path: root/demos
diff options
authorcvs2svn2005-01-24 15:46:33 +0000
committercvs2svn2005-01-24 15:46:33 +0000
commite6a05dbef707dc10e546ef8fef8fc2a8b7d805bf (patch)
tree7061a2d781348fa7d5965b7d7dd5d7ef6b27a7b0 /demos
parente1ed2c6d78bb616e24166c13126adba1b95ea4ea (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'POSTSCRIPT'.POSTSCRIPT
Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
-rw-r--r--demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vidbin9216 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/data/videomap_orlybin67584 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2bin8192 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/background_texture.gifbin19979 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper-grey.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper-grey1.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper.gifbin1529 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/photoAlpha.pngbin77053 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/stripped_texture.gifbin123 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/zinc.gifbin1461 -> 0 bytes
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 8416 deletions
diff --git a/demos/allOptions.tcl b/demos/allOptions.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b60c6..0000000
--- a/demos/allOptions.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval allOptions {
- variable w .allOptions
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc All Option Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "All options"
- frame $w.buttons
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
- button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
- button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
- pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- label $w.label -justify left -text {Click on one of the following
- buttons to get a list of Item
- attributes (or zinc options)
- with their types.}
- pack $w.label -padx 10 -pady 10
- # Creating the zinc widget
- zinc $w.zinc -width 1 -height 1 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken
- pack $w.zinc
- # Creating an instance of every item type
- variable itemTypes
- # These Items have fields! So the number of fields must be given at creation time
- foreach type {tabular track waypoint} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 0]
- }
- # These items needs no specific initial values
- foreach type {group icon map reticle text window} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1]
- }
- # These items needs some coordinates at creation time
- # However curves usually needs more than 2 points.
- foreach type {arc curve rectangle} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 {0 0 1 1}]
- }
- # Triangles item needs at least 3 points for the coordinates
- foreach type {triangles} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 {0 0 1 1 2 2}]
- }
- proc showAllOptions { w type} {
- variable itemTypes
- if [winfo exists .tl] {destroy .tl}
- toplevel .tl
- if {[string compare $type zinc]==0} {
- set options [$w.zinc configure]
- set typeopt optionClass
- set readopt defaultValue
- set readoff 3
- set title {All options of zinc widget}
- } else {
- set options [$w.zinc itemconfigure $itemTypes($type)];
- set title "All attributes of an $type item"
- set typeopt Type
- set readopt ReadOnly
- set readoff 2
- }
- wm title .tl $title
- frame .tl.f1
- set bgcolor ivory
- label .tl.f1.opt -text Option -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 20
- label .tl.f1.typ -text $typeopt -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 20
- label .tl.f1.rd -text $readopt -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 21
- pack .tl.f1.opt .tl.f1.typ .tl.f1.rd -side left
- set nbelem [llength $options]
- frame .tl.f2
- listbox .tl.f2.l1 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- listbox .tl.f2.l2 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- listbox .tl.f2.l3 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- pack .tl.f2.l1 .tl.f2.l2 .tl.f2.l3 -side left
- pack .tl.f1 .tl.f2 -side top -anchor nw
- # Remplissage des list box
- foreach elem $options {
- .tl.f2.l1 insert end [lindex $elem 0]
- .tl.f2.l2 insert end [lindex $elem 1]
- .tl.f2.l3 insert end [lindex $elem $readoff]
- }
- }
- pack [frame $w.col]
- variable width 0
- foreach type [lsort [array names itemTypes]] {
- if {[string length $type] > $width} {
- set width [string length $type]
- }
- }
- foreach type [lsort [array names itemTypes]] {
- button $w.col.$type -text "$type" -width $width -command "::allOptions::showAllOptions $w $type"
- pack $w.col.$type -pady 4
- }
- button $w.col.b -text "zinc widget options" -command "::allOptions::showAllOptions $w zinc"
- pack $w.col.b -pady 4
diff --git a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl b/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf782b..0000000
--- a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval atomicGroups {
- variable w .atomicGroups
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Atomicity Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Atomic"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 6 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 6 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 350 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable groupsGroupAtomicity 0
- variable redGroupAtomicity 0
- variable greenGroupAtomicity 0
- $w.zinc add "text" 1 -font $defaultfont -text "- There are 3 groups: a red group containing 2 redish objects\na green group containing 2 greenish objects,\nand groupsGroup containing both previous groups.\n- You can make some groups atomic or not by depressing \nthe toggle buttons at the bottom of the window\n- Try and then click on some items to observe that callbacks\n are then different: they modify either the item, or 2 items of\n a group or all items" -anchor "nw" -position "10 10"
- ############### creating the top group with its bindings ###############################
- variable groupsGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1 -atomic $groupsGroupAtomicity -tags groupsGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
- $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
- ############### creating the redGroup, with its binding and its content ################
- # the redGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to redGroup callbacks
- variable redGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $redGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags redGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT-atomic
- # and if "redGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $redGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
- $w.zinc bind $redGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
- variable rc [$w.zinc add arc $redGroup {100 200 140 240} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redCircle]
- variable rr [$w.zinc add rectangle $redGroup {300 200 400 250} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redRectangle]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "redGroup" IS NOT atomic
- $w.zinc bind $rc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- ############### creating the greenGroup, with its binding and its content ################
- # the greenGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to greenGroup callbacks
- variable greenGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $greenGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags greenGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "greenGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
- $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
- variable gc [$w.zinc add arc $greenGroup {100 270 140 310} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenCircle]
- variable gr [$w.zinc add rectangle $greenGroup {300 270 400 320} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenRectangle]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "greenGroup" IS NOT atomic
- $w.zinc bind $gc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- variable currentBg ""
- ###################### groupsGroup callback ##############
- proc modifyBitmapBg {} {
- variable currentBg
- variable rc
- variable rr
- variable gc
- variable gr
- variable w
- if {$currentBg=="AlphaStipple2"} {
- set currentBg {}
- } else {
- set currentBg AlphaStipple2
- }
- foreach item "$rc $rr $gc $gr" {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillpattern $currentBg
- }
- }
- #################### red/greenGroup callback ##############
- proc modifyItemLines {gr} {
- variable w
- set children [$w.zinc find withtag ".$gr*"]
- # we are using a pathtag (still undocumented feature of 3.2.6) to get items of an atomic group!
- # we could also temporary modify the groups (make it un-atomic) to get its child
- set currentLineWidth [$w.zinc itemcget [lindex $children 0] -linewidth]
- if {$currentLineWidth == 3} {
- set currentLineWidth 0
- } else {
- set currentLineWidth 3
- }
- foreach item $children {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linewidth $currentLineWidth
- }
- }
- ##################### items callback ######################
- proc toggleColor {} {
- variable w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- set fillcolor [$w.zinc itemcget $item -fillcolor]
- regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $fillcolor "" color num
- #my ($color $num) = $fillcolor =~ /("a-z"+)(\d)/
- if {$num == 2} {
- set val 1
- set num 4
- } else {
- set num 2
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillcolor "$color$num"
- }
- proc atomicOrNot {gr} {
- variable w
- set val [lindex [$w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic] 4]
- if {$val==1} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 0
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 1
- }
- updateFoundItems
- }
- ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom ####
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb -text "groupsGroup is atomic" -variable ::atomicGroups::groupsGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $groupsGroup"] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb2 -text "red group is atomic" -foreground red4 \
- -variable ::atomicGroups::redGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $redGroup"] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb3 -text "green group is atomic" -foreground green4 \
- -variable ::atomicGroups::greenGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $greenGroup"] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [label $w.lb2 -text "Following command '$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400', returns:"] \
- -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 10
- grid [label $w.label -text ""] \
- -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 2
- ##### to update the list of enclosed items
- proc updateFoundItems {} {
- variable w
- set found [$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400]
- set str ""
- foreach item $found {
- set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- set str "$str $tags"
- }
- $w.label configure -text $str
- }
- # to init the list of enclosed items
- updateFoundItems
diff --git a/demos/clipping.tcl b/demos/clipping.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0fa28..0000000
--- a/demos/clipping.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval clippingDemo {
- variable w .clipping
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Clipping Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Clipping"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable displayClippingItemBackground 0
- variable clip 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "You can drag and drop the objects.\nThere are two groups of objects a tan group and a blue group\nTry to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\nwith two contours" -anchor nw -position {10 10}
- variable clippedGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable clippingItem [$w.zinc add curve $clippedGroup {10 100 690 100 690 590 520 350 350 590 180 350 10 590} -closed 1 -priority 1 -fillcolor tan2 -linewidth 0 -filled $displayClippingItemBackground]
- $w.zinc contour $clippingItem add +1 {200 200 500 200 500 250 200 250}
- ############### creating the tanGroup objects ################
- # the tanGroup is atomic that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to tanGroup callbacks
- variable tanGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
- $w.zinc add arc $tanGroup {200 220 280 300} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor tan
- $w.zinc add curve $tanGroup {400 400 440 450 400 500 500 500 460 450 500 400} -filled 1 -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan
- ############### creating the blueGroup objects ################
- # the blueGroup is atomic too that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to blueGroup callbacks
- variable blueGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $blueGroup {570 180 470 280} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -fillcolor blue2
- $w.zinc add curve $blueGroup {200 400 200 500 300 500 300 400 300 300} -filled 1 -fillcolor blue -linewidth 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
- ###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
- # for both tanGroup and blueGroup
- $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig ""
- variable yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
- grid [frame $w.row] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2
- checkbutton $w.row.show -text "Show clipping item" \
- -variable ::clippingDemo::displayClippingItemBackground \
- -command "::clippingDemo::displayClippingArea"
- checkbutton $w.row.clip -text Clip -variable ::clippingDemo::clip \
- -command "::clippingDemo::clipCommand"
- pack $w.row.show $w.row.clip -side left
- proc displayClippingArea {} {
- variable clippingItem
- variable w
- variable displayClippingItemBackground
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippingItem -filled $displayClippingItemBackground
- }
- proc clipCommand {} {
- variable clip
- variable clippedGroup
- variable clippingItem
- variable w
- if {$clip} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip ""
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/colorCircular.tcl b/demos/colorCircular.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e829fd8..0000000
--- a/demos/colorCircular.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorCircular {
- variable w .colorCircular
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color Circular Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color Circular"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 80 80} -fillcolor {=radial 50 50|red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue in a square.
-The gradient starts in the lower right corner.} -anchor nw -position {120 20}
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {10 110 90 190} -fillcolor {=radial 0 25|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {Radial variation from 40% transparent red to 40% transparent blue in a disc.
-The gradient starts mid way between the center and the bottom.} \
- -anchor nw -position {120 120}
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {10 210 90 290} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {A variation from 40% transparent red to 40% transparent blue
-through 40% green in the middle of the disc. The gradient is centered.} \
- -anchor nw -position {120 220}
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor w -position {20 320} \
- -text {Two overlapping items filled by a transparent radial gradient on a white background.
-On the right three gradient filled ovals, note the warped gradients following the ovals.}
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {20 365 220 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {150 365 350 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {280 365 480 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|black;100|black;100 20|mistyrose;40} -filled 1 -linewidth 0
- variable warc [$w.zinc add arc 1 {-50 -50 50 50} \
- -fillcolor {=radial -10 16|black;80|blue;20 90 100} -filled 1]
- $w.zinc scale $warc 1.5 1
- $w.zinc translate $warc 500 432
- variable warc [$w.zinc add arc 1 {-50 -50 50 50} \
- -fillcolor {=radial 0 20|black;70|green;20} -filled 1]
- $w.zinc scale $warc 1 1.5
- $w.zinc translate $warc 630 432
diff --git a/demos/colorX.tcl b/demos/colorX.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4d8a3..0000000
--- a/demos/colorX.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorX {
- variable w .colorX
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color-x Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color X"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
- -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 120} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue."
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 220} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle"
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 320} \
- -text "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
diff --git a/demos/colorY.tcl b/demos/colorY.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b1f38..0000000
--- a/demos/colorY.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorY {
- variable w .colorY
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color-y Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color y"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
- -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 120} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue."
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 220} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle"
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 320} \
- -text "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {=axial 90|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
diff --git a/demos/contours.tcl b/demos/contours.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f08fca..0000000
--- a/demos/contours.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval contoursDemo {
- variable w .contours
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Curve contours Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Curve
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 9] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end "All visibles items are made by combining 2 items using contours:
- - the firebrick curve1 has been holed using a addhole with a circle,
- - the lightblue curve2 has been mickey-moused by adding two circles,
- - the yellow curve3 is the union with a disjoint circle,
- - the grey curve4 is combined with 7 circles, with positive -fillrule.
-The following operations are possible:
- - Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.
- - Mouse Button 1 for dragging the black handle and
- modifying the grey curve contour."
- # Creating the zinc widget
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable top 1
- # Creation of 2 items NOT visible, but used for creating visible
- # curves[1-5] with more than one contours.
- # The center of these 2 items is 200,100
- variable curve0 [$w.zinc add curve $top {
- {300 0} {400 100 c} {300 200} {200 300 c} {100 200} {0 100 c} {100 0}
- } -closed 1 -visible 0 -filled 1]
- variable cercle100 [$w.zinc add arc 1 {130 30 280 180} -visible 0]
- # cloning curve0 as curve1 and moving it
- variable curve1 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor firebrick1]
- # adding a 'difference' contour to the curve1
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add 1 $cercle100
- # cloning curve0 as curve2 and moving it
- # creating a curve without contour to control contour clockwise/counterclockwise
- variable curve2 [$w.zinc add curve $top {} -closed 1 -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor lightblue2 -fillrule positive]
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $curve0
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 100 90
- # adding the left ear of mickey mouse!
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 -200 0
- # adding the right ear of mickey mouse!
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $cercle100
- # ... translate to make it more visible
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 320 20
- # cloning curve0 as curve3 and moving it
- variable curve3 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor yellow3]
- $w.zinc translate $curve3 0 290
- # adding an nion' contour to the curve3
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 $cercle100
- # ... translate to make it more visible
- $w.zinc translate $curve3 -130 0
- # cloning curve0 as curve4 and moving it slightly
- variable curve4 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor grey50 \
- -tags grouped -fillrule positive]
- # the tag "grouped" is used for both curve4 and
- # a handle (see just below)
- # It is used for translating both easily
- variable index 2; ## index of the vertex associated to the handle
- variable coord [$w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index]
- variable x [lindex $coord 0]
- variable y [lindex $coord 1]
- variable handle [$w.zinc add rectangle $top "[expr $x-5] [expr $y-5] [expr $x+5] [expr $y+5]" \
- -fillcolor black -filled 1 -tags {grouped}]
- # adding a 'difference' contour to the curve4
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 110 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped -220 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 10 80
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add -1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 0 -10
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 200 80
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped -350 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 350 250
- #$zinc->lower(grouped);
- # Deleting no more usefull items: curve0 and cercle10:
- $w.zinc remove $curve0 $cercle100
- $w.zinc raise $curve1
- # adding drag and drop callback to each visible curve!
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $w.zinc bind $item <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $item motion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $item <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- }
- # adding drag and drop on curve4 which also moves handle
- $w.zinc bind $curve4 <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $curve4 motionWithHandle %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $curve4, <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- # adding drag and drop on handle which also modify curve4
- $w.zinc bind $handle <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $handle moveHandle %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $handle <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig 0
- variable yOrig 0
- proc press {item action x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::contoursDemo::$action $item %x %y"
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc motion {item x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item and its handle
- proc motionWithHandle {item x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set tag [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags] 0]
- $w.zinc translate $tag [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig]
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- # Callback for moving the handle and modifying curve4
- # this code is far from being generic. Only for demonstrating how we can
- # modify a contour with a unique handle!
- proc moveHandle {handle x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable curve4
- variable index
- $w.zinc translate $handle [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig];
- foreach {vertxX vertxY} [$w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index] break
- $w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index "[expr $vertxX+($x-$xOrig)] [expr $vertxY+($y-$yOrig)]"
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/curveBezier.tcl b/demos/curveBezier.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1622e..0000000
--- a/demos/curveBezier.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval curveBezier {
- variable w .curveBezier
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Curve Bezier Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Curve
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- #variable imagePath [file join $zinc_library demos images]
- #variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- variable splineColor \#AA0000
- variable handleColor grey70
- variable barColor grey30
- variable textColor grey20
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 3] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert 0.0 {
- 6 examples of curves containing control points are displayed
- with the list of control points written just below.
- You can move the handles to modify the bezier curves
- }
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 650 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor \#898A8F] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable group [$w.zinc add group 1]
- $w.zinc add text $group -position {50 20} -anchor w -color $textColor \
- -text {Examples of curve items using cubic bezier control points}
- ## Please note: much of the items below could be computed
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 270} -tags bezier1 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 200 100 100} -tags {line1 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {400 100 400 200} -tags {line1 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 200} {100 100 c} {400 100 c} {400 200}} \
- -tags bezier1 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 190 110 210} -tags {handle1 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor \#BBBBBB
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 90 110 110} -tags {handle1 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 90 410 110} -tags {handle1 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 190 410 210} -tags {handle1 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor \#BBBBBB
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 270} -tags bezier2 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 200 675 100} -tags {line2 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {975 100 900 200} -tags {line2 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 200} {675 100 c} {975 100 c} {900 200}} \
- -tags bezier2 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 190 610 210} -tags {handle2 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {665 90 685 110} -tags {handle2 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {965 90 985 110} -tags {handle2 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 190 910 210} -tags {handle2 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 570} -tags bezier3 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 500 25 400} -tags {line3 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {475 400 400 500} -tags {line3 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 500} {25 400 c} {475 400 c} {400 500}} \
- -tags {bezier3} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 490 110 510} -tags {handle3 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {15 390 35 410} -tags {handle3 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {465 390 485 410} -tags {handle3 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 490 410 510} -tags {handle3 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 570} -tags bezier4 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 500 600 350} -tags {line4 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {900 650 900 500} -tags {line4 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 500} {600 350 c} {900 650 c} {900 500}} \
- -tags {bezier4} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 490 610 510} -tags {handle4 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 340 610 360} -tags {handle4 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 640 910 660} -tags {handle4 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 490 910 510} -tags {handle4 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 870} -tags bezier5 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 800 175 700} -tags {line5 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {325 700 400 800} -tags {line5 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 800} {175 700 c} {325 700 c} {400 800}} \
- -tags {bezier5} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 790 110 810} -tags {handle5 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {165 690 185 710} -tags {handle5 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {315 690 335 710} -tags {handle5 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 790 410 810} -tags {handle5 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 970} -tags bezier6 -color $textColor -width 280
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 800 625 700} -tags {line6 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {725 700 750 800} -tags {line6 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {750 800 775 900} -tags {line6 l4-5} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {875 900 900 800} -tags {line6 l6-7} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {
- {600 800} {625 700 c} {725 700 c} {750 800}
- {775 900 c} {875 900 c} {900 800}
- } -tags {bezier6} -filled 0 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 790 610 810} -tags {handle6 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {615 690 635 710} -tags {handle6 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {715 690 735 710} -tags {handle6 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {740 790 760 810} -tags {handle6 p4} -filled 1 \
- -linecolor blue -fillcolor blue -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add arc $group {766 891 784 909} -tags {handle6 p5} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {865 890 885 910} -tags {handle6 p6} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 790 910 810} -tags {handle6 p7} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc scale $group 0.6 0.6
- ## Set the text of the text item with a tag "tag"
- ## to a human-readable form of the coords of the
- ## corresponding curve with the same tag "tag"
- proc setText {tag} {
- variable w
- set textItem [$w.zinc find withtype text $tag]
- set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve $tag]
- set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem]
- set count 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $textItem -text $coords
- }
- foreach bezierCount {1 2 3 4 5 6} {
- setText "bezier$bezierCount"
- set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve "bezier$bezierCount"]
- set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem]
- #puts "$bezierCount : $curveItem : $coords"
- $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" <1> {::curveBezier::itemStartDrag %x %y}
- $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" <B1-Motion> {::curveBezier::itemDrag %x %y}
- #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "<ButtonPress-1>" {\&press \&motion}
- #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "<ButtonRelease-1>" {\&release}
- }
- ##### bindings for moving the handles
- variable item ""
- variable bezierNum ""
- variable ptNum ""
- variable xOrig 0
- variable yOrig 0
- proc itemStartDrag {x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable bezierNum
- variable ptNum
- variable item
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- foreach val [$w.zinc gettags $item] {
- regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $val "" name num
- if {$name=="handle"} {set bezierNum $num}
- if {$name=="p"} {set ptNum $num}
- }
- #puts "bezierNum=$bezierNum ptNum=$ptNum"
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- variable item
- $w.zinc transform $item "[expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]"
- moveHandle [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- proc moveHandle {dx dy} {
- variable w
- variable bezierNum
- variable ptNum
- variable item
- set pt1 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 0]
- set pt2 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 1]
- ## modifying the handle coords
- $w.zinc coords $item "[expr [lindex $pt1 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt1 1]+$dy] [expr [lindex $pt2 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt2 1]+$dy]"
- set prevPtNum [expr $ptNum-1]
- # there should only be one such item!
- set lineA [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$prevPtNum-$ptNum"]
- if {$lineA!=""} {
- set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 0]
- set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 1]
- $w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]"
- }
- set nextPtNum [expr $ptNum+1]
- # there should only be one such item:
- set lineB [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$ptNum-$nextPtNum"]
- if {$lineB!=""} {
- set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 0]
- set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 1]
- $w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]"
- }
- set tab [$w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1]]
- set x [lindex $tab 0]
- set y [lindex $tab 1]
- set control [lindex $tab 2]
- $w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1] "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy] $control"
- setText "bezier$bezierNum"
- }
diff --git a/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid b/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
deleted file mode 100644
index 1755d80..0000000
--- a/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/data/videomap_orly b/demos/data/videomap_orly
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f9c66..0000000
--- a/demos/data/videomap_orly
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2 b/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
deleted file mode 100644
index fb32a5b..0000000
--- a/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/fillRule.tcl b/demos/fillRule.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8817709..0000000
--- a/demos/fillRule.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval fillRule {
- variable w .fillRule
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Fillrule Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Fillrule"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ####### This file has been largely inspired from figure 11-3
- ####### of "The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition The
- ####### Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Version 1.2" ISBN 0201604582
- ####### it illustrates the use of :
- ####### -fillrule attribute of curves
- ####### contour coords and clone method
- #variable imagePath [file join $zinc_library demos images]
- #variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 550 -height 680 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor \#898A8F] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {20 8} -alignment center -text {This static example reproduces figure 11-3
-of "The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition" V 1.2}
- variable group [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable g1 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve1 [$w.zinc add curve $g1 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 20 20 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 40 40 40}
- $w.zinc translate $g1 100 100
- variable g2 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve2 [$w.zinc add curve $g2 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 { 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add -1 { 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 20 20 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add -1 { 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 40 40 40}
- $w.zinc translate $g2 260 100
- variable g3 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve3 [$w.zinc add curve $g3 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 20 0 20 120 100 120 100 0 20 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 40 20 60 120 80 20 40 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 0 60 0 80 120 80 120 60 0 60}
- $w.zinc translate $g3 420 100
- variable g4 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve4 [$w.zinc add curve $g4 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 { 0 0 0 140 140 140 140 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc translate $g4 580 100
- $w.zinc scale $group 0.6 0.6
- $w.zinc translate $group 80 40
- variable t [$w.zinc add text $group -underlined yes -text "Contours"]
- $w.zinc translate $t 280 30
- set t [$w.zinc add text $group -underlined yes -text "-fillrule"]
- $w.zinc translate $t -110 30
- variable dy 0
- foreach fillrule {odd nonzero positive negative abs_geq_2} {
- set dy [expr $dy + 160]
- set t [$w.zinc add text $group -text $fillrule]
- $w.zinc translate $t -110 [expr 100+$dy]
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- set clone [$w.zinc clone $item -fillrule $fillrule -filled 1]
- $w.zinc translate $clone 0 $dy
- }
- }
- # creating simple lines with arrows under each curves
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- set contour_number [$w.zinc contour $item]
- #puts "$item contour_number=$contour_number\n"
- for {set n 0} {$n <=[expr $contour_number-1]} {incr n} {
- set points [$w.zinc coords $item $n]
- set nbpoints [llength $points]
- for {set i 0} {$i <=[expr $nbpoints-2]} {incr i} {
- set firstpoint [lindex $points $i]
- set lastpoint [lindex $points [expr $i+1]]
- set middlepoint "[expr [lindex $firstpoint 0]+([lindex $lastpoint 0]- [lindex $firstpoint 0])/1.5] [expr [lindex $firstpoint 1]+([lindex $lastpoint 1]-[lindex $firstpoint 1])/1.5]"
- $w.zinc add curve [$w.zinc group $item] "$firstpoint $middlepoint" -lastend "7 10 4"
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl b/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7f4d9..0000000
--- a/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002
-# Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr> for whole graphic design and coding
-# Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for adding simple animations
-# and integration in zinc-demos
-# This integration is still not perfect and requires an extension in zinc
-# We must know if a named gradient already exists, when launching
-# many time the same demo in the same process!
-# $Id:
-# This small application illustrates both the use of groups in combination
-# of -composescale attributes and an implementation of kind of air traffic
-# control electronic strips.
-# However it is only a simplified example given as is, without any immediate usage!
-# 3 strips formats are accessible through "+" / "-" buttons on the right side
-# 1. small-format: with 2 lines of info, and reduced length
-# 2. normal-format: with 3 lines of info, full length
-# 3. extended-format: with 3 lines of infos, full length
-# the 3 lines are zoomed
-# an additionnel 4th lone is displayed
-# An additionnal 4th format (micro-format) is available when double-clicking somewhere...
-# Strips can be moved around by drag&drop from the callsign
-# When changing size, strips are animated. The animation is a very simple one,
-# which should be enhanced.... You can change the animation parameters, by modifyng
-# $delay and $steps.
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-#package require profiler
-namespace eval groupsInAtcStrips {
- variable w .groupsInAtcStrips
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Atc electronic strips using groups"
- wm iconname $w groupsInAtcStrips
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- variable imagePath [file join [demosPath] images]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {These fake air Traffic Control electronic strips illustrates
- the use of groups for an advanced graphic design.
- The following interactions are possible:
- "drag&drop button1" on the callsign.
- "button 1" triangle buttons on the right side of the strips
- to modify strips size
- "double click 1" on the blueish zone to fully reduce size}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- image create photo texture -file \
- [file join [demosPath] images background_texture.gif]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -render 1 -width 700 -height 500 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 130 -tile texture] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable stripGradients {}
- variable stripFontSet {}
- variable delay 50; # ms between each animation steps
- variable steps 6; # number of steps for the animation
- # scales() # this hash just memorizes the current x and y scaling ratio
- # In a real appli, this should be memorized in strip objects
- #----------------------
- # configuration data
- #----------------------
- variable ratio2FontSet {{1.2 normal} {10 large}}
- set loadedFonts [font names]
- foreach f $loadedFonts {
- if { [regexp {^radar-} $f] } {
- font delete $f
- }
- }
- # cenapii-radar-b15
- font create radar-b15 -family helvetica -size 16 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-digistrips-b12
- font create radar-b12 -family helvetica -size 12 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-digistrips-b10 and cenapii-digistrips-b10c
- font create radar-b10 -family helvetica -size 10 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-radar-m18
- font create radar-m18 -family helvetica -size 18 -slant roman -weight normal
- # cenapii-radar-m20
- font create radar-m20 -family helvetica -size 20 -slant roman -weight normal
- variable stripStyle {
- gradSet {
- idnt {=axial 90|#ffffff 0|#ffeedd 30|#e9d1ca 90|#e9a89a}
- back {#c1daff|#8aaaff}
- shad {=path -40 -40|#000000;50 0|#000000;50 92|#000000;0 100}
- btnOutside #ffeedd|#8a9acc
- btnInside {=axial 180|#ffeedd|#8a9acc}
- ch1 {#8aaaff|#5b76ed}
- }
- fontSet {
- normal {
- callsign radar-b15
- type1 radar-b12
- type2 radar-b10
- type3 radar-b10
- }
- large {
- callsign radar-m20
- type1 radar-m18
- type2 radar-b15
- type3 radar-b12
- }
- }
- width 340
- height 86
- shadowcoords {8 8 374 94}
- shadowcolor shad
- strip {
- linewidth 3
- linecolor \#aaccff
- fillcolor back
- relief roundraised
- }
- buttons {
- coords {340 0}
- clipcoords {0 0 90 83}
- zone {
- coords {0 0 26 85}
- fillcolor btnOutside
- linewidth 0
- }
- btns {
- btnup {
- coords {0 0 26 43}
- arrow {14 2 24 40 1 40 14 2}
- linewidth 1
- linecolor \#aabadd
- fillcolor btnInside
- label {
- coords {13 27}
- text +
- font radar-m20
- color \#ffffff
- anchor center
- }
- }
- btndn {
- coords {0 43 26 86}
- arrow {14 83 24 43 1 43 14 83}
- linewidth 1
- linecolor \#aabadd
- fillcolor btnInside
- label {
- coords {13 56}
- text -
- font radar-m20
- color \#ffffff
- anchor center
- }
- }
- }
- }
- clipcoords {3 3 332 80}
- zones {
- ident {
- coords {3 3 90 50}
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- sensitive 1
- tags move
- linewidth 1
- filled 1
- relief sunken
- linecolor \#ffeedd
- fillcolor idnt
- fields {
- callsign {
- coords {10 18}
- font callsign
- text EWG361
- anchor w
- color \#000000
- }
- company {
- coords {10 34}
- font type2
- text Eurowing
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- input {
- coords {3 3 334 82}
- atomic 1
- priority 100
- sensitive 1
- tags scale
- linewidth 0
- filled 1
- relief flat
- linecolor white
- fillcolor back # \#afb2cc
- fields {
- type {
- coords {100 18}
- font type1
- text TYPA
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- cfmu {
- coords {200 18}
- font type1
- text 08:26
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- ptsid {
- coords {100 40}
- font type2
- text NIPOR
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- confsid {
- coords {158 40}
- font type2
- text 8G
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- park {
- coords {200 40}
- font type2
- text G23
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- dest {
- coords {10 66}
- font type2
- text DEST
- anchor w
- color \#555555
- }
- champ1 {
- type rect
- coords {45 56 135 76}
- filled 1
- fillcolor ch1
- linecolor white
- linewidth 0
- }
- bret {
- coords {200 66}
- font type2
- text Bret.
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- zreco {
- coords {210 3 346 82}
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- texture stripped_texture.gif
- sensitive 1
- tags edit
- linewidth 2
- filled 1
- relief sunken
- linecolor \#deecff
- fillcolor \#d3e5ff
- }
- }
- zinfo {
- coords {0 86}
- rectcoords {0 0 340 20}
- shadowcoords {8 8 348 28}
- shadowcolor shad
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- sensitive 1
- tags edit2
- linewidth 2
- linecolor \#aaccff
- fillcolor back
- relief roundraised
- fields {
- ssr {
- coords {4 10}
- font type3
- text 7656
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- pdep {
- coords {47 10}
- font type3
- text G23
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- qfu {
- coords {73 10}
- font type3
- text 09R
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- slabel {
- coords {105 10}
- font type3
- text vit:
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- speed {
- coords {106 10}
- font type3
- text 260
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- pper {
- coords {142 10}
- font type3
- text EPL
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- rfl {
- coords {166 10}
- font type3
- text 210
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- cautra {
- coords {183 10}
- font type3
- text 8350
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- nsect {
- coords {219 10}
- font type3
- text MOD
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- day {
- coords {297 10}
- font type3
- text 21/05/02
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- hour {
- coords {332 10}
- font type3
- text 13:50
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc TLGetHash {list tag} {
- array set temp $list
- if { [info exists temp($tag)] } {
- return $temp($tag)
- }
- return ""
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- # puts "TLGet found \"$val\" for \"$key\""
- return $val
- }
- }
- # puts "Unknown tag $tag in $list"
- return ""
- }
- # Création du Strip
- proc createStrip {index x y style} {
- variable w
- variable stripGradients
- variable stripFontSet
- variable textures
- variable imagePath
- # initialise les gradients
- if { [llength $stripGradients] == 0 } {
- foreach {name gradient} [TLGet $style gradSet] {
- # création des gradiants nommés
- if {! [$w.zinc gname $name]} {
- $w.zinc gname $gradient $name
- }
- # the previous test is usefull only
- # when this script is executed many time in the same process
- # (it is typically the case in zinc-demos)
- lappend stripGradients $name
- }
- }
- # initialise les jeux de fontes
- if { ![llength $stripFontSet] } {
- set stripFontSet [TLGet $style fontSet]
- }
- # création du groupe de base : coords
- set g1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -priority 100 -tags "base$index"]
- $w.zinc coords $g1 [list $x $y]
- # group de transfo 1 : scaling (à partir du coin haut droit)
- set g2 [$w.zinc add group $g1 -tags "scaling$index"]
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # réalisation du strip lui même (papier support + ombre portée
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # params strip
- set stripw [TLGet $style width]
- set striph [TLGet $style height]
- # ombre portée
- $w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [TLGet $style shadowcoords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor [TLGet $style shadowcolor] \
- -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index"
- # strip
- set sstyle [TLGet $style strip]
- set strip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [list 0 0 $stripw $striph] -filled 1 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $sstyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $sstyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $sstyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $sstyle relief] \
- -priority 20 -tags "strip$index"]
- set texName [TLGet $sstyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures(strip)] } {
- set textures(strip) [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $strip -tile $textures(strip)
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # ajout de la zone des boutons (à droite du strip)
- #-------------------------------------------------
- set bStyle [TLGet $style buttons]
- if { [llength $bStyle] != 0 } {
- # le groupe de la zone bouton
- set btnGroup [$w.zinc add group $g2 -priority 40]
- $w.zinc coords $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle coords]
- # sa zone de clipping
- set btnClip [$w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle clipcoords] \
- -filled 0 -visible 0]
- # le clipping du groupe bouton
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup -clip $btnClip
- # zone bouton
- set bZone [TLGet $bStyle zone]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bZone coords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth [TLGet $bZone linewidth] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $bZone fillcolor] -composescale 0 \
- -tags "content$index"
- set btns [TLGet $bStyle btns]
- foreach {name btnStyle} $btns {
- # puts "bouton $name $btnStyle"
- set sGroup [$w.zinc add group $btnGroup -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 \
- -composescale 0 -tags [list "$name$index" "content$index"]]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle coords] \
- -filled 1 -visible 0 -priority 100
- $w.zinc add curve $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle arrow] \
- -closed 1 -filled 1 -priority 50 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $btnStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $btnStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $btnStyle fillcolor]
- set lab [TLGet $btnStyle label]
- $w.zinc add text $sGroup -priority 60 \
- -position [TLGet $lab coords] -text [TLGet $lab text] \
- -font [TLGet $lab font] -color [TLGet $lab color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $lab anchor]
- }
- # bindings boutons Up et Down du Strip
- $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::extendedStrip
- $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::smallStrip
- }
- # construction du contenu du strip
- buildContent $index $g2 100 $style
- # et de la barre d'extension info (extended format)
- buildExtent $index $g2 [TLGet $style zinfo]
- }
- # Construction des zones internes du Strips
- proc buildContent {index parent priority style} {
- variable w
- variable textures
- variable stripFontSet
- variable imagePath
- # group content
- set g3 [$w.zinc add group $parent -priority $priority]
- # zone de clipping
- set clip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g3 [TLGet $style clipcoords] \
- -filled 0 -visible 0]
- # clipping du groupe content
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g3 -clip $clip
- # création d'un group intermédiaire pour bloquer le scaling
- set g4 [$w.zinc add group $g3 -composescale 0 -tags "content$index"]
- # création des zones
- set zones [TLGet $style zones]
- foreach {name zoneStyle} $zones {
- # group de zone
- set gz [$w.zinc add group $g4]
- if { [TLGet $zoneStyle atomic] } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gz -atomic 1 \
- -sensitive [TLGet $zoneStyle sensitive] \
- -priority [TLGet $zoneStyle priority] \
- -tags [concat "$name$index" [TLGet $zoneStyle tags]]
- }
- set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $zoneStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $zoneStyle filled] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $zoneStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $zoneStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $zoneStyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $zoneStyle relief] \
- -priority 10 -tags "$name$index"]
- set texName [TLGet $zoneStyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures($name)] } {
- set textures($name) [image create photo \
- -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures($name)
- }
- set fields [TLGet $zoneStyle fields]
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal]
- foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields {
- set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type]
- if { $fsType == "rect" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \
- -priority 20
- } else {
- set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font]
- # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font"
- $w.zinc add text $gz -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \
- -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \
- -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \
- -priority 30 -tags "$font$index"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Construction de la barre d'extension info du Strip
- proc buildExtent {index parent infoStyle} {
- variable w
- variable textures
- variable stripFontSet
- variable imagePath
- # group content
- set extGroup [$w.zinc add group $parent]
- $w.zinc coords $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle coords]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $extGroup -visible 0 \
- -atomic [TLGet $infoStyle atomic] \
- -sensitive [TLGet $infoStyle sensitive] \
- -priority [TLGet $infoStyle priority] \
- -tags [concat "zinfo$index" [TLGet $infoStyle tags]]
- # ombre portée
- $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcoords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index" \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcolor]
- set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle rectcoords] \
- -filled 1 -priority 20 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $infoStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $infoStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $infoStyle relief]]
- set texName [TLGet $infoStyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures(zinfo)] } {
- set textures(zinfo) [image create photo \
- -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures(zinfo)
- }
- set fields [TLGet $infoStyle fields]
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal]
- foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields {
- set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type]
- if { $fsType == "rect" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \
- -priority 40
- } else {
- set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font]
- # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font"
- $w.zinc add text $extGroup -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \
- -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \
- -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \
- -priority 50 -tags "$font$index"
- }
- }
- }
- # initialisation des bindings généraux dy Strip
- proc initBindings {moveTag scaleTag} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <1> "::groupsInAtcStrips::catchStrip %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <ButtonRelease> ::groupsInAtcStrips::releaseStrip
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <B1-Motion> "::groupsInAtcStrips::motionStrip %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $scaleTag <Double-Button-1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::microStrip
- }
- # Callback CATCH de début de déplacement du Strip
- proc catchStrip {x y} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- foreach {lx ly} [$w.zinc coords "base$index"] break
- set dx [expr $lx - $x]
- set dy [expr $ly - $y]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 200
- }
- # Callback MOVE de fin de déplacement du Strip
- proc motionStrip {x y} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc coords "base$index" [list [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]]
- }
- # Callback RELEASE de fin de déplacement du Strip
- proc releaseStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 100
- }
- # Zoom Strip : normal format
- proc normalStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 1
- displayRecoZone $index 1
- displayExtentZone $index 0
- configButtons $index extendedStrip smallStrip
- changeStripFormat $index 1 1 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : small format (lignes 1 et 2)
- proc smallStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- displayRecoZone $index 0
- configButtons $index normalStrip 0
- changeStripFormat $index 1 0.63 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : micro format (zone ident)
- proc microStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- configButtons $index normalStrip 0
- changeStripFormat $index 0.28 0.63 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : extendedFormat
- proc extendedStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 150
- displayRecoZone $index 0
- displayExtentZone $index 1
- configButtons $index 0 normalStrip
- changeStripFormat $index 1.3 1.3 1 1.3
- }
- # affiche/masque la zone Reco
- proc displayRecoZone {index state} {
- variable w
- set priority [expr $state ? 200 : 0]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "zreco$index" -priority $priority
- }
- # affiche/masque la zone Extent
- proc displayExtentZone {index state} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "zinfo$index" -visible $state -sensitive $state
- }
- # Configure affichage et callbacks des boutons du Strip
- proc configButtons {index funcUp funcDown} {
- variable w
- # button Up
- if { $funcUp != 0 } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 1
- $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::$funcUp
- } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 0
- }
- # button Down
- if { $funcDown != 0 } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 1
- $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::$funcDown
- } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 0
- }
- }
- # this function has been hacked to provide the user with an animation
- # The animation is (too) simple but provide a better feedback than without
- proc changeStripFormat {index xratio yratio composeflag fontratio} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- variable scales
- variable steps
- variable delay
- # réinitialisation du groupe scaling
- $w.zinc treset "scaling$index"
- # configure le blocage de transformation du format des champs
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "content$index" -composescale $composeflag
- # applique le nouveau scaling
- if { ![info exists scales($index)] } {
- set scales($index) {1 1}
- }
- foreach {oldXratio oldYratio} $scales($index) {}
- set scales($index) [list $xratio $yratio]
- set dx [expr ($xratio - $oldXratio) / $steps]
- set dy [expr ($yratio - $oldYratio) / $steps]
- _resize $index $delay [expr $oldXratio+$dx] [expr $oldYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps
- setFontes $index $yratio
- }
- proc _resize {index delay newXratio newYratio dx dy steps} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc treset "scaling$index"
- $w.zinc scale "scaling$index" $newXratio $newYratio
- # jeu de fontes
- incr steps -1
- if { $steps > 0 } {
- after $delay [list ::groupsInAtcStrips::_resize $index $delay [expr $newXratio+$dx] \
- [expr $newYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps]
- }
- #puts [::profiler::print]
- }
- proc getFKey {ratio} {
- variable ratio2FontSet
- foreach param $ratio2FontSet {
- foreach {maxRatio fKey} $param {}
- set newfKey $fKey
- if { $ratio < $maxRatio } {
- return $newfKey;
- }
- }
- return $newfKey;
- }
- proc setFontes {index ratio} {
- variable w
- variable stripFontSet
- variable oldFKey
- set newFKey [getFKey $ratio]
- if {![info exists oldFKey] || ([string compare $oldFKey $newFKey] != 0) } {
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet $newFKey]
- #puts "setFontes $oldFKey -> $newFKey"
- if { [llength $fontStyle] != 0 } {
- foreach type {callsign type1 type2 type3} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "$type$index" -font [TLGet $fontStyle $type]
- }
- }
- set oldFKey $newFKey
- }
- }
- # test Strips
- for {set xn 10; set yn 30; set index 0} {$index < 4} {incr index; incr xn 50; incr yn 120} {
- createStrip $index $xn $yn $stripStyle
- }
- initBindings move scale
diff --git a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl b/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 07bfbb6..0000000
--- a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval groupsPriority {
- variable w .groupsPriority
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Groups priority Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Groups
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 12] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end "There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing\n4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.\nThe following operations are possible:\n Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.\n Mouse Button 2 for dragging a colored group.\n Key + on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.\n Key - on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.\n Key l on a rectangle to lower its colored group.\n Key r on a rectangle to raise its colored group.\n Key t on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).\n Key 0-9 on a rectangle to set the priority to 0-9\nRaising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary"
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- variable zinc_width 600
- variable zinc_height 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zinc_width -height $zinc_height -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- #########################################################################"
- # Creating the redish group
- variable group1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable counter 0
- # Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
- foreach data { {200 100 red} {210 210 red1} {390 110 red2} {395 215 red3} } {
- set counter [expr $counter+ 2]
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together :
- # the rectangle and the text showing its name
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group1 -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g \
- [list [expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]] \
- -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add "text" $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
- }
- #########################################################################"
- # Creating the greenish group
- variable group2 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable counter 0
- # Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
- foreach data {{200 300 green1} {210 410 green2} {390 310 green3} {395 415 green4}} {
- incr counter
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
- # and the text showing its priority
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group2 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add text $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
- }
- #########################################################################"
- # adding the key bindings
- # the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
- focus $w.zinc
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-r> ::groupsPriority::raiseGroup
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-l> ::groupsPriority::lowerGroup
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-plus> ::groupsPriority::raise
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> ::groupsPriority::raise
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-minus> ::groupsPriority::lower
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> ::groupsPriority::lower
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-t> ::groupsPriority::toggleItemGroup
- for {set i 0} {$i<=9} {incr i} {
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-KP_$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
- }
- # The following binding is currently not possible only text items
- # with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
- # $zinc->bind($g '<KeyPress>' [\&raise $g]
- ####################################withtype#####################################"
- # Definition of all callbacks
- proc updateLabel {group} {
- variable w
- set priority [$w.zinc itemcget $group -priority]
- # we get the text item from this group:
- set textitem [$w.zinc find withtype text ".$group."]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $textitem -text "pri=$priority"
- }
- proc setPriority {priority} {
- variable w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority $priority
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
- proc lower {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc lower $item
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
- proc raise {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc raise $item
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc lowerGroup {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc lower $coloredGroup
- }
- # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc raiseGroup {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc raise $coloredGroup
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to change puts raise
- #the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc toggleItemGroup {} {
- variable group1
- variable group2
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- # return unless $item
- set newgroup ""
- if {$group1 == [$w.zinc group $item]} {
- set newgroup $group2
- } else {
- set newgroup $group1
- }
- $w.zinc chggroup $item $newgroup 1
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # callback for starting a drag
- set xOrig ""
- set yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc groupDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc translate $coloredGroup [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
diff --git a/demos/iconTransform.tcl b/demos/iconTransform.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e4527c8..0000000
--- a/demos/iconTransform.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval iconTransform {
- variable w .iconTransform
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc icon scale/rotate Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w iconTransform
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 6] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {You can transform this image with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the transparency (OpenGL only).}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- image create photo zincAA -file [file join [demosPath] images zinc.gif]
- variable zincAA [$w.zinc add icon $topGroup -image zincAA \
- -position {10 10} -composescale 1 -composerotation 1]
- $w.zinc add text $topGroup \
- -text "try to zoom/resize the banner!\nNow works also without openGL ;-)" \
- -color white -composescale 1 -composerotation 1 -position {15 100}
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::iconTransform::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::iconTransform::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::iconTransform::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::iconTransform::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::iconTransform::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::iconTransform::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::iconTransform::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::iconTransform::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::iconTransform::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable topGroup
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $topGroup [expr -($lAngle - $curAngle)]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
diff --git a/demos/images/background_texture.gif b/demos/images/background_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb4c11..0000000
--- a/demos/images/background_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper-grey.gif b/demos/images/paper-grey.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 96775b5..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper-grey.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif b/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8c8ef..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper.gif b/demos/images/paper.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3247d35..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/photoAlpha.png b/demos/images/photoAlpha.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fdf74b..0000000
--- a/demos/images/photoAlpha.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif b/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b842e..0000000
--- a/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/zinc.gif b/demos/images/zinc.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1cda9..0000000
--- a/demos/images/zinc.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/items.tcl b/demos/items.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 35af800..0000000
--- a/demos/items.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval allItems {
- variable w .items
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Item Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Items
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- scrollbar $w.vscroll -command "$w.zinc yview"
- grid $w.vscroll -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns
- scrollbar $w.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$w.zinc xview"
- grid $w.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky we
- zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -scrollregion {-100 0 1000 1000} \
- -xscrollcommand "$w.hscroll set" \
- -yscrollcommand "$w.vscroll set" \
- -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken
- grid $w.zinc -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 100 50} -fillcolor green -filled 1 -linewidth 10 \
- -relief roundridge -linecolor darkgreen
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {120 20} \
- -text {A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.}
- variable labelformat {x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2};
- variable x 20;
- variable y 120;
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 6 -labelformat $labelformat -position "$x $y" \
- -speedvector {40 -10} -speedvectormark 1 -speedvectorticks 1]
- # moving the track, to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- set x1 [expr $x+$i*10]
- set y1 [expr $y-$i*2]
- $w.zinc coords "$track" "$x1 $y1"
- }
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {200 80} \
- -text "A flight track for a radar display. A waypoint looks similar,
-but has no speed vector and no past positions."
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR001
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Beacon
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {150 140 450 240} -fillcolor gray20 -filled 0 -linewidth 1 \
- -startangle 45 -extent 270
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {260 150 340 230} -fillcolor gray20 -filled 0 -linewidth 1 \
- -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -linestyle mixed -linewidth 3
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {320 180} \
- -text {Two arcs, starting at 45° with an extent of 270°}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {10 324 24 300 45 432 247 356 128 401} -filled 0 -relief roundgroove
- # -linewidth 10, ## BUG with zinc 3.2.3g
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {An open curve} -anchor nw -position {50 350}
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {A waypoint} -anchor nw -position {10 480}
- variable waypoint [$w.zinc add waypoint 1 6 -position {100 520} -labelformat $labelformat \
- -symbol AtcSymbol2 -labeldistance 30]
- for {set fieldId 1} {$fieldId<=5} {incr fieldId} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $waypoint $fieldId -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen \
- -border contour -text "field$fieldId"
- }
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {510 380} \
- -text "3 tabulars of 2 fields,\nattached together."
- variable labelformat2 {x72x40 x72a0^0^0 x34a0^0>1}
- variable tabular1 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -position {570 250} -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable tabular2 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -connecteditem $tabular1 -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable tabular3 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -connecteditem $tabular2 -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable count 1
- foreach tab "$tabular1 $tabular2 $tabular3" {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tab 1 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour -text tabular
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tab 2 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour -text "n°$count"
- incr count
- }
- $w.zinc add reticle 1 -position {530 550} -firstradius 20 -numcircles 6 \
- -period 2 -stepsize 20 -brightlinestyle dashed -brightlinecolor darkred
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {a reticle with 6 circles} \
- -anchor nw -position {530 540}
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::allItems::press $w.zinc motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> "::allItems::release $w.zinc"
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- proc press {z action x y} {
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- bind $z <Motion> "::allItems::$action $z %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {z x y} {
- variable curX
- variable curY
- $z translate current [expr $x - $curX] [expr $y - $curY]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc release {z} {
- bind $z <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/labelformat.tcl b/demos/labelformat.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cab978b..0000000
--- a/demos/labelformat.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval labelFormat {
- variable w .labelformat
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Label Format Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Label
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 4] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This scipt demonstrates the use of labelformat for tabular items.
- The fieldPos (please, refer to the labelformat type description
- in the Zinc reference manual) of each field as described in
- the labelformat is displayed inside the field.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- ### this function displays in each field, the corresponding <fieldPos>
- ### part of the labelformat
- proc setLabelContent {item labelformat} {
- variable w
- set i 0
- foreach fieldSpec $labelformat {
- set posSpec $i
- regexp {^.\d+.\d+(.*)} $fieldSpec "" posSpec
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item $i -text "$i: $posSpec" -border "contour"
- incr i
- }
- }
- ###########################################
- # Tabulars
- ###########################################
- ### first labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat1 {x100x20+0+0 x100x20+100+0 x100x20+0+20 x100x20+100+20 x100x20+50+55}
- variable tabular1 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 5 -position {10 10} -labelformat $labelformat1]
- setLabelContent $tabular1 $labelformat1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 100} -text "All fields positions\nare given in pixels"
- ### second labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat2 {x110x20+100+30 x80x20<0<0 x80x20<0>0 x80x20>0>0 x80x20>0<0}
- variable tabular2 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 5 -position {270 10} -labelformat $labelformat2]
- setLabelContent $tabular2 $labelformat2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {260 100} -text "All fields positions are given\nrelatively to field 0.\nThey are either on the left/right\nand up/down the field 0."
- ### third labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat3 {x200x70+100+70 x80x26^0<0 x80x26^0>0 x80x29$0$0 x80x32$0^0 x90x20<1^1 x90x20<2$2 x90x20^4<4 x90x20^3>3}
- variable tabular3 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 9 -position {150 180} -labelformat $labelformat3]
- setLabelContent $tabular3 $labelformat3
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {40 360} -text "Fields 1-4 are positionned relatively to field 0.\nField 5 is positionned relatively to field 1\nField 6 is positionned relatively to field 2..."
diff --git a/demos/lines.tcl b/demos/lines.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a974e07..0000000
--- a/demos/lines.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval linesDemo {
- variable w .lines
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Lines Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Lines
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
--text "A set of lines with different styles of lines and termination\nNB: some attributes such as line styles are not necessarily\navailable with an openGL rendering system"
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 100 320 100}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 120 320 120} -linewidth 20
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 160 320 160} -linewidth 20 -capstyle butt
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 200 320 200} -linewidth 20 -capstyle projecting
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 240 320 240} -linewidth 20 -linepattern AlphaStipple7 -linecolor red
- # right column
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 100 680 100} -firstend {10 10 10} -lastend {10 25 45}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 140 680 140} -linewidth 2 -linestyle dashed
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 180 680 180} -linewidth 4 -linestyle mixed
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 220 680 220} -linewidth 2 -linestyle dotted
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 300 140 360 320 300 180 260} -closed 1 -filled 1 -fillpattern "" \
- -fillcolor grey60 -linecolor red -marker AtcSymbol7 -markercolor blue
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 300 440 360 620 300 480 260} -closed 1 -linewidth 10 -joinstyle miter \
- -linecolor red
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {400 300 440 330 560 300 480 280} -closed 1 -linewidth 10 -joinstyle round \
- -tile "" -fillcolor grey60 -filled 1 -linecolor red
diff --git a/demos/magicLens.tcl b/demos/magicLens.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index c142d53..0000000
--- a/demos/magicLens.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# MagicLens.pl
-# This small demo is based on Zinc::Graphics.pm for creating
-# the graphic items.
-# The magnifyer effect is obtained with the help of clipping,
-# and some glass effect is based on color transparency through
-# a triangles item bordering the magnifier
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Patrick Lecoanet (Translation to Tcl).
-# $Id:
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-package require zincGraphics
-namespace eval magicLens {
- variable font9b 7x13bold
- variable font8 7x13
- variable basicColors {
- {Jaune \#fff52a \#f1f1f1 \#6a6611}
- {"Jaune\nOrangé" \#ffc017 \#cfcfcf \#6b510a}
- {Orangé \#ff7500 \#a5a5a5 \#622d00}
- {Rouge \#ff2501 \#8b8b8b \#620e00}
- {Magenta \#ec145d \#828282 \#600826}
- {"Violet\nRouge" \#a41496 \#636363 \#020940}
- {"Violet\nBleu" \#6a25b6 \#555555 \#2a0f48}
- {Bleu \#324bde \#646464 \#101846}
- {Cyan \#0a74f0 \#818181 \#064a9a}
- {"Bleu\nVert" \#009bb4 \#969696 \#006474}
- {Vert \#0fa706 \#979797 \#096604}
- {"Jaune\nVert" \#9dd625 \#c9c9c9 \#496311}
- }
- variable circleCoords {
- {0 -30} {-16.569 -30 c} {-30 -16.569 c} {-30 0}
- {-30 16.569 c} {-16.569 30 c} {0 30}
- {16.569 30 c} {30 16.569 c} {30 0}
- {30 -16.569 c} {16.569 -30 c} {0 -30}
- }
- # MagicLens
- variable lensItems {
- back {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-100 -100} {100 100}}
- -params {
- -priority 10
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -visible 0
- -tags lensback
- }
- }
- light {
- -itemtype pathline
- -metacoords {
- -type polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 36
- -radius 100
- -startangle 240
- }
- -linewidth 10
- -shifting right
- -closed 1
- -graduate {
- -type double
- -colors {
- { \#ffffff;0 \#6666cc;0 \#ffffff;0 }
- { \#ffffff;100 \#333399;50 \#ffffff;100 }
- }
- }
- -params {
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- bord {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-100 -100} {100 100}}
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -closed 1
- -filled 0
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#222266;80
- }
- }
- }
- proc SetBindings {} {
- variable zinc
- variable w
- $zinc bind lens <1> {::magicLens::LensStart %x %y}
- $zinc bind lens <B1-Motion> {::magicLens::LensMove %x %y}
- $zinc bind lens <ButtonRelease> {::magicLens::LensStop %x %y}
- focus $w
- # Up, Down, Right, Left : Translate
- bind $w <Up> {::magicLens::LensTranslate up}
- bind $w <Down> {::magicLens::LensTranslate down}
- bind $w <Left> {::magicLens::LensTranslate left}
- bind $w <Right> {::magicLens::LensTranslate right}
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Start Move Callback
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensStart {x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Move Callback.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensMove {x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- variable zoom
- variable zinc
- variable infoView
- $zinc translate current [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- $zinc translate lenszone [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- foreach {lx ly} [$zinc coords lens 0 0] break
- $zinc coords $infoView [list [expr $lx * (1 - $zoom)] \
- [expr $ly * (1 - $zoom)]]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Release Callback (End of a Move)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensStop {x y} {
- LensMove $x $y
- }
- proc LensTranslate {way} {
- variable zoom
- variable zinc
- variable infoView
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- switch -- $way {
- left {set dx -10}
- up {set dy -10}
- right {set dx 10}
- down {set dy 10}
- }
- $zinc translate lens $dx $dy
- $zinc translate lenszone $dx $dy
- foreach {lx ly} [$zinc coords lens 0 0] break
- $zinc coords $infoView [list [expr $lx * (1 - $zoom)] \
- [expr $ly * (1 - $zoom)]]
- }
- variable w .magicLens
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Color Magic Lens Demonstration"
- wm geometry $w "1000x900+0+0"
- wm iconname $w magicLens
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # Create a Zinc instance
- variable zinc [zinc $w.z -render 1 -width 1000 -height 900 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 140 -backcolor \#cccccc]
- grid $zinc -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable imagePath [file join [demosPath] images]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- variable lensTexture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey.gif]]
- $zinc configure -tile $texture
- # Create the views
- variable normView [$zinc add group 1 -priority 100]
- variable lensView [$zinc add group 1 -priority 200]
- variable infoView [$zinc add group $lensView]
- variable zoom 1.20
- $zinc scale $infoView $zoom $zoom
- $zinc add rectangle $infoView {{0 0} {1000 900}} \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -tile $lensTexture -linewidth 0
- variable x 60
- for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
- # Add a group in each view
- set cGroup [$zinc add group $normView]
- $zinc coords $cGroup [list $x 60]
- set lGroup [$zinc add group $infoView]
- $zinc coords $lGroup [list $x 60]
- # Color Description : name, Saturated saturée, Unsaturated ZnColor, Shadow ZnColor
- foreach {colorName saturColor greyColor shadColor} [lindex $basicColors $i] break
- # Sample of saturated color + relief
- set refGrad "=radial -12 -20|#ffffff 0|$saturColor 40|$shadColor 100"
- set refItem [$zinc add curve $cGroup $circleCoords \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor $refGrad -linewidth 2 -priority 100]
- # Clone into infoView group
- set clone [$zinc clone $refItem]
- $zinc chggroup $clone $lGroup
- # Color label in infoView
- $zinc add text $lGroup -priority 200 -position {0 0} \
- -text $colorName -anchor center -alignment center -font $font9b -spacing 2
- # Color gradient toward a gray with same light
- set barGrad "=axial 270|$saturColor|$greyColor"
- # Create the color samples (Multi contours curve)
- set gradBar [$zinc add curve $cGroup {} -closed 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor $barGrad \
- -linewidth 2 -priority 20 -fillrule nonzero]
- # Create main gradient colors (saturation 100% -> 0%) and trim alpha
- # channel off.
- set znColors [list]
- foreach color [zincGraphics::CreateGraduate 11 [list $saturColor $greyColor]] {
- lappend znColors [lindex [split $color ";"] 0]
- }
- # Create intermediate steps between colors (saturation -> desaturation)
- for {set c 0} {$c < 11} {incr c} {
- # Color of the current step
- set color [lindex $znColors $c]
- # Create a zinc item for the color
- set sample [$zinc clone $refItem -fillcolor $color]
- $zinc translate $sample 0 [expr 65*($c+1)]
- # Add its shape to the multi-contours curve
- $zinc contour $gradBar add 1 $sample
- # Move the item to the info group
- $zinc chggroup $sample $lGroup
- # Text of label (% saturation + ZnColor)
- set txtColor "[expr ((10 - $c)*10)]%\n$color"
- $zinc add text $lGroup -priority 200 -position [list 0 [expr ($c + 1)* 65]] \
- -text $txtColor -anchor center -alignment center -font $font8 -spacing 2 \
- -composescale 0
- }
- incr x 80
- }
- # Create the lens itself
- variable lensGroup [$zinc add group 1 -priority 300 -atomic 1 -tags lens]
- $zinc coords $lensGroup {300 110}
- variable dx 0
- variable dy 0
- LensMove 0 0
- # Graphical items defining the lens
- foreach {name style} $lensItems {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $lensGroup $style {} $name
- }
- # Add a clipping shape to lensView
- set lensZone [$zinc clone lensback -tags lenszone]
- $zinc chggroup $lensZone $lensView true
- $zinc itemconfigure $lensView -clip $lensZone
- variable consigne [$zinc add text 1 -position {30 840} -font $font8 -alignment left \
- -color \#ffffff -spacing 2 \
- -text "<Up>, <Down>, <Left> and <Right> keys or <Mouse Drag>
-Move the Magic Color Lens behind the color gradiants
-to see the ZnColor value of Hue/saturation"]
- variable cClone [$zinc clone $consigne -font $font9b]
- $zinc chggroup $cClone $infoView
- SetBindings
diff --git a/demos/pathTags.tcl b/demos/pathTags.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7fdcc..0000000
--- a/demos/pathTags.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# this pathtatg demo have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-# with the help of Daniel Etienne etienne@cena.fr.
-# tcl version by Patrick Lecoanet lecoanet@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval pathTags {
- variable w .pathTags
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Path tags Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Path tags"
- variable defaultFont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 3 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 3 -column 1 -pady 10
- ## this demo demonstrates the use of path tags to address one or more items
- ## belonging to a hierarchy of groups.
- ## This hierarchy is described just below gr_xxx designates a group
- ## (with a tag xxx and i_yyy designates an non-group item (with a tag yyy .
- # gr_top --- gr_a --- gr_aa --- gr_aaa --- gr_aaaa --- i_aaaaa
- # | | | |-- i_aaab |-- i_aaaab
- # | | -- i_aab
- # | |-- i_ab
- # | |
- # | ---gr_ac --- i_aca
- # | |
- # |-- i_b --- i_acb
- # |
- # --- gr_c --- gr_ca --- i_caa
- # | |
- # | --- i_cab
- # |-- i_cb
- # |
- # ---gr_cc --- i_cca
- # |
- # --- i_ccb
- #the same objects are cloned and put in an other hierarchy where
- #grTop is replaced by grOtherTop
- variable defaultForeColor grey80
- variable selectedColor yellow
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5 -font $defaultFont] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This represents a group hierarchy:
- - groups are represented by a rectangle and an underlined title.
- - non-group items are represented by a text.
- Select a pathTag or a tag with one of the radio-button
- or experiment your own tags in the input field}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc creation
- ###########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 850 -height 360 -font $defaultFont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor black -forecolor $defaultForeColor] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- ###########################################
- # Creation of a bunch of radiobutton and a text input
- ###########################################
- variable pathtag {}
- variable explanation {...}
- grid [frame $w.toggles] -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- variable tagsExpl {
- top {a simple tag matching the top group}
- .top {all items with tag 'top' in the root group }
- .top. {direct children of a group with tag 'top' in the root group}
- .top* {descendents of a group with tag 'top' in the root group }
- .top*cca {items with a tag 'cca' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .5. {direct content of the group with id 5}
- .top*aa {items with a tag 'aa' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top*aa. {direct children of a group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top*aa* {descendance of a group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top.a {items with a tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top.a. {direct children of a group with tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .5* {descendents of the group of id 5}
- .top*aa*aaa {all items with tag 'aaa' descending from a group with tag 'aa' descending from a group with tag 'top', child of the root group}
- .top*aa*aaa. {children of a group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from a group with a tag 'top' child of the root group}
- .top*aa*aaa* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'top' child of the root group}
- .other_top*aa* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'other_top' child of the root group}
- .5*ca* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'ca' descending from THE group with id 5}
- *aa*aaaa {all items with a tag 'aaaa' descending from a group with a tag 'aa'}
- *aaa {all items with a tag 'aaa'}
- aa||ca {items with tag 'aa' or tag 'ca'}
- none {no items, as none has the tag 'none'}
- all {all items}
- }
- variable row 1
- variable col 2
- foreach {key val} $tagsExpl {
- grid [radiobutton $w.toggles.r$row+$col -text $key -font $defaultFont \
- -command ::pathTags::displayPathtag -variable ::pathTags::pathtag -relief flat \
- -value $key] -column $col -row $row -sticky w -pady 0 -ipady 0
- incr row
- if {$row > 6} {
- set row 1
- incr col
- }
- }
- grid [label $w.toggles.lyt -font $defaultFont -relief flat \
- -text {your own tag:}] -column 2 -row 7 -sticky e -ipady 5
- grid [entry $w.toggles.eyt -font $defaultFont -width 15 \
- -textvariable ::pathTags::pathtag] -column 3 -row 7 -sticky w
- bind $w.toggles.eyt <Return> ::pathTags::displayPathtag
- grid [label $w.toggles.elabel -font $defaultFont -text "explanation:"] \
- -row 8 -column 2 -sticky e
- grid [label $w.toggles.explan -font $defaultFont -width 70 -height 3 \
- -justify left -anchor w -wraplength 16c -textvariable explanation] \
- -row 8 -column 3 -columnspan 4 -sticky w
- grid columnconfigure $w.toggles 5 -weight 10
- ### Here we create the genuine hierarchy of groups and items
- ### Later we will create graphical objects to display groups
- proc createSubHierarchy {gr} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc add group $gr -tags a
- $w.zinc add text $gr -tags {b text} -text b -position {270 150}
- $w.zinc add group $gr -tags c
- $w.zinc add group a -tags aa
- $w.zinc add text a -tags {ab text} -text ab -position {60 220}
- $w.zinc add group a -tags ac
- $w.zinc add group aa -tags aaa
- $w.zinc add text aa -tags {aab text} -text aab -position {90 190}
- $w.zinc add group aaa -tags aaaa
- $w.zinc add text aaaa -tags {aaaaa text} -text aaaaa -position {150 110}
- $w.zinc add text aaaa -tags {aaaab text} -text aaaab -position {150 130}
- $w.zinc add text aaa -tags {aaab text} -text aaab -position {120 160}
- $w.zinc add text ac -tags aca -text aca -position {90 260}
- $w.zinc add text ac -tags {acb text} -text acb -position {90 290}
- $w.zinc add group c -tags ca
- $w.zinc add text c -tags {cb text} -text cb -position {330 160}
- $w.zinc add group c -tags cc
- $w.zinc add text ca -tags {caa text} -text caa -position {360 110}
- $w.zinc add text ca -tags {cab text} -text cab -position {360 130}
- $w.zinc add text cc -tags {cca text} -text cca -position {360 200}
- $w.zinc add text cc -tags {ccb text} -text ccb -position {360 220}
- }
- # creating the item hierarchy
- $w.zinc add group 1 -tags top
- createSubHierarchy top
- # creating a parallel hierarchy
- $w.zinc add group 1 -tags other_top
- createSubHierarchy other_top
- ## modifying the priority so that all rectangles and text will be visible
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text ".top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text ".other_top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype group ".top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype group ".other_top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- # converts a list of items ids in a list of sorted tags (the first tag of each item)
- proc items2tags {items} {
- variable w
- set selectedTags {}
- foreach item $items {
- set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- if {[regexp {frame|title} [lindex $tags 0]]} {
- # to remove group titles frame
- continue
- }
- lappend selectedTags [lindex tags 0]
- }
- return [lsort $selectedTags]
- }
- ### drawing :
- #### a rectangle item for showing the bounding box of each group
- ### a text item for the group name (i.e. its first tag)
- ## backgrounds used to fill rectangles representing groups
- variable backgrounds {grey25 grey35 grey43 grey50 grey55}
- proc drawHierarchy {group level} {
- variable w
- variable backgrounds
- set tags [$w.zinc gettags $group]
- # print "level=$level (" $tags[0],")\n";
- foreach g [$w.zinc find withtype group .$group.] {
- drawHierarchy $g [expr $level + 1]
- }
- foreach {x y x2 y2} [$w.zinc bbox $group] break
- $w.zinc add text $group -position [list [expr $x-5] [expr $y-4]] \
- -text [lindex $tags 0] -anchor w -alignment left -underlined 1 \
- -priority 20 -tags [list title_[lindex $tags 0] group_title]
- foreach {x y x2 y2} [$w.zinc bbox $group] break
- if {$x ne "" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $group [list [expr $x+0] [expr $y+5] \
- [expr $x2+5] [expr $y2+2]] \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor [lindex $backgrounds $level] -priority $level \
- -tags [list frame_[lindex $tags 0] group_frame]
- } else {
- puts "undefined bbox for $group : $tags"
- }
- }
- ### this sub extracts out of groups both text and frame representing
- ### each group. This is necessary to avoid unexpected selection of
- ### rectangles and titles inside groups
- proc extractTextAndFrames { } {
- variable w
- foreach group_title [$w.zinc find withtag group_title||group_frame] {
- set ancestors [$w.zinc find ancestor $group_title]
- # puts "$group_title $ancestors"
- set grandFather [lindex $ancestors 1]
- $w.zinc chggroup $group_title $grandFather 1
- }
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag {default ""}} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- return $val
- }
- }
- return $default
- }
- ## this sub modifies the color/line color of texts and rectangles
- ## representing selected items.
- proc displayPathtag { } {
- variable w
- variable explanation
- variable pathtag
- variable defaultForeColor
- variable selectedColor
- variable tagsExpl
- if {[catch {set explanation [TLGet $tagsExpl $pathtag]}]} {
- set explanation {sorry, I am not smart enough to explain your pathTag ;-\)}
- }
- set selected [$w.zinc find withtag $pathtag]
- set tags [items2tags $selected]
- # puts "selected: $tags"
- ## unselecting all items
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -color $defaultForeColor
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype rectangle] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linecolor $defaultForeColor
- }
- ## highlighting selected items
- foreach item $selected {
- set type [$w.zinc type $item]
- #puts "$item $type [$w.zinc gettags $item]"
- if {$type eq "text"} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -color $selectedColor
- } elseif {$type eq "rectangle"} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linecolor $selectedColor
- } elseif {$type eq "group"} {
- set tag [lindex [$w.zinc gettags $item] 0]
- ## as there is 2 // hierachy we must refine the tag used
- ## to restrict to the proper hierarchy
- ## NB: this is due to differences between the group hierarchy
- ## and the graphical object hierarchy used for this demo
- if {[llength [$w.zinc find ancestors $item top]]} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".top*frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".top*title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- } elseif {[llength [$w.zinc find ancestors $item other_top]]} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".other_top*frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".other_top*title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- }
- }
- }
- }
- drawHierarchy top 0
- drawHierarchy other_top 0
- $w.zinc translate other_top 400 0
- extractTextAndFrames
diff --git a/demos/photoAlpha.tcl b/demos/photoAlpha.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 631c767..0000000
--- a/demos/photoAlpha.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by P.Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval photoAlpha {
- package require Img
- variable girl [image create photo -file [file join [demosPath] images photoAlpha.png]]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join [demosPath] images stripped_texture.gif]]
- variable w .photoAlpha
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc photo transparency Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w photoAlpha
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 7] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This demo needs openGL for displaying the photo
- with transparent pixels and for rescaling/rotating.
- You can transform this png photo with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the photo,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the photo,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating the photo,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the global photo transparency.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" } {
- zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -tile $texture
- } else {
- zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -backcolor \#898A8F
- }
- grid $w.zinc -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable girlItem [$w.zinc add icon $topGroup -image $girl \
- -composescale 1 -composerotation 1]
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::photoAlpha::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::photoAlpha::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::photoAlpha::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::photoAlpha::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::photoAlpha::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::photoAlpha::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::photoAlpha::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::photoAlpha::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::photoAlpha::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable topGroup
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $topGroup [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
diff --git a/demos/reliefs.tcl b/demos/reliefs.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 67dd3c4..0000000
--- a/demos/reliefs.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by P.Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval reliefDemo {
- variable w .reliefs
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Relief Testbed"
- wm iconname $w reliefs
- variable allReliefs {flat raised sunken groove ridge \
- roundraised roundsunken roundgroove roundridge \
- sunkenrule raisedrule}
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 8 -width 50] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end { This demo lets you play with the various relief parameters
- on rectangles polygons and arcs. Some reliefs and The smooth relief
- capability is only available with openGL.
- You can modify the items with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving Ctrl/Shft-Button 1 for Incr/Decr sides
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming Ctrl/Shft-Button 2 for cycling reliefs
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating Ctrl/Shft-Button 3 for Incr/Decr border}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- proc deg2Rad {deg} {
- return [expr 3.14159 * $deg / 180.0]
- }
- proc rad2Deg {rad} {
- return [expr int(fmod(($rad * 180.0 / 3.14159)+360.0, 360.0))]
- }
- variable bw 4
- variable width 60
- variable lightAngle 120
- variable lightAngleRad [deg2Rad $lightAngle]
- variable zincSize 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincSize -height $zincSize -render 1 -font 10x20 \
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -backcolor lightgray \
- -lightangle $lightAngle] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- proc polyPoints { ox oy rad n } {
- set step [expr 2 * 3.14159 / $n]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
- set x [expr $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step))];
- set y [expr $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step))];
- lappend coords $x $y;
- }
- lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
- return $coords
- }
- proc makePoly {x y bw sides color group} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable allReliefs
- variable width
- set relief 2
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group]
- $w.zinc translate $g $x $y
- $w.zinc add curve $g [polyPoints 0 0 $width $sides] \
- -relief [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -linewidth $bw \
- -smoothrelief 1 -fillcolor $color -linecolor $color \
- -filled t -tags {subject polygon}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center \
- -text [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -tags {subject relief}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center -position {0 16} \
- -text $bw -tags {subject bw}
- set state($g,sides) $sides
- set state($g,relief) $relief
- set state($g,bw) $bw
- return $g
- }
- variable poly [makePoly 100 100 $bw 8 lightblue $topGroup]
- variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 2*($width + 10)] 100 $bw 8 tan $topGroup]
- variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 4*($width + 10) ] 100 $bw 8 slateblue $topGroup]
- proc lightCenter {radius angle} {
- return [list [expr $radius * (1 + 0.95*cos($angle))] \
- [expr $radius * (1 - 0.95*sin($angle))]]
- }
- #
- # Place the light at lightAngle on the circle
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {-5 -5 5 5} -filled 1 -fillcolor yellow \
- -tags light -priority 10
- eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $lightAngleRad]"
- #
- # Controls.
- #
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press motion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::press zoom %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-2> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-3> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind polygon <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides 1"
- $w.zinc bind polygon <Control-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides -1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief 1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief -1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW 1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW -1"
- $w.zinc bind light <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press lightMotion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind light <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- $w.zinc raise [$w.zinc group current]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::reliefDemo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- variable topGroup
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate [$w.zinc group current] [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc lightMotion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable zincSize
- variable topGroup
- set radius [expr $zincSize/2]
- if { $x < 0 } {
- set x 0
- } elseif { $x > $zincSize } {
- set x $zincSize
- }
- set angle [expr acos(double($x-$radius)/$radius)]
- if { $y > $radius } {
- set angle [expr - $angle]
- }
- $w.zinc treset light
- eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $angle]"
- $w.zinc configure -lightangle [rad2Deg $angle]
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale current $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate current [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc incrPolySides {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable width
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,sides) $incr
- if { $state($g,sides) < 3 } {
- set state($g,sides) 3
- }
- set points [polyPoints 0 0 $width $state($g,sides)]
- $w.zinc coords $g.polygon $points
- }
- proc cycleRelief {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable allReliefs
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,relief) $incr
- if { $state($g,relief) < 0 } {
- set state($g,relief) [expr [llength $allReliefs] - 1]
- } elseif { $state($g,relief) >= [llength $allReliefs] } {
- set state($g,relief) 0
- }
- set rlf [lindex $allReliefs $state($g,relief)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -relief $rlf
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.relief -text $rlf
- }
- proc incrBW {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,bw) $incr
- if { $state($g,bw) < 0 } {
- set state($g,bw) 0
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -linewidth $state($g,bw)
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.bw -text $state($g,bw)
- }
diff --git a/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl b/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5136b0..0000000
--- a/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval simpleInteractionTrack {
- variable w .simpleInteractionTrack
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Track Interaction Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w TrackInteraction
- set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- set labelfont [font create -family Courier -size 18 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font $labelfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text {This toy-appli shows some interactions on different parts
-of a flight track item.
- The following operations are possible:
- - Drag Button 1 on the track to move it.
- Please Note the position history past positions
- - Enter/Leave flight label fields
- - Enter/Leave the speedvector symbol i.e. current
- position label leader} -font $defaultfont
- ###########################################
- # Track
- ###########################################
- #the label format 6 formats for 6 fields#
- variable labelformat {x90x55+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 a0a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- #the track#
- variable x 250
- variable y 200
- variable xi 0
- variable yi 0
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 6 -labelformat $labelformat -position "$x $y" \
- -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 10]
- # moving the track to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- $w.zinc coords $track [list [expr $x+$i*10] [expr $y-$i*5]]
- }
- #fields of the label#
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
- ###########################################
- # Events on the track
- ###########################################
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Enter/Leave a field of the label of the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- for {set field 0} {$field<=5} {incr field} {
- #Entering the field $field higlights it#
- $w.zinc bind $track:$field <Enter> "::simpleInteractionTrack::highlightEnter $field"
- #Leaving the field cancels the highlight of $field#
- $w.zinc bind $track:$field <Leave> "::simpleInteractionTrack::highlightLeave $field"
- }
- proc highlightEnter {field} {
- if {$field ==0} {
- highlightLabelOn
- } else {
- highlightFieldsOn $field
- }
- }
- proc highlightLeave {field} {
- if {$field==0} {
- highlightLabelOff
- } else {
- if {$field==1} {
- highlightField1Off
- } else {
- highlightOtherFieldsOff $field
- }
- }
- }
- #fonction#
- proc highlightLabelOn {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor red -border contour
- }
- proc highlightLabelOff {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- }
- proc highlightFieldsOn {field} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white
- }
- proc highlightField1Off {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 1 -border "" -filled 1 -color black -backcolor gray60
- }
- proc highlightOtherFieldsOff {field} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border "" -filled 0 -color black -backcolor gray65
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Enter/Leave other parts of the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- $w.zinc bind $track:position <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:position <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor black"
- $w.zinc bind $track:speedvector <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:speedvector <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor black"
- $w.zinc bind $track:leader <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -leadercolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:leader <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -leadercolor black"
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Drag and drop the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "moveOn" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOn
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOn %x %y
- }
- #"moveOn" state#
- proc moveOn {x y} {
- variable track
- variable w
- variable xi
- variable yi
- set xi $x
- set yi $y
- #ButtonPress event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonPress-1> ""
- #Binding to Motion event -> move the track#
- $w.zinc bind $track <Motion> "::simpleInteractionTrack::bindMotion %x %y"
- #Binding to ButtonRelease event -> "moveOff" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonRelease-1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOff
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOff
- }
- }
- proc bindMotion { x y} {
- variable xi
- variable yi
- move $xi $yi $x $y
- set xi $x
- set yi $y
- }
- #"moveOff" state#
- proc moveOff {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "moveOn" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonPress-1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOn
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOn %x %y
- }
- #Motion event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <Motion> ""
- #ButtonRelease event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonRelease-1> ""
- }
- #move the track#
- proc move {xi yi x y} {
- variable w
- variable track
- selectColorOn
- foreach {X1 Y1} [$w.zinc coords $track] break
- $w.zinc coords $track [list [expr $X1+$x-$xi] [expr $Y1+$y-$yi]]
- }
- proc selectColorOn {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor white -markercolor white -leadercolor white
- }
- proc selectColorOff {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor black -markercolor black -leadercolor black
- }
diff --git a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl b/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 15df644..0000000
--- a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval simpleRadar {
- variable w .simpleRadar
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Simple radar display"
- wm iconname $w SimpleRadar
- text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 11
- pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
- $w.text insert end {This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks,
- a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
- The following operations are possible:
- Shift-Button 1 for using a square lasso (result in the terminal).
- Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
- Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
- Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
- Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
- Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader,
- and in the ministrip fields.
- Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.}
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # Create zinc
- #-------------------------------------------------
- variable top 1
- variable scale 1.0
- variable centerX 0.0
- variable centerY 0.0
- variable zincWidth 800
- variable zincHeight 500
- variable delay 2000
- variable rate 0.3
- array unset tracks
- # if true the flights are no more moving
- variable pause 0
- zinc $w.zinc -backcolor gray65 -relief sunken -font 10x20 \
- -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight
- pack $w.zinc -expand 1 -fill both
- $w.zinc add group $top -tags {controls radar}
- $w.zinc configure -overlapmanager [$w.zinc find withtag radar]
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # Create control panel
- #-------------------------------------------------
- frame $w.f
- pack $w.f
- button $w.f.up -text Up -command "::simpleRadar::Up $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.down -text Down -command "::simpleRadar::Down $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.left -text Left -command "::simpleRadar::Left $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.left -row 1 -column 1
- button $w.f.right -text Right -command "::simpleRadar::Right $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.right -row 1 -column 3
- button $w.f.expand -text Expand -command "::simpleRadar::Expand $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.expand -row 1 -column 4
- button $w.f.shrink -text Shrink -command "::simpleRadar::Shrink $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.shrink -row 1 -column 0
- button $w.f.reset -text Reset -command "::simpleRadar::Reset $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.pause -text Pause -command "::simpleRadar::Pause $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.pause -row 0 -column 6
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # Resize handling code
- #--------------------------------------------------
- bind $w.zinc <Configure> "::simpleRadar::resize $w.zinc %w %h"
- proc Up {z} {
- variable centerY
- set centerY [expr $centerY - 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Down {z} {
- variable centerY
- set centerY [expr $centerY + 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Left {z} {
- variable centerX
- set centerX [expr $centerX + 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Right {z} {
- variable centerX
- set centerX [expr $centerX - 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Expand {z} {
- variable scale
- set scale [expr $scale * 1.1]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Shrink {z} {
- variable scale
- set scale [expr $scale * 0.9]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Reset {z} {
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable scale
- set scale 1.0
- set centerX 0.0
- set centerY 0.0
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Pause {z} {
- variable pause
- set pause [expr ! $pause]
- }
- proc resize {z w h} {
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- set bw [$z cget -borderwidth]
- set zincWidth [expr $w - 2 * $bw]
- set zincHeight [expr $h - 2 * $bw]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc updateTransform {z} {
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- variable scale
- $z treset 1
- $z translate 1 [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
- $z scale 1 $scale $scale
- $z scale 1 1 -1
- $z translate 1 [expr $zincWidth/2] [expr $zincHeight/2]
- }
- #------------------------------------------------
- # Create the tracks
- #------------------------------------------------
- proc createTracks {z} {
- variable oneTrack
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- variable scale
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable tracks
- set w [expr $zincWidth / $scale]
- set h [expr $zincHeight / $scale]
- set allTracks {}
- set bOn "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border contour"
- set bOff "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border noborder"
- for {set i 20} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set item [$z add track radar 6 -lastasfirst 1]
- lappend allTracks $item
- set oneTrack $item
- set tracks($item,x) [expr rand()*$w - $w/2 + $centerX]
- set tracks($item,y) [expr rand()*$h - $h/2 + $centerY]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vx) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vy) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- $z itemconfigure $item -position "$tracks($item,x) $tracks($item,y)" -circlehistory 1 \
- -speedvector "$tracks($item,vx) $tracks($item,vy)" -speedvectorsensitive 1 \
- -labeldistance 30 -markersize 20 -historycolor white -filledhistory 0 \
- -labelformat {x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -backcolor gray60 -sensitive 1
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray55 -text [format {AFR%03i} $i]
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Balise
- for {set j 0} {$j < 6} {incr j} {
- $z bind $item:$j <Enter> $bOn
- $z bind $item:$j <Leave> $bOff
- $z bind $item <1> "::simpleRadar::fieldSensitivity $z"
- $z bind $item <Shift-1> {}
- }
- $z bind $item <Enter> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor red3 \
- -symbolcolor red3 -markercolor red3 -leaderwidth 2 \
- -leadercolor red3 -speedvectorwidth 2 -speedvectorcolor red3]
- $z bind $item <Leave> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor white \
- -symbolcolor black -markercolor black -leaderwidth 1 \
- -leadercolor black -speedvectorwidth 1 -speedvectorcolor black]
- $z bind $item:position <1> "::simpleRadar::createRoute $z"
- $z bind $item:position <Shift-1> {}
- set tracks($item,route) 0
- }
- set tracks(all) $allTracks
- }
- createTracks $w.zinc
- #---------------------------------------------------
- # Create route way points
- #---------------------------------------------------
- proc createRoute {z} {
- variable tracks
- set track [$z find withtag current]
- if { $tracks($track,route) == 0 } {
- set x [expr $tracks($track,x) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $tracks($track,y) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $track
- for {set i 4} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set wp [$z add waypoint radar 2 -position "$x $y" -labelformat x20x18+0+0 \
- -connecteditem $connected -connectioncolor green -symbolcolor green]
- $z lower $wp $connected
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border contour"
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor red"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor red"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor red"
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border noborder"
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor green"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor black"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor green"
- $z itemconfigure $wp 0 -text $i -filled 1 -backcolor gray55
- $z bind $wp:position <1> "::simpleRadar::delWaypoint $z"
- set x [expr $x + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $y + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $wp
- }
- set tracks($track,route) $wp
- } else {
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- while { $wp != $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> {}
- $z remove $wp
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- }
- set tracks($track,route) 0
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Toggle current field sensitivity
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- proc fieldSensitivity {z} {
- set curPart [$z currentpart]
- if { [regexp {[0-9]+} $curPart] } {
- set onOff [$z itemcget current $curPart -sensitive]
- $z itemconfigure current $curPart -sensitive [expr !$onOff]
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Removal of a route Waypoint
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- proc findTrack {z wp} {
- set connected $wp
- while { [$z type $connected] != "track" } {
- set connected [$z itemcget $connected -connecteditem]
- }
- return $connected
- }
- proc delWaypoint {z} {
- variable tracks
- set wp [$z find withtag current]
- set track [findTrack $z $wp]
- set next [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
- set prev $tracks($track,route)
- if { $prev != $wp } {
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
- while { $prevnext != $wp } {
- set prev $prevnext
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
- }
- }
- $z itemconfigure $prev -connecteditem $next
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z remove $wp
- if { $wp == $tracks($track,route) } {
- if { $next == $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) 0
- } else {
- set tracks($track,route) $next
- }
- }
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Create a macro
- #---------------------------------------------
- set macro [$w.zinc add tabular radar 10 -labelformat {x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0}]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 0 -backcolor tan1 -filled 1 -fillpattern AlphaStipple7 \
- -bordercolor red3
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 1 -text a
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 2 -text macro
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro -connecteditem $oneTrack
- foreach part {0 1 2} {
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Enter> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 1"
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Leave> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 0"
- }
- proc borders {z on} {
- if { $on } {
- set contour contour
- } else {
- set contour noborder
- }
- $z itemconfigure current 0 -border $contour
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Create a ministrip
- #---------------------------------------------
- set ministrip [$w.zinc add tabular 1 10 -position {100 10} \
- -labelformat {x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -filled 1 -backcolor grey70 -border contour -bordercolor green
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 1 -text ministrip -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 2 -text field1 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 3 -text field2 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 4 -text f3 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 5 -text field4 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- foreach field {1 2 3 4 5} {
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Enter> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white"
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Leave> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border noborder -filled 0 -color darkgreen"
- }
- #-------------------------------------------
- # Create some maps
- #-------------------------------------------
- set dataDir [file join [file dirname [info script]] data]
- videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_paris-w_90_2] 0 paris-w
- videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_orly] 17 orly
- videomap load [file join $dataDir hegias_parouest_TE.vid] 0 paris-ouest
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray80 -mapinfo orly
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray60 -filled 1 -priority 0 \
- -fillpattern AlphaStipple6 -mapinfo paris-ouest
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray50 -mapinfo paris-w
- #--------------------------------------------
- # Animate tracks along their trajectories
- #--------------------------------------------
- variable timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $w.zinc"]
- bind $w.zinc <Destroy> {puts {canceling timer}; after cancel $::simpleRadar::timer}
- proc refresh {z} {
- variable pause
- variable timer
- variable delay
- variable tracks
- variable rate
- set timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $z"]
- if { ! $pause } {
- foreach t $tracks(all) {
- set tracks($t,x) [expr $tracks($t,x) + $tracks($t,vx) * $rate]
- set tracks($t,y) [expr $tracks($t,y) + $tracks($t,vy) * $rate]
- $z itemconfigure $t -position [list $tracks($t,x) $tracks($t,y)]
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/testGraphics.tcl b/demos/testGraphics.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 78502db..0000000
--- a/demos/testGraphics.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2130 +0,0 @@
-# testGraphics.pl
-# Fichier test du module Graphics
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr> (Straightt translation
-# to Tcl, based on testGraphics.pl revision 1.9)
-# $Id:
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-package require zincGraphics
-namespace eval testGraphics {
- set w .testGraphics
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "zincGraphics Demonstration"
- wm geometry $w "700x600+0+0"
- wm iconname $w testGraphics
- frame $w.buttons
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
- button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
- button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
- pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
- # creation du widget Zinc
- set zinc [zinc $w.z -render 1 -width 700 -height 560 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 140 -backcolor \#cccccc]
- pack $w.z -fill both -expand yes
- set previousAngle 0
- set rotateAngle .1
- set zoomFactor .1
- set curView 0
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- set tabAnchor n
- set tabAlign left
- set font9b 7x13bold
- # the original font is not standard, even if it is fully free:
- #$font9b = '-cenapii-bleriot mini-bold-r-normal--9-90-75-75-p-75-iso8859-15';
- set gradSet {
- boitOnglet {=axial 0|#ff7777|#ffff99}
- roundRect1 {=axial 270|#a7ffa7;70 0|#ffffff;90 5|#00bd00;80 8|#b7ffb7;50 80|#ffffff;70 91|#00ac00;70 95|#006700;60 100}
- roundRect2 {=axial 270|#00bd00;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundRect3 {=axial 270|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 14|#ffffff;100 16|#00bd00;90 25|#b7ffb7;60 100}
- roundRect4 {=axial 0|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 20|#00bd00;50 30|#00bd00;90 80|#b7ffb7;60 100}
- roundRect4Ed {=path 48 48|#e7ffe7;20 0 70|#007900;20}
- roundCurve2 {=axial 270|#d7ffd7;60|#7777ff;80}
- roundCurve1 {=axial 270|#2222ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundCurve {=axial 270|#7777ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundPolyg {=radial -15 -20|#ffb7b7;50|#bd6622;90}
- rPolyline {=axial 90|#ffff77;80 |#ff7700;60}
- pushBtn1 {=axial 0|#cccccc;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a6a;100 80|#aaaadd;100 100}
- pushBtn2 {=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a7a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100}
- pushBtn3 {=radial -15 -15|#ffffff;100 0|#333344;100 100}
- pushBtn4 {=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#7a7a9a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100}
- conicalEdge {=conical 0 0 -45|#ffffff;100 0|#888899;100 30|#555566;100 50|#888899;100 70|#ffffff;100 100}
- conicalExt {=conical 0 0 135|#ffffff;100 0|#777788;100 30|#444455;100 50|#777788;100 70|#ffffff;100 100}
- pushBtnEdge {=axial 140|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100}
- pushBtnEdge2 {=axial 92|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100}
- logoShape {=axial 270|#ffffff|#7192aa}
- logoPoint {=radial -20 -20|#ffffff 0|#f70000 48|#900000 80|#ab0000 100}
- logoPtShad {=path 0 0|#770000;64 0|#770000;70 78|#770000;0 100}
- }
-# contenu des pages exemples
- variable pagesConf {
- Rectangle {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- rr1 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-200 30} {50 130}}
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr2 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-250 -100} {-90 60}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr3 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-30 80} {130 160}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 4
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr4a {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-30 -60} {110 10}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {1 0 1 0}
- }
- rr4b {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{118 -68} {220 -132}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {1 0 1 0}
- }
- rr4c {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{118 -60} {190 30}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {0 1 0 1}
- }
- rr4d {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{40 -152} {110 -68}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {0 1 0 1}
- }
- gr8 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 10
- -tags move
- -atomic 1
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{174 -36} {266 146}}
- -radius 26
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4Ed
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 20
- }
- }
- top {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{180 -30} {260 53}}
- -parentgroup gr8
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- }
- -corners {1 0 0 1}
- }
- topico {
- -itemtype curve
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{220 -10} {200 30} {240 30}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {#ffff00;80}
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor {#007900;80}
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- bottom {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{180 57} {260 140}}
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- }
- -corners {0 1 1 0}
- }
- bottomico {
- -itemtype curve
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{220 120} {240 80} {200 80}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {#ffff00;80}
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor {#007900;80}
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Hippodrome {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 165}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Click hippo Buttons with mouse button 1.\n"
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- hp1 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-163 -40}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-46 -86} {46 86}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -80} {40 80}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b1 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp2 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-50 -40}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-46 -86} {46 86}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
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- formT {
- -itemtype hippodrome
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- formC {
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- -coords {{-40 -20} {40 20}}
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- }
- -contours {
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- -coords {{-38 -20} {39 20}}
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- }
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- }
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- {add -1 {{0 0} {-16 -8} {-16 8}}}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp4a {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {48 -97}
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- -priority 40
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- -num 2
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- }
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- -params {
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- }
- form {
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- }
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- }
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- -coords {145 -65}
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- -priority 40
- }
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- -coords {{-60 -60} {60 60}}
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- -priority 0
- }
- }
- ext {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-53 -53} {53 53}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
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- -linewidth 3
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- -priority 10
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- }
- }
- int {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-41 -41} {40 40}}
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- }
- }
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- hp5 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {60 25}
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- -priority 40
- }
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- }
- -items {
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- -coords {{-19 -34} {19 34}}
- -params {
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- -priority 10
- }
- }
- form {
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- }
- }
- }
- Polygone {
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- -coords {-285 160}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Click and Drag inside Polygons for rotate them\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
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- -text "32 cotés..."
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- }
- }
- Polyline {
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- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
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- -coords {
- {-200 -115} {-200 -100} {-218 -115} {-280 -115} {-280 -16}
- {-218 -16} {-200 -31} {-200 -17.5} {-150 -17.5} {-150 -115}
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- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
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- }
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- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel1 e btntext selector}
- }
- }
- anchorS {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-118 125} {-75 151}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn4
- -linewidth 1.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {sel1 s btn selector}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- txtanS {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-96.5 138}
- -params {
- -text S
- -color \#000000
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel1 s btntext selector}
- }
- }
- anchorW {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-73 125} {-28 151}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn4
- -linewidth 1.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {sel1 w btn selector}
- }
- -trunc left
- }
- txtanW {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-52 138}
- -params {
- -text W
- -color \#000000
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel1 w btntext selector}
- }
- }
- alignment {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {120 115}
- -params {
- -text {tabs alignment}
- -color \#2222cc
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- }
- }
- alignG {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{30 125} {90 151}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn4
- -linewidth 1.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {sel2 left btn selector}
- }
- -trunc right
- }
- txtalG {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {60 138}
- -params {
- -text left
- -color \#000000
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel2 left btntext selector}
- }
- }
- alignC {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{92 125} {148 151}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn4
- -linewidth 1.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {sel2 center btn selector}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- txtalC {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {120 138}
- -params {
- -text center
- -color \#000000
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel2 center btntext selector}
- }
- }
- alignD {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{150 125} {210 151}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn4
- -linewidth 1.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {sel2 right btn selector}
- }
- -trunc left
- }
- txtalD {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {180 138}
- -params {
- -text right
- -color \#000000
- -font 7x13bold
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -priority 40
- -tags {sel2 right btntext selector}
- }
- }
- }
- PathLine {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- pl1 {
- -itemtype pathline
- -metacoords {
- -type polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 12
- -radius 200
- -innerradius 100
- -startangle -8
- }
- -linewidth 20
- -closed 1
- -graduate {
- -type linear
- -colors {
- #ff0000 #ff00ff #0000ff #00ffff
- #00ff00 #ffff00 #ff0000
- }
- }
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -tags move
- }
- }
- pl2 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 200
- -atomic 1
- -tags move
- }
- -items {
- in {
- -itemtype pathline
- -coords {
- {30 -60} {-30 -60} {-30 -30}
- {-60 -30} {-60 30} {-30 30}
- {-30 60} {30 60} {30 30}
- {60 30} {60 -30} {30 -30}
- }
- -linewidth 16
- -closed 1
- -shifting left
- -graduate {
- -type transversal
- -colors {{#00aa77;100} {#00aa77;0}}
- }
- -params {
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- out {
- -itemtype pathline
- -coords {
- {30 -60} {-30 -60} {-30 -30}
- {-60 -30} {-60 30} {-30 30}
- {-30 60} {30 60} {30 30}
- {60 30} {60 -30} {30 -30}
- }
- -linewidth 10
- -closed 1
- -shifting right
- -graduate {
- -type transversal
- -colors {{#00aa77;100} {#00aa77;0}}
- }
- -params {
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pl3 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -atomic 1
- -tags move
- }
- -items {
- back {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-150 -150} {150 150}}
- -params {
- -priority 10
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {=radial 15 15|#ffffff;40|#aaaaff;10}
- -linewidth 0
- }
- }
- light {
- -itemtype pathline
- -metacoords {
- -type polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 30
- -radius 150
- -startangle 240
- }
- -linewidth 20
- -shifting right
- -closed 1
- -graduate {
- -type double
- -colors {
- {{#ffffff;0} {#222299;0} {#ffffff;0}}
- {{#ffffff;100} {#222299;70} {#ffffff;100}}
- }
- }
- -params {
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- bord {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-150 -150} {150 150}}
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -closed 1
- -filled 0
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor {#000033;80}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- variable tabTable {
- n {
- -numpages 8
- -titles {A B C D E F G H}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "It may seem at first that there is a contradiction in this title but there is none. [...] So groups have a feature: the atomic attribute that is used to seal a group so that events cannot propagate past it downward. If an item part of an atomic group is under the pointer TkZinc will try to trigger bindings associated with the atomic group not with the item under the pointer. This improves greatly the metaphor of an indivisible item."
- "This widget command is similar to the Tk bind command except that it operates on TkZinc items instead of widgets. Another difference with the bind command is that only mouse and keyboard related events can be specified (such as Enter Leave ButtonPress ButtonRelease Motion KeyPress KeyRelease). The bind manual page is the most accurate place to look for a definition of sequence and command and for a general understanding of how the binding mecanism works."
- "Items of type curve display pathes of line segments and/or cubic bezier connected by their end points. A cubic Bezier is defined by four points. The first and last ones are the extremities of the cubic Bezier. The second and the third ones are control point (i.e. they must have a third ``coordinate with the value c). If both control points are identical one may be omitted. As a consequence it is an error to have more than two succcessive control points or to start or finish a curve with a control point."
- "The items are arranged in a display list for each group. The display list imposes a total ordering among its items. The group display lists are connected in a tree identical to the group tree and form a hierarchical display list. The items are drawn by traversing the display list from the least visible item to the most visible one.The search to find the item that should receive an event is done in the opposite direction. In this way items are drawn according to their relative stacking order and events are dispatched to the top-most item at a given location."
- "An item will catch an event if all the following conditions are satisfied: * the item -sensitive must be set to true (this is the default). * the item must be under the pointer location. * the item must be on top of the display list (at the pointer location). Beware that an other item with its -visible set to false DOES catch event before any underneath items. * the item must not be clipped (at the pointer location) * the item must not belong to an atomic group since an atomic group catchs the event instead of the item."
- "This command fits a sequence of Bezier segments on the curve described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing the points and control points for the generated segments. All the points on the fitted segments will be within error distance from the given curve. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X Y. The returned list can be directly used to create or change a curve item contour."
- "Groups are very powerful items. They have no graphics of their own but are used to bundle items together so that they can be manipulated easily as a whole. Groups can modify in several way how items are displayed and how they react to events. They have many uses in TkZinc. The main usages are to bundle items to interpose a new coordinate system in a hierarchy of items to compose some specific attributes to apply a clipping to their children items to manage display"
- "This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by tagOrId has the specified tag. If more than one item is named by tagOrId then the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId an error is raised."
- }
- }
- e {
- -numpages 5
- -titles {I J K L M}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "Each item is associated with a unique numerical id which is returned by the add or clone commands. All commands on items accept those ids as (often first) parameter in order to uniquely identify on which item they should operate. When an id has been allocated to an item it is never collected even after the item has been destroyed in a TkZinc session two items cannot have the same id. This property can be quite useful when used in conjonction with tags which are described below."
- "Specifies the form of the joint between the curve segments. This attribute is only applicable if the curve outline relief is flat. The default value is round."
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with K initial letter..."
- "Reorder all the items given by tagOrId so that they will be under the item given by belowThis. If tagOrId name more than one item their relative order will be preserved. If tagOrId doesnt name an item an error is raised. If belowThis name more than one item the bottom most them is used. If belowThis doesnt name an item an error is raised. If belowThis is omitted the items are put at the bottom most position of their respective groups."
- "Map items are typically used for displaying maps on a radar display view. Maps are not be sensitive to mouse or keyboard events but have been designed to efficiently display large set of points segments arcs and simple texts. A map item is associated to a mapinfo. This mapinfo entity can be either initialized with the videomap command or more generally created and edited with a set of commands described in the The mapinfo related commands section."
- }
- }
- s {
- -numpages 8
- -titles {N O P Q R S T U}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "This command tells how many fieldId are available for event bindings or for field configuration commands in the item specified by tagOrId. If more than one item is named by tagOrId the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId an error is raised. This command returns always 0 for items which do not support fields. The command hasfields may be used to decide whether an item has fields."
- "his option accepts an item id. It specifies if the label overlapping avoidance algorithm should be allowed to do its work on the track labels and which group should be considered to look for tracks. The default is to enable the avoidance algorithm in the root group (id 1). To disable the algorithm this option should be set to 0."
- "Specifies the size of an area around the pointer that is used to tell if the pointer is inside an item. This is useful to lessen the precision required when picking graphical elements. This value must be a positive integer. It defaults to 1."
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Q initial letter..."
- "Specifies whether to use or not the openGL rendering. When True requires the GLX extension to the X server. Must be defined at widget creation time. This option is readonly and can be used to ask if the widget is drawing with the GLX extension or in plain X (to adapt the application code for example). The default value is false."
- "This command computes a sequence of Bezier segments that will smooth the polygon described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing thr points and control points for the generated segments. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X Y. The returned list can be used to create or change the contour of a curve item."
- "Apart from an id an item can be associated with as many symbolic names as it may be needed by an application. Those names are called tags and can be any string which does not form a valid id (an integer). However the following characters may not be used to form a tag: . * ! ( ) & | :. Tags exists and may be used in commands even if no item are associated with them. In contrast an item id doesnt exist if its item is no longer around and thus it is illegal to use it."
- "Item Text attribute. If true a thin line will be drawn under the text characters. The default value is false."
- }
- }
- w {
- -numpages 5
- -titles {V W X Y Z}
- -names {
- {Y...} {ZINC an advanced scriptable Canvas}
- }
- -texts {
- "Return a list of values describing the vertex and edge closest to the window coordinates x and y in the item described by tagOrId. If tagOrId describes more than one item the first item in display list order that supports vertex picking is used. The list consists of the index of the contour containing the returned vertices the index of the closest vertex and the index of a vertex next to the closest vertex that identify the closest edge (located between the two returned vertices)."
- "Waypoints items have been initially designed for figuring out typical fixed position objects (i.e. beacons or fixes in the ATC vocabulary) with associated block of texts on a radar display for Air Traffic Control. They supports mouse event handling and interactions. However they may certainly be used by other kinds of radar view or even by other kind of plan view with many geographical objects and associated textual information."
- "TkZinc was firstly designed for X11 server. Since the 3.2.2 version TkZinc also offers as a runtime option the support for openGL rendering giving access to features such as antialiasing transparency color gradients and even a new openGL oriented item type : triangles . In order to use the openGL features you need the support of the GLX extension on your X11 server. We also succeeded in using TkZinc with openGL on the Exceed X11 server (running on windows and developped by Hummingbird) with the 3D extension. "
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Y initial letter..."
- "TkZinc widgets are very similar to Tk Canvases in that they support structured graphics. But unlike the Canvas TkZinc can structure the items in a hierarchy has support for affine 2D transforms clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy the item set is quite more powerful including field specific items for Air Traffic systems and new rendering techniques such as transparency and gradients. If needed it is also possible to extend the item set in an additionnal dynamic library through the use of a C api."
- }
- }
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag {default ""}} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- return $val
- }
- }
- return $default
- }
- proc SetBindings {} {
- variable zinc
- variable curView
- # focus the keyboard
- focus $zinc
- # plusmoins : Zoom++ Zoom--
- bind $zinc <plus> "::testGraphics::ViewZoom $zinc up"
- bind $zinc <minus> "::testGraphics::ViewZoom $zinc down"
- # Up Down Right Left : Translate
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Up> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc up"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Down> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc down"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Left> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc left"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Right> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc right"
- # > < : Rotate counterclockwise et clockwise
- bind $zinc <greater> "::testGraphics::ViewRotate $zinc cw"
- bind $zinc <less> "::testGraphics::ViewRotate $zinc ccw"
- # Escape : reset transfos
- bind $zinc <Escape> "$zinc treset poly; $zinc treset move; \
- $zinc raise move; $zinc treset $curView"
- $zinc bind divider <1> "::testGraphics::SelectDivider $zinc"
- $zinc bind selector <1> "::testGraphics::ClickSelector $zinc"
- $zinc bind move <1> "::testGraphics::MobileStart $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind move <B1-Motion> "::testGraphics::MobileMove $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind move <ButtonRelease> "::testGraphics::MobileStop $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind pushBtn <1> "::testGraphics::PushButton $zinc"
- $zinc bind pushBtn <ButtonRelease> "::testGraphics::PullButton $zinc"
- $zinc bind poly <1> "::testGraphics::StartRotatePolygone $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind poly <B1-Motion> "::testGraphics::RotatePolygone $zinc %x %y"
- }
- proc SelectDivider {zinc {divName ""} {numPage ""}} {
- variable curView
- variable tabTable
- variable tabAnchor
- if { $divName eq "" } {
- foreach {divName numPage} [$zinc itemcget current -tags] break
- }
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&titre -color \#000099
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&intercalaire -linewidth 1.4
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&page -visible 0
- set divGroup [$zinc group $divName&&$numPage]
- $zinc raise $divGroup
- set curView $divName&&$numPage&&content
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&titre -color \#000000
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&intercalaire -linewidth 2
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&page -visible 1
- if { $divName eq "div2" } {
- set anchors [TLGet $tabTable $tabAnchor]
- set names [lindex [TLGet $anchors -names] $numPage]
- set explain [lindex [TLGet $anchors -texts] $numPage]
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&fontname -text "$names\n\n$explain"
- $zinc raise $divName&&fontname
- }
- }
- proc ClickSelector {zinc {btnGroup ""} {value ""}} {
- variable tabTable
- variable tabAnchor
- variable tabAlign
- if { $btnGroup eq "" && $value eq "" } {
- set tags [$zinc itemcget current -tags]
- foreach {btnGroup value} $tags break
- }
- $zinc treset $btnGroup
- $zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup&&btntext -color \#444444
- $zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup&&$value&&btntext -color \#2222bb
- $zinc translate $btnGroup&&$value 0 1
- switch -- $value {
- n -
- e -
- s -
- w { set tabAnchor $value }
- left -
- center -
- right { set tabAlign $value }
- }
- set table [TLGet $tabTable $tabAnchor]
- set numPages [TLGet $table -numpages]
- foreach {shapes tCoords} [zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords {{-240 -160} {240 100}} \
- -radius 8 -tabwidth 72 -tabheight 28 \
- -numpages $numPages -anchor $tabAnchor \
- -alignment $tabAlign -overlap 3] break
- for {set index 7} {$index >= 0} {incr index -1} {
- set divGroup [$zinc group div2&&$index&&intercalaire]
- $zinc itemconfigure $divGroup -visible [expr $index < $numPages]
- if { $index >= $numPages } {
- $zinc lower $divGroup
- } else {
- $zinc raise $divGroup
- $zinc itemconfigure div2&&$index -visible 1
- $zinc coords div2&&$index&&intercalaire [lindex $shapes $index]
- $zinc coords div2&&$index&&titre [lindex $tCoords $index]
- $zinc itemconfigure div2&&$index&&titre \
- -text [lindex [TLGet $table -titles] $index]
- }
- }
- SelectDivider $zinc div2 0
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt CLICK des items tagés pushBtn
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PushButton {zinc} {
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- $zinc scale $tag .975 .975
- $zinc translate $tag 1 1
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt RELEASE des items tagés pushBtn
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PullButton {zinc} {
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- $zinc treset $tag
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt CATCH des items tagés poly
- # armement de rotation des polygones
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc StartRotatePolygone {zinc x y} {
- variable previousAngle
- foreach {xRef yRef} [$zinc transform [$zinc group current] 1 {0 0}] break
- set previousAngle [zincGraphics::LineAngle [list $x $y] [list $xRef $yRef]]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt MOTION des items tagés poly
- # rotation des polygones
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RotatePolygone {zinc x y} {
- variable previousAngle
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- foreach {xRef yRef} [$zinc transform [$zinc group current] 1 {0 0}] break
- set newAngle [zincGraphics::LineAngle [list $x $y] [list $xRef $yRef]]
- $zinc rotate $tag [zincGraphics::deg2rad [expr $newAngle - $previousAngle]]
- set previousAngle $newAngle
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback CATCH de sélection (début de déplacement) des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileStart {zinc x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- $zinc raise current
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback MOVE de déplacement des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileMove {zinc x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- $zinc translate current [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback RELEASE de relaché (fin de déplacement) des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileStop {zinc x y} {
- MobileMove $zinc $x $y
- }
- proc ViewTranslate {zinc way} {
- variable curView
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- switch -- $way {
- left {set dx -10}
- up {set dy -10}
- right {set dx 10}
- down {set dy 10}
- }
- $zinc translate $curView $dx $dy
- }
- proc ViewZoom {zinc key} {
- variable curView
- variable zoomFactor
- set scaleRatio [expr {($key == "up") ? (1 + $zoomFactor) : (1 - $zoomFactor)}]
- $zinc scale $curView $scaleRatio $scaleRatio
- }
- proc ViewRotate {zinc way} {
- variable curView
- variable rotateAngle
- set deltaAngle $rotateAngle
- if { $way eq "cw" } {
- set deltaAngle [expr $deltaAngle * -1]
- }
- $zinc rotate $curView $deltaAngle
- }
- proc lreverse {l} {
- set res {}
- set i [llength $l]
- while {$i} {
- lappend res [lindex $l [incr i -1]]
- }
- return $res
- }
- proc BuildTabBox {zinc parentGroup style name} {
- variable tabTable
- variable font9b
- set params [TLGet $style -params]
- set tags [TLGet $params -tags]
- set coords [TLGet $style -coords]
- set table [TLGet $tabTable [TLGet $style -anchor]]
- set titles [TLGet $style -tabtitles]
- set cmd [linsert $style 0 zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords $coords]
- foreach {shapes tCoords invert} [eval $cmd] break
- set k -1
- if { $invert } {
- set k [llength $shapes]
- }
- foreach shape [lreverse $shapes] {
- incr k [expr $invert ? -1 : 1]
- set group [$zinc add group $parentGroup]
- set cmd [linsert $params 0 $zinc add curve $group $shape]
- lappend cmd -tags [list [lindex $tags 0] $k [lindex $tags 1] intercalaire]
- eval $cmd
- set page [TLGet $style -page {}]
- if { $page ne "" } {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $group $page
- }
- set tIndex [expr $invert ? $k : ([llength $shapes] - $k - 1)]
- if { [llength $titles] } {
- set titlTags [list [lindex $tags 0] $k [lindex $tags 1] titre]
- $zinc add text $group -position [lindex $tCoords $tIndex] \
- -text [lindex $titles $tIndex] -font $font9b -alignment center \
- -anchor center -color \#000099 -priority 200 -tags $titlTags
- }
- # exemple fonte
- if { $tIndex == 0 } {
- $zinc add text $parentGroup -position {-165 -105} \
- -text [lindex [TLGet $table -names] 0] -font $font9b \
- -alignment left -anchor nw -color \#000000 -priority 500 \
- -width 350 -tags [list [lindex $tags 0] fontname]
- }
- }
- SelectDivider $zinc [lindex $tags 0] $k
- }
- # initialise les gradients nommés
- zincGraphics::SetGradients $zinc $gradSet
- # création de la vue principale
- variable tgroup [$zinc add group 1]
- $zinc coords $tgroup {350 240}
- # consigne globale
- $zinc add text 1 -position {50 470} -font $font9b -color \#555555 -spacing 2 \
- -text "Global interations :\n<Up> <Down> <Left> and <Right> keys move content of TabBox pages\n<Plus> and <Minus> keys zoom out and zoom in this page\n<Greater> and <Less> keys rotate this page\n<Escape> key reset transfos"
- # Création des pages d'exemples
- foreach {shapes tCoords} [zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords {{-315 -210} {315 210}} \
- -numpages 7 -overlap 2 -radius 8 \
- -tabheight 26 -tabwidth {92 100 82 82 82 120 80}] break
- # to find some images (used as textures) needed by this demo
- variable imagePath [file join [demosPath] images]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper.gif]]
- # création des items zinc correspondants
- variable i 0
- variable pageNames {Rectangle Hippodrome Polygone Polyline PathLine MultiContours TabBox}
- variable pageGroups {}
- foreach shape $shapes {
- set divGroup [$zinc add group $tgroup]
- # création de l'intercalaire
- set divider [$zinc add curve $divGroup $shape -closed 1 \
- -priority 10 -linewidth 1 -linecolor \#000000 \
- -filled 1 -tile $texture -tags [list div1 $i divider intercalaire]]
- # groupe page clippé
- set page [$zinc add group $divGroup -priority 100 -tags [list div1 $i page]]
- set clip [$zinc add rectangle $page {{-300 -170} {300 195}} -linewidth 1 \
- -linecolor \#000099 -filled 1 -fillcolor {#000000;4}]
- $zinc itemconfigure $page -clip $clip
- set pGroup [$zinc add group $page -tags [list div1 $i content]]
- lappend pageGroups $pGroup
- # titre de l'intercalaire
- $zinc add text $divGroup -position [lindex $tCoords $i] \
- -text [lindex $pageNames $i] \
- -font $font9b -alignment center \
- -anchor center -color \#000099 \
- -priority 200 -tags [list div1 $i divider titre]
- incr i
- }
- # # création du contenu des pages
- foreach pageName $pageNames pGroup $pageGroups {
- set pageStyle [TLGet $pagesConf $pageName]
- if { $pageStyle ne "" } {
- foreach {itemName itemStyle} $pageStyle {
- if { [TLGet $itemStyle -itemtype] eq "tabbox" } {
- BuildTabBox $zinc $pGroup $itemStyle $itemName
- } else {
- if { [TLGet $itemStyle -itemtype] eq "group" } {
- set subGroup [zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $pGroup $itemStyle {} $itemName]
- foreach {name style} [TLGet $itemStyle -items] {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $subGroup $style {} $name
- }
- if { [llength [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat]] != 0 } {
- set num [TLGet [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat] -num]
- foreach {dx dy} [TLGet [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat] -dxy] break
- for {set j 1} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
- set clone [$zinc clone $subGroup]
- $zinc translate $clone [expr $dx*$j] [expr $dy*$j]
- set items [$zinc find withtag ".$clone*"]
- foreach item $items {
- set tags [$zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- if { [llength $tags] } {
- foreach {name type} $tags break
- $zinc itemconfigure $item -tags [list $name$j $type]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if { $itemName eq "consigne" } {
- set group [$zinc group $pGroup]
- } else {
- set group $pGroup
- }
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $group $itemStyle {} $itemName
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ClickSelector $zinc sel1 n
- ClickSelector $zinc sel2 left
- SelectDivider $zinc div1 0
- SetBindings
diff --git a/demos/textInput.tcl b/demos/textInput.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 31da1c5..0000000
--- a/demos/textInput.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval textInputDemo {
- #
- # We need the text input support
- package require zincText
- variable w .textInput
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc textInput Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w textInput
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This demo demonstrates the use of the zincText package.
- This module is designed for facilitating text input.
- It works on text items or on fields of items such as
- tracks, waypoints or tabulars.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 300 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- #
- # Activate text input support from zincText
- zn_TextBindings $w.zinc
- ### creating a tabular with 3 fields 2 of them being editable
- variable labelformat1 {130x100 x130x20+0+0 x130x20+0+20 x130x20+0+40}
- variable x 120
- variable y 6
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 3 -position "$x $y" -speedvector {40 10} -labeldistance 30 -labelformat $labelformat1 -tags text]
- # moving the track to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- $w.zinc coords "$track" "[expr $x+$i*10] [expr $y+$i*2]"
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -border contour -text { editable} -sensitive 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -border contour -text editable -sensitive 1
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -border contour -text {editable too} -alignment center -sensitive 1
- # creating a text item tagged with "text" but not editable because
- # it is not sensitive
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {220 160} -text "this text is not editable \nbecause it is not sensitive" -sensitive 0 -tags text
- # creating an editable text item
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 230} -text {this text IS editable} -sensitive 1 -tags text
diff --git a/demos/tiger.tcl b/demos/tiger.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3baef6e..0000000
--- a/demos/tiger.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-####### This file has been initially generated from tiger.svg by SVG2zinc.pm
-### Version: Revision: 1.10
-### the idea of using the shape extension (as possible with zinc) was
-### done by Daniel Etienne! Thx!
-### It has been subsequently ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet for testing
-### purposes.
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval tigerDemo {
- variable w .tiger
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc tiger (Generated from SVG) Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w tiger
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 -backcolor grey90 \
- -render 1] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- # -reshape 1 -fullreshape 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable text {
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the tiger,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the tiger,
- }
- #variable clip [$w.zinc add curve 1 { {0 150} {150 0} {470 20} {580 200}
- # {600 300} {500 560} {50 550} {10 450} {100 480}} -closed 1 -visible 0]
- #$w.zinc itemconfigure 1 -clip $clip
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {51 521} -anchor w \
- -priority 20 -text $text -color white
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 520} -anchor w \
- -priority 20 -text $text -color black
- $w.zinc add group $topGroup -tags __svg__1 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__2 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__2 {{-122.304 84.285} {-122.304 84.285 c} {-122.203 86.179 c} {-123.027 86.16} {-123.851 86.141 c} {-140.305 38.066 c} {-160.833 40.309} {-160.833 40.309 c} {-143.05 32.956 c} {-122.304 84.285}} -tags __path__3 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__4 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__4 {{-118.774 81.262} {-118.774 81.262 c} {-119.323 83.078 c} {-120.092 82.779} {-120.86 82.481 c} {-119.977 31.675 c} {-140.043 26.801} {-140.043 26.801 c} {-120.82 25.937 c} {-118.774 81.262}} -tags __path__5 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__6 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__6 {{-91.284 123.59} {-91.284 123.59 c} {-89.648 124.55 c} {-90.118 125.227} {-90.589 125.904 c} {-139.763 113.102 c} {-149.218 131.459} {-149.218 131.459 c} {-145.539 112.572 c} {-91.284 123.59}} -tags __path__7 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__8 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__8 {{-94.093 133.801} {-94.093 133.801 c} {-92.237 134.197 c} {-92.471 134.988} {-92.704 135.779 c} {-143.407 139.121 c} {-146.597 159.522} {-146.597 159.522 c} {-149.055 140.437 c} {-94.093 133.801}} -tags __path__9 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__10 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__10 {{-98.304 128.276} {-98.304 128.276 c} {-96.526 128.939 c} {-96.872 129.687} {-97.218 130.435 c} {-147.866 126.346 c} {-153.998 146.064} {-153.998 146.064 c} {-153.646 126.825 c} {-98.304 128.276}} -tags __path__11 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__12 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__12 {{-109.009 110.072} {-109.009 110.072 c} {-107.701 111.446 c} {-108.34 111.967} {-108.979 112.488 c} {-152.722 86.634 c} {-166.869 101.676} {-166.869 101.676 c} {-158.128 84.533 c} {-109.009 110.072}} -tags __path__13 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__14 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__14 {{-116.554 114.263} {-116.554 114.263 c} {-115.098 115.48 c} {-115.674 116.071} {-116.25 116.661 c} {-162.638 95.922 c} {-174.992 112.469} {-174.992 112.469 c} {-168.247 94.447 c} {-116.554 114.263}} -tags __path__15 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__16 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__16 {{-119.154 118.335} {-119.154 118.335 c} {-117.546 119.343 c} {-118.036 120.006} {-118.526 120.669 c} {-167.308 106.446 c} {-177.291 124.522} {-177.291 124.522 c} {-173.066 105.749 c} {-119.154 118.335}} -tags __path__17 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__18 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__18 {{-108.42 118.949} {-108.42 118.949 c} {-107.298 120.48 c} {-107.999 120.915} {-108.7 121.35 c} {-148.769 90.102 c} {-164.727 103.207} {-164.727 103.207 c} {-153.862 87.326 c} {-108.42 118.949}} -tags __path__19 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__20 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__20 {{-128.2 90} {-128.2 90 c} {-127.6 91.8 c} {-128.4 92} {-129.2 92.2 c} {-157.8 50.2 c} {-177.001 57.8} {-177.001 57.8 c} {-161.8 46 c} {-128.2 90}} -tags __path__21 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__22 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__22 {{-127.505 96.979} {-127.505 96.979 c} {-126.53 98.608 c} {-127.269 98.975} {-128.007 99.343 c} {-164.992 64.499 c} {-182.101 76.061} {-182.101 76.061 c} {-169.804 61.261 c} {-127.505 96.979}} -tags __path__23 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__24 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__24 {{-127.62 101.349} {-127.62 101.349 c} {-126.498 102.88 c} {-127.199 103.315} {-127.9 103.749 c} {-167.969 72.502 c} {-183.927 85.607} {-183.927 85.607 c} {-173.062 69.726 c} {-127.62 101.349}} -tags __path__25 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__26 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__26 {{-129.83 103.065} {-129.327 109.113 c} {-128.339 115.682 c} {-126.6 118.801} {-126.6 118.801 c} {-130.2 131.201 c} {-121.4 144.401} {-121.4 144.401 c} {-121.8 151.601 c} {-120.2 154.801} {-120.2 154.801 c} {-116.2 163.201 c} {-111.4 164.001} {-107.516 164.648 c} {-98.793 167.717 c} {-88.932 169.121} {-88.932 169.121 c} {-71.8 183.201 c} {-75 196.001} {-75 196.001 c} {-75.4 212.401 c} {-79 214.001} {-79 214.001 c} {-67.4 202.801 c} {-77 219.601} {-81.4 238.401} {-81.4 238.401 c} {-55.8 216.801 c} {-71.4 235.201} {-81.4 261.201} {-81.4 261.201 c} {-61.8 242.801 c} {-69 251.201} {-72.2 260.001} {-72.2 260.001 c} {-29 232.801 c} {-59.8 262.401} {-59.8 262.401 c} {-51.8 258.801 c} {-47.4 261.601} {-47.4 261.601 c} {-40.6 260.401 c} {-41.4 262.001} {-41.4 262.001 c} {-62.2 272.401 c} {-65.8 290.801} {-65.8 290.801 c} {-57.4 280.801 c} {-60.6 291.601} {-60.2 303.201} {-60.2 303.201 c} {-56.2 281.601 c} {-56.6 319.201} {-56.6 319.201 c} {-37.4 301.201 c} {-49 322.001} {-49 338.801} {-49 338.801 c} {-33.8 322.401 c} {-40.2 335.201} {-40.2 335.201 c} {-30.2 326.401 c} {-34.2 341.601} {-34.2 341.601 c} {-35 352.001 c} {-30.6 340.801} {-30.6 340.801 c} {-14.6 310.201 c} {-20.6 336.401} {-20.6 336.401 c} {-21.4 355.601 c} {-16.6 340.801} {-16.6 340.801 c} {-16.2 351.201 c} {-7 358.401} {-7 358.401 c} {-8.2 307.601 c} {4.6 343.601} {8.6 360.001} {8.6 360.001 c} {11.4 350.801 c} {11 345.601} {11 345.601 c} {25.8 329.201 c} {19 353.601} {19 353.601 c} {34.2 330.801 c} {31 344.001} {31 344.001 c} {23.4 360.001 c} {25 364.801} {25 364.801 c} {41.8 330.001 c} {43 328.401} {43 328.401 c} {41 370.802 c} {51.8 334.801} {51.8 334.801 c} {57.4 346.801 c} {54.6 351.201} {54.6 351.201 c} {62.6 343.201 c} {61.8 340.001} {61.8 340.001 c} {66.4 331.801 c} {69.2 345.401} {69.2 345.401 c} {71 354.801 c} {72.6 351.601} {72.6 351.601 c} {76.6 375.602 c} {77.8 352.801} {77.8 352.801 c} {79.4 339.201 c} {72.2 327.601} {72.2 327.601 c} {73 324.401 c} {70.2 320.401} {70.2 320.401 c} {83.8 342.001 c} {76.6 313.201} {76.6 313.201 c} {87.801 321.201 c} {89.001 321.201} {89.001 321.201 c} {75.4 298.001 c} {84.2 302.801} {84.2 302.801 c} {79 292.401 c} {97.001 304.401} {97.001 304.401 c} {81 288.401 c} {98.601 298.001} {98.601 298.001 c} {106.601 304.401 c} {99.001 294.401} {99.001 294.401 c} {84.6 278.401 c} {106.601 296.401} {106.601 296.401 c} {118.201 312.801 c} {119.001 315.601} {119.001 315.601 c} {109.001 286.401 c} {104.601 283.601} {104.601 283.601 c} {113.001 247.201 c} {154.201 262.801} {154.201 262.801 c} {161.001 280.001 c} {165.401 261.601} {165.401 261.601 c} {178.201 255.201 c} {189.401 282.801} {189.401 282.801 c} {193.401 269.201 c} {192.601 266.401} {192.601 266.401 c} {199.401 267.601 c} {198.601 266.401} {198.601 266.401 c} {211.801 270.801 c} {213.001 270.001} {213.001 270.001 c} {219.801 276.801 c} {220.201 273.201} {220.201 273.201 c} {229.401 276.001 c} {227.401 272.401} {227.401 272.401 c} {236.201 288.001 c} {236.601 291.601} {239.001 277.601} {241.001 280.401} {241.001 280.401 c} {242.601 272.801 c} {241.801 271.601} {241.001 270.401 c} {261.801 278.401 c} {266.601 299.201} {268.601 307.601} {268.601 307.601 c} {274.601 292.801 c} {273.001 288.801} {273.001 288.801 c} {278.201 289.601 c} {278.601 294.001} {278.601 294.001 c} {282.601 270.801 c} {277.801 264.801} {277.801 264.801 c} {282.201 264.001 c} {283.401 267.601} {283.401 260.401} {283.401 260.401 c} {290.601 261.201 c} {290.601 258.801} {290.601 258.801 c} {295.001 254.801 c} {297.001 259.601} {297.001 259.601 c} {284.601 224.401 c} {303.001 243.601} {303.001 243.601 c} {310.201 254.401 c} {306.601 235.601} {303.001 216.801 c} {299.001 215.201 c} {303.801 214.801} {303.801 214.801 c} {304.601 211.201 c} {302.601 209.601} {300.601 208.001 c} {303.801 209.601 c} {303.801 209.601} {303.801 209.601 c} {308.601 213.601 c} {303.401 191.601} {303.401 191.601 c} {309.801 193.201 c} {297.801 164.001} {297.801 164.001 c} {300.601 161.601 c} {296.601 153.201} {296.601 153.201 c} {304.601 157.601 c} {307.401 156.001} {307.401 156.001 c} {307.001 154.401 c} {303.801 150.401} {303.801 150.401 c} {282.201 95.6 c} {302.601 117.601} {302.601 117.601 c} {314.451 131.151 c} {308.051 108.351} {308.051 108.351 c} {298.94 84.341 c} {299.717 80.045} {-129.83 103.065}} -tags __path__27 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__28 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__28 {{299.717 80.245} {300.345 80.426 c} {302.551 81.55 c} {303.801 83.2} {303.801 83.2 c} {310.601 94 c} {305.401 75.6} {305.401 75.6 c} {296.201 46.8 c} {305.001 58} {305.001 58 c} {311.001 65.2 c} {307.801 51.6} {303.936 35.173 c} {301.401 28.8 c} {301.401 28.8} {301.401 28.8 c} {313.001 33.6 c} {286.201 -6} {295.001 -2.4} {295.001 -2.4 c} {275.401 -42 c} {253.801 -47.2} {245.801 -53.2} {245.801 -53.2 c} {284.201 -91.2 c} {271.401 -128} {271.401 -128 c} {264.601 -133.2 c} {255.001 -124} {255.001 -124 c} {248.601 -119.2 c} {242.601 -120.8} {242.601 -120.8 c} {211.801 -119.6 c} {209.801 -119.6} {207.801 -119.6 c} {173.001 -156.8 c} {107.401 -139.2} {107.401 -139.2 c} {102.201 -137.2 c} {97.801 -138.4} {97.801 -138.4 c} {79.4 -154.4 c} {30.6 -131.6} {30.6 -131.6 c} {20.6 -129.6 c} {19 -129.6} {17.4 -129.6 c} {14.6 -129.6 c} {6.6 -123.2} {-1.4 -116.8 c} {-1.8 -116 c} {-3.8 -114.4} {-3.8 -114.4 c} {-20.2 -103.2 c} {-25 -102.4} {-25 -102.4 c} {-36.6 -96 c} {-41 -86} {-44.6 -84.8} {-44.6 -84.8 c} {-46.2 -77.6 c} {-46.6 -76.4} {-46.6 -76.4 c} {-51.4 -72.8 c} {-52.2 -67.2} {-52.2 -67.2 c} {-61 -61.2 c} {-60.6 -56.8} {-60.6 -56.8 c} {-62.2 -51.6 c} {-63 -46.8} {-63 -46.8 c} {-70.2 -42 c} {-69.4 -39.2} {-69.4 -39.2 c} {-77 -25.2 c} {-75.8 -18.4} {-75.8 -18.4 c} {-82.2 -18.8 c} {-85 -16.4} {-85 -16.4 c} {-85.8 -11.6 c} {-87.4 -11.2} {-87.4 -11.2 c} {-90.2 -10 c} {-87.8 -6} {-87.8 -6 c} {-89.4 -3.2 c} {-89.8 -1.6} {-89.8 -1.6 c} {-89 1.2 c} {-93.4 6.8} {-93.4 6.8 c} {-99.8 25.6 c} {-97.8 30.8} {-97.8 30.8 c} {-97.4 35.6 c} {-100.2 37.2} {-100.2 37.2 c} {-103.8 36.8 c} {-95.4 48.8} {-95.4 48.8 c} {-94.6 50 c} {-97.8 52.4} {-97.8 52.4 c} {-115 56 c} {-117.4 72.4} {-117.4 72.4 c} {-131 87.2 c} {-131 92.4} {-131 94.705 c} {-130.729 97.852 c} {-130.03 102.465} {-130.03 102.465 c} {-130.6 110.801 c} {-103 111.601} {-75.4 112.401 c} {299.717 80.245 c} {299.717 80.245}} -tags __path__29 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#cc7226 -filled 1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__30 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__30 {{-115.6 102.6} {-140.6 63.2 c} {-126.2 119.601 c} {-126.2 119.601} {-117.4 154.001 c} {12.2 116.401 c} {12.2 116.401} {12.2 116.401 c} {181.001 86 c} {192.201 82} {203.401 78 c} {298.601 84.4 c} {298.601 84.4} {293.001 67.6} {228.201 21.2 c} {209.001 44.4 c} {195.401 40.4} {181.801 36.4 c} {184.201 46 c} {181.001 46.8} {177.801 47.6 c} {138.601 22.8 c} {132.201 23.6} {125.801 24.4 c} {100.459 0.649 c} {115.401 32.4} {131.401 66.4 c} {57 71.6 c} {40.2 60.4} {23.4 49.2 c} {47.4 78.8 c} {47.4 78.8} {65.8 98.8 c} {31.4 82 c} {31.4 82} {-3 69.2 c} {-27 94.8 c} {-30.2 95.6} {-33.4 96.4 c} {-38.2 99.6 c} {-39 93.2} {-39.8 86.8 c} {-47.31 70.099 c} {-79 96.4} {-99 113.001 c} {-112.8 91 c} {-112.8 91} {-115.6 102.6}} -tags __path__31 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cc7226 -filled 1 -linecolor \#cc7226
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__32 -priority 10
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{135.001 159.601 c} {135.001 159.601} {119.401 159.201 c} {134.201 166.801 c} {134.201 166.801} {137.401 168.801 c} {146.201 176.001 c} {146.201 176.001} {143.401 174.801 c} {141.801 180.001 c} {141.801 180.001} {146.601 184.001 c} {143.801 188.801 c} {143.801 188.801} {137.801 190.001 c} {136.601 194.001 c} {136.601 194.001} {143.401 202.001 c} {133.401 202.401 c} {133.401 202.401} {137.001 206.801 c} {132.201 218.801 c} {132.201 218.801} {127.401 218.801 c} {121.001 224.401 c} {121.001 224.401} {123.401 229.201 c} {113.001 234.801 c} {113.001 234.801} {104.601 236.401 c} {107.401 243.201 c} {107.401 243.201} {99.401 249.201 c} {97.001 265.201 c} {97.001 265.201} {96.201 275.601 c} {93.801 278.801 c} {99.001 276.801} {104.201 274.801 c} {103.401 262.401 c} {103.401 262.401} {98.601 246.801 c} {141.401 230.801 c} {141.401 230.801} {145.401 229.201 c} {146.201 224.001 c} {146.201 224.001} {148.201 224.401 c} {157.001 232.001 c} {157.001 232.001} {164.601 243.201 c} {165.001 234.001 c} {165.001 234.001} {166.201 230.401 c} {164.601 224.401 c} {164.601 224.401} {170.601 202.801 c} {156.601 196.401 c} {156.601 196.401} {146.601 162.801 c} {160.601 171.201 c} {160.601 171.201} {163.401 176.801 c} {174.201 182.001 c} {174.201 182.001} {177.801 179.601} {176.201 174.801 c} {184.601 168.801 c} {184.601 168.801} {187.401 175.201 c} {193.401 167.201 c} {193.401 167.201} {197.001 142.801 c} {209.401 157.201 c} {209.401 157.201} {213.401 158.401 c} {214.601 151.601 c} {214.601 151.601} {218.201 141.201 c} {214.601 127.601 c} {214.601 127.601} {218.201 127.201 c} {227.801 133.201 c} {227.801 133.201} {230.601 129.601 c} {221.401 112.801 c} {225.401 115.201} {229.401 117.601 c} {233.801 119.201 c} {233.801 119.201} {234.601 117.201 c} {224.601 104.801 c} {224.601 104.801} {220.201 102 c} {215.001 81.6 c} {215.001 81.6} {222.201 85.2 c} {212.201 70 c} {212.201 70} {212.201 66.8 c} {218.201 55.6 c} {218.201 55.6} {217.401 48.8 c} {218.201 49.2 c} {218.201 49.2} {221.001 50.4 c} {229.001 52 c} {222.201 45.6} {215.401 39.2 c} {223.001 34.4 c} {223.001 34.4} {227.401 31.6 c} {213.801 32 c} {213.801 32} {208.601 27.6 c} {209.001 23.6 c} {209.001 23.6} {217.001 25.6 c} {202.601 11.2 c} {200.201 7.6} {197.801 4 c} {207.401 -1.2 c} {207.401 -1.2} {220.601 -4.8 c} {209.001 -8 c} {209.001 -8} {189.401 -7.6 c} {200.201 -18.4 c} {200.201 -18.4} {206.201 -18 c} {204.601 -20.4 c} {204.601 -20.4} {199.401 -21.6 c} {189.801 -28 c} {189.801 -28} {185.801 -31.6 c} {189.401 -30.8 c} {189.401 -30.8} {206.201 -29.6 c} {177.401 -40.8 c} {177.401 -40.8} {185.401 -40.8 c} {167.401 -51.2 c} {167.401 -51.2} {165.401 -52.8 c} {162.201 -60.4 c} {162.201 -60.4} {156.201 -65.6 c} {151.401 -72.4 c} {151.401 -72.4} {151.001 -76.8 c} {146.201 -81.6 c} {146.201 -81.6} {134.601 -95.2 c} {129.001 -94.8 c} {129.001 -94.8} {114.201 -98.4 c} {109.001 -97.6 c} {109.001 -97.6} {56.2 -93.2} {29.8 -80.4 c} {37.6 -59.4 c} {37.6 -59.4} {44 -51 c} {53.2 -54.8 c} {53.2 -54.8} {57.8 -61 c} {69.4 -58.8 c} 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c} {158.001 34.4 c} {158.001 34.4} {156.001 28.2 c} {153.001 14.6 c} {153.001 14.6} {155.201 9.4 c} {162.601 -3.2 c} {162.601 -3.2} {165.401 -7.4 c} {174.201 -12.2 c} {172.001 -15.2} {169.801 -18.2 c} {162.001 -16.4 c} {162.001 -16.4} {154.201 -17.8 c} {154.801 -12.6 c} {154.801 -12.6} {153.201 -11.6 c} {152.401 -6.6 c} {152.401 -6.6} {151.68 1.333 c} {142.801 7.6 c} {142.801 7.6} {131.601 13.8 c} {140.801 17.8 c} {140.801 17.8} {146.801 24.4 c} {137.001 24.6 c} {137.001 24.6} {126.001 22.8 c} {134.201 33 c} {134.201 33} {145.001 45.8 c} {142.001 48.6 c} {142.001 48.6} {131.801 49.6 c} {144.401 58.8 c} {144.401 58.8} {144.401 58.8 c} {143.601 56.8 c} {143.801 58.6} {144.001 60.4 c} {147.001 64.6 c} {147.801 66.6} {148.601 68.6 c} {144.601 68.8 c} {144.601 68.8} {145.201 78.4 c} {129.801 74.2 c} {129.801 74.2} {129.801 74.2 c} {129.801 74.2 c} {128.201 74.4} {126.601 74.6 c} {115.401 73.8 c} {109.601 71.6} {103.801 69.4 c} {97.001 69.4 c} {97.001 69.4} {97.001 69.4 c} {93.001 71.2 c} {85.4 71} {77.8 70.8 c} {69.8 73.6 c} {69.8 73.6} {65.4 73.2 c} {74 68.8 c} {74.2 69} {74.4 69.2 c} {80 63.6 c} {72 64.2} {50.203 65.835 c} {39.4 55.6 c} {39.4 55.6} {37.4 54.2 c} {34.8 51.4 c} {34.8 51.4} {24.8 49.4 c} {36.2 63.8 c} {36.2 63.8} {37.4 65.2 c} {36 66.2 c} {36 66.2} {35.2 64.6 c} {27.4 59.2 c} {27.4 59.2} {24.589 58.227 c} {23.226 56.893 c} {20.895 54.407}} -tags __path__231 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
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- $w.zinc add curve __g__440 {{-44.776 290.635} {-44.253 290.265 c} {-44.555 289.774 c} {-44.338 289.442} {-43.385 287.984 c} {-42.084 286.738 c} {-42.066 285} {-42.063 284.723 c} {-42.441 284.414 c} {-42.776 284.638} {-43.053 284.822 c} {-43.395 284.952 c} {-43.503 285.082} {-45.533 287.531 c} {-46.933 290.202 c} {-48.376 293.014} {-48.559 293.371 c} {-49.703 297.862 c} {-49.39 297.973} {-49.151 298.058 c} {-47.431 293.877 c} {-47.221 293.763} {-45.958 293.077 c} {-45.946 291.462 c} {-44.776 290.635}} -tags __path__441 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__442 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__442 {{-28.043 310.179} {-27.599 309.31 c} {-26.023 308.108 c} {-26.136 307.219} {-26.254 306.291 c} {-25.786 304.848 c} {-26.698 305.536} {-27.955 306.484 c} {-31.404 307.833 c} {-31.674 313.641} {-31.7 314.212 c} {-28.726 311.519 c} {-28.043 310.179}} -tags __path__443 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__444 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__444 {{-13.6 293.001} {-13.2 292.333 c} {-12.492 292.806 c} {-12.033 292.543} {-11.385 292.171 c} {-10.774 291.613 c} {-10.482 290.964} {-9.512 288.815 c} {-7.743 286.995 c} {-7.6 284.601} {-9.091 283.196 c} {-9.77 285.236 c} {-10.4 286.201} {-11.723 284.554 c} {-12.722 286.428 c} {-14.022 286.947} {-14.092 286.975 c} {-14.305 286.628 c} {-14.38 286.655} {-15.557 287.095 c} {-16.237 288.176 c} {-17.235 288.957} {-17.406 289.091 c} {-17.811 288.911 c} {-17.958 289.047} {-18.61 289.65 c} {-19.583 289.975 c} {-19.863 290.657} {-20.973 293.364 c} {-24.113 295.459 c} {-26 303.001} {-25.619 303.91 c} {-21.488 296.359 c} {-21.001 295.661} {-20.165 294.465 c} {-20.047 297.322 c} {-18.771 296.656} {-18.72 296.629 c} {-18.534 296.867 c} {-18.4 297.001} {-18.206 296.721 c} {-17.988 296.492 c} {-17.6 296.601} {-17.6 296.201 c} {-17.734 295.645 c} {-17.533 295.486} {-16.296 294.509 c} {-16.38 293.441 c} {-15.6 292.201} {-15.142 292.99 c} {-14.081 292.271 c} {-13.6 293.001}} -tags __path__445 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__446 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__446 {{46.2 347.401} {46.2 347.401 c} {53.6 327.001 c} {49.2 315.801} {49.2 315.801 c} {60.6 337.401 c} {56 348.601} {56 348.601 c} {55.6 338.201 c} {51.6 333.201} {51.6 333.201 c} {47.6 346.001 c} {46.2 347.401}} -tags __path__447 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__448 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__448 {{31.4 344.801} {31.4 344.801 c} {36.8 336.001 c} {28.8 317.601} {28.8 317.601 c} {28 338.001 c} {21.2 349.001} {21.2 349.001 c} {35.4 328.801 c} {31.4 344.801}} -tags __path__449 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__450 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__450 {{21.4 342.801} {21.4 342.801 c} {21.2 322.801 c} {21.6 319.801} {21.6 319.801 c} {17.8 336.401 c} {7.6 346.001} {7.6 346.001 c} {22 334.001 c} {21.4 342.801}} -tags __path__451 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__452 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__452 {{11.8 310.801} {11.8 310.801 c} {17.8 324.401 c} {7.8 342.801} {7.8 342.801 c} {14.2 330.601 c} {9.4 323.601} {9.4 323.601 c} {12 320.201 c} {11.8 310.801}} -tags __path__453 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__454 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__454 {{-7.4 342.401} {-7.4 342.401 c} {-8.4 326.801 c} {-6.6 324.601} {-6.6 324.601 c} {-6.4 318.201 c} {-6.8 317.201} {-6.8 317.201 c} {-2.8 311.001 c} {-2.6 318.401} {-2.6 318.401 c} {-1.2 326.201 c} {1.6 330.801} {1.6 330.801 c} {5.2 336.201 c} {5 342.601} {5 342.601 c} {-5 312.401 c} {-7.4 342.401}} -tags __path__455 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__456 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__456 {{-11 314.801} {-11 314.801 c} {-17.6 325.601 c} {-19.4 344.601} {-19.4 344.601 c} {-20.8 338.401 c} {-17 324.001} {-17 324.001 c} {-12.8 308.601 c} {-11 314.801}} -tags __path__457 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__458 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__458 {{-32.8 334.601} {-32.8 334.601 c} {-27.8 329.201 c} {-26.4 324.201} {-26.4 324.201 c} {-22.8 308.401 c} {-29.2 317.001} {-29.2 317.001 c} {-29 325.001 c} {-37.2 332.401} {-37.2 332.401 c} {-32.4 330.001 c} {-32.8 334.601}} -tags __path__459 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__460 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__460 {{-38.6 329.601} {-38.6 329.601 c} {-35.2 312.201 c} {-34.4 311.401} {-34.4 311.401 c} {-32.6 308.001 c} {-35.4 311.201} {-35.4 311.201 c} {-44.2 330.401 c} {-48.2 337.001} {-48.2 337.001 c} {-40.2 327.801 c} {-38.6 329.601}} -tags __path__461 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__462 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__462 {{-44.4 313.001} {-44.4 313.001 c} {-32.8 290.601 c} {-54.6 316.401} {-54.6 316.401 c} {-43.6 306.601 c} {-44.4 313.001}} -tags __path__463 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__464 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__464 {{-59.8 298.401} {-59.8 298.401 c} {-55 279.601 c} {-52.4 279.801} {-52.4 279.801 c} {-44.2 270.801 c} {-50.8 281.401} {-50.8 281.401 c} {-56.8 291.001 c} {-56.2 300.801} {-56.2 300.801 c} {-56.8 291.201 c} {-59.8 298.401}} -tags __path__465 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__466 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__466 {{270.5 287} {270.5 287 c} {258.5 277 c} {256 273.5} {256 273.5 c} {269.5 292 c} {269.5 299} {269.5 299 c} {272 291.5 c} {270.5 287}} -tags __path__467 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__468 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__468 {{276 265} {276 265 c} {255 250 c} {251.5 242.5} {251.5 242.5 c} {278 272 c} {278 276.5} {278 276.5 c} {278.5 267.5 c} {276 265}} -tags __path__469 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__470 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__470 {{293 111} {293 111 c} {281 103 c} {279.5 105} {279.5 105 c} {290 111.5 c} {292.5 120} {292.5 120 c} {291 111 c} {293 111}} -tags __path__471 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__472 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__472 {{301.5 191.5} {284 179.5} {284 179.5 c} {303 196.5 c} {303.5 200.5} {301.5 191.5}} -tags __path__473 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- ### translating ojects for making them all visibles
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup 200 150
- ##### bindings for moving rotating scaling the items
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::tigerDemo::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::tigerDemo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::tigerDemo::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::tigerDemo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::tigerDemo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::tigerDemo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::tigerDemo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale __svg__1 $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate __svg__1 [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl b/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5317f36..0000000
--- a/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> from the original
-# work of JL. Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval tkZincLogo {
- #
- # We need the zincLogo support
- package require zincLogo
- variable w .tkZincLogo
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc logo Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w tkZincLogo
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 7] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This tkZinc logo should used openGL for a correct rendering!
- You can transform this logo with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the logo,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the logo,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating the logo,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the logo transparency,
- Shift-Drag-Button 2 for modifying the logo gradient.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [ zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable logo [zincLogo::create $w.zinc $topGroup 800 40 70 0.6 0.6]
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::tkZincLogo::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::tkZincLogo::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::tkZincLogo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::tkZincLogo::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::tkZincLogo::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "::tkZincLogo::press modifyGradient %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-2> ::tkZincLogo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::tkZincLogo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable logo
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $logo [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
- proc modifyGradient {x y} {
- variable w
- set yRate [expr double($y) / [$w.zinc cget -height]]
- set yRate [expr ($yRate < 0) ? 0 : ($yRate > 1) ? 1 : $yRate]
- set gradPercent [expr int($yRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure letters -fillcolor "=axial 270|#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 $gradPercent|#7192aa;100 100"
- }
diff --git a/demos/transforms.tcl b/demos/transforms.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 679d583..0000000
--- a/demos/transforms.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# TODO:
-# Add the building of missing items
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval transforms {
- variable w .transforms
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Transformation Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Transformation
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 3 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 3 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 12] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert 0.0 {Items are always added to the current group.
- The available commands are:
- Button 1 on the background, add an item with initial translation
- Button 2 on the background, add a group with initial translation
- Button 1 on item/group axes, select/deselect that item coordinates
- Drag Button 1 on item/group axes, translate that item coordinates
- Home reset the transformation
- Shift-Home reset a group direct children transformations
- +/- scale the selected item up/down
- Ctrl-Left/Right rotate the selected item right/left
- Shift-Up/Down swap the selected item Y axis
- Shift-Left/Right swap the selected item X axis
- 4 arrows translate in the 4 directions
- Delete destroy the selected item}
- $w.text configure -state disabled
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- variable zincWidth 600
- variable zincHeight 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight \
- -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -takefocus 1 -render 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable top 1
- variable inactiveAxisColor blue
- variable activeAxisColor red
- variable worldAxisColor \#a5a5a5
- variable composeRot 1
- variable composeScale 1
- variable drag 0
- variable itemType Rectangle
- variable currentItem 0
- image create photo logo -file [file join [demosPath] images zinc.gif]
- grid [frame $w.f] -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- tk_optionMenu $w.f.types itemType Rectangle Arc Curve Icon Tabular \
- Text Track Triangles WayPoint
- grid $w.f.types -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
- button $w.f.add -text {Add item} -command "::transforms::addItem $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.add -row 0 -column 2 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.addg -text {Add group} -command "::transforms::addGroup $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.addg -row 0 -column 3 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.remove -text Remove -command "::transforms::removeItem $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.remove -row 0 -column 4 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- checkbutton $w.f.cscale -text -composescale -command "::transforms::toggleComposeScale $w.zinc" \
- -variable ::transforms::composeScale
- grid $w.f.cscale -row 0 -column 6 -sticky w
- checkbutton $w.f.crot -text -composesrotation -command "::transforms::toggleComposeRot $w.zinc" \
- -variable ::transforms::composeRot
- grid $w.f.crot -row 1 -column 6 -sticky w
- variable world [$w.zinc add group $top]
- variable currentGroup $world
- $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 80 0} -linewidth 3 \
- -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 0 80} -linewidth 3 \
- -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add rectangle $top {-2 -2 2 2} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $worldAxisColor -linecolor $worldAxisColor \
- -linewidth 3 -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add text $top -text "This is the origin\nof the world" \
- -anchor s -color $worldAxisColor -alignment center \
- -tags [list "axis:$world" text]
- $w.zinc lower axis:$world
- bind $w.zinc <1> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Item %x %y}
- bind $w.zinc <2> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Group %x %y}
- bind $w.zinc <Up> {::transforms::moveUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Left> {::transforms::moveLeft %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Right> {::transforms::moveRight %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Down> {::transforms::moveDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <minus> {::transforms::scaleDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> {::transforms::scaleDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <plus> {::transforms::scaleUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> {::transforms::scaleUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Home> {::transforms::reset %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Home> {::transforms::resetChildren %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Control-Left> {::transforms::rotateLeft %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Control-Right> {::transforms::rotateRight %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Up> {::transforms::swapAxis %W y}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Down> {::transforms::swapAxis %W y}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Left> {::transforms::swapAxis %W x}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Right> {::transforms::swapAxis %W x}
- bind $w.zinc <Delete> {::transforms::removeItem %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Configure> {::transforms::resize %W %w %h}
- focus $w.zinc
- tk_focusFollowsMouse
- proc resize {z width height} {
- variable world
- set x [expr $width/2]
- set y [expr $height/2]
- $z treset $world
- $z treset axis:$world
- $z translate $world $x $y
- $z translate axis:$world $x $y
- }
- proc swapAxis {z axis} {
- variable currentItem
- set sx 1
- set sy 1
- if { $axis eq "x" } {
- set sx -1
- } elseif { $axis eq "y" } {
- set sy -1
- }
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z scale $currentItem $sx $sy
- $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $sx $sy
- }
- }
- proc toggleComposeRot {z} {
- variable currentItem
- variable composeRot
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- }
- }
- proc toggleComposeScale {z} {
- variable currentItem
- variable composeScale
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- }
- }
- proc removeItem {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- variable currentItem
- variable world
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z remove $currentItem axisgrp:$currentItem
- if {$currentItem == $currentGroup} {
- set currentGroup $world
- }
- set currentItem 0
- set composeScale 1
- set composeRot 1
- }
- }
- proc dragItem {z x y} {
- variable drag
- variable currentItem
- set drag 1
- if {$currentItem == 0} {
- return
- }
- set group [$z group $currentItem]
- foreach {x y} [$z transform $group [list $x $y]] break
- $z treset $currentItem
- $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem
- $z translate $currentItem $x $y
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y
- }
- proc select {z} {
- foreach t [$z gettags current] {
- if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
- changeItem $z $item
- }
- }
- }
- proc changeItem {z item} {
- variable currentItem
- variable currentGroup
- variable composeRot
- variable composeScale
- variable drag
- variable activeAxisColor
- variable inactiveAxisColor
- if {($currentItem != 0) && !$drag} {
- $z itemconfigure axis:$currentItem&&!text \
- -linecolor $inactiveAxisColor -fillcolor $inactiveAxisColor
- }
- if {($currentItem == 0) || ($item != $currentItem)} {
- $z itemconfigure axis:$item&&!text \
- -linecolor $activeAxisColor -fillcolor $activeAxisColor -linewidth 3
- set currentItem $item
- set composeRot [$z itemcget $currentItem -composerotation]
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- set composeScale [$z itemcget $currentItem -composescale]
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- } elseif {!$drag} {
- set currentItem 0
- set composeRot 1
- set composeScale 1
- }
- }
- proc selectGroup {z} {
- foreach t [$z gettags current] {
- if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
- changeGroup $z $item
- return
- }
- }
- }
- proc changeGroup {z grp} {
- variable currentItem
- variable currentGroup
- variable world
- changeItem $z $grp
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- set currentGroup $currentItem
- } else {
- set currentGroup $world
- }
- }
- proc reset {z } {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z treset $currentItem
- $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem
- }
- }
- proc resetChildren {z} {
- variable currentItem
- if {($currentItem != 0) && ([$z type $currentItem] == "group")} {
- $z addtag rt withtag .$currentItem.
- $z treset rt
- $z dtag rt rt
- }
- }
- proc moveUp {z} {
- move $z 0 20
- }
- proc moveDown {z} {
- move $z 0 -20
- }
- proc moveRight {z} {
- move $z 20 0
- }
- proc moveLeft {z} {
- move $z -20 0
- }
- proc move {z dx dy} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z translate $currentItem $dx $dy
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy
- }
- }
- proc scaleUp {z} {
- scale $z 1.1 1.1
- }
- proc scaleDown {z} {
- scale $z 0.9 0.9
- }
- proc scale {z dx dy} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z scale $currentItem $dx $dy
- $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy
- }
- }
- proc rotateLeft {z} {
- rotate $z [expr -3.14159/18]
- }
- proc rotateRight {z} {
- rotate $z [expr 3.14159/18]
- }
- proc rotate {z angle} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z rotate $currentItem $angle
- $z rotate axisgrp:$currentItem $angle
- }
- }
- proc newRectangle {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add rectangle $currentGroup {-15 -15 15 15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newArc {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add arc $currentGroup {-25 -15 25 15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newCurve {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add curve $currentGroup {-15 -15 -15 15 15 15 15 -15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newText {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set item [$z add text $currentGroup -anchor s]
- $z itemconfigure $item -text "Item id: $item"
- return $item;
- }
- proc newIcon {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add icon $currentGroup -image logo -anchor center]
- }
- proc newTriangles {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add triangles $currentGroup \
- {-25 15 -10 -15 5 15 20 -15 35 15 50 -30} \
- -colors {tan wheat tan wheat}]
- }
- proc newTrack {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {x80x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- set item [$z add track $currentGroup 6 -labelformat $labelformat \
- -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 20]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
- return $item;
- }
- proc newWayPoint {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {a0a0+0+0 a0a0>0^1}
- set item [$z add waypoint $currentGroup 2 -labelformat $labelformat]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -backcolor DarkGreen -text TUR
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -text >>>
- return $item;
- }
- proc newTabular {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {f700f600+0+0 f700a0^0^0 f700a0^0>1 \
- f700a0^0>2 f700a0^0>3 f700a0^0>4 f700a0^0>5}
- set item [$z add tabular $currentGroup 7 -labelformat $labelformat]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -border contour \
- -bordercolor black -backcolor gray60
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -alignment center -text AFR6128
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -alignment center -text 390
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -alignment center -text 370
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -alignment center -text 350
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -alignment center -text 330
- $z itemconfigure $item 6 -alignment center -text TUR
- return $item;
- }
- proc addAxes {z item length command inFront} {
- variable currentGroup
- set axesGroup [$z add group $currentGroup -tags axisgrp:$item]
- $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 $length 0] -linewidth 3 \
- -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item
- $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 0 $length] -linewidth 3 \
- -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item
- $z add rectangle $axesGroup {-3 -3 3 3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -composescale 0 -tags axis:$item
- if {$inFront} {
- $z raise $item $axesGroup
- }
- $z bind axis:$item <B1-Motion> {::transforms::dragItem %W %x %y}
- $z bind axis:$item <ButtonRelease-1> "::transforms::$command %W; set drag 0"
- }
- proc addItem {z} {
- variable itemType
- set length 25
- set itemOnTop 0
- set item [eval "new$itemType $z"]
- if {($itemType == "Track") || ($itemType == "WayPoint")} {
- set itemOnTop 1
- }
- addAxes $z $item 25 select $itemOnTop
- changeItem $z $item
- }
- proc addGroup {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set item [$z add group $currentGroup]
- addAxes $z $item 80 selectGroup 1
- changeGroup $z $item
- }
- proc mouseAdd {z itemOrGroup x y} {
- variable currentGroup
- variable currentItem
- if {[llength [$z find withtag current]] != 0} {
- return
- }
- foreach {x y} [$z transform $currentGroup [list $x $y]] break
- eval "add$itemOrGroup $z"
- $z translate $currentItem $x $y
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y
- }
diff --git a/demos/triangles.tcl b/demos/triangles.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7326f32..0000000
--- a/demos/triangles.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval trianglesDemo {
- variable w .triangles
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Triangles Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Triangles
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 300 -font $defaultfont -render 1 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- # 6 equilateral triangles around a point
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {40 10} -text "Triangles item without transparency"
- variable x0 200
- variable y0 150
- variable coords [list "$x0 $y0"]
- for {set i 0} {$i<=6} {incr i} {
- set angle [expr $i * 6.28/6]
- lappend coords "[expr $x0 + 100 * cos($angle)] [expr $y0 - 100 * sin ($angle)]"
- }
- set tr1 [$w.zinc add triangles 1 $coords -fan 1 -colors {white yellow red magenta blue cyan green yellow} -visible 1]
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {370 10} -text "Triangles item with transparency"
- # using the clone method to make a copy and then modify the clone"colors
- set tr2 [$w.zinc clone $tr1]
- $w.zinc translate $tr2 300 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tr2 -colors {white;50 yellow;50 red;50 magenta;50 blue;50 cyan;50 green;50 yellow;50}
diff --git a/demos/windowContours.tcl b/demos/windowContours.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6c263..0000000
--- a/demos/windowContours.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval windowContours {
- variable w .windowContours
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Contours Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Contours
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 20 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # Creating the zinc widget
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font 9x15 -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text "These windows are simply rectangles holed by 4 smaller\nrectangles. The text appears behind the window glasses.\nYou can drag text or windows" -font 10x20
- # Text in background
- variable backtext [$w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 200} \
- -text "This text appears\nthrough holes of curves" \
- -font "-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1"]
- variable window [$w.zinc add curve 1 {100 100 300 100 300 400 100 400} -closed 1 \
- -visible 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor grey66]
- variable aGlass [$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {120 120 190 240}]
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass 90 0
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass 0 140
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass -90 0
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- # deleting $aGlass which is no more usefull
- $w.zinc remove $aGlass
- # cloning $window
- variable window2 [$w.zinc clone $window]
- # changing its background moving it and scaling it!
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $window2 -fillcolor grey50
- $w.zinc translate $window2 30 50
- $w.zinc scale $window 0.8 0.8
- # adding drag and drop callback to the two windows and backtext
- foreach item "$window $window2 $backtext" {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $w.zinc bind $item <1> "::windowContours::itemStartDrag $item %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $item <B1-Motion> "::windowContours::itemDrag $item %x %y"
- }
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig ""
- variable yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
diff --git a/demos/zinc-widget b/demos/zinc-widget
deleted file mode 100644
index 9132771..0000000
--- a/demos/zinc-widget
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-# the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish "$0" "$@"
-# Locate the zinc top level directory.
-set zincRoot [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]
-# And adjust the paths accordingly.
-lappend auto_path $zincRoot
-set zinc_library $zincRoot
-package require Tkzinc 3.2
-set zincVersion [lindex [zinc] 0]
-eval destroy [winfo child .]
-wm title . "Zinc Widget Demonstration"
-set zincDemo 1
-set font {Helvetica 14}
-menu .menuBar -tearoff 0
-.menuBar add cascade -menu .menuBar.file -label File -underline 0
-menu .menuBar.file -tearoff 0
-.menuBar.file add command -label "About..." -command "aboutBox" \
- -underline 0 -accelerator "<F1>"
-.menuBar.file add sep
-.menuBar.file add command -label Quit -command exit -underline 0 \
- -accelerator Meta-Q
-. configure -menu .menuBar
-bind . <F1> aboutBox
-frame .statusBar
-label .statusBar.lab -text " " -relief sunken -bd 1 \
- -font -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -anchor w
-label .statusBar.foo -width 8 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
- -font -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -anchor w
-pack .statusBar.lab -side left -padx 2 -expand yes -fill both
-pack .statusBar.foo -side left -padx 2
-pack .statusBar -side bottom -fill x -pady 2
-frame .textFrame
-scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.t yview} -highlightthickness 0 \
- -takefocus 1
-pack .s -in .textFrame -side right -fill y
-text .t -yscrollcommand {.s set} -wrap word -width 60 -height 30 -font $font \
- -setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 -padx 4 -pady 2 -takefocus 0
-pack .t -in .textFrame -expand y -fill both -padx 1
-pack .textFrame -expand yes -fill both
-# Create a bunch of tags to use in the text widget, such as those for
-# section titles and demo descriptions. Also define the bindings for
-# tags.
-.t tag configure title -font {Helvetica 18 bold}
-# We put some "space" characters to the left and right of each demo description
-# so that the descriptions are highlighted only when the mouse cursor
-# is right over them (but not when the cursor is to their left or right)
-.t tag configure demospace -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c
-if {[winfo depth .] == 1} {
- .t tag configure demo -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -underline 1
- .t tag configure visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -underline 1
- .t tag configure hot -background black -foreground white
-} else {
- .t tag configure demo -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -foreground blue -underline 1
- .t tag configure visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -foreground #303080 -underline 1
- .t tag configure hot -foreground red -underline 1
-.t tag bind demo <ButtonRelease-1> {
- invoke [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-set lastLine ""
-.t tag bind demo <Enter> {
- set lastLine [.t index {@%x,%y linestart}]
- .t tag add hot "$lastLine +1 chars" "$lastLine lineend -1 chars"
- .t config -cursor hand2
- showStatus [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-.t tag bind demo <Leave> {
- .t tag remove hot 1.0 end
- .t config -cursor xterm
- .statusBar.lab config -text ""
-.t tag bind demo <Motion> {
- set newLine [.t index {@%x,%y linestart}]
- if {[string compare $newLine $lastLine] != 0} {
- .t tag remove hot 1.0 end
- set lastLine $newLine
- set tags [.t tag names {@%x,%y}]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- if {$i >= 0} {
- .t tag add hot "$lastLine +1 chars" "$lastLine lineend -1 chars"
- }
- }
- showStatus [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-# Create the text for the text widget.
-.t insert end "Zinc/Tk Widget Demonstrations $zincVersion\n" title
-.t insert end {
- This application provides a front end for several short scripts in Tcl/Tk that demonstrate what you can do with the TkZinc widget. Each of the numbered lines below describes a demonstration; you can click on it to invoke the demonstration. Once the demonstration window appears, you can click the "See Code" button to see the Tcl/Tk code that created the demonstration.
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Small applications\n" title
-.t insert end "1. The famous tiger (better with openGL).\n" {demo demo-tiger}
-.t insert end "2. A toy radar display.\n" {demo demo-simpleRadar}
-.t insert end "3. ATC electronic strips demo (better with openGL).\n" {demo demo-groupsInAtcStrips}
-.t insert end "3. A magic lens simulation (need openGL).\n" {demo demo-magicLens}
-.t insert end "4. A demo of the Graphics tcl module (based on curves).\n" {demo demo-testGraphics}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "All Items\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Exemples of all items.\n" {demo demo-items}
-.t insert end "2. All items options (and their types).\n" {demo demo-allOptions}
-.t insert end "3. Examples of line style and line termination.\n" {demo demo-lines}
-.t insert end "4. Curves with multiple contours.\n" {demo demo-contours}
-.t insert end "7. Curves with cubic bezier control points.\n" {demo demo-curveBezier}
-.t insert end "8. Curves with multiple contours and various fillrule.\n" {demo demo-fillRule}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Groups, Priority, Clipping and PathTags\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Groups and Priorities.\n" {demo demo-groupsPriority}
-.t insert end "2. Clipping examples (with simple or multiple contours).\n" {demo demo-clipping}
-.t insert end "3. Group atomicity.\n" {demo demo-atomicGroups}
-.t insert end "4. \"Windows\" with four glasses using curve with multiple contours.\n" {demo demo-windowContours}
-.t insert end "5. Pathtags demonstration.\n" {demo demo-pathTags}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Transformation\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Transformation testbed.\n" {demo demo-transforms}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Use of open GL\n" title
-.t insert end "1. The TkZinc Logo.\n" {demo demo-tkZincLogo}
-.t insert end "2. Applying transformations to an icon.\n" {demo demo-iconTransform}
-.t insert end "3. Using the alpha information from an image (Need Img ext.).\n" {demo demo-photoAlpha}
-.t insert end "4. Axial color variation on the X axis.\n" {demo demo-colorX}
-.t insert end "5. Axial color variation on the Y axis.\n" {demo demo-colorY}
-.t insert end "6. Circular color variation.\n" {demo demo-colorCircular}
-.t insert end "7. The triangles item.\n" {demo demo-triangles}
-.t insert end "8. Relief testbed.\n" {demo demo-reliefs}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "ATC oriented features and items\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Examples of labelformat.\n" {demo demo-labelformat}
-.t insert end "2. Simple interaction on a track.\n" {demo demo-simpleInteractionTrack}
-.t insert end "3. Text input in a text item and a track item.\n" {demo demo-textInput}
-.t configure -state disabled
-focus .s
-# positionWindow --
-# This procedure is invoked by most of the demos to position a
-# new demo window.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the window to position.
-proc positionWindow w {
- wm geometry $w +300+300
-# showVars --
-# Displays the values of one or more variables in a window, and
-# updates the display whenever any of the variables changes.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of new window to create for display.
-# args - Any number of names of variables.
-proc showVars {w args} {
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Variable values"
- label $w.title -text "Variable values:" -width 20 -anchor center \
- -font {Helvetica 18}
- pack $w.title -side top -fill x
- set len 1
- foreach i $args {
- if {[string length $i] > $len} {
- set len [string length $i]
- }
- }
- foreach i $args {
- frame $w.$i
- label $w.$i.name -text "$i: " -width [expr $len + 2] -anchor w
- label $w.$i.value -textvar $i -anchor w
- pack $w.$i.name -side left
- pack $w.$i.value -side left -expand 1 -fill x
- pack $w.$i -side top -anchor w -fill x
- }
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w" -default active
- bind $w <Return> "tkButtonInvoke $w.ok"
- pack $w.ok -side bottom -pady 2
-# demosPath --
-# Return the path to the installed demo directory.
-proc demosPath {} {
- global zinc_library tcl_platform
- if { [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0] eq "Windows" &&
- ! [file exists [file join $zinc_library pkgIndex.tcl]] } {
- return [file join $zinc_library demos Tkzinc]
- } {
- return [file join $zinc_library demos]
- }
-# invoke --
-# This procedure is called when the user clicks on a demo description.
-# It is responsible for invoking the demonstration.
-# Arguments:
-# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
-proc invoke index {
- set tags [.t tag names $index]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- if {$i < 0} {
- return
- }
- set cursor [.t cget -cursor]
- .t configure -cursor watch
- update
- set demo [string range [lindex $tags $i] 5 end]
- uplevel [list source [file join [demosPath] $demo.tcl]]
- update
- .t configure -cursor $cursor
- .t tag add visited "$index linestart +1 chars" "$index lineend -1 chars"
-# showStatus --
-# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
-# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
-proc showStatus index {
- global zinc_library
- set tags [.t tag names $index]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- set cursor [.t cget -cursor]
- if {$i < 0} {
- .statusBar.lab config -text " "
- set newcursor xterm
- } else {
- set demo [string range [lindex $tags $i] 5 end]
- .statusBar.lab config -text "Run the \"$demo\" sample program"
- set newcursor hand2
- }
- if [string compare $cursor $newcursor] {
- .t config -cursor $newcursor
- }
-# showCode --
-# This procedure creates a toplevel window that displays the code for
-# a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
-# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
-proc showCode w {
- global zinc_library
- set file [string range $w 1 end].tcl
- if ![winfo exists .code] {
- toplevel .code
- frame .code.buttons
- pack .code.buttons -side bottom -fill x
- button .code.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss \
- -default active -command "destroy .code"
- button .code.buttons.rerun -text "Rerun Demo" -command {
- eval [.code.text get 1.0 end]
- }
- pack .code.buttons.dismiss .code.buttons.rerun -side left \
- -expand 1 -pady 2
- frame .code.frame
- pack .code.frame -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
- text .code.text -height 40 -wrap word\
- -xscrollcommand ".code.xscroll set" \
- -yscrollcommand ".code.yscroll set" \
- -setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 -pady 2 -padx 3
- scrollbar .code.xscroll -command ".code.text xview" \
- -highlightthickness 0 -orient horizontal
- scrollbar .code.yscroll -command ".code.text yview" \
- -highlightthickness 0 -orient vertical
- grid .code.text -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- grid .code.yscroll -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- # grid .code.xscroll -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- # -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- grid rowconfig .code.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
- grid columnconfig .code.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
- } else {
- wm deiconify .code
- raise .code
- }
- wm title .code "Demo code: [file join $zinc_library demos $file]"
- wm iconname .code $file
- set id [open [file join $zinc_library demos $file]]
- .code.text delete 1.0 end
- .code.text insert 1.0 [read $id]
- .code.text mark set insert 1.0
- close $id
-# aboutBox --
-# Pops up a message box with an "about" message
-proc aboutBox {} {
- tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title "About Zinc Demo" -message \
- "Tkzinc widget demonstration\n\n\
-Copyright (c) 2003 CENA\n\n
-The demo framework \n
-Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc."
- }