diff options
authorlecoanet2000-12-22 17:01:28 +0000
committerlecoanet2000-12-22 17:01:28 +0000
commit45b13a34d777859147ce128a4271255e81c8c22c (patch)
parentf7bba45e9c6555210d984e19e40b59c82f2153be (diff)
*** empty log message ***
9 files changed, 258 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/doc/refman.tex b/doc/refman.tex
index bf3ca09..bf41c05 100644
--- a/doc/refman.tex
+++ b/doc/refman.tex
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ Applicable attributes for \ident{group}:
\attribute{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
composed with the local transform. The defaut value is {\tt true}.}
\attribute{priority}{integer}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
- siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
+ siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 6}.}
\attribute{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item and all its children should
react to events. The defaut value is {\tt true}.}
\attribute{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
diff --git a/sandbox/controls.pl b/sandbox/controls.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcddda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/controls.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+$tlbbox = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags 'currentbbox');
+$zinc->add('rectangle', $tlbbox, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+$trbbox = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+$zinc->add('rectangle', $trbbox, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+$blbbox = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+$zinc->add('rectangle', $blbbox, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+$brbbox = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags 'currentbbox');
+$zinc->add('rectangle', $brbbox, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', $top, [0, 0, 1, 1],
+ -linecolor => 'red', -tags => 'lasso',
+ -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0);
+# Controls for the window transform.
+proc press {lx ly action} {
+ global x y angle
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ set angle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
+ bind .r "<Motion>" "$action %x %y"
+proc motion {lx ly} {
+ global x y
+ set it [.r find withtag controls]
+ if {$it != ""} {
+ set it [.r group [lindex $it 0]]
+ }
+ set res [.r transform $it "$lx $ly $x $y"]
+ set nx [lindex $res 0]
+ set ny [lindex $res 1]
+ set ox [lindex $res 2]
+ set oy [lindex $res 3]
+ .r translate controls [expr $nx - $ox] [expr $ny - $oy]
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+proc zoom {lx ly} {
+ global x y
+ if {$lx > $x} {
+ set maxx $lx
+ } else {
+ set maxx $x
+ }
+ if {$ly > $y} {
+ set maxy $ly
+ } else {
+ set maxy $y
+ }
+ set sx [expr 1.0 + double($lx - $x)/$maxx]
+ set sy [expr 1.0 + double($ly - $y)/$maxy]
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ .r scale controls $sx $sy
+proc rotate {lx ly} {
+ global angle
+ set langle [expr atan2($ly, $lx)]
+ .r rotate controls [expr -($langle-$angle)]
+ set angle $langle
+proc release {} {
+ bind .r "<Motion>" ""
+proc start_lasso {lx ly} {
+ global top x y cx cy
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ set cx $lx
+ set cy $ly
+ set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y"]
+ set fx [lindex $coords 0]
+ set fy [lindex $coords 1]
+ .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fx $fy"
+ .r itemconfigure lasso -visible t
+ .r raise lasso
+ bind .r "<Motion>" "lasso %x %y"
+proc lasso {lx ly} {
+ global top x y cx cy
+ set cx $lx
+ set cy $ly
+ set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y $lx $ly"]
+ set fx [lindex $coords 0]
+ set fy [lindex $coords 1]
+ set fcx [lindex $coords 2]
+ set fcy [lindex $coords 3]
+ .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fcx $fcy"
+proc fin_lasso {} {
+ global x y cx cy
+ bind .r "<Motion>" ""
+ .r itemconfigure lasso -visible f
+# puts "x=$x, y=$y, cx=$cx, cy=$cy"
+ puts "enclosed='[.r find enclosed $x $y $cx $cy]', overlapping='[.r find overlapping $x $y $cx $cy]'"
+proc getrect {x y} {
+ list [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3]
+proc showbox {} {
+ global top tlbbox trbbox blbbox brbbox
+ if { ! [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
+ if {[catch {.r find withtag current} item] } {
+ return
+ }
+ set coords [.r transform $top [.r bbox current]]
+ set xo [lindex $coords 0]
+ set yo [lindex $coords 1]
+ set xc [lindex $coords 2]
+ set yc [lindex $coords 3]
+ .r coords $tlbbox "$xo $yo"
+ .r coords $trbbox "$xc $yo"
+ .r coords $brbbox "$xc $yc"
+ .r coords $blbbox "$xo $yc"
+ .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible t
+ }
+proc hidebox {lx ly} {
+ set next [.r find closest $lx $ly]
+ if {[llength $next] > 1} {
+ set next [lindex $next 0]
+ }
+ if { $next == "" || ! [.r hastag $next currentbbox] ||\
+ [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
+ .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible f
+ }
+$zinc->bind('<ButtonPress-1>', "start_lasso %x %y");
+$zinc->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', \&fin_lasso);
+$zinc->bind('<ButtonPress-2>', sub { $closest = $zinc->find('closest', %x %y);
+ print "at point=$closest\n" });
+$zinc->bind('<ButtonPress-3>', "press %x %y motion");
+$zinc->bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', \&release);
+$zinc->bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-3>', "press %x %y zoom");
+$zinc->bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>', \&release);
+$zinc->bind('<Control-ButtonPress-3>' "press %x %y rotate");
+$zinc->bind('<Control-ButtonRelease-3>', \&release);
+$zinc->bind('current', '<Enter>', \&showbox);
+$zinc->bind('current', '<Leave>', {hidebox %x %y});
diff --git a/sandbox/local.pl b/sandbox/local.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccebad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/local.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+$mw = MainWindow->new();
+$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "logo.gif");
+$papier = $mw->Photo(-file => "texture-paper.xpm");
+#$penguin = $mw->Photo(-file => "xpenguin.png");
+$top = 1;
+$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-localrender => 1, -relief => 'sunken');
+$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
+$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
+$gr1 = $zinc->add('group', $top);
+$clip = $zinc->add('rectangle', $gr1, [50, 50, 399, 399],
+ -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'pink', -linewidth => 0);
+$zinc->itemconfigure($gr1, -clip => $clip);
+$gr2 = $zinc->add('group', $gr1);
+$clip2 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $gr2, [200, 200, 450, 450],
+ -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'lavender', -linewidth => 0);
+#$zinc->itemconfigure($gr2, -clip => $clip2);
+$view = $zinc->add('group', $gr2, -tags => "controls");
+$rect = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view, [100, 100, 200, 200],
+ -linewidth => 4, -tile => $papier,
+ -fillcolor => 'pink', -fillalpha => 128,
+ -filled => 1);
+$fvwm = $zinc->add('icon', $view,
+ -mask => '@fvwm.xbm', -position => [250, 120],
+ -anchor => 'center', -color => 'black',
+ -alpha => 255);
+$rect2 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view, [150, 50, 300, 300],
+ -linewidth => 0, -tile => $logo,
+ -fillcolor => 'white', -fillalpha => 90,
+ -filled => 1);
+$x = 100;
+$y = 100;
+for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
+ $x = $x+3;
+ $y = $y+3;
+ $zinc->add('text', $view,
+ -text => "BlaBla et tout et tout, bref...",
+ -position => [$x, $y], -anchor => 'nw',
+ -color => 'red', -alpha => 90);
+#$peng = $zinc->add('icon', $view,
+# -image => $penguin, -position => [300, 300],
+# -anchor => 'center', -alpha => 128);
+$zinc->translate($rect, -150, -150);
+$zinc->rotate($rect, 35);
+$zinc->translate($rect, 150, 150);
+#source controls.tcl
diff --git a/sandbox/local.tcl b/sandbox/local.tcl
index e6886ae..d42ba2a 100644
--- a/sandbox/local.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/local.tcl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 -f
load tkzinc3.1.so
package require Img
@@ -12,7 +12,15 @@ image create photo penguin -file xpenguin.png
set r [zinc .r -relief sunken -localrender 1]
pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r configure -width 500 -height 500
-set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
+set gr1 [.r add group $top]
+set clip [.r add rectangle $gr1 "50 50 399 399" -filled 1 -fillcolor pink -linewidth 0]
+#.r itemconfigure $gr1 -clip $clip
+set gr2 [.r add group $gr1]
+set clip2 [.r add rectangle $gr2 "200 200 450 450" -filled 1 -fillcolor lavender -linewidth 0]
+#.r itemconfigure $gr2 -clip $clip2
+set view [.r add group $gr2 -tags "controls"]
+.r lower $clip
+.r lower $clip2
set rect [.r add rectangle $view "100 100 200 200" -linewidth 4 \
-tile papier -fillcolor pink -fillalpha 128 -filled 1]
diff --git a/sandbox/testarc.tcl b/sandbox/testarc.tcl
index 23e961a..876bc97 100644
--- a/sandbox/testarc.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testarc.tcl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 -f
load tkzinc3.1.so
package require Img
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ set top 1
image create photo logo -file logo.gif
image create photo papier -file texture-paper.xpm
image create photo penguin -file xpenguin.png
+image create photo papier -file texture-paper.xpm
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
+set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -localrender 1]
pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r configure -width 800 -height 500
#.r configure -drawbboxes t
@@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
set view2 [.r add group $top]
.r translate $view2 300 -200
-set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fillcolor "white darkslateblue 17" -gradient "50" -linewidth 1]
+set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice f \
+ -fillcolor "white darkslateblue 17" -gradient "50" -linewidth 1 \
+ -startangle 0 -extent 120 -tile papier]
#set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fillcolor "#ff0000 #00ff00 17" -gradient "50" -linewidth 0]
#.r add arc $view "60 -20 190 -90" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fillcolor "white darkslateblue 17" -gradient "50/180" -linewidth 1 -linecolor white
#.r rotate $arc 10
@@ -28,10 +31,11 @@ set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fil
#.r translate $arc2 100 -100
.r add icon $view2 -image penguin
-set cliparc [.r add arc $view2 "-100 100 100 -100" -filled t -fillcolor tan -visible t]
+set cliparc [.r add arc $view2 "-100 100 100 -100" -filled t \
+ -fillcolor tan -fillalpha 200]
.r lower $cliparc
#.r rotate $cliparc 20
.r translate $cliparc 100 -40
-.r itemconfigure $view2 -clip $cliparc
+#.r itemconfigure $view2 -clip $cliparc
source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testicon.tcl b/sandbox/testicon.tcl
index 07a976e..81ad0bd 100644
--- a/sandbox/testicon.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testicon.tcl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ image create photo bouton -file bouton.xpm
image create photo boutond -file bouton-down.xpm
set mask "fvwm.xbm"
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
+set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -localrender 0]
pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r configure -width 800 -height 500
#.r configure -drawbboxes t
diff --git a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
index 2363a82..837b8b5 100644
--- a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 -f
load tkzinc3.1.so
package require Img
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ set show {\
image create photo logo -file /usr/share/toccata/images/logo.gif
#image create photo papier -file /usr/share/toccata/images/dgtexture-dragstrip.xpm
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
+set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -localrender 1]
pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r configure -width 1024 -height 800
.r scale $top 1 -1
diff --git a/sandbox/testtext.tcl b/sandbox/testtext.tcl
index 818d8df..b0281f4 100644
--- a/sandbox/testtext.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testtext.tcl
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 -f
load tkzinc3.1.so
package require Img
-set top 1
set mask "/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/fvwm.xbm"
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -insertbackground red -insertwidth 10]
+set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken \
+ -insertbackground red -insertwidth 10 -localrender 0]
pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r configure -width 800 -height 500
# .r configure -drawbboxes t
+set top [.r add group 1]
.r addtag controls withtag $top
.r add rectangle $top "-50 0 +50 1" -composescale 0
@@ -68,19 +69,19 @@ set x [expr $x + 200.0]
set x 150
set y 300
-.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n-à droite\n-au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center
+.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n- à droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center
.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
[expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
set x 400
set y 300
-set anim [.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n-à droite\n-au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\nLe texte central montre l'utilisation\nd'un espacement des lignes programmable." -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment center -spacing -5 -font {times 14 bold italic}]
+set anim [.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n- à droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\nLe texte central montre l'utilisation\nd'un espacement des lignes programmable." -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment center -spacing -5 -font {times 14 bold italic}]
.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
[expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
set x 650
set y 300
-.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n-à droite\n-au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment right
+.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- à gauche\n- à droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment right
.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
[expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.tcl b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
index b47a702..74a76f0 100644
--- a/sandbox/zinc.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+#!/usr/bin/wish8.0 -f
load tkzinc3.1.so
#package require Img
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ set topclip [.r add rectangle $top "-400 -400 400 400" \
proc borders {onoff} {
set part [.r currentpart]
- puts "$part"
+ puts "part $part $onoff"
set contour noborder
if { $onoff == "on" } {
set contour "contour oblique"