path: root/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
diff options
authorlecoanet2004-05-07 10:51:56 +0000
committerlecoanet2004-05-07 10:51:56 +0000
commit0c518c95e4d1c3270fbc67143a6351ee81bb68f0 (patch)
tree3801ddfa41a67c88f216698d1e96257c2ee2a598 /demos/simpleRadar.tcl
parent1761ee2e8ad9f23ef9231ec9952c25ab2ac88439 (diff)
Switched from pack to grid; Demos are put in a namespace
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/simpleRadar.tcl')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl b/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
index 642c524..15df644 100644
--- a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
+++ b/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
@@ -6,331 +6,398 @@ if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-set w .simpleRadar
-catch {destroy $w}
-toplevel $w
-wm title $w "Simple radar display"
-wm iconname $w SimpleRadar
-text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 11
-pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
-$w.text insert end {This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks,
-a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
- The following operations are possible:
- Shift-Button 1 for using a square lasso (result in the terminal).
- Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
- Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
- Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
- Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
- Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader,
- and in the ministrip fields.
- Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.}
-# Create zinc
-set top 1
-set scale 1.0
-set centerX 0.0
-set centerY 0.0
-set zincWidth 800
-set zincHeight 500
-set delay 2000
-set rate 0.3
-array unset tracks
-# if true the flights are no more moving
-set pause 0
-zinc $w.zinc -backcolor gray65 -relief sunken -font 10x20 \
- -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight
-pack $w.zinc -expand 1 -fill both
-$w.zinc add group $top -tags {controls radar}
-$w.zinc configure -overlapmanager [$w.zinc find withtag radar]
-# Create control panel
-frame $w.f
-pack $w.f
-button $w.f.up -text Up -command "set centerY [expr $centerY-30.0]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
-button $w.f.down -text Down -command "set centerY [expr $centerY+30.0]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
-button $w.f.left -text Left -command "set centerY [expr $centerX+30.0]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.left -row 1 -column 1
-button $w.f.right -text Right -command "set centerY [expr $centerX-30.0]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.right -row 1 -column 3
-button $w.f.expand -text Expand -command "set scale \[expr $scale*1.1\]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.expand -row 1 -column 4
-button $w.f.shrink -text Shrink -command "set scale \[expr $scale*0.9\]; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.shrink -row 1 -column 0
-button $w.f.reset -text Reset -command "set scale 1.0; set centerX 0.0; set centerY 0.0; updateTransform $w.zinc"
-grid $w.f.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
-button $w.f.pause -text Pause -command "set pause \[expr ! $pause\]"
-grid $w.f.pause -row 0 -column 6
-# Resize handling code
-bind $w.zinc <Configure> "resize $w.zinc %w %h"
-proc resize {z w h} {
- global zincWidth zincHeight
- set bw [$z cget -borderwidth]
- set zincWidth [expr $w - 2 * $bw]
- set zincHeight [expr $h - 2 * $bw]
- updateTransform $z
+namespace eval simpleRadar {
+ variable w .simpleRadar
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Simple radar display"
+ wm iconname $w SimpleRadar
+ text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 11
+ pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
+ $w.text insert end {This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks,
+ a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
+ The following operations are possible:
+ Shift-Button 1 for using a square lasso (result in the terminal).
+ Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
+ Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
+ Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
+ Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
+ Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader,
+ and in the ministrip fields.
+ Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.}
+ #-------------------------------------------------
+ # Create zinc
+ #-------------------------------------------------
+ variable top 1
+ variable scale 1.0
+ variable centerX 0.0
+ variable centerY 0.0
+ variable zincWidth 800
+ variable zincHeight 500
+ variable delay 2000
+ variable rate 0.3
+ array unset tracks
+ # if true the flights are no more moving
+ variable pause 0
+ zinc $w.zinc -backcolor gray65 -relief sunken -font 10x20 \
+ -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight
+ pack $w.zinc -expand 1 -fill both
+ $w.zinc add group $top -tags {controls radar}
+ $w.zinc configure -overlapmanager [$w.zinc find withtag radar]
+ #-------------------------------------------------
+ # Create control panel
+ #-------------------------------------------------
+ frame $w.f
+ pack $w.f
+ button $w.f.up -text Up -command "::simpleRadar::Up $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
+ button $w.f.down -text Down -command "::simpleRadar::Down $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
+ button $w.f.left -text Left -command "::simpleRadar::Left $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.left -row 1 -column 1
+ button $w.f.right -text Right -command "::simpleRadar::Right $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.right -row 1 -column 3
+ button $w.f.expand -text Expand -command "::simpleRadar::Expand $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.expand -row 1 -column 4
+ button $w.f.shrink -text Shrink -command "::simpleRadar::Shrink $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.shrink -row 1 -column 0
+ button $w.f.reset -text Reset -command "::simpleRadar::Reset $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
+ button $w.f.pause -text Pause -command "::simpleRadar::Pause $w.zinc"
+ grid $w.f.pause -row 0 -column 6
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ # Resize handling code
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ bind $w.zinc <Configure> "::simpleRadar::resize $w.zinc %w %h"
+ proc Up {z} {
+ variable centerY
+ set centerY [expr $centerY - 30.0]
+ updateTransform $z
+ }
-proc updateTransform {z} {
- global centerX centerY zincWidth zincHeight scale
+ proc Down {z} {
+ variable centerY
+ set centerY [expr $centerY + 30.0]
+ updateTransform $z
+ }
- $z treset 1
- $z translate 1 [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
- $z scale 1 $scale $scale
- $z scale 1 1 -1
- $z translate 1 [expr $zincWidth/2] [expr $zincHeight/2]
+ proc Left {z} {
+ variable centerX
+ set centerX [expr $centerX + 30.0]
+ updateTransform $z
+ }
-# Create the tracks
-proc createTracks {z} {
- global oneTrack zincWidth zincHeight scale
- global centerX centerY tracks
- set w [expr $zincWidth / $scale]
- set h [expr $zincHeight / $scale]
- set allTracks {}
- set bOn "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border contour"
- set bOff "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border noborder"
- for {set i 20} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set item [$z add track radar 6 -lastasfirst 1]
- lappend allTracks $item
- set oneTrack $item
- set tracks($item,x) [expr rand()*$w - $w/2 + $centerX]
- set tracks($item,y) [expr rand()*$h - $h/2 + $centerY]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vx) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vy) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- $z itemconfigure $item -position "$tracks($item,x) $tracks($item,y)" -circlehistory 1 \
- -speedvector "$tracks($item,vx) $tracks($item,vy)" -speedvectorsensitive 1 \
- -labeldistance 30 -markersize 20 -historycolor white -filledhistory 0 \
- -labelformat {x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -backcolor gray60 -sensitive 1
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray55 -text [format {AFR%03i} $i]
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Balise
- for {set j 0} {$j < 6} {incr j} {
- $z bind $item:$j <Enter> $bOn
- $z bind $item:$j <Leave> $bOff
- $z bind $item <1> "fieldSensitivity $z"
- $z bind $item <Shift-1> {}
- }
- $z bind $item <Enter> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor red3 \
- -symbolcolor red3 -markercolor red3 -leaderwidth 2 \
- -leadercolor red3 -speedvectorwidth 2 -speedvectorcolor red3]
- $z bind $item <Leave> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor white \
- -symbolcolor black -markercolor black -leaderwidth 1 \
- -leadercolor black -speedvectorwidth 1 -speedvectorcolor black]
- $z bind $item:position <1> "createRoute $z"
- $z bind $item:position <Shift-1> {}
- set tracks($item,route) 0
+ proc Right {z} {
+ variable centerX
+ set centerX [expr $centerX - 30.0]
+ updateTransform $z
- set tracks(all) $allTracks
+ proc Expand {z} {
+ variable scale
+ set scale [expr $scale * 1.1]
+ updateTransform $z
+ }
-createTracks $w.zinc
-# Create route way points
-proc createRoute {z} {
- global tracks
- set track [$z find withtag current]
- if { $tracks($track,route) == 0 } {
- set x [expr $tracks($track,x) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $tracks($track,y) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $track
- for {set i 4} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set wp [$z add waypoint radar 2 -position "$x $y" -labelformat x20x18+0+0 \
- -connecteditem $connected -connectioncolor green -symbolcolor green]
- $z lower $wp $connected
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border contour"
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor red"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor red"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor red"
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border noborder"
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor green"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor black"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor green"
- $z itemconfigure $wp 0 -text $i -filled 1 -backcolor gray55
- $z bind $wp:position <1> "delWaypoint $z"
- set x [expr $x + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $y + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $wp
- }
- set tracks($track,route) $wp
- } else {
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- while { $wp != $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> {}
- $z remove $wp
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- }
- set tracks($track,route) 0
+ proc Shrink {z} {
+ variable scale
+ set scale [expr $scale * 0.9]
+ updateTransform $z
-# Toggle current field sensitivity
-proc fieldSensitivity {z} {
- set curPart [$z currentpart]
- if { [regexp {[0-9]+} $curPart] } {
- set onOff [$z itemcget current $curPart -sensitive]
- $z itemconfigure current $curPart -sensitive [expr !$onOff]
+ proc Reset {z} {
+ variable centerX
+ variable centerY
+ variable scale
+ set scale 1.0
+ set centerX 0.0
+ set centerY 0.0
+ updateTransform $z
-# Removal of a route Waypoint
-proc findTrack {z wp} {
- set connected $wp
- while { [$z type $connected] != "track" } {
- set connected [$z itemcget $connected -connecteditem]
+ proc Pause {z} {
+ variable pause
+ set pause [expr ! $pause]
- return $connected
-proc delWaypoint {z} {
- global tracks
+ proc resize {z w h} {
+ variable zincWidth
+ variable zincHeight
- set wp [$z find withtag current]
- set track [findTrack $z $wp]
- set next [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
+ set bw [$z cget -borderwidth]
+ set zincWidth [expr $w - 2 * $bw]
+ set zincHeight [expr $h - 2 * $bw]
+ updateTransform $z
+ }
- set prev $tracks($track,route)
- if { $prev != $wp } {
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
- while { $prevnext != $wp } {
- set prev $prevnext
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
+ proc updateTransform {z} {
+ variable centerX
+ variable centerY
+ variable zincWidth
+ variable zincHeight
+ variable scale
+ $z treset 1
+ $z translate 1 [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
+ $z scale 1 $scale $scale
+ $z scale 1 1 -1
+ $z translate 1 [expr $zincWidth/2] [expr $zincHeight/2]
+ }
+ #------------------------------------------------
+ # Create the tracks
+ #------------------------------------------------
+ proc createTracks {z} {
+ variable oneTrack
+ variable zincWidth
+ variable zincHeight
+ variable scale
+ variable centerX
+ variable centerY
+ variable tracks
+ set w [expr $zincWidth / $scale]
+ set h [expr $zincHeight / $scale]
+ set allTracks {}
+ set bOn "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border contour"
+ set bOff "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border noborder"
+ for {set i 20} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set item [$z add track radar 6 -lastasfirst 1]
+ lappend allTracks $item
+ set oneTrack $item
+ set tracks($item,x) [expr rand()*$w - $w/2 + $centerX]
+ set tracks($item,y) [expr rand()*$h - $h/2 + $centerY]
+ set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
+ set tracks($item,vx) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
+ set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
+ set tracks($item,vy) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
+ $z itemconfigure $item -position "$tracks($item,x) $tracks($item,y)" -circlehistory 1 \
+ -speedvector "$tracks($item,vx) $tracks($item,vy)" -speedvectorsensitive 1 \
+ -labeldistance 30 -markersize 20 -historycolor white -filledhistory 0 \
+ -labelformat {x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
+ $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -backcolor gray60 -sensitive 1
+ $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray55 -text [format {AFR%03i} $i]
+ $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
+ $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
+ $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
+ $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Balise
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 6} {incr j} {
+ $z bind $item:$j <Enter> $bOn
+ $z bind $item:$j <Leave> $bOff
+ $z bind $item <1> "::simpleRadar::fieldSensitivity $z"
+ $z bind $item <Shift-1> {}
+ }
+ $z bind $item <Enter> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor red3 \
+ -symbolcolor red3 -markercolor red3 -leaderwidth 2 \
+ -leadercolor red3 -speedvectorwidth 2 -speedvectorcolor red3]
+ $z bind $item <Leave> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor white \
+ -symbolcolor black -markercolor black -leaderwidth 1 \
+ -leadercolor black -speedvectorwidth 1 -speedvectorcolor black]
+ $z bind $item:position <1> "::simpleRadar::createRoute $z"
+ $z bind $item:position <Shift-1> {}
+ set tracks($item,route) 0
+ set tracks(all) $allTracks
- $z itemconfigure $prev -connecteditem $next
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z remove $wp
- if { $wp == $tracks($track,route) } {
- if { $next == $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) 0
+ createTracks $w.zinc
+ #---------------------------------------------------
+ # Create route way points
+ #---------------------------------------------------
+ proc createRoute {z} {
+ variable tracks
+ set track [$z find withtag current]
+ if { $tracks($track,route) == 0 } {
+ set x [expr $tracks($track,x) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vx)]
+ set y [expr $tracks($track,y) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vy)]
+ set connected $track
+ for {set i 4} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
+ set wp [$z add waypoint radar 2 -position "$x $y" -labelformat x20x18+0+0 \
+ -connecteditem $connected -connectioncolor green -symbolcolor green]
+ $z lower $wp $connected
+ $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border contour"
+ $z bind $wp:position <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor red"
+ $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor red"
+ $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor red"
+ $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border noborder"
+ $z bind $wp:position <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor green"
+ $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor black"
+ $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor green"
+ $z itemconfigure $wp 0 -text $i -filled 1 -backcolor gray55
+ $z bind $wp:position <1> "::simpleRadar::delWaypoint $z"
+ set x [expr $x + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vx)]
+ set y [expr $y + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vy)]
+ set connected $wp
+ }
+ set tracks($track,route) $wp
} else {
- set tracks($track,route) $next
+ set wp $tracks($track,route)
+ while { $wp != $track } {
+ set tracks($track,route) [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
+ $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
+ $z bind $wp:position <Enter> {}
+ $z bind $wp:position <Leave> {}
+ $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> {}
+ $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> {}
+ $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> {}
+ $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> {}
+ $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> {}
+ $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> {}
+ $z remove $wp
+ set wp $tracks($track,route)
+ }
+ set tracks($track,route) 0
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ # Toggle current field sensitivity
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ proc fieldSensitivity {z} {
+ set curPart [$z currentpart]
+ if { [regexp {[0-9]+} $curPart] } {
+ set onOff [$z itemcget current $curPart -sensitive]
+ $z itemconfigure current $curPart -sensitive [expr !$onOff]
+ }
+ }
-# Create a macro
-set macro [$w.zinc add tabular radar 10 -labelformat {x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0}]
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 0 -backcolor tan1 -filled 1 -fillpattern AlphaStipple7 \
- -bordercolor red3
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 1 -text a
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 2 -text macro
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $macro -connecteditem $oneTrack
-foreach part {0 1 2} {
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Enter> "borders $w.zinc 1"
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Leave> "borders $w.zinc 0"
-proc borders {z on} {
- if { $on } {
- set contour contour
- } else {
- set contour noborder
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ # Removal of a route Waypoint
+ #-----------------------------------------------------
+ proc findTrack {z wp} {
+ set connected $wp
+ while { [$z type $connected] != "track" } {
+ set connected [$z itemcget $connected -connecteditem]
+ }
+ return $connected
- $z itemconfigure current 0 -border $contour
-# Create a ministrip
-set ministrip [$w.zinc add tabular 1 10 -position {100 10} \
- -labelformat {x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}]
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -filled 1 -backcolor grey70 -border contour -bordercolor green
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 1 -text ministrip -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 2 -text field1 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 3 -text field2 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 4 -text f3 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 5 -text field4 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
-foreach field {1 2 3 4 5} {
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Enter> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white"
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Leave> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border noborder -filled 0 -color darkgreen"
+ proc delWaypoint {z} {
+ variable tracks
-# Create some maps
-set dataDir [file join [file dirname [info script]] data]
-videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_paris-w_90_2] 0 paris-w
-videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_orly] 17 orly
-videomap load [file join $dataDir hegias_parouest_TE.vid] 0 paris-ouest
+ set wp [$z find withtag current]
+ set track [findTrack $z $wp]
+ set next [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
-$w.zinc add map radar -color gray80 -mapinfo orly
-$w.zinc add map radar -color gray60 -filled 1 -priority 0 \
- -fillpattern AlphaStipple6 -mapinfo paris-ouest
-$w.zinc add map radar -color gray50 -mapinfo paris-w
+ set prev $tracks($track,route)
+ if { $prev != $wp } {
+ set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
+ while { $prevnext != $wp } {
+ set prev $prevnext
+ set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
+ }
+ }
+ $z itemconfigure $prev -connecteditem $next
+ $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
+ $z remove $wp
+ if { $wp == $tracks($track,route) } {
+ if { $next == $track } {
+ set tracks($track,route) 0
+ } else {
+ set tracks($track,route) $next
+ }
+ }
+ }
-# Animate tracks along their trajectories
-set timer [after $delay "refresh $w.zinc"]
-bind $w.zinc <Destroy> {puts {canceling timer}; after cancel $timer}
+ #---------------------------------------------
+ # Create a macro
+ #---------------------------------------------
+ set macro [$w.zinc add tabular radar 10 -labelformat {x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0}]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 0 -backcolor tan1 -filled 1 -fillpattern AlphaStipple7 \
+ -bordercolor red3
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 1 -text a
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 2 -text macro
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro -connecteditem $oneTrack
+ foreach part {0 1 2} {
+ $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Enter> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 1"
+ $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Leave> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 0"
+ }
-proc refresh {z} {
- global pause timer delay tracks rate
+ proc borders {z on} {
+ if { $on } {
+ set contour contour
+ } else {
+ set contour noborder
+ }
+ $z itemconfigure current 0 -border $contour
+ }
- set timer [after $delay "refresh $z"]
+ #---------------------------------------------
+ # Create a ministrip
+ #---------------------------------------------
+ set ministrip [$w.zinc add tabular 1 10 -position {100 10} \
+ -labelformat {x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -filled 1 -backcolor grey70 -border contour -bordercolor green
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 1 -text ministrip -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 2 -text field1 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 3 -text field2 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 4 -text f3 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 5 -text field4 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
+ foreach field {1 2 3 4 5} {
+ $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Enter> \
+ "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white"
+ $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Leave> \
+ "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border noborder -filled 0 -color darkgreen"
+ }
- if { ! $pause } {
- foreach t $tracks(all) {
- set tracks($t,x) [expr $tracks($t,x) + $tracks($t,vx) * $rate]
- set tracks($t,y) [expr $tracks($t,y) + $tracks($t,vy) * $rate]
- $z itemconfigure $t -position "$tracks($t,x) $tracks($t,y)"
+ #-------------------------------------------
+ # Create some maps
+ #-------------------------------------------
+ set dataDir [file join [file dirname [info script]] data]
+ videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_paris-w_90_2] 0 paris-w
+ videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_orly] 17 orly
+ videomap load [file join $dataDir hegias_parouest_TE.vid] 0 paris-ouest
+ $w.zinc add map radar -color gray80 -mapinfo orly
+ $w.zinc add map radar -color gray60 -filled 1 -priority 0 \
+ -fillpattern AlphaStipple6 -mapinfo paris-ouest
+ $w.zinc add map radar -color gray50 -mapinfo paris-w
+ #--------------------------------------------
+ # Animate tracks along their trajectories
+ #--------------------------------------------
+ variable timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $w.zinc"]
+ bind $w.zinc <Destroy> {puts {canceling timer}; after cancel $::simpleRadar::timer}
+ proc refresh {z} {
+ variable pause
+ variable timer
+ variable delay
+ variable tracks
+ variable rate
+ set timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $z"]
+ if { ! $pause } {
+ foreach t $tracks(all) {
+ set tracks($t,x) [expr $tracks($t,x) + $tracks($t,vx) * $rate]
+ set tracks($t,y) [expr $tracks($t,y) + $tracks($t,vy) * $rate]
+ $z itemconfigure $t -position [list $tracks($t,x) $tracks($t,y)]
+ }