diff options
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/ivybanner b/ivybanner
index 2254db5..47115f8 100644
--- a/ivybanner
+++ b/ivybanner
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
use strict;
use Tk;
use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
use vars qw(%opt);
# where you may find image files
use lib "/usr/share/ivybanner";
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ my @fontspec17 = (-font =>
my $darkbg = '#1E161B';
my $bg = '#5C5655';
my $hlbg = '#7CC452';
+my $hlbg2 = 'green';
my $fg = '#FCFAFC';
my $selcolor = 'yellow';
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ my $view_button;
my $launch_button;
my %apps;
my $currentlogfile;
+my @subdirbtn;
+my $level = 1;
# parse options
@@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ if ($opt{smallsize})
# test directories
@@ -188,6 +193,8 @@ my @buttonattr = (-width => 8*$coef, -height => 3,
-background => $bg,
-foreground => $fg);
$fm1->Label(-image => $logo_bg)->place(-x => 0, -y => 0);
if ($opt{smallsize}){
@@ -225,7 +232,9 @@ MainLoop;
sub execute {
- my ($path, $demo, $port, $domain) = @_;
+ my ($demo, $port, $domain) = @_;
+ my $bdemo = basename($demo);
unless (defined $demo) {
@@ -241,10 +250,10 @@ sub execute {
print "===========================================================\n";
print "Ivy demos launched at ".localtime()."\n";
- print "Selected config is $demo on bus $domain:$port\n";
+ print "Selected config is $bdemo on bus $domain:$port\n";
print "Traces are in $tmp_file_prefix$now_string\n";
- print "Run $command $path/$demo\n";
- system ("$command $path/$demo 2>&1 | tee $tmp_file_prefix$now_string");
+ print "Run $command $demo\n";
+ system ("$command $demo 2>&1 | tee $tmp_file_prefix$now_string");
@@ -252,7 +261,10 @@ sub execute {
sub demosframe {
- my ($title, $path) = @_;
+ my $title = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
my @packinfo = $fm1->packInfo;
$fm2 = $mw->Frame(-background => $darkbg)->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
@@ -374,6 +386,89 @@ sub demosframe {
-background => $fg)},
-text => "other\nport")->place(@placeattr);
+ &subdirframe($fm2, $path, $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
+ # control buttons bottom frame
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ $y = 680*$coef;
+ my @labelattr = (-width => 6, -height => 2,
+ -borderwidth => 1,
+ @fontspec24,
+ -relief => 'flat',
+ -background => $darkbg,
+ -foreground => $fg);
+ my @buttonattr = (-width => 6, -height => 2,
+ -borderwidth => 1,
+ @fontspec24,
+ -relief => 'flat',
+ -highlightthickness => 3*$coef*$coef,
+ -highlightbackground => $hlbg,
+ -activebackground => $bg,
+ -activeforeground => $fg,
+ -background => $bg,
+ -foreground => $fg);
+ $fm2->Frame(-background => $darkbg, -relief => 'groove',
+ -borderwidth => 5*$coef,
+ -width => $width+20*$coef,
+ -height => $height)->place(-x => -10*$coef, -y => $y - 30*$coef);
+ $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
+ -text => "top",
+ -command => sub {
+ $level = 1;
+ &off();
+ $fm2->destroy;
+ $fm1->pack(@packinfo);
+ })->place(-x => 70*$coef, -y => $y);
+# $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
+# -command => sub {},
+# -text => "kill")->place(-x => 290, -y => $y);
+ $fm2->Label(@labelattr,
+ -text => $title)->place(-x => 290*$coef, -y => $y);
+ $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
+ -command => \&viewLog,
+ -text => "view\nlog")->place(-x => 510*$coef, -y => $y);
+ $view_button =
+ $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
+ -state => 'disabled',
+ -command => sub {&viewConfig($selected_demo)},
+ -text => "view\nconfig")->place(-x => 670*$coef, -y => $y);
+ $launch_button =
+ $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
+ -state => 'disabled',
+ -command => sub {
+ my $p = $port;
+ my $d;
+ if ($port eq 'own') {
+ $p = $en_ownport->get();
+ }
+ $d .= "127, " if $dom_local;
+ $d .= $default_domain."," if $dom_default;
+ $d .= $en_ownnet->get() if $dom_own;
+ $d =~ s/,\s*$// if $d;
+ $d =~ s/\s+// if $d;
+ #print "port=$p domain=$d\n";
+ &execute($selected_demo, $p, $d);
+ },
+ -text => "launch")->place(-x => 830*$coef, -y => $y);
+} # end demosframe
+sub subdirframe {
+ my $fm2 = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $x = shift;
+ my $y = shift;
+ my $dx = shift;
+ my $dy = shift;
+ for (@subdirbtn) {
+ $_->destroy if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ @subdirbtn = ();
# demos frame
my @bbox = (40*$coef, 160*$coef, $width-40*$coef, 640*$coef);
@@ -383,8 +478,8 @@ sub demosframe {
my $max_columns = int(($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/$fmw);
my $max_rows = int(($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/$fmh);
my $maxnb = $max_columns*$max_rows;
- @placeattr = (-x => 10*$coef, -y => 5*$coef);
- @frameattr = (-relief => 'flat',
+ my @placeattr = (-x => 10*$coef, -y => 5*$coef);
+ my @frameattr = (-relief => 'flat',
-highlightthickness => 3*$coef*$coef,
-highlightbackground => $hlbg,
-height => $fmh,
@@ -415,18 +510,31 @@ sub demosframe {
my $c = 1;
my $r = 1;
opendir PREFIX, $path;
- my @file_liste = grep /:/, readdir PREFIX;
+ #my @file_liste = grep /:/, readdir PREFIX;
+ my @file_liste = readdir PREFIX;
closedir PREFIX;
my @cleanfilelist = ();
+ push(@cleanfilelist, ['..', 'd']) if $level > 1;
@file_liste = sort { (stat("$path/$a"))[10] <=> (stat("$path/$b"))[10] } @file_liste;
foreach my $file (@file_liste) {
- print "file=$file mtime=", (stat("$path/$file"))[10] ,"\n";
- next unless (-f $path."/".$file);
- next if ($file =~ /\~$/);
- next if ($file =~ /^\./);
- next if ($file =~ /\%$/);
- push(@cleanfilelist, $file);
+ my $type;
+ if (-f $path."/".$file) {
+ print "$file is a file\n";
+ $type = 'f';
+ } elsif (-d $path."/".$file) {
+ print "$file is a directory\n";
+ $type = 'd';
+ }
+ #print "file=$file mtime=", (stat("$path/$file"))[10] ,"\n";
+ next unless defined $type;
+ next if ($type eq 'f' and $file !~ /:/);
+ next if ($type eq 'f' and $file =~ /\~$/);
+ next if ($type eq 'f' and $file =~ /^\./);
+ next if ($type eq 'f' and $file =~ /\%$/);
+ next if ($type eq 'd' and $file =~ /^\./);
+ push(@cleanfilelist, [$file, $type]);
+ print "\n";
my $demosnb = @cleanfilelist;
if ($demosnb > $maxnb) {
splice(@cleanfilelist, $maxnb-1);
@@ -444,7 +552,8 @@ sub demosframe {
$y = $bbox[1] + $dy;
#print "maxc=$maxc x=$x y=$y dx=$dx dy=$dy\n";
my ($xi, $yi);
- for my $file (@cleanfilelist) {
+ for my $fileref (@cleanfilelist) {
+ my ($file, $type) = @$fileref;
my @fields = split(/:/, $file);
my ($category, $extinfo);
if (@fields == 1) {
@@ -461,16 +570,27 @@ sub demosframe {
$extinfo = substr($extinfo, 0, $butw)."\n".substr($extinfo, $butw);
($xi, $yi) = ($x + ($c-1)*($dx+$fmw), $y + ($r-1)*($dy+$fmh));
- my $b = $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
- -text => "$category\n$extinfo")->place(-x => $xi, -y => $yi);
- $b->configure(-command => sub {
- if (&ison($b)) {
- &off($b);
- } else {
- &on($b, $file);
- }
- });
+ my $b = $fm2->Button(@buttonattr)->place(-x => $xi, -y => $yi);
+ if ($type eq 'f') {
+ $b->configure(-text => "$category\n$extinfo",
+ -command => sub {
+ &off();
+ &on($b, $path."/".$file);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $b->configure(-bg => 'gray20',
+ -text => ($file eq '..') ? "Up" : $file,
+ -command => sub {
+ &off;
+ if ($file eq '..') {
+ $level--;
+ } else {
+ $level++;
+ }
+ &subdirframe($fm2, $path."/".$file, $x, $y, $dx, $dy);
+ });
+ }
+ push(@subdirbtn, $b);
if ($c >= $maxc) {
@@ -485,78 +605,18 @@ sub demosframe {
-state => "disabled",
-value => 0,
-text => "and many\nmore...")->place(@placeattr);
+ push(@subdirbtn, $fm_demo);
- # control buttons bottom frame
- #--------------------------------------------------
- $y = 680*$coef;
- my @labelattr = (-width => 6, -height => 2,
- -borderwidth => 1,
- @fontspec24,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -background => $darkbg,
- -foreground => $fg);
- my @buttonattr = (-width => 6, -height => 2,
- -borderwidth => 1,
- @fontspec24,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -highlightthickness => 3*$coef*$coef,
- -highlightbackground => $hlbg,
- -activebackground => $bg,
- -activeforeground => $fg,
- -background => $bg,
- -foreground => $fg);
- $fm2->Frame(-background => $darkbg, -relief => 'groove',
- -borderwidth => 5*$coef,
- -width => $width+20*$coef,
- -height => $height)->place(-x => -10*$coef, -y => $y - 30*$coef);
- $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
- -text => "back",
- -command => sub {
- $selected_demo = undef;
- $selected_button = undef;
- $fm2->destroy;
- $fm1->pack(@packinfo);
- })->place(-x => 70*$coef, -y => $y);
-# $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
-# -command => sub {},
-# -text => "kill")->place(-x => 290, -y => $y);
- $fm2->Label(@labelattr,
- -text => $title)->place(-x => 290*$coef, -y => $y);
- $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
- -command => \&viewLog,
- -text => "view\nlog")->place(-x => 510*$coef, -y => $y);
- $view_button =
- $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
- -state => 'disabled',
- -command => sub {&viewConfig($path, $selected_demo)},
- -text => "view\nconfig")->place(-x => 670*$coef, -y => $y);
- $launch_button =
- $fm2->Button(@buttonattr,
- -state => 'disabled',
- -command => sub {
- my $p = $port;
- my $d;
- if ($port eq 'own') {
- $p = $en_ownport->get();
- }
- $d .= "127, " if $dom_local;
- $d .= $default_domain."," if $dom_default;
- $d .= $en_ownnet->get() if $dom_own;
- $d =~ s/,\s*$// if $d;
- $d =~ s/\s+// if $d;
- #print "port=$p domain=$d\n";
- &execute($path, $selected_demo, $p, $d);
- },
- -text => "launch")->place(-x => 830*$coef, -y => $y);
-} # end demosframe
+} # end subdirframe
sub viewConfig {
- my ($dir, $file) = @_;
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $dir = dirname($file);
+ my $bfile = basename($file);
unless ($file) {
@@ -586,7 +646,7 @@ sub viewConfig {
$t->place(-x => 50*$coef*$coef*$coef, -y => 120*$coef);
$t->tagConfigure('comment', -foreground => 'gray70');
- open(C_FILE, "cpp -traditional $dir/$file|");
+ open(C_FILE, "cpp -traditional $file|");
while (<C_FILE>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
if (/^\s*\#/) {
@@ -610,7 +670,7 @@ sub viewConfig {
-width => 8,
-activebackground => $bg,
-activeforeground => $fg);
- my $text1 = "content of $file";
+ my $text1 = "content of $bfile";
my $text2 = "in $dir";
my $len1 = length($text1);
my $len2 = length($text2);
@@ -626,10 +686,12 @@ sub viewConfig {
})->place(-x => 70*$coef, -y => 680*$coef);
} # end viewConfig
sub viewLog {
my $file;
my $dir;
my @packinfo = $fm2->packInfo;
@@ -715,6 +777,7 @@ sub viewLog {
sub selectappname {
my $w = shift;
my $tl = $mw->Toplevel(-background => $darkbg);
$tl->title('messages selection');
@@ -784,6 +847,7 @@ sub selectappname {
sub readlog {
# il est plus rapide de recréer un widget Text que de le vider de son
# contenu et le remettre à jour !!
my ($file, $date, $l) = @_;
@@ -844,7 +908,9 @@ sub readlog {
} # end readlog
sub readpartiallog {
my ($selapp) = @_;
$tlog2->destroy if Tk::Exists($tlog2);
@@ -897,16 +963,10 @@ sub readpartiallog {
} # end readpartiallog
-sub ison {
- my $b = shift;
- return 1 if $selected_button eq $b;
-} # end ison
sub on {
my ($b, $file) = @_;
- &off($selected_button) if defined $selected_button;
+ &off();
$selected_button = $b;
$selected_demo = $file;
$b->configure(-foreground => $selcolor, -highlightbackground => $selcolor,
@@ -918,9 +978,10 @@ sub on {
sub off {
- my $b = shift;
- $b->configure(-foreground => $fg, -highlightbackground => $hlbg,
- -activeforeground => $fg);
+ return unless defined $selected_button and Tk::Exists($selected_button);
+ $selected_button->configure(-foreground => $fg, -highlightbackground => $hlbg,
+ -activeforeground => $fg);
$view_button->configure(-state => 'disabled');
$launch_button->configure(-state => 'disabled');
$selected_demo = undef;
@@ -930,6 +991,7 @@ sub off {
sub usage {
print "Usage : ivybanner [-help] [-nocursor] [-override] [-conf configfile]\n";
print " [-dir fugueconfdir] [-testdir testsdir]\n";
print "\n";
@@ -1000,7 +1062,7 @@ To be detected by ivybanner, the files placed in the demos or tests directory m
-The label of ivybanner demos buttons will be contained string1 and string2.
+The label of ivybanner demos buttons will contain string1 and string2.