n");
+ if (bus) delete bus;
+ CDialog::OnClose();
+void CTestDlg::OnOK()
+ // TODO: Add extra validation here
+ TRACE ( "Quitting\n");
+ if (bus) delete bus;
+ CDialog::OnOK();