path: root/Perl
diff options
authoretienne2002-01-23 16:41:52 +0000
committeretienne2002-01-23 16:41:52 +0000
commitd94b5738c6a516b311b42102a1f43bb8808ac811 (patch)
treefd0a7749aa47b46333335a9cba97b486742c8e4f /Perl
parent38e0a47a89c81212743a9bd89e20c4727a1accac (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl')
1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/ZincDebug.pm b/Perl/ZincDebug.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b3fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/ZincDebug.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+# ZincDebug Perl Module :
+# For debugging/analysing a Zinc application
+# Author : Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
+# $Id$
+package ZincDebug;
+use strict 'vars';
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
+use Carp;
+require Exporter;
+use File::Basename;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+use Tk::LabFrame;
+use Tk::Pane;
+use Tk::Dialog;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(finditems);
+my ($help_tl0, $help_tl, $result_tl, $result_fm, $showitemflag);
+my ($text_id, $rectangle_id);
+my ($x0, $y0);
+my $zinc;
+sub finditems {
+ $zinc = shift;
+ # options
+ my %options = @_;
+ for my $opt (keys(%options)) {
+ carp "in ZincDebug module, finditems function, unknown option $opt\n"
+ unless ($opt eq '-color' or $opt eq '-enclosedModBtn' or
+ $opt eq '-overlapModBtn' );
+ }
+ my $color = ($options{-color}) ? $options{-color} : 'sienna';
+ my $ekb = ($options{-enclosedModBtn}) ? $options{-enclosedModBtn} : ['Control', 3];
+ my $okb = ($options{-overlapModBtn}) ? $options{-overlapModBtn} : ['Shift', 3];
+ carp "in ZincDebug module, finditems function, enclosed search won't work because ".
+ "both search process use the same sequence [$ekb->[0], $ekb->[1]]\n" if
+ $ekb->[0] eq $okb->[0] and $ekb->[1] eq $okb->[1];
+ #
+ # binding for help screen
+ #
+ $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('<Key-Escape>', [\&showhelp, $ekb, $okb]);
+ #
+ # bindings for Enclosed search
+ #
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-".$ekb->[1].">",
+ [\&startrectangle, 'simple', 'Enclosed', $color]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>",
+ [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed', 'Enclosed search']);
+ #
+ # bindings for Overlap search
+ #
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-".$okb->[1].">",
+ [\&startrectangle, 'mixed', 'Overlap', $color]);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
+ $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>",
+ [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping', 'Overlap search']);
+# display in a toplevel the result of search
+sub showresult {
+ my ($label, $zinc, @items) = @_;
+ $result_fm->destroy if Tk::Exists($result_fm);
+ $result_fm = $result_tl->Scrolled('Pane',
+ -scrollbars => 'se',
+ -width => scalar $result_tl->screenwidth,
+ -height => 500,
+ );
+ $result_fm->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both',
+ -expand => 1,
+ );
+ &showattributes($result_fm, \@items);
+ $result_tl->deiconify;
+ $result_tl->update;
+# display in a toplevel the value of other options
+sub showotheroptions {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my $tl = MainWindow->new()->toplevel;
+ my $title = "Other options of item $item";
+ $tl->title($title);
+ my $fm = $tl->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop',
+ -label => $title,
+ )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both');
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item);
+ my $i = 2;
+ for my $elem (@options) {
+ my ($option, $value) = (@$elem)[0,4];
+ next if ($option eq '-visible' or $option eq '-sensitive' or
+ $option eq '-tags' or $option eq '-position' or
+ $option eq '-priority');
+ $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack;
+sub showgroupattributes {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my $tl = MainWindow->new()->toplevel;
+ my $title = "About group $item";
+ $tl->title($title);
+ my $fm = $tl->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop',
+ -label => $title,
+ )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both');
+ my $r = 1;
+ # parent group
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Parent group', -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my $gr = $zinc->group($item);
+ $fm->Button(-text => $gr,
+ -command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $gr])
+ ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ # coords
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Coordinates', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe',
+ -columnspan => 2); # coords
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my @coords = $zinc->coords($item);
+ my $coords;
+ if (@coords == 2) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
+ } elsif (@coords == 4) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
+ my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
+ } else {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
+ my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
+ my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
+ $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ # device coords
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ @coords = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords]);
+ if (@coords == 2) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
+ } elsif (@coords == 4) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
+ my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
+ } else {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
+ my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
+ my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
+ $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ # options
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item);
+ for my $elem (@options) {
+ my ($option, $value) = (@$elem)[0,4];
+ $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ if ($option eq '-tags') {
+ $value = join("\n", @$value);
+ } elsif ($option eq '-clip' and $value > 0) {
+ $value .= " (". $zinc->type($value) .")";
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $r++;
+ }
+ $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack;
+# display in a toplevel the content of a group item
+sub showgroupcontent {
+ my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
+ my $tl = MainWindow->new()->toplevel;
+ my $title = "Content of group $group";
+ $tl->title($title);
+ my $fm = $tl->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop',
+ -label => $title,
+ )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
+ -ipadx => 10,
+ -fill => 'both');
+ my @items = $zinc->find('all', $group);
+ &showattributes($fm, \@items);
+ $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack;
+# highlight an item (by hiding other found items)
+sub highlightitem {
+ my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ return if $showitemflag;
+ $showitemflag = 1;
+ my @visibility;
+ my @itemstohide;
+ for ($zinc->find('overlap', $zinc->coords($rectangle_id))) {
+ push (@itemstohide, $_) unless $_ == $rectangle_id or $_ == $text_id;
+ }
+ for (@itemstohide) {
+ push(@visibility, scalar $zinc->itemcget($_, -visible));
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($_, -visible => 0);
+ }
+ my @coords = $zinc->coords($item);
+ my $clone = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1);
+ $zinc->chggroup($clone, 1);
+ $zinc->coords($clone, [$zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords])]);
+ $zinc->raise($clone);
+ $zinc->after(500, sub {
+ for (my $i=0; $i < @itemstohide; $i++) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($itemstohide[$i], -visible => $visibility[$i]);
+ }
+ $zinc->remove($clone);
+ $showitemflag = 0;
+ });
+# highlight an item (by hiding other found items)
+# here, item's option -visible is set to 1 and others items are
+# hidden; but, if item belongs to a invisible group, we can't
+# see it!
+sub highlightitem_old {
+ my ($zinc, $item, $items) = @_;
+ return if $showitemflag;
+ $showitemflag = 1;
+ my @visibility;
+ for (@$items) {
+ push(@visibility, scalar $zinc->itemcget($_, -visible));
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($_, -visible => 0);
+ }
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -visible => 1);
+ $zinc->after(500, sub {
+ for (my $i=0; $i < @$items; $i++) {
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($items->[$i], -visible => $visibility[$i]);
+ }
+ $showitemflag = 0;
+ });
+# display complete help screen
+sub showhelp {
+ my ($w, $ekb, $okb) = @_;
+ my $eseq = $ekb->[0]."-Button".$ekb->[1];
+ my $oseq = $okb->[0]."-Button".$okb->[1];
+ $help_tl->destroy if $help_tl and Tk::Exists($help_tl);
+ $help_tl = $zinc->Dialog(-title => 'Zinc Debug info',
+ -text =>
+ "With <".$oseq."> sequence, create ".
+ "a rectangular area to search items ".
+ "which overlap it.\n\n".
+ "With <".$eseq."> sequence, create ".
+ "a rectangular area to search items ".
+ "which are enclosed in it.\n\n".
+ "Strike <Escape> key to display this help ".
+ "message again.",
+ -bitmap => 'info',
+ );
+ $help_tl->after(300, sub {$help_tl->grabRelease});
+ $help_tl->Show();
+sub showbanner {
+ my $fm = shift;
+ my $i = shift;
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Id', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Type', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Group', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Priority', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 4, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Sensitive', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 5, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Visible', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 6, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 7, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 8, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Bounding box', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 9, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label(-text => 'Tags', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 10, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ $fm->Label()->grid(-row => 1, -col => 11, -pady => 10);
+# display in a grid the values of most important attributes
+sub showattributes {
+ my ($fm, $items) = @_;
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ my $i = 1;
+ &showbanner($fm, $i++);
+ for my $item (@$items) {
+ # id
+ $fm->Button(-text => $item,
+ -foreground => 'red',
+ -command => [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item])
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # type
+ my $type = $zinc->type($item);
+ if ($type eq 'group') {
+ $fm->Button(-text => $type,
+ -command => [\&showgroupcontent, $zinc, $item])
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ } else {
+ $fm->Label(-text => $type, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ }
+ # group
+ my $group = $zinc->group($item);
+ $fm->Button(-text => $group,
+ -command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $group])
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 3, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # priority
+ $fm->Label(-text => scalar $zinc->itemcget($item, -priority),
+ -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 4, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # sensitiveness
+ $fm->Label(-text => scalar $zinc->itemcget($item, -sensitive),
+ -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 5, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # visibility
+ $fm->Label(-text => scalar $zinc->itemcget($item, -visible),
+ -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 6, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # coords
+ my @coords = $zinc->coords($item);
+ my $coords;
+ if (@coords == 2) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
+ } elsif (@coords == 4) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
+ my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
+ } else {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
+ my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
+ my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
+ $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 7, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # device coords
+ @coords = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords]);
+ if (@coords == 2) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
+ } elsif (@coords == 4) {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
+ my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
+ $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
+ } else {
+ my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
+ my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
+ my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
+ my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
+ my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
+ $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
+ }
+ $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 8, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # bounding box
+ my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($item);
+ $fm->Label(-text => "($bbox[0], $bbox[1]), ($bbox[2], $bbox[3])",
+ -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 9, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ # tags
+ my @tags = $zinc->gettags($item);
+ $fm->Label(-text => join("\n", @tags),
+ -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 10, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ $fm->Button(-text => 'Other options',
+ -command => [\&showotheroptions, $zinc, $item])
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 11, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
+ $i++;
+ &showbanner($fm, $i++) if ($i % 15 == 0);
+ }
+# begin to draw rectangular area for search
+sub startrectangle {
+ my ($widget, $style, $text, $color) = @_;
+ if (not $result_tl or not Tk::Exists($result_tl)) {
+ $result_tl = MainWindow->new()->toplevel();
+ $result_tl->title("Zinc Debug");
+ $result_tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => sub {
+ $result_tl->destroy;
+ $zinc->remove($rectangle_id, $text_id);
+ })->pack(-side => 'bottom');
+ }
+ $zinc->remove($rectangle_id, $text_id);
+ $result_tl->iconify;
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
+ ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
+ $rectangle_id = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x0, $y0, $x0, $y0],
+ -linecolor => $color,
+ -linewidth => 2,
+ -linestyle => $style,
+ );
+ $text_id = $zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -color => $color,
+ -font => '7x13',
+ -position => [$x0+5, $y0-15],
+ -text => $text,
+ );
+# resize the rectangular area for search
+sub resizerectangle {
+ my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
+ my ($x, $y) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
+ $zinc->coords($rectangle_id, 1, 1, [$x, $y]);
+ if ($x < $x0) {
+ if ($y < $y0) {
+ $zinc->coords($text_id, [$x+5, $y-15]);
+ } else {
+ $zinc->coords($text_id, [$x+5, $y0-15]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($y < $y0) {
+ $zinc->coords($text_id, [$x0+5, $y-15]);
+ } else {
+ $zinc->coords($text_id, [$x0+5, $y0-15]);
+ }
+ }
+ $zinc->raise($rectangle_id);
+ $zinc->raise($text_id);
+# stop drawing rectangular area for search
+sub stoprectangle {
+ my ($widget, $searchtype, $text) = @_;
+ my @coords = $zinc->coords($rectangle_id);
+ my @items;
+ for my $item ($zinc->find($searchtype, @coords)) {
+ push (@items, $item) if $item != $rectangle_id and
+ $item != $text_id;
+ }
+ &showresult($text, $zinc, @items);
+=head1 NAME
+ZincDebug - a perl module for analysing a Zinc application.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ZincDebug;
+ my $zinc = MainWindow->new()->Zinc()->pack;
+ finditems($zinc);
+ZincDebug provides an interface to help developers to debug or analyse Zinc applications.
+With B<finditems> function, you are able to scan all items which are enclosed in a rectangular area you have first drawn, or all items which overlap it. Result is a Tk table which presents details (options, coordinates, ...) about found items; you can also highlight a particular item, even if it's not visible.
+More comments please...
+=item B<finditems>($zinc, ?option => value, ...?)
+This function creates required Tk bindings to permit items search. You can specify the following options :
+=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-color> => color
+Defines color of search area contour. Default to 'sienna'.
+=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-enclosedModBtn> => [Mod, Btn]
+Defines input sequence used to process "enclosed" search. Default to ['Control', 3].
+=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-overlapModBtn> => [Mod, Btn]
+Defines input sequence used to process "overlap" search. Default to ['Shift', 3].
+=head1 AUTEURS
+Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>