path: root/Perl/demos/Tk
diff options
authormertz2002-03-12 17:02:49 +0000
committermertz2002-03-12 17:02:49 +0000
commit9f9717711fed84aec81f6530266b7e97ad831ecc (patch)
tree77f81a44b9e6bead9d95f8d8836d1d1cf5fe2080 /Perl/demos/Tk
parent9b8d0d371f494ce0059db9e0cc7d63cbcefae91d (diff)
demos d�plac�es de examples/ vers demos/
ajout de nouvelles demos: tkZincLogo.pl window-contours.pl
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/demos/Tk')
21 files changed, 3751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a89072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use Tk::Pane;
+use strict;
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+my $label=$mw->Label(-text =>
+"Click on one of the following
+buttons to get a list of Item
+attributes (or zinc options)
+with their types.\n",
+ -justify => 'left')->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10);
+# Creating the zinc widget
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 1, -height => 1,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 0, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Creating an instance of every item type
+my %itemtypes;
+# These Items have fields! So the number of fields must be given at creation time
+foreach my $type qw(tabular track waypoint) {
+ $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, 0);
+# These items needs no specific initial values
+foreach my $type qw(group icon map reticle text window) {
+ $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1);
+# These items needs some coordinates at creation time
+# However curves and bezier usually needs more than 2 points.
+foreach my $type qw(arc bezier curve rectangle) {
+ $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1]);
+# Triangles item needs at least 3 points for the coordinates
+foreach my $type qw(triangles) {
+ $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1 , 2,2]);
+sub showAllOptions {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my $tl = MainWindow->new()->toplevel;
+ my $title = "All options of an item $type";
+ my @options;
+ if ($type eq 'zinc') {
+ @options = $zinc->configure();
+ $title = "All options of zinc widget";
+ }
+ else {
+ @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($itemtypes{$type});
+ $title = "All attributes of an item $type";
+ }
+ $tl->title($title);
+ my $frame = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
+ -scrollbars => 'e',
+ -height => 600,
+ );
+ $frame->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both',
+ -expand => 1,
+ );
+ my $fm = $frame->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop',
+ -label => $title,
+ )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both');
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => ($type eq 'zinc') ? 'optionClass' : 'Type',
+ -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => ($type eq 'zinc') ? 'defaultValue' : 'ReadOnly',
+ -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my $i = 2;
+ my %options; #we used this hastable to sort the options by their names
+ if ($type eq 'zinc') {
+ for my $elem (@options) {
+# print "$elem @$elem\n";
+ my ($optionName, $optionDatabaseName, $optionClass, $default, $optionValue) = @$elem;
+ $options{$optionName} = [$optionClass, $default, "", $optionValue];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $elem (@options) {
+ my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem;
+ $options{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue];
+ }
+ }
+ for my $optionName (sort keys %options) {
+ my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$options{$optionName}};
+ $fm->Label(-text => $optionName, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => $optionType, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ # $empty is for provision by Zinc
+ if ($type ne 'zinc') {
+ if ($readOnly) {$readOnly = "read only"} else { $readOnly = "" }
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $readOnly, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ # we do not display $optionValue for these fake items
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack;
+my $col = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+my $width=0;
+foreach my $type (sort keys %itemtypes) {
+ if (length ($type) > $width) {
+ $width = length ($type);
+ }
+foreach my $type (sort keys %itemtypes) {
+ $col->Button(-text => "$type",
+ -width => $width,
+ -command => sub {&showAllOptions ($type);},
+ )->pack(-pady => 4);
+$col->Button(-text => "zinc widget options",
+ -command => sub {&showAllOptions ('zinc');},
+ )->pack(-pady => 4);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee9f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# $Id$
+# this simple sample has been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+use Tk::Checkbutton;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+my $display_clipping_area_limits = 1;
+my $clip = 1;
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "You can drag and drop the objects.\n".
+ "There are two groups of objects, a \"tan group\" and a \"blue group\".\n".
+ "Try to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\n".
+ "with two contours",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [10, 10]);
+my $clipped_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+my $clipping_item = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group,
+ [10,100, 690,100, 690,590, 520,300,
+ 350,590, 180,300, 10,590],
+ -closed => 1,
+ -linewidth => $display_clipping_area_limits);
+$zinc->contour($clipping_item, "diff", [200,200, 500,200, 500,250, 200,250]);
+############### creating the tan_group objects ################
+# the tan_group is atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
+# and sensitive to tan_group callbacks
+my $tan_group = $zinc->add('group', $clipped_group,
+ -visible => 1,
+ -atomic => 1,
+ -sensitive => 1,
+ );
+my $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $tan_group,
+ [200, 220, 280, 300],
+ -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1,
+ -startangle => 45, -extent => 270,
+ -pieslice => 1, -closed => 1,
+ -fillcolor => "tan",
+ );
+my $bezier = $zinc->add('bezier', $tan_group,
+ [400,400, 400,500, 500,500, 500,400],
+ -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "tan",
+ -linecolor => "tan",
+ );
+############### creating the blue_group objects ################
+# the blue_group is atomic too, that is is makes all children as a single object
+# and sensitive to blue_group callbacks
+my $blue_group = $zinc->add('group', $clipped_group,
+ -visible => 1,
+ -atomic => 1,
+ -sensitive => 1,
+ );
+my $arc = $zinc->add('rectangle', $blue_group,
+ [570,180, 470,280],
+ -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1,
+ -fillcolor => "blue2",
+ );
+my $bezier = $zinc->add('bezier', $blue_group,
+ [200,400, 200,500, 300,500, 300,400, 300,300],
+ -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "blue",
+ -linewidth => 0,
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => $clipping_item);
+###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
+# for both tan_group and blue_group
+$zinc->bind($tan_group, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $tan_group, \&motion]);
+$zinc->bind($tan_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+$zinc->bind($blue_group, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $blue_group, \&motion]);
+$zinc->bind($blue_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $group, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ $x_orig = $ev->x;
+ $y_orig = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $group]);
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->translate($group, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
+###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
+my $row = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'Show clipping limits',
+ -variable => \$display_clipping_area_limits,
+ -command => \&display_clipping_area)->pack;
+$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'Clip',
+ -variable => \$clip,
+ -command => \&clip)->pack;
+sub display_clipping_area {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($clipping_item, -linewidth => $display_clipping_area_limits);
+sub clip {
+ if ($clip) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => $clipping_item);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "unclip\n";
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => undef);
+ }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f25d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
+ )->pack;
+die "no openGL rendering on this X server" unless $zinc->cget(-render);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [0, 0, 100, 100], -fillcolor => "red|blue(50 50", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue\nin a squarre.\n",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [120, 20]);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [0, 100, 100, 200], -fillcolor => "red:40|blue:40(50 150", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Radial variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue\nin a disc.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [120, 120]);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [0, 200, 100, 300], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40(50 250", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
+ "through a 40%green on the middle of the disc",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [120, 220]);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Two overlaping radialy, transparently colored items on a white background",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 320]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [20, 365, 220, 565], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40(120 465", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [150, 365, 350, 565], -fillcolor => "yellow:40|black:40 50|cyan:40(250 465", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [280, 365, 480, 565], -fillcolor => "black:100|black:100 20|white:40(380 465", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [480, 365, 580, 500], -fillcolor => "black:100|white:40(520 465", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "black:50|white:40(600 450", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "black:50|white:40(680 580", -filled => 1);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a1ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
+ )->pack;
+die "no openGL rendering on this X server" unless $zinc->cget(-render);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10, 690, 100], -fillcolor => "red|blue", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 20]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,110, 690, 200], -fillcolor => "red:40|blue:40", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 120]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 210, 690, 300], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
+ "through a 40%green on the middle",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 220]);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 320]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [200, 350, 500, 580], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 400, 690, 500], -fillcolor => "yellow:40|black:40 50|cyan:40", -filled => 1);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc00d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
+ )->pack;
+die "no openGL rendering on this X server" unless $zinc->cget(-render);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 690, 100], -fillcolor => "red|blue/90", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 20]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,110, 690, 200], -fillcolor => "red:40|blue:40/90", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 120]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 210, 690, 300], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40/90", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
+ "through a 40%green on the middle",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 220]);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 320]);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [200, 350, 500, 580], -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40/90", -filled => 1);
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 400, 690, 500], -fillcolor => "yellow:40|black:40 50|cyan:40/90", -filled => 1);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e2e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 10 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+'All visibles items are made by combinig 2 items using contours:
+ - the firebrick curve1 has been holed using a diff with a circle,
+ - the lightblue curve2 is the intersection with a circle,
+ - the yellow curve3 is the union with a circle,
+ - the dark green curve4 has benn XORed with a circle,
+ - the grey curve5 is diff-ed, xor-ed and union-ed with many circle.
+The following operations are possible:
+ "Mouse Button 1" for dragging objects.
+ "Mouse Button 1" for dragging the black handle and
+ modifying the curve5 contour.');
+# Creating the zinc widget
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Creation of 2 items NOT visible, but used for creating visible
+# curves[1-5] with more than one contours.
+# The center of these 2 items is 200,100
+my $curve0 = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [0,100 , 100,0, 300,0 , 400,100, 300,200, 100,200],
+ -closed => 1, -visible => 0, -filled => 1,
+ );
+my $cercle100 = $zinc->add('arc', 1, [150,50, 250,150],
+ -visible => 0,
+ );
+# cloning curve0 as curve1 and moving it
+my $curve1 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "firebrick1");
+# adding a 'difference' contour to the curve1
+$zinc->contour($curve1, 'diff', $cercle100);
+# cloning curve0 as curve2 and moving it
+my $curve2 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "lightblue2");
+# adding an 'intersection' contour to the curve2
+$zinc->contour($curve2, 'inter', $cercle100);
+# ... translate to make it more visible
+$zinc->translate($curve2, -10,20);
+# cloning curve0 as curve3 and moving it
+my $curve3 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "yellow3");
+# adding an 'union' contour to the curve3
+$zinc->contour($curve3, 'union', $cercle100);
+# ... translate to make it more visible
+$zinc->translate($curve3, -50,-100);
+# cloning curve0 as curve4 and moving it slightly
+my $curve4 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "DarkGreen");
+# adding an 'XOR' contour to the curve4
+$zinc->contour($curve4, 'xor', $cercle100);
+# ... translate to make it more visible
+$zinc->translate($curve4, 230,130);
+# cloning curve0 as curve5 and moving it slightly
+my $curve5 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "grey50",
+ -tags => ["grouped"],
+ # tag "grouped" of curve5 and a handle (see just below)
+ # is used for easily translating both
+ );
+my ($x,$y) = $zinc->coords($curve5,0,1);
+my $handle = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-5,$y-5,$x+5,$y+5],
+ -fillcolor => 'black', -filled => 1,
+ -tags => ["grouped"],
+ );
+# adding a 'difference' contour to the curve5
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'diff', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'diff', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'diff', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'union', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'union', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'xor', $cercle100);
+$zinc->contour($curve5, 'union', $cercle100);
+#my @coords = $zinc->coords($curve5, 1); print "$#coords : @coords\n"; #seems buggy!
+#my @coords2 = $zinc->coords($curve1, 1); print "$#coords2 : @coords2\n"; #seems buggy!
+# Deleting no more usefull items: curve0 and cercle100:
+$zinc->remove($curve0, $cercle100);
+# adding drag and drop callback to each visible curve!
+foreach my $item ($curve1, $curve2, $curve3, $curve4) {
+ # Some bindings for dragging the items
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $item, \&motion]);
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+# adding drag and drop on curve5 which also moves handle
+$zinc->bind($curve5, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $curve5, \&motionWithHandle]);
+$zinc->bind($curve5, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+# adding drag and drop on handle which also modify curve5
+$zinc->bind($handle, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $handle, \&moveHandle]);
+$zinc->bind($handle, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+# callback for starting a drag
+my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $item, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ $x_orig = $ev->x;
+ $y_orig = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $item]);
+# Callback for moving an item
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->translate($item, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback for moving an item and its handle
+sub motionWithHandle {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ my ($tag) = $zinc->itemcget($item, -tags);
+ $zinc->translate($tag, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback for moving the handle and modifying curve5
+# this code is far from being generic. Only for demonstrating how we can
+# modify a contour with a unique handle!
+sub moveHandle {
+ my ($zinc, $handle) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->translate($handle, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ print "Translating of ", $x-$x_orig, ",", $y-$y_orig, "\n";
+ my ($vertexX,$vertxY) = $zinc->coords($curve5,1,1);
+ print "Vertex: $vertexX,$vertxY\n";
+ $zinc->coords($curve5,1,1, [$x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig]);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9bd20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+use constant;
+my constant $PI=3.1416;
+my $boldfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--20-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 6 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows a simple counter.It is made thanks to clips and contours : this is the only way to do this.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Drag and drop the counter to move it. Observe that the colour of the backgound of the counter is the same as the one of the window (use of clips)' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 400,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3,
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -render => 1,
+ )->pack;
+my $r = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1,
+ [0,0,700,700],
+ -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0,
+ -fillcolor => "red:40|green:40 50|blue:40/90"
+ );
+# Les positions
+# Carre dans lequel sera inscrit le cercle du compteur
+my $x0=250;
+my $y0=100;
+my $x1=$x0+200;
+my $y1=$y0+200;
+# Rectangle dans lequel defileront les chiffres
+my $x2=$x0+50;
+my $y2=$y0+130;
+my $x3=$x1-50;
+my $y3=$y1-50;
+# Chiffres clippes
+my $general_group = $zinc->add('group',1, -visible => 1);
+my $clipped_group1 = $zinc->add('group',$general_group, -visible => 1);
+# Clipping items
+my $clipping_item1 = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group1,
+ [$x2,$y2,$x3,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x2,$y3,$x2,$y2]
+ );
+# Clipped items
+my $group1=$zinc->add('group',$clipped_group1);
+my $ecart=17;
+# Il y a deux listes de chifres pour centaines, dizaines, unites,
+# pour assurer l'enchainement des chiffres quand le temps passe
+# (cf. : actions automatiques)
+# Centaines
+my $cent = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1,);
+my $xc=$x2+20;
+my $yc=$y2;
+my $nbc1=$zinc->add('text', $cent,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xc, $yc],
+my $nbc2=$zinc->add('text', $cent,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xc, $yc+210],
+# Dixaines
+my $dix = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1);
+my $xd=$xc+30;
+my $yd=$y2;
+my $nbd1=$zinc->add('text', $dix,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xd,$yd]);
+my $nbd2=$zinc->add('text', $dix,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xd,$yd+210]);
+# Unites
+my $unit = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1);
+my $xu=$xd+30;
+my $yu=$y2;
+my $nbu1=$zinc->add('text', $unit,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xu, $yu]);
+my $nbu2=$zinc->add('text', $unit,
+ -font => $boldfont,
+ -text => "0
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [$xu, $yu+210]);
+# Clip
+$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group1, -clip => $clipping_item1);
+# Cadran clippe
+my $clipped_group2 = $zinc->add('group',$general_group, -visible => 1);
+# Clipping items
+my $clipping_item2 = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group2,
+ [0,0,700,0,700,700,0,700,0,0],
+ -linewidth=>0,
+ );
+# Clipped items
+my $group2=$zinc->add('group',$clipped_group2);
+my $cercle=$zinc->add('arc',$group2,[$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1],
+ -visible=>1,
+ -filled=>1,
+ -fillcolor=>"yellow",);
+my $fleche=$zinc-> add('curve', $group2, [$x0+40,$y0+40,$x1-100,$y1-25],
+ -firstend => [10, 10, 10],
+ -linewidth => 7,
+ -linecolor=>"red",
+ );
+# Clip
+$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group2, -clip => $clipping_item2);
+# Actions automatiques
+# Variables
+# Pour le timer
+my $repeat=10;
+# Pour la rotation
+my @centre=($x1-100,$y1-25);
+my $pas=40;
+my $angle=+$PI/$pas;
+my $nb_tot=12;
+my $nb=0;
+# Pour la translation des centaines
+my @c_c1=$zinc->itemcget($nbc1,-position);
+my @c_c2=$zinc->itemcget($nbc2,-position);
+my $nbtour_cent=2;
+# Pour la translation des dizaines
+my @c_d1=$zinc->itemcget($nbd1,-position);
+my @c_d2=$zinc->itemcget($nbd2,-position);
+my $nbtour_dix=2;
+# Pour la translation des unites
+my @c_u1=$zinc->itemcget($nbu1,-position);
+my @c_u2=$zinc->itemcget($nbu2,-position);
+my $nbtour_unit=2;
+# Timer
+$zinc->repeat($repeat, [\&refresh]);
+# Actions
+sub refresh {
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Rotation de la fleche
+ #---------------------------------
+ $zinc->rotate("$fleche",$angle,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
+ $nb+=1;
+ if (($nb==$nb_tot)&&($angle==$PI/$pas))
+ {
+ $nb=0;
+ $angle=-$PI/$pas;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(($nb==$nb_tot)&&($angle==-$PI/$pas)){
+ $nb=0;
+ $angle=+$PI/$pas;
+ }
+ }
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Deplacement du texte
+ #---------------------------------
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Centaines
+ #---------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$cent",0,-0.01);
+ my @coords_c1=$zinc->transform($cent,$group1,[$c_c1[0],$c_c1[1]]);
+ if(int($coords_c1[1])==$yc-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbc1,-position=>[$xc,$yc+($nbtour_cent*210)]);
+ $nbtour_cent+=1;
+ @c_c1=$zinc->itemcget($nbc1,-position);
+ }
+ my @coords_c2=$zinc->transform($cent,$group1,[$c_c2[0],$c_c2[1]]);
+ if($coords_c2[1]==$yc-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbc2,-position=>[$xc,$yc+($nbtour_cent*210)]);
+ $nbtour_cent+=1;
+ @c_c2=$zinc->itemcget($nbc2,-position);
+ }
+ #--------------------------------
+ #Dixaines
+ #---------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$dix",0,-0.1);
+ my @coords_d1=$zinc->transform($dix,$group1,[$c_d1[0],$c_d1[1]]);
+ if(int($coords_d1[1])==$yd-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbd1,-position=>[$xd,$yd+($nbtour_dix*210)]);
+ $nbtour_dix+=1;
+ @c_d1=$zinc->itemcget($nbd1,-position);
+ }
+ my @coords_d2=$zinc->transform($dix,$group1,[$c_d2[0],$c_d2[1]]);
+ if($coords_d2[1]==$yd-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbd2,-position=>[$xd,$yd+($nbtour_dix*210)]);
+ $nbtour_dix+=1;
+ @c_d2=$zinc->itemcget($nbd2,-position);
+ }
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Unites
+ #---------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$unit",0,-1);
+ my @coords_u1=$zinc->transform($unit,$group1,[$c_u1[0],$c_u1[1]]);
+ if($coords_u1[1]==$yu-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbu1,-position=>[$xu,$yu+($nbtour_unit*210)]);
+ $nbtour_unit+=1;
+ @c_u1=$zinc->itemcget($nbu1,-position);
+ }
+ my @coords_u2=$zinc->transform($unit,$group1,[$c_u2[0],$c_u2[1]]);
+ if($coords_u2[1]==$yu-210){
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($nbu2,-position=>[$xu,$yu+($nbtour_unit*210)]);
+ $nbtour_unit+=1;
+ @c_u2=$zinc->itemcget($nbu2,-position);
+ }
+# Actions manuelles
+# Drag and drop the counter
+$zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[sub{
+ move_on($_[1],$_[2]); #"move_on" state
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+#"move_on" state#
+sub move_on{
+ my ($xi,$yi)=@_;
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>"");
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<Motion>'=>
+ [sub{move($xi,$yi,$_[1],$_[2]); #move the counter
+ $xi=$_[1];
+ $yi=$_[2];
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>sub{
+ move_off();}); #"move_off" state
+#"move_off" state#
+sub move_off{
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[sub{
+ move_on($_[1],$_[2]); #"move_on" state
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<Motion>'=>"");
+ $zinc -> bind("$cercle",'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>"");
+#move the counter#
+sub move{
+ my ($xi,$yi,$x,$y)=@_;
+ $zinc->translate("$clipped_group1",$x-$xi,$y-$yi);
+ $zinc->translate("$clipped_group2",$x-$xi,$y-$yi);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/demo.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/demo.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ea0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/demo.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# $Id$
+# This software is under CENA Copyright.
+# However, the copyright has been retained under GPL licence
+# This demo launcher has been initially developped by Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
+# and modified by Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
+# Feel free to contribute and please read our call to help below : "We need You!"
+ unshift(@INC, "/usr/share/doc/zinc-perl/examples/");
+use strict;
+use Tk;
+use SeeCode;
+my @examples =
+ (
+ "Examples of items" => "items.pl",
+ "All Options and their types of all items" => "all_options.pl",
+ "Examples of line style and line termination" => "lines.pl",
+ "Groups and Priorities" => "groups_priority.pl",
+ "Interactions on graphical objects" => "",
+ "Simple Interactions on a track item" => "simple_interaction_track.pl",
+ "Maps, uses and creations" => "",
+ "Transformations examples" => "",
+ "Clipping examples (with simple or multiple contours)" => "clipping.pl",
+ "Curves with mutliple contours examples" => "contours.pl",
+ "A simple graphical button based on pixmaps" => "",
+ "A simple graphical button based on openGL (needs openGL)" => "",
+ "A Zinc Goodie: \"ZincDebug.pm\"" => "",
+ "Axial color variation on the X axis (needs openGL)" => "color-x.pl",
+ "Axial color variation on the Y axis (needs openGL)" => "color-y.pl",
+ "Circular color variation (needs openGL)" => "color-circular.pl",
+ "The triangles item (needs openGL)" => "triangles.pl",
+ "A simple animated application \"the Wheel of Fortune\". It is\n".
+ "An example of the use of groups, clipping and transformations" => "wheelOfFortune.pl",
+ "A simple radar display" => "simpleradar.pl",
+ );
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+$mw->title("Zinc Demonstrations");
+my $frame1 = $mw->Frame(-width => 520, -height => 400,-borderwidth => 3,
+ -relief => 'sunken')->pack(-padx => 5, -pady => 5,
+ -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10);
+my $demoCounter=1;
+for (my $i = 0; $i < @examples-1; $i += 2) {
+ my $demoTitle = $examples[$i];
+ if ($examples[$i+1] ne "") {
+ $demoTitle = $demoCounter . ". " . $demoTitle;
+ $demoCounter++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $demoTitle = "x. " . $demoTitle;
+ }
+ my $lb =
+ $frame1->Label(-text => $demoTitle,
+ -width => 55,
+ -anchor => 'w',
+ -justify => 'left',
+ )->grid(-column => 1, -row => ($i+1)/2, -pady => 10);
+ if ($examples[$i+1] ne "") {
+ my $cmd = Tk::findINC($examples[$i+1]);
+ $frame1->Button(-text => "Run",
+ -command => sub {
+ $lb->configure(-foreground => 'gray40');
+ system("/usr/bin/perl $cmd &");
+ },
+ )->grid(-column => 2, -row => ($i+1)/2);
+ }
+ else {
+ $frame1->Button(-text => "ToBeDone",
+ -state => "disable",
+ )->grid(-column => 2, -row => ($i+1)/2);
+ }
+my $frame2 = $mw->Frame()->pack(-expand => 1, -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both',
+ -ipady => 5);
+$frame2->Button(-text => 'We need You!',
+ -width => 8, -height => 1,
+ -command => \&we_need_you,
+ )->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+$frame2->Button(-text => 'Quit',
+ -width => 8, -height => 1,
+ -command => sub {exit;},
+ )->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+sub we_need_you {
+ my $WNY = MainWindow->new(); # WNY means We Need You!
+ $WNY->title("We need You!");
+ # Create a top-level window that displays a call for help!
+ my $t = $WNY->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 30 -scrollbars e/);
+ $t->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ $t->insert('0.0',
+'The TkZinc widget has been developped by the CENA for its own
+need of prototyping environment. It is now heavily used by more
+than a dozen living projects involving advanced HMI. As we
+are convinced in the interest of Freee Software, Zinc is free
+Software under LGPL.
+Zinc is available at http://www.openatc.org/zinc or
+People in charge of Zinc at CENA are good in producing good code.
+They are not so good in producing extensive documentation and
+This simple demo is a first try to demontrate the hidden power
+behind Zinc.
+If you feel happy with Zinc, feel free to contribute too!
+One simple way is by producing simple samples like these
+available in demo.pl
+Please send us your production at pii-contact@cena.fr and
+we will add it in the next release of Zinc.
+ The CENA community of Zinc developpers and users.
+ $t->mark(qw/set insert 0.0/);
+ my $frame = $WNY->Frame()->pack(-expand => 1, -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both',
+ -ipady => 5);
+ $frame->Button(-text => 'Quit',
+ -width => 8, -height => 1,
+ -command => sub {$WNY->destroy;},
+ )->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1);
+} # end we_need_you
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6e78f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 12 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+'There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing
+ 4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.
+The following operations are possible:
+ "Mouse Button 1" for dragging objects.
+ "Mouse Button 2" for dragging a colored group.
+ "Key +" on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.
+ "Key -" on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.
+ "Key l" on a rectangle to lower its colored group.
+ "Key r" on a rectangle to raise its colored group.
+ "Key t" on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).
+ "Key [0-9] on a rectangle to set the priority to [0-9]
+Raising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary');
+# Creating the zinc widget
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Creating the redish group
+my $group1 = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+my $counter=0;
+# Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
+foreach my $data ( [200,100, 'red'], [210,210,'red1'],
+ [390,110,'red2'], [395,215,'red3'] ) {
+ $counter += 2;
+ my ($centerx,$centery,$color) = @{$data};
+ # this small group is for merging together :
+ # the rectangle and the text showing its name
+ my $g = $zinc->add('group', $group1,
+ -visible => 1,
+ -atomic => 1,
+ -sensitive => 1,
+ -priority => $counter,
+ );
+ my $rec = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [$centerx-100,$centery-60,
+ $centerx+100, $centery+60],
+ -fillcolor => $color, -filled => 1,
+ );
+ my $txt = $zinc->add('text', $g,
+ -position => [$centerx,$centery],
+ -text => "pri=$counter",
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ );
+ # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $g, \&motion]);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-2>' => [\&press, $g, \&groupMotion]);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-2>' => \&release);
+# Creating the greenish group
+my $group2 = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+# Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
+foreach my $data ( [200,300,'green1'], [210,410,'green2'],
+ [390,310,'green3'], [395,415,'green4'] ) {
+ $counter++;
+ my ($centerx,$centery,$color) = @{$data};
+ # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
+ # and the text showing its priority
+ my $g = $zinc->add('group', $group2,
+ -atomic => 1,
+ -sensitive => 1,
+ -priority => $counter,
+ );
+ my $rec = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [$centerx-100,$centery-60,
+ $centerx+100, $centery+60],
+ -fillcolor => $color, -filled => 1,
+ );
+ my $txt = $zinc->add('text', $g,
+ -position => [$centerx,$centery],
+ -text => "pri=$counter",
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ );
+ # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $g, \&motion]);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-2>' => [\&press, $g, \&groupMotion]);
+ $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-2>' => \&release);
+# adding the key bindings
+# the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-r>' => \&raiseGroup);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-l>' => \&lowerGroup);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-plus>' => \&raise);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-KP_Add>' => \&raise);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-minus>' => \&lower);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-KP_Subtract>' => \&lower);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-t>' => \&toggleItemGroup);
+for my $i (0..9) {
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<KeyPress-$i>" => [\&setPriorrity, $i]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<KeyPress-KP_$i>" => [\&setPriorrity, $i]);
+# The following binding is currently not possible; only text items
+# with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
+# $zinc->bind($g, '<KeyPress>' => [\&raise, $g]);
+# Definition of all callbacks
+sub updateLabel {
+ my ($group) = @_;
+ my $priority = $zinc->itemcget($group, -priority);
+ # we get the text item from this group:
+ my $textitem = $zinc->find('withtype', 'text', $group);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($textitem, -text => "pri=$priority");
+sub setPriorrity {
+ my ($zinc, $priority) = @_;
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure ($item, -priority => $priority);
+ &updateLabel($item);
+# Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
+sub lower {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ $zinc->lower($item);
+ &updateLabel($item);
+# Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
+sub raise {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ $zinc->raise($item);
+ &updateLabel($item);
+# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+sub lowerGroup {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($item);
+ $zinc->lower($coloredGroup);
+# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+sub raiseGroup {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($item);
+ $zinc->raise($coloredGroup);
+ &updateLabel($item);
+# Callback to change the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+sub toggleItemGroup {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ return unless $item;
+ my $newgroup;
+ if ($group1 == $zinc->group($item)) {
+ $newgroup = $group2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $newgroup = $group1;
+ }
+ $zinc->chggroup($item,$newgroup);
+ &updateLabel($item);
+# callback for starting a drag
+my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $group, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ $x_orig = $ev->x;
+ $y_orig = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $group]);
+# Callback for moving a small group of a rectangle and a text
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->translate($group, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback for moving a group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+sub groupMotion {
+ my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($group);
+ $zinc->translate($coloredGroup, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae9774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+# -backcolor => "white",
+# -render => 1,
+ )->pack;
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10, 100, 50], -fillcolor => "green", -filled => 1,
+ -linewidth => 3);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A filled rectangle with a border of 3 pixels.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [120, 20]);
+my $labelformat = "x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2";
+my $x=20;
+my $y=120;
+my $track=$zinc->add('track', 1, 6, # 6 is the number of field in the flightlabel
+ -labelformat => $labelformat,
+ -position => [$x, $y],
+ -speedvector => [40, -10],
+ -speedvectormark => 1, # currently works only with openGL
+ -speedvectorticks => 1, # currently works only with openGL
+ );
+# moving the track, to display past positions
+foreach my $i (0..5) { $zinc->coords("$track",[$x+$i*10,$y-$i*2]); }
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A flight track for a radar display.\n".
+ "(A waypoint is very similar, but has no speed neither past positions)",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [120, 120],
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 1,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -backcolor => 'gray60',
+ -text => "AFR001");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 2,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "360");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 3,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "/");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 4,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "410");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 5,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "Beacon");
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [90, 210, 390, 310], -fillcolor => "gray20",
+ -filled => 0, -linewidth => 1,
+ -startangle => 45, -extent => 270);
+$zinc->add('arc', 1, [200, 220, 280, 300], -fillcolor => "gray20",
+ -filled => 0, -linewidth => 1,
+ -startangle => 45, -extent => 270,
+ -pieslice => 1, -closed => 1,
+ );
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Two arcs, starting at 45° with an extent of 270°.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [250, 250]);
+$zinc->add('curve', 1, [10, 324, 24, 300, 45, 432, 247, 356, 128, 401],
+ -filled => 0,
+ );
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "An open curve.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [50, 350]);
+# Bug: this bezier does not display with openGL (zinc-perl v3.2.3e)
+$zinc->add('bezier', 1, [310, 324, 324, 300, 345, 432, 547, 356, 428, 401, 534, 407],
+ -filled => 0,
+ );
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "An open bezier.",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [450, 320]);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A waypoint",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [10, 480],
+ );
+my $waypoint = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 6, -position => [100,520],
+ -labelformat => $labelformat,
+ -symbol => "AtcSymbol2",
+ -labeldistance => 30);
+foreach my $fieldId (1..5) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($waypoint, $fieldId,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour", # does not work with openGL (zinc-perl v3.2.3e)
+ -text => "field$fieldId",
+ );
+my $waypoint = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 6, -position => [100,520],
+ -labelformat => $labelformat,
+ -symbol => "AtcSymbol2",
+ -labeldistance => 30);
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "3 tabulars of 2 fields,\nattached together",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [310, 480],
+ );
+#my $labelformat2 = "80x24 a7a1+0+0 f3f1+0+10";
+my $labelformat2 = "x72x40 x72a0^0^0 x34a0^0>1";
+my $tabular1 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -position => [490,420],
+ -labelformat => $labelformat2,
+ );
+my $tabular2 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -connecteditem => $tabular1,
+ -labelformat => $labelformat2,
+ );
+my $tabular3 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -connecteditem => $tabular2,
+ -labelformat => $labelformat2,
+ );
+my $count=1;
+foreach my $tab ($tabular1, $tabular2, $tabular3) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, 1, -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour", -text => "tabular",
+ );
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, 2, -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour", -text => "n°$count",
+ );
+ $count++;
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "Items not yet demonstrated are map, reticle, group...",
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [50, 570]);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d52c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -font => $defaultfont,
+ -text => "A set of lines with different styles of lines and termination\n".
+ "NB: some attributes such as line styles are not necessarily\n".
+ " available with an openGL rendering system" ,
+ -anchor => 'nw',
+ -position => [20, 20]);
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 100, 320, 100]); # default options
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 120, 320, 120],
+ -linewidth => 20,
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 160, 320, 160],
+ -linewidth => 20,
+ -capstyle => "butt",
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 200, 320, 200],
+ -linewidth => 20,
+ -capstyle => "projecting",
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 240, 320, 240],
+ -linewidth => 20,
+ -linepattern => "AlphaStipple7",
+ -linecolor => "red",
+ );
+# right column
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 100, 680, 100],
+ -firstend => [10, 10, 10],
+ -lastend => [10, 25, 45],
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 140, 680, 140],
+ -linewidth => 2,
+ -linestyle => 'dashed',
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 180, 680, 180],
+ -linewidth => 4,
+ -linestyle => 'mixed',
+ );
+$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 220, 680, 220],
+ -linewidth => 2,
+ -linestyle => 'dotted',
+ );
+$zinc->add('curve', 1, [20, 300, 140, 360, 320, 300, 180, 260],
+ -closed => 1,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -fillpattern => "Tk",
+ -fillcolor => "grey60",
+ -linecolor => "red",
+ -marker => "AtcSymbol7",
+ -markercolor => "blue",
+ );
+$zinc->add('curve', 1, [340, 300, 440, 360, 620, 300, 480, 260],
+ -closed => 1,
+ -linewidth => 10,
+ -joinstyle => "miter", #"round", # "bevel" | "miter"
+ -linecolor => "red",
+ );
+$zinc->add('curve', 1, [400, 300, 440, 330, 560, 300, 480, 280],
+ -closed => 1,
+ -linewidth => 10,
+ -joinstyle => "round", # "bevel" | "miter"
+ -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),
+ -fillcolor => "grey60",
+ -filled => 1,
+ -linecolor => "red",
+ );
+# -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9202c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 4 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows zoom actions on map item.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Click "-" to zoom out
+ Click "+" to zoom in ' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc_width=600;
+my $zinc_height=500;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Waypoints and sector
+my $mapinfo=$mw->mapinfo("mapinfo","create"); #creation of mapinfo
+# Waypoints
+# Waypoints names
+# Routes
+# Sectors
+# Sectors
+my $gpe = $zinc ->add('group',1);
+my $map = $zinc ->add('map',$gpe,#creation of the map object which has 'mapinfo' information
+ -mapinfo=>"mapinfo",
+ -symbols=>['AtcSymbol15']);
+# control panel
+my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+#the reference of the scale function is top-left corner of the zinc object
+#so we first translate the group to zoom in order to put its center on top-left corner
+#change the scale of the group
+#translate the group to put it back at the center of the zinc object
+my $minus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '-',
+ -command=>sub{
+ $zinc->translate($gpe,-$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
+ $zinc->scale($gpe,0.8,0.8);
+ $zinc->translate($gpe, $zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
+ })->pack(-side=>'left');
+my $plus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '+',
+ -command=>sub{
+ $zinc->translate($gpe, -$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
+ $zinc->scale($gpe,1.2,1.2);
+ $zinc->translate($gpe,$zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
+ })->pack(-side => 'right');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8978dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+use constant;
+my constant $PI=3.1416;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 4 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows rotations on waypoint items.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Click "<-" for negative rotation
+ Click "->" for positive rotation' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc_width=600;
+my $zinc_height=500;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Waypoints
+my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+my $p1=[200, 200];
+my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'green',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
+ -text => "DO",
+ );
+my $p2=[300, 300];
+my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p2,
+ -connecteditem => $wp1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20',
+ #-labeldy=>'30'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
+ -text => "RE",
+ );
+my $p3=[400, 150];
+my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p3,
+ -connecteditem => $wp2,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'20',
+ -labeldy=>'+10'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
+ -text => "MI",
+ );
+# control panel
+my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+my $left=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '<-',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Negative rotation
+ #--------------------------------
+ my @centre=$zinc->coords("$wp2"); #the center of the rotation is $wp2
+ $zinc->rotate("$wp_group",-$PI/6,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
+ })->pack(-side => 'left');
+my $right=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '->',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Positive rotation
+ #--------------------------------
+ my @centre=$zinc->coords("$wp2");#the center of the rotation is $wp2
+ $zinc->rotate("$wp_group",+$PI/6,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
+ })->pack(-side=>'right');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a506151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 6 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows some interactions on different parts of a flight track item.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Drag Button 1 on the track to move it.
+ Please Note the position history (past positions)
+ Enter/Leave flight label fields
+ Enter/Leave the speedvector, symbol (i.e. current position), label leader' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc_width=600;
+my $zinc_height=500;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Track
+#the label format (6 formats for 6 fields)#
+my $labelformat = "x80x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x30a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2";
+#the track#
+my $x=250;
+my $y=200;
+my $track=$zinc->add('track', 1, 6, # 6 is the number of field in the flightlabel
+ -labelformat => $labelformat,
+ -position => [$x, $y],#position of the marker
+ -speedvector => [30, -15],#ccords of the speed vector
+ -markersize => 10,
+ );
+# moving the track, to display past positions
+foreach my $i (0..5) { $zinc->coords("$track",[$x+$i*10,$y-$i*5]); }
+#fields of the label#
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0,#configuration of field 0 of the label
+ -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 1,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -backcolor => 'gray60',
+ -text => "AFR6128");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 2,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "390");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 3,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "/");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 4,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "350");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 5,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "TUR");
+# Events on the track
+# Enter/Leave a field of the label of the track
+foreach my $field (0..5) {
+ #Entering the field $field higlights it#
+ $zinc->bind("$track:$field",
+ '<Enter>',
+ sub {
+ if ($field==0){
+ higlight_label_on();
+ print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ highlight_fields_on($field);
+ print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
+ }
+ });
+ #Leaving the field cancels the highlight of $field#
+ $zinc->bind("$track:$field",
+ '<Leave>',
+ sub {
+ if($field==0){
+ higlight_label_off();
+ }
+ else{
+ if ($field==1){
+ highlight_field1_off();
+ }
+ else{
+ highlight_other_fields_off($field);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+sub higlight_label_on{
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'red',
+ -border => "contour",
+ );
+sub higlight_label_off{
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
+ -border => "contour",
+ );
+sub highlight_fields_on{
+ my $field=$_[0];
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
+ -border => 'contour',
+ -filled => 1,
+ -color => 'white'
+ );
+sub highlight_field1_off{
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 1,
+ -border => '',
+ -filled => 1,
+ -color => 'black',
+ -backcolor => 'gray60'
+ );
+sub highlight_other_fields_off{
+ my $field=$_[0];
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
+ -border => '',
+ -filled => 0,
+ -color => 'black',
+ -backcolor => 'gray65'
+ );
+# Enter/Leave other parts of the track
+ '<Enter>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -symbolcolor=>"red",
+ );
+ print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
+ });
+ '<Leave>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -symbolcolor=>"black",
+ );
+ });
+ '<Enter>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -speedvectorcolor=>"red",
+ );
+ });
+ '<Leave>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -speedvectorcolor=>"black",
+ );
+ });
+ '<Enter>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -leadercolor=>"red",
+ );
+ });
+ '<Leave>',
+ sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -leadercolor=>"black",
+ );
+ });
+# $zinc->bind("$track:marker",
+# '<Enter>',
+# sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+# -markercolor=>"red",
+# );
+# });
+# $zinc->bind("$track:marker",
+# '<Leave>',
+# sub { $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+# -markercolor=>"black",
+# );
+# });
+# Drag and drop the track
+#Binding to ButtonPress event -> "move_on" state#
+$zinc -> bind("$track",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[sub{
+ select_color_on(); #change the color
+ move_on($_[1],$_[2]); #"move_on" state
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+#"move_on" state#
+sub move_on{
+ my ($xi,$yi)=@_;
+ #ButtonPress event not allowed on track
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>"");
+ #Binding to Motion event -> move the track#
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<Motion>'=>
+ [sub{move($xi,$yi,$_[1],$_[2]); #move the track
+ $xi=$_[1];
+ $yi=$_[2];
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ #Binding to ButtonRelease event -> "move_off" state#
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>sub{select_color_off(); #change the color
+ move_off();}); #"move_off" state
+#"move_off" state#
+sub move_off{
+ #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "move_on" state#
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[sub{
+ select_color_on(); #change the color
+ move_on($_[1],$_[2]); #"move_on" state
+ },Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ #Motion event not allowed on track
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<Motion>'=>"");
+ #ButtonRelease event not allowed on track
+ $zinc -> bind("$track",'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>"");
+#move the track#
+sub move{
+ my ($xi,$yi,$x,$y)=@_;
+ select_color_on();
+ my @coords=$zinc->coords("$track");
+ $zinc->coords("$track",[$coords[0]+$x-$xi,$coords[1]+$y-$yi]);
+sub select_color_on{
+ -speedvectorcolor=>"white",
+ -markercolor=>"white",
+ -leadercolor=>"white" );
+sub select_color_off{
+ $zinc->itemconfigure("$track",
+ -speedvectorcolor=>"black",
+ -markercolor=>"black",
+ -leadercolor=>"black" );
+ }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc3a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
+# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+# to find the SimpleRadarControls module. Should be included in this source file!
+use lib Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_lib');
+use SimpleRadarControls;
+# to find some maps needed by these demo
+my $map_path = Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data');
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 10 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks, a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
+ The following operations are possible:
+ Shift-Button 1 for using a squarre lasso (result in the terminal).
+ Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
+ Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
+ Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
+ Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
+ Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader, and in the ministrip fields.
+ Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.');
+# creation zinc
+my $top = 1;
+my $scale = 1.0;
+my $center_x = 0.0;
+my $center_y = 0.0;
+my $zinc_width = 800;
+my $zinc_height = 500;
+my $delay = 2000;
+my $rate = 0.3;
+my %tracks = ();
+my $pause = 0; # if true the flight are no more moving
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -font => "10x20");
+$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
+$zinc->configure(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height);
+#$radar = $top;
+my $radar = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => ['controls', 'radar']);
+$zinc->configure(-overlapmanager => $radar);
+# creation panneau controle
+my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Up',
+ -command => sub { $center_y -= 30.0;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 0,
+ -column => 2,
+ -sticky, 'ew');
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Down',
+ -command => sub { $center_y += 30.0;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 2,
+ -column => 2,
+ -sticky, 'ew');
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Left',
+ -command => sub { $center_x += 30.0;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 1);
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Right',
+ -command => sub { $center_x -= 30.0;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 3);
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Expand',
+ -command => sub { $scale *= 1.1;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 4);
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Shrink',
+ -command => sub { $scale *= 0.9;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 0);
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Reset',
+ -command => sub { $scale = 1.0;
+ $center_x = $center_y = 0.0;
+ update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 2,
+ -sticky, 'ew');
+$rc->Button(-text => 'Pause',
+ -command => sub { $pause = ! $pause;
+ })->grid(-row => 0,
+ -column => 6);
+# Code de reconfiguration lors d'un
+# redimensionnement.
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Configure>', [\&resize]);
+sub resize {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $width = $ev->w;
+ my $height = $ev->h;
+ my $bw = $zinc->cget(-borderwidth);
+ $zinc_width = $width - 2*$bw;
+ $zinc_height = $height - 2*$bw;
+ update_transform($zinc);
+sub update_transform {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->treset($top);
+ $zinc->translate($top, -$center_x, -$center_y);
+ $zinc->scale($top, $scale, $scale);
+ $zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
+ $zinc->translate($top, $zinc_width/2, $zinc_height/2);
+# Creation de pistes.
+my $one_of_track_item;
+sub create_tracks {
+ my $i = 20;
+ my $j;
+ my $track;
+ my $x;
+ my $y;
+ my $w = $zinc_width / $scale;
+ my $h = $zinc_height / $scale;
+ my $d;
+ my $item;
+ for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
+ $track = {};
+ $track->{'item'} = $item = $zinc->add('track', $radar, 6);
+ $one_of_track_item = $item;
+ $tracks{$item} = $track;
+ $track->{'x'} = rand($w) - $w/2 + $center_x;
+ $track->{'y'} = rand($h) - $h/2 + $center_y;
+ $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
+ $track->{'vx'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
+ $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
+ $track->{'vy'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item,
+ -position => [$track->{'x'}, $track->{'y'}],
+ -speedvector => [$track->{'vx'}, $track->{'vy'}],
+ -speedvectorsensitive => 1,
+ -labeldistance => 30,
+ -markersize => 20,
+ -historycolor => 'gray30',
+ -filledhistory => 0,
+ -circlehistory => 1,
+ -labelformat => "x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2");
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray60',
+# -border => "contour",
+ -sensitive => 1
+ );
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -backcolor => 'gray55',
+ -text => sprintf ("AFR%03i",$i));
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 2,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "360");
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 3,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "/");
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 4,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "410");
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 5,
+ -filled => 0,
+ -backcolor => 'gray65',
+ -text => "Balise");
+ my $b_on = sub { $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
+ -border => 'contour')};
+ my $b_off = sub { $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
+ -border => 'noborder')};
+ my $tog_b = sub { my $current = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ my $curpart = $zinc->currentpart();
+ if ($curpart =~ '[0-9]+') {
+ my $on_off = $zinc->itemcget($current, $curpart, -sensitive);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($current, $curpart,
+ -sensitive => !$on_off);
+ }
+ };
+ for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
+ $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Enter>', $b_on);
+ $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Leave>', $b_off);
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<1>', $tog_b);
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<Shift-1>', sub {});
+ }
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<Enter>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current',
+ -historycolor => 'red3',
+ -symbolcolor => 'red3',
+ -markercolor => 'red3',
+ -leaderwidth => 2,
+ -leadercolor => 'red3',
+ -speedvectorwidth => 2,
+ -speedvectorcolor => 'red3')});
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current',
+ -historycolor => 'black',
+ -symbolcolor => 'black',
+ -markercolor => 'black',
+ -leaderwidth => 1,
+ -leadercolor => 'black',
+ -speedvectorwidth => 1,
+ -speedvectorcolor => 'black')});
+ $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<1>', [\&create_route]);
+ $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<Shift-1>', sub { });
+ $track->{'route'} = 0;
+ }
+# creation way point
+sub create_route {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $wp;
+ my $connected;
+ my $x;
+ my $y;
+ my $i = 4;
+ my $track = $tracks{$zinc->find('withtag', 'current')};
+ if ($track->{'route'} == 0) {
+ $x = $track->{'x'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vx'};
+ $y = $track->{'y'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vy'};
+ $connected = $track->{'item'};
+ for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
+ $wp = $zinc->add('waypoint', 'radar', 2,
+ -position => [$x, $y],
+ -connecteditem => $connected,
+ -connectioncolor => 'green',
+ -symbolcolor => 'green',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
+ $zinc->lower($wp, $connected);
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => 'contour')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'red')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'red')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'red')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => '')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'green')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'black')});
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'green')});
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 0,
+ -text => "$i",
+ -filled => 1,
+ -backcolor => 'gray55');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', [\&del_way_point]);
+ $x += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vx'};
+ $y += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vy'};
+ $connected = $wp;
+ }
+ $track->{'route'} = $wp;
+ }
+ else {
+ $wp = $track->{'route'};
+ while ($wp != $track->{'item'}) {
+ $track->{'route'} = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>', '');
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>', '');
+ $zinc->remove($wp);
+ $wp = $track->{'route'};
+ }
+ $track->{'route'} = 0;
+ }
+# suppression waypoint intermediaire
+sub find_track {
+ my ($zinc, $wp) = @_;
+ my $connected = $wp;
+ while ($zinc->type($connected) ne 'track') {
+ $connected = $zinc->itemcget($connected, -connecteditem);
+ }
+ return $connected;
+sub del_way_point {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $wp = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ my $track = $tracks{find_track($zinc, $wp)};
+ my $next = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
+ my $prev;
+ my $prevnext;
+ $prev = $track->{'route'};
+ if ($prev != $wp) {
+ $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
+ while ($prevnext != $wp) {
+ $prev = $prevnext;
+ $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
+ }
+ }
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($prev, -connecteditem => $next);
+ $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
+ $zinc->remove($wp);
+ if ($wp == $track->{'route'}) {
+ if ($next == $track->{'item'}) {
+ $track->{'route'} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $track->{'route'} = $next;
+ }
+ }
+# creation macro
+my $macro = $zinc->add("tabular", $radar, 10,
+ -labelformat => "x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0"
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 0, -backcolor => "tan1", -filled => 1,
+ -fillpattern => "AlphaStipple7",
+ -bordercolor => "red3");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 1 , -text => "a");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 2, -text => "macro");
+$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, -connecteditem => $one_of_track_item);
+foreach my $part (0..2) {
+ $zinc->bind("$macro:$part", "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
+ $zinc->bind("$macro:$part", "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
+# creation ministrip
+my $ministrip = $zinc->add("tabular", 1, 10,
+ -labelformat => "x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2",
+ -position => [100, 10]);
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 0 ,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -backcolor => "grey70",
+ -border => "contour",
+ -bordercolor => "green",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 1 ,
+ -text => 'ministrip', -color => "darkgreen",
+ -backcolor => "grey40",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 2 ,
+ -text => 'field1', -color => "darkgreen",
+ -backcolor => "grey40",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 3 ,
+ -text => 'field2', -color => "darkgreen",
+ -backcolor => "grey40",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 4 ,
+ -text => 'f3', -color => "darkgreen",
+ -backcolor => "grey40",
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 5 ,
+ -text => 'field4', -color => "darkgreen",
+ -backcolor => "grey40",
+ );
+foreach my $field (1..5) {
+ $zinc->bind("$ministrip:$field", '<Enter>',
+ sub {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
+ -border => 'contour',
+ -filled => 1,
+ -color => 'white'
+ )
+ });
+$zinc->bind("$ministrip:$field", '<Leave>',
+ sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
+ -border => '',
+ -filled => 0,
+ -color => 'darkgreen'
+ )});
+# creation map
+$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/videomap_paris-w_90_2", 0, "paris-w");
+$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/videomap_orly", 17, "orly");
+$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/hegias_parouest_TE.vid", 0, "paris-ouest");
+my $map = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
+ -color => 'gray80');
+ -mapinfo => 'orly');
+my $map2 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
+ -color => 'gray60',
+ -filled => 1,
+ -priority => 0,
+ -fillpattern => "AlphaStipple6");
+ -mapinfo => 'paris-ouest');
+my $map3 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
+ -color => 'gray50');
+ -mapinfo => "paris-w");
+# Création fonctions de contrôle à la souris
+new SimpleRadarControls($zinc);
+# Rafraichissement des pistes
+$zinc->repeat($delay, [\&refresh, $zinc]);
+sub refresh {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ return if $pause;
+ foreach my $t (values(%tracks)) {
+ $t->{'x'} += $t->{'vx'} * $rate;
+ $t->{'y'} += $t->{'vy'} * $rate;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($t->{'item'},
+ -position => [$t->{'x'}, $t->{'y'}]);
+ }
+sub borders {
+ my($widget, $onoff) = @_;
+ $onoff = "on" unless $onoff;
+ my $contour = "noborder";
+ $contour = "contour" if ($onoff eq 'on');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => $contour);
+# $Id$
+# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
+# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
+# Thanks to Dunnigan,Jack [Edm]" <Jack.Dunnigan@EC.gc.ca> for a bug correction.
+package SimpleRadarControls;
+$top = 1;
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $type = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $self = {};
+ $self{'zinc'} = $zinc;
+ $self{'cur_x'} = 0;
+ $self{'cur_y'} = 0;
+ $self{'cur_angle'} = 0;
+ $self{'corner_x'} = 0;
+ $self{'corner_y'} = 0;
+ $self{'tlbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+ $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'tlbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+ $self{'trbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+ $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'trbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+ $self{'blbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+ $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'blbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+ $self{'brbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
+ -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
+ -tags => 'currentbbox');
+ $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'brbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
+ $zinc->add('rectangle', $top, [0, 0, 1, 1],
+ -linecolor => 'red', -tags => 'lasso',
+ -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&start_lasso, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&fin_lasso, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', sub { my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my @closest = $zinc->find('closest',
+ $ev->x, $ev->y);
+ print "at point=$closest[0]\n" });
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&motion]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&zoom]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&rotate]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Enter>', [\&showbox, $self]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Leave>', [\&hidebox, $self]);
+ bless ($self, $type);
+ return $self;
+# Controls for the window transform.
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $self, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
+ $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
+ $self->{'cur_angle'} = atan2($ly, $lx);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $self]);
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @it;
+ my @res;
+ @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'controls');
+ if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ @res = $zinc->transform($it[0], [$lx, $ly, $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}]);
+ $zinc->translate('controls', $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
+ $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
+ $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
+sub zoom {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my $maxx;
+ my $maxy;
+ my $sx;
+ my $sy;
+ if ($lx > $self->{'cur_x'}) {
+ $maxx = $lx;
+ } else {
+ $maxx = $self->{'cur_x'};
+ }
+ if ($ly > $self->{'cur_y'}) {
+ $maxy = $ly
+ } else {
+ $maxy = $self->{'cur_y'};
+ }
+ #avoid illegal division by zero
+ return unless ($maxx && $maxy);
+ $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $self->{'cur_x'})/$maxx;
+ $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $self->{'cur_y'})/$maxy;
+ $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx if ($lx>0); # avoid ZnTransfoDecompose :singular matrix
+ $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly if ($ly>0); # error messages
+ $zinc->scale('controls', $sx, $sy);
+# $main::scale *= $sx;
+# main::update_transform($zinc);
+sub rotate {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my $langle;
+ $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
+ $zinc->rotate('controls', -($langle - $self->{'cur_angle'}));
+ $self->{'cur_angle'} = $langle;
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
+sub start_lasso {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @coords;
+ $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
+ $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
+ $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
+ $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
+ @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$lx, $ly]);
+ $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[0], $coords[1]]);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 1);
+ $zinc->raise('lasso');
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [\&lasso, $self]);
+sub lasso {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @coords;
+ $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
+ $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
+ @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}, $lx, $ly]);
+ $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3]]);
+sub fin_lasso {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $enclosed;
+ my $overlapping;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 0);
+ $enclosed = join(', ', $zinc->find('enclosed',
+ $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
+ $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
+ $overlapping = join(', ', $zinc->find('overlapping',
+ $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
+ $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
+ print "enclosed=$enclosed, overlapping=$overlapping\n";
+sub showbox {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my @coords;
+ my @it;
+ if (! $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
+ @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
+ if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ @coords = $zinc->transform($top, $zinc->bbox('current'));
+ $zinc->coords($self->{'tlbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[1]]);
+ $zinc->coords($self->{'trbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[1]]);
+ $zinc->coords($self->{'brbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[3]]);
+ $zinc->coords($self->{'blbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[3]]);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 1);
+ }
+sub hidebox {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @next;
+ @next = $zinc->find('closest', $lx, $ly);
+ if ((scalar(@next) == 0) ||
+ ! $zinc->hastag($next[0], 'currentbbox') ||
+ $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 0);
+ }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..076bc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# $Id$
+# this simple demo has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> from the original
+# work of JL. Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+use LogoZinc; # this module implements a class which instances are Zinc logo!
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 5 -scrollbars ''/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This tkZinc logo should used openGL for a correct rendering!
+ You can transform this logo with your mouse:
+ Drag-Button 1 for moving the logo,
+ Drag-Button 2 for zooming the logo,
+ Drag-Button 3 for rotating the logo.');
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 350, -height => 250,
+ -render => 1,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1, );
+my $logo = $zinc->LogoZinc(-parent => $group,
+ -position => [40, 70],
+ -priority => 800,
+ -scale => [.6, .6],
+ );
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&motion]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&zoom]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, \&rotate]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&modifyAlpha]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&modifyGradient]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, \&rotate]);
+$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release]);
+# Controls for the window transform.
+my ($cur_x, $cur_y, $cur_angle);
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ $cur_x = $ev->x;
+ $cur_y = $ev->y;
+ $cur_angle = atan2($cur_y, $cur_x);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action]);
+sub modifyAlpha {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @res;
+ my $xrate = $lx / $zinc->cget(-width);
+ my $yrate = $ly / $zinc->cget(-height);
+ $xrate = 0 if $xrate < 0;
+ $xrate = 1 if $xrate > 1;
+ $yrate = 0 if $yrate < 0;
+ $yrate = 1 if $yrate > 1;
+ my $alpha = $yrate * 100;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -alpha => $yrate * 100);
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my @res;
+ @res = $zinc->transform($group, [$lx, $ly, $cur_x, $cur_y]);
+ $zinc->translate($group, $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
+ $cur_x = $lx;
+ $cur_y = $ly;
+sub zoom {
+ my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my $maxx;
+ my $maxy;
+ my $sx;
+ my $sy;
+ if ($lx > $cur_x) {
+ $maxx = $lx;
+ } else {
+ $maxx = $cur_x;
+ }
+ if ($ly > $cur_y) {
+ $maxy = $ly
+ } else {
+ $maxy = $cur_y;
+ }
+ $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $cur_x)/$maxx;
+ $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $cur_y)/$maxy;
+ $cur_x = $lx;
+ $cur_y = $ly;
+ $zinc->scale($group, $sx, $sy);
+sub rotate {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $lx = $ev->x;
+ my $ly = $ev->y;
+ my $langle;
+ $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
+ $zinc->rotate($group, -($langle - $cur_angle));
+ $cur_angle = $langle;
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aaed2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 6 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows translations on waypoint items.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Click "Up" for up translation
+ Click "Left" for left translation
+ Click "Right" for right translation
+ Click "Down" for down translation' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc_width=600;
+my $zinc_height=400;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Waypoints
+my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+my $p1=[200, 200];
+my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'green',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
+ -text => "DO",
+ );
+my $p2=[300, 300];
+my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p2,
+ -connecteditem => $wp1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20',
+ #-labeldy=>'30'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
+ -text => "RE",
+ );
+my $p3=[400, 150];
+my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p3,
+ -connecteditem => $wp2,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'20',
+ -labeldy=>'+10'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
+ -text => "MI",
+ );
+# control panel
+my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+my $up=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => 'Up',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Up translation
+ #--------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$wp_group",0,-10);
+ })->grid(-row => 0,
+ -column => 1);
+my $left=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => 'Left',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Left translation
+ #--------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$wp_group",-10,0);
+ })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 0);
+my $right=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => 'Right',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Right translation
+ #--------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$wp_group",10,0);
+ })->grid(-row => 1,
+ -column => 2);
+my $down=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => 'Down',
+ -command=>sub{
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Down translation
+ #--------------------------------
+ $zinc->translate("$wp_group",0,10);
+ })->grid(-row => 2,
+ -column => 1);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7114c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# $Id$
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -render => 1,
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# 6 equilateral triangles around a point
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position => [ 5,10 ],
+ -text => "Triangles item without transparency");
+my ($x0,$y0) = (200,150);
+my @coords=($x0,$y0);
+for my $i (0..6) {
+ my $angle = $i * 6.28/6;
+ push @coords, ($x0 + 100 * cos ($angle), $y0 - 100 * sin ($angle) );
+my $tr1 = $zinc->add('triangles', 1,
+ \@coords,
+ -fan => 1,
+ -colors => ['white', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'red', 'yellow'],
+ -visible => 1,
+ );
+$zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position => [ 370, 10 ],
+ -text => "Triangles item with transparency");
+# using the clone method to make a copy and then modify the clone'colors
+my $tr2 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
+# -colors => ['#00ed00','#ffff00:50','#006aed:50','#e00000:50'], # this lines bugs zincGL 3.2.3b
+ -colors => ['white:50', 'yellow:50', 'magenta:50', 'blue:50', 'cyan:50', 'green:50', 'red:50', 'yellow:50'],
+ );
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733f598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# This short script tries to demonstrate with a simple example what you can
+# do with Tk Zinc widget, in particular how to use group item, clipping, and
+# transformations.
+# $Id$
+# this demo has been developped by D. Etienne etienne@cena.fr
+use Tk;
+# Zinc module is loaded...
+use Tk::Zinc;
+# to find the Wheel class. Should be included in this source file!
+use lib Tk->findINC('demos/widget_lib');
+# my Wheel object class too. See below...
+use Wheel;
+# We create a classical root widget called MainWindow; then we create Zinc
+# widget child with size, color and relief attributes, and we display it using
+# the geometry manager called 'pack'.
+my $mw = MainWindow->new;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 300, -height => 500, -backcolor => 'gray70',
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken');
+# Then we create a gray filled rectangle, in which we will display explain text.
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [10, 400, 290, 490],
+ -linewidth => 0,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -fillcolor => 'gray80',
+ );
+my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position => [150, 445],
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ );
+# Create the Wheel object (see Wheel.pm)
+my $wheel = Wheel->new($zinc, 150, 500, 100);
+# Display comment
+&comment("Strike any key to begin");
+# Create Tk binding
+$mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
+# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is unmapped
+sub openmode {
+ return if $wheel->ismoving;
+ # set binding to unmap the wheel
+ $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&closemode);
+ # set binding to rotate the hand
+ $zinc->bind($wheel, '<1>', sub {$wheel->rotatehand(300)});
+ # map the wheel
+ $wheel->show(150, 150);
+ # and then inform user
+ &comment("Click on the wheel to rotate the hand.\n".
+ "Strike any other key to hide the wheel.");
+# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is already mapped
+sub closemode {
+ return if $wheel->ismoving;
+ # set binding to map the wheel
+ $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
+ # unmap the wheel
+ $wheel->hide(150, 400);
+ # and then inform user
+ &comment("Strike any key to show the wheel");
+# Just display comment
+sub comment {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($text, -text => $string);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a8373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 10 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+'These "windows" are simply rectangles holed by 4 smaller rectangles.
+You can see text appearing behind the "windows"!
+The following operations are possible:
+ "Mouse Button 1" for dragging text or "windows".');
+# Creating the zinc widget
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
+ -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
+ # but for this example it is set in the code!
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+# -backcolor => "white",
+ )->pack;
+# Text in background
+my $backtext = $zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position=> [50,200],
+ -text => "This text appears\nthrough holes of curves",
+ -font => "-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1",
+ #"10x20"
+ );
+my $window = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [100,100 , 300,100, 300,400 , 100,400 ],
+ -closed => 1, -visible => 1, -filled => 1,
+ -fillcolor => "grey66",
+ );
+my $aGlass= $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [120,120 , 190,240]);
+$zinc->contour($window, 'diff', $aGlass);
+$zinc->translate($aGlass, 90,0);
+$zinc->contour($window, 'diff', $aGlass);
+$zinc->translate($aGlass, 0,140);
+$zinc->contour($window, 'diff', $aGlass);
+$zinc->translate($aGlass, -90,0);
+$zinc->contour($window, 'diff', $aGlass);
+# deleting $aGlass which is no more usefull
+# cloning $window
+my $window2 = $zinc->clone($window);
+# changing its background, moving it and scaling it!
+$zinc->itemconfigure($window2, -fillcolor => "grey50");
+$zinc->translate($window2, 30,50);
+$zinc->scale($window, 0.8, 0.8);
+# adding drag and drop callback to the two windows and backtext
+foreach my $item ($window, $window2, $backtext) {
+ # Some bindings for dragging the items
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $item, \&motion]);
+ $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
+# callback for starting a drag
+my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
+sub press {
+ my ($zinc, $item, $action) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ $x_orig = $ev->x;
+ $y_orig = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $item]);
+# Callback for moving an item
+sub motion {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
+ my $x = $ev->x;
+ my $y = $ev->y;
+ $zinc->translate($item, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
+ $x_orig = $x;
+ $y_orig = $y;
+# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
+sub release {
+ my ($zinc) = @_;
+ $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bc4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use strict;
+my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
+my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+# Text zone
+my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
+ -height 4 -scrollbars e/);
+$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
+ 'This toy-appli shows zoom actions on waypoint and curve items.
+The following operations are possible:
+ Click "-" to zoom out
+ Click "+" to zoom in ' );
+# Zinc
+my $zinc_width=600;
+my $zinc_height=500;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
+ -font => "10x20",
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
+ )->pack;
+# Waypoints and sector
+my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
+my $p1=[200, 100];
+my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'green',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
+ -text => "DO",
+ );
+my $p2=[300, 150];
+my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
+ -position => $p2,
+ -connecteditem => $wp1,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20',
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
+ -text => "RE",
+ );
+my $p3=[400, 50];
+my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p3,
+ -connecteditem => $wp2,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'20',
+ -labeldy=>'+10'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
+ -text => "MI",
+ );
+my $p4=[350, 450];
+my $wp4 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p4,
+ -connecteditem => $wp2,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldy=>'-15'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp4, 0,
+ -text => "FA",
+ );
+my $p5=[300, 250];
+my $wp5 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p5,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldy=>'-15'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp5, 0,
+ -text => "SOL",
+ );
+my $p6=[170, 240];
+my $wp6 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p6,
+ -connecteditem => $wp5,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'-20'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp6, 0,
+ -text => "LA",
+ );
+my $p7=[550, 200];
+my $wp7 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
+ -position => $p7,
+ -connecteditem => $wp5,
+ -connectioncolor => 'blue',
+ -symbolcolor => 'blue',
+ -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
+ -leaderwidth=>'0',
+ -labeldx=>'20'
+ );
+$zinc->itemconfigure($wp7, 0,
+ -text => "SI",
+ );
+my $sector = $zinc ->add('curve',$wp_group,[300,0,400,50,500,100,550,200,550,400,350,450,170,240,200,100,300,0]);
+# control panel
+my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
+#the reference of the scale function is top-left corner of the zinc object
+#so we first translate the group to zoom in order to put its center on top-left corner
+#change the scale of the group
+#translate the group to put it back at the center of the zinc object
+my $minus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '-',
+ -command=>sub{
+ $zinc->translate($wp_group,-$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
+ $zinc->scale($wp_group,0.8,0.8);
+ $zinc->translate($wp_group, $zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
+ })->pack(-side=>'left');
+my $plus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
+ -height => 2,
+ -text => '+',
+ -command=>sub{
+ $zinc->translate($wp_group, -$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
+ $zinc->scale($wp_group,1.2,1.2);
+ $zinc->translate($wp_group,$zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
+ })->pack(-side => 'right');