path: root/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
diff options
authorlecoanet2004-05-07 10:51:56 +0000
committerlecoanet2004-05-07 10:51:56 +0000
commit0c518c95e4d1c3270fbc67143a6351ee81bb68f0 (patch)
tree3801ddfa41a67c88f216698d1e96257c2ee2a598 /demos/atomicGroups.tcl
parent1761ee2e8ad9f23ef9231ec9952c25ab2ac88439 (diff)
Switched from pack to grid; Demos are put in a namespace
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/atomicGroups.tcl')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl b/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
index 0c3b8bb..a42593c 100644
--- a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
+++ b/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
@@ -5,183 +5,180 @@ if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-set w .atomicGroups
-catch {destroy $w}
-toplevel $w
-wm title $w "Zinc Atomicity Demonstration"
-wm iconname $w "Atomic"
-set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
-frame $w.buttons
-pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
-button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
-pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
-zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 350 -font "10x20" -borderwidth 0
-pack $w.zinc
-set groups_group_atomicity 0
-set red_group_atomicity 0
-set green_group_atomicity 0
-set display_clipping_item_background 0
-set clip 1
-$w.zinc add "text" 1 -font $defaultfont -text "- There are 3 groups: a red group containing 2 redish objects\na green group containing 2 greenish objects,\nand groups_group containing both previous groups.\n- You can make some groups atomic or not by depressing \nthe toggle buttons at the bottom of the window\n- Try and then click on some items to observe that callbacks\n are then different: they modify either the item, or 2 items of\n a group or all items" -anchor "nw" -position "10 10"
-############### creating the top group with its bindings ###############################
-set groups_group [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1 -atomic $groups_group_atomicity -tags groups_group]
-# the following callbacks will be called only if "groups_group" IS atomic
-$w.zinc bind $groups_group <1> modify_bitmap_bg
-$w.zinc bind $groups_group <ButtonRelease-1> modify_bitmap_bg
-############### creating the red_group, with its binding and its content ################
-# the red_group may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to red_group callbacks
-set red_group [$w.zinc add group $groups_group -visible 1 -atomic $red_group_atomicity -sensitive 1 -tags red_group]
-# the following callbacks will be called only if "groups_group" IS NOT-atomic
-# and if "red_group" IS atomic
-$w.zinc bind $red_group <1> "modify_item_lines $red_group"
-$w.zinc bind $red_group <ButtonRelease-1> "modify_item_lines $red_group"
-set rc [$w.zinc add arc $red_group {100 200 140 240} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags red_circle]
-set rr [$w.zinc add rectangle $red_group {300 200 400 250} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags red_rectangle]
-# the following callbacks will be called only if "groups_group" IS NOT atomic
-# and if "red_group" IS NOT atomic
-$w.zinc bind $rc <1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $rc <ButtonRelease-1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $rr <1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $rr <ButtonRelease-1> toggle_color
-############### creating the green_group, with its binding and its content ################
-# the green_group may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to green_group callbacks
-set green_group [$w.zinc add group $groups_group -visible 1 -atomic $green_group_atomicity -sensitive 1 -tags green_group]
-# the following callbacks will be called only if "groups_group" IS NOT atomic
-# and if "green_group" IS atomic
-$w.zinc bind $green_group <1> "modify_item_lines $green_group"
-$w.zinc bind $green_group <ButtonRelease-1> "modify_item_lines $green_group"
-set gc [$w.zinc add arc $green_group {100 270 140 310} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags green_circle]
-set gr [$w.zinc add rectangle $green_group {300 270 400 320} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags green_rectangle]
-# the following callbacks will be called only if "groups_group" IS NOT atomic
-# and if "green_group" IS NOT atomic
-$w.zinc bind $gc <1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $gc <ButtonRelease-1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $gr <1> toggle_color
-$w.zinc bind $gr <ButtonRelease-1> toggle_color
-set current_bg ""
-###################### groups_group callback ##############
-proc modify_bitmap_bg {} {
- global current_bg
- global rc rr gc gr
- global w
- if {$current_bg=="AlphaStipple2"} {
- set current_bg {}
- } else {
- set current_bg AlphaStipple2
- }
- foreach item "$rc $rr $gc $gr" {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillpattern $current_bg
+namespace eval atomicGroups {
+ variable w .atomicGroups
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Zinc Atomicity Demonstration"
+ wm iconname $w "Atomic"
+ variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
+ grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 6 -column 0 -pady 10
+ grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 6 -column 1 -pady 10
+ grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 350 -font 10x20 -borderwidth 0] \
+ -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+ grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
+ variable groupsGroupAtomicity 0
+ variable redGroupAtomicity 0
+ variable greenGroupAtomicity 0
+ $w.zinc add "text" 1 -font $defaultfont -text "- There are 3 groups: a red group containing 2 redish objects\na green group containing 2 greenish objects,\nand groupsGroup containing both previous groups.\n- You can make some groups atomic or not by depressing \nthe toggle buttons at the bottom of the window\n- Try and then click on some items to observe that callbacks\n are then different: they modify either the item, or 2 items of\n a group or all items" -anchor "nw" -position "10 10"
+ ############### creating the top group with its bindings ###############################
+ variable groupsGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1 -atomic $groupsGroupAtomicity -tags groupsGroup]
+ # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS atomic
+ $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
+ $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
+ ############### creating the redGroup, with its binding and its content ################
+ # the redGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
+ # and sensitive to redGroup callbacks
+ variable redGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $redGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags redGroup]
+ # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT-atomic
+ # and if "redGroup" IS atomic
+ $w.zinc bind $redGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
+ $w.zinc bind $redGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
+ variable rc [$w.zinc add arc $redGroup {100 200 140 240} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redCircle]
+ variable rr [$w.zinc add rectangle $redGroup {300 200 400 250} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redRectangle]
+ # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
+ # and if "redGroup" IS NOT atomic
+ $w.zinc bind $rc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $rc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $rr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $rr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ ############### creating the greenGroup, with its binding and its content ################
+ # the greenGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
+ # and sensitive to greenGroup callbacks
+ variable greenGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $greenGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags greenGroup]
+ # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
+ # and if "greenGroup" IS atomic
+ $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
+ $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
+ variable gc [$w.zinc add arc $greenGroup {100 270 140 310} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenCircle]
+ variable gr [$w.zinc add rectangle $greenGroup {300 270 400 320} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenRectangle]
+ # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
+ # and if "greenGroup" IS NOT atomic
+ $w.zinc bind $gc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $gc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $gr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ $w.zinc bind $gr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
+ variable currentBg ""
+ ###################### groupsGroup callback ##############
+ proc modifyBitmapBg {} {
+ variable currentBg
+ variable rc
+ variable rr
+ variable gc
+ variable gr
+ variable w
+ if {$currentBg=="AlphaStipple2"} {
+ set currentBg {}
+ } else {
+ set currentBg AlphaStipple2
+ }
+ foreach item "$rc $rr $gc $gr" {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillpattern $currentBg
+ }
-#################### red/green_group callback ##############
-proc modify_item_lines {gr} {
- global w
- set children [$w.zinc find withtag ".$gr*"]
- # we are using a pathtag (still undocumented feature of 3.2.6) to get items of an atomic group!
- # we could also temporary modify the groups (make it un-atomic) to get its child
- set current_linewidth [$w.zinc itemcget [lindex $children 0] -linewidth]
- if {$current_linewidth == 3} {
- set current_linewidth 0
- } else {
- set current_linewidth 3
- }
- foreach item $children {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linewidth $current_linewidth
- }
+ #################### red/greenGroup callback ##############
+ proc modifyItemLines {gr} {
+ variable w
+ set children [$w.zinc find withtag ".$gr*"]
+ # we are using a pathtag (still undocumented feature of 3.2.6) to get items of an atomic group!
+ # we could also temporary modify the groups (make it un-atomic) to get its child
+ set currentLineWidth [$w.zinc itemcget [lindex $children 0] -linewidth]
+ if {$currentLineWidth == 3} {
+ set currentLineWidth 0
+ } else {
+ set currentLineWidth 3
+ }
+ foreach item $children {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linewidth $currentLineWidth
+ }
+ }
-##################### items callback ######################
-proc toggle_color {} {
- global w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- set fillcolor [$w.zinc itemcget $item -fillcolor]
- regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $fillcolor "" color num
- #my ($color $num) = $fillcolor =~ /("a-z"+)(\d)/
- if {$num == 2} {
- set val 1
- set num 4
- } else {
- set num 2
+ ##################### items callback ######################
+ proc toggleColor {} {
+ variable w
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ set fillcolor [$w.zinc itemcget $item -fillcolor]
+ regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $fillcolor "" color num
+ #my ($color $num) = $fillcolor =~ /("a-z"+)(\d)/
+ if {$num == 2} {
+ set val 1
+ set num 4
+ } else {
+ set num 2
+ }
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillcolor "$color$num"
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillcolor "$color$num"
-proc atomic_or_not {gr} {
- global w
- set val [lindex [$w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic] 4]
- if {$val==1} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 0
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 1
+ proc atomicOrNot {gr} {
+ variable w
+ set val [lindex [$w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic] 4]
+ if {$val==1} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 0
+ } else {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 1
+ }
+ updateFoundItems
- update_found_items
-###################### toggle buttons at the bottom ####
-frame $w.row
-pack $w.row
-checkbutton $w.row.cb -text "groups_group is atomic" -variable groups_group_atomicity -command "atomic_or_not $groups_group"
-pack $w.row.cb -anchor "w"
-checkbutton $w.row.cb2 -text "red group is atomic" -foreground red4 -variable red_group_atomicity -command "atomic_or_not $red_group"
-pack $w.row.cb2 -anchor w
-checkbutton $w.row.cb3 -text "green group is atomic" -foreground green4 -variable green_group_atomicity -command "atomic_or_not $green_group"
-pack $w.row.cb3 -anchor w
-label $w.row.lb
-pack $w.row.lb -anchor w
-label $w.row.lb2 -text "Following command $w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400 returns:"
-pack $w.row.lb2 -anchor w
-set label [pack [label $w.row.label -background gray95] -anchor w]
-##### to update the list of enclosed items
-proc update_found_items {} {
- global w
- set found [$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400]
- set str ""
- foreach item $found {
- set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- set str "$str $tags"
+ ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom ####
+ grid [checkbutton $w.cb -text "groupsGroup is atomic" -variable ::atomicGroups::groupsGroupAtomicity \
+ -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $groupsGroup"] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
+ grid [checkbutton $w.cb2 -text "red group is atomic" -foreground red4 \
+ -variable ::atomicGroups::redGroupAtomicity \
+ -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $redGroup"] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
+ grid [checkbutton $w.cb3 -text "green group is atomic" -foreground green4 \
+ -variable ::atomicGroups::greenGroupAtomicity \
+ -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $greenGroup"] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
+ grid [label $w.lb2 -text "Following command '$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400', returns:"] \
+ -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 10
+ grid [label $w.label -text ""] \
+ -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 2
+ ##### to update the list of enclosed items
+ proc updateFoundItems {} {
+ variable w
+ set found [$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400]
+ set str ""
+ foreach item $found {
+ set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
+ set str "$str $tags"
+ }
+ $w.label configure -text $str
- $w.row.label configure -text $str
-# to init the list of enclosed items
+ # to init the list of enclosed items
+ updateFoundItems