diff options
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+\newcommand{\cident}[1] {%
+ {\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\ident}[1] {%
+ {\tt\large #1}}
+ \label{opt:#1}
+ \index{#1}
+ \htmlrule[WIDTH="300" left]
+ \begin{tabular}{rl}
+ Command line switch: & \ident{-#1} \\
+ Database name: & \ident{#2} \\
+ Database class: & \ident{#3} \\
+ \end{tabular}}
+ \label{cmd:#2}
+ \index{#2}
+ \htmlrule[WIDTH="300" left]
+ {\tt\large #1 {\bf #2} #3}}
+ \command{pathname}{#1}{#2}}
+ \label{mpcmd:#2}
+ \index{#2}
+ \htmlrule[WIDTH="300" left]
+ {\tt\large mapinfo #1 {\bf #2} #3}}
+ \label{attr:#1}
+ \index{#1}
+ \htmlrule[WIDTH="300" left]
+ {\tt {\bf -#1} #2}
+ \vspace{-2\parskip}}
+ \hyperref[page]{\ident{#1}}{\ident{#1} (}{)}{obj:#1}}
+ \hyperref[page]{\ident{#1}}{\ident{#1} (}{)}{opt:#1}
+ }
+ \hyperref[page]{\ident{#1}}{\ident{#1} (}{)}{cmd:#1}
+ }
+ \hyperref[page]{\ident{-#1}}{\ident{-#1} (}{)}{attr:#1}
+ }
+ \label{obj:#1}
+ }
+ \label{concept:#1}
+ }
+ \hyperref[page]{\ident{#1}}{\ident{#1} (}{)}{cmd:#1}
+ }
+ \hyperref[page]{#1}{#1 (page }{)}{concept:#2}
+ }
+\parindent 0cm
+\parskip 0.2cm
+\title{tkRadar reference manual\\Version 3.0}
+\author{Patrick Lecoanet}
+\date{1er Décembre 1999}
+ This reference manual describes the Tk \ident{radar} widget interface. It shows
+ how to create and configure a \ident{radar} widget, and how to use the commands
+ it provides to create and manipulate items.
+\chapter{Widget options}
+ \option{borderwidth}{borderWidth}{BorderWidth}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the width of the 3d border that should be displayed around the widget
+ window. This border does not overlap the active radar display area. The area
+ requested from the geometry manager (or the window manager if applicable) is the
+ overall area, display area plus borders. This value can be given in any of
+ the forms valid for coordinates (See \cident{TkGet\_Pixels}). The default value is 2 pixels.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{backcolor}{backColor}{BackColor}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This the color that will be used to fill the radar window. It is also
+ used as a default color for some item attributes of type color. See each
+ color attribute for the actual source of the default color. Its default
+ value is white.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{cursor}{cursor}{Cursor}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the cursor to use when the pointer is in the radar window.
+ The default value is set to preserve the cursor provided at widget
+ creation.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{font}{font}{Font}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ The font specified by this option is used as a default font
+ for item attributes of type font. Its default value is
+ -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{forecolor}{foreColor}{ForeColor}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ The color specified by this option is used as a default color
+ for many item attributes of type color. See each each color
+ attribute for the actual source of the default color. Its
+ default value is black.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{height}{height}{Height}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the height of the actual radar area (i.e, this dimension
+ does not include the border width). This value can be given in any of
+ the forms valid for coordinates (See \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}). The default is
+ 100 pixels.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{mapdistancesymbol}{mapDistanceSymbol}{MapDistanceSymbol}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This option specifies the symbol to be used as a milestone
+ along map lines. This option can be given any Tk bitmap which
+ can be obtained by \cident{Tk\_GetBitmap}. The spacing between markers is
+ 10 nautic miles. The default value is AtcSymbol19.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{maptextfont}{mapTextFont}{MapTextFont}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the font used to draw the texts contained in maps. The
+ default is -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{overlapmanager}{overlapManager}{OverlapManager}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This option accepts any form valid for a boolean. It specifies if
+ the label overlapping avoidance algorithm should be allowed to
+ do its work on the track labels. The default is to enable the avoidance
+ algorithm.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{pickaperture}{pickAperture}{PickAperture}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the size of an area around the pointer that is used to tell
+ if the pointer is inside an item. This is useful to lessen the precision
+ required when picking graphical elements. This value must be a positive
+ integer. It defaults to 1.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{relief}{relief}{Relief}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the border relief. This option can be given any legal value
+ for a relief (See \cident{Tk\_GetRelief} for a description of possible values).
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{speedvectorlength}{speedVectorLength}{SpeedVectorLength}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the duration of track speed vectors. This option is expressed
+ using a time unit that should be chosen by the application (often minutes)
+ and kept coherent with the unit of the track attribute \attrref{speedvector}
+ (often nautic mile / minutes). The default value is 3.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{trackmanagedhistorysize}{trackManagedHistorySize}{TrackManagedHistorySize}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This option accepts only positive integers. It specifies the size of
+ the past position list that can be maintained by the track items. See
+ also the \optref{trackmanagehistory} option and the \attrref{visiblehistorysize}
+ track attribute. The default value is 6.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{trackmanagehistory}{trackManageHistory}{TrackManageHistory}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This option accepts any form valid for a boolean. It specifies if
+ the track items should maintain a list of their past positions to be
+ displayed as trailing speckles. If this option is turned off and then
+ back on, the history list is erased and the collection is resumed at
+ the next available position. The number of position collected in the
+ history list is specified by the option \optref{trackmanagedhistorysize}.
+ When this many positions are collected, the oldest is dropped to make
+ room for the new one on a first in first out basis. The number of past
+ positions actually displayed if specified for each track by the
+ attribute \attrref{visiblehistorysize}.
+ The default value is to enable the history collection.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \option{width}{width}{Width}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Specifies the width of the actual radar area (i.e, this dimension
+ does not include the border width). This value can be given in any of
+ the forms valid for coordinates (See \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}). The default is
+ 100 pixels.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\chapter{Item IDs and Tags}
+Décrire les ids, tags, field tags et part tags. Les deux derniers
+n'étant employes que par bind doit-on les décrire ici ou dans la commande ?
+Parler de current, all.
+\chapter{Coordinates and transformations}
+\chapter{Widget commands}
+ The available commands are listed in alphabetical order.
+ The command set for the \ident{radar} widget is much inspired by the \ident{canvas}
+ command set. Someone comfortable with the \ident{canvas} should not have much trouble
+ using the \ident{radar}'s commands. Eventually, the command set will be a superset
+ of the \ident{canvas} command set.
+\radarcmd{add}{?type group? ?args? ?option value? ... ?option? value?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command is used to create new items in a radar. It can be called with
+ no parameters to return the list of all item types currently known by
+ the radar. It can also be called with a valid item type as first parameter
+ and a group item as second parameter to create a new item of this type in
+ the given group. The other arguments vary with the type of item. A detailed
+ description of these arguments is given in the sections on the individual item
+ types. Following the creation args the command accept any number of
+ attributes\ -\ values pairs to configure the newly created item.
+ All the configurable item type attributes are valid in this context. The
+ command returns the item id.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{addtag}{tag searchSpec ?arg arg ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command add the given tag to all items matching the
+ search specification. If the tag is already present on some item,
+ nothing is done for this item. The command has no effect if no
+ items satisfy the given criteria. The command returns en empty
+ string. The search specification an the associated arguments can
+ take the following forms:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item{\tt above tagOrId} \\
+ Selects the item just above the one given by {\tt tagOrId}. If
+ {\tt tagOrId} names more than one item, the topmost of these
+ items in the display list will be used. If {\tt tagOrId} does
+ not refer to any item then nothing happen.
+ \item{\tt all} \\
+ Selects all the items in the radar.
+ \item{\tt atpoint x y ?halo? ?start?} \\
+ Selects the item under or closest to the point {\tt x - y}. If more
+ than one item overlaps the point, the top-most is selected. If {\tt halo}
+ is given, it defines the size of the point {\tt x - y}. {\tt halo} must
+ be a non negative integer. If {\tt start} is specified, it must be
+ an item tag or id. If it names a valid item (for a tag, the lowest
+ item with the tag is considered), the search starts with the item
+ below {\tt start} instead of the first item in the display
+ order. If {\tt start} does not name a valid item, it is ignored.
+ \item{\tt atpriority priority} \\
+ Selects all the items at the given priority.
+ \item{\tt below tagOrId} \\
+ Selects the item just below the one given by {\tt tagOrId}. If
+ {\tt tagOrId} names more than one item, the lowest of these
+ items in the display list will be used. If {\tt tagOrId} does
+ not refer to any item then nothing happen.
+ \item{\tt enclosed xo yo xc yc} \\
+ Selects all the items completely enclosed in the rectangle whose
+ origin is at {\tt xo - yo} and corner at {\tt xc - yc}. {\tt xc}
+ must be no greater than {\tt xo} and {\tt yo} must be no greater
+ than {\tt yc}. All coordinates must be integers.
+ \item{\tt overlapping xo yo xc yc} \\
+ Selects all the items that overlaps or are enclosed in the rectangle
+ whose origin is at {\tt xo - yo} and corner at {\tt xc - yc}. {\tt xc}
+ must be no greater than {\tt xo} and {\tt yo} must be no greater than
+ {\tt yc}. All coordinates must be integers.
+ \item{\tt withtag tagOrId} \\
+ Selects all the items given by {\tt tagOrId}.
+ \item{\tt withtype type} \\
+ Selects all the items of type {\tt type}.
+ \end{description}
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{anchorxy}{tagOrId anchor}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Returns the (device) coordinate of an item anchor. If no item is
+ named by {\tt tagOrId} or if the item doesn't support anchors, an
+ error is raised. If more than one item match {\tt tagOrId}, one of
+ those is used, the exact one is implementation specific.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{bbox}{tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Returns a list of 4 numbers describing the (device) coordinates of the origin
+ and corner of a rectangle bounding all the items named by the {\tt tagOrId}
+ arguments. If no items are named by the {\tt tagOrId} or if the matching items
+ have an empty bounding box, an empty string is returned.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{bind}{tagOrId ?sequence? ?command?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command associates {\tt command} with the item tag, item id, part tag
+ {\tt tagOrId}. If an event sequence matching {\tt sequence}
+ occurs for an item, or an item part, the command will be invoked.
+ If all parameters are specified a new binding between {\tt sequence} and
+ {\tt command} is established, overriding any existing binding for the
+ sequence. If the first character of {\tt command} is ``+'', then
+ {\tt command} augments the existing binding instead of replacing it.
+ In this case the command returns an empty string. If the {\tt command}
+ parameter is omitted, the command return the {\tt command} associated
+ with {\tt tagOrId} and {\tt sequence} or an error is raised if there
+ is no such binding. If only {\tt tagOrId} is specified the command
+ returns a list of all the sequences for which there are bindings for
+ {\tt tagOrId}.
+ This widget command is similar to the \ident{bind} command except that
+ it operates on \ident{radar} items instead of widgets. Another difference
+ with the \ident{bind} command is that only mouse and keyboard related events
+ can be specified (such as \ident{Enter}, \ident{Leave}, \ident{ButtonPress},
+ \ident{ButtonRelease}, \ident{Motion}, \ident{KeyPress}, \ident{KeyRelease}).
+ The \ident{bind} manual page is the most accurate place to look for a
+ definition of {\tt sequence} and {\tt command} and for a general understanding
+ of how the binding mecanism works.
+ The handling of events in the \ident{radar} is done with respect to the
+ current item and when applicable the current item part (see
+ \conceptref{Item IDs and tags}{tagOrId} for a discussion of the
+ \ident{current} tag and the special tags used in bindings). \ident{Enter}
+ and \ident{Leave} events are trigerred for an item when it becomes or cease
+ to be the current item. Mouse related events are reported with respect to
+ the current item. Keyboard related events are reported with respect to the
+ focus item (which can be the current item or none).
+ It is possible that several bindings match a particular event sequence.
+ When this occurs, all matching bindings are triggered. The order of
+ invocation is as follow: the binding associated with the tag \ident{all}
+ is invoked first, followed by the bindings associated with the item tags
+ in order, followed by the binding associated with the item id, followed
+ by the binding associated with the item part if relevant.
+ If there are more than one binding for a single tag, only the most
+ specific is triggered.
+ If bindings have been registered for the \ident{radar} window using the
+ \ident{bind} command, they are invoked in addition to bindings registered
+ for the items using this widget command. The bindings for items will be
+ invoked before the bindings for the window.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Returns the current value of the widget option given by {\tt option}.
+ {\tt option} may be any of the options described in the
+ chapter \conceptref{Widget options}{options}.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Not yet implemented.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{configure}{?option? ?value? ?option value ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Query or modify the options of the widget. If no {\tt option}
+ is given, returns a list describing all the supported options (see the
+ chapter \conceptref{Widget options}{options}). If an {\tt option} is
+ specified without any {\tt value}, the command returns a list
+ describing the named option (this list is identical to the corresponding
+ sublist of the value returned if no {\tt option} is given). If some
+ {\tt option - value} pairs are given, then the corresponding options
+ are changed and the command return an empty string.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Returns an integer specifying the item part over which the pointer is.
+ If the current item doesn't have parts or if the pointer is not over
+ an item (no item has the \ident{current} tag) the command return -1.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{dtag}{tagOrId ?tagToDelete?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Delete the tag {\tt tagToDelete} from the list of tags associated
+ with each item named by {\tt tagOrId}. If an item doesn't have
+ the tag then it is leaved unaffected. If {\tt tagToDelete} is
+ omitted, {\tt tagOrId} is used instead. The command returns an
+ empty string as result.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{find}{searchCommand ?arg arg ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns the list of all items selected by {\tt searchCommand}
+ and the {\tt args}. See the \cmdref{addtag} command for an explanation of
+ {\tt searchCommand} and the various {\tt args}. The items are sorted in
+ drawing order, topmost first.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns the list of all the tags associated with
+ the item specified by {\tt tagOrdId}. If more than one item is
+ named by {\tt tagOrdId}, then one of these items (selection is
+ implementation specific) is used to return the result. If no
+ item is named by {\tt tagOrdId}, then the empty list is returned.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by
+ {\tt tagOrdId} supports anchors. If more than one item is named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, then one of these items (selection is implementation
+ specific) is used to return the result. If no items are named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by
+ {\tt tagOrdId} supports fields. If more than one item is named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, then one of these items (selection is implementation
+ specific) is used to return the result. If no items are named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by
+ {\tt tagOrdId} has parts. If more than one item is named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, then one of these items (selection is implementation
+ specific) is used to return the result. If no items are named by
+ {\tt tagOrdId}, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{hastag}{tagOrId tag}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by
+ {\tt tagOrdId} has the specified tag. If more than one item is
+ named by {\tt tagOrdId}, then one of these items (selection is
+ implementation specific) is used to return the result. If no items
+ are named by {\tt tagOrdId}, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{itemcget}{tagOrId ?field? attr}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{itemconfigure}{tagOrId ?field? ?attr? ?value? ?attr value ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{lower}{tagOrId ?belowThis?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Reorder all the items given by {\tt tagOrId} so that they will be
+ under the item given by {\tt belowThis}. If {\tt tagOrId} name more
+ than one item, their relative order will be preserved. If
+ {\tt tagOrId} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If
+ {\tt belowThis} name more than one item, the bottom most them is used.
+ If {\tt belowThis} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If
+ {\tt belowThis} is omitted the items are put at the bottom most
+ position. The command returns an empty string.
+ As a side affect of this command, the \attrref{priority} attribute of
+ all the reordered items is ajusted to match the priority of the
+ {\tt belowThis} item (or the priority of the bottom most item).
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{raise}{tagOrId ?aboveThis?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Reorder all the items given by {\tt tagOrId} so that they will be
+ above the item given by {\tt aboveThis}. If {\tt tagOrId} name more
+ than one item, their relative order will be preserved. If
+ {\tt tagOrId} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If
+ {\tt aboveThis} name more than one item, the top most is used.
+ If {\tt aboveThis} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If
+ {\tt aboveThis} is omitted the items are put at the top most
+ position. The command returns an empty string.
+ As a side affect of this command, the \attrref{priority} attribute of
+ all the reordered items is ajusted to match the priority of the
+ {\tt aboveThis} item (or the priority of the top most item).
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{remove}{tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Delete all the items named by each {\tt tagOrId}. The
+ command returns an empty string.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{rotate}{tagOrId angle ?centerX centerY?}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Add a rotation to the items or the transform described by
+ {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt tagOrId} describe a named transform
+ then this transform is used to do the operation. If {\tt tagOrId}
+ describe more than one item then all the items are affected by
+ the opration. If {\tt tagOrId} describe neither a named transform
+ nor an item, an error is raised. The angle is given in radians.
+ The optional parameters describe the center of rotation, which
+ defaults to the origin.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{scale}{tagOrId xFactor yFactor}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Add a scale factor to the items or the transform described by
+ {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt tagOrId} describe a named transform
+ then this transform is used to do the operation. If {\tt tagOrId}
+ describe more than one item then all the items are affected by
+ the opration. If {\tt tagOrId} describe neither a named transform
+ nor an item, an error is raised. A separate factor is specified for
+ X and Y.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be implemented.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Destroy a named transform. If the given name is not found
+ among the named transforms, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{transform}{?tagOrIdFrom? tagOrIdTo coordList}
+ This command returns a list of coordinates obtained by transforming
+ the coordinates given in {\tt coordList} from the coordinate space
+ of the transform or item described by {\tt tagOrIdFrom} to the
+ coordinate space of the transform or item described by {\tt tagOrIdTo}.
+ If {\tt tagOrIdFrom} is omitted it defaults to the device coordinate
+ space. If either {\tt tagOrId} describe more than one item, one is
+ selected in a system specific way. If either {\tt tagOrId} describe
+ neither a transform nor an item, an error is raised.
+\radarcmd{translate}{tagOrId xAmount yAmount}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Add a translation to the items or the transform described by
+ {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt tagOrId} describe a named transform
+ then this transform is used to do the operation. If {\tt tagOrId}
+ describe more than one item then all the items are affected by
+ the opration. If {\tt tagOrId} describe neither a named transform
+ nor an item, an error is raised. A separate value is specified for
+ X and Y.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Set the named transform or the transform for the items described
+ by {\tt tagOrId} to identity. If {\tt tagOrId} describe neither
+ a named transform nor an item, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{trestore}{tagOrId tName}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Set the transform for the items described by {\tt tagOrId} to the
+ transform named by {\tt tName}. If {\tt tagOrId} doesn't describe
+ any item or if the transform named {\tt tName} doesn't exist, an
+ error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\radarcmd{tsave}{tagOrId tName}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ Create (or reset) a transform associated with the name {\tt tName}
+ which has for initial value the transform associated with the item
+ {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt tagOrId} describe more than one item, one is
+ selected in a system specific way. If {\tt tagOrId} doesn't describe
+ any item, an error is raised. If {\tt tName} already exists, the
+ transform is set to the new value. This command is the only way to
+ create a named transform.
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ This command returns the type of the item specified by {\tt tagOrdId}.
+ If more than one item is named by {\tt tagOrdId}, then the type of
+ one of these items (selection is implementation specific) is returned.
+ If no items are named by {\tt tagOrdId}, an error is raised.
+ \end{blockindent}
+\chapter{Attributes description}
+ Specifies the horizontal alignment of an entity.
+ The legal values are: left, right, center.
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ The new format is as follow. Parameters between [] are
+ optional and take default values when omitted. The spaces can appear
+ between blocks but not inside.
+ \verb+[WidthxHeight] [field0Spec] [field1Spec] [fieldnSpec]+
+ Width and Height set the size of the clipping box surrounding
+ the label. If it is not specified, there will be no clipping.
+ It it is specified alone it is the size of the only displayed
+ field (0).
+ fieldSpec is:
+ \verb+sChar fieldWidth sChar fieldHeight [pChar fieldX pChar fieldY]+.
+ Each field description refers to the field of same index in the field
+ array.
+ If \verb+sChar+ is \verb+'x'+, the dimension is in pixel. If \verb+sChar+ is \verb+'f'+, the
+ dimension is in percentage of the mean width/height of a character (in the
+ field font). If \verb+sChar+ is \verb+'i'+, the dimension is in percentage of the size
+ of the image in the field. If \verb+sChar+ is \verb+'a'+, the dimension is automatically
+ adjusted to match the field's content plus the given value in pixels.
+ If \verb+pChar+ is \verb-'+'- the position is in pixel (possibly negative). If it is
+ \verb+'<'+ the position is the index of the field at the left/top of which the
+ current field should be attached. If it is \verb+'>'+ the position is the index
+ of the field at the right/bottom of which the current field should be
+ attached. If \verb+pChar+ is \verb+'^'+ the position is the index of the field used to
+ align the left/top border (left on left or top on top). If \verb+pChar+ is \verb+'$'+ the %$
+ position is the index of the field used to align the right/bottom border
+ (right on right or bottom on bottom).
+ The positional parameters can be omitted if there is only one field.
+ Describe where to attach the label leader on the label. These are not
+ to be confused with the regular rectangular anchors.
+ The format is: \verb+lChar leftLeaderAnchor [lChar rightLeaderAnchor]+
+ If \verb+lChar+ is a \verb+'|'+, \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+ and \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+
+ are the indices of the fields that serve to anchor the label's leader. More
+ specifically the bottom left corner of the left field and the bottom right corner of
+ the right field are used as the anchors.
+ If \verb+lChar+ is \verb+'%'+, \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+ and \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+
+ should be specified as \verb+valxval+, \verb+val+ being a percentage (max 100) of
+ the width/height of the label bounding box. If rightLeaderAnchor is not specified
+ it defaults to field 0. If rightLeaderField is not specified it defaults to
+ leftLeaderAnchor. If neither of them are specified, the center of the label
+ is used as an anchor.
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+ To be written
+\chapter{Labels, fields and label formats}
+Applicable attributes for fields:
+ \attrref{alignment} & The horizontal alignment of both the text and the image \\
+ \attrref{autoalignment} & The alignments used according to the label orientation \\
+ \attrref{backcolor} & The field background color \\
+ \attrref{border} & The border description, edge by edge \\
+ \attrref{bordercolor} & The border color\\
+ \attrref{color} & The text color \\
+ \attrref{filled} & Specifies if the field background should be filled \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & The fill pattern used when filling the background \\
+ \attrref{font} & The text font \\
+ \attrref{image} & An image to be displayed in the field \\
+ \attrref{relief} & Specifies the relief to be drawn around the field, inside the border \\
+ \attrref{reliefthickness} & Width of the relief \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the field should react to input events \\
+ \attrref{text} & One line of text to be displayed in the field \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the field is dispalyed \\
+\chapter{Item types}
+This chapter introduces the various items that can be used in a \ident{radar}.
+\section{Group items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{group}:
+ \attrref{atomic} & Specifies if the group should report itself or its components during a search or pointer related operations \\
+ \attrref{clip} & The item used for clipping \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Track and WayPoint items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{track}:
+ \attrref{circlehistory} & Specifies if the track history is plotted with circles \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{connecteditem} & The item ending the connection link \\
+ \attrref{connectioncolor} & The color of the connection link \\
+ \attrref{connectionsensitive} & Specifies if the connection link is sensitive \\
+ \attrref{connectionstyle} & The line style of the connection link \\
+ \attrref{connectionwidth} & The width of the connection link \\
+ \attrref{filledhistory} & Specifies if the track history is filled or outlined \\
+ \attrref{filledmarker} & Specifies if the circular marker is filled or outlined \\
+ \attrref{frozenlabel} & Specifies if the label should be frozen at its current location \\
+ \attrref{labelanchor} & The anchor used in positionning the label \\
+ \attrref{labelangle} & The angle between the leader label and the normal to the speed vector \\
+ \attrref{labeldistance} & The minimum distance between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labeldx} & The X offset between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labeldy} & The Y offset between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labelformat} & Geometry of the label's fields \\
+ \attrref{leaderanchors} & The attachments of the leader on the label side \\
+ \attrref{leadercolor} & The color of the label leader \\
+ \attrref{leadersensitive} & Specifies if the label leader is sensitive \\
+ \attrref{leadershape} & The shape of the label leader \\
+ \attrref{leaderstyle} & The line style of the label leader \\
+ \attrref{leaderwidth} & The width of the label leader \\
+ \attrref{markercolor} & The color of the circular marker (fill or outline) \\
+ \attrref{markerfillpattern} & The pattern to use when filling the circular marker \\
+ \attrref{markersize} & The (scale sensitive) size of the circular marker \\
+ \attrref{markerstyle} & The line style of the marker outline \\
+ \attrref{mixedhistory} & Specifies if the track history is plotted with dots every other positions \\
+ \attrref{numfields} & Gives the number of fields available for the label \\
+ \attrref{position} & The current location of the track \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{speedvector} & The speed vector $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$ in unit / minute \\
+ \attrref{speedvectorcolor} & The color of the trck's speed vector \\
+ \attrref{speedvectorsensitive} & Specifies if the track's speed vector is sensitive \\
+ \attrref{symbol} & The symbol displayed at the current position \\
+ \attrref{symbolcolor} & The color of the symbol displayed at the current position \\
+ \attrref{symbolsensitive} & Specifies if the current position's symbol is sensitive to events \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+ \attrref{visiblehistorysize} & The number of past positions that should be displayed \\
+Applicable attributes for \ident{waypoint}:
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{connecteditem} & \\
+ \attrref{connectioncolor} & \\
+ \attrref{connectionsensitive} & \\
+ \attrref{connectionstyle} & \\
+ \attrref{connectionwidth} & \\
+ \attrref{filledmarker} & \\
+ \attrref{labelanchor} & The anchor used in positionning the label \\
+ \attrref{labelangle} & The angle between the leader label and the normal to the speed vector \\
+ \attrref{labeldistance} & The minimum distance between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labeldx} & The X offset between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labeldy} & The Y offset between the track position and the label anchor \\
+ \attrref{labelformat} & \\
+ \attrref{leaderanchors} & The attachments of the leader on the label side \\
+ \attrref{leadercolor} & \\
+ \attrref{leadersensitive} & \\
+ \attrref{leadershape} & \\
+ \attrref{leaderstyle} & \\
+ \attrref{leaderwidth} & \\
+ \attrref{markercolor} & \\
+ \attrref{markerfillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{markersize} & \\
+ \attrref{markerstyle} & \\
+ \attrref{numfields} & \\
+ \attrref{position} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{symbol} & \\
+ \attrref{symbolcolor} & \\
+ \attrref{symbolsensitive} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Tabular items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{tabular}:
+ \attrref{anchor} & The anchor used in positionning the item \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{connecteditem} & Specifies the item relative to which this item is placed \\
+ \attrref{connectionanchor} & Specifies the anchor on the connected item used for the placement \\
+ \attrref{labelformat} & \\
+ \attrref{numfields} & \\
+ \attrref{position} & The item's position relative to the anchor (if no connected item specified) \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Text items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{text}:
+ \attrref{alignment} & \\
+ \attrref{anchor} & The anchor used in positionning the item \\
+ \attrref{color} & \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{connecteditem} & Specifies the item relative to which this item is placed \\
+ \attrref{connectionanchor} & Specifies the anchor on the connected item used for the placement \\
+ \attrref{fillcolor} & \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{font} & \\
+ \attrref{overstriked} & \\
+ \attrref{position} & The item's position relative to the anchor (if no connected item specified) \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{spacing} & \\
+ \attrref{text} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{underlined} & \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+ \attrref{width} & \\
+\section{Icon items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{icon}:
+ \attrref{anchor} & The anchor used in positionning the item \\
+ \attrref{color} & \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{connecteditem} & Specifies the item relative to which this item is placed \\
+ \attrref{connectionanchor} & Specifies the anchor on the connected item used for the placement \\
+ \attrref{image} & \\
+ \attrref{mask} & \\
+ \attrref{position} & The item's position relative to the anchor (if no connected item specified) \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Reticle items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{reticle}:
+ \attrref{brightlinecolor} & \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{linecolor} & \\
+ \attrref{firstradius} & \\
+ \attrref{numcircles} & \\
+ \attrref{period} & \\
+ \attrref{position} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{stepsize} & \\
+ \attrref{linestyle} & \\
+ \attrref{brightlinestyle} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Map items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{map}:
+ \attrref{color} & \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{filled} & \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{font} & \\
+ \attrref{mapinfo} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{symbols} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Mosaic items}
+\section{Rectangle items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{rectangle}:
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{fillcolor} & \\
+ \attrref{filled} & \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linecolor} & \\
+ \attrref{linepattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linestyle} & \\
+ \attrref{linewidth} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{relief} & \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{Arc items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{arc}:
+ \attrref{closed} & \\
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{extent} & \\
+ \attrref{fillcolor} & \\
+ \attrref{filled} & \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linecolor} & \\
+ \attrref{linepattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linestyle} & \\
+ \attrref{linewidth} & \\
+ \attrref{pieslice} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{startangle} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\section{MultiPoint items}
+Applicable attributes for \ident{multipoint}:
+ \attrref{composerotation} & Specifies if the current rotation should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{composescale} & Specifies if the current scale should be composed with the local transform \\
+ \attrref{fillcolor} & \\
+ \attrref{filled} & \\
+ \attrref{fillpattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linecolor} & \\
+ \attrref{linefirstend} & \\
+ \attrref{linelastend} & \\
+ \attrref{linepattern} & \\
+ \attrref{linestyle} & \\
+ \attrref{linewidth} & \\
+ \attrref{marker} & \\
+ \attrref{markercolor} & \\
+ \attrref{priority} & The absolute position in the stacking order \\
+ \attrref{relief} & \\
+ \attrref{sensitive} & Specifies if the item should react to events \\
+ \attrref{smoothed} & \\
+ \attrref{tags} & The list of tags associated with the item \\
+ \attrref{visible} & Specifies if the item is displayed \\
+\chapter{The \ident{mapinfo} command}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\mapinfocmd{name}{add}{type args}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\mapinfocmd{name}{get}{type index}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\mapinfocmd{name}{replace}{type index args}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\mapinfocmd{name}{remove}{type index}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\mapinfocmd{name}{translate}{xAmount yAmount}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\chapter{The \ident{videomap} command}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\command{videomap}{load}{fileName index mapInfoName}
+ \begin{blockindent}
+ To be written
+ \end{blockindent}
+\chapter{Other resources provided by the widget}
+\latex {\tolerance 2000 %allow somewhat looser lines.
+\hbadness 10000 } %don't complain about underfull lines.
diff --git a/sandbox/controls.tcl b/sandbox/controls.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9301d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/controls.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+set tlbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
+.r add rectangle $tlbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
+set trbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
+.r add rectangle $trbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
+set blbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
+.r add rectangle $blbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
+set brbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
+.r add rectangle $brbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
+.r add rectangle $top "0 0 1 1" -linecolor red -tags "lasso" -visible f -sensitive f
+# Controls for the window transform.
+proc press {lx ly action} {
+ global x y angle
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ set angle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
+ bind .r "<Motion>" "$action %x %y"
+proc motion {lx ly} {
+ global x y
+ set it [.r find withtag controls]
+ if {$it != ""} {
+ set it [.r group [lindex $it 0]]
+ }
+ set res [.r transform $it "$lx $ly $x $y"]
+ set nx [lindex $res 0]
+ set ny [lindex $res 1]
+ set ox [lindex $res 2]
+ set oy [lindex $res 3]
+ .r translate controls [expr $nx - $ox] [expr $ny - $oy]
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+proc zoom {lx ly} {
+ global x y
+ if {$lx > $x} {
+ set maxx $lx
+ } else {
+ set maxx $x
+ }
+ if {$ly > $y} {
+ set maxy $ly
+ } else {
+ set maxy $y
+ }
+ set sx [expr 1.0 + double($lx - $x)/$maxx]
+ set sy [expr 1.0 + double($ly - $y)/$maxy]
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ .r scale controls $sx $sy
+proc rotate {lx ly} {
+ global angle
+ set langle [expr atan2($ly, $lx)]
+ .r rotate controls [expr -($langle-$angle)]
+ set angle $langle
+proc release {} {
+ bind .r "<Motion>" ""
+proc start_lasso {lx ly} {
+ global top x y cx cy
+ set x $lx
+ set y $ly
+ set cx $lx
+ set cy $ly
+ set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y"]
+ set fx [lindex $coords 0]
+ set fy [lindex $coords 1]
+ .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fx $fy"
+ .r itemconfigure lasso -visible t
+ .r raise lasso
+ bind .r "<Motion>" "lasso %x %y"
+proc lasso {lx ly} {
+ global top x y cx cy
+ set cx $lx
+ set cy $ly
+ set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y $lx $ly"]
+ set fx [lindex $coords 0]
+ set fy [lindex $coords 1]
+ set fcx [lindex $coords 2]
+ set fcy [lindex $coords 3]
+ .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fcx $fcy"
+proc fin_lasso {} {
+ global x y cx cy
+ bind .r "<Motion>" ""
+ .r itemconfigure lasso -visible f
+# puts "x=$x, y=$y, cx=$cx, cy=$cy"
+ puts "enclosed='[.r find enclosed $x $y $cx $cy]', overlapping='[.r find overlapping $x $y $cx $cy]'"
+proc getrect {x y} {
+ list [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3]
+proc showbox {} {
+ global top tlbbox trbbox blbbox brbbox
+ if { ! [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
+ if {[catch {.r find withtag current} item] } {
+ return
+ }
+ set coords [.r transform $top [.r bbox current]]
+ set xo [lindex $coords 0]
+ set yo [lindex $coords 1]
+ set xc [lindex $coords 2]
+ set yc [lindex $coords 3]
+ .r coords $tlbbox "$xo $yo"
+ .r coords $trbbox "$xc $yo"
+ .r coords $brbbox "$xc $yc"
+ .r coords $blbbox "$xo $yc"
+ .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible t
+ }
+proc hidebox {lx ly} {
+ set next [.r find atpoint $lx $ly]
+ if {[llength $next] > 1} {
+ set next [lindex $next 0]
+ }
+ if { $next == "" || ! [.r hastag $next currentbbox] ||\
+ [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
+ .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible f
+ }
+bind .r "<ButtonPress-1>" "start_lasso %x %y"
+bind .r "<ButtonRelease-1>" fin_lasso
+bind .r "<ButtonPress-2>" {puts "at point='[.r find atpoint %x %y]'"}
+bind .r "<ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y motion"
+bind .r "<ButtonRelease-3>" release
+bind .r "<Shift-ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y zoom"
+bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>" release
+bind .r "<Control-ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y rotate"
+bind .r "<Control-ButtonRelease-3>" release
+.r bind current "<Enter>" showbox
+.r bind current "<Leave>" {hidebox %x %y}
diff --git a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0341bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+load tkradar3.1.so
+package require Img
+set top 1
+set lw 8
+set marker AtcSymbol9
+set arrow "8 10 6"
+# Cap Join Filled Border Relief Title
+set show {\
+ {round round f t flat JoinRound}\
+ {round bevel f t flat JoinBevel}\
+ {round miter f t flat JoinMiter}\
+ {butt round f t flat CapButt}\
+ {projecting round f t flat CapProjecting}\
+ {round round f t sunken Sunken}\
+ {round round f t raised Raised}\
+ {round round f t groove Groove}\
+ {round round f t ridge Ridge}\
+ {round round t t sunken FilledSunken}\
+ {round round t t raised FilledRaised}\
+ {round round t t groove FilledGroove}\
+ {round round t t ridge FilledRidge}\
+ {round round f f flat Marker}\
+ {round round t f flat Fill}\
+ {round round t t flat FillBorder}}
+image create photo logo -file /usr/share/toccata/images/logo.gif
+#image create photo papier -file /usr/share/toccata/images/dgtexture-dragstrip.xpm
+set r [radar .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
+pack .r -expand t -fill both
+.r configure -width 1024 -height 800
+.r scale $top 1 -1
+#.r configure -drawbboxes t
+set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
+# Create the model
+set model [.r add group $view]
+set mp [.r add curve $model "50 -150 100 -50 270 -130 220 -200 200 -180 180 -300 140 -160 70 -300" \
+ -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
+ -markercolor red -tags "poly" -linewidth $lw]
+set bbox [.r transform $model [.r bbox $mp]]
+set x [expr ([lindex $bbox 2] + [lindex $bbox 0]) / 2]
+set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] + 5]
+.r add text $model -text "CapRound" -color blue -alignment center -anchor s -tags "title" \
+ -position "$x $y"
+# Now clone for each variation on the polygon
+set col 0
+set row 0
+foreach current $show {
+ foreach {cap join filled border relief title} $current {
+ set grp [.r clone $model]
+ .r translate $grp [expr $col * 240] [expr $row * (-290 - (2 * $lw))]
+ .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "poly" $grp] \
+ -capstyle $cap -joinstyle $join -filled $filled \
+ -linewidth [expr $border ? $lw : 0] -relief $relief
+ .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "title" $grp] -text $title
+ incr col
+ if {$col >= 4} {
+ set col 0
+ incr row
+ }
+ }
+# Suppress the model
+.r remove $model
+# Some optional graphic features
+set closed 0
+set marks 0
+set smooth 0
+set arrows none
+proc toggle_arrows { } {
+ global arrows arrow
+ if {$arrows == "none"} {
+ set arrows first
+ set f $arrow
+ set l ""
+ } elseif {$arrows == "first"} {
+ set arrows last
+ set f ""
+ set l $arrow
+ } elseif {$arrows == "last"} {
+ set arrows both
+ set f $arrow
+ set l $arrow
+ } elseif {$arrows == "both"} {
+ set arrows none
+ set f ""
+ set l ""
+ }
+ .r itemconfigure poly -firstend $f -lastend $l
+proc toggle_marks { } {
+ global marks marker
+ set marks [expr ! $marks]
+ if {$marks} {
+ .r itemconfigure poly -marker $marker
+ } {
+ .r itemconfigure poly -marker ""
+ }
+proc toggle_smooth { } {
+ global smooth
+ set smooth [expr ! $smooth]
+ .r itemconfigure poly -smoothed $smooth
+proc toggle_closed { } {
+ global closed
+ set closed [expr ! $closed]
+ foreach curve [.r find withtag "poly"] {
+ if {$closed} {
+ .r coords $curve add [.r coords $curve 0]
+ } {
+ .r coords $curve remove -1
+ }
+ }
+focus .r
+bind .r "<a>" toggle_arrows
+bind .r "<c>" toggle_closed
+bind .r "<m>" toggle_marks
+bind .r "<s>" toggle_smooth
+source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testzinc.pl b/sandbox/testzinc.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebcb40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/testzinc.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+use Tk;
+$mw = MainWindow->new;
+$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "/home/etienne/images/logo.gif");
+# $canvas = $mw->Canvas;
+# $canvas->pack(-expand => t, -fill => 'both');
+# $text = $canvas->create('text', 30, 20, -width => 45, -text => "hello");
+# @listOfList = $canvas->itemconfigure($text);
+# for (@listOfList) {
+# ($option, $name, $class, $default, $value) = @$_;
+# print "$option, $value\n";
+# }
+# MainLoop;
+# exit;
+# creation radar
+#MainLoop; exit;
+$radar = $mw->Radar(-backcolor => 'skyblue', -relief => 'sunken');
+$radar->pack(-expand => t, -fill => 'both');
+$radar->configure(-width => 800, -height => 500);
+$color = $radar->cget("-backcolor"); print "radar backcolor=$color\n";
+# creation track
+$track = $radar->add("track", 10);
+#$radar->itemconfigure($track, -tags => 'toto');
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [1, 1]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [10, 10]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [20, 20]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [30, 30]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [40, 40]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [50, 50]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -position => [60, 50]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -speedvector => [20, 0]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -symbolcolor => 'red', -labeldistance => 60);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -markersize => 10, -filledmarker => 1,
+ -markercolor => "green");
+print "radar itemconfigure :\n\n";
+for $attr ($radar->itemconfigure($track)) {
+ print " ( ",join(',', @$attr)," )\n" ;
+print "\n";
+$size = $radar->itemcget($track, -markersize); print "track markersize=$size\n";
+(@coords) = $radar->itemcget($track, "-position");
+print "track position=",$coords[0],"+",$coords[1],"\n";
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, -labelformat =>
+ "150x60|40+20|40+20|40+20,0:40x20+0+0,1:40x20+40+0,2:150x60+0+0");
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 0, -filled => 1 , -backcolor => "red",
+ -border => "contour");
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 0, -text => "TO");
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 1, -filled => 1 , -backcolor => "green",
+ -border => "contour");
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 1, -filled => 1 , -backcolor => "green",
+ -border => "contour");
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 2, -image => $logo , -alignment => "center");
+$mk = $radar->itemcget($track, -markercolor);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track, 0, -reliefthickness => 2, -relief => "sunken",
+ -bordercolor => "red", -border => "noborder");
+$radar->bind($track.":-3", "<Enter>",
+ sub {$radar->itemconfigure($track, -speedvectorcolor => 'red')});
+$radar->bind($track.":-3", "<Leave>",
+ sub {$radar->itemconfigure($track, -speedvectorcolor => 'black')});
+# creation way point
+print "creating way point\n";
+my $wp = $radar->add("waypoint", 10);
+ -symbolcolor => "green",
+ -position => [0, 80],
+ -labelformat => "80x40|40+20|40+20|40+20,0:40x20+0+0,1:40x20+40+0,2:80x40+0+0"
+ );
+$radar->itemconfigure($wp, 0 ,-filled => 1 ,-backcolor => "tan",-text => "TO");
+$radar->itemconfigure($wp, 1 ,-filled => 1 ,-backcolor => "wheat",-text => "TO");
+$radar->itemconfigure($wp, 2 ,-border => "contour");
+$radar->bind($wp, "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
+$radar->bind($wp, "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
+# creation 2nd track
+print "creating second track\n";
+$track2 = $radar->add("track", 10, -speedvector => [-20, 0], -position => [0, 50]);
+$radar->itemconfigure($track2, -connecteditem => $track);
+# creation macro
+print "creating macro\n";
+$macro = $radar->add("macro", 10,
+ -labelformat => "80x40|40+20|40+20|40+20,0:40x20+0+0,1:40x20+40+0"
+ );
+$radar->itemconfigure($macro, 0 , -text => "une");
+$radar->itemconfigure($macro, 1, -text => "macro");
+$radar->itemconfigure($macro, -connecteditem => $track);
+$radar->bind($macro.":0", "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
+$radar->bind($macro.":0", "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
+# creation ministrip
+print "creating ministrip\n";
+$ministrip = $radar->add("ministrip", 10,
+ -labelformat => "80x40|40+20|40+20|40+20,0:40x20+0+0,1:40x20+40+0",
+ -position => [100, 10]
+ );
+$radar->itemconfigure($ministrip, 0 , -text => 'ministrip');
+# creation map
+print "creating map\n";
+$mw->videomap("load", "/home/etienne/tmp/videomap_paris-w_90_2", 0, "paris-w");
+$mw->videomap("load", "/home/etienne/tmp/videomap_orly", 17, "orly");
+$mw->videomap("load", "/home/etienne/tmp/hegias_parouest_TE.vid", 0, "paris-ouest");
+print "videomap ids : ",
+ join('|', $mw->videomap("ids", "/home/etienne/tmp/videomap_orly")),"\n";
+$map = $radar->add("map", -color => red);
+$radar->itemconfigure($map,-mapinfo => orly);
+$map2 = $radar->add("map", -color => green, -filled => 1, -priority => 0,
+ -fillpattern => AlphaStipple6);
+#$radar->itemconfigure($map2, -mapinfo => paris-ouest);
+$map3 = $radar->add("map", -color => orange);
+$radar->itemconfigure($map3,-mapinfo => "paris-w");
+#creation rectangle, arc, curve
+$rect = $radar->add(rectangle, -50, -50, 50, -80, -linecolor => bisque);
+$radar->bind($rect, '<Enter>', sub { $radar->itemconfigure($rect, -linecolor => red)});
+$radar->bind($rect, '<Leave>', sub { $radar->itemconfigure($rect, -linecolor => bisque)});
+$arc = $radar->add(arc, -100, 80, -50, 30, -linecolor => bisque,
+ -tags => ["arc"]);
+#$radar->addtag("fleche",'withtag', $arc);
+#$radar->addtag("carquois",'withtag', $arc);
+$radar->add(rectangle, -101, 81, -49, 29, -linecolor => green);
+$radar->bind($arc, '<Enter>', sub {$radar->itemconfigure($arc, -linecolor => red)});
+$radar->bind($arc, '<Leave>', sub {$radar->itemconfigure($arc, -linecolor => bisque)});
+print "arc tags=", join('|',$radar->gettags($arc)),"\n";
+$radar->itemconfigure($arc, -startangle => 0, -extent => 360);
+$mp = $radar->add(curve, -300, 0, -250, 100, -80, 20);
+$radar->itemconfigure($mp, -filled => 1, -linewidth => 4, -linecolor => yellow,
+ -fillcolor => tan, -fillpattern => AlphaStipple8);
+$radar->itemconfigure($mp, -marker => AtcSymbol9 , -markercolor => red);
+# Map info
+$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', 'create');
+$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', add, text, normal, simple, 0, 200, "Et voilà");
+$mw->mapinfo(mpessai, add, line, simple, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200);
+#$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', add, line, simple, 5, -100, 100, 0, 0);
+$radar->itemconfigure($map3, -mapinfo => mpessai);
+print "mapinfo count line : ", $mw->mapinfo(mpessai, count, line),"\n";
+print "mapinfo get line 3: ", join('|',$mw->mapinfo(mpessai, get, line, 0)),"\n";
+# tests diverses methodes
+for ($radar->find('all')) {
+ print $_, " -> ", $radar->type($_),"\n";
+$radar->Tk::bind("<2>", [sub {
+ print $_[1], "@" ,$_[2], ", closest: ",
+ join(' ',$radar->find('closest', $_[1], $_[2])),"\n";
+ }, Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
+ [ sub {($origx, $origy) = ($_[1], $_[2]); }, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ]);
+ [ sub {&finditems($_[1], $_[2]); }, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ]);
+$radar->Tk::bind("<2>", sub {$radar->translate('all', 10,10); });
+$radar->Tk::bind("<3>", sub {$radar->scale(1.1, 1.1); });
+@position = [20, 40, 50, 80];
+#@xy = $radar -> worldcoords (0, @position);
+@xy = $radar -> worldcoords (0, [10, 23, 45, 65]);
+print ("x = ",$xy[0]," y = ",$xy[1],"\n");
+sub borders {
+ my($widget, $onoff) = @_;
+ my $part = $radar->currentpart;
+ my $contour = "noborder";
+ $contour = "contour" if ($onoff eq 'on');
+ $radar->itemconfigure('current', $part, -border => $contour) if ($part >= 0);
+sub finditems {
+ my($cornerx, $cornery) = @_;
+ print "--- enclosed --->",
+ join('|', $radar->find('enclosed',$origx, $origy, $cornerx, $cornery)),"\n";
+ print "--- overlapping --->",
+ join('|',$radar->find('overlapping',$origx, $origy, $cornerx, $cornery)),"\n\n";
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.tcl b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a828934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#!/usr/bin/wish -f
+load tkradar3.1.so
+package require Img
+set top 1
+image create photo logo -file /usr/share/toccata/images/logo.gif
+image create photo logosmall -file /usr/share/toccata/images/logo-small.gif
+#image create photo papier -file /usr/share/toccata/images/dgtexture-dragstrip.xpm
+set r [radar .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
+pack .r -expand t -fill both
+set scale 1.0
+set centerX 0.0
+set centerY 0.0
+set radarWidth 800
+set radarHeight 500
+.r configure -width $radarWidth -height $radarHeight
+#.r configure -drawbboxes t
+set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
+frame .rc
+button .rc.up -text "Up" \
+ -command {set centerY [expr $centerY+30.0]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.down -text "Down" \
+ -command {set centerY [expr $centerY-30.0]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.left -text "Left" \
+ -command {set centerX [expr $centerX+30.0]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.right -text "Right" \
+ -command {set centerX [expr $centerX-30.0]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.expand -text "Expand" \
+ -command {set scale [expr $scale*1.1]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.shrink -text "Shrink" \
+ -command {set scale [expr $scale*0.9]; updateTransform .r}
+button .rc.reset -text "Reset" \
+ -command {set scale 1.0; set centerX 0.0; set centerY 0.0; \
+ updateTransform .r}
+grid .rc.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
+grid .rc.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
+grid .rc.left -row 1 -column 1
+grid .rc.right -row 1 -column 3
+grid .rc.expand -row 1 -column 4
+grid .rc.shrink -row 1 -column 0
+grid .rc.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
+pack .rc
+bind .r <Configure> "RadarStyleConfig %W %w %h"
+proc RadarStyleConfig {radar w h} {
+ global radarWidth radarHeight
+ set bw [$radar cget -borderwidth]
+ set radarWidth [expr $w - 2*$bw]
+ set radarHeight [expr $h - 2*$bw]
+ updateTransform $radar
+proc updateTransform {radar} {
+ global radarWidth radarHeight
+ global scale centerX centerY
+ global top
+ $radar treset $top
+ $radar scale $top 1 -1
+ $radar translate $top [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
+ $radar scale $top $scale $scale
+ $radar translate $top [expr $radarWidth/2] [expr $radarHeight/2]
+set track [.r add track $view 5 -tags track -leaderanchors "|0|0"]
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "1 1"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "10 10"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "20 20"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "30 30"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "40 40"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "50 50"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "55 60"
+.r itemconfigure $track -position "60 70"
+.r itemconfigure $track -speedvector "20 0"
+.r itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor salmon -speedvectorcolor salmon -leadercolor salmon \
+ -labeldistance 20
+.r itemconfigure $track -markersize 20 \
+ -filledmarker 1 \
+ -markerfillpattern AlphaStipple4 \
+ -markercolor salmon
+.r itemconfigure $track -labelformat "120x40 x80x20+0+0 x40x20+80+0 x40x20+0+20 x20x20>2>1 x60x20>0>0"
+.r itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 1 -backcolor tan -relief groove \
+ -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17" -text "AFR451"
+.r itemconfigure $track 1 -text "WPY" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -relief ridge \
+ -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
+.r itemconfigure $track 2 -text "400" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat \
+ -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
+.r itemconfigure $track 3 -text "-" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat \
+ -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
+.r itemconfigure $track 4 -text "450" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat \
+ -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
+.r bind $track:-3 <Enter> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
+.r bind $track:-3 <Leave> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor salmon"
+set track2 [.r add track $view 4 -speedvector "-20 0" \
+ -symbolcolor salmon -speedvectorcolor salmon -leadercolor salmon \
+ -labeldistance 20 -leaderanchors "%30x30"]
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -labelformat "a3f110+0+0 a3f110>0^0 a3f110^0>0 a3f110>2>0"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 0 -filled 1 -backcolor tan -text "BAW452"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 1 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text "450"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 2 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text "KMC"
+#.r itemconfigure $track2 3 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text ""
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -connecteditem $track -connectioncolor green
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "1 1"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-10 10"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-20 20"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-30 30"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-40 40"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-50 50"
+.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-60 50"
+puts "creating way points"
+set wp [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
+.r itemconfigure $wp -symbolcolor bisque -leadercolor bisque -position "-100 120" \
+ -labelformat "40x20"
+.r itemconfigure $wp 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "NCY" -tile logo -filled t
+set wp2 [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
+.r itemconfigure $wp2 -symbolcolor bisque \
+ -leadercolor bisque \
+ -position "50 160" \
+ -labelformat "40x20" \
+ -connectioncolor bisque \
+ -connecteditem $wp
+.r itemconfigure $wp2 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "MPW"
+set wp3 [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
+.r itemconfigure $wp3 -symbolcolor bisque \
+ -leadercolor bisque \
+ -position "200 140" \
+ -labelformat "40x20" \
+ -connectioncolor bisque \
+ -connecteditem $wp2
+.r itemconfigure $wp3 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "ART"
+puts "creating macros"
+set macro [.r add tabular $view 10 -labelformat "x40x20+0+0 x40x20+40+0" \
+ -tags f0borders -connecteditem $track]
+.r itemconfigure $macro 0 -text une
+.r itemconfigure $macro 1 -text macro
+puts "creating ministrips"
+set ministrip [.r add tabular $view 1 \
+ -labelformat "60x20" -position "10 10"]
+.r itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -text "ministrip" -sensitive f
+set ministrip2 [.r add tabular $view 1 \
+ -labelformat "60x20" -connecteditem $ministrip]
+.r itemconfigure $ministrip2 0 -text "ministrip2" -sensitive f
+set ministrip3 [.r add tabular $view 1 \
+ -labelformat "60x20" -connecteditem $ministrip2]
+.r itemconfigure $ministrip3 0 -text "ministrip3" -sensitive f
+puts "creating maps"
+videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/videomap_paris-w_90_2" 0 paris-w
+videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/videomap_orly" 17 orly
+videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/hegias_parouest_TE.vid" 0 paris-ouest
+set map [.r add map $view -color darkblue]
+.r itemconfigure $map -mapinfo orly
+set map2 [.r add map $view -color darkblue -filled 1 -priority 0 -fillpattern AlphaStipple1]
+.r itemconfigure $map2 -mapinfo paris-ouest
+set map3 [.r add map $view -color orange]
+mapinfo mpessai create
+mapinfo mpessai add text normal simple 0 200 "Et voilà"
+mapinfo mpessai add line simple 5 0 0 100 100
+mapinfo mpessai add line simple 0 100 100 0 200
+mapinfo mpessai add line simple 2 -100 100 0 0
+.r itemconfigure $map3 -mapinfo mpessai
+# Clip
+puts "crée les clips"
+set clip [.r add rectangle $view "-100 -100 300 200" -filled t \
+ -linewidth 0 -fillcolor darkgray -visible f]
+#.r rotate $clip [expr 3.14159 / 4]
+.r lower $clip
+#.r itemconfigure $view -clip $clip
+.r add rectangle $top "-5 -5 5 5" -filled t -fillcolor red
+set topclip [.r add rectangle $top "-400 -400 400 400" \
+ -filled t -fillcolor lightgray -linewidth 0 -visible t]
+.r lower $topclip
+#.r rotate $topclip [expr 3.14159 / 4]
+#.r itemconfigure $top -clip $topclip
+proc borders {onoff} {
+ set part [.r currentpart]
+ set contour noborder
+ if { $onoff == "on" } {
+ set contour "contour"
+ }
+ if { $part >= 0 } {
+ .r itemconfigure current $part -border $contour
+ }
+.r bind borders <Enter> "borders on"
+.r bind borders <Leave> "borders off"
+.r bind f0borders:0 <Enter> "borders on"
+.r bind f0borders:0 <Leave> "borders off"
+.r bind track <Enter> {puts "Entre dans item"}
+.r bind track <Leave> {puts "Sort d'item"}
+.r bind track:0 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 0"}
+.r bind track:0 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 0"}
+.r bind track:1 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 1"}
+.r bind track:1 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 1"}
+.r bind track:2 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 2"}
+.r bind track:2 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 2"}
+.r bind track:3 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 3"}
+.r bind track:3 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 3"}
+bind .r <2> {puts "%x@%y, item: [.r find atpoint %x %y]"}
+proc finditems {cornerx cornery} {
+ global origx origy
+ puts "--- enclosed ---"
+ puts "++ [.r find enclosed $origx $origy $cornerx $cornery] ++"
+ puts "--- overlapping ---"
+ puts "++ [.r find overlapping $origx $origy $cornerx $cornery] ++"
+ puts ""
+bind .r <ButtonPress-1> "set origx %x; set origy %y"
+bind .r <ButtonRelease-1> "finditems %x %y"
+.r bind all <1> { if {! [catch {.r find withtag current} item] } { \
+ puts "<1> in $item" } else { puts "None" } }
+source "controls.tcl"