path: root/tests/BenchLocal.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/BenchLocal.java')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/BenchLocal.java b/tests/BenchLocal.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ef02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/BenchLocal.java
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import gnu.regexp.*;
+import gnu.getopt.*;
+import fr.dgac.ivy.*;
+import java.io.*;
+ * a program with 2 busses testing
+ * - the rendez vous
+ * - the IvyMessageListener interface
+ * - disconnect part of the IvyApplicationListener interface
+ */
+class BenchLocal {
+ public static final String helpmsg = "usage: java TestLocal [options]\n\t-b domain\n\t-d delay (in ms)\n\t-t test number\n\t-h\thelp\n\n";
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ Getopt opt = new Getopt("BenchLocal",args,"t:b:d:h");
+ String domain=Ivy.getDomain(null); // default bus
+ int delay=2000;
+ int c;
+ int testtoperform=1;
+ while ((c = opt.getopt()) != -1) switch (c) {
+ case 'b':
+ domain=opt.getOptarg();
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ delay=Integer.parseInt(opt.getOptarg());
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ testtoperform=Integer.parseInt(opt.getOptarg());
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ default:
+ System.out.println(helpmsg);
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ new BenchLocal(testtoperform,domain,delay);
+ }
+ public BenchLocal(int testtoperform,String domain,int delay) {
+ try {
+ switch (testtoperform) {
+ case 2: testRegex(domain,delay); break;
+ case 1:
+ default: test2bus(domain,delay); break;
+ }
+ } catch (IvyException ie) {
+ fail(ie.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ void fail(String msg) {
+ System.out.println("failed: "+msg);
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ void sleep(int delay) {
+ System.out.println("waiting "+delay+" ms");
+ try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { }
+ }
+ public void testRegex(String domain,int delay) throws IvyException {
+ Ivy bus1,bus2;
+ IAL ial=new IAL();
+ bus1=new Ivy("BUS1","Bus1 ready",ial);
+ bus2=new Ivy("BUS2","Bus2 ready",ial);
+ ial.setBusses(bus1,bus2);
+ bus1.bindMsg("^Bus2 ready",new RML(bus1,delay));
+ SuccessStory success=new SuccessStory(bus1,bus2);
+ bus2.bindMsg("^([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)$",new RMLAnswer1(success));
+ bus2.bindMsg("(.*)",new RMLAnswer2(success));
+ bus2.bindMsg("y=([^ ]*)",new RMLAnswer3(success));
+ bus1.start(domain);
+ bus2.start(domain);
+ }
+ private class RML implements IvyMessageListener {
+ Ivy b;
+ int delay;
+ public RML(Ivy b,int delay) { this.b=b;this.delay=delay; }
+ public void receive(IvyClient c,String[] args) {
+ b.sendMsg("a b c");
+ sleep(delay);
+ b.sendMsg("");
+ sleep(delay);
+ b.sendMsg("x=1 y=2 z=3");
+ b.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ private class SuccessStory {
+ int i=0;
+ Ivy b1,b2;
+ public SuccessStory(Ivy b1,Ivy b2){this.b1=b1;this.b2=b2;}
+ public void incr(){
+ i++;
+ System.out.println("regex "+i+" successful");
+ if (i==3) {
+ System.out.println("quitting the bus");
+ b1.stop();b2.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private class RMLAnswer1 implements IvyMessageListener {
+ SuccessStory ss;
+ public RMLAnswer1(SuccessStory ss) {this.ss=ss;}
+ public void receive(IvyClient c,String[] args) {
+ if ( (args.length==3)
+ && (args[0].compareTo("a")==0)
+ && (args[1].compareTo("b")==0)
+ && (args[2].compareTo("c")==0)
+ ) ss.incr();
+ }
+ }
+ private class RMLAnswer2 implements IvyMessageListener {
+ SuccessStory ss;
+ public RMLAnswer2(SuccessStory ss) {this.ss=ss;}
+ public void receive(IvyClient c,String[] args) {
+ if ( (args.length==1) && (args[0].compareTo("")==0) ) ss.incr();
+ }
+ }
+ private class RMLAnswer3 implements IvyMessageListener {
+ SuccessStory ss;
+ public RMLAnswer3(SuccessStory ss) {this.ss=ss;}
+ public void receive(IvyClient c,String[] args) {
+ if ( (args.length==1) && (args[0].compareTo("2")==0)
+ ) ss.incr();
+ }
+ }
+ public void test2bus(String domain,int delay) throws IvyException {
+ Ivy bus1,bus2;
+ IAL ial=new IAL();
+ System.out.println("starting with delay="+delay+" ms");
+ bus1=new Ivy("BUS1","Bus1 ready",ial);
+ bus2=new Ivy("BUS2","Bus2 ready",ial);
+ ial.setBusses(bus1,bus2);
+ bus1.bindMsg("^Bus2 ready",new SENDOUT(bus1));
+ bus2.bindMsg("^out$",new DIE(bus2));
+ System.out.println("starting Bus1");
+ bus1.start(domain);
+ sleep(delay);
+ System.out.println("starting Bus2");
+ bus2.start(domain);
+ }
+ private class SENDOUT implements IvyMessageListener {
+ Ivy b;
+ public SENDOUT(Ivy b) {this.b=b;}
+ public void receive(IvyClient client,String[] arg) {
+ System.out.println("received ready message");
+ b.sendMsg("out");
+ b.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ private class IAL implements IvyApplicationListener {
+ Ivy b1,b2;
+ int count=0;
+ public void setBusses(Ivy b1,Ivy b2) {
+ this.b1=b1;
+ this.b2=b2;
+ }
+ public void disconnect(IvyClient c) {
+ if ( (c.getApplicationName().compareTo("BUS1")==0)
+ ||(c.getApplicationName().compareTo("BUS2")==0) ) {
+ count++;
+ System.out.println(c.getApplicationName()+" left");
+ if (count==2) {System.exit(0);}
+ }
+ }
+ public void connect(IvyClient c) { }
+ public void directMessage(IvyClient c,int id,String arg) { }
+ public void die(IvyClient c,int id) { }
+ }
+ private class DIE implements IvyMessageListener {
+ Ivy b;
+ public DIE(Ivy b) {this.b=b; }
+ public void receive(IvyClient client,String[] arg) {
+ System.out.println("received out message");
+ b.stop();
+ }
+ }