Thats means it can be used again without ivy object.
This has been documented in the man pages. However it is preferable
to create Ivy objects.
- \s and ^\s in regexp are now correctly expanded as tab and
blank characters
- regular expressions are now case-insensitive (the same as ivy-c!)
Of course, case of parameters transmitted on the bus are preserved!
- an implementation of ivyprobe is given as an example and as a test tool
/usr/bin/ivyprobe.pl -h for more infos.
- when :port is used as a domain/port ivy-perl now really do connect
to the 127:port bus.
- man pages have been enhanced. Some features not yet documented
are now (mainly sendDirect / bindDirect / fileEvent).
- the stop method works now also with applications written
with the C version of ivy. However the hack may not be the good solution!