diff options
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/background_texture.gifbin19979 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/hegias_parouest_TE.vidbin9216 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper.gifbin1529 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/stripped_texture.gifbin123 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_orlybin67584 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_paris-w_90_2bin8192 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc.gifbin793 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc_anti.gifbin1461 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vidbin9216 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/data/videomap_orlybin67584 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2bin8192 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/background_texture.gifbin19979 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper-grey.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper-grey1.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/paper.gifbin1529 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/photoAlpha.pngbin77053 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/stripped_texture.gifbin123 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--demos/images/zinc.gifbin1461 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/alledges.pngbin1684 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/allgradients.pngbin11103 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/alllineshapes.pngbin2672 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/allreliefs.pngbin4878 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/alphastip.pngbin4154 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/atcsymb.pngbin2206 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/fillrule.pngbin7404 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/tabularexample.pngbin456 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/textthroughholes.pngbin6309 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/tkzinclogo.pngbin13451 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/trackexample.pngbin2626 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--doc/waypointexample.pngbin987 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--sandbox/logo.gifbin402 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--sandbox/xpenguin.pngbin10148 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Banner.bmpbin94554 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Complete.icobin2998 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Custom.icobin2998 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Dialog.bmpbin79246 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Exclam.icobin766 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Info.icobin1078 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/New.icobin318 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Remove.icobin2998 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Repair.icobin2998 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Typical.icobin2998 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--win/InstallerIcons/Up.icobin318 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincBitmap.pngbin359 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincImage.pngbin358 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincItem.pngbin510 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/doc/html/doxygen.pngbin2352 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/test/paper-grey.gifbin1540 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--zinclib.d/test/paper.gifbin1529 -> 0 bytes
356 files changed, 0 insertions, 141652 deletions
diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a489df5..0000000
--- a/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/BUGS b/BUGS
deleted file mode 100644
index 521e0e6..0000000
--- a/BUGS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Text stippling is not available under openGL.
-Line ends and line joins are not fully implemented under openGL.
-The default behavior if to draw round ends and joins.
-Line dashes are not really usable in openGL. Some cases work ok,
-like aligned rectangles and other not, like curves and arcs.
-Tiling/stippling begin on the item or item bounding box edge
-rather than on the border edge so that the tile/stipple is
-partially masked by the border.
-Item tiling is not available for Windows GDI.
-Maps are not rendered filled in openGL. The code of maps still
-lags behind.
diff --git a/Copyright b/Copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb705d..0000000
--- a/Copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2005, Centre d'études de la Navigation Aérienne, Patrick Lecoanet
-All rights reserved.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
diff --git a/LGPL.txt b/LGPL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cba2ac..0000000
--- a/LGPL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
- Version 2.1, February 1999
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
- as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
- the version number 2.1.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
-Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
-can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
-this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
-strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
-not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
-you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
-for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
-it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
-it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
-these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
-rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
-you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
-with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
-library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
-there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
-modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
-that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
-author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
-introduced by others.
- Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
-any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
-effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
-restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
-any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
-consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
-ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
-General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
-is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
-this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
-libraries into non-free programs.
- When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
-a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
-combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
-General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
-entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
-Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
-the library.
- We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
-does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
-Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
-of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
-are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
-libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
- For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
-encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
-a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
-allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
-library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
-case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
-software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
- In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
-programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
-free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
-non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
-operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
- Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
-users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
-linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
-that program using a modified version of the Library.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
-be combined with the library in order to run.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
-program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
-other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
-this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
-Each licensee is addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
- Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
- copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
- rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
- will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
- the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
- interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
- c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
-normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 015a752..0000000
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
-# See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Revision$
-# This Makefile.in is derived from the Sample TEA template which is:
-# Copyright (c) 1999 Scriptics Corporation.
-# Copyright (c) 2002 ActiveState SRL.
-# Enumerate the names of the source files included in this package.
-# EXTRA_SOURCES will be replaced by WIN_SOURCES or UNIX_SOURCES, as is
-# appropriate for your platform. It is not important to specify the
-# directory, as long as it is the $(srcdir) or in the generic, win or
-# unix subdirectory.
-Tkzinc_SOURCES = Tabular.c Rectangle.c Arc.c Curve.c Item.c \
- PostScript.c Attrs.c Draw.c Geo.c List.c \
- perfos.c Transfo.c Group.c Icon.c Text.c \
- Image.c Color.c Field.c Triangles.c Window.c \
-WIN_SOURCES = WinPort.c
-# Identify the object files. This replaces .c with .$(OBJEXT) for all
-# the named source files. These objects are created and linked into the
-# final library.
-# Normally we would use $(OBJEXT), but certain make executables won't do
-# the extra macro in a macro conversion properly.
-# "Tkzinc_LIB_FILE" refers to the library (dynamic or static as per
-# configuration options) composed of the named objects.
-Tkzinc_OBJECTS = $(Tkzinc_SOURCES:.c=.@OBJEXT@)
-Tkzinc_LIB_FILE = @Tkzinc_LIB_FILE@
-# RUNTIME_SOURCES identifies Tcl runtime files that are associated with
-# this package that need to be installed, if any.
-RUNTIME_SOURCES = zincLogo.tcl zincText.tcl zincGraphics.tcl
-# This is a list of header files to be installed
-# Nothing of the variables below this line need to be changed.
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = @bindir@
-libdir = @libdir@
-datadir = @datadir@
-mandir = @mandir@
-includedir = @includedir@
-pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/$(PKG_DIR)
-pkglibdir = $(libdir)/$(PKG_DIR)
-pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/$(PKG_DIR)
-top_builddir = .
-generic_dir = $(srcdir)/generic
-unix_dir = $(srcdir)/unix
-windows_dir = $(srcdir)/win
-CC = @CC@
-# This is necessary for packages that use private Tcl headers
-# Not used, but retained for reference of what libs Tcl required
-# TCLLIBPATH seeds the auto_path in Tcl's init.tcl so we can test our
-# package without installing. The other environment variables allow us
-# to test against an uninstalled Tcl. Add special env vars that you
-# require for testing here (like TCLX_LIBRARY).
-EXTRA_PATH = $(top_builddir):$(TCL_BIN_DIR)
- TCLLIBPATH="$(top_builddir)"
-# The local includes must come first, because the TK_XINCLUDES can be
-# just a comment
-AR = ar
-# Start of user-definable TARGETS section
-# TEA TARGETS. Please note that the "libraries:" target refers to platform
-# independent files, and the "binaries:" target inclues executable programs and
-# platform-dependent libraries. Modify these targets so that they install
-# the various pieces of your package. The make and install rules
-# for the BINARIES that you specified above have already been done.
-all: binaries libraries doc
-# The binaries target builds executable programs, Windows .dll's, unix
-# shared/static libraries, and any other platform-dependent files.
-# The list of targets to build for "binaries:" is specified at the top
-# of the Makefile, in the "BINARIES" variable.
-binaries: $(BINARIES) pkgIndex.tcl
-# The doc target is for building man pages. Currently the zinc doc is
-# only available in html and pdf formats. These formats require tools
-# (LaTeX, pdfTeX, LaTeX2html) that are not readily available on all
-# platforms. To ease automatic construction of the package the target
-# doc does not involve the construction of pdf and html.
- (cd doc; \
- rm -f refman.aux refman.idx refman.ind refman.lof refman.lot; \
- rm -f refman.log refman.out refman.toc texput.log refman.tpt; \
- rm -f idxmake.dvi idxmake.log refman.4ct refman.4dx refman.4ix; \
- rm -f refman.4tc refman.dvi refman.idx refman.ilg refman.ind; \
- rm -f refman.log refman.tmp refman.xref refman.lg refman.idv)
-pdf: doc-clean doc/refman.tex
- (cd doc; \
- pdflatex refman.tex; \
- makeindex -o refman.ind refman.idx; \
- pdflatex refman.tex; \
- pdflatex refman.tex)
-html: doc-clean doc/refman.tex
- (cd doc; \
- latex refman.tex; \
- tex '\def\filename{{refman}{idx}{4dx}{ind}}' '\input' idxmake.4ht; \
- makeindex -o refman.ind refman.4dx; \
- latex refman.tex; \
- latex refman.tex; \
- tex4ht refman.tex; \
- t4ht refman.tex)
-install: all install-binaries install-libraries install-demos install-doc
-install-binaries: binaries install-lib-binaries install-bin-binaries
-# This rule installs platform-independent files, such as header files.
-install-libraries: libraries
- @if test "x$(GENERIC_HDRS)" != "x"; then \
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(includedir); \
- echo "Installing header files in $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)"; \
- for i in "$(GENERIC_HDRS)" ; do \
- echo "Installing $$i" ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) ; \
- done; \
- fi
-# This rule installs the demos files and associated images.
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos
- @echo "Installing demo files in $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos"
- @for p in $(srcdir)/demos/*; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- p=`basename $$p`; \
- echo " Install $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/demos/$$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/images
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/data
- @for p in $(srcdir)/demos/images/*; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- p=`basename $$p`; \
- echo " Install $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/images/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/demos/images/$$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/images/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
- @for p in $(srcdir)/demos/data/*; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- p=`basename $$p`; \
- echo " Install $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/data/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/demos/data/$$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/demos/data/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
-# Install documentation. Unix manpages should go in the $(mandir)
-# directory.
-install-doc: doc
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/mann
- @echo "Installing documentation in $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)"
- @for i in $(srcdir)/doc/*.n; do \
- if test -f $$i; then \
- i=`basename $$i`; \
- echo "Installing $$i"; \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/mann/$$i; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/$$i $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/mann/$$i ; \
- fi \
- done
-test: binaries libraries
- $(TCLSH) `@CYGPATH@ $(srcdir)/tests/all.tcl` $(TESTFLAGS) ; \
-shell: binaries libraries
-# $($(PACKAGE)_LIB_FILE) should be listed as part of the BINARIES variable
-# mentioned above. That will ensure that this target is built when you
-# run "make binaries".
-# The $($(PACKAGE)_OBJECTS) objects are created and linked into the final
-# library. In most cases these object files will correspond to the
-# source files above.
- -rm -f $($(PACKAGE)_LIB_FILE)
-# We need to enumerate the list of .c to .o lines here.
-# In the following lines, $(srcdir) refers to the toplevel directory
-# containing your extension. If your sources are in a subdirectory,
-# you will have to modify the paths to reflect this:
-# sample.$(OBJEXT): $(srcdir)/generic/sample.c
-# $(COMPILE) -c `@CYGPATH@ $(srcdir)/generic/sample.c` -o $@
-# Setting the VPATH variable to a list of paths will cause the makefile
-# to look into these paths when resolving .c to .obj dependencies.
-# As necessary, add $(srcdir):$(srcdir)/compat:....
-VPATH = $(srcdir):$(srcdir)/generic:$(srcdir)/unix:$(srcdir)/win
- $(COMPILE) -c `@CYGPATH@ $<` -o $@
-# Create the pkgIndex.tcl file.
-# It is usually easiest to let Tcl do this for you with pkg_mkIndex, but
-# you may find that you need to customize the package. If so, either
-# modify the -hand version, or create a pkgIndex.tcl.in file and have
-# the configure script output the pkgIndex.tcl by editing configure.in.
- ( echo package require Tk \; pkg_mkIndex -verbose -load Tk . $($(PACKAGE)_LIB_FILE) \; exit ) | $(TCLSH)
- (echo 'package ifneeded $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) \
- [list load [file join $$dir $($(PACKAGE)_LIB_FILE)]]'\
- ) > pkgIndex.tcl
-# Distribution creation
-# You may need to tweak this target to make it work correctly.
-COMPRESS = tar zcvf $(PKG_DIR).tar.gz $(PKG_DIR)
-DIST_ROOT = /tmp/dist
- rm -rf $(DIST_DIR) $(DIST_ROOT)/$(PKG_DIR).tar.*
-dist: dist-clean
- mkdir -p $(DIST_DIR)
- cp -p $(srcdir)/BUGS $(srcdir)/README* $(srcdir)/Copyright* \
- $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4 $(srcdir)/configure $(srcdir)/*.in \
- $(DIST_DIR)/
- chmod 664 $(DIST_DIR)/Makefile.in $(DIST_DIR)/aclocal.m4
- chmod 775 $(DIST_DIR)/configure $(DIST_DIR)/configure.in
- -cp -p $(srcdir)/*.[ch] $(DIST_DIR)/
- mkdir $(DIST_DIR)/tclconfig
- cp $(srcdir)/tclconfig/install-sh $(srcdir)/tclconfig/tcl.m4 \
- $(DIST_DIR)/tclconfig/
- chmod 664 $(DIST_DIR)/tclconfig/tcl.m4
- chmod +x $(DIST_DIR)/tclconfig/install-sh
- -list='demos doc generic debian redhat library mac tests unix win Perl Python'; \
- for p in $$list; do \
- if test -d $(srcdir)/$$p ; then \
- tar cf - --exclude=CVS --exclude=.cvsignore $$p | \
- (cd $(DIST_DIR); tar xf -) \
- fi; \
- done
- (cd $(DIST_ROOT); $(COMPRESS);)
-# End of user-definable section
-# Don't modify the file to clean here. Instead, set the "CLEANFILES"
-# variable in configure.in
-clean: doc-clean
- -test -z "$(BINARIES)" || rm -f $(BINARIES)
- -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) core *.core
- -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -Rf $(CLEANFILES)
-distclean: clean
- -rm -f *.tab.c *~
- -rm -f config.cache config.log config.status
-# Install binary object libraries. On Windows this includes both .dll and
-# .lib files. Because the .lib files are not explicitly listed anywhere,
-# we need to deduce their existence from the .dll file of the same name.
-# Library files go into the lib directory.
-# In addition, this will generate the pkgIndex.tcl
-# file in the install location (assuming it can find a usable tclsh shell)
-# You should not have to modify this target.
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)
- @list='$(lib_BINARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- echo " $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p; \
- echo " $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p"; \
- $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p; \
- ext=`echo $$p|sed -e "s/.*\.//"`; \
- if test "x$$ext" = "xdll"; then \
- lib=`basename $$p|sed -e 's/.[^.]*$$//'`.lib; \
- if test -f $$lib; then \
- echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$lib $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$lib"; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$lib $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$lib; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done
- @list='$(aux_BINARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- echo " Install $$p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
- @list='$(RUNTIME_SOURCES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- if test -f $(srcdir)/library/$$p; then \
- echo " Install $$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/library/$$p $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
-# Construct a full pkgIndex in the installation directory
- (cd $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir); \
- (echo package require Tk \; pkg_mkIndex -load Tk . \
-# Install binary executables (e.g. .exe files and dependent .dll files)
-# This is for files that must go in the bin directory (located next to
-# wish and tclsh), like dependent .dll files on Windows.
-# You should not have to modify this target, except to define bin_BINARIES
-# above if necessary.
- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- @list='$(bin_BINARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- if test -f $$p; then \
- echo " $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$p"; \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$p; \
- fi; \
- done
-Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status
- cd $(top_builddir) \
- && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
- list='$(lib_BINARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p; \
- done
- list='$(RUNTIME_SOURCES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)/$$p; \
- done
- list='$(bin_BINARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$p; \
- done
-.PHONY: all binaries clean depend distclean doc install libraries test
-# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
-# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/Perl/.cvsignore b/Perl/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b7eff..0000000
--- a/Perl/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Perl/Makefile.PL b/Perl/Makefile.PL
deleted file mode 100644
index dd27837..0000000
--- a/Perl/Makefile.PL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-use 5.006;
-use Tk;
-use Config;
-use Tk::Config;
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-use strict;
-my $TkLibDir = $Tk::library;
-my $platform = $Tk::platform;
-my $VERSION = SEEexport2cpan;
-if (!$TkLibDir)
- print stderr "==================================================================\n";
- print stderr "Could not find the Perl/Tk (pTk) library.\n";
- print stderr "Please, install first Perl/Tk interface before installing Tk::Zinc\n";
- print stderr "==================================================================\n";
- die;
-print "Configuring version $VERSION for $platform platform...\n";
-print "Using $TkLibDir as Tk library...\n";
-my @GENERIC_C = ('Tabular.c', 'Rectangle.c', 'Arc.c', 'Curve.c',
- 'Item.c', 'PostScript.c', 'Attrs.c', 'Draw.c', 'Geo.c', 'List.c',
- 'perfos.c', 'Transfo.c', 'Group.c', 'Icon.c', 'Text.c', 'Image.c', 'Color.c',
- 'Field.c', 'Triangles.c', 'Window.c', 'tkZinc.c');
-my @ATC_C = ('OverlapMan.c', 'Track.c', 'Reticle.c', 'Map.c', 'MapInfo.c');
-my @WIN_C = ('WinPort.c');
-my @C;
-my $WIN = ($platform =~ /win/i);
-push @C, @GENERIC_C ;
-my $NeededLibs = ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11 -lGLU -lGL -L.'];
-if ($WIN) {
- push @C, @WIN_C;
- $NeededLibs = ['-lglu32 -lopengl32']
-my $ZincObj = "Zinc" . $Config{"_o"};
-my $INC = "-I. -I$TkLibDir -I$TkLibDir/pTk -I$TkLibDir/X11";
-unless ($WIN) {
- $INC .= " -I/usr/X11R6/include";
-#For some reason which the author of ExtUtils::MM_Unix forget, Unix machines like to have
-#PERL_DL_NONLAZY set for tests. This is FALSE for TkZinc.
-if ($] >= 5.008000) {
- *ExtUtils::MM_Unix::test_via_harness = sub {
- my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_;
-# return $self->SUPER::test_via_harness("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $tests);
- # I should use the SUPER method, but this needs some import tunning...
- return ExtUtils::MM_Any::test_via_harness($self, $perl, $tests);
- };
-#Again, the PERL_DL_NONLAZY thing.
- *ExtUtils::MM_Unix::test_via_script = sub {
- my($self, $perl, $script) = @_;
-# return $self->SUPER::test_via_script("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $script);
- # I should use the SUPER method, but this needs some import tunning...
- return ExtUtils::MM_Any::test_via_script($self, $perl, $script);
- };
-# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
-# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
- 'ABSTRACT' => 'a canvas offering groups, tranformations, transparency, color gradient...',
- 'AUTHOR' => 'Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>',
- 'NAME' => 'Tk::Zinc',
- 'PREREQ_PM' => $WIN ? {Tk => 8.004} : {Tk => 8.0},
- 'LIBS' => $NeededLibs,
- 'DEFINE' => &get_flags,
- 'INC' => $INC,
- 'C' => [@C],
- 'XS_VERSION' => $Tk::Config::VERSION,
- 'XS' => {'Zinc.xs' => 'Zinc.c'},
- 'linkext' => {LINKTYPE => 'dynamic'},
- 'depend' => {$ZincObj => '$(O_FILES) Zinc.c'},
- 'LDFROM' => "\$(O_FILES) $ZincObj",
- );
-sub get_flags {
- my %DEF_FLAGS = ('GL' => 1,
- 'SHAPE' => 1,
- 'GL_DAMAGE' => 1,
- 'ATC' => 1
- );
- foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
- print "$arg ....\n";
- my ($name, $value) = split(/[=]+/, $arg);
- if ($name =~ /(with-gl)/i) {
- if ($value =~ /no/i) {
- $DEF_FLAGS{'GL'} = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($name =~ /(with-atc)/i) {
- if ($value =~ /no/i) {
- $DEF_FLAGS{'ATC'} = 0;
- }
- }
- elsif ($name =~ /(with-shape)/i) {
- if ($value =~ /no/i) {
- $DEF_FLAGS{'SHAPE'} = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- my $defines = '-DPTK';
- if ($WIN) {
- #
- # No shape extension on Windows (planned later).
- $DEF_FLAGS{'SHAPE'} = 0;
- #
- # Visual C++ does not define __STDC__ by default
- $defines .= ' -D__STDC__';
- }
- print "Configuring with:\n ";
- foreach my $flag (keys %DEF_FLAGS) {
- print "$flag=", $DEF_FLAGS{$flag} ? 'ok' : 'no', " ";
- if ($DEF_FLAGS{$flag}) {
- $defines = $defines . " " . "-D$flag";
- if ($flag eq 'ATC') {
- push @C, @ATC_C
- }
- }
- }
- if ($Tk::VERSION =~ /^800/) {
- $defines .= " -DPTK_800";
- print "PTK=800";
- } else {
- print "PTK=804";
- }
- print "\n";
- return $defines;
-# For the demo
-# perl -Mblib demos/zinc-demos
diff --git a/Perl/README b/Perl/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa006a..0000000
--- a/Perl/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Tk::Zinc - another Canvas which proposes many new functions, some based on openGL
-Tk::Zinc for Perl/Tk is available for Linux, Windows and MacOSX.
-the easiest way could be to use he CPAN. However new releases are usually
-first available on www.tkzinc.org
-* On a Linux system, you need Perl (>= 5.6) and perl-tk (800 or 804) packages.
-* On MacOSX you need:
- - fink with tk-pm package and its dependencies (http://fink.sf.net)
- tk-pm is available in unstable. You can add this binary unstable tree to you /sw/etc/apt/sources.list:
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/unstable main crypto
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/stable main crypto
- - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
-* On WinXP you need:
- - activeperl ( or higher) from activatestate.com
- - and
- - if you want to compile TkZinc by yourself:
- Visual C++ or the Free Visual C++ Command Line Tools
- - or the TkZinc msi package available from www.tkzinc.org
- perl Makefile.PL
- # you can use the following options: --with-gl=yes|no --with-atc=yes|no --with-shape=yes|no
- # current defaults are --with-gl=yes --with-atc=yes --with-shape=yes
- make
- make test
- # to run demos before installing:
- perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib demos/zinc-demos
- make install
-WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary
- openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at
- runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the
- the case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic
- (libGL.so) NVidia library. It is very important to assert that
- the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver
- loaded in the X server.
-In the case you need to use another version of perl-tk than the one installed in the
-system, you should use the following command as a template to adapt to follow your
-specific pathes of the alternative perl-tk installation:
- env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl Makefile.PL
- make
- env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi make test
- # to run demos before installing:
- env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib demos/zinc-demos
- # and finally
- make install
- # and to run your script:
- env PERL5LIB=/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi:/usr/local/test/804_027/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi perl <your_script.pl>
-up-to-date documentation is also available at http://www.tkzinc.org/index.php/Main/Documentation
-You will find there the reference manual, a FAQ, a mailing list, its archive
-The source of the reference manual is available in the full source package,
-which also includes TkZinc for Tcl/Tk, for Perl/Tk, and for Python.
-After installation, we recommend you to launch the zinc-demos script,
-a frontend to more than 30 small demos.
-For more information on building Tk::Zinc, a README is available in
-the tkzinc-*tgz tar file (on Tkzinc web site) used for building all
-flavor of TkZinc (ie tcl, perl and python)
-This software is delivered under new BSD licence.
-For the copyright, please, read the Copyright file.
-For any question on Tk::Zinc usage, build or installation pb,
-please send email to zinc@tls.cena.fr
-This mailing list can be subscribed from
-http://www.tkzinc.org/index.php/Main/MailingList. You can
-also send a question without subscribing, but you will be asked
-for a confirmation to avoid spam on the list!
-Authors and Contributors:
-Tk::Zinc main author is Patrick Lecoanet (CENA)
-Sub-Modules, demos and documentation have been developped by
-Daniel Etienne (CENA), Christophe Mertz (formerly CENA and now IntuiLab),
-Jean-Luc Vinot (CENA), with contributions from Stéphane Chatty (Intuilab),
-Céline Schlienger (IntuiLab), Alexandre Lemort (IntuiLab)
-Stéphane Conversy (CENA) contributed to the MacOSX port.
-Many others contributed with their bug reports!
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc.pm b/Perl/Zinc.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index fa55c55..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# $Name$
-package Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Photo;
-use Carp;
-use base qw(Tk::Widget);
-Construct Tk::Widget 'Zinc';
-use vars qw($VERSION $REVISION);
-$REVISION = q$Revision$ ; # this line is automagically modified by CVS
-$VERSION = SEEexport2cpan;
-bootstrap Tk::Zinc $Tk::VERSION;
-sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::zinc }
-sub CreateOptions
- return (shift->SUPER::CreateOptions,'-render')
-Tk::Methods("add", "addtag", "anchorxy", "bbox", "becomes", "bind", "cget",
- "chggroup", "clone", "configure", "contour", "coords", "currentpart",
- "cursor", "dchars", "dtag", "find", "fit", "focus", "gdelete", "gettags",
- "gname", "group", "hasanchors", "hasfields", "hastag", "index",
- "insert", "itemcget", "itemconfigure", "lower", "monitor",
- "numparts", "postscript", "raise", "remove", "rotate", "scale",
- "select", "skew", "smooth", "tapply", "tcompose", "tdelete", "tget",
- "transform", "translate", "treset", "trestore", "tsave", "tset",
- "type", "vertexat", "xview", "yview");
-## coord0 is a compatibility function usefull for porting old application
-## previously running with Tk::Zinc V <= 3.2.6a
-## The Zinc methode coords0 can/should replace coords as long as no control points are
-## used in curve or rectangle or an arc...
-## This can dramaticaly simplify the port of an old application from Zinc V<3.2.6a to
-## Remember: the incompatible change in Zinc is due to the introduction of
-## control points in curves (and a future release, in arc or rectangle items...)
-sub coords0 {
- if (wantarray) {
- ## we are in list context, so we should convert the returned value
- ## to match the specification of Zinc Version <= 3.2.6a
- my @res = &Tk::Zinc::coords(@_);
- if ( !ref $res[0] ) {
- ## The first item of the list is not a reference, so the
- ## list is guarranted to be a flat list (x, y, x, y, ... x, y)
- return @res;
- }
- else {
- ## The list is a list of references like : [x y] or [x y symbol]
- ## In the latter case, coord0 should warn that there is a control point!
- ## coord0 will return a flatten list of (x, y, ... x , y)
- my @res0;
- foreach my $ref (@res) {
- my @array = @{$ref};
- if ($#array > 1) {
- my $item = $_[1];
- my $zinc = $_[0];
- my $type = $zinc->type($item);
- carp "Using Zinc coord0 compatibility method with item $item (type=$type) which contains a control point: @array";
- }
- push @res0, $array[0];
- push @res0, $array[1];
- }
- return @res0;
- }
- }
- else {
- ## contexte scalaire
- ## le résultat n'était pas utilisé jusqu'ŕ présent, vu le bug...
- ## donc inutile de le convertir!
- return &Tk::Zinc::coords(@_);
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc - TkZinc is another Canvas which proposes many new functions, some based on openGL
-=for category Tk Widget Classes
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-I<$zinc> = I<$parent>-E<gt>B<Zinc>(?I<options>?);
-I<Zinc> widget is very similar to Tk Canvase in that it supports
-structured graphics. Like the Canvas, TkZinc implements items used to
-display graphical entities. Those items can be manipulated and bindings can be
-associated with them to implement interaction behaviors. But unlike the
-Canvas, TkZinc can structure the items in a hierarchy (with the use of
-group items), has support for affine 2D transforms (i.e. translation, scaling, and
-rotation), clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy, the item set
-is quite more powerful including field specific items for Air Traffic systems and
-new rendering techniques such as transparency and gradients.
-Since the 3.2.2 version, TkZinc also offers as a runtime option, the support
-for openGL rendering, giving access to features such as antialiasing, transparency,
-color gradients and even a new, openGL oriented, item type triangles.
-TkZinc full documentation is available as part of the Zinc software as a
-pdf file, B<refman.pdf> and html pages B<refman/index.html>.
-As a complement to the reference manual, small Perl/Tk demos of TkZinc are
-also available through a small application named zinc-demos, highly inspired
-from the widget application included in Tk. The aim of these demos are both
-to demonstrates the power of TkZinc and to help newcomers start using
-TkZinc with small examples.
-=head1 WHERE CAN I FIND TkZinc?
-TkZinc is available as source in tar.gz format or as Debian or RedHat/Mandrake
-packages at http://www.tkzinc.org/ or http://freshmeat.net/projects/zincisnotcanvas/
-TkZinc is also available on CPAN since v3.294 (a kind of 3.2.94)
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-Zinc has been developed by the CENA (Centres d'Etudes de la Navigation
-Aérienne) for its own needs in advanced HMI (Human Machine Interfaces or Interactions).
-Because we are confident in the benefit of free software, the CENA delivered this
-toolkit under the GNU Library General Public License.
-This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-Parts of this software are derived from the Tk toolkit which is copyrighted
-under another open source license by The Regents of the University of California
-and Sun Microsystems, Inc. The GL
-font rendering is derived from Mark Kilgard code described in `A Simple OpenGL-based
-API for Texture Mapped Text' and is copyrighted by Mark Kilgard under an open source license.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Tk(1)>, L<zinc-demos(1)>.
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc.xs b/Perl/Zinc.xs
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cd0c7..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc.xs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-#include <EXTERN.h>
-#include <perl.h>
-#include <XSUB.h>
-#include <tkGlue.def>
-#include <pTk/tkPort.h>
-#include <pTk/tkInt.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <pTk/tkWinInt.h>
-#include <pTk/tkImgPhoto.h>
-#include <pTk/tkVMacro.h>
-#include <tkGlue.h>
-#include <tkGlue.m>
-extern int
- ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp* interp,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj* CONST args[]);
-extern int
- ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp* interp,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj* CONST args[]);
-extern int
- ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp* interp,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj* CONST args[]);
-TkimgphotoVtab *TkimgphotoVptr;
-MODULE = Tk::Zinc PACKAGE = Tk::Zinc
- {
- TkimgphotoVptr = (TkimgphotoVtab *) SvIV(perl_get_sv("Tk::TkimgphotoVtab",GV_ADDWARN|GV_ADD));
- Lang_TkCommand("zinc", ZincObjCmd);
- Lang_TkCommand("videomap", ZnVideomapObjCmd);
- Lang_TkCommand("mapinfo", ZnMapInfoObjCmd);
- }
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a4d18..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3023 +0,0 @@
-# Tk::Zinc::Debug Perl Module :
-# For debugging/analysing a Zinc application.
-# Author : Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-package Tk::Zinc::Debug;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use strict 'vars';
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $WARNING $endoptions);
-use Carp;
-use English;
-require Exporter;
-use File::Basename;
-use Tk::Dialog;
-use Tk::Tree;
-use Tk::ItemStyle;
-use Tk::Pane;
-use Tk::FBox;
-use Tk::Balloon;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(finditems snapshot tree init);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(finditems snapshot tree init);
-my ($itemstyle, $groupstyle, $step);
-my (%result_tl, $result_fm, $search_tl, $helptree_tl, %coords_tl, %transfo_tl,
- $helpcoords_tl, $searchtree_tl, $tree_tl, %alloptions_tl, $tree,
- $cursorxy_tl, $cursorxy);
-my $showitemflag;
-my ($x0, $y0);
-my ($help_print, $imagecounter, $saving) = (0, 0, 0);
-my %searchEntryValue;
-my $searchTreeEntryValue;
-my %wwidth;
-my %wheight;
-my $preload;
-my %defaultoptions;
-my %instances;
-my @instances;
-my %cmdoptions;
-my $initobjectfunction;
-my %userbindings;
-my $selectedzinc;
-my $control_tl;
-my %button;
-my %on_command;
-my %off_command;
-my @znpackinfo;
-my $screenwidth;
-my $balloonhelp;
-# Initialisation functions for plugin usage
-# Hack to overload the Tk::Zinc::InitObject method
- # test if Tk::Zinc::Debug is loaded using the -M perl option
- $preload = 1 if (caller(2))[2] == 0;
- return unless $preload;
- # parse Tk::Zinc::Debug options
- require Getopt::Long;
- Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
- Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%cmdoptions, 'optionsToDisplay=s', 'optionsFormat=s',
- 'snapshotBasename=s', 'expandTagsField=i');
- # save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in
- # overloaded one (see below)
- use Tk;
- use Tk::Zinc;
- $initobjectfunction = Tk::Zinc->can('InitObject');
-} # end BEGIN
-# Hack to capture the instance(s) of zinc. Tk::Zinc::Debug init function
-# is invoked here.
-sub Tk::Zinc::InitObject {
- # invoke function possibly overloaded in other modules
- &$initobjectfunction(@_) if $initobjectfunction;
- return unless $preload;
- my $zinc = $_[0];
- &init($zinc);
-} # end Tk::Zinc::InitObject
-# Initialisation function
-sub init {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $screenwidth = $zinc->screenwidth;
- my %options = @_;
- for my $opt (keys(%options)) {
- carp "in Tk::Zinc::Debug initialisation function, unknown option $opt\n"
- unless $opt eq '-optionsToDisplay' or $opt eq '-optionsFormat'
- or $opt eq '-snapshotBasename' or $opt eq '-expandTagsField' ;
- }
- $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay} = $options{-optionsToDisplay} if
- not defined $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay} and
- defined $options{-optionsToDisplay};
- $cmdoptions{optionsFormat} = $options{-optionsFormat} if
- not defined $cmdoptions{optionsFormat} and
- defined $options{-optionsFormat};
- $cmdoptions{snapshotBasename} = $options{-snapshotBasename} if
- not defined $cmdoptions{snapshotBasename} and
- defined $options{-snapshotBasename};
- $cmdoptions{expandTagsField} = $options{-expandTagsField} if
- not defined $cmdoptions{expandTagsField} and
- defined $options{-expandTagsField};
- &newinstance($zinc);
- return if Tk::Exists($control_tl);
- print "Tk::Zinc::Debug is ON\n";
- my $bitmaps = &createBitmaps($zinc);
- $control_tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
- $control_tl->title("Tk::Zinc::Debug (V $VERSION)");
- my $fm1 = $control_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 0);
- my $fm2 = $control_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 20);
- my $fm3 = $control_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 0);
- for (qw(zn findenclosed findoverlap tree item id snapshot cursorxy)) {
- $button{$_} = $fm1->Checkbutton(-image => $bitmaps->{$_},
- -indicatoron => 0,
- -foreground => 'gray20')->pack(-side => 'left');
- }
- for (qw(zoomminus zoomplus move)) {
- $button{$_} = $fm2->Checkbutton(-image => $bitmaps->{$_},
- -indicatoron => 0,
- -foreground => 'gray20')->pack(-side => 'left');
- }
- for (qw(balloon close)) {
- $button{$_} = $fm3->Checkbutton(-image => $bitmaps->{$_},
- -indicatoron => 0,
- -foreground => 'gray20')->pack(-side => 'left');
- }
- my $bg = $button{zn}->cget(-background);
- for (values(%button)) {
- $_->configure(-selectcolor => $bg);
- }
- $balloonhelp = &balloonhelp();
- $button{balloon}->toggle;
- $control_tl->withdraw();
- $button{zn}->configure(-command => \&focuscommand);
- $button{balloon}->configure(-command => sub {
- if ($button{balloon}->{Value} == 0) {
- $balloonhelp->configure(-state => 'none');
- } else {
- $balloonhelp->configure(-state => 'balloon');
- }
- });
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # on/off commands for exclusive modes :
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # findenclosed mode
- $on_command{findenclosed} = sub {
- &saveDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $button{findenclosed}->{Value} = 1;
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>",
- [\&startrectangle, 'simple', 'Enclosed',
- 'sienna']);
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<B1-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",
- [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed',
- 'Items enclosed in rectangle']);
- };
- $off_command{findenclosed} = sub {
- $button{findenclosed}->{Value} = 0;
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $selectedzinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- };
- # findoverlap mode
- $on_command{findoverlap} = sub {
- &saveDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $button{findoverlap}->{Value} = 1;
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", [\&startrectangle, 'mixed',
- 'Overlap', 'sienna']);
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<B1-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",
- [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping',
- 'Items which overlap rectangle']);
- };
- $off_command{findoverlap} = sub {
- $button{findoverlap}->{Value} = 0;
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $selectedzinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- };
- # item mode
- $on_command{item} = sub {
- &saveDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $button{item}->{Value} = 1;
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", [\&findintree]);
- };
- $off_command{item} = sub {
- $button{item}->{Value} = 0;
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- };
- # cursor device position mode
- $on_command{cursorxy} = sub {
- &saveMotionBinding($selectedzinc);
- $button{cursorxy}->{Value} = 1;
- &cursorxyOpen;
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<Motion>", [\&cursorxy]);
- };
- $off_command{cursorxy} = sub {
- $button{cursorxy}->{Value} = 0;
- &cursorxyClose;
- &restoreMotionBinding($selectedzinc);
- };
- # move mode
- $on_command{move} = sub {
- &saveDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- $button{move}->{Value} = 1;
- my ($x0, $y0);
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>', sub {
- my $ev = $selectedzinc->XEvent;
- ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
- });
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind('<B1-Motion>', sub {
- my $ev = $selectedzinc->XEvent;
- my ($x, $y) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
- $selectedzinc->translate(1, $x-$x0, $y-$y0) if defined $x0;
- ($x0, $y0) = ($x, $y);
- });
- };
- $off_command{move} = sub {
- $button{move}->{Value} = 0;
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- };
- # zn mode
- $on_command{zn} = sub {
- $button{zn}->{Value} = 1;
- for my $zinc (&instances) {
- $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- &saveDragAndDropBindings($zinc);
- my $r;
- $zinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", sub {
- $zinc->update;
- my ($w, $h) = ($zinc->cget(-width), $zinc->cget(-height));
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'transfoTopgroup', 1);
- $r = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [30, 30, $w-30, $h-30],
- -linecolor => 'red',
- -linewidth => 10);
- $zinc->trestore($r, 'transfoTopgroup');
- $zinc->raise($r);
- $selectedzinc = $zinc;
- });
- $zinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", sub {
- $zinc->remove($r);
- });
- }
- };
- $off_command{zn} = sub {
- $button{zn}->{Value} = 0;
- for my $zinc (&instances) {
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($zinc);
- }
- };
- my @but = qw(findenclosed findoverlap item move zn cursorxy);
- for my $name (@but) {
- $button{$name}->configure(-command => sub {
- if ($button{$name}->{Value} == 1) {
- for my $other (@but) {
- &{$off_command{$other}} unless $other eq $name;
- }
- &{$on_command{$name}};
- } else {
- &{$off_command{$name}};
- }});
- }
- $button{id}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{id}->update;
- &searchentry($zinc);
- $button{id}->toggle;
- });
- $button{snapshot}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{snapshot}->update;
- &printWindow($zinc);
- $button{snapshot}->toggle;
- });
- $button{zoomminus}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{zoomminus}->update;
- my $w = $selectedzinc->cget(-width);
- my $h = $selectedzinc->cget(-height);
- $selectedzinc->translate(1, -$w/2, -$h/2);
- $selectedzinc->scale(1, 1/1.1, 1/1.1);
- $selectedzinc->translate(1, $w/2, $h/2);
- $button{zoomminus}->toggle;
- });
- $button{zoomplus}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{zoomplus}->update;
- my $w = $selectedzinc->cget(-width);
- my $h = $selectedzinc->cget(-height);
- $selectedzinc->translate(1, -$w/2, -$h/2);
- $selectedzinc->scale(1, 1.1, 1.1);
- $selectedzinc->translate(1, $w/2, $h/2);
- $button{zoomplus}->toggle;
- });
- $button{tree}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{tree}->update;
- &showtree($selectedzinc);
- $button{tree}->toggle;
- });
- $button{close}->configure(-command => sub {
- $button{close}->update;
- &Tk::Zinc::Debug::iconify;
- &restoreDragAndDropBindings($selectedzinc);
- for my $name (@but) {
- &{$off_command{$name}};
- }
- $button{close}->toggle;
- });
-} # end init
-# Deprecated functions
-sub tree {
- carp "in Tk::Zinc::Debug module, tree() function is deprecated.\n";
- &init($_[0]);
-} # end tree
-sub finditems {
- carp "in Tk::Zinc::Debug module, finditems() function is deprecated.\n";
- &init($_[0]);
-} # end finditems
-sub snapshot {
- carp "in Tk::Zinc::Debug module, snapshot() function is deprecated.\n";
- &init($_[0]);
-} # end snapshot
-# Functions related to cursor position
-sub cursorxy {
- my $ev = shift->XEvent;
- $cursorxy = $ev->x.", ".$ev->y;
-} # end cursorxy
-sub cursorxyOpen {
- if (Tk::Exists($cursorxy_tl)) {
- $cursorxy_tl->raise;
- return;
- }
- $cursorxy_tl = $control_tl->Toplevel;
- $cursorxy_tl->Label(-text => "Cursor device position")->pack;
- $cursorxy_tl->Label(-textvariable => \$cursorxy)->pack;
- $cursorxy_tl->minsize(150, 40);
- $cursorxy_tl->raise;
-} # end cursorxyOpen
-sub cursorxyClose {
- $cursorxy_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($cursorxy_tl);
-} # end cursorxyClose
-# Functions related to items tree
-# build or rebuild the items tree
-sub showtree {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $optionstodisplay = $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay};
- my $optionsFormat = $cmdoptions{optionsFormat};
- # styles definition
- $itemstyle =
- $zinc->ItemStyle('text', -stylename => "item", -foreground => 'black')
- unless $itemstyle;
- $groupstyle =
- $zinc->ItemStyle('text', -stylename => "group", -foreground => 'black')
- unless $groupstyle;
- $WARNING = 0;
- my @optionstodisplay = split(/,/, $optionstodisplay);
- $WARNING = 1;
- &hidetree();
- $tree_tl = $control_tl->Toplevel;
- $tree_tl->minsize(280, 200);
- $tree_tl->title("Zinc Items Tree");
- $tree = $tree_tl->Scrolled('Tree',
- -scrollbars => 'se',
- -height => 40,
- -width => 50,
- -itemtype => 'text',
- -selectmode => 'single',
- -separator => '.',
- -drawbranch => 1,
- -indent => 30,
- -command => sub {
- my $path = shift;
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &showresult("Attributes of item $item", $zinc, $item);
- $zinc->after(100, sub {
- &undohighlightitem(undef, $zinc)});
- },
- );
- &wheelmousebindings($tree);
- $tree->bind('<1>', [sub {
- my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]);
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 0);
- }, Ev('y')]);
- $tree->bind('<2>', [sub {
- my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]);
- return if $path eq 1;
- $tree->selectionClear;
- $tree->selectionSet($path);
- $tree->anchorSet($path);
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 1);
- }, Ev('y')]);
- $tree->bind('<3>', [sub {
- my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]);
- return if $path eq 1;
- $tree->selectionClear;
- $tree->selectionSet($path);
- $tree->anchorSet($path);
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 2);
- }, Ev('y')]);
- $tree->add("1", -text => "Group(1)", -state => 'disabled');
- &scangroup($zinc, $tree, 1, "1", $optionsFormat, @optionstodisplay);
- $tree->autosetmode;
- # control buttons frame
- my $tree_butt_fm = $tree_tl->Frame(-height => 40)->pack(-side => 'bottom',
- -fill => 'y');
- $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Help',
- -command => [\&showHelpAboutTree, $zinc],
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
- -padx => 10, -fill => 'both');
- $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Search',
- -command => [\&searchInTree, $zinc],
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
- -padx => 10, -fill => 'both');
- $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => "Build\ncode",
- -command => [\&buildCode, $zinc, $tree],
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
- -padx => 10, -fill => 'both');
- $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => "Attributes",
- -command => sub {
- my $path = $tree->selectionGet;
- $path = 1 unless $path;
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &showresult("Attributes of item $item", $zinc, $item);
- },
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
- -padx => 10, -fill => 'both');
- $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$zinc->remove("zincdebug");
- $tree_tl->destroy},
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
- -padx => 20, -fill => 'both');
- # pack tree
- $tree->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -side => 'top',
- -fill => 'both',
- -expand => 1,
- );
-} # end showtree
-# destroy the items tree
-sub hidetree {
- $tree_tl->destroy if $tree_tl and Tk::Exists($tree_tl);
-} # end hidetree
-# find a pointed item in the items tree
-sub findintree {
- my $zinc = shift;
- if (not Tk::Exists($tree_tl)) {
- &showtree($zinc);
- }
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
- my @atomicgroups = &unsetAtomicity($zinc);
- my $item = $zinc->find('closest', $x0, $y0);
- &restoreAtomicity($zinc, @atomicgroups);
- return unless $item > 1;
- my @ancestors = reverse($zinc->find('ancestors', $item));
- my $path = join('.', @ancestors).".".$item;
- # tree is rebuilded unless path exists
- unless ($tree->info('exists', $path)) {
- $tree_tl->destroy;
- #print "path=$path rebuild tree\n";
- &showtree($zinc);
- }
- $tree->see($path);
- $tree->selectionClear;
- $tree->anchorSet($path);
- $tree->selectionSet($path);
- &surrounditem($zinc, $item);
- $tree->focus;
-} # end findintree
-sub searchInTree {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $searchtree_tl->destroy if $searchtree_tl and Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
- $searchtree_tl = $tree_tl->Toplevel;
- $searchtree_tl->transient($tree_tl);
- $searchtree_tl->title("Find string in tree");
- my $fm = $searchtree_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
- $fm->Label(-text => "Find : ",
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
- my $entry = $fm->Entry(-width => 20)->pack(-side => 'left',
- -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
- my $status = $searchtree_tl->Label(-foreground => 'sienna',
- )->pack(-side => 'top');
- my $ep = 1;
- my $searchfunc = sub {
- my $side = shift;
- my $found = 0;
- #print "ep=$ep side=$side\n";
- $status->configure(-text => "");
- $status->update;
- $searchTreeEntryValue = $entry->get();
- $searchTreeEntryValue = quotemeta($searchTreeEntryValue);
- my $text;
- while ($ep) {
- $ep = $tree->info($side, $ep);
- unless ($ep) {
- $ep = 1;
- $found = 0;
- last;
- }
- $text = $tree->entrycget($ep, -text);
- if ($text =~ /$searchTreeEntryValue/) {
- $tree->see($ep);
- $tree->selectionClear;
- $tree->anchorSet($ep);
- $tree->selectionSet($ep);
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- #print "searchTreeEntryValue=$searchTreeEntryValue found=$found\n";
- $status->configure(-text => "Search string not found") unless $found > 0;
- };
- my $fm2 = $searchtree_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Prev',
- -command => sub {&$searchfunc('prev');},
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10);
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Next',
- -command => sub {&$searchfunc('next');},
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10);
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$searchtree_tl->destroy},
- )->pack(-side => 'right', -pady => 10);
- $entry->focus;
- $entry->delete(0, 'end');
- $entry->insert(0, $searchTreeEntryValue) if $searchTreeEntryValue;
- $entry->bind('<Key-Return>', sub {&$searchfunc('next');});
-} # end searchInTree
-sub extractinfo {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my $format = shift;
- my $option = shift;
- my $titleflag = shift;
- $option =~ s/^\s+//;
- $option =~ s/\s+$//;
- #print "option=[$option]\n";
- my @info;
- $WARNING = 0;
- eval {@info = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option)};
- #print "eval $option = (@info) $@\n";
- return if $@;
- return if @info == 0;
- my $info;
- my $sep = ($format eq 'column') ? "\n " : ", ";
- if ($titleflag) {
- $info = $sep."[$option] ".$info[0];
- } else {
- $info = $sep.$info[0];
- }
- if (@info > 1) {
- shift(@info);
- for (@info) {
- if ($format eq 'column') {
- if (length($info." ".$_) > 40) {
- if ($titleflag) {
- $info .= $sep."[$option] ".$_;
- } else {
- $info .= $sep.$_;
- }
- } else {
- $info .= ", $_";
- }
- } else {
- $info .= $sep.$_;
- }
- }
- }
- $WARNING = 1;
- return $info;
-} # end extractinfo
-sub scangroup {
- my ($zinc, $tree, $group, $path, $format, @optionstodisplay) = @_;
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', "$group.");
- for my $item (@items) {
- my $Type = ucfirst($zinc->type($item));
- my $info = " ";
- if (@optionstodisplay == 1) {
- $info .= &extractinfo($zinc, $item, $format, $optionstodisplay[0]);
- } elsif (@optionstodisplay > 1) {
- for my $opt (@optionstodisplay) {
- $info .= &extractinfo($zinc, $item, $format, $opt, 1);
- }
- }
- if ($Type eq "Group") {
- $tree->add($path.".".$item,
- -text => "$Type($item)$info",
- -style => 'group',
- );
- &scangroup($zinc, $tree, $item, $path.".".$item, $format, @optionstodisplay);
- } else {
- $tree->add($path.".".$item,
- -text => "$Type($item)$info",
- -style => 'item',
- );
- }
- }
-} # end scangroup
-# Functions used to build code
-# build perl code corresponding to a branch of the items tree
-sub buildCode {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $tree = shift;
- my @code;
- push(@code, 'use Tk;');
- push(@code, 'use Tk::Zinc;');
- push(@code, 'my $mw = MainWindow->new();');
- push(@code, 'my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => '.$zinc->cget(-render).
- ')->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both");');
- push(@code, '# hash %items : keys are original items ID, values are built items ID');
- push(@code, 'my %items;');
- push(@code, '');
- my $path = $tree->selectionGet;
- $path = 1 unless $path;
- my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- $endoptions = [];
- if ($zinc->type($item) eq 'group') {
- push(@code, &buildGroup($zinc, $item, 1));
- for(@$endoptions) {
- my ($item, $option, $value) = @$_;
- push(@code,
- '$zinc->itemconfigure('.$item.', '.$option.' => '.$value.');');
- }
- } else {
- push(@code, &buildItem($zinc, $item, 1));
- }
- push(@code, &buildEnd);
- my $file = $zinc->getSaveFile(-filetypes => [['Perl Files', '.pl'],
- ['All Files', '*']],
- -initialfile => 'zincdebug.pl',
- -title => 'Save code',
- );
- return unless defined $file;
- $zinc->Busy;
- open (OUT, ">$file");
- for (@code) {
- print OUT $_."\n";
- }
- close(OUT);
- $zinc->Unbusy;
-} # end buildCode
-sub buildEnd {
- my @code;
- push(@code, 'for (keys(%items)) {');
- push(@code, ' $zinc->addtag(\'orig\'.$_, "withtag", $items{$_});');
- push(@code, '}');
- push(@code, 'MainLoop;');
- return @code
-} # end buildEnd
-# build a node of tree (corresponding to a TkZinc group item)
-sub buildGroup {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my $group = shift;
- my @code;
- # creation
- push(@code, '$items{'.$item.'}=$zinc->add("group", '.$group.', ');
- # options
- push(@code, &buildOptions($zinc, $item));
- push(@code, ');');
- push(@code, '');
- # coords
- push(@code, '$zinc->coords($items{'.$item.'}, ['.
- join(',', $zinc->coords($item)).']);');
- # transformations
- push(@code, &buildTransformations($zinc, $item));
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', "$item.");
- for my $it (reverse(@items)) {
- if ($zinc->type($it) eq 'group') {
- push(@code, &buildGroup($zinc, $it, '$items{'.$item.'}'));
- } else {
- push(@code, &buildItem($zinc, $it, '$items{'.$item.'}'));
- }
- }
- return @code;
-} # end buildGroup
-# build a leaf of tree (corresponding to a TkZinc non-group item)
-sub buildItem {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my $group = shift;
- my $type = $zinc->type($item);
- my @code;
- my $numfields = 0;
- my $numcontours = 0;
- # creation
- my $initstring = '$items{'.$item.'}=$zinc->add("'.$type.'", '.$group.', ';
- if ($type eq 'tabular' or $type eq 'track' or $type eq 'waypoint') {
- $numfields = $zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields);
- $initstring .= $numfields.' ,';
- } elsif ($type eq 'curve' or $type eq 'triangles' or
- $type eq 'arc' or $type eq 'rectangle') {
- $initstring .= "[ ";
- my (@coords) = $zinc->coords($item);
- if (ref($coords[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
- my @coords2;
- for my $c (@coords) {
- if (@$c > 2) {
- push(@coords2, '['.$c->[0].', '.$c->[1].', "'.$c->[2].'"]');
- } else {
- push(@coords2, '['.$c->[0].', '.$c->[1].']');
- }
- }
- $initstring .= join(', ', @coords2);
- } else {
- $initstring .= join(', ', @coords);
- }
- $initstring .= " ], ";
- $numcontours = $zinc->contour($item);
- }
- push(@code, $initstring);
- # options
- push(@code, &buildOptions($zinc, $item));
- push(@code, ');');
- push(@code, '');
- # fields
- if ($numfields > 0) {
- for (my $i=0; $i < $numfields; $i++) {
- push(@code, &buildField($zinc, $item, $i));
- }
- }
- # contours
- if ($numcontours > 1) {
- for (my $i=1; $i < $numcontours; $i++) {
- my (@coords) = $zinc->coords($item);
- my @coords2;
- for my $c (@coords) {
- if (@$c > 2) {
- push(@coords2, '['.$c->[0].', '.$c->[1].', "'.$c->[2].'"]');
- } else {
- push(@coords2, '['.$c->[0].', '.$c->[1].']');
- }
- }
- my $coordstr = '[ '.join(', ', @coords2).' ]';
- push(@code, '$zinc->contour($items{'.$item.'}, "add", 0, ');
- push(@code, ' '.$coordstr.');');
- }
- }
- # transformations
- push(@code, &buildTransformations($zinc, $item));
- return @code;
-} # end buildItem
-# add an information field to an item of the tree
-sub buildField {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my $field = shift;
- my @code;
- # type group and initargs
- push(@code, '$zinc->itemconfigure($items{'.$item.'}, '.$field.', ');
- # options
- push(@code, &buildOptions($zinc, $item, $field));
- push(@code, ');');
- push(@code, '');
- return @code;
-} # end buildField
-sub buildTransformations {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my @tr = $zinc->tget($item);
- my @code;
- return ('$zinc->tset($items{'.$item.'}, '.join(", ", @tr).');');
-} # end buildTransformations
-sub buildOptions {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $item = shift;
- my $field = shift;
- my @code;
- my @args = defined($field) ? ($item, $field) : ($item);
- my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure(@args);
- for my $elem (@options) {
- my ($option, $type, $readonly, $value) = (@$elem)[0, 1, 2, 4];
- next if $value eq '';
- next if $readonly;
- if ($type eq 'point') {
- push(@code, " ".$option." => [".join(',', @$value)."], ");
- } elsif (($type eq 'bitmap' or $type eq 'image') and $value !~ /^AtcSymbol/
- and $value !~ /^AlphaStipple/) {
- push(@code, "# ".$option." => '".$value."', ");
- } elsif ($type eq 'item') {
- $endoptions->[@$endoptions] =
- ['$items{'.$item.'}', $option, '$items{'.$value.'}'];
- } elsif ($option eq '-text') {
- $value =~ s/\"/\\"/; # comment for emacs legibility => "
- push(@code, " ".$option.' => "'.$value.'", ');
- } elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
- push(@code, " ".$option." => [qw(".join(' ', @$value).")], ");
- } else {
- push(@code, " ".$option." => '".$value."', ");
- }
- }
- return @code;
-} # end buildOptions
-# Functions related to search in a rectangular area
-# begin to draw rectangular area for search
-sub startrectangle {
- my ($zinc, $style, $text, $color) = @_;
- $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
- # store and name the inverted transformation of top group
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'zoom+move', 1);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x0, $y0, $x0, $y0],
- -linecolor => $color,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linestyle => $style,
- -tags => ["zincdebugrectangle"],
- );
- $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -color => $color,
- -font => '7x13',
- -position => [$x0+5, $y0-15],
- -text => $text,
- -tags => ["zincdebuglabel"],
- );
- # apply to new rectangle the (inverted) transformation stored below
- $zinc->trestore("zincdebugrectangle", 'zoom+move');
- $zinc->trestore("zincdebuglabel", 'zoom+move');
-} # end startrectangle
-# resize the rectangular area for search
-sub resizerectangle {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- my ($x, $y) = ($ev->x, $ev->y);
- return unless ($zinc->find('withtag', "zincdebugrectangle"));
- $zinc->coords("zincdebugrectangle", 1, 1, [$x, $y]);
- if ($x < $x0) {
- if ($y < $y0) {
- $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x+5, $y-15]);
- } else {
- $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x+5, $y0-15]);
- }
- } else {
- if ($y < $y0) {
- $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x0+5, $y-15]);
- } else {
- $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x0+5, $y0-15]);
- }
- }
- $zinc->raise("zincdebugrectangle");
- $zinc->raise("zincdebuglabel");
-} # end resizerectangle
-# stop drawing rectangular area for search
-sub stoprectangle {
- my ($zinc, $searchtype, $text) = @_;
- return unless ($zinc->find('withtag', "zincdebugrectangle"));
- my @atomicgroups = &unsetAtomicity($zinc);
- $zinc->update;
- my ($c0, $c1) = $zinc->coords("zincdebugrectangle");
- my @coords = (@$c0, @$c1);
- my @items;
- for my $item ($zinc->find($searchtype, @coords, 1, 1)) {
- push (@items, $item) unless $zinc->hastag($item, "zincdebugrectangle") or
- $zinc->hastag($item, "zincdebuglabel");
- }
- &restoreAtomicity($zinc, @atomicgroups);
- if (@items) {
- &showresult($text, $zinc, @items);
- } else {
- $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- }
-} # end stoprectangle
-# in order to avoid find problems with group atomicity, we set all -atomic
-# attributes to 0
-sub unsetAtomicity {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my @groups = $zinc->find('withtype', 'group');
- my @atomicgroups;
- for my $group (@groups) {
- if ($zinc->itemcget($group, -atomic)) {
- push(@atomicgroups, $group);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -atomic => 0);
- }
- }
- return @atomicgroups;
-} # end unsetAtomicity
-sub restoreAtomicity {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my @atomicgroups = @_;
- for my $group (@atomicgroups) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -atomic => 1);
- }
-} # end restoreAtomicity
-# Function related to item's id search
-sub searchentry {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $search_tl->destroy if $search_tl and Tk::Exists($search_tl);
- $search_tl = $control_tl->Toplevel;
- $search_tl->title("Specific search");
- my $fm = $search_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
- $fm->Label(-text => "Item TagOrId : ",
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
- my $entry = $fm->Entry(-width => 20)->pack(-side => 'left',
- -padx => 10, -pady => 10);
- my $status = $search_tl->Label(-foreground => 'sienna',
- )->pack(-side => 'top');
- $search_tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$search_tl->destroy},
- )->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10);
- $entry->focus;
- $entry->delete(0, 'end');
- $entry->insert(0, $searchEntryValue{$zinc}) if $searchEntryValue{$zinc};
- $entry->bind('<Key-Return>', [sub {
- $status->configure(-text => "");
- $status->update;
- $searchEntryValue{$zinc} = $entry->get();
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $searchEntryValue{$zinc});
- if (@items) {
- my $label;
- if ($searchEntryValue{$zinc} =~ /^\d/) {
- $label = "Attributes of item $searchEntryValue{$zinc}";
- } else {
- $label = "Attributes of item(s) with tag $searchEntryValue{$zinc}"
- }
- &showresult($label, $zinc, @items);
- } else {
- $status->configure(-text => "No such tagOrId ($searchEntryValue{$zinc})");
- }
- }]);
-} # end searchentry
-# Functions related to transformations parameters
-sub showtransfoparams {
- my ($label, $zinc, $item) = @_;
- my @m = $zinc->tget($item);
- my ($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21) = @m;
- my ($xt, $yt, $xsc, $ysc, $a, $xsk, $ysk) = $zinc->tget($item, 'all');
- # bug zinc
- $ysk = 0 unless defined $ysk;
- for ($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21, $xt, $yt, $xsc, $ysc, $a, $xsk, $ysk) {
- $_ = sprintf("%.2f", $_) if /^-?\d+\.\d/;
- }
- $transfo_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($transfo_tl{$item});
- $transfo_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
- $transfo_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label})
- if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
- my $title = "Transformations of item $item";
- $transfo_tl{$item}->title($title);
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- my $fm1 = $transfo_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
- -padx => 20,
- -pady => 10,
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'x',
- );
- # set transformation to ident
- my $btn = $fm1->Button(-text => "Show item with transformation\nset to identity",
- -bg => $bgcolor,
- )->pack(-side => 'top', -padx => 5, -pady => 10);
- $balloonhelp->attach($btn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click and maintain to show the transformation \n".
- "animation. Use btn1, btn2 or btn3 to select the\n".
- "best background color for a good visibility. ");
- $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]);
- $btn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]);
- $btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]);
- my $fm11 = $fm1->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left',
- -padx => 20,
- );
- my ($set_cb, $reset_cb, $upd_cb);
- # matrix
- my $r = 0;
- my $c = 0;
- $fm11->Label(-text => 'matrix', -relief => 'ridge', -bg => $bgcolor)
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -columnspan => 2,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m00, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m01, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c+1,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m10, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m11, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c+1,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m20, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm11->Label(-textvariable => \$m21, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c+1,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my $fm12 = $fm1->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left',
- -padx => 20,
- );
- my ($e_xt, $e_yt, $e_xsc, $e_ysc, $e_a, $e_xsk, $e_ysk);
- $set_cb = sub {
- $zinc->treset($item);
- $zinc->translate($item, $e_xt, $e_yt);
- $zinc->rotate($item, $e_a);
- $zinc->scale($item, $e_xsc, $e_ysc);
- $zinc->skew($item, $e_xsk, $e_ysk);
- ($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21) = $zinc->tget($item);
- for ($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21) {
- $_ = sprintf("%.2f", $_) if /^-?\d+\.\d/;
- }
- };
- # translate params
- $r = 0;
- $c = 0;
- $fm12->Label(-text => 'translate', -relief => 'ridge', -bg => $bgcolor)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'xt', $xt, \$e_xt, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'yt', $yt, \$e_yt, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # rotate params
- $c = 0;
- $fm12->Label(-text => 'rotate', -relief => 'ridge', -bg => $bgcolor)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'a', $a, \$e_a, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # scale params
- $c = 0;
- $fm12->Label(-text => 'scale', -relief => 'ridge', -bg => $bgcolor)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'xsc', $xsc, \$e_xsc, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'ysc', $ysc, \$e_ysc, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # skew params
- $c = 0;
- $fm12->Label(-text => 'skew', -relief => 'ridge', -bg => $bgcolor)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'xsk', $xsk, \$e_xsk, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entrytransfo($fm12, $item, $zinc, 'ysk', $ysk, \$e_ysk, 4, $set_cb)
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my $fm2 = $transfo_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
- -padx => 20,
- -pady => 0,
- );
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {
- $transfo_tl{$item}->destroy;
- delete $transfo_tl{$item};
- })->pack(-side => 'top', -padx => 40, -pady => 20);
-} # end showtransfoparams
-# Functions related to results tables display
-# display in a toplevel the result of search ; a new toplevel destroyes the
-# previous one
-sub showresult {
- my ($label, $zinc, @items) = @_;
- # toplevel (re-)creation
- $result_tl{$label}->destroy if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
- $result_tl{$label} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
- my $title = "TK::Zinc Debug";
- $title .= " - $label" if $label;
- $result_tl{$label}->title($title);
- $result_tl{$label}->geometry('+10+20');
- $control_tl->raise;
- my $fm = $result_tl{$label}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom',
- );
- $fm->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {
- $result_tl{$label}->destroy;
- delete $result_tl{$label};
- $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
- })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
- # scrolled pane creation
- $result_fm = $result_tl{$label}->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'osoe',
- -height => 200,
- -width => 1024,
- );
- &wheelmousebindings($result_fm);
- my $fm2 = $result_fm->Frame->pack;
- # attributes display
- &showattributes($zinc, $fm2, $label, \@items);
- $result_fm->update;
- $fm2->update;
- my $width = $fm2->width + 10;
- $width = $screenwidth if $width > $screenwidth;
- $result_fm->configure(-width => $width);
- $result_fm->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -fill => 'both',
- -expand => 1,
- );
-} # end showresult
-# display table containing additionnal options/values
-sub showalloptions {
- my ($label, $zinc, $item, $fmp) = @_;
- $alloptions_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($alloptions_tl{$item});
- $alloptions_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
- $alloptions_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label})
- if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
- my $tl = $alloptions_tl{$item};
- my $title = "All options of item $item";
- $tl->title($title);
- $tl->geometry('-10+0');
- # footer
- #----------------
- $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {
- $alloptions_tl{$item}->destroy;
- delete $alloptions_tl{$item};
- })->pack(-side => 'bottom');
- # option scrolled frame
- #-----------------------
- my $fm = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'oe',
- -height => 500,
- )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- my $i = 1;
- $fm->Label(-text => $title, -background => $bgcolor,
- -fg => 'sienna', -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 1, -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5,
- -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'nswe') if $label;
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item);
- for my $elem (@options) {
- my ($option, $type, $value) = (@$elem)[0,1,4];
- $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 1,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- if ($option eq '-tags') {
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option,
- join("\n", @$value), 30, 30, scalar @$value)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 5,
- -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- } else {
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option, undef, 50, 25)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 5,
- -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- }
- $i++;
- }
-} # end showalloptions
-# display device coords table
-sub showdevicecoords {
- my ($label, $zinc, $item) = @_;
- &showcoords($label, $zinc, $item, 1);
-} # end showdevicecoords
-# display coords table
-sub showcoords {
- my ($label, $zinc, $item, $deviceflag) = @_;
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- my $bgcolor2 = 'gray75';
- $coords_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($coords_tl{$item}) and not $deviceflag;
- $coords_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
- $coords_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label}) if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
- my $title = "Zinc Debug";
- if ($deviceflag) {
- $title .= " - Coords of item $item";
- } else {
- $title .= " - Device coords of item $item";
- }
- $coords_tl{$item}->title($title);
- $coords_tl{$item}->geometry('+10+20');
- my $coords_fm0 = $coords_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom');
- $coords_fm0->Button(-text => 'Help',
- -command => [\&showHelpAboutCoords, $zinc]
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
- $coords_fm0->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {
- &hidecontour($zinc);
- $coords_tl{$item}->destroy;
- delete $coords_tl{$item};
- })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
- # scrolled pane creation
- my $coords_fm = $coords_tl{$item}->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'oe',
- -height => 200,
- )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
- my @contour;
- my $contournum = $zinc->contour($item);
- for (my $i=0; $i < $contournum; $i++) {
- my @coords = $zinc->coords($item, $i);
- if (!ref $coords[0]) {
- ## The first item of the list is not a reference, so the
- ## list is guarranted to be a flat list (x, y, ...)
- ## normaly of only one pair of (x y)
- @coords = $zinc->transform($item, 'device', [@coords])
- if $deviceflag;
- for (my $j=0; $j < @coords; $j += 2) {
- push(@{$contour[$i]}, [$coords[$j], $coords[$j+1]]);
- }
- }
- else {
- ## the first element is an array reference, as every
- ## other elements of the list
- for (my $j=0; $j < @coords; $j ++) {
- my @c = @{$coords[$j]};
- @c = $zinc->transform($item, 'device', [@c])
- if $deviceflag;
- push(@{$contour[$i]}, [@c]);
- }
- }
- }
- my $row = 1;
- my $col = 1;
- for (my $i=0; $i < @contour; $i++) {
- $col = 1;
- my $lab = $coords_fm->Label(-text => "Contour $i",
- -background => $bgcolor,
- -relief => 'ridge')->grid(-row => $row,
- -column => $col,
- -ipadx => 5,
- -ipady => 5,
- -sticky => 'nswe');
- $lab->bind('<1>', [\&showcontour, $zinc, 'black', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab->bind('<2>', [\&showcontour, $zinc, 'white', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab->bind('<3>', [\&showcontour, $zinc, 'red', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- $lab->bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- $lab->bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- my $lab1 = $coords_fm->Label(-text => scalar(@{$contour[$i]})." points",
- -background => $bgcolor,
- -relief => 'ridge')->grid(-row => $row+1,
- -column => $col,
- -ipadx => 5,
- -ipady => 5,
- -sticky => 'nswe');
- $lab1->bind('<1>', [\&showcontourpts, $zinc, 'black', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab1->bind('<2>', [\&showcontourpts, $zinc, 'white', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab1->bind('<3>', [\&showcontourpts, $zinc, 'red', $item, $contour[$i],
- $deviceflag]);
- $lab1->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- $lab1->bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- $lab1->bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', sub { &hidecontour($zinc); });
- $col++;
- my @lab;
- for my $coords (@{$contour[$i]}) {
- if ($col > 10) {
- $col = 2;
- $row++;
- }
- $coords->[0] =~ s/\.(\d\d).*/\.$1/;
- $coords->[1] =~ s/\.(\d\d).*/\.$1/;
- my @opt;
- if (defined $coords->[2]) {
- @opt = (-text => sprintf('%s, %s, %s', @$coords),
- -underline => length(join(',', @$coords)) + 1,
- );
- } else {
- @opt = (-text => sprintf('%s, %s', @{$coords}[0,1]));
- }
- push (@lab, $coords_fm->Label(@opt,
- -width => 15,
- -relief => 'ridge')->grid(-row => $row,
- -ipadx => 5,
- -ipady => 5,
- -column => $col++,
- -sticky => 'nswe'));
- }
- $row++ if (@{$contour[$i]} < 10);
- $row++;
- my $j = 0;
- for (@lab) {
- $_->bind('<1>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, 'black',
- $item, $j, $deviceflag, \@lab, @{$contour[$i]}]);
- $_->bind('<2>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, 'white',
- $item, $j, $deviceflag, \@lab, @{$contour[$i]}]);
- $_->bind('<3>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, 'red',
- $item, $j, $deviceflag, \@lab, @{$contour[$i]}]);
- $j++;
- }
- }
-} # end showcoords
-# display in a grid the values of most important attributes
-sub showattributes {
- my ($zinc, $fm, $label, $items, $expandTagsFlag) = @_;
- $expandTagsFlag = 1;
- &getsize($zinc);
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- my $i = 1;
- $fm->Label(-text => $label, -background => $bgcolor,
- -fg => 'sienna', -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 0, -ipady => 0, -ipadx => 5,
- -columnspan => 7, -sticky => 'nswe') if $label;
- &showbanner($fm, $i++);
- $i++;
- for my $item (@$items) {
- my $c = 0;
- my $type = $zinc->type($item);
- # id
- my $idbtn =
- $fm->Button(-text => $item,
- -foreground => 'sienna'
- )->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe',
- -ipadx => 5);
- $idbtn->bind('<1>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 0]);
- $idbtn->bind('<2>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 1]);
- $idbtn->bind('<3>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 2]);
- $balloonhelp->attach($idbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click and maintain to show the item. \n".
- "Use btn1, btn2 or btn3 to select the best\n".
- "background color for a good visibility. ");
- # type
- if ($type eq 'group') {
- my $gbtn =
- $fm->Button(-text => $type,
- -command => sub {
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $item.".");
- &showresult("Content of group $item", $zinc, @items);
- });
- $gbtn->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- $balloonhelp->attach($gbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to display the group's content.");
- } else {
- $fm->Label(-text => $type, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- }
- # parent group
- my $group = $zinc->group($item);
- my $pgbtn =
- $fm->Button(-text => $group,
- -command => [\&showresult,
- "Attributes of group $group (parent of $item)",
- $zinc, $group]);
- $pgbtn->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- $balloonhelp->attach($pgbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to display the parent group's attributes.");
- # priority
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -priority)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
- # sensitiveness
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -sensitive)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
- # visibility
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -visible)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
- # other options
- $fm->Button(-text => 'show',
- -command => [\&showalloptions, $label, $zinc, $item, $fm])
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- # transformations
- my $tlabel = 'yes';
- my ($xt, $yt, $xsc, $ysc, $a, $xsk) = $zinc->tget($item, 'all');
- $tlabel = 'no' if ($xt == 0 and $yt == 0 and $xsc == 1 and $ysc == 1 and
- $a == 0 and $xsk == 0);
- my $tbtn =
- $fm->Button(-text => $tlabel,
- -command => [\&showtransfoparams, $label, $zinc, $item],
- );
- $tbtn->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- $balloonhelp->attach($tbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to display transformation parameters.\n".
- "Some of them can be updated. ");
- # coords
- my @coords = $zinc->coords($item);
- my $coords;
- if (!ref $coords[0]) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
- } else {
- my @points0 = @{$coords[0]};
- my $n = $#coords;
- my @pointsN = @{$coords[$n]};
- my $x0 = int($points0[0]);
- my $y0 = int($points0[1]);
- my $xn = int($pointsN[0]);
- my $yn = int($pointsN[1]);
- if ($n == 1) { ## a couple of points
- $coords = "($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn)";
- } else {
- $coords = "P0=($x0, $y0), ..., P".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
- }
- }
- if (@coords > 2) {
- my $cbtn = $fm->Button(-text => $coords,
- -command => [\&showcoords, $label, $zinc, $item]);
- $cbtn->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
- $balloonhelp->attach($cbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to show all coordinates.");
- } else {
- $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- }
- # device coords
- @coords = $zinc->transform($item, 'device', [@coords]);
- if (!ref $coords[0]) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
- } else {
- my @points0 = @{$coords[0]};
- my $n = $#coords;
- my @pointsN = @{$coords[$n]};
- my $x0 = int($points0[0]);
- my $y0 = int($points0[1]);
- my $xn = int($pointsN[0]);
- my $yn = int($pointsN[1]);
- if ($n == 1) { ## a couple of points
- $coords = "($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn)";
- } else {
- $coords = "P0=($x0, $y0), ..., P".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
- }
- }
- if (@coords > 2) {
- my $dcbtn =
- $fm->Button(-text => $coords,
- -command => [\&showdevicecoords, $label, $zinc, $item]);
- $dcbtn->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
- $balloonhelp->attach($dcbtn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to show all device coordinates.");
- } else {
- $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- }
- # bounding box
- my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($item);
- if (@bbox == 4) {
- my ($b0, $b1, $b2, $b3) = @bbox;
- $b0 = sprintf("%.2f", $b0) if int($b0) ne $b0;
- $b1 = sprintf("%.2f", $b1) if int($b1) ne $b1;
- $b2 = sprintf("%.2f", $b2) if int($b2) ne $b2;
- $b3 = sprintf("%.2f", $b3) if int($b3) ne $b3;
- my $btn = $fm->Button(-text => "($b0, $b1), ($b2, $b3)")
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]);
- $btn->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&hidebbox, $zinc]) ;
- $balloonhelp->attach($btn,-balloonmsg =>
- "Click to show the bounding box.");
- } else {
- $fm->Label(-text => "--", , -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- }
- # tags
- my @tags = $zinc->gettags($item);
- my $height = 2;
- $height = scalar @tags if $cmdoptions{expandTagsField};
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -tags, join("\n", @tags), 30, 30, $height)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
- $i++;
- &showbanner($fm, $i++) if ($i % 15 == 0);
- }
-} # end showattributes
-sub showbanner {
- my $fm = shift;
- my $i = shift;
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- my $c = 0;
- $fm->Label(-text => "Item\nId", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "Item\nType", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "Parent\ngroup", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "P\nr\ni\no", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 2, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "S\ne\nn\ns", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 2, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "V\ni\ns\ni", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -ipady => 2, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "All\noptions", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => "Transfo", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Bounding box', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Tags', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
- -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label()->grid(-row => 1, -column => $c++, -pady => 10);
-} # end showbanner
-# Functions related to contours display
-# display contour (as simple curve)
-sub showcontour {
- my ($widget, $zinc, $color, $item, $contourcoords, $deviceflag) = @_;
- if ($deviceflag) {
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $contourcoords,
- -filled => 0,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- } else {
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [$zinc->transform($item, 1, $contourcoords)],
- -filled => 0,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- }
- $zinc->raise('zincdebugcontour');
-} # end showcontour
-sub hidecontour {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->remove('zincdebugcontour');
-} # end hidecontour
-# display contours points (one rectangle per point)
-sub showcontourpts {
- my ($widget, $zinc, $color, $item, $contourcoords, $deviceflag) = @_;
- my $i = 0;
- for my $coords (@$contourcoords) {
- my ($x, $y);
- if ($deviceflag) {
- ($x, $y) = @$coords;
- } else {
- ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform($item, 1, $coords);
- }
- if ($i == 0) {
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [$x-10, $y-10, $x+10, $y+10],
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- } elsif ($i == @$contourcoords -1) {
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [$x-10, $y-10, $x+10, $y+10],
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [$x-13, $y-13, $x+13, $y+13],
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- }
- my $dx = 3;
- if (@$coords > 2) {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-$dx, $y-$dx, $x+$dx, $y+$dx],
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- } else {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-$dx, $y-$dx, $x+$dx, $y+$dx],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -fillcolor => $color,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- }
- $i++;
- }
- $zinc->raise('zincdebugcontour');
-} # end showcontourpts
-# display one point of a contour (as a rectangle)
-sub showcontourpt {
- my ($widget, $zinc, $color, $item, $index, $deviceflag, $labels, @contour) = @_;
- $widget->focus;
- if ($index < 0 or $index >= @contour) {
- $widget->bell;
- return;
- }
- &hidecontour($zinc);
- my $bgcolor = ($labels->[0]->configure(-background))[3];
- for (@$labels) {
- $_->configure(-background => $bgcolor);
- }
- $labels->[$index]->configure(-background => 'bisque');
- my @coords = @{$contour[$index]};
- my ($x, $y);
- if ($deviceflag) {
- ($x, $y) = @coords;
- } else {
- ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform($item, 1, [@coords]);
- }
- my $dx = 3;
- if (@coords > 2) {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-$dx, $y-$dx, $x+$dx, $y+$dx],
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- } else {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-$dx, $y-$dx, $x+$dx, $y+$dx],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -fillcolor => $color,
- -linecolor => $color,
- -tags => ['zincdebugcontour']);
- }
- $widget->bind('<Key-Down>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, $color,
- $item, $index+1, $deviceflag, $labels, @contour]);
- $widget->bind('<Key-Right>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, $color,
- $item, $index+1, $deviceflag, $labels, @contour]);
- $widget->bind('<Key-Up>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, $color,
- $item, $index-1, $deviceflag, $labels, @contour]);
- $widget->bind('<Key-Left>', [\&showcontourpt, $zinc, $color,
- $item, $index-1, $deviceflag, $labels, @contour]);
- $zinc->raise('zincdebugcontour');
-} # end showcontourpt
-# Functions related to items graphical presentation
-# display the bbox of a group item
-sub showbbox {
- my ($btn, $zinc, $item) = @_;
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'zoom+move', 1);
- my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($item);
- if (scalar @bbox == 4) {
- # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it.
- # Else, a warning is displayed.
- unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox)) {
- my $i = -2;
- for ('white', 'blue', 'white') {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1,
- [$bbox[0] + $i, $bbox[1] + $i,
- $bbox[2] - $i, $bbox[3] - $i],
- -linecolor => $_,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -tags => ['zincdebugbbox']);
- $i += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- $zinc->trestore('zincdebugbbox', 'zoom+move');
- $zinc->raise('zincdebugbbox');
-} # end showbbox
-sub hidebbox {
- my ($btn, $zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->remove("zincdebugbbox");
-} # end hidebbox
-# display a message box when an item is not visible because outside window
-sub itemisoutside {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my @bbox = @_;
- return unless @bbox == 4;
- &getsize($zinc);
- #print "bbox=(@bbox) wheight=$wheight{$zinc} wwidth=$wwidth{$zinc}\n";
- my $outflag;
- $WARNING = 0;
- if ($bbox[2] < 0) {
- if ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) {
- $outflag = 'left+bottom';
- } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) {
- $outflag = 'left+top';
- } else {
- $outflag = 'left';
- }
- } elsif ($bbox[0] > $wwidth{$zinc}) {
- if ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) {
- $outflag = 'right+bottom';
- } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) {
- $outflag = 'right+top';
- } else {
- $outflag = 'right';
- }
- } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) {
- $outflag = 'top';
- } elsif ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) {
- $outflag = 'bottom';
- }
- #print "outflag=$outflag bbox=@bbox\n";
- return 0 unless $outflag;
- # create first group which will be translated. We will apply to this group
- # the reverse transformation of topgroup.
- my $g = $zinc->add('group', 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']);
- # create child group which won't be affected by ancestor's scale.
- my $g1 = $zinc->add('group', $g, -composescale => 0);
- my $hw = 110;
- my $hh = 80;
- my $r = 5;
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $g1, [-$hw, -$hh, $hw, $hh],
- -filled => 1,
- -linecolor => 'sienna',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -fillcolor => 'bisque',
- -priority => 1,
- );
- $zinc->add('text', $g1,
- -position => [0, 0],
- -color => 'sienna',
- -font => '-b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-34-240-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -priority => 2,
- -text => "Item is\noutside\nwindow\n");
- my ($x, $y);
- if ($outflag eq 'bottom') {
- $x = $bbox[0] + ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2;
- $x = $hw + 10 if $x < $hw + 10;
- $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10 if $x > $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10;
- $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'top') {
- $x = $bbox[0] + ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2;
- $x = $hw + 10 if $x < $hw + 10;
- $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10if $x > $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10;
- $y = $hh + 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'left') {
- $x = $hw + 10;
- $y = $bbox[1] + ($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/2;
- $y = $hh + 10 if $y < $hh + 10;
- $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10 if $y > $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'right') {
- $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10;
- $y = $bbox[1] + ($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/2;
- $y = $hh + 10 if $y < $hh + 10;
- $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10 if $y > $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'left+top') {
- $x = $hw + 10;
- $y = $hh + 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'left+bottom') {
- $x = $hw + 10;
- $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'right+top') {
- $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10;
- $y = $hh + 10;
- } elsif ($outflag eq 'right+bottom') {
- $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10;
- $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10;
- }
- # apply the reverse transformation of topgroup to group $g
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'transfo', 1);
- $zinc->trestore($g, 'transfo');
- # then translate group $g1
- $zinc->coords($g1, [$x, $y]);
- $zinc->raise('zincdebug');
-} # end itemisoutside
-# highlight an item (by cloning it and hiding other found items)
-# why cloning? because we can't simply make visible an item which
-# belongs to an invisible group.
-sub highlightitem {
- my ($btn, $zinc, $item, $level) = @_;
- return if $showitemflag or $item == 1;
- $showitemflag = 1;
- &surrounditem($zinc, $item, $level);
- $btn->bind('<ButtonRelease>', [\&undohighlightitem, $zinc]) if $btn;
-} # end highlightitem
-sub undohighlightitem {
- my ($btn, $zinc) = @_;
- #print "undohighlightitem\n";
- $btn->bind('ReleaseButton', '') if $btn;
- $zinc->remove('zincdebug');
- $showitemflag = 0;
-} # end undohighlightitem
-sub surrounditem {
- my ($zinc, $item, $level) = @_;
- $zinc->remove("zincdebug");
- # cloning
- my $clone = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']);
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'zoom+move', 1);
- $zinc->chggroup($clone, 1, 1);
- my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($clone);
- # create a rectangle around
- if (scalar @bbox == 4) {
- # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it.
- # Else, a warning is displayed.
- unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox)) {
- if (defined($level) and $level > 0) {
- my $r = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1,
- [$bbox[0] - 10, $bbox[1] - 10,
- $bbox[2] + 10, $bbox[3] + 10],
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -tags => ['zincdebug', 'zincdebugdecorator'],
- -fillcolor => "gray20");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray80") if $level == 1;
- }
- my $i = 0;
- for ('white', 'red', 'white') {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1,
- [$bbox[0] - 5 - 2*$i, $bbox[1] - 5 - 2*$i,
- $bbox[2] + 5 + 2*$i, $bbox[3] + 5 + 2*$i],
- -linecolor => $_,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -tags => ['zincdebug', 'zincdebugdecorator']);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- # raise
- $zinc->trestore('zincdebugdecorator', 'zoom+move');
- $zinc->raise('zincdebug');
- $zinc->raise($clone);
-} # end surrounditem
-# functions related to transformation animations
-sub showtransfo {
- my ($btn, $zinc, $item, $level) = @_;
- my $anim = &highlighttransfo($zinc, $item, $level);
- $btn->bind('<ButtonRelease>', [\&undohighlighttransfo, $zinc, $anim]) if $btn;
-} # end showtransfo
-sub highlighttransfo {
- my ($zinc, $item, $level) = @_;
- $zinc->remove("zincdebug");
- my $g = $zinc->add('group', 1);
- my $g0 = $zinc->add('group', $g, -alpha => 0);
- my $g1 = $zinc->add('group', $g);
- # clone item and reset its transformation
- my $clone0 = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags =>['zincdebug']);
- $zinc->treset($clone0);
- # clone item and preserve its transformation
- my $clone1 = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']);
- # move clones is dedicated group
- $zinc->chggroup($clone0, $g0, 1);
- $zinc->chggroup($clone1, $g1, 1);
- # create a rectangle around
- my @bbox0 = $zinc->bbox($g);
- if (scalar @bbox0 == 4) {
- $zinc->tsave(1, 'transfo', 1);
- my @bbox = $zinc->transform(1, $g, [@bbox0]);
- # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it.
- # Else, a warning is displayed.
- unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox0)) {
- my $r = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g,
- [$bbox[0] - 10, $bbox[1] - 10,
- $bbox[2] + 10, $bbox[3] + 10],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -tags => ['zincdebug'],
- -fillcolor => "gray90");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray50") if $level == 1;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray20") if $level == 2;
- $zinc->trestore($r, 'transfo');
- }
- }
- # raise
- $zinc->raise($g);
- $zinc->raise($g0);
- $zinc->raise($g1);
- # animation
- my $anim;
- if ($zinc->cget(-render) == 0) {
- $anim = $zinc->after(150, [sub {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($g1, -visible => 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($g0, -visible => 1);
- $zinc->update;
- }]);
- } else {
- my $maxsteps = 5;
- $step = $maxsteps;
- $anim = $zinc->repeat(100, [sub {
- return if $step < 0;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($g1, -alpha => ($step)*100/$maxsteps);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($g0, -alpha => ($maxsteps-$step)*100/$maxsteps);
- $zinc->update;
- $step--;
- }]);
- }
- return $anim;
-} # end highlighttransfo
-sub undohighlighttransfo {
- my ($btn, $zinc, $anim) = @_;
- $btn->bind('ReleaseButton', '') if $btn;
- $zinc->remove('zincdebug');
- $zinc->afterCancel($anim);
-} # end undohighlighttransfo
-# Snapshot functions
-# print a zinc window in png format
-sub printWindow {
- exit if $saving;
- $saving = 1;
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $basename = $cmdoptions{snapshotBasename};
- my $id = $zinc->id;
- my $filename = $basename . $imagecounter . ".png";
- $imagecounter++;
- my $original_cursor = ($zinc->configure(-cursor))[3];
- $zinc->configure(-cursor => 'watch');
- $zinc->update;
- my $res = system("import", -window, $id, $filename);
- $zinc->configure(-cursor => $original_cursor);
- $saving = 0;
- if ($res) {
- &showErrorWhilePrinting($zinc, $res)
- }
- else {
- my $dir = `pwd`; chomp ($dir);
- print "Tk::Zinc::Debug: Zinc window snapshot saved in $dir". "/$filename\n";
- }
-} # end printWindow
-# display complete help screen
-sub showErrorWhilePrinting {
- my ($zinc, $res) = @_;
- my $dir = `pwd`; chomp ($dir);
- $help_print->destroy if $help_print and Tk::Exists($help_print);
- $help_print = $zinc->Dialog(-title => 'Zinc Print info',
- -text =>
- "To acquire a TkZinc window snapshot, you must " .
- "have access to the import command, which is ".
- "part of imageMagic package\n\n".
- "You must also have the rights to write ".
- "in the current dir : $dir",
- -bitmap => 'warning',
- );
- $help_print->after(300, sub {$help_print->grabRelease});
- $help_print->Show();
-} # end showErrorWhilePrinting
-# Help functions
-# display help about tree
-sub showHelpAboutTree {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $helptree_tl->destroy if $helptree_tl and Tk::Exists($helptree_tl);
- $helptree_tl = $tree_tl->Toplevel;
- $helptree_tl->title("Help about Tree");
- my $text = $helptree_tl->Scrolled('Text',
- -font => scalar $zinc->cget(-font),
- -wrap => 'word',
- -foreground => 'gray10',
- -scrollbars => 'osoe',
- );
- &wheelmousebindings($text);
- $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue');
- $text->insert('end', "\nNAVIGATION IN TREE\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "<Up>", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor point to the item right on ".
- "top of the current anchor item. ");
- $text->insert('end', "<Down>", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor point to the item right below ".
- "the current anchor item. ");
- $text->insert('end', "<Left>", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor to the parent item of the ".
- "current anchor item. ");
- $text->insert('end', "<Right>", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " moves the anchor to the first child of the current anchor ".
- "item. If the current anchor item does not have any children, moves ".
- "the anchor to the item right below the current anchor item.\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "\nHIGHLIGHTING ITEMS\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "To display item's features, ");
- $text->insert('end', "double-click", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " on it, press ");
- $text->insert('end', "<Return>", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " key or click on the ");
- $text->insert('end', "Attributes", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " button.\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "To highlight item in the application, simply ");
- $text->insert('end', "click", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " on it.");
- &infoAboutHighlighting($text);
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n\nBUILDING CODE\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "To build perl code, select a branch or a leaf ".
- "and click on the ");
- $text->insert('end', "Build code", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " button. Then select an output file with the ".
- "file selector.\n\n");
- $text->configure(-state => 'disabled');
- $helptree_tl->Button(-command => sub {$helptree_tl->destroy},
- -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'bottom',
- -pady => 10);
- $text->pack->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10);
-} # end showHelpAboutTree
-sub showHelpAboutCoords {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $helpcoords_tl->destroy if $helpcoords_tl and Tk::Exists($helpcoords_tl);
- $helpcoords_tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
- $helpcoords_tl->title("Help about coordinates");
- my $text = $helpcoords_tl->Scrolled('Text',
- -font => scalar $zinc->cget(-font),
- -wrap => 'word',
- -height => 30,
- -foreground => 'gray10',
- -scrollbars => 'oe',
- );
- &wheelmousebindings($text);
- $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue');
- $text->tagConfigure('title', -foreground => 'ivory',
- -background => 'gray60',
- -spacing1 => 3,
- -spacing3 => 3);
- $text->insert('end', " To display a contour\n", 'title');
- $text->insert('end', "Press button labeled ");
- $text->insert('end', 'Contour i', 'keyword');
- $text->insert('end', " (*). Release it to hide contour.");
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', " To display all the points of a contour\n", 'title');
- $text->insert('end', "Press button labeled ");
- $text->insert('end', 'n points', 'keyword');
- $text->insert('end', " (*). Release it to hide points. First plot is ".
- "particularized by a circle, last one by a double circle. ".
- "Non-filled plots represent control points of a Bezier curve.");
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', " To navigate in the contour\n", 'title');
- $text->insert('end', "Select first a point by clicking in the coordinates table ");
- $text->insert('end', "(*). Th corresponding plot is displayed. Then use the ");
- $text->insert('end', "Up/Down", 'keyword');
- $text->insert('end', " (or ");
- $text->insert('end', "Left/Right", 'keyword');
- $text->insert('end', ") arrows keys to navigate in the contour");
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n");
- $text->insert('end', "(*) The color of displayed elements depends on the mouse ".
- "button you press.");
- $text->insert('end', "\n\n");
- $text->configure(-state => 'disabled');
- $helpcoords_tl->Button(-command => sub {$helpcoords_tl->destroy},
- -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'bottom',
- -pady => 10);
- $text->pack->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10);
-} # end showHelpAboutCoords
-sub infoAboutHighlighting {
- my $text = shift;
- $text->insert('end', "By default, using ");
- $text->insert('end', "left mouse button", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', ", highlighting is done by raising selected item and drawing ".
- "a rectangle arround. ");
- $text->insert('end', "In order to improve visibility, ");
- $text->insert('end', "item will be light backgrounded if you use ");
- $text->insert('end', "center mouse button", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', " and dark backgrounded if you use ");
- $text->insert('end', "right mouse button", "keyword");
- $text->insert('end', ". ");
-} # end infoAboutHighlighting
-sub entryballoonhelp {
- my $e = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- $msg .= "Editable field. To restore the inital value\n".
- "after edition, enter <Control-z> sequence. ";
- $balloonhelp->attach($e, -balloonposition => 'mouse',
- -balloonmsg => $msg);
-} # end entryballoonhelp
-sub balloonhelp {
- my $b = $control_tl->Balloon(-balloonposition => 'widget',
- -font => '6x13');
- $b->attach($button{zn},-balloonmsg =>
- "Widget instance selector. Use it when \n".
- "your application takes more than one \n".
- "TkZinc instance. When this mode is on,\n".
- "select the TkZinc instance you want \n".
- "inspect just by clicking on it. ");
- $b->attach($button{findenclosed}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Inspect all items *enclosed* in a \n".
- "rectangular area. When this mode is\n".
- "selected, draw rectangle using left\n".
- "mouse button. ");
- $b->attach($button{findoverlap}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Inspect all items which *overlap* \n".
- "a rectangular area. When this mode\n".
- "is selected, draw rectangle using \n".
- "left mouse button. ");
- $b->attach($button{tree}, -balloonmsg =>
- #"Display the items hierarchy. Can\n".
- #"build perl code corresponding to\n".
- #"a specific branch. ");
- "Display the items hierarchy. Provide\n".
- "some related functions, like building\n".
- "perl code corresponding to a branch.");
- $b->attach($button{item}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Locate an item in the items tree. \n".
- "When this mode is on, select in \n".
- "your application the item you want\n".
- "to inspect just by clicking on it.");
- $b->attach($button{id}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Open an entry field in which you will \n".
- "enter an item's id you want to inspect.");
- $b->attach($button{snapshot}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Snapshot the application window.");
- $b->attach($button{cursorxy}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Display the device coordinates\n".
- "of the X cursor. ");
- $b->attach($button{zoomminus}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Shrink the top group.");
- $b->attach($button{zoomplus}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Expand the top group.");
- $b->attach($button{move}, -balloonmsg =>
- "Translate the top group. When this\n".
- "mode is selected, move the top \n".
- "group using left mouse button. ");
- $b->attach($button{balloon},-balloonmsg =>
- "Balloon help toggle.");
- $b->attach($button{close},-balloonmsg =>
- "Close this buttons bar.");
- return $b;
-} # end balloonhelp
-# Bitmaps creation for the buttons of the control bar
-sub createBitmaps {
- my $zinc = shift;
- my $bitmaps;
- $bitmaps->{close} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define close_width 29
-#define close_height 29
-static unsigned char close_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x07, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xb8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{zn} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define focus_width 29
-#define focus_height 29
-static unsigned char focus_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x20, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x33, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x06, 0x7b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x67, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0x63, 0x00,
- 0xc0, 0x01, 0x63, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x20, 0x63, 0x00,
- 0x70, 0x30, 0x63, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xbf, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
- $bitmaps->{findenclosed} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define findenclosed_width 29
-#define findenclosed_height 29
-static unsigned char findenclosed_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xfc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x80, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x22, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x24, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x28, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x03,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{findoverlap} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define findoverlap_width 29
-#define findoverlap_height 29
-static unsigned char findoverlap_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xfc, 0xb6, 0x6d, 0x03, 0xfc, 0xb6, 0x6d, 0x03, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x80, 0x00, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x24, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x28, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
- 0x18, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x03, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xd8, 0xb6, 0x6d, 0x03, 0xd8, 0xb6, 0x6d, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{tree} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define tree_width 29
-#define tree_height 29
-static unsigned char tree_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00,
- 0xc0, 0x1f, 0x04, 0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00,
- 0x40, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x0f,
- 0x40, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00, 0x3f, 0x08,
- 0x40, 0x00, 0x21, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00, 0x21, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x0f,
- 0x40, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{item} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define item_width 29
-#define item_height 29
-static unsigned char item_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xe0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xc0, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xdc, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{id} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define id_width 29
-#define id_height 29
-static unsigned char id_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x0c, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x0f, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xc6, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x0c, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x66, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x0c, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xc6, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8f, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
- $bitmaps->{snapshot} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define snapshot_width 29
-#define snapshot_height 29
-static unsigned char snapshot_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x00,
- 0x80, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xf1, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01,
- 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0x01,
- 0xf0, 0xe7, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x13, 0xf9, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x09, 0xf2, 0x01,
- 0xf0, 0x05, 0xf4, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x05, 0xf4, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x05, 0xf4, 0x01,
- 0xf0, 0x09, 0xf2, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x13, 0xf9, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xe7, 0xfc, 0x01,
- 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{zoomminus} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define zoomminus_width 29
-#define zoomminus_height 29
-static unsigned char zoomminus_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
- 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00,
- 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,
- 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x71, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04};
- $bitmaps->{zoomplus} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define zoomplus_width 29
-#define zoomplus_height 29
-static unsigned char zoomplus_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x71, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x00,
- 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x10, 0x00,
- 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x08, 0x00,
- 0x04, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,
- 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x71, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x70, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1f,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04};
- $bitmaps->{move} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define hand_width 29
-#define hand_height 29
-static unsigned char hand_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x13, 0x0f, 0x00,
- 0x40, 0x12, 0x11, 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x11, 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0xd1, 0x01,
- 0x80, 0x14, 0x31, 0x02, 0x80, 0x14, 0x31, 0x02, 0x80, 0x18, 0x31, 0x02,
- 0x80, 0x18, 0x31, 0x02, 0x00, 0x11, 0x31, 0x02, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x01,
- 0x1c, 0x11, 0x11, 0x01, 0x22, 0x01, 0x11, 0x01, 0x42, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01,
- 0x84, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x88, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
- 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x40, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{balloon} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define balloon_width 29
-#define balloon_height 29
-static unsigned char balloon_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
- 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
- 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xe0, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x40, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- $bitmaps->{cursorxy} = $zinc->toplevel->Bitmap(-data => <<EOF);
-#define balloon_width 29
-#define balloon_height 29
-static unsigned char balloon_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x30, 0x06, 0x8c, 0x01, 0x70, 0x07, 0x8c, 0x01, 0x60, 0x03, 0x8c, 0x01,
- 0xc0, 0x01, 0xd8, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x60, 0xe3, 0xd8, 0x00,
- 0x70, 0x66, 0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x66, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x60, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x30, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
- return $bitmaps;
-} # end createBitmaps
-# Miscellaneous
-sub getsize {
- my $zinc = shift;
- $wwidth{$zinc} = $zinc->cget(-width);
- $wheight{$zinc} = $zinc->cget(-height);
-} # end getsize
-sub entryoption {
- my ($fm, $item, $zinc, $option, $def, $widthmax, $widthmin, $height) = @_;
- my $arrayflag;
- unless (defined $def) {
- my @def = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option);
- if (@def > 1) {
- $arrayflag = 1;
- $def = join(', ', @def);
- } else {
- $def = $def[0];
- }
- }
- $def = "" unless defined $def;
- my $i0;
- my $e;
- if ($def =~ /\n/) {
- $height = 1 unless defined($height);
- $e = $fm->Text(-height => $height, -width => 1, -wrap => 'none');
- $i0 = '0.0';
- } else {
- $e = $fm->Entry();
- $i0 = 0;
- }
- &entryballoonhelp($e);
- my $width = length($def);
- $width = $widthmax if defined($widthmax) and $width > $widthmax;
- $width = $widthmin if defined($widthmin) and $width < $widthmin;
- $e->configure(-width => $width);
- if ($defaultoptions{$item}->{$option} and
- $def ne $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}) {
- $e->configure(-foreground => 'blue');
- }
- $e->insert($i0, $def);
- $e->bind('<Control-z>', sub {
- return unless defined $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option};
- my $bg = $e->cget(-background);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, $option => $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option});
- $e->delete($i0, 'end');
- $e->insert($i0, $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option});
- $e->configure(-background => 'ivory');
- $e->after(80, sub {$e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => 'black')});
- });
- $e->bind('<Key-Return>',
- sub {my $val = $e->get;
- my $bg = $e->cget(-background);
- $e->configure(-background => 'ivory');
- if ($def ne $val) {
- $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option} = $def
- unless $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option};
- }
- my $fg = ($val ne $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}) ?
- 'blue' : 'black';
- $e->after(80, sub {
- $e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => $fg);
- });
- if ($arrayflag) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, $option => [split(/,/, $val)]);
- } else {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, $option => $val);
- }
- });
- return $e;
-} # end entryoption
-sub entrytransfo {
- my ($fm, $item, $zinc, $attr, $def, $var, $width, $set_cb) = @_;
- my $i0;
- my $e;
- $e = $fm->Entry(-textvariable => $var);
- &entryballoonhelp($e);
- $i0 = 0;
- $width = length($def) unless $width;
- $e->configure(-width => $width);
- $e->insert($i0, $def);
- $e->bind('<Control-z>', sub {
- my $bg = $e->cget(-background);
- $e->delete($i0, 'end');
- $e->insert($i0, $def);
- $e->configure(-background => 'ivory');
- $e->after(80, sub {$e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => 'black')});
- &$set_cb;
- });
- $e->bind('<Key-Return>',
- sub {my $val = $e->get;
- my $bg = $e->cget(-background);
- $e->configure(-background => 'ivory');
- my $fg = ($val ne $def) ? 'blue' : 'black';
- $e->after(80, sub {
- $e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => $fg);
- });
- &$set_cb;
- });
- return $e;
-} # end entrytransfo
-sub instances {
- return @instances;
-} # end instances
-sub saveMotionBinding {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- for my $seq ('Motion') {
- $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq} = $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>')
- unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq} = "" unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>', "");
- }
-} # end saveMotionBinding
-sub restoreMotionBinding {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- for my $seq ('Motion') {
- next unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>', $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq});
- delete $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- }
-} # end restoreMotionBinding
-sub saveDragAndDropBindings {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- for my $seq ('ButtonPress-1', 'B1-Motion', 'ButtonRelease-1') {
- $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq} = $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>')
- unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq} = "" unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- #print "saveDragAndDropBindings seq=$seq cb=$userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq}\n";
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>', "");
- }
-} # end saveDragAndDropBindings
-sub restoreDragAndDropBindings {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- for my $seq ('ButtonPress-1', 'B1-Motion', 'ButtonRelease-1') {
- next unless defined $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>', $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq});
- #print "restoreDragAndDropBindings seq=$seq cb=$userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq}\n";
- delete $userbindings{$zinc}->{$seq};
- }
-} # end restoreDragAndDropBindings
-sub newinstance {
- my $zinc = shift;
- return if $instances{$zinc};
- $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('<Key-Escape>', \&Tk::Zinc::Debug::deiconify);
- $instances{$zinc} = 1;
- push(@instances, $zinc);
- $zinc->Tk::focus;
- $selectedzinc = $zinc;
-} # end newinstance
-sub deiconify {
- $button{zn}->destroy() if @instances == 1 and Tk::Exists($button{zn});
- $control_tl->deiconify();
- for (values %result_tl) {
- $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- for (values %coords_tl) {
- $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- for (values %alloptions_tl) {
- $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- $tree_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($tree_tl);
- $search_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($search_tl);
- $searchtree_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
- $cursorxy_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($cursorxy_tl);
- $control_tl->raise();
-} # end deiconify
-sub iconify {
- for (values %result_tl) {
- $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- for (values %coords_tl) {
- $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- for (values %alloptions_tl) {
- $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
- }
- $tree_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($tree_tl);
- $search_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($search_tl);
- $searchtree_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
- $cursorxy_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($cursorxy_tl);
- $control_tl->withdraw();
-} # end iconify
-# wheelmousebindings doesn't work for Tk::Pane widgets...
-sub wheelmousebindings {
- my $w = shift;
- my $count = shift;
- $count = 3 unless $count > 0;
- $w->bind('<Control-ButtonPress-4>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', -1, 'page')});
- $w->bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-4>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', -1, 'unit')});
- $w->bind('<ButtonPress-4>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', -$count, 'unit')});
- $w->bind('<Control-ButtonPress-5>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', 1, 'page')});
- $w->bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-5>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', 1, 'unit')});
- $w->bind('<ButtonPress-5>', sub {$w->yview('scroll', $count, 'unit')});
-} # end wheelmousebindings
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc::Debug - a perl module for analysing a Zinc application.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MTk::Zinc::Debug zincscript [zincscript-opts] [Debug-initopts]
- or
- use Tk::Zinc::Debug;
- my $zinc = MainWindow->new()->Zinc()->pack;
- Tk::Zinc::Debug::init($zinc, [options]);
-Tk::Zinc::Debug provides an interface to help developers to inspect Zinc applications.
-Press the B<Escape> key in the toplevel of your application to display the Tk::Zinc::Debug buttons bar.
-Features :
-=item B<o> scan a rectangular area
-Scan all items which are enclosed in a rectangular area you have first drawn by drag & drop, or all items which overlap it. Result is a Tk table which presents details (options, coordinates, ...) about found items; you can also highlight a particular item, even if it's not visible, by clicking on its corresponding button in the table. You can also display particular item's features by entering this id in dedicated entry field
-=item B<o> display items hierarchy
-You can find a particular item's position in the tree and you can highlight items and see their features as described above. You can also generate the perl code corresponding to a selected branch (but images can't be reproduced).
-=item B<o> snapshot the application window
-In order to illustrate a graphical bug for example.
-=item B<o> display coordinates of the X cursor.
-=item B<o> zoom/translate the top group
-=head2 Loading Tk::Zinc::Debug as a plugin
-If you load Tk::Zinc::Debug using the -M perl option, B<nothing needs to be added to your code>. In this case, the B<init()> function is automatically invoked with its default attributes for each instance of Zinc widget. You can overload these by passing the same options to the command.
-=head1 FUNCTION
-=item B<init>($zinc, ?option => value, ...?)
-This function creates required Tk bindings to permit items search. You can specify the following options :
-=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-optionsToDisplay> => opt1[,..,optN]
-Used to display some option's values associated to items of the tree. Expected argument is a string of commas separated options.
-=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-optionsFormat> => row | column
-Defines the display format of option's values. Default is 'row'.
-=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-snapshotBasename> => string
-Defines the basename used for the file containing the snaphshot. The filename will be <current­dir>/basename<n>.png Defaulted to 'zincsnapshot'.
-=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-expandTagsField> => 0 | 1
-Specifies if the tags field in the attributes window will be expanded to show all the items tags (it should take up a lot of space). In the default case (value is set to 0), only the head of the list is displayed.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
-=head1 HISTORY
-Oct 5 2004 : transformations are correctly managed in built code. Transfo parameters can be displayed and set. new mode to display coordinateds of X cursor.
-Oct 14 2003 : add a control bar, and zoom/translate new functionalities. finditems(), tree(), snapshot() functions become deprecated, initialisation is done using the new init() function.
-Oct 07 2003 : contours of curves can be displayed and explored.
-Sep 15 2003 : due to CPAN-isation, the ZincDebug module has been renamed Tk::Zinc::Debug
-May 20 2003 : perl code can be generated from the items tree, with some limitations concerning transformations and images.
-Mar 11 2003 : ZincDebug can manage several instances of Zinc widget. Options of ZincDebug functions can be set on the command line.
-Jan 20 2003 : item's attributes can be edited.
-Jan 14 2003 : ZincDebug can be loaded at runtime using the -M perl option without any change in the application's code.
-Nov 6 2002 : some additional informations (like tags or other attributes values) can be displayed in the items tree. Add feedback when selected item is not visible because outside window.
-Sep 2 2002 : add the tree() function
-May 27 2002 : add the snapshot() function contributed by Ch. Mertz.
-Jan 28 2002 : Zincdebug provides the finditems() function and can manage only one instance of Zinc widget.
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8305c81..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3067 +0,0 @@
-# Graphics.pm
-# some graphic design functions
-# Functions to create complexe graphic component :
-# ------------------------------------------------
-# buildZincItem (realize a zinc item from description hash table
-# management of enhanced graphics functions)
-# repeatZincItem (duplication of given zinc item)
-# Function to compute complexe geometrical forms :
-# (text header of functions explain options for each form,
-# function return curve coords using control points of cubic curve)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# roundedRectangleCoords (return curve coords of rounded rectangle)
-# hippodromeCoords (return curve coords of circus form)
-# ellipseCoords (return curve coords of ellipse form)
-# polygonCoords (return curve coords of regular polygon)
-# roundedCurveCoords (return curve coords of rounded curve)
-# polylineCoords (return curve coords of polyline)
-# shiftPathCoords (return curve coords of shifting path)
-# tabBoxCoords (return curve coords of tabBox's pages)
-# pathLineCoords (return triangles coords of pathline)
-# Function to compute 2D 1/2 relief and shadow :
-# function build zinc items (triangles and curve) to simulate this
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# graphicItemRelief (return triangle items simulate relief of given item)
-# polylineReliefParams (return triangle coords and lighting triangles color list)
-# graphicItemShadow (return triangles and curve items simulate shadow of given item))
-# polylineShadowParams (return triangle and curve coords and shadow triangles color list))
-# Geometrical basic Functions :
-# -----------------------------
-# perpendicularPoint
-# lineAngle
-# lineNormal
-# vertexAngle
-# arc_pts
-# rad_point
-# bezierCompute
-# bezierSegment
-# bezierPoint
-# Pictorial Functions :
-# ----------------------
-# setGradients
-# getPattern
-# getTexture
-# getImage
-# init_pixmaps
-# zincItemPredominantColor
-# ZnColorToRGB
-# hexaRGBcolor
-# createGraduate
-# pathGraduate
-# MedianColor
-# LightingColor
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-package Tk::Zinc::Graphics;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(&buildZincItem &repeatZincItem &buidTabBoxItem
- &roundedRectangleCoords &hippodromeCoords &polygonCoords &ellipseCoords
- &roundedCurveCoords &polylineCoords &tabBoxCoords &pathLineCoords &shiftPathCoords
- &perpendicularPoint &lineAngle &vertexAngle &rad_point &arc_pts &lineNormal
- &curve2polylineCoords &curveItem2polylineCoords &bezierSegment &bezierCompute
- &graphicItemRelief &graphicItemShadow
- &setGradients &getPattern &getTexture &getImage &init_pixmaps
- &hexaRGBcolor &createGraduate &lightingColor &zincItemPredominantColor
- &MedianColor &RGBtoLCH &LCHtoRGB &RGBtoHLS &HLStoRGB
- );
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Tk;
-use Tk::PNG;
-use Tk::JPEG;
-use Math::Trig;
-# constante facteur point directeur (conique -> quadratique)
-my $const_ptd_factor = .5523;
-# constante white point (conversion couleur espace CIE XYZ)
-my ($Xw, $Yw, $Zw) = (95.047, 100.0, 108.883);
-# limite globale d'approximation courbe bezier
-my $bezierClosenessThreshold = .2;
-# initialisation et partage de ressources couleurs et images
-my @Gradients;
-my %textures;
-my %images;
-my %bitmaps;
-# Graphics::buildZincItem
-# Création d'un objet Zinc de représentation
-# types d'items valides :
-# les items natifs zinc : group, rectangle, arc, curve, text, icon
-# les items ci-aprčs permettent de spécifier des curves 'particuličres' :
-# -roundedrectangle : rectangle ŕ coin arrondi
-# -hippodrome : hippodrome
-# -ellipse : ellipse un centre 2 rayons
-# -polygone : polygone régulier ŕ n cotés (convexe ou en étoile)
-# -roundedcurve : curve multicontours ŕ coins arrondis (rayon unique)
-# -polyline : curve multicontours ŕ coins arrondis (le rayon pouvant ętre défini
-# spécifiquement pour chaque sommet)
-# -pathline : création d'une ligne 'épaisse' avec l'item Zinc triangles
-# décalage par rapport ŕ un chemin donné (largeur et sens de décalage)
-# dégradé de couleurs de la ligne (linéaire, transversal ou double)
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget Zinc
-# parentgroup : <tagOrId> identifiant du group parent
-# options :
-# -itemtype : type de l'item ŕ construire (type zinc ou metatype)
-# -coords : <coords|coordsList> coordonnées de l'item
-# -metacoords : <hastable> calcul de coordonnées par type d'item différent de -itemtype
-# -contours : <contourList> paramčtres multi-contours
-# -params : <hastable> arguments spécifiques de l'item ŕ passer au widget
-# -addtags : [list of specific tags] to add to params -tags
-# -texture : <imagefile> ajout d'une texture ŕ l'item
-# -pattern : <imagefile> ajout d'un pattern ŕ l'item
-# -relief : <hastable> création d'un relief ŕ l'item invoque la fonction &graphicItemRelief()
-# -shadow : <hastable> création d'une ombre portée ŕ l'item invoque la fonction &graphicItemShadow()
-# -scale : <scale_factor|[xscale_factor,yscale_factor]> application d'une transformation zinc->scale ŕ l'item
-# -translate : <[dx,dy]> application d'un transformation zinc->translate ŕ l'item.
-# -rotate : <angle> application d'une transformation zinc->rotate (en degré) ŕ l'item
-# -name : <str> nom de l'item
-# spécifiques item group :
-# -clip : <coordList|hashtable> paramčtres de clipping d'un item group (coords ou item)
-# -items : <hashtable> appel récursif de la fonction permettant d'inclure des items au groupe
-sub buildZincItem {
- my ($widget, $parentgroup, %options) = @_;
- $parentgroup = 1 if !$parentgroup;
- my $itemtype = $options{'-itemtype'};
- my $coords = $options{'-coords'};
- my $params = $options{'-params'};
- return unless ($widget and $itemtype and ($coords or $options{'-metacoords'}));
- my $name = ($options{'-name'}) ? $options{'-name'} : 'none';
- my $item;
- my $metatype;
- my (@items, @reliefs, @shadows);
- my @tags;
- #--------------------
- # gestion des types d'items particuliers et ŕ raccords circulaires
- if ($itemtype eq 'roundedrectangle'
- or $itemtype eq 'hippodrome'
- or $itemtype eq 'polygone'
- or $itemtype eq 'ellipse'
- or $itemtype eq 'roundedcurve'
- or $itemtype eq 'polyline'
- or $itemtype eq 'curveline') {
- # par défaut la curve sera fermée -closed = 1
- $params->{'-closed'} = 1 if (!defined $params->{'-closed'});
- $metatype = $itemtype;
- $itemtype = 'curve';
- # possibilité de définir les coordonnées initiales par metatype
- if ($options{'-metacoords'}) {
- $options{'-coords'} = &metaCoords(%{$options{'-metacoords'}});
- }
- # création d'une pathline ŕ partir d'item zinc triangles
- } elsif ($itemtype eq 'pathline') {
- $itemtype = 'triangles';
- if ($options{'-metacoords'}) {
- $coords = &metaCoords(%{$options{'-metacoords'}});
- }
- if ($options{'-graduate'}) {
- my $numcolors = scalar(@{$coords});
- $params->{'-colors'} = &pathGraduate($widget, $numcolors, $options{'-graduate'});
- }
- $coords = &pathLineCoords($coords, %options);
- # création d'une boite ŕ onglet
- } elsif ($itemtype eq 'tabbox') {
- return &buildTabBoxItem($widget, $parentgroup, %options);
- }
- # calcul des coordonnées finales de la curve
- $coords = &metaCoords(-type => $metatype, %options) if ($metatype);
- # gestion du multi-contours (accessible pour tous les types d'items géometriques)
- if ($options{'-contours'} and $metatype) {
- my @contours = @{$options{'-contours'}};
- my $numcontours = scalar(@contours);
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numcontours; $i++) {
- # radius et corners peuvent ętre défini spécifiquement pour chaque contour
- my ($type, $way, $addcoords, $radius, $corners, $corners_radius) = @{$contours[$i]};
- $radius = $options{'-radius'} if (!defined $radius);
- my $newcoords = &metaCoords(-type => $metatype,
- -coords => $addcoords,
- -radius => $radius,
- -corners => $corners,
- -corners_radius => $corners_radius
- );
- $options{'-contours'}->[$i] = [$type, $way, $newcoords];
- }
- }
- #----------------------
- # gestion des coordonnées et du clipping
- if ($itemtype eq 'group') {
- $item = $widget->add($itemtype,
- $parentgroup,
- %{$params});
- $widget->coords($item, $coords) if $coords;
- # clipping du groupe par item ou par géometrie
- if ($options{'-clip'}) {
- my $clipbuilder = $options{'-clip'};
- my $clip;
- # création d'un item de clipping
- if ($clipbuilder->{'-itemtype'}) {
- $clip = &buildZincItem($widget, $item, %{$clipbuilder});
- } elsif (ref($clipbuilder) eq 'ARRAY' or $widget->type($clipbuilder)) {
- $clip = $clipbuilder;
- }
- $widget->itemconfigure($item, -clip => $clip) if ($clip);
- }
- # créations si besoin des items contenus dans le groupe
- if ($options{'-items'} and ref($options{'-items'}) eq 'HASH') {
- while (my ($itemname, $itemstyle) = each(%{$options{'-items'}})) {
- $itemstyle->{'-name'} = $itemname if (!$itemstyle->{'-name'});
- &buildZincItem($widget, $item, %{$itemstyle});
- }
- }
- } elsif ($itemtype eq 'text' or $itemtype eq 'icon') {
- my $imagefile;
- if ($itemtype eq 'icon') {
- $imagefile = $params->{'-image'};
- my $image = &getImage($widget, $imagefile);
- $params->{'-image'} = ($image) ? $image : "";
- }
- $item = $widget->add($itemtype,
- $parentgroup,
- -position => $coords,
- %{$params},
- );
- $params->{'-image'} = $imagefile if $imagefile;
- } else {
- $item = $widget->add($itemtype,
- $parentgroup,
- $coords,
- %{$params},
- );
- if ($itemtype eq 'curve' and $options{'-contours'}) {
- foreach my $contour (@{$options{'-contours'}}) {
- $widget->contour($item, @{$contour});
- }
- }
- # gestion du mode norender
- if ($options{'-texture'}) {
- my $texture = &getTexture($widget, $options{'-texture'});
- $widget->itemconfigure($item, -tile => $texture) if $texture;
- }
- if ($options{'-pattern'}) {
- my $bitmap = &getBitmap($options{'-pattern'});
- $widget->itemconfigure($item, -fillpattern => $bitmap) if $bitmap;
- }
- }
- # gestion des tags spécifiques
- if ($options{'-addtags'}) {
- my @tags = @{$options{'-addtags'}};
- my $params_tags = $params->{'-tags'};
- push (@tags, @{$params_tags}) if $params_tags;
- $widget->itemconfigure($item, -tags => \@tags);
- }
- #-------------------------------
- # transformation scale de l'item si nécessaire
- if ($options{'-scale'}) {
- my $scale = $options{'-scale'};
- $scale = [$scale, $scale] if (ref($scale) ne 'ARRAY');
- $widget->scale($item, @{$scale}) ;
- }
- # transformation rotate de l'item si nécessaire
- $widget->rotate($item, deg2rad($options{'-rotate'})) if ($options{'-rotate'});
- # transformation translate de l'item si nécessaire
- $widget->translate($item, @{$options{'-translate'}}) if ($options{'-translate'});
- # répétition de l'item
- if ($options{'-repeat'}) {
- push (@items, $item,
- &repeatZincItem($widget, $item, %{$options{'-repeat'}}));
- }
- #-----------------------
- # gestion du relief
- if ($options{'-relief'}) {
- my $target = (@items) ? \@items : $item;
- push (@reliefs, &graphicItemRelief($widget, $target, %{$options{'-relief'}}));
- }
- # gestion de l'ombre portée
- if ($options{'-shadow'}) {
- my $target = (@items) ? \@items : $item;
- push (@shadows, &graphicItemShadow($widget, $target, %{$options{'-shadow'}}));
- }
- push(@items, @reliefs) if @reliefs;
- push(@items, @shadows) if @shadows;
- return (@items) ? @items : $item;
-# Graphics::repeatZincItem
-# Duplication (clonage) d'un objet Zinc de représentation
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item source
-# options :
-# -num : <n> nombre d'item total (par defaut 2)
-# -dxy : <[dx, dy]> translation entre 2 duplications (par defaut [0,0])
-# -angle : <angle> rotation entre 2 duplications
-# -copytag : <sting> ajout d'un tag indexé pour chaque copie
-# -params : <hashtable> {clef => [value list]}> valeur de paramčtre de chaque copie
-sub repeatZincItem {
- my ($widget, $item, %options) = @_;
- my @clones;
- # duplication d'une liste d'items -> appel récursif
- if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
- foreach my $part (@{$item}) {
- push (@clones, &repeatZincItem($widget, $part, %options));
- }
- return wantarray ? @clones : \@clones;
- }
- my $num = ($options{'-num'}) ? $options{'-num'} : 2;
- my ($dx, $dy) = (defined $options{'-dxy'}) ? @{$options{'-dxy'}} : (0, 0);
- my $angle = $options{'-angle'};
- my $params = $options{'-params'};
- my $copytag = $options{'-copytag'};
- my @tags;
- if ($copytag) {
- @tags = $widget->itemcget($item, -tags);
- unshift (@tags, $copytag."0");
- $widget->itemconfigure($item, -tags => \@tags);
- }
- for (my $i = 1; $i < $num; $i++) {
- my $clone;
- if ($copytag) {
- $tags[0] = $copytag.$i;
- $clone = $widget->clone($item, -tags => \@tags);
- } else {
- $clone = $widget->clone($item);
- }
- push(@clones, $clone);
- $widget->translate($clone, $dx*$i, $dy*$i);
- $widget->rotate($clone, deg2rad($angle*$i)) if $angle;
- if ($params) {
- while (my ($attrib, $value) = each(%{$params})) {
- $widget->itemconfigure($clone, $attrib => $value->[$i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return wantarray ? @clones : \@clones;
-# Graphics::metaCoords
-# retourne une liste de coordonnées en utilisant la fonction du type d'item spécifié
-# paramčtres : (passés par %options)
-# -type : <string> type de primitive utilisée
-# -coords : <coordsList> coordonnées nécessitée par la fonction [type]Coords
-# les autres options spécialisées au type seront passés ŕ la fonction [type]coords
-sub metaCoords {
- my (%options) = @_;
- my $pts;
- my $type = delete $options{'-type'};
- my $coords = delete $options{'-coords'};
- if ($type eq 'roundedrectangle') {
- $pts = &roundedRectangleCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'hippodrome') {
- $pts = &hippodromeCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'ellipse') {
- $pts = &ellipseCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'roundedcurve') {
- $pts = &roundedCurveCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'polygone') {
- $pts = &polygonCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'polyline') {
- $pts = &polylineCoords($coords, %options);
- } elsif ($type eq 'curveline') {
- $pts = &curveLineCoords($coords, %options);
- }
- return $pts;
-# Graphics::ZincItem2CurveCoords
-# retourne une liste des coordonnées 'Curve' d'un l'item Zinc
-# rectangle, arc ou curve
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item source
-# options :
-# -linear : <boolean> réduction ŕ des segments non curviligne (par défaut 0)
-# -realcoords : <boolean> coordonnées ŕ transformer dans le groupe pčre (par défaut 0)
-# -adjust : <boolean> ajustement de la courbe de bezier (par défaut 1)
-sub ZincItem2CurveCoords {
- my ($widget, $item, %options) = @_;
- my $itemtype = $widget->type($item);
- return unless ($itemtype);
- my $linear = $options{-linear};
- my $realcoords = $options{-realcoords};
- my $adjust = (defined $options{-adjust}) ? $options{-adjust} : 1;
- my @itemcoords = $widget->coords($item);
- my $coords;
- my @multi;
- if ($itemtype eq 'rectangle') {
- $coords = &roundedRectangleCoords(\@itemcoords, -radius => 0);
- } elsif ($itemtype eq 'arc') {
- $coords = &ellipseCoords(\@itemcoords);
- $coords = &curve2polylineCoords($coords, $adjust) if $linear;
- } elsif ($itemtype eq 'curve') {
- my $numcontours = $widget->contour($item);
- if ($numcontours < 2) {
- $coords = \@itemcoords;
- $coords = &curve2polylineCoords($coords, $adjust) if $linear;
- } else {
- if ($linear) {
- @multi = &curveItem2polylineCoords($widget, $item);
- } else {
- for (my $contour = 0; $contour < $numcontours; $contour++) {
- my @points = $widget->coords($item, $contour);
- push (@multi, \@points);
- }
- }
- $coords = \@multi;
- }
- }
- if ($realcoords) {
- my $parentgroup = $widget->group($item);
- if (@multi) {
- my @newcoords;
- foreach my $points (@multi) {
- my @transcoords = $widget->transform($item, $parentgroup, $points);
- push(@newcoords, \@transcoords);
- }
- $coords = \@newcoords;
- } else {
- my @transcoords = $widget->transform($item, $parentgroup, $coords);
- $coords = \@transcoords;
- }
- }
- if (@multi) {
- return (wantarray) ? @{$coords} : $coords;
- } else {
- return (wantarray) ? ($coords) : $coords;
- }
-# Graphics::roundedRectangleCoords
-# calcul des coords du rectangle ŕ coins arrondis
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> coordonnées bbox (haut-gauche et bas-droite) du rectangle
-# options :
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon de raccord d'angle
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste des raccords de sommets [0 (aucun raccord)|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
-sub roundedRectangleCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my ($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn) = ($coords->[0]->[0], $coords->[0]->[1],
- $coords->[1]->[0], $coords->[1]->[1]);
- my $radius = $options{'-radius'};
- my $corners = $options{'-corners'} ? $options{'-corners'} : [1, 1, 1, 1];
- # attention aux formes 'négatives'
- if ($xn < $x0) {
- my $xs = $x0;
- ($x0, $xn) = ($xn, $xs);
- }
- if ($yn < $y0) {
- my $ys = $y0;
- ($y0, $yn) = ($yn, $ys);
- }
- my $height = &_min($xn -$x0, $yn - $y0);
- if (!defined $radius) {
- $radius = int($height/10);
- $radius = 3 if $radius < 3;
- }
- if (!$radius or $radius < 2) {
- return [[$x0, $y0],[$x0, $yn],[$xn, $yn],[$xn, $y0]];
- }
- # correction de radius si necessaire
- my $max_rad = $height;
- $max_rad /= 2 if (!defined $corners);
- $radius = $max_rad if $radius > $max_rad;
- # points remarquables
- my $ptd_delta = $radius * $const_ptd_factor;
- my ($x2, $x3) = ($x0 + $radius, $xn - $radius);
- my ($x1, $x4) = ($x2 - $ptd_delta, $x3 + $ptd_delta);
- my ($y2, $y3) = ($y0 + $radius, $yn - $radius);
- my ($y1, $y4) = ($y2 - $ptd_delta, $y3 + $ptd_delta);
- # liste des 4 points sommet du rectangle : angles sans raccord circulaire
- my @angle_pts = ([$x0, $y0],[$x0, $yn],[$xn, $yn],[$xn, $y0]);
- # liste des 4 segments quadratique : raccord d'angle = radius
- my @roundeds = ([[$x2, $y0],[$x1, $y0, 'c'],[$x0, $y1, 'c'],[$x0, $y2],],
- [[$x0, $y3],[$x0, $y4, 'c'],[$x1, $yn, 'c'],[$x2, $yn],],
- [[$x3, $yn],[$x4, $yn, 'c'],[$xn, $y4, 'c'],[$xn, $y3],],
- [[$xn, $y2],[$xn, $y1, 'c'],[$x4, $y0, 'c'],[$x3, $y0],]);
- my @pts = ();
- my $previous;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
- if ($corners->[$i]) {
- if ($previous) {
- # on teste si non duplication de point
- my ($nx, $ny) = @{$roundeds[$i]->[0]};
- if ($previous->[0] == $nx and $previous->[1] == $ny) {
- pop(@pts);
- }
- }
- push(@pts, @{$roundeds[$i]});
- $previous = $roundeds[$i]->[3];
- } else {
- push(@pts, $angle_pts[$i]);
- }
- }
- return \@pts;
-# Graphics::ellipseCoords
-# calcul des coords d'une ellipse
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> coordonnées bbox du rectangle exinscrit
-# options :
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste des raccords de sommets [0 (aucun raccord)|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
-sub ellipseCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my ($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn) = ($coords->[0]->[0], $coords->[0]->[1],
- $coords->[1]->[0], $coords->[1]->[1]);
- my $corners = $options{'-corners'} ? $options{'-corners'} : [1, 1, 1, 1];
- # attention aux formes 'négatives'
- if ($xn < $x0) {
- my $xs = $x0;
- ($x0, $xn) = ($xn, $xs);
- }
- if ($yn < $y0) {
- my $ys = $y0;
- ($y0, $yn) = ($yn, $ys);
- }
- # points remarquables
- my $dx = ($xn - $x0)/2 * $const_ptd_factor;
- my $dy = ($yn - $y0)/2 * $const_ptd_factor;
- my ($x2, $y2) = (($x0+$xn)/2, ($y0+$yn)/2);
- my ($x1, $x3) = ($x2 - $dx, $x2 + $dx);
- my ($y1, $y3) = ($y2 - $dy, $y2 + $dy);
- # liste des 4 points sommet de l'ellipse : angles sans raccord circulaire
- my @angle_pts = ([$x0, $y0],[$x0, $yn],[$xn, $yn],[$xn, $y0]);
- # liste des 4 segments quadratique : raccord d'angle = arc d'ellipse
- my @roundeds = ([[$x2, $y0],[$x1, $y0, 'c'],[$x0, $y1, 'c'],[$x0, $y2],],
- [[$x0, $y2],[$x0, $y3, 'c'],[$x1, $yn, 'c'],[$x2, $yn],],
- [[$x2, $yn],[$x3, $yn, 'c'],[$xn, $y3, 'c'],[$xn, $y2],],
- [[$xn, $y2],[$xn, $y1, 'c'],[$x3, $y0, 'c'],[$x2, $y0],]);
- my @pts = ();
- my $previous;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
- if ($corners->[$i]) {
- if ($previous) {
- # on teste si non duplication de point
- my ($nx, $ny) = @{$roundeds[$i]->[0]};
- if ($previous->[0] == $nx and $previous->[1] == $ny) {
- pop(@pts);
- }
- }
- push(@pts, @{$roundeds[$i]});
- $previous = $roundeds[$i]->[3];
- } else {
- push(@pts, $angle_pts[$i]);
- }
- }
- return \@pts;
-# Graphics::hippodromeCoords
-# calcul des coords d'un hippodrome
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> coordonnées bbox du rectangle exinscrit
-# options :
-# -orientation : orientation forcée de l'hippodrome [horizontal|vertical]
-# -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
-# -trunc : troncatures [left|right|top|bottom|both]
-sub hippodromeCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my ($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn) = ($coords->[0]->[0], $coords->[0]->[1],
- $coords->[1]->[0], $coords->[1]->[1]);
- my $orientation = ($options{'-orientation'}) ? $options{'-orientation'} : 'none';
- # orientation forcée de l'hippodrome (sinon hippodrome sur le plus petit coté)
- my $height = ($orientation eq 'horizontal') ? abs($yn - $y0)
- : ($orientation eq 'vertical') ? abs($xn - $x0) : &_min(abs($xn - $x0), abs($yn - $y0));
- my $radius = $height/2;
- my $corners = [1, 1, 1, 1];
- if ($options{'-corners'}) {
- $corners = $options{'-corners'};
- } elsif ($options{'-trunc'}) {
- my $trunc = $options{'-trunc'};
- if ($trunc eq 'both') {
- return [[$x0, $y0],[$x0, $yn],[$xn, $yn],[$xn, $y0]];
- } else {
- $corners = ($trunc eq 'left') ? [0, 0, 1, 1] :
- ($trunc eq 'right') ? [1, 1, 0, 0] :
- ($trunc eq 'top') ? [0, 1, 1, 0] :
- ($trunc eq 'bottom') ? [1, 0, 0, 1] : [1, 1, 1, 1];
- }
- }
- # l'hippodrome est un cas particulier de roundedRectangle
- # on retourne en passant la 'configuration' ŕ la fonction générique roundedRectangleCoords
- return &roundedRectangleCoords($coords, -radius => $radius, -corners => $corners);
-# Graphics::polygonCoords
-# calcul des coords d'un polygone régulier
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coords> point centre du polygone
-# options :
-# -numsides : <integer> nombre de cotés
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon de définition du polygone (distance centre-sommets)
-# -inner_radius : <dimension> rayon interne (polygone type étoile)
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
-# -corner_radius : <dimension> rayon de raccord des cotés
-# -startangle : <angle> angle de départ en degré du polygone
-sub polygonCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numsides = $options{'-numsides'};
- my $radius = $options{'-radius'};
- if ($numsides < 3 or !$radius) {
- print "Vous devez au moins spécifier un nombre de cotés >= 3 et un rayon...\n";
- return undef;
- }
- $coords = [0, 0] if (!defined $coords);
- my $startangle = ($options{'-startangle'}) ? $options{'-startangle'} : 0;
- my $anglestep = 360/$numsides;
- my $inner_radius = $options{'-inner_radius'};
- my @pts;
- # points du polygone
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numsides; $i++) {
- my ($xp, $yp) = &rad_point($coords, $radius, $startangle + ($anglestep*$i));
- push(@pts, ([$xp, $yp]));
- # polygones 'étoiles'
- if ($inner_radius) {
- ($xp, $yp) = &rad_point($coords, $inner_radius, $startangle + ($anglestep*($i+ 0.5)));
- push(@pts, ([$xp, $yp]));
- }
- }
- @pts = reverse @pts;
- if ($options{'-corner_radius'}) {
- return &roundedCurveCoords(\@pts, -radius => $options{'-corner_radius'}, -corners => $options{'-corners'});
- } else {
- return \@pts;
- }
-# Graphics::roundedAngle
-# curve d'angle avec raccord circulaire
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : identifiant du widget Zinc
-# parentgroup : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item group parent
-# coords : <coordsList> les 3 points de l'angle
-# radius : <dimension> rayon de raccord
-sub roundedAngle {
- my ($widget, $parentgroup, $coords, $radius) = @_;
- my ($pt0, $pt1, $pt2) = @{$coords};
- my ($corner_pts, $center_pts) = &roundedAngleCoords($coords, $radius);
- my ($cx0, $cy0) = @{$center_pts};
- # valeur d'angle et angle formé par la bisectrice
- my ($angle) = &vertexAngle($pt0, $pt1, $pt2);
- $parentgroup = 1 if (!defined $parentgroup);
- $widget->add('curve', $parentgroup,
- [$pt0,@{$corner_pts},$pt2],
- -closed => 0,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -priority => 20,
- );
-# Graphics::roundedAngleCoords
-# calcul des coords d'un raccord d'angle circulaire
-# le raccord circulaire de 2 droites sécantes est traditionnellement réalisé par un
-# arc (conique) du cercle inscrit de rayon radius tangent ŕ ces 2 droites
-# Quadratique :
-# une approche de cette courbe peut ętre réalisée simplement par le calcul de 4 points
-# spécifiques qui définiront - quelle que soit la valeur de l'angle formé par les 2
-# droites - le segment de raccord :
-# - les 2 points de tangence au cercle inscrit seront les points de début et de fin
-# du segment de raccord
-# - les 2 points de controle seront situés chacun sur le vecteur reliant le point de
-# tangence au sommet de l'angle (point secant des 2 droites)
-# leur position sur ce vecteur peut ętre simplifiée comme suit :
-# - ŕ un facteur de 0.5523 de la distance au sommet pour un angle >= 90° et <= 270°
-# - ŕ une 'réduction' de ce point vers le point de tangence pour les angles limites
-# de 90° vers 0° et de 270° vers 360°
-# ce facteur sera légérement modulé pour recouvrir plus précisement l'arc correspondant
-# coords : <coordsList> les 3 points de l'angle
-# radius : <dimension> rayon de raccord
-sub roundedAngleCoords {
- my ($coords, $radius) = @_;
- my ($pt0, $pt1, $pt2) = @{$coords};
- # valeur d'angle et angle formé par la bisectrice
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($pt0, $pt1, $pt2);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($radius / $sin) : $radius;
- # point centre du cercle inscrit de rayon $radius
- my $refangle = ($angle < 180) ? $bisecangle+90 : $bisecangle-90;
- my ($cx0, $cy0) = rad_point($pt1, $delta, $refangle);
- # points de tangeance : pts perpendiculaires du centre aux 2 droites
- my ($px1, $py1) = &perpendicularPoint([$cx0, $cy0], [$pt0, $pt1]);
- my ($px2, $py2) = &perpendicularPoint([$cx0, $cy0], [$pt1, $pt2]);
- # point de controle de la quadratique
- # facteur de positionnement sur le vecteur pt.tangence, sommet
- my $ptd_factor = $const_ptd_factor;
- if ($angle < 90 or $angle > 270) {
- my $diffangle = ($angle < 90) ? $angle : 360 - $angle;
- $ptd_factor -= (((90 - $diffangle)/90) * ($ptd_factor/4)) if $diffangle > 15 ;
- $ptd_factor = ($diffangle/90) * ($ptd_factor + ((1 - $ptd_factor) * (90 - $diffangle)/90));
- } else {
- my $diffangle = abs(180 - $angle);
- $ptd_factor += (((90 - $diffangle)/90) * ($ptd_factor/3)) if $diffangle > 15;
- }
- # delta xy aux pts de tangence
- my ($d1x, $d1y) = (($pt1->[0] - $px1) * $ptd_factor, ($pt1->[1] - $py1) * $ptd_factor);
- my ($d2x, $d2y) = (($pt1->[0] - $px2) * $ptd_factor, ($pt1->[1] - $py2) * $ptd_factor);
- # les 4 points de l'arc 'quadratique'
- my $corner_pts = [[$px1, $py1],[$px1+$d1x, $py1+$d1y, 'c'],
- [$px2+$d2x, $py2+$d2y, 'c'],[$px2, $py2]];
- # retourne le segment de quadratique et le centre du cercle inscrit
- return ($corner_pts, [$cx0, $cy0]);
-# Graphics::roundedCurveCoords
-# retourne les coordonnées d'une curve ŕ coins arrondis
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste de coordonnées des points de la curve
-# options :
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon de raccord d'angle
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
-sub roundedCurveCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my @curve_pts;
- my $radius = (defined $options{'-radius'}) ? $options{'-radius'} : 0;
- my $corners = $options{'-corners'};
- for (my $index = 0; $index < $numfaces; $index++) {
- if ($corners and !$corners->[$index]) {
- push(@curve_pts, $coords->[$index]);
- } else {
- my $prev = ($index) ? $index - 1 : $numfaces - 1;
- my $next = ($index > $numfaces - 2) ? 0 : $index + 1;
- my $anglecoords = [$coords->[$prev], $coords->[$index], $coords->[$next]];
- my ($quad_pts) = &roundedAngleCoords($anglecoords, $radius);
- push(@curve_pts, @{$quad_pts});
- }
- }
- return \@curve_pts;
-# Graphics::polylineCoords
-# retourne les coordonnées d'une polyline
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste de coordonnées des sommets de la polyline
-# options :
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon global de raccord d'angle
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1],
-# -corners_radius : <dimensionList> liste des rayons de raccords de sommets
-sub polylineCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my @curve_pts;
- my $radius = ($options{'-radius'}) ? $options{'-radius'} : 0;
- my $corners_radius = $options{'-corners_radius'};
- my $corners = ($corners_radius) ? $corners_radius : $options{'-corners'};
- for (my $index = 0; $index < $numfaces; $index++) {
- if ($corners and !$corners->[$index]) {
- push(@curve_pts, $coords->[$index]);
- } else {
- my $prev = ($index) ? $index - 1 : $numfaces - 1;
- my $next = ($index > $numfaces - 2) ? 0 : $index + 1;
- my $anglecoords = [$coords->[$prev], $coords->[$index], $coords->[$next]];
- my $rad = ($corners_radius) ? $corners_radius->[$index] : $radius;
- my ($quad_pts) = &roundedAngleCoords($anglecoords, $rad);
- push(@curve_pts, @{$quad_pts});
- }
- }
- return \@curve_pts;
-# Graphics::pathLineCoords
-# retourne les coordonnées d'une pathLine
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste de coordonnées des points du path
-# options :
-# -closed : <boolean> ligne fermée
-# -shifting : <out|center|in> sens de décalage du path (par défaut center)
-# -linewidth : <dimension> epaisseur de la ligne
-sub pathLineCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my @pts;
- my $closed = $options{'-closed'};
- my $linewidth = ($options{'-linewidth'}) ? $options{'-linewidth'} : 2;
- my $shifting = ($options{'-shifting'}) ? $options{'-shifting'} : 'center';
- return undef if (!$numfaces or $linewidth < 2);
- my $previous = ($closed) ? $coords->[$numfaces - 1] : undef;
- my $next = $coords->[1];
- $linewidth /= 2 if ($shifting eq 'center');
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfaces; $i++) {
- my $pt = $coords->[$i];
- if (!$previous) {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- $previous = [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $next->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $next->[1])];
- }
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($previous, $pt, $next);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($linewidth / $sin) : $linewidth;
- if ($shifting eq 'out' or $shifting eq 'in') {
- my $adding = ($shifting eq 'out') ? -90 : 90;
- push (@pts, &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle + $adding));
- push (@pts, @{$pt});
- } else {
- push (@pts, &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle-90));
- push (@pts, &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle+90));
- }
- if ($i == $numfaces - 2) {
- $next = ($closed) ? $coords->[0] :
- [$coords->[$i+1]->[0] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[0] - $pt->[0]), $coords->[$i+1]->[1] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[1] - $pt->[1])];
- } else {
- $next = $coords->[$i+2];
- }
- $previous = $coords->[$i];
- }
- if ($closed) {
- push (@pts, ($pts[0], $pts[1], $pts[2], $pts[3]));
- }
- return \@pts;
-# Graphics::curveLineCoords
-# retourne les coordonnées d'une curveLine
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste de coordonnées des points de la ligne
-# options :
-# -closed : <boolean> ligne fermée
-# -shifting : <out|center|in> sens de décalage du contour (par défaut center)
-# -linewidth : <dimension> epaisseur de la ligne
-sub curveLineCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my @gopts;
- my @backpts;
- my @pts;
- my $closed = $options{'-closed'};
- my $linewidth = (defined $options{'-linewidth'}) ? $options{'-linewidth'} : 2;
- my $shifting = ($options{'-shifting'}) ? $options{'-shifting'} : 'center';
- return undef if (!$numfaces or $linewidth < 2);
- my $previous = ($closed) ? $coords->[$numfaces - 1] : undef;
- my $next = $coords->[1];
- $linewidth /= 2 if ($shifting eq 'center');
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfaces; $i++) {
- my $pt = $coords->[$i];
- if (!$previous) {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- $previous = [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $next->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $next->[1])];
- }
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($previous, $pt, $next);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($linewidth / $sin) : $linewidth;
- if ($shifting eq 'out' or $shifting eq 'in') {
- my $adding = ($shifting eq 'out') ? -90 : 90;
- push (@pts, &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle + $adding));
- push (@pts, @{$pt});
- } else {
- @pts = &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle+90);
- push (@gopts, \@pts);
- @pts = &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle-90);
- unshift (@backpts, \@pts);
- }
- if ($i == $numfaces - 2) {
- $next = ($closed) ? $coords->[0] :
- [$coords->[$i+1]->[0] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[0] - $pt->[0]), $coords->[$i+1]->[1] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[1] - $pt->[1])];
- } else {
- $next = $coords->[$i+2];
- }
- $previous = $coords->[$i];
- }
- push(@gopts, @backpts);
- if ($closed) {
- push (@gopts, ($gopts[0], $gopts[1]));
- }
- return \@gopts;
-# Graphics::shiftPathCoords
-# retourne les coordonnées d'un décalage de path
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste de coordonnées des points du path
-# options :
-# -closed : <boolean> ligne fermée
-# -shifting : <'out'|'in'> sens de décalage du path (par défaut out)
-# -width : <dimension> largeur de décalage (par défaut 1)
-sub shiftPathCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my $closed = $options{'-closed'};
- my $width = (defined $options{'-width'}) ? $options{'-width'} : 1;
- my $shifting = ($options{'-shifting'}) ? $options{'-shifting'} : 'out';
- return $coords if (!$numfaces or !$width);
- my @pts;
- my $previous = ($closed) ? $coords->[$numfaces - 1] : undef;
- my $next = $coords->[1];
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfaces; $i++) {
- my $pt = $coords->[$i];
- if (!$previous) {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- $previous = [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $next->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $next->[1])];
- }
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($previous, $pt, $next);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($width / $sin) : $width;
- my $adding = ($shifting eq 'out') ? -90 : 90;
- my ($x, $y) = &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle + $adding);
- push (@pts, [$x, $y]);
- if ($i > $numfaces - 3) {
- my $j = $numfaces - 1;
- $next = ($closed) ? $coords->[0] :
- [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $previous->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $previous->[1])];
- } else {
- $next = $coords->[$i+2];
- }
- $previous = $coords->[$i];
- }
- return \@pts;
-# Graphics::perpendicularPoint
-# retourne les coordonnées du point perpendiculaire abaissé d'un point sur une ligne
-# paramčtres :
-# point : <coords> coordonnées du point de référence
-# line : <coordsList> coordonnées des 2 points de la ligne de référence
-sub perpendicularPoint {
- my ($point, $line) = @_;
- my ($p1, $p2) = @{$line};
- # cas partiuculier de lignes ortho.
- my $min_dist = .01;
- if (abs($p2->[1] - $p1->[1]) < $min_dist) {
- # la ligne de référence est horizontale
- return ($point->[0], $p1->[1]);
- } elsif (abs($p2->[0] - $p1->[0]) < $min_dist) {
- # la ligne de référence est verticale
- return ($p1->[0], $point->[1]);
- }
- my $a1 = ($p2->[1] - $p1->[1]) / ($p2->[0] - $p1->[0]);
- my $b1 = $p1->[1] - ($a1 * $p1->[0]);
- my $a2 = -1.0 / $a1;
- my $b2 = $point->[1] - ($a2 * $point->[0]);
- my $x = ($b2 - $b1) / ($a1 - $a2);
- my $y = ($a1 * $x) + $b1;
- return ($x, $y);
-# Graphics::lineAngle
-# retourne l'angle d'un point par rapport ŕ un centre de référence
-# paramčtres :
-# startpoint : <coords> coordonnées du point de départ du segment
-# endpoint : <coords> coordonnées du point d'extremité du segment
-sub lineAngle {
- my ($startpoint, $endpoint) = @_;
- my $angle = atan2($endpoint->[1] - $startpoint->[1], $endpoint->[0] - $startpoint->[0]);
- $angle += pi/2;
- $angle *= 180/pi;
- $angle += 360 if ($angle < 0);
- return $angle;
-# Graphics::lineNormal
-# retourne la valeur d'angle perpendiculaire ŕ une ligne
-# paramčtres :
-# startpoint : <coords> coordonnées du point de départ du segment
-# endpoint : <coords> coordonnées du point d'extremité du segment
-sub lineNormal {
- my ($startpoint, $endpoint) = @_;
- my $angle = &lineAngle($startpoint, $endpoint) + 90;
- $angle -= 360 if ($angle > 360);
- return $angle;
-# Graphics::vertexAngle
-# retourne la valeur de l'angle formée par 3 points
-# ainsi que l'angle de la bisectrice
-# paramčtres :
-# pt0 : <coords> coordonnées du premier point de définition de l'angle
-# pt1 : <coords> coordonnées du deuxičme point de définition de l'angle
-# pt2 : <coords> coordonnées du troisičme point de définition de l'angle
-sub vertexAngle {
- my ($pt0, $pt1, $pt2) = @_;
- my $angle1 = &lineAngle($pt0, $pt1);
- my $angle2 = &lineAngle($pt2, $pt1);
- $angle2 += 360 if $angle2 < $angle1;
- my $alpha = $angle2 - $angle1;
- my $bisectrice = $angle1 + ($alpha/2);
- return ($alpha, $bisectrice);
-# Graphics::arc_pts
-# calcul des points constitutif d'un arc
-# paramčtres :
-# center : <coordonnées> centre de l'arc,
-# radius : <dimension> rayon de l'arc,
-# options :
-# -angle : <angle> angle de départ en degré de l'arc (par défaut 0)
-# -extent : <angle> delta angulaire en degré de l'arc (par défaut 360),
-# -step : <dimension> pas de progresion en degré (par défaut 10)
-sub arc_pts {
- my ($center, $radius, %options) = @_;
- return unless ($radius);
- $center = [0, 0] if (!defined $center);
- my $angle = (defined $options{'-angle'}) ? $options{'-angle'} : 0;
- my $extent = (defined $options{'-extent'}) ? $options{'-extent'} : 360;
- my $step = (defined $options{'-step'}) ? $options{'-step'} : 10;
- my @pts = ();
- if ($extent > 0) {
- for (my $alpha = $angle; $alpha <= ($angle + $extent); $alpha += $step) {
- my ($xn, $yn) = &rad_point($center, $radius,$alpha);
- push (@pts, ([$xn, $yn]));
- }
- } else {
- for (my $alpha = $angle; $alpha >= ($angle + $extent); $alpha += $step) {
- push (@pts, &rad_point($center, $radius, $alpha));
- }
- }
- return @pts;
-# Graphics::rad_point
-# retourne le point circulaire défini par centre-rayon-angle
-# paramčtres :
-# center : <coordonnée> coordonnée [x,y] du centre de l'arc,
-# radius : <dimension> rayon de l'arc,
-# angle : <angle> angle du point de circonférence avec le centre du cercle
-sub rad_point {
- my ($center, $radius, $angle) = @_;
- my $alpha = deg2rad($angle);
- my $xpt = $center->[0] + ($radius * cos($alpha));
- my $ypt = $center->[1] + ($radius * sin($alpha));
- return ($xpt, $ypt);
-# Graphics::curveItem2polylineCoords
-# Conversion des coordonnées ZnItem curve (multicontours) en coordonnées polyline(s)
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item source
-# options :
-# -tunits : <integer> nombre pas de division des segments bezier (par défaut 20)
-# -adjust : <boolean> ajustement de la courbe de bezier (par défaut 1)
-sub curveItem2polylineCoords {
- my ($widget, $item, %options) = @_;
- return unless ($widget and $widget->type($item));
- my @coords;
- my $numcontours = $widget->contour($item);
- my $parentgroup = $widget->group($item);
- for (my $contour = 0; $contour < $numcontours; $contour++) {
- my @points = $widget->coords($item, $contour);
- my @contourcoords = &curve2polylineCoords(\@points, %options);
- push(@coords, \@contourcoords);
- }
- return wantarray ? @coords : \@coords;
-# Graphics::curve2polylineCoords
-# Conversion curve -> polygone
-# paramčtres :
-# points : <coordsList> liste des coordonnées curve ŕ transformer
-# options :
-# -tunits : <integer> nombre pas de division des segments bezier (par défaut 20)
-# -adjust : <boolean> ajustement de la courbe de bezier (par défaut 1)
-sub curve2polylineCoords {
- my ($points, %options) = @_;
- my $tunits = ($options{'-tunits'}) ? $options{'-tunits'} : 20;
- my $adjust = (defined $options{'-adjust'}) ? $options{'-adjust'} : 1;
- my @poly;
- my $previous;
- my @bseg;
- my $numseg = 0;
- my $prevtype;
- foreach my $point (@{$points}) {
- my ($x, $y, $c) = @{$point};
- if ($c eq 'c') {
- push(@bseg, $previous) if (!@bseg);
- push(@bseg, $point);
- } else {
- if (@bseg) {
- push(@bseg, $point);
- if ($adjust) {
- my @pts = &bezierCompute(\@bseg, -skipend => 1);
- shift @pts;
- shift @pts;
- push(@poly, @pts);
- } else {
- my @pts = &bezierSegment(\@bseg, -tunits => $tunits, -skipend => 1);
- shift @pts;
- shift @pts;
- push(@poly, @pts);
- }
- @bseg = ();
- $numseg++;
- $prevtype = 'bseg';
- } else {
- push(@poly, ([$x, $y]));
- $prevtype = 'line';
- }
- }
- $previous = $point;
- }
- return wantarray ? @poly : \@poly;
-# Graphics::buildTabBoxItem
-# construit les items de représentations Zinc d'une boite ŕ onglets
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# parentgroup : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item group parent
-# options :
-# -coords : <coordsList> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle
-# englobant du TabBox
-# -params : <hastable> arguments spécifiques des items curve ŕ passer au widget
-# -texture : <imagefile> ajout d'une texture aux items curve
-# -tabtitles : <hashtable> table de hash de définition des titres onglets
-# -pageitems : <hashtable> table de hash de définition des pages internes
-# -relief : <hashtable> table de hash de définition du relief de forme
-# (options de construction géometrique passées ŕ tabBoxCoords)
-# -numpages : <integer> nombre de pages (onglets) de la boite
-# -anchor : <'n'|'e'|'s'|'w'> ancrage (positionnement) de la ligne d'onglets
-# -alignment : <'left'|'center'|'right'> alignement des onglets sur le coté d'ancrage
-# -tabwidth : <'auto'>|<dimension>|<dimensionList> : largeur des onglets
-# 'auto' largeur répartie, les largeurs sont auto-ajustée si besoin.
-# -tabheight : <'auto'>|<dimension> : hauteur des onglets
-# -tabshift : <'auto'>|<dimension> offset de 'biseau' entre base et haut de l'onglet (défaut auto)
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon des arrondis d'angle
-# -overlap : <'auto'>|<dimension> offset de recouvrement/séparation entre onglets
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste 'spécifique' des raccords de sommets [0|1]
-sub buildTabBoxItem {
- my ($widget, $parentgroup, %options) = @_;
- my $coords = $options{'-coords'};
- my $params = $options{'-params'};
- my @tags = @{$params->{'-tags'}};
- my $texture;
- if ($options{'-texture'}) {
- $texture = &getTexture($widget, $options{'-texture'});
- }
- my $titlestyle = $options{'-tabtitles'};
- my $titles = ($titlestyle) ? $titlestyle->{'-text'} : undef ;
- return undef if (!$coords);
- my @tabs;
- my ($shapes, $tcoords, $invert) = &tabBoxCoords($coords, %options);
- my $k = ($invert) ? scalar @{$shapes} : -1;
- foreach my $shape (reverse @{$shapes}) {
- $k += ($invert) ? -1 : +1;
- my $group = $widget->add('group', $parentgroup);
- $params->{'-tags'} = [@tags, $k, 'intercalaire'];
- my $form = $widget->add('curve', $group, $shape, %{$params});
- $widget->itemconfigure($form, -tile => $texture) if $texture;
- if ($options{'-relief'}) {
- &graphicItemRelief($widget, $form, %{$options{'-relief'}});
- }
- if ($options{'-page'}) {
- my $page = &buildZincItem($widget, $group, %{$options{'-page'}});
- }
- if ($titles) {
- my $tindex = ($invert) ? $k : $#{$shapes} - $k;
- $titlestyle->{'-itemtype'} = 'text';
- $titlestyle->{'-coords'} = $tcoords->[$tindex];
- $titlestyle->{'-params'}->{'-text'} = $titles->[$tindex],;
- $titlestyle->{'-params'}->{'-tags'} = [@tags, $tindex, 'titre'];
- &buildZincItem($widget, $group, %{$titlestyle});
- }
- }
- return @tabs;
-# tabBoxCoords
-# Calcul des shapes de boites ŕ onglets
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordList> coordonnées haut-gauche bas-droite du rectangle englobant
-# de la tabbox
-# options
-# -numpages : <integer> nombre de pages (onglets) de la boite
-# -anchor : <'n'|'e'|'s'|'w'> ancrage (positionnement) de la ligne d'onglets
-# -alignment : <'left'|'center'|'right'> alignement des onglets sur le coté d'ancrage
-# -tabwidth : <'auto'>|<dimension>|<dimensionList> : largeur des onglets
-# 'auto' largeur répartie, les largeurs sont auto-ajustée si besoin.
-# -tabheight : <'auto'>|<dimension> : hauteur des onglets
-# -tabshift : <'auto'>|<dimension> offset de 'biseau' entre base et haut de l'onglet (défaut auto)
-# -radius : <dimension> rayon des arrondis d'angle
-# -overlap : <'auto'>|<dimension> offset de recouvrement/séparation entre onglets
-# -corners : <booleanList> liste 'spécifique' des raccords de sommets [0|1]
-sub tabBoxCoords {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my ($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn) = (@{$coords->[0]}, @{$coords->[1]});
- my (@shapes, @titles_coords);
- my $inverse;
- my @options = keys(%options);
- my $numpages = $options{'-numpages'};
- if (!defined $x0 or !defined $y0 or !defined $xn or !defined $yn or !$numpages) {
- print "Vous devez au minimum spécifier le rectangle englobant et le nombre de pages\n";
- return undef;
- }
- my $anchor = ($options{'-anchor'}) ? $options{'-anchor'} : 'n';
- my $alignment = ($options{'-alignment'}) ? $options{'-alignment'} : 'left';
- my $len = ($options{'-tabwidth'}) ? $options{'-tabwidth'} : 'auto';
- my $thick = ($options{'-tabheight'}) ? $options{'-tabheight'} : 'auto';
- my $biso = ($options{'-tabshift'}) ? $options{'-tabshift'} : 'auto';
- my $radius = ($options{'-radius'}) ? $options{'-radius'} : 0;
- my $overlap = ($options{'-overlap'}) ? $options{'-overlap'} : 0;
- my $corners = $options{'-corners'};
- my $orientation = ($anchor eq 'n' or $anchor eq 's') ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
- my $maxwidth = ($orientation eq 'horizontal') ? ($xn - $x0) : ($yn - $y0);
- my $tabswidth = 0;
- my $align = 1;
- if ($len eq 'auto') {
- $tabswidth = $maxwidth;
- $len = ($tabswidth + ($overlap * ($numpages - 1)))/$numpages;
- } else {
- if (ref($len) eq 'ARRAY') {
- foreach my $w (@{$len}) {
- $tabswidth += ($w - $overlap);
- }
- $tabswidth += $overlap;
- } else {
- $tabswidth = ($len * $numpages) - ($overlap * ($numpages - 1));
- }
- if ($tabswidth > $maxwidth) {
- $tabswidth = $maxwidth;
- $len = ($tabswidth + ($overlap * ($numpages - 1)))/$numpages;
- }
- $align = 0 if ($alignment eq 'center' and (($maxwidth - $tabswidth) > $radius));
- }
- if ($thick eq 'auto') {
- $thick = ($orientation eq 'horizontal') ? int(($yn - $y0)/10) : int(($xn - $y0)/10);
- $thick = 10 if ($thick < 10);
- $thick = 40 if ($thick > 40);
- }
- if ($biso eq 'auto') {
- $biso = int($thick/2);
- }
- if (($alignment eq 'right' and $anchor ne 'w') or
- ($anchor eq 'w' and $alignment ne 'right')) {
- if (ref($len) eq 'ARRAY') {
- for (my $p = 0; $p < $numpages; $p++) {
- $len->[$p] *= -1;
- }
- } else {
- $len *= -1;
- }
- $biso *= -1;
- $overlap *= -1;
- }
- my ($biso1, $biso2) = ($alignment eq 'center') ? ($biso/2, $biso/2) : (0, $biso);
- my (@cadre, @tabdxy);
- my ($xref, $yref);
- if ($orientation eq 'vertical') {
- $thick *= -1 if ($anchor eq 'w');
- my ($startx, $endx) = ($anchor eq 'w') ? ($x0, $xn) : ($xn, $x0);
- my ($starty, $endy) = (($anchor eq 'w' and $alignment ne 'right') or
- ($anchor eq 'e' and $alignment eq 'right')) ?
- ($yn, $y0) : ($y0, $yn);
- $xref = $startx - $thick;
- $yref = $starty;
- if ($alignment eq 'center') {
- my $ratio = ($anchor eq 'w') ? -2 : 2;
- $yref += (($maxwidth - $tabswidth)/$ratio);
- }
- @cadre = ([$xref, $endy], [$endx, $endy], [$endx, $starty], [$xref, $starty]);
- # flag de retournement de la liste des pts de curve si nécessaire -> sens anti-horaire
- $inverse = ($alignment ne 'right');
- } else {
- $thick *= -1 if ($anchor eq 's');
- my ($startx, $endx) = ($alignment eq 'right') ? ($xn, $x0) : ($x0, $xn);
- my ($starty, $endy) = ($anchor eq 's') ? ($yn, $y0) : ($y0, $yn);
- $yref = $starty + $thick;
- $xref = ($alignment eq 'center') ? $x0 + (($maxwidth - $tabswidth)/2) : $startx;
- @cadre = ([$endx, $yref], [$endx, $endy], [$startx, $endy], [$startx, $yref]);
- # flag de retournement de la liste des pts de curve si nécessaire -> sens anti-horaire
- $inverse = (($anchor eq 'n' and $alignment ne 'right') or ($anchor eq 's' and $alignment eq 'right'));
- }
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numpages; $i++) {
- my @pts = ();
- # décrochage onglet
- #push (@pts, ([$xref, $yref])) if $i > 0;
- # cadre
- push (@pts, @cadre);
- # points onglets
- push (@pts, ([$xref, $yref])) if ($i > 0 or !$align);
- my $tw = (ref($len) eq 'ARRAY') ? $len->[$i] : $len;
- @tabdxy = ($orientation eq 'vertical') ?
- ([$thick, $biso1],[$thick, $tw - $biso2],[0, $tw]) : ([$biso1, -$thick],[$tw - $biso2, -$thick],[$tw, 0]);
- foreach my $dxy (@tabdxy) {
- push (@pts, ([$xref + $dxy->[0], $yref + $dxy->[1]]));
- }
- if ($radius) {
- if (!defined $options{'-corners'}) {
- $corners = ($i > 0 or !$align) ? [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] : [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0];
- }
- my $curvepts = &roundedCurveCoords(\@pts, -radius => $radius, -corners => $corners);
- @{$curvepts} = reverse @{$curvepts} if ($inverse);
- push (@shapes, $curvepts);
- } else {
- @pts = reverse @pts if ($inverse);
- push (@shapes, \@pts);
- }
- if ($orientation eq 'horizontal') {
- push (@titles_coords, [$xref + ($tw - ($biso2 - $biso1))/2, $yref - ($thick/2)]);
- $xref += ($tw - $overlap);
- } else {
- push (@titles_coords, [$xref + ($thick/2), $yref + ($len - (($biso2 - $biso1)/2))/2]);
- $yref += ($len - $overlap);
- }
- }
- return (\@shapes, \@titles_coords, $inverse);
-# Graphics::graphicItemRelief
-# construit un relief ŕ l'item Zinc en utilisant des items Triangles
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item zinc
-# options : <hash> table d'options
-# -closed : <boolean> le relief assure la fermeture de forme (défaut 1)
-# -profil : <'rounded'|'flat'> type de profil (defaut 'rounded')
-# -relief : <'raised'|'sunken'> (défaut 'raised')
-# -side : <'inside'|'outside'> relief interne ou externe ŕ la forme (défaut 'inside')
-# -color : <color> couleur du relief (défaut couleur de la forme)
-# -smoothed : <boolean> facettes relief lissées ou non (défaut 1)
-# -lightangle : <angle> angle d'éclairage (défaut valeur générale widget)
-# -width : <dimension> 'épaisseur' du relief en pixel
-# -fine : <boolean> mode précision courbe de bezier (défaut 0 : auto-ajustée)
-sub graphicItemRelief {
- my ($widget, $item, %options) = @_;
- my @items;
- # relief d'une liste d'items -> appel récursif
- if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
- foreach my $part (@{$item}) {
- push(@items, &graphicItemRelief($widget, $part, %options));
- }
- } else {
- my $itemtype = $widget->type($item);
- return unless ($itemtype);
- my $parentgroup = $widget->group($item);
- my $priority = (defined $options{'-priority'}) ? $options{'-priority'} :
- $widget->itemcget($item, -priority)+1;
- # coords transformés (polyline) de l'item
- my $adjust = !$options{'-fine'};
- foreach my $coords (&ZincItem2CurveCoords($widget, $item, -linear => 1,
- -realcoords => 1,-adjust => $adjust)) {
- my ($pts, $colors) = &polylineReliefParams($widget, $item, $coords, %options);
- push(@items, $widget->add('triangles', $parentgroup, $pts,
- -priority => $priority,
- -colors => $colors));
- }
- # renforcement du contour
- if ($widget->itemcget($item, -linewidth)) {
- push(@items, $widget->clone($item, -filled => 0, -priority => $priority+1));
- }
- }
- return \@items;
-# Graphics::polylineReliefParams
-# retourne la liste des points et des couleurs nécessaires ŕ la construction
-# de l'item Triangles du relief
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant widget Zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant item Zinc
-# options : <hash> table d'options
-# -closed : <boolean> le relief assure la fermeture de forme (défaut 1)
-# -profil : <'rounded'|'flat'> type de profil (defaut 'rounded')
-# -relief : <'raised'|'sunken'> (défaut 'raised')
-# -side : <'inside'|'outside'> relief interne ou externe ŕ la forme (défaut 'inside')
-# -color : <color> couleur du relief (défaut couleur de la forme)
-# -smoothed : <boolean> facettes relief lissées ou non (défaut 1)
-# -lightangle : <angle> angle d'éclairage (défaut valeur générale widget)
-# -width : <dimension> 'épaisseur' du relief en pixel
-sub polylineReliefParams {
- my ($widget, $item, $coords, %options) = @_;
- my $closed = (defined $options{'-closed'}) ? $options{'-closed'} : 1;
- my $profil = ($options{'-profil'}) ? $options{'-profil'} : 'rounded';
- my $relief = ($options{'-relief'}) ? $options{'-relief'} : 'raised';
- my $side = ($options{'-side'}) ? $options{'-side'} : 'inside';
- my $basiccolor = ($options{'-color'}) ? $options{'-color'} : &zincItemPredominantColor($widget, $item);
- my $smoothed = (defined $options{'-smooth'}) ? $options{'-smooth'} : 1;
- my $lightangle = (defined $options{'-lightangle'}) ? $options{'-lightangle'}
- : $widget->cget('-lightangle');
- my $width = $options{'-width'};
- if (!$width or $width < 1) {
- my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $widget->bbox($item);
- $width = &_min($x1 -$x0, $y1 - $y0)/10;
- $width = 2 if ($width < 2);
- }
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my $previous = ($closed) ? $coords->[$numfaces - 1] : undef;
- my $next = $coords->[1];
- my @pts;
- my @colors;
- my $alpha = 100;
- if ($basiccolor =~ /;/) {
- ($basiccolor, $alpha) = split /;/, $basiccolor;
- }
- $alpha /= 2 if (!($options{'-color'} =~ /;/) and $profil eq 'flat');
- my $reliefalphas = ($profil eq 'rounded') ? [0,$alpha] : [$alpha, $alpha];
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfaces; $i++) {
- my $pt = $coords->[$i];
- if (!$previous) {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- $previous = [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $next->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $next->[1])];
- }
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($previous, $pt, $next);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($width / $sin) : $width;
- my $decal = ($side eq 'outside') ? -90 : 90;
- my @shift_pt = &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle+$decal);
- push (@pts, @shift_pt);
- push (@pts, @{$pt});
- if (!$smoothed and $i) {
- push (@pts, @shift_pt);
- push (@pts, @{$pt});
- }
- my $faceangle = 360 -(&lineNormal($previous, $next)+90);
- my $light = abs($lightangle - $faceangle);
- $light = 360 - $light if ($light > 180);
- $light = 1 if $light < 1;
- my $lumratio = ($relief eq 'sunken') ? (180-$light)/180 : $light/180;
- if (!$smoothed and $i) {
- push(@colors, ($colors[-2],$colors[-1]));
- }
- if ($basiccolor) {
- # création des couleurs dérivées
- my $shade = &LightingColor($basiccolor, $lumratio);
- my $color0 = $shade.";".$reliefalphas->[0];
- my $color1 = $shade.";".$reliefalphas->[1];
- push(@colors, ($color0, $color1));
- } else {
- my $c = (255*$lumratio);
- my $color0 = &hexaRGBcolor($c, $c, $c, $reliefalphas->[0]);
- my $color1 = &hexaRGBcolor($c, $c, $c, $reliefalphas->[1]);
- push(@colors, ($color0, $color1));
- }
- if ($i == $numfaces - 2) {
- $next = ($closed) ? $coords->[0] :
- [$coords->[$i+1]->[0] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[0] - $pt->[0]), $coords->[$i+1]->[1] + ($coords->[$i+1]->[1] - $pt->[1])];
- } else {
- $next = $coords->[$i+2];
- }
- $previous = $coords->[$i];
- }
- if ($closed) {
- push (@pts, ($pts[0], $pts[1], $pts[2], $pts[3]));
- push (@colors, ($colors[0], $colors[1]));
- if (!$smoothed) {
- push (@pts, ($pts[0], $pts[1], $pts[2], $pts[3]));
- push (@colors, ($colors[0], $colors[1]));
- }
- }
- return (\@pts, \@colors);
-# Graphics::graphicItemShadow
-# Création d'une ombre portée ŕ l'item
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant widget Zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant item Zinc
-# options : <hash> table d'options
-# -opacity : <percent> opacité de l'ombre (défaut 50)
-# -filled : <boolean> remplissage totale de l'ombre (hors bordure) (defaut 1)
-# -lightangle : <angle> angle d'éclairage (défaut valeur générale widget)
-# -distance : <dimension> distance de projection de l'ombre en pixel
-# -enlarging : <dimension> grossi de l'ombre portée en pixels (defaut 0)
-# -width : <dimension> taille de diffusion/diffraction (défaut 4)
-# -color : <color> couleur de l'ombre portée (défaut black)
-sub graphicItemShadow {
- my ($widget, $item, %options) = @_;
- my @items;
- # relief d'une liste d'items -> appel récursif
- if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
- foreach my $part (@{$item}) {
- push(@items, &graphicItemShadow($widget, $part, %options));
- }
- return \@items;
- } else {
- my $itemtype = $widget->type($item);
- return unless ($itemtype);
- # création d'un groupe ŕ l'ombre portée
- my $parentgroup = ($options{'-parentgroup'}) ? $options{'-parentgroup'} :
- $widget->group($item);
- my $priority = (defined $options{'-priority'}) ? $options{'-priority'} :
- ($widget->itemcget($item, -priority))-1;
- $priority = 0 if ($priority < 0);
- my $shadow = $widget->add('group', $parentgroup, -priority => $priority);
- if ($itemtype eq 'text') {
- my $opacity = (defined $options{'-opacity'}) ? $options{'-opacity'} : 50;
- my $color = ($options{'-color'}) ? $options{'-color'} : '#000000';
- my $clone = $widget->clone($item, -color => $color.";".$opacity);
- $widget->chggroup($clone, $shadow);
- } else {
- # création des items (de dessin) de l'ombre
- my $filled = (defined $options{'-filled'}) ? $options{'-filled'} : 1;
- # coords transformés (polyline) de l'item
- foreach my $coords (&ZincItem2CurveCoords($widget, $item, -linear => 1, -realcoords => 1)) {
- my ($t_pts, $i_pts, $colors) = &polylineShadowParams($widget, $item, $coords, %options);
- # option filled : remplissage hors bordure de l'ombre portée (item curve)
- if ($filled) {
- if (@items) {
- $widget->contour($items[0], 'add', 0, $i_pts);
- } else {
- push(@items, $widget->add('curve', $shadow, $i_pts,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $colors->[0],
- ));
- }
- }
- # bordure de diffusion de l'ombre (item triangles)
- push(@items, $widget->add('triangles', $shadow, $t_pts,
- -colors => $colors));
- }
- }
- # positionnement de l'ombre portée
- my $distance = (defined $options{'-distance'}) ? $options{'-distance'} : 10;
- my $lightangle = (defined $options{'-lightangle'}) ? $options{'-lightangle'}
- : $widget->cget('-lightangle');
- my ($dx, $dy) = &rad_point([0, 0], $distance, $lightangle+180);
- $widget->translate($shadow, $dx, -$dy);
- return $shadow;
- }
-# Graphics::polylineShadowParams
-# retourne les listes des points et de couleurs nécessaires ŕ la construction des
-# items triangles (bordure externe) et curve (remplissage interne) de l'ombre portée
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant widget Zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant item Zinc
-# options : <hash> table d'options
-# -opacity : <percent> opacité de l'ombre (défaut 50)
-# -lightangle : <angle> angle d'éclairage (défaut valeur générale widget)
-# -distance : <dimension> distance de projection de l'ombre en pixel (défaut 10)
-# -enlarging : <dimension> grossi de l'ombre portée en pixels (defaut 2)
-# -width : <dimension> taille de diffusion/diffraction (défaut distance -2)
-# -color : <color> couleur de l'ombre portée (défaut black)
-sub polylineShadowParams {
- my ($widget, $item, $coords, %options) = @_;
- my $distance = (defined $options{'-distance'}) ? $options{'-distance'} : 10;
- my $width = (defined $options{'-width'}) ? $options{'-width'} : $distance-2;
- my $opacity = (defined $options{'-opacity'}) ? $options{'-opacity'} : 50;
- my $color = ($options{'-color'}) ? $options{'-color'} : '#000000';
- my $enlarging = (defined $options{'-enlarging'}) ? $options{'-enlarging'} : 2;
- if ($enlarging) {
- $coords = &shiftPathCoords($coords, -width => $enlarging, -closed => 1, -shifting => 'out');
- }
- my $numfaces = scalar(@{$coords});
- my $previous = $coords->[$numfaces - 1];
- my $next = $coords->[1];
- my @t_pts;
- my @i_pts;
- my @colors;
- my ($color0, $color1) = ($color.";$opacity", $color.";0");
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfaces; $i++) {
- my $pt = $coords->[$i];
- if (!$previous) {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- $previous = [$pt->[0] + ($pt->[0] - $next->[0]), $pt->[1] + ($pt->[1] - $next->[1])];
- }
- my ($angle, $bisecangle) = &vertexAngle($previous, $pt, $next);
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- my $sin = sin(deg2rad($angle/2));
- my $delta = ($sin) ? abs($width / $sin) : $width;
- my $decal = 90;
- my @shift_pt = &rad_point($pt, $delta, $bisecangle+$decal);
- push (@i_pts, @shift_pt);
- push (@t_pts, @shift_pt);
- push (@t_pts, @{$pt});
- push(@colors, ($color0, $color1));
- if ($i == $numfaces - 2) {
- $next = $coords->[0];
- } else {
- $next = $coords->[$i+2];
- }
- $previous = $coords->[$i];
- }
- # fermeture
- push(@t_pts, ($t_pts[0], $t_pts[1],$t_pts[2],$t_pts[3]));
- push(@i_pts, ($t_pts[0], $t_pts[1]));
- push(@colors, ($color0, $color1,$color0,$color1));
- return (\@t_pts, \@i_pts, \@colors);
-# Graphics::bezierSegment
-# Calcul d'une approximation de segment (Quadratique ou Cubique) de bezier
-# paramčtres :
-# points : <[P1, C1, <C1>, P2]> liste des points définissant le segment de bezier
-# options :
-# -tunits : <integer> nombre pas de division des segments bezier (par défaut 20)
-# -skipend : <boolean> : ne pas retourner le dernier point du segment (chainage)
-sub bezierSegment {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $tunits = ($options{'-tunits'}) ? $options{'-tunits'} : 20;
- my $skipendpt = $options{'-skipend'};
- my @pts;
- my $lastpt = ($skipendpt) ? $tunits-1 : $tunits;
- foreach (my $i = 0; $i <= $lastpt; $i++) {
- my $t = ($i) ? ($i/$tunits) : $i;
- push(@pts, &bezierPoint($t, $coords));
- }
- return wantarray ? @pts : \@pts;
-# Graphics::bezierPoint
-# calcul d'un point du segment (Quadratique ou Cubique) de bezier
-# params :
-# t = <n> (représentation du temps : de 0 ŕ 1)
-# coords = (P1, C1, <C1>, P2) liste des points définissant le segment de bezier
-# P1 et P2 : extémités du segment et pts situés sur la courbe
-# C1 <C2> : point(s) de contrôle du segment
-# courbe bezier niveau 2 sur (P1, P2, P3)
-# P(t) = (1-t)˛P1 + 2t(1-t)P2 + t˛P3
-# courbe bezier niveau 3 sur (P1, P2, P3, P4)
-# P(t) = (1-t)łP1 + 3t(1-t)˛P2 + 3t˛(1-t)P3 + tłP4
-sub bezierPoint {
- my ($t, $coords) = @_;
- my ($p1, $c1, $c2, $p2) = @{$coords};
- # quadratique
- if (!defined $p2) {
- $p2 = $c2;
- $c2 = undef;
- }
- # extrémités : points sur la courbe
- return wantarray ? @{$p1} : $p1 if (!$t);
- return wantarray ? @{$p2} : $p2 if ($t >= 1.0);
- my $t2 = $t * $t;
- my $t3 = $t2 * $t;
- my @pt;
- # calcul pour x et y
- foreach my $i (0, 1) {
- if (defined $c2) {
- my $r1 = (1 - (3*$t) + (3*$t2) - $t3) * $p1->[$i];
- my $r2 = ( (3*$t) - (6*$t2) + (3*$t3)) * $c1->[$i];
- my $r3 = ( (3*$t2) - (3*$t3)) * $c2->[$i];
- my $r4 = ( $t3) * $p2->[$i];
- $pt[$i] = ($r1 + $r2 + $r3 + $r4);
- } else {
- my $r1 = (1 - (2*$t) + $t2) * $p1->[$i];
- my $r2 = ( (2*$t) - (2*$t2)) * $c1->[$i];
- my $r3 = ( $t2) * $p2->[$i];
- $pt[$i] = ($r1 + $r2 + $r3);
- }
- }
- #return wantarray ? @pt : \@pt;
- return \@pt;
-# Graphics::bezierCompute
-# Retourne une liste de coordonnées décrivant un segment de bezier
-# paramčtres :
-# coords : <coordsList> liste des points définissant le segment de bezier
-# options :
-# -precision : <dimension> seuil limite du calcul d'approche de la courbe
-# -skipend : <boolean> : ne pas retourner le dernier point du segment (chaînage bezier)
-sub bezierCompute {
- my ($coords, %options) = @_;
- my $precision = ($options{'-precision'}) ? $options{'-precision'} : $bezierClosenessThreshold;
- my $lastit = [];
- &subdivideBezier($coords, $lastit, $precision);
- push(@{$lastit}, $coords->[3]) if (!$options{'-skipend'});
- return wantarray ? @{$lastit} : $lastit;
-# Graphics::smallEnought
-# intégration code Stéphane Conversy : calcul points bezier (précision auto ajustée)
-# distance is something like num/den with den=sqrt(something)
-# what we want is to test that distance is smaller than precision,
-# so we have distance < precision ? eq. to distance^2 < precision^2 ?
-# eq. to (num^2/something) < precision^2 ?
-# eq. to num^2 < precision^2*something
-# be careful with huge values though (hence 'long long')
-# with common values: 9add 9mul
-sub smallEnoughBezier {
- my ($bezier, $precision) = @_;
- my ($x, $y) = (0, 1);
- my ($A, $B) = ($bezier->[0], $bezier->[3]);
- my $den = (($A->[$y]-$B->[$y])*($A->[$y]-$B->[$y])) + (($B->[$x]-$A->[$x])*($B->[$x]-$A->[$x]));
- my $p = $precision*$precision;
- # compute distance between P1|P2 and P0|P3
- my $M = $bezier->[1];
- my $num1 = (($M->[$x]-$A->[$x])*($A->[$y]-$B->[$y])) + (($M->[$y]-$A->[$y])*($B->[$x]-$A->[$x]));
- $M = $bezier->[2];
- my $num2 = (($M->[$x]-$A->[$x])*($A->[$y]-$B->[$y])) + (($M->[$y]-$A->[$y])*($B->[$x]-$A->[$x]));
- # take the max
- $num1 = $num2 if ($num2 > $num1);
- return ($p*$den > ($num1*$num1)) ? 1 : 0;
-# Graphics::subdivideBezier
-# subdivision d'une courbe de bezier
-sub subdivideBezier {
- my ($bezier, $it, $precision, $integeropt) = @_;
- my ($b0, $b1, $b2, $b3) = @{$bezier};
- if (&smallEnoughBezier($bezier, $precision)) {
- push(@{$it}, ([$b0->[0],$b0->[1]]));
- } else {
- my ($left, $right);
- foreach my $i (0, 1) {
- if ($integeropt) {
- # int optimized (6+3=9)add + (5+3=8)shift
- $left->[0][$i] = $b0->[$i];
- $left->[1][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + $b1->[$i]) >> 1;
- $left->[2][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + $b2->[$i] + ($b1->[$i] << 1)) >> 2; # keep precision
- my $tmp = ($b1->[$i] + $b2->[$i]);
- $left->[3][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + $b3->[$i] + ($tmp << 1) + $tmp) >> 3;
- $right->[3][$i] = $b3->[$i];
- $right->[2][$i] = ($b3->[$i] + $b2->[$i]) >> 1;
- $right->[1][$i] = ($b3->[$i] + $b1->[$i] + ($b2->[$i] << 1) ) >> 2; # keep precision
- $right->[0][$i] = $left->[3]->[$i];
- } else {
- # float
- $left->[0][$i] = $b0->[$i];
- $left->[1][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + $b1->[$i]) / 2;
- $left->[2][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + (2*$b1->[$i]) + $b2->[$i]) / 4;
- $left->[3][$i] = ($b0->[$i] + (3*$b1->[$i]) + (3*$b2->[$i]) + $b3->[$i]) / 8;
- $right->[3][$i] = $b3->[$i];
- $right->[2][$i] = ($b3->[$i] + $b2->[$i]) / 2;
- $right->[1][$i] = ($b3->[$i] + (2*$b2->[$i]) + $b1->[$i]) / 4;
- $right->[0][$i] = ($b3->[$i] + (3*$b2->[$i]) + (3*$b1->[$i]) + $b0->[$i]) / 8;
- }
- }
- &subdivideBezier($left, $it, $precision, $integeropt);
- &subdivideBezier($right, $it, $precision, $integeropt);
- }
-# Graphics::getPattern
-# retourne la ressource bitmap en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
-# paramčtres :
-# filename : nom du fichier bitmap pattern
-# options
-# -storage : <hastable> référence de la table de stockage de patterns
-sub getPattern {
- my ($filename, %options) = @_;
- my $table = (defined $options{'-storage'} and ref($options{'-storage'}) eq 'HASH') ?
- $options{'-storage'} : \%bitmaps;
- if (!exists($table->{$filename})) {
- my $bitmap = '@'.Tk::findINC($filename);
- $table->{$filename} = $bitmap if $bitmap;
- }
- return $table->{$filename};
-# Graphics::getTexture
-# retourne l'image de texture en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# filename : nom du fichier texture
-# options
-# -storage : <hastable> référence de la table de stockage de textures
-sub getTexture {
- my ($widget, $filename, %options) = @_;
- my $table = (defined $options{'-storage'} and ref($options{'-storage'}) eq 'HASH') ?
- $options{'-storage'} : \%textures;
- return &getImage($widget, $filename, -storage => $table);
-# Graphics::getImage
-# retourne la ressource image en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# filename : nom du fichier image
-# options
-# -storage : <hastable> référence de la table de stockage d'images
-sub getImage {
- my ($widget, $filename, %options) = @_;
- my $table = (defined $options{'-storage'} and ref($options{'-storage'}) eq 'HASH') ?
- $options{'-storage'} : \%images;
- if (!exists($table->{$filename})) {
- my $image;
- if ($filename =~ /.png|.PNG/) {
- $image = $widget->Photo(-format => 'png', -file => Tk::findINC($filename));
- } elsif ($filename =~ /.jpg|.JPG|.jpeg|.JPEG/) {
- $image = $widget->Photo(-format => 'jpeg', -file => Tk::findINC($filename));
- } else {
- $image = $widget->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC($filename));
- }
- $table->{$filename} = $image if $image;
- }
- return $table->{$filename};
-# Graphics::init_pixmaps
-# initialise une liste de fichier image
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# filenames : <filenameList> list des noms des fichier image
-# options
-# -storage : <hastable> référence de la table de stockage d'images
-sub init_pixmaps {
- my ($widget, $filenames, %options) = @_;
- my @imgs = ();
- my @files = (ref($filenames) eq 'ARRAY') ? @{$filenames} : ($filenames);
- foreach (@files) {
- push(@imgs, &getImage($widget, $_, %options));
- }
- return @imgs;
-# Graphics::_min
-# retourne la plus petite valeur entre 2 valeurs
-sub _min {
- my ($n1, $n2) = @_;
- my $mini = ($n1 > $n2) ? $n2 : $n1;
- return $mini;
-# Graphics::_max
-# retourne la plus grande valeur entre 2 valeurs
-sub _max {
- my ($n1, $n2) = @_;
- my $maxi = ($n1 > $n2) ? $n1 : $n2;
- return $maxi;
-# Graphics::_trunc
-# fonction interne de troncature des nombres: n = position décimale
-sub _trunc {
- my ($val, $n) = @_;
- my $str;
- my $dec;
- ($val) =~ /([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]*)/;
- $str = ($val < 0) ? "-$1" : $1;
- if (($2 ne "") && ($n != 0)) {
- $dec = substr($2, 0, $n);
- if ($dec != 0) {
- $str = $str . "." . $dec;
- }
- }
- return $str;
-# Graphics::setGradients
-# création de gradient nommés Zinc
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# grads : <hastable> table de hash de définition de couleurs zinc
-sub setGradients {
- my ($widget, $grads) = @_;
- # initialise les gradients de taches
- unless (@Gradients) {
- while (my ($name, $gradient) = each( %{$grads})) {
- # création des gradients nommés
- $widget->gname($gradient, $name);
- push(@Gradients, $name);
- }
- }
-# Graphics::RGB_dec2hex
-# conversion d'une couleur RGB (255,255,255) au format Zinc '#ffffff'
-# paramčtres :
-# rgb : <rgbColorList> liste de couleurs au format RGB
-sub RGB_dec2hex {
- my (@rgb) = @_;
- return (sprintf("#%04x%04x%04x", @rgb));
-# Graphics::pathGraduate
-# création d'un jeu de couleurs dégradées pour item pathLine
-sub pathGraduate {
- my ($widget, $numcolors, $style) = @_;
- my $type = $style->{'-type'};
- my $triangles_colors;
- if ($type eq 'linear') {
- return &createGraduate($widget, $numcolors, $style->{'-colors'}, 2);
- } elsif ($type eq 'double') {
- my $colors1 = &createGraduate($widget, $numcolors/2+1, $style->{'-colors'}->[0]);
- my $colors2 = &createGraduate($widget, $numcolors/2+1, $style->{'-colors'}->[1]);
- my @colors;
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $numcolors; $i++) {
- push(@colors, ($colors1->[$i], $colors2->[$i]));
- }
- return \@colors;
- } elsif ($type eq 'transversal') {
- my ($c1, $c2) = @{$style->{'-colors'}};
- my @colors = ($c1, $c2);
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numcolors; $i++) {
- push(@colors, ($c1, $c2));
- }
- return \@colors;
- }
-# Graphics::createGraduate
-# création d'un jeu de couleurs intermédiaires (dégradé) entre n couleurs
-sub createGraduate {
- my ($widget, $totalsteps, $refcolors, $repeat) = @_;
- my @colors;
- $repeat = 1 if (!$repeat);
- my $numgraduates = scalar @{$refcolors} - 1;
- if ($numgraduates < 1) {
- print "Le dégradé necessite au minimum 2 couleurs de référence...\n";
- return undef;
- }
- my $steps = ($numgraduates > 1) ? $totalsteps/($numgraduates -1) : $totalsteps;
- for (my $c = 0; $c < $numgraduates; $c++) {
- my ($c1, $c2) = ($refcolors->[$c], $refcolors->[$c+1]);
- for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $steps ; $i++) {
- my $color = MedianColor($c1, $c2, $i/($steps-1));
- for (my $k = 0; $k < $repeat; $k++) {
- push (@colors, $color);
- }
- }
- if ($c < $numgraduates - 1) {
- for (my $k = 0; $k < $repeat; $k++) {
- pop @colors;
- }
- }
- }
- return \@colors;
-# Graphics::LightingColor
-# modification d'une couleur par sa composante luminosité
-# paramčtres :
-# color : <color> couleur au format zinc
-# newL : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) nouvelle valeur de luminosité
-sub LightingColor {
- my ($color, $newL) = @_;
- my ($H, $L, $S);
- if ($color and $newL) {
- my ($RGB) = &hexa2RGB($color);
- ($H, $L, $S) = @{&RGBtoHLS(@{$RGB})};
- $newL = 1 if $newL > 1;
- my ($nR, $nG, $nB) = @{&HLStoRGB($H, $newL, $S)};
- return &hexaRGBcolor($nR*255, $nG*255, $nB*255);
- }
- return undef;
-# Graphics::zincItemPredominantColor
-# retourne la couleur dominante d'un item ('barycentre' gradiant fillcolor)
-# paramčtres :
-# widget : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-# item : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item zinc
-sub zincItemPredominantColor {
- my ($widget, $item) = @_;
- my $type = $widget->type($item);
- if ($type eq 'text' or '$type' eq 'icon') {
- return $widget->itemcget($item, -color);
- } elsif ($type eq 'triangles' or
- $type eq 'rectangle' or
- $type eq 'arc' or
- $type eq 'curve') {
- my @colors;
- if ($type eq 'triangles') {
- @colors = $widget->itemcget($item, -colors);
- } else {
- my $grad = $widget->itemcget($item, -fillcolor);
- return $grad if (scalar (my @unused = (split / /, $grad)) < 2);
- my @colorparts = split /\|/, $grad;
- foreach my $section (@colorparts) {
- if ($section !~ /=/) {
- my ($color, $director, $position) = split / /, $section;
- push (@colors, $color);
- }
- }
- }
- my ($Rs, $Gs, $Bs, $As, $numcolors) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- foreach my $color (@colors) {
- my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = ZnColorToRGB($color);
- $Rs += $r;
- $Gs += $g;
- $Bs += $b;
- $As += $a;
- $numcolors++;
- }
- my $newR = int($Rs/$numcolors);
- my $newG = int($Gs/$numcolors);
- my $newB = int($Bs/$numcolors);
- my $newA = int($As/$numcolors);
- my $newcolor = &hexaRGBcolor($newR, $newG, $newB, $newA);
- return $newcolor
- } else {
- return '#777777';
- }
-# Graphics::MedianColor
-# calcul d'une couleur intermédiaire défini par un ratio ($rate) entre 2 couleurs
-# paramčtres :
-# color1 : <color> premičre couleur zinc
-# color2 : <color> seconde couleur zinc
-# rate : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) position de la couleur intermédiaire
-sub MedianColor {
- my ($color1, $color2, $rate) = @_;
- $rate = 1 if ($rate > 1);
- $rate = 0 if ($rate < 0);
- my ($r0, $g0, $b0, $a0) = &ZnColorToRGB($color1);
- my ($r1, $g1, $b1, $a1) = &ZnColorToRGB($color2);
- my $r = $r0 + int(($r1 - $r0) * $rate);
- my $g = $g0 + int(($g1 - $g0) * $rate);
- my $b = $b0 + int(($b1 - $b0) * $rate);
- my $a = $a0 + int(($a1 - $a0) * $rate);
- return &hexaRGBcolor($r, $g, $b, $a);
-# Graphics::ZnColorToRGB
-# conversion d'une couleur Zinc au format RGBA (255,255,255,100)
-# paramčtres :
-# zncolor : <color> couleur au format hexa zinc (#ffffff ou #ffffffffffff)
-sub ZnColorToRGB {
- my ($zncolor) = @_;
- my ($color, $alpha) = split /;/, $zncolor;
- my $ndigits = (length($color) > 8) ? 4 : 2;
- my $R = hex(substr($color, 1, $ndigits));
- my $G = hex(substr($color, 1+$ndigits, $ndigits));
- my $B = hex(substr($color, 1+($ndigits*2), $ndigits));
- $alpha = 100 if (!defined $alpha or $alpha eq "");
- return ($R, $G, $B, $alpha);
-# Graphics::RGBtoLCH
-# Algorythme de conversion RGB -> CIE LCH°
-# paramčtres :
-# r : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante rouge de la couleur RGB
-# g : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante verte de la couleur RGB
-# b : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante bleue de la couleur RGB
-sub RGBtoLCH {
- my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;
- # Conversion RGBtoXYZ
- my $gamma = 2.4;
- my $rgblimit = 0.03928;
- $r = ($r > $rgblimit) ? (($r + 0.055)/1.055)**$gamma : $r / 12.92;
- $g = ($g > $rgblimit) ? (($g + 0.055)/1.055)**$gamma : $g / 12.92;
- $b = ($b > $rgblimit) ? (($b + 0.055)/1.055)**$gamma : $b / 12.92;
- $r *= 100;
- $g *= 100;
- $b *= 100;
- my $X = (0.4124 * $r) + (0.3576 * $g) + (0.1805 * $b);
- my $Y = (0.2126 * $r) + (0.7152 * $g) + (0.0722 * $b);
- my $Z = (0.0193 * $r) + (0.1192 * $g) + (0.9505 * $b);
- # Conversion XYZtoLab
- $gamma = 1/3;
- my ($L, $A, $B);
- if ($Y == 0) {
- ($L, $A, $B) = (0, 0, 0);
- } else {
- my ($Xs, $Ys, $Zs) = ($X/$Xw, $Y/$Yw, $Z/$Zw);
- $Xs = ($Xs > 0.008856) ? $Xs**$gamma : (7.787 * $Xs) + (16/116);
- $Ys = ($Ys > 0.008856) ? $Ys**$gamma : (7.787 * $Ys) + (16/116);
- $Zs = ($Zs > 0.008856) ? $Zs**$gamma : (7.787 * $Zs) + (16/116);
- $L = (116.0 * $Ys) - 16.0;
- $A = 500 * ($Xs - $Ys);
- $B = 200 * ($Ys - $Zs);
- }
- # conversion LabtoLCH
- my ($C, $H);
- if ($A == 0) {
- $H = 0;
- } else {
- $H = atan2($B, $A);
- if ($H > 0) {
- $H = ($H / pi) * 180;
- } else {
- $H = 360 - ( abs($H) / pi) * 180
- }
- }
- $C = sqrt($A**2 + $B**2);
- return [$L, $C, $H];
-# Graphics::LCHtoRGB
-# Algorythme de conversion CIE L*CH -> RGB
-# paramčtres :
-# L : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante luminosité de la couleur CIE LCH
-# C : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante saturation de la couleur CIE LCH
-# H : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante teinte de la couleur CIE LCH
-sub LCHtoRGB {
- my ($L, $C, $H) = @_;
- my ($a, $b);
- # Conversion LCHtoLab
- $a = cos( deg2rad($H)) * $C;
- $b = sin( deg2rad($H)) * $C;
- # Conversion LabtoXYZ
- my $gamma = 3;
- my ($X, $Y, $Z);
- my $Ys = ($L + 16.0) / 116.0;
- my $Xs = ($a / 500) + $Ys;
- my $Zs = $Ys - ($b / 200);
- $Ys = (($Ys**$gamma) > 0.008856) ? $Ys**$gamma : ($Ys - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- $Xs = (($Xs**$gamma) > 0.008856) ? $Xs**$gamma : ($Xs - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- $Zs = (($Zs**$gamma) > 0.008856) ? $Zs**$gamma : ($Zs - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- $X = $Xw * $Xs;
- $Y = $Yw * $Ys;
- $Z = $Zw * $Zs;
- # Conversion XYZtoRGB
- $gamma = 1/2.4;
- my $rgblimit = 0.00304;
- my ($R, $G, $B);
- $X /= 100;
- $Y /= 100;
- $Z /= 100;
- $R = (3.2410 * $X) + (-1.5374 * $Y) + (-0.4986 * $Z);
- $G = (-0.9692 * $X) + (1.8760 * $Y) + (0.0416 * $Z);
- $B = (0.0556 * $X) + (-0.2040 * $Y) + (1.0570 * $Z);
- $R = ($R > $rgblimit) ? (1.055 * ($R**$gamma)) - 0.055 : (12.92 * $R);
- $G = ($G > $rgblimit) ? (1.055 * ($G**$gamma)) - 0.055 : (12.92 * $G);
- $B = ($B > $rgblimit) ? (1.055 * ($B**$gamma)) - 0.055 : (12.92 * $B);
- $R = ($R < 0) ? 0 : ($R > 1.0) ? 1.0 : &_trunc($R, 5);
- $G = ($G < 0) ? 0 : ($G > 1.0) ? 1.0 : &_trunc($G, 5);
- $B = ($B < 0) ? 0 : ($B > 1.0) ? 1.0 : &_trunc($B, 5);
- return [$R, $G, $B];
-# Graphics::RGBtoHLS
-# Algorythme de conversion RGB -> HLS
-# r : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante rouge de la couleur RGB
-# g : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante verte de la couleur RGB
-# b : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante bleue de la couleur RGB
-sub RGBtoHLS {
- my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;
- my ($H, $L, $S);
- my ($min, $max, $diff);
- $max = &max($r,$g,$b);
- $min = &min($r,$g,$b);
- # calcul de la luminosité
- $L = ($max + $min) / 2;
- # calcul de la saturation
- if ($max == $min) {
- # couleur a-chromatique (gris) $r = $g = $b
- $S = 0;
- $H = undef;
- return [$H, $L, $S];
- }
- # couleurs "Chromatiques" --------------------
- # calcul de la saturation
- if ($L <= 0.5) {
- $S = ($max - $min) / ($max + $min);
- } else {
- $S = ($max - $min) / (2 - $max - $min);
- }
- # calcul de la teinte
- $diff = $max - $min;
- if ($r == $max) {
- # couleur entre jaune et magenta
- $H = ($g - $b) / $diff;
- } elsif ($g == $max) {
- # couleur entre cyan et jaune
- $H = 2 + ($b - $r) / $diff;
- } elsif ($b == $max) {
- # couleur entre magenta et cyan
- $H = 4 + ($r - $g) / $diff;
- }
- # Conversion en degrés
- $H *= 60;
- # pour éviter une valeur négative
- if ($H < 0.0) {
- $H += 360;
- }
- return [$H, $L, $S];
-# Graphics::HLStoRGB
-# Algorythme de conversion HLS -> RGB
-# paramčtres :
-# H : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante teinte de la couleur HLS
-# L : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante luminosité de la couleur HLS
-# S : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante saturation de la couleur HLS
-sub HLStoRGB {
- my ($H, $L, $S) = @_;
- my ($R, $G, $B);
- my ($p1, $p2);
- if ($L <= 0.5) {
- $p2 = $L + ($L * $S);
- } else {
- $p2 = $L + $S - ($L * $S);
- }
- $p1 = 2.0 * $L - $p2;
- if ($S == 0) {
- # couleur a-chromatique (gris)
- # $R = $G = $B = $L
- $R = $L;
- $G = $L;
- $B = $L;
- } else {
- # couleurs "Chromatiques"
- $R = &hlsValue($p1, $p2, $H + 120);
- $G = &hlsValue($p1, $p2, $H);
- $B = &hlsValue($p1, $p2, $H - 120);
- }
- return [$R, $G, $B];
-# Graphics::hlsValue (sous fonction interne HLStoRGB)
-sub hlsValue {
- my ($q1, $q2, $hue) = @_;
- my $value;
- $hue = &r_modp($hue, 360);
- if ($hue < 60) {
- $value = $q1 + ($q2 - $q1) * $hue / 60;
- } elsif ($hue < 180) {
- $value = $q2;
- } elsif ($hue < 240) {
- $value = $q1 + ($q2 - $q1) * (240 - $hue) / 60;
- } else {
- $value = $q1;
- }
- return $value;
-# Graphics::hexaRGBcolor
-# conversion d'une couleur RGB (255,255,255) au format Zinc '#ffffff'
-sub hexaRGBcolor {
- my ($r, $g, $b, $a) = @_;
- if (defined $a) {
- my $hexacolor = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", ($r, $g, $b));
- return ($hexacolor.";".$a);
- }
- return (sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", ($r, $g, $b)));
-sub hexa2RGB {
- my ($hexastr) = @_;
- my ($r, $g, $b);
- if ($hexastr =~ /(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/) {
- $r = hex($1);
- $g = hex($2);
- $b = hex($3);
- return [$r/255, $g/255, $b/255] if (defined $r and defined $g and defined $b);
- }
- return undef;
-# Graphics::max
-# renvoie la valeur maximum d'une liste de valeurs
-sub max {
- my (@values) = @_;
- return undef if !scalar(@values);
- my $max = undef;
- foreach my $val (@values) {
- if (!defined $max or $val > $max) {
- $max = $val;
- }
- }
- return $max;
-# Graphics::min
-# renvoie la valeur minimum d'une liste de valeurs
-sub min {
- my (@values) = @_;
- return undef if !scalar(@values);
- my $min = undef;
- foreach my $val (@values) {
- if (!defined $min or $val < $min) {
- $min = $val;
- }
- }
- return $min;
-# Graphics::r_modp
-# fonction interne : renvoie le résultat POSITIF du modulo m d'un nombre x
-sub r_modp {
- my ($x, $m) = @_;
- return undef if $m == 0;
- my $value = $x%$m;
- if ($value < 0.0) {
- $value = $value + abs($m);
- }
- return $value;
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pod b/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pod
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index 579b6d7..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Graphics.pod
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@@ -1,1749 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Graphics : module Perl facilitant la creation d'objets graphiques complexes
-par une description simplifiee.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-use Graphics;
-&GraphicsFunction(@params, ?option => value?, ...);
-=head2 Fonctions exportées
-=head3 1. Création de composants graphiques
-=item B<o> buildZincItem(Z<>)
-=item B<o> repeatZincItem(Z<>)
-=item B<o> buildTabBoxItem(Z<>)
-=head3 2. Calculs de formes géométriques complexes
-=item B<o> roundedRectangleCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> hippodromeCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> ellipseCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> roundedCurveCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> polygonCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> polylineCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> curveLineCoords>(Z<>)
-=item B<o> pathLineCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> shiftPathCoords(Z<>)
-=item B<o> tabBoxCoords(Z<>)
-=head3 3. Création de relief et ombre portée
-=item B<o> graphicItemRelief(Z<>)
-=item B<o> graphicItemShadow(Z<>)
-=head3 4. Fonctions géométriques de base
-=item B<o> perpendicularPoint(Z<>)
-=item B<o> lineAngle(Z<>)
-=item B<o> vertexAngle(Z<>)
-=item B<o> arc_pts(Z<>)
-=item B<o> rad_point(Z<>)
-=item B<o> bezierCompute(Z<>)
-=item B<o> bezierSegment(Z<>)
-=item B<o> bezierPoint(Z<>)
-=head3 5. Gestion des ressources images
-=item B<o> getPattern(Z<>)
-=item B<o> getTexture(Z<>)
-=item B<o> getImage(Z<>)
-=item B<o> init_pixmaps(Z<>)
-=head3 6. Gestion des couleurs
-=item B<o> setGradiants(Z<>)
-=item B<o> zincItemPredominantColor(Z<>)
-=item B<o> ZnColorToRGB(Z<>)
-=item B<o> hexaRGBcolor(Z<>)
-=item B<o> createGraduate(Z<>)
-=item B<o> MedianColor(Z<>)
-=item B<o> LightingColor(Z<>)
-=item B<o> RGBtoLCH(Z<>)
-=item B<o> LCHtoRGB(Z<>)
-=item B<o> RGBtoHLS(Z<>)
-=item B<o> HLStoRGB(Z<>)
-=head2 1. Création de composants graphiques
-=item B<buildZincItem>(widget, parentgroup, options);
-Creation d'items de representations Zinc.
-Les objets graphiques generes peuvent etre complexes (geometrie, multi contours,
-operateur de forme, empilage d'items, reliefs, ombre portee, repetition,
-transformations...) mais sont decrits par des
-options geometriques ou de surfacage 2D 1/2 de haut niveau.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<parentgroup>
-<tagOrId> identifiant de l'item group parent.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-itemtype> => type
-Specifie le(s) type(s) d'item(s) souhaite(s). Peut etre celui d'un item
-natif zinc (B<group>, B<rectangle>, B<arc>, B<curve>, B<text>, B<icon>),
-ou un B<'metatype'> permettant de specifier des curves 'particulieres'. Les sections coniques
-de ces metatypes (raccords ou arcs) seront simulees par des segments quadratiques de bezier. Ces metatypes sont :
-=item roundedrectangle
-decrit par 2 cordonnees (haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle) et un rayon de raccord angulaire.
-Une liste optionnelle de realisation des raccords [0 = sans raccord|1 = avec raccord] permet de specifier pour chaque angle le type de raccord
-(angle ou arc).
-=item hippodrome
-decrit par 2 cordonnees (haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle englobant).
-Si l'orientation n'est pas specifiee, le rayon de raccord sera egal a la moitie du plus petit cote .
-Une liste optionnelle de realisation des raccords permet de specifier pour chaque angle le type de raccord
-(angle ou arc).
-=item ellipse
-decrit par 2 cordonnees (haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle englobant).
-Une liste optionnelle de realisation des raccords permet de specifier pour chaque angle le type de raccord
-(angle ou arc).
-=item polygone
-polygone regulier a n cotes, (triangle equilateral, carre, pentagone, hexagone...)
-convexe ou en etoile. Le polygone sera inscrit dans un cercle dont le rayon est passe en parametres
-(un 2eme rayon 'interne' decrira un polygone etoile). Un rayon de raccord et une liste de realisation des raccords permettent
-des variantes interressantes.
-=item roundedcurve
-curve multicontours a coins arrondis, de rayon raccord unique,
-pour specifier une forme quelconque.
-=item polyline
-curve multicontours a coins arrondis. Le rayon de chaque raccord pouvant etre defini
-=item pathline
-creation d'une ligne multisegments 'epaisse',
-realisee par 'decalage' par rapport a un path donne (largeur et sens de decalage
- [left|both|right] optionnels). Le contour transforme en surface avec l'item Zinc triangles
-permet d'appliquer un degrade de couleurs le long du trace (lineaire, transversal ou double).
-=item B<-coords> => \@xy
-<coords list> coordonnees geometriques ou de position de l'item.
-=item B<-metacoords> => \%metatype_params
-<hashtable> calcul des coordonnées de l'item par passage d'un [meta]type d'item
-différent de celui décrit par -itemtype. (ex. un pathline défini par un polygone)
-<coords list> coordonnees geometriques ou de position de l'item.
-=item B<-params> => \%zinc_attr
-<hashtable> parametres zinc de l'item.
-=item B<-contours> => \@list
-<contours list> arguments zinc d'ajout de contours .
-=item B<-clip>
-<coords list or hashtable> clipping d'un item group.
-=item B<-items>
-<hashtable> table d'items contenus dans un item group.
-provoque un appel récursif de la fonction buildZincItem().
-=item B<-texture>
-<imagefile> ajout d'une texture a l'item.
-=item B<-pattern>
-<imagefile> ajout d'un pattern a l'item.
-=item B<-relief>
-<hash table> creation d'un relief a l'item a l'aide d'item zinc triangles.
-Invoque la fonction du module Graphics graphicItemRelief()
-=item B<-shadow>
-<hash table> creation d'une ombre portee a l'item.
-Invoque la fonction du module Graphics graphicItemShadow()
-=item B<-repeat>
-<hash table> repetition de l'item.
-Invoque la fonction du module Graphics repeatZincItem()
-=item B<-scale> => scale factor or [xscale, yscale]
-application d'une transformation zinc->scale a l'item
-=item B<-translate> => [dx,dy]
- application d'une transformation zinc->translate a l'item
-=item B<-rotate> => <angle> (en degré)
-application d'une transformation zinc->rotate a l'item
-=item B<-addtags>
-<tags list> liste de tags specifiques a ajouter aux parametre item -tags.
-=item B<-name>
-<string> nom de l'item.
-=item B<repeatZincItem>(widget, item, options);
-Répétition (clonage) d'un objet Zinc de representation.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<item>
-<tagOrId> identifiant de l'item zinc a dupliquer.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-num> => integer
-Nombre de répétitions.
-=item B<-dxy> => [dx, dy]
-Paramčtres de translation a appliquer entre 2 copies.
-=item B<-angle> => <angle>
-angle de rotation en degré a appliquer entre 2 copies.
-=item B<-copytag> => <tag name>
-ajout d'un tag indexé pour chaque copie.
-=item B<-params> => \%zinc_attr
-Paramétrage specialises de chaque copie
-=item B<buildTabBoxItem>(widget, parentgroup, options);
-Construit les items de représentation d'une boîte ŕ onglets multi-pages.
-Le positionnement, la forme et la taille des onglets est définie automatiquement
-ou spécifiés par options. L'ajout de titres aux pages est possible. Des tags
-de base (intercalaires et titres) permettent de définir des interactions de
-sélection/navigation par bindings.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<parentgroup>
-<tagOrId> identifiant de l'item group parent.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-coords> => [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
-<coords> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite de la BoundingBox du tabBox.
-=item B<-numpages>
-<integer> nombre de pages du TabBox.
-=item B<-anchor> => 'n'|'e'|'s'|'w'
-ancrage nord, est, sud ou ouest des onglets (par défaut 'n')
-=item B<-alignment> => 'left'|'center'|'right'
-alignement gauche, centré ou droit des onglets sur l'ancrage (par défaut left)
-=item B<-tabwidth> => 'auto'|<dimension>|<dimensionList>
-longeur des onglets : 'auto' longeur répartie sur le coté, longeur absolue ou liste de longeurs
-ces dimensions sont autoajustées si dépassement. (par défaut 'auto').
-=item B<-tabheight> => 'auto'|<dimension>
-hauteur des onglets (par défaut 'auto')
-=item B<-tabshift> => 'auto'|<dimension>
-offset de biseau entre la base et le haut de l'onglet (par défaut 'auto').
-=item B<-overlap> => 'auto'|<dimension>
-offset de décalage entre 2 onglets (par défaut 'auto').
-=item B<-radius>
-<dimension> rayon des arrondis d'angle des onglets. (par défaut 0)
-=item B<-corners>
-<booleanList> liste d'application du raccord aux angles sous forme booleenne
-0 = sans raccord 1 = avec raccord.
-=item B<-params> => \%zinc_attr
-<hashtable> parametres zinc de l'item.
-=item B<-texture>
-<imagefile> ajout d'une texture a l'item.
-=item B<-relief>
-<hash table> creation d'un relief pour les pages du tabBox.
-Invoque la fonction du module Graphics graphicItemRelief()
-=item B<-tabtitles>
-<hashtable> table de hash de définition des titres d'onglets (label, params).
-=item B<-pageitems>
-<hashtable> table d'items 'complémentaire' ŕ réaliser pour chaque page.
-provoque un appel récursif de la fonction buildZincItem().
-=head2 2. Calculs de formes géométriques complexes
-=item B<roundedRectangleCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées (curve) d'un rectangle ŕ coins arrondis
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
-<coordList> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-radius>
-<dimension> rayon de raccord circulaire des angles.
-=item B<-corners> => \@cornersList
-Liste de réalisation des raccords de sommets [0 = pad de raccord (droit)| 1 = raccord circulaire].
-(par défaut [1,1,1,1]).
-=item B<hippodromeCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées (curve) d'un hippodrome
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
-<coordList> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle exinscrit ŕ l'hippodrome.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-orientation> => <horizontal|vertical>
-orientation forcée de l'hippodrome (sinon hauteur = plus petit coté).
-=item B<-corners> => \@cornersList
-Liste de réalisation des raccords de sommets [0 = pad de raccord (droit)| 1 = raccord circulaire].
-(par défaut [1,1,1,1]).
-=item B<-trunc> => <left|right|top|bottom|both>
-troncatures des cotés circulaires de l'hippodrome.
-=item B<ellipseCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées (curve) d'une ellipse
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
-<coordList> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite du rectangle exinscrit.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-corners> => \@cornersList
-Liste de réalisation des quadrants [0 = angle droit| 1 = raccord d'ellipse].
-(par défaut [1,1,1,1]).
-=item B<roundedCurveCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées d'une curve ŕ coins arrondis.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],...[xn,yn]]
-<coordList> coordonnées de la curve
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-radius> : <dimension>
-rayon de raccord des angles. par defaut 0
-B<-corners> : <booleanList>
-liste d'application du raccord circulaire aux angles sous forme booleenne
-0 = sans raccord 1 = avec raccord. par defaut [1,1,...,1].
-=item B<polygonCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées d'un polygone régulier ŕ n cotés ou d'une étoile ŕ
-n branches. Le polygone sera inscrit dans un cercle de rayon -radius, un 2čme
-rayon interne décrira les sommets interne de l'étoile. Raccords circulaires
-optionnels des sommets du polygone/étoile
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [x0,y0]
-<coords> coordonnées du centre du cercle exinscrit au polygone/étoile
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-numsides> : <dimension> nombre de cote du polygone ou nombre de branches de l'etoile
-B<-radius> : <dimension> rayon du cercle exinscrit au polygone
-B<-startangle> : <angle> angle de depart du trace de la figure
-B<-inner_radius> : <dimension> rayon du cercle des points 'internes' de l'etoile
-B<-corner_radius> : <dimension> rayon des raccords d'angles
-B<-corners> : <booleanList> liste d'application du raccord aux angles sous forme booleenne
-0 = sans raccord 1 = avec raccord. par defaut [1,1,1,1].
-=item B<polylineCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées d'une polyline, ligne 'brisée' multi-segments
-avec raccords angulaires optionnels.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],...[xn,yn]]
-<coordList> liste de coordonnées des sommets de la polyline
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-radius> : <dimension>
-rayon global de raccord des angles. par defaut 0
-B<-corners> : <booleanList>
-liste d'application du raccord circulaire aux angles sous forme booleenne
-0 = sans raccord 1 = avec raccord. par defaut [1,1,...,1].
-B<-corners_radius> : <dimensionList>
-Liste des rayons de raccord des angles.
-=item B<curveLineCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées curve (de surface) d'un stroke. la ligne est décrite
-le long d'un chemin et dessinée selon les attributs graphiques classiques 'stroke'
-(style d'épaisseur, d'extremité, de jointure, de tiret...)
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],...[xn,yn]]
-<coordList> coordonnées de la curve
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-width> : <dimension>
-épaisseur de la ligne. par defaut 1
-B<-linecap> : <'butt'|'round'|'square'>
-Forme des extrémités des tracés ouverts.
-B<-linejoin> : <'miter'|'round'|'bevel'>
-Forme des sommets des tracés.
-B<-dasharray> : <'none'|motifList>
-Spécification du tireté : none (aucun) ou liste de longueurs tiret,[espace],[tiret]...
-permettant de définir le dessin du tireté (par défaut none)
-B<-dashoffset> : <dimension>
-distance décalage de départ dans le dessin du tireté (par défaut 0)
-=item B<pathLineCoords>(coords, %options);
-retourne les coordonnées (triangles) d'une ligne multisegments 'epaisse',
-realisee par 'décalage' par rapport ŕ un path donné (largeur et sens de décalage
- [out|center|in] optionnels).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],...[xn,yn]]
-<coordList> liste de coordonnées du path
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-closed> : <boolean>
-fermeture du tracé. par defaut 0
-B<-shifting> : <'out'|'center'|'in'>
-sens de décalage de l'épaisseur de contour : 'center' (1/2 décalage de chaque coté du path) 'out' (décalage externe) 'in' (décalage interne) par défaut 'center'.
-B<-width> : <dimension>
-Largeur du décalage de ligne (par défaut 2).
-=item B<shiftPathCoords>(coords, %options);
-retourne les coordonnées curve de 'décalage' par rapport ŕ un path donné.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],...[xn,yn]]
-<coordList> liste de coordonnées du path
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-closed> : <boolean>
-fermeture du tracé. par defaut 0
-B<-shifting> : <'out'|'in'>
-sens de décalage du path : 'out' (décalage externe) 'in' (décalage interne) par défaut 'out'.
-B<-width> : <dimension>
-Largeur du décalage de ligne (par défaut 1).
-=item B<tabBoxCoords>(coords, options);
-Retourne les coordonnées de construction d'un TabBox (boîte ŕ onglets) : liste de curve décrivant les 'pages' du TabBox et coordonnées de position des titres onglets.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords> => [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
-<coords> coordonnées haut-gauche et bas-droite de la BoundingBox du tabBox.
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-numpages> : <integer> nombre de pages du TabBox.
-B<-anchor> : <'n'|'e'|'s'|'w'> ancrage nord, est, sud ou ouest des onglets (par défaut 'n')
-B<-alignment> : <'left'|'center'|'right'> alignement gauche, centré ou droit des onglets sur l'ancrage (par défaut left)
-B<-tabwidth> : 'auto'|<dimension|dimensionList> longeur des onglets : 'auto' longeur répartie sur le coté, longeur absolue ou liste de longeurs
-ces dimensions sont autoajustées si dépassement. (par défaut 'auto').
-B<-tabheight> : 'auto'|<dimension> hauteur des onglets (par défaut 'auto')
-B<-tabshift> : 'auto'<dimension> offset de biseau entre la base et le haut de l'onglet (par défaut 'auto').
-B<-overlap> : 'auto'<dimension> offset de décalage entre 2 onglets (par défaut 'auto').
-B<-radius> : <dimension>
-rayon des arrondis d'angle des onglets. (par défaut 0)
-B<-corners> : <booleanList> liste d'application du raccord aux angles sous forme booleenne
-0 = sans raccord 1 = avec raccord.
-=head2 3. Création de reliefs et ombre portée
-=item B<graphicItemRelief>(widget, item, %options);
-Construit un relief ŕ l'item géometrique
-(qui peut etre multicontours) en utilisant des items zinc triangles.
-Ce relief de type 'embossage' de forme possede un
-profil (flat ou rounded) et dérive en luminosite la couleur dominante
-de l'item (ou une couleur donnée) suivant l'orientation d'éclairage global zinc
--lighangle (ou un angle de lumičre donné).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<item>
-identifiant de l'item zinc ŕ mettre en relief.
-=item B<Options> :
-B<-closed> : <boolean> fermeture (de forme) du relief (par défaut 1).
-B<-profil> : <'flat'|'rounded'> type de profil du relief (par défaut 'rounded').
-B<-relief> : <'raised'|'sunken'> sens de l'embossage (par defaut 'raised').
-B<-side> : <outside|inside> position externe ou interne du relief (defaut 'inside').
-B<-color> : <color> couleur de base du relief (défaut couleur dominante de l'item).
-B<-smoothed> : <boolean> lissage des 'facettes' du relief (par defaut 1).
-B<-lightangle> : <angle> angle de la lumiere (par defaut attribut -lightangle du widget).
-B<-width> : <dimension> largeur du 'contour' relief.
-B<-fine> : <boolean> mode precision courbe de bezier (par defaut 0 : auto-ajustee).
-=item B<graphicItemShadow>(widget, item, %options);
-Cree une ombre portee a l'item geometrique
-(qui peut etre multicontours) en utilisant des items zinc triangles et curve.
-Cette ombre correspond a une projection de la forme en fonction
-d'une distance (par defaut 10) d'une orientation lumineuse (par defaut la valeur
-globale -lightangle du widget) et d'un 'grossissement' (par defaut 0).
-Une largeur 'width' de perimetre de diffusion/diffraction lumineuse (par defaut 4)
-qui permet de lisser le passage de l'ombre au fond, une couleur (par defaut black)
-et une opacite (par defaut 50) completent la specification.
-B<Parametres> :
-B<widget> : <widget> identifiant du widget zinc
-B<item> : <tagOrId> identifiant de l'item zinc
-B<Options> :
-B<-opacity> : <percent> poucentage d'opacite de l'ombre (par defaut 50).
-B<-distance> : <dimension> distance de projection de l'ombre (par defaut 10).
-B<-enlarging> : <dimension> 'grossissement' cone de projection (defaut 0).
-B<-color> : <color> couleur de l'ombre (par defaut black).
-B<-lightangle> : <angle> angle de la lumiere (par defaut attribut -lightangle du widget).
-B<-width> : <dimension> largeur du perimetre de diffusion/diffraction (par defaut 4).
-=head2 4. Fonctions géométriques de base
-=item B<perpendicularPoint>(point, line);
-retourne les coordonnées du point perpendiculaire abaissé d'un point sur une ligne.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<point> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du point de référence.
-=item B<line> => [[x0, y0],[x1, y1]]
-<coordsList> liste de coordonnées des deux points de la ligne de référence.
-=item B<lineAngle>(startpoint, endpoint);
-retourne l'angle formée par un vecteur, s'utilise aussi pour connaitre l'angle 'circulaire'
-d'un point par rapport ŕ un centre de référence.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<startpoint> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du point de départ du segment (ou centre de référence).
-=item B<endpoint> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du point de fin du segment (ou point 'circulaire' de référence).
-=item B<lineNormal>(startpoint, endpoint);
-retourne la valeur d'angle perpendiculaire ŕ un vecteur (utilisée par exemple
-pour mesurer l'incidence de lumičre d'une facette).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<startpoint> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du point de départ du segment (ou centre de référence).
-=item B<endpoint> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du point de fin du segment (ou point 'circulaire' de référence).
-=item B<vertexAngle>(point0, point1, point2);
-retourne la valeur de l'angle formé par trois points ainsi que la valeur d'angle
-de la bisectrice de l'angle (fonction utilisé pour les calculs de décalages de path.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<point0> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du premier point de définition de l'angle.
-=item B<point1> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du deuxičme point de définition de l'angle (sommet).
-=item B<point2> => [x, y]
-<coords> coordonnées du troisičme point de définition de l'angle.
-=item B<arc_pts>(center, radius, %options);
-Calcul des points constitutifs d'un arc
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<center> => [x0,y0]
-<coords> coordonnées du centre de l'arc.
-=item B<radius>
-<dimension> rayon de l'arc.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-angle>
-<angle> angle de départ (en degré) de l'arc (par défaut 0)
-=item B<-extent>
-<angle> delta angulaire (en degré) de l'arc (par défaut 360)
-=item B<-step>
-<angle> pas de progression angulaire (en degré) de calcul des points (par défaut 10).
-=item B<rad_point>(center, radius, angle);
-Retourne le point circulaire défini par centre-rayon-angle.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<center> => [x0,y0]
-<coords> coordonnées du centre de l'arc.
-=item B<radius>
-<dimension> rayon de l'arc.
-=item B<angle>
-<angle> angle (en degré) du point de circonférence avec le centre du cercle.
-=item B<bezierSegment>(coords, %options);
-Calcul d'une approximation de segment (Quadratique ou Cubique) de bezier.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords>
-<coordsList> Liste de coordonnées des points définissant le segment de bezier.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-tunits>
-<integer> nombre pas de division des segments bezier (par défaut 20)
-=item B<-skipend>
-<boolean> ne pas retourner le dernier point du segment (pour chaînage de segments).
-=item B<bezierPoint>(t, coords);
-Calcul d'un point du segment (Quadratique ou Cubique) de bezier.
-t représentation du temps (de 0 ŕ 1).
-coords = (P1, C1, <C1>, P2) liste des points définissant le segment de bezier
-P1 et P2 : extémités du segment et pts situés sur la courbe
-C1 <C2> : point(s) de contrôle du segment
-courbe bezier niveau 2 sur (P1, P2, P3) P(t) = (1-t)˛P1 + 2t(1-t)P2 + t˛P3
-courbe bezier niveau 3 sur (P1, P2, P3, P4) P(t) = (1-t)łP1 + 3t(1-t)˛P2 + 3t˛(1-t)P3 + tłP4
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<t>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) représentation du temps.
-=item B<coords>
-<coordsList> Liste de coordonnées des points définissant le segment de bezier.
-=item B<bezierCompute>(coords, %options);
-Calcul d'une approximation auto-ajustée de segment (Quadratique ou Cubique) de bezier.
-l'approximation se fait par subdivision successive de la courbe jusqu'ŕ atteindre une
-distance avec la courbe théorique <= ŕ la précision passée par option (par défaut 0.2).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<coords>
-<coordsList> Liste de coordonnées des points définissant le segment de bezier.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-precision>
-<dimension> seuil limite du calcul d'approche de la courbe (par défaut .2)
-=item B<-skipend>
-<boolean> ne pas retourner le dernier point du segment (pour chaînage de segments).
-=head2 5. Gestion des ressources images
-=item B<getPattern>(filename, %options);
-retourne et partage la ressource image bitmap en l'initialisant et la stockant si premičre utilisation.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<filename>
-<image filename> non du fichier bitmap pattern
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-storage>
-<hashtable> référence de la table de stockage privée des patterns.
-=item B<getTexture>(widget, filename, %options);
-retourne et partage la ressource image texture en l'initialisant et la stockant si premičre utilisation.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<filename>
-<imagefile> non du fichier image texture
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-storage>
-<hashtable> référence de la table de stockage privée des textures.
-=item B<getImage>(widget, filename, %options);
-retourne et partage la ressource image en l'initialisant et la stockant si premičre utilisation.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<filename>
-<imagefile> non du fichier image
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-storage>
-<hashtable> référence de la table de stockage privée des images.
-=item B<init_pixmaps>(widget, filenames, %options);
-Initialise et stocke un ensemble d'images.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget zinc.
-=item B<filenames>
-<imagefileList> Liste des fichier images ŕ initialiser.
-=item B<Options> :
-=item B<-storage>
-<hashtable> référence de la table de stockage privée des images.
-=head2 6. Gestion des couleurs
-=item B<setGradients>(widget, gradients);
-Création de gradiants nommés Zinc
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget Zinc
-=item B<gradients>
-<hashtable> référence de la table de définition des gradiants zinc ('non' => 'zincGradient').
-=item B<zincItemPredominantColor>(widget, item);
-retourne la couleur dominante d'un item ('barycentre' gradiant fillcolor).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget Zinc
-=item B<item>
-<tagOrId> identifiant de l'item zinc.
-=item B<medianColor>(color1, color2, rate);
-calcul d'une couleur intermédiaire défini par un ratio ($rate) entre 2 couleurs.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<color1>
-<color> premičre couleur
-=item B<color2>
-<color> premičre couleur
-=item B<rate>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) position de la couleur intermédiaire.
-=item B<createGraduate>(widget, steps, refcolors, repeat);
-création d'un jeu de couleurs intermédiaires (dégradé) entre n couleurs.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<widget>
-<widget> identifiant du widget Zinc
-=item B<steps>
-<integer> nombre totale de couleurs retournées.
-=item B<refcolors>
-<colorList> liste de couleurs servant ŕ créer le dégradé.
-=item B<repeat>
-<integer> répétition de chaque couleur utilisé par exemple pour triangles path
-oů la couleur est répétée 2 fois (par défaut 1).
-=item B<lightingColor>(color, newL);
-Modification d'une couleur par sa composante luminosité (exemple relief).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<color>
-<color> couleur au format zinc.
-=item B<newL>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) nouvelle valeur de luminosité.
-=item B<ZnColorToRGB>(zncolor);
-conversion d'une couleur Zinc hexa au format RGBA (255,255,255,100).
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<zncolor>
-<color> couleur au format hexa zinc (#ffffff ou #ffffffffffff).
-=item B<RGBtoLCH>(r, g, b);
-conversion d'une couleur de l'espace RGB ŕ l'espace CIE LCH°.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<r>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante rouge de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<g>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante verte de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<b>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante bleue de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<LCHtoRGB>(L, C, H);
-conversion d'une couleur de l'espace CIE LCH° ŕ l'espace RGB.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<L>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante luminosité de la couleur CIE LCH.
-=item B<C>
-C : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante saturation de la couleur CIE LCH
-=item B<H>
-H : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante teinte de la couleur CIE LCH
-=item B<RGBtoHLS>(r, g, b);
-conversion d'une couleur de l'espace RGB ŕ l'espace HLS.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<r>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante rouge de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<g>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante verte de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<b>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante bleue de la couleur RGB.
-=item B<HLStoRGB>(H, L, S);
-conversion d'une couleur de l'espace HLS ŕ l'espace RGB.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<H>
-<pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante teinte de la couleur HLS.
-=item B<L>
-C : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante luminosité de la couleur HLS.
-=item B<S>
-H : <pourcent> (de 0 ŕ 1) valeur de la composante saturation de la couleur HLS.
-=item B<hexaRGBcolor>(r, g, b, a);
-conversion d'une couleur RGBA (255,255,255,100) au format Zinc '#ffffff'.
-=item B<Parametres> :
-=item B<r>
-<colorComposant> (0 ŕ 255) composante rouge de la couleur rgba.
-=item B<g>
-<colorComposant> (0 ŕ 255) composante verte de la couleur rgba.
-=item B<b>
-<colorComposant> (0 ŕ 255) composante bleue de la couleur rgba.
-=item B<a>
-<colorComposant> (0 ŕ 255) composante alpha de la couleur rgba.
-=head1 EXEMPLE
-my %gradset = (
- 'gdlens' => '=radial -15 -20|#ffb7b7;70|#bd6622;90',
- 'gdstar' => '=radial -15 -20|#ffb7b7;50|#bd6622;90');
-my %starstyle => (
- # table hash parametres et options
- -itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [250, 250],
- -params => {-priority => 90,
- -tags => ['starlens', 'move'],
- -sensitive => 1,
- -atomic => 1,
- },
- -items => {
- 'lens' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-200, -200],
- [200, 200]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'gdlens',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#440000',
- -priority => 10,
- },
- -relief => {-width => 14,
- -profil => 'rounded',
- -lightangle => 135,
- },
- -shadow => {-distance => 20,
- -width => 18,
- -lightangle => 135,
- -opacity => 40,
- -enlarging => 6,
- },
- },
- 'star' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 5,
- -radius => 180,
- -inner_radius => 70,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -startangle => 270,
- -corners => [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
- -params => {-filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'gradstar',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- },
- -relief => {-width => 10,
- -profil => 'rounded',
- -side => 'outside',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- },
- },
- },
- );
-&setGradients($widget, \%gradset);
-my $star = &buildZincItem($zinc, $topgroup, \%starstyle);
-=head1 AUTEURS
-Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Logo.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Logo.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 486c904..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Logo.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-package Tk::Zinc::Logo;
-# Module : Logo.pm
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2003
-# Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Math::Trig;
-my @Gradiants;
-# paramčtres de construction graphique
-my %builder = (-gradset => {'logoshape' => '=axial 270 |#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 96|#7192aa;100 100',
- 'logopoint' => '=radial -20 -20 |#ffffff;100 0|#f70000;100 48|#900000;100 80|#ab0000;100 100',
- 'logoptshad' => '=path 0 0 |#770000;64 0|#770000;70 78|#770000;0 100',
- },
- -shape => {-form => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -coords => [[0,0],[106,0],[106,58],[122,41],[156,41],[131,69],[153,99],[203,41],
- [155,41],[155,0],[225.71,0],[251.34,0,'c'],[265.17,29.63,'c'],
- [248.71,49.27],[202,105],[246,105],[246,87],[246,59.385,'c'],[268.38,37,'c'],
- [296,37],[323.62,37,'c'],[346,59.385,'c'],[346,87],[346,148],[305,148],
- [305,87],[305,82.58,'c'],[301.42,79,'c'],[297,79],[292.58,79,'c'],
- [289,82.58,'c'],[289,87],[289,150],[251,150],[251,130],[251,125.58,'c'],
- [247.42,122,'c'],[243,122],[243,122],[238.58,122,'c'],[235,125.58,'c'],
- [235,130],[235,150],[168.12,150],[144.7,150,'c'],[132.38,122.57,'c'],
- [147.94,105.06],[148,105],[120,105],[104,81],[104,105],[74,105],[74,41],
- [52,41],[52,105],[20,105],[20,41],[0,41]],
- -contour => ['add', -1, [[395,78],[395,37],[364.62,37,'c'],[340,61.62,'c'],[340,92],
- [340,93],[340,123.38,'c'],[364.62,148,'c'],[395,148],[409,148],
- [409,107],[395,107],[386.72,107,'c'],[380,100.28,'c'],[380,92],
- [380,93],[380,84.72,'c'],[386.72,78,'c'],[395,78]]],
- -params => {-closed => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'logoshape',
- -linewidth => 2.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 40,
- -fillrule => 'nonzero',
- -tags => ['zinc_shape'],
- },
- },
- -shadow => {-clone => '-form',
- -translate => [6, 6],
- -params => {-fillcolor => '#000000;18',
- -linewidth => 0,
- -priority => 20,
- },
- },
- },
- -point => {-coords => [240, 96],
- -params => {-alpha => 80,
- -priority => 100,
- },
- -form => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[-20, -20], [20, 20]],
- -params => {-priority => 50,
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#a10000;100',
- -fillcolor => 'logopoint',
- -closed => 1,
- },
- },
- -shadow => {-clone => '-form',
- -translate => [5, 5],
- -params => {-fillcolor => 'logoptshad',
- -linewidth => 0,
- -priority => 20,
- },
- },
- },
- );
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $type = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my %params = @_;
- my $self = {};
- bless ($self, $type);
- if (exists $params{'-widget'}) {
- $self->{'-widget'} = $params{'-widget'};
- } else {
- croak "in Tk::Zinc::Logo constructor, the -widget attribute must be defined\n";
- }
- $self->{'-parent'} = (exists $params{'-parent'}) ? $params{'-parent'} : 1;
- $self->{'-priority'} = (exists $params{'-priority'}) ? $params{'-priority'} : 500;
- $self->{'-position'} = (exists $params{'-position'}) ? $params{'-position'} : [0, 0];
- $self->{'-scale'} = (exists $params{'-scale'}) ? $params{'-scale'} : [1, 1];
- $self->drawLogo();
- return bless $self, $type;
-sub drawLogo {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $zinc = $self->{'-widget'};
- my $parent = $self->{'-parent'};
- my $priority = $self->{'-priority'};
- if ($builder{'-gradset'}) {
- while (my ($name, $gradiant) = each( %{$builder{'-gradset'}})) {
- # création des gradiants nommés
- $zinc->gname($gradiant, $name) unless $zinc->gname($name);
- push(@Gradiants, $name);
- }
- }
- # création des groupes logo
- # logogroup : groupe de coordonnées
- my $logogroup = $self->{'-item'} = $zinc->add('group', $parent, -priority => $priority);
- $zinc->coords($logogroup, $self->{'-position'}) if ($self->{'-position'});
- # group de scaling
- my $group = $self->{'-scaleitem'} = $zinc->add('group', $logogroup);
- $zinc->scale($group, @{$self->{'-scale'}}) if ($self->{'-scale'});
- # création de l'item shape (Zinc)
- my $formstyle = $builder{'-shape'}->{'-form'};
- $self->ajustLineWidth($formstyle->{'-params'});
- my $shape = $zinc->add('curve', $group,
- $formstyle->{'-coords'},
- %{$formstyle->{'-params'}},
- );
- $zinc->contour($shape, @{$formstyle->{'-contour'}});
- # ombre portée de la shape
- my $shadstyle = $builder{'-shape'}->{'-shadow'};
- my $shadow = $zinc->clone($shape, %{$shadstyle->{'-params'}});
- $zinc->translate($shadow, @{$shadstyle->{'-translate'}}) if ($shadstyle->{'-translate'});
- # réalisation du point
- my $pointconf = $builder{'-point'};
- my $ptgroup = $zinc->add('group', $group, %{$pointconf->{'-params'}});
- $zinc->coords($ptgroup, $pointconf->{'-coords'});
- my $pointstyle = $pointconf->{'-form'};
- my $point = $zinc->add('arc', $ptgroup,
- $pointstyle->{'-coords'},
- %{$pointstyle->{'-params'}},
- );
- my $shadpoint = $zinc->clone($point, %{$shadstyle->{'-params'}});
- $shadstyle = $pointconf->{'-shadow'};
- $zinc->translate($shadpoint, @{$shadstyle->{'-translate'}});
-sub ajustLineWidth {
- my ($self, $style, $scale) = @_;
- if ($style->{'-linewidth'}) {
- my ($sx, $sy) = @{$self->{'-scale'}};
- my $linewidth = $style->{'-linewidth'};
- if ($linewidth >= 2) {
- my $ratio = ($sx > $sy) ? $sy : $sx;
- $style->{'-linewidth'} = $linewidth * $ratio;
- }
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc::Logo - a perl module for drawing the TkZinc logo.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Tk::Zinc::Logo;
- my $zinc = MainWindow->new()->Zinc()->pack;
- my $logo = $zinc->ZincLogo([options]);
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<-parent> => zinc group
-Specify the parent group. Default is 1.
-=item B<-position> => [x, y]
-Specify the relative position of the logo in its parent group. Default is [0, 0].
-=item B<-priority> => integer
-Specify the priority of the logo in its parent group. Default is 500.
-=item B<-scale> => [sx, sy]
-Scecify the xscale and yscale factors of the logo. Default is [1, 1].
-=head1 AUTEUR
-Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Text.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Text.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 63e9573..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Text.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-package Tk::Zinc::Text;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $type = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- $zinc->bind('text', '<1>' => sub {startSel($zinc)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<2>' => sub {pasteSel($zinc)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<B1-Motion>' => sub {extendSel($zinc)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Shift-B1-Motion>' => sub {extendSel($zinc)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Shift-1>' => sub {
- my $e = $zinc->XEvent();
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
- $zinc->select('adjust', 'current', "\@$x,$y"); });
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Left>' => sub {moveCur($zinc, -1);});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Right>' => sub {moveCur($zinc, 1);});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Up>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'up');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Down>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'down');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Control-a>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'bol');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Home>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'bol');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Control-e>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'eol');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<End>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'eol');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Meta-less>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 0);});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Meta-greater>' => sub {setCur($zinc, 'end');});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<KeyPress>' => sub {insertKey($zinc);});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Shift-KeyPress>' => sub {insertKey($zinc);});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Return>' => sub { insertChar($zinc, chr(10)); });
- $zinc->bind('text', '<BackSpace>' => sub {textDel($zinc, -1)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Control-h>' => sub {textDel($zinc, -1)});
- $zinc->bind('text', '<Delete>' => sub {textDel($zinc, 0)});
- bless ($self, $type);
- return $self;
-sub pasteSel {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $e = $w->XEvent;
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x(), $e->y());
- my @it = $w->focus();
- if (@it != 0) {
- eval { $w->insert(@it, "\@$x,$y", $w->SelectionGet()); };
- }
-sub insertChar {
- my ($w, $c) = @_;
- my @it = $w->focus();
- my @selit = $w->select('item');
- if (@it == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if ((scalar(@selit) == scalar(@it)) &&
- ($selit[0] eq $it[0]) && ($selit[1] eq $it[1])) {
- $w->dchars(@it, 'sel.first', 'sel.last');
- }
- $w->insert(@it, 'insert', $c);
-sub insertKey {
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $c = $w->XEvent->A();
- if ((ord($c) < 32) || (ord($c) == 128)) {
- return;
- }
- insertChar($w, $c);
-sub setCur {
- my ($w, $where) = @_;
- my @it = $w->focus();
- if (@it != 0) {
- $w->cursor(@it, $where);
- }
-sub moveCur {
- my ($w, $dir) = @_;
- my @it = $w->focus();
- my $index;
- if (@it != 0) {
- $index = $w->index(@it, 'insert');
- $w->cursor(@it, $index + $dir);
- }
-sub startSel {
- my($w) = @_;
- my $e = $w->XEvent;
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x(), $e->y());
- my $part = $w->currentpart(1);
- $w->cursor('current', $part, "\@$x,$y");
- $w->focus('current', $part);
- $w->Tk::focus();
- $w->select('from', 'current', $part, "\@$x,$y");
-sub extendSel {
- my($w) = @_;
- my $e = $w->XEvent;
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
- my $part = $w->currentpart(1);
- $w->select('to', 'current', $part, "\@$x,$y");
-sub textDel {
- my($w, $dir) = @_;
- my @it = $w->focus();
- my @selit = $w->select('item');
- my $ind;
- if (@it == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if ((scalar(@selit) == scalar(@it)) &&
- ($selit[0] eq $it[0]) && ($selit[1] eq $it[1])) {
- $w->dchars(@it, 'sel.first', 'sel.last');
- }
- else {
- $ind = $w->index(@it, 'insert') + $dir;
- $w->dchars(@it, $ind, $ind) if ($ind >= 0);
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc::Text - Zinc extension for easing text input on text item or on fields
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Tk::Zinc::Text;
- $zinc = $mw->Zinc();
- new Tk::Zinc::Text ($zinc);
- ....
- $zinc->addtag('text', 'withtag', $a_text);
- $zinc->addtag('text', 'withtag', $a_track);
- $zinc->addtag('text', 'withtag', $a_waypoint);
- $zinc->addtag('text', 'withtag', $a_tabular);
-This module implements text input with the mouse and keyboard 'a la emacs'.
-Text items must have the 'text' tag and must of course be sensitive.
-Track, waypoint and tabular items have fields and these fields can
-be edited the same way. Only sensitive fields can be edited. the following
-interactions are supported:
-=over 2
-=item B<click 1>
-To set the cursor position
-=item B<click 2>
-To paste the current selection
-=item B<drag 1>
-To make a selection
-=item B<shift drag 1>
-To extend the current selection
-=item B<shift 1>
-To extend the current selection
-=item B<left arrow>, B<right arrow>
-To move the cursor to the left or to the right
-=item B<up arrow>, B<down arrow>
-To move the cursor up or down a line
-=item B<ctrl+a>, B<home>
-To move the cursor at the begining of the line
-=item B<ctrl+e>, B<end>
-To move the cursor at the end of the line
-=item B<meta+<>, B<meta+E<gt>>
-To move the cursor at the beginning / end of the text
-=item B<BackSpace>, B<ctrl+h>
-To delete the char just before the cursor
-=item B<Delete>
-To delete the char just after the cursor
-=item B<Return>
-To insert a return char. This does not validate the input!
-=head1 BUGS
-No known bugs at this time. If you find one, please report them to the authors.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), Tk(1), Tk::Zinc(3), zinc-demos(1)
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-(and some documentation by Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>)
-CENA (C) 2002
-Tk::Zinc::Text is part of Zinc and has been developed by the CENA (Centres d'Etudes de la Navigation Aérienne)
-for its own needs in advanced HMI (Human Machine Interfaces or Interactions). Because we are confident
-in the benefit of free software, the CENA delivered this toolkit under the GNU
-Library General Public License.
-This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-the implied warranty of MER­CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library
-General Public License for more details.
-=head1 HISTORY
-June 2002 : initial release with Zinc-perl 3.2.6
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Trace.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Trace.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3c496..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Trace.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
-# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
-# to additional disclaimer in Tk/license.terms due to partial
-# derivation from Tk8.0 sources.
-# Copyright (c) 2002 CENA, C.Mertz <mert@cena.fr> to trace all
-# Tk::Zinc methods calls as well as the args in a human readable
-# form. Updated by D.Etienne.
-# This package overloads the Tk::Methods function in order to trace
-# every Tk::Zinc method call in your application.
-# This may be very usefull when your application segfaults and
-# when you have no idea where this happens in your code.
-# $Id$
-# To trap Tk::Zinc errors, use rather the Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors package.
-# for using this file do some thing like :
-# perl -MTk::Zinc::Trace myappli.pl
-package Tk::Zinc::Trace;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use vars qw( $ForReplay );
-use Tk;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils;
-my $WidgetMethodfunction;
-my %moduleOptions;
- if (defined $ZincTraceErrors::on && $ZincTraceErrors::on == 1) {
- print STDERR "Tk::Zinc::Trace: incompatible package Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors is already ".
- "loaded (exit 1)\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- print "## Tk::Zinc::Trace ON\n";
- $ZincTrace::on = 1;
- require Getopt::Long;
- Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through');
- Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%moduleOptions, 'code');
- $ForReplay=1 if defined $moduleOptions{code} ;
- select STDOUT; $|=1; ## for flushing the trace output
- # save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in
- # overloaded one (see below)
- use Tk;
- use Tk::Zinc;
- $WidgetMethodfunction = Tk::Zinc->can('WidgetMethod');
-print "## following trace should be very close to a replay-script code\n" if $ForReplay;
-my $ZincCounter= "";
-my %ZincHash;
-#sub Tk::Zinc {
-# print "CREATING Zinc : @_";
-# &$ZincCreationMethodfunction;
-sub Tk::Zinc::WidgetMethod {
- my ($zinc, $name, @args) = @_;
- if (defined $Tk::Zinc::Trace::off and $Tk::Zinc::Trace::off > 0) {
- return &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction;
- }
- my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller(1);
- $package="" unless defined $package;
- $filename="" unless defined $filename;
- $line="" unless defined $line;
- my $widget;
- if (defined $ZincHash{$zinc}) {
- $widget = $ZincHash{$zinc};
- } elsif ($ZincCounter) {
- $ZincHash{$zinc} = '$zinc'.$ZincCounter;
- $widget = '$zinc'.$ZincCounter;
- $ZincCounter++;
- } else {
- $ZincHash{$zinc} = '$zinc';
- $widget = '$zinc';
- $ZincCounter=1; # for the next zinc
- }
- if ($ForReplay) {
- print "$widget->$name";
- } else {
- print "TRACE: $filename line $line $name";
- }
- &printList(@args);
- # invoke function possibly overloaded in other modules
- if (wantarray()) {
- my @res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction;
- if ($ForReplay) {
- print ";\n";
- } else {
- print " RETURNS ";
- &printList (@res);
- print "\n";
- }
- $zinc->update;
- return @res;
- } else {
- my $res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction;
- if ($ForReplay) {
- print ";\n";
- } else {
- print " RETURNS ";
- &printItem ($res);
- print "\n";
- }
- $zinc->update;
- return $res;
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc::Trace - A module to trace all Tk::Zinc method calls
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-use Tk::Zinc::Trace;
-$Tk::Zinc::Trace:ForReplay = 1;
-perl -MTk::Zinc::Trace YourZincBasedScript.pl [--code]
-When loaded, this module overloads a Tk mechanism so that every
-Tk::Zinc method call will be traced. Every call will also be followed by a
-$zinc->update() so that the method call will be effectively treated.
-This module can be very effective for debugging when Tk::Zinc
-core dumps and you have no clue which method call can be responsible for. If
-you just want to trace Tk::Zinc errors when calling a method you
-should rather use the Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors module
-The global variable $Tk::Zinc::Trace:off can be used to trace some specific blocks. If set to 1, traces are deactivated, if set to 0, traces are reactivated.
-If the global variable $Tk::Zinc::Trace:ForReplay is set or if the --code
-option is set in the second form, the printout will be very close to re-executable
-code, like this:
- ## following trace should be very close to a replay-script code
- $zinc->configure(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 3,
- -width => 700, -font => 10x20, -height => 600);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 100, 50],
- -fillcolor => 'green', -filled => 1, -linewidth => 10,
- -relief => 'roundridge', -linecolor => 'darkgreen');
- $zinc->add('text', 1, -font => -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* =>
- -text => 'A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.',
- -anchor => 'nw', -position => [120, 20]);
- $zinc->add('track', 1, 6,
- -labelformat => 'x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2',
- -position => [20, 120], -speedvector => [40, -10], -speedvectormark => 1, -speedvectorticks => 1);
- $zinc->coords(4, [20, 120]);
-If not (the default), the printout will be more informtative, giving
-the following information:
-=over 6
-=item * the source filename where the method has been invoked
-=item * the line number in the source file
-=item * the TkZinc method name
-=item * the list of arguments in a human-readable form
-=item * the returned value
-The trace will look like:
- ## Tk::Zinc::Trace ON
- TRACE: /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/Widget.pm line 196 configure(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 3, -width => 700, -font => 10x20, -height => 600) RETURNS undef
- TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 21 add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 100, 50], -fillcolor => 'green', -filled => 1, -linewidth => 10, -relief => 'roundridge', -linecolor => 'darkgreen') RETURNS 2
- TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 25 add('text', 1, -font => -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* => -text => 'A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.', -anchor => 'nw', -position => [120, 20]) RETURNS 3
- TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 36 add('track', 1, 6, -labelformat => 'x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2', -position => [20, 120], -speedvector => [40, -10], -speedvectormark => 1, -speedvectorticks => 1) RETURNS 4
-=head1 AUTHOR
-C.Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> and D.Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
-=head1 CAVEATS and BUGS
-This module cannot be used when Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors is already in use.
-As every Tk::Zinc method call is followed by an ->update call, this may
-dramatically slowdown an application. The trade-off is between application
-run-time and developper debug-time.
-When using an output "code-like" they are still part of the output which is
-not executable code. However, the ouptut could be easily and manually
-edited to be executable perl code.
-See Tk::Zinc copyright; BSD
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Tk::Zinc(3pm)>, L<Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors(3pm)>. L<Tk::Zinc::Debug(3pm)>.
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/TraceErrors.pm b/Perl/Zinc/TraceErrors.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad524c..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/TraceErrors.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
-# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
-# to additional disclaimer in Tk/license.terms due to partial
-# derivation from Tk8.0 sources.
-# Copyright (c) 2003 CENA, D.Etienne <etienne@cena.fr> to trace all
-# Tk::Zinc errors.
-# This package overloads the Tk::Zinc::WidgetMethods function in order to
-# to trap errors by calling every Tk::Zinc method in an eval() block.
-# This may be very usefull when your application encounters errors such as
-# "error .... at /usr/lib/perl5/Tk.pm line 228". With ZincTraceErrors, the
-# module name, the line number and the complete error messages are reported
-# for each error.
-# $Id$
-# When you have no idea where this happens in your code or when your
-# application segfaults, use the Tk::Zinc::Trace package which traces every
-# Tk::Zinc method call.
-# for using this file do some thing like :
-# perl -MTk::Zinc::TraceErrors myappli.pl
-package Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils;
-my $WidgetMethodfunction;
-my $bold = "";
-my $_bold = "";
- my $bold = "";
- my $_bold = "";
- if (defined $ZincTrace::on and $ZincTrace::on == 1) {
- print STDERR $bold."Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors: incompatible package Tk::Zinc::Trace is already ".
- "loaded".$_bold." (exit 1)\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- print $bold."Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors is ON".$_bold."\n";
- $ZincTraceErrors::on = 1;
- select STDOUT; $|=1; ## for flushing the trace output
- # save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in
- # overloaded one (see below)
- use Tk;
- use Tk::Zinc;
- $WidgetMethodfunction = Tk::Zinc->can('WidgetMethod');
-sub Tk::Zinc::WidgetMethod {
- my ($zinc, $name, @args) = @_;
- my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller(1);
- $package="" unless defined $package;
- $filename="" unless defined $filename;
- $line="" unless defined $line;
- # invoke function possibly overloaded in other modules
- my ($res, @res);
- if (wantarray()) {
- eval {@res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction;};
- } else {
- eval {$res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction;};
- }
- if ($@) {
- print $bold."error:".$_bold." $filename line $line $name";
- &printList (@args);
- my $msg = $@;
- $msg =~ s/at .*//g;
- print " ".$bold."returns".$_bold." $msg\n";
- }
- if (wantarray()) {
- return @res;
- } else {
- return $res;
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors - A module to trace all Tk::Zinc method calls which generate an error
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-use Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors;
-perl -MTk::Zinc::TraceErrors YourZincBasedScript.pl
-When loaded, this module overloads a Tk mechanism so that every
-Tk::Zinc method call will be traced if it provokes an error. The execution
-will then continue.
-This module can be very effective for debugging and application, specially
-when Tk gives an unusuable error message such as ".... errors in Tk.pm line 228"
-=over 6
-=item * the source filename where the method has been invoked
-=item * the line number in the source file
-=item * the TkZinc method name
-=item * the list of arguments in a human-readable form
-=item * the error message
-=head1 AUTHOR
-D.Etienne <etienne@cena.fr> and C.Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-=head1 CAVEAT
-This module cannot be used when Tk::Zinc::Trace is already in use.
-See Tk::Zinc copyright; BSD
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Tk::Zinc(3pm)>, L<Tk::Zinc::Trace(3pm)>. L<Tk::Zinc::Debug(3pm)>.
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/TraceUtils.pm b/Perl/Zinc/TraceUtils.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3bc76..0000000
--- a/Perl/Zinc/TraceUtils.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Font;
-use Tk::Photo;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(printItem printArray printList Item Array List);
-use strict;
-sub printItem {
- print &Item (@_);
-sub printArray {
- print &Array (@_);
-sub printList {
- print &List (@_);
-### to print something
-sub Item {
- my ($value) = @_;
- my $ref = ref($value);
-# print "VALUE=$value REF=$ref\n";
- if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
- return Array ( @{$value} );
- } elsif ($ref eq 'CODE') {
- return "{CODE}";
- } elsif ($ref eq 'Tk::Photo') {
-# print " **** $value ***** ";
- return "Tk::Photo(\"". scalar $value->cget('-file') . "\")";
- } elsif ($ref eq 'Tk::Font') {
- return "'$value'";
- } elsif ($ref eq '') { # scalar
- if (defined $value) {
- if ($value =~ /^-?\d+(\.\d*(e[+-]?\d+)?)?$/ or # -1. or 1.0
- $value =~ /^-[a-zA-Z]([\w])*$/ # -option1 or -option-1
- ) {
- return $value;
- } elsif ($value eq ''
- or $value =~ /\s/
- or $value =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/
- or $value =~ /^[\W]/
- ) {
- return "'$value'";
- } else {
- return $value;
- }
- } else {
- return "_undef";
- }
- } else { # some class instance
- return $value;
- }
-} # end Item
-### to print a list of something
-sub Array {
- my (@values) = @_;
- if (! scalar @values) {
- return "[]";
- }
- else { # the list is not empty
- my $res = "[";
- while (@values) {
- my $value = shift @values;
- $res .= &Item ($value);
- $res .= ", " if (@values);
- }
- return $res. "]" ;
- }
-} # end Array
-sub List {
- my $res = "(";
- while (@_) {
- my $v = shift @_;
- $res .= Item ($v);
- if (@_ > 0) {
- ## still some elements
- if ($v =~ /^-\d+$/) {
- $res .= ", ";
- } elsif ($v =~ /^-\w+$/) {
- $res .= " => ";
- } else {
- $res .= ", ";
- }
- }
- }
- return $res. ")";
-} # end List
diff --git a/Perl/debug/.cvsignore b/Perl/debug/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 625327a..0000000
--- a/Perl/debug/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Perl/demos/.cvsignore b/Perl/demos/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c58b391..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Makefile.PL b/Perl/demos/Makefile.PL
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b22bab..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Makefile.PL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- 'EXE_FILES' => ['zinc-demos'],
- 'PMLIBDIRS' => [ qw( Tk/demos/zinc_pm Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib
- Tk/demos/zinc_data Tk/demos/zinc_lib ) ],
- );
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/README b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 4decc6a..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This directory is for deposing zinc demos contribs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bb2d1..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-# TripleRotatingWheel gambling game contributed by "zentara"
-# Idea derived from the wheelOfFortune.pl demo by D. Etienne etienne@cena.fr
-# $Id$
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-my @win =(); # an array to store winning wheel values, can range from
- # () to (1,1,1)
-# We create a classical root widget called MainWindow; then we create Zinc
-# widget child with size, color and relief attributes, and we display it using
-# the geometry manager called 'pack'.
-my $mw = MainWindow->new;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 565,
- -backcolor => 'black',
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken');
-# Then we create a gray filled rectangle, in which we will display explain text.
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [200, 400, 490, 490],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'SkyBlue',
- );
-my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [350, 445],
- -anchor => 'center',
- );
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [250,275,450,325], #(xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2)
- -linewidth => 2,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'Orange',
- );
-my $wintext = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [350, 300],
- -anchor => 'center',
- );
-#create winning wheel markers
-#create first triangle, then clone and translate
-my $tr1 = $zinc->add('triangles', 1,
- [0,20,20,20,10,50],
- -fan => 1,
- -colors => 'Orange',
- -visible => 1,
- );
-my $tr2 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
-my $tr3 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
-# Create the Wheel object (see Wheel.pm)
-my $wheel1 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100); #start xpos,ypos,mag
-my $wheel2 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100);
-my $wheel3 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100);
-# Display comment
-&comment("Strike any key to begin");
-# Create Tk binding
-$mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
-# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is unmapped
-sub openmode {
- # set binding to unmap the wheel
- $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&closemode);
- # set binding to rotate the hand
- $zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {spin()});
- $zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {spin()});
- $zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {spin()});
- # map the wheel
- $wheel1->show(140, 150);
- $wheel2->show(350, 150);
- $wheel3->show(560, 150);
- # and then inform user
- &comment("Click on any wheel to play.\n".
- "Strike any key to hide the wheels.");
-sub spin {
- return if $wheel1->ismoving;
- return if $wheel2->ismoving;
- return if $wheel3->ismoving;
- @win=();
- &wincomment("PLAYING");
- $wheel1->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
- $wheel2->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
- $wheel3->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
-# print "\@win->@win\n";
- }
-# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is already mapped
-sub closemode {
- return if $wheel1->ismoving;
- return if $wheel2->ismoving;
- return if $wheel3->ismoving;
- # set binding to map the wheel
- $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
- # unmap the wheel
- $wheel1->hide(350, 400);
- $wheel2->hide(350, 400);
- $wheel3->hide(350, 400);
- # and then inform user
- &comment("Strike any key to show the wheel");
-# Just display comment
-sub comment {
- my $string = shift;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($text, -text => $string);
-# display winning comment
-sub wincomment {
- my $string = shift;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($wintext, -text => $string);
-sub displaywin {
- if($#win == -1){&wincomment("NO WIN")}
- if($#win == 0){&wincomment("SINGLE")}
- if($#win == 1){&wincomment("DOUBLE")}
- if($#win == 2){&wincomment("TRIPLE")}
- #restore disabled mouse click for next spin
- $zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {spin()});
- $zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {spin()});
- $zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {spin()});
-# Wheel Class
-package Wheel;
-use strict 'vars';
-use Carp;
-# Object constructor
-sub new {
- my ($proto, $widget, $x, $y, $radius) = @_;
- # object attributes
- my $self = {
- 'widget' => $widget, # widget reference
- 'origin' => [$x, $y], # origin coordinates
- 'radius' => $radius, # wheel radius
- 'topgroup' => undef, # top Group item
- 'itemclip' => undef, # id of item which clips the wheel
- 'angle' => 0, # delta angle
- 'stepsnumber' => 20, # animations parameters
- 'afterdelay' => 30,
- 'shrinkrate' => 0.8, # zoom parameters
- 'zoomrate' => 1.1,
- };
- bless $self;
- # First, we create a new Group item for the wheel. Why a Group item ?
- # At least two reasons. Wheel object consists of several Zinc items,
- # we'll see below; it moves when it is mapped or unmapped, grows when
- # you hit the jackpot. So, it's more easy to apply such transformations
- # to a structured items set, using Group capability, rather than apply
- # to each item separately or using canvas-like Tags mechanism.
- # Second reason refers to clipping. When it is mapped or unmapped, wheel
- # object is drawn inside a circle with variant radius; clipping is a
- # specific property of Group item
- # That's why we create a Group item in the top group, and set its
- # coordinates.
- $self->{topgroup} = $widget->add('group', 1, -visible => 0);
- $widget->coords($self->{topgroup}, [$x,$y]);
-#print " start widget coords-> $x $y\n";
- # All the following items will be created in this group...
- # Create the invisible Arc item used to clip the wheel, centered on the
- # group origin.
- $self->{itemclip} = $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
- [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
- -visible => 0,
- );
- $widget->itemconfigure($self->{topgroup}, -clip => $self->{itemclip});
- # Create the wheel with 6 filled Arc items centered on the group origin
- my $i = 0;
- for my $color (qw(magenta blue cyan green yellow red)) {
- $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
- [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
- -visible => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -closed => 1,
- -extent => 60,
- -pieslice => 1,
- -fillcolor => $color,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -startangle => 60*$i ,
- -tags => [$self],
- );
- $i++;
- }
- # Create the Text item representing the jackpot.
- $widget->add('text', $self->{topgroup},
- -position => [0, -$radius+20],
- -font =>
- '-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -text => "\$",
- );
- # Then we unmap the wheel; in fact, Group item is translated and its
- # clipping circle is shrunk to a point.
- $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}**$self->{stepsnumber});
- return $self;
-# Public methods
-# Return 1 if wheel is moving (opening or closing animation)
-sub ismoving {
- my $self = shift;
- return 1 if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing} or $self->{turning};
-# Display wheel with animation effect
-sub show {
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- # simple lock management
- return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
- $self->{opening} = 1;
- # start animation
- $self->_open($x, $y, 0);
-# Unmap wheel with animation effect
-sub hide {
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- # simple lock management
- return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
- $self->{closing} = 1;
- # start animation
- $self->_close($x, $y, 0);
-# Just rotate the hand with animation effect.
-sub rotatewheel {
- my $self = shift;
- #print "wheel-> $self->{topgroup}";
- my $angle = shift;
-#print " angle->$angle\n";
- return if $self->{turning};
-#prevent "double-clicking", so mouse is disabled
-#until current play is over
-$zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {});
-$zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {});
-$zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {});
- $angle = 0 unless $angle;
- my $oldangle = $self->{angle};
- $self->{angle} = $angle;
- if ((330 < $angle)||($angle < 30)) {
- $self->{fortune} = 1;
- push (@win, $self->{fortune});
- }
- $self->_rotatewheel(2*3.1416*($angle + 1440 - $oldangle)/360);
- #the 1440 above gives at least 2 full spins each play
-# Private methods
-# Generate opening animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
-# Zinc specific use.
-sub _open {
- my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- # first step of animation
- if ($cnt == 0) {
- $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 1);
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- $self->{opening} = undef;
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # move and grow the wheel
- $self->_clipAndTranslate(1/$self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_open($x, $y, $cnt)});
-# Generate closing animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
-# Zinc specific use.
-sub _close {
- my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- # first step of animation
- if ($cnt == 0) {
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 0);
- $self->{closing} = undef;
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # move and shrink the wheel
- $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_close($x, $y, $cnt)});
-# Generate hand rotation animation.
-sub _rotatewheel {
- my ($self, $angle, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
-#grab position of widget
-my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
-my $x = ($pos[0]);
-my $y = ($pos[1]);
- $self->{turning} = 1;
- # first step of animation
- if (not $cnt) {
- $angle /= $self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- if ($self->{fortune}) {
- $self->_fortune;
- } else {
- $self->{turning} = undef;
- }
- &main::displaywin();
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # use 'rotation' Zinc method.
- $widget->rotate($self->{topgroup}, $angle);
-# process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
-#needed to keep wheel stationary while rotating
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_rotatewheel($angle, $cnt)});
-# Generate growing animation to notify jackpot
-sub _fortune {
- my ($self, $cnt) = @_;
- $cnt = 0 unless $cnt;
- my $zf;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- # last step of animation
- if ($cnt == 6) {
- $self->{fortune} = undef;
- $self->{turning} = undef;
- return;
- # event steps : wheel grows
- } elsif ($cnt == 0 or $cnt % 2 == 0) {
- $zf = $self->{zoomrate};
- # odd steps : wheel is shrunk
- } else {
- $zf = 1/$self->{zoomrate};
- }
- $cnt++;
- # Now, we apply scale transformation to the Group item, using the 'scale'
- # Zinc method. Note that we reset group coords before scaling it, in order
- # that the origin of the transformation corresponds to the center of the
- # wheel. When scale is done, we restore previous coords of group.
- $widget->coords($group, [0, 0]);
- $widget->scale($group, $zf, $zf);
- $widget->coords($group, \@pos);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after(100, sub {print "\007";$self->_fortune($cnt)});
- &main::displaywin();
-# Update group clipping and translation, using 'scale' and 'translate'
-# Zinc methods.
-sub _clipAndTranslate {
- my ($self, $shrinkfactor, $x, $y) = @_;
- $x = 0 unless $x;
- $y = 0 unless $y;
- $self->{widget}->scale($self->{itemclip}, $shrinkfactor, $shrinkfactor);
- if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION lt "3.297") {
- $self->{widget}->translate($self->{topgroup}, $x, $y);
- } else {
- my ($xc, $yc) = $self->{widget}->coords($self->{topgroup});
- $self->{widget}->coords($self->{topgroup}, [$xc + $x, $yc + $y]);
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/background_texture.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/background_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb4c11..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/background_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
deleted file mode 100644
index 1755d80..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 96775b5..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8c8ef..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3247d35..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/paper.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/stripped_texture.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/stripped_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b842e..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/stripped_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_orly b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_orly
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f9c66..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_orly
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_paris-w_90_2 b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
deleted file mode 100644
index fb32a5b..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index b7eac16..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc_anti.gif b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc_anti.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1cda9..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_data/zinc_anti.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a625254..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-# MagicLens.pl
-# This small demo is based on Zinc::Graphics.pm for creating
-# the graphic items.
-# The magnifyer effect is obtained with the help of clipping,
-# and some glass effect is based on color transparency through
-# a triangles item bordering the magnifier
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Zinc::Graphics;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict 'vars';
-# the original fonts are not available everywhere, even if they are free!
-my $font_9b = '7x13bold'; # '-cenapii-bleriot mini-bold-r-normal--9-90-75-75-p-*-iso8859-15';
-my $font_8 = '7x13'; #'-cenapii-bleriot mini-book-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-*-iso8859-15';
-my ($dx, $dy);
-my @basiccolors = (['Jaune','#fff52a','#f1f1f1','#6a6611'],
- ["Jaune\nOrangé",'#ffc017','#cfcfcf','#6b510a'],
- ['Orangé','#ff7500','#a5a5a5','#622d00'],
- ['Rouge','#ff2501','#8b8b8b','#620e00'],
- ['Magenta','#ec145d','#828282','#600826'],
- ["Violet\nRouge",'#a41496','#636363','#020940'],
- ["Violet\nBleu",'#6a25b6','#555555','#2a0f48'],
- ['Bleu','#324bde','#646464','#101846'],
- ['Cyan','#0a74f0','#818181','#064a9a'],
- ["Bleu\nVert",'#009bb4','#969696','#006474'],
- ['Vert','#0fa706','#979797','#096604'],
- ["Jaune\nVert",'#9dd625','#c9c9c9','#496311']);
-my $circle_coords = [[0,-30],[-16.569,-30,'c'],[-30,-16.569,'c'],[-30,0],[-30,16.569,'c'],[-16.569,30,'c'],[0,30],
- [16.569,30,'c'],[30,16.569,'c'],[30,0],[30,-16.569,'c'],[16.569,-30,'c'],[0,-30]];
-# MagicLens
-my %lensitems = ('back' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[-100, -100],[100,100]],
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 0,
- -tags => ['lensback'],
- },
- },
- 'light' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -metacoords => {-type => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 36,
- -radius => 100,
- -startangle => 240,
- },
- -linewidth => 10,
- -shifting => 'in',
- -closed => 1,
- -graduate => {-type => 'double',
- -colors => [['#ffffff;0', '#6666cc;0', '#ffffff;0'],
- ['#ffffff;100', '#333399;50', '#ffffff;100']],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 50,
- },
- },
- 'bord' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-100, -100],[100, 100]],
- -params => {-priority => 100,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#222266;80'
- },
- },
- );
-# creation de la fenetre principale
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('Color Magic Lens');
-# creation du widget Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => 1000,
- -height => 900,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -lightangle => 140,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- );
-$zinc->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
-my $texture = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gif'));
-$zinc->configure(-tile => $texture);
-# création des 2 vues
-my $normview = $zinc->add('group', 1, -priority => 100);
-my $lensview = $zinc->add('group', 1, -priority => 200);
-my $infoview = $zinc->add('group', $lensview);
-my $zoom=1.20;
-$zinc->scale($infoview, $zoom, $zoom);
-my $lenstexture = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/paper-grey.gif'));
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $infoview,
- [[0,0],[1000,900]],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -tile => $lenstexture,
- -linewidth => 0,
- );
-my $gradbar;
-my $x = 60;
-for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
- # ajout d'un groupe dans chacune des les 2 vues
- my $cgroup = $zinc->add('group', $normview);
- $zinc->coords($cgroup, [$x, 60]);
- my $lgroup = $zinc->add('group', $infoview);
- $zinc->coords($lgroup, [$x, 60]);
- # références de la couleur : name, Zncolor saturée, ZnColor désaturée, ZnColor d'ombrage
- my ($colorname, $saturcolor, $greycolor, $shadcolor) = @{$basiccolors[$i]};
- # échantillon référence couleur saturée + relief
- my $refgrad = "=radial -12 -20|#ffffff 0|".$saturcolor." 40|".$shadcolor." 100";
- my $refitem = $zinc->add('curve', $cgroup,
- $circle_coords,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $refgrad,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -priority => 100
- );
- # clone dans le group infoview
- my $clone = $zinc->clone($refitem);
- $zinc->chggroup($clone, $lgroup);
- # label couleur (infoview)
- $zinc->add('text', $lgroup,
- -priority => 200,
- -position => [0, 0],
- -text => $colorname,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -spacing => 2,
- );
- # dégradé de la couleur vers le gris de męme luminosité
- my $bargrad = "=axial 270|".$saturcolor."|".$greycolor;
- # création des échantillons de couleur (curve multi-contours)
- $gradbar = $zinc->add('curve', $cgroup,
- [],
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $bargrad,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -priority => 20,
- -fillrule => 'nonzero'
- );
- # définition des couleurs du dégradé (saturation 100% -> 0%)
- my $zncolors = &createGraduate($zinc, 11, [$saturcolor, $greycolor]);
- # on retire les valeurs alphas
- foreach (@{$zncolors}){ ($_) = split /;/, $_;}
- # réalisation des pas de dégradé (saturation -> désaturation)
- my $c;
- for ($c = 0; $c < 11; $c++) {
- # couleur du pas
- my $color = $zncolors->[$c];
- # item zinc de l'exemple couleur
- my $sample = $zinc->clone($refitem, -fillcolor => $color);
- $zinc->translate($sample, 0, 65*($c+1));
- # ajout ŕ la curve multi-contours
- $zinc->contour($gradbar, 'add', 1, $sample);
- # déplacement vers le groupe info
- $zinc->chggroup($sample, $lgroup);
- # label texte (% saturation + ZnColor)
- my $txtcolor = ((10 - $c)*10)."%\n$color";
- $zinc->add('text', $lgroup,
- -priority => 200,
- -position => [0, ($c + 1)* 65],
- -text => $txtcolor,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -font => $font_8,
- -spacing => 2,
- );
- }
- $x += 80;
-# création de la MagicLens
-my $lensgroup = $zinc->add('group', 1,
- -priority => 300,
- -atomic => 1,
- -tags => ['lens'],
- );
-$zinc->coords($lensgroup, [300, 110]);
-# items graphiques
-while (my ($name, $style) = each(%lensitems)) {
- &buildZincItem($zinc, $lensgroup, %{$style});
-# clipping lensview
-my $lenszone = $zinc->clone('lensback', -tags => ['lenszone']);
-$zinc->chggroup($lenszone, $lensview, 1);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($lensview, -clip => $lenszone);
-# consigne globale
-my $consigne = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [30, 840],
- -text => "<Up>, <Down>, <Left> and <Right> keys or <Mouse Drag>\nMove the Magic Color Lens behind the color gradiants\nto see the ZnColor value of Hue/saturation\n",
- -font => $font_8,
- -alignment => 'left',
- -color => '#ffffff',
- -spacing => 2,
- );
-my $cclone = $zinc->clone($consigne, -font => $font_9b);
-$zinc->chggroup($cclone, $infoview);
-#----------------------------------------------------------------------- fin de MAIN
-sub setBindings {
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<1>', sub {&lensStart();});
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<B1-Motion>', sub {&lensMove();});
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<ButtonRelease>', sub {&lensStop();});
- $mw->Tk::focus();
- # Up, Down, Right, Left : Translate
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Up>', sub {lensTranslate('up');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Down>', sub {lensTranslate('down');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Left>', sub {lensTranslate('left');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Right>', sub {lensTranslate('right');});
-# Callback CATCH de sélection (début de déplacement) de la lentille
-sub lensStart {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
-# Callback MOVE de déplacement de la lentille
-sub lensMove {
- my ($tx, $ty) = @_;
- if (defined $tx and defined $ty) {
- # interaction clavier
- $zinc->translate('lens', $tx, $ty);
- $zinc->translate('lenszone', $tx, $ty);
- } else {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- $zinc->translate('current', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy);
- $zinc->translate('lenszone', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy);
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
- }
- my ($lx, $ly) = $zinc->coords('lens');
- $zinc->coords($infoview, [$lx * (1-$zoom), $ly * (1-$zoom)]);
-# Callback RELEASE de relaché (fin de déplacement) de la lentille
-sub lensStop {
- &lensMove;
-sub lensTranslate {
- my $way = shift;
- my $dx = ($way eq 'left') ? -10 : ($way eq 'right') ? 10 : 0;
- my $dy = ($way eq 'up') ? -10 : ($way eq 'down') ? 10 : 0;
- &lensMove($dx, $dy);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/Zetris.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/Zetris.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f6c9df0..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/Zetris.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-# Zinc port of TkTetris from Slaven Rezic
-# Zetris - A Zinc Toy-Appli based on cool TkTetris from Slaven Rezic
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (C) 2002 Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Author: Marcellin Buisson <buisson@cena.fr>
-# Hacked from Original Code to adapt to Tk::Zinc Widget :
-# Author: Slaven Rezic
-# Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Mail: slaven.rezic@berlin.de
-# WWW: http://www.rezic.de/eserte/
-# What are the differences with the original TkTetris ?
-# - This TkTetris-like uses a tk widget similar to the canvas
-# and called "Zinc". Zinc bring to Tk widgets openGL features
-# like transparency, color gradients, scaling.
-# So to use Zetris graphic enhancement, you need openGL capability.
-# Zinc comes with other features like grouping and clipping.
-# - A color gradient is used for Zetris background,
-# - Zetris balls are filled with transparently color gradients,
-# (transparency is visible when balls fall over TkZinc logo)
-# - Zetris balls have a little transparent shadow,
-# - The TkZinc logo is animated by rotation and scaling effects,
-# - Introducing of groups provided by Zinc for grouping items
-# This feature is particularly useful for applying transformations,
-# - The TkZinc logo over background isn't an image but only curves
-# and color gradients (made by <vinot@cena.fr>)
-# - Please feel free to provide any feedback to <buisson@cena.fr>
-# - CM: Zetris now works even without openGL. It is just ugly!
-# ToDos :
-# - Complete this basic version in a full playable game like tktetris.
-# - Review conception through Zinc features.
-# (using groups capabilities for drawing blocks for instance)
-# - Adding special effects when completing a line or changing level.
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Zinc::Logo;
-package main;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%00d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-my $max_size = 4;
-my $nmbr_blks = 7;
-my $width = 12;
-my $height = 20;
-my $geometry;
-my $level;
-my $just_started = 1;
-my $speed;
-my $base_speed = 500;
-my $last_resize;
-my $fontheight = 0;
-my $basefont
- = sub { sprintf "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--%s-*", $_[0] };
-my $base2font
- = sub { sprintf "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--%s-*", $_[0] };
-my $blocks = 0;
-my $lines = 0;
-my $mylines = 0;
-my $pause = undef;
-my $pause_w;
-my $freefall = 0;
-my $points = 0;
-my $flat = 0;
-my $moveable_drop = 0;
-my $old_win_height;
-my $draw_shadow = 1;
-# Animation constants
-my $afterdelay = 1;
-my $stepsnumber = 10;
-my $zoomrate = 1.1;
-my $active_block = undef;
-my $active_block_nr = undef;
-my $active_dir = undef;
-my $next_block = undef;
-my $next_block_nr = undef;
-my $next_dir = undef;
-my $posx = undef;
-my $posy = undef;
-my $n = 0;
-my(%color_dark, %color_very_dark);
-my %color_bright =
- (2 => 'red',
- 3 => 'green',
- 4 => 'blue',
- 5 => 'cyan',
- 6 => 'yellow',
- 7 => 'orange',
- 8 => 'pink',
- );
-# Blocks matrix
-my $block =
- [[[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(0 2 0 0)],
- [qw(0 2 2 0)],
- [qw(0 2 0 0)]],
- [[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(3 3 0 0)],
- [qw(0 3 0 0)],
- [qw(0 3 0 0)]],
- [[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(0 4 4 0)],
- [qw(0 4 0 0)],
- [qw(0 4 0 0)]],
- [[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(0 5 0 0)],
- [qw(0 5 5 0)],
- [qw(0 0 5 0)]],
- [[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(0 6 0 0)],
- [qw(6 6 0 0)],
- [qw(6 0 0 0)]],
- [[qw(0 7 0 0)],
- [qw(0 7 0 0)],
- [qw(0 7 0 0)],
- [qw(0 7 0 0)]],
- [[qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(0 0 0 0)],
- [qw(8 8 0 0)],
- [qw(8 8 0 0)]],
- ];
-my $playfield;
-my $step_x = 20;
-my $step_y = 20;
-my $boxsize_x = $step_x-2;
-my $boxsize_y = $step_y-2;
-my $block_border = int($boxsize_x/10);
-my $help_top;
-my $top = MainWindow->new();
-$top->minsize(181, 83);
- my $width_height_set = 0;
- if ($geometry)
- {
- if ($geometry =~ /^(=?(\d+)x(\d+))?(([+-]\d+)([+-]\d+))?$/)
- {
- if (defined $2 and defined $3)
- {
- my($width, $height) = ($2, $3);
- $top->GeometryRequest($width, $height);
- $width_height_set++;
- }
- if (defined $5 and defined $6)
- {
- my($x, $y) = ($5, $6);
- $top->geometry("$x$y");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- die "Can't parse geometry: $geometry";
- }
- }
- if (!$width_height_set)
- {
- $top->GeometryRequest($top->screenwidth,
- $top->screenheight);
- }
-my $base_level = 1;
-$level = level();
-$speed = speed();
-while(my($k, $v) = each %color_bright)
- {
- $color_dark{$k} = $top->Darken($v, 80);
- $color_very_dark{$k} = $top->Darken($v, 60);
- }
-# Zinc Widget (openGl rendering option set to 1)
-my $tetris = $top->Zinc(-width => $step_x*($width-2),
- -height => $step_y*($height-1),
- -backcolor => '#707070',
- -lightangle => 130,
- -render => 1,
- )->pack;
-# Zetris will no more die if there is no openGL render. I did some minor
-# modification (transparency, item priority) to make all needed item
-# visible, even without alpha-transparency
-my $render = $tetris->cget(-render);
-my $shadow_group = $tetris->add('group',1, -visible => 1);
-my $pause_group = $tetris->add('group',1, -visible => 1);
-my $topgroup = 1;
-$tetris->pack(-fill => 'both',
- -expand=> 1);
- 1, # Zinc group
- [0, 0,$step_x*($width-2) ,$step_y*($height-1)] ,
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => $render ? "=axial 90 |black;40|gray80;60" : "grey80",
- -visible => 1);
-my $group = $tetris->add('group', 1, );
-my $logo = Tk::Zinc::Logo->new(-widget => $tetris,
- -parent => $group,
- -position => [$step_x*($width-2)/2-200,
- $step_y*($height-1)/2],
- );
-$tetris->lower($group) if $render;
-my $score_group = $tetris->add('group',1, -visible => 1);
-my $new = $tetris->add('text',$score_group,
- -text => " $lines Line\n",
- #-anchor => 'e',
- -font => $basefont->($fontheight),
- -position => [$width-2,10],
- );
- -text => "Sorry, without openGL,\nZtetris is just ugly.",
- #-anchor => 'e',
- -font => $basefont->($fontheight),
- -position => [$width-2,100],
- ) if !$render;
-$tetris->lower($score_group) if $render;
-my $timer = $top->after(speed(), sub {
- $old_win_height = $top->height;
- $just_started = 0;
- action();
- });
-print "\n***********************************************\n\n For help on the game toggle pause with 'p'\n\n***********************************************\n\n";
-sub reset_playfield
- {
- my $i;
- # $fake_height: mit negativen Indices können die n-letzten Elemente
- # angesprochen werden...
- my $fake_height = $height+$max_size+1;
- for $i (0 .. $fake_height-1)
- {
- $playfield->[$i][0] = 1;
- my $j;
- for $j (1 .. $width-2)
- {
- $playfield->[$i][$j] = 0;
- }
- $playfield->[$i][$width-1] = 1;
- }
- for $i (0 .. $width-1)
- {
- $playfield->[$height-1][$i] = 1;
- }
- }
-sub speed
- {
- my $speed = $base_speed - ($base_speed*$level)/20;
- if ($speed <= 5) { $speed = 5 }
- $speed;
- }
-sub level
- {
- int($lines / 10) + 1 + $base_level
- }
-sub resize_calc
- {
- $last_resize = time();
- my $win_height;
- if ($just_started)
- {
- $win_height = $top->reqheight;
- }
- else
- {
- $win_height = $top->height;
- }
- $step_x = $step_y = int($win_height/($height+3));
- my $gap = ($step_x > 10 ? 2 : 1);
- $boxsize_x = $step_x-$gap;
- $boxsize_y = $step_y-$gap;
- $block_border = int($boxsize_x/10);
- if ($block_border < 1) { $block_border = 1 }
- my @font_height = (10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 34);
- my $req_fontheight = $win_height/30;
- $fontheight = 0;
- foreach (@font_height)
- {
- if ($_ > $req_fontheight)
- {
- $fontheight = $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (!$fontheight) { $fontheight = $font_height[$#font_height] }
- # the following line has been commented out since
- # it modify default font for every application
- # launched by zinc-demos! CM 26/3/02
- # $top->optionAdd("*font" => $basefont->($fontheight));
- }
-sub make_key_bindings
- {
- my $top = shift;
-# $top->bind('<Escape>' => \&quit_game);
-# $top->bind('<q>' => \&quit_game);
-# $top->bind('<Control-c>' => \&quit_game);
- $top->bind('<Left>' => sub { move('left') });
- $top->bind('<Right>' => sub { move('right') });
- $top->bind('<Up>' => sub { move('antiturn') });
- $top->bind('<Down>' => sub { move('turn') });
- $top->bind('<j>' => sub { move('left') });
- $top->bind('<l>' => sub { move('right') });
- $top->bind('<k>' => sub { move('turn') });
- foreach (qw/space KP_Enter/) {
- $top->bind("<$_>" => sub { move('freefall') });
- }
- $top->bind('<p>' => sub { toggle_pause() });
- $top->bind('<n>' => \&stop_and_new_game);
- $top->bind('<h>' => \&help);
- #$top->bind('all', '<F1>' => \&help); # don't pause
- $top->bind('all', '<F2>' => \&lost);
- #XXX Leave und Enter herausnehmen
- $top->bind('<FocusOut>' => sub { inc_pause(1) });
- # $top->bind('<Leave>' => sub { inc_pause(1) });
- $top->bind('<FocusIn>' => sub { dec_pause(1) });
- #$top->bind('<ButtonRelease>' => sub { toggle_pause()});
- #$top->bind('<Key-space>' => sub { toggle_pause()});
- # $top->bind('<Enter>' => sub { dec_pause(1) });
- }
-sub inc_pause
- {
- my $quiet = shift;
- $pause++;
- if (!$quiet && !Tk::Exists($pause_w))
- {
- my $width = $top->width;
- my $height = $top->height;
- $pause_w = $tetris->add('text',$pause_group,
- -text => "PAUSE MODE :\n Type p to continue\n
-\n\n\nHELP : \n\n- 'p' toggle pause\n\n- Arrow keys to move blocks\n\n- 'n' to start a new game\n\n ",
- -font => $basefont->($fontheight),
- -position => [30,50],
- -anchor => 'nw',
- );
- }
-sub dec_pause
- {
- if ($pause)
- {
- $pause--;
- if ($pause < 1)
- {
- $tetris->remove($pause_w);
- undef $pause;
- }
- }
- }
-sub toggle_pause
- {
- my $quiet = shift;
- if ($pause)
- {
- $tetris->remove($pause_w);# if Tk::Exists($pause_w);
- undef $pause;
- }
- else
- {
- inc_pause($quiet);
- }
- }
-sub action
- {
- if (!$pause)
- {
- if (!defined $active_block_nr)
- {
- if (!defined $next_block_nr)
- {
- get_next_block();
- }
- $active_block_nr = $next_block_nr;
- $blocks++;
- $active_block = [];
- copyblock($next_block, $active_block);
- $active_dir = $next_dir;
- get_next_block();
- }
- if (defined $posx)
- {
- # erstes Zeichnen
- if (testblock($active_block, $posx, $posy+1))
- {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- $posy++;
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- array_update(($level+1) * int(($height-$posy+5)/5),
- $posx, $posy);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $posx = int($width / 2) - 1;
- $posy = -$max_size;
- }
- }
- $timer = $top->after($freefall ? 1 : speed(), \&action);
- }
-sub get_next_block
- {
- $next_block_nr = int(rand()*$nmbr_blks);
- $next_dir = int(rand()*4);
- $next_block = $block->[$next_block_nr];
- for (0 .. $next_dir)
- {
- turn($next_block_nr, $next_block);
- }
- }
-sub turn
- {
- my($number, $block) = @_;
- my($i, $j, $help_block);
- if ($number != 6)
- {
- if ($number < 5)
- {
- for $i (1 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- for $j (0 .. $max_size-2)
- {
- $help_block->[$max_size-1-$j][$i-1] = $block->[$i][$j];
- }
- }
- for $i (1 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- for $j (0 .. $max_size-2)
- {
- $block->[$i][$j] = $help_block->[$i][$j];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for $i (0 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- for $j (0 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- $help_block->[$max_size-1-$j][$i] = $block->[$i][$j];
- }
- }
- copyblock($help_block, $block);
- }
- }
- }
-sub copyblock
- {
- my($from, $to) = @_;
- die if ref $from ne 'ARRAY' || ref $to ne 'ARRAY';
- my($i, $j);
- for $i (0 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- for $j (0 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- $to->[$i][$j] = $from->[$i][$j];
- }
- }
- }
-sub rectangle
- {
- my($x, $y, $mode, $zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->remove("$x-$y"); # Zinc command for deleting items
- $zinc->remove("ombre$x-$y");
- if ($mode)
- {
- my($xx, $yy);
- ($xx, $yy) = (($x-1)*$step_x, $y*$step_y);
- my $color = $color_bright{$mode};
- # Adding new Zinc item : ball shadow
- my $ombre=$zinc->add(
- 'arc',$shadow_group,[$xx+10,$yy+10,$xx+$boxsize_x+10,$yy+$boxsize_y+10],
- -visible=>1,
- -filled=>1,
- -fillcolor => $render ? "=path 50 50 |black;100 0|black;80 20|black;0 100" : "grey90", # color gradiant
- -linewidth => 0,
- -linecolor => 'yellow',
- -priority => $render ? 6 : 10,
- -tags => ["ombre$x-$y"]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($shadow_group, -priority => 2);
- # Adding new Zinc item : ball
- my $cercle=$zinc->add(
- 'arc',$topgroup,[$xx,$yy,$xx+$boxsize_x,$yy+$boxsize_y],
- -visible=>1,
- -filled=>1,
- -fillcolor => $render ? "=radial -20 -20 |white;90|$color;90" : $color,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -priority => 5,
- -linecolor => "$color;80",
- -tags => ["$x-$y"]);
- }
- }
-sub testblock
- {
- my($active_block, $posx, $posy) = @_;
- for(my $i = 0; $i <= $max_size-1; $i++)
- {
- for(my $j = 0; $j <= $max_size-1; $j++)
- {
- if ($active_block->[$i][$j])
- {
- if ($playfield->[$posy+$i][$posx+$j])
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- 1;
- }
-sub drawblock
- {
- my($posx, $posy, $mode, $zinc) = @_;
- my $y = $posy;
- $zinc = $tetris if !$zinc;
- for(my $i = 0; $i <= $max_size-1; $i++)
- {
- my $x = $posx;
- for(my $j = 0; $j <= $max_size-1; $j++)
- {
- if ($active_block->[$i][$j])
- {
- if (!$mode)
- {
- rectangle($x, $y, 0, $zinc);
- }
- else
- {
- rectangle($x, $y, $active_block->[$i][$j], $zinc);
- }
- }
- $x++;
- }
- $y++;
- }
- }
-sub new_game {
- reset_playfield();
- renew_field();
- reset_block();
- $next_block_nr = undef;
- reset_game_param();
- action();
-sub stop_and_new_game {
- stop_game();
- new_game(),
- }
-## no more used, because it quits zinc-demos
-sub quit_game {
- print "Bye!\n";
- exit;
-sub lost {
- $top->destroy;
- print "You lost :o( !\n";
- exit;
- }
-sub reset_game_param {
- $points = $blocks = $lines = 0;
- $level = level();
- $speed = speed();
- $pause = undef;
-sub stop_game {
- undef_timer();
- undef $active_block;
-sub delete_line
- {
- my($y) = @_;
- my $yy = $y*$step_y;
- my $x;
- for $x (1 .. $width-2)
- {
- my $xx = ($x-1)*$step_x;
- $tetris->add
- ('rectangle',1,
- [$xx, $yy, $xx+$boxsize_x, $yy+$boxsize_y],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'orange;50',
- -tags => ['delline'],
- );
- }
- $tetris->idletasks;
- short_sleep(0.05);
- $tetris->remove('delline');
- my $deuxpi = 3.1416;
- my $i = 1;
- my $angle = 360;
- # special effect on TkZinc logo
- rotation($deuxpi*$angle/360);
- $mylines++;
- $tetris->itemconfigure($new,-text => " $mylines Lines\n", -font => $basefont->($fontheight));
- }
-sub rotation
- {
- my ($angle, $cnt) = @_;
- # first step of animation
- if ($cnt == $stepsnumber)
- {
- inflation(); # scaling effect
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # use 'rotation' Zinc method.
- my $stepi = 360/$stepsnumber;
- $angle = $stepi*2*3.1416/360;
- $tetris->rotate($group, $angle, 250, 450 );
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $tetris->after($afterdelay, sub {rotation($angle, $cnt)});
- }
-sub inflation
- {
- my ($cnt) = @_;
- my @pos = $tetris->coords($group);
- my $zf;
- # last step of animation
- if ($cnt == 6)
- {
- return;
- # event steps : wheel grows
- }
- elsif ($cnt % 2 == 0)
- {
- $zf = 4*$zoomrate;
- # odd steps : wheel is shrunk
- }
- else
- {
- $zf = 1/(4*$zoomrate);
- }
- $cnt++;
- # Now, we apply scale transformation to the Group item, using the 'scale'
- # Zinc method. Note that we reset group coords before scaling it, in order
- # that the origin of the transformation corresponds to the center of the
- # wheel. When scale is done, we restore previous coords of group.
- $tetris->coords($group, [0, 0]);
- $tetris->scale($group, $zf, $zf);
- $tetris->coords($group, \@pos);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $tetris->after(100, sub {inflation($cnt)});
- }
-sub game_over {
- stop_game();
- # insert_highscore();
- # show_highscore('Game over');
- # save_highscore();
- #toggle_pause();
- my $width = $top->width;
- my $height = $top->height;
- my $new = $tetris->add('text',$pause_group,
- -font => $basefont->($fontheight),
- -text => "You lost ! :o)\ntype 'n' to try again !",
- -position => [20,100],
- );
- $top->update('idletasks');
- short_sleep(1);
- $tetris->remove($new);
- }
-sub move {
- my($dir) = @_;
- if (!$active_block || !defined $posx || $pause) {
- $top->bell;
- return;
- }
- if ($dir eq 'right' and testblock($active_block, $posx+1, $posy)) {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- $posx++;
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- } elsif ($dir eq 'left' and testblock($active_block, $posx-1, $posy)) {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- $posx--;
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- } elsif ($dir eq 'turn') {
- my $help_block = [];
- copyblock($active_block, $help_block);
- turn($active_block_nr, $help_block);
- if (testblock($help_block, $posx, $posy)) {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- copyblock($help_block, $active_block);
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- }
- } elsif ($dir eq 'antiturn') {
- my $help_block = [];
- copyblock($active_block, $help_block);
- anti_turn($active_block_nr, $help_block);
- if (testblock($help_block, $posx, $posy)) {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- copyblock($help_block, $active_block);
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- }
- } elsif ($dir eq 'freefall') {
- if ($moveable_drop) {
- $freefall = 1;
- undef_timer();
- action();
- } else {
- my $free_fall = 0;
- while (testblock($active_block, $posx, $posy+1)) {
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 0);
- $posy++;
- $free_fall++;
- drawblock($posx, $posy, 1);
- $top->idletasks;
- }
- array_update(($level+1)*int(($free_fall+$height-$posy+5)/5),
- $posx, $posy);
- }
- }
- }
-sub array_update
- {
- my($plus, $posx, $posy) = @_;
- my($i, $j);
- undef_timer();
- delete_shadow();
- for $i (0 .. $max_size-1)
- {
- for $j (0 .. $max_size-1) {
- if ($active_block->[$i][$j] and $posy+$i >= 0) {
- $playfield->[$posy+$i][$posx+$j] = $active_block->[$i][$j];
- } else {
- if ($active_block->[$i][$j]) {
- game_over();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $points += $plus;
- if ($posy >= 0) {
- for $i ($posy .. $height-2) {
- if (to_del_line($i)) {
- delete_line($i);
- $lines++;
- $points += 10*($level+1);
- for $j (reverse(0 .. $i-1)) {
- my $k;
- for $k (1 .. $width-2) {
- $playfield->[$j+1][$k] = $playfield->[$j][$k];
- }
- }
- renew_field($i);
- }
- }
- }
- my $oldlevel = $level;
- $level = level();
- if ($oldlevel != $level) {
- my $width = $top->width;
- my $height = $top->height;
- my $newlevel = $tetris->add('text',$pause_group,
- -text => 'NEW LEVEL',
- -font => $basefont->($fontheight),
- -position => [20,20],
- );
- $top->update('idletasks');
- short_sleep(0.5);
- $tetris->remove($newlevel);
- }
- reset_block();
- action();
-sub anti_turn
- {
- my($number, $block) = @_;
- for (1 .. 3) { turn($number, $block) }
-sub undef_timer {
- if ($timer) {
- $timer->cancel;
- undef $timer;
- }
-sub delete_shadow {
- return if !$draw_shadow;
- for(my $x = 1; $x <= $width-1; $x++) {
-# rectangle($x, 0, 0, $shadow);
- }
-sub to_del_line {
- my($posy) = @_;
- my $i;
- for $i (1 .. $width-2) {
- if ($posy >= 0 and !$playfield->[$posy][$i]) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- 1;
-sub reset_block {
- undef $active_block_nr;
- undef $posx;
- $freefall = 0;
-sub short_sleep {
- my $sleep = shift;
- if ($^O =~ /win/i) {
- $top->Busy;
- my $wait = 0;
- $top->after($sleep*1000, sub { $wait = 1 });
- $top->waitVariable(\$wait);
- $top->Unbusy;
- } else {
- eval { select(undef, undef, undef, $sleep) };
- }
-sub renew_field {
- my($max_y) = @_;
- $max_y = $height-2 if !defined $max_y;
- my($i, $j);
- for $i (0 .. $max_y) {
- for $j (1 .. $width-2) {
- if ($playfield->[$i][$j]) {
- rectangle($j, $i, $playfield->[$i][$j], $tetris);
- } else {
- rectangle($j, $i, 0, $tetris);
- }
- }
- }
-sub help
- {
- inc_pause();
- if (defined $help_top and Tk::Exists($help_top))
- {
- $help_top->raise;
- return;
- }
- require Tk::ROText;
- my $firebutton = 'Button';
- eval { require Tk::FireButton; Tk::FireButton->VERSION(1.04); };
- $help_top = $top->Toplevel(-title => 'Tetris Help');
- make_key_bindings($help_top);
- my $ti = "Zetris help :\n - truc 1\n - truc 2\n - truc 3\n \n";
- my $create_but = sub {
- my($t, $command, $fire) = @_;
- my $button = ($fire ? $firebutton : 'Button');
- my $but = $tetris->add('text',$pause_group,
- -text => $ti,
- -font => $base2font->(12),
- -position => [20,20],
- );
- };
- my $cb = $help_top->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -font => $base2font->(12),
- -command => sub { $help_top->destroy })->pack;
- $help_top->bind('<Escape>' => sub { $cb->invoke });
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 25140f2..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/all_options.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Pane;
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $label=$mw->Label(-text =>
-"Click on one of the following
-buttons to get a list of Item
-attributes (or zinc options)
-with their types.\n",
- -justify => 'left')->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10);
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 1, -height => 1,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 0, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Creating an instance of every item type
-my %itemtypes;
-# These Items have fields! So the number of fields must be given at creation time
-foreach my $type qw(tabular track waypoint) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, 0);
-# These items needs no specific initial values
-foreach my $type qw(group icon map reticle text window) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1);
-# These items needs some coordinates at creation time
-# However curves usually needs more than 2 points.
-foreach my $type qw(arc curve rectangle) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1]);
-# Triangles item needs at least 3 points for the coordinates
-foreach my $type qw(triangles) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1 , 2,2]);
-sub showAllOptions {
- my ($type) = @_;
- my $tl = $mw->Toplevel;
- my $title = "All options of an item $type";
- my @options;
- if ($type eq 'zinc') {
- @options = $zinc->configure();
- $title = "All options of zinc widget";
- }
- else {
- @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($itemtypes{$type});
- $title = "All attributes of an item $type";
- }
- $tl->title($title);
- my $frame = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'e',
- -height => 600,
- );
- $frame->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -fill => 'both',
- -expand => 1,
- );
- my $fm = $frame->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop',
- -label => $title,
- )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -fill => 'both');
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => 1, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => ($type eq 'zinc') ? 'optionClass' : 'Type',
- -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => 1, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => ($type eq 'zinc') ? 'defaultValue' : 'ReadOnly',
- -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => 1, -column => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my $i = 2;
- my %options; #we used this hastable to sort the options by their names
- if ($type eq 'zinc') {
- for my $elem (@options) {
-# print "$elem @$elem\n";
- my ($optionName, $optionDatabaseName, $optionClass, $default, $optionValue) = @$elem;
- $options{$optionName} = [$optionClass, $default, "", $optionValue];
- }
- }
- else {
- for my $elem (@options) {
- my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem;
- $options{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue];
- }
- }
- for my $optionName (sort keys %options) {
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$options{$optionName}};
- $fm->Label(-text => $optionName, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => $optionType, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # $empty is for provision by Zinc
- if ($type ne 'zinc') {
- if ($readOnly) {$readOnly = "read only"} else { $readOnly = "" }
- }
- $fm->Label(-text => $readOnly, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # we do not display $optionValue for these fake items
- $i++;
- }
- $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack;
-my $col = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-my $width=0;
-foreach my $type (sort keys %itemtypes) {
- if (length ($type) > $width) {
- $width = length ($type);
- }
-foreach my $type (sort keys %itemtypes) {
- $col->Button(-text => "$type",
- -width => $width,
- -command => sub {&showAllOptions ($type);},
- )->pack(-pady => 4);
-$col->Button(-text => "zinc widget options",
- -command => sub {&showAllOptions ('zinc');},
- )->pack(-pady => 4);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/atomic-groups.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/atomic-groups.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c019c..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/atomic-groups.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple sample has been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-package atomic_groups;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Checkbutton;
-use Tk::Label;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 500, -height => 350,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 0,
- )->pack;
-my $groups_group_atomicity = 0;
-my $red_group_atomicity = 0;
-my $green_group_atomicity = 0;
-my $display_clipping_item_background = 0;
-my $clip = 1;
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text =>
- "- There are 3 groups: a red group containing 2 redish objects,\n".
- "a green group containing 2 greenish objects,\n".
- "and groups_group containing both previous groups.\n".
- "- You can make some groups atomic or not by depressing \n".
- "the toggle buttons at the bottom of the window\n".
- "- Try and then click on some items to observe that callbacks\n".
- " are then different: they modify either the item, or 2 items of\n".
- " a group or all items",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [10, 10]);
-############### creating the top group with its bindings ###############################
-my $groups_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1,
- -atomic => $groups_group_atomicity,
- -tags => [ 'groups_group' ]);
-# the following callbacks will be called only if 'groups_group' IS atomic
-$zinc->bind($groups_group, '<1>', \&modify_bitmap_bg);
-$zinc->bind($groups_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>', \&modify_bitmap_bg);
-############### creating the red_group, with its binding and its content ################
-# the red_group may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to red_group callbacks
-my $red_group = $zinc->add('group', $groups_group,
- -visible => 1,
- -atomic => $red_group_atomicity,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => ['red_group'],
- );
-# the following callbacks will be called only if 'groups_group' IS NOT-atomic
-# and if 'red_group' IS atomic
-$zinc->bind($red_group, '<1>', sub { &modify_item_lines($red_group)} );
-$zinc->bind($red_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>', sub { &modify_item_lines($red_group)} );
-my $rc = $zinc->add('arc', $red_group,
- [100, 200, 140, 240],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "red2",
- -linewidth => 3, -linecolor => "white",
- -tags => [ 'red_circle' ],
- );
-my $rr = $zinc->add('rectangle', $red_group,
- [300, 200, 400,250],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "red2",
- -linewidth => 3, -linecolor => "white",
- -tags => [ 'red_rectangle' ],
- );
-# the following callbacks will be called only if 'groups_group' IS NOT atomic
-# and if 'red_group' IS NOT atomic
-$zinc->bind($rc, '<1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($rc, '<ButtonRelease-1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($rr, '<1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($rr, '<ButtonRelease-1>', \&toggle_color);
-############### creating the green_group, with its binding and its content ################
-# the green_group may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to green_group callbacks
-my $green_group = $zinc->add('group', $groups_group,
- -visible => 1,
- -atomic => $green_group_atomicity,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => ['green_group'],
- );
-# the following callbacks will be called only if 'groups_group' IS NOT atomic
-# and if 'green_group' IS atomic
-$zinc->bind($green_group, '<1>', sub { &modify_item_lines($green_group) } );
-$zinc->bind($green_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>', sub { &modify_item_lines($green_group) } );
-my $gc = $zinc->add('arc', $green_group,
- [100,270, 140,310],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "green2",
- -linewidth => 3, -linecolor => "white",
- -tags => [ 'green_circle' ],
- );
-my $gr = $zinc->add('rectangle', $green_group,
- [300,270, 400,320],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "green2",
- -linewidth => 3, -linecolor => "white",
- -tags => [ 'green_rectangle' ],
- );
-# the following callbacks will be called only if 'groups_group' IS NOT atomic
-# and if 'green_group' IS NOT atomic
-$zinc->bind($gc, '<1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($gc, '<ButtonRelease-1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($gr, '<1>', \&toggle_color);
-$zinc->bind($gr, '<ButtonRelease-1>', \&toggle_color);
-my $current_bg = '';
-###################### groups_group callback ##############
-sub modify_bitmap_bg {
- if ($current_bg eq 'AlphaStipple2') {
- $current_bg = '';
- }
- else {
- $current_bg = 'AlphaStipple2';
- }
- foreach my $item ($rc, $rr, $gc, $gr) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -fillpattern => $current_bg);
- }
-#################### red/green_group callback ##############
-sub modify_item_lines {
- my ($gr) = @_;
- my @children = $zinc->find('withtag', ".$gr*"); # we are using a pathtag (still undocumented feature of 3.2.6) to get items of an atomic group!
- # we could also temporary modify the groups (make it un-atomic) to get its child
- my $current_linewidth = $zinc->itemcget($children[0], -linewidth);
- if ($current_linewidth == 3) {
- $current_linewidth = 0;
- }
- else {
- $current_linewidth = 3;
- }
- foreach my $item (@children) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -linewidth => $current_linewidth);
- }
-##################### items callback ######################
-sub toggle_color {
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- my $fillcolor = $zinc->itemcget($item, -fillcolor);
- my ($color,$num) = $fillcolor =~ /([a-z]+)(\d)/ ;
- if ($num == 2) {
- $num = 4;
- }
- else {
- $num = 2;
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -fillcolor => "$color$num");
-###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
-my $row = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'groups_group is atomic',
- -variable => \$groups_group_atomicity,
- -command => sub { &atomic_or_not ($groups_group, \$groups_group_atomicity) },
- )->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'red group is atomic ',
- -foreground => "red4",
- -variable => \$red_group_atomicity,
- -command => sub { &atomic_or_not ($red_group, \$red_group_atomicity) },
- )->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'green group is atomic ',
- -foreground => "green4",
- -variable => \$green_group_atomicity,
- -command => sub { &atomic_or_not ($green_group, \$green_group_atomicity) },
- )->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-$row->Label()->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-$row->Label(-text => "Following command \"\$zinc->find('overlapping', 0,200,500,400)\" returns:")->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-my $label = $row->Label(-background => 'gray95')->pack(-anchor => 'w');
-sub atomic_or_not {
- my ($gr,$ref_atomic) = @_;
- my $atomic = ${$ref_atomic};
- $zinc->itemconfigure( $gr, -atomic => $atomic);
- &update_found_items;
-##### to update the list of enclosed items
-sub update_found_items {
- $zinc->update; # to be sure eveyrthing has been updated inside zinc!
- my @found = $zinc->find('overlapping', 0,200,500,400);
- my $str = "";
- foreach my $item (@found) {
- my @tags = $zinc->itemcget($item, -tags);
- $str .= " " . $tags[0];
- }
- $label->configure (-text => $str);
-# to init the list of enclosed items
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a320e0..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/clipping.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple sample has been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Checkbutton;
-package clipping;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-my $display_clipping_item_background = 0;
-my $clip = 1;
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "You can drag and drop the objects.\n".
- "There are two groups of objects, a \"tan group\" and a \"blue group\".\n".
- "Try to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\n".
- "with two contours",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [10, 10]);
-my $clipped_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-my $clipping_item = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group,
- [10,100, 690,100, 690,590, 520,350,
- 350,590, 180,350, 10,590],
- -closed => 1,
- -priority => 1,
- -fillcolor => "tan2",
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => $display_clipping_item_background);
-$zinc->contour($clipping_item, "add", +1, [200,200, 500,200, 500,250, 200,250]);
-############### creating the tan_group objects ################
-# the tan_group is atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to tan_group callbacks
-my $tan_group = $zinc->add('group', $clipped_group,
- -visible => 1,
- -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => 1,
- );
-$zinc->add('arc', $tan_group,
- [200, 220, 280, 300],
- -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1,
- -startangle => 45, -extent => 270,
- -pieslice => 1, -closed => 1,
- -fillcolor => "tan",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', $tan_group,
- [400,400, 440,450, 400,500, 500,500, 460,450, 500,400],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "tan",
- -linecolor => "tan",
- );
-############### creating the blue_group objects ################
-# the blue_group is atomic too, that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to blue_group callbacks
-my $blue_group = $zinc->add('group', $clipped_group,
- -visible => 1,
- -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => 1,
- );
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $blue_group,
- [570,180, 470,280],
- -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1,
- -fillcolor => "blue2",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', $blue_group,
- [200,400, 200,500, 300,500, 300,400, 300,300],
- -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "blue",
- -linewidth => 0,
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => $clipping_item);
-###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
-# for both tan_group and blue_group
-$zinc->bind($tan_group, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $tan_group, \&motion]);
-$zinc->bind($tan_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-$zinc->bind($blue_group, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $blue_group, \&motion]);
-$zinc->bind($blue_group, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $group, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $x_orig = $ev->x;
- $y_orig = $ev->y;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $group]);
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- $zinc->translate($group, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
-###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
-my $row = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'Show clipping item',
- -variable => \$display_clipping_item_background,
- -command => \&display_clipping_area)->pack;
-$row->Checkbutton(-text => 'Clip',
- -variable => \$clip,
- -command => \&clip)->pack;
-sub display_clipping_area {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($clipping_item, -filled => $display_clipping_item_background);
-sub clip {
- if ($clip) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => $clipping_item);
- }
- else {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group, -clip => undef);
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee1638..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-circular.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
- )->pack;
-# This demo no more dies if there is no openGL. It simply displays
-# a string on the bootom of the window!
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 80, 80], -fillcolor => "=radial 50 50 |red |blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue\nin a squarre. The gradient starts from the lower right corner.\n",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 20]);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [10, 110, 90, 190], -fillcolor => "=radial 0 25 |red;40|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Radial variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue\nin a disc. The gradient starts in the middle between\nthe center on the bottom point",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 120]);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [10, 210, 90, 290], -fillcolor => "=radial 0 0 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
- "through a 40%green on the middle of the disc. The gradient is centered.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 220]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Two overlaping radialy, transparently colored items on a white background",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 320]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [20, 365, 220, 565], -fillcolor => "=radial 0 0 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [150, 365, 350, 565], -fillcolor => "=radial 0 0 |yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [280, 365, 480, 565], -fillcolor => "=radial 0 0 |black;100|black;100 20|white;40", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [480, 365, 580, 500], -fillcolor => "=radial -10 16 |black;100|white;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "=radial -40 -40 |black;70|white;20", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "=radial 40 40 |black;70|white;20", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "WITHOUT openGL, NO GRADIENT. SORRY!",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 550]) unless $zinc->cget(-render);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-path-and-conic.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-path-and-conic.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 264811f..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-path-and-conic.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
- )->pack;
-# This demo no more dies if there is no openGL. It simply displays
-# a string on the bootom of the window!
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 80, 80], -fillcolor => "=path 0 0 |red |blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Path variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue\nin a squarre. The gradient start at the middle of the bbox.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 20]);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [10, 110, 90, 190], -fillcolor => "=conical 135 |black;40|white;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Conical variation from 40%transparent black to 40% transparent white\nin a disc, center in the middle of the bbox",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 120]);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [10, 210, 90, 290], -fillcolor => "=path -30 +30 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A path variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
- "through a 40%green on the middle of the disc. The gradient center\nis toward the SW of the bbox.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 220]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "overlaping path and conical, transparently colored items on a white background",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 320]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [20, 365, 220, 565], -fillcolor => "=path -40 -40 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [150, 365, 350, 565], -fillcolor => "=conical 20 -30 45 |yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [320, 365, 480, 565], -fillcolor => "=path 0 0 |black;100|black;100 20|white;40", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0);
-#$zinc->add('arc', 1, [480, 365, 580, 500], -fillcolor => "=radial -10 16 |black;100|white;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "=conical -40 -40 135 |black;70|white;20", -filled => 1);
-#$zinc->add('arc', 1, [580, 410, 680, 580], -fillcolor => "=radial 40 40 |black;70|white;20", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "WITHOUT openGL, NO GRADIENT. SORRY!",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 550]) unless $zinc->cget(-render);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 62937b2..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-x.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
- )->pack;
-# This demo no more dies if there is no openGL. It simply displays
-# a string on the bootom of the window!
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10, 690, 50], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 | red | blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 20]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,60, 690, 100], -fillcolor => "=axial -30 0 30 0 | red | blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "The same with a reduced span.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 70]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,110, 690, 150], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 |red;40|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 120]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,160, 690, 200], -fillcolor => "=axial -30 0 30 0 |red;40|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "The same with a reduced span.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 170]);
-# we are using here the X explicit notation for rgb color
-# we could also have used CIE encoding. If interested,
-# please read the X man pages
-my $gradient = ($^O eq 'linux') ? "=axial 0 | rgb:ffff/0/0;40 | rgb:0/ffff/0;40 50 | rgb:0/0/ffff;40"
- : "=axial 0 | #ff0000;40 | #00ff00;40 50 | #0000ff;40";
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 210, 690, 300], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 | rgb:ffff/0/0;40 | rgb:0/ffff/0;40 50 | rgb:0/0/ffff;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
- "through a 40%green on the middle",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 220]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 320]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [200, 350, 500, 580], -fillcolor => "red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 400, 690, 500], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 |yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "WITHOUT openGL, NO GRADIENT. SORRY!",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 550]) unless $zinc->cget(-render);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index b33f269..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/color-y.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 1, # for activating the openGL render
- )->pack;
-# This demo no more dies if there is no openGL. It simply displays
-# a string on the bootom of the window!
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 340, 100], -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |red |blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from non transparent red\n to non transparent blue.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 20]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [360, 10, 690, 100], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 30 0 -30 |red |blue", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "The same with a reduced span.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [370, 20]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,110, 330, 200], -fillcolor => "=axial 90|red;40 |blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red\nto 40% transparent blue.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 120]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [360,110, 690, 200], -fillcolor => "=axial 0 30 0 -30|red;40 |blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "The same with a reduced span.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [370, 120]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 210, 690, 300], -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\n".
- "through a 40%green on the middle",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 220]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 320]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 340, 690, 590], -fillcolor => "white", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [200, 350, 500, 580], -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 400, 690, 500], -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "WITHOUT openGL, NO GRADIENT. SORRY!",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 550]) unless $zinc->cget(-render);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index db0b960..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/contours.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-package contours; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -setgrid => 'true', -height => 9);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'All visibles items are made by combining 2 items using contours:
- - the firebrick curve1 has been holed using a addhole with a circle,
- - the lightblue curve2 has been "mickey-moused" by adding two circles,
- - the yellow curve3 is the union with a disjoint circle,
- - the grey curve4 is combined with 7 circles, with \'positive\' -fillrule.
-The following operations are possible:
- - "Mouse Button 1" for dragging objects.
- - "Mouse Button 1" for dragging the black handle and
- modifying the grey curve contour.');
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Creation of 2 items NOT visible, but used for creating visible
-# curves[1-5] with more than one contours.
-# The center of these 2 items is 200,100
-my $curve0 = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [300,0], [400,100, 'c'], [300,200], [200,300,'c'], [100,200], [0,100,'c'], [100,0], ],
- -closed => 1, -visible => 0, -filled => 1,
- );
-my $cercle100 = $zinc->add('arc', 1, [130,30, 280,180],
- -visible => 0,
- );
-# cloning curve0 as curve1 and moving it
-my $curve1 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "firebrick1");
-# adding a 'difference' contour to the curve1
-$zinc->contour($curve1, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-# cloning curve0 as curve2 and moving it
-# creating a curve without contour to control contour clockwise/counterclockwise
-my $curve2 = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -closed => 1, -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "lightblue2", -fillrule => 'positive');
-$zinc->contour($curve2, 'add', -1, $curve0); ## why must the flag be -1 and not -1 !?
-# adding the left ear of mickey mouse!
-# adding the right ear of mickey mouse!
-$zinc->contour($curve2, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-# adding an 'intersection' contour to the curve2
-$zinc->contour($curve2, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-# ... translate to make it more visible
-$zinc->translate($curve2, 320,20);
-# cloning curve0 as curve3 and moving it
-my $curve3 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "yellow3");
-# adding an 'union' contour to the curve3
-$zinc->contour($curve3, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-# ... translate to make it more visible
-$zinc->translate($curve3, -130,00);
-# cloning curve0 as curve4 and moving it slightly
-my $curve4 = $zinc->clone($curve0, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => "grey50",
- -tags => ["grouped"],
- -fillrule => 'positive',
- # the tag "grouped" is used for both curve4 and
- # a handle (see just below)
- # It is used for translating both easily
- );
-my $index = 2; ## index of the vertex associated to the handle
-my ($x,$y) = $zinc->coords($curve4,0,$index);
-my $handle = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x-5,$y-5,$x+5,$y+5],
- -fillcolor => 'black', -filled => 1,
- -tags => ["grouped"],
- );
-# adding a 'difference' contour to the curve4
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', -1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, 'add', +1, $cercle100);
-# Deleting no more usefull items: curve0 and cercle100:
-$zinc->remove($curve0, $cercle100);
-# adding drag and drop callback to each visible curve!
-foreach my $item ($curve1, $curve2, $curve3, $curve4) {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $item, \&motion]);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-# adding drag and drop on curve4 which also moves handle
-$zinc->bind($curve4, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $curve4, \&motionWithHandle]);
-$zinc->bind($curve4, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-# adding drag and drop on handle which also modify curve4
-$zinc->bind($handle, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $handle, \&moveHandle]);
-$zinc->bind($handle, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-# callback for starting a drag
-my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $item, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $x_orig = $ev->x;
- $y_orig = $ev->y;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $item]);
-# Callback for moving an item
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- $zinc->translate($item, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback for moving an item and its handle
-sub motionWithHandle {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- my ($tag) = $zinc->itemcget($item, -tags);
- $zinc->translate($tag, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback for moving the handle and modifying curve4
-# this code is far from being generic. Only for demonstrating how we can
-# modify a contour with a unique handle!
-sub moveHandle {
- my ($zinc, $handle) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- $zinc->translate($handle, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- my ($vertxX,$vertxY) = $zinc->coords($curve4,0,$index);
- $zinc->coords($curve4,0,$index, [$vertxX+($x-$x_orig), $vertxY+($y-$y_orig)]);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e9534..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/counter.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-package counter; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use constant;
-my constant $PI=3.1416;
-my $boldfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--20-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 400,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 1,
- )->pack;
-if ($zinc->cget(-render)) {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1,
- [0,0,700,400],
- -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |red;40|green;40 50|blue;40"
- );
-} else { ## no openGL rendering!
- # creating a curve in the background to demonstrate the clipping
- # of the hole in the counter
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [30,30, 350,150, 670,30, 400,200, 670,370, 350,250, 30,370, 300,200, 30,30],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => "tan",
- );
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position=> [10,10],
- -text => 'This toy-appli shows a simple counter. It is made thanks
-to clipping and contours : this is the only way to do this.
-You can drag the counter. Observe that the color of the background
-of the counter is the same as the one of the window (use of clips)',
- -font => "10x20",
- );
-# Les positions
-# Carre dans lequel sera inscrit le cercle du compteur
-my $x0=250;
-my $y0=100;
-my $x1=$x0+200;
-my $y1=$y0+200;
-# Rectangle dans lequel defileront les chiffres
-my $x2=$x0+50;
-my $y2=$y0+130;
-my $x3=$x1-50;
-my $y3=$y1-50;
-# Chiffres clippes
-my $general_group = $zinc->add('group',1, -visible => 1);
-my $clipped_group1 = $zinc->add('group',$general_group, -visible => 1);
-# Clipping items
-my $clipping_item1 = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group1,
- [$x2,$y2,$x3,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x2,$y3,$x2,$y2]
- );
-# Clipped items
-my $group1=$zinc->add('group',$clipped_group1);
-my $ecart=17;
-# Il y a deux listes de chifres pour centaines, dizaines, unites,
-# pour assurer l'enchainement des chiffres quand le temps passe
-# (cf. : actions automatiques)
-# Centaines
-my $cent = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1,);
-my $xc=$x2+20;
-my $yc=$y2;
-my $nbc1=$zinc->add('text', $cent,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xc, $yc],
-my $nbc2=$zinc->add('text', $cent,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xc, $yc+210],
-# Dixaines
-my $dix = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1);
-my $xd=$xc+30;
-my $yd=$y2;
-my $nbd1=$zinc->add('text', $dix,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xd,$yd]);
-my $nbd2=$zinc->add('text', $dix,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xd,$yd+210]);
-# Unites
-my $unit = $zinc->add('group',$group1, -visible => 1);
-my $xu=$xd+30;
-my $yu=$y2;
-my $nbu1=$zinc->add('text', $unit,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xu, $yu]);
-my $nbu2=$zinc->add('text', $unit,
- -font => $boldfont,
- -text => "0
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [$xu, $yu+210]);
-# Clip
-$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group1, -clip => $clipping_item1);
-# Cadran clippe
-my $clipped_group2 = $zinc->add('group',$general_group, -visible => 1);
-# Clipping items
-my $clipping_item2 = $zinc->add('curve', $clipped_group2,
- [0,0,700,0,700,700,0,700,0,0],
- -linewidth=>0,
- );
-# Clipped items
-my $group2=$zinc->add('group',$clipped_group2);
-my $cercle=$zinc->add('arc',$group2,[$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1],
- -visible=>1,
- -filled=>1,
- -fillcolor=>"yellow",);
-my $fleche=$zinc-> add('curve', $group2, [$x0+40,$y0+40,$x1-100,$y1-25],
- -firstend => [10, 10, 10],
- -linewidth => 7,
- -linecolor=>"red",
- );
-# Clip
-$zinc->itemconfigure($clipped_group2, -clip => $clipping_item2);
-# this translation if for having an "interesting" background in the counter hole
-# when we do not have openGL and a gradient in the background
-# Actions automatiques
-# Variables
-# Pour le timer
-my $repeat=10;
-# Pour la rotation
-my @centre=($x1-100,$y1-25);
-my $pas=40;
-my $angle=+$PI/$pas;
-my $nb_tot=12;
-my $nb=0;
-# Pour la translation des centaines
-my @c_c1=$zinc->itemcget($nbc1,-position);
-my @c_c2=$zinc->itemcget($nbc2,-position);
-my $nbtour_cent=2;
-# Pour la translation des dizaines
-my @c_d1=$zinc->itemcget($nbd1,-position);
-my @c_d2=$zinc->itemcget($nbd2,-position);
-my $nbtour_dix=2;
-# Pour la translation des unites
-my @c_u1=$zinc->itemcget($nbu1,-position);
-my @c_u2=$zinc->itemcget($nbu2,-position);
-my $nbtour_unit=2;
-# Timer
-my $timer = $zinc->repeat($repeat, [\&refresh]);
-$mw->OnDestroy(\&destroyTimersub );
-my $timerIsDead = 0;
-sub destroyTimersub {
- $timerIsDead = 1;
- $mw->afterCancel($timer);
- # the timer is not really cancelled when using zinc-demos!
-# Actions
-sub refresh {
- #--------------------------------
- # Rotation de la fleche
- #---------------------------------
- return if $timerIsDead; # the timer is still running when using zinc-demos!
- $zinc->rotate($fleche,$angle,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
- $nb+=1;
- if (($nb==$nb_tot)&&($angle==$PI/$pas))
- {
- $nb=0;
- $angle=-$PI/$pas;
- }
- else{
- if(($nb==$nb_tot)&&($angle==-$PI/$pas)){
- $nb=0;
- $angle=+$PI/$pas;
- }
- }
- #--------------------------------
- # Deplacement du texte
- #---------------------------------
- #--------------------------------
- # Centaines
- #---------------------------------
- $zinc->translate($cent,0,-0.01);
- my @coords_c1=$zinc->transform($cent,$group1,[$c_c1[0],$c_c1[1]]);
- if(int($coords_c1[1])==$yc-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbc1,-position=>[$xc,$yc+($nbtour_cent*210)]);
- $nbtour_cent+=1;
- @c_c1=$zinc->itemcget($nbc1,-position);
- }
- my @coords_c2=$zinc->transform($cent,$group1,[$c_c2[0],$c_c2[1]]);
- if($coords_c2[1]==$yc-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbc2,-position=>[$xc,$yc+($nbtour_cent*210)]);
- $nbtour_cent+=1;
- @c_c2=$zinc->itemcget($nbc2,-position);
- }
- #--------------------------------
- #Dixaines
- #---------------------------------
- $zinc->translate($dix,0,-0.1);
- my @coords_d1=$zinc->transform($dix,$group1,[$c_d1[0],$c_d1[1]]);
- if(int($coords_d1[1])==$yd-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbd1,-position=>[$xd,$yd+($nbtour_dix*210)]);
- $nbtour_dix+=1;
- @c_d1=$zinc->itemcget($nbd1,-position);
- }
- my @coords_d2=$zinc->transform($dix,$group1,[$c_d2[0],$c_d2[1]]);
- if($coords_d2[1]==$yd-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbd2,-position=>[$xd,$yd+($nbtour_dix*210)]);
- $nbtour_dix+=1;
- @c_d2=$zinc->itemcget($nbd2,-position);
- }
- #--------------------------------
- # Unites
- #---------------------------------
- $zinc->translate($unit,0,-1);
- my @coords_u1=$zinc->transform($unit,$group1,[$c_u1[0],$c_u1[1]]);
- if($coords_u1[1]==$yu-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbu1,-position=>[$xu,$yu+($nbtour_unit*210)]);
- $nbtour_unit+=1;
- @c_u1=$zinc->itemcget($nbu1,-position);
- }
- my @coords_u2=$zinc->transform($unit,$group1,[$c_u2[0],$c_u2[1]]);
- if($coords_u2[1]==$yu-210){
- $zinc->itemconfigure($nbu2,-position=>[$xu,$yu+($nbtour_unit*210)]);
- $nbtour_unit+=1;
- @c_u2=$zinc->itemcget($nbu2,-position);
- }
-# Actions manuelles
-# Drag and drop the counter
-my ($prev_x, $prev_y);
-$zinc -> bind($cercle,'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[\&move_on] );
-#"move_on" state#
-sub move_on{
- $prev_x=$zinc->XEvent()->x;
- $prev_y=$zinc->XEvent()->y;
- # move the counter
- $zinc -> bind($cercle,'<Motion>'=> [\&move]);
- $zinc -> bind($cercle,'<ButtonRelease-1>'=> [\&move_off]); #"move_off" state
-#"move_off" state#
-sub move_off{
- $zinc -> bind($cercle,'<Motion>'=>"");
- $zinc -> bind($cercle,'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>"");
-#move the counter#
-sub move{
- my $x=$zinc->XEvent()->x,
- my $y=$zinc->XEvent()->y;
- $zinc->translate($clipped_group1,$x-$prev_x,$y-$prev_y);
- $zinc->translate($clipped_group2,$x-$prev_x,$y-$prev_y);
- ($prev_x,$prev_y) = ($x,$y);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/curve_bezier.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/curve_bezier.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index bc59863..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/curve_bezier.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-####### This file has been initially inspired from svg examples
-package curveBezier;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk::Zinc;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('example of curves with cubic control points');
-my $text = $mw->Text (-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -setgrid => 'true', -height =>3);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'6 examples of curves containing control points are displayed,
- with the list of control points written just below.
-You can move the handles to modify the bezier curves');
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 650,
- -font => "10x20",
- -font => "9x15",
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -backcolor => "white",
- -forecolor => "grey80",
- -render => 1, # this demo also works without openGL
- # with openGL, antialiasing makes the curves nicer
- )->pack;
-my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [50,20], -anchor => 'w',
- -text => "Examples of curve items using cubic bezier control points",
- -color => "grey20");
-## Please note: much of the following items below could be computed
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [25,270], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier1'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[100, 200, 100, 100], -tags => ['line1', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -filled => 0, -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[400, 100, 400, 200], -tags => ['line1', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -filled => 0, -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[100, 200], [100, 100, 'c'], [400, 100, 'c'], [400, 200]],
- -tags => ['bezier1'], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[90, 190, 110, 210], -tags => ['handle1',"p1"], -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "#BBBBBB");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[90, 90, 110, 110], -tags => ['handle1',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[390, 90, 410, 110], -tags => ['handle1',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[390, 190, 410, 210], -tags => ['handle1',"p4"], -filled => 1, -fillcolor => "#BBBBBB");
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [570,270], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier2'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[600, 200, 675, 100], -tags => ['line2', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[975, 100, 900, 200], -tags => ['line2', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[600, 200], [675, 100, 'c'], [975, 100, 'c'], [900, 200]],
- -tags => ['bezier2'], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[590, 190, 610, 210], -tags => ['handle2',"p1"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[665, 90, 685, 110], -tags => ['handle2',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[965, 90, 985, 110], -tags => ['handle2',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[890, 190, 910, 210], -tags => ['handle2',"p4"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [25,570], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier3'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[100, 500, 25, 400], -tags => ['line3', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[475, 400, 400, 500], -tags => ['line3', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[100, 500], [25, 400, 'c'], [475, 400, 'c'], [400, 500]],
- -tags => ['bezier3'], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[90, 490, 110, 510], -tags => ['handle3',"p1"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[15, 390, 35, 410], -tags => ['handle3',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", );
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[465, 390, 485, 410], -tags => ['handle3',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", );
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[390, 490, 410, 510], -tags => ['handle3',"p4"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [570,570], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier4'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[600, 500, 600, 350], -tags => ['line4', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[900, 650, 900, 500], -tags => ['line4', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[600, 500], [600, 350, 'c'], [900, 650, 'c'], [900, 500]], -tags => ['bezier4'], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[590, 490, 610, 510], -tags => ['handle4',"p1"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[590, 340, 610, 360], -tags => ['handle4',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[890, 640, 910, 660], -tags => ['handle4',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[890, 490, 910, 510], -tags => ['handle4',"p4"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [25,870], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier5'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[100, 800, 175, 700], -tags => ['line5', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -filled => 0, -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[325, 700, 400, 800], -tags => ['line5', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -filled => 0, -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[100, 800], [175, 700, 'c'], [325, 700, 'c'], [400, 800]],
- -tags => ['bezier5'], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[90, 790, 110, 810], -tags => ['handle5',"p1"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[165, 690, 185, 710], -tags => ['handle5',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[315, 690, 335, 710], -tags => ['handle5',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[390, 790, 410, 810], -tags => ['handle5',"p4"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [570,980], -anchor => 'w', -tags => ['bezier6'], -color => "grey20");
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[600, 800, 625, 700], -tags => ['line6', 'l1-2'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[725, 700, 750, 800], -tags => ['line6', 'l3-4'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[750, 800, 775, 900], -tags => ['line6', 'l4-5'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[875, 900, 900, 800], -tags => ['line6', 'l6-7'], -linecolor => "#888888", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$group,[[600, 800], [625, 700, 'c'], [725, 700, 'c'], [750, 800], [775, 900, 'c'], [875, 900, 'c'], [900, 800]],
- -tags => ['bezier6'], -filled => 0, -closed => 0, -linecolor => "red", -linewidth => 5);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[590, 790, 610, 810], -tags => ['handle6',"p1"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[615, 690, 635, 710], -tags => ['handle6',"p2"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[715, 690, 735, 710], -tags => ['handle6',"p3"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[740, 790, 760, 810], -tags => ['handle6',"p4"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "blue",-fillcolor => "blue", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[766, 891, 784, 909], -tags => ['handle6',"p5"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 4);
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[865, 890, 885, 910], -tags => ['handle6',"p6"], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -fillcolor => "grey80");
-$zinc->add('arc',$group,[890, 790, 910, 810], -tags => ['handle6',"p7"], -filled => 1, -linecolor => "grey80", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->scale($group, 0.6, 0.6);
-## Set the text of the text item with a tag "tag"
-## to a human-readable form of the coords of the
-## corresponding curve with the same tag "tag"
-sub setText {
- my ($tag) = @_;
- my $textItem = $zinc->find("withtype", 'text', $tag);
- my $curveItem = $zinc->find("withtype", 'curve', $tag);
- my @coords = $zinc->coords($curveItem);
- my $count = 0;
- my $text = "[ ";
- while (@coords) {
- $refXYc = pop @coords;
- my $x=sprintf "%i", $refXYc->[0];
- my $y=sprintf "%i", $refXYc->[1];
- my $t=$refXYc->[2];
- $t = (defined $t) ? ", '".$t."'" : "" ;
- $text .= "[$x, $y$t]";
- if (@coords) { $text .= ", "; }
- if ($count and @coords) {
- $text .= "\n ";
- $count =0;
- } else {
- $count++;
- }
- }
- $text .= " ]";
- $zinc->itemconfigure($textItem, -text => $text);
-foreach my $bezierCount (1..6) {
- &setText ("bezier".$bezierCount);
- my $curveItem = $zinc->find("withtype", 'curve', "bezier".$bezierCount);
- my @coords = $zinc->coords($curveItem);
-# print "$bezierCount : ", scalar @coords, "\n";
- $zinc->bind("handle$bezierCount", '<ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&motion]);
- $zinc->bind("handle$bezierCount", '<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-##### bindings for moving the handles
-my ($cur_x, $cur_y,$item, $bezierNum, $ptNum);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $cur_x = $ev->x;
- $cur_y = $ev->y;
- $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Motion>', [$action]);
- foreach ( $zinc->gettags($item) ) {
- ## looking for the tag "handlei"
- if ( /^handle(\d+)$/ ) {
- $bezierNum = $1;
- }
- ## looking for the tag "pj"
- if ( /^p(\d+)$/ ) {
- $ptNum = $1;
- }
- }
-# print "bezierNum=$bezierNum ptNum=$ptNum\n";
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my ($dx,$dy) = $zinc->transform($group, [$lx-$cur_x, $ly-$cur_y]);
- &moveHandle($item,$dx,$dy);
- my ($pt1,$pt2) = $zinc->coords($item);
-# print "coords=",@{$pt1}, " ",@{$pt2},"\n";
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->bind($item,'<Motion>', '');
- $item = "";
-sub moveHandle {
- my ($item,$dx,$dy) = @_;
- my ($pt1,$pt2) = $zinc->coords($item);
- ## modifying the handle coords
- $zinc->coords($item, [ $pt1->[0]+$dx, $pt1->[1]+$dy, $pt2->[0]+$dx, $pt2->[1]+$dy]);
- my $prevPtNum = $ptNum-1;
- # there should only be one such item!
- my $lineA = $zinc->find("withtag", "line$bezierNum && l$prevPtNum-$ptNum");
- if (defined $lineA) {
- my ($x,$y) = $zinc->coords($lineA,0,1); # to get the 2nd point coords
- $zinc->coords($lineA, 0,1, [ $x+$dx, $y+$dy ]);
- }
- my $nextPtNum = $ptNum+1;
- # there should only be one such item:
- my ($lineB) = $zinc->find("withtag", "line$bezierNum && l$ptNum-$nextPtNum");
- if (defined $lineB) {
- my ($x,$y) = $zinc->coords($lineB,0,0); # to get the 1st point coords
- $zinc->coords($lineB, 0,0, [ $x+$dx, $y+$dy ] );
- }
- my ($x,$y,$control) = $zinc->coords("bezier$bezierNum", 0,$ptNum-1);
- $zinc->coords("bezier$bezierNum", 0,$ptNum-1, [ [$x+$dx, $y+$dy, $control] ] );
- &setText ("bezier$bezierNum");
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/fillrule.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/fillrule.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ec781..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/fillrule.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-####### This file has been largely inspired from figure 11-3
-####### of "The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition, The
-####### Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Version 1.2", ISBN 0201604582
-####### it illustrates the use of :
-####### -fillrule attribute of curves
-####### contour, coords and clone method
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk::Zinc;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('example of multiple contours and fillrule usage');
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 510, -height => 630,
- -font => "10x20",
- -font => "9x15",
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -backcolor => "white",
- )->pack;
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [20,8], -text => "This (still static) example reproduces figure 11-3
-of \"The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition\" V 1.2");
-my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-my $g1 = $zinc->add('group', $group);
-my $curve1 = $zinc->add('curve',$g1, []);
-$zinc->contour($curve1, "add", +1, [ 0,0, 0,120, 120,120, 120,0, 0,0]);
-$zinc->contour($curve1, "add", +1, [ 20,20, 20,100, 100,100, 100,20, 20,20]);
-$zinc->contour($curve1, "add", +1, [ 40,40, 40,80, 80,80, 80,40, 40,40]);
-$zinc->translate($g1, 40,40);
-my $g2 = $zinc->add('group', $group);
-my $curve2 = $zinc->add('curve',$g2, []);
-$zinc->contour($curve2, "add", +1, [ 0,0, 0,120, 120,120, 120,0, 0,0]);
-$zinc->contour($curve2, "add", -1, [ 20,20, 20,100, 100,100, 100,20, 20,20]);
-$zinc->contour($curve2, "add", -1, [ 40,40, 40,80, 80,80, 80,40, 40,40]);
-$zinc->translate($g2, 200,40);
-my $g3 = $zinc->add('group', $group);
-my $curve3 = $zinc->add('curve',$g3, []);
-$zinc->contour($curve3, "add", +1, [ 20,0, 20,120, 100,120, 100,0, 20,0]);
-$zinc->contour($curve3, "add", +1, [ 40,20, 60,120, 80,20, 40,20]);
-$zinc->contour($curve3, "add", +1, [ 0,60, 0,80, 120,80, 120,60, 0,60]);
-$zinc->translate($g3, 360,40);
-my $g4 = $zinc->add('group', $group);
-my $curve4 = $zinc->add('curve',$g4, []);
-$zinc->contour($curve4, "add", +1, [ 0,0, 0,140, 140,140, 140,60, 60,60, 60,80, 80,80, 80,40, 40,40,
- 40,100, 100,100, 100,20, 20,20,
- 20,120, 120,120, 120,0, 0,0]);
-$zinc->translate($g4, 520,40);
-$zinc->scale($group, 0.6, 0.6);
-$zinc->translate($group, 80,20);
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [-110, 40], -text => "contours\nand\nwinding\nnumbers");
-$zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [-110, 170], -text => "winding\nrules");
-my $dy = 0;
-foreach my $fillrule ('odd', 'nonzero', 'positive', 'negative', 'abs_geq_2') {
- $dy += 160;
- $zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [-110, 100+$dy], -text => $fillrule eq 'odd' ? "odd\n(default)" : $fillrule);
- foreach my $item ($curve1, $curve2, $curve3, $curve4) {
- my $clone = $zinc->clone($item, -fillrule => $fillrule, -filled => 1);
- $zinc->translate($clone, 0,$dy);
- }
-# creating simple lines with arrows under each curves
-foreach my $item ($curve1, $curve2, $curve3, $curve4) {
- my $contour_number = $zinc->contour($item);
-# print "$item => contour_number=$contour_number\n";
- foreach my $n (0..$contour_number-1) {
- my @points = $zinc->coords($item,$n);
-# print " ",$#points,"points\n";
- foreach my $i (0 .. $#points-1) {
-# print " line $i ",$i+1,"\n";
- $firstpoint = $points[$i];
- $lastpoint = $points[$i+1];
- $middlepoint = [$firstpoint->[0]+($lastpoint->[0]-$firstpoint->[0])/1.5,
- $firstpoint->[1]+($lastpoint->[1]-$firstpoint->[1])/1.5];
- $zinc->add("curve", $zinc->group($item),
- [ $firstpoint, $middlepoint],
- -lastend => [7,10,4]);
- }
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_in_ATC_strips.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_in_ATC_strips.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 74cc71c..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_in_ATC_strips.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,910 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 2002
-# Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr> for whole graphic design and coding
-# Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for adding simple animations
-# and integration in zinc-demos
-# This integration is still not perfect and requires an extension in zinc
-# We must know if a neamed gradient already exists, when launching
-# many time the same demo in the same process!
-# $Id$
-# This small application illustrates both the use of groups in combination
-# of -composescale attributes and an implementation of kind of air traffic
-# control electronic strips.
-# However it is only a simplified example given as is, without any immediate usage!
-# 3 strips formats are accessible through "+" / "-" buttons on the right side
-# 1. small-format: with 2 lines of info, and reduced length
-# 2. normal-format: with 3 lines of info, full length
-# 3. extended-format: with 3 lines of infos, full length
-# the 3 lines are zoomed
-# an additionnel 4th lone is displayed
-# An additionnal 4th format (micro-format) is available when double-clicking somewhere...
-# Strips can be moved around by drag&drop from the callsign
-# When changing size, strips are animated. The animation is a very simple one,
-# which should be enhanced.... You can change the animation parameters, by modifyng
-# $delay and $steps.
-package groups_in_ATC_strips; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-$| = 1;
-my @stripGradiants;
-my %stripFontset;
-my %textures;
-my $oldfkey;
-my ($dx, $dy);
-my $delay = 50; # ms between each animation steps
-my $steps = 6; # number of steps for the animation
-my %scales; # this hash just memorizes the current x and y scaling ratio
- # In a real appli, this should be memorized in strip objects
-# configuration data
-my $fnb10 = 'cenapii-digistrips-b10';
-my $fnb10c = 'cenapii-digistrips-b10c';
-my $fnb11 = 'cenapii-digistrips-b11';
-my $fnb12 = 'cenapii-digistrips-b12';
-my $fnb15 = 'cenapii-radar-b15';
-my $fnm20 = 'cenapii-radar-m20';
-my $fne18 = 'cenapii-radar-m18';
-my @ratio2fontset = ([1.2, 'normal'],
- [10, 'large']);
-my $mwidth = 700;
-my $mheight = 500;
-my %stripstyle = (-gradset => {'idnt' => '=axial 90 |#ffffff 0|#ffeedd 30|#e9d1ca 90|#e9a89a',
- 'back' => '=axial 0 |#c1daff|#8aaaff',
- ## the following shadow gradient is sub-optimal
- 'shad' => '=path -40 -40 |#000000;50 0|#000000;50 92|#000000;0 100',
- 'btn_outside' => '=axial 0 |#ffeedd|#8a9acc',
- 'btn_inside' => '=axial 180 |#ffeedd|#8a9acc',
- 'ch1' => '=axial 0 |#8aaaff|#5B76ED',
- },
- -fontset => {'normal' => {'callsign' => $fnb15,
- 'type1' => $fnb12,
- 'type2' => $fnb10,
- 'type3' => $fnb10c,
- },
- 'large' => {'callsign' => $fnm20,
- 'type1' => $fne18,
- 'type2' => $fnb15,
- 'type3' => $fnb12,
- },
- },
- -width => 340,
- -height => 86,
- -shadowcoords => [8, 8, 374, 94],
- -shadowcolor => 'shad',
- -strip => {-linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#aaccff',
- -fillcolor => 'back',
- -relief => 'roundraised',
- },
- -buttons => {-coords => [340, 0],
- -clipcoords => [0, 0, 90, 83],
- -zone => {-coords => [0, 0, 26, 85],
- -fillcolor => 'btn_outside',
- -linewidth => 0,
- },
- -btns => {'btnup' => {-coords => [0, 0, 26, 43],
- -arrow => [14, 2, 24, 40,
- 1, 40, 14, 2],
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aabadd',
- -fillcolor => 'btn_inside',
- -label => {-coords => [13, 27],
- -text => "+",
- -font => $fnm20,
- -color => '#ffffff',
- -anchor => 'center',
- },
- },
- 'btndn' => {-coords => [0, 43, 26, 86],
- -arrow => [14, 83, 24, 43,
- 1, 43, 14, 83],
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aabadd',
- -fillcolor => 'btn_inside',
- -label => {-coords => [13, 56],
- -text => "-",
- -font => $fnm20,
- -color => '#ffffff',
- -anchor => 'center',
- },
- },
- },
- },
- -clipcoords => [3, 3, 332, 80],
- -zones => {'ident' => {-coords => [3, 3, 90, 50],
- -atomic => 1,
- -priority => 200,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => "move",
- -linewidth => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -linecolor => '#ffeedd',
- -fillcolor => 'idnt',
- -fields => {-callsign => {-coords => [10, 18],
- -font => 'callsign',
- -text => 'EWG361',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#000000',
- },
- -company => {-coords => [10, 34],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => 'Eurowing',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- },
- },
- 'input' => {-coords => [3, 3, 334, 82],
- -atomic => 1,
- -priority => 100,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => "scale",
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -linecolor => 'white',
- -fillcolor => 'back', #'#afb2cc',
- -fields => {-type => {-coords => [100, 18],
- -font => 'type1',
- -text => 'TYPA',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -cfmu => {-coords => [200, 18],
- -font => 'type1',
- -text => '08:26',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -ptsid => {-coords => [100, 40],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => 'NIPOR',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -confsid => {-coords => [158, 40],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => '8G',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -park => {-coords => [200, 40],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => 'G23',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -dest => {-coords => [10, 66],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => 'DEST',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#555555',
- },
- -champ1 => {-type => 'rect',
- -coords => [45, 56,
- 135, 76],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'ch1',
- -linecolor => 'white',
- -linewidth => 0,
- },
- -bret => {-coords => [200, 66],
- -font => 'type2',
- -text => 'Bret.',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- },
- },
- 'zreco' => {-coords => [210, 3, 346, 82],
- -atomic => 1,
- -priority => 200,
- -texture => "stripped_texture.gif",
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => "edit",
- -linewidth => 2,
- -filled => 1,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -linecolor => '#deecff',
- -fillcolor => '#d3e5ff',
- },
- },
- -zinfo => {-coords => [0, 86],
- -rectcoords => [0, 0, 340, 20],
- -shadowcoords => [8, 8, 348, 28],
- -shadowcolor => 'shad',
- -atomic => 1,
- -priority => 200,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => "edit2",
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#aaccff',
- -fillcolor => 'back',
- -relief => 'roundraised',
- -fields => {-ssr => {-coords => [4, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '7656',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -pdep => {-coords => [47, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => 'G23',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -qfu => {-coords => [73, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '09R',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -slabel => {-coords => [105, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => 'vit:',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -speed => {-coords => [106, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '260',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -pper => {-coords => [142, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => 'EPL',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -rfl => {-coords => [166, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '210',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -cautra => {-coords => [183, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '8350',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -nsect => {-coords => [219, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => 'MOD',
- -anchor => 'w',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -day => {-coords => [297, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '21/05/02',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- -hour => {-coords => [332, 10],
- -font => 'type3',
- -text => '13:50',
- -anchor => 'e',
- -color => '#444444',
- },
- },
- },
- );
-# creation de la fenetre principale
-my $mw;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -setgrid => 'true', -height =>7);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'These fake air Traffic Control electronic strips illustrates
- the use of groups for an advanced graphic design.
-The following interactions are possible:
- "drag&drop button1" on the callsign.
- "button 1" triangle buttons on the right side of the strips
- to modify strips size
- "double click 1" on the blueish zone to fully reduce size');
-$mw->title('ATC strips using groups');
-# creation du widget Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => $mwidth,
- -height => $mheight,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -lightangle => 130,
- );
-$zinc->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
-my $texture = $zinc->Photo('background_texture.gif',
- -file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/background_texture.gif'));
-$zinc->configure(-tile => $texture) if $texture;
-my ($xn, $yn) = (10, 30);
-# test Strips
-for (my $index = 0; $index < 4 ; $index++) {
- &createStrip($index, $xn, $yn, \%stripstyle);
- $xn += 50;
- $yn += 120;
-&initBindings('move', 'scale');
-#----------------------------------------------------------------------- fin de MAIN
-# Création du Strip
-sub createStrip {
- my ($index, $x, $y, $style) = @_;
- # initialise les gradiants
- unless (@stripGradiants) {
- my %gradiants = %{$style->{'-gradset'}};
- my ($name, $gradiant);
- while (($name, $gradiant) = each(%gradiants)) {
- # création des gradients nommés
- $zinc->gname($gradiant, $name) unless $zinc->gname($gradiant);
- # the previous test is usefull only
- # when this script is executed many time in the same process
- # (it is typically the case in zinc-demos)
- push(@stripGradiants, $name);
- }
- }
- # initialise les jeux de fontes
- unless (%stripFontset) {
- %stripFontset = %{$style->{'-fontset'}};
- }
- # création du groupe de base : coords
- my $g1 = $zinc->add('group', 1, -priority => 100, -tags => ["base".$index]);
- $zinc->coords($g1, [$x, $y]);
- # group de transfo 1 : scaling (ŕ partir du coin haut droit)
- my $g2 = $zinc->add('group', $g1, -tags => ["scaling".$index]);
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # réalisation du strip lui męme (papier support + ombre portée
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # params strip
- my $stripw = $style->{'-width'};
- my $striph = $style->{'-height'};
- # ombre portée
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2,
- $style->{'-shadowcoords'},
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => $style->{'-shadowcolor'},
- -priority => 10,
- -tags => ["shadow".$index],
- );
- # strip
- my $sstyle = $style->{'-strip'};
- my $strip = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2,
- [0, 0, $stripw, $striph],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => $sstyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $sstyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -fillcolor => $sstyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -relief => $sstyle->{'-relief'},
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ["strip".$index],
- );
- if ($sstyle->{'-texture'}) {
- if (!exists($textures{'-strip'})) {
- my $texture = $zinc->Photo($sstyle->{'-texture'},
- -file => Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/".$sstyle->{-texture}));
- $textures{'-strip'} = $texture;
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($strip, -tile => $textures{'-strip'});
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # ajout de la zone des boutons (ŕ droite du strip)
- #-------------------------------------------------
- if ($style->{'-buttons'}) {
- my $bstyle = $style->{'-buttons'};
- # le groupe de la zone bouton
- my $btngroup = $zinc->add('group', $g2, -priority => 40);
- $zinc->coords($btngroup, $bstyle->{'-coords'});
- # sa zone de clipping
- my $btnclip = $zinc->add('rectangle', $btngroup,
- $bstyle->{'-clipcoords'},
- -filled => 0,
- -visible => 0,
- );
- # le clipping du groupe bouton
- $zinc->itemconfigure($btngroup, -clip => $btnclip);
- # zone bouton
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $btngroup,
- $bstyle->{'-zone'}->{'-coords'},
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => $bstyle->{'-zone'}->{'-linewidth'},
- -fillcolor => $bstyle->{'-zone'}->{'-fillcolor'},
- -composescale => 0,
- -tags => ["content".$index],
- );
- my %btns = %{$bstyle->{'-btns'}};
- my ($name, $btnstyle);
- while (($name, $btnstyle) = each(%btns)) {
-# print "bouton $name $btnstyle\n";
- my $sgroup = $zinc->add('group', $btngroup,
- -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -composescale => 0,
- -tags => [$name.$index, "content".$index],
- );
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $sgroup,
- $btnstyle->{'-coords'},
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 0,
- -priority => 100,
- );
- $zinc->add('curve', $sgroup,
- $btnstyle->{'-arrow'},
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => $btnstyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $btnstyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -fillcolor => $btnstyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -priority => 50,
- );
- $zinc->add('text', $sgroup,
- -position => $btnstyle->{'-label'}->{'-coords'},
- -text => $btnstyle->{'-label'}->{'-text'},
- -font => $btnstyle->{'-label'}->{'-font'},
- -color => $btnstyle->{'-label'}->{'-color'},
- -anchor => $btnstyle->{'-label'}->{'-anchor'},
- -priority => 60,
- );
- }
- # bindings boutons Up et Down du Strip
- $zinc->bind('btnup'.$index, '<1>', \&extendedStrip);
- $zinc->bind('btndn'.$index, '<1>', \&smallStrip);
- }
- # construction du contenu du strip
- &buildContent($index, $g2, 100, $style);
- # et de la barre d'extension info (extended format)
- &buildExtent($index, $g2, $style->{'-zinfo'});
-# Construction des zones internes du Strips
-sub buildContent {
- my ($index, $parent, $priority, $style) = @_;
- # group content
- my $g3 = $zinc->add('group', $parent, -priority => $priority);
- # zone de clipping
- my $clip = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g3,
- $style->{'-clipcoords'},
- -filled => 0,
- -visible => 0,
- );
- # clipping du groupe content
- $zinc->itemconfigure($g3, -clip => $clip);
- # création d'un group intermédiaire pour bloquer le scaling
- my $g4 = $zinc->add('group', $g3,
- -composescale => 0,
- -tags => ["content".$index],
- );
- # création des zones
- my %zones = %{$style->{'-zones'}};
- my ($name, $zonestyle);
- while (($name, $zonestyle) = each(%zones)) {
- # group de zone
- my $gz = $zinc->add('group', $g4);
- if ($zonestyle->{'-atomic'}) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($gz, -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => $zonestyle->{'-sensitive'},
- -priority => $zonestyle->{'-priority'},
- -tags => [$name.$index, $zonestyle->{'-tags'}],
- );
- }
- my $rectzone = $zinc->add('rectangle', $gz,
- $zonestyle->{'-coords'},
- -filled => $zonestyle->{'-filled'},
- -linewidth => $zonestyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $zonestyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -fillcolor => $zonestyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -relief => $zonestyle->{'-relief'},
- -priority => 10,
- -tags => [$name.$index],
- );
- if ($zonestyle->{'-texture'}) {
- if (!exists($textures{$name})) {
- my $texture = $zinc->Photo($zonestyle->{'-texture'},
- -file => Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/".$zonestyle->{-texture}));
- $textures{$name} = $texture;
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($rectzone, -tile => $textures{$name});
- }
- my %fields;
- %fields = %{$zonestyle->{'-fields'}} if (defined $zonestyle->{'-fields'}) ;
- my ($field, $fieldstyle);
- my $fontsty = $stripFontset{'normal'};
- while ( ($field, $fieldstyle) = each(%fields) ) {
- if ($fieldstyle->{'-type'} and $fieldstyle->{'-type'} eq 'rect') {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $gz,
- $fieldstyle->{'-coords'},
- -filled => $fieldstyle->{'-filled'},
- -fillcolor => $fieldstyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -linewidth => $fieldstyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $fieldstyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -priority => 20,
- );
- } else {
- my $font = $fieldstyle->{'-font'};
-# print "buildContent field:$field font:$font\n";
- $zinc->add('text', $gz,
- -position => $fieldstyle->{'-coords'},
- -text => $fieldstyle->{'-text'},
- -font => $fontsty->{$font},
- -color => $fieldstyle->{'-color'},
- -anchor => $fieldstyle->{'-anchor'},
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => [$font.$index],
- );
- }
- }
- }
-# Construction de la barre d'extension info du Strip
-sub buildExtent {
- my ($index, $parent, $infostyle) = @_;
- # group content
- my $extgroup = $zinc->add('group', $parent);
- $zinc->coords($extgroup, $infostyle->{'-coords'});
- $zinc->itemconfigure($extgroup,
- -atomic => $infostyle->{'-atomic'},
- -sensitive => $infostyle->{'-sensitive'},
- -priority => $infostyle->{'-priority'},
- -visible => 0,
- -tags => ["zinfo".$index, $infostyle->{'-tags'}],
- );
- # ombre portée
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $extgroup,
- $infostyle->{'-shadowcoords'},
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => $infostyle->{'-shadowcolor'},
- -priority => 10,
- -tags => ["shadow".$index],
- );
- my $rectzone = $zinc->add('rectangle', $extgroup,
- $infostyle->{'-rectcoords'},
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => $infostyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $infostyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -fillcolor => $infostyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -relief => $infostyle->{'-relief'},
- -priority => 20,
- );
- if ($infostyle->{'-texture'}) {
- if (!exists($textures{'-zinfo'})) {
- my $texture = $zinc->Photo($infostyle->{'-texture'},
- -file => Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/".$infostyle->{-texture}));
- $textures{'-zinfo'} = $texture;
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($rectzone, -tile => $textures{'-zinfo'});
- }
- my %fields = %{$infostyle->{'-fields'}};
- my ($field, $fieldstyle);
- my $fontsty = $stripFontset{'normal'};
- while (($field, $fieldstyle) = each(%fields)) {
- if ($fieldstyle->{'-type'} and $fieldstyle->{'-type'} eq 'rect') {
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $extgroup,
- $fieldstyle->{'-coords'},
- -filled => $fieldstyle->{'-filled'},
- -fillcolor => $fieldstyle->{'-fillcolor'},
- -linewidth => $fieldstyle->{'-linewidth'},
- -linecolor => $fieldstyle->{'-linecolor'},
- -priority => 40,
- );
- } else {
- my $font = $fieldstyle->{'-font'};
-# print "buildContent field:$field font:$font\n";
- $zinc->add('text', $extgroup,
- -position => $fieldstyle->{'-coords'},
- -text => $fieldstyle->{'-text'},
- -font => $fontsty->{$font},
- -color => $fieldstyle->{'-color'},
- -anchor => $fieldstyle->{'-anchor'},
- -priority => 50,
- -tags => [$font.$index],
- );
- }
- }
-# initialisation des bindings généraux dy Strip
-sub initBindings {
- my ($movetag, $scaletag) = @_;
- $zinc->bind($movetag, '<1>', \&catchStrip);
- $zinc->bind($movetag, '<ButtonRelease>', \&releaseStrip);
- $zinc->bind($movetag, '<B1-Motion>', \&motionStrip);
- $zinc->bind($scaletag, '<Double-Button-1>', \&microStrip);
-# Callback CATCH de début de déplacement du Strip
-sub catchStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- my ($x, $y) = $zinc->coords("base".$index);
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($dx, $dy) = ($x - $ev->x, $y - $ev->y);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("base".$index, -priority => 200);
-# Callback MOVE de fin de déplacement du Strip
-sub motionStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- $zinc->coords("base".$index, [$ev->x + $dx, $ev->y + $dy]);
-# Callback RELEASE de fin de déplacement du Strip
-sub releaseStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("base".$index, -priority => 100);
-# Zoom Strip : normal format
-sub normalStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("input".$index, -sensitive => 1);
- &displayRecoZone($index, 1);
- &displayExtentZone($index, 0);
- &configButtons($index, \&extendedStrip, \&smallStrip);
- &changeStripFormat($index, 1, 1, 0, 1);
-# Zoom Strip : small format (lignes 1 et 2)
-sub smallStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- &displayRecoZone($index, 0);
- &configButtons($index, \&normalStrip, 0);
- &changeStripFormat($index, 1, .63, 0, 1);
-# Zoom Strip : micro format (zone ident)
-sub microStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0], 5);
- &configButtons($index, \&normalStrip, 0);
- &changeStripFormat($index, .28, .63, 0, 1);
-# Zoom Strip : extendedFormat
-sub extendedStrip {
- my $index = substr(($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0],5);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("input".$index, -sensitive => 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("base".$index, -priority => 150);
- &displayRecoZone($index, 0);
- &displayExtentZone($index, 1);
- &configButtons($index, 0, \&normalStrip);
- &changeStripFormat($index, 1.3, 1.3, 1, 1.3);
-# affiche/masque la zone Reco
-sub displayRecoZone {
- my ($index, $state) = @_;
- my $priority = ($state) ? 200 : 0;
- $zinc->itemconfigure("zreco".$index, -priority => $priority);
-# affiche/masque la zone Extent
-sub displayExtentZone {
- my ($index, $state) = @_;
- $zinc->itemconfigure("zinfo".$index,
- -visible => $state,
- -sensitive => $state);
-# Configure affichage et callbacks des boutons du Strip
-sub configButtons {
- my ($index, $funcUp, $funcDown) = @_;
- # button Up
- $zinc->itemconfigure("btnup".$index, -visible => $funcUp);
- $zinc->bind('btnup'.$index, '<1>', $funcUp) if $funcUp;
- # button Down
- $zinc->itemconfigure("btndn".$index, -visible => $funcDown);
- $zinc->bind('btndn'.$index, '<1>', $funcDown) if $funcDown;
-# this function has been hacked to provide the user with an animation
-# The animation is (too) simple but provide a better feedback than without
-sub changeStripFormat {
- my ($index, $xratio, $yratio, $composeflag, $fontratio) = @_;
- # réinitialisation du groupe scaling
- $zinc->treset("scaling".$index);
- # configure le blocage de transformation du format des champs
- $zinc->itemconfigure("content".$index, -composescale => $composeflag);
- # applique le nouveau scaling
- $scales{$index} = [1,1] unless defined $scales{$index};
- my ($oldXratio,$oldYratio) = @{$scales{$index}};
- $scales{$index}=[$xratio, $yratio];
- my $dx = ($xratio - $oldXratio) / $steps;
- my $dy = ($yratio - $oldYratio) / $steps;
- &_resize($index, $delay, $oldXratio+$dx, $oldYratio+$dy, $dx, $dy, $steps);
-sub _resize {
- my ($index, $delay, $newXratio, $newYratio, $dx, $dy, $steps) = @_;
- $zinc->treset("scaling".$index);
- $zinc->scale("scaling".$index, $newXratio, $newYratio);
- # jeu de fontes
- &setFontes($index, $newYratio);
- $steps--;
- $zinc->after($delay, sub {&_resize ($index, $delay, $newXratio+$dx, $newYratio+$dy, $dx, $dy, $steps)})
- if $steps > 0;
-sub getFKey {
- my ($ratio) = @_;
- my $newfkey;
- foreach my $param (@ratio2fontset) {
- my ($maxratio, $fkey) = @{$param};
- $newfkey = $fkey;
- if ($ratio < $maxratio) {
- return $newfkey;
- }
- }
- return $newfkey;
-sub setFontes {
- my ($index, $ratio) = @_;
- my $newfkey = &getFKey($ratio);
- if (!$oldfkey or $oldfkey ne $newfkey) {
- my $fontsty = $stripFontset{$newfkey};
-# print "setFontes $oldfkey -> $newfkey\n";
- if ($fontsty) {
- foreach my $type ('callsign', 'type1', 'type2', 'type3') {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($type.$index, -font => $fontsty->{$type});
- }
- }
- $oldfkey = $newfkey;
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f872d..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/groups_priority.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-package groups_priority; # for avoiding symbol sharing between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 12);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing
- 4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.
-The following operations are possible:
- "Mouse Button 1" for dragging objects.
- "Mouse Button 2" for dragging a colored group.
- "Key +" on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.
- "Key -" on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.
- "Key l" on a rectangle to lower its colored group.
- "Key r" on a rectangle to raise its colored group.
- "Key t" on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).
- "Key [0-9] on a rectangle to set the priority to [0-9]
-Raising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary');
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Creating the redish group
-my $group1 = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-my $counter=0;
-# Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
-foreach my $data ( [200,100, 'red'], [210,210,'red1'],
- [390,110,'red2'], [395,215,'red3'] ) {
- $counter += 2;
- my ($centerx,$centery,$color) = @{$data};
- # this small group is for merging together :
- # the rectangle and the text showing its name
- my $g = $zinc->add('group', $group1,
- -visible => 1,
- -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -priority => $counter,
- );
- my $rec = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [$centerx-100,$centery-60,
- $centerx+100, $centery+60],
- -fillcolor => $color, -filled => 1,
- );
- my $txt = $zinc->add('text', $g,
- -position => [$centerx,$centery],
- -text => "pri=$counter",
- -anchor => 'center',
- );
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $g, \&motion]);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-2>' => [\&press, $g, \&groupMotion]);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-2>' => \&release);
-# Creating the greenish group
-my $group2 = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-# Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
-foreach my $data ( [200,300,'green1'], [210,410,'green2'],
- [390,310,'green3'], [395,415,'green4'] ) {
- $counter++;
- my ($centerx,$centery,$color) = @{$data};
- # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
- # and the text showing its priority
- my $g = $zinc->add('group', $group2,
- -atomic => 1,
- -sensitive => 1,
- -priority => $counter,
- );
- my $rec = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [$centerx-100,$centery-60,
- $centerx+100, $centery+60],
- -fillcolor => $color, -filled => 1,
- );
- my $txt = $zinc->add('text', $g,
- -position => [$centerx,$centery],
- -text => "pri=$counter",
- -anchor => 'center',
- );
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $g, \&motion]);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonPress-2>' => [\&press, $g, \&groupMotion]);
- $zinc->bind($g, '<ButtonRelease-2>' => \&release);
-# adding the key bindings
-# the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-r>' => \&raiseGroup);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-l>' => \&lowerGroup);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-plus>' => \&raise);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-KP_Add>' => \&raise);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-minus>' => \&lower);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-KP_Subtract>' => \&lower);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-t>' => \&toggleItemGroup);
-my @KP_MAPPINGS = qw (Insert End Down Next Left Begin Right Home Up Prior);
-for my $i (0..9) {
- $zinc->Tk::bind("<KeyPress-$i>" => [\&setPriorrity, $i]);
- my $code = $KP_MAPPINGS[$i];
- $zinc->Tk::bind("<KeyPress-KP_$code>" => [\&setPriorrity, $i]);
-# The following binding is currently not possible; only text items
-# with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
-# $zinc->bind($g, '<KeyPress>' => [\&raise, $g]);
-# Definition of all callbacks
-sub updateLabel {
- my ($group) = @_;
- my $priority = $zinc->itemcget($group, -priority);
- # we get the text item from this group:
- my $textitem = $zinc->find('withtype', 'text', ".$group.");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($textitem, -text => "pri=$priority");
-sub setPriorrity {
- my ($zinc, $priority) = @_;
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- $zinc->itemconfigure ($item, -priority => $priority);
- &updateLabel($item);
-# Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
-sub lower {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- $zinc->lower($item);
- &updateLabel($item);
-# Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
-sub raise {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- $zinc->raise($item);
- &updateLabel($item);
-# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-sub lowerGroup {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($item);
- $zinc->lower($coloredGroup);
-# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-sub raiseGroup {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($item);
- $zinc->raise($coloredGroup);
- &updateLabel($item);
-# Callback to change the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-sub toggleItemGroup {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- return unless $item;
- my $newgroup;
- if ($group1 == $zinc->group($item)) {
- $newgroup = $group2;
- }
- else {
- $newgroup = $group1;
- }
- $zinc->chggroup($item,$newgroup,1); ## the lats argument is true for mainting $item' position
- &updateLabel($item);
-# callback for starting a drag
-my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $group, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $x_orig = $ev->x;
- $y_orig = $ev->y;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $group]);
-# Callback for moving a small group of a rectangle and a text
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- $zinc->translate($group, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback for moving a group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-sub groupMotion {
- my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- my $coloredGroup = $zinc->group($group);
- $zinc->translate($coloredGroup, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/icon_zoom_resize.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/icon_zoom_resize.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1274ffc..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/icon_zoom_resize.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-package icon_zoom__resize; # for avoiding symbol re-use between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
- -height 7 -scrollbars ''/);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This demo needs openGL for rescaling/rotating the icon
- You can transform this earth gif image with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for zooming the earth,
- Drag-Button 2 for rotating the earth,
- Drag-Button 3 for moving the earth,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the earth transparency'
- );
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 350, -height => 250,
- -render => 1,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-my $earth_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, );
-# the following image is included in Perl/Tk distrib
-my $image = $zinc->Photo('earth.gif', -file => Tk->findINC('demos/images/earth.gif'));
-my $earth = $zinc->add('icon', $earth_group,
- -image => $image,
- -composescale => 1,
- -composerotation => 1,
- );
-$zinc->add('text', $earth_group,
- -position => [30,30],
-# -connecteditem => $earth,
- -text => "try to zoom/resize the earth!\nWorks even without openGL!!",
- -color => "white",
- -composescale => 1,
- -composerotation => 1,
- );
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&zoom]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&rotate]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, \&motion]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&modifyAlpha]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-# Controls for the window transform.
-my ($cur_x, $cur_y, $cur_angle);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $cur_x = $ev->x;
- $cur_y = $ev->y;
- $cur_angle = atan2($cur_y, $cur_x);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action]);
-sub modifyAlpha {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $xrate = $lx / $zinc->cget(-width);
- $xrate = 0 if $xrate < 0;
- $xrate = 1 if $xrate > 1;
- my $alpha = $xrate * 100;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($earth_group, -alpha => $alpha);
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @res;
- @res = $zinc->transform($earth_group, [$lx, $ly, $cur_x, $cur_y]);
- $zinc->translate($earth_group, $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
-sub zoom {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $maxx;
- my $maxy;
- my $sx;
- my $sy;
- if ($lx > $cur_x) {
- $maxx = $lx;
- } else {
- $maxx = $cur_x;
- }
- if ($ly > $cur_y) {
- $maxy = $ly
- } else {
- $maxy = $cur_y;
- }
- return if ($maxx == 0 || $maxy == 0);
- $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $cur_x)/$maxx;
- $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $cur_y)/$maxy;
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
- $zinc->scale($earth_group, $sx, $sy);
-sub rotate {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $langle;
- $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->rotate($earth_group, -($langle - $cur_angle));
- $cur_angle = $langle;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index d092924..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Scrolled('Zinc', -width => 700, -height => 600,
- -font => '10x20', -borderwidth => 3,
- -relief => 'sunken', -scrollbars => 'se',
- -scrollregion => [-100, 0, 1000, 1000]);
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10, 100, 50], -fillcolor => "green", -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 10, -relief => "roundridge", -linecolor => "darkgreen");
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A filled rectangle with a \"roundridge\" relief border of 10 pixels.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [120, 20]);
-my $labelformat = "x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2";
-my $x=20;
-my $y=120;
-my $track=$zinc->add('track', 1, 6, # 6 is the number of fields in the flightlabel
- -labelformat => $labelformat,
- -position => [$x, $y],
- -speedvector => [40, -10],
- -speedvectormark => 1, # currently works only with openGL
- -speedvectorticks => 1, # currently works only with openGL
- );
-# moving the track, to display past positions
-foreach my $i (0..5) { $zinc->coords("$track",[$x+$i*10,$y-$i*2]); }
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A flight track for a radar display. (A waypoint looks similar,\n".
- "but has no speedvector neither past positions)",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [200, 80],
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray60',
- -text => "AFR001");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 2,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "360");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 3,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "/");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 4,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "410");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 5,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "Beacon");
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [150, 140, 450, 240], -fillcolor => "gray20",
- -filled => 0, -linewidth => 1,
- -startangle => 45, -extent => 270);
-$zinc->add('arc', 1, [260, 150, 340, 230], -fillcolor => "gray20",
- -filled => 0, -linewidth => 1,
- -startangle => 45, -extent => 270,
- -pieslice => 1, -closed => 1,
- -linestyle => 'mixed', -linewidth => 3,
- );
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "Two arcs, starting at 45° with an extent of 270°.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [320, 180]);
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [10, 324, 24, 300, 45, 432, 247, 356, 128, 401],
- -filled => 0, -relief => 'roundgroove',
- # -linewidth => 10, ## BUG with zinc 3.2.3g
- );
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "An open curve.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [50, 350]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A waypoint",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [10, 480],
- );
-my $waypoint = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 6, -position => [100,520],
- -labelformat => $labelformat,
- -symbol => "AtcSymbol2",
- -labeldistance => 30);
-foreach my $fieldId (1..5) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($waypoint, $fieldId,
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour", # does not work with openGL (zinc-perl v3.2.3e)
- -text => "field$fieldId",
- );
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "3 tabulars of 2 fields,\nattached together.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [510, 380],
- );
-my $labelformat2 = "x72x40 x72a0^0^0 x34a0^0>1";
-my $tabular1 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -position => [570,250],
- -labelformat => $labelformat2,
- );
-my $tabular2 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -connecteditem => $tabular1,
- -labelformat => $labelformat2,
- );
-my $tabular3 = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 6, -connecteditem => $tabular2,
- -labelformat => $labelformat2,
- );
-my $count=1;
-foreach my $tab ($tabular1, $tabular2, $tabular3) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, 1, -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour", -text => "tabular",
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, 2, -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour", -text => "n°$count",
- );
- $count++;
-$zinc->add('reticle', 1, -position => [530,550],
- -firstradius => 20, -numcircles => 6,
- -period => 2, -stepsize => 20,
- -brightlinestyle => 'dashed', -brightlinecolor => 'darkred',
- );
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "a reticle of 6 circles.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [530, 540]);
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "maps, triangles and groups items\nare not demonstrated here.",
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [10, 550]);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/labelformat.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/labelformat.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 465eb07..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/labelformat.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 4);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'This toy-appli demonstrates the use of labelformat for tabular items.
-The fieldPos (please, refer to the "labelformat type" description
-in the "Zinc reference manual") of each field as described in
-the labelformat is displayed inside the field.');
-# Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Tabulars
-### first labelformat and tabular
-my $labelformat1 = "300x300 x100x20+0+0 x100x20+100+0 x100x20+0+20 x100x20+100+20 x100x20+50+55";
-my $tabular1 = $zinc->add('tabular',1, 5,
- -position => [10,10],
- -labelformat => $labelformat1,
- );
-&setLabelContent ($tabular1,$labelformat1);
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [10,100], -text =>
- "All fields positions
-are given in pixels");
-### second labelformat and tabular
-my $labelformat2 = "300x300 x110x20+100+30 x80x20<0<0 x80x20<0>0 x80x20>0>0 x80x20>0<0";
-my $tabular2 = $zinc->add('tabular',1, 5,
- -position => [270,10],
- -labelformat => $labelformat2,
- );
-&setLabelContent ($tabular2,$labelformat2);
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [260,100], -text =>
- "All fields positions are given
-relatively to field 0.
-They are either on the left/right
-and up/down the field 0.");
-### third labelformat and tabular
-my $labelformat3 = "400x300 x200x70+100+70 x80x26^0<0 x80x26^0>0 x80x29\$0\$0 x80x32\$0^0 x90x20\<1^1 x90x20<2\$2 x90x20^4<4 x90x20^3>3";
-my $tabular3 = $zinc->add('tabular',1, 9,
- -position => [150,180],
- -labelformat => $labelformat3,
- );
-&setLabelContent ($tabular3,$labelformat3);
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [40,360], -text =>
- "Fields 1-4 are positionned relatively to field 0.
-Field 5 is positionned relatively to field 1,
-Field 6 is positionned relatively to field 2..."
-### this function displays in each field, the corresponding <fieldPos>
-### part of the labelformat
-sub setLabelContent {
- my ($item,$labelformat) = @_;
- my @fieldsSpec = split (/ / , $labelformat);
- shift @fieldsSpec;
- my $i=0;
- foreach my $fieldSpec (@fieldsSpec) {
- my ($posSpec) = $fieldSpec =~ /^.\d+.\d+(.*)/ ;
-# print "$fieldSpec\t$i\t$posSpec\n";
- $zinc->itemconfigure ($item,$i,
- -text => "$i: $posSpec",
- -border => "contour",
- );
- $i++;
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5469404..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A set of lines with different styles of lines and termination\n".
- "NB: some attributes such as line styles are not necessarily\n".
- " available with an openGL rendering system" ,
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 20]);
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 100, 320, 100]); # default options
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 120, 320, 120],
- -linewidth => 20,
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 160, 320, 160],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -capstyle => "butt",
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 200, 320, 200],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -capstyle => "projecting",
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 240, 320, 240],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -linepattern => "AlphaStipple7",
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-# right column
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 100, 680, 100],
- -firstend => [10, 10, 10],
- -lastend => [10, 25, 45],
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 140, 680, 140],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linestyle => 'dashed',
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 180, 680, 180],
- -linewidth => 4,
- -linestyle => 'mixed',
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 220, 680, 220],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linestyle => 'dotted',
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [20, 300, 140, 360, 320, 300, 180, 260],
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillpattern => "Tk",
- -fillcolor => "grey60",
- -linecolor => "red",
- -marker => "AtcSymbol7",
- -markercolor => "blue",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [340, 300, 440, 360, 620, 300, 480, 260],
- -closed => 1,
- -linewidth => 10,
- -joinstyle => "miter", #"round", # "bevel" | "miter"
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [400, 300, 440, 330, 560, 300, 480, 280],
- -closed => 1,
- -linewidth => 10,
- -joinstyle => "round", # "bevel" | "miter"
- -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),
- -fillcolor => "grey60",
- -filled => 1,
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-# -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f6dc46e..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/mapinfo.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 4);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This toy-appli shows zoom actions on map item.
-The following operations are possible:
- Click "-" to zoom out
- Click "+" to zoom in ' );
-# Zinc
-my $zinc_width=600;
-my $zinc_height=500;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Waypoints and sector
-my $mapinfo=$mw->mapinfo("mapinfo","create"); #creation of mapinfo
-# Waypoints
-# Waypoints names
-# Routes
-# Sectors
-# Sectors
-my $gpe = $zinc ->add('group',1);
-my $map = $zinc ->add('map',$gpe,#creation of the map object which has 'mapinfo' information
- -mapinfo=>"mapinfo",
- -symbols=>['AtcSymbol15']);
-# control panel
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-#the reference of the scale function is top-left corner of the zinc object
-#so we first translate the group to zoom in order to put its center on top-left corner
-#change the scale of the group
-#translate the group to put it back at the center of the zinc object
-my $minus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '-',
- -command=>sub{
- $zinc->translate($gpe,-$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
- $zinc->scale($gpe,0.8,0.8);
- $zinc->translate($gpe, $zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
- })->pack(-side=>'left');
-my $plus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '+',
- -command=>sub{
- $zinc->translate($gpe, -$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
- $zinc->scale($gpe,1.2,1.2);
- $zinc->translate($gpe,$zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
- })->pack(-side => 'right');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/path_tags.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/path_tags.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 30272d8..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/path_tags.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# this pathtatg demo have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-# with the help of Daniel Etienne etienne@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-#This demo only works with Tk::Zinc > "3.2.5b";
-## this demo demonstrates the use of path tags to address one or more items
-## belonging to a hierarchy of groups.
-## This hierarchy is described just below, gr_xxx designates a group
-## (with a tag xxx) and i_yyy designates an non-group item (with a tag yyy).
-# gr_top --- gr_a --- gr_aa --- gr_aaa --- gr_aaaa --- i_aaaaa
-# | | | |-- i_aaab |-- i_aaaab
-# | | -- i_aab
-# | |-- i_ab
-# | |
-# | ---gr_ac --- i_aca
-# | |
-# |-- i_b --- i_acb
-# |
-# --- gr_c --- gr_ca --- i_caa
-# | |
-# | --- i_cab
-# |-- i_cb
-# |
-# ---gr_cc --- i_cca
-# |
-# --- i_ccb
-#the same objects are cloned and put in an other hierarchy where
-#gr_top is replaced by gr_other_top
-my $defaultForecolor = "grey80";
-my $selectedColor = "yellow";
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 5, -font => "10x20");
-$text->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
-'This represents a group hierarchy:
- - groups are represented by a rectangle and an underlined title.
- - non-group items are represented by a text.
-Select a pathTag or a tag with one of the radio-button
-or experiment your own tags in the input field');
-# Zinc creation
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 850, -height => 360, -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 0, -backcolor => "black",
- -forecolor => $defaultForecolor,
- )->pack;
-# Creation of a bunch of radiobutton and a text input
-my $tagsfm = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-my $pathtag;
-my @pl = qw/-side left -expand 1 -padx .5c -pady .2c/;
-my $left = $tagsfm->Frame->pack(@pl);
-my $middle = $tagsfm->Frame->pack(@pl);
-my $right = $tagsfm->Frame->pack(@pl);
-my $rtop = $right->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
-my $rbottom = $right->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
-my $rbot_left = $rbottom->Frame->pack(-side => 'left');
-my $rbot_right = $rbottom->Frame->pack(-side => 'left');
-my $resultfm = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-$resultfm->Label(-font => "10x20",
- -relief => 'flat',
- -text => 'explanation:',
- )->pack(-side => 'left');
-my $explan_txt = $resultfm->Label(-font => "10x20",
- -relief => 'flat',
- -width => 70,
- -height => 3.5,
- -text => '...',
- -justify => 'left',
- -wraplength => '16c',
- )->pack(-side => 'left');
-@pl = qw/-side top -pady 2 -anchor w/;
-my @tags_explan;
-@tags_explan = ("top" => "a simple tag for the top group",
- ".top" => "all items in the root group with the tag 'top'",
- ".top." => "direct children of a group in the root group with the tag 'top'",
- ".top*" => "descendance of ONE group in the root group with the tag 'top'",
- ".top*cca" => "items with a tag 'cca' in ONE direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".5." => "direct content of THE group with id 5");
-while (@tags_explan) {
- my $tag = shift @tags_explan;
- my $explan = shift @tags_explan;
- $left->Radiobutton(-text => $tag,
- -font => "10x20",
- -command => sub { &displayPathtag ($explan)},
- -variable => \$pathtag,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -value => $tag,
- )->pack(@pl);
-@tags_explan = (".top*aa" => "items with a tag 'aa' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".top*aa." => "direct children of ONE group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".top*aa*" => "descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".top.a" => "items with a tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".top.a." => "direct children of ONE group with a tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'",
- ".5*" => "descendance of THE group with id 5",
- );
-while (@tags_explan) {
- my $tag = shift @tags_explan;
- my $explan = shift @tags_explan;
- $middle->Radiobutton(-text => $tag,
- -font => "10x20",
- -command => sub { &displayPathtag ($explan)},
- -variable => \$pathtag,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -value => $tag,
- )->pack(@pl);
-$rtop->Label(-font => "10x20",
- -relief => 'flat',
- -text => 'your own tag :',
- )->pack(-side => 'left');
-$rtop->Entry(-font => "10x20", -width => 15)
- ->pack(-side => 'left')->bind('<Key-Return>', sub {$pathtag = $_[0]->get();
- &displayPathtag("sorry, I am not smart enough to explain your pathTag ;-)")});
-@tags_explan = (".top*aa*aaa" => "all items with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'top' child of the root group",
- ".top*aa*aaa." => "children of ONE group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'top' child of the root group",
- ".top*aa*aaa*" => "descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'top' child of the root group",
- ".other_top*aa*" => "descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'other_top' child of the root group",
- ".5*ca*" => "descendance of ONE group with a tag 'ca' descending from THE group with id 5",
- );
-while (@tags_explan) {
- my $tag = shift @tags_explan;
- my $explan = shift @tags_explan;
- $rbot_left->Radiobutton(-text => $tag,
- -font => "10x20",
- -command => sub { &displayPathtag ($explan)},
- -variable => \$pathtag,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -value => $tag,
- )->pack(@pl);
-@tags_explan = ("*aa*aaaa" => "all items with a tag 'aaaa' descending from a group with a tag 'aa'",
- "*aaa" => "all items with a tag 'aaa'",
- "aa || ca" => "items with tag 'aa' or tag 'ca'",
- "none" => "no items, as none has the tag 'none'",
- "all" => "all items",
- );
-while (@tags_explan) {
- my $tag = shift @tags_explan;
- my $explan = shift @tags_explan;
- $rbot_right->Radiobutton(-text => $tag,
- -font => "10x20",
- -command => sub { &displayPathtag ($explan)},
- -command => \&displayPathtag,
- -variable => \$pathtag,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -value => $tag,
- )->pack(@pl);
-# creating the item hierarchy
-$zinc ->add('group', 1, -tags => ['top']);
-&createSubHierarchy ('top');
-# creating a parallel hierarchy
-$zinc ->add('group', 1, -tags => ['other_top']);
-&createSubHierarchy ('other_top');
-### Here we create the genuine hierarchy of groups and items
-### Later we will create graphical objects to display groups
-sub createSubHierarchy {
- my ($gr) = @_;
- $zinc->add('group', $gr, -tags => ['a']);
- $zinc->add('text', $gr, -tags => ['b', 'text'], -text => 'b',
- -position => [270,150]);
- $zinc->add('group', $gr, -tags => ['c']);
- $zinc->add('group', 'a', -tags => ['aa']);
- $zinc->add('text', 'a', -tags => ['ab', 'text'], -text => 'ab'
- , -position => [60,220]);
- $zinc->add('group', 'a', -tags => ['ac']);
- $zinc->add('group', 'aa', -tags => ['aaa']);
- $zinc->add('text', 'aa', -tags => ['aab', 'text'], -text => 'aab',
- -position => [90,190]);
- $zinc->add('group', 'aaa', -tags => ['aaaa']);
- $zinc->add('text', 'aaaa', -tags => ['aaaaa', 'text'], -text => 'aaaaa',
- -position => [150,110]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'aaaa', -tags => ['aaaab', 'text'], -text => 'aaaab',
- -position => [150,130]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'aaa', -tags => ['aaab', 'text'], -text => 'aaab',
- -position => [120,160]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'ac', -tags => ['aca'], -text => 'aca',
- -position => [90,260]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'ac', -tags => ['acb', 'text'], -text => 'acb',
- -position => [90,290]);
- $zinc->add('group', 'c', -tags => ['ca']);
- $zinc->add('text', 'c', -tags => ['cb', 'text'], -text => 'cb',
- -position => [330,160]);
- $zinc->add('group', 'c', -tags => ['cc']);
- $zinc->add('text', 'ca', -tags => ['caa', 'text'], -text => 'caa',
- -position => [360,110]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'ca', -tags => ['cab', 'text'], -text => 'cab',
- -position => [360,130]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'cc', -tags => ['cca', 'text'], -text => 'cca',
- -position => [360,200]);
- $zinc->add('text', 'cc', -tags => ['ccb', 'text'], -text => 'ccb',
- -position => [360,220]);
-## modifying the priority so that all rectangles and text will be visible
-map { $_, $zinc->itemconfigure($_,-priority => 20)} ($zinc->find('withtype', 'text', ".top*"));
-map { $_, $zinc->itemconfigure($_,-priority => 20)} ($zinc->find('withtype', 'text', ".other_top*"));
-map { $_, $zinc->itemconfigure($_,-priority => 20)} ($zinc->find('withtype', 'group', ".top*"));
-map { $_, $zinc->itemconfigure($_,-priority => 20)} ($zinc->find('withtype', 'group', ".other_top*"));
-# converts a list of items ids in a list of sorted tags (the first tag of each item)
-sub items2tags {
- my @items = @_;
- my @selected_tags;
- foreach my $item (@items) {
- my @tags = $zinc->itemcget ($item, -tags);
- next if $tags[0] =~ /frame|title/ ; # to remove group titles frame
- push @selected_tags, $tags[0];
- }
- return sort @selected_tags;
-### drawing :
-#### a rectangle item for showing the bounding box of each group,
-### a text item for the group name (i.e. its first tag)
-## backgrounds used to fill rectangles representing groups
-my @backgrounds = qw(grey25 grey35 grey43 grey50 grey55);
-sub drawHierarchy {
- my ($group,$level) = @_;
- my @tags = $zinc->gettags($group);
-# print "level=$level (", $tags[0],")\n";
- foreach my $g ($zinc->find('withtype', 'group', ".$group.")) {
- &drawHierarchy ($g,$level+1);
- }
- my ($x,$y,$x2,$y2) = $zinc->bbox($group);
- $zinc->add('text',$group, -position => [$x-5,$y-4],
- -text => $tags[0], -anchor => "w", -alignment => "left",
- -underlined => 1,
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ["title_".$tags[0], 'group_title'],
- );
- ($x,$y,$x2,$y2) = $zinc->bbox($group);
- if (defined $x) {
- my $background = $backgrounds[$level];
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $group, [$x+0,$y+5,$x2+5,$y2+2],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $background,
- -priority => $level,
- -tags => ["frame_".$tags[0], 'group_frame'],
- );
- } else {
- print "undefined bbox for $group : @tags\n";
- }
-### this sub extracts out of groups both text and frame representing
-### each group. This is necessary to avoid unexpected selection of
-### rectangles and titles inside groups
-sub extractTextAndFrames {
- foreach my $group_title ($zinc->find('withtag', 'group_title || group_frame')) {
- my @ancestors = $zinc->find('ancestor',$group_title);
-# print "$group_title, @ancestors\n";
- my $grandFather = $ancestors[1];
- $zinc->chggroup($group_title,$grandFather,1);
- }
-## this sub modifies the color/line color of texts and rectangles
-## representing selected items.
-sub displayPathtag {
-# print "var=@_ $pathtag\n";
- my $explanation = shift;
- my @selected = $zinc->find('withtag', $pathtag);
- my @tags = &items2tags(@selected);
-# print "selected: @tags\n";
- $explan_txt->configure(-text => $explanation ? "$explanation\n" : "");
- ## unselecting all items
- foreach my $item ($zinc->find('withtype', 'text')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -color => $defaultForecolor);
- }
- foreach my $item ($zinc->find('withtype', 'rectangle')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -linecolor => $defaultForecolor);
- }
- ## highlighting selected items
- foreach my $item (@selected) {
- my $type = $zinc->type($item);
-# print $item, " ", $zinc->type($item), " ", join (",",$zinc->gettags($item)), "\n";
- if ($type eq 'text') {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -color => $selectedColor);
- } elsif ($type eq 'rectangle') {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -linecolor => $selectedColor);
- } elsif ($type eq 'group') {
- my $tag = ($zinc->gettags($item))[0];
- ## as there is 2 // hierachy, we must refine the tag used
- ## to restrict to the proper hierarchy
- ## NB: this is due to differences between the group hierarchy
- ## and the graphical object hierarchy used for this demo
- if ($zinc->find('ancestors',$item,'top')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".top*frame_$tag", -linecolor => $selectedColor);
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".top*title_$tag", -color => $selectedColor);
- } elsif ($zinc->find('ancestors',$item,'other_top')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".other_top*frame_$tag", -linecolor => $selectedColor);
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".other_top*title_$tag", -color => $selectedColor);
- } else {
- $zinc->itemconfigure("frame_$tag", -linecolor => $selectedColor);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("title_$tag", -color => $selectedColor);
- }
- }
- }
-$zinc->translate('other_top', 400,0);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c5549bf..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/rotation.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use constant;
-my constant $PI=3.1416;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2, -height => 4);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This toy-appli shows rotations on waypoint items.
-The following operations are possible:
- Click "<-" for negative rotation
- Click "->" for positive rotation' );
-# Zinc
-my $zinc_width=600;
-my $zinc_height=500;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Waypoints
-my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-my $p1=[200, 200];
-my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p1,
- -connectioncolor => 'green',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
- -text => "DO",
- );
-my $p2=[300, 300];
-my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p2,
- -connecteditem => $wp1,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20',
- #-labeldy=>'30'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
- -text => "RE",
- );
-my $p3=[400, 150];
-my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p3,
- -connecteditem => $wp2,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'20',
- -labeldy=>'+10'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
- -text => "MI",
- );
-# control panel
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-my $left=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '<-',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Negative rotation
- #--------------------------------
- my @centre=$zinc->coords("$wp2"); #the center of the rotation is $wp2
- $zinc->rotate("$wp_group",-$PI/6,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
- })->pack(-side => 'left');
-my $right=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '->',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Positive rotation
- #--------------------------------
- my @centre=$zinc->coords("$wp2");#the center of the rotation is $wp2
- $zinc->rotate("$wp_group",+$PI/6,$centre[0],$centre[1]);
- })->pack(-side=>'right');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ceb925..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simple_interaction_track.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-package simple_interaction_track; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Zinc
-my $zinc_width=600;
-my $zinc_height=500;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position=> [10,10],
- -text => 'This toy-appli shows some interactions on different parts
-of a flight track item. The following operations are possible:
- - Drag Button 1 on the track to move it.
- Please Note the position history (past positions)
- - Enter/Leave flight label fields
- - Enter/Leave the speedvector, symbol (i.e. current position),
- label, or leader',
- -font => "9x15",
- );
-# Track
-#the label format (6 formats for 6 fields)#
-my $labelformat = "x80x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x30a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2";
-#the track#
-my $x=250;
-my $y=200;
-my $track=$zinc->add('track', 1, 6, # 6 is the number of field in the flightlabel
- -labelformat => $labelformat,
- -position => [$x, $y],#position of the marker
- -speedvector => [30, -15],#ccords of the speed vector
- -markersize => 10,
- );
-# moving the track, to display past positions
-foreach my $i (0..5) { $zinc->coords($track,[$x+$i*10,$y-$i*5]); }
-#fields of the label#
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0,#configuration of field 0 of the label
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray60',
- -text => "AFR6128");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 2,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "390");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 3,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "/");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 4,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "350");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 5,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "TUR");
-# Events on the track
-# Enter/Leave a field of the label of the track
-foreach my $field (0..5) {
- #Entering the field $field higlights it#
- $zinc->bind("$track:$field",
- '<Enter>',
- sub {
- if ($field==0){
- higlight_label_on();
-# print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
- }
- else{
- highlight_fields_on($field);
-# print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
- }
- });
- #Leaving the field cancels the highlight of $field#
- $zinc->bind("$track:$field",
- '<Leave>',
- sub {
- if($field==0){
- higlight_label_off();
- }
- else{
- if ($field==1){
- highlight_field1_off();
- }
- else{
- highlight_other_fields_off($field);
- }
- }
- });
-sub higlight_label_on{
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'red',
- -border => "contour",
- );
-sub higlight_label_off{
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => "contour",
- );
-sub highlight_fields_on{
- my $field=$_[0];
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
- -border => 'contour',
- -filled => 1,
- -color => 'white'
- );
-sub highlight_field1_off{
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 1,
- -border => '',
- -filled => 1,
- -color => 'black',
- -backcolor => 'gray60'
- );
-sub highlight_other_fields_off{
- my $field=$_[0];
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
- -border => '',
- -filled => 0,
- -color => 'black',
- -backcolor => 'gray65'
- );
-# Enter/Leave other parts of the track
- '<Enter>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -symbolcolor=>"red",
- );
-# print "CP=", $zinc->currentpart, "\n";
- });
- '<Leave>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -symbolcolor=>"black",
- );
- });
- '<Enter>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -speedvectorcolor=>"red",
- );
- });
-$zinc->bind("$track:speedvector", '<Leave>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -speedvectorcolor=>"black",
- );
- });
-$zinc->bind("$track:leader", '<Enter>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -leadercolor=>"red",
- );
- });
-$zinc->bind("$track:leader", '<Leave>',
- sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -leadercolor=>"black",
- );
- });
-# Drag and drop the track
-#Binding to ButtonPress event -> "move_on" state#
-$zinc -> bind($track,'<ButtonPress-1>'=>[ sub { &select_color_on(); #change the color
- &move_on($_[1],$_[2]); #"move_on" state
- }, Tk::Ev('x'),Tk::Ev('y') ]);
-#Binding to ButtonRelease event -> "move_off" state#
-$zinc -> bind($track,'<ButtonRelease-1>'=>sub{&select_color_off(); #change the color
- &move_off();}); #"move_off" state
-#"move_on" state#
-sub move_on{
- my ($xi,$yi)=@_;
- #Binding to Motion event -> move the track#
- $zinc -> bind($track,'<Motion>'=>
- [sub{move($xi,$yi,$_[1],$_[2]); #move the track
- $xi=$_[1];
- $yi=$_[2];
- },Tk::Ev('x'),Tk::Ev('y')]);
-#"move_off" state#
-sub move_off{
- #Motion event not allowed on track
- $zinc -> bind($track,'<Motion>'=>"");
-#move the track#
-sub move{
- my ($xi,$yi,$x,$y)=@_;
- select_color_on();
- my @coords=$zinc->coords($track);
- $zinc->coords($track,[$coords[0]+$x-$xi,$coords[1]+$y-$yi]);
-sub select_color_on{
- $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -speedvectorcolor=>"white",
- -markercolor=>"white",
- -leadercolor=>"white" );
-sub select_color_off{
- $zinc->itemconfigure($track,
- -speedvectorcolor=>"black",
- -markercolor=>"black",
- -leadercolor=>"black" );
- Tk::MainLoop;
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c45a9..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/simpleradar.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
-package simpleradar; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-# to find the SimpleRadarControls module
-require Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_pm/SimpleRadarControls.pm');
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 11);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks,
- a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
- The following operations are possible:
- Shift-Button 1 for using a squarre lasso (result in the terminal).
- Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
- Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
- Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
- Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
- Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader,
- and in the ministrip fields.
- Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.');
-# creation zinc
-my $top = 1;
-my $scale = 1.0;
-my $center_x = 0.0;
-my $center_y = 0.0;
-my $zinc_width = 800;
-my $zinc_height = 500;
-my $delay = 2000;
-my $rate = 0.3;
-my %tracks = ();
-my $pause = 0; # if true the flight are no more moving
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray65',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -font => "10x20");
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height);
-#$radar = $top;
-my $radar = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => ['controls', 'radar']);
-$zinc->configure(-overlapmanager => $radar);
-# creation panneau controle
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Up',
- -command => sub { $center_y -= 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Down',
- -command => sub { $center_y += 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 2,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Left',
- -command => sub { $center_x += 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 1);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Right',
- -command => sub { $center_x -= 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 3);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Expand',
- -command => sub { $scale *= 1.1;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 4);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Shrink',
- -command => sub { $scale *= 0.9;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 0);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Reset',
- -command => sub { $scale = 1.0;
- $center_x = $center_y = 0.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Pause',
- -command => sub { $pause = ! $pause;
- })->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 6);
-# Code de reconfiguration lors d'un
-# redimensionnement.
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Configure>', [\&resize]);
-sub resize {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $width = $ev->w;
- my $height = $ev->h;
- my $bw = $zinc->cget(-borderwidth);
- $zinc_width = $width - 2*$bw;
- $zinc_height = $height - 2*$bw;
- update_transform($zinc);
-sub update_transform {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->treset($top);
- $zinc->translate($top, -$center_x, -$center_y);
- $zinc->scale($top, $scale, $scale);
- $zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
- $zinc->translate($top, $zinc_width/2, $zinc_height/2);
-# Creation de pistes.
-my $one_of_track_item;
-sub create_tracks {
- my $i = 20;
- my $j;
- my $track;
- my $x;
- my $y;
- my $w = $zinc_width / $scale;
- my $h = $zinc_height / $scale;
- my $d;
- my $item;
- for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $track = {};
- $track->{'item'} = $item = $zinc->add('track', $radar, 6);
- $one_of_track_item = $item;
- $tracks{$item} = $track;
- $track->{'x'} = rand($w) - $w/2 + $center_x;
- $track->{'y'} = rand($h) - $h/2 + $center_y;
- $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
- $track->{'vx'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
- $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
- $track->{'vy'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item,
- -position => [$track->{'x'}, $track->{'y'}],
- -speedvector => [$track->{'vx'}, $track->{'vy'}],
- -speedvectorsensitive => 1,
- -labeldistance => 30,
- -markersize => 20,
- -historycolor => 'gray30',
- -filledhistory => 0,
- -circlehistory => 1,
- -labelformat => "x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray60',
-# -border => "contour",
- -sensitive => 1
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray55',
- -text => sprintf ("AFR%03i",$i));
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 2,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "360");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 3,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "/");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 4,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "410");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 5,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "Balise");
- my $b_on = sub { $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
- -border => 'contour')};
- my $b_off = sub { $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
- -border => 'noborder')};
- my $tog_b = sub { my $current = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- my $curpart = $zinc->currentpart();
- if ($curpart =~ '[0-9]+') {
- my $on_off = $zinc->itemcget($current, $curpart, -sensitive);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($current, $curpart,
- -sensitive => !$on_off);
- }
- };
- for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
- $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Enter>', $b_on);
- $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Leave>', $b_off);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<1>', $tog_b);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Shift-1>', sub {});
- }
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current',
- -historycolor => 'red3',
- -symbolcolor => 'red3',
- -markercolor => 'red3',
- -leaderwidth => 2,
- -leadercolor => 'red3',
- -speedvectorwidth => 2,
- -speedvectorcolor => 'red3')});
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current',
- -historycolor => 'black',
- -symbolcolor => 'black',
- -markercolor => 'black',
- -leaderwidth => 1,
- -leadercolor => 'black',
- -speedvectorwidth => 1,
- -speedvectorcolor => 'black')});
- $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<1>', [\&create_route]);
- $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<Shift-1>', sub { });
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
-# creation way point
-sub create_route {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $wp;
- my $connected;
- my $x;
- my $y;
- my $i = 4;
- my $track = $tracks{$zinc->find('withtag', 'current')};
- if ($track->{'route'} == 0) {
- $x = $track->{'x'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vx'};
- $y = $track->{'y'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vy'};
- $connected = $track->{'item'};
- for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $wp = $zinc->add('waypoint', 'radar', 2,
- -position => [$x, $y],
- -connecteditem => $connected,
- -connectioncolor => 'green',
- -symbolcolor => 'green',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
- $zinc->lower($wp, $connected);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => 'contour')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => '')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'green')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'black')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'green')});
- $zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 0,
- -text => "$i",
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray55');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', [\&del_way_point]);
- $x += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vx'};
- $y += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vy'};
- $connected = $wp;
- }
- $track->{'route'} = $wp;
- }
- else {
- $wp = $track->{'route'};
- while ($wp != $track->{'item'}) {
- $track->{'route'} = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->remove($wp);
- $wp = $track->{'route'};
- }
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
-# suppression waypoint intermediaire
-sub find_track {
- my ($zinc, $wp) = @_;
- my $connected = $wp;
- while ($zinc->type($connected) ne 'track') {
- $connected = $zinc->itemcget($connected, -connecteditem);
- }
- return $connected;
-sub del_way_point {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $wp = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- my $track = $tracks{find_track($zinc, $wp)};
- my $next = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
- my $prev;
- my $prevnext;
- $prev = $track->{'route'};
- if ($prev != $wp) {
- $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
- while ($prevnext != $wp) {
- $prev = $prevnext;
- $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
- }
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($prev, -connecteditem => $next);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
- $zinc->remove($wp);
- if ($wp == $track->{'route'}) {
- if ($next == $track->{'item'}) {
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
- else {
- $track->{'route'} = $next;
- }
- }
-# creation macro
-my $macro = $zinc->add("tabular", $radar, 10,
- -labelformat => "x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0"
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 0, -backcolor => "tan1", -filled => 1,
- -fillpattern => "AlphaStipple7",
- -bordercolor => "red3");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 1 , -text => "a");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 2, -text => "macro");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, -connecteditem => $one_of_track_item);
-foreach my $part (0..2) {
- $zinc->bind("$macro:$part", "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
- $zinc->bind("$macro:$part", "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
-# creation ministrip
-my $ministrip = $zinc->add("tabular", 1, 10,
- -labelformat => "x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2",
- -position => [100, 10]);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 0 ,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => "grey70",
- -border => "contour",
- -bordercolor => "green",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 1 ,
- -text => 'ministrip', -color => "darkgreen",
- -backcolor => "grey40",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 2 ,
- -text => 'field1', -color => "darkgreen",
- -backcolor => "grey40",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 3 ,
- -text => 'field2', -color => "darkgreen",
- -backcolor => "grey40",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 4 ,
- -text => 'f3', -color => "darkgreen",
- -backcolor => "grey40",
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 5 ,
- -text => 'field4', -color => "darkgreen",
- -backcolor => "grey40",
- );
-foreach my $field (1..5) {
- $zinc->bind("$ministrip:$field", '<Enter>',
- sub {
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
- -border => 'contour',
- -filled => 1,
- -color => 'white'
- )
- });
-$zinc->bind("$ministrip:$field", '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', $field,
- -border => '',
- -filled => 0,
- -color => 'darkgreen'
- )});
-# creation map
-$mw->videomap("load", Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/videomap_paris-w_90_2"), 0, "paris-w");
-$mw->videomap("load", Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/videomap_orly"), 17, "orly");
-$mw->videomap("load", Tk->findINC("demos/zinc_data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid"), 0, "paris-ouest");
-my $map = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray80');
- -mapinfo => 'orly');
-my $map2 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray60',
- -filled => 1,
- -priority => 0,
- -fillpattern => "AlphaStipple6");
- -mapinfo => 'paris-ouest');
-my $map3 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray50');
- -mapinfo => "paris-w");
-# Création fonctions de contrôle ŕ la souris
-new SimpleRadarControls($zinc);
-# Rafraichissement des pistes
-my $timer = $zinc->repeat($delay, [\&refresh, $zinc]);
-$mw->OnDestroy(\&destroyTimersub ); # this is
-my $timerIsDead = 0;
-sub destroyTimersub {
- $timerIsDead = 1;
- $mw->afterCancel($timer);
- # the timer is not really cancelled when using zinc-demos!
-sub refresh {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- return if $pause;
- return if $timerIsDead;
- foreach my $t (values(%tracks)) {
- $t->{'x'} += $t->{'vx'} * $rate;
- $t->{'y'} += $t->{'vy'} * $rate;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($t->{'item'},
- -position => [$t->{'x'}, $t->{'y'}]);
- }
-sub borders {
- my($widget, $onoff) = @_;
- $onoff = "on" unless $onoff;
- my $contour = "noborder";
- $contour = "contour" if ($onoff eq 'on');
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => $contour);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/testGraphics.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/testGraphics.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5da149b..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/testGraphics.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1845 +0,0 @@
-# testGraphics.pl
-# Fichier test du module Graphics
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Zinc::Graphics;
-use Math::Trig;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict 'vars';
-my $currenttransfo;
-my $previousangle = 0;
-my $rotate_angle = .1;
-my $zoomfactor = .1;
-my $curview;
-my ($dx, $dy);
-my $tabanchor = 'n';
-my $tabalign = 'left';
-my $font_9b = '7x13bold';
-# the original font is not standard, even if it is fully free:
-# my $font_9b = '-cenapii-bleriot mini-bold-r-normal--9-90-75-75-p-75-iso8859-15';
-my %gradset = (# gradients zinc
- 'boitonglet' => '=axial 0|#ff7777|#ffff99',
- 'roundrect1' => '=axial 270|#a7ffa7;70 0|#ffffff;90 5|#00bd00;80 8|#b7ffb7;50 80|#ffffff;70 91|#00ac00;70 95|#006700;60 100',
- 'roundrect2' => '=axial 270|#00bd00;80 |#d7ffd7;60',
- 'roundrect3' => '=axial 270|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 14|#ffffff;100 16|#00bd00;90 25|#b7ffb7;60 100',
- 'roundrect4' => '=axial 0|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 20|#00bd00;50 30|#00bd00;90 80|#b7ffb7;60 100',
- 'roundrect4ed' => '=path 48 48|#e7ffe7;20 0 70|#007900;20',
- 'roundcurve2' => '=axial 270|#d7ffd7;60|#7777ff;80',
- 'roundcurve1' => '=axial 270|#2222ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60',
- 'roundcurve' => '=axial 270|#7777ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60',
- 'roundpolyg' => '=radial -15 -20|#ffb7b7;50|#bd6622;90',
- 'rpolyline' => '=axial 90|#ffff77;80 |#ff7700;60',
- 'pushbtn1' => '=axial 0|#cccccc;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a6a;100 80|#aaaadd;100 100',
- 'pushbtn2' => '=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a7a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100',
- 'pushbtn3' => '=radial -15 -15|#ffffff;100 0|#333344;100 100',
- 'pushbtn4' => '=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#7a7a9a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100',
- 'conical_edge' => '=conical 0 0 -45|#ffffff;100 0|#888899;100 30|#555566;100 50|#888899;100 70|#ffffff;100 100',
- 'conical_ext' => '=conical 0 0 135|#ffffff;100 0|#777788;100 30|#444455;100 50|#777788;100 70|#ffffff;100 100',
- 'pushbtn_edge' => '=axial 140|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100',
- 'pushbtn_edge2' => '=axial 92|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100',
- 'logoshape2' => '=axial 270|#ffffff|#7192aa',
- 'logopoint2' => '=radial -20 -20|#ffffff 0|#f70000 48|#900000 80|#ab0000 100',
- 'logoptshad2' => '=path 0 0|#770000;64 0|#770000;70 78|#770000;0 100',
- );
-# contenu des pages exemples
-my %pagesconf = ('Rectangle' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 155],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos.",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- # roudedrectangle simple + radius 20
- 'rr1' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[-200, 30], [50, 130]],
- -radius => 20,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- # roudedrectangle 'carré' (radius automatique)
- 'rr2' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[-250, -100], [-90, 60]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect1',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- # cas particulier -> hippodrome (radius = h/2)
- 'rr3' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[-30, 80], [130, 160]],
- -radius => 40,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect3',
- -linewidth => 4,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- # utilisation de l'option -corners (pétales de fleur)
- 'rr4a' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[-30, -60], [110, 10]],
- -radius => 40,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect3',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -corners => [1, 0, 1, 0],
- },
- 'rr4b' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[118, -68], [220, -132]],
- -radius => 40,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect3',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -corners => [1, 0, 1, 0],
- },
- 'rr4c' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[118, -60], [190, 30]],
- -radius => 40,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect3',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -corners => [0, 1, 0, 1],
- },
- 'rr4d' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[40, -152], [110, -68]],
- -radius => 40,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect3',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -corners => [0, 1, 0, 1],
- },
- # groupe de 2 boutons avec bordure externe
- 'gr8' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- -tags => ['move'],
- -atomic => 1,
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[174, -36],[266, 146]],
- -radius => 26,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect4ed',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 20,
- },
- },
- 'top' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[180, -30], [260, 53]],
- -parentgroup => 'gr8',
- -radius => 20,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect4',
- -linewidth => 2.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- },
- -corners => [1, 0, 0, 1],
- },
- 'topico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -parentgroup => 'gr8',
- -coords => [[220, -10],[200, 30],[240, 30]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#ffff00;80',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#007900;80',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- 'bottom' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -parentgroup => 'gr8',
- -coords => [[180, 57], [260, 140]],
- -radius => 20,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundrect4',
- -linewidth => 2.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- },
- -corners => [0, 1, 1, 0],
- },
- 'bottomico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -parentgroup => 'gr8',
- -coords => [[220, 120],[240, 80],[200, 80]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#ffff00;80',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#007900;80',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'Hippodrome' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 165],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Click hippo Buttons with mouse button 1.\n",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'hp1' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-163, -40],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-46, -86], [46, 86]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn_edge',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 10,
- },
- },
- 'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, -80], [40, 80]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn1',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b1','pushbtn'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp2' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-40, -40],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-46, -86], [46, 86]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn_edge',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 10,
- },
- },
- 'formT' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, -80], [40, -28]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn1',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b2t','pushbtn'],
- },
- -orientation => 'vertical',
- -trunc => 'bottom',
- },
- 'formC' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, -26.5], [40, 26.5]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn1',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b2c','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'formB' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, 28], [40, 80]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn1',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b2b','pushbtn'],
- },
- -orientation => 'vertical',
- -trunc => 'top',
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp3edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-204, 96], [204, 144]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn_edge2',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 10,
- },
- },
- 'hp3g' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-160, 120],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, -20], [40, 20]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b3g','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'right',
- },
- 'ico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -coords => [[-20, 0],[-4, 8],[-4, -8]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aaaaaa',
- -relief => 'raised',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['b3g','pushbtn','ico'],
- },
- -contours => [['add',-1,[[0, 0],[16, 8],[16, -8]]]],
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp3c1' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-80, 120],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-38, -20], [39, 20]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b3c1','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'ico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -coords => [[-8, 0],[8, 8],[8, -8]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aaaaaa',
- -priority => 30,
- -relief => 'raised',
- -tags => ['b3c1','pushbtn','ico'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp3c2' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [0, 120],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-39, -20], [39, 20]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b3c2','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'ico' => {-itemtype => 'rectangle',
- -coords => [[-6, -6],[6, 6]],
- -params => {-filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aaaaaa',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['b3c2','pushbtn','ico'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp3C3' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [80, 120],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-39, -20], [39, 20]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b3c3','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'ico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -coords => [[8, 0],[-8, -8],[-8, 8]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aaaaaa',
- -priority => 30,
- -relief => 'raised',
- -tags => ['b3c3','pushbtn','ico'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp3D' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [160, 120],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-40, -20], [40, 20]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn2',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b3d','pushbtn'],
- },
- -trunc => 'left',
- },
- 'ico' => {-itemtype => 'curve',
- -coords => [[20, 0],[4, -8],[4, 8]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#aaaaaa',
- -priority => 30,
- -relief => 'raised',
- -tags => ['b3d','pushbtn','ico'],
- },
- -contours => [['add',-1,[[0,0],[-16, -8],[-16, 8]]]],
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp4a' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [48, -97],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -repeat => {-num => 2,
- -dxy => [0, 64],
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-29, -29], [29, 29]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn_edge',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 0,
- },
- },
- 'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-24, -24], [24, 24]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn3',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['b4a','pushbtn'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp4b' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [145, -65],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-60, -60], [60, 60]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'conical_edge',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 0,
- },
- },
- 'ext' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-53, -53], [53, 53]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'conical_ext',
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 10,
- -tags => ['b4b','pushbtn'],
- },
- },
- 'int' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-41, -41], [40, 40]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '=path 10 10|#ffffff 0|#ccccd0 50|#99999f 80|#99999f;0 100',
- -linewidth => 0,
- -linecolor => '#cccccc;80',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['b4b','pushbtn'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hp5' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [60, 25],
- -params => {-priority => 40,
- },
- -rotate => 30,
- -repeat => {-num => 4,
- -dxy => [45, 0],
- },
- -items => {'edge' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-19, -34], [19, 34]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn_edge',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#ffffff',
- -priority => 10,
- },
- },
- 'form' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-15, -30], [15, 30]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn1',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['b5','pushbtn'],
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'Polygone' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 160],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Click and Drag inside Polygons for rotate them\nEscape key reset transfos.",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'triangle' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-215, -95],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 3,
- -radius => 78,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -startangle => 90,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p1', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Triangle",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'carre' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-80, -75],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 4,
- -radius => 70,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -startangle => 90,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p2', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Carré",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'pentagone' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [65, -75],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 5,
- -radius => 70,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -startangle => 270,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p3', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Pentagone",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'hexagone' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [210, -75],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 6,
- -radius => 68,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p4', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Hexagone",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'heptagone' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-215, 85],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 7,
- -radius => 64,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p5', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Heptagone",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'octogone' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [-76, 85],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 8,
- -radius => 64,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p6', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Octogone",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'petagone' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [66, 85],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 32,
- -radius => 64,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p7', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "32 cotés...",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'etoile' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [210, 85],
- -items => {'form' => {-itemtype => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 5,
- -radius => 92,
- -inner_radius => 36,
- -corner_radius => 10,
- -startangle => 270,
- -corners => [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundpolyg',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#330000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['p8', 'poly'],
- },
- },
- 'text' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [0, -6],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Etoile",
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -color => '#660000',
- -priority => 50,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'Polyline' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 155],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos.",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'a' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[-200, -115],[-200, -100],[-218, -115],[-280, -115],[-280, -16],
- [-218, -16],[-200, -31],[-200, -17.5],[-150, -17.5],[-150,-115]],
- -corners_radius => [0, 0, 42, 47, 47, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'rpolyline',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 50,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -contours => [['add', -1, [[-230, -80],[-230, -50],[-200, -50],[-200, -80]],15]],
- },
- 'b' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[-138, -150],[-138, -17.5],[-88, -17.5],[-88, -31],[-70, -16],
- [-8, -16],[-8, -115],[-70, -115],[-88, -100],[-88, -150]],
- -corners_radius => [0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 47, 47, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'rpolyline',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 50,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -contours => [['add', -1, [[-88, -80],[-88, -50],[-58, -50],[-58, -80]],15]],
- },
- 'c' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[80, -76],[80, -110],[60, -115],[0, -115],[0, -16],
- [60, -16],[80, -21],[80, -57],[50, -47],[50, -86]],
- -corners_radius => [0, 0, 70, 47, 47, 70, 0, 0, 14, 14, 0, 0, 0,0 ],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'rpolyline',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 50,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- 'spirale' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[215, -144],[139, -144],[139, 0],[268, 0],[268, -116],
- [162.5, -116],[162.5, -21],[248, -21],[248, -96],[183, -96],
- [183, -40],[231,-40],[231, -80],[199, -80],[199, -55],[215, -55]],
- -corners_radius => [0, 76, 68, 61, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 26, 22, 18, 14, 11],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'rpolyline',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 50,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- 'logo' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -params => {-priority => 30,
- -atomic => 1,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -items => {'tkzinc' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[-150,10],[-44,10],[-44,68],[-28,51],[6,51],
- [-19,79],[3,109],[53,51],[5,51],[5,10],[140,10],
- [52,115],[96,115],[96,47],[196,47],[196,158],
- [155,158],[155,89],[139,89],[139,160],[101, 160],
- [101,132],[85,132],[85,160],[-42,160],[-2,115],
- [-30,115],[-46,91],[-46,115],[-76,115],[-76,51],
- [-98,51],[-98,115],[-130,115],[-130,51],[-150, 51]],
- -corners_radius => [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,0,0,50,50,
- 0,0,8,8,0,0,8,8,0,27],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'logoshape2',
- -linewidth => 2.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 10,
- -fillrule => 'nonzero',
- },
- -contours => [['add', 1, [[245,88],[245,47],[190,47],[190,158],
- [259,158],[259,117],[230,117],[230,88]],
- 5, undef, [0,0,55,55,0,0,15,15]]],
- },
- 'shad' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[75, 91],[115,131]],
- -params => {-priority => 20,
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => 'logoptshad2',
- -closed => 1,
- },
- },
- 'point' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[70, 86],[110,126]],
- -params => {-priority => 50,
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#a10000',
- -fillcolor => 'logopoint2',
- -closed => 1,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'MultiContours' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 155],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos.",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'mc1' => {-itemtype => 'roundedcurve',
- -coords => [[-30, -170], [-130, 0],[70, 0]],
- -radius => 14,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundcurve2',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['move'],
- -fillrule => 'odd',
- },
- -contours => [['add',1,[[-30,-138],[-100,-18],[40,-18]],8],
- ['add',1,[[-30,-130],[ -92,-22],[32,-22]],5],
- ['add',1,[[-30,-100],[ -68,-36],[8,-36]],5],
- ['add',1,[[-30, -92],[ -60,-40],[0,-40]],3],],
- },
- 'mc2' => {-itemtype => 'polyline',
- -coords => [[-250,-80], [-240,-10],[-285,-10],[-285,80],
- [-250, 80],[-250, 40],[-170, 40],[-170,80],
- [-100,80],[-100,40],[-20,40],[-20,80],[30,80],
- [-10, 0],[-74, -10],[-110, -80]],
- -corners_radius => [24,4, 40, 20, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 40, 40, 0, 30, 75, 0, 104],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundcurve1',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -contours => [['add',-1,[[-240,-72],[-230,0],[-169,0],[-185, -72]],
- 0, undef, [16, 16, 0, 0]],
- ['add', -1, [[-175,-72],[-159,0],[-78,0],[-116, -72]],
- 0, undef, [0, 0, 8, 88]],
- ['add', 1, [[-245,45],[-245,115],[-175,115],[-175, 45]],
- 35],
- ['add', -1, [[-225,65],[-225,95],[-195,95],[-195, 65]],
- 15],
- ['add', 1, [[-95,45],[-95,115],[-25,115],[-25, 45]],
- 35],
- ['add', -1, [[-75,65],[-75,95],[-45,95],[-45, 65]],
- 15],
- ],
- },
- 'mc3' => {-itemtype => 'roundedcurve',
- -coords => [[-10, 170], [256, 170],[312, 60],[48, 60]],
- -radius => 34,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundcurve2',
- -linewidth => 2.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -contours => [['add', -1, [[58, 62],[12, 144],[60, 172],[104, 88]],27],
- ['add', 1, [[48, 77],[48, 119],[90, 119],[90, 77]],21],
- ['add', -1, [[244, 58],[198, 140],[246, 168],[290, 84]],27],
- ['add', 1, [[213, 110],[213, 152],[255, 152],[255, 110]],21],
- ['add', -1, [[150, 60],[150, 170],[160, 170],[160, 60]],0]],
- },
- 'mc4' => {-itemtype => 'roundedcurve',
- -coords => [[222, -150],[138, -150],[180, -50],[138, -150],
- [80, -92],[180, -50],[80, -92],[80, -8],
- [180, -50],[80, -8],[138, 50],[180, -50],
- [138, 50],[222, 50],[179.8, -50],[222, 50],
- [280, -8],[180, -50],[280, -8],[280, -92],
- [180, -50],[280, -92],[222,-150],[180,-50]],
- -radius => 28,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'roundcurve',
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 30,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -contours => [['add', -1, [[160, -70],[160, -30],[200, -30],[200, -70]],20]],
- },
- },
- 'TabBox' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 160],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Click on thumbnail to select page\nChange anchor or alignment tabs options with radio buttons.\n",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'exemple' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-165, -105],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "",
- -alignment => 'left',
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -color => '#000000',
- -priority => 500,
- -width => 350,
- -tags => ['div2', 'fontname'],
- },
- },
- 'bo1' => {-itemtype => 'tabbox',
- -coords => [[-240, -160], [240, 100]],
- -radius => 8,
- -tabwidth => 72,
- -tabheight => 28,
- -numpages => 8,
- -anchor => 'n',
- -alignment => 'left',
- -overlap => 3,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -priority => 100,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#ffffff',
- -linewidth => 1.2,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -tags => ['div2', 'divider'],
- },
- -tabtitles => {-text => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F','G','H'],
- -params => {-text => 'titre',
- -color => '#2222cc',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 400,
- -visible => 1,
- },
- },
- },
- 'back' => {-itemtype => 'roundedrectangle',
- -coords => [[-242, -162], [242, 102]],
- -radius => 10,
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#777777;80',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#777777;80',
- },
- },
- 'anchor' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-120, 115],
- -params => {-text => 'tabs anchor',
- -color => '#2222cc',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- },
- },
- 'anchorN' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-210, 125], [-165, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel1','n','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'right',
- },
- 'txtanN' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-187, 138],
- -params => {-text => 'N',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel1','n','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
- 'anchorE' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-163, 125], [-120, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel1','e','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'txtanE' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-141.5, 138],
- -params => {-text => 'E',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel1','e','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
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- -coords => [[-118, 125], [-75, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel1','s','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'txtanS' => {-itemtype => 'text',
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- -params => {-text => 'S',
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- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel1','s','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
- 'anchorW' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-73, 125], [-28, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel1','w','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'left',
- },
- 'txtanW' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-52, 138],
- -params => {-text => 'W',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel1','w','btntext','selector'],
- },
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- -params => {-text => 'tabs alignment',
- -color => '#2222cc',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- },
- },
- 'alignG' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[30, 125], [90, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel2','left','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'right',
- },
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- -coords => [60, 138],
- -params => {-text => 'left',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel2','left','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
- 'alignC' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[92, 125], [148, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel2','center','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'both',
- },
- 'txtalC' => {-itemtype => 'text',
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- -params => {-text => 'center',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel2','center','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
- 'alignD' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[150, 125], [210, 151]],
- -params => {-closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'pushbtn4',
- -linewidth => 1.5,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -priority => 20,
- -tags => ['sel2','right','btn','selector'],
- },
- -trunc => 'left',
- },
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- -params => {-text => 'right',
- -color => '#000000',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -priority => 40,
- -tags => ['sel2','right','btntext','selector'],
- },
- },
- },
- 'PathLine' => {'consigne' => {-itemtype => 'text',
- -coords => [-285, 155],
- -params => {-font => $font_9b,
- -text => "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos.",
- -color => '#2222cc',
- },
- },
- 'pl1' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -metacoords => {-type => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 12,
- -radius => 200,
- -inner_radius => 100,
- -startangle => -8,
- },
- -linewidth => 20,
- -closed => 1,
- -graduate => {-type => 'linear',
- -colors => ['#ff0000', '#ff00ff', '#0000ff', '#00ffff',
- '#00ff00', '#ffff00', '#ff0000'],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 100,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- },
- 'pl2' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -params => {-priority => 200,
- -atomic => 1,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -items => {'in' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -coords => [[30, -60],[-30, -60],[-30, -30],
- [-60, -30],[-60, 30],[-30, 30],
- [-30, 60],[30, 60],[30, 30],
- [60, 30],[60, -30],[30, -30]],
- -linewidth => 16,
- -closed => 1,
- -shifting => 'left',
- -graduate => {-type => 'transversal',
- -colors => ['#00aa77;100', '#00aa77;0'],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- },
- },
- 'out' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -coords => [[30, -60],[-30, -60],[-30, -30],
- [-60, -30],[-60, 30],[-30, 30],
- [-30, 60],[30, 60],[30, 30],
- [60, 30],[60, -30],[30, -30]],
- -linewidth => 10,
- -closed => 1,
- -shifting => 'in',
- -graduate => {-type => 'transversal',
- -colors => ['#00aa77;100', '#00aa77;0'],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- 'pl3' => {-itemtype => 'group',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -params => {-priority => 100,
- -atomic => 1,
- -tags => ['move'],
- },
- -items => {'back' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[-150, -150],[150,150]],
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '=radial 15 15|#ffffff;40|#aaaaff;10',
- -linewidth => 0,
- },
- },
- 'light' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -metacoords => {-type => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 30,
- -radius => 150,
- -startangle => 240,
- },
- -linewidth => 20,
- -shifting => 'in',
- -closed => 1,
- -graduate => {-type => 'double',
- -colors => [['#ffffff;0', '#222299;0', '#ffffff;0'],
- ['#ffffff;100', '#222299;70', '#ffffff;100']],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 50,
- },
- },
- 'bord' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[-150, -150],[150,150]],
- -params => {-priority => 100,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#000033;80'
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- );
-my %tabtable = ('n' => {-numpages => 8,
- -titles => ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'],
- -texts => ["It may seem at first that there is a contradiction in this title, but there is not. [...] So groups have a feature, the atomic attribute, that is used to seal a group so that events cannot propagate past it downward. If an item part of an atomic group is under the pointer, TkZinc will try to trigger bindings associated with the atomic group not with the item under the pointer. This improves greatly the metaphor of an indivisible item.",
- "This widget command is similar to the Tk bind command except that it operates on TkZinc items instead of widgets. Another difference with the bind command is that only mouse and keyboard related events can be specified (such as Enter, Leave, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Motion, KeyPress, KeyRelease). The bind manual page is the most accurate place to look for a definition of sequence and command and for a general understanding of how the binding mecanism works.",
- "Items of type curve display pathes of line segments and/or cubic bezier connected by their end points. A cubic Bezier is defined by four points. The first and last ones are the extremities of the cubic Bezier. The second and the third ones are control point (i.e. they must have a third ``coordinate'' with the value 'c'). If both control points are identical, one may be omitted. As a consequence, it is an error to have more than two succcessive control points or to start or finish a curve with a control point.",
- "The items are arranged in a display list for each group. The display list imposes a total ordering among its items. The group display lists are connected in a tree identical to the group tree and form a hierarchical display list. The items are drawn by traversing the display list from the least visible item to the most visible one.The search to find the item that should receive an event is done in the opposite direction. In this way, items are drawn according to their relative stacking order and events are dispatched to the top-most item at a given location.",
- "An item will catch an event if all the following conditions are satisfied: * the item -sensitive must be set to true (this is the default). * the item must be under the pointer location. * the item must be on top of the display list (at the pointer location). Beware that an other item with its -visible set to false DOES catch event before any underneath items. * the item must not be clipped (at the pointer location) * the item must not belong to an atomic group, since an atomic group catchs the event instead of the item.",
- "This command fits a sequence of Bezier segments on the curve described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing the points and control points for the generated segments. All the points on the fitted segments will be within error distance from the given curve. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x, y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X, Y. The returned list can be directly used to create or change a curve item contour.",
- "Groups are very powerful items. They have no graphics of their own but are used to bundle items together so that they can be manipulated easily as a whole. Groups can modify in several way how items are displayed and how they react to events. They have many uses in TkZinc. The main usages are to bundle items, to interpose a new coordinate system in a hierarchy of items, to compose some specific attributes, to apply a clipping to their children items, to manage display",
- "This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by tagOrId has the specified tag. If more than one item is named by tagOrId, then the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.",
- ],
- },
- 'e' => {-numpages => 5,
- -titles => ['I','J','K','L','M'],
- -texts => ["Each item is associated with a unique numerical id which is returned by the add or clone commands. All commands on items accept those ids as (often first) parameter in order to uniquely identify on which item they should operate. When an id has been allocated to an item, it is never collected even after the item has been destroyed, in a TkZinc session two items cannot have the same id. This property can be quite useful when used in conjonction with tags, which are described below.",
- "Specifies the form of the joint between the curve segments. This attribute is only applicable if the curve outline relief is flat. The default value is round.",
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with K initial letter...",
- "Reorder all the items given by tagOrId so that they will be under the item given by belowThis. If tagOrId name more than one item, their relative order will be preserved. If tagOrId doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If belowThis name more than one item, the bottom most them is used. If belowThis doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If belowThis is omitted the items are put at the bottom most position of their respective groups.",
- "Map items are typically used for displaying maps on a radar display view. Maps are not be sensitive to mouse or keyboard events, but have been designed to efficiently display large set of points, segments, arcs, and simple texts. A map item is associated to a mapinfo. This mapinfo entity can be either initialized with the videomap command or more generally created and edited with a set of commands described in the The mapinfo related commands section.",
- ],
- },
- 's' => {-numpages => 8,
- -titles => ['N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U'],
- -texts => ["This command tells how many fieldId are available for event bindings or for field configuration commands in the item specified by tagOrId. If more than one item is named by tagOrId, the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised. This command returns always 0 for items which do not support fields. The command hasfields may be used to decide whether an item has fields.",
- "his option accepts an item id. It specifies if the label overlapping avoidance algorithm should be allowed to do its work on the track labels and which group should be considered to look for tracks. The default is to enable the avoidance algorithm in the root group (id 1). To disable the algorithm this option should be set to 0.",
- "Specifies the size of an area around the pointer that is used to tell if the pointer is inside an item. This is useful to lessen the precision required when picking graphical elements. This value must be a positive integer. It defaults to 1.",
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Q initial letter...",
- "Specifies whether to use or not the openGL rendering. When True, requires the GLX extension to the X server. Must be defined at widget creation time. This option is readonly and can be used to ask if the widget is drawing with the GLX extension or in plain X (to adapt the application code for example). The default value is false.",
- "This command computes a sequence of Bezier segments that will smooth the polygon described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing thr points and control points for the generated segments. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x, y order, or a list of lists of point coordinates X, Y. The returned list can be used to create or change the contour of a curve item.",
- "Apart from an id, an item can be associated with as many symbolic names as it may be needed by an application. Those names are called tags and can be any string which does not form a valid id (an integer). However the following characters may not be used to form a tag: . * ! ( ) & | :. Tags exists, and may be used in commands, even if no item are associated with them. In contrast an item id doesn't exist if its item is no longer around and thus it is illegal to use it.",
- "Item Text attribute. If true, a thin line will be drawn under the text characters. The default value is false.",
- ],
- },
- 'w' => {-numpages => 5,
- -titles => ['V','W','X','Y','Z'],
- -names => ['VERTEXAT COMMAND :','WAYPOINT ITEM :','X11, OpenGL and Windows :','Y...','ZINC an advanced scriptable Canvas :'],
- -texts => ["Return a list of values describing the vertex and edge closest to the window coordinates x and y in the item described by tagOrId. If tagOrId describes more than one item, the first item in display list order that supports vertex picking is used. The list consists of the index of the contour containing the returned vertices, the index of the closest vertex and the index of a vertex next to the closest vertex that identify the closest edge (located between the two returned vertices).",
- "Waypoints items have been initially designed for figuring out typical fixed position objects (i.e. beacons or fixes in the ATC vocabulary) with associated block of texts on a radar display for Air Traffic Control. They supports mouse event handling and interactions. However they may certainly be used by other kinds of radar view or even by other kind of plan view with many geographical objects and associated textual information.",
- "TkZinc was firstly designed for X11 server. Since the 3.2.2 version, TkZinc also offers as a runtime option, the support for openGL rendering, giving access to features such as antialiasing, transparency, color gradients and even a new, openGL oriented, item type : triangles . In order to use the openGL features, you need the support of the GLX extension on your X11 server. We also succeeded in using TkZinc with openGL on the Exceed X11 server (running on windows and developped by Hummingbird) with the 3D extension. ",
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Y initial letter...",
- "TkZinc widgets are very similar to Tk Canvases in that they support structured graphics. But unlike the Canvas, TkZinc can structure the items in a hierarchy, has support for affine 2D transforms, clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy, the item set is quite more powerful including field specific items for Air Traffic systems and new rendering techniques such as transparency and gradients. If needed, it is also possible to extend the item set in an additionnal dynamic library through the use of a C api.",
- ],
- },
- );
-# creation de la fenetre principale
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('Test Graphics Module');
-# creation du widget Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => 700,
- -height => 560,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -lightangle => 140,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -backcolor => '#cccccc',);
-$zinc->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
-# initialise les gradients nommés
-&setGradients($zinc, \%gradset);
-# création de la vue principale
-my $tgroup = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-$zinc->coords($tgroup, [350, 240]);
-# consigne globale
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [50, 470],
- -text => "Global interations :\n<Up>, <Down>, <Left> and <Right> keys move content of TabBox pages\n<Plus> and <Minus> keys zoom out and zoom in this page\n<Greater> and <Less> keys rotate this page\n<Escape> key reset transfos",
- -font => $font_9b,
- -color => '#555555',
- -spacing => 2,
- );
-# Création des pages d'exemples
-my ($shapes, $tcoords) = &tabBoxCoords([[-315, -210],[315, 210]],
- -numpages => 7,
- -overlap => 2,
- -radius => 8,
- -tabheight => 26,
- -tabwidth => [92,100,82,82,82,120,80],
- );
-# to find some images (used as textures) needed by this demo
-my $texture = $zinc->Photo('paper.gif', -file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/paper.gif'));
-# création des items zinc correspondants
-my $i = scalar(@{$shapes}) - 1;
-my @pagenames = ('Rectangle', 'Hippodrome', 'Polygone', 'Polyline', 'PathLine', 'MultiContours', 'TabBox');
-my @pagegroups;
-foreach my $shape (reverse @{$shapes}) {
- my $divgroup = $zinc->add('group', $tgroup);
- # création de l'intercalaire
- my $divider = $zinc->add('curve', $divgroup,
- $shape,
- -closed => 1,
- -priority => 10,
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#000000',
- -filled => 1,
- -tile => $texture,
- -tags => ['div1', 'divider', $i, 'intercalaire'],
- );
- # groupe page clippé
- my $page = $zinc->add('group', $divgroup,
- -priority => 100,
- -tags => ['div1', $i, 'page'],
- );
- my $clip = $zinc->add('rectangle', $page,
- [[-300, -170],[300, 195]],
- -linewidth => 1,
- -linecolor => '#000099',
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000;4',
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($page, -clip => $clip);
- my $pgroup = $zinc->add('group', $page,
- -tags => ['div1', $i, 'content'],
- );
- push(@pagegroups, $pgroup);
- $tcoords->[$i]->[1] -= 6;
- # titre de l'intercalaire
- $zinc->add('text', $divgroup,
- -position => $tcoords->[$i],
- -text => $pagenames[$i],
- -font => $font_9b,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -anchor => 'n',
- -color => '#000099',
- -priority => 200,
- -tags => ['div1', 'divider', $i, 'titre'],
- );
- $i--;
-# création du contenu des pages
-$i = 0;
-foreach my $pagename (reverse @pagenames) {
- my $pagestyle = $pagesconf{$pagename};
- if ($pagestyle) {
- my $pgroup = $pagegroups[$i];
- while (my ($itemname, $itemstyle) = each(%{$pagestyle})) {
- my $group = ($itemname eq 'consigne') ? $zinc->group($pgroup) : $pgroup;
- $itemstyle->{'-name'} = $itemname;
- &buildZincItem($zinc, $group, %{$itemstyle});
- }
- }
- $i++;
-# initialisation de la TabBox
-&selectDivider('div1', 0);
-# initialisation des bindings
-#----------------------------------------------------------------------- fin de MAIN
-sub setBindings {
- # grab keyboard
- $mw->Tk::focus();
- # plus,moins : Zoom++, Zoom--
- $mw->Tk::bind('<plus>', sub {viewZoom('up');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<minus>', sub {viewZoom('down');});
- # Up, Down, Right, Left : Translate
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Up>', sub {viewTranslate('up');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Down>', sub {viewTranslate('down');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Left>', sub {viewTranslate('left');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Right>', sub {viewTranslate('right');});
- # >, < : Rotate counterclockwise et clockwise
- $mw->Tk::bind('<greater>', sub {viewRotate('cw');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<less>', sub {viewRotate('ccw');});
- # Escape : reset transfos
- $mw->Tk::bind('<Escape>', sub {$zinc->treset('move');
- $zinc->raise('move');
- $zinc->treset($curview);});
- $zinc->bind('divider', '<1>', sub {&selectDivider();});
- $zinc->bind('selector', '<1>', sub {&clickSelector();});
- $zinc->bind('move', '<1>', sub {&mobileStart();});
- $zinc->bind('move', '<B1-Motion>', sub {&mobileMove();});
- $zinc->bind('move', '<ButtonRelease>', sub {&mobileStop();});
- $zinc->bind('pushbtn', '<1>', sub {&pushButton();});
- $zinc->bind('pushbtn', '<ButtonRelease>', sub {&pullButton();});
- $zinc->bind('poly', '<1>', sub {&startRotatePolygone();});
- $zinc->bind('poly', '<B1-Motion>', sub {&rotatePolygone();});
-# Callback sur evt CLICK des items tagés 'divider'
-sub selectDivider {
- my ($divname, $numpage) = @_;
- if (!defined $divname) {
- my @tags = $zinc->itemcget('current', -tags);
- $divname = $tags[0];
- $numpage = $tags[2];
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && titre)", -color => '#000099');
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && intercalaire)", -linewidth => 1.4);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && page)", -visible => 0);
- my $divgroup = $zinc->group("($divname && $numpage)");
- $zinc->raise($divgroup);
- $curview = "($divname && $numpage && content)";
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && $numpage && titre)", -color => '#000000');
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && $numpage && intercalaire)", -linewidth => 2);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && $numpage && page)", -visible => 1);
- if ($divname eq 'div2') {
- my $fontname = $tabtable{$tabanchor}->{'-names'}->[$numpage];
- my $explain = $tabtable{$tabanchor}->{'-texts'}->[$numpage];
- my $text = $fontname."\n\n".$explain;
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($divname && fontname)",
- -text => $text);
- $zinc->raise("($divname && fontname)");
- }
-# Callback sur evt CLICK des items tagés 'selector'
-sub clickSelector {
- my ($btngroup, $value) = @_;
- if (!defined $btngroup and !defined $value) {
- my @tags = $zinc->itemcget('current', -tags);
- $btngroup = $tags[0];
- $value = $tags[1];
- }
- $zinc->treset($btngroup);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($btngroup && btntext)", -color => '#444444');
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($btngroup && $value && btntext)", -color => '#2222bb');
- $zinc->translate("($btngroup && $value)", 0, 1);
- if ($value eq 'n' or $value eq 'e' or $value eq 's' or $value eq 'w') {
- $tabanchor = $value;
- } elsif ($value eq 'left' or $value eq 'center' or $value eq 'right') {
- $tabalign = $value;
- }
- my $tabtable = $tabtable{$tabanchor};
- my $numpages = $tabtable->{'-numpages'};
- my %tabparams = (-radius => 8,
- -tabwidth => 72,
- -tabheight => 28,
- -numpages => $numpages,
- -anchor => $tabanchor,
- -alignment => $tabalign,
- -overlap => 3,
- );
- my ($shapes, $tcoords) = &tabBoxCoords([[-240, -160], [240, 100]], %tabparams);
- for (my $index = 7; $index >= 0; $index--) {
- my $divgroup = $zinc->group("(div2 && $index && intercalaire)");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($divgroup, -visible => ($index < $numpages));
- if ($index >= $numpages) {
- $zinc->lower($divgroup);
- } else {
- $zinc->raise($divgroup);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("(div2 && $index)", -visible => 1);
- $zinc->coords("(div2 && $index && intercalaire)", $shapes->[$index]);
- if ($zinc->type("(div2 && $index && titre)")) {
- $zinc->coords("(div2 && $index && titre)", $tcoords->[$index]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("(div2 && $index && titre)", -text => $tabtable->{'-titles'}->[$index]);
- }
- }
- }
- &selectDivider('div2', 0);
-# Callback sur evt CLICK des items tagés 'pushbtn'
-sub pushButton {
- my $tag = ($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0];
- if (scalar $zinc->find('withtag', $tag) > 1 and
- !$zinc->find('withtag', "($tag && ico)")) {
- $tag = 'current';
- }
- $zinc->scale($tag, .975, .975);
- $zinc->translate($tag, 1, 1);
- if ($zinc->find('withtag', "($tag && ico)")) {
- my $oldcolor = $zinc->itemcget("($tag && ico)", -fillcolor);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('ico', -fillcolor => '#000000');
- my $newcolor = ($oldcolor eq '#000000') ?'#ffff00' : '#000000';
- $zinc->itemconfigure("($tag && ico)", -fillcolor => $newcolor);
- }
-# Callback sur evt RELEASE des items tagés 'pushbtn'
-sub pullButton {
- my $tag = ($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0];
- $zinc->treset($tag);
-# Callback sur evt CATCH des items tagés 'poly'
-# armement de rotation des polygones
-sub startRotatePolygone {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- my ($xref, $yref) = $zinc->transform($zinc->group('current'), 1, [0, 0]);
- $previousangle = &lineAngle([$ev->x, $ev->y], [$xref, $yref]);
-# Callback sur evt MOTION des items tagés 'poly'
-# rotation des polygones
-sub rotatePolygone {
- my $tag = ($zinc->itemcget('current', -tags))[0];
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- my ($xref, $yref) = $zinc->transform($zinc->group('current'), 1, [0, 0]);
- my $newangle = &lineAngle([$ev->x, $ev->y], [$xref, $yref]);
- $zinc->rotate($tag, deg2rad($newangle - $previousangle));
- $previousangle = $newangle;
-# Callback CATCH de sélection (début de déplacement) des items tagés 'move'
-sub mobileStart {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
- $zinc->raise('current');
-# Callback MOVE de déplacement des items tagés 'move'
-sub mobileMove {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- $zinc->translate('current', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy);
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
-# Callback RELEASE de relaché (fin de déplacement) des items tagés 'move'
-sub mobileStop {
- &mobileMove;
-# Callback sur evénément Tk <KeyPress> flčche gauche, haut, droite, bas
-# pan (translation) du contenu de la page active (TabBox)
-sub viewTranslate {
- my $way = shift;
- my $dx = ($way eq 'left') ? -10 : ($way eq 'right') ? 10 : 0;
- my $dy = ($way eq 'up') ? -10 : ($way eq 'down') ? 10 : 0;
- $zinc->translate($curview, $dx, $dy);
-# Callback sur evénément Tk <KeyPress> "+" ou "-"
-# zoom du contenu de la page active (TabBox)
-sub viewZoom {
- my $key = shift;
- my $scaleratio = ($key eq 'up') ? 1+$zoomfactor : 1-$zoomfactor;
- $zinc->scale($curview, $scaleratio, $scaleratio);
-# Callback sur evénément Tk <KeyPress> ">" ou "<"
-# rotation du contenu de la page active (TabBox)
-sub viewRotate {
- my $way = shift;
- my $delta_angle = $rotate_angle;
- $delta_angle *= -1 if ($way eq 'cw');
- $zinc->rotate($curview, $delta_angle);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/textInput.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/textInput.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 414f613..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/textInput.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-package textInput; # for avoiding symbol re-use between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Zinc::Text; # the module for facilitating text input with zinc
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2, -height => 4);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
-'This toy-appli demonstrates the use of the
-Tk::Zinc::Text module. This module is designed for
-facilitating text input "a la emacs" on text items or on
-fields of items such as tracks, waypoints or tabulars.');
-# Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 500, -height => 300,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-Tk::Zinc::Text->new ($zinc); # for mapping text input bindings on item with a 'text' tag.
-### creating a tabular with 3 fields, 2 of them being editable
-my $labelformat1 = "130x100 x130x20+0+0 x130x20+0+20 x130x20+0+40";
-my $x=120;
-my $y=6;
-my $track = $zinc->add('track',1, 3,
- -position => [$x,$y],
- -speedvector => [40, 10],
- -labeldistance => 30,
- -labelformat => $labelformat1,
- -tags => 'text',
- );
-# moving the track, to display past positions
-foreach my $i (0..5) { $zinc->coords("$track",[$x+$i*10,$y+$i*2]); }
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0,
- -border => "contour",
- -text => "not editable",
- -sensitive => 0,
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 1,
- -border => "contour",
- -text => "editable",
- -sensitive => 1,
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, 2,
- -border => "contour",
- -text => "editable too",
- -alignment => "center",
- -sensitive => 1,
- );
-# creating a text item, tagged with 'text', but not editable because
-# it is not sensitive
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [220,160],
- -text => "this text is not
-editable because it is
-not sensitive",
- -sensitive => 0,
- -tags => ['text'],
- );
-# creating an editable text item
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [50,230],
- -text => "this text IS
- -sensitive => 1,
- -tags => ['text'],
- );
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tiger.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tiger.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4972d39..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tiger.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@intuilab.com>
-####### This file has been initially generated from tiger.svg by SVG2zinc.pm Version: Revision: 1.10
-### the idea of using the shape extension (as possible with TkZinc
-### under linux) was from Daniel Etienne! Thx!
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Zinc::Debug;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('tiger generated from svg file');
-my ($WIDTH,$HEIGHT) = (600,600);
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $WIDTH, -height => $HEIGHT,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -backcolor => "grey90",
- -render => 1,
- -reshape => 1,
- -fullreshape => 1,
- )->pack;
- -optionsToDisplay => '-tags',
- -optionsFormat => 'row',
- );
-my $top_group = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-$text = "
-Drag-Button 1 for moving the tiger,
-Drag-Button 2 for zooming the tiger,
-Drag-Button 3 for rotating the tiger,
-esc for getting help on Tk::Zinc::Debug functions.
-my $clip= $zinc->add('curve',1,
- [ [0,150], [150,0], [470,20], [580, 200], [600,300], [500,560], [50,550], [10,450] ],
- -closed => 1, -visible => 0);
-$zinc->itemconfigure(1, -clip => $clip);
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [51,521], -anchor => 'w',
- -priority => 20, -text => $text, -color => "white");
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [50,520], -anchor => 'w',
- -priority => 20, -text => $text, -color => "black");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[122.304, 84.285], [-122.304, 84.285, 'c'], [-122.203, 86.179, 'c'], [-123.027, 86.16], [-123.851, 86.141, 'c'], [-140.305, 38.066, 'c'], [-160.833, 40.309], [-160.833, 40.309, 'c'], [-143.05, 32.956, 'c'], [-122.304, 84.285]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[118.774, 81.262], [-118.774, 81.262, 'c'], [-119.323, 83.078, 'c'], [-120.092, 82.779], [-120.86, 82.481, 'c'], [-119.977, 31.675, 'c'], [-140.043, 26.801], [-140.043, 26.801, 'c'], [-120.82, 25.937, 'c'], [-118.774, 81.262]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[91.284, 123.59], [-91.284, 123.59, 'c'], [-89.648, 124.55, 'c'], [-90.118, 125.227], [-90.589, 125.904, 'c'], [-139.763, 113.102, 'c'], [-149.218, 131.459], [-149.218, 131.459, 'c'], [-145.539, 112.572, 'c'], [-91.284, 123.59]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[94.093, 133.801], [-94.093, 133.801, 'c'], [-92.237, 134.197, 'c'], [-92.471, 134.988], [-92.704, 135.779, 'c'], [-143.407, 139.121, 'c'], [-146.597, 159.522], [-146.597, 159.522, 'c'], [-149.055, 140.437, 'c'], [-94.093, 133.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[98.304, 128.276], [-98.304, 128.276, 'c'], [-96.526, 128.939, 'c'], [-96.872, 129.687], [-97.218, 130.435, 'c'], [-147.866, 126.346, 'c'], [-153.998, 146.064], [-153.998, 146.064, 'c'], [-153.646, 126.825, 'c'], [-98.304, 128.276]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[109.009, 110.072], [-109.009, 110.072, 'c'], [-107.701, 111.446, 'c'], [-108.34, 111.967], [-108.979, 112.488, 'c'], [-152.722, 86.634, 'c'], [-166.869, 101.676], [-166.869, 101.676, 'c'], [-158.128, 84.533, 'c'], [-109.009, 110.072]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[116.554, 114.263], [-116.554, 114.263, 'c'], [-115.098, 115.48, 'c'], [-115.674, 116.071], [-116.25, 116.661, 'c'], [-162.638, 95.922, 'c'], [-174.992, 112.469], [-174.992, 112.469, 'c'], [-168.247, 94.447, 'c'], [-116.554, 114.263]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[119.154, 118.335], [-119.154, 118.335, 'c'], [-117.546, 119.343, 'c'], [-118.036, 120.006], [-118.526, 120.669, 'c'], [-167.308, 106.446, 'c'], [-177.291, 124.522], [-177.291, 124.522, 'c'], [-173.066, 105.749, 'c'], [-119.154, 118.335]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[108.42, 118.949], [-108.42, 118.949, 'c'], [-107.298, 120.48, 'c'], [-107.999, 120.915], [-108.7, 121.35, 'c'], [-148.769, 90.102, 'c'], [-164.727, 103.207], [-164.727, 103.207, 'c'], [-153.862, 87.326, 'c'], [-108.42, 118.949]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[128.2, 90], [-128.2, 90, 'c'], [-127.6, 91.8, 'c'], [-128.4, 92], [-129.2, 92.2, 'c'], [-157.8, 50.2, 'c'], [-177.001, 57.8], [-177.001, 57.8, 'c'], [-161.8, 46, 'c'], [-128.2, 90]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[127.505, 96.979], [-127.505, 96.979, 'c'], [-126.53, 98.608, 'c'], [-127.269, 98.975], [-128.007, 99.343, 'c'], [-164.992, 64.499, 'c'], [-182.101, 76.061], [-182.101, 76.061, 'c'], [-169.804, 61.261, 'c'], [-127.505, 96.979]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[127.62, 101.349], [-127.62, 101.349, 'c'], [-126.498, 102.88, 'c'], [-127.199, 103.315], [-127.9, 103.749, 'c'], [-167.969, 72.502, 'c'], [-183.927, 85.607], [-183.927, 85.607, 'c'], [-173.062, 69.726, 'c'], [-127.62, 101.349]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.172);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[129.83, 103.065], [-129.327, 109.113, 'c'], [-128.339, 115.682, 'c'], [-126.6, 118.801], [-126.6, 118.801, 'c'], [-130.2, 131.201, 'c'], [-121.4, 144.401], [-121.4, 144.401, 'c'], [-121.8, 151.601, 'c'], [-120.2, 154.801], [-120.2, 154.801, 'c'], [-116.2, 163.201, 'c'], [-111.4, 164.001], [-107.516, 164.648, 'c'], [-98.793, 167.717, 'c'], [-88.932, 169.121], [-88.932, 169.121, 'c'], [-71.8, 183.201, 'c'], [-75, 196.001], [-75, 196.001, 'c'], [-75.4, 212.401, 'c'], [-79, 214.001], [-79, 214.001, 'c'], [-67.4, 202.801, 'c'], [-77, 219.601], [-81.4, 238.401], [-81.4, 238.401, 'c'], [-55.8, 216.801, 'c'], [-71.4, 235.201], [-81.4, 261.201], [-81.4, 261.201, 'c'], [-61.8, 242.801, 'c'], [-69, 251.201], [-72.2, 260.001], [-72.2, 260.001, 'c'], [-29, 232.801, 'c'], [-59.8, 262.401], [-59.8, 262.401, 'c'], [-51.8, 258.801, 'c'], [-47.4, 261.601], [-47.4, 261.601, 'c'], [-40.6, 260.401, 'c'], [-41.4, 262.001], [-41.4, 262.001, 'c'], [-62.2, 272.401, 'c'], [-65.8, 290.801], [-65.8, 290.801, 'c'], [-57.4, 280.801, 'c'], [-60.6, 291.601], [-60.2, 303.201], [-60.2, 303.201, 'c'], [-56.2, 281.601, 'c'], [-56.6, 319.201], [-56.6, 319.201, 'c'], [-37.4, 301.201, 'c'], [-49, 322.001], [-49, 338.801], [-49, 338.801, 'c'], [-33.8, 322.401, 'c'], [-40.2, 335.201], [-40.2, 335.201, 'c'], [-30.2, 326.401, 'c'], [-34.2, 341.601], [-34.2, 341.601, 'c'], [-35, 352.001, 'c'], [-30.6, 340.801], [-30.6, 340.801, 'c'], [-14.6, 310.201, 'c'], [-20.6, 336.401], [-20.6, 336.401, 'c'], [-21.4, 355.601, 'c'], [-16.6, 340.801], [-16.6, 340.801, 'c'], [-16.2, 351.201, 'c'], [-7, 358.401], [-7, 358.401, 'c'], [-8.2, 307.601, 'c'], [4.6, 343.601], [8.6, 360.001], [8.6, 360.001, 'c'], [11.4, 350.801, 'c'], [11, 345.601], [11, 345.601, 'c'], [25.8, 329.201, 'c'], [19, 353.601], [19, 353.601, 'c'], [34.2, 330.801, 'c'], [31, 344.001], [31, 344.001, 'c'], [23.4, 360.001, 'c'], [25, 364.801], [25, 364.801, 'c'], [41.8, 330.001, 'c'], [43, 328.401], [43, 328.401, 'c'], [41, 370.802, 'c'], [51.8, 334.801], [51.8, 334.801, 'c'], [57.4, 346.801, 'c'], [54.6, 351.201], [54.6, 351.201, 'c'], [62.6, 343.201, 'c'], [61.8, 340.001], [61.8, 340.001, 'c'], [66.4, 331.801, 'c'], [69.2, 345.401], [69.2, 345.401, 'c'], [71, 354.801, 'c'], [72.6, 351.601], [72.6, 351.601, 'c'], [76.6, 375.602, 'c'], [77.8, 352.801], [77.8, 352.801, 'c'], [79.4, 339.201, 'c'], [72.2, 327.601], [72.2, 327.601, 'c'], [73, 324.401, 'c'], [70.2, 320.401], [70.2, 320.401, 'c'], [83.8, 342.001, 'c'], [76.6, 313.201], [76.6, 313.201, 'c'], [87.801, 321.201, 'c'], [89.001, 321.201], [89.001, 321.201, 'c'], [75.4, 298.001, 'c'], [84.2, 302.801], [84.2, 302.801, 'c'], [79, 292.401, 'c'], [97.001, 304.401], [97.001, 304.401, 'c'], [81, 288.401, 'c'], [98.601, 298.001], [98.601, 298.001, 'c'], [106.601, 304.401, 'c'], [99.001, 294.401], [99.001, 294.401, 'c'], [84.6, 278.401, 'c'], [106.601, 296.401], [106.601, 296.401, 'c'], [118.201, 312.801, 'c'], [119.001, 315.601], [119.001, 315.601, 'c'], [109.001, 286.401, 'c'], [104.601, 283.601], [104.601, 283.601, 'c'], [113.001, 247.201, 'c'], [154.201, 262.801], [154.201, 262.801, 'c'], [161.001, 280.001, 'c'], [165.401, 261.601], [165.401, 261.601, 'c'], [178.201, 255.201, 'c'], [189.401, 282.801], [189.401, 282.801, 'c'], [193.401, 269.201, 'c'], [192.601, 266.401], [192.601, 266.401, 'c'], [199.401, 267.601, 'c'], [198.601, 266.401], [198.601, 266.401, 'c'], [211.801, 270.801, 'c'], [213.001, 270.001], [213.001, 270.001, 'c'], [219.801, 276.801, 'c'], [220.201, 273.201], [220.201, 273.201, 'c'], [229.401, 276.001, 'c'], [227.401, 272.401], [227.401, 272.401, 'c'], [236.201, 288.001, 'c'], [236.601, 291.601], [239.001, 277.601], [241.001, 280.401], [241.001, 280.401, 'c'], [242.601, 272.801, 'c'], [241.801, 271.601], [241.001, 270.401, 'c'], [261.801, 278.401, 'c'], [266.601, 299.201], [268.601, 307.601], [268.601, 307.601, 'c'], [274.601, 292.801, 'c'], [273.001, 288.801], [273.001, 288.801, 'c'], [278.201, 289.601, 'c'], [278.601, 294.001], [278.601, 294.001, 'c'], [282.601, 270.801, 'c'], [277.801, 264.801], [277.801, 264.801, 'c'], [282.201, 264.001, 'c'], [283.401, 267.601], [283.401, 260.401], [283.401, 260.401, 'c'], [290.601, 261.201, 'c'], [290.601, 258.801], [290.601, 258.801, 'c'], [295.001, 254.801, 'c'], [297.001, 259.601], [297.001, 259.601, 'c'], [284.601, 224.401, 'c'], [303.001, 243.601], [303.001, 243.601, 'c'], [310.201, 254.401, 'c'], [306.601, 235.601], [303.001, 216.801, 'c'], [299.001, 215.201, 'c'], [303.801, 214.801], [303.801, 214.801, 'c'], [304.601, 211.201, 'c'], [302.601, 209.601], [300.601, 208.001, 'c'], [303.801, 209.601, 'c'], [303.801, 209.601], [303.801, 209.601, 'c'], [308.601, 213.601, 'c'], [303.401, 191.601], [303.401, 191.601, 'c'], [309.801, 193.201, 'c'], [297.801, 164.001], [297.801, 164.001, 'c'], [300.601, 161.601, 'c'], [296.601, 153.201], [296.601, 153.201, 'c'], [304.601, 157.601, 'c'], [307.401, 156.001], [307.401, 156.001, 'c'], [307.001, 154.401, 'c'], [303.801, 150.401], [303.801, 150.401, 'c'], [282.201, 95.6, 'c'], [302.601, 117.601], [302.601, 117.601, 'c'], [314.451, 131.151, 'c'], [308.051, 108.351], [308.051, 108.351, 'c'], [298.94, 84.341, 'c'], [299.717, 80.045], [-129.83, 103.065]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[299.717, 80.245], [300.345, 80.426, 'c'], [302.551, 81.55, 'c'], [303.801, 83.2], [303.801, 83.2, 'c'], [310.601, 94, 'c'], [305.401, 75.6], [305.401, 75.6, 'c'], [296.201, 46.8, 'c'], [305.001, 58], [305.001, 58, 'c'], [311.001, 65.2, 'c'], [307.801, 51.6], [303.936, 35.173, 'c'], [301.401, 28.8, 'c'], [301.401, 28.8], [301.401, 28.8, 'c'], [313.001, 33.6, 'c'], [286.201, -6], [295.001, -2.4], [295.001, -2.4, 'c'], [275.401, -42, 'c'], [253.801, -47.2], [245.801, -53.2], [245.801, -53.2, 'c'], [284.201, -91.2, 'c'], [271.401, -128], [271.401, -128, 'c'], [264.601, -133.2, 'c'], [255.001, -124], [255.001, -124, 'c'], [248.601, -119.2, 'c'], [242.601, -120.8], [242.601, -120.8, 'c'], [211.801, -119.6, 'c'], [209.801, -119.6], [207.801, -119.6, 'c'], [173.001, -156.8, 'c'], [107.401, -139.2], [107.401, -139.2, 'c'], [102.201, -137.2, 'c'], [97.801, -138.4], [97.801, -138.4, 'c'], [79.4, -154.4, 'c'], [30.6, -131.6], [30.6, -131.6, 'c'], [20.6, -129.6, 'c'], [19, -129.6], [17.4, -129.6, 'c'], [14.6, -129.6, 'c'], [6.6, -123.2], [-1.4, -116.8, 'c'], [-1.8, -116, 'c'], [-3.8, -114.4], [-3.8, -114.4, 'c'], [-20.2, -103.2, 'c'], [-25, -102.4], [-25, -102.4, 'c'], [-36.6, -96, 'c'], [-41, -86], [-44.6, -84.8], [-44.6, -84.8, 'c'], [-46.2, -77.6, 'c'], [-46.6, -76.4], [-46.6, -76.4, 'c'], [-51.4, -72.8, 'c'], [-52.2, -67.2], [-52.2, -67.2, 'c'], [-61, -61.2, 'c'], [-60.6, -56.8], [-60.6, -56.8, 'c'], [-62.2, -51.6, 'c'], [-63, -46.8], [-63, -46.8, 'c'], [-70.2, -42, 'c'], [-69.4, -39.2], [-69.4, -39.2, 'c'], [-77, -25.2, 'c'], [-75.8, -18.4], [-75.8, -18.4, 'c'], [-82.2, -18.8, 'c'], [-85, -16.4], [-85, -16.4, 'c'], [-85.8, -11.6, 'c'], [-87.4, -11.2], [-87.4, -11.2, 'c'], [-90.2, -10, 'c'], [-87.8, -6], [-87.8, -6, 'c'], [-89.4, -3.2, 'c'], [-89.8, -1.6], [-89.8, -1.6, 'c'], [-89, 1.2, 'c'], [-93.4, 6.8], [-93.4, 6.8, 'c'], [-99.8, 25.6, 'c'], [-97.8, 30.8], [-97.8, 30.8, 'c'], [-97.4, 35.6, 'c'], [-100.2, 37.2], [-100.2, 37.2, 'c'], [-103.8, 36.8, 'c'], [-95.4, 48.8], [-95.4, 48.8, 'c'], [-94.6, 50, 'c'], [-97.8, 52.4], [-97.8, 52.4, 'c'], [-115, 56, 'c'], [-117.4, 72.4], [-117.4, 72.4, 'c'], [-131, 87.2, 'c'], [-131, 92.4], [-131, 94.705, 'c'], [-130.729, 97.852, 'c'], [-130.03, 102.465], [-130.03, 102.465, 'c'], [-130.6, 110.801, 'c'], [-103, 111.601], [-75.4, 112.401, 'c'], [299.717, 80.245, 'c'], [299.717, 80.245]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[115.6, 102.6], [-140.6, 63.2, 'c'], [-126.2, 119.601, 'c'], [-126.2, 119.601], [-117.4, 154.001, 'c'], [12.2, 116.401, 'c'], [12.2, 116.401], [12.2, 116.401, 'c'], [181.001, 86, 'c'], [192.201, 82], [203.401, 78, 'c'], [298.601, 84.4, 'c'], [298.601, 84.4], [293.001, 67.6], [228.201, 21.2, 'c'], [209.001, 44.4, 'c'], [195.401, 40.4], [181.801, 36.4, 'c'], [184.201, 46, 'c'], [181.001, 46.8], [177.801, 47.6, 'c'], [138.601, 22.8, 'c'], [132.201, 23.6], [125.801, 24.4, 'c'], [100.459, 0.649, 'c'], [115.401, 32.4], [131.401, 66.4, 'c'], [57, 71.6, 'c'], [40.2, 60.4], [23.4, 49.2, 'c'], [47.4, 78.8, 'c'], [47.4, 78.8], [65.8, 98.8, 'c'], [31.4, 82, 'c'], [31.4, 82], [-3, 69.2, 'c'], [-27, 94.8, 'c'], [-30.2, 95.6], [-33.4, 96.4, 'c'], [-38.2, 99.6, 'c'], [-39, 93.2], [-39.8, 86.8, 'c'], [-47.31, 70.099, 'c'], [-79, 96.4], [-99, 113.001, 'c'], [-112.8, 91, 'c'], [-112.8, 91], [-115.6, 102.6]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[133.51, 25.346], [127.11, 26.146, 'c'], [101.743, 2.407, 'c'], [116.71, 34.146], [133.31, 69.346, 'c'], [58.31, 73.346, 'c'], [41.51, 62.146], [24.709, 50.946, 'c'], [48.71, 80.546, 'c'], [48.71, 80.546], [67.11, 100.546, 'c'], [32.709, 83.746, 'c'], [32.709, 83.746], [-1.691, 70.946, 'c'], [-25.691, 96.546, 'c'], [-28.891, 97.346], [-32.091, 98.146, 'c'], [-36.891, 101.346, 'c'], [-37.691, 94.946], [-38.491, 88.546, 'c'], [-45.87, 72.012, 'c'], [-77.691, 98.146], [-98.927, 115.492, 'c'], [-112.418, 94.037, 'c'], [-112.418, 94.037], [-115.618, 104.146], [-140.618, 64.346, 'c'], [-125.546, 122.655, 'c'], [-125.546, 122.655], [-116.745, 157.056, 'c'], [13.509, 118.146, 'c'], [13.509, 118.146], [13.509, 118.146, 'c'], [182.31, 87.746, 'c'], [193.51, 83.746], [204.71, 79.746, 'c'], [299.038, 86.073, 'c'], [299.038, 86.073], [293.51, 68.764], [228.71, 22.364, 'c'], [210.31, 46.146, 'c'], [196.71, 42.146], [183.11, 38.146, 'c'], [185.51, 47.746, 'c'], [182.31, 48.546], [179.11, 49.346, 'c'], [139.91, 24.546, 'c'], [133.51, 25.346]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#e87f3a", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#e87f3a");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[134.819, 27.091], [128.419, 27.891, 'c'], [103.685, 3.862, 'c'], [118.019, 35.891], [134.219, 72.092, 'c'], [59.619, 75.092, 'c'], [42.819, 63.892], [26.019, 52.692, 'c'], [50.019, 82.292, 'c'], [50.019, 82.292], [68.419, 102.292, 'c'], [34.019, 85.492, 'c'], [34.019, 85.492], [-0.381, 72.692, 'c'], [-24.382, 98.292, 'c'], [-27.582, 99.092], [-30.782, 99.892, 'c'], [-35.582, 103.092, 'c'], [-36.382, 96.692], [-37.182, 90.292, 'c'], [-44.43, 73.925, 'c'], [-76.382, 99.892], [-98.855, 117.983, 'c'], [-112.036, 97.074, 'c'], [-112.036, 97.074], [-115.636, 105.692], [-139.436, 66.692, 'c'], [-124.891, 125.71, 'c'], [-124.891, 125.71], [-116.091, 160.11, 'c'], [14.819, 119.892, 'c'], [14.819, 119.892], [14.819, 119.892, 'c'], [183.619, 89.492, 'c'], [194.819, 85.492], [206.019, 81.492, 'c'], [299.474, 87.746, 'c'], [299.474, 87.746], [294.02, 69.928], [229.219, 23.528, 'c'], [211.619, 47.891, 'c'], [198.019, 43.891], [184.419, 39.891, 'c'], [186.819, 49.491, 'c'], [183.619, 50.292], [180.419, 51.092, 'c'], [141.219, 26.291, 'c'], [134.819, 27.091]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ea8c4d", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ea8c4d");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[136.128, 28.837], [129.728, 29.637, 'c'], [104.999, 5.605, 'c'], [119.328, 37.637], [136.128, 75.193, 'c'], [60.394, 76.482, 'c'], [44.128, 65.637], [27.328, 54.437, 'c'], [51.328, 84.037, 'c'], [51.328, 84.037], [69.728, 104.037, 'c'], [35.328, 87.237, 'c'], [35.328, 87.237], [0.928, 74.437, 'c'], [-23.072, 100.037, 'c'], [-26.272, 100.837], [-29.472, 101.637, 'c'], [-34.272, 104.837, 'c'], [-35.072, 98.437], [-35.872, 92.037, 'c'], [-42.989, 75.839, 'c'], [-75.073, 101.637], [-98.782, 120.474, 'c'], [-111.655, 100.11, 'c'], [-111.655, 100.11], [-115.655, 107.237], [-137.455, 70.437, 'c'], [-124.236, 128.765, 'c'], [-124.236, 128.765], [-115.436, 163.165, 'c'], [16.128, 121.637, 'c'], [16.128, 121.637], [16.128, 121.637, 'c'], [184.928, 91.237, 'c'], [196.129, 87.237], [207.329, 83.237, 'c'], [299.911, 89.419, 'c'], [299.911, 89.419], [294.529, 71.092], [229.729, 24.691, 'c'], [212.929, 49.637, 'c'], [199.329, 45.637], [185.728, 41.637, 'c'], [188.128, 51.237, 'c'], [184.928, 52.037], [181.728, 52.837, 'c'], [142.528, 28.037, 'c'], [136.128, 28.837]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ec9961", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ec9961");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[137.438, 30.583], [131.037, 31.383, 'c'], [106.814, 7.129, 'c'], [120.637, 39.383], [137.438, 78.583, 'c'], [62.237, 78.583, 'c'], [45.437, 67.383], [28.637, 56.183, 'c'], [52.637, 85.783, 'c'], [52.637, 85.783], [71.037, 105.783, 'c'], [36.637, 88.983, 'c'], [36.637, 88.983], [2.237, 76.183, 'c'], [-21.763, 101.783, 'c'], [-24.963, 102.583], [-28.163, 103.383, 'c'], [-32.963, 106.583, 'c'], [-33.763, 100.183], [-34.563, 93.783, 'c'], [-41.548, 77.752, 'c'], [-73.763, 103.383], [-98.709, 122.965, 'c'], [-111.273, 103.146, 'c'], [-111.273, 103.146], [-115.673, 108.783], [-135.473, 73.982, 'c'], [-123.582, 131.819, 'c'], [-123.582, 131.819], [-114.782, 166.22, 'c'], [17.437, 123.383, 'c'], [17.437, 123.383], [17.437, 123.383, 'c'], [186.238, 92.983, 'c'], [197.438, 88.983], [208.638, 84.983, 'c'], [300.347, 91.092, 'c'], [300.347, 91.092], [295.038, 72.255], [230.238, 25.855, 'c'], [214.238, 51.383, 'c'], [200.638, 47.383], [187.038, 43.383, 'c'], [189.438, 52.983, 'c'], [186.238, 53.783], [183.038, 54.583, 'c'], [143.838, 29.783, 'c'], [137.438, 30.583]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#eea575", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#eea575");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[138.747, 32.328], [132.347, 33.128, 'c'], [106.383, 9.677, 'c'], [121.947, 41.128], [141.147, 79.928, 'c'], [63.546, 80.328, 'c'], [46.746, 69.128], [29.946, 57.928, 'c'], [53.946, 87.528, 'c'], [53.946, 87.528], [72.346, 107.528, 'c'], [37.946, 90.728, 'c'], [37.946, 90.728], [3.546, 77.928, 'c'], [-20.454, 103.528, 'c'], [-23.654, 104.328], [-26.854, 105.128, 'c'], [-31.654, 108.328, 'c'], [-32.454, 101.928], [-33.254, 95.528, 'c'], [-40.108, 79.665, 'c'], [-72.454, 105.128], [-98.636, 125.456, 'c'], [-110.891, 106.183, 'c'], [-110.891, 106.183], [-115.691, 110.328], [-133.691, 77.128, 'c'], [-122.927, 134.874, 'c'], [-122.927, 134.874], [-114.127, 169.274, 'c'], [18.746, 125.128, 'c'], [18.746, 125.128], [18.746, 125.128, 'c'], [187.547, 94.728, 'c'], [198.747, 90.728], [209.947, 86.728, 'c'], [300.783, 92.764, 'c'], [300.783, 92.764], [295.547, 73.419], [230.747, 27.019, 'c'], [215.547, 53.128, 'c'], [201.947, 49.128], [188.347, 45.128, 'c'], [190.747, 54.728, 'c'], [187.547, 55.528], [184.347, 56.328, 'c'], [145.147, 31.528, 'c'], [138.747, 32.328]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f1b288", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f1b288");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[140.056, 34.073], [133.655, 34.873, 'c'], [107.313, 11.613, 'c'], [123.255, 42.873], [143.656, 82.874, 'c'], [64.855, 82.074, 'c'], [48.055, 70.874], [31.255, 59.674, 'c'], [55.255, 89.274, 'c'], [55.255, 89.274], [73.655, 109.274, 'c'], [39.255, 92.474, 'c'], [39.255, 92.474], [4.855, 79.674, 'c'], [-19.145, 105.274, 'c'], [-22.345, 106.074], [-25.545, 106.874, 'c'], [-30.345, 110.074, 'c'], [-31.145, 103.674], [-31.945, 97.274, 'c'], [-38.668, 81.578, 'c'], [-71.145, 106.874], [-98.564, 127.947, 'c'], [-110.509, 109.219, 'c'], [-110.509, 109.219], [-115.709, 111.874], [-131.709, 81.674, 'c'], [-122.273, 137.929, 'c'], [-122.273, 137.929], [-113.473, 172.329, 'c'], [20.055, 126.874, 'c'], [20.055, 126.874], [20.055, 126.874, 'c'], [188.856, 96.474, 'c'], [200.056, 92.474], [211.256, 88.474, 'c'], [301.22, 94.437, 'c'], [301.22, 94.437], [296.056, 74.583], [231.256, 28.183, 'c'], [216.856, 54.874, 'c'], [203.256, 50.874], [189.656, 46.873, 'c'], [192.056, 56.474, 'c'], [188.856, 57.274], [185.656, 58.074, 'c'], [146.456, 33.273, 'c'], [140.056, 34.073]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f3bf9c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f3bf9c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[141.365, 35.819], [134.965, 36.619, 'c'], [107.523, 13.944, 'c'], [124.565, 44.619], [146.565, 84.219, 'c'], [66.164, 83.819, 'c'], [49.364, 72.619], [32.564, 61.419, 'c'], [56.564, 91.019, 'c'], [56.564, 91.019], [74.964, 111.019, 'c'], [40.564, 94.219, 'c'], [40.564, 94.219], [6.164, 81.419, 'c'], [-17.836, 107.019, 'c'], [-21.036, 107.819], [-24.236, 108.619, 'c'], [-29.036, 111.819, 'c'], [-29.836, 105.419], [-30.636, 99.019, 'c'], [-37.227, 83.492, 'c'], [-69.836, 108.619], [-98.491, 130.438, 'c'], [-110.127, 112.256, 'c'], [-110.127, 112.256], [-115.727, 113.419], [-130.128, 85.019, 'c'], [-121.618, 140.983, 'c'], [-121.618, 140.983], [-112.818, 175.384, 'c'], [21.364, 128.619, 'c'], [21.364, 128.619], [21.364, 128.619, 'c'], [190.165, 98.219, 'c'], [201.365, 94.219], [212.565, 90.219, 'c'], [301.656, 96.11, 'c'], [301.656, 96.11], [296.565, 75.746], [231.765, 29.346, 'c'], [218.165, 56.619, 'c'], [204.565, 52.619], [190.965, 48.619, 'c'], [193.365, 58.219, 'c'], [190.165, 59.019], [186.965, 59.819, 'c'], [147.765, 35.019, 'c'], [141.365, 35.819]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f5ccb0", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f5ccb0");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[142.674, 37.565], [136.274, 38.365, 'c'], [108.832, 15.689, 'c'], [125.874, 46.365], [147.874, 85.965, 'c'], [67.474, 85.565, 'c'], [50.674, 74.365], [33.874, 63.165, 'c'], [57.874, 92.765, 'c'], [57.874, 92.765], [76.274, 112.765, 'c'], [41.874, 95.965, 'c'], [41.874, 95.965], [7.473, 83.165, 'c'], [-16.527, 108.765, 'c'], [-19.727, 109.565], [-22.927, 110.365, 'c'], [-27.727, 113.565, 'c'], [-28.527, 107.165], [-29.327, 100.765, 'c'], [-35.786, 85.405, 'c'], [-68.527, 110.365], [-98.418, 132.929, 'c'], [-109.745, 115.293, 'c'], [-109.745, 115.293], [-115.745, 114.965], [-129.346, 88.564, 'c'], [-120.963, 144.038, 'c'], [-120.963, 144.038], [-112.163, 178.438, 'c'], [22.673, 130.365, 'c'], [22.673, 130.365], [22.673, 130.365, 'c'], [191.474, 99.965, 'c'], [202.674, 95.965], [213.874, 91.965, 'c'], [302.093, 97.783, 'c'], [302.093, 97.783], [297.075, 76.91], [232.274, 30.51, 'c'], [219.474, 58.365, 'c'], [205.874, 54.365], [192.274, 50.365, 'c'], [194.674, 59.965, 'c'], [191.474, 60.765], [188.274, 61.565, 'c'], [149.074, 36.765, 'c'], [142.674, 37.565]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f8d8c4", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f8d8c4");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[143.983, 39.31], [137.583, 40.11, 'c'], [110.529, 17.223, 'c'], [127.183, 48.11], [149.183, 88.91, 'c'], [68.783, 87.31, 'c'], [51.983, 76.11], [35.183, 64.91, 'c'], [59.183, 94.51, 'c'], [59.183, 94.51], [77.583, 114.51, 'c'], [43.183, 97.71, 'c'], [43.183, 97.71], [8.783, 84.91, 'c'], [-15.217, 110.51, 'c'], [-18.417, 111.31], [-21.618, 112.11, 'c'], [-26.418, 115.31, 'c'], [-27.218, 108.91], [-28.018, 102.51, 'c'], [-34.346, 87.318, 'c'], [-67.218, 112.11], [-98.345, 135.42, 'c'], [-109.363, 118.329, 'c'], [-109.363, 118.329], [-115.764, 116.51], [-128.764, 92.51, 'c'], [-120.309, 147.093, 'c'], [-120.309, 147.093], [-111.509, 181.493, 'c'], [23.983, 132.11, 'c'], [23.983, 132.11], [23.983, 132.11, 'c'], [192.783, 101.71, 'c'], [203.983, 97.71], [215.183, 93.71, 'c'], [302.529, 99.456, 'c'], [302.529, 99.456], [297.583, 78.074], [232.783, 31.673, 'c'], [220.783, 60.11, 'c'], [207.183, 56.11], [193.583, 52.11, 'c'], [195.983, 61.71, 'c'], [192.783, 62.51], [189.583, 63.31, 'c'], [150.383, 38.51, 'c'], [143.983, 39.31]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#fae5d7", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#fae5d7");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[145.292, 41.055], [138.892, 41.855, 'c'], [112.917, 18.411, 'c'], [128.492, 49.855], [149.692, 92.656, 'c'], [70.092, 89.056, 'c'], [53.292, 77.856], [36.492, 66.656, 'c'], [60.492, 96.256, 'c'], [60.492, 96.256], [78.892, 116.256, 'c'], [44.492, 99.456, 'c'], [44.492, 99.456], [10.092, 86.656, 'c'], [-13.908, 112.256, 'c'], [-17.108, 113.056], [-20.308, 113.856, 'c'], [-25.108, 117.056, 'c'], [-25.908, 110.656], [-26.708, 104.256, 'c'], [-32.905, 89.232, 'c'], [-65.908, 113.856], [-98.273, 137.911, 'c'], [-108.982, 121.365, 'c'], [-108.982, 121.365], [-115.782, 118.056], [-128.582, 94.856, 'c'], [-119.654, 150.147, 'c'], [-119.654, 150.147], [-110.854, 184.547, 'c'], [25.292, 133.856, 'c'], [25.292, 133.856], [25.292, 133.856, 'c'], [194.093, 103.456, 'c'], [205.293, 99.456], [216.493, 95.456, 'c'], [302.965, 101.128, 'c'], [302.965, 101.128], [298.093, 79.237], [233.292, 32.837, 'c'], [222.093, 61.856, 'c'], [208.493, 57.856], [194.893, 53.855, 'c'], [197.293, 63.456, 'c'], [194.093, 64.256], [190.892, 65.056, 'c'], [151.692, 40.255, 'c'], [145.292, 41.055]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#fcf2eb", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#fcf2eb");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[115.8, 119.601], [-128.6, 97.6, 'c'], [-119, 153.201, 'c'], [-119, 153.201], [-110.2, 187.601, 'c'], [26.6, 135.601, 'c'], [26.6, 135.601], [26.6, 135.601, 'c'], [195.401, 105.2, 'c'], [206.601, 101.2], [217.801, 97.2, 'c'], [303.401, 102.8, 'c'], [303.401, 102.8], [298.601, 80.4], [233.801, 34, 'c'], [223.401, 63.6, 'c'], [209.801, 59.6], [196.201, 55.6, 'c'], [198.601, 65.2, 'c'], [195.401, 66], [192.201, 66.8, 'c'], [153.001, 42, 'c'], [146.601, 42.8], [140.201, 43.6, 'c'], [114.981, 19.793, 'c'], [129.801, 51.6], [152.028, 99.307, 'c'], [69.041, 89.227, 'c'], [54.6, 79.6], [37.8, 68.4, 'c'], [61.8, 98, 'c'], [61.8, 98], [80.2, 118.001, 'c'], [45.8, 101.2, 'c'], [45.8, 101.2], [11.4, 88.4, 'c'], [-12.6, 114.001, 'c'], [-15.8, 114.801], [-19, 115.601, 'c'], [-23.8, 118.801, 'c'], [-24.6, 112.401], [-25.4, 106, 'c'], [-31.465, 91.144, 'c'], [-64.6, 115.601], [-98.2, 140.401, 'c'], [-108.6, 124.401, 'c'], [-108.6, 124.401], [-115.8, 119.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[74.2, 149.601], [-74.2, 149.601, 'c'], [-81.4, 161.201, 'c'], [-60.6, 174.401], [-60.6, 174.401, 'c'], [-59.2, 175.801, 'c'], [-77.2, 171.601], [-77.2, 171.601, 'c'], [-83.4, 169.601, 'c'], [-85, 159.201], [-85, 159.201, 'c'], [-89.8, 154.801, 'c'], [-94.6, 149.201], [-99.4, 143.601, 'c'], [-74.2, 149.601, 'c'], [-74.2, 149.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[65.8, 102], [65.8, 102, 'c'], [83.498, 128.821, 'c'], [82.9, 133.601], [81.6, 144.001, 'c'], [81.4, 153.601, 'c'], [84.6, 157.601], [87.801, 161.601, 'c'], [96.601, 194.801, 'c'], [96.601, 194.801], [96.601, 194.801, 'c'], [96.201, 196.001, 'c'], [108.601, 158.001], [108.601, 158.001, 'c'], [120.201, 142.001, 'c'], [100.201, 123.601], [100.201, 123.601, 'c'], [65, 94.8, 'c'], [65.8, 102]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[54.2, 176.401], [-54.2, 176.401, 'c'], [-43, 183.601, 'c'], [-57.4, 214.801], [-51, 212.401], [-51, 212.401, 'c'], [-51.8, 223.601, 'c'], [-55, 226.001], [-47.8, 222.801], [-47.8, 222.801, 'c'], [-43, 230.801, 'c'], [-47, 235.601], [-47, 235.601, 'c'], [-30.2, 243.601, 'c'], [-31, 250.001], [-31, 250.001, 'c'], [-24.6, 242.001, 'c'], [-28.6, 235.601], [-32.6, 229.201, 'c'], [-39.8, 233.201, 'c'], [-39, 214.801], [-47.8, 218.001], [-47.8, 218.001, 'c'], [-42.2, 209.201, 'c'], [-42.2, 202.801], [-50.2, 205.201], [-50.2, 205.201, 'c'], [-34.731, 178.623, 'c'], [-45.4, 177.201], [-51.4, 176.401, 'c'], [-54.2, 176.401, 'c'], [-54.2, 176.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[21.8, 193.201], [-21.8, 193.201, 'c'], [-19, 188.801, 'c'], [-21.8, 189.601], [-24.6, 190.401, 'c'], [-55.8, 205.201, 'c'], [-61.8, 214.801], [-61.8, 214.801, 'c'], [-27.4, 190.401, 'c'], [-21.8, 193.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[11.4, 201.201], [-11.4, 201.201, 'c'], [-8.6, 196.801, 'c'], [-11.4, 197.601], [-14.2, 198.401, 'c'], [-45.4, 213.201, 'c'], [-51.4, 222.801], [-51.4, 222.801, 'c'], [-17, 198.401, 'c'], [-11.4, 201.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[1.8, 186.001], [1.8, 186.001, 'c'], [4.6, 181.601, 'c'], [1.8, 182.401], [-1, 183.201, 'c'], [-32.2, 198.001, 'c'], [-38.2, 207.601], [-38.2, 207.601, 'c'], [-3.8, 183.201, 'c'], [1.8, 186.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[21.4, 229.601], [-21.4, 229.601, 'c'], [-21.4, 223.601, 'c'], [-24.2, 224.401], [-27, 225.201, 'c'], [-63, 242.801, 'c'], [-69, 252.401], [-69, 252.401, 'c'], [-27, 226.801, 'c'], [-21.4, 229.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[20.2, 218.801], [-20.2, 218.801, 'c'], [-19, 214.001, 'c'], [-21.8, 214.801], [-23.8, 214.801, 'c'], [-50.2, 226.401, 'c'], [-56.2, 236.001], [-56.2, 236.001, 'c'], [-26.6, 214.401, 'c'], [-20.2, 218.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[34.6, 266.401], [-44.6, 274.001], [-44.6, 274.001, 'c'], [-34.2, 266.401, 'c'], [-30.6, 267.601], [-30.6, 267.601, 'c'], [-37.4, 278.801, 'c'], [-38.2, 284.001], [-38.2, 284.001, 'c'], [-27.8, 271.201, 'c'], [-22.2, 271.601], [-22.2, 271.601, 'c'], [-14.6, 272.001, 'c'], [-14.6, 282.801], [-14.6, 282.801, 'c'], [-9, 272.401, 'c'], [-5.8, 272.801], [-5.8, 272.801, 'c'], [-4.6, 279.201, 'c'], [-5.8, 286.001], [-5.8, 286.001, 'c'], [-1.8, 278.401, 'c'], [2.2, 280.001], [2.2, 280.001, 'c'], [8.6, 278.001, 'c'], [7.8, 289.601], [7.8, 289.601, 'c'], [7.8, 300.001, 'c'], [7, 302.801], [7, 302.801, 'c'], [12.6, 276.401, 'c'], [15, 276.001], [15, 276.001, 'c'], [23, 274.801, 'c'], [27.8, 283.601], [27.8, 283.601, 'c'], [23.8, 276.001, 'c'], [28.6, 278.001], [28.6, 278.001, 'c'], [39.4, 279.601, 'c'], [42.6, 286.401], [42.6, 286.401, 'c'], [35.8, 274.401, 'c'], [41.4, 277.601], [41.4, 277.601, 'c'], [48.2, 277.601, 'c'], [49.4, 284.001], [49.4, 284.001, 'c'], [57.8, 305.201, 'c'], [59.8, 306.801], [59.8, 306.801, 'c'], [52.2, 285.201, 'c'], [53.8, 285.201], [53.8, 285.201, 'c'], [51.8, 273.201, 'c'], [57, 288.001], [57, 288.001, 'c'], [53.8, 274.001, 'c'], [59.4, 274.801], [65, 275.601, 'c'], [69.4, 285.601, 'c'], [77.8, 283.201], [77.8, 283.201, 'c'], [87.401, 288.801, 'c'], [89.401, 219.601], [-34.6, 266.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[29.8, 173.601], [-29.8, 173.601, 'c'], [-15, 167.601, 'c'], [25, 173.601], [25, 173.601, 'c'], [32.2, 174.001, 'c'], [39, 165.201], [45.8, 156.401, 'c'], [72.6, 149.201, 'c'], [79, 151.201], [88.601, 157.601], [89.401, 158.801], [89.401, 158.801, 'c'], [101.801, 169.201, 'c'], [102.201, 176.801], [102.601, 184.401, 'c'], [87.801, 232.401, 'c'], [78.2, 248.401], [68.6, 264.401, 'c'], [59, 276.801, 'c'], [39.8, 274.401], [39.8, 274.401, 'c'], [19, 270.401, 'c'], [-6.6, 274.401], [-6.6, 274.401, 'c'], [-35.8, 272.801, 'c'], [-38.6, 264.801], [-41.4, 256.801, 'c'], [-27.4, 241.601, 'c'], [-27.4, 241.601], [-27.4, 241.601, 'c'], [-23, 233.201, 'c'], [-24.2, 218.801], [-25.4, 204.401, 'c'], [-25, 176.401, 'c'], [-29.8, 173.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[7.8, 175.601], [0.6, 194.001, 'c'], [-29, 259.201, 'c'], [-29, 259.201], [-31, 260.801, 'c'], [-16.34, 266.846, 'c'], [-6.2, 264.401], [4.746, 261.763, 'c'], [45, 266.001, 'c'], [45, 266.001], [68.6, 250.401, 'c'], [81.4, 206.001, 'c'], [81.4, 206.001], [81.4, 206.001, 'c'], [91.801, 182.001, 'c'], [74.2, 178.801], [56.6, 175.601, 'c'], [-7.8, 175.601, 'c'], [-7.8, 175.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#e5668c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#e5668c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[9.831, 206.497], [-6.505, 193.707, 'c'], [-4.921, 181.906, 'c'], [-7.8, 175.601], [-7.8, 175.601, 'c'], [54.6, 182.001, 'c'], [65.8, 161.201], [70.041, 153.326, 'c'], [84.801, 184.001, 'c'], [84.4, 193.601], [84.4, 193.601, 'c'], [21.4, 208.001, 'c'], [6.6, 196.801], [-9.831, 206.497]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#b23259", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#b23259");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[5.4, 222.801], [-5.4, 222.801, 'c'], [-3.4, 230.001, 'c'], [-5.8, 234.001], [-5.8, 234.001, 'c'], [-7.4, 234.801, 'c'], [-8.6, 235.201], [-8.6, 235.201, 'c'], [-7.4, 238.801, 'c'], [-1.4, 240.401], [-1.4, 240.401, 'c'], [0.6, 244.801, 'c'], [3, 245.201], [5.4, 245.601, 'c'], [10.2, 251.201, 'c'], [14.2, 250.001], [18.2, 248.801, 'c'], [29.4, 244.801, 'c'], [29.4, 244.801], [29.4, 244.801, 'c'], [35, 241.601, 'c'], [43.8, 245.201], [43.8, 245.201, 'c'], [46.175, 244.399, 'c'], [46.6, 240.401], [47.1, 235.701, 'c'], [50.2, 232.001, 'c'], [52.2, 230.001], [54.2, 228.001, 'c'], [63.8, 215.201, 'c'], [62.6, 214.801], [61.4, 214.401, 'c'], [-5.4, 222.801, 'c'], [-5.4, 222.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#a5264c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#a5264c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[9.8, 174.401], [-9.8, 174.401, 'c'], [-12.6, 196.801, 'c'], [-9.4, 205.201], [-6.2, 213.601, 'c'], [-7, 215.601, 'c'], [-7.8, 219.601], [-8.6, 223.601, 'c'], [-4.2, 233.601, 'c'], [1.4, 239.601], [13.4, 241.201], [13.4, 241.201, 'c'], [28.6, 237.601, 'c'], [37.8, 240.401], [37.8, 240.401, 'c'], [46.794, 241.744, 'c'], [50.2, 226.801], [50.2, 226.801, 'c'], [55, 220.401, 'c'], [62.2, 217.601], [69.4, 214.801, 'c'], [76.6, 173.201, 'c'], [72.6, 165.201], [68.6, 157.201, 'c'], [54.2, 152.801, 'c'], [38.2, 168.401], [22.2, 184.001, 'c'], [20.2, 167.201, 'c'], [-9.8, 174.401]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ff727f", -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[8.2, 249.201], [-8.2, 249.201, 'c'], [-9, 247.201, 'c'], [-13.4, 246.801], [-13.4, 246.801, 'c'], [-35.8, 243.201, 'c'], [-44.2, 230.801], [-44.2, 230.801, 'c'], [-51, 225.201, 'c'], [-46.6, 236.801], [-46.6, 236.801, 'c'], [-36.2, 257.201, 'c'], [-29.4, 260.001], [-29.4, 260.001, 'c'], [-13, 264.001, 'c'], [-8.2, 249.201]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[71.742, 185.229], [72.401, 177.323, 'c'], [74.354, 168.709, 'c'], [72.6, 165.201], [66.154, 152.307, 'c'], [49.181, 157.695, 'c'], [38.2, 168.401], [22.2, 184.001, 'c'], [20.2, 167.201, 'c'], [-9.8, 174.401], [-9.8, 174.401, 'c'], [-11.545, 188.364, 'c'], [-10.705, 198.376], [-10.705, 198.376, 'c'], [26.6, 186.801, 'c'], [27.4, 192.401], [27.4, 192.401, 'c'], [29, 189.201, 'c'], [38.2, 189.201], [47.4, 189.201, 'c'], [70.142, 188.029, 'c'], [71.742, 185.229]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc3f4c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc3f4c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[28.6, 175.201], [28.6, 175.201, 'c'], [33.4, 180.001, 'c'], [29.8, 189.601], [29.8, 189.601, 'c'], [15.4, 205.601, 'c'], [17.4, 219.601]], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "#a51926", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[19.4, 260.001], [-19.4, 260.001, 'c'], [-23.8, 247.201, 'c'], [-15, 254.001], [-15, 254.001, 'c'], [-10.2, 256.001, 'c'], [-11.4, 257.601], [-12.6, 259.201, 'c'], [-18.2, 263.201, 'c'], [-19.4, 260.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[14.36, 261.201], [-14.36, 261.201, 'c'], [-17.88, 250.961, 'c'], [-10.84, 256.401], [-10.84, 256.401, 'c'], [-6.419, 258.849, 'c'], [-7.96, 259.281], [-12.52, 260.561, 'c'], [-7.96, 263.121, 'c'], [-14.36, 261.201]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[9.56, 261.201], [-9.56, 261.201, 'c'], [-13.08, 250.961, 'c'], [-6.04, 256.401], [-6.04, 256.401, 'c'], [-1.665, 258.711, 'c'], [-3.16, 259.281], [-6.52, 260.561, 'c'], [-3.16, 263.121, 'c'], [-9.56, 261.201]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[2.96, 261.401], [-2.96, 261.401, 'c'], [-6.48, 251.161, 'c'], [0.56, 256.601], [0.56, 256.601, 'c'], [4.943, 258.933, 'c'], [3.441, 259.481], [0.48, 260.561, 'c'], [3.441, 263.321, 'c'], [-2.96, 261.401]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[3.52, 261.321], [3.52, 261.321, 'c'], [0, 251.081, 'c'], [7.041, 256.521], [7.041, 256.521, 'c'], [10.881, 258.121, 'c'], [9.921, 259.401], [8.961, 260.681, 'c'], [9.921, 263.241, 'c'], [3.52, 261.321]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[10.2, 262.001], [10.2, 262.001, 'c'], [5.4, 249.601, 'c'], [14.6, 256.001], [14.6, 256.001, 'c'], [19.4, 258.001, 'c'], [18.2, 259.601], [17, 261.201, 'c'], [18.2, 264.401, 'c'], [10.2, 262.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[18.2, 244.801], [-18.2, 244.801, 'c'], [-5, 242.001, 'c'], [1, 245.201], [1, 245.201, 'c'], [7, 246.401, 'c'], [8.2, 246.001], [9.4, 245.601, 'c'], [12.6, 245.201, 'c'], [12.6, 245.201]], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "#a5264c", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[15.8, 253.601], [15.8, 253.601, 'c'], [27.8, 240.001, 'c'], [39.8, 244.401], [46.816, 246.974, 'c'], [45.8, 243.601, 'c'], [46.6, 240.801], [47.4, 238.001, 'c'], [47.6, 233.801, 'c'], [52.6, 230.801]], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "#a5264c", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[33, 237.601], [33, 237.601, 'c'], [29, 226.801, 'c'], [26.2, 239.601], [23.4, 252.401, 'c'], [20.2, 256.001, 'c'], [18.6, 258.801], [18.6, 258.801, 'c'], [18.6, 264.001, 'c'], [27, 263.601], [27, 263.601, 'c'], [37.8, 263.201, 'c'], [38.2, 260.401], [38.6, 257.601, 'c'], [37, 246.001, 'c'], [33, 237.601]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[47, 244.801], [47, 244.801, 'c'], [50.6, 242.401, 'c'], [53, 243.601]], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "#a5264c", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[53.5, 228.401], [53.5, 228.401, 'c'], [56.4, 223.501, 'c'], [61.2, 222.701]], -closed => 0, -linecolor => "#a5264c", -linewidth => 2);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[25.8, 265.201], [-25.8, 265.201, 'c'], [-7.8, 268.401, 'c'], [-3.4, 266.801], [-3.4, 266.801, 'c'], [5.4, 266.801, 'c'], [-3, 268.801], [-3, 268.801, 'c'], [-15.8, 268.801, 'c'], [-23.8, 267.601], [-23.8, 267.601, 'c'], [-35.4, 262.001, 'c'], [-25.8, 265.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#b2b2b2", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#b2b2b2");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[11.8, 172.001], [-11.8, 172.001, 'c'], [5.8, 172.001, 'c'], [7.8, 172.801], [7.8, 172.801, 'c'], [15, 203.601, 'c'], [11.4, 211.201], [11.4, 211.201, 'c'], [10.2, 214.001, 'c'], [7.4, 208.401], [7.4, 208.401, 'c'], [-11, 175.601, 'c'], [-14.2, 173.601], [-17.4, 171.601, 'c'], [-13, 172.001, 'c'], [-11.8, 172.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-88.9, 169.301], [-88.9, 169.301, 'c'], [-80, 171.001, 'c'], [-67.4, 173.601], [-67.4, 173.601, 'c'], [-62.6, 196.001, 'c'], [-59.4, 200.801], [-56.2, 205.601, 'c'], [-59.8, 205.601, 'c'], [-63.4, 202.801], [-67, 200.001, 'c'], [-81.8, 186.001, 'c'], [-83.8, 181.601], [-85.8, 177.201, 'c'], [-88.9, 169.301, 'c'], [-88.9, 169.301]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-67.039, 173.818], [-67.039, 173.818, 'c'], [-61.239, 175.366, 'c'], [-60.23, 177.581], [-59.222, 179.795, 'c'], [-61.432, 183.092, 'c'], [-61.432, 183.092], [-61.432, 183.092, 'c'], [-62.432, 186.397, 'c'], [-63.634, 184.235], [-64.836, 182.072, 'c'], [-67.708, 174.412, 'c'], [-67.039, 173.818]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-67, 173.601], [-67, 173.601, 'c'], [-63.4, 178.801, 'c'], [-59.8, 178.801], [-56.2, 178.801, 'c'], [-55.818, 178.388, 'c'], [-53, 179.001], [-48.4, 180.001, 'c'], [-48.8, 178.001, 'c'], [-42.2, 179.201], [-39.56, 179.681, 'c'], [-37, 178.801, 'c'], [-34.2, 180.001], [-31.4, 181.201, 'c'], [-28.2, 180.401, 'c'], [-27, 178.401], [-25.8, 176.401, 'c'], [-21, 172.201, 'c'], [-21, 172.201], [-21, 172.201, 'c'], [-33.8, 174.001, 'c'], [-36.6, 174.801], [-36.6, 174.801, 'c'], [-59, 176.001, 'c'], [-67, 173.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-22.4, 173.801], [-22.4, 173.801, 'c'], [-28.85, 177.301, 'c'], [-29.25, 179.701], [-29.65, 182.101, 'c'], [-24, 185.801, 'c'], [-24, 185.801], [-24, 185.801, 'c'], [-21.25, 190.401, 'c'], [-20.65, 188.001], [-20.05, 185.601, 'c'], [-21.6, 174.201, 'c'], [-22.4, 173.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-59.885, 179.265], [-59.885, 179.265, 'c'], [-52.878, 190.453, 'c'], [-52.661, 179.242], [-52.661, 179.242, 'c'], [-52.104, 177.984, 'c'], [-53.864, 177.962], [-59.939, 177.886, 'c'], [-58.418, 173.784, 'c'], [-59.885, 179.265]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-52.707, 179.514], [-52.707, 179.514, 'c'], [-44.786, 190.701, 'c'], [-45.422, 179.421], [-45.422, 179.421, 'c'], [-45.415, 179.089, 'c'], [-47.168, 178.936], [-51.915, 178.522, 'c'], [-51.57, 174.004, 'c'], [-52.707, 179.514]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-45.494, 179.522], [-45.494, 179.522, 'c'], [-37.534, 190.15, 'c'], [-38.203, 180.484], [-38.203, 180.484, 'c'], [-38.084, 179.251, 'c'], [-39.738, 178.95], [-43.63, 178.244, 'c'], [-43.841, 174.995, 'c'], [-45.494, 179.522]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-38.618, 179.602], [-38.618, 179.602, 'c'], [-30.718, 191.163, 'c'], [-30.37, 181.382], [-30.37, 181.382, 'c'], [-28.726, 180.004, 'c'], [-30.472, 179.782], [-36.29, 179.042, 'c'], [-35.492, 174.588, 'c'], [-38.618, 179.602]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffcc", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.5);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-74.792, 183.132], [-82.45, 181.601], [-85.05, 176.601, 'c'], [-87.15, 170.451, 'c'], [-87.15, 170.451], [-87.15, 170.451, 'c'], [-80.8, 171.451, 'c'], [-68.3, 174.251], [-68.3, 174.251, 'c'], [-67.424, 177.569, 'c'], [-65.952, 183.364], [-74.792, 183.132]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#e5e5b2", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#e5e5b2");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-9.724, 178.47], [-11.39, 175.964, 'c'], [-12.707, 174.206, 'c'], [-13.357, 173.8], [-16.37, 171.917, 'c'], [-12.227, 172.294, 'c'], [-11.098, 172.294], [-11.098, 172.294, 'c'], [5.473, 172.294, 'c'], [7.356, 173.047], [7.356, 173.047, 'c'], [7.88, 175.289, 'c'], [8.564, 178.68], [8.564, 178.68, 'c'], [-1.524, 176.67, 'c'], [-9.724, 178.47]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#e5e5b2", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#e5e5b2");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[43.88, 40.321], [71.601, 44.281, 'c'], [97.121, 8.641, 'c'], [98.881, -1.04], [100.641, -10.72, 'c'], [90.521, -22.6, 'c'], [90.521, -22.6], [91.841, -25.68, 'c'], [87.001, -39.76, 'c'], [81.721, -49], [76.441, -58.24, 'c'], [60.54, -57.266, 'c'], [43, -58.24], [27.16, -59.12, 'c'], [8.68, -35.8, 'c'], [7.36, -34.04], [6.04, -32.28, 'c'], [12.2, 6.001, 'c'], [13.52, 11.721], [14.84, 17.441, 'c'], [12.2, 43.841, 'c'], [12.2, 43.841], [46.44, 34.741, 'c'], [16.16, 36.361, 'c'], [43.88, 40.321]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[8.088, -33.392], [6.792, -31.664, 'c'], [12.84, 5.921, 'c'], [14.136, 11.537], [15.432, 17.153, 'c'], [12.84, 43.073, 'c'], [12.84, 43.073], [45.512, 34.193, 'c'], [16.728, 35.729, 'c'], [43.944, 39.617], [71.161, 43.505, 'c'], [96.217, 8.513, 'c'], [97.945, -0.992], [99.673, -10.496, 'c'], [89.737, -22.16, 'c'], [89.737, -22.16], [91.033, -25.184, 'c'], [86.281, -39.008, 'c'], [81.097, -48.08], [75.913, -57.152, 'c'], [60.302, -56.195, 'c'], [43.08, -57.152], [27.528, -58.016, 'c'], [9.384, -35.12, 'c'], [8.088, -33.392]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ea8e51", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ea8e51");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[8.816, -32.744], [7.544, -31.048, 'c'], [13.48, 5.841, 'c'], [14.752, 11.353], [16.024, 16.865, 'c'], [13.48, 42.305, 'c'], [13.48, 42.305], [44.884, 33.145, 'c'], [17.296, 35.097, 'c'], [44.008, 38.913], [70.721, 42.729, 'c'], [95.313, 8.385, 'c'], [97.009, -0.944], [98.705, -10.272, 'c'], [88.953, -21.72, 'c'], [88.953, -21.72], [90.225, -24.688, 'c'], [85.561, -38.256, 'c'], [80.473, -47.16], [75.385, -56.064, 'c'], [60.063, -55.125, 'c'], [43.16, -56.064], [27.896, -56.912, 'c'], [10.088, -34.44, 'c'], [8.816, -32.744]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#efaa7c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#efaa7c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[9.544, -32.096], [8.296, -30.432, 'c'], [14.12, 5.761, 'c'], [15.368, 11.169], [16.616, 16.577, 'c'], [14.12, 41.537, 'c'], [14.12, 41.537], [43.556, 32.497, 'c'], [17.864, 34.465, 'c'], [44.072, 38.209], [70.281, 41.953, 'c'], [94.409, 8.257, 'c'], [96.073, -0.895], [97.737, -10.048, 'c'], [88.169, -21.28, 'c'], [88.169, -21.28], [89.417, -24.192, 'c'], [84.841, -37.504, 'c'], [79.849, -46.24], [74.857, -54.976, 'c'], [59.824, -54.055, 'c'], [43.24, -54.976], [28.264, -55.808, 'c'], [10.792, -33.76, 'c'], [9.544, -32.096]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f4c6a8", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f4c6a8");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[10.272, -31.448], [9.048, -29.816, 'c'], [14.76, 5.681, 'c'], [15.984, 10.985], [17.208, 16.289, 'c'], [14.76, 40.769, 'c'], [14.76, 40.769], [42.628, 31.849, 'c'], [18.432, 33.833, 'c'], [44.136, 37.505], [69.841, 41.177, 'c'], [93.505, 8.129, 'c'], [95.137, -0.848], [96.769, -9.824, 'c'], [87.385, -20.84, 'c'], [87.385, -20.84], [88.609, -23.696, 'c'], [84.121, -36.752, 'c'], [79.225, -45.32], [74.329, -53.888, 'c'], [59.585, -52.985, 'c'], [43.32, -53.888], [28.632, -54.704, 'c'], [11.496, -33.08, 'c'], [10.272, -31.448]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f9e2d3", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f9e2d3");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[44.2, 36.8], [69.4, 40.4, 'c'], [92.601, 8, 'c'], [94.201, -0.8], [95.801, -9.6, 'c'], [86.601, -20.4, 'c'], [86.601, -20.4], [87.801, -23.2, 'c'], [83.4, -36, 'c'], [78.6, -44.4], [73.8, -52.8, 'c'], [59.346, -51.914, 'c'], [43.4, -52.8], [29, -53.6, 'c'], [12.2, -32.4, 'c'], [11, -30.8], [9.8, -29.2, 'c'], [15.4, 5.6, 'c'], [16.6, 10.8], [17.8, 16, 'c'], [15.4, 40, 'c'], [15.4, 40], [40.9, 31.4, 'c'], [19, 33.2, 'c'], [44.2, 36.8]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[90.601, 2.8], [90.601, 2.8, 'c'], [62.8, 10.4, 'c'], [51.2, 8.8], [51.2, 8.8, 'c'], [35.4, 2.2, 'c'], [26.6, 24], [26.6, 24, 'c'], [23, 31.2, 'c'], [21, 33.2], [19, 35.2, 'c'], [90.601, 2.8, 'c'], [90.601, 2.8]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[94.401, 0.6], [94.401, 0.6, 'c'], [65.4, 12.8, 'c'], [55.4, 12.4], [55.4, 12.4, 'c'], [39, 7.8, 'c'], [30.6, 22.4], [30.6, 22.4, 'c'], [22.2, 31.6, 'c'], [19, 33.2], [19, 33.2, 'c'], [18.6, 34.8, 'c'], [25, 30.8], [35.4, 36], [35.4, 36, 'c'], [50.2, 45.6, 'c'], [59.8, 29.6], [59.8, 29.6, 'c'], [63.8, 18.4, 'c'], [63.8, 16.4], [63.8, 14.4, 'c'], [85, 8.8, 'c'], [86.601, 8.4], [88.201, 8, 'c'], [94.801, 3.8, 'c'], [94.401, 0.6]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[47, 36.514], [40.128, 36.514, 'c'], [31.755, 32.649, 'c'], [31.755, 26.4], [31.755, 20.152, 'c'], [40.128, 13.887, 'c'], [47, 13.887], [53.874, 13.887, 'c'], [59.446, 18.952, 'c'], [59.446, 25.2], [59.446, 31.449, 'c'], [53.874, 36.514, 'c'], [47, 36.514]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#99cc32", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#99cc32");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[43.377, 19.83], [38.531, 20.552, 'c'], [33.442, 22.055, 'c'], [33.514, 21.839], [35.054, 17.22, 'c'], [41.415, 13.887, 'c'], [47, 13.887], [51.296, 13.887, 'c'], [55.084, 15.865, 'c'], [57.32, 18.875], [57.32, 18.875, 'c'], [52.004, 18.545, 'c'], [43.377, 19.83]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#659900", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#659900");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[55.4, 19.6], [55.4, 19.6, 'c'], [51, 16.4, 'c'], [51, 18.6], [51, 18.6, 'c'], [54.6, 23, 'c'], [55.4, 19.6]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[45.4, 27.726], [42.901, 27.726, 'c'], [40.875, 25.7, 'c'], [40.875, 23.2], [40.875, 20.701, 'c'], [42.901, 18.675, 'c'], [45.4, 18.675], [47.9, 18.675, 'c'], [49.926, 20.701, 'c'], [49.926, 23.2], [49.926, 25.7, 'c'], [47.9, 27.726, 'c'], [45.4, 27.726]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-58.6, 14.4], [-58.6, 14.4, 'c'], [-61.8, -6.8, 'c'], [-59.4, -11.2], [-59.4, -11.2, 'c'], [-48.6, -21.2, 'c'], [-49, -24.8], [-49, -24.8, 'c'], [-49.4, -42.8, 'c'], [-50.6, -43.6], [-51.8, -44.4, 'c'], [-59.4, -50.4, 'c'], [-65.4, -44], [-65.4, -44, 'c'], [-75.8, -26, 'c'], [-75, -19.6], [-75, -17.6], [-75, -17.6, 'c'], [-82.6, -18, 'c'], [-84.2, -16], [-84.2, -16, 'c'], [-85.4, -10.8, 'c'], [-86.6, -10.4], [-86.6, -10.4, 'c'], [-89.4, -8, 'c'], [-87.4, -5.2], [-87.4, -5.2, 'c'], [-89.4, -2.8, 'c'], [-89, 1.2], [-81.4, 5.2], [-81.4, 5.2, 'c'], [-79.4, 19.6, 'c'], [-68.6, 24.8], [-63.764, 27.129, 'c'], [-60.6, 20.4, 'c'], [-58.6, 14.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-59.6, 12.56], [-59.6, 12.56, 'c'], [-62.48, -6.52, 'c'], [-60.32, -10.48], [-60.32, -10.48, 'c'], [-50.6, -19.48, 'c'], [-50.96, -22.72], [-50.96, -22.72, 'c'], [-51.32, -38.92, 'c'], [-52.4, -39.64], [-53.48, -40.36, 'c'], [-60.32, -45.76, 'c'], [-65.72, -40], [-65.72, -40, 'c'], [-75.08, -23.8, 'c'], [-74.36, -18.04], [-74.36, -16.24], [-74.36, -16.24, 'c'], [-81.2, -16.6, 'c'], [-82.64, -14.8], [-82.64, -14.8, 'c'], [-83.72, -10.12, 'c'], [-84.8, -9.76], [-84.8, -9.76, 'c'], [-87.32, -7.6, 'c'], [-85.52, -5.08], [-85.52, -5.08, 'c'], [-87.32, -2.92, 'c'], [-86.96, 0.68], [-80.12, 4.28], [-80.12, 4.28, 'c'], [-78.32, 17.24, 'c'], [-68.6, 21.92], [-64.248, 24.015, 'c'], [-61.4, 17.96, 'c'], [-59.6, 12.56]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-51.05, -42.61], [-52.14, -43.47, 'c'], [-59.63, -49.24, 'c'], [-65.48, -43], [-65.48, -43, 'c'], [-75.62, -25.45, 'c'], [-74.84, -19.21], [-74.84, -17.26], [-74.84, -17.26, 'c'], [-82.25, -17.65, 'c'], [-83.81, -15.7], [-83.81, -15.7, 'c'], [-84.98, -10.63, 'c'], [-86.15, -10.24], [-86.15, -10.24, 'c'], [-88.88, -7.9, 'c'], [-86.93, -5.17], [-86.93, -5.17, 'c'], [-88.88, -2.83, 'c'], [-88.49, 1.07], [-81.08, 4.97], [-81.08, 4.97, 'c'], [-79.13, 19.01, 'c'], [-68.6, 24.08], [-63.886, 26.35, 'c'], [-60.8, 19.79, 'c'], [-58.85, 13.94], [-58.85, 13.94, 'c'], [-61.97, -6.73, 'c'], [-59.63, -11.02], [-59.63, -11.02, 'c'], [-49.1, -20.77, 'c'], [-49.49, -24.28], [-49.49, -24.28, 'c'], [-49.88, -41.83, 'c'], [-51.05, -42.61]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#eb955c", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#eb955c");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-51.5, -41.62], [-52.48, -42.54, 'c'], [-59.86, -48.08, 'c'], [-65.56, -42], [-65.56, -42, 'c'], [-75.44, -24.9, 'c'], [-74.68, -18.82], [-74.68, -16.92], [-74.68, -16.92, 'c'], [-81.9, -17.3, 'c'], [-83.42, -15.4], [-83.42, -15.4, 'c'], [-84.56, -10.46, 'c'], [-85.7, -10.08], [-85.7, -10.08, 'c'], [-88.36, -7.8, 'c'], [-86.46, -5.14], [-86.46, -5.14, 'c'], [-88.36, -2.86, 'c'], [-87.98, 0.94], [-80.76, 4.74], [-80.76, 4.74, 'c'], [-78.86, 18.42, 'c'], [-68.6, 23.36], [-64.006, 25.572, 'c'], [-61, 19.18, 'c'], [-59.1, 13.48], [-59.1, 13.48, 'c'], [-62.14, -6.66, 'c'], [-59.86, -10.84], [-59.86, -10.84, 'c'], [-49.6, -20.34, 'c'], [-49.98, -23.76], [-49.98, -23.76, 'c'], [-50.36, -40.86, 'c'], [-51.5, -41.62]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f2b892", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f2b892");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-51.95, -40.63], [-52.82, -41.61, 'c'], [-60.09, -46.92, 'c'], [-65.64, -41], [-65.64, -41, 'c'], [-75.26, -24.35, 'c'], [-74.52, -18.43], [-74.52, -16.58], [-74.52, -16.58, 'c'], [-81.55, -16.95, 'c'], [-83.03, -15.1], [-83.03, -15.1, 'c'], [-84.14, -10.29, 'c'], [-85.25, -9.92], [-85.25, -9.92, 'c'], [-87.84, -7.7, 'c'], [-85.99, -5.11], [-85.99, -5.11, 'c'], [-87.84, -2.89, 'c'], [-87.47, 0.81], [-80.44, 4.51], [-80.44, 4.51, 'c'], [-78.59, 17.83, 'c'], [-68.6, 22.64], [-64.127, 24.794, 'c'], [-61.2, 18.57, 'c'], [-59.35, 13.02], [-59.35, 13.02, 'c'], [-62.31, -6.59, 'c'], [-60.09, -10.66], [-60.09, -10.66, 'c'], [-50.1, -19.91, 'c'], [-50.47, -23.24], [-50.47, -23.24, 'c'], [-50.84, -39.89, 'c'], [-51.95, -40.63]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#f8dcc8", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#f8dcc8");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-59.6, 12.46], [-59.6, 12.46, 'c'], [-62.48, -6.52, 'c'], [-60.32, -10.48], [-60.32, -10.48, 'c'], [-50.6, -19.48, 'c'], [-50.96, -22.72], [-50.96, -22.72, 'c'], [-51.32, -38.92, 'c'], [-52.4, -39.64], [-53.16, -40.68, 'c'], [-60.32, -45.76, 'c'], [-65.72, -40], [-65.72, -40, 'c'], [-75.08, -23.8, 'c'], [-74.36, -18.04], [-74.36, -16.24], [-74.36, -16.24, 'c'], [-81.2, -16.6, 'c'], [-82.64, -14.8], [-82.64, -14.8, 'c'], [-83.72, -10.12, 'c'], [-84.8, -9.76], [-84.8, -9.76, 'c'], [-87.32, -7.6, 'c'], [-85.52, -5.08], [-85.52, -5.08, 'c'], [-87.32, -2.92, 'c'], [-86.96, 0.68], [-80.12, 4.28], [-80.12, 4.28, 'c'], [-78.32, 17.24, 'c'], [-68.6, 21.92], [-64.248, 24.015, 'c'], [-61.4, 17.86, 'c'], [-59.6, 12.46]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-62.7, 6.2], [-62.7, 6.2, 'c'], [-84.3, -4, 'c'], [-85.2, -4.8], [-85.2, -4.8, 'c'], [-76.1, 3.4, 'c'], [-75.3, 3.4], [-74.5, 3.4, 'c'], [-62.7, 6.2, 'c'], [-62.7, 6.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-79.8, 0], [-79.8, 0, 'c'], [-61.4, 3.6, 'c'], [-61.4, 8], [-61.4, 10.912, 'c'], [-61.643, 24.331, 'c'], [-67, 22.8], [-75.4, 20.4, 'c'], [-71.8, 6, 'c'], [-79.8, 0]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-71.4, 3.8], [-71.4, 3.8, 'c'], [-62.422, 5.274, 'c'], [-61.4, 8], [-60.8, 9.6, 'c'], [-60.137, 17.908, 'c'], [-65.6, 19], [-70.152, 19.911, 'c'], [-72.382, 9.69, 'c'], [-71.4, 3.8]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#99cc32", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#99cc32");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[14.595, 46.349], [14.098, 44.607, 'c'], [15.409, 44.738, 'c'], [17.2, 44.2], [19.2, 43.6, 'c'], [31.4, 39.8, 'c'], [32.2, 37.2], [33, 34.6, 'c'], [46.2, 39, 'c'], [46.2, 39], [48, 39.8, 'c'], [52.4, 42.4, 'c'], [52.4, 42.4], [57.2, 43.6, 'c'], [63.8, 44, 'c'], [63.8, 44], [66.2, 45, 'c'], [69.6, 47.8, 'c'], [69.6, 47.8], [84.2, 58, 'c'], [96.601, 50.8, 'c'], [96.601, 50.8], [116.601, 44.2, 'c'], [110.601, 27, 'c'], [110.601, 27], [107.601, 18, 'c'], [110.801, 14.6, 'c'], [110.801, 14.6], [111.001, 10.8, 'c'], [118.201, 17.2, 'c'], [118.201, 17.2], [120.801, 21.4, 'c'], [121.601, 26.4, 'c'], [121.601, 26.4], [129.601, 37.6, 'c'], [126.201, 19.8, 'c'], [126.201, 19.8], [126.401, 18.8, 'c'], [123.601, 15.2, 'c'], [123.601, 14], [123.601, 12.8, 'c'], [121.801, 9.4, 'c'], [121.801, 9.4], [118.801, 6, 'c'], [121.201, -1, 'c'], [121.201, -1], [123.001, -14.8, 'c'], [120.801, -13, 'c'], [120.801, -13], [119.601, -14.8, 'c'], [110.401, -4.8, 'c'], [110.401, -4.8], [108.201, -1.4, 'c'], [102.201, 0.2, 'c'], [102.201, 0.2], [99.401, 2, 'c'], [96.001, 0.6, 'c'], [96.001, 0.6], [93.401, 0.2, 'c'], [87.801, 7.2, 'c'], [87.801, 7.2], [90.601, 7, 'c'], [93.001, 11.4, 'c'], [95.401, 11.6], [97.801, 11.8, 'c'], [99.601, 9.2, 'c'], [101.201, 8.6], [102.801, 8, 'c'], [105.601, 13.8, 'c'], [105.601, 13.8], [106.001, 16.4, 'c'], [100.401, 21.2, 'c'], [100.401, 21.2], [100.001, 25.8, 'c'], [98.401, 24.2, 'c'], [98.401, 24.2], [95.401, 23.6, 'c'], [94.201, 27.4, 'c'], [93.201, 32], [92.201, 36.6, 'c'], [88.001, 37, 'c'], [88.001, 37], [86.401, 44.4, 'c'], [85.2, 41.4, 'c'], [85.2, 41.4], [85, 35.8, 'c'], [79, 41.6, 'c'], [79, 41.6], [77.8, 43.6, 'c'], [73.2, 41.4, 'c'], [73.2, 41.4], [66.4, 39.4, 'c'], [68.8, 37.4, 'c'], [68.8, 37.4], [70.6, 35.2, 'c'], [81.8, 37.4, 'c'], [81.8, 37.4], [84, 35.8, 'c'], [76, 31.8, 'c'], [76, 31.8], [75.4, 30, 'c'], [76.4, 25.6, 'c'], [76.4, 25.6], [77.6, 22.4, 'c'], [84.4, 16.8, 'c'], [84.4, 16.8], [93.801, 15.6, 'c'], [91.001, 14, 'c'], [91.001, 14], [84.801, 8.8, 'c'], [79, 16.4, 'c'], [79, 16.4], [76.8, 22.6, 'c'], [59.4, 37.6, 'c'], [59.4, 37.6], [54.6, 41, 'c'], [57.2, 34.2, 'c'], [53.2, 37.6], [49.2, 41, 'c'], [28.6, 32, 'c'], [28.6, 32], [17.038, 30.807, 'c'], [14.306, 46.549, 'c'], [10.777, 43.429], [10.777, 43.429, 'c'], [16.195, 51.949, 'c'], [14.595, 46.349]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[209.401, -120], [209.401, -120, 'c'], [183.801, -112, 'c'], [181.001, -93.2], [181.001, -93.2, 'c'], [178.601, -70.4, 'c'], [199.001, -52.8], [199.001, -52.8, 'c'], [199.401, -46.4, 'c'], [201.401, -43.2], [201.401, -43.2, 'c'], [199.801, -38.4, 'c'], [218.601, -46], [245.801, -54.4], [245.801, -54.4, 'c'], [252.201, -56.8, 'c'], [257.401, -65.6], [262.601, -74.4, 'c'], [277.801, -93.2, 'c'], [274.201, -118.4], [274.201, -118.4, 'c'], [275.401, -129.6, 'c'], [269.401, -130], [269.401, -130, 'c'], [261.001, -131.6, 'c'], [253.801, -124], [253.801, -124, 'c'], [247.001, -120.8, 'c'], [244.601, -121.2], [209.401, -120]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[264.022, -120.99], [264.022, -120.99, 'c'], [266.122, -129.92, 'c'], [261.282, -125.08], [261.282, -125.08, 'c'], [254.242, -119.36, 'c'], [246.761, -119.36], [246.761, -119.36, 'c'], [232.241, -117.16, 'c'], [227.841, -103.96], [227.841, -103.96, 'c'], [223.881, -77.12, 'c'], [231.801, -71.4], [231.801, -71.4, 'c'], [236.641, -63.92, 'c'], [243.681, -70.52], [250.722, -77.12, 'c'], [266.222, -107.35, 'c'], [264.022, -120.99]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[263.648, -120.632], [263.648, -120.632, 'c'], [265.738, -129.376, 'c'], [260.986, -124.624], [260.986, -124.624, 'c'], [254.074, -119.008, 'c'], [246.729, -119.008], [246.729, -119.008, 'c'], [232.473, -116.848, 'c'], [228.153, -103.888], [228.153, -103.888, 'c'], [224.265, -77.536, 'c'], [232.041, -71.92], [232.041, -71.92, 'c'], [236.793, -64.576, 'c'], [243.705, -71.056], [250.618, -77.536, 'c'], [265.808, -107.24, 'c'], [263.648, -120.632]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#323232", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#323232");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[263.274, -120.274], [263.274, -120.274, 'c'], [265.354, -128.832, 'c'], [260.69, -124.168], [260.69, -124.168, 'c'], [253.906, -118.656, 'c'], [246.697, -118.656], [246.697, -118.656, 'c'], [232.705, -116.536, 'c'], [228.465, -103.816], [228.465, -103.816, 'c'], [224.649, -77.952, 'c'], [232.281, -72.44], [232.281, -72.44, 'c'], [236.945, -65.232, 'c'], [243.729, -71.592], [250.514, -77.952, 'c'], [265.394, -107.13, 'c'], [263.274, -120.274]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#666666", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#666666");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[262.9, -119.916], [262.9, -119.916, 'c'], [264.97, -128.288, 'c'], [260.394, -123.712], [260.394, -123.712, 'c'], [253.738, -118.304, 'c'], [246.665, -118.304], [246.665, -118.304, 'c'], [232.937, -116.224, 'c'], [228.777, -103.744], [228.777, -103.744, 'c'], [225.033, -78.368, 'c'], [232.521, -72.96], [232.521, -72.96, 'c'], [237.097, -65.888, 'c'], [243.753, -72.128], [250.41, -78.368, 'c'], [264.98, -107.02, 'c'], [262.9, -119.916]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#999999", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#999999");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[262.526, -119.558], [262.526, -119.558, 'c'], [264.586, -127.744, 'c'], [260.098, -123.256], [260.098, -123.256, 'c'], [253.569, -117.952, 'c'], [246.633, -117.952], [246.633, -117.952, 'c'], [233.169, -115.912, 'c'], [229.089, -103.672], [229.089, -103.672, 'c'], [225.417, -78.784, 'c'], [232.761, -73.48], [232.761, -73.48, 'c'], [237.249, -66.544, 'c'], [243.777, -72.664], [250.305, -78.784, 'c'], [264.566, -106.91, 'c'], [262.526, -119.558]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[262.151, -119.2], [262.151, -119.2, 'c'], [264.201, -127.2, 'c'], [259.801, -122.8], [259.801, -122.8, 'c'], [253.401, -117.6, 'c'], [246.601, -117.6], [246.601, -117.6, 'c'], [233.401, -115.6, 'c'], [229.401, -103.6], [229.401, -103.6, 'c'], [225.801, -79.2, 'c'], [233.001, -74], [233.001, -74, 'c'], [237.401, -67.2, 'c'], [243.801, -73.2], [250.201, -79.2, 'c'], [264.151, -106.8, 'c'], [262.151, -119.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[50.6, 84], [50.6, 84, 'c'], [30.2, 64.8, 'c'], [22.2, 64], [22.2, 64, 'c'], [-12.2, 60, 'c'], [-27, 78], [-27, 78, 'c'], [-9.4, 57.6, 'c'], [18.2, 63.2], [18.2, 63.2, 'c'], [-3.4, 58.8, 'c'], [-15.8, 62], [-15.8, 62, 'c'], [-32.6, 62, 'c'], [-42.2, 76], [-45, 80.8], [-45, 80.8, 'c'], [-41, 66, 'c'], [-22.6, 60], [-22.6, 60, 'c'], [0.2, 55.2, 'c'], [11, 60], [11, 60, 'c'], [-10.6, 53.2, 'c'], [-20.6, 55.2], [-20.6, 55.2, 'c'], [-51, 52.8, 'c'], [-63.8, 79.2], [-63.8, 79.2, 'c'], [-59.8, 64.8, 'c'], [-45, 57.6], [-45, 57.6, 'c'], [-31.4, 48.8, 'c'], [-11, 51.6], [-11, 51.6, 'c'], [3.4, 54.8, 'c'], [8.6, 57.2], [13.8, 59.6, 'c'], [12.6, 56.8, 'c'], [4.2, 52], [4.2, 52, 'c'], [-1.4, 42, 'c'], [-15.4, 42.4], [-15.4, 42.4, 'c'], [-58.2, 46, 'c'], [-68.6, 58], [-68.6, 58, 'c'], [-55, 46.8, 'c'], [-44.6, 44], [-44.6, 44, 'c'], [-22.2, 36, 'c'], [-13.8, 36.8], [-13.8, 36.8, 'c'], [11, 37.8, 'c'], [18.6, 33.8], [18.6, 33.8, 'c'], [7.4, 38.8, 'c'], [10.6, 42], [13.8, 45.2, 'c'], [20.6, 52.8, 'c'], [20.6, 54], [20.6, 55.2, 'c'], [44.8, 77.3, 'c'], [48.4, 81.7], [50.6, 84]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#992600", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#992600");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[189, 278], [189, 278, 'c'], [173.5, 241.5, 'c'], [161, 232], [161, 232, 'c'], [187, 248, 'c'], [190.5, 266], [190.5, 266, 'c'], [190.5, 276, 'c'], [189, 278]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[236, 285.5], [236, 285.5, 'c'], [209.5, 230.5, 'c'], [191, 206.5], [191, 206.5, 'c'], [234.5, 244, 'c'], [239.5, 270.5], [240, 276], [237, 273.5], [237, 273.5, 'c'], [236.5, 282.5, 'c'], [236, 285.5]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[292.5, 237], [292.5, 237, 'c'], [230, 177.5, 'c'], [228.5, 175], [228.5, 175, 'c'], [289, 241, 'c'], [292, 248.5], [292, 248.5, 'c'], [290, 239.5, 'c'], [292.5, 237]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[104, 280.5], [104, 280.5, 'c'], [123.5, 228.5, 'c'], [142.5, 251], [142.5, 251, 'c'], [157.5, 261, 'c'], [157, 264], [157, 264, 'c'], [153, 257.5, 'c'], [135, 258], [135, 258, 'c'], [116, 255, 'c'], [104, 280.5]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[294.5, 153], [294.5, 153, 'c'], [249.5, 124.5, 'c'], [242, 123], [230.193, 120.639, 'c'], [291.5, 152, 'c'], [296.5, 162.5], [296.5, 162.5, 'c'], [298.5, 160, 'c'], [294.5, 153]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[143.801, 259.601], [143.801, 259.601, 'c'], [164.201, 257.601, 'c'], [171.001, 250.801], [175.401, 254.401], [193.001, 216.001], [196.601, 221.201], [196.601, 221.201, 'c'], [211.001, 206.401, 'c'], [210.201, 198.401], [209.401, 190.401, 'c'], [223.001, 204.401, 'c'], [223.001, 204.401], [223.001, 204.401, 'c'], [222.201, 192.801, 'c'], [229.401, 199.601], [229.401, 199.601, 'c'], [227.001, 184.001, 'c'], [235.401, 192.001], [235.401, 192.001, 'c'], [224.864, 161.844, 'c'], [247.401, 187.601], [253.001, 194.001, 'c'], [248.601, 187.201, 'c'], [248.601, 187.201], [248.601, 187.201, 'c'], [222.601, 139.201, 'c'], [244.201, 153.601], [244.201, 153.601, 'c'], [246.201, 130.801, 'c'], [245.001, 126.401], [243.801, 122.001, 'c'], [241.801, 99.6, 'c'], [237.001, 94.4], [232.201, 89.2, 'c'], [237.401, 87.6, 'c'], [243.001, 92.8], [243.001, 92.8, 'c'], [231.801, 68.8, 'c'], [245.001, 80.8], [245.001, 80.8, 'c'], [241.401, 65.6, 'c'], [237.001, 62.8], [237.001, 62.8, 'c'], [231.401, 45.6, 'c'], [246.601, 56.4], [246.601, 56.4, 'c'], [242.201, 44, 'c'], [239.001, 40.8], [239.001, 40.8, 'c'], [227.401, 13.2, 'c'], [234.601, 18], [239.001, 21.6], [239.001, 21.6, 'c'], [232.201, 7.6, 'c'], [238.601, 12], [245.001, 16.4, 'c'], [245.001, 16, 'c'], [245.001, 16], [245.001, 16, 'c'], [223.801, -17.2, 'c'], [244.201, 0.4], [244.201, 0.4, 'c'], [236.042, -13.518, 'c'], [232.601, -20.4], [232.601, -20.4, 'c'], [213.801, -40.8, 'c'], [228.201, -34.4], [233.001, -32.8], [233.001, -32.8, 'c'], [224.201, -42.8, 'c'], [216.201, -44.4], [208.201, -46, 'c'], [218.601, -52.4, 'c'], [225.001, -50.4], [231.401, -48.4, 'c'], [247.001, -40.8, 'c'], [247.001, -40.8], [247.001, -40.8, 'c'], [259.801, -22, 'c'], [263.801, -21.6], [263.801, -21.6, 'c'], [243.801, -29.2, 'c'], [249.801, -21.2], [249.801, -21.2, 'c'], [264.201, -7.2, 'c'], [257.001, -7.6], [257.001, -7.6, 'c'], [251.001, -0.4, 'c'], [255.801, 8.4], [255.801, 8.4, 'c'], [237.342, -9.991, 'c'], [252.201, 15.6], [259.001, 32], [259.001, 32, 'c'], [234.601, 7.2, 'c'], [245.801, 29.2], [245.801, 29.2, 'c'], [263.001, 52.8, 'c'], [265.001, 53.2], [267.001, 53.6, 'c'], [271.401, 62.4, 'c'], [271.401, 62.4], [267.001, 60.4], [272.201, 69.2], [272.201, 69.2, 'c'], [261.001, 57.2, 'c'], [267.001, 70.4], [272.601, 84.8], [272.601, 84.8, 'c'], [252.201, 62.8, 'c'], [265.801, 92.4], [265.801, 92.4, 'c'], [249.401, 87.2, 'c'], [258.201, 104.4], [258.201, 104.4, 'c'], [256.601, 120.401, 'c'], [257.001, 125.601], [257.401, 130.801, 'c'], [258.601, 159.201, 'c'], [254.201, 167.201], [249.801, 175.201, 'c'], [260.201, 194.401, 'c'], [262.201, 198.401], [264.201, 202.401, 'c'], [267.801, 213.201, 'c'], [259.001, 204.001], [250.201, 194.801, 'c'], [254.601, 200.401, 'c'], [256.601, 209.201], [258.601, 218.001, 'c'], [264.601, 233.601, 'c'], [263.801, 239.201], [263.801, 239.201, 'c'], [262.601, 240.401, 'c'], [259.401, 236.801], [259.401, 236.801, 'c'], [244.601, 214.001, 'c'], [246.201, 228.401], [246.201, 228.401, 'c'], [245.001, 236.401, 'c'], [241.801, 245.201], [241.801, 245.201, 'c'], [238.601, 256.001, 'c'], [238.601, 247.201], [238.601, 247.201, 'c'], [235.401, 230.401, 'c'], [232.601, 238.001], [229.801, 245.601, 'c'], [226.201, 251.601, 'c'], [223.401, 254.001], [220.601, 256.401, 'c'], [215.401, 233.601, 'c'], [214.201, 244.001], [214.201, 244.001, 'c'], [202.201, 231.601, 'c'], [197.401, 248.001], [185.801, 264.401], [185.801, 264.401, 'c'], [185.401, 252.001, 'c'], [184.201, 258.001], [184.201, 258.001, 'c'], [154.201, 264.001, 'c'], [143.801, 259.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[109.401, -97.2], [109.401, -97.2, 'c'], [97.801, -105.2, 'c'], [93.801, -104.8], [89.801, -104.4, 'c'], [121.401, -113.6, 'c'], [162.601, -86], [162.601, -86, 'c'], [167.401, -83.2, 'c'], [171.001, -83.6], [171.001, -83.6, 'c'], [174.201, -81.2, 'c'], [171.401, -77.6], [171.401, -77.6, 'c'], [162.601, -68, 'c'], [173.801, -56.8], [173.801, -56.8, 'c'], [192.201, -50, 'c'], [186.601, -58.8], [186.601, -58.8, 'c'], [197.401, -54.8, 'c'], [199.801, -50.8], [202.201, -46.8, 'c'], [201.001, -50.8, 'c'], [201.001, -50.8], [201.001, -50.8, 'c'], [194.601, -58, 'c'], [188.601, -63.2], [188.601, -63.2, 'c'], [183.401, -65.2, 'c'], [180.601, -73.6], [177.801, -82, 'c'], [175.401, -92, 'c'], [179.801, -95.2], [179.801, -95.2, 'c'], [175.801, -90.8, 'c'], [176.601, -94.8], [177.401, -98.8, 'c'], [181.001, -102.4, 'c'], [182.601, -102.8], [184.201, -103.2, 'c'], [200.601, -119, 'c'], [207.401, -119.4], [207.401, -119.4, 'c'], [198.201, -118, 'c'], [195.201, -119], [192.201, -120, 'c'], [165.601, -131.4, 'c'], [159.601, -132.6], [159.601, -132.6, 'c'], [142.801, -139.2, 'c'], [154.801, -137.2], [154.801, -137.2, 'c'], [190.601, -133.4, 'c'], [208.801, -120.2], [208.801, -120.2, 'c'], [201.601, -128.6, 'c'], [183.201, -135.6], [183.201, -135.6, 'c'], [161.001, -148.2, 'c'], [125.801, -143.2], [125.801, -143.2, 'c'], [108.001, -140, 'c'], [100.201, -138.2], [100.201, -138.2, 'c'], [97.601, -138.8, 'c'], [97.001, -139.2], [96.401, -139.6, 'c'], [84.6, -148.6, 'c'], [57, -141.6], [57, -141.6, 'c'], [40, -137, 'c'], [31.4, -132.2], [31.4, -132.2, 'c'], [16.2, -131, 'c'], [12.6, -127.8], [12.6, -127.8, 'c'], [-6, -113.2, 'c'], [-8, -112.4], [-10, -111.6, 'c'], [-21.4, -104, 'c'], [-22.2, -103.6], [-22.2, -103.6, 'c'], [2.4, -110.2, 'c'], [4.8, -112.6], [7.2, -115, 'c'], [24.6, -117.6, 'c'], [27, -116.2], [29.4, -114.8, 'c'], [37.8, -115.4, 'c'], [28.2, -114.8], [28.2, -114.8, 'c'], [103.801, -100, 'c'], [104.601, -98], [105.401, -96, 'c'], [109.401, -97.2, 'c'], [109.401, -97.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[180.801, -106.4], [180.801, -106.4, 'c'], [170.601, -113.8, 'c'], [168.601, -113.8], [166.601, -113.8, 'c'], [154.201, -124, 'c'], [150.001, -123.6], [145.801, -123.2, 'c'], [133.601, -133.2, 'c'], [106.201, -125], [106.201, -125, 'c'], [105.601, -127, 'c'], [109.201, -127.8], [109.201, -127.8, 'c'], [115.601, -130, 'c'], [116.001, -130.6], [116.001, -130.6, 'c'], [136.201, -134.8, 'c'], [143.401, -131.2], [143.401, -131.2, 'c'], [152.601, -128.6, 'c'], [158.801, -122.4], [158.801, -122.4, 'c'], [170.001, -119.2, 'c'], [173.201, -120.2], [173.201, -120.2, 'c'], [182.001, -118, 'c'], [182.401, -116.2], [182.401, -116.2, 'c'], [188.201, -113.2, 'c'], [186.401, -110.6], [186.401, -110.6, 'c'], [186.801, -109, 'c'], [180.801, -106.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[168.33, -108.509], [169.137, -107.877, 'c'], [170.156, -107.779, 'c'], [170.761, -106.97], [170.995, -106.656, 'c'], [170.706, -106.33, 'c'], [170.391, -106.233], [169.348, -105.916, 'c'], [168.292, -106.486, 'c'], [167.15, -105.898], [166.748, -105.691, 'c'], [166.106, -105.873, 'c'], [165.553, -106.022], [163.921, -106.463, 'c'], [162.092, -106.488, 'c'], [160.401, -105.8], [158.416, -106.929, 'c'], [156.056, -106.345, 'c'], [153.975, -107.346], [153.917, -107.373, 'c'], [153.695, -107.027, 'c'], [153.621, -107.054], [150.575, -108.199, 'c'], [146.832, -107.916, 'c'], [144.401, -110.2], [141.973, -110.612, 'c'], [139.616, -111.074, 'c'], [137.188, -111.754], [135.37, -112.263, 'c'], [133.961, -113.252, 'c'], [132.341, -114.084], [130.964, -114.792, 'c'], [129.507, -115.314, 'c'], [127.973, -115.686], [126.11, -116.138, 'c'], [124.279, -116.026, 'c'], [122.386, -116.546], [122.293, -116.571, 'c'], [122.101, -116.227, 'c'], [122.019, -116.254], [121.695, -116.362, 'c'], [121.405, -116.945, 'c'], [121.234, -116.892], [119.553, -116.37, 'c'], [118.065, -117.342, 'c'], [116.401, -117], [115.223, -118.224, 'c'], [113.495, -117.979, 'c'], [111.949, -118.421], [108.985, -119.269, 'c'], [105.831, -117.999, 'c'], [102.801, -119], [106.914, -120.842, 'c'], [111.601, -119.61, 'c'], [115.663, -121.679], [117.991, -122.865, 'c'], [120.653, -121.763, 'c'], [123.223, -122.523], [123.71, -122.667, 'c'], [124.401, -122.869, 'c'], [124.801, -122.2], [124.935, -122.335, 'c'], [125.117, -122.574, 'c'], [125.175, -122.546], [127.625, -121.389, 'c'], [129.94, -120.115, 'c'], [132.422, -119.049], [132.763, -118.903, 'c'], [133.295, -119.135, 'c'], [133.547, -118.933], [135.067, -117.717, 'c'], [137.01, -117.82, 'c'], [138.401, -116.6], [140.099, -117.102, 'c'], [141.892, -116.722, 'c'], [143.621, -117.346], [143.698, -117.373, 'c'], [143.932, -117.032, 'c'], [143.965, -117.054], [145.095, -117.802, 'c'], [146.25, -117.531, 'c'], [147.142, -117.227], [147.48, -117.112, 'c'], [148.143, -116.865, 'c'], [148.448, -116.791], [149.574, -116.515, 'c'], [150.43, -116.035, 'c'], [151.609, -115.852], [151.723, -115.834, 'c'], [151.908, -116.174, 'c'], [151.98, -116.146], [153.103, -115.708, 'c'], [154.145, -115.764, 'c'], [154.801, -114.6], [154.936, -114.735, 'c'], [155.101, -114.973, 'c'], [155.183, -114.946], [156.21, -114.608, 'c'], [156.859, -113.853, 'c'], [157.96, -113.612], [158.445, -113.506, 'c'], [159.057, -112.88, 'c'], [159.633, -112.704], [162.025, -111.973, 'c'], [163.868, -110.444, 'c'], [166.062, -109.549], [166.821, -109.239, 'c'], [167.697, -109.005, 'c'], [168.33, -108.509]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[91.696, -122.739], [89.178, -124.464, 'c'], [86.81, -125.57, 'c'], [84.368, -127.356], [84.187, -127.489, 'c'], [83.827, -127.319, 'c'], [83.625, -127.441], [82.618, -128.05, 'c'], [81.73, -128.631, 'c'], [80.748, -129.327], [80.209, -129.709, 'c'], [79.388, -129.698, 'c'], [78.88, -129.956], [76.336, -131.248, 'c'], [73.707, -131.806, 'c'], [71.2, -133], [71.882, -133.638, 'c'], [73.004, -133.394, 'c'], [73.6, -134.2], [73.795, -133.92, 'c'], [74.033, -133.636, 'c'], [74.386, -133.827], [76.064, -134.731, 'c'], [77.914, -134.884, 'c'], [79.59, -134.794], [81.294, -134.702, 'c'], [83.014, -134.397, 'c'], [84.789, -134.125], [85.096, -134.078, 'c'], [85.295, -133.555, 'c'], [85.618, -133.458], [87.846, -132.795, 'c'], [90.235, -133.32, 'c'], [92.354, -132.482], [93.945, -131.853, 'c'], [95.515, -131.03, 'c'], [96.754, -129.755], [97.006, -129.495, 'c'], [96.681, -129.194, 'c'], [96.401, -129], [96.789, -129.109, 'c'], [97.062, -128.903, 'c'], [97.173, -128.59], [97.257, -128.351, 'c'], [97.257, -128.049, 'c'], [97.173, -127.81], [97.061, -127.498, 'c'], [96.782, -127.397, 'c'], [96.408, -127.346], [95.001, -127.156, 'c'], [96.773, -128.536, 'c'], [96.073, -128.088], [94.8, -127.274, 'c'], [95.546, -125.868, 'c'], [94.801, -124.6], [94.521, -124.794, 'c'], [94.291, -125.012, 'c'], [94.401, -125.4], [94.635, -124.878, 'c'], [94.033, -124.588, 'c'], [93.865, -124.272], [93.48, -123.547, 'c'], [92.581, -122.132, 'c'], [91.696, -122.739]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[59.198, -115.391], [56.044, -116.185, 'c'], [52.994, -116.07, 'c'], [49.978, -117.346], [49.911, -117.374, 'c'], [49.688, -117.027, 'c'], [49.624, -117.054], [48.258, -117.648, 'c'], [47.34, -118.614, 'c'], [46.264, -119.66], [45.351, -120.548, 'c'], [43.693, -120.161, 'c'], [42.419, -120.648], [42.095, -120.772, 'c'], [41.892, -121.284, 'c'], [41.591, -121.323], [40.372, -121.48, 'c'], [39.445, -122.429, 'c'], [38.4, -123], [40.736, -123.795, 'c'], [43.147, -123.764, 'c'], [45.609, -124.148], [45.722, -124.166, 'c'], [45.867, -123.845, 'c'], [46, -123.845], [46.136, -123.845, 'c'], [46.266, -124.066, 'c'], [46.4, -124.2], [46.595, -123.92, 'c'], [46.897, -123.594, 'c'], [47.154, -123.848], [47.702, -124.388, 'c'], [48.258, -124.198, 'c'], [48.798, -124.158], [48.942, -124.148, 'c'], [49.067, -123.845, 'c'], [49.2, -123.845], [49.336, -123.845, 'c'], [49.467, -124.156, 'c'], [49.6, -124.156], [49.736, -124.155, 'c'], [49.867, -123.845, 'c'], [50, -123.845], [50.136, -123.845, 'c'], [50.266, -124.066, 'c'], [50.4, -124.2], [51.092, -123.418, 'c'], [51.977, -123.972, 'c'], [52.799, -123.793], [53.837, -123.566, 'c'], [54.104, -122.418, 'c'], [55.178, -122.12], [59.893, -120.816, 'c'], [64.03, -118.671, 'c'], [68.393, -116.584], [68.7, -116.437, 'c'], [68.91, -116.189, 'c'], [68.8, -115.8], [69.067, -115.8, 'c'], [69.38, -115.888, 'c'], [69.57, -115.756], [70.628, -115.024, 'c'], [71.669, -114.476, 'c'], [72.366, -113.378], [72.582, -113.039, 'c'], [72.253, -112.632, 'c'], [72.02, -112.684], [67.591, -113.679, 'c'], [63.585, -114.287, 'c'], [59.198, -115.391]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[45.338, -71.179], [43.746, -72.398, 'c'], [43.162, -74.429, 'c'], [42.034, -76.221], [41.82, -76.561, 'c'], [42.094, -76.875, 'c'], [42.411, -76.964], [42.971, -77.123, 'c'], [43.514, -76.645, 'c'], [43.923, -76.443], [45.668, -75.581, 'c'], [47.203, -74.339, 'c'], [49.2, -74.2], [51.19, -71.966, 'c'], [55.45, -71.581, 'c'], [55.457, -68.2], [55.458, -67.341, 'c'], [54.03, -68.259, 'c'], [53.6, -67.4], [51.149, -68.403, 'c'], [48.76, -68.3, 'c'], [46.38, -69.767], [45.763, -70.148, 'c'], [46.093, -70.601, 'c'], [45.338, -71.179]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[17.8, -123.756], [17.935, -123.755, 'c'], [24.966, -123.522, 'c'], [24.949, -123.408], [24.904, -123.099, 'c'], [17.174, -122.05, 'c'], [16.81, -122.22], [16.646, -122.296, 'c'], [9.134, -119.866, 'c'], [9, -120], [9.268, -120.135, 'c'], [17.534, -123.756, 'c'], [17.8, -123.756]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cc7226", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cc7226");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[33.2, -114], [33.2, -114, 'c'], [18.4, -112.2, 'c'], [14, -111], [9.6, -109.8, 'c'], [-9, -102.2, 'c'], [-12, -100.2], [-12, -100.2, 'c'], [-25.4, -94.8, 'c'], [-42.4, -74.8], [-42.4, -74.8, 'c'], [-34.8, -78.2, 'c'], [-32.6, -81], [-32.6, -81, 'c'], [-19, -93.6, 'c'], [-19.2, -91], [-19.2, -91, 'c'], [-7, -99.6, 'c'], [-7.6, -97.4], [-7.6, -97.4, 'c'], [16.8, -108.6, 'c'], [14.8, -105.4], [14.8, -105.4, 'c'], [36.4, -110, 'c'], [35.4, -108], [35.4, -108, 'c'], [54.2, -103.6, 'c'], [51.4, -103.4], [51.4, -103.4, 'c'], [45.6, -102.2, 'c'], [52, -98.6], [52, -98.6, 'c'], [48.6, -94.2, 'c'], [43.2, -98.2], [37.8, -102.2, 'c'], [40.8, -100, 'c'], [35.8, -99], [35.8, -99, 'c'], [33.2, -98.2, 'c'], [28.6, -102.2], [28.6, -102.2, 'c'], [23, -106.8, 'c'], [14.2, -103.2], [14.2, -103.2, 'c'], [-16.4, -90.6, 'c'], [-18.4, -90], [-18.4, -90, 'c'], [-22, -87.2, 'c'], [-24.4, -83.6], [-24.4, -83.6, 'c'], [-30.2, -79.2, 'c'], [-33.2, -77.8], [-33.2, -77.8, 'c'], [-46, -66.2, 'c'], [-47.2, -64.8], [-47.2, -64.8, 'c'], [-50.6, -59.6, 'c'], [-51.4, -59.2], [-51.4, -59.2, 'c'], [-45, -63, 'c'], [-43, -65], [-43, -65, 'c'], [-29, -75, 'c'], [-23.6, -75.8], [-23.6, -75.8, 'c'], [-19.2, -78.8, 'c'], [-18.4, -80.2], [-18.4, -80.2, 'c'], [-4, -89.4, 'c'], [0.2, -89.4], [0.2, -89.4, 'c'], [9.4, -84.2, 'c'], [11.8, -91.2], [11.8, -91.2, 'c'], [17.6, -93, 'c'], [23.2, -91.8], [23.2, -91.8, 'c'], [26.4, -94.4, 'c'], [25.6, -96.6], [25.6, -96.6, 'c'], [27.2, -98.4, 'c'], [28.2, -94.6], [28.2, -94.6, 'c'], [31.6, -91, 'c'], [36.4, -93], [36.4, -93, 'c'], [40.4, -93.2, 'c'], [38.4, -90.8], [38.4, -90.8, 'c'], [34, -87, 'c'], [22.2, -86.8], [22.2, -86.8, 'c'], [9.8, -86.2, 'c'], [-6.6, -78.6], [-6.6, -78.6, 'c'], [-36.4, -68.2, 'c'], [-45.6, -57.8], [-45.6, -57.8, 'c'], [-52, -49, 'c'], [-57.4, -47.8], [-57.4, -47.8, 'c'], [-63.2, -47, 'c'], [-69.2, -39.6], [-69.2, -39.6, 'c'], [-59.4, -45.4, 'c'], [-50.4, -45.4], [-50.4, -45.4, 'c'], [-46.4, -47.8, 'c'], [-50.2, -44.2], [-50.2, -44.2, 'c'], [-53.8, -36.6, 'c'], [-52.2, -31.2], [-52.2, -31.2, 'c'], [-52.8, -26, 'c'], [-53.6, -24.4], [-53.6, -24.4, 'c'], [-61.4, -11.6, 'c'], [-61.4, -9.2], [-61.4, -6.8, 'c'], [-60.2, 3, 'c'], [-59.8, 3.6], [-59.4, 4.2, 'c'], [-60.8, 2, 'c'], [-57, 4.4], [-53.2, 6.8, 'c'], [-50.4, 8.4, 'c'], [-49.6, 11.2], [-48.8, 14, 'c'], [-51.6, 5.8, 'c'], [-51.8, 4], [-52, 2.2, 'c'], [-56.2, -5, 'c'], [-55.4, -7.4], [-55.4, -7.4, 'c'], [-54.4, -6.4, 'c'], [-53.6, -5], [-53.6, -5, 'c'], [-54.2, -5.6, 'c'], [-53.6, -9.2], [-53.6, -9.2, 'c'], [-52.8, -14.4, 'c'], [-51.4, -17.6], [-50, -20.8, 'c'], [-48, -24.6, 'c'], [-47.6, -25.4], [-47.2, -26.2, 'c'], [-47.2, -32, 'c'], [-45.8, -29.4], [-42.4, -26.8], [-42.4, -26.8, 'c'], [-45.2, -29.4, 'c'], [-43, -31.6], [-43, -31.6, 'c'], [-44, -37.2, 'c'], [-42.2, -39.8], [-42.2, -39.8, 'c'], [-35.2, -48.2, 'c'], [-33.6, -49.2], [-32, -50.2, 'c'], [-33.4, -49.8, 'c'], [-33.4, -49.8], [-33.4, -49.8, 'c'], [-27.4, -54, 'c'], [-33.2, -52.4], [-33.2, -52.4, 'c'], [-37.2, -50.8, 'c'], [-40.2, -50.8], [-40.2, -50.8, 'c'], [-47.8, -48.8, 'c'], [-43.8, -53], [-39.8, -57.2, 'c'], [-29.8, -62.6, 'c'], [-26, -62.4], [-25.2, -60.8], [-14, -63.2], [-15.2, -62.4], [-15.2, -62.4, 'c'], [-15.4, -62.6, 'c'], [-11.2, -63], [-7, -63.4, 'c'], [-1.2, -62, 'c'], [0.2, -63.8], [1.6, -65.6, 'c'], [5, -66.6, 'c'], [4.6, -65.2], [4.2, -63.8, 'c'], [4, -61.8, 'c'], [4, -61.8], [4, -61.8, 'c'], [9, -67.6, 'c'], [8.4, -65.4], [7.8, -63.2, 'c'], [-0.4, -58, 'c'], [-1.8, -51.8], [8.6, -60], [12.2, -63], [12.2, -63, 'c'], [15.8, -60.8, 'c'], [16, -62.4], [16.2, -64, 'c'], [20.8, -69.8, 'c'], [22, -69.6], [23.2, -69.4, 'c'], [25.2, -72.2, 'c'], [25, -69.6], [24.8, -67, 'c'], [32.4, -61.6, 'c'], [32.4, -61.6], [32.4, -61.6, 'c'], [35.6, -63.4, 'c'], [37, -62], [38.4, -60.6, 'c'], [42.6, -81.8, 'c'], [42.6, -81.8], [67.6, -92.4], [111.201, -95.8], [94.201, -102.6], [33.2, -114]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[20.895, 54.407], [22.437, 55.87, 'c'], [49.4, 84.8, 'c'], [49.4, 84.8], [84.6, 121.401, 'c'], [56.6, 87.2, 'c'], [56.6, 87.2], [49, 82.4, 'c'], [39.8, 63.6, 'c'], [39.8, 63.6], [38.6, 60.8, 'c'], [53.8, 70.8, 'c'], [53.8, 70.8], [57.8, 71.6, 'c'], [71.4, 90.8, 'c'], [71.4, 90.8], [64.6, 88.4, 'c'], [69.4, 95.6, 'c'], [69.4, 95.6], [72.2, 97.6, 'c'], [92.601, 113.201, 'c'], [92.601, 113.201], [96.201, 117.201, 'c'], [100.201, 118.801, 'c'], [100.201, 118.801], [114.201, 113.601, 'c'], [107.801, 126.801, 'c'], [107.801, 126.801], [110.201, 133.601, 'c'], [115.801, 122.001, 'c'], [115.801, 122.001], [127.001, 105.2, 'c'], [110.601, 107.601, 'c'], [110.601, 107.601], [80.6, 110.401, 'c'], [73.8, 94.4, 'c'], [73.8, 94.4], [71.4, 92, 'c'], [80.2, 94.4, 'c'], [80.2, 94.4], [88.601, 96.4, 'c'], [73, 82, 'c'], [73, 82], [75.4, 82, 'c'], [84.6, 88.8, 'c'], [84.6, 88.8], [95.001, 98, 'c'], [97.001, 96, 'c'], [97.001, 96], [115.001, 87.2, 'c'], [125.401, 94.8, 'c'], [125.401, 94.8], [127.401, 96.4, 'c'], [121.801, 103.2, 'c'], [123.401, 108.401], [125.001, 113.601, 'c'], [129.801, 126.001, 'c'], [129.801, 126.001], [127.401, 127.601, 'c'], [127.801, 138.401, 'c'], [127.801, 138.401], [144.601, 161.601, 'c'], [135.001, 159.601, 'c'], [135.001, 159.601], [119.401, 159.201, 'c'], [134.201, 166.801, 'c'], [134.201, 166.801], [137.401, 168.801, 'c'], [146.201, 176.001, 'c'], [146.201, 176.001], [143.401, 174.801, 'c'], [141.801, 180.001, 'c'], [141.801, 180.001], [146.601, 184.001, 'c'], [143.801, 188.801, 'c'], [143.801, 188.801], [137.801, 190.001, 'c'], [136.601, 194.001, 'c'], [136.601, 194.001], [143.401, 202.001, 'c'], [133.401, 202.401, 'c'], [133.401, 202.401], [137.001, 206.801, 'c'], [132.201, 218.801, 'c'], [132.201, 218.801], [127.401, 218.801, 'c'], [121.001, 224.401, 'c'], [121.001, 224.401], [123.401, 229.201, 'c'], [113.001, 234.801, 'c'], [113.001, 234.801], [104.601, 236.401, 'c'], [107.401, 243.201, 'c'], [107.401, 243.201], [99.401, 249.201, 'c'], [97.001, 265.201, 'c'], [97.001, 265.201], [96.201, 275.601, 'c'], [93.801, 278.801, 'c'], [99.001, 276.801], [104.201, 274.801, 'c'], [103.401, 262.401, 'c'], [103.401, 262.401], [98.601, 246.801, 'c'], [141.401, 230.801, 'c'], [141.401, 230.801], [145.401, 229.201, 'c'], [146.201, 224.001, 'c'], [146.201, 224.001], [148.201, 224.401, 'c'], [157.001, 232.001, 'c'], [157.001, 232.001], [164.601, 243.201, 'c'], [165.001, 234.001, 'c'], [165.001, 234.001], [166.201, 230.401, 'c'], [164.601, 224.401, 'c'], [164.601, 224.401], [170.601, 202.801, 'c'], [156.601, 196.401, 'c'], [156.601, 196.401], [146.601, 162.801, 'c'], [160.601, 171.201, 'c'], [160.601, 171.201], [163.401, 176.801, 'c'], [174.201, 182.001, 'c'], [174.201, 182.001], [177.801, 179.601], [176.201, 174.801, 'c'], [184.601, 168.801, 'c'], [184.601, 168.801], [187.401, 175.201, 'c'], [193.401, 167.201, 'c'], [193.401, 167.201], [197.001, 142.801, 'c'], [209.401, 157.201, 'c'], [209.401, 157.201], [213.401, 158.401, 'c'], [214.601, 151.601, 'c'], [214.601, 151.601], [218.201, 141.201, 'c'], [214.601, 127.601, 'c'], [214.601, 127.601], [218.201, 127.201, 'c'], [227.801, 133.201, 'c'], [227.801, 133.201], [230.601, 129.601, 'c'], [221.401, 112.801, 'c'], [225.401, 115.201], [229.401, 117.601, 'c'], [233.801, 119.201, 'c'], [233.801, 119.201], [234.601, 117.201, 'c'], [224.601, 104.801, 'c'], [224.601, 104.801], [220.201, 102, 'c'], [215.001, 81.6, 'c'], [215.001, 81.6], [222.201, 85.2, 'c'], [212.201, 70, 'c'], [212.201, 70], [212.201, 66.8, 'c'], [218.201, 55.6, 'c'], [218.201, 55.6], [217.401, 48.8, 'c'], [218.201, 49.2, 'c'], [218.201, 49.2], [221.001, 50.4, 'c'], [229.001, 52, 'c'], [222.201, 45.6], [215.401, 39.2, 'c'], [223.001, 34.4, 'c'], [223.001, 34.4], [227.401, 31.6, 'c'], [213.801, 32, 'c'], [213.801, 32], [208.601, 27.6, 'c'], [209.001, 23.6, 'c'], [209.001, 23.6], [217.001, 25.6, 'c'], [202.601, 11.2, 'c'], [200.201, 7.6], [197.801, 4, 'c'], [207.401, -1.2, 'c'], [207.401, -1.2], [220.601, -4.8, 'c'], [209.001, -8, 'c'], [209.001, -8], [189.401, -7.6, 'c'], [200.201, -18.4, 'c'], [200.201, -18.4], [206.201, -18, 'c'], [204.601, -20.4, 'c'], [204.601, -20.4], [199.401, -21.6, 'c'], [189.801, -28, 'c'], [189.801, -28], [185.801, -31.6, 'c'], [189.401, -30.8, 'c'], [189.401, -30.8], [206.201, -29.6, 'c'], [177.401, -40.8, 'c'], [177.401, -40.8], [185.401, -40.8, 'c'], [167.401, -51.2, 'c'], [167.401, -51.2], [165.401, -52.8, 'c'], [162.201, -60.4, 'c'], [162.201, -60.4], [156.201, -65.6, 'c'], [151.401, -72.4, 'c'], [151.401, -72.4], [151.001, -76.8, 'c'], [146.201, -81.6, 'c'], [146.201, -81.6], [134.601, -95.2, 'c'], [129.001, -94.8, 'c'], [129.001, -94.8], [114.201, -98.4, 'c'], [109.001, -97.6, 'c'], [109.001, -97.6], [56.2, -93.2], [29.8, -80.4, 'c'], [37.6, -59.4, 'c'], [37.6, -59.4], [44, -51, 'c'], [53.2, -54.8, 'c'], [53.2, -54.8], [57.8, -61, 'c'], [69.4, -58.8, 'c'], [69.4, -58.8], [89.801, -55.6, 'c'], [87.201, -59.2, 'c'], [87.201, -59.2], [84.801, -63.8, 'c'], [68.6, -70, 'c'], [68.4, -70.6], [68.2, -71.2, 'c'], [59.4, -74.6, 'c'], [59.4, -74.6], [56.4, -75.8, 'c'], [52, -85, 'c'], [52, -85], [48.8, -88.4, 'c'], [64.6, -82.6, 'c'], [64.6, -82.6], [63.4, -81.6, 'c'], [70.8, -77.6, 'c'], [70.8, -77.6], [88.201, -78.6, 'c'], [98.801, -67.8, 'c'], [98.801, -67.8], [109.601, -51.2, 'c'], [109.801, -59.4, 'c'], [109.801, -59.4], [112.601, -68.8, 'c'], [100.801, -90, 'c'], [100.801, -90], [101.201, -92, 'c'], [109.401, -85.4, 'c'], [109.401, -85.4], [110.801, -87.4, 'c'], [111.601, -81.6, 'c'], [111.601, -81.6], [111.801, -79.2, 'c'], [115.601, -71.2, 'c'], [115.601, -71.2], [118.401, -58.2, 'c'], [122.001, -65.6, 'c'], [122.001, -65.6], [126.601, -56.2], [128.001, -53.6, 'c'], [122.001, -46, 'c'], [122.001, -46], [121.801, -43.2, 'c'], [122.601, -43.4, 'c'], [117.001, -35.8], [111.401, -28.2, 'c'], [114.801, -23.8, 'c'], [114.801, -23.8], [113.401, -17.2, 'c'], [122.201, -17.6, 'c'], [122.201, -17.6], [124.801, -15.4, 'c'], [128.201, -15.4, 'c'], [128.201, -15.4], [130.001, -13.4, 'c'], [132.401, -14, 'c'], [132.401, -14], [134.001, -17.8, 'c'], [140.201, -15.8, 'c'], [140.201, -15.8], [141.601, -18.2, 'c'], [149.801, -18.6, 'c'], [149.801, -18.6], [150.801, -21.2, 'c'], [151.201, -22.8, 'c'], [154.601, -23.4], [158.001, -24, 'c'], [133.401, -67, 'c'], [133.401, -67], [139.801, -67.8, 'c'], [131.601, -80.2, 'c'], [131.601, -80.2], [129.401, -86.8, 'c'], [140.801, -72.2, 'c'], [143.001, -70.8], [145.201, -69.4, 'c'], [146.201, -67.2, 'c'], [144.601, -67.4], [143.001, -67.6, 'c'], [141.201, -65.4, 'c'], [142.601, -65.2], [144.001, -65, 'c'], [157.001, -50, 'c'], [160.401, -39.8], [163.801, -29.6, 'c'], [169.801, -25.6, 'c'], [176.001, -19.6], [182.201, -13.6, 'c'], [181.401, 10.6, 'c'], [181.401, 10.6], [181.001, 19.4, 'c'], [187.001, 30, 'c'], [187.001, 30], [189.001, 33.8, 'c'], [184.801, 52, 'c'], [184.801, 52], [182.801, 54.2, 'c'], [184.201, 55, 'c'], [184.201, 55], [185.201, 56.2, 'c'], [192.001, 69.4, 'c'], [192.001, 69.4], [190.201, 69.2, 'c'], [193.801, 72.8, 'c'], [193.801, 72.8], [199.001, 78.8, 'c'], [192.601, 75.8, 'c'], [192.601, 75.8], [186.601, 74.2, 'c'], [193.601, 84, 'c'], [193.601, 84], [194.801, 85.8, 'c'], [185.801, 81.2, 'c'], [185.801, 81.2], [176.601, 80.6, 'c'], [188.201, 87.8, 'c'], [188.201, 87.8], [196.801, 95, 'c'], [185.401, 90.6, 'c'], [185.401, 90.6], [180.801, 88.8, 'c'], [184.001, 95.6, 'c'], [184.001, 95.6], [187.201, 97.2, 'c'], [204.401, 104.2, 'c'], [204.401, 104.2], [204.801, 108.001, 'c'], [201.801, 113.001, 'c'], [201.801, 113.001], [202.201, 117.001, 'c'], [200.001, 120.401, 'c'], [200.001, 120.401], [198.801, 128.601, 'c'], [198.201, 129.401, 'c'], [198.201, 129.401], [194.001, 129.601, 'c'], [186.601, 143.401, 'c'], [186.601, 143.401], [184.801, 146.001, 'c'], [174.601, 158.001, 'c'], [174.601, 158.001], [172.601, 165.001, 'c'], [154.601, 157.801, 'c'], [154.601, 157.801], [148.001, 161.201, 'c'], [150.001, 157.801, 'c'], [150.001, 157.801], [149.601, 155.601, 'c'], [154.401, 149.601, 'c'], [154.401, 149.601], [161.401, 147.001, 'c'], [158.801, 136.201, 'c'], [158.801, 136.201], [162.801, 134.801, 'c'], [151.601, 132.001, 'c'], [151.801, 130.801], [152.001, 129.601, 'c'], [157.801, 128.201, 'c'], [157.801, 128.201], [165.801, 126.201, 'c'], [161.401, 123.801, 'c'], [161.401, 123.801], [160.801, 119.801, 'c'], [163.801, 114.201, 'c'], [163.801, 114.201], [175.401, 113.401, 'c'], [163.801, 97.2, 'c'], [163.801, 97.2], [153.001, 89.6, 'c'], [152.001, 83.8, 'c'], [152.001, 83.8], [164.601, 75.6, 'c'], [156.401, 63.2, 'c'], [156.601, 59.6], [156.801, 56, 'c'], [158.001, 34.4, 'c'], [158.001, 34.4], [156.001, 28.2, 'c'], [153.001, 14.6, 'c'], [153.001, 14.6], [155.201, 9.4, 'c'], [162.601, -3.2, 'c'], [162.601, -3.2], [165.401, -7.4, 'c'], [174.201, -12.2, 'c'], [172.001, -15.2], [169.801, -18.2, 'c'], [162.001, -16.4, 'c'], [162.001, -16.4], [154.201, -17.8, 'c'], [154.801, -12.6, 'c'], [154.801, -12.6], [153.201, -11.6, 'c'], [152.401, -6.6, 'c'], [152.401, -6.6], [151.68, 1.333, 'c'], [142.801, 7.6, 'c'], [142.801, 7.6], [131.601, 13.8, 'c'], [140.801, 17.8, 'c'], [140.801, 17.8], [146.801, 24.4, 'c'], [137.001, 24.6, 'c'], [137.001, 24.6], [126.001, 22.8, 'c'], [134.201, 33, 'c'], [134.201, 33], [145.001, 45.8, 'c'], [142.001, 48.6, 'c'], [142.001, 48.6], [131.801, 49.6, 'c'], [144.401, 58.8, 'c'], [144.401, 58.8], [144.401, 58.8, 'c'], [143.601, 56.8, 'c'], [143.801, 58.6], [144.001, 60.4, 'c'], [147.001, 64.6, 'c'], [147.801, 66.6], [148.601, 68.6, 'c'], [144.601, 68.8, 'c'], [144.601, 68.8], [145.201, 78.4, 'c'], [129.801, 74.2, 'c'], [129.801, 74.2], [129.801, 74.2, 'c'], [129.801, 74.2, 'c'], [128.201, 74.4], [126.601, 74.6, 'c'], [115.401, 73.8, 'c'], [109.601, 71.6], [103.801, 69.4, 'c'], [97.001, 69.4, 'c'], [97.001, 69.4], [97.001, 69.4, 'c'], [93.001, 71.2, 'c'], [85.4, 71], [77.8, 70.8, 'c'], [69.8, 73.6, 'c'], [69.8, 73.6], [65.4, 73.2, 'c'], [74, 68.8, 'c'], [74.2, 69], [74.4, 69.2, 'c'], [80, 63.6, 'c'], [72, 64.2], [50.203, 65.835, 'c'], [39.4, 55.6, 'c'], [39.4, 55.6], [37.4, 54.2, 'c'], [34.8, 51.4, 'c'], [34.8, 51.4], [24.8, 49.4, 'c'], [36.2, 63.8, 'c'], [36.2, 63.8], [37.4, 65.2, 'c'], [36, 66.2, 'c'], [36, 66.2], [35.2, 64.6, 'c'], [27.4, 59.2, 'c'], [27.4, 59.2], [24.589, 58.227, 'c'], [23.226, 56.893, 'c'], [20.895, 54.407]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-3, 42.8], [-3, 42.8, 'c'], [8.6, 48.4, 'c'], [11.2, 51.2], [13.8, 54, 'c'], [27.8, 65.4, 'c'], [27.8, 65.4], [27.8, 65.4, 'c'], [22.4, 63.4, 'c'], [19.8, 61.6], [17.2, 59.8, 'c'], [6.4, 51.6, 'c'], [6.4, 51.6], [6.4, 51.6, 'c'], [2.6, 45.6, 'c'], [-3, 42.8]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#4c0000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#4c0000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-61.009, 11.603], [-60.672, 11.455, 'c'], [-61.196, 8.743, 'c'], [-61.4, 8.2], [-62.422, 5.474, 'c'], [-71.4, 4, 'c'], [-71.4, 4], [-71.627, 5.365, 'c'], [-71.682, 6.961, 'c'], [-71.576, 8.599], [-71.576, 8.599, 'c'], [-66.708, 14.118, 'c'], [-61.009, 11.603]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#99cc32", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#99cc32");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-61.009, 11.403], [-61.458, 11.561, 'c'], [-61.024, 8.669, 'c'], [-61.2, 8.2], [-62.222, 5.474, 'c'], [-71.4, 3.9, 'c'], [-71.4, 3.9], [-71.627, 5.265, 'c'], [-71.682, 6.861, 'c'], [-71.576, 8.499], [-71.576, 8.499, 'c'], [-67.308, 13.618, 'c'], [-61.009, 11.403]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#659900", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#659900");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-65.4, 11.546], [-66.025, 11.546, 'c'], [-66.531, 10.406, 'c'], [-66.531, 9], [-66.531, 7.595, 'c'], [-66.025, 6.455, 'c'], [-65.4, 6.455], [-64.775, 6.455, 'c'], [-64.268, 7.595, 'c'], [-64.268, 9], [-64.268, 10.406, 'c'], [-64.775, 11.546, 'c'], [-65.4, 11.546]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-65.4, 9]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-111, 109.601], [-111, 109.601, 'c'], [-116.6, 119.601, 'c'], [-91.8, 113.601], [-91.8, 113.601, 'c'], [-77.8, 112.401, 'c'], [-75.4, 110.001], [-74.2, 110.801, 'c'], [-65.834, 113.734, 'c'], [-63, 114.401], [-56.2, 116.001, 'c'], [-47.8, 106, 'c'], [-47.8, 106], [-47.8, 106, 'c'], [-43.2, 95.5, 'c'], [-40.4, 95.5], [-37.6, 95.5, 'c'], [-40.8, 97.1, 'c'], [-40.8, 97.1], [-40.8, 97.1, 'c'], [-47.4, 107.201, 'c'], [-47, 108.801], [-47, 108.801, 'c'], [-52.2, 128.801, 'c'], [-68.2, 129.601], [-68.2, 129.601, 'c'], [-84.35, 130.551, 'c'], [-83, 136.401], [-83, 136.401, 'c'], [-74.2, 134.001, 'c'], [-71.8, 136.401], [-71.8, 136.401, 'c'], [-61, 136.001, 'c'], [-69, 142.401], [-75.8, 154.001], [-75.8, 154.001, 'c'], [-75.66, 157.919, 'c'], [-85.8, 154.401], [-95.6, 151.001, 'c'], [-105.9, 138.101, 'c'], [-105.9, 138.101], [-105.9, 138.101, 'c'], [-121.85, 123.551, 'c'], [-111, 109.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-112.2, 113.601], [-112.2, 113.601, 'c'], [-114.2, 123.201, 'c'], [-77.4, 112.801], [-77.4, 112.801, 'c'], [-73, 112.801, 'c'], [-70.6, 113.601], [-68.2, 114.401, 'c'], [-56.2, 117.201, 'c'], [-54.2, 116.001], [-54.2, 116.001, 'c'], [-61.4, 129.601, 'c'], [-73, 128.001], [-73, 128.001, 'c'], [-86.2, 129.601, 'c'], [-85.8, 134.401], [-85.8, 134.401, 'c'], [-81.8, 141.601, 'c'], [-77, 144.001], [-77, 144.001, 'c'], [-74.2, 146.401, 'c'], [-74.6, 149.601], [-75, 152.801, 'c'], [-77.8, 154.401, 'c'], [-79.8, 155.201], [-81.8, 156.001, 'c'], [-85, 152.801, 'c'], [-86.6, 152.801], [-88.2, 152.801, 'c'], [-96.6, 146.401, 'c'], [-101, 141.601], [-105.4, 136.801, 'c'], [-113.8, 124.801, 'c'], [-113.4, 122.001], [-113, 119.201, 'c'], [-112.2, 113.601, 'c'], [-112.2, 113.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#e59999", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#e59999");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-109, 131.051], [-106.4, 135.001, 'c'], [-103.2, 139.201, 'c'], [-101, 141.601], [-96.6, 146.401, 'c'], [-88.2, 152.801, 'c'], [-86.6, 152.801], [-85, 152.801, 'c'], [-81.8, 156.001, 'c'], [-79.8, 155.201], [-77.8, 154.401, 'c'], [-75, 152.801, 'c'], [-74.6, 149.601], [-74.2, 146.401, 'c'], [-77, 144.001, 'c'], [-77, 144.001], [-80.066, 142.468, 'c'], [-82.806, 138.976, 'c'], [-84.385, 136.653], [-84.385, 136.653, 'c'], [-84.2, 139.201, 'c'], [-89.4, 138.401], [-94.6, 137.601, 'c'], [-99.8, 134.801, 'c'], [-101.4, 131.601], [-103, 128.401, 'c'], [-105.4, 126.001, 'c'], [-103.8, 129.601], [-102.2, 133.201, 'c'], [-99.8, 136.801, 'c'], [-98.2, 137.201], [-96.6, 137.601, 'c'], [-97, 138.801, 'c'], [-99.4, 138.401], [-101.8, 138.001, 'c'], [-104.6, 137.601, 'c'], [-109, 132.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#b26565", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#b26565");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-111.6, 110.001], [-111.6, 110.001, 'c'], [-109.8, 96.4, 'c'], [-108.6, 92.4], [-108.6, 92.4, 'c'], [-109.4, 85.6, 'c'], [-107, 81.4], [-104.6, 77.2, 'c'], [-102.6, 71, 'c'], [-99.6, 65.6], [-96.6, 60.2, 'c'], [-96.4, 56.2, 'c'], [-92.4, 54.6], [-88.4, 53, 'c'], [-82.4, 44.4, 'c'], [-79.6, 43.4], [-76.8, 42.4, 'c'], [-77, 43.2, 'c'], [-77, 43.2], [-77, 43.2, 'c'], [-70.2, 28.4, 'c'], [-56.6, 32.4], [-56.6, 32.4, 'c'], [-72.8, 29.6, 'c'], [-57, 20.2], [-57, 20.2, 'c'], [-61.8, 21.3, 'c'], [-58.5, 14.3], [-56.299, 9.632, 'c'], [-56.8, 16.4, 'c'], [-67.8, 28.2], [-67.8, 28.2, 'c'], [-72.8, 36.8, 'c'], [-78, 39.8], [-83.2, 42.8, 'c'], [-95.2, 49.8, 'c'], [-96.4, 53.6], [-97.6, 57.4, 'c'], [-100.8, 63.2, 'c'], [-102.8, 64.8], [-104.8, 66.4, 'c'], [-107.6, 70.6, 'c'], [-108, 74], [-108, 74, 'c'], [-109.2, 78, 'c'], [-110.6, 79.2], [-112, 80.4, 'c'], [-112.2, 83.6, 'c'], [-112.2, 85.6], [-112.2, 87.6, 'c'], [-114.2, 90.4, 'c'], [-114, 92.8], [-114, 92.8, 'c'], [-113.2, 111.801, 'c'], [-113.6, 113.801], [-111.6, 110.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#992600", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#992600");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-120.2, 114.601], [-120.2, 114.601, 'c'], [-122.2, 113.201, 'c'], [-126.6, 119.201], [-126.6, 119.201, 'c'], [-119.3, 152.201, 'c'], [-119.3, 153.601], [-119.3, 153.601, 'c'], [-118.2, 151.501, 'c'], [-119.5, 144.301], [-120.8, 137.101, 'c'], [-121.7, 124.401, 'c'], [-121.7, 124.401], [-120.2, 114.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-98.6, 54], [-98.6, 54, 'c'], [-116.2, 57.2, 'c'], [-115.8, 86.4], [-116.6, 111.201], [-116.6, 111.201, 'c'], [-117.8, 85.6, 'c'], [-119, 84], [-120.2, 82.4, 'c'], [-116.2, 71.2, 'c'], [-119.4, 77.2], [-119.4, 77.2, 'c'], [-133.4, 91.2, 'c'], [-125.4, 112.401], [-125.4, 112.401, 'c'], [-123.9, 115.701, 'c'], [-126.9, 111.101], [-126.9, 111.101, 'c'], [-131.5, 98.5, 'c'], [-130.4, 92.1], [-130.4, 92.1, 'c'], [-130.2, 89.9, 'c'], [-128.3, 87.1], [-128.3, 87.1, 'c'], [-119.7, 75.4, 'c'], [-117, 73.1], [-117, 73.1, 'c'], [-115.2, 58.7, 'c'], [-99.8, 53.5], [-99.8, 53.5, 'c'], [-94.1, 51.2, 'c'], [-98.6, 54]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#992600", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#992600");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[40.8, -12.2], [41.46, -12.554, 'c'], [41.451, -13.524, 'c'], [42.031, -13.697], [43.18, -14.041, 'c'], [43.344, -15.108, 'c'], [43.862, -15.892], [44.735, -17.211, 'c'], [44.928, -18.744, 'c'], [45.51, -20.235], [45.782, -20.935, 'c'], [45.809, -21.89, 'c'], [45.496, -22.55], [44.322, -25.031, 'c'], [43.62, -27.48, 'c'], [42.178, -29.906], [41.91, -30.356, 'c'], [41.648, -31.15, 'c'], [41.447, -31.748], [40.984, -33.132, 'c'], [39.727, -34.123, 'c'], [38.867, -35.443], [38.579, -35.884, 'c'], [39.104, -36.809, 'c'], [38.388, -36.893], [37.491, -36.998, 'c'], [36.042, -37.578, 'c'], [35.809, -36.552], [35.221, -33.965, 'c'], [36.232, -31.442, 'c'], [37.2, -29], [36.418, -28.308, 'c'], [36.752, -27.387, 'c'], [36.904, -26.62], [37.614, -23.014, 'c'], [36.416, -19.662, 'c'], [35.655, -16.188], [35.632, -16.084, 'c'], [35.974, -15.886, 'c'], [35.946, -15.824], [34.724, -13.138, 'c'], [33.272, -10.693, 'c'], [31.453, -8.312], [30.695, -7.32, 'c'], [29.823, -6.404, 'c'], [29.326, -5.341], [28.958, -4.554, 'c'], [28.55, -3.588, 'c'], [28.8, -2.6], [25.365, 0.18, 'c'], [23.115, 4.025, 'c'], [20.504, 7.871], [20.042, 8.551, 'c'], [20.333, 9.76, 'c'], [20.884, 10.029], [21.697, 10.427, 'c'], [22.653, 9.403, 'c'], [23.123, 8.557], [23.512, 7.859, 'c'], [23.865, 7.209, 'c'], [24.356, 6.566], [24.489, 6.391, 'c'], [24.31, 5.972, 'c'], [24.445, 5.851], [27.078, 3.504, 'c'], [28.747, 0.568, 'c'], [31.2, -1.8], [33.15, -2.129, 'c'], [34.687, -3.127, 'c'], [36.435, -4.14], [36.743, -4.319, 'c'], [37.267, -4.07, 'c'], [37.557, -4.265], [39.31, -5.442, 'c'], [39.308, -7.478, 'c'], [39.414, -9.388], [39.464, -10.272, 'c'], [39.66, -11.589, 'c'], [40.8, -12.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[31.959, -16.666], [32.083, -16.743, 'c'], [31.928, -17.166, 'c'], [32.037, -17.382], [32.199, -17.706, 'c'], [32.602, -17.894, 'c'], [32.764, -18.218], [32.873, -18.434, 'c'], [32.71, -18.814, 'c'], [32.846, -18.956], [35.179, -21.403, 'c'], [35.436, -24.427, 'c'], [34.4, -27.4], [35.424, -28.02, 'c'], [35.485, -29.282, 'c'], [35.06, -30.129], [34.207, -31.829, 'c'], [34.014, -33.755, 'c'], [33.039, -35.298], [32.237, -36.567, 'c'], [30.659, -37.811, 'c'], [29.288, -36.508], [28.867, -36.108, 'c'], [28.546, -35.321, 'c'], [28.824, -34.609], [28.888, -34.446, 'c'], [29.173, -34.3, 'c'], [29.146, -34.218], [29.039, -33.894, 'c'], [28.493, -33.67, 'c'], [28.487, -33.398], [28.457, -31.902, 'c'], [27.503, -30.391, 'c'], [28.133, -29.062], [28.905, -27.433, 'c'], [29.724, -25.576, 'c'], [30.4, -23.8], [29.166, -21.684, 'c'], [30.199, -19.235, 'c'], [28.446, -17.358], [28.31, -17.212, 'c'], [28.319, -16.826, 'c'], [28.441, -16.624], [28.733, -16.138, 'c'], [29.139, -15.732, 'c'], [29.625, -15.44], [29.827, -15.319, 'c'], [30.175, -15.317, 'c'], [30.375, -15.441], [30.953, -15.803, 'c'], [31.351, -16.29, 'c'], [31.959, -16.666]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[94.771, -26.977], [96.16, -25.185, 'c'], [96.45, -22.39, 'c'], [94.401, -21], [94.951, -17.691, 'c'], [98.302, -19.67, 'c'], [100.401, -20.2], [100.292, -20.588, 'c'], [100.519, -20.932, 'c'], [100.802, -20.937], [101.859, -20.952, 'c'], [102.539, -21.984, 'c'], [103.601, -21.8], [104.035, -23.357, 'c'], [105.673, -24.059, 'c'], [106.317, -25.439], [108.043, -29.134, 'c'], [107.452, -33.407, 'c'], [104.868, -36.653], [104.666, -36.907, 'c'], [104.883, -37.424, 'c'], [104.759, -37.786], [104.003, -39.997, 'c'], [101.935, -40.312, 'c'], [100.001, -41], [98.824, -44.875, 'c'], [98.163, -48.906, 'c'], [96.401, -52.6], [94.787, -52.85, 'c'], [94.089, -54.589, 'c'], [92.752, -55.309], [91.419, -56.028, 'c'], [90.851, -54.449, 'c'], [90.892, -53.403], [90.899, -53.198, 'c'], [91.351, -52.974, 'c'], [91.181, -52.609], [91.105, -52.445, 'c'], [90.845, -52.334, 'c'], [90.845, -52.2], [90.846, -52.065, 'c'], [91.067, -51.934, 'c'], [91.201, -51.8], [90.283, -50.98, 'c'], [88.86, -50.503, 'c'], [88.565, -49.358], [87.611, -45.648, 'c'], [90.184, -42.523, 'c'], [91.852, -39.322], [92.443, -38.187, 'c'], [91.707, -36.916, 'c'], [90.947, -35.708], [90.509, -35.013, 'c'], [90.617, -33.886, 'c'], [90.893, -33.03], [91.645, -30.699, 'c'], [93.236, -28.96, 'c'], [94.771, -26.977]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[57.611, -8.591], [56.124, -6.74, 'c'], [52.712, -4.171, 'c'], [55.629, -2.243], [55.823, -2.114, 'c'], [56.193, -2.11, 'c'], [56.366, -2.244], [58.387, -3.809, 'c'], [60.39, -4.712, 'c'], [62.826, -5.294], [62.95, -5.323, 'c'], [63.224, -4.856, 'c'], [63.593, -5.017], [65.206, -5.72, 'c'], [67.216, -5.662, 'c'], [68.4, -7], [72.167, -6.776, 'c'], [75.732, -7.892, 'c'], [79.123, -9.2], [80.284, -9.648, 'c'], [81.554, -10.207, 'c'], [82.755, -10.709], [84.131, -11.285, 'c'], [85.335, -12.213, 'c'], [86.447, -13.354], [86.58, -13.49, 'c'], [86.934, -13.4, 'c'], [87.201, -13.4], [87.161, -14.263, 'c'], [88.123, -14.39, 'c'], [88.37, -15.012], [88.462, -15.244, 'c'], [88.312, -15.64, 'c'], [88.445, -15.742], [90.583, -17.372, 'c'], [91.503, -19.39, 'c'], [90.334, -21.767], [90.049, -22.345, 'c'], [89.8, -22.963, 'c'], [89.234, -23.439], [88.149, -24.35, 'c'], [87.047, -23.496, 'c'], [86, -23.8], [85.841, -23.172, 'c'], [85.112, -23.344, 'c'], [84.726, -23.146], [83.867, -22.707, 'c'], [82.534, -23.292, 'c'], [81.675, -22.854], [80.313, -22.159, 'c'], [79.072, -21.99, 'c'], [77.65, -21.613], [77.338, -21.531, 'c'], [76.56, -21.627, 'c'], [76.4, -21], [76.266, -21.134, 'c'], [76.118, -21.368, 'c'], [76.012, -21.346], [74.104, -20.95, 'c'], [72.844, -20.736, 'c'], [71.543, -19.044], [71.44, -18.911, 'c'], [70.998, -19.09, 'c'], [70.839, -18.955], [69.882, -18.147, 'c'], [69.477, -16.913, 'c'], [68.376, -16.241], [68.175, -16.118, 'c'], [67.823, -16.286, 'c'], [67.629, -16.157], [66.983, -15.726, 'c'], [66.616, -15.085, 'c'], [65.974, -14.638], [65.645, -14.409, 'c'], [65.245, -14.734, 'c'], [65.277, -14.99], [65.522, -16.937, 'c'], [66.175, -18.724, 'c'], [65.6, -20.6], [67.677, -23.12, 'c'], [70.194, -25.069, 'c'], [72, -27.8], [72.015, -29.966, 'c'], [72.707, -32.112, 'c'], [72.594, -34.189], [72.584, -34.382, 'c'], [72.296, -35.115, 'c'], [72.17, -35.462], [71.858, -36.316, 'c'], [72.764, -37.382, 'c'], [71.92, -38.106], [70.516, -39.309, 'c'], [69.224, -38.433, 'c'], [68.4, -37], [66.562, -36.61, 'c'], [64.496, -35.917, 'c'], [62.918, -37.151], [61.911, -37.938, 'c'], [61.333, -38.844, 'c'], [60.534, -39.9], [59.549, -41.202, 'c'], [59.884, -42.638, 'c'], [59.954, -44.202], [59.96, -44.33, 'c'], [59.645, -44.466, 'c'], [59.645, -44.6], [59.646, -44.735, 'c'], [59.866, -44.866, 'c'], [60, -45], [59.294, -45.626, 'c'], [59.019, -46.684, 'c'], [58, -47], [58.305, -48.092, 'c'], [57.629, -48.976, 'c'], [56.758, -49.278], [54.763, -49.969, 'c'], [53.086, -48.057, 'c'], [51.194, -47.984], [50.68, -47.965, 'c'], [50.213, -49.003, 'c'], [49.564, -49.328], [49.132, -49.544, 'c'], [48.428, -49.577, 'c'], [48.066, -49.311], [47.378, -48.807, 'c'], [46.789, -48.693, 'c'], [46.031, -48.488], [44.414, -48.052, 'c'], [43.136, -46.958, 'c'], [41.656, -46.103], [40.171, -45.246, 'c'], [39.216, -43.809, 'c'], [38.136, -42.489], [37.195, -41.337, 'c'], [37.059, -38.923, 'c'], [38.479, -38.423], [40.322, -37.773, 'c'], [41.626, -40.476, 'c'], [43.592, -40.15], [43.904, -40.099, 'c'], [44.11, -39.788, 'c'], [44, -39.4], [44.389, -39.291, 'c'], [44.607, -39.52, 'c'], [44.8, -39.8], [45.658, -38.781, 'c'], [46.822, -38.444, 'c'], [47.76, -37.571], [48.73, -36.667, 'c'], [50.476, -37.085, 'c'], [51.491, -36.088], [53.02, -34.586, 'c'], [52.461, -31.905, 'c'], [54.4, -30.6], [53.814, -29.287, 'c'], [53.207, -28.01, 'c'], [52.872, -26.583], [52.59, -25.377, 'c'], [53.584, -24.18, 'c'], [54.795, -24.271], [56.053, -24.365, 'c'], [56.315, -25.124, 'c'], [56.8, -26.2], [57.067, -25.933, 'c'], [57.536, -25.636, 'c'], [57.495, -25.42], [57.038, -23.033, 'c'], [56.011, -21.04, 'c'], [55.553, -18.609], [55.494, -18.292, 'c'], [55.189, -18.09, 'c'], [54.8, -18.2], [54.332, -14.051, 'c'], [50.28, -11.657, 'c'], [47.735, -8.492], [47.332, -7.99, 'c'], [47.328, -6.741, 'c'], [47.737, -6.338], [49.14, -4.951, 'c'], [51.1, -6.497, 'c'], [52.8, -7], [53.013, -8.206, 'c'], [53.872, -9.148, 'c'], [55.204, -9.092], [55.46, -9.082, 'c'], [55.695, -9.624, 'c'], [56.019, -9.754], [56.367, -9.892, 'c'], [56.869, -9.668, 'c'], [57.155, -9.866], [58.884, -11.061, 'c'], [60.292, -12.167, 'c'], [62.03, -13.356], [62.222, -13.487, 'c'], [62.566, -13.328, 'c'], [62.782, -13.436], [63.107, -13.598, 'c'], [63.294, -13.985, 'c'], [63.617, -14.17], [63.965, -14.37, 'c'], [64.207, -14.08, 'c'], [64.4, -13.8], [63.754, -13.451, 'c'], [63.75, -12.494, 'c'], [63.168, -12.292], [62.393, -12.024, 'c'], [61.832, -11.511, 'c'], [61.158, -11.064], [60.866, -10.871, 'c'], [60.207, -11.119, 'c'], [60.103, -10.94], [59.505, -9.912, 'c'], [58.321, -9.474, 'c'], [57.611, -8.591]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[2.2, -58], [2.2, -58, 'c'], [-7.038, -60.872, 'c'], [-18.2, -35.2], [-18.2, -35.2, 'c'], [-20.6, -30, 'c'], [-23, -28], [-25.4, -26, 'c'], [-36.6, -22.4, 'c'], [-38.6, -18.4], [-49, -2.4], [-49, -2.4, 'c'], [-34.2, -18.4, 'c'], [-31, -20.8], [-31, -20.8, 'c'], [-23, -29.2, 'c'], [-26.2, -22.4], [-26.2, -22.4, 'c'], [-40.2, -11.6, 'c'], [-39, -2.4], [-39, -2.4, 'c'], [-44.6, 12, 'c'], [-45.4, 14], [-45.4, 14, 'c'], [-29.4, -18, 'c'], [-27, -19.2], [-24.6, -20.4, 'c'], [-23.4, -20.4, 'c'], [-24.6, -16.8], [-25.8, -13.2, 'c'], [-26.2, 3.2, 'c'], [-29, 5.2], [-29, 5.2, 'c'], [-21, -15.2, 'c'], [-21.8, -18.4], [-21.8, -18.4, 'c'], [-18.6, -22, 'c'], [-16.2, -16.8], [-17.4, -0.8], [-13, 11.2], [-13, 11.2, 'c'], [-15.4, 0, 'c'], [-13.8, -15.6], [-13.8, -15.6, 'c'], [-15.8, -26, 'c'], [-11.8, -20.4], [-7.8, -14.8, 'c'], [1.8, -8.8, 'c'], [1.8, -4], [1.8, -4, 'c'], [-3.4, -21.6, 'c'], [-12.6, -26.4], [-16.6, -20.4], [-17.8, -22.4], [-17.8, -22.4, 'c'], [-21.4, -23.2, 'c'], [-17, -30], [-12.6, -36.8, 'c'], [-13, -37.6, 'c'], [-13, -37.6], [-13, -37.6, 'c'], [-6.6, -30.4, 'c'], [-5, -30.4], [-5, -30.4, 'c'], [8.2, -38, 'c'], [9.4, -13.6], [9.4, -13.6, 'c'], [16.2, -28, 'c'], [7, -34.8], [7, -34.8, 'c'], [-7.8, -36.8, 'c'], [-6.6, -42], [0.6, -54.4], [4.2, -59.6, 'c'], [2.6, -56.8, 'c'], [2.6, -56.8]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-17.8, -41.6], [-17.8, -41.6, 'c'], [-30.6, -41.6, 'c'], [-33.8, -36.4], [-41, -26.8], [-41, -26.8, 'c'], [-23.8, -36.8, 'c'], [-19.8, -38], [-15.8, -39.2, 'c'], [-17.8, -41.6, 'c'], [-17.8, -41.6]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-57.8, -35.2], [-57.8, -35.2, 'c'], [-59.8, -34, 'c'], [-60.2, -31.2], [-60.6, -28.4, 'c'], [-63, -28, 'c'], [-62.2, -25.2], [-61.4, -22.4, 'c'], [-59.4, -20, 'c'], [-59.4, -24], [-59.4, -28, 'c'], [-57.8, -30, 'c'], [-57, -31.2], [-56.2, -32.4, 'c'], [-54.6, -36.8, 'c'], [-57.8, -35.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-66.6, 26], [-66.6, 26, 'c'], [-75, 22, 'c'], [-78.2, 18.4], [-81.4, 14.8, 'c'], [-80.948, 19.966, 'c'], [-85.8, 19.6], [-91.647, 19.159, 'c'], [-90.6, 3.2, 'c'], [-90.6, 3.2], [-94.6, 10.8], [-94.6, 10.8, 'c'], [-95.8, 25.2, 'c'], [-87.8, 22.8], [-83.893, 21.628, 'c'], [-82.6, 23.2, 'c'], [-84.2, 24], [-85.8, 24.8, 'c'], [-78.6, 25.2, 'c'], [-81.4, 26.8], [-84.2, 28.4, 'c'], [-69.8, 23.2, 'c'], [-72.2, 33.6], [-66.6, 26]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-79.2, 40.4], [-79.2, 40.4, 'c'], [-94.6, 44.8, 'c'], [-98.2, 35.2], [-98.2, 35.2, 'c'], [-103, 37.6, 'c'], [-100.8, 40.6], [-98.6, 43.6, 'c'], [-97.4, 44, 'c'], [-97.4, 44], [-97.4, 44, 'c'], [-92, 45.2, 'c'], [-92.6, 46], [-93.2, 46.8, 'c'], [-95.6, 50.2, 'c'], [-95.6, 50.2], [-95.6, 50.2, 'c'], [-85.4, 44.2, 'c'], [-79.2, 40.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[149.201, 118.601], [148.774, 120.735, 'c'], [147.103, 121.536, 'c'], [145.201, 122.201], [143.284, 121.243, 'c'], [140.686, 118.137, 'c'], [138.801, 120.201], [138.327, 119.721, 'c'], [137.548, 119.661, 'c'], [137.204, 118.999], [136.739, 118.101, 'c'], [137.011, 117.055, 'c'], [136.669, 116.257], [136.124, 114.985, 'c'], [135.415, 113.619, 'c'], [135.601, 112.201], [137.407, 111.489, 'c'], [138.002, 109.583, 'c'], [137.528, 107.82], [137.459, 107.563, 'c'], [137.03, 107.366, 'c'], [137.23, 107.017], [137.416, 106.694, 'c'], [137.734, 106.467, 'c'], [138.001, 106.2], [137.866, 106.335, 'c'], [137.721, 106.568, 'c'], [137.61, 106.548], [137, 106.442, 'c'], [137.124, 105.805, 'c'], [137.254, 105.418], [137.839, 103.672, 'c'], [139.853, 103.408, 'c'], [141.201, 104.6], [141.457, 104.035, 'c'], [141.966, 104.229, 'c'], [142.401, 104.2], [142.351, 103.621, 'c'], [142.759, 103.094, 'c'], [142.957, 102.674], [143.475, 101.576, 'c'], [145.104, 102.682, 'c'], [145.901, 102.07], [146.977, 101.245, 'c'], [148.04, 100.546, 'c'], [149.118, 101.149], [150.927, 102.162, 'c'], [152.636, 103.374, 'c'], [153.835, 105.115], [154.41, 105.949, 'c'], [154.65, 107.23, 'c'], [154.592, 108.188], [154.554, 108.835, 'c'], [153.173, 108.483, 'c'], [152.83, 109.412], [152.185, 111.16, 'c'], [154.016, 111.679, 'c'], [154.772, 113.017], [154.97, 113.366, 'c'], [154.706, 113.67, 'c'], [154.391, 113.768], [153.98, 113.896, 'c'], [153.196, 113.707, 'c'], [153.334, 114.16], [154.306, 117.353, 'c'], [151.55, 118.031, 'c'], [149.201, 118.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[139.6, 138.201], [139.593, 136.463, 'c'], [137.992, 134.707, 'c'], [139.201, 133.001], [139.336, 133.135, 'c'], [139.467, 133.356, 'c'], [139.601, 133.356], [139.736, 133.356, 'c'], [139.867, 133.135, 'c'], [140.001, 133.001], [141.496, 135.217, 'c'], [145.148, 136.145, 'c'], [145.006, 138.991], [144.984, 139.438, 'c'], [143.897, 140.356, 'c'], [144.801, 141.001], [142.988, 142.349, 'c'], [142.933, 144.719, 'c'], [142.001, 146.601], [140.763, 146.315, 'c'], [139.551, 145.952, 'c'], [138.401, 145.401], [138.753, 143.915, 'c'], [138.636, 142.231, 'c'], [139.456, 140.911], [139.89, 140.213, 'c'], [139.603, 139.134, 'c'], [139.6, 138.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#ffffff");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-26.6, 129.201], [-26.6, 129.201, 'c'], [-43.458, 139.337, 'c'], [-29.4, 124.001], [-20.6, 114.401, 'c'], [-10.6, 108.801, 'c'], [-10.6, 108.801], [-10.6, 108.801, 'c'], [-0.2, 104.4, 'c'], [3.4, 103.2], [7, 102, 'c'], [22.2, 96.8, 'c'], [25.4, 96.4], [28.6, 96, 'c'], [38.2, 92, 'c'], [45, 96], [51.8, 100, 'c'], [59.8, 104.4, 'c'], [59.8, 104.4], [59.8, 104.4, 'c'], [43.4, 96, 'c'], [39.8, 98.4], [36.2, 100.8, 'c'], [29, 100.4, 'c'], [23, 103.6], [23, 103.6, 'c'], [8.2, 108.001, 'c'], [5, 110.001], [1.8, 112.001, 'c'], [-8.6, 123.601, 'c'], [-10.2, 122.801], [-11.8, 122.001, 'c'], [-9.8, 121.601, 'c'], [-8.6, 118.801], [-7.4, 116.001, 'c'], [-9.4, 114.401, 'c'], [-17.4, 120.801], [-25.4, 127.201, 'c'], [-26.6, 129.201, 'c'], [-26.6, 129.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-19.195, 123.234], [-19.195, 123.234, 'c'], [-17.785, 110.194, 'c'], [-9.307, 111.859], [-9.307, 111.859, 'c'], [-1.081, 107.689, 'c'], [1.641, 105.721], [1.641, 105.721, 'c'], [9.78, 104.019, 'c'], [11.09, 103.402], [29.569, 94.702, 'c'], [44.288, 99.221, 'c'], [44.835, 98.101], [45.381, 96.982, 'c'], [65.006, 104.099, 'c'], [68.615, 108.185], [69.006, 108.628, 'c'], [58.384, 102.588, 'c'], [48.686, 100.697], [40.413, 99.083, 'c'], [18.811, 100.944, 'c'], [7.905, 106.48], [4.932, 107.989, 'c'], [-4.013, 113.773, 'c'], [-6.544, 113.662], [-9.075, 113.55, 'c'], [-19.195, 123.234, 'c'], [-19.195, 123.234]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-23, 148.801], [-23, 148.801, 'c'], [-38.2, 146.401, 'c'], [-21.4, 144.801], [-21.4, 144.801, 'c'], [-3.4, 142.801, 'c'], [0.6, 137.601], [0.6, 137.601, 'c'], [14.2, 128.401, 'c'], [17, 128.001], [19.8, 127.601, 'c'], [49.8, 120.401, 'c'], [50.2, 118.001], [50.6, 115.601, 'c'], [56.2, 115.601, 'c'], [57.8, 116.401], [59.4, 117.201, 'c'], [58.6, 118.401, 'c'], [55.8, 119.201], [53, 120.001, 'c'], [21.8, 136.401, 'c'], [15.4, 137.601], [9, 138.801, 'c'], [-2.6, 146.401, 'c'], [-7.4, 147.601], [-12.2, 148.801, 'c'], [-23, 148.801, 'c'], [-23, 148.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-3.48, 141.403], [-3.48, 141.403, 'c'], [-12.062, 140.574, 'c'], [-3.461, 139.755], [-3.461, 139.755, 'c'], [5.355, 136.331, 'c'], [7.403, 133.668], [7.403, 133.668, 'c'], [14.367, 128.957, 'c'], [15.8, 128.753], [17.234, 128.548, 'c'], [31.194, 124.861, 'c'], [31.399, 123.633], [31.604, 122.404, 'c'], [65.67, 109.823, 'c'], [70.09, 113.013], [73.001, 115.114, 'c'], [63.1, 113.437, 'c'], [53.466, 117.847], [52.111, 118.467, 'c'], [18.258, 133.054, 'c'], [14.981, 133.668], [11.704, 134.283, 'c'], [5.765, 138.174, 'c'], [3.307, 138.788], [0.85, 139.403, 'c'], [-3.48, 141.403, 'c'], [-3.48, 141.403]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-11.4, 143.601], [-11.4, 143.601, 'c'], [-6.2, 143.201, 'c'], [-7.4, 144.801], [-8.6, 146.401, 'c'], [-11, 145.601, 'c'], [-11, 145.601], [-11.4, 143.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-18.6, 145.201], [-18.6, 145.201, 'c'], [-13.4, 144.801, 'c'], [-14.6, 146.401], [-15.8, 148.001, 'c'], [-18.2, 147.201, 'c'], [-18.2, 147.201], [-18.6, 145.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-29, 146.801], [-29, 146.801, 'c'], [-23.8, 146.401, 'c'], [-25, 148.001], [-26.2, 149.601, 'c'], [-28.6, 148.801, 'c'], [-28.6, 148.801], [-29, 146.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-36.6, 147.601], [-36.6, 147.601, 'c'], [-31.4, 147.201, 'c'], [-32.6, 148.801], [-33.8, 150.401, 'c'], [-36.2, 149.601, 'c'], [-36.2, 149.601], [-36.6, 147.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[1.8, 108.001], [1.8, 108.001, 'c'], [6.2, 108.001, 'c'], [5, 109.601], [3.8, 111.201, 'c'], [0.6, 110.801, 'c'], [0.6, 110.801], [1.8, 108.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-8.2, 113.601], [-8.2, 113.601, 'c'], [-1.694, 111.46, 'c'], [-4.2, 114.801], [-5.4, 116.401, 'c'], [-7.8, 115.601, 'c'], [-7.8, 115.601], [-8.2, 113.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-19.4, 118.401], [-19.4, 118.401, 'c'], [-14.2, 118.001, 'c'], [-15.4, 119.601], [-16.6, 121.201, 'c'], [-19, 120.401, 'c'], [-19, 120.401], [-19.4, 118.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-27, 124.401], [-27, 124.401, 'c'], [-21.8, 124.001, 'c'], [-23, 125.601], [-24.2, 127.201, 'c'], [-26.6, 126.401, 'c'], [-26.6, 126.401], [-27, 124.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-33.8, 129.201], [-33.8, 129.201, 'c'], [-28.6, 128.801, 'c'], [-29.8, 130.401], [-31, 132.001, 'c'], [-33.4, 131.201, 'c'], [-33.4, 131.201], [-33.8, 129.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[5.282, 135.598], [5.282, 135.598, 'c'], [12.203, 135.066, 'c'], [10.606, 137.195], [9.009, 139.325, 'c'], [5.814, 138.26, 'c'], [5.814, 138.26], [5.282, 135.598]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[15.682, 130.798], [15.682, 130.798, 'c'], [22.603, 130.266, 'c'], [21.006, 132.395], [19.409, 134.525, 'c'], [16.214, 133.46, 'c'], [16.214, 133.46], [15.682, 130.798]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[26.482, 126.398], [26.482, 126.398, 'c'], [33.403, 125.866, 'c'], [31.806, 127.995], [30.209, 130.125, 'c'], [27.014, 129.06, 'c'], [27.014, 129.06], [26.482, 126.398]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[36.882, 121.598], [36.882, 121.598, 'c'], [43.803, 121.066, 'c'], [42.206, 123.195], [40.609, 125.325, 'c'], [37.414, 124.26, 'c'], [37.414, 124.26], [36.882, 121.598]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[9.282, 103.598], [9.282, 103.598, 'c'], [16.203, 103.066, 'c'], [14.606, 105.195], [13.009, 107.325, 'c'], [9.014, 107.06, 'c'], [9.014, 107.06], [9.282, 103.598]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[19.282, 100.398], [19.282, 100.398, 'c'], [26.203, 99.866, 'c'], [24.606, 101.995], [23.009, 104.125, 'c'], [18.614, 103.86, 'c'], [18.614, 103.86], [19.282, 100.398]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-3.4, 140.401], [-3.4, 140.401, 'c'], [1.8, 140.001, 'c'], [0.6, 141.601], [-0.6, 143.201, 'c'], [-3, 142.401, 'c'], [-3, 142.401], [-3.4, 140.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-76.6, 41.2], [-76.6, 41.2, 'c'], [-81, 50, 'c'], [-81.4, 53.2], [-81.4, 53.2, 'c'], [-80.6, 44.4, 'c'], [-79.4, 42.4], [-78.2, 40.4, 'c'], [-76.6, 41.2, 'c'], [-76.6, 41.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#992600", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#992600");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-95, 55.2], [-95, 55.2, 'c'], [-98.2, 69.6, 'c'], [-97.8, 72.4], [-97.8, 72.4, 'c'], [-99, 60.8, 'c'], [-98.6, 59.6], [-98.2, 58.4, 'c'], [-95, 55.2, 'c'], [-95, 55.2]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#992600", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#992600");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-74.2, -19.4], [-74.4, -16.2], [-76.6, -16], [-76.6, -16, 'c'], [-62.4, -3.4, 'c'], [-61.8, 4.2], [-61.8, 4.2, 'c'], [-61, -4, 'c'], [-74.2, -19.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-70.216, -18.135], [-70.647, -18.551, 'c'], [-70.428, -19.296, 'c'], [-70.836, -19.556], [-71.645, -20.072, 'c'], [-69.538, -20.129, 'c'], [-69.766, -20.845], [-70.149, -22.051, 'c'], [-69.962, -22.072, 'c'], [-70.084, -23.348], [-70.141, -23.946, 'c'], [-69.553, -25.486, 'c'], [-69.168, -25.926], [-67.722, -27.578, 'c'], [-69.046, -30.51, 'c'], [-67.406, -32.061], [-67.102, -32.35, 'c'], [-66.726, -32.902, 'c'], [-66.441, -33.32], [-65.782, -34.283, 'c'], [-64.598, -34.771, 'c'], [-63.648, -35.599], [-63.33, -35.875, 'c'], [-63.531, -36.702, 'c'], [-62.962, -36.61], [-62.248, -36.495, 'c'], [-61.007, -36.625, 'c'], [-61.052, -35.784], [-61.165, -33.664, 'c'], [-62.494, -31.944, 'c'], [-63.774, -30.276], [-63.323, -29.572, 'c'], [-63.781, -28.937, 'c'], [-64.065, -28.38], [-65.4, -25.76, 'c'], [-65.211, -22.919, 'c'], [-65.385, -20.079], [-65.39, -19.994, 'c'], [-65.697, -19.916, 'c'], [-65.689, -19.863], [-65.336, -17.528, 'c'], [-64.752, -15.329, 'c'], [-63.873, -13.1], [-63.507, -12.17, 'c'], [-63.036, -11.275, 'c'], [-62.886, -10.348], [-62.775, -9.662, 'c'], [-62.672, -8.829, 'c'], [-63.08, -8.124], [-61.045, -5.234, 'c'], [-62.354, -2.583, 'c'], [-61.185, 0.948], [-60.978, 1.573, 'c'], [-59.286, 3.487, 'c'], [-59.749, 3.326], [-62.262, 2.455, 'c'], [-62.374, 2.057, 'c'], [-62.551, 1.304], [-62.697, 0.681, 'c'], [-63.027, -0.696, 'c'], [-63.264, -1.298], [-63.328, -1.462, 'c'], [-63.499, -3.346, 'c'], [-63.577, -3.468], [-65.09, -5.85, 'c'], [-63.732, -5.674, 'c'], [-65.102, -8.032], [-66.53, -8.712, 'c'], [-67.496, -9.816, 'c'], [-68.619, -10.978], [-68.817, -11.182, 'c'], [-67.674, -11.906, 'c'], [-67.855, -12.119], [-68.947, -13.408, 'c'], [-70.1, -14.175, 'c'], [-69.764, -15.668], [-69.609, -16.358, 'c'], [-69.472, -17.415, 'c'], [-70.216, -18.135]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-73.8, -16.4], [-73.8, -16.4, 'c'], [-73.4, -9.6, 'c'], [-71, -8], [-68.6, -6.4, 'c'], [-69.8, -7.2, 'c'], [-73, -8.4], [-76.2, -9.6, 'c'], [-75, -10.4, 'c'], [-75, -10.4], [-75, -10.4, 'c'], [-77.8, -10, 'c'], [-75.4, -8], [-73, -6, 'c'], [-69.4, -3.6, 'c'], [-71, -3.6], [-72.6, -3.6, 'c'], [-80.2, -7.6, 'c'], [-80.2, -10.4], [-80.2, -13.2, 'c'], [-81.2, -17.3, 'c'], [-81.2, -17.3], [-81.2, -17.3, 'c'], [-80.1, -18.1, 'c'], [-75.3, -18], [-75.3, -18, 'c'], [-73.9, -17.3, 'c'], [-73.8, -16.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-74.6, 2.2], [-74.6, 2.2, 'c'], [-83.12, -0.591, 'c'], [-101.6, 2.8], [-101.6, 2.8, 'c'], [-92.569, 0.722, 'c'], [-73.8, 3], [-63.5, 4.25, 'c'], [-74.6, 2.2, 'c'], [-74.6, 2.2]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-72.502, 2.129], [-72.502, 2.129, 'c'], [-80.748, -1.389, 'c'], [-99.453, 0.392], [-99.453, 0.392, 'c'], [-90.275, -0.897, 'c'], [-71.774, 2.995], [-61.62, 5.131, 'c'], [-72.502, 2.129, 'c'], [-72.502, 2.129]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-70.714, 2.222], [-70.714, 2.222, 'c'], [-78.676, -1.899, 'c'], [-97.461, -1.514], [-97.461, -1.514, 'c'], [-88.213, -2.118, 'c'], [-70.052, 3.14], [-60.086, 6.025, 'c'], [-70.714, 2.222, 'c'], [-70.714, 2.222]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-69.444, 2.445], [-69.444, 2.445, 'c'], [-76.268, -1.862, 'c'], [-93.142, -2.96], [-93.142, -2.96, 'c'], [-84.803, -2.79, 'c'], [-68.922, 3.319], [-60.206, 6.672, 'c'], [-69.444, 2.445, 'c'], [-69.444, 2.445]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[45.84, 12.961], [45.84, 12.961, 'c'], [44.91, 13.605, 'c'], [45.124, 12.424], [45.339, 11.243, 'c'], [73.547, -1.927, 'c'], [77.161, -1.677], [77.161, -1.677, 'c'], [46.913, 11.529, 'c'], [45.84, 12.961]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[42.446, 13.6], [42.446, 13.6, 'c'], [41.57, 14.315, 'c'], [41.691, 13.121], [41.812, 11.927, 'c'], [68.899, -3.418, 'c'], [72.521, -3.452], [72.521, -3.452, 'c'], [43.404, 12.089, 'c'], [42.446, 13.6]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[39.16, 14.975], [39.16, 14.975, 'c'], [38.332, 15.747, 'c'], [38.374, 14.547], [38.416, 13.348, 'c'], [58.233, -2.149, 'c'], [68.045, -4.023], [68.045, -4.023, 'c'], [50.015, 4.104, 'c'], [39.16, 14.975]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[36.284, 16.838], [36.284, 16.838, 'c'], [35.539, 17.532, 'c'], [35.577, 16.453], [35.615, 15.373, 'c'], [53.449, 1.426, 'c'], [62.28, -0.26], [62.28, -0.26, 'c'], [46.054, 7.054, 'c'], [36.284, 16.838]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[4.6, 164.801], [4.6, 164.801, 'c'], [-10.6, 162.401, 'c'], [6.2, 160.801], [6.2, 160.801, 'c'], [24.2, 158.801, 'c'], [28.2, 153.601], [28.2, 153.601, 'c'], [41.8, 144.401, 'c'], [44.6, 144.001], [47.4, 143.601, 'c'], [63.8, 140.001, 'c'], [64.2, 137.601], [64.6, 135.201, 'c'], [70.6, 132.801, 'c'], [72.2, 133.601], [73.8, 134.401, 'c'], [73.8, 143.601, 'c'], [71, 144.401], [68.2, 145.201, 'c'], [49.4, 152.401, 'c'], [43, 153.601], [36.6, 154.801, 'c'], [25, 162.401, 'c'], [20.2, 163.601], [15.4, 164.801, 'c'], [4.6, 164.801, 'c'], [4.6, 164.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[77.6, 127.401], [77.6, 127.401, 'c'], [74.6, 129.001, 'c'], [73.4, 131.601], [73.4, 131.601, 'c'], [67, 142.201, 'c'], [52.8, 145.401], [52.8, 145.401, 'c'], [29.8, 154.401, 'c'], [22, 156.401], [22, 156.401, 'c'], [8.6, 161.401, 'c'], [1.2, 160.601], [1.2, 160.601, 'c'], [-5.8, 160.801, 'c'], [0.4, 162.401], [0.4, 162.401, 'c'], [20.6, 160.401, 'c'], [24, 158.601], [24, 158.601, 'c'], [39.6, 153.401, 'c'], [42.6, 150.801], [45.6, 148.201, 'c'], [63.8, 143.201, 'c'], [66, 141.201], [68.2, 139.201, 'c'], [78, 130.801, 'c'], [77.6, 127.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[18.882, 158.911], [18.882, 158.911, 'c'], [24.111, 158.685, 'c'], [22.958, 160.234], [21.805, 161.784, 'c'], [19.357, 160.91, 'c'], [19.357, 160.91], [18.882, 158.911]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[11.68, 160.263], [11.68, 160.263, 'c'], [16.908, 160.037, 'c'], [15.756, 161.586], [14.603, 163.136, 'c'], [12.155, 162.263, 'c'], [12.155, 162.263], [11.68, 160.263]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[1.251, 161.511], [1.251, 161.511, 'c'], [6.48, 161.284, 'c'], [5.327, 162.834], [4.174, 164.383, 'c'], [1.726, 163.51, 'c'], [1.726, 163.51], [1.251, 161.511]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-6.383, 162.055], [-6.383, 162.055, 'c'], [-1.154, 161.829, 'c'], [-2.307, 163.378], [-3.46, 164.928, 'c'], [-5.908, 164.054, 'c'], [-5.908, 164.054], [-6.383, 162.055]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[35.415, 151.513], [35.415, 151.513, 'c'], [42.375, 151.212, 'c'], [40.84, 153.274], [39.306, 155.336, 'c'], [36.047, 154.174, 'c'], [36.047, 154.174], [35.415, 151.513]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[45.73, 147.088], [45.73, 147.088, 'c'], [51.689, 143.787, 'c'], [51.155, 148.849], [50.885, 151.405, 'c'], [46.362, 149.749, 'c'], [46.362, 149.749], [45.73, 147.088]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[54.862, 144.274], [54.862, 144.274, 'c'], [62.021, 140.573, 'c'], [60.287, 146.035], [59.509, 148.485, 'c'], [55.493, 146.935, 'c'], [55.493, 146.935], [54.862, 144.274]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[64.376, 139.449], [64.376, 139.449, 'c'], [68.735, 134.548, 'c'], [69.801, 141.21], [70.207, 143.748, 'c'], [65.008, 142.11, 'c'], [65.008, 142.11], [64.376, 139.449]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[26.834, 155.997], [26.834, 155.997, 'c'], [32.062, 155.77, 'c'], [30.91, 157.32], [29.757, 158.869, 'c'], [27.308, 157.996, 'c'], [27.308, 157.996], [26.834, 155.997]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[62.434, 34.603], [62.434, 34.603, 'c'], [61.708, 35.268, 'c'], [61.707, 34.197], [61.707, 33.127, 'c'], [79.191, 19.863, 'c'], [88.034, 18.479], [88.034, 18.479, 'c'], [71.935, 25.208, 'c'], [62.434, 34.603]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[65.4, 98.4], [65.4, 98.4, 'c'], [87.401, 120.801, 'c'], [96.601, 124.401], [96.601, 124.401, 'c'], [105.801, 135.601, 'c'], [101.801, 161.601], [101.801, 161.601, 'c'], [98.601, 169.201, 'c'], [95.401, 148.401], [95.401, 148.401, 'c'], [98.601, 123.201, 'c'], [87.401, 139.201], [87.401, 139.201, 'c'], [79, 129.301, 'c'], [85.4, 129.601], [85.4, 129.601, 'c'], [88.601, 131.601, 'c'], [89.001, 130.001], [89.401, 128.401, 'c'], [81.4, 114.801, 'c'], [64.2, 100.4], [47, 86, 'c'], [65.4, 98.4, 'c'], [65.4, 98.4]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[7, 137.201], [7, 137.201, 'c'], [6.8, 135.401, 'c'], [8.6, 136.201], [10.4, 137.001, 'c'], [104.601, 143.201, 'c'], [136.201, 167.201], [136.201, 167.201, 'c'], [91.001, 144.001, 'c'], [7, 137.201]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[17.4, 132.801], [17.4, 132.801, 'c'], [17.2, 131.001, 'c'], [19, 131.801], [20.8, 132.601, 'c'], [157.401, 131.601, 'c'], [181.001, 164.001], [181.001, 164.001, 'c'], [159.001, 138.801, 'c'], [17.4, 132.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[29, 128.801], [29, 128.801, 'c'], [28.8, 127.001, 'c'], [30.6, 127.801], [32.4, 128.601, 'c'], [205.801, 115.601, 'c'], [229.401, 148.001], [229.401, 148.001, 'c'], [219.801, 122.401, 'c'], [29, 128.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[39, 124.001], [39, 124.001, 'c'], [38.8, 122.201, 'c'], [40.6, 123.001], [42.4, 123.801, 'c'], [164.601, 85.2, 'c'], [188.201, 117.601], [188.201, 117.601, 'c'], [174.801, 93, 'c'], [39, 124.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-19, 146.801], [-19, 146.801, 'c'], [-19.2, 145.001, 'c'], [-17.4, 145.801], [-15.6, 146.601, 'c'], [2.2, 148.801, 'c'], [4.2, 187.601], [4.2, 187.601, 'c'], [-3, 145.601, 'c'], [-19, 146.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-27.8, 148.401], [-27.8, 148.401, 'c'], [-28, 146.601, 'c'], [-26.2, 147.401], [-24.4, 148.201, 'c'], [-10.2, 143.601, 'c'], [-13, 182.401], [-13, 182.401, 'c'], [-11.8, 147.201, 'c'], [-27.8, 148.401]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-35.8, 148.801], [-35.8, 148.801, 'c'], [-36, 147.001, 'c'], [-34.2, 147.801], [-32.4, 148.601, 'c'], [-17, 149.201, 'c'], [-29.4, 171.601], [-29.4, 171.601, 'c'], [-19.8, 147.601, 'c'], [-35.8, 148.801]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[11.526, 104.465], [11.526, 104.465, 'c'], [11.082, 106.464, 'c'], [12.631, 105.247], [28.699, 92.622, 'c'], [61.141, 33.72, 'c'], [116.826, 28.086], [116.826, 28.086, 'c'], [78.518, 15.976, 'c'], [11.526, 104.465]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[22.726, 102.665], [22.726, 102.665, 'c'], [21.363, 101.472, 'c'], [23.231, 100.847], [25.099, 100.222, 'c'], [137.541, 27.72, 'c'], [176.826, 35.686], [176.826, 35.686, 'c'], [149.719, 28.176, 'c'], [22.726, 102.665]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[1.885, 108.767], [1.885, 108.767, 'c'], [1.376, 110.366, 'c'], [3.087, 109.39], [12.062, 104.27, 'c'], [15.677, 47.059, 'c'], [59.254, 45.804], [59.254, 45.804, 'c'], [26.843, 31.09, 'c'], [1.885, 108.767]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-18.038, 119.793], [-18.038, 119.793, 'c'], [-19.115, 121.079, 'c'], [-17.162, 120.825], [-6.916, 119.493, 'c'], [14.489, 78.222, 'c'], [58.928, 83.301], [58.928, 83.301, 'c'], [26.962, 68.955, 'c'], [-18.038, 119.793]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-6.8, 113.667], [-6.8, 113.667, 'c'], [-7.611, 115.136, 'c'], [-5.742, 114.511], [4.057, 111.237, 'c'], [17.141, 66.625, 'c'], [61.729, 63.078], [61.729, 63.078, 'c'], [27.603, 55.135, 'c'], [-6.8, 113.667]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-25.078, 124.912], [-25.078, 124.912, 'c'], [-25.951, 125.954, 'c'], [-24.369, 125.748], [-16.07, 124.669, 'c'], [1.268, 91.24, 'c'], [37.264, 95.354], [37.264, 95.354, 'c'], [11.371, 83.734, 'c'], [-25.078, 124.912]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-32.677, 130.821], [-32.677, 130.821, 'c'], [-33.682, 131.866, 'c'], [-32.091, 131.748], [-27.923, 131.439, 'c'], [2.715, 98.36, 'c'], [21.183, 113.862], [21.183, 113.862, 'c'], [9.168, 95.139, 'c'], [-32.677, 130.821]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[36.855, 98.898], [36.855, 98.898, 'c'], [35.654, 97.543, 'c'], [37.586, 97.158], [39.518, 96.774, 'c'], [160.221, 39.061, 'c'], [198.184, 51.927], [198.184, 51.927, 'c'], [172.243, 41.053, 'c'], [36.855, 98.898]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[3.4, 163.201], [3.4, 163.201, 'c'], [3.2, 161.401, 'c'], [5, 162.201], [6.8, 163.001, 'c'], [22.2, 163.601, 'c'], [9.8, 186.001], [9.8, 186.001, 'c'], [19.4, 162.001, 'c'], [3.4, 163.201]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[13.8, 161.601], [13.8, 161.601, 'c'], [13.6, 159.801, 'c'], [15.4, 160.601], [17.2, 161.401, 'c'], [35, 163.601, 'c'], [37, 202.401], [37, 202.401, 'c'], [29.8, 160.401, 'c'], [13.8, 161.601]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[20.6, 160.001], [20.6, 160.001, 'c'], [20.4, 158.201, 'c'], [22.2, 159.001], [24, 159.801, 'c'], [48.6, 163.201, 'c'], [72.2, 195.601], [72.2, 195.601, 'c'], [36.6, 158.801, 'c'], [20.6, 160.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[28.225, 157.972], [28.225, 157.972, 'c'], [27.788, 156.214, 'c'], [29.678, 156.768], [31.568, 157.322, 'c'], [52.002, 155.423, 'c'], [90.099, 189.599], [90.099, 189.599, 'c'], [43.924, 154.656, 'c'], [28.225, 157.972]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[38.625, 153.572], [38.625, 153.572, 'c'], [38.188, 151.814, 'c'], [40.078, 152.368], [41.968, 152.922, 'c'], [76.802, 157.423, 'c'], [128.499, 192.399], [128.499, 192.399, 'c'], [54.324, 150.256, 'c'], [38.625, 153.572]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-1.8, 142.001], [-1.8, 142.001, 'c'], [-2, 140.201, 'c'], [-0.2, 141.001], [1.6, 141.801, 'c'], [55, 144.401, 'c'], [85.4, 171.201], [85.4, 171.201, 'c'], [50.499, 146.426, 'c'], [-1.8, 142.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-11.8, 146.001], [-11.8, 146.001, 'c'], [-12, 144.201, 'c'], [-10.2, 145.001], [-8.4, 145.801, 'c'], [16.2, 149.201, 'c'], [39.8, 181.601], [39.8, 181.601, 'c'], [4.2, 144.801, 'c'], [-11.8, 146.001]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[49.503, 148.962], [49.503, 148.962, 'c'], [48.938, 147.241, 'c'], [50.864, 147.655], [52.79, 148.068, 'c'], [87.86, 150.004, 'c'], [141.981, 181.098], [141.981, 181.098, 'c'], [64.317, 146.704, 'c'], [49.503, 148.962]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[57.903, 146.562], [57.903, 146.562, 'c'], [57.338, 144.841, 'c'], [59.264, 145.255], [61.19, 145.668, 'c'], [96.26, 147.604, 'c'], [150.381, 178.698], [150.381, 178.698, 'c'], [73.317, 143.904, 'c'], [57.903, 146.562]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[67.503, 141.562], [67.503, 141.562, 'c'], [66.938, 139.841, 'c'], [68.864, 140.255], [70.79, 140.668, 'c'], [113.86, 145.004, 'c'], [203.582, 179.298], [203.582, 179.298, 'c'], [82.917, 138.904, 'c'], [67.503, 141.562]], -closed => 1, -linecolor => "#000000", -fillcolor => "#ffffff", -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0.1);
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-43.8, 148.401], [-43.8, 148.401, 'c'], [-38.6, 148.001, 'c'], [-39.8, 149.601], [-41, 151.201, 'c'], [-43.4, 150.401, 'c'], [-43.4, 150.401], [-43.8, 148.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-13, 162.401], [-13, 162.401, 'c'], [-7.8, 162.001, 'c'], [-9, 163.601], [-10.2, 165.201, 'c'], [-12.6, 164.401, 'c'], [-12.6, 164.401], [-13, 162.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-21.8, 162.001], [-21.8, 162.001, 'c'], [-16.6, 161.601, 'c'], [-17.8, 163.201], [-19, 164.801, 'c'], [-21.4, 164.001, 'c'], [-21.4, 164.001], [-21.8, 162.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-117.169, 150.182], [-117.169, 150.182, 'c'], [-112.124, 151.505, 'c'], [-113.782, 152.624], [-115.439, 153.744, 'c'], [-117.446, 152.202, 'c'], [-117.446, 152.202], [-117.169, 150.182]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-115.169, 140.582], [-115.169, 140.582, 'c'], [-110.124, 141.905, 'c'], [-111.782, 143.024], [-113.439, 144.144, 'c'], [-115.446, 142.602, 'c'], [-115.446, 142.602], [-115.169, 140.582]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-122.369, 136.182], [-122.369, 136.182, 'c'], [-117.324, 137.505, 'c'], [-118.982, 138.624], [-120.639, 139.744, 'c'], [-122.646, 138.202, 'c'], [-122.646, 138.202], [-122.369, 136.182]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#000000", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#000000");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-42.6, 211.201], [-42.6, 211.201, 'c'], [-44.2, 211.201, 'c'], [-48.2, 213.201], [-50.2, 213.201, 'c'], [-61.4, 216.801, 'c'], [-67, 226.801], [-67, 226.801, 'c'], [-54.6, 217.201, 'c'], [-42.6, 211.201]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[45.116, 303.847], [45.257, 304.105, 'c'], [45.312, 304.525, 'c'], [45.604, 304.542], [46.262, 304.582, 'c'], [47.495, 304.883, 'c'], [47.37, 304.247], [46.522, 299.941, 'c'], [45.648, 295.004, 'c'], [41.515, 293.197], [40.876, 292.918, 'c'], [39.434, 293.331, 'c'], [39.36, 294.215], [39.233, 295.739, 'c'], [39.116, 297.088, 'c'], [39.425, 298.554], [39.725, 299.975, 'c'], [41.883, 299.985, 'c'], [42.8, 298.601], [43.736, 300.273, 'c'], [44.168, 302.116, 'c'], [45.116, 303.847]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[34.038, 308.581], [34.786, 309.994, 'c'], [34.659, 311.853, 'c'], [36.074, 312.416], [36.814, 312.71, 'c'], [38.664, 311.735, 'c'], [38.246, 310.661], [37.444, 308.6, 'c'], [37.056, 306.361, 'c'], [35.667, 304.55], [35.467, 304.288, 'c'], [35.707, 303.755, 'c'], [35.547, 303.427], [34.953, 302.207, 'c'], [33.808, 301.472, 'c'], [32.4, 301.801], [31.285, 304.004, 'c'], [32.433, 306.133, 'c'], [33.955, 307.842], [34.091, 307.994, 'c'], [33.925, 308.37, 'c'], [34.038, 308.581]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-5.564, 303.391], [-5.672, 303.014, 'c'], [-5.71, 302.551, 'c'], [-5.545, 302.23], [-5.014, 301.197, 'c'], [-4.221, 300.075, 'c'], [-4.558, 299.053], [-4.906, 297.997, 'c'], [-6.022, 298.179, 'c'], [-6.672, 298.748], [-7.807, 299.742, 'c'], [-7.856, 301.568, 'c'], [-8.547, 302.927], [-8.743, 303.313, 'c'], [-8.692, 303.886, 'c'], [-9.133, 304.277], [-9.607, 304.698, 'c'], [-10.047, 306.222, 'c'], [-9.951, 306.793], [-9.898, 307.106, 'c'], [-10.081, 317.014, 'c'], [-9.859, 316.751], [-9.24, 316.018, 'c'], [-6.19, 306.284, 'c'], [-6.121, 305.392], [-6.064, 304.661, 'c'], [-5.332, 304.196, 'c'], [-5.564, 303.391]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-31.202, 296.599], [-28.568, 294.1, 'c'], [-25.778, 291.139, 'c'], [-26.22, 287.427], [-26.336, 286.451, 'c'], [-28.111, 286.978, 'c'], [-28.298, 287.824], [-29.1, 291.449, 'c'], [-31.139, 294.11, 'c'], [-33.707, 296.502], [-35.903, 298.549, 'c'], [-37.765, 304.893, 'c'], [-38, 305.401], [-34.303, 300.145, 'c'], [-32.046, 297.399, 'c'], [-31.202, 296.599]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-44.776, 290.635], [-44.253, 290.265, 'c'], [-44.555, 289.774, 'c'], [-44.338, 289.442], [-43.385, 287.984, 'c'], [-42.084, 286.738, 'c'], [-42.066, 285], [-42.063, 284.723, 'c'], [-42.441, 284.414, 'c'], [-42.776, 284.638], [-43.053, 284.822, 'c'], [-43.395, 284.952, 'c'], [-43.503, 285.082], [-45.533, 287.531, 'c'], [-46.933, 290.202, 'c'], [-48.376, 293.014], [-48.559, 293.371, 'c'], [-49.703, 297.862, 'c'], [-49.39, 297.973], [-49.151, 298.058, 'c'], [-47.431, 293.877, 'c'], [-47.221, 293.763], [-45.958, 293.077, 'c'], [-45.946, 291.462, 'c'], [-44.776, 290.635]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-28.043, 310.179], [-27.599, 309.31, 'c'], [-26.023, 308.108, 'c'], [-26.136, 307.219], [-26.254, 306.291, 'c'], [-25.786, 304.848, 'c'], [-26.698, 305.536], [-27.955, 306.484, 'c'], [-31.404, 307.833, 'c'], [-31.674, 313.641], [-31.7, 314.212, 'c'], [-28.726, 311.519, 'c'], [-28.043, 310.179]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-13.6, 293.001], [-13.2, 292.333, 'c'], [-12.492, 292.806, 'c'], [-12.033, 292.543], [-11.385, 292.171, 'c'], [-10.774, 291.613, 'c'], [-10.482, 290.964], [-9.512, 288.815, 'c'], [-7.743, 286.995, 'c'], [-7.6, 284.601], [-9.091, 283.196, 'c'], [-9.77, 285.236, 'c'], [-10.4, 286.201], [-11.723, 284.554, 'c'], [-12.722, 286.428, 'c'], [-14.022, 286.947], [-14.092, 286.975, 'c'], [-14.305, 286.628, 'c'], [-14.38, 286.655], [-15.557, 287.095, 'c'], [-16.237, 288.176, 'c'], [-17.235, 288.957], [-17.406, 289.091, 'c'], [-17.811, 288.911, 'c'], [-17.958, 289.047], [-18.61, 289.65, 'c'], [-19.583, 289.975, 'c'], [-19.863, 290.657], [-20.973, 293.364, 'c'], [-24.113, 295.459, 'c'], [-26, 303.001], [-25.619, 303.91, 'c'], [-21.488, 296.359, 'c'], [-21.001, 295.661], [-20.165, 294.465, 'c'], [-20.047, 297.322, 'c'], [-18.771, 296.656], [-18.72, 296.629, 'c'], [-18.534, 296.867, 'c'], [-18.4, 297.001], [-18.206, 296.721, 'c'], [-17.988, 296.492, 'c'], [-17.6, 296.601], [-17.6, 296.201, 'c'], [-17.734, 295.645, 'c'], [-17.533, 295.486], [-16.296, 294.509, 'c'], [-16.38, 293.441, 'c'], [-15.6, 292.201], [-15.142, 292.99, 'c'], [-14.081, 292.271, 'c'], [-13.6, 293.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[46.2, 347.401], [46.2, 347.401, 'c'], [53.6, 327.001, 'c'], [49.2, 315.801], [49.2, 315.801, 'c'], [60.6, 337.401, 'c'], [56, 348.601], [56, 348.601, 'c'], [55.6, 338.201, 'c'], [51.6, 333.201], [51.6, 333.201, 'c'], [47.6, 346.001, 'c'], [46.2, 347.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[31.4, 344.801], [31.4, 344.801, 'c'], [36.8, 336.001, 'c'], [28.8, 317.601], [28.8, 317.601, 'c'], [28, 338.001, 'c'], [21.2, 349.001], [21.2, 349.001, 'c'], [35.4, 328.801, 'c'], [31.4, 344.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[21.4, 342.801], [21.4, 342.801, 'c'], [21.2, 322.801, 'c'], [21.6, 319.801], [21.6, 319.801, 'c'], [17.8, 336.401, 'c'], [7.6, 346.001], [7.6, 346.001, 'c'], [22, 334.001, 'c'], [21.4, 342.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[11.8, 310.801], [11.8, 310.801, 'c'], [17.8, 324.401, 'c'], [7.8, 342.801], [7.8, 342.801, 'c'], [14.2, 330.601, 'c'], [9.4, 323.601], [9.4, 323.601, 'c'], [12, 320.201, 'c'], [11.8, 310.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-7.4, 342.401], [-7.4, 342.401, 'c'], [-8.4, 326.801, 'c'], [-6.6, 324.601], [-6.6, 324.601, 'c'], [-6.4, 318.201, 'c'], [-6.8, 317.201], [-6.8, 317.201, 'c'], [-2.8, 311.001, 'c'], [-2.6, 318.401], [-2.6, 318.401, 'c'], [-1.2, 326.201, 'c'], [1.6, 330.801], [1.6, 330.801, 'c'], [5.2, 336.201, 'c'], [5, 342.601], [5, 342.601, 'c'], [-5, 312.401, 'c'], [-7.4, 342.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-11, 314.801], [-11, 314.801, 'c'], [-17.6, 325.601, 'c'], [-19.4, 344.601], [-19.4, 344.601, 'c'], [-20.8, 338.401, 'c'], [-17, 324.001], [-17, 324.001, 'c'], [-12.8, 308.601, 'c'], [-11, 314.801]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-32.8, 334.601], [-32.8, 334.601, 'c'], [-27.8, 329.201, 'c'], [-26.4, 324.201], [-26.4, 324.201, 'c'], [-22.8, 308.401, 'c'], [-29.2, 317.001], [-29.2, 317.001, 'c'], [-29, 325.001, 'c'], [-37.2, 332.401], [-37.2, 332.401, 'c'], [-32.4, 330.001, 'c'], [-32.8, 334.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-38.6, 329.601], [-38.6, 329.601, 'c'], [-35.2, 312.201, 'c'], [-34.4, 311.401], [-34.4, 311.401, 'c'], [-32.6, 308.001, 'c'], [-35.4, 311.201], [-35.4, 311.201, 'c'], [-44.2, 330.401, 'c'], [-48.2, 337.001], [-48.2, 337.001, 'c'], [-40.2, 327.801, 'c'], [-38.6, 329.601]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-44.4, 313.001], [-44.4, 313.001, 'c'], [-32.8, 290.601, 'c'], [-54.6, 316.401], [-54.6, 316.401, 'c'], [-43.6, 306.601, 'c'], [-44.4, 313.001]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[-59.8, 298.401], [-59.8, 298.401, 'c'], [-55, 279.601, 'c'], [-52.4, 279.801], [-52.4, 279.801, 'c'], [-44.2, 270.801, 'c'], [-50.8, 281.401], [-50.8, 281.401, 'c'], [-56.8, 291.001, 'c'], [-56.2, 300.801], [-56.2, 300.801, 'c'], [-56.8, 291.201, 'c'], [-59.8, 298.401]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[270.5, 287], [270.5, 287, 'c'], [258.5, 277, 'c'], [256, 273.5], [256, 273.5, 'c'], [269.5, 292, 'c'], [269.5, 299], [269.5, 299, 'c'], [272, 291.5, 'c'], [270.5, 287]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[276, 265], [276, 265, 'c'], [255, 250, 'c'], [251.5, 242.5], [251.5, 242.5, 'c'], [278, 272, 'c'], [278, 276.5], [278, 276.5, 'c'], [278.5, 267.5, 'c'], [276, 265]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[293, 111], [293, 111, 'c'], [281, 103, 'c'], [279.5, 105], [279.5, 105, 'c'], [290, 111.5, 'c'], [292.5, 120], [292.5, 120, 'c'], [291, 111, 'c'], [293, 111]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-$zinc->add('curve',$top_group,[[301.5, 191.5], [284, 179.5], [284, 179.5, 'c'], [303, 196.5, 'c'], [303.5, 200.5], [301.5, 191.5]], -closed => 1, -fillcolor => "#cccccc", -filled => 1, -linecolor => "#cccccc");
-### translating ojects for making them all visibles
-$zinc->translate($top_group, 200, 150);
-### on ajoute quelques binding bien pratiques pour la mise au point
-my $i=0;
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&motion]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&zoom]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, \&rotate]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release]);
-##### bindings for moving, rotating, scaling the items
-my ($cur_x, $cur_y, $cur_angle);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $cur_x = $ev->x;
- $cur_y = $ev->y;
- $cur_angle = atan2($cur_y, $cur_x);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action]);
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @res = $zinc->transform($top_group, [$lx, $ly, $cur_x, $cur_y]);
- $zinc->translate($top_group, $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
- $i++;
-sub zoom {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $maxx;
- my $maxy;
- my $sx;
- my $sy;
- if ($lx > $cur_x) {
- $maxx = $lx;
- } else {
- $maxx = $cur_x;
- }
- if ($ly > $cur_y) {
- $maxy = $ly
- } else {
- $maxy = $cur_y;
- }
- return if ($maxx == 0 || $maxy == 0);
- $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $cur_x)/$maxx;
- $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $cur_y)/$maxy;
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
- $zinc->scale($top_group, $sx, $sx); #$sy);
-sub rotate {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $langle;
- $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->rotate($top_group, -($langle - $cur_angle));
- $cur_angle = $langle;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e3ca9d..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/tkZincLogo.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> from the original
-# work of JL. Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-package tkZincLogo; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-use Tk::Zinc::Logo; # this module implements a class which instances are Zinc logo!
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
- -height 7 -scrollbars ''/);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This tkZinc logo should used openGL for a correct rendering!
- You can transform this logo with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the logo,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the logo,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating the logo,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the logo transparency,
- Shift-Drag-Button 2 for modifying the logo gradient.'
- );
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 350, -height => 250,
- -render => 1,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1, );
-my $logo = Tk::Zinc::Logo->new(-widget => $zinc,
- -parent => $group,
- -position => [40, 70],
- -priority => 800,
- -scale => [.6, .6],
- );
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&motion]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&zoom]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, \&rotate]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&press, \&modifyAlpha]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&release]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-2>', [\&press, \&modifyGradient]);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-2>', [\&release]);
-# Controls for the window transform.
-my ($cur_x, $cur_y, $cur_angle);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $cur_x = $ev->x;
- $cur_y = $ev->y;
- $cur_angle = atan2($cur_y, $cur_x);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action]);
-sub modifyAlpha {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $xrate = $lx / $zinc->cget(-width);
- $xrate = 0 if $xrate < 0;
- $xrate = 1 if $xrate > 1;
- my $alpha = $xrate * 100;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -alpha => $alpha);
-sub modifyGradient {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $yrate = $ly / $zinc->cget(-height);
- $yrate = 0 if $yrate < 0;
- $yrate = 1 if $yrate > 1;
- my $gradientpercent = sprintf ("%d", $yrate * 100);
- $zinc->itemconfigure ('zinc_shape', -fillcolor => "=axial 270|#ffffff 0 28|#66848c $gradientpercent|#7192aa");
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @res;
- @res = $zinc->transform($group, [$lx, $ly, $cur_x, $cur_y]);
- $zinc->translate($group, $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
-sub zoom {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $maxx;
- my $maxy;
- my $sx;
- my $sy;
- if ($lx > $cur_x) {
- $maxx = $lx;
- } else {
- $maxx = $cur_x;
- }
- if ($ly > $cur_y) {
- $maxy = $ly
- } else {
- $maxy = $cur_y;
- }
- return if ($maxx == 0 || $maxy == 0);
- $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $cur_x)/$maxx;
- $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $cur_y)/$maxy;
- $cur_x = $lx;
- $cur_y = $ly;
- $zinc->scale($group, $sx, $sy);
-sub rotate {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $langle;
- $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->rotate($group, -($langle - $cur_angle));
- $cur_angle = $langle;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/transforms.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/transforms.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d8cab0..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/transforms.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-# TODO:
-# Ajouter la construction des items manquants
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-my $currentgroup;
-my $currentitem;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $top = 1;
-my $inactiveAxisColor = 'black';
-my $activeAxisColor = 'red';
-my $worldAxisColor = '#a5a5a5';
-my $itemtype;
-my $composerot = 1;
-my $composescale = 1;
-my $drag = 0;
-my $logo = $mw->Photo(-file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/zinc_anti.gif'));
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken',
- -borderwidth => 2,
- -height => 12);
-$text->pack(-expand => 0, -fill => 'x');
-$text->insert('0.0', 'Items are always added to the current group.
-The available commands are:
- Button 1 on the background, add an item with initial translation
- Button 2 on the background, add a group with initial translation
- Button 1 on item/group axes, select/deselect that item space
- Drag Button 1 on item/group axes, translate that item space
- Del reset the transformation
- Shift-Del reset a group direct children transformations
- PageUp/Down scale up/down
- End/Home rotate right/left
- Ins swap the Y axis
- 4 arrows translate in the 4 directions');
-$text->configure(-state => 'disabled');
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-borderwidth => 3,
- -highlightthickness => 0,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => 0,
- -takefocus => 1);
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack(-expand => 0, -fill => 'x');
-my $option = $rc->Optionmenu(-options => ['rectangle', 'arc',
- 'curve',
- 'icon', 'tabular',
- 'text', 'track',
- 'triangles', 'waypoint'],
-# -command => sub { $zinc->Tk::focus(); },
- -variable => \$itemtype)->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 1,
- -sticky => 'w');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Add item',
- -command => \&additem)->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 2,
- -padx => 10,
- -sticky => 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Add group',
- -command => \&addgroup)->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 3,
- -padx => 10,
- -sticky => 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Remove',
- -command => \&removeitem)->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 4,
- -padx => 10,
- -sticky => 'ew');
-$rc->Checkbutton(-text => '-composescale',
- -command => \&togglecomposescale,
- -variable => \$composescale)->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 6,
- -sticky => 'w');
-$rc->Checkbutton(-text => '-composesrotation',
- -command => \&togglecomposerot,
- -variable => \$composerot)->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 6,
- -sticky => 'w');
-my $world = $zinc->add('group', $top);
-$zinc->add('curve', $top, [0, 0, 80, 0],
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => $worldAxisColor,
- -lastend => [6,8,3],
- -tags => ["axis:$world"]);
-$zinc->add('curve', $top, [0, 0, 0, 80],
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => $worldAxisColor,
- -lastend => [6,8,3],
- -tags => ["axis:$world"]);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $top, [-2, -2, 2, 2],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $worldAxisColor,
- -linecolor => $worldAxisColor,
- -linewidth => 3,
- -tags => ["axis:$world"]);
-$zinc->add('text', $top,
- -text => "This is the origin\nof the world",
- -anchor => 's',
- -color => $worldAxisColor,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -tags => ["axis:$world", 'text']);
-$currentgroup = $world;
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<1>', [\&mouseadd, 'item']);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<2>', [\&mouseadd, 'group']);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Up>', \&moveup);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Left>', \&moveleft);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Right>', \&moveright);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Down>', \&movedown);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Next>', \&scaledown);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Prior>', \&scaleup);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Delete>', \&reset);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-Delete>', \&resetchildren);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<End>', \&rotateleft);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Home>', \&rotateright);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Insert>', \&swapaxis);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Configure>', [\&resize]);
-sub resize {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->w/2;
- my $y = $ev->h/2;
- $zinc->treset($world);
- $zinc->treset("axis:$world");
- $zinc->translate($world, $x, $y);
- $zinc->translate("axis:$world", $x, $y);
-sub swapaxis {
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->scale($currentitem, 1, -1);
- $zinc->scale("axisgrp:$currentitem", 1, -1);
- }
-sub togglecomposerot {
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($currentitem, -composerotation => $composerot);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axisgrp:$currentitem", -composerotation => $composerot);
- }
-sub togglecomposescale {
- my $bool;
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($currentitem, -composescale => $composescale);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axisgrp:$currentitem", -composescale => $composescale);
- }
-sub dragitem {
- $drag = 1;
- return if (!defined($currentitem));
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $group = $zinc->group($currentitem);
- my ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform($group, [$ev->x, $ev->y]);
- $zinc->treset($currentitem);
- $zinc->treset("axisgrp:$currentitem");
- $zinc->translate($currentitem, $x, $y);
- $zinc->translate("axisgrp:$currentitem", $x, $y);
-sub select {
- my @tags = $zinc->gettags('current');
- my $t;
- foreach $t (@tags) {
- if ($t =~ '^axis:(\d+)') {
- changeitem($1);
- }
- }
-sub changeitem {
- my ($item) = @_;
- if (defined($currentitem) && !$drag) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axis:$currentitem && !text",
- -linecolor => $inactiveAxisColor,
- -fillcolor => $inactiveAxisColor);
- if ($currentitem != $currentgroup) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axis:$currentitem && !text",
- -linewidth => 1);
- }
- }
- if (!defined($currentitem) || ($item != $currentitem)) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axis:$item && !text",
- -linecolor => $activeAxisColor,
- -fillcolor => $activeAxisColor,
- -linewidth => 3);
- $currentitem = $item;
- $composerot = $zinc->itemcget($currentitem, -composerotation);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axisgrp:$currentitem", -composerotation => $composerot);
- $composescale = $zinc->itemcget($currentitem, -composescale);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axisgrp:$currentitem", -composescale => $composescale);
- }
- elsif (!$drag) {
- $currentitem = undef;
- $composerot = $composescale = 1;
- }
- $drag = 0;
-sub selectgroup {
- my @tags = $zinc->gettags('current');
- my $t;
- foreach $t (@tags) {
- if ($t =~ '^axis:(\d+)') {
- changegroup($1);
- }
- }
-sub changegroup {
- my ($grp) = @_;
- changeitem($grp);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axis:$currentgroup && !text",
- -linewidth => 1);
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $currentgroup = $currentitem;
- }
- else {
- $currentgroup = $world;
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure("axis:$currentgroup && !text",
- -linewidth => 3);
-sub reset {
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->treset($currentitem);
- $zinc->treset("axisgrp:$currentitem");
- }
-sub resetchildren {
- my @children;
- if (defined($currentitem) && ($zinc->type($currentitem) eq 'group')) {
- @children = $zinc->addtag('rt', 'withtag', 'all', $currentitem, 0);
- $zinc->treset('rt');
- $zinc->dtag('rt', 'rt');
- }
-sub moveup {
- move(0, 20);
-sub movedown {
- move(0, -20);
-sub moveright {
- move(20, 0);
-sub moveleft {
- move(-20, 0);
-sub move {
- my ($dx, $dy) = @_;
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->translate($currentitem, $dx, $dy);
- $zinc->translate("axisgrp:$currentitem", $dx, $dy);
- }
-sub scaleup {
- scale(1.1, 1.1);
-sub scaledown {
- scale(0.9, 0.9);
-sub scale {
- my ($dx, $dy) = @_;
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->scale($currentitem, $dx, $dy);
- $zinc->scale("axisgrp:$currentitem", $dx, $dy);
- }
-sub rotateleft {
- rotate(-3.14159/18);
-sub rotateright {
- rotate(3.14159/18);
-sub rotate {
- my ($angle) = @_;
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->rotate($currentitem, $angle);
- $zinc->rotate("axisgrp:$currentitem", $angle);
- }
-sub newrect {
- return $zinc->add('rectangle', $currentgroup,
- [-15, -15, 15, 15],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => 'tan');
-sub newarc {
- return $zinc->add('arc', $currentgroup,
- [-25, -15, 25, 15],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => 'tan');
-sub newcurve {
- return $zinc->add('curve', $currentgroup,
- [-15, -15, -15, 15, 15, 15, 15, -15],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -fillcolor => 'tan');
-sub newtext {
- my $item = $zinc->add('text', $currentgroup,
- -anchor => 's');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, -text => "Item id: $item");
- return $item;
-sub newicon {
- my $item = $zinc->add('icon', $currentgroup,
- -image => $logo,
- -anchor => 'center');
- return $item;
-sub newtriangles {
- my $item = $zinc->add('triangles', $currentgroup,
- [-25, 15, -10, -15, 5, 15,
- 20, -15, 35, 15, 50, -30],
- -colors => ['tan', 'wheat', 'tan', 'wheat']);
- return $item;
-sub newtrack {
- my $labelformat = "x80x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2";
- my $item=$zinc->add('track', $currentgroup, 6,
- -labelformat => $labelformat,
- -speedvector => [30, -15],
- -markersize => 20);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -bordercolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -border => 'contour');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray60',
- -text => 'AFR6128');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 2,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => '390');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 3,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => '/');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 4,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => '350');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 5,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => 'TUR');
- return $item;
-sub newwaypoint {
- my $labelformat = "a0a0+0+0 a0a0>0^1";
- my $item=$zinc->add('waypoint', $currentgroup, 2,
- -labelformat => $labelformat);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'DarkGreen',
- -text => 'TUR');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
- -text => '>>>');
- return $item;
-sub newtabular {
- my $labelformat = "f700f600+0+0 f700a0^0^0 f700a0^0>1 f700a0^0>2 f700a0^0>3 f700a0^0>4 f700a0^0>5";
- my $item=$zinc->add('tabular', $currentgroup, 7,
- -labelformat => $labelformat);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -border => 'contour',
- -bordercolor => 'black',
- -backcolor => 'gray60');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => 'AFR6128');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 2,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => '390');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 3,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => '370');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 4,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => '350');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 5,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => '330');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 6,
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => 'TUR');
- return $item;
-sub addaxes {
- my ($item, $length, $command, $infront) = @_;
- my $axesgroup = $zinc->add('group', $currentgroup,
- -tags => ["axisgrp:$item"]);
- $zinc->add('curve', $axesgroup, [0, 0, $length, 0],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -lastend => [6,8,3],
- -tags => ["axis:$item"]);
- $zinc->add('curve', $axesgroup, [0, 0, 0, $length],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -lastend => [6,8,3],
- -tags => ["axis:$item"]);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $axesgroup, [-2, -2, 2, 2],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -composescale => 0,
- -tags => ["axis:$item"]);
- if ($infront) {
- $zinc->raise($item, $axesgroup);
- }
- $zinc->bind("axis:$item", '<B1-Motion>', \&dragitem);
- $zinc->bind("axis:$item", '<ButtonRelease-1>', $command);
-sub additem {
- my $item;
- my $length = 25;
- my $itemontop = 0;
- if ($itemtype eq 'rectangle') {
- $item = newrect();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'arc') {
- $item = newarc();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'curve') {
- $item = newcurve();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'triangles') {
- $item = newtriangles();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'icon') {
- $item = newicon();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'text') {
- $item = newtext();
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'track') {
- $item = newtrack();
- $itemontop = 1;
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'waypoint') {
- $item = newwaypoint();
- $itemontop = 1;
- }
- elsif ($itemtype eq 'tabular') {
- $item = newtabular();
- }
- addaxes($item, 25, \&select, $itemontop);
- changeitem($item);
-sub addgroup {
- my $item = $zinc->add('group', $currentgroup);
- addaxes($item, 80, \&selectgroup, 1);
- changegroup($item);
-sub mouseadd {
- my ($w, $itemorgrp) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform($currentgroup, [$ev->x, $ev->y]);
- my $item = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- if (defined($item)) {
- my @tags = $zinc->gettags($item);
- foreach my $t (@tags) {
- return if ($t =~ '^axis');
- }
- }
- if ($itemorgrp eq 'group') {
- addgroup();
- }
- else {
- additem();
- }
- $zinc->translate($currentitem, $x, $y);
- $zinc->translate("axisgrp:$currentitem", $x, $y);
-sub removeitem {
- if (defined($currentitem)) {
- $zinc->remove($currentitem, "axisgrp:$currentitem");
- if ($currentitem == $currentgroup) {
- $currentgroup = $world;
- }
- $currentitem = undef;
- $composescale = $composerot = 1;
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f6abb15..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/translation.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true
- -height 6 -scrollbars e/);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This toy-appli shows translations on waypoint items.
-The following operations are possible:
- Click "Up" for up translation
- Click "Left" for left translation
- Click "Right" for right translation
- Click "Down" for down translation' );
-# Zinc
-my $zinc_width=600;
-my $zinc_height=400;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Waypoints
-my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-my $p1=[200, 200];
-my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p1,
- -connectioncolor => 'green',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
- -text => "DO",
- );
-my $p2=[300, 300];
-my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p2,
- -connecteditem => $wp1,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20',
- #-labeldy=>'30'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
- -text => "RE",
- );
-my $p3=[400, 150];
-my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p3,
- -connecteditem => $wp2,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'20',
- -labeldy=>'+10'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
- -text => "MI",
- );
-# control panel
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-my $up=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => 'Up',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Up translation
- #--------------------------------
- $zinc->translate("$wp_group",0,-10);
- })->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 1);
-my $left=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => 'Left',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Left translation
- #--------------------------------
- $zinc->translate("$wp_group",-10,0);
- })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 0);
-my $right=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => 'Right',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Right translation
- #--------------------------------
- $zinc->translate("$wp_group",10,0);
- })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 2);
-my $down=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => 'Down',
- -command=>sub{
- #--------------------------------
- # Down translation
- #--------------------------------
- $zinc->translate("$wp_group",0,10);
- })->grid(-row => 2,
- -column => 1);
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dfba41..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/triangles.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -render => 1,
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# 6 equilateral triangles around a point
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [ 5,10 ],
- -text => "Triangles item without transparency");
-my ($x0,$y0) = (200,150);
-my @coords=($x0,$y0);
-for my $i (0..6) {
- my $angle = $i * 6.28/6;
- push @coords, ($x0 + 100 * cos ($angle), $y0 - 100 * sin ($angle) );
-my $tr1 = $zinc->add('triangles', 1,
- \@coords,
- -fan => 1,
- -colors => ['white', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'red', 'yellow'],
- -visible => 1,
- );
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [ 370, 10 ],
- -text => "Triangles item with transparency");
-# using the clone method to make a copy and then modify the clone'colors
-my $tr2 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
- -colors => ['white;50', 'yellow;50', 'magenta;50', 'blue;50', 'cyan;50', 'green;50', 'red;50', 'yellow;50'],
- );
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index cf117a5..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/wheelOfFortune.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-# This short script tries to demonstrate with a simple example what you can
-# do with Tk Zinc widget, in particular how to use group item, clipping, and
-# transformations.
-# $Id$
-# this demo has been developped by D. Etienne etienne@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-# Zinc module is loaded...
-use Tk::Zinc;
-# We create a classical root widget called MainWindow; then we create Zinc
-# widget child with size, color and relief attributes, and we display it using
-# the geometry manager called 'pack'.
-my $mw = MainWindow->new;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 300, -height => 500, -backcolor => 'gray70',
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken');
-# Then we create a gray filled rectangle, in which we will display explain text.
-$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [10, 400, 290, 490],
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'gray80',
- );
-my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [150, 445],
- -anchor => 'center',
- );
-# Create the Wheel object (see Wheel.pm)
-my $wheel = Wheel->new($zinc, 150, 500, 100);
-# Display comment
-&comment("Strike any key to begin");
-# Create Tk binding
-$mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
-# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is unmapped
-sub openmode {
- return if $wheel->ismoving;
- # set binding to unmap the wheel
- $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&closemode);
- # set binding to rotate the hand
- $zinc->bind($wheel, '<1>', sub {$wheel->rotatehand(300)});
- # map the wheel
- $wheel->show(150, 150);
- # and then inform user
- &comment("Click on the wheel to rotate the hand.\n".
- "Strike any other key to hide the wheel.");
-# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is already mapped
-sub closemode {
- return if $wheel->ismoving;
- # set binding to map the wheel
- $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
- # unmap the wheel
- $wheel->hide(150, 400);
- # and then inform user
- &comment("Strike any key to show the wheel");
-# Just display comment
-sub comment {
- my $string = shift;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($text, -text => $string);
-# Wheel Class
-package Wheel;
-use strict 'vars';
-use Carp;
-# Object constructor
-sub new {
- my ($proto, $widget, $x, $y, $radius) = @_;
- # object attributes
- my $self = {
- 'widget' => $widget, # widget reference
- 'origin' => [$x, $y], # origin coordinates
- 'radius' => $radius, # wheel radius
- 'topgroup' => undef, # top Group item
- 'itemclip' => undef, # id of item which clips the wheel
- 'hand' => undef, # id of item wich represents the hand
- 'angle' => 60, # the angle between hand and jackpot
- 'stepsnumber' => 10, # animations parameters
- 'afterdelay' => 60,
- 'shrinkrate' => 0.8, # zoom parameters
- 'zoomrate' => 1.1
- };
- bless $self;
- # First, we create a new Group item for the wheel. Why a Group item ?
- # At least two reasons. Wheel object consists of several Zinc items,
- # we'll see below; it moves when it is mapped or unmapped, grows when
- # you hit the jackpot. So, it's more easy to apply such transformations
- # to a structured items set, using Group capability, rather than apply
- # to each item separately or using canvas-like Tags mechanism.
- # Second reason refers to clipping. When it is mapped or unmapped, wheel
- # object is drawn inside a circle with variant radius; clipping is a
- # specific property of Group item
- # That's why we create a Group item in the top group, and set its
- # coordinates.
- $self->{topgroup} = $widget->add('group', 1, -visible => 0);
- $widget->coords($self->{topgroup}, [$x, $y]);
- # All the following items will be created in this group...
- # Create the invisible Arc item used to clip the wheel, centered on the
- # group origin.
- $self->{itemclip} = $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
- [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
- -visible => 0,
- );
- $widget->itemconfigure($self->{topgroup}, -clip => $self->{itemclip});
- # Create the wheel with 6 filled Arc items centered on the group origin
- my $i = 0;
- for my $color (qw(magenta blue cyan green yellow red)) {
- $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
- [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
- -visible => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -closed => 1,
- -extent => 60,
- -pieslice => 1,
- -fillcolor => $color,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -startangle => 60*$i ,
- -tags => [$self],
- );
- $i++;
- }
- # Create the Text item representing the jackpot.
- $widget->add('text', $self->{topgroup},
- -position => [0, -$radius+20],
- -font =>
- '-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -text => "\$",
- );
- # Create the closed Curve item representing the hand.
- # In order to make processing easier, its rotation axis will be placed
- # on the group origin.
- $self->{hand} = $widget->add('curve', $self->{topgroup},
- [0, -$radius + 10, 20, -$radius + 40,
- 6, -$radius + 40, 20, 10,
- -20, 10, -6, -$radius + 40,
- -20, -$radius + 40],
- -linewidth => 3,
- -linecolor => 'gray40',
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'gray80',
- -closed => 1,
- -tags => [$self]);
- # Then, we apply rotation to the hand using the Zinc 'rotation' method.
- $widget->rotate($self->{hand}, 3.1416/3);
- # Then we unmap the wheel; in fact, Group item is translated and its
- # clipping circle is shrunk to a point.
- $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}**$self->{stepsnumber});
- return $self;
-# Public methods
-# Return 1 if wheel is moving (opening or closing animation)
-sub ismoving {
- my $self = shift;
- return 1 if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
-# Display wheel with animation effect
-sub show {
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- # simple lock management
- return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
- $self->{opening} = 1;
- # start animation
- $self->_open($x, $y, 0);
-# Unmap wheel with animation effect
-sub hide {
- my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
- # simple lock management
- return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
- $self->{closing} = 1;
- # start animation
- $self->_close($x, $y, 0);
-# Just rotate the hand with animation effect.
-sub rotatehand {
- my $self = shift;
- my $angle = shift;
- return if $self->{turning};
- $angle = 360 unless $angle;
- $self->{angle} += $angle;
- if ($self->{angle} % 360 == 0) {
- $self->{fortune} = 1;
- }
- $self->_rotatehand(2*3.1416*$angle/360);
-# Private methods
-# Generate opening animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
-# Zinc specific use.
-sub _open {
- my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- # first step of animation
- if ($cnt == 0) {
- $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 1);
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- $self->{opening} = undef;
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # move and grow the wheel
- $self->_clipAndTranslate(1/$self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_open($x, $y, $cnt)});
-# Generate closing animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
-# Zinc specific use.
-sub _close {
- my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- # first step of animation
- if ($cnt == 0) {
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 0);
- $self->{closing} = undef;
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # move and shrink the wheel
- $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_close($x, $y, $cnt)});
-# Generate hand rotation animation.
-sub _rotatehand {
- my ($self, $angle, $cnt) = @_;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- $self->{turning} = 1;
- # first step of animation
- if (not $cnt) {
- $angle /= $self->{stepsnumber};
- # last step
- } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
- if ($self->{fortune}) {
- $self->_fortune;
- } else {
- $self->{turning} = undef;
- }
- return;
- }
- $cnt++;
- # use 'rotation' Zinc method.
- $widget->rotate($self->{hand}, $angle);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_rotatehand($angle, $cnt)});
-# Generate growing animation to notify jackpot
-sub _fortune {
- my ($self, $cnt) = @_;
- $cnt = 0 unless $cnt;
- my $zf;
- my $widget = $self->{widget};
- my $group = $self->{topgroup};
- my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
- # last step of animation
- if ($cnt == 6) {
- $self->{fortune} = undef;
- $self->{turning} = undef;
- return;
- # event steps : wheel grows
- } elsif ($cnt == 0 or $cnt % 2 == 0) {
- $zf = $self->{zoomrate};
- # odd steps : wheel is shrunk
- } else {
- $zf = 1/$self->{zoomrate};
- }
- $cnt++;
- # Now, we apply scale transformation to the Group item, using the 'scale'
- # Zinc method. Note that we reset group coords before scaling it, in order
- # that the origin of the transformation corresponds to the center of the
- # wheel. When scale is done, we restore previous coords of group.
- $widget->coords($group, [0, 0]);
- $widget->scale($group, $zf, $zf);
- $widget->coords($group, \@pos);
- # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
- $widget->after(100, sub {$self->_fortune($cnt)});
-# Update group clipping and translation, using 'scale' and 'translate'
-# Zinc methods.
-sub _clipAndTranslate {
- my ($self, $shrinkfactor, $x, $y) = @_;
- $x = 0 unless $x;
- $y = 0 unless $y;
- $self->{widget}->scale($self->{itemclip}, $shrinkfactor, $shrinkfactor);
- if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION lt "3.297") {
- $self->{widget}->translate($self->{topgroup}, $x, $y);
- } else {
- my ($xc, $yc) = $self->{widget}->coords($self->{topgroup});
- $self->{widget}->coords($self->{topgroup}, [$xc + $x, $yc + $y]);
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f16f95..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/window-contours.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-package window_contours; # for avoiding symbol collision between different demos
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 600, -height => 500,
- -font => "9x15", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position=> [10,10],
- -text => 'These "windows" are simply rectangles holed by 4 smaller
-rectangles. The text appears behind the window glasses.
-You can drag text or "windows".',
- -font => "10x20",
- );
-# Text in background
-my $backtext = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position=> [50,200],
- -text => "This text appears\nthrough holes of curves",
- -font => "-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1",
- );
-my $window = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [100,100 , 300,100, 300,400 , 100,400 ],
- -closed => 1, -visible => 1, -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => "grey66",
- );
-my $aGlass= $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [120,120 , 190,240]);
-$zinc->contour($window, 'add', +1, $aGlass);
-$zinc->translate($aGlass, 90,0);
-$zinc->contour($window, 'add', +1, $aGlass);
-$zinc->translate($aGlass, 0,140);
-$zinc->contour($window, 'add', +1, $aGlass);
-$zinc->translate($aGlass, -90,0);
-$zinc->contour($window, 'add', +1, $aGlass);
-# deleting $aGlass which is no more usefull
-# cloning $window
-my $window2 = $zinc->clone($window);
-# changing its background, moving it and scaling it!
-$zinc->itemconfigure($window2, -fillcolor => "grey50");
-$zinc->translate($window2, 30,50);
-$zinc->scale($window, 0.8, 0.8);
-# adding drag and drop callback to the two windows and backtext
-foreach my $item ($window, $window2, $backtext) {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonPress-1>' => [\&press, $item, \&motion]);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<ButtonRelease-1>' => \&release);
-# callback for starting a drag
-my ($x_orig, $y_orig);
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $item, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- $x_orig = $ev->x;
- $y_orig = $ev->y;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $item]);
-# Callback for moving an item
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x = $ev->x;
- my $y = $ev->y;
- $zinc->translate($item, $x-$x_orig, $y-$y_orig);
- $x_orig = $x;
- $y_orig = $y;
-# Callback when releasing the mouse button. It removes any motion callback
-sub release {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ad925..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/zoom.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger <celine@intuilab.com>
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Text zone
-my $text = $mw->Text(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 2, -height => 4);
-$text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);
- 'This toy-appli shows zoom actions on waypoint and curve items.
-The following operations are possible:
- Click "-" to zoom out
- Click "+" to zoom in ' );
-# Zinc
-my $zinc_width=600;
-my $zinc_height=500;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height,
- -font => "10x20",
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-# Waypoints and sector
-my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1);
-my $p1=[200, 100];
-my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p1,
- -connectioncolor => 'green',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0,
- -text => "DO",
- );
-my $p2=[300, 150];
-my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1,
- -position => $p2,
- -connecteditem => $wp1,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20',
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0,
- -text => "RE",
- );
-my $p3=[400, 50];
-my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p3,
- -connecteditem => $wp2,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'20',
- -labeldy=>'+10'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0,
- -text => "MI",
- );
-my $p4=[350, 450];
-my $wp4 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p4,
- -connecteditem => $wp2,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldy=>'-15'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp4, 0,
- -text => "FA",
- );
-my $p5=[300, 250];
-my $wp5 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p5,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldy=>'-15'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp5, 0,
- -text => "SOL",
- );
-my $p6=[170, 240];
-my $wp6 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p6,
- -connecteditem => $wp5,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'-20'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp6, 0,
- -text => "LA",
- );
-my $p7=[550, 200];
-my $wp7 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2,
- -position => $p7,
- -connecteditem => $wp5,
- -connectioncolor => 'blue',
- -symbolcolor => 'blue',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0',
- -leaderwidth=>'0',
- -labeldx=>'20'
- );
-$zinc->itemconfigure($wp7, 0,
- -text => "SI",
- );
-my $sector = $zinc ->add('curve',$wp_group,[300,0,400,50,500,100,550,200,550,400,350,450,170,240,200,100,300,0]);
-# control panel
-my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-#the reference of the scale function is top-left corner of the zinc object
-#so we first translate the group to zoom in order to put its center on top-left corner
-#change the scale of the group
-#translate the group to put it back at the center of the zinc object
-my $minus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '-',
- -command=>sub{
- $zinc->translate($wp_group,-$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
- $zinc->scale($wp_group,0.8,0.8);
- $zinc->translate($wp_group, $zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
- })->pack(-side=>'left');
-my $plus=$rc->Button(-width => 2,
- -height => 2,
- -text => '+',
- -command=>sub{
- $zinc->translate($wp_group, -$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2);
- $zinc->scale($wp_group,1.2,1.2);
- $zinc->translate($wp_group,$zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2);
- })->pack(-side => 'right');
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_pm/SimpleRadarControls.pm b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_pm/SimpleRadarControls.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 723f3ec..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_pm/SimpleRadarControls.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-package SimpleRadarControls;
-# $Id$
-# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
-# Thanks to Dunnigan,Jack [Edm]" <Jack.Dunnigan@EC.gc.ca> for a bug correction.
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-$top = 1;
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $type = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- $self{'zinc'} = $zinc;
- $self{'cur_x'} = 0;
- $self{'cur_y'} = 0;
- $self{'cur_angle'} = 0;
- $self{'corner_x'} = 0;
- $self{'corner_y'} = 0;
- $self{'tlbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'tlbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'trbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'trbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'blbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'blbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'brbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'brbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $top, [0, 0, 1, 1],
- -linecolor => 'red', -tags => 'lasso',
- -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&start_lasso, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&fin_lasso, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', sub { my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my @closest = $zinc->find('closest',
- $ev->x, $ev->y);
- print "at point=$closest[0]\n" });
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&motion]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&zoom]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&rotate]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Enter>', [\&showbox, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Leave>', [\&hidebox, $self]);
- bless ($self, $type);
- return $self;
-# Controls for the window transform.
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $self, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
- $self->{'cur_angle'} = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $self]);
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @it;
- my @res;
- @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'controls');
- if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- @res = $zinc->transform($it[0], [$lx, $ly, $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}]);
- $zinc->translate('controls', $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
-sub zoom {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $maxx;
- my $maxy;
- my $sx;
- my $sy;
- if ($lx > $self->{'cur_x'}) {
- $maxx = $lx;
- } else {
- $maxx = $self->{'cur_x'};
- }
- if ($ly > $self->{'cur_y'}) {
- $maxy = $ly
- } else {
- $maxy = $self->{'cur_y'};
- }
- #avoid illegal division by zero
- return unless ($maxx && $maxy);
- $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $self->{'cur_x'})/$maxx;
- $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $self->{'cur_y'})/$maxy;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx if ($lx>0); # avoid ZnTransfoDecompose :singular matrix
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly if ($ly>0); # error messages
- $zinc->scale('controls', $sx, $sy);
-# $main::scale *= $sx;
-# main::update_transform($zinc);
-sub rotate {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $langle;
- $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->rotate('controls', -($langle - $self->{'cur_angle'}));
- $self->{'cur_angle'} = $langle;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
-sub start_lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @coords;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
- $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$lx, $ly]);
- $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[0], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 1);
- $zinc->raise('lasso');
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [\&lasso, $self]);
-sub lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @coords;
- $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}, $lx, $ly]);
- $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3]]);
-sub fin_lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $enclosed;
- my $overlapping;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
- $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 0);
- $enclosed = join(', ', $zinc->find('enclosed',
- $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
- $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
- $overlapping = join(', ', $zinc->find('overlapping',
- $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
- $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
- print "enclosed=$enclosed, overlapping=$overlapping\n";
-sub showbox {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my @coords;
- my @it;
- if (! $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
- @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, $zinc->bbox('current'));
- $zinc->coords($self->{'tlbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'trbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'brbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[3]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'blbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[3]]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 1);
- }
-sub hidebox {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @next;
- @next = $zinc->find('closest', $lx, $ly);
- if ((scalar(@next) == 0) ||
- ! $zinc->hastag($next[0], 'currentbbox') ||
- $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 0);
- }
diff --git a/Perl/demos/t/no-test.t b/Perl/demos/t/no-test.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a317b57..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/t/no-test.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..1\n"; }
-END {print "ok 1\n";}
-print "No test for zinc demos, since they are by themselves Tk::Zinc tests\n";
diff --git a/Perl/demos/zinc-demos b/Perl/demos/zinc-demos
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bffb5a..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/zinc-demos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-#$id: $
-eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0; # not running under some shell
-require 5.004;
-use Tk 800.000;
-use Tk::Zinc; # only for getting $Tk::Zinc::VERSION
-use lib Tk->findINC('demos/widget_lib');
-use Tk::widgets qw/Dialog ErrorDialog ROText/;
-use WidgetDemo;
-use subs qw/invoke lsearch see_code see_vars show_stat view_widget_code/;
-use vars qw/$MW $FONT $WIDTRIB/;
-use strict;
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-my $version = $Tk::Zinc::VERSION;
-print "Tkzinc version: $version\n";
-$MW = Tk::MainWindow->new;
-$MW->configure(-menu => my $menubar = $MW->Menu);
- package WidgetWrap;
- @WidgetWrap::ISA = qw/Tk::MainWindow/;
- # This magic conspires with widget's AUTOLOAD subroutine to make user
- # contributed demonstrations that don't use WidgetDemo embed properly.
- # The trick works because widget creates a superclass of Tk::MainWindow
- # which invokes WidgetDemo() implicitly. You loose if you bypass the
- # inheritance mechanism and call Tk::MainWindow directly.
- sub new {
- my ($name) = $::DEMO_FILE =~ m#([^/]+).pl$#;
- $::MW->WidgetDemo(-name => $name, -text => $::DEMO_DESCRIPTION{$name} || "" );
- }
-@MainWindow::ISA = 'WidgetWrap';
-$MW->title('TkZinc Perl demonstrations');
-$FONT = '-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $widget_lib = Tk->findINC('demos/widget_lib');
-# the previous simple statement $zinc_lib = Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_lib');
-# found in some cases such old directory empty (e.g. after a previous package de-installation)
-# So now, we look for a non-empty demos/zinc_lib directory (ie containing one of the demo!)
-my $zinc_lib = Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_lib/tiger.pl');
-($zinc_lib) = $zinc_lib =~ /(.*)\/tiger\.pl/;
-my $wd = "$widget_lib/WidgetDemo.pm";
-$WIDTRIB = Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_contrib_lib/README');
-($WIDTRIB) = $WIDTRIB =~ /(.*)\/README/;
-unless (Tk::tainting) {
- $WIDTRIB = $ARGV[0] if defined $ARGV[0];
-# The code below creates the main window, consisting of a menu bar
-# and a text widget that explains how to use the program, plus lists
-# all of the demos as hypertext items.
-my $file = $menubar->cascade(qw/-label File -underline 0 -menuitems/ =>
- [
- [cascade => '~View', -menuitems =>
- [
- [command => '~zinc-demos', -command => [\&view_widget_code, __FILE__]],
- [command => '~WidgetDemo', -command => [\&view_widget_code, $wd]],
- ], # end cascade menuitems
- ], # end view cascade
- '',
- [command => '~Quit', -command => [\&exit]],
- ]);
-my $help = $menubar->cascade(qw/-label Help -underline 0 -menuitems/ =>
- [
- [command => '~About'],
- ]);
-my $T = $MW->Scrolled('ROText',
- -scrollbars => 'e',
- -wrap => 'word',
- -width => 60,
- -height => 30,
- -font => $FONT,
- -setgrid => 1,
-)->grid(qw/-sticky nsew/);
-$MW->gridRowconfigure( 0, -weight => 1); # allow expansion in both ...
-$MW->gridColumnconfigure(0, -weight => 1); # ... X and Y dimensions
-my $status = $MW->Label(-textvariable => \$STATUS_VAR, qw/-anchor w/);
-$status->grid(qw/-sticky ew/);
-# Create a bunch of tags to use in the text widget, such as those for
-# section titles and demo descriptions. Also define the bindings for
-# tags.
-$T->tagConfigure(qw/title -font -*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*/);
-$T->tagConfigure(qw/demo -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -foreground blue/);
-if ($MW->depth == 1) {
- $T->tagConfigure(qw/hot -background black -foreground white/);
- $T->tagConfigure(qw/visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -underline 1/);
-} else {
- $T->tagConfigure(qw/hot -relief raised -borderwidth 1 -foreground red/);
- $T->tagConfigure(qw/visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -foreground/ =>
- '#303080');
-$T->tagBind(qw/demo <ButtonRelease-1>/ => \&invoke);
-my $last_line = '';
-$T->tagBind(qw/demo <Enter>/ => [sub {
- my($text, $sv) = @_;
- my $e = $text->XEvent;
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
- $last_line = $text->index("\@$x,$y linestart");
- $text->tagAdd('hot', $last_line, "$last_line lineend");
- $text->configure(qw/-cursor hand2/);
- show_stat $sv, $text, $text->index('current');
- }, \$STATUS_VAR]
-$T->tagBind(qw/demo <Leave>/ => [sub {
- my($text, $sv) = @_;
- $text->tagRemove(qw/hot 1.0 end/);
- $text->configure(qw/-cursor xterm/);
- $$sv = '';
- }, \$STATUS_VAR]
-$T->tagBind(qw/demo <Motion>/ => [sub {
- my($text, $sv) = @_;
- my $e = $text->XEvent;
- my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
- my $new_line = $text->index("\@$x,$y linestart");
- if ($new_line ne $last_line) {
- $text->tagRemove(qw/hot 1.0 end/);
- $last_line = $new_line;
- $text->tagAdd('hot', $last_line, "$last_line lineend");
- }
- show_stat $sv, $text, $text->index('current');
- }, \$STATUS_VAR]
-# Create the text for the text widget.
-$T->insert('end', "TkZinc perl Demonstrations ($version)\n", 'title');
-"\nThis application provides a front end for several short scripts in perl/Tk that demonstrate what you can do with the TkZinc widget. Each of the numbered lines below describes a demonstration; you can click on it to invoke the demonstration. Once the demonstration window appears, you can click the \"See Code\" button to see the Perl/Tk code that created the demonstration.\n");
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "Small applications\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. A simple animated application \"the Wheel of Fortune\".\n", [qw/demo demo-wheelOfFortune/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. A simple radar display.\n", [qw/demo demo-simpleradar/]);
-$T->insert('end', "3. Zetris a clone of the famous tetris game (requires openGL.)\n", [qw/demo demo-Zetris/]);
-$T->insert('end', "4. ATC sample fake electronic strips (nicer with openGL.)\n", [qw/demo demo-groups_in_ATC_strips/]);
-$T->insert('end', "5. The famous tiger using the X11 shape extension. (nicer with openGL)\n", [qw/demo demo-tiger/]);
-$T->insert('end', "6. A magic lens based on Graphics.pm. (nicer with openGL)\n", [qw/demo demo-MagicLens/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "All Items\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. Examples of all items.\n", [qw/demo demo-items/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. All items options (and their types).\n", [qw/demo demo-all_options/]);
-$T->insert('end', "3. Examples of line style and line termination.\n", [qw/demo demo-lines/]);
-$T->insert('end', "4. Curves with multiple contours.\n", [qw/demo demo-contours/]);
-$T->insert('end', "5. Examples of labelformat.\n", [qw/demo demo-labelformat/]);
-$T->insert('end', "6. Use of mapinfos.\n", [qw/demo demo-mapinfo/]);
-$T->insert('end', "7. Curves with cubic bezier control points.\n", [qw/demo demo-curve_bezier/]);
-$T->insert('end', "8. Curves with multiple contours and various fillrule.\n", [qw/demo demo-fillrule/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "Groups, Priority, Clipping and PathTags\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. Groups and Priorities.\n", [qw/demo demo-groups_priority/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. Clipping examples (with simple or multiple contours).\n", [qw/demo demo-clipping/]);
-$T->insert('end', "3. Group atomicity.\n", [qw/demo demo-atomic-groups/]);
-$T->insert('end', "4. \"Windows\" with four glasses using curve with multiple contours.\n", [qw/demo demo-window-contours/]);
-$T->insert('end', "5. A counter quite impossible to do without clipping (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-counter/]);
-$T->insert('end', "6. Using pathTags.\n", [qw/demo demo-path_tags/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "Interactions\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. Simple interaction on a track.\n", [qw/demo demo-simple_interaction_track/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. Text input in a text item and a track item.\n", [qw/demo demo-textInput/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "Transformation\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. Translating.\n", [qw/demo demo-translation/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. Rotating.\n", [qw/demo demo-rotation/]);
-$T->insert('end', "3. Zooming.\n", [qw/demo demo-zoom/]);
-$T->insert('end', "4. Transformation testbed.\n", [qw/demo demo-transforms/]);
-$T->insert('end', "5. Zooming/Rotating icon and text. (even without openGL)\n", [qw/demo demo-icon_zoom_resize/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "Use of openGL\n", 'title');
-$T->insert('end', "1. A zoomable/rotatable TkZinc Logo (better with openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-tkZincLogo/]);
-$T->insert('end', "2. Axial color variation on the X axis (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-color-x/]);
-$T->insert('end', "3. Axial color variation on the Y axis (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-color-y/]);
-$T->insert('end', "4. Circular color variation (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-color-circular/]);
-$T->insert('end', "5. Path and Conical color variations (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-color-path-and-conic/]);
-$T->insert('end', "6. The triangles item (requires openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-triangles/]);
-$T->insert('end', "7. A set of demos based on Graphics.pm module (really better with openGL).\n", [qw/demo demo-testGraphics/]);
-$T->insert('end', "\n", '', "User Contributed Demonstrations\n", 'title');
-opendir(C, $WIDTRIB) or warn "Cannot open $WIDTRIB: $!";
-my(@dirent) = grep /^.+\.pl$/, sort(readdir C);
-closedir C;
-unshift @dirent, 'TEMPLATE.pl'; # I want it first
-my $i = 0;
-while ($_ = shift @dirent) {
- next if /TEMPLATE\.pl/ and $i != 0;
- unless (open(C, "$WIDTRIB/$_")) {
- warn "Cannot open $_: $!" unless /TEMPLATE\.pl/;
- next;
- }
- my($name) = /^(.*)\.pl$/;
- $_ = <C>; $_ = <C>;
- my($title) = /^#\s*(.*)$/;
- $DEMO_DESCRIPTION{$name} = $title;
- close C;
- $T->insert('end', ++$i . ". $title\n", ['demo', "demo-$name"]);
-# Create all the dialogs required by this demonstration.
-my $DIALOG_ABOUT = $MW->Dialog(
- -title => 'About zinc-demos',
- -bitmap => 'info',
- -default_button => 'OK',
- -buttons => ['OK'],
- -text => "TkZinc Perl demonstrations\n\nPerl Version $]" .
- "\nTk Version $Tk::VERSION" .
- "\nTkZinc Version $Tk::Zinc::VERSION\n",
- -command => [$DIALOG_ABOUT => 'Show'],
-my $DIALOG_ICON = $MW->Dialog(
- -title => 'Bitmap Menu Entry',
- -bitmap => undef,
- -default_button => 'OK',
- -buttons => ['OK'],
- -text => 'The menu entry you invoked displays a bitmap rather than a text string. Other than this, it is just like any other menu entry.',
-$DIALOG_ICON->configure(-bitmap => undef); # keep -w from complaining
- # This routine handles the loading of most demo methods.
- my($demo) = @_;
- $T->Busy;
- {
- $DEMO_FILE = "$WIDTRIB/${demo}.pl" if -f "$WIDTRIB/${demo}.pl";
- $DEMO_FILE = "$zinc_lib/${demo}.pl" if -f "$zinc_lib/${demo}.pl";
- if (defined $DEMO_FILE) {
- do $DEMO_FILE ;
- } else { warn "No such demo: $demo.pl in either $WIDTRIB/ or $zinc_lib/\n"; }
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- $T->Unbusy;
- goto &$::AUTOLOAD if defined &$::AUTOLOAD;
-} # end AUTOLOAD
-sub invoke {
- # This procedure is called when the user clicks on a demo description.
- my($text) = @_;
- my $index = $text->index('current');
- my @tags = $T->tagNames($index);
- my $i = lsearch('demo\-.*', @tags);
- return if $i < 0;
- my($demo) = $tags[$i] =~ /demo-(.*)/;
- $T->tagAdd('visited', "$index linestart", "$index lineend");
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- &$demo($demo);
- }
-} # end invoke
-sub lsearch {
- # Search the list using the supplied regular expression and return it's
- # ordinal, or -1 if not found.
- my($regexp, @list) = @_;
- my($i);
- for ($i=0; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
- return $i if $list[$i] =~ /$regexp/;
- }
- return -1;
-} # end lsearch
-sub see_code {
- # This procedure creates a toplevel window that displays the code for
- # a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
- my($demo) = @_;
- my $file = "${demo}.pl";
- if (not Exists $CODE) {
- $CODE = $MW->Toplevel;
- my $code_buttons = $CODE->Frame;
- $code_buttons->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill x/);
- my $code_buttons_dismiss = $code_buttons->Button(
- -text => 'Dismiss',
- -command => [$CODE => 'withdraw'],
- );
- $CODE_RERUN = $code_buttons->Button(-text => 'Rerun Demo');
- $CODE_TEXT = $CODE->Scrolled('Text',
- qw/-scrollbars e -height 40 -setgrid 1/);
- $code_buttons_dismiss->pack(qw/-side left -expand 1/);
- $CODE_RERUN->pack(qw/-side left -expand 1/);
- $CODE_TEXT->pack(qw/-side left -expand 1 -fill both/);
- } else {
- $CODE->deiconify;
- $CODE->raise;
- }
- $CODE_RERUN->configure(-command => sub {
- eval $CODE_TEXT->get(qw/1.0 end/);
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- &$demo($demo);
- }
- });
- $CODE->iconname($file);
- $file = "$WIDTRIB/${demo}.pl" if -f "$WIDTRIB/${demo}.pl";
- $file = "$zinc_lib/${demo}.pl" if -f "$zinc_lib/${demo}.pl";
- $CODE->title("Demo code: $file");
- $CODE_TEXT->delete(qw/1.0 end/);
- open(CODE, "<$file") or warn "Cannot open demo file $file: $!";
- {
- local $/ = undef;
- $CODE_TEXT->insert('1.0', <CODE>);
- }
- close CODE;
- $CODE_TEXT->markSet(qw/insert 1.0/);
-} # end see_code
-sub see_vars {
- # Create a top-level window that displays a bunch of global variable values
- # and keeps the display up-to-date even when the variables change value.
- # $args is a pointer to a list of list of 2:
- #
- # ["variable description", \$VAR]
- #
- # The old trick of passing a string to serve as the description and a soft
- # reference to the variable no longer works with lexicals and use strict.
- my($parent, $args) = @_;
- $VARS->destroy if Exists($VARS);
- $VARS = $parent->Toplevel;
- $VARS->geometry('+300+300');
- $VARS->title('Variable Values');
- $VARS->iconname('Variables');
- my $title = $VARS->Label(
- -text => 'Variable Values:',
- -width => 20,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -font => '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*',
- );
- $title->pack(qw/-side top -fill x/);
- my($label, $var);
- foreach my $i (@$args) {
- ($label, $var) = @$i;
- my $wf = $VARS->Frame->pack(qw/-anchor w/);
- $wf->Label(-text => "$label: ")->pack(qw/-side left/);
- $wf->Label(-textvariable => $var)->pack(qw/-side left/);
- }
- $VARS->Button(-text => 'OK', -command => [$VARS => 'destroy'])->
- pack(qw/-side bottom -pady 2/);
-} # end see_vars
-sub show_stat {
- # Display name of current demonstration. $sv is a reference to the
- # status Label -textvariable, $text is the Text widget reference and
- # $index is the demonstration index in the Text widget.
- my($sv, $text, $index) = @_;
- my @tags = $text->tagNames($index);
- my $i = lsearch('demo\-.*', @tags);
- return if $i < 0;
- my($demo) = $tags[$i] =~ /demo-(.*)/;
- $$sv = "Click Button-1 to run the \"$demo\" demonstration.";
-} # end show_stat
-sub view_widget_code {
- # Expose a file's innards to the world too, but only for viewing.
- my($widget) = @_;
- if (not Exists $VIEW) {
- $VIEW = $MW->Toplevel;
- $VIEW->iconname('widget');
- my $view_buttons = $VIEW->Frame;
- $view_buttons->pack(qw/-side bottom -expand 1 -fill x/);
- my $view_buttons_dismiss = $view_buttons->Button(
- -text => 'Dismiss',
- -command => [$VIEW => 'withdraw'],
- );
- $view_buttons_dismiss->pack(qw/-side left -expand 1/);
- $VIEW_TEXT = $VIEW->Scrolled('Text',
- qw/-scrollbars e -height 40 -setgrid 1/);
- $VIEW_TEXT->pack(qw/-side left -expand 1 -fill both/);
- } else {
- $VIEW->deiconify;
- $VIEW->raise;
- }
- $VIEW->title("Demo code: $widget");
- $VIEW_TEXT->configure(qw/-state normal/);
- $VIEW_TEXT->delete(qw/1.0 end/);
- open(VIEW, "<$widget") or warn "Cannot open demo file $widget: $!";
- {
- local $/ = undef;
- $VIEW_TEXT->insert('1.0', <VIEW>);
- }
- close VIEW;
- $VIEW_TEXT->markSet(qw/insert 1.0/);
- $VIEW_TEXT->configure(qw/-state disabled/);
-} # end view_widget_code
-=head1 NAME
-zinc-demos - Demonstration of TkZinc widget functionnality
-=head1 SYNOPSYS
- zinc-demos [ directory ]
-This script demonstrates the various functions offered by Tk Zinc widget.
-This file only contains code to
-generate the main window for the application, which invokes individual
-demonstrations. The code for the actual demonstrations is contained in
-separate ".pl" files in the "zinc_lib" directory, which are autoloaded
-by this script as needed.
-widget looks in the directory specified on the command line to load user
-contributed demonstrations. If no directory name is specified when widget is
-invoked and the environment variable WIDTRIB is defined then demonstrations
-are loaded from the WIDTRIB directory. If WIDTRIB is undefined then widget
-defaults to the released user contributed directory, "zinc_contrib_lib".
-=head2 History
- #
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 96/03/11. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 97/01/01. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 97/02/11. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 97/06/07. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- # Update for Tk402.00x. Total revamp: WidgetDemo, Scrolled, released
- # composites, -menuitems, qw//, etcetera. Perl 5.004 required.
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 98/03/10. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- # Update for Tk8.
- # Stephen O. Lidie, LUCC, 98/06/26. Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU
- # Add Common Dialogs for Tk800.007.
- # Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, 1999/11/29, Lehigh University.
- # Demo some "dash patch" changes.
- # Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, 2000/01/11, Lehigh University.
- # Update menubar to Tk 8, fix color palette Menubutton demo.
- # Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, 2000/07/06, Lehigh University.
- # Remove inswt() from widget and styles.pl to show the proper Perl/Tk
- # idiom for inserting Text tags. Various and sundry cleanups.
- # Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>, 2002/03/06, CENA fr
- # adaptation for zinc demos purposes.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Steve Lidie <Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU> and slight adaptation by Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-The zinc documentation is available as a pdf file refman.pdf and as an html pages refman/index.html
diff --git a/Perl/export2cpan b/Perl/export2cpan
deleted file mode 100755
index 635a17c..0000000
--- a/Perl/export2cpan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# If we want to extract a release right out of the repository
-# just pass the release tag as first parameter and the script
-# will leave a tarball in the current directory after chewing
-# a moment in /tmp.
-# the first argument should be a CVS tag looking like cpan_3_2_95
-# or cpan_3_295. The second underscore will be removed for computing the
-# In the other case (no parameters) the script supposes we are
-# in the Perl subdir of a Tkzinc working directory and it will
-# setup zinc-perl for compilation in export2cpan/tk-zinc-<version>.
-# The source files are taken from the working directory. This is
-# the anticipated behavior when developping/testing or making
-# a debian package from the rules file.
-# this script has been provided by mertz @ intuilab dot com
-# $Id$
-use strict;
-my $ZINC_PREFIX = 'tk-zinc';
-my $DEFAULT_SERVER = 'liszt.pii.ath.cena.fr';
-my $TMP = '/tmp/forCPAN';
-# computing major, minor and patchlevel from var defined in ../configure.in
-sub version4cpan {
- my $configure_in = "../configure.in";
- open(FD, "<$configure_in") or die "Could not open file $configure_in";
- my ($major, $minor, $patchlevel);
- while (<FD>) {
- if (/^MAJOR_VERSION=(\d+)/)
- {
- $major = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^MINOR_VERSION=(\d+)/)
- {
- $minor = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^PATCHLEVEL=(\d+)/)
- {
- $patchlevel = $1;
- }
- }
- close (FD);
- print "PATCHLEVEL: $patchlevel\n";
- return sprintf ("%d.%d%02d", $major,$minor,$patchlevel);
-sub filesubst {
- my ($fileIn, $fileOut, $key, $val) = @_;
- open(FDIN, "<$fileIn") or die "Could not open input file $fileIn";
- open(FDOUT, ">$fileOut") or die "Could not open output file $fileOut";
- while (<FDIN>) {
- if (/$key/) {
- s/$key/$val/g;
- }
- print FDOUT $_;
- }
- close(FDIN);
- close(FDOUT);
-my $FROM_CVS = (scalar(@ARGV) != 0);
-my $CWD;
-chomp($CWD = `pwd`);
-# See if parameters are given (there should be a cvs tag
-# and may be the repository machine).
-if ($FROM_CVS) {
- my $tag_version;
- my $cvstag = $ARGV[0];
- my $server = $DEFAULT_SERVER;
- if (scalar(@ARGV) == 2) {
- $server = $ARGV[1];
- }
- print "Building a CPAN release tarball from tag $cvstag.\n";
- $cvstag =~ /^.*?([\d_]+)$/;
- my $tag_version = $1;
- if ($tag_version =~ /(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)/) {
- $tag_version = "$1_$2$3";
- }
- $VERSION = version4cpan; # version computed from the source directory
- system("rm -rf $TMP");
- system ("mkdir $TMP");
- chdir("$TMP");
- # the following command always fail with cvs 1.11.1p1 !!
- # my $command = "cd $TMP; cvs -d $server:/pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $DIR_FROM_CVS Tkzinc";
- my $command = "cd $TMP; cvs -d /pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $DIR_FROM_CVS Tkzinc";
- print "$command\n";
- my $error = system($command);
- die "CVS extraction did not succeed" if $error;
- chdir("$DIR_FROM_CVS/Perl");
- my $EXTRACTED_VERSION = version4cpan; # version gotten from the tagged CVS files
- print "Oops! the tag version '$tag_version' does not match the version '$VERSION' in the sources, aborting\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- system ("cd $TMP/$DIR_FROM_CVS; ./configure");
-else {
- $VERSION = version4cpan;
- print "cd ..; ./configure\n";
- system ("cd ..; ./configure"); # for creating Makefile.pl from xxx.in files
-print "VERSION $VERSION\n";
-# using rsync if available rather than cp
-my $CP = 'cp -r';
-my $CPonlyIfDifferent = 'cp -r';
-my $RSYNC = 0;
-if (-x '/usr/bin/rsync') {
- $CP = '/usr/bin/rsync -rp'; # the --delete option has been removed to avoid deleting Makefile in demos
- $CPonlyIfDifferent = '/usr/bin/rsync -rc';
-# print "\$CP = '$CP'\n";
- $RSYNC = 1;
-} elsif (-x '/usr/local/bin/rsync') {
- $CP = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -rp'; # the --delete option has been removed to avoid deleting Makefile in demos
- $CPonlyIfDifferent = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -rc';
-# print "\$CP = '$CP'\n";
- $RSYNC = 1;
-my $EXPORT_DIR = '../export2cpan';
-if (-d "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR" and !$RSYNC) {
- system("rm -rf $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-if (! -d $EXPORT_DIR) {
- mkdir($EXPORT_DIR);
-if (! -d "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR") {
-my @files=('t', 'Zinc.xs', 'demos', 'README', 'Zinc');
-foreach my $f (@files) {
- system("$CP $f $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-# modifying the $VERSION of Zinc.pm with the correctly perl formated version scheme.
-&filesubst ('Zinc.pm', "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR/Zinc.pm", '^\$VERSION *=.*;', "\$VERSION = $VERSION;");
-&filesubst ('Makefile.PL', "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR/Makefile.PL", '^my \$VERSION *=.*;', "my \$VERSION = $VERSION;");
-system("$CP ../Copyright $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-system("$CP ../generic/*.c $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-system("$CP ../generic/*.h $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-system("$CP ../win/*.c $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR");
-# If working for an exported copy, build a tarball in the
-# current dir.
-if ($FROM_CVS) {
- #
- # Remove the .cvsignore files
- system('find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f');
- #
- # Create the MANIFEST file
- use ExtUtils::Manifest qw( mkmanifest );
- $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
- &mkmanifest();
- chdir('..');
- system("tar zcf $TMP/$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION.tar.gz $VERSION_DIR");
- chdir($CWD);
- print "The tarball is in $TMP/$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION.tar.gz\n";
- print "You may want to clean up after testing in $TMP/$DIR_FROM_CVS\n";
diff --git a/Perl/t/.cvsignore b/Perl/t/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 532f21c..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Perl/t/AnimatedGradient.t b/Perl/t/AnimatedGradient.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e65f9a3..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/AnimatedGradient.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: AnimatedGradient.t,v 1.1 2004-09-20 20:07:06 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz mertz@intuilab.com
-# this test mainly does funny effects when openGL is on
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 18;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-use strict;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 200, -height => 200, -backcolor => "white",
- -render => 1)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-$zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [10,5], -text =>
-"the gradient fills a rectangle
-which is clipped by the curve
-made of two circles...\n"x5);
-my $circle1 = $zinc->add('arc', 1, [20,20,180,180]);
-my $circle2 = $zinc->add('arc', 1, [70,70,130,130]);
-my $curve = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [],
- -fillcolor => 'red', -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1);
-$zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $circle1);
-$zinc->contour($curve, 'add', -1, $circle2);
-my $gradient;
-for (1..4) {
- for (my $i = 0; $i <=360; $i++) {
- $gradient = "=axial $i | red | white 50 | blue";
- $zinc->itemconfigure($curve, -fillcolor => $gradient);
- $zinc->update;
- }
-pass("turning gradient one side");
-for (1..4) {
- for (1..100) {
- $zinc->translate($curve,0.5,0.5);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for (1..800) {
- $zinc->rotate($curve, 3.14159/400, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for (1..100) {
- $zinc->translate($curve,0.5,0.5);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for (1..400) {
- $zinc->translate($curve,-0.5,-0.5);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for (1..200) {
- $zinc->translate($curve,0.5,0.5);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- pass ("shaking the circle around");
-for (1..4) {
- for (my $i = 359; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $gradient = "=axial $i | red | white 50 | blue";
- $zinc->itemconfigure($curve, -fillcolor => $gradient);
- $zinc->update;
- }
-pass("turning gradient the other side");
-my $gr = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-my $rect = $zinc->add('rectangle', $gr, [0,-480,200,180], -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => "=axial 90 |blue|white 10|red 20|white 30|blue 40|white 50|red 60|white 70|blue 80|white 90|red");
-$zinc->chggroup($curve, $gr);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($curve, -visible => 0);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($gr, -clip => $curve);
-pass("displaying a translated rectangle filled with froggy colors and clipped by two circles");
-for (1..2) {
- for (my $i = 0; $i<500 ; $i++) {
- $zinc->translate($rect, 0,1);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for (my $i = 0; $i<500 ; $i++) {
- $zinc->translate($rect, 0,-1);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- pass ("a thousand translation");
-$zinc->translate($rect, 0,250);
-for (1..1000) {
- $zinc->scale($rect, 1, 0.998, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
-pass("a thousand scaling down");
-for (1..360) {
- $zinc->rotate($rect, 3.14159/180, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
-pass("360 rotation of 1°");
-for (1..360) {
- $zinc->rotate($rect, -3.14159/180, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
-pass("360 rotation of 1°");
-for (1..360) {
- $zinc->rotate($rect, -3.14159/180, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
-for (1..1000) {
- $zinc->scale($rect, 1, 1/0.998, 100,100);
- $zinc->update;
-pass("a thousand scaling up");
-for (1..4) {
- for my $i (0..200) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($gr, -alpha => (200-$i)/2);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- for my $i (0..200) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure($gr, -alpha => $i/2);
- $zinc->update;
- }
- pass("fade out/in in 400 steps");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Bbox.t b/Perl/t/Bbox.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5840fc3..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Bbox.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Bbox.t,v 1.7 2004-11-16 20:46:14 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
- use Test::More tests => 12;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- use Tk::Font;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 400, -height => 400)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-my $coords = [ [10,10], [40, 40] ];
-my $font = $zinc->fontCreate('font20pixels', -size => -20);
-#my @metrics = $zinc->fontMetrics('font20pixels');
-#print "metrics = @metrics\n";
-my $linespace = $zinc->fontMetrics('font20pixels', -linespace);
-my $txt1 = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => 'font20pixels',
- -alignment => 'center',
- #-text => 'text', # an empty text
- -position => [30,25],
- );
-#print "bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox($txt1)),")\n";
-# from v3.30 the bbox of an empty text is ()
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($txt1)],
- [],
- [],
- ),
- "bbox of empty text");
-my $width = $zinc->fontMeasure('font20pixels', 'dummy');
-#print "width = $width\n";
-my $txt2 = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => 'font20pixels',
- -alignment => 'left',
- -text => 'dummy',
- -position => [200,100],
- );
-# print "bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox($txt2)),")\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($txt2)],
- [200,100, 200+$width, 100+$linespace],
- [4,4, 4,4 ],
- ),
- "bbox of 'dummy' text");
-my $txt3 = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => 'font20pixels',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -text => 'dummy',
- -position => [200,200],
- );
-# print "bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox($txt3)),")\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($txt3)],
- [200,200, 200+$width, 200+$linespace],
- [4,4, 4,4 ],
- ),
- "bbox of 'dummy' aligned-centered text");
-my $txt4 = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => 'font20pixels',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -text => 'dummy',
- -position => [200,100],
- );
-# print "bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox($txt4)),")\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($txt4)],
- [200-$width/2,100-$linespace/2, 200+$width/2, 100+$linespace/2],
- [4,4, 4,4 ],
- ),
- "bbox of 'dummy' centered text");
-### testing bbox of fields or labels of track/waypoint and tabular items
-my $track = $zinc->add('track', 1, 4, -position => [56, 78]);
-# print "bbox11=(", $bbox,")\n";
-is($zinc->bbox(-label, $track), (),
- "bbox of a track label without labelformat is ()");
-my $bbox = $zinc->bbox(-field, 0, $track);
-#print "bbox22=(", $bbox,")\n";
-is( $bbox, undef, "bbox of a track field without labelformat is undef");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($track, -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
-#print "bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox(-label, $track)),")\n";
-$bbox = eval { $zinc->bbox(-field, 4, $track) } ;
-#print "bbox=(", $bbox,")\n";
-is( $bbox, (),
- "bbox of a track field which field is out of bound is undef");
-my $wpt = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 0, -position => [561, 781]);
-#print "wpt bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox($wpt)),")\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([ $zinc->bbox($wpt) ],
- [ 561,781, 561,781],
- [4,4, 4,4],
- ),
- "coords of a waypoint without label");
-my $tab = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 1, -position => [61, 81]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->bbox($tab) ],
- [ ],
- "bbox of a tabular without labelformat");
-#print "tab bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox(-label, $tab)),")\n";
-is_deeply([ $zinc->bbox(-label, $tab) ],
- [ ],
- "bbox of a tabular without labelformat");
-#print "tab bbox=(", join(',', $zinc->bbox(-field, 0, $tab)),")\n";
-is_deeply([ $zinc->bbox(-field, 0, $tab) ],
- [ ],
- "bbox of a tabular field without labelformat");
-# $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
-# is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($tab) ],
-# [ 61,81 ],
-# "coords of a tabular with a labelformat");
-sub similarPoints {
- my ($ref1, $ref2)= @_;
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref1" . ref ($ref1)), return 0 unless ref ($ref1) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref2"), return 0 unless ref ($ref2) eq 'ARRAY';
- my @array1 = @{$ref1};
- my @array2 = @{$ref2};
- diag ("arrays for \$ref1 and \$ref2 are not of same length"), return 0
- unless scalar @array1 == @array2;
- for my $i (0.. $#array1) {
- my $pt1 = $array1[$i];
- my $pt2 = $array2[$i];
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless ref $pt1 eq 'ARRAY';
- my (@pt1) = @{$pt1};
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point (x,y) in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless scalar @pt1 == 2 and &numerical($pt1[0]) and &numerical($pt1[1]) ;
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless ref $pt2 eq 'ARRAY';
- my (@pt2) = @{$pt2};
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point (x,y) in elt $i \$ref2"), return 0
- unless scalar @pt2 == 2 and &numerical($pt2[0]) and &numerical($pt2[1]) ;
- diag ("delta > 0.001 between x of pt$i"), return 0 if abs($pt1[0]-$pt2[0]) > 0.001;
- diag ("delta > 0.001 between y of pt$i"), return 0 if abs($pt1[1]-$pt2[1]) > 0.001;
- }
- return 1;
-## ref1 is the obtained array
-## ref2 is the expected array
-sub similarFlatArray {
- my ($ref1, $ref2, $deltaref)= @_;
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref1"), return 0 unless ref ($ref1) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref2"), return 0 unless ref ($ref2) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$deltaref"), return 0 unless ref ($deltaref) eq 'ARRAY';
- my @array1 = @{$ref1};
- my @array2 = @{$ref2};
- my @deltaarray = @{$deltaref};
- diag ("arrays obtained, expected and deltas are not of same length,".$#array1.",".$#array2.",".$#deltaarray), return 0
- unless ($#array1 == $#array2) and ($#array2 == $#deltaarray);
- for my $i (0.. $#array1) {
- my $a = $array1[$i];
- my $b = $array2[$i];
- my $delta = $deltaarray[$i];
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of obtained array"), return 0
- unless &numerical($a);
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of expected array"), return 0
- unless &numerical($b);
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of deltas array"), return 0
- unless &numerical($delta);
- diag ("delta > $delta between elt $i of obtained array ($a) and expected array ($b)"), return 0
- if (abs($a-$b) > $delta) ;
- }
- return 1;
-sub numerical {
- my ($v) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined $v;
- ### this really works!!
- return $v eq $v*1;
- }
-diag("############## bbox test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Coords.t b/Perl/t/Coords.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c4662..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Coords.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Coords.t,v 1.6 2004-05-24 19:56:23 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 21;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 100, -height => 100);
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-my $rect = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,20,40,50]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect) ],
- [ [10,20], [40, 50] ],
- "coords are list of arrays");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect,0) ],
- [ [10,20], [40, 50] ],
- "coords of first contour is a list of arrays");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect,0,0) ],
- [ 10,20 ],
- "coords of one point of a contour is a list of two numbers");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect,0,1) ],
- [ 40,50 ],
- "coords of one point of a contour is a list of two numbers");
-my $curve = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [10,20] ,[40,50,'c'], [90,10,'c'], [30,60] ]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($curve) ],
- [ [10,20] ,[40,50,'c'], [90,10,'c'], [30,60] ],
- "coords of a curve is a list of arrays");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($curve,0) ],
- [ [10,20] ,[40,50,'c'], [90,10,'c'], [30,60] ],
- "coords of contour 0 of a curve is a list of arrays");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($curve,0,0) ],
- [ 10,20 ],
- "coords of first point of contour 0 of a curve is list of two numbers");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($curve,0,1) ],
- [ 40,50,'c' ],
- "coords of a control point of a curve contour is list of three elements");
-my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [10,20], -text => 'test');
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($text) ],
- [ 10,20 ],
- "coords of a text");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($text,0) ],
- [ 10,20 ],
- "coords of text contour");
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($text,0,0) ],
- [ 10,20 ],
- "coords of text contour first point");
-my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($group) ],
- [ 0,0 ],
- "coords of a empty group, not moved");
-$zinc->translate($group, 23, 45);
-#my @coords = @{$zinc->coords($group)}[0];
-#print "coords = @coords", $coords[0][0], $coords[0][1], "\n";
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($group) ],
- [ 23,45 ],
- "coords of a empty group, translated");
-my $track = $zinc->add('track', 1, 0, -position => [56, 78]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($track) ],
- [ 56,78 ],
- "coords of a track");
-my $wpt = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 0, -position => [561, 781]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($wpt) ],
- [ 561,781 ],
- "coords of a waypoint");
-my $tab = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 1, -position => [61, 81]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($tab) ],
- [ 61,81 ],
- "coords of a empty tabular");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($tab, -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($tab) ],
- [ 61,81 ],
- "coords of a tabular with a labelformat");
-my $arc = $zinc->add('arc', 1, [13,31, 42,24]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($arc) ],
- [ [13,31], [42,24] ],
- "coords of an arc");
-my $tri = $zinc->add('triangles', 1, [ [10,20], [30,40], [50,60], [70,80], [90,99] ]);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($tri) ],
- [ [10,20], [30,40], [50,60], [70,80], [90,99] ],
- "coords of an triangle");
-my $photoMickey = $zinc->Photo('mickey.gif', -file => Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif"));
-my $icon = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [20,100], -image => $photoMickey);
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($icon) ],
- [ 20,100 ],
- "coords of an icon");
-diag("############## coords test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Images.t b/Perl/t/Images.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 99111c5..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Images.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Images.t,v 1.5 2004-05-12 12:33:33 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the -tile, -image, -mask, -fillpattern, -linepattern widget and items options
-# this script can be used with an optionnal argument, an integer giving
-# the delay in seconds during which the graphic updates will be displayed
-# this is usefull for visual inspection!
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 36;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- $mw = MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 0,
- -width => 400, -height => 400)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-#### creating different images, bitmaps and pixmaps...
-my $photoMickey = $zinc->Photo('mickey.gif', -file => Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif"));
-like ($photoMickey, qr/^Tk::Photo=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Photo with a .gif");
-my $bitmap = $zinc->Bitmap('file.xbm', -file => Tk->findINC("file.xbm"));
-like ($bitmap, qr/^Tk::Bitmap=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Bitmap with a .xbm");
-my $xpm = $zinc->Photo('QuitPB.xpm', -file => Tk->findINC("demos/images/QuitPB.xpm"));
-like ($xpm, qr/^Tk::Photo=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Photo with a .xpm");
-#### tiling Tk::Zinc
-$zinc->configure(-tile => $xpm);
-if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "QuitPB.xpm", "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value");
-} else {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), $xpm, "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value");
-&wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with QuitPB.xpm");
-$zinc->configure(-tile => $photoMickey);
-if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "mickey.gif", "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value");
-} else {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), $photoMickey, "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value");
-&wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with mickey.gif");
-# modifying the Tk::Photo to see if the Tk::Zinc -tile changes
-$photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/earth.gif") );
-&wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc should display the earth VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1;
-# going back to the "real" mickey
-$photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif") );
-&wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc should display mickey again VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1;
-$zinc->configure(-tile => "");
-if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "", "removing Tk::Zinc -tile");
-} else {
- is ($zinc->cget(-tile), undef, "removing Tk::Zinc -tile");
-&wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with nothing");
-#### rectangle item
-my $rect1 = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10,190,190], -filled => 1);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => $xpm);
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "QuitPB.xpm", "verifying rectangle -tile option value");
-&wait ("-tile of rectangle with QuitPB.xpm");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => $photoMickey);
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "mickey.gif", "verifying rectangle -tile option value");
-&wait ("-tile of rectangle with mickey");
-# modifying the Tk::Photo to see if the rectangle -tile changes
-$photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/earth.gif") );
-&wait ("-tile of rectangle should display the earth VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1;
-# going back to the "real" mickey
-$photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif") );
-&wait ("-tile of rectangle should display mickey again VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1;
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => "");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "", "removing rectangle -tile");
-&wait ("-tile of rectangle with nothing");
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = "because it makes Tk::Zinc dying" if 1;
- # the next line makes Tk::Zinc (v3.29x) dying... so I comment it out the 3 next lines
- # $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => $bitmap);
- # is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), $bitmap, "verifying rectangle -fillpattern option value as a Tk::Bitmap");
- # &wait ("displaying a rectangle with -fillpattern as a Tk::Bitmap");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => 'AlphaStipple3');
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), 'AlphaStipple3', "verifying rectangle -fillpattern option value");
-&wait ("-fillpattern of rectangle with 'AlphaStipple3'");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => "");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), "", "removing rectangle -fillpattern");
-&wait ("-fillpattern of rectangle with nothing");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -filled => 0,-linepattern => 'AlphaStipple3', -linecolor => "red");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -linepattern), 'AlphaStipple3', "verifying rectangle -linepattern option value");
-&wait ("-linepattern of rectangle with 'AlphaStipple3'");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -linepattern => "");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -linepattern), "", "removing rectangle -linepattern");
-&wait ("-linepattern of rectangle with nothing");
-##### icon item
-my $icon1 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [20,100], -image => $photoMickey);
-&wait ("displaying an icon");
-my $icon2 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [40,100]);
-SKIP: {
- skip "with Tk::Zinc < 3.295", 4 if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.295);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => $bitmap);
- &wait ("displaying an icon with -image as a Tk::Bitmap");
- is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), 'file.xbm', "verifying icon -image option value as file.xbm");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => "");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => '@'.Tk->findINC("openfile.xbm"));
- is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), '@'.Tk->findINC("openfile.xbm"),"verifying icon -image option value as @/path/openfile.xbm");
- &wait ("displaying an icon with -image as a \@filename.xbm");
-my $icon3 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [60,100], -mask => '@'.Tk->findINC("openfolder.xbm"),
- -color => "red");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -mask), '@'.Tk->findINC("openfolder.xbm"),"verifying icon -mask option value as \@/path/openfolder.xbm");
-&wait ("displaying an icon with -mask as a \@filename.xbm");
-$zinc->itemconfigure($icon3, -image => "");
-is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -image), "", "removing icon -image");
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = "because it makes Tk::Zinc dying" if 1;
- # the next line makes Tk::Zinc (v3.29x) dying... so I comment it out the 3 next lines
- # $zinc->itemconfigure($icon3, -mask => $bitmap);
- # is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -mask), $bitmap, "verifying icon -mask option value as a Tk::Bitmap");
- # &wait ("displaying an icon with -mask as a Tk::Bitmap");
-# We should also test that changing the content of a Tk::Photo should change the display of an icon
-sub wait {
- $zinc->update;
- ok (1, $_[0]);
- my $delay = $ARGV[0];
- if (defined $delay) {
- $zinc->update;
- if ($delay =~ /^\d+$/) {
- sleep $delay;
- } else {
- sleep 1;
- }
- }
-diag("############## Images test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Import.t b/Perl/t/Import.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a051e29..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Import.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Import.t,v 1.2 2004-04-02 12:01:49 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 6;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc' );
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::Debug' );
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::Trace' );
-# require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors' ); # incompatible with the previous one
-# we do not test the previous, as it should be equivalent!
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::Graphics' );
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::Logo' );
-require_ok( 'Tk::Zinc::Text' );
-diag("############## all imports");
diff --git a/Perl/t/PreviousKnownBugs.t b/Perl/t/PreviousKnownBugs.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 934cdf7..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/PreviousKnownBugs.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: PreviousKnownBugs.t,v 1.3 2004-04-02 12:01:49 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 2;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-#use Tk::Zinc;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 100, -height => 100);
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-# following bug detected by A. Lemort
-my $curve = $zinc->add('curve', 1, [[0, 0], [0, 100, 'c'], [100,100, 'c'], [100, 0]]) ;
-$zinc->coords($curve, [[500,0], [500, 100], [600, 100], [600, 0]]);
-my @coords = $zinc->coords($curve,0);
-is_deeply([ @coords ],
- [ [500,0], [500, 100], [600, 100], [600, 0] ],
- "lemort bug 17 sept 2003 v3.2.94; testing correct value");
-diag("############## all known bugs");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/Builder.pm b/Perl/t/Test/Builder.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3edd8..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/Builder.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1408 +0,0 @@
-package Test::Builder;
-use 5.004;
-# $^C was only introduced in 5.005-ish. We do this to prevent
-# use of uninitialized value warnings in older perls.
-$^C ||= 0;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION $CLASS);
-$VERSION = '0.17';
-my $IsVMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-# Make Test::Builder thread-safe for ithreads.
- use Config;
- if( $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useithreads} ) {
- require threads;
- require threads::shared;
- threads::shared->import;
- }
- else {
- *share = sub { 0 };
- *lock = sub { 0 };
- }
-use vars qw($Level);
-my($Test_Died) = 0;
-my($Have_Plan) = 0;
-my $Original_Pid = $$;
-my $Curr_Test = 0; share($Curr_Test);
-my @Test_Results = (); share(@Test_Results);
-my @Test_Details = (); share(@Test_Details);
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Builder - Backend for building test libraries
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package My::Test::Module;
- use Test::Builder;
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(ok);
- my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
- $Test->output('my_logfile');
- sub import {
- my($self) = shift;
- my $pack = caller;
- $Test->exported_to($pack);
- $Test->plan(@_);
- $self->export_to_level(1, $self, 'ok');
- }
- sub ok {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- $Test->ok($test, $name);
- }
-Test::Simple and Test::More have proven to be popular testing modules,
-but they're not always flexible enough. Test::Builder provides the a
-building block upon which to write your own test libraries I<which can
-work together>.
-=head2 Construction
-=over 4
-=item B<new>
- my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
-Returns a Test::Builder object representing the current state of the
-Since you only run one test per program, there is B<one and only one>
-Test::Builder object. No matter how many times you call new(), you're
-getting the same object. (This is called a singleton).
-my $Test;
-sub new {
- my($class) = shift;
- $Test ||= bless ['Move along, nothing to see here'], $class;
- return $Test;
-=head2 Setting up tests
-These methods are for setting up tests and declaring how many there
-are. You usually only want to call one of these methods.
-=over 4
-=item B<exported_to>
- my $pack = $Test->exported_to;
- $Test->exported_to($pack);
-Tells Test::Builder what package you exported your functions to.
-This is important for getting TODO tests right.
-my $Exported_To;
-sub exported_to {
- my($self, $pack) = @_;
- if( defined $pack ) {
- $Exported_To = $pack;
- }
- return $Exported_To;
-=item B<plan>
- $Test->plan('no_plan');
- $Test->plan( skip_all => $reason );
- $Test->plan( tests => $num_tests );
-A convenient way to set up your tests. Call this and Test::Builder
-will print the appropriate headers and take the appropriate actions.
-If you call plan(), don't call any of the other methods below.
-sub plan {
- my($self, $cmd, $arg) = @_;
- return unless $cmd;
- if( $Have_Plan ) {
- die sprintf "You tried to plan twice! Second plan at %s line %d\n",
- ($self->caller)[1,2];
- }
- if( $cmd eq 'no_plan' ) {
- $self->no_plan;
- }
- elsif( $cmd eq 'skip_all' ) {
- return $self->skip_all($arg);
- }
- elsif( $cmd eq 'tests' ) {
- if( $arg ) {
- return $self->expected_tests($arg);
- }
- elsif( !defined $arg ) {
- die "Got an undefined number of tests. Looks like you tried to ".
- "say how many tests you plan to run but made a mistake.\n";
- }
- elsif( !$arg ) {
- die "You said to run 0 tests! You've got to run something.\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- require Carp;
- my @args = grep { defined } ($cmd, $arg);
- Carp::croak("plan() doesn't understand @args");
- }
- return 1;
-=item B<expected_tests>
- my $max = $Test->expected_tests;
- $Test->expected_tests($max);
-Gets/sets the # of tests we expect this test to run and prints out
-the appropriate headers.
-my $Expected_Tests = 0;
-sub expected_tests {
- my($self, $max) = @_;
- if( defined $max ) {
- $Expected_Tests = $max;
- $Have_Plan = 1;
- $self->_print("1..$max\n") unless $self->no_header;
- }
- return $Expected_Tests;
-=item B<no_plan>
- $Test->no_plan;
-Declares that this test will run an indeterminate # of tests.
-my($No_Plan) = 0;
-sub no_plan {
- $No_Plan = 1;
- $Have_Plan = 1;
-=item B<has_plan>
- $plan = $Test->has_plan
-Find out whether a plan has been defined. $plan is either C<undef> (no plan has been set), C<no_plan> (indeterminate # of tests) or an integer (the number of expected tests).
-sub has_plan {
- return($Expected_Tests) if $Expected_Tests;
- return('no_plan') if $No_Plan;
- return(undef);
-=item B<skip_all>
- $Test->skip_all;
- $Test->skip_all($reason);
-Skips all the tests, using the given $reason. Exits immediately with 0.
-my $Skip_All = 0;
-sub skip_all {
- my($self, $reason) = @_;
- my $out = "1..0";
- $out .= " # Skip $reason" if $reason;
- $out .= "\n";
- $Skip_All = 1;
- $self->_print($out) unless $self->no_header;
- exit(0);
-=head2 Running tests
-These actually run the tests, analogous to the functions in
-$name is always optional.
-=over 4
-=item B<ok>
- $Test->ok($test, $name);
-Your basic test. Pass if $test is true, fail if $test is false. Just
-like Test::Simple's ok().
-sub ok {
- my($self, $test, $name) = @_;
- # $test might contain an object which we don't want to accidentally
- # store, so we turn it into a boolean.
- $test = $test ? 1 : 0;
- unless( $Have_Plan ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
- }
- lock $Curr_Test;
- $Curr_Test++;
- $self->diag(<<ERR) if defined $name and $name =~ /^[\d\s]+$/;
- You named your test '$name'. You shouldn't use numbers for your test names.
- Very confusing.
- my($pack, $file, $line) = $self->caller;
- my $todo = $self->todo($pack);
- my $out;
- my $result = {};
- share($result);
- unless( $test ) {
- $out .= "not ";
- @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( ( $todo ? 1 : 0 ), 0 );
- }
- else {
- @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( 1, $test );
- }
- $out .= "ok";
- $out .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
- if( defined $name ) {
- $name =~ s|#|\\#|g; # # in a name can confuse Test::Harness.
- $out .= " - $name";
- $result->{name} = $name;
- }
- else {
- $result->{name} = '';
- }
- if( $todo ) {
- my $what_todo = $todo;
- $out .= " # TODO $what_todo";
- $result->{reason} = $what_todo;
- $result->{type} = 'todo';
- }
- else {
- $result->{reason} = '';
- $result->{type} = '';
- }
- $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = $result;
- $out .= "\n";
- $self->_print($out);
- unless( $test ) {
- my $msg = $todo ? "Failed (TODO)" : "Failed";
- $self->diag(" $msg test ($file at line $line)\n");
- }
- return $test ? 1 : 0;
-=item B<is_eq>
- $Test->is_eq($got, $expected, $name);
-Like Test::More's is(). Checks if $got eq $expected. This is the
-string version.
-=item B<is_num>
- $Test->is_num($got, $expected, $name);
-Like Test::More's is(). Checks if $got == $expected. This is the
-numeric version.
-sub is_eq {
- my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
- # undef only matches undef and nothing else
- my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
- $self->ok($test, $name);
- $self->_is_diag($got, 'eq', $expect) unless $test;
- return $test;
- }
- return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'eq', $expect, $name);
-sub is_num {
- my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
- # undef only matches undef and nothing else
- my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
- $self->ok($test, $name);
- $self->_is_diag($got, '==', $expect) unless $test;
- return $test;
- }
- return $self->cmp_ok($got, '==', $expect, $name);
-sub _is_diag {
- my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
- foreach my $val (\$got, \$expect) {
- if( defined $$val ) {
- if( $type eq 'eq' ) {
- # quote and force string context
- $$val = "'$$val'"
- }
- else {
- # force numeric context
- $$val = $$val+0;
- }
- }
- else {
- $$val = 'undef';
- }
- }
- return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $expect);
- got: %s
- expected: %s
-=item B<isnt_eq>
- $Test->isnt_eq($got, $dont_expect, $name);
-Like Test::More's isnt(). Checks if $got ne $dont_expect. This is
-the string version.
-=item B<isnt_num>
- $Test->is_num($got, $dont_expect, $name);
-Like Test::More's isnt(). Checks if $got ne $dont_expect. This is
-the numeric version.
-sub isnt_eq {
- my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
- # undef only matches undef and nothing else
- my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
- $self->ok($test, $name);
- $self->_cmp_diag('ne', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
- return $test;
- }
- return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'ne', $dont_expect, $name);
-sub isnt_num {
- my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
- # undef only matches undef and nothing else
- my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
- $self->ok($test, $name);
- $self->_cmp_diag('!=', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
- return $test;
- }
- return $self->cmp_ok($got, '!=', $dont_expect, $name);
-=item B<like>
- $Test->like($this, qr/$regex/, $name);
- $Test->like($this, '/$regex/', $name);
-Like Test::More's like(). Checks if $this matches the given $regex.
-You'll want to avoid qr// if you want your tests to work before 5.005.
-=item B<unlike>
- $Test->unlike($this, qr/$regex/, $name);
- $Test->unlike($this, '/$regex/', $name);
-Like Test::More's unlike(). Checks if $this B<does not match> the
-given $regex.
-sub like {
- my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '=~', $name);
-sub unlike {
- my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '!~', $name);
-=item B<maybe_regex>
- $Test->maybe_regex(qr/$regex/);
- $Test->maybe_regex('/$regex/');
-Convenience method for building testing functions that take regular
-expressions as arguments, but need to work before perl 5.005.
-Takes a quoted regular expression produced by qr//, or a string
-representing a regular expression.
-Returns a Perl value which may be used instead of the corresponding
-regular expression, or undef if it's argument is not recognised.
-For example, a version of like(), sans the useful diagnostic messages,
-could be written as:
- sub laconic_like {
- my ($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
- my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
- die "expecting regex, found '$regex'\n"
- unless $usable_regex;
- $self->ok($this =~ m/$usable_regex/, $name);
- }
-sub maybe_regex {
- my ($self, $regex) = @_;
- my $usable_regex = undef;
- if( ref $regex eq 'Regexp' ) {
- $usable_regex = $regex;
- }
- # Check if it looks like '/foo/'
- elsif( my($re, $opts) = $regex =~ m{^ /(.*)/ (\w*) $ }sx ) {
- $usable_regex = length $opts ? "(?$opts)$re" : $re;
- };
- return($usable_regex)
-sub _regex_ok {
- my($self, $this, $regex, $cmp, $name) = @_;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- my $ok = 0;
- my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
- unless (defined $usable_regex) {
- $ok = $self->ok( 0, $name );
- $self->diag(" '$regex' doesn't look much like a regex to me.");
- return $ok;
- }
- {
- local $^W = 0;
- my $test = $this =~ /$usable_regex/ ? 1 : 0;
- $test = !$test if $cmp eq '!~';
- $ok = $self->ok( $test, $name );
- }
- unless( $ok ) {
- $this = defined $this ? "'$this'" : 'undef';
- my $match = $cmp eq '=~' ? "doesn't match" : "matches";
- $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $this, $match, $regex);
- %s
- %13s '%s'
- }
- return $ok;
-=item B<cmp_ok>
- $Test->cmp_ok($this, $type, $that, $name);
-Works just like Test::More's cmp_ok().
- $Test->cmp_ok($big_num, '!=', $other_big_num);
-sub cmp_ok {
- my($self, $got, $type, $expect, $name) = @_;
- my $test;
- {
- local $^W = 0;
- local($@,$!); # don't interfere with $@
- # eval() sometimes resets $!
- $test = eval "\$got $type \$expect";
- }
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- my $ok = $self->ok($test, $name);
- unless( $ok ) {
- if( $type =~ /^(eq|==)$/ ) {
- $self->_is_diag($got, $type, $expect);
- }
- else {
- $self->_cmp_diag($got, $type, $expect);
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-sub _cmp_diag {
- my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
- $got = defined $got ? "'$got'" : 'undef';
- $expect = defined $expect ? "'$expect'" : 'undef';
- return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $type, $expect);
- %s
- %s
- %s
-=item B<BAILOUT>
- $Test->BAILOUT($reason);
-Indicates to the Test::Harness that things are going so badly all
-testing should terminate. This includes running any additional test
-It will exit with 255.
-sub BAILOUT {
- my($self, $reason) = @_;
- $self->_print("Bail out! $reason");
- exit 255;
-=item B<skip>
- $Test->skip;
- $Test->skip($why);
-Skips the current test, reporting $why.
-sub skip {
- my($self, $why) = @_;
- $why ||= '';
- unless( $Have_Plan ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
- }
- lock($Curr_Test);
- $Curr_Test++;
- my %result;
- share(%result);
- %result = (
- 'ok' => 1,
- actual_ok => 1,
- name => '',
- type => 'skip',
- reason => $why,
- );
- $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = \%result;
- my $out = "ok";
- $out .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
- $out .= " # skip $why\n";
- $Test->_print($out);
- return 1;
-=item B<todo_skip>
- $Test->todo_skip;
- $Test->todo_skip($why);
-Like skip(), only it will declare the test as failing and TODO. Similar
- print "not ok $tnum # TODO $why\n";
-sub todo_skip {
- my($self, $why) = @_;
- $why ||= '';
- unless( $Have_Plan ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
- }
- lock($Curr_Test);
- $Curr_Test++;
- my %result;
- share(%result);
- %result = (
- 'ok' => 1,
- actual_ok => 0,
- name => '',
- type => 'todo_skip',
- reason => $why,
- );
- $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = \%result;
- my $out = "not ok";
- $out .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
- $out .= " # TODO & SKIP $why\n";
- $Test->_print($out);
- return 1;
-=begin _unimplemented
-=item B<skip_rest>
- $Test->skip_rest;
- $Test->skip_rest($reason);
-Like skip(), only it skips all the rest of the tests you plan to run
-and terminates the test.
-If you're running under no_plan, it skips once and terminates the
-=end _unimplemented
-=head2 Test style
-=over 4
-=item B<level>
- $Test->level($how_high);
-How far up the call stack should $Test look when reporting where the
-test failed.
-Defaults to 1.
-Setting $Test::Builder::Level overrides. This is typically useful
- {
- local $Test::Builder::Level = 2;
- $Test->ok($test);
- }
-sub level {
- my($self, $level) = @_;
- if( defined $level ) {
- $Level = $level;
- }
- return $Level;
-=item B<use_numbers>
- $Test->use_numbers($on_or_off);
-Whether or not the test should output numbers. That is, this if true:
- ok 1
- ok 2
- ok 3
-or this if false
- ok
- ok
- ok
-Most useful when you can't depend on the test output order, such as
-when threads or forking is involved.
-Test::Harness will accept either, but avoid mixing the two styles.
-Defaults to on.
-my $Use_Nums = 1;
-sub use_numbers {
- my($self, $use_nums) = @_;
- if( defined $use_nums ) {
- $Use_Nums = $use_nums;
- }
- return $Use_Nums;
-=item B<no_header>
- $Test->no_header($no_header);
-If set to true, no "1..N" header will be printed.
-=item B<no_ending>
- $Test->no_ending($no_ending);
-Normally, Test::Builder does some extra diagnostics when the test
-ends. It also changes the exit code as described in Test::Simple.
-If this is true, none of that will be done.
-my($No_Header, $No_Ending) = (0,0);
-sub no_header {
- my($self, $no_header) = @_;
- if( defined $no_header ) {
- $No_Header = $no_header;
- }
- return $No_Header;
-sub no_ending {
- my($self, $no_ending) = @_;
- if( defined $no_ending ) {
- $No_Ending = $no_ending;
- }
- return $No_Ending;
-=head2 Output
-Controlling where the test output goes.
-It's ok for your test to change where STDOUT and STDERR point to,
-Test::Builder's default output settings will not be affected.
-=over 4
-=item B<diag>
- $Test->diag(@msgs);
-Prints out the given $message. Normally, it uses the failure_output()
-handle, but if this is for a TODO test, the todo_output() handle is
-Output will be indented and marked with a # so as not to interfere
-with test output. A newline will be put on the end if there isn't one
-We encourage using this rather than calling print directly.
-Returns false. Why? Because diag() is often used in conjunction with
-a failing test (C<ok() || diag()>) it "passes through" the failure.
- return ok(...) || diag(...);
-=for blame transfer
-Mark Fowler <mark@twoshortplanks.com>
-sub diag {
- my($self, @msgs) = @_;
- return unless @msgs;
- # Prevent printing headers when compiling (i.e. -c)
- return if $^C;
- # Escape each line with a #.
- foreach (@msgs) {
- $_ = 'undef' unless defined;
- s/^/# /gms;
- }
- push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;
- local $Level = $Level + 1;
- my $fh = $self->todo ? $self->todo_output : $self->failure_output;
- local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
- print $fh @msgs;
- return 0;
-=begin _private
-=item B<_print>
- $Test->_print(@msgs);
-Prints to the output() filehandle.
-=end _private
-sub _print {
- my($self, @msgs) = @_;
- # Prevent printing headers when only compiling. Mostly for when
- # tests are deparsed with B::Deparse
- return if $^C;
- local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
- my $fh = $self->output;
- # Escape each line after the first with a # so we don't
- # confuse Test::Harness.
- foreach (@msgs) {
- s/\n(.)/\n# $1/sg;
- }
- push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;
- print $fh @msgs;
-=item B<output>
- $Test->output($fh);
- $Test->output($file);
-Where normal "ok/not ok" test output should go.
-Defaults to STDOUT.
-=item B<failure_output>
- $Test->failure_output($fh);
- $Test->failure_output($file);
-Where diagnostic output on test failures and diag() should go.
-Defaults to STDERR.
-=item B<todo_output>
- $Test->todo_output($fh);
- $Test->todo_output($file);
-Where diagnostics about todo test failures and diag() should go.
-Defaults to STDOUT.
-my($Out_FH, $Fail_FH, $Todo_FH);
-sub output {
- my($self, $fh) = @_;
- if( defined $fh ) {
- $Out_FH = _new_fh($fh);
- }
- return $Out_FH;
-sub failure_output {
- my($self, $fh) = @_;
- if( defined $fh ) {
- $Fail_FH = _new_fh($fh);
- }
- return $Fail_FH;
-sub todo_output {
- my($self, $fh) = @_;
- if( defined $fh ) {
- $Todo_FH = _new_fh($fh);
- }
- return $Todo_FH;
-sub _new_fh {
- my($file_or_fh) = shift;
- my $fh;
- unless( UNIVERSAL::isa($file_or_fh, 'GLOB') ) {
- $fh = do { local *FH };
- open $fh, ">$file_or_fh" or
- die "Can't open test output log $file_or_fh: $!";
- }
- else {
- $fh = $file_or_fh;
- }
- return $fh;
-unless( $^C ) {
- # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
- # test suites while still getting normal test output.
- open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
- open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
- # Set everything to unbuffered else plain prints to STDOUT will
- # come out in the wrong order from our own prints.
- _autoflush(\*TESTOUT);
- _autoflush(\*STDOUT);
- _autoflush(\*TESTERR);
- _autoflush(\*STDERR);
- $CLASS->output(\*TESTOUT);
- $CLASS->failure_output(\*TESTERR);
- $CLASS->todo_output(\*TESTOUT);
-sub _autoflush {
- my($fh) = shift;
- my $old_fh = select $fh;
- $| = 1;
- select $old_fh;
-=head2 Test Status and Info
-=over 4
-=item B<current_test>
- my $curr_test = $Test->current_test;
- $Test->current_test($num);
-Gets/sets the current test # we're on.
-You usually shouldn't have to set this.
-sub current_test {
- my($self, $num) = @_;
- lock($Curr_Test);
- if( defined $num ) {
- unless( $Have_Plan ) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Can't change the current test number without a plan!");
- }
- $Curr_Test = $num;
- if( $num > @Test_Results ) {
- my $start = @Test_Results ? $#Test_Results + 1 : 0;
- for ($start..$num-1) {
- my %result;
- share(%result);
- %result = ( ok => 1,
- actual_ok => undef,
- reason => 'incrementing test number',
- type => 'unknown',
- name => undef
- );
- $Test_Results[$_] = \%result;
- }
- }
- }
- return $Curr_Test;
-=item B<summary>
- my @tests = $Test->summary;
-A simple summary of the tests so far. True for pass, false for fail.
-This is a logical pass/fail, so todos are passes.
-Of course, test #1 is $tests[0], etc...
-sub summary {
- my($self) = shift;
- return map { $_->{'ok'} } @Test_Results;
-=item B<details>
- my @tests = $Test->details;
-Like summary(), but with a lot more detail.
- $tests[$test_num - 1] =
- { 'ok' => is the test considered a pass?
- actual_ok => did it literally say 'ok'?
- name => name of the test (if any)
- type => type of test (if any, see below).
- reason => reason for the above (if any)
- };
-'ok' is true if Test::Harness will consider the test to be a pass.
-'actual_ok' is a reflection of whether or not the test literally
-printed 'ok' or 'not ok'. This is for examining the result of 'todo'
-'name' is the name of the test.
-'type' indicates if it was a special test. Normal tests have a type
-of ''. Type can be one of the following:
- skip see skip()
- todo see todo()
- todo_skip see todo_skip()
- unknown see below
-Sometimes the Test::Builder test counter is incremented without it
-printing any test output, for example, when current_test() is changed.
-In these cases, Test::Builder doesn't know the result of the test, so
-it's type is 'unkown'. These details for these tests are filled in.
-They are considered ok, but the name and actual_ok is left undef.
-For example "not ok 23 - hole count # TODO insufficient donuts" would
-result in this structure:
- $tests[22] = # 23 - 1, since arrays start from 0.
- { ok => 1, # logically, the test passed since it's todo
- actual_ok => 0, # in absolute terms, it failed
- name => 'hole count',
- type => 'todo',
- reason => 'insufficient donuts'
- };
-sub details {
- return @Test_Results;
-=item B<todo>
- my $todo_reason = $Test->todo;
- my $todo_reason = $Test->todo($pack);
-todo() looks for a $TODO variable in your tests. If set, all tests
-will be considered 'todo' (see Test::More and Test::Harness for
-details). Returns the reason (ie. the value of $TODO) if running as
-todo tests, false otherwise.
-todo() is pretty part about finding the right package to look for
-$TODO in. It uses the exported_to() package to find it. If that's
-not set, it's pretty good at guessing the right package to look at.
-Sometimes there is some confusion about where todo() should be looking
-for the $TODO variable. If you want to be sure, tell it explicitly
-what $pack to use.
-sub todo {
- my($self, $pack) = @_;
- $pack = $pack || $self->exported_to || $self->caller(1);
- no strict 'refs';
- return defined ${$pack.'::TODO'} ? ${$pack.'::TODO'}
- : 0;
-=item B<caller>
- my $package = $Test->caller;
- my($pack, $file, $line) = $Test->caller;
- my($pack, $file, $line) = $Test->caller($height);
-Like the normal caller(), except it reports according to your level().
-sub caller {
- my($self, $height) = @_;
- $height ||= 0;
- my @caller = CORE::caller($self->level + $height + 1);
- return wantarray ? @caller : $caller[0];
-=begin _private
-=over 4
-=item B<_sanity_check>
- _sanity_check();
-Runs a bunch of end of test sanity checks to make sure reality came
-through ok. If anything is wrong it will die with a fairly friendly
-error message.
-sub _sanity_check {
- _whoa($Curr_Test < 0, 'Says here you ran a negative number of tests!');
- _whoa(!$Have_Plan and $Curr_Test,
- 'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!');
- _whoa($Curr_Test != @Test_Results,
- 'Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!');
-=item B<_whoa>
- _whoa($check, $description);
-A sanity check, similar to assert(). If the $check is true, something
-has gone horribly wrong. It will die with the given $description and
-a note to contact the author.
-sub _whoa {
- my($check, $desc) = @_;
- if( $check ) {
- die <<WHOA;
-WHOA! $desc
-This should never happen! Please contact the author immediately!
- }
-=item B<_my_exit>
- _my_exit($exit_num);
-Perl seems to have some trouble with exiting inside an END block. 5.005_03
-and 5.6.1 both seem to do odd things. Instead, this function edits $?
-directly. It should ONLY be called from inside an END block. It
-doesn't actually exit, that's your job.
-sub _my_exit {
- $? = $_[0];
- return 1;
-=end _private
-$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
- # We don't want to muck with death in an eval, but $^S isn't
- # totally reliable. 5.005_03 and 5.6.1 both do the wrong thing
- # with it. Instead, we use caller. This also means it runs under
- # 5.004!
- my $in_eval = 0;
- for( my $stack = 1; my $sub = (CORE::caller($stack))[3]; $stack++ ) {
- $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/;
- }
- $Test_Died = 1 unless $in_eval;
-sub _ending {
- my $self = shift;
- _sanity_check();
- # Don't bother with an ending if this is a forked copy. Only the parent
- # should do the ending.
- do{ _my_exit($?) && return } if $Original_Pid != $$;
- # Bailout if plan() was never called. This is so
- # "require Test::Simple" doesn't puke.
- do{ _my_exit(0) && return } if !$Have_Plan && !$Test_Died;
- # Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
- if( @Test_Results ) {
- # The plan? We have no plan.
- if( $No_Plan ) {
- $self->_print("1..$Curr_Test\n") unless $self->no_header;
- $Expected_Tests = $Curr_Test;
- }
- # 5.8.0 threads bug. Shared arrays will not be auto-extended
- # by a slice. Worse, we have to fill in every entry else
- # we'll get an "Invalid value for shared scalar" error
- for my $idx ($#Test_Results..$Expected_Tests-1) {
- my %empty_result = ();
- share(%empty_result);
- $Test_Results[$idx] = \%empty_result
- unless defined $Test_Results[$idx];
- }
- my $num_failed = grep !$_->{'ok'}, @Test_Results[0..$Expected_Tests-1];
- $num_failed += abs($Expected_Tests - @Test_Results);
- if( $Curr_Test < $Expected_Tests ) {
- $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
-Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but only ran $Curr_Test.
- }
- elsif( $Curr_Test > $Expected_Tests ) {
- my $num_extra = $Curr_Test - $Expected_Tests;
- $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
-Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but ran $num_extra extra.
- }
- elsif ( $num_failed ) {
- $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
-Looks like you failed $num_failed tests of $Expected_Tests.
- }
- if( $Test_Died ) {
- $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
-Looks like your test died just after $Curr_Test.
- _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
- }
- _my_exit( $num_failed <= 254 ? $num_failed : 254 ) && return;
- }
- elsif ( $Skip_All ) {
- _my_exit( 0 ) && return;
- }
- elsif ( $Test_Died ) {
- $self->diag(<<'FAIL');
-Looks like your test died before it could output anything.
- }
- else {
- $self->diag("No tests run!\n");
- _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
- }
-END {
- $Test->_ending if defined $Test and !$Test->no_ending;
-=head1 THREADS
-In perl 5.8.0 and later, Test::Builder is thread-safe. The test
-number is shared amongst all threads. This means if one thread sets
-the test number using current_test() they will all be effected.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-CPAN can provide the best examples. Test::Simple, Test::More,
-Test::Exception and Test::Differences all use Test::Builder.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Test::Simple, Test::More, Test::Harness
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Original code by chromatic, maintained by Michael G Schwern
-Copyright 2002 by chromatic E<lt>chromatic@wgz.orgE<gt>,
- Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/Harness.pm b/Perl/t/Test/Harness.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0897455..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/Harness.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1168 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
-# $Id$
-package Test::Harness;
-require 5.004;
-use Test::Harness::Straps;
-use Test::Harness::Assert;
-use Exporter;
-use Benchmark;
-use Config;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION $Verbose $Switches $Have_Devel_Corestack $Curtest
- $Columns $verbose $switches $ML $Strap
- );
-# Backwards compatibility for exportable variable names.
-*verbose = *Verbose;
-*switches = *Switches;
-$Have_Devel_Corestack = 0;
-$VERSION = '2.30';
-END {
- # For VMS.
-# Some experimental versions of OS/2 build have broken $?
-my $Ignore_Exitcode = $ENV{HARNESS_IGNORE_EXITCODE};
-my $Ok_Slow = $ENV{HARNESS_OK_SLOW};
-$Strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
-@ISA = ('Exporter');
-@EXPORT = qw(&runtests);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw($verbose $switches);
-$Verbose = $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE} || 0;
-$Switches = "-w";
-$Columns = $ENV{HARNESS_COLUMNS} || $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80;
-$Columns--; # Some shells have trouble with a full line of text.
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Harness - run perl standard test scripts with statistics
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Harness;
- runtests(@test_files);
-B<STOP!> If all you want to do is write a test script, consider using
-Test::Simple. Otherwise, read on.
-(By using the Test module, you can write test scripts without
-knowing the exact output this module expects. However, if you need to
-know the specifics, read on!)
-Perl test scripts print to standard output C<"ok N"> for each single
-test, where C<N> is an increasing sequence of integers. The first line
-output by a standard test script is C<"1..M"> with C<M> being the
-number of tests that should be run within the test
-script. Test::Harness::runtests(@tests) runs all the testscripts
-named as arguments and checks standard output for the expected
-C<"ok N"> strings.
-After all tests have been performed, runtests() prints some
-performance statistics that are computed by the Benchmark module.
-=head2 The test script output
-The following explains how Test::Harness interprets the output of your
-test program.
-=over 4
-=item B<'1..M'>
-This header tells how many tests there will be. For example, C<1..10>
-means you plan on running 10 tests. This is a safeguard in case your
-test dies quietly in the middle of its run.
-It should be the first non-comment line output by your test program.
-In certain instances, you may not know how many tests you will
-ultimately be running. In this case, it is permitted for the 1..M
-header to appear as the B<last> line output by your test (again, it
-can be followed by further comments).
-Under B<no> circumstances should 1..M appear in the middle of your
-output or more than once.
-=item B<'ok', 'not ok'. Ok?>
-Any output from the testscript to standard error is ignored and
-bypassed, thus will be seen by the user. Lines written to standard
-output containing C</^(not\s+)?ok\b/> are interpreted as feedback for
-runtests(). All other lines are discarded.
-C</^not ok/> indicates a failed test. C</^ok/> is a successful test.
-=item B<test numbers>
-Perl normally expects the 'ok' or 'not ok' to be followed by a test
-number. It is tolerated if the test numbers after 'ok' are
-omitted. In this case Test::Harness maintains temporarily its own
-counter until the script supplies test numbers again. So the following
-test script
- print <<END;
- 1..6
- not ok
- ok
- not ok
- ok
- ok
-will generate
- FAILED tests 1, 3, 6
- Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
-=item B<test names>
-Anything after the test number but before the # is considered to be
-the name of the test.
- ok 42 this is the name of the test
-Currently, Test::Harness does nothing with this information.
-=item B<Skipping tests>
-If the standard output line contains the substring C< # Skip> (with
-variations in spacing and case) after C<ok> or C<ok NUMBER>, it is
-counted as a skipped test. If the whole testscript succeeds, the
-count of skipped tests is included in the generated output.
-C<Test::Harness> reports the text after C< # Skip\S*\s+> as a reason
-for skipping.
- ok 23 # skip Insufficient flogiston pressure.
-Similarly, one can include a similar explanation in a C<1..0> line
-emitted if the test script is skipped completely:
- 1..0 # Skipped: no leverage found
-=item B<Todo tests>
-If the standard output line contains the substring C< # TODO> after
-C<not ok> or C<not ok NUMBER>, it is counted as a todo test. The text
-afterwards is the thing that has to be done before this test will
- not ok 13 # TODO harness the power of the atom
-=begin _deprecated
-Alternatively, you can specify a list of what tests are todo as part
-of the test header.
- 1..23 todo 5 12 23
-This only works if the header appears at the beginning of the test.
-This style is B<deprecated>.
-=end _deprecated
-These tests represent a feature to be implemented or a bug to be fixed
-and act as something of an executable "thing to do" list. They are
-B<not> expected to succeed. Should a todo test begin succeeding,
-Test::Harness will report it as a bonus. This indicates that whatever
-you were supposed to do has been done and you should promote this to a
-normal test.
-=item B<Bail out!>
-As an emergency measure, a test script can decide that further tests
-are useless (e.g. missing dependencies) and testing should stop
-immediately. In that case the test script prints the magic words
- Bail out!
-to standard output. Any message after these words will be displayed by
-C<Test::Harness> as the reason why testing is stopped.
-=item B<Comments>
-Additional comments may be put into the testing output on their own
-lines. Comment lines should begin with a '#', Test::Harness will
-ignore them.
- ok 1
- # Life is good, the sun is shining, RAM is cheap.
- not ok 2
- # got 'Bush' expected 'Gore'
-=item B<Anything else>
-Any other output Test::Harness sees it will silently ignore B<BUT WE
-PLAN TO CHANGE THIS!> If you wish to place additional output in your
-test script, please use a comment.
-=head2 Taint mode
-Test::Harness will honor the C<-T> in the #! line on your test files. So
-if you begin a test with:
- #!perl -T
-the test will be run with taint mode on.
-=head2 Configuration variables.
-These variables can be used to configure the behavior of
-Test::Harness. They are exported on request.
-=over 4
-=item B<$Test::Harness::verbose>
-The global variable $Test::Harness::verbose is exportable and can be
-used to let runtests() display the standard output of the script
-without altering the behavior otherwise.
-=item B<$Test::Harness::switches>
-The global variable $Test::Harness::switches is exportable and can be
-used to set perl command line options used for running the test
-script(s). The default value is C<-w>.
-=head2 Failure
-It will happen, your tests will fail. After you mop up your ego, you
-can begin examining the summary report:
- t/base..............ok
- t/nonumbers.........ok
- t/ok................ok
- t/test-harness......ok
- t/waterloo..........dubious
- Test returned status 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
- DIED. FAILED tests 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
- Failed 10/20 tests, 50.00% okay
- Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- t/waterloo.t 3 768 20 10 50.00% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
- Failed 1/5 test scripts, 80.00% okay. 10/44 subtests failed, 77.27% okay.
-Everything passed but t/waterloo.t. It failed 10 of 20 tests and
-exited with non-zero status indicating something dubious happened.
-The columns in the summary report mean:
-=over 4
-=item B<Failed Test>
-The test file which failed.
-=item B<Stat>
-If the test exited with non-zero, this is its exit status.
-=item B<Wstat>
-The wait status of the test I<umm, I need a better explanation here>.
-=item B<Total>
-Total number of tests expected to run.
-=item B<Fail>
-Number which failed, either from "not ok" or because they never ran.
-=item B<Failed>
-Percentage of the total tests which failed.
-=item B<List of Failed>
-A list of the tests which failed. Successive failures may be
-abbreviated (ie. 15-20 to indicate that tests 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
-20 failed).
-=head2 Functions
-Test::Harness currently only has one function, here it is.
-=over 4
-=item B<runtests>
- my $allok = runtests(@test_files);
-This runs all the given @test_files and divines whether they passed
-or failed based on their output to STDOUT (details above). It prints
-out each individual test which failed along with a summary report and
-a how long it all took.
-It returns true if everything was ok. Otherwise it will die() with
-one of the messages in the DIAGNOSTICS section.
-=for _private
-This is just _run_all_tests() plus _show_results()
-sub runtests {
- my(@tests) = @_;
- local ($\, $,);
- my($tot, $failedtests) = _run_all_tests(@tests);
- _show_results($tot, $failedtests);
- my $ok = _all_ok($tot);
- assert(($ok xor keys %$failedtests),
- q{ok status jives with $failedtests});
- return $ok;
-=begin _private
-=item B<_all_ok>
- my $ok = _all_ok(\%tot);
-Tells you if this test run is overall successful or not.
-sub _all_ok {
- my($tot) = shift;
- return $tot->{bad} == 0 && ($tot->{max} || $tot->{skipped}) ? 1 : 0;
-=item B<_globdir>
- my @files = _globdir $dir;
-Returns all the files in a directory. This is shorthand for backwards
-compatibility on systems where glob() doesn't work right.
-sub _globdir {
- opendir DIRH, shift;
- my @f = readdir DIRH;
- closedir DIRH;
- return @f;
-=item B<_run_all_tests>
- my($total, $failed) = _run_all_tests(@test_files);
-Runs all the given @test_files (as runtests()) but does it quietly (no
-report). $total is a hash ref summary of all the tests run. Its keys
-and values are this:
- bonus Number of individual todo tests unexpectedly passed
- max Number of individual tests ran
- ok Number of individual tests passed
- sub_skipped Number of individual tests skipped
- todo Number of individual todo tests
- files Number of test files ran
- good Number of test files passed
- bad Number of test files failed
- tests Number of test files originally given
- skipped Number of test files skipped
-If $total->{bad} == 0 and $total->{max} > 0, you've got a successful
-$failed is a hash ref of all the test scripts which failed. Each key
-is the name of a test script, each value is another hash representing
-how that script failed. Its keys are these:
- name Name of the test which failed
- estat Script's exit value
- wstat Script's wait status
- max Number of individual tests
- failed Number which failed
- percent Percentage of tests which failed
- canon List of tests which failed (as string).
-Needless to say, $failed should be empty if everything passed.
-B<NOTE> Currently this function is still noisy. I'm working on it.
-sub _run_all_tests {
- my(@tests) = @_;
- local($|) = 1;
- my(%failedtests);
- # Test-wide totals.
- my(%tot) = (
- bonus => 0,
- max => 0,
- ok => 0,
- files => 0,
- bad => 0,
- good => 0,
- tests => scalar @tests,
- sub_skipped => 0,
- todo => 0,
- skipped => 0,
- bench => 0,
- );
- my @dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir if defined $Files_In_Dir;
- my $t_start = new Benchmark;
- my $width = _leader_width(@tests);
- foreach my $tfile (@tests) {
- $Last_ML_Print = 0; # so each test prints at least once
- my($leader, $ml) = _mk_leader($tfile, $width);
- local $ML = $ml;
- print $leader;
- $tot{files}++;
- $Strap->{_seen_header} = 0;
- my %results = $Strap->analyze_file($tfile) or
- do { warn "$Strap->{error}\n"; next };
- # state of the current test.
- my @failed = grep { !$results{details}[$_-1]{ok} }
- 1..@{$results{details}};
- my %test = (
- ok => $results{ok},
- 'next' => $Strap->{'next'},
- max => $results{max},
- failed => \@failed,
- bonus => $results{bonus},
- skipped => $results{skip},
- skip_reason => $results{skip_reason},
- skip_all => $Strap->{skip_all},
- ml => $ml,
- );
- $tot{bonus} += $results{bonus};
- $tot{max} += $results{max};
- $tot{ok} += $results{ok};
- $tot{todo} += $results{todo};
- $tot{sub_skipped} += $results{skip};
- my($estatus, $wstatus) = @results{qw(exit wait)};
- if ($results{passing}) {
- if ($test{max} and $test{skipped} + $test{bonus}) {
- my @msg;
- push(@msg, "$test{skipped}/$test{max} skipped: $test{skip_reason}")
- if $test{skipped};
- push(@msg, "$test{bonus}/$test{max} unexpectedly succeeded")
- if $test{bonus};
- print "$test{ml}ok\n ".join(', ', @msg)."\n";
- } elsif ($test{max}) {
- print "$test{ml}ok\n";
- } elsif (defined $test{skip_all} and length $test{skip_all}) {
- print "skipped\n all skipped: $test{skip_all}\n";
- $tot{skipped}++;
- } else {
- print "skipped\n all skipped: no reason given\n";
- $tot{skipped}++;
- }
- $tot{good}++;
- }
- else {
- # List unrun tests as failures.
- if ($test{'next'} <= $test{max}) {
- push @{$test{failed}}, $test{'next'}..$test{max};
- }
- # List overruns as failures.
- else {
- my $details = $results{details};
- foreach my $overrun ($test{max}+1..@$details)
- {
- next unless ref $details->[$overrun-1];
- push @{$test{failed}}, $overrun
- }
- }
- if ($wstatus) {
- $failedtests{$tfile} = _dubious_return(\%test, \%tot,
- $estatus, $wstatus);
- $failedtests{$tfile}{name} = $tfile;
- }
- elsif($results{seen}) {
- if (@{$test{failed}} and $test{max}) {
- my ($txt, $canon) = canonfailed($test{max},$test{skipped},
- @{$test{failed}});
- print "$test{ml}$txt";
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => $canon,
- max => $test{max},
- failed => scalar @{$test{failed}},
- name => $tfile,
- percent => 100*(scalar @{$test{failed}})/$test{max},
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- } else {
- print "Don't know which tests failed: got $test{ok} ok, ".
- "expected $test{max}\n";
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => '??',
- max => $test{max},
- failed => '??',
- name => $tfile,
- percent => undef,
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- }
- $tot{bad}++;
- } else {
- print "FAILED before any test output arrived\n";
- $tot{bad}++;
- $failedtests{$tfile} = { canon => '??',
- max => '??',
- failed => '??',
- name => $tfile,
- percent => undef,
- estat => '',
- wstat => '',
- };
- }
- }
- if (defined $Files_In_Dir) {
- my @new_dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir;
- if (@new_dir_files != @dir_files) {
- my %f;
- @f{@new_dir_files} = (1) x @new_dir_files;
- delete @f{@dir_files};
- my @f = sort keys %f;
- print "LEAKED FILES: @f\n";
- @dir_files = @new_dir_files;
- }
- }
- }
- $tot{bench} = timediff(new Benchmark, $t_start);
- $Strap->_restore_PERL5LIB;
- return(\%tot, \%failedtests);
-=item B<_mk_leader>
- my($leader, $ml) = _mk_leader($test_file, $width);
-Generates the 't/foo........' $leader for the given $test_file as well
-as a similar version which will overwrite the current line (by use of
-\r and such). $ml may be empty if Test::Harness doesn't think you're
-on TTY.
-The $width is the width of the "yada/blah.." string.
-sub _mk_leader {
- my($te, $width) = @_;
- chomp($te);
- $te =~ s/\.\w+$/./;
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $te =~ s/^.*\.t\./\[.t./s; }
- my $blank = (' ' x 77);
- my $leader = "$te" . '.' x ($width - length($te));
- my $ml = "";
- $ml = "\r$blank\r$leader"
- if -t STDOUT and not $ENV{HARNESS_NOTTY} and not $Verbose;
- return($leader, $ml);
-=item B<_leader_width>
- my($width) = _leader_width(@test_files);
-Calculates how wide the leader should be based on the length of the
-longest test name.
-sub _leader_width {
- my $maxlen = 0;
- my $maxsuflen = 0;
- foreach (@_) {
- my $suf = /\.(\w+)$/ ? $1 : '';
- my $len = length;
- my $suflen = length $suf;
- $maxlen = $len if $len > $maxlen;
- $maxsuflen = $suflen if $suflen > $maxsuflen;
- }
- # + 3 : we want three dots between the test name and the "ok"
- return $maxlen + 3 - $maxsuflen;
-sub _show_results {
- my($tot, $failedtests) = @_;
- my $pct;
- my $bonusmsg = _bonusmsg($tot);
- if (_all_ok($tot)) {
- print "All tests successful$bonusmsg.\n";
- } elsif (!$tot->{tests}){
- die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
- } elsif (!$tot->{max}) {
- my $blurb = $tot->{tests}==1 ? "script" : "scripts";
- die "FAILED--$tot->{tests} test $blurb could be run, ".
- "alas--no output ever seen\n";
- } else {
- $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $tot->{good} / $tot->{tests} * 100);
- my $percent_ok = 100*$tot->{ok}/$tot->{max};
- my $subpct = sprintf " %d/%d subtests failed, %.2f%% okay.",
- $tot->{max} - $tot->{ok}, $tot->{max},
- $percent_ok;
- my($fmt_top, $fmt) = _create_fmts($failedtests);
- # Now write to formats
- for my $script (sort keys %$failedtests) {
- $Curtest = $failedtests->{$script};
- write;
- }
- if ($tot->{bad}) {
- $bonusmsg =~ s/^,\s*//;
- print "$bonusmsg.\n" if $bonusmsg;
- die "Failed $tot->{bad}/$tot->{tests} test scripts, $pct% okay.".
- "$subpct\n";
- }
- }
- printf("Files=%d, Tests=%d, %s\n",
- $tot->{files}, $tot->{max}, timestr($tot->{bench}, 'nop'));
-my %Handlers = ();
-$Strap->{callback} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- print $line if $Verbose;
- my $meth = $Handlers{$type};
- $meth->($self, $line, $type, $totals) if $meth;
-$Handlers{header} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- warn "Test header seen more than once!\n" if $self->{_seen_header};
- $self->{_seen_header}++;
- warn "1..M can only appear at the beginning or end of tests\n"
- if $totals->{seen} &&
- $totals->{max} < $totals->{seen};
-$Handlers{test} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- my $curr = $totals->{seen};
- my $next = $self->{'next'};
- my $max = $totals->{max};
- my $detail = $totals->{details}[-1];
- if( $detail->{ok} ) {
- _print_ml_less("ok $curr/$max");
- if( $detail->{type} eq 'skip' ) {
- $totals->{skip_reason} = $detail->{reason}
- unless defined $totals->{skip_reason};
- $totals->{skip_reason} = 'various reasons'
- if $totals->{skip_reason} ne $detail->{reason};
- }
- }
- else {
- _print_ml("NOK $curr");
- }
- if( $curr > $next ) {
- print "Test output counter mismatch [test $curr]\n";
- }
- elsif( $curr < $next ) {
- print "Confused test output: test $curr answered after ".
- "test ", $next - 1, "\n";
- }
-$Handlers{bailout} = sub {
- my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" .
- ($self->{bailout_reason} ? ": $self->{bailout_reason}\n" : ".\n");
-sub _print_ml {
- print join '', $ML, @_ if $ML;
-# For slow connections, we save lots of bandwidth by printing only once
-# per second.
-sub _print_ml_less {
- if( !$Ok_Slow || $Last_ML_Print != time ) {
- _print_ml(@_);
- $Last_ML_Print = time;
- }
-sub _bonusmsg {
- my($tot) = @_;
- my $bonusmsg = '';
- $bonusmsg = (" ($tot->{bonus} subtest".($tot->{bonus} > 1 ? 's' : '').
- if $tot->{bonus};
- if ($tot->{skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= ", $tot->{skipped} test"
- . ($tot->{skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '');
- if ($tot->{sub_skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= " and $tot->{sub_skipped} subtest"
- . ($tot->{sub_skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '');
- }
- $bonusmsg .= ' skipped';
- }
- elsif ($tot->{sub_skipped}) {
- $bonusmsg .= ", $tot->{sub_skipped} subtest"
- . ($tot->{sub_skipped} != 1 ? 's' : '')
- . " skipped";
- }
- return $bonusmsg;
-# Test program go boom.
-sub _dubious_return {
- my($test, $tot, $estatus, $wstatus) = @_;
- my ($failed, $canon, $percent) = ('??', '??');
- printf "$test->{ml}dubious\n\tTest returned status $estatus ".
- "(wstat %d, 0x%x)\n",
- $wstatus,$wstatus;
- print "\t\t(VMS status is $estatus)\n" if $^O eq 'VMS';
- if (corestatus($wstatus)) { # until we have a wait module
- if ($Have_Devel_Corestack) {
- Devel::CoreStack::stack($^X);
- } else {
- print "\ttest program seems to have generated a core\n";
- }
- }
- $tot->{bad}++;
- if ($test->{max}) {
- if ($test->{'next'} == $test->{max} + 1 and not @{$test->{failed}}) {
- print "\tafter all the subtests completed successfully\n";
- $percent = 0;
- $failed = 0; # But we do not set $canon!
- }
- else {
- push @{$test->{failed}}, $test->{'next'}..$test->{max};
- $failed = @{$test->{failed}};
- (my $txt, $canon) = canonfailed($test->{max},$test->{skipped},@{$test->{failed}});
- $percent = 100*(scalar @{$test->{failed}})/$test->{max};
- print "DIED. ",$txt;
- }
- }
- return { canon => $canon, max => $test->{max} || '??',
- failed => $failed,
- percent => $percent,
- estat => $estatus, wstat => $wstatus,
- };
-sub _create_fmts {
- my($failedtests) = @_;
- my $failed_str = "Failed Test";
- my $middle_str = " Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed ";
- my $list_str = "List of Failed";
- # Figure out our longest name string for formatting purposes.
- my $max_namelen = length($failed_str);
- foreach my $script (keys %$failedtests) {
- my $namelen = length $failedtests->{$script}->{name};
- $max_namelen = $namelen if $namelen > $max_namelen;
- }
- my $list_len = $Columns - length($middle_str) - $max_namelen;
- if ($list_len < length($list_str)) {
- $list_len = length($list_str);
- $max_namelen = $Columns - length($middle_str) - $list_len;
- if ($max_namelen < length($failed_str)) {
- $max_namelen = length($failed_str);
- $Columns = $max_namelen + length($middle_str) + $list_len;
- }
- }
- my $fmt_top = "format STDOUT_TOP =\n"
- . sprintf("%-${max_namelen}s", $failed_str)
- . $middle_str
- . $list_str . "\n"
- . "-" x $Columns
- . "\n.\n";
- my $fmt = "format STDOUT =\n"
- . "@" . "<" x ($max_namelen - 1)
- . " @>> @>>>> @>>>> @>>> ^##.##% "
- . "^" . "<" x ($list_len - 1) . "\n"
- . '{ $Curtest->{name}, $Curtest->{estat},'
- . ' $Curtest->{wstat}, $Curtest->{max},'
- . ' $Curtest->{failed}, $Curtest->{percent},'
- . ' $Curtest->{canon}'
- . "\n}\n"
- . "~~" . " " x ($Columns - $list_len - 2) . "^"
- . "<" x ($list_len - 1) . "\n"
- . '$Curtest->{canon}'
- . "\n.\n";
- eval $fmt_top;
- die $@ if $@;
- eval $fmt;
- die $@ if $@;
- return($fmt_top, $fmt);
- my $tried_devel_corestack;
- sub corestatus {
- my($st) = @_;
- my $did_core;
- eval { # we may not have a WCOREDUMP
- local $^W = 0; # *.ph files are often *very* noisy
- require 'wait.ph';
- $did_core = WCOREDUMP($st);
- };
- if( $@ ) {
- $did_core = $st & 0200;
- }
- eval { require Devel::CoreStack; $Have_Devel_Corestack++ }
- unless $tried_devel_corestack++;
- return $did_core;
- }
-sub canonfailed ($$@) {
- my($max,$skipped,@failed) = @_;
- my %seen;
- @failed = sort {$a <=> $b} grep !$seen{$_}++, @failed;
- my $failed = @failed;
- my @result = ();
- my @canon = ();
- my $min;
- my $last = $min = shift @failed;
- my $canon;
- if (@failed) {
- for (@failed, $failed[-1]) { # don't forget the last one
- if ($_ > $last+1 || $_ == $last) {
- if ($min == $last) {
- push @canon, $last;
- } else {
- push @canon, "$min-$last";
- }
- $min = $_;
- }
- $last = $_;
- }
- local $" = ", ";
- push @result, "FAILED tests @canon\n";
- $canon = join ' ', @canon;
- } else {
- push @result, "FAILED test $last\n";
- $canon = $last;
- }
- push @result, "\tFailed $failed/$max tests, ";
- if ($max) {
- push @result, sprintf("%.2f",100*(1-$failed/$max)), "% okay";
- } else {
- push @result, "?% okay";
- }
- my $ender = 's' x ($skipped > 1);
- my $good = $max - $failed - $skipped;
- if ($skipped) {
- my $skipmsg = " (less $skipped skipped test$ender: $good okay, ";
- if ($max) {
- my $goodper = sprintf("%.2f",100*($good/$max));
- $skipmsg .= "$goodper%)";
- } else {
- $skipmsg .= "?%)";
- }
- push @result, $skipmsg;
- }
- push @result, "\n";
- my $txt = join "", @result;
- ($txt, $canon);
-=end _private
-=head1 EXPORT
-C<&runtests> is exported by Test::Harness by default.
-C<$verbose> and C<$switches> are exported upon request.
-=over 4
-=item C<All tests successful.\nFiles=%d, Tests=%d, %s>
-If all tests are successful some statistics about the performance are
-=item C<FAILED tests %s\n\tFailed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay.>
-For any single script that has failing subtests statistics like the
-above are printed.
-=item C<Test returned status %d (wstat %d)>
-Scripts that return a non-zero exit status, both C<$? E<gt>E<gt> 8>
-and C<$?> are printed in a message similar to the above.
-=item C<Failed 1 test, %.2f%% okay. %s>
-=item C<Failed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay. %s>
-If not all tests were successful, the script dies with one of the
-above messages.
-=item C<FAILED--Further testing stopped: %s>
-If a single subtest decides that further testing will not make sense,
-the script dies with this message.
-=over 4
-Harness sets this before executing the individual tests. This allows
-the tests to determine if they are being executed through the harness
-or by any other means.
-This value will be used for the width of the terminal. If it is not
-set then it will default to C<COLUMNS>. If this is not set, it will
-default to 80. Note that users of Bourne-sh based shells will need to
-C<export COLUMNS> for this module to use that variable.
-When true it will make harness attempt to compile the test using
-C<perlcc> before running it.
-B<NOTE> This currently only works when sitting in the perl source
-When set to the name of a directory, harness will check after each
-test whether new files appeared in that directory, and report them as
- LEAKED FILES: scr.tmp 0 my.db
-If relative, directory name is with respect to the current directory at
-the moment runtests() was called. Putting absolute path into
-C<HARNESS_FILELEAK_IN_DIR> may give more predictable results.
-Makes harness ignore the exit status of child processes when defined.
-When set to a true value, forces it to behave as though STDOUT were
-not a console. You may need to set this if you don't want harness to
-output more frequent progress messages using carriage returns. Some
-consoles may not handle carriage returns properly (which results in a
-somewhat messy output).
-If true, the C<ok> messages are printed out only every second.
-This reduces output and therefore may for example help testing
-over slow connections.
-Its value will be prepended to the switches used to invoke perl on
-each test. For example, setting C<HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES> to C<-W> will
-run all tests with all warnings enabled.
-If true, Test::Harness will output the verbose results of running
-its tests. Setting $Test::Harness::verbose will override this.
-=head1 EXAMPLE
-Here's how Test::Harness tests itself
- $ cd ~/src/devel/Test-Harness
- $ perl -Mblib -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose);
- $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
- Using /home/schwern/src/devel/Test-Harness/blib
- t/base..............ok
- t/nonumbers.........ok
- t/ok................ok
- t/test-harness......ok
- All tests successful.
- Files=4, Tests=24, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.61 cusr + 0.41 csys = 1.02 CPU)
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Test> and L<Test::Simple> for writing test scripts, L<Benchmark> for
-the underlying timing routines, L<Devel::CoreStack> to generate core
-dumps from failed tests and L<Devel::Cover> for test coverage
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Either Tim Bunce or Andreas Koenig, we don't know. What we know for
-sure is, that it was inspired by Larry Wall's TEST script that came
-with perl distributions for ages. Numerous anonymous contributors
-exist. Andreas Koenig held the torch for many years, and then
-Michael G Schwern.
-Current maintainer is Andy Lester C<< <andy@petdance.com> >>.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
-=head1 TODO
-Provide a way of running tests quietly (ie. no printing) for automated
-validation of tests. This will probably take the form of a version
-of runtests() which rather than printing its output returns raw data
-on the state of the tests. (Partially done in Test::Harness::Straps)
-Document the format.
-Fix HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST without breaking its core usage.
-Figure a way to report test names in the failure summary.
-Rework the test summary so long test names are not truncated as badly.
-(Partially done with new skip test styles)
-Deal with VMS's "not \nok 4\n" mistake.
-Add option for coverage analysis.
-Implement Straps total_results()
-Remember exit code
-Completely redo the print summary code.
-Implement Straps callbacks. (experimentally implemented)
-Straps->analyze_file() not taint clean, don't know if it can be
-Fix that damned VMS nit.
-HARNESS_TODOFAIL to display TODO failures
-Add a test for verbose.
-Change internal list of test results to a hash.
-Fix stats display when there's an overrun.
-Fix so perls with spaces in the filename work.
-=for _private
-Keeping whittling away at _run_all_tests()
-=for _private
-Clean up how the summary is printed. Get rid of those damned formats.
-=head1 BUGS
-HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST currently assumes it's run from the Perl source
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Assert.pm b/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Assert.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee23e3..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Assert.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-package Test::Harness::Assert;
-use strict;
-require Exporter;
-use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @ISA);
-$VERSION = '0.01';
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(assert);
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Harness::Assert - simple assert
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Harness::Assert;
- assert( EXPR, $name );
-A simple assert routine since we don't have Carp::Assert handy.
-B<For internal use by Test::Harness ONLY!>
-=head2 Functions
-=over 4
-=item B<assert>
- assert( EXPR, $name );
-If the expression is false the program aborts.
-sub assert ($;$) {
- my($assert, $name) = @_;
- unless( $assert ) {
- require Carp;
- my $msg = 'Assert failed';
- $msg .= " - '$name'" if defined $name;
- $msg .= '!';
- Carp::croak($msg);
- }
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Iterator.pm b/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Iterator.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e22793..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Iterator.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package Test::Harness::Iterator;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = 0.01;
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Harness::Iterator - Internal Test::Harness Iterator
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Harness::Iterator;
- use Test::Harness::Iterator;
- my $it = Test::Harness::Iterator->new(\*TEST);
- my $it = Test::Harness::Iterator->new(\@array);
- my $line = $it->next;
-This is a simple iterator wrapper for arrays and filehandles.
-sub new {
- my($proto, $thing) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- if( ref $thing eq 'GLOB' ) {
- bless $self, 'Test::Harness::Iterator::FH';
- $self->{fh} = $thing;
- }
- elsif( ref $thing eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- bless $self, 'Test::Harness::Iterator::ARRAY';
- $self->{idx} = 0;
- $self->{array} = $thing;
- }
- else {
- warn "Can't iterate with a ", ref $thing;
- }
- return $self;
-package Test::Harness::Iterator::FH;
-sub next {
- my $fh = $_[0]->{fh};
- return scalar <$fh>;
-package Test::Harness::Iterator::ARRAY;
-sub next {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{array}->[$self->{idx}++];
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Straps.pm b/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Straps.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d971b7..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/Harness/Straps.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
-# $Id$
-package Test::Harness::Straps;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-use Config;
-$VERSION = '0.15';
-use Test::Harness::Assert;
-use Test::Harness::Iterator;
-# Flags used as return values from our methods. Just for internal
-# clarification.
-my $TRUE = (1==1);
-my $FALSE = !$TRUE;
-my $YES = $TRUE;
-my $NO = $FALSE;
-=head1 NAME
-Test::Harness::Straps - detailed analysis of test results
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::Harness::Straps;
- my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
- # Various ways to interpret a test
- my %results = $strap->analyze($name, \@test_output);
- my %results = $strap->analyze_fh($name, $test_filehandle);
- my %results = $strap->analyze_file($test_file);
- my %total = $strap->total_results;
- # Altering the behavior of the strap UNIMPLEMENTED
- my $verbose_output = $strap->dump_verbose();
- $strap->dump_verbose_fh($output_filehandle);
-B<THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE> in that the interface is subject to change
-in incompatible ways. It is otherwise stable.
-Test::Harness is limited to printing out its results. This makes
-analysis of the test results difficult for anything but a human. To
-make it easier for programs to work with test results, we provide
-Test::Harness::Straps. Instead of printing the results, straps
-provide them as raw data. You can also configure how the tests are to
-be run.
-The interface is currently incomplete. I<Please> contact the author
-if you'd like a feature added or something change or just have
-=head1 Construction
-=head2 C<new>
- my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
-Initialize a new strap.
-sub new {
- my($proto) = shift;
- my($class) = ref $proto || $proto;
- my $self = bless {}, $class;
- $self->_init;
- return $self;
-=head2 C<_init>
- $strap->_init;
-Initialize the internal state of a strap to make it ready for parsing.
-sub _init {
- my($self) = shift;
- $self->{_is_vms} = $^O eq 'VMS';
- $self->{_is_win32} = $^O eq 'Win32';
-=head1 Analysis
-=head2 C<analyze>
- my %results = $strap->analyze($name, \@test_output);
-Analyzes the output of a single test, assigning it the given C<$name>
-for use in the total report. Returns the C<%results> of the test.
-See L<Results>.
-C<@test_output> should be the raw output from the test, including
-sub analyze {
- my($self, $name, $test_output) = @_;
- my $it = Test::Harness::Iterator->new($test_output);
- return $self->_analyze_iterator($name, $it);
-sub _analyze_iterator {
- my($self, $name, $it) = @_;
- $self->_reset_file_state;
- $self->{file} = $name;
- my %totals = (
- max => 0,
- seen => 0,
- ok => 0,
- todo => 0,
- skip => 0,
- bonus => 0,
- details => []
- );
- # Set them up here so callbacks can have them.
- $self->{totals}{$name} = \%totals;
- while( defined(my $line = $it->next) ) {
- $self->_analyze_line($line, \%totals);
- last if $self->{saw_bailout};
- }
- $totals{skip_all} = $self->{skip_all} if defined $self->{skip_all};
- my $passed = ($totals{max} == 0 && defined $totals{skip_all}) ||
- ($totals{max} && $totals{seen} &&
- $totals{max} == $totals{seen} &&
- $totals{max} == $totals{ok});
- $totals{passing} = $passed ? 1 : 0;
- return %totals;
-sub _analyze_line {
- my($self, $line, $totals) = @_;
- my %result = ();
- $self->{line}++;
- my $type;
- if( $self->_is_header($line) ) {
- $type = 'header';
- $self->{saw_header}++;
- $totals->{max} += $self->{max};
- }
- elsif( $self->_is_test($line, \%result) ) {
- $type = 'test';
- $totals->{seen}++;
- $result{number} = $self->{'next'} unless $result{number};
- # sometimes the 'not ' and the 'ok' are on different lines,
- # happens often on VMS if you do:
- # print "not " unless $test;
- # print "ok $num\n";
- if( $self->{saw_lone_not} &&
- ($self->{lone_not_line} == $self->{line} - 1) )
- {
- $result{ok} = 0;
- }
- my $pass = $result{ok};
- $result{type} = 'todo' if $self->{todo}{$result{number}};
- if( $result{type} eq 'todo' ) {
- $totals->{todo}++;
- $pass = 1;
- $totals->{bonus}++ if $result{ok}
- }
- elsif( $result{type} eq 'skip' ) {
- $totals->{skip}++;
- $pass = 1;
- }
- $totals->{ok}++ if $pass;
- if( $result{number} > 100000 && $result{number} > $self->{max} ) {
- warn "Enormous test number seen [test $result{number}]\n";
- warn "Can't detailize, too big.\n";
- }
- else {
- $totals->{details}[$result{number} - 1] =
- {$self->_detailize($pass, \%result)};
- }
- # XXX handle counter mismatch
- }
- elsif ( $self->_is_bail_out($line, \$self->{bailout_reason}) ) {
- $type = 'bailout';
- $self->{saw_bailout} = 1;
- }
- else {
- $type = 'other';
- }
- $self->{callback}->($self, $line, $type, $totals) if $self->{callback};
- $self->{'next'} = $result{number} + 1 if $type eq 'test';
-=head2 C<analyze_fh>
- my %results = $strap->analyze_fh($name, $test_filehandle);
-Like C<analyze>, but it reads from the given filehandle.
-sub analyze_fh {
- my($self, $name, $fh) = @_;
- my $it = Test::Harness::Iterator->new($fh);
- $self->_analyze_iterator($name, $it);
-=head2 C<analyze_file>
- my %results = $strap->analyze_file($test_file);
-Like C<analyze>, but it runs the given C<$test_file> and parses its
-results. It will also use that name for the total report.
-sub analyze_file {
- my($self, $file) = @_;
- unless( -e $file ) {
- $self->{error} = "$file does not exist";
- return;
- }
- unless( -r $file ) {
- $self->{error} = "$file is not readable";
- return;
- }
- local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $self->_INC2PERL5LIB;
- my $cmd = $self->{_is_vms} ? "MCR $^X" :
- $self->{_is_win32} ? Win32::GetShortPathName($^X)
- : $^X;
- my $switches = $self->_switches($file);
- # *sigh* this breaks under taint, but open -| is unportable.
- unless( open(FILE, "$cmd $switches $file|") ) {
- print "can't run $file. $!\n";
- return;
- }
- my %results = $self->analyze_fh($file, \*FILE);
- my $exit = close FILE;
- $results{'wait'} = $?;
- if( $? && $self->{_is_vms} ) {
- eval q{use vmsish "status"; $results{'exit'} = $?};
- }
- else {
- $results{'exit'} = _wait2exit($?);
- }
- $results{passing} = 0 unless $? == 0;
- $self->_restore_PERL5LIB();
- return %results;
-eval { require POSIX; &POSIX::WEXITSTATUS(0) };
-if( $@ ) {
- *_wait2exit = sub { $_[0] >> 8 };
-else {
- *_wait2exit = sub { POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($_[0]) }
-=head2 C<_switches>
- my $switches = $self->_switches($file);
-Formats and returns the switches necessary to run the test.
-sub _switches {
- my($self, $file) = @_;
- local *TEST;
- open(TEST, $file) or print "can't open $file. $!\n";
- my $first = <TEST>;
- my $s = $Test::Harness::Switches || '';
- if ($first =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*\s-\w*([Tt]+)/) {
- # When taint mode is on, PERL5LIB is ignored. So we need to put
- # all that on the command line as -Is.
- $s .= join " ", qq[ "-$1"], map {qq["-I$_"]} $self->_filtered_INC;
- }
- elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- # MacPerl's putenv is broken, so it will not see PERL5LIB.
- $s .= join " ", map {qq["-I$_"]} $self->_filtered_INC;
- }
- close(TEST) or print "can't close $file. $!\n";
- return $s;
-=head2 C<_INC2PERL5LIB>
- local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $self->_INC2PERL5LIB;
-Takes the current value of C<@INC> and turns it into something suitable
-for putting onto C<PERL5LIB>.
-sub _INC2PERL5LIB {
- my($self) = shift;
- $self->{_old5lib} = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
- return join $Config{path_sep}, $self->_filtered_INC;
-=head2 C<_filtered_INC>
- my @filtered_inc = $self->_filtered_INC;
-Shortens C<@INC> by removing redundant and unnecessary entries.
-Necessary for OSes with limited command line lengths, like VMS.
-sub _filtered_INC {
- my($self, @inc) = @_;
- @inc = @INC unless @inc;
- # VMS has a 255-byte limit on the length of %ENV entries, so
- # toss the ones that involve perl_root, the install location
- # for VMS
- if( $self->{_is_vms} ) {
- @inc = grep !/perl_root/i, @inc;
- }
- return @inc;
-=head2 C<_restore_PERL5LIB>
- $self->_restore_PERL5LIB;
-This restores the original value of the C<PERL5LIB> environment variable.
-Necessary on VMS, otherwise a no-op.
-sub _restore_PERL5LIB {
- my($self) = shift;
- return unless $self->{_is_vms};
- if (defined $self->{_old5lib}) {
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $self->{_old5lib};
- }
-=head1 Parsing
-Methods for identifying what sort of line you're looking at.
-=head2 C<_is_comment>
- my $is_comment = $strap->_is_comment($line, \$comment);
-Checks if the given line is a comment. If so, it will place it into
-C<$comment> (sans #).
-sub _is_comment {
- my($self, $line, $comment) = @_;
- if( $line =~ /^\s*\#(.*)/ ) {
- $$comment = $1;
- return $YES;
- }
- else {
- return $NO;
- }
-=head2 C<_is_header>
- my $is_header = $strap->_is_header($line);
-Checks if the given line is a header (1..M) line. If so, it places how
-many tests there will be in C<< $strap->{max} >>, a list of which tests
-are todo in C<< $strap->{todo} >> and if the whole test was skipped
-C<< $strap->{skip_all} >> contains the reason.
-# Regex for parsing a header. Will be run with /x
-my $Extra_Header_Re = <<'REGEX';
- ^
- (?: \s+ todo \s+ ([\d \t]+) )? # optional todo set
- (?: \s* \# \s* ([\w:]+\s?) (.*) )? # optional skip with optional reason
-sub _is_header {
- my($self, $line) = @_;
- if( my($max, $extra) = $line =~ /^1\.\.(\d+)(.*)/ ) {
- $self->{max} = $max;
- assert( $self->{max} >= 0, 'Max # of tests looks right' );
- if( defined $extra ) {
- my($todo, $skip, $reason) = $extra =~ /$Extra_Header_Re/xo;
- $self->{todo} = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s+/, $todo } if $todo;
- if( $self->{max} == 0 ) {
- $reason = '' unless defined $skip and $skip =~ /^Skip/i;
- }
- $self->{skip_all} = $reason;
- }
- return $YES;
- }
- else {
- return $NO;
- }
-=head2 C<_is_test>
- my $is_test = $strap->_is_test($line, \%test);
-Checks if the $line is a test report (ie. 'ok/not ok'). Reports the
-result back in C<%test> which will contain:
- ok did it succeed? This is the literal 'ok' or 'not ok'.
- name name of the test (if any)
- number test number (if any)
- type 'todo' or 'skip' (if any)
- reason why is it todo or skip? (if any)
-If will also catch lone 'not' lines, note it saw them
-C<< $strap->{saw_lone_not} >> and the line in C<< $strap->{lone_not_line} >>.
-my $Report_Re = <<'REGEX';
- ^
- (not\ )? # failure?
- ok\b
- (?:\s+(\d+))? # optional test number
- \s*
- (.*) # and the rest
-my $Extra_Re = <<'REGEX';
- ^
- (.*?) (?:(?:[^\\]|^)# (.*))?
- $
-sub _is_test {
- my($self, $line, $test) = @_;
- # We pulverize the line down into pieces in three parts.
- if( my($not, $num, $extra) = $line =~ /$Report_Re/ox ) {
- my($name, $control) = split /(?:[^\\]|^)#/, $extra if $extra;
- my($type, $reason) = $control =~ /^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ if $control;
- $test->{number} = $num;
- $test->{ok} = $not ? 0 : 1;
- $test->{name} = $name;
- if( defined $type ) {
- $test->{type} = $type =~ /^TODO$/i ? 'todo' :
- $type =~ /^Skip/i ? 'skip' : 0;
- }
- else {
- $test->{type} = '';
- }
- $test->{reason} = $reason;
- return $YES;
- }
- else{
- # Sometimes the "not " and "ok" will be on seperate lines on VMS.
- # We catch this and remember we saw it.
- if( $line =~ /^not\s+$/ ) {
- $self->{saw_lone_not} = 1;
- $self->{lone_not_line} = $self->{line};
- }
- return $NO;
- }
-=head2 C<_is_bail_out>
- my $is_bail_out = $strap->_is_bail_out($line, \$reason);
-Checks if the line is a "Bail out!". Places the reason for bailing
-(if any) in $reason.
-sub _is_bail_out {
- my($self, $line, $reason) = @_;
- if( $line =~ /^Bail out!\s*(.*)/i ) {
- $$reason = $1 if $1;
- return $YES;
- }
- else {
- return $NO;
- }
-=head2 C<_reset_file_state>
- $strap->_reset_file_state;
-Resets things like C<< $strap->{max} >> , C<< $strap->{skip_all} >>,
-etc. so it's ready to parse the next file.
-sub _reset_file_state {
- my($self) = shift;
- delete @{$self}{qw(max skip_all todo)};
- $self->{line} = 0;
- $self->{saw_header} = 0;
- $self->{saw_bailout}= 0;
- $self->{saw_lone_not} = 0;
- $self->{lone_not_line} = 0;
- $self->{bailout_reason} = '';
- $self->{'next'} = 1;
-=head1 Results
-The C<%results> returned from C<analyze()> contain the following
- passing true if the whole test is considered a pass
- (or skipped), false if its a failure
- exit the exit code of the test run, if from a file
- wait the wait code of the test run, if from a file
- max total tests which should have been run
- seen total tests actually seen
- skip_all if the whole test was skipped, this will
- contain the reason.
- ok number of tests which passed
- (including todo and skips)
- todo number of todo tests seen
- bonus number of todo tests which
- unexpectedly passed
- skip number of tests skipped
-So a successful test should have max == seen == ok.
-There is one final item, the details.
- details an array ref reporting the result of
- each test looks like this:
- $results{details}[$test_num - 1] =
- { ok => is the test considered ok?
- actual_ok => did it literally say 'ok'?
- name => name of the test (if any)
- type => 'skip' or 'todo' (if any)
- reason => reason for the above (if any)
- };
-Element 0 of the details is test #1. I tried it with element 1 being
-#1 and 0 being empty, this is less awkward.
-=head2 C<_detailize>
- my %details = $strap->_detailize($pass, \%test);
-Generates the details based on the last test line seen. C<$pass> is
-true if it was considered to be a passed test. C<%test> is the results
-of the test you're summarizing.
-sub _detailize {
- my($self, $pass, $test) = @_;
- my %details = ( ok => $pass,
- actual_ok => $test->{ok}
- );
- assert( !(grep !defined $details{$_}, keys %details),
- 'test contains the ok and actual_ok info' );
- # We don't want these to be undef because they are often
- # checked and don't want the checker to have to deal with
- # uninitialized vars.
- foreach my $piece (qw(name type reason)) {
- $details{$piece} = defined $test->{$piece} ? $test->{$piece} : '';
- }
- return %details;
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-See F<examples/mini_harness.plx> for an example of use.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Michael G Schwern C<< <schwern@pobox.com> >>, currently maintained by
-Andy Lester C<< <andy@petdance.com> >>.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/Perl/t/Test/More.pm b/Perl/t/Test/More.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f7552..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Test/More.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1248 +0,0 @@
-package Test::More;
-use 5.004;
-use strict;
-use Test::Builder;
-# Can't use Carp because it might cause use_ok() to accidentally succeed
-# even though the module being used forgot to use Carp. Yes, this
-# actually happened.
-sub _carp {
- my($file, $line) = (caller(1))[1,2];
- warn @_, " at $file line $line\n";
-require Exporter;
-$VERSION = '0.47';
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(ok use_ok require_ok
- is isnt like unlike is_deeply
- cmp_ok
- skip todo todo_skip
- pass fail
- eq_array eq_hash eq_set
- plan
- can_ok isa_ok
- diag
- );
-my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
-# 5.004's Exporter doesn't have export_to_level.
-sub _export_to_level
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $level = shift;
- (undef) = shift; # redundant arg
- my $callpkg = caller($level);
- $pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
-=head1 NAME
-Test::More - yet another framework for writing test scripts
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Test::More tests => $Num_Tests;
- # or
- use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- # or
- use Test::More skip_all => $reason;
- BEGIN { use_ok( 'Some::Module' ); }
- require_ok( 'Some::Module' );
- # Various ways to say "ok"
- ok($this eq $that, $test_name);
- is ($this, $that, $test_name);
- isnt($this, $that, $test_name);
- # Rather than print STDERR "# here's what went wrong\n"
- diag("here's what went wrong");
- like ($this, qr/that/, $test_name);
- unlike($this, qr/that/, $test_name);
- cmp_ok($this, '==', $that, $test_name);
- is_deeply($complex_structure1, $complex_structure2, $test_name);
- SKIP: {
- skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;
- ok( foo(), $test_name );
- is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
- };
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = $why;
- ok( foo(), $test_name );
- is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
- };
- can_ok($module, @methods);
- isa_ok($object, $class);
- pass($test_name);
- fail($test_name);
- # Utility comparison functions.
- eq_array(\@this, \@that);
- eq_hash(\%this, \%that);
- eq_set(\@this, \@that);
- my @status = Test::More::status;
- BAIL_OUT($why);
-B<STOP!> If you're just getting started writing tests, have a look at
-Test::Simple first. This is a drop in replacement for Test::Simple
-which you can switch to once you get the hang of basic testing.
-The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing
-utilities. Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics,
-facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated
-data structures. While you can do almost anything with a simple
-C<ok()> function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output.
-=head2 I love it when a plan comes together
-Before anything else, you need a testing plan. This basically declares
-how many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature
-The preferred way to do this is to declare a plan when you C<use Test::More>.
- use Test::More tests => $Num_Tests;
-There are rare cases when you will not know beforehand how many tests
-your script is going to run. In this case, you can declare that you
-have no plan. (Try to avoid using this as it weakens your test.)
- use Test::More qw(no_plan);
-In some cases, you'll want to completely skip an entire testing script.
- use Test::More skip_all => $skip_reason;
-Your script will declare a skip with the reason why you skipped and
-exit immediately with a zero (success). See L<Test::Harness> for
-If you want to control what functions Test::More will export, you
-have to use the 'import' option. For example, to import everything
-but 'fail', you'd do:
- use Test::More tests => 23, import => ['!fail'];
-Alternatively, you can use the plan() function. Useful for when you
-have to calculate the number of tests.
- use Test::More;
- plan tests => keys %Stuff * 3;
-or for deciding between running the tests at all:
- use Test::More;
- if( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) {
- plan skip_all => 'Test irrelevant on MacOS';
- }
- else {
- plan tests => 42;
- }
-sub plan {
- my(@plan) = @_;
- my $caller = caller;
- $Test->exported_to($caller);
- my @imports = ();
- foreach my $idx (0..$#plan) {
- if( $plan[$idx] eq 'import' ) {
- my($tag, $imports) = splice @plan, $idx, 2;
- @imports = @$imports;
- last;
- }
- }
- $Test->plan(@plan);
- __PACKAGE__->_export_to_level(1, __PACKAGE__, @imports);
-sub import {
- my($class) = shift;
- goto &plan;
-=head2 Test names
-By convention, each test is assigned a number in order. This is
-largely done automatically for you. However, it's often very useful to
-assign a name to each test. Which would you rather see:
- ok 4
- not ok 5
- ok 6
- ok 4 - basic multi-variable
- not ok 5 - simple exponential
- ok 6 - force == mass * acceleration
-The later gives you some idea of what failed. It also makes it easier
-to find the test in your script, simply search for "simple
-All test functions take a name argument. It's optional, but highly
-suggested that you use it.
-=head2 I'm ok, you're not ok.
-The basic purpose of this module is to print out either "ok #" or "not
-ok #" depending on if a given test succeeded or failed. Everything
-else is just gravy.
-All of the following print "ok" or "not ok" depending on if the test
-succeeded or failed. They all also return true or false,
-=over 4
-=item B<ok>
- ok($this eq $that, $test_name);
-This simply evaluates any expression (C<$this eq $that> is just a
-simple example) and uses that to determine if the test succeeded or
-failed. A true expression passes, a false one fails. Very simple.
-For example:
- ok( $exp{9} == 81, 'simple exponential' );
- ok( Film->can('db_Main'), 'set_db()' );
- ok( $p->tests == 4, 'saw tests' );
- ok( !grep !defined $_, @items, 'items populated' );
-(Mnemonic: "This is ok.")
-$test_name is a very short description of the test that will be printed
-out. It makes it very easy to find a test in your script when it fails
-and gives others an idea of your intentions. $test_name is optional,
-but we B<very> strongly encourage its use.
-Should an ok() fail, it will produce some diagnostics:
- not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
- # Failed test 18 (foo.t at line 42)
-This is actually Test::Simple's ok() routine.
-sub ok ($;$) {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- $Test->ok($test, $name);
-=item B<is>
-=item B<isnt>
- is ( $this, $that, $test_name );
- isnt( $this, $that, $test_name );
-Similar to ok(), is() and isnt() compare their two arguments
-with C<eq> and C<ne> respectively and use the result of that to
-determine if the test succeeded or failed. So these:
- # Is the ultimate answer 42?
- is( ultimate_answer(), 42, "Meaning of Life" );
- # $foo isn't empty
- isnt( $foo, '', "Got some foo" );
-are similar to these:
- ok( ultimate_answer() eq 42, "Meaning of Life" );
- ok( $foo ne '', "Got some foo" );
-(Mnemonic: "This is that." "This isn't that.")
-So why use these? They produce better diagnostics on failure. ok()
-cannot know what you are testing for (beyond the name), but is() and
-isnt() know what the test was and why it failed. For example this
- my $foo = 'waffle'; my $bar = 'yarblokos';
- is( $foo, $bar, 'Is foo the same as bar?' );
-Will produce something like this:
- not ok 17 - Is foo the same as bar?
- # Failed test (foo.t at line 139)
- # got: 'waffle'
- # expected: 'yarblokos'
-So you can figure out what went wrong without rerunning the test.
-You are encouraged to use is() and isnt() over ok() where possible,
-however do not be tempted to use them to find out if something is
-true or false!
- # XXX BAD! $pope->isa('Catholic') eq 1
- is( $pope->isa('Catholic'), 1, 'Is the Pope Catholic?' );
-This does not check if C<$pope->isa('Catholic')> is true, it checks if
-it returns 1. Very different. Similar caveats exist for false and 0.
-In these cases, use ok().
- ok( $pope->isa('Catholic') ), 'Is the Pope Catholic?' );
-For those grammatical pedants out there, there's an C<isn't()>
-function which is an alias of isnt().
-sub is ($$;$) {
- $Test->is_eq(@_);
-sub isnt ($$;$) {
- $Test->isnt_eq(@_);
-*isn't = \&isnt;
-=item B<like>
- like( $this, qr/that/, $test_name );
-Similar to ok(), like() matches $this against the regex C<qr/that/>.
-So this:
- like($this, qr/that/, 'this is like that');
-is similar to:
- ok( $this =~ /that/, 'this is like that');
-(Mnemonic "This is like that".)
-The second argument is a regular expression. It may be given as a
-regex reference (i.e. C<qr//>) or (for better compatibility with older
-perls) as a string that looks like a regex (alternative delimiters are
-currently not supported):
- like( $this, '/that/', 'this is like that' );
-Regex options may be placed on the end (C<'/that/i'>).
-Its advantages over ok() are similar to that of is() and isnt(). Better
-diagnostics on failure.
-sub like ($$;$) {
- $Test->like(@_);
-=item B<unlike>
- unlike( $this, qr/that/, $test_name );
-Works exactly as like(), only it checks if $this B<does not> match the
-given pattern.
-sub unlike {
- $Test->unlike(@_);
-=item B<cmp_ok>
- cmp_ok( $this, $op, $that, $test_name );
-Halfway between ok() and is() lies cmp_ok(). This allows you to
-compare two arguments using any binary perl operator.
- # ok( $this eq $that );
- cmp_ok( $this, 'eq', $that, 'this eq that' );
- # ok( $this == $that );
- cmp_ok( $this, '==', $that, 'this == that' );
- # ok( $this && $that );
- cmp_ok( $this, '&&', $that, 'this || that' );
- ...etc...
-Its advantage over ok() is when the test fails you'll know what $this
-and $that were:
- not ok 1
- # Failed test (foo.t at line 12)
- # '23'
- # &&
- # undef
-It's also useful in those cases where you are comparing numbers and
-is()'s use of C<eq> will interfere:
- cmp_ok( $big_hairy_number, '==', $another_big_hairy_number );
-sub cmp_ok($$$;$) {
- $Test->cmp_ok(@_);
-=item B<can_ok>
- can_ok($module, @methods);
- can_ok($object, @methods);
-Checks to make sure the $module or $object can do these @methods
-(works with functions, too).
- can_ok('Foo', qw(this that whatever));
-is almost exactly like saying:
- ok( Foo->can('this') &&
- Foo->can('that') &&
- Foo->can('whatever')
- );
-only without all the typing and with a better interface. Handy for
-quickly testing an interface.
-No matter how many @methods you check, a single can_ok() call counts
-as one test. If you desire otherwise, use:
- foreach my $meth (@methods) {
- can_ok('Foo', $meth);
- }
-sub can_ok ($@) {
- my($proto, @methods) = @_;
- my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
- unless( @methods ) {
- my $ok = $Test->ok( 0, "$class->can(...)" );
- $Test->diag(' can_ok() called with no methods');
- return $ok;
- }
- my @nok = ();
- foreach my $method (@methods) {
- local($!, $@); # don't interfere with caller's $@
- # eval sometimes resets $!
- eval { $proto->can($method) } || push @nok, $method;
- }
- my $name;
- $name = @methods == 1 ? "$class->can('$methods[0]')"
- : "$class->can(...)";
- my $ok = $Test->ok( !@nok, $name );
- $Test->diag(map " $class->can('$_') failed\n", @nok);
- return $ok;
-=item B<isa_ok>
- isa_ok($object, $class, $object_name);
- isa_ok($ref, $type, $ref_name);
-Checks to see if the given $object->isa($class). Also checks to make
-sure the object was defined in the first place. Handy for this sort
-of thing:
- my $obj = Some::Module->new;
- isa_ok( $obj, 'Some::Module' );
-where you'd otherwise have to write
- my $obj = Some::Module->new;
- ok( defined $obj && $obj->isa('Some::Module') );
-to safeguard against your test script blowing up.
-It works on references, too:
- isa_ok( $array_ref, 'ARRAY' );
-The diagnostics of this test normally just refer to 'the object'. If
-you'd like them to be more specific, you can supply an $object_name
-(for example 'Test customer').
-sub isa_ok ($$;$) {
- my($object, $class, $obj_name) = @_;
- my $diag;
- $obj_name = 'The object' unless defined $obj_name;
- my $name = "$obj_name isa $class";
- if( !defined $object ) {
- $diag = "$obj_name isn't defined";
- }
- elsif( !ref $object ) {
- $diag = "$obj_name isn't a reference";
- }
- else {
- # We can't use UNIVERSAL::isa because we want to honor isa() overrides
- local($@, $!); # eval sometimes resets $!
- my $rslt = eval { $object->isa($class) };
- if( $@ ) {
- if( $@ =~ /^Can't call method "isa" on unblessed reference/ ) {
- if( !UNIVERSAL::isa($object, $class) ) {
- my $ref = ref $object;
- $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
- }
- } else {
- die <<WHOA;
-WHOA! I tried to call ->isa on your object and got some weird error.
-This should never happen. Please contact the author immediately.
-Here's the error.
- }
- }
- elsif( !$rslt ) {
- my $ref = ref $object;
- $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
- }
- }
- my $ok;
- if( $diag ) {
- $ok = $Test->ok( 0, $name );
- $Test->diag(" $diag\n");
- }
- else {
- $ok = $Test->ok( 1, $name );
- }
- return $ok;
-=item B<pass>
-=item B<fail>
- pass($test_name);
- fail($test_name);
-Sometimes you just want to say that the tests have passed. Usually
-the case is you've got some complicated condition that is difficult to
-wedge into an ok(). In this case, you can simply use pass() (to
-declare the test ok) or fail (for not ok). They are synonyms for
-ok(1) and ok(0).
-Use these very, very, very sparingly.
-sub pass (;$) {
- $Test->ok(1, @_);
-sub fail (;$) {
- $Test->ok(0, @_);
-=head2 Diagnostics
-If you pick the right test function, you'll usually get a good idea of
-what went wrong when it failed. But sometimes it doesn't work out
-that way. So here we have ways for you to write your own diagnostic
-messages which are safer than just C<print STDERR>.
-=over 4
-=item B<diag>
- diag(@diagnostic_message);
-Prints a diagnostic message which is guaranteed not to interfere with
-test output. Handy for this sort of thing:
- ok( grep(/foo/, @users), "There's a foo user" ) or
- diag("Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right");
-which would produce:
- not ok 42 - There's a foo user
- # Failed test (foo.t at line 52)
- # Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right.
-You might remember C<ok() or diag()> with the mnemonic C<open() or
-B<NOTE> The exact formatting of the diagnostic output is still
-changing, but it is guaranteed that whatever you throw at it it won't
-interfere with the test.
-sub diag {
- $Test->diag(@_);
-=head2 Module tests
-You usually want to test if the module you're testing loads ok, rather
-than just vomiting if its load fails. For such purposes we have
-C<use_ok> and C<require_ok>.
-=over 4
-=item B<use_ok>
- BEGIN { use_ok($module); }
- BEGIN { use_ok($module, @imports); }
-These simply use the given $module and test to make sure the load
-happened ok. It's recommended that you run use_ok() inside a BEGIN
-block so its functions are exported at compile-time and prototypes are
-properly honored.
-If @imports are given, they are passed through to the use. So this:
- BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', qw(foo bar)) }
-is like doing this:
- use Some::Module qw(foo bar);
-don't try to do this:
- use_ok('Some::Module');
- ...some code that depends on the use...
- ...happening at compile time...
- }
-instead, you want:
- BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module') }
- BEGIN { ...some code that depends on the use... }
-sub use_ok ($;@) {
- my($module, @imports) = @_;
- @imports = () unless @imports;
- my $pack = caller;
- local($@,$!); # eval sometimes interferes with $!
- eval <<USE;
-package $pack;
-require $module;
- my $ok = $Test->ok( !$@, "use $module;" );
- unless( $ok ) {
- chomp $@;
- $Test->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
- Tried to use '$module'.
- Error: $@
- }
- return $ok;
-=item B<require_ok>
- require_ok($module);
-Like use_ok(), except it requires the $module.
-sub require_ok ($) {
- my($module) = shift;
- my $pack = caller;
- local($!, $@); # eval sometimes interferes with $!
- eval <<REQUIRE;
-package $pack;
-require $module;
- my $ok = $Test->ok( !$@, "require $module;" );
- unless( $ok ) {
- chomp $@;
- $Test->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
- Tried to require '$module'.
- Error: $@
- }
- return $ok;
-=head2 Conditional tests
-Sometimes running a test under certain conditions will cause the
-test script to die. A certain function or method isn't implemented
-(such as fork() on MacOS), some resource isn't available (like a
-net connection) or a module isn't available. In these cases it's
-necessary to skip tests, or declare that they are supposed to fail
-but will work in the future (a todo test).
-For more details on the mechanics of skip and todo tests see
-The way Test::More handles this is with a named block. Basically, a
-block of tests which can be skipped over or made todo. It's best if I
-just show you...
-=over 4
-=item B<SKIP: BLOCK>
- SKIP: {
- skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
- ...normal testing code goes here...
- }
-This declares a block of tests that might be skipped, $how_many tests
-there are, $why and under what $condition to skip them. An example is
-the easiest way to illustrate:
- SKIP: {
- eval { require HTML::Lint };
- skip "HTML::Lint not installed", 2 if $@;
- my $lint = new HTML::Lint;
- isa_ok( $lint, "HTML::Lint" );
- $lint->parse( $html );
- is( $lint->errors, 0, "No errors found in HTML" );
- }
-If the user does not have HTML::Lint installed, the whole block of
-code I<won't be run at all>. Test::More will output special ok's
-which Test::Harness interprets as skipped, but passing, tests.
-It's important that $how_many accurately reflects the number of tests
-in the SKIP block so the # of tests run will match up with your plan.
-It's perfectly safe to nest SKIP blocks. Each SKIP block must have
-the label C<SKIP>, or Test::More can't work its magic.
-You don't skip tests which are failing because there's a bug in your
-program, or for which you don't yet have code written. For that you
-use TODO. Read on.
-sub skip {
- my($why, $how_many) = @_;
- unless( defined $how_many ) {
- # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
- _carp "skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
- unless $Test::Builder::No_Plan;
- $how_many = 1;
- }
- for( 1..$how_many ) {
- $Test->skip($why);
- }
- local $^W = 0;
- last SKIP;
-=item B<TODO: BLOCK>
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = $why if $condition;
- ...normal testing code goes here...
- }
-Declares a block of tests you expect to fail and $why. Perhaps it's
-because you haven't fixed a bug or haven't finished a new feature:
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "URI::Geller not finished";
- my $card = "Eight of clubs";
- is( URI::Geller->your_card, $card, 'Is THIS your card?' );
- my $spoon;
- URI::Geller->bend_spoon;
- is( $spoon, 'bent', "Spoon bending, that's original" );
- }
-With a todo block, the tests inside are expected to fail. Test::More
-will run the tests normally, but print out special flags indicating
-they are "todo". Test::Harness will interpret failures as being ok.
-Should anything succeed, it will report it as an unexpected success.
-You then know the thing you had todo is done and can remove the
-TODO flag.
-The nice part about todo tests, as opposed to simply commenting out a
-block of tests, is it's like having a programmatic todo list. You know
-how much work is left to be done, you're aware of what bugs there are,
-and you'll know immediately when they're fixed.
-Once a todo test starts succeeding, simply move it outside the block.
-When the block is empty, delete it.
-=item B<todo_skip>
- TODO: {
- todo_skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
- ...normal testing code...
- }
-With todo tests, it's best to have the tests actually run. That way
-you'll know when they start passing. Sometimes this isn't possible.
-Often a failing test will cause the whole program to die or hang, even
-inside an C<eval BLOCK> with and using C<alarm>. In these extreme
-cases you have no choice but to skip over the broken tests entirely.
-The syntax and behavior is similar to a C<SKIP: BLOCK> except the
-tests will be marked as failing but todo. Test::Harness will
-interpret them as passing.
-sub todo_skip {
- my($why, $how_many) = @_;
- unless( defined $how_many ) {
- # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
- _carp "todo_skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
- unless $Test::Builder::No_Plan;
- $how_many = 1;
- }
- for( 1..$how_many ) {
- $Test->todo_skip($why);
- }
- local $^W = 0;
- last TODO;
-=item When do I use SKIP vs. TODO?
-B<If it's something the user might not be able to do>, use SKIP.
-This includes optional modules that aren't installed, running under
-an OS that doesn't have some feature (like fork() or symlinks), or maybe
-you need an Internet connection and one isn't available.
-B<If it's something the programmer hasn't done yet>, use TODO. This
-is for any code you haven't written yet, or bugs you have yet to fix,
-but want to put tests in your testing script (always a good idea).
-=head2 Comparison functions
-Not everything is a simple eq check or regex. There are times you
-need to see if two arrays are equivalent, for instance. For these
-instances, Test::More provides a handful of useful functions.
-B<NOTE> These are NOT well-tested on circular references. Nor am I
-quite sure what will happen with filehandles.
-=over 4
-=item B<is_deeply>
- is_deeply( $this, $that, $test_name );
-Similar to is(), except that if $this and $that are hash or array
-references, it does a deep comparison walking each data structure to
-see if they are equivalent. If the two structures are different, it
-will display the place where they start differing.
-Barrie Slaymaker's Test::Differences module provides more in-depth
-functionality along these lines, and it plays well with Test::More.
-B<NOTE> Display of scalar refs is not quite 100%
-use vars qw(@Data_Stack);
-my $DNE = bless [], 'Does::Not::Exist';
-sub is_deeply {
- my($this, $that, $name) = @_;
- my $ok;
- if( !ref $this || !ref $that ) {
- $ok = $Test->is_eq($this, $that, $name);
- }
- else {
- local @Data_Stack = ();
- if( _deep_check($this, $that) ) {
- $ok = $Test->ok(1, $name);
- }
- else {
- $ok = $Test->ok(0, $name);
- $ok = $Test->diag(_format_stack(@Data_Stack));
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-sub _format_stack {
- my(@Stack) = @_;
- my $var = '$FOO';
- my $did_arrow = 0;
- foreach my $entry (@Stack) {
- my $type = $entry->{type} || '';
- my $idx = $entry->{'idx'};
- if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
- $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
- $var .= "{$idx}";
- }
- elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
- $var .= "[$idx]";
- }
- elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
- $var = "\${$var}";
- }
- }
- my @vals = @{$Stack[-1]{vals}}[0,1];
- my @vars = ();
- ($vars[0] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/ \$got/;
- ($vars[1] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/\$expected/;
- my $out = "Structures begin differing at:\n";
- foreach my $idx (0..$#vals) {
- my $val = $vals[$idx];
- $vals[$idx] = !defined $val ? 'undef' :
- $val eq $DNE ? "Does not exist"
- : "'$val'";
- }
- $out .= "$vars[0] = $vals[0]\n";
- $out .= "$vars[1] = $vals[1]\n";
- $out =~ s/^/ /msg;
- return $out;
-=item B<eq_array>
- eq_array(\@this, \@that);
-Checks if two arrays are equivalent. This is a deep check, so
-multi-level structures are handled correctly.
-sub eq_array {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
- my $ok = 1;
- my $max = $#$a1 > $#$a2 ? $#$a1 : $#$a2;
- for (0..$max) {
- my $e1 = $_ > $#$a1 ? $DNE : $a1->[$_];
- my $e2 = $_ > $#$a2 ? $DNE : $a2->[$_];
- push @Data_Stack, { type => 'ARRAY', idx => $_, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
- $ok = _deep_check($e1,$e2);
- pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
- last unless $ok;
- }
- return $ok;
-sub _deep_check {
- my($e1, $e2) = @_;
- my $ok = 0;
-# my $eq;
- {
- # Quiet uninitialized value warnings when comparing undefs.
- local $^W = 0;
- if( $e1 eq $e2 ) {
- $ok = 1;
- }
- else {
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'ARRAY') and
- UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'ARRAY') )
- {
- $ok = eq_array($e1, $e2);
- }
- elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'HASH') and
- UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'HASH') )
- {
- $ok = eq_hash($e1, $e2);
- }
- elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'REF') and
- UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'REF') )
- {
- push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
- $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
- pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
- }
- elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'SCALAR') and
- UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'SCALAR') )
- {
- push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
- $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
- }
- else {
- push @Data_Stack, { vals => [$e1, $e2] };
- $ok = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-=item B<eq_hash>
- eq_hash(\%this, \%that);
-Determines if the two hashes contain the same keys and values. This
-is a deep check.
-sub eq_hash {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
- my $ok = 1;
- my $bigger = keys %$a1 > keys %$a2 ? $a1 : $a2;
- foreach my $k (keys %$bigger) {
- my $e1 = exists $a1->{$k} ? $a1->{$k} : $DNE;
- my $e2 = exists $a2->{$k} ? $a2->{$k} : $DNE;
- push @Data_Stack, { type => 'HASH', idx => $k, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
- $ok = _deep_check($e1, $e2);
- pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
- last unless $ok;
- }
- return $ok;
-=item B<eq_set>
- eq_set(\@this, \@that);
-Similar to eq_array(), except the order of the elements is B<not>
-important. This is a deep check, but the irrelevancy of order only
-applies to the top level.
-B<NOTE> By historical accident, this is not a true set comparision.
-While the order of elements does not matter, duplicate elements do.
-# We must make sure that references are treated neutrally. It really
-# doesn't matter how we sort them, as long as both arrays are sorted
-# with the same algorithm.
-sub _bogus_sort { local $^W = 0; ref $a ? 0 : $a cmp $b }
-sub eq_set {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
- # There's faster ways to do this, but this is easiest.
- return eq_array( [sort _bogus_sort @$a1], [sort _bogus_sort @$a2] );
-=head2 Extending and Embedding Test::More
-Sometimes the Test::More interface isn't quite enough. Fortunately,
-Test::More is built on top of Test::Builder which provides a single,
-unified backend for any test library to use. This means two test
-libraries which both use Test::Builder B<can be used together in the
-same program>.
-If you simply want to do a little tweaking of how the tests behave,
-you can access the underlying Test::Builder object like so:
-=over 4
-=item B<builder>
- my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
-Returns the Test::Builder object underlying Test::More for you to play
-sub builder {
- return Test::Builder->new;
-=head1 NOTES
-Test::More is B<explicitly> tested all the way back to perl 5.004.
-Test::More is thread-safe for perl 5.8.0 and up.
-=head1 BUGS and CAVEATS
-=over 4
-=item Making your own ok()
-If you are trying to extend Test::More, don't. Use Test::Builder
-=item The eq_* family has some caveats.
-=item Test::Harness upgrades
-no_plan and todo depend on new Test::Harness features and fixes. If
-you're going to distribute tests that use no_plan or todo your
-end-users will have to upgrade Test::Harness to the latest one on
-CPAN. If you avoid no_plan and TODO tests, the stock Test::Harness
-will work fine.
-If you simply depend on Test::More, it's own dependencies will cause a
-Test::Harness upgrade.
-=head1 HISTORY
-This is a case of convergent evolution with Joshua Pritikin's Test
-module. I was largely unaware of its existence when I'd first
-written my own ok() routines. This module exists because I can't
-figure out how to easily wedge test names into Test's interface (along
-with a few other problems).
-The goal here is to have a testing utility that's simple to learn,
-quick to use and difficult to trip yourself up with while still
-providing more flexibility than the existing Test.pm. As such, the
-names of the most common routines are kept tiny, special cases and
-magic side-effects are kept to a minimum. WYSIWYG.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Test::Simple> if all this confuses you and you just want to write
-some tests. You can upgrade to Test::More later (it's forward
-L<Test::Differences> for more ways to test complex data structures.
-And it plays well with Test::More.
-L<Test> is the old testing module. Its main benefit is that it has
-been distributed with Perl since 5.004_05.
-L<Test::Harness> for details on how your test results are interpreted
-by Perl.
-L<Test::Unit> describes a very featureful unit testing interface.
-L<Test::Inline> shows the idea of embedded testing.
-L<SelfTest> is another approach to embedded testing.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt> with much inspiration
-from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie
-Slaymaker, Tony Bowden, chromatic and the perl-qa gang.
-Copyright 2001 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
diff --git a/Perl/t/TestLog.pm b/Perl/t/TestLog.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c84604..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/TestLog.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-package TestLog;
-# $Id$
-# These test facilities has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-use IO::Handle; # for autoflushing the logs
-use Carp;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA);
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-@EXPORT = qw( openLog setZincLog log test_eval test_no_eval printableItem printableArray printableList
- equal_flat_arrays nequal_cplx_arrays);
-use strict;
-use constant ERROR => '--an error--';
-my $selected_loglevel;
-sub openLog {
- my ($outfile, $loglevel, $no_logfile) = @_;
- $selected_loglevel = $loglevel;
- if (defined $no_logfile && $no_logfile) {
- open LOG, "> /dev/null";
- }
- else {
- if ( open LOG, "$outfile.prev" ) {
- close LOG;
- unlink "$outfile.prev";
- }
- if ( open LOG, $outfile ) {
- close LOG;
- link $outfile, "$outfile.prev";
- unlink "$outfile";
- }
- open LOG,"> $outfile";
- autoflush LOG 1; # autoflush is important so that logs are up-to-date if Zinc crashes!
- }
-### print log information to the logfile
-### if $level is <= than selected_loglevel (def = 0) then print log on the stdout
-### - a loglevel of -100 means an error to be logged with #### prefix
-### - a loglevel of -10 means an error in the test to be logged with ## prefix
-### - a loglevel of 0 means an message to be usually printed (and logged in any case)
-### - a loglevel greater than 1 is for trace only
-sub log {
- my ($loglevel, @strgs) = @_;
- if ($loglevel <= $selected_loglevel) {
- print "#### " if $loglevel == -100;
- print "## " if $loglevel == -10;
- print @strgs;
- }
- print LOG "#### " if $loglevel == -100;
- print LOG "## " if $loglevel == -10;
- print LOG @strgs;
-} # end log
-my $zinc;
-## to init the $zinc
-sub setZincLog {
- ($zinc)=@_;
-my %method_with_tagOrId =
- ("anchorxy" => 1, "bbox" => 1, "bind" => 1, "chggroup" => 1,
- "clone" => 1, "contour" => 1, "coords"=> 1, "cursor" => 1,
- "dchars" => 1, "dtag" => 1, "focus" => 1, "gettags" => 1,
- "group" => 1, # blabla... to complete
- "itemcget" => 1, "itemconfigure" => 1, # blabla... to complete
- "remove" => 1,
- );
-### evaluate $zinc->$method(@args); and verifies that NO ERROR occurs
-### - a loglevel of -100 means an error to be logged with #### prefix
-### - a loglevel of -10 means an error in the test, to be logged with ##
-### - a loglevel of of 0 or greater is for trace only (usefull when an error occurs)
-sub test_eval {
- my ($loglevel, $method, @args) = @_;
- my @strs;
- my $start_index = 0;
- my $string2log = "\$zinc->$method (";
- if (scalar @args) {
- if ($method_with_tagOrId{$method} and $args[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- my $type = $zinc->type($args[0]);
- $string2log .= &printableItem($args[0]) . " (a". ucfirst($type) . ")";
- } else {
- $string2log .= &printableItem($args[0]) ;
- }
- $string2log .= ", " if $#args > 0 ;
- my $rest = &printableList(@args[1..$#args]);
- $rest =~ s/^\(//; ### suppressing the first ( char
- $string2log .= $rest;
- } else {
- $string2log .= ")";
- }
- if ($method eq 'itemcget' or $method eq 'get') {
- $string2log .= "; # := " ;
- } else {
- $string2log .= ";\n";
- }
- &log ($loglevel, $string2log);
- my (@res, $res);
- if (wantarray()) {
- @res = eval { $zinc->$method (@args) } ;
- if ($method eq 'itemcget' or $method eq 'get') {
- &log ($loglevel, printableList(@res) . "\n" );
- }
- } else {
- $res = eval { $zinc->$method (@args) } ;
- if ($method eq 'itemcget' or $method eq 'get') {
- &log ($loglevel, &printableItem($res) . "\n");
- }
- }
- if ($@) { # in case of error, logging!
- &log (-100, "Error while evaluating: $string2log;");
- &log (-100, $@);
- my $msgl = &Carp::longmess;
- my ($msg2) = $msgl =~ /.*?( at .*)/s ;
- &log (-100, "\t$msg2");
- return (ERROR);
- } else {
- if (wantarray()) {
- return @res;
- }
- else {
- return $res;
- }
- }
-} # end of test_eval
-### evaluate $zinc->$method(@args); and verifies that AN ERROR occurs
-### - a loglevel of -100 means an NO error to be loggued with #### prefix
-### - a loglevel of -10 means NO error in the test to be loggued with ## prefix
-### - a loglevel of of 0 or greater is for trace only if NO error occured
-sub test_no_eval {
- my ($reason, $loglevel, $method, @args) = @_;
- my @strs;
- my $start_index = 0;
- my $string2log = "\$zinc->$method (";
- if (scalar @args) {
- if ($method_with_tagOrId{$method} and $args[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- my $type = $zinc->type($args[0]);
- $string2log .= &printableItem($args[0]) . " (a". ucfirst($type) . ")";
- } else {
- $string2log .= &printableItem($args[0]) ;
- }
- $string2log .= ", " if $#args > 0 ;
- my $rest = &printableList(@args[1..$#args]);
- $rest =~ s/^\(//; ### suppressing the first ( char
- $string2log .= $rest;
- } else {
- $string2log .= ")";
- }
- eval { $zinc->$method (@args) } ;
- # in case of NO error, logging!
- if ($@) {
-# print "errormsg=$@";
- my ($error_msg) = $@ =~ /(.*)\s*at \/usr\//;
- $error_msg = $@ if !defined $error_msg ;
- &log ($loglevel, " # When $reason : $string2log;\n # the error msg is: $error_msg\n");
- } else {
- &log (-100, "An error SHOULD have occured while evaluating:\n####\t$string2log;\n####\tbecause $reason\n");
- }
-} # end of test_no_eval
-### return a printable string of something in a readable form
-sub printableItem {
- my ($value) = @_;
- my $ref = ref($value);
- if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
- return printableArray ( @{$value} );
- }
- elsif ($ref eq 'Tk::Photo') {
- return 'Tk::Photo("'. $value->cget(-file) . '")';
- }
- elsif ($ref eq '') { # scalar
- if (defined $value) {
- if ($value eq '') {
- return "''";
- } elsif ($value =~ /^-[a-zA-Z_]+$/) {
- ## for the -attribut
- return $value;
- } elsif ($value =~ /\s/
- or $value =~ /[a-zA-Z]/
- or $value =~ /^[\W]$/ ) {
- return "'$value'";
- } else {
- return $value;
- }
- }
- else {
- return "undef";
- }
- }
- else { # some class instance
- return $value;
- }
-} # end printableItem
-### to print an array of something
-sub printableArray {
- my (@values) = @_;
- if (! scalar @values) {
- return "[]";
- }
- else { # the array is not empty
- my $res = "[ ";
- while (@values) {
- my $value = shift @values;
- $res .= &printableItem($value);
- next unless (@values);
- if ($value =~ /^-\w+/) {
- $res .= " => ";
- } elsif (@_) {
- $res .= ", ";
- }
- }
- return ($res . " ]") ;
- }
-} # end printableArray
-sub printableList {
- my $res = "(";
- while (@_) {
- my $v = shift @_;
- $res .= &printableItem($v);
- if (defined $v and $v =~ /^-\w+/ and @_) {
- $res .= " => ";
- } elsif (@_) {
- $res .= ", ";
- }
- }
- return $res . ")";
-} # end printableList
-## return 1 if arrays of scalars have the same length and every items are eq
-sub equal_flat_arrays {
- my ($refArray1, $refArray2) = @_;
- my @array1 = @{$refArray1};
- my @array2 = @{$refArray2};
- return 0 if ($#array1 != $#array2);
- for my $i (0..$#array1) {
- return 0 if ($array1[$i] ne $array2[$i]);
- }
- return 1;
-} # equal_arrays
-## return 0 if arrays of anything are equal
-## return 'length' if their length are different
-## return xx if some elements are différents
-## arrays may be arrays of arrays of arrays ...
-sub nequal_cplx_arrays {
- my ($refArray1, $refArray2) = @_;
- my @array1 = @{$refArray1};
- my @array2 = @{$refArray2};
-# print "array1=", &printableArray(@array1), "\narray2=",&printableArray(@array2),"\n";
- return 'length' if ($#array1 != $#array2);
- for my $i (0..$#array1) {
- my $el1 = $array1[$i];
- my $el2 = $array2[$i];
- if (ref($el1)) {
-# print "REF el1=",ref($el1),"\n";
- if (!ref($el2)) {
- return "elts at index $i are different: $el1 != $el2\n";
- } elsif (ref($el2) ne ref($el1)) {
- return "elts at index $i are of different type: ".
- ref($el2), " ne ", ref($el1), "\n";
- } elsif (ref($el2) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (my $res = &nequal_cplx_arrays ($el1,$el2)) {
- return "elts at index $i are different: $res";
- }
- }
- } elsif (ref($el2) or $el1 ne $el2) {
- return "elts at index $i are different $el1 != $el2\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
-} # nequal_cplx_arrays
diff --git a/Perl/t/Text.t b/Perl/t/Text.t
deleted file mode 100644
index bd43a4b..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Text.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Text.t,v 1.2 2004-04-02 12:01:49 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 5;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 100, -height => 100);
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-# following a mail in zinc@tls.cena.fr (23 sept 2003) by A. Lemort
-# we verify that the -width attribute of text items is converted as an integer
-my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1, -position => [10,10], -text => "text");
-&ok ($zinc->itemconfigure($text, -width => 10.1) or 1, "setting width to 10.1");
-&is ($zinc->itemcget($text, -width), 10, "width attribute was converted to an integer");
-&ok ($zinc->itemconfigure($text, -width => 9.9) or 1, "setting width to 10.9");
-&is ($zinc->itemcget($text, -width), 9, "width attribute was converted to lower integer");
-diag("############## text items test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Text2.t b/Perl/t/Text2.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2087bc2..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Text2.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Text2.t,v 1.1 2005-05-11 12:54:19 lecoanet Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing text item
-# this script can be used with an optionnal argument, an integer giving
-# the delay in seconds during which the graphic updates will be displayed
-# this is usefull for visual inspection!
-my $mw;
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 69;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- $mw = MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-use strict;
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => 400, -height => 1200)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-my $g1 = $zinc->add('group',1, -tags => "gr1");
-my $TEXT = "";
-my @families = $mw->fontFamilies;
-#print "families=@families\n";
-my $family="";
-if ( grep /^verdana$/i , @families) {
- $family = "verdana";
-# $family = "helvetica";
-} elsif ( grep /^helvetica$/i , @families) {
- $family = "helvetica";
-} elsif ( grep /^arial$/i , @families) {
- $family = "arial";
-#print "family=$family\n";
-my $topLevel = $mw->Toplevel();
-$topLevel->title("testing all ascii glyphs of $family");
-my $zinc0 = $topLevel->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => 300,
- -height => 400,)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc0 has been created");
-$zinc0->fontCreate("fonta", -family => $family, -size => -20, -weight => 'normal');
-foreach my $row (2..15) {
- my $string = "";
- foreach my $col (0..15) {
- $string .= chr($row*16+$col);
- }
- $zinc0->add('text', 1, -position => [10,$row*20-40],
- -text => $string, -font => 'fonta');
- $zinc0->update;
- &pass("adding text item n°$row with a $family font of size 20 and normal weight");
-### creating text items with many different fonts:
-my $size = 8;
-my $y = 10 ;
-$zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
-### creating text items with many different fonts:
-$zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
- -text => "$size pixels $family");
-$zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
-$zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
- -text => "$size pixels $family");
-foreach my $size (9..60) {
- $zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
- $zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
- -text => "$size pixels $family");
- $zinc->update;
- # deleting both the font and the text item and recreating it 10 times
- foreach my $count (1..10) {
- $zinc->fontDelete("font$size");
- $zinc->remove('txt8');
- $zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
- $zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
- -text => "$size pixels $family");
- $zinc->update;
- }
- &pass("creating and deleting 10 times a text item with a $family font of size $size");
- $y += $size;
-## we should certainly test much much other things!
-sub wait {
- $zinc->update;
- ok (1, $_[0]);
- my $delay = $ARGV[0];
- if (defined $delay) {
- $zinc->update;
- if ($delay =~ /^\d+$/) {
- sleep $delay;
- } else {
- sleep 1;
- }
- }
-diag("############## end of text test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/Transformations.t b/Perl/t/Transformations.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e736837..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/Transformations.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: Transformations.t,v 1.3 2004-04-02 12:03:34 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing all the import
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 21;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 100, -height => 100);
-my $coords = [ [10,10], [40, 40] ];
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-my $g = $zinc->add('group',1);
-my $rect1 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [10,10,40,40]);
-# todo : add a test for the to-come method to get a transform!
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect1) ],
- [ [10,10], [40, 40] ],
- "coords are not modified by the group transform!");
- $zinc->transform(1, $g, [100, 100, 300, 500] )
- ],
- [ 50, 50, 150, 250 ],
- "transform from window coordinates to group");
- $zinc->transform($g, 1, [$zinc->coords($rect1)] )
- ],
- [ [20,20], [80, 80] ],
- "transform to window coordinates");
-# question suggested by D. Etienne (30 sept 2003):
-# is it possible to get the window coordinate of a transformed item?
-# the answer is of course yes and it is verified here.
-my $rect2 = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10,40,40]);
-# applying a transform to the rectangle:
-$zinc->scale($rect2, 2,2);
-# todo : add a test for the to-come method to get a transform!
-is_deeply([ $zinc->coords($rect1) ],
- [ [10,10], [40, 40] ],
- "coords are not modified by the item transform!");
- $zinc->transform(1, $rect2, [100, 100, 300, 500] )
- ],
- [ 50, 50, 150, 250 ],
- "transform window coordinates with same transform than rect2 ");
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 1, [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [20,20], [80, 80] ],
- "transform rect2 coordinates to window coordinates, with group 1");
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [20,20], [80, 80] ],
- "transform rect2 coordinates to window coordinates with 'device'");
-$zinc->scale(1, 0.5, 0.5);
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [10,10], [40, 40] ],
- "transform rect2 coordinates to window coordinates with 'device'");
-# setting the top group transformation to the id, with a translation with tset
-$zinc->tset(1, 1,0, 0,1, -20,-10);
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [0,10], [60, 70] ],
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after topgroup transfo setting");
-# restting top group transformation
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [20,20], [80, 80] ],
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after topgroup treset");
-# resetting the rect2 trasnformation
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [10,10], [40, 40] ],
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after rect2 treset");
-$zinc->skew($rect2, 10,00);
-$zinc->skew($rect2, -10,00);
-ok(&similarPoints ([
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [10, 10], [40, 40] ]),
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after rect2 skew (back and forth)");
-$zinc->skew($rect2, -10,00);
-$zinc->skew($rect2, 10,00);
-ok(&similarPoints ([
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [10, 10], [40, 40] ]),
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after rect2 skew (forth and back)");
-$zinc->translate($rect2, 34,43);
-$zinc->translate($rect2, 15,15, 'absolute'); # the previous relative translation will be overridden
- $zinc->transform($rect2, 'device', [$zinc->coords($rect2)] )
- ],
- [ [25,25], [55, 55] ],
- "rect2 window coordinates with 'device' after rect2 absolute translation");
-if (0) {
-print "0 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 3.14159);
-print "+3.14 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, -3.14159, 0);
-print "0 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 180, 1);
-print "180 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, -3.14159, 100, 200);
-print "0 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, -3.14159, 0, 100, 200);
-print "3.14 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 180, 1, 100, 200);
-print "0 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 180, 1, 100, 200, 300);
-print "3.14 ", $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 180, 1, 100, 200, 300, 600);
-print $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 180, 1, 100, 200, 300, 600, 900);
-print $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation'), "\n";
-$zinc->translate($rect2, 40,50);
-$zinc->scale($rect2, 2,3);
-$zinc->rotate($rect2, 3.1415/2);
-my ($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21) = $zinc->tget($rect2);
-#print "matrix: $m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2)],
- [0, 2, -3, 0, -150, 80],
- [0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1, 1]),
- "tget of rect2");
-my ($xTranslate, $yTranslate, $xScale, $yScale, $angle, $skew) = $zinc->tget($rect2, 'all');
-#print "matrix: $xTranslate, $yTranslate, $xScale, $yScale, $angle, $skew\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2,'all')],
- [-150, 80, 2, 3, 3.14159/2, 0 ],
- [1, 1, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001]),
- "tget 'all' of rect2");
-($xTranslate, $yTranslate) = $zinc->tget($rect2, 'translation');
-#print "translate: $xTranslate, $yTranslate\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2,'translation')],
- [-150, 80],
- [1, 1 ]),
- "tget 'translation' of rect2");
-($xScale, $yScale) = $zinc->tget($rect2, 'scale');
-#print "scale: $xScale, $yScale\n";
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2,'scale')],
- [2, 3, ],
- [0.001, 0.001]),
- "tget 'scale' of rect2");
-($m00, $m01, $m10, $m11, $m20, $m21) = $zinc->tget($rect2, 'rotation');
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2,'rotation')],
- [3.14159/2],
- [0.001 ]),
- "tget 'rotation' of rect2");
-#$zinc->skew($rect2, 10,0);
-ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->tget($rect2,'skew')],
- [0],
- [0.001 ]),
- "tget 'skew' of rect2");
-sub similarPoints {
- my ($ref1, $ref2)= @_;
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref1" . ref ($ref1)), return 0 unless ref ($ref1) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref2"), return 0 unless ref ($ref2) eq 'ARRAY';
- my @array1 = @{$ref1};
- my @array2 = @{$ref2};
- diag ("arrays for \$ref1 and \$ref2 are not of same length"), return 0
- unless scalar @array1 == @array2;
- for my $i (0.. $#array1) {
- my $pt1 = $array1[$i];
- my $pt2 = $array2[$i];
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless ref $pt1 eq 'ARRAY';
- my (@pt1) = @{$pt1};
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point (x,y) in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless scalar @pt1 == 2 and &numerical($pt1[0]) and &numerical($pt1[1]) ;
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point in elt $i \$ref1"), return 0
- unless ref $pt2 eq 'ARRAY';
- my (@pt2) = @{$pt2};
- diag ("waiting a reference to a point (x,y) in elt $i \$ref2"), return 0
- unless scalar @pt2 == 2 and &numerical($pt2[0]) and &numerical($pt2[1]) ;
- diag ("delta > 0.001 between x of pt$i"), return 0 if abs($pt1[0]-$pt2[0]) > 0.001;
- diag ("delta > 0.001 between y of pt$i"), return 0 if abs($pt1[1]-$pt2[1]) > 0.001;
- }
- return 1;
-sub similarFlatArray {
- my ($ref1, $ref2, $deltaref)= @_;
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref1"), return 0 unless ref ($ref1) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref2"), return 0 unless ref ($ref2) eq 'ARRAY';
- diag ("waiting a reference for \$deltaref"), return 0 unless ref ($deltaref) eq 'ARRAY';
- my @array1 = @{$ref1};
- my @array2 = @{$ref2};
- my @deltaarray = @{$deltaref};
- diag ("arrays for \$ref1 and \$ref2 and \$deltaref are not of same length,".$#array1.",".$#array2.",".$#deltaarray), return 0
- unless ($#array1 == $#array2) and ($#array2 == $#deltaarray);
- for my $i (0.. $#array1) {
- my $a = $array1[$i];
- my $b = $array2[$i];
- my $delta = $deltaarray[$i];
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of \$ref1"), return 0
- unless &numerical($a);
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of \$ref2"), return 0
- unless &numerical($b);
- diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of \$deltaref"), return 0
- unless &numerical($delta);
- diag ("delta > $delta between elt $i of \$ref1 ($a) and \$ref2 ($b)"), return 0
- if (abs($a-$b) > $delta) ;
- }
- return 1;
-sub numerical {
- my ($v) = @_;
- return 0 unless defined $v;
- ### this really works!!
- return $v eq $v*1;
- }
-diag("############## transformations test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/find.t b/Perl/t/find.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b30be97..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/find.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: find.t,v 1.4 2004-09-01 09:00:44 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing find methods
-# this script can be used with an optionnal argument, an integer giving
-# the delay in seconds during which the graphic updates will be displayed
-# this is usefull for visual inspection!
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 22;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- $mw = MainWindow->new();
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 0,
- -width => 400, -height => 400)->pack;
-like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
-### creating rectangles:
-$g1 = $zinc->add('group',1, -tags => "gr1");
-$text = $zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [-100,-100]);
-$g2 = $zinc->add('group',$g1, -tags => "gr2");
-$rect11 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 10,10,40,40]);
-$rect12 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 50,10,80,40]);
-$rect13 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 90,10,120,40]);
-$rect21 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 10,50,40,80]);
-$rect22 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 50,50,80,80], -tags => 'middle');
-$rect23 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 90,50,120,80]);
-$rect31 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 10,90,40,120]);
-$rect32 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 50,90,80,120]);
-$rect33 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g2, [ 90,90,120,120]);
-my @list;
-@list = $zinc->find('overlapping', 20,20,110,110, $g2);
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $rect33, $rect32, $rect31, $rect23, $rect22, $rect21, $rect13, $rect12, $rect11, ]),
- "find overlapping all rectangles");
-@list = $zinc->find('enclosed', 20,20,110,110, $g2);
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $rect22 ]),
- "find enclosed the middle rectangle");
-@list = $zinc->find('enclosed', 0,0,110,110, $g2);
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $rect22 , $rect21, $rect12, $rect11 ]),
- "find enclosed the 4 left up rectangles");
-@list = $zinc->find('ancestor', $rect33);
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 , $g1, 1 ]),
- "find ancestor of one rectangle");
-@list = $zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.");
-#print "@list\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2, $text, ]),
- "find direct descendant of group tagged gr1");
-@list = $zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1*");
-#print "@list\n";
-&is_deeply ( [ @list ] ,
- [ $g2, ($zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.gr2*"), $text ) ],
- "find all descendant of group tagged gr1");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.gr2*")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtag', "*gr2*")) ],
- "comparing full pathtag and reduced pathtag to a group");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.gr2.middle")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtag', "*gr2.middle")) ],
- "comparing full pathtag and reduced pathtag to a rectangle");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.gr2.middle")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtag', "*middle")) ],
- "comparing full pathtag and reduced pathtag to a rectangle");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtag', ".gr1.gr2.middle")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtag', "middle")) ],
- "comparing full pathtag and reduced pathtag to a rectangle");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "group")) ],
- [ $g1, $g2 ],
- "find with type 'group'");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "group", ".$g1.")) ],
- [ $g2 ],
- "find with type 'group' starting from g1");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "group", ".$g1.")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "group", ".$g1*")) ],
- "find with type 'group' starting from g1");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "rectangle")) ],
- [ $rect33, $rect32, $rect31, $rect23, $rect22, $rect21, $rect13, $rect12, $rect11, ],
- "find with type 'rectangle'");
-&is_deeply ( [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "rectangle", ".$g1*")) ],
- [ ($zinc->find('withtype', "rectangle")) ],
- "find with type 'rectangle' starting from .g1*");
-## testing overlapping find with atomic group (for testig the bug
-## reported by D. Etienne the 11th June 04
-$zinc->itemconfigure($g2, -atomic => 1);
-@list = $zinc->find('overlapping', 20,20,110,110);
-print "overlapping17 (",join (',', @list),") \$g2=$g2\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find overlapping when group becomes atomic, without specifying starting group");
-@list = $zinc->find('overlapping', 20,20,110,110,1);
-print "overlapping18 (",join (',', @list),") \$g2=$g2\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find overlapping when group becomes atomic, starting from group 1");
-@list = $zinc->find('overlapping', 20,20,110,110,1,1);
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find overlapping when group becomes atomic, recursively, starting from group 1");
-## testing enclosing find with atomic group
-@list = $zinc->find('enclosed', 0,0,200,200);
-print "enclosing20 (",join (',', @list),") \$g2=$g2\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find enclosed when group becomes atomic, without specifying starting group");
-@list = $zinc->find('enclosed', 0,0,200,200, 1);
-print "enclosing21 (",join (',', @list),") \$g2=$g2\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find enclosed when group becomes atomic, starting from group 1");
-@list = $zinc->find('enclosed', 0,2,200,200, 1,1);
-print "enclosing22 (",join (',', @list),") \$g2=$g2\n";
-&ok (&eq_array (\@list ,
- [ $g2 ]),
- "find enclosed when group becomes atomic, recursively, starting from group 1");
-# Tk::MainLoop;
-sub wait {
- $zinc->update;
- ok (1, $_[0]);
- my $delay = $ARGV[0];
- if (defined $delay) {
- $zinc->update;
- if ($delay =~ /^\d+$/) {
- sleep $delay;
- } else {
- sleep 1;
- }
- }
-diag("############## Images test");
diff --git a/Perl/t/test-methods.pl b/Perl/t/test-methods.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9becf7e..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/test-methods.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This non-regression test has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use TestLog;
-use strict;
-use constant ERROR => '--an error--';
-# the following list be coherent with the treatments done in the TEST section.
-my @testsList = (
- 1 => 'test_contour_and_coords (quick)',
- 2 => 'test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group (quick)',
- 3 => 'test_errors (quick)',
- 4 => 'test_bboxes (quick)',
- 5 => 'test_gradient_coding (quick)',
- );
-my %testsHash;
-{ my @tests = @testsList;
- while (@tests) {
- my $num = shift (@tests);
- my $comment = shift (@tests);
- $testsHash{ $num } = $comment;
- }
-unshift (@INC, "/usr/lib/perl5/Tk"); # for getting Tk some images;
-# les variables positionnées en fonction des options de la ligne de commande
-my $opt_log = 0;
-my $opt_trace = "";
-my $opt_render = -1;
-my $opt_type = 0;
-my $outfile;
-my $opt_tests = "all";
-# on récupčre les options
-my $optstatus = GetOptions('log=i' => \$opt_log,
- 'out=s' => \$outfile,
- 'trace=s' => \$opt_trace,
- 'render:s' => \$opt_render,
- 'type=s' => \$opt_type,
- 'help' => \&usage,
- 'tests:s' => \$opt_tests,
- );
-# on teste la validité de l'option -render!
-if ($opt_render eq '') {
- print "-render option have no value!\n";
- &usage;
-$opt_render = 1 if $opt_render == -1;
-unless ($opt_render==0 or $opt_render==1 or $opt_render==2) {
- print "-render option value must be 0, 1 or 2!\n";
- &usage;
-$outfile = "methods-$Tk::Zinc::VERSION.log" if (!defined $outfile);
-&openLog($outfile, $opt_log);
-sub usage {
- my ($text) = @_;
- print $text,"\n" if (defined $text);
- print "test-methods [options]\n";
- print " A non-regression test suite for zinc.\n";
- print " Some exhaustive test of TkZinc methods. Of course everything is not tested yet\n";
- print " options are:\n";
- print " -help to print this short help\n";
- print " -log <n> trace level, defaulted to 0; higher level trace more infos\n";
- print " -out filename the log filename. defaulted to methods-<version><-rendering>.log\n";
- print " NB: the previous log file is always renamed with a .prev suffix\n";
- print " -render 0|1|2 to select the render option of TkZinc (defaulted to 1)\n";
- print " -trace <an_item_option> to better trace usage of an option\n";
- print " -type <a_zinc_item_type> to limits tests to this item type.\n";
- print " -tests to get the list of available tests.\n";
- print " -tests i,j,k... to define the list of tests to pass.\n";
- exit;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-&log (0, "testing Zinc-perl Version=" . $Tk::Zinc::VERSION . " - ", $mw->zinc(), "\n");
-## must be done after the LOG file is open
-my @tests = &parseTestsOpt($opt_tests);
-my %tests;
-foreach my $t (@tests) {$tests{$t} = $t }
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $label=$mw->Label(-text => "This is a non-regression test, testing
-some sets of methods!",
- -justify => 'left')->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10);
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 500, -height => 500,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 0, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => $opt_render,
- )->pack;
-sub test_gradient_coding {
- &log (0, "#---- Start of test_gradient_coding ----\n");
- my $log_level = 2 ;
- ### CM to be done!
- ### first testing legal gradient
- foreach (0..2) {
- my $i=0;
- foreach my $g ("red", "bLue","#ff00ff","rgb:12/34/56","CIEXYZ:1.2/0.9/3.4",
- "CIEuvY:0.5/.4/0.9", "CIExyY:.52/0.1/0.8", "CIELab:99.1/43./56.1",
- "CIELuv:88/-1/-2.1", "TekHVC:345/1.2/100",
- ) {
- ## first simple color, with different X legal coding
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gname", $g,"grad".$i);
- $i++;
- ## the same color with transparency
- my $transparency = ($i * 4) % 101;
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gname", "$g;$transparency","grad".$i);
- $i++;
- }
- ## different axial gradient without the gradient type at the beginning
- foreach my $g ("red|blue", "red |blue", "red | blue",
- "red|green|blue", "red |green|blue", "red |green |blue", "red | green|blue"
- , "red |green| blue", "red |green | blue", "red | green | blue") {
- ## first simple color, with different X legal coding
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gname", $g,"grad".$i);
- $i++;
- }
- ## different axial gradient with explicit gradient type at the beginning
- ## and different angle value!
- foreach my $angle qw(0 12 90 271 360) {
- foreach my $g ("=axial $angle |red|blue",
- "=axial $angle | red|blue",
- "=axial $angle | red |blue",
- "=axial $angle | red | blue",
- "=axial $angle | red|green|blue",
- "=axial $angle |red |green|blue",
- "=axial $angle |red |green |blue",
- "=axial $angle |red | green|blue",
- "red |green| blue",
- "red |green | blue",
- "red | green | blue",
- ) {
- ## first simple color, with different X legal coding
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gname", $g,"grad".$i);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- # and now deleting unused named gradient
- foreach my $j (0..$i-1) {
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gdelete", "grad".$j);
- }
- }
- ### and now testing illegal gradient
- my $i=-1;
- &test_no_eval ("X color name with blank inside",
- $log_level, "gname", "navy blue","grad".$i++);
- &test_no_eval ("bad gradient type",
- $log_level, "gname", "=badtype 1 |red|blue","grad".$i++);
- &test_no_eval ("axial gradient with excessive parameters",
- $log_level, "gname", "=axial 67 1 |red|blue","grad".$i++);
- &test_no_eval ("radial gradient with excessive parameters",
- $log_level, "gname", "=radial 30 32 1 |red|blue","grad".$i++);
- &test_no_eval ("path gradient with excessive parameters",
- $log_level, "gname", "=path 30 32 1 |red|blue","grad".$i++);
- ## testing bad types for gradient type
- # to be done
- foreach my $j (0..$i-1) {
- &test_eval ($log_level, "gdelete", "grad".$j);
- }
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_gradient_coding -----\n");
-} # end of test_gradient_coding
-## TkZinc bbox method doesn't return correct values for bbox. This test
-# function tries to find out in which cases these bbox are wrong
-sub test_bboxes {
- &log (0, "#---- Start of test_bboxes ----\n");
- &creating_items; # to know exactly which items exists at the beginning of this test
- # Rectangles
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [100,200,300,400]),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple rectangle");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [300,400,100,200]),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple reversed rectangle");
- # Rectangles with linewidth = 2, 3, 4 and 5
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth =>2),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple rectangle with linewidth of 2");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth =>3),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple rectangle with linewidth of 3");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth =>4),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple rectangle with linewidth of 4");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth =>5),
- [100,200,300,400], "a simple rectangle with linewidth of 5");
- # Rectangular curves
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [100,200], [300,200], [300,400], [100,400] ],
- -linewidth =>0),
- [100,200,300,400], "a rectangular curve of linewidth => 0");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [100,200], [300,200], [300,400], [100,400] ]),
- [100,200,300,400], "a rectangular curve of linewidth => 1");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [100,200], [300,200], [300,400], [100,400] ],
- -linewidth => 2),
- [100,200,300,400], "a rectangular curve of linewidth => 2");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [100,200], [300,200], [300,400], [100,400] ],
- -linewidth => 3),
- [100,200,300,400], "a rectangular curve of linewidth => 3");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [100,200], [300,200], [300,400], [100,400] ],
- -linewidth => 5),
- [100,200,300,400], "a rectangular curve");
- # triangular curves (with a sharp angle)
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('curve', 1, [ [0,0], [100,0], [0,10] ]),
- [0,0,100,10], "a triangular curve of linewidth => 1)");
- # Arcs
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('arc', 1, [100,200,300,400]),
- [100,200,300,400], "an arc");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('arc', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth => 2),
- [100,200,300,400], "an arc of linewidth => 2");
- &bbox_must_be($zinc->add('arc', 1, [100,200,300,400], -linewidth => 3),
- [100,200,300,400], "an arc of linewidth => 3");
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_bboxes -----\n");
-} # end of test_bboxes
-sub bbox_must_be {
- my ($item, $bbox_ref, $explanation) = @_;
- my @computed_bbox=$zinc->bbox($item);
- my @theoritical_bbox = @{$bbox_ref};
- unless (&equal_flat_arrays (\@theoritical_bbox, \@computed_bbox)) {
- &log(-10, "bad bbox of $explanation:\n ## computed = ", &printableArray(\@computed_bbox),
- " theoritical = ", &printableArray(\@theoritical_bbox), "\n");
- }
-} # end of bbox_must_be
-sub test_contour_and_coords {
- &log (0, "#---- Start of test_contour_and_coords ----\n");
- my $log_level = 2 ;
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [ [100,200], [400,300] ], -tags => ['rect1']);
- my $contour_rect = [ [100,200], [100,300], [400,300], [400,200] ];
- my $rev_contour_rect = [ [100,200], [400,200], [400,300], [100,300] ];
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [ 100,200, 400,300 ], -tags => ['rect2']);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','rect1', 'rect2', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour_points ('eq','rect1', 'rect2', 0);
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [ [100,200], [400,300] ], -tags => ['arc1']);
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [ 100,200, 400,300 ], -tags => ['arc2']);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','arc1', 'arc2', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour_points ('eq','arc1', 'arc2', 0);
- my $contour1 = [ [100,200], [400,300,'c'], [500,100], [350,10, 'c'], [300,500,'c'], [50,100] ];
- my $contour2 = [ 100,200, 400,300, 500,100, 350,10, 300,500, 50,100 ];
- my $contour3 = [ [100,200], [400,300], [500,100], [350,10], [300,500], [50,100]];
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $contour1, -tags => ['curve1']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $contour2, -tags => ['curve2']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $contour3, -tags => ['curve3']);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('ne','curve1', 'curve2', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour_points ('ne','curve1', 'curve2', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve2', 'curve3', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour_points ('ne','curve2', 'curve3', 0);
- ## testing contours
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_contour_0']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_contour_plus']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_contour_minus']);
- $zinc->contour('curve_contour_0','add',0, $contour1);
- $zinc->contour('curve_contour_plus','add',+1, $contour1);
- $zinc->contour('curve_contour_minus','add',-1, $contour1);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve1', 'curve_contour_0', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('ne','curve_contour_plus', 'curve_contour_minus', 0);
- if (&nequal_cplx_arrays ($zinc->coords('curve_contour_0',0),
- $zinc->coords('curve_contour_minus',0))) {
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve1', 'curve_contour_plus', 0);
- } else {
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve1', 'curve_contour_minus', 0);
- }
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_contour_minus_plus']);
- $zinc->contour('curve_contour_minus_plus','add',1,
- [$zinc->coords('curve_contour_minus',0)]);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve1', 'curve_contour_minus_plus', 0);
- ## the following curves are similar, because the first contour is
- ## always set counterclockwise
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $contour_rect, -tags => ['curve_rect_coords']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, $rev_contour_rect, -tags => ['curve_rect_coords_reversed']);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('ne','curve_rect_coords', 'curve_rect_coords_reversed', 0); # we should test they are reversed
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_rect_0']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_rect_plus']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [], -tags => ['curve_rect_minus']);
- ## the following lines are errors: we cannot add an item as contour with flag 0
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour from a rectangle with flag=0",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',0, 'rect1');
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour from an arc with flag=0",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',0, 'arc1');
- $zinc->contour('curve_rect_plus','add',1, 'rect1');
- $zinc->contour('curve_rect_minus','add',-1, 'rect1');
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('ne','curve_rect_plus', 'curve_rect_minus', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve_rect_coords', 'curve_rect_plus', 0);
- &verify_coords_of_contour ('eq','curve_rect_coords_reversed', 'curve_rect_minus', 0);
- $zinc->add('tabular',1, 2, -tags => ['tabular1']);
- $zinc->add('track',1, 2, -tags => ['track1']);
- $zinc->add('waypoint',1, 2, -tags => ['waypoint1']);
- $zinc->add('reticle',1, -tags => ['reticle1']);
- ## we test now the following errors: we cannot use a track, waypoint, reticle, map as a contour
- &test_eval ($log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, 'tabular1');
- &test_no_eval ("using the contour of a track",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, 'track1');
- &test_no_eval ("using the contour of a waypoint",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, 'waypoint1');
- &test_no_eval ("using the contour of a reticle",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, 'reticle1');
- ## we test now the following errors: we cannot add a contour to track, waypoint, rectangle...
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour to a track",
- $log_level, "contour", 'track1','add',1, 'rect1');
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour to a waypoint",
- $log_level, "contour", 'waypoint1','add',1, 'rect1');
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour to a rectangle",
- $log_level, "contour", 'rect1','add',1, 'rect2');
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour with a malformed list",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, [1]);
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour with a malformed list",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, [1, 2, 3]);
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour with a malformed list",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, [1, 2, 'c']);
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour with a malformed list",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, [1, 2, [3, 4] ]);
- &test_no_eval ("adding a contour with a malformed list",
- $log_level, "contour", 'curve_rect_0','add',1, [1, 2, [3, 4], [5, 6] ]);
- # we should test here what happens when successive points are identical in a curve
- # we should test here what happens when the last point is identical to the first point in a curve
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_contour_and_coords -----\n");
-} # end of test_contour_and_coords
-sub test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group {
- &log (0, "#---- Start of test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group ----\n");
- my $log_level = 2 ;
- my @all_items = $zinc->find('withtag',".1*");
- print "Items before deleting 1: @all_items\n";
- &test_no_eval ("removing the root group",
- $log_level, "remove", 1); ## cannot delete root group
- @all_items = $zinc->find('withtag',".1*");
- print "Items after deleting 1: @all_items\n";
- $zinc->add('group', 1, -tags => "g2");
- # cannot chggroup root group:
- &test_no_eval ("changing the group of the root group",
- $log_level, "chggroup", 1,"g2");
- # cannot clone root group
- &test_no_eval ("cloning the root group",
- $log_level, "clone", 1);
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group -----\n");
-} # end of test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group
-### tests all errors as defined in the refman
-sub test_errors {
- &log (0, "#---- Start of test_errors ----\n");
- my $log_level = 2 ;
- &creating_items;
- ## add method with bad argument
- # In a curve, it is an error to have more than two succcessive control points
- # or to start or finish a curve with a control point.
- &test_no_eval ("having more than two succcessive control points",
- $log_level, "add", 'curve', 1,
- [ [10,20], [30,40,'c'], [50,60,'c'], [70,80,'c'], [90,100] ]);
- &test_no_eval ("starting a curve with a control point",
- $log_level, "add", 'curve', 1,
- [ [30,40,'c'], [50,60], [70,80], [90,100] ]);
- &test_no_eval ("finishing a curve with a control point",
- $log_level, "add", 'curve', 1,
- [ [30,40,], [50,60,'c'], [70,80], [90,100,'c'] ]);
- # Text indices
- # sel.first Refers to the first character of the selection in the item.
- # If the selection is not in the item, this form returns an error.
- &test_no_eval ("refering to sel.first in a text item without selection",
- $log_level, "insert", 'text', 'sel.first', "string");
- # sel.last Refers to the last character of the selection in the item.
- # If the selection is not in the item, this form returns an error.
- &test_no_eval ("refering to sel.last in a text item without selection",
- $log_level, "insert", 'text', 'sel.last', "string");
- # If no item is named by tagOrId or if the item doesn t support anchors,
- # an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering no item by tagOrId with anchorxy",
- $log_level, "anchorxy", 'bad_tag', 'rectangle');
- # If the item doesn't support anchors, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering item that does not support anchors",
- $log_level, "anchorxy", 'rectangle', 'ne');
- # If the item doesn't support anchors, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a bad anchor name",
- $log_level, "anchorxy", 'text', 'not_an_anchor');
-# If the command parameter is omitted, bind returns the command associated
-# with tagOrId and sequence or an error is raised if there is no such binding.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing bindind with bind",
- $log_level, "bind", 'text', 'badseq');
-# $zinc->contour(tagOrId, operatorAndFlag, coordListOrTagOrId);
- # An error is generated if items are not of a correct type or if the
- # coordinate list is malformed.
- # tested in &test_contour_and_coords
-# If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with hasanchors",
- $log_level, "hasanchors", 'badtag');
-# If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with hasfields",
- $log_level, "hasfields", 'badtag');
- # If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with hastag",
- $log_level, "hastag", 'badtag', 'atag');
- # If field is given, it must be a valid field index for the item or
- # an error will be reported.
- &test_no_eval ("accessing a non existing track field",
- $log_level, "itemcget", 'track', 111, -text);
- # If the attribute is not available for the field or item type,
- # an error is reported.
- &test_no_eval ("accessing a non existing curve attribute",
- $log_level, "itemcget", 'curve', -bad_attribute);
- &test_no_eval ("accessing a non existing attribute of a track field",
- $log_level, "itemcget", 'track', 1, -bad_attribute);
- # If field is given, it must be a valid field index for the item or an
- # error will be reported.
- &test_no_eval ("modifying a non existing track field",
- $log_level, "itemconfigure", 'track', 111, -text => "foo");
- # If an attribute does not belong to the item or field, an error is reported:
- &test_no_eval ("modifying a non existing curve attribute",
- $log_level, "itemconfigure", 'curve', -bad_attribute => "foo");
- &test_no_eval ("modifying a non existing attribute of a track field",
- $log_level, "itemconfigure", 'track', 1, -bad_attribute => "foo");
-# If tagOrId doesn t name an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("lowering a non-existing item with lower",
- $log_level, "lower", 'badtag', 'track');
-# If belowThis doesn t name an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("lowering an existing below an non-existing item with lower",
- $log_level, "lower", 'track', 'badtag');
-# If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with numparts",
- $log_level, "numparts", 'badtag');
-# If tagOrId describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with rotate",
- $log_level, "rotate", 'badtag', 180);
-# If tagOrId describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with scale",
- $log_level, "scale", 'badtag', 2,2);
-# If tagOrId describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with translate",
- $log_level, "translate", 'badtag', 200,200);
- # If the given name is not found among the named transforms, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing named transform item with tdelete",
- $log_level, "tdelete", 'badNamedTransform');
-# ->transform ??
- # If tagOrId describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing named transform or item with treset",
- $log_level, "treset", 'badNamedTransform');
- # If tagOrId doesn t describe any item or if the transform named tName
- # doesn't exist, an error is raised.
- &test_eval ($log_level, "tsave", "text", "namedTransfrom");
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with trestore",
- $log_level, "trestore", 'badTag', 'namedTransform');
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing named transform with trestore",
- $log_level, "trestore", 'track', 'badNamedTransform');
- # If tagOrId doesn t describe any item, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with tsave",
- $log_level, "tsave", 'badTag', 'otherNamedTransform');
- # If no items are named by tagOrId, an error is raised.
- &test_no_eval ("refering a non-existing item with type",
- $log_level, "type", 'badTag');
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_errors -----\n");
-} # end of test_errors
-sub creating_items {
- # first removing all remaining items
- foreach my $tag qw(group track waypoint tabular text icon reticle map
- rectangle arc curve triangles window) {
- $zinc->remove($tag);
- }
- # and then creating items
- $zinc->add('group', 1, -tags => ['group']);
- $zinc->add('track', 1, 5, -position => [100,200], -tags => ['track']);
- $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 5, -position => [200,100], -tags => ['waypoint']);
- $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 5, -position => [100,20], -tags => ['tabular']);
- $zinc->add('text',1, -tags => ['text']);
- $zinc->add('icon', 1, -tags => ['icon']);
- $zinc->add('reticle', 1, -tags => ['reticle']);
- $zinc->add('map', 1, -tags => ['map']);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [400,400 , 450,220], -tags => ['rectangle']);
- $zinc->add('arc', 1, [10,10 , 50,50], -tags => ['arc']);
- $zinc->add('curve', 1, [30,0 , 150,10, 100,110, 10,100, 50,140], -tags => ['curve']);
- $zinc->add('triangles', 1, [200,200 , 300,200 , 300,300, 200,300],
- -colors => ["blue;50", "red;20", "green;80"], -tags => ['triangles']);
- $zinc->add('window', 1, -tags => ['window']);
- foreach my $tag qw(group track waypoint tabular text icon reticle map
- rectangle arc curve triangles window) {
-# my $contour = $zinc->contour($tag);
-# print "$tag := $contour\n";
- }
-} # end creating_items
-sub verify_coords_of_contour {
- my ($predicat, $id1, $id2, $contour) = @_;
- my @contour1 = $zinc->coords($id1,$contour);
- my @contour2 = $zinc->coords($id2,$contour);
-# print "contour1: ", &printableArray (@contour1), "\n";
-# print "contour2: ", &printableArray (@contour2), "\n";
- my $res = &nequal_cplx_arrays (\@contour1, \@contour2);
-# print "res=$res\n";
- if ($predicat eq 'eq') {
- if ($res) {
- &log(-100, "coords of $id1($contour) and $id2($contour) are not equal:\n\t".
- &printableArray(@contour1)."\n\t".&printableArray(@contour2)."\n");
- } else {
- &log(1, " # coords of $id1($contour) and $id2($contour) are OK ($predicat)\n");
- }
- } elsif ($predicat eq 'ne') {
- if (!$res) {
- &log(-10, "coords of $id1($contour) and $id2($contour) should not be equal\n");
- } else {
- &log(1, " # coords of $id1($contour) and $id2($contour) are OK ($predicat)\n");
- }
- } else {
- &log(-100, "unknown predicat: $predicat\n");
- }
-} # end of verify_coords_of_contour;
-sub verify_coords_of_contour_points {
- my ($predicat, $id1, $id2, $contour) = @_;
- my @contour1 = $zinc->coords($id1,$contour);
- my $nequal=0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $#contour1; $i++) {
- my @coords1 = $zinc->coords($id1,0,$i);
- my @coords2 = $zinc->coords($id2,0,$i);
- my $res = &equal_flat_arrays ( \@coords1, \@coords2 );
- if ($predicat eq 'eq') {
- if (!$res) {
- &log(-100, "coords of $id1($contour,$i) and $id2($contour,$i) are not equal:\n\t$res");
- }
- } elsif ($predicat eq 'ne') {
- if (!$res) {
- $nequal=$res;
- last;
- }
- } else {
- &log(-100, "unknown predicat: $predicat\n");
- }
- }
- if ($predicat eq 'neq' and !$nequal) {
- &log(-100, "coords of $id1($contour,i) and $id2($contour,i) should not be all equal\n");
- } else {
- &log(1, " # coords of $id1($contour,i) and $id2($contour,i) are OK ($predicat)\n");
- }
-} # end of verify_coords_of_contour_points;
-sub parseTestsOpt {
- my ($opt) = @_;
- my @tests;
- if ($opt eq '') {
- print "Availables tests are:\n";
- while (@testsList) {
- my $i = shift @testsList;
- my $comment = shift @testsList;
- print "\t$i => $comment\n";
- }
- exit;
- } elsif ( $opt eq 'all' ) { ## default!
- &log (0, " # all tests will be passed through\n");
- @tests = sort keys %testsHash;
- } elsif ( $opt =~ /^\d+(,\d+)*$/ ) {
- @tests = split (/,/ , $opt);
- my $testnumb = (scalar @testsList) / 2;
- foreach my $test (@tests) {
- die "tests num must not exceed $testnumb" if $test > $testnumb;
- }
- &log(0, "Test to be done:\n");
- foreach my $test (@tests) {
- &log(0, "\t # $test => " . $testsHash{$test} . "\n");
- }
- } else {
- print "bad -tests value. Must be a list of integer separated by ,\n";
- &usage;
- }
- return @tests;
-} # end of parseTestsOpt
-# ---------- TEST ------------------
-# the following code must be coherent with the tests list described
-# on the very beginning of this file (see @testsList definition)
-if ($tests{1}) {
- &test_contour_and_coords ();
-if ($tests{2}) {
- &test_forbidden_operations_on_root_group ();
-if ($tests{3}) {
- &test_errors;
-if ($tests{4}) {
- &test_bboxes;
-if ($tests{5}) {
- &test_gradient_coding;
-### we should also test multicontour curves
-if ($tests{5}) {
-# &test_coords;
-# #### &test_fonts; ## and specially big fonts with render = 1;
-# #### &test_path_tags;
-# #### &test_illegal_tags;
-# #### &test_illegal_call
-# for example:
-# calling a methode for an non-existing item
-# getting coords, contours, fields, etc... of non-existing index
-# cloning, deleting topgroup
-&log (0, "#---- End of test_method ----\n");
diff --git a/Perl/t/test-no-crash.pl b/Perl/t/test-no-crash.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f1e22a6..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/test-no-crash.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This non-regression / memory leak test has been developped by Christophe Mertz <mertz@intuilab.com>
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use TestLog;
-use strict;
-use constant ERROR => '--an error--';
-# the following list be coherent with the treatments done in the TEST section.
-my @testsList = (
- 1 => 'test_mapitems (quick)',
- 2 => 'test_every_field_attributes (long)',
- 3 => 'test_attributes (medium)',
- 4 => 'test_cloning (quick)',
- 5 => 'test_coords (quick)',
- );
-my %testsHash;
-{ my @tests = @testsList;
- while (@tests) {
- my $num = shift (@tests);
- my $comment = shift (@tests);
- $testsHash{ $num } = $comment;
- }
-# les variables positionnées en fonction des options de la ligne de commande
-my $opt_log = 0;
-my $opt_trace = "";
-my $opt_render = -1;
-my $opt_type = 0;
-my $outfile;
-my $opt_tests = "all";
-my $opt_memoryleak = 0;
-# on récupčre les options
-my $optstatus = GetOptions('log=i' => \$opt_log,
- 'out=s' => \$outfile,
- 'trace=s' => \$opt_trace,
- 'render:s' => \$opt_render,
- 'type=s' => \$opt_type,
- 'help' => \&usage,
- 'memoryleak' => \$opt_memoryleak,
- 'tests:s' => \$opt_tests,
- );
-# on teste la validité de l'option -render!
-if ($opt_render eq '') {
- print "-render option have no value!\n";
- &usage;
-$opt_render = 1 if $opt_render == -1;
-unless ($opt_render==0 or $opt_render==1 or $opt_render==2) {
- print "-render option value must be 0, 1 or 2!\n";
- &usage;
-$outfile = "no-crash-$Tk::Zinc::VERSION.log" if (!defined $outfile);
-## in case of memoryleak test, logs are not written in a file
-## and logs are limited to high level logs on the standard output
-## (only those with a loglevel <= -1000 will be written on stdout)
-my $nolog_file = 0;
-if ($opt_memoryleak) {
- $opt_log = -1000;
- my $nolog_file = 1;
-&openLog($outfile, $opt_log, $nolog_file);
-sub usage {
- my ($text) = @_;
- print $text,"\n" if (defined $text);
- print "test-no-crash [options]\n";
- print " A non-regression test suite for zinc.\n";
- print " Some exhaustive test of zinc. Of course everything is not tested yet\n";
- print " options are:\n";
- print " -help to print this short help\n";
- print " -log <n> trace level, defaulted to 0; higher level trace more infos\n";
- print " -out filename the log filename. defaulted to no-crash.log\n";
- print " NB: the previous log file is always renamed with a .prev suffix\n";
- print " -memoryleak to try to detect some memoryleak between first iteration of the test \n";
- print " and the following iteration. This test NEVER finish automatically\n";
- print " it is up to the tester to stop the memoryleak test after\n";
- print " a significative number of iterations\n";
- print " -render 0|1|2 to select the render option of zinc (defaulted to 1)\n";
- print " -trace <an_item_option> to better trace usage of an option\n";
- print " -type <a_zinc_item_type> to limits tests to this item type.\n";
- print " -tests to get the list of available tests.\n";
- print " -tests i,j,k... to define the list of tests to pass.\n";
- exit;
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-&log (-1000, "#testing Zinc-perl Version=" . $Tk::Zinc::VERSION . " - ", $mw->zinc(), "\n");
-## must be done after the LOG file is open:
-my @tests = &parseTestsOpt($opt_tests);
-my %tests;
-foreach my $t (@tests) {$tests{$t} = $t }
-# The explanation displayed when running this demo
-my $label=$mw->Label(-text => "This is a non-regression test, testing that
-zinc is not core-dumping! It can also be used for detecting memory leaks",
- -justify => 'left')->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10);
-# Creating the zinc widget
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 500, -height => 500,
- -trackmanagedhistorysize => 10,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 0, -relief => 'sunken',
- -render => $opt_render,
- )->pack;
-my %itemtypes;
-my @itemtypes = qw(arc tabular track waypoint
- curve rectangle triangles
- group icon map reticle text window
- );
-if ($opt_type) { @itemtypes = ($opt_type); }
-foreach my $type (@itemtypes) { $itemtypes{$type}=1 }
-#### some global variables needed as attributes values
-my ($text1, $text2, $text3, $text4);
-my ($image1, $image2, $image3, $image4);
-&creating_items ("unused");
-sub creating_items {
- # first removing all remaining items
- foreach my $item (&test_eval (1, 'find', 'withtag', 'all')) {
- &test_eval (1, "remove", $item);
- }
- my $labelformat = "x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1";
- # and then creating items
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'icon', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'map', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'map', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'reticle', 1);
- $text1 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [300,120], -text => "hello world1");
- $text2 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [350,170], -text => "hello world2");
- $text3 = &test_eval (1, "add", 'text', 1, -position => [400,220], -text => "hello world3");
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'window', 1);
-# &test_eval (1, "add", 'track', 1, 5, -position => [100,200]);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'track', 1, 5, -position => [100,200], -labelformat => $labelformat);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'waypoint', 1, 5, -position => [200,100], -labelformat => $labelformat);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'tabular', 1, 5, -position => [100,20], -labelformat => $labelformat);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'group', 1);
- &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo1', 'create');
- &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo2', 'create');
- &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", 'mapinfo3', 'create');
-#$zinc->itemconfigure ('tabular', -labelformat => "200x10");
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'arc', 1, [10,10 , 50,50]);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'curve', 1, [30,0 , 150,10, 100,110, 10,100, 50,140]);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'rectangle', 1, [400,400 , 450,220]);
- &test_eval (1, "add", 'triangles', 1, [200,200 , 300,200 , 300,300, 200,300],
- -colors => ["blue;50", "red;20", "green;80"]);
- # images are initialised ONLY ONCE! (to avoid memoryleaks)
- $image1 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("Tk/icon.gif") ) unless $image1;
- $image2 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("Tk/Xcamel.gif") ) unless $image2;
- $image3 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("Tk/tranicon.gif") ) unless $image3;
- $image4 = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk::findINC("Tk/anim.gif") ) unless $image4;
- &creating_datas; # some of the data are using items!
-} # end creating_items
-# verifies that we create an item of every existing type
-sub verifying_item_completion {
- my @all_types = $zinc->add(); ## this use of add is not documented yet XXX!
- my @all_items = $zinc->find ('withtag', 'all');
- my %created_item_types;
- foreach my $item (@all_items) {
- $created_item_types{$zinc->type($item)} = 1;
- }
- foreach my $type (@all_types) {
- if (defined $created_item_types{$type}) {
- delete $created_item_types{$type};
- }
- else {
- &log(-100, "item type \"type\" which exist in Zinc is not tested!\n");
- }
- }
- foreach my $type (sort keys %created_item_types) {
- &log(-100, "This tested item type \"$type\" is supposed not to exist in Zinc!\n");
- }
-my %options;
-my %types;
-foreach my $itemType (@itemtypes) {
- my ($anItem) = $zinc->find('withtype', $itemType);
- if (!defined $anItem) { &log (-10, "no item $itemType\n"); next;};
- my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($anItem);
- foreach my $elem (@options) {
- my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem;
- $options{$itemType}{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue];
- $types{$optionType} = 1;
- }
-my %fieldOptions;
-my ($aTrack) = $zinc->find('withtype', 'track');
-if (!defined $aTrack) { &log (-10, "no item track\n") }
-else {
- my @fieldOptions = $zinc->itemconfigure($aTrack, 0);
- for my $elem (@fieldOptions) {
- my ($optionName, $optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @$elem;
- $fieldOptions{$optionName} = [$optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue];
- $types{$optionType} = 1;
- }
-foreach my $type (sort keys %types) {
-# print "$type\n";
-# a hash giving samples of valid data for attributes types
-my %typesValues;
-# the following hash associated to types valid value that should be all different from
-# default value and from value initiated when creating items (see up...)
-my %typesNonStandardValues;
-# a hash giving samples of NOT valid data for attributes types
-my %typesIllegalValues;
-sub creating_datas {
- return if defined $typesValues{'alignment'};
- %typesValues =
- ('alignment' => ['left', 'right', 'center'],
- 'alpha' => [0, 50, 100, 23],
- 'anchor' => ['n', 's', 'e', 'w', 'nw', 'ne', 'sw', 'se', 'center'],
- 'angle' => [0, 90, 180, 270, 360, 12, 93, 178, 272, 359],
- 'autoalignment' => ['lll', 'llr', 'llc', 'lrl', 'lrr', 'lrc', 'lcl', 'lcr', 'lcc',
- 'rll', 'rlr', 'rlc', 'rrl', 'rrr', 'rrc', 'rcl', 'rcr', 'rcc',
- 'cll', 'clr', 'clc', 'crl', 'crr', 'crc', 'ccl', 'ccr', 'ccc',
- '-',],
- 'boolean' => [0..1],
- 'bitmap' => ['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'], ####?!
- 'bitmaplist' => [['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'], ['AlphaStipple0']], ##TBC
- 'capstyle' => ['butt', 'projecting', 'round'],
- 'gradient' => ['green', 'LemonChiffon', '#c84', '#4488cc', '#888ccc444', 'red'], ## TBC
- 'gradientlist' => [['green'], ['LemonChiffon'], ['#c84'], ['#4488cc'], ['#888ccc444'],
- ['red', 'green'], ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
- ['red;50', 'green;50', 'blue;50'],
- ['blue;0', 'green;50', 'red;90'],
- ], ## TBC
- 'dimension' => [0..5, 10, 50, 100, 0.0, 5.5, 100.5, 4.5], ## and floats ?!
- 'edgelist' => ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'contour', 'oblique', 'counteroblique'], ## +combinations!
- 'filerule', => ['odd', 'negative','positive', 'abs_ge_eq2'],
- 'font' => ['10x20', '6x10', '6x12', '6x13'],
- 'image' => [$image1, $image2, $image3], ## TBC
- 'integer' => [-10000, -100, -1, 0, 1, 10, 10000], ## pour quoi?
- 'item' => [$text1, $text2],
- 'joinstyle' => ['bevel', 'miter', 'round'],
- 'labelformat' => ["200x10", ## BUG BUG
-# "200x100 x100x20+0+0 x100x20+0+20 x200x40+100+20"
- ],
- 'leaderanchors' => ["%10x30", "|0|0", "%40x20", "|1|1", "|100|100", "%67x21" ], ## TBC! non exchaustif!! BUG non conforme ŕ la doc
- # illegal et fait planter: "%50"
- 'lineend' => [ [10,10,10], [10,100,10], [100,10,10], [10,10,100], [100,10,100] ],
- 'lineshape' => ['straight', 'rightlightning', 'leftlightning', 'rightcorner', 'leftcorner', 'doublerightcorner', 'doubleleftcorner'],
- 'linestyle' => ['dotted', 'simple', 'dashed', 'mixed', 'dotted'],
- 'mapinfo' => ['mapinfo1','mapinfo2','mapinfo3'], ## TBC
-# 'number' => [2.3, 1.0, 5.6, 2.1],
- 'point' => [ [0,0] , [10,10], [20,20], [30,30], [20,20], [0,0] , [10,10] ],
- 'priority' => [ 1, 10, 50, 1000, 10000 ], # positif ou nul
- 'relief' => ['flat', 'groove', 'raised', 'ridge', 'sunken',
- 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundgroove',
- 'roundridge', 'sunkenrule', 'raisedrule'],
- 'string' => ['teststring', 'short', 'veryverylongstring'],
- 'taglist' => [ [1], [1..2], ['a','b'], ['tag1','tag2','tag3']],
- 'unsignedint' => [ 0..5 , 10, 20, 30, 100 ],
- 'window' => [], ## TBC
- );
-# the following valid value associated to types should be all different from
-# default value and from value initiated when creating items (see up...)
- %typesNonStandardValues =
- ('alignment' => 'right',
- 'alpha' => 50,
- 'anchor' => 'w',
- 'angle' => 45,
- 'autoalignment' => 'llc',
- 'bitmap' => 'AlphaStipple14',
- 'bitmaplist' => ['AlphaStipple0', 'AlphaStipple3', 'AlphaStipple14', 'AlphaStipple11', 'AlphaStipple7'],
- 'capstyle' => 'butt',
- 'gradient' => 'LemonChiffon',
- 'gradientlist' => ['red;50', 'green;50', 'blue;50'],
- 'dimension' => 45,
- 'edgelist' => 'contour',
- 'font' => '6x10',
- 'fillrule' => 'nonzero',
- 'image' => $image4,
- 'integer' => 7,
- 'item' => $text3,
- 'joinstyle' => 'miter',
- 'labelformat' => "200x30", ## BUG BUG
- 'leaderanchors' => "%10x45", ## BUG BUG
- 'lineend' => [13,7,20],
- 'lineshape' => 'rightlightning',
- 'linestyle' => 'dotted',
- 'mapinfo' => 'mapinfo2', ## TBC
- 'number' => 7.6,
- 'point' => [100,100],
- 'priority' => 50,
- 'relief' => 'groove',
- 'string' => 'notsoshort',
- 'taglist' => ['tag1','tag11','tag111'],
- 'unsignedint' => 7, # 22, # 22 is to high for -visiblehistorysize and 5 is, the default value for reticle -period
- 'window' => undef, ### TBC
- );
- %typesIllegalValues =
- ('alpha' => [0..100],
- 'anchor' => ['n', 's', 'e', 'w'], ##TBC
- 'angle' => [0..360],
- 'boolean' => [0..1],
- 'capstyle' => [],
- 'dimension' => [0..100],
- 'font' => ['10x20', '6x10', '6x12', '6x13'],
- 'leaderanchors' => ["%50" ], ## TBC! non exchaustif!! BUG non
- 'relief' => ['flat', 'groove', 'raised', 'ridge', 'sunken',
- 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundgroove',
- 'roundridge', 'sunkenrule', 'raisedrule'],
- );
-$mw->Button(-text => "Exit",
- -command => sub { exit },
- )->pack(-pady => 4);
-sub test_attributes {
- &log (-1000, "#---- Start of test_attributes ----\n");
- foreach my $type (@itemtypes) {
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtype', $type);
- &log (0, "#--------- Testing ", (1+$#items), " ",$type," attributes ----------------\n");
- if ($#items == -1) {
- &log (-100, "No such item: $type\n");
- next;
- }
- &log(0,"no such type '$type'\n"), next unless defined $options{$type};
-# print $options{$type}, "\t\t", %{$options{$type}}, "\n";
- my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}};
- foreach my $item (@items) {
- ## il faudrait tester les options selon un ordre défini ŕ l'avance
- ## en passant par plusieurs occurences pour les options et en forçant
- ## certaines valeurs, par exemple les valeurs booléennees... (visible/sensible/filled)
- my @boolean_attributes;
- my %boolean_attributes;
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- if ($optionType eq 'boolean') {
- next if $option eq -composerotation;
- next if $option eq -composescale;
- next if $option =~ /-\w+sensitive/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
- next if $option =~ /-filled\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
- next if $option =~ /-speed\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
- next if $option =~ /-\w+history/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
- push @boolean_attributes, $option;
- $boolean_attributes{$option}=1;
- }
- }
- &log (0, "# $type (id $item) : ", ((2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)) , " Combinations (", join (', ' , @boolean_attributes),")\n"));
- foreach my $i (0 .. (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes) -1) ) {
- my $format = "%0" . ($#{boolean_attributes} +1) . "b";
- my $binary = sprintf ($format,$i);
- &log (0, "# $i/", (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)), " $binary\n");
- my @binary = split (//,$binary);
- foreach my $j (0 .. $#boolean_attributes) {
- &test_eval (0, "itemconfigure", $item, $boolean_attributes[$j] => $binary[$j] );
-# &log (0, "setting $type ($item) ", $boolean_attributes[$j], " to ", $binary[$j], "\n");
- }
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop
- next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random clipping item must belong to the group
- next if ($boolean_attributes{$option}); # skipping boolean attributes which are exhaustively tested
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- my $typeValues = $typesValues{$optionType};
- if (!defined $typeValues) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;}
- my @values = @{$typeValues};
- if (!@values) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;}
- my $valueRef = ref ($values[0]);
- my $previous_val;
- my @previous_val;
- if ($valueRef eq '') {
- $previous_val = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option);
- }
- else {
- @previous_val = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option);
- }
- &log (1, "#** itemconfigure of $item ($type), $option => ",&printableList (@values),"\n");
- my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType ) ? 0 : 2 ;
- foreach my $value (@values) {
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $value);
- $zinc->update;
- $zinc->after(10);
- }
- if ($valueRef eq '') {
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $previous_val);
- }
- else {
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => \@previous_val);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_attributes ----\n");
-} # end test_attributes
-# test2: configurer les fields des track / waypoint / tabular
-# jouer avec les labelformats
-# test3: tester toutes les fonctions aléatoirement selon les signatures
-# test4: tester qu'en clonant on obtient bien une copie de tous les attributs
-sub test_cloning {
- &log (-1000, "#---- Start of test_cloning ----\n");
- &creating_items;
- foreach my $type (@itemtypes) {
- my ($item) = $zinc->find('withtype', $type);
- &log (0, "#--------- Cloning and testing item ",$type," $item ----------------\n");
- if (!defined $item) { &log (-10, "No such item: $type\n"); next;};
- my $clone = &test_eval(1, "clone", $item);
- &log (0, "#---- Modifying the clone $clone\n");
- &test_a_clone ($type, $item, $clone);
- &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'original', $item, $zinc->bbox ($item));
- &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'clone', $clone, $zinc->bbox ($clone));
- &log (0, "#---- Modifying the original\n");
- &test_a_clone ($type, $clone, $item);
- &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'original', $item, $zinc->bbox ($item));
- &test_enclosed_overlapping_closest($type, 'clone', $clone, $zinc->bbox ($clone));
- &log (0, "#---- Deleting the original\n");
- &test_eval (1, "remove", $item);
- &test_every_attributes_once($type,$clone);
- &log (0, "#---- Deleting the clone\n");
- &test_eval (1, "remove", $clone);
- }
- # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox
- # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox
- # faire la męme chose que juste avant, mais en interchangeant clone et original
- # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox
- # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox
- # supprimer l'item original
- # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox
- # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox
- # modifier tous les attributs du clone
- # supprimer le clone
- # tester le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand que la bbox
- # tester le closest avec le centre de la bbox
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_cloning ----\n");
-} # end test_cloning
-## teste le find enclosed / overlapping avec un rectangle un peu plus grand
-# que la bbox donnée en paramčtre.
-# si $item est différent de '', vérifie que l'item est enclosed/overlapping
-## Vérifie aussi le fonctionnement ud closest pour le centre de la bbox
-sub test_enclosed_overlapping_closest {
- my ($type, $clone_or_original, $item, @bbox) = @_;
- if ($#bbox == -1) {
- &log(-100, "Undef bbox of a $type ($clone_or_original)\n");
- }
- else {
- @bbox = ( $bbox[0]-10, $bbox[1]-10, $bbox[2]+10, $bbox[3]+10 );
- my @items = &test_eval (1, "find", 'enclosed', @bbox);
- goto TESTOVERLAPPING if ($item eq '');
- foreach my $i (@items) {
- goto TESTOVERLAPPING if ($i eq $item); # the item is included!
- }
- &log(-100, "The $type ($clone_or_original) is not enclosed in its bbox!\n");
-# @items = $zinc->find ('overlapping', @bbox);
- @items = &test_eval (1, "find", 'overlapping', @bbox);
- goto TESTCLOSEST if ($item eq '');
- foreach my $i (@items) {
- goto TESTCLOSEST if ($i eq $item);
- }
- &log(-100, "The $type ($clone_or_original) is not overlapping its bbox!\n");
- my $x = ($bbox[0] + $bbox[2] )/2;
- my $y = ($bbox[1] + $bbox[3] )/2;
-# my $closest = $zinc->find ('closest', $x,$y);
- my $closest = &test_eval (1, "find", 'closest', $x,$y);
- }
-} # end test_enclosed_overlapping_closest
-sub test_a_clone {
- my ($type, $original, $clone) = @_;
- my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}};
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop
- next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random. Clipping item must belong to the group
- next if ($option eq '-connecteditem'); ## XXX this test should be corrected implemented,
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- my $value = $typesNonStandardValues{$optionType};
- if ($optionType ne 'boolean' && !defined $value) {
- &log (-100, "No value for type $optionType (option $option)\n");
- next;
- }
- my $valueRef = ref ($value);
- my $previous_val;
- my @previous_val;
- # memoryzing previous value of the clone
- if ($valueRef eq '') {
- $previous_val = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option);
- }
- else {
- @previous_val = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option);
- }
- # in the case of boolean, we must always take the not value:
- if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { $value = !$previous_val }
- my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ;
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => $value);
- $zinc->update;
- if ($valueRef eq 'ARRAY') { # the value is a list
- my @original_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $original, $option);
- my @clone_value = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $clone, $option);
- if ( &equal_flat_arrays (\@original_value, \@clone_value) ) {
- &log (-100, "Modified cloned $type gets the same value for $option (type $optionType) ". &printableArray(@original_value) . "\n");
- }
- }
- else { # the value is either a scalar or a class instance
- my $original_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $original, $option);
- my $clone_value = &test_eval (2, "itemcget", $clone, $option);
- if (defined $original_value && $original_value eq $clone_value) {
-# print "ORIGIN = ",$original_value, " $original_value CLONE = ",$clone_value,"\n";
- &log (-100, "Modified cloned $type gets the same value for $option (type $optionType) " .
- "(original=cloned: " . &printableItem($original_value) .
- "?=" . &printableItem($previous_val) .
- " :previous)\n");
- }
- }
- # setting back the previous value
- if ($valueRef eq '') {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => $previous_val);
- }
- else {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $clone, $option => \@previous_val);
- }
- }
-} # end test_a_clone
-sub test_every_attributes_once {
- my ($type, $item) = @_;
- my %theoptions = %{$options{$type}};
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- next if ($option eq -numfields); # BUG? makes the appli stop
- next if ($option eq "-clip" and $type = "group"); # BUG? This test cannot be random. Clipping item must belong to the group
- next if ($option eq '-connecteditem'); ## XXX this test should be corrected implemented,
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- my $value = $typesNonStandardValues{$optionType};
- if ($optionType ne 'boolean' && !defined $value) {
- &log (-100, "No value for type $optionType (option $option)\n");
- next;
- }
- # in the case of boolean, we must always take the not value:
- if ($optionType eq 'boolean') { $value = !$zinc->itemcget($item, $option) }
- my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ;
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $option => $value);
- $zinc->update;
- }
-} # end test_every_attributes_once
-sub test_every_field_attributes {
- &log (-1000, "#---- Start of test_every_field_attributes ----\n");
- foreach my $type qw(waypoint track tabular) {
- next unless $itemtypes{$type};
- my %theoptions = %fieldOptions;
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtype', $type);
- &log (0, "#--------- Testing field attributes of ", (1+$#items), " ",$type,"(s) ----------------\n");
- if ($#items == -1) {
- &log (-100, "No such item: $type\n");
- next;
- }
- foreach my $item (@items) {
- ## il faudrait tester les options selon un ordre défini ŕ l'avance
- ## en passant par plusieurs occurences pour les options et en forçant
- ## certaines valeurs, par exemple les valeurs booléennees... (visible/sensible/filled)
- my @boolean_attributes;
- my %boolean_attributes;
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- if ($optionType eq 'boolean') {
-# next if $option =~ /-\w+sensitive/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
-# next if $option =~ /-filled\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
-# next if $option =~ /-speed\w+/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
-# next if $option =~ /-\w+history/ ; # to get rid of many track options!
- push @boolean_attributes, $option;
- $boolean_attributes{$option}=1;
- }
- }
- &log (0, "# $type (id $item) : ", ((2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)) , " Combinations (", join (', ' , @boolean_attributes),")\n"));
- foreach my $i (0 .. (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes) -1) ) {
- my $format = "%0" . ($#{boolean_attributes} +1) . "b";
- my $binary = sprintf ($format,$i);
- &log (0, "# $i/", (2**(1+$#boolean_attributes)), " $binary\n");
- my @binary = split (//,$binary);
- foreach my $j (0 .. $#boolean_attributes) {
- &log (0, "# setting $type ($item) field 0..",$zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1, " ", $boolean_attributes[$j], " to ", $binary[$j], "\n");
- foreach my $field (0 .. $zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1 ) {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $boolean_attributes[$j] => $binary[$j] );
- }
- }
- foreach my $field (0 .. $zinc->itemcget($item, -numfields)-1 ) {
- foreach my $option (sort keys %theoptions) {
- next if ($boolean_attributes{$option}); # skipping boolean attributes which are exhaustively tested
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$theoptions{$option}};
- my $typeValues = $typesValues{$optionType};
- if (!defined $typeValues) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;}
- my @values = @{$typeValues};
- if (!@values) {&log (-100, "No values for type $optionType (option $option)\n");next;}
- my $valueRef = ref ($values[0]);
- my $previous_val;
- my @previous_val;
- if ($valueRef eq '') {
- $previous_val = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $item, $field, $option);
- }
- else {
- @previous_val = &test_eval (1, "itemcget", $item, $field, $option);
- }
- &log (1, "#** itemconfigure ($item ($type), $field, $option => ",&printableList (@values),"\n");
- foreach my $value (@values) {
- my $log_lev = ($opt_trace eq $option || $opt_trace eq $optionType) ? 0 : 2 ;
- &test_eval ($log_lev, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => $value);
- $zinc->update;
- $zinc->after(10);
- }
- if ($valueRef ne 'ARRAY') {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => $previous_val);
- }
- else {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $item, $field, $option => \@previous_val);
- }
- }}
- }
- }
- }
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_every_field_attributes ----\n");
-} # end test_every_field_attributes
-sub createMapInfo {
- my ($name, $N,$deltaN, $radius, $centerX,$centerY) = @_;
- &test_eval (1, "mapinfo", $name, 'create');
- my @lineTypes=(qw/simple dashed dotted mixed marked/),
- my $deltaAngle=6.283/$N;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $N; $i++) {
- my $x1 = $centerX + $radius * sin($i * $deltaAngle);
- my $y1 = $centerY + $radius * cos($i * $deltaAngle);
- my $x2 = $centerX+ $radius * sin( ($i + $deltaN) * $deltaAngle);
- my $y2 = $centerY + $radius * cos( ($i + $deltaN)* $deltaAngle);
- my $linetype = $lineTypes[$i%5];
- $mw->mapinfo($name, 'add', 'line', $linetype, 1+$i%3, +$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
- }
-} # end of createMapInfo
-sub test_mapitems {
- my @mapinfoNames = @_;
- &log (-1000, "#---- Start of test_mapitems ----\n");
- my @maps = $zinc->find('withtype', 'map');
- my $counter=0;
- foreach my $map (@maps) {
- &test_eval (1, "itemconfigure", $map, -mapinfo => $mapinfoNames[$counter]);
- if ($counter == $#maps) { $counter=0 }
- $counter++;
- }
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_mapitems ----\n");
-} # end test_mapitems
-## testing the returned value of coords
-sub test_coords {
- &log (-1000, "#---- Start of test_coords ----\n");
- foreach my $it ($zinc->find('withtag','*')) {
- $zinc->remove($it);
- }
- ## creationg again items
- &creating_items;
- foreach my $type ($zinc->add()) {
- next if $type eq 'map'; ## map item does not support coords method
- my ($it) = $zinc->find('withtype',$type);
- my @coordsAll= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it);
- my $coordsAll = &printableArray(@coordsAll);
- &log (1, "=> $coordsAll\n");
- my @coordsContour= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it,0); # all items have 1 contour
- my $coordsContour = &printableArray(@coordsContour);
- &log (1,"=> $coordsContour\n");
- my @coordsPoint= &test_eval (1, "coords", $it,0,0); # all items have 1 contour with at least one point
- my $coordsPoint = &printableArray(@coordsPoint);
- &log (1,"=> $coordsPoint\n");
- }
- &log (0, "#---- End of test_coords ----\n");
-sub parseTestsOpt {
- my ($opt) = @_;
- my @tests;
- if ($opt eq '') {
- print "Availables tests are:\n";
- while (@testsList) {
- my $i = shift @testsList;
- my $comment = shift @testsList;
- print "\t$i => $comment\n";
- }
- exit;
- } elsif ( $opt eq 'all' ) { ## default!
- &log (0, "# all tests will be passed through\n");
- @tests = sort keys %testsHash;
- } elsif ( $opt =~ /^\d+(,\d+)*$/ ) {
- @tests = split (/,/ , $opt);
- my $testnumb = (scalar @testsList) / 2;
- foreach my $test (@tests) {
- die "tests num must not exceed $testnumb" if $test > $testnumb;
- }
- &log(0, "# Tests to be done:\n");
- foreach my $test (@tests) {
- &log(0, "\t# $test => " . $testsHash{$test} . "\n");
- }
- } else {
- print "bad -tests value. Must be a list of integer separated by ,\n";
- &usage;
- }
- return @tests;
-} # end of parseTestsOpt
-# ---------- TEST ------------------
-# the following code must be coherent with the tests list described
-# on the very beginning of this file (see @testsList definition)
-&createMapInfo ('firstmap', 50, 20, 200, 200, 300);
-&createMapInfo ('secondmap', 12, 3, 200, 300, 50);
-sub theTest {
- if ($tests{1}) {
- &test_mapitems ('firstmap', 'secondmap'); # should be done before really testing map items attributes
- }
- # #### &test_labelcontent; # should be done before really testing track/waypoint/tabular items attributes
- if ($tests{2}) {
- &test_every_field_attributes;
- }
- if ($tests{3}) {
- &test_attributes; # on peut configurer tous les attributs
- }
- ### we SHOULD test that setting a bad type value ofr an option does not core dump zinc!
- if ($tests{4}) {
- &test_cloning; # we test that cloning items and modifiyng/removing them does not core dump
- }
- ### we should also test multicontour curves
- if ($tests{5}) {
- &test_coords;
- }
-# #### &test_fonts; ## and specially big fonts with render = 1;
-# #### &test_path_tags;
-# #### &test_illegal_tags;
-# #### &test_illegal_call
-# for example:
-# calling a method for an non-existing item
-# getting coords, contours, fields, etc... of non-existing index
-# cloning, deleting topgroup
-sub getMemoryUsage {
- open (PROC, "/proc/$$/status");
- my ($totalMemory,$dataMemory);
- while (<PROC>) {
- if (/^VmSize:\s+(\d+)/) {
- $totalMemory = $1;
- }
- elsif (/^VmData:\s+(\d+)/) {
- $dataMemory = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- close PROC;
- return ($totalMemory,$dataMemory);
-if ($opt_memoryleak) {
- my $iteration = 0;
- while (1) {
- my ($total,$data) = &getMemoryUsage;
- ## get here the current memory state
- &log(-1000, "#---- MemoryState iteration=$iteration totalMemory=$total dataMemory=$data ----\n");
- $iteration++;
- &theTest;
- }
-} else {
- &theTest;
-&log (0, "#---- End of test_no_crash ----\n");
diff --git a/Perl/t/testdoc.pl b/Perl/t/testdoc.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 590774f..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/testdoc.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# This script verifies the conformity of the reference manual with
-# some types informations available inside ZincTk
-# It has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-# limitations: this script makes some very strong assumptions
-# on the latex Zinc reference manual formating!
-# However if the formating changes, it should be
-# simple to modify the &scanDoc function!
-# What this script currently does:
-# - verifies that all Zinc options are documented
-# - verifies that all items attributes (and their type) are documented
-# - verifies that all field attributes options (and their type) are documented
-# - verifies that all documented options and attributes really exists
-# - verifies that all documented types are refered to in the doc
-# It also checks that options, attributes and types are documented in alphabetical order
-# It is heavily based on meta information available directly from zinc
-# How to use it:
-# testdoc.pl path_to_refman.tex
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-print "------- Testing conformity of refman.tex and meta-information from zinc Version $Tk::Zinc::VERSION\n";
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-# Creating the zinc widget
-# NB: this widget will not be displayed! It is only used for creating items
-# and getting some internal information about attributes/options and types.
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 1, -height => 1,);
-# Creating an instance of every item type
-my %itemtypes;
-# These Items have fields! So the number of fields must be given at creation time
-foreach my $type qw(tabular track waypoint) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, 1);
-# These items needs no specific initial values
-foreach my $type qw(group icon map reticle text window) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1);
-# These items needs some coordinates at creation time
-# However curves usually needs more than 2 points.
-foreach my $type qw(arc curve rectangle) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1]);
-# Triangles item needs at least 3 points for the coordinates
-foreach my $type qw(triangles) {
- $itemtypes{$type} = $zinc->add($type, 1, [0,0 , 1,1 , 2,2]);
-my %zinc2doc; # a hash recording every discrepency between attribute/option
- # type between the doc and TkZinc
-my %documentedOptions;
-my %itemAttributeDoc;
-my %documentedTypes;
-my %usedTypes; # hash recording all refered types in the doc
-die "missing refman.tex path_name as unique argument to this script" unless defined $ARGV[0];
-&scanDoc ($ARGV[0]);
-sub scanDoc {
- my ($filename) = @_;
- open (DOC, $filename) or die "unable to open " . $filename . "\n";
- my $current_item = 0;
- my $prev_attribute = 0;
- my $prev_type = 0;
- while (<DOC>) {
- if ( /^\\attribute\{(\w+)\}\{(\w+)\}\{(\w+)\}/ ) {
- my $item = $1;
- my $attribute = $2;
- my $type = $3;
- $itemAttributeDoc{$item}{-$attribute} = $type;
- if ($item eq $current_item) {
- if ($attribute lt $prev_attribute) {
- print "W: attributes $prev_attribute and $attribute are not in alphabetical order for $item\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- $current_item = $item;
- $prev_attribute = $attribute;
- }
- }
- elsif ( /^\\option\{(\w+)\}\{(\w+)\}\{(\w+)\}/ ) {
- my $optionName = $1;
- my $databaseName = $2;
- my $databaseClass = $3;
- $documentedOptions{-$optionName} = $databaseClass;
- }
- elsif ( /^\\attrtype\{(\w+)\}/ ) {
- my $type = $1;
- $documentedTypes{$type} = $type;
- if ($type lt $prev_type) {
- print "W: type $prev_type and $type are not in alphabetical order\n";
- }
- $prev_type = $type;
- }
- }
-sub testAllOptions {
- my @options = $zinc->configure();
- my %options;
- # we use this hashtable to check that all documented options
- # are matching all existing options in TkZinc
- for my $elem (@options) {
- my ($optionName, $optionDatabaseName, $optionClass, $default, $optionValue) = @$elem;
- $options{$optionName} = [$optionClass, $default, "", $optionValue];
- }
- foreach my $optionName (sort keys %options) {
- my ($optionType, $readOnly, $empty, $optionValue) = @{$options{$optionName}};
- # $empty is for provision by Zinc
- if (!defined $documentedOptions{$optionName}) {
- print "E: $optionName ($optionType) of Zinc IS NOT DOCUMENTED!\n";
- $options{$optionName} = undef;
- next;
- }
- if ($documentedOptions{$optionName} ne $optionType) {
- print "W: $optionName has type $optionType inside ZincTk and type $documentedOptions{$optionName} inside Doc\n";
- $zinc2doc{$optionType}=$documentedOptions{$optionName};
- }
-# $attributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- $documentedOptions{$optionName} = undef;
- }
- foreach my $unexistingDocOpt (sort keys %documentedOptions) {
- if (defined $documentedOptions{$unexistingDocOpt}) {
- print "E: The Documented Option \"$unexistingDocOpt\" DOES NOT EXIST!\n";
- }
- }
-sub testAllAttributes {
- my ($item) = @_;
- my %documentedAttributes = %{$itemAttributeDoc{$item}};
- my @attributes = $zinc->itemconfigure($itemtypes{$item});
- my %attributes;
- # we use this hashtable to check that all documented attributes
- # are matching all existing attributes in TkZinc
- # verifying that all referenced types are defined
- # and storing used types
- foreach my $attribute (sort keys %documentedAttributes) {
- my $type = $documentedAttributes{$attribute};
- $usedTypes{$type} = 1;
- print "E: type $type ($attribute of $item) is not documented\n" unless $documentedTypes{$type};
- }
- foreach my $elem (@attributes) {
- my ($attributeName, $attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue) = @$elem;
- $attributes{$attributeName} = [$attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue];
- }
- foreach my $attributeName (keys %attributes) {
- my ($attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue) = @{$attributes{$attributeName}};
- # $empty is for provision by Zinc
- if (!defined $documentedAttributes{$attributeName}) {
- print "E: $attributeName ($attributeType) of item $item IS NOT DOCUMENTED!\n";
- $attributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- next;
- }
- if ($documentedAttributes{$attributeName} ne $attributeType) {
- print "W: $attributeName has type $attributeType inside ZincTk and type $documentedAttributes{$attributeName} inside Doc\n";
- $zinc2doc{$attributeType}=$documentedAttributes{$attributeName};
- }
-# $attributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- $documentedAttributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- }
- foreach my $unexistingDocAttr (sort keys %documentedAttributes) {
- if (defined $documentedAttributes{$unexistingDocAttr}) {
- print "E: The Documented Attribute \"$unexistingDocAttr\" DOES NOT EXIST!\n";
- }
- }
-sub testFieldAttributes {
- my %documentedAttributes = %{$itemAttributeDoc{"field"}};
- my @attributes = $zinc->itemconfigure($itemtypes{track},0);
- my %attributes;
- # we use this hashtable to check that all documented fields attributes
- # are matching all existing fields attributes in TkZinc
- # verifying that all referenced types are defined
- # and storing used types
- foreach my $attribute (sort keys %documentedAttributes) {
- my $type = $documentedAttributes{$attribute};
- $usedTypes{$type} = 1;
- print "E: type $type ($attribute of 'field') is not documented\n" unless $documentedTypes{$type};
- }
- foreach my $elem (@attributes) {
- my ($attributeName, $attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue) = @$elem;
- $attributes{$attributeName} = [$attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue];
- }
- foreach my $attributeName (keys %attributes) {
- my ($attributeType, $readOnly, $empty, $attributeValue) = @{$attributes{$attributeName}};
- # $empty is for provision by Zinc
- if (!defined $documentedAttributes{$attributeName}) {
- print "E: $attributeName ($attributeType) of field IS NOT DOCUMENTED!\n";
- $attributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- next;
- }
- if ($documentedAttributes{$attributeName} ne $attributeType) {
- print "W: $attributeName of field has type $attributeType inside ZincTk and type $documentedAttributes{$attributeName} inside Doc\n";
- $zinc2doc{$attributeType}=$documentedAttributes{$attributeName};
- }
- $documentedAttributes{$attributeName} = undef;
- }
- foreach my $unexistingDocAttr (sort keys %documentedAttributes) {
- if (defined $documentedAttributes{$unexistingDocAttr}) {
- print "E: The Documented Field Attribute \"$unexistingDocAttr\" DOES NOT EXIST!\n";
- }
- }
-sub verifyingAllDefinedTypesAreUsed {
- foreach my $type (sort keys %documentedTypes) {
- print "W: documented type $type is never refered to in the doc\n" unless $usedTypes{$type};
- }
-print "--- TkZinc Options -----------------------------------------\n";
-print "--- Field Attributes ---------------------------------------\n";
-foreach my $type (sort keys %itemtypes) {
- print "--- Item $type -------------------------------------------------\n";
- &testAllAttributes($type);
-print "------- Summary of type discrepencies between Doc and Zinc --------\n";
-printf "%15s |%15s\n", "zinctype","doctype";
-foreach my $typezinc (sort keys %zinc2doc) {
- printf "%15s |%15s\n", $typezinc,$zinc2doc{$typezinc};
-# MainLoop();
diff --git a/Perl/t/traceutils.t b/Perl/t/traceutils.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0636037..0000000
--- a/Perl/t/traceutils.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: traceutils.t,v 1.2 2004-05-07 16:53:43 mertz Exp $
-# Author: Christophe Mertz
-# testing Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils utilities
-#use Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils;
-use strict;
- if (!eval q{
-# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use Test::More tests => 14;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
- if (!eval q{
- use Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils;
- 1;
- }) {
- print "unable to load Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils";
- print "1..1\n";
- print "ok 1\n";
- exit;
- }
-#### creating different images, bitmaps and pixmaps...
-my $arg;
-$arg = "1";
-is (&Item ($arg), $arg, "testing " . $arg);
-SKIP: {
- my $mw;
- skip "not able to create a MainWindow", 3 if !eval q{$mw = MainWindow->new()} ;
- require Tk::Font;
- my $font = $mw->fontCreate("testfont", -family => "Helvetica");
- like ($font, qr/^testfont/, "font creation");
- is (&Item ($font), "'testfont'", "testing " . "testfont"); # not so sure about this result!
- is (&List (-font => $font), "(-font => 'testfont')", "(-font => afont)");
-$arg = "()";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, "empty list: ". $arg);
-$arg = "(-option_without_value)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "(1, 2, 3, 4)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "(-1, -2, -3, -4)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "(1.2, -2, .01, -1.2e+22, 1.02e+34)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), ($arg =~ s/\.01/0.01/ , $arg ), $arg);
-$arg = "('-1aa' => -2, '-a b', -1.2)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "(-option => -2, -option2 => -1.2, -option3)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "('icon', 1, -priority => 210, -visible => 1)";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "('text', 1, -font => '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*')";
-is (&List (eval $arg), $arg, $arg);
-$arg = "-option, -2, -option2, -1.2, -option3";
-is (&Array (eval "(".$arg.")"), "[".$arg."]", "[".$arg."]");
-diag("############## Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils test");
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 211d413..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
- *===========================================*
- The TkZinc widget version 3.3
- *===========================================*
- TkZinc is a canvas like widget extension to Tcl/Tk. It adds
-support for ATC displays, provides structured assembly of
-items, transformations, clipping, and openGL based rendering
-features such as gradients and alpha blending.
- It is currently available on Unices (tested on Linux),
-Windows and Mac OSX (with X11 and fink).
- The newest version is found at: http://www.tkzinc.org/
- It should be at least available in source form in a file
- named Tkzinc<version>.tgz.
- Distribution specific packages may also be available for
- Debian/Mandrake/Red Hat distributions, most likely for stable
- versions.
- For Tcl/Tk users, TkZinc is also available as a multi-plateforme
- (linux/windows) starkit on http://www.tkzinc.org/
- For Perl/Tk users, TkZinc is available on the CPAN, see for example
- on http://search.cpan.org/search?query=TkZinc&mode=all
- As a convenience the documentation (pdf+html) is made available
- on the web site as a separate package.
-0. You need a working Tcl/Tk distribution (version >= 8.4). You can either grab
- it using your regular package manager, or build it and install it from scratch.
- On a Linux system, you need tcl tcl-dev tk tk-dev packages.
- On MacOSX you need:
- - fink with tcltk and tcltk-dev package (http://fink.sf.net)
- - tcl/tk sources, though you are _not_ required to compile and install them.
- tcl/tk sources are needed because some required files are missing in the packages (tclInt.h and tkInt.h,
- if you know how to get those files with fink, submit a suggestion to the maintainers).
- I couldn't install them using fink, d/l them instead:
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fink/direct_download/source
- - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
- From sources or on Windows, get, build and _install_ the Tcl/Tk distribution.
- On Windows there is currently an incompatibility when using a TkZinc compiled under mingw32 with
- a core Tcl/Tk compiled with visual C++. You need to grab a Tcl/Tk
- compiled with the same environment as TkZinc.
-1. Unpack the distribution
- On Unix/Linux/MacOSX:
- tar zxf Tkzinc<version>.tgz
- On Windows:
- Use WinZip or something similar to unpack
- This creates a directory Tkzinc<version> with all the
- needed files. This directory should be in the same
- directory as the Tcl/Tk sources.
-2. Configure
- On Unix/Linux:
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- ./configure <option>*
- This will configure the package for your platform. It
- will install it in /usr/local. If you want it elsewhere
- you can use the --prefix and --exec-prefix options of
- configure to assign another location.
- On MacOSX:
- say we have unpacked tlc/tk sources in $HOME/src. The configure
- line is as follows:
- env "CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include -I$HOME/src/tcl8.4.1/generic -I$HOME/src/tk8.4.1/generic" ./configure --with-tcl=/sw/lib --with-tk=/sw/lib --enable-gl=damage
- On Windows:
- TkZinc has been built using the msys/mingw32 environment.
- It is known to work with Tcl/Tk 8.4.2 compiled using the
- same environment. CAUTION: It doesn't work with Tcl/Tk 8.4.1
- using mingw32.
- The steps for building under mingw32 are the same as on Unices.
- Currently there is no support for building with visual C++.
- On all platforms:
- It is possible to customize TkZinc through configure options:
- --enable-gl=[yes|no|damage]
- --disable-gl
- This is turned off by default. Building with --enable-gl=damage
- is the recommanded way for openGL support.
- --enable-om=[yes|no]
- --disable-om
- This is turned on by default. It controls the inclusion of
- code for avoid overlap between track labels in radar images.
- --enable-shape=[yes|no]
- --disable-shape
- This is turned on by default except on Windows where support
- code is not currently available (it may become available).
- It allows for non rectangular TkZinc windows optionally including
- the top level window.
- And the Tcl standards:
- --enable-threads=[yes|no]
- --disable-threads
- Compile a thread aware/thread safe version (not tested in multi
- threaded environment). Needed if Tcl/Tk has been compiled with
- the same configure option.
- --enable-symbols=[yes|no|mem|all]
- --disable-symbols
- Turn on debugging symbols. If the form --enable-symbols=mem is
- used, turn on memory debugging as well.
-3. Make and Install
- For use with Tcl on Unix/Linux and Windows using mingw32:
- make
- make install-tcl
- It is recommended to do a make distclean before actual building if you
- have done a previous build.
- The warnings while compiling libtess are harmless (or so I believe ;-).
- libtess is a tesselation library extracted from GLU/Mesa. I trust it as
- robust unless proven wrong. I do not want to modify the code just to
- shut up some warnings.
- For use with Tcl on Windows using Visual C++:
- nmake /F win/makefile.vc
- There is no install target. You are left with the dlls and the start of
- pkgIndex.tcl (it lacks the entries for the Tcl modules in library).
- It is needed to compile with Visual C++ if TkZinc is to be used with a
- Tcl/Tk compiled with Visual C++.
- P.S: If a pkgIndex.tcl for Tkzinc exists in the autoload path before
- installing, it will interfere with the generation of the new pkgIndex.tcl.
- It should be removed or renamed. echo 'puts $auto_path' | tclsh will
- tell the current load path.
- WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary
- openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at
- runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the
- case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic
- (libGL.so) NVidia library. It is very important to assert that
- the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver
- loaded in the X server.
-4. Run the demos
- In the Tkzinc<version> directory run:
- wish8.4 demos/zinc-widget
- Under windows do:
- wish84 demos/zinc-widget
- It should start a Tk like 'widget' demo showing TkZinc
- features. You can also run the demo with: demos/zinc-widget
- if you have in the PATH a wish that is greater or equal to
- 8.4.2.
-TkZinc for Perl/Tk is available for Linux, Windows (Perl/Tk 804)
-and MacOSX. Also remember that the easiest way could be to use
-the CPAN. However new releases are usually first available on
-0. You need a working Perl (>= 5.6) and Perl/Tk distribution (800 or 804). You can either grab
- it using your regular package manager, or build it and install it from scratch.
- On a Linux system, you need perl and perl-tk packages.
- On MacOSX you need:
- - fink with tk-pm package and its dependencies (http://fink.sf.net)
- tk-pm is available in unstable. You can add this binary unstable tree to you /sw/etc/apt/sources.list:
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/unstable main crypto
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/stable main crypto
- - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
- On WinXP you need:
- - perl and perl-tk 804,
- - Visual C++ or the Free Visual C++ Command Line Tools
-1. Unpack the distribution
- tar zxf Tkzinc<version>.tgz
- cd Tkzinc<version>/Perl
- ./export2cpan
- cd ../export2cpan/tk-zinc<version>
-2. Make and install
- This done is the usual way
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- # to run the demo without/before installing:
- perl -Mblib demos/zinc-demos
- make install
- WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary
- openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at
- runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the
- case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic
- (libGL.so) NVidia library. It is very important to assert that
- the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver
- loaded in the X server.
-3. Run the demo
- You can choose in the 35 available demos with the
- following perl script:
- zinc-demos
- It is available in pdf and html forms.
- To make the pdf doc you need pdflatex installed. Then do:
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- make pdf
- This should create a refman.pdf in the doc directory.
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- make html
- This should create the html documentation in the doc directory
- with all the html pages and images. The entry point is index.html.
- You need tex4ht for doing this. It may be packaged separately from
- tetex on Linux, it is so on Debian distributions.
- You can also download the doc from the TkZinc website:
- http://www.tkzinc.org/index.php/Main/Download
- Please report bugs and suggestions to the TkZinc mailing list
- at zinc@tls.cena.fr.
- When reporting bugs try to be as specific as possible.
- Include, if possible, the output from the program. Compile
- TkZinc with debugging symbols and include a backtrace of the
- debugger. Send a small Tcl (or Perl) script reproducing the problem.
- The availability of a correction may dependent on these infos.
diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index cb1ce1e..0000000
--- a/aclocal.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# generated automatically by aclocal 1.7.4 -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
-# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-# Include the TEA standard macro set
-# Zinc specific macros below.
-# ALL the new macros here need to be modified to
-# detect the various packages needed and to get their paths.
-# Right now all this is statically defined in the macros.
-# Specify if openGL support should be used.
-# Code for managing a damage area can also be enabled.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-gl=[yes,no,damage]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# GL_INCLUDES OpenGL include files path
-# GL_LIBS additional libraries needed for GL
-# LIBS Modified to reflect the need of new
-# libraries
-# GL Defined if GL support is enabled
-# GL_DAMAGE Defined if damage support has been
-# requested
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_GL])
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with GL])
- [ --enable-gl build with openGL support (yes,no,damage) [[no]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=no])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- GL_LIBS=-lglu32 -lopengl32
- else
- GL_LIBS="-lGLU -lGL"
- GL_INCLUDES='-I/usr/include'
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "damage"; then
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (standard)])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (with damage support)])
- fi
- fi
-# Specify if the Atc code should be included.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-atc=[yes,no]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# ATC Defined if ATC support is enabled
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_ATC])
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with the ATC extensions])
- [ --enable-atc build with ATC extensions [[yes]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- Atc_SOURCES="OverlapMan.c Track.c Reticle.c Map.c MapInfo.c"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- fi
-# Specify if the X shape extension support should be included.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-shape=[yes,no]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# SHAPE Defined if shape support is enabled
-# Adjust LIBS to include the X extension library
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with X shape support])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(shape,
- [ --enable-shape build with X shape support (if applicable) [[yes]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([no (not available on windows)])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- LIBS="${LIBS} -lXext"
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ac0018..0000000
--- a/bootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-aclocal -I .
-libtoolize --force
diff --git a/configure b/configure
deleted file mode 100755
index eff65b6..0000000
--- a/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4641 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated automatically using autoconf version 2.13
-# Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
-# Defaults:
-# Any additions from configure.in:
- --with-tcl directory containing tcl configuration (tclConfig.sh)"
- --with-tk directory containing tk configuration (tkConfig.sh)"
- --enable-threads build with threads [[no]]"
- --enable-shared build and link with shared libraries [[yes]]"
- --enable-64bit enable 64bit support (where applicable) [[no]]"
- --enable-64bit-vis enable 64bit Sparc VIS support [[no]]"
- --disable-load disallow dynamic loading and "load" command"
- --enable-symbols build with debugging symbols (yes,no,mem,all) [[no]]"
- --with-x use the X Window System"
- --enable-shape build with X shape support (if applicable) [[yes]]"
- --enable-gl build with openGL support (yes,no,damage) [[no]]"
- --enable-atc build with ATC extensions [[yes]]"
-# Initialize some variables set by options.
-# The variables have the same names as the options, with
-# dashes changed to underlines.
-# Initialize some other variables.
-# Maximum number of lines to put in a shell here document.
-for ac_option
- # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
- if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- eval "$ac_prev=\$ac_option"
- ac_prev=
- continue
- fi
- case "$ac_option" in
- -*=*) ac_optarg=`echo "$ac_option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
- *) ac_optarg= ;;
- esac
- # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
- case "$ac_option" in
- -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
- ac_prev=bindir ;;
- -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
- bindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
- ac_prev=build ;;
- -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
- build="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
- | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
- ac_prev=cache_file ;;
- -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
- | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
- cache_file="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad | --data | --dat | --da)
- ac_prev=datadir ;;
- -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=* | --data=* | --dat=* \
- | --da=*)
- datadir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -disable-* | --disable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*disable-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}=no" ;;
- -enable-* | --enable-*)
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*enable-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_feature: invalid feature name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "enable_${ac_feature}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
- | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
- | --exec | --exe | --ex)
- ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
- -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
- | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
- | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
- exec_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
- # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
- with_gas=yes ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he)
- # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
- # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
- cat << EOF
-Usage: configure [options] [host]
-Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]
- --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE
- --help print this message
- --no-create do not create output files
- --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking...' messages
- --version print the version of autoconf that created configure
-Directory and file names:
- --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
- [$ac_default_prefix]
- --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
- [same as prefix]
- --bindir=DIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
- --sbindir=DIR system admin executables in DIR [EPREFIX/sbin]
- --libexecdir=DIR program executables in DIR [EPREFIX/libexec]
- --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/share]
- --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/etc]
- --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data in DIR
- [PREFIX/com]
- --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data in DIR [PREFIX/var]
- --libdir=DIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
- --includedir=DIR C header files in DIR [PREFIX/include]
- --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc in DIR [/usr/include]
- --infodir=DIR info documentation in DIR [PREFIX/info]
- --mandir=DIR man documentation in DIR [PREFIX/man]
- --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or ..]
- --program-prefix=PREFIX prepend PREFIX to installed program names
- --program-suffix=SUFFIX append SUFFIX to installed program names
- --program-transform-name=PROGRAM
- run sed PROGRAM on installed program names
- cat << EOF
-Host type:
- --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [BUILD=HOST]
- --host=HOST configure for HOST [guessed]
- --target=TARGET configure for TARGET [TARGET=HOST]
-Features and packages:
- --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
- --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
- --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
- --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
- --x-includes=DIR X include files are in DIR
- --x-libraries=DIR X library files are in DIR
- if test -n "$ac_help"; then
- echo "--enable and --with options recognized:$ac_help"
- fi
- exit 0 ;;
- -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
- ac_prev=host ;;
- -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
- host="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
- | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
- ac_prev=includedir ;;
- -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
- | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
- includedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
- ac_prev=infodir ;;
- -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
- infodir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
- ac_prev=libdir ;;
- -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
- libdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
- | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
- ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
- -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
- | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
- libexecdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
- | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst \
- | --locals | --local | --loca | --loc | --lo)
- ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
- -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
- | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* \
- | --locals=* | --local=* | --loca=* | --loc=* | --lo=*)
- localstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
- ac_prev=mandir ;;
- -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
- mandir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
- # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
- with_fp=no ;;
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c)
- no_create=yes ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
- no_recursion=yes ;;
- -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
- | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
- | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
- ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
- -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
- | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
- | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
- oldincludedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
- ac_prev=prefix ;;
- -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
- prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
- | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
- ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
- -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
- | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
- program_prefix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
- | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
- ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
- -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
- | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
- program_suffix="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
- | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
- | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
- | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
- | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
- | --program-trans | --program-tran \
- | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
- ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
- -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
- | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
- | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
- | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
- | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
- | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
- | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
- program_transform_name="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
- | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
- silent=yes ;;
- -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
- ac_prev=sbindir ;;
- -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
- | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
- sbindir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
- | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
- | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
- | --sha | --sh)
- ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
- -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
- | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
- | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
- | --sha=* | --sh=*)
- sharedstatedir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -site | --site | --sit)
- ac_prev=site ;;
- -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
- site="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
- ac_prev=srcdir ;;
- -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
- srcdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
- | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
- ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
- -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
- | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
- sysconfdir="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
- ac_prev=target ;;
- -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
- target="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
- verbose=yes ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers)
- echo "configure generated by autoconf version 2.13"
- exit 0 ;;
- -with-* | --with-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*with-//' -e 's/=.*//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- case "$ac_option" in
- *=*) ;;
- *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
- esac
- eval "with_${ac_package}='$ac_optarg'" ;;
- -without-* | --without-*)
- ac_package=`echo $ac_option|sed -e 's/-*without-//'`
- # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
- if test -n "`echo $ac_package| sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'`"; then
- { echo "configure: error: $ac_package: invalid package name" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- ac_package=`echo $ac_package| sed 's/-/_/g'`
- eval "with_${ac_package}=no" ;;
- --x)
- # Obsolete; use --with-x.
- with_x=yes ;;
- -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
- | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
- ac_prev=x_includes ;;
- -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
- | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
- x_includes="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
- | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
- ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
- -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
- | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
- x_libraries="$ac_optarg" ;;
- -*) { echo "configure: error: $ac_option: invalid option; use --help to show usage" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- ;;
- *)
- if test -n "`echo $ac_option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then
- echo "configure: warning: $ac_option: invalid host type" 1>&2
- fi
- if test "x$nonopt" != xNONE; then
- { echo "configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- nonopt="$ac_option"
- ;;
- esac
-if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
- { echo "configure: error: missing argument to --`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# File descriptor usage:
-# 0 standard input
-# 1 file creation
-# 2 errors and warnings
-# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty
-# 4 used on the Kubota Titan
-# 6 checking for... messages and results
-# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log
-if test "$silent" = yes; then
- exec 6>/dev/null
- exec 6>&1
-exec 5>./config.log
-echo "\
-This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
-running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-" 1>&5
-# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
-# Also quote any args containing shell metacharacters.
-for ac_arg
- case "$ac_arg" in
- -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
- | --no-cr | --no-c) ;;
- -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
- | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r) ;;
- *" "*|*" "*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*)
- ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;;
- *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args $ac_arg" ;;
- esac
-# NLS nuisances.
-# Only set these to C if already set. These must not be set unconditionally
-# because not all systems understand e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
-# Fixing LC_MESSAGES prevents Solaris sh from translating var values in `set'!
-# Non-C LC_CTYPE values break the ctype check.
-if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
-if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
-if test "${LC_MESSAGES+set}" = set; then LC_MESSAGES=C; export LC_MESSAGES; fi
-if test "${LC_CTYPE+set}" = set; then LC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE; fi
-# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
-rm -rf conftest* confdefs.h
-# AIX cpp loses on an empty file, so make sure it contains at least a newline.
-echo > confdefs.h
-# A filename unique to this package, relative to the directory that
-# configure is in, which we can look for to find out if srcdir is correct.
-# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
-if test -z "$srcdir"; then
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
- # Try the directory containing this script, then its parent.
- ac_prog=$0
- ac_confdir=`echo $ac_prog|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- test "x$ac_confdir" = "x$ac_prog" && ac_confdir=.
- srcdir=$ac_confdir
- if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- srcdir=..
- fi
- ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
-if test ! -r $srcdir/$ac_unique_file; then
- if test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $ac_confdir or .." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- else
- { echo "configure: error: can not find sources in $srcdir" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
-srcdir=`echo "${srcdir}" | sed 's%\([^/]\)/*$%\1%'`
-# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
-if test -z "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
- if test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
- CONFIG_SITE="$prefix/share/config.site $prefix/etc/config.site"
- else
- CONFIG_SITE="$ac_default_prefix/share/config.site $ac_default_prefix/etc/config.site"
- fi
-for ac_site_file in $CONFIG_SITE; do
- if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
- echo "loading site script $ac_site_file"
- . "$ac_site_file"
- fi
-if test -r "$cache_file"; then
- echo "loading cache $cache_file"
- . $cache_file
- echo "creating cache $cache_file"
- > $cache_file
-# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5'
-ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
-if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then
- # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says ghazi@caip.rutgers.edu.
- if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then
- ac_n= ac_c='
-' ac_t=' '
- else
- ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t=
- fi
- ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t=
-# Setup the CONFIGDIR to the path of the directory containing the
-# configuration files
-for ac_dir in tclconfig $srcdir/tclconfig; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/install-sh; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
- break
- elif test -f $ac_dir/install.sh; then
- ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
- ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install.sh -c"
- break
- fi
-if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
- { echo "configure: error: can not find install-sh or install.sh in tclconfig $srcdir/tclconfig" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-ac_configure=$ac_aux_dir/configure # This should be Cygnus configure.
-# Define the PACKAGE variable
-# Call TEA_INIT as the first TEA_ macro to set up initial vars.
-# This will define a ${TEA_PLATFORM} variable == "unix" or "windows".
-# Keep it here we will need ${TEA_PLATFORM} soon.
- echo $ac_n "checking for correct TEA configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:589: checking for correct TEA configuration" >&5
- if test x"${PACKAGE}" = x ; then
- { echo "configure: error:
-The PACKAGE variable must be defined by your TEA configure.in" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- echo "$ac_t""ok" 1>&6
- case "`uname -s`" in
- *win32*|*WIN32*|*CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_9*|*CYGWIN_ME*|*MINGW32_*)
- # Extract the first word of "cygpath", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cygpath; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:601: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="$CYGPATH" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="cygpath -w"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH" && ac_cv_prog_CYGPATH="echo"
-if test -n "$CYGPATH"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CYGPATH" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- EXEEXT=".exe"
- TEA_PLATFORM="windows"
- ;;
- *)
- CYGPATH=echo
- ;;
- esac
-# Define the VERSION variable
-# VERSION is constructed from MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION and
-# PATCHLEVEL. The windows variant does not containt a dot.
-# This define a preprocessor macro -DVERSION=3.2.6i to include
-# the package version in the sources.
-eval cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define VERSION "${VERSION}"
-# Load the tclConfig.sh file
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before PATH_TCLCONFIG" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- #
- # Ok, lets find the tcl configuration
- # First, look for one uninstalled.
- # the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-tcl
- #
- if test x"${no_tcl}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_tcl in case something fails here
- no_tcl=true
- # Check whether --with-tcl or --without-tcl was given.
-if test "${with_tcl+set}" = set; then
- withval="$with_tcl"
- with_tclconfig=${withval}
- echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:695: checking for Tcl configuration" >&5
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_tclconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # First check to see if --with-tcl was specified.
- if test x"${with_tclconfig}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tclconfig}/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd ${with_tclconfig}; pwd)`
- else
- { echo "configure: error: ${with_tclconfig} directory doesn't contain tclConfig.sh" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- fi
- # then check for a private Tcl installation
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../tcl[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../../tcl[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../../../tcl[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${exec_prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few other private locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ${srcdir}/../tcl \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../tcl[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- TCL_BIN_DIR="# no Tcl configs found"
- echo "configure: warning: "Cannot find Tcl configuration definitions"" 1>&2
- exit 0
- else
- no_tcl=
- TCL_BIN_DIR=${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}
- echo "$ac_t""found $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:768: checking for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh" >&5
- if test -f "$TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- echo "$ac_t""loading" 1>&6
- . $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh
- else
- echo "$ac_t""file not found" 1>&6
- fi
- #
- # If the TCL_BIN_DIR is the build directory (not the install directory),
- # then set the common variable name to the value of the build variables.
- # For example, the variable TCL_LIB_SPEC will be set to the value
- # of TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC. An extension should make use of TCL_LIB_SPEC
- # instead of TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC since it will work with both an
- # installed and uninstalled version of Tcl.
- #
- if test -f $TCL_BIN_DIR/Makefile ; then
- fi
- #
- # eval is required to do the TCL_DBGX substitution
- #
- eval "TCL_LIB_FILE=\"${TCL_LIB_FILE}\""
- eval "TCL_LIB_FLAG=\"${TCL_LIB_FLAG}\""
- eval "TCL_LIB_SPEC=\"${TCL_LIB_SPEC}\""
-# Load the tkConfig.sh file
- #
- # Ok, lets find the tk configuration
- # First, look for one uninstalled.
- # the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-tk
- #
- if test x"${no_tk}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_tk in case something fails here
- no_tk=true
- # Check whether --with-tk or --without-tk was given.
-if test "${with_tk+set}" = set; then
- withval="$with_tk"
- with_tkconfig=${withval}
- echo $ac_n "checking for Tk configuration""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:846: checking for Tk configuration" >&5
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_tkconfig'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # First check to see if --with-tkconfig was specified.
- if test x"${with_tkconfig}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tkconfig}/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd ${with_tkconfig}; pwd)`
- else
- { echo "configure: error: ${with_tkconfig} directory doesn't contain tkConfig.sh" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- fi
- # then check for a private Tk library
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../tk \
- `ls -dr ../tk[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../tk \
- `ls -dr ../../tk[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../tk \
- `ls -dr ../../../tk[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${exec_prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few other private locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ${srcdir}/../tk \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../tk[8-9].[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- TK_BIN_DIR="# no Tk configs found"
- echo "configure: warning: "Cannot find Tk configuration definitions"" 1>&2
- exit 0
- else
- no_tk=
- TK_BIN_DIR=${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}
- echo "$ac_t""found $TK_BIN_DIR/tkConfig.sh" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for existence of ${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:917: checking for existence of ${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh" >&5
- if test -f "${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- echo "$ac_t""loading" 1>&6
- . $TK_BIN_DIR/tkConfig.sh
- else
- echo "$ac_t""could not find ${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh" 1>&6
- fi
- #
- # If the TK_BIN_DIR is the build directory (not the install directory),
- # then set the common variable name to the value of the build variables.
- # For example, the variable TK_LIB_SPEC will be set to the value
- # of TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC. An extension should make use of TK_LIB_SPEC
- # instead of TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC since it will work with both an
- # installed and uninstalled version of Tcl.
- #
- if test -f $TK_BIN_DIR/Makefile ; then
- fi
- #
- # eval is required to do the TK_DBGX substitution
- #
- eval "TK_LIB_FILE=\"${TK_LIB_FILE}\""
- eval "TK_LIB_FLAG=\"${TK_LIB_FLAG}\""
- eval "TK_LIB_SPEC=\"${TK_LIB_SPEC}\""
-# Handle the --prefix=... option by defaulting to what Tcl gave.
-# Must be called after TEA_LOAD_TCLCONFIG and before TEA_SETUP_COMPILER.
- # Should be AC_MSG_NOTICE, but that requires autoconf 2.50
- if test "${prefix}" = "NONE"; then
- prefix_default=yes
- if test x"${TCL_PREFIX}" != x; then
- echo "configure: warning: --prefix defaulting to TCL_PREFIX ${TCL_PREFIX}" 1>&2
- prefix=${TCL_PREFIX}
- else
- prefix=/usr/local
- fi
- fi
- if test "${exec_prefix}" = "NONE" -a x"${prefix_default}" = x"yes" ; then
- if test x"${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}" != x; then
- echo "configure: warning: --exec-prefix defaulting to TCL_EXEC_PREFIX ${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}" 1>&2
- exec_prefix=${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}
- else
- exec_prefix=$prefix
- fi
- fi
-# Standard compiler checks.
-# This sets up CC by using the CC env var, or looks for gcc otherwise.
-# This also calls AC_PROG_CC, AC_PROG_INSTALL and a few others to create
-# the basic setup necessary to compile executables.
-echo $ac_n "checking for Cygwin environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1001: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cygwin'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1006 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-#ifndef __CYGWIN__
-#define __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__
-return __CYGWIN__;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1017: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_cygwin=yes
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_cygwin=no
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_cygwin" 1>&6
-test "$ac_cv_cygwin" = yes && CYGWIN=yes
-echo $ac_n "checking for mingw32 environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1034: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_mingw32'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1039 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-return __MINGW32__;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1046: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_mingw32=yes
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_mingw32=no
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_mingw32" 1>&6
-test "$ac_cv_mingw32" = yes && MINGW32=yes
- # If the user did not set CFLAGS, set it now to keep
- # the AC_PROG_CC macro from adding "-g -O2".
- if test "${CFLAGS+set}" != "set" ; then
- fi
- # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1072: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="gcc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-if test -z "$CC"; then
- # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1102: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_prog_rejected=no
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- if test "$ac_dir/$ac_word" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
- ac_prog_rejected=yes
- continue
- fi
- ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
- # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
- set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
- shift
- if test $# -gt 0; then
- # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
- # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
- # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
- shift
- set dummy "$ac_dir/$ac_word" "$@"
- shift
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$@"
- fi
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test -z "$CC"; then
- case "`uname -s`" in
- *win32* | *WIN32*)
- # Extract the first word of "cl", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy cl; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1153: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CC'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$CC"; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_CC="cl"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$CC"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$CC" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- test -z "$CC" && { echo "configure: error: no acceptable cc found in \$PATH" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1185: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) works" >&5
-# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5'
-ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext << EOF
-#line 1196 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-if { (eval echo configure:1201: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- ac_cv_prog_cc_works=yes
- # If we can't run a trivial program, we are probably using a cross compiler.
- if (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null; then
- ac_cv_prog_cc_cross=no
- else
- ac_cv_prog_cc_cross=yes
- fi
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- ac_cv_prog_cc_works=no
-rm -fr conftest*
-# CFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
-ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
-ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext 1>&5'
-ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&5'
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_cc_works" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_prog_cc_works = no; then
- { echo "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." 1>&2; exit 1; }
-echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1227: checking whether the C compiler ($CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS) is a cross-compiler" >&5
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1232: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.c <<EOF
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- yes;
-if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo configure:1241: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=yes
- ac_cv_prog_gcc=no
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc" 1>&6
-if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc = yes; then
- GCC=yes
- GCC=
-echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1260: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -g" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_cc_g'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- echo 'void f(){}' > conftest.c
-if test -z "`${CC-cc} -g -c conftest.c 2>&1`"; then
- ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
- ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" 1>&6
-if test "$ac_test_CFLAGS" = set; then
- CFLAGS="$ac_save_CFLAGS"
-elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
- if test "$GCC" = yes; then
- CFLAGS="-g -O2"
- else
- CFLAGS="-g"
- fi
- if test "$GCC" = yes; then
- CFLAGS="-O2"
- else
- fi
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # If we're using GCC, see if the compiler understands -pipe. If so, use it.
- # It makes compiling go faster. (This is only a performance feature.)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if test -z "$no_pipe" -a -n "$GCC"; then
- echo $ac_n "checking if the compiler understands -pipe""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1299: checking if the compiler understands -pipe" >&5
- CC="$CC -pipe"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1303 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1310: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-rm -f conftest*
- fi
- # Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
-# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
-# incompatible versions:
-# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
-# SunOS /usr/etc/install
-# IRIX /sbin/install
-# AIX /bin/install
-# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag
-# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
-# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
-# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./install.sh.
-echo $ac_n "checking for a BSD compatible install""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1335: checking for a BSD compatible install" >&5
-if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_install'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- for ac_dir in $PATH; do
- # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements.
- case "$ac_dir/" in
- /|./|.//|/etc/*|/usr/sbin/*|/usr/etc/*|/sbin/*|/usr/afsws/bin/*|/usr/ucb/*) ;;
- *)
- # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
- # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root
- # by default.
- for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_prog; then
- if test $ac_prog = install &&
- grep dspmsg $ac_dir/$ac_prog >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention.
- :
- else
- ac_cv_path_install="$ac_dir/$ac_prog -c"
- break 2
- fi
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_IFS"
- if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
- INSTALL="$ac_cv_path_install"
- else
- # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. We don't cache a
- # path for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
- # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
- # removed, or if the path is relative.
- INSTALL="$ac_install_sh"
- fi
-echo "$ac_t""$INSTALL" 1>&6
-# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
-# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
-test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Checks to see if the make program sets the $MAKE variable.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo $ac_n "checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1393: checking whether ${MAKE-make} sets \${MAKE}" >&5
-set dummy ${MAKE-make}; ac_make=`echo "$2" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftestmake <<\EOF
- @echo 'ac_maketemp="${MAKE}"'
-# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering...", which would confuse us.
-eval `${MAKE-make} -f conftestmake 2>/dev/null | grep temp=`
-if test -n "$ac_maketemp"; then
- eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=yes
- eval ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set=no
-rm -f conftestmake
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_prog_make_'${ac_make}_set`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- SET_MAKE="MAKE=${MAKE-make}"
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Find ranlib
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1427: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_RANLIB'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="ranlib"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB" && ac_cv_prog_RANLIB=":"
-if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$RANLIB" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Determines the correct binary file extension (.o, .obj, .exe etc.)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo $ac_n "checking for object suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1460: checking for object suffix" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_objext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- rm -f conftest*
-echo 'int i = 1;' > conftest.$ac_ext
-if { (eval echo configure:1466: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- for ac_file in conftest.*; do
- case $ac_file in
- *.c) ;;
- *) ac_cv_objext=`echo $ac_file | sed -e s/conftest.//` ;;
- esac
- done
- { echo "configure: error: installation or configuration problem; compiler does not work" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_objext" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking for executable suffix""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1486: checking for executable suffix" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_exeext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test "$CYGWIN" = yes || test "$MINGW32" = yes; then
- ac_cv_exeext=.exe
- rm -f conftest*
- echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.$ac_ext
- ac_cv_exeext=
- if { (eval echo configure:1496: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; }; then
- for file in conftest.*; do
- case $file in
- *.$ac_ext | *.c | *.o | *.obj) ;;
- *) ac_cv_exeext=`echo $file | sed -e s/conftest//` ;;
- esac
- done
- else
- { echo "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: compiler cannot create executables." 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- rm -f conftest*
- test x"${ac_cv_exeext}" = x && ac_cv_exeext=no
-test x"${ac_cv_exeext}" != xno && EXEEXT=${ac_cv_exeext}
-echo "$ac_t""${ac_cv_exeext}" 1>&6
-echo $ac_n "checking for Cygwin environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1518: checking for Cygwin environment" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cygwin'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1523 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-#ifndef __CYGWIN__
-#define __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__
-return __CYGWIN__;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1534: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_cygwin=yes
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_cygwin=no
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_cygwin" 1>&6
-test "$ac_cv_cygwin" = yes && CYGWIN=yes
-echo $ac_n "checking for mingw32 environment""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1551: checking for mingw32 environment" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_mingw32'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1556 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-return __MINGW32__;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1563: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_mingw32=yes
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- ac_cv_mingw32=no
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
-echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_mingw32" 1>&6
-test "$ac_cv_mingw32" = yes && MINGW32=yes
-# Choose which headers you need. Extension authors should try very
-# hard to only rely on the Tcl public header files. Internal headers
-# contain private data structures and are subject to change without
-# notice.
-# Sorry but zinc needs the internal functionality provided by Tk
-# even if this is less convenient and secure.
- echo $ac_n "checking for Tcl private include files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1592: checking for Tcl private include files" >&5
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"; then
- else
- fi
- echo "$ac_t""Using srcdir found in tclConfig.sh: ${TCL_SRC_DIR}" 1>&6
- echo $ac_n "checking for Tk private include files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1628: checking for Tk private include files" >&5
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"; then
- else
- fi
- echo "$ac_t""Using srcdir found in tkConfig.sh: ${TK_SRC_DIR}" 1>&6
-# A few miscellaneous platform-specific items:
-# Define the special symbol BUILD_Tkzinc for Windows so
-# that we create the export library with the dll.
-# Windows creates a few extra files that need to be cleaned up.
-# Define any extra compiler flags in the PACKAGE_CFLAGS variable.
-# These will be appended to the current set of compiler flags for
-# your system.
-if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define BUILD_Tkzinc 1
- CLEANFILES="pkgIndex.tcl *.lib *.dll *.exp *.ilk *.pdb vc*.pch"
- CLEANFILES="pkgIndex.tcl"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/*.dvi doc/*.aux doc/*.idx doc/*.ilg doc/*.ind"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/*.lof doc/*.log doc/*.out doc/*.toc doc/*.tpt"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/refman doc/refman.pdf"
-# Check whether --enable-threads or --disable-threads was given.
-# This call disable threading support as a default.
- # Check whether --enable-threads or --disable-threads was given.
-if test "${enable_threads+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_threads"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=no
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" != "windows" ; then
- # We are always OK on Windows, so check what this platform wants.
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define _REENTRANT 1
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define _THREAD_SAFE 1
- echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1723: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo pthread'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lpthread $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1731 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char pthread_mutex_init();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1742: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- # Check a little harder for __pthread_mutex_init in the
- # same library, as some systems hide it there until
- # pthread.h is defined. We could alternatively do an
- # AC_TRY_COMPILE with pthread.h, but that will work with
- # libpthread really doesn't exist, like AIX 4.2.
- # [Bug: 4359]
- echo $ac_n "checking for __pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1771: checking for __pthread_mutex_init in -lpthread" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo pthread'_'__pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lpthread $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1779 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char __pthread_mutex_init();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1790: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -lpthread"
- else
- echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthreads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1818: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lpthreads" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo pthreads'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lpthreads $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1826 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char pthread_mutex_init();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1837: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -lpthreads"
- else
- echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lc""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1863: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lc" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo c'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lc $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1871 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char pthread_mutex_init();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1882: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lc_r""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1905: checking for pthread_mutex_init in -lc_r" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo c_r'_'pthread_mutex_init | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lc_r $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1913 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char pthread_mutex_init();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1924: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -pthread"
- else
- echo "configure: warning: "Don t know how to find pthread lib on your system - thread support disabled"" 1>&2
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Does the pthread-implementation provide
- # 'pthread_attr_setstacksize' ?
- for ac_func in pthread_attr_setstacksize
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:1961: checking for $ac_func" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 1966 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
- which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below. */
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char $ac_func();
-int main() {
-/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
- to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named
- something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */
-#if defined (__stub_$ac_func) || defined (__stub___$ac_func)
-choke me
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:1989: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'$ac_func`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- ac_tr_func=HAVE_`echo $ac_func | tr 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'`
- cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
-#define $ac_tr_func 1
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Do checking message here to not mess up interleaved configure output
- echo $ac_n "checking for building with threads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2019: checking for building with threads" >&5
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1"; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TCL_THREADS 1
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- else
- echo "$ac_t""no (default)" 1>&6
- fi
- # TCL_THREADS sanity checking. See if our request for building with
- # threads is the same as the way Tcl was built. If not, warn the user.
- case ${TCL_DEFS} in
- *THREADS=1*)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "0"; then
- echo "configure: warning:
- Building ${PACKAGE} without threads enabled, but building against a Tcl
- that IS thread-enabled." 1>&2
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1"; then
- echo "configure: warning:
- --enable-threads requested, but attempting building against a Tcl
- that is NOT thread-enabled." 1>&2
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-# The statement below defines a collection of symbols related to
-# building as a shared library instead of a static library.
- echo $ac_n "checking how to build libraries""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2056: checking how to build libraries" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-shared or --disable-shared was given.
-if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shared"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=yes
- if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shared"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- else
- tcl_ok=yes
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes" ; then
- echo "$ac_t""shared" 1>&6
- else
- echo "$ac_t""static" 1>&6
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define STATIC_BUILD 1
- fi
-# This macro figures out what flags to use with the compiler/linker
-# when building shared/static debug/optimized objects. This information
-# can be taken from the tclConfig.sh file, but this figures it all out.
-echo $ac_n "checking how to run the C preprocessor""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2093: checking how to run the C preprocessor" >&5
-# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
-if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
- CPP=
-if test -z "$CPP"; then
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_CPP'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # This must be in double quotes, not single quotes, because CPP may get
- # substituted into the Makefile and "${CC-cc}" will confuse make.
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E"
- # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
- # not just through cpp.
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2108 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2114: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP="${CC-cc} -E -traditional-cpp"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2125 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2131: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP="${CC-cc} -nologo -E"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2142 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-Syntax Error
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2148: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- CPP=/lib/cpp
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
-rm -f conftest*
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
- CPP="$ac_cv_prog_CPP"
- ac_cv_prog_CPP="$CPP"
-echo "$ac_t""$CPP" 1>&6
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before CONFIG_CFLAGS" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- # Step 0: Enable 64 bit support?
- echo $ac_n "checking if 64bit support is enabled""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2181: checking if 64bit support is enabled" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-64bit or --disable-64bit was given.
-if test "${enable_64bit+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_64bit"
- do64bit=$enableval
- do64bit=no
- echo "$ac_t""$do64bit" 1>&6
- # Step 0.b: Enable Solaris 64 bit VIS support?
- echo $ac_n "checking if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2195: checking if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-64bit-vis or --disable-64bit-vis was given.
-if test "${enable_64bit_vis+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_64bit_vis"
- do64bitVIS=$enableval
- do64bitVIS=no
- echo "$ac_t""$do64bitVIS" 1>&6
- if test "$do64bitVIS" = "yes"; then
- # Force 64bit on with VIS
- do64bit=yes
- fi
- # Step 1: set the variable "system" to hold the name and version number
- # for the system. This can usually be done via the "uname" command, but
- # there are a few systems, like Next, where this doesn't work.
- echo $ac_n "checking system version (for dynamic loading)""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2216: checking system version (for dynamic loading)" >&5
- if test -f /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version; then
- system=NEXTSTEP-`awk '/3/,/3/' /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version`
- else
- system=`uname -s`-`uname -r`
- if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then
- echo "$ac_t""unknown (can't find uname command)" 1>&6
- system=unknown
- else
- # Special check for weird MP-RAS system (uname returns weird
- # results, and the version is kept in special file).
- if test -r /etc/.relid -a "X`uname -n`" = "X`uname -s`" ; then
- system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print }' /etc/.relid'`
- fi
- if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
- system=AIX-`uname -v`.`uname -r`
- fi
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- system=windows
- fi
- echo "$ac_t""$system" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
- # Step 2: check for existence of -ldl library. This is needed because
- # Linux can use either -ldl or -ldld for dynamic loading.
- echo $ac_n "checking for dlopen in -ldl""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2245: checking for dlopen in -ldl" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo dl'_'dlopen | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-ldl $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2253 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char dlopen();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:2264: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- have_dl=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- # Step 3: set configuration options based on system name and version.
- do64bit_ok=no
- TCL_TRIM_DOTS='`echo ${VERSION} | tr -d .`'
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
-# no-implicit-int is already included in all.
-# -Wconversion generate some pretty useless warnings
-# among more useful ones. To be used once in a while.
-# Added -W which _is_ useful, it detects comparisons
-# between unsigned and signed, empty blocks, unused
-# parameters/vars....
-# CFLAGS_WARNING="-Wall -Wconversion -Wno-implicit-int"
- else
- fi
- # Extract the first word of "ar", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy ar; ac_word=$2
-echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2316: checking for $ac_word" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_AR'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- if test -n "$AR"; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="$AR" # Let the user override the test.
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- ac_dummy="$PATH"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
- if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
- ac_cv_prog_AR="ar"
- break
- fi
- done
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
-if test -n "$AR"; then
- echo "$ac_t""$AR" 1>&6
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- STLIB_LD='${AR} cr'
- case $system in
- windows)
- # This is a 2-stage check to make sure we have the 64-bit SDK
- # We have to know where the SDK is installed.
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "x${MSSDK}x" = "xx" ; then
- MSSDK="C:/Progra~1/Microsoft SDK"
- fi
- # In order to work in the tortured autoconf environment,
- # we need to ensure that this path has no spaces
- MSSDK=`cygpath -w -s "$MSSDK" | sed -e 's!\\\!/!g'`
- if test ! -d "${MSSDK}/bin/win64" ; then
- echo "configure: warning: "could not find 64-bit SDK to enable 64bit mode"" 1>&2
- do64bit="no"
- else
- do64bit_ok="yes"
- fi
- fi
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "0" ; then
- runtime=-MT
- else
- runtime=-MD
- fi
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- # All this magic is necessary for the Win64 SDK RC1 - hobbs
- export CC="${MSSDK}/Bin/Win64/cl.exe \
- -I${MSSDK}/Include/prerelease -I${MSSDK}/Include/Win64/crt \
- -I${MSSDK}/Include"
- export RC="${MSSDK}/bin/rc.exe"
- export lflags="-MACHINE:IA64 -LIBPATH:${MSSDK}/Lib/IA64 \
- -LIBPATH:${MSSDK}/Lib/Prerelease/IA64"
- export STLIB_LD="${MSSDK}/bin/win64/lib.exe -nologo ${lflags}"
- export LINKBIN="${MSSDK}/bin/win64/link.exe ${lflags}"
- CFLAGS_DEBUG="-nologo -Zi -Od -W3 ${runtime}d"
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="-nologo -O2 -Gs -W2 ${runtime}"
- else
- RC="rc"
- STLIB_LD="lib -nologo"
- LINKBIN="link -link50compat"
- CFLAGS_DEBUG="-nologo -Z7 -Od -W3 -WX ${runtime}d"
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="-nologo -O2 -Gs -GD -W2 ${runtime}"
- fi
- if test "$MINGW32" = "yes"; then
- # mingw gcc mode
- SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared"
- STLIB_LD='${AR} cr'
- LDFLAGS_CONSOLE="-wl,--subsystem,console ${lflags}"
- LDFLAGS_WINDOW="-wl,--subsystem,windows ${lflags}"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="${LINKBIN} -dll -nologo"
- # For information on what debugtype is most useful, see:
- # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnvc60/html/gendepdebug.asp
- # This essentially turns it all on.
- LDFLAGS_DEBUG="-debug:full -debugtype:both -warn:2"
- LDFLAGS_CONSOLE="-link -subsystem:console ${lflags}"
- LDFLAGS_WINDOW="-link -subsystem:windows ${lflags}"
- fi
- # Bogus to avoid getting this turned off
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNone.obj"
- ;;
- AIX-*)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" -a "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- # AIX requires the _r compiler when gcc isn't being used
- if test "${CC}" != "cc_r" ; then
- CC=${CC}_r
- fi
- echo "$ac_t""Using $CC for compiling with threads" 1>&6
- fi
- LIBS="$LIBS -lc"
- if test "`uname -m`" = "ia64" ; then
- # AIX-5 uses ELF style dynamic libraries on IA-64, but not PPC
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- # AIX-5 has dl* in libc.so
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- else
- fi
- else
- SHLIB_LD="${TCL_SRC_DIR}/unix/ldAix /bin/ld -bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bE:lib.exp -H512 -T512 -bnoentry"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- # AIX v<=4.1 has some different flags than 4.2+
- if test "$system" = "AIX-4.1" -o "`uname -v`" -lt "4" ; then
- LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS tclLoadAix.o"
- DL_LIBS="-lld"
- fi
- # On AIX <=v4 systems, libbsd.a has to be linked in to support
- # non-blocking file IO. This library has to be linked in after
- # the MATH_LIBS or it breaks the pow() function. The way to
- # insure proper sequencing, is to add it to the tail of MATH_LIBS.
- # This library also supplies gettimeofday.
- #
- # AIX does not have a timezone field in struct tm. When the AIX
- # bsd library is used, the timezone global and the gettimeofday
- # methods are to be avoided for timezone deduction instead, we
- # deduce the timezone by comparing the localtime result on a
- # known GMT value.
- echo $ac_n "checking for gettimeofday in -lbsd""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2470: checking for gettimeofday in -lbsd" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo bsd'_'gettimeofday | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lbsd $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2478 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char gettimeofday();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:2489: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- libbsd=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test $libbsd = yes; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_DELTA_FOR_TZ 1
- fi
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker on AIX 4+
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" -a "`uname -v`" -gt "3" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- echo "configure: warning: "64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system"" 1>&2
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- LDFLAGS="-q64"
- AR="${AR} -X64"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- BSD/OS-2.1*|BSD/OS-3*)
- SHLIB_LD="shlicc -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- BSD/OS-4.*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-export-dynamic -fPIC"
- SHLIB_LD="cc -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-export-dynamic"
- ;;
- dgux*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- HP-UX-*.11.*)
- # Use updated header definitions where possible
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
- echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2571: checking for shl_load in -ldld" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'shl_load | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-ldld $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2579 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char shl_load();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:2590: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -b"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadShl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-E"
- fi
- # Users may want PA-RISC 1.1/2.0 portable code - needs HP cc
- #EXTRA_CFLAGS="+DAportable"
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- hpux_arch=`gcc -dumpmachine`
- case $hpux_arch in
- hppa64*)
- # 64-bit gcc in use. Fix flags for GNU ld.
- do64bit_ok=yes
- SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "configure: warning: "64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system"" 1>&2
- ;;
- esac
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- HP-UX-*.08.*|HP-UX-*.09.*|HP-UX-*.10.*)
- echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2650: checking for shl_load in -ldld" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'shl_load | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-ldld $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2658 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char shl_load();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:2669: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- tcl_ok=yes
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- if test "$tcl_ok" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -b"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadShl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-E"
- fi
- ;;
- IRIX-4.*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- ;;
- IRIX-5.*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- IRIX-6.*|IRIX64-6.5*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -n32 -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
- LDFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
- else
- case $system in
- IRIX-6.3)
- # Use to build 6.2 compatible binaries on 6.3.
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- LDFLAGS="-n32"
- fi
- ;;
- IRIX64-6.*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -n32 -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- echo "configure: warning: 64bit mode not supported by gcc" 1>&2
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- SHLIB_LD="ld -64 -shared -rdata_shared"
- LDFLAGS="-64"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- Linux*)
- # egcs-2.91.66 on Redhat Linux 6.0 generates lots of warnings
- # when you inline the string and math operations. Turn this off to
- # get rid of the warnings.
- if test "$have_dl" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="${CC} -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-rdynamic"
- else
- ac_safe=`echo "dld.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for dld.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2789: checking for dld.h" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2794 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <dld.h>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2799: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDld.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- fi
- if test "`uname -m`" = "alpha" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mieee"
- fi
- # The combo of gcc + glibc has a bug related
- # to inlining of functions like strtod(). The
- # -fno-builtin flag should address this problem
- # but it does not work. The -fno-inline flag
- # is kind of overkill but it works.
- # Disable inlining only when one of the
- # files in compat/*.c is being linked in.
- if test x"${LIBOBJS}" != x ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS} -fno-inline"
- fi
- ;;
- GNU*)
- if test "$have_dl" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="${CC} -shared"
- DL_OBJS=""
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-rdynamic"
- else
- ac_safe=`echo "dld.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for dld.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2856: checking for dld.h" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2861 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <dld.h>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2866: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- DL_OBJS=""
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- fi
- if test "`uname -m`" = "alpha" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mieee"
- fi
- ;;
- MP-RAS-02*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- MP-RAS-*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
- ;;
- NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-[1-2].*|OpenBSD-*)
- # Not available on all versions: check for include file.
- ac_safe=`echo "dlfcn.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-echo $ac_n "checking for dlfcn.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2921: checking for dlfcn.h" >&5
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2926 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:2931: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- # NetBSD/SPARC needs -fPIC, -fpic will not do.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- echo $ac_n "checking for ELF""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:2958: checking for ELF" >&5
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 2960 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#ifdef __ELF__
- yes
-if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
- egrep "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- rm -rf conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
-rm -f conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- # FreeBSD doesn't handle version numbers with dots.
- ;;
- FreeBSD-*)
- # FreeBSD 3.* and greater have ELF.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-export-dynamic"
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" ; then
- # The -pthread needs to go in the CFLAGS, not LIBS
- LIBS=`echo $LIBS | sed s/-pthread//`
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-pthread"
- LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pthread"
- fi
- case $system in
- FreeBSD-3.*)
- # FreeBSD-3 doesn't handle version numbers with dots.
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fno-common"
- SHLIB_LD="cc -dynamiclib \${LDFLAGS}"
- TCL_SHLIB_LD_EXTRAS="-compatibility_version ${TCL_MAJOR_VERSION} -current_version \${VERSION} -install_name \${LIB_RUNTIME_DIR}/\${TCL_LIB_FILE} -prebind -seg1addr 0xa000000"
- SHLIB_SUFFIX=".dylib"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDyld.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-prebind"
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-arch ppc -pipe"
- ;;
- SHLIB_LD="cc -nostdlib -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNext.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OS/390-*)
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="" # Optimizer is buggy
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define _OE_SOCKETS 1
- # needed in sys/socket.h
- ;;
- OSF1-1.0|OSF1-1.1|OSF1-1.2)
- # OSF/1 1.[012] from OSF, and derivatives, including Paragon OSF/1
- # Hack: make package name same as library name
- SHLIB_LD='ld -R -export :'
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadOSF.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OSF1-1.*)
- # OSF/1 1.3 from OSF using ELF, and derivatives, including AD2
- if test "$SHARED_BUILD" = "1" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="ld -non_shared"
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OSF1-V*)
- # Digital OSF/1
- if test "$SHARED_BUILD" = "1" ; then
- SHLIB_LD='ld -shared -expect_unresolved "*"'
- else
- SHLIB_LD='ld -non_shared -expect_unresolved "*"'
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- fi
- # see pthread_intro(3) for pthread support on osf1, k.furukawa
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" ; then
- LIBS=`echo $LIBS | sed s/-lpthreads//`
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- LIBS="$LIBS -lpthread -lmach -lexc"
- else
- LDFLAGS="-pthread"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- QNX-6*)
- # This may work for all QNX, but it was only reported for v6.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- # dlopen is in -lc on QNX
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- RISCos-*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- ;;
- SCO_SV-3.2*)
- # Note, dlopen is available only on SCO 3.2.5 and greater. However,
- # this test works, since "uname -s" was non-standard in 3.2.4 and
- # below.
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fPIC -melf"
- LDFLAGS="-melf -Wl,-Bexport"
- else
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-Kpic -belf"
- LDFLAGS="-belf -Wl,-Bexport"
- fi
- SHLIB_LD="ld -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- SINIX*5.4*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- SunOS-4*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- # SunOS can't handle version numbers with dots in them in library
- # specs, like -ltcl7.5, so use -ltcl75 instead. Also, it
- # requires an extra version number at the end of .so file names.
- # So, the library has to have a name like libtcl75.so.1.0
- ;;
- SunOS-5.[0-6]*)
- # Note: If _REENTRANT isn't defined, then Solaris
- # won't define thread-safe library routines.
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define _REENTRANT 1
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
- # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
- # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="$CC -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- fi
- ;;
- SunOS-5*)
- # Note: If _REENTRANT isn't defined, then Solaris
- # won't define thread-safe library routines.
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define _REENTRANT 1
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- arch=`isainfo`
- if test "$arch" = "sparcv9 sparc" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- echo "configure: warning: "64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system"" 1>&2
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- if test "$do64bitVIS" = "yes" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-xarch=v9a"
- LDFLAGS="-xarch=v9a"
- else
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
- LDFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo "configure: warning: "64bit mode only supported sparcv9 system"" 1>&2
- fi
- fi
- # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
- # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="$CC -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- fi
- ;;
- ULTRIX-4.*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- if test "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- fi
- ;;
- UNIX_SV* | UnixWare-5*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- # Some UNIX_SV* systems (unixware 1.1.2 for example) have linkers
- # that don't grok the -Bexport option. Test that it does.
- hold_ldflags=$LDFLAGS
- echo $ac_n "checking for ld accepts -Bexport flag""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3295: checking for ld accepts -Bexport flag" >&5
- LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-Bexport"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3298 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-int i;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3305: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- found=yes
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- found=no
-rm -f conftest*
- LDFLAGS=$hold_ldflags
- echo "$ac_t""$found" 1>&6
- if test $found = yes; then
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
- else
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" -a "$do64bit_ok" = "no" ; then
- echo "configure: warning: "64bit support being disabled -- don\'t know magic for this platform"" 1>&2
- fi
- # Step 4: If pseudo-static linking is in use (see K. B. Kenny, "Dynamic
- # Loading for Tcl -- What Became of It?". Proc. 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop,
- # New Orleans, LA, Computerized Processes Unlimited, 1994), then we need
- # to determine which of several header files defines the a.out file
- # format (a.out.h, sys/exec.h, or sys/exec_aout.h). At present, we
- # support only a file format that is more or less version-7-compatible.
- # In particular,
- # - a.out files must begin with `struct exec'.
- # - the N_TXTOFF on the `struct exec' must compute the seek address
- # of the text segment
- # - The `struct exec' must contain a_magic, a_text, a_data, a_bss
- # and a_entry fields.
- # The following compilation should succeed if and only if either sys/exec.h
- # or a.out.h is usable for the purpose.
- #
- # Note that the modified COFF format used on MIPS Ultrix 4.x is usable; the
- # `struct exec' includes a second header that contains information that
- # duplicates the v7 fields that are needed.
- if test "x$DL_OBJS" = "xtclLoadAout.o" ; then
- echo $ac_n "checking sys/exec.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3351: checking sys/exec.h" >&5
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3353 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <sys/exec.h>
-int main() {
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3371: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=usable
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=unusable
-rm -f conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""$tcl_ok" 1>&6
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_SYS_EXEC_H 1
- else
- echo $ac_n "checking a.out.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3389: checking a.out.h" >&5
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3391 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <a.out.h>
-int main() {
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3409: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=usable
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=unusable
-rm -f conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""$tcl_ok" 1>&6
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_A_OUT_H 1
- else
- echo $ac_n "checking sys/exec_aout.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3427: checking sys/exec_aout.h" >&5
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3429 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <sys/exec_aout.h>
-int main() {
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_midmag == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3447: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=usable
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- tcl_ok=unusable
-rm -f conftest*
- echo "$ac_t""$tcl_ok" 1>&6
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_SYS_EXEC_AOUT_H 1
- else
- DL_OBJS=""
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Step 5: disable dynamic loading if requested via a command-line switch.
- # Check whether --enable-load or --disable-load was given.
-if test "${enable_load+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_load"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=yes
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- DL_OBJS=""
- fi
- if test "x$DL_OBJS" != "x" ; then
- else
- echo "Can't figure out how to do dynamic loading or shared libraries"
- echo "on this system."
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNone.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- fi
- # If we're running gcc, then change the C flags for compiling shared
- # libraries to the right flags for gcc, instead of those for the
- # standard manufacturer compiler.
- if test "$DL_OBJS" != "tclLoadNone.o" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- case $system in
- AIX-*)
- ;;
- BSD/OS*)
- ;;
- IRIX*)
- ;;
- NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-*|OpenBSD-*)
- ;;
- Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
- ;;
- RISCos-*)
- ;;
- SCO_SV-3.2*)
- ;;
- ULTRIX-4.*)
- ;;
- windows)
- if test "$MINGW32" != "yes"; then
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
- if test "$SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- fi
- if test "$UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- fi
-# Set the default compiler switches based on the --enable-symbols option.
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_SYMBOLS" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- tcl_dbgx=d
- else
- tcl_dbgx=g
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for build with symbols""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3573: checking for build with symbols" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-symbols or --disable-symbols was given.
-if test "${enable_symbols+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_symbols"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=no
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- DBGX=""
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- else
- DBGX=${tcl_dbgx}
- TCL_DBGX=${tcl_dbgx}
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes (standard debugging)" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "mem" -o "$tcl_ok" = "all"; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define TCL_MEM_DEBUG 1
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" != "yes" -a "$tcl_ok" != "no"; then
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "all"; then
- echo "$ac_t""enabled symbols mem debugging" 1>&6
- else
- echo "$ac_t""enabled $tcl_ok debugging" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
-# For Unix/Tk builds, make sure that the X libraries/headers are found.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "unix" ; then
- # If we find X, set shell vars x_includes and x_libraries to the
-# paths, otherwise set no_x=yes.
-# Uses ac_ vars as temps to allow command line to override cache and checks.
-# --without-x overrides everything else, but does not touch the cache.
-echo $ac_n "checking for X""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3630: checking for X" >&5
-# Check whether --with-x or --without-x was given.
-if test "${with_x+set}" = set; then
- withval="$with_x"
- :
-# $have_x is `yes', `no', `disabled', or empty when we do not yet know.
-if test "x$with_x" = xno; then
- # The user explicitly disabled X.
- have_x=disabled
- if test "x$x_includes" != xNONE && test "x$x_libraries" != xNONE; then
- # Both variables are already set.
- have_x=yes
- else
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_x'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- # One or both of the vars are not set, and there is no cached value.
-ac_x_includes=NO ac_x_libraries=NO
-rm -fr conftestdir
-if mkdir conftestdir; then
- cd conftestdir
- # Make sure to not put "make" in the Imakefile rules, since we grep it out.
- cat > Imakefile <<'EOF'
- @echo 'ac_im_incroot="${INCROOT}"; ac_im_usrlibdir="${USRLIBDIR}"; ac_im_libdir="${LIBDIR}"'
- if (xmkmf) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && test -f Makefile; then
- # GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering...", which would confuse us.
- eval `${MAKE-make} acfindx 2>/dev/null | grep -v make`
- # Open Windows xmkmf reportedly sets LIBDIR instead of USRLIBDIR.
- for ac_extension in a so sl; do
- if test ! -f $ac_im_usrlibdir/libX11.$ac_extension &&
- test -f $ac_im_libdir/libX11.$ac_extension; then
- ac_im_usrlibdir=$ac_im_libdir; break
- fi
- done
- # Screen out bogus values from the imake configuration. They are
- # bogus both because they are the default anyway, and because
- # using them would break gcc on systems where it needs fixed includes.
- case "$ac_im_incroot" in
- /usr/include) ;;
- *) test -f "$ac_im_incroot/X11/Xos.h" && ac_x_includes="$ac_im_incroot" ;;
- esac
- case "$ac_im_usrlibdir" in
- /usr/lib | /lib) ;;
- *) test -d "$ac_im_usrlibdir" && ac_x_libraries="$ac_im_usrlibdir" ;;
- esac
- fi
- cd ..
- rm -fr conftestdir
-if test "$ac_x_includes" = NO; then
- # Guess where to find include files, by looking for this one X11 .h file.
- test -z "$x_direct_test_include" && x_direct_test_include=X11/Intrinsic.h
- # First, try using that file with no special directory specified.
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3692 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <$x_direct_test_include>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:3697: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- # We can compile using X headers with no special include directory.
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- # Look for the header file in a standard set of common directories.
-# Check X11 before X11Rn because it is often a symlink to the current release.
- for ac_dir in \
- /usr/X11/include \
- /usr/X11R6/include \
- /usr/X11R5/include \
- /usr/X11R4/include \
- \
- /usr/include/X11 \
- /usr/include/X11R6 \
- /usr/include/X11R5 \
- /usr/include/X11R4 \
- \
- /usr/local/X11/include \
- /usr/local/X11R6/include \
- /usr/local/X11R5/include \
- /usr/local/X11R4/include \
- \
- /usr/local/include/X11 \
- /usr/local/include/X11R6 \
- /usr/local/include/X11R5 \
- /usr/local/include/X11R4 \
- \
- /usr/X386/include \
- /usr/x386/include \
- /usr/XFree86/include/X11 \
- \
- /usr/include \
- /usr/local/include \
- /usr/unsupported/include \
- /usr/athena/include \
- /usr/local/x11r5/include \
- /usr/lpp/Xamples/include \
- \
- /usr/openwin/include \
- /usr/openwin/share/include \
- ; \
- do
- if test -r "$ac_dir/$x_direct_test_include"; then
- ac_x_includes=$ac_dir
- break
- fi
- done
-rm -f conftest*
-fi # $ac_x_includes = NO
-if test "$ac_x_libraries" = NO; then
- # Check for the libraries.
- test -z "$x_direct_test_library" && x_direct_test_library=Xt
- test -z "$x_direct_test_function" && x_direct_test_function=XtMalloc
- # See if we find them without any special options.
- # Don't add to $LIBS permanently.
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
- LIBS="-l$x_direct_test_library $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3766 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3773: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
-# We can link X programs with no special library path.
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
-# First see if replacing the include by lib works.
-# Check X11 before X11Rn because it is often a symlink to the current release.
-for ac_dir in `echo "$ac_x_includes" | sed s/include/lib/` \
- /usr/X11/lib \
- /usr/X11R6/lib \
- /usr/X11R5/lib \
- /usr/X11R4/lib \
- \
- /usr/lib/X11 \
- /usr/lib/X11R6 \
- /usr/lib/X11R5 \
- /usr/lib/X11R4 \
- \
- /usr/local/X11/lib \
- /usr/local/X11R6/lib \
- /usr/local/X11R5/lib \
- /usr/local/X11R4/lib \
- \
- /usr/local/lib/X11 \
- /usr/local/lib/X11R6 \
- /usr/local/lib/X11R5 \
- /usr/local/lib/X11R4 \
- \
- /usr/X386/lib \
- /usr/x386/lib \
- /usr/XFree86/lib/X11 \
- \
- /usr/lib \
- /usr/local/lib \
- /usr/unsupported/lib \
- /usr/athena/lib \
- /usr/local/x11r5/lib \
- /usr/lpp/Xamples/lib \
- /lib/usr/lib/X11 \
- \
- /usr/openwin/lib \
- /usr/openwin/share/lib \
- ; \
- for ac_extension in a so sl; do
- if test -r $ac_dir/lib${x_direct_test_library}.$ac_extension; then
- ac_x_libraries=$ac_dir
- break 2
- fi
- done
-rm -f conftest*
-fi # $ac_x_libraries = NO
-if test "$ac_x_includes" = NO || test "$ac_x_libraries" = NO; then
- # Didn't find X anywhere. Cache the known absence of X.
- ac_cv_have_x="have_x=no"
- # Record where we found X for the cache.
- ac_cv_have_x="have_x=yes \
- ac_x_includes=$ac_x_includes ac_x_libraries=$ac_x_libraries"
- fi
- eval "$ac_cv_have_x"
-fi # $with_x != no
-if test "$have_x" != yes; then
- echo "$ac_t""$have_x" 1>&6
- no_x=yes
- # If each of the values was on the command line, it overrides each guess.
- test "x$x_includes" = xNONE && x_includes=$ac_x_includes
- test "x$x_libraries" = xNONE && x_libraries=$ac_x_libraries
- # Update the cache value to reflect the command line values.
- ac_cv_have_x="have_x=yes \
- ac_x_includes=$x_includes ac_x_libraries=$x_libraries"
- echo "$ac_t""libraries $x_libraries, headers $x_includes" 1>&6
- not_really_there=""
- if test "$no_x" = ""; then
- if test "$x_includes" = ""; then
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3863 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <X11/XIntrinsic.h>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:3868: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- not_really_there="yes"
-rm -f conftest*
- else
- if test ! -r $x_includes/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
- not_really_there="yes"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if test "$no_x" = "yes" -o "$not_really_there" = "yes"; then
- echo $ac_n "checking for X11 header files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3888: checking for X11 header files" >&5
- XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
- cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3891 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
-{ (eval echo configure:3896: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
-ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
-if test -z "$ac_err"; then
- :
- echo "$ac_err" >&5
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- XINCLUDES="nope"
-rm -f conftest*
- if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
- dirs="/usr/unsupported/include /usr/local/include /usr/X386/include /usr/X11R6/include /usr/X11R5/include /usr/include/X11R5 /usr/include/X11R4 /usr/openwin/include /usr/X11/include /usr/sww/include"
- for i in $dirs ; do
- if test -r $i/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
- echo "$ac_t""$i" 1>&6
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- if test "$x_includes" != ""; then
- XINCLUDES=-I$x_includes
- else
- XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
- fi
- fi
- if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
- echo "$ac_t""could not find any!" 1>&6
- XINCLUDES="# no include files found"
- fi
- if test "$no_x" = yes; then
- echo $ac_n "checking for X11 libraries""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3932: checking for X11 libraries" >&5
- XLIBSW=nope
- dirs="/usr/unsupported/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X386/lib /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/X11R5/lib /usr/lib/X11R5 /usr/lib/X11R4 /usr/openwin/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/sww/X11/lib"
- for i in $dirs ; do
- if test -r $i/libX11.a -o -r $i/libX11.so -o -r $i/libX11.sl; then
- echo "$ac_t""$i" 1>&6
- XLIBSW="-L$i -lX11"
- x_libraries="$i"
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- if test "$x_libraries" = ""; then
- XLIBSW=-lX11
- else
- XLIBSW="-L$x_libraries -lX11"
- fi
- fi
- if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
- echo $ac_n "checking for XCreateWindow in -lXwindow""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:3952: checking for XCreateWindow in -lXwindow" >&5
-ac_lib_var=`echo Xwindow'_'XCreateWindow | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-LIBS="-lXwindow $LIBS"
-cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
-#line 3960 "configure"
-#include "confdefs.h"
-/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */
-/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
- builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
-char XCreateWindow();
-int main() {
-; return 0; }
-if { (eval echo configure:3971: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
- echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
- cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
- rm -rf conftest*
- eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
-rm -f conftest*
-if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- XLIBSW=-lXwindow
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- fi
- if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
- echo "$ac_t""could not find any! Using -lX11." 1>&6
- XLIBSW=-lX11
- fi
- if test x"${XLIBSW}" != x ; then
- fi
- fi
-# Tkzinc is always linked against the tcl and tk stubs libraries
-cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_TCL_STUBS 1
-cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define USE_TK_STUBS 1
-# This macro generates a line to use when building a library. It
-# depends on values set by the TEA_ENABLE_SHARED, TEA_ENABLE_SYMBOLS,
-# and TEA_LOAD_TCLCONFIG macros above.
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" -a "$GCC" != "yes"; then
- MAKE_STUB_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\$@ \$(\$(PACKAGE)stub_OBJECTS)"
- else
- fi
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- else
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
- # Use the double eval to make sure the ${DBGX} in the suffix is
- # substituted.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # We force the unresolved linking of symbols that are really in
- # the private libraries of Tcl and Tk.
- if test x"${TK_BIN_DIR}" != x ; then
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Some packages build there own stubs libraries
- else
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- if test x"${TK_BIN_DIR}" != x ; then
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Some packages build there own stubs libraries
- eval eval "${PACKAGE}stub_LIB_FILE=lib${PACKAGE}stub${UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
- fi
- # These are escaped so that only CFLAGS is picked up at configure time.
- # The other values will be substituted at make time.
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- fi
-# Add platform libs to LIBS or SHLIB_LD_LIBS as necessary.
-if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- LIBS="${LIBS} -lgdi32 -luser32 -lwsock32"
-# Find tclsh so that we can run pkg_mkIndex to generate the pkgIndex.tcl
-# file during the install process. Don't run the TCLSH_PROG through
-# ${CYGPATH} because it's being used directly by make.
-# Require that we use a tclsh shell version 8.2 or later since earlier
-# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# Add WISH as well since Tkzinc is a Tk extension.
- echo $ac_n "checking for tclsh""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:4104: checking for tclsh" >&5
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_tclsh'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- search_path=`echo ${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
- for dir in $search_path ; do
- for j in `ls -r $dir/tclsh[8-9]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
- `ls -r $dir/tclsh*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
- if test x"$ac_cv_path_tclsh" = x ; then
- if test -f "$j" ; then
- ac_cv_path_tclsh=$j
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- if test -f "$ac_cv_path_tclsh" ; then
- TCLSH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_tclsh
- echo "$ac_t""$TCLSH_PROG" 1>&6
- else
- { echo "configure: error: No tclsh found in PATH: $search_path" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for wish""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:4136: checking for wish" >&5
- if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_wish'+set}'`\" = set"; then
- echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
- search_path=`echo ${TK_BIN_DIR}:${TK_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
- for dir in $search_path ; do
- for j in `ls -r $dir/wish[8-9]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
- `ls -r $dir/wish*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
- if test x"$ac_cv_path_wish" = x ; then
- if test -f "$j" ; then
- ac_cv_path_wish=$j
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- if test -f "$ac_cv_path_wish" ; then
- WISH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_wish
- echo "$ac_t""$WISH_PROG" 1>&6
- else
- { echo "configure: error: No wish found in PATH: $search_path" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
-# Define the SHAPE symbol to control the X shape extension support.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_SHAPE" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for build with X shape support""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:4176: checking for build with X shape support" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-shape or --disable-shape was given.
-if test "${enable_shape+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shape"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=yes
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- echo "$ac_t""no (not available on windows)" 1>&6
- else
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define SHAPE 1
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- LIBS="${LIBS} -lXext"
- fi
- fi
-# Adjust the library set based on --enable-gl option. Define also
-# the GL and GL_DAMAGE symbols to configure the code.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_GL" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for build with GL""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:4212: checking for build with GL" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-gl or --disable-gl was given.
-if test "${enable_gl+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_gl"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=no
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- GL_LIBS=-lglu32 -lopengl32
- else
- GL_LIBS="-lGLU -lGL"
- GL_INCLUDES='-I/usr/include'
- fi
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define GL 1
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "damage"; then
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define GL_DAMAGE 1
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- echo "$ac_t""yes (standard)" 1>&6
- else
- echo "$ac_t""yes (with damage support)" 1>&6
- fi
- fi
-# Define the ATC symbol to control inclusion of the ATC specific code.
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- { echo "configure: error: Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_ATC" 1>&2; exit 1; }
- fi
- echo $ac_n "checking for build with the ATC extensions""... $ac_c" 1>&6
-echo "configure:4267: checking for build with the ATC extensions" >&5
- # Check whether --enable-atc or --disable-atc was given.
-if test "${enable_atc+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_atc"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- tcl_ok=yes
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
- else
- cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
-#define ATC 1
- Atc_SOURCES="OverlapMan.c Track.c Reticle.c Map.c MapInfo.c"
- echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
- fi
-# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
-# Add other files needing substitution after Makefile.
-trap '' 1 2 15
-cat > confcache <<\EOF
-# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
-# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
-# scripts and configure runs. It is not useful on other systems.
-# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
-# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file,
-# creating it if it does not exist already. You can give configure
-# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is
-# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in
-# subdirectories, so they share the cache.
-# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure.
-# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the
-# --recheck option to rerun configure.
-# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
-# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
-# So, don't put newlines in cache variables' values.
-# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
-# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
-(set) 2>&1 |
- case `(ac_space=' '; set | grep ac_space) 2>&1` in
- *ac_space=\ *)
- # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes (double-quote substitution
- # turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \).
- sed -n \
- -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" \
- -e "s/^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1=\${\\1='\\2'}/p"
- ;;
- *)
- # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
- sed -n -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=${\1=\2}/p'
- ;;
- esac >> confcache
-if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then
- :
- if test -w $cache_file; then
- echo "updating cache $cache_file"
- cat confcache > $cache_file
- else
- echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file"
- fi
-rm -f confcache
-trap 'rm -fr conftest* confdefs* core core.* *.core $ac_clean_files; exit 1' 1 2 15
-test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
-# Let make expand exec_prefix.
-test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
-# Any assignment to VPATH causes Sun make to only execute
-# the first set of double-colon rules, so remove it if not needed.
-# If there is a colon in the path, we need to keep it.
-if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
- ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[^:]*$/d'
-trap 'rm -f $CONFIG_STATUS conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS.
-# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules.
-# Protect against Makefile macro expansion.
-cat > conftest.defs <<\EOF
-s%#define \([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\) *\(.*\)%-D\1=\2%g
-s%[ `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'"<>?]%\\&%g
-DEFS=`sed -f conftest.defs confdefs.h | tr '\012' ' '`
-rm -f conftest.defs
-# Without the "./", some shells look in PATH for config.status.
-: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}
-echo creating $CONFIG_STATUS
-#! /bin/sh
-# Generated automatically by configure.
-# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
-# This directory was configured as follows,
-# on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`:
-# $0 $ac_configure_args
-# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
-# configure, is in ./config.log if it exists.
-ac_cs_usage="Usage: $CONFIG_STATUS [--recheck] [--version] [--help]"
-for ac_option
- case "\$ac_option" in
- -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
- echo "running \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion"
- exec \${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $0 $ac_configure_args --no-create --no-recursion ;;
- -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v)
- echo "$CONFIG_STATUS generated by autoconf version 2.13"
- exit 0 ;;
- -help | --help | --hel | --he | --h)
- echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 0 ;;
- *) echo "\$ac_cs_usage"; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-trap 'rm -fr `echo "Makefile starkit.tcl Python/Zinc.py" | sed "s/:[^ ]*//g"` conftest*; exit 1' 1 2 15
-# Protect against being on the right side of a sed subst in config.status.
-sed 's/%@/@@/; s/@%/@@/; s/%g\$/@g/; /@g\$/s/[\\\\&%]/\\\\&/g;
- s/@@/%@/; s/@@/@%/; s/@g\$/%g/' > conftest.subs <<\\CEOF
-# Split the substitutions into bite-sized pieces for seds with
-# small command number limits, like on Digital OSF/1 and HP-UX.
-ac_max_sed_cmds=90 # Maximum number of lines to put in a sed script.
-ac_file=1 # Number of current file.
-ac_beg=1 # First line for current file.
-ac_end=$ac_max_sed_cmds # Line after last line for current file.
-while $ac_more_lines; do
- if test $ac_beg -gt 1; then
- sed "1,${ac_beg}d; ${ac_end}q" conftest.subs > conftest.s$ac_file
- else
- sed "${ac_end}q" conftest.subs > conftest.s$ac_file
- fi
- if test ! -s conftest.s$ac_file; then
- ac_more_lines=false
- rm -f conftest.s$ac_file
- else
- if test -z "$ac_sed_cmds"; then
- ac_sed_cmds="sed -f conftest.s$ac_file"
- else
- ac_sed_cmds="$ac_sed_cmds | sed -f conftest.s$ac_file"
- fi
- ac_file=`expr $ac_file + 1`
- ac_beg=$ac_end
- ac_end=`expr $ac_end + $ac_max_sed_cmds`
- fi
-if test -z "$ac_sed_cmds"; then
- ac_sed_cmds=cat
-CONFIG_FILES=\${CONFIG_FILES-"Makefile starkit.tcl Python/Zinc.py"}
-for ac_file in .. $CONFIG_FILES; do if test "x$ac_file" != x..; then
- # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]", defaulting infile="outfile.in".
- case "$ac_file" in
- *:*) ac_file_in=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%[^:]*:%%'`
- ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;;
- *) ac_file_in="${ac_file}.in" ;;
- esac
- # Adjust a relative srcdir, top_srcdir, and INSTALL for subdirectories.
- # Remove last slash and all that follows it. Not all systems have dirname.
- ac_dir=`echo $ac_file|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'`
- if test "$ac_dir" != "$ac_file" && test "$ac_dir" != .; then
- # The file is in a subdirectory.
- test ! -d "$ac_dir" && mkdir "$ac_dir"
- ac_dir_suffix="/`echo $ac_dir|sed 's%^\./%%'`"
- # A "../" for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
- ac_dots=`echo $ac_dir_suffix|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'`
- else
- ac_dir_suffix= ac_dots=
- fi
- case "$ac_given_srcdir" in
- .) srcdir=.
- if test -z "$ac_dots"; then top_srcdir=.
- else top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'`; fi ;;
- /*) srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- *) # Relative path.
- srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"
- top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;;
- esac
- case "$ac_given_INSTALL" in
- [/$]*) INSTALL="$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- *) INSTALL="$ac_dots$ac_given_INSTALL" ;;
- esac
- echo creating "$ac_file"
- rm -f "$ac_file"
- configure_input="Generated automatically from `echo $ac_file_in|sed 's%.*/%%'` by configure."
- case "$ac_file" in
- *Makefile*) ac_comsub="1i\\
-# $configure_input" ;;
- *) ac_comsub= ;;
- esac
- ac_file_inputs=`echo $ac_file_in|sed -e "s%^%$ac_given_srcdir/%" -e "s%:% $ac_given_srcdir/%g"`
- sed -e "$ac_comsub
-" $ac_file_inputs | (eval "$ac_sed_cmds") > $ac_file
-fi; done
-rm -f conftest.s*
-exit 0
-chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
-rm -fr confdefs* $ac_clean_files
-test "$no_create" = yes || ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} $CONFIG_STATUS || exit 1
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
deleted file mode 100644
index d1154ca..0000000
--- a/configure.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-dnl autoconf 2.13 should work fine. However autoconf >= 2.53 and
-dnl perhaps versions in between (2.50 and 2.52) are not directly usuable.
-dnl This configure.in is derived from the Sample TEA template which is:
-dnl Copyright (c) 1999 Scriptics Corporation.
-dnl Copyright (c) 2002 ActiveState SRL.
-dnl $Id$
-# Check the source path of the package
-# Setup the CONFIGDIR to the path of the directory containing the
-# configuration files
-# Define the PACKAGE variable
-# Call TEA_INIT as the first TEA_ macro to set up initial vars.
-# This will define a ${TEA_PLATFORM} variable == "unix" or "windows".
-# Keep it here we will need ${TEA_PLATFORM} soon.
-# Define the VERSION variable
-# VERSION is constructed from MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION and
-# PATCHLEVEL. The windows variant does not containt a dot.
-# This define a preprocessor macro -DVERSION=3.2.6i to include
-# the package version in the sources.
-# Load the tclConfig.sh file
-# Load the tkConfig.sh file
-# Handle the --prefix=... option by defaulting to what Tcl gave.
-# Must be called after TEA_LOAD_TCLCONFIG and before TEA_SETUP_COMPILER.
-# Standard compiler checks.
-# This sets up CC by using the CC env var, or looks for gcc otherwise.
-# This also calls AC_PROG_CC, AC_PROG_INSTALL and a few others to create
-# the basic setup necessary to compile executables.
-# Choose which headers you need. Extension authors should try very
-# hard to only rely on the Tcl public header files. Internal headers
-# contain private data structures and are subject to change without
-# notice.
-# Sorry but zinc needs the internal functionality provided by Tk
-# even if this is less convenient and secure.
-# A few miscellaneous platform-specific items:
-# Define the special symbol BUILD_Tkzinc for Windows so
-# that we create the export library with the dll.
-# Windows creates a few extra files that need to be cleaned up.
-# Define any extra compiler flags in the PACKAGE_CFLAGS variable.
-# These will be appended to the current set of compiler flags for
-# your system.
-if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- CLEANFILES="pkgIndex.tcl *.lib *.dll *.exp *.ilk *.pdb vc*.pch"
- CLEANFILES="pkgIndex.tcl"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/*.dvi doc/*.aux doc/*.idx doc/*.ilg doc/*.ind"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/*.lof doc/*.log doc/*.out doc/*.toc doc/*.tpt"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} doc/refman doc/refman.pdf"
-CLEANFILES="${CLEANFILES} Python/library/Zinc.py"
-# Check whether --enable-threads or --disable-threads was given.
-# This call disable threading support as a default.
-# The statement below defines a collection of symbols related to
-# building as a shared library instead of a static library.
-# This macro figures out what flags to use with the compiler/linker
-# when building shared/static debug/optimized objects. This information
-# can be taken from the tclConfig.sh file, but this figures it all out.
-# Set the default compiler switches based on the --enable-symbols option.
-# For Unix/Tk builds, make sure that the X libraries/headers are found.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
-# Tkzinc is always linked against the tcl and tk stubs libraries
-# This macro generates a line to use when building a library. It
-# depends on values set by the TEA_ENABLE_SHARED, TEA_ENABLE_SYMBOLS,
-# and TEA_LOAD_TCLCONFIG macros above.
-# Add platform libs to LIBS or SHLIB_LD_LIBS as necessary.
-if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- LIBS="${LIBS} -lgdi32 -luser32 -lwsock32"
-# Find tclsh so that we can run pkg_mkIndex to generate the pkgIndex.tcl
-# file during the install process. Don't run the TCLSH_PROG through
-# ${CYGPATH} because it's being used directly by make.
-# Require that we use a tclsh shell version 8.2 or later since earlier
-# versions have bugs in the pkg_mkIndex routine.
-# Add WISH as well since Tkzinc is a Tk extension.
-# Define the SHAPE symbol to control the X shape extension support.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
-# Adjust the library set based on --enable-gl option. Define also
-# the GL and GL_DAMAGE symbols to configure the code.
-# This must be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as it adjusts LIBS.
-# Define the ATC symbol to control inclusion of the ATC specific code.
-# Finally, substitute all of the various values into the Makefile.
-# Add other files needing substitution after Makefile.
-AC_OUTPUT([Makefile starkit.tcl Python/library/Zinc.py])
diff --git a/debian/.cvsignore b/debian/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a8cdb..0000000
--- a/debian/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-*.debhelper \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/README.debian b/debian/README.debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9dbc1..0000000
--- a/debian/README.debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-zinc for DEBIAN
-No comments ;-)
-Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr>, Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:11:43 +0100
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index b01f77e..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1398 +0,0 @@
-zinc-tk (3.3.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Added the new C++ binding contributed by Intuilab.
- * Exported ZincObjCmd to support the new C++ wrapper
- * Switched to the native GLU tesselator instead of the builtin.
- Removed the builtin code.
- * Copyright is changed to bsd
- * Merged new Postscript emitting code (still under developpement).
- * Added a new track attribute -historywidth to separate the width of
- the history points from the width of the main symbol.
- * Extensive reformatting to suppress tabs which results in inaccurate
- indenting depending on the editor used.
- * Suppressed the use of the __unused attribute to suppress warnings
- on unused attributes. It has raised several incompatibilities and
- should be dealed with on the command line (gcc).
- * Corrected a trace left by thick label borders under GL.
- * Added a tcl script to automate the production of the code under
- Windows/VC.
- * A new packager build using Wix is available to install for Active
- Tcl/Perl/Python.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 10 May 2005 10:10:07 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.3.01) unstable; urgency=low
- * All the ATC specific code in now optional. To remove it add
- --enable-atc=no to the configure invocation. In Perl you have
- to say perl Makefile.PL with-atc=no.
- * Changed the method used to position the label wrt the track
- position. Now regarless of its shape and its angular position,
- the label is maintained at the requested distance.
- * Corrected a nasty memory leak in the Curve geometry management.
- It affected only the simple curves, convex with only one contour.
- This bug might be the source of some performance problems observed
- lately.
- * Debug.pm (D.Etienne)
- - built code correctly manages transformations.
- - the transformation matrix can be displayed.
- - transformation primitives parameters can be displayed and changed.
- - added a new entry in the control bar to display the X cursor device
- coordinates.
- - added the -expandTagsField option to configure the tags display in
- the attributes window.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 11 Nov 2004 17:10:07 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.3.0) unstable; urgency=low
- * Reworked the X11 arc handling code in order to fix bugs
- and improve coherence between X11 and openGL.
- * Reworked once more the GL init code to cope with Windows.
- * Many various bug fixes.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 5 Oct 2004 17:10:07 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.100) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fixed a problem in GL init code which prevented zinc from
- working with Mesa.
- * A (hopefully) more useful warning is emitted when openGL
- rendering is not good enough (most often 24 bits buffer
- or stencil not available).
- * Tweaking and bending the openGL init code to make it
- work better.
- * Changed the group picking code to enable correct picking with a
- complex clipping shape.
- * Fixed the font loading code when compiling for perl 800.
- The error prevented the correct encoding of codes > 127.
- * Fixed processing of extended gradient syntax (vector based
- specification) which was completly wrong for axial gradients.
- * Fixed some other minor bugs in gradient structure initialisation
- which led to gradient fill extending outside the item boundary.
- * Improved the two README to clarify how to compile
- the two possible distributions (cpan or full distrib).
- * Fixed the Perl compilation for MacOS.
- * Fixed the crash when closing a TkZinc on MacOS OpenGL.
- * Fixed the coredump due to a bug in the field text handling.
- * Updated the doc.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 25 May 2004 17:10:07 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.98) unstable; urgency=low
- * Suppressed the fieldbbox command. It is available when calling
- the bbox command with the -field and -label options.
- * Fixed a nasty openGL/Windows redraw bug when opening a window.
- * GL contexts are destoyed when no longer needed.
- * Fixed Enter/leave emission to match the Canvas (and better).
- * Slightly rearranged the init sequence for openGL. This will
- ensure that render will be reset has soon has possible if
- GL is not there. It will _stay_ set if we discover later that
- GL is not available. This will fix a rather bewildering situation
- when using images: The image is created for GL, then all of a sudden
- accessed in an X11 context.
- * Bug fixes. These should have boosted the stability a lot.
- * A new Tcl_Obj type "attribute" is used to cache the attribute
- lookup from one command invocation to the other. This can
- speed up the code slightly (or more). Available only for
- Tcl.
- * Text rendering in text items should be better quality.
- * Fixed the scrollbar protocol to work with all versions
- of Perl/Tk and Tcl.
- * The "new" tk option configuration mecanism is used where
- possible (not with Perl/TK 800).
- * Only one tesselator is allocated regardless of how many
- TkZinc widgets an application use. This potentially can
- bring resource savings for applications using many
- TkZincs with OpenGL.
- * TkZinc perl works under Windows (Perl/Tk 804 only).
- * Font loading under GL has been rewritten it is now as fast
- as before and still utf8 based.
- * coords has (yet) been modified (fixed) so that items which
- exhibit only one meaningful coordinate will return this
- coordinate as a flat list instead of as a list of lists.
- * Redisplaying after a move or a resize even when clipped
- by the display border is now rock stable. This has been
- achieved by a full redisplay when moving/resizing.
- * An msi package Tcl/Tk and Perl/Tk on Windows.
- * makefile for building for Tcl with vc++ has been updated.
- * Several fixes in Makefile.PL (pthreads, INC augmented,
- Windows port)
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 3 May 2004 17:10:07 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.97) unstable; urgency=low
- * Added a tget command. If called with a transform or an
- item as parameter, it returns the transform factors as
- a list (compatible with tset). An optional second parameter
- can be given, either 'all' meaning decompose the transform
- in translation, scale, rotation, skew and return the list
- in this order, or 'translation', 'scale', 'rotation', 'skew'
- which means return the corresponding value.
- * Added an optional boolean parameter abs to the translate
- command. If true it means that the translation should be
- interpreted as absolute. If absent or false the usual
- behavior is preserved.
- * Under OpenGL, a single graphic context is used for all
- zincs on a single display. Textures are put in common
- for the display. This should greatly reduce the resource
- consumption with GL.
- * Potential memory bugs have been fixed thanks to valgrind.
- * The code can be compiled either for perl/Tk 800 (define
- PTK and PTK_800) or perl/Tk 804 (define PTK alone).
- * The coords command returns a flat point instead of a list
- of one point for all items with a -position attribute.
- * The transformation of items with a -position has been slightly
- modified. The point described by -position is no longer considered
- in the coordinate space of the item but in the coordinate space
- of its parent group. The item is always located in 0,0 of its
- own coordinate space. This is so to make use of -composescale and
- -composerotation a lot more useful (and compatible).
- * The default value of -composescale and -composerotation on texts
- and icons is now false. This is coherent with the default behavior
- of these items (being rigids). The impact of this change is
- greatly minored by the new processing of the -position attribute.
- * Modified the command bindings for the transform
- testbed demo. Added a new delete item command.
- * Added two new Tcl demos ported from perl, testGraphics
- and magicLens.
- * Ported the Graphics package by JL Vinot to Tcl as
- zincGraphics.
- * Modified the behavior of options and arguments controlling
- the display of track history. The -trackmanagehistory is
- gone, a -trackvisiblehistorysize option has appeared, it
- describe the length of the history for ALL tracks in a zinc
- instance. In the Track class -visiblehistorysize has been
- removed and replaced by a boolean attribute -historyvisible
- that can be used to switch off the history for the concerned
- track instance. !!! INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE !!!
- * Fixed several problems with respect to UTF8 strings
- rendering. It should be possible for the text item
- to render OpenGL strings in all configurations.
- * Fixed a bug in indexing a Text item with utf8 characters
- (above 127).
- * Re-ported the pathtag demo from Perl to Tcl.
- * Fixed some bugs in the transform code (core dumps)
- * The scale method takes an optional center
- * The angle in the rotate method can be specified in
- degrees, a flag has been added to tell if the angle
- is given in degrees or radians.
- * The find and addtag method can do spacial searches
- (overlapping, enclosed, closest) in atomic
- groups overriding the atomic specification. The
- recursive flag takes the new value 'override' to do
- so.
- * a new command fieldbbox has been added. It returns the bounding
- box of the given field for the specified item or the item's label
- bounding box.
- * The bounding box reported for groups with clip areas
- takes into account the clipping. This was a long
- standing bug.
- * The enter leave processing as been sped somewhat by
- correcting an omission in the detection code.
- * The bind method now handles virtual events (an omission).
- * The bind method accept an alternative syntax for specifying
- bindings on fields instead of saying:
- .z bind $id:3 <1> "script"
- it is possible to say:
- .z bind $id 3 <1> "script"
- This is coherent with the syntax used by the other methods.
- * Icons are fully transformable in X. The same behavior is
- achieved in both graphical environments.
- * The anchors positions have been fixed for rotated icons.
- * The text items are fully transformable in both environments.
- * The insertion cursor wasn't displayed on the last text line
- if empty. Fixed.
- * The last character of a text selection was never displayed
- as part of the selection (but correctly reported). Fixed.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:37:48 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.96) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fixed a bad redraw of maps (traces) and adapted for floating
- point MapInfos.
- * MapInfo coordinates converted to floating point. This should
- greatly improve map usefullness in Zinc.
- * Fixed an erroneous clipping shape when specified with
- an unaligned rectangle or an icon.
- * Fixed a core dump in curve when -closed 1 under X.
- * Added tcompose, tset, skew transformation commands.
- * The transform command now accept the reserved tag 'device' as
- source and destination. This specifies the device coordinate
- space. A named transform can be given as source and destination.
- * The tsave command accept the reserved tag 'identity' as source.
- It can also take a named transform as source.
- * Zinc is now able to use all font glyphs above 0x20 in a
- 256 glyph font.
- * The smooth method reports a list of line segment vertices
- instead of the incorrect list of bezier segment vertices.
- * Added a -followpointer widget option to optimize pointer
- motion processing (suppress enter/leave processing).
- * The coords method correctly updates the control flags when
- replacing the whole vertex list.
- * Fixed a problem a the invalidation code which prevented
- item with a transform update pending from being correctly
- processed. All item specific invalidation flags were
- ignored after a transform operation on the item.
- * The -lastasfirst attribute of tracks failed to work causing
- a mis-coloring of the history when -lastasfirst was turned on.
- * Corrected a potential problem in the processing of end of lines
- in multi-lines texts.
- * Update of the refman, tanks C. Mertz.
- * Fixed the Makefile.in to build a correct pkgIndex.tcl when
- installing, it lacked an entry for loading the Tkzinc
- library itself.
- * Debug.pm : A control bar and zoom/translate new functionalities
- have been added. finditems(), tree(), snapshot() functions become
- deprecated. Initialisation is done using the new init() function.
- (D. Etienne).
- * zinc-demo (perl variant) : the pathtag demo has been corrected.
- Should be more explict now (C. Mertz)
- * A first contribution by zentara : TripleRotatingWheel.
- * New tests (perl variant) : find method with 'overlaped', 'enclosing',
- 'withtype', pathtags. More images tests. Tests for text items.
- Tests for openGL fonts with multiple sizes (C. Mertz).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 28 Nov 2003 13:37:48 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.95) unstable; urgency=low
- * Configuration of image and bitmap valued attibutes is now
- optimized against reconfiguration with the same value (image).
- This has the side benefit of fixing a core dump ;-).
- * Fixed the return type of the ZnPointInRegion prototype to return
- a ZnBool (A. Lemort).
- * Stephane Conversy has contributed diffs to compile the tcl
- version on MacOs X Fink.
- * ZincDebug: Contours of curves can be displayed and explored
- (D. Etienne).
- * ZincDebug: Fixed a bug in device coordinates when a non group
- item has a transformation (D. Etienne).
- * a new debian package has been created to install the doc
- files (pdf and html) separately.
- * Integrated the export script and Makefile contributed for
- Perl by Somanos Sar. Merged the CPAN features written by
- C. Mertz.
- * The scrollbar protocol should now work with perl as well as
- with tcl.
- * libom is no more. It will be made into a loadable module
- as soon as Tkzinc will have stubs and a tcl binding will be
- written for the overlap manager api.
- * No more perl building/configure code in the main trunk. All
- perl related build and configuring tools are in Perl.
- * Fixed a font texture allocation problem with large fonts.
- The texture sizing has been changed with better results.
- * Added a -tracksymbol option to act as the default value
- for the -symbol attributes of tracks.
- * The track default symbol for current positon is now correctly
- read from the -tracksymbol option and not statically fixed.
- * Changed the parameters of the new conical gradient.
- If only one value is given, it is taken to be the gradient
- starting angle, the center being 0,0. If two values are given,
- they are taken as the gradient center, the starting angle being 0.
- If three values are given, it's the gradient center followed by
- the gradient starting angle. If four values are given, they are
- two points defining the center and the angle/extent of the gradient
- (vector based definition).
- * Corrected a bug when tiling aligned rectangles under GL.
- The rectangular form was not correctly clipped so that
- it showed outside its area.
- * Shaped icons should be rendered correctly under all environments
- and for all image formats.
- In fact the image/bitmap code has been reworked and integrated.
- For the internals there is no difference now between images,
- image supported bitmaps and old style bitmaps obtained by
- Tk_DefineBitmap.
- * The image update mecanism is now fully functional. It will
- work for tiles, icon, symbols and even patterns if they are
- made with image bitmaps.
- * Icon item picking should be ok in all cases and all environments.
- It used to be limited for rotated shaped images.
- * Change in the font texture allocation to guarantee that it
- will not fail. This is now postponed until first use for
- drawing.
- * Videomap loading is done through the Tcl_Channel api enabling
- the use of Tkzinc and all of its datas in a starkit.
- * no more dependencies between zinc-perl and zinc-tk
- * a new perl module for building complex graphic objects:
- Tk::Zinc::Graphics.pm
- * Perl module Text is renamed Tk::Zinc::Text (beware: slight incompatible change!)
- * Perl module Logo is renamed Tk::Zinc::Logo
- * PerlModules ZincTrace, ZincTraceErrors and ZincDebug are renamed
- Tk::Zinc::[Trace|TraceErrors|Debug]
- * new demos :
- - color-path-and-conic.pl to demonstrate conical and path gradient
- - testGraphics.pl to demonstrate the power of Graphics.pm
- - Magiclens.pl
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 5 Sep 2003 13:37:48 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.94) unstable; urgency=low
- * Added an optimization for aligned/textured rectangles in openGL.
- This can really boost the performances of some apps.
- * Fixed a core dump when destroying zinc after an error occured
- during the first Configure.
- * Fixed the picking of multi-contours curves. They should be
- correctly detected now.
- * Fixed a bug in the compilation of libtess around the inclusion
- of glu.h
- * Added a new vector based method to describe gradient geometry.
- The vector is specified by two points (4 floats).
- It is available for axial, radial and the new conical gradients.
- * Added a new gradient type: conical, defined by an angle,
- a center and an angle or a vector.
- * (ZincDebug) A partir de l'arbre des items, possibilité de générer
- du code perl correspondant ŕ une branche (Daniel Etienne).
- * Ajout d'un module ZincTraceError (perl) qui trappe les erreurs
- Zinc et affiche pour chaque erreur l'instruction et le message
- d'erreur (Daniel Etienne).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 21 May 2003 09:22:18 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.93) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fixed a bug preventing the loading and display of accented letters
- in openGL.
- * In zincText.tcl fixed a problem preventing insertion of accented
- letters
- * Added the documentation in the tk debian package
- * Shaped images can be used both in perl/tk and in Tcl/Tk under
- GL. Alpha channel is also supported in perl/tk (for image formats
- that support the feature).
- * Fixed a gradient filling bug on some (many usual) multi-contours
- curves.
- * Fixed a X Pixmap error problem (in GL) with some fonts reporting
- a zero width on critical characters.
- * Text item: Modified the processing of the white space/tab causing
- a line break when a -width limiting atribute is in effect. The extra
- space used to be located at the beginning of the new line. Now it is
- suppressed. Other white spaces are still displayed at the begining
- of the line. The new behavior seems more natural.
- * Fixed a typo in zincText.tcl preventing the insertion of a new line.
- * Fixed a core dump when destroying a map item due to
- the freeing of an unallocated pattern in the symbols
- list
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 12 May 2003 13:51:10 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.92) unstable; urgency=low
- * Perl compilation ok even if no package installed
- * Perl demo runable without installation. Idem for
- tests (but there is no tests yet ;-).
- * Fixed Enter/Leave bugs during grabs and in fields.
- * Fixed stipple filling in openGL.
- * Fixed several core dumps.
- * Fixed several bugs in relation with contour manipulation
- (adding, orientation evaluation, memory allocation, gradients).
- * Fixed text cursor visibility if no text to display (text
- item & fields).
- * Fixed problems with some demos in Tcl.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 9 May 2003 17:12:14 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.91) unstable; urgency=low
- * Corrected the scollbar/view bug under Windows.
- * Polished quite a bit the install process.
- * Added a makefile.vc to be used with Visual C++ on Windows.
- * Small fixes on several demo scripts.
- * Corrected a very touchy bug related to font texture
- loading on Windows. The symptom is a blank window,
- if it contains text and the mouse is in the window
- when it is mapped.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:50:38 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.90) unstable; urgency=low
- * Portage Windows
- * Changement du symbole de compilation openGL de GLX en GL.
- * Tentative de préfixage exhaustif de tous les symboles externes
- (fonctions, macros, variables, types) par Zn.
- * Modification du code de traitement des images pour 1/ assurer
- le portage sous Windows, 2/ Obtenir le rendu transparent pour
- les images le supportant (PNG), 3/ Rétablir dans un deuxičme
- temps le mécanisme de mise ŕ jour de Tk lors de la modif de
- l'objet image. Le prix ŕ payer est l'impossibilité temporaire
- d'avoir des images détourées en perl/Tk **PROBLEME POTENTIEL**.
- * Compilation avec tous les warnings réalistes et correction des
- types de variables + casts explicites pour faire disparaitre
- les warnings.
- * Suppression de l'utilisation de strcasecmp pour la conversion
- des valeurs certains attributs. Il faudra désormais les spécifier
- obligatoirement en minuscules. **PROBLEME POTENTIEL**.
- * Utilisation du code de gestion des couleurs de Tk plutôt que
- celui qui avait été importé depuis Tk dans zinc.
- * Gros remaniement du code de chargement des glyphes de fontes
- sous forme de textures en openGL afin d'assurer le portage
- Windows.
- * Dans l'item Text -spacing et -width sont des entiers au lieu de
- floats.
- * Les priorités par défaut ont été modifiées et valent 0 pour Map
- et Reticle et 1 pour tous les autres items. **PROBLEME POTENTIEL**.
- * Grosse réorganisation des headers afin de regrouper par module
- logique. Cela a permit de dégonfler Types.h.
- * Déplacement des fonctions de parsing d'attributs de Item.c vers
- Attrs.c comme de logique.
- * Nouvelle chaine de configuration/Makefile basée sur TEA.
- * Restructuration des fichiers afin d'ętre plus proche de l'architecture
- TEA.
- * Portage des démos en Tcl (J.P Imbert).
- * Début de squelette pour des tests en Tcl.
- * Le Makefile.PL est généré par configure. C'est également le cas
- de Zinc.py. Cela permet une meileure configuration selon les
- plateformes et les versions.
- * Changement de module dans le repository CVS. Le module s'appelle
- désormais Tkzinc. L'ancien module reste actif au cas oů.
- * Des corrections de bugs nécessités/découverts par le portage
- Windows.v
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:59:09 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.6i) unstable; urgency=low
- * Les couleurs du relief de la fenętre ne sont allouées que si
- et lorsque le relief est différent de flat. Cela permet de
- ménager les colormaps.
- * zinc verifie que l'on ne demande pas ŕ chggroup de placer un
- ancestre dans un de ses descendants.
- * Les infos GL au démarrage sont conditionnées ŕ la présence de
- la variable d'environnement ZINC_GLX_INFO.
- * Les flags -composerotation et -composescale de Icon sont
- positionnés ŕ vrai par défaut. C'est un pis-aller, il faudra
- repenser le traitement des icones et du texte dans un contexte
- de transformation totale (rotation, echelle).
- * Correction d'un bug de précision conduisant ŕ la fameuse bande
- non rafaichie ŕ droite en 1600x1200 sous GL.
- * Le paquet zinc debian devrait mieux se comporter quand aux
- dépendances sur les autres paquets tant ŕ la compil qu'au
- runtime. La dépendance ŕ openGL est supportée au travers
- de mesa.
- * Le répertoire test est renommé sandbox. IL FAUT RE-EXTRAIRE
- une copie fraiche des sources depuis la base CVS ou tripoter
- les fichiers dans les répertoires CVS de zinc et de sandbox
- pour refléter la modif.
- * Changement du format des gradients pour ętre compatible avec
- les formats de nom de couleur normalisés. MODIF INCOMPATIBLE.
- * Début d'architecure TEA pour la version Tcl. Le module Zinc
- utilise désormais les stubs de tcl/tk plutot que le linker
- dynamique pour résoudre les références sur tcl/tk. Il en
- résulte une meilleure indépendance par rapport aux versions
- de tcl/tk.
- * Incorporation de libtess, ce qui permet de se passer de GLU/GL
- dans des versions sans openGL.
- * Améliorations et corrections de bugs dans ZincDebug (Daniel Etienne):
- Gestion de plusieurs instances de Zinc.
- Paramétrage de ZincDebug sur la ligne de commande:
- perl -MZincDebug monappli.pl <-options_monappli> <-options_zincdebug>
- Ajout d'un bouton treset permettant de savoir si un item a subi des
- transformations.
- Correction de bug d'affichage :
- des coordonnées d'un item curve.
- de la bounding box de groupes vides.
- * Incorporation d'un module python mis ŕ jour (uillaume Vidon)
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 10 Mar 2003 17:42:53 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6h) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug provoquant la suppression d'un blanc
- en début de lignes sur l'item text
- * Correction d'un problčme de spécialisation des images sous
- X. Il fallait spécialiser par Screen et non par Display.
- * Correction d'une erreur lors de la requęte de bindings
- sur un item/séquence.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:53:19 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6g) unstable; urgency=low
- * Edition des attributs dans ZincDebug: la plupart des champs attributs
- sont maintenant éditables (un <Control-z> dans un champ permet de
- restaurer la valeur initiale)
- * Possibilite de visualiser la bounding box d'un item dans ZincDebug.
- * Ajout d'un module permettant de tracer les appels de commande
- zinc pour faciliter sensiblement le debugging d'une appli. Faire
- perl -MZincTrace myscript.pl (Christophe/Daniel).
- * Correction d'un bug d'analyse des listes de points d'ancienne forme.
- * Correction d'un core dump lors d'une tentative de clonage du top
- group.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:53:40 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6f) unstable; urgency=low
- * Adaptation des méthodes fit, smooth, transform, coords, contour
- pour obtenir un tout cohérent dans la nouvelle logique de gestion
- des points et des contours.
- * Correction d'un bug de gradient introduit par le debug.
- * Ajout d'un attribut -fillrule ŕ l'item curve (en liaison avec le
- premier point.
- * L'item curve ne détruit plus un contour vidé par la méthode coords.
- Il n'en ajoute pas non plus (cas d'un item vide).
- * Correction d'un bug d'affichage de texte en GL avec plusieurs
- fenętres (cycle de création/destruction).
- * Corrections de bugs en relation avec le premier point.
- * La limitation qui obligeait ŕ déclarer comme globale l'instance de zinc
- lorsque ZincDebug était chargé au runtime (perl -MZincDebug script.pl)
- n'est plus.
- * Correction de bug (ZincDebug): la selection du groupe 1 dans l'arbre des
- items provoquait un segmentation fault.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:14:38 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6e) unstable; urgency=low
- * Corrections de bugs
- * Ajout du support UTF8 pour Tcl/Tk
- * Possibilité d'invoquer ZincDebug sans modifier le code,
- de la maniere suivante: perl -MZincDebug script.pl
- (cf man ZincDebug). Ajout de D.Etienne.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 20 Dec 2002 14:56:42 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6d) unstable; urgency=low
- * Adaptations (mineures) pour TCL/TK 8.4.
- * Corrections de bugs dans les méthodes Coords et Contour.
- * Changement incompatible du code des gradients.
- * Fin de réalisation des nouveaux contours utilisant le tesselateur GLU.
- * Le tesselateur est disponible męme si on utilise une version compilée sans GL.
- * Fin de réalisation des paths dans Curve.
- * Utilisation des display lists GL pour Arc, Curve, Rectangle, Text.
- L'optimisation n'est effective que si l'item n'est pas modifié (ce qui est
- souvent le cas quand męme).
- * Encore des corrections de bugs.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:09:08 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6c) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug empéchant Zinc de s'initialiser (ZnBezier a disparu).
- * Mise ŕ jour de ZincDebug par Daniel Etienne:
- Modification concernant la fonction tree() :
- Possibilité d'afficher, pour chaque item de l'arbre, la valeur d'un ou
- de plusieurs de ses attributs; utiliser les options -optionsToDisplay et
- -optionsFormat.
- Mécanisme de recherche de chaine de caractčres.
- Feedback pour signaler qu'un item sélectionné dans l'arbre n'est pas
- visible car en dehors de la fenętre.
- * Suppression de la fabrication du paquet zinc python qui de toute maničre
- n'était plus maintenu et ne fonctionnait pas sous Woody.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:59:13 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6b) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug empechant la mise ŕ jour des bitmaps/images modifiées.
- * Suppression du clippeur GPC et remplacement par le tesselateur de GLU.
- Zinc est maintenant entičrement Open Source ;-).
- * Les commandes contour ont entičrement changé: exit les union, xor, inter, diff
- maintenant on peut faire des add, addhole et remove. Les contours ainsi manipulés
- gardent leur position relative les uns par rapport aux autres.
- * L'item Bezier n'existe plus, il est remplacé par un traitement plus général dans
- Curve qui accepte maintenant la specification de controles sur les points. Il est
- ainsi possible de décrire des chemins mélangeant segments de droites et de cubiques
- de Bezier.
- * Correction d'un oubli dans Zinc.pm qui empęchait l'usage de vertexat.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 5 Nov 2002 11:13:12 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.6a) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction du bug de rendu des lignes (hachures) sur GeForce 3/4
- * Correction d'un bug de rendu de lignes avec alpha dans certaines
- circonstances (modulation de la couluer).
- * Adaptation du Makefile pour compil avec les derniers drivers NVidia.
- * Correction du bug de mise ŕ jour de la bbox d'un gruope suite ŕ
- l'ajout/suppression d'un item (Daniel Etiienne, Nathalie Banoun).
- * Correction d'un bug sur l'épaisseur des lignes de 0.5 pixels en GL.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 26 Sep 2002 12:10:58 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug lors de l'utilisation simultanée par
- une appli d'un environnement X et GL (Bug détecté par A. Marion).
- * Corrections dans le Makefile.in.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 18 Sep 2002 15:07:37 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5i) unstable; urgency=low
- * Encore des corrections de bugs
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:48:46 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5h) unstable; urgency=low
- * Corrections de bugs.
- * la commande contour retourne le nombre de contours d'un item.
- * Changements dans ZincDebug (Daniel Etienne), la liste suit :
- * meilleure gestion des groupes atomiques : ils sont maintenant scannés
- comme les autres.
- * la mise en evidence des items selectionnés est modulable. Par defaut,
- l'item est mis en avant-plan et encadré (click gauche), mais pour
- faciliter sa distinction on peut egalement cacher les autres items de
- son groupe (click milieu), voire ceux du groupe parent (click droit).
- * il est possible de rechercher des items en specifiant un tagOrId dans
- un champs de saisie (ouvert sur un Control-f)
- * séparation des traitements : 2 fonctions sont maintenant exportées,
- finditems() qui cree les bindings necessaires a la recherche d'items
- et snapshot() qui cree ceux necessaires a la capture d'image. (action
- sur Control-s)
- * mise a jour du man ZincDebug
- * Possibilite d'afficher l'arbre des items d'une application
- (Control-t)
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 2 Sep 2002 14:36:04 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5g) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout de la commande find ancestors qui permet de retrouver, avec
- un éventuel filtrage sur tag, l'ensemble des ancętres d'un item.
- * Corrections de bugs sur le curseur d'insertion : text et fields.
- * Correction d'un bug dans find overlapping/enclosed qui retournait
- des résultats aléatoires selon le groupe de départ.
- * Correction du calcul des ancres pour les items icons.
- * Nouveaux programmes de démos et amélioration de la doc (C. Mertz)
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:08:12 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5f) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug génant (les items se déplacent suite ŕ un
- problčme dans la méthode ToArea de group) introduit en 3.2.5d
- et révélé en 3.2.5e.
- * Ajustement de la doc pour find/addtag.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:38:36 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5e) unstable; urgency=low
- * Corrections de qq bugs.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 24 Jun 2002 11:19:02 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5d) unstable; urgency=low
- * la commande de création de zinc rapporte le numéro de version
- et énumčre mes différentes tętes graphiques possibles (X11, GL).
- * Les fonctions tsave et gsave permettent de savoir si un nom est déjŕ
- utilisé.
- * L'item Icon peut tourner et ętre redimensionné.
- * QQ bug squashes.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:33:46 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5c) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction du calcul de l'angle du guideur (passage entre
- antirec et Zinc + une erreur dans la fonction PointPolarToCartesian.
- * Le rho n'était plus passé ŕ l'antirec second problčme expliquant
- les perfos pitoyables de l'antirec.
- * Correction d'un bug de specification d'angle créant un problčme dans
- les items arcs si on specifiait un extent de 360.
- * Correction d'un core dump lors de la deallocation des fontes (cas
- oů plusieurs Zincs sont créés).
- * Correction d'une boucle infinie lors de l'allocation d'une fonte
- (cas oů plusieurs Zincs sont créés).
- * Correction d'un core dump se produisant dans certains cas lors de
- l'utilisation d'un Curve en clipping.
- * Correction d'un core dump lorsque l'on tentait d'éditer un texte
- dans un champ.
- * Les ressources Zinc de type images/bitmaps (-tile, -mapdistancesymbol,
- etc), ne pouvaient pas ętre remises ŕ "". Une consultation de la valeur
- de ces ressources provoquait un core dump si la ressource valait "".
- * L'item Icon ne possčde plus qu'un attribut -image/-mask. Cependant il
- est toujours possible de positionner cet attribut soit par -image soit
- par -mask. La reconnaissance bitmap/image est automatique.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 27 May 2002 17:07:19 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5b) unstable; urgency=low
- * Les tags peuvent désormais comporter un chemin permettant de
- préciser dans quelle partie de l'arborescence les items doivent
- ętre recherchés. Le chemin consiste en une suite de tags séparés
- par des . ou des *. Chaque tag désigne le groupe possédant ce tag
- ŕ un niveau donné de la hierarchie. Le caractčre * premet de demander
- la recherche en profondeur en sautant éventuellement des degrés dans
- la hierarchie. LES CARACTERES . et * sont donc INTERDITS dans les tags.
- Cette fonctionalité est particuličrement importante lors de l'utilisation
- de la commande clone (création et paramétrage d'aprčs un modčle,
- programmation par prototype). Elle est sensée ętre ŕ peu prčs transparente
- pour ceux que cela n'interesse pas.
- * Les sous commandes de find/addtag ont été remaniées pour tenir compte
- du point précédent. En particulier 'find all' a disparu. Les
- paramčtres optionnels 'inGroup' et 'recursive' ont disparu des commandes
- above, below, withtag. Ils sont remplacé par un simple tag optionnel
- pour les commandes withtype et atpriority. Par contre les commandes
- overlapping et enclosed gagnent ces męmes paramčtres optionnels
- 'inGroup' et 'recursive'. La commande closest gagne le paramčtre optionnel
- 'recursive' et le paramčtre start voie son sens modifié : si 'start' est
- un groupe non ATOMIC, la recherche démarre au premier item de ce groupe
- sinon le sens précédent est conservé, la recherche démarre ŕ l'item suivant
- 'start'
- * Un tag chaine vide (ou un chemin sans tag final) est équivalent au
- tag 'all'.
- * Meilleure prise en compte de la présence de l'extension GLX. Son
- absence ne devrait plus générer de core dump.
- * La commande clone ne clone plus tous les items désignés par le tagOrId
- mais seulement le premier dans l'ordre de la display list et elle
- retourne l'id de ce nouvel item.
- * Correction d'une erreur dans itemconfigure qui retournait une info
- incorrecte quand on lui demandait la liste des attributs d'un field.
- * Redesign complet de la gestion des images/bitmaps et fontes afin 1/
- de gérer correctement les ressources sous GL avec plusieurs fenętres
- et 2/ de LIBERER les ressources automatiquement lorsqu'elles ne sont plus
- utilisées (textures et mémoire process X et GL). Une conséquence est
- que le nouveau code ne peut plus gérer le changement du contenu d'une
- image Tk, il faut détruire l'image et la recréer.
- * Correction d'un bug provoquant un core dump en 3.2.5a suite ŕ la modification
- du code de réparation de l'image. Un redisplay était planifié lors de la
- destruction d'un widget et lorsqu'il était effectivement déclenché le
- widget n'existait plus, bien sűr.... No comments
- * Les bordures de champs n'étaient pas dessinées en GL, l'alpha n'étant
- pas composé correctement et l'épaisseur de trait ŕ été portée ŕ 1.5.
- * Correction du code de dessin des images dans les fields sous X. Elles ne
- pouvaient pas ętre clippée correctement si elles avaient un masque.
- * Correction d'un bug de clonage des fields, on tentait de dupliquer
- un label format sur un groupe de champs vide.
- * Mise en cohérence des types d'attributs entre le code et la doc, certains
- type ont été modifiés dans le code : tags/taglist, justify/alignment,
- autojustify/autoalignment, border/edgelist, gradients/gradientlist,
- text/string, patterns/bitmaplist, pattern/bitmap.
- * Retablissement du controle de la validité des attributs dans
- itemconfigure męme lorsqu'un tag est utilisé.
- * Correction dans les lineshapes des types lineleftcorner et
- linedoubleleftcorner qui étaient confondus avec leur analogues
- droits.
- * Sortie d'un message d'erreur lorsqu'un item n'est pas trouvé comme
- valeur d'attribut.
- * Correction du traitement des angles startangle et extent dans Arc, les
- extents négatifs étaient erronés et si startangle était nul on obtenait
- systématiquement un arc de 360 degrés.
- * Ajout d'un attribut -composealpha ŕ tous les items. Il agit de la męme
- maničre que -composescale et -composerotate mais pour l'alpha des
- couleurs de l'item.
- * Correction d'un bug rendant inctif le paramčtre de tension dans les gradients.
- * Incorporation des corrections de Christophe dans la doc.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 3 May 2002 13:44:17 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.5a) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un core dump lors de la destruction d'un
- item text cloné dont on a modifié le texte.
- * Le changement de fonte d'un texte (Text et Field) n'était
- pas suivi d'effet en openGL, maintenant ça devrait aller
- mieux.
- * Tous les items peuvent avoir le focus, donc on peut utiliser
- des bindings sur des evčnements clavier sur tout item. C'est
- également vrai pour les fields (extension de la commande focus).
- * La selection et le curseur sont affiché en GL pour l'item Text
- * La selection et le curseur sont affiché pour le texte dans les
- fields (X et GL).
- * L'édition de texte, la selection, et le curseur sont supportés
- pour les fields.
- * Restructuration du module Item, création du module Field et
- suppression de l'ingérance de Item dans Group. Le code devrait
- ętre plus clair et plus facile ŕ maintenir (il reste ŕ préfixer
- toutes les fonctions externes par Zn).
- * L'option -render n'est plus un booléen, elle peut prendre les
- valeurs 0: rendu X, 1: rendu GL direct, 2: rendu GL indirect.
- * Amélioration de ZincText.pm: correction de bugs, évolution des
- bindings pour mieux gérer la sélection, intégration de l'édition
- des textes dans les fields, possibilité d'aller en fin/début de
- ligne, de monter/descendre d'une ligne (item text).
- * Des nouveaux indices sont disponibles dans les items indexables:
- bol, eol, bow, eow, up, down.
- * Correction d'un core dans DeleteChars de Text (pointeur non
- déréférencé).
- * La commande currentpart prend un paramčtre booléen optionnel
- qui spécifie si elle doit reporter les parties privées de l'item
- ou seulement les fields (elle retourne "" si le pointeur est
- sur une partie privée).
- * Toutes les commandes acceptant un paramčtre field optionnel
- comprennent un field index "" comme étant une absence de paramčtre:
- aucune erreur n'est générée et tout se passe comme si le paramčtre
- n'avait pas été spécifié.
- * Les commandes 'focus' et 'select item' retournent une liste
- (item, field) ou "" si pas d'item. La présence de field est
- garantie (liste de longueur 2) mais peut ętre "", se qui veut
- dire pas de field. On peut directement utiliser le résultat
- de ces commandes comme paramčtres pour les commandes prennant
- un couple item, field.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 12 Apr 2002 13:02:05 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.2.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction de -lastasfirst, le bug était dű ŕ un
- débordement du champs de bits traitant les flags.
- Il a été porté ŕ 16 bits pour tous les flags d'item
- (header et privé).
- * Correction d'un core dump lors de clonage de rectangle,
- arc, curve, bezier. La réallocation des structures
- géométrique doit se faire tout de suite dans clone.
- * Correction du bug faisant apparaitre un petit carré en
- fin de ligne dans Text.
- * Les coins supérieurs des bordures des rectangles n'étaient
- pas fermés (visible sur les bordures épaisses).
- * Zinc openGL marche un peu mieux sous Mesa (attention aux
- -linewidth supérieurs ŕ 3 et inférieurs ŕ 11).
- * Module perl ZincText.pm qui permet d'éditer les items textes
- pour peu que ceux ci possčdent le tag 'text'. Il faut faire:
- use ZincText; new ZincText($zinc);
- * L'option -tile de Zinc n'avait pas subit le traitement destiné
- ŕ l'immuniser contre les images sans contenu. Il en resultait
- l'infame XCreatePixmap error. C'est corrigé.
- * itemconfigure a été (encore) modifié pour accepter les attributs
- inconnus. Il est préferrable de na pas reporter d'erreur que
- de bloquer un itemconfigure sur tag.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 29 Mar 2002 16:19:40 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3g) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un core d'un lors de la creation répétée
- d'un label format erroné. L'entrée de cache n'était pas
- détruite bien qu'invalide.
- * Correction d'un bug trčs génant de redessin en openGL du
- ŕ un problčme de calcul de la damaged area et révélé par
- la modification du traitement de la zone de dessin du
- widget (inset). Un contournement en 3.2.3f et de mettre
- -borderwidth et highlightthickness ŕ 0.
- * Dans le code de reparation le scissor n'était pas réactivé
- aprés le dessin de la bordure.
- * Correction de la commande itemconfigure qui reportait ŕ tort
- une erreur attribut invalide sur un tag. L'erreur doit ętre
- reportée que pour un id.
- * Rectangle correction d'un core dump dű ŕ une variable couleur
- non initialisée (si -linewith != 0).
- * Le code de redessin sur changement de focus nécessaire pour
- corriger certains problčmes liés au redessin avec scissor n'était
- pas compilé conditionnellement.
- * Un pas de plus vers une doc potable.
- * Ajout d'une démo sur les transformations.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:42:27 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3f) unstable; urgency=low
- * Remplacement de la doc PostScript par une doc pdf.
- Celle ci exploite les références hyper texte et la table
- des matičres latérale.
- * Un grand pas en avant sur le contenu de la doc. Pas mal
- d'explications supplémentaires et des chapitres vides qui
- commencent doucement ŕ se remplir. Mise ŕ jour pour les
- nouvelles fonctionalités (pas toutes encore). Index,
- figures, etc Contribution de Christophe Mertz.
- * Une suite de démos qui fonctionne et qui commence ŕ ętre
- sympa est apparue. Merci lŕ aussi Christophe Mertz, et qq
- autres. Qui?
- * Réalisation de reliefs pour les courbes exploitant
- les possibilités de dégradés de GL. L'item curve
- possčde un attribut -smoothrelief qui permet de décider
- si on veut traiter le relief comme pour un arc (en douceur)
- ou par facettes.
- * Les reliefs peuvent ętre bombés au lieu d'ętre simplement
- biseautés (plusieurs variations).
- * La couleur des reliefs est calculée sur le -linecolor et
- non plus sur le -fillcolor. INCOMPATIBILITE.
- * Portage de l'item Bezier en GL. Il peut se dessiner et servir
- de clipping.
- * Correction d'un bug dans LeaderAnchor qui empéchait le
- paramétrage. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de monde qui a essayé
- de s'en servir, apparement.
- * Suppression du inset autour de la fenetre. L'origine des
- coordonnées device est partout et pour toutes les commandes
- le 0,0 de la fenetre.
- * Amélioration de la détection des images bugées. Désormais
- si une image est malencontreusement créée vide (nom de fichier
- ""), zinc détecte l'anomalie et sort une erreur.
- * Correction d'un bug qui affectait chggroup lorsqu'elle était
- utilisée sur un groupe et sans ajustement : les fils du groupe
- n'étaient pas replacés correctement.
- * Rétablissement de l'option -lastasfirst de l'item track qui
- était en panne du ŕ un débordement de capacité des flags
- privés.
- * Correction de deux bugs dans le tracé des cercles. Un empéchait
- le tracé correct d'un cercle complet dans arc (sous certaines
- conditions). L'autre créait une petite facette sous certains
- angles pour un arc non complet.
- * Toutes les options couleurs de zinc sont exprimables sous forme
- de gradient et donc possčdent un alpha. C'est appréciable sachant
- par example que -forecolor sert de valeur par défaut ŕ la plupart
- des couleurs d'item.
- * L'option de relief bénéficie également d'un traitement spécial
- permettant toutes les valeurs de relief (pas seulement celles
- acceptées par Tk).
- * Makefile.in tricky enhancement for installing zinc-demos and its
- components (H. Damiano)
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:15:06 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3e) unstable; urgency=low
- * Intégration des modifs des Didier Pavet concernant l'antirec.
- * Petite mise ŕ jour de l'interface Python (D.Pavet).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 20 Feb 2002 14:02:59 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3d) unstable; urgency=low
- * Suppression des attributs alpha. Toutes les couleurs
- sont des gradients et comportent un alpha. Les gradients
- ont été totalement purgés du code développé pour le
- rendu sous X (shades).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 18 Feb 2002 17:03:05 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3c) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug de recalcul de la géométrie des
- labels lors d'une modif d'un champ.
- * Correction du dessin des arcs lorsqu'ils ne sont pas
- complets (arc partiel). Meilleure prise en compte
- des angles en utilisant le modulo plutôt que le bornage.
- * Les attributs de type dimension comme les linewidth et autres
- tailles, n'acceptent plus une spécification ŕ la Tk avec
- possibilité de décrire en point en millimčtres etc. En
- revanche ils sont promus valeur flottante et donc peuvent
- ętre utilisé en GL pour spécifier des tailles fractionnaires.
- * Correction d'un bug de clipping qui empéchait la remise ŕ
- jour de la scčne aprčs la suppression du clipping dans un
- groupe.
- * Correction du clonage et de la destruction d'un item Triangles.
- Les couleurs n'étaient pas correctement dupliquées/libérées.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:29:55 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3b) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout de démos de Christophe dans le répertoire
- examples.
- * Correction des bugs de dessin des polylines qui affectaient
- gravement twinkle (entre autre).
- * Correction de code de Daniel.
- * Correction de tsave et trestore, les noms ne fonctionnaient
- pas.
- * Ajout du module PerlDebug et de quelques examples
- contribués par Daniel Etienne.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:57:57 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.3a) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout d'attributs dans Track sur vecteur vitesse.
- * Ajout de RenderPolyline qui débarasse de libgle et qui fournit
- les flęches.
- * Ajout de l'item Triangles.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:29:13 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout du clipping non rectangulaire.
- * Gradient PATH
- * Correction d'un bug de binding Enter/Leave dans item.
- * Intégration de la gestion sélective du redessin.
- * Réalisation de la bordure relief et du highlight de focus
- directement en X ou en GL pour éviter les clignotements
- (en GL).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:29:08 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un core dump dans clonage de curve.
- * Correction d'un break oublié dans mapinfo add symbol.
- * Travail sur les gradients et les reliefs.
- * Corrections de bugs dans la version OpenGL.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 7 Nov 2001 10:31:22 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.2.0) unstable; urgency=low
- * Version avec OpenGL actif.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 24 Oct 2001 15:25:10 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.28) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction du core dump dans la fonction currentpart si
- pas de current item.
- * Recompilation avec la derničre version de perl woody.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 12 Oct 2001 09:50:39 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.27) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction d'un bug de sensibilité sur tabular et track
- * Modification de la syntaxe des gradients (-fillcolor) et
- réécriture des gradients.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 25 Jun 2001 13:27:40 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.26) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction de itemcget et itemconfigure afin qu'ils retournent
- des tableaux perl et non des refs sur des tableaux.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:19:54 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.25) unstable; urgency=low
- * Retour arričre sur le traitement du grab lors d'un buttonpress.
- * Correction du bug bloquant l'appel des callbacks d'enter lors du
- dans l'item de grab (buttonpress actif).
- * Correction de doc.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:49:46 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.24) unstable; urgency=low
- * Un début de scripts de démo en Perl.
- * Des adaptations pour Redhat/Mandrake et Solaris au niveau
- de la compilation (configure, Makefiles).
- * Debut d'intégration d'un rendu ŕ base de GLX.
- * Corrections de bugs de rendu (rectangle, track), et de
- clipping (champs). Le relief des curves est géré dans
- le bon sens (il était inversé).
- * Correction du bug des curves -closed (corre dump).
- * Correction du core dump lors de la destruction d'un dépendant,
- par example waypoint attachées.
- * Correction de la fonction contour, il est désormais possible
- de fournir un contour sous forme de point. Correction d'un
- core dump lié ŕ la libération intempestive de mémoire.
- * Correction de coords, il est possible d'ajouter/modifier des
- points ŕ un curve sans contours (curve vide ŕ la construction).
- * Modification du traitment des évčnements/bindings pour
- les champs/parties. Maintenant les enter/leaves d'items
- sont controlés exclusivement par la sensibilité de l'item
- et les enter/leaves de champs par la sensibilité du champ
- et celle de l'item.
- * Suppression du grab sur bouton gauche appuyé, les enter/leave
- sont toujours générés.
- * Tentative d'homogénéiser la valeur de retour des fonctions
- retournant une liste. Désormais ce sera un tableau en Perl.
- Les fonctions touchées : bbox, monitor, find, mapinfo get.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 9 Feb 2001 11:22:22 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.23) unstable; urgency=low
- * -curve est ŕ false par défaut (conforme ŕ l'ancien
- usage).
- * Une curve ouverte garde ses deux points extrčmes męme
- s'ils sont identiques.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 12 Jan 2001 17:39:42 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.22) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout de sections de compilation conditionnelle pour libart.
- Renommage de l'option -localrender en -render pour préparer
- l'avenir (openGL ou extension Render de Xfree86).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 4 Jan 2001 11:41:11 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.21) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajouté une dep sur libart. Corrige des bugs sur l'appel de l'antirec.
- Corrge un bug de spec sur l'affichage de la derniere pos d'une piste
- en surbrillance.
- Implementation de la méthode Render sur plus d'items.
- Le vecteur vitesse est codé en flottant et il est possible de modifier
- sa largeur.
- Blocage de la version Tk ŕ 8.0 pour etre compatible perltk et tk :
- Tk 8.2 implémente UTF8 et unicode.
- Correction de plusieurs bugs sur l'appel de l'antirec (essentiellement
- situés dans Track.c).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 16 Nov 2000 16:27:20 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.20) unstable; urgency=low
- * Début d'ajout du rendu local. Modif de l'appel
- de l'antirec (il était appelé trop fréquement).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:23:18 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.19) unstable; urgency=low
- * Plus de doc.
- * Ajout de deux attributs ŕ l'item Track afin de permettre une colorisation
- différenciée des positions passée et de la position courante.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 27 Sep 2000 10:58:01 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.18) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction de bugs: fuite de mémoire, segmentation au démarrage
- alors que le pointeur est dans la fenętre.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 29 Jun 2000 14:55:44 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.17) unstable; urgency=low
- * MODIFICATIONS INCOMPATIBLES: find atpoint est remplacée par
- find closest qui a la męme sémantique que le find closest du
- canvas. LEs parties privées (connexions, vecteurs vitesse, etc)
- ne sont plus spécifiée par des nombres négatifs mais par des
- symboles (connection, position, speedvector, leader).
- * Tous les bindings associés ŕ un item sont libérés lors de la
- destruction de l'item y compris ceux associés aux champs et
- aux parties privées.
- * La nouvelle commande verticeat retourne le sommet d'un curve ou
- bezier le plus prčs d'un point donné.
- * Le systčme de tags ŕ été entičrement revu et s'appuie maintenant
- sur un seul jeuy de fonctions (plus de table de tag). Les items sont
- désormais toujours énumérés par ordre de priorité d'affichage.
- Il est désormais possible d'utiliser des connecteurs booléens lŕ
- oů un tag est attendu (&& || () ! ^ sont reconnus).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 21 Jun 2000 13:07:11 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.16) unstable; urgency=low
- * Passage en Tcl_Objs.
- * La compilation de GPC est optionnelle et la
- commande contour n'est oérationnelle que si
- GPC est inclu.
- * Ajout du copyright de GPC dans le fichier copyright.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 5 Jun 2000 13:56:59 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.15) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout de l'item Window
- * Ajout du focus, de la selection et des commandes et
- méthodes nécessaires ŕ la saisie de texte.
- * Ajout d'une spec de dimensionnement de field permettant
- de specifier toute la hauteur et/ou toute la largeur
- du label.
- * Corrections de bugs sur Curve, Coords, Recherche de
- tags, etc.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 26 May 2000 10:41:38 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.14) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout des polygones multi-contours (fonction contour),
- de l'item Bezier, des fonctions fit et smooth (Bezier).
- * Correction d'un bug sur l'antirec interdisant l'antirec
- ailleurs que dans le top group.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 11 May 2000 16:09:30 +0200
-zinc-tk (3.1.13) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix de bugs. Réalisation des dégradés. Clipping par un arc.
- find withtag ne sort plus en erreur si le tag/id n'est pas
- trouvé
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 23 Mar 2000 15:27:32 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.12) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix de bugs et du paquetage. Amélioration des reliefs.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 7 Mar 2000 16:00:09 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.11) unstable; urgency=low
- *
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:19:53 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.10) unstable; urgency=low
- * Modifications pour une meilleure configuration de la compil
- et du test en Perl.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:42:11 +0100
-zinc-tk (3.1.9) unstable; urgency=low
- * Passage du nom radar au nom zinc.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 31 Jan 2000 14:27:56 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.8) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fin de réalisation de ToArea pour Curve.
- * Mise ŕ dispo de l'item Arc complet (sauf relief).
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 26 Jan 2000 14:39:05 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.7) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout des commandes clone, group, monitor,
- * extension de fonctionalité de coords,
- * changement de nom de multipoint en curve,
- * amélioration des commandes find et addtag,
- * gestion des dégradés/couleurs en interne,
- * Gestion des flęches dans track et curve.
- * Gestion des bouts de lignes et des joints dans
- curve.
- * curve permet d'interpreter ses points comme des
- controles de Bezier (en plus de la méthode smooth).
- * Correction de bugs nombreuses.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:12:35 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Correction dans debian pour assurer la mise en paquet suite ŕ
- l'ajout de la bib dynamique ptkradar et om.
- * Correction de bugs, ajout de la commande chggroup.
- * Les reliefs ne sont plus fonctionnels.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 16 Dec 1999 11:30:43 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.5) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout du clip, du tuilage. Séparation de l'antirec dans une lib.
- Mise ŕ jour Perl, génération possible d'une bib debug pour perl.
- Génération d'une bib dynamique pour perl. Correction de bug.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 9 Dec 1999 14:28:44 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Remplacement de l'algo d'antirec par l'ancienne version de LAOM
- qui peut ętre distribuée sous LGPL. Corrections de bugs en particulier
- autour des transformations et du label format. Mise ŕ jour partielle
- de la doc, etc. Suppression des phidiasseries.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:47:18 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Grosses modifs autour des étiquettes, labelformats, guideurs
- et ancres/attachements.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:36:23 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout de l'item Rectangle. Correction de problčmes de binding.
- et plein d'autres choses.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 4 Nov 1999 16:51:06 +0100
-xradar3-tk (3.1.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Premičre version de la branche instable 3.1. Comporte l'ajout des
- transformations et des groupes et les items Icon et Text.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 29 Oct 1999 17:14:20 +0200
-xradar3-tk (3.0.12) unstable; urgency=low
- * Quatričme version distribuée. Correction d'un bug bloquant sur itemcget
- dans l'incarnation perl. Début de passage en RadarBBox.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:30:02 +0200
-xradar3-tk (3.0.11) unstable; urgency=low
- * Troisieme version distribuée. La XToolkit n'existe plus. Le paquetage
- de base est désormais xradar3-tk. Corrections de bugs dans le widget.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:30:02 +0200
-xradar (3.0.10) unstable; urgency=low
- * Seconde version distribuée. Le schema de nommage debian incorpore
- desormais le patch level en troisieme partie. De plus la numérotation
- est celle d'un paquetage debian natif.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 21 May 1999 13:20:02 +0200
-xradar (3.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Premiere version distribuée. Elle correspond ŕ la ALPHA_10.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 21 May 1999 11:20:02 +0200
-xradar (3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Suppression de la dependance xbase. Cration des paquetages xradar-tk et
- xradar-perl.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Fri, 28 May 1999 14:26:02 +0200
-xradar (2.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout des dépendances et du soname sur la bibliothčque dynamique.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 9 Dec 1998 11:05:27 +0100
-xradar (2.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Eclatement en trois paquetages. Un pour le runtime, un pour
- le développement et un pour les fontes.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:40:50 +0200
-xradar (2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Passage en xradar 2.5.0 (beta de la 3.0)
- * Installation sous /usr/X11R6
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Mon, 4 May 1998 15:29:50 +0200
-xradar (2.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Separation de la fonte curseur des autres fontes. Elle n'est plus
- fabriquée automatiquement et elle n'est plus installée.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:13:50 +0200
-xradar (2.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Ajout des fontes phidias.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Tue, 10 Mar 1998 11:04:38 +0100
-xradar (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial Release.
- -- Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr> Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:11:43 +0100
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b0f7b..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Source: zinc-tk
-Section: devel
-Priority: extra
-Maintainer: Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@ath.cena.fr>
-Build-Depends: xlibs-dev, xlibmesa-dev, tk8.4-dev, tcl8.4-dev, perl-base, python (>= 2.1), debhelper (>> 3.0.0), tetex-extra (>= 1.0.2+20011202-2), gcc(>= 2.95.4-14), perl (>= 5.6.1-8.2), latex2html
-Package: zinc-tk
-Architecture: i386
-#Depends: xlibmesa3
-Depends: tk8.4 (>= 8.4.3), xlibmesa3
-Conflicts: xradar3-tk
-Description: The Tk zinc widget.
- Tkzinc is a canvas like widget for the Tk toolkit. Its has been
- designed to provide a structured organization of its graphical
- components. It provides also advanced geometrical and graphical
- capabilities such as geometric construction (boolean ops),
- transformations, non rectangular clipping gradient fills, smart
- reliefs, etc.
- For more information, http://www.tkzinc.org
-Package: zinc-perl
-Architecture: i386
-Depends: perl-tk (>= 800.024)
-Conflicts: xradar3-perl
-Description: perl-tk variant of the Tk zinc widget.
- perl-tk variant of the Tk zinc widget.
-Package: zinc-python
-Architecture: all
-Depends: python, python-tk, zinc-tk (= ${Source-Version})
-Conflicts: python-xradar3
-Description: python interface to the Tk zinc widget.
- python interface to the Tk zinc widget.
-Package: zinc-doc
-Architecture: all
-Description: Documentation files for the Tk zinc widget
- Documentation files for the Tk zinc widget in html and pdf formats
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index af377f5..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-This package was debianized by Patrick Lecoanet lecoanet@ath.cena.fr on
-Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:11:43 +0100.
- Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 698a691..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
-# This file is public domain software, originally written by Joey Hess.
-# This version is for a hypothetical package that builds an
-# architecture-dependant package, as well as an architecture-independent
-# package.
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON=$(shell echo `dpkg -p python| grep -e "^Version:" |cut -d" " -f2|cut -d"." -f1-2`)
-build: build-stamp
- dh_testdir
- touch build-stamp
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- -rm -f build-stamp
- -rm -f config.cache
- -$(MAKE) clean
- dh_clean
-install: build
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_clean -k
- dh_installdirs
-# Configuring/compiling/installing for Tcl.
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gl=damage
- make binaries
- make install prefix=$(TMP)/usr
-# Making/installing the documentation
- make pdf html
- -mkdir -p $(TMP_DOC)/usr/share/doc/zinc-doc/refman
- -install -m644 doc/refman.pdf $(TMP_DOC)/usr/share/doc/zinc-doc
- -install -m644 doc/*.html doc/*.css doc/*.png $(TMP_DOC)/usr/share/doc/zinc-doc/refman
-# Configuring/compiling/installing for Python.
- -mkdir -p $(TMP_PYTHON)/usr/lib/python$(DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON)/site-packages
- -install -m644 Python/library/Zinc.py $(TMP_PYTHON)/usr/lib/python$(DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON)/site-packages
-# Configuring/compiling/installing for perl/Tk.
- -mkdir -p $(TMP_PERL)
- (cd Perl; ./export2cpan)
- (cd export2cpan/tk-zinc; perl Makefile.PL; make; make pure_install prefix=`pwd`/../../debian/zinc-perl/usr INSTALLDIRS=vendor PREFIX=`pwd`/../../debian/zinc-perl/usr)
- find $(TMP_PERL)/usr/lib/perl5 -type f -name .packlist | xargs rm -f
-# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
- dh_testdir -i
- dh_testroot -i
- dh_installchangelogs -i
- dh_installdocs -i BUGS
- dh_installexamples -i
-# dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp
-# dh_installmenu -i
-# dh_installdebconf -i
-# dh_installlogrotate -i
-# dh_installemacsen -i
-# dh_installpam -i
-# dh_installmime -i
-# dh_installinit -i
-# dh_installcron -i
-# dh_installinfo -i
-# dh_undocumented -i
- dh_installman -i
- dh_link -i
- dh_compress -i --exclude=.pdf
- dh_fixperms -i
- dh_installdeb -i
-# dh_perl -i
- dh_gencontrol -i
- dh_md5sums -i
- dh_builddeb -i
-# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
- dh_testdir -a
- dh_testroot -a
- dh_installchangelogs -a
- dh_installdocs -a
- dh_installexamples -a
- dh_installmenu -a
-# dh_installdebconf -a
-# dh_installlogrotate -a
-# dh_installemacsen -a
-# dh_installpam -a
-# dh_installmime -a
-# dh_installinit -a
-# dh_installcron -a
-# dh_installinfo -a
-# dh_undocumented -a
- dh_installman -a
- dh_strip -a
- dh_link -a
- dh_compress -a --exclude=.pdf
- dh_fixperms -a
-# dh_makeshlibs -a
- dh_installdeb -a
-# dh_perl -a
- dh_shlibdeps -a
- dh_gencontrol -a
- dh_md5sums -a
- dh_builddeb -a
-binary: binary-indep binary-arch
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install
diff --git a/debian/zinc-python.postinst b/debian/zinc-python.postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f85b0a..0000000
--- a/debian/zinc-python.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash -e
-# Debian postinst script for Python hierarchical modules
-# Written by Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>
-DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON=`dpkg -p python| grep -e "^Version:" |cut -d" " -f2|cut -d"." -f1-2`
-case "$1" in
- configure|abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
- for i in $DIRLIST ; do
- python -O /usr/lib/python${DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON}/compileall.py -q $i
- python /usr/lib/python${DEFAULT_VERSION_PYTHON}/compileall.py -q $i
- done
- ;;
- *)
- echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/debian/zinc-python.prerm b/debian/zinc-python.prerm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9295a..0000000
--- a/debian/zinc-python.prerm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash -e
-# Debian prerm script for Python hierarchical modules
-# Written by Gregor Hoffleit <flight@debian.org>
-dpkg --listfiles $NAME |
- awk '$0~/\.py$/ {print $0"c\n" $0"o"}' |
- xargs rm -f >&2
diff --git a/demos/allOptions.tcl b/demos/allOptions.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b60c6..0000000
--- a/demos/allOptions.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval allOptions {
- variable w .allOptions
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc All Option Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "All options"
- frame $w.buttons
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
- button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
- button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
- pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- label $w.label -justify left -text {Click on one of the following
- buttons to get a list of Item
- attributes (or zinc options)
- with their types.}
- pack $w.label -padx 10 -pady 10
- # Creating the zinc widget
- zinc $w.zinc -width 1 -height 1 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken
- pack $w.zinc
- # Creating an instance of every item type
- variable itemTypes
- # These Items have fields! So the number of fields must be given at creation time
- foreach type {tabular track waypoint} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 0]
- }
- # These items needs no specific initial values
- foreach type {group icon map reticle text window} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1]
- }
- # These items needs some coordinates at creation time
- # However curves usually needs more than 2 points.
- foreach type {arc curve rectangle} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 {0 0 1 1}]
- }
- # Triangles item needs at least 3 points for the coordinates
- foreach type {triangles} {
- set itemTypes($type) [$w.zinc add $type 1 {0 0 1 1 2 2}]
- }
- proc showAllOptions { w type} {
- variable itemTypes
- if [winfo exists .tl] {destroy .tl}
- toplevel .tl
- if {[string compare $type zinc]==0} {
- set options [$w.zinc configure]
- set typeopt optionClass
- set readopt defaultValue
- set readoff 3
- set title {All options of zinc widget}
- } else {
- set options [$w.zinc itemconfigure $itemTypes($type)];
- set title "All attributes of an $type item"
- set typeopt Type
- set readopt ReadOnly
- set readoff 2
- }
- wm title .tl $title
- frame .tl.f1
- set bgcolor ivory
- label .tl.f1.opt -text Option -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 20
- label .tl.f1.typ -text $typeopt -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 20
- label .tl.f1.rd -text $readopt -background $bgcolor -relief ridge -width 21
- pack .tl.f1.opt .tl.f1.typ .tl.f1.rd -side left
- set nbelem [llength $options]
- frame .tl.f2
- listbox .tl.f2.l1 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- listbox .tl.f2.l2 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- listbox .tl.f2.l3 -width 20 -height $nbelem
- pack .tl.f2.l1 .tl.f2.l2 .tl.f2.l3 -side left
- pack .tl.f1 .tl.f2 -side top -anchor nw
- # Remplissage des list box
- foreach elem $options {
- .tl.f2.l1 insert end [lindex $elem 0]
- .tl.f2.l2 insert end [lindex $elem 1]
- .tl.f2.l3 insert end [lindex $elem $readoff]
- }
- }
- pack [frame $w.col]
- variable width 0
- foreach type [lsort [array names itemTypes]] {
- if {[string length $type] > $width} {
- set width [string length $type]
- }
- }
- foreach type [lsort [array names itemTypes]] {
- button $w.col.$type -text "$type" -width $width -command "::allOptions::showAllOptions $w $type"
- pack $w.col.$type -pady 4
- }
- button $w.col.b -text "zinc widget options" -command "::allOptions::showAllOptions $w zinc"
- pack $w.col.b -pady 4
diff --git a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl b/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf782b..0000000
--- a/demos/atomicGroups.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval atomicGroups {
- variable w .atomicGroups
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Atomicity Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Atomic"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 6 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 6 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 350 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable groupsGroupAtomicity 0
- variable redGroupAtomicity 0
- variable greenGroupAtomicity 0
- $w.zinc add "text" 1 -font $defaultfont -text "- There are 3 groups: a red group containing 2 redish objects\na green group containing 2 greenish objects,\nand groupsGroup containing both previous groups.\n- You can make some groups atomic or not by depressing \nthe toggle buttons at the bottom of the window\n- Try and then click on some items to observe that callbacks\n are then different: they modify either the item, or 2 items of\n a group or all items" -anchor "nw" -position "10 10"
- ############### creating the top group with its bindings ###############################
- variable groupsGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1 -atomic $groupsGroupAtomicity -tags groupsGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
- $w.zinc bind $groupsGroup <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::modifyBitmapBg
- ############### creating the redGroup, with its binding and its content ################
- # the redGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to redGroup callbacks
- variable redGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $redGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags redGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT-atomic
- # and if "redGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $redGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
- $w.zinc bind $redGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $redGroup"
- variable rc [$w.zinc add arc $redGroup {100 200 140 240} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redCircle]
- variable rr [$w.zinc add rectangle $redGroup {300 200 400 250} -filled 1 -fillcolor red2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags redRectangle]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "redGroup" IS NOT atomic
- $w.zinc bind $rc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $rr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- ############### creating the greenGroup, with its binding and its content ################
- # the greenGroup may be atomic, that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to greenGroup callbacks
- variable greenGroup [$w.zinc add group $groupsGroup -visible 1 -atomic $greenGroupAtomicity -sensitive 1 -tags greenGroup]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "greenGroup" IS atomic
- $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
- $w.zinc bind $greenGroup <ButtonRelease-1> "::atomicGroups::modifyItemLines $greenGroup"
- variable gc [$w.zinc add arc $greenGroup {100 270 140 310} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenCircle]
- variable gr [$w.zinc add rectangle $greenGroup {300 270 400 320} -filled 1 -fillcolor green2 -linewidth 3 -linecolor white -tags greenRectangle]
- # the following callbacks will be called only if "groupsGroup" IS NOT atomic
- # and if "greenGroup" IS NOT atomic
- $w.zinc bind $gc <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gc <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gr <1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- $w.zinc bind $gr <ButtonRelease-1> ::atomicGroups::toggleColor
- variable currentBg ""
- ###################### groupsGroup callback ##############
- proc modifyBitmapBg {} {
- variable currentBg
- variable rc
- variable rr
- variable gc
- variable gr
- variable w
- if {$currentBg=="AlphaStipple2"} {
- set currentBg {}
- } else {
- set currentBg AlphaStipple2
- }
- foreach item "$rc $rr $gc $gr" {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillpattern $currentBg
- }
- }
- #################### red/greenGroup callback ##############
- proc modifyItemLines {gr} {
- variable w
- set children [$w.zinc find withtag ".$gr*"]
- # we are using a pathtag (still undocumented feature of 3.2.6) to get items of an atomic group!
- # we could also temporary modify the groups (make it un-atomic) to get its child
- set currentLineWidth [$w.zinc itemcget [lindex $children 0] -linewidth]
- if {$currentLineWidth == 3} {
- set currentLineWidth 0
- } else {
- set currentLineWidth 3
- }
- foreach item $children {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linewidth $currentLineWidth
- }
- }
- ##################### items callback ######################
- proc toggleColor {} {
- variable w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- set fillcolor [$w.zinc itemcget $item -fillcolor]
- regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $fillcolor "" color num
- #my ($color $num) = $fillcolor =~ /("a-z"+)(\d)/
- if {$num == 2} {
- set val 1
- set num 4
- } else {
- set num 2
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -fillcolor "$color$num"
- }
- proc atomicOrNot {gr} {
- variable w
- set val [lindex [$w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic] 4]
- if {$val==1} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 0
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gr -atomic 1
- }
- updateFoundItems
- }
- ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom ####
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb -text "groupsGroup is atomic" -variable ::atomicGroups::groupsGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $groupsGroup"] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb2 -text "red group is atomic" -foreground red4 \
- -variable ::atomicGroups::redGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $redGroup"] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [checkbutton $w.cb3 -text "green group is atomic" -foreground green4 \
- -variable ::atomicGroups::greenGroupAtomicity \
- -command "::atomicGroups::atomicOrNot $greenGroup"] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
- grid [label $w.lb2 -text "Following command '$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400', returns:"] \
- -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 10
- grid [label $w.label -text ""] \
- -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 2
- ##### to update the list of enclosed items
- proc updateFoundItems {} {
- variable w
- set found [$w.zinc find overlapping 0 200 500 400]
- set str ""
- foreach item $found {
- set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- set str "$str $tags"
- }
- $w.label configure -text $str
- }
- # to init the list of enclosed items
- updateFoundItems
diff --git a/demos/clipping.tcl b/demos/clipping.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0fa28..0000000
--- a/demos/clipping.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval clippingDemo {
- variable w .clipping
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Clipping Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Clipping"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable displayClippingItemBackground 0
- variable clip 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "You can drag and drop the objects.\nThere are two groups of objects a tan group and a blue group\nTry to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\nwith two contours" -anchor nw -position {10 10}
- variable clippedGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable clippingItem [$w.zinc add curve $clippedGroup {10 100 690 100 690 590 520 350 350 590 180 350 10 590} -closed 1 -priority 1 -fillcolor tan2 -linewidth 0 -filled $displayClippingItemBackground]
- $w.zinc contour $clippingItem add +1 {200 200 500 200 500 250 200 250}
- ############### creating the tanGroup objects ################
- # the tanGroup is atomic that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to tanGroup callbacks
- variable tanGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
- $w.zinc add arc $tanGroup {200 220 280 300} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor tan
- $w.zinc add curve $tanGroup {400 400 440 450 400 500 500 500 460 450 500 400} -filled 1 -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan
- ############### creating the blueGroup objects ################
- # the blueGroup is atomic too that is is makes all children as a single object
- # and sensitive to blueGroup callbacks
- variable blueGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $blueGroup {570 180 470 280} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -fillcolor blue2
- $w.zinc add curve $blueGroup {200 400 200 500 300 500 300 400 300 300} -filled 1 -fillcolor blue -linewidth 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
- ###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
- # for both tanGroup and blueGroup
- $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig ""
- variable yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
- grid [frame $w.row] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2
- checkbutton $w.row.show -text "Show clipping item" \
- -variable ::clippingDemo::displayClippingItemBackground \
- -command "::clippingDemo::displayClippingArea"
- checkbutton $w.row.clip -text Clip -variable ::clippingDemo::clip \
- -command "::clippingDemo::clipCommand"
- pack $w.row.show $w.row.clip -side left
- proc displayClippingArea {} {
- variable clippingItem
- variable w
- variable displayClippingItemBackground
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippingItem -filled $displayClippingItemBackground
- }
- proc clipCommand {} {
- variable clip
- variable clippedGroup
- variable clippingItem
- variable w
- if {$clip} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip ""
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/colorCircular.tcl b/demos/colorCircular.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e829fd8..0000000
--- a/demos/colorCircular.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorCircular {
- variable w .colorCircular
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color Circular Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color Circular"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 80 80} -fillcolor {=radial 50 50|red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue in a square.
-The gradient starts in the lower right corner.} -anchor nw -position {120 20}
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {10 110 90 190} -fillcolor {=radial 0 25|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {Radial variation from 40% transparent red to 40% transparent blue in a disc.
-The gradient starts mid way between the center and the bottom.} \
- -anchor nw -position {120 120}
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {10 210 90 290} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {A variation from 40% transparent red to 40% transparent blue
-through 40% green in the middle of the disc. The gradient is centered.} \
- -anchor nw -position {120 220}
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor w -position {20 320} \
- -text {Two overlapping items filled by a transparent radial gradient on a white background.
-On the right three gradient filled ovals, note the warped gradients following the ovals.}
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {20 365 220 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {150 365 350 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {280 365 480 565} -fillcolor {=radial 0 0|black;100|black;100 20|mistyrose;40} -filled 1 -linewidth 0
- variable warc [$w.zinc add arc 1 {-50 -50 50 50} \
- -fillcolor {=radial -10 16|black;80|blue;20 90 100} -filled 1]
- $w.zinc scale $warc 1.5 1
- $w.zinc translate $warc 500 432
- variable warc [$w.zinc add arc 1 {-50 -50 50 50} \
- -fillcolor {=radial 0 20|black;70|green;20} -filled 1]
- $w.zinc scale $warc 1 1.5
- $w.zinc translate $warc 630 432
diff --git a/demos/colorX.tcl b/demos/colorX.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4d8a3..0000000
--- a/demos/colorX.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorX {
- variable w .colorX
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color-x Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color X"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
- -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 120} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue."
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 220} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle"
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 320} \
- -text "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
diff --git a/demos/colorY.tcl b/demos/colorY.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b1f38..0000000
--- a/demos/colorY.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval colorY {
- variable w .colorY
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Color-y Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Color y"
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red|blue} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
- -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 120} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue."
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 220} \
- -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle"
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 320} \
- -text "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background"
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {=axial 90|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
diff --git a/demos/contours.tcl b/demos/contours.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f08fca..0000000
--- a/demos/contours.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval contoursDemo {
- variable w .contours
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Curve contours Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Curve
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 9] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end "All visibles items are made by combining 2 items using contours:
- - the firebrick curve1 has been holed using a addhole with a circle,
- - the lightblue curve2 has been mickey-moused by adding two circles,
- - the yellow curve3 is the union with a disjoint circle,
- - the grey curve4 is combined with 7 circles, with positive -fillrule.
-The following operations are possible:
- - Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.
- - Mouse Button 1 for dragging the black handle and
- modifying the grey curve contour."
- # Creating the zinc widget
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable top 1
- # Creation of 2 items NOT visible, but used for creating visible
- # curves[1-5] with more than one contours.
- # The center of these 2 items is 200,100
- variable curve0 [$w.zinc add curve $top {
- {300 0} {400 100 c} {300 200} {200 300 c} {100 200} {0 100 c} {100 0}
- } -closed 1 -visible 0 -filled 1]
- variable cercle100 [$w.zinc add arc 1 {130 30 280 180} -visible 0]
- # cloning curve0 as curve1 and moving it
- variable curve1 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor firebrick1]
- # adding a 'difference' contour to the curve1
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add 1 $cercle100
- # cloning curve0 as curve2 and moving it
- # creating a curve without contour to control contour clockwise/counterclockwise
- variable curve2 [$w.zinc add curve $top {} -closed 1 -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor lightblue2 -fillrule positive]
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $curve0
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 100 90
- # adding the left ear of mickey mouse!
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 -200 0
- # adding the right ear of mickey mouse!
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 $cercle100
- # ... translate to make it more visible
- $w.zinc translate $curve2 320 20
- # cloning curve0 as curve3 and moving it
- variable curve3 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor yellow3]
- $w.zinc translate $curve3 0 290
- # adding an nion' contour to the curve3
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 $cercle100
- # ... translate to make it more visible
- $w.zinc translate $curve3 -130 0
- # cloning curve0 as curve4 and moving it slightly
- variable curve4 [$w.zinc clone $curve0 -visible 1 -fillcolor grey50 \
- -tags grouped -fillrule positive]
- # the tag "grouped" is used for both curve4 and
- # a handle (see just below)
- # It is used for translating both easily
- variable index 2; ## index of the vertex associated to the handle
- variable coord [$w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index]
- variable x [lindex $coord 0]
- variable y [lindex $coord 1]
- variable handle [$w.zinc add rectangle $top "[expr $x-5] [expr $y-5] [expr $x+5] [expr $y+5]" \
- -fillcolor black -filled 1 -tags {grouped}]
- # adding a 'difference' contour to the curve4
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 110 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped -220 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 10 80
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add -1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 0 -10
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 200 80
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped -350 0
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 $cercle100
- $w.zinc translate grouped 350 250
- #$zinc->lower(grouped);
- # Deleting no more usefull items: curve0 and cercle10:
- $w.zinc remove $curve0 $cercle100
- $w.zinc raise $curve1
- # adding drag and drop callback to each visible curve!
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $w.zinc bind $item <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $item motion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $item <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- }
- # adding drag and drop on curve4 which also moves handle
- $w.zinc bind $curve4 <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $curve4 motionWithHandle %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $curve4, <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- # adding drag and drop on handle which also modify curve4
- $w.zinc bind $handle <ButtonPress-1> "::contoursDemo::press $handle moveHandle %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $handle <ButtonRelease-1> ::contoursDemo::release
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig 0
- variable yOrig 0
- proc press {item action x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::contoursDemo::$action $item %x %y"
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc motion {item x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item and its handle
- proc motionWithHandle {item x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set tag [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags] 0]
- $w.zinc translate $tag [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig]
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- # Callback for moving the handle and modifying curve4
- # this code is far from being generic. Only for demonstrating how we can
- # modify a contour with a unique handle!
- proc moveHandle {handle x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable curve4
- variable index
- $w.zinc translate $handle [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig];
- foreach {vertxX vertxY} [$w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index] break
- $w.zinc coords $curve4 0 $index "[expr $vertxX+($x-$xOrig)] [expr $vertxY+($y-$yOrig)]"
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/curveBezier.tcl b/demos/curveBezier.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1622e..0000000
--- a/demos/curveBezier.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval curveBezier {
- variable w .curveBezier
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Curve Bezier Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Curve
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- #variable imagePath [file join $zinc_library demos images]
- #variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- variable splineColor \#AA0000
- variable handleColor grey70
- variable barColor grey30
- variable textColor grey20
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 3] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert 0.0 {
- 6 examples of curves containing control points are displayed
- with the list of control points written just below.
- You can move the handles to modify the bezier curves
- }
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 650 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor \#898A8F] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable group [$w.zinc add group 1]
- $w.zinc add text $group -position {50 20} -anchor w -color $textColor \
- -text {Examples of curve items using cubic bezier control points}
- ## Please note: much of the items below could be computed
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 270} -tags bezier1 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 200 100 100} -tags {line1 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {400 100 400 200} -tags {line1 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 200} {100 100 c} {400 100 c} {400 200}} \
- -tags bezier1 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 190 110 210} -tags {handle1 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor \#BBBBBB
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 90 110 110} -tags {handle1 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 90 410 110} -tags {handle1 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 190 410 210} -tags {handle1 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor \#BBBBBB
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 270} -tags bezier2 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 200 675 100} -tags {line2 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {975 100 900 200} -tags {line2 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 200} {675 100 c} {975 100 c} {900 200}} \
- -tags bezier2 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 190 610 210} -tags {handle2 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {665 90 685 110} -tags {handle2 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {965 90 985 110} -tags {handle2 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 190 910 210} -tags {handle2 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 570} -tags bezier3 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 500 25 400} -tags {line3 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {475 400 400 500} -tags {line3 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 500} {25 400 c} {475 400 c} {400 500}} \
- -tags {bezier3} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 490 110 510} -tags {handle3 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {15 390 35 410} -tags {handle3 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {465 390 485 410} -tags {handle3 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 490 410 510} -tags {handle3 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 570} -tags bezier4 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 500 600 350} -tags {line4 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {900 650 900 500} -tags {line4 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{600 500} {600 350 c} {900 650 c} {900 500}} \
- -tags {bezier4} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 490 610 510} -tags {handle4 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 340 610 360} -tags {handle4 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 640 910 660} -tags {handle4 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 490 910 510} -tags {handle4 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {25 870} -tags bezier5 -color $textColor -width 270
- $w.zinc add curve $group {100 800 175 700} -tags {line5 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {325 700 400 800} -tags {line5 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -filled 0 -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {{100 800} {175 700 c} {325 700 c} {400 800}} \
- -tags {bezier5} -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {90 790 110 810} -tags {handle5 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {165 690 185 710} -tags {handle5 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {315 690 335 710} -tags {handle5 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor -filled 1
- $w.zinc add arc $group {390 790 410 810} -tags {handle5 p4} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add text $group -anchor w -position {570 970} -tags bezier6 -color $textColor -width 280
- $w.zinc add curve $group {600 800 625 700} -tags {line6 l1-2} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {725 700 750 800} -tags {line6 l3-4} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {750 800 775 900} -tags {line6 l4-5} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {875 900 900 800} -tags {line6 l6-7} \
- -linecolor $barColor -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add curve $group {
- {600 800} {625 700 c} {725 700 c} {750 800}
- {775 900 c} {875 900 c} {900 800}
- } -tags {bezier6} -filled 0 -closed 0 -linecolor $splineColor -linewidth 5
- $w.zinc add arc $group {590 790 610 810} -tags {handle6 p1} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {615 690 635 710} -tags {handle6 p2} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {715 690 735 710} -tags {handle6 p3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {740 790 760 810} -tags {handle6 p4} -filled 1 \
- -linecolor blue -fillcolor blue -linewidth 2
- $w.zinc add arc $group {766 891 784 909} -tags {handle6 p5} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {865 890 885 910} -tags {handle6 p6} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc add arc $group {890 790 910 810} -tags {handle6 p7} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $handleColor
- $w.zinc scale $group 0.6 0.6
- ## Set the text of the text item with a tag "tag"
- ## to a human-readable form of the coords of the
- ## corresponding curve with the same tag "tag"
- proc setText {tag} {
- variable w
- set textItem [$w.zinc find withtype text $tag]
- set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve $tag]
- set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem]
- set count 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $textItem -text $coords
- }
- foreach bezierCount {1 2 3 4 5 6} {
- setText "bezier$bezierCount"
- set curveItem [$w.zinc find withtype curve "bezier$bezierCount"]
- set coords [$w.zinc coords $curveItem]
- #puts "$bezierCount : $curveItem : $coords"
- $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" <1> {::curveBezier::itemStartDrag %x %y}
- $w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" <B1-Motion> {::curveBezier::itemDrag %x %y}
- #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "<ButtonPress-1>" {\&press \&motion}
- #$w.zinc bind "handle$bezierCount" "<ButtonRelease-1>" {\&release}
- }
- ##### bindings for moving the handles
- variable item ""
- variable bezierNum ""
- variable ptNum ""
- variable xOrig 0
- variable yOrig 0
- proc itemStartDrag {x y} {
- variable w
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable bezierNum
- variable ptNum
- variable item
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- foreach val [$w.zinc gettags $item] {
- regexp {([a-z]+)(\d)} $val "" name num
- if {$name=="handle"} {set bezierNum $num}
- if {$name=="p"} {set ptNum $num}
- }
- #puts "bezierNum=$bezierNum ptNum=$ptNum"
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- variable item
- $w.zinc transform $item "[expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]"
- moveHandle [expr $x - $xOrig] [expr $y - $yOrig]
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- proc moveHandle {dx dy} {
- variable w
- variable bezierNum
- variable ptNum
- variable item
- set pt1 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 0]
- set pt2 [lindex [$w.zinc coords $item] 1]
- ## modifying the handle coords
- $w.zinc coords $item "[expr [lindex $pt1 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt1 1]+$dy] [expr [lindex $pt2 0]+$dx] [expr [lindex $pt2 1]+$dy]"
- set prevPtNum [expr $ptNum-1]
- # there should only be one such item!
- set lineA [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$prevPtNum-$ptNum"]
- if {$lineA!=""} {
- set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 0]
- set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1] 1]
- $w.zinc coords $lineA 0 1 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]"
- }
- set nextPtNum [expr $ptNum+1]
- # there should only be one such item:
- set lineB [$w.zinc find withtag "line$bezierNum && l$ptNum-$nextPtNum"]
- if {$lineB!=""} {
- set x [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 0]
- set y [lindex [$w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0] 1]
- $w.zinc coords $lineB 0 0 "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy]"
- }
- set tab [$w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1]]
- set x [lindex $tab 0]
- set y [lindex $tab 1]
- set control [lindex $tab 2]
- $w.zinc coords "bezier$bezierNum" 0 [expr $ptNum-1] "[expr $x+$dx] [expr $y+$dy] $control"
- setText "bezier$bezierNum"
- }
diff --git a/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid b/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
deleted file mode 100644
index 1755d80..0000000
--- a/demos/data/hegias_parouest_TE.vid
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/data/videomap_orly b/demos/data/videomap_orly
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f9c66..0000000
--- a/demos/data/videomap_orly
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2 b/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
deleted file mode 100644
index fb32a5b..0000000
--- a/demos/data/videomap_paris-w_90_2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/fillRule.tcl b/demos/fillRule.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8817709..0000000
--- a/demos/fillRule.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval fillRule {
- variable w .fillRule
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Fillrule Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Fillrule"
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ####### This file has been largely inspired from figure 11-3
- ####### of "The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition The
- ####### Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Version 1.2" ISBN 0201604582
- ####### it illustrates the use of :
- ####### -fillrule attribute of curves
- ####### contour coords and clone method
- #variable imagePath [file join $zinc_library demos images]
- #variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 550 -height 680 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor \#898A8F] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {20 8} -alignment center -text {This static example reproduces figure 11-3
-of "The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition" V 1.2}
- variable group [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable g1 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve1 [$w.zinc add curve $g1 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 20 20 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve1 add +1 { 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 40 40 40}
- $w.zinc translate $g1 100 100
- variable g2 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve2 [$w.zinc add curve $g2 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add +1 { 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add -1 { 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 20 20 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve2 add -1 { 40 40 40 80 80 80 80 40 40 40}
- $w.zinc translate $g2 260 100
- variable g3 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve3 [$w.zinc add curve $g3 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 20 0 20 120 100 120 100 0 20 0}
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 40 20 60 120 80 20 40 20}
- $w.zinc contour $curve3 add +1 { 0 60 0 80 120 80 120 60 0 60}
- $w.zinc translate $g3 420 100
- variable g4 [$w.zinc add group $group]
- variable curve4 [$w.zinc add curve $g4 {}]
- $w.zinc contour $curve4 add +1 { 0 0 0 140 140 140 140 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 120 120 120 120 0 0 0}
- $w.zinc translate $g4 580 100
- $w.zinc scale $group 0.6 0.6
- $w.zinc translate $group 80 40
- variable t [$w.zinc add text $group -underlined yes -text "Contours"]
- $w.zinc translate $t 280 30
- set t [$w.zinc add text $group -underlined yes -text "-fillrule"]
- $w.zinc translate $t -110 30
- variable dy 0
- foreach fillrule {odd nonzero positive negative abs_geq_2} {
- set dy [expr $dy + 160]
- set t [$w.zinc add text $group -text $fillrule]
- $w.zinc translate $t -110 [expr 100+$dy]
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- set clone [$w.zinc clone $item -fillrule $fillrule -filled 1]
- $w.zinc translate $clone 0 $dy
- }
- }
- # creating simple lines with arrows under each curves
- foreach item "$curve1 $curve2 $curve3 $curve4" {
- set contour_number [$w.zinc contour $item]
- #puts "$item contour_number=$contour_number\n"
- for {set n 0} {$n <=[expr $contour_number-1]} {incr n} {
- set points [$w.zinc coords $item $n]
- set nbpoints [llength $points]
- for {set i 0} {$i <=[expr $nbpoints-2]} {incr i} {
- set firstpoint [lindex $points $i]
- set lastpoint [lindex $points [expr $i+1]]
- set middlepoint "[expr [lindex $firstpoint 0]+([lindex $lastpoint 0]- [lindex $firstpoint 0])/1.5] [expr [lindex $firstpoint 1]+([lindex $lastpoint 1]-[lindex $firstpoint 1])/1.5]"
- $w.zinc add curve [$w.zinc group $item] "$firstpoint $middlepoint" -lastend "7 10 4"
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl b/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 808b625..0000000
--- a/demos/groupsInAtcStrips.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002
-# Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr> for whole graphic design and coding
-# Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for adding simple animations
-# and integration in zinc-demos
-# This integration is still not perfect and requires an extension in zinc
-# We must know if a named gradient already exists, when launching
-# many time the same demo in the same process!
-# $Id:
-# This small application illustrates both the use of groups in combination
-# of -composescale attributes and an implementation of kind of air traffic
-# control electronic strips.
-# However it is only a simplified example given as is, without any immediate usage!
-# 3 strips formats are accessible through "+" / "-" buttons on the right side
-# 1. small-format: with 2 lines of info, and reduced length
-# 2. normal-format: with 3 lines of info, full length
-# 3. extended-format: with 3 lines of infos, full length
-# the 3 lines are zoomed
-# an additionnel 4th lone is displayed
-# An additionnal 4th format (micro-format) is available when double-clicking somewhere...
-# Strips can be moved around by drag&drop from the callsign
-# When changing size, strips are animated. The animation is a very simple one,
-# which should be enhanced.... You can change the animation parameters, by modifyng
-# $delay and $steps.
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-#package require profiler
-namespace eval groupsInAtcStrips {
- variable w .groupsInAtcStrips
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Atc electronic strips using groups"
- wm iconname $w groupsInAtcStrips
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- variable imagePath [file join $::zinc_demos images]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {These fake air Traffic Control electronic strips illustrates
- the use of groups for an advanced graphic design.
- The following interactions are possible:
- "drag&drop button1" on the callsign.
- "button 1" triangle buttons on the right side of the strips
- to modify strips size
- "double click 1" on the blueish zone to fully reduce size}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- image create photo texture -file \
- [file join $::zinc_demos images background_texture.gif]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -render 1 -width 700 -height 500 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 130 -tile texture] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable stripGradients {}
- variable stripFontSet {}
- variable delay 50; # ms between each animation steps
- variable steps 6; # number of steps for the animation
- # scales() # this hash just memorizes the current x and y scaling ratio
- # In a real appli, this should be memorized in strip objects
- #----------------------
- # configuration data
- #----------------------
- variable ratio2FontSet {{1.2 normal} {10 large}}
- set loadedFonts [font names]
- foreach f $loadedFonts {
- if { [regexp {^radar-} $f] } {
- font delete $f
- }
- }
- # cenapii-radar-b15
- font create radar-b15 -family helvetica -size 16 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-digistrips-b12
- font create radar-b12 -family helvetica -size 12 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-digistrips-b10 and cenapii-digistrips-b10c
- font create radar-b10 -family helvetica -size 10 -slant roman -weight bold
- # cenapii-radar-m18
- font create radar-m18 -family helvetica -size 18 -slant roman -weight normal
- # cenapii-radar-m20
- font create radar-m20 -family helvetica -size 20 -slant roman -weight normal
- variable stripStyle {
- gradSet {
- idnt {=axial 90|#ffffff 0|#ffeedd 30|#e9d1ca 90|#e9a89a}
- back {#c1daff|#8aaaff}
- shad {=path -40 -40|#000000;50 0|#000000;50 92|#000000;0 100}
- btnOutside #ffeedd|#8a9acc
- btnInside {=axial 180|#ffeedd|#8a9acc}
- ch1 {#8aaaff|#5b76ed}
- }
- fontSet {
- normal {
- callsign radar-b15
- type1 radar-b12
- type2 radar-b10
- type3 radar-b10
- }
- large {
- callsign radar-m20
- type1 radar-m18
- type2 radar-b15
- type3 radar-b12
- }
- }
- width 340
- height 86
- shadowcoords {8 8 374 94}
- shadowcolor shad
- strip {
- linewidth 3
- linecolor \#aaccff
- fillcolor back
- relief roundraised
- }
- buttons {
- coords {340 0}
- clipcoords {0 0 90 83}
- zone {
- coords {0 0 26 85}
- fillcolor btnOutside
- linewidth 0
- }
- btns {
- btnup {
- coords {0 0 26 43}
- arrow {14 2 24 40 1 40 14 2}
- linewidth 1
- linecolor \#aabadd
- fillcolor btnInside
- label {
- coords {13 27}
- text +
- font radar-m20
- color \#ffffff
- anchor center
- }
- }
- btndn {
- coords {0 43 26 86}
- arrow {14 83 24 43 1 43 14 83}
- linewidth 1
- linecolor \#aabadd
- fillcolor btnInside
- label {
- coords {13 56}
- text -
- font radar-m20
- color \#ffffff
- anchor center
- }
- }
- }
- }
- clipcoords {3 3 332 80}
- zones {
- ident {
- coords {3 3 90 50}
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- sensitive 1
- tags move
- linewidth 1
- filled 1
- relief sunken
- linecolor \#ffeedd
- fillcolor idnt
- fields {
- callsign {
- coords {10 18}
- font callsign
- text EWG361
- anchor w
- color \#000000
- }
- company {
- coords {10 34}
- font type2
- text Eurowing
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- input {
- coords {3 3 334 82}
- atomic 1
- priority 100
- sensitive 1
- tags scale
- linewidth 0
- filled 1
- relief flat
- linecolor white
- fillcolor back # \#afb2cc
- fields {
- type {
- coords {100 18}
- font type1
- text TYPA
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- cfmu {
- coords {200 18}
- font type1
- text 08:26
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- ptsid {
- coords {100 40}
- font type2
- text NIPOR
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- confsid {
- coords {158 40}
- font type2
- text 8G
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- park {
- coords {200 40}
- font type2
- text G23
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- dest {
- coords {10 66}
- font type2
- text DEST
- anchor w
- color \#555555
- }
- champ1 {
- type rect
- coords {45 56 135 76}
- filled 1
- fillcolor ch1
- linecolor white
- linewidth 0
- }
- bret {
- coords {200 66}
- font type2
- text Bret.
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- zreco {
- coords {210 3 346 82}
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- texture stripped_texture.gif
- sensitive 1
- tags edit
- linewidth 2
- filled 1
- relief sunken
- linecolor \#deecff
- fillcolor \#d3e5ff
- }
- }
- zinfo {
- coords {0 86}
- rectcoords {0 0 340 20}
- shadowcoords {8 8 348 28}
- shadowcolor shad
- atomic 1
- priority 200
- sensitive 1
- tags edit2
- linewidth 2
- linecolor \#aaccff
- fillcolor back
- relief roundraised
- fields {
- ssr {
- coords {4 10}
- font type3
- text 7656
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- pdep {
- coords {47 10}
- font type3
- text G23
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- qfu {
- coords {73 10}
- font type3
- text 09R
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- slabel {
- coords {105 10}
- font type3
- text vit:
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- speed {
- coords {106 10}
- font type3
- text 260
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- pper {
- coords {142 10}
- font type3
- text EPL
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- rfl {
- coords {166 10}
- font type3
- text 210
- anchor center
- color \#444444
- }
- cautra {
- coords {183 10}
- font type3
- text 8350
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- nsect {
- coords {219 10}
- font type3
- text MOD
- anchor w
- color \#444444
- }
- day {
- coords {297 10}
- font type3
- text 21/05/02
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- hour {
- coords {332 10}
- font type3
- text 13:50
- anchor e
- color \#444444
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc TLGetHash {list tag} {
- array set temp $list
- if { [info exists temp($tag)] } {
- return $temp($tag)
- }
- return ""
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- # puts "TLGet found \"$val\" for \"$key\""
- return $val
- }
- }
- # puts "Unknown tag $tag in $list"
- return ""
- }
- # Création du Strip
- proc createStrip {index x y style} {
- variable w
- variable stripGradients
- variable stripFontSet
- variable textures
- variable imagePath
- # initialise les gradients
- if { [llength $stripGradients] == 0 } {
- foreach {name gradient} [TLGet $style gradSet] {
- # création des gradiants nommés
- if {! [$w.zinc gname $name]} {
- $w.zinc gname $gradient $name
- }
- # the previous test is usefull only
- # when this script is executed many time in the same process
- # (it is typically the case in zinc-demos)
- lappend stripGradients $name
- }
- }
- # initialise les jeux de fontes
- if { ![llength $stripFontSet] } {
- set stripFontSet [TLGet $style fontSet]
- }
- # création du groupe de base : coords
- set g1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -priority 100 -tags "base$index"]
- $w.zinc coords $g1 [list $x $y]
- # group de transfo 1 : scaling (ŕ partir du coin haut droit)
- set g2 [$w.zinc add group $g1 -tags "scaling$index"]
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # réalisation du strip lui męme (papier support + ombre portée
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # params strip
- set stripw [TLGet $style width]
- set striph [TLGet $style height]
- # ombre portée
- $w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [TLGet $style shadowcoords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor [TLGet $style shadowcolor] \
- -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index"
- # strip
- set sstyle [TLGet $style strip]
- set strip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g2 [list 0 0 $stripw $striph] -filled 1 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $sstyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $sstyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $sstyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $sstyle relief] \
- -priority 20 -tags "strip$index"]
- set texName [TLGet $sstyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures(strip)] } {
- set textures(strip) [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $strip -tile $textures(strip)
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # ajout de la zone des boutons (ŕ droite du strip)
- #-------------------------------------------------
- set bStyle [TLGet $style buttons]
- if { [llength $bStyle] != 0 } {
- # le groupe de la zone bouton
- set btnGroup [$w.zinc add group $g2 -priority 40]
- $w.zinc coords $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle coords]
- # sa zone de clipping
- set btnClip [$w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bStyle clipcoords] \
- -filled 0 -visible 0]
- # le clipping du groupe bouton
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup -clip $btnClip
- # zone bouton
- set bZone [TLGet $bStyle zone]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $btnGroup [TLGet $bZone coords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth [TLGet $bZone linewidth] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $bZone fillcolor] -composescale 0 \
- -tags "content$index"
- set btns [TLGet $bStyle btns]
- foreach {name btnStyle} $btns {
- # puts "bouton $name $btnStyle"
- set sGroup [$w.zinc add group $btnGroup -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 \
- -composescale 0 -tags [list "$name$index" "content$index"]]
- $w.zinc add rectangle $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle coords] \
- -filled 1 -visible 0 -priority 100
- $w.zinc add curve $sGroup [TLGet $btnStyle arrow] \
- -closed 1 -filled 1 -priority 50 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $btnStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $btnStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $btnStyle fillcolor]
- set lab [TLGet $btnStyle label]
- $w.zinc add text $sGroup -priority 60 \
- -position [TLGet $lab coords] -text [TLGet $lab text] \
- -font [TLGet $lab font] -color [TLGet $lab color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $lab anchor]
- }
- # bindings boutons Up et Down du Strip
- $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::extendedStrip
- $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::smallStrip
- }
- # construction du contenu du strip
- buildContent $index $g2 100 $style
- # et de la barre d'extension info (extended format)
- buildExtent $index $g2 [TLGet $style zinfo]
- }
- # Construction des zones internes du Strips
- proc buildContent {index parent priority style} {
- variable w
- variable textures
- variable stripFontSet
- variable imagePath
- # group content
- set g3 [$w.zinc add group $parent -priority $priority]
- # zone de clipping
- set clip [$w.zinc add rectangle $g3 [TLGet $style clipcoords] \
- -filled 0 -visible 0]
- # clipping du groupe content
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g3 -clip $clip
- # création d'un group intermédiaire pour bloquer le scaling
- set g4 [$w.zinc add group $g3 -composescale 0 -tags "content$index"]
- # création des zones
- set zones [TLGet $style zones]
- foreach {name zoneStyle} $zones {
- # group de zone
- set gz [$w.zinc add group $g4]
- if { [TLGet $zoneStyle atomic] } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $gz -atomic 1 \
- -sensitive [TLGet $zoneStyle sensitive] \
- -priority [TLGet $zoneStyle priority] \
- -tags [concat "$name$index" [TLGet $zoneStyle tags]]
- }
- set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $zoneStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $zoneStyle filled] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $zoneStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $zoneStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $zoneStyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $zoneStyle relief] \
- -priority 10 -tags "$name$index"]
- set texName [TLGet $zoneStyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures($name)] } {
- set textures($name) [image create photo \
- -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures($name)
- }
- set fields [TLGet $zoneStyle fields]
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal]
- foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields {
- set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type]
- if { $fsType == "rect" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $gz [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \
- -priority 20
- } else {
- set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font]
- # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font"
- $w.zinc add text $gz -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \
- -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \
- -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \
- -priority 30 -tags "$font$index"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Construction de la barre d'extension info du Strip
- proc buildExtent {index parent infoStyle} {
- variable w
- variable textures
- variable stripFontSet
- variable imagePath
- # group content
- set extGroup [$w.zinc add group $parent]
- $w.zinc coords $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle coords]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $extGroup -visible 0 \
- -atomic [TLGet $infoStyle atomic] \
- -sensitive [TLGet $infoStyle sensitive] \
- -priority [TLGet $infoStyle priority] \
- -tags [concat "zinfo$index" [TLGet $infoStyle tags]]
- # ombre portée
- $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcoords] \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -priority 10 -tags "shadow$index" \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle shadowcolor]
- set rectZone [$w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $infoStyle rectcoords] \
- -filled 1 -priority 20 \
- -linewidth [TLGet $infoStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $infoStyle linecolor] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $infoStyle fillcolor] \
- -relief [TLGet $infoStyle relief]]
- set texName [TLGet $infoStyle texture]
- if { [llength $texName] != 0 } {
- if { ! [info exists textures(zinfo)] } {
- set textures(zinfo) [image create photo \
- -file [file join $imagePath $texName]]
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $rectZone -tile $textures(zinfo)
- }
- set fields [TLGet $infoStyle fields]
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet normal]
- foreach {field fieldStyle} $fields {
- set fsType [TLGet $fieldStyle type]
- if { $fsType == "rect" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $extGroup [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -filled [TLGet $fieldStyle filled] \
- -fillcolor [TLGet $fieldStyle fillcolor] \
- -linewidth [TLGet $fieldStyle linewidth] \
- -linecolor [TLGet $fieldStyle linecolor] \
- -priority 40
- } else {
- set font [TLGet $fieldStyle font]
- # puts "buildContent field:$field font:$font"
- $w.zinc add text $extGroup -position [TLGet $fieldStyle coords] \
- -text [TLGet $fieldStyle text] \
- -font [TLGet $fontStyle $font] \
- -color [TLGet $fieldStyle color] \
- -anchor [TLGet $fieldStyle anchor] \
- -priority 50 -tags "$font$index"
- }
- }
- }
- # initialisation des bindings généraux dy Strip
- proc initBindings {moveTag scaleTag} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <1> "::groupsInAtcStrips::catchStrip %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <ButtonRelease> ::groupsInAtcStrips::releaseStrip
- $w.zinc bind $moveTag <B1-Motion> "::groupsInAtcStrips::motionStrip %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $scaleTag <Double-Button-1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::microStrip
- }
- # Callback CATCH de début de déplacement du Strip
- proc catchStrip {x y} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- foreach {lx ly} [$w.zinc coords "base$index"] break
- set dx [expr $lx - $x]
- set dy [expr $ly - $y]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 200
- }
- # Callback MOVE de fin de déplacement du Strip
- proc motionStrip {x y} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc coords "base$index" [list [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]]
- }
- # Callback RELEASE de fin de déplacement du Strip
- proc releaseStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 100
- }
- # Zoom Strip : normal format
- proc normalStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 1
- displayRecoZone $index 1
- displayExtentZone $index 0
- configButtons $index extendedStrip smallStrip
- changeStripFormat $index 1 1 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : small format (lignes 1 et 2)
- proc smallStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- displayRecoZone $index 0
- configButtons $index normalStrip 0
- changeStripFormat $index 1 0.63 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : micro format (zone ident)
- proc microStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- configButtons $index normalStrip 0
- changeStripFormat $index 0.28 0.63 0 1
- }
- # Zoom Strip : extendedFormat
- proc extendedStrip {} {
- variable w
- set index [string range [lindex [$w.zinc itemcget current -tags] 0] 5 end]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "input$index" -sensitive 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "base$index" -priority 150
- displayRecoZone $index 0
- displayExtentZone $index 1
- configButtons $index 0 normalStrip
- changeStripFormat $index 1.3 1.3 1 1.3
- }
- # affiche/masque la zone Reco
- proc displayRecoZone {index state} {
- variable w
- set priority [expr $state ? 200 : 0]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "zreco$index" -priority $priority
- }
- # affiche/masque la zone Extent
- proc displayExtentZone {index state} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "zinfo$index" -visible $state -sensitive $state
- }
- # Configure affichage et callbacks des boutons du Strip
- proc configButtons {index funcUp funcDown} {
- variable w
- # button Up
- if { $funcUp != 0 } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 1
- $w.zinc bind "btnup$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::$funcUp
- } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btnup$index" -visible 0
- }
- # button Down
- if { $funcDown != 0 } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 1
- $w.zinc bind "btndn$index" <1> ::groupsInAtcStrips::$funcDown
- } {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "btndn$index" -visible 0
- }
- }
- # this function has been hacked to provide the user with an animation
- # The animation is (too) simple but provide a better feedback than without
- proc changeStripFormat {index xratio yratio composeflag fontratio} {
- variable w
- variable dx
- variable dy
- variable scales
- variable steps
- variable delay
- # réinitialisation du groupe scaling
- $w.zinc treset "scaling$index"
- # configure le blocage de transformation du format des champs
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "content$index" -composescale $composeflag
- # applique le nouveau scaling
- if { ![info exists scales($index)] } {
- set scales($index) {1 1}
- }
- foreach {oldXratio oldYratio} $scales($index) {}
- set scales($index) [list $xratio $yratio]
- set dx [expr ($xratio - $oldXratio) / $steps]
- set dy [expr ($yratio - $oldYratio) / $steps]
- _resize $index $delay [expr $oldXratio+$dx] [expr $oldYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps
- setFontes $index $yratio
- }
- proc _resize {index delay newXratio newYratio dx dy steps} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc treset "scaling$index"
- $w.zinc scale "scaling$index" $newXratio $newYratio
- # jeu de fontes
- incr steps -1
- if { $steps > 0 } {
- after $delay [list ::groupsInAtcStrips::_resize $index $delay [expr $newXratio+$dx] \
- [expr $newYratio+$dy] $dx $dy $steps]
- }
- #puts [::profiler::print]
- }
- proc getFKey {ratio} {
- variable ratio2FontSet
- foreach param $ratio2FontSet {
- foreach {maxRatio fKey} $param {}
- set newfKey $fKey
- if { $ratio < $maxRatio } {
- return $newfKey;
- }
- }
- return $newfKey;
- }
- proc setFontes {index ratio} {
- variable w
- variable stripFontSet
- variable oldFKey
- set newFKey [getFKey $ratio]
- if {![info exists oldFKey] || ([string compare $oldFKey $newFKey] != 0) } {
- set fontStyle [TLGet $stripFontSet $newFKey]
- #puts "setFontes $oldFKey -> $newFKey"
- if { [llength $fontStyle] != 0 } {
- foreach type {callsign type1 type2 type3} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "$type$index" -font [TLGet $fontStyle $type]
- }
- }
- set oldFKey $newFKey
- }
- }
- # test Strips
- for {set xn 10; set yn 30; set index 0} {$index < 4} {incr index; incr xn 50; incr yn 120} {
- createStrip $index $xn $yn $stripStyle
- }
- initBindings move scale
diff --git a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl b/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 07bfbb6..0000000
--- a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval groupsPriority {
- variable w .groupsPriority
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Groups priority Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Groups
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 12] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end "There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing\n4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.\nThe following operations are possible:\n Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.\n Mouse Button 2 for dragging a colored group.\n Key + on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.\n Key - on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.\n Key l on a rectangle to lower its colored group.\n Key r on a rectangle to raise its colored group.\n Key t on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).\n Key 0-9 on a rectangle to set the priority to 0-9\nRaising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary"
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- variable zinc_width 600
- variable zinc_height 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zinc_width -height $zinc_height -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- #########################################################################"
- # Creating the redish group
- variable group1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable counter 0
- # Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
- foreach data { {200 100 red} {210 210 red1} {390 110 red2} {395 215 red3} } {
- set counter [expr $counter+ 2]
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together :
- # the rectangle and the text showing its name
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group1 -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g \
- [list [expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]] \
- -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add "text" $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
- }
- #########################################################################"
- # Creating the greenish group
- variable group2 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
- variable counter 0
- # Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
- foreach data {{200 300 green1} {210 410 green2} {390 310 green3} {395 415 green4}} {
- incr counter
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
- # and the text showing its priority
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group2 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add text $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
- }
- #########################################################################"
- # adding the key bindings
- # the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
- focus $w.zinc
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-r> ::groupsPriority::raiseGroup
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-l> ::groupsPriority::lowerGroup
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-plus> ::groupsPriority::raise
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> ::groupsPriority::raise
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-minus> ::groupsPriority::lower
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> ::groupsPriority::lower
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-t> ::groupsPriority::toggleItemGroup
- for {set i 0} {$i<=9} {incr i} {
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-KP_$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
- }
- # The following binding is currently not possible only text items
- # with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
- # $zinc->bind($g '<KeyPress>' [\&raise $g]
- ####################################withtype#####################################"
- # Definition of all callbacks
- proc updateLabel {group} {
- variable w
- set priority [$w.zinc itemcget $group -priority]
- # we get the text item from this group:
- set textitem [$w.zinc find withtype text ".$group."]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $textitem -text "pri=$priority"
- }
- proc setPriority {priority} {
- variable w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority $priority
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
- proc lower {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc lower $item
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
- proc raise {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc raise $item
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc lowerGroup {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc lower $coloredGroup
- }
- # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc raiseGroup {} {
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc raise $coloredGroup
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # Callback to change puts raise
- #the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
- proc toggleItemGroup {} {
- variable group1
- variable group2
- variable w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- # return unless $item
- set newgroup ""
- if {$group1 == [$w.zinc group $item]} {
- set newgroup $group2
- } else {
- set newgroup $group1
- }
- $w.zinc chggroup $item $newgroup 1
- updateLabel $item
- }
- # callback for starting a drag
- set xOrig ""
- set yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc groupDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc translate $coloredGroup [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
diff --git a/demos/iconTransform.tcl b/demos/iconTransform.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 65668b3..0000000
--- a/demos/iconTransform.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval iconTransform {
- variable w .iconTransform
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc icon scale/rotate Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w iconTransform
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 6] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {You can transform this image with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the transparency (OpenGL only).}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- image create photo zincAA -file [file join $::zinc_demos images zinc.gif]
- variable zincAA [$w.zinc add icon $topGroup -image zincAA \
- -position {10 10} -composescale 1 -composerotation 1]
- $w.zinc add text $topGroup \
- -text "try to zoom/resize the banner!\nNow works also without openGL ;-)" \
- -color white -composescale 1 -composerotation 1 -position {15 100}
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::iconTransform::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::iconTransform::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::iconTransform::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::iconTransform::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::iconTransform::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::iconTransform::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::iconTransform::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::iconTransform::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::iconTransform::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable topGroup
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $topGroup [expr -($lAngle - $curAngle)]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
diff --git a/demos/images/background_texture.gif b/demos/images/background_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb4c11..0000000
--- a/demos/images/background_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper-grey.gif b/demos/images/paper-grey.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 96775b5..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper-grey.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif b/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8c8ef..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper-grey1.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/paper.gif b/demos/images/paper.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3247d35..0000000
--- a/demos/images/paper.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/photoAlpha.png b/demos/images/photoAlpha.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fdf74b..0000000
--- a/demos/images/photoAlpha.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif b/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b842e..0000000
--- a/demos/images/stripped_texture.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/images/zinc.gif b/demos/images/zinc.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1cda9..0000000
--- a/demos/images/zinc.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/demos/items.tcl b/demos/items.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 35af800..0000000
--- a/demos/items.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval allItems {
- variable w .items
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Item Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Items
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- scrollbar $w.vscroll -command "$w.zinc yview"
- grid $w.vscroll -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ns
- scrollbar $w.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$w.zinc xview"
- grid $w.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky we
- zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -scrollregion {-100 0 1000 1000} \
- -xscrollcommand "$w.hscroll set" \
- -yscrollcommand "$w.vscroll set" \
- -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken
- grid $w.zinc -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 100 50} -fillcolor green -filled 1 -linewidth 10 \
- -relief roundridge -linecolor darkgreen
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {120 20} \
- -text {A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.}
- variable labelformat {x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2};
- variable x 20;
- variable y 120;
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 6 -labelformat $labelformat -position "$x $y" \
- -speedvector {40 -10} -speedvectormark 1 -speedvectorticks 1]
- # moving the track, to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- set x1 [expr $x+$i*10]
- set y1 [expr $y-$i*2]
- $w.zinc coords "$track" "$x1 $y1"
- }
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {200 80} \
- -text "A flight track for a radar display. A waypoint looks similar,
-but has no speed vector and no past positions."
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR001
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Beacon
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {150 140 450 240} -fillcolor gray20 -filled 0 -linewidth 1 \
- -startangle 45 -extent 270
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {260 150 340 230} -fillcolor gray20 -filled 0 -linewidth 1 \
- -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -linestyle mixed -linewidth 3
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {320 180} \
- -text {Two arcs, starting at 45° with an extent of 270°}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {10 324 24 300 45 432 247 356 128 401} -filled 0 -relief roundgroove
- # -linewidth 10, ## BUG with zinc 3.2.3g
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {An open curve} -anchor nw -position {50 350}
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {A waypoint} -anchor nw -position {10 480}
- variable waypoint [$w.zinc add waypoint 1 6 -position {100 520} -labelformat $labelformat \
- -symbol AtcSymbol2 -labeldistance 30]
- for {set fieldId 1} {$fieldId<=5} {incr fieldId} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $waypoint $fieldId -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen \
- -border contour -text "field$fieldId"
- }
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {510 380} \
- -text "3 tabulars of 2 fields,\nattached together."
- variable labelformat2 {x72x40 x72a0^0^0 x34a0^0>1}
- variable tabular1 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -position {570 250} -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable tabular2 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -connecteditem $tabular1 -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable tabular3 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 6 -connecteditem $tabular2 -labelformat $labelformat2]
- variable count 1
- foreach tab "$tabular1 $tabular2 $tabular3" {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tab 1 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour -text tabular
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tab 2 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour -text "n°$count"
- incr count
- }
- $w.zinc add reticle 1 -position {530 550} -firstradius 20 -numcircles 6 \
- -period 2 -stepsize 20 -brightlinestyle dashed -brightlinecolor darkred
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text {a reticle with 6 circles} \
- -anchor nw -position {530 540}
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::allItems::press $w.zinc motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> "::allItems::release $w.zinc"
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- proc press {z action x y} {
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- bind $z <Motion> "::allItems::$action $z %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {z x y} {
- variable curX
- variable curY
- $z translate current [expr $x - $curX] [expr $y - $curY]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc release {z} {
- bind $z <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/labelformat.tcl b/demos/labelformat.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cab978b..0000000
--- a/demos/labelformat.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval labelFormat {
- variable w .labelformat
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Label Format Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Label
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 4] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This scipt demonstrates the use of labelformat for tabular items.
- The fieldPos (please, refer to the labelformat type description
- in the Zinc reference manual) of each field as described in
- the labelformat is displayed inside the field.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- ### this function displays in each field, the corresponding <fieldPos>
- ### part of the labelformat
- proc setLabelContent {item labelformat} {
- variable w
- set i 0
- foreach fieldSpec $labelformat {
- set posSpec $i
- regexp {^.\d+.\d+(.*)} $fieldSpec "" posSpec
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item $i -text "$i: $posSpec" -border "contour"
- incr i
- }
- }
- ###########################################
- # Tabulars
- ###########################################
- ### first labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat1 {x100x20+0+0 x100x20+100+0 x100x20+0+20 x100x20+100+20 x100x20+50+55}
- variable tabular1 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 5 -position {10 10} -labelformat $labelformat1]
- setLabelContent $tabular1 $labelformat1
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 100} -text "All fields positions\nare given in pixels"
- ### second labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat2 {x110x20+100+30 x80x20<0<0 x80x20<0>0 x80x20>0>0 x80x20>0<0}
- variable tabular2 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 5 -position {270 10} -labelformat $labelformat2]
- setLabelContent $tabular2 $labelformat2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {260 100} -text "All fields positions are given\nrelatively to field 0.\nThey are either on the left/right\nand up/down the field 0."
- ### third labelformat and tabular
- variable labelformat3 {x200x70+100+70 x80x26^0<0 x80x26^0>0 x80x29$0$0 x80x32$0^0 x90x20<1^1 x90x20<2$2 x90x20^4<4 x90x20^3>3}
- variable tabular3 [$w.zinc add tabular 1 9 -position {150 180} -labelformat $labelformat3]
- setLabelContent $tabular3 $labelformat3
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {40 360} -text "Fields 1-4 are positionned relatively to field 0.\nField 5 is positionned relatively to field 1\nField 6 is positionned relatively to field 2..."
diff --git a/demos/lines.tcl b/demos/lines.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a974e07..0000000
--- a/demos/lines.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval linesDemo {
- variable w .lines
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Lines Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Lines
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -anchor nw -position {20 20} \
--text "A set of lines with different styles of lines and termination\nNB: some attributes such as line styles are not necessarily\navailable with an openGL rendering system"
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 100 320 100}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 120 320 120} -linewidth 20
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 160 320 160} -linewidth 20 -capstyle butt
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 200 320 200} -linewidth 20 -capstyle projecting
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 240 320 240} -linewidth 20 -linepattern AlphaStipple7 -linecolor red
- # right column
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 100 680 100} -firstend {10 10 10} -lastend {10 25 45}
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 140 680 140} -linewidth 2 -linestyle dashed
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 180 680 180} -linewidth 4 -linestyle mixed
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 220 680 220} -linewidth 2 -linestyle dotted
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {20 300 140 360 320 300 180 260} -closed 1 -filled 1 -fillpattern "" \
- -fillcolor grey60 -linecolor red -marker AtcSymbol7 -markercolor blue
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {340 300 440 360 620 300 480 260} -closed 1 -linewidth 10 -joinstyle miter \
- -linecolor red
- $w.zinc add curve 1 {400 300 440 330 560 300 480 280} -closed 1 -linewidth 10 -joinstyle round \
- -tile "" -fillcolor grey60 -filled 1 -linecolor red
diff --git a/demos/magicLens.tcl b/demos/magicLens.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a50e72..0000000
--- a/demos/magicLens.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# MagicLens.pl
-# This small demo is based on Zinc::Graphics.pm for creating
-# the graphic items.
-# The magnifyer effect is obtained with the help of clipping,
-# and some glass effect is based on color transparency through
-# a triangles item bordering the magnifier
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Patrick Lecoanet (Translation to Tcl).
-# $Id:
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-package require zincGraphics
-namespace eval magicLens {
- variable font9b 7x13bold
- variable font8 7x13
- variable basicColors {
- {Jaune \#fff52a \#f1f1f1 \#6a6611}
- {"Jaune\nOrangé" \#ffc017 \#cfcfcf \#6b510a}
- {Orangé \#ff7500 \#a5a5a5 \#622d00}
- {Rouge \#ff2501 \#8b8b8b \#620e00}
- {Magenta \#ec145d \#828282 \#600826}
- {"Violet\nRouge" \#a41496 \#636363 \#020940}
- {"Violet\nBleu" \#6a25b6 \#555555 \#2a0f48}
- {Bleu \#324bde \#646464 \#101846}
- {Cyan \#0a74f0 \#818181 \#064a9a}
- {"Bleu\nVert" \#009bb4 \#969696 \#006474}
- {Vert \#0fa706 \#979797 \#096604}
- {"Jaune\nVert" \#9dd625 \#c9c9c9 \#496311}
- }
- variable circleCoords {
- {0 -30} {-16.569 -30 c} {-30 -16.569 c} {-30 0}
- {-30 16.569 c} {-16.569 30 c} {0 30}
- {16.569 30 c} {30 16.569 c} {30 0}
- {30 -16.569 c} {16.569 -30 c} {0 -30}
- }
- # MagicLens
- variable lensItems {
- back {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-100 -100} {100 100}}
- -params {
- -priority 10
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -visible 0
- -tags lensback
- }
- }
- light {
- -itemtype pathline
- -metacoords {
- -type polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 36
- -radius 100
- -startangle 240
- }
- -linewidth 10
- -shifting right
- -closed 1
- -graduate {
- -type double
- -colors {
- { \#ffffff;0 \#6666cc;0 \#ffffff;0 }
- { \#ffffff;100 \#333399;50 \#ffffff;100 }
- }
- }
- -params {
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- bord {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-100 -100} {100 100}}
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -closed 1
- -filled 0
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#222266;80
- }
- }
- }
- proc SetBindings {} {
- variable zinc
- variable w
- $zinc bind lens <1> {::magicLens::LensStart %x %y}
- $zinc bind lens <B1-Motion> {::magicLens::LensMove %x %y}
- $zinc bind lens <ButtonRelease> {::magicLens::LensStop %x %y}
- focus $w
- # Up, Down, Right, Left : Translate
- bind $w <Up> {::magicLens::LensTranslate up}
- bind $w <Down> {::magicLens::LensTranslate down}
- bind $w <Left> {::magicLens::LensTranslate left}
- bind $w <Right> {::magicLens::LensTranslate right}
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Start Move Callback
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensStart {x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Move Callback.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensMove {x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- variable zoom
- variable zinc
- variable infoView
- $zinc translate current [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- $zinc translate lenszone [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- foreach {lx ly} [$zinc coords lens 0 0] break
- $zinc coords $infoView [list [expr $lx * (1 - $zoom)] \
- [expr $ly * (1 - $zoom)]]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lens Release Callback (End of a Move)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LensStop {x y} {
- LensMove $x $y
- }
- proc LensTranslate {way} {
- variable zoom
- variable zinc
- variable infoView
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- switch -- $way {
- left {set dx -10}
- up {set dy -10}
- right {set dx 10}
- down {set dy 10}
- }
- $zinc translate lens $dx $dy
- $zinc translate lenszone $dx $dy
- foreach {lx ly} [$zinc coords lens 0 0] break
- $zinc coords $infoView [list [expr $lx * (1 - $zoom)] \
- [expr $ly * (1 - $zoom)]]
- }
- variable w .magicLens
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Color Magic Lens Demonstration"
- wm geometry $w "1000x900+0+0"
- wm iconname $w magicLens
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # Create a Zinc instance
- variable zinc [zinc $w.z -render 1 -width 1000 -height 900 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 140 -backcolor \#cccccc]
- grid $zinc -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable imagePath [file join $::zinc_demos images]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey1.gif]]
- variable lensTexture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper-grey.gif]]
- $zinc configure -tile $texture
- # Create the views
- variable normView [$zinc add group 1 -priority 100]
- variable lensView [$zinc add group 1 -priority 200]
- variable infoView [$zinc add group $lensView]
- variable zoom 1.20
- $zinc scale $infoView $zoom $zoom
- $zinc add rectangle $infoView {{0 0} {1000 900}} \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -tile $lensTexture -linewidth 0
- variable x 60
- for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} {
- # Add a group in each view
- set cGroup [$zinc add group $normView]
- $zinc coords $cGroup [list $x 60]
- set lGroup [$zinc add group $infoView]
- $zinc coords $lGroup [list $x 60]
- # Color Description : name, Saturated saturée, Unsaturated ZnColor, Shadow ZnColor
- foreach {colorName saturColor greyColor shadColor} [lindex $basicColors $i] break
- # Sample of saturated color + relief
- set refGrad "=radial -12 -20|#ffffff 0|$saturColor 40|$shadColor 100"
- set refItem [$zinc add curve $cGroup $circleCoords \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor $refGrad -linewidth 2 -priority 100]
- # Clone into infoView group
- set clone [$zinc clone $refItem]
- $zinc chggroup $clone $lGroup
- # Color label in infoView
- $zinc add text $lGroup -priority 200 -position {0 0} \
- -text $colorName -anchor center -alignment center -font $font9b -spacing 2
- # Color gradient toward a gray with same light
- set barGrad "=axial 270|$saturColor|$greyColor"
- # Create the color samples (Multi contours curve)
- set gradBar [$zinc add curve $cGroup {} -closed 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor $barGrad \
- -linewidth 2 -priority 20 -fillrule nonzero]
- # Create main gradient colors (saturation 100% -> 0%) and trim alpha
- # channel off.
- set znColors [list]
- foreach color [zincGraphics::CreateGraduate 11 [list $saturColor $greyColor]] {
- lappend znColors [lindex [split $color ";"] 0]
- }
- # Create intermediate steps between colors (saturation -> desaturation)
- for {set c 0} {$c < 11} {incr c} {
- # Color of the current step
- set color [lindex $znColors $c]
- # Create a zinc item for the color
- set sample [$zinc clone $refItem -fillcolor $color]
- $zinc translate $sample 0 [expr 65*($c+1)]
- # Add its shape to the multi-contours curve
- $zinc contour $gradBar add 1 $sample
- # Move the item to the info group
- $zinc chggroup $sample $lGroup
- # Text of label (% saturation + ZnColor)
- set txtColor "[expr ((10 - $c)*10)]%\n$color"
- $zinc add text $lGroup -priority 200 -position [list 0 [expr ($c + 1)* 65]] \
- -text $txtColor -anchor center -alignment center -font $font8 -spacing 2 \
- -composescale 0
- }
- incr x 80
- }
- # Create the lens itself
- variable lensGroup [$zinc add group 1 -priority 300 -atomic 1 -tags lens]
- $zinc coords $lensGroup {300 110}
- variable dx 0
- variable dy 0
- LensMove 0 0
- # Graphical items defining the lens
- foreach {name style} $lensItems {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $lensGroup $style {} $name
- }
- # Add a clipping shape to lensView
- set lensZone [$zinc clone lensback -tags lenszone]
- $zinc chggroup $lensZone $lensView true
- $zinc itemconfigure $lensView -clip $lensZone
- variable consigne [$zinc add text 1 -position {30 840} -font $font8 -alignment left \
- -color \#ffffff -spacing 2 \
- -text "<Up>, <Down>, <Left> and <Right> keys or <Mouse Drag>
-Move the Magic Color Lens behind the color gradiants
-to see the ZnColor value of Hue/saturation"]
- variable cClone [$zinc clone $consigne -font $font9b]
- $zinc chggroup $cClone $infoView
- SetBindings
diff --git a/demos/pathTags.tcl b/demos/pathTags.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7fdcc..0000000
--- a/demos/pathTags.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# this pathtatg demo have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-# with the help of Daniel Etienne etienne@cena.fr.
-# tcl version by Patrick Lecoanet lecoanet@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval pathTags {
- variable w .pathTags
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Path tags Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "Path tags"
- variable defaultFont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 3 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 3 -column 1 -pady 10
- ## this demo demonstrates the use of path tags to address one or more items
- ## belonging to a hierarchy of groups.
- ## This hierarchy is described just below gr_xxx designates a group
- ## (with a tag xxx and i_yyy designates an non-group item (with a tag yyy .
- # gr_top --- gr_a --- gr_aa --- gr_aaa --- gr_aaaa --- i_aaaaa
- # | | | |-- i_aaab |-- i_aaaab
- # | | -- i_aab
- # | |-- i_ab
- # | |
- # | ---gr_ac --- i_aca
- # | |
- # |-- i_b --- i_acb
- # |
- # --- gr_c --- gr_ca --- i_caa
- # | |
- # | --- i_cab
- # |-- i_cb
- # |
- # ---gr_cc --- i_cca
- # |
- # --- i_ccb
- #the same objects are cloned and put in an other hierarchy where
- #grTop is replaced by grOtherTop
- variable defaultForeColor grey80
- variable selectedColor yellow
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5 -font $defaultFont] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This represents a group hierarchy:
- - groups are represented by a rectangle and an underlined title.
- - non-group items are represented by a text.
- Select a pathTag or a tag with one of the radio-button
- or experiment your own tags in the input field}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc creation
- ###########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 850 -height 360 -font $defaultFont -borderwidth 0 \
- -backcolor black -forecolor $defaultForeColor] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- ###########################################
- # Creation of a bunch of radiobutton and a text input
- ###########################################
- variable pathtag {}
- variable explanation {...}
- grid [frame $w.toggles] -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- variable tagsExpl {
- top {a simple tag matching the top group}
- .top {all items with tag 'top' in the root group }
- .top. {direct children of a group with tag 'top' in the root group}
- .top* {descendents of a group with tag 'top' in the root group }
- .top*cca {items with a tag 'cca' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .5. {direct content of the group with id 5}
- .top*aa {items with a tag 'aa' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top*aa. {direct children of a group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top*aa* {descendance of a group with a tag 'aa', descending from a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top.a {items with a tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .top.a. {direct children of a group with tag 'a' in a direct group of root group with tag 'top'}
- .5* {descendents of the group of id 5}
- .top*aa*aaa {all items with tag 'aaa' descending from a group with tag 'aa' descending from a group with tag 'top', child of the root group}
- .top*aa*aaa. {children of a group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from a group with a tag 'top' child of the root group}
- .top*aa*aaa* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aaa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'top' child of the root group}
- .other_top*aa* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'aa' descending from ONE group with a tag 'other_top' child of the root group}
- .5*ca* {descendance of ONE group with a tag 'ca' descending from THE group with id 5}
- *aa*aaaa {all items with a tag 'aaaa' descending from a group with a tag 'aa'}
- *aaa {all items with a tag 'aaa'}
- aa||ca {items with tag 'aa' or tag 'ca'}
- none {no items, as none has the tag 'none'}
- all {all items}
- }
- variable row 1
- variable col 2
- foreach {key val} $tagsExpl {
- grid [radiobutton $w.toggles.r$row+$col -text $key -font $defaultFont \
- -command ::pathTags::displayPathtag -variable ::pathTags::pathtag -relief flat \
- -value $key] -column $col -row $row -sticky w -pady 0 -ipady 0
- incr row
- if {$row > 6} {
- set row 1
- incr col
- }
- }
- grid [label $w.toggles.lyt -font $defaultFont -relief flat \
- -text {your own tag:}] -column 2 -row 7 -sticky e -ipady 5
- grid [entry $w.toggles.eyt -font $defaultFont -width 15 \
- -textvariable ::pathTags::pathtag] -column 3 -row 7 -sticky w
- bind $w.toggles.eyt <Return> ::pathTags::displayPathtag
- grid [label $w.toggles.elabel -font $defaultFont -text "explanation:"] \
- -row 8 -column 2 -sticky e
- grid [label $w.toggles.explan -font $defaultFont -width 70 -height 3 \
- -justify left -anchor w -wraplength 16c -textvariable explanation] \
- -row 8 -column 3 -columnspan 4 -sticky w
- grid columnconfigure $w.toggles 5 -weight 10
- ### Here we create the genuine hierarchy of groups and items
- ### Later we will create graphical objects to display groups
- proc createSubHierarchy {gr} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc add group $gr -tags a
- $w.zinc add text $gr -tags {b text} -text b -position {270 150}
- $w.zinc add group $gr -tags c
- $w.zinc add group a -tags aa
- $w.zinc add text a -tags {ab text} -text ab -position {60 220}
- $w.zinc add group a -tags ac
- $w.zinc add group aa -tags aaa
- $w.zinc add text aa -tags {aab text} -text aab -position {90 190}
- $w.zinc add group aaa -tags aaaa
- $w.zinc add text aaaa -tags {aaaaa text} -text aaaaa -position {150 110}
- $w.zinc add text aaaa -tags {aaaab text} -text aaaab -position {150 130}
- $w.zinc add text aaa -tags {aaab text} -text aaab -position {120 160}
- $w.zinc add text ac -tags aca -text aca -position {90 260}
- $w.zinc add text ac -tags {acb text} -text acb -position {90 290}
- $w.zinc add group c -tags ca
- $w.zinc add text c -tags {cb text} -text cb -position {330 160}
- $w.zinc add group c -tags cc
- $w.zinc add text ca -tags {caa text} -text caa -position {360 110}
- $w.zinc add text ca -tags {cab text} -text cab -position {360 130}
- $w.zinc add text cc -tags {cca text} -text cca -position {360 200}
- $w.zinc add text cc -tags {ccb text} -text ccb -position {360 220}
- }
- # creating the item hierarchy
- $w.zinc add group 1 -tags top
- createSubHierarchy top
- # creating a parallel hierarchy
- $w.zinc add group 1 -tags other_top
- createSubHierarchy other_top
- ## modifying the priority so that all rectangles and text will be visible
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text ".top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text ".other_top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype group ".top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype group ".other_top*"] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority 20
- }
- # converts a list of items ids in a list of sorted tags (the first tag of each item)
- proc items2tags {items} {
- variable w
- set selectedTags {}
- foreach item $items {
- set tags [$w.zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- if {[regexp {frame|title} [lindex $tags 0]]} {
- # to remove group titles frame
- continue
- }
- lappend selectedTags [lindex tags 0]
- }
- return [lsort $selectedTags]
- }
- ### drawing :
- #### a rectangle item for showing the bounding box of each group
- ### a text item for the group name (i.e. its first tag)
- ## backgrounds used to fill rectangles representing groups
- variable backgrounds {grey25 grey35 grey43 grey50 grey55}
- proc drawHierarchy {group level} {
- variable w
- variable backgrounds
- set tags [$w.zinc gettags $group]
- # print "level=$level (" $tags[0],")\n";
- foreach g [$w.zinc find withtype group .$group.] {
- drawHierarchy $g [expr $level + 1]
- }
- foreach {x y x2 y2} [$w.zinc bbox $group] break
- $w.zinc add text $group -position [list [expr $x-5] [expr $y-4]] \
- -text [lindex $tags 0] -anchor w -alignment left -underlined 1 \
- -priority 20 -tags [list title_[lindex $tags 0] group_title]
- foreach {x y x2 y2} [$w.zinc bbox $group] break
- if {$x ne "" } {
- $w.zinc add rectangle $group [list [expr $x+0] [expr $y+5] \
- [expr $x2+5] [expr $y2+2]] \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor [lindex $backgrounds $level] -priority $level \
- -tags [list frame_[lindex $tags 0] group_frame]
- } else {
- puts "undefined bbox for $group : $tags"
- }
- }
- ### this sub extracts out of groups both text and frame representing
- ### each group. This is necessary to avoid unexpected selection of
- ### rectangles and titles inside groups
- proc extractTextAndFrames { } {
- variable w
- foreach group_title [$w.zinc find withtag group_title||group_frame] {
- set ancestors [$w.zinc find ancestor $group_title]
- # puts "$group_title $ancestors"
- set grandFather [lindex $ancestors 1]
- $w.zinc chggroup $group_title $grandFather 1
- }
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag {default ""}} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- return $val
- }
- }
- return $default
- }
- ## this sub modifies the color/line color of texts and rectangles
- ## representing selected items.
- proc displayPathtag { } {
- variable w
- variable explanation
- variable pathtag
- variable defaultForeColor
- variable selectedColor
- variable tagsExpl
- if {[catch {set explanation [TLGet $tagsExpl $pathtag]}]} {
- set explanation {sorry, I am not smart enough to explain your pathTag ;-\)}
- }
- set selected [$w.zinc find withtag $pathtag]
- set tags [items2tags $selected]
- # puts "selected: $tags"
- ## unselecting all items
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype text] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -color $defaultForeColor
- }
- foreach item [$w.zinc find withtype rectangle] {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linecolor $defaultForeColor
- }
- ## highlighting selected items
- foreach item $selected {
- set type [$w.zinc type $item]
- #puts "$item $type [$w.zinc gettags $item]"
- if {$type eq "text"} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -color $selectedColor
- } elseif {$type eq "rectangle"} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -linecolor $selectedColor
- } elseif {$type eq "group"} {
- set tag [lindex [$w.zinc gettags $item] 0]
- ## as there is 2 // hierachy we must refine the tag used
- ## to restrict to the proper hierarchy
- ## NB: this is due to differences between the group hierarchy
- ## and the graphical object hierarchy used for this demo
- if {[llength [$w.zinc find ancestors $item top]]} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".top*frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".top*title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- } elseif {[llength [$w.zinc find ancestors $item other_top]]} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".other_top*frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure ".other_top*title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "frame_$tag" -linecolor $selectedColor
- $w.zinc itemconfigure "title_$tag" -color $selectedColor
- }
- }
- }
- }
- drawHierarchy top 0
- drawHierarchy other_top 0
- $w.zinc translate other_top 400 0
- extractTextAndFrames
diff --git a/demos/photoAlpha.tcl b/demos/photoAlpha.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d41d6..0000000
--- a/demos/photoAlpha.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by P.Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval photoAlpha {
- package require Img
- variable girl [image create photo -file [file join $::zinc_demos images photoAlpha.png]]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $::zinc_demos images stripped_texture.gif]]
- variable w .photoAlpha
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc photo transparency Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w photoAlpha
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 7] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This demo needs openGL for displaying the photo
- with transparent pixels and for rescaling/rotating.
- You can transform this png photo with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the photo,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the photo,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating the photo,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the global photo transparency.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- if { $tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" } {
- zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -tile $texture
- } else {
- zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 -font $defaultfont \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -backcolor \#898A8F
- }
- grid $w.zinc -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable girlItem [$w.zinc add icon $topGroup -image $girl \
- -composescale 1 -composerotation 1]
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::photoAlpha::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::photoAlpha::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::photoAlpha::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::photoAlpha::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::photoAlpha::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::photoAlpha::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::photoAlpha::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::photoAlpha::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::photoAlpha::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable topGroup
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $topGroup [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
diff --git a/demos/reliefs.tcl b/demos/reliefs.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 67dd3c4..0000000
--- a/demos/reliefs.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been developped by P.Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval reliefDemo {
- variable w .reliefs
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Relief Testbed"
- wm iconname $w reliefs
- variable allReliefs {flat raised sunken groove ridge \
- roundraised roundsunken roundgroove roundridge \
- sunkenrule raisedrule}
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 8 -width 50] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end { This demo lets you play with the various relief parameters
- on rectangles polygons and arcs. Some reliefs and The smooth relief
- capability is only available with openGL.
- You can modify the items with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving Ctrl/Shft-Button 1 for Incr/Decr sides
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming Ctrl/Shft-Button 2 for cycling reliefs
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating Ctrl/Shft-Button 3 for Incr/Decr border}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- proc deg2Rad {deg} {
- return [expr 3.14159 * $deg / 180.0]
- }
- proc rad2Deg {rad} {
- return [expr int(fmod(($rad * 180.0 / 3.14159)+360.0, 360.0))]
- }
- variable bw 4
- variable width 60
- variable lightAngle 120
- variable lightAngleRad [deg2Rad $lightAngle]
- variable zincSize 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincSize -height $zincSize -render 1 -font 10x20 \
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -backcolor lightgray \
- -lightangle $lightAngle] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- proc polyPoints { ox oy rad n } {
- set step [expr 2 * 3.14159 / $n]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
- set x [expr $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step))];
- set y [expr $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step))];
- lappend coords $x $y;
- }
- lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
- return $coords
- }
- proc makePoly {x y bw sides color group} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable allReliefs
- variable width
- set relief 2
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group]
- $w.zinc translate $g $x $y
- $w.zinc add curve $g [polyPoints 0 0 $width $sides] \
- -relief [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -linewidth $bw \
- -smoothrelief 1 -fillcolor $color -linecolor $color \
- -filled t -tags {subject polygon}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center \
- -text [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -tags {subject relief}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center -position {0 16} \
- -text $bw -tags {subject bw}
- set state($g,sides) $sides
- set state($g,relief) $relief
- set state($g,bw) $bw
- return $g
- }
- variable poly [makePoly 100 100 $bw 8 lightblue $topGroup]
- variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 2*($width + 10)] 100 $bw 8 tan $topGroup]
- variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 4*($width + 10) ] 100 $bw 8 slateblue $topGroup]
- proc lightCenter {radius angle} {
- return [list [expr $radius * (1 + 0.95*cos($angle))] \
- [expr $radius * (1 - 0.95*sin($angle))]]
- }
- #
- # Place the light at lightAngle on the circle
- $w.zinc add arc 1 {-5 -5 5 5} -filled 1 -fillcolor yellow \
- -tags light -priority 10
- eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $lightAngleRad]"
- #
- # Controls.
- #
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press motion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::press zoom %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-2> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-3> ::reliefDemo::release
- $w.zinc bind polygon <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides 1"
- $w.zinc bind polygon <Control-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides -1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief 1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief -1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW 1"
- $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW -1"
- $w.zinc bind light <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press lightMotion %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind light <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- $w.zinc raise [$w.zinc group current]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::reliefDemo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- variable topGroup
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate [$w.zinc group current] [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc lightMotion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable zincSize
- variable topGroup
- set radius [expr $zincSize/2]
- if { $x < 0 } {
- set x 0
- } elseif { $x > $zincSize } {
- set x $zincSize
- }
- set angle [expr acos(double($x-$radius)/$radius)]
- if { $y > $radius } {
- set angle [expr - $angle]
- }
- $w.zinc treset light
- eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $angle]"
- $w.zinc configure -lightangle [rad2Deg $angle]
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale current $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate current [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc incrPolySides {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable width
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,sides) $incr
- if { $state($g,sides) < 3 } {
- set state($g,sides) 3
- }
- set points [polyPoints 0 0 $width $state($g,sides)]
- $w.zinc coords $g.polygon $points
- }
- proc cycleRelief {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- variable allReliefs
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,relief) $incr
- if { $state($g,relief) < 0 } {
- set state($g,relief) [expr [llength $allReliefs] - 1]
- } elseif { $state($g,relief) >= [llength $allReliefs] } {
- set state($g,relief) 0
- }
- set rlf [lindex $allReliefs $state($g,relief)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -relief $rlf
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.relief -text $rlf
- }
- proc incrBW {incr} {
- variable w
- variable state
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,bw) $incr
- if { $state($g,bw) < 0 } {
- set state($g,bw) 0
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -linewidth $state($g,bw)
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.bw -text $state($g,bw)
- }
diff --git a/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl b/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5136b0..0000000
--- a/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval simpleInteractionTrack {
- variable w .simpleInteractionTrack
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Track Interaction Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w TrackInteraction
- set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- set labelfont [font create -family Courier -size 18 -weight bold]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font $labelfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text {This toy-appli shows some interactions on different parts
-of a flight track item.
- The following operations are possible:
- - Drag Button 1 on the track to move it.
- Please Note the position history past positions
- - Enter/Leave flight label fields
- - Enter/Leave the speedvector symbol i.e. current
- position label leader} -font $defaultfont
- ###########################################
- # Track
- ###########################################
- #the label format 6 formats for 6 fields#
- variable labelformat {x90x55+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 a0a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- #the track#
- variable x 250
- variable y 200
- variable xi 0
- variable yi 0
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 6 -labelformat $labelformat -position "$x $y" \
- -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 10]
- # moving the track to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- $w.zinc coords $track [list [expr $x+$i*10] [expr $y-$i*5]]
- }
- #fields of the label#
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
- ###########################################
- # Events on the track
- ###########################################
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Enter/Leave a field of the label of the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- for {set field 0} {$field<=5} {incr field} {
- #Entering the field $field higlights it#
- $w.zinc bind $track:$field <Enter> "::simpleInteractionTrack::highlightEnter $field"
- #Leaving the field cancels the highlight of $field#
- $w.zinc bind $track:$field <Leave> "::simpleInteractionTrack::highlightLeave $field"
- }
- proc highlightEnter {field} {
- if {$field ==0} {
- highlightLabelOn
- } else {
- highlightFieldsOn $field
- }
- }
- proc highlightLeave {field} {
- if {$field==0} {
- highlightLabelOff
- } else {
- if {$field==1} {
- highlightField1Off
- } else {
- highlightOtherFieldsOff $field
- }
- }
- }
- #fonction#
- proc highlightLabelOn {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor red -border contour
- }
- proc highlightLabelOff {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- }
- proc highlightFieldsOn {field} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white
- }
- proc highlightField1Off {} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current 1 -border "" -filled 1 -color black -backcolor gray60
- }
- proc highlightOtherFieldsOff {field} {
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border "" -filled 0 -color black -backcolor gray65
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Enter/Leave other parts of the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- $w.zinc bind $track:position <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:position <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor black"
- $w.zinc bind $track:speedvector <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:speedvector <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor black"
- $w.zinc bind $track:leader <Enter> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -leadercolor red"
- $w.zinc bind $track:leader <Leave> "$w.zinc itemconfigure $track -leadercolor black"
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Drag and drop the track
- #---------------------------------------------
- #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "moveOn" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOn
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOn %x %y
- }
- #"moveOn" state#
- proc moveOn {x y} {
- variable track
- variable w
- variable xi
- variable yi
- set xi $x
- set yi $y
- #ButtonPress event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonPress-1> ""
- #Binding to Motion event -> move the track#
- $w.zinc bind $track <Motion> "::simpleInteractionTrack::bindMotion %x %y"
- #Binding to ButtonRelease event -> "moveOff" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonRelease-1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOff
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOff
- }
- }
- proc bindMotion { x y} {
- variable xi
- variable yi
- move $xi $yi $x $y
- set xi $x
- set yi $y
- }
- #"moveOff" state#
- proc moveOff {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "moveOn" state#
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonPress-1> {
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::selectColorOn
- ::simpleInteractionTrack::moveOn %x %y
- }
- #Motion event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <Motion> ""
- #ButtonRelease event not allowed on track
- $w.zinc bind $track <ButtonRelease-1> ""
- }
- #move the track#
- proc move {xi yi x y} {
- variable w
- variable track
- selectColorOn
- foreach {X1 Y1} [$w.zinc coords $track] break
- $w.zinc coords $track [list [expr $X1+$x-$xi] [expr $Y1+$y-$yi]]
- }
- proc selectColorOn {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor white -markercolor white -leadercolor white
- }
- proc selectColorOff {} {
- variable track
- variable w
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor black -markercolor black -leadercolor black
- }
diff --git a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl b/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 15df644..0000000
--- a/demos/simpleRadar.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple radar has been initially developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# It has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> for demo purpose.
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval simpleRadar {
- variable w .simpleRadar
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Simple radar display"
- wm iconname $w SimpleRadar
- text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 11
- pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
- $w.text insert end {This a very simple radar display, where you can see flight tracks,
- a so-called ministrip (green) and and extend flight label (tan background).
- The following operations are possible:
- Shift-Button 1 for using a square lasso (result in the terminal).
- Click Button 2 for identifiying the closest item (result in the terminal).
- Button 3 for dragging most items, but not the ministrip (not in the same group).
- Shift-Button 3 for zooming independently on X and Y axis.
- Ctrl-Button 3 for rotationg graphic objects.
- Enter/Leave in flight label fields, speed vector, position and leader,
- and in the ministrip fields.
- Click Button 1 on flight track to display a route.}
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # Create zinc
- #-------------------------------------------------
- variable top 1
- variable scale 1.0
- variable centerX 0.0
- variable centerY 0.0
- variable zincWidth 800
- variable zincHeight 500
- variable delay 2000
- variable rate 0.3
- array unset tracks
- # if true the flights are no more moving
- variable pause 0
- zinc $w.zinc -backcolor gray65 -relief sunken -font 10x20 \
- -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight
- pack $w.zinc -expand 1 -fill both
- $w.zinc add group $top -tags {controls radar}
- $w.zinc configure -overlapmanager [$w.zinc find withtag radar]
- #-------------------------------------------------
- # Create control panel
- #-------------------------------------------------
- frame $w.f
- pack $w.f
- button $w.f.up -text Up -command "::simpleRadar::Up $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.down -text Down -command "::simpleRadar::Down $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.left -text Left -command "::simpleRadar::Left $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.left -row 1 -column 1
- button $w.f.right -text Right -command "::simpleRadar::Right $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.right -row 1 -column 3
- button $w.f.expand -text Expand -command "::simpleRadar::Expand $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.expand -row 1 -column 4
- button $w.f.shrink -text Shrink -command "::simpleRadar::Shrink $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.shrink -row 1 -column 0
- button $w.f.reset -text Reset -command "::simpleRadar::Reset $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.pause -text Pause -command "::simpleRadar::Pause $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.pause -row 0 -column 6
- #--------------------------------------------------
- # Resize handling code
- #--------------------------------------------------
- bind $w.zinc <Configure> "::simpleRadar::resize $w.zinc %w %h"
- proc Up {z} {
- variable centerY
- set centerY [expr $centerY - 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Down {z} {
- variable centerY
- set centerY [expr $centerY + 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Left {z} {
- variable centerX
- set centerX [expr $centerX + 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Right {z} {
- variable centerX
- set centerX [expr $centerX - 30.0]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Expand {z} {
- variable scale
- set scale [expr $scale * 1.1]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Shrink {z} {
- variable scale
- set scale [expr $scale * 0.9]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Reset {z} {
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable scale
- set scale 1.0
- set centerX 0.0
- set centerY 0.0
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc Pause {z} {
- variable pause
- set pause [expr ! $pause]
- }
- proc resize {z w h} {
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- set bw [$z cget -borderwidth]
- set zincWidth [expr $w - 2 * $bw]
- set zincHeight [expr $h - 2 * $bw]
- updateTransform $z
- }
- proc updateTransform {z} {
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- variable scale
- $z treset 1
- $z translate 1 [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
- $z scale 1 $scale $scale
- $z scale 1 1 -1
- $z translate 1 [expr $zincWidth/2] [expr $zincHeight/2]
- }
- #------------------------------------------------
- # Create the tracks
- #------------------------------------------------
- proc createTracks {z} {
- variable oneTrack
- variable zincWidth
- variable zincHeight
- variable scale
- variable centerX
- variable centerY
- variable tracks
- set w [expr $zincWidth / $scale]
- set h [expr $zincHeight / $scale]
- set allTracks {}
- set bOn "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border contour"
- set bOff "$z itemconfigure current \[$z currentpart\] -border noborder"
- for {set i 20} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set item [$z add track radar 6 -lastasfirst 1]
- lappend allTracks $item
- set oneTrack $item
- set tracks($item,x) [expr rand()*$w - $w/2 + $centerX]
- set tracks($item,y) [expr rand()*$h - $h/2 + $centerY]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vx) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- set d [expr (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1]
- set tracks($item,vy) [expr (8.0 + rand()*10.0) * $d]
- $z itemconfigure $item -position "$tracks($item,x) $tracks($item,y)" -circlehistory 1 \
- -speedvector "$tracks($item,vx) $tracks($item,vy)" -speedvectorsensitive 1 \
- -labeldistance 30 -markersize 20 -historycolor white -filledhistory 0 \
- -labelformat {x80x60+0+0 x63a0^0^0 x33a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -backcolor gray60 -sensitive 1
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray55 -text [format {AFR%03i} $i]
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 360
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 410
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text Balise
- for {set j 0} {$j < 6} {incr j} {
- $z bind $item:$j <Enter> $bOn
- $z bind $item:$j <Leave> $bOff
- $z bind $item <1> "::simpleRadar::fieldSensitivity $z"
- $z bind $item <Shift-1> {}
- }
- $z bind $item <Enter> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor red3 \
- -symbolcolor red3 -markercolor red3 -leaderwidth 2 \
- -leadercolor red3 -speedvectorwidth 2 -speedvectorcolor red3]
- $z bind $item <Leave> [list $z itemconfigure current -historycolor white \
- -symbolcolor black -markercolor black -leaderwidth 1 \
- -leadercolor black -speedvectorwidth 1 -speedvectorcolor black]
- $z bind $item:position <1> "::simpleRadar::createRoute $z"
- $z bind $item:position <Shift-1> {}
- set tracks($item,route) 0
- }
- set tracks(all) $allTracks
- }
- createTracks $w.zinc
- #---------------------------------------------------
- # Create route way points
- #---------------------------------------------------
- proc createRoute {z} {
- variable tracks
- set track [$z find withtag current]
- if { $tracks($track,route) == 0 } {
- set x [expr $tracks($track,x) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $tracks($track,y) + 8.0 * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $track
- for {set i 4} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
- set wp [$z add waypoint radar 2 -position "$x $y" -labelformat x20x18+0+0 \
- -connecteditem $connected -connectioncolor green -symbolcolor green]
- $z lower $wp $connected
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border contour"
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor red"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor red"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor red"
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current 0 -border noborder"
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -symbolcolor green"
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -leadercolor black"
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> "$z itemconfigure current -connectioncolor green"
- $z itemconfigure $wp 0 -text $i -filled 1 -backcolor gray55
- $z bind $wp:position <1> "::simpleRadar::delWaypoint $z"
- set x [expr $x + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vx)]
- set y [expr $y + (2.0 + rand()*8.0) * $tracks($track,vy)]
- set connected $wp
- }
- set tracks($track,route) $wp
- } else {
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- while { $wp != $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:position <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:leader <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:connection <Leave> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Enter> {}
- $z bind $wp:0 <Leave> {}
- $z remove $wp
- set wp $tracks($track,route)
- }
- set tracks($track,route) 0
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Toggle current field sensitivity
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- proc fieldSensitivity {z} {
- set curPart [$z currentpart]
- if { [regexp {[0-9]+} $curPart] } {
- set onOff [$z itemcget current $curPart -sensitive]
- $z itemconfigure current $curPart -sensitive [expr !$onOff]
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- # Removal of a route Waypoint
- #-----------------------------------------------------
- proc findTrack {z wp} {
- set connected $wp
- while { [$z type $connected] != "track" } {
- set connected [$z itemcget $connected -connecteditem]
- }
- return $connected
- }
- proc delWaypoint {z} {
- variable tracks
- set wp [$z find withtag current]
- set track [findTrack $z $wp]
- set next [$z itemcget $wp -connecteditem]
- set prev $tracks($track,route)
- if { $prev != $wp } {
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
- while { $prevnext != $wp } {
- set prev $prevnext
- set prevnext [$z itemcget $prev -connecteditem]
- }
- }
- $z itemconfigure $prev -connecteditem $next
- $z bind $wp:position <1> {}
- $z remove $wp
- if { $wp == $tracks($track,route) } {
- if { $next == $track } {
- set tracks($track,route) 0
- } else {
- set tracks($track,route) $next
- }
- }
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Create a macro
- #---------------------------------------------
- set macro [$w.zinc add tabular radar 10 -labelformat {x73x20+0+0 x20x20+0+0 x53x20+20+0}]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 0 -backcolor tan1 -filled 1 -fillpattern AlphaStipple7 \
- -bordercolor red3
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 1 -text a
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro 2 -text macro
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $macro -connecteditem $oneTrack
- foreach part {0 1 2} {
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Enter> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 1"
- $w.zinc bind $macro:$part <Leave> "::simpleRadar::borders $w.zinc 0"
- }
- proc borders {z on} {
- if { $on } {
- set contour contour
- } else {
- set contour noborder
- }
- $z itemconfigure current 0 -border $contour
- }
- #---------------------------------------------
- # Create a ministrip
- #---------------------------------------------
- set ministrip [$w.zinc add tabular 1 10 -position {100 10} \
- -labelformat {x153x80^0^0 x93x20^0^0 x63a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x33a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -filled 1 -backcolor grey70 -border contour -bordercolor green
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 1 -text ministrip -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 2 -text field1 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 3 -text field2 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 4 -text f3 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $ministrip 5 -text field4 -color darkgreen -backcolor grey40
- foreach field {1 2 3 4 5} {
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Enter> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white"
- $w.zinc bind $ministrip:$field <Leave> \
- "$w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border noborder -filled 0 -color darkgreen"
- }
- #-------------------------------------------
- # Create some maps
- #-------------------------------------------
- set dataDir [file join [file dirname [info script]] data]
- videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_paris-w_90_2] 0 paris-w
- videomap load [file join $dataDir videomap_orly] 17 orly
- videomap load [file join $dataDir hegias_parouest_TE.vid] 0 paris-ouest
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray80 -mapinfo orly
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray60 -filled 1 -priority 0 \
- -fillpattern AlphaStipple6 -mapinfo paris-ouest
- $w.zinc add map radar -color gray50 -mapinfo paris-w
- #--------------------------------------------
- # Animate tracks along their trajectories
- #--------------------------------------------
- variable timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $w.zinc"]
- bind $w.zinc <Destroy> {puts {canceling timer}; after cancel $::simpleRadar::timer}
- proc refresh {z} {
- variable pause
- variable timer
- variable delay
- variable tracks
- variable rate
- set timer [after $delay "::simpleRadar::refresh $z"]
- if { ! $pause } {
- foreach t $tracks(all) {
- set tracks($t,x) [expr $tracks($t,x) + $tracks($t,vx) * $rate]
- set tracks($t,y) [expr $tracks($t,y) + $tracks($t,vy) * $rate]
- $z itemconfigure $t -position [list $tracks($t,x) $tracks($t,y)]
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/testGraphics.tcl b/demos/testGraphics.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 20e64e5..0000000
--- a/demos/testGraphics.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2130 +0,0 @@
-# testGraphics.pl
-# Fichier test du module Graphics
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr> (Straightt translation
-# to Tcl, based on testGraphics.pl revision 1.9)
-# $Id:
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-package require zincGraphics
-namespace eval testGraphics {
- set w .testGraphics
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "zincGraphics Demonstration"
- wm geometry $w "700x600+0+0"
- wm iconname $w testGraphics
- frame $w.buttons
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
- button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
- button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
- pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
- # creation du widget Zinc
- set zinc [zinc $w.z -render 1 -width 700 -height 560 -borderwidth 0 \
- -lightangle 140 -backcolor \#cccccc]
- pack $w.z -fill both -expand yes
- set previousAngle 0
- set rotateAngle .1
- set zoomFactor .1
- set curView 0
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- set tabAnchor n
- set tabAlign left
- set font9b 7x13bold
- # the original font is not standard, even if it is fully free:
- #$font9b = '-cenapii-bleriot mini-bold-r-normal--9-90-75-75-p-75-iso8859-15';
- set gradSet {
- boitOnglet {=axial 0|#ff7777|#ffff99}
- roundRect1 {=axial 270|#a7ffa7;70 0|#ffffff;90 5|#00bd00;80 8|#b7ffb7;50 80|#ffffff;70 91|#00ac00;70 95|#006700;60 100}
- roundRect2 {=axial 270|#00bd00;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundRect3 {=axial 270|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 14|#ffffff;100 16|#00bd00;90 25|#b7ffb7;60 100}
- roundRect4 {=axial 0|#00bd00;100 0|#ffffff;100 20|#00bd00;50 30|#00bd00;90 80|#b7ffb7;60 100}
- roundRect4Ed {=path 48 48|#e7ffe7;20 0 70|#007900;20}
- roundCurve2 {=axial 270|#d7ffd7;60|#7777ff;80}
- roundCurve1 {=axial 270|#2222ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundCurve {=axial 270|#7777ff;80 |#d7ffd7;60}
- roundPolyg {=radial -15 -20|#ffb7b7;50|#bd6622;90}
- rPolyline {=axial 90|#ffff77;80 |#ff7700;60}
- pushBtn1 {=axial 0|#cccccc;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a6a;100 80|#aaaadd;100 100}
- pushBtn2 {=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#5a5a7a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100}
- pushBtn3 {=radial -15 -15|#ffffff;100 0|#333344;100 100}
- pushBtn4 {=axial 270|#ccccff;100 0|#ffffff;100 10|#7a7a9a;100 80|#bbbbee;100 100}
- conicalEdge {=conical 0 0 -45|#ffffff;100 0|#888899;100 30|#555566;100 50|#888899;100 70|#ffffff;100 100}
- conicalExt {=conical 0 0 135|#ffffff;100 0|#777788;100 30|#444455;100 50|#777788;100 70|#ffffff;100 100}
- pushBtnEdge {=axial 140|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100}
- pushBtnEdge2 {=axial 92|#ffffff;100 0|#555566;100 100}
- logoShape {=axial 270|#ffffff|#7192aa}
- logoPoint {=radial -20 -20|#ffffff 0|#f70000 48|#900000 80|#ab0000 100}
- logoPtShad {=path 0 0|#770000;64 0|#770000;70 78|#770000;0 100}
- }
-# contenu des pages exemples
- variable pagesConf {
- Rectangle {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects,\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- rr1 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-200 30} {50 130}}
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr2 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-250 -100} {-90 60}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr3 {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-30 80} {130 160}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 4
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- }
- rr4a {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{-30 -60} {110 10}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {1 0 1 0}
- }
- rr4b {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{118 -68} {220 -132}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {1 0 1 0}
- }
- rr4c {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{118 -60} {190 30}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {0 1 0 1}
- }
- rr4d {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{40 -152} {110 -68}}
- -radius 40
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -corners {0 1 0 1}
- }
- gr8 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 10
- -tags move
- -atomic 1
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{174 -36} {266 146}}
- -radius 26
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4Ed
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 20
- }
- }
- top {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -coords {{180 -30} {260 53}}
- -parentgroup gr8
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- }
- -corners {1 0 0 1}
- }
- topico {
- -itemtype curve
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{220 -10} {200 30} {240 30}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {#ffff00;80}
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor {#007900;80}
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- bottom {
- -itemtype roundedrectangle
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{180 57} {260 140}}
- -radius 20
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundRect4
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- }
- -corners {0 1 1 0}
- }
- bottomico {
- -itemtype curve
- -parentgroup gr8
- -coords {{220 120} {240 80} {200 80}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {#ffff00;80}
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor {#007900;80}
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Hippodrome {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 165}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Click hippo Buttons with mouse button 1.\n"
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- hp1 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-163 -40}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-46 -86} {46 86}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -80} {40 80}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b1 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp2 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-50 -40}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-46 -86} {46 86}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- formT {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -80} {40 -28}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b2t pushBtn}
- }
- -orientation vertical
- -trunc bottom
- }
- formC {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -26.5} {40 26.5}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b2c pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- formB {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 28} {40 80}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b2b pushBtn}
- }
- -orientation vertical
- -trunc top
- }
- }
- }
- hp3edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-204 96} {204 144}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge2
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- hp3g {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-160 120}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -20} {40 20}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b3g pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc right
- }
- ico {
- -itemtype curve
- -coords {{-20 0} {-4 8} {-4 -8}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#000000
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#aaaaaa
- -relief raised
- -priority 30
- -tags {b3g pushBtn}
- }
- -contours {
- {add -1 {{0 0} {16 8} {16 -8}}}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp3c1 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-80 120}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-38 -20} {39 20}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b3c1 pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- ico {
- -itemtype curve
- -coords {{-8 0} {8 8} {8 -8}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#000000
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#aaaaaa
- -priority 30
- -relief raised
- -tags {b3c1 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp3c2 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 120}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-39 -20} {39 20}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b3c2 pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- ico {
- -itemtype rectangle
- -coords {{-6 -6} {6 6}}
- -params {
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#000000
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#aaaaaa
- -priority 30
- -tags {b3c2 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp3c3 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {80 120}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-39 -20} {38 20}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b3c3 pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc both
- }
- ico {
- -itemtype curve
- -coords {{8 0} {-8 8} {-8 -8}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#000000
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#aaaaaa
- -priority 30
- -relief raised
- -tags {b3c3 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp3d {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {160 120}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-40 -20} {40 20}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn2
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b3d pushBtn}
- }
- -trunc left
- }
- ico {
- -itemtype curve
- -coords {{20 0} {4 -8} {4 8}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#000000
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#aaaaaa
- -relief raised
- -priority 30
- -tags {b3d pushBtn}
- }
- -contours {
- {add -1 {{0 0} {-16 -8} {-16 8}}}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp4a {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {48 -97}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -repeat {
- -num 2
- -dxy {0 64}
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-29 -29} {29 29}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 0
- }
- }
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-24 -24} {24 24}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn3
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags {b4a pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp4b {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {145 -65}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-60 -60} {60 60}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor conicalEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 0
- }
- }
- ext {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-53 -53} {53 53}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor conicalExt
- -linewidth 3
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 10
- -tags {b4b pushBtn}
- }
- }
- int {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-41 -41} {40 40}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor {=path 10 10|#ffffff 0|#ccccd0 50|#99999f 80|#99999f;0 100}
- -linewidth 0
- -linecolor {#cccccc;80}
- -priority 30
- -tags {b4b pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hp5 {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {60 25}
- -params {
- -priority 40
- }
- -rotate 30
- -repeat {
- -num 4
- -dxy {45 0}
- }
- -items {
- edge {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-19 -34} {19 34}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtnEdge
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#ffffff
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- form {
- -itemtype hippodrome
- -coords {{-15 -30} {15 30}}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor pushBtn1
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 20
- -tags {b5 pushBtn}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Polygone {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 160}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Click and Drag inside Polygons for rotate them\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- triangle {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-215 -95}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 3
- -radius 78
- -cornerradius 10
- -startangle 90
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p1 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Triangle"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- carre {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-80 -75}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 4
- -radius 70
- -cornerradius 10
- -startangle 90
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p2 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Carré"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pentagone {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {65 -75}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 5
- -radius 70
- -cornerradius 10
- -startangle 270
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p3 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Pentagone"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hexagone {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {210 -75}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 6
- -radius 68
- -cornerradius 10
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p4 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Hexagone"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- heptagone {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-215 85}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 7
- -radius 64
- -cornerradius 10
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p5 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Heptagone"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- octogone {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {-76 85}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 8
- -radius 64
- -cornerradius 10
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p6 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text Octogone
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- petagone {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {66 85}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 32
- -radius 64
- -cornerradius 10
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundPolyg
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#330000
- -priority 20
- -tags {p7 poly}
- }
- }
- text {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "32 cotés..."
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- etoile {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {210 85}
- -items {
- form {
- -itemtype polygone
- -coords {0 0}
- -numsides 5
- -radius 92
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- }
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- -itemtype text
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- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Etoile"
- -anchor center
- -alignment center
- -color \#660000
- -priority 50
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Polyline {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- a {
- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
- {-200 -115} {-200 -100} {-218 -115} {-280 -115} {-280 -16}
- {-218 -16} {-200 -31} {-200 -17.5} {-150 -17.5} {-150 -115}
- }
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- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -visible 1
- -fillcolor rPolyline
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 50
- -tags move
- }
- -contours {{add -1 {{-230 -80} {-230 -50} {-200 -50} {-200 -80}} 15}}
- }
- b {
- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
- {-138 -150} {-138 -17.5} {-88 -17.5} {-88 -31} {-70 -16}
- {-8 -16} {-8 -115} {-70 -115} {-88 -100} {-88 -150}
- }
- -cornersradius {0 0 0 0 42 47 47 42 0 0 0 0 0 0}
- -params {
- -closed 1
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- -visible 1
- -fillcolor rPolyline
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 50
- -tags move
- }
- -contours {{add -1 {{-88 -80} {-88 -50} {-58 -50} {-58 -80}} 15}}
- }
- c {
- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
- {80 -76} {80 -110} {60 -115} {0 -115} {0 -16}
- {60 -16} {80 -21} {80 -57} {50 -47} {50 -86}
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- -priority 50
- -tags move
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- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
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- {162.5 -116} {162.5 -21} {248 -21} {248 -96} {183 -96}
- {183 -40} {231 -40} {231 -80} {199 -80} {199 -55} {215 -55}
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- -closed 1
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- -priority 50
- -tags move
- }
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- logo {
- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 30
- -atomic 1
- -tags move
- }
- -items {
- tkzinc {
- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
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- {-19 79} {3 109} {53 51} {5 51} {5 10} {140 10}
- {52 115} {96 115} {96 47} {196 47} {196 158}
- {155 158} {155 89} {139 89} {139 160} {101 160}
- {101 132} {85 132} {85 160} {-42 160} {-2 115}
- {-30 115} {-46 91} {-46 115} {-76 115} {-76 51}
- {-98 51} {-98 115} {-130 115} {-130 51} {-150 51}
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- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 50 50
- 0 0 8 8 0 0 8 8 0 27}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -visible 1
- -fillcolor logoShape
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 10
- -fillrule nonzero
- }
- -contours {
- {add 1 {{245 88} {245 47} {190 47} {190 158}
- {259 158} {259 117} {230 117} {230 88}}
- 0 {} {0 0 55 55 0 0 15 15}}
- }
- }
- shad {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{75 91} {115 131}}
- -params {
- -priority 20
- -filled 1
- -linewidth 0
- -fillcolor logoPtShad
- -closed 1
- }
- }
- point {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{70 86} {110 126}}
- -params {
- -priority 50
- -filled 1
- -linewidth 1
- -linecolor \#a10000
- -fillcolor logoPoint
- -closed 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MultiContours {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
- mc1 {
- -itemtype roundedcurve
- -coords {{-30 -170} {-130 0} {70 0}}
- -radius 14
- -params {
- -closed 1
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- -linewidth 1
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- -priority 20
- -tags move
- -fillrule odd
- }
- -contours {
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- {add 1 {{-30 -130} { -92 -22} {32 -22}} 5}
- {add 1 {{-30 -100} { -68 -36} {8 -36}} 5}
- {add 1 {{-30 -92} { -60 -40} {0 -40}} 3}
- }
- }
- mc2 {
- -itemtype polyline
- -coords {
- {-250 -80} {-240 -10} {-285 -10} {-285 80}
- {-250 80} {-250 40} {-170 40} {-170 80}
- {-100 80} {-100 40} {-20 40} {-20 80} {30 80}
- {-10 0} {-74 -10} {-110 -80}
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- -params {
- -closed 1
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- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -contours {
- {add -1 {{-240 -72} {-230 0} {-169 0} {-185 -72}} 0 {} {16 16 0 0}}
- {add -1 {{-175 -72} {-159 0} {-78 0} {-116 -72}} 0 {} {0 0 8 88}}
- {add 1 {{-245 45} {-245 115} {-175 115} {-175 45}} 35}
- {add -1 {{-225 65} {-225 95} {-195 95} {-195 65}} 15}
- {add 1 {{-95 45} {-95 115} {-25 115} {-25 45}} 35}
- {add -1 {{-75 65} {-75 95} {-45 95} {-45 65}} 15}
- }
- }
- mc3 {
- -itemtype roundedcurve
- -coords {{-10 170} {256 170} {312 60} {48 60}}
- -radius 34
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundCurve2
- -linewidth 2.5
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 40
- -tags move
- }
- -contours {
- {add -1 {{58 62} {12 144} {60 172} {104 88}} 27}
- {add 1 {{48 77} {48 119} {90 119} {90 77}} 21}
- {add -1 {{244 58} {198 140} {246 168} {290 84}} 27}
- {add 1 {{213 110} {213 152} {255 152} {255 110}} 21}
- {add -1 {{150 60} {150 170} {160 170} {160 60}} 0}
- }
- }
- mc4 {
- -itemtype roundedcurve
- -coords {
- {222 -150} {138 -150} {180 -50} {138 -150}
- {80 -92} {180 -50} {80 -92} {80 -8}
- {180 -50} {80 -8} {138 50} {180 -50}
- {138 50} {222 50} {179.8 -50} {222 50}
- {280 -8} {180 -50} {280 -8} {280 -92}
- {180 -50} {280 -92} {222 -150} {180 -50}
- }
- -radius 28
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor roundCurve
- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -priority 30
- -tags move
- }
- -contours {{add -1 {{160 -70} {160 -30} {200 -30} {200 -70}} 20}}
- }
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- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 160}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Click on thumbnail to select page\nChange anchor or alignment tabs options with radio buttons.\n"
- -color \#2222cc
- }
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- -numpages 8
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- -alignment left
- -overlap 3
- -tabtitles {A B C D E F G H}
- -params {
- -closed 1
- -priority 100
- -filled 1
- -fillcolor \#ffffff
- -linewidth 1.2
- -linecolor \#000000
- -tags {div2 divider intercalaire}
- }
- }
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- -coords {{-242 -162} {242 102}}
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- -closed 1
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- -coords {-120 115}
- -params {
- -text {tabs anchor}
- -color \#2222cc
- -font 7x13bold
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- -alignment center
- -priority 40
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- -params {
- -closed 1
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- -priority 20
- -tags {sel1 n btn selector}
- }
- -trunc right
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- }
- -trunc both
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- }
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- -coords {{-118 125} {-75 151}}
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- -priority 20
- -tags {sel1 s btn selector}
- }
- -trunc both
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- }
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- PathLine {
- consigne {
- -itemtype text
- -coords {-285 155}
- -params {
- -font 7x13bold
- -text "Mouse button 1 drag objects\nEscape key reset transfos."
- -color \#2222cc
- }
- }
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- -itemtype pathline
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- -type polygone
- -coords {0 0}
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- -innerradius 100
- -startangle -8
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- -type linear
- -colors {
- #ff0000 #ff00ff #0000ff #00ffff
- #00ff00 #ffff00 #ff0000
- }
- }
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -tags move
- }
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- -itemtype group
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- in {
- -itemtype pathline
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- {30 -60} {-30 -60} {-30 -30}
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- {60 30} {60 -30} {30 -30}
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- -graduate {
- -type transversal
- -colors {{#00aa77;100} {#00aa77;0}}
- }
- -params {
- -priority 10
- }
- }
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- -itemtype pathline
- -coords {
- {30 -60} {-30 -60} {-30 -30}
- {-60 -30} {-60 30} {-30 30}
- {-30 60} {30 60} {30 30}
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- }
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- -closed 1
- -shifting right
- -graduate {
- -type transversal
- -colors {{#00aa77;100} {#00aa77;0}}
- }
- -params {
- -priority 10
- }
- }
- }
- }
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- -itemtype group
- -coords {0 0}
- -params {
- -priority 100
- -atomic 1
- -tags move
- }
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- back {
- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-150 -150} {150 150}}
- -params {
- -priority 10
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- -linewidth 0
- }
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- -itemtype pathline
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- -type polygone
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- -radius 150
- -startangle 240
- }
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- -type double
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- {{#ffffff;0} {#222299;0} {#ffffff;0}}
- {{#ffffff;100} {#222299;70} {#ffffff;100}}
- }
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- -priority 50
- }
- }
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- -itemtype arc
- -coords {{-150 -150} {150 150}}
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- -priority 100
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- -linewidth 2
- -linecolor {#000033;80}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- variable tabTable {
- n {
- -numpages 8
- -titles {A B C D E F G H}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "It may seem at first that there is a contradiction in this title but there is none. [...] So groups have a feature: the atomic attribute that is used to seal a group so that events cannot propagate past it downward. If an item part of an atomic group is under the pointer TkZinc will try to trigger bindings associated with the atomic group not with the item under the pointer. This improves greatly the metaphor of an indivisible item."
- "This widget command is similar to the Tk bind command except that it operates on TkZinc items instead of widgets. Another difference with the bind command is that only mouse and keyboard related events can be specified (such as Enter Leave ButtonPress ButtonRelease Motion KeyPress KeyRelease). The bind manual page is the most accurate place to look for a definition of sequence and command and for a general understanding of how the binding mecanism works."
- "Items of type curve display pathes of line segments and/or cubic bezier connected by their end points. A cubic Bezier is defined by four points. The first and last ones are the extremities of the cubic Bezier. The second and the third ones are control point (i.e. they must have a third ``coordinate with the value c). If both control points are identical one may be omitted. As a consequence it is an error to have more than two succcessive control points or to start or finish a curve with a control point."
- "The items are arranged in a display list for each group. The display list imposes a total ordering among its items. The group display lists are connected in a tree identical to the group tree and form a hierarchical display list. The items are drawn by traversing the display list from the least visible item to the most visible one.The search to find the item that should receive an event is done in the opposite direction. In this way items are drawn according to their relative stacking order and events are dispatched to the top-most item at a given location."
- "An item will catch an event if all the following conditions are satisfied: * the item -sensitive must be set to true (this is the default). * the item must be under the pointer location. * the item must be on top of the display list (at the pointer location). Beware that an other item with its -visible set to false DOES catch event before any underneath items. * the item must not be clipped (at the pointer location) * the item must not belong to an atomic group since an atomic group catchs the event instead of the item."
- "This command fits a sequence of Bezier segments on the curve described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing the points and control points for the generated segments. All the points on the fitted segments will be within error distance from the given curve. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X Y. The returned list can be directly used to create or change a curve item contour."
- "Groups are very powerful items. They have no graphics of their own but are used to bundle items together so that they can be manipulated easily as a whole. Groups can modify in several way how items are displayed and how they react to events. They have many uses in TkZinc. The main usages are to bundle items to interpose a new coordinate system in a hierarchy of items to compose some specific attributes to apply a clipping to their children items to manage display"
- "This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by tagOrId has the specified tag. If more than one item is named by tagOrId then the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId an error is raised."
- }
- }
- e {
- -numpages 5
- -titles {I J K L M}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "Each item is associated with a unique numerical id which is returned by the add or clone commands. All commands on items accept those ids as (often first) parameter in order to uniquely identify on which item they should operate. When an id has been allocated to an item it is never collected even after the item has been destroyed in a TkZinc session two items cannot have the same id. This property can be quite useful when used in conjonction with tags which are described below."
- "Specifies the form of the joint between the curve segments. This attribute is only applicable if the curve outline relief is flat. The default value is round."
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with K initial letter..."
- "Reorder all the items given by tagOrId so that they will be under the item given by belowThis. If tagOrId name more than one item their relative order will be preserved. If tagOrId doesnt name an item an error is raised. If belowThis name more than one item the bottom most them is used. If belowThis doesnt name an item an error is raised. If belowThis is omitted the items are put at the bottom most position of their respective groups."
- "Map items are typically used for displaying maps on a radar display view. Maps are not be sensitive to mouse or keyboard events but have been designed to efficiently display large set of points segments arcs and simple texts. A map item is associated to a mapinfo. This mapinfo entity can be either initialized with the videomap command or more generally created and edited with a set of commands described in the The mapinfo related commands section."
- }
- }
- s {
- -numpages 8
- -titles {N O P Q R S T U}
- -names {
- }
- -texts {
- "This command tells how many fieldId are available for event bindings or for field configuration commands in the item specified by tagOrId. If more than one item is named by tagOrId the topmost in display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by tagOrId an error is raised. This command returns always 0 for items which do not support fields. The command hasfields may be used to decide whether an item has fields."
- "his option accepts an item id. It specifies if the label overlapping avoidance algorithm should be allowed to do its work on the track labels and which group should be considered to look for tracks. The default is to enable the avoidance algorithm in the root group (id 1). To disable the algorithm this option should be set to 0."
- "Specifies the size of an area around the pointer that is used to tell if the pointer is inside an item. This is useful to lessen the precision required when picking graphical elements. This value must be a positive integer. It defaults to 1."
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Q initial letter..."
- "Specifies whether to use or not the openGL rendering. When True requires the GLX extension to the X server. Must be defined at widget creation time. This option is readonly and can be used to ask if the widget is drawing with the GLX extension or in plain X (to adapt the application code for example). The default value is false."
- "This command computes a sequence of Bezier segments that will smooth the polygon described by the vertices in coordList and returns a list of lists describing thr points and control points for the generated segments. coordList should be either a flat list of an even number of coordinates in x y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X Y. The returned list can be used to create or change the contour of a curve item."
- "Apart from an id an item can be associated with as many symbolic names as it may be needed by an application. Those names are called tags and can be any string which does not form a valid id (an integer). However the following characters may not be used to form a tag: . * ! ( ) & | :. Tags exists and may be used in commands even if no item are associated with them. In contrast an item id doesnt exist if its item is no longer around and thus it is illegal to use it."
- "Item Text attribute. If true a thin line will be drawn under the text characters. The default value is false."
- }
- }
- w {
- -numpages 5
- -titles {V W X Y Z}
- -names {
- {Y...} {ZINC an advanced scriptable Canvas}
- }
- -texts {
- "Return a list of values describing the vertex and edge closest to the window coordinates x and y in the item described by tagOrId. If tagOrId describes more than one item the first item in display list order that supports vertex picking is used. The list consists of the index of the contour containing the returned vertices the index of the closest vertex and the index of a vertex next to the closest vertex that identify the closest edge (located between the two returned vertices)."
- "Waypoints items have been initially designed for figuring out typical fixed position objects (i.e. beacons or fixes in the ATC vocabulary) with associated block of texts on a radar display for Air Traffic Control. They supports mouse event handling and interactions. However they may certainly be used by other kinds of radar view or even by other kind of plan view with many geographical objects and associated textual information."
- "TkZinc was firstly designed for X11 server. Since the 3.2.2 version TkZinc also offers as a runtime option the support for openGL rendering giving access to features such as antialiasing transparency color gradients and even a new openGL oriented item type : triangles . In order to use the openGL features you need the support of the GLX extension on your X11 server. We also succeeded in using TkZinc with openGL on the Exceed X11 server (running on windows and developped by Hummingbird) with the 3D extension. "
- "No TkZinc KeyWord with Y initial letter..."
- "TkZinc widgets are very similar to Tk Canvases in that they support structured graphics. But unlike the Canvas TkZinc can structure the items in a hierarchy has support for affine 2D transforms clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy the item set is quite more powerful including field specific items for Air Traffic systems and new rendering techniques such as transparency and gradients. If needed it is also possible to extend the item set in an additionnal dynamic library through the use of a C api."
- }
- }
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag {default ""}} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- return $val
- }
- }
- return $default
- }
- proc SetBindings {} {
- variable zinc
- variable curView
- # focus the keyboard
- focus $zinc
- # plusmoins : Zoom++ Zoom--
- bind $zinc <plus> "::testGraphics::ViewZoom $zinc up"
- bind $zinc <minus> "::testGraphics::ViewZoom $zinc down"
- # Up Down Right Left : Translate
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Up> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc up"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Down> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc down"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Left> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc left"
- bind $zinc <KeyPress-Right> "::testGraphics::ViewTranslate $zinc right"
- # > < : Rotate counterclockwise et clockwise
- bind $zinc <greater> "::testGraphics::ViewRotate $zinc cw"
- bind $zinc <less> "::testGraphics::ViewRotate $zinc ccw"
- # Escape : reset transfos
- bind $zinc <Escape> "$zinc treset poly; $zinc treset move; \
- $zinc raise move; $zinc treset $curView"
- $zinc bind divider <1> "::testGraphics::SelectDivider $zinc"
- $zinc bind selector <1> "::testGraphics::ClickSelector $zinc"
- $zinc bind move <1> "::testGraphics::MobileStart $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind move <B1-Motion> "::testGraphics::MobileMove $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind move <ButtonRelease> "::testGraphics::MobileStop $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind pushBtn <1> "::testGraphics::PushButton $zinc"
- $zinc bind pushBtn <ButtonRelease> "::testGraphics::PullButton $zinc"
- $zinc bind poly <1> "::testGraphics::StartRotatePolygone $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind poly <B1-Motion> "::testGraphics::RotatePolygone $zinc %x %y"
- }
- proc SelectDivider {zinc {divName ""} {numPage ""}} {
- variable curView
- variable tabTable
- variable tabAnchor
- if { $divName eq "" } {
- foreach {divName numPage} [$zinc itemcget current -tags] break
- }
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&titre -color \#000099
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&intercalaire -linewidth 1.4
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&page -visible 0
- set divGroup [$zinc group $divName&&$numPage]
- $zinc raise $divGroup
- set curView $divName&&$numPage&&content
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&titre -color \#000000
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&intercalaire -linewidth 2
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&$numPage&&page -visible 1
- if { $divName eq "div2" } {
- set anchors [TLGet $tabTable $tabAnchor]
- set names [lindex [TLGet $anchors -names] $numPage]
- set explain [lindex [TLGet $anchors -texts] $numPage]
- $zinc itemconfigure $divName&&fontname -text "$names\n\n$explain"
- $zinc raise $divName&&fontname
- }
- }
- proc ClickSelector {zinc {btnGroup ""} {value ""}} {
- variable tabTable
- variable tabAnchor
- variable tabAlign
- if { $btnGroup eq "" && $value eq "" } {
- set tags [$zinc itemcget current -tags]
- foreach {btnGroup value} $tags break
- }
- $zinc treset $btnGroup
- $zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup&&btntext -color \#444444
- $zinc itemconfigure $btnGroup&&$value&&btntext -color \#2222bb
- $zinc translate $btnGroup&&$value 0 1
- switch -- $value {
- n -
- e -
- s -
- w { set tabAnchor $value }
- left -
- center -
- right { set tabAlign $value }
- }
- set table [TLGet $tabTable $tabAnchor]
- set numPages [TLGet $table -numpages]
- foreach {shapes tCoords} [zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords {{-240 -160} {240 100}} \
- -radius 8 -tabwidth 72 -tabheight 28 \
- -numpages $numPages -anchor $tabAnchor \
- -alignment $tabAlign -overlap 3] break
- for {set index 7} {$index >= 0} {incr index -1} {
- set divGroup [$zinc group div2&&$index&&intercalaire]
- $zinc itemconfigure $divGroup -visible [expr $index < $numPages]
- if { $index >= $numPages } {
- $zinc lower $divGroup
- } else {
- $zinc raise $divGroup
- $zinc itemconfigure div2&&$index -visible 1
- $zinc coords div2&&$index&&intercalaire [lindex $shapes $index]
- $zinc coords div2&&$index&&titre [lindex $tCoords $index]
- $zinc itemconfigure div2&&$index&&titre \
- -text [lindex [TLGet $table -titles] $index]
- }
- }
- SelectDivider $zinc div2 0
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt CLICK des items tagés pushBtn
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PushButton {zinc} {
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- $zinc scale $tag .975 .975
- $zinc translate $tag 1 1
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt RELEASE des items tagés pushBtn
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PullButton {zinc} {
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- $zinc treset $tag
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt CATCH des items tagés poly
- # armement de rotation des polygones
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc StartRotatePolygone {zinc x y} {
- variable previousAngle
- foreach {xRef yRef} [$zinc transform [$zinc group current] 1 {0 0}] break
- set previousAngle [zincGraphics::LineAngle [list $x $y] [list $xRef $yRef]]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback sur evt MOTION des items tagés poly
- # rotation des polygones
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RotatePolygone {zinc x y} {
- variable previousAngle
- set tag [lindex [$zinc itemcget current -tags] 0]
- foreach {xRef yRef} [$zinc transform [$zinc group current] 1 {0 0}] break
- set newAngle [zincGraphics::LineAngle [list $x $y] [list $xRef $yRef]]
- $zinc rotate $tag [zincGraphics::deg2rad [expr $newAngle - $previousAngle]]
- set previousAngle $newAngle
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback CATCH de sélection (début de déplacement) des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileStart {zinc x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- $zinc raise current
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback MOVE de déplacement des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileMove {zinc x y} {
- variable dx
- variable dy
- $zinc translate current [expr $x + $dx] [expr $y + $dy]
- set dx [expr 0 - $x]
- set dy [expr 0 - $y]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Callback RELEASE de relaché (fin de déplacement) des items tagés move
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MobileStop {zinc x y} {
- MobileMove $zinc $x $y
- }
- proc ViewTranslate {zinc way} {
- variable curView
- set dx 0
- set dy 0
- switch -- $way {
- left {set dx -10}
- up {set dy -10}
- right {set dx 10}
- down {set dy 10}
- }
- $zinc translate $curView $dx $dy
- }
- proc ViewZoom {zinc key} {
- variable curView
- variable zoomFactor
- set scaleRatio [expr {($key == "up") ? (1 + $zoomFactor) : (1 - $zoomFactor)}]
- $zinc scale $curView $scaleRatio $scaleRatio
- }
- proc ViewRotate {zinc way} {
- variable curView
- variable rotateAngle
- set deltaAngle $rotateAngle
- if { $way eq "cw" } {
- set deltaAngle [expr $deltaAngle * -1]
- }
- $zinc rotate $curView $deltaAngle
- }
- proc lreverse {l} {
- set res {}
- set i [llength $l]
- while {$i} {
- lappend res [lindex $l [incr i -1]]
- }
- return $res
- }
- proc BuildTabBox {zinc parentGroup style name} {
- variable tabTable
- variable font9b
- set params [TLGet $style -params]
- set tags [TLGet $params -tags]
- set coords [TLGet $style -coords]
- set table [TLGet $tabTable [TLGet $style -anchor]]
- set titles [TLGet $style -tabtitles]
- set cmd [linsert $style 0 zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords $coords]
- foreach {shapes tCoords invert} [eval $cmd] break
- set k -1
- if { $invert } {
- set k [llength $shapes]
- }
- foreach shape [lreverse $shapes] {
- incr k [expr $invert ? -1 : 1]
- set group [$zinc add group $parentGroup]
- set cmd [linsert $params 0 $zinc add curve $group $shape]
- lappend cmd -tags [list [lindex $tags 0] $k [lindex $tags 1] intercalaire]
- eval $cmd
- set page [TLGet $style -page {}]
- if { $page ne "" } {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $group $page
- }
- set tIndex [expr $invert ? $k : ([llength $shapes] - $k - 1)]
- if { [llength $titles] } {
- set titlTags [list [lindex $tags 0] $k [lindex $tags 1] titre]
- $zinc add text $group -position [lindex $tCoords $tIndex] \
- -text [lindex $titles $tIndex] -font $font9b -alignment center \
- -anchor center -color \#000099 -priority 200 -tags $titlTags
- }
- # exemple fonte
- if { $tIndex == 0 } {
- $zinc add text $parentGroup -position {-165 -105} \
- -text [lindex [TLGet $table -names] 0] -font $font9b \
- -alignment left -anchor nw -color \#000000 -priority 500 \
- -width 350 -tags [list [lindex $tags 0] fontname]
- }
- }
- SelectDivider $zinc [lindex $tags 0] $k
- }
- # initialise les gradients nommés
- zincGraphics::SetGradients $zinc $gradSet
- # création de la vue principale
- variable tgroup [$zinc add group 1]
- $zinc coords $tgroup {350 240}
- # consigne globale
- $zinc add text 1 -position {50 470} -font $font9b -color \#555555 -spacing 2 \
- -text "Global interations :\n<Up> <Down> <Left> and <Right> keys move content of TabBox pages\n<Plus> and <Minus> keys zoom out and zoom in this page\n<Greater> and <Less> keys rotate this page\n<Escape> key reset transfos"
- # Création des pages d'exemples
- foreach {shapes tCoords} [zincGraphics::TabBoxCoords {{-315 -210} {315 210}} \
- -numpages 7 -overlap 2 -radius 8 \
- -tabheight 26 -tabwidth {92 100 82 82 82 120 80}] break
- # to find some images (used as textures) needed by this demo
- variable imagePath [file join $::zinc_demos images]
- variable texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath paper.gif]]
- # création des items zinc correspondants
- variable i 0
- variable pageNames {Rectangle Hippodrome Polygone Polyline PathLine MultiContours TabBox}
- variable pageGroups {}
- foreach shape $shapes {
- set divGroup [$zinc add group $tgroup]
- # création de l'intercalaire
- set divider [$zinc add curve $divGroup $shape -closed 1 \
- -priority 10 -linewidth 1 -linecolor \#000000 \
- -filled 1 -tile $texture -tags [list div1 $i divider intercalaire]]
- # groupe page clippé
- set page [$zinc add group $divGroup -priority 100 -tags [list div1 $i page]]
- set clip [$zinc add rectangle $page {{-300 -170} {300 195}} -linewidth 1 \
- -linecolor \#000099 -filled 1 -fillcolor {#000000;4}]
- $zinc itemconfigure $page -clip $clip
- set pGroup [$zinc add group $page -tags [list div1 $i content]]
- lappend pageGroups $pGroup
- # titre de l'intercalaire
- $zinc add text $divGroup -position [lindex $tCoords $i] \
- -text [lindex $pageNames $i] \
- -font $font9b -alignment center \
- -anchor center -color \#000099 \
- -priority 200 -tags [list div1 $i divider titre]
- incr i
- }
- # # création du contenu des pages
- foreach pageName $pageNames pGroup $pageGroups {
- set pageStyle [TLGet $pagesConf $pageName]
- if { $pageStyle ne "" } {
- foreach {itemName itemStyle} $pageStyle {
- if { [TLGet $itemStyle -itemtype] eq "tabbox" } {
- BuildTabBox $zinc $pGroup $itemStyle $itemName
- } else {
- if { [TLGet $itemStyle -itemtype] eq "group" } {
- set subGroup [zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $pGroup $itemStyle {} $itemName]
- foreach {name style} [TLGet $itemStyle -items] {
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $subGroup $style {} $name
- }
- if { [llength [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat]] != 0 } {
- set num [TLGet [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat] -num]
- foreach {dx dy} [TLGet [TLGet $itemStyle -repeat] -dxy] break
- for {set j 1} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
- set clone [$zinc clone $subGroup]
- $zinc translate $clone [expr $dx*$j] [expr $dy*$j]
- set items [$zinc find withtag ".$clone*"]
- foreach item $items {
- set tags [$zinc itemcget $item -tags]
- if { [llength $tags] } {
- foreach {name type} $tags break
- $zinc itemconfigure $item -tags [list $name$j $type]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if { $itemName eq "consigne" } {
- set group [$zinc group $pGroup]
- } else {
- set group $pGroup
- }
- zincGraphics::BuildZincItem $zinc $group $itemStyle {} $itemName
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ClickSelector $zinc sel1 n
- ClickSelector $zinc sel2 left
- SelectDivider $zinc div1 0
- SetBindings
diff --git a/demos/textInput.tcl b/demos/textInput.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 31da1c5..0000000
--- a/demos/textInput.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval textInputDemo {
- #
- # We need the text input support
- package require zincText
- variable w .textInput
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc textInput Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w textInput
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 5] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This demo demonstrates the use of the zincText package.
- This module is designed for facilitating text input.
- It works on text items or on fields of items such as
- tracks, waypoints or tabulars.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 500 -height 300 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- #
- # Activate text input support from zincText
- zn_TextBindings $w.zinc
- ### creating a tabular with 3 fields 2 of them being editable
- variable labelformat1 {130x100 x130x20+0+0 x130x20+0+20 x130x20+0+40}
- variable x 120
- variable y 6
- variable track [$w.zinc add track 1 3 -position "$x $y" -speedvector {40 10} -labeldistance 30 -labelformat $labelformat1 -tags text]
- # moving the track to display past positions
- for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
- $w.zinc coords "$track" "[expr $x+$i*10] [expr $y+$i*2]"
- }
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -border contour -text { editable} -sensitive 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -border contour -text editable -sensitive 1
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -border contour -text {editable too} -alignment center -sensitive 1
- # creating a text item tagged with "text" but not editable because
- # it is not sensitive
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {220 160} -text "this text is not editable \nbecause it is not sensitive" -sensitive 0 -tags text
- # creating an editable text item
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 230} -text {this text IS editable} -sensitive 1 -tags text
diff --git a/demos/tiger.tcl b/demos/tiger.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3baef6e..0000000
--- a/demos/tiger.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-####### This file has been initially generated from tiger.svg by SVG2zinc.pm
-### Version: Revision: 1.10
-### the idea of using the shape extension (as possible with zinc) was
-### done by Daniel Etienne! Thx!
-### It has been subsequently ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet for testing
-### purposes.
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval tigerDemo {
- variable w .tiger
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc tiger (Generated from SVG) Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w tiger
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 600 -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 0 -backcolor grey90 \
- -render 1] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- # -reshape 1 -fullreshape 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable text {
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the tiger,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the tiger,
- }
- #variable clip [$w.zinc add curve 1 { {0 150} {150 0} {470 20} {580 200}
- # {600 300} {500 560} {50 550} {10 450} {100 480}} -closed 1 -visible 0]
- #$w.zinc itemconfigure 1 -clip $clip
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {51 521} -anchor w \
- -priority 20 -text $text -color white
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 520} -anchor w \
- -priority 20 -text $text -color black
- $w.zinc add group $topGroup -tags __svg__1 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__2 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__2 {{-122.304 84.285} {-122.304 84.285 c} {-122.203 86.179 c} {-123.027 86.16} {-123.851 86.141 c} {-140.305 38.066 c} {-160.833 40.309} {-160.833 40.309 c} {-143.05 32.956 c} {-122.304 84.285}} -tags __path__3 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__4 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__4 {{-118.774 81.262} {-118.774 81.262 c} {-119.323 83.078 c} {-120.092 82.779} {-120.86 82.481 c} {-119.977 31.675 c} {-140.043 26.801} {-140.043 26.801 c} {-120.82 25.937 c} {-118.774 81.262}} -tags __path__5 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__6 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__6 {{-91.284 123.59} {-91.284 123.59 c} {-89.648 124.55 c} {-90.118 125.227} {-90.589 125.904 c} {-139.763 113.102 c} {-149.218 131.459} {-149.218 131.459 c} {-145.539 112.572 c} {-91.284 123.59}} -tags __path__7 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__8 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__8 {{-94.093 133.801} {-94.093 133.801 c} {-92.237 134.197 c} {-92.471 134.988} {-92.704 135.779 c} {-143.407 139.121 c} {-146.597 159.522} {-146.597 159.522 c} {-149.055 140.437 c} {-94.093 133.801}} -tags __path__9 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__10 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__10 {{-98.304 128.276} {-98.304 128.276 c} {-96.526 128.939 c} {-96.872 129.687} {-97.218 130.435 c} {-147.866 126.346 c} {-153.998 146.064} {-153.998 146.064 c} {-153.646 126.825 c} {-98.304 128.276}} -tags __path__11 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__12 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__12 {{-109.009 110.072} {-109.009 110.072 c} {-107.701 111.446 c} {-108.34 111.967} {-108.979 112.488 c} {-152.722 86.634 c} {-166.869 101.676} {-166.869 101.676 c} {-158.128 84.533 c} {-109.009 110.072}} -tags __path__13 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__14 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__14 {{-116.554 114.263} {-116.554 114.263 c} {-115.098 115.48 c} {-115.674 116.071} {-116.25 116.661 c} {-162.638 95.922 c} {-174.992 112.469} {-174.992 112.469 c} {-168.247 94.447 c} {-116.554 114.263}} -tags __path__15 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__16 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__16 {{-119.154 118.335} {-119.154 118.335 c} {-117.546 119.343 c} {-118.036 120.006} {-118.526 120.669 c} {-167.308 106.446 c} {-177.291 124.522} {-177.291 124.522 c} {-173.066 105.749 c} {-119.154 118.335}} -tags __path__17 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__18 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__18 {{-108.42 118.949} {-108.42 118.949 c} {-107.298 120.48 c} {-107.999 120.915} {-108.7 121.35 c} {-148.769 90.102 c} {-164.727 103.207} {-164.727 103.207 c} {-153.862 87.326 c} {-108.42 118.949}} -tags __path__19 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__20 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__20 {{-128.2 90} {-128.2 90 c} {-127.6 91.8 c} {-128.4 92} {-129.2 92.2 c} {-157.8 50.2 c} {-177.001 57.8} {-177.001 57.8 c} {-161.8 46 c} {-128.2 90}} -tags __path__21 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.172
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__22 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__24 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__26 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__28 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__30 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__34 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__38 -priority 10
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- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__46 -priority 10
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c} {158.001 34.4 c} {158.001 34.4} {156.001 28.2 c} {153.001 14.6 c} {153.001 14.6} {155.201 9.4 c} {162.601 -3.2 c} {162.601 -3.2} {165.401 -7.4 c} {174.201 -12.2 c} {172.001 -15.2} {169.801 -18.2 c} {162.001 -16.4 c} {162.001 -16.4} {154.201 -17.8 c} {154.801 -12.6 c} {154.801 -12.6} {153.201 -11.6 c} {152.401 -6.6 c} {152.401 -6.6} {151.68 1.333 c} {142.801 7.6 c} {142.801 7.6} {131.601 13.8 c} {140.801 17.8 c} {140.801 17.8} {146.801 24.4 c} {137.001 24.6 c} {137.001 24.6} {126.001 22.8 c} {134.201 33 c} {134.201 33} {145.001 45.8 c} {142.001 48.6 c} {142.001 48.6} {131.801 49.6 c} {144.401 58.8 c} {144.401 58.8} {144.401 58.8 c} {143.601 56.8 c} {143.801 58.6} {144.001 60.4 c} {147.001 64.6 c} {147.801 66.6} {148.601 68.6 c} {144.601 68.8 c} {144.601 68.8} {145.201 78.4 c} {129.801 74.2 c} {129.801 74.2} {129.801 74.2 c} {129.801 74.2 c} {128.201 74.4} {126.601 74.6 c} {115.401 73.8 c} {109.601 71.6} {103.801 69.4 c} {97.001 69.4 c} {97.001 69.4} {97.001 69.4 c} {93.001 71.2 c} {85.4 71} {77.8 70.8 c} {69.8 73.6 c} {69.8 73.6} {65.4 73.2 c} {74 68.8 c} {74.2 69} {74.4 69.2 c} {80 63.6 c} {72 64.2} {50.203 65.835 c} {39.4 55.6 c} {39.4 55.6} {37.4 54.2 c} {34.8 51.4 c} {34.8 51.4} {24.8 49.4 c} {36.2 63.8 c} {36.2 63.8} {37.4 65.2 c} {36 66.2 c} {36 66.2} {35.2 64.6 c} {27.4 59.2 c} {27.4 59.2} {24.589 58.227 c} {23.226 56.893 c} {20.895 54.407}} -tags __path__231 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
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- $w.zinc add curve __g__396 {{36.855 98.898} {36.855 98.898 c} {35.654 97.543 c} {37.586 97.158} {39.518 96.774 c} {160.221 39.061 c} {198.184 51.927} {198.184 51.927 c} {172.243 41.053 c} {36.855 98.898}} -tags __path__397 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__398 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__398 {{3.4 163.201} {3.4 163.201 c} {3.2 161.401 c} {5 162.201} {6.8 163.001 c} {22.2 163.601 c} {9.8 186.001} {9.8 186.001 c} {19.4 162.001 c} {3.4 163.201}} -tags __path__399 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__400 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__400 {{13.8 161.601} {13.8 161.601 c} {13.6 159.801 c} {15.4 160.601} {17.2 161.401 c} {35 163.601 c} {37 202.401} {37 202.401 c} {29.8 160.401 c} {13.8 161.601}} -tags __path__401 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__402 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__402 {{20.6 160.001} {20.6 160.001 c} {20.4 158.201 c} {22.2 159.001} {24 159.801 c} {48.6 163.201 c} {72.2 195.601} {72.2 195.601 c} {36.6 158.801 c} {20.6 160.001}} -tags __path__403 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__404 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__404 {{28.225 157.972} {28.225 157.972 c} {27.788 156.214 c} {29.678 156.768} {31.568 157.322 c} {52.002 155.423 c} {90.099 189.599} {90.099 189.599 c} {43.924 154.656 c} {28.225 157.972}} -tags __path__405 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__406 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__406 {{38.625 153.572} {38.625 153.572 c} {38.188 151.814 c} {40.078 152.368} {41.968 152.922 c} {76.802 157.423 c} {128.499 192.399} {128.499 192.399 c} {54.324 150.256 c} {38.625 153.572}} -tags __path__407 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__408 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__408 {{-1.8 142.001} {-1.8 142.001 c} {-2 140.201 c} {-0.2 141.001} {1.6 141.801 c} {55 144.401 c} {85.4 171.201} {85.4 171.201 c} {50.499 146.426 c} {-1.8 142.001}} -tags __path__409 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__410 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__410 {{-11.8 146.001} {-11.8 146.001 c} {-12 144.201 c} {-10.2 145.001} {-8.4 145.801 c} {16.2 149.201 c} {39.8 181.601} {39.8 181.601 c} {4.2 144.801 c} {-11.8 146.001}} -tags __path__411 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__412 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__412 {{49.503 148.962} {49.503 148.962 c} {48.938 147.241 c} {50.864 147.655} {52.79 148.068 c} {87.86 150.004 c} {141.981 181.098} {141.981 181.098 c} {64.317 146.704 c} {49.503 148.962}} -tags __path__413 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__414 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__414 {{57.903 146.562} {57.903 146.562 c} {57.338 144.841 c} {59.264 145.255} {61.19 145.668 c} {96.26 147.604 c} {150.381 178.698} {150.381 178.698 c} {73.317 143.904 c} {57.903 146.562}} -tags __path__415 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__416 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__416 {{67.503 141.562} {67.503 141.562 c} {66.938 139.841 c} {68.864 140.255} {70.79 140.668 c} {113.86 145.004 c} {203.582 179.298} {203.582 179.298 c} {82.917 138.904 c} {67.503 141.562}} -tags __path__417 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -linecolor \#000000 -fillcolor \#ffffff -filled 1 -linewidth 0.1
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__418 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__418 {{-43.8 148.401} {-43.8 148.401 c} {-38.6 148.001 c} {-39.8 149.601} {-41 151.201 c} {-43.4 150.401 c} {-43.4 150.401} {-43.8 148.401}} -tags __path__419 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__420 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__420 {{-13 162.401} {-13 162.401 c} {-7.8 162.001 c} {-9 163.601} {-10.2 165.201 c} {-12.6 164.401 c} {-12.6 164.401} {-13 162.401}} -tags __path__421 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__422 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__422 {{-21.8 162.001} {-21.8 162.001 c} {-16.6 161.601 c} {-17.8 163.201} {-19 164.801 c} {-21.4 164.001 c} {-21.4 164.001} {-21.8 162.001}} -tags __path__423 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__424 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__424 {{-117.169 150.182} {-117.169 150.182 c} {-112.124 151.505 c} {-113.782 152.624} {-115.439 153.744 c} {-117.446 152.202 c} {-117.446 152.202} {-117.169 150.182}} -tags __path__425 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__426 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__426 {{-115.169 140.582} {-115.169 140.582 c} {-110.124 141.905 c} {-111.782 143.024} {-113.439 144.144 c} {-115.446 142.602 c} {-115.446 142.602} {-115.169 140.582}} -tags __path__427 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__428 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__428 {{-122.369 136.182} {-122.369 136.182 c} {-117.324 137.505 c} {-118.982 138.624} {-120.639 139.744 c} {-122.646 138.202 c} {-122.646 138.202} {-122.369 136.182}} -tags __path__429 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#000000 -filled 1 -linecolor \#000000
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__430 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__430 {{-42.6 211.201} {-42.6 211.201 c} {-44.2 211.201 c} {-48.2 213.201} {-50.2 213.201 c} {-61.4 216.801 c} {-67 226.801} {-67 226.801 c} {-54.6 217.201 c} {-42.6 211.201}} -tags __path__431 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__432 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__432 {{45.116 303.847} {45.257 304.105 c} {45.312 304.525 c} {45.604 304.542} {46.262 304.582 c} {47.495 304.883 c} {47.37 304.247} {46.522 299.941 c} {45.648 295.004 c} {41.515 293.197} {40.876 292.918 c} {39.434 293.331 c} {39.36 294.215} {39.233 295.739 c} {39.116 297.088 c} {39.425 298.554} {39.725 299.975 c} {41.883 299.985 c} {42.8 298.601} {43.736 300.273 c} {44.168 302.116 c} {45.116 303.847}} -tags __path__433 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__434 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__434 {{34.038 308.581} {34.786 309.994 c} {34.659 311.853 c} {36.074 312.416} {36.814 312.71 c} {38.664 311.735 c} {38.246 310.661} {37.444 308.6 c} {37.056 306.361 c} {35.667 304.55} {35.467 304.288 c} {35.707 303.755 c} {35.547 303.427} {34.953 302.207 c} {33.808 301.472 c} {32.4 301.801} {31.285 304.004 c} {32.433 306.133 c} {33.955 307.842} {34.091 307.994 c} {33.925 308.37 c} {34.038 308.581}} -tags __path__435 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__436 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__436 {{-5.564 303.391} {-5.672 303.014 c} {-5.71 302.551 c} {-5.545 302.23} {-5.014 301.197 c} {-4.221 300.075 c} {-4.558 299.053} {-4.906 297.997 c} {-6.022 298.179 c} {-6.672 298.748} {-7.807 299.742 c} {-7.856 301.568 c} {-8.547 302.927} {-8.743 303.313 c} {-8.692 303.886 c} {-9.133 304.277} {-9.607 304.698 c} {-10.047 306.222 c} {-9.951 306.793} {-9.898 307.106 c} {-10.081 317.014 c} {-9.859 316.751} {-9.24 316.018 c} {-6.19 306.284 c} {-6.121 305.392} {-6.064 304.661 c} {-5.332 304.196 c} {-5.564 303.391}} -tags __path__437 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__438 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__438 {{-31.202 296.599} {-28.568 294.1 c} {-25.778 291.139 c} {-26.22 287.427} {-26.336 286.451 c} {-28.111 286.978 c} {-28.298 287.824} {-29.1 291.449 c} {-31.139 294.11 c} {-33.707 296.502} {-35.903 298.549 c} {-37.765 304.893 c} {-38 305.401} {-34.303 300.145 c} {-32.046 297.399 c} {-31.202 296.599}} -tags __path__439 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__440 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__440 {{-44.776 290.635} {-44.253 290.265 c} {-44.555 289.774 c} {-44.338 289.442} {-43.385 287.984 c} {-42.084 286.738 c} {-42.066 285} {-42.063 284.723 c} {-42.441 284.414 c} {-42.776 284.638} {-43.053 284.822 c} {-43.395 284.952 c} {-43.503 285.082} {-45.533 287.531 c} {-46.933 290.202 c} {-48.376 293.014} {-48.559 293.371 c} {-49.703 297.862 c} {-49.39 297.973} {-49.151 298.058 c} {-47.431 293.877 c} {-47.221 293.763} {-45.958 293.077 c} {-45.946 291.462 c} {-44.776 290.635}} -tags __path__441 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__442 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__442 {{-28.043 310.179} {-27.599 309.31 c} {-26.023 308.108 c} {-26.136 307.219} {-26.254 306.291 c} {-25.786 304.848 c} {-26.698 305.536} {-27.955 306.484 c} {-31.404 307.833 c} {-31.674 313.641} {-31.7 314.212 c} {-28.726 311.519 c} {-28.043 310.179}} -tags __path__443 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__444 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__444 {{-13.6 293.001} {-13.2 292.333 c} {-12.492 292.806 c} {-12.033 292.543} {-11.385 292.171 c} {-10.774 291.613 c} {-10.482 290.964} {-9.512 288.815 c} {-7.743 286.995 c} {-7.6 284.601} {-9.091 283.196 c} {-9.77 285.236 c} {-10.4 286.201} {-11.723 284.554 c} {-12.722 286.428 c} {-14.022 286.947} {-14.092 286.975 c} {-14.305 286.628 c} {-14.38 286.655} {-15.557 287.095 c} {-16.237 288.176 c} {-17.235 288.957} {-17.406 289.091 c} {-17.811 288.911 c} {-17.958 289.047} {-18.61 289.65 c} {-19.583 289.975 c} {-19.863 290.657} {-20.973 293.364 c} {-24.113 295.459 c} {-26 303.001} {-25.619 303.91 c} {-21.488 296.359 c} {-21.001 295.661} {-20.165 294.465 c} {-20.047 297.322 c} {-18.771 296.656} {-18.72 296.629 c} {-18.534 296.867 c} {-18.4 297.001} {-18.206 296.721 c} {-17.988 296.492 c} {-17.6 296.601} {-17.6 296.201 c} {-17.734 295.645 c} {-17.533 295.486} {-16.296 294.509 c} {-16.38 293.441 c} {-15.6 292.201} {-15.142 292.99 c} {-14.081 292.271 c} {-13.6 293.001}} -tags __path__445 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__446 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__446 {{46.2 347.401} {46.2 347.401 c} {53.6 327.001 c} {49.2 315.801} {49.2 315.801 c} {60.6 337.401 c} {56 348.601} {56 348.601 c} {55.6 338.201 c} {51.6 333.201} {51.6 333.201 c} {47.6 346.001 c} {46.2 347.401}} -tags __path__447 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__448 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__448 {{31.4 344.801} {31.4 344.801 c} {36.8 336.001 c} {28.8 317.601} {28.8 317.601 c} {28 338.001 c} {21.2 349.001} {21.2 349.001 c} {35.4 328.801 c} {31.4 344.801}} -tags __path__449 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__450 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__450 {{21.4 342.801} {21.4 342.801 c} {21.2 322.801 c} {21.6 319.801} {21.6 319.801 c} {17.8 336.401 c} {7.6 346.001} {7.6 346.001 c} {22 334.001 c} {21.4 342.801}} -tags __path__451 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__452 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__452 {{11.8 310.801} {11.8 310.801 c} {17.8 324.401 c} {7.8 342.801} {7.8 342.801 c} {14.2 330.601 c} {9.4 323.601} {9.4 323.601 c} {12 320.201 c} {11.8 310.801}} -tags __path__453 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__454 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__454 {{-7.4 342.401} {-7.4 342.401 c} {-8.4 326.801 c} {-6.6 324.601} {-6.6 324.601 c} {-6.4 318.201 c} {-6.8 317.201} {-6.8 317.201 c} {-2.8 311.001 c} {-2.6 318.401} {-2.6 318.401 c} {-1.2 326.201 c} {1.6 330.801} {1.6 330.801 c} {5.2 336.201 c} {5 342.601} {5 342.601 c} {-5 312.401 c} {-7.4 342.401}} -tags __path__455 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__456 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__456 {{-11 314.801} {-11 314.801 c} {-17.6 325.601 c} {-19.4 344.601} {-19.4 344.601 c} {-20.8 338.401 c} {-17 324.001} {-17 324.001 c} {-12.8 308.601 c} {-11 314.801}} -tags __path__457 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__458 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__458 {{-32.8 334.601} {-32.8 334.601 c} {-27.8 329.201 c} {-26.4 324.201} {-26.4 324.201 c} {-22.8 308.401 c} {-29.2 317.001} {-29.2 317.001 c} {-29 325.001 c} {-37.2 332.401} {-37.2 332.401 c} {-32.4 330.001 c} {-32.8 334.601}} -tags __path__459 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__460 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__460 {{-38.6 329.601} {-38.6 329.601 c} {-35.2 312.201 c} {-34.4 311.401} {-34.4 311.401 c} {-32.6 308.001 c} {-35.4 311.201} {-35.4 311.201 c} {-44.2 330.401 c} {-48.2 337.001} {-48.2 337.001 c} {-40.2 327.801 c} {-38.6 329.601}} -tags __path__461 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__462 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__462 {{-44.4 313.001} {-44.4 313.001 c} {-32.8 290.601 c} {-54.6 316.401} {-54.6 316.401 c} {-43.6 306.601 c} {-44.4 313.001}} -tags __path__463 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__464 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__464 {{-59.8 298.401} {-59.8 298.401 c} {-55 279.601 c} {-52.4 279.801} {-52.4 279.801 c} {-44.2 270.801 c} {-50.8 281.401} {-50.8 281.401 c} {-56.8 291.001 c} {-56.2 300.801} {-56.2 300.801 c} {-56.8 291.201 c} {-59.8 298.401}} -tags __path__465 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__466 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__466 {{270.5 287} {270.5 287 c} {258.5 277 c} {256 273.5} {256 273.5 c} {269.5 292 c} {269.5 299} {269.5 299 c} {272 291.5 c} {270.5 287}} -tags __path__467 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__468 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__468 {{276 265} {276 265 c} {255 250 c} {251.5 242.5} {251.5 242.5 c} {278 272 c} {278 276.5} {278 276.5 c} {278.5 267.5 c} {276 265}} -tags __path__469 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__470 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__470 {{293 111} {293 111 c} {281 103 c} {279.5 105} {279.5 105 c} {290 111.5 c} {292.5 120} {292.5 120 c} {291 111 c} {293 111}} -tags __path__471 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- $w.zinc add group __svg__1 -tags __g__472 -priority 10
- $w.zinc add curve __g__472 {{301.5 191.5} {284 179.5} {284 179.5 c} {303 196.5 c} {303.5 200.5} {301.5 191.5}} -tags __path__473 -priority 10 -filled 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor \#cccccc -filled 1 -linecolor \#cccccc
- ### translating ojects for making them all visibles
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup 200 150
- ##### bindings for moving rotating scaling the items
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::tigerDemo::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::tigerDemo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::tigerDemo::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::tigerDemo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::tigerDemo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::tigerDemo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::tigerDemo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale __svg__1 $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate __svg__1 [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
diff --git a/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl b/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5317f36..0000000
--- a/demos/tkZincLogo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# this simple demo has been adapted by C. Mertz <mertz@cena.fr> from the original
-# work of JL. Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Ported to Tcl by P.Lecoanet
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval tkZincLogo {
- #
- # We need the zincLogo support
- package require zincLogo
- variable w .tkZincLogo
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc logo Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w tkZincLogo
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- #######################
- ####################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 7] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert end {This tkZinc logo should used openGL for a correct rendering!
- You can transform this logo with your mouse:
- Drag-Button 1 for moving the logo,
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming the logo,
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating the logo,
- Shift-Drag-Button 1 for modifying the logo transparency,
- Shift-Drag-Button 2 for modifying the logo gradient.}
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ##########################################
- grid [ zinc $w.zinc -width 350 -height 250 -render 1 \
- -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
- variable logo [zincLogo::create $w.zinc $topGroup 800 40 70 0.6 0.6]
- #
- # Controls for the window transform.
- #
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-1> "::tkZincLogo::press motion %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-1> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-2> "::tkZincLogo::press zoom %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-2> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonPress-3> "::tkZincLogo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <ButtonRelease-3> ::tkZincLogo::release
- #
- # Controls for alpha and gradient
- #
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::tkZincLogo::press modifyAlpha %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-1> ::tkZincLogo::release
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "::tkZincLogo::press modifyGradient %x %y"
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-ButtonRelease-2> ::tkZincLogo::release
- variable curX 0
- variable curY 0
- variable curAngle 0
- proc press {action x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable curX
- variable curY
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::tkZincLogo::$action %x %y"
- }
- proc motion {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate $topGroup [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc zoom {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- variable curX
- variable curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale $topGroup $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- }
- proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- variable w
- variable curAngle
- variable logo
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate $logo [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
- }
- proc release {} {
- variable w
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- }
- proc modifyAlpha {x y} {
- variable w
- variable topGroup
- set xRate [expr double($x) / [$w.zinc cget -width]]
- set xRate [expr ($xRate < 0) ? 0 : ($xRate > 1) ? 1 : $xRate]
- set alpha [expr int($xRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $topGroup -alpha $alpha
- }
- proc modifyGradient {x y} {
- variable w
- set yRate [expr double($y) / [$w.zinc cget -height]]
- set yRate [expr ($yRate < 0) ? 0 : ($yRate > 1) ? 1 : $yRate]
- set gradPercent [expr int($yRate * 100)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure letters -fillcolor "=axial 270|#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 $gradPercent|#7192aa;100 100"
- }
diff --git a/demos/transforms.tcl b/demos/transforms.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 26bc14f..0000000
--- a/demos/transforms.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# This simple demo has been developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# TODO:
-# Add the building of missing items
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval transforms {
- variable w .transforms
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Transformation Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Transformation
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 3 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 3 -column 1 -pady 10
- ###########################################
- # Text zone
- ###########################################
- grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 12] \
- -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
- $w.text insert 0.0 {Items are always added to the current group.
- The available commands are:
- Button 1 on the background, add an item with initial translation
- Button 2 on the background, add a group with initial translation
- Button 1 on item/group axes, select/deselect that item coordinates
- Drag Button 1 on item/group axes, translate that item coordinates
- Home reset the transformation
- Shift-Home reset a group direct children transformations
- +/- scale the selected item up/down
- Ctrl-Left/Right rotate the selected item right/left
- Shift-Up/Down swap the selected item Y axis
- Shift-Left/Right swap the selected item X axis
- 4 arrows translate in the 4 directions
- Delete destroy the selected item}
- $w.text configure -state disabled
- ###########################################
- # Zinc
- ###########################################
- variable zincWidth 600
- variable zincHeight 500
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight \
- -font $defaultfont -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -takefocus 1 -render 0] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- variable top 1
- variable inactiveAxisColor blue
- variable activeAxisColor red
- variable worldAxisColor \#a5a5a5
- variable composeRot 1
- variable composeScale 1
- variable drag 0
- variable itemType Rectangle
- variable currentItem 0
- image create photo logo -file [file join $::zinc_demos images zinc.gif]
- grid [frame $w.f] -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- tk_optionMenu $w.f.types itemType Rectangle Arc Curve Icon Tabular \
- Text Track Triangles WayPoint
- grid $w.f.types -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
- button $w.f.add -text {Add item} -command "::transforms::addItem $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.add -row 0 -column 2 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.addg -text {Add group} -command "::transforms::addGroup $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.addg -row 0 -column 3 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- button $w.f.remove -text Remove -command "::transforms::removeItem $w.zinc"
- grid $w.f.remove -row 0 -column 4 -padx 10 -sticky ew
- checkbutton $w.f.cscale -text -composescale -command "::transforms::toggleComposeScale $w.zinc" \
- -variable ::transforms::composeScale
- grid $w.f.cscale -row 0 -column 6 -sticky w
- checkbutton $w.f.crot -text -composesrotation -command "::transforms::toggleComposeRot $w.zinc" \
- -variable ::transforms::composeRot
- grid $w.f.crot -row 1 -column 6 -sticky w
- variable world [$w.zinc add group $top]
- variable currentGroup $world
- $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 80 0} -linewidth 3 \
- -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 0 80} -linewidth 3 \
- -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add rectangle $top {-2 -2 2 2} -filled 1 \
- -fillcolor $worldAxisColor -linecolor $worldAxisColor \
- -linewidth 3 -tags axis:$world
- $w.zinc add text $top -text "This is the origin\nof the world" \
- -anchor s -color $worldAxisColor -alignment center \
- -tags [list "axis:$world" text]
- $w.zinc lower axis:$world
- bind $w.zinc <1> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Item %x %y}
- bind $w.zinc <2> {::transforms::mouseAdd %W Group %x %y}
- bind $w.zinc <Up> {::transforms::moveUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Left> {::transforms::moveLeft %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Right> {::transforms::moveRight %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Down> {::transforms::moveDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <minus> {::transforms::scaleDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> {::transforms::scaleDown %W}
- bind $w.zinc <plus> {::transforms::scaleUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> {::transforms::scaleUp %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Home> {::transforms::reset %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Home> {::transforms::resetChildren %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Control-Left> {::transforms::rotateLeft %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Control-Right> {::transforms::rotateRight %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Up> {::transforms::swapAxis %W y}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Down> {::transforms::swapAxis %W y}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Left> {::transforms::swapAxis %W x}
- bind $w.zinc <Shift-Right> {::transforms::swapAxis %W x}
- bind $w.zinc <Delete> {::transforms::removeItem %W}
- bind $w.zinc <Configure> {::transforms::resize %W %w %h}
- focus $w.zinc
- tk_focusFollowsMouse
- proc resize {z width height} {
- variable world
- set x [expr $width/2]
- set y [expr $height/2]
- $z treset $world
- $z treset axis:$world
- $z translate $world $x $y
- $z translate axis:$world $x $y
- }
- proc swapAxis {z axis} {
- variable currentItem
- set sx 1
- set sy 1
- if { $axis eq "x" } {
- set sx -1
- } elseif { $axis eq "y" } {
- set sy -1
- }
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z scale $currentItem $sx $sy
- $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $sx $sy
- }
- }
- proc toggleComposeRot {z} {
- variable currentItem
- variable composeRot
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- }
- }
- proc toggleComposeScale {z} {
- variable currentItem
- variable composeScale
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z itemconfigure $currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- }
- }
- proc removeItem {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- variable currentItem
- variable world
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z remove $currentItem axisgrp:$currentItem
- if {$currentItem == $currentGroup} {
- set currentGroup $world
- }
- set currentItem 0
- set composeScale 1
- set composeRot 1
- }
- }
- proc dragItem {z x y} {
- variable drag
- variable currentItem
- set drag 1
- if {$currentItem == 0} {
- return
- }
- set group [$z group $currentItem]
- foreach {x y} [$z transform $group [list $x $y]] break
- $z treset $currentItem
- $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem
- $z translate $currentItem $x $y
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y
- }
- proc select {z} {
- foreach t [$z gettags current] {
- if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
- changeItem $z $item
- }
- }
- }
- proc changeItem {z item} {
- variable currentItem
- variable currentGroup
- variable composeRot
- variable composeScale
- variable drag
- variable activeAxisColor
- variable inactiveAxisColor
- if {($currentItem != 0) && !$drag} {
- $z itemconfigure axis:$currentItem&&!text \
- -linecolor $inactiveAxisColor -fillcolor $inactiveAxisColor
- }
- if {($currentItem == 0) || ($item != $currentItem)} {
- $z itemconfigure axis:$item&&!text \
- -linecolor $activeAxisColor -fillcolor $activeAxisColor -linewidth 3
- set currentItem $item
- set composeRot [$z itemcget $currentItem -composerotation]
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
- set composeScale [$z itemcget $currentItem -composescale]
- $z itemconfigure axisgrp:$currentItem -composescale $composeScale
- } elseif {!$drag} {
- set currentItem 0
- set composeRot 1
- set composeScale 1
- }
- }
- proc selectGroup {z} {
- foreach t [$z gettags current] {
- if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
- changeGroup $z $item
- return
- }
- }
- }
- proc changeGroup {z grp} {
- variable currentItem
- variable currentGroup
- variable world
- changeItem $z $grp
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- set currentGroup $currentItem
- } else {
- set currentGroup $world
- }
- }
- proc reset {z } {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z treset $currentItem
- $z treset axisgrp:$currentItem
- }
- }
- proc resetChildren {z} {
- variable currentItem
- if {($currentItem != 0) && ([$z type $currentItem] == "group")} {
- $z addtag rt withtag .$currentItem.
- $z treset rt
- $z dtag rt rt
- }
- }
- proc moveUp {z} {
- move $z 0 20
- }
- proc moveDown {z} {
- move $z 0 -20
- }
- proc moveRight {z} {
- move $z 20 0
- }
- proc moveLeft {z} {
- move $z -20 0
- }
- proc move {z dx dy} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z translate $currentItem $dx $dy
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy
- }
- }
- proc scaleUp {z} {
- scale $z 1.1 1.1
- }
- proc scaleDown {z} {
- scale $z 0.9 0.9
- }
- proc scale {z dx dy} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z scale $currentItem $dx $dy
- $z scale axisgrp:$currentItem $dx $dy
- }
- }
- proc rotateLeft {z} {
- rotate $z [expr -3.14159/18]
- }
- proc rotateRight {z} {
- rotate $z [expr 3.14159/18]
- }
- proc rotate {z angle} {
- variable currentItem
- if {$currentItem != 0} {
- $z rotate $currentItem $angle
- $z rotate axisgrp:$currentItem $angle
- }
- }
- proc newRectangle {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add rectangle $currentGroup {-15 -15 15 15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newArc {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add arc $currentGroup {-25 -15 25 15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newCurve {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add curve $currentGroup {-15 -15 -15 15 15 15 15 -15} \
- -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
- }
- proc newText {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set item [$z add text $currentGroup -anchor s]
- $z itemconfigure $item -text "Item id: $item"
- return $item;
- }
- proc newIcon {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add icon $currentGroup -image logo -anchor center]
- }
- proc newTriangles {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- return [$z add triangles $currentGroup \
- {-25 15 -10 -15 5 15 20 -15 35 15 50 -30} \
- -colors {tan wheat tan wheat}]
- }
- proc newTrack {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {x80x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
- set item [$z add track $currentGroup 6 -labelformat $labelformat \
- -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 20]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
- return $item;
- }
- proc newWayPoint {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {a0a0+0+0 a0a0>0^1}
- set item [$z add waypoint $currentGroup 2 -labelformat $labelformat]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -backcolor DarkGreen -text TUR
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -text >>>
- return $item;
- }
- proc newTabular {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set labelformat {f700f600+0+0 f700a0^0^0 f700a0^0>1 \
- f700a0^0>2 f700a0^0>3 f700a0^0>4 f700a0^0>5}
- set item [$z add tabular $currentGroup 7 -labelformat $labelformat]
- $z itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -border contour \
- -bordercolor black -backcolor gray60
- $z itemconfigure $item 1 -alignment center -text AFR6128
- $z itemconfigure $item 2 -alignment center -text 390
- $z itemconfigure $item 3 -alignment center -text 370
- $z itemconfigure $item 4 -alignment center -text 350
- $z itemconfigure $item 5 -alignment center -text 330
- $z itemconfigure $item 6 -alignment center -text TUR
- return $item;
- }
- proc addAxes {z item length command inFront} {
- variable currentGroup
- set axesGroup [$z add group $currentGroup -tags axisgrp:$item]
- $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 $length 0] -linewidth 3 \
- -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item
- $z add curve $axesGroup [list 0 0 0 $length] -linewidth 3 \
- -lastend {6 8 3} -tags axis:$item
- $z add rectangle $axesGroup {-3 -3 3 3} -filled 1 \
- -linewidth 0 -composescale 0 -tags axis:$item
- if {$inFront} {
- $z raise $item $axesGroup
- }
- $z bind axis:$item <B1-Motion> {::transforms::dragItem %W %x %y}
- $z bind axis:$item <ButtonRelease-1> "::transforms::$command %W; set drag 0"
- }
- proc addItem {z} {
- variable itemType
- set length 25
- set itemOnTop 0
- set item [eval "new$itemType $z"]
- if {($itemType == "Track") || ($itemType == "WayPoint")} {
- set itemOnTop 1
- }
- addAxes $z $item 25 select $itemOnTop
- changeItem $z $item
- }
- proc addGroup {z} {
- variable currentGroup
- set item [$z add group $currentGroup]
- addAxes $z $item 80 selectGroup 1
- changeGroup $z $item
- }
- proc mouseAdd {z itemOrGroup x y} {
- variable currentGroup
- variable currentItem
- if {[llength [$z find withtag current]] != 0} {
- return
- }
- foreach {x y} [$z transform $currentGroup [list $x $y]] break
- eval "add$itemOrGroup $z"
- $z translate $currentItem $x $y
- $z translate axisgrp:$currentItem $x $y
- }
diff --git a/demos/triangles.tcl b/demos/triangles.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7326f32..0000000
--- a/demos/triangles.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval trianglesDemo {
- variable w .triangles
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Triangles Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Triangles
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 16 -weight normal]
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 300 -font $defaultfont -render 1 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] \
- -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
- # 6 equilateral triangles around a point
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {40 10} -text "Triangles item without transparency"
- variable x0 200
- variable y0 150
- variable coords [list "$x0 $y0"]
- for {set i 0} {$i<=6} {incr i} {
- set angle [expr $i * 6.28/6]
- lappend coords "[expr $x0 + 100 * cos($angle)] [expr $y0 - 100 * sin ($angle)]"
- }
- set tr1 [$w.zinc add triangles 1 $coords -fan 1 -colors {white yellow red magenta blue cyan green yellow} -visible 1]
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {370 10} -text "Triangles item with transparency"
- # using the clone method to make a copy and then modify the clone"colors
- set tr2 [$w.zinc clone $tr1]
- $w.zinc translate $tr2 300 0
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $tr2 -colors {white;50 yellow;50 red;50 magenta;50 blue;50 cyan;50 green;50 yellow;50}
diff --git a/demos/windowContours.tcl b/demos/windowContours.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6c263..0000000
--- a/demos/windowContours.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
-# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
-if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-namespace eval windowContours {
- variable w .windowContours
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Zinc Contours Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w Contours
- variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 20 -weight normal]
- grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
- grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
- # Creating the zinc widget
- grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font 9x15 -borderwidth 3 \
- -relief sunken] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
- # The explanation displayed when running this demo
- $w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text "These windows are simply rectangles holed by 4 smaller\nrectangles. The text appears behind the window glasses.\nYou can drag text or windows" -font 10x20
- # Text in background
- variable backtext [$w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 200} \
- -text "This text appears\nthrough holes of curves" \
- -font "-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1"]
- variable window [$w.zinc add curve 1 {100 100 300 100 300 400 100 400} -closed 1 \
- -visible 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor grey66]
- variable aGlass [$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {120 120 190 240}]
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass 90 0
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass 0 140
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- $w.zinc translate $aGlass -90 0
- $w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
- # deleting $aGlass which is no more usefull
- $w.zinc remove $aGlass
- # cloning $window
- variable window2 [$w.zinc clone $window]
- # changing its background moving it and scaling it!
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $window2 -fillcolor grey50
- $w.zinc translate $window2 30 50
- $w.zinc scale $window 0.8 0.8
- # adding drag and drop callback to the two windows and backtext
- foreach item "$window $window2 $backtext" {
- # Some bindings for dragging the items
- $w.zinc bind $item <1> "::windowContours::itemStartDrag $item %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $item <B1-Motion> "::windowContours::itemDrag $item %x %y"
- }
- # callback for starting a drag
- variable xOrig ""
- variable yOrig ""
- proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- set xOrig $x
- set yOrig $y
- }
- # Callback for moving an item
- proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- variable xOrig
- variable yOrig
- variable w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
- set xOrig $x;
- set yOrig $y;
- }
diff --git a/demos/zinc-widget b/demos/zinc-widget
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a4c85..0000000
--- a/demos/zinc-widget
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish "$0" "$@"
-# Locate the zinc top level directory.
-set zinc_demos [file dirname [info script]]
-if { [file exist [file join $zinc_demos .. .. lib Tkzinc pkgIndex.tcl]] } {
- set zinc_library [file join $zinc_demos .. .. lib Tkzinc]
-} {
- if { [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0] eq "Windows" } {
- #
- # For test purposes on the build site on windows.
- set zinc_library [file join $zinc_demos .. win buildtcl]
- } {
- set zinc_library [file join $zinc_demos ..]
- }
-# And adjust the paths accordingly.
-lappend auto_path $zinc_library
-package require Tkzinc 3.2
-set zincVersion [lindex [zinc] 0]
-eval destroy [winfo child .]
-wm title . "Zinc Widget Demonstration"
-set zincDemo 1
-set font {Helvetica 14}
-menu .menuBar -tearoff 0
-.menuBar add cascade -menu .menuBar.file -label File -underline 0
-menu .menuBar.file -tearoff 0
-.menuBar.file add command -label "About..." -command "aboutBox" \
- -underline 0 -accelerator "<F1>"
-.menuBar.file add sep
-.menuBar.file add command -label Quit -command exit -underline 0 \
- -accelerator Meta-Q
-. configure -menu .menuBar
-bind . <F1> aboutBox
-frame .statusBar
-label .statusBar.lab -text " " -relief sunken -bd 1 \
- -font -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -anchor w
-label .statusBar.foo -width 8 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
- -font -*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -anchor w
-pack .statusBar.lab -side left -padx 2 -expand yes -fill both
-pack .statusBar.foo -side left -padx 2
-pack .statusBar -side bottom -fill x -pady 2
-frame .textFrame
-scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.t yview} -highlightthickness 0 \
- -takefocus 1
-pack .s -in .textFrame -side right -fill y
-text .t -yscrollcommand {.s set} -wrap word -width 60 -height 30 -font $font \
- -setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 -padx 4 -pady 2 -takefocus 0
-pack .t -in .textFrame -expand y -fill both -padx 1
-pack .textFrame -expand yes -fill both
-# Create a bunch of tags to use in the text widget, such as those for
-# section titles and demo descriptions. Also define the bindings for
-# tags.
-.t tag configure title -font {Helvetica 18 bold}
-# We put some "space" characters to the left and right of each demo description
-# so that the descriptions are highlighted only when the mouse cursor
-# is right over them (but not when the cursor is to their left or right)
-.t tag configure demospace -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c
-if {[winfo depth .] == 1} {
- .t tag configure demo -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -underline 1
- .t tag configure visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -underline 1
- .t tag configure hot -background black -foreground white
-} else {
- .t tag configure demo -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -foreground blue -underline 1
- .t tag configure visited -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c \
- -foreground #303080 -underline 1
- .t tag configure hot -foreground red -underline 1
-.t tag bind demo <ButtonRelease-1> {
- invoke [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-set lastLine ""
-.t tag bind demo <Enter> {
- set lastLine [.t index {@%x,%y linestart}]
- .t tag add hot "$lastLine +1 chars" "$lastLine lineend -1 chars"
- .t config -cursor hand2
- showStatus [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-.t tag bind demo <Leave> {
- .t tag remove hot 1.0 end
- .t config -cursor xterm
- .statusBar.lab config -text ""
-.t tag bind demo <Motion> {
- set newLine [.t index {@%x,%y linestart}]
- if {[string compare $newLine $lastLine] != 0} {
- .t tag remove hot 1.0 end
- set lastLine $newLine
- set tags [.t tag names {@%x,%y}]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- if {$i >= 0} {
- .t tag add hot "$lastLine +1 chars" "$lastLine lineend -1 chars"
- }
- }
- showStatus [.t index {@%x,%y}]
-# Create the text for the text widget.
-.t insert end "Zinc/Tk Widget Demonstrations $zincVersion\n" title
-.t insert end {
- This application provides a front end for several short scripts in Tcl/Tk that demonstrate what you can do with the TkZinc widget. Each of the numbered lines below describes a demonstration; you can click on it to invoke the demonstration. Once the demonstration window appears, you can click the "See Code" button to see the Tcl/Tk code that created the demonstration.
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Small applications\n" title
-.t insert end "1. The famous tiger (better with openGL).\n" {demo demo-tiger}
-.t insert end "2. A toy radar display.\n" {demo demo-simpleRadar}
-.t insert end "3. ATC electronic strips demo (better with openGL).\n" {demo demo-groupsInAtcStrips}
-.t insert end "3. A magic lens simulation (need openGL).\n" {demo demo-magicLens}
-.t insert end "4. A demo of the Graphics tcl module (based on curves).\n" {demo demo-testGraphics}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "All Items\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Exemples of all items.\n" {demo demo-items}
-.t insert end "2. All items options (and their types).\n" {demo demo-allOptions}
-.t insert end "3. Examples of line style and line termination.\n" {demo demo-lines}
-.t insert end "4. Curves with multiple contours.\n" {demo demo-contours}
-.t insert end "7. Curves with cubic bezier control points.\n" {demo demo-curveBezier}
-.t insert end "8. Curves with multiple contours and various fillrule.\n" {demo demo-fillRule}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Groups, Priority, Clipping and PathTags\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Groups and Priorities.\n" {demo demo-groupsPriority}
-.t insert end "2. Clipping examples (with simple or multiple contours).\n" {demo demo-clipping}
-.t insert end "3. Group atomicity.\n" {demo demo-atomicGroups}
-.t insert end "4. \"Windows\" with four glasses using curve with multiple contours.\n" {demo demo-windowContours}
-.t insert end "5. Pathtags demonstration.\n" {demo demo-pathTags}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Transformation\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Transformation testbed.\n" {demo demo-transforms}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "Use of open GL\n" title
-.t insert end "1. The TkZinc Logo.\n" {demo demo-tkZincLogo}
-.t insert end "2. Applying transformations to an icon.\n" {demo demo-iconTransform}
-.t insert end "3. Using the alpha information from an image (Need Img ext.).\n" {demo demo-photoAlpha}
-.t insert end "4. Axial color variation on the X axis.\n" {demo demo-colorX}
-.t insert end "5. Axial color variation on the Y axis.\n" {demo demo-colorY}
-.t insert end "6. Circular color variation.\n" {demo demo-colorCircular}
-.t insert end "7. The triangles item.\n" {demo demo-triangles}
-.t insert end "8. Relief testbed.\n" {demo demo-reliefs}
-.t insert end "\n" {} "ATC oriented features and items\n" title
-.t insert end "1. Examples of labelformat.\n" {demo demo-labelformat}
-.t insert end "2. Simple interaction on a track.\n" {demo demo-simpleInteractionTrack}
-.t insert end "3. Text input in a text item and a track item.\n" {demo demo-textInput}
-.t configure -state disabled
-focus .s
-# positionWindow --
-# This procedure is invoked by most of the demos to position a
-# new demo window.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the window to position.
-proc positionWindow w {
- wm geometry $w +300+300
-# showVars --
-# Displays the values of one or more variables in a window, and
-# updates the display whenever any of the variables changes.
-# Arguments:
-# w - Name of new window to create for display.
-# args - Any number of names of variables.
-proc showVars {w args} {
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Variable values"
- label $w.title -text "Variable values:" -width 20 -anchor center \
- -font {Helvetica 18}
- pack $w.title -side top -fill x
- set len 1
- foreach i $args {
- if {[string length $i] > $len} {
- set len [string length $i]
- }
- }
- foreach i $args {
- frame $w.$i
- label $w.$i.name -text "$i: " -width [expr $len + 2] -anchor w
- label $w.$i.value -textvar $i -anchor w
- pack $w.$i.name -side left
- pack $w.$i.value -side left -expand 1 -fill x
- pack $w.$i -side top -anchor w -fill x
- }
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w" -default active
- bind $w <Return> "tkButtonInvoke $w.ok"
- pack $w.ok -side bottom -pady 2
-# invoke --
-# This procedure is called when the user clicks on a demo description.
-# It is responsible for invoking the demonstration.
-# Arguments:
-# index - The index of the character that the user clicked on.
-proc invoke index {
- global zinc_demos
- set tags [.t tag names $index]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- if {$i < 0} {
- return
- }
- set cursor [.t cget -cursor]
- .t configure -cursor watch
- update
- set demo [string range [lindex $tags $i] 5 end]
- uplevel [list source [file join $zinc_demos $demo.tcl]]
- update
- .t configure -cursor $cursor
- .t tag add visited "$index linestart +1 chars" "$index lineend -1 chars"
-# showStatus --
-# Show the name of the demo program in the status bar. This procedure
-# is called when the user moves the cursor over a demo description.
-proc showStatus index {
- set tags [.t tag names $index]
- set i [lsearch -glob $tags demo-*]
- set cursor [.t cget -cursor]
- if {$i < 0} {
- .statusBar.lab config -text " "
- set newcursor xterm
- } else {
- set demo [string range [lindex $tags $i] 5 end]
- .statusBar.lab config -text "Run the \"$demo\" sample program"
- set newcursor hand2
- }
- if [string compare $cursor $newcursor] {
- .t config -cursor $newcursor
- }
-# showCode --
-# This procedure creates a toplevel window that displays the code for
-# a demonstration and allows it to be edited and reinvoked.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of the demonstration's window, which can be
-# used to derive the name of the file containing its code.
-proc showCode w {
- global zinc_demos
- set file [string range $w 1 end].tcl
- if ![winfo exists .code] {
- toplevel .code
- frame .code.buttons
- pack .code.buttons -side bottom -fill x
- button .code.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss \
- -default active -command "destroy .code"
- button .code.buttons.rerun -text "Rerun Demo" -command {
- eval [.code.text get 1.0 end]
- }
- pack .code.buttons.dismiss .code.buttons.rerun -side left \
- -expand 1 -pady 2
- frame .code.frame
- pack .code.frame -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
- text .code.text -height 40 -wrap word\
- -xscrollcommand ".code.xscroll set" \
- -yscrollcommand ".code.yscroll set" \
- -setgrid 1 -highlightthickness 0 -pady 2 -padx 3
- scrollbar .code.xscroll -command ".code.text xview" \
- -highlightthickness 0 -orient horizontal
- scrollbar .code.yscroll -command ".code.text yview" \
- -highlightthickness 0 -orient vertical
- grid .code.text -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- grid .code.yscroll -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- # grid .code.xscroll -in .code.frame -padx 1 -pady 1 \
- # -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
- grid rowconfig .code.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
- grid columnconfig .code.frame 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
- } else {
- wm deiconify .code
- raise .code
- }
- wm title .code "Demo code: [file join $zinc_demos $file]"
- wm iconname .code $file
- set id [open [file join $zinc_demos $file]]
- .code.text delete 1.0 end
- .code.text insert 1.0 [read $id]
- .code.text mark set insert 1.0
- close $id
-# aboutBox --
-# Pops up a message box with an "about" message
-proc aboutBox {} {
- tk_messageBox -icon info -type ok -title "About Zinc Demo" -message \
- "Tkzinc widget demonstration\n\n\
-Copyright (c) 2003 CENA\n\n
-The demo framework \n
-Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc."
- }
diff --git a/doc/.cvsignore b/doc/.cvsignore
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index 2ad5cb1..0000000
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--- a/doc/alllineshapes.png
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index b3fe223..0000000
--- a/doc/allreliefs.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index c1ba78a..0000000
--- a/doc/alphastip.png
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Binary files differ
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@@ -1,4907 +0,0 @@
-% $Revision$
-% Relire et reprendre l'item Track et compléter les attributs
-% Męme chose pour triangles
-% Vérifier que les couleurs sont bien décrites comme des gradients
-% Les reliefs sont calculés sur le linecolor/bordercolor et non
-% sur le fillcolor comme avant
-% Ecrire les quelques descriptions d'item qui manquent.
-% Mettre quelques images: au moins une par item, une pour chaque relief,
-% une pour chaque type de gradient.
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- pdfauthor={Patrick Lecoanet, Christophe Mertz, Centre d'Étude de la Navigation Aérienne},
- pdfsubject={The 3.3 Reference Manual.},
- pdfkeywords={tk tcl perl x11 canvas opengl script gui TkZinc},
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-% the following command is never used!!
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-%second argument: attribute
-%third argument : type
-%fourth argument; explanation
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-% second argument: attribute
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-% Deuxieme parametre : legende
-% Troisieme parametre : scaling (e.g. 2.2 1 ou 0.54) ŕ appliquer en pdf / dvi
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-\title{Zinc, an advanced scriptable Canvas.\\The pre 3.3 Reference Manual.\\\small{[CENA technical Note NT03-532]} }
-\author{Patrick Lecoanet, Christophe Mertz}
-\date{1 Septembre 2004}
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-%% C h a p t e r : I n t r o d u c t i o n
-\section{What is TkZinc ?}
-TkZinc widgets are very similar to Tk Canvases in that they support
-structured graphics. Like the Canvas, TkZinc implements items used to
-display graphical entities. Those items can be manipulated and bindings can be
-associated with them to implement interaction behaviors. But unlike the
-Canvas, TkZinc can structure the items in a hierarchy (with the use of
-group items), has support for affine 2D transforms (i.e.\ translation, scaling, and
-rotation), clipping can be set for sub-trees of the item hierarchy, the item set
-is quite more powerful including field specific items for Air Traffic systems and
-new rendering techniques such as transparency and gradients. If needed, it is also
-possible to extend the item set in an additionnal dynamic library through the use
-of a C api.
-Since the 3.2.2 version, TkZinc also offers as a runtime option, the support
-for openGL rendering, giving access to features such as antialiasing, transparency,
-color gradients and even a new, openGL oriented, item type : \objectref{triangles}.
-In order to use the openGL features, you need the support of the GLX extension on
-your X11 server. Of course, performances will be dependant of your graphic card. At
-the time of writing, NVidia drivers for XFree86 R4.1 are doing a nice job. A laptop
-with a GeForce GO graphic card works nice for non trivial applications. We also
-succeeded in using TkZinc with openGL on the Exceed X11 server (running on windows and
-developped by Hummingbird) with the 3D extension.
-As an example of TkZinc capabilities when combined with openGL, we implemented
-the TkZinc logo as a Perl module (available as a goodie in \ident{LogoZinc.pm}).
-This logo (see below) was designed with Adobe Illustrator and then programmed in Perl.
-%\includefigure{tkzinclogo}{Zinc logo written as a Perl/Tk module}{fig:logozinc}
-\fig{tkzinclogo}{Zinc Logo written as a Perl/Tk module}{1}
-Like the canvas TkZinc focuses on the notion of script language. We strongly
-believe that the script environments are very powerful for rapid prototyping and for
-developping small to medium scale field specific applications. In these cases
-developper know-how and time are a scarce resource and the application either has few
-clients or is short lived. It is important to grant non-specialists an access to the
-powerful tools that are available today for HMI building, through a rather simple
-The TkZinc widget is available for the Tcl/Tk and the Perl/Tk scripting
-environments. A binding over Tcl/Tk is also provided for Python. It should be easy
-to do the same for Ruby, a binding for Tk is provided in the standard distribution of
-Ruby. Other scripting languages may be used as well depending on the availability
-of a Tk interface.
-This document is Tcl/Tk and Perl/Tk oriented but it should be easy for Python or Ruby
-programmers to adapt. Every time a TkZinc command is described in this
-document, it is given first in Tcl/Tk idiom and then in Perl/Tk idiom.
-This document is also referenced as CENA technical note NT03-532.
-\section{Differences with previous versions}
-\subsection{Differences between 3.3 and 3.2.97 release}
-This release has been mainly focused on producing a stable code
-base that compile and run on all three supported platforms with
-as little effort as possible.
-The only functional change is the integration of the fieldbbox
-command into the bbox command.
-\subsection{Differences between 3.2.97 and 3.2.6 release}
-\item TkZinc now works with Perl ptk 8.4 and utf8; However there remains
-some serious performance hit at launch time, when combinig openGL and ptk8.4,
-due to utf8 fonts management.
-\item text and icons can now be scaled and rotated in X (i.e. without openGL)
-\item translate method accepts an additionnal argument 'absolute'
-\item scale method accepts additionnal arguments: unit and rotation center
-\item find and addtag methods can now search inside atomic group
-\item the bbox method accepts into account the clipping area of a group
-\item TkZinc option -trackmanagehistory is replaced by -trackvisiblehistorysize
-and in for track items the attribute -visiblehistorysize has been removed and
-replaced by -historyvisible. {\bf Beware: Incompatible change}
-\item Default value of -composescale and -composerotation of texts
-and icons is now false. This is coherent with the default behavior
-of these items (being rigids). The impact of this change is
-greatly minored by the new processing of the -position attribute.
-\item transformation of items with a -position has been slightly
-modified. The point described by -position is no longer considered
-in the coordinate space of the item but in the coordinate space
-of its parent group. The item is always located in 0,0 of its
-own coordinate space. This is so to make use of -composescale and
--composerotation a lot more useful (and compatible).
-\item The fieldbbox method has been added to get item filed bounding box.
-\item Four new methods are now available for managing the transforms:
-tcompose, tget, tset and skew. A predefined named transformation is also available
-'identity' to be used with tsave. A predefined tag 'device' can be used to
-convert coordinates in or from device coordinates (with transform method).
-\item TkZinc with Tcl/Tk now works on windows and MacOS X (with X11 and fink).
-\item compilation on Linux works fine now, and TkZinc for Perl is on the CPAN
-\item A powerful perl module Tk::Zinc::Graphics has been added to help creating
-complex curves. French man pages are available. A port in Tcl is also available.
-\item png images with transparencies can now be displayed (requires openGL rendering)
-\item bezier items have been suppressed; they can now be easily replaced by curve items.
-\item curve items support now a higher level of description: they may be composed of line
-segments, and bezier segments. In the future they may also support other kinds of segments
-(such as arcs...).
-\item the coords method accepts a list of arrays as well as flat list of coordinates.
-When coords returns more than one point it is always a list of arrays.
-(and no more a flat list of x y x y ...). {\bf Beware this is a small incompatible change in the API}.
-\item operators of the contour command have been replaced by a flag which indicates
-if the contour must be taken as counterclockwise, clockwise or unchanged.
-Contours ids are now predictable. The GPC ``not-so-free'' library is no more used.
-It has been replaced by the GLU library. So TkZinc is again fully free software.
-\item curve item have a new -fillrule attribute.
-\item the syntax of gradient has been changed, mainly to accomodate with any color specification
-defined for X. {\bf Beware that old gradient are no more compatible}
-\item conical gradient type has been added; gradient paramaters has been extended.
-\item Perl modules ZincText, ZincDebug, ZincTrace and ZincTraceErrors have been renamed Tk::Zinc::Text Tk::Zinc::Debug
-Tk::Zinc::Trace and Tk::Zinc::Trace.
-\item TkZinc comes now with a ZincTrace.pm module to trace every TkZinc method call
-\item the hierarchical view in ZincDebug.pm can now display some choosen attributes
-in a choosen format.
-\item 6 new Perl demos in zinc-demos: ``testGraphics'', ``magic Lens'', ``pathTags'', ``tiger'' and ``curve with bezier control points''
-and ``fillrule''. Many Perl/Tk demos have been ported to Tcl/Tk.
-\item pathTags introduced in 3.2.6 have been documented. Label and label
-format documentation has been enhanced.
-\section{Where can I find TkZinc and documentation ?}
-\ident{Zinc} is available as source in tar.gz format or as Debian or RedHat/Mandrake
-packages at
- \anurl{http://www.tkzinc.org/} or
- \anurl{http://freshmeat.net/projects/zincisnotcanvas/}
-For people from CENA, its possible to get the TkZinc source code through
-a private CVS server. Please contact directly {\tt lecoanet@cena.fr} for more informations.
-This documentation is available as part of the TkZinc software. It is also
-available separately on the web sites. This document is formatted with \LaTeX\
-and is distributed as either html pages or a pdf file.
-As a complement to this reference manual, small Perl/Tk demos of TkZinc are
-also available through a small application named \conceptref{zinc-demos}{zinc-demos},
-highly inspired from the \emph{widget} application included in Tk. The aim of these demos
-are both to demonstrates the power of TkZinc and to help newcomers start using
-Zinc with small examples.
-\section{What is this document about ?}
-This reference manual describes the TkZinc widget interface. It shows how to
-create and configure a TkZinc widget, and how to use the commands it provides to
-create and manipulate items. The next chapter \conceptref{Widget creation and
-options}{options} describes how to create a new widget and which options and resources are
-available to configure it.
-The chapter \conceptref{Groups, Display List and Transformations}{coordinates} describes
-the use of groups and coordinates transformations.
-The chapter \conceptref{Item ids, tags and indices} {tagOrId} describes the item tags
-along with their main purposes. Also introduced is the concept of part name used by some
-items (\objectref{track} and \objectref{waypoint}). Finally, this chapter provides a
-description of textual indices.
-The chapter \conceptref{Widget commands}{commands} describes the commands which apply to a
-Zinc widget. They are used for creating, modifying or deleting objects, applying
-transforms ...
-The chapter \conceptref{Item types}{items} describes all the items provided by TkZinc along
-with their attributes.
-The chapter \conceptref{Labels, fields and labelformat}{labelsandfields} describes the
-use of labels, the possible attributes of fields and finally the labelformat syntax.
-The chapter \conceptref{Attributes types}{types} describes the legal form of all item
-The chapter \conceptref{The mapinfo commands}{mapinfocmds} introduces the mapinfo, a
-simple map description structure, and describes the commands used to create and
-manipulate mapinfos.
-Finally the chapter \conceptref{Other resources provided by the widget}{otherresources}
-describes some resources provided by or with TkZinc.
-\section{Copyright and License}
-Zinc has been developed by the CENA (Centres d'Etudes de la Navigation
-Aérienne) for its own needs in advanced HMI (Human Machine Interfaces or Interactions).
-Because we are confident in the benefit of free software, the CENA delivered this
-toolkit under the same license as the Tk toolkit, the open source BSD License.
-This software is copyrighted by the Centre d'études de la Navigation
-Aérienne, Patrick Lecoanet, and other parties. The following terms
-apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly
-disclaimed in individual files.
-Here is the license text:
-The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
-and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
-that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
-notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
-license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
-Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
-and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
-the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
-they apply.
-Parts of this software are derived from the Tk toolkit which is copyrighted by
-The Regents of the University of California and Sun Microsystems, Inc..
-The GL font rendering is derived from Mark Kilgard code described in ``A Simple
-OpenGL-based API for Texture Mapped Text'' and is copyrighted by Mark Kilgard
-under an open source license.
-\section{Authors and credits}
-Zinc has been developed by Patrick Lecoanet. He also developed two previous
-version called \emph{Radar Widget} which share some characteristics with this
-version. The \emph{Radar Widget} was heavily used at CENA for many projects over nearly
-10 years. The release 2 is still in use. It was enhanced and then used for actual
-radar displays in two main French Air Traffic Control Centres 24 hours a
-day. Dominique Ruiz, Frederic Lepied helped a lot in the developement of these
-earlier versions.
-Zinc benefited greatly from the close interaction and the needs expressed by
-Jean-Luc Vinot. Jean-Luc has a background of Graphic Designer and is now an HMI
-developer at CENA. He envisions many, many new ideas for advanced HMI. Many of them
-would have been difficult to implement if at all possible with similar widgets.
-Zinc would have been less interesting without his ideas.
-Didier Pavet and his team as well as Daniel Etienne and Herve Damiano were the first
-users and helped a lot either by reporting bugs, problems or solutions. Thanks to all
-these people and to the CENA for supporting this work.
-The core of this documentation has been written by Patrick Lecoanet, the main author
-of TkZinc. This documentation has been enriched by Christophe Mertz.
-\section{How can I find help with TkZinc}
-If you are stuck with a feature you don't understand. If you don't know how to
-do something with TkZinc. If you think you have found a bug or a mismatch between
-the documentation and the behavior of the widget. Please feel free to contact us.
-Mail either {\tt lecoanet@cena.fr} or the TkZinc mailing list. To subscribe to the mailing
-list, please consult the site \anurl{http://www.tkzinc.org/}.
-\section{How may I contribute to TkZinc development}
-If you think TkZinc is an interesting tool, they are many ways to help with TkZinc
-development. First of all, subscribe to the TkZinc mailing list and get in touch with us. To
-subscribe, please consult the site \anurl{http://www.tkzinc.org/}.
-\item The very first way to contribute is to use TkZinc and to report
-any bug or problem you may experiment. Of course, if you send a script that
-exhibits the problem or even better a patch, your problem will have more
-chance to find a solution.
-\item The second way to contribute is by commenting on and proposing enhancement to
-this reference manual. As it has been written by french writers, english readers may
-really help in making this document easier to use. If you really feel ambitious, you
-may even try to write a tutorial, but that may be quite an undertaking! Some
-documentation (currently Tk::Zinc::Graphics) are in French only. Translating it in
-english would be great.
-\item The third way to contribute, and may be the funniest way, is to enrich the set
-of demos (see chapter \conceptref{Other resources provided by the
-widget}{otherresources}). Feel free to send us your productions. They may be simple
-but demonstrative or more complex. It is up to you! They will be integrated in the
-next release of TkZinc if they are worth it.
-\item The fourth way to contribute, and may be the most difficult, is to enrich the set
-of items (see section \conceptref{C api for adding new items}{Capi}) in an separate
-dynamic library. Then send us source code (with appropriate copyright and license)
-if you want them to be integrated in a future release of TkZinc.
-%% C h a p t e r : W i d g e t c r e a t i o n a n d o p t i o n s
-\chapter{Widget creation and options}
-The TkZinc command creates a new TkZinc widget, the general form are in Tcl and Perl:
-{\tt\large zinc}\medskip
-{\tt\large \$version = \$mainwindow->zinc();}\smallskip
-{\tt\large \$Tk::Zinc::VERSION;}
-These expressions can be used to get the version of TkZinc. The string returned by the last expression also details the graphic head available. For example : ``zinc-version-3205d X11 GL''.
-{\tt\large zinc pathname ?options?}\medskip
-{\tt\large \$mainwindow->Zinc(?option=>value?, ..., ?option=>value?);}
-{\tt pathname} name the new widget and specifies where in the widget hierarchy
-it will be located.
-You can set the {\tt \$ZINC\_GLX\_INFO} environment variable in order to display some information about the OpenGL instance used by TkZinc \textit{(New since TkZinc v3.2.6i)}.
-Any new TkZinc widget comes with a root group item, always identified by
-the item id 1. This group will contain all other items, either directly or through
-groups created themselves in the root group. Together the items form a tree rooted
-at the root group, hence its name.
-The chapter \conceptref{Groups, Display List and Transformations}{coordinates}
-describes the use of groups. The chapter \conceptref{Item ids, tags and indices}{tagOrId}
-describes the item ids and item tags, used as argument in most commands.
-The options are used to configure how the newly created widget will behave.
-They can be changed later by using the \cmdref{configure} and \cmdref{itemconfigure}
-Tk commands.
-Options apply only to the widget itself. They are a Tk supported concept and
-benefit from the option database an other mechanisms used to externally adapt the
-application to different environments. Attributes are a similar concept available for
-items and other TkZinc objects. But they are private to TkZinc and do not benefit from Tk
-support. They have been named differently to avoid confusion.
-Any number of options may be specified on the command line or in the option
-database to modify the global behavior of the widget. Available options are
-described below.
-This is the color that will
-be used to fill the TkZinc window. It is also used as a default color
-for some item color attributes. See each color attribute for the
-actual source of the default color. Its default value is
-{\tt \#c3c3c3}, a light grey.
- Specifies the width of the 3d border that should be displayed around the widget
- window. This border does overlap the active TkZinc display area. The area
- requested from the geometry manager (or the window manager if applicable)
- is the area defined by \optref{width} and \optref{height}, the border is not
- taken into account. This value can be given in any of the forms valid for
- coordinates (See \cident{TkGet\_Pixels}). The default value is {\tt 2}.
- Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether or not it should be allowable
- to set the TkZinc's view outside the region defined by the \optref{scrollregion}.
- Defaults to true, which means that the view will be constrained within the scroll region.
- Specifies the cursor to use when the pointer is in the TkZinc window. The default
- value is set to preserve the cursor inherited at widget creation.
- The font specified by this option is used as a default font for item attributes of
- type font. Its default value is {\tt -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*}.
-\option{forecolor}{foreColor}{ForeColor} %% XXX CM Foreground ?!
- The color specified by this option is used as a default color for many item color
- attributes. See each each color attribute for the actual source of the default
- color. Its default value is {\tt black}.
- If this option is True, the shape applied to the TkZinc window will propagate up the
- window hierarchy to the toplevel window. The result will be a shaped toplevel.
- See also the \optref{reshape} option, it controls whether a shape is applied
- to the TkZinc window or not. The default is {\tt true}.
- Specifies the height of the TkZinc window. This value can be given in any of the
- forms valid for coordinates (See \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}). The default is {\tt 100}
- pixels.
- Specifies the color to display in the traversal highlight region when the
- widget does not have the input focus. The default value is {\tt \#c3c3c3}.
- Specifies the color to use for the traversal highlight rectangle that is drawn
- around the widget when it has the input focus. The default value is {\tt black}.
- Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the highlight rectangle
- drawn around the outside of the widget when it has the input focus. The value may
- have any of the forms acceptable to \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}. If the value is zero,
- no focus highlight is drawn around the widget. The default value is {\tt 2}.
-\option{insertbackground}{insertBackground}{InsertBackground} %% XXX CM Foreground ?!
- Specifies the color to use as background in the area covered by the insertion
- cursor. This color will normally override either the normal background for the
- widget (or the selection background if the insertion cursor happens to fall in the
- selection). The default value is {\tt black}.
-\option{insertofftime}{insertOffTime}{InsertOffTime} %% XXX CM OffTime ?!
- Specifies a non-negative integer value indicating the number of milliseconds the
- insertion cursor should remain off in each blink cycle. If this option is zero
- then the cursor is on all the time. The default value is {\tt 300}.
-\option{insertontime}{insertOnTime}{InsertOnTime} %% XXX CM OnTime ?!
- Specifies a non-negative integer value indicating the number of milliseconds the
- insertion cursor should remain on in each blink cycle. The default value is {\tt 600}.
- Specifies a value indicating the width of the insertion cursor. The value may have
- any of the forms acceptable to \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}. The default value is {\tt 2}.
- Specifies the lighting angle in degre used when displaying relief. The default value is {\tt 120}. %%% XXX CM to be completed!
- This option specifies the symbol to be used as a milestone along map lines. This
- option can be given any Tk bitmap which can be obtained by
- \cident{Tk\_GetBitmap}. The spacing between markers is 10 nautic miles. The default
- value is {\tt AtcSymbol19} (see \conceptref{Other resources provided by the widget}{otherresources}).
- Specifies the font used to draw the texts contained in maps. The default is
- {\tt -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*}.
- This option accepts an item id. It specifies if the label overlapping avoidance
- algorithm should be allowed to do its work on the track labels and which group
- should be considered to look for tracks. The default is to enable the avoidance
- algorithm in the root group (id 1). To disable the algorithm this option should
- be set to {\tt 0}.
- Specifies the size of an area around the pointer that is used to tell if the
- pointer is inside an item. This is useful to lessen the precision required when
- picking graphical elements. This value must be a positive integer. It defaults to
- {\tt 1}.
- Specifies the border relief. This option can be given any legal value for a relief
- (See \attrtyperef{relief} for a description of possible values). The default
- value is {\tt flat}.
- Specifies whether to use or not the openGL rendering. The value is
- a positive integer that can have the values 0, 1 and 2. The value 0
- specifies a X11 rendering while the other two ask for an OpenGL
- rendering and as such requires the GLX extension to the X server.
- A value of 1 asks for direct OpenGL rendering which is the faster but
- is limited to a local session with the display while a value of 2
- requests an indirect rendering which is slower but can be streamed
- to a distant display (at least under X11). If a direct rendering
- mode is requested but can't be achieved the indirect render mode
- will be tried automatically. If neither OpenGL modes are available
- the X11 mode is used as a fallback.
- This option must be defined at widget creation time and is readonly
- for the rest of the session. It can be used to ask if the widget is
- drawing in OpenGL mode or in plain X mode (to adapt the
- application code for example). The default value is {\tt 0}.
- Specifies if the clipping shape that can be set in the root group item should clip
- the root group children or be used to reshape the TkZinc window. This option can be
- used with the fullreshape option to reshape the toplevel window as well. The
- default value is {\tt true}.
- Specifies a list with four coordinates describing the left, top, right, and bottom
- coordinates of a rectangular region. This region is used for scrolling purposes and
- is considered to be the boundary of the information in the TkZinc.
-\option{selectbackground}{selectBackground}{SelectBackground} %% XXX CM Foreground ?!
- Specifies the background color to use for displaying the selection in text
- items. The default value is {\tt \#a0a0a0}.
- Specifies the duration of track speed vectors. This option is expressed using a
- time unit that should be chosen by the application (usually minutes) and kept
- coherent with the unit of the track attribute \attributeref{track}{speedvector} (usually nautic
- mile / minute). The default value is {\tt 3}.
- (Slightly adapted from the Tk options manpage).
- Determines whether the window accepts the focus during keyboard traversal (e.g., Tab and
- Shift-Tab). Before setting the focus to a window, the traversal scripts consult the
- value of the takeFocus option. A value of 0 means that the window should be skipped
- entirely during keyboard traversal. 1 means that the window should receive the input
- focus as long as it is viewable (it and all of its ancestors are mapped). An empty
- value for the option means that the traversal scripts make the decision about whether or
- not to focus on the window: the current algorithm is to skip the window if it is
- disabled, if it has no key bindings, or if it is not viewable. If the value has any
- other form, then the traversal scripts take the value, append the name of the window to
- it (with a separator space), and evaluate the resulting string as a callback. The
- script must return 0, 1, or an empty string: a 0 or 1 value specifies whether the window
- will receive the input focus, and an empty string results in the default decision
- described above. \emph{Note: this interpretation of the option is defined entirely by
- the callbacks (part of the keyboard traversal scripts) that implement traversal; the
- widget implementations ignore the option entirely, so you can change its meaning if you
- redefine the keyboard traversal scripts.}
- The default value is empty.
- Specifies an image name to be used as a tile for painting the TkZinc window
- background. The default value is {\tt ""} (the empty string).
- This option accepts only positive integers. It specifies the number of positions
- collected in the history list by the track items. When this many positions have
- been collected, the oldest is dropped to make room for a new one on a first-in
- first-out basis. See also the \optref{trackvisiblehistorysize} option and the
- \attributeref{track}{historyvisible} track attribute. The default value is {\tt 6}.
- This option accepts only positive integers. It specifies the number of
- past positions to display for tracks. It is a widget wide control. Users
- of previous releases used the {\tt -visiblehistorysize} track attribute
- for the same effect. The number of past positions displayed can not exceed
- the accumulated positions controlled by the option \optref{trackmanagedhistorysize}.
- The track \attributeref{track}{historyvisible} attribute controls whether
- a track should display its history. The default value is {\tt 6}.
- Specifies the symbol displayed at the current position of a track. This option
- accepts a \attrtyperef{bitmap}. The default value is {\tt AtcSymbol15}.
- Specifies a callback used to communicate with horizontal scrollbars. When
- the view in the widget's window changes (or whenever anything else occurs
- that could change the display in a scrollbar, such as a change in the total
- size of the widget's contents), the widget will make a callback passing two
- numeric arguments in addition to any specified in the callback. Each of the
- numbers is a fraction between 0 and 1, which indicates a position in the
- document. 0 indicates the beginning of the document, 1 indicates the end,
- .333 indicates a position one third the way through the document, and so on.
- The first fraction indicates the first information in the document that is
- visible in the window, and the second fraction indicates the information
- just after the last portion that is visible. Typically the xScrollCommand
- option consists of the scrollbar widget object and the method ``set'' i.e.
- [set => \$sb]: this will cause the scrollbar to be updated whenever the view
- in the window changes. If this option is not specified, then no command
- will be executed.
- Specifies an increment for horizontal scrolling. If the value of this option
- is greater than zero, the horizontal view in the window will be constrained
- so that the TkZinc x coordinate at the left edge of the window is always an
- even multiple of {\tt xScrollIncrement}; furthermore, the units for scrolling
- (e.g., the change in view when the left and right arrows of a scrollbar are
- selected) will also be {\tt xScrollIncrement}. If the value of this option
- is less than or equal to zero, then horizontal scrolling is unconstrained.
- Specifies a callback used to communicate with vertical scrollbars. This option
- is treated in the same way as the xScrollCommand option, except that it is used
- for vertical scrollbars and is provided by widgets that support vertical
- scrolling. See the description of xScrollCommand for details on how this option is used.
- Specifies an increment for vertical scrolling. If the value of this option
- is greater than zero, the vertical view in the window will be constrained
- so that the TkZinc y coordinate at the left edge of the window is always an
- even multiple of {\tt yScrollIncrement}; furthermore, the units for scrolling
- (e.g., the change in view when the top and bottom arrows of a scrollbar are
- selected) will also be {\tt yScrollIncrement}. If the value of this option
- is less than or equal to zero, then vertical scrolling is unconstrained.
- Specifies the width of the TkZinc window. This value can be given in any of
- the forms valid for coordinates (See \cident{Tk\_GetPixels}). The default is
- {\tt 100} pixels.
-%% C h a p t e r : G r o u p s , D i s p l a y l i s t s , C l i p p i n g
-\chapter{Groups, Display lists, Clipping and Transformations}
-Groups are very powerful items. They have no graphics of their own but are used to
-bundle items together so that they can be manipulated easily as a whole. Groups can
-modify in several way how items are displayed and how they react to events. They have
-many uses in TkZinc and we will describe them in this chapter. The main usages
-\item to bundle items together so they can be cloned, destroyed, hidden,
- moved and more as a whole,
-\item to bundle several items together so that they form a new single item
- composed of several simpler one. This is done by modifying the way events
- are associated with items (see \attributeref{group}{atomic}),
-\item to interpose a new coordinate system in a hierarchy of items. This
- can be very useful to manage panning, zooming and other kind of viewing
- transformation. See below for an explanation of the transformation system
-\item to compose some specific attributes such as transparency, sensitivity,
- visibility, ...\ with those of their children items,
-\item to apply a clipping to their children items,
-\item to manage display ordering between items and to do the display lists
- housekeeping.
-\section{The root group and the item tree}
-An item, be it simple like a rectangle or more complex like a group, is always
-created relative to a group which is known as its parent, the group's items are its
-children. The items form a tree whose nodes are the group items. The top-most node is
-known as the root group, of id 1, which is automatically created with TkZinc. By
-convention, the root group is its own parent. It is not possible to change the parent
-of the root group and it is not possible to delete it. However, it is possible to
-change the group of all other items after creation, and thus modify the item tree at
-any time. This is the use of the \cmdref{chggroup} command.
-\section{Attributes composed with children}
-The following attributes are composed down the item tree to form the
-resulting attribute value in the leaf items:
-\item\ident{-sensitive}: the sensitivity (to keyboards or mouse event) of an
- item is the result of and-ing together the \ident{-sensitive} attributes
- found when descending from the root group to a specific leaf item.
-\item\ident{-visible}: the visibility of an item is the result of and-ing together
- the \ident{-visible} attributes found when descending from the root group to a
- specific leaf item.
-\item\ident{-alpha}: the transparency of an item is the result of combining
- the \ident{-alpha} attributes of the groups found when descending from the
- root group to a specific item with the alpha channel found in a given color
- of this item. The transparency is a percentage between 0 and 100, two
- transparencies are combined by multiplying both and then dividing by 100.
- The transparency can be used only if the environment support openGL and if
- the widget was created with the \optref{render} option set to True.
-\section{Atomic groups}
-It may seem at first that there is a contradiction in this title, but there is not. It is
-possible to built complex objects from simple items simply by assembling those items
-together in a group (using other intervening groups if the need arise). Once this is
-done, it would be convenient if the whole acted as a single item, the top assembling
-group. It is already so for many commands that act on a group, it is possible to move,
-resize, rotate, restack, clone, hide, change the transparency, delete the group as a whole
-without knowing anything of its children. But when it comes to event dispatching, the
-group is completly transparent so far. So the event dispatch mecanism will try to locate
-the smallest most visible item containing the pointer and will trigger the associated
-bindings. Not exactly what we meant. So groups have a feature, the
-\attributeref{group}{atomic} attribute, that is used to seal a group so that events cannot
-propagate past it downward. If an item part of an atomic group is under the pointer, TkZinc
-will try to trigger bindings associated with the atomic group not with the item under the
-pointer. This improves greatly the metaphor of an indivisible item.
-It must also be noted that commands such as \cmdref{find} {\tt 'enclosed'/'overlapping'} or
-\cmdref{addtag} {\tt 'enclosed'/'overlapping'} {\bf act differently on an atomic group}.
-Such search command will not traverse an atomic group. So if a part of the atomic
-group is enclosed or overlapping, the search command will return the atomic group
-and not its part.
-A small program, \ident{Atomic groups} is available as part of
-\conceptref{zinc-demos}{zinc-demos} to demonstrate the atomic groups behaviour.
-\section{Display order and display lists}
-The items are displayed in a specific order which determines how they stack. This
-order is also important for associating events with items. The items are arranged in
-a display list for each group. The display list imposes a total ordering among its
-items. The group display lists are connected in a tree identical to the group tree and
-form a hierarchical display list. The items are drawn by traversing the display
-list from the least visible item to the most visible one. Each time a group is
-encoutered the traversal proceed with this group display list before resuming the
-upper display list traversal. The search to find the item that should receive an
-event is done in the opposite direction. In this way, items are drawn according to
-their relative stacking order and events are dispatched to the top-most item at a
-given location.
-It is important to note as a consequence of this structuring, that items of a group are
-stacked between the items that are under the group and the items that are on top of the
-group. Thus, items of two groups cannot be intertwinned, they stack exactly as their groups
-stack, that is items of the underneath group a drawn then the items of the other group are
-drawn on top.
-The item ordering imposed by the display lists can be ajusted in three ways. The two
-first are local to a group's display list. The third can be used to rearrange between
- The attribute \ident{-priority} can be used to give an absolute stacking position
- to an item amongst the items of its group. When a new item is added to a group with a
- priority matching the priority of existing items of the group, the new item is placed on
- top of the those items. Last comer is most visible. The same rule is followed when
- changing the priority of an item and when moving an item to a new group.
- \objectref{map} and \objectref{reticle} default priority is 0. \objectref{window}
- item attribute is meaningless. All other items default priority is 1.
- The commands \cmdref{raise} and \cmdref{lower} adjust the relative order of an item
- in its group. These commands can be used to bring an item in front or to the back of
- its group. It is also possible to place an item before or after a given item of its group.
- These commands act in such a way as to preserve the absolute relationship set by the
- \ident{-priority} attribute. To do so they may adjust the priority of the
- moved item to match the priority of the item just below (raise) or just above (lower).
- If the priority of the moved item is not in conflict with its new neighborhood, it is
- not affected.
- It is also possible to move the item to another group. This has an effect on the item
- stacking as it will be forced to the stacking location of its new group.
-\section{Event sensitivity}
-An item will catch an event if all the following conditions are satisfied:
- the item \ident{-sensitive} must be set to true (this is the default).
- the item must be under the pointer location.
- the item must be on top of the display list (at the pointer location). Beware
- that an other item with its \ident{-visible} set to false DOES catch event
- before any underneath items.
- the item must not be clipped (at the pointer location)
- the item must not belong to an atomic group, since an atomic group catchs the event
- instead of the item.
-An item satisfying all the above conditions can have its \ident{-visible} set
-to false, or can be fully transparent (when using openGL). It will still catch
-the events.
-In TkZinc each item is geometrically defined in its own coordinate space. So
-each time a new item is created, a new coordinate system is attached to it.
-This coordinate system must be related to the coordinate systems of the other
-items to place the items with respect to each other. This relationship is
-defined by an affine transformation associated with the item. This transformation
-establishes the relationship between an item and its group. The items being
-arranged in a tree by their groups, its possible via the transformations to place
-all the items in an absolute coordinate system known as the window space.
-Just after item creation, the item transformation is set to identity, i.e the item
-coordinate system maps exactly on the system of its group. The commands
-\cmdref{translate}, \cmdref{scale}, \cmdref{rotate} , \cmdref{skew} can be
-used to modify this relationship to the effect of translating, enlarging, shrinking,
-rotating or skewing the item. It must be emphasized that those commands act on the
-relation between two coordinate spaces, \emph{not} on the item geometry itself.
-If the goal is to change the item (except for groups, see next paragraph) geometry,
-the command \cmdref{coords} may be more appropriate (but see below the command
-As it should be clear, groups are like any other items, they are defined in
-their own coordinate space and are assembled with their parents by transformations.
-This is a very powerful tool to manage the geometry of clusters of items.
-One must not refrain from using groups only to assign them a transformation
-task such as panning a whole set of items or scaling a set while another is
-kept in place in another group. For the developper convenience, the \cmdref{coords}
-method on a group change its transformation. It defines the absolute translation
-applied to the group.
-Another very interesting use of a group as a transformation tool is to manage a window
-coordinate space where the origin is not in the top left corner and where the Y axis goes
-from bottom to top. It is quite simple to write a function that is triggerred on the
-window resize event whose only goal is to compute a new transformation for the group.
-Other parts of the application and the other items are not aware of this happening. A
-good factorization example.
-In fact, transformation are so useful that a whole set of functions are available
-to help use them in full. Apart from the already mentioned \cmdref{translate},
-\cmdref{scale}, \cmdref{rotate}, and \cmdref{skew} commands, it is also possible
-to restore a transformation to its initial state, identity, with the
-\cmdref{treset} command.
-It is also possible to compose a transformation with another name transform with
-the \cmdref{tcompose} command.
-An item transformation can be saved under a name, in fact creating
-a named transformation which can be manipulated just as an item transformation (i.e
-using translate, scale, rotate, treset). Once a transformation has been named it
-can be used to set the transformation of any item using with the command \cmdref{trestore}.
-And it can be disposed of with the command \cmdref{tdelete}.
-An item can be physically modified by applying its own transformation to itself. This is
-the goal of the \cmdref{tapply} command. It applies the item transformation to its own
-coordinates an then reset the item transformation. Visually nothing has changed but in
-fact the item is irrevocably modified. Be aware that if it is quite easy to undo a change
-in a transformation by using treset or by saving and then restoring a transformation, it
-is not so easy to revert a physical modification on an item. The exact order of the
-operations must be recorded and even then there is no shield against round off errors
-that will probably occur. This command may be used together with the translate, scale and
-rotate commands if someone really want, even after reading this paragraph, to implement
-the canvas move, scale and even rotate commands.
-A predefined named transformation exists. Its name is \ident{identity} and refers to the
-identity transform. it can not be modified by the user.
-When dealing with mouse events and other sources of window coordinates, it is
-often useful to map the window coordinates to an appropriate coordinate space. The
-command \cmdref{transform} is just what is needed to do so. It is powerful enough to be
-able to convert coordinates from any coordinate space to any other. A special provision
-has been made to facilitate conversion from window space to another space. The opposite
-is not impossible but rely on a small trick: the root group transformation must be left as
-identity (the default at creation time). In this way, it is possible to use the root group
-space, which is then the same as the window space, as the target space of the
-\cmdref{transform} command.
-If you need to manage many different transformations independently, it is a good
-practice to apply these transformations to different groups. For example, a group
-can be used for translation and an other group (father or son) for scaling.
-When a rotation or a scale appear in a transformation, all items do not behave exactly in
-the same manner. For example text items do not scale or rotate. Only their
-position moves according to the rotation or the scaling factor. Here is how items react
-to the scale and rotation factors of the transformation.
-\item \objectref{group} They have no graphical shape by themselves;
-\item \objectref{track} The position, past positions, speedvector are fully transformed. The
- circular marker is transformed by the X scale factor, it always remains circular. The label
- position is computed relative to the new position and speedvector direction but is otherwise
- rigid and its distance (in pixels) to the position is unchanged.
-\item \objectref{waypoint} The position is fully transformed. The label position is computed
- relative to the new position and new rotation but is otherwise rigid and its distance
- (in pixels) to the position is unchanged.
-\item \objectref{tabular}, \objectref{text} Only the position (relative to the
- anchor) is affected.
-\item \objectref{icon} With openGL, icon items can be rotated and zoomed.
-\item \objectref{reticle} Only the center and the spacing between circles are affected.
-\item \objectref{map} lines and arcs are fully transformed. For texts and symbols only the position
- is affected.
-\item \objectref{rectangle}, \objectref{arc}, and \objectref{curve} are fully transformed.
-\item \objectref{window} Only the position (relative to the anchor) is affected.
-However, every item has a couple of attributes \ident{-composescale} and
-\ident{-composerotation} that can be used to control how the scale and rotation factors
-are inherited from the parents' transformations. These attributes default to \ident{true}
-(i.e.\ rotation and scale from parents are meaningful, except for \objectref{icon} where these attributes
-defaulted to \ident{false}). When one of these attributes is set
-to false the corresponding factor is reset from the inherited transformation. Scale factors
-are reset to 1.0 and rotation is reset to 0. Be careful that this applies to the inherited
-transformation, \emph{not} to the item transformation itself which is composed \emph{after}
-taking into account the composition attributes.
-As you can see, the transformation process is quite powerful but complex. A small program,
-\ident{Tranformation testbed} is available as part of \conceptref{zinc-demos}{zinc-demos}
-to demonstrate the transformation capabilities of TkZinc. This is also a great resource
-to understand how it works and to tame its complexity. It is possible to use this program
-to test one's idea on a given transformation problem before coding it as part of a
-complex application.
-\section{Clipping and groups}
-Groups can set a clip boundary before drawing their children. Thought of this feature as
-if a group can be made to act as a window on its children. Except that the window can have
-any shape you like to give it. Each group has a \attributeref{group}{clip} attribute which
-can be set to an item of the group. This item, known as the clipper of the group, defines
-the shape of the clipping. All item types except \objectref{group}, \objectref{track},
-\objectref{waypoint}, \objectref{reticle} and \objectref{map} can be used as clippers
-but the clipper must be a direct child of the clipped group. The clipper defines the shape
-of the clipping but is also drawn as a regular group item. It is typical to either mask
-explicitly the clipper by turning off its \ident{-visible} attribute or to fill and lower
-it so it can act as the background. Of course, other creative uses can be found but be
-warned that the clipper outline will never be easthetically drawn due to round off or
-quantization errors, it is better to turn off borders or outlines in this case.
-It is also possible to clip the root group (only on X11 system. Does not work on windows
-systems). Depending on the value of TkZinc options \optref{reshape} and
-\optref{fullreshape}, the clipping form can be used either to clip all items in the TkZinc
-widget, or reshape the TkZinc widget, or to propagate the TkZinc widget shape to the parent
-windows. In the latter case, this allows to build non-rectangulaire applications. This
-requires both the SHAPE X11 extension and a compliant Window Manager (fvwm is known
-to support non rectangulaire top windows). The clipping form should have a bounding box
-with the same ratio as the topwindow or some normalisation will occur. Example:
- use Tk::Zinc;\\
- my \$mw = MainWindow->new();\\
- my \$zinc = \$mw->Zinc(-reshape => 1, -fullreshape => 1)->pack;\\
- \# creating a triangulaire curve\\
- my \$triangle= \$zinc->add('curve',1, [ [0,0], [100,0], [50,100] ], -closed => 1);\\
- \# using the triangulaire curve to reshape both TkZinc and Mainwindow widgets\\
- \$zinc->itemconfigure(1, -clip => \$triangle);\\
- \$zinc->add('arc',1, [ [0,0], [100,100] ], -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'darkblue');
- ...\\
- \&Tk::MainLoop;
-%% C h a p t e r : I t e m I d s , t a g s a n d i n d i c e s
-\chapter{Item ids, tags and indices}
-\section{Item ids}
-Each item is associated with a unique numerical id which is returned by the
-\cmdref{add} or \cmdref{clone} commands. All commands on items accept those
-ids as (often first) parameter in order to uniquely identify on which item
-they should operate. When an id has been allocated to an item, it is never
-collected even after the item has been destroyed, in a TkZinc session two
-items cannot have the same id. This property can be quite useful when used
-in conjonction with tags, which are described below.
-Apart from an id, an item can be associated with as many symbolic names as
-it may be needed by an application. Those names are called tags and can be
-any string which does not form a valid id (an integer). However the
-following characters may not be used to form a tag: \verb+. * ! ( ) & | :+.
-Tags exists, and may be used in commands, even if no item are associated
-with them. In contrast an item id doesn't exist if its item is no longer
-around and thus it is illegal to use it. Tags can be used to group items to
-do some action, or to mark an item that has a special function. Many other
-tasks can be solved with tags once one gets used to them.
-Two special tags are implicitly managed by TkZinc. The tag \ident{all} is
-associated with all items in TkZinc. The tag \ident{current} is always
-associated with the topmost item that lies under the mouse pointer. If no
-such item exists, no item has this tag.
-In commands, tags can be used almost anywhere an item id would be legal.
-In the command descriptions, the expression \ident{tagOrId} means that it
-is legal to provide either a tag or an item id. This means that virtually
-all actions can be either performed on a specific item by using its id or
-on a whole set of items by using a tag. In order for this collective
-behavior to be useful, if a command or an attribute does not apply to an
-item named by the tag, it is simply ignored, no error will be reported
-(This may yet not be the case with all commands, please report
-Everywhere a \ident{tagOrId} can be specified as a target for some action,
-it is possible to give a logical expression of tags and ids. The available
-boolean operators include logical and \verb+&&+, logical or \verb+||+,
-logical xor \verb+^+, logical not \verb+!+ and subexpression grouping
-\verb+()+. Here is an example of a \cmdref{bbox} command called on a set of
-items defined by a logical expression. Note that tags and ids can be mixed. For example:
- ($xo, $yo, $xc, $yc) = $zinc->bbox("(red && black)||(pink && !$thisitem)");
-Many methods only operate on a single item at a time; if \ident{tagOrId} is
-specified in a way that names multiple items, then the normal behavior for
-these methods is to use the first of these items in the display list (most
-visible) that is suitable for the method. Exceptions are noted in the
-method descriptions below.
-Tags can be associated with items by giving a tag list to the \ident{-tags}
-attribute or by using the more powerful \cmdref{addtag} command. A tag can
-be removed by the \cmdref{dtag} command, by setting the \ident{-tags}
-attribute to the empty list, all tags are remove from an item at once
-(except the implicit ones). Tags can be read with the \cmdref{gettags} or
-by querying the \ident{-tags} attribute. The items named by a tag are
-returned in a list by the \cmdref{find} command which as exactly the same
-capabilities as \cmdref{addtag}.
-A special form of tag called a pathTag can be used as a tagOrId argument in all
-commands except \cmdref{bind}. This special tag describes an item or a group of
-items in the absolute item hierarchy. The pathTag consists in a path down the
-group hierarchy followed by an (optionnal) effective tag, in the usual sense.
-The path is an ordered list of tags set up on groups that drives the search
-from the root group down the group hierarchy. The path starts with either a dot
-or a star, and the tags in the path are separated by dots or stars. The dot
-means that the next tag selects a group item that is a direct child of the
-current group, starting with the root group. The star selects a group item that
-is a possibly indirect child of the current group, the candidate is found
-in display list order. The first tag in the path, the one just after the first
-dot or star, can be a group id; This is useful in order to limit the search in a
-specific sub-hierarchy.
-The last tag of a pathTag, the one not followed by a dot or a star, is the
-effective tag searched for. It can be omitted, in this case the search
-proceed with the tag all. The dot or star just before the effective tag,
-even if the tag is implied, controls how the tag is searched. If a dot is
-present, the search is limited to the current group level. If a star is
-present, the search proceed from the current group level down the whole
-group subtree.
-A demo called ``Using pathTags'' in zinc-demos may help you better understand pathTags.
-Here are some commonly used pathTags idioms:
-Selects all {\bf direct} children with the tag \ident{aTag} in the group obtained by
-following the path \ident{.group1Tag.group2Tag} from the root group.
-The search proceed from the root group to the first direct child group in display
-list order with tag \ident{group1Tag}. Then it searches for the first direct child group
-with tag \ident{group2Tag}. Finally in this group, the search ends by finding all direct
-children items (including groups) with tag \ident{aTag}. If a tag is not found the whole
-search is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all children, {\bf direct or indirect}, with the tag \ident{aTag} in
-the group obtained by following the path \ident{.group1Tag.group2Tag} from the root group.
-Selects all {\bf direct} children with the tag \ident{aTag} in
-the group obtained by following the path \ident{.group1Tag*group2Tag} from the root group.
-The search proceed from the root group to the first direct child group in display
-list order with tag \ident{group1Tag}. Then it searches in display list order down the
-hierearchy for the first group with tag \ident{group2Tag} . Finally in this group, the
-search ends by finding all direct children items (including groups) with tag \ident{aTag}.
-If a tag is not found the whole search is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all items with the tag \ident{aTag} in the hierarchy
-of the group obtained by following the path \ident{.group1Tag*group2Tag} from the root
-group. The search proceed from the root group to the first direct child group in
-display list order with tag \ident{group1Tag}. Then it searches in display list order down
-the hierearchy for the first group with tag \ident{group2Tag} . Finally in this group, the
-search ends by finding all direct children items (including groups) with tag \ident{aTag}.
-If a tag is not found the whole search is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all {\bf direct} children of the group obtained
-by following the path \ident{.group1Tag.group2Tag} from the root group. If a tag is not
-found the whole search is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all items in the hierarchy of the group obtained
-by following the path \ident{.group1Tag.group2Tag} from the root group. If a tag is not
-found the whole search is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all {\bf direct} children with tag \ident{aTag} of the group with id \ident{groupId}.
-If \ident{groupId} is not found or is not a group id, the search is aborted and no item
-is selected. This form together with the next is specially useful with cloned
-items hierarchies where only the topmost group item is known after cloning. Using
-pathTags it is now possible to make use of designs using components with named
-sub-components. It is possible to clone a component and afterward to change the
-behavior of named sub-components with pathTags of the form
-\ident{.componentId.subComponentName} or perhaps better {.componentId*subComponentName} . Some
-care is needed in order to avoid sub-component name clash. Remember that the search for
-tags proceed in {\bf display list order}, not in hierarchy order. In other more
-technical words the search walks the item tree {\bf depth first} not breadth first.
-Selects all items with tag \ident{aTag} in the hierarchy of the
-group with id \ident{groupId}. If \ident{groupId} is not found or is not a group id, the search
-is aborted and no item is selected.
-Selects all {\bf direct} children of the group with id \ident{groupId}. It is the only
-way to get direct children of a group.
-Selects all items in the hierarchy of the group with id \ident{groupId}.
-Selects all {\bf direct} children of the root group.
-Selects all items in the hierarchy (not counting the root group itself).
-Selects all {\bf direct} children of the root group with the tag \ident{aTag}.
-Selects all items in the whole hierarchy (starting a the root group)
-with the tag \ident{aTag}. It is the same as using the simple tag \ident{aTag}.
-\section{Tags and bindings}
-Tags are also very useful to associate scripts with events. The \cmdref{bind}
-command is used to specify a script to be invoqued when an event sequence is
-associated with a tag.
-The event dispatch mecanism in TkZinc collects which tags are related to a given event and
-then use the bindings established by \cmdref{bind} to activate the related scripts. Event
-dispatching operates on three event sources: mouse events, keyboard events and internally
-generated enter/leave events. Mouse events are dispatched to the item under the mouse
-pointer, if any; keyboard events are dispatched to the focus item, if any; leave events
-are dispatched to the item previously under the pointer, enter events to the item newly
-under the pointer. Tags are collected from the item found.
-Special tags are managed for items with fields or parts (e.g.\ a \objectref{track} has both, a
-\objectref{tabular} has only \ident{fields} and a \objectref{rectangle} has none). They are built
-from a tag or an id followed by a \verb+:+ followed by a (zero based) field index or by the
-name of a part. Those tags can only be used in event bindings.
-Here is the complete list of tags, either real or implicit, that are tried to find bindings.
-They are listed in the order they are processed.
-\item the implicit tag \verb+all+ (associated with all items),
-\item the other tags (in some not reliable order),
-\item the item id,
-\item the implicit tags build from the tags and the current part name or field index, if any,,
-\item the implicit tag build from the item id and the current part name or field index, if any.
-An exception is made for the \ident{Leave} event when dispatched to an item with parts
-or fields. This is needed to process the exit of a field/part before the exit of the
-corresponding item. In this case the order is shown by the following list.
-\item the implicit tags build from the tags and the current part name or field index,
-\item the implicit tag build from the item id and the current part name or field index,
-\item the implicit tag \verb+all+,
-\item the other tags,
-\item the item id.
-Here are examples of possible bindings.
-\item \verb+$zinc->bind($id, '<1>', \&acallback);+\\
- will call \verb+acallback+ if mouse button 1 is clicked anywhere over item \verb+$id+;
-\item \verb+$zinc->bind('selected', '<1>', \&acallback);+\\
- the click must be anywhere over any item associated with the \verb+selected+ tag;
-\item \verb+$zinc->bind('foo:0', '<1>', \&acallback);+\\
- the click must occurs over field 0 of an item with tag \verb+foo+;
-\item \verb+$zinc->bind("$id:3", '<1>', \&acallback);+\\
- the click must be over field 3 of item \verb+$id+, and the field must exists in the item;
-\item \verb+$zinc->bind("$id:speedvector", '<1>', \&acallback);+\\
- the click must be over a part named \verb+speedvector+ (item track) in item \verb+$id+,
- the part must exists in the
-\section{Text indices}
-Indices are used to specify a character position in textual items such as the \objectref{text}
-item. Indices are accepted as parameters by commands managing text: \cmdref{cursor},
-\cmdref{index}, \cmdref{insert}, \cmdref{dchars} and \cmdref{select}.
-\item{\ident{number}} This should be an integer giving the character position within the
- text of the item. The indices are zero based. A number less than zero is treated as zero
- and a number greater than the text length is rounded to the text length. A number equal to
- the text length refers to the position past the last character in the text.
-\item{\ident{end}} Refers to the position past the last character in the text. This is the
- same as specifying a number equal to the text length.
-\item{\ident{insert}} Refers to the character just before the insertion cursor in the
- item.
-\item{\ident{sel.first}} Refers to the first character of the selection in the item. If
- the selection is not in the item, this form returns an error.
-\item{\ident{sel.last}} Refers to the last character of the selection in the item. If the
- selection is not in the item, this form returns an error.
-\item{\ident{@x,y}} Refers to the character at the point given by \ident{x} and \ident{y},
- \ident{x} and \ident{y} are interpreted as window coordinates. If the point lies outside
- of the area corvered by the item, they refer to the first or last character in the line
- that is closest to the point.
-\item{\ident{bol}} refers to the beginning of line
-\item{\ident{eol}} refers to the end of line
-\item{\ident{bow}} refers to the beginning of word
-\item{\ident{eow}} refers to the end of word
-\item{\ident{up}} refers to previous line
-\item{\ident{down}} refers to next line
-%% C h a p t e r : W i d g e t c o m m a n d s
-\chapter{Widget commands}
-In this chapter, we first list all commands by categories, then we details each command, by alphabetical order.
-\section{Categories of commands}
-\item{Items creation and deletion} : \cmdref{add} \cmdref{becomes} \cmdref{clone} \cmdref{remove}
-\item{Accessing options and attributes} : \cmdref{chggroup} \cmdref{configure}
-\cmdref{coords} \cmdref{gettags} \cmdref{group} \cmdref{itemcget} \cmdref{itemconfigure}
-\item{Accessing field attributes of track, waypoint and tabular} : \cmdref{currentpart}
-\cmdref{hasfields} \cmdref{itemcget} \cmdref{itemconfigure} \cmdref{numparts}
-\item{Transformations} : \cmdref{coords} \cmdref{rotate} \cmdref{scale} \cmdref{skew} \cmdref{tapply}
-\cmdref{tcompose} \cmdref{tdelete} \cmdref{tget} \cmdref{transform} \cmdref{translate} \cmdref{treset}
-\cmdref{tsave} \cmdref{tset}
-\item{Groups, Display list and Priorities} : \cmdref{chggroup} \cmdref{find}('ancestors') \cmdref{group} \cmdref{lower}
-\item{Tag management} : \cmdref{addtag} \cmdref{dtag} \cmdref{find} \cmdref{gettags} \cmdref{hastag}
-\item{Text management (text item and text fields} : \cmdref{cursor} \cmdref{dchars} \cmdref{focus}
-\cmdref{index} \cmdref{insert} \cmdref{select}
-\item{Bindings} : \cmdref{bind} \cmdref{focus}
-\item{Coordinates} : \cmdref{anchorxy} \cmdref{bbox} \cmdref{coords} \cmdref{contour}
-\cmdref{fit} \cmdref{hasanchors} \cmdref{smooth} \cmdref{transform} \cmdref{vertexat}
-\item{Named resources} : \cmdref{gname} \cmdref{gdelete} \cmdref{tsave}
-\item{Micellanous} : \cmdref{monitor} \cmdref{postscript} \cmdref{type}
-\section{Commands by alphabetical order}
-The available commands are listed in alphabetical order.
-The command set for the TkZinc widget is much inspired by the Canvas command set. Someone
-comfortable with the Canvas should not have much trouble using the TkZinc's commands.
-Eventually, the command set will be a superset of the Canvas command set. Anyway
-some commands depart radically from the equivalent in the Canvas. For example, the user
-should be aware that \cmdref{scale} and \cmdref{translate} do not behave in the same
-way at all; \cmdref{find} and \cmdref{addtag} have been extended to support groups,
-etc. So use the available knowledge with some care.
-In the Perl/Tk version, the commands returning a list, return a Perl array (not a
-reference) and all list parameters are given as array references.
-\zinccmd{add}{?type group? ?initargs? ?option value? ... ?option value?}
-{\tt\large @types = \$zinc->{\bf add}();}\\
-{\tt\large \$id = \$zinc->{\bf add}(type, group);}\\
-{\tt\large \$id = \$zinc->{\bf add}(type, group, initargs);}\\
-{\tt\large \$id = \$zinc->{\bf add}(type, group, initargs, option=>value, ..., ?option=>value?);}
- This command is used to create new items in a TkZinc widget. It can be called with no
- parameters to return the list of all item types currently known by TkZinc. It can also be
- called with a valid item type as first parameter and a group item as second parameter to
- create a new item of this type in the given group.
- After these first two parameters come some item type specific arguments. Here is
- detailed description of these arguments by type:
- \begin{description}
- \item{\objectref{arc}}\\
- The arc type expects a list of four floating point numbers \verb+xo yo xc yc+,
- giving the coordinates of the origin and the corner of the enclosing rectangle.
- The origin should be the top left vertex of the enclosing rectangle and the
- corner the bottom right vertex of the rectangle.
- \item{\objectref{curve}}\\
- The curve type expects either a flat list or a list of lists. In the first case, the flat list
- must be a list of floating point numbers \verb+x0 y0 x1 y1 ... xn yn+,
- giving the coordinates of the curve vertices. The number of values should be
- even (or the last value will be discarded) but the list can be empty to build
- an empty invisible curve. In the second case, the list must contain lists of 2 or 3
- elements: xi, yi and and an optionnal point type. Currently, the only available point type
- is 'c' for a cubic bezier control point. For example in Perl/Tk, the following list
- is an example of 2 beziers segments with a straight segment in-between:
-( [x0, y0], [x1, y1, 'c'], [x2, y2, 'c'], [x3, y3],
- [x4, y4, 'c'], [x5, y5] )
- As there is only on control point, \code{[x4, y4, 'c']} , for the second cubic bezier,
- the omitted second control point will be defaulted to the same point.
- A curve can be defined later with the \cmdref{contour}
- or \cmdref{coords} commands. As a side effect of the curve behavior, a one vertex
- curve is essentially the same as an empty curve, it only waste some more memory.
- \item{\objectref{rectangle}}\\
- The rectangle type expects a list of four floating point numbers \verb+xo yo xc yc+,
- giving the coordinates of the origin and the corner of the rectangle.
- \item{\objectref{triangles}}\\
- The triangles type expects a list of at least 6 floating point numbers
- \verb+x0 y0 x1 y1+ \verb+... xn yn+, giving the coordinates of the vertices of the triangles
- composing this item. The triangles layout is defined by the attribute
- \attributeref{triangles}{fan}. If \attributeref{triangles}{fan} is true, the triangles
- are arranged in a fan with the first point being the center and the other
- points defining the perimeter. If \attributeref{triangles}{fan} is false, the
- triangles are arranged in a strip.
- \item{\objectref{tabular}, \objectref{track}, \objectref{waypoint}}\\
- These types expect the number of fields they will manage in the label or
- tabular form. This number must be greater or equal to zero.
- \item{\objectref{group}, \objectref{icon}, \objectref{map}, \objectref{reticle}, \objectref{text}, \objectref{window}}\\
- These types do not expect type specific arguments.
- \end{description}
- Following the creation args the command accept any number of
- attributes\ -\ values pairs to configure the newly created item.
- All the configurable item type attributes are valid in this context. The
- command returns the item id.
-\zinccmd{addtag}{tag searchSpec ?arg arg ...?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, searchSpec);}
- This command add the given tag to all items matching the
- search specification. If the tag is already present on some item,
- nothing is done for that item. The command has no effect if no
- item satisfy the given criteria. The command returns an empty
- string.
- Many commands take a group as a starting point for the search. If no
- group is given, the root group is assumed. In any cases, the starting
- group will not be reported in the search result. This means that the
- root group will never be reported in a search and that tags cannot be
- attached to it except in specifying its id.
- The search specification and the associated arguments can
- take the following forms:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag above tagOrId \\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'above', tagOrId);}
- Selects the item just above the one given by {\tt tagOrId}. If
- {\tt tagOrId} names more than one item, the topmost of these
- items in the display list will be used. If {\tt tagOrId} does
- not refer to any item then nothing happen.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag all ?inGroup? ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'all', ?inGroup?, ?recursive?);}
- This form is no more allowed since version 3.2.6 of TkZinc.
- Please use a form '"withtag", "all"' as documented below.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag atpriority priority ?tagOrId?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'atpriority', priority, ?tagOrId?);}
- Selects all the items at the given priority. The tagOrId optional
- parameter can be specified to restrict the search. It specifies a
- group to start with instead of the root group and it can be used to
- control if the search should be recursive or not (see \conceptref{PathTags}{pathTags} for
- more on this subject).
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag ancestors tagOrId ?tagOrId2?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'ancestors', tagOrId, ?tagOrId2?);}
- Selects all ancestors (i.e.\ parent groups) of tagOrId. If
- {\tt tagOrId} names more than one item, the first, (or the topmost)
- of these items in the display list will be used. If ?tagOrId2? is specified,
- only parent groups with this tag are selected.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag below tagOrId\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'below', tagOrId);}
- Selects the item just below the one given by {\tt tagOrId}. If
- {\tt tagOrId} names more than one item, the lowest of these
- items in the display list will be used. If {\tt tagOrId} does
- not refer to any item then nothing happen.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag closest x y ?halo? ?startItem?, ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'closest', x, y, ?halo?, ?startItem?, ?recursive?);}
- Selects the item closest to the point {\tt x - y}. Any item overlapping
- the point is considered as closest and the topmost is selected. If {\tt halo}
- is given, it defines the size of the point {\tt x - y}. {\tt halo} must
- be a non negative integer. If {\tt start} is specified, it must be
- an item tag or id. If it names a group and this group is not atomic,
- the search starts with the first item of this group.
- If it names a non group item or an atomic group (for a tag, the lowest
- item with the tag is considered), the search starts with the item
- below {\tt start} instead of the first item in the display
- order. If {\tt startItem} does not name a valid item, it is ignored.
- If {\tt recursive} is false the search is limited to
- the starting group. If set to true, not specified or ``override'',
- the search proceed from the starting group down the hierarchy
- rooted at this group. ``override'' forces the search to explore
- atomic groups and report the most specific item instead of the
- group itself.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag enclosed xo yo xc yc ?inGroup? ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'enclosed', xo, yo, xc, yc, ?inGroup?, ?recursive?);}
- Selects all the items completely enclosed in the rectangle whose
- origin is at {\tt xo - yo} and corner at {\tt xc - yc}. {\tt xc}
- must be no greater than {\tt xo} and {\tt yo} must be no greater
- than {\tt yc}. All coordinates must be integers. {\tt inGroup} specifies
- a group to start with instead of the root group.
- If {\tt recursive} is false the search is limited to
- the starting group. If set to true, not specified or ``override'',
- the search proceed from the starting group down the hierarchy
- rooted at this group. ``override'' forces the search to explore
- atomic groups and report the most specific item instead of the
- group itself.
- It may be necessary to update the TkZinc internal geometry with a call
- to {\tt update} if the current state is not stable (i.e before calling
- the main loop or in a callback after modifying the transform or doing
- something else affecting the geometry of items).
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag overlapping xo yo xc yc ?inGroup? ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'overlapping', xo, yo, xc, yc, ?inGroup?, ?recursive?);}
- Selects all the items that overlaps or are enclosed in the rectangle
- whose origin is at {\tt xo - yo} and corner at {\tt xc - yc}. {\tt xc}
- must be no greater than {\tt xo} and {\tt yo} must be no greater than
- {\tt yc}. All coordinates must be integers. {\tt inGroup} specifies
- a group to start with instead of the root group.
- If {\tt recursive} is false, the search is limited to the starting
- group. If set to true, not specified or ``override'',
- the search proceed from the starting group down the hierarchy
- rooted at this group. ``override'' forces the search to explore
- atomic groups and report the most specific item instead of the
- group itself.
- See also the {\tt enclosed} variant above for a discussion on updating the geometry.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag withtag tagOrId\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'withtag', tagOrId);}
- Selects all the items given by {\tt tagOrId}.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf addtag} tag withtype type ?tagOrId?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf addtag}(tag, 'withtype', type, ?tagOrId?);}
- Selects all the items of type {\tt type}. The tagOrId optional
- parameter can be specified to restrict the search. It specifies a
- group to start with instead of the root group and it can be used to
- control if the search should be recursive or not (see \conceptref{PathTags}{pathTags} for
- more on this subject).
- \end{itemize}
-\zinccmd{anchorxy}{tagOrId anchor}
-{\tt\large (\$x, \$y) = \$zinc->{\bf anchorxy}(tagOrId, anchor);}
- Returns the \emph{window coordinates} of an item anchor. If no item is named by {\tt tagOrId}
- or if the item doesn't support anchors, an error is raised. If more than one item match
- {\tt tagOrId}, the topmost in display list order is used.
-\# for example to get the lower right corner of a text item\\
-(\$x ,\$y) = \$zinc->anchorxy('myTextTag', 'se');
-\zinccmd{bbox}{?-field fieldNo? ?-label? tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?}
-{\tt\large (\$xo, \$yo, \$xc, \$yc) = \\
-\$zinc->{\bf bbox}(?-field fieldNo? ?-label? tagOrId, ?tagOrId ...?);}
- Returns a list of 4 numbers describing the \emph{window coordinates} of the origin
- and corner of a rectangle bounding all the items named by the {\tt tagOrId}
- arguments.
- If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId} or if the matching items have an empty bounding
- box, an empty string is returned.
- The {\tt -field} and {\tt -label} options can be used to query the bounding box
- of an item's field or an item's label. These two options are mutually exclusives.
- When one of these options is specified, the bbox command is applied to the first
- item selected by the tagOrId arguments. If no labelformat has been set for the item,
- bbox will return an empty array.
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf becomes}();}
- Not yet implemented.
-\zinccmd{bind}{tagOrId ?part? ?sequence? ?command?}
-{\tt\large @bindings = \$zinc->{\bf bind}(tagOrId, ?part?);}\\
-{\tt\large @binding = \$zinc->{\bf bind}(tagOrId, ?fpart?, sequence);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf bind}(tagOrId, ?part?, sequence, '');}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf bind}(tagOrId, ?part?, sequence, command);}
- This command associates {\tt command} with the item tag, item id, part tag {\tt
- tagOrId}. If an event sequence matching {\tt sequence} occurs for an item, or an item
- part, the command will be invoked. If all parameters are specified a new binding
- between {\tt sequence} and {\tt command} is established, overriding any existing binding
- for the sequence. If the first character of {\tt command} is ``+'', then {\tt command}
- augments the existing binding instead of replacing it. In this case the command returns
- an empty string. If the {\tt command} parameter is omitted, the command returns the {\tt
- command} associated with {\tt tagOrId} and {\tt sequence} or an error is raised if there
- is no such binding. If only {\tt tagOrId} is specified the command returns a list of all
- the sequences for which there are bindings for {\tt tagOrId}.
- This widget command is similar to the Tk \ident{bind} command except that it operates on
- TkZinc items instead of widgets. Another difference with the \ident{bind} command
- is that only mouse and keyboard related events can be specified (such as \ident{Enter},
- \ident{Leave}, \ident{ButtonPress}, \ident{ButtonRelease}, \ident{Motion},
- \ident{KeyPress}, \ident{KeyRelease}). The \ident{bind} manual page is the most
- accurate place to look for a definition of {\tt sequence} and {\tt command} and for a
- general understanding of how the binding mecanism works.
- The handling of events in the widget is done with respect to the current item and when
- applicable the current item part (see \conceptref{Item ids, tags and indices}{tagOrId} for a
- discussion of the \ident{current} tag and the special tags used in
- bindings). \ident{Enter} and \ident{Leave} events are trigerred for an item when it
- becomes or cease to be the current item. Mouse related events are reported with respect
- to the current item. Keyboard related events are reported with respect to the focus item
- if it exists (See the \cmdref{focus} command for more on this).
- It is possible that several bindings match a particular event sequence. When this
- occurs, all matching bindings are triggered. The order of invocation is as follow: the
- binding associated with the tag \ident{all} is invoked first, followed by the bindings
- associated with the item tags in order, followed by the binding associated with the item
- id, followed by bindings associated with the item part tags if relevant, followed by
- the binding associated with the item part if relevant. If there are more than one
- binding for a single tag or id, only the most specific is triggered.
- Two syntaxes are available for addressing item parts (for items having part ie.
- \objectref{track} \objectref{waypoint} and \objectref{tabular}): either an Id
- of the following form: {\tt id:part} or by using the optionnal {\tt part} argument.
- If bindings have been registered for the widget window using the \ident{bind} command,
- they are invoked in addition to bindings registered for the items using this widget
- command. The bindings for items will be invoked before the bindings for the window.
-{\tt\large \$val = \$zinc->{\bf cget}(option);}
- Returns the current value of the widget option given by {\tt option}.
- {\tt option} may be any of the options described in the
- chapter \conceptref{Widget options}{options}.
-\zinccmd{chggroup}{tagOrId group ?adjustTransform?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf chggroup}(tagOrId, group, ?adjustTransform.?);}
-\begin{blockindent} Move the item described by {\tt tagOrId} in the group described by
-{\tt group}. If {\tt tagOrId} or {\tt group} describes more than one item, the first in
-display list order will be used. If {\tt adjustTransform} is specified, it will be
-interpreted as a boolean. A true value will lead to an adjustment of the item transform in
-order to maintain an identical display rendering of the item regardless of its new
-position in the display hierarchy. If {\tt adjustTransform} is omitted, it defaults to
-\zinccmd{clone}{tagOrId ?attr value ...?}
-{\tt\large \$id = \$zinc->{\bf clone}(tagOrId, ?attr=>value, ...?);}
- Create an exact copy of all the items described by {\tt tagOrId}. The copy goes
- recursively for group items (deep copy). After copying the pairs {\tt attr value} are
- used, if any, to reconfigure the items. Any attribute that as no meaning in the context
- of some item is ignored. The items down the hierarchy of group items are not concerned
- by the configuration phase. The command returns the list of cloned items id in creation
- order (display list order of the models). No item id will be returned for items cloned
- in the hierarchy of cloned groups.
-\zinccmd{configure}{?option? ?value? ?option value ...?}
-{\tt\large @options = \$zinc->{\bf configure}();}\\
-{\tt\large @option = \$zinc->{\bf configure}(option);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf configure}(option=>value, ?option=>value,...?);}
- Query or modify the options of the widget. If no {\tt option} is given, returns a list
- describing all the supported options in the standard format for Tk options (see the
- chapter \conceptref{Widget options}{options} for a list of available options). If an
- {\tt option} is specified without a {\tt value}, the command returns a list describing
- the named option in the standard Tk format. If some {\tt option - value} pairs are
- given, then the corresponding options are changed and the command returns an empty
- string.
-\zinccmd{contour}{tagOrId ?operatorSpec coordListOrTagOrId?}
-{\tt\large \$contourNum = \$zinc->{\bf contour}(tagOrId);}\\
-{\tt\large \$contourNum = \$zinc->{\bf contour}(tagOrId, operatorAndFlag, coordListOrTagOrId);}
- Manipulate contours on items that can handle multiples geometric contours. Currently
- only curve items can do this.
- {\tt tagOrId} specifies the item whose contours will be modified. If {\tt tagOrId}
- describes more than one item, the first in display list order will be used.
- If the command is invoked with only the tagOrId parameter, it returns the number of
- contours composing the item. In fact it always returns the number of contours after
- a command has been conducted, it happens that with this reduced form nothing is done
- except returning the number of contours.
- On items that do not support multiple contours, the returned value is 0 or 1 depending
- on the item having a contour or not. \objectref{track}, \objectref{waypoint},
- \objectref{reticle}, \objectref{group}, \objectref{map}, and yield 0
- while \objectref{rectangle}, \objectref{tabular}, \objectref{arc}, \objectref{icon},
- \objectref{triangles}, \objectref{text}, and \objectref{window} yield 1.
- {\tt coordListOrTagOrId} specifies a list of coordinates (either a flat list of X and Y, or
- a list similar to the one allowed for a curve item) or an item describing a
- contour. If a flat list is specified it should contain an even number of floating point values
- specifying the contour vertices X and Y in order. If a tag or an id is specified, it is
- should be from one of these classes: arc, curve, icon, rectangle, tabular, text,
- window. The external shape of the item will be used as the contour. If {\tt
- coordListOrTagOrId} describes more than one item, the first in display list order will
- be used.
- {\tt operatorAndFlag} specifies the operation that will be carried. This can be:
- \begin{description}
- \item{\ident{add}} to extend the surface of the curve. In this case there is a mandatory
- flag describing the way the contour will be added. It may take the following values:
- \begin{description}
- \item{0} the list of points is taken unchanged. In this case, the {\tt coordListOrTagOrId}
- parameter cannot be a tag and must be an explicit list of points.
- \item{1} the list of points is reverted, if needed, so that the points defines
- a {\bf counterclockwise} contour.
- \item{-1} the list of points is reverted,if needed, so that the points defines
- a {\bf clockwise} contour.
- \end{description}
- The exact graphical effect depends on the value of the \attributeref{curve}{fillrule}
- as described in the \attrtyperef{fillrule} type description.
- \item{\ident{remove}} to remove an existing contour
- \end{description}
- The following operations are no more available: \ident{diff},
- \ident{inter}, \ident{union}, \ident{xor};
- An error is generated if the items are not of a correct type or if the coordinate list
- is malformed.
-\zinccmd{coords}{tagOrId ?add/remove? ?contour? ?index? ?coordList?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, ?add/remove?, ?contour?, ?index?, ?coordList?);}
- Query or changes the coordinates of the item described by {\tt tagOrId}. If the
- item is a group, query or set the translation applied to the group. If {\tt
- tagOrId} describes more than one item, the first in display list order is used. The
- optional {\tt contour} gives the contour, if available, that should be operated. The
- default contour is 0. The optional {\tt index} gives the vertex index that should be
- operated in the given contour. The optional {\tt coordList} is either a flat list (of
- one or more vertices described as X, Y floating point values) or a list of lists
- [X Y ?type?] such as described in the curve item. The coordinates will be used to
- replace or add coordinates to the current contour.
- Almost all items can be manipulated by this command, the map item is the only current
- exception. The effect of the command can be quite different depending on the item. For
- icons, texts, windows, tabulars, the coordinates of the anchor can be modified or
- read. For groups, the coordinates of the origin of the transformation can be set or
- read. For tracks and waypoints, the coordinates of the current position can be set or
- read. For tracks setting the current position this way will make the previous position
- shift into the history. For reticles, the coordinates of the center can be set or
- read. For arcs and rectangles, the coordinates of the origin and corner can be set or
- read. For curves and triangles, coordinates of all points defining the item can be set or
- read. For all items that do not support multiple contours (currently all except curves)
- the {\tt contour} parameter should be omitted or specified as zero.
- When {\tt coords} is used to get potentially more than one point, it returns {\bf always}
- a list of lists. Each sub list contains X, Y, and 'c' if the point is a
- bezier control point.
- When {\tt coords} is used to get exactly one point (either because it is used to
- get the nth point of an item or because the item always has exactly one point (e.g.
- the item is a group, track, waypoint, map, or reticle)), it returns
- a flat list of 2 (or may be 3 for control points of curve items) values.
- The optional parameters must be combined to produce a given behavior. Here are the
- various form recognized by the command:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId contourIndex\\
- @coords = \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, contourIndex);}
- Get all coordinates of contour at contourIndex. All items can answer if contourIndex
- is zero. Curves can handle other contours.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId contourIndex coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, contourIndex, coordList);}
- Set all coordinates of contour at contourIndex. All items can do it if contourIndex is
- zero. Curves can handle other contours. For groups, icons, texts, windows, tabulars,
- reticles, tracks, waypoints, only the first vertex will be used. For rectangles and
- arcs, only the first two vertices will be used. Curves can handle any number of vertices.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId contourIndex coordIndex\\
- (\$x, \$y) = \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, contourIndex, coordIndex);}
- Get coordinate at coordIndex in contour at contourIndex. All items can answer if
- contourIndex is zero. Curves can handle other contours. For groups, icons, texts,
- windows, tabulars, reticles, tracks, waypoints, coordIndex must be zero. For
- rectangles and arcs, coordIndex must zero or one.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId contourIndex coordIndex coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, contourIndex, coordIndex, coordList);}
- Set coordinate at coordIndex in contour at contourIndex. All items can do it if
- contourIndex is zero. Curves can handle other contours. For groups, icons, texts,
- windows, tabulars, reticles, tracks, waypoints, coordIndex must be zero. For
- rectangles and arcs, coordIndex must zero or one. {\bf WARNING:} coordList must be a
- list of one list describing x, y and optionnaly the point type.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId remove contourIndex coordIndex\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, 'remove', contourIndex, coordIndex);}
- Remove coordinate at coordIndex in contour at contourIndex. Can only be handled by
- curves. Only curves can handle contourIndex other than zero.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId add contourIndex coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, 'add', contourIndex, coordList);}
- Add coordinates at the end of contour at contourIndex. Can only be handled by curves.
- Only curves can handle contourIndex other than zero.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId add contourIndex coordIndex coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, 'add', contourIndex, coordIndex, coordList);}
- Add coordinates at coordIndex in contour at contourIndex. Can only be handled by
- curves. Only curves can handle contourIndex other than zero.
- \end{itemize}
- And the slightly abbreviated forms:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId\\
- @coords = \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId);}
- Get all coordinates of contour 0. See first form.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, coordList);}
- Set all coordinates of contour 0. See second form.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId remove coordIndex\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, 'remove', coordIndex);}
- Remove coordinate at coordIndex in contour 0. See fifth form.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf coords} tagOrId add coordList\\
- \$zinc->{\bf coords}(tagOrId, 'add', coordList);}
- Add coordinates at the end of contour 0. See sixth form.
- \end{itemize}
-{\tt\large \$num = \$zinc->{\bf currentpart}();}
- Returns a string specifying the item part that has the pointer. If the current item
- doesn't have parts or if the pointer is not over an item (no item has the
- \ident{current} tag) the command returns {\tt ""}. The string can be either an integer
- describing a field index or the name of a special part of the item. Consult each item
- description to find out which part names can be reported.
-\zinccmd{cursor}{tagOrId index}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf cursor}(tagOrId, index);}
- Set the position of the insertion cursor for the items described by {\tt tagOrId} to be
- just before the character at {\tt index}. If some of the items described by {\tt
- tagOrId} don't support an insertion cursor, the command doesn't change them. The
- possible values for {\tt index} are described in the section \conceptref{Text indices}
- {indices}. The command returns an empty string.
-\zinccmd{dchars}{tagOrId first ?last?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf dchars}(tagOrId, first);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf dchars}(tagOrId, first, last);}
- Delete the character range defined by the parameters {\tt first} and {\tt last}
- inclusive in all the items described by {\tt tagOrId}. Items that doesn't support text
- indexing are skipped by the command. If {\tt last} is not specified, the command
- deletes the character located at {\tt first}. The command returns an empty string. {\tt
- first} and {\tt last} are indices as described in \conceptref{Text indices}{indices}.
-\zinccmd{dtag}{tagOrId ?tagToDelete?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf dtag}(tagOrId);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf dtag}(tagOrId, tagToDelete);}
- Delete the tag {\tt tagToDelete} from the list of tags associated with each item named
- by {\tt tagOrId}. If an item doesn't have the tag then it is leaved unaffected. If {\tt
- tagToDelete} is omitted, {\tt tagOrId} is used instead. The command returns an empty
- string as result.
-\zinccmd{find}{searchCommand ?arg arg ...?}
-{\tt\large @items = \$zinc->{\bf find}(searchCommand, ?arg?, ...);}
- This command returns the list of all items selected by {\tt searchCommand} and the {\tt
- args}. See the \cmdref{addtag} command for an explanation of {\tt searchCommand} and the
- various {\tt args}. The items are sorted in drawing order, topmost first. For example:\\
- \code{ \# to get the item under the mouse cursor:\\
- \$item = \$zinc->find('withtag', 'current');\\
- \# to get the closest item of a point:\\
- \$closest = \$zinc->find ('closest', \$x, \$y);\\
- \# to get direct children of an atomic group with a pathTag:\\
- @children = \$zinc->find('withtag', ".atomicGroup.");\\
- \# to get all groups recursively contained in a group\\
- @groups = \$zinc->find('withtype', 'group', ".aGroup*");
- }
- As detailled in \cmdref{addtag} command the following searchCommands are possible:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} above tagOrId \\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('above', tagOrId);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} atpriority priority ?tagOrId?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('atpriority', priority, ?tagOrId?);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} ancestors tagOrId ?tagOrId2?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('ancestors', tagOrId, ?tagOrId2?);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} below tagOrId\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('below', tagOrId);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} closest x y ?halo? ?startItem?, ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('closest', x, y, ?halo?, ?startItem?, ?recursive?);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} enclosed xo yo xc yc ?inGroup? ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('enclosed', xo, yo, xc, yc, ?inGroup?, ?recursive?);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} overlapping xo yo xc yc ?inGroup? ?recursive?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('overlapping', xo, yo, xc, yc, ?inGroup?, ?recursive?);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} withtag tagOrId\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('withtag', tagOrId);}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf find} withtype type ?tagOrId?\\
- \$zinc->{\bf find}('withtype', type, ?tagOrId?);}
- \end{itemize}
-\zinccmd{fit}{coordList error}
-{\tt\large @controls = \$zinc->{\bf fit}(coordList, error);}
- This command fits a sequence of Bezier segments on the curve described by the vertices
- in {\tt coordList} and returns a list of lists describing the points and control points
- for the generated segments. All the points on the fitted segments will be within {\tt error}
- distance from the given curve. {\tt coordList} should be either a flat list of an even
- number of coordinates in x, y order or a list of lists of point coordinates X, Y.
- The returned list can be directly used to create or change a curve item contour.
-\zinccmd{focus}{?tagOrId? ?itemPart?}
-{\tt\large (\$item, \$part) = \$zinc->{\bf focus}();}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf focus}(tagOrId, ?itemPart?);}
- Set the keyboard focus to the item described by {\tt tagOrId}, and to
- its {\tt itemPart} if the item has parts. If {\tt tagOrId} describes
- more than one item, the first item in display list order that accept the focus is
- used. If no such item exists, the command has no effect. If {\tt tagOrId} is an empty
- string the focus is reset and no item has the focus. If {\tt tagOrId} is not specified,
- the command returns a list of two elements. The first is the id of the item with the focus
- or an empty string if no item has the focus. The second is the item part or an empty
- string if not appliable.
- When the focus has been set to an item that support an insertion cursor, the item will
- display its cursor and the keyboard events will be directed to that item.
- The widget receive keyboard events only if it has the window focus. It may be necessary
- to use the Tk \ident{focus} command to force the focus to the widget window.
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf gdelete}('fading');}
- This command breaks the binding between the given gradient name and the named
- gradient. When the gradient will be no longer used it will be deallocated.
-{\tt\large @tags = \$zinc->{\bf gettags}(tagOrId);}
- This command returns the list of all the tags associated with the item specified by {\tt
- tagOrId}. If more than one item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the topmost in display
- list order is used to return the result. If no item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the
- empty list is returned.
-\zinccmd{gname}{?gradientDesc? gradientName}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf gname}('black:100|white:0/0', 'fading');}\\
-{\tt\large \$exist = \$zinc->{\bf gname}('nameOrGradient');}
- This command sets a name binding between the given gradient description and the given
- name. The name can be used in the same way the gradient description would be. The
- gradient will not be deallocated until the \cmdref{gdelete} command is invoqued on the
- name (and no item use the gradient). This feature can be a big performance gain when
- using many gradients in an animation, the name acts here as a caching mecanism.
- When gname is called with only one argument, it returns iehter false or the
- name of a named gradient if the argument is either a named gradient or the name
- of a named gradient.
-{\tt\large \$group = \$zinc->{\bf group}(tagOrId);}
- Returns the group containing the item described by {\tt tagOrId}. If more than one item
- is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the topmost in display list order is used to return the
- result.
-{\tt\large \$bool = \$zinc->{\bf hasanchors}(tagOrId);}
- This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by {\tt tagOrId} supports
- anchors. If more than one item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the topmost in display
- list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId}, an
- error is raised.
-{\tt\large \$bool = \$zinc->{\bf hasfields}(tagOrId);}
- This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by {\tt tagOrId} supports
- fields. If more than one item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the topmost in display
- list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId}, an
- error is raised.
-\zinccmd{hastag}{tagOrId tag}
-{\tt\large \$bool = \$zinc->{\bf hastag}(tagOrId, tag);}
- This command returns a boolean telling if the item specified by {\tt tagOrId} has the
- specified tag. If more than one item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the topmost in
- display list order is used to return the result. If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId},
- an error is raised.
-\zinccmd{index}{tagOrId index}
-{\tt\large \$num = \$zinc->{\bf index}(tagOrId, index);}
- This command returns a number which is the numerical index in the item described by {\tt
- tagOrId} corresponding to {\tt index}. The possible forms for {\tt index} are described
- in \conceptref{Text indices}{indices}. The command returns a value between 0 and the
- number of character in the item. If {\tt tagOrId} describes more than one item, the index
- is processed in the first item supporting text indexing in display list order.
-\zinccmd{insert}{tagOrId before string}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf insert}(tagOrId, before, string);}
- This command inserts {\tt string} in each item described by {\tt tagOrId} just before
- the text position described by {\tt before}. The possible values for {\tt before} are
- described in \conceptref{Text indices}{indices}. Items that doesn't support text
- indexing are skipped by the command. The command returns an empty string.
-\zinccmd{itemcget}{tagOrId ?fieldId? attr}
-{\tt\large \$val = \$zinc->{\bf itemcget}(tagOrId, attr);}\\
-{\tt\large \$val = \$zinc->{\bf itemcget}(tagOrId, field, attr);}
- Returns the current value of the attribute given by {\tt attr} for the item named by
- {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt tagOrId} name more than one item, the topmost in display list
- order is used. If {\tt field} is given, it must be a valid field index for the item or
- an error will be reported. If a field index is given, the command will interpret {\tt
- attr} as a field attribute (see \objectref{field}), otherwise it will be interpreted as
- an item attribute (see the chapter \conceptref{Item types}{items}). If the attribute is
- not available for the field or item type, an error is reported.
-\zinccmd{itemconfigure}{tagOrId ?fieldId? ?attr? ?value? ?attr value ...?}
-{\tt\large @attribs = \$zinc->{\bf itemconfigure}(tagOrId);}\\
-{\tt\large @attrib = \$zinc->{\bf itemconfigure}(tagOrId, attrib);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf itemconfigure}(tagOrId, attrib=>value, ?attrib=>value?, ...);}\\
-{\tt\large @attrib = \$zinc->{\bf itemconfigure}(tagOrId, fieldId, attrib);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf itemconfigure}(tagOrId, fieldId, attrib=>value, ?attrib=>value?, ...);}
- Query or modify the attributes of an item or field. If no attribute is given, returns a
- list of lists describing all the supported attributes in the same format as for a single
- attribute, as described next. If a single attribute is specified without a value, the
- command returns a list describing the named attribute. Each attribute is described by a
- list with the following content: the attribute name, the attribute type, a boolean
- telling if the attribute is read-only, an empty string, and the current value of the
- attribute. In the two querying forms of the command the topmost item described by {\tt
- tagOrId} is used.
- If at least one attribute - value pair is given, then the corresponding attributes are
- changed for all the items described by {\tt tagOrId} and the command returns an empty
- string. If {\tt field} is given, it must be a valid field index for the item or an
- error will be reported. If a field index is given, the command will interpret the given
- attributes as field attributes, otherwise they will be interpreted as item attributes.
- If an attribute does not belong to the item or field, an error is reported. When configuring
- a set of item defiend by a tag, all items must then accept these attributes.
-\zinccmd{lower}{tagOrId ?belowThis?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf lower}(tagOrId);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf lower}(tagOrId, belowThis);}
- Reorder all the items given by {\tt tagOrId} so that they will be under the item given
- by {\tt belowThis}. If {\tt tagOrId} name more than one item, their relative order will
- be preserved. If {\tt tagOrId} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If {\tt
- belowThis} name more than one item, the bottom most them is used. If {\tt belowThis}
- doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If {\tt belowThis} is omitted the items are
- put at the bottom most position of their respective groups. The command ignore all items
- named by {\tt tagOrId} that are not in the same group than {\tt belowThis} or, if not
- specified, in the same group than the first item named by {\tt tagOrId}. The command
- returns an empty string. As a side affect of this command, the \ident{-priority}
- attribute of all the reordered items is ajusted to match the priority of the {\tt
- belowThis} item (or the priority of the bottom most item).
-{\tt\large \$bool = \$zinc->{\bf monitor}();}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf monitor}(onOff);}
- This command controls the gathering of performance data. The data gathering is inited
- and turned on when the command is called with a boolean true parameter. The gathering is
- stopped if the command is called with a boolean false parameter. If the command is
- called with no parameters or with a boolean false parameter, it returns a string
- describing the currently collected data. The other form of the command returns the empty
- string.
-{\tt\large \$num = \$zinc->{\bf numparts}(tagOrId);}
- This command tells how many fieldId are available for event bindings or for field
- configuration commands in the item specified by {\tt tagOrId}. If more than one item is
- named by {\tt tagOrId}, the topmost in display list order is used to return the
- result. If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId}, an error is raised. This command
- returns always 0 for items which do not support fields. The command \cmdref{hasfields}
- may be used to decide whether an item has fields.
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf postscript}();}
- Not yet implemented.
-\zinccmd{raise}{tagOrId ?aboveThis?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf raise}(tagOrId);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf raise}(tagOrId, aboveThis);}
- Reorder all the items given by {\tt tagOrId} so that they will be above the item given
- by {\tt aboveThis}. If {\tt tagOrId} name more than one item, their relative order will
- be preserved. If {\tt tagOrId} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If {\tt
- aboveThis} name more than one item, the topmost in display list order is used. If {\tt
- aboveThis} doesn't name an item, an error is raised. If {\tt aboveThis} is omitted the
- items are put at the top most position of their respective groups. The command ignore
- all items named by {\tt tagOrId} that are not in the same group than {\tt aboveThis} or,
- if not specified, in the same group than the first item named by {\tt tagOrId}. The
- command returns an empty string. As a side affect of this command, the \ident{-priority}
- attribute of all the reordered items is ajusted to match the priority of the {\tt
- aboveThis} item (or the priority of the topmost item).
-\zinccmd{remove}{tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf remove}(tagOrId, ?tagOrId?, ...);}
- Delete all the items named by each {\tt tagOrId}. The command returns an empty string.
-\zinccmd{rotate}{tagOrId angle ?degree? ?centerX centerY?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf rotate}(tagOrId, angle);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf rotate}(tagOrId, angle, centerX, centerY);}
- Add a rotation to the items or the transform described by {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt
- tagOrId} describes a named transform then this transform is used to do the operation.
- If {\tt tagOrId} describes more than one item then all the items are affected by the
- operation. If {\tt tagOrId} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error
- is raised. The angle is given in radian if {\tt degree} is omitted or false, if it is
- specified as true, the angle is in degrees. The last two optional parameters describe
- the center of rotation, which defaults to the origin.
-\zinccmd{scale}{tagOrIdOrTName xFactor yFactor ?centerX centerY?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf scale}(tagOrIdOrTName, xFactor, yFactor);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf scale}(tagOrIdOrTName, xFactor, yFactor, centerX, centerY);}
- Add a scale factor to the items or the transform described by {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt
- tagOrId} describes a named transform then this transform is used to do the operation.
- If {\tt tagOrId} describes more than one item then all the items are affected by the
- operation. If {\tt tagOrId} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error
- is raised. A separate factor is specified for X and Y. The optional parameters
- describe the center of scaling, which defaults to the origin.
-\zinccmd{select}{option ?tagOrId? ?arg?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf select}(option, ?tagOrId?, ?arg?);}
- Manipulates the selection as requested by {\tt option}. {\tt tagOrId} describes the
- target item. This item must support text indexing and selection. If more than one item
- is referred to by {\tt tagOrId}, the first in display list order that support both text
- indexing and selection will be used. Some forms of the command include an {\tt index}
- parameter, this parameter describes a textual position within the item and should be a
- valid index as described in \conceptref{Text indices}{indices}. The valid forms of the
- command are :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf select} adjust tagOrId index\\
- \$zinc->{\bf select}('adjust', tagOrdId, index);}
- Adjust the end of the selection in {\tt tagOrId} that is nearest to the character
- given by {\tt index} so that it is at {\tt index}. The other end of the selection is
- made the anchor for future select to commands. If the selection is not currently in
- {\tt tagOrId}, this command behaves as the select to command. The command returns an
- empty string.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf select} clear\\
- \$zinc->{\bf select}('clear');}
- Clear the selection if it is in the widget. If the selection is not in the widget, the
- command has no effect. Return an empty string.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf select} from tagOrId index\\
- \$zinc->{\bf select}('from', tagOrdId, index);}
- Set the selection anchor point for the widget to be just before the character given by
- {\tt index} in the item described by {\tt tagOrId}. The command has no effect on the
- selection, it sets one end of the selection so that future select to can actually set
- the selection. The command returns an empty string.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf select} item\\
- (\$item, \$part) = \$zinc->{\bf select}('item');}
- Returns a list of two elements. The first is the id of the selected item if the selection
- is in an item on this widget; Otherwise the first element is an empty string. The second
- element is the part of the item (track, waypoint or tabular item only) or the empty string.
- \item{\tt\large
- pathname {\bf select} to tagOrId index\\
- \$zinc->{\bf select}('to', tagOrdId, index);}
- Set the selection to be the characters that lies between the selection anchor and {\tt
- index} in the item described by {\tt tagOrId}. The selection includes the character
- given by {\tt index} and includes the character given by the anchor point if {\tt
- index} is greater or equal to the anchor point. The anchor point is set by the most
- recent select adjust or select from command issued for this widget. If the selection
- anchor point for the widget is not currently in {\tt tagOrId}, it is set to the
- character given by index. The command returns an empty string.
- \end{itemize}
-\zinccmd{skew}{tagOrIdOrTName xSkewAngle ySkewAngle}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf skew}(tagOrIdOrTName, xSkewAngle, ySkewAngle);}
- Add a skew (or shear) transform to the to the items or the transform described
- by {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}. If {\tt tagOrId} describes a named transform then this
- transform is used to do the operation. If {\tt tagOrId} describes more than
- one item then all the items are affected by the operation.
- If {\tt tagOrId} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an
- error is raised. The angles are given in radian.
-{\tt\large @coords = \$zinc->{\bf smooth}(coordList);}
- This command computes a sequence of segments that will smooth the polygon
- described by the vertices in {\tt coordList} and returns a list of lists describing
- points of the generated segments. These segments are approximating a Bezier curve.
- {\tt coordList} should be either a
- flat list of an even number of coordinates in x, y order, or a list of lists of point
- coordinates X, Y. The returned list can be used to create or change the contour of a
- curve item.
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tapply}();}
- Not yet implemented.
-\zinccmd{tcompose}{tagOrIdOrTName tName ?invert?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tcompose}(tagOrIdOrTName, tName);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tcompose}(tagOrIdOrTName, tName, invert);}
- Modify either the named transform {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} or the corresponding
- item by composing the {\tt tName} transform. The {\tt invert} boolean, if specified,
- causes the {\tt tName} transform to be inverted prior composition.
- If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is
- raised. If {\tt tName} does not describe a named transform an error is raised.
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tdelete}(tName);}
- Destroy a named transform. If the given name is not found among the named transforms, an
- error is raised.
-\zinccmd{tget}{tagOrIdOrTName ?selector?}
-{\tt\large (\$m00, \$m01, \$m10, \$m11, \$m20, \$m21) = \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName);}\\
-{\tt\large (\$xtranslate, \$ytranslate, \$xscale, \$yscale, \$angle, \$xskew) =\\
- \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName, 'all');}\\
-{\tt\large (\$xtranslate, \$ytranslate) = \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName, 'translate');}\\
-{\tt\large (\$xscale, \$yscale) = \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName, 'scale');}\\
-{\tt\large (\$angle) = \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName, 'rotate');}\\
-{\tt\large (\$xskew) = \$zinc->{\bf tget}(tagOrIdOrTName, 'skew');}
- With only one argument, get the six elements of the 3x4 matrix used in affine
- transformation for {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}. The result is compatible with the tset method.
- With optional second parameter 'all' returns the transform decomposed in translation,
- scale, rotation, skew and return the list in this order,
- With 'translation', 'scale', 'rotation', 'skew' optional second parameter,
- returns the corresponding values.
-\zinccmd{transform}{?tagOrIdFrom? tagOrIdTo coordList}
-{\tt\large @coords = \$zinc->{\bf transform}(tagOrIdTo, coordList);}\\
-{\tt\large @coords = \$zinc->{\bf transform}(tagOrIdFrom, tagOrIdTo, coordList);}
- This command returns a list of coordinates obtained by transforming the coordinates
- given in {\tt coordList} from the coordinate space of the transform or item described by
- {\tt tagOrIdFrom} to the coordinate space of the transform or item described by {\tt
- tagOrIdTo}. If {\tt tagOrIdFrom} is omitted it defaults to the window coordinate
- space. If either {\tt tagOrIdFrom} or {\tt tagOrIdTo} describes more than one item,
- the topmost in display list order is used. If either {\tt tagOrIdFrom} or {\tt tagOrIdTo}
- doesn't describe either a transform or an item, an error is raised.
- The {\tt coordList} should either be a flat list containing an even number of
- coordinates each point having two coordinates, or a list of lists each sublist of the form
- [ X Y ?pointtype? ]. The returned coordinates list will be isomorphic to the list given
- as argument.
- It is possible to convert from window coordinate space to the coordinate space of any
- item. This is done by omitting {\tt ?tagOrIdFrom?} and specifying in {\tt tagOrIdTo},
- the id of the item. It can also be done by using the predefined tag 'device' as first argument.
- It is also possible to convert from the coordinate space of an item to the window
- coordinate space by using the predefined tag 'device' as second argument.
- For example:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item{\verb+($x, $y) = $zinc->transform('device', $mygroup, [$xdev, $ydev]);+}\\
- transforms the point described by \verb+$xdev,$ydev+ in window coordinates,
- to \verb+$mygroup+ coordinates in \verb+$x,$y+;
- \item{\verb+($xdev, $ydev) = $zinc->transform($mygroup, 'device', [$x, $y]);+}\\
- transforms the point described by \verb+$x,$y+ in \verb+$mygroup+
- coordinates, to window coordinates in \verb+$xdev,$ydev+
- \item{\verb+($x2, $y2) = $zinc->transform($group1, $group2, [$x1, $y1]);+}\\
- transforms the point described by \verb+$x1,$y1+ in \verb+$group1+ coordinates,
- to \verb+$group2+ coordinates in \verb+$x2,$y2+;%$
- \end{itemize}
-\zinccmd{translate}{tagOrIdOrTName xAmount yAmount ?absolute?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf translate}(tagOrdIdOrTName, xAmount, yAmount, ?absolute?);}
- Add a translation to the items or the transform described by {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}. If {\tt
- tagOrIdOrTName} describes a named transform then this transform is used to do the operation. If
- {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} describes more than one item then all the items are affected by the
- opration. If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is
- raised. A separate value is specified for X and Y.
- If the optionnal {\tt ?absolute?} parameter is true, it will set an absolute translation to
- the {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf treset}(tagOrdIdOrTName);}
- Set the named transform or the transform for the items described by {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} to
- identity. If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} describes neither a named transform nor an item, an error is
- raised.
-\zinccmd{trestore}{tagOrId tName}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf trestore}(tagOrdId, tName);}
- Set the transform for the items described by {\tt tagOrId} to the transform named by
- {\tt tName}. If {\tt tagOrId} doesn't describe any item or if the transform named {\tt
- tName} doesn't exist, an error is raised.
-\zinccmd{tsave}{?tagOrIdOrTName? tName ?invert?}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tsave}(tName);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tsave}(tagOrdIdOrTName, tName);}\\
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tsave}(tagOrdIdOrTName, tName, invert);}
- Create (or reset) a transform associated with the name {\tt tName} with initial
- value the transform associated with the item {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}. If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} describes
- more than one item, the topmost in display list order is used. If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} doesn't
- describe any item or named transformation, an error is raised. If {\tt tName} already exists,
- the transform is set to the new value. This command is the only way to create a named transform.
- If {\tt tagOrIdOrTName} is not specified, the command returns a boolean telling if the
- name is already in use. The {\tt invert} boolean, if specified, cause the transform
- to be inverted prior to be saved.
- It is possible to create a new named transformation from the identity by using the predefined tag 'identity': {\verb+$zinc->tsave('identity', 'myTransfo');+}
-% $ this comment is for emacs colorization only!
-\zinccmd{tset}{tagOrIdOrTName m00 m01 m10 m11 m20 m21}
-{\tt\large \$zinc->{\bf tset}(tagOrIdOrTName, m00, m01, m10, m11, m20, m21);}
- Set the six elements of the 3x4 matrix used in affine transformation for
- {\tt tagOrIdOrTName}. \bf{ BEWARE that depending on mij values, it is possible
- to define a not inversible matrix which will end up in core dump. This
- method must BE USED CAUTIOUSLY. }
-{\tt\large \$name = \$zinc->{\bf type}(tagOrdId);}
- This command returns the type of the item specified by {\tt tagOrId}. If more than one
- item is named by {\tt tagOrId}, then the type of the topmost item in display list order
- is returned. If no items are named by {\tt tagOrId}, an error is raised.
-\zinccmd{vertexat}{tagOrId x y}
-{\tt\large (\$contour, \$vertex, \$edgevertex) = \$zinc->{\bf vertexat}(tagOrdId, x, y);}
- Return a list of values describing the vertex and edge closest to the \emph{window
- coordinates} {\tt x} and {\tt y} in the item described by {\tt tagOrId}. If {\tt
- tagOrId} describes more than one item, the first item in display list order that
- supports vertex picking is used. The list consists of the index of the contour
- containing the returned vertices, the index of the closest vertex and the index of a
- vertex next to the closest vertex that identify the closest edge (located between the
- two returned vertices).
-%% C h a p t e r : I t e m t y p e s
-\chapter{Item types}
-This chapter introduces the item types that can be used in TkZinc. Each item type
-provides a set of options that may be used to query or change the item behavior. Some item
-types cannot be used with some widget commands, or use special parameters with some
-commands. Those cases are noted in the description of the item.
-%%% XXX CM : the two previous sentences are really not clear!
-\section{Group items}
-Group items are used for grouping objects together. Their usage is very powerfull and
-their use is best described in the previous chapter \conceptref{Groups, Display List, Clipping
-and Transformations}{coordinates}.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{group} are:
-\attribute{group}{alpha}{alpha}{Specifies the transparency to compose with the children
-transparencies. Needs the openGL extension.}
-\attribute{group}{atomic}{boolean}{Specifies if the group should report itself or its
-components during a search or for binding related operations. This attribute enable the
-use of a group as a single complex object build from smaller parts. It is possible to
-search for this item or use it in bindings without dealing with its smaller parts. The
-defaut value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{group}{clip}{item}{The item used to clip the children of the group. The shape
-of this item define an area that is used as a clipping shape when drawing the children of
-the group. Most items can be used here but notable exceptions are the \objectref{reticle} and
-\objectref{map} items. The default value is {\tt ""} which means that no clipping will be
-\attribute{group}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group must be composed with the alpha of this group. The default value is
-{\tt true}.}
-\attribute{group}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{group}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{group}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{group}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item and all its children should
-react to events. The defaut value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{group}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{group}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item and all its children is
-displayed. The defaut value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Track items}
-Track items have been designed for figuring out typical radar information for Air Traffic
-Control. However they may certainly be used by other kinds of radar view and surely by
-other kind of plan view with many moving objects and associated textual information.
-A track is composed of two main parts:
-\item The first one is purely graphic and is composed of many parts, some of them being
-identified by their ``partName'':
-\item the {\bf current position} of the object. Its partName is \ident{position}.
-\item a {\bf speed vector} which size depends on the attribute
-\attributeref{track}{speedvector} for the track and the option \optref{speedvectorlength}.
-This speed vector may be set visible or not, sensitive or other attributes can be set such
-as color, width, ticks, mark at the end... Its partName is \ident{speedvector}.
-\item a {\bf leader} which links the current position to the label. The leader may be
-visible or not, sensitive or not, and other graphic characteristics can be modified. Its
-partName is \ident{leader}.
-\item {\bf past positions} which are previous position after the track has been moved by
-the \cmdref{coords} command. The number of such past positions, their visibility and other
-graphic characteristics can be be modified. This part is never sensitive.
-\item a {\bf marker}, which is a circle around the current position. This marker can be
-visible or not and other graphic characteristics can be configured. The marker is never
-\item a {\bf connection}, which is a link with another track or waypoint item; links are
-drawn between their {\bf current position}. This connection may be visible or not,
-sensitive or not, and other graphic characteristics can be be modified. Its partName
-is \ident{connection}.
-\item the second part is a block of texts described by a labelformat (see chapter
-\conceptref{Labels, labelformats, and fields}{labelformat}. Each text can have its graphic
-decorations (alignment, background, images, borders...). These attributes are listed in
-the chapter \conceptref{Labels, label formats and fields}{labelformat} and can be changed
-by the command \cmdref{itemconfigure}.
-The following picture shows a simple \ident{track} with a label of 5 fields and 5 past
-positions. This track also shows a marker, the circle around the current position.
-\fig{trackexample}{A track with a label composed of 5 fields}{1}
-%%% XXX CM add here an image with a openGL track (end ticks,... antialising...)
-An other very important feature of \ident{track} item is that TkZinc offers an
-anti-overlap manager. This manager tries to avoid any overlap of tracks labels. It also
-avoids that the label overlap the speedvector. This manager is stable over time: there
-should be few cases where labels are moved to a very different position. This manager
-applies to all tracks included in a group (by default the group 1). It can be
-enabled/disabled with the TkZinc attribute \optref{overlapmanager}.
-New labels positions are computed by the overlap
-manager every time a track is moved, a track is created or destroyed and every time the
-TkZinc widget is resized. Due to software license limitation, TkZinc \emph{do not include}
-the very last version of this anti-overlap manager. If you are interested
-in this anti-overlap manager, please contact Didier Pavet at {\tt pavet@cena.fr}.
-Track items can be linked together or to waypoint items. The line figuring the link
-is configurable.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{track} are :
-\attribute{track}{circlehistory}{boolean}{If set to true the track history will be plotted
-as circles otherwise it will be plotted as squares. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{track}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group must be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is
-{\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{connecteditem}{item}{The \ident{track} or \ident{waypoint} item at the
-other end of the connection link. The default value is {\tt ""} which means that
-no connection link will be drawn.}
-\attribute{track}{connectioncolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent)
-color of the connection link. The first color of a real gradient color
-will be used. The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{track}{connectionsensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the connection link is
-sensitive. The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute and of the
-item \attributeref{track}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{connectionstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the connection link. The
-default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{track}{connectionwidth}{dimension}{The width of the connection link. The
-default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{track}{filledhistory}{boolean}{If set to true the track history will be filled
-otherwise it will be outlined. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{filledmarker}{boolean}{If set to true the circular marker will be filled
-otherwise it will be outlined. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{track}{frozenlabel}{boolean}{Specifies if the label should be frozen at its
-current location to prevent the anti overlapping system from moving it. The default value
-is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{track}{historycolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-track history. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The default
-value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{track}{labelanchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the label. The
-default value is {\tt center}.}
-\attribute{track}{labelangle}{angle}{The angle in degrees between the label anchor and the
-normal to the speed vector. This attribute works with the \attributeref{track}{labeldistance} attribute to
-specify a position for the label anchor with respect to the item origin. There is another
-alternative method for label positioning which is implemented with the \attributeref{track}{labeldx} and
-\attributeref{track}{labeldy} methods. Simultaneous use of the two methods should be done with care as
-there is no automatic update of values from the \attributeref{track}{labeldx},
-\attributeref{track}{labeldy} set to the \attributeref{track}{labeldistance},
-\attributeref{track}{labelangle} set. The default value is {\tt 20}.}
-\attribute{track}{labelconvergencestyle}{dimension}{XXX New. To be documented. The default
-value is ??.}
-\attribute{track}{labeldistance}{dimension}{The minimum distance in pixels between the
-track position and the label anchor. See the explanation of the \attributeref{track}{labelangle} attribute
-for some more details. The default value is 50.}
-\attribute{track}{labeldx}{dimension}{The X offset between the track position and the
-label anchor. The default value is computed from the values in the \attributeref{track}{labeldistance} and
-\attributeref{track}{labelangle} attributes.}
-\attribute{track}{labeldy}{dimension}{The Y offset between the track position and the
-label anchor. The default value is computed from the values in the \attributeref{track}{labeldistance} and
-\attributeref{track}{labelangle} attributes.}
-\attribute{track}{labelformat}{labelformat}{Geometry of the label fields. The default
-value is {\tt ""} which means that no label will be displayed.}
-\attribute{track}{labelpreferredangle}{angle}{XXX New. To be documented. The default value
-is ??.}
-\attribute{track}{lastasfirst}{boolean}{If set to true, the last position in the history
-will be drawn in the same color as the current position instead of being drawn in the
-history color. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{track}{leaderanchors}{leaderanchors}{The attachment of the leader on the label
-left or right side (whether the label is on the right or left of the current position).
-The default value is {\tt ""} which means that the leader anchor is at the label
-center, whatever the label position.}
-\attribute{track}{leadercolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the label
-leader. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The default
-value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{track}{leaderfirstend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the current
-position end of the leader. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{track}{leaderlastend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the label end of the
-leader. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{track}{leadersensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the label leader is sensitive.
-The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute and of the item
-\attributeref{track}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{leadershape}{lineshape}{The shape of the label leader. The default value
-is {\tt straight}.}
-\attribute{track}{leaderstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the label leader. The default
-value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{track}{leaderwidth}{dimension}{The width of the label leader. The default value
-is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{track}{markercolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-circular marker. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{track}{markerfillpattern}{bitmap}{The pattern to use when filling the circular
-marker. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{track}{markersize}{dimension}{The (scale sensitive) size of the circular marker.
-The default value is {\tt 0} which turn off the display of the marker.}
-\attribute{track}{markerstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the marker outline. The
-default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{track}{mixedhistory}{boolean}{If true the track history will be plotted with
-dots every other position. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{track}{numfields}{unsignedint}{Gives the number of fields available for the
-label. This attribute is read only.}
-\attribute{track}{position}{point}{The current location of the track. The default value
-is {\tt "0 0"}.}
-\attribute{track}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{track}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{speedvector}{point}{The speed vector $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$ in
-unit / minute. The default value is {\tt "0 0"} which results in no speed vector
-\attribute{track}{speedvectorcolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of
-the track's speed vector. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{track}{speedvectormark}{boolean}{If set a small point is drawn at the end of
-the speed vector. The point is drawn with the speed vector color. The default is {\tt
-false}.Not yet available without openGL}
-\attribute{track}{speedvectorsensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the track's speed vector is
-sensitive. The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute and of the
-item \attributeref{track}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}. }
-\attribute{track}{speedvectorticks}{boolean}{If set a mark is drawn at each minute
-position. The default is {\tt false}. Not yet available without openGL}
-\attribute{track}{speedvectorwidth}{dimension}{New. XXX To be documented. The default value is
-{\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{track}{symbol}{bitmap}{The symbol displayed at the current position. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{tracksymbol}.}
-\attribute{track}{symbolcolor}{gradient}{The uniforme (possibly transparent) color of the symbol
-displayed at the current position. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option
-\attribute{track}{symbolsensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the current position's symbol is
-sensitive to events. The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute
-and of the item \attributeref{track}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{track}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{track}{historyvisible}{boolean}{Specifies whether the item should display
-its history according to the options \optref{trackvisiblehistorysize} and
-\optref{trackmanagedhistorysize}. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{WayPoint items}
-Waypoints items have been initially designed for figuring out typical fixed position
-objects (i.e. beacons or fixes in the ATC vocabulary) with associated block of texts on a
-radar display for Air Traffic Control. They supports mouse event handling and
-interactions. However they may certainly be used by other kinds of radar view or even by
-other kind of plan view with many geographical objects and associated textual information.
-A waypoint is composed of the following parts:
-\item the {\bf position} of the waypoint. Its partName is \ident{position}.
-\item a {\bf leader} which links the current position to the label. The leader may be
-visible or not, sensitive or not, and other graphic characteristics can be be modified. Its
-partName is \ident{leader}.
-\item a {\bf label} which is a block of texts described by a labelformat (see chapter
-\conceptref{Labels, labelformat, and fields}{labelformat}. Each text can have its graphic
-decorations (alignment, background, images, borders...). These attributes are listed in
-the chapter \conceptref{Labels, label formats and fields}{labelformat} and can be changed
-by the command \cmdref{itemconfigure}.
-\item a {\bf connection}, which is a link with another \ident{waypoint} or \ident{track} item.
-This connection may be visible or not, sensitive or not, and other graphic characteristics
-can be be modified. Its partName is \ident{connection}.
-\fig{waypointexample}{A waypoint with a label composed of five fields; fields have
-Applicable attributes for \ident{waypoint} are:
-\attribute{waypoint}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group must be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}. }
-\attribute{waypoint}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}. }
-\attribute{waypoint}{connecteditem}{item}{The \ident{track} or \ident{waypoint} item at the
-other end of the connection link. The default value is {\tt ""} which means that
-no connection link will be drawn.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{connectioncolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of
-the connection link. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{connectionsensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the connection link is
-sensitive. The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute and of the
-item \attributeref{waypoint}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{connectionstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the connection link.
-The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{connectionwidth}{dimension}{The width of the connection link. The
-default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{filledmarker}{boolean}{If set to true the circular marker will be
-filled otherwise it will be outlined. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{labelanchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the label. The
-default value is {\tt center}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{labelangle}{angle}{The angle in degrees between the label anchor and
-the normal to the speed vector. This attribute works with the \attributeref{track}{labeldistance}
-attribute to specify a position for the label anchor with respect to the item origin.
-There is another alternative method for label positioning which is implemented with the
-\attributeref{track}{labeldx} and \attributeref{track}{labeldy} methods. Simultaneous use
-of the two methods should be done with care as there is no automatic update of values from the
-\attributeref{track}{labeldx}, \attributeref{track}{labeldy} set to the
-\attributeref{track}{labeldistance}, \attributeref{track}{labelangle} set. The default value is {\tt
-\attribute{waypoint}{labeldistance}{dimension}{The minimum distance in pixels between the
-way point position and the label anchor. See the explanation of the \attributeref{waypoint}{labelangle}
-attribute for some more details. The default value is {\tt 50}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{labeldx}{dimension}{The X offset between the way point position and
-the label anchor. The default value is computed from the values in the
-\attributeref{waypoint}{labeldistance} and \attributeref{waypoint}{labelangle} attributes.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{labeldy}{dimension}{The Y offset between the way point position and
-the label anchor. The default value is computed from the values in the
-\attributeref{waypoint}{labeldistance} and \attributeref{waypoint}{labelangle} attributes.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{labelformat}{labelformat}{Geometry of the label fields. The default
-value is {\tt ""} which means that no label will be displayed.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leaderanchors}{leaderanchors}{The attachment of the leader on the label
-left or right side (whether the label is on the right or left of the current position).
-The default value is {\tt ""} which means that the leader anchor is at the label
-center, whatever the label position.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leadercolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-label leader. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leaderfirstend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the current
-position end of the leader. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leaderlastend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the label end of
-the leader. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leadersensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the label leader is sensitive.
-The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this attribute and of the item
-\attributeref{waypoint}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leadershape}{lineshape}{The shape of the label leader. The default
-value is {\tt straight}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leaderstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the label leader. The
-default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{leaderwidth}{dimension}{The width of the label leader. The default
-value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{markercolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-circular marker. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{markerfillpattern}{bitmap}{The pattern to use when filling the
-circular marker. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{markersize}{dimension}{The (scale sensitive) size of the circular
-marker. The default value is {\tt 0} which turn off the display of the marker.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{markerstyle}{linestyle}{The line style of the marker outline. The
-default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{numfields}{unsignedint}{Gives the number of fields available for the
-label. This attribute is read only.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{position}{point}{The current location of the way point. The
-default value is {\tt "0 0"}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events.
-The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{symbol}{bitmap}{The symbol displayed at the current position. The
-default value is {\tt AtcSymbol15}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{symbolcolor}{gradient}{The uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-symbol displayed at the current position. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option
-\attribute{waypoint}{symbolsensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the current position's symbol
-is sensitive to events. The actual sensitivity is the logical \ident{and} of this
-attribute and of the item \attributeref{waypoint}{sensitive} attribute. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{waypoint}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default
-value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Tabular items}
-Tabular items have been initially designed for displaying block of textual information,
-organised in lists or spread out on a radar display.
-A tabular item is mainly composed of a \emph{label} which is a block of texts described
-by a labelformat (see chapter \conceptref{Labels, labelformats and fields}{labelformat}.
-Each text can have its graphic decorations (alignment, background, images, borders...).
-This attributes are listed in the chapter \conceptref{Labels, label formats and
-fields}{labelformat} and can be changed by the command \cmdref{itemconfigure}.
-A tabular can be attached with the \attributeref{tabular}{connecteditem} attribute to the
-label of a \objectref{track}, \objectref{waypoint} or another \objectref{tabular}.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{tabular} are:
-\attribute{tabular}{anchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the item. The default
-value is {\tt nw}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{connecteditem}{item}{Specifies the The \ident{track}, \ident{waypoint} or
-\ident{tabular} item relative to which this item is
-placed. Connected item should be in the same group. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{connectionanchor}{anchor}{Specifies the anchor on the connected item.
-The default value is {\tt sw}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{labelformat}{labelformat}{Geometry of the label fields. The default
-value is {\tt ""} which means that nothing will be displayed.}
-\attribute{tabular}{numfields}{unsignedint}{Gives the number of fields available for the
-label. This attribute is read only.}
-\attribute{tabular}{position}{point}{The item's position relative to the anchor (if no
-connected item specified). The default value is {\tt "0 0"}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}. }
-\attribute{tabular}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{tabular}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default
-value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Text items}
-Text items are used for displaying text. They can also be used for text input. In this
-case, they must get the focus for keyboards events with the command \cmdref{focus}. Many
-TkZinc options (see chapter \conceptref{Widget options}{options} can be used for
-configuring the text input (for example : \optref{insertbackground},
-\optref{insertofftime} \optref{insertontime}, \optref{insertwidth}).
-With and without openGL, text items can be rotated or scaled. However,
-attributes \attributeref{text}{composerotation} and \attributeref{text}{composescale}
-must be set before rotation and scaling.
-A Tcl module, zincText is available, it provides simple bindings for interactive
-text input. For enabling interactive text editing on an item, the item should
-be sensitive and should have the tag ``text''.
-A Perl module, called Tk::Zinc::Text (see the section
-\conceptref{Tk::Zinc::Text}{zinctext}) is provided for easing text input in text items
-(it can also be used for text input in labelled items such as \objectref{track},
-\objectref{waypoint} or \objectref{tabular}).
-Applicable attributes for \ident{text} are:
-\attribute{text}{alignment}{alignment}{Specifies the horizontal alignment of the lines in
-the item. The default value is {\tt left}.}
-\attribute{text}{anchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the item. The default
-value is {\tt nw}.}
-\attribute{text}{color}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) color for
-drawing the text characters, the overstrike and underline lines. The first color of a
-real gradient color will be used. The default value is the current value of
-the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{text}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{text}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{text}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{text}{connecteditem}{item}{Specifies the item relative to which this item is
-placed. Connected item should be in the same group. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{text}{connectionanchor}{anchor}{Specifies the anchor on the connected item.
-The default value is {\tt sw}.}
-\attribute{text}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern used to draw the text
-characters, the overstrike and underline lines. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{text}{font}{font}{Specifies the font for the text. The default value is the
-current value of the widget option \optref{font}.}
-\attribute{text}{overstriked}{boolean}{If true, a thin line will be drawn horizontally
-across the text characters. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{text}{position}{point}{The item's position relative to the anchor (if no
-connected item specified). The default value is {\tt "0 0"} (Tcl/Tk) or {\tt [0,0]} (Perl/Tk).}
-\attribute{text}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{text}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{text}{spacing}{dimension}{Specifies a pixel value that will be added to the
-inter-line spacing specified in the font. The value can be positive to increase the
-spacing or negative to reduce it. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{text}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{text}{text}{string}{Specifies the text characters. Newline characters can be
-embedded to force line ends. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{text}{underlined}{boolean}{If true, a thin line will be drawn under the text
-characters. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{text}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{text}{width}{dimension}{Specifies the maximum pixel width of the text, a line
-break will be automatically inserted at the closest character position to match this
-constraint. If the value is zero, the width is not under the item control and line breaks
-must be inserted in the text to have multiple lines. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\section{Icon items}
-Icon items are used for displaying bitmap images. Any bitmap file format
-supported by Tk can be used. If the bitmap file supports transparency
-(not alpha-blending, only full transparency), TkZinc will render this transparent area.
-With and without openGL, icons can be rotated or scaled. However,
-attributes \attributeref{icon}{composerotation} and \attributeref{icon}{composescale}
-must be set before rotation and scaling.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{icon} are:
-\attribute{icon}{anchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the item. The default
-value is {\tt nw}.}
-\attribute{icon}{color}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) fill color
-used for drawing the bitmap. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. If
-The icon contains an image, only the transparency of the color is used and
-defines the alpha transparency of the image when \optref{render} is set to true.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{icon}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is
-{\tt true}.}
-\attribute{icon}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{icon}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{icon}{connecteditem}{item}{Specifies the item relative to which this item is
-placed. Connected item should be in the same group. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{icon}{connectionanchor}{anchor}{Specifies the anchor on the connected item.
-The default value is {\tt sw}.}
-\attribute{icon}{image}{image}{Specifies a Tk image that will be displayed by the item.
-The image may have a mask (depend on the image format) that clip some parts. This option
-has precedence over the {\tt mask} option if both are specified. The default value is {\tt
-\attribute{icon}{mask}{bitmap}{Specifies a Tk bitmap that will be displayed by the
-item. The bitmap is filled with the color specified with the {\tt color} option. This
-option is inactive if an image has been specified with the {\tt image} option.
-The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{icon}{position}{point}{The item's position relative to the anchor (if no
-connected item specified). The default value is {\tt "0 0"} (Tcl/Tk) or {\tt [0,0]} (Perl/Tk.}
-\attribute{icon}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{icon}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{icon}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{icon}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Reticle items}
-Reticle items are set of concentric circles. The number of circles can be either
-finite or not. Some periodic circles may be different, they are called bright circles; they
-can be configured differently from other circles. This item has mainly be designed for
-radar display images, to help user evaluationg distances from the central point.
-Reticle cannot handle events.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{reticle} are:
-\attribute{reticle}{brightlinecolor}{gradient}{This is the uniform (possibly transparent)
-color of highlighted circles. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{brightlinestyle}{linestyle}{This is the line style of the highlighted
-circles. The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{firstradius}{dimension}{This is the radius of the innermost circle of the
-reticle. The default value is {\tt 80}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{linecolor}{gradient}{This is the uniform (possibly transparent) color of
-regular (not highlighted) circles. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option
-\attribute{reticle}{linestyle}{linestyle}{This is the line style of the regular (not
-highlighted) circles. The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{numcircles}{unsignedint}{Specifies how many circles should be drawn. The
-default value is {\tt -1} which means draw as many circles as needed to encompass the
-current widget window. This does not take into account any possible clipping that can mask
-part of the reticle. The idea behind this trick is to draw an infinite reticle that is
-optimized for the current scale.}
-\attribute{reticle}{period}{unsignedint}{Specifies the recurrence of the bright circles over
-the regulars. The default value is {\tt 5} which means that a bright circle is drawn then
-4 regulars, etc.}
-\attribute{reticle}{position}{point}{Location of the center of the reticle. The default
-value is {\tt "0 0"}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt false} as the item cannot handle events.}
-\attribute{reticle}{stepsize}{dimension}{The (scale sensitive) size of the step between two
-consecutive circles. The default value is {\tt 80}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{reticle}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Map items}
-Map items are typically used for displaying maps on a radar display view. Maps are
-not be sensitive to mouse or keyboard events, but have been designed to efficiently display
-large set of points, segments, arcs, and simple texts. A map item is associated to a mapinfo.
-This mapinfo entity can be either initialized with the \conceptref{videomap}{videomapcmd}
-command or more generally created and edited with a set of commands described in the
-\conceptref{The mapinfo related commands}{mapinfocmds} section.
- Applicable attributes for \ident{map} are:
-\attribute{map}{color}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) color used
-to draw or fill the map. The texts and symbols that are part of the map are also drawn in
-this color. The first color of a real gradient color will be used. The
-default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{map}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{map}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{map}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{map}{filled}{boolean}{If set to true the map wil be filled otherwise it will be
-drawn as thin lines. The default is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{map}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to be used when filling the
-map. The value should be a legal Tk bitmap. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{map}{font}{font}{Specifies the font that will be used to drawn the texts of the
-map. The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{maptextfont}.}
-\attribute{map}{mapinfo}{mapinfo}{Specifies the lines, texts, symbols and other various
-graphical components that should be displayed by the map item. All these graphical
-components will share the graphical attributes (color, font, etc) of the item and its
-coordinate system. The default value is {\tt ""} which means that nothing will be
-displayed by the map.}
-\attribute{map}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{map}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt false} as the item cannot handle events.}
-\attribute{map}{symbols}{bitmaplist}{XXX to be detailed. The default value is {\tt ??}.}
-\attribute{map}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{map}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value is
-{\tt true}.}
-\section{Rectangle items}
- Items of type \ident{rectangle} display a rectangular shape, optionally filled. The
- rectangle is described by its bottom-left and top right corners.
- It is possible to use this item as a clip item for its group. It is also possible to use
- the rectangle in a \cmdref{contour} command to build a complex shape in a \objectref{curve}
- item. The two points describing the rectangle can be read and modified with the
- \cmdref{coords} command.
-%%%% XXX CM insert here two rectangles, one rotated and with a relief!! One used as a clipper!
- Applicable attributes for \ident{rectangle} are:
-\attribute{rectangle}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should
-be composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{fillcolor}{gradient}{Specifies the color that will be used to
-fill the rectangle if requested by the \attributeref{rectangle}{filled} attribute. The default
-value is a one color gradient based on the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{filled}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should be filled. The default
-value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when filling the
-item. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{linecolor}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent)
-color used to draw the item outline. The first color of a real gradient color
-will be used. The default value is the current value of the widget option
-\attribute{rectangle}{linepattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when drawing the
-outline. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{linestyle}{linestyle}{Specifies the line style to use when drawing
-the outline. The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{linewidth}{dimension}{Specifies the width of the item outline (not
-scalable). The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{relief}{relief}{Specifies the relief used to drawn the rectangle
-outline. This attribute has priority over the \attributeref{rectangle}{linepattern} and
-\attributeref{rectangle}{linestyle} attributes. The color of the relief is derived from
-the color in \attributeref{rectangle}{linecolor}. The default value is {\tt flat}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events.
-The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The
-default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{tile}{image}{Specifies an image used for filling the item with
-tiles. This will be done only if filling is requested by the \attributeref{rectangle}{filled}
-attribute. This attribute has priority over the \attributeref{rectangle}{fillcolor} attribute
-and the \attributeref{rectangle}{fillpattern} attribute. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{rectangle}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default
-value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Arc items}
- Items of type \ident{arc} display an oval section, optionally filled, delimited by two
- angles. The oval is described by its enclosing rectangle. The arc can be closed either
- by a straight line joining its end points or by two segments going throught the center
- to form a pie-slice.
- It is possible to use this item as a clip item for its group, the clip shape will be the
- polygon obtained by closing the arc. It is also possible to use this polygon in a
- \cmdref{contour} command to build a complex shape in a \objectref{curve} item. The two points
- describing the enclosing rectangle can be read and modified with the \cmdref{coords}
- command. The first point should be the top left vertex of the rectangle and the second
- should be the bottom right.
- Applicable attributes for \ident{arc} are:
-\attribute{arc}{closed}{boolean}{Specifies if the outline of the arc should be
-closed. This is only pertinent if the arc extent is less than 360 degrees. The default
-value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{arc}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{arc}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{arc}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{arc}{extent}{angle}{Specifies the angular extent of the arc relative to the
-start angle. The angle is expressed in degrees in the trigonometric system. The default
-value is {\tt 360}.}
-\attribute{arc}{fillcolor}{gradient}{ Specifies the color used to fill
-the arc if requested by the \attributeref{arc}{filled} attribute. The default value is a one color
-gradient based on the current value of the widget option \optref{backcolor}.}
-\attribute{arc}{filled}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should be filled. The default value
-is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{arc}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when filling the
-item. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{firstend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the start end of the
-arc. This attribute is applicable only if the item is not closed and not filled. The
-default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{lastend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the extent end of the
-arc. This attribute is applicable only if the item is not closed and not filled. The
-default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{linecolor}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) color
-used to draw the item outline. The first color of a real gradient color
-will be used. The default value is the current value of the widget option
-\attribute{arc}{linepattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when drawing the
-outline. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{linestyle}{linestyle}{Specifies the line style to use when drawing the
-outline. The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{arc}{linewidth}{dimension}{Specifies the with of the item outline (not
-scalable). The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{arc}{pieslice}{boolean}{This attribute tells how to draw an arc whose extent is
-less than 360 degrees. If this attribute is true the arc open end will be drawn as a pie
-slice otherwise it will be drawn as a chord. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{arc}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{arc}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{arc}{startangle}{angle}{Specifies the arc starting angle. The angle is
-expressed in degrees in the trigonometric system. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{arc}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{tile}{image}{Specifies an image used for filling the item with tiles. This
-will be done only if filling is requested by the \attributeref{arc}{filled} attribute. This
-attribute has priority over the \attributeref{arc}{fillcolor} attribute and the
-\attributeref{arc}{fillpattern} attribute. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{arc}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value is
-{\tt true}.}
-\section{Curve items}
- Items of type \ident{curve} display pathes of line segments and/or cubic bezier connected
- by their end points. A cubic Bezier is defined by four points. The first and last
- ones are the extremities of the cubic Bezier. The second and the third ones are control point
- (i.e. they must have a third ``coordinate'' with the value 'c'). If both control points
- are identical, one may be omitted. As a consequence, it is an error to have more than
- two succcessive control points or to start or finish a curve with a control point.
- The polygon delimited by the path can optionally be filled.
- It is possible to build curve items with more than one path to
- describe complex shapes with the \cmdref{contour} command. This command can be used to
- perform boolean operations between a curve and almost any other item available in TkZinc
- including another curve. The exact appearance of a multi-contour curve (i.e. which parts
- are filled and which are holes) depends on the value of an attribute, called
- \attributeref{curve}{fillrule}.
- In the following figure (a snapshot of \conceptref{zinc-demos}{zinc-demos}) two curves
- with four holes each are in front of a text. You can partially see the text through the holes.
-\fig{textthroughholes}{Two curves with 4 holes each. A text is visible behind}{0.8}
- It is possible to use this item as a clip item for its group, the clip shape will be the
- polygon obtained by closing the path. The vertices can be read, modified, added or
- removed with the \cmdref{coords} command.
- Applicable attributes for \ident{curve} are:
-\attribute{curve}{capstyle}{capstyle}{Specifies the form of the outline ends. This
-attribute is only applicable if the curve is not closed and the outline relief is
-flat. The default value is {\tt round}.}
-\attribute{curve}{closed}{boolean}{Specifies if the curve outline should be drawn between
-the first and last vertex or not. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{curve}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{curve}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{curve}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be composed
-with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{curve}{fillcolor}{gradient}{Specifies the color used to fill
-the curve if requested by the \attributeref{curve}{filled} attribute. The default value is
-a one color gradient based on the current value of the widget option \optref{backcolor}.}
-\attribute{curve}{filled}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should be filled. The default
-value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{curve}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when filling the
-item. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{fillrule}{fillrule}{Specifies the way contours are combined together to
-specify complex surfaces, with holes and disjoint surfaces. The default value is {\tt "odd"}.
-This means that a point of the space is considered inside the curve surface if an odd number
-of contours are surrounding the point. This attribute should only be modified for curves with
-multiple or complicated contours.}
-\attribute{curve}{firstend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the start of the curve.
-This attribute is applicable only if the item is not closed, not filled and the relief of
-the outline is flat. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{joinstyle}{joinstyle}{Specifies the form of the joint between the curve
-segments. This attribute is only applicable if the curve outline relief is flat. The
-default value is {\tt round}.}
-\attribute{curve}{lastend}{lineend}{Describes the arrow shape at the end of the curve.
-This attribute is applicable only if the item is not closed, not filled and the relief of
-the outline is flat. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{linecolor}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) color
-used to draw the item outline. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{curve}{linepattern}{bitmap}{Specifies the pattern to use when drawing the
-outline. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{linestyle}{linestyle}{Specifies the line style to use when drawing the
-outline. The default value is {\tt simple}.}
-\attribute{curve}{linewidth}{dimension}{Specifies the with of the item outline (not
-scalable). The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{curve}{marker}{bitmap}{Specifies a bitmap that will be used to draw a mark at
-each vertex of the curve. This attribute is not applicable if the outline relief is not
-flat. The default value is {\tt ""} which means do not draw markers.}
-\attribute{curve}{markercolor}{gradient}{Specifies the uniform (possibly transparent) color of the
-markers. The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{curve}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{curve}{relief}{relief}{Specifies the relief used to drawn the curve
-outline. This attribute has priority over the \attributeref{curve}{linepattern} and
-\attributeref{curve}{linestyle} attributes. The color of the relief is derived from
-the color in \attributeref{curve}{linecolor}. The default value is {\tt flat}.}
-\attribute{curve}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events. The
-default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{curve}{smoothrelief}{boolean}{Specifies if the relief should be smoothed along
-the curve. This is useful to obtain smooth curved reliefs instead of facets The default
-value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{curve}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{tile}{image}{Specifies an image used for filling the item with
-tiles. This will be done only if filling is requested by the \attributeref{curve}{filled} attribute.
-This attribute has priority over the \attributeref{curve}{fillcolor} attribute and the
-\attributeref{curve}{fillpattern} attribute. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{curve}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Triangles items}
-Triangles items are used for displaying complexe surfaces with variables colors
-and transparencies. For example, it can be used to create a circular color selector
-displaying a range of colors. The way triangles composing a triangle item are arranged
-is defined by the \attributeref{triangles}{fan} option.
-This item has been added to provide access to a basic openGL geometric construction but
-it is also available in the X environment albeit with less features.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{triangles} are:
-\attribute{triangles}{colors}{gradientlist}{Specifies the colors of each vertex of the
-triangles.} %% XXX what if less/more colors than vertex?
-\attribute{triangles}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should
-be composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{fan}{boolean}{ If true, triangles are created with a fan like layout.
-Otherwise triangles are arranged like a strip. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{priority}{priority}{The absolute position in the stacking order among
-siblings of the same parent group. The default value is {\tt 1}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{sensitive}{boolean}{Specifies if the item should react to events.
-The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The
-default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{triangles}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default
-value is {\tt true}.}
-\section{Window items}
- Items of type \ident{window} display an X11 window at a given position in the widget.
- It is possible to use this item as a clip item for its group, the clip shape will be the
- window rectangle. It is also possible to use the rectangular shape of the window item in
- a \cmdref{contour} command to build a complex shape in a \objectref{curve} item. The
- position of the window, relative to the anchor, can be set or read with the \cmdref{coords}
- command (i.e. if no connected item is specified).
- One of the most frequent use of this item is to embed any Tk widget into TkZinc,
- including, of course, another TkZinc instance. Another less obvious use is to embed a
- whole Tk application into TkZinc, here is how to do it: The embedding application should
- create a frame with the \ident{-container} option set to true; Add a window item to the
- relevant TkZinc widget with the \attributeref{window}{window} attribute set to the id of
- the container frame; The embedded application should create its toplevel with the
- \ident{-use} option set to the id of the container frame; Or, as an alternative, the
- embedded \cident{wish} can be launched with the \ident{-use} option set to the container
- frame id.
-Applicable attributes for \ident{window} items are:
-\attribute{window}{anchor}{anchor}{The anchor used in positionning the item. The default
-value is {\tt nw}.}
-\attribute{window}{composealpha}{boolean}{Specifies if the alpha value inherited from
-the parent group should be composed with the alpha of this item. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{window}{composerotation}{boolean}{Specifies if the current rotation should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{window}{composescale}{boolean}{Specifies if the current scale should be
-composed with the local transform. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{window}{connecteditem}{item}{Specifies the item relative to which this item is
-placed. Connected item should be in the same group. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{window}{connectionanchor}{anchor}{Specifies the anchor on the connected item
-used for the placement. The default value is {\tt sw}.}
-\attribute{window}{height}{dimension}{Specifies the height of the item window in screen
-units. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{window}{position}{point}{The item's position relative to the anchor (if no
-connected item specified). The default value is {\tt "0 0"} (Tcl/Tk) or {\tt [0,0]} (Perl/Tk).}
-\attribute{window}{priority}{priority}{Constraints of the underlying window system dictate
-the stacking order of window items. They can't be lowered under the other
-items. Additionally, to manipulate their stacking order, you must use the raise and lower
-Tk commands on the associated Tk window. The value of this attribute is meaningless.}
-\attribute{window}{sensitive}{boolean}{This option has no effect on window items. The
-default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{window}{tags}{taglist}{The list of tags associated with the item. The default
-value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{window}{visible}{boolean}{Specifies if the item is displayed. The default value
-is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{window}{width}{dimension}{Specifies the width of the item window in screen
-units. The default value is {\tt 0}.}
-\attribute{window}{window}{window}{Specifies the X id of the window that is displayed by
-the item. This id can be obtained by the Tk command \ident{winfo id widgetname}. The
-default value is {\tt ""}.}
-%% C h a p t e r : L a b e l s , l a b e l f o r m a t s a n d f i e l d s
-\chapter{Labels, label formats and fields}
-TkZinc was initially developed for building interactive radar image working on X
-server. This requires very good performances, for displaying many hundred tracks and
-moving them every few second. Tracks are typically composed of some geometric parts and
-some textual parts. These two parts are connected together with a leader. The geometric
-parts are subject to scaling. For example the speed vector length in pixel depends on the
-scale. But the textual part must not be zoomed. Managing parts which are scaled and others
-which are not, can be a real challenge. Usual toolkits or widget are not suited to such
-behaviours, but TkZinc is.
-To be able to manage many items mixing geometric parts and non-geometric parts,
-TkZinc introduces the concepts of label, labelformat, fields and fields attributes.
-\section {Labels and labelformats}
-\concept{label} \concept{labelformat}
-A label is a set of rectangular fields attached to the following item types :
-\objectref{track}, \objectref{waypoint} and \objectref{tabular}. The fields of a
-label may contain either text or bitmaps or images. A label cannot be identified
-or manipulated by itself; There is no function nor method to get or manipulate a
-label as an object or an item. A label is always associated to an item and
-is manipulated through this item.
-Some label global characteristics are set/get at the item level:
-\item The maximum number of fields is defined at item creation, as the second
-argument of the \cmdref{add} method. The field number can not be changed after creation.
-These fields will be indexed from 0 to n-1. The number of fields can be read
-with the command \cmdref{numparts}. For example:
- $track = $zinc->add('track',1, 4, ....);
- # this creates a track item in root group with 4 fields, indexed from 0 to 3
-% $ comment for emacs colorization only!
-\item The rectangular geometries of displayable fields are defined through
-the item attribut \ident{-labelformat}. The value is a string following
-the syntax of the \attrtyperef{labelformat} type. This attribute can be set at any time;
-thus modifying its value is a way to quickly change the geometry (or the visibility) of
-some fields. Fields may overlap. They are drawn according to the index order:
-field 0 is drawn before (thus under) field 1. The labelformat also optionnaly
-describes a clipping rectangle. For example:
- $zinc->itemconfigure($track, -labelformat => 'a12a0+0+ x20x100>0 a2a0>1>0');
- ## ^ ^ ^
- ## field0 field1 field2
- # the labelformat indicates that only the first 3 fields will be displayed:
- # field 0 expands for the size of the text + 12 pixels.
- # It starts at the top left point
- # field 1 has a size of 20x10 pixels.
- # It is left aligned with field 0, just under field 0
- # field 2 expands for the size of the text + 2 pixels.
- # It is adjacent to the right of field 1, just under field 0
-Characteristics of each individual field are called field attributes. They are all
-described in next section \conceptref{Attributes for fields}{fieldAttributes}.
-They may be set or get with the \cmdref{itemcget} and \cmdref{itemconfigure} command.
-These commands require as a second argument the field number. By configuring
-field attributes you can modify :
-\item the field content : \attributeref{field}{text}, \attributeref{field}{image},
-\attributeref{field}{tile}, \attributeref{field}{fillpattern},
-\item the field colors : \attributeref{field}{backcolor}, \attributeref{field}{bordercolor},
-\item the text general appearance : \attributeref{field}{alignment},
-\attributeref{field}{autoalignment}, \attributeref{field}{font},
-\item the field border : \attributeref{field}{border}, \attributeref{field}{relief},
-\item and the field visibility and sensitivity: \attributeref{field}{sensitive},
-As an example:
- $zinc->itemconfigure($track, 0, -text => 'Hello World',
- -color => 'white',
- -backcolor => 'black',
- -filled => 1);
- # this should display "Hello World" in white on black in field 0
-It is possible to bind callbacks to fields, with the command \cmdref{bind} and
-special tags (described \conceptref{Tags and bindings}{tagsAndBindings}).
-As an example:
- $zinc->bind("$track:1", '<1>', \&acallback);
- # this binds &acallback to field 1
-Inside a callback function, it is possible to know which field the mouse cursor is over
-with the command \cmdref{currentpart}.
-A Perl module, called Tk::Zinc::Text (see the section \conceptref{Tk::Zinc::Text}{zinctext})
-is provided for easing text input in text fields (it can also be used for easing text input
-in \objectref{text} item).
-\section{Attributes for fields}
-Fields are item parts of items supporting labelformat (i.e.\ \objectref{track},
-\objectref{waypoint} and \objectref{tabular}). They can be configured in a similar way of
-items themselves, with the command \cmdref{itemconfigure}, but this command requires an
-additionnal parameter (in second position) the \ident{fieldId}. To get the value of a
-field attribute, you can use the command {itemcget} with the \ident{fieldId} as an
-additionnal second parameter.\\ NB: Field attributes cannot be configured at item creation
-with the command \cmdref{add}.
-Applicable attributes for fields are:
-\attribute{field}{alignment}{alignment}{ The horizontal alignment of both the text and the
-image. The default value is {\tt left}.}
-\attribute{field}{autoalignment}{autoalignment}{ The dynamic horizontal alignments used
-depending on the label orientation. The default value is {\tt "-"} which means do not use
-dynamic alignment.}
-\attribute{field}{backcolor}{gradient}{ The field background color. The default value is the
-current value of the widget option \optref{backcolor}.}
-\attribute{field}{border}{edgelist}{ The border description edge by edge. The border is a
-one pixel wide outline that is drawn around the field outside the relief. Some border
-edges can be omitted, this attribute describes the edges that should be displayed as part
-of the border. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{field}{bordercolor}{gradient}{ The border uniform (possibly transparent) color.
-The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{field}{color}{gradient}{ The text uniform (possibly transparent) color.
-The first color of a real gradient color will be used.
-The default value is the current value of the widget option \optref{forecolor}.}
-\attribute{field}{filled}{boolean}{ Specifies if the field background should be
-filled. The default value is {\tt false}.}
-\attribute{field}{fillpattern}{bitmap}{ The fill pattern used when filling the
-background. This attribute is overrided by the tile attribute. The default value is {\tt
-\attribute{field}{font}{font}{ The text font. The default value is the current value of
-the widget option \optref{font}.}
-\attribute{field}{image}{image}{ An image to be displayed in the field. The image will be
-centered vertically in the field. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{field}{relief}{relief}{ Specifies the relief to be drawn around the field,
-inside the border. The color of the relief is derived from the color in
-\attributeref{field}{backcolor}. The default value is {\tt flat}.}
-\attribute{field}{reliefthickness}{dimension}{ Width of the relief drawn around the
-field. The default value is {\tt 0} which means that no relief should be drawn around the
-\attribute{field}{sensitive}{boolean}{ Specifies if the field should react to input
-events. The default value is {\tt true}.}
-\attribute{field}{text}{string}{ A line of text to be displayed in the field. The text
-will be centered vertically in the field. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{field}{tile}{image}{ Specifies an image that will be tiled over the field
-background is the field is filled. This attribute has precedence over the
-\attributeref{field}{fillpattern} attribute. The default value is {\tt ""}.}
-\attribute{field}{visible}{boolean}{ Specifies if the field is displayed. The default
-value is {\tt true}.}
-%% C h a p t e r : A t t r i b u t e t y p e s
-\chapter{Attribute types}
-We describe in this chapter all the available types in TkZinc. They are listed by
-alphabetical order.
-\emph{NB: Two types are very important and their existence should be known
-by any new user of TkZinc: \attrtyperef{gradient} and \attrtyperef{labelformat}.}
- Specifies the horizontal alignment of an entity. The legal values are: {\tt left}, {\tt
- right}, {\tt center}.
- Specifies the transparency of an item. The value must be an integer from 0 (fully
- transparent) to 100 (fully opaque).
- Specifies one of the nine characteristic points of a rectangle or a bounding box that will
- be used to position the object. These points include the four corners, the four edge
- centers, and the center of the rectangle. The possible values are: {\tt nw}, {\tt n},
- {\tt ne}, {\tt e}, {\tt se}, {\tt s}, {\tt sw}, {\tt w}, {\tt center}.
- Specifies an angle in degrees, the value must be an integer from 0 to 360 inclusive.
- Specifies the horizontal alignments that should be used for track or way point fields
- depending on the label position relative to the position of the item. The attribute may
- have two forms: a single dash {\tt -} means turning of the automatic alignment feature
- for the field; The other form consists in three letters which describe in order: the
- alignment to be used when the label is to the left of the item position, above or below
- the item position and to the right of the item position. The possible values for each
- letter is: {\tt l} for left alignment, {\tt c} for center alignment and {\tt r} for
- right alignment. Here is an example: {\tt rll} means right align the field if the label
- is on the left side of the item, and left align if the label is above, below or on the
- right of the item.
- This should be a string naming a valid Tk bitmap. The bitmap should be known to Tk prior
- to its use. TkZinc registers a set of bitmaps that can be used for any bitmap valued
- attribute (see section \conceptref{Bitmaps}{builtinbitmaps}). Extensions to Tk are available to create or
- manipulate bitmaps from a script. The value may also name a file containing a valid X11
- bitmap description. The syntax in this case is {\tt @filename}.
- This is an extension of the \attrtyperef{bitmap} attribute type. It describes a list of
- bitmaps that will be the value of the attribute.
- This is the description of a standard Tcl boolean value. The possible values are {\tt
- 0}, {\tt false}, {\tt no} or {\tt off} for the false value and {\tt 1}, {\tt true}, {\tt
- yes} or {\tt on} for the true value.
- This the description of a line cap. The possible values are {\tt butt}, {\tt projecting}
- and {\tt round}.
- This is a string that describes a color. The description may have one of two forms, a
- colorname such as {\tt green} or {\tt LemonChiffon} or an rgb specification in one of
- the following formats, {\tt \#rgb}, {\tt \#rrggbb}, {\tt \#rrrgggbbb} or {\tt
- \#rrrrggggbbbb}. If less than four digits are provided for a color component, they
- represent the most significant bits of the component. For example {\tt \#3a7} is
- equivalent to {\tt \#3000a0007000}.
- This is a string that represent distance. The string consists in a floating point signed
- number.
- This is a list describing the edges of a border that should be considered for processing
- (e.g for drawing). The possible values are {\tt left}, {\tt right}, {\tt top}, {\tt
- bottom}, {\tt contour}, {\tt oblique} and {\tt counteroblique}. The {\tt contour} value
- is the same as the {\tt "left top right bottom"} list. The {\tt oblique} and {\tt
- counteroblique} values describe diagonal segments from top-left to bottom-right and from
- top-right to bottom-left respectively. The following picture gives some edges examples.
-\fig{alledges}{edgelist examples}{0.5}
- This is a string describing the rule used to compose the different contours or pathes of
- a curve. The allowed values are directly inspired from the openGL GLU tesselators as
-described for example in the chapter 11 of the ``The OpenGL Programming Guide 3rd Edition
-The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL Version 1.2'', ISBN 0201604582. You can also refer to
-the example fillrule provided with TkZinc in \conceptref{zinc-demos}{zinc-demos}. The allowed values are
-{\tt odd}, {\tt nonzero}, {\tt positive}, {\tt negative}, and {\tt abs\_geq\_2}.
-The following figure shows the effect of fillrule value on curves with multiple contours:
-\fig{fillrule}{Examples of fillrule on curves}{0.4}
- This is a string describing a font. For an exhaustive description of what is legal as a
- font description, refer to the Tk \ident{font} command man page. Just to mention to
- popular methods, it is possible to specify a font by it's X11 font name or by a list
- whose elements are the font family, the font size and then zero or more styles including
- {\tt normal}, {\tt bold}, {\tt roman}, {\tt italic}, {\tt underline}, {\tt overstrike}.
- {\bf Please note, that some font data are cached by TkZinc, on the application level.
- This is specially usefull with openGL}. To avoid breaking the cache mecanism, you
- should avoid using a font once on only one item, then modifiy this item font
- and repeat this again and again.
- This is a string describing a color gradient to be used for example to fill a surface.
- Gradient are also used to describe color of lines, even if in this case the lines are
- limited to one color with and optionnal alpha percentage.
- The string may consist in a single color specification that will be used to paint a solid surface
- or a color with an alpha value or a list of gradient steps separated by \verb+|+ characters.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The general pattern for an axial gradient is :
- \verb+"=axial degre | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+ or
- \verb+"=axial x1 y1 x2 y2 | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+
- The \verb+degre+ parameter defines the angle of the axe in the usual
- trigonometric sense. It defaults to 0. The \verb+x1 y1 x2 y2+ parameters
- define both the angle and the extension of the axe.
- \item The general pattern for a radial gradient is :
- \verb+"=radial x y | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+ or
- \verb+"=radial x1 y1 x2 y2 | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+
- The \verb+x y+ parameters define the center of the radial. The \verb+x1 y1 x2 y2+
- parameters define both the center and the extension of the radial.
- \item The general pattern for a path gradient is :
- \verb+"=path x y | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+
- The \verb+x y+ parameters define the center of the gradient.
- \item The general pattern for a conical gradient is :
- \verb+"=conical degre | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+ or
- \verb+"=conical degre x y | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+ or
- \verb+"=conical x1 y1 x2 y2 | gradient_step1 | ... | gradient_stepn"+
- The \verb+degre+ parameter defines the angle of the cone in the usual
- trigonometric sense. The optional \verb+x y+ parameters define the center of
- the cone. By default, it is the center of the bounding-box.
- The \verb+x1 y1 x2 y2+ parameters define the center and the angle of the cone.
- \end{itemize}
- All x and y coordinates are expressed in percentage of the bounding box, relatively
- to the center of the bounding box. So \verb+0 0+ means the center while \verb+-50 -50+
- means the lower left corner of the bounding box.
- If none of the above gradient type specification is given, the gradient will be drawn as
- an axial gradient with a null angle.
- Each gradient segment section has the general form:
- \verb+color;alpha color_position mid_span_position+
- Each color can be specified as a valid X color : either a named color or \#rrggbb value
- or any valid X color specification such as standard device-independent color specification
- (e.g. \verb+CIEuvY:<u>/<v>/<Y>+ as defined in the X man page). An alpha value
- can be applied to the color using the optional \verb+;alpha+ parameter whose value should be in the
- 0..100 intervalle.
- The color position tells where in the gradient surface, measured as a percentage of the
- total gradient distance, the color should start. The first gradient segment has its
- position set to 0 and the last segment has its position set to 100, regardless of the
- specification. The position can thus be safely omitted for these segments. The in
- between segments must have a position explicitly set. If not given, the position will
- default to 0.
- The mid span position tells where in the current gradient segment should be the median
- color. The position is given in percentage of the current gradient segment distance.
- The mid span position can be used to obtain a non linear gradient segment, this is
- useful to describe relief shapes. This parameter can be omitted in which case it
- defaults to 50 and the gradient segment is perfectly linear.
- A gradient segment can be specified as a single color. In this case a flat uniform fill
- will result.
- The following picture gives many examples of gradients. They correspond to the following values:
-\verb+axial 1 : '=axial 0 | black|white' := 'black|white'+
-\verb+axial 2 : '=axial 90 | black|white'+
-\verb+axial 3 : '=axial 30 |black|white'+
-\verb+axial 4 : '=axial 30|black|black;0'+
-\verb+radial 1 : '=radial -14 -20|white|black'+
-\verb+radial 2 : '=radial 0 0 | white;50 0 70|black 50|white 100'+
-\verb+path 1 : '=path -14 -20|white|black;80'+
-\verb+path 2 : '=path -14 -20 |white|white 30|black;80'+
-\fig{allgradients}{Examples of axial, radial and path gradients}{0.5}
- This is an extension of the \attrtyperef{gradient} attribute type. It describes a list of
- gradients that will be the value of the attribute.
- This should be the name of a previously registered Tk image.
- In pure Tcl-Tk only GIF, PPM
- and bitmap formats are available as source for images. With the Img extension many
- others popular formats are added including JPEG, XPM and PNG.
- In Perl/Tk most image formats can be used, specially with Tk::JPEG or Tk::PNG modules.
- {\bf Please note, that some image data are cached by TkZinc, on the application level.
- This is specially usefull with openGL}. To avoid breaking the cache mecanism, you
- should avoid using an image once on only one item option, then modifiy this item option
- and repeat this again and again.
- Describes an item id or a tag. If a tag is provided an item will be searched for the tag
- and the first matching in display list order will be used.
- Describes a join style. The possible values are {\tt bevel}, {\tt miter} and {\tt
- round}.
- The format is as follow. Parameters between \verb+[]+ are optional and take default values
- when omitted. Spaces can appear between blocks but not inside.
- \verb+[WidthxHeight] [<field0Spec>] [<field1Spec>] ... [<fieldnSpec>]+
- \verb+Width+ and \verb+Height+ are strictly positive integers. They set
- the size of the clipping box surrounding the label. If not specified,
- there will be no clipping. If specified alone, they specify the size of
- the only displayed field which index is 0.
- \verb+<fieldiSpec> ::= <fieldiSize>[<fieldiPos>]+
- Each fieldiSpec specify the size and position of the field numbered i.
- \verb+<fieldiSize> ::= <sChar><fieldWidth><sChar><fieldHeight>+
- \verb+<sChar> ::= x|f|i|a|l+
- \verb+<sChar>+ specifies the meaning of the following \verb+<fieldWidth>+ or
- \verb+<fieldHeight>+. Those are positive integers. Values for \verb+<sChar>+
- have the following meaning :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \verb+'x'+ : the corresponding dimension (either width or height) is in pixel,
- according to the value of the \verb+<fieldWidth>+ or \verb+<fieldHeight>+
- \item \verb+'f'+ : the corresponding dimension is in percentage of the mean
- width/height of a character (in the field font). The following \verb+<fieldWidth>+
- or \verb+<fieldHeight>+ gives the percentage. The value must be an integer between
- 0 and 100.
-%%% XXX CM How is computed ``the mean width/height of a character''
- \item \verb+'i'+ : the corresponding dimension is in percentage of the size of the
- image in the field. The following \verb+<fieldWidth>+ or \verb+<fieldHeight>+ gives
- the percentage. The value must be an integer between 0 and 100. If the field contains
- no image, the dimension is 0.
- \item \verb+'a'+ : the corresponding dimension is automatically adjusted to match
- the field's content plus the given value in pixels.
- \item \verb+'l'+ : the corresponding dimension is adjusted to match the
- global size of the label (not counting fields with \verb+'l'+ size specs). The
- corresponding integer parameter is not used with this size specification.
- The global size of the label is considered when the labelformat is set. If some fields
- sizes change afterwards, you should set again the labelformat so that fields using
- a \verb+'l'+ specification are re-computed.
- It is not possible to reference the field in another \verb+<fieldiPos>+ (see below).
- \end{itemize}
- \verb+<fieldiPos> ::= <pChar><fieldX><pChar><fieldY>+.
- \verb-<pChar> ::= +|<|>|^|$-
-%$ this comment if for emacs coloring only!
- \verb+<fieldX>+ and \verb+<fieldY>+ are either integer or index refering an
- other field of the labelformat.
- Values for \verb+pChar+ have the following meaning :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \verb-'+'- : the position, either on the X or Y axis, is in pixel, possibly
- negative. XXX what does it mean if negative? The value is given by the corresponding
- \verb+<fieldX>+ or \verb+<fieldY>+.
- \item \verb+'<'+ : The field will be at the left (or top) of the field refered
- by the corresponding index \verb+<fieldX>+ (or \verb+<fieldY>+)
- \item \verb+'>'+ : The field will be at the right (or bottom) of the field refered
- by the corresponding index \verb+<fieldX>+ (or \verb+<fieldY>+)
- \item \verb+'^'+ : The field will be left (or top) aligned with the field refered
- by the corresponding index \verb+<fieldX>+ (or \verb+<fieldY>+).
- \item \verb+'$'+ : The field will be right (or bottom) aligned with the field refered
- by the corresponding index \verb+<fieldX>+ (or \verb+<fieldY>+).
-%$ this comment if for emacs coloring only!
- \end{itemize}
- \verb+<fieldiPos>+ can be omitted if there is only one field.
- Describes where to attach the label leader on the label. Two positions can be defined: one
- when the label is at the right of current position and the other when the label is at the
- left of current position. {\bf Not to be confused with the regular rectangular anchors}.
- The format is: \verb+lChar leftLeaderAnchor [lChar rightLeaderAnchor]+
- If \verb+lChar+ is a \verb+|+, \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+ and \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+ are
- the indices of the field that serve to anchor the label's leader. More specifically the
- bottom right corner is used when \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+ is active and the bottom left
- corner is used when \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+ is active.
- If \verb+lChar+ is \verb+%+, \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+ and \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+ should
- be specified as \verb+widthPercentxheightPercent+, each value being a percentage
- (between 1 and 100) of the width or height of the label bounding box. If
- \verb+rightLeaderAnchor+ is not specified it defaults to \verb+leftLeaderAnchor+. If
- neither are specified, the center of the label is used as an anchor.
- Describes the shape of the arrow at the beginning or end of a path. This is a list of
- three numbers describing the arrow shape in the following order: distance along the axis
- from neck to tip of the arrowhead, distance from trailing points to tip and distance
- from outside edge of the line to the trailing points (see canvas). If an empty list is
- given, there is no arrow.
- Describes the shape of a path connecting two points. The possible values are {\tt
- straight}, {\tt rightlightning}, {\tt leftlightning}, {\tt rightcorner}, {\tt
- leftcorner}, {\tt doublerightcorner} and {\tt doubleleftcorner}. The following figure
- shows these different line shapes:
-\fig{alllineshapes}{Examples of all available line shapes}{0.4}
- Describes the style of the dashes that should be used to draw a line. The possible
- values are {\tt simple}, {\tt dashed}, {\tt mixed} and {\tt dotted}.
- This is the name of a previously registered mapinfo object (see the chapter
- \conceptref{The mapinfo related commands}{mapinfocmds}) that will define the lines, arcs,
- symbols, and texts displayed in a map item.
- This is a list of two floating point values that describes a point position or some two
- dimensional delta (used for example to describe the speed vector of a track item).
- A strictly positive integer value for the display priority.
- Describes a border relief. The possible values, illustrated in the following figure are
- {\tt flat},
- {\tt raised}, {\tt sunken}, {\tt ridge}, {\tt groove},
- {\tt roundraised}, {\tt roundsunken}, {\tt roundridge}, {\tt roundgroove},
- {\tt raisedrule}, {\tt sunkenrule}.
-\fig{allreliefs}{Examples of all available non-flat reliefs}{0.5}
- Just what its name implies, a string.
- This should be a list of strings describing the tags that are set for an item.
- Describes an unsigned integer value.
- A string describing an X window id. This id can be returned by the {\tt winfo id
- a-widget-path} command.
-%% C h a p t e r : T h e m a p i n f o c o m m a n d s
-\chapter{The mapinfo related commands}
- MapInfo objects are used to describe graphical primitives that will be displayed in map
- items. It is possible to describe lines, arcs, symbols and texts as part of a
- MapInfo. The \ident{mapinfo} and \ident{videomap} commands are provided to create and
- manipulate the mapinfo objects.
-\section{The mapinfo command}
- Create a new empty map description. The new mapinfo object named {\tt name}.
- Delete the mapinfo object named by {\tt mapInfoName}. All maps that refer to the deleted
- mapinfo are updated to reflect the change.
- Create a new mapinfo that is a exact copy of the mapinfo named {\tt mapInfoName}. The
- new mapinfo object will be named {\tt newName}.
-\mapinfocmd{name}{add}{type args}
- Add a new graphical element to the mapinfo object named by {\tt name}. The {\tt type}
- parameter select which element should be added while the {\tt args} arguments provide
- some type specific values such as coordinates. Here is a description of recognized types
- and their associated parameters.
- \begin{description}
- \item{line} \\ This element describes a line segment. Its parameters consists in a line
- style ({\tt simple}, {\tt dashed}, {\tt dotted}, {\tt mixed}, {\tt marked}), an integer
- value setting the line width in pixels and four integer values setting the X and Y
- coordinates of the two end vertices.
- \item{arc} \\ This element describes an arc segment. Its parameters consists in a line
- style ({\tt simple}, {\tt dashed}, {\tt dotted}, {\tt mixed}, {\tt marked}), an integer
- value setting the line width in pixels, two integer values setting the X and Y of the
- arc center, integer value setting the arc radius and two integer values setting the
- start angle (in degree) and the angular extent of the arc (in degree).
- \item{symbol} \\ This element describes a symbol. Its parameters consists in two integer
- values setting the X and Y of the symbol position and an integer setting the symbol
- index in the {\tt -symbols} list of the map item.
- \item{text} \\ This element describes a line of text. Its parameters consists in a text
- style ({\tt normal}, {\tt underlined}), a line style ({\tt simple}, {\tt dashed}, {\tt
- dotted}, {\tt mixed}, {\tt marked}) to be used for the underline, two integer values
- setting the X and Y of the text position and a string describing the text.
- \end {description}
- Return an integer value that is the number of elements matching {\tt type} in the
- mapinfo named {\tt name}. {\tt type} may be one the legal element types as described in
- the {\tt mapinfo add} command.
-\mapinfocmd{name}{get}{type index}
- Return the parameters of the element at {\tt index} with type {\tt type} in the mapinfo
- named {\tt name}. The returned value is a list. The exact number of parameters in the
- list and their meaning depend on {\tt type} and is accurately described in
- \ident{mapinfo add}. {\tt type} may be one the legal element types as described in the
- {\tt mapinfo add} command. Indices are zero based and elements are listed by type.
-\mapinfocmd{name}{replace}{type index args}
- Replace all parameters for the element at {\tt index} with type {\tt type} in the
- mapinfo named {\tt name}. The exact number and content for {\tt args} depend on {\tt
- type} and is accurately described in \ident{mapinfo add}. {\tt type} may be one the
- legal element types as described in the {\tt mapinfo add} command. Indices are zero
- based and elements are listed by type.
-\mapinfocmd{name}{remove}{type index}
- Remove the element at {\tt index} with type {\tt type} in the mapinfo named {\tt
- name}. {\tt type} may be one the legal element types as described in the {\tt mapinfo
- add} command. Indices are zero based and elements are listed by type.
- Scale all coordinates of all the elements described in the mapinfo named {\tt name} by
- {\tt factor}. The same value is used for X and Y axes.
-\mapinfocmd{name}{translate}{xAmount yAmount}
- Translate all coordinates of all the elements described in the mapinfo named {\tt
- name}. The {\tt xAmount} value is used for the X axis and the {\tt yAmount} value is
- used for the Y axis.
-\section{The videomap command}
- This section describes the videomap command, used to create a mapinfo from a proprietary
- file format for simple maps, in use in french Air Traffic Control Centres. The format is the
- binary cautra4 (with x and y in 1/8nm units)
- Return all sub-map ids that are described in the videomap file described by {\tt
- fileName}. The ids are listed in file order. This command makes possible to iterate
- through a videomap file one sub-map at a time, to know how much sub-maps are there and
- to sort them according to their ids.
-\command{videomap}{load}{fileName index mapInfoName}
- Load the videomap sub-map located at position {\tt index} in the file named {\tt
- fileName} into a mapinfo object named {\tt mapInfoName}. It is possible, if needed, to
- use the \ident{videomap ids} command to help translate a sub-map id into a sub-map file
- index.
-%% C h a p t e r : O t h e r r e s o u r c e s p r o v i d e d
-\chapter{Other resources provided by the widget}
-In this chapter we describe resources included in TkZinc widget. This include
-bitmaps sets (used as symbols for some items or used as stipples), Perl modules goodies
-and TkZinc simple demonstrations.
-TkZinc creates two sets of bitmaps.
-The first set contains symbols for ATC tracks position, waypoints position and maps
-symbols. These bitmaps are named AtcSymbol1 to AtcSymbol22.
-\fig{atcsymb}{Bitmaps available for position of tracks, waypoints, and maps}{0.5}
-The second set provides stipples that can be used to implement transparency, they are
-named AlphaStipple0 to AlphaStipple15, AlphaStipple0 being the most transparent.
-\fig{alphastip}{Bitmaps available for creating stipples}{0.5}
-\tolerance 2000 %allow somewhat looser lines.
-\hbadness 10000 %don't complain about underfull lines.
-\section{Tk::Zinc::Debug Perl module}
-\ident{Tk::Zinc::Debug.pm} is a Perl module useful for debugging purpose. It can be used in a
-Perl application using TkZinc to display the hierarchical tree of items, to display
-items selected by their id or tags, to grab items with the mouse and to get the list of
-items enclosed or overlapped by a rectangle designated by the mouse. You will be
-presented a list of items, with many interesting attributes such as position, priority,
-visibility, group...\ and even more information on request. Much of the selected items
-attributes can be interactively modified. When an application uses
-\ident{Tk::Zinc::Debug.pm}, you can get a short reminder by depressing the {\tt Esc} key in
-the main window of this application. For more information, please refer to the
-\ident{Tk::Zinc::Debug.pm} man pages with the classical command {\tt man Tk::Zinc::Debug}
-To use this module, you can import it either by adding, for example, the following
-statements in your source code:
-\code{\\use Tk::Zinc::Debug;\\
-tree(\$zinc, -optionsToDisplay => '-tags', -optionsFormat => 'row');\\}
-or simply by using the -M option of Perl:
-\code{\\perl -MTk::Zinc::Debug yourscript.pl\\}
-\section{Tracing TkZinc methods call in Perl/Tk}
-TkZinc package includes two tools for helping you debugging your Perl/Tk scripts
-or tracking some nasty segfault which should never occure since TkZinc is
-(almost) totally bugfree.
-\subsection{Tracking Perl/Tk script errors}
-Because you sometime get some errors inside \ident{TkZinc} with a cryptic message
-like {\tt ".... errors in Tk.pm line 228"}, it may be usefull to know where exactly
-in your code is the error. There is a simple and convenient mean to do this, just
-by using a small module called \ident{Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors}, released with \ident{TkZinc}.
-It traces every call of a TkZinc method inducing a Tk error. It prints on
-the standard output the following informations:
-\item the filename where the method has been invoked
-\item the line number in the source file
-\item the TkZinc method name
-\item the list of arguments in a human-readable form
-\item the error message
-To use this module you can import it either by adding the following
-statement in your source code:
-\code{\\use Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors;\\} or better, by using the -M option of Perl:
-\code{\\perl -MTk::Zinc::TraceErrors yourscript.pl\\}
-\subsection{Tracking TkZinc segfaults in Perl/Tk}
-If you encounters a segfault in one Perl/Tk script and you suspects
-that TkZinc might be responsible, you should use a small module called
-\ident{Tk::Zinc::Trace}, released with \ident{TkZinc}.
-It traces every call of a TkZinc method. The method call is printed
-on the standard output before the effective call, and the
-result of the invokation is printed after the call. To be sure
-to identify a segfault at the proper time, it forces an update of TkZinc
-widget. Thus, this might slow down your script, but should dramatically
-speed up the identification of the call which makes TkZinc segfaulting.
-It prints on the standard output the following informations:
-\item the filename where the method has been invoked
-\item the line number in the source file
-\item the TkZinc method name
-\item the list of arguments in a human-readable form
-\item the returned value
-To use this module you can import it either by adding the following
-statement in your source code:
-\code{\\use Tk::Zinc::Trace;\\} or better, by using the -M option of Perl:
-\code{\\perl -MTk::Zinc::Trace yourscript.pl\\}
-Starting at version 3.2.4 of TkZinc small applications are included as demos. They
-are all accessible through an application called \ident{zinc-demos}. These numerous
-(about 30) tiny demos are useful for newcomers and as starting points for developing
-real applications. They consists in toy applications, graphically advanced examples
-or even a TkZinc port of \ident{TkTetris} from Slaven Rezic.
-\section{Tk::Zinc::Graphics Perl module}
-The Tk::Zinc::Graphics Perl module implements many high level functions for
-building high quality graphic objects with TkZinc.
-Please read the man page for more details: {\tt man Tk::Zinc::Graphics}, french
-version only currently. Any volontear to translate it in English?
-NB: There is also a tcl version of this module.
-\section{Tk::Zinc::Text Perl module}
-The Tk::Zinc::Text Perl module implements bindings for text input 'a la emacs'.
-It works for text item or for text fields of track, waypoint or tabular items.
-The item which requires text input must just be tagged with the 'text' tag.
-Please read the man page for more details: {\tt man Tk::Zinc::Text}
-\section{C api for adding new items}
-The C function AddItemClass provided with the source code of TkZinc, can be used to extent
-the default set of items in TkZinc in an additionnal dynamic library. The AddItemClass C
-function is extensively used for implementing the core item set. So please refer to the source
-code for examples or send email for more information on precise problems.
-We will try to further document this feature in the future.
diff --git a/doc/tabularexample.png b/doc/tabularexample.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d1fdb..0000000
--- a/doc/tabularexample.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/textthroughholes.png b/doc/textthroughholes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 81da10b..0000000
--- a/doc/textthroughholes.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/tkzinclogo.png b/doc/tkzinclogo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ee452b5..0000000
--- a/doc/tkzinclogo.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/trackexample.png b/doc/trackexample.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bbfa7b..0000000
--- a/doc/trackexample.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/waypointexample.png b/doc/waypointexample.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c8ad1..0000000
--- a/doc/waypointexample.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/generic/Arc.c b/generic/Arc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d86514..0000000
--- a/generic/Arc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1330 +0,0 @@
- * Arc.c -- Implementation of Arc item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Wed Mar 30 16:24:09 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Bit offset of flags.
- */
-#define FILLED_BIT 1<<0 /* If the arc is filled with color/pattern */
-#define CLOSED_BIT 1<<1 /* If the arc outline is closed */
-#define PIE_SLICE_BIT 1<<2 /* If the arc is closed as a pie slice or a chord */
-#define FIRST_END_OK 1<<3
-#define LAST_END_OK 1<<4
-#define USING_POLY_BIT 1<<5
-static double Pick(ZnItem item, ZnPick ps);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Arc item record.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _ArcItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint coords[2];
- int start_angle;
- int angle_extent;
- ZnImage line_pattern;
- ZnGradient *fill_color;
- ZnGradient *line_color;
- ZnDim line_width;
- ZnLineStyle line_style;
- ZnLineEnd first_end;
- ZnLineEnd last_end;
- ZnImage tile;
- unsigned short flags;
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoint orig;
- ZnPoint corner;
- ZnList render_shape;
- ZnPoint *grad_geo;
-} ArcItemStruct, *ArcItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig arc_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-closed", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, flags), CLOSED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE, "-extent", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, angle_extent), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-fillcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, fill_color), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filled", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, flags), FILLED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-firstend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, first_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-lastend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, last_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-linecolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, line_color), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-linepattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, line_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-linestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, line_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-linewidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, line_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-pieslice", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, flags), PIE_SLICE_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE, "-startangle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, start_angle), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-tile", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ArcItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
- arc->start_angle = 0;
- arc->angle_extent = 360;
- CLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT);
- CLEAR(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT);
- CLEAR(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT);
- CLEAR(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT);
- arc->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- arc->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- arc->line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- arc->line_width = 1;
- arc->first_end = arc->last_end = NULL;
- arc->render_shape = NULL;
- arc->grad_geo = NULL;
- if (*argc < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " arc coords expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, (*args)[0], &points,
- NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_points != 2) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " malformed arc coords", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- };
- arc->coords[0] = points[0];
- arc->coords[1] = points[1];
- (*args)++;
- (*argc)--;
- arc->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- arc->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- if (arc->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- arc->tile = ZnGetImageByValue(arc->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- }
- if (arc->first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(arc->first_end);
- }
- if (arc->last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(arc->last_end);
- }
- if (arc->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- arc->line_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(arc->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
- arc->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(arc->line_color);
- arc->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(arc->fill_color);
- arc->grad_geo = NULL;
- if (arc->render_shape) {
- arc->render_shape = ZnListDuplicate(arc->render_shape);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- if (arc->render_shape) {
- ZnListFree(arc->render_shape);
- }
- if (arc->first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(arc->first_end);
- }
- if (arc->last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(arc->last_end);
- }
- if (arc->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(arc->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- arc->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (arc->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(arc->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- arc->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (arc->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(arc->grad_geo);
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(arc->fill_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(arc->line_color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Setup flags to control the precedence between the
- * graphical attributes.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetRenderFlags(ArcItem arc)
- ASSIGN(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK,
- (arc->first_end != NULL) && ISCLEAR(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT) &&
- ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && arc->line_width
- /*&& ISCLEAR(arc->flags, RELIEF_OK)*/);
- ASSIGN(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK,
- (arc->last_end != NULL) && ISCLEAR(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT) &&
- ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && arc->line_width
- /*&& ISCLEAR(arc->flags, RELIEF_OK)*/);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- int status = TCL_OK;
- status = ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, arc_attrs, argc, argv, flags);
- if (arc->start_angle < 0) {
- arc->start_angle = 360 + arc->start_angle;
- }
- SetRenderFlags(arc);
- return status;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, arc_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-UpdateRenderShape(ArcItem arc)
- ZnPoint *p_list, p, p2, o, o2;
- ZnReal width, height, d;
- int num_p, i, quality;
- ZnTransfo *t = ((ZnItem) arc)->wi->current_transfo;
- if (!arc->render_shape) {
- arc->render_shape = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- o.x = (arc->coords[1].x + arc->coords[0].x)/2.0;
- o.y = (arc->coords[1].y + arc->coords[0].y)/2.0;
- width = (arc->coords[1].x - arc->coords[0].x)/2.0;
- height = (arc->coords[1].y - arc->coords[0].y)/2.0;
- d = MAX(width, height);
- quality = ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE;
- p_list = ZnGetCirclePoints(ISCLEAR(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT) ? 1 : 2,
- quality,
- ZnDegRad(arc->start_angle),
- ZnDegRad(arc->angle_extent),
- &num_p,
- arc->render_shape);
- /*
- * Adapt the number of arc points to the radius of the arc.
- */
- p.x = o.x + p_list->x*d;
- p.y = o.y + p_list->y*d;
- ZnTransformPoint(t, &o, &o2);
- ZnTransformPoint(t, &p, &p2);
- d = hypot(o2.x-p2.x, o2.y-p2.y);
- if (d > 100.0) {
- quality = ZN_CIRCLE_FINER;
- }
- else if (d > 30.0) {
- quality = ZN_CIRCLE_FINE;
- }
- else if (d > 9.0) {
- quality = ZN_CIRCLE_MEDIUM;
- }
- if (quality != ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE) {
- p_list = ZnGetCirclePoints(ISCLEAR(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT) ? 1 : 2,
- quality,
- ZnDegRad(arc->start_angle),
- ZnDegRad(arc->angle_extent),
- &num_p,
- arc->render_shape);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++, p_list++) {
- p.x = o.x + p_list->x*width;
- p.y = o.y + p_list->y*height;
- ZnTransformPoint(t, &p, p_list);
- }
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- ZnReal angle, tmp;
- unsigned int num_p;
- ZnPoint *p_list;
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- /*
- * If it is neither filled nor outlined, then nothing to show.
- */
- if (!arc->line_width && ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Special case for ellipse rotation and gradient.
- */
- if (!wi->render) {
- ZnTransfoDecompose(wi->current_transfo, NULL, NULL, &angle, NULL);
- }
- if (wi->render || (angle >= PRECISION_LIMIT) || (ABS(arc->angle_extent) != 360) ||
- ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK) || ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- SET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT);
- UpdateRenderShape(arc);
- p_list = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_p = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, p_list, num_p);
- tmp = (arc->line_width + 1.0) / 2.0 + 1.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += tmp;
- /*
- * Add the arrows if any.
- */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(p_list, p_list+1, arc->line_width, CapRound,
- arc->first_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&p_list[num_p-1], &p_list[num_p-2], arc->line_width, CapRound,
- arc->last_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(arc->fill_color)) {
- ZnPoly shape;
- ZnPoint p[4];
- if (!arc->grad_geo) {
- arc->grad_geo = ZnMalloc(6*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- if (arc->fill_color->type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT) {
- p[0] = arc->coords[0];
- p[2] = arc->coords[1];
- p[1].x = p[2].x;
- p[1].y = p[0].y;
- p[3].x = p[0].x;
- p[3].y = p[2].y;
- ZnPolyContour1(&shape, p, 4, False);
- }
- else {
- ZnPolyContour1(&shape, arc->coords, 2, False);
- }
- ZnComputeGradient(arc->fill_color, wi, &shape, arc->grad_geo);
- }
- else {
- if (arc->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(arc->grad_geo);
- arc->grad_geo = NULL;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- ******* ******** **********
- * This part is for X drawn arcs: full extent, not rotated.
- ******* ******** **********
- */
- CLEAR(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT);
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &arc->coords[0], &arc->orig);
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &arc->coords[1], &arc->corner);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, arc->orig.x, arc->orig.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, arc->corner.x, arc->corner.y);
- tmp = (arc->line_width + 1.0) / 2.0 + 1.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += tmp;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += tmp;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnPoint pts[20]; /* Should be at least ZN_LINE_END_POINTS large */
- ZnPoint center;
- ZnBBox *area = ta->area;
- unsigned int num_points;
- int result=-1, result2;
- ZnReal lw = arc->line_width;
- ZnReal width, height;
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) || (arc->line_width)) {
- points = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- result = ZnPolygonInBBox(points, num_points, area, NULL);
- if (result == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (arc->line_width > 0) {
- result2 = ZnPolylineInBBox(points, num_points, arc->line_width,
- CapRound, JoinRound, area);
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (result2 == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- result = result2;
- }
- else if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT) && ISSET(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT)) {
- pts[0] = points[num_points-1];
- pts[1] = points[0];
- if (ZnPolylineInBBox(pts, 2, arc->line_width,
- CapRound, JoinRound, area) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check line ends.
- */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], arc->line_width, CapRound,
- arc->first_end, pts);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(pts, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], arc->line_width,
- CapRound, arc->last_end, pts);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(pts, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /*
- ******* ******** **********
- * The rest of this code deal with non rotated, full extent *
- * arcs. It has been stolen from tkRectOval.c *
- ******* ******** **********
- */
- /*
- * Transform both the arc and the rectangle so that the arc's oval
- * is centered on the origin.
- */
- center.x = (arc->orig.x + arc->corner.x)/2.0;
- center.y = (arc->orig.y + arc->corner.y)/2.0;
- width = (arc->corner.x - arc->orig.x) + lw;
- height = (arc->corner.y - arc->orig.y) + lw;
- result = ZnOvalInBBox(&center, width, height, area);
- /*
- * If the area appears to overlap the oval and the oval
- * isn't filled, do one more check to see if perhaps all four
- * of the area's corners are totally inside the oval's
- * unfilled center, in which case we should return "outside".
- */
- if ((result == 0) && lw && ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- ZnReal x_delta1, x_delta2, y_delta1, y_delta2;
- width /= 2.0;
- height /= 2.0;
- x_delta1 = (area->orig.x - center.x) / width;
- x_delta1 *= x_delta1;
- y_delta1 = (area->orig.y - center.y) / height;
- y_delta1 *= y_delta1;
- x_delta2 = (area->corner.x - center.x) / width;
- x_delta2 *= x_delta2;
- y_delta2 = (area->corner.y - center.y) / height;
- y_delta2 *= y_delta2;
- if (((x_delta1 + y_delta1) < 1.0) && ((x_delta1 + y_delta2) < 1.0) &&
- ((x_delta2 + y_delta1) < 1.0) && ((x_delta2 + y_delta2) < 1.0)) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- XGCValues values;
- int x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0;
- ZnPoint *p=NULL;
- XPoint *xp=NULL;
- unsigned int num_points=0, i;
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && !arc->line_width) {
- return;
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- p = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_points);
- xp = ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, p++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) p->x;
- xp[i].y = (short) p->y;
- }
- p = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- }
- else {
- if (arc->corner.x > arc->orig.x) {
- x = ((int) arc->orig.x);
- width = ((int) (arc->corner.x - arc->orig.x));
- }
- else {
- x = ((int) arc->corner.x);
- width = ((int) (arc->orig.x - arc->corner.x));
- }
- if (arc->corner.y > arc->orig.y) {
- y = ((int) arc->orig.y);
- height = ((int) (arc->corner.y - arc->orig.y));
- }
- else {
- y = ((int) arc->corner.y);
- height = ((int) (arc->orig.y - arc->corner.y));
- }
- }
- /* Fill if requested */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(arc->fill_color, 0.0);
- values.arc_mode = ISSET(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT) ? ArcPieSlice : ArcChord;
- if (arc->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(arc->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = ZnImagePixmap(arc->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCTile|GCArcMode,
- &values);
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(arc->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCForeground|GCArcMode,
- &values);
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCFillStyle|GCArcMode, &values);
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xp, (int) num_points, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- else {
- XFillArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, (unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height,
- -arc->start_angle*64, -arc->angle_extent*64);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the arc.
- */
- if (arc->line_width) {
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, arc->line_style);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(arc->line_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = (arc->line_width == 1) ? 0 : (int) arc->line_width;
- values.cap_style = CapRound;
- values.join_style = JoinRound;
- if (arc->line_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCLineWidth|GCCapStyle|GCJoinStyle|GCForeground, &values);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(arc->line_pattern, wi->win);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCLineWidth|GCCapStyle|GCJoinStyle|GCForeground,
- &values);
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT) && arc->angle_extent != 360) {
- num_points--;
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- }
- XDrawLines(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xp, (int) num_points, CoordModeOrigin);
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- ZnGetLineEnd(p, p+1, arc->line_width, CapRound,
- arc->first_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xap[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xap[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xap, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- ZnGetLineEnd(&p[num_points-1], &p[num_points-2], arc->line_width,
- CapRound, arc->last_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xap[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xap[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xap, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- else {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, (unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height,
- -arc->start_angle*64, -arc->angle_extent*64);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-ArcRenderCB(void *closure)
- ZnItem item = (ZnItem) closure;
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- int num_points=0, i;
- ZnPoint *p=NULL;
- ZnPoint center;
- center.x = (item->item_bounding_box.corner.x + item->item_bounding_box.orig.x) / 2.0;
- center.y = (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y + item->item_bounding_box.orig.y) / 2.0;
- p = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- glVertex2d(center.x, center.y);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- glVertex2d(p[i].x, p[i].y);
- }
- glEnd();
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- unsigned int num_points=0;
- ZnPoint *p=NULL;
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && !arc->line_width) {
- return;
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- if (!item->gl_list) {
- item->gl_list = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(item->gl_list, GL_COMPILE);
- /* Fill if requested */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(arc->fill_color)) {
- ZnPoly poly;
- ZnPolyContour1(&poly, ZnListArray(arc->render_shape),
- ZnListSize(arc->render_shape), False);
- ZnRenderGradient(wi, arc->fill_color, ArcRenderCB, arc,
- arc->grad_geo, &poly);
- }
- else if (arc->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill tiled/stippled */
- ZnRenderTile(wi, arc->tile, arc->fill_color, ArcRenderCB, arc,
- (ZnPoint *) &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- else {
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color = ZnGetGradientColor(arc->fill_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- ArcRenderCB(arc);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the arc.
- */
- if (arc->line_width) {
- ZnLineEnd first = ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK) ? arc->first_end : NULL;
- ZnLineEnd last = ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK) ? arc->last_end : NULL;
- ZnBool closed = ISSET(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT);
- p = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- if (!closed) {
- if (arc->angle_extent != 360) {
- num_points--;
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- }
- }
- ZnRenderPolyline(wi, p, num_points, arc->line_width,
- arc->line_style, CapRound, JoinRound, first, last,
- arc->line_color);
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- glEndList();
- }
- glCallList(item->gl_list);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnReal
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- double dist = 1e40, new_dist;
- ZnPoint center;
- ZnPoint *points, *p = ps->point;
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnDim lw = arc->line_width;
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && ! arc->line_width) {
- return dist;
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- points = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(points, num_points, p);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- if (arc->line_width > 0) {
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, CLOSED_BIT) && arc->angle_extent != 360) {
- num_points--;
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- }
- new_dist = ZnPolylineToPointDist(points, num_points, arc->line_width,
- CapRound, JoinRound, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- /*
- * Check line ends.
- */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], arc->line_width, CapRound,
- arc->first_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], arc->line_width,
- CapRound, arc->last_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- return dist;
- }
- /*
- ******* ******** **********
- * The rest of this code deal with non rotated full extent arcs. *
- ******* ******** **********
- */
- center.x = (arc->orig.x + arc->corner.x) / 2.0;
- center.y = (arc->orig.y + arc->corner.y) / 2.0;
- dist = ZnOvalToPointDist(&center, arc->corner.x - arc->orig.x,
- arc->corner.y - arc->orig.y, lw, p);
- if (dist < 0.0) {
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- dist = 0.0;
- }
- else {
- dist = -dist;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-UpdateRenderShapeX(ArcItem arc)
- ZnReal ox, oy, width_2, height_2;
- int i, num_p;
- ZnPoint *p_list;
- if (!arc->render_shape) {
- arc->render_shape = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- p_list = ZnGetCirclePoints(ISCLEAR(arc->flags, PIE_SLICE_BIT) ? 1 : 2,
- ZnDegRad(arc->start_angle),
- ZnDegRad(arc->angle_extent),
- &num_p, arc->render_shape);
- ox = (arc->corner.x + arc->orig.x) / 2.0;
- oy = (arc->corner.y + arc->orig.y) / 2.0;
- width_2 = (arc->corner.x - arc->orig.x) / 2.0;
- height_2 = (arc->corner.y - arc->orig.y) / 2.0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++, p_list++) {
- p_list->x = ox + p_list->x*width_2;
- p_list->y = oy + p_list->y*height_2;
- }
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- ZnPoint center;
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT) || !arc->render_shape) {
- UpdateRenderShapeX(arc);
- SET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT);
- }
- center.x = (item->item_bounding_box.corner.x + item->item_bounding_box.orig.x) / 2.0;
- center.y = (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y + item->item_bounding_box.orig.y) / 2.0;
- ZnListEmpty(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkPoints, &center, ZnListTail);
- ZnListAppend(ZnWorkPoints, arc->render_shape);
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints),
- ZnListSize(ZnWorkPoints), True);
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetContours --
- * Get the external contour(s).
- * Never ever call ZnPolyFree on the tristrip returned by GetContours.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetContours(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoly *poly)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT) || !arc->render_shape) {
- UpdateRenderShapeX(arc);
- }
- ZnPolyContour1(poly, ZnListArray(arc->render_shape),
- ZnListSize(arc->render_shape), True);
- poly->contour1.controls = NULL;
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item vertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " arcs can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL) {
- if (*num_pts != 2) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 2 points on arcs", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- arc->coords[0] = (*pts)[0];
- arc->coords[1] = (*pts)[1];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) {
- if (*num_pts < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need at least 1 point", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- index += 2;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) {
- range_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " incorrect coord index, should be between -2 and 1", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- arc->coords[index] = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL) {
- *num_pts = 2;
- *pts = arc->coords;
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) {
- if (index < 0) {
- index += 2;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &arc->coords[index];
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnBBox *bbox = &item->item_bounding_box;
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&bbox->orig,
- bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x,
- bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y,
- anchor, p);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ArcItem arc = (ArcItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnPoint *p;
- int i, num_points;
- char path[500];
- if (ISCLEAR(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT) && !arc->line_width) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Create the arc path.
- */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, USING_POLY_BIT)) {
- p = ZnListArray(arc->render_shape);
- num_points = ZnListSize(arc->render_shape);
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto ", p[0].x, p[0].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g lineto ", p[i].x, p[i].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "closepath\n", NULL);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(path,
- "matrix currentmatrix\n%.15g %.15g translate %.15g %.15g scale 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc\nsetmatrix\n",
- (arc->corner.x + arc->orig.x) / 2.0, (arc->corner.y + arc->orig.y) / 2.0,
- (arc->corner.x - arc->orig.x) / 2.0, (arc->corner.y - arc->orig.y) / 2.0);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Emit code to draw the filled area.
- */
- if (ISSET(arc->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (arc->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- }
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(arc->fill_color)) {
- if (ZnPostscriptGradient(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, arc->fill_color,
- arc->grad_geo, NULL) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else if (arc->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(arc->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- /* TODO No support yet */
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(arc->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "clip ", NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptStipple(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info,
- ZnImagePixmap(arc->tile, wi->win)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(arc->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "fill\n", NULL);
- }
- if (arc->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Then emit code code to stroke the outline.
- */
- if (arc->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n", NULL);
- if (ZnPostscriptOutline(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, wi->win,
- arc->line_width, arc->line_style,
- arc->line_color, arc->line_pattern) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct ARC_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "arc",
- sizeof(ArcItemStruct),
- arc_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- 0, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- GetContours,
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnArc = (ZnItemClassId) &ARC_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Attrs.c b/generic/Attrs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b6a74f..0000000
--- a/generic/Attrs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
- * Attrs.c -- Various attributes manipulation routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Fri Dec 31 10:03:34 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Attrs.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include <GL/glu.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for reliefs.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-#define RELIEF_FLAT_SPEC "flat"
-#define RELIEF_RAISED_SPEC "raised"
-#define RELIEF_SUNKEN_SPEC "sunken"
-#define RELIEF_GROOVE_SPEC "groove"
-#define RELIEF_RIDGE_SPEC "ridge"
-#define RELIEF_ROUND_RAISED_SPEC "roundraised"
-#define RELIEF_ROUND_SUNKEN_SPEC "roundsunken"
-#define RELIEF_ROUND_GROOVE_SPEC "roundgroove"
-#define RELIEF_ROUND_RIDGE_SPEC "roundridge"
-#define RELIEF_SUNKEN_RULE_SPEC "sunkenrule"
-#define RELIEF_RAISED_RULE_SPEC "raisedrule"
-ZnGetRelief(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnReliefStyle *relief)
- size_t length;
- length = strlen(name);
- if (strncmp(name, RELIEF_FLAT_SPEC, length) == 0) {
- *relief = ZN_RELIEF_FLAT;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, RELIEF_SUNKEN_SPEC, length) == 0) {
- *relief = ZN_RELIEF_SUNKEN;
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_RAISED_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 2)) {
- *relief = ZN_RELIEF_RAISED;
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_RIDGE_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 2)) {
- *relief = ZN_RELIEF_RIDGE;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, RELIEF_GROOVE_SPEC, length) == 0) {
- *relief = ZN_RELIEF_GROOVE;
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_ROUND_SUNKEN_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 6)) {
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_ROUND_RAISED_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 7)) {
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_ROUND_RIDGE_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 7)) {
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_ROUND_GROOVE_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 6)) {
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_SUNKEN_RULE_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 7)) {
- }
- else if ((strncmp(name, RELIEF_RAISED_RULE_SPEC, length) == 0) && (length >= 7)) {
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad relief \"", name, "\": must be ",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!wi->render) {
- *relief = *relief & ~(ZN_RELIEF_ROUND|ZN_RELIEF_RULE);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-char *
-ZnNameOfRelief(ZnReliefStyle relief)
- switch (relief) {
- default:
- return "unknown relief";
- }
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for borders.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-#define BORDER_LEFT_SPEC "left"
-#define BORDER_RIGHT_SPEC "right"
-#define BORDER_TOP_SPEC "top"
-#define BORDER_BOTTOM_SPEC "bottom"
-#define BORDER_CONTOUR_SPEC "contour"
-#define BORDER_COUNTER_OBLIQUE_SPEC "counteroblique"
-#define BORDER_OBLIQUE_SPEC "oblique"
-#define NO_BORDER_SPEC "noborder"
-ZnGetBorder(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tcl_Obj *name,
- ZnBorder *border)
- unsigned int j, len, largc;
- Tcl_Obj **largv;
- char *str;
- *border = ZN_NO_BORDER;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, name,
- &largc, &largv) == TCL_ERROR) {
- border_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad line shape \"", Tcl_GetString(name),
- "\": must be a list of ",
- NO_BORDER_SPEC, " alone",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < largc; j++) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(largv[j]);
- len = strlen(str);
- if (strncmp(str, BORDER_LEFT_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_LEFT_BORDER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_RIGHT_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_RIGHT_BORDER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_TOP_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_TOP_BORDER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_BOTTOM_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_BOTTOM_BORDER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_CONTOUR_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_CONTOUR_BORDER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_OBLIQUE_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_OBLIQUE;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, BORDER_COUNTER_OBLIQUE_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border |= ZN_COUNTER_OBLIQUE;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, NO_BORDER_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *border = ZN_NO_BORDER;
- }
- else {
- goto border_error;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * name must be large enough to hold the returned string.
- * 64 chars should be enough with the current values.
- */
-ZnNameOfBorder(ZnBorder border,
- char *name)
- if (border == ZN_NO_BORDER) {
- strcpy(name, NO_BORDER_SPEC);
- return;
- }
- name[0] = 0;
- strcat(name, BORDER_CONTOUR_SPEC);
- }
- else {
- if (border & ZN_LEFT_BORDER) {
- strcat(name, BORDER_LEFT_SPEC);
- }
- if (border & ZN_RIGHT_BORDER) {
- if (name[0] != 0) {
- strcat(name, " ");
- }
- strcat(name, BORDER_RIGHT_SPEC);
- }
- if (border & ZN_TOP_BORDER) {
- if (name[0] != 0) {
- strcat(name, " ");
- }
- strcat(name, BORDER_TOP_SPEC);
- }
- if (border & ZN_BOTTOM_BORDER) {
- if (name[0] != 0) {
- strcat(name, " ");
- }
- strcat(name, BORDER_BOTTOM_SPEC);
- }
- }
- if (border & ZN_OBLIQUE) {
- if (name[0] != 0) {
- strcat(name, " ");
- }
- strcat(name, BORDER_OBLIQUE_SPEC);
- }
- if (border & ZN_COUNTER_OBLIQUE) {
- if (name[0] != 0) {
- strcat(name, " ");
- }
- }
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for line shapes.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-#define STRAIGHT_SPEC "straight"
-#define RIGHT_LIGHTNING_SPEC "rightlightning"
-#define LEFT_LIGHTNING_SPEC "leftlightning"
-#define RIGHT_CORNER_SPEC "rightcorner"
-#define LEFT_CORNER_SPEC "leftcorner"
-#define DOUBLE_RIGHT_CORNER_SPEC "doublerightcorner"
-#define DOUBLE_LEFT_CORNER_SPEC "doubleleftcorner"
-ZnGetLineShape(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnLineShape *line_shape)
- unsigned int len;
- len = strlen(name);
- if (strncmp(name, STRAIGHT_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *line_shape = ZN_LINE_STRAIGHT;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, RIGHT_LIGHTNING_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *line_shape = ZN_LINE_RIGHT_LIGHTNING;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, LEFT_LIGHTNING_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *line_shape = ZN_LINE_LEFT_LIGHTNING;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, RIGHT_CORNER_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *line_shape = ZN_LINE_RIGHT_CORNER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, LEFT_CORNER_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *line_shape = ZN_LINE_LEFT_CORNER;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, DOUBLE_RIGHT_CORNER_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, DOUBLE_LEFT_CORNER_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad line shape \"", name, "\": must be ",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-char *
-ZnNameOfLineShape(ZnLineShape line_shape)
- switch (line_shape) {
- default:
- return "unknown line shape";
- }
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for line styles.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-#define SIMPLE_SPEC "simple"
-#define DASHED_SPEC "dashed"
-#define DOTTED_SPEC "dotted"
-#define MIXED_SPEC "mixed"
-ZnGetLineStyle(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnLineStyle *line_style)
- unsigned int len;
- len = strlen(name);
- if (strncmp(name, SIMPLE_SPEC, len) == 0)
- *line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- else if (strncmp(name, DASHED_SPEC, len) == 0)
- *line_style = ZN_LINE_DASHED;
- else if (strncmp(name, MIXED_SPEC, len) == 0)
- *line_style = ZN_LINE_MIXED;
- else if (strncmp(name, DOTTED_SPEC, len) == 0)
- *line_style = ZN_LINE_DOTTED;
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad line style \"", name, "\": must be ",
- SIMPLE_SPEC, ", ",
- DASHED_SPEC, ", ",
- DOTTED_SPEC, ", ",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-char *
-ZnNameOfLineStyle(ZnLineStyle line_style)
- switch (line_style) {
- return SIMPLE_SPEC;
- return DASHED_SPEC;
- return MIXED_SPEC;
- return DOTTED_SPEC;
- default:
- return "unknown line style";
- }
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for leader anchors.
- *
- * Format is: lChar leftLeaderAnchor [ lChar rightLeaderAnchor]
- *
- * If lChar is a '|', leftLeaderAnchor and rightLeaderAnchor are the indices
- * of the fields that serve to anchor the label's leader. More specifically
- * the bottom left corner of the left field and the bottom right corner of
- * the right field are used as the anchors.
- * If lChar is '%', leftLeaderAnchor and rightLeaderAnchor should be
- * specified as 'valxval', 'val' being a percentage (max 100) of the
- * width/height of the label bounding box.
- * If rightLeaderAnchor is not specified it defaults to leftLeaderAnchor.
- * If neither of them are specified, the center of the label is used as an
- * anchor.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetLeaderAnchors(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnLeaderAnchors *leader_anchors)
- int anchors[4];
- int index, num_tok, anchor_index=0;
- *leader_anchors = NULL;
- while (*name && (*name == ' ')) {
- name++;
- }
- while (*name && (anchor_index < 4)) {
- switch (*name) {
- case '|':
- num_tok = sscanf(name, "|%d%n", &anchors[anchor_index], &index);
- if (num_tok != 1) {
- la_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect leader anchors \"",
- name, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- anchors[anchor_index+1] = -1;
- break;
- case '%':
- num_tok = sscanf(name, "%%%dx%d%n", &anchors[anchor_index],
- &anchors[anchor_index+1], &index);
- if (num_tok != 2) {
- goto la_error;
- }
- if (anchors[anchor_index] < 0) {
- anchors[anchor_index] = 0;
- }
- if (anchors[anchor_index] > 100) {
- anchors[anchor_index] = 100;
- }
- if (anchors[anchor_index+1] < 0) {
- anchors[anchor_index+1] = 0;
- }
- if (anchors[anchor_index+1] > 100) {
- anchors[anchor_index+1] = 100;
- }
- break;
- default:
- goto la_error;
- }
- anchor_index += 2;
- name += index;
- }
- /*
- * If empty, pick the default (center of the bounding box).
- */
- if (anchor_index != 0) {
- *leader_anchors = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnLeaderAnchorsStruct));
- (*leader_anchors)->left_x = anchors[0];
- (*leader_anchors)->left_y = anchors[1];
- if (anchor_index == 2) {
- (*leader_anchors)->right_x = (*leader_anchors)->left_x;
- (*leader_anchors)->right_y = (*leader_anchors)->left_y;
- }
- else {
- (*leader_anchors)->right_x = anchors[2];
- (*leader_anchors)->right_y = anchors[3];
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * name must be large enough to hold the returned string.
- */
-ZnNameOfLeaderAnchors(ZnLeaderAnchors leader_anchors,
- char *name)
- unsigned int count;
- if (!leader_anchors) {
- strcpy(name, "%50x50");
- }
- else {
- if (leader_anchors->left_y < 0) {
- count = sprintf(name, "|%d", leader_anchors->left_x);
- }
- else {
- count = sprintf(name, "%%%dx%d", leader_anchors->left_x,
- leader_anchors->left_y);
- }
- name += count;
- if (leader_anchors->right_y < 0) {
- sprintf(name, "|%d", leader_anchors->right_x);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(name, "%%%dx%d", leader_anchors->right_x, leader_anchors->right_y);
- }
- }
- ******************************************************************
- *
- * Code for label formats.
- *
- ******************************************************************
- */
-static Tcl_HashTable format_cache;
-static ZnBool format_inited = False;
-static char
-CharToAttach(int attach)
- switch (attach) {
- case '>':
- return ZN_LF_ATTACH_FWD;
- case '<':
- return ZN_LF_ATTACH_BWD;
- case '^':
- case '$':
- case '+':
- default:
- }
-static char
-CharToDim(int dim)
- switch (dim) {
- case 'f':
- return ZN_LF_DIM_FONT;
- case 'i':
- return ZN_LF_DIM_ICON;
- case 'a':
- return ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO;
- case 'l':
- return ZN_LF_DIM_LABEL;
- case 'x':
- default:
- return ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL;
- }
- * The new format is as follow. Parameters between [] are
- * optional and take default values when omitted. The spaces can appear
- * between blocks but not inside.
- *
- * [ WidthxHeight ] [ field0Spec ][ field1Spec ]...[ fieldnSpec ]
- *
- * Width and Height set the size of the clipping box surrounding
- * the label. If it is not specified, there will be no clipping.
- * It it is specified alone it is the size of the only displayed
- * field (0).
- *
- * fieldSpec is:
- * sChar fieldWidth sChar fieldHeight [pChar fieldX pChar fieldY].
- *
- * Each field description refers to the field of same index in the field
- * array.
- * If sChar is 'x', the dimension is in pixel. If sChar is 'f', the
- * dimension is in percentage of the mean width/height of a character (in the
- * field font). If sChar is 'i', the dimension is in percentage of the size
- * of the image in the field. If sChar is 'a', the dimension is automatically
- * adjusted to match the field's content plus the given value in pixels.
- * If pChar is '+' the position is in pixel (possibly negative). If it is
- * '<' the position is the index of the field at the left/top of which the
- * current field should be attached. If it is '>' the position is the index
- * of the field at the right/bottom of which the current field should be
- * attached. If pChar is '^' the position is the index of the field used to
- * align the left/top border (left on left or top on top). If pChar is '$' the
- * position is the index of the field used to align the right/bottom border
- * (right on right or bottom on bottom).
- * The positional parameters can be omitted if there is only one field.
- *
- */
-ZnLFCreate(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *format_str,
- unsigned int num_fields)
- ZnList fields;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnFieldFormatStruct field_struct;
- ZnFieldFormat field_array;
- ZnLabelFormat format;
- int width, height;
- ZnDim c_width=0.0, c_height=0.0;
- int index, num_tok, num_ffs, new;
- unsigned int field_index=0;
- char *ptr = format_str, *next_ptr;
- char x_char, y_char;
- if (!format_inited) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&format_cache, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- format_inited = True;
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&format_cache, format_str, &new);
- if (!new) {
- format = (ZnLabelFormat) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (format->num_fields <= num_fields) {
- format->ref_count++;
- return format;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "too many fields in label format: \"",
- format_str, "\"", NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- fields = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnFieldFormatStruct));
- /*
- * Try to see if it starts with a number or a leader spec.
- */
- while (*ptr && (*ptr == ' ')) {
- ptr++;
- }
- if (!*ptr) {
- goto lf_error_syn;
- }
- if ((*ptr != 'x') && (*ptr != 'f') && (*ptr != 'i') &&
- (*ptr != 'a') && (*ptr != 'l')) {
- c_width = (ZnDim) strtod(ptr, &next_ptr);
- if ((ptr == next_ptr) || (*next_ptr != 'x')) {
- lf_error_syn:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid label format specification \"",
- ptr, "\"", NULL);
- lf_error:
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
- ZnListFree(fields);
- return NULL;
- }
- ptr = next_ptr+1;
- c_height = (ZnDim) strtod(ptr, &next_ptr);
- if (ptr == next_ptr) {
- goto lf_error_syn;
- }
- ptr = next_ptr;
- }
- if (!*ptr) {
- /* It is a simple spec, one field. */
- field_struct.x_attach = field_struct.y_attach = ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL;
- field_struct.x_dim = field_struct.y_dim = ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL;
- field_struct.x_spec = field_struct.y_spec = 0;
- field_struct.width_spec = (short) c_width;
- field_struct.height_spec = (short) c_height;
- c_width = c_height = 0.0;
- ZnListAdd(fields, &field_struct, ZnListTail);
- goto lf_end_parse;
- }
- /*
- * Parse the field specs.
- */
- lf_parse2:
- while (*ptr && (*ptr == ' ')) {
- ptr++;
- }
- if (!*ptr) {
- goto lf_end_parse;
- }
- /* Preset the default field values. */
- field_struct.x_spec = field_struct.y_spec = 0;
- field_struct.x_attach = field_struct.y_attach = ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL;
- field_struct.x_dim = field_struct.y_dim = ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL;
- if ((*ptr == 'x') || (*ptr == 'f') || (*ptr == 'i') ||
- (*ptr == 'a') || (*ptr == 'l')) {
- num_tok = sscanf(ptr, "%c%d%c%d%n", &x_char, &width,
- &y_char, &height, &index);
- if (num_tok != 4) {
- goto lf_error_syn;
- }
- if (width < 0) {
- width = 0;
- }
- if (height < 0) {
- height = 0;
- }
- field_struct.x_dim = CharToDim(x_char);
- field_struct.y_dim = CharToDim(y_char);
- ptr += index;
- if ((*ptr == '>') || (*ptr == '<') || (*ptr == '+') ||
- (*ptr == '^') || (*ptr == '$')) {
- num_tok = sscanf(ptr, "%c%d%c%d%n", &x_char, &field_struct.x_spec,
- &y_char, &field_struct.y_spec, &index);
- if (num_tok != 4) {
- goto lf_error_syn;
- }
- field_struct.x_attach = CharToAttach(x_char);
- field_struct.y_attach = CharToAttach(y_char);
- ptr += index;
- }
- else if (!*ptr || (field_index != 0)) {
- /* An incomplete field spec is an error if there are several fields. */
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "incomplete field in label format: \"",
- ptr-index, "\"", NULL);
- goto lf_error;
- }
- if (field_index >= num_fields) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "too many fields in label format: \"",
- format_str, "\"", NULL);
- goto lf_error;
- }
- field_struct.width_spec = (short) width;
- field_struct.height_spec = (short) height;
- ZnListAdd(fields, &field_struct, ZnListTail);
- field_index++;
- goto lf_parse2;
- }
- else {
- goto lf_error_syn;
- }
- lf_end_parse:
- field_array = (ZnFieldFormat) ZnListArray(fields);
- num_ffs = ZnListSize(fields);
- format = (ZnLabelFormat) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnLabelFormatStruct) +
- (num_ffs-1) * sizeof(ZnFieldFormatStruct));
- format->clip_width = (short) c_width;
- format->clip_height = (short) c_height;
- format->num_fields = num_ffs;
- memcpy(&format->fields, field_array, num_ffs * sizeof(ZnFieldFormatStruct));
- ZnListFree(fields);
- format->ref_count = 1;
- format->entry = entry;
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) format);
- return format;
-ZnLFDuplicate(ZnLabelFormat lf)
- lf->ref_count++;
- return lf;
-ZnLFDelete(ZnLabelFormat lf)
- lf->ref_count--;
- if (lf->ref_count == 0) {
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(lf->entry);
- ZnFree(lf);
- }
-char *
-ZnLFGetString(ZnLabelFormat lf)
- return Tcl_GetHashKey(&format_cache, lf->entry);
-#if 0
- ZnFieldFormat ff;
- char *ptr;
- char x_char, y_char, w_char, h_char;
- unsigned int i, count;
- ptr = str;
- if ((lf->clip_width != 0) || (lf->clip_height != 0)) {
- count = sprintf(ptr, "%dx%d", lf->clip_width, lf->clip_height);
- ptr += count;
- }
- if (lf->left_y < 0) {
- count = sprintf(ptr, "|%d", lf->left_x);
- }
- else {
- count = sprintf(ptr, "%%%dx%d", lf->left_x, lf->left_y);
- }
- ptr += count;
- if (lf->right_y < 0) {
- count = sprintf(ptr, "|%d", lf->right_x);
- }
- else {
- count = sprintf(ptr, "%%%dx%d", lf->right_x, lf->right_y);
- }
- ptr += count;
- for (i = 0; i < lf->num_fields; i++) {
- ff = &lf->fields[i];
- x_char = AttachToChar(ff->x_attach);
- y_char = AttachToChar(ff->y_attach);
- w_char = DimToChar(ff->x_dim);
- h_char = DimToChar(ff->y_dim);
- count = sprintf(ptr, "%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d",
- w_char, ff->width_spec, h_char, ff->height_spec,
- x_char, ff->x_spec, y_char, ff->y_spec);
- ptr += count;
- }
- *ptr = 0;
- * If the clip box has both its width and its height
- * set to zero, it means that there is no clipbox.
- */
-ZnLFGetClipBox(ZnLabelFormat lf,
- ZnDim *w,
- ZnDim *h)
- if ((lf->clip_width == 0) && (lf->clip_height == 0)) {
- return False;
- }
- *w = (ZnDim) lf->clip_width;
- *h = (ZnDim) lf->clip_height;
- return True;
-ZnLFGetField(ZnLabelFormat lf,
- unsigned int field,
- char *x_attach,
- char *y_attach,
- char *x_dim,
- char *y_dim,
- int *x_spec,
- int *y_spec,
- short *width_spec,
- short *height_spec)
- ZnFieldFormat fptr;
- fptr = &lf->fields[field];
- *x_attach = fptr->x_attach;
- *y_attach = fptr->y_attach;
- *x_dim = fptr->x_dim;
- *y_dim = fptr->y_dim;
- *x_spec = fptr->x_spec;
- *y_spec = fptr->y_spec;
- *width_spec = fptr->width_spec;
- *height_spec = fptr->height_spec;
- ****************************************************************
- *
- * Code for line ends.
- *
- ****************************************************************
- */
-static Tcl_HashTable line_end_cache;
-static ZnBool line_end_inited = False;
-ZnLineEndCreate(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *line_end_str)
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnLineEnd le;
- int new, argc;
- ZnReal a, b, c;
- if (!line_end_inited) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&line_end_cache, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- line_end_inited = True;
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&line_end_cache, line_end_str, &new);
- if (!new) {
- le = (ZnLineEnd) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- le->ref_count++;
- return le;
- }
- argc = sscanf(line_end_str, "%lf %lf %lf", &a, &b, &c);
- if (argc == 3) {
- le = (ZnLineEnd) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnLineEndStruct));
- le->shape_a = a;
- le->shape_b = b;
- le->shape_c = c;
- le->entry = entry;
- le->ref_count = 1;
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) le);
- return le;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "incorrect line end spec: \"",
- line_end_str, "\", should be: shapeA shapeB shapeC", NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
-char *
-ZnLineEndGetString(ZnLineEnd le)
- return Tcl_GetHashKey(&line_end_cache, le->entry);
-ZnLineEndDelete(ZnLineEnd le)
- le->ref_count--;
- if (le->ref_count == 0) {
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(le->entry);
- ZnFree(le);
- }
-ZnLineEndDuplicate(ZnLineEnd le)
- le->ref_count++;
- return le;
- ******************************************************************
- *
- * Code for fill rules. They are directly inhereted from the
- * GLU tesselator constants.
- *
- ******************************************************************
- */
-#define FILL_RULE_ODD_SPEC "odd"
-#define FILL_RULE_NON_ZERO_SPEC "nonzero"
-#define FILL_RULE_POSITIVE_SPEC "positive"
-#define FILL_RULE_NEGATIVE_SPEC "negative"
-#define FILL_RULE_ABS_GEQ_2_SPEC "abs_geq_2"
-ZnGetFillRule(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnFillRule *fill_rule)
- unsigned int len;
- len = strlen(name);
- if (strncmp(name, FILL_RULE_ODD_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- *fill_rule = GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD;
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, FILL_RULE_NON_ZERO_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, FILL_RULE_POSITIVE_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, FILL_RULE_NEGATIVE_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else if (strncmp(name, FILL_RULE_ABS_GEQ_2_SPEC, len) == 0) {
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad fill rule \"", name, "\": must be ",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-char *
-ZnNameOfFillRule(ZnFillRule fill_rule)
- switch (fill_rule) {
- default:
- return "unknown fill rule";
- }
- ******************************************************************
- *
- * Code for auto alignments in fields.
- *
- ******************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetAutoAlign(ZnWInfo *wi,
- char *name,
- ZnAutoAlign *aa)
- int j;
- if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) {
- aa->automatic = False;
- }
- else if (strlen(name) == 3) {
- aa->automatic = True;
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- switch(name[j]) {
- case 'l':
- case 'L':
- aa->align[j] = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
- break;
- case 'c':
- case 'C':
- aa->align[j] = TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER;
- break;
- case 'r':
- case 'R':
- aa->align[j] = TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT;
- break;
- default:
- goto aa_error;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- aa_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "invalid auto alignment specification \"", name,
- "\" should be - or a triple of lcr", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * name must be large enough to hold the returned string.
- * 64 chars should be enough with the current values.
- */
-ZnNameOfAutoAlign(ZnAutoAlign *aa,
- char *name)
- unsigned int i;
- if (aa->automatic == False) {
- strcpy(name, "-");
- }
- else {
- name[0] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- switch (aa->align[i]) {
- strcat(name, "l");
- break;
- strcat(name, "c");
- break;
- strcat(name, "r");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/generic/Attrs.h b/generic/Attrs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fad8134..0000000
--- a/generic/Attrs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * Attrs.h -- Header for the attribute manipulation routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Fri Dec 31 10:06:37 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Attrs_h
-#define _Attrs_h
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-#include <Types.h>
-struct _ZnWInfo;
- * Type and constant values for line styles.
- */
-typedef unsigned char ZnLineStyle;
-#define ZN_LINE_SIMPLE 0
-#define ZN_LINE_DASHED 1
-#define ZN_LINE_MIXED 2
-#define ZN_LINE_DOTTED 3
-int ZnGetLineStyle(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnLineStyle *line_style);
-char *ZnNameOfLineStyle(ZnLineStyle line_style);
- * Type and constant values for line shapes.
- */
-typedef unsigned char ZnLineShape;
-int ZnGetLineShape(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnLineShape *line_shape);
-char *ZnNameOfLineShape(ZnLineShape line_shape);
- * Type and constant values for relief styles.
- */
-typedef unsigned char ZnReliefStyle;
-#define ZN_RELIEF_FLAT 0
-#define ZN_RELIEF_ROUND 0x80
-#define ZN_RELIEF_TWO_FACES 0x40
-#define ZN_RELIEF_RULE 0x20
-#define ZN_RELIEF_MASK 0x3
- * Number of steps for relief drawing. This translate in
- * RELIEF_STEPS*2+1 color shades in the color gradient.
- */
-#define ZN_RELIEF_STEPS 6
-int ZnGetRelief(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnReliefStyle *relief);
-char *ZnNameOfRelief(ZnReliefStyle relief);
- * Type and constant values for borders.
- */
-typedef unsigned char ZnBorder;
-#define ZN_NO_BORDER 0
-#define ZN_LEFT_BORDER 1
-#define ZN_RIGHT_BORDER 2
-#define ZN_TOP_BORDER 4
-#define ZN_OBLIQUE 32
-void ZnNameOfBorder(ZnBorder border, char *str);
-int ZnGetBorder(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, Tcl_Obj *name, ZnBorder *border);
- * Type for leader anchors.
- */
-typedef struct {
- int left_x; /* left leader anchor field or percent of bbox */
- int right_x; /* right leader anchor field or percent of bbox */
- short left_y; /* left leader percent of bbox or < 0 if field */
- short right_y; /* right leader percent of bbox or < 0 if field */
-} ZnLeaderAnchorsStruct, *ZnLeaderAnchors;
-int ZnGetLeaderAnchors(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnLeaderAnchors *leader_anchors);
-void ZnNameOfLeaderAnchors(ZnLeaderAnchors leader_anchors, char *name);
- * Type and constant values for automatic alignments.
- */
-typedef struct {
- ZnBool automatic;
- Tk_Justify align[3];
-} ZnAutoAlign;
-#define ZN_AA_LEFT 0
-#define ZN_AA_CENTER 1
-#define ZN_AA_RIGHT 2
-int ZnGetAutoAlign(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnAutoAlign *aa);
-void ZnNameOfAutoAlign(ZnAutoAlign *aa, char *name);
- * Label Formats.
- */
- * field flags.
- */
-#define ZN_LF_ATTACH_FWD 1
-#define ZN_LF_ATTACH_BWD 2
-#define ZN_LF_ATTACH_LEFT 3 /* Align left on left or top on top */
-#define ZN_LF_ATTACH_RIGHT 4 /* Align right on right or bottom on bottom */
-#define ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL 0
-#define ZN_LF_DIM_FONT 1
-#define ZN_LF_DIM_ICON 2
-#define ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO 3
-#define ZN_LF_DIM_LABEL 4
-typedef struct {
- int x_spec;
- int y_spec;
- short width_spec;
- short height_spec;
- char x_attach;
- char y_attach;
- char x_dim;
- char y_dim;
-} ZnFieldFormatStruct, *ZnFieldFormat;
-typedef struct {
- short clip_width;
- short clip_height;
- unsigned int num_fields;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- unsigned int ref_count;
- ZnFieldFormatStruct fields[1];
-} ZnLabelFormatStruct, *ZnLabelFormat;
-ZnLFCreate(Tcl_Interp * /* interp */,
- char * /* format_str */,
- unsigned int /* num_fields */);
-ZnLFDuplicate(ZnLabelFormat /* label_format */);
-ZnLFDelete(ZnLabelFormat /* label_format */);
-char *
-ZnLFGetString(ZnLabelFormat /* label_format */);
-ZnLFGetClipBox(ZnLabelFormat /* label_format */,
- ZnDim * /* width */,
- ZnDim * /* height */);
-#define ZnLFNumFields(lf) ((lf)->num_fields)
-ZnLFGetField(ZnLabelFormat /* label_format */,
- unsigned int /* field */,
- char * /* x_attach */,
- char * /* y_attach */,
- char * /* x_dim */,
- char * /* y_dim */,
- int * /* x_spec */,
- int * /* y_spec */,
- short * /* width_spec */,
- short * /* height_spec */);
- * Line Ends.
- */
-typedef struct {
- ZnReal shape_a;
- ZnReal shape_b;
- ZnReal shape_c;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- unsigned int ref_count;
-} ZnLineEndStruct, *ZnLineEnd;
-ZnLineEndCreate(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *line_end_str);
-ZnLineEndDuplicate(ZnLineEnd le);
-ZnLineEndDelete(ZnLineEnd le);
-char *
-ZnLineEndGetString(ZnLineEnd le);
- * Type and protypes for fill rules.
- */
-typedef unsigned int ZnFillRule;
-char *ZnNameOfFillRule(ZnFillRule fill_rule);
-int ZnGetFillRule(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, char *name, ZnFillRule *fill_rule);
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _Attrs_h */
diff --git a/generic/CharsetISO8859-15.h b/generic/CharsetISO8859-15.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbf21e..0000000
--- a/generic/CharsetISO8859-15.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * These chars are those found in iso8859-15.
- * They are encoded in iso8859-15 right in this file and sorted
- * by ascending value, _keep_ them sorted this way, a dichotomic
- * search rely on this to locate the glyphs and infos.
- */
-static unsigned char *ZnDefaultCharset =
- " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"
- "0123456789"
- ":;<=>?@"
- "[\\]^_`"
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- "{|}~"
- "ˇ˘Ł¤Ą¦§¨©Ş«¬­®Ż°±˛ł´µ¶·¸ąş»Ľ˝ľż"
- "ŕáâăäĺćçčéęëěíîďđńňóôőö÷řůúűüýţ˙"
- "ľ";
diff --git a/generic/CharsetUTF8.h b/generic/CharsetUTF8.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fee91e..0000000
--- a/generic/CharsetUTF8.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * These chars are those found in iso8859-15 and iso8859-1.
- * They are encoded in UTF8 right in this file and sorted
- * by Unicode point, _keep_ them sorted this way, a dichotomic
- * search rely on this to locate the glyphs and infos.
- */
-static unsigned char *ZnDefaultCharset =
- " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"
- "0123456789"
- ":;<=>?@"
- "[\\]^_`"
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- "{|}~"
- "¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿"
- "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ"
- "ŒœŠšŸŽž€";
- * Local Variables:
- * coding: utf-8
- * End:
- *
- */
diff --git a/generic/Color.c b/generic/Color.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2165c99..0000000
--- a/generic/Color.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +0,0 @@
- * Color.c -- Color management module.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Thu Dec 16 15:41:53 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * Most of this file is derived from Tk color code and thus
- * also copyrighted:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Transfo.h"
- * Maximum size of a color name including the \0.
- */
-#define COLOR_NAME_SIZE 32
- * Maximum intensity for a color.
- */
-#define MAX_INTENSITY 65535
- * Hash table to map from a gradient's values (color, etc.) to a
- * gradient structure for those values.
- */
-static Tcl_HashTable gradient_table;
-static int initialized = 0; /* 0 means static structures haven't been
- * initialized yet. */
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ColorInit --
- *
- * Initialize the structure used for color management.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Read the code.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
- initialized = 1;
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&gradient_table, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetGradientColor
- * ZnInterpGradientColor --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XColor *
-ZnGetGradientColor(ZnGradient *grad,
- ZnReal position,
- unsigned short *alpha)
- int index, min, max;
- XColor *shade=NULL;
- if ((grad->num_actual_colors == 1) || (position <= 0.0)) {
- if (alpha) {
- *alpha = grad->actual_colors[0].alpha;
- }
- return grad->actual_colors[0].rgb;
- }
- if (position >= 100.0) {
- if (alpha) {
- *alpha = grad->actual_colors[grad->num_actual_colors-1].alpha;
- }
- shade = grad->actual_colors[grad->num_actual_colors-1].rgb;
- }
- else {
- min = 0;
- max = grad->num_actual_colors-1;
- index = (max + min) / 2;
- while (max - min != 1) {
- /*printf("color index %d, min: %d, max: %d\n", index, min, max);*/
- if (grad->actual_colors[index].position < position) {
- min = index;
- }
- else {
- max = index;
- }
- index = (max + min) / 2;
- }
- shade = grad->actual_colors[index].rgb;
- if (alpha) {
- *alpha = grad->actual_colors[index].alpha;
- }
- }
- return shade;
-ZnInterpGradientColor(ZnGradient *grad,
- ZnReal position,
- XColor *color,
- unsigned short *alpha)
- int index, min, max;
- ZnGradientColor *gc1, *gc2;
- ZnReal rel_pos;
- if ((grad->num_actual_colors == 1) || (position <= 0.0)) {
- *alpha = grad->actual_colors[0].alpha;
- *color = *grad->actual_colors[0].rgb;
- }
- else if (position >= 100.0) {
- *alpha = grad->actual_colors[grad->num_actual_colors-1].alpha;
- *color = *grad->actual_colors[grad->num_actual_colors-1].rgb;
- }
- else {
- min = 0;
- max = grad->num_actual_colors-1;
- index = (max + min) / 2;
- while (max - min != 1) {
- /*printf("color index %d, min: %d, max: %d\n", index, min, max);*/
- if (grad->actual_colors[index].position < position) {
- min = index;
- }
- else {
- max = index;
- }
- index = (max + min) / 2;
- }
- gc1 = &grad->actual_colors[index];
- gc2 = &grad->actual_colors[index+1];
- rel_pos = (position - gc1->position) * 100.0 / (gc2->position - gc1->position);
- if (rel_pos > gc1->control) {
- rel_pos = (rel_pos - gc1->control) * 100.0 / (100.0 - gc1->control);
- color->red = gc1->mid_rgb->red +
- (unsigned short) ((gc2->rgb->red - gc1->mid_rgb->red) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- color->green = gc1->mid_rgb->green +
- (unsigned short) ((gc2->rgb->green - gc1->mid_rgb->green) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- color->blue = gc1->mid_rgb->blue +
- (unsigned short) ((gc2->rgb->blue - gc1->mid_rgb->blue) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- *alpha = gc1->mid_alpha +
- (unsigned short) ((gc2->alpha - gc1->mid_alpha) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- }
- else {
- rel_pos = rel_pos * 100.0 / gc1->control;
- color->red = gc1->rgb->red +
- (unsigned short) ((gc1->mid_rgb->red - gc1->rgb->red) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- color->green = gc1->rgb->green +
- (unsigned short) ((gc1->mid_rgb->green - gc1->rgb->green) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- color->blue = gc1->rgb->blue +
- (unsigned short) ((gc1->mid_rgb->blue - gc1->rgb->blue) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- *alpha = gc1->alpha +
- (unsigned short) ((gc1->mid_alpha - gc1->alpha) * rel_pos / 100.0);
- }
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGradientFlat --
- *
- * Returns true if the gradient is defined by a single
- * color.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnGradientFlat(ZnGradient *grad)
- return (grad->num_actual_colors == 1);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetReliefGradient --
- *
- * Create a data structure containing a range of colors
- * used to display a 3D border. Name contains the base
- * color for the border. This is a slight variation on
- * the syntax of a gradient that make life easier in this
- * simple case.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a token for a data structure
- * describing a gradient. This token may be passed
- * to the drawing routines.
- * If an error prevented the gradient from being created
- * then NULL is returned and an error message will be
- * left in interp.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Data structures, etc. are allocated.
- * It is the caller's responsibility to eventually call
- * ZnFreeGradient to release the resources.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnGradient *
-ZnGetReliefGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_Uid name,
- unsigned short alpha)
- XColor *base, light_color, dark_color, color;
- char color_name[COLOR_NAME_SIZE];
- char buffer[COLOR_NAME_SIZE*(3+2*ZN_RELIEF_STEPS)];
- int j, tmp1, tmp2;
- int red_range, green_range, blue_range;
- base = Tk_GetColor(interp, tkwin, name);
- /*
- * Compute the border gradient.
- *
- * Always consider that we are dealing with a color display with
- * enough colors available. If the colormap is full (stressed)
- * then just pray, the susbstitution algorithm may return something
- * adequate ;-).
- *
- * The extremum colors get computed using whichever formula results
- * in the greatest change in color:
- * 1. Lighter color is half-way to white, darker color is half
- * way to dark.
- * 2. Lighter color is 40% brighter than base, darker color
- * is 40% darker than base.
- * The first approach works better for unsaturated colors, the
- * second for saturated ones.
- *
- * NOTE: Colors are computed with integers not color shorts which
- * may lead to overflow errors.
- */
- tmp1 = (30 * (int) base->red)/100;
- tmp2 = ((int) base->red)/2;
- dark_color.red = MIN(tmp1, tmp2);
- tmp1 = (30 * (int) base->green)/100;
- tmp2 = ((int) base->green)/2;
- dark_color.green = MIN(tmp1, tmp2);
- tmp1 = (30 * (int) base->blue)/100;
- tmp2 = ((int) base->blue)/2;
- dark_color.blue = MIN(tmp1, tmp2);
- tmp1 = MAX_INTENSITY;/*(170 * (int) base->red)/10;*/
- if (tmp1 > MAX_INTENSITY) {
- }
- tmp2 = (MAX_INTENSITY + (int) base->red)/2;
- light_color.red = MAX(tmp1, tmp2);
- tmp1 = MAX_INTENSITY;/*(170 * (int) base->green)/10;*/
- if (tmp1 > MAX_INTENSITY) {
- }
- tmp2 = (MAX_INTENSITY + (int) base->green)/2;
- light_color.green = MAX(tmp1, tmp2);
- tmp1 = MAX_INTENSITY;/*(170 * (int) base->blue)/10;*/
- if (tmp1 > MAX_INTENSITY) {
- }
- tmp2 = (MAX_INTENSITY + (int) base->blue)/2;
- light_color.blue = MAX(tmp1, tmp2);
- buffer[0] = 0;
- sprintf(color_name, "#%02x%02x%02x;%d|",
- dark_color.red/256, dark_color.green/256, dark_color.blue/256, alpha);
- red_range = (int) base->red - (int) dark_color.red;
- green_range = (int) base->green - (int) dark_color.green;
- blue_range = (int) base->blue - (int) dark_color.blue;
- strcat(buffer, color_name);
- for (j = 1; j < ZN_RELIEF_STEPS; j++) {
- color.red =(int) dark_color.red + red_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- color.green = (int) dark_color.green + green_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- color.blue = (int) dark_color.blue + blue_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- sprintf(color_name, "#%02x%02x%02x;%d %d|",
- color.red/256, color.green/256, color.blue/256, alpha, 50/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS*j);
- strcat(buffer, color_name);
- }
- sprintf(color_name, "#%02x%02x%02x;%d 50|",
- base->red/256, base->green/256, base->blue/256, alpha);
- strcat(buffer, color_name);
- red_range = (int) light_color.red - (int) base->red;
- green_range = (int) light_color.green - (int) base->green;
- blue_range = (int) light_color.blue - (int) base->blue;
- for (j = 1; j < ZN_RELIEF_STEPS; j++) {
- color.red = (int) base->red + red_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- color.green = (int) base->green + green_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- color.blue = (int) base->blue + blue_range * j/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS;
- sprintf(color_name, "#%02x%02x%02x;%d %d|",
- color.red/256, color.green/256, color.blue/256, alpha, 50+50/ZN_RELIEF_STEPS*j);
- strcat(buffer, color_name);
- }
- sprintf(color_name, "#%02x%02x%02x;%d",
- light_color.red/256, light_color.green/256, light_color.blue/256, alpha);
- strcat(buffer, color_name);
- /*printf("gradient relief: %s \n", buffer);*/
- return ZnGetGradient(interp, tkwin, buffer);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnNameGradient
- * ZnDeleteGradientName --
- *
- * Save a gradient under a name or suppress the gradient
- * name binding. The save function returns false if the
- * name is already in use.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnNameGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *grad_descr,
- char *name)
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash;
- int new;
- ZnGradient *grad;
- XColor color;
- /*
- * First try to find if the name interfere with a color name,
- * this must be avoided. Gradients may be described by a single
- * color name and gradient descriptions / names share the same
- * name space.
- */
- if (XParseColor(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_Colormap(tkwin), name, &color)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "gradient name \"", name,
- "\", is a color name", NULL);
- return False;
- }
- grad = ZnGetGradient(interp, tkwin, grad_descr);
- if (!grad) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "gradient specification \"", grad_descr,
- "\", is invalid", NULL);
- return False;
- }
- hash = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&gradient_table, Tk_GetUid(name), &new);
- if (!new) {
- ZnFreeGradient(grad);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "gradient name \"", name,
- "\", is already in use", NULL);
- return False;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_SetHashValue(hash, grad);
- }
- return True;
-ZnGradientNameExists(char *name)
- if (!initialized) {
- return False;
- }
- return Tcl_FindHashEntry(&gradient_table, Tk_GetUid(name)) != NULL;
-ZnDeleteGradientName(char *name)
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash;
- if (!initialized) {
- return;
- }
- hash = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&gradient_table, Tk_GetUid(name));
- if (hash) {
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(hash);
- ZnFreeGradient((ZnGradient *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hash));
- }
-static void
-InterpolateGradientColor(Tk_Window tkwin,
- ZnGradientColor *gc1, /* First color */
- ZnGradientColor *gc2, /* Next color */
- ZnGradientColor *gc_interp,/* New interpolated color */
- ZnGradientColor *gc_adjust,/* Adjusted first color.
- * Needed if interested in
- * the range color1 interp
- * color. */
- int interp_pos,
- int min_pos,
- int span)
- ZnReal pos1, pos2, ipos, interp_rel_pos, tmp;
- XColor rgb;
- //printf("interp_pos: %d, min_pos: %d, span: %d\n ", interp_pos, min_pos, span);
- pos1 = ((ZnReal)gc1->position-(ZnReal)min_pos)/(ZnReal)span;
- pos2 = ((ZnReal)gc2->position-(ZnReal)min_pos)/(ZnReal)span;
- ipos = ((ZnReal)interp_pos-(ZnReal)min_pos)/(ZnReal)span;
- interp_rel_pos = (ipos-pos1)*100/(pos2-pos1);
- //printf("pos1: %g, pos2: %g, interp_rel_pos: %g\n", pos1, pos2, interp_rel_pos);
- if (interp_rel_pos < gc1->control) {
- tmp = interp_rel_pos * 100.0 / gc1->control;
- //printf("rgb : %d, mid rgb : %d\n\n", gc1->rgb, gc1->mid_rgb);
- rgb.red = (unsigned short) (gc1->rgb->red + (gc1->mid_rgb->red - gc1->rgb->red) * tmp / 100.0);
- rgb.green = (unsigned short) (gc1->rgb->green + (gc1->mid_rgb->green - gc1->rgb->green) * tmp / 100.0);
- rgb.blue = (unsigned short) (gc1->rgb->blue + (gc1->mid_rgb->blue - gc1->rgb->blue) * tmp / 100.0);
- gc_interp->alpha = (unsigned char) (gc1->alpha + (gc1->mid_alpha - gc1->alpha) * tmp / 100.0);
- }
- else if (interp_rel_pos > gc1->control) {
- tmp = (interp_rel_pos - gc1->control) * 100.0 / (100.0 - gc1->control);
- rgb.red = (unsigned short) (gc1->mid_rgb->red + (gc2->rgb->red - gc1->mid_rgb->red)*tmp / 100.0);
- rgb.green = (unsigned short) (gc1->mid_rgb->green + (gc2->rgb->green - gc1->mid_rgb->green)*tmp / 100.0);
- rgb.blue = (unsigned short) (gc1->mid_rgb->blue + (gc2->rgb->blue - gc1->mid_rgb->blue)*tmp / 100.0);
- gc_interp->alpha = (unsigned char) (gc1->mid_alpha + (gc2->alpha - gc1->mid_alpha)*tmp / 100.0);
- }
- else {
- rgb = *gc1->mid_rgb;
- gc_interp->alpha = gc1->mid_alpha;
- }
- gc_interp->rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, &rgb);
- if (!gc_adjust) {
- /*
- * Interested in the segment from the interpolated color
- * to color 2.
- */
- gc_interp->position = 0;
- if (interp_rel_pos < gc1->control) {
- gc_interp->control = gc1->control - (int) interp_rel_pos;
- gc_interp->mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, gc1->mid_rgb);
- gc_interp->mid_alpha = gc1->mid_alpha;
- }
- else {
- rgb.red = gc_interp->rgb->red+(gc2->rgb->red-gc_interp->rgb->red)/2;
- rgb.green = gc_interp->rgb->green+(gc2->rgb->green-gc_interp->rgb->green)/2;
- rgb.blue = gc_interp->rgb->blue+(gc2->rgb->blue-gc_interp->rgb->blue)/2;
- gc_interp->mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, &rgb);
- gc_interp->mid_alpha = gc_interp->alpha + (gc2->alpha - gc_interp->alpha)/2;
- gc_interp->control = 50;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Interested in the segment from color 1 (color adjusted) to
- * the interpolated color.
- */
- gc_interp->position = 100;
- gc_interp->mid_rgb = NULL;
- gc_interp->mid_alpha = 100;
- if (interp_rel_pos <= gc1->control) {
- rgb.red = gc1->rgb->red+(gc_interp->rgb->red-gc1->rgb->red)/2;
- rgb.green = gc1->rgb->green+(gc_interp->rgb->green-gc1->rgb->green)/2;
- rgb.blue = gc1->rgb->blue+(gc_interp->rgb->blue-gc1->rgb->blue)/2;
- Tk_FreeColor(gc_adjust->mid_rgb);
- gc_adjust->mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, &rgb);
- gc_adjust->mid_alpha = gc1->alpha + (gc_interp->alpha - gc1->alpha)/2;
- gc_adjust->control = 50;
- }
- }
- //printf("out of InterpolateGradientColor\n");
-static void
-ReduceGradient(Tk_Window tkwin,
- ZnGradient *grad)
- ZnReal dx, dy, len, angle;
- ZnTransfo t;
- ZnPoint pbbox[4], pgrad[4];
- ZnReal maxx, minx, span, start_in_new, end_in_new;
- int minx100, maxx100, span100;
- int i, j, first_color, last_color;
- ZnBool interpolate_first, interpolate_last;
- //printf("In ReduceGradient\n");
- dx = grad->e.x - grad->p.x;
- dy = grad->e.y - grad->p.y;
- len = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- angle = acos(dx/len);
- if (dy < 0) {
- angle = 2*M_PI - angle;
- }
- grad->angle = (int) -ZnRadDeg(angle);
- if (grad->type == ZN_CONICAL_GRADIENT) {
- unchanged:
- grad->actual_colors = grad->colors_in;
- grad->num_actual_colors = grad->num_colors_in;
- return;
- }
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(&t);
- ZnTranslate(&t, -grad->p.x, -grad->p.y, False);
- ZnRotateRad(&t, -angle);
- ZnScale(&t, 1/len, 1/len);
- pbbox[0].x = -50;
- pbbox[0].y = 50;
- pbbox[1].x = 50;
- pbbox[1].y = 50;
- pbbox[2].x = 50;
- pbbox[2].y = -50;
- pbbox[3].x = -50;
- pbbox[3].y = -50;
- ZnTransformPoints(&t, pbbox, pgrad, 4);
- maxx = minx = pgrad[0].x;
- for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- if (pgrad[i].x > maxx) {
- maxx = pgrad[i].x;
- }
- if (pgrad[i].x < minx) {
- minx = pgrad[i].x;
- }
- }
- span = maxx-minx;
- if (grad->type == ZN_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
- start_in_new = 0;
- end_in_new = 100/span;
- }
- else {
- start_in_new = -minx*100/span;
- end_in_new = (1-minx)*100/span;
- }
- //printf("minx: %g, maxx: %g, start%%: %g, end%%: %g\n",
- // minx, maxx, start_in_new, end_in_new);
- /*
- * Gradient is unchanged
- */
- if ((ABS(start_in_new) < PRECISION_LIMIT) &&
- (ABS(end_in_new-100.0) < PRECISION_LIMIT)) {
- goto unchanged;
- }
- //printf("start_in_new: %g, end_in_new: %g\n", start_in_new, end_in_new);
- if ((start_in_new > 100.0) || (end_in_new < 0.0)) {
- grad->num_actual_colors = 1;
- grad->actual_colors = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnGradientColor));
- grad->actual_colors[0].position = 0;
- grad->actual_colors[0].mid_rgb = NULL;
- if (end_in_new < 0.0) {
- grad->actual_colors[0].alpha = grad->colors_in[grad->num_colors_in-1].alpha;
- grad->actual_colors[0].rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[grad->num_colors_in-1].rgb);
- }
- else {
- grad->actual_colors[0].alpha = grad->colors_in[0].alpha;
- grad->actual_colors[0].rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[0].rgb);
- }
- return;
- }
- grad->num_actual_colors = grad->num_colors_in;
- interpolate_first = False;
- minx100 = (int) (minx*100);
- maxx100 = (int) (maxx*100);
- span100 = (int) (span*100);
- if (start_in_new < 0.0) {
- /*
- * The gradient starts outside the bbox,
- * Find the color at the bbox edge. First
- * find the correct gradient segment and then
- * interpolate to get the color.
- */
- first_color = 1;
- while ((first_color < (int) grad->num_colors_in) &&
- (grad->colors_in[first_color].position < minx100)) {
- first_color++;
- grad->num_actual_colors--;
- }
- if (grad->colors_in[first_color].position == minx100) {
- grad->num_actual_colors--;
- }
- else {
- interpolate_first = True;
- /*printf("interpolate first color\n");*/
- }
- }
- else {
- first_color = 0;
- if (grad->type != ZN_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
- grad->num_actual_colors++;
- }
- }
- interpolate_last = False;
- if (end_in_new > 100.0) {
- /*
- * The gradient ends outside the bbox,
- * Find the color at the bbox edge. First
- * find the correct gradient segment and then
- * interpolate to get the color.
- */
- last_color = grad->num_colors_in-2;
- while ((last_color >= 0) &&
- (grad->colors_in[last_color].position > maxx100)) {
- last_color--;
- grad->num_actual_colors--;
- }
- if (grad->colors_in[last_color].position == maxx100) {
- grad->num_actual_colors--;
- }
- else {
- interpolate_last = True;
- /*printf("interpolate last color\n");*/
- }
- }
- else {
- last_color = grad->num_colors_in-1;
- grad->num_actual_colors++;
- }
- grad->actual_colors = ZnMalloc(grad->num_actual_colors*sizeof(ZnGradientColor));
- j = 0;
- if (interpolate_first) {
- //printf("Interpolate first color, index: %d\n", first_color);
- InterpolateGradientColor(tkwin,
- &grad->colors_in[first_color-1],
- &grad->colors_in[first_color],
- &grad->actual_colors[j],
- minx100, minx100, span100);
- j++;
- }
- else if ((first_color == 0) && (grad->type != ZN_RADIAL_GRADIENT)) {
- grad->actual_colors[j] = grad->colors_in[0];
- grad->actual_colors[j].rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[0].rgb);
- if (grad->colors_in[0].mid_rgb) {
- grad->actual_colors[j].mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[0].mid_rgb);
- }
- grad->actual_colors[0].position = 0;
- grad->actual_colors[0].control = 50;
- j++;
- /*printf("adding a color at start\n");*/
- }
- /*printf("first color: %d, last color: %d, num colors: %d\n",
- first_color, last_color, grad->num_actual_colors);*/
- for (i = first_color; i <= last_color; i++, j++) {
- grad->actual_colors[j] = grad->colors_in[i];
- grad->actual_colors[j].rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[i].rgb);
- if (grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb) {
- grad->actual_colors[j].mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb);
- }
- grad->actual_colors[j].position = (grad->colors_in[i].position-minx100)*100/span100;
- grad->actual_colors[j].control = grad->colors_in[i].control;
- /*printf("i: %d, j: %d, minx: %d, span: %d, position av: %d position ap: %d\n",
- i, j, minx100, span100, grad->colors_in[i].position, grad->actual_colors[j].position);*/
- }
- if (interpolate_last) {
- //printf("Interpolate last color\n");
- InterpolateGradientColor(tkwin,
- &grad->colors_in[last_color],
- &grad->colors_in[last_color+1],
- &grad->actual_colors[j],
- &grad->actual_colors[j-1],
- maxx100, minx100, span100);
- }
- else if (last_color == ((int) grad->num_colors_in)-1) {
- i = grad->num_colors_in-1;
- grad->actual_colors[j] = grad->colors_in[i];
- grad->actual_colors[j].rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[i].rgb);
- if (grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb) {
- grad->actual_colors[j].mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb);
- }
- /*printf("adding a color at end\n");*/
- }
- grad->actual_colors[j].position = 100;
- //for (i=0; i<grad->num_actual_colors; i++) printf("control %d: %d\n", i, grad->actual_colors[i].control);
- //printf("Out of ReduceGradient\n");
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetGradient --
- *
- * Create a data structure containing a range of colors
- * used to display a gradient.
- *
- * The gradient should have the following syntax:
- *
- * gradient := [graddesc|]color[|....|color]
- * where the | are real characters not meta-syntax.
- *
- * graddesc := =type args
- * where type := axial | radial | path
- *
- * If type = axial
- * args := angle (0..360) | xs ys xe ye (reals)
- *
- * The first form define the axial gradiant by its slope.
- * With this syntax the gradient fits the whole shape.
- * This is a backward compatible syntax.
- * The second form specifies a vector which will be used
- * to draw the gradient. The vector defines both the angle
- * and the gradient area. Parts of the shape that lie before
- * the vector origin are filled with the first color and
- * parts that lie after the vector end are filled with the
- * last color.
- *
- * If type = radial or path
- * args := xs ys [xe ye] (reals)
- *
- * The vector specified by the 4 coordinates defines the
- * gradient area. Parts of the shape that lie before
- * the vector origin are filled with the first color and
- * parts that lie after the vector end are filled with the
- * last color. The vector end may be omitted, in such case
- * the gradient fits exactly the whole shape to be filled,
- * this is backward compatible with older gradients.
- *
- * color := colorvalue | colorvalue position |
- * colorvalue control position
- * where position and control are in (0..100)
- *
- * colorvalue := (colorname | #rgb | cievalue)[;alpha]
- * where alpha is in (0..100)
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a token for a data structure
- * describing a gradient. This token may be passed
- * to the drawing routines.
- * If an error prevented the gradient from being created
- * then NULL is returned and an error message will be
- * left in interp.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Data structures, etc. are allocated.
- * It is the caller's responsibility to eventually call
- * ZnFreeGradient to release the resources.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnGradient *
-ZnGetGradientByValue(ZnGradient *grad)
- grad->ref_count++;
- return grad;
-static int
-ParseRealList(const char *str,
- const char *stop,
- ZnReal *list,
- int max)
- int num;
- char *end;
- num = 0;
- while ((num < max) && (str != stop)) {
- list[num] = strtod(str, &end);
- if (end == str) {
- /* A syntax error occured, return a 0 count
- * as a hint for the caller.
- */
- return 0;
- }
- num++;
- str = end+strspn(end, " \t");
- }
- return num;
-ZnGradient *
-ZnGetGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_Uid desc)
- #define SEGMENT_SIZE 64
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash;
- ZnGradient *grad;
- unsigned int i, j, nspace, num_colors;
- unsigned int size, num_coords=0;
- char type;
- char const *scan_ptr, *next_ptr, *str_ptr;
- ZnReal angle, position, control;
- ZnReal coords[4];
- char *color_ptr, *end, segment[SEGMENT_SIZE];
- ZnGradientColor *first, *last;
- XColor color;
- int new, red_range, green_range, blue_range;
- ZnBool simple;
- //printf("ZnGetGradient : %s\n", desc);
- if (!desc || !*desc) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!initialized) {
- ColorInit();
- }
- /*
- * First, check to see if there's already a gradient that will work
- * for this request.
- */
- desc = Tk_GetUid(desc);
- /*printf("get gradient: %s\n", desc);*/
- hash = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&gradient_table, desc, &new);
- if (!new) {
- grad = (ZnGradient *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hash);
- grad->ref_count++;
- return grad;
- }
- /*
- * No satisfactory gradient exists yet. Initialize a new one.
- */
- angle = 0.0;
- /*
- * Skip the trailing spaces.
- */
- while (*desc == ' ') {
- desc++;
- }
- /*
- * Count the sections in the description. It should give
- * the number of colors plus may be the gradient description.
- */
- scan_ptr = desc;
- /*
- * If the first section is the gradient description, start color
- * counts up from zero.
- */
- num_colors = (*scan_ptr == '=') ? 0 : 1;
- while ((scan_ptr = strchr(scan_ptr, '|'))) {
- num_colors++;
- scan_ptr++;
- }
- if (num_colors == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "gradient should have at least one color \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- grad_err1:
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(hash);
- /*printf("ZnGetGradient error : %s\n", desc);*/
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Then look at the gradient type.
- */
- scan_ptr = desc;
- /*
- * next_ptr can't be NULL in the following code,
- * we checked that at least one color was specified
- * after the gradient description.
- */
- next_ptr = strchr(scan_ptr, '|');
- if (*scan_ptr == '=') {
- scan_ptr++;
- if ((*scan_ptr == 'a') && (strncmp(scan_ptr, "axial", 5) == 0)) {
- scan_ptr += 5;
- num_coords = ParseRealList(scan_ptr, next_ptr, coords, 4);
- if ((num_coords != 1) && (num_coords != 4)) {
- grad_err3:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid gradient parameter \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- goto grad_err1;
- }
- angle = (int) coords[0];
- }
- else if ((*scan_ptr == 'c') && (strncmp(scan_ptr, "conical", 7) == 0)) {
- scan_ptr += 7;
- num_coords = ParseRealList(scan_ptr, next_ptr, coords, 4);
- if ((num_coords < 1) && (num_coords > 4)) {
- goto grad_err3;
- }
- angle = (int) coords[0];
- }
- else if (((*scan_ptr == 'r') && (strncmp(scan_ptr, "radial", 6) == 0)) ||
- ((*scan_ptr == 'p') && (strncmp(scan_ptr, "path", 4) == 0))) {
- if (*scan_ptr == 'r') {
- scan_ptr += 6;
- }
- else {
- scan_ptr += 4;
- }
- num_coords = ParseRealList(scan_ptr, next_ptr, coords, 4);
- if ((num_coords != 2) && (num_coords != 4)) {
- goto grad_err3;
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid gradient type \"",
- desc, "\"", NULL);
- goto grad_err1;
- }
- scan_ptr = next_ptr + 1;
- next_ptr = strchr(scan_ptr, '|');
- }
- /*
- * Create the gradient structure.
- */
- grad = (ZnGradient *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnGradient) +
- sizeof(ZnGradientColor)*(num_colors-1));
- grad->ref_count = 1;
- simple = True;
- grad->num_colors_in = num_colors;
- grad->type = type;
- grad->p.x = grad->p.y = grad->e.x = grad->e.y = 0.0;
- grad->angle = 0;
- switch (type) {
- if ((num_coords == 4) &&
- ((coords[0] != coords[2]) || (coords[1] != coords[3]))) {
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- simple = False;
- grad->e.x = coords[2];
- grad->e.y = coords[3];
- }
- else {
- grad->angle = (int) angle;
- }
- break;
- if ((num_coords == 4) &&
- ((coords[0] != coords[2]) || (coords[1] != coords[3]))) {
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- simple = False;
- grad->e.x = coords[2];
- grad->e.y = coords[3];
- }
- else if (num_coords == 2) {
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- }
- else if (num_coords == 3) {
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- grad->angle = (int) coords[2];
- }
- else {
- grad->angle = (int) angle;
- }
- break;
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- if ((num_coords == 4) &&
- ((coords[0] != coords[2]) || (coords[1] != coords[3]))) {
- simple = False;
- grad->e.x = coords[2];
- grad->e.y = coords[3];
- }
- break;
- grad->p.x = coords[0];
- grad->p.y = coords[1];
- break;
- }
- grad->hash = hash;
- Tcl_SetHashValue(hash, grad);
- for (i = 0; i < num_colors; i++) {
- grad->colors_in[i].alpha = 100;
- /*
- * Try to parse the color name.
- */
- nspace = strspn(scan_ptr, " \t");
- scan_ptr += nspace;
- str_ptr = strpbrk(scan_ptr, " \t|");
- if (str_ptr) {
- size = str_ptr - scan_ptr;
- }
- else {
- size = strlen(scan_ptr);
- }
- if (size > (SEGMENT_SIZE-1)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "color name too long in gradient \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- grad_err2:
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- Tk_FreeColor(grad->colors_in[j].rgb);
- }
- ZnFree(grad);
- goto grad_err1;
- }
- strncpy(segment, scan_ptr, size);
- segment[size] = 0;
- scan_ptr += size;
- /*
- * Try to parse the color position.
- */
- grad->colors_in[i].position = 0;
- grad->colors_in[i].control = 50;
- position = strtod(scan_ptr, &end);
- if (end != scan_ptr) {
- grad->colors_in[i].position = (int) position;
- scan_ptr = end;
- /*
- * Try to parse the control point
- */
- control = strtod(scan_ptr, &end);
- if (end != scan_ptr) {
- grad->colors_in[i].control = (int) control;
- scan_ptr = end;
- }
- }
- nspace = strspn(scan_ptr, " \t");
- if ((scan_ptr[nspace] != 0) && (scan_ptr+nspace != next_ptr)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "incorrect color description in gradient \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- goto grad_err2;
- }
- color_ptr = strchr(segment, ';');
- if (color_ptr) {
- *color_ptr = 0;
- }
- grad->colors_in[i].rgb = Tk_GetColor(interp, tkwin, Tk_GetUid(segment));
- if (grad->colors_in[i].rgb == NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "incorrect color value in gradient \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- goto grad_err2;
- }
- if (color_ptr) {
- color_ptr++;
- grad->colors_in[i].alpha = atoi(color_ptr);
- }
- if (i == 0) {
- grad->colors_in[i].position = 0;
- }
- else if (i == num_colors - 1) {
- grad->colors_in[i].position = 100;
- }
- if ((i > 0) &&
- ((grad->colors_in[i].position > 100) ||
- (grad->colors_in[i].position < grad->colors_in[i-1].position))) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "incorrect color position in gradient \"",
- desc, "\",", NULL);
- goto grad_err2;
- }
- if (grad->colors_in[i].control > 100) {
- grad->colors_in[i].control = 100;
- }
- if (grad->colors_in[i].alpha > 100) {
- grad->colors_in[i].alpha = 100;
- }
- if (next_ptr) {
- scan_ptr = next_ptr + 1;
- next_ptr = strchr(scan_ptr, '|');
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compute the mid alpha and mid color values. These will be
- * used by the gradient rendering primitives when a control
- * is not at mid range. The last color has no mid_* values.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < grad->num_colors_in-1; i++) {
- first = &grad->colors_in[i];
- last = &grad->colors_in[i+1];
- red_range = (int) last->rgb->red - (int) first->rgb->red;
- green_range = (int) last->rgb->green - (int) first->rgb->green;
- blue_range = (int) last->rgb->blue - (int) first->rgb->blue;
- color.red =(int) first->rgb->red + red_range/2;
- color.green = (int) first->rgb->green + green_range/2;
- color.blue = (int) first->rgb->blue + blue_range/2;
- first->mid_rgb = Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, &color);
- first->mid_alpha = first->alpha + (last->alpha-first->alpha)/2;
- }
- grad->colors_in[grad->num_colors_in-1].mid_rgb = NULL;
- /*
- * If the gradient is 'simple' ie. described by a single point
- * or an angle for axial gradients, the processing is finished.
- * If not, we have to reduce the gradient to a simple one by adding
- * or suppressing colors and adjusting the relative position of
- * each remaining color.
- */
- if (simple) {
- grad->num_actual_colors = grad->num_colors_in;
- grad->actual_colors = grad->colors_in;
- }
- else if (type != ZN_PATH_GRADIENT) {
- ReduceGradient(tkwin, grad);
- }
- //printf("num in: %d, num actual: %d\n", grad->num_colors_in,grad->num_actual_colors);
- //printf("ZnGetGradient end : %s\n", desc);
- return grad;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnNameOfGradient --
- *
- * Given a gradient, return a textual string identifying
- * the gradient.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is the string that was used to create
- * the gradient.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-char *
-ZnNameOfGradient(ZnGradient *grad)
- return (char *) grad->hash->key.words;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnFreeGradient --
- *
- * This procedure is called when a gradient is no longer
- * needed. It frees the resources associated with the
- * gradient. After this call, the caller should never
- * again use the gradient.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Resources are freed.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnFreeGradient(ZnGradient *grad)
- unsigned int i;
- grad->ref_count--;
- if (grad->ref_count == 0) {
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(grad->hash);
- for (i = 0; i < grad->num_colors_in; i++) {
- Tk_FreeColor(grad->colors_in[i].rgb);
- if (grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb) {
- Tk_FreeColor(grad->colors_in[i].mid_rgb);
- }
- }
- if (grad->actual_colors != grad->colors_in) {
- for (i = 0; i < grad->num_actual_colors; i++) {
- Tk_FreeColor(grad->actual_colors[i].rgb);
- if (grad->actual_colors[i].mid_rgb) {
- Tk_FreeColor(grad->actual_colors[i].mid_rgb);
- }
- }
- ZnFree(grad->actual_colors);
- }
- ZnFree(grad);
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnComposeAlpha --
- *
- * This procedure takes two alpha values in percent and
- * returns the composite value between 0 and 65535.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnComposeAlpha(unsigned short alpha1,
- unsigned short alpha2)
- return (alpha1*alpha2/100)*65535/100;
diff --git a/generic/Color.h b/generic/Color.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8952ca..0000000
--- a/generic/Color.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Color.h -- Header for color routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Thu Dec 16 15:41:04 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Color_h
-#define _Color_h
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
- * Types of gradients.
- */
-typedef struct _ZnGradientColor {
- unsigned char position; /* Color starting position along the gradient axis.
- * This is in percent of the gradient total size. */
- unsigned char control; /* Middle-shade position in percent of this color
- * size along the gradient axis. */
- unsigned char alpha; /* The color alpha channel in percent */
- unsigned char mid_alpha;
- XColor *rgb; /* The actual color description */
- XColor *mid_rgb;
-} ZnGradientColor;
-typedef struct _ZnGradient {
- int ref_count;
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash;
- int angle; /* Angle for an axial gradient (Degrees). */
- ZnPoint p; /* Start for an axial/radial/path gradiant. In
- * percent of the bbox. */
- ZnPoint e; /* End of the axial/radial gradiant in percent
- * of bbox. */
- unsigned int num_actual_colors;/* Number of adjusted colors */
- ZnGradientColor *actual_colors;/* Actual adjusted gradient color spec. May
- * be the same array as color_spec. */
- unsigned int num_colors_in; /* Number of colors in gradient spec. */
- ZnGradientColor colors_in[1]; /* Gradient color spec */
-} ZnGradient;
-#define ZnGetGradientPixel(gradient, position) \
- ZnPixel(ZnGetGradientColor(gradient, position, NULL))
-ZnGradient *ZnGetGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_Uid name);
-ZnGradient *ZnGetGradientByValue(ZnGradient *gradient);
-ZnGradient *ZnGetReliefGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_Uid name, unsigned short alpha);
-ZnBool ZnGradientFlat(ZnGradient *grad);
-XColor *ZnGetGradientColor(ZnGradient *gradient, ZnReal position,
- unsigned short *alpha);
-void ZnInterpGradientColor(ZnGradient *gradient, ZnReal position,
- XColor *color, unsigned short *alpha);
-char *ZnNameOfGradient(ZnGradient *gradient);
-void ZnFreeGradient(ZnGradient *gradient);
-void ZnDeleteGradientName(char *name);
-ZnBool ZnGradientNameExists(char *name);
-ZnBool ZnNameGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *grad_descr, char *name);
-int ZnComposeAlpha(unsigned short alpha1, unsigned short alpha2);
-#endif /* _Color_h */
diff --git a/generic/Curve.c b/generic/Curve.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c73d467..0000000
--- a/generic/Curve.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2260 +0,0 @@
- * Curve.c -- Implementation of curve item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Fri Mar 25 15:32:17 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <GL/glu.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Bit offset of flags.
- */
-#define FILLED_BIT 1<<0 /* If the item is filled with color/pattern */
-#define MARKED_BIT 1<<1 /* If the vertices are marked by a symbol */
-#define CLOSED_BIT 1<<2 /* If the outline should be closed automatically */
-#define SMOOTH_RELIEF_BIT 1<<3 /* If the relief should be continuous (arc) or discrete (angle) */
-#define FIRST_END_OK 1<<6
-#define LAST_END_OK 1<<7
-#define FILLED_OK 1<<8
-#define RELIEF_OK 1<<10
-#define MARKER_OK 1<<12
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Curve item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _CurveItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoly shape;
- unsigned short flags;
- ZnImage marker;
- ZnLineEnd first_end; /* These two are considered only if relief is flat */
- ZnLineEnd last_end;
- ZnLineStyle line_style; /* This is considered only if relief is flat */
- int cap_style;
- int join_style;
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- ZnDim line_width; /* If 0 the path is not drawn, if <2 relief is flat */
- ZnGradient *fill_color;
- ZnImage line_pattern;
- ZnGradient *line_color;
- ZnGradient *marker_color;
- int fill_rule;
- ZnImage tile;
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoly outlines;
- ZnGradient *gradient;
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
- ZnPoint *grad_geo;
-} CurveItemStruct, *CurveItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig cv_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_CAP_STYLE, "-capstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, cap_style), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-closed", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, flags), CLOSED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-fillcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, fill_color), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filled", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, flags), FILLED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_FILL_RULE, "-fillrule", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, fill_rule), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-firstend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, first_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_JOIN_STYLE, "-joinstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, join_style), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-lastend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, last_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-linecolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, line_color), 0,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-linepattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, line_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-linestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, line_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-linewidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, line_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-marker", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, marker), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-markercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, marker_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-relief", NULL, Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, relief), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-smoothrelief", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, flags), SMOOTH_RELIEF_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-tile", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(CurveItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int i, num_points, count;
- ZnPoint *p, *points;
- char *controls;
- cv->outlines.num_contours = 0;
- cv->outlines.contours = NULL;
- cv->tristrip.num_strips = 0;
- cv->tristrip.strips = NULL;
- cv->gradient = NULL;
- cv->grad_geo = NULL;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- CLEAR(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT);
- cv->fill_rule = GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD;
- item->priority = 1;
- if (*argc < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " curve coords expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, (*args)[0], &points,
- &controls, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_points == 0) {
- ZnPolyInit(&cv->shape);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Scan the control array (if any) to detect malformed
- * curves (more than 2 consecutive control points).
- */
- if (controls) {
- count = 0;
- if ((controls[0]) || (controls[num_points-1])) {
- goto contr_err;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < num_points-1; i++) {
- switch (controls[i]) {
- case 'c':
- count++;
- if (count > 2) {
- goto contr_err;
- }
- break;
- case 0:
- count = 0;
- break;
- default:
- contr_err:
- ZnFree(controls);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " curve coords expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make a local copy of the points. This is not necessary
- * for the optional control list.
- */
- p = ZnMalloc(num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- /*printf("plain contour, numpoints: %d %g@%g\n",
- num_points, points[0].x, points[0].y);*/
- memcpy(p, points, num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnPolyContour1(&cv->shape, p, num_points, !ZnTestCCW(p, num_points));
- cv->shape.contours[0].controls = controls;
- }
- (*args)++;
- (*argc)--;
- CLEAR(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT);
- cv->first_end = NULL;
- cv->last_end = NULL;
- cv->line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- cv->relief = ZN_RELIEF_FLAT;
- cv->line_width = 1;
- cv->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- cv->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- cv->cap_style = CapRound;
- cv->join_style = JoinRound;
- /*
- * In Tk marker visibility is controlled by the bitmap
- * being unspecified.
- */
- SET(cv->flags, MARKED_BIT);
- cv->marker = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- cv->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- cv->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- cv->marker_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int i;
- ZnContour *conts;
- if (cv->shape.num_contours) {
- conts = cv->shape.contours;
- if (cv->shape.contours != &cv->shape.contour1) {
- cv->shape.contours = (ZnContour *) ZnMalloc(cv->shape.num_contours*sizeof(ZnContour));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < cv->shape.num_contours; i++) {
- cv->shape.contours[i].num_points = conts[i].num_points;
- cv->shape.contours[i].cw = conts[i].cw;
- cv->shape.contours[i].points = ZnMalloc(conts[i].num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(cv->shape.contours[i].points, conts[i].points,
- conts[i].num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- cv->shape.contours[i].controls = NULL;
- if (conts[i].controls) {
- cv->shape.contours[i].controls = ZnMalloc(conts[i].num_points*sizeof(char));
- memcpy(cv->shape.contours[i].controls, conts[i].controls,
- conts[i].num_points*sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- }
- if (cv->gradient) {
- cv->gradient = ZnGetGradientByValue(cv->gradient);
- }
- if (cv->first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(cv->first_end);
- }
- if (cv->last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(cv->last_end);
- }
- if (cv->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- cv->tile = ZnGetImageByValue(cv->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- }
- if (cv->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- cv->line_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(cv->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (cv->marker != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- cv->marker = ZnGetImageByValue(cv->marker, NULL, NULL);
- }
- cv->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(cv->line_color);
- cv->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(cv->fill_color);
- cv->grad_geo = NULL;
- cv->marker_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(cv->marker_color);
- cv->tristrip.num_strips = 0;
- cv->tristrip.strips = NULL;
- cv->outlines.num_contours = 0;
- cv->outlines.contours = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int i;
- /*
- * Need to free the control array here, it is only known
- * by the Curve code.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < cv->shape.num_contours; i++) {
- if (cv->shape.contours[i].controls) {
- ZnFree(cv->shape.contours[i].controls);
- }
- }
- ZnPolyFree(&cv->shape);
- if (cv->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(cv->grad_geo);
- }
- if (cv->first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(cv->first_end);
- }
- if (cv->last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(cv->last_end);
- }
- if (cv->gradient) {
- ZnFreeGradient(cv->gradient);
- }
- if (cv->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(cv->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- cv->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (cv->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(cv->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- cv->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (cv->marker != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(cv->marker, NULL, NULL);
- cv->marker = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(cv->fill_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(cv->line_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(cv->marker_color);
- if (cv->tristrip.num_strips) {
- ZnTriFree(&cv->tristrip);
- }
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours) {
- ZnPolyFree(&cv->outlines);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Setup flags to control the precedence between the
- * graphical attributes.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetRenderFlags(CurveItem cv)
- ASSIGN(cv->flags, FILLED_OK,
- ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT) && (cv->shape.num_contours >= 1));
- ASSIGN(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK,
- (cv->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours >= 1) &&
- (cv->line_width > 1));
- ASSIGN(cv->flags, MARKER_OK,
- (cv->marker != ZnUnspecifiedImage) &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK));
- ASSIGN(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK,
- (cv->first_end != NULL) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours == 1) && (cv->shape.contours[0].num_points > 1) &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT) && cv->line_width &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK) &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT));
- ASSIGN(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK,
- (cv->last_end != NULL) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours == 1) && (cv->shape.contours[0].num_points > 1) &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT) && cv->line_width &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK) &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- int status = TCL_OK;
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- status = ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, cv_attrs, argc, argv, flags);
- if (cv->gradient &&
- (ISSET(*flags, ZN_BORDER_FLAG) || (cv->relief == ZN_RELIEF_FLAT))) {
- ZnFreeGradient(cv->gradient);
- cv->gradient = NULL;
- }
- if ((cv->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && !cv->gradient) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(cv->line_color, 51.0, &alpha);
- cv->gradient = ZnGetReliefGradient(wi->interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfColor(color), alpha);
- if (cv->gradient == NULL) {
- status = TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return status;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, cv_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static void
-UpdateTristrip(CurveItem cv,
- ZnPoly *poly,
- ZnBool revert)
- ZnCombineData *cdata, *cnext;
- GLdouble v[3];
- unsigned int j, k;
- int i;
- //printf("UpdateTristrips sur %d\n", ((ZnItem) cv)->id);
- gluTessProperty(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, (GLdouble) cv->fill_rule);
- if (cv->tristrip.num_strips == 0) {
- gluTessProperty(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY, (GLdouble) GL_FALSE);
- gluTessBeginPolygon(ZnTesselator.tess, &cv->tristrip);
- /*
- * We need to take care of the final (after transformation) winding
- * direction of the polygon in order to have the right tesselation
- * taking place.
- */
- if (!revert) {
- for (j = 0; j < poly->num_contours; j++){
- gluTessBeginContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- //printf("Début contour %d num_points %d\n", j, poly->contours[j].num_points);
- for (k = 0; k < poly->contours[j].num_points; k++) {
- /*printf("%g@%g ", poly->contours[j].points[k].x, poly->contours[j].points[k].y);*/
- v[0] = poly->contours[j].points[k].x;
- v[1] = poly->contours[j].points[k].y;
- v[2] = 0;
- gluTessVertex(ZnTesselator.tess, v, &poly->contours[j].points[k]);
- }
- //printf("\n");
- gluTessEndContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (j = 0; j < poly->num_contours; j++){
- gluTessBeginContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- //printf("revert Début contour %d num_points %d\n", j, poly->contours[j].num_points);
- for (i = (int) (poly->contours[j].num_points-1); i >= 0; i--) {
- /*printf("%g@%g ", poly->contours[j].points[i].x, poly->contours[j].points[i].y);*/
- v[0] = poly->contours[j].points[i].x;
- v[1] = poly->contours[j].points[i].y;
- v[2] = 0;
- gluTessVertex(ZnTesselator.tess, v, &poly->contours[j].points[i]);
- }
- //printf("\n");
- gluTessEndContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- }
- }
- gluTessEndPolygon(ZnTesselator.tess);
- cdata = ZnTesselator.combine_list;
- //printf("Combine length: %d\n", ZnTesselator.combine_length);
- while (cdata) {
- ZnTesselator.combine_length--;
- cnext = cdata->next;
- ZnFree(cdata);
- cdata = cnext;
- }
- ZnTesselator.combine_list = NULL;
- }
- //printf("Fin UpdateTristrips sur %d\n", ((ZnItem) cv)->id);
-static void
-UpdateOutlines(CurveItem cv,
- ZnPoly *poly,
- ZnBool revert)
- ZnCombineData *cdata, *cnext;
- GLdouble v[3];
- unsigned int j, k;
- int i;
- //printf("UpdateOutlines sur %d\n", ((ZnItem) cv)->id);
- gluTessProperty(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, (GLdouble) cv->fill_rule);
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours == 0) {
- gluTessProperty(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY, (GLdouble) GL_TRUE);
- gluTessBeginPolygon(ZnTesselator.tess, &cv->outlines);
- /*
- * We need to take care of the final (after transformation) winding
- * direction of the polygon in order to have the right tesselation
- * taking place.
- */
- if (!revert) {
- for (j = 0; j < poly->num_contours; j++){
- gluTessBeginContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- for (k = 0; k < poly->contours[j].num_points; k++) {
- v[0] = poly->contours[j].points[k].x;
- v[1] = poly->contours[j].points[k].y;
- v[2] = 0;
- gluTessVertex(ZnTesselator.tess, v, &poly->contours[j].points[k]);
- }
- gluTessEndContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (j = 0; j < poly->num_contours; j++){
- gluTessBeginContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- for (i = (int) (poly->contours[j].num_points-1); i >= 0; i--) {
- v[0] = poly->contours[j].points[i].x;
- v[1] = poly->contours[j].points[i].y;
- v[2] = 0;
- gluTessVertex(ZnTesselator.tess, v, &poly->contours[j].points[i]);
- }
- gluTessEndContour(ZnTesselator.tess);
- }
- }
- gluTessEndPolygon(ZnTesselator.tess);
- cdata = ZnTesselator.combine_list;
- while (cdata) {
- ZnTesselator.combine_length--;
- cnext = cdata->next;
- ZnFree(cdata);
- cdata = cnext;
- }
- ZnTesselator.combine_list = NULL;
- }
- //printf("Fin UpdateOutlines sur %d\n", ((ZnItem) cv)->id);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int i, j;
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points, num_contours, segment_start;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnDim lw;
- ZnContour *c1, *c2;
- ZnPoly dev;
- ZnBool revert;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- /*printf("Curve CC: flags %x\n", cv->flags);*/
- SetRenderFlags(cv);
- num_contours = cv->shape.num_contours;
- if (num_contours == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (cv->tristrip.num_strips) {
- ZnTriFree(&cv->tristrip);
- }
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours) {
- ZnPolyFree(&cv->outlines);
- };
- ZnPolyInit(&dev);
- if (num_contours != 1) {
- dev.contours = ZnMalloc(num_contours * sizeof(ZnContour));
- dev.num_contours = num_contours;
- }
- else {
- dev.contours = &dev.contour1;
- dev.num_contours = 1;
- }
- for (c1 = cv->shape.contours, c2 = dev.contours, i = 0;
- i < cv->shape.num_contours; i++, c1++, c2++) {
- c2->num_points = c1->num_points;
- /*
- * Add a point at the end of the contour to close it
- * if needed. Works only if a single contour is given, in
- * this case it can be used as a path. In the case of
- * multiple contours, the outline is automatically
- * closed by the tesselator.
- */
- if ((num_contours == 1) &&
- (c1->num_points > 2) &&
- ISSET(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT) &&
- ((c1->points[0].x != c1->points[c1->num_points-1].x) ||
- (c1->points[0].y != c1->points[c1->num_points-1].y)) &&
- (c1->num_points > 2)) {
- c2->num_points++;
- }
- c2->points = ZnMalloc((c2->num_points)*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- /*printf("CC: \"%d\" num_points %d\n", item->id, c1->num_points);*/
- ZnTransformPoints(wi->current_transfo, c1->points, c2->points, c1->num_points);
- if (c1->num_points != c2->num_points) {
- c2->points[c2->num_points-1] = c2->points[0];
- }
- /*
- * Now expand the bezier segments into polylines.
- */
- if (c1->controls) {
- segment_start = 0;
- ZnListEmpty(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkPoints, &c2->points[0], ZnListTail);
- /*printf("moveto %g@%g\n", c2->points[0].x, c2->points[0].y);*/
- for (j = 1; j < c1->num_points; j++) {
- if (!c1->controls[j]) {
- if (segment_start != j-1) {
- /* traitement bezier */
- /*printf("arcto %g@%g %g@%g %g@%g\n",
- c2->points[segment_start+1].x, c2->points[segment_start+1].y,
- c2->points[j-1].x, c2->points[j-1].y,
- c2->points[j].x, c2->points[j].y);*/
- ZnGetBezierPoints(&c2->points[segment_start],
- &c2->points[segment_start+1], &c2->points[j-1],
- &c2->points[j], ZnWorkPoints, 0.5);
- }
- else {
- /*printf("lineto %g@%g\n", c2->points[j].x, c2->points[j].y);*/
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkPoints, &c2->points[j], ZnListTail);
- }
- segment_start = j;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Must test if the last point is a control and the contour
- * is closed (either a mono contour with -closed or
- * multiple contours).
- */
- if (c1->controls[c1->num_points-1]) {
- ZnGetBezierPoints(&c2->points[segment_start],
- &c2->points[segment_start+1], &c2->points[c1->num_points-1],
- &c2->points[0], ZnWorkPoints, 0.5);
- }
- /*
- * Replace the original path by the expanded, closing it as
- * needed (one open contour).
- */
- num_points =ZnListSize(ZnWorkPoints);
- if (c2->num_points != c1->num_points) {
- num_points++;
- }
- c2->points = ZnRealloc(c2->points, num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(c2->points, ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints), num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- if (c2->num_points != c1->num_points) {
- c2->points[num_points-1] = c2->points[0];
- }
- c2->num_points = num_points;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Test the scale factors to see if we need to reverse the
- * polygons winding.
- */
- revert = (wi->current_transfo->_[0][0]*wi->current_transfo->_[1][1]) < 0;
- if (num_contours == 1) {
- if (cv->shape.contours[0].num_points > 2) {
- UpdateTristrip(cv, &dev, revert);
- /*if (!cv->tristrip.num_strips) {
- int kk;
- ZnPrintTransfo(wi->current_transfo);
- printf("id: %d, NumCont: %d, NumPoints: %d, Original: %d, Resultat: %d, NumTri: %d\n",
- item->id, num_contours,cv->shape.contours[0].num_points,
- cv->shape.contours[0].cw, cw_dev_contour1, cv->tristrip.num_strips);
- for (kk = 0; kk < cv->shape.contours[0].num_points; kk++) {
- printf("%g@%g ", cv->shape.contours[0].points[kk].x,
- cv->shape.contours[0].points[kk].y);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }*/
- }
- ZnPolyContour1(&cv->outlines, dev.contours[0].points, dev.contours[0].num_points,
- cv->shape.contours[0].cw);
- }
- else {
- UpdateTristrip(cv, &dev, revert);
- /*if (!cv->tristrip.num_strips) {
- ZnPrintTransfo(wi->current_transfo);
- printf("id: %d, NumCont: %d, NumPoints: %d, Original: %d, Resultat: %d, NumTri: %d\n",
- item->id, num_contours,cv->shape.contours[0].num_points,
- cv->shape.contours[0].cw, cw_dev_contour1, cv->tristrip.num_strips);
- }*/
- UpdateOutlines(cv, &dev, revert);
- ZnPolyFree(&dev);
- }
- lw = cv->line_width;
- num_contours = cv->outlines.num_contours;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- c2 = cv->outlines.contours;
- for (i = 0; i < num_contours; i++, c2++) {
- /*
- * Add to bounding box.
- */
- ZnGetPolygonReliefBBox(c2->points, c2->num_points, lw, &bbox);
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- }
- else {
- c2 = cv->outlines.contours;
- for (i = 0; i < num_contours; i++, c2++) {
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, c2->points, c2->num_points);
- }
- /*
- * Take care of miters, markers and arrows.
- */
- c2 = cv->outlines.contours;
- for (j = 0; j < num_contours; j++, c2++) {
- if (c2->cw) {
- continue;
- }
- if (cv->join_style == JoinMiter) {
- ZnPoint miter_i, miter_o;
- for (i = c2->num_points-1, points = c2->points; i >= 3; i--, points++) {
- ZnGetMiterPoints(points, points+1, points+2, lw, &miter_i, &miter_o);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, miter_i.x, miter_i.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, miter_o.x, miter_o.y);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add the markers.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- int w, h;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnSizeOfImage(cv->marker, &w, &h);
- w = w/2 + 2;
- h = h/2 + 2;
- num_points = c2->num_points;
- for (i = 0, points = c2->points; i < num_points; i++, points++) {
- bbox.orig.x = points->x - w;
- bbox.orig.y = points->y - h;
- bbox.corner.x = points->x + w;
- bbox.corner.y = points->y + h;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Process arrows.
- */
- num_points = c2->num_points;
- points = c2->points;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], lw, cv->cap_style,
- cv->first_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2],
- lw, cv->cap_style, cv->last_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add the line width in all directions.
- * This overestimates the space needed to draw the polyline
- * but is simple.
- */
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= lw;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= lw;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += lw;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += lw;
- /*
- * Expand again the bounding box by one pixel in all
- * directions to take care of rounding errors.
- */
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 1;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(cv->fill_color)) {
- if (!cv->grad_geo) {
- cv->grad_geo = ZnMalloc(6*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnComputeGradient(cv->fill_color, wi, &cv->shape, cv->grad_geo);
- }
- else {
- if (cv->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(cv->grad_geo);
- cv->grad_geo = NULL;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- ZnBBox bbox, *area = ta->area;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnPoint triangle[3];
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- unsigned int i, j, num_points, stop;
- int width, height, result=-1, result2;
- ZnBool first_done = False;
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours == 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- /*printf("============== poly %d ==============\n", item->id);*/
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_OK)) {
- /*printf("testing surfaces\n");*/
- for (i = 0; i < cv->tristrip.num_strips; i++) {
- num_points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].num_points;
- points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].points;
- j = 0;
- stop = num_points-2;
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- triangle[0] = points[0];
- j++;
- points++;
- stop++;
- }
- for (; j < stop; j++, points++) {
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- triangle[1] = points[0];
- triangle[2] = points[1];
- }
- else {
- triangle[0] = points[0];
- triangle[1] = points[1];
- triangle[2] = points[2];
- }
- if (!first_done) {
- first_done = True;
- result = ZnPolygonInBBox(triangle, 3, area, NULL);
- }
- else {
- result2 = ZnPolygonInBBox(triangle, 3, area, NULL);
- if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (cv->line_width > 0) {
- /*printf("testing lines\n");*/
- for (i = 0; i < cv->outlines.num_contours; i++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[i].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[i].points;
- if (!first_done) {
- first_done = True;
- if (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- result = ZnPolylineInBBox(points, num_points,
- cv->line_width, cv->cap_style, cv->join_style, area);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnPolygonReliefInBBox(points, num_points, cv->line_width, area);
- }
- if (result == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- result2 = ZnPolylineInBBox(points, num_points,
- cv->line_width, cv->cap_style, cv->join_style, area);
- }
- else {
- result2 = ZnPolygonReliefInBBox(points, num_points, cv->line_width, area);
- }
- if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check line ends (only on first contour).
- */
- points = cv->outlines.contours[0].points;
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[0].num_points;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], cv->line_width, cv->cap_style,
- cv->first_end, end_points);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], cv->line_width,
- cv->cap_style, cv->last_end, end_points);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Last, check markers
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- for (i = 0; i < cv->outlines.num_contours; i++) {
- points = cv->outlines.contours[i].points;
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[i].num_points;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- points++;
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(cv->marker, &width, &height);
- for (; num_points > 0; num_points--, points++) {
- bbox.orig.x = points->x - (width+1)/2;
- bbox.orig.y = points->y - (height+1)/2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + width;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + height;
- if (ZnBBoxInBBox(&bbox, area) != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- XGCValues values;
- unsigned int i, j, num_points=0;
- unsigned int gc_mask;
- ZnPoint *points=NULL;
- XPoint *xpoints=NULL;
- if ((cv->outlines.num_contours == 0) ||
- (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, FILLED_OK) &&
- !cv->line_width &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, MARKER_OK))) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Fill if requested.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_OK)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(cv->fill_color, 0.0);
- gc_mask = GCFillStyle;
- if (cv->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(cv->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = ZnImagePixmap(cv->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = ZnNearestInt(item->item_bounding_box.orig.x);
- values.ts_y_origin = ZnNearestInt(item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- gc_mask |= GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCTile;
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(cv->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = ZnNearestInt(item->item_bounding_box.orig.x);
- values.ts_y_origin = ZnNearestInt(item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- gc_mask |= GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCStipple|GCForeground;
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- gc_mask |= GCForeground;
- }
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, gc_mask, &values);
- for (i = 0; i < cv->tristrip.num_strips; i++) {
- num_points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].num_points;
- points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].points;
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- XPoint xpoints[3];
- xpoints[0].x = ZnNearestInt(points[0].x);
- xpoints[0].y = ZnNearestInt(points[0].y);
- xpoints[1].x = ZnNearestInt(points[1].x);
- xpoints[1].y = ZnNearestInt(points[1].y);
- for (j = 2; j < num_points; j++) {
- xpoints[2].x = ZnNearestInt(points[j].x);
- xpoints[2].y = ZnNearestInt(points[j].y);
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xpoints, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- xpoints[1] = xpoints[2];
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_points);
- xpoints = ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {
- xpoints[j].x = ZnNearestInt(points[j].x);
- xpoints[j].y = ZnNearestInt(points[j].y);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < num_points-2; j++) {
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- &xpoints[j], 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the lines between points
- */
- if (cv->line_width) {
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- /*
- * Drawing with relief disables: ends, line style and line pattern.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[j].points;
- /*printf("Draw: item %d, num_points %d %g@%g %g@%g, cw %d i/o %d\n",
- item->id,
- num_points, points[0].x, points[0].y,
- points[num_points-1].x, points[num_points-1].y,
- cv->outlines.contours[j].cw);*/
- ZnDrawPolygonRelief(wi, cv->relief, cv->gradient, points, num_points, cv->line_width);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, cv->line_style);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(cv->line_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = (cv->line_width == 1) ? 0 : (int) cv->line_width;
- values.join_style = cv->join_style;
- values.cap_style = cv->cap_style;
- if (cv->line_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCLineWidth|GCJoinStyle|GCCapStyle|GCForeground, &values);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(cv->line_pattern, wi->win);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCLineWidth|GCJoinStyle|GCCapStyle|GCForeground,
- &values);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[j].points;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_points);
- xpoints = ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = ZnNearestInt(points[i].x);
- xpoints[i].y = ZnNearestInt(points[i].y);
- }
- XDrawLines(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xpoints, (int) num_points, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], cv->line_width, cv->cap_style,
- cv->first_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], cv->line_width,
- cv->cap_style, cv->last_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the marks at each point. If arrows are specified or
- * if last point join first point suppress markers at end points.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- unsigned int h_width, h_height, width, height;
- int tmp_x, tmp_y;
- ZnSizeOfImage(cv->marker, &width, &height);
- h_width = (width+1)/2;
- h_height = (height+1)/2;
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(cv->marker, wi->win);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(cv->marker_color, 0.0);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCForeground, &values);
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[j].points;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_points);
- xpoints = (XPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = (short) ZnNearestInt(points[i].x);
- xpoints[i].y = (short) ZnNearestInt(points[i].y);
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- points++;
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- for (; num_points > 0; num_points--, points++) {
- tmp_x = ((int) points->x) - h_width;
- tmp_y = ((int) points->y) - h_height;
- values.ts_x_origin = tmp_x;
- values.ts_y_origin = tmp_y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCForeground, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- tmp_x, tmp_y, width, height);
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-CurveRenderCB(void *closure)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) closure;
- unsigned int i, j, num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- for (i = 0; i < cv->tristrip.num_strips; i++) {
- num_points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].num_points;
- points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].points;
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- }
- else {
- }
- for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++, points++) {
- glVertex2d(points->x, points->y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int j, num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- if ((cv->outlines.num_contours == 0) ||
- (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, FILLED_OK) &&
- !cv->line_width &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, MARKER_OK))) {
- return;
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- if (!item->gl_list) {
- item->gl_list = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(item->gl_list, GL_COMPILE);
- /*
- * Fill if requested.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_OK)) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(cv->fill_color)) {
- ZnRenderGradient(wi, cv->fill_color, CurveRenderCB, cv, cv->grad_geo,
- &cv->outlines);
- }
- else if (cv->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill tiled/stippled */
- ZnRenderTile(wi, cv->tile, cv->fill_color, CurveRenderCB, cv,
- (ZnPoint *) &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- else {
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color = ZnGetGradientColor(cv->fill_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- CurveRenderCB(cv);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the lines between points
- */
- if (cv->line_width) {
- /*
- * Drawing with relief disables: ends, line style and line pattern.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[j].points;
- /*printf("Render: item %d, num_points %d %g@%g %g@%g, cw %d i/o %d\n",
- item->id,
- num_points, points[0].x, points[0].y,
- points[num_points-1].x, points[num_points-1].y,
- cv->outlines.contours[j].cw);*/
- ZnRenderPolygonRelief(wi, cv->relief, cv->gradient,
- points, num_points, cv->line_width);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnLineEnd first = ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK) ? cv->first_end : NULL;
- ZnLineEnd last = ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK) ? cv->last_end : NULL;
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- ZnRenderPolyline(wi,
- cv->outlines.contours[j].points,
- cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points,
- cv->line_width, cv->line_style, cv->cap_style,
- cv->join_style, first, last, cv->line_color);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the marks at each point. If arrows are specified or
- * if last point join first point suppress markers at end points.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- int i_width, i_height;
- ZnReal r_width, r_height;
- ZnPoint ptmp;
- ZnSizeOfImage(cv->marker, &i_width, &i_height);
- r_width = (i_width+1.0)/2.0;
- r_height = (i_height+1.0)/2.0;
- for (j = 0; j < cv->outlines.num_contours; j++) {
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[j].num_points;
- points = cv->outlines.contours[j].points;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- points++;
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- for (; num_points > 0; num_points--, points++) {
- ptmp.x = points->x - r_width;
- ptmp.y = points->y - r_height;
- ZnRenderIcon(wi, cv->marker, cv->marker_color, &ptmp, True);
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- glEndList();
- }
- glCallList(item->gl_list);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- double dist=1.0e40, new_dist;
- ZnPoint *points, *p = ps->point;
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnPoint triangle[3];
- unsigned int num_points, i, j, stop;
- int width, height;
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours == 0) {
- return dist;
- }
-/*printf("Pick in curve\n");*/
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_OK)) {
- for (i = 0; i < cv->tristrip.num_strips; i++) {
- num_points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].num_points;
- points = cv->tristrip.strips[i].points;
- j = 0;
- stop = num_points-2;
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- triangle[0] = points[0];
- j++;
- points++;
- stop++;
- }
- for (; j < stop; j++, points++) {
- if (cv->tristrip.strips[i].fan) {
- triangle[1] = points[0];
- triangle[2] = points[1];
- }
- else {
- triangle[0] = points[0];
- triangle[1] = points[1];
- triangle[2] = points[2];
- }
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(triangle, 3, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (cv->line_width > 0) {
- /*
- * Check all contours.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < cv->outlines.num_contours; i++) {
- points = cv->outlines.contours[i].points;
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[i].num_points;
- if (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, RELIEF_OK)) {
- new_dist = ZnPolylineToPointDist(points, num_points,
- cv->line_width, cv->cap_style, cv->join_style, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- else {
- new_dist = ZnPolygonReliefToPointDist(points, num_points, cv->line_width, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Line ends are checked only on the first contour.
- */
- points = cv->outlines.contours[0].points;
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[0].num_points;
- /*
- * Check line ends.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], cv->line_width, cv->cap_style,
- cv->first_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], cv->line_width,
- cv->cap_style, cv->last_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Last, check markers on all contours.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- for (i = 0; i < cv->outlines.num_contours; i++) {
- points = cv->outlines.contours[i].points;
- num_points = cv->outlines.contours[i].num_points;
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FIRST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- points++;
- }
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, LAST_END_OK)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(cv->marker, &width, &height);
- for (; num_points > 0; num_points--, points++) {
- bbox.orig.x = points->x - (width+1)/2;
- bbox.orig.y = points->y - (height+1)/2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + width;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + height;
- new_dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&bbox, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("dist %g\n", dist);*/
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- char path[500];
- ZnContour *contours;
- ZnPoint *points;
- int num_contours, num_points;
- int i, j;
- num_contours = cv->outlines.num_contours;
- contours = cv->outlines.contours;
- /*
- * Put all contours in an array on the stack
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT) || cv->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "newpath ", NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < num_contours; i++, contours++) {
- num_points = contours->num_points;
- points = contours->points;
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto\n", points[0].x, points[0].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- for (j = 1; j < num_points; j++) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g lineto ", points[j].x, points[j].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- if (((j+1) % 5) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Emit code to draw the filled area.
- */
- if (ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (cv->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- }
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(cv->fill_color)) {
- if (ZnPostscriptGradient(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, cv->fill_color,
- cv->grad_geo, NULL) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else if (cv->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(cv->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- /* TODO No support yet */
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(cv->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "clip ", NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptStipple(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info,
- ZnImagePixmap(cv->tile, wi->win)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(cv->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "fill\n", NULL);
- }
- if (cv->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Then emit code code to stroke the outline.
- */
- if (cv->line_width) {
- if (cv->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- /* TODO No support yet */
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n", NULL);
- if (ZnPostscriptOutline(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, wi->win,
- cv->line_width, cv->line_style,
- cv->line_color, cv->line_pattern) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- tristrip->num_strips = 0;
- if (cv->tristrip.num_strips == 1) {
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip,
- cv->tristrip.strips[0].points,
- cv->tristrip.strips[0].num_points,
- cv->tristrip.strips[0].fan);
- }
- else if (cv->tristrip.num_strips > 1) {
- tristrip->num_strips = cv->tristrip.num_strips;
- tristrip->strips = cv->tristrip.strips;
- }
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetContours --
- * Get the external contour(s).
- * Never ever call ZnPolyFree on the poly returned by GetContours.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetContours(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoly *poly)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- if (cv->outlines.num_contours == 1) {
- ZnPolyContour1(poly, cv->outlines.contours[0].points,
- cv->outlines.contours[0].num_points,
- cv->outlines.contours[0].cw);
- }
- else if (cv->outlines.num_contours > 1) {
- poly->num_contours = cv->outlines.num_contours;
- poly->contours = cv->outlines.contours;
- }
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item vertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int j, num_controls;
- int i;
- ZnContour *c=NULL;
- /*printf("contour %d, num_pts %d, index %d, cmd %d\n",
- contour, *num_pts, index, cmd);*/
- /*printf("nb contours: %d\n", cv->shape.num_contours);*/
- /*
- * Special case for reading an empty curve.
- */
- if (((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours == 0)) {
- *num_pts = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (contour < 0) {
- contour += cv->shape.num_contours;
- }
- if ((contour < 0) || ((unsigned int) contour >= cv->shape.num_contours)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " curve contour index out of range", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (cv->shape.num_contours != 0) {
- c = &cv->shape.contours[contour];
- }
- /* REPLACE */
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL) {
- /*
- * Replacing all the coordinates of a contour by no coordinates
- * is also legal, resulting in the contour being removed.
- */
- if (*num_pts) {
- if (c->points) {
- ZnFree(c->points);
- }
- c->points = ZnMalloc(*num_pts*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- c->num_points = *num_pts;
- memcpy(c->points, *pts, *num_pts*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- if (c->controls) {
- ZnFree(c->controls);
- c->controls = NULL;
- }
- if (*controls) {
- c->controls = ZnMalloc(*num_pts*sizeof(char));
- memcpy(c->controls, *controls, *num_pts*sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords replace command need at least 1 point on curves", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- index += c->num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int) index >= c->num_points)) {
- range_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " coord index out of range", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*printf("--->%g@%g\n", (*pts)[0].x, (*pts)[0].y);*/
- c->points[index] = (*pts)[0];
- if (!c->controls && *controls && (*controls)[0]) {
- c->controls = ZnMalloc(c->num_points*sizeof(char));
- memset(c->controls, 0, c->num_points*sizeof(char));
- }
- if (c->controls) {
- if (!*controls) {
- c->controls[index] = 0;
- }
- else {
- if ((*controls)[0]) {
- /* Check if the edit is allowable, there should be
- * no more than 2 consecutive control points. The first
- * point must not be a control and the last one can
- * be one only if the curve is closed.
- */
- num_controls = 0;
- if (!index) {
- control_first:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " the first point must not be a control", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((unsigned int) index == c->num_points-1) {
- if (ISCLEAR(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours == 1)) {
- control_last:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " the last point must not be a control", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = index-1; c->controls[i] && (i >= 0); i--, num_controls++);
- }
- for (j = index+1; c->controls[j] && (j < c->num_points); j++, num_controls++);
- if (num_controls > 1) {
- control_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " too many consecutive control points in a curve", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- c->controls[index] = (*controls)[0];
- }
- }
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- /* READ */
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL) {
- *num_pts = c->num_points;
- *pts = c->points;
- if (c->controls) {
- *controls = c->controls;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Special case for an empty contour. */
- if (c->num_points == 0) {
- *num_pts = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- index += c->num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int) index >= c->num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &c->points[index];
- if (c->controls) {
- *controls = &c->controls[index];
- }
- }
- }
- /* ADD */
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) {
- index = c->num_points;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- index += c->num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int) index > c->num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- if (*controls) {
- /* Check if the edit is allowable, there should be
- * no more than 2 consecutive control points. The first
- * point must not be a control and the last one can
- * be one only if the curve is closed.
- */
- if ((index == 0) && (*controls)[0]) {
- goto control_first;
- }
- else if (((unsigned int) index == (c->num_points-1)) &&
- (*controls)[*num_pts-1] &&
- ISCLEAR(cv->flags, CLOSED_BIT) &&
- (cv->shape.num_contours == 1)) {
- goto control_last;
- }
- num_controls = 0;
- if (c->controls) {
- if (index) {
- for (i = index-1; c->controls[i] && (i >= 0); i--, num_controls++);
- }
- }
- /*printf("******* num controls: %d\n", num_controls);*/
- for (j = 0; j < *num_pts; j++) {
- if (!(*controls)[j]) {
- num_controls = 0;
- }
- else {
- num_controls++;
- if (num_controls > 2) {
- goto control_err;
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("******* num controls(2): %d\n", num_controls);*/
- if (c->controls) {
- for (j = index; c->controls[j] && (j < c->num_points); j++, num_controls++);
- }
- /*printf("******* num controls(3): %d\n", num_controls);*/
- if (num_controls > 2) {
- goto control_err;
- }
- }
- c->points = ZnRealloc(c->points, (c->num_points+*num_pts)*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- if (*controls || c->controls) {
- if (c->controls) {
- c->controls = ZnRealloc(c->controls, (c->num_points+*num_pts)*sizeof(char));
- }
- else {
- c->controls = ZnMalloc((c->num_points+*num_pts)*sizeof(char));
- memset(c->controls, 0, (c->num_points+*num_pts)*sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make a hole if needed.
- */
- for (i = c->num_points-1; i >= index; i--) {
- c->points[i+*num_pts] = c->points[i];
- if (c->controls) {
- c->controls[i+*num_pts] = c->controls[i];
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < *num_pts; j++, index++) {
- c->points[index] = (*pts)[j];
- if (c->controls) {
- c->controls[index] = (*controls)?(*controls)[j]:0;
- }
- }
- c->num_points += *num_pts;
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- /* REMOVE */
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE) {
- if (index < 0) {
- index += c->num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int) index >= c->num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- if (c->controls) {
- /* Check if the edit is allowable, there should be
- * no more than 2 consecutive control points .
- */
- for (num_controls = 0, i = index-1; !c->controls[i]; i--, num_controls++);
- for (i = index+1; !c->controls[i]; i++, num_controls++);
- if (num_controls > 2) {
- goto control_err;
- }
- }
- c->num_points--;
- if ((c->num_points != 0) && ((unsigned int) index != c->num_points)) {
- for (j = index; j < c->num_points; j++) {
- c->points[j] = c->points[j+1];
- if (c->controls) {
- c->controls[j] = c->controls[j+1];
- }
- }
- }
- c->points = ZnRealloc(c->points, (c->num_points)*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- if (c->controls) {
- c->controls = ZnRealloc(c->controls, (c->num_points)*sizeof(char));
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Contour --
- * Perform geometric operations on curve contours.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Contour(ZnItem item,
- int cmd,
- int index,
- ZnPoly *poly)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int j, num_contours;
- int i;
- switch (cmd) {
- if (index < 0) {
- index += cv->shape.num_contours;
- }
- if ((unsigned int) index > cv->shape.num_contours) {
- index = cv->shape.num_contours;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- contour_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " contour index out of range", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- num_contours = cv->shape.num_contours + poly->num_contours;
- if (cv->shape.contours == &cv->shape.contour1) {
- cv->shape.contours = ZnMalloc(num_contours*sizeof(ZnContour));
- cv->shape.contours[0].num_points = cv->shape.contour1.num_points;
- cv->shape.contours[0].cw = cv->shape.contour1.cw;
- cv->shape.contours[0].points = cv->shape.contour1.points;
- cv->shape.contours[0].controls = cv->shape.contour1.controls;
- }
- else {
- cv->shape.contours = ZnRealloc(cv->shape.contours, num_contours*sizeof(ZnContour));
- /*printf("Reallocating shape contours (%d) 0x%X\n", num_contours, cv->shape.contours);*/
- }
- /*
- * Make a hole if needed.
- */
- /*printf("index : %d, i : %d\n", index, cv->shape.num_contours-1);*/
- for (i = cv->shape.num_contours-1; i >= index; i--) {
- cv->shape.contours[i+poly->num_contours] = cv->shape.contours[i];
- }
- for (j = 0; j < poly->num_contours; j++, index++) {
- cv->shape.contours[index].num_points = poly->contours[j].num_points;
- cv->shape.contours[index].cw = poly->contours[j].cw;
- cv->shape.contours[index].points = poly->contours[j].points;
- cv->shape.contours[index].controls = NULL;
- if (poly->contours[j].controls) {
- /*
- * The controls array in poly is shared, duplicate it
- * to keep a locally owned copy.
- */
- cv->shape.contours[index].controls = poly->contours[j].controls;
- }
- }
- cv->shape.num_contours = num_contours;
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- break;
- if (index < 0) {
- index += cv->shape.num_contours;
- }
- if ((unsigned int) index >= cv->shape.num_contours) {
- index = cv->shape.num_contours - 1;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- goto contour_err;
- }
- cv->shape.num_contours--;
- if (cv->shape.num_contours == 0) {
- ZnPolyFree(&cv->shape);
- }
- else {
- ZnFree(cv->shape.contours[index].points);
- if (cv->shape.contours[index].controls) {
- ZnFree(cv->shape.contours[index].controls);
- }
- for (j = index; j < cv->shape.num_contours; j++) {
- cv->shape.contours[j] = cv->shape.contours[j+1];
- }
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- break;
- }
- return cv->shape.num_contours;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PickVertex --
- * Return in 'vertex' the vertex closest to p and in 'o_vertex' the
- * opposite vertex on the closest edge, if such an edge exists or -1
- * in the other case.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PickVertex(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoint *p,
- int *contour,
- int *vertex,
- int *o_vertex)
- CurveItem cv = (CurveItem) item;
- unsigned int i, j, k, num_points;
- ZnPoint *points, po;
- ZnReal dist=1.0e40, new_dist, dist2;
- ZnTransfo t, inv;
- *contour = *vertex = *o_vertex = -1;
- if ((cv->line_width > 0) ||
- ISSET(cv->flags, FILLED_OK) ||
- ISSET(cv->flags, MARKER_OK)) {
- /*
- * Get the point in the item coordinate space.
- */
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(item, &t);
- ZnTransfoInvert(&t, &inv);
- ZnTransformPoint(&inv, p, &po);
- /*
- * Check all contours.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < cv->shape.num_contours; i++) {
- points = cv->shape.contours[i].points;
- num_points = cv->shape.contours[i].num_points;
- for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {
- new_dist = hypot(points[j].x - po.x, points[j].y - po.y);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- *contour = i;
- *vertex = j;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the closest vertex is in the current contour update
- * the opposite vertex.
- */
- if (i == (unsigned int) *contour) {
- j = (*vertex+1) % num_points;
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&points[*vertex], &points[j], &po, NULL);
- k = ((unsigned int)(*vertex-1)) % num_points;
- dist2 = ZnLineToPointDist(&points[*vertex], &points[k], &po, NULL);
- if (dist2 < new_dist) {
- *o_vertex = k;
- }
- else {
- *o_vertex = j;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnBBox *bbox = &item->item_bounding_box;
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&bbox->orig,
- bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x,
- bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y,
- anchor, p);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct CURVE_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "curve",
- sizeof(CurveItemStruct),
- cv_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- 0, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- GetContours,
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- Contour,
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- PickVertex, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnCurve = (ZnItemClassId) &CURVE_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Draw.c b/generic/Draw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c0a37c..0000000
--- a/generic/Draw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2245 +0,0 @@
- * Draw.c -- Implementation of common drawing routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Sat Dec 10 12:51:30 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * The algorihms used to draw the arrows, to do the 3d effects and to
- * smooth the polygons are adapted from Tk.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#define TOP_CONTRAST 13
-#define MAX_INTENSITY 65535
-#define ARROW_SHAPE_B 10.0
-#define ARROW_SHAPE_C 5.0
-#define OPEN_ARROW_SHAPE_A 4.0
-#define CORNER_POINTS 3
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnSetLineStyle --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnSetLineStyle(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnLineStyle line_style)
- if (wi->render) {
-#ifdef GL
- switch (line_style) {
- glLineStipple(1, 0xF0F0);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- break;
- case ZN_LINE_MIXED :
- glLineStipple(1, 0x27FF);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- break;
- glLineStipple(1, 0x18C3);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- break;
- default:
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- }
- else {
- XGCValues values;
- static const char dashed[] = { 8 };
- static const char dotted[] = { 2, 5 };
- static const char mixed[] = { 8, 5, 2, 5 };
- values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
- switch (line_style) {
- XSetDashes(wi->dpy, wi->gc, 0, dashed, 1);
- break;
- case ZN_LINE_MIXED :
- XSetDashes(wi->dpy, wi->gc, 0, mixed, 4);
- break;
- XSetDashes(wi->dpy, wi->gc, 0, dotted, 2);
- break;
- default:
- values.line_style = LineSolid;
- break;
- }
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineStyle, &values);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnLineShapePoints --
- * Compute the points describing the given line shape between point p1 and p2.
- * If bbox is non null, it is filled with the bounding box of the shape.
- *
- * For the time being this procedure handles straight lines, right and left
- * lightnings, right and left corners, right and left double corners..
- *
- *
- * Here are the parameters for lightnings:
- *
- * *******
- * ******* *
- * ****** *
- * ****** ******+ *
- * ****** ****** * *|
- * ****** ****** * * | LIGHTNING_SHAPE_A
- * ****** ****** * * |
- * ****** * * |
- * ..******.........................+.+.*........................******..
- * | * * ******
- * | * * ****** ******
- * | * * ****** ******
- * | * * ****** ******
- * | * ******* ******
- * | * ******
- * | * ******
- * | ********
- * | | | |
- * | |----| | LIGHTNING_SHAPE_B
- * | |
- * |--------------------------------| LENGTH / 2
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnLineShapePoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnLineShape shape,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnList to_points)
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points, i;
- /*
- * Compute all line points according to shape.
- */
- if ((shape == ZN_LINE_LEFT_LIGHTNING) ||
- double alpha, theta;
- double length, length2;
- double shape_a, shape_b;
- double dx, dy;
- double temp;
- num_points = LIGHTNING_POINTS;
- ZnListAssertSize(to_points, num_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- points[0] = *p1;
- points[3] = *p2;
- dx = p2->x - p1->x;
- dy = p2->y - p1->y;
- length = hypot(dx, dy);
- shape_a = length/LIGHTNING_SHAPE_A_RATIO + line_width/2.0;
- shape_b = length/LIGHTNING_SHAPE_B_RATIO + line_width/2.0;
- if (shape == ZN_LINE_LEFT_LIGHTNING)
- alpha = atan2(shape_a, shape_b);
- else
- alpha = -atan2(shape_a, shape_b);
- length2 = hypot(shape_a, shape_b);
- theta = atan2(-dy, dx);
- dx = p1->x + dx/2;
- dy = p1->y + dy/2;
- temp = cos(theta + alpha) * length2;
- points[1].x = dx + temp;
- points[2].x = dx - temp;
- temp = sin(theta + alpha) * length2;
- points[1].y = dy - temp;
- points[2].y = dy + temp;
- }
- else if (shape == ZN_LINE_LEFT_CORNER ||
- shape == ZN_LINE_RIGHT_CORNER) {
- num_points = CORNER_POINTS;
- ZnListAssertSize(to_points, num_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- points[0] = *p1;
- points[2] = *p2;
- if (shape == ZN_LINE_LEFT_CORNER) {
- points[1].x = p1->x;
- points[1].y = p2->y;
- }
- else {
- points[1].x = p2->x;
- points[1].y = p1->y;
- }
- }
- else if (shape == ZN_LINE_DOUBLE_LEFT_CORNER ||
- int dx, dy;
- num_points = DOUBLE_CORNER_POINTS;
- ZnListAssertSize(to_points, num_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- points[0] = *p1;
- points[3] = *p2;
- if (shape == ZN_LINE_DOUBLE_LEFT_CORNER) {
- dy = (int) (p2->y - p1->y);
- points[1].x = p1->x;
- points[2].x = p2->x;
- points[1].y = points[2].y = p1->y + dy/2;
- }
- else {
- dx = (int) (p2->x - p1->x);
- points[1].x = points[2].x = p1->x + dx/2;
- points[1].y = p1->y;
- points[2].y = p2->y;
- }
- }
- else /* if (shape) == ZN_LINE_STRAIGHT) */ {
- num_points = STRAIGHT_POINTS;
- ZnListAssertSize(to_points, num_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- points[0] = *p1;
- points[1] = *p2;
- }
- /*
- * Fill in the bbox, if requested.
- */
- if (bbox) {
- ZnResetBBox(bbox);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- ZnAddPointToBBox(bbox, points[i].x, points[i].y);
- }
- /* Enlarge to take line_width into account. */
- if (line_width > 1) {
- ZnDim lw_2 = (line_width+1)/2;
- bbox->orig.x -= lw_2;
- bbox->orig.y -= lw_2;
- bbox->corner.x += lw_2;
- bbox->corner.y += lw_2;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnDrawLineShape --
- * Draw a line given the points describing its path. It is designed to work
- * with GetLineShape albeit it does fairly trivial things. In the future some
- * shapes might need cooperation between the two and the clients will be ready
- * for that.
- *
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnDrawLineShape(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoint *p,
- unsigned int num_p,
- ZnLineStyle line_style,
- int foreground_pixel,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnLineShape shape)
- XPoint *xpoints;
- unsigned int i;
- XGCValues values;
- /*
- * Setup GC.
- */
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, line_style);
- values.foreground = foreground_pixel;
- values.line_width = (line_width == 1) ? 0 : (int) line_width;
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.join_style = JoinRound;
- values.cap_style = CapRound;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCLineWidth|GCJoinStyle|GCCapStyle|GCForeground, &values);
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_p);
- xpoints = (XPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = (short) p[i].x;
- xpoints[i].y = (short) p[i].y;
- }
- XDrawLines(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xpoints, (int) num_p, CoordModeOrigin);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetLineEnd --
- * Compute the points describing the given line end style at point p1 for
- * the line p1,p2. Point p1 is adjusted to fit the line end.
- * If bbox is non null, it is filled with the bounding box of the end.
- *
- * For the time being this procedure handles open/filled arrows.
- *
- * Here are the parameters describing arrows.
- *
- * ** |
- * * ***************************
- * * *
- * * * +p1 +p2
- * | * |*
- * | * ***************************
- * | | **
- * | | *
- * | | |
- * |---| | ARROW_SHAPE_A
- * | |
- * |-------| ARROW_SHAPE_B
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetLineEnd(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnDim line_width,
- int cap_style,
- ZnLineEnd end_style,
- ZnPoint *points)
- ZnReal dx, dy, length, temp, backup;
- ZnReal frac_height, sin_theta, cos_theta;
- ZnReal vert_x, vert_y;
- ZnReal shape_a, shape_b, shape_c;
- if (end_style != NULL) {
- shape_a = end_style->shape_a + 0.001;
- shape_b = end_style->shape_b + 0.001;
- shape_c = end_style->shape_c + line_width/2.0 + 0.001;
- frac_height = (line_width/2.0) / shape_c;
- dx = p1->x - p2->x;
- dy = p1->y - p2->y;
- length = hypot(dx, dy);
- if (length == 0) {
- sin_theta = cos_theta = 0.0;
- }
- else {
- sin_theta = dy/length;
- cos_theta = dx/length;
- }
- if (cap_style != CapProjecting) {
- temp = frac_height;
- }
- else {
- temp = line_width / shape_c;
- }
- backup = temp * shape_b + shape_a * (1.0 - temp) / 2.0;
- points[0].x = points[5].x = p1->x + backup * cos_theta;
- points[0].y = points[5].y = p1->y + backup * sin_theta;
- vert_x = points[0].x - shape_a*cos_theta;
- vert_y = points[0].y - shape_a*sin_theta;
- temp = shape_c*sin_theta;
- points[1].x = ZnNearestInt(points[0].x - shape_b*cos_theta + temp);
- points[4].x = ZnNearestInt(points[1].x - 2*temp);
- temp = shape_c*cos_theta;
- points[1].y = ZnNearestInt(points[0].y - shape_b*sin_theta - temp);
- points[4].y = ZnNearestInt(points[1].y + 2*temp);
- points[2].x = ZnNearestInt(points[1].x*frac_height + vert_x*(1.0-frac_height));
- points[2].y = ZnNearestInt(points[1].y*frac_height + vert_y*(1.0-frac_height));
- points[3].x = ZnNearestInt(points[4].x*frac_height + vert_x*(1.0-frac_height));
- points[3].y = ZnNearestInt(points[4].y*frac_height + vert_y*(1.0-frac_height));
- }
-static ZnReal
-SegmentPosInRelief(ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal y1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal y2,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- int light_angle)
- ZnReal angle, angle_step, origin, position;
- int num_colors, color_index;
- num_colors = ZN_RELIEF_STEPS*2+1;
- angle_step = M_PI / (num_colors-1);
- origin = -(ZnDegRad(light_angle))-(angle_step/2.0);
- if (relief == ZN_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
- origin += M_PI;
- }
- angle = ZnProjectionToAngle(y1 - y2, x2 - x1) + M_PI - origin;
- while (angle < 0.0) {
- angle += 2*M_PI;
- }
- while (angle > 2*M_PI) {
- angle -= 2*M_PI;
- }
- color_index = (int) (angle/angle_step);
- if (color_index > num_colors-1) {
- color_index = 2*(num_colors-1)-color_index;
- }
- if ((color_index < 0) || (color_index >= num_colors)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Color index out of gradient (should not happen).\n");
- if (color_index < 0) {
- color_index = 0;
- }
- if (color_index >= num_colors) {
- color_index = num_colors-1;
- }
- }
- position = 100*color_index/num_colors;
- /*printf("position %g, angle %g(%g), origin %g\n",
- position,
- RadianToDegrees(angle),
- angle,
- RadianToDegrees(origin));*/
- return position;
- * ReliefColorOfSegment --
- * ReliefPixelOfSegment --
- */
-static XColor *
-ReliefColorOfSegment(ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal y1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal y2,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- int light_angle)
- return ZnGetGradientColor(gradient,
- SegmentPosInRelief(x1, y1, x2, y2, relief, light_angle),
- NULL);
-static int
-ReliefPixelOfSegment(ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal y1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal y2,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- int light_angle)
- return ZnGetGradientPixel(gradient,
- SegmentPosInRelief(x1, y1, x2, y2, relief, light_angle));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnDrawRectangleRelief --
- * Draw the bevels inside bbox.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnDrawRectangleRelief(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- XRectangle *bbox,
- ZnDim line_width)
- XPoint bevel[4];
- /*
- * If we haven't enough space to draw, exit.
- */
- if ((bbox->width < 2*line_width) || (bbox->height < 2*line_width)) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Grooves and ridges are drawn with two recursives calls with
- * half the width of the original one.
- */
- if ((relief == ZN_RELIEF_RIDGE) || (relief == ZN_RELIEF_GROOVE)) {
- ZnDim new_line_width;
- unsigned int offset;
- XRectangle internal_bbox;
- new_line_width = line_width/2.0;
- offset = (unsigned) (line_width - new_line_width);
- ZnDrawRectangleRelief(wi,
- gradient, bbox, new_line_width);
- internal_bbox = *bbox;
- internal_bbox.x += offset;
- internal_bbox.y += offset;
- internal_bbox.width -= offset*2;
- internal_bbox.height -= offset*2;
- ZnDrawRectangleRelief(wi,
- gradient, &internal_bbox, new_line_width);
- return;
- }
- XSetFillStyle(wi->dpy, wi->gc, FillSolid);
- bevel[0].x = bbox->x;
- bevel[0].y = bevel[1].y = bbox->y;
- bevel[1].x = bbox->x + bbox->width;
- bevel[2].y = bevel[3].y = bbox->y + (short) line_width;
- bevel[2].x = bevel[1].x - (short) line_width;
- bevel[3].x = bevel[0].x + (short) line_width;
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- ReliefPixelOfSegment((ZnReal) bevel[1].x, (ZnReal) bevel[1].y,
- (ZnReal) bevel[0].x, (ZnReal) bevel[0].y,
- relief, gradient, wi->light_angle));
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, bevel, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- bevel[0] = bevel[1];
- bevel[3] = bevel[2];
- bevel[1].y += bbox->height;
- bevel[2].y = bevel[1].y - (short) line_width;
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- ReliefPixelOfSegment((ZnReal) bevel[1].x, (ZnReal) bevel[1].y,
- (ZnReal) bevel[0].x, (ZnReal) bevel[0].y,
- relief, gradient, wi->light_angle));
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, bevel, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- bevel[0] = bevel[1];
- bevel[3] = bevel[2];
- bevel[1].x -= bbox->width;
- bevel[2].x = bevel[1].x + (short) line_width;
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- ReliefPixelOfSegment((ZnReal) bevel[1].x, (ZnReal) bevel[1].y,
- (ZnReal) bevel[0].x, (ZnReal) bevel[0].y,
- relief, gradient, wi->light_angle));
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, bevel, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- bevel[0] = bevel[1];
- bevel[3] = bevel[2];
- bevel[1].x = bbox->x;
- bevel[1].y = bbox->y;
- bevel[2].x = bevel[3].x;
- bevel[2].y = bbox->y + (short) line_width;
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- ReliefPixelOfSegment((ZnReal) bevel[1].x, (ZnReal) bevel[1].y,
- (ZnReal) bevel[0].x, (ZnReal) bevel[0].y,
- relief, gradient, wi->light_angle));
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, bevel, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
-typedef struct {
- ZnWInfo *wi;
- ZnPoint *pp;
- ZnPoint *p0;
- ZnPoint *p1;
- double dist;
- ZnBBox *bbox;
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- ZnGradient *gradient;
- unsigned short alpha;
- ZnBool smooth;
- int result;
- int count;
- ZnBool toggle;
-} PolygonData;
-static void
-DoPolygon(ZnPoint *p,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnBool (*cb)(ZnPoint *bevels, PolygonData *pd),
- PolygonData *pd)
- int i;
- unsigned int processed_points;
- ZnPoint *p1, *p11=NULL, *p2;
- ZnPoint pp1, pp2, new_pp1, new_pp2;
- ZnPoint perp, c, shift1, shift2;
- ZnPoint bevel_points[4];
- ZnBool folded, closed, colinear;
- ZnReal dx, dy;
- if (num_points < 2) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If the polygon is closed (last point is the same as first) open it by
- * dropping the last point. The algorithm closes the path automatically.
- * We remember this to decide if we draw the last bevel or not and if we
- * need to generate ends perpendicular to the path..
- */
- closed = False;
- if ((p->x == p[num_points-1].x) && (p->y == p[num_points-1].y)) {
- closed = True;
- num_points--;
- }
- /*printf("num_points=%d(%s)\n", num_points, closed?"closed":"");*/
- /*
- * We loop on all vertices of the polygon.
- * At each step we try to compute the corresponding border
- * corner `corner'. Then we build a polygon for the bevel.
- * Things look like this:
- *
- * bevel[1] /
- * * /
- * | /
- * | /
- * pp1 * * p[i-1]
- * | | bevel[0]
- * | |
- * | |
- * | | bevel[3]
- * | | p[i]
- * | | p1 p2
- * pp2 * *--------------------*
- * |
- * |
- * corner *----*--------------------*
- * bevel[2] new_pp1 new_pp2
- *
- * pp1 and pp2 are the ends of a segment // to p1 p2 at line_width
- * from it. These points are *NOT* necessarily on the perpendicular
- * going through p1 or p2.
- * This loop needs a bootstrap phase of two iterations (i.e we need to
- * process two points). This is why we start at the point before the last
- * and then wrap to the first point.
- * The algorithm discards any duplicate contiguous points.
- * It makes a special case if two consecutives edges are folded:
- *
- * bevel[1] pp1 pp2 a bevel[2]
- * *-----------*--------------*----------*
- * \
- * \
- * p[i-1] \ bevel[3]
- * *--------*-------------------------*---* corner
- * bevel[0] p2 p1 /
- * /
- * /
- * ----------*-----------*-------------*
- * new_pp1 new_pp2 c
- *
- * In such a case we need to compute a, c, corner from pp1, pp2, new_pp1
- * and new_pp2. We compute the perpendicular to p1,p2 through p1, intersect
- * it with pp1,pp2 to obtain a, intersect it with new_pp1, new_pp2 to
- * obtain c, shift a,c and intersect it with p1,p2 to obtain corner.
- *
- */
- processed_points = 0;
- if (!closed) {
- i = 0;
- p1 = p;
- }
- else {
- i = -2;
- p1 = &p[num_points-2];
- }
- for (p2 = p1+1; i < (int) num_points; i++, p2++) {
- /*
- * When it is time to wrap, do it
- */
- if ((i == -1) || (i == (int) num_points-1)) {
- p2 = p;
- }
- /*
- * Skip over close vertices.
- */
- dx = p2->x - p1->x;
- dy = p2->y - p1->y;
- if ((ABS(dx) < 1.0) && (ABS(dy) < 1.0)) {
- continue;
- }
- ZnShiftLine(p1, p2, line_width, &new_pp1, &new_pp2);
- bevel_points[3] = *p1;
- folded = False;
- colinear = False;
- /*
- * The first two cases are for `open' polygons. We compute
- * a bevel closure that is perpendicular to the path.
- */
- if ((processed_points == 0) && !closed) {
- perp.x = p1->x + (p2->y - p1->y);
- perp.y = p1->y - (p2->x - p1->x);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, &perp, &new_pp1, &new_pp2, &bevel_points[2]);
- }
- else if ((processed_points == num_points-1) && !closed) {
- perp.x = p1->x + (p11->y - p1->y);
- perp.y = p1->y - (p11->x - p1->x);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, &perp, &pp1, &pp2, &bevel_points[2]);
- }
- else if (processed_points >= 1) {
- ZnReal dotp, dist, odx, ody;
- /*
- * The dot product of the two faces tell if the are
- * folded or colinear. The
- */
- odx = p11->x - p1->x;
- ody = p11->y - p1->y;
- dotp = odx*dx + ody*dy;
- dist = ZnLineToPointDist(p11, p2, p1, NULL);
- if ((dist < 4.0) && (dotp <= 0)) {
- perp.x = p1->x + (p2->y - p1->y);
- perp.y = p1->y - (p2->x - p1->x);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, &perp, &new_pp1, &new_pp2, &bevel_points[2]);
- colinear = True;
- }
- else {
- folded = !ZnIntersectLines(&new_pp1, &new_pp2, &pp1, &pp2, &bevel_points[2]);
- /*printf("new_pp1 %g@%g, new_pp2 %g@%g, pp1 %g@%g, pp2 %g@%g, inter %g@%g\n",
- new_pp1.x, new_pp1.y, new_pp2.x, new_pp2.y,
- pp1.x, pp1.y, pp2.x, pp2.y,
- bevel_points[2].x, bevel_points[2].y);*/
- folded = folded && (dotp < 0);
- if (folded) {
- /*printf("DoPolygonRelief: folded edges detected, %g@%g, %g@%g, %g@%g, %g@%g\n",
- pp1.x, pp1.y, pp2.x, pp2.y, new_pp1.x, new_pp1.y,
- new_pp2.x, new_pp2.y);*/
- perp.x = p1->x + (p2->y - p1->y);
- perp.y = p1->y - (p2->x - p1->x);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, &perp, &pp1, &pp2, &bevel_points[2]);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, &perp, &new_pp1, &new_pp2, &c);
- ZnShiftLine(p1, &perp, line_width, &shift1, &shift2);
- ZnIntersectLines(p1, p2, &shift1, &shift2, &bevel_points[3]);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((processed_points >= 2) || (!closed && (processed_points == 1))) {
- if ((processed_points == num_points-1) && !closed) {
- pd->p0 = pd->p1 = NULL;
- }
- else {
- pd->p0 = p1;
- pd->p1 = p2;
- }
- if ((*cb)(bevel_points, pd)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- p11 = p1;
- p1 = p2;
- pp1 = new_pp1;
- pp2 = new_pp2;
- bevel_points[0] = bevel_points[3];
- if (folded) {
- bevel_points[1] = c;
- }
- else if ((processed_points >= 1) || !closed) {
- bevel_points[1] = bevel_points[2];
- }
- processed_points++;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetPolygonReliefBBox --
- * Returns the bevelled polygon bounding box.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-PolygonBBoxCB(ZnPoint *bevels,
- PolygonData *pd)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- ZnAddPointToBBox(pd->bbox, bevels[i].x, bevels[i].y);
- }
- return 0;
-ZnGetPolygonReliefBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnBBox *bbox)
- PolygonData pd;
- pd.bbox = bbox;
- ZnResetBBox(bbox);
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonBBoxCB, &pd);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnPolygonReliefInBBox --
- * Returns (-1) if the relief is entirely outside the bbox, (1) if it is
- * entirely inside or (0) if in between
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-PolygonInBBoxCB(ZnPoint *bevels,
- PolygonData *pd)
- if (pd->count == 0) {
- pd->count++;
- pd->result = ZnPolygonInBBox(bevels, 4, pd->bbox, NULL);
- if (pd->result == 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(bevels, 4, pd->bbox, NULL) != pd->result) {
- pd->result = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-ZnPolygonReliefInBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnBBox *area)
- PolygonData pd;
- pd.bbox = area;
- pd.count = 0;
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonInBBoxCB, &pd);
- return pd.result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnPolygonReliefToPointDist --
- * Returns the distance between the given point and
- * the bevelled polygon.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-PolygonDistCB(ZnPoint *bevels,
- PolygonData *pd)
- double new_dist;
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(bevels, 4, pd->pp);
- if (new_dist < 0.0) {
- new_dist = 0.0;
- }
- if (new_dist < pd->dist) {
- pd->dist = new_dist;
- }
- return 0;
-ZnPolygonReliefToPointDist(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPoint *pp)
- PolygonData pd;
- pd.dist = 1.0e40;
- pd.pp = pp;
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonDistCB, &pd);
- return pd.dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnDrawPolygonRelief --
- * Draw the bevels around path.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-PolygonDrawCB(ZnPoint *bevels,
- PolygonData *pd)
- ZnWInfo *wi = pd->wi;
- XPoint bevel_xpoints[5];
- XGCValues values;
- int j;
- values.foreground = ReliefPixelOfSegment(bevels[0].x, bevels[0].y,
- bevels[3].x, bevels[3].y,
- pd->relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle|GCForeground, &values);
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- bevel_xpoints[j].x = ZnNearestInt(bevels[j].x);
- bevel_xpoints[j].y = ZnNearestInt(bevels[j].y);
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, bevel_xpoints, 4,
- Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- return 0;
-ZnDrawPolygonRelief(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width)
- PolygonData pd;
- pd.wi = wi;
- pd.gradient = gradient;
- /*
- * Grooves and ridges are drawn with two calls. The first
- * with the original width, the second with half the width.
- */
- if ((relief == ZN_RELIEF_RIDGE) || (relief == ZN_RELIEF_GROOVE)) {
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonDrawCB, &pd);
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width/2, PolygonDrawCB, &pd);
- }
- else {
- pd.relief = relief;
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonDrawCB, &pd);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnRenderPolygonRelief --
- * Draw the bevels around path using alpha enabled rendering.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static ZnBool
-PolygonRenderCB(ZnPoint *bevels,
- PolygonData *pd)
- int i;
- ZnPoint p[6];
- XColor *c[8];
- XColor *color = ZnGetGradientColor(pd->gradient, 51.0, NULL);
- ZnReliefStyle relief, int_relief;
- ZnBool two_faces, round, rule;
- rule = pd->relief & ZN_RELIEF_RULE;
- round = pd->relief & ZN_RELIEF_ROUND;
- two_faces = pd->relief & ZN_RELIEF_TWO_FACES;
- relief = pd->relief & ZN_RELIEF_MASK;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- p[i].x = ZnNearestInt(bevels[i].x);
- p[i].y = ZnNearestInt(bevels[i].y);
- }
- if (two_faces) {
- p[4].x = (p[0].x+p[1].x)/2;
- p[4].y = (p[0].y+p[1].y)/2;
- p[5].x = (p[2].x+p[3].x)/2;
- p[5].y = (p[2].y+p[3].y)/2;
- if (relief == ZN_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
- int_relief = ZN_RELIEF_RAISED;
- }
- else {
- int_relief = ZN_RELIEF_SUNKEN;
- }
- c[0]=c[1]=c[2]=c[3] = ReliefColorOfSegment(bevels[0].x, bevels[0].y,
- bevels[3].x, bevels[3].y,
- relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- c[4]=c[5]=c[6]=c[7] = ReliefColorOfSegment(bevels[0].x, bevels[0].y,
- bevels[3].x, bevels[3].y,
- int_relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- if (pd->smooth && pd->p0) {
- c[2]=c[3] = ReliefColorOfSegment(pd->p0->x, pd->p0->y,
- pd->p1->x, pd->p1->y,
- relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- c[6]=c[7] = ReliefColorOfSegment(pd->p0->x, pd->p0->y,
- pd->p1->x, pd->p1->y,
- int_relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- }
- if (round) {
- if (!rule) {
- c[0]=c[3]=c[5]=c[6]=color;
- }
- else {
- c[1]=c[2]=c[4]=c[7]=color;
- }
- }
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glColor4us(c[0]->red, c[0]->green, c[0]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[0].x, p[0].y);
- glColor4us(c[1]->red, c[1]->green, c[1]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[4].x, p[4].y);
- glColor4us(c[2]->red, c[2]->green, c[2]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[5].x, p[5].y);
- glColor4us(c[3]->red, c[3]->green, c[3]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[3].x, p[3].y);
- glColor4us(c[4]->red, c[4]->green, c[4]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[4].x, p[4].y);
- glColor4us(c[5]->red, c[5]->green, c[5]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[1].x, p[1].y);
- glColor4us(c[6]->red, c[6]->green, c[6]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[2].x, p[2].y);
- glColor4us(c[7]->red, c[7]->green, c[7]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[5].x, p[5].y);
- glEnd();
- }
- else { /* Single face */
- c[0]=c[1]=c[2]=c[3] = ReliefColorOfSegment(bevels[0].x, bevels[0].y,
- bevels[3].x, bevels[3].y,
- relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- if (pd->smooth && pd->p0) {
- c[2]=c[3] = ReliefColorOfSegment(pd->p0->x, pd->p0->y,
- pd->p1->x, pd->p1->y,
- relief, pd->gradient,
- pd->wi->light_angle);
- }
- if (round) {
- c[1]=c[2] = color;
- }
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glColor4us(c[0]->red, c[0]->green, c[0]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[0].x, p[0].y);
- glColor4us(c[1]->red, c[1]->green, c[1]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[1].x, p[1].y);
- glColor4us(c[2]->red, c[2]->green, c[2]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[2].x, p[2].y);
- glColor4us(c[3]->red, c[3]->green, c[3]->blue, pd->alpha);
- glVertex2d(p[3].x, p[3].y);
- glEnd();
- }
- return 0;
-ZnRenderPolygonRelief(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnBool smooth,
- ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width)
- PolygonData pd;
- pd.wi = wi;
- pd.gradient = gradient;
- ZnGetGradientColor(gradient, 0.0, &pd.alpha);
- pd.alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(pd.alpha, wi->alpha);
- pd.smooth = smooth;
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- pd.relief = relief;
- pd.count = 0;
- DoPolygon(points, num_points, line_width, PolygonRenderCB, &pd);
-ZnRenderPolyline(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnLineStyle line_style,
- int cap_style,
- int join_style,
- ZnLineEnd first_end,
- ZnLineEnd last_end,
- ZnGradient *gradient)
- int num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnBool need_rcaps, thin, closed, transparent;
- int pass, num_passes, i, k, m;
- ZnPoint c1, c2;
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce = ZnGetGLContext(wi->dpy);
- /*
- * The code below draws curves thiner than the min
- * with a mix of anti-aliased lines and points. The curves that
- * are thicker are drawn using regular polygons.
- * BUG: The joints are drawn only rounded.
- * The caps can be either round or butt (but not projecting).
- */
- thin = ((line_width <= ce->max_line_width) &&
- (line_width <= ce->max_point_width));
- closed = (points->x == points[num_points-1].x) && (points->y == points[num_points-1].y);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(gradient, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, line_style);
- glLineWidth((GLfloat) line_width);
- /*
- * Do not use joints under this transparency value.
- */
- transparent = alpha < (65535 * 0.8);
- if (thin && transparent) {
- /*
- * This makes a special case for transparent lines.
- * In this case we need to avoid drawing twice a
- * single pixel. To achieve this we use the stencil
- * buffer to protect already drawn pixels, unfortunately
- * using antialiasing write in the stencil even if
- * the pixel area is not fully covered resulting in
- * a crack that can't be covered by points later on.
- * To handle this case we need to disable the stencil
- * which in turn result in erroneous alpha coverage.
- *
- * We have chosen to drawn transparent lines with a
- * correct coverage but NOT antialiased.
- */
- glPointSize((GLfloat)(line_width>1.0?line_width-1:line_width));
- glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
- }
- else {
- glPointSize((GLfloat)(line_width>1.0?line_width-1:line_width));
- }
- num_passes = 1;
- if (transparent) {
- num_passes = 2;
- }
- for (pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass++) {
- if (transparent) {
- if (pass == 0) {
- ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, True);
- }
- else {
- ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, False);
- }
- }
- if (first_end) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], line_width, cap_style,
- first_end, end_points);
- for (m = 0; m < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; m++) {
- glVertex2d(end_points[m].x, end_points[m].y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- if (last_end) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2],
- line_width, cap_style, last_end, end_points);
- for (m = 0; m < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; m++) {
- glVertex2d(end_points[m].x, end_points[m].y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- if (thin) {
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- for (i = 0; i < (int) num_points; i++) {
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- for (i = 0; i < (int) num_points-1; i++) {
- ZnGetButtPoints(&points[i+1], &points[i], line_width, False, &c1, &c2);
- glVertex2d(c1.x, c1.y);
- glVertex2d(c2.x, c2.y);
- ZnGetButtPoints(&points[i], &points[i+1], line_width, False, &c1, &c2);
- glVertex2d(c1.x, c1.y);
- glVertex2d(c2.x, c2.y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- /* if (pass == 0) {
- ZnGlRenderClipped();
- }
- else {
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
- break;
- }*/
- need_rcaps = ((line_width > 1) && (cap_style == CapRound));
- i = 0;
- k = num_points;
- if (closed) {
- k--;
- }
- if (!need_rcaps || first_end) {
- i++;
- }
- if ((!need_rcaps && !closed) || last_end) {
- k--;
- }
- if (thin) {
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- for ( ; i < k; i++) {
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
- int num_cpoints;
- ZnReal lw_2 = line_width / 2.0;
- ZnPoint *cpoints = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE,
- 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_cpoints, NULL);
- for ( ; i < k; i++) {
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- for (m = 0; m < num_cpoints; m++) {
- glVertex2d(points[i].x + cpoints[m].x*lw_2,
- points[i].y + cpoints[m].y*lw_2);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
- if (thin) {
- glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
- }
-ZnRenderIcon(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnImage image,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *origin,
- ZnBool modulate)
- ZnPoint p[4];
- int width, height;
- ZnSizeOfImage(image, &width, &height);
- p[0] = *origin;
- p[1].x = origin->x;
- p[1].y = origin->y + height;
- p[2].x = origin->x + width;
- p[2].y = p[1].y;
- p[3].x = p[2].x;
- p[3].y = origin->y;
- ZnRenderImage(wi, image, gradient, p, modulate);
-ZnRenderImage(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnImage image,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *quad,
- ZnBool modulate)
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- ZnReal t, s;
- GLuint texobj;
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(gradient, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- texobj = ZnImageTex(image, &t, &s);
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj);
- if (modulate) {
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- }
- else {
- glColor4us(65535, 65535, 65535, alpha);
- }
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2d(0.0, 0.0);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x, quad[0].y);
- glTexCoord2d(0.0, t);
- glVertex2d(quad[1].x, quad[1].y);
- glTexCoord2d(s, t);
- glVertex2d(quad[2].x, quad[2].y);
- glTexCoord2d(s, 0.0);
- glVertex2d(quad[3].x, quad[3].y);
- glEnd();
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-ZnRenderTile(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnImage tile,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- void (*cb)(void *),
- void *closure,
- ZnPoint *quad) /* Right now it's a ZnBBox */
- ZnReal x, y, nx, ny, lx, ly, s, t, tiles, tilet;
- int width, height, num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- unsigned short alpha;
- GLuint texobj;
- XColor *color;
- if (gradient) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(gradient, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- }
- else {
- color = NULL;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(100, wi->alpha);
- }
- if (cb) {
- /*
- * Setup the stencil buffer with the shape to be drawn.
- */
- ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, False);
- (*cb)(closure);
- ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, True);
- }
- /*
- * Then texture map the quad through the shape.
- * The rectangle is drawn using quads, each
- * quad matching the size of the texture tile.
- */
- ZnSizeOfImage(tile, &width, &height);
- texobj = ZnImageTex(tile, &tilet, &tiles);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- if (color && ZnImageIsBitmap(tile)) {
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- }
- else {
- glColor4us(65535, 65535, 65535, alpha);
- }
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj);
- y = quad[0].y;
- lx = quad[1].x;
- ly = quad[1].y;
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- do {
- x = quad[0].x;
- t = 1.0;
- ny = y + height;
- if (ny > ly) {
- ny = ly;
- t = (ly - y) / (ZnReal) height;
- }
- t *= tilet;
- do {
- s = 1.0;
- nx = x + width;
- if (nx > lx) {
- nx = lx;
- s = (lx - x) / (ZnReal) width;
- }
- s *= tiles;
- glTexCoord2d(0.0, 0.0);
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- glTexCoord2d(0.0, t);
- glVertex2d(x, ny);
- glTexCoord2d(s, t);
- glVertex2d(nx, ny);
- glTexCoord2d(s, 0.0);
- glVertex2d(nx, y);
- x = nx;
- }
- while (x != lx);
- y = ny;
- }
- while (y != ly);
- glEnd();
- if (cb) {
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
- }
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-static void
-ComputeAxialGradient(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoly *shape,
- ZnReal angle,
- ZnPoint *grad_geo)
- ZnTransfo *transfo1, *transfo2;
- ZnContour *c;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnPoint *points, p[4];
- unsigned int i;
- transfo1 = ZnTransfoNew();
- transfo2 = ZnTransfoNew();
- ZnRotateDeg(transfo1, angle);
- ZnRotateDeg(transfo2, -angle);
- c = shape->contours;
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- for (i = 0; i < shape->num_contours; i++, c++) {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, c->num_points);
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo1, c->points, points, c->num_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&bbox, points, c->num_points);
- }
- bbox.orig.x--;
- bbox.orig.y--;
- bbox.corner.x++;
- bbox.corner.y++;
- p[0] = bbox.orig;
- p[2] = bbox.corner;
- p[1].x = p[2].x;
- p[1].y = p[0].y;
- p[3].x = p[0].x;
- p[3].y = p[2].y;
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(transfo1);
- ZnTransfoCompose(transfo1, transfo2, wi->current_transfo);
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo1, p, grad_geo, 4);
- ZnTransfoFree(transfo1);
- ZnTransfoFree(transfo2);
-static void
-ComputeCircularGradient(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoly *shape,
- ZnBool oval,
- ZnPoint *focal_pp, /* in percent of bbox */
- ZnReal angle,
- ZnPoint *grad_geo)
- ZnReal dist, new, x, y, ff;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnContour *c;
- ZnPoint offset, radius, focal_point;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnTransfo t1;
- unsigned int i, j;
- /*
- * Compute the shape bbox (which should be in the item space).
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- c = shape->contours;
- dist = 0.0;
- for (j = 0; j < shape->num_contours; j++, c++) {
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&bbox, c->points, c->num_points);
- }
- /*
- * Find the gradient focal point in the item space.
- * The excursion of the focal point outside the item
- * bbox is clamped to avoid distorsions that take
- * place due to the rather simple algorithm used to
- * compute the maximum radius of the gradient.
- */
- focal_pp->x = fmod(focal_pp->x, 500.0);
- focal_pp->y = fmod(focal_pp->y, 500.0);
- offset.x = focal_pp->x * (bbox.corner.x-bbox.orig.x)/100.0;
- offset.y = focal_pp->y * (bbox.corner.y-bbox.orig.y)/100.0;
- focal_point.x = (bbox.corner.x+bbox.orig.x)/2 + offset.x;
- focal_point.y = (bbox.corner.y+bbox.orig.y)/2 + offset.y;
- /*
- * Find the max distance from the focal point.
- */
- if (oval) {
- /*
- * radius.x and radius.y are the shape radiuses.
- * ff is the distance from the bbox center to
- * the focal point.
- */
- radius.x = (bbox.corner.x-bbox.orig.x)/2;
- radius.y = (bbox.corner.y-bbox.orig.y)/2;
- ff = sqrt(offset.x*offset.x + offset.y*offset.y);
- /*
- * Compute the farthest point from the focal point
- * on a unit circle, then map it to the oval and
- * compute the distance between the two points.
- */
- if (ff > PRECISION_LIMIT) {
- x = offset.x/ff;
- y = offset.y/ff;
- x *= radius.x;
- y *= radius.y;
- x = x + offset.x;
- y = y + offset.y;
- }
- else {
- x = 0;
- y = MAX(radius.x, radius.y);
- }
- dist = x*x + y*y;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Use the given shape
- */
- c = shape->contours;
- for (j = 0; j < shape->num_contours; j++, c++) {
- for (i = 0, points = c->points; i < c->num_points; i++, points++) {
- x = points->x - focal_point.x;
- y = points->y - focal_point.y;
- new = x*x+y*y;
- if (new > dist) {
- dist = new;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Create a transform to map a unit circle to another one that
- * could fill the item when centered at the focal point.
- */
- dist = sqrt(dist); /* Max radius plus a fuzz factor */
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(&t1);
- ZnScale(&t1, dist, dist);
- ZnRotateDeg(&t1, -angle);
- /*
- * Then, center the oval on the focal point.
- */
- ZnTranslate(&t1, focal_point.x, focal_point.y, False);
- /*
- * Last, compose with the current transform.
- */
- ZnTransfoCompose((ZnTransfo *) grad_geo, &t1, wi->current_transfo);
-static void
-ComputePathGradient(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoly *shape,
- ZnPoint *focal_pp, /* in percent of the bbox */
- ZnPoint *grad_geo)
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnContour *c;
- ZnPoint focal_point;
- unsigned int j;
- /*
- * Compute the shape bbox (which should be in the item space).
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- c = shape->contours;
- for (j = 0; j < shape->num_contours; j++, c++) {
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&bbox, c->points, c->num_points);
- }
- /*
- * Find the gradient center in the item space.
- */
- focal_point.x = (bbox.corner.x+bbox.orig.x)/2 + focal_pp->x * (bbox.corner.x-bbox.orig.x)/100.0;
- focal_point.y = (bbox.corner.y+bbox.orig.y)/2 + focal_pp->y * (bbox.corner.y-bbox.orig.y)/100.0;
- /*
- * Then convert it to device space.
- */
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &focal_point, &grad_geo[0]);
-ZnComputeGradient(ZnGradient *grad,
- ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoly *shape,
- ZnPoint *grad_geo)
- switch (grad->type) {
- ComputeAxialGradient(wi, shape, grad->angle, grad_geo);
- break;
- ComputeCircularGradient(wi, shape, False, &grad->p, grad->angle, grad_geo);
- break;
- ComputePathGradient(wi, shape, &grad->p, grad_geo);
- break;
- }
-ZnRenderGradient(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnGradient *gradient, /* The gradient to be drawn (static
- * parameters). */
- void (*cb)(void *), /* A callback called to clip the shape
- * containing the gradient. */
- void *closure, /* The callback parameter. */
- ZnPoint *quad, /* The gradient geometric parameters
- * (dynamic). */
- ZnPoly *poly /* Used only by ZN_PATH_GRADIENT */
- )
- unsigned short alpha, alpha2;
- int angle;
- unsigned int i, j;
- int type = gradient->type;
- XColor *color;
- ZnPoint dposa, dposb, dposc, dposd;
- ZnPoint p, dcontrol;
- ZnReal npos, pos, control;
- unsigned int num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- ZnPoint iquad[4];
- if (!cb && (type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT)) { /* Render an aligned
- * axial gradient in the quad */
- angle = gradient->angle;
- /*
- * Adjust the quad for 90 180 and 270 degrees axial
- * gradients. Other angles not supported.
- */
- switch (angle) {
- case 90:
- iquad[0] = quad[3];
- iquad[3] = quad[2];
- iquad[2] = quad[1];
- iquad[1] = quad[0];
- quad = iquad;
- break;
- case 180:
- iquad[0] = quad[2];
- iquad[3] = quad[1];
- iquad[2] = quad[0];
- iquad[1] = quad[3];
- quad = iquad;
- break;
- case 270:
- iquad[0] = quad[1];
- iquad[3] = quad[0];
- iquad[2] = quad[3];
- iquad[1] = quad[2];
- quad = iquad;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cb) {
- /*
- * Draw the gradient shape in the stencil using the provided
- * callback (clipping).
- */
- ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, False);
- (*cb)(closure);
- ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, True);
- }
- if (type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT) {
- /*
- * Then fill the axial gradient using the provided
- * quad and colors. The stencil will be restored
- * to its previous state in the process.
- */
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- for (i = 0; i < gradient->num_actual_colors; i++) {
- color = gradient->actual_colors[i].rgb;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[i].alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- pos = gradient->actual_colors[i].position;
- control = gradient->actual_colors[i].control;
- dposa.x = (quad[1].x - quad[0].x)*pos/100.0;
- dposa.y = (quad[1].y - quad[0].y)*pos/100.0;
- p.x = quad[0].x + dposa.x;
- p.y = quad[0].y + dposa.y;
- glVertex2d(p.x, p.y);
- dposb.x = (quad[2].x - quad[3].x)*pos/100.0;
- dposb.y = (quad[2].y - quad[3].y)*pos/100.0;
- p.x = quad[3].x + dposb.x;
- p.y = quad[3].y + dposb.y;
- glVertex2d(p.x, p.y);
- if ((control != 50.0) && (i != gradient->num_actual_colors-1)) {
- color = gradient->actual_colors[i].mid_rgb;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[i].mid_alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- npos = gradient->actual_colors[i+1].position;
- dposc.x = (quad[1].x - quad[0].x)*npos/100.0;
- dposc.y = (quad[1].y - quad[0].y)*npos/100.0;
- dcontrol.x = (dposc.x - dposa.x)*control/100.0;
- dcontrol.y = (dposc.y - dposa.y)*control/100.0;
- p.x = quad[0].x + dposa.x + dcontrol.x;
- p.y = quad[0].y + dposa.y + dcontrol.y;
- glVertex2d(p.x, p.y);
- dposd.x = (quad[2].x - quad[3].x)*npos/100.0;
- dposd.y = (quad[2].y - quad[3].y)*npos/100.0;
- dcontrol.x = (dposd.x - dposb.x)*control/100.0;
- dcontrol.y = (dposd.y - dposb.y)*control/100.0;
- p.x = quad[3].x + dposb.x + dcontrol.x;
- p.y = quad[3].y + dposb.y + dcontrol.y;
- glVertex2d(p.x, p.y);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- else if (type == ZN_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
- ZnReal x, y, position, position2, position3;
- unsigned int num_p;
- ZnPoint *genarc, *tarc, p, focalp;
- XColor *color2;
- genarc = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_FINE, 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_p, NULL);
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, num_p);
- tarc = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTransformPoints((ZnTransfo *) quad, genarc, tarc, num_p);
- p.x = p.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint((ZnTransfo *) quad, &p, &focalp);
- position = 0.0;
- color = gradient->actual_colors[0].rgb;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[0].alpha, wi->alpha);
- control = gradient->actual_colors[0].control;
- for (j = 1; j < gradient->num_actual_colors; j++) {
- position2 = gradient->actual_colors[j].position/100.0;
- if ((control != 50) && (j != gradient->num_actual_colors-1)) {
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- color2 = gradient->actual_colors[j-1].mid_rgb;
- alpha2 = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[j-1].mid_alpha, wi->alpha);
- position3 = position + (position2-position)*control/100.0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
- x = focalp.x + (tarc[i].x-focalp.x) * position;
- y = focalp.y + (tarc[i].y-focalp.y) * position;
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- x = focalp.x + (tarc[i].x-focalp.x) * position3;
- y = focalp.y + (tarc[i].y-focalp.y) * position3;
- glColor4us(color2->red, color2->green, color2->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- }
- position = position3;
- color = color2;
- alpha = alpha2;
- glEnd();
- }
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- color2 = gradient->actual_colors[j].rgb;
- alpha2 = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[j].alpha, wi->alpha);
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
- x = focalp.x + (tarc[i].x-focalp.x) * position;
- y = focalp.y + (tarc[i].y-focalp.y) * position;
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- x = focalp.x + (tarc[i].x-focalp.x) * position2;
- y = focalp.y + (tarc[i].y-focalp.y) * position2;
- glColor4us(color2->red, color2->green, color2->blue, alpha2);
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- }
- glEnd();
- position = position2;
- color = color2;
- alpha = alpha2;
- control = gradient->actual_colors[j].control;
- }
- }
- else if (type == ZN_PATH_GRADIENT) {
- ZnPoint p, pp, p2, pp2, p3, pp3;
- unsigned int num_p, k, ii;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnReal position;
- for (k = 0; k < poly->num_contours; k++) {
- /*if (poly->contours[k].cw) {
- continue;
- }*/
- points = poly->contours[k].points;
- num_p = poly->contours[k].num_points;
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
- if (i == num_p-1) {
- ii = 0;
- }
- else {
- ii = i+1;
- }
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- p.x = p.y = pp.x = pp.y = 0;
- control = gradient->actual_colors[0].control;
- position = gradient->actual_colors[0].position;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[0].alpha, wi->alpha);
- color = gradient->actual_colors[0].rgb;
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+p.x, quad[0].y+p.y);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+pp.x, quad[0].y+pp.y);
- for (j = 0; j < gradient->num_actual_colors-1; j++) {
- position = gradient->actual_colors[j+1].position;
- p2.x = (points[i].x-quad[0].x)*position/100.0;
- p2.y = (points[i].y-quad[0].y)*position/100.0;
- pp2.x = (points[ii].x-quad[0].x)*position/100.0;
- pp2.y = (points[ii].y-quad[0].y)*position/100.0;
- if (control != 50) {
- color = gradient->actual_colors[j].mid_rgb;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[j].mid_alpha, wi->alpha);
- p3.x = p.x+(p2.x-p.x)*control/100.0;
- p3.y = p.y+(p2.y-p.y)*control/100.0;
- pp3.x = pp.x+(pp2.x-pp.x)*control/100.0;
- pp3.y = pp.y+(pp2.y-pp.y)*control/100.0;
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+p3.x, quad[0].y+p3.y);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+pp3.x, quad[0].y+pp3.y);
- }
- control = gradient->actual_colors[j+1].control;
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(gradient->actual_colors[j+1].alpha, wi->alpha);
- color = gradient->actual_colors[j+1].rgb;
- p = p2;
- pp = pp2;
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+p.x, quad[0].y+p.y);
- glVertex2d(quad[0].x+pp.x, quad[0].y+pp.y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- else if (type == ZN_CONICAL_GRADIENT) {
- ZnReal position;
- unsigned int num_p;
- ZnPoint *genarc, *tarc, p, focalp;
- XColor col;
- genarc = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_FINEST, 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_p, NULL);
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, num_p);
- tarc = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTransformPoints((ZnTransfo *) quad, genarc, tarc, num_p);
- p.x = p.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint((ZnTransfo *) quad, &p, &focalp);
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++) {
- position = i*100.0/(num_p-1);
- ZnInterpGradientColor(gradient, position, &col, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- /*printf("position: %g --> color: %d %d %d, alpha: %d\n",
- position, col.red, col.green, col.blue, alpha);*/
- glColor4us(col.red, col.green, col.blue, alpha);
- glVertex2d(tarc[i].x, tarc[i].y);
- glVertex2d(focalp.x, focalp.y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- if (cb) {
- /*
- * Restore the previous GL state.
- */
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
- }
-ZnRenderHollowDot(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnPoint *p,
- ZnReal size)
- int num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, False);
- glPointSize((GLfloat) (size-2));
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(p->x, p->y);
- glEnd();
- ZnGlRenderClipped();
- glPointSize((GLfloat) size);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(p->x, p->y);
- glEnd();
- ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, False);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(p->x, p->y);
- glEnd();
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
-#ifdef GL
-ZnRenderGlyph(ZnTexFontInfo *tfi,
- int c)
- ZnTexGVI *tgvi;
- tgvi = ZnTexFontGVI(tfi, c);
- if (!tgvi) {
- return;
- }
- //printf("%c --> x0,y0: %d %d, tx0,ty0: %g %g, x1,y1: %d %d, tx1,ty1: %g %g, advance: %g\n",
- // c, tgvi->v0x, tgvi->v0y, tgvi->t0x, tgvi->t0y,
- // tgvi->v1x, tgvi->v1y, tgvi->t1x, tgvi->t1y,
- // tgvi->advance);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(tgvi->t0x, tgvi->t0y); glVertex2s(tgvi->v0x, tgvi->v0y);
- glTexCoord2f(tgvi->t0x, tgvi->t1y); glVertex2s(tgvi->v0x, tgvi->v1y);
- glTexCoord2f(tgvi->t1x, tgvi->t1y); glVertex2s(tgvi->v1x, tgvi->v1y);
- glTexCoord2f(tgvi->t1x, tgvi->t0y); glVertex2s(tgvi->v1x, tgvi->v0y);
- glEnd();
- glTranslatef(tgvi->advance, 0.0, 0.0);
-#ifdef PTK_800
-ZnRenderString(ZnTexFontInfo *tfi,
- unsigned char *string,
- unsigned int len)
- while (len) {
- ZnRenderGlyph(tfi, *string);
- string++;
- len--;
- }
-ZnRenderString(ZnTexFontInfo *tfi,
- unsigned char *string,
- unsigned int len)
- unsigned int clen;
- Tcl_UniChar c;
- while (len) {
- clen = Tcl_UtfToUniChar(string, &c);
- ZnRenderGlyph(tfi, c);
- string += clen;
- len -= clen;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * RenderTriangle --
- * This routine maps an image onto a triangle.
- * Image coordinates are chosen for each vertex of the triangle.
- * A simple affine tex mapping is used as in Zinc there is no way
- * to specify perspective deformation. No filtering is attempted
- * on the output pixels.
- *
- * In the comments below u and v are image coordinates and x and
- * y are triangle coordinates.
- * RenderAffineScanline is an helper function that draws a whole
- * scan line to the image with linear interpolation.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-RenderAffineScanline(XImage *image,
- XImage *mapped_image,
- ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal u1,
- ZnReal u2,
- ZnReal v1,
- ZnReal v2,
- int y)
- ZnReal du, dv, width;
- int intx1, intx2, intu, intv;
- int i;
- /* Revert span ends if needed */
- if (x2 < x1) {
- ZnReal tmp;
- tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp;
- tmp = u1; u1 = u2; u2 = tmp;
- tmp = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = tmp;
- }
- /* Compute the interpolation factors */
- width = x2 - x1;
- if (width) {
- du = (u2 - u1) / width;
- dv = (v2 - v1) / width;
- }
- else {
- du = dv = 0;
- }
- intx1 = (int) floor(x1);
- intx2 = (int) floor(x2);
- /* Draw the line */
- for (i = intx1; i < intx2; i++) {
- intu = (int) floor(u1);
- intv = (int) floor(v1);
- XPutPixel(mapped_image, i, y, XGetPixel(image, intu, intv));
- u1 += du;
- v1 += dv;
- }
-static void
-RenderTriangle(XImage *image,
- XImage *mapped_image,
- ZnPoint *tri,
- ZnPoint *im_coords)
- ZnReal dx_A, dx_B; /* Interpolation factor in x / y */
- ZnReal du_A, du_B; /* in u / y */
- ZnReal dv_A, dv_B; /* in v / y */
- ZnReal x1, x2; /* Span in x */
- ZnReal u1, u2; /* Span in u */
- ZnReal v1, v2; /* Span in v */
- int height_A; /* Scan line # from top top vertex A */
- int height_B; /* Scan line # from top top vertex B */
- int y; /* Current scan line */
- int top, a, b; /* Top triangle vertex and other two */
- int i;
- /* Find top vertex and deduce the others. */
- top = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
- if (tri[i].y <= tri[top].y)
- top = i;
- }
- a = (top+1)%3;
- b = top-1;
- if (b < 0)
- b = 2;
- /* Initialize conversion parameters. */
- y = ZnNearestInt(tri[top].y);
- height_A = ZnNearestInt(tri[a].y - tri[top].y);
- height_B = ZnNearestInt(tri[b].y - tri[top].y);
- x1 = x2 = tri[top].x;
- u1 = u2 = im_coords[top].x;
- v1 = v2 = im_coords[top].y;
- if (height_A) {
- dx_A = (tri[a].x - tri[top].x) / height_A;
- du_A = (im_coords[a].x - im_coords[top].x) / height_A;
- dv_A = (im_coords[a].y - im_coords[top].y) / height_A;
- }
- else {
- dx_A = du_A = dv_A = 0;
- }
- if (height_B) {
- dx_B = (tri[b].x - tri[top].x) / height_B;
- du_B = (im_coords[b].x - im_coords[top].x) / height_B;
- dv_B = (im_coords[b].y - im_coords[top].y) / height_B;
- }
- else {
- dx_B = du_B = dv_B = 0;
- }
- /* Convert from top to bottom */
- for (i = 2; i > 0; ) {
- while (height_A && height_B) {
- /* Draw a scanline */
- RenderAffineScanline(image, mapped_image, x1, x2, u1, u2, v1, v2, y);
- /* Step the parameters*/
- y++;
- height_A--;
- height_B--;
- x1 += dx_A;
- x2 += dx_B;
- u1 += du_A;
- u2 += du_B;
- v1 += dv_A;
- v2 += dv_B;
- }
- /* If either height_A or height_B steps to zero, we have
- * encountered a vertex (A or B) and we are starting conversion
- * along a new edge. Update the parameters before proceeding. */
- if (!height_A) {
- int na = (a+1)%3;
- height_A = ZnNearestInt(tri[na].y - tri[a].y);
- if (height_A) {
- dx_A = (tri[na].x - tri[a].x) / height_A;
- du_A = (im_coords[na].x - im_coords[a].x) / height_A;
- dv_A = (im_coords[na].y - im_coords[a].y) / height_A;
- }
- else {
- dx_A = du_A = dv_A = 0;
- }
- x1 = tri[a].x;
- u1 = im_coords[a].x;
- v1 = im_coords[a].y;
- a = na;
- /* One less vertex to do */
- i--;
- }
- if (!height_B) {
- int nb = b - 1;
- if (nb < 0)
- nb = 2;
- height_B = ZnNearestInt(tri[nb].y - tri[b].y);
- if (height_B) {
- dx_B = (tri[nb].x - tri[b].x) / height_B;
- du_B = (im_coords[nb].x - im_coords[b].x) / height_B;
- dv_B = (im_coords[nb].y - im_coords[b].y) / height_B;
- }
- else {
- dx_B = du_B = dv_B = 0;
- }
- x2 = tri[b].x;
- u2 = im_coords[b].x;
- v2 = im_coords[b].y;
- b = nb;
- /* One less vertex to do */
- i--;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * MapImage --
- * This procedure maps an image on a parallelogram given in poly.
- * The given parallelogram should fit in the destination image.
- * The parallelogram vertices must be ordered as for a triangle
- * strip:
- *
- * v0 ------------ v2
- * | |
- * | |
- * v1 ------------ v3
- *
- * The mapping is done by a simple affine mapping of the image on the
- * two triangles obtained by cutting the parallelogram along the diogonal
- * from the second vertex to the third vertex.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnMapImage(XImage *image,
- XImage *mapped_image,
- ZnPoint *poly)
- ZnPoint triangle[3];
- ZnPoint im_coords[3];
- triangle[0] = poly[0];
- triangle[1] = poly[1];
- triangle[2] = poly[2];
- im_coords[0].x = 0.0;
- im_coords[0].y = 0.0;
- im_coords[1].x = 0.0;
- im_coords[1].y = image->height-1;
- im_coords[2].x = image->width-1;
- im_coords[2].y = 0.0;
- RenderTriangle(image, mapped_image, triangle, im_coords);
- triangle[0] = poly[1];
- triangle[1] = poly[2];
- triangle[2] = poly[3];
- im_coords[0].x = 0.0;
- im_coords[0].y = image->height-1;
- im_coords[1].x = image->width-1;
- im_coords[1].y = 0.0;
- im_coords[2].x = image->width-1;
- im_coords[2].y = image->height-1;
- RenderTriangle(image, mapped_image, triangle, im_coords);
diff --git a/generic/Draw.h b/generic/Draw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 955f849..0000000
--- a/generic/Draw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- * Draw.h -- Header for common drawing routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Sat Dec 10 12:51:30 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Draw_h
-#define _Draw_h
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "Attrs.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#define ZN_LINE_SHAPE_POINTS 4 /* Maximum of all *_SHAPE_POINTS */
-struct _ZnWInfo;
-#ifdef GL
-#define ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, render) { \
- if (!num_clips) { \
- glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); \
- } \
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) num_clips, 0xFF); \
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_INCR); \
- if (!render) { \
- } \
-#define ZnGlRenderClipped() { \
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); \
- glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); \
- }
-#define ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, render) { \
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) (num_clips+1), 0xFF); \
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_DECR); \
- if (render) { \
- glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); \
- } \
- else { \
- } \
-#define ZnGlEndClip(num_clips) { \
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) num_clips, 0xFF); \
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); \
- glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); \
- if (!num_clips) { \
- glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); \
- } \
-void ZnSetLineStyle(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnLineStyle line_style);
-void ZnLineShapePoints(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnDim line_width,
- ZnLineShape shape, ZnBBox *bbox, ZnList to_points);
-void ZnDrawLineShape(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points,
- ZnLineStyle line_style, int foreground_pixel,
- ZnDim line_width, ZnLineShape shape);
-ZnGetLineEnd(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnDim line_width,
- int cap_style, ZnLineEnd end_style, ZnPoint *points);
-int ZnPolygonReliefInBBox(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width, ZnBBox *bbox);
-void ZnGetPolygonReliefBBox(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width, ZnBBox *bbox);
-double ZnPolygonReliefToPointDist(ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width, ZnPoint *pp);
-void ZnDrawRectangleRelief(struct _ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnReliefStyle relief, ZnGradient *gradient,
- XRectangle *bbox, ZnDim line_width);
-void ZnDrawPolygonRelief(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient, ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points, ZnDim line_width);
-#ifdef GL
-void ZnRenderPolygonRelief(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnReliefStyle relief,
- ZnGradient *gradient, ZnBool smooth,
- ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points, ZnDim line_width);
-void ZnRenderPolyline(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnPoint *points, unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim line_width, ZnLineStyle line_style, int cap_style,
- int join_style, ZnLineEnd first_end, ZnLineEnd last_end,
- ZnGradient *gradient);
-void ZnComputeGradient(ZnGradient *grad, struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnPoly *shape,
- ZnPoint *grad_geo);
-void ZnRenderGradient(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnGradient *gradient,
- void (*cb)(void *), void *closure, ZnPoint *quad,
- ZnPoly *poly);
-void ZnRenderTile(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnImage tile, ZnGradient *gradient,
- void (*cb)(void *), void *closure, ZnPoint *quad);
-void ZnRenderIcon(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnImage image, ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *origin, ZnBool modulate);
-void ZnRenderImage(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnImage image, ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *quad, ZnBool modulate);
-void RenderHollowDot(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnPoint *p, ZnReal size);
-void ZnRenderGlyph(ZnTexFontInfo *tfi, int c);
-void ZnRenderString(ZnTexFontInfo *tfi, unsigned char *str, unsigned int len);
-void ZnMapImage(XImage *image, XImage *mapped_image, ZnPoint *poly);
-#endif /* _Draw_h */
diff --git a/generic/Field.c b/generic/Field.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a428f..0000000
--- a/generic/Field.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2584 +0,0 @@
- * Field.c -- Implementation of fields.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-#define FILLED_BIT 4
-#define TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT 8
-#define CACHE_OK 16
- * Field record.
- */
-typedef struct _FieldStruct {
- /* Public data */
- ZnGradient *color;
- ZnGradient *fill_color;
- ZnGradient *border_color;
- char *text;
- ZnImage image;
- ZnImage tile;
- Tk_Font font;
- unsigned short flags;
- ZnBorder border_edges;
- Tk_Justify alignment;
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- ZnDim relief_thickness;
- ZnAutoAlign auto_alignment;
- /* Private data */
- ZnGradient *gradient;
- ZnPoint *grad_geo;
- short orig_x;
- short orig_y;
- short corner_x;
- short corner_y;
- int insert_index;
-#ifdef GL
- ZnTexFontInfo *tfi;
-} FieldStruct, *Field;
- * The -text, -image, -border, -relief, -visible and
- * -filled attributes set the ZN_COORDS_FLAG to update
- * the leader that might protude if not clipped by the text.
- */
-ZnAttrConfig field_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ALIGNMENT, "-alignment", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, alignment), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_AUTO_ALIGNMENT, "-autoalignment", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, auto_alignment), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-backcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, fill_color), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_EDGE_LIST, "-border", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, border_edges), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-bordercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, border_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filled", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, flags), FILLED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, font), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG|ZN_CLFC_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-image", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, image), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-relief", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, relief), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-reliefthickness", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, relief_thickness), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, flags),
- { ZN_CONFIG_STRING, "-text", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, text), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG|ZN_CLFC_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-tile", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, tile), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(FieldStruct, flags), FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
-static void GetLabelBBox(ZnFieldSet field_set, ZnDim *w, ZnDim *h);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeFieldAttachment --
- * Compute the location/size of the field, computing attachments if any.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeFieldAttachment(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- unsigned int field,
- ZnBBox *field_bbox)
- ZnBBox ref_bbox;
- ZnDim real_width, real_height;
- unsigned int ref_field, num_fields;
- char x_attach, y_attach, x_dim, y_dim;
- short width_spec, height_spec;
- int x_spec, y_spec, icon_width=0, icon_height=0;
- Field fptr;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- /*printf("ComputeFieldAttachment in\n");*/
- fptr = &field_set->fields[field];
- if (ISSET(fptr->flags, CACHE_OK)) {
- field_bbox->orig.x = (ZnPos) fptr->orig_x;
- field_bbox->orig.y = (ZnPos) fptr->orig_y;
- field_bbox->corner.x = fptr->corner_x;
- field_bbox->corner.y = fptr->corner_y;
- /*printf("ComputeFieldAttachment in cache\n");*/
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Preset this field to a default position/size and pretend
- * its cache is ok to break any deadlocks.
- */
- fptr->orig_x = fptr->orig_y = 0;
- fptr->corner_x = fptr->corner_y = 0;
- field_bbox->orig.x = field_bbox->orig.y = 0;
- field_bbox->corner.x = field_bbox->corner.y = 0;
- SET(fptr->flags, CACHE_OK);
- num_fields = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format);
- ZnLFGetField(field_set->label_format, field,
- &x_attach, &y_attach, &x_dim, &y_dim,
- &x_spec, &y_spec, &width_spec, &height_spec);
- /*
- * First try to compute the field size which may be a factor
- * of the field content (but not a factor of other fields).
- */
- if ((fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) &&
- ((x_dim == ZN_LF_DIM_ICON) || (y_dim == ZN_LF_DIM_ICON) ||
- (x_dim == ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO) || (y_dim == ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO))) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(fptr->image, &icon_width, &icon_height);
- }
- switch (x_dim) {
- case ZN_LF_DIM_FONT:
- real_width = (ZnDim) (width_spec*Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, "N", 1)/100);
- break;
- case ZN_LF_DIM_ICON:
- real_width = (ZnDim) (width_spec*icon_width/100);
- break;
- case ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO:
- {
- int len = 0;
- ZnDim text_width;
- if (fptr->text) {
- len = strlen(fptr->text);
- }
- real_width = 0.0;
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- real_width = (ZnDim) icon_width;
- }
- if (len) {
- /*
- * The 4 extra pixels are needed for border and padding.
- */
- text_width = (ZnDim) Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, fptr->text, len) + 4;
- real_width = text_width < real_width ? real_width : text_width;
- }
- real_width += (ZnDim) width_spec;
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnDim lh;
- GetLabelBBox(field_set, &real_width, &lh);
- break;
- }
- default:
- real_width = (ZnDim) width_spec;
- break;
- }
- /*printf("field %d, width = %g\n", field, real_width);*/
- switch (y_dim) {
- case ZN_LF_DIM_FONT:
- {
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(fptr->font, &fm);
- real_height = (ZnDim) (height_spec*(fm.ascent + fm.descent)/100);
- break;
- }
- case ZN_LF_DIM_ICON:
- real_height = (ZnDim) (height_spec*icon_height/100);
- break;
- case ZN_LF_DIM_AUTO:
- {
- ZnDim text_height;
- real_height = 0.0;
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- real_height = (ZnDim) icon_height;
- }
- if (fptr->text && strlen(fptr->text)) {
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(fptr->font, &fm);
- text_height = (ZnDim) (fm.ascent + fm.descent);
- real_height = text_height < real_height ? real_height : text_height;
- }
- real_height += (ZnDim) height_spec;
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnDim lw;
- GetLabelBBox(field_set, &lw, &real_height);
- break;
- }
- default:
- real_height = (ZnDim) height_spec;
- break;
- }
- /*printf("field %d, height = %g\n", field, real_height);*/
- /*
- * Update the cache with the newly computed infos
- * (breaking of deadlocks).
- */
- field_bbox->corner.x = real_width;
- field_bbox->corner.y = real_height;
- fptr->corner_x = (short) real_width;
- fptr->corner_y = (short) real_height;
- /*
- * Then try to deduce the position, resolving any attachments
- * if needed.
- */
- /*
- * Do the x axis.
- */
- if (x_dim != ZN_LF_DIM_LABEL) {
- if (x_attach == ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL) {
- field_bbox->orig.x = (ZnPos) x_spec;
- field_bbox->corner.x = field_bbox->orig.x + real_width;
- }
- else {
- ref_field = x_spec;
- field_bbox->orig.x = field_bbox->corner.x = 0;
- if (ref_field >= num_fields) {
- ZnWarning ("Attached (x) to an inexistant field geometry\n");
- }
- else {
- ComputeFieldAttachment(field_set, ref_field, &ref_bbox);
- switch (x_attach) {
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->orig.x = ref_bbox.corner.x;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->orig.x = ref_bbox.orig.x;
- }
- field_bbox->corner.x = field_bbox->orig.x + real_width;
- break;
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->corner.x = ref_bbox.orig.x;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->corner.x = ref_bbox.corner.x;
- }
- field_bbox->orig.x = field_bbox->corner.x - real_width;
- break;
- field_bbox->orig.x = ref_bbox.orig.x;
- field_bbox->corner.x = field_bbox->orig.x + real_width;
- break;
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->corner.x = ref_bbox.corner.x;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->corner.x = ref_bbox.orig.x;
- }
- field_bbox->orig.x = field_bbox->corner.x - real_width;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("field %d, x = %g\n", field, field_bbox->orig.x);*/
- }
- /*
- * Then the y axis.
- */
- if (y_dim != ZN_LF_DIM_LABEL) {
- if (y_attach == ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL) {
- field_bbox->orig.y = (ZnPos) y_spec;
- field_bbox->corner.y = field_bbox->orig.y + real_height;
- }
- else {
- ref_field = y_spec;
- field_bbox->orig.y = field_bbox->corner.y = 0;
- if (ref_field >= num_fields) {
- ZnWarning ("Attached (y) to an inexistant field geometry\n");
- }
- else {
- ComputeFieldAttachment(field_set, ref_field, &ref_bbox);
- switch (y_attach) {
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->orig.y = ref_bbox.corner.y;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->orig.y = ref_bbox.orig.y;
- }
- field_bbox->corner.y = field_bbox->orig.y + real_height;
- break;
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->corner.y = ref_bbox.orig.y;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->corner.y = ref_bbox.corner.y;
- }
- field_bbox->orig.y = field_bbox->corner.y - real_height;
- break;
- field_bbox->orig.y = ref_bbox.orig.y;
- field_bbox->corner.y = field_bbox->orig.y + real_height;
- break;
- if (ISSET(field_set->fields[ref_field].flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- field_bbox->corner.y = ref_bbox.corner.y;
- }
- else {
- field_bbox->corner.y = ref_bbox.orig.y;
- }
- field_bbox->orig.y = field_bbox->corner.y - real_height;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("field %d, y = %g\n", field, field_bbox->orig.y);*/
- }
- fptr->orig_x = (short) field_bbox->orig.x;
- fptr->orig_y = (short) field_bbox->orig.y;
- fptr->corner_x = (short) field_bbox->corner.x;
- fptr->corner_y = (short) field_bbox->corner.y;
- SET(fptr->flags, CACHE_OK);
- /*printf("ComputeFieldAttachment out\n");*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ClearFieldCache --
- * Reset the geometric cache of all fields depending on a given field (or
- * of all fields if the field is < 0). Clear also the label bounding box
- * cache if some action has been taken on a field.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ClearFieldCache(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- int field)
- unsigned int i, num_fields;
- ZnBool clear_bbox;
- int x_spec, y_spec;
- char x_attach, y_attach, x_dim, y_dim;
- short width_spec, height_spec;
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- if (field < 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < field_set->num_fields; i++) {
- CLEAR(field_set->fields[i].flags, CACHE_OK);
- }
- field_set->label_width = field_set->label_height = -1.0;
- return;
- }
- clear_bbox = False;
- if (!field_set->label_format) {
- return;
- }
- num_fields = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format);
- if ((unsigned int) field >= num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- ZnLFGetField(field_set->label_format, (unsigned int) field,
- &x_attach, &y_attach, &x_dim, &y_dim,
- &x_spec, &y_spec, &width_spec, &height_spec);
- if ((x_dim != ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL) || (y_dim != ZN_LF_DIM_PIXEL)) {
- CLEAR(field_set->fields[field].flags, CACHE_OK);
- clear_bbox = True;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- ZnLFGetField(field_set->label_format, i,
- &x_attach, &y_attach, &x_dim, &y_dim,
- &x_spec, &y_spec, &width_spec, &height_spec);
- if ((x_attach == ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL) && (y_attach == ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (x_attach != ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL) {
- if ((x_spec == field) && ISSET(field_set->fields[i].flags, CACHE_OK)) {
- CLEAR(field_set->fields[i].flags, CACHE_OK);
- ClearFieldCache(field_set, (int) i);
- clear_bbox = True;
- }
- }
- if (y_attach != ZN_LF_ATTACH_PIXEL) {
- if ((y_spec == field) && ISSET(field_set->fields[i].flags, CACHE_OK)) {
- CLEAR(field_set->fields[i].flags, CACHE_OK);
- ClearFieldCache(field_set, (int) i);
- clear_bbox = True;
- }
- }
- }
- if (clear_bbox) {
- field_set->label_width = field_set->label_height = -1.0;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetLabelBBox --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetLabelBBox(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- ZnDim *w,
- ZnDim *h)
- ZnBBox bbox, tmp_bbox;
- ZnLabelFormat lf;
- unsigned int i, num_fields;
- ZnDim clip_w, clip_h;
- /*printf("GetLabelBBox in\n");*/
- if ((field_set->label_width >= 0.0) && (field_set->label_height >= 0.0)) {
- *w = field_set->label_width;
- *h = field_set->label_height;
- /*printf("GetLabelBBox in cache\n");*/
- return;
- }
- lf = field_set->label_format;
- if (lf == NULL) {
- *w = *h = field_set->label_width = field_set->label_height = 0.0;
- /*printf("GetLabelBBox no labelformat\n");*/
- return;
- }
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- num_fields = ZnLFNumFields(lf);
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- ComputeFieldAttachment(field_set, i, &tmp_bbox);
- /*printf("field %d bbox %g %g %g %g\n", i, tmp_bbox.orig.x, tmp_bbox.orig.y,
- tmp_bbox.corner.x, tmp_bbox.corner.y);*/
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&bbox, &tmp_bbox);
- }
- field_set->label_width = bbox.corner.x;
- field_set->label_height = bbox.corner.y;
- /*printf("GetLabelBBox size before clipping; w = %g, h = %g\n",
- field_set->label_width, field_set->label_height);*/
- if (ZnLFGetClipBox(lf, &clip_w, &clip_h)) {
- if (clip_w < field_set->label_width) {
- field_set->label_width = clip_w;
- }
- if (clip_h < field_set->label_height) {
- field_set->label_height = clip_h;
- }
- }
- *w = field_set->label_width;
- *h = field_set->label_height;
- /*printf("GetLabelBBox returns computed size; w = %g, h = %g\n", *w, *h);*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetFieldBBox --
- * Compute the location of the field described
- * by the field entry index in the item current LabelFormat.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetFieldBBox(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnBBox *field_bbox)
- ZnReal ox, oy;
- /*printf("GetFieldBBox in\n");*/
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- ox = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.x);
- oy = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.y);
- ComputeFieldAttachment(field_set, index, field_bbox);
- field_bbox->orig.x += ox;
- field_bbox->orig.y += oy;
- field_bbox->corner.x += ox;
- field_bbox->corner.y += oy;
- }
- else {
- ZnResetBBox(field_bbox);
- }
- /*printf("GetFieldBBox out\n");*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeFieldTextLocation --
- * Compute the position of the text in a field. This is a position
- * that we can give to XDrawText. The position is deduced from the
- * field bounding box passed in bbox.
- * Return also the text bounding box.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeFieldTextLocation(Field fptr,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPoint *pos,
- ZnBBox *text_bbox)
- ZnDim w, h;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(fptr->font, &fm);
- w = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- int width;
- Tk_MeasureChars(fptr->font, fptr->text, strlen(fptr->text), -1, 0, &width);
- w = width;
- }
- h = fm.ascent + fm.descent;
- text_bbox->orig.y = (bbox->orig.y + bbox->corner.y - h) / 2.0;
- text_bbox->corner.y = text_bbox->orig.y + h;
- pos->y = text_bbox->orig.y + fm.ascent;
- switch (fptr->alignment) {
- text_bbox->orig.x = bbox->orig.x + 2;
- break;
- text_bbox->orig.x = bbox->corner.x - w - 2;
- break;
- default:
- text_bbox->orig.x = (bbox->orig.x + bbox->corner.x - w) / 2.0;
- break;
- }
- text_bbox->corner.x = text_bbox->orig.x + w;
- pos->x = text_bbox->orig.x;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * LeaderToLabel --
- * Compute the segment part of segment <start, end> that lies
- * outside the fields of item.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-LeaderToLabel(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- ZnPoint *start,
- ZnPoint *end)
- int b_num;
- ZnPoint delta, inf, sup;
- ZnPos xt=0, yu=0, yw=0, xv=0;
- Field fptr;
- unsigned int i;
- ZnBBox field_bbox;
- /* Intersection points : */
- /* T |xt / delta_y U |x1 V |y1 W |yw / delta_x */
- /* |y2 |yu / delta_x |xv / delta_y |x2 */
- /* */
- /* y = ax + b; */
- /* a = delta_y / delta_x */
- /* b = (y * delta_x - x * delta_y) / delta_x */
- delta.x = start->x - end->x;
- delta.y = start->y - end->y;
- b_num = (int) (start->y*delta.x - start->x*delta.y);
- for (i = 0; i < ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format); i++) {
- fptr = &field_set->fields[i];
- /*
- * If the field is made invisible or has no graphics of
- * its own, don't clip.
- */
- if (ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT) ||
- (!fptr->text &&
- ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FILLED_BIT) &&
- (fptr->border_edges == ZN_NO_BORDER) &&
- (fptr->relief == ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) &&
- (fptr->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage))) {
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * field_bbox is in absolute device coordinates.
- */
- GetFieldBBox(field_set, i, &field_bbox);
- /*
- * Adjust leader on real text, not on field boundaries. This is
- * important when there are leading and trailing spaces.
- */
- if (fptr->text &&
- ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FILLED_BIT) &&
- (fptr->border_edges == ZN_NO_BORDER) &&
- (fptr->relief == ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) &&
- (fptr->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage)) {
- ZnBBox text_bbox;
- ZnPoint text_pos; /* dummy */
- int space_width;
- int scan_forw, scan_back;
- space_width = Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, " ", 1);
- ComputeFieldTextLocation(fptr, &field_bbox, &text_pos, &text_bbox);
- /*
- * Correct adjusments made by ComputeFieldTextLocation (Vincent Pomey).
- *
- * PLC: IMHO, this is to compensate for exotic fonts like 'symbolesATC'.
- * I am not planning to port this to Tk for two reasons:
- * 1/ Current positions are no longer implemented as characters
- * and 2/ Tk does not give access (easily) to lbearings and rbearings.
- * This patch has been contributed by Phidias team. I don't know the
- * problem it was meant to solve.
- * text_bbox.x -= fptr->font->per_char[fptr->text[0]].lbearing + 3;
- * text_bbox.width += fptr->font->per_char[fptr->text[0]].lbearing + 3;
- */
- /*
- * Change bbox according to leading and trailing spaces.
- */
- scan_forw = 0;
- while (fptr->text[scan_forw] == ' ') {
- /* leading spaces */
- text_bbox.orig.x += space_width;
- scan_forw++;
- }
- /*
- * Empty text.
- */
- if (!fptr->text || (fptr->text[scan_forw] == 0)) {
- continue;
- }
- scan_back = strlen(fptr->text)-1;
- while ((fptr->text[scan_back] == ' ') && (scan_back > scan_forw)) {
- /* trailing spaces */
- text_bbox.corner.x -= space_width;
- scan_back--;
- }
- field_bbox = text_bbox;
- }
- if (field_bbox.corner.x <= field_bbox.orig.x) {
- continue;
- }
- if ((start->x >= field_bbox.orig.x) && (start->x < field_bbox.corner.x) &&
- (start->y >= field_bbox.orig.y) && (start->y < field_bbox.corner.y)) {
- end->x = start->x;
- end->y = start->y;
- }
- if (delta.x) {
- yu = (field_bbox.orig.x*delta.y + b_num) / delta.x;
- yw = (field_bbox.corner.x*delta.y + b_num) / delta.x;
- }
- if (delta.y) {
- xt = (field_bbox.corner.y*delta.x - b_num) / delta.y;
- xv = (field_bbox.orig.y*delta.x - b_num) / delta.y;
- }
- inf.x = MIN(start->x, end->x);
- sup.x = MAX(start->x, end->x);
- inf.y = MIN(start->y, end->y);
- sup.y = MAX(start->y, end->y);
- if (delta.x) {
- if ((yu >= field_bbox.orig.y) && (yu <= field_bbox.corner.y) &&
- (field_bbox.orig.x >= inf.x) && (field_bbox.orig.x <= sup.x) &&
- (yu >= inf.y) && (yu <= sup.y)) {
- end->x = field_bbox.orig.x;
- end->y = yu;
- inf.x = MIN(start->x, end->x);
- sup.x = MAX(start->x, end->x);
- inf.y = MIN(start->y, end->y);
- sup.y = MAX(start->y, end->y);
- }
- if ((yw >= field_bbox.orig.y) && (yw <= field_bbox.corner.y) &&
- (field_bbox.corner.x >= inf.x) && (field_bbox.corner.x <= sup.x) &&
- (yw >= inf.y) && (yw <= sup.y)) {
- end->x = field_bbox.corner.x;
- end->y = yw;
- inf.x = MIN(start->x, end->x);
- sup.x = MAX(start->x, end->x);
- inf.y = MIN(start->y, end->y);
- sup.y = MAX(start->y, end->y);
- }
- }
- if (delta.y) {
- if ((xt >= field_bbox.orig.x) && (xt <= field_bbox.corner.x) &&
- (xt >= inf.x) && (xt <= sup.x) &&
- (field_bbox.corner.y >= inf.y) && (field_bbox.corner.y <= sup.y)) {
- end->x = xt;
- end->y = field_bbox.corner.y;
- inf.x = MIN(start->x, end->x);
- sup.x = MAX(start->x, end->x);
- inf.y = MIN(start->y, end->y);
- sup.y = MAX(start->y, end->y);
- }
- if ((xv >= field_bbox.orig.x) && (xv <= field_bbox.corner.x) &&
- (xv >= inf.x) && (xv <= sup.x) &&
- (field_bbox.orig.y >= inf.y) && (field_bbox.orig.y <= sup.y)) {
- end->x = xv;
- end->y = field_bbox.orig.y;
- inf.x = MIN(start->x, end->x);
- sup.x = MAX(start->x, end->x);
- inf.y = MIN(start->y, end->y);
- sup.y = MAX(start->y, end->y);
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InitFields --
- *
- * Perform the init of each field in a ZnFieldSet. The number of such
- * fields must have been inited before calling this fun.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InitFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- ZnWInfo *wi = field_set->item->wi;
- Field field;
- unsigned int i, num_fields;
- /*printf("size of a field = %d\n", sizeof(FieldStruct));*/
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- num_fields = field_set->num_fields;
- field_set->fields = (Field) ZnMalloc(num_fields*sizeof(FieldStruct));
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++){
- field = &field_set->fields[i];
- field->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- field->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->back_color);
- field->border_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- SET(field->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(field->flags, FIELD_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- CLEAR(field->flags, FILLED_BIT);
- CLEAR(field->flags, CACHE_OK);
- field->text = NULL;
- field->image = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- field->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- field->font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(wi->font));
-#ifdef GL
- field->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, field->font);
- field->border_edges = ZN_NO_BORDER;
- field->alignment = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
- field->auto_alignment.automatic = False;
- field->relief = ZN_RELIEF_FLAT;
- field->relief_thickness = 2;
- SET(field->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT);
- field->gradient = NULL;
- field->grad_geo = NULL;
- }
- field_set->label_pos.x = field_set->label_pos.y = 0.0;
- field_set->label_width = field_set->label_height = -1.0;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * CloneFields --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-CloneFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- ZnWInfo *wi = field_set->item->wi;
- Field field, fields_ret;
- unsigned int i, num_fields;
- char *text;
- num_fields = field_set->num_fields;
- if (!num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- field_set->label_format = ZnLFDuplicate(field_set->label_format);
- }
- fields_ret = (Field) ZnMalloc(num_fields*sizeof(FieldStruct));
- memcpy(fields_ret, field_set->fields, num_fields*sizeof(FieldStruct));
- field_set->fields = fields_ret;
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- field = &fields_ret[i];
- if (field->gradient) {
- field->gradient = ZnGetGradientByValue(field->gradient);
- }
- if (field->grad_geo) {
- ZnPoint *grad_geo = ZnMalloc(4*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(grad_geo, field->grad_geo, 4*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- field->grad_geo = grad_geo;
- }
- if (field->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- field->image = ZnGetImageByValue(field->image, ZnUpdateItemImage, field_set->item);
- }
- if (field->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- field->tile = ZnGetImageByValue(field->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, field_set->item);
- }
- field->font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(field->font));
-#ifdef GL
- field->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, field->font);
- field->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(field->color);
- field->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(field->fill_color);
- field->border_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(field->border_color);
- if (field->text) {
- text = (char *) ZnMalloc((strlen(field->text) + 1) * sizeof(char));
- strcpy(text, field->text);
- field->text = text;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ConfigureField --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ConfigureField(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- unsigned int i;
- Field fptr;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnWInfo *wi = fs->item->wi;
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- int old_num_chars, num_chars;
-#ifdef GL
- Tk_Font old_font;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "invalid field index", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
-#ifdef GL
- old_font = fptr->font;
- old_num_chars = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- old_num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text));
- }
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, fs->item, fptr, field_attrs,
- argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- num_chars = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text));
- }
- if (old_num_chars != num_chars) {
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- /*
- * The text has changed, update the selection and
- * insertion pos to keep them valid.
- */
- if ((fs->item == ti->sel_item) && (field == ti->sel_field)) {
- if (ti->sel_last > num_chars) {
- ti->sel_last = num_chars;
- }
- if (ti->sel_first >= ti->sel_last) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == fs->item) && (ti->anchor_field == field) &&
- (ti->sel_anchor > num_chars)) {
- ti->sel_anchor = num_chars;
- }
- }
- if (fptr->insert_index > num_chars) {
- fptr->insert_index = num_chars;
- }
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (old_font != fptr->font) {
- if (fptr->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(fptr->tfi);
- fptr->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, fptr->font);
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_REPICK_FLAG)) {
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_CLFC_FLAG)) {
- ClearFieldCache(fs, field);
- }
- if (fptr->gradient &&
- (ISSET(*flags, ZN_BORDER_FLAG) || (fptr->relief == ZN_RELIEF_FLAT))) {
- ZnFreeGradient(fptr->gradient);
- fptr->gradient = NULL;
- }
- if ((fptr->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && !fptr->gradient) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->border_color, 51.0, &alpha);
- fptr->gradient = ZnGetReliefGradient(wi->interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfColor(color), alpha);
- if (fptr->gradient == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- /*
- * This is done here to limit the redraw to the area of the
- * modified fields.
- */
- if (ISCLEAR(*flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) &&
- fs->label_format && ISSET(*flags, ZN_DRAW_FLAG)) {
- for (i = 0; i < ZnLFNumFields(fs->label_format); i++) {
- if (i == (unsigned int) field) {
- GetFieldBBox(fs, i, &bbox);
- ZnDamage(wi, &bbox);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * QueryField --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-QueryField(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(fs->item->wi->interp, "invalid field index \"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(fs->item->wi->interp, &fs->fields[field], field_attrs,
- argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FreeFields --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-FreeFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- unsigned int i, num_fields;
- Field field;
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- ZnLFDelete(field_set->label_format);
- }
- num_fields = field_set->num_fields;
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- field = &field_set->fields[i];
- if (field->text) {
- ZnFree(field->text);
- }
- if (field->gradient) {
- ZnFreeGradient(field->gradient);
- }
- if (field->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(field->grad_geo);
- }
- if (field->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(field->image, ZnUpdateItemImage, &field->image);
- field->image = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (field->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(field->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, &field->tile);
- field->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- Tk_FreeFont(field->font);
-#ifdef GL
- if (field->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(field->tfi);
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(field->color);
- ZnFreeGradient(field->fill_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(field->border_color);
- }
- if (num_fields) {
- ZnFree(field_set->fields);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FieldIndex,
- * FieldInsertChars,
- * FieldDeleteChars,
- * FieldCursor,
- * FieldSelection --
- * These functions implement text edition in fields. The behavior
- * is the same as for Text items.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-FieldPointToChar(ZnFieldSet fs,
- unsigned int field,
- int x,
- int y)
- Field fptr;
- int byte_index;
- ZnBBox f_bbox, t_bbox;
- ZnPoint t_orig;
- unsigned int num_bytes, n, dummy;
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- num_bytes = 0;
- byte_index = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- num_bytes = strlen(fptr->text);
- }
- if (num_bytes == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- GetFieldBBox(fs, field, &f_bbox);
- ComputeFieldTextLocation(fptr, &f_bbox, &t_orig, &t_bbox);
- /*
- * Point above text, returns index 0.
- */
- if (y < t_bbox.orig.y) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (y < t_bbox.corner.y) {
- if (x < t_bbox.orig.x) {
- /*
- * Point to the left of the current line, returns
- * index of first char.
- */
- return 0;
- }
- if (x >= t_bbox.corner.x) {
- /*
- * Point to the right of the current line, returns
- * index past the last char.
- */
- byte_index = num_bytes;
- goto convrt;
- }
- n = Tk_MeasureChars(fptr->font, fptr->text, num_bytes,
- x + 2 - (int) t_bbox.orig.x, TK_PARTIAL_OK, &dummy);
- byte_index = n - 1;
- goto convrt;
- }
- /*
- * Point below all lines, return the index after
- * the last char.
- */
- byte_index = num_bytes;
- convrt:
- return Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, byte_index);
-static int
-WordMoveFromIndex(char *text,
- int index,
- int fwd)
- char const *strp;
- if (!text) {
- return index;
- }
- strp = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text, index);
- if (fwd) {
- while ((strp[1] == ' ') || (strp[1] == '\n')) {
- strp++;
- }
- while ((strp[1] != ' ') && (strp[1] != '\n') && strp[1]) {
- strp++;
- }
- return Tcl_NumUtfChars(text, strp + 1 - text);
- }
- else {
- while ((strp != text) && ((strp[-1] == ' ') || (strp[-1] == '\n'))) {
- strp--;
- }
- while ((strp != text) && (strp[-1] != ' ') && (strp[-1] != '\n')) {
- strp--;
- }
- return Tcl_NumUtfChars(text, strp - text);
- }
-static int
-FieldIndex(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- Tcl_Obj *index_spec,
- int *index)
- Field fptr;
- ZnWInfo *wi = fs->item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- unsigned int length;
- int c, x, y;
- double tmp;
- char *end, *p;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- *index = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- p = Tcl_GetString(index_spec);
- c = p[0];
- length = strlen(p);
- if ((c == 'e') && (strncmp(p, "end", length) == 0)) {
- *index = fptr->text ? Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text)) : 0;
- }
- else if ((c == 'e') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "eol", length) == 0)) {
- *index = fptr->text ? Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text)) : 0;
- }
- else if ((c == 'b') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "bol", length) == 0)) {
- *index = 0;
- }
- else if ((c == 'e') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "eow", length) == 0)) {
- *index = WordMoveFromIndex(fptr->text, fptr->insert_index, 1);
- }
- else if ((c == 'b') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "bow", length) == 0)) {
- *index = WordMoveFromIndex(fptr->text, fptr->insert_index, 0);
- }
- else if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(p, "up", length) == 0)) {
- *index = fptr->insert_index;
- }
- else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(p, "down", length) == 0)) {
- *index = fptr->insert_index;
- }
- else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(p, "insert", length) == 0)) {
- *index = fptr->insert_index;
- }
- else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(p, "sel.first", length) == 0) &&
- (length >= 5)) {
- if ((ti->sel_item != fs->item) || (ti->sel_field != field)) {
- sel_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "selection isn't in field", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *index = ti->sel_first;
- }
- else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(p, "sel.last", length) == 0) &&
- (length >= 5)) {
- if ((ti->sel_item != fs->item) || (ti->sel_field != field)) {
- goto sel_err;
- }
- /*
- * We return a modified selection end so that it reflect
- * the text index of the last character _not_ the insertion
- * point between the last and the next.
- */
- *index = ti->sel_last-1;
- }
- else if (c == '@') {
- p++;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != ',')) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- x = (int) tmp;
- p = end+1;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != 0)) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- y = (int) tmp;
- *index = FieldPointToChar(fs, (unsigned int) field, x, y);
- }
- else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, index_spec, index) == TCL_OK) {
- int num_chars = fptr->text ? Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text)) : 0;
- if (*index < 0){
- *index = 0;
- }
- else if (*index > num_chars) {
- *index = num_chars;
- }
- }
- else {
- badIndex:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad index \"", p, "\"", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static ZnBool
-FieldInsertChars(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int *index,
- char *chars)
- Field fptr;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &fs->item->wi->text_info;
- int num_chars, num_bytes, chars_added;
- unsigned int byte_index, bytes_added = strlen(chars);
- char *new;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- return False;
- }
- if (bytes_added == 0) {
- return False;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- num_chars = 0;
- num_bytes = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- num_bytes = strlen(fptr->text);
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, num_bytes);
- }
- if (*index < 0) {
- *index = 0;
- }
- if (*index > num_chars) {
- *index = num_chars;
- }
- chars_added = Tcl_NumUtfChars(chars, (int) bytes_added);
- if (fptr->text) {
- byte_index = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text, *index) - fptr->text;
- new = ZnMalloc(num_bytes + bytes_added + 1);
- /*
- * Copy the part before and the part after the new
- * text (if any).
- */
- memcpy(new, fptr->text, (size_t) byte_index);
- strcpy(new + byte_index + bytes_added, fptr->text + byte_index);
- ZnFree(fptr->text);
- }
- else {
- byte_index = 0;
- new = ZnMalloc(num_bytes + 1);
- new[num_bytes] = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Insert the new text.
- */
- memcpy(new + byte_index, chars, bytes_added);
- fptr->text = new;
- if (fptr->insert_index >= *index) {
- fptr->insert_index += chars_added;
- }
- if ((ti->sel_item == fs->item) && (ti->sel_field == field)) {
- if (ti->sel_first >= *index) {
- ti->sel_first += chars_added;
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= *index) {
- ti->sel_last += chars_added;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == fs->item) && (ti->anchor_field == field) &&
- (ti->sel_anchor >= *index)) {
- ti->sel_anchor += chars_added;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Need to redo the fields layout (maybe).
- */
- ClearFieldCache(fs, field);
- return True;
-static ZnBool
-FieldDeleteChars(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int *first,
- int *last)
- Field fptr;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &fs->item->wi->text_info;
- unsigned int char_count, byte_count;
- unsigned int num_bytes, num_chars, first_offset;
- char *new;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- return False;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- num_chars = 0;
- num_bytes = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- num_bytes = strlen(fptr->text);
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) num_bytes);
- }
- if (num_chars == 0) {
- return False;
- }
- if (*first < 0) {
- *first = 0;
- }
- if (*last >= (int) num_chars) {
- *last = num_chars-1;
- }
- if (*first > *last) {
- return False;
- }
- char_count = *last + 1 - *first;
- first_offset = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text, *first)-fptr->text;
- byte_count = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text + first_offset, (int) char_count) -
- (fptr->text+first_offset);
- if (num_bytes - byte_count) {
- new = ZnMalloc(num_bytes + 1 - byte_count);
- memcpy(new, fptr->text, (size_t) first_offset);
- strcpy(new + first_offset, fptr->text + first_offset + byte_count);
- ZnFree(fptr->text);
- fptr->text = new;
- }
- else {
- ZnFree(fptr->text);
- fptr->text = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Update the cursor to reflect the new string.
- */
- if (fptr->insert_index > *first) {
- fptr->insert_index -= char_count;
- if (fptr->insert_index < *first) {
- fptr->insert_index = *first;
- }
- }
- if ((ti->sel_item == fs->item) && (ti->sel_field == field)) {
- if (ti->sel_first > *first) {
- ti->sel_first -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_first < *first) {
- ti->sel_first = *first;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= *first) {
- ti->sel_last -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_last < *first - 1) {
- ti->sel_last = *first - 1;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_first > ti->sel_last) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == fs->item) && (ti->anchor_field == field) &&
- (ti->sel_anchor > *first)) {
- ti->sel_anchor -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_anchor < *first) {
- ti->sel_anchor = *first;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Need to redo the fields layout (maybe).
- */
- ClearFieldCache(fs, field);
- return True;
-static void
-FieldCursor(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int index)
- Field fptr;
- int num_chars;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- return;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- num_chars = 0;
- if (fptr->text) {
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text));
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- fptr->insert_index = 0;
- }
- else if (index > num_chars) {
- fptr->insert_index = num_chars;
- }
- else {
- fptr->insert_index = index;
- }
-static int
-FieldSelection(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field,
- int offset,
- char *chars,
- int max_bytes)
- Field fptr;
- int count;
- char const *sel_first, *sel_last;
- ZnTextInfo *ti;
- if ((field < 0) || ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields)) {
- return 0;
- }
- ti = &fs->item->wi->text_info;
- if ((ti->sel_first < 0) ||
- (ti->sel_first > ti->sel_last)) {
- return 0;
- }
- fptr = &fs->fields[field];
- if (!fptr->text) {
- return 0;
- }
- sel_first = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text, ti->sel_first);
- sel_last = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(sel_first, ti->sel_last + 1 - ti->sel_first);
- count = sel_last - sel_first - offset;
- if (count <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (count > max_bytes) {
- count = max_bytes;
- }
- memcpy(chars, sel_first + offset, (size_t) count);
- chars[count] = 0;
- return count;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeFieldImageLocation --
- * Compute the bounding box of the pixmap in a field. The position is
- * deduced from the field bounding box passed in bbox.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeFieldImageLocation(Field fptr,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *pm_bbox)
- int width, height;
- ZnSizeOfImage(fptr->image, &width, &height);
- pm_bbox->orig.y = (bbox->orig.y + bbox->corner.y - height) / 2;
- pm_bbox->corner.y = pm_bbox->orig.y + height;
- switch (fptr->alignment) {
- pm_bbox->orig.x = bbox->orig.x;
- break;
- pm_bbox->orig.x = bbox->corner.x - width - 1;
- break;
- default:
- pm_bbox->orig.x = (bbox->orig.x + bbox->corner.x - width) / 2;
- break;
- }
- pm_bbox->corner.x = pm_bbox->orig.x + width;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FieldsEngine --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-FieldsEngine(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- void (*cb)())
- ZnWInfo *wi = field_set->item->wi;
- /*int i; This one *NEED* to be an int */
- unsigned int i, num_fields, num_chars;
- Field fptr;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- ZnBBox lclip_bbox, fclip_bbox, bbox, *global_clip_box;
- ZnBBox tmp_bbox, text_bbox, pm_bbox;
- ZnPoint pts[2];
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
- ZnPoint text_pos;
- ZnBool restore = False;
- ZnDim lwidth, lheight;
- ZnReal val;
- int cursor;
- int sel_start, sel_stop;
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- if (field_set->label_format && ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format)) {
- bbox.orig.x = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.x);
- bbox.orig.y = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.y);
- GetLabelBBox(field_set, &lwidth, &lheight);
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + lwidth;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + lheight;
- ZnCurrentClip(wi, NULL, &global_clip_box, NULL);
- if (!wi->render) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(global_clip_box, &bbox, &lclip_bbox);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&lclip_bbox)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- lclip_bbox = bbox;
- }
- num_fields = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format);
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- fptr = &field_set->fields[i];
- if (ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- GetFieldBBox(field_set, i, &bbox);
- ZnIntersectBBox(&lclip_bbox, &bbox, &fclip_bbox);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&fclip_bbox)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* we must call XSetClipRectangles only if it's required */
- val = fclip_bbox.orig.x - bbox.orig.x;
- restore = val > 0;
- val = fclip_bbox.orig.y - bbox.orig.y;
- restore |= val > 0;
- val = fclip_bbox.corner.x - bbox.corner.x;
- restore |= val < 0;
- val = fclip_bbox.corner.y - bbox.corner.y;
- restore |= val < 0;
- cursor = ((field_set->item == wi->focus_item) &&
- ((unsigned int) wi->focus_field == i) &&
- ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) && ti->cursor_on) ? 0 : -1;
- sel_start = -1, sel_stop = -1;
- ComputeFieldTextLocation(fptr, &bbox, &text_pos, &text_bbox);
- if (fptr->text) {
- if (cursor != -1) {
- cursor = Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, fptr->text,
- Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text,
- fptr->insert_index)-fptr->text);
- }
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(fptr->text, (int) strlen(fptr->text));
- if (num_chars) {
- if ((field_set->item == ti->sel_item) && ((unsigned int) ti->sel_field == i) &&
- (ti->sel_last >= 0) && (ti->sel_first <= (int) num_chars)) {
- sel_start = Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, fptr->text,
- Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text,
- ti->sel_first)-fptr->text);
- sel_stop = Tk_TextWidth(fptr->font, fptr->text,
- Tcl_UtfAtIndex(fptr->text,
- ti->sel_last)-fptr->text);
- }
- ZnIntersectBBox(&fclip_bbox, &text_bbox, &tmp_bbox);
- val = tmp_bbox.orig.x - text_bbox.orig.x;
- restore |= val > 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.orig.y - text_bbox.orig.y;
- restore |= val > 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.corner.x - text_bbox.corner.x;
- restore |= val < 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.corner.y - text_bbox.corner.y;
- restore |= val < 0;
- }
- }
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ComputeFieldImageLocation(fptr, &bbox, &pm_bbox);
- ZnIntersectBBox(&fclip_bbox, &pm_bbox, &tmp_bbox);
- val = tmp_bbox.orig.x - pm_bbox.orig.x;
- restore |= val > 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.orig.y - pm_bbox.orig.y;
- restore |= val > 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.corner.x - pm_bbox.corner.x;
- restore |= val < 0;
- val = tmp_bbox.corner.y - pm_bbox.corner.y;
- restore |= val < 0;
- }
- /*restore = True;*/
- if (restore) {
- /* we must clip. */
- /*printf("clip: %d\n", i);*/
- pts[0] = fclip_bbox.orig;
- pts[1] = fclip_bbox.corner;
- ZnTriStrip1(&tristrip, pts, 2, False);
- ZnPushClip(wi, &tristrip, True, True);
- }
- (*cb)(wi, fptr, &bbox, &pm_bbox,
- &text_pos, &text_bbox, cursor, sel_start, sel_stop);
- if (restore) {
- /* Restore the previous clip. */
- ZnPopClip(wi, True);
- restore = False;
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * DrawFields --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-DrawField(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Field fptr,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *pm_bbox,
- ZnPoint *text_pos,
- ZnBBox *text_bbox,
- int cursor,
- int sel_start,
- int sel_stop)
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- XGCValues values;
- XRectangle r;
- int j, xs, num_bytes;
- int pw, ph, fw, fh;
- TkRegion clip_region;
- ZnBool simple;
- Pixmap pixmap;
- TkRegion photo_region, clip;
- ZnBBox2XRect(bbox, &r);
- /*
- * Draw the background.
- */
- if (ISSET(fptr->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(fptr->fill_color, 0.0);
- if (fptr->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(fptr->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = ZnImagePixmap(fptr->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) bbox->orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) bbox->orig.y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCTile,
- &values);
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(fptr->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) bbox->orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) bbox->orig.y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCForeground,
- &values);
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCFillStyle, &values);
- }
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the image and the text, which is in back depends on
- * the value of text_on_top.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- if ((j == 0 && ISSET(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT)) ||
- (j == 1 && ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT))) {
- /*
- * Draw the image.
- */
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- pw = ZnNearestInt(pm_bbox->corner.x - pm_bbox->orig.x);
- ph = ZnNearestInt(pm_bbox->corner.y - pm_bbox->orig.y);
- fw = ZnNearestInt(bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x);
- fh = ZnNearestInt(bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y);
- pixmap = ZnImagePixmap(fptr->image, wi->win);
- photo_region = ZnImageRegion(fptr->image);
- ZnCurrentClip(wi, &clip_region, NULL, &simple);
- clip = TkCreateRegion();
- /*
- * ZnImageRegion may fail: perl/Tk 800.24 doesn't support
- * some internal TkPhoto functions.
- * This is a workaround using a rectangular region based
- * on the image size.
- */
- if (photo_region == NULL) {
- XRectangle rect;
- rect.x = rect.y = 0;
- rect.width = pw;
- rect.height = ph;
- TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, clip, clip);
- }
- else {
- ZnUnionRegion(clip, photo_region, clip);
- }
- ZnOffsetRegion(clip, (int) pm_bbox->orig.x, (int) pm_bbox->orig.y);
- TkIntersectRegion(clip_region, clip, clip);
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, clip);
- XCopyArea(wi->dpy, pixmap, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) ZnNearestInt(bbox->orig.x-pm_bbox->orig.x),
- (int) ZnNearestInt(bbox->orig.y-pm_bbox->orig.y),
- (unsigned int) MIN(pw, fw),
- (unsigned int) MIN(ph, fh),
- (int) MAX(bbox->orig.x, pm_bbox->orig.x),
- (int) MAX(bbox->orig.y, pm_bbox->orig.y));
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, clip_region);
- TkDestroyRegion(clip);
- }
- }
- else if (fptr->text) {
- /*
- * Draw the text.
- */
- num_bytes = strlen(fptr->text);
- if (num_bytes) {
- if (sel_start >= 0) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(ti->sel_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCFillStyle, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (text_bbox->orig.x+sel_start),
- (int) text_bbox->orig.y,
- (unsigned int) (sel_stop-sel_start),
- (unsigned int) (text_bbox->corner.y-text_bbox->orig.y));
- }
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(fptr->color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.font = Tk_FontId(fptr->font);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground | GCFillStyle | GCFont, &values);
- Tk_DrawChars(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, fptr->font,
- fptr->text, num_bytes, (int) text_pos->x, (int) text_pos->y);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cursor >= 0) {
- values.line_width = ti->insert_width;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(ti->insert_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCLineWidth|GCFillStyle, &values);
- xs = (int) text_bbox->orig.x + cursor;
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xs, (int) text_bbox->orig.y,
- xs, (int) text_bbox->corner.y);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border relief.
- */
- if ((fptr->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && (fptr->relief_thickness > 1)) {
- ZnDrawRectangleRelief(wi, fptr->relief, fptr->gradient,
- &r, fptr->relief_thickness);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border line.
- */
- if (fptr->border_edges != ZN_NO_BORDER) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(fptr->border_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = 0;
- values.line_style = LineSolid;
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle | GCFillStyle, &values);
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_LEFT_BORDER) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, r.x, r.y,
- r.x, r.y + r.height - 1);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_RIGHT_BORDER) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- r.x + r.width - 1, r.y,
- r.x + r.width - 1, r.y + r.height - 1);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_TOP_BORDER) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width - 1, r.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_BOTTOM_BORDER) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- r.x, r.y + r.height - 1,
- r.x + r.width - 1, r.y + r.height - 1);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_OBLIQUE) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width - 1, r.y + r.height - 1);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_COUNTER_OBLIQUE) {
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- r.x, r.y + r.height - 1,
- r.x + r.width - 1, r.y);
- }
- }
-static void
-DrawFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- FieldsEngine(field_set, DrawField);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * RenderFields --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-FieldRenderCB(void *closure)
- ZnBBox *bbox = (ZnBBox *) closure;
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glEnd();
-static void
-RenderField(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Field fptr,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *pm_bbox,
- ZnPoint *text_pos,
- ZnBBox *text_bbox,
- int cursor,
- int sel_start,
- int sel_stop)
- unsigned short alpha;
- unsigned int j, num_bytes;
- XColor *color;
- ZnReal xs;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- ZnGLMakeCurrent(wi->dpy, wi);
- /*
- * Draw the background.
- */
- if (ISSET(fptr->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(fptr->fill_color)) {
-#if 0 /* TODO_GL Faire le dégradé dans le fond des champs. */
- int type = fptr->fill_color->type;
- ZnBool fast = (type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT) && !fptr->grad_geo;
- RenderGradient(wi, fptr->fill_color,
- fast ? NULL : FieldRenderCB,
- bbox, fast ? (ZnPoint *) bbox : fptr->grad_geo);
- }
- else {
- if (fptr->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill tiled/stippled */
- ZnRenderTile(wi, fptr->tile, fptr->fill_color, FieldRenderCB, bbox,
- (ZnPoint *) bbox);
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->fill_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- FieldRenderCB(bbox);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the image and the text, which one is back depends on
- * the value of text_on_top.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- if ((j == 0 && ISSET(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT)) ||
- (j == 1 && ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT))) {
- /*
- * Draw the image.
- */
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnRenderIcon(wi, fptr->image, fptr->fill_color,
- &pm_bbox->orig, False);
- }
- }
- else if (fptr->text) {
- /*
- * Draw the text.
- */
- num_bytes = strlen(fptr->text);
- if (num_bytes) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (sel_start >= 0) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(ti->sel_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2d(text_bbox->orig.x+sel_start, text_bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(text_bbox->orig.x+sel_stop, text_bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(text_bbox->orig.x+sel_stop, text_bbox->corner.y);
- glVertex2d(text_bbox->orig.x+sel_start, text_bbox->corner.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ZnTexFontTex(fptr->tfi));
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslated(text_pos->x, text_pos->y, 0.0);
- ZnRenderString(fptr->tfi, fptr->text, num_bytes);
- glPopMatrix();
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- }
- }
- if (cursor >= 0) {
- glLineWidth((GLfloat) ti->insert_width);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(ti->insert_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- xs = text_bbox->orig.x + cursor;
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(xs, text_bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(xs, text_bbox->corner.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border relief.
- */
- if ((fptr->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && (fptr->relief_thickness > 1)) {
- ZnPoint p[5];
- p[0].x = bbox->orig.x;
- p[0].y = bbox->orig.y;
- p[2].x = bbox->corner.x;
- p[2].y = bbox->corner.y;
- p[1].x = p[0].x;
- p[1].y = p[2].y;
- p[3].x = p[2].x;
- p[3].y = p[0].y;
- p[4] = p[0];
- ZnRenderPolygonRelief(wi, fptr->relief, fptr->gradient,
- False, p, 5, fptr->relief_thickness);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border line.
- */
- if (fptr->border_edges != ZN_NO_BORDER) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->border_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glLineWidth(1.5);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_SIMPLE);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_LEFT_BORDER) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_RIGHT_BORDER) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_TOP_BORDER) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_BOTTOM_BORDER) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_OBLIQUE) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_COUNTER_OBLIQUE) {
- glVertex2d(bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- glVertex2d(bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-RenderFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- /* glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);*/
- FieldsEngine(field_set, RenderField);
- /* glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);*/
-static void
-RenderFields(ZnFieldSet field_set)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScriptFields --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PsField(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnBool prepass,
- Field fptr,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *pm_bbox,
- ZnPoint *text_pos,
- ZnBBox *text_bbox)
- int j;
- char path[250];
- /*
- * Must set the clip rect for the whole field, not only for stipple fill.
- */
- if (ISSET(fptr->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (fptr->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(fptr->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- /* TODO No support yet */
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_PostscriptStipple(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info,
- ZnImagePixmap(fptr->tile, wi->win)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "fill\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the image and the text, which is in back depends on
- * the value of text_on_top.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
- if ((j == 0 && ISSET(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT)) ||
- (j == 1 && ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, TEXT_ON_TOP_BIT))) {
- /*
- * Draw the image.
- */
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- int w, h;
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g translate 1 -1 scale\n",
- pm_bbox->orig.x, pm_bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- w = ZnNearestInt(pm_bbox->corner.x - pm_bbox->orig.x);
- h = ZnNearestInt(pm_bbox->corner.y - pm_bbox->orig.y);
- if (Tk_PostscriptImage(ZnImageTkImage(fptr->image), wi->interp, wi->win,
- wi->ps_info, 0, 0, w, h, prepass) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- else if (fptr->text) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptFont(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, fptr->font) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * TODO pourquoi la text_bbox ne donne pas un texte centré verticalement ?
- * Apparement la fonte PostScript n'est pas centrée comme la fonte X.
- * Il faut donc opérer le calcul dans le code PostScript de DrawText.
- */
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g translate 1 -1 scale 0 0 [\n",
- text_bbox->orig.x, text_bbox->orig.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- /*
- * strlen should do the work of counting _bytes_ in the utf8 string.
- */
- ZnPostscriptString(wi->interp, fptr->text, strlen(fptr->text));
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "] 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 false DrawText\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border relief.
- */
- if ((fptr->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && (fptr->relief_thickness > 1)) {
- }
- /*
- * Draw the border line.
- */
- if (fptr->border_edges != ZN_NO_BORDER) {
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(fptr->border_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n", NULL);
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_LEFT_BORDER) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y, bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_RIGHT_BORDER) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y, bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_TOP_BORDER) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y, bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_BOTTOM_BORDER) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y, bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_OBLIQUE) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y, bbox->corner.x, bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- if (fptr->border_edges & ZN_COUNTER_OBLIQUE) {
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto stroke\n",
- bbox->corner.x, bbox->orig.y, bbox->orig.x, bbox->corner.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static int
-PostScriptFields(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = field_set->item->wi;
- ZnBBox lclip_bbox, fclip_bbox;
- ZnBBox bbox, text_bbox, pm_bbox;
- ZnPoint text_pos;
- int i, num_fields;
- ZnDim lwidth, lheight;
- Field fptr;
- char path[250];
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (field_set->label_format && ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format)) {
- /*
- * Fields are drawn with respect to a point already converted
- * to device space, so we need to reinstate the initial transform.
- */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "/InitialTransform load setmatrix\n", NULL);
- lclip_bbox.orig.x = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.x);
- lclip_bbox.orig.y = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.y);
- GetLabelBBox(field_set, &lwidth, &lheight);
- lclip_bbox.corner.x = lclip_bbox.orig.x + lwidth;
- lclip_bbox.corner.y = lclip_bbox.orig.y + lheight;
- num_fields = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format);
- for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
- fptr = &field_set->fields[i];
- if (ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- GetFieldBBox(field_set, i, &bbox);
- ZnIntersectBBox(&lclip_bbox, &bbox, &fclip_bbox);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&fclip_bbox)) {
- /* The field is outside the label bbox */
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Setup a clip area around the field
- */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g",
- fclip_bbox.orig.x, fclip_bbox.orig.y, fclip_bbox.corner.x+1, fclip_bbox.orig.y,
- fclip_bbox.corner.x+1, fclip_bbox.corner.y+1, fclip_bbox.orig.x,
- fclip_bbox.corner.y+1);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, " lineto closepath clip\n", NULL);
- if (fptr->text) {
- ComputeFieldTextLocation(fptr, &bbox, &text_pos, &text_bbox);
- }
- if (fptr->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ComputeFieldImageLocation(fptr, &bbox, &pm_bbox);
- }
- if (PsField(wi, prepass, fptr, &bbox, &pm_bbox, &text_pos, &text_bbox) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsFieldsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsFieldSensitive(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- int part)
- if ((part >= 0) && ((unsigned int) part < field_set->num_fields)) {
- return ISSET(field_set->fields[part].flags, FIELD_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- }
- else {
- return False;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FieldsPick --
- * Return the first field that contains <x, y>.
- * A field is selected if <x, y> is over a non transparent area.
- * Such areas are : a solid filled background, a text, an icon.
- * This does *NOT* do with *GLOBAL* visible and sensitive.
- * But we need to take into account local field visible and
- * sensitive as they modifiy local transparency. Local means
- * within a single item.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-FieldsPick(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- ZnPoint *p,
- int *part)
- Field fptr;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- unsigned int best_field = 0;
- int i;
- ZnReal new_dist, dist = 1e40;
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return dist;
- }
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- for (i = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- fptr = &field_set->fields[i];
- if (ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT) &&
- continue;
- }
- GetFieldBBox(field_set, (unsigned int) i, &bbox);
- new_dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&bbox, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- best_field = i;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- *part = best_field;
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FieldsToArea --
- * Return -1 if no field is in the given area, 1 if they are
- * all in it or 0 if there is some overlap. The function consider
- * only fields that are either sensible or visible.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-FieldsToArea(ZnFieldSet field_set,
- ZnBBox *area)
- Field fptr;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- int i, inside = -1;
- ZnBool first_done = False;
- if (!field_set->num_fields) {
- return inside;
- }
- for (i = ZnLFNumFields(field_set->label_format)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- fptr = &field_set->fields[i];
- if (ISCLEAR(fptr->flags, FIELD_VISIBLE_BIT) &&
- continue;
- }
- GetFieldBBox(field_set, (unsigned int) i, &bbox);
- if (!first_done) {
- first_done = True;
- inside = ZnBBoxInBBox(&bbox, area);
- if (inside == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ZnBBoxInBBox(&bbox, area) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return inside;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * SetFieldsAutoAlign --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetFieldsAutoAlign(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int alignment)
- unsigned int i;
- Field field;
- if (!fs->num_fields) {
- return;
- }
- if ((alignment >= ZN_AA_LEFT) && (alignment <= ZN_AA_RIGHT)) {
- for (i = 0; i < fs->num_fields; i++) {
- field = &fs->fields[i];
- if (field->auto_alignment.automatic) {
- field->alignment = field->auto_alignment.align[alignment];
- }
- }
- }
-static char *
-GetFieldStruct(ZnFieldSet fs,
- int field)
- if ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return (char *) &fs->fields[field];
-static unsigned int
-NumFields(ZnFieldSet fs)
- return fs->num_fields;
-struct _ZnFIELD ZnFIELD = {
- field_attrs,
- InitFields,
- CloneFields,
- FreeFields,
- ConfigureField,
- QueryField,
- DrawFields,
- RenderFields,
- PostScriptFields,
- FieldsToArea,
- IsFieldSensitive,
- FieldsPick,
- FieldIndex,
- FieldInsertChars,
- FieldDeleteChars,
- FieldCursor,
- FieldSelection,
- LeaderToLabel,
- GetLabelBBox,
- GetFieldBBox,
- SetFieldsAutoAlign,
- ClearFieldCache,
- GetFieldStruct,
- NumFields
diff --git a/generic/Field.h b/generic/Field.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad13663..0000000
--- a/generic/Field.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Field.h -- Header for field item parts.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Field_h
-#define _Field_h
-#include "Attrs.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-struct _ZnItemStruct;
-struct _ZnAttrConfig;
- * Field array management record.
- *
- * This structure should be used only for internal
- * management by items with fields. The rest of the code
- * should use the methods in FIELD.
- *
- */
-typedef struct _ZnFieldSetStruct {
- struct _ZnItemStruct *item;
- ZnLabelFormat label_format;
- unsigned int num_fields;
- struct _FieldStruct *fields;
- ZnDim label_width; /* Describe the label size. Access these */
- ZnDim label_height; /* 2 only with GetLabelBBox. -1 means
- * not up to date. */
- ZnPoint label_pos; /* Describe the label origin. */
-} ZnFieldSetStruct, *ZnFieldSet;
-extern struct _ZnFIELD {
- struct _ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc;
- void (*InitFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
- void (*CloneFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
- void (*FreeFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
- int (*ConfigureField)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[], int *flags);
- int (*QueryField)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[]);
- void (*DrawFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
- void (*RenderFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
- int (*PostScriptFields)(ZnFieldSet fs, ZnBool prepass, ZnBBox *area);
- int (*FieldsToArea)(ZnFieldSet fs, ZnBBox *area);
- ZnBool (*IsFieldSensitive)(ZnFieldSet fs, int part);
- double (*FieldsPick)(ZnFieldSet fs, ZnPoint *p, int *part);
- int (*FieldIndex)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, Tcl_Obj *index_spec, int *index);
- ZnBool (*FieldInsertChars)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, int *index, char *chars);
- ZnBool (*FieldDeleteChars)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field,
- int *first, int *last);
- void (*FieldCursor)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, int index);
- int (*FieldSelection)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field, int offset,
- char *chars, int max_chars);
- void (*LeaderToLabel)(ZnFieldSet fs, ZnPoint *start, ZnPoint *end);
- void (*GetLabelBBox)(ZnFieldSet fs, ZnDim *w, ZnDim *h);
- void (*GetFieldBBox)(ZnFieldSet fs, unsigned int index,
- ZnBBox *field_bbox);
- void (*SetFieldsAutoAlign)(ZnFieldSet fs, int alignment);
- void (*ClearFieldCache)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field);
- char *(*GetFieldStruct)(ZnFieldSet fs, int field);
- unsigned int (*NumFields)(ZnFieldSet fs);
-#endif /* _Field_h */
diff --git a/generic/Geo.c b/generic/Geo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fde494..0000000
--- a/generic/Geo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3276 +0,0 @@
- * Geo.c -- Implementation of common geometric routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * Much of the code here is inspired by (or copied from) the Tk code.
- */
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include <memory.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-ZnPolyInit(ZnPoly *poly)
- poly->num_contours = 0;
- poly->contours = NULL;
-ZnPolyContour1(ZnPoly *poly,
- ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_pts,
- ZnBool cw)
- poly->num_contours = 1;
- poly->contours = &poly->contour1;
- poly->contour1.num_points = num_pts;
- poly->contour1.points = pts;
- poly->contour1.cw = cw;
- poly->contour1.controls = NULL;
-ZnPolySet(ZnPoly *poly1,
- ZnPoly *poly2)
- ZnPolyFree(poly1);
- if (poly2->num_contours == 1) {
- ZnPolyContour1(poly1, poly2->contours[0].points, poly2->contours[0].num_points,
- poly2->contours[0].cw);
- if (poly2->contours != &poly2->contour1) {
- ZnFree(poly2->contours);
- }
- }
- else {
- poly1->num_contours = poly2->num_contours;
- poly1->contours = poly2->contours;
- }
-ZnPolyFree(ZnPoly *poly)
- if (poly->num_contours) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < poly->num_contours; i++) {
- ZnFree(poly->contours[i].points);
-/* if (poly->contours[i].controls) {
- ZnFree(poly->contours[i].controls);
- }*/
- }
- if (poly->contours != &poly->contour1) {
- ZnFree(poly->contours);
- }
- poly->num_contours = 0;
- poly->contours = NULL;
- }
-ZnTriStrip1(ZnTriStrip *tristrip,
- ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_pts,
- ZnBool fan)
- tristrip->num_strips = 1;
- tristrip->strips = &tristrip->strip1;
- tristrip->strip1.points = pts;
- tristrip->strip1.num_points = num_pts;
- tristrip->strip1.fan = fan;
-ZnTriFree(ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- if (tristrip->num_strips) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < tristrip->num_strips; i++) {
- ZnFree(tristrip->strips[i].points);
- }
- if (tristrip->strips != &tristrip->strip1) {
- ZnFree(tristrip->strips);
- }
- tristrip->num_strips = 0;
- tristrip->strips = NULL;
- }
- * Compute the origin of the rectangle given
- * by position, anchor, width and height.
- */
-ZnAnchor2Origin(ZnPoint *position,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *origin)
- switch (anchor) {
- origin->x = position->x - width/2;
- origin->y = position->y - height/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- *origin = *position;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- origin->x = position->x - width/2;
- origin->y = position->y;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- origin->x = position->x - width;
- origin->y = position->y;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- origin->x = position->x - width;
- origin->y = position->y - height/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- origin->x = position->x - width;
- origin->y = position->y - height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- origin->x = position->x - width/2;
- origin->y = position->y - height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- origin->x = position->x;
- origin->y = position->y - height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- origin->x = position->x;
- origin->y = position->y - height/2;
- break;
- }
- * Compute the anchor position given the bbox origin, width,
- * height and the anchor.
- */
-ZnOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *origin,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *position)
- switch (anchor) {
- position->x = origin->x + width/2;
- position->y = origin->y + height/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- *position = *origin;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- position->x = origin->x + width/2;
- position->y = origin->y;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- position->x = origin->x + width;
- position->y = origin->y;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- position->x = origin->x + width;
- position->y = origin->y + height/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- position->x = origin->x + width;
- position->y = origin->y + height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- position->x = origin->x + width/2;
- position->y = origin->y + height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- position->x = origin->x;
- position->y = origin->y + height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- position->x = origin->x;
- position->y = origin->y + height/2;
- break;
- }
- * Compute the anchor position given a rectangle and
- * the anchor. The rectangle vertices must be ordered
- * as for a triangle strip:
- *
- * v0 ------------ v2
- * | |
- * | |
- * v1 ------------ v3
- */
-ZnRectOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *rect,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *position)
- switch (anchor) {
- position->x = (rect[0].x + rect[3].x) / 2.0;
- position->y = (rect[0].y + rect[3].y) / 2.0;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- *position = *rect;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- position->x = (rect[0].x + rect[2].x) / 2.0;
- position->y = (rect[0].y + rect[2].y) / 2.0;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- *position = rect[2];
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- position->x = (rect[2].x + rect[3].x) / 2.0;
- position->y = (rect[2].y + rect[3].y) / 2.0;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- *position = rect[3];
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- position->x = (rect[1].x + rect[3].x) / 2.0;
- position->y = (rect[1].y + rect[3].y) / 2.0;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- *position = rect[1];
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- position->x = (rect[0].x + rect[1].x) / 2.0;
- position->y = (rect[0].y + rect[1].y) / 2.0;
- break;
- }
-ZnBBox2XRect(ZnBBox *bbox,
- XRectangle *r)
- r->x = ZnNearestInt(bbox->orig.x);
- r->y = ZnNearestInt(bbox->orig.y);
- r->width = ZnNearestInt(bbox->corner.x) - r->x;
- r->height = ZnNearestInt(bbox->corner.y) - r->y;
-ZnGetStringBBox(char *str,
- Tk_Font font,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- ZnBBox *str_bbox)
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- str_bbox->orig.x = x;
- str_bbox->corner.x = x + Tk_TextWidth(font, str, (int) strlen(str));
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(font, &fm);
- str_bbox->orig.y = y - fm.ascent;
- str_bbox->corner.y = str_bbox->orig.y + fm.ascent + fm.descent;
-ZnResetBBox(ZnBBox *bbox)
- bbox->orig.x = bbox->orig.y = 0;
- bbox->corner = bbox->orig;
-ZnCopyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox_from,
- ZnBBox *bbox_to)
- bbox_to->orig = bbox_from->orig;
- bbox_to->corner = bbox_from->corner;
-ZnIntersectBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1,
- ZnBBox *bbox2,
- ZnBBox *bbox_inter)
- if ((bbox1->corner.x < bbox2->orig.x) ||
- (bbox1->corner.y < bbox2->orig.y) ||
- (bbox2->corner.x < bbox1->orig.x) ||
- (bbox2->corner.y < bbox1->orig.y)) {
- ZnResetBBox(bbox_inter);
- }
- else {
- bbox_inter->orig.x = MAX(bbox1->orig.x, bbox2->orig.x);
- bbox_inter->orig.y = MAX(bbox1->orig.y, bbox2->orig.y);
- bbox_inter->corner.x = MIN(bbox1->corner.x, bbox2->corner.x);
- bbox_inter->corner.y = MIN(bbox1->corner.y, bbox2->corner.y);
- }
-ZnIsEmptyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox)
- return (bbox->orig.x >= bbox->corner.x) || (bbox->orig.y >= bbox->corner.y);
-ZnAddBBoxToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *bbox2)
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(bbox2)) {
- return;
- }
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(bbox)) {
- ZnCopyBBox(bbox2, bbox);
- }
- else {
- bbox->orig.x = MIN(bbox->orig.x, bbox2->orig.x);
- bbox->orig.y = MIN(bbox->orig.y, bbox2->orig.y);
- bbox->corner.x = MAX(bbox->corner.x, bbox2->corner.x);
- bbox->corner.y = MAX(bbox->corner.y, bbox2->corner.y);
- }
-ZnAddPointToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPos px,
- ZnPos py)
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(bbox)) {
- bbox->orig.x = px;
- bbox->orig.y = py;
- bbox->corner.x = bbox->orig.x + 1;
- bbox->corner.y = bbox->orig.y + 1;
- }
- else {
- bbox->orig.x = MIN(bbox->orig.x, px);
- bbox->orig.y = MIN(bbox->orig.y, py);
- bbox->corner.x = MAX(bbox->corner.x, px + 1);
- bbox->corner.y = MAX(bbox->corner.y, py + 1);
- }
-ZnAddPointsToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points)
- ZnReal x1, y1, x2, y2, cur;
- if (points == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (num_points == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(bbox)) {
- x1 = points->x;
- y1 = points->y;
- x2 = x1 + 1;
- y2 = y1 + 1;
- num_points--;
- points++;
- }
- else {
- x1 = bbox->orig.x;
- y1 = bbox->orig.y;
- x2 = bbox->corner.x;
- y2 = bbox->corner.y;
- }
- for ( ; num_points > 0; num_points--, points++) {
- cur = points->x;
- if (cur < x1) {
- x1 = cur;
- }
- if (cur > x2) {
- x2 = cur;
- }
- cur = points->y;
- if (cur < y1) {
- y1 = cur;
- }
- if (cur > y2) {
- y2 = cur;
- }
- }
- bbox->orig.x = x1;
- bbox->orig.y = y1;
- if (x1 == x2) {
- x2++;
- }
- if (y1 == y2) {
- y2++;
- }
- bbox->corner.x = x2;
- bbox->corner.y = y2;
-ZnAddStringToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- char *str,
- Tk_Font font,
- ZnPos cx,
- ZnPos cy)
- ZnBBox str_bbox;
- ZnGetStringBBox(str, font, cx, cy, &str_bbox);
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(bbox, &str_bbox);
-ZnPointInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y)
- return ((x >= bbox->orig.x) && (x < bbox->corner.x) &&
- (y >= bbox->orig.y) && (y < bbox->corner.y));
- * Tell where aa area is with respect to another area.
- * Return -1 if the first is entirely outside the second,
- * 1 if it is entirely inside and 0 otherwise.
- */
-ZnBBoxInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1,
- ZnBBox *bbox2)
- if ((bbox1->corner.x <= bbox2->orig.x) ||
- (bbox1->orig.x >= bbox2->corner.x) ||
- (bbox1->corner.y <= bbox2->orig.y) ||
- (bbox1->orig.y >= bbox2->corner.y)) {
- return -1;
- }
- if ((bbox2->orig.x <= bbox1->orig.x) &&
- (bbox1->corner.x <= bbox2->corner.x) &&
- (bbox2->orig.y <= bbox1->orig.y) &&
- (bbox1->corner.y <= bbox2->corner.y)) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- * Tell where a line is with respect to an area.
- * Return -1 if the line is entirely outside the bbox, 1
- * if it is entirely inside and 0 otherwise.
- */
-ZnLineInBBox(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnBBox *bbox)
- ZnBool p1_inside = ZnPointInBBox(bbox, p1->x, p1->y);
- ZnBool p2_inside = ZnPointInBBox(bbox, p2->x, p2->y);
- if (p1_inside != p2_inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (p1_inside && p2_inside) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Segment may intersect area, check it more thoroughly.
- */
- /* Vertical line */
- if (p1->x == p2->x) {
- if (((p1->y >= bbox->orig.y) ^ (p2->y >= bbox->orig.y)) &&
- (p1->x >= bbox->orig.x) &&
- (p1->x <= bbox->corner.x)) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* Horizontal line */
- else if (p1->y == p2->y) {
- if (((p1->x >= bbox->orig.x) ^ (p2->x >= bbox->orig.x)) &&
- (p1->y >= bbox->orig.y) &&
- (p1->y <= bbox->corner.y)) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* Diagonal, do it the hard way. */
- else {
- ZnReal slope = (p2->y - p1->y) / (p2->x - p1->x);
- ZnDim low, high, x, y;
- ZnDim bbox_width = bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x;
- ZnDim bbox_height = bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y;
- /* Check against left edge */
- if (p1->x < p2->x) {
- low = p1->x;
- high = p2->x;
- }
- else {
- low = p2->x;
- high = p1->x;
- }
- y = p1->y + (bbox->orig.x - p1->x) * slope;
- if ((bbox->orig.x >= low) && (bbox->orig.x <= high) &&
- (y >= bbox->orig.y) && (y <= bbox->corner.y))
- return 0;
- /* Check against right edge */
- y += bbox_width * slope;
- if ((y >= bbox->orig.y) && (y <= bbox->corner.y) &&
- (bbox->corner.x >= low) && (bbox->corner.x <= high))
- return 0;
- /* Check against bottom edge */
- if (p1->y < p2->y) {
- low = p1->y;
- high = p2->y;
- }
- else {
- low = p2->y;
- high = p1->y;
- }
- x = p1->x + (bbox->orig.y - p1->y) / slope;
- if ((x >= bbox->orig.x) && (x <= bbox->corner.x) &&
- (bbox->orig.y >= low) && (bbox->orig.y <= high))
- return 0;
- /* Check against top edge */
- x += bbox_height / slope;
- if ((x >= bbox->orig.x) && (x <= bbox->corner.x) &&
- (bbox->corner.y >= low) && (bbox->corner.y <= high))
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-ZnTestCCW(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points)
- ZnPoint *p, *p_p=NULL, *p_n=NULL, min;
- ZnReal xprod;
- unsigned int i, min_index;
- if (num_points < 3) {
- return True;
- }
- /*
- * First find the lowest rightmost vertex. In X11 this is the
- * topmost one.
- */
- p = points;
- min = *p;
- min_index = 0;
- for (i = 1, p++; i < num_points; i++, p++) {
- if ((p->y < min.y) ||
- ((p->y == min.y) && (p->x > min.x))) {
- min_index = i;
- min = *p;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Then find the indices of the previous and next
- * vertices.
- */
- p = &points[min_index];
- /*printf("min index %d, prev %d, next %d\n", min_index,
- (min_index+(num_points-1))%num_points, (min_index+1)%num_points);*/
- /*printf("lower point index %d %d %d\n",
- (min_index+(num_points-1))%num_points, min_index, (min_index+1)%num_points);*/
- /*
- * Try to find preceding and following points that are not
- * the same as the base point.
- */
- for (i = 1; i < num_points; i++) {
- p_p = &points[(min_index+(num_points-i))%num_points]; /* min_index-1 */
- if ((p_p->x != p->x) || (p_p->y != p->y)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; i < num_points; i++) {
- p_n = &points[(min_index+i)%num_points];
- if ((p_p->x != p->x) || (p_p->y != p->y)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- xprod = ((p->x - p_p->x) * (p_n->y - p->y)) - ((p->y - p_p->y) * (p_n->x - p->x));
- return (xprod < 0.0); /* Should be > 0 but X11 has Y axis reverted. */
- * ZnShiftLine --
- * Given two points describing a line and a distance, return
- * to points describing a line parallel to it at the given distance.
- * When looking the line from p1 to p2 the new line will be dist away
- * on its left. Negative values are allowed for dist, resulting in a line
- * on the right.
- */
-ZnShiftLine(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnReal dist,
- ZnPoint *p3,
- ZnPoint *p4)
- static int shift_table[129];
- ZnBool dx_neg, dy_neg;
- int dx, dy;
- /*
- * Initialize the conversion table.
- */
- if (shift_table[0] == 0) {
- int i;
- ZnReal tangent, cosine;
- for (i = 0; i <= 128; i++) {
- tangent = i/128.0;
- cosine = 128/cos(atan(tangent)) + 0.5;
- shift_table[i] = (int) cosine;
- }
- }
- *p3 = *p1;
- dx = (int) (p2->x - p1->x);
- dy = (int) (p2->y - p1->y);
- if (dx < 0) {
- dx = -dx;
- dx_neg = True;
- }
- else {
- dx_neg = False;
- }
- if (dy < 0) {
- dy = -dy;
- dy_neg = True;
- }
- else {
- dy_neg = False;
- }
- if ((dy < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (dx < PRECISION_LIMIT)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ShiftLine: segment is a point\n");
- return;
- }
- if (dy <= dx) {
- dy = (((int) dist * shift_table[(dy*128)/dx]) + 64) / 128;
- if (!dx_neg) {
- dy = -dy;
- }
- p3->y += dy;
- }
- else {
- dx = (((int) dist * shift_table[(dx*128)/dy]) + 64) / 128;
- if (dy_neg) {
- dx = -dx;
- }
- p3->x += dx;
- }
- p4->x = p3->x + (p2->x - p1->x);
- p4->y = p3->y + (p2->y - p1->y);
- * IntersectLines --
- * Given two lines described by two points, compute their intersection.
- * The function returns True if the lines are not parallel and False
- * otherwise.
- */
-ZnIntersectLines(ZnPoint *a1,
- ZnPoint *a2,
- ZnPoint *b1,
- ZnPoint *b2,
- ZnPoint *pi)
- ZnReal dxadyb, dxbdya, dxadxb, dyadyb, p, q;
- dxadyb = (a2->x - a1->x)*(b2->y - b1->y);
- dxbdya = (b2->x - b1->x)*(a2->y - a1->y);
- dxadxb = (a2->x - a1->x)*(b2->x - b1->x);
- dyadyb = (a2->y - a1->y)*(b2->y - b1->y);
- if (dxadyb == dxbdya) {
- return False;
- }
- p = a1->x*dxbdya - b1->x*dxadyb + (b1->y - a1->y)*dxadxb;
- q = dxbdya - dxadyb;
- if (q < 0) {
- p = -p;
- q = -q;
- }
- if (p < 0) {
- pi->x = - ((-p + q/2)/q);
- }
- else {
- pi->x = (p + q/2)/q;
- }
- p = a1->y*dxadyb - b1->y*dxbdya + (b1->x - a1->x)*dyadyb;
- q = dxadyb - dxbdya;
- if (q < 0) {
- p = -p;
- q = -q;
- }
- if (p < 0) {
- pi->y = - ((-p + q/2)/q);
- }
- else {
- pi->y = (p + q/2)/q;
- }
- return True;
- * InsetPolygon --
- * Inset the given polygon by the given amount. The
- * value can be negative, in this case the polygon will
- * be outset.
- */
-/**** A FINIR ****/
-ZnInsetPolygon(ZnPoint *p,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim inset)
- ZnPoint *p1, *p2;
- ZnPoint new_p1, new_p2;
- /* ZnPoint shift1, shift2;*/
- unsigned int i, processed_points;
- processed_points = 0;
- if ((p->x == p[num_points-1].x) && (p->y == p[num_points-1].y)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- for (p1 = p, p2 = p1+1, i = 0; i < num_points; i++, p1 = p2, p2++) {
- /*
- * Wrap to the first point.
- */
- if (i == num_points-1) {
- p2 = p;
- }
- /*
- * Skip duplicate vertices.
- */
- if ((p2->x == p1->x) && (p2->y == p1->y)) {
- continue;
- }
- ZnShiftLine(p1, p2, inset, &new_p1, &new_p2);
- if (processed_points >= 1) {
- }
- }
- * Compute the two corner points of a thick line end.
- * Two points describing the line segment and the width
- * are given as input. If projecting is true this function
- * mimics the X11 line projecting behaviour. The computed
- * end is located around p2.
- */
-ZnGetButtPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnBool projecting,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2)
- ZnReal w_2 = width/2.0;
- ZnDim length = hypot(p2->x - p1->x, p2->y - p1->y);
- ZnReal delta_x, delta_y;
- if (length == 0.0) {
- c1->x = c2->x = p2->x;
- c1->y = c2->y = p2->y;
- }
- else {
- delta_x = -w_2 * (p2->y - p1->y) / length;
- delta_y = w_2 * (p2->x - p1->x) / length;
- c1->x = p2->x + delta_x;
- c2->x = p2->x - delta_x;
- c1->y = p2->y + delta_y;
- c2->y = p2->y - delta_y;
- if (projecting) {
- c1->x += delta_y;
- c2->x += delta_y;
- c1->y -= delta_x;
- c2->y -= delta_x;
- }
- }
- * Compute the inside and outside points of the mitered
- * corner formed by a thick line going through 3 points.
- * If the angle formed by the three points is less than
- * 11 degrees, False is returned an no points are computed.
- * Else True is returned and the points are in c1, c2.
- *
- * If someday the code is switched to REAL coordinates, we
- * must round each coordinate to the nearer integer to mimic
- * the way pixels are drawn. Sample code: floor(p->x+0.5);
- *
- * Hmmm, the switch has been done but not the rounding ;-)
- */
-ZnGetMiterPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnPoint *p3,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2)
- static ZnReal deg11 = (11.0*2.0*M_PI)/360.0;
- ZnReal theta1; /* angle of p2-p1 segment. */
- ZnReal theta2; /* angle of p2-p3 segment. */
- ZnReal theta; /* angle of the joint */
- ZnReal theta3; /* angle of bisector of the joint toward
- * the external point of the joint. */
- ZnReal dist; /* distance of the external points
- * of the corner from the mid point
- * p2. */
- ZnReal delta_x, delta_y; /* projection of (dist,theta3) on x
- * and y. */
- if (p2->y == p1->y) {
- theta1 = (p2->x < p1->x) ? 0.0 : M_PI;
- }
- else if (p2->x == p1->x) {
- theta1 = (p2->y < p1->y) ? M_PI/2.0 : -M_PI/2.0;
- }
- else {
- theta1 = atan2(p1->y - p2->y, p1->x - p2->x);
- }
- if (p3->y == p2->y) {
- theta2 = (p3->x > p2->x) ? 0.0 : M_PI;
- }
- else if (p3->x == p2->x) {
- theta2 = (p3->y > p2->y) ? M_PI/2.0 : -M_PI/2.0;
- }
- else {
- theta2 = atan2(p3->y - p2->y, p3->x - p2->x);
- }
- theta = theta1 - theta2;
- if (theta > M_PI) {
- theta -= 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- else if (theta < -M_PI) {
- theta += 2*M_PI;
- }
- if ((theta < deg11) && (theta > -deg11)) {
- return False;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the distance of the internal and external
- * corner points from the intersection p2 (considered
- * at 0,0).
- */
- dist = 0.5*width / sin(0.5*theta);
- dist = ABS(dist);
- /*
- * Compute the angle of the bisector of the joint that
- * goes toward the outside of the joint (the left hand
- * when looking from p1-p2).
- */
- theta3 = (theta1 + theta2)/2.0;
- if (sin(theta3 - (theta1 + M_PI)) < 0.0) {
- theta3 += M_PI;
- }
- delta_x = dist * cos(theta3);
- c1->x = p2->x + delta_x;
- c2->x = p2->x - delta_x;
- delta_y = dist * sin(theta3);
- c1->y = p2->y + delta_y;
- c2->y = p2->y - delta_y;
- return True;
- * Tell where a thick polyline is with respect to an area.
- * Return -1 if the polyline is entirely outside the bbox, 1
- * if it is entirely inside and 0 otherwise. The joints can
- * be specified as JoinMiter, JoinRound, JoinBevel. The ends
- * can be: CapRound, CapButt, CapProjecting.
- */
-ZnPolylineInBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim width,
- int cap_style,
- int join_style,
- ZnBBox *bbox)
- unsigned int count;
- int inside = -1;
- ZnBool do_miter_as_bevel;
- ZnPoint poly[4];
- /*
- * If the first point is inside the area, change inside
- * accordingly.
- */
- if ((points[0].x >= bbox->orig.x) && (points[0].x <= bbox->corner.x) &&
- (points[0].y >= bbox->orig.y) && (points[0].y <= bbox->corner.y)) {
- inside = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Now iterate through all the edges. Compute a polygon for
- * each and test it against the area. At each vertex an oval
- * of radius width/2 is also tested to account for round ends
- * and joints.
- */
- do_miter_as_bevel = False;
- for (count = num_points; count >= 2; count--, points++) {
- /*
- * Test a circle around the first point if CapRound or
- * around every joint if JoinRound.
- */
- if (((cap_style == CapRound) && (count == num_points)) ||
- ((join_style == JoinRound) && (count != num_points))) {
- if (ZnOvalInBBox(points, width, width, bbox) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Build a polygon to represent an edge from the current
- * point to the next. Special cases for the first and
- * last edges to implement the line ends.
- */
- /*
- * First vertex of the edge
- */
- if (count == num_points) {
- ZnGetButtPoints(&points[1], points, width,
- cap_style == CapProjecting, poly, &poly[1]);
- }
- /*
- * Here we are at a joint starting a new edge. If the
- * joint is mitered, start by carrying over the points
- * from the previous edge. Otherwise compute new points
- * for a butt end.
- */
- else if ((join_style == JoinMiter) && !do_miter_as_bevel) {
- poly[0] = poly[3];
- poly[1] = poly[2];
- }
- else {
- ZnGetButtPoints(&points[1], points, width, 0, poly, &poly[1]);
- /*
- * If the previous joint was beveled (or considered so),
- * check the polygon that fill the bevel. It has more or
- * less an X shape, i.e, it's self intersecting. If this
- * is not ok, it may be necessary to permutte poly[1] &
- * poly[2].
- */
- if ((join_style == JoinBevel) || do_miter_as_bevel) {
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(poly, 4, bbox, NULL) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- do_miter_as_bevel = False;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Opposite vertex of the edge.
- */
- if (count == 2) {
- ZnGetButtPoints(points, &points[1], width, cap_style == CapProjecting,
- &poly[2], &poly[3]);
- }
- else if (join_style == JoinMiter) {
- if (ZnGetMiterPoints(points, &points[1], &points[2], width,
- &poly[2], &poly[3]) == False) {
- do_miter_as_bevel = True;
- ZnGetButtPoints(points, &points[1], width, 0, &poly[2], &poly[3]);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnGetButtPoints(points, &points[1], width, 0, &poly[2], &poly[3]);
- }
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(poly, 4, bbox, NULL) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Test a circle around the last point if CapRound.
- */
- if (cap_style == CapRound) {
- if (ZnOvalInBBox(points, width, width, bbox) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return inside;
- * Tell where a polygon is with respect to an area.
- * Return -1 if the polygon is entirely outside the bbox, 1
- * if it is entirely inside and 0 otherwise. If area_enclosed
- * is not NULL it tells whether the area is enclosed by the
- * polygon or not.
- */
-ZnPolygonInBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBool *area_enclosed)
- int inside, count;
- ZnPoint *p, *head, *first, *second;
- ZnBool closed;
- if (area_enclosed) {
- *area_enclosed = False;
- }
- p = head = points;
- closed = True;
- count = num_points-2;
- /*
- * Check to see if closed. If not adjust num_points and
- * record this.
- */
- if ((points[0].x != points[num_points-1].x) ||
- (points[0].y != points[num_points-1].y)) {
- closed = False;
- count = num_points-1;
- }
- /*
- * Get the status of the first edge.
- */
- inside = ZnLineInBBox(&p[0], &p[1], bbox);
- p++;
- if (inside == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- for (; count > 0; p++, count--) {
- first = &p[0];
- /*
- * Pretend the polygon is closed if this is not the case.
- */
- if (!closed && (count == 1)) {
- second = head;
- }
- else {
- second = &p[1];
- }
- if (ZnLineInBBox(first, second, bbox) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If all the edges are inside the area, the polygon is
- * inside the area. If all the edges are outside, the polygon
- * may completely enclose the area. Test if the origin of
- * the area is inside the polygon to decide this.
- */
- if (inside == 1) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*printf("PolygonInBBox, np = %d, x = %g, y = %g, dist = %g\n",
- num_points, bbox->orig.x, bbox->orig.y,
- PolygonToPointDist(points, num_points, &bbox->orig));*/
- if (ZnPolygonToPointDist(points, num_points, &bbox->orig) <= 0.0) {
- if (area_enclosed) {
- *area_enclosed = True;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- * Tell where an oval is with respect to an area.
- * Return -1 if the oval is entirely outside the bbox, 1
- * if it is entirely inside and 0 otherwise.
- */
-ZnOvalInBBox(ZnPoint *center,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- ZnBBox *bbox)
- ZnPoint origin, corner;
- ZnDim w_2, h_2;
- ZnReal delta_x, delta_y;
- w_2 = (width+1)/2;
- h_2 = (height+1)/2;
- origin.x = center->x - w_2;
- origin.y = center->y - h_2;
- corner.x = center->x + w_2;
- corner.y = center->y + h_2;
- /*
- * This if the oval bbox is completely inside or outside
- * of the area. Trivial case first.
- */
- if ((bbox->orig.x <= origin.x) && (bbox->corner.x >= corner.x) &&
- (bbox->orig.y <= origin.y) && (bbox->corner.y >= corner.y)) {
- return 1;
- }
- if ((bbox->corner.x < origin.x) || (bbox->orig.x > corner.x) ||
- (bbox->corner.y < origin.y) || (bbox->orig.y > corner.y)) {
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Then test all sides of the area against the oval center.
- * If the point of a side closest to the center is inside
- * the oval, then the oval intersects the area.
- */
- /*
- * Compute the square of the Y axis distance, reducing
- * the oval to a unit circle to take into account the
- * shape factor.
- */
- delta_y = bbox->orig.y - center->y;
- if (delta_y < 0.0) {
- delta_y = center->y - bbox->corner.y;
- if (delta_y < 0.0) {
- delta_y = 0.0;
- }
- }
- delta_y /= h_2;
- delta_y *= delta_y;
- /*
- * Test left and then right edges.
- */
- delta_x = (bbox->orig.x - center->x) / w_2;
- delta_x *= delta_x;
- if ((delta_x + delta_y) <= 1.0) {
- return 0;
- }
- delta_x = (bbox->corner.x - center->x) / w_2;
- delta_x *= delta_x;
- if ((delta_x + delta_y) <= 1.0) {
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the square of the X axis distance, reducing
- * the oval to a unit circle to take into account the
- * shape factor.
- */
- delta_x = bbox->orig.x - center->x;
- if (delta_x < 0.0) {
- delta_x = center->x - bbox->corner.x;
- if (delta_x < 0.0) {
- delta_x = 0.0;
- }
- }
- delta_x /= w_2;
- delta_x *= delta_x;
- /*
- * Test top and then bottom edges.
- */
- delta_y = (bbox->orig.y - center->y) / h_2;
- delta_y *= delta_y;
- if ((delta_x + delta_y) <= 1.0) {
- return 0;
- }
- delta_y = (bbox->corner.y - center->y) / h_2;
- delta_y *= delta_y;
- if ((delta_x + delta_y) <= 1.0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- * Tell if a point is in an angular range whose center is 0,0.
- * The range is specified by a starting angle and an angle extent.
- * The use of a double here is important, don't change it. In some
- * case we need to normalize a figure to take care of its shape and
- * the result needs precision.
- */
-ZnPointInAngle(int start_angle,
- int angle_extent,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnReal point_angle;
- int angle_diff;
- if ((p->x == 0) && (p->y == 0)) {
- point_angle = 0.0;
- }
- else {
- point_angle = atan2(p->y, p->x) * 180.0 / M_PI;
- }
- angle_diff = (ZnNearestInt(point_angle) - start_angle) % 360;
- if (angle_diff < 0) {
- angle_diff += 360;
- }
- return ((angle_diff <= angle_extent) ||
- ((angle_extent < 0) && ((angle_diff - 360) >= angle_extent)));
- * PointPolarToCartesian --
- * Convert a point in polar coordinates (rho, theta)
- * in a reference system described by angle heading
- * (angles running clockwise) to a point in cartesian
- * coordinates (delta_x, delta_y).
- *
- */
-ZnPointPolarToCartesian(ZnReal heading,
- ZnReal rho,
- ZnReal theta,
- ZnReal *delta_x,
- ZnReal *delta_y)
- ZnReal to_angle;
- /* Compute angle in trigonometric system */
- /* to_angle = ZnDegRad(theta) + heading - M_PI_2;*/
- to_angle = heading - ZnDegRad(theta) - M_PI_2;
- /* Compute cartesian coordinates */
- *delta_x = rho * cos(to_angle);
- *delta_y = rho * sin(to_angle);
- * Return a vector angle given its projections
- */
-ZnProjectionToAngle(ZnReal dx,
- ZnReal dy)
- if (dx == 0) {
- if (dy < 0) {
- return -M_PI_2;
- }
- else if (dy > 0) {
- return M_PI_2;
- }
- else {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- else if (dx < 0) {
- return atan(dy / dx) - M_PI;
- }
- else {
- return atan(dy / dx);
- }
- return 0.0;
- * Tell if an horizontal line intersect an axis aligned
- * elliptical arc.
- *
- * Returns True if the line described by (x1, x2, y) intersects
- * the arc described by (r1, r2, start_angle and angle_extent).
- * This arc is origin centered.
- */
-ZnHorizLineToArc(ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal y,
- ZnReal rx,
- ZnReal ry,
- int start_angle,
- int angle_extent)
- ZnReal tmp, x;
- ZnPoint t;
- /*
- * Compute the x-coordinate of one possible intersection point
- * between the arc and the line. Use a transformed coordinate
- * system where the oval is a unit circle centered at the origin.
- * Then scale back to get actual x-coordinate.
- */
- t.y = y/ry;
- tmp = 1 - t.y*t.y;
- if (tmp < 0.0) {
- return False;
- }
- t.x = sqrt(tmp);
- x = t.x*rx;
- /*
- * Test both intersection points.
- */
- if ((x >= x1) && (x <= x2) && ZnPointInAngle((int) start_angle, (int) angle_extent, &t)) {
- return True;
- }
- t.x = -t.x;
- if ((-x >= x1) && (-x <= x2) && ZnPointInAngle((int) start_angle, (int) angle_extent, &t)) {
- return True;
- }
- return False;
- * Tell if an vertical line intersect an axis aligned
- * elliptical arc.
- *
- * Returns True if the line described by (x1, x2, y) intersects
- * the arc described by (r1, r2, start_angle and angle_extent).
- * This arc is origin centered.
- */
-ZnVertLineToArc(ZnReal x,
- ZnReal y1,
- ZnReal y2,
- ZnReal rx,
- ZnReal ry,
- int start_angle,
- int angle_extent)
- ZnReal tmp, y;
- ZnPoint t;
- /*
- * Compute the y-coordinate of one possible intersection point
- * between the arc and the line. Use a transformed coordinate
- * system where the oval is a unit circle centered at the origin.
- * Then scale back to get actual y-coordinate.
- */
- t.x = x/rx;
- tmp = 1 - t.x*t.x;
- if (tmp < 0.0) {
- return False;
- }
- t.y = sqrt(tmp);
- y = t.y*ry;
- /*
- * Test both intersection points.
- */
- if ((y > y1) && (y < y2) && ZnPointInAngle((int) start_angle, (int) angle_extent, &t)) {
- return True;
- }
- t.y = -t.y;
- if ((-y > y1) && (-y < y2) && ZnPointInAngle((int) start_angle, (int) angle_extent, &t)) {
- return True;
- }
- return False;
- * Return the distance of the given point to the rectangle
- * described by rect. Return negative values for points in
- * the rectangle.
- */
-ZnRectangleToPointDist(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnDim new_dist, dist;
- ZnPoint p1, p2;
- p1.x = bbox->orig.x;
- p1.y = p2.y = bbox->orig.y;
- p2.x = bbox->corner.x;
- dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&p1, &p2, p, NULL);
- if (dist == 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- p1 = p2;
- p2.y = bbox->corner.y;
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&p1, &p2, p, NULL);
- dist = MIN(dist, new_dist);
- if (dist == 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- p1 = p2;
- p2.x = bbox->orig.x;
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&p1, &p2, p, NULL);
- dist = MIN(dist, new_dist);
- if (dist == 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- p1 = p2;
- p2.y = bbox->orig.y;
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&p1, &p2, p, NULL);
- dist = MIN(dist, new_dist);
- if (ZnPointInBBox(bbox, p->x, p->y)) {
- return -dist;
- }
- else {
- return dist;
- }
- * Return the distance of the given point to the line
- * described by <xl1,yl1>, <xl2,yl2>..
- */
-ZnLineToPointDist(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnPoint *p,
- ZnPoint *closest)
- ZnReal x, y;
- ZnReal x_int, y_int;
- /*
- * First compute the closest point on the line. This is done
- * separately for vertical, horizontal, other lines.
- */
- /* Vertical */
- if (p1->x == p2->x) {
- x = p1->x;
- if (p1->y >= p2->y) {
- y_int = MIN(p1->y, p->y);
- y_int = MAX(y_int, p2->y);
- }
- else {
- y_int = MIN(p2->y, p->y);
- y_int = MAX(y_int, p1->y);
- }
- y = y_int;
- }
- /* Horizontal */
- else if (p1->y == p2->y) {
- y = p1->y;
- if (p1->x >= p2->x) {
- x_int = MIN(p1->x, p->x);
- x_int = MAX(x_int, p2->x);
- }
- else {
- x_int = MIN(p2->x, p->x);
- x_int = MAX(x_int, p1->x);
- }
- x = x_int;
- }
- /*
- * Other. Compute its parameters of form y = a1*x + b1 and
- * then compute the parameters of the perpendicular passing
- * through the point y = a2*x + b2, last find the closest point
- * on the segment.
- */
- else {
- ZnReal a1, a2, b1, b2;
- a1 = (p2->y - p1->y) / (p2->x - p1->x);
- b1 = p1->y - a1*p1->x;
- a2 = -1.0/a1;
- b2 = p->y - a2*p->x;
- x = (b2 - b1) / (a1 - a2);
- y = a1*x + b1;
- if (p1->x > p2->x) {
- if (x > p1->x) {
- x = p1->x;
- y = p1->y;
- }
- else if (x < p2->x) {
- x = p2->x;
- y = p2->y;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (x > p2->x) {
- x = p2->x;
- y = p2->y;
- }
- else if (x < p1->x) {
- x = p1->x;
- y = p1->y;
- }
- }
- }
- if (closest) {
- closest->x = x;
- closest->y = y;
- }
- /* Return the distance */
- return hypot(p->x - x, p->y - y);
- * Return the distance of the polygon described by
- * points, to the given point. If the point is
- * inside return values are negative.
- */
-ZnPolygonToPointDist(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnDim best_distance, dist;
- int intersections;
- int x_int, y_int;
- ZnPoint *first_point;
- ZnReal x, y;
- ZnPoint p1, p2;
- /*
- * The algorithm iterates through all the edges of the polygon
- * computing for each the distance to the point and whether a vertical
- * ray starting at the point, intersects the edge. The smallest
- * distance of all edges is stored in best_distance while intersections
- * hold the count of edges to rays intersections. For more informations
- * on how the distance is computed see LineToPointDist.
- */
- best_distance = 1.0e40;
- intersections = 0;
- first_point = points;
- /*
- * Check to see if closed. Adjust num_points to open it (the
- * algorithm always consider a set of points as a closed polygon).
- */
- if ((points[0].x == points[num_points-1].x) &&
- (points[0].y == points[num_points-1].y)) {
- num_points--;
- }
- for ( ; num_points >= 1; num_points--, points++) {
- p1 = points[0];
- /*
- * Wrap over to the first point.
- */
- if (num_points == 1) {
- p2 = *first_point;
- }
- else {
- p2 = points[1];
- }
- /*
- * First try to find the closest point on this edge.
- */
- /* Vertical edge */
- if (p1.x == p2.x) {
- x = p1.x;
- if (p1.y >= p2.y) {
- y_int = (int) MIN(p1.y, p->y);
- y_int = (int) MAX(y_int, p2.y);
- }
- else {
- y_int = (int) MIN(p2.y, p->y);
- y_int = (int) MAX(y_int, p1.y);
- }
- y = y_int;
- }
- /* Horizontal edge */
- else if (p1.y == p2.y) {
- y = p1.y;
- if (p1.x >= p2.x) {
- x_int = (int) MIN(p1.x, p->x);
- x_int = (int) MAX(x_int, p2.x);
- if ((p->y < y) && (p->x < p1.x) && (p->x >= p2.x)) {
- intersections++;
- }
- }
- else {
- x_int = (int) MIN(p2.x, p->x);
- x_int = (int) MAX(x_int, p1.x);
- if ((p->y < y) && (p->x < p2.x) && (p->x >= p1.x)) {
- intersections++;
- }
- }
- x = x_int;
- }
- /* Other */
- else {
- ZnReal a1, b1, a2, b2;
- a1 = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
- b1 = p1.y - a1 * p1.x;
- a2 = -1.0/a1;
- b2 = p->y - a2 * p->x;
- x = (b2 - b1)/(a1 - a2);
- y = a1 * x + b1;
- if (p1.x > p2.x) {
- if (x > p1.x) {
- x = p1.x;
- y = p1.y;
- }
- else if (x < p2.x) {
- x = p2.x;
- y = p2.y;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (x > p2.x) {
- x = p2.x;
- y = p2.y;
- }
- else if (x < p1.x) {
- x = p1.x;
- y = p1.y;
- }
- }
- if (((a1 * p->x + b1) > p->y) && /* True if point is lower */
- (p->x >= MIN(p1.x, p2.x)) &&
- (p->x < MAX(p1.x, p2.x))) {
- intersections++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now compute the distance to the closest point and
- * keep it if it is the shortest.
- */
- dist = hypot(p->x - x, p->y - y);
- best_distance = MIN(best_distance, dist);
- /*
- * We can safely escape here if distance is zero.
- */
- if (best_distance == 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Well, all the edges are processed, if the
- * intersection count is odd the point is inside.
- */
- if (intersections & 0x1) {
- return -best_distance;
- }
- else {
- return best_distance;
- }
- * Return the distance of a thick polyline to the
- * given point. Cap and Join parameters are considered
- * in the process.
- */
-ZnPolylineToPointDist(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim width,
- int cap_style,
- int join_style,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnBool miter2bevel = False;
- unsigned int count;
- ZnPoint *ptr;
- ZnPoint outline[5];
- ZnDim dist, best_dist, h_width;
- best_dist = 1.0e36;
- h_width = width/2.0;
- for (count = num_points, ptr = points; count >= 2; count--, ptr++) {
- if (((cap_style == CapRound) && (count == num_points)) ||
- ((join_style == JoinRound) && (count != num_points))) {
- dist = hypot(ptr->x - p->x, ptr->y - p->y) - h_width;
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- best_dist = 0.0;
- goto done;
- }
- else if (dist < best_dist) {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Build the polygonal outline of the current edge.
- */
- if (count == num_points) {
- ZnGetButtPoints(&ptr[1], ptr, width, cap_style==CapProjecting, outline, &outline[1]);
- }
- else if ((join_style == JoinMiter) && !miter2bevel) {
- outline[0] = outline[3];
- outline[1] = outline[2];
- }
- else {
- ZnGetButtPoints(&ptr[1], ptr, width, 0, outline, &outline[1]);
- /*
- * If joints are beveled, check the distance to the polygon
- * that fills the joint.
- */
- if ((join_style == JoinBevel) || miter2bevel) {
- outline[4] = outline[0];
- dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(outline, 5, p);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- best_dist = 0.0;
- goto done;
- }
- else if (dist < best_dist) {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- miter2bevel = False;
- }
- }
- if (count == 2) {
- ZnGetButtPoints(ptr, &ptr[1], width, cap_style==CapProjecting,
- &outline[2], &outline[3]);
- }
- else if (join_style == JoinMiter) {
- if (ZnGetMiterPoints(ptr, &ptr[1], &ptr[2], width,
- &outline[2], &outline[3]) == False) {
- miter2bevel = True;
- ZnGetButtPoints(ptr, &ptr[1], width, 0, &outline[2], &outline[3]);
- }
- /*printf("2=%g+%g, 3=%g+%g\n",
- outline[2].x, outline[2].y, outline[3].x, outline[3].y);*/
- }
- else {
- ZnGetButtPoints(ptr, &ptr[1], width, 0, &outline[2], &outline[3]);
- }
- outline[4] = outline[0];
- /*printf("0=%g+%g, 1=%g+%g, 2=%g+%g, 3=%g+%g, 4=%g+%g\n",
- outline[0].x, outline[0].y, outline[1].x, outline[1].y,
- outline[2].x, outline[2].y, outline[3].x, outline[3].y,
- outline[4].x, outline[4].y);*/
- dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(outline, 5, p);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- best_dist = 0.0;
- goto done;
- }
- else if (dist < best_dist) {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Test the final point if cap style is round. The code so far
- * has only handled the butt and projecting cases.
- */
- if (cap_style == CapRound) {
- dist = hypot(ptr->x - p->x, ptr->y - p->y) - h_width;
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- best_dist = 0.0;
- goto done;
- }
- else if (dist < best_dist) {
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- done:
- return best_dist;
- * Return the distance of the given oval to the point given.
- * The oval is described by its bounding box <xbb,ybb,wbb,hbb>,
- * the thickness of its outline <width>. Return values are negative
- * if the point is inside.
- */
-ZnOvalToPointDist(ZnPoint *center,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnReal x_delta, y_delta;
- /* ZnReal x_diameter, y_diameter;*/
- ZnDim scaled_distance;
- ZnDim distance_to_outline;
- ZnDim distance_to_center;
- /*
- * Compute the distance from the point given to the center
- * of the oval. Then compute the same distance in a coordinate
- * system where the oval is a circle with unit radius.
- */
- x_delta = p->x - center->x;
- y_delta = p->y - center->y;
- distance_to_center = hypot(x_delta, y_delta);
- scaled_distance = hypot(x_delta / ((width + line_width) / 2.0),
- y_delta / ((height + line_width) / 2.0));
- /*
- * If the scaled distance is greater than 1.0 the point is outside
- * the oval. Compute the distance to the edge and convert it back
- * to the original coordinate system. This distance is not much
- * accurate and can overestimate the real distance if the oval is
- * very eccentric.
- */
- if (scaled_distance > 1.0) {
- distance_to_outline = (distance_to_center / scaled_distance) * (scaled_distance - 1.0);
- return distance_to_outline;
- }
- /*
- * The point is inside the oval. Compute the distance as above and check
- * if the point is within the outline.
- */
- if (scaled_distance > 1.0e-10) {
- distance_to_outline = (distance_to_center / scaled_distance) * (1.0 - scaled_distance) - line_width;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * If the point is very close to the center avoid dividing by a
- * very small number, take another method.
- */
- if (width < height)
- distance_to_outline = (width - line_width) / 2;
- else
- distance_to_outline = (height - line_width) / 2;
- }
- if (distance_to_outline < 0.0)
- return 0.0;
- else
- return -distance_to_outline;
-static int bezier_basis[][4] =
- { -1, 3, -3, 1},
- { 3, -6, 3, 0},
- { -3, 3, 0, 0},
- { 1, 0, 0, 0}
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Arc2Param --
- *
- * Given a Bezier curve describing an arc and an angle return the parameter
- * value for the intersection point between the arc and the ray at angle.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#define EVAL(coeff, t) (((coeff[0]*t + coeff[1])*t + coeff[2]) * t + coeff[3])
-static ZnReal
-Arc2Param(ZnPoint *controls,
- ZnReal angle)
- ZnReal coeff_x[4], coeff_y[4];
- ZnReal min_angle, min_t, max_angle, max_t, cur_angle, cur_t;
- int i, j, depth = 0;
- /* assume angle >= 0 */
- while (angle > M_PI) {
- angle -= 2 * M_PI;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- coeff_x[i] = coeff_y[i] = 0.0;
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- coeff_x[i] += bezier_basis[i][j] * controls[j].x;
- coeff_y[i] += bezier_basis[i][j] * controls[j].y;
- }
- }
- min_angle = atan2(controls[0].y, controls[0].x);
- max_angle = atan2(controls[3].y, controls[3].x);
- if (max_angle < min_angle) {
- min_angle -= M_PI+M_PI;
- }
- if (angle > max_angle) {
- angle -= M_PI+M_PI;
- }
- min_t = 0.0; max_t = 1.0;
- while (depth < 15) {
- cur_t = (max_t + min_t) / 2.0;
- cur_angle = atan2(EVAL(coeff_y, cur_t), EVAL(coeff_x, cur_t));
- if (angle > cur_angle) {
- min_t = cur_t;
- min_angle = cur_angle;
- }
- else {
- max_t = cur_t;
- max_angle = cur_angle;
- }
- depth += 1;
- }
- if ((max_angle-angle) < (angle-min_angle)) {
- return max_t;
- }
- return min_t;
-#undef EVAL
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * BezierSubdivide --
- *
- * Subdivide a Bezier curve given by controls at parameter t. Return
- * in controls, the first or the last part depending on boolean first.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-BezierSubdivide(ZnPoint *controls,
- ZnReal t,
- ZnBool first)
- ZnReal s = 1.0 - t;
- ZnPoint r[7];
- ZnPoint a;
- r[0] = controls[0];
- r[6] = controls[3];
- a.x = s*controls[1].x + t*controls[2].x;
- a.y = s*controls[1].y + t*controls[2].y;
- r[1].x = s*r[0].x + t*controls[1].x;
- r[1].y = s*r[0].y + t*controls[1].y;
- r[2].x = s*r[1].x + t*a.x;
- r[2].y = s*r[1].y + t*a.y;
- r[5].x = s*controls[2].x + t*r[6].x;
- r[5].y = s*controls[2].y + t*r[6].y;
- r[4].x = s*a.x + t*r[5].x;
- r[4].y = s*a.y + t*r[5].y;
- r[3].x = s*r[2].x + t*r[4].x;
- r[3].y = s*r[2].y + t*r[4].y;
- if (first) {
- memcpy(controls, r, 4*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- else {
- memcpy(controls, &r[3], 4*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetBezierPoints --
- * Use recursive subdivision to approximate the curve. The subdivision stops
- * when the error is under eps.
- * This algorithm is adaptive, meaning that it computes the minimum number
- * of segments needed to render each curve part.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetBezierPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnList to_points,
- ZnReal eps)
- ZnReal dist;
- dist = ZnLineToPointDist(p1, p2, c1, NULL);
- if ((dist < eps) && ((c1->x != c2->x) || (c1->y != c2->y))) {
- dist = ZnLineToPointDist(p1, p2, c2, NULL);
- }
- if (dist > eps) {
- ZnPoint mid_segm, new_c1, new_c2;
- /*
- * Subdivide the curve at t = 0.5
- * and compute each new curve.
- */
- mid_segm.x = (p1->x + 3*c1->x + 3*c2->x + p2->x) / 8.0;
- mid_segm.y = (p1->y + 3*c1->y + 3*c2->y + p2->y) / 8.0;
- new_c1.x = (p1->x + c1->x) / 2.0;
- new_c1.y = (p1->y + c1->y) / 2.0;
- new_c2.x = (p1->x + 2*c1->x + c2->x) / 4.0;
- new_c2.y = (p1->y + 2*c1->y + c2->y) / 4.0;
- ZnGetBezierPoints(p1, &new_c1, &new_c2, &mid_segm, to_points, eps);
- new_c1.x = (c1->x + 2*c2->x + p2->x) / 4.0;
- new_c1.y = (c1->y + 2*c2->y + p2->y) / 4.0;
- new_c2.x = (c2->x + (p2->x)) / 2.0;
- new_c2.y = (c2->y + (p2->y)) / 2.0;
- ZnGetBezierPoints(&mid_segm, &new_c1, &new_c2, p2, to_points, eps);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Flat enough add the end to the current path.
- * The start should already be there.
- */
- ZnListAdd(to_points, p2, ZnListTail);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetBezierPath --
- * Compute in to_points a new set of points describing a Bezier path based
- * on the control points given in from_points.
- * If more than four points are given, the algorithm iterate over the
- * set using the last point of a segment as the first point of the next.
- * If 3 points are left, they are interpreted as a Bezier segment with
- * coincident internal control points. If 2 points are left a straight
- * is emitted.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetBezierPath(ZnList from_points,
- ZnList to_points)
- ZnPoint *fp;
- int num_fp, i;
- fp = ZnListArray(from_points);
- num_fp = ZnListSize(from_points);
- /*
- * make sure the output vector is empty, then add the first point.
- */
- ZnListEmpty(to_points);
- ZnListAdd(to_points, fp, ZnListTail);
- for (i = 0; i < num_fp; ) {
- if (i < (num_fp-3)) {
- ZnGetBezierPoints(fp, fp+1, fp+2, fp+3, to_points, 1.0);
- if (i < (num_fp-4)) {
- fp += 3;
- i += 3;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (i == (num_fp-3)) {
- ZnGetBezierPoints(fp, fp+1, fp+1, fp+2, to_points, 1.0);
- break;
- }
- else if (i == (num_fp-2)) {
- ZnListAdd(to_points, fp+1, ZnListTail);
- break;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetCirclePoints --
- * Return a pointer to an array of points describing a
- * circle arc of radius 1.0. The arc is described by start_angle,
- * end_angle and the type: 0 for arc, 1 for chord, 2 for pie slice,
- * 3 for a full circle (in which case start_angle and end_angle are
- * not used.
- * The number of points is returned in num_points. If type is not 3,
- * point_list must not be NULL. If not NULL, it is filled with the
- * computed points.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnPoint *
-ZnGetCirclePoints(int type,
- int quality,
- ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal angle_extent,
- unsigned int *num_points,
- ZnList point_list)
- static ZnPoint genarc_finest[] = { /* 128 */
- {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.99879545617, 0.0490676750517},
- {0.99518472653, 0.0980171417729},
- {0.989176509646, 0.146730476607},
- {0.980785279837, 0.195090324861},
- {0.970031252314, 0.24298018342},
- {0.956940334469, 0.290284681418},
- {0.941544063473, 0.336889858172},
- {0.923879530291, 0.382683437725},
- {0.903989290333, 0.42755509933},
- {0.88192126093, 0.471396743221},
- {0.857728605899, 0.514102751035},
- {0.831469607468, 0.555570240255},
- {0.803207525865, 0.595699312064},
- {0.773010446922, 0.634393292011},
- {0.74095111805, 0.671558962907},
- {0.707106772982, 0.707106789391},
- {0.671558945713, 0.740951133634},
- {0.634393274074, 0.773010461643},
- {0.595699293426, 0.803207539688},
- {0.555570220961, 0.83146962036},
- {0.514102731131, 0.857728617829},
- {0.471396722756, 0.881921271869},
- {0.427555078353, 0.903989300254},
- {0.382683416286, 0.923879539171},
- {0.336889836323, 0.94154407129},
- {0.290284659212, 0.956940341205},
- {0.242980160911, 0.970031257952},
- {0.195090302102, 0.980785284364},
- {0.146730453653, 0.98917651305},
- {0.0980171186795, 0.995184728805},
- {0.0490676518746, 0.998795457308},
- {-2.32051033331e-08, 1.0},
- {-0.0490676982289, 0.998795455031},
- {-0.0980171648663, 0.995184724256},
- {-0.146730499561, 0.989176506241},
- {-0.19509034762, 0.98078527531},
- {-0.24298020593, 0.970031246675},
- {-0.290284703624, 0.956940327733},
- {-0.33688988002, 0.941544055655},
- {-0.382683459163, 0.923879521411},
- {-0.427555120307, 0.903989280412},
- {-0.471396763686, 0.881921249991},
- {-0.514102770939, 0.85772859397},
- {-0.555570259549, 0.831469594576},
- {-0.595699330703, 0.803207512042},
- {-0.634393309949, 0.773010432201},
- {-0.6715589801, 0.740951102467},
- {-0.707106805799, 0.707106756574},
- {-0.740951149217, 0.671558928519},
- {-0.773010476365, 0.634393256136},
- {-0.803207553511, 0.595699274787},
- {-0.831469633252, 0.555570201666},
- {-0.857728629759, 0.514102711228},
- {-0.881921282808, 0.471396702291},
- {-0.903989310176, 0.427555057376},
- {-0.923879548052, 0.382683394847},
- {-0.941544079108, 0.336889814474},
- {-0.956940347941, 0.290284637006},
- {-0.97003126359, 0.242980138401},
- {-0.980785288892, 0.195090279343},
- {-0.989176516455, 0.146730430699},
- {-0.995184731079, 0.0980170955862},
- {-0.998795458447, 0.0490676286974},
- {-1.0, -4.64102066663e-08},
- {-0.998795453892, -0.049067721406},
- {-0.995184721981, -0.0980171879596},
- {-0.989176502836, -0.146730522515},
- {-0.980785270783, -0.195090370379},
- {-0.970031241037, -0.24298022844},
- {-0.956940320997, -0.29028472583},
- {-0.941544047838, -0.336889901869},
- {-0.923879512531, -0.382683480602},
- {-0.90398927049, -0.427555141284},
- {-0.881921239052, -0.471396784151},
- {-0.85772858204, -0.514102790842},
- {-0.831469581684, -0.555570278844},
- {-0.803207498218, -0.595699349341},
- {-0.77301041748, -0.634393327887},
- {-0.740951086883, -0.671558997294},
- {-0.707106740165, -0.707106822208},
- {-0.671558911325, -0.740951164801},
- {-0.634393238198, -0.773010491086},
- {-0.595699256149, -0.803207567335},
- {-0.555570182372, -0.831469646144},
- {-0.514102691324, -0.857728641689},
- {-0.471396681826, -0.881921293746},
- {-0.427555036399, -0.903989320097},
- {-0.382683373409, -0.923879556932},
- {-0.336889792626, -0.941544086926},
- {-0.2902846148, -0.956940354677},
- {-0.242980115891, -0.970031269229},
- {-0.195090256583, -0.980785293419},
- {-0.146730407745, -0.98917651986},
- {-0.0980170724928, -0.995184733354},
- {-0.0490676055202, -0.998795459585},
- {6.96153097774e-08, -1.0},
- {0.0490677445832, -0.998795452754},
- {0.098017211053, -0.995184719707},
- {0.146730545469, -0.989176499431},
- {0.195090393139, -0.980785266256},
- {0.242980250949, -0.970031235398},
- {0.290284748036, -0.956940314261},
- {0.336889923717, -0.94154404002},
- {0.382683502041, -0.923879503651},
- {0.427555162262, -0.903989260569},
- {0.471396804617, -0.881921228114},
- {0.514102810746, -0.85772857011},
- {0.555570298138, -0.831469568792},
- {0.59569936798, -0.803207484395},
- {0.634393345825, -0.773010402759},
- {0.671559014488, -0.740951071299},
- {0.707106838616, -0.707106723757},
- {0.740951180385, -0.671558894131},
- {0.773010505807, -0.63439322026},
- {0.803207581158, -0.59569923751},
- {0.831469659036, -0.555570163078},
- {0.857728653619, -0.51410267142},
- {0.881921304685, -0.471396661361},
- {0.903989330019, -0.427555015421},
- {0.923879565812, -0.38268335197},
- {0.941544094743, -0.336889770777},
- {0.956940361414, -0.290284592594},
- {0.970031274867, -0.242980093382},
- {0.980785297946, -0.195090233824},
- {0.989176523265, -0.146730384792},
- {0.995184735628, -0.0980170493994},
- {0.998795460724, -0.0490675823431},
- {1.0, 0.0}
- };
- static ZnPoint genarc_finer[] = { /* 64 */
- {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.99518472653, 0.0980171417729},
- {0.980785279837, 0.195090324861},
- {0.956940334469, 0.290284681418},
- {0.923879530291, 0.382683437725},
- {0.88192126093, 0.471396743221},
- {0.831469607468, 0.555570240255},
- {0.773010446922, 0.634393292011},
- {0.707106772982, 0.707106789391},
- {0.634393274074, 0.773010461643},
- {0.555570220961, 0.83146962036},
- {0.471396722756, 0.881921271869},
- {0.382683416286, 0.923879539171},
- {0.290284659212, 0.956940341205},
- {0.195090302102, 0.980785284364},
- {0.0980171186795, 0.995184728805},
- {-2.32051033331e-08, 1.0},
- {-0.0980171648663, 0.995184724256},
- {-0.19509034762, 0.98078527531},
- {-0.290284703624, 0.956940327733},
- {-0.382683459163, 0.923879521411},
- {-0.471396763686, 0.881921249991},
- {-0.555570259549, 0.831469594576},
- {-0.634393309949, 0.773010432201},
- {-0.707106805799, 0.707106756574},
- {-0.773010476365, 0.634393256136},
- {-0.831469633252, 0.555570201666},
- {-0.881921282808, 0.471396702291},
- {-0.923879548052, 0.382683394847},
- {-0.956940347941, 0.290284637006},
- {-0.980785288892, 0.195090279343},
- {-0.995184731079, 0.0980170955862},
- {-1.0, -4.64102066663e-08},
- {-0.995184721981, -0.0980171879596},
- {-0.980785270783, -0.195090370379},
- {-0.956940320997, -0.29028472583},
- {-0.923879512531, -0.382683480602},
- {-0.881921239052, -0.471396784151},
- {-0.831469581684, -0.555570278844},
- {-0.77301041748, -0.634393327887},
- {-0.707106740165, -0.707106822208},
- {-0.634393238198, -0.773010491086},
- {-0.555570182372, -0.831469646144},
- {-0.471396681826, -0.881921293746},
- {-0.382683373409, -0.923879556932},
- {-0.2902846148, -0.956940354677},
- {-0.195090256583, -0.980785293419},
- {-0.0980170724928, -0.995184733354},
- {6.96153097774e-08, -1.0},
- {0.098017211053, -0.995184719707},
- {0.195090393139, -0.980785266256},
- {0.290284748036, -0.956940314261},
- {0.382683502041, -0.923879503651},
- {0.471396804617, -0.881921228114},
- {0.555570298138, -0.831469568792},
- {0.634393345825, -0.773010402759},
- {0.707106838616, -0.707106723757},
- {0.773010505807, -0.63439322026},
- {0.831469659036, -0.555570163078},
- {0.881921304685, -0.471396661361},
- {0.923879565812, -0.38268335197},
- {0.956940361414, -0.290284592594},
- {0.980785297946, -0.195090233824},
- {0.995184735628, -0.0980170493994},
- {1.0, 0.0}
- };
- static ZnPoint genarc_fine[] = { /* 40 */
- {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.987688340232, 0.156434467332},
- {0.951056514861, 0.309016998789},
- {0.891006521028, 0.453990505942},
- {0.809016988919, 0.587785259802},
- {0.707106772982, 0.707106789391},
- {0.587785241028, 0.809017002559},
- {0.453990485266, 0.891006531563},
- {0.309016976719, 0.951056522032},
- {0.156434444413, 0.987688343862},
- {-2.32051033331e-08, 1.0},
- {-0.156434490252, 0.987688336602},
- {-0.309017020858, 0.95105650769},
- {-0.453990526618, 0.891006510493},
- {-0.587785278575, 0.809016975279},
- {-0.707106805799, 0.707106756574},
- {-0.809017016198, 0.587785222255},
- {-0.891006542098, 0.453990464591},
- {-0.951056529203, 0.30901695465},
- {-0.987688347492, 0.156434421493},
- {-1.0, -4.64102066663e-08},
- {-0.987688332972, -0.156434513171},
- {-0.951056500519, -0.309017042928},
- {-0.891006499958, -0.453990547294},
- {-0.80901696164, -0.587785297348},
- {-0.707106740165, -0.707106822208},
- {-0.587785203482, -0.809017029838},
- {-0.453990443915, -0.891006552633},
- {-0.309016932581, -0.951056536373},
- {-0.156434398574, -0.987688351122},
- {6.96153097774e-08, -1.0},
- {0.15643453609, -0.987688329342},
- {0.309017064997, -0.951056493349},
- {0.45399056797, -0.891006489423},
- {0.587785316122, -0.809016948},
- {0.707106838616, -0.707106723757},
- {0.809017043478, -0.587785184709},
- {0.891006563167, -0.453990423239},
- {0.951056543544, -0.309016910511},
- {0.987688354752, -0.156434375655},
- {1.0, 0.0}
- };
- static ZnPoint genarc_medium[] = { /* 20 */
- {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.951056514861, 0.309016998789},
- {0.809016988919, 0.587785259802},
- {0.587785241028, 0.809017002559},
- {0.309016976719, 0.951056522032},
- {-2.32051033331e-08, 1.0},
- {-0.309017020858, 0.95105650769},
- {-0.587785278575, 0.809016975279},
- {-0.809017016198, 0.587785222255},
- {-0.951056529203, 0.30901695465},
- {-1.0, -4.64102066663e-08},
- {-0.951056500519, -0.309017042928},
- {-0.80901696164, -0.587785297348},
- {-0.587785203482, -0.809017029838},
- {-0.309016932581, -0.951056536373},
- {6.96153097774e-08, -1.0},
- {0.309017064997, -0.951056493349},
- {0.587785316122, -0.809016948},
- {0.809017043478, -0.587785184709},
- {0.951056543544, -0.309016910511},
- {1.0, 0.0}
- };
- static ZnPoint genarc_coarse[] = { /* 10 */
- {1.0, 0.0},
- {0.809016988919, 0.587785259802},
- {0.309016976719, 0.951056522032},
- {-0.309017020858, 0.95105650769},
- {-0.809017016198, 0.587785222255},
- {-1.0, -4.64102066663e-08},
- {-0.80901696164, -0.587785297348},
- {-0.309016932581, -0.951056536373},
- {0.309017064997, -0.951056493349},
- {0.809017043478, -0.587785184709},
- {1.0, 0.0}
- };
- unsigned int num_p, i;
- ZnPoint *p, *p_from;
- ZnPoint center_p = { 0.0, 0.0 };
- ZnPoint start_p, wp;
- ZnReal iangle, end_angle=0;
- switch (quality) {
- num_p = sizeof(genarc_coarse)/sizeof(ZnPoint);
- p = p_from = genarc_coarse;
- break;
- num_p = sizeof(genarc_medium)/sizeof(ZnPoint);
- p = p_from = genarc_medium;
- break;
- num_p = sizeof(genarc_finer)/sizeof(ZnPoint);
- p = p_from = genarc_finer;
- break;
- num_p = sizeof(genarc_finest)/sizeof(ZnPoint);
- p = p_from = genarc_finest;
- break;
- default:
- num_p = sizeof(genarc_fine)/sizeof(ZnPoint);
- p = p_from = genarc_fine;
- }
- /*printf("start: %g, extent: %g\n", start_angle, angle_extent);*/
- if (angle_extent == 2*M_PI) {
- type = 3;
- }
- if (type != 3) {
- end_angle = start_angle+angle_extent;
- if (angle_extent < 0) {
- iangle = start_angle;
- start_angle = end_angle;
- end_angle = iangle;
- }
- /*
- * normalize start_angle and end_angle.
- */
- if (start_angle < 0.0) {
- start_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- if (end_angle < 0.0) {
- end_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- if (end_angle < start_angle) {
- end_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- /*printf("---start: %g, end: %g\n", start_angle, end_angle);*/
- }
- /*
- * Now 0 <= start_angle < 2 * M_PI and start_angle <= end_angle.
- */
- if ((type != 3) || (point_list != NULL)) {
- if (type == 3) {
- ZnListAssertSize(point_list, num_p);
- p = ZnListArray(point_list);
- for (i = 0; i < num_p; i++, p++, p_from++) {
- *p = *p_from;
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnListEmpty(point_list);
- iangle = 2*M_PI / (num_p-1);
- start_p.x = cos(start_angle);
- start_p.y = sin(start_angle);
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &start_p, ZnListTail);
- i = (unsigned int) (start_angle / iangle);
- if ((i * iangle) < start_angle) {
- i++;
- }
- while (1) {
- if (start_angle + iangle <= end_angle) {
- if (i == num_p-1) {
- i = 0;
- }
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &p_from[i], ZnListTail);
- start_angle += iangle;
- i++;
- }
- else {
- wp.x = cos(end_angle);
- wp.y = sin(end_angle);
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &wp, ZnListTail);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (type == 1) {
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &start_p, ZnListTail);
- }
- else if (type == 2) {
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &center_p, ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(point_list, &start_p, ZnListTail);
- }
- }
- p = ZnListArray(point_list);
- num_p = ZnListSize(point_list);
- }
- *num_points = num_p;
- return p;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetArcPath --
- * Compute in to_points a set of Bezier control points describing an arc
- * path given the start angle, the stop angle and the type: 0 for arc,
- * 1 for chord, 2 for pie slice.
- * To obtain the actual polygonal shape, the client should use GetBezierPath
- * on the returned controls (after applying transform). The returned arc
- * is circular and centered on 0,0.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnReal arc_nodes_x[4] = { 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 };
-static ZnReal arc_nodes_y[4] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0 };
-static ZnReal arc_controls_x[8] = { 1.0, 0.55197, -0.55197, -1.0, -1.0, -0.55197, 0.55197, 1.0 };
-static ZnReal arc_controls_y[8] = { 0.55197, 1.0, 1.0, 0.55197, -0.55197, -1.0, -1.0, -0.55197 };
-ZnGetArcPath(ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal end_angle,
- int type,
- ZnList to_points)
- int start_quad, end_quad, quadrant;
- ZnPoint center_p = { 0.0, 0.0 };
- ZnPoint start_p = center_p;
- /*
- * make sure the output vector is empty.
- */
- ZnListEmpty(to_points);
- /*
- * normalize start_angle and end_angle.
- */
- start_angle = fmod(start_angle, 2.0*M_PI);
- if (start_angle < 0.0) {
- start_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- end_angle = fmod(end_angle, 2.0*M_PI);
- if (end_angle < 0.0) {
- end_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- if (start_angle >= end_angle) {
- if (start_angle == end_angle) {
- type = 3;
- }
- end_angle += 2.0*M_PI;
- }
- /*
- * Now 0 <= start_angle < 2 * M_PI and start_angle <= end_angle.
- */
- start_quad = (int) (start_angle / (M_PI / 2.0));
- end_quad = (int) (end_angle / (M_PI / 2.0));
- for (quadrant = start_quad; quadrant <= end_quad; quadrant++) {
- ZnPoint controls[4];
- ZnReal t;
- controls[0].x = arc_nodes_x[quadrant % 4];
- controls[0].y = arc_nodes_y[quadrant % 4];
- controls[1].x = arc_controls_x[2 * (quadrant % 4)];
- controls[1].y = arc_controls_y[2 * (quadrant % 4)];
- controls[2].x = arc_controls_x[2 * (quadrant % 4) + 1];
- controls[2].y = arc_controls_y[2 * (quadrant % 4) + 1];
- controls[3].x = arc_nodes_x[(quadrant + 1) % 4];
- controls[3].y = arc_nodes_y[(quadrant + 1) % 4];
- if (quadrant == start_quad) {
- t = Arc2Param(controls, start_angle);
- BezierSubdivide(controls, t, False);
- /*
- * The path is still empty and we have to create the first
- * vertex.
- */
- start_p = controls[0];
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &controls[0], ZnListTail);
- }
- if (quadrant == end_quad) {
- t = Arc2Param(controls, end_angle);
- if (!t) {
- break;
- }
- BezierSubdivide(controls, t, True);
- }
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &controls[1], ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &controls[2], ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &controls[3], ZnListTail);
- }
- if (type == 2) {
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &center_p, ZnListTail);
- /*
- * Can't add this one, it would be interpreted by GetBezierPath
- * as an off-curve control. The path should be closed by the client
- * after expansion by GetBezierPath.
- *
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &start_p, ZnListTail);
- */
- }
- else if (type == 1) {
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &start_p, ZnListTail);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * SmoothPathWithBezier --
- * Compute in to_points a new set of points describing a smoothed path based
- * on the path given in from_points. The algorithm use Bezier cubic curves.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnSmoothPathWithBezier(ZnPoint *fp,
- unsigned int num_fp,
- ZnList to_points)
- ZnBool closed;
- ZnPoint s[4];
- unsigned int i;
- /*
- * make sure the output vector is empty
- */
- ZnListEmpty(to_points);
- /*
- * If the curve is closed, generates a Bezier curve that
- * spans the closure. Else simply add the first point to
- * the path.
- */
- if ((fp[0].x == fp[num_fp-1].x) && (fp[0].y == fp[num_fp-1].y)) {
- closed = True;
- s[0].x = 0.5*fp[num_fp-2].x + 0.5*fp[0].x;
- s[0].y = 0.5*fp[num_fp-2].y + 0.5*fp[0].y;
- s[1].x = 0.167*fp[num_fp-2].x + 0.833*fp[0].x;
- s[1].y = 0.167*fp[num_fp-2].y + 0.833*fp[0].y;
- s[2].x = 0.833*fp[0].x + 0.167*fp[1].x;
- s[2].y = 0.833*fp[0].y + 0.167*fp[1].y;
- s[3].x = 0.5*fp[0].x + 0.5*fp[1].x;
- s[3].y = 0.5*fp[0].y + 0.5*fp[1].y;
- ZnListAdd(to_points, s, ZnListTail);
- ZnGetBezierPoints(s, s+1, s+2, s+3, to_points, 1.0);
- }
- else {
- closed = False;
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &fp[0], ZnListTail);
- }
- for (i = 2; i < num_fp; i++, fp++) {
- /*
- * Setup the first two control points. This differ
- * for first segment of open curves.
- */
- if ((i == 2) && !closed) {
- s[0] = fp[0];
- s[1].x = 0.333*fp[0].x + 0.667*fp[1].x;
- s[1].y = 0.333*fp[0].y + 0.667*fp[1].y;
- }
- else {
- s[0].x = 0.5*fp[0].x + 0.5*fp[1].x;
- s[0].y = 0.5*fp[0].y + 0.5*fp[1].y;
- s[1].x = 0.167*fp[0].x + 0.833*fp[1].x;
- s[1].y = 0.167*fp[0].y + 0.833*fp[1].y;
- }
- /*
- * Setup the last two control points. This also differ
- * for last segment of open curves.
- */
- if ((i == num_fp-1) && !closed) {
- s[2].x = 0.667*fp[1].x + 0.333*fp[2].x;
- s[2].y = 0.667*fp[1].y + 0.333*fp[2].y;
- s[3] = fp[2];
- }
- else {
- s[2].x = 0.833*fp[1].x + 0.167*fp[2].x;
- s[2].y = 0.833*fp[1].y + 0.167*fp[2].y;
- s[3].x = 0.5*fp[1].x + 0.5*fp[2].x;
- s[3].y = 0.5*fp[1].y + 0.5*fp[2].y;
- }
- /*
- * If the first two points or the last two are equal
- * output the last control point. Else generate the
- * Bezier curve.
- */
- if (((fp[0].x == fp[1].x) && (fp[0].y == fp[1].y)) ||
- ((fp[1].x == fp[2].x) && (fp[1].y == fp[2].y))) {
- ZnListAdd(to_points, &s[3], ZnListTail);
- }
- else {
- ZnGetBezierPoints(s, s+1, s+2, s+3, to_points, 1.0);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FitBezier --
- * Fit a Bezier curve to a (sub)set of digitized points.
- *
- * From: An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
- * by Philip J. Schneider in "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnReal
-V2DistanceBetween2Points(ZnPoint *a,
- ZnPoint *b)
- ZnReal dx = a->x - b->x;
- ZnReal dy = a->y - b->y;
- return sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));
-static ZnReal
-V2SquaredLength(ZnPoint *a)
- return (a->x * a->x)+(a->y * a->y);
-static ZnReal
-V2Length(ZnPoint *a)
- return sqrt(V2SquaredLength(a));
-static ZnPoint *
-V2Scale(ZnPoint *v,
- ZnReal newlen)
- ZnReal len = V2Length(v);
- if (len != 0.0) {
- v->x *= newlen/len;
- v->y *= newlen/len;
- }
- return v;
-static ZnPoint *
-V2Negate(ZnPoint *v)
- v->x = -v->x; v->y = -v->y;
- return v;
-static ZnPoint *
-V2Normalize(ZnPoint *v)
- ZnReal len = sqrt(V2Length(v));
- if (len != 0.0) {
- v->x /= len;
- v->y /= len;
- }
- return v;
-static ZnPoint *
-V2Add(ZnPoint *a,
- ZnPoint *b,
- ZnPoint *c)
- c->x = a->x + b->x;
- c->y = a->y + b->y;
- return c;
-static ZnReal
-V2Dot(ZnPoint *a,
- ZnPoint *b)
- return (a->x*b->x) + (a->y*b->y);
-static ZnPoint
-V2AddII(ZnPoint a,
- ZnPoint b)
- ZnPoint c;
- c.x = a.x + b.x;
- c.y = a.y + b.y;
- return c;
-static ZnPoint
-V2ScaleIII(ZnPoint v,
- ZnReal s)
- ZnPoint result;
- result.x = v.x * s;
- result.y = v.y * s;
- return result;
-static ZnPoint
-V2SubII(ZnPoint a,
- ZnPoint b)
- ZnPoint c;
- c.x = a.x - b.x;
- c.y = a.y - b.y;
- return c;
- * B0, B1, B2, B3, Bezier multipliers.
- */
-static ZnReal
-B0(ZnReal u)
- ZnReal tmp = 1.0 - u;
- return tmp * tmp * tmp;
-static ZnReal
-B1(ZnReal u)
- ZnReal tmp = 1.0 - u;
- return 3 * u * (tmp * tmp);
-static ZnReal
-B2(ZnReal u)
- ZnReal tmp = 1.0 - u;
- return 3 * u * u * tmp;
-static ZnReal
-B3(ZnReal u)
- return u * u * u;
- * ChordLengthParameterize --
- * Assign parameter values to digitized points
- * using relative distances between points.
- */
-static ZnReal *
-ChordLengthParameterize(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int first,
- unsigned int last)
- unsigned int i;
- ZnReal *u;
- u = (ZnReal *) ZnMalloc((unsigned) (last-first+1) * sizeof(ZnReal));
- u[0] = 0.0;
- for (i = first+1; i <= last; i++) {
- u[i-first] = u[i-first-1] + V2DistanceBetween2Points(&d[i], &d[i-1]);
- }
- for (i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) {
- u[i-first] = u[i-first] / u[last-first];
- }
- return u;
- * Bezier --
- * Evaluate a Bezier curve at a particular parameter value
- *
- */
-static ZnPoint
-BezierII(int degree,
- ZnPoint *V,
- ZnReal t)
- int i, j;
- ZnPoint Q; /* Point on curve at parameter t */
- ZnPoint *Vtemp; /* Local copy of control points */
- /* Copy array */
- Vtemp = (ZnPoint *) ZnMalloc((unsigned)((degree+1) * sizeof (ZnPoint)));
- for (i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
- Vtemp[i] = V[i];
- }
- /* Triangle computation */
- for (i = 1; i <= degree; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= degree-i; j++) {
- Vtemp[j].x = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].x + t * Vtemp[j+1].x;
- Vtemp[j].y = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].y + t * Vtemp[j+1].y;
- }
- }
- Q = Vtemp[0];
- ZnFree(Vtemp);
- return Q;
- * NewtonRaphsonRootFind --
- * Use Newton-Raphson iteration to find better root.
- */
-static ZnReal
-NewtonRaphsonRootFind(ZnPoint *Q,
- ZnPoint P,
- ZnReal u)
- ZnReal numerator, denominator;
- ZnPoint Q1[3], Q2[2]; /* Q' and Q'' */
- ZnPoint Q_u, Q1_u, Q2_u; /*u evaluated at Q, Q', & Q'' */
- ZnReal uPrime; /* Improved u */
- unsigned int i;
- /* Compute Q(u) */
- Q_u = BezierII(3, Q, u);
- /* Generate control vertices for Q' */
- for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
- Q1[i].x = (Q[i+1].x - Q[i].x) * 3.0;
- Q1[i].y = (Q[i+1].y - Q[i].y) * 3.0;
- }
- /* Generate control vertices for Q'' */
- for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
- Q2[i].x = (Q1[i+1].x - Q1[i].x) * 2.0;
- Q2[i].y = (Q1[i+1].y - Q1[i].y) * 2.0;
- }
- /* Compute Q'(u) and Q''(u) */
- Q1_u = BezierII(2, Q1, u);
- Q2_u = BezierII(1, Q2, u);
- /* Compute f(u)/f'(u) */
- numerator = (Q_u.x - P.x) * (Q1_u.x) + (Q_u.y - P.y) * (Q1_u.y);
- denominator = (Q1_u.x) * (Q1_u.x) + (Q1_u.y) * (Q1_u.y) +
- (Q_u.x - P.x) * (Q2_u.x) + (Q_u.y - P.y) * (Q2_u.y);
- /* u = u - f(u)/f'(u) */
- uPrime = u - (numerator/denominator);
- return (uPrime);
- * Reparameterize --
- * Given set of points and their parameterization, try to find
- * a better parameterization.
- */
-static ZnReal *
-Reparameterize(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int first,
- unsigned int last,
- ZnReal *u,
- ZnPoint *bezCurve)
- unsigned int nPts = last-first+1;
- unsigned int i;
- ZnReal *uPrime; /* New parameter values */
- uPrime = (ZnReal *) ZnMalloc(nPts * sizeof(ZnReal));
- for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
- uPrime[i-first] = NewtonRaphsonRootFind(bezCurve, d[i], u[i-first]);
- }
- return (uPrime);
- * GenerateBezier --
- * Use least-squares method to find Bezier control
- * points for region.
- */
-static void
-GenerateBezier(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int first,
- unsigned int last,
- ZnReal *uPrime,
- ZnPoint tHat1,
- ZnPoint tHat2,
- ZnPoint *bez_curve)
- unsigned int i;
- ZnPoint *A0, *A1; /* Precomputed rhs for eqn */
- unsigned int num_points; /* Number of pts in sub-curve */
- ZnReal C[2][2]; /* Matrix C */
- ZnReal X[2]; /* Matrix X */
- ZnReal det_C0_C1; /* Determinants of matrices */
- ZnReal det_C0_X, det_X_C1;
- ZnReal alpha_l; /* Alpha values, left and right */
- ZnReal alpha_r;
- ZnPoint tmp; /* Utility variable */
- num_points = last - first + 1;
- A0 = (ZnPoint *) ZnMalloc(num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- A1 = (ZnPoint *) ZnMalloc(num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- /* Compute the A's */
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- ZnPoint v1, v2;
- v1 = tHat1;
- v2 = tHat2;
- V2Scale(&v1, B1(uPrime[i]));
- V2Scale(&v2, B2(uPrime[i]));
- A0[i] = v1;
- A1[i] = v2;
- }
- /* Create the C and X matrices */
- C[0][0] = 0.0;
- C[0][1] = 0.0;
- C[1][0] = 0.0;
- C[1][1] = 0.0;
- X[0] = 0.0;
- X[1] = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- C[0][0] += V2Dot(&A0[i], &A0[i]);
- C[0][1] += V2Dot(&A0[i], &A1[i]);
- C[1][0] = C[0][1];
- C[1][1] += V2Dot(&A1[i], &A1[i]);
- tmp = V2SubII(d[first + i],
- V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[first], B0(uPrime[i])),
- V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[first], B1(uPrime[i])),
- V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i])),
- V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i]))))));
- X[0] += V2Dot(&A0[i], &tmp);
- X[1] += V2Dot(&A1[i], &tmp);
- }
- /* Compute the determinants of C and X */
- det_C0_C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1];
- det_C0_X = C[0][0] * X[1] - C[0][1] * X[0];
- det_X_C1 = X[0] * C[1][1] - X[1] * C[0][1];
- /* Finally, derive alpha values */
- if (det_C0_C1 == 0.0) {
- det_C0_C1 = (C[0][0] * C[1][1]) * 10e-12;
- }
- alpha_l = det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1;
- alpha_r = det_C0_X / det_C0_C1;
- /* If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
- if (alpha_l < 0.0 || alpha_r < 0.0) {
- ZnReal dist = V2DistanceBetween2Points(&d[last], &d[first]) / 3.0;
- bez_curve[0] = d[first];
- bez_curve[3] = d[last];
- V2Add(&bez_curve[0], V2Scale(&tHat1, dist), &bez_curve[1]);
- V2Add(&bez_curve[3], V2Scale(&tHat2, dist), &bez_curve[2]);
- }
- else {
- /* First and last control points of the Bezier curve are */
- /* positioned exactly at the first and last data points */
- /* Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out */
- /* on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively */
- bez_curve[0] = d[first];
- bez_curve[3] = d[last];
- V2Add(&bez_curve[0], V2Scale(&tHat1, alpha_l), &bez_curve[1]);
- V2Add(&bez_curve[3], V2Scale(&tHat2, alpha_r), &bez_curve[2]);
- }
- ZnFree(A0);
- ZnFree(A1);
- * ComputeMaxError --
- * Find the maximum squared distance of digitized points
- * to fitted curve.
-static ZnReal
-ComputeMaxError(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int first,
- unsigned int last,
- ZnPoint *bez_curve,
- ZnReal *u,
- unsigned int *splitPoint)
- unsigned int i;
- ZnReal maxDist; /* Maximum error */
- ZnReal dist; /* Current error */
- ZnPoint P; /* Point on curve */
- ZnPoint v; /* Vector from point to curve */
- *splitPoint = (last - first + 1)/2;
- maxDist = 0.0;
- for (i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
- P = BezierII(3, bez_curve, u[i-first]);
- v = V2SubII(P, d[i]);
- dist = V2SquaredLength(&v);
- if (dist >= maxDist) {
- maxDist = dist;
- *splitPoint = i;
- }
- }
- return (maxDist);
- * ComputeLeftTangent,
- * ComputeRightTangent,
- * ComputeCenterTangent --
- * Approximate unit tangents at endpoints and
- * center of digitized curve.
- */
-static ZnPoint
-ComputeLeftTangent(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int end)
- ZnPoint tHat1;
- tHat1 = V2SubII(d[end+1], d[end]);
- tHat1 = *V2Normalize(&tHat1);
- return tHat1;
-static ZnPoint
-ComputeRightTangent(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int end)
- ZnPoint tHat2;
- tHat2 = V2SubII(d[end-1], d[end]);
- tHat2 = *V2Normalize(&tHat2);
- return tHat2;
-static ZnPoint
-ComputeCenterTangent(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int center)
- ZnPoint V1, V2, tHatCenter;
- V1 = V2SubII(d[center-1], d[center]);
- V2 = V2SubII(d[center], d[center+1]);
- tHatCenter.x = (V1.x + V2.x)/2.0;
- tHatCenter.y = (V1.y + V2.y)/2.0;
- tHatCenter = *V2Normalize(&tHatCenter);
- return tHatCenter;
-static void
-FitCubic(ZnPoint *d,
- unsigned int first,
- unsigned int last,
- ZnPoint tHat1,
- ZnPoint tHat2,
- ZnReal error,
- ZnList controls)
- ZnPoint *bez_curve; /* Control points of fitted Bezier curve*/
- ZnReal *u; /* Parameter values for point */
- ZnReal *uPrime; /* Improved parameter values */
- ZnReal max_err; /* Maximum fitting error */
- unsigned int splitPoint; /* Point to split point set at */
- unsigned int num_points; /* Number of points in subset */
- ZnReal iteration_err; /* Error below which you try iterating */
- unsigned int max_iter = 4; /* Max times to try iterating */
- ZnPoint tHatCenter; /* Unit tangent vector at splitPoint */
- unsigned int i;
- iteration_err = error * error;
- num_points = last - first + 1;
- ZnListAssertSize(controls, ZnListSize(controls)+4);
- bez_curve = ZnListAt(controls, ZnListSize(controls)-4);
- /* Use heuristic if region only has two points in it */
- if (num_points == 2) {
- ZnReal dist = V2DistanceBetween2Points(&d[last], &d[first]) / 3.0;
- bez_curve[0] = d[first];
- bez_curve[3] = d[last];
- V2Add(&bez_curve[0], V2Scale(&tHat1, dist), &bez_curve[1]);
- V2Add(&bez_curve[3], V2Scale(&tHat2, dist), &bez_curve[2]);
- return;
- }
- /* Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve */
- u = ChordLengthParameterize(d, first, last);
- GenerateBezier(d, first, last, u, tHat1, tHat2, bez_curve);
- /* Find max deviation of points to fitted curve */
- max_err = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bez_curve, u, &splitPoint);
- if (max_err < error) {
- ZnFree(u);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If error not too large, try some reparameterization
- * and iteration.
- */
- if (max_err < iteration_err) {
- for (i = 0; i < max_iter; i++) {
- uPrime = Reparameterize(d, first, last, u, bez_curve);
- GenerateBezier(d, first, last, uPrime, tHat1, tHat2, bez_curve);
- max_err = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last,
- bez_curve, uPrime, &splitPoint);
- if (max_err < error) {
- ZnFree(u);
- return;
- }
- ZnFree(u);
- u = uPrime;
- }
- }
- /* Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively */
- ZnFree(u);
- ZnListAssertSize(controls, ZnListSize(controls)-4);
- tHatCenter = ComputeCenterTangent(d, splitPoint);
- FitCubic(d, first, splitPoint, tHat1, tHatCenter, error, controls);
- V2Negate(&tHatCenter);
- FitCubic(d, splitPoint, last, tHatCenter, tHat2, error, controls);
-ZnFitBezier(ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnReal error,
- ZnList controls)
- ZnPoint tHat1, tHat2; /* Unit tangent vectors at endpoints */
- tHat1 = ComputeLeftTangent(pts, 0);
- tHat2 = ComputeRightTangent(pts, num_points-1);
- FitCubic(pts, 0, num_points-1, tHat1, tHat2, error, controls);
diff --git a/generic/Geo.h b/generic/Geo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c5892..0000000
--- a/generic/Geo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
- * Geo.h -- Header for common geometric routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Geo_h
-#define _Geo_h
-#include "Attrs.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327
-#ifndef M_PI_2
-#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
-#ifndef M_PI_4
-#define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962
-#define PRECISION_LIMIT 1.0e-10
-#define X_PRECISION_LIMIT 5.0e-2
- * Constants used to specify circle approximation quality.
- */
- * I would like to make these be floats,
- * but have to investigate how. Structures
- * handed to GL or GLU tess _must_ have
- * points has doubles.
- */
-typedef struct {
- double x, y;
-} ZnPoint;
-typedef struct {
- double x, y, w, h;
-} ZnRect;
- * ZnBBox: orig is into the area while corner is not.
- * Thus the test: ((bbox.orig.x == bbox.corner.x) ||
- * (bbox.orig.y == bbox.corner.y))
- * tells whether the bbox is empty or not.
- * When interpreting bboxes the X coordinate system is
- * the norm. x goes from left toward the right and y
- * goes from the top toward the bottom. Bboxes are
- * always axes aligned.
- */
-typedef struct {
- ZnPoint orig, corner;
-} ZnBBox;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- char *controls;
- ZnBool cw;
-} ZnContour;
- * contour1 can be used to store a single contour
- * without having to alloc the contours array.
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int num_contours;
- ZnContour *contours;
- ZnContour contour1;
-} ZnPoly;
- * Keep this enum in sync with op_strings in Contour()
- * in tkZinc.c.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} ZnContourCmd;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnBool fan; /* When using a fan, all contour vertices must be
- * included to describe the contour as a polygon
- * (clipping code use that to speed up region
- * rendering) and the center must be the first
- * vertex. */
-} ZnStrip;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int num_strips;
- ZnStrip *strips;
- ZnStrip strip1;
-} ZnTriStrip;
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef ABS
-#define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
-#define ZnDegRad(angle) \
- (M_PI * (double) (angle) / 180.0)
-#define ZnRadDeg(angle) \
- (fmod((angle) * 180.0 / M_PI, 360.0))
-#define ZnRadDeg360(angle) \
- (fmod(ZnRadDeg(angle)+360.0,360.0))
-#define ZnNearestInt(d) \
- (((int) ((d) + (((d) > 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5))))
-ZnPolyInit(ZnPoly *poly);
-ZnPolyContour1(ZnPoly *poly,
- ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_pts,
- ZnBool cw);
-ZnPolySet(ZnPoly *poly1,
- ZnPoly *poly2);
-ZnPolyFree(ZnPoly *poly);
-ZnTriStrip1(ZnTriStrip *tristrip,
- ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_pts,
- ZnBool fan);
-ZnTriFree(ZnTriStrip *tristrip);
-ZnAnchor2Origin(ZnPoint *position,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *origin);
-ZnOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *origin,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *position);
-void ZnRectOrigin2Anchor(ZnPoint *rect, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *position);
-ZnBBox2XRect(ZnBBox *bbox,
- XRectangle *rect);
-ZnGetStringBBox(char *str,
- Tk_Font font,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- ZnBBox *str_bbox);
-ZnResetBBox(ZnBBox *bbox);
-ZnCopyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox_from,
- ZnBBox *bbox_to);
-ZnIntersectBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1,
- ZnBBox *bbox2,
- ZnBBox *bbox_inter);
-ZnIsEmptyBBox(ZnBBox *bbox);
-ZnAddBBoxToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBBox *bbox2);
-ZnAddPointToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPos px,
- ZnPos py);
-ZnAddPointsToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points);
-ZnAddStringToBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- char *str,
- Tk_Font font,
- ZnPos cx,
- ZnPos cy);
-ZnPointInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y);
-ZnLineInBBox(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnBBox *bbox);
-ZnBBoxInBBox(ZnBBox *bbox1,
- ZnBBox *bbox2);
-ZnPolylineInBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim width,
- int cap_style,
- int join_style,
- ZnBBox *bbox);
-ZnPolygonInBBox(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnBool *area_enclosed);
-ZnOvalInBBox(ZnPoint *center,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- ZnBBox *bbox);
-ZnHorizLineToArc(ZnReal x1,
- ZnReal x2,
- ZnReal y,
- ZnReal rx,
- ZnReal ry,
- int start_angle,
- int angle_extent);
-ZnVertLineToArc(ZnReal x,
- ZnReal y1,
- ZnReal y2,
- ZnReal rx,
- ZnReal ry,
- int start_angle,
- int angle_extent);
-ZnPointInAngle(int start_angle,
- int angle_extent,
- ZnPoint *p);
-ZnPointPolarToCartesian(ZnReal heading,
- ZnReal rho,
- ZnReal theta,
- ZnReal *delta_x,
- ZnReal *delta_y);
-ZnProjectionToAngle(ZnReal dx,
- ZnReal dy);
-ZnRectangleToPointDist(ZnBBox *bbox,
- ZnPoint *p);
-ZnDim ZnLineToPointDist(ZnPoint *p1, ZnPoint *p2, ZnPoint *p, ZnPoint *closest);
-ZnPolygonToPointDist(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnPoint *p);
-ZnPolylineToPointDist(ZnPoint *points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim width,
- int cap_style,
- int join_style,
- ZnPoint *p);
-ZnOvalToPointDist(ZnPoint *center,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnDim height,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPoint *p);
-ZnGetButtPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnBool projecting,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2);
-ZnGetMiterPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnPoint *p3,
- ZnDim width,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2);
-ZnIntersectLines(ZnPoint *a1,
- ZnPoint *a2,
- ZnPoint *b1,
- ZnPoint *b2,
- ZnPoint *pi);
-ZnShiftLine(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnDim dist,
- ZnPoint *p3,
- ZnPoint *p4);
-ZnInsetPolygon(ZnPoint *p,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnDim inset);
-ZnSmoothPathWithBezier(ZnPoint *from_points,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnList to_points);
-ZnGetBezierPoints(ZnPoint *p1,
- ZnPoint *c1,
- ZnPoint *c2,
- ZnPoint *p2,
- ZnList to_points,
- double eps);
-ZnGetBezierPath(ZnList from_points,
- ZnList to_points);
-ZnPoint *
-ZnGetCirclePoints(int type,
- int quality,
- ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal angle_extent,
- unsigned int *num_points,
- ZnList point_list);
-ZnGetArcPath(ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal end_angle,
- int type,
- ZnList to_points);
-ZnFitBezier(ZnPoint *pts,
- unsigned int num_points,
- ZnReal error,
- ZnList controls);
-ZnTestCCW(ZnPoint *p,
- unsigned int num_points);
-#endif /* _Geo_h */
diff --git a/generic/Group.c b/generic/Group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6a183..0000000
--- a/generic/Group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1781 +0,0 @@
- * Group.c -- Implementation of Group item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Wed Jun 23 10:09:20 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Group.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Group item special record.
- */
-typedef struct _GroupItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnItem clip;
- unsigned char alpha;
- /* Private data */
- ZnItem head; /* Doubly linked list of all items. */
- ZnItem tail;
- ZnList dependents; /* List of dependent items. */
-#ifdef ATC
- /* Overlap manager variables.
- * These variables are valid *only* if the overlap
- * manager is active. */
- ZnBool call_om; /* Tell if there is a need to call the */
- /* overlap manager. */
-} GroupItemStruct, *GroupItem;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Group item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnAttrConfig group_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ALPHA, "-alpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, alpha), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-atomic", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ATOMIC_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-clip", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, clip), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(GroupItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- group->head = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- group->tail = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- group->clip = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- group->alpha = 100;
- group->dependents = NULL;
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- CLEAR(item->flags, ATOMIC_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
-#ifdef ATC
- group->call_om = False;
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnList dependents;
- ZnItem connected, current_item, new_item;
- ZnItem *items;
- Tcl_HashTable mapping;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int new, num_items, i;
- if (item == item->wi->top_group) {
- /* Do not try to clone the top group */
- return;
- }
- current_item = group->tail;
- group->head = group->tail = ZN_NO_ITEM;
-#ifdef ATC
- group->call_om = False;
- dependents = group->dependents;
- if (dependents) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&mapping, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
- }
- /*
- * First clone all the children, and build a mapping
- * table if there is some attachments to relink.
- */
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- connected = current_item->connected_item;
- new_item = ZnITEM.CloneItem(current_item);
- new_item->connected_item = connected;
- ZnITEM.InsertItem(new_item, item, ZN_NO_ITEM, True);
- if (dependents) {
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&mapping, (char *) current_item, &new);
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) new_item);
- }
- if (current_item == group->clip) {
- group->clip = new_item;
- }
- current_item = current_item->previous;
- }
- /*
- * Then rebuild the dependency list with
- * the new items.
- */
- if (dependents) {
- /*printf("rebuilding dependents\n");*/
- group->dependents = NULL;
- items = (ZnItem *) ZnListArray(dependents);
- num_items = ZnListSize(dependents);
- for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++, items++) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapping, (char *) *items);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- ZnWarning("Can't find item correspondance in Group Clone\n");
- abort();
- }
- else {
- current_item = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapping, (char *) current_item->connected_item);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- ZnWarning("Can't found item correspondance in Group Clone\n");
- abort();
- }
- else {
- /*printf("item %d correspond to ", current_item->connected_item->id);*/
- current_item->connected_item = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- /*printf("%d\n", current_item->connected_item->id);*/
- ZnInsertDependentItem(current_item);
- }
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&mapping);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnItem current_item, next_item;
- current_item = group->head;
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- next_item = current_item->next;
- ZnITEM.DestroyItem(current_item);
- current_item = next_item;
- }
- if (group->dependents) {
- ZnListFree(group->dependents);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * SetXShape --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#if defined(SHAPE) && !defined(_WIN32)
-static void
-SetXShape(ZnItem grp)
- ZnWInfo *wi = grp->wi;
- ZnItem clip = ((GroupItem) grp)->clip;
- unsigned int i, j, num_pts, max_num_pts;
- ZnPos min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y;
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
- ZnPoint *p;
- ZnBool simple;
- ZnDim width, height;
- XPoint xpts[3], *xp2, *xpts2;
- TkRegion reg, reg_op, reg_to;
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_X_SHAPE)) {
- return;
- }
- if ((clip == ZN_NO_ITEM) || !wi->reshape) {
- /*
- * Reset both clip just to be sure (the application can have
- * changed wi->full_reshape while resetting wi->reshape).
- */
- XShapeCombineMask(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), ShapeBounding,
- 0, 0, None, ShapeSet);
- XShapeCombineMask(wi->dpy, wi->real_top, ShapeBounding,
- 0, 0, None, ShapeSet);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Get the clip shape.
- */
- tristrip.num_strips = 0;
- simple = clip->class->GetClipVertices(clip, &tristrip);
- if (simple || (tristrip.num_strips == 0)) {
- /*
- * Nothing to do: after normalisation the rectangular shape will
- * fit exactly the window. We may test here if a shape is currently
- * active and reset the mask only in this case (need a flag in wi).
- */
- XShapeCombineMask(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), ShapeBounding,
- 0, 0, None, ShapeSet);
- XShapeCombineMask(wi->dpy, wi->real_top, ShapeBounding,
- 0, 0, None, ShapeSet);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * First make the vertices start at zero.
- * In case of a fan we benefit from the fact that
- * ALL the contour vertices are included in
- * the tristrip, so we dont need to consider the
- * center (arc in pie slice mode).
- */
- max_x = min_x = tristrip.strips[0].points[0].x;
- max_y = min_y = tristrip.strips[0].points[0].y;
- max_num_pts = tristrip.strips[0].num_points;
- for (j = 0; j < tristrip.num_strips; j++) {
- p = tristrip.strips[j].points;
- num_pts = tristrip.strips[j].num_points;
- if (num_pts > max_num_pts) {
- max_num_pts = num_pts;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_pts; p++, i++) {
- if (p->x < min_x) {
- min_x = p->x;
- }
- if (p->y < min_y) {
- min_y = p->y;
- }
- if (p->x > max_x) {
- max_x = p->x;
- }
- if (p->y > max_y) {
- max_y = p->y;
- }
- }
- }
- max_x -= min_x;
- max_y -= min_y;
- XShapeCombineMask(wi->dpy, wi->full_reshape?Tk_WindowId(wi->win):wi->real_top,
- ShapeBounding, 0, 0, None, ShapeSet);
- reg = TkCreateRegion();
- /*
- * Now normalize the shape and map it to the window size,
- * then Translate it in a region and apply this region to
- * the window.
- */
- width = wi->width;
- height = wi->height;
- for (j = 0; j < tristrip.num_strips; j++) {
- p = tristrip.strips[j].points;
- num_pts = tristrip.strips[j].num_points;
- /*
- * In case of a fan we benefit from the fact that
- * ALL the contour vertices are included in
- * the tristrip, so we can use the corresponding
- * polygon instead of going through all the triangles.
- */
- if (tristrip.strips[j].fan) {
- /* Skip the center */
- p++;
- num_pts--;
- xp2 = xpts2 = ZnMalloc(num_pts*sizeof(XPoint));
- for (i = 0 ; i < num_pts; i++, p++, xp2++) {
- xp2->x = (short) ((p->x - min_x) * width / max_x);
- xp2->y = (short) ((p->y - min_y) * height / max_y);
- }
- reg_op = ZnPolygonRegion(xpts2, num_pts, EvenOddRule);
- reg_to = TkCreateRegion();
- ZnUnionRegion(reg, reg_op, reg_to);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg_op);
- reg = reg_to;
- ZnFree(xpts2);
- }
- else {
- xpts[0].x = (short) ((p->x - min_x) * width / max_x);
- xpts[0].y = (short) ((p->y - min_y) * height / max_y);
- p++;
- xpts[1].x = (short) ((p->x - min_x) * width / max_x);
- xpts[1].y = (short) ((p->y - min_y) * height / max_y);
- p++;
- for (i = 2 ; i < num_pts; i++, p++) {
- xpts[2].x = (short) ((p->x - min_x) * width / max_x);
- xpts[2].y = (short) ((p->y - min_y) * height / max_y);
- reg_op = ZnPolygonRegion(xpts, 3, EvenOddRule);
- reg_to = TkCreateRegion();
- ZnUnionRegion(reg, reg_op, reg_to);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg_op);
- reg = reg_to;
- xpts[0] = xpts[1];
- xpts[1] = xpts[2];
- }
- }
- }
- XShapeCombineRegion(wi->dpy, wi->full_reshape?wi->real_top:Tk_WindowId(wi->win),
- ShapeBounding, 0, 0, (Region) reg, ShapeSet);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- }
- }
-static void
-SetXShape(ZnItem grp)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, group_attrs, argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * If the clip item changed, check if it is a legal
- * item type that is inside this group.
- */
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- if (group->clip &&
- (!group->clip->class->GetClipVertices || (group->clip->parent != item))) {
- group->clip = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- " clip item must be a child of the group", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!group->clip && (item == wi->top_group)) {
- SetXShape(item);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, group_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PushClip --
- * Save the current clip shape and current clipbox if needed.
- * Intersect the previous shape and the local to obtain the
- * new current shape. Use this shape to compute the current
- * clipbox and if set_gc is True compute the current region.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PushClip(GroupItem group,
- ZnBool set_gc)
- ZnWInfo *wi = ((ZnItem) group)->wi;
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
- ZnBool simple;
- if ((group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- ((((ZnItem) group) != wi->top_group)
-#if defined(SHAPE) && ! defined (_WIN32)
- || !wi->reshape
- )) {
- simple = group->clip->class->GetClipVertices(group->clip, &tristrip);
- /*printf("Group: PushClip group %d\n", ((ZnItem) group)->id);*/
- if (tristrip.num_strips) {
- ZnPushClip(wi, &tristrip, simple, set_gc);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PopClip --
- * Re-install the previous clip shape if any (stack can be empty).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PopClip(GroupItem group,
- ZnBool set_gc)
- ZnWInfo *wi = ((ZnItem) group)->wi;
- if ((group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- ((((ZnItem) group) != wi->top_group)
-#if defined(SHAPE) && !defined(_WIN32)
- || !wi->reshape
- )) {
- /*printf("Group: PopClip group %d\n", ((ZnItem) group)->id);*/
- ZnPopClip(wi, set_gc);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PushTransform --
- * Save the current transform then concatenate the item transform to
- * form the new current transform.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PushTransform(ZnItem item)
- ZnPoint *pos;
- pos = NULL;
- if (item->class->pos_offset >= 0) {
- pos = (ZnPoint *) (((char *) item) + item->class->pos_offset);
- if (pos->x == 0 && pos->y == 0) {
- pos = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (!item->transfo &&
- !pos &&
- ISSET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT) &&
- return;
- }
- ZnPushTransform(item->wi, item->transfo, pos,
- /*printf("Pushing transfo for item: %d\n;", item->id);
- ZnPrintTransfo(wi->current_transfo);*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PopTransform --
- * Restore the previously saved transform from the stack.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PopTransform(ZnItem item)
- ZnPoint *pos;
- pos = NULL;
- if (item->class->pos_offset >= 0) {
- pos = (ZnPoint *) (((char *) item) + item->class->pos_offset);
- if (pos->x == 0 && pos->y == 0) {
- pos = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (!item->transfo &&
- !pos &&
- ISSET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT) &&
- return;
- }
- ZnPopTransform(item->wi);
- /*printf("Popping transfo for item: %d\n", item->id);
- ZnPrintTransfo(wi->current_transfo);*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- * Compute the geometrical elements of a group. First of all save the current
- * transform and combine it with the item transform. Then call the item
- * ComputeCoordinates method.
- * For regular child items (not groups) some of the code of the item
- * itself is factored out in CallRegularCC.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-CallRegularCC(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- /*ZnBBox *clip_box;*/
- /*
- * Do some generic pre-work in behalf of the (regular) children.
- */
- if (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- ZnDamage(wi, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- PushTransform(item);
- /*printf("calling cc on regular item %d\n", item->id);*/
- /*ZnPrintTransfo(wi->current_transfo);*/
- item->class->ComputeCoordinates(item, False);
- /*
- * If a current clipbox exists adjust the item
- * bounding box accordingly. When computing coordinates
- * the damaged area is not pushed onto the clipstack,
- * the following predicate is thus valid for testing
- * a clipbox.
- */
- /* Tue Nov 14 15:21:05 2000 Suppressed to have a real
- bbox to align tiles (i.e if an object is larger than
- its enclosing clipping, the bbox is equal to the clip
- area and the tiling will not move with the object until
- it partially uncovered the clip area.
- Have to watch any possible breakage.
- if (ZnCurrentClip(wi, NULL, &clip_box, NULL)) {
- ZnBBox inter;
- ZnIntersectBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, clip_box, &inter);
- item->item_bounding_box = inter;
- }*/
- /*
- * Do some generic post-work in behalf of the (regular) children.
- */
-#ifdef GL
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- /*
- * Remove the item display list so that it will be recreated
- * to reflect the changes.
- */
- if (item->gl_list) {
- glDeleteLists(item->gl_list, 1);
- item->gl_list = 0;
- }
- if (ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_REPICK_FLAG)) {
- }
- if (ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) &&
- (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) ||
- ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT))) {
- }
- /*
- * Damage if the item is visible or if it is
- * a group clipper.
- */
- if (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT) ||
- (item == ((GroupItem) item->parent)->clip)) {
- ZnDamage(wi, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- PopTransform(item);
- item->inv_flags = 0;
- /*printf("Done cc on regular item %d\n", item->id);*/
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnItem current_item;
- ZnItem *deps;
- int num_deps, i;
- ZnBBox *clip_box;
- PushTransform(item);
- /* printf("Group.c\n");
- ZnPrintTransfo(item->wi->current_transfo);
- printf("\n");*/
- force |= ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
- /*
- * If the clip item changed or there is no clip anymore
- * force an update.
- */
- force |= ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG);
- /*
- * Clip shape is computed in the group's local
- * coordinates.
- */
- if (group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /*
- * Update the geometry of the clip item if needed.
- * Its bounding box will be clipped by the current
- * clipbox (i.e the clipbox of the group's parent).
- */
- if (force ||
- ISSET(group->clip->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(group->clip->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- /*printf("calling cc on clip item %d for group %d\n",
- group->clip->id, item->id);*/
- CallRegularCC(group->clip);
- if (item == item->wi->top_group) {
- SetXShape(item);
- }
- /*
- * If the clip item has changed we need to compute
- * new clipped bounding boxes for all the children.
- */
- force = True;
- }
- }
- PushClip(group, False);
- for (current_item = group->head; current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM;
- current_item = current_item->next) {
- /*
- * Skip the clip item, it has been already updated.
- * Skip as well items with a dependency, they will
- * be updated later.
- */
- if ((current_item == group->clip) ||
- (current_item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (force ||
- ISSET(current_item->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(current_item->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- /*printf("calling cc on item %d\n", current_item->id);*/
- CallRegularCC(current_item);
- }
- else {
- /*printf("calling cc on group %d\n", current_item->id);*/
- current_item->class->ComputeCoordinates(current_item, force);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Update coordinates and bounding boxes following
- * a possible change in connected items. Only regular
- * items can be concerned.
- */
- if (group->dependents) {
- num_deps = ZnListSize(group->dependents);
- deps = (ZnItem *) ZnListArray(group->dependents);
- for (i = 0; i < num_deps; i++) {
- current_item = deps[i];
- if (force ||
- ISSET(current_item->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(current_item->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(current_item->connected_item->flags, ZN_UPDATE_DEPENDENT_BIT)) {
- /*printf("Updating dependent: %d\n", current_item->id);*/
- CallRegularCC(current_item);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now, we must reset the update_dependent flag
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_deps; i++) {
- CLEAR(deps[i]->connected_item->flags, ZN_UPDATE_DEPENDENT_BIT);
- }
- /*printf("... done\n");*/
- }
- /*
- * Compute the bounding box.
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- current_item = group->head;
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &current_item->item_bounding_box);
- current_item = current_item->next;
- }
- /*
- * Limit the group actual bounding box to
- * the clip shape boundary.
- */
- if (group->clip) {
- clip_box = &group->clip->item_bounding_box;
- ZnIntersectBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, clip_box, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- item->inv_flags = 0;
- PopClip(group, False);
- PopTransform(item);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnItem current_item;
- ZnBBox enclosing, inter;
- int result = -1;
- ZnBool outside, inside;
- ZnBool atomic, report, empty = True;
- PushTransform(item);
- report = ta->report;
- /*
- * Is this group the target group ?
- */
- if ((ta->in_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (ta->in_group != item)) {
- /* No, try the subgroups. */
- for (current_item = group->head;
- current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM;
- current_item = current_item->next) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- continue;
- }
- result = current_item->class->ToArea(current_item, ta);
- if (ta->in_group == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* The target group has been found, return its result. */
- goto out;
- }
- }
- /* No group found in this subtree. */
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * At this point we are either in the target group
- * or one of its sub-groups. If in the target group,
- * erase the target in the call struct to remember
- * the fact.
- */
- if (ta->in_group == item) {
- /*
- * We are in the target group, mark the fact and bypass the group
- * atomicity.
- */
- ta->in_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- atomic = False;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We are below the start group, If this group is ATOMIC,
- * ask the child groups to report instead of adding their
- * children to the result.
- */
- atomic = ISSET(item->flags, ATOMIC_BIT) && !ta->override_atomic;
- ta->report |= atomic;
- }
- enclosing.orig.x = ta->area->orig.x - 1;
- enclosing.orig.y = ta->area->orig.y - 1;
- enclosing.corner.x = ta->area->corner.x + 1;
- enclosing.corner.y = ta->area->corner.y + 1;
- outside = inside = True;
- /*
- * Process each item and proceed with subtrees if
- * asked for by the recursive flag.
- */
- /* printf("searching in group %d\n", item?item->id:0);*/
- for (current_item = group->head;
- current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM;
- current_item = current_item->next) {
- if (ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT) &&
- ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- /*printf("visible&sensitive %d\n", current_item?current_item->id:0);*/
- ZnIntersectBBox(&enclosing, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &inter);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&inter)) {
- continue;
- }
- /*printf("bbox test passed %d\n", current_item?current_item->id:0);*/
- if ((current_item->class != ZnGroup) || atomic || ta->recursive || ISSET(current_item->flags, ATOMIC_BIT)) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- /*printf("testing %d\n", current_item?current_item->id:0);*/
- PushTransform(current_item);
- result = current_item->class->ToArea(current_item, ta);
- PopTransform(current_item);
- }
- else {
- result = current_item->class->ToArea(current_item, ta);
- }
- outside &= (result == -1);
- inside &= (result == 1);
- empty = False;
- /*
- * If this group is ATOMIC, it must report itself as matching
- * if a/ the request is 'enclosed' and all the children are
- * enclosed or b/ the request is 'overlapping' and at least one
- * child overlaps (or is enclosed).
- * So here we can do early tests to shortcut the search when
- * the most stringent conditions are met.
- */
- if (atomic) {
- if (!ta->enclosed && (result >= 0)) {
- result = 0;
- goto out;
- } else if (ta->enclosed && (result == 0)) {
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (!ta->report && (result >= ta->enclosed)) {
- /*printf("Doing %d\n", current_item?current_item->id:0);*/
- ZnDoItem(item->wi->interp, current_item, ZN_NO_PART, ta->tag_uid);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If there are no items or only sub-groups in this group and
- * the search is not recursive we must report outside.
- */
- if (empty) {
- result = -1;
- }
- else {
- if (atomic) {
- result = outside ? -1 : 1;
- }
- else if (ta->report) { /* Need to report matching children to ancestor */
- if (outside && inside) {
- result = 0;
- }
- else {
- result = outside ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- result = -1;
- }
- }
- out:
- ta->report = report;
- PopTransform(item);
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnItem current_item;
- ZnBBox bbox, old_damaged_area, *clip_box;
- PushTransform(item);
- PushClip(group, True);
- if (group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- old_damaged_area = wi->damaged_area;
- if (ZnCurrentClip(wi, NULL, &clip_box, NULL)) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(&wi->damaged_area, clip_box, &bbox);
- wi->damaged_area = bbox;
- }
- }
- current_item = group->tail;
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (ISSET(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(&wi->damaged_area, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- if (!ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox)) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PushTransform(current_item);
- }
- current_item->class->Draw(current_item);
- if (wi->draw_bboxes) {
- XGCValues values;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(wi->bbox_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 1;
- values.line_style = (current_item->class==ZnGroup)?LineOnOffDash:LineSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCLineStyle|GCLineWidth|GCFillStyle,
- &values);
- XDrawRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) current_item->item_bounding_box.orig.x,
- (int) current_item->item_bounding_box.orig.y,
- (unsigned int) (current_item->item_bounding_box.corner.x -
- current_item->item_bounding_box.orig.x),
- (unsigned int) (current_item->item_bounding_box.corner.y -
- current_item->item_bounding_box.orig.y));
- }
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PopTransform(current_item);
- }
- }
- }
- current_item = current_item->previous;
- }
- if (group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- wi->damaged_area = old_damaged_area;
- }
- PopClip(group, True);
- PopTransform(item);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnItem current_item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- ZnBBox *clip_box;
- ZnBBox bbox, old_damaged_area;
- unsigned char save_alpha = wi->alpha;
- unsigned char save_alpha2;
- if (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT)) {
- wi->alpha = wi->alpha * group->alpha / 100;
- }
- else {
- wi->alpha = group->alpha;
- }
- save_alpha2 = wi->alpha;
- PushTransform(item);
- PushClip(group, True);
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT) && (group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- old_damaged_area = wi->damaged_area;
- if (ZnCurrentClip(wi, NULL, &clip_box, NULL)) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(&wi->damaged_area, clip_box, &bbox);
- wi->damaged_area = bbox;
- }
- }
- current_item = group->tail;
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (ISSET(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- ZnIntersectBBox(&wi->damaged_area, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- if (!ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox) || ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT)) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PushTransform(current_item);
- if (ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT)) {
- wi->alpha = 100;
- }
- }
- current_item->class->Render(current_item);
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PopTransform(current_item);
- wi->alpha = save_alpha2;
- }
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- }
- }
- current_item = current_item->previous;
- }
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT) && (group->clip != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- wi->damaged_area = old_damaged_area;
- }
- PopClip(group, True);
- PopTransform(item);
- wi->alpha = save_alpha;
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- ZnBool sensitive = ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- ZnItem parent = item->parent;
- while (sensitive && (parent != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- sensitive &= ISSET(parent->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- parent = parent->parent;
- }
- return sensitive;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- * Given a point an an aperture, find the topmost group item/part
- * that is (a) within the pick_aperture
- * (b) the top most
- * (c) has either its sensibility or its visibility set.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is the distance of the picked item/part if one
- * has been found or a really big distance if not. a_item and a_part
- * are set to point the picked item/part or to ZN_NO_ITEM/ZN_NO_PART.
- * If the group is ATOMIC, a_item points the group instead of the
- * actual item.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnItem p_item=ZN_NO_ITEM, current_item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- int p_part=0, aperture = ps->aperture;
- double dist, best = 1e10;
- ZnBBox bbox, inter, *clip_box;
- ZnPoint *p = ps->point;
- ZnBool atomic;
- TkRegion reg;
- ps->a_item= ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ps->a_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (group->head == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- return best;
- }
- PushTransform(item);
- PushClip(group, False);
- /*
- * Is this group the target group ?
- */
- if ((ps->in_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (ps->in_group != item)) {
- /* No, try the subgroups. */
- for (current_item = group->head;
- current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM;
- current_item = current_item->next) {
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- continue;
- }
- best = current_item->class->Pick(current_item, ps);
- if (ps->in_group == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* The target group has been found, return its result. */
- goto out;
- }
- }
- /* No group found in this subtree. */
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * At this point we are either in the target group
- * or one of its sub-groups. If in the target group,
- * erase the target in the call struct to remember
- * the fact.
- */
- if (ps->in_group == item) {
- ps->in_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- bbox.orig.x = p->x - aperture;
- bbox.orig.y = p->y - aperture;
- bbox.corner.x = p->x + (aperture?aperture:1);
- bbox.corner.y = p->y + (aperture?aperture:1);
- if (ZnCurrentClip(wi, &reg, &clip_box, NULL)) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(&bbox, clip_box, &inter);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&inter)) {
- goto out;
- }
- if (reg && !ZnPointInRegion(reg, (int) p->x, (int) p->y)) {
- goto out;
- }
- }
- current_item = (ps->start_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ? group->head : ps->start_item;
- atomic = ISSET(item->flags, ATOMIC_BIT) && !ps->override_atomic;
- for ( ; current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM; current_item = current_item->next) {
- /*
- * Sensitive item must be reported even if they are invisible.
- * It is legal to fire bindings on invisible sensitive items.
- * This is _not_ a bug do _not_ modify the test below.
- */
- if (ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- ZnIntersectBBox(&bbox, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &inter);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&inter)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PushTransform(current_item);
- p_item = ps->a_item;
- p_part = ps->a_part;
- ps->a_item = current_item;
- ps->a_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- dist = current_item->class->Pick(current_item, ps);
- dist -= aperture;
- PopTransform(current_item);
- }
- else if (!atomic && !ps->recursive) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- dist = current_item->class->Pick(current_item, ps);
- }
- if (dist < 0.0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- }
- if (dist >= best) {
- /* Not a good one, restore the previous best and try again. */
- ps->a_item = p_item;
- ps->a_part = p_part;
- continue;
- }
- if (atomic) {
- /* If ATOMIC, this group is the item to be reported. */
- ps->a_item = item;
- ps->a_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- best = dist;
- /*printf("found %d:%d, at %g\n", (ps->a_item)->id, ps->a_part, dist);*/
- if (dist == 0.0) {
- /* No need to look further, the item found is the topmost
- * closest. */
- break;
- }
- }
- out:
- PopClip(group, False);
- PopTransform(item);
- return best;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the group translation (can be also interpreted as the
- * position of the group origin in the group's parent).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " can't add or remove vertices in groups", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on groups", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!item->transfo && ((*pts)[0].x == 0.0) && ((*pts)[0].y == 0.0)) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (!item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoNew();
- }
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, (*pts)[0].x, (*pts)[0].y, True);
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- ZnPoint *p;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 1);
- p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTransfoDecompose(item->transfo, NULL, p, NULL, NULL);
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = p;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnItem current_item;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- int result = TCL_OK;
- char msg[500];
- PushTransform(item);
- PushClip(group, True);
- for (current_item = group->tail; current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM;
- current_item = current_item->previous) {
- if (ISCLEAR(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- continue;
- }
- //printf("area %g %g %g %g\n", area->orig.x, area->orig.y,
- // area->corner.x, area->corner.y);
- ZnIntersectBBox(area, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (current_item->class->PostScript == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- PushTransform(current_item);
- if (!prepass) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- }
- ZnPostscriptTrace(current_item, 1);
- }
- result = current_item->class->PostScript(current_item, prepass, area);
- if (current_item->class != ZnGroup) {
- ZnPostscriptTrace(current_item, 0);
- if (!prepass && (result == TCL_OK)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- PopTransform(current_item);
- }
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- if (!prepass) {
- /*
- * Add some trace to ease the error lookup.
- */
- sprintf(msg, "\n (generating Postscript for item %d)", current_item->id);
- Tcl_AddErrorInfo(wi->interp, msg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- PopClip(group, True);
- PopTransform(item);
- if (!prepass && (result == TCL_OK)) {
- ZnFlushPsChan(wi->interp, wi->ps_info);
- }
- return result;
-ZnGroupHead(ZnItem group)
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- return ((GroupItem) group)->head;
-ZnGroupTail(ZnItem group)
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- return ((GroupItem) group)->tail;
-#ifdef ATC
-ZnGroupCallOm(ZnItem group)
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return False;
- }
- return ((GroupItem) group)->call_om;
-ZnGroupSetCallOm(ZnItem group,
- ZnBool set)
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return;
- }
- ((GroupItem) group)->call_om = set;
-ZnGroupCallOm(ZnItem group)
- return False;
-ZnGroupSetCallOm(ZnItem group,
- ZnBool set)
- return;
-ZnGroupAtomic(ZnItem group)
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return True;
- }
- return ISSET(group->flags, ATOMIC_BIT);
-ZnGroupRemoveClip(ZnItem group,
- ZnItem clip)
- GroupItem grp = (GroupItem) group;
- if (grp->clip == clip) {
- grp->clip = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(group, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnInsertDependentItem --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnInsertDependentItem(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item->parent;
- if (!group) {
- return;
- }
- if (!group->dependents) {
- group->dependents = ZnListNew(2, sizeof(ZnItem));
- }
- ZnListAdd(group->dependents, &item, ZnListTail);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnExtractDependentItem --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnExtractDependentItem(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item->parent;
- unsigned int index, num_items;
- ZnItem *deps;
- if (!group || !group->dependents) {
- return;
- }
- num_items = ZnListSize(group->dependents);
- deps = (ZnItem *) ZnListArray(group->dependents);
- for (index = 0; index < num_items; index++) {
- if (deps[index]->id == item->id) {
- ZnListDelete(group->dependents, index);
- if (ZnListSize(group->dependents) == 0) {
- ZnListFree(group->dependents);
- group->dependents = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnDisconnectDependentItems --
- *
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnDisconnectDependentItems(ZnItem item)
- ZnItem current_item;
- GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item->parent;
- ZnItem *deps;
- unsigned int num_deps;
- int i;
- if (!group || !group->dependents) {
- return;
- }
- deps = (ZnItem *) ZnListArray(group->dependents);
- num_deps = ZnListSize(group->dependents);
- for (i = num_deps-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- current_item = deps[i];
- if (current_item->connected_item == item) {
- current_item->connected_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ZnListDelete(group->dependents, i);
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(current_item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(group->dependents) == 0) {
- ZnListFree(group->dependents);
- group->dependents = NULL;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGroupExtractItem --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGroupExtractItem(ZnItem item)
- GroupItem group;
- if (!item->parent) {
- return;
- }
- group = (GroupItem) item->parent;
- if (item->previous != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- item->previous->next = item->next;
- }
- else {
- group->head = item->next;
- }
- if (item->next != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- item->next->previous = item->previous;
- }
- else {
- group->tail = item->previous;
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate((ZnItem) group, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- item->previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->next = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->parent = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGroupInsertItem --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGroupInsertItem(ZnItem group,
- ZnItem item,
- ZnItem mark_item,
- ZnBool before)
- GroupItem grp = (GroupItem) group;
- /*
- * Empty list, add the first item.
- */
- if (grp->head == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- grp->head = grp->tail = item;
- item->previous = item->next = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- return;
- }
- if (mark_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /*
- * Better leave here, mark_item will not
- * have the links set right.
- */
- if (mark_item == item) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Force the priority to be the same as the reference
- * item;
- */
- item->priority = mark_item->priority;
- }
- else {
- mark_item = grp->head;
- while ((mark_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (mark_item->priority > item->priority)) {
- mark_item = mark_item->next;
- }
- before = True;
- }
- if (before && (mark_item != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- /*
- * Insert before mark.
- */
- item->next = mark_item;
- item->previous = mark_item->previous;
- if (mark_item->previous == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- grp->head = item;
- }
- else {
- mark_item->previous->next = item;
- }
- mark_item->previous = item;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Insert after mark either because 'before' is False
- * and mark_item valid or because the right place is at
- * the end of the list and mark_item is ZN_NO_ITEM.
- */
- if (mark_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- grp->tail->next = item;
- item->previous = grp->tail;
- grp->tail = item;
- }
- else {
- item->previous = mark_item;
- item->next = mark_item->next;
- if (item->next == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- grp->tail = item;
- }
- else {
- item->next->previous = item;
- }
- mark_item->next = item;
- }
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(group, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnBBox *bbox = &item->item_bounding_box;
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&bbox->orig,
- bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x,
- bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y,
- anchor, p);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct GROUP_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "group",
- sizeof(GroupItemStruct),
- group_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- ZN_CLASS_ONE_COORD, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- NULL, /* GetClipVertices */
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnGroup = (ZnItemClassId) &GROUP_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Group.h b/generic/Group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 937dec7..0000000
--- a/generic/Group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Group.h -- Header for Group items.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Group_h
-#define _Group_h
-ZnItem ZnGroupHead(ZnItem group);
-ZnItem ZnGroupTail(ZnItem group);
-ZnBool ZnGroupCallOm(ZnItem group);
-ZnBool ZnGroupAtomic(ZnItem group);
-void ZnGroupSetCallOm(ZnItem group, ZnBool set);
-void ZnInsertDependentItem(ZnItem item);
-void ZnExtractDependentItem(ZnItem item);
-void ZnDisconnectDependentItems(ZnItem item);
-void ZnGroupInsertItem(ZnItem group, ZnItem item, ZnItem mark_item, ZnBool before);
-void ZnGroupExtractItem(ZnItem item);
-void ZnGroupRemoveClip(ZnItem group, ZnItem clip);
-#endif /* _Group_h */
diff --git a/generic/Icon.c b/generic/Icon.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9eae8..0000000
--- a/generic/Icon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
- * Icon.c -- Implementation of Icon item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick LECOANET
- * Creation date : Sat Mar 25 13:53:39 1995
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[] = "$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Icon item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _IconItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint pos;
- ZnImage image;
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- Tk_Anchor connection_anchor;
- ZnGradient *color; /* Used only if the image is a bitmap (in GL alpha part
- * is always meaningful). */
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoint dev[4];
-} IconItemStruct, *IconItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig icon_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-anchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-connectionanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, connection_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-image", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, image), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-mask", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, image), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL, Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- /*printf("size of an icon(header) = %d(%d)\n",
- sizeof(IconItemStruct), sizeof(ZnItemStruct));*/
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
- icon->pos.x = icon->pos.y = 0.0;
- icon->image = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- icon->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_NW;
- icon->connection_anchor = TK_ANCHOR_SW;
- icon->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if (icon->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- icon->image = ZnGetImageByValue(icon->image, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- }
- icon->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(icon->color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if (icon->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(icon->image, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- icon->image = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(icon->color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ZnItem old_connected;
- old_connected = item->connected_item;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, icon_attrs,
- argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- /*
- * If the new connected item is not appropriate back up
- * to the old one.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (ISSET(item->connected_item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS) &&
- (item->parent == item->connected_item->parent))) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemDependency(item, old_connected);
- }
- else {
- item->connected_item = old_connected;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, icon_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * Compute the transformation to be used and the origin
- * of the icon (upper left point in item coordinates).
- */
-static ZnTransfo *
-ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoint *origin)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- int w, h;
- ZnTransfo *t;
- ZnSizeOfImage(icon->image, &w, &h);
- /*
- * The connected item support anchors, this is checked by configure.
- */
- if (item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnTransfo inv;
- item->connected_item->class->GetAnchor(item->connected_item,
- icon->connection_anchor,
- origin);
- /* GetAnchor return a position in device coordinates not in
- * the item coordinate space. To compute the icon origin
- * (upper left corner), we must apply the inverse transform
- * to the ref point before calling anchor2origin.
- */
- ZnTransfoInvert(item->transfo, &inv);
- ZnTransformPoint(&inv, origin, origin);
- /*
- * The relevant transform in case of an attachment is the item
- * transform alone. This is case of local coordinate space where
- * only the translation is a function of the whole transform
- * stack, scale and rotation are reset.
- */
- t = item->transfo;
- }
- else {
- origin->x = origin->y = 0;
- t = item->wi->current_transfo;
- }
- ZnAnchor2Origin(origin, (ZnReal) w, (ZnReal) h, icon->anchor, origin);
- //origin->x = ZnNearestInt(origin->x);
- //origin->y = ZnNearestInt(origin->y);
- return t;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- //ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- int width, height, i;
- ZnPoint quad[4];
- ZnTransfo *t;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- /*
- * If there is no image then nothing to show.
- */
- if (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- return;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(icon->image, &width, &height);
- t = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, quad);
- quad[1].x = quad[0].x;
- quad[1].y = quad[0].y + height;
- quad[2].x = quad[0].x + width;
- quad[2].y = quad[1].y;
- quad[3].x = quad[2].x;
- quad[3].y = quad[0].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(t, quad, icon->dev, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- icon->dev[i].x = ZnNearestInt(icon->dev[i].x);
- icon->dev[i].y = ZnNearestInt(icon->dev[i].y);
- }
- /*
- * Compute the bounding box.
- */
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, icon->dev, 4);
- /*
- * Update connected items.
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- return -1;
- }
- return ZnPolygonInBBox(icon->dev, 4, ta->area, NULL);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- XGCValues values;
- unsigned int gc_mask = 0;
- int w, h;
- ZnBBox box, inter, *clip_box;
- TkRegion clip_region, photo_region, clip;
- ZnBool simple;
- Pixmap pixmap;
- if (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- return;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(icon->image, &w, &h);
- box.orig = *icon->dev;
- box.corner.x = icon->dev->x + w;
- box.corner.y = icon->dev->y + h;
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(icon->image)) {
- if (ZnTransfoIsTranslation(item->wi->current_transfo)) {
- /*
- * The code below does not use of Tk_RedrawImage to be
- * able to clip with the current clip region.
- */
- ZnIntersectBBox(&box, &wi->damaged_area, &inter);
- box = inter;
- ZnCurrentClip(wi, &clip_region, NULL, NULL);
- pixmap = ZnImagePixmap(icon->image, wi->win);
- photo_region = ZnImageRegion(icon->image);
- clip = TkCreateRegion();
- /*
- * ZnImageRegion may fail: perl/Tk 800.24 doesn't support
- * some internal TkPhoto functions.
- * This is a workaround using a rectangular region based
- * on the image size.
- */
- if (photo_region == NULL) {
- XRectangle rect;
- rect.x = rect.y = 0;
- rect.width = w;
- rect.height = h;
- TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, clip, clip);
- }
- else {
- ZnUnionRegion(clip, photo_region, clip);
- }
- ZnOffsetRegion(clip, (int) icon->dev->x, (int) icon->dev->y);
- TkIntersectRegion(clip_region, clip, clip);
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, clip);
- XCopyArea(wi->dpy, pixmap, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (box.orig.x-icon->dev->x),
- (int) (box.orig.y-icon->dev->y),
- (unsigned int) (box.corner.x-box.orig.x),
- (unsigned int) (box.corner.y-box.orig.y),
- (int) box.orig.x,
- (int) box.orig.y);
- values.clip_x_origin = values.clip_y_origin = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCClipXOrigin|GCClipYOrigin, &values);
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, clip_region);
- TkDestroyRegion(clip);
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint box[4];
- int i;
- XImage *dest_im, *src_im;
- XImage *dest_mask, *src_mask;
- Pixmap drw, mask;
- unsigned int dest_im_width, dest_im_height;
- unsigned int max_width, max_height;
- GC gc, mask_gc;
- TkRegion current_clip;
- ZnBBox *current_clip_box;
- dest_im_width = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.x -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x);
- max_width = MAX(dest_im_width, (unsigned int) w);
- dest_im_height = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- max_height = MAX(dest_im_height, (unsigned int) h);
- mask = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, max_width, max_height, 1);
- drw = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, max_width, max_height,
- Tk_Depth(wi->win));
- mask_gc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, mask, 0, NULL);
- gc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, drw, 0, NULL);
- dest_mask = XCreateImage(wi->dpy, Tk_Visual(wi->win), 1,
- XYPixmap, 0, NULL, dest_im_width, dest_im_height,
- 8, 0);
- dest_mask->data = ZnMalloc(dest_mask->bytes_per_line * dest_mask->height);
- memset(dest_mask->data, 0, dest_mask->bytes_per_line * dest_mask->height);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, mask_gc, 0);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, mask, mask_gc, 0, 0, max_width, max_height);
- dest_im = XCreateImage(wi->dpy, Tk_Visual(wi->win), Tk_Depth(wi->win),
- ZPixmap, 0, NULL, dest_im_width, dest_im_height,
- 32, 0);
- dest_im->data = ZnMalloc(dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- memset(dest_im->data, 0, dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- pixmap = ZnImagePixmap(icon->image, wi->win);
- photo_region = ZnImageRegion(icon->image);
- clip = TkCreateRegion();
- /*
- * ZnImageRegion may fail: perl/Tk 800.24 doesn't support
- * some internal TkPhoto functions.
- * This is a workaround using a rectangular region based
- * on the image size.
- */
- if (photo_region == NULL) {
- XRectangle rect;
- rect.x = rect.y = 0;
- rect.width = w;
- rect.height = h;
- TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, clip, clip);
- }
- else {
- ZnUnionRegion(clip, photo_region, clip);
- }
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, mask_gc, 1);
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, mask_gc, clip);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, mask, mask_gc, 0, 0, w, h);
- src_mask = XGetImage(wi->dpy, mask, 0, 0, w, h, 1, XYPixmap);
- src_im = XGetImage(wi->dpy, pixmap, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap);
- box[0] = icon->dev[0];
- box[1] = icon->dev[1];
- box[2] = icon->dev[3];
- box[3] = icon->dev[2];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- box[i].x -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- box[i].y -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- box[i].x = ZnNearestInt(box[i].x);
- box[i].y = ZnNearestInt(box[i].y);
- }
- ZnMapImage(src_mask, dest_mask, box);
- ZnMapImage(src_im, dest_im, box);
- ZnCurrentClip(wi, &current_clip, &current_clip_box, NULL);
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, mask_gc, current_clip);
- XSetClipOrigin(wi->dpy, mask_gc,
- (int) -item->item_bounding_box.orig.x, (int) -item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- TkPutImage(NULL, 0,wi->dpy, mask, mask_gc, dest_mask,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, dest_im_width, dest_im_height);
- TkPutImage(NULL, 0, wi->dpy, drw, gc, dest_im,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, dest_im_width, dest_im_height);
- XSetClipMask(wi->dpy, gc, mask);
- XSetClipOrigin(wi->dpy, gc,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- XCopyArea(wi->dpy, drw, wi->draw_buffer, gc,
- 0, 0, dest_im_width, dest_im_height,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, gc);
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, mask_gc);
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, drw);
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, mask);
- XDestroyImage(src_mask);
- XDestroyImage(dest_mask);
- XDestroyImage(src_im);
- XDestroyImage(dest_im);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * If the current transform is a pure translation, it is
- * possible to optimize by directly drawing to the X back
- * buffer. Else, we draw in a temporary buffer, get
- * its content as an image, transform the image into another
- * one and use this last image as a mask to draw in the X
- * back buffer.
- */
- pixmap = ZnImagePixmap(icon->image, wi->win);
- if (ZnTransfoIsTranslation(item->wi->current_transfo)) {
- ZnCurrentClip(wi, NULL, &clip_box, &simple);
- if (simple) {
- ZnIntersectBBox(&box, clip_box, &inter);
- box = inter;
- }
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = pixmap;
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) icon->dev->x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) icon->dev->y;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(icon->color, 0.0);
- gc_mask |= GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCForeground;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, gc_mask, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) box.orig.x,
- (int) box.orig.y,
- (unsigned int) (box.corner.x-box.orig.x),
- (unsigned int) (box.corner.y-box.orig.y));
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint box[4];
- int i;
- XImage *dest_im, *src_im;
- Pixmap drw;
- unsigned int dest_im_width, dest_im_height;
- unsigned int max_width, max_height;
- GC gc;
- dest_im_width = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.x -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x);
- max_width = MAX(dest_im_width, (unsigned int) w);
- dest_im_height = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- max_height = MAX(dest_im_height, (unsigned int) h);
- drw = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, max_width, max_height, 1);
- gc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, drw, 0, NULL);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, gc, 0);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, drw, gc, 0, 0, max_width, max_height);
- dest_im = XCreateImage(wi->dpy, Tk_Visual(wi->win), 1,
- XYPixmap, 0, NULL, dest_im_width, dest_im_height,
- 8, 0);
- dest_im->data = ZnMalloc(dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- memset(dest_im->data, 0, dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = pixmap;
- values.ts_x_origin = 0;
- values.ts_y_origin = 0;
- values.foreground = 1;
- gc_mask |= GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCForeground;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, gc, gc_mask, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, drw, gc, 0, 0, w, h);
- src_im = XGetImage(wi->dpy, drw, 0, 0, w, h, 1, XYPixmap);
- box[0] = icon->dev[0];
- box[1] = icon->dev[1];
- box[2] = icon->dev[3];
- box[3] = icon->dev[2];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- box[i].x -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- box[i].y -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- box[i].x = ZnNearestInt(box[i].x);
- box[i].y = ZnNearestInt(box[i].y);
- }
- ZnMapImage(src_im, dest_im, box);
- TkPutImage(NULL, 0,wi->dpy, drw, gc, dest_im,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, dest_im_width, dest_im_height);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(icon->color, 0.0);
- values.stipple = drw;
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCForeground,
- &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y,
- (int) dest_im_width, (int) dest_im_height);
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, gc);
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, drw);
- XDestroyImage(src_im);
- XDestroyImage(dest_im);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if (icon->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnRenderImage(wi, icon->image, icon->color, icon->dev,
- ZnImageIsBitmap(icon->image));
- }
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- double dist;
- double off_dist = MAX(1, wi->pick_aperture+1);
- int x, y, width, height;
- ZnPoint p;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnTransfo t;
- if (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- return 1.0e40;
- }
- ZnTransfoInvert(wi->current_transfo, &t);
- ZnTransformPoint(&t, ps->point, &p);
- ZnTransformPoint(&t, &icon->dev[0], &bbox.orig);
- ZnSizeOfImage(icon->image, &width, &height);
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + width;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + height;
- dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&bbox, &p);
- x = (int) (p.x - bbox.orig.x);
- y = (int) (p.y - bbox.orig.y);
- /*printf("dist: %g\n", dist);*/
- /*
- * If inside the icon rectangle, try to see if the point
- * is actually on the image or not. If it lies in an
- * area that is between pick_aperture+1 around the external
- * rectangle and the actual shape, the distance will be reported
- * as pick_aperture+1. Inside the actual shape it will be
- * reported as 0. This is a kludge, there is currently
- * no means to compute the real distance in the icon's
- * vicinity.
- */
- if (dist <= 0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- if (icon->image != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (ZnPointInImage(icon->image, x, y)) {
- /*
- * The point is actually on the image shape.
- */
- return dist;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The point is not on the shape but still
- * inside the image's bounding box.
- */
- return off_dist;
- }
- }
- else {
- return dist;
- }
- }
- else if (dist < off_dist) {
- dist = off_dist;
- }
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- int w, h, result;
- ZnPoint origin;
- char path[500];
- if (prepass || (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage)) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(icon->image, &w, &h);
- ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- sprintf(path, "/InitialTransform load setmatrix\n"
- "[%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g] concat\n"
- "1 -1 scale\n"
- "%.15g %.15g translate\n",
- wi->current_transfo->_[0][0], wi->current_transfo->_[0][1],
- wi->current_transfo->_[1][0], wi->current_transfo->_[1][1],
- wi->current_transfo->_[2][0], wi->current_transfo->_[2][1],
- origin.x, origin.y - h);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- if (ZnImageIsBitmap(icon->image)) {
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(icon->color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- result = ZnPostscriptBitmap(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info,
- icon->image, 0, 0, w, h);
- }
- else {
- result = Tk_PostscriptImage(ZnImageTkImage(icon->image), wi->interp, wi->win,
- wi->ps_info, 0, 0, w, h, prepass);
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if (icon->image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- *p = *icon->dev;
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint q[4];
- q[0] = icon->dev[0];
- q[1] = icon->dev[1];
- q[2] = icon->dev[3];
- q[3] = icon->dev[2];
- ZnRectOrigin2Anchor(q, anchor, p);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 4);
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- points[0] = icon->dev[0];
- points[1] = icon->dev[1];
- points[2] = icon->dev[3];
- points[3] = icon->dev[2];
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 4, False);
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item origin. This doesn't take care of
- * the possible attachment. The change will be effective at the
- * end of the attachment.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- IconItem icon = (IconItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " icons can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on icons", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- icon->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &icon->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct ICON_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "icon",
- sizeof(IconItemStruct),
- icon_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- Tk_Offset(IconItemStruct, pos),
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnIcon = (ZnItemClassId) &ICON_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Image.c b/generic/Image.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 723adcb..0000000
--- a/generic/Image.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1695 +0,0 @@
- * Image.c -- Image support routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick LECOANET
- * Creation date : Wed Dec 8 11:04:44 1999
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "perfos.h"
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifdef GL
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[] = "$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-static int images_inited = 0;
-static Tcl_HashTable images;
-#ifdef GL
-static Tcl_HashTable font_textures;
-typedef struct _ClientStruct {
- void (*inv_proc)(void *cd);
- void *client_data;
- int refcount;
-} ClientStruct;
-typedef struct _ImageStruct {
- union {
- Pixmap pixmap;
-#ifdef GL
- GLuint texobj;
- } i;
- Display *dpy;
- Screen *screen;
- struct _ImageBits *bits;
- /* Bookkeeping */
- ZnBool for_gl;
- int refcount;
- ZnList clients;
- struct _ImageStruct *next;
-} ImageStruct, *Image;
-typedef struct _ImageBits {
- unsigned char *bpixels; /* Needed for bitmaps. Set to NULL if the image
- * is not a bitmap. */
- int rowstride;
-#ifdef GL
- ZnReal t; /* Texture parameters for the image. */
- ZnReal s;
- int t_width; /* Texture size used for this image. */
- int t_height;
- unsigned char *t_bits; /* Can be NULL if texture is not used (no GL
- * rendering active on this image). */
- /* Bookeeping */
- Display *dpy; /* The tkimage below comes from this display. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp; /* The interp that created the tkimage below. */
- Tk_Image tkimage; /* Keep this handle to be informed of changes */
- Tk_PhotoHandle tkphoto;
- TkRegion valid_region;
- int width;
- int height;
- int depth;
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash; /* From this it is easy to get the image/bitmap
- * name. */
- Image images; /* Linked list of widget/display dependant
- * specializations of this image. If NULL, the
- * image has no specialization and can be freed. */
-} ImageBits;
-char *ZnNameOfImage(ZnImage image);
-#ifdef GL
-static int
-To2Power(int a)
- int result = 1;
- while (result < a) {
- result *= 2;
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetImage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InvalidateImage(ClientData client_data,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height,
- int image_width,
- int image_height)
- ImageBits *bits = (ImageBits *) client_data;
- Image this;
- int num_cs, count, i;
- ClientStruct *cs;
- char *image_name;
- /* printf("Invalidation, bits: %d, %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
- client_data, x, y, width, height, image_width, image_height);*/
- if (ZnImageIsBitmap(bits->images)) {
- /* This is a bitmap nothing to update
- * (This should not happen) */
- return;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (bits->t_bits) {
- ZnFree(bits->t_bits);
- bits->t_bits = NULL;
- }
- if (bits->valid_region) {
- TkDestroyRegion(bits->valid_region);
- bits->valid_region = NULL;
- }
- bits->width = image_width;
- bits->height = image_height;
- image_name = ZnNameOfImage(bits->images);
- /*
- * The photo pointer must be updated. It changes when creating an new image with
- * the same name as an old. The image is first deleted then re-instantiated.
- * As a side effect we also rely on it for telling if an image is a photo.
- */
- bits->tkphoto = Tk_FindPhoto(bits->interp, image_name);
- count = 0;
- this = bits->images;
- while (this) {
-#ifdef GL
- if (this->for_gl) {
- if (this->i.texobj) {
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ce = ZnGLMakeCurrent(this->dpy, 0);
- glDeleteTextures(1, &this->i.texobj);
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- this->i.texobj = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (this->i.pixmap != None) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(this->dpy, this->i.pixmap);
- this->i.pixmap = None;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- }
- num_cs = ZnListSize(this->clients);
- cs = ZnListArray(this->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num_cs; i++, cs++) {
- if (cs->inv_proc) {
- (*cs->inv_proc)(cs->client_data);
- }
- }
- count += num_cs;
- this = this->next;
- }
- /*printf("Invalidate on image %s with %d clients\n",
- Tcl_GetHashKey(&images, bits->hash), count);*/
-ZnGetImage(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tk_Uid image_name,
- void (*inv_proc)(void *cd),
- void *client_data)
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int new, num_cs, i;
- ImageBits *bits;
- ZnBool for_gl = wi->render>0;
- Image image;
- Tk_ImageType *type;
- ClientStruct cs, *cs_ptr;
- /*printf("ZnGetImage: %s\n", image_name);*/
- if (!images_inited) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&images, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- images_inited = 1;
- }
- image_name = Tk_GetUid(image_name);
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&images, image_name);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- /*printf("Image \"%s\" is in cache\n", image_name);*/
- bits = (ImageBits *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- /*printf("New image \"%s\"\n", image_name);*/
- if (strcmp(image_name, "") == 0) {
- return ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- bits = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ImageBits));
-#ifdef GL
- bits->t_bits = NULL;
- bits->images = NULL;
- bits->bpixels = NULL;
- bits->valid_region = NULL;
- bits->tkimage = NULL;
- bits->tkphoto = NULL;
- bits->interp = wi->interp;
- bits->dpy = wi->dpy;
- if (!Tk_GetImageMasterData(wi->interp, image_name, &type)) {
- /*
- * This doesn't seem to be a Tk image, try to load
- * a Tk bitmap.
- */
- Pixmap pmap;
- XImage *mask;
- int x, y;
- unsigned char *line;
- pmap = Tk_GetBitmap(wi->interp, wi->win, image_name);
- if (pmap == None) {
- ZnWarning("unknown bitmap/image \"");
- goto im_error;
- }
- Tk_SizeOfBitmap(wi->dpy, pmap, &bits->width, &bits->height);
- mask = XGetImage(wi->dpy, pmap, 0, 0, (unsigned int) bits->width,
- (unsigned int) bits->height, 1L, XYPixmap);
- bits->depth = 1;
- bits->rowstride = mask->bytes_per_line;
- bits->bpixels = ZnMalloc((unsigned int) (bits->height * bits->rowstride));
- memset(bits->bpixels, 0, (unsigned int) (bits->height * bits->rowstride));
- line = bits->bpixels;
- for (y = 0; y < bits->height; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < bits->width; x++) {
- if (XGetPixel(mask, x, y)) {
- line[x >> 3] |= 0x80 >> (x & 7);
- }
- }
- line += bits->rowstride;
- }
- XDestroyImage(mask);
- Tk_FreeBitmap(wi->dpy, pmap);
- }
- else if (strcmp(type->name, "photo") == 0) {
- /* Processing will yield an image photo */
- bits->tkphoto = Tk_FindPhoto(wi->interp, image_name);
- Tk_PhotoGetSize(bits->tkphoto, &bits->width, &bits->height);
- if ((bits->width == 0) || (bits->height == 0)) {
- ZnWarning("bogus photo image \"");
- goto im_error;
- }
- bits->depth = Tk_Depth(wi->win);
- bits->tkimage = Tk_GetImage(wi->interp, wi->win, image_name,
- InvalidateImage, (ClientData) bits);
- }
- else { /* Other image types */
- bits->depth = Tk_Depth(wi->win);
- bits->tkimage = Tk_GetImage(wi->interp, wi->win, image_name,
- InvalidateImage, (ClientData) bits);
- Tk_SizeOfImage(bits->tkimage, &bits->width, &bits->height);
- if ((bits->width == 0) || (bits->height == 0)) {
- ZnWarning("bogus ");
- ZnWarning(type->name);
- ZnWarning(" image \"");
- im_error:
- ZnWarning(image_name);
- ZnWarning("\"\n");
- ZnFree(bits);
- return ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&images, image_name, &new);
- bits->hash = entry;
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) bits);
- }
- /*
- * Try to find an image instance that fits this widget/display.
- */
- for (image = bits->images; image != NULL; image = image->next) {
- if (image->for_gl == for_gl) {
- if ((for_gl && (image->dpy == wi->dpy)) ||
- (!for_gl && (image->screen == wi->screen))) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- cs_ptr = ZnListArray(image->clients);
- num_cs = ZnListSize(image->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num_cs; i++, cs_ptr++) {
- if ((cs_ptr->inv_proc == inv_proc) &&
- (cs_ptr->client_data == client_data)) {
- cs_ptr->refcount++;
- return image;
- }
- }
- /* Add a new client reference to call back.
- */
- cs.inv_proc = inv_proc;
- cs.client_data = client_data;
- cs.refcount = 1;
- ZnListAdd(image->clients, &cs, ZnListTail);
- return image;
- }
- image->refcount++;
- return image;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Create a new instance for this case.
- */
- /*printf("new instance for \"%s\"\n", image_name);*/
- image = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ImageStruct));
- image->bits = bits;
- image->refcount = 0;
- image->for_gl = for_gl;
- image->dpy = wi->dpy;
- image->screen = wi->screen;
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- image->clients = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ClientStruct));
- cs.inv_proc = inv_proc;
- cs.client_data = client_data;
- cs.refcount = 1;
- ZnListAdd(image->clients, &cs, ZnListTail);
- }
- else {
- image->refcount++;
- }
- /* Init the real resource and let the client load it
- * on demand */
- if (image->for_gl) {
-#ifdef GL
- image->i.texobj = 0;
- }
- else {
- image->i.pixmap = None;
- /* image->i.pixmap = Tk_GetBitmap(wi->interp, wi->win, image_name);
- printf("pmap: %d\n", image->i.pixmap);*/
- }
- image->next = bits->images;
- bits->images = image;
- return image;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetImageByValue --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetImageByValue(ZnImage image,
- void (*inv_proc)(void *cd),
- void *client_data)
- Image this = (Image) image;
- ClientStruct cs, *cs_ptr;
- int i, num_cs;
- /*printf("ZnGetImageByValue: %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(image));*/
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- cs_ptr = ZnListArray(this->clients);
- num_cs = ZnListSize(this->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num_cs; i++, cs_ptr++) {
- if ((cs_ptr->inv_proc == inv_proc) &&
- (cs_ptr->client_data == client_data)) {
- cs_ptr->refcount++;
- return image;
- }
- }
- cs.inv_proc = inv_proc;
- cs.client_data = client_data;
- cs.refcount = 1;
- ZnListAdd(this->clients, &cs, ZnListTail);
- }
- else {
- this->refcount++;
- }
- return image;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnImageIsBitmap --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnImageIsBitmap(ZnImage image)
- return (((Image) image)->bits->bpixels != NULL);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnFreeImage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnFreeImage(ZnImage image,
- void (*inv_proc)(void *cd),
- void *client_data)
- Image prev, scan, this = ((Image) image);
- ImageBits *bits = this->bits;
- ClientStruct *cs_ptr;
- int i, num_cs, rm_image;
- /*printf("ZnFreeImage: %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(image));*/
- /*
- * Search the instance in the list.
- */
- for (prev=NULL, scan=bits->images; (scan!=NULL)&&(scan!=this);
- prev=scan, scan=scan->next);
- if (scan != this) {
- return; /* Not found ? */
- }
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- cs_ptr = ZnListArray(this->clients);
- num_cs = ZnListSize(this->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num_cs; i++, cs_ptr++) {
- if ((cs_ptr->inv_proc == inv_proc) &&
- (cs_ptr->client_data == client_data)) {
- cs_ptr->refcount--;
- if (cs_ptr->refcount == 0) {
- ZnListDelete(this->clients, i);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- rm_image = ZnListSize(this->clients)==0;
- }
- else {
- this->refcount--;
- rm_image = this->refcount==0;
- }
- if (!rm_image) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Unlink the deleted image instance.
- */
- if (prev == NULL) {
- bits->images = this->next;
- }
- else {
- prev->next = this->next;
- }
- if (this->for_gl) {
-#ifdef GL
- if (this->i.texobj) {
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ce = ZnGLMakeCurrent(this->dpy, 0);
- /* printf("%d Liberation de la texture %d pour l'image %s\n",
- wi, this->i.texobj, ZnNameOfImage(image));*/
- glDeleteTextures(1, &this->i.texobj);
- this->i.texobj = 0;
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- }
- }
- else if (bits->tkimage) {
- /*
- * This is an image, we need to free the instances.
- */
- if (this->i.pixmap != None) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(this->dpy, this->i.pixmap);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * This is a bitmap ask Tk to free the resource.
- */
- if (this->i.pixmap != None) {
- Tk_FreeBitmap(this->dpy, this->i.pixmap);
- }
- }
- ZnFree(this);
- /*
- * No clients for this image, it can be freed.
- */
- if (bits->images == NULL) {
- /*printf("destruction complète de l'image %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(this));*/
-#ifdef GL
- if (bits->t_bits) {
- ZnFree(bits->t_bits);
- }
- if (bits->bpixels) {
- ZnFree(bits->bpixels);
- }
- if (bits->tkimage) {
- Tk_FreeImage(bits->tkimage);
- }
- if (bits->valid_region) {
- TkDestroyRegion(bits->valid_region);
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(bits->hash);
- ZnFree(bits);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnNameOfImage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-char *
-ZnNameOfImage(ZnImage image)
- return Tcl_GetHashKey(&images, ((Image) image)->bits->hash);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnSizeOfImage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnSizeOfImage(ZnImage image,
- int *width,
- int *height)
- Image this = (Image) image;
- *width = this->bits->width;
- *height = this->bits->height;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnImagePixmap --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnImagePixmap(ZnImage image,
- Tk_Window win)
- Image this = (Image) image;
- ImageBits *bits = this->bits;
- /*printf("ZnImagePixmap: %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(image));*/
- if (this->for_gl) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Bogus use of an image, it was created for GL and used in an X11 context\n");
- return None;
- }
- if (this->i.pixmap == None) {
- if (ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- this->i.pixmap = Tk_GetBitmap(bits->interp, win, Tk_GetUid(ZnNameOfImage(image)));
- }
- else {
- Tk_Image tkimage;
- /*
- * If the original image was created on the same display
- * as the required display, we can get the pixmap from it.
- * On the other hand we need first to obtain an image
- * instance on the right display.
- */
- if (bits->dpy == this->dpy) {
- tkimage = bits->tkimage;
- }
- else {
- /* Create a temporary tkimage to draw the pixmap. */
- tkimage = Tk_GetImage(bits->interp, win, ZnNameOfImage(image), NULL, NULL);
- }
- this->i.pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(this->dpy, Tk_WindowId(win),
- bits->width, bits->height, bits->depth);
- Tk_RedrawImage(tkimage, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, this->i.pixmap, 0, 0);
- if (tkimage != bits->tkimage) {
- Tk_FreeImage(tkimage);
- }
- }
- }
- return this->i.pixmap;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnPointInImage --
- *
- * Return whether the given point is inside the image.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnPointInImage(ZnImage image,
- int x,
- int y)
- if (ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- ImageBits *bits = ((Image) image)->bits;
- if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) ||
- (x >= bits->width) || (y >= bits->height)) {
- return False;
- }
- return ZnGetBitmapPixel(bits->bpixels, bits->rowstride, x, y);
- }
- else {
- return ZnPointInRegion(ZnImageRegion(image), x, y);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnImageRegion --
- *
- * Only defined for Tk images (including Tk images defined from bitmaps).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-BuildImageRegion(Display *dpy,
- ImageBits *bits)
- Pixmap pmap;
- int x, y, end;
- GC gc;
- XImage *im1, *im2;
- XRectangle rect;
- /*printf("BuildImageRegion: %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(bits->images));*/
- pmap = Tk_GetPixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), bits->width, bits->height, bits->depth);
- gc = XCreateGC(dpy, pmap, 0, NULL);
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 0);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, pmap, gc, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height);
- Tk_RedrawImage(bits->tkimage, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, pmap, 0, 0);
- im1 = XGetImage(dpy, pmap, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, ~0L, ZPixmap);
- XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 1);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, pmap, gc, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height);
- Tk_RedrawImage(bits->tkimage, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, pmap, 0, 0);
- im2 = XGetImage(dpy, pmap, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, ~0L, ZPixmap);
- Tk_FreePixmap(dpy, pmap);
- XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
- bits->valid_region = TkCreateRegion();
- for (y = 0; y < bits->height; y++) {
- x = 0;
- while (x < bits->width) {
- while ((x < bits->width) &&
- (XGetPixel(im1, x, y) != XGetPixel(im2, x, y))) {
- /* Search the first non-transparent pixel */
- x++;
- }
- end = x;
- while ((end < bits->width) &&
- (XGetPixel(im1, end, y) == XGetPixel(im2, end, y))) {
- /* Search the first transparent pixel */
- end++;
- }
- if (end > x) {
- rect.x = x;
- rect.y = y;
- rect.width = end - x;
- rect.height = 1;
- TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, bits->valid_region, bits->valid_region);
- }
- x = end;
- }
- }
- XDestroyImage(im1);
- XDestroyImage(im2);
-ZnImageRegion(ZnImage image)
- if (ZnImageIsBitmap(image)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- else {
- Image this = (Image) image;
- ImageBits *bits = this->bits;
-#ifdef PTK
- if (!bits->valid_region) {
- BuildImageRegion(this->dpy, bits);
- }
- return bits->valid_region;
- if (bits->tkphoto) {
- return TkPhotoGetValidRegion(bits->tkphoto);
- }
- else {
- if (!bits->valid_region) {
- BuildImageRegion(this->dpy, bits);
- }
- return bits->valid_region;
- }
- }
-ZnImageTkImage(ZnImage image)
- return ((Image) image)->bits->tkimage;
-ZnImageTkPhoto(ZnImage image)
- return ((Image) image)->bits->tkphoto;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnImageTex --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
- * Working only for 16 bits displays with 5r6g5b mask,
- * and 24/32 bits displays. Byte ordering ok on Intel
- * plateform only.
- */
-static void
-From5r6g5b(unsigned char *data,
- int width,
- int height,
- int bytes_per_line,
- unsigned char *t_bits,
- int t_width,
- int t_height,
- TkRegion valid_region)
- int x, y;
- int rowstride = t_width * 4;
- unsigned char *obptr;
- unsigned char *bptr, *bp2;
- unsigned char alpha;
- unsigned short temp;
- bptr = t_bits;
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- bp2 = bptr;
- obptr = data;
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- /*
- * Configure the alpha value.
- */
- alpha = ZnPointInRegion(valid_region, x, y) ? 255 : 0;
- /*
- * Dispatch the 3 color components.
- */
- temp = ((unsigned short *)obptr)[0];
- *bp2 = (temp >> 8) & 0xf8; /* r */
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = (temp >> 3) & 0xfc; /* v */
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = (temp << 3); /* b */
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = alpha;
- bp2++;
- obptr += 2;
- }
- for (x = width; x < t_width; x++) {
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- }
- bptr += rowstride;
- data += bytes_per_line;
- }
- for (y = height; y < t_height; y++) {
- memset(bptr, 0, rowstride);
- bptr += rowstride;
- }
-static void
-From8r8g8b(unsigned char *data,
- int width,
- int height,
- int bytes_per_line,
- unsigned char *t_bits,
- int t_width,
- int t_height,
- TkRegion valid_region)
- int x, y;
- int rowstride = t_width * 4;
- unsigned char *obptr;
- unsigned char *bptr, *bp2;
- unsigned char alpha;
- bptr = t_bits;
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- bp2 = bptr;
- obptr = data;
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- /*
- * Configure the alpha value.
- */
- alpha = ZnPointInRegion(valid_region, x, y) ? 255 : 0;
- /*
- * Dispatch the 3 color components.
- * Be careful the Red and Blue are swapped it works on an Intel
- * plateform but may need some more tests to be fully generic.
- */
- *bp2++ = obptr[2]; /* r */
- *bp2++ = obptr[1]; /* v */
- *bp2++ = obptr[0]; /* b */
- obptr += 4;
- *bp2++ = alpha;
- }
- for (x = width; x < t_width; x++) {
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0;
- bp2++;
- }
- bptr += rowstride;
- data += bytes_per_line;
- }
- for (y = height; y < t_height; y++) {
- memset(bptr, 0, rowstride);
- bptr += rowstride;
- }
-static void
-GatherImageTexels(Display *dpy,
- ImageBits *bits)
- Pixmap pmap;
- XImage *im;
- TkRegion valid_region;
- int t_size;
- /*printf("GatherImageTexels: %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(bits->images));*/
- valid_region = ZnImageRegion(bits->images);
- t_size = bits->t_width * 4 * bits->t_height;
- bits->t_bits = ZnMalloc(t_size);
- pmap = Tk_GetPixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
- bits->width, bits->height, bits->depth);
- Tk_RedrawImage(bits->tkimage, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, pmap, 0, 0);
- im = XGetImage(dpy, pmap, 0, 0, bits->width, bits->height, ~0L, ZPixmap);
- Tk_FreePixmap(dpy, pmap);
- if (bits->depth == 16) {
- From5r6g5b(im->data, bits->width, bits->height, im->bytes_per_line,
- bits->t_bits, bits->t_width, bits->t_height, valid_region);
- }
- else if ((bits->depth == 24) || (bits->depth == 32)) {
- From8r8g8b(im->data, bits->width, bits->height, im->bytes_per_line,
- bits->t_bits, bits->t_width, bits->t_height, valid_region);
- }
- XDestroyImage(im);
-ZnImageTex(ZnImage image,
- ZnReal *t,
- ZnReal *s)
- Image this = (Image) image;
- ImageBits *bits = this->bits;
- ZnBool is_bmap = ZnImageIsBitmap(image);
- unsigned int t_size, width, height;
- if (!this->for_gl) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Bogus use of an image, it was created for X11 and used in a GL context\n");
- return 0;
- }
- ZnSizeOfImage(image, &width, &height);
- if (!bits->t_bits) {
- /*printf("chargement texture pour image %s\n", ZnNameOfImage(this));*/
- bits->t_width = To2Power((int) width);
- bits->t_height = To2Power((int) height);
- bits->s = width / (ZnReal) bits->t_width;
- bits->t = height / (ZnReal) bits->t_height;
- /*
- * This is a bitmap: use the pixels stored in bpixels.
- */
- if (is_bmap) {
- unsigned int i, j;
- unsigned char *ostart, *dstart, *d, *o;
- t_size = bits->t_width * bits->t_height;
- bits->t_bits = ZnMalloc(t_size);
- memset(bits->t_bits, 0, t_size);
- ostart = bits->bpixels;
- dstart = bits->t_bits;
- for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
- d = dstart;
- o = ostart;
- for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
- *d++ = ZnGetBitmapPixel(bits->bpixels, bits->rowstride, j, i) ? 255 : 0;
- }
- ostart += bits->rowstride;
- dstart += bits->t_width;
- }
- }
- /*
- * This is a photo: use the photo API, it is simple.
- */
- else if (bits->tkphoto) {
- unsigned int x, y, t_stride;
- unsigned char *obptr, *bptr, *bp2, *pixels;
- int green_off, blue_off, alpha_off;
- Tk_PhotoImageBlock block;
- t_stride = bits->t_width * 4;
- t_size = t_stride * bits->t_height;
- /*printf("t_width: %d(%d), t_height: %d(%d)\n", bits->t_width, width, bits->t_height, height);*/
- bits->t_bits = ZnMalloc(t_size);
- Tk_PhotoGetImage(bits->tkphoto, &block);
- green_off = block.offset[1] - block.offset[0];
- blue_off = block.offset[2] - block.offset[0];
-#ifdef PTK
- alpha_off = 3;
- alpha_off = block.offset[3] - block.offset[0];
- /*printf("width %d, height: %d redoff: %d, greenoff: %d, blueoff: %d, alphaoff: %d\n",
- block.width, block.height, block.offset[0], green_off,
- blue_off, alpha_off);*/
- pixels = block.pixelPtr;
- bptr = bits->t_bits;
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- bp2 = bptr;
- obptr = pixels;
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- *bp2++ = obptr[0]; /* r */
- *bp2++ = obptr[green_off]; /* g */
- *bp2++ = obptr[blue_off]; /* b */
- *bp2++ = obptr[alpha_off]; /* alpha */
- obptr += block.pixelSize;
- }
- /*for (x = width; x < t_width; x++) {
- *bp2 = 0; bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0; bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0; bp2++;
- *bp2 = 0; bp2++;
- }*/
- bptr += t_stride;
- pixels += block.pitch;
- }
- /*for (y = height; y < t_height; y++) {
- memset(bptr, 0, t_stride);
- bptr += t_stride;
- }*/
- }
- /*
- * This is another image format (not a photo): try to
- * guess the pixels and the transparency (on or off)
- * from a locally drawn pixmap.
- */
- else {
- GatherImageTexels(bits->dpy, bits);
- }
- }
- if (!this->i.texobj) {
- glGenTextures(1, &this->i.texobj);
- /*printf("%d creation texture %d pour image %s\n",
- bits, this->i.texobj, ZnNameOfImage(this));*/
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->i.texobj);
- glGetError();
- if (is_bmap) {
- this->bits->t_width, this->bits->t_height,
- 0, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this->bits->t_bits);
- }
- else {
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA,
- this->bits->t_width, this->bits->t_height,
- 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this->bits->t_bits);
- }
- if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) {
- ZnWarning("Can't allocate the texture for image ");
- ZnWarning(ZnNameOfImage(image));
- ZnWarning("\n");
- }
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
- }
- *t = this->bits->t;
- *s = this->bits->s;
- return this->i.texobj;
-#ifdef GL
-#define MAX_GLYPHS_PER_GRAB 256
-typedef struct _TexFontInfo {
- struct _TexFont *txf;
- GLuint texobj;
- Display *dpy;
- unsigned int refcount;
- struct _TexFontInfo *next;
-} TexFontInfo;
-typedef struct {
- short width;
-} PerGlyphInfo, *PerGlyphInfoPtr;
-typedef struct _TexFont {
- TexFontInfo *tfi;
- Tk_Font tkfont;
- unsigned int tex_width;
- unsigned int tex_height;
- int ascent;
- int descent;
- unsigned int max_char_width;
- unsigned char *teximage;
- unsigned int num_glyphs;
- PerGlyphInfo *glyph;
- ZnTexGVI *tgvi;
- Tcl_HashEntry *hash;
-} TexFont;
-typedef struct _DeferredGLGlyphs {
- ZnWInfo *wi;
- TexFont *txf;
-} DeferredGLGlyphsStruct;
-ZnList DeferredGLGlyphs;
-#ifndef PTK_800
-#include "CharsetUTF8.h"
-#include "CharsetISO8859-15.h"
-static void
-SuckGlyphsFromServer(ZnWInfo *wi,
- TexFont *txf)
- Pixmap offscreen = 0;
- XImage *image = NULL;
- GC xgc = 0;
- unsigned int height, length, pixwidth;
- unsigned int i, j, use_max_width;
- unsigned int wgap=2, hgap=2, tex_width, tex_height;
- unsigned char *to;
- unsigned int x, y;
- unsigned int width=0, maxSpanLength;
- int grabList[MAX_GLYPHS_PER_GRAB];
- unsigned int glyphsPerGrab = MAX_GLYPHS_PER_GRAB;
- unsigned int numToGrab, glyph;
- ZnTexGVI *tgvip;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- CONST unsigned char *cur, *next;
-#ifndef PTK_800
- Tcl_UniChar uni_ch;
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce = ZnGetGLContext(wi->dpy);
- /*printf("loading a font \n");*/
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(txf->tkfont, &fm);
-#ifndef PTK_800
- txf->num_glyphs = Tcl_NumUtfChars(ZnDefaultCharset, strlen(ZnDefaultCharset));
- txf->num_glyphs = strlen(ZnDefaultCharset);
- txf->glyph = ZnMalloc(txf->num_glyphs * sizeof(PerGlyphInfo));
- if (!txf->glyph) {
- goto FreeAndReturn;
- }
- txf->tgvi = ZnMalloc(txf->num_glyphs * sizeof(ZnTexGVI));
- if (!txf->tgvi) {
- goto FreeAndReturn;
- }
- txf->ascent = fm.ascent;
- txf->descent = fm.descent;
- txf->max_char_width = 0;
- tex_width = tex_height = 0;
- use_max_width = 0;
- height = txf->ascent + txf->descent;
- tgvip = txf->tgvi;
- /*
- * Compute the max character size in the font. This may be
- * a bit heavy hammer style but it avoid guessing on characters
- * not available in the font.
- */
- cur = ZnDefaultCharset;
- i = 0;
- while (*cur) {
-#ifndef PTK_800
- next = Tcl_UtfNext(cur);
- next = cur + 1;
- Tk_MeasureChars(txf->tkfont, cur, next - cur, 0, TK_AT_LEAST_ONE, &length);
- txf->glyph[i].width = length;
- txf->max_char_width = MAX(txf->max_char_width, length);
- if (tex_width + length + wgap > ce->max_tex_size) {
- tex_width = 0;
- use_max_width = 1;
- tex_height += height + hgap;
- if ((tex_height > ce->max_tex_size) || (length > ce->max_tex_size)) {
- goto FreeAndReturn;
- }
- }
- tgvip->v0x = 0;
- tgvip->v0y = txf->descent - height;
- tgvip->v1x = length;
- tgvip->v1y = txf->descent;
- tgvip->t0x = (GLfloat) tex_width;
- tgvip->t0y = (GLfloat) tex_height;
- tgvip->t1x = tgvip->t0x + length;
- tgvip->t1y = tgvip->t0y + height;
- tgvip->advance = (GLfloat) length;
-#ifndef PTK_800
- Tcl_UtfToUniChar(cur, &uni_ch);
- tgvip->code = uni_ch;
- tgvip->code = *cur;
- tex_width += length + wgap;
- cur = next;
- i++;
- tgvip++;
- }
- if (use_max_width) {
- tex_width = ce->max_tex_size;
- }
- tex_height += height;
- /*
- * Round the texture size to the next power of two.
- */
- tex_height = To2Power(tex_height);
- tex_width = To2Power(tex_width);
- if ((tex_height > ce->max_tex_size) || (tex_width > ce->max_tex_size)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Font doesn't fit into a texture\n");
- goto FreeAndReturn;
- }
- txf->tex_width = tex_width;
- txf->tex_height = tex_height;
- /*printf("(%s) Texture size is %d x %d for %d chars (max size: %d)\n",
- Tk_NameOfFont(font), txf->tex_width, txf->tex_height, txf->num_glyphs, ce->max_tex_size);*/
- /*
- * Now render the font bits into the texture.
- */
- txf->teximage = ZnMalloc(tex_height * tex_width);
- if (!txf->teximage) {
- goto FreeAndReturn;
- }
- memset(txf->teximage, 0, tex_height * tex_width);
- maxSpanLength = (txf->max_char_width + 7) / 8;
- /* Be careful determining the width of the pixmap; the X protocol allows
- pixmaps of width 2^16-1 (unsigned short size) but drawing coordinates
- max out at 2^15-1 (signed short size). If the width is too large, we
- need to limit the glyphs per grab. */
- if ((glyphsPerGrab * 8 * maxSpanLength) >= (1 << 15)) {
- glyphsPerGrab = (1 << 15) / (8 * maxSpanLength);
- }
- pixwidth = glyphsPerGrab * 8 * maxSpanLength;
- offscreen = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(wi->screen),
- (int) pixwidth, (int) height, 1);
- xgc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, offscreen, 0, NULL);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, xgc, WhitePixelOfScreen(wi->screen));
- XSetBackground(wi->dpy, xgc, WhitePixelOfScreen(wi->screen));
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, offscreen, xgc, 0, 0, pixwidth, height);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, xgc, BlackPixelOfScreen(wi->screen));
- XSetFont(wi->dpy, xgc, Tk_FontId(txf->tkfont));
- numToGrab = 0;
- cur = ZnDefaultCharset;
- i = 0;
- while (*cur) {
-#ifndef PTK_800
- next = Tcl_UtfNext(cur);
- next = cur + 1;
- if (txf->glyph[i].width != 0) {
- Tk_DrawChars(wi->dpy, offscreen, xgc, txf->tkfont, cur, next - cur,
- (int) (8*maxSpanLength*numToGrab), txf->ascent);
- grabList[numToGrab] = i;
- numToGrab++;
- }
- if ((numToGrab >= glyphsPerGrab) || (i == txf->num_glyphs - 1)) {
- image = XGetImage(wi->dpy, offscreen, 0, 0, pixwidth, height, 1, XYPixmap);
- for (j = 0; j < numToGrab; j++) {
- glyph = grabList[j];
- width = txf->glyph[glyph].width;
- tgvip = &txf->tgvi[glyph];
- to = txf->teximage + (int) (tgvip->t0y * tex_width) + (int) tgvip->t0x;
- tgvip->t0x = tgvip->t0x / (GLfloat) tex_width;
- tgvip->t0y = tgvip->t0y / (GLfloat) tex_height;
- tgvip->t1x = tgvip->t1x / (GLfloat) tex_width;
- tgvip->t1y = tgvip->t1y / (GLfloat) tex_height;
- for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < width; x++, to++) {
- /* XXX The algorithm used to suck across the font ensures that
- each glyph begins on a byte boundary. In theory this would
- make it convienent to copy the glyph into a byte oriented
- bitmap. We actually use the XGetPixel function to extract
- each pixel from the image which is not that efficient. We
- could either do tighter packing in the pixmap or more
- efficient extraction from the image. Oh well. */
- if (XGetPixel(image, (int) (j*maxSpanLength*8) + x, y) == BlackPixelOfScreen(wi->screen)) {
- *to = 255;
- }
- }
- to += tex_width - width;
- }
- }
- XDestroyImage(image);
- image = NULL;
- numToGrab = 0;
- /* do we need to clear the offscreen pixmap to get more? */
- if (i < txf->num_glyphs - 1) {
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, xgc, WhitePixelOfScreen(wi->screen));
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, offscreen, xgc, 0, 0,
- 8 * maxSpanLength * glyphsPerGrab, height);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, xgc, BlackPixelOfScreen(wi->screen));
- }
- }
- cur = next;
- i++;
- }
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, xgc);
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, offscreen);
- return;
- FreeAndReturn:
- if (txf->glyph) {
- ZnFree(txf->glyph);
- txf->glyph = NULL;
- }
- if (txf->tgvi) {
- ZnFree(txf->tgvi);
- txf->tgvi = NULL;
- }
- if (txf->teximage) {
- ZnFree(txf->teximage);
- txf->teximage = NULL;
- }
- ZnWarning("Cannot load font texture for font ");
- ZnWarning(Tk_NameOfFont(txf->tkfont));
- ZnWarning("\n");
-static void
-ZnNeedToGetGLGlyphs(ZnWInfo *wi,
- TexFont *txf)
- DeferredGLGlyphsStruct dgg, *dggp;
- int i, num;
- if (!DeferredGLGlyphs) {
- DeferredGLGlyphs = ZnListNew(4, sizeof(DeferredGLGlyphsStruct));
- }
- dggp = ZnListArray(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- num = ZnListSize(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, dggp++) {
- if (dggp->txf == txf) {
- return;
- }
- }
- dgg.wi = wi;
- dgg.txf = txf;
- ZnListAdd(DeferredGLGlyphs, &dgg, ZnListTail);
- /*printf("adding a font to load\n");*/
- DeferredGLGlyphsStruct *dggp;
- int i, num = ZnListSize(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- if (!num) {
- return;
- }
- dggp = ZnListArray(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, dggp++) {
- SuckGlyphsFromServer(dggp->wi, dggp->txf);
- }
- ZnListEmpty(DeferredGLGlyphs);
-static void
-ZnRemovedDeferredGLGlyph(TexFont *txf)
- DeferredGLGlyphsStruct *dggp;
- int i, num;
- dggp = ZnListArray(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- num = ZnListSize(DeferredGLGlyphs);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, dggp++) {
- if (dggp->txf == txf) {
- ZnListDelete(DeferredGLGlyphs, i);
- return;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetTexFont --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetTexFont(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tk_Font font)
- TexFont *txf;
- TexFontInfo *tfi;
- static int inited = 0;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int new;
- if (!inited) {
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&font_textures, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- inited = 1;
- }
- /* printf("family: %s, size: %d, weight: %d, slant: %d, underline: %d, overstrike: %d\n",
- tft->fa.family, tft->fa.size, tft->fa.weight, tft->fa.slant, tft->fa.underline,
- tft->fa.overstrike);
- */
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&font_textures, Tk_NameOfFont(font));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- /*printf("Found an already created font %s\n", Tk_NameOfFont(font));*/
- txf = (TexFont *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- /*printf("Creating a new texture font for %s\n", Tk_NameOfFont(font));*/
- txf = ZnMalloc(sizeof(TexFont));
- if (txf == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- txf->tfi = NULL;
- txf->tgvi = NULL;
- txf->glyph = NULL;
- txf->teximage = NULL;
- /* Get a local reference to the font, it will be deallocated
- * when no further references on this TexFont exist. */
- txf->tkfont = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(font));
- /*printf("Scheduling glyph loading for font %s\n", ZnNameOfTexFont(tfi));*/
- ZnNeedToGetGLGlyphs(wi, txf);
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&font_textures, Tk_NameOfFont(font), &new);
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) txf);
- txf->hash = entry;
- }
- /*
- * Now locate the texture obj in the texture list for this widget.
- */
- for (tfi = txf->tfi; tfi != NULL; tfi = tfi->next) {
- if (tfi->dpy == wi->dpy) {
- tfi->refcount++;
- return tfi;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Not found allocate a new texture object.
- */
- tfi = ZnMalloc(sizeof(TexFontInfo));
- if (tfi == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- tfi->refcount = 1;
- tfi->dpy = wi->dpy;
- tfi->txf = txf;
- tfi->texobj = 0;
- tfi->next = txf->tfi;
- txf->tfi = tfi;
- return tfi;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnNameOfTexFont --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-char const *
-ZnNameOfTexFont(ZnTexFontInfo tfi)
- return Tk_NameOfFont(((TexFontInfo *) tfi)->txf->tkfont);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTexFontTex --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTexFontTex(ZnTexFontInfo tfi)
- TexFontInfo *this = (TexFontInfo *) tfi;
- TexFont *txf = this->txf;
- if (!txf->teximage) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!this->texobj) {
- glGenTextures(1, &this->texobj);
- /*printf("%d creation texture %d pour la fonte %s\n",
- this->dpy, this->texobj, ZnNameOfTexFont(tfi));*/
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->texobj);
- glGetError();
- /*printf("Demande texture de %d x %d\n", txf->tex_width, txf->tex_height);*/
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, txf->tex_width,
- txf->tex_height, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
- txf->teximage);
- if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) {
- ZnWarning("Can't allocate the texture for font ");
- ZnWarning(ZnNameOfTexFont(tfi));
- ZnWarning("\n");
- }
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
- }
- /*printf("%d utilisation de la texture %d\n", this->wi, this->texobj);*/
- return this->texobj;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnFreeTexFont --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnFreeTexFont(ZnTexFontInfo tfi)
- TexFontInfo *this = ((TexFontInfo *) tfi);
- TexFont *txf = this->txf;
- TexFontInfo *prev, *scan;
- for (prev=NULL, scan=this->txf->tfi; (scan!=NULL)&&(scan != this);
- prev=scan, scan=scan->next);
- if (scan != this) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Decrement tex font object refcount.
- */
- this->refcount--;
- if (this->refcount != 0) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Unlink the deleted tex font info.
- */
- if (prev == NULL) {
- txf->tfi = this->next;
- }
- else {
- prev->next = this->next;
- }
- if (this->texobj) {
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- /*printf("%d Freeing texture %d from font %s\n",
- this->dpy, this->texobj, ZnNameOfTexFont(tfi));*/
- ce = ZnGLMakeCurrent(this->dpy, 0);
- if (ce) {
- glDeleteTextures(1, &this->texobj);
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Remove the font from the deferred load list
- */
- ZnRemovedDeferredGLGlyph(txf);
- /*
- * There is no more client for this font
- * deallocate the structures.
- */
- if (txf->tfi == NULL) {
- /*printf("%d Freeing txf for %s\n", this, ZnNameOfTexFont(tfi));*/
- Tk_FreeFont(txf->tkfont);
- ZnFree(txf->glyph);
- ZnFree(txf->tgvi);
- ZnFree(txf->teximage);
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(txf->hash);
- ZnFree(txf);
- }
- ZnFree(this);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetFontIndex --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetFontIndex(ZnTexFontInfo tfi,
- int c)
- TexFont *txf;
- ZnTexGVI *tgvi;
- int code, min, max, mid;
- if (c < 127) {
- /*
- * It is possible to index the points below 127. Unicode
- * is the same as ascii down there.
- */
- return c - 32;
- }
- /*
- * Else, search by dichotomy in the remaining chars.
- */
- txf = ((TexFontInfo *) tfi)->txf;
- tgvi = txf->tgvi;
- if (!tgvi) {
- return -1;
- }
- min = 127 - 32;
- max = txf->num_glyphs;
- while (min < max) {
- mid = (min + max) >> 1;
- code = tgvi[mid].code;
- if (c == code) {
- return mid;
- }
- if (c < code) {
- max = mid;
- }
- else {
- min = mid + 1;
- }
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "Tried to access unavailable texture font character %d (Unicode)\n", c);
- return -1;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTexFontGVI --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTexGVI *
-ZnTexFontGVI(ZnTexFontInfo tfi,
- int c)
- TexFont *txf = ((TexFontInfo *) tfi)->txf;
- ZnTexGVI *tgvi = NULL;
- int index;
- index = ZnGetFontIndex(tfi, c);
- if (index >= 0) {
- tgvi = &txf->tgvi[index];
- }
- return tgvi;
diff --git a/generic/Image.h b/generic/Image.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 426c0df..0000000
--- a/generic/Image.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * Image.h -- Image support routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick LECOANET
- * Creation date : Wed Dec 8 11:04:44 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Image_h
-#define _Image_h
-#include "Types.h"
-struct _ZnWInfo;
-typedef void *ZnImage;
-#define ZnGetBitmapPixel(bits, stride, x, y)\
- (((bits)[(y)*(stride)+((x)>>3)]<<((x)&7))&0x80)
-ZnImage ZnGetImage(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, Tk_Uid image_name,
- void (*inv_proc)(void *cd), void *cd);
-ZnImage ZnGetImageByValue(ZnImage image, void (*inv_proc)(void *cd), void *cd);
-void ZnFreeImage(ZnImage image, void (*inv_proc)(void *cd), void *cd);
-char * ZnNameOfImage(ZnImage image);
-void ZnSizeOfImage(ZnImage image, int *width, int *height);
-Pixmap ZnImagePixmap(ZnImage image, Tk_Window win);
-ZnBool ZnImageIsBitmap(ZnImage image);
-TkRegion ZnImageRegion(ZnImage image);
-Tk_Image ZnImageTkImage(ZnImage image);
-Tk_PhotoHandle ZnImageTkPhoto(ZnImage image);
-ZnPointInImage(ZnImage image, int x, int y);
-#ifdef GL
-GLuint ZnImageTex(ZnImage image, ZnReal *t, ZnReal *s);
-typedef struct _ZnTexGlyphVertexInfo {
- GLfloat t0x;
- GLfloat t0y;
- GLshort v0x;
- GLshort v0y;
- GLfloat t1x;
- GLfloat t1y;
- GLshort v1x;
- GLshort v1y;
- GLfloat advance;
- int code;
-} ZnTexGVI;
-typedef void *ZnTexFontInfo;
-ZnTexFontInfo ZnGetTexFont(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, Tk_Font font);
-void ZnFreeTexFont(ZnTexFontInfo tfi);
-ZnTexGVI *ZnTexFontGVI(ZnTexFontInfo tfi, int c);
-int ZnGetFontIndex(ZnTexFontInfo tfi, int c);
-GLuint ZnTexFontTex(ZnTexFontInfo tfi);
-void ZnGetDeferredGLGlyphs(void);
-#endif /* _Image_h */
diff --git a/generic/Item.c b/generic/Item.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe85f6..0000000
--- a/generic/Item.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2664 +0,0 @@
- * Item.c -- Implementation of items.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Field.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Group.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#ifdef ATC
-#include "OverlapMan.h"
-#include <GL/glu.h>
-#include <limits.h> /* For INT_MAX */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-static ZnList item_classes = NULL;
-static ZnList item_stack = NULL;
- * This array must be kept in sync with the
- * corresponding defines in Item.h.
- */
-static char *attribute_type_strings[] = {
- "",
- "boolean",
- "bitmap",
- "bitmaplist",
- "string",
- "font",
- "edgelist",
- "relief",
- "dimension",
- "priority",
- "alignment",
- "autoalignment",
- "lineend",
- "labelformat",
- "linestyle",
- "lineshape",
- "item",
- "angle",
- "integer",
- "unsignedint",
- "point",
- "anchor",
- "taglist",
- "mapinfo",
- "image",
- "leaderanchors",
- "joinstyle",
- "capstyle",
- "gradient",
- "gradientlist",
- "window",
- "alpha",
- "fillrule",
- "short",
- "unsignedshort"
- "char"
- "unsignedchar"
-#ifndef PTK
-static int SetAttrFromAny _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj));
- * The structure below defines an object type that is used to cache the
- * result of looking up an attribute name. If an object has this type, then
- * its internalPtr1 field points to the attr_desc table in which it was looked up,
- * and the internalPtr2 field points to the entry that matched.
- */
-Tcl_ObjType ZnAttrObjType = {
- "attribute", /* name */
- (Tcl_FreeInternalRepProc *) NULL, /* freeIntRepProc */
- (Tcl_DupInternalRepProc *) NULL, /* dupIntRepProc */
- (Tcl_UpdateStringProc *) NULL, /* updateStringProc */
- SetAttrFromAny /* setFromAnyProc */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Forward functions
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void Invalidate(ZnItem item, int reason);
-static Tcl_Obj *AttributeToObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, void *record, ZnAttrConfig *desc);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnUpdateItemImage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnUpdateItemImage(void *client_data)
- ZnItem item = (ZnItem) client_data;
- /*printf("Invalidation of item %ld\n", item->id);*/
- Invalidate(item, ZN_CLFC_FLAG | ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InitAttrDesc --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InitAttrDesc(ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc)
- if (!attr_desc) {
- return;
- }
- while (attr_desc->type != ZN_CONFIG_END) {
- attr_desc->uid = Tk_GetUid(attr_desc->name);
- attr_desc++;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetAttrFromAny --
- *
- * This procedure is called to convert a Tcl object to an attribute
- * descriptor. This is only possible if given a attr_desc table, so
- * this method always returns an error.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifndef PTK
-static int
-SetAttrFromAny(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tcl_Obj *obj)
- Tcl_AppendToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
- "can't convert value to attribute except via GetAttrDesc",
- -1);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAttrDesc --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnAttrConfig *
-GetAttrDesc(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tcl_Obj *arg,
- ZnAttrConfig *desc_table)
- Tk_Uid attr_uid;
- ZnAttrConfig *desc;
-#ifndef PTK
- if (arg->typePtr == &ZnAttrObjType) {
- if (arg->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 == (void *) desc_table) {
- return (ZnAttrConfig *) arg->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Answer not cached, look it up.
- */
- attr_uid = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(arg));
- desc = desc_table;
- while (True) {
- if (desc->type == ZN_CONFIG_END) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown attribute \"", attr_uid, "\"", NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- else if (attr_uid == desc->uid) {
-#ifndef PTK
- if ((arg->typePtr != NULL) && (arg->typePtr->freeIntRepProc != NULL)) {
- arg->typePtr->freeIntRepProc(arg);
- }
- arg->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 = (void *) desc_table;
- arg->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr2 = (void *) desc;
- arg->typePtr = &ZnAttrObjType;
- return desc;
- }
- else {
- desc++;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * AttributesInfo --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnAttributesInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *desc_table,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])
- Tcl_Obj *l, *entries[5];
- if (argc == 1) {
- ZnAttrConfig *desc = GetAttrDesc(interp, args[0], desc_table);
- if (!desc) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(desc->name, -1);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(attribute_type_strings[desc->type], -1);
- entries[2] = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(desc->read_only ? 1 : 0);
- entries[3] = Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1);
- entries[4] = AttributeToObj(interp, record, desc);
- l = Tcl_NewListObj(5, entries);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- else {
- l = Tcl_NewObj();
- while (desc_table->type != ZN_CONFIG_END) {
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(desc_table->name, -1);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(attribute_type_strings[desc_table->type], -1);
- entries[2] = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(desc_table->read_only ? 1 : 0);
- entries[3] = Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1);
- entries[4] = AttributeToObj(interp, record, desc_table);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(5, entries));
- desc_table++;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnConfigureAttributes --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnConfigureAttributes(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnItem item,
- void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *desc_table,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- int *flags)
- int i;
- ZnAttrConfig *desc;
- ZnPtr valp;
- char *str;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i += 2) {
- desc = GetAttrDesc(wi->interp, args[i], desc_table);
- if (!desc) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if (desc->read_only) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\" can only be read", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- valp = ((char *) record) + desc->offset;
- /*printf("record <0x%X>, valp <0x%X>, offset %d\n", record, valp, desc->offset);*/
- switch (desc->type) {
- {
- ZnGradient *g;
- Tk_Uid new_name = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]));
- char *name = NULL;
- if (*((ZnGradient **) valp)) {
- name = ZnNameOfGradient(*((ZnGradient **) valp));
- }
- if (name != new_name) {
- g = ZnGetGradient(wi->interp, wi->win, new_name);
- if (!g) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- " gradient expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (*((ZnGradient **) valp)) {
- ZnFreeGradient(*((ZnGradient **) valp));
- }
- *((ZnGradient **) valp) = g;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnList new_grad_list = NULL;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- unsigned int num_grads, j, k;
- Tcl_Obj **elems;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, args[i+1],
- &num_grads, &elems) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- " gradient list expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_grads) {
- new_grad_list = ZnListNew(num_grads, sizeof(ZnGradient *));
- ZnListAssertSize(new_grad_list, num_grads);
- grads = ZnListArray(new_grad_list);
- for (j = 0; j < num_grads; j++) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(elems[j]);
- if (!*str) {
- if (j == 0) {
- goto grads_err;
- }
- grads[j] = grads[j-1];
- }
- else {
- grads[j] = ZnGetGradient(wi->interp, wi->win, str);
- }
- if (!grads[j]) {
- grads_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " invalid gradient \"", str,
- "\" in gradient list", NULL);
- for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
- ZnFreeGradient(grads[k]);
- }
- ZnListFree(new_grad_list);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- num_grads = ZnListSize(*((ZnList *) valp));
- grads = ZnListArray(*((ZnList *) valp));
- for (j = 0; j < num_grads; j++) {
- if (grads[j]) {
- ZnFreeGradient(grads[j]);
- }
- }
- ZnListFree(*((ZnList *) valp));
- *((ZnList *) valp) = new_grad_list;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- else {
- if (new_grad_list) {
- *((ZnList *) valp) = new_grad_list;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int b;
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &b) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " boolean expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (b ^ (ISSET(*((unsigned short *) valp), desc->bool_bit) != 0)) {
- ASSIGN(*((unsigned short *) valp), desc->bool_bit, b);
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnImage image = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- ZnBool is_bmap = True;
- char *name = "";
- if (*((ZnImage *) valp) != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- name = ZnNameOfImage(*((ZnImage *) valp));
- }
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- if (strcmp(name, str) != 0) {
- if (strlen(str) != 0) {
- if (desc->type == ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE) {
- image = ZnGetImage(wi, str, ZnUpdateItemImage, record);
- if (image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " image expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- image = ZnGetImage(wi, str, NULL, NULL);
- if ((image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ||
- (!(is_bmap = ZnImageIsBitmap(image)))) {
- if (!is_bmap) {
- ZnFreeImage(image, NULL, NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " bitmap expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- if (*((ZnImage *) valp) != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(*((ZnImage *) valp), ZnUpdateItemImage, record);
- }
- *((ZnImage *) valp) = image;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnList new_pat_list = NULL;
- ZnImage *pats;
- unsigned int num_pats, j, k;
- Tcl_Obj **elems;
- ZnBool is_bmap = True;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, args[i+1],
- &num_pats, &elems) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- " pattern list expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_pats) {
- new_pat_list = ZnListNew(num_pats, sizeof(Pixmap));
- ZnListAssertSize(new_pat_list, num_pats);
- pats = ZnListArray(new_pat_list);
- for (j = 0; j < num_pats; j++) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(elems[j]);
- if (strlen(str) != 0) {
- pats[j] = ZnGetImage(wi, str, NULL, NULL);
- if ((pats[j] == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ||
- !(is_bmap = ZnImageIsBitmap(pats[j]))) {
- if (!is_bmap) {
- ZnFreeImage(pats[j], NULL, NULL);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
- ZnFreeImage(pats[k], NULL, NULL);
- }
- ZnListFree(new_pat_list);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " unknown pattern \"", str,
- "\" in pattern list", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- pats[j] = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- }
- }
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- num_pats = ZnListSize(*((ZnList *) valp));
- pats = ZnListArray(*((ZnList *) valp));
- for (j = 0; j < num_pats; j++) {
- if (pats[j] != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(pats[j], NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- ZnListFree(*((ZnList *) valp));
- *((ZnList *) valp) = new_pat_list;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- else {
- if (new_pat_list) {
- *((ZnList *) valp) = new_pat_list;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int num_tags, j;
- Tcl_Obj **elems;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, args[i+1],
- &num_tags, &elems) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- " tag list expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- ZnITEM.FreeTags(item);
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- if (num_tags) {
- for (j = 0; j < num_tags; j++) {
- ZnITEM.AddTag(item, Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(elems[j])));
- }
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- char *text = NULL;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- if (!*((char **) valp) || strcmp(str, *((char **) valp)) != 0) {
- if (strlen(str)) {
- text = (char *) ZnMalloc(strlen(str)+1);
- strcpy(text, str);
- }
- if (*((char **) valp)) {
- ZnFree(*((char **) valp));
- }
- *((char **) valp) = text;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- Tk_Font font;
- Tk_Uid name = "";
- if (*((Tk_Font *) valp)) {
- name = Tk_NameOfFont(*((Tk_Font *) valp));
- }
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- if (strcmp(name, str) != 0) {
- font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, str);
- if (!font) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " font expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (*((Tk_Font *) valp)) {
- Tk_FreeFont(*((Tk_Font *) valp));
- }
- *((Tk_Font *) valp) = font;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnBorder border;
- if (ZnGetBorder(wi, args[i+1], &border) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " edge list expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (border != *((ZnBorder *) valp)) {
- *((ZnBorder *) valp) = border;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnLineShape line_shape;
- if (ZnGetLineShape(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &line_shape) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " line shape expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (line_shape != *((ZnLineShape *) valp)) {
- *((ZnLineShape *) valp) = line_shape;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnLineStyle line_style;
- if (ZnGetLineStyle(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &line_style) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " line style expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (line_style != *((ZnLineStyle *) valp)) {
- *((ZnLineStyle *) valp) = line_style;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnLineEnd line_end = NULL;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- if (strlen(str) != 0) {
- line_end = ZnLineEndCreate(wi->interp, str);
- if (line_end == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (*((ZnLineEnd *) valp) != NULL) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(*((ZnLineEnd *) valp));
- *((ZnLineEnd *) valp) = line_end;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- else {
- if (line_end != NULL) {
- *((ZnLineEnd *) valp) = line_end;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- if (ZnGetRelief(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &relief) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " relief expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (relief != *((ZnReliefStyle *) valp)) {
- /*printf("valp <0x%X>, flags <0x%X>, relief %d\n", valp, flags, relief);*/
- *((ZnReliefStyle *) valp) = relief;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int join;
- if (Tk_GetJoinStyle(wi->interp, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &join) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " join expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (join != *((int *) valp)) {
- *((int *) valp) = join;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int cap;
- if (Tk_GetCapStyle(wi->interp, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &cap) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " cap expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (cap != *((int *) valp)) {
- *((int *) valp) = cap;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnPoint point;
- int largc;
- Tcl_Obj **largv;
- double d;
- if ((Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, args[i+1],
- &largc, &largv) == TCL_ERROR) ||
- (largc != 2)) {
- point_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " position expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, largv[0], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto point_error;
- }
- point.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, largv[1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto point_error;
- }
- point.y = d;
- if ((point.x != ((ZnPoint *) valp)->x) ||
- (point.y != ((ZnPoint *) valp)->y)) {
- *((ZnPoint *) valp) = point;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnDim dim;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &dim) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " dimension expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (dim != *((ZnDim *) valp)) {
- *((ZnDim *) valp) = dim;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int pri;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &pri) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (pri < 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " priority must be a positive integer \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (pri != *((unsigned short *) valp)) {
- *((unsigned short *) valp) = pri;
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemPriority(item, ZN_NO_ITEM, True);
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Can be an item id or a tag. In this last case
- * consider only the first item (unspecified order)
- * associated with the tag.
- */
- {
- ZnItem item2;
- int result;
- ZnTagSearch *search_var = NULL;
- if (strlen(Tcl_GetString(args[i+1])) == 0) {
- item2 = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[i+1], &item2, &search_var);
- ZnTagSearchDestroy(search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item2 == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " unknown item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (item2 != *((ZnItem *) valp)) {
- *((ZnItem *) valp) = item2;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- Tk_Window win, ancestor, parent;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- if (strlen(str) == 0) {
- win = NULL;
- }
- else {
- win = Tk_NameToWindow(wi->interp, str, wi->win);
- if (win == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Make sure that the zinc widget is either the parent of the
- * window associated with the item or a descendant of that
- * parent. Also, don't allow a toplevel window or the widget
- * itself to be managed.
- */
- parent = Tk_Parent(win);
- for (ancestor = wi->win; ; ancestor = Tk_Parent(ancestor)) {
- if (ancestor == parent) {
- break;
- }
- if (((Tk_FakeWin *) (ancestor))->flags & TK_TOP_LEVEL) {
- badWindow:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "can't use ",
- Tk_PathName(win),
- " in a window item of this zinc widget",
- (char *) NULL);
- win = NULL;
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (((Tk_FakeWin *) (win))->flags & TK_TOP_LEVEL) {
- goto badWindow;
- }
- if (win == wi->win) {
- goto badWindow;
- }
- if (win != *((Tk_Window *) valp)) {
- *((Tk_Window *) valp) = win;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- int integer;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &integer) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch (desc->type) {
- if (integer < 0) {
- integer = 0;
- }
- if (integer < 0) {
- integer = 0;
- }
- if (integer > 100) {
- integer = 100;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (integer != *((char *) valp)) {
- *((char *) valp) = integer;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int integer;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &integer) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (desc->type == ZN_CONFIG_SHORT) {
- if (integer < SHRT_MIN) {
- integer = SHRT_MIN;
- }
- else if (integer > SHRT_MAX) {
- integer = SHRT_MAX;
- }
- if (integer != *((short *) valp)) {
- *((short *) valp) = integer;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (integer < 0) {
- integer = 0;
- }
- else if (integer > USHRT_MAX) {
- integer = USHRT_MAX;
- }
- if (integer != *((unsigned short *) valp)) {
- *((unsigned short *) valp) = integer;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- int integer;
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[i+1], &integer) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch (desc->type) {
- if ((integer > 360) || (integer < -360)) {
- integer = integer % 360;
- }
- break;
- if (integer < 0) {
- integer = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (integer != *((int *) valp)) {
- *((int *) valp) = integer;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnFillRule fill_rule;
- if (ZnGetFillRule(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &fill_rule) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " fill rule expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (fill_rule != *((ZnFillRule *) valp)) {
- *((ZnFillRule *) valp) = fill_rule;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- Tk_Justify justify;
- if (Tk_GetJustify(wi->interp, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &justify) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " justify expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (justify != *((Tk_Justify *) valp)) {
- *((Tk_Justify *) valp) = justify;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- if (Tk_GetAnchor(wi->interp, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &anchor) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " anchor expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (anchor != *((Tk_Anchor *) valp)) {
- *((Tk_Anchor *) valp) = anchor;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnLabelFormat frmt = NULL;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]);
- while (*str && (*str == ' ')) {
- str++;
- }
- if (strlen(str) != 0) {
- frmt = ZnLFCreate(wi->interp, str,
- ZnFIELD.NumFields(item->class->GetFieldSet(item)));
- if (frmt == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (*((ZnLabelFormat *) valp) != NULL) {
- ZnLFDelete(*((ZnLabelFormat *) valp));
- *((ZnLabelFormat *) valp) = frmt;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- else {
- if (frmt != NULL) {
- *((ZnLabelFormat *) valp) = frmt;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnAutoAlign aa;
- if (ZnGetAutoAlign(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &aa) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " auto alignment expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((aa.automatic != ((ZnAutoAlign *) valp)->automatic) ||
- (aa.align[0] != ((ZnAutoAlign *) valp)->align[0]) ||
- (aa.align[1] != ((ZnAutoAlign *) valp)->align[1]) ||
- (aa.align[2] != ((ZnAutoAlign *) valp)->align[2])) {
- *((ZnAutoAlign *) valp) = aa;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- ZnLeaderAnchors lanch = NULL;
- if (ZnGetLeaderAnchors(wi, Tcl_GetString(args[i+1]), &lanch) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " leader anchors expected for attribute \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (*((ZnLeaderAnchors *) valp) != NULL) {
- ZnFree(*((ZnLeaderAnchors *) valp));
- *((ZnLeaderAnchors *) valp) = lanch;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- else {
- if (lanch != NULL) {
- *((ZnLeaderAnchors *) valp) = lanch;
- *flags |= desc->flags;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * AttributeToObj --
- *
- * Returns the obj representation of the attribute pointed
- * by 'valp'. The attribute type is given by 'type'. The function
- * never fail.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static Tcl_Obj *
-AttributeToObj(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *desc)
- char *valp = ((char *) record) + desc->offset;
- char *str = "";
- Tcl_Obj *o, *obj;
- unsigned int i;
- char buffer[256];
- switch (desc->type) {
- if (*((ZnGradient **) valp)) {
- str = ZnNameOfGradient(*((ZnGradient **) valp));
- }
- break;
- {
- unsigned int num_grads;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- grads = ZnListArray(*((ZnList *) valp));
- num_grads = ZnListSize(*((ZnList *) valp));
- obj = Tcl_NewObj();
- for (i = 0; i < num_grads; i++) {
- o = Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfGradient(grads[i]), -1);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, o);
- }
- return obj;
- }
- }
- break;
- return Tcl_NewBooleanObj(ISSET(*((unsigned short *) valp), desc->bool_bit)?1:0);
- if (*((ZnImage *) valp)) {
- str = ZnNameOfImage(*((ZnImage *) valp));
-#if PTK
- // Just return the perl image object, it is far more
- // useful than the mere string name.
- return LangObjectObj(interp, str);
- }
- break;
- if (*((ZnImage *) valp)) {
- str = ZnNameOfImage(*((ZnImage *) valp));
- }
- break;
- {
- unsigned int num_pats=0;
- ZnImage *pats;
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- pats = (ZnImage *) ZnListArray(*((ZnList *) valp));
- num_pats = ZnListSize(*((ZnList *) valp));
- obj = Tcl_NewObj();
- for (i = 0; i < num_pats; i++) {
- if (pats[i] != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- o = Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfImage(pats[i]), -1);
- }
- else {
- o = Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1);
- }
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, o);
- }
- return obj;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- unsigned int num_tags=0;
- Tk_Uid *tags;
- if (*((ZnList *) valp)) {
- tags = (Tk_Uid *) ZnListArray(*((ZnList *) valp));
- num_tags = ZnListSize(*((ZnList *) valp));
- obj = Tcl_NewObj();
- for (i = 0; i < num_tags; i++) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj,
- Tcl_NewStringObj(tags[i], -1));
- }
- return obj;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (*((char **) valp)) {
- str = *((char **) valp);
- }
- break;
- if (*((Tk_Font *) valp)) {
- str = (char *) Tk_NameOfFont(*((Tk_Font *) valp));
- }
- break;
- str = buffer;
- ZnNameOfBorder(*((ZnBorder *) valp), buffer);
- break;
- str = ZnNameOfLineShape(*((ZnLineShape *) valp));
- break;
- str = ZnNameOfFillRule(*((ZnFillRule *) valp));
- break;
- str = ZnNameOfLineStyle(*((ZnLineStyle *) valp));
- break;
- if (*((ZnLineEnd *) valp)) {
- str = ZnLineEndGetString(*((ZnLineEnd *) valp));
- }
- break;
- str = ZnNameOfRelief(*((ZnReliefStyle *) valp));
- break;
- str = (char *) Tk_NameOfJoinStyle(*((int *) valp));
- break;
- str = (char *) Tk_NameOfCapStyle(*((int *) valp));
- break;
- obj = Tcl_NewObj();
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(((ZnPoint *) valp)->x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, obj, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(((ZnPoint *) valp)->y));
- return obj;
- if (*((ZnItem *) valp) != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- return Tcl_NewLongObj((int) (*((ZnItem *) valp))->id);
- }
- break;
- if (*((Tk_Window *) valp) != NULL) {
- str = Tk_PathName(*((Tk_Window *) valp));
- }
- break;
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((char *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((unsigned char *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((unsigned short *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((short *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((unsigned int *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewIntObj(*((int *) valp));
- return Tcl_NewDoubleObj(*((ZnDim *) valp));
- str = (char *) Tk_NameOfJustify(*((Tk_Justify *) valp));
- break;
- str = (char *) Tk_NameOfAnchor(*((Tk_Anchor *) valp));
- break;
- if (*((ZnLabelFormat *) valp)) {
- str = ZnLFGetString(*((ZnLabelFormat *) valp));
- }
- break;
- str = buffer;
- ZnNameOfAutoAlign((ZnAutoAlign *) valp, buffer);
- break;
- str = buffer;
- ZnNameOfLeaderAnchors(*((ZnLeaderAnchors *) valp), buffer);
- break;
- }
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(str, -1);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnQueryAttribute --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnQueryAttribute(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *desc_table,
- Tcl_Obj *attr_name)
- ZnAttrConfig *desc = GetAttrDesc(interp, attr_name, desc_table);
- if (!desc) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, AttributeToObj(interp, record, desc));
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnItemClassList --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- return item_classes;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnLookupItemClass --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnLookupItemClass(char *class_name)
- ZnItemClass *class;
- int i, num_classes;
- class = (ZnItemClass *) ZnListArray(item_classes);
- num_classes = ZnListSize(item_classes);
- for (i = 0; i < num_classes; i++) {
- if (strcmp((class[i])->name, class_name) == 0) {
- return class[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnAddItemClass --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnAddItemClass(ZnItemClass class)
- if (!ZnLookupItemClass(class->name)) {
- ZnListAdd(item_classes, &class, ZnListTail);
- InitAttrDesc(class->attr_desc);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnItemInit --
- * Initialize classes static state.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- /* First check if static part already inited */
- if (item_classes == NULL) {
- item_classes = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnItemClass));
-#ifdef ATC
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnTrack);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnWayPoint);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnMap);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnReticle);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnTabular);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnRectangle);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnArc);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnCurve);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnTriangles);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnGroup);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnIcon);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnText);
- ZnAddItemClass(ZnWindow);
- InitAttrDesc(ZnFIELD.attr_desc);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * UpdateItemDependency -- Method
- * Update the group dependency list following a change in the
- * connection of an item.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-UpdateItemDependency(ZnItem item,
- ZnItem old_connection)
- if (old_connection == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* Add a connection */
- ZnInsertDependentItem(item);
- }
- else if (item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* Remove a connection */
- ZnExtractDependentItem(item);
- }
- else {
- /* Move at end to ensure that it will be updated after
- * the (new) item it depends upon.
- */
- ZnExtractDependentItem(item);
- ZnInsertDependentItem(item);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ExtractItem --
- * Extract an item from its context, includes updating graphic
- * state flags.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ExtractItem(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnItem group = item->parent;
- /* damage bounding boxes */
- if (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- ZnDamage(wi, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- /*
- * Tell that we need to repick
- */
- if (item->class != ZnGroup) {
- }
- if (group != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* Remove me from dependency list. */
- ZnExtractDependentItem(item);
- /* Disconnect all dependents on me. */
- ZnDisconnectDependentItems(item);
- /*
- * Remove me as a clip item.
- */
- ZnGroupRemoveClip(group, item);
- /*
- * Remove me from item list.
- */
- ZnGroupExtractItem(item);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InsertItem -- Method
- *
- * Insert an item in the display list according to its priority.
- * It is inserted in front of items of lower or same priority. If
- * mark_item is not ZN_NO_ITEM the insertion is done relative
- * to this item, before it if 'before' is True, after it otherwise.
- * mark_item must be in the group 'group'.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InsertItem(ZnItem item,
- ZnItem grp,
- ZnItem mark_item,
- ZnBool before)
- if (!grp) {
- grp = item->wi->top_group;
- }
- item->parent = grp;
- if (mark_item && (mark_item->parent != grp)) {
- mark_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- ZnGroupInsertItem(grp, item, mark_item, before);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * UpdateItemPriority -- Method
- * Reorder a group's item list following a change in an
- * item priority or a call to lower/raise.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-UpdateItemPriority(ZnItem item,
- ZnItem mark_item,
- ZnBool before)
- ZnItem parent = item->parent;
- ZnGroupExtractItem(item);
- InsertItem(item, parent, mark_item, before);
- Invalidate(item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- SET(item->wi->flags, ZN_INTERNAL_NEED_REPICK);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * SetId,
- * FreeId -- Method
- * Get a fresh object id from the widget and enter the new
- * object with this id in the object hash table. The id is
- * incremented. FreeId on the other hand suppress the item
- * from the hash table and set its object id to zero.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetId(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int dummy;
- item->id = wi->obj_id;
- wi->obj_id++;
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(wi->id_table, (char *) item->id, &dummy);
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, item);
-static void
-FreeId(ZnItem item)
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- if (item->id) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(item->wi->id_table, (char *) item->id);
- if (entry) {
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
- item->id = 0;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * AddTag -- Method
- * Add a tag to the item. If the tag is already on the list it
- * is not added. As a side effect the tag/item pair is added to
- * the tag table of the widget.
- * 'tag' must be a Tk_Uid.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-AddTag(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Uid tag)
- int num, i;
- char **ptr;
- /*
- * No tags yet.
- */
- if (!item->tags) {
- item->tags = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(char *));
- }
- else {
- /*
- * If the tag is already there, that's done.
- */
- ptr = (char **) ZnListArray(item->tags);
- num = ZnListSize(item->tags);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if (ptr[i] == tag) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add it.
- */
- ZnListAdd(item->tags, (void *) &tag, ZnListTail);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * RemoveTag -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-RemoveTag(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Uid tag)
- unsigned int indx, num;
- char **ptr;
- if (!item->tags) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * look up the tag in the list.
- */
- ptr = (char **) ZnListArray(item->tags);
- num = ZnListSize(item->tags);
- for (indx = 0; indx < num; indx++) {
- if (ptr[indx] == tag) {
- /* The tag list is not freed when empty to avoid
- * overhead when using tags intensively. */
- ZnListDelete(item->tags, indx);
- return;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * FreeTags -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-FreeTags(ZnItem item)
- if (!item->tags) {
- return;
- }
- ZnListFree(item->tags);
- item->tags = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * HasTag -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-HasTag(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Uid tag)
- int num;
- Tk_Uid *tags;
- if (!item->tags || !ZnListSize(item->tags)) {
- return False;
- }
- else {
- num = ZnListSize(item->tags);
- tags = ZnListArray(item->tags);
- for (tags = ZnListArray(item->tags); num > 0; tags++, num--) {
- if (*tags == tag) {
- return True;
- }
- }
- }
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnCreateItem --
- *
- * InsertItem and ConfigureItem must be called after CreateItem
- * to finalize the setup of a new item. This is so even if
- * there are no attributes to be changed after creation.
- * ConfigureItem must be called in this case with the 'init'
- * parameter set to True.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnCreateItem(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnItemClass item_class,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnItem item;
- item = ZnMalloc(item_class->size);
- /* Initialize common state */
- item->class = item_class;
- item->wi = wi;
- item->parent = NULL;
- item->previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->next = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->inv_flags = 0;
- item->transfo = NULL;
- item->parent = NULL;
- item->connected_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
-#ifdef GL
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- item->gl_list = 0;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- /* Init item specific attributes */
- if (item_class->Init(item, argc, args) == TCL_ERROR) {
- ZnFree(item);
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- SetId(item);
- item->tags = NULL;
- wi->num_items++;
- return (item);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * CloneItem -- Method
- * Can't clone the top level group.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItem
-CloneItem(ZnItem model)
- ZnWInfo *wi = model->wi;
- ZnItem item;
- Tk_Uid *tags;
- unsigned int num_tags;
- int i;
- if (!model->parent) {
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- item = ZnMalloc(model->class->size);
- memcpy(item, model, model->class->size);
- item->previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->next = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->connected_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item->inv_flags = 0;
- SetId(item);
- if (model->tags) {
- item->tags = NULL;
- tags = (Tk_Uid *) ZnListArray(model->tags);
- num_tags = ZnListSize(model->tags);
- for (i = num_tags-1; i >= 0; i--, tags++) {
- AddTag(item, *tags);
- }
- }
- if (item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoDuplicate(item->transfo);
- }
- /* Call item's clone to duplicate non shared resources */
- item->class->Clone(item);
- wi->num_items++;
- Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- return item;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ConfigureItem -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ConfigureItem(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- ZnBool init)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- int flags;
- ZnBool previous_visible = init ? False : ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- flags = 0;
- ASSIGN(flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, init);
- if (argv) {
- if (field < 0){
- if (item->class->Configure(item, argc, argv, &flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (item->class->GetFieldSet && ISSET(flags, ZN_CLFC_FLAG)) {
- ZnFIELD.ClearFieldCache(item->class->GetFieldSet(item), -1);
- }
- }
- else if (item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- if (ZnFIELD.ConfigureField(item->class->GetFieldSet(item),
- field, argc, argv, &flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (previous_visible && ISCLEAR(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- /*
- * Special case when the item has its visibility
- * just turned out.
- */
- ZnDamage(wi, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- Invalidate(item, flags);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * QueryItem -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-QueryItem(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (field < 0) {
- return item->class->Query(item, argc, argv);
- }
- else if (item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- return ZnFIELD.QueryField(item->class->GetFieldSet(item),
- field, argc, argv);
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComposeTransform --
- * Compose a transform transfo with current_t to new_t.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComposeTransform(ZnTransfo *transfo,
- ZnPoint *pos,
- ZnTransfo *current_t,
- ZnTransfo *new_t,
- ZnBool compose_scale,
- ZnBool compose_rot)
- ZnBool full;
- ZnTransfo t, t2;
- full = compose_scale && compose_rot;
- if (!transfo && !pos && full) {
- *new_t = *current_t;
- return;
- }
- if (full) {
- /*
- * Full concatenation.
- */
- /*ZnPrintTransfo(transfo);*/
- if (pos) {
- if (!transfo) {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(&t);
- }
- else {
- t = *transfo;
- }
- ZnTranslate(&t, pos->x, pos->y, False);
- ZnTransfoCompose(new_t, &t, current_t);
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoCompose(new_t, transfo, current_t);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint scale, trans, local_scale, local_trans, p;
- ZnReal local_rot, rot;
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(new_t);
- ZnTransfoDecompose(transfo, &local_scale, &local_trans, &local_rot, NULL);
- ZnScale(new_t, local_scale.x, local_scale.y);
- ZnRotateRad(new_t, local_rot);
- ZnTransfoDecompose(current_t, &scale, &trans, &rot, NULL);
- if (pos) {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(&t);
- ZnTranslate(&t, pos->x, pos->y, False);
- ZnTransfoCompose(&t2, &t, current_t);
- ZnTransformPoint(&t2, &local_trans, &p);
- }
- else {
- ZnTransformPoint(current_t, &local_trans, &p);
- }
- if (compose_scale) {
- ZnScale(new_t, scale.x, scale.y);
- }
- if (compose_rot) {
- ZnRotateRad(new_t, rot);
- }
- ZnTranslate(new_t, p.x, p.y, False);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetItemTransform -- Method
- * Compute the current transform for an item.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetItemTransform(ZnItem item,
- ZnTransfo *t)
- ZnItem *items;
- int i;
- ZnTransfo t_tmp, *t1, *t2, *swap;
- ZnPoint *pos;
- if (item_stack == NULL) {
- item_stack = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnItem));
- }
- else {
- ZnListEmpty(item_stack);
- }
- while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnListAdd(item_stack, &item, ZnListTail);
- item = item->parent;
- }
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(t);
- t1 = t;
- t2 = &t_tmp;
- items = (ZnItem *) ZnListArray(item_stack);
- for (i = ZnListSize(item_stack)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- pos = NULL;
- if (items[i]->class->pos_offset >= 0) {
- pos = (ZnPoint *) (((char *) items[i]) + items[i]->class->pos_offset);
- if (pos->x == 0 && pos->y == 0) {
- pos = NULL;
- }
- }
- ComposeTransform(items[i]->transfo, pos, t1, t2,
- ISSET(items[i]->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT),
- ISSET(items[i]->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT));
- swap = t2;
- t2 = t1;
- t1 = swap;
- }
- if (t1 != t) {
- *t = *t1;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnResetTransformStack
- * ZnInitTransformStack
- * ZnFreeTransformStack
- * ZnCurrentTransform
- * ZnPushTransform
- * ZnPopTransform --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnResetTransformStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnListAssertSize(wi->transfo_stack, 1);
- wi->current_transfo = (ZnTransfo *) ZnListAt(wi->transfo_stack, 0);
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(wi->current_transfo);
-ZnInitTransformStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- wi->transfo_stack = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ZnTransfo));
- ZnResetTransformStack(wi);
-ZnFreeTransformStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnListFree(wi->transfo_stack);
-ZnPushTransform(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnTransfo *transfo,
- ZnPoint *pos,
- ZnBool compose_scale,
- ZnBool compose_rot)
- ZnTransfo *next_t;
- unsigned int num_t;
- /*
- * Push the current transform and concatenate
- * the new transform taking into account the
- * combination flags.
- */
- num_t = ZnListSize(wi->transfo_stack);
- ZnListAssertSize(wi->transfo_stack, num_t+1);
- next_t = (ZnTransfo *) ZnListAt(wi->transfo_stack, num_t);
- ComposeTransform(transfo, pos, wi->current_transfo, next_t,
- compose_scale, compose_rot);
- wi->current_transfo = next_t;
-ZnPopTransform(ZnWInfo *wi)
- /*
- * Restore the previous transform.
- */
- ZnListDelete(wi->transfo_stack, ZnListTail);
- wi->current_transfo = (ZnTransfo *) ZnListAt(wi->transfo_stack, ZnListTail);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnResetClipStack
- * ZnInitClipStack
- * ZnFreeClipStack
- * ZnCurrentClip
- * ZnPushClip
- * ZnPopClip --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- * Describe the clipping at a given node
- * of the item hierarchy.
- */
-typedef struct _ClipState {
- ZnBool simple; /* The clip is an aligned rectangle. */
- TkRegion region; /* The region used to draw and to */
- /* probe for picking. */
- ZnBBox clip_box; /* The bounding box of the clip area. */
-} ClipState;
-ZnResetClipStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- int i;
- ClipState *clips = (ClipState *) ZnListArray(wi->clip_stack);
- /*
- * Should not happen, clip stack should be
- * empty when this function is called.
- */
- for (i = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- TkDestroyRegion(clips[i].region);
- }
- ZnListEmpty(wi->clip_stack);
- wi->current_clip = NULL;
-ZnInitClipStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- wi->clip_stack = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ClipState));
- ZnResetClipStack(wi);
-ZnFreeClipStack(ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnListFree(wi->clip_stack);
-ZnCurrentClip(ZnWInfo *wi,
- TkRegion *reg,
- ZnBBox **clip_box,
- ZnBool *simple)
- if (wi->current_clip) {
- if (reg) {
- *reg = wi->current_clip->region;
- }
- if (clip_box) {
- *clip_box = &wi->current_clip->clip_box;
- }
- if (simple) {
- *simple = wi->current_clip->simple;
- }
- return True;
- }
- return False;
- * If simple is True poly is a pointer to an
- * array of two points. In the other case it
- * is a regular pointer to a multi contour poly.
- */
-ZnPushClip(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip,
- ZnBool simple,
- ZnBool set_gc)
- unsigned int i, j, num_clips;
- unsigned int num_pts, max_num_pts;
- ZnPoint *p;
- ClipState *previous_clip=NULL;
- TkRegion reg, reg_op, reg_to;
- XRectangle rect;
- XPoint xpts[3];
- if (tristrip->num_strips == 0) {
- return;
- }
- max_num_pts = tristrip->strips[0].num_points;
- for (j = 0; j < tristrip->num_strips; j++) {
- num_pts = tristrip->strips[j].num_points;
- if (num_pts > max_num_pts) {
- num_pts = max_num_pts;
- }
- }
- if ((simple && (max_num_pts < 2)) ||
- (!simple && (max_num_pts < 3))) {
- return;
- }
- num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- /* printf("PushClip: num clips %d\n", num_clips);fflush(stdout);*/
- if (num_clips != 0) {
- previous_clip = (ClipState *) ZnListAt(wi->clip_stack, ZnListTail);
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(wi->clip_stack, num_clips+1);
- wi->current_clip = (ClipState *) ZnListAt(wi->clip_stack, ZnListTail);
- wi->current_clip->simple = simple;
- /*
- * Compute the local region.
- */
- if (simple) {
- rect.x = (short) tristrip->strips[0].points[0].x;
- rect.y = (short) tristrip->strips[0].points[0].y;
- rect.width = ((unsigned short) (tristrip->strips[0].points[1].x -
- tristrip->strips[0].points[0].x));
- rect.height = ((unsigned short) (tristrip->strips[0].points[1].y -
- tristrip->strips[0].points[0].y));
- reg = TkCreateRegion();
- TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, reg, reg);
- /*printf("Adding a simple clip: %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
- rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);*/
- }
- else {
- reg = TkCreateRegion();
- for (j = 0; j < tristrip->num_strips; j++) {
- num_pts = tristrip->strips[j].num_points;
- p = tristrip->strips[j].points;
- if (tristrip->strips[j].fan) {
- xpts[0].x = ZnNearestInt(p->x);
- xpts[0].y = ZnNearestInt(p->y);
- p++;
- xpts[1].x = ZnNearestInt(p->x);
- xpts[1].y = ZnNearestInt(p->y);
- p++;
- for (i = 2; i < num_pts; i++, p++) {
- xpts[2].x = ZnNearestInt(p->x);
- xpts[2].y = ZnNearestInt(p->y);
- reg_op = (TkRegion) ZnPolygonRegion(xpts, 3, EvenOddRule);
- reg_to = TkCreateRegion();
- ZnUnionRegion(reg, reg_op, reg_to);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg_op);
- reg = reg_to;
- xpts[1] = xpts[2];
- }
- }
- else {
- xpts[0].x = (short) p->x;
- xpts[0].y = (short) p->y;
- p++;
- xpts[1].x = (short) p->x;
- xpts[1].y = (short) p->y;
- p++;
- for (i = 2 ; i < num_pts; i++, p++) {
- xpts[2].x = (short) p->x;
- xpts[2].y = (short) p->y;
- reg_op = (TkRegion) ZnPolygonRegion(xpts, 3, EvenOddRule);
- reg_to = TkCreateRegion();
- ZnUnionRegion(reg, reg_op, reg_to);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg_op);
- reg = reg_to;
- xpts[0] = xpts[1];
- xpts[1] = xpts[2];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Combine with previous region if any.
- */
- if (previous_clip) {
- wi->current_clip->region = TkCreateRegion();
- TkIntersectRegion(reg, previous_clip->region, wi->current_clip->region);
- TkDestroyRegion(reg);
- /*printf("Merging with previous clip\n");*/
- }
- else {
- wi->current_clip->region = reg;
- }
- TkClipBox(wi->current_clip->region, &rect);
- wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.x = rect.x;
- wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.y = rect.y;
- wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.x = rect.x + rect.width;
- wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.y = rect.y + rect.height;
- /*
- * Set the clipping in the GC.
- */
- if (set_gc) {
- if (wi->render) {
-#ifdef GL
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) num_clips, 0xFF);
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_INCR);
- if (simple) {
- /* printf("Clip box is : %d, %d, %d, %d, num_clips : %d\n",
- rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, num_clips);*/
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
- for (j = 0; j < tristrip->num_strips; j++) {
- num_pts = tristrip->strips[j].num_points;
- p = tristrip->strips[j].points;
- if (tristrip->strips[j].fan) {
- }
- else {
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++, p++) {
- glVertex2d(p->x, p->y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) (num_clips+1), 0xFF);
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
- }
- else {
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, wi->current_clip->region);
- }
- }
-ZnPopClip(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnBool set_gc)
- int num_clips;
- if (wi->current_clip == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- TkDestroyRegion(wi->current_clip->region);
- ZnListDelete(wi->clip_stack, ZnListTail);
- num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- if (num_clips != 0) {
- wi->current_clip = (ClipState *) ZnListAt(wi->clip_stack, ZnListTail);
- }
- else {
- wi->current_clip = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Set the clipping in the GC.
- */
- if (set_gc) {
- if (num_clips != 0) {
- if (wi->render) {
-#ifdef GL
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) (num_clips+1), 0xFF);
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_DECR);
-#if 0
- if (wi->current_clip->simple) {
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.y);
- glVertex2d(wi->current_clip->clip_box.corner.x, wi->current_clip->clip_box.orig.y);
- glEnd();
-#if 0
- }
- else {
- }
- glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, (GLint) num_clips, 0xFF);
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);
- }
- else {
- TkSetRegion(wi->dpy, wi->gc, wi->current_clip->region);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*printf("resetting clip mask\n");*/
- if (wi->render) {
-#ifdef GL
- glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
- }
- else {
- XSetClipMask(wi->dpy, wi->gc, None);
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("PopClip: num clips %d\n", ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack));fflush(stdout);*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Invalidate -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Invalidate(ZnItem item,
- int reason)
- /*
- * Why this test has to be so an abrupt shortcut ?
- * It precludes addition of meaningful reasons
- * by subsequent invalidations .
- *
- if (ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- return;
- }*/
- if (ISSET(reason, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ZnItem parent = item->parent;
- while ((parent != NULL) &&
- ISCLEAR(parent->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) &&
- ISCLEAR(parent->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- SET(parent->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- /*printf("invalidate coords for parent %d\n", parent->id);*/
- parent = parent->parent;
- }
- /*
- * There is no need to set the DRAW flag to force the invalidation
- * of the current bounding box. This will be done by ComputeCoordinates
- * in Group.
- */
- item->inv_flags |= reason;
- /*printf("invalidate %s for item %d, flags %s\n",
- ISSET(reason, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)?"TRANSFO":"COORDS", item->id,
- ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)?"TRANSFO":"COORDS");*/
- ZnNeedRedisplay(item->wi);
- }
- else if (ISSET(reason, ZN_DRAW_FLAG)) {
- if (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- /*printf("invalidate graphics for item %d\n", item->id);*/
- ZnDamage(item->wi, &item->item_bounding_box);
-#ifdef GL
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- /*
- * Remove the item display list so that it will be recreated
- * to reflect the changes.
- */
- if (item->gl_list) {
- glDeleteLists(item->gl_list, 1);
- item->gl_list = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InvalidateItems -- Method
- * Invalidate the geometric state of all items belonging
- * to a given class. The search for items starts at group
- * and proceed depth first.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InvalidateItems(ZnItem group,
- ZnItemClass item_class)
- ZnItem item;
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- return;
- }
- item = ZnGroupHead(group);
- while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (item->class == item_class) {
- Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (item->class == ZnGroup) {
- InvalidateItems(item, item_class);
- }
- item = item->next;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ResetTransfo
- * SetTransfo
- * TranslateItem
- * ScaleItem
- * SkewItem
- * RotateItem -- Methods
- * Set of functions that deal with item transform. They take care
- * of all details including managing NULL transforms and invalidating
- * the item hierarchy.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ResetTransfo(ZnItem item)
- if (item->transfo) {
- ZnFree(item->transfo);
- item->transfo = NULL;
- }
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
-static void
-SetTransfo(ZnItem item,
- ZnTransfo *t)
- if (item->transfo) {
- ZnFree(item->transfo);
- }
- if (!t || ZnTransfoIsIdentity(t)) {
- item->transfo = NULL;
- }
- else {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoDuplicate(t);
- }
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
-static void
-TranslateItem(ZnItem item,
- ZnReal dx,
- ZnReal dy,
- ZnBool abs)
- if (!item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoNew();
- }
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, dx, dy, abs);
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
-static void
-ScaleItem(ZnItem item,
- ZnReal sx,
- ZnReal sy,
- ZnPoint *p)
- if (!item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoNew();
- }
- if (p) {
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, -p->x, -p->y, False);
- }
- ZnScale(item->transfo, sx, sy);
- if (p) {
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, p->x, p->y, False);
- }
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
-static void
-SkewItem(ZnItem item,
- ZnReal x_skew,
- ZnReal y_skew)
- if (!item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoNew();
- }
- ZnSkewRad(item->transfo, x_skew, y_skew);
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
-static void
-RotateItem(ZnItem item,
- ZnReal angle,
- ZnBool deg,
- ZnPoint *p)
- if (!item->transfo) {
- item->transfo = ZnTransfoNew();
- }
- if (p) {
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, -p->x, -p->y, False);
- }
- if (deg) {
- ZnRotateDeg(item->transfo, angle);
- }
- else {
- ZnRotateRad(item->transfo, angle);
- }
- if (p) {
- ZnTranslate(item->transfo, p->x, p->y, False);
- }
- Invalidate(item, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * DestroyItem -- Method
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-DestroyItem(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- /*
- * Extract it from its group.
- */
- ExtractItem(item);
- /*
- * Update state variables to prevent dangling pointers.
- */
- if (wi->current_item == item) {
- wi->current_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->current_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if (wi->new_item == item) {
- wi->new_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->new_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if ((wi->hot_item == item) || (wi->hot_prev) == item) {
- wi->hot_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- if (ti->sel_item == item) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if (ti->anchor_item == item) {
- ti->anchor_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->anchor_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if (wi->focus_item == item) {
- wi->focus_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->focus_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- /*
- * Call per class removal code.
- */
- (item->class->Destroy)(item);
- /*
- * Free the transform if any.
- */
- if (item->transfo) {
- ZnFree(item->transfo);
- }
- /*
- * Remove the item from the item table and free
- * all its tags.
- */
- FreeId(item);
- FreeTags(item);
- /*
- * Free the item own memory
- */
- ZnFree(item);
- wi->num_items--;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Generic methods on items --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-struct _ZnITEM ZnITEM = {
- CloneItem,
- DestroyItem,
- ConfigureItem,
- QueryItem,
- InsertItem,
- UpdateItemPriority,
- UpdateItemDependency,
- ExtractItem,
- SetId,
- FreeId,
- AddTag,
- RemoveTag,
- FreeTags,
- HasTag,
- ResetTransfo,
- SetTransfo,
- TranslateItem,
- ScaleItem,
- SkewItem,
- RotateItem,
- Invalidate,
- InvalidateItems,
- GetItemTransform
diff --git a/generic/Item.h b/generic/Item.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3871bf8..0000000
--- a/generic/Item.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
- * Item.h -- Header to access items' common state and functions.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Item_h
-#define _Item_h
-#include "PostScript.h"
-#include "Attrs.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Field.h"
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <tkInt.h>
- * Types and constants for attribute processing.
- */
-typedef struct _ZnAttrConfig {
- int type;
- char *name;
- Tk_Uid uid;
- int offset;
- int bool_bit;
- int flags;
- ZnBool read_only;
-} ZnAttrConfig;
- * When adding new type in the following enum
- * do not forget to update attribute_type_strings
- * in Item.c.
- */
-#define ZN_CONFIG_END 0
-#define ZN_CONFIG_BOOL 1
-#define ZN_CONFIG_FONT 5
-#define ZN_CONFIG_DIM 8
-#define ZN_CONFIG_PRI 9
-#define ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END 12
-#define ZN_CONFIG_ITEM 16
-#define ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE 17
-#define ZN_CONFIG_INT 18
-#define ZN_CONFIG_UINT 19
-#define ZN_CONFIG_POINT 20
-#define ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR 21
-#define ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST 22
-#define ZN_CONFIG_MAP_INFO 23
-#define ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE 24
-#define ZN_CONFIG_WINDOW 30
-#define ZN_CONFIG_ALPHA 31
-#define ZN_CONFIG_SHORT 33
-#define ZN_CONFIG_USHORT 34
-#define ZN_CONFIG_CHAR 35
-#define ZN_CONFIG_UCHAR 36
-#define ZN_DRAW_FLAG 1 << 0
-#define ZN_COORDS_FLAG 1 << 1
-#define ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG 1 << 2
-#define ZN_REPICK_FLAG 1 << 3
-#define ZN_BORDER_FLAG 1 << 4
-#define ZN_CLFC_FLAG 1 << 5 /* Clear Label Format Cache. */
-#define ZN_IMAGE_FLAG 1 << 6 /* Update image pointer. */
-#define ZN_VIS_FLAG 1 << 7 /* Visibility has changed. */
-#define ZN_MOVED_FLAG 1 << 8 /* Item has moved. */
-#define ZN_ITEM_FLAG 1 << 9 /* Signal a change in an item type attribute. */
-#define ZN_MAP_INFO_FLAG 1 << 10/* Update mapinfo pointer. */
-#define ZN_LAYOUT_FLAG 1 << 11 /* A layout need update. */
-#define ZN_POLAR_FLAG 1 << 12 /* Signal a cartesian to polar change. */
-#define ZN_CARTESIAN_FLAG 1 << 13 /* Signal a polar to cartesian change. */
-#define ZN_TILE_FLAG 1 << 14 /* Update tile pointer. */
-#define ZN_WINDOW_FLAG 1 << 15 /* Signal a change in a window type attribute. */
- * This constant marks a non existant item
-#define ZN_NO_ITEM NULL
- * Constants for item parts. The item indexable parts (named fields) are coded
- * as positive or null integers. The item specific parts (not indexable) are
- * coded as negatives beginning at -2 up to -9 which is the current limit. The
- * -1 value is reserved to indicate no part.
- */
-#define ZnPartToBit(part) (1 << (ABS(part)-2))
-#define ZN_NO_PART -1
- * Some flags macros.
- */
-#define ISSET(var, mask) ((var) & (mask))
-#define ISCLEAR(var, mask) (((var) & (mask)) == 0)
-#define SET(var,mask) ((var) |= (mask))
-#define CLEAR(var, mask) ((var) &= ~(mask))
-#define ASSIGN(var, mask, bool) ((bool) ? SET((var), (mask)) : CLEAR((var), (mask)))
- * Item flags values.
- */
-#define ZN_VISIBLE_BIT (1<<0)
-#define ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT (1<<1)
-#define ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT (1<<3)
-#define ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT (1<<5)
- * Must be kept one greater than the last flag shift count.
- */
- * Operator constants for the coord method.
- */
-#define ZN_COORDS_READ 0
-#define ZN_COORDS_ADD 4
-struct _ZnWInfo;
-struct _ZnTransfo;
- * Item record header --
- */
-typedef struct _ZnItemStruct {
- /* Private data */
- unsigned int id;
- ZnList tags;
- struct _ZnWInfo *wi; /* The widget this item is on */
- struct _ZnItemClassStruct *class; /* item class */
- struct _ZnItemStruct *previous; /* previous item in group list */
- struct _ZnItemStruct *next; /* next item in group list */
- struct _ZnItemStruct *parent;
- ZnBBox item_bounding_box; /* device item bounding box */
- /* Common attributes */
- unsigned short flags;
- unsigned short part_sensitive; /* Currently limited to 16 parts per item */
- unsigned short inv_flags;
- unsigned short priority;
- struct _ZnTransfo *transfo;
- struct _ZnItemStruct *connected_item; /* Item this item is connected to */
-#ifdef GL
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- GLuint gl_list; /* Display list storing the item graphics */
-} ZnItemStruct, *ZnItem;
-typedef struct _ZnToAreaStruct {
- Tk_Uid tag_uid;
- ZnBool enclosed;
- ZnItem in_group;
- ZnBool report;
- ZnBool recursive;
- ZnBool override_atomic;
- ZnBBox *area;
-} ZnToAreaStruct, *ZnToArea;
-typedef struct _ZnPickStruct {
- int aperture;
- ZnItem in_group;
- ZnItem start_item;
- ZnBool recursive;
- ZnBool override_atomic;
- ZnPoint *point;
- ZnItem a_item;
- int a_part;
-} ZnPickStruct, *ZnPick;
- * Item class record --
- */
-typedef int (*ZnItemInitMethod)(ZnItem item, int *argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[]);
-typedef int (*ZnItemConfigureMethod)(ZnItem item, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- int *flags);
-typedef int (*ZnItemQueryMethod)(ZnItem item, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
-typedef void (*ZnItemCloneMethod)(ZnItem item);
-typedef void (*ZnItemDestroyMethod)(ZnItem item);
-typedef void (*ZnItemDrawMethod)(ZnItem item);
-typedef void (*ZnItemRenderMethod)(ZnItem item);
-typedef void (*ZnItemComputeCoordinatesMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnBool force);
-typedef int (*ZnItemToAreaMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnToArea ta);
-typedef ZnReal (*ZnItemPickMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnPick ps);
-typedef ZnBool (*ZnItemIsSensitiveMethod)(ZnItem item, int part);
-typedef struct _ZnFieldSetStruct* (*ZnItemGetFieldSetMethod)(ZnItem item);
-typedef int (*ZnItemContourMethod)(ZnItem item, int cmd, int index, ZnPoly *poly);
-typedef void (*ZnItemPickVertexMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnPoint *p, int *contour,
- int *vertex, int *o_vertex);
-typedef void (*ZnItemGetAnchorMethod)(ZnItem item, Tk_Anchor anchor, ZnPoint *p);
-typedef ZnBool (*ZnItemGetClipVerticesMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnTriStrip *tristrip);
-typedef ZnBool (*ZnItemGetContoursMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnPoly *poly);
-typedef int (*ZnItemCoordsMethod)(ZnItem item, int contour, int index, int cmd,
- ZnPoint **points, char **controls, unsigned int *num_points);
-typedef void (*ZnItemInsertCharsMethod)(ZnItem item, int field, int *index,
- char *chars);
-typedef void (*ZnItemDeleteCharsMethod)(ZnItem item, int field, int *first,
- int *last);
-typedef void (*ZnItemCursorMethod)(ZnItem item, int field, int index);
-typedef int (*ZnItemIndexMethod)(ZnItem item, int field, Tcl_Obj *index_spec,
- int *index);
-typedef int (*ZnItemPartMethod)(ZnItem item, Tcl_Obj **part_spec, int *part);
-typedef int (*ZnItemSelectionMethod)(ZnItem item, int field, int offset,
- char *chars, int max_chars);
-typedef int (*ZnItemPostScriptMethod)(ZnItem item, ZnBool prepass, ZnBBox *area);
-typedef void *ZnItemClassId;
-#define ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS (1<<0)
-#define ZN_CLASS_ONE_COORD (1<<1)
-typedef struct _ZnItemClassStruct {
- char *name;
- unsigned int size;
- ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc;
- unsigned int num_parts; /* 0 if no special parts, else
- * gives how many parts exist. */
- int flags; /* HAS_ANCHORS, ONE_COORD */
- int pos_offset; /* Offset of -position attrib, */
- /* if any, -1 otherwise. */
- ZnItemInitMethod Init;
- ZnItemCloneMethod Clone;
- ZnItemDestroyMethod Destroy;
- ZnItemConfigureMethod Configure;
- ZnItemQueryMethod Query;
- ZnItemGetFieldSetMethod GetFieldSet;
- ZnItemGetAnchorMethod GetAnchor;
- ZnItemGetClipVerticesMethod GetClipVertices;
- ZnItemGetContoursMethod GetContours;
- ZnItemCoordsMethod Coords;
- ZnItemInsertCharsMethod InsertChars;
- ZnItemDeleteCharsMethod DeleteChars;
- ZnItemCursorMethod Cursor;
- ZnItemIndexMethod Index;
- ZnItemPartMethod Part;
- ZnItemSelectionMethod Selection;
- ZnItemContourMethod Contour;
- ZnItemComputeCoordinatesMethod ComputeCoordinates;
- ZnItemToAreaMethod ToArea;
- ZnItemDrawMethod Draw;
- ZnItemRenderMethod Render;
- ZnItemIsSensitiveMethod IsSensitive;
- ZnItemPickMethod Pick;
- ZnItemPickVertexMethod PickVertex;
- ZnItemPostScriptMethod PostScript;
-} ZnItemClassStruct, *ZnItemClass;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Generic methods for all items.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-extern struct _ZnITEM {
- ZnItem (*CloneItem)(ZnItem model);
- void (*DestroyItem)(ZnItem item);
- int (*ConfigureItem)(ZnItem item, int field, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- ZnBool init);
- int (*QueryItem)(ZnItem item, int field, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
- void (*InsertItem)(ZnItem item, ZnItem group, ZnItem mark_item, ZnBool before);
- void (*UpdateItemPriority)(ZnItem item, ZnItem mark_item, ZnBool before);
- void (*UpdateItemDependency)(ZnItem item, ZnItem old_connection);
- void (*ExtractItem)(ZnItem item);
- void (*SetId)(ZnItem item);
- void (*FreeId)(ZnItem item);
- void (*AddTag)(ZnItem item, Tk_Uid tag);
- void (*RemoveTag)(ZnItem item, Tk_Uid tag);
- void (*FreeTags)(ZnItem item);
- ZnBool (*HasTag)(ZnItem item, Tk_Uid tag);
- void (*ResetTransfo)(ZnItem item);
- void (*SetTransfo)(ZnItem item, struct _ZnTransfo *t);
- void (*TranslateItem)(ZnItem item, ZnReal tx, ZnReal ty, ZnBool abs);
- void (*ScaleItem)(ZnItem item, ZnReal sx, ZnReal sy, ZnPoint *p);
- void (*SkewItem)(ZnItem item, ZnReal x_skew, ZnReal y_skew);
- void (*RotateItem)(ZnItem item, ZnReal angle, ZnBool deg, ZnPoint *p);
- void (*Invalidate)(ZnItem item, int reason);
- void (*InvalidateItems)(ZnItem group, ZnItemClass item_class);
- void (*GetItemTransform)(ZnItem item, struct _ZnTransfo *t);
-} ZnITEM;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Methods defined in Item.c useful for writing items.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-void ZnItemInit();
-ZnItem ZnCreateItem(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnItemClass item_class,
- int *argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[]);
-void ZnAddItemClass(ZnItemClass class);
-ZnItemClass ZnLookupItemClass(char *class_name);
-ZnList ZnItemClassList();
-int ZnConfigureAttributes(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnItem item, void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- int *flags);
-int ZnAttributesInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp, void *record,
- ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
-int ZnQueryAttribute(Tcl_Interp *interp, void *record, ZnAttrConfig *attr_desc,
- Tcl_Obj *attr_name);
-void ZnInitTransformStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnFreeTransformStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnResetTransformStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnPushTransform(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, struct _ZnTransfo *transfo,
- ZnPoint *pos, ZnBool compose_scale, ZnBool compose_rot);
-void ZnPopTransform(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnInitClipStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnFreeClipStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnResetClipStack(struct _ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnPushClip(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnTriStrip *tristrip, ZnBool simple,
- ZnBool set_gc);
-void ZnPopClip(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, ZnBool set_gc);
-ZnBool ZnCurrentClip(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, TkRegion *reg, ZnBBox **clip_box,
- ZnBool *simple);
-void ZnUpdateItemImage(void *client_data);
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnArc;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnMap;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnTabular;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnCurve;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnBezier;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnTriangles;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnRectangle;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnReticle;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnTrack;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnWayPoint;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnGroup;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnIcon;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnText;
-extern ZnItemClassId ZnWindow;
-#endif /* _Item_h */
diff --git a/generic/List.c b/generic/List.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 99462aa..0000000
--- a/generic/List.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- * List.c -- Implementation of list module.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Tue Mar 15 17:18:17 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * This modules exports the following functions:
- * - ZnListNew
- * - ZnListDuplicate
- * - ZnListEmpty
- * - ZnListFromArray
- * - ZnListArray
- * - ZnListFree
- * - ZnListSize
- * - ZnListAssertSize
- * - ZnListAdd
- * - ZnListAt
- * - ZnListAtPut
- * - ZnListDelete
- * - ZnListTruncate
- * - ZnListDetect
- * - ZnListDo
- *
- * To appear soon:
- * - ZnListCollect
- * - ZnListReject
- *
- * And the following variables:
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Included files
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Constants
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static const char rcs_id[]="$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-#define MAX_CHUNCK_SIZE 1024
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * New types
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct {
- char *list;
- unsigned long elem_size;
- unsigned long alloc_size;
- unsigned long used_size;
-} _ZnList;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GrowIfNeeded --
- * Enlarge a list so that it has min_size available. Take care of
- * static storage.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GrowIfNeeded(_ZnList *list,
- unsigned int min_size)
- if (list->used_size+min_size <= list->alloc_size) {
- return;
- }
- if (list->alloc_size == 0) {
- if (list->list == NULL) {
- /* Normal case if we have created a zero sized list */
- list->alloc_size = min_size;
- list->list = ZnMalloc(list->alloc_size*list->elem_size);
- }
- else {
- /* Case of a list made by ZnListFromArray. If we try to make
- it grow we need to reallocate and copy. */
- char *new_list;
- list->alloc_size = list->used_size+min_size;
- new_list = ZnMalloc(list->alloc_size*list->elem_size);
- memcpy(new_list,
- list->list,
- list->used_size*list->elem_size);
- list->list = new_list;
- }
- }
- else {
- list->alloc_size = MAX(MIN(list->alloc_size*2, MAX_CHUNCK_SIZE),
- list->alloc_size+min_size);
- list->list = ZnRealloc(list->list,
- list->alloc_size*list->elem_size);
- }
- memset(list->list+(list->used_size*list->elem_size),
- 0,
- (list->alloc_size-list->used_size)*list->elem_size);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListNew --
- * Return a new empty list 'initial_size' large.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListNew(unsigned int initial_size,
- unsigned int element_size)
- _ZnList *new_list;
- if (element_size == 0) {
- element_size = 1;
- }
- new_list = ZnMalloc(sizeof(_ZnList));
- new_list->alloc_size = initial_size;
- new_list->used_size = 0;
- new_list->elem_size = element_size;
- if (initial_size) {
- unsigned long size = new_list->alloc_size*new_list->elem_size;
- new_list->list = ZnMalloc(size);
- memset(new_list->list, 0, size);
- }
- else {
- new_list->list = NULL;
- }
- return (ZnList) new_list;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListDuplicate --
- * Return a copy of the list given as parameter.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListDuplicate(ZnList list)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- _ZnList *new_list;
- new_list = ZnMalloc(sizeof(_ZnList));
- new_list->alloc_size = cur_list->alloc_size == 0 ? cur_list->used_size :
- cur_list->alloc_size;
- new_list->used_size = cur_list->used_size;
- new_list->elem_size = cur_list->elem_size;
- if (new_list->alloc_size) {
- unsigned long used_size = new_list->used_size*new_list->elem_size;
- unsigned long size = new_list->alloc_size*new_list->elem_size;
- new_list->list = ZnMalloc(size);
- if (used_size) {
- memcpy(new_list->list, cur_list->list, used_size);
- }
- memset(new_list->list + used_size, 0, size - used_size);
- }
- else {
- new_list->list = NULL;
- }
- return (ZnList) new_list;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListEmpty --
- * Clear out a list, kkeping its allocated size.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListEmpty(ZnList list)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- cur_list->used_size = 0;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListFromArray --
- * Return a list filled from the given array.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListFromArray(void *array,
- unsigned int array_size,
- unsigned int element_size)
- _ZnList *new_list;
- new_list = (_ZnList *) ZnListNew(0, element_size);
- new_list->list = array;
- new_list->used_size = array_size;
- return (ZnList) new_list;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListArray --
- * Return a pointer to the array containing the list.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-void *
-ZnListArray(ZnList list)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- return (void *) cur_list->list;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListFree --
- * Delete a list and free its memory. The entries
- * still in the list are lost but no further deallocation
- * is attempted.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListFree(ZnList list)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- if (cur_list->list != NULL && cur_list->alloc_size != 0) {
- ZnFree(cur_list->list);
- }
- ZnFree(cur_list);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListSize --
- * Return the current number of entries kept in list.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-unsigned int
-ZnListSize(ZnList list)
- return ((_ZnList *)list)->used_size;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListAssertSize --
- * Set the list length to size.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListAssertSize(ZnList list,
- unsigned int size)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- if (cur_list->used_size < size) {
- GrowIfNeeded(cur_list, size - cur_list->used_size);
- }
- cur_list->used_size = size;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListCopy --
- * Destructively copy 'from' into 'to' starting at the first
- * position. It is the same as saying ZnListEmpty and then
- * ZnListAppend.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListCopy(ZnList to,
- ZnList from)
- _ZnList *to_list = (_ZnList *) to;
- _ZnList *from_list = (_ZnList *) from;
- if (from_list->elem_size != to_list->elem_size) {
- return;
- }
- to_list->used_size = 0;
- GrowIfNeeded(to_list, from_list->used_size);
- memcpy(to_list->list,
- from_list->list,
- from_list->used_size*from_list->elem_size);
- to_list->used_size = from_list->used_size;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListAppend --
- * Append 'from' at the end of 'to' which is enlarged as needed.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListAppend(ZnList to,
- ZnList from)
- _ZnList *to_list = (_ZnList *) to;
- _ZnList *from_list = (_ZnList *) from;
- if (from_list->elem_size != to_list->elem_size) {
- return;
- }
- GrowIfNeeded(to_list, from_list->used_size);
- memcpy(to_list->list+(to_list->used_size*to_list->elem_size),
- from_list->list,
- from_list->used_size*from_list->elem_size);
- to_list->used_size += from_list->used_size;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListAdd --
- * Add a new entry 'value' in the list before
- * 'index'. 'index' can be the position of a
- * previous entry or the special values ZnListHead,
- * ZnListTail. The entries have positions
- * starting at 0.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListAdd(ZnList list,
- void *value,
- unsigned int index)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- int i;
- GrowIfNeeded(cur_list, 1);
- if (index < cur_list->used_size) {
- for (i = cur_list->used_size-1; i >= (int) index; i--) {
- memcpy(cur_list->list+((i+1)*cur_list->elem_size),
- cur_list->list+(i*cur_list->elem_size),
- cur_list->elem_size);
- }
- }
- else if (index > cur_list->used_size) {
- index = cur_list->used_size;
- }
- memcpy(cur_list->list+(index*cur_list->elem_size),
- (char *) value,
- cur_list->elem_size);
- (cur_list->used_size)++;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListAt --
- * Return the entry at 'index'. Indices start at 0.
- * Indices out of the current range are constrained
- * to fit in the range.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-void *
-ZnListAt(ZnList list,
- unsigned int index)
- if (!((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (index >= ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- index = ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size - 1;
- }
- return (void *) (((_ZnList *) list)->list+(index*((_ZnList *) list)->elem_size));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListAtPut --
- * Set the entry at 'index' to 'value'.
- * Indices start at 0. Indices out of the current
- * range are constrained to fit in the range.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListAtPut(ZnList list,
- void *value,
- unsigned int index)
- if (!((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- return;
- }
- if (index >= ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- index = ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size - 1;
- }
- memcpy(((_ZnList *) list)->list+(index*((_ZnList *) list)->elem_size),
- (char *) value,
- ((_ZnList *) list)->elem_size);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListDelete --
- * Suppress the entry matching value, searching from position
- * 'index'. If value is NULL suppress entry at index.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListDelete(ZnList list,
- unsigned int index)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- unsigned int i;
- if (!((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- return;
- }
- if (index >= ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- index = ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size - 1;
- }
- for (i = index; i < cur_list->used_size-1; i++) {
- memcpy(cur_list->list+(i*cur_list->elem_size),
- cur_list->list+((i+1)*cur_list->elem_size),
- cur_list->elem_size);
- }
- (cur_list->used_size)--;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnListTruncate --
- * Suppress the entries from position 'index' inclusive to the end.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnListTruncate(ZnList list,
- unsigned int index)
- _ZnList *cur_list = (_ZnList *) list;
- if (index >= ((_ZnList *) list)->used_size) {
- return;
- }
- cur_list->used_size = index;
diff --git a/generic/List.h b/generic/List.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fdf0bd..0000000
--- a/generic/List.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * List.h -- Header of list module.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Tue Mar 15 17:24:51 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _List_h
-#define _List_h
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-#define ZnListHead 0
-#define ZnListTail (~(1 << ((8*sizeof(int)) - 1)))
-typedef void *ZnList;
-ZnList ZnListNew(unsigned int /* initial_size */,
- unsigned int /* element_size */);
-ZnList ZnListDuplicate(ZnList /* list */);
-void ZnListEmpty(ZnList /* list */);
-ZnList ZnListFromArray(void * /* array */,
- unsigned int /* array_size */,
- unsigned int /* element_size */);
-void *ZnListArray(ZnList /* list */);
-void ZnListFree(ZnList /* list */);
-unsigned int ZnListSize(ZnList /* list */);
-void ZnListAssertSize(ZnList /* list */,
- unsigned int /* size */);
-void ZnListCopy(ZnList /* to */,
- ZnList /* from */);
-void ZnListAppend(ZnList /* to */,
- ZnList /* from */);
-void ZnListAdd(ZnList /* list */,
- void * /* value */,
- unsigned int /* index */);
-void *ZnListAt(ZnList /* list */,
- unsigned int /* index */);
-void ZnListAtPut(ZnList /* list */,
- void * /* value */,
- unsigned int /* index */);
-void ZnListDelete(ZnList /* list */,
- unsigned int /* index */);
-void ZnListTruncate(ZnList /* list */,
- unsigned int /* index */);
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _List_h */
diff --git a/generic/Map.c b/generic/Map.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cba3d14..0000000
--- a/generic/Map.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
- * Map.c -- Implementation of Map item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Map item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _MapItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnBool filled;
- ZnImage fill_pattern;
- ZnGradient *color;
- Tk_Font text_font; /* null value -> use zn_map_text_font */
- char *map_info_name;
- ZnList symbol_patterns;
- /* Private data */
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnList vectors;
- ZnList dashed_vectors;
- ZnList dotted_vectors;
- ZnList mixed_vectors;
- ZnList arcs;
- ZnList dashed_arcs;
- ZnList dotted_arcs;
- ZnList mixed_arcs;
- ZnList marks;
- ZnList symbols;
- ZnList texts;
-#ifdef GL
- ZnTexFontInfo *tfi;
-} MapItemStruct, *MapItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig map_attrs[] = {
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filled", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, filled), 1, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, fill_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, text_font), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_MAP_INFO, "-mapinfo", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, map_info_name), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT, ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP_LIST, "-symbols", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, symbol_patterns), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(MapItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
-UpdateMapInfo(ClientData client_data,
- ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnItem item = (ZnItem) client_data;
- /*printf("updating a map 'cause of a change in mapinfo\n");*/
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
-static void
-FreeLists(MapItem map)
- if (map->vectors) {
- ZnListFree(map->vectors);
- }
- map->vectors = NULL;
- if (map->dashed_vectors) {
- ZnListFree(map->dashed_vectors);
- }
- map->dashed_vectors = NULL;
- if (map->dotted_vectors) {
- ZnListFree(map->dotted_vectors);
- }
- map->dotted_vectors = NULL;
- if (map->mixed_vectors) {
- ZnListFree(map->mixed_vectors);
- }
- map->mixed_vectors = NULL;
- if (map->arcs) {
- ZnListFree(map->arcs);
- }
- map->arcs = NULL;
- if (map->dashed_arcs) {
- ZnListFree(map->dashed_arcs);
- }
- map->dashed_arcs = NULL;
- if (map->dotted_arcs) {
- ZnListFree(map->dotted_arcs);
- }
- map->dotted_arcs = NULL;
- if (map->mixed_arcs) {
- ZnListFree(map->mixed_arcs);
- }
- map->mixed_arcs = NULL;
- if (map->marks) {
- ZnListFree(map->marks);
- }
- map->marks = NULL;
- if (map->symbols) {
- ZnListFree(map->symbols);
- }
- map->symbols = NULL;
- if (map->texts) {
- ZnListFree(map->texts);
- }
- map->texts = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- CLEAR(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->part_sensitive = 0;
- item->priority = 0;
- map->filled = False;
- map->fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- map->symbol_patterns = NULL;
- map->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- map->text_font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfFont(wi->map_text_font));
-#ifdef GL
- map->tfi = NULL;
- map->map_info_name = NULL;
- map->map_info = NULL;
- map->vectors = NULL;
- map->dashed_vectors = NULL;
- map->dotted_vectors = NULL;
- map->mixed_vectors = NULL;
- map->arcs = NULL;
- map->dashed_arcs = NULL;
- map->dotted_arcs = NULL;
- map->mixed_arcs = NULL;
- map->marks = NULL;
- map->symbols = NULL;
- map->texts = NULL;
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- if (map->vectors) {
- map->vectors = ZnListDuplicate(map->vectors);
- }
- if (map->dashed_vectors) {
- map->dashed_vectors = ZnListDuplicate(map->dashed_vectors);
- }
- if (map->dotted_vectors) {
- map->dotted_vectors = ZnListDuplicate(map->dotted_vectors);
- }
- if (map->mixed_vectors) {
- map->mixed_vectors = ZnListDuplicate(map->mixed_vectors);
- }
- if (map->arcs) {
- map->arcs = ZnListDuplicate(map->arcs);
- }
- if (map->dashed_arcs) {
- map->dashed_arcs = ZnListDuplicate(map->dashed_arcs);
- }
- if (map->dotted_arcs) {
- map->dotted_arcs = ZnListDuplicate(map->dotted_arcs);
- }
- if (map->mixed_arcs) {
- map->mixed_arcs = ZnListDuplicate(map->mixed_arcs);
- }
- if (map->marks) {
- map->marks = ZnListDuplicate(map->marks);
- }
- if (map->symbols) {
- map->symbols = ZnListDuplicate(map->symbols);
- }
- if (map->texts) {
- map->texts = ZnListDuplicate(map->texts);
- }
- if (map->map_info_name) {
- char *text;
- text = ZnMalloc((strlen(map->map_info_name) + 1) * sizeof(char));
- strcpy(text, map->map_info_name);
- map->map_info_name = text;
- map->map_info = ZnGetMapInfo(wi->interp, map->map_info_name,
- UpdateMapInfo, (ClientData) map);
- }
- map->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(map->color);
- map->text_font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(map->text_font));
-#ifdef GL
- map->tfi = NULL;
- if (map->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- map->fill_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(map->fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (map->symbol_patterns) {
- ZnImage *pats, *new_pats;
- unsigned int i, num_pats;
- pats = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- num_pats = ZnListSize(map->symbol_patterns);
- map->symbol_patterns = ZnListNew(num_pats, sizeof(ZnImage));
- new_pats = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- for (i = 0; i < num_pats; i++) {
- new_pats[i] = ZnGetImageByValue(pats[i], NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- * Free the Map storage.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- FreeLists(map);
- ZnFreeGradient(map->color);
- Tk_FreeFont(map->text_font);
-#ifdef GL
- if (map->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(map->tfi);
- }
- if (map->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(map->fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- map->fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (map->symbol_patterns) {
- ZnImage *pats;
- int i, num_pats;
- pats = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- num_pats = ZnListSize(map->symbol_patterns);
- for (i = 0; i < num_pats; i++) {
- if (pats[i] != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(pats[i], NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- ZnListFree(map->symbol_patterns);
- }
- if (map->map_info_name) {
- ZnFree(map->map_info_name);
- }
- if (map->map_info != NULL) {
- ZnFreeMapInfo(map->map_info, UpdateMapInfo, (ClientData) map);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
-#ifdef GL
- Tk_Font old_font = map->text_font;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, map_attrs, argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (old_font != map->text_font) {
- if (map->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(map->tfi);
- map->tfi = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_MAP_INFO_FLAG)) {
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnBool error = False;
- if (map->map_info_name) {
- map_info = ZnGetMapInfo(wi->interp, map->map_info_name,
- UpdateMapInfo, (ClientData) map);
- if (!map_info) {
- error = True;
- }
- }
- else {
- map_info = NULL;
- }
- if (!error) {
- if (map->map_info != NULL) {
- ZnFreeMapInfo(map->map_info, UpdateMapInfo, (ClientData) map);
- }
- map->map_info = map_info;
- }
- else {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, map_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style;
- char symbol;
- char *text;
- unsigned int i, j, cnt;
- unsigned int num_points;
- unsigned int num_dashed_points;
- unsigned int num_dotted_points;
- unsigned int num_mixed_points;
- unsigned int num_arcs;
- unsigned int num_dashed_arcs;
- unsigned int num_dotted_arcs;
- unsigned int num_mixed_arcs;
- unsigned int num_marks;
- ZnPoint *vectors, *dashed_vectors, *dotted_vectors;
- ZnPoint *mixed_vectors, *marks;
- XArc *arcs, *dashed_arcs, *dotted_arcs, *mixed_arcs;
- ZnPoint *symbols, *texts;
- ZnPoint from, to, center;
- ZnPoint tmp_from, tmp_to;
- XArc arc;
- ZnBBox bbox, bbox_inter, zn_bbox;
- ZnPos x_from_w, y_from_w, x_to_w, y_to_w;
- ZnPos start_angle, extend;
- ZnDim radius_w, line_width;
- int radius;
- ZnPoint *new_marks;
- unsigned int n_new_marks;
- Tk_Font text_font;
- int sym_w2=0, sym_h2=0;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- if (map->map_info == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- zn_bbox.orig.x = zn_bbox.orig.y = 0;
- zn_bbox.corner.x = wi->width;
- zn_bbox.corner.y = wi->height;
- map_info = map->map_info;
- num_points = 0;
- num_dashed_points = 0;
- num_dotted_points = 0;
- num_mixed_points = 0;
- num_marks = 0;
- num_arcs = 0;
- num_dashed_arcs = 0;
- num_dotted_arcs = 0;
- num_mixed_arcs = 0;
- /*
- * Experimental code to help trap out of bounds
- * errors occuring as the result of improper use
- * of MapInfo/Map (i.e not doing a configure on
- * the MapInfo attribute after a reconfiguration
- * of the MapInfo. This version is more secure
- * but slower than the previous one.
- */
- /*
- * First discover how many component of each kind
- * there is in the MapInfo.
- */
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumLines(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i, NULL, &line_style, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- num_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- num_dashed_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- num_dotted_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- num_mixed_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- num_points += 2;
- ZnMapInfoGetMarks(map_info, i, NULL, &n_new_marks);
- num_marks += n_new_marks;
- break;
- }
- }
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetText(map_info, i, NULL, &text_style, &line_style, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (text_style == ZnMapInfoUnderlinedText) {
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- num_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- num_dotted_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- num_mixed_points += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- num_dashed_points += 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumArcs(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetArc(map_info, i, NULL, &line_style, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- num_arcs += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- num_dotted_arcs += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- num_mixed_arcs += 2;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- num_dashed_arcs += 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the various lists are large enough
- * to contain the computed amount of points.
- * Later we will cut them to take into account the
- * clipping and the filled attribute.
- */
- if (!map->vectors) {
- map->vectors = ZnListNew(num_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->vectors, num_points);
- if (!map->dashed_vectors) {
- map->dashed_vectors = ZnListNew(num_dashed_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dashed_vectors, num_dashed_points);
- if (!map->dotted_vectors) {
- map->dotted_vectors = ZnListNew(num_dotted_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dotted_vectors, num_dotted_points);
- if (!map->mixed_vectors) {
- map->mixed_vectors = ZnListNew(num_mixed_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->mixed_vectors, num_mixed_points);
- if (!map->arcs) {
- map->arcs = ZnListNew(num_arcs, sizeof(XArc));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->arcs, num_arcs);
- if (!map->dashed_arcs) {
- map->dashed_arcs = ZnListNew(num_dashed_arcs, sizeof(XArc));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dashed_arcs, num_dashed_arcs);
- if (!map->dotted_arcs) {
- map->dotted_arcs = ZnListNew(num_dotted_arcs, sizeof(XArc));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dotted_arcs, num_dotted_arcs);
- if (!map->mixed_arcs) {
- map->mixed_arcs = ZnListNew(num_mixed_arcs, sizeof(XArc));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->mixed_arcs, num_mixed_arcs);
- if (!map->marks) {
- map->marks = ZnListNew(num_marks, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->marks, num_marks);
- if (!map->symbols) {
- map->symbols = ZnListNew(ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map_info), sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->symbols, ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map_info));
- if (!map->texts) {
- map->texts = ZnListNew(ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map_info), sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->texts, ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map_info));
- /*
- * Ask the pointers to the actual arrays.
- */
- vectors = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->vectors);
- dashed_vectors = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->dashed_vectors);
- dotted_vectors = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->dotted_vectors);
- mixed_vectors = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->mixed_vectors);
- arcs = (XArc *) ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- dashed_arcs = (XArc *) ZnListArray(map->dashed_arcs);
- dotted_arcs = (XArc *) ZnListArray(map->dotted_arcs);
- mixed_arcs = (XArc *) ZnListArray(map->mixed_arcs);
- marks = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->marks);
- symbols = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->symbols);
- texts = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->texts);
- if (num_marks && (wi->map_distance_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage)) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(wi->map_distance_symbol, &sym_w2, &sym_h2);
- sym_w2 = (sym_w2+1)/2;
- sym_h2 = (sym_h2+1)/2;
- }
- /*printf("Map: %d %d %d %d %d, texts: %d, symbols: %d\n", num_points, num_dashed_points, num_dotted_points,
- num_mixed_points, num_marks, ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map_info), ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map_info));*/
- /*
- * Reset the counts of points to compute the actual
- * counts taking into account the clipping and the
- * filled attribute.
- */
- num_points = 0;
- num_dashed_points = 0;
- num_dotted_points = 0;
- num_mixed_points = 0;
- num_marks = 0;
- num_arcs = 0;
- num_dashed_arcs = 0;
- num_dotted_arcs = 0;
- num_mixed_arcs = 0;
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumLines(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i, NULL, &line_style, &line_width,
- &x_from_w, &y_from_w, &x_to_w, &y_to_w);
- tmp_from.x = x_from_w;
- tmp_from.y = y_from_w;
- tmp_to.x = x_to_w;
- tmp_to.y = y_to_w;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &from);
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_to, &to);
- /*
- * Skip zero length and outside segments.
- */
- if ((from.x == to.x) && (from.y == to.y)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!map->filled) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&from, &to, &zn_bbox) < 0) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- vectors[num_points] = from;
- num_points++;
- vectors[num_points] = to;
- num_points++;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- if (!map->filled) {
- dashed_vectors[num_dashed_points] = from;
- num_dashed_points++;
- dashed_vectors[num_dashed_points] = to;
- num_dashed_points++;
- }
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- if (!map->filled) {
- dotted_vectors[num_dotted_points] = from;
- num_dotted_points++;
- dotted_vectors[num_dotted_points] = to;
- num_dotted_points++;
- }
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- if (!map->filled) {
- mixed_vectors[num_mixed_points] = from;
- num_mixed_points++;
- mixed_vectors[num_mixed_points] = to;
- num_mixed_points++;
- }
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- if (!map->filled) {
- vectors[num_points] = from;
- num_points++;
- vectors[num_points] = to;
- num_points++;
- if (wi->map_distance_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnMapInfoGetMarks(map_info, i, &new_marks, &n_new_marks);
- for (j = 0; j < n_new_marks; j++) {
- /*
- * The transform can be put outside the loop when
- * MapInfo point type is modified to ZnPoint.
- * Will use then ZnTransformPoints.
- */
- tmp_from.x = new_marks[j].x;
- tmp_from.y = new_marks[j].y;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &marks[num_marks]);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- marks[num_marks].x-sym_w2, marks[num_marks].y-sym_h2);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- marks[num_marks].x+sym_w2, marks[num_marks].x+sym_h2);
- num_marks++;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumArcs(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnPoint xp;
- ZnMapInfoGetArc(map_info, i, NULL, &line_style, &line_width,
- &x_from_w, &y_from_w, &radius_w, &start_angle, &extend);
- tmp_from.x = x_from_w;
- tmp_from.y = y_from_w;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &center);
- tmp_from.x += radius_w;
- tmp_from.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &xp);
- radius = ((int) (xp.x - center.x));
- bbox.orig.x = center.x - radius;
- bbox.orig.y = center.y - radius;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + (2 * radius);
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + (2 * radius);
- /*
- * Skip zero length and outside arcs.
- */
- if (!radius || !extend) {
- continue;
- }
- ZnIntersectBBox(&zn_bbox, &bbox, &bbox_inter);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox_inter)) {
- continue;
- }
- arc.x = (int) (center.x - radius);
- arc.y = (int) (center.y - radius);
- arc.width = 2 * radius;
- arc.height = arc.width;
- arc.angle1 = ((unsigned short) start_angle) * 64;
- arc.angle2 = ((unsigned short) extend) * 64;
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- arcs[num_arcs] = arc;
- num_arcs++;
- bbox.orig.x = arc.x;
- bbox.orig.y = arc.y;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + arc.width + 1;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + arc.height + 1;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- if (!map->filled) {
- dashed_arcs[num_dashed_arcs] = arc;
- num_dashed_arcs++;
- bbox.orig.x = arc.x;
- bbox.orig.y = arc.y;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + arc.width + 1;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + arc.height + 1;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- if (!map->filled) {
- dotted_arcs[num_dotted_arcs] = arc;
- num_dotted_arcs++;
- bbox.orig.x = arc.x;
- bbox.orig.y = arc.y;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + arc.width + 1;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + arc.height + 1;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- if (!map->filled) {
- mixed_arcs[num_mixed_arcs] = arc;
- num_mixed_arcs++;
- bbox.orig.x = arc.x;
- bbox.orig.y = arc.y;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + arc.width + 1;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + arc.height + 1;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Truncate arc lists to the real size.
- */
- ZnListAssertSize(map->arcs, num_arcs);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dashed_arcs, num_dashed_arcs);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dotted_arcs, num_dotted_arcs);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->mixed_arcs, num_mixed_arcs);
- /* If map is filled, only the vectors description is valid. */
- if (!map->filled) {
- if (map->symbol_patterns) {
- ZnImage sym, *syms = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- int num_syms = ZnListSize(map->symbol_patterns);
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map_info);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(map_info, i, NULL, &x_from_w, &y_from_w, &symbol);
- tmp_from.x = x_from_w;
- tmp_from.y = y_from_w;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &symbols[i]);
- sym = syms[symbol%num_syms];
- if (sym != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(sym, &sym_w2, &sym_h2);
- sym_w2 = (sym_w2+1)/2;
- sym_h2 = (sym_h2+1)/2;
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- symbols[i].x-sym_w2, symbols[i].y-sym_h2);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- symbols[i].x+sym_w2, symbols[i].y+sym_h2);
- }
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->symbols, cnt);
- }
- cnt = ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map_info);
- text_font = map->text_font ? map->text_font : wi->map_text_font;
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetText(map_info, i, NULL,
- &text_style, &line_style, &x_from_w, &y_from_w, &text);
- tmp_from.x = x_from_w;
- tmp_from.y = y_from_w;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &tmp_from, &texts[i]);
- ZnAddStringToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, text, text_font,
- texts[i].x, texts[i].y);
- if (text_style == ZnMapInfoUnderlinedText) {
- ZnGetStringBBox(text, text_font, texts[i].x, texts[i].y, &bbox);
- from.x = bbox.orig.x;
- from.y = bbox.corner.y;
- to.x = bbox.corner.x;
- to.y = bbox.corner.y;
- switch (line_style) {
- case ZnMapInfoLineSimple:
- case ZnMapInfoLineMarked:
- vectors[num_points] = from;
- num_points++;
- vectors[num_points] = to;
- num_points++;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDashed:
- dashed_vectors[num_dashed_points] = from;
- num_dashed_points++;
- dashed_vectors[num_dashed_points] = to;
- num_dashed_points++;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineDotted:
- dotted_vectors[num_dotted_points] = from;
- num_dotted_points++;
- dotted_vectors[num_dotted_points] = to;
- num_dotted_points++;
- break;
- case ZnMapInfoLineMixed:
- mixed_vectors[num_mixed_points] = from;
- num_mixed_points++;
- mixed_vectors[num_mixed_points] = to;
- num_mixed_points++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ZnListAssertSize(map->texts, cnt);
- }
- /*
- * Truncate line lists to the real size.
- */
- ZnListAssertSize(map->vectors, num_points);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dashed_vectors, num_dashed_points);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->dotted_vectors, num_dotted_points);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->mixed_vectors, num_mixed_points);
- ZnListAssertSize(map->marks, num_marks);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- ZnListArray(map->vectors), ZnListSize(map->vectors));
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- ZnListArray(map->dashed_vectors), ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors));
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- ZnListArray(map->dotted_vectors), ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors));
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- ZnListArray(map->mixed_vectors), ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors));
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 0.5;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- return -1;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnPoint *points;
- XPoint *xpoints;
- XArc *arcs;
- char *text;
- char tmp_str[] = ".";
- XGCValues values;
- unsigned int i, cnt;
- ZnDim line_width_w;
- int line_width;
- if (map->map_info == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- map_info = map->map_info;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(map->color, 0.0);
- if (map->filled) {
- if (ZnListSize(map->vectors) || ZnListSize(map->arcs)) {
- if (map->fill_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCForeground, &values);
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(map->fill_pattern, wi->win);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCForeground, &values);
- }
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->vectors);
- if (cnt) {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, cnt);
- xpoints = (XPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->vectors);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = (int) points[i].x;
- xpoints[i].y = (int) points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xpoints, (int) cnt,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->arcs)) {
- arcs = ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, arcs++) {
- XFillArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- arcs->x, arcs->y, arcs->width, arcs->height,
- arcs->angle1, arcs->angle2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* Not filled */
- if (ZnListSize(map->vectors)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_SIMPLE);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- /* !! WARNING !! XDrawSegments can't handle an unlimited number of segments
- in releases R4 and older */
- /* XDrawSegments(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (XSegment *) ZnListArray(map->vectors),
- ZnListSize(map->vectors)/2);*/
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->vectors);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->vectors);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &line_width_w, NULL,
- line_width = (int) line_width_w;
- if (line_width != values.line_width) {
- values.line_width = line_width;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineWidth, &values);
- }
- /*printf("Dessin d'une ligne de %d %d ŕ %d %d\n",
- (int)points[i].x, (int)points[i].y,
- (int)points[i+1].x, (int)points[i+1].y);*/
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) points[i].x,
- (int) points[i].y,
- (int) points[i+1].x,
- (int) points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DASHED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- /* !! WARNING !! XDrawSegments can't handle an unlimited number of segments
- in releases R4 and older */
-/* XDrawSegments(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (XSegment *) ZnListArray(map->dashed_vectors), ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors)/2);*/
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->dashed_vectors);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &line_width_w, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- line_width = (int) line_width_w;
- if (line_width != values.line_width) {
- values.line_width = line_width;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineWidth, &values);
- }
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) points[i].x,
- (int) points[i].y,
- (int) points[i+1].x,
- (int) points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DOTTED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- /* !! WARNING !! XDrawSegments can't handle an unlimited number of segments
- in releases R4 and older */
-/* XDrawSegments(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (XSegment *) ZnListArray(map->dotted_vectors), ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors)/2);*/
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->dotted_vectors);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &line_width_w, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- line_width = (int) line_width_w;
- if (line_width != values.line_width) {
- values.line_width = line_width;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineWidth, &values);
- }
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) points[i].x,
- (int) points[i].y,
- (int) points[i+1].x,
- (int) points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_MIXED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- /* !! WARNING !! XDrawSegments can't handle an unlimited number of segments
- in releases R4 and older */
- /*XDrawSegments(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (XSegment *) ZnListArray(map->mixed_vectors), ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors)/2);*/
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->mixed_vectors);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &line_width_w, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- line_width = (int) line_width_w;
- if (line_width != values.line_width) {
- values.line_width = line_width;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineWidth, &values);
- }
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) points[i].x,
- (int) points[i].y,
- (int) points[i+1].x,
- (int) points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->arcs)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_SIMPLE);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- arcs = ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, arcs++) {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- arcs->x, arcs->y, arcs->width, arcs->height,
- arcs->angle1, arcs->angle2);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dashed_arcs)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DASHED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- arcs = ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, arcs++) {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- arcs->x, arcs->y, arcs->width, arcs->height,
- arcs->angle1, arcs->angle2);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dotted_arcs)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DOTTED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- arcs = ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, arcs++) {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- arcs->x, arcs->y, arcs->width, arcs->height,
- arcs->angle1, arcs->angle2);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->mixed_arcs)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_MIXED);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- arcs = ZnListArray(map->arcs);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, arcs++) {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- arcs->x, arcs->y, arcs->width, arcs->height,
- arcs->angle1, arcs->angle2);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->texts)) {
- /* For the Tk widget we don't have to bother with old
- * compatibility issues.
- */
- values.font = Tk_FontId(map->text_font);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle | GCFont | GCForeground, &values);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->texts);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(map->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetText(map_info, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &text);
- Tk_DrawChars(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- map->text_font, text, (int) strlen(text),
- (int) points[i].x, (int) points[i].y);
- }
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->symbols) || ZnListSize(map->marks)) {
- int ox, oy;
- unsigned int w, h;
- ZnImage sym;
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle, &values);
- if (map->symbol_patterns) {
- ZnImage *syms = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- int num_syms = ZnListSize(map->symbol_patterns);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->symbols);
- points = ZnListArray(map->symbols);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(map_info, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, &(tmp_str[0]));
- sym = syms[tmp_str[0]%num_syms];
- if (sym != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(sym, &w ,&h);
- ox = ((int) points[i].x) - w/2;
- oy = ((int) points[i].y) - h/2;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(sym, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = ox;
- values.ts_y_origin = oy;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, ox, oy, w, h);
- }
- }
- }
- if (wi->map_distance_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(wi->map_distance_symbol, &w, &h);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->marks);
- points = ZnListArray(map->marks);
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(wi->map_distance_symbol, wi->win);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCStipple, &values);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ox = ((int) points[i].x) - w/2;
- oy = ((int) points[i].y) - h/2;
- values.ts_x_origin = ox;
- values.ts_y_origin = oy;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin, &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, ox, oy, w, h);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- MapItem map = (MapItem) item;
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnPoint *points, p;
- char *text;
- char tmp_str[] = ".";
- unsigned int i, cnt;
- int w, h;
- XColor *color;
- GLfloat line_width;
- ZnDim new_width;
- unsigned short alpha;
- if (!map->map_info) {
- return;
- }
- map_info = map->map_info;
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(map->color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- if (map->filled) {
- if (ZnListSize(map->vectors) || ZnListSize(map->arcs)) {
- /* TODO_GL: Need to have a tesselated polygon then
- * fill it either using ZnRenderTile or solid.
- */
- if (map->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- /* Fill stippled */
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* Not filled */
- if (ZnListSize(map->vectors)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_SIMPLE);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->vectors);
- points = ZnListArray(map->vectors);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &new_width, NULL,
- if (new_width != line_width) {
- line_width = (GLfloat)new_width;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- }
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- glVertex2d(points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DASHED);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->dashed_vectors);
- points = ZnListArray(map->dashed_vectors);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &new_width, NULL,
- if (new_width != line_width) {
- line_width = (GLfloat)new_width;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- }
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- glVertex2d(points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_DOTTED);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->dotted_vectors);
- points = ZnListArray(map->dotted_vectors);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &new_width, NULL,
- if (new_width != line_width) {
- line_width = (GLfloat)new_width;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- }
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- glVertex2d(points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, ZN_LINE_MIXED);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->mixed_vectors);
- points = ZnListArray(map->mixed_vectors);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i += 2) {
- if (ZnLineInBBox(&points[i], &points[i+1], &wi->damaged_area) >= 0) {
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(map_info, i/2, NULL, NULL, &new_width, NULL,
- if (new_width != line_width) {
- line_width = (GLfloat)new_width;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- }
- glVertex2d(points[i].x, points[i].y);
- glVertex2d(points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y);
- }
- }
- glEnd();
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->arcs)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dashed_arcs)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- glLineStipple(1, 0xF0F0);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->dotted_arcs)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- glLineStipple(1, 0x18C3);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->mixed_arcs)) {
- line_width = 1.0;
- glLineWidth(line_width);
- glLineStipple(1, 0x27FF);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
- }
- if (! map->tfi) {
- map->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, map->text_font);
- }
- if (ZnListSize(map->texts) && map->tfi) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ZnTexFontTex(map->tfi));
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->texts);
- points = ZnListArray(map->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, points++) {
- glPushMatrix();
- ZnMapInfoGetText(map_info, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &text);
- glTranslated(points->x, points->y, 0.0);
- ZnRenderString(map->tfi, text, strlen(text));
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- }
- if (map->symbol_patterns) {
- ZnImage sym, *syms = ZnListArray(map->symbol_patterns);
- int num_syms = ZnListSize(map->symbol_patterns);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->symbols);
- points = ZnListArray(map->symbols);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(map_info, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, &(tmp_str[0]));
- sym = syms[tmp_str[0]%num_syms];
- if (sym != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(sym, &w, &h);
- p.x = points[i].x-(w+1.0)/2.0;
- p.y = points[i].y-(h+1.0)/2.0;
- ZnRenderIcon(wi, sym, map->color, &p, True);
- }
- }
- }
- if (wi->map_distance_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(wi->map_distance_symbol, &w, &h);
- cnt = ZnListSize(map->marks);
- points = ZnListArray(map->marks);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++, points++) {
- p.x = points->x-(w+1)/2;
- p.y = points->y-(h+1)/2;
- ZnRenderIcon(wi, wi->map_distance_symbol, map->color, &p, True);
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- * This is *NOT* correct but for now we will tell that we are
- * transparent even if we are solid filled.
- *
- * !!!! We need to say we are opaque at least if we are solid
- * filled. !!!!
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- return 1e40;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct MAP_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "map",
- sizeof(MapItemStruct),
- map_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- 0, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- NULL, /* GetAnchor */
- NULL, /* GetClipVertices */
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnMap = (ZnItemClassId) &MAP_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/MapInfo.c b/generic/MapInfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2af18bd..0000000
--- a/generic/MapInfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2171 +0,0 @@
- * MapInfo.c -- MapInfo interface.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <math.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * New types
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef struct {
- ZnPtr tag;
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle style;
- int width;
- ZnPoint center;
- unsigned int radius;
- int start_angle;
- int extend;
-} ZnMapInfoArcStruct, *ZnMapInfoArc;
-typedef struct {
- ZnPtr tag;
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle style;
- int width;
- ZnPoint from;
- ZnPoint to;
- unsigned int num_marks;
- ZnPoint *marks;
-} ZnMapInfoLineStruct, *ZnMapInfoLine;
-typedef struct {
- ZnPtr tag;
- ZnPoint at;
- char symbol[2];
-} ZnMapInfoSymbolStruct, *ZnMapInfoSymbol;
-typedef struct {
- ZnPtr tag;
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style;
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnPoint at;
- char *text;
-} ZnMapInfoTextStruct, *ZnMapInfoText;
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- ZnList lines;
- ZnList symbols;
- ZnList texts;
- ZnList arcs;
-} ZnMapInfoStruct, *ZnMapInfo;
-#define MARKERS_SPACING 80.0 /* 10 nautic miles in 1/8 of a mile */
-#define BASE_ALLOC_SIZE 8
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Macros.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define NOT_MARKED_STYLE(style) \
-((style) == ZnMapInfoLineMarked ? ZnMapInfoLineSimple : (style));
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ComputeLineMarks --
- * Add marks to a line in the marks substructure.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-ComputeLineMarks(ZnMapInfoLine marked_line)
- ZnDim length;
- ZnPos x_from = marked_line->from.x;
- ZnPos y_from = marked_line->from.y;
- ZnPos x_to = marked_line->to.x;
- ZnPos y_to = marked_line->to.y;
- ZnPos delta_x = x_from - x_to;
- ZnPos delta_y = y_from - y_to;
- ZnPos step_x, step_y;
- unsigned int j;
- length = sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y);
- step_x = (x_to - x_from) * MARKERS_SPACING / length;
- step_y = (y_to - y_from) * MARKERS_SPACING / length;
- marked_line->num_marks = (int) (length / MARKERS_SPACING);
- /* We don't want markers at ends, so we get rid of the last one
- if it is at an end */
- if (fmod(length, MARKERS_SPACING) == 0.0) {
- (marked_line->num_marks)--;
- }
- if (marked_line->num_marks) {
- marked_line->marks = ZnMalloc(marked_line->num_marks * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- for (j = 0; j < marked_line->num_marks; j++) {
- marked_line->marks[j].x = x_from + ((j + 1) * step_x);
- marked_line->marks[j].y = y_from + ((j + 1) * step_y);
- }
-static ZnMapInfoId
-ZnMapInfoCreate(char *name)
- ZnMapInfo new_map;
- new_map = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnMapInfoStruct));
- memset((char *) new_map, 0, sizeof(ZnMapInfoStruct));
- if (!name) {
- name = "";
- }
- new_map->name = (char *) ZnMalloc(strlen(name)+1);
- /*printf("Nouvelle MapInfo: %s\n", name);*/
- strcpy(new_map->name, name);
- return((ZnMapInfoId) new_map);
-static char *
-ZnMapInfoName(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- if (!map_info) {
- return "";
- }
- return ((ZnMapInfo) map_info)->name;
-static ZnMapInfoId
-ZnMapInfoDuplicate(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfo new_map;
- unsigned int i, num_lines, num_texts;
- ZnMapInfoText new_texts, cur_texts;
- ZnMapInfoLine new_lines, cur_lines;
- if (!cur_map) {
- return ((ZnMapInfoId) NULL);
- }
- new_map = ZnMapInfoCreate(cur_map->name);
- if (cur_map->lines) {
- new_map->lines = ZnListDuplicate(cur_map->lines);
- cur_lines = ZnListArray(cur_map->lines);
- new_lines = ZnListArray(new_map->lines);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(cur_map->lines);
- for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
- if (new_lines[i].style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- new_lines[i].marks = ZnMalloc(new_lines[i].num_marks * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy((char *) new_lines[i].marks,
- (char *) cur_lines[i].marks,
- new_lines[i].num_marks * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- }
- }
- if (cur_map->symbols) {
- new_map->symbols = ZnListDuplicate(cur_map->symbols);
- }
- if (cur_map->texts) {
- new_map->texts = ZnListDuplicate(cur_map->texts);
- cur_texts = ZnListArray(cur_map->texts);
- new_texts = ZnListArray(new_map->texts);
- num_texts = ZnListSize(cur_map->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < num_texts; i++) {
- new_texts[i].text = ZnMalloc(strlen(cur_texts[i].text) + 1);
- strcpy(new_texts[i].text, cur_texts[i].text);
- }
- }
- if (cur_map->arcs) {
- new_map->arcs = ZnListDuplicate(cur_map->arcs);
- }
- return((ZnMapInfoId) new_map);
-static void
-ZnMapInfoDelete(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- unsigned int i, num_texts, num_lines;
- ZnMapInfoText cur_texts;
- ZnMapInfoLine cur_lines;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (cur_map->texts) {
- num_texts = ZnListSize(cur_map->texts);
- cur_texts = ZnListArray(cur_map->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < num_texts; i++) {
- ZnFree(cur_texts[i].text);
- }
- ZnListFree(cur_map->texts);
- }
- if (cur_map->lines) {
- num_lines = ZnListSize(cur_map->lines);
- cur_lines = ZnListArray(cur_map->lines);
- for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
- if (cur_lines[i].style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- ZnFree(cur_lines[i].marks);
- }
- }
- ZnListFree(cur_map->lines);
- }
- if (cur_map->symbols) {
- ZnListFree(cur_map->symbols);
- }
- if (cur_map->arcs) {
- ZnListFree(cur_map->arcs);
- }
- ZnFree(cur_map->name);
- ZnFree(cur_map);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoEmpty(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (cur_map->texts) {
- ZnListEmpty(cur_map->texts);
- }
- if (cur_map->lines) {
- ZnListEmpty(cur_map->lines);
- }
- if (cur_map->symbols) {
- ZnListEmpty(cur_map->symbols);
- }
- if (cur_map->arcs) {
- ZnListEmpty(cur_map->arcs);
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoAddLine(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPos x_from,
- ZnPos y_from,
- ZnPos x_to,
- ZnPos y_to)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLineStruct line_struct;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (!cur_map->lines) {
- cur_map->lines = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnMapInfoLineStruct));
- }
- line_struct.style = line_style;
- if (line_width == 1.0) {
- line_struct.width = 0;
- }
- else {
- line_struct.width = (int) line_width;
- }
- line_struct.tag = tag;
- line_struct.from.x = x_from;
- line_struct.from.y = y_from;
- line_struct.to.x = x_to;
- line_struct.to.y = y_to;
- /*printf("Ajout de la ligne: %d %d %d %d\n", x_from, y_from, x_to, y_to);*/
- if (line_style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- ComputeLineMarks(&line_struct);
- }
- ZnListAdd(cur_map->lines, &line_struct, index);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoReplaceLine(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPos x_from,
- ZnPos y_from,
- ZnPos x_to,
- ZnPos y_to)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->lines) {
- line_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->lines, index);
- if (line_ptr) {
- if (line_ptr->style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- ZnFree(line_ptr->marks);
- }
- line_ptr->style = line_style;
- if (line_width == 1.0) {
- line_ptr->width = 0;
- }
- else {
- line_ptr->width = (int) line_width;
- }
- line_ptr->tag = tag;
- line_ptr->from.x = x_from;
- line_ptr->from.y = y_from;
- line_ptr->to.x = x_to;
- line_ptr->to.y = y_to;
- if (line_ptr->style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- ComputeLineMarks(line_ptr);
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoRemoveLine(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->lines) {
- line_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->lines, index);
- if (line_ptr) {
- if (line_ptr->style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- ZnFree(line_ptr->marks);
- }
- ZnListDelete(cur_map->lines, index);
- }
- }
-ZnMapInfoGetLine(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style,
- ZnDim *line_width,
- ZnPos *x_from,
- ZnPos *y_from,
- ZnPos *x_to,
- ZnPos *y_to)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->lines) {
- line_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->lines, index);
- if (line_ptr) {
- if (tag) {
- *tag = line_ptr->tag;
- }
- if (line_style) {
- *line_style = line_ptr->style;
- }
- if (line_width) {
- if (line_ptr->width == 1.0) {
- *line_width = 0;
- }
- else {
- *line_width = line_ptr->width;
- }
- }
- if (x_from) {
- *x_from = line_ptr->from.x;
- }
- if (y_from) {
- *y_from = line_ptr->from.y;
- }
- if (x_to) {
- *x_to = line_ptr->to.x;
- }
- if (y_to) {
- *y_to = line_ptr->to.y;
- }
- }
- }
-ZnMapInfoGetMarks(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPoint **marks,
- unsigned int *num_marks)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->lines) {
- line_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->lines, index);
- if (line_ptr && line_ptr->style == ZnMapInfoLineMarked) {
- if (marks) {
- *marks = line_ptr->marks;
- }
- if (num_marks) {
- *num_marks = line_ptr->num_marks;
- }
- }
- }
-unsigned int
-ZnMapInfoNumLines(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->lines) {
- return ZnListSize(cur_map->lines);
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoAddSymbol(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- int symbol)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoSymbolStruct symbol_struct;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (!cur_map->symbols) {
- cur_map->symbols = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnMapInfoSymbolStruct));
- }
- symbol_struct.tag = tag;
- symbol_struct.at.x = x;
- symbol_struct.at.y = y;
- symbol_struct.symbol[0] = symbol;
- symbol_struct.symbol[1] = '\0';
- ZnListAdd(cur_map->symbols, &symbol_struct, index);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoReplaceSymbol(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- int symbol)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoSymbolStruct symbol_struct;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->symbols) {
- symbol_struct.tag = tag;
- symbol_struct.at.x = x;
- symbol_struct.at.y = y;
- symbol_struct.symbol[0] = symbol;
- symbol_struct.symbol[1] = '\0';
- ZnListAtPut(cur_map->symbols, &symbol_struct, index);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoRemoveSymbol(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->symbols) {
- ZnListDelete(cur_map->symbols, index);
- }
-ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnPos *x,
- ZnPos *y,
- char *symbol)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoSymbol symbol_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->symbols) {
- symbol_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->symbols, index);
- if (symbol_ptr) {
- if (tag) {
- *tag = symbol_ptr->tag;
- }
- if (x) {
- *x = symbol_ptr->at.x;
- }
- if (y) {
- *y = symbol_ptr->at.y;
- }
- if (symbol) {
- *symbol = symbol_ptr->symbol[0];
- }
- }
- }
-unsigned int
-ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->symbols) {
- return ZnListSize(cur_map->symbols);
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoAddText(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- char *text)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoTextStruct text_struct;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (!cur_map->texts) {
- cur_map->texts = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnMapInfoTextStruct));
- }
- text_struct.tag = tag;
- text_struct.text_style = text_style;
- text_struct.line_style = NOT_MARKED_STYLE(line_style);
- text_struct.at.x = x;
- text_struct.at.y = y;
- text_struct.text = ZnMalloc(strlen(text) + 1);
- strcpy(text_struct.text, text);
- ZnListAdd(cur_map->texts, &text_struct, index);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoReplaceText(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y,
- char *text)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoText text_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->texts) {
- text_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->texts, index);
- if (text_ptr) {
- ZnFree(text_ptr->text);
- text_ptr->tag = tag;
- text_ptr->text_style = text_style;
- text_ptr->line_style = NOT_MARKED_STYLE(line_style);
- text_ptr->at.x = x;
- text_ptr->at.y = y;
- text_ptr->text = ZnMalloc(strlen(text) + 1);
- strcpy(text_ptr->text, text);
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoRemoveText(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoText text_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->texts) {
- text_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->texts, index);
- if (text_ptr) {
- ZnFree(text_ptr->text);
- ZnListDelete(cur_map->texts, index);
- }
- }
-ZnMapInfoGetText(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle *text_style,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style,
- ZnPos *x,
- ZnPos *y,
- char **text)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoText text_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->texts) {
- text_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->texts, index);
- if (text_ptr) {
- if (tag) {
- *tag = text_ptr->tag;
- }
- if (text_style) {
- *text_style = text_ptr->text_style;
- }
- if (line_style) {
- *line_style = text_ptr->line_style;
- }
- if (x) {
- *x = text_ptr->at.x;
- }
- if (y) {
- *y = text_ptr->at.y;
- }
- if (text) {
- *text = text_ptr->text;
- }
- }
- }
-unsigned int
-ZnMapInfoNumTexts(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->texts) {
- return ZnListSize(cur_map->texts);
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoAddArc(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPos center_x,
- ZnPos center_y,
- ZnDim radius,
- ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal extend)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoArcStruct arc_struct;
- if (cur_map) {
- if (!cur_map->arcs) {
- cur_map->arcs = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnMapInfoArcStruct));
- }
- arc_struct.style = NOT_MARKED_STYLE(line_style);
- if (line_width == 1.0) {
- arc_struct.width = 0;
- }
- else {
- arc_struct.width = (int) line_width;
- }
- arc_struct.tag = tag;
- arc_struct.center.x = center_x;
- arc_struct.center.y = center_y;
- arc_struct.radius = (int) radius;
- arc_struct.start_angle = (int) start_angle;
- arc_struct.extend = (int) extend;
- ZnListAdd(cur_map->arcs, &arc_struct, index);
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoReplaceArc(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnPos center_x,
- ZnPos center_y,
- ZnDim radius,
- ZnReal start_angle,
- ZnReal extend)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoArc arc_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->arcs) {
- arc_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->arcs, index);
- if (arc_ptr) {
- arc_ptr->style = NOT_MARKED_STYLE(line_style);
- if (line_width == 1.0) {
- arc_ptr->width = 0;
- }
- else {
- arc_ptr->width = (int) line_width;
- }
- arc_ptr->tag = tag;
- arc_ptr->center.x = center_x;
- arc_ptr->center.y = center_y;
- arc_ptr->radius = (int) radius;
- arc_ptr->start_angle = (int) start_angle;
- arc_ptr->extend = (int) extend;
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoRemoveArc(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoArc arc_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->arcs) {
- arc_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->arcs, index);
- if (arc_ptr) {
- ZnListDelete(cur_map->arcs, index);
- }
- }
-ZnMapInfoGetArc(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- unsigned int index,
- ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style,
- ZnDim *line_width,
- ZnPos *center_x,
- ZnPos *center_y,
- ZnDim *radius,
- ZnReal *start_angle,
- ZnReal *extend)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- ZnMapInfoArc arc_ptr;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->arcs) {
- arc_ptr = ZnListAt(cur_map->arcs, index);
- if (arc_ptr) {
- if (tag) {
- *tag = arc_ptr->tag;
- }
- if (line_style) {
- *line_style = arc_ptr->style;
- }
- if (line_width) {
- if (arc_ptr->width == 1.0) {
- *line_width = 0;
- }
- else {
- *line_width = arc_ptr->width;
- }
- }
- if (center_x) {
- *center_x = arc_ptr->center.x;
- }
- if (center_y) {
- *center_y = arc_ptr->center.y;
- }
- if (radius) {
- *radius = arc_ptr->radius;
- }
- if (start_angle) {
- *start_angle = arc_ptr->start_angle;
- }
- if (extend) {
- *extend = arc_ptr->extend;
- }
- }
- }
-unsigned int
-ZnMapInfoNumArcs(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- ZnMapInfo cur_map = map_info;
- if (cur_map && cur_map->arcs) {
- return ZnListSize(cur_map->arcs);
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoScale(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- ZnReal factor)
- ZnMapInfo mp = map_info;
- int i, num;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoSymbol sym_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoText text_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoArc arc_ptr;
- if (mp && mp->lines) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->lines);
- line_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->lines);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, line_ptr++) {
- line_ptr->from.x *= factor;
- line_ptr->from.y *= factor;
- line_ptr->to.x *= factor;
- line_ptr->to.y *= factor;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->symbols) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->symbols);
- sym_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->symbols);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, sym_ptr++) {
- sym_ptr->at.x *= factor;
- sym_ptr->at.y *= factor;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->texts) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->texts);
- text_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, text_ptr++) {
- text_ptr->at.x *= factor;
- text_ptr->at.y *= factor;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->arcs) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->arcs);
- arc_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, arc_ptr++) {
- arc_ptr->center.x *= factor;
- arc_ptr->center.y *= factor;
- arc_ptr->radius = (unsigned int) (arc_ptr->radius * factor);
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnMapInfoTranslate(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- ZnPos x,
- ZnPos y)
- ZnMapInfo mp = map_info;
- int i, num;
- ZnMapInfoLine line_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoSymbol sym_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoText text_ptr;
- ZnMapInfoArc arc_ptr;
- if (mp && mp->lines) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->lines);
- line_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->lines);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, line_ptr++) {
- line_ptr->from.x += x;
- line_ptr->from.y += y;
- line_ptr->to.x += x;
- line_ptr->to.y += y;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->symbols) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->symbols);
- sym_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->symbols);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, sym_ptr++) {
- sym_ptr->at.x += x;
- sym_ptr->at.y += y;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->texts) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->texts);
- text_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->texts);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, text_ptr++) {
- text_ptr->at.x += x;
- text_ptr->at.y += y;
- }
- }
- if (mp && mp->arcs) {
- num = ZnListSize(mp->arcs);
- arc_ptr = ZnListArray(mp->arcs);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, arc_ptr++) {
- arc_ptr->center.x += x;
- arc_ptr->center.y += y;
- }
- }
-#define TEXT_SIZE 256
-#define ntohi(n) ntohl((n))
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Videomap record definition. Ints are assumed to be 4 bytes.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef struct {
- int id; /* Map id (internal) */
- int dashed; /* Tell if vectors are dashed (exclusive with marked) */
- int expanded; /* Device coordinates or world coordinates (ignored now) */
- int marked; /* Tell if vectors are marked (exclusive with dashed) */
- int color; /* drawing color (ignored now) */
- int elements[50]; /* Element type ('P', 'V', 'T') */
- int x[50]; /* Coordinates if 'P' or 'V' */
- int y[50];
- int symbol[50]; /* Filled if 'P' or 'V' */
- int text[50]; /* Low order byte is ascii char if 'T' */
- int num_elements; /* Number of elements */
-} VideoMap;
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ReorderVidomap - reorder integers according to the endianess
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-ReorderVidomap(VideoMap *vm)
- int loop;
- vm->id = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->id);
- vm->dashed = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->dashed);
- vm->expanded = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->expanded);
- vm->marked = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->marked);
- vm->color = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->color);
- for (loop = 0; loop < 50; loop++) {
- vm->elements[loop] = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->elements[loop]);
- vm->x[loop] = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->x[loop]);
- vm->y[loop] = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->y[loop]);
- vm->symbol[loop] = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->symbol[loop]);
- vm->text[loop] = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->text[loop]);
- }
- vm->num_elements = ntohi((unsigned int) vm->num_elements);
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * FillMap - Fill map with data in Videomap record vm.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-FillMap(ZnMapInfoId map,
- VideoMap *vm)
- int i;
- ZnBool has_start_pos = False;
- ZnPos x_cur=0, y_cur=0;
- char ch;
- ZnPos text_x=0, text_y=0;
- char text[TEXT_SIZE];
- ZnBool in_text = False;
- ZnBool in_mod_text = False;
- unsigned int text_size=0;
- for (i = 0; i < vm->num_elements; i++) {
- switch(vm->elements[i] & 0xFF) {
- case 'p':
- case 'P':
- if (in_text) {
- in_text = in_mod_text = False;
- while (text[text_size - 1] == ' ') {
- text_size--;
- }
- text[text_size] = (char) 0;
- ZnMapInfoAddText(map, ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoNormalText,
- ZnMapInfoLineSimple, text_x, text_y, text);
- }
- x_cur = (int) (short) vm->x[i];
- y_cur = (int) (short) vm->y[i];
- has_start_pos = True;
- if (vm->symbol[i]) {
- ZnMapInfoAddSymbol(map, ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map), NULL, x_cur, y_cur,
- (char) vm->symbol[i]);
- }
- break;
- /* We gather consecutive 'T' elements in a text. We skip
- leading and trailing spaces and mod texts (between '@'
- and now obsolete) */
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- if (!has_start_pos) {
- ZnWarning("Bogus map block, it has been discarded\n");
- return;
- }
- if (in_text == False) {
- ch = (char) vm->text[i] & 0xFF;
- if (ch == '@') {
- if (in_mod_text == True) {
- in_mod_text = False;
- }
- else {
- in_mod_text = True;
- }
- }
- else if (in_mod_text == False) {
- in_text = True;
- text_size = 0;
- text_x = x_cur;
- text_y = y_cur;
- text[0] = (char) 0;
- }
- }
- if (in_text) {
- text[text_size] = (char) vm->text[i] & 0xFF;
- text_size++;
- }
- break;
- case 'v':
- case 'V':
- if (!has_start_pos) {
- ZnWarning("Bogus map block, it has been discarded\n");
- return;
- }
- if (in_text) {
- in_text = in_mod_text = False;
- while (text[text_size - 1] == ' ') {
- text_size--;
- }
- text[text_size] = (char) 0;
- ZnMapInfoAddText(map, ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoNormalText,
- ZnMapInfoLineSimple, text_x, text_y, text);
- }
- if (vm->dashed) {
- ZnMapInfoAddLine(map, ZnMapInfoNumLines(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoLineDashed,
- 0, x_cur, y_cur,
- (int) (short) vm->x[i], (int) (short) vm->y[i]);
- }
- else if (vm->marked) {
- ZnMapInfoAddLine(map, ZnMapInfoNumLines(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoLineMarked,
- 0, x_cur, y_cur,
- (int) (short) vm->x[i], (int) (short) vm->y[i]);
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoAddLine(map, ZnMapInfoNumLines(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoLineSimple,
- 0, x_cur, y_cur,
- (int) (short) vm->x[i], (int) (short) vm->y[i]);
- }
- x_cur = (int) (short) vm->x[i];
- y_cur = (int) (short) vm->y[i];
- if (vm->symbol[i]) {
- ZnMapInfoAddSymbol(map, ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(map), NULL, x_cur, y_cur,
- (char) vm->symbol[i]);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (in_text) {
- in_text = in_mod_text = False;
- while (text[text_size - 1] == ' ') {
- text_size--;
- }
- text[text_size] = (char) 0;
- ZnMapInfoAddText(map, ZnMapInfoNumTexts(map), NULL, ZnMapInfoNormalText,
- ZnMapInfoLineSimple, text_x, text_y, text);
- }
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnMapInfoGetVideomap - Load a mapinfo with the content of a videomap
- * file named 'filename'. Only the sub map 'index' will be loaded.
- * If successful a new mapinfo is returned, NULL otherwise. The
- * index is zero based.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnMapInfoGetVideomap(ZnMapInfoId map,
- char *filename,
- unsigned int index)
- VideoMap current_vm;
- Tcl_Channel chan;
- unsigned int cur_index, cur_id;
- /* Open the specified map file. */
- chan = Tcl_OpenFileChannel(NULL, filename, "r", 0);
- if (chan == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_SetChannelOption(NULL, chan,
- "-translation", "binary") == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /* Load the map */
- /* First skip the leading maps up to index. */
- cur_index = 0;
- if (Tcl_Read(chan, (char *) &current_vm,
- sizeof(VideoMap)) != sizeof(VideoMap)) {
- goto error;
- }
- cur_id = ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id);
- while (cur_index != index) {
- if (Tcl_Read(chan, (char *) &current_vm,
- sizeof(VideoMap)) != sizeof(VideoMap)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (cur_id != ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id)) {
- cur_index++;
- cur_id = ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id);
- }
- };
- /* Then load all the map modules. */
- do {
- ReorderVidomap(&current_vm);
- FillMap(map, &current_vm);
- if ((Tcl_Read(chan, (char *) &current_vm,
- sizeof(VideoMap)) != sizeof(VideoMap)) &&
- !Tcl_Eof(chan)) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- while ((cur_id == ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id)) &&
- !Tcl_Eof(chan));
- Tcl_Close(NULL, chan);
- return TCL_OK;
- error:
- Tcl_Close(NULL, chan);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnMapInfoVideomapIds - Return the list of sub map ids contained in a
- * videomap file. This makes it possible to iterate through such
- * a file without stumbling on an error, to know how much maps
- * are there and to sort them according to their ids.
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static ZnList
-ZnMapInfoVideomapIds(char *filename)
- Tcl_Channel chan;
- VideoMap current_vm;
- unsigned int cur_id;
- ZnList ids;
- /* Open the specified map file. */
- chan = Tcl_OpenFileChannel(NULL, filename, "r", 0);
- if (chan == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (Tcl_SetChannelOption(NULL, chan,
- "-translation", "binary") == TCL_ERROR) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (Tcl_Read(chan, (char *) &current_vm,
- sizeof(VideoMap)) != sizeof(VideoMap)) {
- error:
- Tcl_Close(NULL, chan);
- return NULL;
- }
- cur_id = ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id);
- ids = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(int));
- /*printf("id %d\n", cur_id);*/
- ZnListAdd(ids, &cur_id, ZnListTail);
- do {
- if (Tcl_Read(chan, (char *) &current_vm,
- sizeof(VideoMap)) != sizeof(VideoMap)) {
- ZnListFree(ids);
- goto error;
- }
- if (cur_id != ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id)) {
- cur_id = ntohi((unsigned int) current_vm.id);
- /*printf("id %d\n", cur_id);*/
- ZnListAdd(ids, &cur_id, ZnListTail);
- }
- }
- while (!Tcl_Eof(chan));
- Tcl_Close(NULL, chan);
- return ids;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnMapInfo and Videomapstuff that should go eventually in its own file.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Tcl_HashTable mapInfoTable;
-static ZnBool map_info_inited = False;
-typedef struct {
- ClientData client_data;
- ZnMapInfoChangeProc proc;
-} ZnMapInfoClient;
-typedef struct {
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- ZnBool deleted;
- ZnList clients;
-} ZnMapInfoMaster;
-static void
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&mapInfoTable, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
- map_info_inited = True;
-static void
-UpdateMapInfoClients(ZnMapInfoMaster *master)
- int i, num;
- ZnMapInfoClient *client;
- num = ZnListSize(master->clients);
- client = ZnListArray(master->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, client++) {
- (*client->proc)(client->client_data, master->map_info);
- }
-static int
-ZnCreateMapInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *name,
- ZnMapInfoId *map_info)
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(name);
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int new;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid, &new);
- if (!new) {
- /*
- * Empty the map info if it is not.
- */
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (master->deleted) {
- master->deleted = False;
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoEmpty(master->map_info);
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- }
- else {
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnMapInfoMaster));
- master->map_info = ZnMapInfoCreate(name);
- master->deleted = False;
- master->clients = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnMapInfoClient));
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, master);
- }
- if (map_info) {
- *map_info = master->map_info;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static int
-ZnDuplicateZnMapInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *name,
- ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(name);
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- int new;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid, &new);
- if (!new) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "duplicate mapinfo \"", name, "\" already exists", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnMapInfoMaster));
- master->map_info = ZnMapInfoDuplicate(map_info);
- master->deleted = False;
- master->clients = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnMapInfoClient));
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, master);
- return TCL_OK;
-static ZnMapInfoMaster *
-LookupMapInfoMaster(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *name)
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(name);
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- mp_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "mapinfo \"", name, "\" doesn't exist", NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (master->deleted) {
- goto mp_error;
- }
- return master;
-static int
-ZnDeleteMapInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *name)
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(name);
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (ZnListSize(master->clients) != 0) {
- master->deleted = True;
- ZnMapInfoEmpty(master->map_info);
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoDelete(master->map_info);
- ZnListFree(master->clients);
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
- ZnFree(master);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-ZnGetMapInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *name,
- ZnMapInfoChangeProc proc,
- ClientData client_data)
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- ZnMapInfoClient client;
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, name);
- if (master == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- client.proc = proc;
- client.client_data = client_data;
- ZnListAdd(master->clients, &client, ZnListTail);
- return master->map_info;
-ZnFreeMapInfo(ZnMapInfoId map_info,
- ZnMapInfoChangeProc proc,
- ClientData client_data)
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(ZnMapInfoName(map_info));
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- ZnMapInfoClient *client;
- unsigned int num, i;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- client = ZnListArray(master->clients);
- num = ZnListSize(master->clients);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, client++) {
- if ((client->client_data == client_data) &&
- (client->proc == proc)) {
- ZnListDelete(master->clients, i);
- return;
- }
- }
-static void
-ZnUpdateMapInfoClients(ZnMapInfoId map_info)
- Tk_Uid uid = Tk_GetUid(ZnMapInfoName(map_info));
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- if (!map_info_inited) {
- ZnMapInfoInit();
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&mapInfoTable, uid);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- master = (ZnMapInfoMaster *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- * These arrays must be kept in sync with the ZnMapInfoLineStyle
- * and ZnMapInfoTextStyle enums.
- */
-static char *line_style_strings[] = {
- "simple",
- "dashed",
- "dotted",
- "mixed",
- "marked",
-static char *text_style_strings[] = {
- "normal",
- "underlined"
-static char *
-ZnMapInfoLineStyleToString(ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style)
- return line_style_strings[line_style];
-static int
-ZnMapInfoLineStyleFromString(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *str,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style)
- int i, num = sizeof(line_style_strings)/sizeof(char *);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if (strcmp(str, line_style_strings[i]) == 0) {
- *line_style = i;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " incorrect mapinfo line style \"",
- str,"\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
-static char *
-ZnMapInfoTextStyleToString(ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style)
- return text_style_strings[text_style];
-static int
-ZnMapInfoTextStyleFromString(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *str,
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle *text_style)
- int i, num = sizeof(text_style_strings)/sizeof(char *);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if (strcmp(str, text_style_strings[i]) == 0) {
- *text_style = i;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " incorrect mapinfo text style \"",
- str,"\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
-ZnMapInfoObjCmd(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int argc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])
- ZnPos x, y;
- int index, index2, result;
- ZnMapInfoMaster *master;
- Tcl_Obj *l;
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- static CONST char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "add", "count", "create", "delete", "duplicate",
- "get", "remove", "replace", "scale", "translate", NULL
- };
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *e_type_strings[] =
- static CONST char *e_type_strings[] =
- {
- "arc", "line", "symbol", "text", NULL
- };
- enum sub_cmds {
- };
- enum e_types {
- };
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo/name subCmd ?args?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[2], sub_cmd_strings,
- "subCmd", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- result = TCL_OK;
- /*printf("mapinfo command \"%s\", argc=%d\n",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), argc);*/
- switch((enum sub_cmds) index) {
- /*
- * create
- */
- case ZN_MI_CREATE:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "name create");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnCreateMapInfo(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]), NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * delete
- */
- case ZN_MI_DELETE:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo delete");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnDeleteMapInfo(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1])) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * duplicate
- */
- {
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo duplicate name");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnDuplicateZnMapInfo(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- master->map_info) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * add/replace
- */
- case ZN_MI_ADD:
- {
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style;
- int i, insert, val;
- ZnPos coords[6];
- ZnBool add_cmd = (enum sub_cmds) index == ZN_MI_ADD;
- int num_param = add_cmd ? 4 : 5;
- if (argc < num_param) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 3, args,
- add_cmd ? "elementType ?args?" : "elementType index ?args?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!add_cmd) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[4], &insert) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[3], e_type_strings,
- "elementType", 0, &index2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch ((enum e_types) index2) {
- case ZN_E_LINE:
- {
- if (argc != (num_param+6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, args,
- add_cmd ? "style width x1 y1 x2 y2" : "index style width x1 y1 x2 y2");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnMapInfoLineStyleFromString(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[num_param]),
- &line_style) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[num_param+i+1], &coords[i]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (coords[0] < 0) {
- coords[0] = 0;
- }
- if (add_cmd) {
- ZnMapInfoAddLine(master->map_info, ZnListTail, NULL, line_style,
- coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoReplaceLine(master->map_info, insert, NULL, line_style,
- coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_SYMBOL:
- {
- if (argc != (num_param+3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, args,
- add_cmd ? "x y intVal" : "index x y intVal");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[num_param+i], &coords[i]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[num_param+2], &val) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (val < 0) {
- val = 0;
- }
- if (add_cmd) {
- ZnMapInfoAddSymbol(master->map_info, ZnListTail, NULL, coords[0],
- coords[1], (char) val);
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoReplaceSymbol(master->map_info, insert, NULL, coords[0],
- coords[1], (char) val);
- }
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_TEXT:
- {
- if (argc != (num_param+5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, args,
- add_cmd ? "textStyle lineStyle x y string" : "index textStyle lineStyle x y string");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnMapInfoTextStyleFromString(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[num_param]),
- &text_style) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnMapInfoLineStyleFromString(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[num_param+1]),
- &line_style) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[num_param+i+2], &coords[i]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (add_cmd) {
- ZnMapInfoAddText(master->map_info, ZnListTail, NULL, text_style,
- line_style, coords[0], coords[1],
- Tcl_GetString(args[num_param+4]));
- }
- else {
- /*printf("replace text ts %d ls %d %g %g %s\n", text_style,
- line_style, coords[0], coords[1], Tcl_GetString(args[num_param+4]));*/
- ZnMapInfoReplaceText(master->map_info, insert, NULL, text_style,
- line_style, coords[0], coords[1],
- Tcl_GetString(args[num_param+4]));
- }
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_ARC:
- {
- if (argc != (num_param+7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 4, args,
- add_cmd ? "style width cx cy radius start extent" : "index style width cx cy radius start extent");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnMapInfoLineStyleFromString(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[num_param]),
- &line_style) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[num_param+i+1], &coords[i]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (coords[0] < 0) {
- coords[0] = 0;
- }
- if (coords[3] < 0) {
- coords[3] = 0;
- }
- if (add_cmd) {
- ZnMapInfoAddArc(master->map_info, ZnListTail, NULL, line_style, coords[0],
- coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]);
- }
- else {
- ZnMapInfoReplaceArc(master->map_info, insert, NULL, line_style, coords[0],
- coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * count
- */
- case ZN_MI_COUNT:
- {
- int count = 0;
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo count type");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[3], e_type_strings,
- "elementType", 0, &index2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch ((enum e_types) index2) {
- case ZN_E_LINE:
- count = ZnMapInfoNumLines(master->map_info);
- break;
- case ZN_E_SYMBOL:
- count = ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(master->map_info);
- break;
- case ZN_E_TEXT:
- count = ZnMapInfoNumTexts(master->map_info);
- break;
- case ZN_E_ARC:
- count = ZnMapInfoNumArcs(master->map_info);
- break;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewIntObj(count);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * get
- */
- case ZN_MI_GET:
- {
- int insert;
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo get type index");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[4], &insert) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (insert < 0) {
- insert = 0;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[3], e_type_strings,
- "elementType", 0, &index2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch ((enum e_types) index2) {
- case ZN_E_LINE:
- {
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnDim line_width;
- ZnPos x_to, y_to;
- ZnMapInfoGetLine(master->map_info, insert, NULL, &line_style,
- &line_width, &x, &y, &x_to, &y_to);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnMapInfoLineStyleToString(line_style), -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(line_width));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(x_to));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(y_to));
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_SYMBOL:
- {
- char symbol;
- ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(master->map_info, insert, NULL, &x, &y, &symbol);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(symbol));
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_TEXT:
- {
- char *text;
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle text_style;
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnMapInfoGetText(master->map_info, insert, NULL, &text_style, &line_style,
- &x, &y, &text);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnMapInfoTextStyleToString(text_style), -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnMapInfoLineStyleToString(line_style), -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(text, -1));
- }
- break;
- case ZN_E_ARC:
- {
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle line_style;
- ZnDim line_width, radius;
- ZnPos start, extent;
- ZnMapInfoGetArc(master->map_info, insert, NULL, &line_style, &line_width,
- &x, &y, &radius, &start, &extent);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnMapInfoLineStyleToString(line_style), -1));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(line_width));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(radius));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(start));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(extent));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * remove
- */
- case ZN_MI_REMOVE:
- {
- int insert;
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo remove type index");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[4], &insert) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (insert < 0) {
- insert = 0;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[3], e_type_strings,
- "elementType", 0, &index2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch ((enum e_types) index2) {
- case ZN_E_LINE:
- ZnMapInfoRemoveLine(master->map_info, insert);
- break;
- case ZN_E_SYMBOL:
- ZnMapInfoRemoveSymbol(master->map_info, insert);
- break;
- case ZN_E_TEXT:
- ZnMapInfoRemoveText(master->map_info, insert);
- break;
- case ZN_E_ARC:
- ZnMapInfoRemoveArc(master->map_info, insert);
- break;
- }
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * scale
- */
- case ZN_MI_SCALE:
- {
- double factor;
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo scale factor");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &factor) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ZnMapInfoScale(master->map_info, factor);
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * translate
- */
- {
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "mapInfo translate xAmount yAmount");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- master = LookupMapInfoMaster(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[1]));
- if (master == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &x) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[4], &y) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ZnMapInfoTranslate(master->map_info, x, y);
- UpdateMapInfoClients(master);
- }
- break;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * VideomapObjCmd --
- *
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnVideomapObjCmd(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int argc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])
- ZnList ids;
- int index;
- int *id_array, id_num, i;
- Tcl_Obj *l;
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- static CONST char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "ids", "load", NULL
- };
- enum sub_cmds {
- };
- if (argc < 2) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "?subCmd? filename $args?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[1], sub_cmd_strings,
- "subCmd", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch((enum sub_cmds) index) {
- /*
- * ids
- */
- case ZN_V_IDS:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,"ids filename");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ids = ZnMapInfoVideomapIds(Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (ids == NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unable to look at videomap file \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- id_array = ZnListArray(ids);
- id_num = ZnListSize(ids);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- for (i = 0; i < id_num; i++) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(id_array[i]));
- }
- ZnListFree(ids);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * load
- */
- case ZN_V_LOAD:
- {
- ZnMapInfoId map_info;
- int insert;
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "load filename index mapInfo");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &insert) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (insert < 0) {
- insert = 0;
- }
- if (ZnCreateMapInfo(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[4]), &map_info) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnMapInfoGetVideomap(map_info, Tcl_GetString(args[2]), insert) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unable to load videomap file \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), ":",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ZnUpdateMapInfoClients(map_info);
- }
- break;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
diff --git a/generic/MapInfo.h b/generic/MapInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index edecd4a..0000000
--- a/generic/MapInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * MapInfo.h -- Public include file for MapInfo interface.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _MapInfo_h
-#define _MapInfo_h
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * New types
- *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef void *ZnMapInfoId;
-typedef enum {
- ZnMapInfoLineSimple,
- ZnMapInfoLineDashed,
- ZnMapInfoLineDotted,
- ZnMapInfoLineMixed,
- ZnMapInfoLineMarked
-} ZnMapInfoLineStyle;
-typedef enum {
- ZnMapInfoNormalText,
- ZnMapInfoUnderlinedText
-} ZnMapInfoTextStyle;
-void ZnMapInfoGetLine(ZnMapInfoId map_info, unsigned int index, ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style, ZnDim *line_width,
- ZnPos *x_from, ZnPos *y_from,
- ZnPos *x_to, ZnPos *y_to);
-unsigned int ZnMapInfoNumLines(ZnMapInfoId map_info);
-void ZnMapInfoGetMarks(ZnMapInfoId map_info, unsigned int index,
- ZnPoint **marks, unsigned int *num_marks);
-void ZnMapInfoGetSymbol(ZnMapInfoId map_info, unsigned int index, ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnPos *x, ZnPos *y, char *symbol);
-unsigned int ZnMapInfoNumSymbols(ZnMapInfoId map_info);
-void ZnMapInfoGetText(ZnMapInfoId map_info, unsigned int index, ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoTextStyle *text_style,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style,
- ZnPos *x, ZnPos *y, char **text);
-unsigned int ZnMapInfoNumTexts(ZnMapInfoId map_info);
-void ZnMapInfoGetArc(ZnMapInfoId map_info, unsigned int index, ZnPtr *tag,
- ZnMapInfoLineStyle *line_style, ZnDim *line_width,
- ZnPos *center_x, ZnPos *center_y, ZnDim *radius,
- ZnReal *start_angle, ZnReal *extend);
-unsigned int ZnMapInfoNumArcs(ZnMapInfoId map_info);
-typedef void (*ZnMapInfoChangeProc)(ClientData client_data, ZnMapInfoId map_info);
-ZnMapInfoId ZnGetMapInfo(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *name,
- ZnMapInfoChangeProc proc, ClientData client_data);
-void ZnFreeMapInfo(ZnMapInfoId map_info, ZnMapInfoChangeProc proc,
- ClientData client_data);
-int ZnMapInfoObjCmd(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
-int ZnVideomapObjCmd(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _MapInfo_h */
diff --git a/generic/OverlapMan.c b/generic/OverlapMan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d09977f..0000000
--- a/generic/OverlapMan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1125 +0,0 @@
- * OverlapMan.c -- Track label overlap avoidance manager implementation.
- *
- * Authors :
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * TODO:
- *
- * The tracks should be identified by their ids not their
- * structure pointer. This would enable an easy interface
- * between the overlap manager and the applications when
- * dealing with tracks.
- */
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-#include "OverlapMan.h"
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "malloc.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# ifndef __GNUC__
-# pragma warning(disable : 4996)
-# endif
-#define signe(a) ((a) < (0) ? (-1) : (1))
-#define abs(a) ((a) < (0) ? -(a) : (a))
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327
-#ifndef M_PI_2
-#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
-#ifndef M_PI_4
-#define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962
-#define DegreesToRadian(angle) \
- (M_PI * (double) (angle) / 180.0)
-#define RadianToDegrees(angle) \
- (fmod((angle) * 180.0 / M_PI, 360.0))
-#define RadianToDegrees360(angle) \
- (fmod(RadianToDegrees(angle)+360.0,360.0))
-#define NB_ALLOC 20
-#define COEF1 0.5 /* coef of second repulsion point */
-#define COEF2 0.1 /* coef of second repulsion point */
-#define DELTA_T 0.1 /* integration step for Euler method */
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE 1
-typedef int BOOLEAN;
-typedef struct _INFOS {
- void* id;
- int x;
- int y;
- int vv_dx;
- int vv_dy;
- /* Fri Oct 13 15:15:31 2000 int label_x;
- int label_y;
- int label_width;
- int label_height;*/
- int rho;
- int theta;
- int visibility;
- BOOLEAN New_Track;
- int dx;
- int dy;
- double alpha;
- double alpha_point;
- BOOLEAN Refresh;
-typedef struct _ZINCS {
- void *rw;
- void *(*_next_track)();
- void (*_set_label_angle)();
- INFOS *infos;
- int NBinfos;
- int NBalloc_infos;
- * Definition of tunable parameters
- */
- * real parameters adresse
- */
-static double K0 = 2100.0; /* Repulsion factor */
-static double K0min = 500.0;
-static double K0max = 3000.0;
-static double n0 = 2.10; /* Repulsion exponent */
-static double n0min = 2.0;
-static double n0max = 3.0;
-static double K1 = 6.0; /* Friction factor */
-static double K1min = 1.0;
-static double K1max = 10.0;
-static double K2 = 6.0; /* Drawback forces factor */
-static double K2min = 1.0;
-static double K2max = 10.0;
-static double K3 = 4.0; /* Keep in view forces factor */
-static double K3min = 1.0;
-static double K3max = 10.0;
- * accessor structure need for generic set/get method
- */
-typedef struct _OMPARAM {
- int type;
- int size;
- char *name;
- void *data;
- BOOLEAN rw; /* 1 means readwrite, 0 means read only */
- * Global vars.
- *
- */
-static OMPARAM OmParamAccess[] = {
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "repulsion", &K0, 1 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "repulsion_bearing", &n0, 1 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "friction", &K1, 1 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "best_position_attraction", &K2, 1 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "screen_edge_repulsion", &K3, 1 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "min_repulsion", &K0min, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "min_repulsion_bearing", &n0min, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "min_friction", &K1min, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "min_best_position_attraction", &K2min, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "min_screen_edge_repulsion", &K3min, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "max_repulsion", &K0max, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "max_repulsion_bearing", &n0max, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "max_friction", &K1max, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "max_best_position_attraction", &K2max, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_DOUBLE, sizeof(double), "max_screen_edge_repulsion", &K3max, 0 },
- { OM_PARAM_END, 0, "", NULL, 0 }
-static int NbParam = sizeof(OmParamAccess) / sizeof(OMPARAM) - 1;
-static ZINCS *wr = NULL;
-static int NBzincs=0;
-static int NBalloc_zincs=0;
-static INFOS info1;
- * Square of the distance (between two label centers) below which
- * the repulsion is not computed.
- */
-static double limit_distance = 6.0;
- * Square of the minimum distance (between two label centers)
- * considered during initialisation of the leaders.
- */
-static double placing_min_dist = 11000.0;
- * Angle step between two placement trials.
- */
-static double placing_step = M_PI/6.0;
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * FindPosW --
- * Find the zinc position in the database,
- * if not found, gets the positon to insert in.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- */
-static BOOLEAN
-FindPosW(void *w,
- int *mid)
- int left=0;
- int right=NBzincs-1;
- if (w < wr[0].rw) {
- *mid = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (w > wr[right].rw) {
- *mid = right+1;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (w == wr[right].rw) {
- *mid = right;
- return TRUE;
- }
- *mid = (right + left) / 2;
- while ((right > left+1) && (wr[*mid].rw != w)) {
- if (w > wr[*mid].rw) {
- left = *mid;
- }
- else {
- right = *mid;
- }
- *mid = (right + left) / 2;
- }
- if (wr[*mid].rw == w) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- (*mid)++;
- return FALSE;
- }
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * AllocW --
- * Allocate cells in database for the specified zinc.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-AllocW(void *w,
- int pos)
- int i;
- if (NBzincs == NBalloc_zincs) {
- NBalloc_zincs += NB_ALLOC;
- wr = realloc(wr, sizeof(ZINCS) * NBalloc_zincs);
- }
- for (i = NBzincs-1; i >= pos; i--) {
- memcpy((char *) &wr[i+1], (char *) &wr[i], sizeof(ZINCS));
- }
- /*memcpy((char *)&wr[pos+1], (char *)&wr[pos], (NBzincs-pos) * sizeof(ZINCS) );*/
- NBzincs++;
- wr[pos].rw = w;
- wr[pos].infos = NULL;
- wr[pos].NBinfos = 0;
- wr[pos].NBalloc_infos = 0;
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ProjToAngle --
- * Compute an angle from dx and dy projections.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-ProjToAngle(int dx,
- int dy)
- if (dx == 0) {
- if (dy < 0) {
- return -M_PI_2;
- }
- else {
- if (dy > 0) {
- return M_PI_2;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (dx > 0) {
- return atan((double) (dy) / (double) (dx));
- }
- if (dx < 0) {
- return atan((double) (dy) / (double) (dx)) + M_PI;
- }
- return 0.0;
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * OmInit --
- * Called only once to initialize some internal data.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- /* printf("OmInit\n");*/
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * OmRegister --
- * Create a database entry for the specified zinc.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- */
-OmRegister(void *w,
- void *(*_fnext_track)(void *, void *,
- int *, int *,
- int *, int *,
- int *, int *,
- int *, int *,
- int *, int *),
- void (*_fset_label_angle)(void *, void *, int, int),
- void (*_fquery_label_pos)(void *, void *, int,
- int *, int *, int *, int *))
- int iw=0;
- if (NBzincs > 0) {
- found = FindPosW(w, &iw);
- }
- if (found == FALSE) {
- AllocW(w, iw);
- }
- wr[iw]._next_track= _fnext_track;
- wr[iw]._set_label_angle= _fset_label_angle;
- ****************************************************************************
- *
- * OmUnregister --
- * Cancel database information about the specified zinc.
- *
- ****************************************************************************
- */
-OmUnregister(void *w)
- int i;
- if (FindPosW(w, &i) == TRUE) {
- free(wr[i].infos);
- memcpy((char *) &wr[i], (char *) &wr[i+1], (NBzincs-i-1)*sizeof(ZINCS));
- NBzincs--;
- }
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * FindPosId --
- * Find track position in the database,
- * if not found gets the positon to insert in.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static BOOLEAN
-FindPosId(int iw,
- void *id,
- int *mid)
- int left=0;
- int right= wr[iw].NBinfos-1;
- if (id < wr[iw].infos[0].id) {
- *mid = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (id > wr[iw].infos[right].id) {
- *mid = right+1;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (id == wr[iw].infos[right].id) {
- *mid = right;
- return TRUE;
- }
- *mid = (right + left) / 2;
- while ((right > left+1) && (wr[iw].infos[*mid].id != id)) {
- if (id > wr[iw].infos[*mid].id) {
- left = *mid;
- }
- else {
- right = *mid;
- }
- *mid = (right + left) / 2;
- }
- if (wr[iw].infos[*mid].id == id) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- (*mid)++;
- return FALSE;
- }
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * SetTrackInitValues --
- * Set initial label values for a track.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
- info1.alpha = ProjToAngle(info1.vv_dx, info1.vv_dy) - 3.0 * M_PI_4;
- info1.dx = (int) (info1.rho * cos(info1.alpha));
- info1.dy = (int) (info1.rho * sin(info1.alpha));
- info1.alpha_point = 0.0;
- ***************************************************************************
- * SetTrackCurrentValues --
- * Update label values for a track.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetTrackCurrentValues(int iw,
- int pos)
- info1.New_Track = FALSE;
- info1.alpha_point = wr[iw].infos[pos].alpha_point;
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * PutTrackLoaded --
- * Put track labels information into database.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PutTrackLoaded(int iw)
- int pos = 0, i;
- BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
- if (wr[iw].NBinfos > 0) {
- found = FindPosId(iw, info1.id, &pos);
- }
- if (found == FALSE) {
- /*
- * New track.
- */
- if (wr[iw].NBinfos == wr[iw].NBalloc_infos) {
- wr[iw].NBalloc_infos += NB_ALLOC;
- wr[iw].infos = realloc((void *) wr[iw].infos,
- sizeof(INFOS)*wr[iw].NBalloc_infos);
- }
- if (pos < wr[iw].NBinfos) {
- for(i = wr[iw].NBinfos-1; i >= pos; i--) {
- memcpy((char *) &(wr[iw].infos[i+1]), (char *) &(wr[iw].infos[i]),
- sizeof(INFOS));
- }
- /* memcpy((char *) &(wr[iw].infos[pos+1]), (char *) &(wr[iw].infos[pos]),
- (wr[iw].NBinfos-pos)*sizeof(INFOS) );*/
- }
- info1.New_Track = TRUE;
- SetTrackInitValues(iw, pos);
- wr[iw].NBinfos++;
- }
- else {
- if (info1.visibility == FALSE) {
- SetTrackInitValues( iw, pos);
- }
- else {
- SetTrackCurrentValues(iw, pos);
- }
- }
- memcpy((char *) &(wr[iw].infos[pos]), (char *) &info1, sizeof(INFOS));
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ReadTracks --
- * Get track labels information from zinc.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ReadTracks(int iw)
- int i=0;
- int trash1; /* dummy variable : received unused data */
- for (i = 0; i < wr[iw].NBinfos; i++) {
- wr[iw].infos[i].Refresh = FALSE;
- }
- info1.id = NULL;
- while ((info1.id = (*wr[iw]._next_track)(wr[iw].rw, info1.id,
- &info1.x, &info1.y,
- &info1.vv_dx, &info1.vv_dy,
- /* Fri Oct 13 15:15:48 2000
- * &info1.label_x, &info1.label_y,
- * &info1.label_width, &info1.label_height,
- */
- &info1.rho, &info1.theta,
- &info1.visibility,
- &trash1,&trash1,&trash1))) {
- info1.alpha = (ProjToAngle(info1.vv_dx, info1.vv_dy ) - M_PI_2 -
- DegreesToRadian(info1.theta));
- info1.dx = (int) (info1.rho * cos(info1.alpha));
- info1.dy = (int) (info1.rho * sin(info1.alpha));
- info1.Refresh = TRUE;
- /* printf("OverlapMan(Om): ReadTracks id[%-10d], x[%4.4i], y[%4.4i], \
- vv_dx[%4.4i], vv_dy[%4.4i], rho[%-3.3d], theta[%-3.3d], visi[%d]\n",
- (int)info1.id,info1.x, info1.y, info1.vv_dx,info1.vv_dy,
- info1.rho,info1.theta,info1.visibility); */
- PutTrackLoaded(iw);
- }
- i = 0;
- while (i < wr[iw].NBinfos) {
- /*
- * Delete non refreshed tracks from database.
- */
- if (wr[iw].infos[i].Refresh == FALSE) {
- memcpy((char *) &(wr[iw].infos[i]), (char *) &(wr[iw].infos[i+1]),
- (wr[iw].NBinfos-i-1)*sizeof(INFOS));
- wr[iw].NBinfos--;
- }
- else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * OmSetNParam --
- * Return 1 if ok, anything else if nok (non existing parameters,
- * wrong type).
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-OmSetNParam(char *name, /* parameter's name */
- void *value)
- int accessid = 0;
- int status = 0;
- while (OmParamAccess[accessid].type != OM_PARAM_END) {
- if (!strcmp(name, OmParamAccess[accessid].name)) {
- /* a parameter named name has been found */
- if (OmParamAccess[accessid].rw) {
- memcpy(OmParamAccess[accessid].data, value,
- (unsigned int) OmParamAccess[accessid].size);
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- else {
- status = -1 ; /* data is readonly */
- };
- };
- ++accessid;
- };
- return(status);
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * OmGetNParam --
- * Return 1 if ok, anything else if nok (non existing parameters,
- * wrong type).
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-OmGetNParam(char *name, /* parameter's name */
- void *ptvalue)
- int accessid = 0;
- int status = 0;
- while (OmParamAccess[accessid].type != OM_PARAM_END) {
- if (!strcmp(name, OmParamAccess[accessid].name)) {
- /* a parameter named "name" has been found */
- memcpy(ptvalue, OmParamAccess[accessid].data,
- (unsigned int) OmParamAccess[accessid].size);
- status = 1;
- break;
- };
- ++accessid;
- };
- return(status);
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * OmGetNParamList --
- * Return 1 and next index if remains to read, the current param
- * being written in current_param. Return 0 if end of list.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-OmGetNParamList(OmParam *current_param, int *idx_next)
- int status = 0 ;
- pOMPARAM cparam ;
- if (*idx_next < NbParam) {
- cparam = &OmParamAccess[*idx_next];
- current_param->type = cparam->type ;
- strcpy(current_param->name, cparam->name);
- /* printf("value of parameter is %f \n", *((double *)(cparam->data)));
- printf("adresse de K0 %x \n", (int)&K0); */
- ++(*idx_next) ;
- status = 1;
- };
- return(status);
-OmSetParam(double OmKrepulsion,
- double OmKrepulsionBearing,
- double OmKfriction,
- double OmKbestPositionAttraction,
- double OmKscreenEdgeRepulsion)
- K0 = OmKrepulsion;
- n0 = OmKrepulsionBearing;
- K1 = OmKfriction;
- K2 = OmKbestPositionAttraction;
- K3 = OmKscreenEdgeRepulsion;
-OmGetParam(double *OmKrepulsion,
- double *OmKrepulsionBearing,
- double *OmKfriction,
- double *OmKbestPositionAttraction,
- double *OmKscreenEdgeRepulsion)
- *OmKrepulsion = K0;
- *OmKrepulsionBearing = n0;
- *OmKfriction = K1;
- *OmKbestPositionAttraction = K2;
- *OmKscreenEdgeRepulsion = K3;
-OmGetMinParam(double *OmKminRepulsion,
- double *OmKminRepulsionBearing,
- double *OmKminFriction,
- double *OmKminBestPositionAttraction,
- double *OmKminScreenEdgeRepulsion)
- *OmKminRepulsion = K0min;
- *OmKminRepulsionBearing = n0min;
- *OmKminFriction = K1min;
- *OmKminBestPositionAttraction = K2min;
- *OmKminScreenEdgeRepulsion = K3min;
-OmGetMaxParam(double *OmKmaxRepulsion,
- double *OmKmaxRepulsionBearing,
- double *OmKmaxFriction,
- double *OmKmaxBestPositionAttraction,
- double *OmKmaxScreenEdgeRepulsion)
- *OmKmaxRepulsion = K0max;
- *OmKmaxRepulsionBearing = n0max;
- *OmKmaxFriction = K1max;
- *OmKmaxBestPositionAttraction = K2max;
- *OmKmaxScreenEdgeRepulsion = K3max;
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * SetupLeaderPosition --
- * Setup leader position for new tracks.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-SetupLeaderPosition(int iw,
- int ip)
- double X10, Y10, X20, Y20;
- double D, k, Fx0, Fy0;
- int jp;
- double alpha;
- double dx = 0, dy = 0;
- Fx0 = 0.0;
- Fy0 = 0.0;
- for (jp = 0; jp < wr[iw].NBinfos; jp++) {
- if (wr[iw].infos[jp].New_Track == FALSE) {
- X10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].x - wr[iw].infos[jp].x - wr[iw].infos[jp].dx);
- Y10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].y - wr[iw].infos[jp].y - wr[iw].infos[jp].dy);
- X20 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].x - wr[iw].infos[jp].x) -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dx) * COEF1 +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dy) * COEF2);
- Y20 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].y - wr[iw].infos[jp].y) -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dy) * COEF1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dx) * COEF2);
- D = X10 * X10 + Y10 * Y10;
- if (D > limit_distance) {
- k = K0 / (sqrt(D) * pow(D, n0 - 1.0));
- Fx0 += X10 * k;
- Fy0 += Y10 * k;
- }
- D = X20 * X20 + Y20 * Y20;
- if (D > limit_distance) {
- k = K0 / (sqrt(D) * pow(D, n0 - 1.0));
- Fx0 += X20 * k;
- Fy0 += Y20 * k;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((Fx0 == 0) && (Fy0 == 0)) {
- Fx0 = 1;
- }
- k = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].rho) / sqrt(Fx0*Fx0 + Fy0*Fy0);
- wr[iw].infos[ip].dx = (int) (Fx0 * k);
- wr[iw].infos[ip].dy = (int) (Fy0 * k);
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha = ProjToAngle((int) (Fx0*k), (int) (Fy0*k));
- alpha = wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha;
- while ((alpha < wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha + 2.0*M_PI) && (ok == FALSE)) {
- dx = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].rho) * cos(alpha);
- dy = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].rho) * sin(alpha);
- ok = TRUE;
- for (jp = 0; jp < wr[iw].NBinfos; jp++) {
- if (wr[iw].infos[jp].New_Track == FALSE) {
- X10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].x + (int) dx -
- wr[iw].infos[jp].x - wr[iw].infos[jp].dx);
- Y10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].y + (int) dy -
- wr[iw].infos[jp].y - wr[iw].infos[jp].dy);
- D = X10 * X10 + Y10 * Y10;
- if (D < placing_min_dist) {
- ok = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- alpha += placing_step;
- }
- if (ok) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].dx = (int) dx;
- wr[iw].infos[ip].dy = (int) dy;
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha = ProjToAngle((int) dx, (int) dy);
- }
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeRepulsion --
- * Compute the moment of the repulsion forces of all the other
- * tracks.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-ComputeRepulsion(int iw,
- int ip)
- double X10, Y10, X00, Y00, X11, Y11, X01, Y01;
- double D0, D1, k, Fx0, Fy0, Fx1, Fy1;
- int jp;
- X00 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].x + wr[iw].infos[ip].dx);
- Y00 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].y + wr[iw].infos[ip].dy);
- X01 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].x) +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dx) * COEF1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dy) * COEF2);
- Y01 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].y) +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dy) * COEF1 +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dx) * COEF2);
- Fx0 = 0.0;
- Fy0 = 0.0;
- Fx1 = 0.0;
- Fy1 = 0.0;
- for (jp = 0; jp < wr[iw].NBinfos; jp++) {
- if ( ip != jp ) {
- X10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].x + wr[iw].infos[jp].dx);
- Y10 = (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].y + wr[iw].infos[jp].dy);
- X11 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].x) +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dx) * COEF1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dy) * COEF2);
- Y11 = ((double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].y) +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dy) * COEF1 +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[jp].dx) * COEF2);
- D0 = (X10 - X00) * (X10 - X00) + (Y10 - Y00) * (Y10 - Y00);
- if (D0 > limit_distance) {
- k = K0 / (sqrt(D0) * pow(D0, n0 - 1.0));
- Fx0 += (X10 - X00) * k;
- Fy0 += (Y10 - Y00) * k;
- }
- D1 = (X11 - X01) * (X11 - X01) + (Y11 - Y01) * (Y11 - Y01);
- if (D1 > limit_distance) {
- k = K0 / (sqrt(D1) * pow(D1, n0 - 1.0));
- Fx1 += (X11 - X01) * k;
- Fy1 += (Y11 - Y01) * k;
- }
- }
- }
- return -((double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dx) * Fy0 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dy) * Fx0 +
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dx) * COEF1 * Fy1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dy) * COEF2 * Fy1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dy) * COEF1 * Fx1 -
- (double) (wr[iw].infos[ip].dx) * COEF2 * Fx1);
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeFriction --
- * Compute the moment of the friction force.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-ComputeFriction(int iw,
- int ip)
- return (double) (-K1 * wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point);
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeDrawback --
- * Compute the moment of the best positions drawback forces.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-ComputeDrawback(int iw,
- int ip)
- int vx, vy, dx, dy;
- double m = 0;
- double nd = 1.0, nv = 1.0;
- double vi;
- vx = wr[iw].infos[ip].vv_dx;
- vy = wr[iw].infos[ip].vv_dy;
- dx = wr[iw].infos[ip].dx;
- dy = wr[iw].infos[ip].dy;
- if ((vx != 0) || (vy != 0)) {
- nv = sqrt((double)(vx * vx + vy * vy));
- }
- if ((dx != 0) || (dy != 0)) {
- nd = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
- }
- vi = (double) (vx * dx + vy * dy)/(nd * nv);
- vi = vi <= -1.0 ? -1.0 : vi;
- vi = vi >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : vi;
- vi = 3 * M_PI_4 - acos(vi);
- if (vy * dx - vx * dy < 0) {
- m = -vi;
- }
- else {
- m = vi;
- }
- return (double) (-K2 * m);
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeDrawbackInView --
- * Compute the moment of the keep in view forces.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-DrawbackDirection(int vx,
- int vy,
- int dx,
- int dy)
- double m=0;
- double nd=1.0, nv=1.0;
- double vi;
- if ((vx != 0) || (vy != 0)) {
- nv = sqrt((double)(vx * vx + vy * vy));
- }
- if ((dx != 0) || (dy != 0)) {
- nd = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
- }
- vi = (double) (vx * dx + vy * dy)/(nd * nv);
- vi = vi <= -1.0 ? -1.0 : vi;
- vi = vi >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : vi;
- vi = acos(vi);
- if (vy * dx - vx * dy < 0) {
- m = vi;
- }
- else {
- m = - vi;
- }
- return (double) (-K3 * m);
-static double
-ComputeDrawbackInView(int iw,
- int ip,
- int width,
- int height)
- int r=50;
- int dx, dy;
- double Gamma=0;
- r = wr[iw].infos[ip].rho;
- dx = wr[iw].infos[ip].dx;
- dy = wr[iw].infos[ip].dy;
- if (abs(wr[iw].infos[ip].x) < r) {
- Gamma += DrawbackDirection(53, 0, dx, dy);
- }
- if (abs(wr[iw].infos[ip].x - width) < r) {
- Gamma += DrawbackDirection(-53, 0, dx, dy);
- }
- if (abs(wr[iw].infos[ip].y ) < r) {
- Gamma += DrawbackDirection(0, 53, dx, dy);
- }
- if (abs(wr[iw].infos[ip].y - height) < r) {
- Gamma += DrawbackDirection(0,- 53, dx, dy);
- }
- return (double) Gamma;
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * RefineSetup --
- * Refine setup for far spaced tracks.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-RefineSetup(int iw,
- int ip)
- double acceleration;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
- acceleration = ComputeRepulsion(iw, ip) + ComputeDrawback(iw, ip);
- if (acceleration > 100) {
- acceleration = 100;
- }
- if (acceleration < -100) {
- acceleration = -100;
- }
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point = acceleration * DELTA_T + wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point;
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point += ComputeFriction(iw, ip) * DELTA_T;
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point > 30) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point = 30;
- }
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point < -30) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point = -30;
- }
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha = wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point * DELTA_T + wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha;
- }
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * OmProcessOverlap --
- * Overlap Manager main function.
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
-OmProcessOverlap(void *zinc,
- int width,
- int height,
- double scale)
- double acceleration = 0.0;
- int ip, iw;
- if (NBzincs != 0 && FindPosW(zinc, &iw) == TRUE) {
- ReadTracks(iw);
- for (ip = 0; ip < wr[iw].NBinfos; ip++) {
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].New_Track == TRUE) {
- SetupLeaderPosition(iw, ip);
- RefineSetup(iw, ip);
- wr[iw].infos[ip].New_Track = FALSE;
- }
- }
- for (ip = 0; ip < wr[iw].NBinfos; ip++) {
- acceleration = (ComputeRepulsion(iw, ip) + ComputeDrawback(iw, ip) +
- ComputeDrawbackInView(iw, ip, width, height));
- if (acceleration > 100) {
- acceleration = 100;
- }
- if (acceleration < -100) {
- acceleration = -100;
- }
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point += acceleration * DELTA_T ;
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point += ComputeFriction(iw, ip) * DELTA_T ;
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point > 30) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point = 30;
- }
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point < -30) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point = -30;
- }
- wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha += wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point * DELTA_T ;
- wr[iw].infos[ip].theta = (int) RadianToDegrees360(-wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha +
- ProjToAngle(wr[iw].infos[ip].vv_dx,
- wr[iw].infos[ip].vv_dy)
- - M_PI_2);
- /*
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].theta > 75 && wr[iw].infos[ip].theta < 105) {
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point > 0) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].theta = 105;
- }
- else {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].theta = 75;
- }
- }
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].theta > 255 && wr[iw].infos[ip].theta < 285) {
- if (wr[iw].infos[ip].alpha_point > 0) {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].theta = 285;
- }
- else {
- wr[iw].infos[ip].theta = 255;
- }
- }
- */
- (*wr[iw]._set_label_angle) (wr[iw].rw, wr[iw].infos[ip].id,
- 120, wr[iw].infos[ip].theta);
- /* wr[iw].infos[ip].rho*/
- }
- }
diff --git a/generic/OverlapMan.h b/generic/OverlapMan.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d22af..0000000
--- a/generic/OverlapMan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * OverlapMan.h -- Track label overlap avoidance manager header file
- *
- * Authors :
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _OverlapMan_h
-#define _OverlapMan_h
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
- * Init code.
- */
- * This is the interface with the zinc widget. To substitute
- * a different overlap manager, it is necessary to conform to
- * this API.
- */
-OmRegister(void *w,
- void *(*_fnext_track)(void *ptr,
- void *item,
- int *x, int *y,
- int *sv_dx, int *sv_dy,
- /* Fri Oct 13 15:16:13 2000
- int *label_x, int *label_y,
- int *label_width, int *label_height,
- */
- int *rho, int *theta,
- int *visibility,
- int *locked ,
- int *preferred_angle ,
- int *convergence_style),
- void (*_fset_label_angle)(void *ptr, void *item, int rho, int theta),
- void (*_fquery_label_pos)(void *ptr, void *item, int theta,
- int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h));
-OmUnregister(void *w);
-OmProcessOverlap(void *zinc,
- int width,
- int height,
- double scale);
- * Parameter data type which ease exchange of parameters between
- * Radar Image toolkit and Om library
- */
-#define OM_PARAM_END 0
-#define OM_PARAM_INT 1
-#define OM_PARAM_FLOAT 2
-#define OM_PARAM_DOUBLE 3
-#define OM_PARAM_STRING 4
-typedef struct {
- int type ; /* should be among OM_PARAM_ */
- char name[50] ;
-} OmParam ;
- * These are the generic overlap manager public functions used
- * to set/get any parameters that the Om library allow to modify
- * dynamically (tunable parameters)
- */
-/* OmSetNParam
- return 1 if ok , anythingelse if nok (non existing parameters ,
- wrong type) */
-OmSetNParam(char *name, /* parameter's name */
- void *value);
-/* OmGetNParam
- return 1 if ok , anythingelse if nok (non existing parameters ,
- wrong type)
- */
-OmGetNParam(char *name, /* parameter's name */
- void *ptvalue);
-/* OmGetNParamList
- return 1 and next index if remains to read, the current param
- being written in current_param
- return 0 if end of list and no param */
-OmGetNParamList(OmParam *current_param, int *idx_next);
-#endif /* _OverlapMan_h */
diff --git a/generic/PostScript.c b/generic/PostScript.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3465abe..0000000
--- a/generic/PostScript.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1873 +0,0 @@
- * PostScript.c -- Implementation of PostScript driver.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Tue Jan 3 13:17:17 1995
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * This code is based on tkCanvPs.c which is copyright:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Included files
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Group.h"
-#include "PostScript.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Constants.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * One of the following structures is created to keep track of Postscript
- * output being generated. It consists mostly of information provided on
- * the widget command line.
- * WATCH! This structure must be kept in sync with the structure in
- * tkCanvPs.c, we share most of the code for emitting postscript and
- * this rely on sharing the structure.
- */
-typedef struct TkPostscriptInfo {
- int x, y, width, height; /* Area to print, in canvas pixel
- * coordinates. */
- int x2, y2; /* x+width and y+height. */
- char *pageXString; /* String value of "-pagex" option or NULL. */
- char *pageYString; /* String value of "-pagey" option or NULL. */
- double pageX, pageY; /* Postscript coordinates (in points)
- * corresponding to pageXString and
- * pageYString. Don't forget that y-values
- * grow upwards for Postscript! */
- char *pageWidthString; /* Printed width of output. */
- char *pageHeightString; /* Printed height of output. */
- double scale; /* Scale factor for conversion: each pixel
- * maps into this many points. */
- Tk_Anchor pageAnchor; /* How to anchor bbox on Postscript page. */
- int rotate; /* Non-zero means output should be rotated
- * on page (landscape mode). */
- char *fontVar; /* If non-NULL, gives name of global variable
- * containing font mapping information.
- * Malloc'ed. */
- char *colorVar; /* If non-NULL, give name of global variable
- * containing color mapping information.
- * Malloc'ed. */
- char *colorMode; /* Mode for handling colors: "monochrome",
- * "gray", or "color". Malloc'ed. */
- int colorLevel; /* Numeric value corresponding to colorMode:
- * 0 for mono, 1 for gray, 2 for color. */
- char *fileName; /* Name of file in which to write Postscript;
- * NULL means return Postscript info as
- * result. Malloc'ed. */
- char *channelName; /* If -channel is specified, the name of
- * the channel to use. */
- Tcl_Channel chan; /* Open channel corresponding to fileName. */
- Tcl_HashTable fontTable; /* Hash table containing names of all font
- * families used in output. The hash table
- * values are not used. */
- int prepass; /* Non-zero means that we're currently in
- * the pre-pass that collects font information,
- * so the Postscript generated isn't
- * relevant. */
- int prolog; /* Non-zero means output should contain
- * the file prolog.ps in the header. */
- /*
- * Below are extensions for Tkzinc.
- */
- ZnBBox bbox;
-} TkPostscriptInfo;
- * The table below provides a template that's used to process arguments
- * to the "postscript" command and fill in TkPostscriptInfo structures.
- */
-static Tk_ConfigSpec config_specs[] = {
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-colormap", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, colorVar), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-colormode", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, colorMode), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-file", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, fileName), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-channel", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, channelName), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-fontmap", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, fontVar), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-height", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, height), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-pageanchor", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, pageAnchor), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-pageheight", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, pageHeightString), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-pagewidth", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, pageWidthString), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-pagex", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, pageXString), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-pagey", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, pageYString), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-prolog", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, prolog), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-rotate", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, rotate), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-width", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, width), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-x", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, x), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-y", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- "", Tk_Offset(TkPostscriptInfo, y), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
- (char *) NULL, 0, 0, NULL}
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * GetPostscriptPoints --
- *
- * Given a string, returns the number of Postscript points
- * corresponding to that string.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a standard Tcl return result. If
- * TCL_OK is returned, then everything went well and the
- * screen distance is stored at *doublePtr; otherwise
- * TCL_ERROR is returned and an error message is left in
- * the interp's result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-GetPostscriptPoints(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *string,
- double *double_ptr)
- char *end;
- double d;
- d = strtod(string, &end);
- if (end == string) {
- error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad distance \"", string, "\"", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- while ((*end != '\0') && isspace(UCHAR(*end))) {
- end++;
- }
- switch (*end) {
- case 'c':
- d *= 72.0/2.54;
- end++;
- break;
- case 'i':
- d *= 72.0;
- end++;
- break;
- case 'm':
- d *= 72.0/25.4;
- end++;
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- case 'p':
- end++;
- break;
- default:
- goto error;
- }
- while ((*end != '\0') && isspace(UCHAR(*end))) {
- end++;
- }
- if (*end != 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- *double_ptr = d;
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPostScriptCmd --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked to process the "postscript" options
- * of the widget command for zinc widgets. See the user
- * documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * See the user documentation.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPostScriptCmd(ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- TkPostscriptInfo ps_info;
- Tk_PostscriptInfo old_info;
- int result;
-#define STRING_LENGTH 400
- char string[STRING_LENGTH+1];
- CONST char *p;
- time_t now;
- size_t length;
- Tk_Window tkwin = wi->win;
- /*
- * Offset of lower-left corner of area to be marked up, measured
- * in canvas units from the positioning point on the page (reflects
- * anchor position). Initial values needed only to stop compiler
- * warnings.
- */
- int delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0;
- Tcl_HashSearch search;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- Tcl_DString buffer;
- char psenccmd[] = "::tk::ensure_psenc_is_loaded";
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------
- * Initialize the data structure describing Postscript generation,
- * then process all the arguments to fill the data structure in.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifndef PTK
- result = Tcl_EvalEx(wi->interp, psenccmd, -1, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- return result;
- }
- old_info = wi->ps_info;
- wi->ps_info = (Tk_PostscriptInfo) &ps_info;
- ps_info.x = (int) wi->origin.x;
- ps_info.y = (int) wi->origin.y;
- ps_info.width = -1;
- ps_info.height = -1;
- ps_info.pageXString = NULL;
- ps_info.pageYString = NULL;
- ps_info.pageX = 72*4.25;
- ps_info.pageY = 72*5.5;
- ps_info.pageWidthString = NULL;
- ps_info.pageHeightString = NULL;
- ps_info.scale = 1.0;
- ps_info.pageAnchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
- ps_info.rotate = 0;
- ps_info.fontVar = NULL;
- ps_info.colorVar = NULL;
- ps_info.colorMode = NULL;
- ps_info.colorLevel = 0;
- ps_info.fileName = NULL;
- ps_info.channelName = NULL;
- ps_info.chan = NULL;
- ps_info.prepass = 0;
- ps_info.prolog = 1;
- Tcl_InitHashTable(&ps_info.fontTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- result = Tk_ConfigureWidget(wi->interp, wi->win, config_specs,
- argc-2, (CONST char **) argv+2,
- (char *) &ps_info,
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (ps_info.width == -1) {
- ps_info.width = Tk_Width(tkwin);
- }
- if (ps_info.height == -1) {
- ps_info.height = Tk_Height(tkwin);
- }
- ps_info.x2 = ps_info.x + ps_info.width;
- ps_info.y2 = ps_info.y + ps_info.height;
- ps_info.bbox.orig.x = ps_info.x;
- ps_info.bbox.orig.y = ps_info.y;
- ps_info.bbox.corner.x = ps_info.x2;
- ps_info.bbox.corner.y = ps_info.y2;
- if (ps_info.pageXString != NULL) {
- if (GetPostscriptPoints(wi->interp, ps_info.pageXString, &ps_info.pageX) != TCL_OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- if (ps_info.pageYString != NULL) {
- if (GetPostscriptPoints(wi->interp, ps_info.pageYString, &ps_info.pageY) != TCL_OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- if (ps_info.pageWidthString != NULL) {
- if (GetPostscriptPoints(wi->interp, ps_info.pageWidthString, &ps_info.scale) != TCL_OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- ps_info.scale /= ps_info.width;
- }
- else if (ps_info.pageHeightString != NULL) {
- if (GetPostscriptPoints(wi->interp, ps_info.pageHeightString, &ps_info.scale) != TCL_OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- ps_info.scale /= ps_info.height;
- }
- else {
- ps_info.scale = (72.0/25.4)*WidthMMOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
- ps_info.scale /= WidthOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
- }
- switch (ps_info.pageAnchor) {
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- delta_x = 0;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- delta_x = -ps_info.width/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- delta_x = -ps_info.width;
- break;
- }
- switch (ps_info.pageAnchor) {
- case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_N:
- case TK_ANCHOR_NE:
- delta_y = - ps_info.height;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_W:
- case TK_ANCHOR_E:
- delta_y = -ps_info.height/2;
- break;
- case TK_ANCHOR_SW:
- case TK_ANCHOR_S:
- case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
- delta_y = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (ps_info.colorMode == NULL) {
- ps_info.colorLevel = 2;
- }
- else {
- length = strlen(ps_info.colorMode);
- if (strncmp(ps_info.colorMode, "monochrome", length) == 0) {
- ps_info.colorLevel = 0;
- }
- else if (strncmp(ps_info.colorMode, "gray", length) == 0) {
- ps_info.colorLevel = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp(ps_info.colorMode, "color", length) == 0) {
- ps_info.colorLevel = 2;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad color mode \"", ps_info.colorMode,
- "\": must be monochrome, ", "gray, or color",
- (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- if (ps_info.fileName != NULL) {
- /*
- * Check that -file and -channel are not both specified.
- */
- if (ps_info.channelName != NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "can't specify both -file", " and -channel",
- (char *) NULL);
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /*
- * Check that we are not in a safe interpreter. If we are, disallow
- * the -file specification.
- */
- if (Tcl_IsSafe(wi->interp)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "can't specify -file in a", " safe interpreter",
- (char *) NULL);
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- p = Tcl_TranslateFileName(wi->interp, ps_info.fileName, &buffer);
- if (p == NULL) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- ps_info.chan = Tcl_OpenFileChannel(wi->interp, p, "w", 0666);
- Tcl_DStringFree(&buffer);
- if (ps_info.chan == NULL) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- if (ps_info.channelName != NULL) {
- int mode;
- /*
- * Check that the channel is found in this interpreter and that it
- * is open for writing.
- */
- ps_info.chan = Tcl_GetChannel(wi->interp, ps_info.channelName, &mode);
- if (ps_info.chan == (Tcl_Channel) NULL) {
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if ((mode & TCL_WRITABLE) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "channel \"", ps_info.channelName,
- "\" wasn't opened for writing", (char *) NULL);
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------
- * Make a pre-pass over all of the items, generating Postscript
- * and then throwing it away. The purpose of this pass is just
- * to collect information about all the fonts in use, so that
- * we can output font information in the proper form required
- * by the Document Structuring Conventions.
- *--------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ps_info.prepass = 1;
- result = wi->top_group->class->PostScript(wi->top_group, True, &ps_info.bbox);
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- /*
- * If an error occurred, just proceed with the main pass.
- * There's no need to report the error now; it can be
- * reported later (errors can happen later that don't
- * happen now, so we still have to check for errors later
- * anyway).
- */
- ps_info.prepass = 0;
- /*
- *--------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate the header and prolog for the Postscript.
- *--------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (ps_info.prolog) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n",
- "%%Creator: Tk Zinc Widget\n", (char *) NULL);
- if (!Tcl_IsSafe(wi->interp)) {
- struct passwd *pwPtr = getpwuid(getuid()); /* INTL: Native. */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%For: ",
- (pwPtr != NULL) ? pwPtr->pw_gecos : "Unknown", "\n",
- (char *) NULL);
- endpwent();
- }
-#endif /* HAVE_PW_GECOS */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%Title: Window ", Tk_PathName(tkwin), "\n",
- (char *) NULL);
- time(&now);
- /* INTL: Native. */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%CreationDate: ", ctime(&now), (char *) NULL);
- if (!ps_info.rotate) {
- sprintf(string, "%d %d %d %d", (int) (ps_info.pageX + ps_info.scale*delta_x),
- (int) (ps_info.pageY + ps_info.scale*delta_y),
- (int) (ps_info.pageX + ps_info.scale*(delta_x + ps_info.width) + 1.0),
- (int) (ps_info.pageY + ps_info.scale*(delta_y + ps_info.height) + 1.0));
- }
- else {
- sprintf(string, "%d %d %d %d",
- (int) (ps_info.pageX - ps_info.scale*(delta_y + ps_info.height)),
- (int) (ps_info.pageY + ps_info.scale*delta_x),
- (int) (ps_info.pageX - ps_info.scale*delta_y + 1.0),
- (int) (ps_info.pageY + ps_info.scale*(delta_x + ps_info.width) + 1.0));
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%BoundingBox: ", string, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%Pages: 1\n", "%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n",
- (char *) NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%Orientation: ",
- ps_info.rotate ? "Landscape\n" : "Portrait\n", (char *) NULL);
- p = "%%DocumentNeededResources: font ";
- for (entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&ps_info.fontTable, &search); entry != NULL;
- entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, p, Tcl_GetHashKey(&ps_info.fontTable, entry),
- "\n", (char *) NULL);
- p = "%%+ font ";
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%EndComments\n\n", (char *) NULL);
- /*
- * Insert the prolog
- */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, Tcl_GetVar(wi->interp,"::tk::ps_preamable",
- TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), (char *) NULL);
- if (ps_info.chan != NULL) {
- Tcl_Write(ps_info.chan, Tcl_GetStringResult(wi->interp), -1);
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- }
- /*
- *-----------------------------------------------------------
- * Document setup: set the color level and include fonts.
- *-----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- sprintf(string, "/CL %d def\n", ps_info.colorLevel);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%BeginSetup\n", string, (char *) NULL);
- for (entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&ps_info.fontTable, &search); entry != NULL;
- entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%IncludeResource: font ",
- Tcl_GetHashKey(&ps_info.fontTable, entry), "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%EndSetup\n\n", (char *) NULL);
- /*
- *-----------------------------------------------------------
- * Page setup: move to page positioning point, rotate if
- * needed, set scale factor, offset for proper anchor position,
- * and set clip region.
- *-----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "%%Page: 1 1\n", "save\n", (char *) NULL);
- sprintf(string, "%.1f %.1f translate\n", ps_info.pageX, ps_info.pageY);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, string, (char *) NULL);
- if (ps_info.rotate) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "90 rotate\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- sprintf(string, "%.4g %.4g scale\n", ps_info.scale, -ps_info.scale);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, string, (char *) NULL);
- sprintf(string, "%d %d translate\n", delta_x - ps_info.x, delta_y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, string, (char *) NULL);
- /*
- * Save the base matrix for further reference.
- */
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "/InitialTransform matrix currentmatrix def\n", NULL);
- sprintf(string, "%d %.15g moveto %d %.15g lineto %d %.15g lineto %d %.15g",
- ps_info.x, Tk_PostscriptY((double) ps_info.y, (Tk_PostscriptInfo) &ps_info),
- ps_info.x2, Tk_PostscriptY((double) ps_info.y, (Tk_PostscriptInfo) &ps_info),
- ps_info.x2, Tk_PostscriptY((double) ps_info.y2, (Tk_PostscriptInfo) &ps_info),
- ps_info.x, Tk_PostscriptY((double) ps_info.y2, (Tk_PostscriptInfo) &ps_info));
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, string, " lineto closepath clip newpath\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- if (ps_info.chan != NULL) {
- Tcl_Write(ps_info.chan, Tcl_GetStringResult(wi->interp), -1);
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- }
- /*
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Iterate through all the items, having each relevant one draw itself.
- * Quit if any of the items returns an error.
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- result = wi->top_group->class->PostScript(wi->top_group, False, &ps_info.bbox);
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /*
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Output page-end information, such as commands to print the page
- * and document trailer stuff.
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (ps_info.prolog) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "restore showpage\n\n", "%%Trailer\nend\n%%EOF\n",
- (char *) NULL);
- }
- if (ps_info.chan != NULL) {
- Tcl_Write(ps_info.chan, Tcl_GetStringResult(wi->interp), -1);
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- }
- /*
- * Clean up ps_info to release malloc'ed stuff.
- */
- cleanup:
- if (ps_info.pageXString != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.pageXString);
- }
- if (ps_info.pageYString != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.pageYString);
- }
- if (ps_info.pageWidthString != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.pageWidthString);
- }
- if (ps_info.pageHeightString != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.pageHeightString);
- }
- if (ps_info.fontVar != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.fontVar);
- }
- if (ps_info.colorVar != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.colorVar);
- }
- if (ps_info.colorMode != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.colorMode);
- }
- if (ps_info.fileName != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.fileName);
- }
- if ((ps_info.chan != NULL) && (ps_info.channelName == NULL)) {
- Tcl_Close(wi->interp, ps_info.chan);
- }
- if (ps_info.channelName != NULL) {
- ckfree(ps_info.channelName);
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&ps_info.fontTable);
- wi->ps_info = (Tk_PostscriptInfo) old_info;
- return result;
-ZnFlushPsChan(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info) {
- TkPostscriptInfo *psi = (TkPostscriptInfo *) ps_info;
- if (psi->chan != NULL) {
- Tcl_Write(psi->chan, Tcl_GetStringResult(interp), -1);
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- }
-ZnPostscriptOutline(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- ZnDim line_width,
- ZnLineStyle line_style,
- ZnGradient *line_color,
- ZnImage line_pattern)
- char string[41];
- char dashed[] = { 8 };
- char dotted[] = { 2, 5 };
- char mixed[] = { 8, 5, 2, 5 };
- char *pattern = NULL;
- int patlen = 0;
- sprintf(string, "%.15g setlinewidth\n", (double) line_width);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, string, NULL);
- /*
- * Setup the line style. It is dependent on the line
- * width.
- */
- switch (line_style) {
- pattern = dotted;
- patlen = sizeof(dotted)/sizeof(char);
- break;
- pattern = dashed;
- patlen = sizeof(dashed)/sizeof(char);
- break;
- pattern = mixed;
- patlen = sizeof(mixed)/sizeof(char);
- break;
- }
- if (pattern) {
- sprintf(string, "[%d", ((*pattern++) * (int) line_width) & 0xff);
- while (--patlen) {
- sprintf(string+strlen(string), " %d", ((*pattern++) * (int) line_width) & 0xff);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, string, NULL);
- sprintf(string, "] %d setdash\n", 0 /* dash offset */);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, string, NULL);
- }
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(interp, ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(line_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "StrokeClip ", NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptStipple(interp, tkwin, ps_info,
- ZnImagePixmap(line_pattern, tkwin)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "stroke\n", NULL);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * Emit PostScript to describe a bitmap as a string possibly
- * spliting it in parts due to the limited length of PostScript
- * strings.
- * This function emit the common code for ZnPostscriptBitmap and
- * ZnPostscriptStipple.
- */
-static int
-ZnPostscriptStipple(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage bitmap)
- return TCL_OK;
-ZnPostscriptBitmap(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage bitmap,
- ZnReal x,
- ZnReal y,
- int width,
- int height)
- char buffer[100 + TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE * 2 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE * 4];
- int rows_at_once, rows_this_time, cur_row;
- if (width > 60000) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't generate Postscript",
- " for bitmaps more than 60000 pixels wide", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- rows_at_once = 60000/width;
- if (rows_at_once < 1) {
- rows_at_once = 1;
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g translate\n", x, y + height);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
- for (cur_row = 0; cur_row < height; cur_row += rows_at_once) {
- rows_this_time = rows_at_once;
- if (rows_this_time > (height - cur_row)) {
- rows_this_time = height - cur_row;
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "0 -%.15g translate\n%d %d true matrix {\n",
- (double) rows_this_time, width, rows_this_time);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, NULL);
- if (Tk_PostscriptBitmap(interp, tkwin, ps_info, ZnImagePixmap(bitmap, tkwin),
- 0, cur_row, width, rows_this_time) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n} imagemask\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-ZnPostscriptString(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- char *str,
- int num_bytes)
-#ifndef PTK_800
- int used, len, clen;
- int c, bytecount = 0;
- CONST char *p, *last_p, *glyphname;
- Tcl_UniChar ch;
- char charbuf[5];
-#define MAXUSE 500
- char buf[MAXUSE+30];
- used = 0;
- buf[used++] = '[';
- buf[used++] = '(';
- len = num_bytes;
- p = str;
- while (len) {
- clen = Tcl_UtfToUniChar(p, &ch);
- last_p = p;
- p += clen;
- len -= clen;
- /*
- * INTL: For now we just treat the characters as binary
- * data and display the lower byte. Eventually this should
- * be revised to handle international postscript fonts.
- */
- Tcl_UtfToExternal(interp, NULL, last_p, clen, 0, NULL,
- charbuf, 4, NULL, &bytecount, NULL);
- if (bytecount == 1) {
- c = UCHAR(charbuf[0]);
- if ((c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '\\') ||
- (c < 0x20) || (c >= UCHAR(0x7f))) {
- /*
- * Tricky point: the "03" is necessary in the sprintf
- * below, so that a full three digits of octal are
- * always generated. Without the "03", a number
- * following this sequence could be interpreted by
- * Postscript as part of this sequence.
- */
- sprintf(buf + used, "\\%03o", c);
- used += 4;
- }
- else {
- buf[used++] = c;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* This character doesn't belong to system character set.
- * So, we must use full glyph name */
- sprintf(charbuf, "%04X", ch); /* endianness? */
- if ((glyphname = Tcl_GetVar2(interp, "::tk::psglyphs", charbuf, 0))) {
- if ((used > 0) && (buf[used-1] == '(')) {
- --used;
- }
- else {
- buf[used++] = ')';
- }
- if ((used + strlen(glyphname)) >= MAXUSE) {
- buf[used] = '\0';
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buf, NULL);
- used = 0;
- }
- buf[used++] = '/';
- while(*glyphname) {
- buf[used++] = *glyphname++ ;
- }
- buf[used++] = '(';
- }
- }
- if (used >= MAXUSE) {
- buf[used] = '\0';
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buf, NULL);
- used = 0;
- }
- }
- buf[used++] = ')';
- buf[used++] = ']';
- buf[used++] = '\n';
- buf[used] = '\0';
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buf, NULL);
-ZnPostscriptTile(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window win,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage image)
- char path[150];
- int w, h;
- ZnSizeOfImage(image, &w, &h);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "<< /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 1\n", NULL);
- sprintf(path, " /BBox [%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g] /XStep %.15g /YStep %.15g\n",
- 0.0, (double) h, (double) w, 0.0, (double) w, (double) h);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, path, " /PaintProc { begin\n", NULL);
- /*
- * On ne peut pas reprendre le code de Tk_PostscriptImage,
- * il génčre une image inline impropre ŕ l'inclusion dans
- * une procedure de tuilage. C'est d'ailleurs un problčme :
- * Une string postscript ne doit pas dépasser 65K.
- */
- if (Tk_PostscriptImage(ZnImageTkImage(image), interp, win, ps_info, 0, 0, w, h, 0) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "end } bind >> matrix makepattern setpattern fill\n", NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
-ZnPostscriptTrace(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool enter)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- char buf[100];
- if (wi->debug) {
- sprintf(buf, "%%%%%%%% %s for %s %d %%%%%%%%\n",
- enter ? "Code" : "End of code", item->class->name, item->id);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, buf, NULL);
- }
-ZnPostscriptGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnGradient *gradient,
- ZnPoint *quad,
- ZnPoly *poly)
- unsigned int i;
- char path[150];
- ZnPoint p, center, extent;
- ZnGradientColor *gc1, *gc2;
- if (gradient->type == ZN_CONICAL_GRADIENT || gradient->type == ZN_PATH_GRADIENT) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "<< /PatternType 2 /Shading\n", NULL);
- switch (gradient->type) {
- /*
- * Fill the rectangle defined by quad with
- * the axial gradient.
- */
- switch (gradient->angle) {
- case 0:
- center = quad[0];
- extent = quad[1];
- case 90:
- center = quad[0];
- extent = quad[3];
- break;
- case 180:
- center = quad[1];
- extent = quad[0];
- break;
- case 270:
- center = quad[3];
- extent = quad[0];
- break;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- " << /ShadingType 2 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Extend [true true] ",
- NULL);
- sprintf(path, "/Coords [%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g]\n",
- quad[0].x, quad[0].y, quad[1].x, quad[1].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, path, NULL);
- break;
- /*
- * On ne peut pas représenter un dégradé radial ou conique
- * anamorphique si on n'inclu pas la transformation dans le
- * PostScript résultant. PostScript ne peut décrire que des
- * dégradés circulaires. La seule solution rapide est d'utiliser
- * comme dans l'item Triangles une trame de triangles (Shading
- * type 4).
- */
- p.x = p.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint((ZnTransfo *) quad, &p, &center);
- p.x = 1.0;
- ZnTransformPoint((ZnTransfo *) quad, &p, &extent);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- " << /ShadingType 3 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Extend [true true] ",
- NULL);
- sprintf(path, "/Coords [%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g]\n",
- center.x, center.y, 0.0, center.x, center.y, ABS(center.x-extent.x));
- printf("center %g %g, radius %g\n", center.x, center.y, ABS(center.x-extent.x));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, path, NULL);
- break;
- break;
- break;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " /Function << ", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "/FunctionType 3\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " /Domain [0 1] /Bounds [", NULL);
- for (i = 1; i < gradient->num_actual_colors-1; i++) {
- sprintf(path, "%.4g ", gradient->actual_colors[i].position/100.0);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, path, NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "] /Encode [", NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < gradient->num_actual_colors-1; i++) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "0 1 ", NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "]\n /Functions [\n", NULL);
- for (i = 0, gc1 = gradient->actual_colors; i < gradient->num_actual_colors-1; i++) {
- gc2 = gc1 + 1;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " << /FunctionType 2 /Domain [0 1] /N 1 ", NULL);
- sprintf(path, "/C0 [%.8g %.8g %.8g] /C1 [%.8g %.8g %.8g] >>\n",
- gc1->rgb->red/65535.0, gc1->rgb->green/65535.0, gc1->rgb->blue/65535.0,
- gc2->rgb->red/65535.0, gc2->rgb->green/65535.0, gc2->rgb->blue/65535.0);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, path, NULL);
- gc1 = gc2;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " ] >>\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " >> >>\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "matrix makepattern setpattern fill\n", NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TkImageGetColor --
- *
- * This procedure converts a pixel value to three floating
- * point numbers, representing the amount of red, green, and
- * blue in that pixel on the screen. It makes use of colormap
- * data passed as an argument, and should work for all Visual
- * types.
- *
- * This implementation is bogus on Windows because the colormap
- * data is never filled in. Instead all postscript generated
- * data coming through here is expected to be RGB color data.
- * To handle lower bit-depth images properly, XQueryColors
- * must be implemented for Windows.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns red, green, and blue color values in the range
- * 0 to 1. There are no error returns.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * The following definition is used in generating postscript for images
- * and windows.
- */
-typedef struct TkColormapData { /* Hold color information for a window */
- int separated; /* Whether to use separate color bands */
- int color; /* Whether window is color or black/white */
- int ncolors; /* Number of color values stored */
- XColor *colors; /* Pixel value -> RGB mappings */
- int red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask; /* Masks and shifts for each */
- int red_shift, green_shift, blue_shift; /* color band */
-} TkColormapData;
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
- * We could just define these instead of pulling in windows.h.
- #define GetRValue(rgb) ((BYTE)(rgb))
- #define GetGValue(rgb) ((BYTE)(((WORD)(rgb)) >> 8))
- #define GetBValue(rgb) ((BYTE)((rgb)>>16))
-#define GetRValue(rgb) ((rgb & cdata->red_mask) >> cdata->red_shift)
-#define GetGValue(rgb) ((rgb & cdata->green_mask) >> cdata->green_shift)
-#define GetBValue(rgb) ((rgb & cdata->blue_mask) >> cdata->blue_shift)
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
-static void
-TkImageGetColor(cdata, pixel, red, green, blue)
- TkColormapData *cdata; /* Colormap data */
- unsigned long pixel; /* Pixel value to look up */
- double *red, *green, *blue; /* Color data to return */
- *red = (double) GetRValue(pixel) / 255.0;
- *green = (double) GetGValue(pixel) / 255.0;
- *blue = (double) GetBValue(pixel) / 255.0;
-static void
-TkImageGetColor(cdata, pixel, red, green, blue)
- TkColormapData *cdata; /* Colormap data */
- unsigned long pixel; /* Pixel value to look up */
- double *red, *green, *blue; /* Color data to return */
- if (cdata->separated) {
- int r = GetRValue(pixel);
- int g = GetGValue(pixel);
- int b = GetBValue(pixel);
- *red = cdata->colors[r].red / 65535.0;
- *green = cdata->colors[g].green / 65535.0;
- *blue = cdata->colors[b].blue / 65535.0;
- } else {
- *red = cdata->colors[pixel].red / 65535.0;
- *green = cdata->colors[pixel].green / 65535.0;
- *blue = cdata->colors[pixel].blue / 65535.0;
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPostscriptXImage --
- *
- * This procedure is called to output the contents of an
- * XImage in Postscript, using a format appropriate for the
- * current color mode (i.e. one bit per pixel in monochrome,
- * one byte per pixel in gray, and three bytes per pixel in
- * color).
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns a standard Tcl return value. If an error occurs
- * then an error message will be left in interp->result.
- * If no error occurs, then additional Postscript will be
- * appended to interp->result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* TODO beaucoup de code ŕ partager avec photo ci dessous
- * sans compter qu'il faut une autre fonction pour emettre
- * du code pour les tiling patterns.
- * Il faudrait un operateur central qui emette dans une
- * string postscript des bandes d'image afin de respecter
- * la taille max des strings (on peut aussi mettre les
- * bandes dans un tableau au préalable). Cet opérateur
- * gére le niveau de couleur (0, 1, ...) et sait gérer les
- * bits de transparence Postscript 3 en option.
- */
-ZnPostscriptXImage(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo,
- XImage *ximage,
- int x,
- int y,
- int width,
- int height)
- TkPostscriptInfo *psi = (TkPostscriptInfo *) psInfo;
- char buffer[256];
- int xx, yy, band, maxRows;
- double red, green, blue;
- int bytesPerLine=0, maxWidth=0;
- int level = psi->colorLevel;
- Colormap cmap;
- int i, ncolors;
- Visual *visual;
- TkColormapData cdata;
- if (psi->prepass) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "%%%%%% Start of ZnPostscriptXImage\n", NULL);
- cmap = Tk_Colormap(tkwin);
- visual = Tk_Visual(tkwin);
- /*
- * Obtain information about the colormap, ie the mapping between
- * pixel values and RGB values. The code below should work
- * for all Visual types.
- */
- ncolors = visual->map_entries;
- cdata.colors = (XColor *) ckalloc(sizeof(XColor) * ncolors);
- cdata.ncolors = ncolors;
- if ((visual->class == DirectColor) || (visual->class == TrueColor)) {
- cdata.separated = 1;
- cdata.red_mask = visual->red_mask;
- cdata.green_mask = visual->green_mask;
- cdata.blue_mask = visual->blue_mask;
- cdata.red_shift = 0;
- cdata.green_shift = 0;
- cdata.blue_shift = 0;
- while ((0x0001 & (cdata.red_mask >> cdata.red_shift)) == 0) {
- cdata.red_shift ++;
- }
- while ((0x0001 & (cdata.green_mask >> cdata.green_shift)) == 0) {
- cdata.green_shift ++;
- }
- while ((0x0001 & (cdata.blue_mask >> cdata.blue_shift)) == 0) {
- cdata.blue_shift ++;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++) {
- cdata.colors[i].pixel = ((i << cdata.red_shift) & cdata.red_mask) |
- ((i << cdata.green_shift) & cdata.green_mask) |
- ((i << cdata.blue_shift) & cdata.blue_mask);
- }
- }
- else {
- cdata.separated=0;
- for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++) {
- cdata.colors[i].pixel = i;
- }
- }
- if ((visual->class == StaticGray) || (visual->class == GrayScale)) {
- cdata.color = 0;
- }
- else {
- cdata.color = 1;
- }
- XQueryColors(Tk_Display(tkwin), cmap, cdata.colors, ncolors);
- /*
- * Figure out which color level to use (possibly lower than the
- * one specified by the user). For example, if the user specifies
- * color with monochrome screen, use gray or monochrome mode instead.
- */
- if (!cdata.color && level == 2) {
- level = 1;
- }
- if (!cdata.color && cdata.ncolors == 2) {
- level = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Check that at least one row of the image can be represented
- * with a string less than 64 KB long (this is a limit in the
- * Postscript interpreter).
- */
- switch (level) {
- case 0: bytesPerLine = (width + 7) / 8; maxWidth = 240000; break;
- case 1: bytesPerLine = width; maxWidth = 60000; break;
- case 2: bytesPerLine = 3 * width; maxWidth = 20000; break;
- }
- if (bytesPerLine > 60000) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- sprintf(buffer, "Can't generate Postscript for images more than %d pixels wide", maxWidth);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- ckfree((char *) cdata.colors);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- maxRows = 60000 / bytesPerLine;
- for (band = height-1; band >= 0; band -= maxRows) {
- int rows = (band >= maxRows) ? maxRows : band + 1;
- int lineLen = 0;
- switch (level) {
- case 0:
- sprintf(buffer, "%d %d 1 matrix {\n<", width, rows);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(buffer, "%d %d 8 matrix {\n<", width, rows);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(buffer, "%d %d 8 matrix {\n<", width, rows);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- break;
- }
- for (yy = band; yy > band - rows; yy--) {
- switch (level) {
- case 0:
- {
- /*
- * Generate data for image in monochrome mode.
- * No attempt at dithering is made--instead, just
- * set a threshold.
- */
- unsigned char mask=0x80;
- unsigned char data=0x00;
- for (xx = x; xx< x+width; xx++) {
- TkImageGetColor(&cdata, XGetPixel(ximage, xx, yy),
- &red, &green, &blue);
- if (0.30 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue > 0.5)
- data |= mask;
- mask >>= 1;
- if (mask == 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen > 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- }
- if ((width % 8) != 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- /*
- * Generate data in gray mode--in this case, take a
- * weighted sum of the red, green, and blue values.
- */
- for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx ++) {
- TkImageGetColor(&cdata, XGetPixel(ximage, xx, yy),
- &red, &green, &blue);
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", (int) floor(0.5 + 255.0 *
- (0.30 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue)));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen > 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- /*
- * Finally, color mode. Here, just output the red, green,
- * and blue values directly.
- */
- for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx++) {
- TkImageGetColor(&cdata, XGetPixel(ximage, xx, yy),
- &red, &green, &blue);
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X%02X%02X",
- (int) floor(0.5 + 255.0 * red),
- (int) floor(0.5 + 255.0 * green),
- (int) floor(0.5 + 255.0 * blue));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 6;
- if (lineLen > 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (level) {
- case 0: sprintf(buffer, ">\n} image\n"); break;
- case 1: sprintf(buffer, ">\n} image\n"); break;
- case 2: sprintf(buffer, ">\n} false 3 colorimage\n"); break;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- sprintf(buffer, "0 %d translate\n", rows);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- }
- ckfree((char *) cdata.colors);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "%%%%%% End of ZnPostscriptXImage\n", NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPostscriptPhoto --
- *
- * This procedure is called to output the contents of a
- * photo image in Postscript, using a format appropriate for
- * the requested postscript color mode (i.e. one byte per pixel
- * in gray, and three bytes per pixel in color).
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns a standard Tcl return value. If an error occurs
- * then an error message will be left in interp->result.
- * If no error occurs, then additional Postscript will be
- * appended to the interpreter's result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPostscriptPhoto(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- int width,
- int height)
- TkPostscriptInfo *psi = (TkPostscriptInfo *) ps_info;
- static int codeIncluded = 0;
- unsigned char *pixelPtr;
- char buffer[256], cspace[40], decode[40];
- int bpc;
- int xx, yy, lineLen;
- float red, green, blue;
- int alpha;
- int bytesPerLine=0, maxWidth=0;
- unsigned char opaque = 255;
- unsigned char *alphaPtr;
- int alphaOffset, alphaPitch, alphaIncr;
- if (psi->prepass) {
- codeIncluded = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Define the "TkPhoto" function, which is a modified version
- * of the original "transparentimage" function posted
- * by ian@five-d.com (Ian Kemmish) to comp.lang.postscript.
- * For a monochrome colorLevel this is a slightly different
- * version that uses the imagemask command instead of image.
- */
- if( !codeIncluded && (psi->colorLevel != 0) ) {
- /*
- * Color and gray-scale code.
- */
- codeIncluded = !0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- "/TkPhoto { \n",
- " gsave \n",
- " 32 dict begin \n",
- " /tinteger exch def \n",
- " /transparent 1 string def \n",
- " transparent 0 tinteger put \n",
- " /olddict exch def \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get dup type /filetype ne { \n",
- " olddict /DataSource 3 -1 roll \n",
- " 0 () /SubFileDecode filter put \n",
- " } { \n",
- " pop \n",
- " } ifelse \n",
- " /newdict olddict maxlength dict def \n",
- " olddict newdict copy pop \n",
- " /w newdict /Width get def \n",
- " /crpp newdict /Decode get length 2 idiv def \n",
- " /str w string def \n",
- " /pix w crpp mul string def \n",
- " /substrlen 2 w log 2 log div floor exp cvi def \n",
- " /substrs [ \n",
- " { \n",
- " substrlen string \n",
- " 0 1 substrlen 1 sub { \n",
- " 1 index exch tinteger put \n",
- " } for \n",
- " /substrlen substrlen 2 idiv def \n",
- " substrlen 0 eq {exit} if \n",
- " } loop \n",
- " ] def \n",
- " /h newdict /Height get def \n",
- " 1 w div 1 h div matrix scale \n",
- " olddict /ImageMatrix get exch matrix concatmatrix \n",
- " matrix invertmatrix concat \n",
- " newdict /Height 1 put \n",
- " newdict /DataSource pix put \n",
- " /mat [w 0 0 h 0 0] def \n",
- " newdict /ImageMatrix mat put \n",
- " 0 1 h 1 sub { \n",
- " mat 5 3 -1 roll neg put \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get str readstring pop pop \n",
- " /tail str def \n",
- " /x 0 def \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get pix readstring pop pop \n",
- " { \n",
- " tail transparent search dup /done exch not def \n",
- " {exch pop exch pop} if \n",
- " /w1 exch length def \n",
- " w1 0 ne { \n",
- " newdict /DataSource ",
- " pix x crpp mul w1 crpp mul getinterval put \n",
- " newdict /Width w1 put \n",
- " mat 4 x neg put \n",
- " /x x w1 add def \n",
- " newdict image \n",
- " /tail tail w1 tail length w1 sub getinterval def \n",
- " } if \n",
- " done {exit} if \n",
- " tail substrs { \n",
- " anchorsearch {pop} if \n",
- " } forall \n",
- " /tail exch def \n",
- " tail length 0 eq {exit} if \n",
- " /x w tail length sub def \n",
- " } loop \n",
- " } for \n",
- " end \n",
- " grestore \n",
- "} bind def \n\n\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- else if (!codeIncluded && (psi->colorLevel == 0)) {
- /*
- * Monochrome-only code
- */
- codeIncluded = !0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- "/TkPhoto { \n",
- " gsave \n",
- " 32 dict begin \n",
- " /dummyInteger exch def \n",
- " /olddict exch def \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get dup type /filetype ne { \n",
- " olddict /DataSource 3 -1 roll \n",
- " 0 () /SubFileDecode filter put \n",
- " } { \n",
- " pop \n",
- " } ifelse \n",
- " /newdict olddict maxlength dict def \n",
- " olddict newdict copy pop \n",
- " /w newdict /Width get def \n",
- " /pix w 7 add 8 idiv string def \n",
- " /h newdict /Height get def \n",
- " 1 w div 1 h div matrix scale \n",
- " olddict /ImageMatrix get exch matrix concatmatrix \n",
- " matrix invertmatrix concat \n",
- " newdict /Height 1 put \n",
- " newdict /DataSource pix put \n",
- " /mat [w 0 0 h 0 0] def \n",
- " newdict /ImageMatrix mat put \n",
- " 0 1 h 1 sub { \n",
- " mat 5 3 -1 roll neg put \n",
- " 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get pix readstring pop pop \n",
- " newdict /DataSource pix put \n",
- " newdict imagemask \n",
- " 1.000 1.000 1.000 setrgbcolor \n",
- " olddict /DataSource get pix readstring pop pop \n",
- " newdict /DataSource pix put \n",
- " newdict imagemask \n",
- " } for \n",
- " end \n",
- " grestore \n",
- "} bind def \n\n\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Check that at least one row of the image can be represented
- * with a string less than 64 KB long (this is a limit in the
- * Postscript interpreter).
- */
- switch (psi->colorLevel)
- {
- case 0: bytesPerLine = (width + 7) / 8; maxWidth = 240000; break;
- case 1: bytesPerLine = width; maxWidth = 60000; break;
- case 2: bytesPerLine = 3 * width; maxWidth = 20000; break;
- }
- if (bytesPerLine > 60000) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- sprintf(buffer, "Can't generate Postscript for images more than %d pixels wide",
- maxWidth);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Set up the postscript code except for the image-data stream.
- */
- switch (psi->colorLevel) {
- case 0:
- strcpy( cspace, "/DeviceGray");
- strcpy( decode, "[1 0]");
- bpc = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- strcpy( cspace, "/DeviceGray");
- strcpy( decode, "[0 1]");
- bpc = 8;
- break;
- default:
- strcpy( cspace, "/DeviceRGB");
- strcpy( decode, "[0 1 0 1 0 1]");
- bpc = 8;
- break;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, cspace, " setcolorspace\n\n", (char *) NULL);
- sprintf(buffer, " /Width %d\n /Height %d\n /BitsPerComponent %d\n",
- width, height, bpc);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- "<<\n /ImageType 1\n", buffer,
- " /DataSource currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter\n", (char *) NULL);
- sprintf(buffer, " /ImageMatrix [1 0 0 -1 0 %d]\n", height);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, " /Decode ", decode, "\n>>\n1 TkPhoto\n", (char *) NULL);
- /*
- * Check the PhotoImageBlock information.
- * We assume that:
- * if pixelSize is 1,2 or 4, the image is R,G,B,A;
- * if pixelSize is 3, the image is R,G,B and offset[3] is bogus.
- */
- if (blockPtr->pixelSize == 3) {
- /*
- * No alpha information: the whole image is opaque.
- */
- alphaPtr = &opaque;
- alphaPitch = alphaIncr = alphaOffset = 0;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Set up alpha handling.
- */
- alphaPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr;
- alphaPitch = blockPtr->pitch;
- alphaIncr = blockPtr->pixelSize;
- alphaOffset = blockPtr->offset[3];
- }
- for (yy = 0, lineLen=0; yy < height; yy++) {
- switch (psi->colorLevel) {
- case 0:
- {
- /*
- * Generate data for image in monochrome mode.
- * No attempt at dithering is made--instead, just
- * set a threshold.
- * To handle transparencies we need to output two lines:
- * one for the black pixels, one for the white ones.
- */
- unsigned char mask=0x80;
- unsigned char data=0x00;
- for (xx = 0; xx< width; xx ++) {
- pixelPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr + (yy * blockPtr->pitch) + (xx *blockPtr->pixelSize);
- red = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[0]];
- green = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[1]];
- blue = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[2]];
- alpha = *(alphaPtr + (yy * alphaPitch) + (xx * alphaIncr) + alphaOffset);
- /*
- * If pixel is less than threshold, then it is black.
- */
- if ((alpha != 0) && (0.3086 * red + 0.6094 * green + 0.082 * blue < 128)) {
- data |= mask;
- }
- mask >>= 1;
- if (mask == 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- }
- if ((width % 8) != 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- for (xx = 0; xx< width; xx ++) {
- pixelPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr + (yy * blockPtr->pitch) + (xx *blockPtr->pixelSize);
- red = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[0]];
- green = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[1]];
- blue = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[2]];
- alpha = *(alphaPtr + (yy * alphaPitch) + (xx * alphaIncr) + alphaOffset);
- /*
- * If pixel is greater than threshold, then it is white.
- */
- if ((alpha != 0) && (0.3086 * red + 0.6094 * green + 0.082 * blue >= 128)) {
- data |= mask;
- }
- mask >>= 1;
- if (mask == 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- }
- if ((width % 8) != 0) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", data);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- mask=0x80;
- data=0x00;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- /*
- * Generate transparency data.
- * We must prevent a transparent value of 0
- * because of a bug in some HP printers.
- */
- for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx ++) {
- alpha = *(alphaPtr + (yy * alphaPitch) + (xx * alphaIncr) + alphaOffset);
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", alpha | 0x01);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Generate data in gray mode--in this case, take a
- * weighted sum of the red, green, and blue values.
- */
- for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx ++) {
- pixelPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr + (yy * blockPtr->pitch) + (xx *blockPtr->pixelSize);
- red = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[0]];
- green = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[1]];
- blue = pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[2]];
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X",
- (int) floor(0.5 + ( 0.3086 * red + 0.6094 * green + 0.0820 * blue)));
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- /*
- * Generate transparency data.
- * We must prevent a transparent value of 0
- * because of a bug in some HP printers.
- */
- for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx ++) {
- alpha = *(alphaPtr + (yy * alphaPitch) + (xx * alphaIncr) + alphaOffset);
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X", alpha | 0x01);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 2;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Finally, color mode. Here, just output the red, green,
- * and blue values directly.
- */
- for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx ++) {
- pixelPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr + (yy * blockPtr->pitch) + (xx *blockPtr->pixelSize);
- sprintf(buffer, "%02X%02X%02X", pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[0]],
- pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[1]], pixelPtr[blockPtr->offset[2]]);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
- lineLen += 6;
- if (lineLen >= 60) {
- lineLen = 0;
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, ">\n", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
-ZnPostscriptImage(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage image,
- int x,
- int y,
- int w,
- int h)
- int result;
- XImage *ximage;
- Tk_PhotoHandle tkphoto;
- if (((TkPostscriptInfo *) ps_info)->prepass) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- tkphoto = ZnImageTkPhoto(image);
- if (tkphoto != NULL) {
- Tk_PhotoImageBlock block;
- Tk_PhotoGetImage(tkphoto, &block);
- block.pixelPtr += y * block.pitch + x * block.pixelSize;
- return ZnPostscriptPhoto(interp, &block, ps_info, w, h);
- }
- else {
- Pixmap pix = ZnImagePixmap(image, tkwin);
- XGCValues values;
- GC gc;
- if (pix == None) {
- /*
- * Pixmap not cached (probably working under GL).
- * Create a temporary pixmap.
- */
- pix = Tk_GetPixmap(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_WindowId(tkwin), w, h, Tk_Depth(tkwin));
- values.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
- gc = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &values);
- if (gc != None) {
- XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), pix, gc, 0, 0, (unsigned int) w, (unsigned int) h);
- Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc);
- }
- Tk_RedrawImage(image, x, y, w, h, pix, 0, 0);
- Tk_FreePixmap(Tk_Display(tkwin), pix);
- }
- else {
- ximage = XGetImage(Tk_Display(tkwin), pix, 0, 0,
- (unsigned int) w, (unsigned int) h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
- }
- if (ximage == NULL) {
- /* The XGetImage() function is apparently not
- * implemented on this system. Just ignore it.
- */
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- result = ZnPostscriptXImage(interp, tkwin, ps_info, ximage, x, y, w, h);
- XDestroyImage(ximage);
- }
- return result;
- * TODO gradients, tuiles, reliefs, flęches, clipping.
- * TODO la fonction DrawText est buggée dans un environnement rotation
- * l'erreur passe par un max autour de modulo 45°
- * TODO Bugs de placement sur le texte et les bordures des fields
- * TODO Problčme : Si on utilise les transformations PostScript on
- * génčre un code plus concis et le rendu est potentiellement
- * plus beau (on utilise les arcs et les beziers natifs) et on
- * peut générer des dégradés identiques ŕ ceux de zinc mais le
- * tuilage/stencil, les flęches, l'épaisseur des lignes suivent
- * la transformation.
- * TODO Le code gérant les images ne sait pas traiter le canal alpha.
- * TODO Inclure ici le code de gestion des stipples.
- * TODO Pour images et stipples le code doit prendre en compte le contexte
- * X et/ou OpenGL.
- */
diff --git a/generic/PostScript.h b/generic/PostScript.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af987e..0000000
--- a/generic/PostScript.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * PostScript.h -- Header to access PostScript driver.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Wed Jan 4 11:30:00 1995
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _PostScript_h
-#define _PostScript_h
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-struct _ZnWInfo;
-struct _ZnItemStruct;
-int ZnPostScriptCmd(struct _ZnWInfo *wi, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST *args);
-void ZnFlushPsChan(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info);
-int ZnPostscriptOutline(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- Tk_Window tkwin, ZnDim line_width, ZnLineStyle line_style,
- ZnGradient *line_color, ZnImage line_pattern);
-int ZnPostscriptBitmap(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage bitmap, ZnReal x, ZnReal y, int width, int height);
-void ZnPostscriptString(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *str, int num_bytes);
-void ZnPostscriptTrace(struct _ZnItemStruct *item, ZnBool enter);
-int ZnPostscriptGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnGradient *gradient, ZnPoint *quad, ZnPoly *poly);
-int ZnPostscriptXImage(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo,
- XImage *ximage, int x, int y, int width, int height);
-int ZnPostscriptStipple(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage bitmap);
-int ZnPostscriptTile(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window win, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage image);
-int ZnPostscriptImage(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info,
- ZnImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height);
-#endif /* _PostScript_h */
diff --git a/generic/Rectangle.c b/generic/Rectangle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afb38f..0000000
--- a/generic/Rectangle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1026 +0,0 @@
- * Rectangle.c -- Implementation of rectangle item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Fri Dec 2 14:47:42 1994
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1994 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Bit offset of flags.
- */
-#define FILLED_BIT 1 /* If the rectangle is filled with color/pattern */
-#define ALIGNED_BIT 2
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Rectangle item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _RectangleItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint coords[2];
- unsigned short flags;
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- ZnLineStyle line_style;
- ZnDim line_width;
- ZnGradient *line_color;
- ZnImage line_pattern;
- ZnGradient *fill_color;
- ZnImage tile;
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoint dev[4];
- ZnGradient *gradient;
- ZnPoint *grad_geo;
-} RectangleItemStruct, *RectangleItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig rect_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-fillcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, fill_color), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filled", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, flags), FILLED_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-linecolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, line_color), 0,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-linepattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, line_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-linestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, line_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-linewidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, line_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-relief", NULL, Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, relief), 0,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_IMAGE, "-tile", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, tile), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(RectangleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- rect->gradient = NULL;
- rect->grad_geo = NULL;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
- if (*argc < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " rectangle coords expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, (*args)[0], &points,
- NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_points != 2) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " malformed rectangle coords", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- };
- rect->coords[0] = points[0];
- rect->coords[1] = points[1];
- (*args)++;
- (*argc)--;
- CLEAR(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT);
- rect->relief = ZN_RELIEF_FLAT;
- rect->line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- rect->line_width = 1;
- rect->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- rect->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- rect->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- rect->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- if (rect->gradient) {
- rect->gradient = ZnGetGradientByValue(rect->gradient);
- }
- if (rect->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- rect->tile = ZnGetImageByValue(rect->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- }
- if (rect->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- rect->line_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(rect->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
- rect->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(rect->line_color);
- rect->fill_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(rect->fill_color);
- rect->grad_geo = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- if (rect->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(rect->tile, ZnUpdateItemImage, item);
- rect->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (rect->gradient) {
- ZnFreeGradient(rect->gradient);
- }
- if (rect->line_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(rect->line_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- rect->line_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (rect->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(rect->grad_geo);
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(rect->fill_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(rect->line_color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- int status = TCL_OK;
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- status = ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, rect_attrs, argc, argv, flags);
- if (rect->gradient &&
- (ISSET(*flags, ZN_BORDER_FLAG) || (rect->relief == ZN_RELIEF_FLAT))) {
- ZnFreeGradient(rect->gradient);
- rect->gradient = NULL;
- }
- if ((rect->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) && !rect->gradient) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(rect->line_color, 51.0, &alpha);
- rect->gradient = ZnGetReliefGradient(wi->interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfColor(color), alpha);
- if (rect->gradient == NULL) {
- status = TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- return status;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, rect_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- ZnPoint p[4];
- int i;
- ZnBool aligned;
- ZnDim delta, lw2;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- if (!rect->line_width && ISCLEAR(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- return;
- }
- p[0] = rect->coords[0];
- p[2] = rect->coords[1];
- p[1].x = p[2].x;
- p[1].y = p[0].y;
- p[3].x = p[0].x;
- p[3].y = p[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(wi->current_transfo, p, rect->dev, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- rect->dev[i].x = ZnNearestInt(rect->dev[i].x);
- rect->dev[i].y = ZnNearestInt(rect->dev[i].y);
- }
- /*
- * Add all points to the bounding box. Then expand by the line
- * width to account for mitered corners. This is an overestimate.
- */
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, rect->dev, 4);
- if (rect->line_width > 0) {
- lw2 = rect->line_width/2.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= lw2;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= lw2;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += lw2;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += lw2;
- }
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 0.5;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 0.5;
- delta = rect->dev[0].y - rect->dev[1].y;
- delta = ABS(delta);
- aligned = delta < X_PRECISION_LIMIT;
- delta = rect->dev[0].x - rect->dev[3].x;
- delta = ABS(delta);
- aligned &= delta < X_PRECISION_LIMIT;
- ASSIGN(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT, aligned);
-#ifdef GL
- /*
- * Compute the gradient geometry
- */
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(rect->fill_color)) {
- ZnPoly shape;
- if (rect->fill_color->type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT) {
- int angle = rect->fill_color->angle;
- if ((angle != 0) && (angle != 90) && (angle != 180) && (angle != 270)) {
- if (!rect->grad_geo) {
- rect->grad_geo = ZnMalloc(6*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnPolyContour1(&shape, p, 4, False);
- ZnComputeGradient(rect->fill_color, wi, &shape, rect->grad_geo);
- }
- else {
- goto free_ggeo;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!rect->grad_geo) {
- rect->grad_geo = ZnMalloc(6*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- if (rect->fill_color->type == ZN_PATH_GRADIENT) {
- ZnPolyContour1(&shape, rect->coords, 2, False);
- }
- else {
- ZnPolyContour1(&shape, p, 4, False);
- }
- ZnComputeGradient(rect->fill_color, wi, &shape, rect->grad_geo);
- }
- }
- else {
- free_ggeo:
- if (rect->grad_geo) {
- ZnFree(rect->grad_geo);
- rect->grad_geo = NULL;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- int result, result2;
- ZnBBox *area = ta->area;
- result = -1;
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- result = ZnPolygonInBBox(rect->dev, 4, area, NULL);
- if (result == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (rect->line_width > 0) {
- int i;
- ZnPoint pts[5];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- pts[i] = rect->dev[i];
- }
- pts[4] = pts[0];
- result2 = ZnPolylineInBBox(pts, 5, rect->line_width,
- CapProjecting, JoinMiter, area);
- if (ISCLEAR(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (result2 == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- result = result2;
- }
- else if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- XGCValues values;
- unsigned int i, gc_mask;
- XRectangle r;
- XPoint xp[5];
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- if (rect->dev[0].x < rect->dev[2].x) {
- r.x = (int) rect->dev[0].x;
- r.width = ((int) rect->dev[2].x) - r.x;
- }
- else {
- r.x = (int) rect->dev[2].x;
- r.width = ((int) rect->dev[0].x) - r.x;
- }
- if (rect->dev[0].y < rect->dev[2].y) {
- r.y = (int) rect->dev[0].y;
- r.height = ((int) rect->dev[2].y) - r.y;
- }
- else {
- r.y = (int) rect->dev[2].y;
- r.height = ((int) rect->dev[0].y) - r.y;
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (int) rect->dev[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (int) rect->dev[i].y;
- }
- xp[i] = xp[0];
- }
- /*
- * Fill if requested.
- */
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(rect->fill_color, 0.0);
- if (rect->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(rect->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = ZnImagePixmap(rect->tile, wi->win);
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) r.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) r.y;
- }
- else {
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- }
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCTile, &values);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(rect->tile, wi->win);
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) r.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) r.y;
- }
- else {
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- }
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCForeground,
- &values);
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground | GCFillStyle, &values);
- }
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, r.x, r.y,
- r.width, r.height);
- }
- else {
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- /* Draw the outline */
- if (rect->line_width) {
- if (rect->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- ZnDrawRectangleRelief(wi, rect->relief, rect->gradient,
- &r, rect->line_width);
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint p[5];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- p[4-i].x = rect->dev[i].x;
- p[4-i].y = rect->dev[i].y;
- }
- p[0] = p[4];
- ZnDrawPolygonRelief(wi, rect->relief, rect->gradient,
- p, 5, rect->line_width);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, rect->line_style);
- gc_mask = GCFillStyle|GCLineWidth|GCForeground|GCJoinStyle;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(rect->line_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = (rect->line_width == 1) ? 0 : (int) rect->line_width;
- values.join_style = JoinMiter;
- if (ISCLEAR(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- gc_mask |= GCCapStyle;
- values.cap_style = CapProjecting;
- }
- if (rect->line_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, gc_mask, &values);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(rect->line_pattern, wi->win);
- gc_mask |= GCStipple;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, gc_mask, &values);
- }
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- XDrawRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, r.x, r.y,
- r.width, r.height);
- }
- else {
- XDrawLines(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 5, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-RectRenderCB(void *closure)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) closure;
- glVertex2d(rect->dev[0].x, rect->dev[0].y);
- glVertex2d(rect->dev[3].x, rect->dev[3].y);
- glVertex2d(rect->dev[1].x, rect->dev[1].y);
- glVertex2d(rect->dev[2].x, rect->dev[2].y);
- glEnd();
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- int i;
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- if (!item->gl_list) {
- item->gl_list = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(item->gl_list, GL_COMPILE);
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(rect->fill_color)) {
- ZnBool fast = (rect->fill_color->type == ZN_AXIAL_GRADIENT) && !rect->grad_geo;
- ZnPoly poly;
- ZnPolyContour1(&poly, rect->dev, 4, False);
- ZnRenderGradient(wi, rect->fill_color,
- fast ? NULL: RectRenderCB, rect,
- fast ? rect->dev : rect->grad_geo, &poly);
- }
- else if (rect->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill tiled/patterned */
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- ZnBBox bbox;
- bbox.orig = rect->dev[0];
- bbox.corner = rect->dev[2];
- ZnRenderTile(wi, rect->tile, rect->fill_color, NULL, NULL, (ZnPoint *) &bbox);
- }
- else {
- ZnRenderTile(wi, rect->tile, rect->fill_color, RectRenderCB,
- rect, (ZnPoint *) &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- }
- else {
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color = ZnGetGradientColor(rect->fill_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- RectRenderCB(rect);
- }
- }
- if (rect->line_width) {
- ZnPoint p[5];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- p[4-i].x = rect->dev[i].x;
- p[4-i].y = rect->dev[i].y;
- }
- p[0] = p[4];
- if (rect->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- ZnRenderPolygonRelief(wi, rect->relief, rect->gradient, False,
- p, 5, rect->line_width);
- }
- else {
- ZnRenderPolyline(wi, p, 5, rect->line_width,
- rect->line_style, CapRound, JoinMiter,
- NULL, NULL, rect->line_color);
- }
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- glEndList();
- }
- glCallList(item->gl_list);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- double best_dist;
- ZnPoint *p = ps->point;
- best_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(rect->dev, 4, p);
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (best_dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- }
- best_dist = ABS(best_dist);
- if (rect->line_width > 1) {
- double dist;
- int i;
- ZnPoint pts[5];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- pts[i] = rect->dev[i];
- }
- pts[4] = pts[0];
- dist = ZnPolylineToPointDist(pts, 5, rect->line_width,
- CapProjecting, JoinMiter, p);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- best_dist = MIN(dist, best_dist);
- }
- return best_dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- char path[500];
- if (ISCLEAR(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT) && (rect->line_width == 0)) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Create the rectangle path.
- */
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g moveto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g lineto %.15g %.15g lineto closepath\n",
- rect->dev[0].x, rect->dev[0].y, rect->dev[1].x, rect->dev[1].y,
- rect->dev[2].x, rect->dev[2].y, rect->dev[3].x, rect->dev[3].y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- /*
- * Emit code to draw the filled area.
- */
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (rect->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "gsave\n", NULL);
- }
- if (!ZnGradientFlat(rect->fill_color)) {
- if (ZnPostscriptGradient(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, rect->fill_color,
- rect->grad_geo ? rect->grad_geo : rect->dev, NULL) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else if (rect->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- if (!ZnImageIsBitmap(rect->tile)) { /* Fill tiled */
- if (ZnPostscriptTile(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info, rect->tile) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill stippled */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(rect->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "clip ", NULL);
- if (ZnPostscriptStipple(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info, rect->tile) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* Fill solid */
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(rect->fill_color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "fill\n", NULL);
- }
- if (rect->line_width) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "grestore\n", NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Then emit code code to stroke the outline.
- */
- if (rect->line_width) {
- if (rect->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- /* TODO No support yet */
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap\n", NULL);
- if (ZnPostscriptOutline(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, wi->win,
- rect->line_width, rect->line_style,
- rect->line_color, rect->line_pattern) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- if (ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT)) {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 2);
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 2, False);
- tristrip->strips[0].fan = False;
- if (rect->dev[0].x < rect->dev[2].x) {
- points[0].x = rect->dev[0].x;
- points[1].x = rect->dev[2].x+1.0;
- }
- else {
- points[0].x = rect->dev[2].x;
- points[1].x = rect->dev[0].x+1.0;
- }
- if (rect->dev[0].y < rect->dev[2].y) {
- points[0].y = rect->dev[0].y;
- points[1].y = rect->dev[2].y+1.0;
- }
- else {
- points[0].y = rect->dev[2].y;
- points[1].y = rect->dev[0].y+1.0;
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 4);
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- points[0] = rect->dev[1];
- points[1] = rect->dev[2];
- points[2] = rect->dev[0];
- points[3] = rect->dev[3];
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 4, False);
- }
- return ISSET(rect->flags, ALIGNED_BIT);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item vertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- RectangleItem rect = (RectangleItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " rectangles can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL) {
- if (*num_pts != 2) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 2 points on rectangles", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- rect->coords[0] = (*pts)[0];
- rect->coords[1] = (*pts)[1];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) {
- if (*num_pts < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need at least 1 point", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- index += 2;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) {
- range_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " incorrect coord index, should be between -2 and 1", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- rect->coords[index] = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL) {
- *num_pts = 2;
- *pts = rect->coords;
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) {
- if (index < 0) {
- index += 2;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || (index > 1)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &rect->coords[index];
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnBBox *bbox = &item->item_bounding_box;
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&bbox->orig,
- bbox->corner.x - bbox->orig.x,
- bbox->corner.y - bbox->orig.y,
- anchor, p);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct RECTANGLE_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "rectangle",
- sizeof(RectangleItemStruct),
- rect_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- 0, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnRectangle = (ZnItemClassId) &RECTANGLE_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Reticle.c b/generic/Reticle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cebeb98..0000000
--- a/generic/Reticle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
- * Reticle.c -- Implementation of Reticle item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Mon Feb 1 12:13:24 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include <math.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Draw as many circles as visible.
- */
-#define ANY_CIRCLES -1
- * Some default values.
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Reticle item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _ReticleItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint pos; /* Origin world coordinates */
- ZnGradient *line_color; /* circle color */
- ZnGradient *bright_line_color; /* intermediate circle color */
- ZnDim first_radius; /* first world radius */
- ZnDim step_size; /* step world size */
- int period; /* bright circle period */
- int num_circles; /* num cercles max */
- ZnLineStyle line_style; /* circles lines styles */
- ZnLineStyle bright_line_style;
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoint dev; /* item device coordinate */
- ZnDim first_radius_dev; /* first device radius */
- ZnDim step_size_dev; /* steps device size */
-} ReticleItemStruct, *ReticleItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig reticle_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-brightlinecolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, bright_line_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-brightlinestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, bright_line_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-stepsize", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, step_size), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-firstradius", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, first_radius), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-linecolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, line_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-linestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, line_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-numcircles", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, num_circles), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-period", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, period), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- CLEAR(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 0;
- item->part_sensitive = 0;
- reticle->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- reticle->bright_line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- reticle->first_radius = DEFAULT_RETICLE_STEP_SIZE;
- reticle->step_size = DEFAULT_RETICLE_STEP_SIZE;
- reticle->period = DEFAULT_RETICLE_PERIOD;
- reticle->num_circles = ANY_CIRCLES;
- reticle->line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- reticle->bright_line_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- reticle->pos.x = 0;
- reticle->pos.y = 0;
- reticle->dev.x = 0;
- reticle->dev.y = 0;
- reticle->first_radius_dev = 0;
- reticle->step_size_dev = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- reticle->line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(reticle->line_color);
- reticle->bright_line_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(reticle->bright_line_color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- ZnFreeGradient(reticle->line_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(reticle->bright_line_color);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, reticle_attrs,
- argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, reticle_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- ZnDim half_width;
- ZnPoint p, xp;
- /* Compute center device coordinates */
- p.x = p.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &p, &reticle->dev);
- p.x = reticle->step_size;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &p, &xp);
- reticle->step_size_dev = hypot(xp.x - reticle->dev.x, xp.y - reticle->dev.y);
- p.x = reticle->first_radius;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &p, &xp);
- reticle->first_radius_dev = hypot(xp.x - reticle->dev.x, xp.y - reticle->dev.y);
- if (reticle->first_radius_dev < 1.0) {
- reticle->first_radius_dev = 1.0;
- }
- if (reticle->step_size_dev < 1.0) {
- reticle->step_size_dev = 1.0;
- }
- /* Reticle bounding box is zn bounding box or depends on num_circles */
- if (reticle->num_circles == ANY_CIRCLES) {
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x = 0;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y = 0;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x = wi->width;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y = wi->height;
- }
- else {
- half_width = reticle->first_radius_dev +
- (reticle->num_circles - 1) * reticle->step_size_dev;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x = reticle->dev.x - half_width;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y = reticle->dev.y - half_width;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x = item->item_bounding_box.orig.y + (2 * half_width);
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y = item->item_bounding_box.orig.y + (2 * half_width);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- return -1;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- ZnDim radius = reticle->first_radius_dev;
- ZnDim radius_max_dev;
- XGCValues values;
- int i;
- ZnDim l1, l2, l3, l4;
-/* int count = 0;*/
- /* Compute radius max */
- l1 = (ZnDim) hypot(wi->damaged_area.orig.x - reticle->dev.x,
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y - reticle->dev.y);
- l2 = (ZnDim) hypot(wi->damaged_area.corner.x - reticle->dev.x,
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y - reticle->dev.y);
- l3 = (ZnDim) hypot(wi->damaged_area.orig.x - reticle->dev.x,
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y - reticle->dev.y);
- l4 = (ZnDim) hypot(wi->damaged_area.corner.x - reticle->dev.x,
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y - reticle->dev.y);
- radius_max_dev = MAX(MAX(l1,l2), MAX(l3, l4));
- if (reticle->num_circles > 0) {
- radius_max_dev = MIN(radius_max_dev, reticle->first_radius_dev +
- (reticle->num_circles - 1) * reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
- while (radius <= radius_max_dev) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, reticle->line_style);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(reticle->line_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = 0;
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCFillStyle, &values);
- for (i = 1; ((radius <= radius_max_dev) && (i < reticle->period)); i++) {
- if ((reticle->dev.x >= wi->damaged_area.orig.x - radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.x <= wi->damaged_area.corner.x + radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.y >= wi->damaged_area.orig.y - radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.y <= wi->damaged_area.corner.y + radius)) {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (reticle->dev.x - radius),
- (int) (reticle->dev.y - radius),
- (unsigned int) (radius * 2 - 1),
- (unsigned int) (radius * 2 - 1),
- 0, 360 * 64);
-/* count++;*/
- }
- radius += (reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
- if ((radius <= radius_max_dev) &&
- (reticle->dev.x >= wi->damaged_area.orig.x - radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.x <= wi->damaged_area.corner.x + radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.y >= wi->damaged_area.orig.y - radius) &&
- (reticle->dev.y <= wi->damaged_area.corner.y + radius)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, reticle->bright_line_style);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(reticle->bright_line_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = 0;
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCFillStyle, &values);
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (reticle->dev.x - radius),
- (int) (reticle->dev.y - radius),
- (unsigned int) (radius * 2 - 1),
- (unsigned int) (radius * 2 - 1),
- 0, 360 * 64);
- /*count++;*/
- }
- radius += (reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
-/*printf("# circles drawn: %d\n", count);*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- ZnDim radius = reticle->first_radius_dev;
- ZnDim radius_max_dev, new, x, y, xo, yo;
- int i, j;
- ZnPoint *genarc;
- int num_p;
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color;
- xo = reticle->dev.x;
- yo = reticle->dev.y;
- /* Compute radius max */
- radius_max_dev = 0;
- x = wi->damaged_area.orig.x - xo;
- y = wi->damaged_area.orig.y - yo;
- new = x*x + y*y;
- if (new > radius_max_dev) {
- radius_max_dev = new;
- }
- x = wi->damaged_area.corner.x - xo;
- y = wi->damaged_area.orig.y - yo;
- new = x*x + y*y;
- if (new > radius_max_dev) {
- radius_max_dev = new;
- }
- x = wi->damaged_area.orig.x - xo;
- y = wi->damaged_area.corner.y - yo;
- new = x*x + y*y;
- if (new > radius_max_dev) {
- radius_max_dev = new;
- }
- x = wi->damaged_area.corner.x - xo;
- y = wi->damaged_area.corner.y - yo;
- new = x*x + y*y;
- if (new > radius_max_dev) {
- radius_max_dev = new;
- }
- radius_max_dev = sqrt(radius_max_dev);
- if (reticle->num_circles > 0) {
- radius_max_dev = MIN(radius_max_dev, reticle->first_radius_dev +
- (reticle->num_circles - 1) * reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
- genarc = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_FINER, 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_p, NULL);
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- while (radius <= radius_max_dev) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, reticle->line_style);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(reticle->line_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- for (i = 1; ((radius <= radius_max_dev) && (i < reticle->period)); i++) {
- if ((xo >= wi->damaged_area.orig.x - radius) &&
- (xo <= wi->damaged_area.corner.x + radius) &&
- (yo >= wi->damaged_area.orig.y - radius) &&
- (yo <= wi->damaged_area.corner.y + radius)) {
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- for (j = 0; j < num_p; j++) {
- x = xo + genarc[j].x * radius;
- y = yo + genarc[j].y * radius;
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- radius += (reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
- if ((radius <= radius_max_dev) &&
- (xo >= wi->damaged_area.orig.x - radius) &&
- (xo <= wi->damaged_area.corner.x + radius) &&
- (yo >= wi->damaged_area.orig.y - radius) &&
- (yo <= wi->damaged_area.corner.y + radius)) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, reticle->bright_line_style);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(reticle->bright_line_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- for (j = 0; j < num_p; j++) {
- x = xo + genarc[j].x * radius;
- y = yo + genarc[j].y * radius;
- glVertex2d(x, y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- radius += (reticle->step_size_dev);
- }
- glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- * Nothing to pick, we are almost transparent.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- return 1e40;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item center.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- ReticleItem reticle = (ReticleItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " reticles can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on reticles", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- reticle->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &reticle->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct RETICLE_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "reticle",
- sizeof(ReticleItemStruct),
- reticle_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- ZN_CLASS_ONE_COORD, /* flags */
- Tk_Offset(ReticleItemStruct, pos),
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- NULL, /* GetAnchor */
- NULL, /* GetClipVertices */
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnReticle = (ZnItemClassId) &RETICLE_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Tabular.c b/generic/Tabular.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d9886..0000000
--- a/generic/Tabular.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
- * Tabular.c -- Implementation of Tabular item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Tabular item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _TabularItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint pos;
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- Tk_Anchor connection_anchor;
- /* Private data */
- ZnFieldSetStruct field_set;
-} TabularItemStruct, *TabularItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig tabular_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-anchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-connectionanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, connection_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LABEL_FORMAT, "-labelformat", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, field_set.label_format), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-numfields", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, field_set.num_fields), 0, 0, True },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, pos), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False},
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TabularItem tab = (TabularItem) item;
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &tab->field_set;
- int num_fields;
- item->priority = 1;
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- tab->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_NW;
- tab->connection_anchor = TK_ANCHOR_SW;
- tab->pos.x = tab->pos.y = 0.0;
- field_set->item = item;
- field_set->label_format = NULL;
- /*
- * Then try to see if some fields are needed.
- */
- if ((*argc > 0) && (Tcl_GetString((*args)[0])[0] != '-') &&
- (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, (*args)[0], &num_fields) != TCL_ERROR)) {
- field_set->num_fields = num_fields;
- *args += 1;
- *argc -= 1;
- ZnFIELD.InitFields(field_set);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " number of fields expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- item->part_sensitive = 0;
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- ZnFieldSet fs = &((TabularItem) item)->field_set;
- ZnFIELD.CloneFields(fs);
- fs->item = item;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- ZnFIELD.FreeFields(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- ZnItem old_connected;
- old_connected = item->connected_item;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, tabular_attrs,
- argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- /*
- * If the new connected item is not appropriate back up
- * to the old one.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (ISSET(item->connected_item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS) &&
- (item->parent == item->connected_item->parent))) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemDependency(item, old_connected);
- }
- else {
- item->connected_item = old_connected;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, tabular_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- TabularItem tab = (TabularItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &tab->field_set;
- ZnDim width, height;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- if (field_set->label_format && field_set->num_fields) {
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(field_set, &width, &height);
- /*
- * The connected item support anchors, this is checked by
- * configure.
- */
- if (item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- item->connected_item->class->GetAnchor(item->connected_item,
- tab->connection_anchor,
- &field_set->label_pos);
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint pos;
- pos.x = pos.y = 0;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &pos,
- &field_set->label_pos);
- }
- ZnAnchor2Origin(&field_set->label_pos, width, height, tab->anchor,
- &field_set->label_pos);
- /*
- * Setup the item bounding box.
- */
- item->item_bounding_box.orig = field_set->label_pos;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x = field_set->label_pos.x + width;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y = field_set->label_pos.y + height;
- /*
- * Need to slightly increase the bbox for GL thick lines
- */
-#ifdef GL
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 1;
- /*
- * Update connected items.
- */
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- return ZnFIELD.FieldsToArea(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, ta->area);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnFIELD.DrawFields(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnFIELD.RenderFields(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- if (ISCLEAR(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) ||
- !item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART)) {
- return False;
- }
- if (item_part == ZN_NO_PART) {
- return ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- }
- else {
- return ZnFIELD.IsFieldSensitive(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, item_part);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- * We tell what our label tells.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- int best_part;
- double dist;
- dist = ZnFIELD.FieldsPick(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, ps->point, &best_part);
- /*printf("tabular %d reporting part %d, distance %lf\n",
- item->id, best_part, dist);*/
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- }
- ps->a_part = best_part;
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- return ZnFIELD.PostScriptFields(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, prepass, area);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetFieldSet --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnFieldSet
-GetFieldSet(ZnItem item)
- return &((TabularItem) item)->field_set;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &((TabularItem) item)->field_set;
- ZnDim width, height;
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(field_set, &width, &height);
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&field_set->label_pos, width, height, anchor, p);
- }
- else {
- p->x = p->y = 0.0;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &((TabularItem) item)->field_set;
- ZnDim width, height;
- ZnPoint *points;
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(field_set, &width, &height);
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 2);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 2, False);
- points[0] = field_set->label_pos;
- points[1].x = points[0].x + width;
- points[1].y = points[0].y + height;
- }
- return True;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item origin. This doesn't take care of
- * the possible attachment. The change will be effective at the
- * end of the attachment.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- TabularItem tabular = (TabularItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " tabulars can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on tabulars", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- tabular->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &tabular->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Part --
- * Convert a private part from/to symbolic representation.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Part(ZnItem item,
- Tcl_Obj **part_spec,
- int *part)
- char *part_str;
- char *end;
- if (*part_spec) {
- part_str = Tcl_GetString(*part_spec);
- if (strlen(part_str) == 0) {
- *part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- else if (isdigit(part_str[0])) {
- *part = strtol(part_str, &end, 0);
- if ((*end != 0) || (*part < 0) ||
- ((unsigned int) *part >= ((TabularItem) item)->field_set.num_fields)) {
- goto part_error;
- }
- }
- else {
- part_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " invalid item part specification", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (*part >= 0) {
- *part_spec = Tcl_NewIntObj(*part);
- }
- else {
- *part_spec = Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Index --
- * Parse a text index and return its value and aa
- * error status (standard Tcl result).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Index(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- Tcl_Obj *index_spec,
- int *index)
- return ZnFIELD.FieldIndex(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, field,
- index_spec, index);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InsertChars --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InsertChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *index,
- char *chars)
- if (ZnFIELD.FieldInsertChars(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set,
- field, index, chars)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * DeleteChars --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-DeleteChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *first,
- int *last)
- if (ZnFIELD.FieldDeleteChars(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set,
- field, first, last)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Cursor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-TabularCursor(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int index)
- ZnFIELD.FieldCursor(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, field, index);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Selection --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Selection(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int offset,
- char *chars,
- int max_chars)
- return ZnFIELD.FieldSelection(&((TabularItem) item)->field_set, field,
- offset, chars, max_chars);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions structs --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct TABULAR_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "tabular",
- sizeof(TabularItemStruct),
- tabular_attrs,
- 0,
- Tk_Offset(TabularItemStruct, pos),
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- GetFieldSet,
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- InsertChars,
- DeleteChars,
- TabularCursor,
- Index,
- Part,
- Selection,
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnTabular = (ZnItemClassId) &TABULAR_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Text.c b/generic/Text.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e83f8..0000000
--- a/generic/Text.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2061 +0,0 @@
- * Text.c -- Implementation of Text item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick LECOANET
- * Creation date : Sat Mar 25 13:58:39 1995
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * Some functions in this file are derived from tkCanvText.c and thus
- * copyrighted:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- */
-#include <math.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Imagine: Text.c,v 1.13 1997/05/15 11:35:46 lecoanet Exp $";
-static const char compile_id[] = "$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Bit offset of flags.
- */
-#define UNDERLINED 1
-#define OVERSTRIKED 2
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Text item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _TextLineInfo
- char *start; /* Index of first char in line */
- unsigned short num_bytes; /* Number of displayed bytes in line (NOT chars)*/
- unsigned short width; /* Line width in pixels */
- unsigned short origin_x; /* X pos for drawing the line */
- unsigned short origin_y;
-} TextLineInfoStruct, *TextLineInfo;
-typedef struct _TextItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint pos; /* Position at anchor */
- ZnGradient *color;
- char *text;
- ZnImage fill_pattern;
- Tk_Font font;
- unsigned short width;
- short spacing;
- unsigned short flags;
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- Tk_Anchor connection_anchor;
- Tk_Justify alignment;
- /* Private data */
- unsigned short num_chars;
- unsigned short insert_index;
- ZnList text_info;
- unsigned short max_width;
- unsigned short height;
- ZnPoint poly[4];
-#ifdef GL
- ZnTexFontInfo *tfi;
-} TextItemStruct, *TextItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig text_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ALIGNMENT, "-alignment", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, alignment), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-anchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-connectionanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, connection_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-fillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, fill_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, font), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-overstriked", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, flags), OVERSTRIKED, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL, Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_SHORT, "-spacing", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, spacing), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_STRING, "-text", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, text), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-underlined", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, flags), UNDERLINED, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_USHORT, "-width", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, width), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- /*printf("size of a text(header) = %d(%d) %d\n",
- sizeof(TextItemStruct), sizeof(ZnItemStruct), sizeof(TextLineInfoStruct));*/
- text->text_info = NULL;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
- text->pos.x = text->pos.y = 0.0;
- text->text = NULL;
- text->num_chars = 0;
- text->fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- text->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_NW;
- text->connection_anchor = TK_ANCHOR_SW;
- text->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- text->alignment = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
- text->font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(wi->font));
-#ifdef GL
- text->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, text->font);
- text->width = 0;
- text->spacing = 0;
- text->insert_index = 0;
- CLEAR(text->flags, UNDERLINED);
- CLEAR(text->flags, OVERSTRIKED);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- char *str;
- if (text->text) {
- str = ZnMalloc((strlen(text->text) + 1) * sizeof(char));
- strcpy(str, text->text);
- text->text = str;
- }
- if (text->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- text->fill_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(text->fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
- text->color = ZnGetGradientByValue(text->color);
- text->font = Tk_GetFont(wi->interp, wi->win, Tk_NameOfFont(text->font));
-#ifdef GL
- text->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, text->font);
- /*
- * We always need to invalidate, either because the model
- * has not done its layout (text_info == NULL) or because
- * we must unshare the pointers to the text that are in
- * text_info.
- */
- text->text_info = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- if (text->text) {
- ZnFree(text->text);
- }
- if (text->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(text->fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- text->fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- ZnFreeGradient(text->color);
- Tk_FreeFont(text->font);
-#ifdef GL
- if (text->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(text->tfi);
- }
- if (text->text_info) {
- ZnListFree(text->text_info);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnItem old_connected = item->connected_item;
- unsigned int num_chars;
-#ifdef GL
- Tk_Font old_font = text->font;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, text_attrs,
- argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (old_font != text->font) {
- if (text->tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(text->tfi);
- text->tfi = ZnGetTexFont(item->wi, text->font);
- }
- }
- num_chars = 0;
- if (text->text) {
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(text->text, (int) strlen(text->text));
- }
- if (text->num_chars != num_chars) {
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &item->wi->text_info;
- /*
- * The text has changed, update the selection and
- * insertion pos to keep them valid.
- */
- if (item == ti->sel_item) {
- if (ti->sel_last > (int) num_chars) {
- ti->sel_last = num_chars;
- }
- if (ti->sel_first >= ti->sel_last) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == item) && (ti->sel_anchor > (int) num_chars)) {
- ti->sel_anchor = num_chars;
- }
- }
- if (text->insert_index > num_chars) {
- text->insert_index = num_chars;
- }
- text->num_chars = num_chars;
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- /*
- * If the new connected item is not appropriate back up
- * to the old one.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (ISSET(item->connected_item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS) &&
- (item->parent == item->connected_item->parent))) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemDependency(item, old_connected);
- }
- else {
- item->connected_item = old_connected;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, text_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * Compute the transformation to be used and the origin
- * of the text (upper left point in item coordinates).
- */
-static ZnTransfo *
-ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoint *origin)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- /*
- * The connected item support anchors, this is checked by configure.
- */
- if (item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnTransfo inv;
- item->connected_item->class->GetAnchor(item->connected_item,
- text->connection_anchor,
- origin);
- /* GetAnchor return a position in device coordinates not in
- * the item coordinate space. To compute the text origin
- * (upper left corner), we must apply the inverse transform
- * to the ref point before calling anchor2origin.
- */
- ZnTransfoInvert(item->transfo, &inv);
- ZnTransformPoint(&inv, origin, origin);
- ZnAnchor2Origin(origin, (ZnReal) text->max_width,
- (ZnReal) text->height, text->anchor, origin);
- origin->x = ZnNearestInt(origin->x);
- origin->y = ZnNearestInt(origin->y);
- /*
- * The relevant transform in case of an attachment is the item
- * transform alone. This is case of local coordinate space where
- * only the translation is a function of the whole transform
- * stack, scale and rotation are reset.
- */
- return item->transfo;
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint p;
- p.x = p.y = 0;
- ZnAnchor2Origin(&p, (ZnReal) text->max_width,
- (ZnReal) text->height, text->anchor, origin);
- origin->x = ZnNearestInt(origin->x);
- origin->y = ZnNearestInt(origin->y);
- return item->wi->current_transfo;
- }
- * Compute the selection and the cursor geometry.
- */
-ComputeCursor(ZnItem item,
- int *cursor_line,
- unsigned int *cursor_offset)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- unsigned int i, line_index, insert_index, num_lines;
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- if (num_lines == 0) {
- *cursor_line = 0;
- }
- lines = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- if ((wi->focus_item == item) && ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) && ti->cursor_on) {
- insert_index = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, (int) text->insert_index)-text->text;
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- /*
- * Mark the line with the cursor and compute its
- * position along the X axis.
- */
- line_index = lines_ptr->start - text->text;
- if ((insert_index >= line_index) &&
- (insert_index <= line_index + lines_ptr->num_bytes)) {
- *cursor_line = i;
- *cursor_offset = Tk_TextWidth(text->font, (char *) lines_ptr->start,
- insert_index - line_index);
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-ComputeSelection(ZnItem item,
- int *sel_first_line,
- int *sel_last_line,
- unsigned int *sel_start_offset,
- unsigned int *sel_stop_offset)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- TextLineInfo lines_ptr, lines;
- int i, num_lines, byte_index;
- unsigned int line_index;
- unsigned int sel_first, sel_last;
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- if ((ti->sel_item != item) || !num_lines) {
- return;
- }
- lines = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- sel_first = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, ti->sel_first)-text->text;
- sel_last = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, ti->sel_last+1)-text->text;
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- /*
- * Compute the selection first and last line as well as
- * the positions along the X axis.
- */
- line_index = lines_ptr->start - text->text;
- if ((sel_last >= line_index) &&
- (sel_first <= (line_index + lines_ptr->num_bytes))) {
- if (*sel_first_line < 0) {
- byte_index = sel_first - line_index;
- if (byte_index <= 0) {
- *sel_first_line = i;
- *sel_start_offset = 0;
- /*printf("sel_start_offset 1 : %d\n", *sel_start_offset);*/
- }
- else if (byte_index <= lines_ptr->num_bytes) {
- *sel_first_line = i;
- *sel_start_offset = Tk_TextWidth(text->font, (char *) lines_ptr->start,
- byte_index);
- /*printf("sel_start_offset 2 : %d\n", *sel_start_offset);*/
- }
- }
- byte_index = ti->sel_last+1 - line_index;
- *sel_last_line = i;
- if (byte_index == lines_ptr->num_bytes+1)
- *sel_stop_offset = lines_ptr->width;
- else if (byte_index <= lines_ptr->num_bytes)
- *sel_stop_offset = Tk_TextWidth(text->font, (char *) lines_ptr->start,
- byte_index);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- TextLineInfo infos;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- ZnTransfo *transfo;
- int i, num_lines, cur_dy, font_height;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- font_height = fm.ascent+fm.descent;
- /*
- * The layout need not be done each time the item is moved, scaled
- * or rotated.
- */
- if (ISSET(item->inv_flags, ZN_LAYOUT_FLAG)) {
- char *scan;
- int wrap, prev_num_lines;
- text->max_width = 0;
- if (text->text_info != NULL) {
- prev_num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- ZnListEmpty(text->text_info);
- }
- else {
- prev_num_lines = 0;
- text->text_info = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(TextLineInfoStruct));
- }
- if (text->width > 0) {
- wrap = text->width;
- }
- else {
- wrap = 100000;
- }
- if ((scan = text->text) != NULL) {
- TextLineInfoStruct info;
- while (*scan) {
- char *special;
- int num, w;
- /*
- * Limit the excursion of Tk_MeasureChars to the end
- * of the line. Do not include \n in the measure done.
- */
- num = strcspn(scan, "\r\n");
- special = scan + num;
- info.num_bytes = Tk_MeasureChars(text->font, scan, num, wrap,
- info.width = w;
- info.start = scan;
- text->max_width = MAX(info.width, text->max_width);
- scan += info.num_bytes;
- /*
- * Skip the newline line character.
- */
- if ((*scan == '\r') || (*scan == '\n')) {
- scan++;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Skip white spaces occuring after an
- * automatic line break.
- */
- while (*scan == ' ') {
- scan++;
- }
- }
- ZnListAdd(text->text_info, &info, ZnListTail);
- /*printf("adding a text info : %s, num_bytes : %d, width : %d\n",
- info.start, info.num_bytes, info.width);*/
- }
- if (*text->text && ((scan[-1] == '\r') || (scan[-1] == '\n'))) {
- /* Build a text info even for an empty line
- * at the end of text or for an empty text.
- * It is needed to enable selection and cursor
- * insertion to behave correctly.
- */
- info.num_bytes = 0;
- info.width = 0;
- info.start = scan;
- ZnListAdd(text->text_info, &info, ZnListTail);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compute x & y positions for all lines in text_info. The coordinates are
- * in text natural units NOT transformed units.
- */
- cur_dy = fm.ascent;
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- infos = (TextLineInfo) ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
- switch (text->alignment) {
- infos[i].origin_x = 0;
- break;
- infos[i].origin_x = (text->max_width + 1 - infos[i].width)/2;
- break;
- infos[i].origin_x = text->max_width + 1 - infos[i].width;
- break;
- }
- infos[i].origin_y = cur_dy;
- cur_dy += font_height + text->spacing;
- /*printf("fixing line %d x : %d, y : %d\n", i, infos[i].origin_x,
- infos[i].origin_y);*/
- }
- } /* ISSET(item->inv_flags, INV_TEXT_LAYOUT) */
- text->height = font_height;
- if (text->text_info && text->max_width) {
- unsigned int h, cursor_offset;
- int cursor_line;
- ZnPoint origin, box[4];
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- infos = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- h = num_lines * font_height + (num_lines-1) * text->spacing;
- text->height = MAX(text->height, h);
- transfo = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- text->poly[0].x = origin.x;
- text->poly[0].y = origin.y;
- text->poly[3].x = text->poly[0].x + text->max_width;
- text->poly[3].y = text->poly[0].y + text->height;
- text->poly[1].x = text->poly[0].x;
- text->poly[1].y = text->poly[3].y;
- text->poly[2].x = text->poly[3].x;
- text->poly[2].y = text->poly[0].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, text->poly, text->poly, 4);
- /*
- * Add to the bounding box.
- */
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, text->poly, 4);
- /*
- * Add the cursor shape to the bbox.
- */
- cursor_line = -1;
- ComputeCursor(item, &cursor_line, &cursor_offset);
- if (cursor_line >= 0) {
- if (num_lines) {
- box[0].x = origin.x + infos[cursor_line].origin_x + cursor_offset -
- wi->text_info.insert_width/2;
- box[0].y = origin.y + infos[cursor_line].origin_y - fm.ascent + 1;
- }
- else {
- box[0].x = origin.x;
- box[0].y = origin.y;
- }
- box[2].x = box[0].x + wi->text_info.insert_width;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height - 1;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, box, 4);
- }
- }
- /*printf("bbox origin: %g %g corner %g %g\n",
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x, item->item_bounding_box.orig.y,
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x, item->item_bounding_box.corner.y);*/
- /*
- * Update connected items.
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- int inside = -1;
- ZnBool first_done = False;
- int num_lines, i;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- int font_height;
- ZnBBox line_bbox, *area = ta->area;
- ZnPoint box[4], p, origin;
- ZnTransfo inv, *transfo;
- if (!text->text_info || !text->text) {
- return -1;
- }
- transfo = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- box[0] = area->orig;
- box[2] = area->corner;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransfoInvert(transfo, &inv);
- ZnTransformPoints(&inv, box, box, 4);
- lines = (TextLineInfo) ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- font_height = fm.descent + fm.ascent;
- if (text->spacing > 0) {
- font_height += text->spacing;
- }
- /*printf("text %d, num lines=%d\n", item->id, num_lines);*/
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- ZnResetBBox(&line_bbox);
- p.x = origin.x + lines_ptr->origin_x;
- p.y = origin.y + lines_ptr->origin_y - fm.ascent;
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&line_bbox, p.x, p.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&line_bbox, p.x + lines_ptr->width, p.y + font_height);
- if (!first_done) {
- first_done = True;
- inside = ZnPolygonInBBox(box, 4, &line_bbox, NULL);
- if (inside == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(box, 4, &line_bbox, NULL) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return inside;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- XGCValues values;
- ZnPoint pos, box[4], origin;
- ZnTransfo *transfo;
- Drawable drw;
- GC gc;
- XImage *src_im, *dest_im=NULL;
- unsigned int dest_im_width=0, dest_im_height=0;
- unsigned int gc_mask = 0;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- unsigned int font_height;
- int num_lines, i;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- unsigned int underline_thickness, underline_pos=0, overstrike_pos=0;
- int sel_first_line=-1, sel_last_line=-1, cursor_line=-1;
- unsigned int sel_start_offset=0, sel_stop_offset=0, cursor_offset=0;
- if (!text->text_info/* || !text->text*/) {
- return;
- }
- lines = (TextLineInfo) ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- font_height = fm.ascent+fm.descent;
- transfo = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- /*
- * Compute the selection and the cursor geometry.
- */
- ComputeCursor(item, &cursor_line, &cursor_offset);
- ComputeSelection(item, &sel_first_line, &sel_last_line,
- &sel_start_offset, &sel_stop_offset);
- ZnTransformPoint(transfo, &origin, &pos);
- /*printf("sel 1st : %d offset : %d, sel last : %d offset : %d\n",
- sel_first_line, sel_start_offset, sel_last_line, sel_stop_offset);*/
- /*
- * Setup the gc for the selection and fill the selection.
- */
- if ((ti->sel_item == item) && (sel_first_line >= 0)) {
- XPoint xp[4];
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(ti->sel_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCForeground, &values);
- if (sel_first_line == sel_last_line) {
- box[0].x = origin.x +
- lines[sel_first_line].origin_x + sel_start_offset;
- box[0].y = origin.y +
- lines[sel_first_line].origin_y - fm.ascent;
- box[2].x = box[0].x + sel_stop_offset - sel_start_offset;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) box[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) box[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- else {
- box[0].x = origin.x +
- lines[sel_first_line].origin_x + sel_start_offset;
- box[0].y = origin.y +
- lines[sel_first_line].origin_y - fm.ascent;
- box[2].x = box[0].x +
- text->max_width-lines[sel_first_line].origin_x-sel_start_offset;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) box[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) box[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- for (i = sel_first_line+1, lines_ptr = &lines[sel_first_line+1];
- i < sel_last_line; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- box[0].x = origin.x;
- box[0].y = origin.y + lines_ptr->origin_y - fm.ascent;
- box[2].x = box[0].x + text->max_width;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) box[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) box[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- box[0].x = origin.x;
- box[0].y = origin.y + lines[sel_last_line].origin_y - fm.ascent;
- box[2].x = box[0].x + lines[sel_last_line].origin_x + sel_stop_offset;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- xp[i].x = (short) box[i].x;
- xp[i].y = (short) box[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xp, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- /*printf("cursor line : %d, cursor offset : %d\n", cursor_line, cursor_offset);*/
- /*
- * Setup the gc for the cursor and draw it.
- */
- if (cursor_line >= 0 &&
- (wi->focus_item == item) && ti->cursor_on) {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- values.line_width = ti->insert_width;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(ti->insert_color, 0.0);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCFillStyle|GCLineWidth, &values);
- box[0].x = origin.x + lines[cursor_line].origin_x + cursor_offset;
- box[0].y = origin.y + lines[cursor_line].origin_y - fm.ascent + 1;
- box[1].x = box[0].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y + font_height - 1;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 2);
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) box[0].x, (int) box[0].y, (int) box[1].x, (int) box[1].y);
- }
- /*
- * If the current transform is a pure translation, it is
- * possible to optimize by directly drawing to the X back
- * buffer. Else, we draw in a temporary buffer, get
- * its content as an image, transform the image into another
- * one and use this last image as a mask to draw in the X
- * back buffer.
- */
- if (ZnTransfoIsTranslation(transfo)) {
- drw = wi->draw_buffer;
- gc = wi->gc;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(text->color, 0.0);
- }
- else {
- dest_im_width = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.x -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x);
- dest_im_height = (unsigned int) (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y -
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y);
- drw = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer,
- MAX(dest_im_width, text->max_width),
- MAX(dest_im_height, text->height), 1);
- gc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, drw, 0, NULL);
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, gc, 0);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, drw, gc, 0, 0,
- MAX(dest_im_width, text->max_width),
- MAX(dest_im_height, text->height));
- dest_im = XCreateImage(wi->dpy, Tk_Visual(wi->win), 1,
- XYPixmap, 0, NULL, dest_im_width, dest_im_height,
- 8, 0);
- dest_im->data = ZnMalloc(dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- memset(dest_im->data, 0, dest_im->bytes_per_line * dest_im->height);
- values.foreground = 1;
- pos.x = 0;
- pos.y = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Setup the gc to render the text and draw it.
- */
- values.font = Tk_FontId(text->font);
- gc_mask = GCFont | GCForeground;
- if (text->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(text->fill_pattern, wi->win);
- gc_mask |= GCFillStyle | GCStipple;
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- gc_mask |= GCFillStyle;
- }
- if (ISSET(text->flags, UNDERLINED) || ISSET(text->flags, OVERSTRIKED)) {
- /*
- * These 3 values should be fetched from the font.
- * Currently I don't know how without diving into
- * Tk internals.
- */
- underline_thickness = 2;
- underline_pos = fm.descent/2;
- overstrike_pos = fm.ascent*3/10;
- values.line_style = LineSolid;
- values.line_width = underline_thickness;
- gc_mask |= GCLineStyle | GCLineWidth;
- }
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, gc, gc_mask, &values);
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- int tmp_x, tmp_y;
- tmp_x = (int)(pos.x + lines_ptr->origin_x);
- tmp_y = (int)(pos.y + lines_ptr->origin_y);
- Tk_DrawChars(wi->dpy, drw, gc,
- text->font, (char *) lines_ptr->start,
- (int) lines_ptr->num_bytes, tmp_x, tmp_y);
- if (ISSET(text->flags, UNDERLINED)) {
- int y_under = tmp_y + underline_pos;
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, drw, gc,
- tmp_x, y_under, tmp_x + (int) lines_ptr->width, y_under);
- }
- if (ISSET(text->flags, OVERSTRIKED)) {
- int y_over = tmp_y-overstrike_pos;
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, drw, gc,
- tmp_x, y_over, tmp_x + (int) lines_ptr->width, y_over);
- }
- }
- if (dest_im != NULL) {
- src_im = XGetImage(wi->dpy, drw, 0, 0, text->max_width, text->height,
- 1, XYPixmap);
- box[0].x = origin.x;
- box[0].y = origin.y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x + text->max_width;
- box[3].y = box[0].y + text->height;
- box[1].x = box[0].x;
- box[1].y = box[3].y;
- box[2].x = box[3].x;
- box[2].y = box[0].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- box[i].x -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- box[i].y -= item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- box[i].x = ZnNearestInt(box[i].x);
- box[i].y = ZnNearestInt(box[i].y);
- }
- ZnMapImage(src_im, dest_im, box);
- TkPutImage(NULL, 0,wi->dpy, drw, gc, dest_im,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, dest_im_width, dest_im_height);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(text->color, 0.0);
- values.stipple = drw;
- values.ts_x_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x;
- values.ts_y_origin = (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y;
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCForeground,
- &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.x,
- (int) item->item_bounding_box.orig.y,
- dest_im_width, dest_im_height);
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, gc);
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, drw);
- XDestroyImage(src_im);
- XDestroyImage(dest_im);
- }
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- ZnPoint o, c, origin;
- ZnTransfo *transfo;
- GLdouble m[16];
- int i, num_lines;
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- int font_height;
- int underline_thickness, underline_pos=0, overstrike_pos=0;
- int sel_first_line=-1, sel_last_line=-1, cursor_line=-1;
- int sel_start_offset=0, sel_stop_offset=0, cursor_offset=0;
- if (!text->text_info) {
- return;
- }
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- if (!item->gl_list) {
- item->gl_list = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(item->gl_list, GL_COMPILE);
- lines = (TextLineInfo) ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- font_height = fm.ascent+fm.descent;
- /*
- * These 3 values should be fetched from the font.
- * Currently I don't know how without diving into
- * Tk internals.
- */
- underline_thickness = 2;
- underline_pos = fm.descent/2;
- overstrike_pos = fm.ascent*3/10;
- transfo = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- /*
- * Compute the selection and the cursor geometry.
- */
- ComputeCursor(item, &cursor_line, &cursor_offset);
- ComputeSelection(item, &sel_first_line, &sel_last_line,
- &sel_start_offset, &sel_stop_offset);
- ZnGLMakeCurrent(wi->dpy, wi);
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- glPushMatrix();
- memset(m, 0, sizeof(m));
- m[0] = m[5] = m[15] = 1.0;
- if (transfo) {
- m[0] = transfo->_[0][0]; m[1] = transfo->_[0][1];
- m[4] = transfo->_[1][0]; m[5] = transfo->_[1][1];
- m[12] = ZnNearestInt(transfo->_[2][0]);
- m[13] = ZnNearestInt(transfo->_[2][1]);
- }
- glLoadMatrixd(m);
- glTranslated(origin.x, origin.y, 0.0);
- glPushMatrix();
- /*
- * Render the selection.
- */
- if ((ti->sel_item == item) && (sel_first_line >= 0)) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(ti->sel_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- o.x = lines[sel_first_line].origin_x + sel_start_offset;
- o.y = lines[sel_first_line].origin_y - fm.ascent;
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- if (sel_first_line == sel_last_line) {
- c.x = o.x + sel_stop_offset - sel_start_offset;
- c.y = o.y + font_height;
- glVertex2d(o.x, o.y);
- glVertex2d(o.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, o.y);
- }
- else {
- c.x = o.x + (text->max_width -
- lines[sel_first_line].origin_x - sel_start_offset);
- c.y = o.y + font_height;
- glVertex2d(o.x, o.y);
- glVertex2d(o.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, o.y);
- for (i = sel_first_line+1, lines_ptr = &lines[sel_first_line+1];
- i < sel_last_line; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- o.x = 0;
- o.y = lines_ptr->origin_y - fm.ascent;
- c.x = o.x + text->max_width;
- c.y = o.y + font_height;
- glVertex2d(o.x, o.y);
- glVertex2d(o.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, o.y);
- }
- o.x = 0;
- o.y = lines[sel_last_line].origin_y - fm.ascent;
- c.x = o.x + lines[sel_last_line].origin_x + sel_stop_offset;
- c.y = o.y + font_height;
- glVertex2d(o.x, o.y);
- glVertex2d(o.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, c.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, o.y);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- /*
- * Render the cursor.
- */
- if ((cursor_line >= 0) &&
- (wi->focus_item == item) && ti->cursor_on) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(ti->insert_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glLineWidth((GLfloat) ti->insert_width);
- o.x = lines[cursor_line].origin_x + cursor_offset;
- o.y = lines[cursor_line].origin_y - fm.ascent + 1;
- c.x = o.x;
- c.y = o.y + font_height - 1;
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(o.x, o.y);
- glVertex2d(c.x, c.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- /*
- * Render the text.
- */
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ZnTexFontTex(text->tfi));
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(text->color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- glTranslated(lines_ptr->origin_x, lines_ptr->origin_y, 0.0);
- if (ISSET(text->flags, UNDERLINED) || ISSET(text->flags, OVERSTRIKED)) {
- glLineWidth((GLfloat) underline_thickness);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- if (ISSET(text->flags, UNDERLINED)) {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(0, underline_pos);
- glVertex2d(lines_ptr->width, underline_pos);
- glEnd();
- }
- if (ISSET(text->flags, OVERSTRIKED)) {
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(0, -overstrike_pos);
- glVertex2d(lines_ptr->width, -overstrike_pos);
- glEnd();
- }
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- }
- ZnRenderString(text->tfi, lines_ptr->start, lines_ptr->num_bytes);
- glPopMatrix();
- glPushMatrix();
- }
- glPopMatrix();
- glPopMatrix();
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-#ifdef GL_LIST
- glEndList();
- }
- glCallList(item->gl_list);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- double dist = 1.0e40, new_dist;
- int num_lines, i;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- int font_height;
- ZnPoint box[4], origin, *p = ps->point;
- ZnTransfo *transfo;
- if (!text->text_info || !text->text) {
- return dist;
- }
- transfo = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- lines = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- font_height = fm.descent + fm.ascent;
- if (text->spacing > 0) {
- font_height += text->spacing;
- }
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- box[0].x = origin.x + lines_ptr->origin_x;
- box[0].y = origin.y + lines_ptr->origin_y - fm.ascent;
- box[2].x = box[0].x + lines_ptr->width;
- box[2].y = box[0].y + font_height;
- box[1].x = box[2].x;
- box[1].y = box[0].y;
- box[3].x = box[0].x;
- box[3].y = box[2].y;
- ZnTransformPoints(transfo, box, box, 4);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(box, 4, p);
- dist = MIN(dist, new_dist);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- TextLineInfo lines, lines_ptr;
- ZnPoint origin;
- ZnReal alignment;
- int i, num_lines;
- char path[150];
- lines = (TextLineInfo) ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- if (Tk_PostscriptFont(wi->interp, wi->ps_info, text->font) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_PostscriptColor(wi->interp, wi->ps_info,
- ZnGetGradientColor(text->color, 0.0, NULL)) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (text->fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "/StippleText {\n ", NULL);
- Tk_PostscriptStipple(wi->interp, wi->win, wi->ps_info,
- ZnImagePixmap(text->fill_pattern, wi->win));
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "} bind def\n", NULL);
- }
- ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- sprintf(path, "/InitialTransform load setmatrix\n"
- "[%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g] concat\n"
- "1 -1 scale\n",
- wi->current_transfo->_[0][0], wi->current_transfo->_[0][1],
- wi->current_transfo->_[1][0], wi->current_transfo->_[1][1],
- wi->current_transfo->_[2][0], wi->current_transfo->_[2][1]);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g [\n", origin.x, origin.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- /*
- * Emit code to draw the lines.
- */
- for (i = 0, lines_ptr = lines; i < num_lines; i++, lines_ptr++) {
- ZnPostscriptString(wi->interp, lines_ptr->start, lines_ptr->num_bytes);
- }
- switch (text->alignment) {
- default:
- alignment = 0;
- break;
- alignment = 0.5;
- break;
- alignment = 1;
- break;
- }
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- /* DrawText should not mess with anchors, they are already accounted for */
- sprintf(path, "] %d %g %g %g %s DrawText\n", fm.linespace, 0.0, 0.0,
- alignment, (text->fill_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ? "false" : "true");
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- if (text->num_chars != 0) {
- ZnRectOrigin2Anchor(text->poly, anchor, p);
- }
- else {
- *p = *text->poly;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, text->poly, 4, False);
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item origin. This doesn't take care of
- * the possible attachment. The change will be effective at the
- * end of the attachment.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " texts can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on texts", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- text->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &text->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Index --
- * Parse a text index and return its value and a
- * error status (standard Tcl result).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PointToChar(TextItem text,
- int x,
- int y)
- int i, n, num_lines, dummy, byte_index;
- ZnPoint p;
- TextLineInfo ti;
- Tk_FontMetrics fm;
- ZnReal a, b;
- byte_index = 0;
- if (!text->text_info) {
- return 0;
- }
- p.x = x;
- p.y = y;
- a = ZnLineToPointDist(&text->poly[0], &text->poly[2], &p, NULL);
- b = ZnLineToPointDist(&text->poly[0], &text->poly[1], &p, NULL);
- p.x = (text->max_width * b /
- hypot(text->poly[2].x - text->poly[0].x, text->poly[2].y - text->poly[0].y));
- p.y = (text->height * a /
- hypot(text->poly[1].x - text->poly[0].x, text->poly[1].y - text->poly[0].y));
- p.x = ZnNearestInt(p.x);
- p.y = ZnNearestInt(p.y);
- /*
- * Point above text, returns index 0.
- */
- if (p.y < 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Find the text line under point.
- */
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- ti = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- Tk_GetFontMetrics(text->font, &fm);
- for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++, ti++) {
- if (p.y < ti->origin_y + fm.descent) {
- if (p.x < ti->origin_x) {
- /*
- * Point to the left of the current line, returns
- * index of first char.
- */
- byte_index = ti->start - text->text;
- break;
- }
- if (p.x >= (ti->origin_x + ti->width)) {
- /*
- * Point to the right of the current line, returns
- * index past the last char.
- */
- byte_index = ti->start + ti->num_bytes - text->text;
- break;
- }
- n = Tk_MeasureChars(text->font, ti->start, (int) ti->num_bytes,
- (int) (p.x + 2 - ti->origin_x), TK_PARTIAL_OK,
- &dummy);
-#ifdef PTK_800
- byte_index = (ti->start + n - 1) - text->text;
- byte_index = Tcl_UtfPrev(ti->start + n, ti->start) - text->text;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == num_lines) {
- /*
- * Point below all lines, return the index after
- * the last char in text.
- */
- ti--;
- byte_index = ti->start + ti->num_bytes - text->text;
- }
- return Tcl_NumUtfChars(text->text, byte_index);
- * Return a new index from a current index and a
- * move command.
- *
- * 0 end of index line
- * 1 beginning of index line
- * 2 next word or end of word from index
- * 3 previous word or beginning of word from index
- * 4 previous line from index line
- * 5 next line from index line
- *
- */
-static int
-MoveFromIndex(TextItem text,
- unsigned int char_index,
- int move)
- unsigned int num_lines, byte_index, num_bytes=0;
- unsigned int line_index, line_start=0;
- TextLineInfo lines, p;
- char *strp;
- if (!text->text_info || !text->text) {
- return char_index;
- }
- byte_index = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, (int) char_index)-text->text;
- num_lines = ZnListSize(text->text_info);
- lines = p = ZnListArray(text->text_info);
- for (line_index = 0; line_index < num_lines; line_index++, p++) {
- line_start = p->start - text->text;
- num_bytes = p->num_bytes;
- if (line_start + num_bytes >= byte_index) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (line_index == num_lines) {
- line_index--;
- p--;
- }
- switch (move) {
- case 0:
- byte_index = line_start + num_bytes;
- goto convert_it;
- case 1:
- byte_index = line_start;
- goto convert_it;
- case 2:
- strp = &text->text[byte_index];
- while ((strp[1] == ' ') || (strp[1] == '\n')) {
- strp++;
- }
- while ((strp[1] != ' ') && (strp[1] != '\n') && strp[1]) {
- strp++;
- }
- byte_index = strp + 1 - text->text;
- goto convert_it;
- case 3:
- strp = &text->text[byte_index];
- while ((strp != text->text) && ((strp[-1] == ' ') || (strp[-1] == '\n'))) {
- strp--;
- }
- while ((strp != text->text) && (strp[-1] != ' ') && (strp[-1] != '\n')) {
- strp--;
- }
- byte_index = strp - text->text;
- goto convert_it;
- case 4:
- if (line_index > 0) {
- byte_index -= line_start;
- p = &lines[line_index-1];
- byte_index = MIN(byte_index, p->num_bytes);
- line_start = p->start - text->text;
- byte_index += line_start;
- }
- goto convert_it;
- case 5:
- if (line_index < num_lines-1) {
- byte_index -= line_start;
- p = &lines[line_index+1];
- byte_index = MIN(byte_index, p->num_bytes);
- line_start = p->start - text->text;
- byte_index += line_start;
- }
- convert_it:
- char_index = Tcl_NumUtfChars(text->text, (int) byte_index);
- default:
- return char_index;
- }
-static int
-Index(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- Tcl_Obj *index_spec,
- int *index)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- unsigned int length;
- int c, x, y;
- double tmp;
- char *end, *p;
- p = Tcl_GetString(index_spec);
- c = p[0];
- length = strlen(p);
- if ((c == 'e') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "end", length) == 0)) {
- *index = text->num_chars;
- }
- else if ((c == 'e') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "eol", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 0);
- }
- else if ((c == 'b') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "bol", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 1);
- }
- else if ((c == 'e') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "eow", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 2);
- }
- else if ((c == 'b') && (length > 1) && (strncmp(p, "bow", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 3);
- }
- else if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(p, "up", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 4);
- }
- else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(p, "down", length) == 0)) {
- *index = MoveFromIndex(text, text->insert_index, 5);
- }
- else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(p, "insert", length) == 0)) {
- *index = text->insert_index;
- }
- else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(p, "sel.first", length) == 0) &&
- (length >= 5)) {
- if (ti->sel_item != item) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "selection isn't in item", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *index = ti->sel_first;
- }
- else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(p, "sel.last", length) == 0) &&
- (length >= 5)) {
- if (ti->sel_item != item) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "selection isn't in item", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * We return a modified selection end so that it reflect
- * the text index of the last character _not_ the insertion
- * point between the last and the next.
- */
- *index = ti->sel_last-1;
- }
- else if (c == '@') {
- p++;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != ',')) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- /*x = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);*/
- x = (int) tmp;
- p = end+1;
- tmp = strtod(p, &end);
- if ((end == p) || (*end != 0)) {
- goto badIndex;
- }
- /*y = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);*/
- y = (int) tmp;
- *index = PointToChar(text, x, y);
- }
- else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, index_spec, index) == TCL_OK) {
- if (*index < 0){
- *index = 0;
- }
- else if ((unsigned int) *index > text->num_chars) {
- *index = text->num_chars;
- }
- }
- else {
- badIndex:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "bad index \"", p, "\"", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * InsertChars --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-InsertChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *index,
- char *chars)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &item->wi->text_info;
- unsigned int num_chars, byte_index, num_bytes = strlen(chars);
- char *new;
- if (num_bytes == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (*index < 0) {
- *index = 0;
- }
- if ((unsigned int) *index > text->num_chars) {
- *index = text->num_chars;
- }
- num_chars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(chars, (int) num_bytes);
- if (text->text) {
- byte_index = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, *index)-text->text;
- new = ZnMalloc(strlen(text->text) + num_bytes + 1);
- memcpy(new, text->text, (size_t) byte_index);
- strcpy(new + byte_index + num_bytes, text->text + byte_index);
- ZnFree(text->text);
- }
- else {
- byte_index = 0;
- new = ZnMalloc(num_bytes + 1);
- new[num_bytes] = 0;
- }
- memcpy(new + byte_index, chars, num_bytes);
- text->text = new;
- text->num_chars += num_chars;
- if (text->insert_index >= (unsigned int) *index) {
- text->insert_index += num_chars;
- }
- if (ti->sel_item == item) {
- if (ti->sel_first >= *index) {
- ti->sel_first += num_chars;
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= *index) {
- ti->sel_last += num_chars;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == item) && (ti->sel_anchor >= *index)) {
- ti->sel_anchor += num_chars;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * DeleteChars --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-DeleteChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *first,
- int *last)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- int byte_count, first_offset;
- int char_count, num_bytes;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &item->wi->text_info;
- char *new;
- if (!text->text) {
- return;
- }
- if (*first < 0) {
- *first = 0;
- }
- if (*last >= (int) text->num_chars) {
- *last = text->num_chars-1;
- }
- if (*first > *last) {
- return;
- }
- char_count = *last + 1 - *first;
- first_offset = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, *first)-text->text;
- byte_count = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text + first_offset, char_count)-
- (text->text+first_offset);
- num_bytes = strlen(text->text);
- if (num_bytes - byte_count) {
- new = (char *) ZnMalloc((unsigned) (num_bytes + 1 - byte_count));
- memcpy(new, text->text, (size_t) first_offset);
- strcpy(new + first_offset, text->text + first_offset + byte_count);
- ZnFree(text->text);
- text->text = new;
- text->num_chars -= char_count;
- }
- else {
- ZnFree(text->text);
- text->text = NULL;
- text->num_chars = 0;
- }
- if (text->insert_index > (unsigned int) *first) {
- text->insert_index -= char_count;
- if (text->insert_index < (unsigned int) *first) {
- text->insert_index = *first;
- }
- else if (*first == 0) {
- text->insert_index = 0;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_item == item) {
- if (ti->sel_first > *first) {
- ti->sel_first -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_first < *first) {
- ti->sel_first = *first;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= *first) {
- ti->sel_last -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_last < *first - 1) {
- ti->sel_last = *first - 1;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_first > ti->sel_last) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == item) && (ti->sel_anchor > *first)) {
- ti->sel_anchor -= char_count;
- if (ti->sel_anchor < *first) {
- ti->sel_anchor = *first;
- }
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Cursor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-TextCursor(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int index)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- if (index < 0) {
- text->insert_index = 0;
- }
- else if ((unsigned int) index > text->num_chars) {
- text->insert_index = text->num_chars;
- }
- else {
- text->insert_index = index;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Selection --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Selection(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int offset,
- char *chars,
- int max_bytes)
- TextItem text = (TextItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- int count;
- char const *sel_first, *sel_last;
- if (!text->text) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ((ti->sel_first < 0) ||
- (ti->sel_first > ti->sel_last)) {
- return 0;
- }
- sel_first = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(text->text, ti->sel_first);
- sel_last = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(sel_first, ti->sel_last + 1 - ti->sel_first);
- count = sel_last - sel_first - offset;
- if (count <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (count > max_bytes) {
- count = max_bytes;
- }
- memcpy(chars, sel_first + offset, (size_t) count);
- chars[count] = 0;
- return count;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct TEXT_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "text",
- sizeof(TextItemStruct),
- text_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- Tk_Offset(TextItemStruct, pos),
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- InsertChars,
- DeleteChars,
- TextCursor,
- Index,
- NULL, /* Part */
- Selection,
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnText = (ZnItemClassId) &TEXT_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Track.c b/generic/Track.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 63686c4..0000000
--- a/generic/Track.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2372 +0,0 @@
- * Track.c -- Implementation of Track and WayPoint items.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Track.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Group.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Define this to enable overlap manager setting
- * the label distance rho.
- */
-#undef DP
- * Some default values
-#define SPEED_VECTOR_PICKING_THRESHOLD 5 /* In pixels */
- * Sets a threshold for calculating distance from label_dx, label_dy.
- * Above this threshold value, the module is discarded, label_distance
- * is preferred.
- */
-#define MARKER_FILLED_BIT 1 << 0
-#define FILLED_HISTORY_BIT 1 << 1
-#define DOT_MIXED_HISTORY_BIT 1 << 2
-#define CIRCLE_HISTORY_BIT 1 << 3
-#define SV_MARK_BIT 1 << 4
-#define SV_TICKS_BIT 1 << 5
-#define POLAR_BIT 1 << 6
-#define FROZEN_LABEL_BIT 1 << 7
-#define LAST_AS_FIRST_BIT 1 << 8
-#define HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT 1 << 9
-#define LEADER -3
-#define CONNECTION -4
-#define SPEED_VECTOR -5
-* Specific Track item record
-typedef struct {
- ZnPoint world; /* world coord of pos */
- ZnPoint dev; /* dev coord of pos */
- ZnBool visible;
-} HistoryStruct, *History;
-typedef struct _TrackItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- unsigned short flags;
- ZnImage symbol; /* item symbol */
- ZnGradient *symbol_color;
- int label_angle; /* Label angle from track. */
- ZnDim label_distance; /* Label distance from track. */
- ZnDim label_dx; /* Label dx/dy from track. */
- ZnDim label_dy;
- int label_preferred_angle;
- int label_convergence_style;
- Tk_Anchor label_anchor;
- ZnLeaderAnchors leader_anchors; /* Spec of the leader attachment */
- ZnGradient *leader_color; /* leader color */
- ZnLineStyle leader_style;
- ZnLineShape leader_shape;
- ZnLineEnd leader_first_end;
- ZnLineEnd leader_last_end;
- ZnDim leader_width;
- ZnDim marker_size; /* world size of error circle */
- ZnGradient *marker_color; /* error circle color */
- ZnLineStyle marker_style; /* error circle style */
- ZnImage marker_fill_pattern; /* error circle fill pattern */
- ZnGradient *connection_color; /* connection color */
- ZnLineStyle connection_style;
- ZnDim connection_width;
- ZnGradient *speed_vector_color; /* s. v. color */
- ZnPoint pos; /* item world coordinates */
- ZnPoint speed_vector; /* s. v. slope in world coord */
- ZnDim speed_vector_width;
- ZnGradient *history_color;
- ZnDim history_width;
- /* Private data */
- ZnFieldSetStruct field_set;
- ZnPoint dev; /* device coords of current pos */
- ZnPoint speed_vector_dev; /* s. v. end in device coord */
- ZnDim marker_size_dev; /* dev size of error circle */
- ZnList history; /* pos list */
- ZnList leader_points;
-} TrackItemStruct, *TrackItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig track_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-circlehistory", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), CIRCLE_HISTORY_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-connectioncolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-connectionsensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(CONNECTION),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-connectionstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-connectionwidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filledhistory", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), FILLED_HISTORY_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filledmarker", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), MARKER_FILLED_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-frozenlabel", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), FROZEN_LABEL_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-historycolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, history_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-historywidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, history_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-labelanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE, "-labelangle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_angle), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-labelconvergencestyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_convergence_style), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldistance", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_distance), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldx", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_dx), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldy", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_dy), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_LABEL_FORMAT, "-labelformat", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, field_set.label_format), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE, "-labelpreferredangle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_preferred_angle), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-lastasfirst", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), LAST_AS_FIRST_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LEADER_ANCHORS, "-leaderanchors", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_anchors), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-leadercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-leaderfirstend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_first_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-leaderlastend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_last_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-leadersensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(LEADER),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-leaderstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_SHAPE, "-leadershape", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_shape), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-leaderwidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-markercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-markerfillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_fill_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-markersize", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_size), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-markerstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-mixedhistory", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), DOT_MIXED_HISTORY_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-numfields", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, field_set.num_fields), 0, 0, True },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL, Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT, ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-speedvector", NULL, Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, speed_vector), 0,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-speedvectorcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, speed_vector_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-speedvectormark", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), SV_MARK_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-speedvectorsensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(SPEED_VECTOR),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-speedvectorticks", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), SV_TICKS_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-speedvectorwidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, speed_vector_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-symbol", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, symbol), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-symbolcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, symbol_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-symbolsensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(CURRENT_POSITION),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-historyvisible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
-static ZnAttrConfig wp_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-connectioncolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-connectionsensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(CONNECTION),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-connectionstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-connectionwidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, connection_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-filledmarker", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, flags), MARKER_FILLED_BIT, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-labelanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANGLE, "-labelangle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_angle), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldistance", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_distance), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldx", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_dx), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-labeldy", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, label_dy), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_LABEL_FORMAT, "-labelformat", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, field_set.label_format), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_LEADER_ANCHORS, "-leaderanchors", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_anchors), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-leadercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-leaderfirstend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_first_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_END, "-leaderlastend", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_last_end), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-leadersensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(LEADER),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_SHAPE, "-leadershape", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_shape), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-leaderstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-leaderwidth", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, leader_width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-markercolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-markerfillpattern", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_fill_pattern), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_DIM, "-markersize", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_size), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_LINE_STYLE, "-markerstyle", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, marker_style), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_UINT, "-numfields", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, field_set.num_fields), 0, 0, True },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL, Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT, ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BITMAP, "-symbol", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, symbol), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_GRADIENT, "-symbolcolor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, symbol_color), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-symbolsensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.part_sensitive), ZnPartToBit(CURRENT_POSITION),
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrackItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
-* Init --
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &track->field_set;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- int num_fields;
- /*printf("size of a track = %d\n", sizeof(TrackItemStruct));*/
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- SET(item->part_sensitive, ZnPartToBit(CURRENT_POSITION));
- SET(item->part_sensitive, ZnPartToBit(LEADER));
- SET(item->part_sensitive, ZnPartToBit(CONNECTION));
- SET(item->part_sensitive, ZnPartToBit(SPEED_VECTOR));
- track->symbol_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->symbol = ZnGetImageByValue(wi->track_symbol, NULL, NULL);
- track->label_anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
- track->label_angle = DEFAULT_LABEL_ANGLE;
- track->label_distance = DEFAULT_LABEL_DISTANCE;
- SET(track->flags, POLAR_BIT);
- CLEAR(track->flags, FROZEN_LABEL_BIT);
- track->label_preferred_angle = DEFAULT_LABEL_PREFERRED_ANGLE;
- track->label_convergence_style = DEFAULT_CONVERGENCE_STYLE ;
- track->leader_anchors = NULL;
- track->leader_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->leader_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- track->leader_shape = ZN_LINE_STRAIGHT;
- track->leader_width = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
- track->connection_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->connection_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- track->connection_width = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
- track->marker_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->marker_style = ZN_LINE_SIMPLE;
- track->marker_fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- track->speed_vector_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->history_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- track->history_width = 8;
- CLEAR(track->flags, MARKER_FILLED_BIT);
- SET(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT);
- CLEAR(track->flags, CIRCLE_HISTORY_BIT);
- CLEAR(track->flags, LAST_AS_FIRST_BIT);
- CLEAR(track->flags, SV_MARK_BIT);
- CLEAR(track->flags, SV_TICKS_BIT);
- if (item->class == ZnTrack) {
- item->priority = 1;
- SET(track->flags, HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT);
- track->marker_size = DEFAULT_MARKER_SIZE;
- track->speed_vector.x = 0;
- track->speed_vector.y = 0;
- track->speed_vector_width = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
- }
- else {
- item->priority = 1;
- track->marker_size = 0;
- track->speed_vector.x = 0.0;
- track->speed_vector.y = 10.0;
- }
- field_set->item = item;
- field_set->label_format = NULL;
- /*
- * Then try to see if some fields are needed.
- */
- if ((*argc > 0) && (Tcl_GetString((*args)[0])[0] != '-') &&
- (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, (*args)[0], &num_fields) != TCL_ERROR)) {
- field_set->num_fields = num_fields;
- *args += 1;
- *argc -= 1;
- ZnFIELD.InitFields(field_set);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " number of fields expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- track->pos.x = 0;
- track->pos.y = 0;
- track->field_set.label_pos.x = 0;
- track->field_set.label_pos.y = 0;
- track->leader_first_end = NULL;
- track->leader_last_end = NULL;
- track->history = NULL;
- track->dev.x = 0;
- track->dev.y = 0;
- track->speed_vector_dev.x = 0;
- track->speed_vector_dev.y = 0;
- track->marker_size_dev = 0;
- track->leader_points = NULL;
- return TCL_OK;
-* Clone --
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- if (track->history) {
- track->history = ZnListDuplicate(track->history);
- }
- track->dev.x = 0;
- track->dev.y = 0;
- track->speed_vector_dev.x = 0;
- track->speed_vector_dev.y = 0;
- track->marker_size_dev = 0;
- if (track->leader_points) {
- track->leader_points = ZnListDuplicate(track->leader_points);
- }
- if (track->leader_first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(track->leader_first_end);
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDuplicate(track->leader_last_end);
- }
- ZnFIELD.CloneFields(&track->field_set);
- track->field_set.item = item;
- /*
- * We get all shared resources, colors bitmaps.
- */
- track->symbol_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->symbol_color);
- track->leader_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->leader_color);
- track->connection_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->connection_color);
- track->marker_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->marker_color);
- track->speed_vector_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->speed_vector_color);
- track->history_color = ZnGetGradientByValue(track->history_color);
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- track->symbol = ZnGetImageByValue(track->symbol, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if (track->marker_fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- track->marker_fill_pattern = ZnGetImageByValue(track->marker_fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- }
-* Destroy --
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- if (track->leader_points) {
- ZnListFree(track->leader_points);
- }
- if (track->leader_first_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(track->leader_first_end);
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end) {
- ZnLineEndDelete(track->leader_last_end);
- }
- if (track->history) {
- ZnListFree(track->history);
- }
- /*
- * Release shared resources.
- */
- ZnFreeGradient(track->symbol_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(track->leader_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(track->connection_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(track->marker_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(track->speed_vector_color);
- ZnFreeGradient(track->history_color);
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(track->symbol, NULL, NULL);
- track->symbol = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (track->marker_fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(track->marker_fill_pattern, NULL, NULL);
- track->marker_fill_pattern = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- ZnFIELD.FreeFields(&track->field_set);
-* Configure --
-static void
-AddToHistory(TrackItem track,
- ZnPoint old_pos)
- ZnWInfo *wi = ((ZnItem) track)->wi;
- if (track->history) {
- HistoryStruct hist;
- hist.world = old_pos;
- hist.dev = track->dev;
- hist.visible = True;
- ZnListAdd(track->history, &hist, ZnListHead);
- ZnListTruncate(track->history, wi->track_managed_history_size);
- }
- else {
- /* We do not shift the first time we move as the preceding position
- * is not valid. */
- /*printf("creating history\n");*/
- track->history = ZnListNew(wi->track_managed_history_size+1,
- sizeof(HistoryStruct));
- }
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnItem old_connected;
- ZnPoint old_pos;
- old_pos = track->pos;
- old_connected = item->connected_item;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, track_attrs, argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (track->label_angle < 0) {
- track->label_angle = 360 + track->label_angle;
- }
- /*
- * Adapt to the new label locating system.
- */
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_POLAR_FLAG)) {
- SET(track->flags, POLAR_BIT);
- ZnGroupSetCallOm(item->parent, True);
- }
- else if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_CARTESIAN_FLAG)) {
- CLEAR(track->flags, POLAR_BIT);
- ZnGroupSetCallOm(item->parent, True);
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- /*
- * If the new connected item is not appropriate back up
- * to the old one.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (((item->connected_item->class == ZnTrack) ||
- (item->connected_item->class == ZnWayPoint)) &&
- (item->parent == item->connected_item->parent))) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemDependency(item, old_connected);
- }
- else {
- item->connected_item = old_connected;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_VIS_FLAG)) {
- /* Record the change to trigger the overlap manager latter */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && ISSET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- ZnGroupSetCallOm(item->parent, True);
- }
- }
- /* If the current position has changed, shift the past pos. */
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_MOVED_FLAG)) {
- if (item->class == ZnTrack) {
- AddToHistory(track, old_pos);
- ZnGroupSetCallOm(item->parent, True);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-* Query --
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, track_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-* ComputeCoordinates --
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &track->field_set;
- ZnItem c_item;
- History hist;
- ZnPoint old_label_pos, old_pos, p, xp;
- ZnDim old_label_width, old_label_height;
- ZnReal rotation;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points, num_acc_pos, i;
- int alignment;
- int w2=0, h2=0, w=0, h=0;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- old_label_pos = field_set->label_pos;
- old_label_width = field_set->label_width;
- old_label_height = field_set->label_height;
- old_pos = track->dev;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &track->pos, &track->dev);
- track->dev.x = ZnNearestInt(track->dev.x);
- track->dev.y = ZnNearestInt(track->dev.y);
- /*printf("track pos %g %g --> %g %g\n", track->pos.x, track->pos.y, track->dev.x, track->dev.y);*/
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(track->symbol, &w, &h);
- /*printf("taille symbole %d %d\n", w, h);*/
- w2 = (w+1)/2;
- h2 = (h+1)/2;
- bbox.orig.x = track->dev.x - w2;
- bbox.orig.y = track->dev.y - h2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + w;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + h;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- /* Here we approximate the past position sizes to the size
- of the current position. They are actually smaller but who
- care :-). In fact it is even worse as we use the overall
- information from the symbol font.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && track->history) {
- unsigned int visible_history_size;
- /*
- * Trunc the visible history to the managed size.
- */
- ZnListTruncate(track->history, wi->track_managed_history_size);
- visible_history_size = (ISSET(track->flags, HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT) ?
- wi->track_visible_history_size : 0);
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- w = (int) track->history_width;
- w2 = (w+1)/2;
- num_acc_pos = ZnListSize(track->history);
- hist = ZnListArray(track->history);
- for (i = 0; i < num_acc_pos; i++) {
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &hist[i].world, &hist[i].dev);
- if ((i < visible_history_size) && (hist[i].visible)) {
- bbox.orig.x = hist[i].dev.x - w2;
- bbox.orig.y = hist[i].dev.y - w2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + w;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + w;
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Compute the speed vector end.
- */
- if (item->class == ZnTrack) {
- p.x = track->pos.x + track->speed_vector.x * wi->speed_vector_length;
- p.y = track->pos.y + track->speed_vector.y * wi->speed_vector_length;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &p, &track->speed_vector_dev);
- track->speed_vector_dev.x = ZnNearestInt(track->speed_vector_dev.x);
- track->speed_vector_dev.y = ZnNearestInt(track->speed_vector_dev.y);
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_MARK_BIT)) {
- int w = (int) track->speed_vector_width + 1;
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- track->speed_vector_dev.x - w,
- track->speed_vector_dev.y - w);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- track->speed_vector_dev.x + w,
- track->speed_vector_dev.y + w);
- }
- else {
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, track->speed_vector_dev.x,
- track->speed_vector_dev.y);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Take care of the connection between items.
- */
- c_item = item->connected_item;
- if ((c_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (track->connection_width > 0)) {
- w2 = (int) track->connection_width/2;
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, track->dev.x-w2, track->dev.y-w2);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, ((TrackItem)c_item)->dev.x+w2,
- ((TrackItem)c_item)->dev.y+w2);
- }
- /*
- * Compute the size of the circular marker.
- */
- p.x = track->pos.x + track->marker_size;
- p.y = track->pos.y;
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &p, &xp);
- xp.x = xp.x - track->dev.x;
- xp.y = xp.y - track->dev.y;
- track->marker_size_dev = sqrt(xp.x*xp.x + xp.y*xp.y);
- track->marker_size_dev = ZnNearestInt(track->marker_size_dev);
- if (track->marker_size_dev > PRECISION_LIMIT) {
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- track->dev.x - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev,
- track->dev.y - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- track->dev.x + (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev,
- track->dev.y + (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev);
- }
- /* Compute the new label bounding box. */
- if (field_set->label_format && field_set->num_fields) {
- ZnDim bb_width, bb_height;
- ZnReal rho, dist;
- ZnPoint leader_end;
- int it;
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(field_set, &bb_width, &bb_height);
- /*
- * Compute the label position.
- */
- if (ISSET(track->flags, POLAR_BIT)) {
- rho = track->label_distance;
- /*
- * Compute heading after applying the transform.
- */
- ZnTransfoDecompose(wi->current_transfo, NULL, NULL, &rotation, NULL);
- /*printf("rotation=%g, heading=%g, angle=%d\n", rotation,
- ZnProjectionToAngle(track->speed_vector.x, track->speed_vector.y),
- track->label_angle);*/
- rotation = ZnProjectionToAngle(track->speed_vector.x, track->speed_vector.y)-rotation;
- it = 0;
- while (1) {
- ZnPointPolarToCartesian(rotation, rho, (ZnReal) track->label_angle,
- &track->label_dx, &track->label_dy);
- field_set->label_pos.x = track->dev.x + track->label_dx;
- field_set->label_pos.y = track->dev.y - track->label_dy;
- ZnAnchor2Origin(&field_set->label_pos, bb_width, bb_height,
- track->label_anchor, &field_set->label_pos);
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, field_set->label_pos.x, field_set->label_pos.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, field_set->label_pos.x + bb_width, field_set->label_pos.y + bb_height);
- dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&bbox, &track->dev);
- dist = track->label_distance - dist;
- if (ABS(dist) < 1.0 || it > 5) {
- break;
- }
- it++;
- rho += dist;
- }
- }
- else {
- field_set->label_pos.x = track->dev.x + track->label_dx;
- field_set->label_pos.y = track->dev.y - track->label_dy;
- ZnAnchor2Origin(&field_set->label_pos, bb_width, bb_height,
- track->label_anchor, &field_set->label_pos);
- }
- field_set->label_pos.x = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.x);
- field_set->label_pos.y = ZnNearestInt(field_set->label_pos.y);
- /*
- * Need to compensate for GL thick lines
- */
-#ifdef GL
-#define CORR 1
-#define CORR 0
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, field_set->label_pos.x - CORR, field_set->label_pos.y - CORR);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box,
- field_set->label_pos.x + (ZnPos) bb_width + CORR,
- field_set->label_pos.y + (ZnPos) bb_height + CORR);
-#undef CORR
- /*
- * Process the leader.
- */
- if (track->leader_width > 0) {
- int left_x, left_y, right_x, right_y;
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- /*
- * Compute the actual leader end in the label.
- */
- if (track->leader_anchors) {
- left_x = track->leader_anchors->left_x;
- right_x = track->leader_anchors->right_x;
- left_y = track->leader_anchors->left_y;
- right_y = track->leader_anchors->right_y;
- }
- else {
- left_x = right_x = left_y = right_y = 50;
- }
- if (track->label_angle >= 270 || track->label_angle < 90) {
- if (track->leader_anchors && (left_y < 0)) {
- ZnFIELD.GetFieldBBox(field_set, (unsigned int) left_x, &bbox);
- leader_end.x = bbox.orig.x;
- leader_end.y = bbox.corner.y;
- }
- else {
- leader_end.x = field_set->label_pos.x + left_x*bb_width/100;
- leader_end.y = field_set->label_pos.y + left_y*bb_height/100;
- }
- alignment = ZN_AA_LEFT;
- }
- else {
- if (track->leader_anchors && (right_y < 0)) {
- ZnFIELD.GetFieldBBox(field_set, (unsigned int) right_x, &bbox);
- leader_end.x = bbox.corner.x;
- leader_end.y = bbox.corner.y;
- }
- else {
- leader_end.x = field_set->label_pos.x + right_x*bb_width/100;
- leader_end.y = field_set->label_pos.y + right_y*bb_height/100;
- }
- alignment = ZN_AA_RIGHT;
- }
- ZnFIELD.SetFieldsAutoAlign(field_set, alignment);
- /* Clip the leader on the label's fields */
- ZnFIELD.LeaderToLabel(field_set, &track->dev, &leader_end);
- /* Setup leader shape points */
- if (!track->leader_points) {
- track->leader_points = ZnListNew(ZN_LINE_SHAPE_POINTS, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- ZnLineShapePoints(&track->dev, &leader_end, track->leader_width,
- track->leader_shape, &bbox, track->leader_points);
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(track->leader_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(track->leader_points);
- /* Setup leader ends */
- if (track->leader_first_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_first_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_last_end, end_points);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Update connected items. */
- if ((old_label_pos.x != field_set->label_pos.x) ||
- (old_label_pos.y != field_set->label_pos.y) ||
- (old_label_width != field_set->label_width) ||
- (old_label_height != field_set->label_height) ||
- (old_pos.x != track->dev.x) ||
- (old_pos.y != track->dev.y)) {
- /* Update connected items */
- }
-* ToArea --
-* Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
-* entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- int inside;
- int width, height;
- ZnDim lwidth, lheight;
- ZnBBox bbox, *area = ta->area;
- ZnPoint pts[2];
- /*
- * Try the current position.
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(track->symbol, &width, &height);
- bbox.orig.x = track->dev.x-(width+1)/2;
- bbox.orig.y = track->dev.y-(height+1)/2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + width;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + height;
- }
- inside = ZnBBoxInBBox(&bbox, area);
- if (inside == 0) {
- /*printf("track pos\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Try the fields.
- */
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(&track->field_set, &lwidth, &lheight);
- if ((lwidth > 0.0) && (lheight > 0.0)) {
- if (ZnFIELD.FieldsToArea(&track->field_set, area) != inside) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try the leader.
- */
- if (track->field_set.label_format && (track->leader_width > 0)) {
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points;
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(track->leader_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(track->leader_points);
- lwidth = track->leader_width > 1 ? track->leader_width : 0;
- if (ZnPolylineInBBox(points, num_points, lwidth,
- CapRound, JoinRound, area) != inside) {
- /*printf("track leader\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- if (track->leader_first_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_first_end, end_points);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != inside) {
- /*printf("track leader\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_last_end, end_points);
- if (ZnPolygonInBBox(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, area, NULL) != inside) {
- /*printf("track leader\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try the speed vector.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && (track->speed_vector_width > 0)) {
- pts[0] = track->dev;
- pts[1] = track->speed_vector_dev;
- lwidth = track->speed_vector_width > 1 ? track->speed_vector_width : 0;
- if (ZnPolylineInBBox(pts, 2, lwidth, CapRound, JoinRound, area) != inside) {
- /*printf("track speed vector\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try the connection.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (track->connection_width > 0)) {
- pts[0] = track->dev;
- pts[1] = ((TrackItem) item->connected_item)->dev;
- lwidth = track->connection_width > 1 ? track->connection_width : 0;
- if (ZnPolylineInBBox(pts, 2, lwidth, CapRound, JoinRound, area) != inside) {
- /*printf("track connection\n");*/
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return inside;
-* Draw --
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- ZnItem c_item;
- XGCValues values;
- History hist;
- unsigned int h_side_size, side_size, width=0, height=0;
- unsigned int i, nb_hist, num_acc_pos;
- int x, y;
- /* Draw the marker */
- if (track->marker_size_dev != 0) {
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, track->marker_style);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(track->marker_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = 0;
- if (ISSET(track->flags, MARKER_FILLED_BIT)) {
- if (track->marker_fill_pattern == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- /* Fill solid */
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- }
- else {
- /* Fill stippled */
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(track->marker_fill_pattern, wi->win);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- }
- XFillArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (track->dev.x - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev),
- (int) (track->dev.y - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev),
- (unsigned int) track->marker_size_dev * 2,
- (unsigned int) track->marker_size_dev * 2,
- 0, 360 * 64);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) (track->dev.x - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev),
- (int) (track->dev.y - (ZnPos) track->marker_size_dev),
- (unsigned int) (track->marker_size_dev * 2),
- (unsigned int) (track->marker_size_dev * 2),
- 0, 360 * 64);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the connection.
- */
- c_item = item->connected_item;
- if ((c_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (track->connection_width > 0)) {
- ZnPoint pts[2];
- pts[0] = track->dev;
- pts[1] = ((TrackItem) item->connected_item)->dev;
- ZnDrawLineShape(wi, pts, 2, track->connection_style,
- ZnGetGradientPixel(track->connection_color, 0.0),
- track->connection_width, ZN_LINE_STRAIGHT);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the speed vector.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && (track->speed_vector_width > 0)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(track->speed_vector_color, 0.0);
- values.line_width = (int) (track->speed_vector_width > 1 ? track->speed_vector_width : 0);
- values.line_style = LineSolid;
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle | GCFillStyle, &values);
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- (int) track->dev.x,
- (int) track->dev.y,
- (int) track->speed_vector_dev.x,
- (int) track->speed_vector_dev.y);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the leader.
- */
- if (track->field_set.label_format && (track->leader_width > 0)) {
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- XPoint xpoints[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points;
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(track->leader_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(track->leader_points);
- ZnDrawLineShape(wi, points, num_points, track->leader_style,
- ZnGetGradientPixel(track->leader_color, 0.0),
- track->leader_width, track->leader_shape);
- if (track->leader_first_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_first_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xpoints[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xpoints, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_last_end, end_points);
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_LINE_END_POINTS; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = (short) end_points[i].x;
- xpoints[i].y = (short) end_points[i].y;
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, xpoints, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS,
- Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(track->symbol, &width, &height);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the history, current pos excepted.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && track->history) {
- unsigned int visible_history_size;
- visible_history_size = (ISSET(track->flags, HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT) ?
- wi->track_visible_history_size : 0);
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(track->history_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground|GCFillStyle, &values);
- if (ISCLEAR(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- values.line_width = 0;
- values.line_style = LineSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle, &values);
- }
- num_acc_pos = MIN(visible_history_size, ZnListSize(track->history));
- hist = ZnListArray(track->history);
- side_size = (int) track->history_width;
- for (i = 0, nb_hist = 0; i < num_acc_pos; i++) {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, LAST_AS_FIRST_BIT) &&
- (i == visible_history_size-1)) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(track->symbol_color, 0.0);
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCForeground, &values);
- }
- side_size--;
- side_size = MAX(1, side_size);
- h_side_size = (side_size+1)/2;
- if (hist[i].visible) {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, DOT_MIXED_HISTORY_BIT) && !(nb_hist++ % 2)) {
- x = (int) hist[i].dev.x;
- y = (int) hist[i].dev.y;
- /* Draw a point (portability layer doesn't define a XDrawPoint) */
- XDrawLine(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, x, y, x, y);
- }
- else {
- x = ((int) hist[i].dev.x) - h_side_size;
- y = ((int) hist[i].dev.y) - h_side_size;
- if (ISSET(track->flags, CIRCLE_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- XFillArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, side_size, side_size, 0, 360*64);
- }
- else {
- XDrawArc(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, side_size - 1, side_size - 1, 0, 360*64);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, side_size, side_size);
- }
- else {
- XDrawRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- x, y, side_size - 1, side_size - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the current position using a pattern for Tk.
- */
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- x = ((int) track->dev.x) - (width+1)/2;
- y = ((int) track->dev.y) - (height+1)/2;
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(track->symbol_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillStippled;
- values.stipple = ZnImagePixmap(track->symbol, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = x;
- values.ts_y_origin = y;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCForeground|GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin,
- &values);
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, x, y, width, height);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the label.
- */
- ZnFIELD.DrawFields(&track->field_set);
-* Render --
-#ifdef GL
-struct MarkerCBData {
- ZnPoint *p;
- int num;
- ZnReal size;
- ZnPoint center;
-static void
-MarkerRenderCB(void *closure)
- struct MarkerCBData *cbd = (struct MarkerCBData *) closure;
- int i;
- glVertex2d(cbd->center.x, cbd->center.y);
- for (i = 0; i < cbd->num; i++) {
- glVertex2d(cbd->center.x + cbd->p[i].x*cbd->size,
- cbd->center.y + cbd->p[i].y*cbd->size);
- }
- glEnd();
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- TrackItem c_item;
- History hist;
- unsigned int h_side_size, side_size, width=0, height=0;
- unsigned int i, j, nb_hist, num_acc_pos;
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color;
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnReal x0, y0, size;
- /* Draw the marker */
- if (track->marker_size_dev != 0) {
- points = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_MEDIUM, 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_points, NULL);
- x0 = track->dev.x;
- y0 = track->dev.y;
- size = track->marker_size_dev;
- if (ISSET(track->flags, MARKER_FILLED_BIT)) {
- ZnBBox bbox;
- struct MarkerCBData cbd;
- cbd.center.x = x0;
- cbd.center.y = y0;
- cbd.num = num_points;
- cbd.size = size;
- cbd.p = points;
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (track->marker_fill_pattern != ZnUnspecifiedImage) { /* Fill stippled */
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, track->dev.x-size, track->dev.y-size);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, track->dev.x+size, track->dev.y+size);
- ZnRenderTile(wi, track->marker_fill_pattern, track->marker_color,
- MarkerRenderCB, &cbd, (ZnPoint *) &bbox);
- }
- else {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(track->marker_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- MarkerRenderCB(&cbd);
- }
- }
- else {
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- ZnSetLineStyle(wi, track->marker_style);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- glVertex2d(x0 + points[i].x*size, y0 + points[i].y*size);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the connection.
- */
- c_item = (TrackItem) item->connected_item;
- if ((c_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (track->connection_width > 0)) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(track->connection_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glLineWidth((GLfloat)track->connection_width);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(track->dev.x, track->dev.y);
- glVertex2d(c_item->dev.x, c_item->dev.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- /*
- * Draw the speed vector.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && (track->speed_vector_width > 0)) {
- unsigned int num_clips=0, svlength=0;
- ZnReal svxstep=0, svystep=0;
- GLfloat ticksize=0;
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(track->speed_vector_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glLineWidth((GLfloat)track->speed_vector_width);
- /*
- * Turn off AA to obtain a square point precisely defined
- */
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_TICKS_BIT) ||
- ISSET(track->flags, SV_MARK_BIT)) {
- glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_TICKS_BIT)) {
- num_clips = ZnListSize(wi->clip_stack);
- ticksize = 3;
- svlength = (int) wi->speed_vector_length;
- svxstep = (track->speed_vector_dev.x-track->dev.x)/svlength;
- svystep = (track->speed_vector_dev.y-track->dev.y)/svlength;
- glPointSize(ticksize);
- ZnGlStartClip(num_clips, False);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- for (i = 1; i < svlength; i++) {
- glVertex2d(track->dev.x + i*svxstep, track->dev.y + i*svystep);
- }
- glEnd();
- ZnGlRenderClipped();
- }
- }
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex2d(track->dev.x, track->dev.y);
- glVertex2d(track->speed_vector_dev.x, track->speed_vector_dev.y);
- glEnd();
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_MARK_BIT)) {
- glPointSize((GLfloat) (track->speed_vector_width + 2.0));
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(track->speed_vector_dev.x, track->speed_vector_dev.y);
- glEnd();
- }
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_TICKS_BIT) ||
- ISSET(track->flags, SV_MARK_BIT)) {
- glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
- if (ISSET(track->flags, SV_TICKS_BIT)) {
- glPointSize(ticksize);
- ZnGlRestoreStencil(num_clips, False);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- for (i = 1; i < svlength; i++) {
- glVertex2d(track->dev.x + i*svxstep, track->dev.y + i*svystep);
- }
- glEnd();
- ZnGlEndClip(num_clips);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Draw the leader.
- */
- if (track->field_set.label_format && (track->leader_width > 0)) {
- points = ZnListArray(track->leader_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(track->leader_points);
- ZnRenderPolyline(wi,
- points, num_points, track->leader_width,
- track->leader_style, CapRound, JoinRound,
- track->leader_first_end, track->leader_last_end,
- track->leader_color);
- }
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(track->symbol, &width, &height);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the history, current pos excepted.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && track->history) {
- unsigned int visible_history_size;
- visible_history_size = (ISSET(track->flags, HISTORY_VISIBLE_BIT) ?
- wi->track_visible_history_size : 0);
- points = ZnGetCirclePoints(3, ZN_CIRCLE_COARSE, 0.0, 2*M_PI, &num_points, NULL);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(track->history_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- num_acc_pos = MIN(visible_history_size, ZnListSize(track->history));
- hist = ZnListArray(track->history);
- side_size = (int) track->history_width;
- /*
- * Turning off line and point smoothing
- * to enhance ;-) history drawing.
- */
- glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
- glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
- for (i = 0, nb_hist = 0; i < num_acc_pos; i++) {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, LAST_AS_FIRST_BIT) &&
- (i == visible_history_size-1)) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(track->symbol_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- }
- side_size--;
- side_size = MAX(1, side_size);
- h_side_size = (side_size+1)/2;
- if (hist[i].visible) {
- x0 = hist[i].dev.x;
- y0 = hist[i].dev.y;
- if ((ISSET(track->flags, DOT_MIXED_HISTORY_BIT) && !(nb_hist++ % 2)) ||
- (side_size == 1)) {
- glPointSize(1.0);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(x0, y0);
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, CIRCLE_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- glPointSize((GLfloat) side_size);
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- glVertex2d(x0, y0);
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
-#if 1
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {
- glVertex2d(x0 + points[j].x*h_side_size,
- y0 + points[j].y*h_side_size);
- }
- glEnd();
- RenderHollowDot(wi, &hist[i].dev, side_size+1);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (ISSET(track->flags, FILLED_HISTORY_BIT)) {
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2d(x0 - h_side_size, y0 - h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 - h_side_size, y0 + h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 + h_side_size, y0 + h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 + h_side_size, y0 - h_side_size);
- glEnd();
- }
- else {
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
- glVertex2d(x0 - h_side_size, y0 - h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 - h_side_size, y0 + h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 + h_side_size, y0 + h_side_size);
- glVertex2d(x0 + h_side_size, y0 - h_side_size);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
- glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
- }
- /*
- * Draw the current position using a pattern.
- */
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnPoint p;
- p.x = track->dev.x - (width+1)/2;
- p.y = track->dev.y - (height+1)/2;
- ZnRenderIcon(wi, track->symbol, track->symbol_color, &p, True);
- }
- /*
- * Render the label.
- */
- ZnFIELD.RenderFields(&track->field_set);
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
-* IsSensitive --
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- if (ISCLEAR(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) ||
- !item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART)) {
- return False;
- }
- if (item_part < ZN_NO_PART) {
- return ISSET(item->part_sensitive, ZnPartToBit(item_part));
- }
- else if (item_part >= 0) {
- return ZnFIELD.IsFieldSensitive(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set, item_part);
- }
- else if (item_part == ZN_NO_PART) {
- return ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- }
- return True;
-* Pick --
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- ZnItem c_item;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- double dist=0, new_dist;
- ZnPoint *points, *p = ps->point;
- int num_points, i;
- int width=0, height=0;
- double width_2;
- int best_part;
- ZnPoint pts[2];
- /*
- * Try one of the fields.
- */
- dist = ZnFIELD.FieldsPick(&track->field_set, p, &best_part);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- /*
- * Try the current position symbol.
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- if (track->symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnSizeOfImage(track->symbol, &width, &height);
- bbox.orig.x = track->dev.x-(width+1)/2;
- bbox.orig.y = track->dev.y-(height+1)/2;
- bbox.corner.x = bbox.orig.x + width;
- bbox.corner.y = bbox.orig.y + height;
- }
- new_dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&bbox, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- best_part = CURRENT_POSITION;
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- /*
- * Try the leader.
- */
- if (track->field_set.label_format && (track->leader_width > 0) &&
- track->leader_points) {
- ZnPoint end_points[ZN_LINE_END_POINTS];
- width_2 = (track->leader_width>1) ? ((double) track->leader_width)/2.0 : 0;
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(track->leader_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(track->leader_points)-1;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&points[i], &points[i+1], p, NULL);
- new_dist -= width_2;
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- best_part = LEADER;
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- }
- if (track->leader_first_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[0], &points[1], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_first_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- best_part = LEADER;
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- }
- if (track->leader_last_end != NULL) {
- ZnGetLineEnd(&points[num_points-1], &points[num_points-2], track->leader_width,
- CapRound, track->leader_last_end, end_points);
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(end_points, ZN_LINE_END_POINTS, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- best_part = LEADER;
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try the speed vector.
- */
- if ((item->class == ZnTrack) && (track->speed_vector_width > 0)) {
- pts[0] = track->dev;
- pts[1] = track->speed_vector_dev;
- new_dist = ZnPolylineToPointDist(pts, 2, track->speed_vector_width,
- CapRound, JoinRound, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- best_part = SPEED_VECTOR;
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- goto report0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try the connection.
- */
- c_item = item->connected_item;
- if ((c_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (track->connection_width > 0)) {
- pts[0] = track->dev;
- pts[1] = ((TrackItem) item->connected_item)->dev;
- new_dist = ZnPolylineToPointDist(pts, 2, track->connection_width,
- CapRound, JoinRound, p);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- best_part = CONNECTION;
- }
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- report0:
- dist = 0.0;
- }
- }
- /* printf("track %d reporting part %d, distance %lf\n",
- item->id, best_part, dist); */
- ps->a_part = best_part;
- return dist;
-* PostScript --
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- return TCL_OK;
-#ifdef ATC
-* ZnSendTrackToOm --
- * TODO:
- *
- * The tracks should be identified by their ids not their
- * structure pointer. This would enable an easy interface
- * between the overlap manager and the applications when
- * dealing with tracks.
- */
-void *
-ZnSendTrackToOm(void *ptr,
- void *item,
- int *x,
- int *y,
- int *sv_dx,
- int *sv_dy,
- /*int *label_x,
- int *label_y,
- int *label_width,
- int *label_height,*/
- int *rho,
- int *theta,
- int *visibility,
- int *locked,
- int *preferred_angle,
- int *convergence_style)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) ptr;
- ZnItem current_item = (ZnItem) item;
- TrackItem track;
- ZnBBox zn_bbox, bbox;
- ZnBool to_be_sent;
- int rho_derived ;
- zn_bbox.orig.x = zn_bbox.orig.y = 0;
- zn_bbox.corner.x = wi->width;
- zn_bbox.corner.y = wi->height;
- if (current_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- current_item = ZnGroupHead(wi->om_group);
- }
- else {
- current_item = current_item->next;
- }
- while (current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- to_be_sent = current_item->class == ZnTrack;
- /* We send invisibles items because the current algorithm
- take care of the age of the tracks.
- to_be_sent &= ISSET(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);*/
- ZnIntersectBBox(&zn_bbox, &current_item->item_bounding_box, &bbox);
- to_be_sent &= !ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox);
- if (to_be_sent) {
- track = (TrackItem) current_item;
- *x = (int) track->dev.x;
- *y = wi->height - ((int) track->dev.y);
- /*
- * We must send world values for speed vector deltas as device
- * equivalents can be null. But then if the image is rotated this
- * is nonsense.
- */
- *sv_dx = (int) track->speed_vector.x;
- *sv_dy = (int) track->speed_vector.y;
- /* Fri Oct 13 15:16:38 2000
- *label_x = track->field_set.label_pos.x;
- *label_y = wi->height - track->field_set.label_pos.y;
- if (track->field_set.label_format) {
- ZnDim bb_width, bb_height;
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(&track->field_set, &bb_width, &bb_height);
- *label_width = bb_width;
- *label_height = bb_height;
- }
- else {
- *label_width = 0;
- *label_height = 0;
- }
- */
- /*
- * Trial to fix rho drift due to ZnPointPolarToCartesian
- * roundoff error.
- */
- rho_derived = (int) sqrt(track->label_dx*track->label_dx +
- track->label_dy*track->label_dy);
-#ifdef DP
- if (ABS(rho_derived - track->label_distance) < LABEL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
- /* The error is narrow so value discarded */
- *rho = track->label_distance ;
- }
- else {
- /* Means a user change has been performed on label_dx label_dy */
- *rho = rho_derived ;
- }
- *rho = rho_derived;
- *theta = track->label_angle;
- *visibility = (ISSET(current_item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT) ? 1 : 0 );
- *locked = (ISSET(track->flags, FROZEN_LABEL_BIT) ? 1 : 0);
- *preferred_angle = track->label_preferred_angle;
- *convergence_style = track->label_convergence_style;
- break;
- }
- current_item = current_item->next;
- }
- return (void *) current_item;
-* ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm --
-ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm(void *ptr, /* No longer in use. */
- void *item,
- int rho,
- int theta)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- theta %= 360;
- if (theta < 0) {
- theta += 360;
- }
- if (ISCLEAR(track->flags, FROZEN_LABEL_BIT) && (track->label_angle != theta)) {
- track->label_angle = theta;
-#ifdef DP
- track->label_distance = rho;
- SET(track->flags, POLAR_BIT);
- ZnITEM.Invalidate((ZnItem) item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- /* ZnGroupSetCallOm(((ZnItem)item)->parent, True);*/
- }
-* ZnQueryLabelPosition -- OverlapMan query the widget about what would be the
-* label position if label_angle is theta
-ZnQueryLabelPosition(void *ptr, /* No longer in use. */
- void *item,
- int theta,
- int *x,
- int *y,
- int *w,
- int *h)
- ZnItem it = (ZnItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = it->wi;
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) it;
- if (track->field_set.label_format) {
- ZnDim bb_width, bb_height;
- ZnDim delta_x, delta_y;
- ZnReal heading;
- /*
- * !! BUG !! This doesn't work if the current transform has some rotation.
- */
- heading = ZnProjectionToAngle(track->speed_vector.x, track->speed_vector.y);
- ZnPointPolarToCartesian(heading, track->label_distance, (ZnReal) theta, &delta_x, &delta_y);
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(&track->field_set, &bb_width, &bb_height);
- /*
- * !! BUG !! This assume a label placing relative to the center anchor.
- * We must fix this by taking into account the label anchor.
- */
- *x = (int) track->dev.x + (int) (delta_x - bb_width/2);
- *y = (int) track->dev.y - (int) (delta_y + bb_height/2);
- *y = ((int) wi->height) - *y;
- *w = (int) bb_width;
- *h = (int) bb_height;
- }
- else {
- *x = *y = *w = *h = 0;
- }
-* ZnSetHistoryVisibility -- PLC - not yet implemented
-ZnSetHistoryVisibility(ZnItem item,
- int index,
- ZnBool visible)
-* ZnTruncHistory -- PLC - not yet interfaced
-ZnTruncHistory(ZnItem item)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- if (track->history) {
- int size = ZnListSize (track->history);
- History hist_tbl = ZnListArray (track->history);
- while (size--) {
- hist_tbl[size].visible = False;
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
-* GetFieldSet --
-static ZnFieldSet
-GetFieldSet(ZnItem item)
- return &((TrackItem) item)->field_set;
-* GetAnchor --
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- ZnFieldSet field_set = &((TrackItem) item)->field_set;
- ZnDim width, height;
- if (field_set->label_format) {
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(field_set, &width, &height);
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&field_set->label_pos, width, height, anchor, p);
- }
- else {
- p->x = p->y = 0.0;
- }
-* Coords --
-* Return or edit the item position.
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- TrackItem track = (TrackItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " ",
- item->class->name, "s can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on ",
- item->class->name, "s", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (item->class == ZnTrack) {
- AddToHistory(track, track->pos);
- }
- track->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &track->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-* Part --
-* Convert a private part from/to symbolic representation.
-static int
-Part(ZnItem item,
- Tcl_Obj **part_spec,
- int *part)
- char *part_str="";
- int c;
- char *end;
- if (*part_spec) {
- part_str = Tcl_GetString(*part_spec);
- if (strlen(part_str) == 0) {
- *part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- else if (isdigit(part_str[0])) {
- *part = strtol(part_str, &end, 0);
- if ((*end != 0) || (*part < 0) ||
- ((unsigned int) *part >= ((TrackItem) item)->field_set.num_fields)) {
- goto part_error;
- }
- }
- else {
- c = part_str[0];
- if ((c == 'c') && (strcmp(part_str, "connection") == 0)) {
- *part = CONNECTION;
- }
- else if ((c == 'l') && (strcmp(part_str, "leader") == 0)) {
- *part = LEADER;
- }
- else if ((c == 'p') && (strcmp(part_str, "position") == 0)) {
- }
- else if ((c == 's') && (strcmp(part_str, "speedvector") == 0)) {
- if (item->class != ZnTrack) {
- goto part_error;
- }
- *part = SPEED_VECTOR;
- }
- else {
- part_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " invalid item part specification", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (*part >= 0) {
- *part_spec = Tcl_NewIntObj(*part);
- }
- else {
- part_str = "";
- switch (*part) {
- default:
- case ZN_NO_PART:
- break;
- part_str = "position";
- break;
- case LEADER:
- part_str = "leader";
- break;
- part_str = "connection";
- break;
- if (item->class == ZnTrack) {
- part_str = "speedvector";
- break;
- }
- }
- if (part_str[0]) {
- *part_spec = Tcl_NewStringObj(part_str, -1);
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-* Index --
-* Parse a text index and return its value and aa
-* error status (standard Tcl result).
-static int
-Index(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- Tcl_Obj *index_spec,
- int *index)
- return ZnFIELD.FieldIndex(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set, field,
- index_spec, index);
-* InsertChars --
-static void
-InsertChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *index,
- char *chars)
- if (ZnFIELD.FieldInsertChars(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set,
- field, index, chars)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
-* DeleteChars --
-static void
-DeleteChars(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int *first,
- int *last)
- if (ZnFIELD.FieldDeleteChars(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set,
- field, first, last)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
-* Cursor --
-static void
-TrackCursor(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int index)
- ZnFIELD.FieldCursor(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set, field, index);
-* Selection --
-static int
-Selection(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int offset,
- char *chars,
- int max_chars)
- return ZnFIELD.FieldSelection(&((TrackItem) item)->field_set, field,
- offset, chars, max_chars);
-* Exported functions struct --
- * Track -position attribute is not handled the same way as other
- * interface items like texts, icons and such, as it make little sense
- * to change the local transform of a track. It is always processed as
- * a point in the coordinate system of the track's parent. It is the same
- * for the points in the history and the speed vector end.
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct TRACK_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "track",
- sizeof(TrackItemStruct),
- track_attrs,
- 4, /* num_parts */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- GetFieldSet,
- GetAnchor,
- NULL, /* GetClipVertices */
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- InsertChars,
- DeleteChars,
- TrackCursor,
- Index,
- Part,
- Selection,
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-static ZnItemClassStruct WAY_POINT_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "waypoint",
- sizeof(TrackItemStruct),
- wp_attrs,
- 3, /* num_parts */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- GetFieldSet,
- GetAnchor,
- NULL, /* GetClipVertices */
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- InsertChars,
- DeleteChars,
- TrackCursor,
- Index,
- Part,
- Selection,
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnTrack = (ZnItemClassId) &TRACK_ITEM_CLASS;
-ZnItemClassId ZnWayPoint = (ZnItemClassId) &WAY_POINT_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Track.h b/generic/Track.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d96a7a6..0000000
--- a/generic/Track.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Track.h --
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Tue Jan 19 16:03:53 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Track_h
-#define _Track_h
-#include "Item.h"
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Functions defined in Track.c for internal use.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-void *ZnSendTrackToOm(void *ptr, void *item, int *x, int *y,
- int *sv_dx, int *sv_dy,
- /* Fri Oct 13 15:18:11 2000
- int *label_x, int *label_y,
- int *label_width, int *label_height,*/
- int *rho, int *theta, int *visibility, int *locked,
- int *preferred_angle, int *convergence_style);
-void ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm(void *ptr, void *item, int rho, int theta);
-void ZnQueryLabelPosition(void *ptr, void *item, int theta,
- int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
-void ZnSetHistoryVisibility(ZnItem item, int index, ZnBool visibility);
-void ZnTruncHistory(ZnItem item);
-#endif /* _Track_h */
diff --git a/generic/Transfo.c b/generic/Transfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d9cee9f..0000000
--- a/generic/Transfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
- * Transfo.c -- Implementation of transformation routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * This package deals with *AFFINE* 3x3 matrices.
- * This means that you should not try to feed it with matrices
- * containing perspective changes. It is assumed that the third
- * column is always [0 0 1] as this is the case for affine matrices.
- * Furthermore affine matrices are known to be invertible (non singular).
- * Despite this, various tests are done to test the invertibility because
- * of numerical precision or limit.
- * Any of the operations in this module yield an affine matrix. Composition
- * of two affine matrices and inversion of an affine matrix result in an
- * affine matrix (Affine matrices Group property). Rotation, translation
- * anamorphic scaling, xy skew and yx skew also preserve the property.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Transfo.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Imagine: Transfo.c,v 1.7 1997/01/24 14:33:37 lecoanet Exp $";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * The transformation primitives are based on affines matrices retricted
- * to the following pattern:
- *
- * x x 0
- * x x 0
- * x x 1
- *
- * It is necessary to feed only those matrices to the Transfo primitives
- * as they do optimizations based on the properties of affine matrices.
- * Furthermore the package stores only the first two columns, the third
- * is constant. There is no way to describe perspective transformation
- * with these transformation matrices.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoNew --
- * Create a new transformation and return it initialized to
- * identity.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
- ZnTransfo *t;
- t = (ZnTransfo *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnTransfo));
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(t);
- return t;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoDuplicate --
- * Create a new transformation identical to the model t.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoDuplicate(ZnTransfo *t)
- ZnTransfo *nt;
- nt = (ZnTransfo *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnTransfo));
- if (t) {
- *nt = *t;
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(nt);
- }
- return nt;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoFree --
- * Delete a transformation and free its memory.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoFree(ZnTransfo *t)
- ZnFree(t);
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnPrintTransfo --
- * Print the transfo matrix on stdout.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnPrintTransfo(ZnTransfo *t)
- /*
- * sx 0 cos(rot) sin(rot) 1 tan(skewy) 1 0
- * 0 sy -sin(rot) cos(rot) tan(skewx) 1 0 1
- * 0 0 0 0 0 0 tx ty
- */
- if (t) {
- printf("(%5g %5g\n %5g %5g\n %5g %5g)\n",
- t->_[0][0], t->_[0][1],
- t->_[1][0], t->_[1][1],
- t->_[2][0], t->_[2][1]);
- }
- else {
- printf("(%5g %5g\n %5g %5g\n %5g %5g)\n",
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoIsIdentity --
- * Tell if the given transfo is (close to) identity.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoIsIdentity(ZnTransfo *t)
- ZnReal tmp;
- ZnBool res = False;
- tmp = t->_[0][0] - 1.0;
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- tmp = t->_[1][1] - 1.0;
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- tmp = t->_[0][1];
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- tmp = t->_[1][0];
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- tmp = t->_[2][0];
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- tmp = t->_[2][1];
- res = res & ((tmp < PRECISION_LIMIT) && (tmp > -PRECISION_LIMIT));
- return res;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoSetIdentity --
- * Initialize the given transfo to identity.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoSetIdentity(ZnTransfo *t)
- t->_[0][0] = 1;
- t->_[0][1] = 0;
- t->_[1][0] = 0;
- t->_[1][1] = 1;
- t->_[2][0] = 0;
- t->_[2][1] = 0;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoCompose --
- * Combine two transformations t1 and t2 by post-concatenation.
- * Returns the resulting transformation.
- * t2 can be NULL, meaning identity transform. This is used in
- * the toolkit to optimize some cases.
- *
- * All the parameters must be distincts transforms.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoCompose(ZnTransfo *res,
- ZnTransfo *t1,
- ZnTransfo *t2)
- if ((t1 != NULL) && (t2 != NULL)) {
- register float tmp;
- tmp = t1->_[0][0];
- res->_[0][0] = tmp*t2->_[0][0] + t1->_[0][1]*t2->_[1][0];
- res->_[0][1] = tmp*t2->_[0][1] + t1->_[0][1]*t2->_[1][1];
- tmp = t1->_[1][0];
- res->_[1][0] = tmp*t2->_[0][0] + t1->_[1][1]*t2->_[1][0];
- res->_[1][1] = tmp*t2->_[0][1] + t1->_[1][1]*t2->_[1][1];
- tmp = t1->_[2][0];
- res->_[2][0] = tmp*t2->_[0][0] + t1->_[2][1]*t2->_[1][0] + t2->_[2][0];
- res->_[2][1] = tmp*t2->_[0][1] + t1->_[2][1]*t2->_[1][1] + t2->_[2][1];
- }
- else if (t1 == NULL) {
- if (res != t2) {
- *res = *t2;
- }
- }
- else if (t2 == NULL) {
- if (res != t2) {
- *res = *t1;
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(res);
- }
- return res;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoInvert --
- * Compute the inverse of the given matrix and return it. This
- * function makes the assumption that the matrix is affine to
- * optimize the job. Do not give it a general matrix, this will
- * fail. This code is from Graphics Gems II. Anyway an affine
- * matrix is always invertible for affine matrices form a sub
- * group of the non-singular matrices.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoInvert(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnTransfo *inv)
- float pos, neg, temp, det_l;
- if (t == NULL) {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(inv);
- return inv;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the determinant of the upper left 2x2 sub matrix to see
- * if it is singular.
- */
- pos = neg = 0.0;
- temp = t->_[0][0] * t->_[1][1];
- if (temp >= 0.0) {
- pos += temp;
- }
- else {
- neg += temp;
- }
- temp = - t->_[0][1] * t->_[1][0];
- if (temp >= 0.0) {
- pos += temp;
- }
- else {
- neg += temp;
- }
- det_l = pos + neg;
- temp = det_l / (pos - neg); /* Why divide by (pos - neg) ?? */
- if (ABS(temp) < PRECISION_LIMIT) {
- ZnWarning("ZnTransfoInvert : singular matrix\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- det_l = 1 / det_l;
- inv->_[0][0] = t->_[1][1] * det_l;
- inv->_[0][1] = - t->_[0][1] * det_l;
- inv->_[1][0] = - t->_[1][0] * det_l;
- inv->_[1][1] = t->_[0][0] * det_l;
- /*
- * The code below is equivalent to:
- * inv->_[2][0] = (t->_[1][0] * t->_[2][1] - t->_[1][1] * t->_[2][0]) * det_l;
- * inv->_[2][1] = - (t->_[0][0] * t->_[2][1] - t->_[0][1] * t->_[2][0]) * det_l;
- *
- * with some operations factored (already computed) to increase speed.
- */
- inv->_[2][0] = - (inv->_[0][0] * t->_[2][0] + inv->_[1][0] * t->_[2][1]);
- inv->_[2][1] = - (inv->_[0][1] * t->_[2][0] + inv->_[1][1] * t->_[2][1]);
- return inv;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoDecompose --
- * Decompose an affine matrix into translation, scale, skew and
- * rotation. The different values are stored in the locations
- * pointed to by the pointer parameters. If some values are not
- * needed a NULL pointer can be given instead. The resulting skew
- * shews x coordinate when y change.
- * This code is taken from Graphics Gems II.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoDecompose(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnPoint *scale,
- ZnPoint *trans,
- ZnReal *rotation,
- ZnReal *skewxy)
- ZnTransfo local;
- float skew, len, rot, det;
- if (t == NULL) {
- /* Identity transform */
- if (scale) {
- scale->x = 1.0;
- scale->y = 1.0;
- }
- if (trans) {
- trans->x = 0.0;
- trans->y = 0.0;
- }
- if (rotation) {
- *rotation = 0.0;
- }
- if (skewxy) {
- *skewxy = 0.0;
- }
- //printf("Transfo is identity\n");
- return;
- }
- det = (t->_[0][0]*t->_[1][1] - t->_[0][1]*t->_[1][0]);
- if (ABS(det) < PRECISION_LIMIT) {
- ZnWarning("ZnTransfoDecompose : singular matrix\n");
- return;
- }
- local = *t;
- //ZnPrintTransfo(&local);
- /* Get translation part if needed */
- if (trans) {
- trans->x = ABS(local._[2][0]) < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0 : local._[2][0];
- trans->y = ABS(local._[2][1]) < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0 : local._[2][1];
- }
- if (!scale && !skewxy && !rotation) {
- return;
- }
- /* Get scale and skew */
- len = (float) sqrt(local._[0][0]*local._[0][0] +
- local._[0][1]*local._[0][1]); /* Get x scale from 1st row */
- if (scale) {
- scale->x = len < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0.0 : len;
- }
- local._[0][0] /= len; /* Normalize 1st row */
- local._[0][1] /= len;
- skew = (local._[0][0]*local._[1][0] +
- local._[0][1]*local._[1][1]); /* Skew is dot product of 1st row & 2nd row */
- /* Make the 2nd row orthogonal to the 1st row
- * by linear combinaison:
- * row1.x = row1.x + row0.x*-skew &
- * row1.y = row1.y + row0.y*-skew
- */
- local._[1][0] -= local._[0][0]*skew;
- local._[1][1] -= local._[0][1]*skew;
- len = (float) sqrt(local._[1][0]*local._[1][0] +
- local._[1][1]*local._[1][1]); /* Get y scale from 2nd row */
- if (scale) {
- scale->y = len < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0.0 : len;
- }
- if (!skewxy && !rotation) {
- return;
- }
- local._[1][0] /= len; /* Normalize 2nd row */
- local._[1][1] /= len;
- skew /= len;
- if (skewxy) {
- *skewxy = ABS(skew) < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0.0 : skew;
- //printf("skew %f\n", *skewxy);
- }
- if (!rotation) {
- return;
- }
- //printf("Matrix after scale & skew extracted\n");
- //ZnPrintTransfo(&local);
- /* Get rotation */
- /* Check for a coordinate system flip. If det of upper-left 2x2
- * is -1, there is a reflection. If the rotation is < 180° negate
- * the y scale. If the rotation is > 180° then negate the x scale
- * and report a rotation between 0 and 180°. This dissymetry is
- * the result of computing (z) rotation from the first row (x component
- * of the axis system basis).
- */
- det = (local._[0][0]*local._[1][1]- local._[0][1]*local._[1][0]);
- rot = (float) atan2(local._[0][1], local._[0][0]);
- if (rot < 0) {
- rot = (2 * (float) M_PI) + rot;
- }
- rot = rot < PRECISION_LIMIT ? 0 : rot;
- if (rot >= M_PI) {
- /*rot -= M_PI; Why that, I'll have to check Graphic Gems ??? */
- if (scale && det < 0) {
- scale->x *= -1;
- }
- }
- else if (scale && det < 0) {
- scale->y *= -1;
- }
- //printf("scalex %f\n", scale->x);
- //printf("scaley %f\n", scale->y);
- //printf("rotation %f\n", rot*180.0/3.1415);
- if (rotation) {
- *rotation = rot;
- }
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoEqual --
- * Return True if t1 and t2 are equal (i.e they have the same
- * rotation, skew scales and translations). If include_translation
- * is True the translations are considered in the test.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoEqual(ZnTransfo *t1,
- ZnTransfo *t2,
- ZnBool include_translation)
- if (include_translation) {
- return (t1->_[0][0] == t2->_[0][0] &&
- t1->_[0][1] == t2->_[0][1] &&
- t1->_[1][0] == t2->_[1][0] &&
- t1->_[1][1] == t2->_[1][1] &&
- t1->_[2][0] == t2->_[2][0] &&
- t1->_[2][1] == t2->_[2][1]);
- }
- else {
- return (t1->_[0][0] == t2->_[0][0] &&
- t1->_[0][1] == t2->_[0][1] &&
- t1->_[1][0] == t2->_[1][0] &&
- t1->_[1][1] == t2->_[1][1]);
- }
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoHasSkew --
- * Return True if t has a skew factor in x or y or describe a
- * rotation or both.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoHasSkew(ZnTransfo *t)
- return t->_[0][1] != 0.0 || t->_[1][0] != 0.0;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransfoIsTranslation --
- * Return True if t is a pure translation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfoIsTranslation(ZnTransfo *t)
- if (!t) {
- return True;
- }
- return (t->_[0][0] == 1.0 &&
- t->_[0][1] == 0.0 &&
- t->_[1][0] == 0.0 &&
- t->_[1][1] == 1.0);
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransformPoint --
- * Apply the transformation to the point. The point is
- * modified and returned as the value of the function.
- * It is safe for p and xp to be the same point (structure).
- * A NULL transformation means identity. This is only used
- * in the toolkit to optimize some cases. It should never
- * happen in user code.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnPoint *
-ZnTransformPoint(ZnTransfo *t,
- register ZnPoint *p,
- ZnPoint *xp)
- if (t == NULL) {
- xp->x = p->x;
- xp->y = p->y;
- }
- else {
- ZnReal a;
- a = t->_[0][0]*p->x + t->_[1][0]*p->y + t->_[2][0];
- xp->y = t->_[0][1]*p->x + t->_[1][1]*p->y + t->_[2][1];
- xp->x = a;
- }
- return xp;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTransformPoints --
- * Apply the transformation to the points in p returning points in xp.
- * It is safe for p and xp to be the same array of ponits.
- * The number of points is in num.
- * A NULL transformation means identity. This is only used
- * in the toolkit to optimize some cases. It should never
- * happen in user code.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransformPoints(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnPoint *p,
- ZnPoint *xp,
- unsigned int num)
- if (t == NULL) {
- memcpy(xp, p, sizeof(ZnPoint)*num);
- }
- else {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- ZnReal a;
- a = t->_[0][0]*p[i].x + t->_[1][0]*p[i].y + t->_[2][0];
- xp[i].y = t->_[0][1]*p[i].x + t->_[1][1]*p[i].y + t->_[2][1];
- xp[i].x = a;
- }
- }
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnTranslate --
- * Translate the given transformation by delta_x, delta_y. Returns
- * the resulting transformation. If abs is true, delta_x and
- * delta_y are used to set the translation instead of adding deltas.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTranslate(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal delta_x,
- ZnReal delta_y,
- ZnBool abs)
- if (abs) {
- t->_[2][0] = (float) delta_x;
- t->_[2][1] = (float) delta_y;
- }
- else {
- t->_[2][0] = t->_[2][0] + (float) delta_x;
- t->_[2][1] = t->_[2][1] + (float) delta_y;
- }
- return t;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnScale --
- * Scale the given transformation by scale_x, scale_y. Returns the
- * resulting transformation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnScale(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal scale_x,
- ZnReal scale_y)
- t->_[0][0] = t->_[0][0] * (float) scale_x;
- t->_[0][1] = t->_[0][1] * (float) scale_y;
- t->_[1][0] = t->_[1][0] * (float) scale_x;
- t->_[1][1] = t->_[1][1] * (float) scale_y;
- t->_[2][0] = t->_[2][0] * (float) scale_x;
- t->_[2][1] = t->_[2][1] * (float) scale_y;
- return t;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnRotateRad --
- * Rotate the given transformation by angle radians
- * counter-clockwise around the origin. Returns the resulting
- * transformation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnRotateRad(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal angle)
- float c = (float) cos(angle);
- float s = (float) sin(angle);
- float tmp;
- tmp = t->_[0][0];
- t->_[0][0] = tmp*c - t->_[0][1]*s;
- t->_[0][1] = tmp*s + t->_[0][1]*c;
- tmp = t->_[1][0];
- t->_[1][0] = tmp*c - t->_[1][1]*s;
- t->_[1][1] = tmp*s + t->_[1][1]*c;
- tmp = t->_[2][0];
- t->_[2][0] = tmp*c - t->_[2][1]*s;
- t->_[2][1] = tmp*s + t->_[2][1]*c;
- return t;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnRotateDeg --
- * Rotate the given transformation by angle degrees
- * counter-clockwise around the origin. Returns the resulting
- * transformation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnRotateDeg(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal angle)
- return ZnRotateRad(t, ZnDegRad(angle));
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnSkewRad --
- * Skew the given transformation by x_angle and y_angle radians
- * counter-clockwise around the origin. Returns the resulting
- * transformation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnSkewRad(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal skew_x,
- ZnReal skew_y)
- float sx = (float) tan(skew_x);
- float sy = (float) tan(skew_y);
- float tmp;
- tmp = t->_[0][0];
- t->_[0][0] = tmp + t->_[0][1]*sx;
- t->_[0][1] = tmp*sy + t->_[0][1];
- tmp = t->_[1][0];
- t->_[1][0] = tmp + t->_[1][1]*sx;
- t->_[1][1] = tmp*sy + t->_[1][1];
- tmp = t->_[2][0];
- t->_[2][0] = tmp + t->_[2][1]*sx;
- t->_[2][1] = tmp*sy + t->_[2][1];
- return t;
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnSkewDeg --
- * Skew the given transformation by x_angle and y_angle degrees
- * counter-clockwise around the origin. Returns the resulting
- * transformation.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- */
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnSkewDeg(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal skew_x,
- ZnReal skew_y)
- return ZnSkewRad(t, ZnDegRad(skew_x), ZnDegRad(skew_y));
diff --git a/generic/Transfo.h b/generic/Transfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab28d6f..0000000
--- a/generic/Transfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * Transfo.h -- Header for common geometric routines.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Transfo_h
-#define _Transfo_h
-#include "Types.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <limits.h>
- * First subscript is matrix row, second is matrix column.
- * So a[0][1] is upper right corner of matrix a and a[2][0]
- * is lower left corner.
- */
-typedef struct _ZnTransfo {
- float _[3][2];
-} ZnTransfo;
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoDuplicate(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnTransfoFree(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnPrintTransfo(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnTransfoSetIdentity(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnTransfoIsIdentity(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoCompose(ZnTransfo *res,
- ZnTransfo *t1,
- ZnTransfo *t2);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTransfoInvert(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnTransfo *inv);
-ZnTransfoDecompose(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnPoint *scale,
- ZnPoint *trans,
- ZnReal *rotation,
- ZnReal *skewxy);
-ZnTransfoEqual(ZnTransfo *t1,
- ZnTransfo *t2,
- ZnBool include_translation);
-ZnTransfoHasSkew(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnTransfoIsTranslation(ZnTransfo *t);
-ZnPoint *
-ZnTransformPoint(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnPoint *p,
- ZnPoint *xp);
-ZnTransformPoints(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnPoint *p,
- ZnPoint *xp,
- unsigned int num);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnTranslate(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal delta_x,
- ZnReal delta_y,
- ZnBool abs);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnScale(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal scale_x,
- ZnReal scale_y);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnRotateRad(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal angle);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnRotateDeg(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal angle);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnSkewRad(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal skew_x,
- ZnReal skew_y);
-ZnTransfo *
-ZnSkewDeg(ZnTransfo *t,
- ZnReal skew_x,
- ZnReal skew_y);
-#endif /* _Transfo_h */
diff --git a/generic/Triangles.c b/generic/Triangles.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1565b5b..0000000
--- a/generic/Triangles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,918 +0,0 @@
- * Triangles.c -- Implementation of Triangle fan/strips item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Tue Dec 11 10:52:01 2001
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- * Bit offset of flags.
- */
-#define FAN_BIT 1<<0 /* Tell if the triangles are arranged in fan or strips. */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Triangles item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _TrianglesItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnList points;
- unsigned short flags;
- ZnList colors;
- /* Private data */
- ZnTriStrip dev_points;
-} TrianglesItemStruct, *TrianglesItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig tr_attrs[] = {
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, colors), 0, ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-fan", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, flags), FAN_BIT, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(TrianglesItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnList l;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- tr->dev_points.num_strips = 0;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 1;
- tr->points = NULL;
- if (*argc < 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " triangles coords expected", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, (*args)[0], &points,
- NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_points < 3) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " malformed triangles coords, need at least 3 points", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- tr->points = ZnListNew(num_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- l = ZnListFromArray(points, num_points, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnListAppend(tr->points, l);
- ZnListFree(l);
- (*args)++;
- (*argc)--;
- CLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT);
- tr->colors = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnGradient *));
- ZnListAssertSize(tr->colors, 1);
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- *grads = ZnGetGradientByValue(wi->fore_color);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- if (tr->colors) {
- int i, num_grads;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- tr->colors = ZnListDuplicate(tr->colors);
- num_grads = ZnListSize(tr->colors);
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- for (i = 0; i < num_grads; i++, grads++) {
- *grads = ZnGetGradientByValue(*grads);
- }
- }
- tr->dev_points.num_strips = 0;
- tr->points = ZnListDuplicate(tr->points);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- ZnListFree(tr->points);
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips) {
- ZnFree(tr->dev_points.strips->points);
- }
- if (tr->colors) {
- int i, num_grads;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- num_grads = ZnListSize(tr->colors);
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- for (i = 0; i < num_grads; i++, grads++) {
- ZnFreeGradient(*grads);
- }
- ZnListFree(tr->colors);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- int status = TCL_OK;
- status = ZnConfigureAttributes(item->wi, item, item, tr_attrs, argc, argv, flags);
- return status;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, tr_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnPoint *dev_points;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(tr->points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(tr->points);
- /*
- * Allocate space for devices coordinates
- */
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- dev_points = ZnMalloc(num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- else {
- dev_points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- if (tr->dev_points.strips->num_points < num_points) {
- dev_points = ZnRealloc(dev_points, num_points * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- }
- ZnTriStrip1(&tr->dev_points, dev_points, num_points,
- ISSET(tr->flags, FAN_BIT));
- /*
- * Compute device coordinates.
- */
- ZnTransformPoints(wi->current_transfo, points, dev_points, num_points);
- /*
- * Compute the bounding box.
- */
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, dev_points, num_points);
- /*
- * Expand the bounding box by one pixel in all
- * directions to take care of rounding errors.
- */
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 1;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 1;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int i, num_points;
- int result=-1, result2;
- ZnBBox *area = ta->area;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- result = ZnPolygonInBBox(points, 3, area, NULL);
- if (result == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- points++;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-3; i++, points++) {
- result2 = ZnPolygonInBBox(points, 3, area, NULL);
- if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint tri[3];
- tri[0] = points[0];
- tri[1] = points[1];
- tri[2] = points[2];
- result = ZnPolygonInBBox(points, num_points, area, NULL);
- if (result == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- points += 3;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-3; i++, points++) {
- tri[1] = tri[2];
- tri[2] = *points;
- result2 = ZnPolygonInBBox(points, num_points, area, NULL);
- if (result2 != result) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- unsigned int i, num_points, last_color_index;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- return;
- }
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- last_color_index = ZnListSize(tr->colors)-1;
- XSetFillStyle(wi->dpy, wi->gc, FillSolid);
- if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- XPoint *xpoints;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkXPoints, num_points);
- xpoints = ZnListArray(ZnWorkXPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- xpoints[i].x = ZnNearestInt(points[i].x);
- xpoints[i].y = ZnNearestInt(points[i].y);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-2; i++, xpoints++) {
- if (i <= last_color_index) {
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc, ZnGetGradientPixel(grads[i], 0.0));
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- xpoints, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- else {
- XPoint tri[3];
- tri[0].x = ZnNearestInt(points[0].x);
- tri[0].y = ZnNearestInt(points[0].y);
- tri[1].x = ZnNearestInt(points[1].x);
- tri[1].y = ZnNearestInt(points[1].y);
- tri[2].x = ZnNearestInt(points[2].x);
- tri[2].y = ZnNearestInt(points[2].y);
- points += 3;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-2; i++, points++) {
- if (i <= last_color_index) {
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc, ZnGetGradientPixel(grads[i], 0.0));
- }
- XFillPolygon(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc,
- tri, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- tri[1] = tri[2];
- tri[2].x = ZnNearestInt(points->x);
- tri[2].y = ZnNearestInt(points->y);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Render --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- int i, num_points, last_color_index;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- unsigned short alpha;
- XColor *color;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- return;
- }
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- last_color_index = ZnListSize(tr->colors)-1;
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- }
- else {
- }
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, points++) {
- if (i <= last_color_index) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(grads[i], 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, wi->alpha);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- }
- glVertex2d(points->x, points->y);
- }
- glEnd();
-static void
-Render(ZnItem item)
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- return (ISSET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT) &&
- item->parent->class->IsSensitive(item->parent, ZN_NO_PART));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- double dist=1.0e40, new_dist;
- ZnPoint *points, *p = ps->point;
- int i, num_points;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- return dist;
- }
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-2; i++, points++) {
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(points, 3, p);
- if (new_dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnPoint tri[3];
- tri[0] = points[0];
- tri[1] = points[1];
- tri[2] = points[2];
- for (i = 0; i < num_points-2; i++, points++) {
- new_dist = ZnPolygonToPointDist(tri, 3, p);
- if (new_dist <= 0.0) {
- return 0.0;
- }
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- }
- tri[1] = tri[2];
- tri[2] = *points;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- int i, num_points, last_color_index;
- int edge;
- ZnGradient **grads;
- XColor *color = NULL;
- double red, green, blue;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- char path[150];
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- ZnAddPointsToBBox(&bbox, points, num_points);
- grads = ZnListArray(tr->colors);
- last_color_index = ZnListSize(tr->colors)-1;
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- "/ShadingDict <<\n /ShadingType 4\n /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n",
- " /DataSource [", NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- if (i <= last_color_index) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(grads[i], 0.0, NULL);
- }
- if (i < 3) {
- edge = 0;
- }
- else if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- edge = 1;
- }
- else {
- edge = 2;
- }
- red = ((double) (color->red >> 8)) / 255.0;
- green = ((double) (color->green >> 8)) / 255.0;
- blue = ((double) (color->blue >> 8)) / 255.0;
- sprintf(path, "%d %.15g %.15g %.4g %.4g %.4g ",
- edge, points[i].x, points[i].y, red, green, blue);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "]\n>> def\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "<<\n /PatternType 2\n /Shading ShadingDict\n>>\n", NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "matrix identmatrix makepattern setpattern\n", NULL);
- sprintf(path, "%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g rectfill\n", bbox.orig.x, bbox.orig.y,
- bbox.corner.x - bbox.orig.x, bbox.corner.y - bbox.orig.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- * Never ever call ZnTriFree on the tristrip returned by GetClipVertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- tristrip->num_strips = 0;
- return True;
- }
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, tr->dev_points.strips->points,
- tr->dev_points.strips->num_points,
- tr->dev_points.strips[0].fan);
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetContours --
- * Get the external contour(s).
- * Never ever call ZnPolyFree on the poly returned by GetContours.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetContours(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoly *poly)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- ZnPoint *points;
- unsigned int k, j, num_points;
- int i;
- if (tr->dev_points.num_strips == 0) {
- poly->num_contours = 0;
- return True;
- }
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- if (ISCLEAR(tr->flags, FAN_BIT)) {
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, num_points);
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- for (k = 1, j = 0; k < num_points; k += 2, j++) {
- points[j] = tr->dev_points.strips->points[k];
- }
- i = num_points - 1;
- if (num_points % 2 == 0) {
- i--;
- }
- for ( ; i >= 0; i -= 2, j++) {
- points[j] = tr->dev_points.strips->points[i];
- }
- ZnPolyContour1(poly, points, num_points, False);
- }
- else {
- ZnPolyContour1(poly, tr->dev_points.strips->points, num_points, False);
- }
- poly->contours[0].cw = !ZnTestCCW(poly->contours[0].points, poly->contours[0].num_points);
- poly->contours[0].controls = NULL;
- return False;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item vertices.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- unsigned int num_points, i;
- ZnPoint *points;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL) {
- ZnList tmp;
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need at least 3 points on triangles", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- tmp = ZnListFromArray(*pts, *num_pts, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnListEmpty(tr->points);
- ZnListAppend(tr->points, tmp);
- ZnListFree(tmp);
- }
- else {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need at least 1 point on triangles", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- points = ZnListArray(tr->points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(tr->points);
- if (index < 0) {
- index += num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int) index >= num_points)) {
- range_err:
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp, " coord index out of range", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- points[index] = (*pts)[0];
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- points = ZnListArray(tr->points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(tr->points);
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL) {
- *num_pts = num_points;
- *pts = points;
- }
- else {
- if (index < 0) {
- index += num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int)index >= num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &points[index];
- }
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST)) {
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) {
- num_points = ZnListSize(tr->points);
- if (index < 0) {
- index += num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int)index >= num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < *num_pts; i++, index++) {
- ZnListAdd(tr->points, &(*pts)[i], (unsigned int) index);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnList tmp;
- tmp = ZnListFromArray(*pts, *num_pts, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnListAppend(tr->points, tmp);
- ZnListFree(tmp);
- }
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE) {
- if (ZnListSize(tr->points) < 4) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " triangles should keep at least 3 points", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- points = ZnListArray(tr->points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(tr->points);
- if (index < 0) {
- index += num_points;
- }
- if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int)index >= num_points)) {
- goto range_err;
- }
- ZnListDelete(tr->points, (unsigned int) index);
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PickVertex --
- * Return in 'vertex' the vertex closest to p and in 'o_vertex' the
- * opposite vertex on the closest edge, if such an edge exists or -1
- * in the other case.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-PickVertex(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoint *p,
- int *contour,
- int *vertex,
- int *o_vertex)
- TrianglesItem tr = (TrianglesItem) item;
- int i, k, num_points;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnReal dist=1.0e40, new_dist, dist2;
- *contour = *vertex = *o_vertex = -1;
- points = tr->dev_points.strips->points;
- num_points = tr->dev_points.strips->num_points;
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- new_dist = hypot(points[i].x - p->x, points[i].y - p->y);
- if (new_dist < dist) {
- dist = new_dist;
- *contour = 0;
- *vertex = i;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Update the opposite vertex.
- */
- i = (*vertex+1) % num_points;
- new_dist = ZnLineToPointDist(&points[*vertex], &points[i], p, NULL);
- k = ((unsigned)(*vertex-1)) % num_points;
- dist2 = ZnLineToPointDist(&points[*vertex], &points[k], p, NULL);
- if (dist2 < new_dist) {
- *o_vertex = k;
- }
- else {
- *o_vertex = i;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct TRIANGLES_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "triangles",
- sizeof(TrianglesItemStruct),
- tr_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- 0, /* flags */
- -1,
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- GetClipVertices,
- GetContours,
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Render,
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- PickVertex, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnTriangles = (ZnItemClassId) &TRIANGLES_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/Types.h b/generic/Types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d52128c..0000000
--- a/generic/Types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * Types.h -- Some types and macros used by the Zinc widget.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Mon Feb 1 12:13:24 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _Types_h
-#define _Types_h
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# include <windows.h>
-# undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# if defined(_MSC_VER)
-# define DllEntryPoint DllMain
-# endif
-// Suppress complaints about deprecated standard C functions
-// like strcpy and strcat
-# ifndef __GNUC__
-# pragma warning(disable : 4996)
-# endif
-#ifdef GL
-# ifdef _WIN32
-# include <GL/gl.h>
-# else
-# include <GL/glx.h>
-# endif
-#include <tk.h>
-#include <tkInt.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#ifdef PTK
-# include <tkPort.h>
-# include <tkImgPhoto.h>
-# include <tkVMacro.h>
-# ifndef PTK_800
-# define Arg Tcl_Obj *
-# endif
-# include <tkDecls.h>
-# include <tkIntDecls.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* This EXTERN declaration is needed for Tcl < 8.0.3 */
-#ifndef EXTERN
-# ifdef __cplusplus
-# define EXTERN extern "C" TCL_STORAGE_CLASS
-# else
-# endif
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-typedef double ZnReal; /* Keep it a double for GL and Tcl. */
-typedef int ZnBool; /* Keep it an int to keep Tk happy */
-typedef ZnReal ZnPos;
-typedef ZnReal ZnDim;
-typedef void *ZnPtr;
-#define ZnPixel(color) ((color)->pixel)
-#define ZnMalloc(size) ((void *)ckalloc(size))
-#define ZnFree(ptr) (ckfree((char *)(ptr)))
-#define ZnRealloc(ptr, size) ((void *)ckrealloc((void *)(ptr), size))
-#define ZnWarning(msg) (fprintf(stderr, "%s", (msg)))
-#define ZnUnspecifiedImage None
-#define ZnUnspecifiedColor NULL
-# define TCL_INTEGER_SPACE 24
-#ifdef PTK_800
- * Macros for Tk8.4/perl/Tk utf compatibility
- */
-#define Tcl_NumUtfChars(str, len) (((len)<0)?((int)strlen(str)):(len))
-#define Tcl_UtfAtIndex(str, index) (&(str)[(index)])
-#define Tcl_GetString(str) (Tcl_GetStringFromObj(str, NULL))
-#define Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(interp, argc, args, fract, count) \
-Tk_GetScrollInfo(interp, argc, (Tcl_Obj **) args, fract, count)
- * Macros for Windows compatibility
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# include <tkWinInt.h>
-# ifndef _MSC_VER
-# undef EXTERN
-# define EXTERN
-# endif
-# endif
-# ifdef BUILD_Tkzinc
-# else
-# endif
-# ifndef __GNUC__
-// Okay, Those Xlib functions will bring inconsistancy errors
-// as they are already provided by Tk portability layer, shut them up.
-# pragma warning(disable : 4273)
-# endif
-#undef XFillRectangle
-void XFillRectangle(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
- unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
-# undef XFillRectangles
-void XFillRectangles(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc,
- XRectangle* rectangles, int nrectangles);
-# undef XFillArc
-void XFillArc(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height, int start, int extent);
-# undef XFillPolygon
-void XFillPolygon(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points, int npoints,
- int shape, int mode);
-# undef XDrawRectangle
-void XDrawRectangle(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
- unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
-# undef XDrawArc
-void XDrawArc(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y,
- unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int start, int extent);
-# undef XDrawLine
-void XDrawLine(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
-# undef XDrawLines
-void XDrawLines(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint* points,
- int npoints, int mode);
-ZnBool ZnPointInRegion(TkRegion reg, int x, int y);
-void ZnUnionRegion(TkRegion sra, TkRegion srb,
- TkRegion dr_return);
-void ZnOffsetRegion(TkRegion reg, int dx, int dy);
-TkRegion ZnPolygonRegion(XPoint *points, int n,
- int fill_rule);
-# ifdef GL
-# define ZnGLContext HGLRC
-# define ZnGLWaitX()
-# define ZnGLWaitGL()
-# endif
-#else /* !_WIN32 */
-# define ZnPointInRegion(reg, x, y) \
- XPointInRegion((Region) reg, x, y)
-# define ZnPolygonRegion(points, npoints, fillrule) \
- ((TkRegion) XPolygonRegion(points, npoints, fillrule))
-# define ZnUnionRegion(sra, srb, rreturn) \
- XUnionRegion((Region) sra, (Region) srb, (Region) rreturn)
-# define ZnOffsetRegion(reg, dx, dy) \
- XOffsetRegion((Region) reg, dx, dy)
-# ifdef GL
-# define ZnGLContext GLXContext
-# define ZnGLWaitX() \
- glXWaitX()
-# define ZnGLWaitGL() \
- glXWaitGL()
-# endif
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _Types_h */
diff --git a/generic/WidgetInfo.h b/generic/WidgetInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8483dca..0000000
--- a/generic/WidgetInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- * WidgetInfo.h -- Zinc Widget record.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Mon Feb 1 12:13:24 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _WidgetInfo_h
-#define _WidgetInfo_h
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Transfo.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include "perfos.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#define ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS 16
- * Constants for flags
- */
-#define ZN_REPICK_IN_PROGRESS (1<<0)
-#define ZN_GRABBED_ITEM (1<<1)
-#define ZN_GRABBED_PART (1<<2)
-#define ZN_REALIZED (1<<3)
-#define ZN_UPDATE_SCROLLBARS (1<<5) /* If set, the scrollbars must be updated. */
-#define ZN_GOT_FOCUS (1<<6) /* Set means that the widget has the input focus. */
-#define ZN_UPDATE_PENDING (1<<7) /* Set means there is a pending graphic update. */
-#define ZN_HAS_GL (1<<8) /* Tell if openGL can be used. */
-#define ZN_HAS_X_SHAPE (1<<9) /* Tell if the X shape extension is available. */
-#define ZN_MONITORING (1<<10) /* Set if performance monitoring is on. */
-#define ZN_PRINT_CONFIG (1<<11) /* If set the openGL hardware configuration
- * is printed on startup. */
-#define ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT (1<<12)
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
- * The following structure provides information about the selection and
- * the insertion cursor. It is needed by only a few items, such as
- * those that display text. It is shared by the generic canvas code
- * and the item-specific code, but most of the fields should be written
- * only by the canvas generic code.
- */
-typedef struct _ZnTextInfo {
- ZnGradient *sel_color; /* Background color for selected text.
- * Read-only to items.*/
- ZnItem sel_item; /* Pointer to selected item. ZN_NO_ITEM
- * means that the widget doesn't own the
- * selection. Writable by items. */
- int sel_field;
- int sel_first; /* Index of first selected character.
- * Writable by items. */
- int sel_last; /* Index of last selected character.
- * Writable by items. */
- ZnItem anchor_item; /* Item corresponding to sel_anchor: not
- * necessarily sel_item. Read-only to items. */
- int anchor_field;
- int sel_anchor; /* Fixed end of selection (i.e. "select to"
- * operation will use this as one end of the
- * selection). Writable by items. */
- ZnGradient *insert_color; /* Used to draw vertical bar for insertion
- * cursor. Read-only to items. */
- unsigned int insert_width; /* Total width of insertion cursor. Read-only
- * to items. */
- ZnBool cursor_on; /* True means that an insertion cursor should
- * be displayed in focus_item. Read-only to
- * items.*/
-} ZnTextInfo;
-typedef struct _ZnWInfo {
- Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter associated with widget. */
- Tcl_Command cmd; /* Token for zinc widget command. */
- Tcl_HashTable *id_table; /* Hash table for object ids. */
- Tcl_HashTable *t_table; /* Hash table for transformations. */
- unsigned long obj_id; /* Id for the next new object. */
- int flags;
- Tk_BindingTable binding_table; /* Table of all bindings currently defined
- * for this widget. NULL means that no
- * bindings exist, so the table hasn't been
- * created. Each "object" used for this
- * table is either a Tk_Uid for a tag or
- * the address of an item named by id. */
- int state; /* Last known modifier state. Used to
- * defer picking a new current object
- * while buttons are down. */
- ZnItem current_item; /* Item picked from previous pick sequence */
- ZnItem new_item; /* Item picked from current pick sequence */
- int current_part;
- int new_part;
- ZnItem hot_item;
- ZnItem hot_prev;
- ZnItem focus_item; /* Item that currently has the input focus,
- * or ZN_NO_ITEM if no such item. Read-only to
- * items. */
- int focus_field;
- XEvent pick_event; /* Event used to forge fake events and to do
- * repicks. */
- ZnBBox exposed_area; /* Window area that need to be rexposed.
- * It is distinct from redraw_area which
- * is updated when items are changed. */
- Pixmap alpha_stipples[ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS];
- int border_width;
- int opt_width; /* Window size as stated/reported by the option. */
- int opt_height; /* They are equal to the width/height fields after
- * the actual resize. They may to be equal if
- * the resize is not acknowledged by the geo
- * manager. */
- ZnGradient *relief_grad; /* The gradient describing the border relief
- * colors. */
- ZnReliefStyle relief; /* The border relief. */
- /* Tracks global resources */
-#ifdef ATC
- unsigned int track_managed_history_size; /* Size of history for tracks */
- unsigned int track_visible_history_size; /* Size of displayed history */
- ZnReal speed_vector_length; /* How long (in time) are speedvectors*/
- int om_group_id; /* Tell which group contains tracks to be */
- ZnItem om_group; /* processed for anti label overlap. */
- /* Maps global resources */
- Tk_Font map_text_font; /* Font for texts in Map items */
-#ifdef GL
- ZnTexFontInfo map_font_tfi; /* Used to preserve the default font from
- * being freed again and again */
- Tcl_Obj *map_symbol_obj;
- ZnImage map_distance_symbol; /* Distance marks displayed along Map */
- /* lines. */
- Tcl_Obj *track_symbol_obj;
- ZnImage track_symbol; /* Symbol displayed at track/wp current */
- /* position. */
- /* Transformer */
- ZnTransfo *current_transfo;
- ZnList transfo_stack;
- struct _ClipState *current_clip;
- ZnList clip_stack;
- /* Others */
- ZnGradient *fore_color; /* Default gradient used in new items */
- ZnGradient *back_color; /* Color of the widget background. */
- ZnGradient *bbox_color; /* Color used to draw bboxes (debug). */
- Tk_Cursor cursor; /* Cursor displayed in zinc window. */
- ZnBool draw_bboxes; /* Draw item's bboxes (debug). */
- ZnBool follow_pointer; /* Process pointer motion events to */
- /* emit enter/leave events. */
- int light_angle;
- int pick_aperture; /* size of pick aperture in pixels */
- Tk_Font font; /* Default font used in new items */
-#ifdef GL
- ZnTexFontInfo font_tfi; /* Used to preserve the default font from
- * being freed again and again */
- Tcl_Obj *tile_obj;
- ZnImage tile;
- /* Zinc private resources */
- int width; /* Actual window dimension. */
- int height;
- int inset; /* Border and highlight width */
- /* Graphic variables */
- Display *dpy; /* The display of the widget window. */
- Screen *screen;
- Tk_Window win; /* The window of the widget. */
- Pixmap draw_buffer; /* Pixmap for double buffering */
- ZnBBox damaged_area; /* The current damaged rectangle */
- GC gc;
- ZnBool reshape; /* Use the Shape Extension on the window.*/
- ZnBool full_reshape; /* Use it on the top level window. */
- Window real_top;
- int render;
- unsigned char alpha; /* Current composite group alpha. */
- ZnItem top_group;
-#ifndef PTK_800
- Tk_OptionTable opt_table;
- /* Text management */
- ZnTextInfo text_info;
- int insert_on_time;
- int insert_off_time;
- Tcl_TimerToken blink_handler;
- char *take_focus;
- int highlight_width; /* Width in pixels of highlight to draw
- * around widget when it has the focus.
- * = 0 means don't draw a highlight. */
- ZnGradient *highlight_bg_color; /* Color for drawing traversal highlight
- * area when highlight is off. */
- ZnGradient *highlight_color; /* Color for drawing traversal highlight.*/
- /* Scrollbar management */
- ZnPoint origin; /* Coordinate mapped to the upper left corner
- * of the zinc window. */
-#ifdef PTK
- LangCallback *x_scroll_cmd;
- LangCallback *y_scroll_cmd;
- Tcl_Obj *x_scroll_cmd; /* Command prefixes for communicating with */
- Tcl_Obj *y_scroll_cmd; /* scrollbars. NULL means no scrollbar.
- * Malloc'ed */
- int x_scroll_incr; /* If >0, defines a grid for horiz/vert */
- int y_scroll_incr; /* scrolling. This is the size of the "unit",
- * and the left edge of the screen will always
- * lie on an even unit boundary. */
- int scroll_xo; /* This bbox define the region that is the */
- int scroll_yo; /* 100% area for scrolling (i.e. it determines */
- int scroll_xc; /* the size and location of the sliders on */
- int scroll_yc; /* scrollbars). */
- ZnBool confine; /* When true, it is not possible to scroll the
- * viewing area past the scroll region. */
- Tcl_Obj *region; /* Scroll region option string source of the
- * scroll_region above. */
- Tk_PostscriptInfo ps_info;
- /* Perf measurement variables. */
-#ifndef _WIN32
- ZnChrono this_draw_chrono;
- ZnChrono total_draw_chrono;
- int num_items;
- int damaged_area_w;
- int damaged_area_h;
- int debug;
-} ZnWInfo;
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _WidgetInfo_h */
diff --git a/generic/Window.c b/generic/Window.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ac2d7..0000000
--- a/generic/Window.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
- * Window.c -- Implementation of Window item.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick LECOANET
- * Creation date : Fri May 12 11:25:53 2000
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[] = "$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Specific Window item record
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-typedef struct _WindowItemStruct {
- ZnItemStruct header;
- /* Public data */
- ZnPoint pos;
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- Tk_Anchor connection_anchor;
- Tk_Window win;
- int width;
- int height;
- /* Private data */
- ZnPoint pos_dev;
- int real_width;
- int real_height;
-} WindowItemStruct, *WindowItem;
-static ZnAttrConfig wind_attrs[] = {
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-anchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composealpha", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT,
- ZN_DRAW_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composerotation", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_ROTATION_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-composescale", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT,
- ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_ITEM, "-connecteditem", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.connected_item), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_ANCHOR, "-connectionanchor", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, connection_anchor), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_INT, "-height", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, height), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_POINT, "-position", NULL, Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, pos), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_PRI, "-priority", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.priority), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-sensitive", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT,
- ZN_REPICK_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_TAG_LIST, "-tags", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.tags), 0, 0, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_BOOL, "-visible", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, header.flags), ZN_VISIBLE_BIT,
- { ZN_CONFIG_INT, "-width", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, width), 0, ZN_COORDS_FLAG, False },
- { ZN_CONFIG_WINDOW, "-window", NULL,
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, win), 0,
- { ZN_CONFIG_END, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, False }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * WindowDeleted --
- *
- * Do the bookeeping after a managed window deletion.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-WindowDeleted(ClientData client_data,
- XEvent *event)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) client_data;
- if (event->type == DestroyNotify) {
- wind->win = NULL;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Window item geometry manager --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- * A managed window changes requested dimensions.
- */
-static void
-WindowItemRequest(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window win)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) client_data;
- ZnITEM.Invalidate((ZnItem) wind, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- * A managed window turns control over
- * to another geometry manager.
- */
-static void
-WindowItemLostSlave(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window win)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) client_data;
- ZnWInfo *wi = ((ZnItem) wind)->wi;
- Tk_DeleteEventHandler(wi->win, StructureNotifyMask, WindowDeleted,
- (ClientData) wind);
- if (wi->win != Tk_Parent(wind->win)) {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(wind->win, wi->win);
- }
- Tk_UnmapWindow(wind->win);
- wind->win = NULL;
-static Tk_GeomMgr wind_geom_type = {
- "zincwindow", /* name */
- WindowItemRequest, /* requestProc */
- WindowItemLostSlave, /* lostSlaveProc */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Init --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Init(ZnItem item,
- int *argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST *args[])
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- /* Init attributes */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_SENSITIVE_BIT);
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_ALPHA_BIT); /* N.A */
- SET(item->flags, ZN_COMPOSE_SCALE_BIT);
- item->priority = 0;
- wind->pos.x = wind->pos.y = 0.0;
- wind->width = wind->height = 0;
- wind->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_NW;
- wind->connection_anchor = TK_ANCHOR_SW;
- wind->win = NULL;
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Clone --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Clone(ZnItem item)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- /*
- * The same Tk widget can't be shared by to Window items.
- */
- wind->win = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Destroy(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- /*
- * Unmanage the widget.
- */
- if (wind->win) {
- Tk_DeleteEventHandler(wind->win, StructureNotifyMask, WindowDeleted,
- (ClientData) item);
- Tk_ManageGeometry(wind->win, (Tk_GeomMgr *) NULL, (ClientData) NULL);
- if (wi->win != Tk_Parent(wind->win)) {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(wind->win, wi->win);
- }
- Tk_UnmapWindow(wind->win);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Configure(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[],
- int *flags)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnItem old_connected;
- Tk_Window old_win;
- old_connected = item->connected_item;
- old_win = wind->win;
- if (ZnConfigureAttributes(wi, item, item, wind_attrs, argc, argv, flags) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_ITEM_FLAG)) {
- /*
- * If the new connected item is not appropriate back up
- * to the old one.
- */
- if ((item->connected_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (ISSET(item->connected_item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS) &&
- (item->parent == item->connected_item->parent))) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemDependency(item, old_connected);
- }
- else {
- item->connected_item = old_connected;
- }
- }
- if (ISSET(*flags, ZN_WINDOW_FLAG)) {
- if (old_win != NULL) {
- Tk_DeleteEventHandler(old_win, StructureNotifyMask,
- WindowDeleted, (ClientData) item);
- Tk_ManageGeometry(old_win, (Tk_GeomMgr *) NULL, (ClientData) NULL);
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(old_win, wi->win);
- Tk_UnmapWindow(old_win);
- }
- if (wind->win != NULL) {
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(wind->win, StructureNotifyMask,
- WindowDeleted, (ClientData) item);
- Tk_ManageGeometry(wind->win, &wind_geom_type, (ClientData) item);
- }
- }
- if ((wind->win != NULL) &&
- ISSET(*flags, ZN_VIS_FLAG) &&
- ISCLEAR(item->flags, ZN_VISIBLE_BIT)) {
- Tk_UnmapWindow(wind->win);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Query --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Query(ZnItem item,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST argv[])
- if (ZnQueryAttribute(item->wi->interp, item, wind_attrs, argv[0]) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- * Compute the transformation to be used and the origin
- * of the window (upper left point in item coordinates).
- */
-static ZnTransfo *
-ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(ZnItem item,
- ZnPoint *origin)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- ZnTransfo *t;
- /*
- * The connected item support anchors, this is checked by configure.
- */
- if (item->connected_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnTransfo inv;
- item->connected_item->class->GetAnchor(item->connected_item,
- wind->connection_anchor,
- origin);
- /* GetAnchor return a position in device coordinates not in
- * the item coordinate space. To compute the icon origin
- * (upper left corner), we must apply the inverse transform
- * to the ref point before calling anchor2origin.
- */
- ZnTransfoInvert(item->transfo, &inv);
- ZnTransformPoint(&inv, origin, origin);
- /*
- * The relevant transform in case of an attachment is the item
- * transform alone. This is case of local coordinate space where
- * only the translation is a function of the whole transform
- * stack, scale and rotation are reset.
- */
- t = item->transfo;
- }
- else {
- origin->x = origin->y = 0;
- t = item->wi->current_transfo;
- }
- ZnAnchor2Origin(origin, (ZnReal) wind->real_width, (ZnReal) wind->real_height,
- wind->anchor, origin);
- //origin->x = ZnNearestInt(origin->x);
- //origin->y = ZnNearestInt(origin->y);
- return t;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ComputeCoordinates --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-ComputeCoordinates(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool force)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- ZnPoint origin;
- ZnTransfo *t;
- ZnResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
- if (wind->win == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- wind->real_width = wind->width;
- if (wind->real_width <= 0) {
- wind->real_width = Tk_ReqWidth(wind->win);
- if (wind->real_width <= 0) {
- wind->real_width = 1;
- }
- }
- wind->real_height = wind->height;
- if (wind->real_height <= 0) {
- wind->real_height = Tk_ReqHeight(wind->win);
- if (wind->real_height <= 0) {
- wind->real_height = 1;
- }
- }
- t = ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- ZnTransformPoint(wi->current_transfo, &origin, &wind->pos_dev);
- wind->pos_dev.x = ZnNearestInt(wind->pos_dev.x);
- wind->pos_dev.y = ZnNearestInt(wind->pos_dev.y);
- /*
- * Compute the bounding box.
- */
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, wind->pos_dev.x, wind->pos_dev.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, wind->pos_dev.x+wind->real_width,
- wind->pos_dev.y+wind->real_height);
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.x -= 1.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.orig.y -= 1.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.x += 1.0;
- item->item_bounding_box.corner.y += 1.0;
- /*
- * Update connected items.
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ToArea --
- * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
- * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-ToArea(ZnItem item,
- ZnToArea ta)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- ZnBBox box;
- int w=0, h=0;
- box.orig = wind->pos_dev;
- if (wind->win != NULL) {
- w = wind->real_width;
- h = wind->real_height;
- }
- box.corner.x = box.orig.x + w;
- box.corner.y = box.orig.y + h;
- return ZnBBoxInBBox(&box, ta->area);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Draw --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Draw(ZnItem item)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- if (wind->win == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * If the window is outside the visible area, unmap it.
- */
- if ((item->item_bounding_box.corner.x <= 0) ||
- (item->item_bounding_box.corner.y <= 0) ||
- (item->item_bounding_box.orig.x >= wi->width) ||
- (item->item_bounding_box.orig.y >= wi->height)) {
- if (wi->win == Tk_Parent(wind->win)) {
- Tk_UnmapWindow(wind->win);
- }
- else {
- Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(wind->win, wi->win);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Position and map the window.
- */
- if (wi->win == Tk_Parent(wind->win)) {
- if ((wind->pos_dev.x != Tk_X(wind->win)) ||
- (wind->pos_dev.y != Tk_Y(wind->win)) ||
- (wind->real_width != Tk_Width(wind->win)) ||
- (wind->real_height != Tk_Height(wind->win))) {
- Tk_MoveResizeWindow(wind->win,
- (int) wind->pos_dev.x, (int) wind->pos_dev.y,
- wind->real_width, wind->real_height);
- }
- Tk_MapWindow(wind->win);
- }
- else {
- Tk_MaintainGeometry(wind->win, wi->win,
- (int) wind->pos_dev.x, (int) wind->pos_dev.y,
- wind->real_width, wind->real_height);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * IsSensitive --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-IsSensitive(ZnItem item,
- int item_part)
- /*
- * Sensitivity can't be controlled.
- */
- return True;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Pick --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static double
-Pick(ZnItem item,
- ZnPick ps)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- ZnBBox box;
- ZnReal dist = 1e40;
- ZnPoint *p = ps->point;
- box.orig = wind->pos_dev;
- if (wind->win != NULL) {
- box.corner.x = box.orig.x + wind->real_width;
- box.corner.y = box.orig.y + wind->real_height;
- dist = ZnRectangleToPointDist(&box, p);
- if (dist <= 0.0) {
- dist = 0.0;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * PostScript --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-#ifdef X_GetImage
-static int
-xerrorhandler(ClientData client_data,
- XErrorEvent *e)
- return 0;
-static int
-PostScript(ZnItem item,
- ZnBool prepass,
- ZnBBox *area)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- char path[256];
- XImage *ximage;
- int result;
- ZnPoint origin;
- Tcl_DString buffer1, buffer2;
-#ifdef X_GetImage
- Tk_ErrorHandler handle;
- sprintf(path, "\n%%%% %s item (%s, %d x %d)\n%.15g %.15g translate\n",
- Tk_Class(wind->win), Tk_PathName(wind->win), wind->real_width, wind->real_height,
- wind->pos_dev.x, wind->pos_dev.y);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- ComputeTransfoAndOrigin(item, &origin);
- sprintf(path, "/InitialTransform load setmatrix\n"
- "%.15g %.15g translate\n"
- "1 -1 scale\n",
- wind->pos_dev.x, wind->pos_dev.y + wind->real_height);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- /* first try if the widget has its own "postscript" command. If it
- * exists, this will produce much better postscript than
- * when a pixmap is used.
- */
-#ifndef PTK
- Tcl_DStringInit(&buffer1);
- Tcl_DStringInit(&buffer2);
- Tcl_DStringGetResult(wi->interp, &buffer2);
- sprintf(path, "%s postscript -prolog 0\n", Tk_PathName(wind->win));
- result = Tcl_Eval(wi->interp, path);
- Tcl_DStringGetResult(wi->interp, &buffer1);
- Tcl_DStringResult(wi->interp, &buffer2);
- Tcl_DStringFree(&buffer2);
- if (result == TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "50 dict begin\nsave\ngsave\n", NULL);
- sprintf (path, "0 %d moveto %d 0 rlineto 0 -%d rlineto -%d",
- wind->real_height, wind->real_width, wind->real_height, wind->real_width);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, path, NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " 0 rlineto closepath\n",
- "1.000 1.000 1.000 setrgbcolor AdjustColor\nfill\ngrestore\n",
- Tcl_DStringValue(&buffer1), "\nrestore\nend\n\n\n", NULL);
- Tcl_DStringFree(&buffer1);
- return result;
- }
- Tcl_DStringFree(&buffer1);
- /*
- * If the window is off the screen it will generate an BadMatch/XError
- * We catch any BadMatch errors here
- */
-#ifdef X_GetImage
- handle = Tk_CreateErrorHandler(wi->dpy, BadMatch, X_GetImage, -1,
- xerrorhandler, (ClientData) wind->win);
- /*
- * Generate an XImage from the window. We can then read pixel
- * values out of the XImage.
- */
- ximage = XGetImage(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wind->win), 0, 0, (unsigned int) wind->real_width,
- (unsigned int) wind->real_height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
-#ifdef X_GetImage
- Tk_DeleteErrorHandler(handle);
- if (ximage == NULL) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- result = ZnPostscriptXImage(wi->interp, wind->win, wi->ps_info, ximage,
- 0, 0, wind->real_width, wind->real_height);
- XDestroyImage(ximage);
- return result;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetAnchor --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-GetAnchor(ZnItem item,
- Tk_Anchor anchor,
- ZnPoint *p)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- if (wind->win != NULL) {
- ZnOrigin2Anchor(&wind->pos_dev, (ZnReal) wind->real_width,
- (ZnReal) wind->real_height, anchor, p);
- }
- else {
- p->x = p->y = 0.0;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetClipVertices --
- * Get the clipping shape.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnBool
-GetClipVertices(ZnItem item,
- ZnTriStrip *tristrip)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- int w=0, h=0;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, 2);
- if (wind->win != NULL) {
- w = wind->real_width;
- h = wind->real_height;
- }
- points = ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTriStrip1(tristrip, points, 2, False);
- points[0] = wind->pos_dev;
- points[1].x = points[0].x + w;
- points[1].y = points[0].y + h;
- return True;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Coords --
- * Return or edit the item origin. This doesn't take care of
- * the possible attachment. The change will be effective at the
- * end of the attachment.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnItem item,
- int contour,
- int index,
- int cmd,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts)
- WindowItem wind = (WindowItem) item;
- if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " windows can't add or remove vertices", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL)) {
- if (*num_pts == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(item->wi->interp,
- " coords command need 1 point on windows", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- wind->pos = (*pts)[0];
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- else if ((cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ) || (cmd == ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL)) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- *pts = &wind->pos;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Exported functions struct --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static ZnItemClassStruct WINDOW_ITEM_CLASS = {
- "window",
- sizeof(WindowItemStruct),
- wind_attrs,
- 0, /* num_parts */
- Tk_Offset(WindowItemStruct, pos),
- Init,
- Clone,
- Destroy,
- Configure,
- Query,
- NULL, /* GetFieldSet */
- GetAnchor,
- GetClipVertices,
- NULL, /* GetContours */
- Coords,
- NULL, /* InsertChars */
- NULL, /* DeleteChars */
- NULL, /* Cursor */
- NULL, /* Index */
- NULL, /* Part */
- NULL, /* Selection */
- NULL, /* Contour */
- ComputeCoordinates,
- ToArea,
- Draw,
- Draw, /* Render use the same code as Draw. */
- IsSensitive,
- Pick,
- NULL, /* PickVertex */
- PostScript
-ZnItemClassId ZnWindow = (ZnItemClassId) &WINDOW_ITEM_CLASS;
diff --git a/generic/perfos.c b/generic/perfos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77d19a4..0000000
--- a/generic/perfos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- * perfos.c -- Perfos modules.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include "perfos.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-static ZnList Chronos = NULL;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * HardwareSynchronize - Synchronise Xwindow.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-HardwareSynchronize(Display *test_display,
- Drawable test_window)
- /*XImage *image;*/
- /* Synchronize yourself with the drawing engine by sending a
- XGetImage one pixel square. */
- /*
- image = XGetImage(test_display, test_window, 0, 0, 1, 1, ~0, ZPixmap);
- XDestroyImage(image);
- */
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetUCTime - Return machine time. This is the sum of user and system
- * times for the process so far.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static long
- struct tms time;
- times(&time);
- return time.tms_utime + time.tms_stime;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * GetCurrentTime - Return current time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static long
- struct timeval start;
- gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
- return((start.tv_sec * 100) + (start.tv_usec / 10000));
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * XGetCurrentTime - return current time after Xwindow synchronize.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static long
-XGetCurrentTime(Display *display, Drawable window)
- HardwareSynchronize(display, window);
- return(GetCurrentTime());
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * XCorrectionValue - Evaluate the correction value to apply
- * to counter the client-server round trip
- * time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static long
-XCorrectionValue(Display *display, Drawable window)
- int i;
- long start, stop;
- start = GetCurrentTime();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- HardwareSynchronize(display, window);
- }
- stop = GetCurrentTime();
- return((stop - start) / 5);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnXStartChrono - Start a perf chrono with X synchronize.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnXStartChrono(ZnChrono chrono, Display *display, Drawable window)
- chrono->current_correction = XCorrectionValue(display, window);
- chrono->current_delay = XGetCurrentTime(display, window);
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnXStopChrono - Stop a perf chrono with X synchronize.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnXStopChrono(ZnChrono chrono, Display *display, Drawable window)
- chrono->total_delay = chrono->total_delay +
- (XGetCurrentTime(display, window) -
- chrono->current_delay - chrono->current_correction);
- chrono->actions++;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnStartChrono - Start a perf chrono in user time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnStartChrono(ZnChrono chrono)
- chrono->current_delay = GetCurrentTime();
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnStopChrono - Stop a perf chrono in user time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnStopChrono(ZnChrono chrono)
- chrono->total_delay = chrono->total_delay + (GetCurrentTime() - chrono->current_delay);
- chrono->actions++;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnStartUCChrono - Start a perf chrono in uc time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnStartUCChrono(ZnChrono chrono)
- chrono->current_delay = GetUCTime();
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnStopUCChrono - Stop a perf chrono in uc time.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnStopUCChrono(ZnChrono chrono)
- chrono->total_delay = chrono->total_delay + (GetUCTime() - chrono->current_delay);
- chrono->actions++;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnPrintChronos - Print the currently available stats on all
- * chronos registered so far.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
- int i, cnt;
- ZnChrono *chrs;
- cnt = ZnListSize(Chronos);
- chrs = (ZnChrono *) ZnListArray(Chronos);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- if (chrs[i]->actions != 0) {
- printf("%s : %ld ms on %d times\n",
- chrs[i]->message,
- chrs[i]->total_delay * 10 / chrs[i]->actions,
- chrs[i]->actions);
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnGetChrono - Return the number of runs and the total time of the Chrono.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnGetChrono(ZnChrono chrono,
- long *time,
- int *actions)
- if (time) {
- *time = chrono->total_delay*10;
- }
- if (actions) {
- *actions = chrono->actions;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnResetChronos - Reset all chronos or only the specified.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnResetChronos(ZnChrono chrono)
- int i, cnt;
- ZnChrono *chrs;
- if (chrono) {
- chrono->actions = 0;
- chrono->total_delay = 0;
- }
- else {
- cnt = ZnListSize(Chronos);
- chrs = (ZnChrono *) ZnListArray(Chronos);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- chrs[i]->actions = 0;
- chrs[i]->total_delay = 0;
- }
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnNewChrono - Return a new initialized chrono associated with
- * message.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnNewChrono(char *message)
- ZnChrono new;
- if (!Chronos) {
- Chronos = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ZnChrono));
- }
- new = (ZnChrono) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnChronoRec));
- new->actions = 0;
- new->total_delay = 0;
- new->message = message;
- ZnListAdd(Chronos, &new, ZnListTail);
- return new;
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnFreeChrono - Free the resources of a chrono.
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnFreeChrono(ZnChrono chrono)
- int i;
- ZnChrono *chrs = ZnListArray(Chronos);
- ZnFree(chrono);
- for (i = ZnListSize(Chronos)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (chrs[i] == chrono) {
- ZnListDelete(Chronos, i);
- break;
- }
- }
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
diff --git a/generic/perfos.h b/generic/perfos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fb54bf5..0000000
--- a/generic/perfos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * perfos.h -- Header for perf module.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _perfos_h
-#define _perfos_h
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-extern "C" {
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- typedef struct
- {
- long current_correction;
- long current_delay;
- long total_delay;
- int actions;
- char *message;
- } ZnChronoRec, *ZnChrono;
- void ZnXStartChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/, Display */*dpy*/, Drawable /*win*/);
- void ZnXStopChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/, Display */*dpy*/, Drawable /*win*/);
- void ZnStartChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
- void ZnStopChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
- void ZnStartUCChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
- void ZnStopUCChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
- ZnChrono ZnNewChrono(char */*message*/);
- void ZnFreeChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
- void ZnPrintChronos(void);
- void ZnGetChrono(ZnChrono /*chrono*/, long */*time*/, int */*actions*/);
- void ZnResetChronos(ZnChrono /*chrono*/);
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-#ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__
-#endif /* _perfos_h */
diff --git a/generic/tkZinc.c b/generic/tkZinc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b85b3..0000000
--- a/generic/tkZinc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9059 +0,0 @@
- * tkZinc.c -- Zinc widget for the Tk Toolkit. Main module.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Mon Feb 1 12:13:24 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
- * Some functions and code excerpts in this file are from tkCanvas.c
- * and thus copyrighted:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- *
- */
-static const char rcs_id[]="$Id$";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile: " __FILE__ " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " $";
-static const char * const zinc_version = "zinc-version-" VERSION;
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Geo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "Group.h"
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "tkZinc.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#ifdef ATC
-#include "OverlapMan.h"
-#include "Track.h"
-#include "Transfo.h"
-#include "Image.h"
-#include "Draw.h"
-#include "Color.h"
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include "perfos.h"
-#include <GL/glu.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(PTK) && !defined(PTK_800)
-#include <tkPlatDecls.m>
-typedef struct _TagSearchExpr {
- struct _TagSearchExpr *next; /* for linked lists of expressions - used in bindings */
- Tk_Uid uid; /* the uid of the whole expression */
- Tk_Uid *uids; /* expresion compiled to an array of uids */
- int allocated; /* available space for array of uids */
- int length; /* length of expression */
- int index; /* current position in expression evaluation */
- int match; /* this expression matches event's item's tags*/
-} TagSearchExpr;
-#define SYMBOL_WIDTH 8
-#define SYMBOL_HEIGHT 8
-static unsigned char SYMBOLS_BITS[][SYMBOL_WIDTH*SYMBOL_HEIGHT/8] = {
- { 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x81, 0xff },
- { 0xff, 0x81, 0x99, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0x99, 0x81, 0xff },
- { 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x99, 0x99, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18 },
- { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x5a, 0xff, 0xff, 0x5a, 0x3c, 0x18 },
- { 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18 },
- { 0x3c, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x3c },
- { 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x42, 0x42, 0x81, 0xff },
- { 0xff, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xff },
- { 0x18, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x66, 0xff, 0xff },
- { 0xff, 0xff, 0xe7, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xe7, 0xff, 0xff },
- { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0x18 },
- { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x66, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x18 },
- { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0x18 },
- { 0x3c, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x3c },
- { 0x18, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff },
- { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff },
- { 0x18, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x18 },
- { 0x18, 0x66, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x66, 0x18 },
- { 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00 },
- { 0x00, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0x18, 0x00 },
- { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0x18 },
- { 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81 },
-static unsigned char dither4x4[4][4] = {
- { 0, 8, 2, 10 },
- { 12, 4, 14, 6 },
- { 3, 11, 1, 9 },
- { 15, 7, 13, 5 }
-static unsigned char bitmaps[ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS][32][4];
-static Tk_Uid all_uid;
-static Tk_Uid current_uid;
-static Tk_Uid and_uid;
-static Tk_Uid or_uid;
-static Tk_Uid xor_uid;
-static Tk_Uid paren_uid;
-static Tk_Uid end_paren_uid;
-static Tk_Uid neg_paren_uid;
-static Tk_Uid tag_val_uid;
-static Tk_Uid neg_tag_val_uid;
-static Tk_Uid dot_uid;
-static Tk_Uid star_uid;
-#ifdef GL
-static ZnGLContextEntry *gl_contexts = NULL;
-#ifndef _WIN32
-static int ZnMajorGlx, ZnMinorGlx;
-static int ZnGLAttribs[] = {
- /*GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 8,*/
- None
- * Temporary object lists
- */
- ZnList ZnWorkPoints;
- ZnList ZnWorkXPoints;
- ZnList ZnWorkStrings;
- * Tesselator
- */
- ZnTess ZnTesselator;
-static void PickCurrentItem _ANSI_ARGS_((ZnWInfo *wi, XEvent *event));
-#ifdef PTK_800
-static int ZnReliefParse _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static Tcl_Obj *ZnReliefPrint _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec, int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc));
-static int ZnGradientParse _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static Tcl_Obj *ZnGradientPrint _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec, int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc));
-static int ZnImageParse _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static int ZnBitmapParse _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static Tcl_Obj *ZnImagePrint _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec, int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc));
-static Tk_CustomOption reliefOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) ZnReliefParse,
- (Tk_OptionPrintProc *) ZnReliefPrint,
-static Tk_CustomOption gradientOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) ZnGradientParse,
- (Tk_OptionPrintProc *) ZnGradientPrint,
-static Tk_CustomOption imageOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) ZnImageParse,
- (Tk_OptionPrintProc *) ZnImagePrint,
-static Tk_CustomOption bitmapOption = {
- (Tk_OptionParseProc *) ZnBitmapParse,
- (Tk_OptionPrintProc *) ZnImagePrint,
-static int ZnSetReliefOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj **ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset, char *old_val_ptr, int flags));
-static Tcl_Obj *ZnGetReliefOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static void ZnRestoreReliefOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *val_ptr, char *old_val_ptr));
-static int ZnSetGradientOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj **ovalue,
- char *widget_rec, int offset, char *old_val_ptr, int flags));
-static Tcl_Obj *ZnGetGradientOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec, int offset));
-static void ZnRestoreGradientOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *val_ptr, char *old_val_ptr));
-static void ZnFreeGradientOpt _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, Tk_Window tkwin, char *val_ptr));
-static Tk_ObjCustomOption reliefOption = {
- "znrelief",
- ZnSetReliefOpt,
- ZnGetReliefOpt,
- ZnRestoreReliefOpt,
- 0
-static Tk_ObjCustomOption gradientOption = {
- "zngradient",
- ZnSetGradientOpt,
- ZnGetGradientOpt,
- ZnRestoreGradientOpt,
- ZnFreeGradientOpt,
-#ifdef PTK_800
-#define BACK_COLOR_SPEC 1
-#define CONFINE_SPEC 2
-#define CURSOR_SPEC 3
-#define FONT_SPEC 4
-#define FORE_COLOR_SPEC 5
-#define HEIGHT_SPEC 7
-#define MAP_TEXT_FONT_SPEC 16
-#define RELIEF_SPEC 19
-#define RENDER_SPEC 20
-#define RESHAPE_SPEC 21
-#define TAKE_FOCUS_SPEC 25
-#define TILE_SPEC 26
-#define WIDTH_SPEC 30
-#define X_SCROLL_CMD_SPEC 31
-#define Y_SCROLL_CMD_SPEC 33
-#define BBOXES_SPEC 35
-#define LIGHT_ANGLE_SPEC 37
-#define CONFIG_FONT 1<<0
-#define CONFIG_MAP_FONT 1<<1
-#define CONFIG_BACK_COLOR 1<<2
-#define CONFIG_REDISPLAY 1<<3
-#define CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL 1<<4
-#define CONFIG_OM 1<<9
-#define CONFIG_FOCUS 1<<10
-#define CONFIG_FOCUS_ITEM 1<<11
-#define CONFIG_SET_ORIGIN 1<<13
-#define CONFIG_MAP_SYMBOL 1<<15
-#define CONFIG_TRACK_SYMBOL 1<<16
-#define CONFIG_TILE 1<<17
-#define CONFIG_DEBUG 1<<18
- * Information used for argv parsing.
- */
-#ifdef PTK_800
-static Tk_ConfigSpec config_specs[] = {
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth",
- "2", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, border_width), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-backcolor", "backColor", "BackColor",
- "#c3c3c3", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, back_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-confine", "confine", "Confine",
- "1", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, confine), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_ACTIVE_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, cursor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font",
- "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, font), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-forecolor", "foreColor", "Foreground",
- "Black", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, fore_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-fullreshape", "fullReshape", "FullReshape",
- "1", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, full_reshape), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-height", "height", "Height",
- "7c", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, opt_height), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-highlightbackground", "highlightBackground", "HighlightBackground",
- "#c3c3c3", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_bg_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-highlightcolor", "highlightColor", "HighlightColor",
- "Black", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-highlightthickness", "highlightThickness", "HighlightThickness",
- "2", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_width), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-insertbackground", "insertBackground", "Foreground",
- "Black", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.insert_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-insertofftime", "insertOffTime", "OffTime",
- "300", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, insert_off_time), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-insertontime", "insertOnTime", "OnTime",
- "600", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, insert_on_time), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-insertwidth", "insertWidth", "InsertWidth",
- "2", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.insert_width), 0, NULL},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-mapdistancesymbol", "mapDistanceSymbol", "MapDistanceSymbol",
- "AtcSymbol19", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, map_distance_symbol),
- TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &bitmapOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-maptextfont", "mapTextFont", "MapTextFont",
- "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, map_text_font), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-overlapmanager", "overlapManager", "OverlapManager", "1",
- Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, om_group_id), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-pickaperture", "pickAperture", "PickAperture",
- "1", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, pick_aperture), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-relief", "relief", "Relief",
- "flat", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, relief), 0, &reliefOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-render", "render", "Render",
- "0", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, render), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-reshape", "reshape", "Reshape",
- "1", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, reshape), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_LANGARG, "-scrollregion", "scrollRegion", "ScrollRegion",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, region), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground",
- "#a0a0a0", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.sel_color), 0, &gradientOption},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_CONFIG_DOUBLE, "-speedvectorlength", "speedVectorLength",
- "SpeedVectorLength", "3", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, speed_vector_length), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-takefocus", "takeFocus", "TakeFocus",
- NULL, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, take_focus), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-tile", "tile", "Tile",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, tile), 0, &imageOption},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-trackvisiblehistorysize", "trackVisibleHistorySize", "TrackVisibleHistorySize",
- "6", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_visible_history_size), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-trackmanagedhistorysize", "trackManagedHistorySize",
- "TrackManagedHistorySize", "6", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_managed_history_size), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-tracksymbol", "trackSymbol", "TrackSymbol",
- "AtcSymbol15", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_symbol), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, &bitmapOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-width", "width", "Width",
- "10c", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, opt_width), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CALLBACK, "-xscrollcommand", "xScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, x_scroll_cmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-xscrollincrement", "xScrollIncrement", "ScrollIncrement",
- "0", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, x_scroll_incr), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CALLBACK, "-yscrollcommand", "yScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, y_scroll_cmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-yscrollincrement", "yScrollIncrement", "ScrollIncrement",
- "0", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, y_scroll_incr), 0, NULL},
- /*
- * Debug options.
- */
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-drawbboxes", "drawBBoxes",
- "DrawBBoxes", "0", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, draw_bboxes), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_CUSTOM, "-bboxcolor", "bboxColor", "BBoxColor",
- "Pink", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, bbox_color), 0, &gradientOption},
- {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-lightangle", "lightAngle", "LightAngle",
- "120", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, light_angle), 0, NULL},
- {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-followpointer", "followPointer",
- "FollowPointer", "1", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, follow_pointer), 0, NULL},
-static Tk_OptionSpec option_specs[] = {
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth",
- "2", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, border_width), 0, NULL, CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL|CONFIG_REQUEST_GEOM},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-backcolor", "backColor", "BackColor",
- "#c3c3c3", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, back_color), 0, &gradientOption,
- {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-confine", "confine", "Confine",
- "1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, confine), 0, NULL, CONFIG_SET_ORIGIN},
- {TK_OPTION_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor",
- "", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, cursor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-debug", "debug", "Debug",
- "0", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, debug), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font",
- "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, font), 0, NULL, CONFIG_FONT},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-forecolor", "foreColor", "Foreground",
- "Black", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, fore_color), 0, &gradientOption, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-fullreshape", "fullReshape", "FullReshape",
- "1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, full_reshape), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-height", "height", "Height",
- "7c", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, opt_height), 0, NULL, CONFIG_REQUEST_GEOM},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-highlightbackground", "highlightBackground", "HighlightBackground",
- "#c3c3c3", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_bg_color), 0, &gradientOption,
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-highlightcolor", "highlightColor", "HighlightColor",
- "Black", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_color), 0, &gradientOption, CONFIG_REDISPLAY},
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-highlightthickness", "highlightThickness", "HighlightThickness",
- "2", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, highlight_width), 0, NULL, CONFIG_REQUEST_GEOM|CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-insertbackground", "insertBackground", "Foreground",
- "Black", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.insert_color), 0, &gradientOption, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertofftime", "insertOffTime", "OffTime",
- "300", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, insert_off_time), 0, NULL, CONFIG_FOCUS},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-insertontime", "insertOnTime", "OnTime",
- "600", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, insert_on_time), 0, NULL, CONFIG_FOCUS},
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-insertwidth", "insertWidth", "InsertWidth",
- "2", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.insert_width), 0, NULL, CONFIG_FOCUS_ITEM},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-mapdistancesymbol", "mapDistanceSymbol", "MapDistanceSymbol",
- "AtcSymbol19", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, map_symbol_obj), -1,
- {TK_OPTION_FONT, "-maptextfont", "mapTextFont", "MapTextFont",
- "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
- -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, map_text_font), 0, NULL, CONFIG_MAP_FONT},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-overlapmanager", "overlapManager", "OverlapManager", "1",
- -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, om_group_id), 0, NULL, CONFIG_OM},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-pickaperture", "pickAperture", "PickAperture",
- "1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, pick_aperture), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-relief", "relief", "Relief",
- "flat", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, relief), 0, &reliefOption, CONFIG_REDISPLAY},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-render", "render", "Render",
- "-1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, render), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-reshape", "reshape", "Reshape",
- "1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, reshape), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-scrollregion", "scrollRegion", "ScrollRegion",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, region), -1,
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground",
- "#a0a0a0", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, text_info.sel_color), 0, &gradientOption, 0},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_OPTION_DOUBLE, "-speedvectorlength", "speedVectorLength",
- "SpeedVectorLength", "3", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, speed_vector_length),
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-takefocus", "takeFocus", "TakeFocus",
- NULL, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, take_focus), -1, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-tile", "tile", "Tile",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, tile_obj), -1, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, CONFIG_TILE|CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL},
-#ifdef ATC
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-trackvisiblehistorysize", "trackVisibleHistorySize", "TrackVisibleHistorySize",
- "6", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_visible_history_size), 0, NULL, CONFIG_INVALIDATE_TRACKS},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-trackmanagedhistorysize", "trackManagedHistorySize",
- "TrackManagedHistorySize", "6", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_managed_history_size),
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-tracksymbol", "trackSymbol", "TrackSymbol",
- "AtcSymbol15", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, track_symbol_obj), -1,
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-width", "width", "Width",
- "10c", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, opt_width), 0, NULL, CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL|CONFIG_REQUEST_GEOM},
-#ifdef PTK
- {TK_OPTION_CALLBACK, "-xscrollcommand", "xScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, x_scroll_cmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-xscrollcommand", "xScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, x_scroll_cmd), -1, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-xscrollincrement", "xScrollIncrement", "ScrollIncrement",
- "0", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, x_scroll_incr), 0, NULL, 0},
-#ifdef PTK
- {TK_OPTION_CALLBACK, "-yscrollcommand", "yScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, y_scroll_cmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_STRING, "-yscrollcommand", "yScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand",
- "", Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, y_scroll_cmd), -1, TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_PIXELS, "-yscrollincrement", "yScrollIncrement", "ScrollIncrement",
- "0", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, y_scroll_incr), 0, NULL, 0},
- /*
- * Debug options.
- */
- {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-drawbboxes", "drawBBoxes",
- "DrawBBoxes", "0", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, draw_bboxes), 0, NULL, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_CUSTOM, "-bboxcolor", "bboxColor", "BBoxColor",
- "Pink", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, bbox_color), 0, &gradientOption, 0},
- {TK_OPTION_INT, "-lightangle", "lightAngle", "LightAngle",
- "120", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, light_angle), 0, NULL, CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL},
- {TK_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "-followpointer", "followPointer",
- "FollowPointer", "1", -1, Tk_Offset(ZnWInfo, follow_pointer), 0, NULL, CONFIG_FOLLOW_POINTER},
-static void CmdDeleted _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data));
-static void Event _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, XEvent *eventPtr));
-static void Bind _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data, XEvent *eventPtr));
-static int FetchSelection _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int offset,
- char *buffer, int maxBytes));
-static void SelectTo _ANSI_ARGS_((ZnItem item, int field, int index));
-static int WidgetObjCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]));
-#ifdef PTK_800
-static int Configure _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[], int flags));
-static int Configure _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]));
-static void Redisplay _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData client_data));
-static void Destroy _ANSI_ARGS_((char *mem_ptr));
-static void InitZinc _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp));
-static void Focus _ANSI_ARGS_((ZnWInfo *wi, ZnBool got_focus));
-static void Update _ANSI_ARGS_((ZnWInfo *wi));
-static void Repair _ANSI_ARGS_((ZnWInfo *wi));
-#ifdef PTK_800
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnReliefParse
- * ZnReliefPrint --
- * Converter for the -relief option.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnReliefParse(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnReliefStyle *relief_ptr = (ZnReliefStyle *) (widget_rec + offset);
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(ovalue);
- int result = TCL_OK;
- if (value != NULL) {
- result = ZnGetRelief((ZnWInfo *) widget_rec, value, &relief);
- if (result == TCL_OK) {
- *relief_ptr = relief;
- }
- }
- return result;
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ZnReliefPrint(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc)
- ZnReliefStyle relief = *(ZnReliefStyle *) (widget_rec + offset);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfRelief(relief), -1);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGradientParse
- * ZnGradientPrint --
- * Converter for the -*color* options.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnGradientParse(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnGradient **grad_ptr = (ZnGradient **) (widget_rec + offset);
- ZnGradient *grad, *prev_grad;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(ovalue);
- prev_grad = *grad_ptr;
- if ((value != NULL) && (*value != '\0')) {
- grad = ZnGetGradient(interp, tkwin, value);
- if (grad == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (prev_grad != NULL) {
- ZnFreeGradient(prev_grad);
- }
- *grad_ptr = grad;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ZnGradientPrint(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc)
- ZnGradient *gradient = *(ZnGradient **) (widget_rec + offset);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfGradient(gradient), -1);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnBitmapParse
- * ZnImageParse
- * ZnImagePrint --
- * Converter for the -*image* options.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnBitmapParse(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnImage *image_ptr = (ZnImage *) (widget_rec + offset);
- ZnImage image, prev_image;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(ovalue);
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo*) widget_rec;
- ZnBool is_bmap = True;
- prev_image = *image_ptr;
- if ((value != NULL) && (*value != '\0')) {
- image = ZnGetImage(wi, value, NULL, NULL);
- if ((image == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ||
- ! (is_bmap = ZnImageIsBitmap(image))) {
- if (!is_bmap) {
- ZnFreeImage(image, NULL, NULL);
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (prev_image != NULL) {
- ZnFreeImage(prev_image, NULL, NULL);
- }
- *image_ptr = image;
- }
- else if (prev_image != NULL) {
- ZnFreeImage(prev_image, NULL, NULL);
- *image_ptr = NULL;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static void
-ZnImageUpdate(void *client_data)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo*) client_data;
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
-static int
-ZnImageParse(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj *ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnImage *image_ptr = (ZnImage *) (widget_rec + offset);
- ZnImage image, prev_image;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(ovalue);
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo*) widget_rec;
- prev_image = *image_ptr;
- if ((value != NULL) && (*value != '\0')) {
- image = ZnGetImage(wi, value, ZnImageUpdate, wi);
- if (image == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (prev_image != NULL) {
- ZnFreeImage(prev_image, ZnImageUpdate, wi);
- }
- *image_ptr = image;
- }
- else if (prev_image != NULL) {
- ZnFreeImage(prev_image, ZnImageUpdate, wi);
- *image_ptr = NULL;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ZnImagePrint(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset,
- Tcl_FreeProc **free_proc)
- ZnImage image = *(ZnImage *) (widget_rec + offset);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(image?ZnNameOfImage(image):"", -1);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnSetReliefOpt
- * ZnGetReliefOpt
- * ZnRestoreReliefOpt --
- * Converter for the -relief option.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnSetReliefOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj **ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset,
- char *old_val_ptr,
- int flags)
- ZnReliefStyle *relief_ptr;
- ZnReliefStyle relief;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(*ovalue);
- if (ZnGetRelief((ZnWInfo *) widget_rec, value, &relief) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (offset >= 0) {
- relief_ptr = (ZnReliefStyle *) (widget_rec + offset);
- *((ZnReliefStyle *) old_val_ptr) = *relief_ptr;
- *relief_ptr = relief;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ZnGetReliefOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnReliefStyle relief = *(ZnReliefStyle *) (widget_rec + offset);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfRelief(relief), -1);
-static void
-ZnRestoreReliefOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *val_ptr,
- char *old_val_ptr)
- *(ZnReliefStyle *) val_ptr = *(ZnReliefStyle *) old_val_ptr;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnSetGradientOpt
- * ZnGetGradientOpt
- * ZnRestoreGradientOpt --
- * Converter for the -*color* options.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnSetGradientOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tcl_Interp *interp,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- Tcl_Obj **ovalue,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset,
- char *old_val_ptr,
- int flags)
- ZnGradient **grad_ptr;
- ZnGradient *grad;
- char *value = Tcl_GetString(*ovalue);
- if (offset >= 0) {
- if (*value == '\0') {
- grad = NULL;
- }
- else {
- grad = ZnGetGradient(interp, tkwin, value);
- if (grad == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- grad_ptr = (ZnGradient **) (widget_rec + offset);
- *(ZnGradient **) old_val_ptr = *grad_ptr;
- *grad_ptr = grad;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ZnGetGradientOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *widget_rec,
- int offset)
- ZnGradient *gradient = *(ZnGradient **) (widget_rec + offset);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(ZnNameOfGradient(gradient), -1);
-static void
-ZnRestoreGradientOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *val_ptr,
- char *old_val_ptr)
- if (*(ZnGradient **) val_ptr != NULL) {
- ZnFreeGradient(*(ZnGradient **) val_ptr);
- }
- *(ZnGradient **) val_ptr = *(ZnGradient **) old_val_ptr;
-static void
-ZnFreeGradientOpt(ClientData client_data,
- Tk_Window tkwin,
- char *val_ptr)
- if (*(ZnGradient **) val_ptr != NULL) {
- ZnFreeGradient(*(ZnGradient **) val_ptr);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetAlphaStipple --
- * Need to be handled per screen/dpy toolkit wide, not on a
- * widget basis.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static Pixmap
-ZnGetAlphaStipple(ZnWInfo *wi,
- unsigned int val)
- if (val >= 255)
- return None;
- else
- return wi->alpha_stipples[(int) (val / 16)];
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetInactiveStipple --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnGetInactiveStipple(ZnWInfo *wi)
- return ZnGetAlphaStipple(wi, 128);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnNeedRedisplay --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnNeedRedisplay(ZnWInfo *wi)
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_UPDATE_PENDING) && ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_REALIZED)) {
- /*printf("scheduling an update\n");*/
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle(Redisplay, (ClientData) wi);
- SET(wi->flags, ZN_UPDATE_PENDING);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnGetGlContext --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifdef GL
-ZnGLContextEntry *
-ZnGetGLContext(Display *dpy)
- ZnGLContextEntry *context_entry;
- for (context_entry = gl_contexts;
- context_entry && context_entry->dpy != dpy;
- context_entry = context_entry->next);
- return context_entry;
-ZnGLContextEntry *
-ZnGLMakeCurrent(Display *dpy,
- ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ce = ZnGetGLContext(dpy);
- if (!wi) {
- /* Get a zinc widget from the context struct
- * for this display. If no more are left,
- * returns, nothing can be done. This can
- * happen only when freeing images or fonts
- * after the last zinc on a given display has
- * been deleted. In this case the context should
- * be deleted, freeing all resources including
- * textures.
- */
- ZnWInfo **wip = ZnListArray(ce->widgets);
- int i, num = ZnListSize(ce->widgets);
- for (i = 0; i <num; i++, wip++) {
- if ((*wip)->win != NULL) {
- wi = *wip;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!wi) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
-#ifdef _WIN32
- ce->hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- ce->hdc = GetDC(ce->hwnd);
- SetPixelFormat(ce->hdc, ce->ipixel, &ce->pfd);
- if (!wglMakeCurrent(ce->hdc, ce->context)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't make the GL context current: %d\n", GetLastError());
- }
- glXMakeCurrent(dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), ce->context);
- return ce;
-ZnGLReleaseContext(ZnGLContextEntry *ce)
- if (ce) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
- wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL);
- ReleaseDC(ce->hwnd, ce->hdc);
- /*glXMakeCurrent(ce->dpy, None, NULL);*/
- }
-static void
-ZnGLSwapBuffers(ZnGLContextEntry *ce,
- ZnWInfo *wi)
- if (ce) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
- SwapBuffers(ce->hdc);
- glXSwapBuffers(ce->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- }
-#ifdef GL
-static void
-InitRendering1(ZnWInfo *wi)
- if (wi->render) {
-# ifndef _WIN32
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ZnGLContext gl_context;
- XVisualInfo *gl_visual = NULL;
- Colormap colormap = 0;
- ASSIGN(wi->flags, ZN_PRINT_CONFIG, (getenv("ZINC_GLX_INFO") != NULL));
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_PRINT_CONFIG)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "GLX version %d.%d\n", ZnMajorGlx, ZnMinorGlx);
- }
- /*
- * Look for a matching context already available.
- */
- ce = ZnGetGLContext(wi->dpy);
- if (ce) {
- gl_context = ce->context;
- gl_visual = ce->visual;
- colormap = ce->colormap;
- ZnListAdd(ce->widgets, &wi, ZnListTail);
- }
- else {
- int val;
- gl_visual = glXChooseVisual(wi->dpy,
- XScreenNumberOfScreen(wi->screen),
- ZnGLAttribs);
- if (!gl_visual) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No glx visual\n");
- }
- else {
- gl_context = glXCreateContext(wi->dpy, gl_visual,
- NULL, wi->render==1);
- if (!gl_context) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No glx context\n");
- }
- else {
- colormap = XCreateColormap(wi->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(wi->screen),
- gl_visual->visual, AllocNone);
- ce = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnGLContextEntry));
- ce->context = gl_context;
- ce->visual = gl_visual;
- ce->colormap = colormap;
- ce->dpy = wi->dpy;
- ce->max_tex_size = 64; /* Minimum value is always valid */
- ce->max_line_width = 1;
- ce->max_point_width = 1;
- ce->next = gl_contexts;
- gl_contexts = ce;
- ce->widgets = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnWInfo *));
- ZnListAdd(ce->widgets, &wi, ZnListTail);
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_PRINT_CONFIG)) {
- fprintf(stderr, " Visual : 0x%x, ",
- (int) gl_visual->visualid);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_RGBA, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "RGBA : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "Double Buffer : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "Stencil : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "depth : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_RED_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "red : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "green : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "blue : %d, ", val);
- glXGetConfig(wi->dpy, gl_visual, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, &val);
- fprintf(stderr, "alpha : %d\n", val);
- fprintf(stderr, " Direct Rendering: %d\n",
- glXIsDirect(wi->dpy, gl_context));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (gl_visual && colormap) {
- Tk_SetWindowVisual(wi->win, gl_visual->visual, 24, colormap);
- }
-# endif /* _WIN32 */
- }
-static void
-InitRendering2(ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ZnGLContext gl_context;
- GLfloat r[2]; /* Min, Max */
- GLint i[1];
- if (wi->render) {
-# ifdef _WIN32
- /*
- * Look for a matching context already available.
- */
- ce = ZnGetGLContext(wi->dpy);
- if (ce) {
- gl_context = ce->context;
- ce->hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- ce->hdc = GetDC(ce->hwnd);
- ZnListAdd(ce->widgets, &wi, ZnListTail);
- SetPixelFormat(ce->hdc, ce->ipixel, &ce->pfd);
- }
- else {
- ce = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnGLContextEntry));
- ce->hwnd = Tk_GetHWND(Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- ce->hdc = GetDC(ce->hwnd);
- ce->widgets = ZnListNew(1, sizeof(ZnWInfo *));
- ZnListAdd(ce->widgets, &wi, ZnListTail);
- memset(&ce->pfd, 0, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR));
- ce->pfd.nSize = sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR);
- ce->pfd.nVersion = 1;
- ce->pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA;
- ce->pfd.cRedBits = 8;
- ce->pfd.cGreenBits = 8;
- ce->pfd.cBlueBits = 8;
- ce->pfd.cAlphaBits = 8;
- ce->pfd.cStencilBits = 8;
- ce->pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE;
- ce->ipixel = ChoosePixelFormat(ce->hdc, &ce->pfd);
- /*printf("ipixel=%d dwFlags=0x%x req=0x%x iPixelType=%d hdc=%d\n",
- ce->ipixel, ce->pfd.dwFlags,
- ce->pfd.iPixelType==PFD_TYPE_RGBA,
- ce->hdc);*/
- if (!ce->ipixel ||
- (ce->pfd.cRedBits != 8) || (ce->pfd.cGreenBits != 8) || (ce->pfd.cBlueBits != 8) ||
- (ce->pfd.cStencilBits != 8)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ChoosePixelFormat failed\n");
- }
- if (SetPixelFormat(ce->hdc, ce->ipixel, &ce->pfd) == TRUE) {
- gl_context = wglCreateContext(ce->hdc);
- if (gl_context) {
- ce->context = gl_context;
- ce->dpy = wi->dpy;
- ce->max_tex_size = 64; /* Minimum value is always valid */
- ce->max_line_width = 1;
- ce->max_point_width = 1;
- ce->next = gl_contexts;
- gl_contexts = ce;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "wglCreateContext failed\n");
- ZnFree(ce);
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnFree(ce);
- }
- }
- ReleaseDC(ce->hwnd, ce->hdc);
- ce = ZnGLMakeCurrent(wi->dpy, wi);
- glGetFloatv(ZN_GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, r);
- ce->max_line_width = r[1];
- glGetFloatv(ZN_GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, r);
- ce->max_point_width = r[1];
- glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, i);
- ce->max_tex_size = (unsigned int) i[0];
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_PRINT_CONFIG)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL version %s\n",
- (char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION));
- fprintf(stderr, " Rendering engine: %s, ",
- (char *) glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
- fprintf(stderr, " Vendor: %s\n",
- (char *) glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
- fprintf(stderr, " Available extensions: %s\n",
- (char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));
- fprintf(stderr, "Max antialiased line width: %g\n",
- ce->max_line_width);
- fprintf(stderr, "Max antialiased point size: %g\n",
- ce->max_point_width);
- fprintf(stderr, "Max texture size: %d\n",
- ce->max_tex_size);
- }
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- }
-#endif /* GL */
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZincObjCmd --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked to process the "zinc" Tcl
- * command. It creates a new "zinc" widget.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZincObjCmd(ClientData client_data, /* Main window associated with
- * interpreter. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int argc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) /* Argument strings. */
- Tk_Window top_w = (Tk_Window) client_data;
- ZnWInfo *wi;
- Tk_Window tkwin;
-#ifndef PTK_800
- Tk_OptionTable opt_table;
- unsigned int num;
- ZnBool has_gl = False;
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# if defined(GL) || defined(SHAPE)
- int major_op, first_err, first_evt;
-# endif
-# ifdef GL
- Display *dpy = Tk_Display(top_w);
- Screen *screen = Tk_Screen(top_w);
-# endif
- InitZinc(interp);
-#ifdef GL
-# ifdef _WIN32
- has_gl = True;
-# else
- if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "GLX", &major_op, &first_evt, &first_err)) {
- if (glXQueryExtension(dpy, &first_err, &first_evt)) {
- if (glXQueryVersion(dpy, &ZnMajorGlx, &ZnMinorGlx)) {
- if ((ZnMajorGlx == 1) && (ZnMinorGlx >= 1)) {
- has_gl = True;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (has_gl) {
- XVisualInfo *visual = glXChooseVisual(dpy,
- XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen),
- ZnGLAttribs);
- if (visual) {
- XFree(visual);
- }
- else {
- has_gl = False;
- }
- }
-# endif
- if (argc == 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, VERSION, NULL);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " X11", NULL);
-#ifdef GL
-# ifdef _WIN32
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " GL", NULL);
-# else
- if (has_gl) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " GL", NULL);
- }
-# endif
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- tkwin = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, top_w, Tcl_GetString(args[1]), NULL);
- if (tkwin == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
-#ifndef PTK_800
- opt_table = Tk_CreateOptionTable(interp, option_specs);
- #endif
- Tk_SetClass(tkwin, "Zinc");
- /*
- * Allocate and initialize the widget record.
- */
- wi = (ZnWInfo *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnWInfo));
- wi->win = tkwin;
- wi->interp = interp;
- wi->dpy = Tk_Display(tkwin);
- wi->screen = Tk_Screen(tkwin);
- wi->flags = 0;
- wi->render = -1;
- wi->real_top = None;
- ASSIGN(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_GL, has_gl);
-#if defined(SHAPE) && !defined(_WIN32)
- ASSIGN(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_X_SHAPE,
- XQueryExtension(wi->dpy, "SHAPE", &major_op, &first_evt, &first_err));
- wi->reshape = wi->full_reshape = True;
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_X_SHAPE);
- wi->reshape = wi->full_reshape = False;
-#ifdef PTK
-#ifdef PTK_800
- wi->cmd = Lang_CreateWidget(interp, tkwin, (Tcl_CmdProc *) WidgetObjCmd,
- (ClientData) wi, CmdDeleted);
- wi->cmd = Lang_CreateWidget(interp, tkwin, WidgetObjCmd, (ClientData) wi, CmdDeleted);
- wi->cmd = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, Tk_PathName(tkwin), WidgetObjCmd,
- (ClientData) wi, CmdDeleted);
-#ifndef PTK_800
- wi->opt_table = opt_table;
- wi->binding_table = 0;
- wi->fore_color = NULL;
- wi->back_color = NULL;
- wi->relief_grad = NULL;
- wi->bbox_color = NULL;
- wi->draw_bboxes = 0;
- wi->light_angle = 120;
- wi->follow_pointer = 0;
- wi->border_width = 0;
- wi->relief = ZN_RELIEF_FLAT;
- wi->opt_width = None;
- wi->opt_height = None;
- wi->font = 0;
-#ifdef ATC
- wi->track_visible_history_size = 0;
- wi->track_managed_history_size = 0;
- wi->speed_vector_length = 0;
- wi->map_text_font = 0;
-# ifdef GL
- wi->font_tfi = NULL;
- wi->map_font_tfi = NULL;
-# endif
- wi->map_distance_symbol = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- wi->track_symbol = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
-# ifndef PTK_800
- wi->map_symbol_obj = NULL;
- wi->track_symbol_obj = NULL;
-# endif
- wi->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
-#ifndef PTK_800
- wi->tile_obj = NULL;
- wi->cursor = None;
- wi->hot_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->hot_prev = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->confine = 0;
- wi->origin.x = wi->origin.y = 0;
- wi->scroll_xo = wi->scroll_yo = 0;
- wi->scroll_xc = wi->scroll_yc = 0;
- wi->x_scroll_incr = wi->y_scroll_incr = 0;
- wi->x_scroll_cmd = wi->y_scroll_cmd = NULL;
- wi->region = NULL;
- wi->id_table = (Tcl_HashTable *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(Tcl_HashTable));
- Tcl_InitHashTable(wi->id_table, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
- wi->t_table = (Tcl_HashTable *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(Tcl_HashTable));
- Tcl_InitHashTable(wi->t_table, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
- wi->obj_id = 1;
- wi->num_items = 0;
- wi->top_group = ZnCreateItem(wi, ZnGroup, 0, NULL);
-#ifdef ATC
- wi->om_group_id = 0;
- wi->om_group = wi->top_group;
- OmRegister((void *) wi, ZnSendTrackToOm, ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm, ZnQueryLabelPosition);
- wi->gc = 0;
- wi->draw_buffer = 0;
- wi->pick_aperture = 0;
- wi->state = 0;
- memset(&wi->pick_event, 0, sizeof(XEvent));
- wi->new_item = wi->current_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->new_part = wi->current_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- wi->focus_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->focus_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_MONITORING);
-#ifndef _WIN32
- wi->total_draw_chrono = ZnNewChrono("Total draw time");
- wi->this_draw_chrono = ZnNewChrono("Last draw time");
- wi->damaged_area_w = wi->damaged_area_h = 0;
- /*
- * Text management init.
- */
- wi->text_info.sel_color = NULL;
- wi->text_info.sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->text_info.sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- wi->text_info.sel_first = -1;
- wi->text_info.sel_last = -1;
- wi->text_info.anchor_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->text_info.anchor_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- wi->text_info.sel_anchor = 0;
- wi->text_info.insert_color = NULL;
- wi->text_info.insert_width = 0;
- wi->text_info.cursor_on = False;
- wi->insert_on_time = 0;
- wi->insert_off_time = 0;
- wi->blink_handler = NULL;
- wi->take_focus = NULL;
- wi->highlight_width = 0;
- wi->highlight_color = NULL;
- wi->highlight_bg_color = NULL;
- ZnResetBBox(&wi->exposed_area);
- ZnResetBBox(&wi->damaged_area);
- ZnInitClipStack(wi);
- ZnInitTransformStack(wi);
- for (num = 0; num < ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS; num++) {
- char name[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE+12];
- sprintf(name, "AlphaStipple%d", num);
- wi->alpha_stipples[num] = Tk_GetBitmap(interp, tkwin, Tk_GetUid(name));
- }
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(tkwin,
- ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask|FocusChangeMask,
- Event, (ClientData) wi);
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(tkwin, KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|
- ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|EnterWindowMask|
- LeaveWindowMask|PointerMotionMask|VirtualEventMask,
- Bind, (ClientData) wi);
- Tk_CreateSelHandler(tkwin, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING,
- FetchSelection, (ClientData) wi, XA_STRING);
-#ifdef PTK_800
- if (Configure(interp, wi, argc-2, args+2, 0) != TCL_OK) {
- Tk_DestroyWindow(tkwin);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tk_InitOptions(interp, (char *) wi, opt_table, tkwin) != TCL_OK) {
- Tk_DestroyWindow(tkwin);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Configure(interp, wi, argc-2, args+2) != TCL_OK) {
- Tk_DestroyWindow(tkwin);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = wi->damaged_area.orig.y = 0;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = wi->width = wi->opt_width;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = wi->height = wi->opt_height;
- if (!wi->render) {
- /*
- * Allocate double buffer pixmap/image.
- */
- wi->draw_buffer = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(wi->screen),
- wi->width, wi->height, Tk_Depth(wi->win));
- }
-#ifdef GL
- else {
- InitRendering1(wi);
- }
-#ifdef PTK
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, LangWidgetObj(interp, tkwin));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(Tk_PathName(tkwin), -1));
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * EncodeItemPart --
- *
- * Form a ClientData value from an item/part that is suitable
- * as a key in a binding table.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-EncodeItemPart(ZnItem item,
- int part)
- if (part >= 0) {
- ZnFieldSet fs;
- if (!item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- return item;
- }
- fs = item->class->GetFieldSet(item);
- return (ClientData) (ZnFIELD.GetFieldStruct(fs, part % (int) ZnFIELD.NumFields(fs)));
- }
- else if (part == ZN_NO_PART) {
- return item;
- }
- return (ClientData) (((char *) item)-part);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * All tag search procs below are lifted from tkCanvas.c, then
- * modified to match our needs.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TagSearchExprInit --
- *
- * This procedure allocates and initializes one
- * TagSearchExpr struct.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-TagSearchExprInit(TagSearchExpr **expr_var)
- TagSearchExpr* expr = *expr_var;
- if (! expr) {
- expr = (TagSearchExpr *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(TagSearchExpr));
- expr->allocated = 0;
- expr->uids = NULL;
- expr->next = NULL;
- }
- expr->uid = NULL;
- expr->index = 0;
- expr->length = 0;
- *expr_var = expr;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TagSearchExprDestroy --
- *
- * This procedure destroys one TagSearchExpr structure.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-TagSearchExprDestroy(TagSearchExpr *expr)
- if (expr) {
- if (expr->uids) {
- ZnFree(expr->uids);
- }
- ZnFree(expr);
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TagSearchScanExpr --
- *
- * This recursive procedure is called to scan a tag expression
- * and compile it into an array of Tk_Uids.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value indicates if the tagOrId expression
- * was successfully scanned (syntax).
- * The information at *search is initialized
- * such that a call to ZnTagSearchFirst, followed by
- * successive calls to ZnTagSearchNext will return items
- * that match tag.
- *
- * Side effects:
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-TagSearchScanExpr(Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- ZnTagSearch *search, /* Search data */
- TagSearchExpr *expr) /* Compiled expression result */
- int looking_for_tag; /* When true, scanner expects next char(s)
- * to be a tag, else operand expected */
- int found_tag; /* One or more tags found */
- int found_endquote; /* For quoted tag string parsing */
- int negate_result; /* Pending negation of next tag value */
- char *tag; /* tag from tag expression string */
- char c;
- negate_result = 0;
- found_tag = 0;
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- while (search->tag_index < search->tag_len) {
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index++];
- if (expr->allocated == expr->index) {
- expr->allocated += 15;
- if (expr->uids) {
- expr->uids = (Tk_Uid *) ZnRealloc((char *) expr->uids,
- expr->allocated * sizeof(Tk_Uid));
- }
- else {
- expr->uids = (Tk_Uid *) ZnMalloc(expr->allocated * sizeof(Tk_Uid));
- }
- }
- if (looking_for_tag) {
- switch (c) {
- case ' ': /* ignore unquoted whitespace */
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- break;
- case '!': /* negate next tag or subexpr */
- if (looking_for_tag > 1) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Too many '!' in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- looking_for_tag++;
- negate_result = 1;
- break;
- case '(': /* scan (negated) subexpr recursively */
- if (negate_result) {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = neg_paren_uid;
- negate_result = 0;
- }
- else {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = paren_uid;
- }
- if (TagSearchScanExpr(interp, search, expr) != TCL_OK) {
- /* Result string should be already set
- * by nested call to tag_expr_scan() */
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- looking_for_tag = 0;
- found_tag = 1;
- break;
- case '"': /* quoted tag string */
- if (negate_result) {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = neg_tag_val_uid;
- negate_result = 0;
- }
- else {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = tag_val_uid;
- }
- tag = search->rewrite_buf;
- found_endquote = 0;
- while (search->tag_index < search->tag_len) {
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index++];
- if (c == '\\') {
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index++];
- }
- if (c == '"') {
- found_endquote = 1;
- break;
- }
- *tag++ = c;
- }
- if (! found_endquote) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Missing endquote in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (! (tag - search->rewrite_buf)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- "Null quoted tag string in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *tag++ = '\0';
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = Tk_GetUid(search->rewrite_buf);
- looking_for_tag = 0;
- found_tag = 1;
- break;
- case '&': /* illegal chars when looking for tag */
- case '|':
- case '^':
- case ')':
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Unexpected operator in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- default: /* unquoted tag string */
- if (negate_result) {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = neg_tag_val_uid;
- negate_result = 0;
- }
- else {
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = tag_val_uid;
- }
- tag = search->rewrite_buf;
- *tag++ = c;
- /* copy rest of tag, including any embedded whitespace */
- while (search->tag_index < search->tag_len) {
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index];
- if ((c == '!') || (c == '&') || (c == '|') || (c == '^') ||
- (c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '"')) {
- break;
- }
- *tag++ = c;
- search->tag_index++;
- }
- /* remove trailing whitespace */
- while (1) {
- c = *--tag;
- /* there must have been one non-whitespace char,
- * so this will terminate */
- if ((c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- *++tag = '\0';
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = Tk_GetUid(search->rewrite_buf);
- looking_for_tag = 0;
- found_tag = 1;
- }
- }
- else { /* ! looking_for_tag */
- switch (c) {
- case ' ' : /* ignore whitespace */
- case '\t' :
- case '\n' :
- case '\r' :
- break;
- case '&' : /* AND operator */
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index++];
- if (c != '&') {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Singleton '&' in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = and_uid;
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- break;
- case '|' : /* OR operator */
- c = search->tag[search->tag_index++];
- if (c != '|') {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Singleton '|' in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = or_uid;
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- break;
- case '^' : /* XOR operator */
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = xor_uid;
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- break;
- case ')' : /* end subexpression */
- expr->uids[expr->index++] = end_paren_uid;
- goto breakwhile;
- default : /* syntax error */
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp,
- "Invalid boolean operator in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- breakwhile:
- if (found_tag && ! looking_for_tag) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Missing tag in tag search expression",
- (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TagSearchEvalExpr --
- *
- * This recursive procedure is called to eval a tag expression.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value indicates if the tagOrId expression
- * successfully matched the tags of the current item.
- *
- * Side effects:
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-TagSearchEvalExpr(TagSearchExpr *expr, /* Search expression */
- ZnItem item) /* Item being test for match */
- int looking_for_tag; /* When true, scanner expects next char(s)
- * to be a tag, else operand expected */
- int negate_result; /* Pending negation of next tag value */
- Tk_Uid uid;
- int result=0; /* Value of expr so far */
- int paren_depth;
- negate_result = 0;
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- while (expr->index < expr->length) {
- uid = expr->uids[expr->index++];
- if (looking_for_tag) {
- if (uid == tag_val_uid) {
- /*
- * assert(expr->index < expr->length);
- */
- uid = expr->uids[expr->index++];
- /*
- * set result 1 if tag is found in item's tags
- */
- result = ZnITEM.HasTag(item, uid) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else if (uid == neg_tag_val_uid) {
- negate_result = ! negate_result;
- /*
- * assert(expr->index < expr->length);
- */
- uid = expr->uids[expr->index++];
- /*
- * set result 1 if tag is found in item's tags
- */
- result = ZnITEM.HasTag(item, uid) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else if (uid == paren_uid) {
- /*
- * evaluate subexpressions with recursion
- */
- result = TagSearchEvalExpr(expr, item);
- }
- else if (uid == neg_paren_uid) {
- negate_result = ! negate_result;
- /*
- * evaluate subexpressions with recursion
- */
- result = TagSearchEvalExpr(expr, item);
- /*
- * } else {
- * assert(0);
- */
- }
- if (negate_result) {
- result = ! result;
- negate_result = 0;
- }
- looking_for_tag = 0;
- }
- else { /* ! looking_for_tag */
- if (((uid == and_uid) && (!result)) || ((uid == or_uid) && result)) {
- /*
- * short circuit expression evaluation
- *
- * if result before && is 0, or result before || is 1, then
- * the expression is decided and no further evaluation is needed.
- */
- paren_depth = 0;
- while (expr->index < expr->length) {
- uid = expr->uids[expr->index++];
- if ((uid == tag_val_uid) || (uid == neg_tag_val_uid)) {
- expr->index++;
- continue;
- }
- if ((uid == paren_uid) || (uid == neg_paren_uid)) {
- paren_depth++;
- continue;
- }
- if (uid == end_paren_uid) {
- paren_depth--;
- if (paren_depth < 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else if (uid == xor_uid) {
- /*
- * if the previous result was 1 then negate the next result.
- */
- negate_result = result;
- }
- else if (uid == end_paren_uid) {
- return result;
- /*
- * } else {
- * assert(0);
- */
- }
- looking_for_tag = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * assert(! looking_for_tag);
- */
- return result;
-static ZnItem
-LookupGroupFromPath(ZnItem start,
- Tk_Uid *names,
- unsigned int num_names)
- Tk_Uid name, *tags;
- unsigned int count;
- ZnBool recursive;
- ZnItem result, current = ZnGroupHead(start);
- if (num_names == 0) {
- return start;
- }
- name = names[1];
- recursive = (names[0] == star_uid);
- /* printf("LookupGroupFromPath; group: %d, nom: %s, recursive: %s\n",
- start->id, name, names[0]);*/
- while (current != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if ((current->class == ZnGroup) && (current->tags)) {
- tags = ZnListArray(current->tags);
- count = ZnListSize(current->tags);
- for (; count > 0; tags++, count--) {
- if (name == *tags) {
- if (num_names > 2) {
- result = LookupGroupFromPath(current, names+2, num_names-2);
- return result;
- }
- else {
- return current;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * This group doesn't match try to search depth first.
- */
- if (recursive) {
- result = LookupGroupFromPath(current, names, num_names);
- if (result != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- current = current->next;
- }
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnTagSearchScan --
- *
- * This procedure is called to initiate an enumeration of
- * all items in a given zinc that contain a tag that matches
- * the tagOrId expression.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value indicates if the tagOrId expression
- * was successfully scanned (syntax).
- * The information at *search is initialized such that a
- * call to ZnTagSearchFirst, followed by successive calls
- * to ZnTagSearchNext will return items that match tag.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * search is linked into a list of searches in progress
- * in zinc, so that elements can safely be deleted while
- * the search is in progress.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-ZnTagSearchScan(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tcl_Obj *tag_obj, /* Object giving tag value, NULL
- * is the same as 'all'. */
- ZnTagSearch **search_var) /* Record describing tag search;
- * will be initialized here. */
- Tk_Uid tag;
- int i;
- ZnTagSearch *search;
- ZnItem group = wi->top_group;
- ZnBool recursive = True;
- if (tag_obj) {
- tag = Tcl_GetString(tag_obj);
- }
- else {
- tag = all_uid;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the search.
- */
- if (*search_var) {
- search = *search_var;
- }
- else {
- /* Allocate primary search struct on first call */
- *search_var = search = (ZnTagSearch *) ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnTagSearch));
- search->expr = NULL;
- /* Allocate buffer for rewritten tags (after de-escaping) */
- search->rewrite_buf_alloc = 100;
- search->rewrite_buf = ZnMalloc(search->rewrite_buf_alloc);
- search->item_stack = ZnListNew(16, sizeof(ZnItem));
- }
- TagSearchExprInit(&(search->expr));
- /* How long is the tagOrId ? */
- search->tag_len = strlen(tag);
- /*
- * Short-circuit impossible searches for null tags and
- * mark the search as 'over' for ZnTagSearchFirst and
- * ZnTagSearchNext. This test must not be migrated before
- * allocating search structures or special care must be
- * taken in ZnTagSearchDestroy to avoid deallocating unallocated
- * memory.
- */
- if (search->tag_len == 0) {
- search->over = True;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * If a path specification exists in the tag, strip it from the
- * tag and search for a matching group.
- */
- if (strpbrk(tag, ".*")) {
- Tk_Uid path;
- char c, *next;
- unsigned int id;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnListEmpty(ZnWorkStrings);
- recursive = False;
- if ((*tag == '.') || (*tag == '*')) {
- recursive = (*tag == '*');
- tag++;
- }
- path = tag;
- while ((next = strpbrk(path, ".*"))) {
- if (isdigit(*path)) {
- if (path == tag) { /* Group id is ok only in first section. */
- c = *next;
- *next = '\0';
- id = strtoul(path, NULL, 10);
- *next = c;
- group = wi->hot_item;
- if ((group == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (group->id != id)) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->id_table, (char *) id);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- group = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "unknown group in path \"",
- tag, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (group->class != ZnGroup) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "item is not a group in path \"",
- tag, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "misplaced group id in path \"",
- tag, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkStrings,
- (void *) (recursive ? &star_uid : &dot_uid),
- ZnListTail);
- c = *next;
- *next = '\0';
- path = Tk_GetUid(path);
- *next = c;
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkStrings, (void *) &path, ZnListTail);
- }
- recursive = (*next == '*');
- path = next+1;
- }
- group = LookupGroupFromPath(group,
- ZnListArray(ZnWorkStrings),
- ZnListSize(ZnWorkStrings));
- if (group == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "path does not lead to a valid group\"",
- tag, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Adjust tag to strip the path.
- */
- tag = path;
- search->tag_len = strlen(tag);
- /*
- * If the tag consist only in a path description
- * assume that the tag all is implied.
- */
- if (search->tag_len == 0) {
- tag = all_uid;
- search->tag_len = strlen(tag);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure there is enough buffer to hold rewritten tags (30%).
- */
- if ((unsigned int)(search->tag_len*1.3) >= search->rewrite_buf_alloc) {
- search->rewrite_buf_alloc = (unsigned int) (search->tag_len*1.3);
- search->rewrite_buf = ZnRealloc(search->rewrite_buf,
- search->rewrite_buf_alloc);
- }
- /* Initialize search */
- search->wi = wi;
- search->over = False;
- search->type = 0;
- search->group = group;
- search->recursive = recursive;
- ZnListEmpty(search->item_stack);
- /*
- * Find the first matching item in one of several ways. If the tag
- * is a number then it selects the single item with the matching
- * identifier.
- */
- if (isdigit(*tag)) {
- char *end;
- search->id = strtoul(tag, &end, 0);
- if (*end == 0) {
- search->type = 1;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Pre-scan tag for at least one unquoted "&&" "||" "^" "!"
- * if not found then use string as simple tag
- */
- for (i = 0; i < search->tag_len; i++) {
- if (tag[i] == '"') {
- i++;
- for ( ; i < search->tag_len; i++) {
- if (tag[i] == '\\') {
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- if (tag[i] == '"') {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (((tag[i] == '&') && (tag[i+1] == '&')) ||
- ((tag[i] == '|') && (tag[i+1] == '|')) ||
- (tag[i] == '^') || (tag[i] == '!')) {
- search->type = 4;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- search->tag = tag;
- search->tag_index = 0;
- if (search->type == 4) {
- /*
- * an operator was found in the prescan, so
- * now compile the tag expression into array of Tk_Uid
- * flagging any syntax errors found
- */
- if (TagSearchScanExpr(wi->interp, search, search->expr) != TCL_OK) {
- /* Syntax error in tag expression */
- /* Result message set by TagSearchScanExpr */
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- search->expr->length = search->expr->index;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * For all other tags convert to a UID.
- */
- search->expr->uid = Tk_GetUid(tag);
- if (search->expr->uid == all_uid) {
- /*
- * All items match.
- */
- search->type = 2;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Optimized single-tag search
- */
- search->type = 3;
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnTagSearchFirst --
- *
- * This procedure is called to get the first item
- * item that matches a preestablished search predicate
- * that was set by TagSearchScan.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a pointer to the first item, or NULL
- * if there is no such item. The information at *search
- * is updated such that successive calls to ZnTagSearchNext
- * will return successive items.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * *search is linked into a list of searches in progress
- * in zinc, so that elements can safely be deleted while
- * the search is in progress.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static ZnItem
-ZnTagSearchFirst(ZnTagSearch *search) /* Record describing tag search */
- ZnItem item, previous;
- /* short circuit impossible searches for null tags */
- if (search->over == True) {
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- /*
- * Find the first matching item in one of several ways. If the tag
- * is a number then it selects the single item with the matching
- * identifier. In this case see if the item being requested is the
- * hot item, in which case the search can be skipped.
- */
- if (search->type == 1) {
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- item = search->wi->hot_item;
- previous = search->wi->hot_prev;
- if ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item->id != search->id) ||
- (previous == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (previous->next != item)) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(search->wi->id_table, (char *) search->id);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- item = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- previous = item->previous;
- }
- else {
- previous = item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- }
- search->previous = previous;
- search->over = True;
- search->wi->hot_item = item;
- search->wi->hot_prev = previous;
- return item;
- }
- if (search->type == 2) {
- /*
- * All items match.
- */
- search->previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- search->current = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- return search->current;
- }
- item = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- do {
- while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (search->type == 3) {
- /*
- * Optimized single-tag search
- */
- if (ZnITEM.HasTag(item, search->expr->uid)) {
- search->previous = previous;
- search->current = item;
- return item;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Type = 4. Search for an item matching
- * the tag expression.
- */
- search->expr->index = 0;
- if (TagSearchEvalExpr(search->expr, item)) {
- search->previous = previous;
- search->current = item;
- return item;
- }
- }
- if ((item->class == ZnGroup) && (search->recursive)) {
- ZnItem prev_group = (ZnItem) search->group;
- /*
- * Explore the hierarchy depth first using the item stack
- * to save the current node.
- */
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchFirst diving for tag '%s', detph %d\n",
- search->tag, ZnListSize(search->item_stack)/2);*/
- search->group = item;
- previous = item;
- if (item == prev_group) {
- item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- else {
- item = item->next;
- }
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &previous, ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &item, ZnListTail);
- previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- }
- else {
- previous = item;
- item = item->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Continue search on higher group level.
- */
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchFirst backup for tag, detph %d\n",
- ZnListSize(search->item_stack)/2);*/
- while ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) && ZnListSize(search->item_stack)) {
- item = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- previous = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- }
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- search->group = item->parent;
- }
- } while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM);
- search->previous = previous;
- search->over = True;
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnTagSearchNext --
- *
- * This procedure returns successive items that match a given
- * tag; it should be called only after ZnTagSearchFirst has
- * been used to begin a search.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a pointer to the next item that matches
- * the tag expr specified to TagSearchScan, or NULL if no such
- * item exists. *search is updated so that the next call
- * to this procedure will return the next item.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static ZnItem
-ZnTagSearchNext(ZnTagSearch *search) /* Record describing search in progress. */
- ZnItem item, previous;
- if (search->over) {
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- /*
- * Find next item in list (this may not actually be a suitable
- * one to return), and return if there are no items left.
- */
- previous = search->previous;
- if (previous == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- item = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- }
- else {
- item = previous->next;
- }
- if (item != search->current) {
- /*
- * The structure of the list has changed. Probably the
- * previously-returned item was removed from the list.
- * In this case, don't advance previous; just return
- * its new successor (i.e. do nothing here).
- */
- }
- else if ((item->class == ZnGroup) && (search->recursive)) {
- /*
- * Explore the hierarchy depth first using the item stack
- * to save the current node.
- */
- search->group = item;
- previous = item;
- item = item->next;
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchNext diving for all, pushing %d\n",
- item?item->id:0);*/
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &previous, ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &item, ZnListTail);
- previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- }
- else {
- previous = item;
- item = previous->next;
- }
- if (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- while ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) && ZnListSize(search->item_stack)) {
- /*
- * End of list at this level, back up one level.
- */
- item = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- previous = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- }
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- search->group = item->parent;
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchNext popping %d, previous %d, next %d\n",
- item->id, (item->previous)?item->previous->id:0,
- (item->next)?item->next->id:0);*/
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Or finish the search if at top.
- */
- search->over = True;
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- }
- if (search->type == 2) {
- /*
- * All items match.
- */
- search->previous = previous;
- search->current = item;
- return item;
- }
- do {
- while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (search->type == 3) {
- /*
- * Optimized single-tag search
- */
- if (ZnITEM.HasTag(item, search->expr->uid)) {
- search->previous = previous;
- search->current = item;
- return item;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Else.... evaluate tag expression
- */
- search->expr->index = 0;
- if (TagSearchEvalExpr(search->expr, item)) {
- search->previous = previous;
- search->current = item;
- return item;
- }
- }
- if ((item->class == ZnGroup) && (search->recursive)) {
- /*
- * Explore the hierarchy depth first using the item stack
- * to save the current node.
- */
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchNext diving for tag, depth %d\n",
- ZnListSize(search->item_stack)/2);*/
- search->group = item;
- previous = item;
- item = item->next;
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &previous, ZnListTail);
- ZnListAdd(search->item_stack, &item, ZnListTail);
- previous = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item = ZnGroupHead(search->group);
- }
- else {
- previous = item;
- item = item->next;
- }
- }
- /*printf("ZnTagSearchNext backup for tag, depth %d\n",
- ZnListSize(search->item_stack)/2);*/
- while ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) && ZnListSize(search->item_stack)) {
- item = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- previous = *(ZnItem *) ZnListAt(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- ZnListDelete(search->item_stack, ZnListTail);
- }
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- search->group = item->parent;
- }
- } while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM);
- /*
- * Out of fuel.
- */
- search->previous = previous;
- search->over = True;
- return ZN_NO_ITEM;
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnTagSearchDestroy --
- *
- * This procedure destroys any dynamic structures that
- * may have been allocated by TagSearchScan.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnTagSearchDestroy(ZnTagSearch *search) /* Record describing tag search */
- if (search) {
- TagSearchExprDestroy(search->expr);
- ZnListFree(search->item_stack);
- ZnFree(search->rewrite_buf);
- ZnFree(search);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnItemWithTagOrId --
- *
- * Return the first item matching the given tag or id. The
- * function returns the item in 'item' and the operation
- * status as the function's value.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnItemWithTagOrId(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tcl_Obj *tag_or_id,
- ZnItem *item,
- ZnTagSearch **search_var)
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, tag_or_id, search_var) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *item = ZnTagSearchFirst(*search_var);
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * LayoutItems --
- *
- * Perform layouts on items. It can position items horizontally,
- * vertically, along a path or with respect to a reference item.
- * It can also align on a grid, evenly space items and resize
- * items to a common reference.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-LayoutItems(ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])
- int index/*, result*/;
- /*ZnItem item;*/
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *layout_cmd_strings[] =
- #else
- static CONST char *layout_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "align", "grid", "position", "scale", "space", NULL
- };
- enum layout_cmds {
- };
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(wi->interp, args[0], layout_cmd_strings,
- "layout command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- switch((enum layout_cmds) index) {
- /*
- * align
- */
- case ZN_L_ALIGN:
- break;
- /*
- * grid
- */
- case ZN_L_GRID:
- break;
- /*
- * position
- */
- break;
- /*
- * scale
- */
- case ZN_L_SCALE:
- break;
- /*
- * space
- */
- case ZN_L_SPACE:
- break;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetOrigin --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked to translate the viewed area so
- * that the given point is displayed in the top left corner.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Zinc will be redisplayed to reflect the change in ciew.
- * The scrollbars will be updated if there are any.
- * The top group transform is modified to achieve the effect,
- * it is not a good idea to mix view control and application
- * control of the top group transform.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-SetOrigin(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnReal x_origin,
- ZnReal y_origin)
- int left, right, top, bottom, delta;
- /*
- * If scroll increments have been set, round the window origin
- * to the nearest multiple of the increments.
- */
- if (wi->x_scroll_incr > 0) {
- if (x_origin >= 0) {
- x_origin += wi->x_scroll_incr/2;
- }
- else {
- x_origin = (-x_origin) + wi->x_scroll_incr/2;
- }
- }
- if (wi->y_scroll_incr > 0) {
- if (y_origin >= 0) {
- y_origin += wi->y_scroll_incr/2;
- }
- else {
- y_origin = (-y_origin) + wi->y_scroll_incr/2;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Adjust the origin if necessary to keep as much as possible of the
- * canvas in the view. The variables left, right, etc. keep track of
- * how much extra space there is on each side of the view before it
- * will stick out past the scroll region. If one side sticks out past
- * the edge of the scroll region, adjust the view to bring that side
- * back to the edge of the scrollregion (but don't move it so much that
- * the other side sticks out now). If scroll increments are in effect,
- * be sure to adjust only by full increments.
- */
- if (wi->confine && (wi->region != NULL)) {
- left = (int) (x_origin - wi->scroll_xo);
- right = (int) (wi->scroll_xc - (x_origin + Tk_Width(wi->win)));
- top = (int) (y_origin - wi->scroll_yo);
- bottom = (int) (wi->scroll_yc - (y_origin + Tk_Height(wi->win)));
- if ((left < 0) && (right > 0)) {
- delta = (right > -left) ? -left : right;
- if (wi->x_scroll_incr > 0) {
- delta -= delta % wi->x_scroll_incr;
- }
- x_origin += delta;
- }
- else if ((right < 0) && (left > 0)) {
- delta = (left > -right) ? -right : left;
- if (wi->x_scroll_incr > 0) {
- delta -= delta % wi->x_scroll_incr;
- }
- x_origin -= delta;
- }
- if ((top < 0) && (bottom > 0)) {
- delta = (bottom > -top) ? -top : bottom;
- if (wi->y_scroll_incr > 0) {
- delta -= delta % wi->y_scroll_incr;
- }
- y_origin += delta;
- }
- else if ((bottom < 0) && (top > 0)) {
- delta = (top > -bottom) ? -bottom : top;
- if (wi->y_scroll_incr > 0) {
- delta -= delta % wi->y_scroll_incr;
- }
- y_origin -= delta;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the requested origin is not already set, translate the
- * top group and update the scrollbars.
- */
- if ((wi->origin.x != x_origin) || (wi->origin.y != y_origin)) {
- wi->origin.x = x_origin;
- wi->origin.y = y_origin;
- ZnITEM.ResetTransfo(wi->top_group);
- ZnITEM.TranslateItem(wi->top_group, -x_origin, -y_origin, False);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ScrollFractions --
- *
- * Given the range that's visible in the window and the "100%
- * range", return a list of two real representing the scroll
- * fractions. This procedure is used for both x and y scrolling.
- *
- * Results:
- * Return a string as a Tcl_Obj holding two real numbers
- * describing the scroll fraction (between 0 and 1) corresponding
- * to the arguments.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifdef PTK
-static void
-ScrollFractions(ZnReal view1, /* Lowest coordinate visible in the window. */
- ZnReal view2, /* Highest coordinate visible in the window. */
- ZnReal region1,/* Lowest coordinate in the object. */
- ZnReal region2,/* Highest coordinate in the object. */
- ZnReal *first,
- ZnReal *last)
-static Tcl_Obj *
-ScrollFractions(ZnReal view1, /* Lowest coordinate visible in the window. */
- ZnReal view2, /* Highest coordinate visible in the window. */
- ZnReal region1,/* Lowest coordinate in the object. */
- ZnReal region2)/* Highest coordinate in the object. */
- ZnReal range, f1, f2;
- char buffer[2*TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE+2];
- range = region2 - region1;
- if (range <= 0) {
- f1 = 0;
- f2 = 1.0;
- }
- else {
- f1 = (view1 - region1)/range;
- if (f1 < 0) {
- f1 = 0.0;
- }
- f2 = (view2 - region1)/range;
- if (f2 > 1.0) {
- f2 = 1.0;
- }
- if (f2 < f1) {
- f2 = f1;
- }
- }
-#ifdef PTK
- *first = f1;
- *last = f2;
- sprintf(buffer, "%g %g", f1, f2);
- return Tcl_NewStringObj(buffer, -1);
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * UpdateScrollbars --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked whenever zinc has changed in
- * a way that requires scrollbars to be redisplayed (e.g.
- * the view has changed).
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * If there are scrollbars associated with zinc, then
- * their scrolling commands are invoked to cause them to
- * redisplay. If errors occur, additional Tcl commands may
- * be invoked to process the errors.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-UpdateScrollbars(ZnWInfo *wi)
- int result;
- Tcl_Interp *interp;
- int x_origin, y_origin, width, height;
- int scroll_xo, scroll_xc, scroll_yo, scroll_yc;
-#ifdef PTK
- LangCallback *x_scroll_cmd, *y_scroll_cmd;
- Tcl_Obj *x_scroll_cmd, *y_scroll_cmd;
- Tcl_Obj *fractions;
- /*
- * Save all the relevant values from wi, because it might be
- * deleted as part of either of the two calls to Tcl_VarEval below.
- */
- interp = wi->interp;
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) interp);
- x_scroll_cmd = wi->x_scroll_cmd;
- if (x_scroll_cmd != NULL) {
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) x_scroll_cmd);
- }
- y_scroll_cmd = wi->y_scroll_cmd;
- if (y_scroll_cmd != NULL) {
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) y_scroll_cmd);
- }
- x_origin = (int) wi->origin.x;
- y_origin = (int) wi->origin.y;
- width = Tk_Width(wi->win);
- height = Tk_Height(wi->win);
- scroll_xo = wi->scroll_xo;
- scroll_xc = wi->scroll_xc;
- scroll_yo = wi->scroll_yo;
- scroll_yc = wi->scroll_yc;
- if (wi->x_scroll_cmd != NULL) {
-#ifdef PTK
- ZnReal first, last;
- ScrollFractions(x_origin, x_origin + width, scroll_xo, scroll_xc, &first, &last);
- result = LangDoCallback(interp, x_scroll_cmd, 0, 2, " %g %g", first, last);
- fractions = ScrollFractions(x_origin, x_origin + width, scroll_xo, scroll_xc);
- result = Tcl_VarEval(interp, Tcl_GetString(x_scroll_cmd), " ", Tcl_GetString(fractions), NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(fractions);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_BackgroundError(interp);
- }
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) x_scroll_cmd);
- }
- if (y_scroll_cmd != NULL) {
-#ifdef PTK
- ZnReal first, last;
- ScrollFractions(y_origin, y_origin + height, scroll_yo, scroll_yc, &first, &last);
- result = LangDoCallback(interp, y_scroll_cmd, 0, 2, " %g %g", first, last);
- fractions = ScrollFractions(y_origin, y_origin + height, scroll_yo, scroll_yc);
- result = Tcl_VarEval(interp, Tcl_GetString(y_scroll_cmd), " ", Tcl_GetString(fractions), NULL);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(fractions);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_BackgroundError(interp);
- }
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) y_scroll_cmd);
- }
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) interp);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnDoItem --
- *
- * Either add a tag to an item or add the item id/part to the
- * interpreter result, depending on the value of tag. If tag
- * is NULL, the item id/part is added to the result, otherwise
- * the tag is added to the item.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnDoItem(Tcl_Interp *interp,
- ZnItem item,
- int part,
- Tk_Uid tag_uid)
- if (tag_uid == NULL) {
- Tcl_Obj *l;
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewLongObj(item->id));
- if (part != ZN_NO_PART) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(part));
- }
- }
- else {
- /*printf("Adding tag %s to item %d\n", tag_uid, item->id);*/
- ZnITEM.AddTag(item, tag_uid);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * FindArea --
- * Search the items that are enclosed or overlapping a given
- * area of the widget. It is used by FindItems.
- * If tag_uid is not NULL, all the items found are tagged with
- * tag_uid. If tag_uid is NULL, the items found are added to the
- * interp result. If enclosed is 1, the search look for
- * items enclosed in the area. If enclosed is 0, it looks
- * for overlapping and enclosed items.
- * If an error occurs, a message is left in the interp result
- * and TCL_ERROR is returned.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-FindArea(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- Tk_Uid tag_uid,
- ZnBool enclosed,
- ZnBool recursive,
- ZnBool override_atomic,
- ZnItem group)
- ZnPos pos;
- ZnBBox area;
- ZnToAreaStruct ta;
- double d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[0], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- area.orig.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- area.orig.y = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[2], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- area.corner.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- area.corner.y = d;
- if (area.corner.x < area.orig.x) {
- pos = area.orig.x;
- area.orig.x = area.corner.x;
- area.corner.x = pos;
- }
- if (area.corner.y < area.orig.y) {
- pos = area.orig.y;
- area.orig.y = area.corner.y;
- area.corner.y = pos;
- }
- area.corner.x += 1;
- area.corner.y += 1;
- ta.tag_uid = tag_uid;
- ta.enclosed = enclosed;
- ta.in_group = group;
- ta.recursive = recursive;
- ta.override_atomic = override_atomic;
- ta.report = False;
- ta.area = &area;
- wi->top_group->class->ToArea(wi->top_group, &ta);
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * FindItems --
- *
- * This procedure interprets the small object query langage for
- * commands like addtag and find.
- * If new_tag is NULL, the procedure collects all the objects
- * matching the request and return them in the interpreter result.
- * If new_tag is non NULL, it is interpreted as the tag to add to
- * all matching objects. In this case the interpreter result is
- * left empty.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-FindItems(ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- Tcl_Obj *tag, /* NULL to search or tag to add tag. */
- int first, /* First arg to process in args */
- ZnTagSearch **search_var)
- Tk_Uid tag_uid = NULL;
- int index, result;
- ZnItem item;
- ZnPickStruct ps;
- char *str;
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *search_cmd_strings[] =
- static CONST char *search_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "above", "ancestors", "atpriority", "below", "closest", "enclosed",
- "overlapping", "withtag", "withtype", NULL
- };
- enum search_cmds {
- };
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(wi->interp, args[first], search_cmd_strings,
- "search command", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (tag) {
- tag_uid = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(tag));
- }
- switch((enum search_cmds) index) {
- /*
- * above
- */
- case ZN_S_ABOVE:
- {
- if (argc != first+2) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "tagOrId");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[first+1], &item, search_var);
- if (result == TCL_OK) {
- if ((item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (item->previous != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item->previous, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- }
- else {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * ancestors
- */
- {
- Tk_Uid uid = NULL;
- if ((argc != first+2) && (argc != first+3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "tagOrId ?withTag?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[first+1], &item, search_var);
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (item) {
- item = item->parent;
- if (argc == first+3) {
- uid = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(args[first+2]));
- }
- while (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- if (!uid || ZnITEM.HasTag(item, uid)) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- item = item->parent;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * atpriority
- */
- {
- int pri;
- if ((argc != first+2) && (argc != first+3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "pri ?tagOrId?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+1], &pri) == TCL_ERROR) ||
- (pri < 0)){
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Go through the item table and collect all items with
- * the given priority.
- */
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, (argc == first+3) ? args[first+2] : NULL,
- search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(*search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(*search_var)) {
- if (item->priority == (unsigned int) pri) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * below
- */
- case ZN_S_BELOW:
- {
- ZnItem next;
- if (argc != first+2) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "tagOrId");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[first+1], search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (next = ZnTagSearchFirst(*search_var);
- next != ZN_NO_ITEM; next = ZnTagSearchNext(*search_var)) {
- item = next;
- }
- if ((item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (item->next != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item->next, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * closest
- */
- case ZN_S_CLOSEST:
- {
- int halo = 1;
- ZnPoint p;
- double d;
- if ((argc < first+3) || (argc > first+6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "x y ?halo? ?start?, ?recursive?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- p.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+2], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- p.y = d;
- if (argc > first+3) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+3], &halo) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (halo < 0) {
- halo = 0;
- }
- }
- ps.in_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ps.start_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- if (argc > (first+4)) {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[first+4], &item, search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_OK) && (item != ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- if ((item->class == ZnGroup) && !ZnGroupAtomic(item)) {
- ps.in_group = item;
- }
- else {
- ps.in_group = item->parent;
- ps.start_item = item->next;
- }
- }
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = False;
- if (argc > first+5) {
- result = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+5], &ps.recursive);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[first+5]);
- if (strcmp(str, "override") != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- "recursive should be a boolean value or ",
- "override \"", str, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = True;
- }
- }
- /*
- * We always start the search at the top group to use the
- * transform and clip machinery of the group item. The items
- * are not required to cache the device coords, etc. So we need
- * to setup the correct context before calling the Pick method
- * for each item.
- */
- ps.aperture = halo;
- ps.point = &p;
- wi->top_group->class->Pick(wi->top_group, &ps);
- if (ps.a_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, ps.a_item, ps.a_part, tag_uid);
- /*printf("first %d %d\n", ps.a_item->id, ps.a_part);*/
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * enclosed
- */
- {
- if ((argc < first+5) || (argc > first+7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "x1 y1 x2 y2 ?inGroup? ?recursive?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- item = wi->top_group;
- if (argc > first+5) {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[first+5], &item, search_var);
- if ((result != TCL_OK) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item->class != ZnGroup)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = False;
- if (argc > first+6) {
- result = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+6], &ps.recursive);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[first+6]);
- if (strcmp(str, "override") != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- "recursive should be a boolean value or ",
- "override \"", str, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = True;
- }
- }
- return FindArea(wi, args+first+1, tag_uid,
- True, ps.recursive, ps.override_atomic,
- item);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * overlapping
- */
- {
- if ((argc < first+5) || (argc > first+7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "x1 y1 x2 y2 ?inGroup? ?recursive?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- item = wi->top_group;
- if (argc > first+5) {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[first+5], &item, search_var);
- if ((result != TCL_OK) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item->class != ZnGroup)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = False;
- if (argc > first+6) {
- result = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(wi->interp, args[first+6], &ps.recursive);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[first+6]);
- if (strcmp(str, "override") != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- "recursive should be a boolean value or ",
- "override \"", str, "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = True;
- }
- }
- return FindArea(wi, args+first+1, tag_uid,
- False, ps.recursive, ps.override_atomic,
- item);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * withtag
- */
- case ZN_S_WITHTAG:
- {
- if (argc != first+2) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "tagOrId");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[first+1], search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(*search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(*search_var)) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * withtype
- */
- {
- ZnItemClass cls;
- if ((argc != first+2) && (argc != first+3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, first+1, args, "itemType ?tagOrId?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- cls = ZnLookupItemClass(Tcl_GetString(args[first+1]));
- if (!cls) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "unknown item type \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[first+1]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Go through the item table and collect all items with
- * the given item type.
- */
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, (argc == first+3) ? args[first+2] : NULL,
- search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(*search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(*search_var)) {
- if (item->class == cls) {
- ZnDoItem(wi->interp, item, ZN_NO_PART, tag_uid);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnParseCoordList --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnParseCoordList(ZnWInfo *wi,
- Tcl_Obj *arg,
- ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls,
- unsigned int *num_pts,
- ZnBool *old_format)
- Tcl_Obj **elems, **selems;
- int i, result, num_elems, num_selems;
- ZnPoint *p;
- int old_style, len;
- char *str;
- double d;
- if (controls) {
- *controls = NULL;
- }
- if (old_format) {
- *old_format = True;
- }
- result = Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, arg, &num_elems, &elems);
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- coord_error:
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " malformed coord list", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_elems == 0) {
- *num_pts = 0;
- *pts = NULL;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * If first element is not a sublist, consider the whole list
- * as a flat array of coordinates in the old style. It can still
- * be a single point with or without a control flag.
- * If not, the list consists in sublists describing each point
- * with its control flag.
- */
- result = Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, elems[0], &d);
- old_style = (result == TCL_OK);
- if (old_style) {
- if ((num_elems%2) == 0) {
- *num_pts = num_elems/2;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, *num_pts);
- *pts = p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_elems; i += 2, p++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, elems[i], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, elems[i+1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->y = d;
- /*printf("Parsed a point: %g@%g, ", p->x, p->y);*/
- }
- /*printf("\n");*/
- }
- else if (num_elems == 3) {
- *num_pts = 1;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, *num_pts);
- *pts = p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, elems[0], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, elems[1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->y = d;
- if (controls) {
- if (! *controls) {
- *controls = ZnMalloc(*num_pts * sizeof(char));
- memset(*controls, 0, *num_pts * sizeof(char));
- }
- str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(elems[2], &len);
- if (len) {
- (*controls)[0] = str[0];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- *num_pts = num_elems;
- ZnListAssertSize(ZnWorkPoints, *num_pts);
- *pts = p = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints);
- for (i = 0; i < num_elems; i++, p++) {
- result = Tcl_ListObjGetElements(wi->interp, elems[i], &num_selems, &selems);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (num_selems < 2) || (num_selems > 3)) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, selems[0], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(wi->interp, selems[1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto coord_error;
- }
- p->y = d;
- if (controls) {
- if (num_selems == 3) {
- if (! *controls) {
- *controls = ZnMalloc(*num_pts * sizeof(char));
- memset(*controls, 0, *num_pts * sizeof(char));
- }
- str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(selems[2], &len);
- if (len) {
- (*controls)[i] = str[0];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (old_format) {
- *old_format = old_style;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Contour --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-Contour(ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- ZnTagSearch **search_var)
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnItem item, shape;
- unsigned int i, j, k,num_points;
- int cmd, cw, result;
- int winding_flag, revert = False;
- long index;
- char *controls;
- ZnBool simple=False;
- ZnPoly poly;
- ZnTransfo t, inv;
- ZnContour *contours;
- /* Keep this array in sync with ZnContourCmd in Types.h */
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *op_strings[] =
- static CONST char *op_strings[] =
- {
- "add", "remove", NULL
- };
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)){
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "unknown item \"", Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!item->class->Contour) {
- if (item->class->GetClipVertices ||
- item->class->GetContours) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(wi->interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(1));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(wi->interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(0));
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- /*
- * Requesting the number of contours.
- */
- Tcl_SetObjResult(wi->interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(item->class->Contour(item, -1, 0, NULL)));
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Get the sub-command
- */
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(wi->interp, args[3], op_strings,
- "contour operation", 0, &cmd) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Get the winding flag.
- */
- if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[4], &winding_flag) != TCL_OK) ||
- (winding_flag < -1) || (winding_flag > 1)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect winding flag, should be -1, 0, 1, \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[4]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- index = ZnListTail;
- if (((argc == 6) && (cmd == ZN_CONTOUR_REMOVE)) || (argc == 7)) {
- /* Look for an index value. */
- if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(wi->interp, args[5], &index) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect contour index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[5]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- if (cmd == ZN_CONTOUR_REMOVE) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(wi->interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(item->class->Contour(item, ZN_CONTOUR_REMOVE, index, NULL)));
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[5], &shape, search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (shape == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[5], &points,
- &controls, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Processing contours from an explicit list.
- */
- ZnPolyContour1(&poly, NULL, num_points, False);
- /*
- * Allocate a fresh point array, ZnParseCoordList returns a shared
- * array. The control array is not shared and can be passed along.
- */
- poly.contours[0].points = ZnMalloc(num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- cw = poly.contours[0].cw = !ZnTestCCW(points, num_points);
- if (winding_flag != 0) {
- revert = cw ^ (winding_flag == -1);
- }
- if (revert) {
- /* Revert the contour */
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
- poly.contours[0].points[num_points-i-1] = points[i];
- }
- if (controls) {
- char ch;
- for (i = 0, j = num_points-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
- ch = controls[i];
- controls[i] = controls[j];
- controls[j] = ch;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- memcpy(poly.contours[0].points, points, num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- poly.contours[0].controls = controls;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Processing contours from an item
- */
- if (winding_flag == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp,
- "Must supply an explicit winding direction (-1, 1)\nwhen adding a contour from an item",
- NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * If something has changed in the geometry we need to
- * update or the shape will be erroneous.
- */
- Update(wi);
- if (!shape->class->GetContours &&
- !shape->class->GetClipVertices) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, "class: \"", shape->class->name,
- "\" can't give a polygonal shape", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!shape->class->GetContours) {
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
- /*
- * If there is no GetContours method try to use
- * the GetClipVertices. It works only for simple
- * shapes (i.e tose returning a bounding box).
- */
- tristrip.num_strips = 0;
- /*
- * GetClipVertices _may_ return a tristrip describing a fan
- * this would lead to strange results. For now, this case
- * should not appear, the items candidates to such a behavior
- * export a GetContours method which has higher precedence.
- */
- simple = shape->class->GetClipVertices(shape, &tristrip);
- ZnPolyContour1(&poly, tristrip.strip1.points, tristrip.strip1.num_points,
- False);
- poly.contours[0].controls = NULL;
- }
- else {
- poly.num_contours = 0;
- simple = shape->class->GetContours(shape, &poly);
- }
- if (poly.num_contours == 0) {
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the tranform to map the device points
- * into the coordinate space of item.
- */
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(item, &t);
- ZnTransfoInvert(&t, &inv);
- /*
- * Make a new transformed poly and unshare
- * the contour(s) returned by the item.
- */
- if (simple) {
- ZnPoint p[4];
- p[0] = poly.contours[0].points[0];
- p[2] = poly.contours[0].points[1];
- if (winding_flag == -1) {
- p[1].x = p[2].x;
- p[1].y = p[0].y;
- p[3].x = p[0].x;
- p[3].y = p[2].y;
- }
- else {
- p[1].x = p[0].x;
- p[1].y = p[2].y;
- p[3].x = p[2].x;
- p[3].y = p[0].y;
- }
- points = ZnMalloc(4*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnTransformPoints(&inv, p, points, 4);
- poly.contours[0].points = points;
- poly.contours[0].num_points = 4;
- poly.contours[0].cw = (winding_flag == -1);
- poly.contours[0].controls = NULL;
- }
- else {
- /* Unshare the contour array or use the static storage */
- contours = poly.contours;
- if (poly.num_contours == 1) {
- poly.contours = &poly.contour1;
- }
- else {
- poly.contours = ZnMalloc(poly.num_contours*sizeof(ZnContour));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < poly.num_contours; i++) {
- points = contours[i].points;
- num_points = contours[i].num_points;
- cw = contours[i].cw;
- poly.contours[i].num_points = num_points;
- poly.contours[i].cw = cw;
- if (contours[i].controls) {
- /*
- * The controls array returned by GetContour is shared.
- * Here we unshare it.
- */
- poly.contours[i].controls = ZnMalloc(num_points*sizeof(char));
- }
- /*
- * Unshare the point array.
- */
- poly.contours[i].points = ZnMalloc(num_points*sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnTransformPoints(&inv, points, poly.contours[i].points, num_points);
- if ((((poly.num_contours == 1) && ((winding_flag == -1) ^ cw)) ||
- ((poly.num_contours > 1) && (winding_flag == -1)))) {
- ZnPoint p;
- revert = True;
- /* Revert the points */
- poly.contours[i].cw = ! cw;
- for (j = 0, k = num_points-1; j < k; j++, k--) {
- p = poly.contours[i].points[j];
- poly.contours[i].points[j] = poly.contours[i].points[k];
- poly.contours[i].points[k] = p;
- }
- /* Revert the controls */
- if (contours[i].controls) {
- for (j = 0; j < num_points; j++) {
- poly.contours[i].controls[num_points-j-1] = contours[i].controls[j];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (contours[i].controls) {
- memcpy(poly.contours[i].controls, contours[i].controls, num_points);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- result = item->class->Contour(item, ZN_CONTOUR_ADD, index, &poly);
- if (revert) {
- result = -result;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(wi->interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(result));
- if (poly.contours != &poly.contour1) {
- /*
- * Must not use ZnPolyFree: the point and controls arrays
- * are passed along to the item and no longer ours.
- */
- ZnFree(poly.contours);
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Coords --
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-Coords(ZnWInfo *wi,
- int argc,
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[],
- ZnTagSearch **search_var)
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnItem item;
- unsigned int num_points, i;
- int result, cmd = ZN_COORDS_READ;
- long index, contour = 0;
- char *str, *controls = NULL;
- Tcl_Obj *l, *entries[3];
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " unknown item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!item->class->Coords) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " ", item->class->name,
- " does not support the coords command", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- num_points = 0;
- /*printf(" coords: argc=%d, item %d class: %s\n",
- argc, item->id, item->class->name);*/
- if (argc == 3) {
- /* Get all coords of default contour (0). */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, 0, 0, ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- coords_read:
- /*printf(" coords: read %d points, first is %g@%g\n",
- num_points, points->x, points->y);*/
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(wi->interp);
- if (ISSET(item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_ONE_COORD)) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->y));
- if (controls && *controls) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(controls, 1));
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, points++) {
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->x);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->y);
- if (controls && controls[i]) {
- entries[2] = Tcl_NewStringObj(&controls[i], 1);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(3, entries));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(2, entries));
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * See if it is an ADD or REMOVE op.
- */
- i = 3;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[3]);
- if ((str[0] == 'a') && (strcmp(str, "add") == 0)) {
- if ((argc < 5) || (argc > 7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, 1, args,
- "coords tagOrId add ?contour? ?index? coordList");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- cmd = ZN_COORDS_ADD;
- i++;
- }
- else if ((str[0] == 'r') && (strcmp(str, "remove") == 0)) {
- if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(wi->interp, 1, args,
- "coords tagOrId remove ?contour? index");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- i++;
- }
- /*
- * Try to see if the next param is a vertex index,
- * a contour index or a coord list.
- */
- /* printf(" coords: arg %d is %s\n", i, Tcl_GetString(args[i])); */
- if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(wi->interp, args[i], &index) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- if (((argc == 5) && (cmd != ZN_COORDS_ADD) && (cmd != ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) ||
- (argc == 6) || (argc == 7)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect contour index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if ((argc == 5) && (cmd != ZN_COORDS_ADD)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect coord index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[argc-1], &points,
- &controls, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) {
- /* Append coords at end of default contour (0). */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, 0, 0, ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Set all coords of default contour (0). */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, 0, 0, ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (controls) {
- ZnFree(controls);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- contour = index;
- if (argc == 4) {
- /* Get all coords of contour. */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, 0, ZN_COORDS_READ_ALL,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- goto coords_read;
- }
- else if ((argc == 5) && (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- /* Remove coord at index in default contour (0). */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, 0, index, ZN_COORDS_REMOVE,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Try to see if the next param is a vertex index or a coord list.
- */
- i++;
- /*printf(" coords: arg %d is %s\n", i, Tcl_GetString(args[i]));*/
- if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(wi->interp, args[i], &index) != TCL_OK) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(wi->interp);
- if ((argc == 7) || ((argc == 6) && (cmd != ZN_COORDS_ADD))) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(wi->interp, " incorrect coord index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[i]), "\"", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[argc-1], &points,
- &controls, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (cmd == ZN_COORDS_ADD) {
- /* Append coords at end of contour. */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, 0, ZN_COORDS_ADD_LAST,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Set all coords of contour. */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, 0, ZN_COORDS_REPLACE_ALL,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (controls) {
- ZnFree(controls);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- /* Get coord of contour at index. */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, index, ZN_COORDS_READ,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (num_points) {
- /*printf(" coords: read contour:%d, index:%d, point is %g@%g\n",
- contour, index, points->x, points->y); */
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(wi->interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->y));
- if (controls && *controls) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(controls, 1));
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- else if ((argc == 6) && (cmd == ZN_COORDS_REMOVE)) {
- /* Remove coord of contour at index. */
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, index, ZN_COORDS_REMOVE,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- /* Set a single coord or add coords at index in contour. */
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[argc-1], &points,
- &controls, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (argc == 6) {
- num_points = 1;
- }
- if (item->class->Coords(item, contour, index, cmd,
- &points, &controls, &num_points) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (controls) {
- ZnFree(controls);
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * WidgetObjCmd --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command
- * that corresponds to a widget managed by this module.
- * See the user documentation for details on what it does.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard Tcl result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * See the user documentation.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-WidgetObjCmd(ClientData client_data, /* Information about the widget. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Current interpreter. */
- int argc, /* Number of arguments. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) /* Arguments. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- int length, result, cmd_index, index;
- ZnItem item, item2;
- int field = ZN_NO_PART;
- unsigned int num = 0, i, j;
- char *end, *str;
- ZnTransfo *t = NULL;
- Tcl_Obj *l;
- ZnTagSearch *search_var = NULL;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnPoint *points;
- ZnPoint p;
- unsigned int num_points;
- ZnList to_points;
- Tcl_Obj *entries[3];
- char c[] = "c";
- double d;
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- static CONST char *sub_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "add", "addtag", "anchorxy", "bbox", "becomes", "bind",
- "cget", "chggroup", "clone", "configure", "contour",
- "coords", "currentpart", "cursor", "dchars",
- "dtag", "find", "fit", "focus", "gdelete",
- "gettags", "gname", "group", "hasanchors", "hasfields",
- "hastag", "index", "insert", "itemcget", "itemconfigure",
- "layout", "lower", "monitor", "numparts", "postscript",
- "raise", "remove", "rotate", "scale", "select", "skew",
- "smooth", "tapply", "tcompose", "tdelete", "tget",
- "transform", "translate", "treset", "trestore", "tsave",
- "tset", "type", "vertexat", "xview", "yview", NULL
- };
- enum sub_cmds {
- };
-#ifdef PTK_800
- static char *sel_cmd_strings[] =
- static CONST char *sel_cmd_strings[] =
- {
- "adjust", "clear", "from", "item", "to", NULL
- };
- enum sel_cmds {
- };
- if (argc < 2) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "subcommand ?args?");
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) wi);
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[1], sub_cmd_strings,
- "subcommand", 0, &cmd_index) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- result = TCL_OK;
- /*printf("executing command \"%s\", argc=%d\n",
- Tcl_GetString(args[1]), argc);*/
- switch((enum sub_cmds) cmd_index) {
- /*
- * add
- */
- case ZN_W_ADD:
- {
- ZnItem group;
- ZnItemClass cls;
- if (argc == 2) { /* create subcommand alone, return the list of known
- * object types. */
- ZnItemClass *classes = ZnListArray(ZnItemClassList());
- num = ZnListSize(ZnItemClassList());
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(classes[i]->name, -1));
- }
- goto done;
- }
- if ((argc < 4)) {
- add_err:
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "add type group ?args?");
- goto error;
- }
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[2]);
- if (str[0] == '-') {
- goto add_err;
- }
- cls = ZnLookupItemClass(str);
- if (!cls) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown item type \"", str, "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[3], &group, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (group == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- (group->class != ZnGroup)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, ", group item expected, got \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- argc -= 4;
- args += 4;
- item = ZnCreateItem(wi, cls, &argc, &args);
- if (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- goto error;
- }
- ZnITEM.InsertItem(item, group, ZN_NO_ITEM, True);
- if (ZnITEM.ConfigureItem(item, ZN_NO_PART, argc, args, True) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- wi->hot_item = item;
- wi->hot_prev = item->previous;
- l = Tcl_NewLongObj(item->id);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * addtag
- */
- case ZN_W_ADDTAG:
- {
- if (argc < 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "addtag tag searchCommand ?arg arg ...?");
- goto error;
- }
- result = FindItems(wi, argc, args, args[2], 3, &search_var);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * anchorxy
- */
- {
- Tk_Anchor anchor;
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "anchorxy tagOrId anchor");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- ISCLEAR(item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown item or doesn't support anchors \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- if (Tk_GetAnchor(interp, Tcl_GetString(args[3]), &anchor)) {
- goto error;
- }
- /*
- * If something has changed in the geometry we need to
- * update or the anchor location will be erroneous.
- */
- Update(wi);
- item->class->GetAnchor(item, anchor, &p);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(wi->interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(p.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(wi->interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(p.y));
- }
- break;
- /*
- * becomes
- */
- case ZN_W_BECOMES:
- {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Command not yet implemented", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * bbox
- */
- case ZN_W_BBOX:
- {
- ZnBBox bbox;
- ZnDim width, height;
- ZnFieldSet fs;
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "bbox ?-field fieldNo? ?-label? tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?");
- goto error;
- }
- argc -= 2;
- args += 2;
- Update(wi);
- ZnResetBBox(&bbox);
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[0]);
- if (*str == '-') {
- if ((strcmp(str, "-field") == 0) && (argc > 2)) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(wi->interp, args[1], &field) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- argc -= 2;
- args += 2;
- }
- else if ((strcmp(str, "-label") == 0) && (argc > 1)) {
- field = -1;
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bbox option should be -field numField or -label",
- NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[0], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) ||
- ! item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown item or doesn't support fields \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[0]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- fs = item->class->GetFieldSet(item);
- if (field >= 0) {
- if ((unsigned int) field >= fs->num_fields) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "field index is out of bounds", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- ZnFIELD.GetFieldBBox(fs, field, &bbox);
- }
- else {
- ZnFIELD.GetLabelBBox(fs, &width, &height);
- if (width && height) {
- p.x = ZnNearestInt(fs->label_pos.x);
- p.y = ZnNearestInt(fs->label_pos.y);
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, p.x, p.y);
- p.x += width;
- p.y += height;
- ZnAddPointToBBox(&bbox, p.x, p.y);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) argc; i++) {
- /*
- * Check for options in wrong place amidst tags.
- */
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[i]);
- if (*str == '-') {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bbox options should be specified before any tag", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[i], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&bbox, &item->item_bounding_box);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!ZnIsEmptyBBox(&bbox)) {
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(bbox.orig.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(bbox.orig.y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(bbox.corner.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(bbox.corner.y));
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * bind
- */
- case ZN_W_BIND:
- {
- ClientData elem = 0;
- int part = ZN_NO_PART;
- if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "bind tagOrId ?part? ?sequence? ?command?");
- goto error;
- }
- /*
- * Test if (a) an itemid or (b) an itemid:part or
- * (c) an item part or (d) a tag is provided.
- */
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[2]);
- argc -= 3;
- args += 3;
- if (isdigit(str[0])) {
- int id;
- id = strtoul(str, &end, 0);
- if ((*end != 0) && (*end != ':')) {
- goto bind_a_tag;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->id_table, (char *) id);
- if (entry == NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "item \"", str, "\" doesn't exist", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- item = elem = Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (!elem) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (*end == ':') {
- /*
- * The part is provided with the id (old method).
- */
- end++;
- part_encode:
- if (item->class->Part) {
- l = Tcl_NewStringObj(end, -1);
- if (item->class->Part(item, &l, &part) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- elem = EncodeItemPart(item, part);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "item \"", str, "\" doesn't have parts", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Check if a part is given in the next parameter
- * (alternative method for providing a part).
- */
- if (argc > 3) {
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[0]);
- if (str[0] != '<') {
- end = str;
- argc--;
- args++;
- goto part_encode;
- }
- }
- }
- /*printf("adding element 0x%X to the binding table of item 0x%X\n", elem, item);*/
- }
- else {
- bind_a_tag:
- elem = (ClientData) Tk_GetUid(str);
- }
- /*
- * Make a binding table if the widget doesn't already have one.
- */
- if (wi->binding_table == NULL) {
- wi->binding_table = Tk_CreateBindingTable(interp);
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- int append = 0;
- unsigned long mask;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[1]);
- if (str[0] == 0) {
- result = Tk_DeleteBinding(interp, wi->binding_table, elem,
- Tcl_GetString(args[0]));
- goto done;
- }
-#ifdef PTK
- mask = Tk_CreateBinding(interp, wi->binding_table,
- elem, Tcl_GetString(args[0]), args[1], append);
- if (str[0] == '+') {
- str++;
- append = 1;
- }
- mask = Tk_CreateBinding(interp, wi->binding_table,
- elem, Tcl_GetString(args[0]), str, append);
- if (mask == 0) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (mask & (unsigned) ~(ButtonMotionMask | Button1MotionMask |
- Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask |
- Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask |
- ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
- EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
- KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
- PointerMotionMask | VirtualEventMask)) {
- Tk_DeleteBinding(interp, wi->binding_table, elem, Tcl_GetString(args[3]));
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "requested illegal events; ",
- "only key, button, motion, enter, leave ",
- "and virtual events may be used", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else if (argc == 1) {
-#ifdef PTK
- Tcl_Obj *command;
- command = Tk_GetBinding(interp, wi->binding_table, elem,
- Tcl_GetString(args[0]));
- if (command == NULL) {
- char *string = Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp));
- /*
- * Ignore missing binding errors. This is a special hack
- * that relies on the error message returned by FindSequence
- * in tkBind.c.
- */
- if (string[0] != '\0') {
- goto error;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, command);
- }
- CONST char *command;
- command = Tk_GetBinding(interp, wi->binding_table, elem,
- Tcl_GetString(args[0]));
- if (command == NULL) {
- goto error;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(command, -1));
- }
- else {
- Tk_GetAllBindings(interp, wi->binding_table, elem);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * cget
- */
- case ZN_W_CGET:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "cget option");
- goto error;
- }
-#ifdef PTK_800
- result = Tk_ConfigureValue(interp, wi->win, config_specs,
- (char *) wi, Tcl_GetString(args[2]), 0);
- l = Tk_GetOptionValue(interp, (char *) wi, wi->opt_table, args[2], wi->win);
- if (l == NULL) {
- goto error;
- }
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * chggroup
- */
- {
- ZnItem grp, scan;
- int adjust=0;
- ZnTransfo inv, t, t2, *this_one=NULL;
- if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "chggroup tagOrIg group ?adjustTransform?");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[3], &grp, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (grp == ZN_NO_ITEM)|| (grp->class != ZnGroup)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (item->parent == grp) {
- /*
- * Nothing to be done, the item is already in the
- * target group.
- */
- goto done;
- }
- /*
- * Check the ancestors to find if item is an
- * ancestor of grp, which would lead to a
- * forbidden move.
- */
- for (scan = grp; scan && (scan != item); scan = scan->parent);
- if (scan == item) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\" is a descendant of \"", Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- "\" and can't be used as its parent", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[4], &adjust) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if ((item->parent == grp) || (item->parent == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (adjust) {
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(grp, &t);
- ZnTransfoInvert(&t, &inv);
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(item->parent, &t);
- ZnTransfoCompose(&t2, &t, &inv);
- this_one = &t2;
- if (item->transfo) {
- ZnTransfoCompose(&t, item->transfo, &t2);
- this_one = &t;
- }
- }
- ZnITEM.ExtractItem(item);
- ZnITEM.InsertItem(item, grp, ZN_NO_ITEM, True);
- /*
- * The item can be a group in which case we must
- * use the ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG to force an update of
- * the children. In all other case ZN_COORDS_FLAG
- * is enough.
- */
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item,
- item->class==ZnGroup?ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG:ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- if (adjust) {
- ZnITEM.SetTransfo(item, this_one);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * clone
- */
- case ZN_W_CLONE:
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "clone tagOrId ?option value ...?");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) ||
- (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item == wi->top_group)) {
- goto error;
- }
- argc -= 3;
- args += 3;
- item2 = ZnITEM.CloneItem(item);
- ZnITEM.InsertItem(item2, item->parent, ZN_NO_ITEM, True);
- if (ZnITEM.ConfigureItem(item2, ZN_NO_PART, argc, args, False) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewLongObj(item2->id);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * configure
- */
- {
-#ifdef PTK_800
- if (argc == 2) {
- result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, wi->win, config_specs,
- (char *) wi, (char *) NULL, 0);
- }
- else if (argc == 3) {
- result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, wi->win, config_specs,
- (char *) wi, Tcl_GetString(args[2]), 0);
- }
- else {
- result = Configure(interp, wi, argc-2, args+2, TK_CONFIG_ARGV_ONLY);
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- l = Tk_GetOptionInfo(interp, (char *) wi, wi->opt_table,
- (argc == 3) ? args[2] : NULL, wi->win);
- if (l == NULL) {
- goto error;
- }
- else {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- }
- else {
- result = Configure(interp, wi, argc-2, args+2);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * contour
- */
- case ZN_W_CONTOUR:
- {
- if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "contour tagOrId ?operator windingFlag? ?index? ?coordListOrTagOrId?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (Contour(wi, argc, args, &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * coords
- */
- case ZN_W_COORDS:
- {
- if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "coords tagOrId ?add/remove? ?contour? ?index? ?coordList?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (Coords(wi, argc, args, &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * currentpart
- */
- {
- ZnBool only_fields = False;
- if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "currentpart ?onlyFields?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[2], &only_fields) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if ((wi->current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (wi->current_item->class->Part != NULL) &&
- ((wi->current_part >= 0) || !only_fields)) {
- l = NULL;
- wi->current_item->class->Part(wi->current_item, &l, &wi->current_part);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * cursor
- */
- case ZN_W_CURSOR:
- {
- if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "cursor tagOrId ?field? index");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if ((item->class->Cursor == NULL) ||
- (item->class->Index == NULL)) {
- continue;
- }
- result = (*item->class->Index)(item, field, args[3], &index);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- (*item->class->Cursor)(item, field, index);
- if ((item == wi->focus_item) && (field == wi->focus_field) &&
- wi->text_info.cursor_on) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * dchars
- */
- case ZN_W_DCHARS:
- {
- int first, last;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- if ((argc < 4) || (argc > 6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "dchars tagOrId ?field? first ?last?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 6) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if ((item->class->Index == NULL) ||
- (item->class->DeleteChars == NULL)) {
- continue;
- }
- result = (*item->class->Index)(item, field, args[3], &first);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- result = (*item->class->Index)(item, field, args[4], &last);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else {
- last = first;
- }
- (*item->class->DeleteChars)(item, field, &first, &last);
- /*
- * Update indexes for the selection to reflect the
- * change.
- */
- if ((ti->sel_item == item) && (ti->sel_field == field)) {
- int count = last + 1 - first;
- if (ti->sel_first > first) {
- ti->sel_first -= count;
- if (ti->sel_first < first) {
- ti->sel_first = first;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= first) {
- ti->sel_last -= count;
- if (ti->sel_last < (first-1)) {
- ti->sel_last = first-1;
- }
- }
- if (ti->sel_first >= ti->sel_last) {
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == item) && (ti->anchor_field == field) &&
- (ti->sel_anchor > first)) {
- ti->sel_anchor -= count;
- if (ti->sel_anchor < first) {
- ti->sel_anchor = first;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * dtag
- */
- case ZN_W_DTAG:
- {
- Tk_Uid tag;
- if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "dtag tagOrId ?tagToDelete?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- tag = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(args[3]));
- }
- else {
- tag = Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.RemoveTag(item, (char *) tag);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * find
- */
- case ZN_W_FIND:
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "find searchCommand ?arg arg ...?");
- goto error;
- }
- result = FindItems(wi, argc, args, NULL, 2, &search_var);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * fit
- */
- case ZN_W_FIT:
- {
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "fit coordList error");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[2], &points,
- NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- to_points = ZnListNew(32, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnFitBezier(points, num_points, d, to_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(to_points);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, points++) {
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->x);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->y);
- if (i % 3) {
- entries[2] = Tcl_NewStringObj(c, -1);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(3, entries));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(2, entries));
- }
- }
- ZnListFree(to_points);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * focus
- */
- case ZN_W_FOCUS:
- {
- if (argc > 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "focus ?tagOrId? ?field?");
- goto error;
- }
- item = wi->focus_item;
- if (argc == 2) {
- field = wi->focus_field;
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewLongObj(item->id));
- if (field != ZN_NO_PART) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(field));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if ((item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (item->class->Cursor != NULL) &&
- ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[2])[0] == 0) {
- wi->focus_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->focus_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- break;
- }
- if (ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- }
- wi->focus_item = item;
- wi->focus_field = field;
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) && (item->class->Cursor != NULL)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->focus_item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * gdelete
- */
- case ZN_W_GDELETE:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "gdelete gName");
- goto error;
- }
- ZnDeleteGradientName(Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- }
- break;
- /*
- * gettags
- */
- case ZN_W_GETTAGS:
- {
- Tk_Uid *tags;
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "gettags tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (!item->tags || !ZnListSize(item->tags)) {
- goto done;
- }
- else {
- num = ZnListSize(item->tags);
- tags = (Tk_Uid *) ZnListArray(item->tags);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(tags[i], -1));
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * gname
- */
- case ZN_W_GNAME:
- {
- ZnBool ok;
- if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "gname ?grad? gName");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- l = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(ZnGradientNameExists(Tcl_GetString(args[2])));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- else {
- ok = ZnNameGradient(interp, wi->win, Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]));
- if (!ok) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * group
- */
- case ZN_W_GROUP:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "group tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (item->parent != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- l = Tcl_NewLongObj(item->parent->id);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Top group is its own parent.
- */
- l = Tcl_NewLongObj(item->id);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * hasanchors
- */
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "hasanchors tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(ISSET(item->class->flags, ZN_CLASS_HAS_ANCHORS) ? 1 : 0);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * hasfields
- */
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "hasfields tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(item->class->GetFieldSet?1:0);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * hastag
- */
- case ZN_W_HASTAG:
- {
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "hastag tagOrId tag");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(ZnITEM.HasTag(item,
- Tk_GetUid(Tcl_GetString(args[3]))));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * index
- */
- case ZN_W_INDEX:
- {
- if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "index tagOrId ?field? string");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if (item->class->Index != NULL) {
- result = (*item->class->Index)(item, field, args[3], &index);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewIntObj(index);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- goto done;
- }
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't find an indexable item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * insert
- */
- case ZN_W_INSERT:
- {
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- char *chars;
- if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "insert tagOrId ?field? before string");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 6) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if ((item->class->Index == NULL) ||
- (item->class->InsertChars == NULL)) {
- continue;
- }
- result = (*item->class->Index)(item, field, args[3], &index);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- chars = Tcl_GetString(args[4]);
- (*item->class->InsertChars)(item, field, &index, chars);
- /*
- * Inserting characters invalidates selection indices.
- */
- if ((ti->sel_item == item) && (ti->sel_field == field)) {
- length = strlen(chars);
- if (ti->sel_first >= index) {
- ti->sel_first += length;
- }
- if (ti->sel_last >= index) {
- ti->sel_last += length;
- }
- if ((ti->anchor_item == item) && (ti->anchor_field == field) &&
- (ti->sel_anchor >= index)) {
- ti->sel_anchor += length;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * itemcget
- */
- {
- if (argc < 4) {
- itemcget_syntax:
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "itemcget tagOrId ?field? option");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- if (argc != 4) {
- goto itemcget_syntax;
- }
- if (ZnITEM.QueryItem(item, field, 1, &args[3]) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * itemconfigure
- */
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "itemconfigure tagOrId ?field? option value ?option value? ...");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if ((argc > 3) && (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != '-')) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[3], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[3])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- argc -= 3;
- args += 3;
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if (argc < 2) {
- if (field == ZN_NO_PART) {
- result = ZnAttributesInfo(wi->interp, item, item->class->attr_desc, argc, args);
- }
- else if (item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- ZnFieldSet fs = item->class->GetFieldSet(item);
- if (field < (int) ZnFIELD.NumFields(fs)) {
- result = ZnAttributesInfo(wi->interp, ZnFIELD.GetFieldStruct(fs, field),
- ZnFIELD.attr_desc, argc, args);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "field index out of bound", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "the item does not support fields", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- goto done;
- }
- else {
- result = ZnITEM.ConfigureItem(item, field, argc, args, False);
- }
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * layout
- */
- case ZN_W_LAYOUT:
- {
- if (argc < 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "layout operator ?args...? tagOrId ?tagOrId...?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (LayoutItems(wi, argc-2, args+2) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * lower
- */
- case ZN_W_LOWER:
- {
- ZnItem first, group, mark = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "lower tagOrId ?belowThis?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[3], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- mark = item;
- }
- if (mark == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown tag or item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- if ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item == wi->top_group)) {
- goto done;
- }
- first = item;
- if (mark == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- mark = ZnGroupTail(item->parent);
- }
- group = mark->parent;
- do {
- if ((item->parent == group) && (item != mark)) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemPriority(item, mark, False);
- mark = item;
- }
- item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var);
- }
- while ((item != ZN_NO_ITEM) && (item != first));
- }
- break;
- /*
- * monitor
- */
- case ZN_W_MONITOR:
- {
-#ifndef _WIN32
- ZnBool on_off;
- if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 3)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "monitor ?onOff?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[2], &on_off) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- ASSIGN(wi->flags, ZN_MONITORING, on_off);
- if (on_off == True) {
- ZnResetChronos(wi->total_draw_chrono);
- ZnResetChronos(wi->this_draw_chrono);
- }
- }
- if ((argc == 2) || (on_off == False)) {
- long ttime, ltime;
- int num_actions;
- ZnGetChrono(wi->total_draw_chrono, &ttime, &num_actions);
- ZnGetChrono(wi->this_draw_chrono, &ltime, NULL);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(num_actions));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(ltime));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(ttime));
- /*Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(wi->damaged_area_w));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(wi->damaged_area_h));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(ttime));*/
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * numparts
- */
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "numparts tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_NewIntObj((int) item->class->num_parts);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * postscript
- */
- {
- if (ZnPostScriptCmd(wi, argc, args) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * raise
- */
- case ZN_W_RAISE:
- {
- ZnItem group, mark = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "raise tagOrId ?aboveThis?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- /*
- * Find the topmost item with the tag.
- */
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[3], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- mark = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- if (mark == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown tag or item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- if ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || (item == wi->top_group)) {
- goto done;
- }
- if (mark == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- mark = ZnGroupHead(item->parent);
- }
- group = mark->parent;
- for (; item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if (item->parent != group) {
- continue;
- }
- if (item != mark) {
- ZnITEM.UpdateItemPriority(item, mark, True);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * remove
- */
- case ZN_W_REMOVE:
- {
- unsigned int num_fields;
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "remove tagOrId ?tagOrId ...?");
- goto error;
- }
- argc -= 2;
- args += 2;
- for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) argc; i++) {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[i], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if (item == wi->top_group) {
- continue;
- }
- if (wi->binding_table != NULL) {
- Tk_DeleteAllBindings(wi->binding_table, (ClientData) item);
- if (item->class->GetFieldSet) {
- num_fields = ZnFIELD.NumFields(item->class->GetFieldSet(item));
- for (j = 0; j < num_fields; j++) {
- Tk_DeleteAllBindings(wi->binding_table,
- (ClientData) EncodeItemPart(item, j));
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < item->class->num_parts; j++) {
- Tk_DeleteAllBindings(wi->binding_table,
- (ClientData) EncodeItemPart(item, -(int)(j+2)));
- }
- }
- ZnITEM.DestroyItem(item);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * rotate
- */
- case ZN_W_ROTATE:
- {
- ZnBool deg=False;
- if ((argc < 4) && (argc > 7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "rotate tagOrIdOrTransform angle ?degree? ?centerX centerY?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc > 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[argc-2], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[argc-1], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.y = d;
- }
- if ((argc == 5) || (argc == 7)) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[4], &deg) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (t) {
- if (argc > 5) {
- ZnTranslate(t, -p.x, -p.y, False);
- }
- if (deg) {
- ZnRotateDeg(t, d);
- }
- else {
- ZnRotateRad(t, d);
- }
- if (argc > 5) {
- ZnTranslate(t, p.x, p.y, False);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.RotateItem(item, d, deg, (argc > 5) ? &p : NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * scale
- */
- case ZN_W_SCALE:
- {
- ZnPoint scale;
- if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 7)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "scale tagOrIdOrTransform xFactor yFactor ?centerX centerY?");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- scale.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[4], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- scale.y = d;
- if (argc == 7) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[5], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[6], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.y = d;
- }
- if (t) {
- if (argc == 7) {
- ZnTranslate(t, -p.x, -p.y, False);
- }
- ZnScale(t, scale.x, scale.y);
- if (argc == 7) {
- ZnTranslate(t, p.x, p.y, False);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.ScaleItem(item, scale.x, scale.y, (argc == 7) ? &p : NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * select
- */
- case ZN_W_SELECT:
- {
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- if (argc < 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select option ?tagOrId? ?arg?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc >= 4) {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[3], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if ((item->class->Index != NULL) &&
- (item->class->Selection != NULL)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't find an indexable item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[3]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, args[2], sel_cmd_strings,
- "selection option", 0, &cmd_index) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- if ((argc == 5) || (argc == 6)) {
- if (argc == 6) {
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, args[4], &field) != TCL_OK) {
- field = ZN_NO_PART;
- if (Tcl_GetString(args[4])[0] != 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid field index \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[4]),
- "\", should be a positive integer", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- argc--;
- args++;
- }
- result = item->class->Index(item, field, args[4], &index);
- if (result != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- switch ((enum sel_cmds) cmd_index) {
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select adjust tagOrId ?field? index");
- goto error;
- }
- if ((ti->sel_item == item) && (ti->sel_field == field)) {
- if (index < (ti->sel_first + ti->sel_last)/2) {
- ti->sel_anchor = ti->sel_last+1;
- }
- else {
- ti->sel_anchor = ti->sel_first;
- }
- }
- SelectTo(item, field, index);
- break;
- case ZN_SEL_CLEAR:
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select clear");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ti->sel_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(ti->sel_item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- break;
- case ZN_SEL_FROM:
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select from tagOrId ?field? index");
- goto error;
- }
- ti->anchor_item = item;
- ti->anchor_field = field;
- ti->sel_anchor = index;
- break;
- case ZN_SEL_ITEM:
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select item");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ti->sel_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewLongObj(ti->sel_item->id));
- if (ti->sel_field != ZN_NO_PART) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(ti->sel_field));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj("", -1));
- }
- }
- break;
- case ZN_SEL_TO:
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "select to tagOrId ?field? index");
- goto error;
- }
- SelectTo(item, field, index);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Skew
- */
- case ZN_W_SKEW:
- {
- double x_skew, y_skew;
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "skew tagOrIdOrTransform xSkewAngle ySkewAngle");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &x_skew) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[4], &y_skew) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (t) {
- ZnSkewRad(t, x_skew, y_skew);
- }
- else {
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.SkewItem(item, x_skew, y_skew);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * smooth
- */
- case ZN_W_SMOOTH:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "smooth coordList");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[2], &points,
- NULL, &num_points, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- to_points = ZnListNew(32, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnSmoothPathWithBezier(points, num_points, to_points);
- points = (ZnPoint *) ZnListArray(to_points);
- num_points = ZnListSize(to_points);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, points++) {
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->x);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(points->y);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(2, entries));
- }
- ZnListFree(to_points);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * tapply
- */
- case ZN_W_TAPPLY:
- {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Command not yet implemented", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * tcompose
- */
- {
- ZnTransfo *to;
- ZnBool invert=False;
- ZnTransfo res_t, inv_t;
- if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "tcompose transformTo aTransform ?invert?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[4], &invert) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- argc--;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[3]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[3], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\" must be either a tag, ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- t = item->transfo;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- to = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- "\" must be either a tag, ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- to = item->transfo;
- }
- if (invert) {
- ZnTransfoInvert(t, &inv_t);
- ZnTransfoCompose(&res_t, to, &inv_t);
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoCompose(&res_t, to, t);
- }
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- /* Set back the transform in the item */
- ZnITEM.SetTransfo(item, &res_t);
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoFree(to);
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, ZnTransfoDuplicate(&res_t));
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * tdelete
- */
- case ZN_W_TDELETE:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "tdelete tName");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry == NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- "\" must be a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- ZnTransfoFree(t);
- Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entry);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * tget
- */
- case ZN_W_TGET:
- {
- ZnPoint scale, trans;
- ZnReal rotation, skewxy;
- ZnBool raw=1, get_trans=0, get_rot=0;
- ZnBool get_scale=0, get_skew=0;
- ZnTransfo tid;
- if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) {
- err_tget:
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "tget transform ?all|translation|scale|rotation|skew?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- raw = 0;
- str = Tcl_GetString(args[3]);
- length = strlen(str);
- if (strncmp(str, "all", length) == 0) {
- get_scale = get_rot = get_trans = get_skew = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, "translation", length) == 0) {
- get_trans = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, "scale", length) == 0) {
- get_scale = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, "rotation", length) == 0) {
- get_rot = 1;
- }
- else if (strncmp(str, "skew", length) == 0) {
- get_skew = 1;
- }
- else {
- goto err_tget;
- }
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[3]),
- "\" must be either a tag, ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- t = item->transfo;
- }
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- if (raw) {
- if (!t) {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(&tid);
- t = &tid;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(t->_[i/2][i%2]));
- }
- }
- else {
- ZnTransfoDecompose(t, get_scale?&scale:NULL, get_trans?&trans:NULL,
- get_rot?&rotation:NULL, get_skew?&skewxy:NULL);
- if (get_trans) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(trans.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(trans.y));
- }
- if (get_scale) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(scale.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(scale.y));
- }
- if (get_rot) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rotation));
- }
- if (get_skew) {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(skewxy));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * transform
- */
- {
- char *controls, *tag;
- ZnPoint *p, xp;
- ZnTransfo *from_t=NULL, *to_t=NULL, *result_t;
- ZnTransfo t1, t2, t3;
- ZnBool old_format;
- if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "transform ?tagOrIdFrom? tagOrIdTo coordlist");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- /*
- * Setup the source transform.
- */
- tag = Tcl_GetString(args[2]);
- if (strcmp(tag, "device") == 0) {
- from_t = &t1;
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(from_t);
- }
- else {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, tag);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- /* from is a named transform */
- from_t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[argc-2]),
- "\" must be either identity or a tag or ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(item, &t1);
- from_t = &t1;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Setup the destination transform
- */
- tag = Tcl_GetString(args[argc-2]);
- if (strcmp(tag, "device") == 0) {
- to_t = &t2;
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(to_t);
- }
- else {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, tag);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- /* to is a named transform */
- to_t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[argc-2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[argc-2]),
- "\" must be either identity a tag or ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- ZnITEM.GetItemTransform(item, &t2);
- to_t = &t2;
- }
- }
- ZnTransfoInvert(to_t, &t3);
- to_t = &t3;
- result_t = to_t;
- if (argc == 5) {
- ZnTransfoCompose(&t2, from_t, to_t);
- result_t = &t2;
- }
- /*ZnPrintTransfo(&t);
- ZnPrintTransfo(&inv);*/
- if (ZnParseCoordList(wi, args[argc-1], &p,
- &controls, &num_points, &old_format) == TCL_ERROR) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " invalid coord list \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[argc-1]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- if (old_format) {
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, p++) {
- ZnTransformPoint(result_t, p, &xp);
- /*printf("p->x=%g, p->y=%g, xp.x=%g, xp.y=%g\n", p->x, p->y, xp.x, xp.y);*/
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(xp.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(xp.y));
- /* The next case only applies for a one point
- * list with a control flag.
- */
- if (controls && controls[i]) {
- c[0] = controls[i];
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewStringObj(c, -1));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++, p++) {
- ZnTransformPoint(result_t, p, &xp);
- /*printf("p->x=%g, p->y=%g, xp.x=%g, xp.y=%g\n", p->x, p->y, xp.x, xp.y);*/
- entries[0] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(xp.x);
- entries[1] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(xp.y);
- if (controls && controls[i]) {
- c[0] = controls[i];
- entries[2] = Tcl_NewStringObj(c, -1);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(3, entries));
- }
- else {
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewListObj(2, entries));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * translate
- */
- {
- ZnBool abs = False;
- if ((argc != 5) && (argc != 6)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "translate tagOrIdorTransform xAmount yAmount ?abs?");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[4], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.y = d;
- if (argc == 6) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[5], &abs) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (t) {
- ZnTranslate(t, p.x, p.y, abs);
- }
- else {
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item =ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.TranslateItem(item, p.x, p.y, abs);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * treset
- */
- case ZN_W_TRESET:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "treset tagOrIdOrTransform");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- }
- if (t) {
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(t);
- }
- else {
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.ResetTransfo(item);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * trestore
- */
- {
- if (argc != 4) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "trestore tagOrId tName");
- goto error;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[argc-1]));
- if (entry == NULL) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[argc-1]),
- "\" must be a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- ZnITEM.SetTransfo(item, t);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * tsave
- */
- case ZN_W_TSAVE:
- {
- int is_ident, new, invert=0;
- ZnTransfo *inv, ident;
- char *from;
- if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4) && (argc != 5)) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "tsave ?tagOrIdOrTransform? tName ?invert?");
- goto error;
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- l = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(entry != NULL);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- goto done;
- }
- from = Tcl_GetString(args[2]);
- is_ident = strcmp(from, "identity") == 0;
- if (is_ident) {
- t = &ident;
- ZnTransfoSetIdentity(t);
- }
- else {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, from);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- goto error;
- }
- t = item->transfo;
- }
- }
- if (argc == 5) {
- if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, args[4], &invert) != TCL_OK) {
- goto error;
- }
- argc--;
- }
- entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[argc-1]), &new);
- if (!new) {
- ZnTransfoFree((ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry));
- }
- if (invert && !is_ident) {
- inv = ZnTransfoNew();
- ZnTransfoInvert(t, inv);
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, inv);
- }
- else {
- Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, ZnTransfoDuplicate(t));
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * tset
- */
- case ZN_W_TSET:
- {
- ZnTransfo new;
- if (argc != 9) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args,
- "tset tagOrIdorTransform m00 m01 m10 m11 m20 m21");
- goto error;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3+i], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- new._[i/2][i%2] = (float) d;
- }
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->t_table, Tcl_GetString(args[2]));
- if (entry != NULL) {
- t = (ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- *t = new;
- }
- else {
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if ((result == TCL_ERROR) || (item == ZN_NO_ITEM)) {
- Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"", Tcl_GetString(args[2]),
- "\" must be either a tag, ",
- "an id or a transform name", (char *) NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- ZnITEM.SetTransfo(item, &new);
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * type
- */
- case ZN_W_TYPE:
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "type tagOrId");
- goto error;
- }
- result = ZnItemWithTagOrId(wi, args[2], &item, &search_var);
- if (result == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- if (item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- l = Tcl_NewStringObj(item->class->name, -1);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, l);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * vertexat
- */
- case ZN_W_VERTEX_AT:
- {
- int contour, vertex, o_vertex;
- if (argc != 5) {
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, " vertexat tagOrId x y");
- goto error;
- }
- if (ZnTagSearchScan(wi, args[2], &search_var) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- for (item = ZnTagSearchFirst(search_var);
- item != ZN_NO_ITEM; item = ZnTagSearchNext(search_var)) {
- if (item->class->PickVertex != NULL) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't find a suitable item \"",
- Tcl_GetString(args[2]), "\"", NULL);
- goto error;
- }
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[3], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.x = d;
- if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, args[4], &d) == TCL_ERROR) {
- goto error;
- }
- p.y = d;
- item->class->PickVertex(item, &p, &contour, &vertex, &o_vertex);
- l = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(contour));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(vertex));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, l, Tcl_NewIntObj(o_vertex));
- break;
- }
- /* xview */
- case ZN_W_XVIEW:
- {
- int count, type;
- ZnReal new_x=0.0, fraction;
- if (argc == 2) {
-#ifdef PTK
- ZnReal first, last;
- ScrollFractions(wi->origin.x, wi->origin.x + Tk_Width(wi->win),
- wi->scroll_xo, wi->scroll_xc, &first, &last);
- Tcl_DoubleResults(interp, 2, 0, first, last);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
- ScrollFractions(wi->origin.x, wi->origin.x + Tk_Width(wi->win),
- wi->scroll_xo, wi->scroll_xc));
- }
- else {
- type = Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(interp, argc, args, &fraction, &count);
- switch (type) {
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto done;
- new_x = (wi->scroll_xo + (int) (fraction * (wi->scroll_xc - wi->scroll_xo) + 0.5));
- break;
- new_x = (int) (wi->origin.x + count * 0.9 * Tk_Width(wi->win));
- break;
- if (wi->x_scroll_incr > 0) {
- new_x = wi->origin.x + count * wi->x_scroll_incr;
- }
- else {
- new_x = (int) (wi->origin.x + count * 0.1 * Tk_Width(wi->win));
- }
- break;
- }
- SetOrigin(wi, new_x, wi->origin.y);
- }
- break;
- }
- /*yview */
- case ZN_W_YVIEW:
- {
- int count, type;
- ZnReal new_y = 0.0, fraction;
- if (argc == 2) {
-#ifdef PTK
- ZnReal first, last;
- ScrollFractions(wi->origin.y, wi->origin.y + Tk_Height(wi->win),
- wi->scroll_yo, wi->scroll_yc, &first, &last);
- Tcl_DoubleResults(interp, 2, 0, first, last);
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
- ScrollFractions(wi->origin.y, wi->origin.y + Tk_Height(wi->win),
- wi->scroll_yo, wi->scroll_yc));
- }
- else {
- type = Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(interp, argc, args, &fraction, &count);
- switch (type) {
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto done;
- new_y = (wi->scroll_yo + (int) (fraction * (wi->scroll_yc - wi->scroll_yo) + 0.5));
- break;
- new_y = (int) (wi->origin.y + count * 0.9 * Tk_Height(wi->win));
- break;
- if (wi->y_scroll_incr > 0) {
- new_y = wi->origin.y + count * wi->y_scroll_incr;
- }
- else {
- new_y = (int) (wi->origin.y + count * 0.1 * Tk_Height(wi->win));
- }
- break;
- }
- SetOrigin(wi, wi->origin.x, new_y);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- done:
- ZnTagSearchDestroy(search_var);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) wi);
- return result;
- error:
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- goto done;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Configure --
- *
- * This procedure is called to process an args/argc list in
- * conjunction with the Tk option database to configure (or
- * reconfigure) a Zinc widget.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is
- * returned, then interp->result contains an error message.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Configuration information, such as colors, border width,
- * etc. get set for the widget; old resources get freed,
- * if there were any.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#ifdef PTK_800
-static int
-Configure(Tcl_Interp *interp,/* Used for error reporting. */
- ZnWInfo *wi, /* Information about widget. */
- int argc, /* Number of valid entries in args. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[], /* Arguments. */
- int flags) /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
-#define CONFIG_PROBE(offset) (ISSET(config_specs[offset].specFlags, \
- ZnBool init;
- int render;
- init = wi->fore_color == NULL;
- render = wi->render;
- if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, wi->win, config_specs, argc,
-#ifdef PTK
- (Tcl_Obj **) args, (char *) wi, flags) != TCL_OK)
- (CONST char **) args, (char *) wi, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS) != TCL_OK)
- {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!init) {
- if (wi->render != render) {
- ZnWarning("It is not possible to change the -render option after widget creation.\n");
- }
- wi->render = render;
- }
- /*
- * Reset the render mode if GL is not available. It'll be too late
- * to do this after images or fonts have been allocated.
- */
- if ((wi->render != 0) && ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_GL)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "GLX not available (need at least a 24 bits buffer with stencil)\n");
- wi->render = 0;
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if (CONFIG_PROBE(FONT_SPEC) || !wi->font_tfi) {
- if (wi->font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->font_tfi);
- }
- wi->font_tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, wi->font);
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- if (CONFIG_PROBE(MAP_TEXT_FONT_SPEC) || !wi->map_font_tfi) {
- if (wi->map_font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->map_font_tfi);
- }
- wi->map_font_tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, wi->map_text_font);
- }
- /*
- * Maintain the pick aperture within meaningful bounds.
- */
- if (wi->pick_aperture < 0) {
- wi->pick_aperture = 0;
- }
- if (CONFIG_PROBE(BACK_COLOR_SPEC) || !wi->relief_grad) {
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- Tk_SetWindowBackground(wi->win, ZnGetGradientPixel(wi->back_color, 0.0));
- if (wi->relief_grad) {
- ZnFreeGradient(wi->relief_grad);
- wi->relief_grad = NULL;
- }
- if (wi->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(wi->back_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- wi->relief_grad = ZnGetReliefGradient(interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfColor(color), alpha);
- }
- }
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
- }
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- wi->inset = wi->border_width + wi->highlight_width;
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnTrack);
- }
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnMap);
- }
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnTrack);
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnWayPoint);
- }
- /*
- * Request the new geometry.
- */
- Tk_GeometryRequest(wi->win, wi->opt_width, wi->opt_height);
- }
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
- }
- /*
- * Update the registration with the overlap manager.
- */
-#ifdef ATC
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnItem grp;
- if (wi->om_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- OmUnregister((void *) wi);
- wi->om_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- if (wi->om_group_id != 0) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->id_table, (char *) wi->om_group_id);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- grp = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (grp->class == ZnGroup) {
- OmRegister((void *) wi, ZnSendTrackToOm,
- ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm, ZnQueryLabelPosition);
- wi->om_group = grp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (CONFIG_PROBE(INSERT_WIDTH_SPEC) && wi->focus_item) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->focus_item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- /*
- * Update the blinking cursor timing if on/off time has changed.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) &&
- Focus(wi, True);
- }
- /*
- * Compute the scroll region
- */
- wi->scroll_xo = wi->scroll_yo = 0;
- wi->scroll_xc = wi->scroll_yc = 0;
- if (wi->region != NULL) {
- int argc2;
-#ifdef PTK
- Arg *args2;
- CONST char **args2;
-#ifdef PTK
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, wi->region, &argc2, &args2) != TCL_OK)
- if (Tcl_SplitList(interp, wi->region, &argc2, &args2) != TCL_OK)
- {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (argc2 != 4) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad scrollRegion \"", wi->region, "\"", (char *) NULL);
- badRegion:
-#ifndef PTK
- ZnFree(wi->region);
- ZnFree(args2);
- wi->region = NULL;
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
-#ifdef PTK
-#ifdef PTK_800
- if ((Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[0]), &wi->scroll_xo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[1]), &wi->scroll_yo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[2]), &wi->scroll_xc) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[3]), &wi->scroll_yc) != TCL_OK))
- if ((Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[0], &wi->scroll_xo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[1], &wi->scroll_yo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[2], &wi->scroll_xc) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[3], &wi->scroll_yc) != TCL_OK))
- if ((Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, args2[0], &wi->scroll_xo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, args2[1], &wi->scroll_yo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, args2[2], &wi->scroll_xc) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, args2[3], &wi->scroll_yc) != TCL_OK))
- {
- goto badRegion;
- }
- }
- }
- SetOrigin(wi, wi->origin.x, wi->origin.y);
- }
- if (wi->follow_pointer) {
- /* Flag has just been turned on, process
- * the last known positional event to update
- * the item under pointer.
- */
- if (wi->pick_event.type == ButtonPress ||
- wi->pick_event.type == ButtonRelease ||
- wi->pick_event.type == MotionNotify ||
- wi->pick_event.type == EnterNotify ||
- wi->pick_event.type == LeaveNotify) {
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) wi);
- PickCurrentItem(wi, &wi->pick_event);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) wi);
- }
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-static void
-TileUpdate(void *client_data)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo*) client_data;
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
-static int
-Configure(Tcl_Interp *interp,/* Used for error reporting. */
- ZnWInfo *wi, /* Information about widget. */
- int argc, /* Number of valid entries in args. */
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) /* Arguments. */
- ZnBool init;
- int render, mask, error;
- Tk_SavedOptions saved_options;
- Tcl_Obj *error_result = NULL;
- render = wi->render;
- init = render < 0;
- for (error = 0; error <= 1; error++) {
- if (!error) {
- if (Tk_SetOptions(interp, (char *) wi, wi->opt_table, argc, args,
- wi->win, &saved_options, &mask) != TCL_OK) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Save the error value for later report */
- error_result = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
- Tcl_IncrRefCount(error_result);
- Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(&saved_options);
- }
- if (!init) {
- if (render != wi->render) {
- ZnWarning("It is not possible to change the -render option after widget creation.\n");
- wi->render = render;
- }
- }
- else if (wi->render < 0) {
- wi->render = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Reset the render mode if GL is not available. It'll be too late
- * to do this after images or fonts have been allocated.
- */
- else if ((wi->render != 0) && ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_HAS_GL)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "GLX not available (need at least a 24 bits buffer with stencil)\n");
- wi->render = 0;
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_SCROLL_REGION) || init) {
- /*
- * Compute the scroll region
- */
- wi->scroll_xo = wi->scroll_yo = 0;
- wi->scroll_xc = wi->scroll_yc = 0;
- if (wi->region != NULL) {
- int argc2;
- Tcl_Obj **args2;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, wi->region, &argc2, &args2) != TCL_OK) {
- badRegion:
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad scrollRegion \"",
- Tcl_GetString(wi->region), "\"", (char *) NULL);
- continue;
- }
- if (argc2 != 4) {
- goto badRegion;
- }
-#ifdef PTK_800
- if ((Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[0]), &wi->scroll_xo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[1]), &wi->scroll_yo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[2]), &wi->scroll_xc) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixels(interp, wi->win, LangString(args2[3]), &wi->scroll_yc) != TCL_OK))
- if ((Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[0], &wi->scroll_xo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[1], &wi->scroll_yo) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[2], &wi->scroll_xc) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(interp, wi->win, args2[3], &wi->scroll_yc) != TCL_OK))
- {
- goto badRegion;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_SET_ORIGIN) || init) {
- SetOrigin(wi, wi->origin.x, wi->origin.y);
- }
-#ifdef GL
- if ((mask & CONFIG_FONT) || !wi->font_tfi) {
- if (wi->font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->font_tfi);
- }
- wi->font_tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, wi->font);
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- if ((mask & CONFIG_MAP_FONT) || !wi->map_font_tfi) {
- if (wi->map_font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->map_font_tfi);
- }
- wi->map_font_tfi = ZnGetTexFont(wi, wi->map_text_font);
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_TILE) || init) {
- char *tile_name;
- if (wi->tile) {
- ZnFreeImage(wi->tile, TileUpdate, wi);
- }
- if (!wi->tile_obj || !*(tile_name = Tcl_GetString(wi->tile_obj))) {
- wi->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- else {
- wi->tile = ZnGetImage(wi, tile_name, TileUpdate, wi);
- if (wi->tile == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Incorrect tile \"", tile_name, "\"", (char *) NULL);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- if ((mask & CONFIG_MAP_SYMBOL) || init) {
- if (wi->map_distance_symbol) {
- ZnFreeImage(wi->map_distance_symbol, NULL, NULL);
- }
- wi->map_distance_symbol = ZnGetImage(wi, Tcl_GetString(wi->map_symbol_obj), NULL, NULL);
- if ((wi->map_distance_symbol == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ||
- ! ZnImageIsBitmap(wi->map_distance_symbol)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Incorrect bitmap \"",
- Tcl_GetString(wi->map_symbol_obj), "\"", (char *) NULL);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_TRACK_SYMBOL) || init) {
- if (wi->track_symbol) {
- ZnFreeImage(wi->track_symbol, NULL, NULL);
- }
- wi->track_symbol = ZnGetImage(wi, Tcl_GetString(wi->track_symbol_obj), NULL, NULL);
- if ((wi->track_symbol == ZnUnspecifiedImage) ||
- ! ZnImageIsBitmap(wi->track_symbol)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Incorrect bitmap \"",
- Tcl_GetString(wi->track_symbol_obj), "\"", (char *) NULL);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Maintain the pick aperture within meaningful bounds.
- */
- if (wi->pick_aperture < 0) {
- wi->pick_aperture = 0;
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_BACK_COLOR) || !wi->relief_grad) {
- XColor *color;
- unsigned short alpha;
- Tk_SetWindowBackground(wi->win, ZnGetGradientPixel(wi->back_color, 0.0));
- if (wi->relief_grad) {
- ZnFreeGradient(wi->relief_grad);
- wi->relief_grad = NULL;
- }
- if (wi->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(wi->back_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- wi->relief_grad = ZnGetReliefGradient(interp, wi->win,
- Tk_NameOfColor(color), alpha);
- }
- }
- if (mask & CONFIG_DAMAGE_ALL) {
- ZnDamageAll(wi);
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_REDISPLAY) || init) {
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- wi->inset = wi->border_width + wi->highlight_width;
-#ifdef ATC
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnTrack);
- }
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnMap);
- }
- ZnITEM.InvalidateItems(wi->top_group, ZnWayPoint);
- }
- /*
- * Request the new geometry.
- */
- if ((mask & CONFIG_REQUEST_GEOM) || init) {
- Tk_GeometryRequest(wi->win, wi->opt_width, wi->opt_height);
- }
- /*
- * Update the registration with the overlap manager.
- */
-#ifdef ATC
- if (mask & CONFIG_OM) {
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
- ZnItem grp;
- if (wi->om_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- OmUnregister((void *) wi);
- wi->om_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- }
- if (wi->om_group_id != 0) {
- entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(wi->id_table, (char *) wi->om_group_id);
- if (entry != NULL) {
- grp = (ZnItem) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
- if (grp->class == ZnGroup) {
- OmRegister((void *) wi, ZnSendTrackToOm,
- ZnSetLabelAngleFromOm, ZnQueryLabelPosition);
- wi->om_group = grp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((mask & CONFIG_FOCUS_ITEM) && wi->focus_item) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->focus_item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- /*
- * Update the blinking cursor timing if on/off time has changed.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) && (mask & CONFIG_FOCUS)) {
- Focus(wi, True);
- }
- if (wi->follow_pointer) {
- /* Flag has just been turned on, process
- * the last known positional event to update
- * the item under pointer.
- */
- if (wi->pick_event.type == ButtonPress ||
- wi->pick_event.type == ButtonRelease ||
- wi->pick_event.type == MotionNotify ||
- wi->pick_event.type == EnterNotify ||
- wi->pick_event.type == LeaveNotify) {
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) wi);
- PickCurrentItem(wi, &wi->pick_event);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) wi);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (error) {
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, error_result);
- Tcl_DecrRefCount(error_result);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- else {
- Tk_FreeSavedOptions(&saved_options);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Focus --
- *
- * This procedure is called whenever a zinc gets or loses the
- * input focus. It's also called whenever the window is
- * reconfigured while it has the focus.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The cursor gets turned on or off.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-Blink(ClientData client_data)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS) || (wi->insert_off_time == 0)) {
- return;
- }
- if (wi->text_info.cursor_on) {
- wi->text_info.cursor_on = 0;
- wi->blink_handler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(wi->insert_off_time,
- Blink, client_data);
- }
- else {
- wi->text_info.cursor_on = 1;
- wi->blink_handler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(wi->insert_on_time,
- Blink, client_data);
- }
- if ((wi->focus_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (wi->focus_item->class->Cursor != NULL)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->focus_item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- }
-static void
-Focus(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnBool got_focus)
- Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(wi->blink_handler);
- if (got_focus) {
- SET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS);
- wi->text_info.cursor_on = 1;
- if (wi->insert_off_time != 0) {
- wi->blink_handler = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(wi->insert_off_time,
- Blink, (ClientData) wi);
- }
- }
- else {
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS);
- wi->text_info.cursor_on = 0;
- wi->blink_handler = (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL;
- }
- if ((wi->focus_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (wi->focus_item->class->Cursor != NULL)){
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->focus_item, ZN_COORDS_FLAG);
- }
- /*printf("focus %s\n", got_focus ? "in" : "out");*/
- if (wi->highlight_width > 0) {
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Event --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher for various
- * events on Zincs.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * When the window gets deleted, internal structures get
- * cleaned up. When it gets exposed, it is redisplayed.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-TopEvent(ClientData client_data, /* Information about widget. */
- XEvent *event)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- if (event->type == ConfigureNotify) {
- /*printf("Window moved\n");*/
- }
-static void
-Event(ClientData client_data, /* Information about widget. */
- XEvent *event) /* Information about event. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- XGCValues values;
- ZnBBox bbox;
- /*printf("=============== DEBUT %s %d EVENT ==================\n",
- event->type == MapNotify ? "MAP":
- event->type == Expose? "EXPOSE" :
- event->type == ConfigureNotify ? "CONFIGURE" :
- event->type == VisibilityNotify ? "VISIBILITY" :
- event->type == DestroyNotify ? "DESTROY" :
- "??", event->type);*/
- if (event->type == MapNotify) {
- if (!wi->gc) {
- SET(wi->flags, ZN_REALIZED);
-#ifdef GL
- InitRendering2(wi);
- /*
- * Get the work GC and suppress GraphicExpose
- * and NoExpose events reception.
- */
- wi->gc = XCreateGC(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), 0, NULL);
- values.graphics_exposures = False;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCGraphicsExposures, &values);
- /*
- * Set the real top window above us.
- */
- {
- Window parent, root, *children=NULL;
- Tk_Window top_level;
- int num_children, success;
- top_level = wi->win;
- while (!Tk_IsTopLevel(top_level)) {
- top_level = Tk_Parent(top_level);
- }
- success = XQueryTree(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(top_level), &root, &parent,
- &children, &num_children);
- if (!success || (root == parent)) {
- wi->real_top = Tk_WindowId(top_level);
- }
- else {
- wi->real_top = parent;
- }
- /*
- * Needed under glx to suspend update with scissors after
- * a move to synchronise the two buffers. Fix a refresh
- * bug when the window is partially clipped by the display
- * border. Can be usefull under Windows too.
- */
- Tk_CreateEventHandler(top_level, StructureNotifyMask, TopEvent, (ClientData) wi);
- if (children && success) {
- XFree(children);
- }
- }
- }
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- else if (event->type == Expose) {
- ZnDim width, height;
- bbox.orig.x = (((XExposeEvent*) event)->x);
- bbox.orig.y = (((XExposeEvent*) event)->y);
- width = ((XExposeEvent*) event)->width;
- height = ((XExposeEvent*) event)->height;
- if (bbox.orig.x < 0) {
- width += bbox.orig.x;
- bbox.orig.x = 0;
- }
- if (bbox.orig.y < 0) {
- height += bbox.orig.y;
- bbox.orig.y = 0;
- }
- bbox.corner.x = MIN(wi->width, bbox.orig.x + width);
- bbox.corner.y = MIN(wi->height, bbox.orig.y + height);
- /*printf("expose %d %d %d %d\n",
- ((XExposeEvent*) event)->x, ((XExposeEvent*) event)->y,
- ((XExposeEvent*) event)->width, ((XExposeEvent*) event)->height);*/
- /*
- * Add the exposed area to the expose region and
- * schedule an asynchronous redisplay of the window
- * if we are done adding exposed parts.
- */
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&wi->exposed_area, &bbox);
- if (/*(((XExposeEvent*) event)->count == 0) &&*/
- !ZnIsEmptyBBox(&wi->exposed_area)) {
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Resize the double buffer pixmap and prepare to redisplay
- * the whole scene. The transform parameters are not
- * modified as a result of the resize. If the application
- * need such change, it can bind a handler on <Configure>.
- */
- else if (event->type == ConfigureNotify) {
- int int_width, int_height;
- int_width = Tk_Width(wi->win);
- int_height = Tk_Height(wi->win);
- if ((wi->width != int_width) || (wi->height != int_height)) {
- bbox.orig.x = bbox.orig.y = 0;
- bbox.corner.x = MAX(wi->width, int_width);
- bbox.corner.y = MAX(wi->height, int_height);
- wi->opt_width = wi->width = int_width;
- wi->opt_height = wi->height = int_height;
- ZnResetTransformStack(wi);
- /*
- * The call below is needed in order to recenter the view if
- * it's confined and the scroll region is smaller than the
- * window.
- */
- SetOrigin(wi, wi->origin.x, wi->origin.y);
- ZnDamage(wi, &bbox);
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(wi->top_group, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG);
- /*
- * Reallocate the double buffer pixmap/image.
- */
- if (!wi->render) {
- /*printf("reallocating double buffer\n");*/
- if (wi->draw_buffer) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer);
- }
- wi->draw_buffer = Tk_GetPixmap(wi->dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(wi->screen),
- int_width, int_height,
- DefaultDepthOfScreen(wi->screen));
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * In case of a window reconfiguration following a change
- * of border size, set the exposed area to force a copy
- * of the back buffer to the screen.
- */
- bbox.orig.x = bbox.orig.y = 0;
- bbox.corner.x = Tk_Width(wi->win);
- bbox.corner.y = Tk_Height(wi->win);
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&wi->exposed_area, &bbox);
- }
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- /*
- * Take into account that the window has been actually cancelled.
- * Remove the corresponding widget command, unregister any
- * pending Redisplay and eventually free the widget's memory.
- */
- else if (event->type == DestroyNotify) {
- if (wi->win != NULL) {
- wi->win = NULL;
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_REALIZED);
-#ifdef PTK
- Lang_DeleteWidget(wi->interp, wi->cmd);
- Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(wi->interp, wi->cmd);
- }
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_UPDATE_PENDING)) {
- Tcl_CancelIdleCall(Redisplay, (ClientData) wi);
- }
- Tcl_EventuallyFree((ClientData) wi, Destroy);
- }
- else if (event->type == FocusIn) {
- if (event->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) {
- Focus(wi, True);
- }
- }
- else if (event->type == FocusOut) {
- if (event->xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) {
- Focus(wi, False);
- }
- }
- /*printf("=============== FIN %s EVENT ==================\n",
- event->type == MapNotify ? "MAP":
- event->type == Expose? "EXPOSE" :
- event->type == ConfigureNotify ? "CONFIGURE" :
- event->type == VisibilityNotify ? "VISIBILITY" :
- event->type == DestroyNotify ? "DESTROY" :
- "??");*/
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DoEvent --
- *
- * Trigger the bindings associated with an event.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-DoEvent(ZnWInfo *wi,
- XEvent *event,
- ZnBool bind_item, /* Controls whether item bindings will trigger.
- * Useful for Enter/Leaves between fields */
- ZnBool bind_part) /* Controls whether part bindings will trigger.
- * Useful for precise control of Enter/Leaves
- * during grabs. */
-#define NUM_STATIC 4
- ClientData items[NUM_STATIC], *its;
- static unsigned int worksize = 128, len, num, num_tags;
- static char *workspace = NULL;
- unsigned int i, ptr;
- ClientData *tag_list = NULL;
- ZnItem item;
- int part;
-#define BIND_ITEM(test) \
- if (bind_item && (test)) { \
- its[ptr] = (ClientData) all_uid; \
- ptr++; \
- for (i = 0; i < num_tags; i++) { \
- its[ptr] = tag_list[i]; \
- ptr++; \
- } \
- its[ptr] = (ClientData) item; \
- ptr++; \
- }
- if (wi->binding_table == NULL) {
- //printf("no bindings\n");
- return;
- }
- item = wi->current_item;
- part = wi->current_part;
- if ((event->type == KeyPress) || (event->type == KeyRelease)) {
- item = wi->focus_item;
- part = wi->focus_field;
- }
- if ((item == ZN_NO_ITEM) || !item->class->IsSensitive(item, ZN_NO_PART)) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Set up an array with all the relevant elements for processing
- * this event. The relevant elements are (a) the event's item/part
- * tag (i.e item:part), (b) the event's item, (c) the tags
- * associated with the event's item, and (d) the tag 'all'.
- */
- num = 0;
- num_tags = 0;
- its = items;
- bind_part = (bind_part &&
- (part != ZN_NO_PART) &&
- item->class->IsSensitive(item, part) &&
- ((wi->current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (wi->current_item->class->num_parts ||
- wi->current_item->class->GetFieldSet)));
- //printf("type=%s, current=%d, new=%d --> %s, currentp %d, newp %d\n",
- // event->type==EnterNotify?"<Enter>":
- // event->type==LeaveNotify?"<Leave>":
- // event->type==MotionNotify?"<Motion>":"other",
- // wi->current_item?wi->current_item->id:0,
- // wi->new_item?wi->new_item->id:0,
- // bind_item?"bind":"nobind",
- // wi->current_part, wi->new_part);
- if (bind_item) {
- num += 2;
- }
- if (bind_part) {
- num++;
- if (!workspace) {
- workspace = ZnMalloc(worksize);
- }
- }
- if (item->tags) {
- num_tags = ZnListSize(item->tags);
- if (bind_item) {
- num += num_tags;
- }
- if (bind_part) {
- num += num_tags;
- }
- tag_list = (ClientData *) ZnListArray(item->tags);
- if (num > NUM_STATIC) {
- its = (ClientData *) ZnMalloc(num*sizeof(ClientData));
- }
- }
- ptr = 0;
- BIND_ITEM(event->type != LeaveNotify);
- if (bind_part) {
- /*
- * Add here a binding for each tag suffixed by :part
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_tags; i++) {
- len = strlen(tag_list[i])+ TCL_INTEGER_SPACE;
- if (worksize < len) {
- worksize = len + 10;
- workspace = ZnRealloc(workspace, len);
- }
- sprintf(workspace, "%s:%d", (char *) tag_list[i], part);
- its[ptr] = (ClientData) Tk_GetUid(workspace);
- ptr++;
- }
- /*
- * Add here a binding for id:part
- */
- its[ptr] = EncodeItemPart(item, part);
- ptr++;
- }
- BIND_ITEM(event->type == LeaveNotify);
- /*
- * Invoke the binding system.
- */
- if (wi->win != NULL) {
- Tk_BindEvent(wi->binding_table, event, wi->win, (int) num, its);
- }
- if (its != items) {
- ZnFree(its);
- }
-#undef BIND_ITEM
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * PickCurrentItem --
- *
- * Finds the topmost item/field that contains the pointer and mark
- * it has the current item. Generates Enter/leave events on the
- * old and new current items/fields has necessary.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The current item/field may change. If it does,
- * then the commands associated with item entry and exit
- * could do just about anything. A binding script could
- * delete the widget, so callers should protect themselves
- * with Tcl_Preserve and Tcl_Release.
- *
- * Note:
- * See the Bind function's note.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-PickCurrentItem(ZnWInfo *wi,
- XEvent *event)
- int button_down;
- ZnBool enter_item;
- ZnBool grab_release = False;
- /*printf("PickCurrent current=%d, new=%d\n",
- wi->current_item?wi->current_item->id:0,
- wi->new_item?wi->new_item->id:0);*/
- /*
- * Check whether or not a button is down. If so, we'll log entry
- * and exit into and out of the current item, but not entry into
- * any other item. This implements a form of grabbing equivalent
- * to what the X server does for windows.
- */
- button_down = wi->state
- & (Button1Mask|Button2Mask|Button3Mask|Button4Mask|Button5Mask);
- if (!button_down) {
- grab_release = ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM);
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM);
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART);
- }
- /*
- * Save information about this event in the widget. The saved event
- * is used for two purposes:
- *
- * 1. Event bindings: if the current item changes, fake events are
- * generated to allow item-enter and item-leave bindings to trigger.
- * 2. Reselection: if the current item gets deleted, can use the
- * saved event to find a new current item.
- * Translate MotionNotify events into EnterNotify events, since that's
- * what gets reported to item handlers.
- */
- if (event != &wi->pick_event) {
- if ((event->type == MotionNotify) || (event->type == ButtonRelease)) {
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.type = EnterNotify;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.serial = event->xmotion.serial;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.send_event = event->xmotion.send_event;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.display = event->xmotion.display;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.window = event->xmotion.window;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.root = event->xmotion.root;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.subwindow = None;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.time = event->xmotion.time;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.x = event->xmotion.x;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.y = event->xmotion.y;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.x_root = event->xmotion.x_root;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.y_root = event->xmotion.y_root;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.mode = NotifyNormal;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.detail = NotifyNonlinear;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.same_screen = event->xmotion.same_screen;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.focus = False;
- wi->pick_event.xcrossing.state = event->xmotion.state;
- }
- else {
- wi->pick_event = *event;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If this is a recursive call (there's already a partially completed
- * call pending on the stack; it's in the middle of processing a
- * Leave event handler for the old current item) then just return;
- * the pending call will do everything that's needed.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_REPICK_IN_PROGRESS)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "PickCurrentItem recursive\n");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * A LeaveNotify event automatically means that there's no current
- * object, so the check for closest item can be skipped.
- */
- if (wi->pick_event.type != LeaveNotify) {
- ZnPickStruct ps;
- ZnReal dist;
- ZnPoint p;
- p.x = wi->pick_event.xcrossing.x;
- p.y = wi->pick_event.xcrossing.y;
- ps.point = &p;
- ps.in_group = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ps.start_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ps.aperture = wi->pick_aperture;
- ps.recursive = True;
- ps.override_atomic = False;
- dist = wi->top_group->class->Pick(wi->top_group, &ps);
- if (dist == 0.0) {
- wi->new_item = ps.a_item;
- wi->new_part = ps.a_part;
- }
- else {
- wi->new_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->new_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- }
- else {
- wi->new_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- wi->new_part = ZN_NO_PART;
- }
- /*
- * This state is needed to do a valid detection
- * of Enter during a grab.
- */
- enter_item = ((wi->new_item != wi->current_item) || ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM));
- /*printf("------ PickCurrentItem current: %d %d, new %d %d\n",
- wi->current_item==ZN_NO_ITEM?0:wi->current_item->id, wi->current_part,
- wi->new_item==ZN_NO_ITEM?0:wi->new_item->id, wi->new_part);*/
- if ((wi->new_item == wi->current_item) &&
- (wi->new_part == wi->current_part) &&
- ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM) &&
- ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART)) {
- /*
- * Nothing to do: the current item/part hasn't changed.
- */
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Simulate a LeaveNotify event on the previous current item.
- * Remove the "current" tag from the previous current item.
- */
- if ((wi->current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) &&
- (((wi->new_item != wi->current_item) || (wi->new_part != wi->current_part)) &&
- ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM))) {
- ZnItem item = wi->current_item;
- /*
- * Actually emit the event only if not releasing a grab
- * on button up.
- */
- if (!grab_release) {
- XEvent event;
- event = wi->pick_event;
- event.type = LeaveNotify;
- /*printf("== LEAVE %d %d ==\n", wi->current_item->id, wi->current_part);*/
- /*
- * If the event's detail happens to be NotifyInferior the
- * binding mechanism will discard the event. To be consistent,
- * always use NotifyAncestor.
- */
- event.xcrossing.detail = NotifyAncestor;
- DoEvent(wi, &event,
- wi->new_item != wi->current_item, ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART));
- }
- /*
- * In all cases, if a grab is not current, remove the current tag.
- *
- * The check on item below is needed because there could be an
- * event handler for <LeaveNotify> that deletes the current item.
- */
- if ((item == wi->current_item) && !button_down) {
- /*printf("^^^ Removing 'current' from %d\n", wi->current_item->id);*/
- ZnITEM.RemoveTag(item, current_uid);
- }
- /*
- * Note: during DoEvent above, it's possible that
- * wi->new_item got reset to NULL because the
- * item was deleted.
- */
- }
- /*
- * Special note: it's possible that wi->new_item == wi->current_item
- * here. This can happen, for example, if a grab was set or
- * if there is only a change in the part number.
- */
- if ((wi->new_item != wi->current_item) && button_down) {
- SET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM);
- }
- else {
- if (button_down) {
- grab_release = ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM);
- }
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM);
- wi->current_item = wi->new_item;
- }
- if ((wi->new_part != wi->current_part) && button_down) {
- SET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART);
- }
- else {
- CLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART);
- wi->current_part = wi->new_part;
- }
- if (!grab_release &&
- (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART) || ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_ITEM))) {
- return;
- }
- if (wi->current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- XEvent event;
- /*
- * Add the tag 'current' to the current item under the pointer.
- */
- /*printf("Adding 'current' to %d\n", wi->current_item->id);*/
- ZnDoItem((Tcl_Interp *) NULL, wi->current_item, ZN_NO_PART, current_uid);
- /*
- * Then emit a fake Enter event on it.
- */
- /*printf("== ENTER %d %d ==\n",wi->current_item->id, wi->current_part);*/
- event = wi->pick_event;
- event.type = EnterNotify;
- event.xcrossing.detail = NotifyAncestor;
- DoEvent(wi, &event,
- enter_item, !(grab_release && ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GRABBED_PART)));
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Bind --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher to handle
- * events associated with bindings on items.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Depends on the command invoked as part of the binding
- * (if there was any).
- *
- * Note:
- * This has been taken as is from the Tk canvas. It might not
- * not be fully adequate for the purpose. But at least this
- * provides two benefits: a/ It is believe to be correct and
- * b/ users are accustomed to its behavior.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-Bind(ClientData client_data, /* Information about widget. */
- XEvent *event) /* Information about event. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) wi);
- /*
- * This code below keeps track of the current modifier state in
- * wi->state. This information is used to defer repicks of
- * the current item while buttons are down.
- */
- if ((event->type == ButtonPress) || (event->type == ButtonRelease)) {
- int mask;
- switch (event->xbutton.button) {
- case Button1:
- mask = Button1Mask;
- break;
- case Button2:
- mask = Button2Mask;
- break;
- case Button3:
- mask = Button3Mask;
- break;
- case Button4:
- mask = Button4Mask;
- break;
- case Button5:
- mask = Button5Mask;
- break;
- default:
- mask = 0;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * For button press events, repick the current item using the
- * button state before the event, then process the event. For
- * button release events, first process the event, then repick
- * the current item using the button state *after* the event
- * (the button has logically gone up before we change the
- * current item).
- */
- if (event->type == ButtonPress) {
- /*
- * On a button press, first repick the current item using
- * the button state before the event, then process the event.
- */
- wi->state = event->xbutton.state;
- PickCurrentItem(wi, event);
- wi->state ^= mask;
- if (wi->current_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- DoEvent(wi, event, True, True);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Button release: first process the event, with the button
- * still considered to be down. Then repick the current
- * item under the assumption that the button is no longer down.
- */
- wi->state = event->xbutton.state;
- DoEvent(wi, event, True, True);
- event->xbutton.state ^= mask;
- wi->state = event->xbutton.state;
- PickCurrentItem(wi, event);
- event->xbutton.state ^= mask;
- }
- goto done;
- }
- else if ((event->type == EnterNotify) || (event->type == LeaveNotify)) {
- wi->state = event->xcrossing.state;
- PickCurrentItem(wi, event);
- goto done;
- }
- else if (event->type == MotionNotify) {
- wi->state = event->xmotion.state;
- if (wi->follow_pointer) {
- PickCurrentItem(wi, event);
- }
- else {
- /* Copy the event for later processing
- * and skip the picking phase.
- */
- wi->pick_event = *event;
- }
- }
- DoEvent(wi, event, True, True);
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) wi);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * LostSelection --
- *
- * This procedure is called back by Tk when the selection is
- * grabbed away from a zinc widget.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The existing selection is unhighlighted, and the window is
- * marked as not containing a selection.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-LostSelection(ClientData client_data)
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- if (ti->sel_item != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(ti->sel_item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- }
- ti->sel_item = ZN_NO_ITEM;
- ti->sel_field = ZN_NO_PART;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SelectTo --
- *
- * Modify the selection by moving its un-anchored end. This could
- * make the selection either larger or smaller.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The selection changes.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-SelectTo(ZnItem item,
- int field,
- int index)
- ZnWInfo *wi = item->wi;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- int old_first, old_last, old_field;
- ZnItem old_sel_item;
- old_first = ti->sel_first;
- old_last = ti->sel_last;
- old_sel_item = ti->sel_item;
- old_field = ti->sel_field;
- /*
- * Grab the selection if we don't own it already.
- */
- if (ti->sel_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- Tk_OwnSelection(wi->win, XA_PRIMARY, LostSelection, (ClientData) wi);
- }
- else if ((ti->sel_item != item) || (ti->sel_field != field)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(ti->sel_item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- }
- ti->sel_item = item;
- ti->sel_field = field;
- if ((ti->anchor_item != item) || (ti->anchor_field) != field) {
- ti->anchor_item = item;
- ti->anchor_field = field;
- ti->sel_anchor = index;
- }
- if (ti->sel_anchor <= index) {
- ti->sel_first = ti->sel_anchor;
- ti->sel_last = index;
- }
- else {
- ti->sel_first = index;
- ti->sel_last = ti->sel_anchor;
- }
- if ((ti->sel_first != old_first) ||
- (ti->sel_last != old_last) ||
- (item != old_sel_item)) {
- ZnITEM.Invalidate(item, ZN_DRAW_FLAG);
- }
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * FetchSelection --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tk to return part or all of
- * the selection, when the selection is in a zinc widget.
- * This procedure always returns the selection as a STRING.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is the number of non-NULL bytes stored
- * at buffer. Buffer is filled (or partially filled) with a
- * NULL-terminated string containing part or all of the selection,
- * as given by offset and maxBytes.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static int
-FetchSelection( ClientData client_data,
- int offset, /* Offset within selection of first
- * character to be returned. */
- char *buffer, /* Location in which to place
- * selection. */
- int max_bytes) /* Maximum number of bytes to place
- * at buffer, not including terminating
- * NULL character. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- ZnTextInfo *ti = &wi->text_info;
- if (ti->sel_item == ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (ti->sel_item->class->Selection == NULL) {
- return -1;
- }
- return (*ti->sel_item->class->Selection)(ti->sel_item, ti->sel_field,
- offset, buffer, max_bytes);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * CmdDeleted --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked when a widget command is deleted. If
- * the widget isn't already in the process of being destroyed,
- * this command destroys it.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The widget is destroyed.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-CmdDeleted(ClientData client_data) /* Pointer to widget record for widget. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- if (wi->win != NULL) {
- Tk_DestroyWindow(wi->win);
- wi->win = NULL;
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Destroy --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tk_EventuallyFree or Tk_Release
- * to clean up the internal structure of the widget at a safe time
- * (when no-one is using it anymore).
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Everything associated with the widget is freed up.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-Destroy(char *mem_ptr) /* Info about the widget. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) mem_ptr;
- unsigned int num;
- Tcl_HashSearch search;
- Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
-#ifdef GL
- unsigned int i;
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- ZnWInfo **wip;
- /*printf("Destroy begining\n");*/
- /*
- * This procedure could be invoked either because the window was
- * destroyed and the command was then deleted (in which case win
- * is NULL) or because the command was deleted, and then this procedure
- * destroys the widget.
- */
- /*
- * Unregister form the overlap manager.
- */
-#ifdef ATC
- if (wi->om_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) {
- OmUnregister((void *) wi);
- }
- /*
- * Print remaining items.
- */
- /* Free all items. */
- /*fprintf(stderr, "Item count before cleanup: %d\n", wi->num_items);*/
- ZnITEM.DestroyItem(wi->top_group);
- /*fprintf(stderr, "Remaining item count: %d\n", wi->num_items);*/
- /*
- * Remove the redisplay scheduled by the cleanup.
- * It will fire when the widget will be gone and
- * will corrupt memory.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_UPDATE_PENDING)) {
- Tcl_CancelIdleCall(Redisplay, (ClientData) wi);
- }
- for (num = 0; num < ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS; num++) {
- if (wi->alpha_stipples[num] != None) {
- Tk_FreeBitmap(wi->dpy, wi->alpha_stipples[num]);
- wi->alpha_stipples[num] = None;
- }
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashTable(wi->id_table);
- ZnFree(wi->id_table);
- /*
- * Free the transform table contents.
- */
- entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(wi->t_table, &search);
- while (entry != NULL) {
- ZnTransfoFree((ZnTransfo *) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry));
- entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search);
- }
- Tcl_DeleteHashTable(wi->t_table);
- ZnFree(wi->t_table);
- if (wi->binding_table != NULL) {
- Tk_DeleteBindingTable(wi->binding_table);
- }
- /* Free the tile */
- if (wi->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
-#ifdef PTK_800
- ZnFreeImage(wi->tile, ZnImageUpdate, wi);
- ZnFreeImage(wi->tile, TileUpdate, wi);
- wi->tile = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- /* Free the symbols */
- if (wi->map_distance_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(wi->map_distance_symbol, NULL, NULL);
- wi->map_distance_symbol = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- if (wi->track_symbol != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnFreeImage(wi->track_symbol, NULL, NULL);
- wi->track_symbol = ZnUnspecifiedImage;
- }
- /* Free the double buffer pixmap/image */
- if (wi->draw_buffer) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer);
- wi->draw_buffer = 0;
- }
-#ifdef PTK_800
- if (wi->fore_color) {
- ZnFreeGradient(wi->fore_color);
- wi->fore_color = NULL;
- }
- if (wi->back_color) {
- ZnFreeGradient(wi->back_color);
- wi->back_color = NULL;
- }
- if (wi->relief_grad) {
- ZnFreeGradient(wi->relief_grad);
- wi->relief_grad = NULL;
- }
- if (wi->gc) {
- XFreeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc);
- wi->gc = 0;
- }
- Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(wi->blink_handler);
-#ifdef PTK_800
- Tk_FreeOptions(config_specs, (char *) wi, wi->dpy, 0);
- Tk_FreeConfigOptions((char *) wi, wi->opt_table, wi->win);
-#ifdef GL
- if (wi->font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->font_tfi);
- wi->font_tfi = NULL;
- }
-#ifdef ATC
- if (wi->map_font_tfi) {
- ZnFreeTexFont(wi->map_font_tfi);
- wi->map_font_tfi = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Remove the widget from the context list and
- * free the context if no more widgets are active.
- */
- ce = ZnGetGLContext(wi->dpy);
- if (ce) {
- wip = ZnListArray(ce->widgets);
- num = ZnListSize(ce->widgets);
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++, wip++) {
- if (*wip == wi) {
- ZnListDelete(ce->widgets, i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This code cause spurious X11 server reboots
- * with nvidia drivers (not tested with others
- * though). Thus it has been limited to WIN for
- * the time being.
- */
-#if 1 /*def _WIN32*/
- if (ZnListSize(ce->widgets) == 0) {
- ZnGLContextEntry *prev, *next;
- /*printf("Freeing a GL context\n");*/
- if (ce == gl_contexts) {
- gl_contexts = ce->next;
- }
- else {
- for (prev = gl_contexts, next = gl_contexts->next; next;
- prev = next, next = next->next) {
- if (next == ce) {
- prev->next = next->next;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef _WIN32
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- wglDeleteContext(ce->context);
- glXDestroyContext(ce->dpy, ce->context);
- /*
- * This call seems to be a problem for X11/Mesa
- */
- /*XFreeColormap(ce->dpy, ce->colormap);*/
- XFree(ce->visual);
- ZnListFree(ce->widgets);
- ZnFree(ce);
- }
- }
- /*
- if (wi->font) {
- Tk_FreeFont(wi->font);
- }
- if (wi->map_text_font) {
- Tk_FreeFont(wi->map_text_font);
- }*/
- /*
- * Should be empty by now.
- */
- ZnFreeTransformStack(wi);
- ZnFreeClipStack(wi);
-#ifndef _WIN32
- ZnFreeChrono(wi->total_draw_chrono);
- ZnFreeChrono(wi->this_draw_chrono);
- ZnFree(wi);
- /*printf("Destroy ending\n");*/
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * ZnDamage --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-ZnDamage(ZnWInfo *wi,
- ZnBBox *damage)
- if ((damage == NULL) || ZnIsEmptyBBox(damage)) {
- return;
- }
- /*printf("damaging area: %g %g %g %g\n", damage->orig.x,
- damage->orig.y, damage->corner.x, damage->corner.y);*/
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&wi->damaged_area)) {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = damage->orig.x;
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = damage->orig.y;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = damage->corner.x;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = damage->corner.y;
- ZnNeedRedisplay(wi);
- }
- else {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = MIN(wi->damaged_area.orig.x, damage->orig.x);
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = MIN(wi->damaged_area.orig.y, damage->orig.y);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = MAX(wi->damaged_area.corner.x, damage->corner.x);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = MAX(wi->damaged_area.corner.y, damage->corner.y);
- }
- /*printf("damaged area: %g %g %g %g\n", wi->damaged_area.orig.x,
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y, wi->damaged_area.corner.x,
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y);*/
-ZnDamageAll(ZnWInfo *wi)
- ZnBBox bbox;
- bbox.orig.x = bbox.orig.y = 0;
- bbox.corner.x = Tk_Width(wi->win);
- bbox.corner.y = Tk_Height(wi->win);
- ZnDamage(wi, &bbox);
-static void
-ClampDamageArea(ZnWInfo *wi)
- int width, height;
- if (wi->damaged_area.orig.x < wi->inset) {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = wi->inset;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.orig.y < wi->inset) {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = wi->inset;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.corner.x < wi->inset) {
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = wi->inset;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.corner.y < wi->inset) {
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = wi->inset;
- }
- width = wi->width - wi->inset;
- height = wi->height - wi->inset;
- if (wi->damaged_area.orig.x > width) {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = width;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.orig.y > height) {
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = height;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.corner.x > width) {
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = width;
- }
- if (wi->damaged_area.corner.y > height) {
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = height;
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Update --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Update(ZnWInfo *wi)
- /*
- * Give the overlap manager a chance to do its work.
- */
-#ifdef ATC
- if ((wi->om_group != ZN_NO_ITEM) && ZnGroupCallOm(wi->om_group)) {
- ZnPoint scale={1.0,1.0};
- if (wi->om_group->transfo) {
- ZnTransfoDecompose(wi->om_group->transfo, &scale,
- }
- OmProcessOverlap((void *) wi, wi->width, wi->height, scale.x);
- ZnGroupSetCallOm(wi->om_group, False);
- }
- if (ISSET(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- wi->top_group->class->ComputeCoordinates(wi->top_group, False);
- }
- **********************************************************************************
- *
- * Repair --
- *
- **********************************************************************************
- */
-static void
-Repair(ZnWInfo *wi)
- XGCValues values;
- ZnPoint p[5];
- ZnTriStrip tristrip;
-#ifdef GL
- XColor *color;
- ZnGLContextEntry *ce;
- int int_width = Tk_Width(wi->win);
- int int_height = Tk_Height(wi->win);
- /*SET(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT);*/
- if (wi->render) {
-#ifdef GL
- /* Load deferred font glyphs just before making the context
- * current. Mandatory under Windows (probably due to hdc use conflict).
- */
- ZnGetDeferredGLGlyphs();
- ZnGLWaitX();
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT)) {
- ClampDamageArea(wi);
- /*
- * Merge the exposed area.
- */
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&wi->damaged_area, &wi->exposed_area);
- if (ZnIsEmptyBBox(&wi->damaged_area)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- /*printf("Repair, scissors: %d\n", ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT));*/
- ce = ZnGLMakeCurrent(wi->dpy, wi);
- glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
- glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
-#if 0
- glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); /* expensive ? */
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
- glClearStencil(0);
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(wi->back_color, 0.0, NULL);
- glClearColor((GLfloat) color->red/65536, (GLfloat) color->green/65536,
- (GLfloat) color->blue/65536, 0.0);
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- /*
- * Init the composite group alpha.
- */
- wi->alpha = 100;
- glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) int_width, int_height);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- glOrtho(0.0, (GLfloat) int_width, (GLfloat) int_height, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT)) {
- glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
- /*
- * Set the damaged area as the scissor area.
- */
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.orig.x);
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.orig.y);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.corner.x);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.corner.y);
- glScissor((int) wi->damaged_area.orig.x,
- int_height - (int) wi->damaged_area.corner.y,
- (int) (wi->damaged_area.corner.x - wi->damaged_area.orig.x),
- (int) (wi->damaged_area.corner.y - wi->damaged_area.orig.y));
- }
- else {
- glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = wi->damaged_area.orig.y = wi->inset;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = int_width-wi->inset;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = int_height-wi->inset;
- }
- /*
- * We do not use the damaged area set it to the whole area.
- */
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = wi->damaged_area.orig.y = wi->inset;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = int_width-wi->inset;
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = int_height-wi->inset;
- /*
- * Clear the GL buffers.
- */
- /*
- * Setup the background tile if needed.
- */
- if (wi->tile != ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- ZnBBox bbox;
- bbox.orig.x = bbox.orig.y = 0.0;
- bbox.corner.x = int_width;
- bbox.corner.y = int_height;
- ZnRenderTile(wi, wi->tile, NULL, NULL, NULL, (ZnPoint *) &bbox);
- }
- wi->top_group->class->Render(wi->top_group);
- if ((wi->border_width > 0) || (wi->highlight_width > 0)) {
- unsigned short alpha;
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT)) {
- glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
- }
- if (wi->highlight_width > 0) {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS)?wi->highlight_color:
- wi->highlight_bg_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, 100);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- glVertex2d(0.0, 0.0);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(int_width, 0);
- glVertex2i(int_width - wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(int_width, int_height);
- glVertex2i(int_width - wi->highlight_width, int_height - wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(0, int_height);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, int_height - wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(0, 0);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glEnd();
- }
- if (wi->border_width > 0) {
- if (wi->relief != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- p[4].x = p[4].y = p[3].y = p[1].x = wi->highlight_width;
- p[0] = p[4];
- p[3].x = p[2].x = int_width - wi->highlight_width;
- p[2].y = p[1].y = int_height - wi->highlight_width;
- ZnRenderPolygonRelief(wi, wi->relief, wi->relief_grad,
- False, p, 5, (ZnReal) wi->border_width);
- }
- else {
- color = ZnGetGradientColor(wi->back_color, 0.0, &alpha);
- alpha = ZnComposeAlpha(alpha, 100);
- glColor4us(color->red, color->green, color->blue, alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
- glVertex2d(0.0, 0.0);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(int_width, 0);
- glVertex2i(int_width - wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(int_width, int_height);
- glVertex2i(int_width - wi->highlight_width, int_height - wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(0, int_height);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, int_height - wi->highlight_width);
- glVertex2i(0, 0);
- glVertex2i(wi->highlight_width, wi->highlight_width);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- }
- /* Switch the GL buffers. */
- /* The scissor test might be needed under windows, should be tested.
- * Symptom: when moving the window, the buffer switch results in a
- * shifted display all around the damaged area.
- */
-#ifdef GL_DAMAGE
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_CONFIGURE_EVENT)) {
- glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
- }
- ZnGLSwapBuffers(ce, wi);
- /*
- * Wait the end of GL update if we need to synchronize
- * to monitor perfs.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_MONITORING)) {
- ZnGLWaitGL();
- }
- ZnGLReleaseContext(ce);
- }
- else {
- XRectangle r, rs[4];
- ZnBBox merge;
- ClampDamageArea(wi);
- /*
-m * Merge the damaged area with the exposed area.
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&merge);
- ZnCopyBBox(&wi->damaged_area, &merge);
- ZnAddBBoxToBBox(&merge, &wi->exposed_area);
- if (!ZnIsEmptyBBox(&merge)) {
- /* Set the whole damaged area as clip rect. */
- wi->damaged_area.orig.x = r.x = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.orig.x);
- wi->damaged_area.orig.y = r.y = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.orig.y);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.x = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.corner.x);
- wi->damaged_area.corner.y = ZnNearestInt(wi->damaged_area.corner.y);
- r.width = (unsigned short) (wi->damaged_area.corner.x - wi->damaged_area.orig.x);
- r.height = (unsigned short) (wi->damaged_area.corner.y - wi->damaged_area.orig.y);
- p[0] = wi->damaged_area.orig;
- p[1] = wi->damaged_area.corner;
- ZnTriStrip1(&tristrip, p, 2, False);
- ZnPushClip(wi, &tristrip, True, True);
- /* Fill the background of the double buffer pixmap. */
- if (wi->tile == ZnUnspecifiedImage) {
- values.foreground = ZnGetGradientPixel(wi->back_color, 0.0);
- values.fill_style = FillSolid;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc, GCFillStyle|GCForeground, &values);
- }
- else {
- values.fill_style = FillTiled;
- values.tile = ZnImagePixmap(wi->tile, wi->win);
- values.ts_x_origin = values.ts_y_origin = 0;
- XChangeGC(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- GCFillStyle|GCTile|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin,
- &values);
- }
- XFillRectangle(wi->dpy, wi->draw_buffer, wi->gc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
- /* Draw the items */
- wi->top_group->class->Draw(wi->top_group);
- ZnPopClip(wi, True);
- /*
- * Send the merged area back to screen.
- */
- merge.orig.x = MAX(merge.orig.x, wi->inset);
- merge.orig.y = MAX(merge.orig.y, wi->inset);
- merge.corner.x = MIN(merge.corner.x, int_width-wi->inset);
- merge.corner.y = MIN(merge.corner.y, int_height-wi->inset);
- ZnBBox2XRect(&merge, &r);
- XCopyArea(wi->dpy,
- wi->draw_buffer, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), wi->gc,
- r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, r.x, r.y);
- }
- /*
- * Redraw the borders.
- */
- if (wi->border_width > 0) {
- Pixmap save;
- save = wi->draw_buffer;
- wi->draw_buffer = Tk_WindowId(wi->win);
- if (wi->relief_grad != ZN_RELIEF_FLAT) {
- r.x = r.y = wi->highlight_width;
- r.width = int_width - 2*wi->highlight_width;
- r.height = int_height - 2*wi->highlight_width;
- ZnDrawRectangleRelief(wi, wi->relief, wi->relief_grad, &r,
- (ZnDim) wi->border_width);
- }
- else {
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc, ZnGetGradientPixel(wi->back_color, 0.0));
- XSetFillStyle(wi->dpy, wi->gc, FillSolid);
- rs[0].x = rs[0].y = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[0].width = int_width - 2*wi->highlight_width;
- rs[0].height = wi->border_width;
- rs[1].x = int_width - wi->highlight_width - wi->border_width;
- rs[1].y = 0;
- rs[1].width = wi->border_width;
- rs[1].height = int_height - 2*wi->highlight_width;
- rs[2].x = 0;
- rs[2].y = int_height - wi->highlight_width - wi->border_width;
- rs[2].width = rs[0].width;
- rs[2].height = wi->border_width;
- rs[3].x = rs[3].y = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[3].width = wi->border_width;
- rs[3].height = rs[1].height;
- XFillRectangles(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), wi->gc, rs, 4);
- }
- wi->draw_buffer = save;
- }
- if (wi->highlight_width > 0) {
- XSetForeground(wi->dpy, wi->gc,
- ZnGetGradientPixel(ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_GOT_FOCUS)?wi->highlight_color:
- wi->highlight_bg_color, 0.0));
- XSetFillStyle(wi->dpy, wi->gc, FillSolid);
- rs[0].x = rs[0].y = 0;
- rs[0].width = int_width;
- rs[0].height = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[1].x = int_width - wi->highlight_width;
- rs[1].y = 0;
- rs[1].width = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[1].height = int_height;
- rs[2].x = 0;
- rs[2].y = int_height - wi->highlight_width;
- rs[2].width = int_width;
- rs[2].height = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[3].x = rs[3].y = 0;
- rs[3].width = wi->highlight_width;
- rs[3].height = int_height;
- XFillRectangles(wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win), wi->gc, rs, 4);
- }
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Redisplay --
- *
- * This procedure redraws the contents of a Zinc window.
- * It is invoked as a do-when-idle handler, so it only runs
- * when there's nothing else for the application to do.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Information appears on the screen.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-Redisplay(ClientData client_data) /* Information about the widget. */
- ZnWInfo *wi = (ZnWInfo *) client_data;
- if (ISCLEAR(wi->flags, ZN_REALIZED) || !Tk_IsMapped(wi->win)) {
- return;
- }
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_MONITORING)) {
-#ifndef _WIN32
- ZnXStartChrono(wi->total_draw_chrono, wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- ZnResetChronos(wi->this_draw_chrono);
- ZnXStartChrono(wi->this_draw_chrono, wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- }
- do {
- /*
- * Update the items.
- */
- Update(wi);
- /*
- * Do enter/leave processing after the overlap manager
- * has finished with the items. Do it has many times
- * as needed, each round may trigger callbacks that
- * result in moved items and so forth. It can even
- * lead to the widget destruction, this is the reason
- * for Tcl_Preserve/Tcl_Release.
- */
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_INTERNAL_NEED_REPICK)) {
- Tk_Window tkwin;
- if (wi->follow_pointer) {
- Tcl_Preserve((ClientData) wi);
- PickCurrentItem(wi, &wi->pick_event);
- tkwin = wi->win;
- Tcl_Release((ClientData) wi);
- if (tkwin == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (ISCLEAR(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) &&
- ISCLEAR(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG)) {
- /* Don't repick now but escape the loop if
- * the geometry is updated. */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (ISSET(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_COORDS_FLAG) ||
- ISSET(wi->top_group->inv_flags, ZN_TRANSFO_FLAG) ||
- /*
- * Repair the scene where it is no longer up to date,
- * then send the merged area back to the screen.
- */
- Repair(wi);
- /*
- * Reset the exposed & damaged areas.
- */
- ZnResetBBox(&wi->exposed_area);
- ZnResetBBox(&wi->damaged_area);
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_MONITORING)) {
-#ifndef _WIN32
- ZnXStopChrono(wi->total_draw_chrono, wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- ZnXStopChrono(wi->this_draw_chrono, wi->dpy, Tk_WindowId(wi->win));
- }
- if (ISSET(wi->flags, ZN_UPDATE_SCROLLBARS)) {
- UpdateScrollbars(wi);
- }
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#define CALLBACK
-static void CALLBACK
-ZnTessBegin(GLenum type,
- void *data)
- ZnPoly *outlines = data;
- ZnTriStrip *tristrips = data;
- ZnListEmpty(ZnWorkPoints);
- ZnTesselator.type = type;
- if (type == GL_LINE_LOOP) {
- outlines->num_contours++;
- outlines->contours = ZnRealloc(outlines->contours,
- outlines->num_contours * sizeof(ZnContour));
- }
- else {
- tristrips->num_strips++;
- tristrips->strips = ZnRealloc(tristrips->strips,
- tristrips->num_strips * sizeof(ZnStrip));
- tristrips->strips[tristrips->num_strips-1].fan = (type==GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
- }
- //printf("Début de fragment de type: %s\n",
- //(type == GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) ? "FAN" :
- //(type == GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) ? "STRIP" :
- //(type == GL_TRIANGLES) ? "TRIANGLES" :
- //(type == GL_LINE_LOOP) ? "LINE LOOP" : "");
-static void CALLBACK
-ZnTessVertex(void *vertex_data,
- void *data)
- ZnTriStrip *tristrips = data;
- ZnPoint p;
- int size;
- p.x = ((GLdouble *) vertex_data)[0];
- p.y = ((GLdouble *) vertex_data)[1];
- //printf("Sommet en %g %g\n", p.x, p.y);
- size = ZnListSize(ZnWorkPoints);
- if ((ZnTesselator.type == GL_TRIANGLES) && (size == 3)) {
- tristrips->strips[tristrips->num_strips-1].num_points = size;
- tristrips->strips[tristrips->num_strips-1].points = ZnMalloc(size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(tristrips->strips[tristrips->num_strips-1].points,
- ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints), size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- //printf("Fin de fragment intermediaire %d, num points: %d\n", tristrips->num_strips-1, size);
- /* Allocate a new fragment */
- ZnListEmpty(ZnWorkPoints);
- tristrips->num_strips++;
- tristrips->strips = ZnRealloc(tristrips->strips,
- tristrips->num_strips * sizeof(ZnStrip));
- tristrips->strips[tristrips->num_strips-1].fan = False;
- }
- ZnListAdd(ZnWorkPoints, &p, ZnListTail);
-static void CALLBACK
-ZnTessEnd(void *data)
- ZnPoly *outlines = data;
- ZnTriStrip *tristrips = data;
- unsigned int size = ZnListSize(ZnWorkPoints);
- unsigned int num;
- if (ZnTesselator.type == GL_LINE_LOOP) {
- /* Add the last point to close the outline */
- size++;
- num = outlines->num_contours;
- outlines->contours[num-1].num_points = size;
- outlines->contours[num-1].points = ZnMalloc(size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(outlines->contours[num-1].points,
- ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints), size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- outlines->contours[num-1].points[size-1] = outlines->contours[num-1].points[0];
- outlines->contours[num-1].cw = !ZnTestCCW(outlines->contours[num-1].points, size);
- }
- else {
- num = tristrips->num_strips;
- tristrips->strips[num-1].num_points = size;
- tristrips->strips[num-1].points = ZnMalloc(size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- memcpy(tristrips->strips[num-1].points,
- ZnListArray(ZnWorkPoints), size * sizeof(ZnPoint));
- }
- //printf("Fin de fragment %d, num points: %d\n", num, size);
-static void CALLBACK
-ZnTessCombine(GLdouble coords[3],
- void *vertex_data[4],
- GLfloat weight[4],
- void **out_data,
- void *data)
- ZnCombineData *cdata;
- cdata = ZnMalloc(sizeof(ZnCombineData));
- cdata->v[0] = coords[0];
- cdata->v[1] = coords[1];
- cdata->next = ZnTesselator.combine_list;
- ZnTesselator.combine_list = cdata;
- *out_data = &cdata->v;
- ZnTesselator.combine_length++;
- //printf("Création d'un nouveau sommet en %g %g\n",
- //cdata->v[0], cdata->v[1]);
-static void CALLBACK
-ZnTessError(GLenum errno,
- void *data)
- fprintf(stderr, "Tesselation error in curve item: %d\n", errno);
-static void
-InitZinc(Tcl_Interp *interp) {
- static ZnBool inited = False;
- unsigned int i, x, y, bit;
- char name[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE + 20];
- if (inited) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Add the specific bitmaps.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(SYMBOLS_BITS)/(SYMBOL_WIDTH*SYMBOL_HEIGHT/8); i++) {
- sprintf(name, "AtcSymbol%d", i+1);
- Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid(name),
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ZN_NUM_ALPHA_STEPS; i++) {
- for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
- bitmaps[i][y][0] = 0;
- for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
- /*
- * Use the dither4x4 matrix to determine if this bit is on
- */
- bit = (i >= dither4x4[y][x]) ? 1 : 0;
- /*
- * set the bit in the array used to make the X Bitmap
- * mirror the pattern in x & y to make an 8x8 bitmap.
- */
- if (bit) {
- bitmaps[i][y][0] |= (1 << x);
- bitmaps[i][y][0] |= (1 << (4 + x));
- }
- }
- bitmaps[i][y][1] = bitmaps[i][y][2] = bitmaps[i][y][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+4][0] = bitmaps[i][y+4][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+4][2] = bitmaps[i][y+4][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+8][0] = bitmaps[i][y+8][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+8][2] = bitmaps[i][y+8][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+12][0] = bitmaps[i][y+12][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+12][2] = bitmaps[i][y+12][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+16][0] = bitmaps[i][y+16][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+16][2] = bitmaps[i][y+16][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+20][0] = bitmaps[i][y+20][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+20][2] = bitmaps[i][y+20][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+24][0] = bitmaps[i][y+24][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+24][2] = bitmaps[i][y+24][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+28][0] = bitmaps[i][y+28][1] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- bitmaps[i][y+28][2] = bitmaps[i][y+28][3] = bitmaps[i][y][0];
- }
- sprintf(name, "AlphaStipple%d", i);
- Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid(name), (char *) bitmaps[i], 32, 32);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the temporary lists.
- */
- ZnWorkPoints = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(ZnPoint));
- ZnWorkXPoints = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(XPoint));
- ZnWorkStrings = ZnListNew(8, sizeof(char *));
- /*
- * Allocate a GLU tesselator.
- */
- ZnTesselator.tess = gluNewTess();
- ZnTesselator.combine_list = NULL;
- ZnTesselator.combine_length = 0;
- gluTessCallback(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA, ZnTessBegin);
- gluTessCallback(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, ZnTessVertex);
- gluTessCallback(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_END_DATA, ZnTessEnd);
- gluTessCallback(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA, ZnTessCombine);
- gluTessCallback(ZnTesselator.tess, GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA, ZnTessError);
- gluTessNormal(ZnTesselator.tess, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
- /*
- * Initialize the item module.
- */
- ZnItemInit();
- all_uid = Tk_GetUid("all");
- current_uid = Tk_GetUid("current");
- and_uid = Tk_GetUid("&&");
- or_uid = Tk_GetUid("||");
- xor_uid = Tk_GetUid("^");
- paren_uid = Tk_GetUid("(");
- end_paren_uid = Tk_GetUid(")");
- neg_paren_uid = Tk_GetUid("!(");
- tag_val_uid = Tk_GetUid("!!");
- neg_tag_val_uid = Tk_GetUid("!");
- dot_uid = Tk_GetUid(".");
- star_uid = Tk_GetUid("*");
- /*
- * Initialise Overlap manager library.
- */
-#ifdef ATC
- OmInit();
- inited = True;
-#ifdef BUILD_Tkzinc
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Tkzinc_Init --
- *
- * This procedure is invoked by Tcl_AppInit in tkAppInit.c to
- * initialize the widget.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-Tkzinc_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) /* Used for error reporting. */
-#ifndef PTK
- if (
-# ifdef USE_TCL_STUBS
- Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.4", 0)
-# else
- Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, "Tcl", "8.4", 0)
-# endif
- == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (
-# ifdef USE_TK_STUBS
- Tk_InitStubs(interp, "8.4", 0)
-# else
- Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, "Tk", "8.4", 0)
-# endif
- == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /*
- * Create additional commands
- */
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "zinc", ZincObjCmd,
- (ClientData) Tk_MainWindow(interp),
- (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
-#ifdef ATC
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "mapinfo", ZnMapInfoObjCmd,
- (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "videomap", ZnVideomapObjCmd,
- (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
-#ifndef PTK
- if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "Tkzinc", VERSION) == TCL_ERROR) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
-Tkzinc_debug_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) /* Used for error reporting. */
- return Tkzinc_Init(interp);
-#ifdef _WIN32
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DllEntryPoint --
- *
- * This wrapper function is used by Windows to invoke the
- * initialization code for the DLL. If we are compiling
- * with Visual C++, this routine will be renamed to DllMain.
- * routine.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns TRUE;
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hInst, /* Library instance handle. */
- DWORD reason, /* Reason this function is being called. */
- LPVOID reserved) /* Not used. */
- return TRUE;
diff --git a/generic/tkZinc.h b/generic/tkZinc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb105b..0000000
--- a/generic/tkZinc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * tkZinc.h -- Header file for Tk zinc widget.
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date : Mon Mar 15 14:02:03 1999
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _tkZinc_h
-#define _tkZinc_h
-#include "WidgetInfo.h"
-#include "Item.h"
-#include "List.h"
-#include "MapInfo.h"
-#include <GL/glu.h>
-typedef struct _ZnTagSearch {
- ZnWInfo *wi;
- ZnItem current; /* Pointer to last item returned. */
- ZnItem previous; /* The item right before the current
- * is tracked so if the current is
- * deleted we don't have to start from the
- * beginning. */
- ZnBool over; /* Non-zero means NextItem should always
- * return NULL. */
- int type; /* search type */
- unsigned int id; /* item id for searches by id */
- Tk_Uid tag; /* tag expression string */
- int tag_index; /* current position in string scan */
- int tag_len; /* length of tag expression string */
- char *rewrite_buf; /* tag string (after removing escapes) */
- unsigned int rewrite_buf_alloc; /* available space for rewrites */
- struct _TagSearchExpr *expr; /* compiled tag expression */
- ZnItem group;
- ZnBool recursive;
- ZnList item_stack;
-} ZnTagSearch;
- * Structure used by the tesselator.
- */
-typedef struct _ZnCombineData {
- ZnReal v[2];
- struct _ZnCombineData *next;
-} ZnCombineData;
-typedef struct _ZnTess {
- GLUtesselator *tess;
- ZnCombineData *combine_list;
- int type;
- int combine_length;
-} ZnTess;
-extern ZnList ZnWorkPoints;
-extern ZnList ZnWorkXPoints;
-extern ZnList ZnWorkStrings;
-extern ZnTess ZnTesselator;
-#ifdef GL
-typedef struct _ZnGLContextEntry {
- ZnGLContext context;
- Display *dpy;
- ZnReal max_line_width;
- ZnReal max_point_width;
- unsigned int max_tex_size;
- ZnList widgets;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- int ipixel;
- HWND hwnd; /* Temporary storage between MakeCurrent and Release */
- HDC hdc;
- XVisualInfo *visual; /* Should these two be managed by screen ? */
- Colormap colormap;
- struct _ZnGLContextEntry *next;
-} ZnGLContextEntry;
-ZnGLContextEntry *ZnGetGLContext(Display *dpy);
-ZnGLContextEntry *ZnGLMakeCurrent(Display *dpy, ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnGLReleaseContext(ZnGLContextEntry *ce);
-int ZnParseCoordList(ZnWInfo *wi, Tcl_Obj *arg, ZnPoint **pts,
- char **controls, unsigned int *num_pts, ZnBool *old_format);
-int ZnItemWithTagOrId(ZnWInfo *wi, Tcl_Obj *tag_or_id,
- ZnItem *item, ZnTagSearch **search_var);
-void ZnTagSearchDestroy(ZnTagSearch *search);
-void ZnDoItem(Tcl_Interp *interp, ZnItem item, int part, Tk_Uid tag_uid);
-void ZnNeedRedisplay(ZnWInfo *wi);
-void ZnDamage(ZnWInfo *wi, ZnBBox *damage);
-void ZnDamageAll(ZnWInfo *wi);
-#endif /* _tkZinc_h */
diff --git a/library/pkgIndex.tcl b/library/pkgIndex.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index fed6d76..0000000
--- a/library/pkgIndex.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Tcl package index file, version 1.1
-# This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex" command
-# and sourced either when an application starts up or
-# by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the
-# "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related
-# information so that packages will be loaded automatically
-# in response to "package require" commands. When this
-# script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the
-# full path name of this file's directory.
-package ifneeded zincText 1.0 [list source [file join $dir zincText.tcl]]
-package ifneeded zincLogo 1.0 [list source [file join $dir zincLogo.tcl]]
-package ifneeded zincGraphics 1.0 [list source [file join $dir zincGraphics.tcl]]
diff --git a/library/zincGraphics.tcl b/library/zincGraphics.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f6a27..0000000
--- a/library/zincGraphics.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1322 +0,0 @@
-# Graphics.tcl
-# some graphic design functions
-# Functions to create complexe graphic component :
-# ------------------------------------------------
-# BuildZincItem (realize a zinc item from description hash table)
-# Function to compute complexe geometrical forms :
-# (text header of functions explain options for each form,
-# function return curve coords using control points of cubic curve)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# RoundedRectangleCoords (return curve coords of rounded rectangle)
-# HippodromeCoords (return curve coords of circus form)
-# PolygonCoords (return curve coords of regular polygon)
-# RoundedCurveCoords (return curve coords of rounded curve)
-# PolylineCoords (return curve coords of polyline)
-# TabBoxCoords (return curve coords of tabBox's pages)
-# PathLineCoords (return triangles coords of pathline)
-# Geometrical basic Functions :
-# -----------------------------
-# PerpendicularPoint
-# LineAngle
-# VertexAngle
-# ArcPts
-# RadPoint
-# Pictorial Functions :
-# ----------------------
-# SetGradients
-# GetPattern
-# GetTexture
-# GetImage
-# InitPixmaps
-# HexaRGBcolor
-# CreateGraduate
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr> (Straight translation
-# to Tcl, based on Graphics.pm revision 1.9)
-# $Id:
-namespace eval ::zincGraphics {
- package provide zincGraphics 1.0
- namespace export BuildZincItem RoundedRectangleCoords HippodromeCoords \
- PolygonCoords RoundedCurveCoords PolylineCoords TabBoxCoords PathLineCoords \
- PerpendicularPoint SetGradients GetPattern GetTexture GetImage InitPixmaps \
- HexaRGBcolor CreateGraduate
- namespace eval v {
- # constante facteur point directeur
- variable constPtdFactor 0.5523
- variable Gradients {}
- variable textures {}
- variable images {}
- variable bitmaps {}
- variable pi 3.14159
- }
- if { ![info exists zinc_library] } {
- set zinc_library [file dirname [info script]]
- }
- set imagePath [file join $zinc_library .. demos images]
- proc deg2rad {angle} {
- return [expr {$angle * $v::pi / 180.0}]
- }
- proc TLGet {list tag {default ""}} {
- foreach {key val} $list {
- if { [string compare $key $tag] == 0 } {
- return $val
- }
- }
- return $default
- }
- #proc TLGet {assoc tag {default ""}} {
- # array set temp $assoc
- # if { [info exists temp($tag)] } {
- # return $temp($tag)
- # }
- # return $default
- #}
- proc PointX {point} {
- return [lindex $point 0]
- }
- proc PointY {point} {
- return [lindex $point 1]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::BuildZincItem
- # Création d'un objet Zinc de représentation
- # paramčtres :
- # widget : <widget>
- # parentGroup : <group>
- # style : {hash table options}
- # specificTags : [list of specific tags] to add to params -tags
- # name : <str> nom de l'item
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # type d'item valide :
- # les items natifs zinc : group, rectangle, arc, curve, text, icon
- # les items ci-aprčs permettent de spécifier des curves 'particuličres' :
- # -roundedrectangle : rectangle ŕ coin arrondi
- # -hippodrome : hippodrome
- # -polygone : polygone régulier ŕ n cotés (convexe ou en étoile)
- # -roundedcurve : curve multicontours ŕ coins arrondis (rayon unique)
- # -polyline : curve multicontours ŕ coins arrondis (le rayon pouvant ętre défini
- # spécifiquement pour chaque sommet)
- # -pathline : création d'une ligne 'épaisse' avec l'item Zinc triangles
- # décalage par rapport ŕ un chemin donné (largeur et sens de décalage)
- # dégradé de couleurs de la ligne (linéaire, transversal ou double)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc BuildZincItem {zinc parentGroup styleTL specificTags name} {
- array set style $styleTL
- if { [info exists style(-params)] } {
- array set params $style(-params)
- }
- if { ! $parentGroup } {
- set parentGroup 1
- }
- if { [llength $specificTags] } {
- if { [info exists params(-tags)] } {
- set params(-tags) [concat $specificTags $params(-tags)]
- } else {
- set params(-tags) $specificTags
- }
- }
- set itemType $style(-itemtype)
- set coords {}
- if { [info exists style(-coords)] } {
- set coords $style(-coords)
- }
- # gestion des polygones particuliers et ŕ coin arrondi
- switch -- $itemType {
- roundedrectangle {
- set itemType curve
- set params(-closed) 1
- set coords [RoundedRectangleCoords $coords $styleTL]
- }
- hippodrome {
- set itemType curve
- set params(-closed) 1
- set coords [HippodromeCoords $coords $styleTL]
- }
- polygone {
- set itemType curve
- set params(-closed) 1
- set coords [PolygonCoords $coords $styleTL]
- }
- roundedcurve -
- polyline {
- set itemType curve
- if { $itemType eq "roundedcurve" } {
- set params(-closed) 1
- set coords [RoundedCurveCoords $coords $styleTL]
- } else {
- set coords [PolylineCoords $coords $styleTL]
- }
- #
- # multi-contours
- if { [info exists style(-contours)] } {
- set contours $style(-contours)
- set numContours [llength $contours]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numContours} {incr i} {
- # radius et corners peuvent ętre défini spécifiquement
- # pour chaque contour
- foreach {type way inCoords radius corners cornersRadius} \
- [lindex $contours $i] break
- if { $radius eq "" } {
- set radius $style(-radius)
- }
- if { $itemType eq "roundedcurve" } {
- set newCoords [RoundedCurveCoords $inCoords [list -radius $radius \
- -corners $corners]]
- } else {
- set newCoords [PolylineCoords $inCoords \
- [list -radius $radius -corners $corners \
- -cornersradius $cornersRadius]]
- }
- lset style(-contours) $i [list $type $way $newCoords]
- }
- }
- }
- pathline {
- set itemType triangles
- if { [info exists style(-metacoords)] } {
- set coords [MetaCoords $style(-metacoords)]
- }
- if { [info exists style(-graduate)] } {
- set numColors [llength $coords]
- set params(-colors) [PathGraduate $numColors $style(-graduate)]
- }
- set coords [PathLineCoords $coords $styleTL]
- }
- }
- switch -- $itemType {
- group {
- set item [eval {$zinc add $itemType $parentGroup} [array get params]]
- if { [llength $coords] } {
- $zinc coords $item $coords
- }
- }
- text -
- icon {
- set imageFile ""
- if { $itemType eq "icon" } {
- set imageFile $params(-image)
- if { $imageFile ne "" } {
- set params(-image) [InitPixmap $imageFile]
- }
- }
- set item [eval {$zinc add $itemType $parentGroup -position $coords} [array get params]]
- if { $imageFile ne "" } {
- set params(-image) $imageFile
- }
- }
- default {
- set item [eval {$zinc add $itemType $parentGroup $coords} [array get params]]
- if { $itemType eq "curve" && [info exists style(-contours)] } {
- foreach contour $style(-contours) {
- eval $zinc contour $item $contour
- }
- }
- # gestion du mode norender
- if { [info exists style(-texture)] } {
- set texture [GetTexture $style(-texture)]
- if { $texture ne "" } {
- $zinc itemconfigure $item -tile $texture
- }
- }
- if { [info exists style(-fillpattern)] } {
- set bitmap [GetBitmap $style(-fillpattern)]
- if { $bitmap ne "" } {
- $zinc itemconfigure $item -fillpattern $bitmap
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # transformation scale de l'item si nécessaire
- if { [info exists style(-scale)] } {
- $zinc scale $item $style(-scale)
- }
- # transformation rotate de l'item si nécessaire
- if { [info exists style(-rotate)] } {
- $zinc rotate $item [deg2rad $style(-rotate)]
- }
- # transformation scale de l'item si nécessaire
- if { [info exists style(-translate)] } {
- $zinc translate $item $style(-translate)
- }
- return $item
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::MetaCoords
- # retourne une liste de coordonnées en utilisant la fonction d'un autre type d'item
- # paramčtres : (options)
- # -type : type de primitive utilisée
- # -coords : coordonnées nécessitée par la fonction [type]Coords
- # + options spécialisées passés ŕ la fonction [type]Coords
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc MetaCoords {options} {
- set pts {}
- set type [TLGet $options -type]
- set coords [TLGet $options -coords]
- switch -- $type {
- polygone {
- set pts [PolygonCoords $coords $options]
- }
- hippodrome {
- set pts [HippodromeCoords $coords $options]
- }
- polyline {
- set pts [PolylineCoords $coords $options]
- }
- }
- return $pts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RoundedRectangleCoords
- # calcul des coords du rectangle ŕ coins arrondis
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : point centre du polygone
- # options :
- # -radius : rayon de raccord d'angle
- # -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0 (aucun raccord)|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RoundedRectangleCoords {coords optionsTL} {
- foreach {p0 p1} $coords break
- foreach {x0 y0} $p0 break
- foreach {xn yn} $p1 break
- set radius [TLGet $optionsTL -radius]
- set corners [TLGet $optionsTL -corners]
- if { [llength $corners] == 0 } {
- set corners [list 1 1 1 1]
- }
- # attention aux formes 'négatives'
- if { $xn < $x0 } {
- set xs $x0
- set x0 $xn
- set xn $xs
- }
- if { $yn < $y0 } {
- set ys $y0
- set y0 $yn
- set yn $ys
- }
- set height [_min [expr {$xn - $x0}] [expr {$yn - $y0}]]
- if { $radius eq "" } {
- set radius [expr {int($height/10.0)}]
- if { $radius < 3 } {
- set radius 3
- }
- }
- if { $radius < 2 } {
- return [list [list $x0 $y0] [list $x0 $yn] \
- [list $xn $yn] [list $xn $y0]]
- }
- # correction de radius si necessaire
- set maxRad $height
- if { $corners eq "" } {
- set maxRad [expr {$maxRad / 2.0}]
- }
- if { $radius > $maxRad } {
- set radius $maxRad
- }
- # points remarquables
- set ptdDelta [expr {$radius * $v::constPtdFactor}]
- set x2 [expr {$x0 + $radius}]
- set x3 [expr {$xn - $radius}]
- set x1 [expr {$x2 - $ptdDelta}]
- set x4 [expr {$x3 + $ptdDelta}]
- set y2 [expr {$y0 + $radius}]
- set y3 [expr {$yn - $radius}]
- set y1 [expr {$y2 - $ptdDelta}]
- set y4 [expr {$y3 + $ptdDelta}]
- # liste des 4 points sommet du rectangle : angles sans raccord circulaire
- set anglePts [list [list $x0 $y0] [list $x0 $yn] \
- [list $xn $yn] [list $xn $y0]]
- # liste des 4 segments quadratique : raccord d'angle = radius
- set roundeds [list \
- [list [list $x2 $y0] [list $x1 $y0 c] \
- [list $x0 $y1 c] [list $x0 $y2]] \
- [list [list $x0 $y3] [list $x0 $y4 c] \
- [list $x1 $yn c] [list $x2 $yn]] \
- [list [list $x3 $yn] [list $x4 $yn c] \
- [list $xn $y4 c] [list $xn $y3]] \
- [list [list $xn $y2] [list $xn $y1 c] \
- [list $x4 $y0 c] [list $x3 $y0]]]
- set pts [list]
- set previous 0
- foreach seg $roundeds aPt $anglePts corner $corners {
- set px 0
- set py 0
- if { $corner } {
- # on teste si non duplication de point
- foreach {nx ny} [lindex $seg 0] break
- if { $previous && ($px == $nx && $py == $ny) } {
- eval lappend pts [lrange $seg 1 end]
- } else {
- eval lappend pts $seg
- }
- foreach {px py} [lindex $seg 3] break
- set previous 1
- } else {
- lappend pts $aPt
- }
- }
- return $pts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::HippodromeCoords
- # calcul des coords d'un hippodrome
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : coordonnées du rectangle exinscrit
- # options :
- # -orientation : orientation forcée de l'ippodrome [horizontal|vertical]
- # -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
- # -trunc : troncatures [left|right|top|bottom|both]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc HippodromeCoords {coords optionsTL} {
- foreach {p0 p1} $coords break
- foreach {x0 y0} $p0 break
- foreach {xn yn} $p1 break
- set orientation [TLGet $optionsTL -orientation none]
- # orientation forcée de l'hippodrome (sinon hippodrome sur le plus petit coté)
- switch -- $orientation {
- horizontal { set height [expr {abs($yn - $y0)}] }
- vertical { set height [expr {abs($xn - $x0)}] }
- default { set height [_min [expr {abs($xn - $x0)}] [expr {abs($yn - $y0)}]] }
- }
- set radius [expr {$height/2.0}]
- set corners [TLGet $optionsTL -corners]
- set trunc [TLGet $optionsTL -trunc]
- if { [llength $corners] == 0 } {
- switch -- $trunc {
- both { return [list [list $x0 $y0] [list $x0 $yn] \
- [list $xn $yn] [list $xn $y0]] }
- left { set corners [list 0 0 1 1] }
- right { set corners [list 1 1 0 0] }
- top { set corners [list 0 1 1 0] }
- bottom { set corners [list 1 0 0 1] }
- default { set corners [list 1 1 1 1] }
- }
- }
- # l'hippodrome est un cas particulier de roundedRectangle
- # on retourne en passant la 'configuration' ŕ la fonction
- # générique roundedRectangleCoords
- return [RoundedRectangleCoords $coords [list -radius [expr {$height/2.0}] -corners $corners]]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::PolygonCoords
- # calcul des coords d'un polygone régulier
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : point centre du polygone
- # options :
- # -numsides : nombre de cotés
- # -radius : rayon de définition du polygone (distance centre-sommets)
- # -innerradius : rayon interne (polygone type étoile)
- # -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
- # -cornerradius : rayon de raccord des cotés
- # -startangle : angle de départ du polygone
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PolygonCoords {coords optionsTL} {
- set numSides [TLGet $optionsTL -numsides 0]
- set radius [TLGet $optionsTL -radius 0]
- if { $numSides < 3 || !$radius } {
- puts "Vous devez au moins spécifier un nombre de cotés >= 3 et un rayon..."
- return {};
- }
- if { [llength $coords] } {
- foreach {cx cy} $coords break
- } else {
- set cx 0
- set cy 0
- }
- set startAngle [TLGet $optionsTL -startangle 0]
- set angleStep [expr {360.0/$numSides}]
- set innerRadius [TLGet $optionsTL -innerradius 0]
- set pts [list]
- # points du polygone
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numSides} {incr i} {
- set p [RadPoint $cx $cy $radius [expr {$startAngle + ($angleStep*$i)}]]
- lappend pts $p
- # polygones 'étoiles'
- if { $innerRadius } {
- set p [RadPoint $cx $cy $innerRadius [expr {$startAngle + ($angleStep*($i+ 0.5))}]]
- lappend pts $p
- }
- }
- set cornerRadius [TLGet $optionsTL -cornerradius {}]
- if { $cornerRadius ne "" } {
- set pts [RoundedCurveCoords $pts [list -radius $cornerRadius -corners \
- [TLGet $optionsTL -corners {}]]]
- }
- return $pts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RoundedAngle
- # curve d'angle avec raccord circulaire
- # paramčtres :
- # zinc : widget
- # parentGroup : group zinc parent
- # coords : les 3 points de l'angle
- # radius : rayon de raccord
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RoundedAngle {zinc parentGroup coords radius} {
- foreach {pt0 pt1 pt2} $coords break
- foreach {cornerPts centerPts} [RoundedAngleCoords $coords $radius] break
- foreach {cx0 cy0} $centerPts break
- # valeur d'angle et angle formé par la bisectrice
- # set angle [VertexAngle $pt0 $pt1 $pt2]
- if { $parentGroup eq "" } {
- set parentGroup 1
- }
- set cornerPts [linsert $cornerPts 0 $pt0]
- lappend cornerPts $pt2
- $zinc add curve $parentGroup $cornerPts -closed 0 -linewidth 1 -priority 20
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RoundedAngleCoords
- # calcul des coords d'un raccord d'angle circulaire
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # le raccord circulaire de 2 droites sécantes est traditionnellement réalisé par un
- # arc (conique) du cercle inscrit de rayon radius tangent ŕ ces 2 droites
- #
- # Quadratique :
- # une approche de cette courbe peut ętre réalisée simplement par le calcul de 4 points
- # spécifiques qui définiront - quelle que soit la valeur de l'angle formé par les 2
- # droites - le segment de raccord :
- # - les 2 points de tangence au cercle inscrit seront les points de début et de fin
- # du segment de raccord
- # - les 2 points de controle seront situés chacun sur le vecteur reliant le point de
- # tangence au sommet de l'angle (point secant des 2 droites)
- # leur position sur ce vecteur peut ętre simplifiée comme suit :
- # - ŕ un facteur de 0.5523 de la distance au sommet pour un angle >= 90° et <= 270°
- # - ŕ une 'réduction' de ce point vers le point de tangence pour les angles limites
- # de 90° vers 0° et de 270° vers 360°
- # ce facteur sera légérement modulé pour recouvrir plus précisement l'arc correspondant
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RoundedAngleCoords {coords radius} {
- foreach {pt0 pt1 pt2} $coords break
- foreach {pt1x pt1y} $pt1 break
- # valeur d'angle et angle formé par la bisectrice
- foreach {angle bisecAngle} [VertexAngle $pt0 $pt1 $pt2] break
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- set sin [expr {sin([deg2rad $angle] / 2.0)}]
- set delta [expr {$sin ? abs($radius / $sin) : $radius}]
- # point centre du cercle inscrit de rayon $radius
- set refAngle [expr {($angle < 180) ? $bisecAngle+90 : $bisecAngle-90}]
- set c0 [RadPoint $pt1x $pt1y $delta $refAngle]
- # points de tangeance : pts perpendiculaires du centre aux 2 droites
- set p1 [PerpendicularPoint $c0 [list $pt0 $pt1]]
- set p2 [PerpendicularPoint $c0 [list $pt1 $pt2]]
- foreach {p1x p1y} $p1 break
- foreach {p2x p2y} $p2 break
- # point de controle de la quadratique
- # facteur de positionnement sur le vecteur pt.tangence, sommet
- set ptdFactor $v::constPtdFactor
- if { $angle < 90 || $angle > 270 } {
- set diffAngle [expr {($angle < 90) ? $angle : 360 - $angle}]
- if { $diffAngle > 15 } {
- set ptdFactor [expr {$ptdFactor - (((90.0 - $diffAngle)/90.0) * ($ptdFactor/4.0))}]
- }
- set ptdFactor [expr {($diffAngle/90.0) * \
- ($ptdFactor + ((1.0 - $ptdFactor) * (90.0 - $diffAngle)/90.0))}]
- } else {
- set diffAngle [expr {abs(180.0 - $angle)}]
- if { $diffAngle > 15 } {
- set ptdFactor [expr {$ptdFactor + (((90.0 - $diffAngle)/90.0) * ($ptdFactor/3.0))}]
- }
- }
- # delta xy aux pts de tangence
- set d1x [expr {($pt1x - $p1x) * $ptdFactor}]
- set d1y [expr {($pt1y - $p1y) * $ptdFactor}]
- set d2x [expr {($pt1x - $p2x) * $ptdFactor}]
- set d2y [expr {($pt1y - $p2y) * $ptdFactor}]
- # les 4 points de l'arc 'quadratique' et le centre du cercle inscrit
- set cornerPts [list $p1 \
- [list [expr {$p1x + $d1x}] [expr {$p1y + $d1y}] c] \
- [list [expr {$p2x + $d2x}] [expr {$p2y + $d2y}] c] \
- $p2]
- return [list $cornerPts $c0]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RoundedCurveCoords
- # retourne les coordonnées d'une curve ŕ coins arrondis
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : points de la curve
- # options :
- # -radius : rayon de raccord d'angle
- # -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RoundedCurveCoords {coords options} {
- set numFaces [llength $coords]
- set curvePts {}
- set radius [TLGet $options -radius 0]
- set corners [TLGet $options -corners {}]
- for {set index 0} {$index < $numFaces} {incr index} {
- if { ([llength $corners] > $index) && ([lindex $corners $index] == 0) } {
- lappend curvePts [lindex $coords $index]
- } else {
- set prev [expr {$index ? $index - 1 : $numFaces - 1}]
- set next [expr {($index > $numFaces - 2) ? 0 : $index + 1}]
- set angleCoords [list [lindex $coords $prev] \
- [lindex $coords $index] \
- [lindex $coords $next]]
- foreach {quadPts centerPts} [RoundedAngleCoords $angleCoords $radius] break
- set curvePts [concat $curvePts $quadPts]
- }
- }
- return $curvePts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::PolylineCoords
- # retourne les coordonnées d'une polyline
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : sommets de la polyline
- # options :
- # -radius : rayon global de raccord d'angle
- # -corners : liste des raccords de sommets [0|1] par défaut [1,1,1,1],
- # -cornersradius : liste des rayons de raccords de sommets
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PolylineCoords {coords options} {
- set numFaces [llength $coords]
- set curvePts {}
- set radius [TLGet $options -radius 0]
- set cornersRadius [TLGet $options -cornersradius]
- if { [llength $cornersRadius] } {
- set corners $cornersRadius
- } else {
- set corners [TLGet $options -corners]
- }
- set numCorners [llength $corners]
- for {set index 0} {$index < $numFaces} {incr index} {
- if { $numCorners && (($index >= $numCorners) || ![lindex $corners $index]) } {
- foreach {x y} [lindex $coords $index] { lappend curvePts [list $x $y] }
- } else {
- set prev [expr {$index ? $index - 1 : $numFaces - 1}]
- set next [expr {($index > $numFaces - 2) ? 0 : $index + 1}]
- set angleCoords [list [lindex $coords $prev] [lindex $coords $index] \
- [lindex $coords $next]]
- if { [llength $cornersRadius] } {
- set rad [lindex $cornersRadius $index]
- } else {
- set rad $radius
- }
- foreach {cornerPts centerPts} [RoundedAngleCoords $angleCoords $rad] break
- set curvePts [concat $curvePts $cornerPts]
- }
- }
- return $curvePts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::PathLineCoords
- # retourne les coordonnées d'une pathLine
- # paramčtres :
- # coords : points de path
- # options :
- # -closed : ligne fermée
- # -shifting : sens de décalage [both|left|right] par défaut both
- # -linewidth : epaisseur de la ligne
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PathLineCoords {coords options} {
- set numFaces [llength $coords]
- set pts {}
- set closed [TLGet $options -closed]
- set lineWidth [TLGet $options -linewidth 0]
- set shifting [TLGet $options -shifting both]
- if { ! $numFaces || $lineWidth < 2 } {
- return {}
- }
- set previous {}
- if { $closed } {
- set previous [lindex $coords [expr $numFaces - 1]]
- }
- set next [lindex $coords 1]
- if { $shifting eq "both" } {
- set lineWidth [expr {$lineWidth / 2.0}]
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numFaces} {incr i} {
- set pt [lindex $coords $i]
- foreach {ptX ptY} $pt break
- foreach {nextX nextY} $next break
- if { [llength $previous] == 0 } {
- # extrémité de curve sans raccord -> angle plat
- set previous [list [expr {$ptX + ($ptX - $nextX)}] \
- [expr {$ptY + ($ptY - $nextY)}]]
- }
- foreach {angle bisecAngle} [VertexAngle $previous $pt $next] break
- # distance au centre du cercle inscrit : rayon/sinus demi-angle
- set sin [expr {sin([deg2rad [expr $angle/2.0]])}]
- set delta [expr {$sin ? abs($lineWidth / $sin) : $lineWidth}]
- if { $shifting eq "left" || $shifting eq "right" } {
- set adding [expr {($shifting eq "left") ? 90 : -90}]
- foreach {x y} [RadPoint $ptX $ptY $delta [expr {$bisecAngle + $adding}]] {
- lappend pts $x $y
- }
- lappend pts $ptX $ptY
- } else {
- foreach {x y} [RadPoint $ptX $ptY $delta [expr {$bisecAngle + 90}]] {
- lappend pts $x $y
- }
- foreach {x y} [RadPoint $ptX $ptY $delta [expr {$bisecAngle - 90}]] {
- lappend pts $x $y
- }
- }
- if { $i == [expr $numFaces - 2] } {
- if { $closed } {
- set next [lindex $coords 0]
- } else {
- set nextI [expr $i + 1]
- set next [list [expr {2 * [PointX [lindex $coords $nextI]] - [PointX $pt]}] \
- [expr {2 * [PointY [lindex $coords $nextI]] - [PointY $pt]}]]
- }
- } else {
- set next [lindex $coords [expr {$i + 2}]]
- }
- set previous [lindex $coords $i]
- }
- if { $closed } {
- lappend pts [lindex $pts 0] [lindex $pts 1] [lindex $pts 2] [lindex $pts 3]
- }
- return $pts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::PerpendicularPoint
- # retourne les coordonnées du point perpendiculaire abaissé d'un point sur une ligne
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PerpendicularPoint {point line} {
- foreach {x y} $point {p1 p2} $line break
- foreach {x1 y1} $p1 {x2 y2} $p2 break
- # cas particulier de lignes ortho.
- set minDist .01
- if { abs($y2 - $y1) < $minDist } {
- # la ligne de référence est horizontale
- return [list $x $y1]
- } elseif { abs($x2 - $x1) < $minDist } {
- # la ligne de référence est verticale
- return [list $x1 $y]
- }
- set a1 [expr {double($y2 - $y1) / double($x2 - $x1)}]
- set b1 [expr {$y1 - $a1 * $x1}]
- set a2 [expr {-1.0 / $a1}]
- set b2 [expr {$y - $a2 * $x}]
- set xRet [expr {double($b2 - $b1) / double($a1 - $a2)}]
- set yRet [expr {$a1 * $xRet + $b1}]
- return [list $xRet $yRet]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::LineAngle
- # retourne l'angle d'un point par rapport ŕ un centre de référence
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc LineAngle {p center} {
- foreach {x y} $p {xref yref} $center break
- set angle [expr {(atan2($y - $yref, $x - $xref) + $v::pi/2.0) * 180.0 / $v::pi}]
- if { $angle < 0 } {
- set angle [expr {$angle + 360}]
- }
- return $angle
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::VertexAngle
- # retourne la valeur de l'angle formée par 3 points
- # ainsi que l'angle de la bisectrice
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc VertexAngle {pt0 pt1 pt2} {
- set angle1 [LineAngle $pt1 $pt0]
- set angle2 [LineAngle $pt1 $pt2]
- if { $angle2 < $angle1 } {
- set angle2 [expr $angle2 + 360]
- }
- set alpha [expr {$angle2 - $angle1}]
- set bisectrice [expr {$angle1 + ($alpha/2.0)}]
- return [list $alpha $bisectrice]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::ArcPts
- # calcul des points constitutif d'un arc
- # params : x,y centre, rayon, angle départ, delta angulaire, pas en degré
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ArcPts {x y rad angle extent step debug} {
- set pts {}
- if { $extent > 0 } {
- for {set alpha $angle} {$alpha <= ($angle + $extent)} {incr $alpha $step} {
- foreach {xn yn} [RadPoint $x $y $rad $alpha] {}
- lappend pts $xn $yn
- }
- } else {
- for {set alpha $angle} {$alpha >= ($angle + $extent)} {incr $alpha $step} {
- lappend pts [RadPoint $x $y $rad $alpha]
- }
- }
- return $pts
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RadPoint
- # retourne le point circulaire défini par centre-rayon-angle
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RadPoint {x y rad angle} {
- set alpha [deg2rad $angle]
- set xpt [expr {$x + ($rad * cos($alpha))}]
- set ypt [expr {$y + ($rad * sin($alpha))}]
- return [list $xpt $ypt]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # TabBoxCoords
- # Calcul des shapes de boites ŕ onglets
- #
- # coords : coordonnées rectangle de la bounding box
- #
- # options
- # -numpages <n> : nombre de pages (onglets) de la boite
- # -anchor [n|e|s|w] : ancrage des onglets
- # -alignment [left|center|right] : alignement des onglets sur le coté d'ancrage
- # -tabwidth [<n>|[<n1>,<n2>,<n3>...]|auto] : largeur des onglets
- # -tabheight [<n>|auto] : hauteur des onglets
- # -tabshift <n> : décalage onglet
- # -radius <n> : rayon des arrondis d'angle
- # -overlap <n> : distance de recouvrement des onglets
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc TabBoxCoords args {
- set coords [lindex $args 0]
- set options [lrange $args 1 end]
- foreach {p0 p1} $coords break
- foreach {x0 y0} $p0 {xn yn} $p1 break
- set numPages [TLGet $options -numpages 0]
- if { $x0 eq "" || $y0 eq "" || $xn eq "" || $yn eq "" || !$numPages } {
- puts "Vous devez au minimum spécifier le rectangle englobant et le nombre de pages"
- return {}
- }
- set anchor [TLGet $options -anchor n]
- set alignment [TLGet $options -alignment left]
- set len [TLGet $options -tabwidth auto]
- set thick [TLGet $options -tabheight auto]
- set biso [TLGet $options -tabshift auto]
- set radius [TLGet $options -radius 0]
- set overlap [TLGet $options -overlap 0]
- set orientation [expr {($anchor eq "n" || $anchor eq "s") ? "horizontal" : "vertical"}]
- set maxwidth [expr {($orientation eq "horizontal") ? ($xn - $x0) : ($yn - $y0)}]
- set tabswidth 0
- set align 1
- if { $len eq "auto" } {
- set tabswidth $maxwidth
- set len [expr {($tabswidth + ($overlap * ($numPages - 1)))/$numPages}]
- } else {
- if { [llength $len] > 1 } {
- foreach w $len {
- set tabswidth [expr {$tabswidth + ($w - $overlap)}]
- }
- set tabswidth [expr {$tabswidth + $overlap}]
- } else {
- set tabswidth [expr {($len * $numPages) - ($overlap * ($numPages - 1))}]
- }
- if { $tabswidth > $maxwidth } {
- set tabswidth $maxwidth
- set len [expr {($tabswidth + ($overlap * ($numPages - 1)))/$numPages}]
- }
- if { $alignment eq "center" && (($maxwidth - $tabswidth) > $radius) } {
- set align 0
- }
- }
- if { $thick eq "auto" } {
- set thick [expr {($orientation eq "horizontal") ? \
- int(($yn - $y0)/10.0) : int(($xn - $y0)/10.0)}]
- if {$thick < 10 } {
- set thick 10
- } elseif {$thick > 40} {
- set thick 40
- }
- }
- if { $biso eq "auto" } {
- set biso [expr {int($thick/2.0)}]
- }
- if { ($alignment eq "right" && $anchor ne "w") || \
- ($anchor eq "w" && $alignment ne "right") } {
- if { [llength $len] > 1 } {
- for {set p 0} {$p < $numPages} {incr p} {
- lset len $p [expr {-[lindex $len $p]}]
- }
- } else {
- set len [expr {-$len}]
- }
- set biso [expr {-$biso}]
- set overlap [expr {-$overlap}]
- }
- if { $alignment eq "center" } {
- set biso1 [expr {$biso / 2.0}]
- set biso2 $biso1
- } else {
- set biso1 0
- set biso2 $biso
- }
- if { $orientation eq "vertical" } {
- if { $anchor eq "w" } {
- set thick [expr {-$thick}]
- set startx $x0
- set endx $xn
- } else {
- set startx $xn
- set endx $x0
- }
- if { ($anchor eq "w" && $alignment ne "right") || \
- ($anchor eq "e" && $alignment eq "right") } {
- set starty $yn
- set endy $y0
- } else {
- set starty $y0
- set endy $yn
- }
- set xref [expr {$startx - $thick}]
- set yref $starty
- if { $alignment eq "center" } {
- set ratio [expr {($anchor eq "w") ? -2 : 2}]
- set yref [expr {$yref + (($maxwidth - $tabswidth)/$ratio)}]
- }
- set cadre [list [list $xref $endy] [list $endx $endy] \
- [list $endx $starty] [list $xref $starty]]
- #
- # flag de retournement de la liste des pts de
- # curve si nécessaire -> sens anti-horaire
- set inverse [expr {$alignment ne "right"}]
- } else {
- if { $anchor eq "s" } {
- set thick [expr {-$thick}]
- }
- if { $alignment eq "right" } {
- set startx $xn
- set endx $x0
- } else {
- set startx $x0
- set endx $xn
- }
- if { $anchor eq "s" } {
- set starty $yn
- set endy $y0
- } else {
- set starty $y0
- set endy $yn
- }
- set yref [expr {$starty + $thick}]
- if { $alignment eq "center" } {
- set xref [expr {$x0 + (($maxwidth - $tabswidth)/2.0)}]
- } else {
- set xref $startx
- }
- set cadre [list [list $endx $yref] [list $endx $endy] \
- [list $startx $endy] [list $startx $yref]]
- #
- # flag de retournement de la liste des pts de
- # curve si nécessaire -> sens anti-horaire
- set inverse [expr {($anchor eq "n" && $alignment ne "right") || \
- ($anchor eq "s" && $alignment eq "right")}]
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numPages} {incr i} {
- set pts {}
- #
- # décrochage onglet
- #push (@pts, ([$xref, $yref])) if $i > 0;
- #
- # cadre
- set pts [lrange $cadre 0 end]
- #
- # points onglets
- if { $i > 0 || ! $align } {
- lappend pts [list $xref $yref]
- }
- set tw [expr {([llength $len] > 1) ? [lindex $len $i] : $len}]
- if { $orientation eq "vertical" } {
- set tabdxy [list $thick $biso1 $thick [expr {$tw - $biso2}] 0 $tw]
- } else {
- set tabdxy [list $biso1 [expr {-$thick}] [expr {$tw - $biso2}] [expr {-$thick}] $tw 0]
- }
- foreach {dx dy} $tabdxy {
- lappend pts [list [expr {$xref + $dx}] [expr {$yref + $dy}]]
- }
- if { $radius } {
- if { $i > 0 || ! $align } {
- set corners [list 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0]
- } else {
- set corners [list 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0]
- }
- set curvePts [RoundedCurveCoords $pts [list -radius $radius -corners $corners]]
- if { $inverse } {
- set curvePts [lreverse $curvePts]
- }
- lappend shapes $curvePts
- } else {
- if { $inverse } {
- set pts [lreverse $pts]
- }
- lappend shapes $pts
- }
- if { $orientation eq "horizontal" } {
- lappend titlesCoords [list [expr {$xref + ($tw - ($biso2 - $biso1))/2.0}] \
- [expr {$yref - ($thick/2.0)}]]
- set xref [expr {$xref + ($tw - $overlap)}]
- } else {
- lappend titlesCoords [list [expr {$xref + ($thick/2.0)}] \
- [expr {$yref + ($len - (($biso2 - $biso1)/2.0))/2.0}]]
- set yref [expr {$yref + ($len - $overlap)}]
- }
- }
- return [list $shapes $titlesCoords $inverse]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::SetGradients
- # création de gradient nommés Zinc
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc SetGradients {zinc grads} {
- # initialise les gradients de taches
- if { ! [llength $v::Gradients] } {
- foreach {name gradient} $grads {
- # création des gradients nommés
- $zinc gname $gradient $name
- lappend v::Gradients $name
- }
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::GetPattern
- # retourne la ressource bitmap en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc GetPattern {name} {
- global bitmaps imagePath
- if { ![info exists bitmaps($name)] } {
- set bitmap "@[file join $imagePath $name]"
- set bitmaps($name) $bitmap
- return $bitmap
- }
- return $bitmaps($name)
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::GetTexture
- # retourne l'image de texture en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc GetTexture {name} {
- global imagePath
- if { ![info exists v::textures($name)] } {
- set texture [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath $name]]
- if { $texture ne "" } {
- set v::textures($name) $texture
- }
- return $texture
- }
- return $v::textures($name)
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::GetImage
- # retourne la ressource image en l'initialisant si premičre utilisation
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc GetImage {name} {
- global imagePath
- if { ![info exists v::images($name)] } {
- set image [image create photo -file [file join $imagePath $name]]
- if { $image ne "" } {
- set v::images($name) $image
- }
- return $image
- }
- return $v::images($name)
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::InitPixmaps
- # initialise une liste de fichier image
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc InitPixmaps {pixFiles} {
- set imgs {}
- foreach f $pixFiles {
- lappend imgs [GetImage $f]
- }
- return $imgs
- }
- proc _min {n1 n2} {
- return [expr {($n1 > $n2) ? $n2 : $n1}]
- }
- proc _max {n1 n2} {
- return [expr {($n1 > $n2) ? $n1 : $n2}]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::_trunc
- # fonction interne de troncature des nombres: n = position décimale
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc _trunc {val n} {
- regexp {([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]*)} $val match ent dec
- set str [expr {($val < 0) ? -$ent : $ent}]
- if { ($dec ne "") && ($n != 0) } {
- set dec [string range $dec 0 [expr {$n-1}]]
- if { $dec != 0 } {
- set str "$str.$dec"
- }
- }
- return $str;
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::RGBdec2hex
- # conversion d'une couleur RGB (255,255,255) au format Zinc '#ffffff'
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc RGBdec2hex {rgb} {
- return [eval "format {#%04x%04x%04x} $rgb"]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # zincGraphics::PathGraduate
- # création d'un jeu de couleurs dégradées pour item pathLine
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc PathGraduate {numColors style} {
- set type [TLGet $style -type]
- set colors [TLGet $style -colors]
- if { $type eq "linear" } {
- return [CreateGraduate $numColors $colors 2]
- } elseif { $type eq "double" } {
- set colors1 [CreateGraduate [expr {$numColors/2+1}] [lindex $colors 0]]
- set colors2 [CreateGraduate [expr {$numColors/2+1}] [lindex $colors 1]]
- set clrs {}
- for {set i 0} {$i <= $numColors} {incr i} {
- lappend clrs [lindex $colors1 $i] [lindex $colors2 $i]
- }
- return $clrs
- } elseif { $type eq "transversal" } {
- foreach {c1 c2} $colors break
- set clrs [list $c1 $c2]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numColors} {incr i} {
- lappend clrs $c1 $c2
- }
- return $clrs;
- }
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::CreateGraduate
- # création d'un jeu de couleurs intermédiaires (dégradé) entre n couleurs
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc CreateGraduate {totalSteps refColors {repeat 1}} {
- set colors {}
- set numGraduates [expr {[llength $refColors] - 1}]
- if { $numGraduates < 1 } {
- puts "Le dégradé necessite au minimum 2 couleurs de référence..."
- return {}
- }
- set steps [expr {($numGraduates > 1) ? ($totalSteps/($numGraduates - 1.0)) : $totalSteps}]
- for {set c 0} {$c < $numGraduates} {incr c} {
- set c1 [lindex $refColors $c]
- set c2 [lindex $refColors [expr {$c+1}]]
- #
- # Pas de duplication de la couleur de raccord entre
- # deux segments
- set thisSteps $steps
- if { $c < [expr $numGraduates - 1] } {
- set thisSteps [expr $thisSteps - 1]
- }
- for {set i 0} {$i < $thisSteps} {incr i} {
- set color [ComputeColor $c1 $c2 [expr {$i/($steps-1.0)}]]
- for {set k 0} {$k < $repeat} {incr k} {
- lappend colors $color
- }
- }
- }
- return $colors
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::computeColor
- # calcul d'une couleur intermédiaire défini par un ratio ($ratio) entre 2 couleurs
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ComputeColor {color0 color1 ratio} {
- if { $ratio > 1.0 } {
- set ratio 1
- } elseif { $ratio < 0 } {
- set ratio 0
- }
- foreach {r0 g0 b0 a0} [ZnColorToRGB $color0] break
- foreach {r1 g1 b1 a1} [ZnColorToRGB $color1] break
- set r [expr {$r0 + int(($r1 - $r0) * $ratio)}]
- set g [expr {$g0 + int(($g1 - $g0) * $ratio)}]
- set b [expr {$b0 + int(($b1 - $b0) * $ratio)}]
- set a [expr {$a0 + int(($a1 - $a0) * $ratio)}]
- return [HexaRGBcolor $r $g $b $a]
- }
- proc ZnColorToRGB {znColor} {
- foreach {color alpha} [split $znColor ";"] break
- set pattern [expr {[string length $color] > 8 ? {#%4x%4x%4x} : {#%2x%2x%2x}}]
- scan $color $pattern r g b
- if {$alpha eq ""} {
- set alpha 100
- }
- return [list $r $g $b $alpha]
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Graphics::hexaRGBcolor
- # conversion d'une couleur RGB (255,255,255) au format Zinc '#ffffff'
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc HexaRGBcolor {r g b args} {
- if { [llength $args] } {
- return [format {#%02x%02x%02x;%d} $r $g $b [lindex $args 0]]
- } else {
- return [format {#%02x%02x%02x} $r $g $b]
- }
- }
-proc lreverse {l} {
- set res {}
- set i [llength $l]
- while {$i} {
- lappend res [lindex $l [incr i -1]]
- }
- return $res
diff --git a/library/zincLogo.tcl b/library/zincLogo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index aeafb6f..0000000
--- a/library/zincLogo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# File : LogoZinc.pm
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2002
-# Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
-# Authors: Vinot Jean-Luc <vinot@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-package provide zincLogo 1.0
-namespace eval ::zincLogo:: {
- set letters(coords) {
- {0 0} {106 0} {106 58} {122 41} {156 41} {131 69}
- {153 99} {203 41} {155 41} {155 0} {218 0} {240 0 c}
- {252 17 c} {252 34} {252 40 c} {249 50 c} {244 56}
- {202 105} {246 105} {246 87} {246 60 c} {271 37 c} {297 37}
- {323 37 c} {342 57 c} {344 68} {347 64 c} {350 60 c}
- {353 56} {363 46 c} {375 37 c} {395 37} {395 79} {393 79}
- {385 79 c} {379 86 c} {379 93} {379 100 c} {385 107 c}
- {393 107} {409 107} {409 148} {397 148} {378 148 c} {364 144 c}
- {354 133} {346 124} {346 148} {305 148} {305 87} {305 83 c}
- {301 79 c} {297 79} {293 79 c} {289 83 c} {289 87} {289 150}
- {251 150} {251 130} {251 126 c} {247 122 c} {243 122} {239 122 c}
- {235 126 c} {235 130} {235 150} {176 150} {154 150 c} {146 131 c}
- {146 114} {148 105} {120 105} {104 81} {104 105} {74 105} {74 41} {52 41}
- {52 105} {20 105} {20 41} {0 41}}
- set letters(lineWidth) 3
- set letters(lineColor) {#000000;80}
- set letters(fillColor) {=axial 270|#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 96|#7192aa;100 100}
- set letters(shadow,dXy) {6 6}
- set letters(shadow,fillColor) {#000000;18}
- set point(pos) {240 96}
- set point(alpha) 80
- set point(lineWidth) 1
- set point(lineColor) {#a10000;100}
- set point(fillColor) {=radial -20 -20|#ffffff;100 0|#f70000;100 48|#900000;100 80|#ab0000;100 100}
- set point(shadow,dXy) {5 5}
- set point(shadow,fillColor) {=path 0 0|#770000;64 0|#770000;64 65|#770000;0 100}
- proc create {zinc parent priority x y scaleX scaleY} {
- variable letters
- variable point
- #
- # Create a group to hold the various parts
- set logoGroup [$zinc add group $parent -priority $priority]
- #
- # Move the group in the right place
- $zinc coords $logoGroup "$x $y"
- #
- # Add a sub-group to isolate the scaling
- set scaleGroup [$zinc add group $logoGroup]
- $zinc scale $scaleGroup $scaleX $scaleY
- foreach {dx dy} $letters(shadow,dXy) break
- #
- # Create a curve for the main form shadow
- set lShadow [$zinc add curve $scaleGroup $letters(coords) \
- -tags lettersShadow -closed 1 -filled 1 -linewidth 0 \
- -fillcolor $letters(shadow,fillColor)]
- $zinc translate $lShadow $dx $dy
- set lineWidth [adjustLineWidth $letters(lineWidth) $scaleX $scaleY]
- #
- # Create a curve for the main form
- $zinc add curve $scaleGroup $letters(coords) -tags letters -closed 0 \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor $letters(fillColor) -linewidth $lineWidth \
- -linecolor $letters(lineColor)
- #
- # Create a group to hold the point and its shadow
- set pointGroup [$zinc add group $scaleGroup -alpha $point(alpha)]
- $zinc coords $pointGroup $point(pos)
- foreach {dx dy} $point(shadow,dXy) break
- #
- # Create a curve for the dot shadow
- set pShadow [$zinc add arc $pointGroup {-20 -20 20 20} -tags pointShadow \
- -closed 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor $point(shadow,fillColor) \
- -linewidth 0]
- $zinc translate $pShadow $dx $dy
- #
- # Create a curve for the dot
- $zinc add arc $pointGroup {-20 -20 20 20} -tags point -closed 1 \
- -filled 1 -fillcolor $point(fillColor) -linewidth $point(lineWidth) \
- -linecolor $point(lineColor)
- return $logoGroup
- }
- proc adjustLineWidth {lineWidth scaleX scaleY} {
- if {$lineWidth != 0} {
- if {$lineWidth >= 2} {
- set ratio [expr ($scaleX > $scaleY) ? $scaleY : $scaleX]
- return [expr $lineWidth * $ratio]
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/library/zincText.tcl b/library/zincText.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfd4c4..0000000
--- a/library/zincText.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# ZincText - Zinc extension for text input on text items and fields
-# $Id$
-# Patrick Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
-# (and documentation by Christophe Mertz <mertz@cena.fr>)
-# Copyright (c) 2002 - 2003 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet
-# See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# package require zincText;
-# zn_TextBindings $zinc
-# $zinc addtag text withtag $a_text
-# $zinc addtag text withtag $a_track
-# $zinc addtag text withtag $a_waypoint
-# $zinc addtag text withtag $a_tabular
-# This module implements text input with the mouse and keyboard 'a la emacs'.
-# Text items must have the 'text' tag and must of course be sensitive.
-# Track, waypoint and tabular items have fields and these fields can
-# be edited the same way. Only sensitive fields can be edited. the following
-# interactions are supported:
-# <click 1> To set the cursor position
-# <click 2> To paste the current selection
-# <drag 1> To make a selection
-# <shift drag 1> To extend the current selection
-# <shift 1> To extend the current selection
-# <left arrow>,
-# <right arrow> To move the cursor to the left or to the right
-# <up arrow>,
-# <down arrow> To move the cursor up or down a line
-# <ctrl+a>,
-# <home> To move the cursor at the begining of the line
-# <ctrl+e>
-# <end> To move the cursor at the end of the line
-# <meta+<>,
-# <meta+>> To move the cursor at the beginning / end of the text
-# <BackSpace>
-# <ctrl+h> To delete the char just before the cursor
-# <Delete> To delete the char just after the cursor
-# <Return> To insert a return char. This does not validate the input!
-proc zn_TextBindings {zinc} {
- $zinc bind text <1> "startSel $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind text <2> "pasteSel $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind text <B1-Motion> "extendSel $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind text <Shift-B1-Motion> "extendSel $zinc %x %y"
- $zinc bind text <Shift-1> "$zinc select adjust current @%x,%y"
- $zinc bind text <Left> "moveCur $zinc -1"
- $zinc bind text <Right> "moveCur $zinc 1"
- $zinc bind text <Up> "setCur $zinc up"
- $zinc bind text <Down> "setCur $zinc down"
- $zinc bind text <Control-a> "setCur $zinc bol"
- $zinc bind text <Home> "setCur $zinc bol"
- $zinc bind text <Control-e> "setCur $zinc eol"
- $zinc bind text <End> "setCur $zinc eol"
- $zinc bind text <Meta-less> "setCur $zinc 0"
- $zinc bind text <Meta-greater> "setCur $zinc end"
- $zinc bind text <KeyPress> "insertKey $zinc %A"
- $zinc bind text <Shift-KeyPress> "insertKey $zinc %A"
- $zinc bind text <Return> "insertChar $zinc \\n"
- $zinc bind text <BackSpace> "textDel $zinc -1"
- $zinc bind text <Control-h> "textDel $zinc -1"
- $zinc bind text <Delete> "textDel $zinc 0"
-proc pasteSel {w x y} {
- set item [$w focus]
- if {[llength $item] != 0} {
- catch {$w insert [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] @$x,$y [selection get]}
- }
-proc insertChar {w c} {
- set item [$w focus]
- set selItem [$w select item]
- if {[llength $item] == 0} {
- return;
- }
- if {([llength $selItem]!= 0) &&
- ([lindex $selItem 0] == [lindex $item 0]) &&
- ([lindex $selItem 1] == [lindex $item 1])} {
- $w dchars [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] sel.first sel.last
- }
- $w insert [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] insert $c
-proc insertKey {w c} {
- if {! [binary scan $c {c} code]} {
- return
- }
- set code [expr $code & 0xFF]
- if {($code < 32) || ($code == 128)} {
- puts "rejet $code"
- return
- }
- insertChar $w $c
-proc setCur {w where} {
- set item [$w focus]
- if {[llength $item] != 0} {
- $w cursor [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] $where
- }
-proc moveCur {w dir} {
- set item [$w focus]
- if {[llength $item] != 0} {
- set index [$w index [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] insert]
- $w cursor [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] [expr $index + $dir]
- }
-proc startSel {w x y} {
- set part [$w currentpart t]
- $w cursor current $part @$x,$y
- $w focus current $part
- focus $w
- $w select from current $part @$x,$y
-proc extendSel {w x y} {
- set part [$w currentpart t]
- $w select to current $part @$x,$y
-proc textDel {w dir} {
- set item [$w focus]
- set selItem [$w select item]
- if {[llength $item] == 0} {
- return;
- }
- if {([llength $selItem] != 0) &&
- ([lindex $selItem 0] == [lindex $item 0]) &&
- ([lindex $selItem 1] == [lindex $item 1])} {
- $w dchars [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] sel.first sel.last
- } else {
- set ind [expr [$w index [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] insert] + $dir]
- if { $ind >= 0 } {
- $w dchars [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1] $ind $ind
- }
- }
-package provide zincText 1.0
diff --git a/macosx/OSXPort.c b/macosx/OSXPort.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 780ced9..0000000
--- a/macosx/OSXPort.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
- * OSXPort.c -- Compatibility layer for Mac OS X
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2005 - CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this code; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile$";
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPointInRegion --
- *
- * Test whether the specified point is inside a region.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the boolean result of the test.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPointInRegion(TkRegion reg,
- int x,
- int y)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnUnionRegion --
- *
- * Compute the union of two regions.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnUnionRegion(TkRegion sra,
- TkRegion srb,
- TkRegion dr_return)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnOffsetRegion --
- *
- * Offset a region by the specified pixel offsets.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnOffsetRegion(TkRegion reg,
- int dx,
- int dy)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPolygonRegion --
- *
- * Compute a region from a polygon.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPolygonRegion(XPoint *points,
- int n,
- int fill_rule)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillRectangles --
- *
- * Fill multiple rectangular areas in the given drawable.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws onto the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillRectangles(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- XRectangle *rectangles,
- int nrectangles)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillRectangle --
- *
- * Fills a rectangular area in the given drawable. This procedure
- * is implemented as a call to XFillRectangles.
- *
- * Results:
- * None
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Fills the specified rectangle.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillRectangle(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- int x,
- int y,
- unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawLines --
- *
- * Draw connected lines.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Renders a series of connected lines.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawLines(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- XPoint *points,
- int npoints,
- int mode)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawLine --
- *
- * Draw a single line between two points in a given drawable.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a single line segment.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawLine(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillPolygon --
- *
- * Draws a filled polygon.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a filled polygon on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillPolygon(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- XPoint *points,
- int npoints,
- int shape,
- int mode)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawRectangle --
- *
- * Draws a rectangle.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a rectangle on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawRectangle(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- int x,
- int y,
- unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawArc --
- *
- * Draw an arc.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws an arc on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawArc(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- int x,
- int y,
- unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height,
- int start,
- int extent)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillArc --
- *
- * Draw a filled arc.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a filled arc on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillArc(Display *display,
- Drawable d,
- GC gc,
- int x,
- int y,
- unsigned int width,
- unsigned int height,
- int start,
- int extent)
diff --git a/redhat/changelog b/redhat/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ea05f..0000000
--- a/redhat/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-$Version = "3.30";
-$Release = 2;
-$ChangeLog = '
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-1
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-2
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-3
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-4
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-5
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-6
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-7
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-8
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-9
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-10
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-11
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-12
- * Mon Mar 12 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-1
- * Tue Mar 13 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-2
- * Tue Mar 13 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-3
- * Fri Mar 16 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.24-1
- * Tue Apr 10 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.26-1
- * Wed Jan 16 2002 Stéphane Chatty
-- Generation of version 3.2.3-1
- * Thu Apr 4 2002 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.2.4-1
- * Wed Sep 18 2002 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.6-1
- * Mon Feb 17 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.6h-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
-- Removes installgpc in redhat/rules
- * Wed May 14 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.92-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Sat May 17 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.93-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Fri Jun 20 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.94-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Fri Jun 20 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.94-2
-- Mandrake 9.1 compilation
- * Wed Oct 15 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Tue Oct 28 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-2
- * Fri Nov 28 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-3
- * Mon Dec 15 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.296-1
- * Thu Oct 21 2004 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.30-1
-- Build a Mandrake 9.2 package
- * Thu Oct 21 2004 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.30-2
-- Build a Mandrake 10.0 package
diff --git a/redhat/perl-Tk-Zinc.spec b/redhat/perl-Tk-Zinc.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index db53fb1..0000000
--- a/redhat/perl-Tk-Zinc.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-Summary: Zinc, a canvas replacement for Tk
-Name: perl-Tk-Zinc
-Version: 3.296
-Release: 1
-Copyright: BSD
-Vendor: Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne
-Packager: Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-Distribution: Zinc
-Group: System Environment/Libraries
-Url: http://www.cena.fr/divisions/PII/
-Source: perl-Tk-Zinc-3.296.tar.gz
-Requires: perl-Tk
-BuildArchitectures: i386
-BuildRoot: /var/tmp/perl-Tk-Zinc-buildroot
-Zinc is a canvas like widget for the Tk toolkit. Its has been
- designed to provide a structured organization of its graphical
- components. It provides also advanced geometrical and graphical
- capabilities such as geometric construction (boolean ops),
- transformations, non rectangular clipping gradient fills, smart
- reliefs, etc.
-This contains the dynamic libraries that are necessary for
-running applications which use Zinc.
-%setup -q -n perl-Tk-Zinc-%{version}
-./configure --enable-ptk=yes --enable-gl=damage --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr --exec-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr
-cd Perl
-cd ../export2cpan/tk-zinc
-perl Makefile.PL
-mkdirhier $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib
-cd export2cpan/tk-zinc
-make PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr INSTALLDIRS=perl install
-find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr -type f -print | sed "s@^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@g" | grep -v Zinc.bs | grep -v .packlist > ../../perl-Tk-Zinc-%{version}-filelist
-%files -f perl-Tk-Zinc-%{version}-filelist
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-1
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-2
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-3
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-4
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-5
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-6
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-7
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-8
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-9
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-10
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-11
- * Tue Oct 31 2000 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.19-12
- * Mon Mar 12 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-1
- * Tue Mar 13 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-2
- * Tue Mar 13 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.23-3
- * Fri Mar 16 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.24-1
- * Tue Apr 10 2001 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.1.26-1
- * Wed Jan 16 2002 Stéphane Chatty
-- Generation of version 3.2.3-1
- * Thu Apr 4 2002 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@cena.fr>
-- Generation of version 3.2.4-1
- * Wed Sep 18 2002 Stéphane Chatty <chatty@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.6-1
- * Mon Feb 17 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.6h-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
-- Removes installgpc in redhat/rules
- * Wed May 14 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.92-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Sat May 17 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.93-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Fri Jun 20 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.94-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Fri Jun 20 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.2.94-2
-- Mandrake 9.1 compilation
- * Wed Oct 15 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-1
-- Mandrake 9 compilation
- * Tue Oct 28 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-2
- * Fri Nov 28 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.295-3
- * Mon Dec 15 2003 Alexandre Lemort <lemort@intuilab.com>
-- Generation of version 3.296-1
diff --git a/redhat/rules b/redhat/rules
deleted file mode 100644
index b2bbfa0..0000000
--- a/redhat/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$Summary = "Zinc, a canvas replacement for Tk";
-$Name = "perl-Tk-Zinc";
-$Copyright = "BSD";
-$Vendor = "Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne";
-$Url = "http://www.cena.fr/divisions/PII/";
-$Distribution = "Zinc";
-$Group = "System Environment/Libraries";
-$BuildArchitectures = "i386";
-$Requires = "perl-Tk";
-$Build = "cd Perl
-cd ../export2cpan/tk-zinc
-perl Makefile.PL
-$Install = "rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-mkdirhier \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib
-cd export2cpan/tk-zinc
-make PREFIX=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr prefix=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr INSTALLDIRS=perl pure_install
-find \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr -type f -print | sed \"s\@^\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\@\@g\" \| grep -v Zinc.bs | grep -v .packlist > ../../$Name-\%{version}-filelist";
-$Description = "Zinc is a canvas like widget for the Tk toolkit. Its has been
- designed to provide a structured organization of its graphical
- components. It provides also advanced geometrical and graphical
- capabilities such as geometric construction (boolean ops),
- transformations, non rectangular clipping gradient fills, smart
- reliefs, etc.
-This contains the dynamic libraries that are necessary for
-running applications which use Zinc.";
diff --git a/sandbox/Controls.pm b/sandbox/Controls.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f6b6a..0000000
--- a/sandbox/Controls.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-package Controls;
-$top = 1;
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $type = ref($proto) || $proto;
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- $self{'zinc'} = $zinc;
- $self{'cur_x'} = 0;
- $self{'cur_y'} = 0;
- $self{'cur_angle'} = 0;
- $self{'corner_x'} = 0;
- $self{'corner_y'} = 0;
- $self{'tlbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'tlbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'trbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'trbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'blbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'blbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $self{'brbbox'} = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -sensitive => 0, -visible => 0,
- -tags => 'currentbbox');
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $self{'brbbox'}, [-3, -3, +3, +3]);
- $zinc->add('rectangle', $top, [0, 0, 1, 1],
- -linecolor => 'red', -tags => 'lasso',
- -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', [\&start_lasso, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', [\&fin_lasso, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-2>', sub { my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my @closest = $zinc->find('closest',
- $ev->x, $ev->y);
- print "at point=$closest[0]\n" });
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&motion]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&zoom]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonPress-3>', [\&press, $self, \&rotate]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Control-ButtonRelease-3>', [\&release, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Enter>', [\&showbox, $self]);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('current', '<Leave>', [\&hidebox, $self]);
- bless ($self, $type);
- return $self;
-# Controls for the window transform.
-sub press {
- my ($zinc, $self, $action) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
- $self->{'cur_angle'} = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [$action, $self]);
-sub motion {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @it;
- my @res;
- @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'controls');
- if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- @res = $zinc->transform($it[0], [$lx, $ly, $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}]);
- $zinc->translate('controls', $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]);
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
-sub zoom {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $maxx;
- my $maxy;
- my $sx;
- my $sy;
- if ($lx > $self->{'cur_x'}) {
- $maxx = $lx;
- } else {
- $maxx = $self->{'cur_x'};
- }
- if ($ly > $self->{'cur_y'}) {
- $maxy = $ly
- } else {
- $maxy = $self->{'cur_y'};
- }
- $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $self->{'cur_x'})/$maxx;
- $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $self->{'cur_y'})/$maxy;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
- $zinc->scale('controls', $sx, $sy);
-# $main::scale *= $sx;
-# main::update_transform($zinc);
-sub rotate {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my $langle;
- $langle = atan2($ly, $lx);
- $zinc->rotate('controls', -($langle - $self->{'cur_angle'}));
- $self->{'cur_angle'} = $langle;
-sub release {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
-sub start_lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @coords;
- $self->{'cur_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'cur_y'} = $ly;
- $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$lx, $ly]);
- $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[0], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 1);
- $zinc->raise('lasso');
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', [\&lasso, $self]);
-sub lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @coords;
- $self->{'corner_x'} = $lx;
- $self->{'corner_y'} = $ly;
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, [$self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'}, $lx, $ly]);
- $zinc->coords('lasso', [$coords[0], $coords[1], $coords[2], $coords[3]]);
-sub fin_lasso {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $enclosed;
- my $overlapping;
- $zinc->Tk::bind('<Motion>', '');
- $zinc->itemconfigure('lasso', -visible => 0);
- $enclosed = join(', ', $zinc->find('enclosed',
- $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
- $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
- $overlapping = join(', ', $zinc->find('overlapping',
- $self->{'cur_x'}, $self->{'cur_y'},
- $self->{'corner_x'}, $self->{'corner_y'}));
- print "enclosed=$enclosed, overlapping=$overlapping\n";
-sub showbox {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my @coords;
- my @it;
- if (! $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
- @it = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- if (scalar(@it) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- @coords = $zinc->transform($top, $zinc->bbox('current'));
- $zinc->coords($self->{'tlbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'trbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[1]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'brbbox'}, [$coords[2], $coords[3]]);
- $zinc->coords($self->{'blbbox'}, [$coords[0], $coords[3]]);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 1);
- }
-sub hidebox {
- my ($zinc, $self) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $lx = $ev->x;
- my $ly = $ev->y;
- my @next;
- @next = $zinc->find('closest', $lx, $ly);
- if ((scalar(@next) == 0) ||
- ! $zinc->hastag($next[0], 'currentbbox') ||
- $zinc->hastag('current', 'currentbbox')) {
- $zinc->itemconfigure('currentbbox', -visible => 0);
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/alledges.pl b/sandbox/alledges.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index e8893a9..0000000
--- a/sandbox/alledges.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300,
-# -render => 1,
- -backcolor => "grey50", # this will be transparent in the doc
- )->pack();
-my $i = 1;
-my $x = 40;
-my $y = 40;
-foreach my $contour ( (['left'], ['right'], ['top'], ['bottom'],
- ['top', 'bottom'], ['left','right'], ['left','top'], ['contour'],
- ['oblique'], ['counteroblique'],['oblique','counteroblique']) ) {
- my $tab = $zinc->add('tabular', 1, 1, -position => [$x, $y],
- -labelformat => "a5a5+0+0",
- );
- my $contour_text = "['" . join ("','",@{$contour}) . "']";
- $zinc->itemconfigure($tab, 0,
- -text => $contour_text,
- -border => $contour,
- -alignment => "center",
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => "gray95",
- $i++;
- if ($i == 5) {
- $x = 40;
- $y = $y + 50;
- $i = 1;
- }
- else {
- $x = $x + 160;
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/allgradients.pl b/sandbox/allgradients.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7a4d6..0000000
--- a/sandbox/allgradients.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my ($grp,, $s, $i);
-my $defaultfont = '-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300,
- -render => 1,
- -backcolor => "red", # this will be transparent in the doc
- )->pack();
-$zinc->gname('black|white', 'axial 1');
-$zinc->gname('black|white/90', 'axial 2');
-$zinc->gname('black|white/30', 'axial 3');
-$zinc->gname('black|black:0/30', 'axial 4');
-$zinc->gname('white|black(-14 -20', 'radial 1');
-$zinc->gname('white:50 0 70|black 50|white 100(0 0', 'radial 2');
-$zinc->gname('white|black:80[-14 -20', 'path 1');
-$zinc->gname('white|white 30|black:80[-14 -20', 'path 2');
-$grp = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $grp, [0, 0, 70, 50],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'white',
- );
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $grp, [0, 0, 70, 50],
- -filled => 1,
- -linewidth => 1, # to help making the background transparent with gimp!
- -fillcolor => 'axial 1',
- -tags => ['rect']);
-$zinc->add('text', $grp,
- -text => 'axial 1',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -position => [35, -10],
- -tags => ['txt']);
-$zinc->translate($grp, 20, 30);
-$i = 1;
-foreach $s (('axial 2', 'axial 3', 'axial 4', 'radial 1',
- 'radial 2', 'path 1', 'path 2')) {
- $grp = $zinc->clone($grp);
- $zinc->addtag("g$grp", 'withtag', "$grp*attrs"); #, $grp, 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".$grp.txt",
- -text => $s);
- $zinc->itemconfigure(".$grp.rect",
- -fillcolor => $s);
- $i++;
- if ($i == 5) {
- $zinc->translate($grp, -3*100, 80);
- $i = 1;
- }
- else {
- $zinc->translate($grp, 100, 0);
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/allgradients.tcl b/sandbox/allgradients.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index eaab25b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/allgradients.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-lappend auto_path ..
-package require Tkzinc
-set defaultfont -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1
-zinc .zinc -width 700 -height 300 -render 1 -backcolor red
-pack .zinc
-puts start
-.zinc gname black|white {axial 1}
-#.zinc gname {=conical 70 |white|gray20 50|white} {axial 2}
-.zinc gname {=conical 70 |red|yellow 50|red} {axial 2}
-.zinc gname {=axial -50 -50 50 50|black|white} {axial 3}
-.zinc gname {=axial 30|black|black;0} {axial 4}
-.zinc gname {=radial -50 -50 50 50|white|black} {radial 1}
-.zinc gname {=radial 0 0|white;50 0 70|black 50|white 100} {radial 2}
-.zinc gname {=path -14 -20|white|black;80} {path 1}
-.zinc gname {=path -14 -20|white|white 30|black;80} {path 2}
-puts end
-set grp [.zinc add group 1]
-#.zinc add rectangle $grp {0 0 70 50} -filled 1 -fillcolor white
-.zinc add rectangle $grp {0 0 200 300} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 \
- -fillcolor {axial 1} -tags rect
-.zinc add text $grp -text {axial 1} -anchor center -position {35 -10} \
- -tags txt
-.zinc translate $grp 20 30
-set i 1
-foreach s {{axial 2} {axial 3} {axial 4} {radial 1}
- {radial 2} {path 1} {path 2}} {
- set grp [.zinc clone $grp]
- .zinc addtag "g$grp" withtag "$grp*attrs"
- .zinc itemconfigure ".$grp.txt" -text $s
- .zinc itemconfigure ".$grp.rect" -fillcolor $s
- incr i
- if {$i == 5} {
- .zinc translate $grp [expr -3*100] 80
- set i 1
- } else {
- .zinc translate $grp 100 0
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/alllineshapes.pl b/sandbox/alllineshapes.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c2bafc3..0000000
--- a/sandbox/alllineshapes.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 420,
-# -render => 1,
-# -backcolor => "red", # this will be transparent in the doc
- )->pack();
-my $i = 1;
-my $x = 20;
-my $y = 20;
-foreach my $lineshape ( qw(straight rightlightning leftlightning
- rightcorner leftcorner doublerightcorner
- doubleleftcorner) ) {
- my $wpt = $zinc->add('waypoint', 1, 1,
- -position => [$x, $y],
- -labelformat => "a5a5+0+0",
- -leaderanchors => '% 100x100',
- -leadershape => $lineshape,
- -labeldistance => 120,
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($wpt, 0,
- -text => $lineshape,
- -alignment => "center",
- );
- $i++;
- if ($i == 4) {
- $x = 20;
- $y = $y + 150;
- $i = 1;
- }
- else {
- $x = $x + 210;
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/allreliefs.pl b/sandbox/allreliefs.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 891a16f..0000000
--- a/sandbox/allreliefs.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Photo;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my ($grp,, $s, $i);
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 300,
- -render => 1,
- -backcolor => "red", # this will be transparent in the doc
- )->pack();
-$grp = $zinc->add('group', 1);
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $grp, [0, 0, 70, 50],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -linecolor => 'tan',
- -linewidth => 6,
- -relief => 'raised',
- -tags => ['attrs']);
-$zinc->add('text', $grp,
- -text => 'raised',
- -anchor => 'center',
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -position => [35, -10],
- -tags => ['attrs']);
-$zinc->translate($grp, 20, 30);
-$i = 1;
-foreach $s (('sunken', 'ridge', 'groove',
- 'roundraised', 'roundsunken', 'roundridge', 'roundgroove',
- 'raisedrule', 'sunkenrule')) {
- $grp = $zinc->clone($grp);
- $zinc->addtag("g$grp", 'withtag', 'attrs', $grp, 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure("attrs && g$grp",
- -text => $s,
- -relief => $s);
- $i++;
- if ($i == 5) {
- $zinc->translate($grp, -3*100, 80);
- $i = 1;
- }
- else {
- $zinc->translate($grp, 100, 0);
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/allreliefs.tcl b/sandbox/allreliefs.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 291a02b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/allreliefs.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr and N. Banoun banoun@cena.fr
-lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]
-package require Tkzinc
-set defaultfont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-zinc .z -width 700 -height 300 -render 1 -backcolor gray
-pack .z
-set grp [.z add group 1]
-.z add rectangle $grp {0 0 70 50} -filled 1 -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan \
- -linewidth 6 -relief raised -tags attrs
-.z add text $grp -text raised -anchor center -font $defaultfont \
- -position {35 -10} -tags texts
-.z translate $grp 20 30
-set i 1
-foreach s {sunken ridge groove roundraised roundsunken roundridge roundgroove raisedrule sunkenrule} {
- set grp [.z clone $grp]
- .z itemconfigure "$grp.texts" -text $s
- .z itemconfigure "$grp.attrs" -relief $s
- incr i
- if {$i == 5} {
- .z translate $grp [expr -3*100] 80
- set i 1
- } else {
- .z translate $grp 100 0
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/bouton-down.xpm b/sandbox/bouton-down.xpm
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c41c2..0000000
--- a/sandbox/bouton-down.xpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-/* XPM */
-static char *on[] = {
-/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
-" 90 86 249 2",
-/* colors */
-"b1 s mask c none",
-".. c #f8fcf8",
-".# c #080808",
-".a c #101010",
-".b c #181818",
-".c c #202020",
-".d c #f8f4f0",
-".e c #605858",
-".f c #484040",
-".g c #383030",
-".h c #282020",
-".i c #201818",
-".j c #302020",
-".k c #181010",
-".l c #100808",
-".m c #e0ccc0",
-".n c #806860",
-".o c #503830",
-".p c #f8e4d8",
-".q c #805848",
-".r c #c8bcb0",
-".s c #887870",
-".t c #f8dcc8",
-".u c #f0d4c0",
-".v c #d8bca8",
-".w c #605048",
-".x c #b89c88",
-".y c #b09480",
-".z c #403028",
-".A c #785848",
-".B c #f8b490",
-".C c #705040",
-".D c #885840",
-".E c #f8ece0",
-".F c #d8ccc0",
-".G c #988c80",
-".H c #c8ac98",
-".I c #584840",
-".J c #f8ccb0",
-".K c #886858",
-".L c #f8bc98",
-".M c #382820",
-".N c #a07058",
-".O c #684838",
-".P c #906048",
-".Q c #b07050",
-".R c #a06040",
-".S c #f0e4d8",
-".T c #d0c4b8",
-".U c #b0a498",
-".V c #908478",
-".W c #706058",
-".X c #c09c80",
-".Y c #a07860",
-".Z c #c89470",
-".0 c #f8b488",
-".1 c #b88460",
-".2 c #805840",
-".3 c #b07858",
-".4 c #a87050",
-".5 c #a06848",
-".6 c #986040",
-".7 c #b87048",
-".8 c #b06840",
-".9 c #f0dcc8",
-"#. c #e8d4c0",
-"## c #d0bca8",
-"#a c #b09c88",
-"#b c #f8d4b8",
-"#c c #907868",
-"#d c #e8c4a8",
-"#e c #887060",
-"#f c #d8b498",
-"#g c #c8a488",
-"#h c #705848",
-"#i c #e0b490",
-"#j c #b08c70",
-"#k c #685040",
-"#l c #c89c78",
-"#m c #f8bc90",
-"#n c #906850",
-"#o c #a07050",
-"#p c #b87850",
-"#q c #b07048",
-"#r c #a86840",
-"#s c #f8e4d0",
-"#t c #e0ccb8",
-"#u c #d8c4b0",
-"#v c #c0ac98",
-"#w c #f8dcc0",
-"#x c #a08c78",
-"#y c #d8bca0",
-"#z c #988470",
-"#A c #f8cca8",
-"#B c #786050",
-"#C c #987860",
-"#D c #d8ac88",
-"#E c #d0a480",
-"#F c #604838",
-"#G c #b08460",
-"#H c #584030",
-"#I c #785840",
-"#J c #d09c70",
-"#K c #c89468",
-"#L c #c08c60",
-"#M c #b07850",
-"#N c #906040",
-"#O c #a87048",
-"#P c #a06840",
-"#Q c #f0d4b8",
-"#R c #e0c4a8",
-"#S c #d0b498",
-"#T c #c8ac90",
-"#U c #c0a488",
-"#V c #b09478",
-"#W c #e0bc98",
-"#X c #a08468",
-"#Y c #c09c78",
-"#Z c #f8c498",
-"#0 c #907058",
-"#1 c #886850",
-"#2 c #806048",
-"#3 c #f8bc88",
-"#4 c #a07858",
-"#5 c #b88458",
-"#6 c #b07040",
-"#7 c #f8d4b0",
-"#8 c #e8c4a0",
-"#9 c #d8b490",
-"a. c #d0ac88",
-"a# c #f8cca0",
-"aa c #c8a480",
-"ab c #b89470",
-"ac c #b08c68",
-"ad c #f8c490",
-"ae c #d0a478",
-"af c #a88460",
-"ag c #c89c70",
-"ah c #c09468",
-"ai c #987050",
-"aj c #b88c60",
-"ak c #f8bc80",
-"al c #906848",
-"am c #b08458",
-"an c #a87850",
-"ao c #886040",
-"ap c #a07048",
-"aq c #e0dcd0",
-"ar c #a09c90",
-"as c #807870",
-"at c #e8dcc8",
-"au c #e0d4c0",
-"av c #c8bca8",
-"aw c #c0b4a0",
-"ax c #605850",
-"ay c #a89c88",
-"az c #f0dcc0",
-"aA c #a09480",
-"aB c #887868",
-"aC c #403830",
-"aD c #b09c80",
-"aE c #685848",
-"aF c #907860",
-"aG c #605040",
-"aH c #705840",
-"aI c #483828",
-"aJ c #f8f4e8",
-"aK c #b8b4a8",
-"aL c #b0aca0",
-"aM c #989488",
-"aN c #787068",
-"aO c #f8ecd8",
-"aP c #f0e4d0",
-"aQ c #706860",
-"aR c #d8ccb8",
-"aS c #d0c4b0",
-"aT c #b8ac98",
-"aU c #585048",
-"aV c #b0a490",
-"aW c #504840",
-"aX c #f8e4c8",
-"aY c #988c78",
-"aZ c #e0ccb0",
-"a0 c #d8c4a8",
-"a1 c #908470",
-"a2 c #c8b498",
-"a3 c #c0ac90",
-"a4 c #b8a488",
-"a5 c #f8dcb8",
-"a6 c #786858",
-"a7 c #e8cca8",
-"a8 c #706050",
-"a9 c #a89478",
-"b. c #e0c4a0",
-"b# c #d8bc98",
-"ba c #a08c70",
-"bb c #d0b490",
-"bc c #988468",
-"bd c #c8ac88",
-"be c #302820",
-"bf c #c0a480",
-"bg c #b89c78",
-"bh c #887058",
-"bi c #e0bc90",
-"bj c #584838",
-"bk c #b09470",
-"bl c #806850",
-"bm c #a88c68",
-"bn c #f8cc98",
-"bo c #786048",
-"bp c #504030",
-"bq c #c8a478",
-"br c #987858",
-"bs c #b89468",
-"bt c #886848",
-"bu c #c8c4b8",
-"bv c #888478",
-"bw c #686058",
-"bx c #484038",
-"by c #282018",
-"bz c #c8bca0",
-"bA c #a89c80",
-"bB c #e8d4b0",
-"bC c #d8c4a0",
-"bD c #c8b490",
-"bE c #b8a480",
-"bF c #a08c68",
-"bG c #e0d4b8",
-"bH c #f0e4c8",
-"bI c #d8ccb0",
-"bJ c #706048",
-"bK c #e0dcc8",
-"bL c #c0bca8",
-"bM c #807868",
-"bN c #f8f4e0",
-"bO c #d8d4c0",
-"bP c #787060",
-"bQ c #f0ecd8",
-"bR c #e8e4d0",
-"bS c #c8c4b0",
-"bT c #b0ac98",
-"bU c #f8fcf0",
-"bV c #f8fce8",
-"bW c #505048",
-"bX c #484840",
-"bY c #303028",
-"bZ c #282820",
-"b0 c #181810",
-"b2 c #000000",
-/* pixels */
diff --git a/sandbox/bouton.xpm b/sandbox/bouton.xpm
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8065f..0000000
--- a/sandbox/bouton.xpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-/* XPM */
-static char *on[] = {
-/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
-" 90 86 236 2",
-/* colors */
-".b s mask c none",
-".. c #f8fcf8",
-".# c #f8fcf0",
-".a c #f8fce8",
-".c c #f8f4f0",
-".d c #f8f4e8",
-".e c #f8f4e0",
-".f c #f8ece0",
-".g c #f8ecd8",
-".h c #f8ecd0",
-".i c #f8e4d8",
-".j c #f8e4d0",
-".k c #f8e4c8",
-".l c #f8dcc8",
-".m c #f8dcc0",
-".n c #f8dcb8",
-".o c #f8d4b0",
-".p c #f8ccb0",
-".q c #f8cca8",
-".r c #f8cca0",
-".s c #f8cc98",
-".t c #f8c498",
-".u c #f8c490",
-".v c #f8bc98",
-".w c #f8bc90",
-".x c #f8bc88",
-".y c #f8bc80",
-".z c #f8b490",
-".A c #f8b488",
-".B c #f0ecd8",
-".C c #f0e4d8",
-".D c #f0e4d0",
-".E c #f0e4c8",
-".F c #f0dcc8",
-".G c #f0dcc0",
-".H c #f0d4b8",
-".I c #f0d4b0",
-".J c #f0ccb0",
-".K c #f0cca8",
-".L c #e8e4d0",
-".M c #e8dcc8",
-".N c #e8d4b8",
-".O c #e8d4b0",
-".P c #e8ccb8",
-".Q c #e8ccb0",
-".R c #e8cca8",
-".S c #e8c4a8",
-".T c #e8c4a0",
-".U c #e8c498",
-".V c #e8bc98",
-".W c #e0c4a8",
-".X c #e0c4a0",
-".Y c #e0c498",
-".Z c #e0bc98",
-".0 c #e0bc90",
-".1 c #e0b488",
-".2 c #e0b480",
-".3 c #e0ac88",
-".4 c #e0ac80",
-".5 c #d8d4c0",
-".6 c #d8bca0",
-".7 c #d8bc98",
-".8 c #d8b498",
-".9 c #d8b490",
-"#. c #d8b488",
-"## c #d8ac88",
-"#a c #d8ac80",
-"#b c #d8ac78",
-"#c c #d8a478",
-"#d c #d8a470",
-"#e c #d89c70",
-"#f c #d0c4b0",
-"#g c #d0bca8",
-"#h c #d0bca0",
-"#i c #d0b498",
-"#j c #d0b490",
-"#k c #d0ac88",
-"#l c #d0a480",
-"#m c #d0a478",
-"#n c #d0a470",
-"#o c #d09c70",
-"#p c #d09c68",
-"#q c #d09468",
-"#r c #d09460",
-"#s c #c8bcb0",
-"#t c #c8bca8",
-"#u c #c8b498",
-"#v c #c8a480",
-"#w c #c89c70",
-"#x c #c89468",
-"#y c #c88c60",
-"#z c #c88c58",
-"#A c #c88458",
-"#B c #c88450",
-"#C c #c0ac98",
-"#D c #c0ac90",
-"#E c #c0a478",
-"#F c #c09c78",
-"#G c #c08c68",
-"#H c #c08c60",
-"#I c #c08458",
-"#J c #c08450",
-"#K c #c07850",
-"#L c #c07848",
-"#M c #c07048",
-"#N c #b8b4a0",
-"#O c #b8aca0",
-"#P c #b8a490",
-"#Q c #b8a488",
-"#R c #b8a480",
-"#S c #b89c80",
-"#T c #b89470",
-"#U c #b88c60",
-"#V c #b87848",
-"#W c #b87048",
-"#X c #b87040",
-"#Y c #b86840",
-"#Z c #b09c80",
-"#0 c #b09470",
-"#1 c #b08c68",
-"#2 c #b07850",
-"#3 c #b06840",
-"#4 c #a8a490",
-"#5 c #a88c68",
-"#6 c #a87858",
-"#7 c #a87050",
-"#8 c #a86840",
-"#9 c #a08c70",
-"a. c #a07050",
-"a# c #a07048",
-"aa c #a06038",
-"ab c #989488",
-"ac c #989480",
-"ad c #988c80",
-"ae c #988c78",
-"af c #988460",
-"ag c #987860",
-"ah c #987858",
-"ai c #986848",
-"aj c #986038",
-"ak c #985838",
-"al c #908470",
-"am c #908468",
-"an c #906040",
-"ao c #906038",
-"ap c #905838",
-"aq c #888478",
-"ar c #887870",
-"as c #887868",
-"at c #887060",
-"au c #887058",
-"av c #886850",
-"aw c #886848",
-"ax c #885030",
-"ay c #807060",
-"az c #807058",
-"aA c #806858",
-"aB c #806850",
-"aC c #805838",
-"aD c #787070",
-"aE c #787068",
-"aF c #787060",
-"aG c #786860",
-"aH c #786048",
-"aI c #785840",
-"aJ c #785030",
-"aK c #784830",
-"aL c #706860",
-"aM c #706058",
-"aN c #706050",
-"aO c #705848",
-"aP c #705840",
-"aQ c #705038",
-"aR c #704830",
-"aS c #704828",
-"aT c #686060",
-"aU c #686058",
-"aV c #686050",
-"aW c #685850",
-"aX c #685848",
-"aY c #685840",
-"aZ c #684028",
-"a0 c #605048",
-"a1 c #605040",
-"a2 c #604838",
-"a3 c #604028",
-"a4 c #585048",
-"a5 c #584840",
-"a6 c #584838",
-"a7 c #583820",
-"a8 c #504840",
-"a9 c #504038",
-"b. c #504030",
-"b# c #503828",
-"ba c #503020",
-"bb c #503018",
-"bc c #484840",
-"bd c #484038",
-"be c #484030",
-"bf c #483828",
-"bg c #483020",
-"bh c #403838",
-"bi c #403830",
-"bj c #403828",
-"bk c #403028",
-"bl c #403020",
-"bm c #383830",
-"bn c #383030",
-"bo c #383028",
-"bp c #382820",
-"bq c #382018",
-"br c #382010",
-"bs c #302828",
-"bt c #302820",
-"bu c #302818",
-"bv c #302018",
-"bw c #302010",
-"bx c #301810",
-"by c #282828",
-"bz c #282820",
-"bA c #282020",
-"bB c #282018",
-"bC c #281810",
-"bD c #201818",
-"bE c #201810",
-"bF c #201008",
-"bG c #181818",
-"bH c #181810",
-"bI c #181010",
-"bJ c #181008",
-"bK c #180808",
-"bL c #100808",
-"bM c #080808",
-"bN c #080800",
-"bO c #080000",
-"bP c #000000",
-/* pixels */
diff --git a/sandbox/conical.tcl b/sandbox/conical.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 63dd7c0..0000000
--- a/sandbox/conical.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-lappend auto_path ..
-package require Tkzinc
-set defaultfont -b&h-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1
-zinc .zinc -width 700 -height 500 -render 1
-pack .zinc
-.zinc gname {=radial 0 0 |white|gray30} test1
-.zinc gname {=conical 70 |white|gray30 50 50|white} test2
-set grp [.zinc add group 1]
-#.zinc add rectangle $grp {0 0 70 50} -filled 1 -fillcolor white
-.zinc add rectangle $grp {60 60 360 360} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 \
- -fillcolor test2 -tags rect
-.zinc add rectangle $grp {140 140 280 280} -filled 1 -fillcolor gray
diff --git a/sandbox/contours.tcl b/sandbox/contours.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ce6d3ac..0000000
--- a/sandbox/contours.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-package require Img
-set top 1
-set lw 8
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
-#set poly [.r add curve $view "50 -150 300 -150 300 -300 50 -300 50 -150" \
-# -closed t -fillcolor tan]
-set poly [.r add curve $view "50 -150 50 -300 300 -300 300 -150 50 -150" \
- -closed t -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan -linewidth 2 -relief raised]
-.r scale $poly 2.0 2.0
-.r translate $poly -60 150
-set rect [.r add rectangle $view "50 -200 100 -50"]
-set ellipse [.r add arc $view "150 -200 300 -350"]
-set arc [.r add arc $view "-25 -150 125 -300"]
-.r scale $arc 2.0 2.0
-.r translate $arc -60 150
-set mp [.r add curve $view "" \
- -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
- -markercolor red -tags "poly" -linewidth $lw -filled t -closed t]
-.r contour $mp add $poly
-.r contour $mp addhole $ellipse
-.r contour $mp addhole $rect
-.r contour $mp add $arc
-.r itemconfigure $mp -relief raised -visible t
-.r lower $mp
-#.r remove $arc $ellipse $rect $poly
-.r remove $rect $arc $ellipse
-#.r itemconfigure $poly -relief raised -linewidth 8
-# "50 -200 100 -200 100 -50 50 -50 50 -200"
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/controls.tcl b/sandbox/controls.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d865020..0000000
--- a/sandbox/controls.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-set tlbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
-.r add rectangle $tlbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
-set trbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
-.r add rectangle $trbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
-set blbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
-.r add rectangle $blbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
-set brbbox [.r add group $top -sensitive f -visible f -tags currentbbox]
-.r add rectangle $brbbox "-3 -3 +3 +3"
-.r add rectangle $top "0 0 1 1" -linecolor red -tags "lasso" -visible f -sensitive f
-# Controls for the window transform.
-proc press {lx ly action} {
- global x y angle
- set x $lx
- set y $ly
- set angle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind .r "<Motion>" "$action %x %y"
-proc motion {lx ly} {
- global x y
- set it [.r find withtag controls]
- if {$it != ""} {
- set it [.r group [lindex $it 0]]
- }
- set res [.r transform $it "$lx $ly $x $y"]
- set nx [lindex $res 0]
- set ny [lindex $res 1]
- set ox [lindex $res 2]
- set oy [lindex $res 3]
- .r translate controls [expr $nx - $ox] [expr $ny - $oy]
- set x $lx
- set y $ly
-proc zoom {lx ly} {
- global x y
- if {$lx > $x} {
- set maxx $lx
- } else {
- set maxx $x
- }
- if {$ly > $y} {
- set maxy $ly
- } else {
- set maxy $y
- }
- set sx [expr 1.0 + double($lx - $x)/$maxx]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + double($ly - $y)/$maxy]
- set x $lx
- set y $ly
- .r scale controls $sx $sy
-proc rotate {lx ly} {
- global angle
- set langle [expr atan2($ly, $lx)]
- .r rotate controls [expr -($langle-$angle)]
- set angle $langle
-proc release {} {
- bind .r "<Motion>" ""
-proc start_lasso {lx ly} {
- global top x y cx cy
- set x $lx
- set y $ly
- set cx $lx
- set cy $ly
- set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y"]
- set fx [lindex $coords 0]
- set fy [lindex $coords 1]
- .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fx $fy"
- .r itemconfigure lasso -visible t
- .r raise lasso
- bind .r "<Motion>" "lasso %x %y"
-proc lasso {lx ly} {
- global top x y cx cy
- set cx $lx
- set cy $ly
- set coords [.r transform $top "$x $y $lx $ly"]
- set fx [lindex $coords 0]
- set fy [lindex $coords 1]
- set fcx [lindex $coords 2]
- set fcy [lindex $coords 3]
- .r coords lasso "$fx $fy $fcx $fcy"
-proc fin_lasso {} {
- global x y cx cy
- bind .r "<Motion>" ""
- .r itemconfigure lasso -visible f
-# puts "x=$x, y=$y, cx=$cx, cy=$cy"
- puts "enclosed='[.r find enclosed $x $y $cx $cy]', overlapping='[.r find overlapping $x $y $cx $cy]'"
-proc getrect {x y} {
- list [expr $x-3] [expr $y-3] [expr $x+3] [expr $y+3]
-proc showbox {} {
- global top tlbbox trbbox blbbox brbbox
- if { ! [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
- if {[catch {.r find withtag current} item] } {
- return
- }
- set coords [.r transform $top [.r bbox current]]
- set xo [lindex $coords 0]
- set yo [lindex $coords 1]
- set xc [lindex $coords 2]
- set yc [lindex $coords 3]
- .r coords $tlbbox "$xo $yo"
- .r coords $trbbox "$xc $yo"
- .r coords $brbbox "$xc $yc"
- .r coords $blbbox "$xo $yc"
- .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible t
- }
-proc hidebox {lx ly} {
- set next [.r find closest $lx $ly]
- if {[llength $next] > 1} {
- set next [lindex $next 0]
- }
- if { $next == "" || ! [.r hastag $next currentbbox] ||\
- [.r hastag current currentbbox]} {
- .r itemconfigure currentbbox -visible f
- }
-bind .r "<ButtonPress-1>" "start_lasso %x %y"
-bind .r "<ButtonRelease-1>" fin_lasso
-bind .r "<ButtonPress-2>" {puts "at point='[.r find closest %x %y]'"}
-bind .r "<ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y motion"
-bind .r "<ButtonRelease-3>" release
-bind .r "<Shift-ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y zoom"
-bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-3>" release
-bind .r "<Control-ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y rotate"
-bind .r "<Control-ButtonRelease-3>" release
-.r bind current "<Enter>" showbox
-.r bind current "<Leave>" {hidebox %x %y}
diff --git a/sandbox/defs.tcl b/sandbox/defs.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e55cd..0000000
--- a/sandbox/defs.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1097 +0,0 @@
-# defs.tcl --
-# This file contains support code for the Tcl/Tk test suite.It is
-# It is normally sourced by the individual files in the test suite
-# before they run their tests. This improved approach to testing
-# was designed and initially implemented by Mary Ann May-Pumphrey
-# of Sun Microsystems.
-# Copyright (c) 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
-# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
-# All rights reserved.
-# RCS: @(#) $Id$
-# Initialize wish shell
-if {[info exists tk_version]} {
- tk appname tktest
- wm title . tktest
-} else {
- # Ensure that we have a minimal auto_path so we don't pick up extra junk.
- set auto_path [list [info library]]
-# create the "tcltest" namespace for all testing variables and procedures
-namespace eval tcltest {
- set procList [list test cleanupTests dotests saveState restoreState \
- normalizeMsg makeFile removeFile makeDirectory removeDirectory \
- viewFile bytestring set_iso8859_1_locale restore_locale \
- safeFetch threadReap]
- if {[info exists tk_version]} {
- lappend procList setupbg dobg bgReady cleanupbg fixfocus
- }
- foreach proc $procList {
- namespace export $proc
- }
- # setup ::tcltest default vars
- foreach {var default} {verbose b match {} skip {}} {
- if {![info exists $var]} {
- variable $var $default
- }
- }
- # Tests should not rely on the current working directory.
- # Files that are part of the test suite should be accessed relative to
- # ::tcltest::testsDir.
- set originalDir [pwd]
- set tDir [file join $originalDir [file dirname [info script]]]
- cd $tDir
- variable testsDir [pwd]
- cd $originalDir
- # Count the number of files tested (0 if all.tcl wasn't called).
- # The all.tcl file will set testSingleFile to false, so stats will
- # not be printed until all.tcl calls the cleanupTests proc.
- # The currentFailure var stores the boolean value of whether the
- # current test file has had any failures. The failFiles list
- # stores the names of test files that had failures.
- variable numTestFiles 0
- variable testSingleFile true
- variable currentFailure false
- variable failFiles {}
- # Tests should remove all files they create. The test suite will
- # check the current working dir for files created by the tests.
- # ::tcltest::filesMade keeps track of such files created using the
- # ::tcltest::makeFile and ::tcltest::makeDirectory procedures.
- # ::tcltest::filesExisted stores the names of pre-existing files.
- variable filesMade {}
- variable filesExisted {}
- # ::tcltest::numTests will store test files as indices and the list
- # of files (that should not have been) left behind by the test files.
- array set ::tcltest::createdNewFiles {}
- # initialize ::tcltest::numTests array to keep track fo the number of
- # tests that pass, fial, and are skipped.
- array set numTests [list Total 0 Passed 0 Skipped 0 Failed 0]
- # initialize ::tcltest::skippedBecause array to keep track of
- # constraints that kept tests from running
- array set ::tcltest::skippedBecause {}
- # tests that use thread need to know which is the main thread
- variable ::tcltest::mainThread 1
- if {[info commands testthread] != {}} {
- puts "Tk with threads enabled is known to have problems with X"
- set ::tcltest::mainThread [testthread names]
- }
-# If there is no "memory" command (because memory debugging isn't
-# enabled), generate a dummy command that does nothing.
-if {[info commands memory] == ""} {
- proc memory args {}
-# ::tcltest::initConfig --
-# Check configuration information that will determine which tests
-# to run. To do this, create an array ::tcltest::testConfig. Each
-# element has a 0 or 1 value. If the element is "true" then tests
-# with that constraint will be run, otherwise tests with that constraint
-# will be skipped. See the README file for the list of built-in
-# constraints defined in this procedure.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# The ::tcltest::testConfig array is reset to have an index for
-# each built-in test constraint.
-proc ::tcltest::initConfig {} {
- global tcl_platform tcl_interactive tk_version
- catch {unset ::tcltest::testConfig}
- # The following trace procedure makes it so that we can safely refer to
- # non-existent members of the ::tcltest::testConfig array without causing an
- # error. Instead, reading a non-existent member will return 0. This is
- # necessary because tests are allowed to use constraint "X" without ensuring
- # that ::tcltest::testConfig("X") is defined.
- trace variable ::tcltest::testConfig r ::tcltest::safeFetch
- proc ::tcltest::safeFetch {n1 n2 op} {
- if {($n2 != {}) && ([info exists ::tcltest::testConfig($n2)] == 0)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig($n2) 0
- }
- }
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixOnly) \
- [expr {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(macOnly) \
- [expr {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(pcOnly) \
- [expr {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unix) $::tcltest::testConfig(unixOnly)
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(mac) $::tcltest::testConfig(macOnly)
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(pc) $::tcltest::testConfig(pcOnly)
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixOrPc) \
- [expr {$::tcltest::testConfig(unix) || $::tcltest::testConfig(pc)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(macOrPc) \
- [expr {$::tcltest::testConfig(mac) || $::tcltest::testConfig(pc)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(macOrUnix) \
- [expr {$::tcltest::testConfig(mac) || $::tcltest::testConfig(unix)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(nt) [expr {$tcl_platform(os) == "Windows NT"}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(95) [expr {$tcl_platform(os) == "Windows 95"}]
- # The following config switches are used to mark tests that should work,
- # but have been temporarily disabled on certain platforms because they don't
- # and we haven't gotten around to fixing the underlying problem.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(tempNotPc) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(pc)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(tempNotMac) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(mac)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(tempNotUnix) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(unix)}]
- # The following config switches are used to mark tests that crash on
- # certain platforms, so that they can be reactivated again when the
- # underlying problem is fixed.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(pcCrash) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(pc)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(macCrash) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(mac)}]
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixCrash) [expr {!$::tcltest::testConfig(unix)}]
- # Set the "fonts" constraint for wish apps
- if {[info exists tk_version]} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(fonts) 1
- catch {destroy .e}
- entry .e -width 0 -font {Helvetica -12} -bd 1
- .e insert end "a.bcd"
- if {([winfo reqwidth .e] != 37) || ([winfo reqheight .e] != 20)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(fonts) 0
- }
- destroy .e
- catch {destroy .t}
- text .t -width 80 -height 20 -font {Times -14} -bd 1
- pack .t
- .t insert end "This is\na dot."
- update
- set x [list [.t bbox 1.3] [.t bbox 2.5]]
- destroy .t
- if {[string match {{22 3 6 15} {31 18 [34] 15}} $x] == 0} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(fonts) 0
- }
- # Test to see if we have are running Unix apps on Exceed,
- # which won't return font failures (Windows-like), which is
- # not what we want from ann X server (other Windows X servers
- # operate as expected)
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(noExceed) 1
- if {$::tcltest::testConfig(unixOnly) && \
- [catch {font actual "\{xyz"}] == 0} {
- puts "Running X app on Exceed, skipping problematic font tests..."
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(noExceed) 0
- }
- }
- # Skip empty tests
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(emptyTest) 0
- # By default, tests that expost known bugs are skipped.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(knownBug) 0
- # By default, non-portable tests are skipped.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(nonPortable) 0
- # Some tests require user interaction.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(userInteraction) 0
- # Some tests must be skipped if the interpreter is not in interactive mode
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(interactive) $tcl_interactive
- # Some tests must be skipped if you are running as root on Unix.
- # Other tests can only be run if you are running as root on Unix.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(root) 0
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(notRoot) 1
- set user {}
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- catch {set user [exec whoami]}
- if {$user == ""} {
- catch {regexp {^[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)} [exec id] dummy user}
- }
- if {($user == "root") || ($user == "")} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(root) 1
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(notRoot) 0
- }
- }
- # Set nonBlockFiles constraint: 1 means this platform supports
- # setting files into nonblocking mode.
- if {[catch {set f [open defs r]}]} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(nonBlockFiles) 1
- } else {
- if {[catch {fconfigure $f -blocking off}] == 0} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(nonBlockFiles) 1
- } else {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(nonBlockFiles) 0
- }
- close $f
- }
- # Set asyncPipeClose constraint: 1 means this platform supports
- # async flush and async close on a pipe.
- #
- # Test for SCO Unix - cannot run async flushing tests because a
- # potential problem with select is apparently interfering.
- # (Mark Diekhans).
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- if {[catch {exec uname -X | fgrep {Release = 3.2v}}] == 0} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(asyncPipeClose) 0
- } else {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(asyncPipeClose) 1
- }
- } else {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(asyncPipeClose) 1
- }
- # Test to see if we have a broken version of sprintf with respect
- # to the "e" format of floating-point numbers.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(eformat) 1
- if {[string compare "[format %g 5e-5]" "5e-05"] != 0} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(eformat) 0
- }
- # Test to see if execed commands such as cat, echo, rm and so forth are
- # present on this machine.
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 1
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ($tcl_platform(platform) == "windows")} {
- if {[catch {exec cat defs}] == 1} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec echo hello}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec sh -c echo hello}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec wc defs}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {$::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1} {
- exec echo hello > removeMe
- if {[catch {exec rm removeMe}] == 1} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec sleep 1}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec fgrep unixExecs defs}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec ps}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec echo abc > removeMe}] == 0) && \
- ([catch {exec chmod 644 removeMe}] == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec rm removeMe}] == 0)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- } else {
- catch {exec rm -f removeMe}
- }
- if {($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 1) && \
- ([catch {exec mkdir removeMe}] == 1)} {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) 0
- } else {
- catch {exec rm -r removeMe}
- }
- }
-# ::tcltest::processCmdLineArgs --
-# Use command line args to set the verbose, skip, and
-# match variables. This procedure must be run after
-# constraints are initialized, because some constraints can be
-# overridden.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# ::tcltest::verbose is set to <value>
-proc ::tcltest::processCmdLineArgs {} {
- global argv
- # The "argv" var doesn't exist in some cases, so use {}
- # The "argv" var doesn't exist in some cases.
- if {(![info exists argv]) || ([llength $argv] < 2)} {
- set flagArray {}
- } else {
- set flagArray $argv
- }
- if {[catch {array set flag $flagArray}]} {
- puts stderr "Error: odd number of command line args specified:"
- puts stderr " $argv"
- exit
- }
- # Allow for 1-char abbreviations, where applicable (e.g., -match == -m).
- # Note that -verbose cannot be abbreviated to -v in wish because it
- # conflicts with the wish option -visual.
- foreach arg {-verbose -match -skip -constraints} {
- set abbrev [string range $arg 0 1]
- if {([info exists flag($abbrev)]) && \
- ([lsearch -exact $flagArray $arg] < \
- [lsearch -exact $flagArray $abbrev])} {
- set flag($arg) $flag($abbrev)
- }
- }
- # Set ::tcltest::workingDir to [pwd].
- # Save the names of files that already exist in ::tcltest::workingDir.
- set ::tcltest::workingDir [pwd]
- foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $::tcltest::workingDir *]] {
- lappend ::tcltest::filesExisted [file tail $file]
- }
- # Set ::tcltest::verbose to the arg of the -verbose flag, if given
- if {[info exists flag(-verbose)]} {
- set ::tcltest::verbose $flag(-verbose)
- }
- # Set ::tcltest::match to the arg of the -match flag, if given
- if {[info exists flag(-match)]} {
- set ::tcltest::match $flag(-match)
- }
- # Set ::tcltest::skip to the arg of the -skip flag, if given
- if {[info exists flag(-skip)]} {
- set ::tcltest::skip $flag(-skip)
- }
- # Use the -constraints flag, if given, to turn on constraints that are
- # turned off by default: userInteractive knownBug nonPortable. This
- # code fragment must be run after constraints are initialized.
- if {[info exists flag(-constraints)]} {
- foreach elt $flag(-constraints) {
- set ::tcltest::testConfig($elt) 1
- }
- }
-# ::tcltest::cleanupTests --
-# Remove files and dirs created using the makeFile and makeDirectory
-# commands since the last time this proc was invoked.
-# Print the names of the files created without the makeFile command
-# since the tests were invoked.
-# Print the number tests (total, passed, failed, and skipped) since the
-# tests were invoked.
-proc ::tcltest::cleanupTests {{calledFromAllFile 0}} {
- set tail [file tail [info script]]
- # Remove files and directories created by the :tcltest::makeFile and
- # ::tcltest::makeDirectory procedures.
- # Record the names of files in ::tcltest::workingDir that were not
- # pre-existing, and associate them with the test file that created them.
- if {!$calledFromAllFile} {
- foreach file $::tcltest::filesMade {
- if {[file exists $file]} {
- catch {file delete -force $file}
- }
- }
- set currentFiles {}
- foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $::tcltest::workingDir *]] {
- lappend currentFiles [file tail $file]
- }
- set newFiles {}
- foreach file $currentFiles {
- if {[lsearch -exact $::tcltest::filesExisted $file] == -1} {
- lappend newFiles $file
- }
- }
- set ::tcltest::filesExisted $currentFiles
- if {[llength $newFiles] > 0} {
- set ::tcltest::createdNewFiles($tail) $newFiles
- }
- }
- if {$calledFromAllFile || $::tcltest::testSingleFile} {
- # print stats
- puts -nonewline stdout "$tail:"
- foreach index [list "Total" "Passed" "Skipped" "Failed"] {
- puts -nonewline stdout "\t$index\t$::tcltest::numTests($index)"
- }
- puts stdout ""
- # print number test files sourced
- # print names of files that ran tests which failed
- if {$calledFromAllFile} {
- puts stdout "Sourced $::tcltest::numTestFiles Test Files."
- set ::tcltest::numTestFiles 0
- if {[llength $::tcltest::failFiles] > 0} {
- puts stdout "Files with failing tests: $::tcltest::failFiles"
- set ::tcltest::failFiles {}
- }
- }
- # if any tests were skipped, print the constraints that kept them
- # from running.
- set constraintList [array names ::tcltest::skippedBecause]
- if {[llength $constraintList] > 0} {
- puts stdout "Number of tests skipped for each constraint:"
- foreach constraint [lsort $constraintList] {
- puts stdout \
- "\t$::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint)\t$constraint"
- unset ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraint)
- }
- }
- # report the names of test files in ::tcltest::createdNewFiles, and
- # reset the array to be empty.
- set testFilesThatTurded [lsort [array names ::tcltest::createdNewFiles]]
- if {[llength $testFilesThatTurded] > 0} {
- puts stdout "Warning: test files left files behind:"
- foreach testFile $testFilesThatTurded {
- puts "\t$testFile:\t$::tcltest::createdNewFiles($testFile)"
- unset ::tcltest::createdNewFiles($testFile)
- }
- }
- # reset filesMade, filesExisted, and numTests
- set ::tcltest::filesMade {}
- foreach index [list "Total" "Passed" "Skipped" "Failed"] {
- set ::tcltest::numTests($index) 0
- }
- # exit only if running Tk in non-interactive mode
- global tk_version tcl_interactive
- if {[info exists tk_version] && !$tcl_interactive} {
- exit
- }
- } else {
- # if we're deferring stat-reporting until all files are sourced,
- # then add current file to failFile list if any tests in this file
- # failed
- incr ::tcltest::numTestFiles
- if {($::tcltest::currentFailure) && \
- ([lsearch -exact $::tcltest::failFiles $tail] == -1)} {
- lappend ::tcltest::failFiles $tail
- }
- set ::tcltest::currentFailure false
- }
-# test --
-# This procedure runs a test and prints an error message if the test fails.
-# If ::tcltest::verbose has been set, it also prints a message even if the
-# test succeeds. The test will be skipped if it doesn't match the
-# ::tcltest::match variable, if it matches an element in
-# ::tcltest::skip, or if one of the elements of "constraints" turns
-# out not to be true.
-# Arguments:
-# name - Name of test, in the form foo-1.2.
-# description - Short textual description of the test, to
-# help humans understand what it does.
-# constraints - A list of one or more keywords, each of
-# which must be the name of an element in
-# the array "::tcltest::testConfig". If any of these
-# elements is zero, the test is skipped.
-# This argument may be omitted.
-# script - Script to run to carry out the test. It must
-# return a result that can be checked for
-# correctness.
-# expectedAnswer - Expected result from script.
-proc ::tcltest::test {name description script expectedAnswer args} {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Total)
- # skip the test if it's name matches an element of skip
- foreach pattern $::tcltest::skip {
- if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
- return
- }
- }
- # skip the test if it's name doesn't match any element of match
- if {[llength $::tcltest::match] > 0} {
- set ok 0
- foreach pattern $::tcltest::match {
- if {[string match $pattern $name]} {
- set ok 1
- break
- }
- }
- if {!$ok} {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
- return
- }
- }
- set i [llength $args]
- if {$i == 0} {
- set constraints {}
- } elseif {$i == 1} {
- # "constraints" argument exists; shuffle arguments down, then
- # make sure that the constraints are satisfied.
- set constraints $script
- set script $expectedAnswer
- set expectedAnswer [lindex $args 0]
- set doTest 0
- if {[string match {*[$\[]*} $constraints] != 0} {
- # full expression, e.g. {$foo > [info tclversion]}
- catch {set doTest [uplevel #0 expr $constraints]}
- } elseif {[regexp {[^.a-zA-Z0-9 ]+} $constraints] != 0} {
- # something like {a || b} should be turned into
- # $::tcltest::testConfig(a) || $::tcltest::testConfig(b).
- regsub -all {[.a-zA-Z0-9]+} $constraints \
- {$::tcltest::testConfig(&)} c
- catch {set doTest [eval expr $c]}
- } else {
- # just simple constraints such as {unixOnly fonts}.
- set doTest 1
- foreach constraint $constraints {
- if {![info exists ::tcltest::testConfig($constraint)]
- || !$::tcltest::testConfig($constraint)} {
- set doTest 0
- # store the constraint that kept the test from running
- set constraints $constraint
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if {$doTest == 0} {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Skipped)
- if {[string first s $::tcltest::verbose] != -1} {
- puts stdout "++++ $name SKIPPED: $constraints"
- }
- # add the constraint to the list of constraints the kept tests
- # from running
- if {[info exists ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints)]} {
- incr ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints)
- } else {
- set ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints) 1
- }
- return
- }
- } else {
- error "wrong # args: must be \"test name description ?constraints? script expectedAnswer\""
- }
- memory tag $name
- set code [catch {uplevel $script} actualAnswer]
- if {$code != 0 || [string compare $actualAnswer $expectedAnswer] != 0} {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Failed)
- set ::tcltest::currentFailure true
- if {[string first b $::tcltest::verbose] == -1} {
- set script ""
- }
- puts stdout "\n==== $name $description FAILED"
- if {$script != ""} {
- puts stdout "==== Contents of test case:"
- puts stdout $script
- }
- if {$code != 0} {
- if {$code == 1} {
- puts stdout "==== Test generated error:"
- puts stdout $actualAnswer
- } elseif {$code == 2} {
- puts stdout "==== Test generated return exception; result was:"
- puts stdout $actualAnswer
- } elseif {$code == 3} {
- puts stdout "==== Test generated break exception"
- } elseif {$code == 4} {
- puts stdout "==== Test generated continue exception"
- } else {
- puts stdout "==== Test generated exception $code; message was:"
- puts stdout $actualAnswer
- }
- } else {
- puts stdout "---- Result was:\n$actualAnswer"
- }
- puts stdout "---- Result should have been:\n$expectedAnswer"
- puts stdout "==== $name FAILED\n"
- } else {
- incr ::tcltest::numTests(Passed)
- if {[string first p $::tcltest::verbose] != -1} {
- puts stdout "++++ $name PASSED"
- }
- }
-# ::tcltest::dotests --
-# takes two arguments--the name of the test file (such
-# as "parse.test"), and a pattern selecting the tests you want to
-# execute. It sets ::tcltest::matching to the second argument, calls
-# "source" on the file specified in the first argument, and restores
-# ::tcltest::matching to its pre-call value at the end.
-# Arguments:
-# file name of tests file to source
-# args pattern selecting the tests you want to execute
-# Results:
-# none
-proc ::tcltest::dotests {file args} {
- set savedTests $::tcltest::match
- set ::tcltest::match $args
- source $file
- set ::tcltest::match $savedTests
-proc ::tcltest::openfiles {} {
- if {[catch {testchannel open} result]} {
- return {}
- }
- return $result
-proc ::tcltest::leakfiles {old} {
- if {[catch {testchannel open} new]} {
- return {}
- }
- set leak {}
- foreach p $new {
- if {[lsearch $old $p] < 0} {
- lappend leak $p
- }
- }
- return $leak
-set ::tcltest::saveState {}
-proc ::tcltest::saveState {} {
- uplevel #0 {set ::tcltest::saveState [list [info procs] [info vars]]}
-proc ::tcltest::restoreState {} {
- foreach p [info procs] {
- if {[lsearch [lindex $::tcltest::saveState 0] $p] < 0} {
- rename $p {}
- }
- }
- foreach p [uplevel #0 {info vars}] {
- if {[lsearch [lindex $::tcltest::saveState 1] $p] < 0} {
- uplevel #0 "unset $p"
- }
- }
-proc ::tcltest::normalizeMsg {msg} {
- regsub "\n$" [string tolower $msg] "" msg
- regsub -all "\n\n" $msg "\n" msg
- regsub -all "\n\}" $msg "\}" msg
- return $msg
-# makeFile --
-# Create a new file with the name <name>, and write <contents> to it.
-# If this file hasn't been created via makeFile since the last time
-# cleanupTests was called, add it to the $filesMade list, so it will
-# be removed by the next call to cleanupTests.
-proc ::tcltest::makeFile {contents name} {
- set fd [open $name w]
- fconfigure $fd -translation lf
- if {[string index $contents [expr {[string length $contents] - 1}]] == "\n"} {
- puts -nonewline $fd $contents
- } else {
- puts $fd $contents
- }
- close $fd
- set fullName [file join [pwd] $name]
- if {[lsearch -exact $::tcltest::filesMade $fullName] == -1} {
- lappend ::tcltest::filesMade $fullName
- }
-proc ::tcltest::removeFile {name} {
- file delete $name
-# makeDirectory --
-# Create a new dir with the name <name>.
-# If this dir hasn't been created via makeDirectory since the last time
-# cleanupTests was called, add it to the $directoriesMade list, so it will
-# be removed by the next call to cleanupTests.
-proc ::tcltest::makeDirectory {name} {
- file mkdir $name
- set fullName [file join [pwd] $name]
- if {[lsearch -exact $::tcltest::filesMade $fullName] == -1} {
- lappend ::tcltest::filesMade $fullName
- }
-proc ::tcltest::removeDirectory {name} {
- file delete -force $name
-proc ::tcltest::viewFile {name} {
- global tcl_platform
- if {($tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh") || \
- ($::tcltest::testConfig(unixExecs) == 0)} {
- set f [open $name]
- set data [read -nonewline $f]
- close $f
- return $data
- } else {
- exec cat $name
- }
-# Construct a string that consists of the requested sequence of bytes,
-# as opposed to a string of properly formed UTF-8 characters.
-# This allows the tester to
-# 1. Create denormalized or improperly formed strings to pass to C procedures
-# that are supposed to accept strings with embedded NULL bytes.
-# 2. Confirm that a string result has a certain pattern of bytes, for instance
-# to confirm that "\xe0\0" in a Tcl script is stored internally in
-# UTF-8 as the sequence of bytes "\xc3\xa0\xc0\x80".
-# Generally, it's a bad idea to examine the bytes in a Tcl string or to
-# construct improperly formed strings in this manner, because it involves
-# exposing that Tcl uses UTF-8 internally.
-proc ::tcltest::bytestring {string} {
- encoding convertfrom identity $string
-# Locate tcltest executable
-if {![info exists tk_version]} {
- set tcltest [info nameofexecutable]
- if {$tcltest == "{}"} {
- set tcltest {}
- }
-set ::tcltest::testConfig(stdio) 0
-catch {
- catch {file delete -force tmp}
- set f [open tmp w]
- puts $f {
- exit
- }
- close $f
- set f [open "|[list $tcltest tmp]" r]
- close $f
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(stdio) 1
-catch {file delete -force tmp}
-# Deliberately call the socket with the wrong number of arguments. The error
-# message you get will indicate whether sockets are available on this system.
-catch {socket} msg
-set ::tcltest::testConfig(socket) \
- [expr {$msg != "sockets are not available on this system"}]
-# Internationalization / ISO support procs -- dl
-if {[info commands testlocale]==""} {
- # No testlocale command, no tests...
- # (it could be that we are a sub interp and we could just load
- # the Tcltest package but that would interfere with tests
- # that tests packages/loading in slaves...)
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(hasIsoLocale) 0
-} else {
- proc ::tcltest::set_iso8859_1_locale {} {
- set ::tcltest::previousLocale [testlocale ctype]
- testlocale ctype $::tcltest::isoLocale
- }
- proc ::tcltest::restore_locale {} {
- testlocale ctype $::tcltest::previousLocale
- }
- if {![info exists ::tcltest::isoLocale]} {
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale fr
- switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
- "unix" {
- # Try some 'known' values for some platforms:
- switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(os) {
- "FreeBSD" {
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale fr_FR.ISO_8859-1
- }
- HP-UX {
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale fr_FR.iso88591
- }
- Linux -
- IRIX {
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale fr
- }
- default {
- # Works on SunOS 4 and Solaris, and maybe others...
- # define it to something else on your system
- #if you want to test those.
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale iso_8859_1
- }
- }
- }
- "windows" {
- set ::tcltest::isoLocale French
- }
- }
- }
- set ::tcltest::testConfig(hasIsoLocale) \
- [string length [::tcltest::set_iso8859_1_locale]]
- ::tcltest::restore_locale
-# procedures that are Tk specific
-if {[info exists tk_version]} {
- # If the main window isn't already mapped (e.g. because the tests are
- # being run automatically) , specify a precise size for it so that the
- # user won't have to position it manually.
- if {![winfo ismapped .]} {
- wm geometry . +0+0
- update
- }
- # The following code can be used to perform tests involving a second
- # process running in the background.
- # Locate the tktest executable
- set ::tcltest::tktest [info nameofexecutable]
- if {$::tcltest::tktest == "{}"} {
- set ::tcltest::tktest {}
- puts stdout \
- "Unable to find tktest executable, skipping multiple process tests."
- }
- # Create background process
- proc ::tcltest::setupbg args {
- if {$::tcltest::tktest == ""} {
- error "you're not running tktest so setupbg should not have been called"
- }
- if {[info exists ::tcltest::fd] && ($::tcltest::fd != "")} {
- cleanupbg
- }
- # The following code segment cannot be run on Windows prior
- # to Tk 8.1b3 due to a channel I/O bug (bugID 1495).
- global tcl_platform
- set ::tcltest::fd [open "|[list $::tcltest::tktest -geometry +0+0 -name tktest] $args" r+]
- puts $::tcltest::fd "puts foo; flush stdout"
- flush $::tcltest::fd
- if {[gets $::tcltest::fd data] < 0} {
- error "unexpected EOF from \"$::tcltest::tktest\""
- }
- if {[string compare $data foo]} {
- error "unexpected output from background process \"$data\""
- }
- fileevent $::tcltest::fd readable bgReady
- }
- # Send a command to the background process, catching errors and
- # flushing I/O channels
- proc ::tcltest::dobg {command} {
- puts $::tcltest::fd "catch [list $command] msg; update; puts \$msg; puts **DONE**; flush stdout"
- flush $::tcltest::fd
- set ::tcltest::bgDone 0
- set ::tcltest::bgData {}
- tkwait variable ::tcltest::bgDone
- set ::tcltest::bgData
- }
- # Data arrived from background process. Check for special marker
- # indicating end of data for this command, and make data available
- # to dobg procedure.
- proc ::tcltest::bgReady {} {
- set x [gets $::tcltest::fd]
- if {[eof $::tcltest::fd]} {
- fileevent $::tcltest::fd readable {}
- set ::tcltest::bgDone 1
- } elseif {$x == "**DONE**"} {
- set ::tcltest::bgDone 1
- } else {
- append ::tcltest::bgData $x
- }
- }
- # Exit the background process, and close the pipes
- proc ::tcltest::cleanupbg {} {
- catch {
- puts $::tcltest::fd "exit"
- close $::tcltest::fd
- }
- set ::tcltest::fd ""
- }
- # Clean up focus after using generate event, which
- # can leave the window manager with the wrong impression
- # about who thinks they have the focus. (BW)
- proc ::tcltest::fixfocus {} {
- catch {destroy .focus}
- toplevel .focus
- wm geometry .focus +0+0
- entry .focus.e
- .focus.e insert 0 "fixfocus"
- pack .focus.e
- update
- focus -force .focus.e
- destroy .focus
- }
-# threadReap --
-# Kill all threads except for the main thread.
-# Do nothing if testthread is not defined.
-# Arguments:
-# none.
-# Results:
-# Returns the number of existing threads.
-if {[info commands testthread] != {}} {
- proc ::tcltest::threadReap {} {
- testthread errorproc ThreadNullError
- while {[llength [testthread names]] > 1} {
- foreach tid [testthread names] {
- if {$tid != $::tcltest::mainThread} {
- catch {testthread send -async $tid {testthread exit}}
- update
- }
- }
- }
- testthread errorproc ThreadError
- return [llength [testthread names]]
- }
-} else {
- proc ::tcltest::threadReap {} {
- return 1
- }
-# Need to catch the import because it fails if defs.tcl is sourced
-# more than once.
-catch {namespace import ::tcltest::*}
diff --git a/sandbox/fvwm.xbm b/sandbox/fvwm.xbm
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c76c4..0000000
--- a/sandbox/fvwm.xbm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#define fvwm_width 58
-#define fvwm_height 26
-static char fvwm_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xfc, 0x1b, 0xd8, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xe6, 0x38, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1b, 0xcc, 0xe0,
- 0x60, 0xf7, 0x7d, 0x00, 0x30, 0x18, 0xcc, 0xe0, 0x60, 0xb3, 0x6d, 0x00,
- 0x30, 0x38, 0xc6, 0xf1, 0x31, 0x9b, 0x67, 0x00, 0x30, 0x30, 0x86, 0xb1,
- 0x31, 0xcf, 0x73, 0x00, 0x38, 0x30, 0x83, 0x99, 0x99, 0xc7, 0x31, 0x00,
- 0x38, 0x30, 0x83, 0x99, 0x99, 0xc3, 0x30, 0x00, 0x18, 0xb0, 0x81, 0x8d,
- 0x8d, 0xc1, 0x30, 0x00, 0x18, 0xb0, 0x81, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0xc1, 0x30, 0x00,
- 0x1c, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x87, 0xc7, 0xe0, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x60, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0xc3, 0x60, 0x18, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/sandbox/lines.pl b/sandbox/lines.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7fc6e..0000000
--- a/sandbox/lines.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$top = 1;
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -highlightthickness => 0,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -takefocus => 1,
-# -tile => $papier
- );
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
-print "coucou\n";
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => "controls");
-$mp3 = $zinc->add('curve', $view, [20, 280, 100, 430, 200, 430],
- -linewidth => 9,
- -closed => 0,
- -linestyle => 'dashed',
- -joinstyle => 'round',
-# -firstend => [3, 12, 8],
-# -lastend => "12 12 8",
- -capstyle => 'round',
- -linecolor => 'red:100');
-$mw->Tk::bind('<p>', sub { print "perfs: ", join(',', $zinc->monitor()), "\n" });
-$mw->Tk::bind('<t>', sub { $zinc->remove($mp3); });
-$mw->Tk::bind('<q>', sub { exit(0); });
diff --git a/sandbox/logo.gif b/sandbox/logo.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index ce78abd..0000000
--- a/sandbox/logo.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sandbox/smooth.tcl b/sandbox/smooth.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9260f7b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/smooth.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-package require Img
-set top 1
-set points "50 -150 100 -50 270 -130 220 -200 200 -180 180 -300 140 -320 70 -300"
-set lw 3
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
-set smooth [.r smooth $points]
-set fit [.r fit $points 0.1]
-set mp [.r add curve $view $smooth \
- -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
- -tags "bezier" -linewidth $lw]
-set mp2 [.r add curve $view $fit \
- -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
- -tags "bezier" -linewidth $lw]
-set poly [.r add curve $view $points -marker AtcSymbol9]
-set poly2 [.r add curve $view $points -marker AtcSymbol9]
-.r translate $mp2 300 0
-.r translate $poly2 300 0
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testarc.tcl b/sandbox/testarc.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b48b537..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testarc.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-package require Img
-set top 1
-#image create photo logo -file logo.gif
-#image create photo papier -file texture-paper.xpm
-#image create photo penguin -file xpenguin.png
-#image create photo papier -file texture-paper.xpm
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -render 0]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
-.r translate $view 200 -200
-set view2 [.r add group $top]
-.r translate $view2 300 -200
-set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t \
- -fillcolor "white|darkslateblue" -linewidth 1 \
- -startangle 0 -extent 120]
-#set arc [.r add arc $view "50 -10 200 -100" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fillcolor "#ff0000|#00ff00" -linewidth 0]
-#.r add arc $view "60 -20 190 -90" -filled t -closed t -pieslice t -fillcolor "white|darkslateblue" -linewidth 1 -linecolor white
-#set arc2 [.r clone $arc -linecolor red -firstend "8 10 5"]
-#.r rotate $arc2 10
-#.r translate $arc2 100 -100
-#.r add icon $view2 -image penguin
-set cliparc [.r add arc $view "-100 100 100 -100" -filled t \
- -fillcolor tan ]
-.r lower $cliparc
-#.r rotate $cliparc 20 0 0
-#.r translate $cliparc 100 -40
-#.r itemconfigure $view2 -clip $cliparc
-bind .r <1> ".r rotate $cliparc [expr 3.14/3] 0 0"
-source "controls.tcl"
-.r bind $cliparc <1> {puts a}
-puts "[ .r bind $cliparc <1> ]\n"
diff --git a/sandbox/testbezier.pl b/sandbox/testbezier.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 82948fc..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testbezier.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Controls;
-use Tk::Photo;
-require Tk::PNG;
-$top = 1;
-$lw = 8;
-$arrow = [8, 10, 6];
-# Cap, Filled, Border, Relief, Title
-@show = (
- ['round', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapRound'],
- ['butt', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapButt'],
- ['projecting', 0, 1, 'flat', 'CapProjecting'],
- ['round', 0, 1, 'sunken', 'Sunken'],
- ['round', 0, 1, 'raised', 'Raised'],
- ['round', 0, 1, 'groove', 'Groove'],
- ['round', 0, 1, 'ridge', 'Ridge'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'roundsunken', 'RoundSunken'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'roundraised', 'RoundRaised'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'roundgroove', 'RoundGroove'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'roundridge', 'RoundRidge'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'sunkenrule', 'SunkenRule'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'raisedrule', 'RaisedRule'],
- ['round', 1, 0, 'flat', 'Fill'],
- ['round', 1, 1, 'flat', 'FillBorder']);
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-#$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "logo.gif");
-$papier = $mw->Photo(-file => "texture-paper.xpm");
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -lightangle => 120,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -highlightthickness => 0,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -takefocus => 1,
- -backcolor => 'red'
- # -tile => $papier
- );
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
-$zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $top,
- -tags => 'controls');
-$clipbez = $zinc->add('bezier', $view, [20, -20,
- 890, -20,
- 890, -900,
- 20, -400],
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'tan');
-# -clip => $clipbez);
-# Create the model
-$model = $zinc->add('group', $view);
-$mp = $zinc->add('bezier', $model, [50, -150,
- 100, -50,
- 270, -130,
- 220, -200,
- 200, -180,
- 180, -300,
- 140, -160,
- 70, -300],
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -tags => 'bezier',
- -linewidth =>$lw);
-#$zinc->add('rectangle', $model, [50, -150, 100, -50]);
-@bbox = $zinc->bbox($mp);
-@bbox = $zinc->transform($model, \@bbox);
-$x = ($bbox[2] + $bbox[0]) / 2;
-$y = $bbox[1] + 5;
-$zinc->add('text', $model,
- -text => 'CapRound',
- -color => 'blue',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -anchor => 's',
- -tags => 'title',
- -position => [$x, $y]);
-# Now clone for each variation on the polygon
-$col = 0;
-$row = 0;
-foreach $current (@show) {
- ($cap, $filled, $border, $relief, $title) = @{$current};
- $grp = $zinc->clone($model);
- $zinc->translate($grp, $col * 240, $row * (-290 - (2 * $lw)));
- $zinc->itemconfigure($zinc->find('withtag', "$grp*bezier"),
- -capstyle => $cap,
- -filled => $filled,
- -linewidth => $border ? $lw : 0,
- -relief => $relief,
- -linecolor => $relief eq 'flat' ? 'yellow' : 'tan');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($zinc->find('withtag', "$grp*title"),
- -text => $title);
- $col++;
- if ($col >= 4) {
- $col = 0;
- $row++;
- }
-# Suppress the model
-my @coords = (
-10, 0, 40, 0, 70, 0,
-70, 0, 80, 0, 80, 10,
-80, 10, 80, 40, 80, 70,
-80, 70, 80, 80, 70, 80,
-70, 80, 40, 80, 10, 80,
-10, 80, 0, 80, 0, 70,
-0, 70, 0, 40, 0, 10,
-0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0);
-$zinc->add('bezier', $view, \@coords);
-# Some optional graphic features
-$closed = 0;
-#set smooth 0
-$arrows = 'none';
-sub toggle_arrows {
- if ($arrows eq 'none') {
- $arrows = 'first';
- $f = $arrow;
- $l = '';
- }
- elsif ($arrows eq 'first') {
- $arrows = 'last';
- $f = '';
- $l = $arrow;
- }
- elsif ($arrows eq 'last') {
- $arrows = 'both';
- $f = $arrow;
- $l = $arrow;
- }
- elsif ($arrows eq 'both') {
- $arrows = 'none';
- $f = '';
- $l = '';
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure('bezier',
- -firstend => $f,
- -lastend => $l)
-sub toggle_closed {
- $closed = !$closed;
- foreach $ curve ($zinc->find('withtag', 'bezier')) {
- if ($closed) {
- @coords = $zinc->coords($curve, 0, 0);
- $zinc->coords($curve, 'add', \@coords);
- }
- else {
- $zinc->coords($curve, 'remove', -1)
- }
- }
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<a>', \&toggle_arrows);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<c>', \&toggle_closed);
- sub {my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $it = $zinc->find('closest', $ev->x, $ev->y);
- print "$it ", $zinc->verticeat($it, $ev->x, $ev->y), "\n"});
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>', sub {Tk::break});
-new Controls($zinc);
diff --git a/sandbox/testbezier.tcl b/sandbox/testbezier.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b1af0b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testbezier.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-package require Img
-set top 1
-set lw 8
-set arrow "8 10 6"
-# Cap Filled Border Relief Title
-set show {\
- {round f 1 flat CapRound}\
- {butt f 1 flat CapButt}\
- {projecting f 1 flat CapProjecting}\
- {round f 1 sunken Sunken}\
- {round f 1 raised Raised}\
- {round f 1 groove Groove}\
- {round f 1 ridge Ridge}\
- {round t 1 sunken FilledSunken}\
- {round t 1 raised FilledRaised}\
- {round t 1 groove FilledGroove}\
- {round t 1 ridge FilledRidge}\
- {round t 0 flat Fill}\
- {round t 1 flat FillBorder}}
-image create photo logo -file /usr/share/toccata/images/logo.gif
-#image create photo papier -file /usr/share/toccata/images/dgtexture-dragstrip.xpm
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 1024 -height 800
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
-# Create the model
-set model [.r add group $view]
-set mp [.r add bezier $model "50 -150 100 -50 270 -130 220 -200 200 -180 180 -300 140 -160 70 -300" \
- -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
- -tags "bezier" -linewidth $lw]
-#.r add rectangle $model "50 -150 100 -50"
-set bbox [.r transform $model [.r bbox $mp]]
-set x [expr ([lindex $bbox 2] + [lindex $bbox 0]) / 2]
-set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] + 5]
-.r add text $model -text "CapRound" -color blue -alignment center -anchor s -tags "title" \
- -position "$x $y"
-# Now clone for each variation on the polygon
-set col 0
-set row 0
-foreach current $show {
- foreach {cap filled border relief title} $current {
- set grp [.r clone $model]
- .r translate $grp [expr $col * 240] [expr $row * (-290 - (2 * $lw))]
- .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "bezier" $grp] \
- -capstyle $cap -filled $filled \
- -linewidth [expr $border ? $lw : 0] \
- -relief $relief -linecolor [expr $relief == flat ? yellow : tan]
- .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "title" $grp] -text $title
- incr col
- if {$col >= 4} {
- set col 0
- incr row
- }
- }
-# Suppress the model
-.r remove $model
-# Some optional graphic features
-set closed 0
-#set smooth 0
-set arrows none
-proc toggle_arrows { } {
- global arrows arrow
- if {$arrows == "none"} {
- set arrows first
- set f $arrow
- set l ""
- } elseif {$arrows == "first"} {
- set arrows last
- set f ""
- set l $arrow
- } elseif {$arrows == "last"} {
- set arrows both
- set f $arrow
- set l $arrow
- } elseif {$arrows == "both"} {
- set arrows none
- set f ""
- set l ""
- }
- .r itemconfigure bezier -firstend $f -lastend $l
-proc toggle_closed { } {
- global closed
- set closed [expr ! $closed]
- foreach curve [.r find withtag "bezier"] {
- if {$closed} {
- .r coords $curve add [.r coords $curve 0]
- } {
- .r coords $curve remove -1
- }
- }
-focus .r
-bind .r "<a>" toggle_arrows
-bind .r "<c>" toggle_closed
-bind .r "<Shift-1>" {set it [.r find closest %x %y]; puts "$it [.r verticeat $it %x %y]"}
-bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>" {break}
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testbitmaps.tcl b/sandbox/testbitmaps.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a519b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testbitmaps.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-lappend auto_path ..
-package require Tkzinc
-package require Img
-set r [zinc .r -render 1 -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-set top 1
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 500 -height 800
-set r [.r add rectangle $top "30 50 80 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple0 -linewidth 1]
-.r translate $r -55 -75
-.r rotate $r 45
-.r translate $r 55 75
-.r add text $top -position "50 110" -text "0"
-.r add rectangle $top "100 50 150 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple1
-.r add text $top -position "120 110" -text "1"
-.r add rectangle $top "170 50 220 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple2
-.r add text $top -position "190 110" -text "2"
-.r add rectangle $top "240 50 290 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple3
-.r add text $top -position "260 110" -text "3"
-.r add rectangle $top "310 50 360 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple4
-.r add text $top -position "330 110" -text "4"
-.r add rectangle $top "380 50 430 100" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple5
-.r add text $top -position "400 110" -text "5"
-.r add rectangle $top "30 150 80 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple6
-.r add text $top -position "50 210" -text "6"
-.r add rectangle $top "100 150 150 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple7
-.r add text $top -position "120 210" -text "7"
-.r add rectangle $top "170 150 220 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple8
-.r add text $top -position "190 210" -text "8"
-.r add rectangle $top "240 150 290 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple9
-.r add text $top -position "260 210" -text "9"
-.r add rectangle $top "310 150 360 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple10
-.r add text $top -position "330 210" -text "10"
-.r add rectangle $top "380 150 430 200" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple11
-.r add text $top -position "400 210" -text "11"
-.r add rectangle $top "100 250 150 300" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple12
-.r add text $top -position "120 310" -text "12"
-.r add rectangle $top "170 250 220 300" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple13
-.r add text $top -position "190 310" -text "13"
-.r add rectangle $top "240 250 290 300" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple14
-.r add text $top -position "260 310" -text "14"
-.r add rectangle $top "310 250 360 300" -filled t -fillpattern AlphaStipple15
-.r add text $top -position "330 310" -text "15"
-.r add text $top -position "180 360" -text "AlphaStipple" \
- -font "-*-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-for {set i 0} {$i < 22} {incr i} {
- set num [expr $i + 1]
- .r add waypoint $top 0 \
- -position "[expr 40 + ($i % 8)*60] [expr 420 + ($i / 8)*45]" \
- -symbol "AtcSymbol$num"
- .r add text $top \
- -position "[expr 36 + ($i % 8)*60] [expr 430 + ($i / 8)*45]" \
- -text "$num" \
- -font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-.r add text $top -position "180 560" -text "AtcSymbol" \
- -font "-*-lucida-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-set im [image create bitmap toto -background "red" -file fvwm.xbm]
-set icim [.r add icon 1 -image $im -position {0 0}]
-.r rotate $icim 20
-.r scale $icim 1.2 1.2
-.r translate $icim 50 320
-#.r add icon 1 -image $im -position {300 10}
-#.r add rectangle 1 {10 10 100 100} -tile $im -filled 1
-#$im configure -background red
-set icbit [.r add icon 1 -image @fvwm.xbm -position {100 400}]
-#.r bind $icbit <Enter> ".r itemconfigure $icbit -color red; \
-# $im configure -file fvwm.xbm -foreground black"
-#.r bind $icbit <Leave> ".r itemconfigure $icbit -color black; \
-# $im configure -file trash.xbm -foreground red "
-#.r bind $icim <Enter> "$im configure -background black"
-#.r bind $icim <Leave> "$im configure -background red"
diff --git a/sandbox/testicon.tcl b/sandbox/testicon.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index fd8ba39..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testicon.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-package require Img
-set top 1
-image create photo penguin -file xpenguin.png
-image create photo bouton -file bouton.xpm
-image create photo boutond -file bouton-down.xpm
-set mask "fvwm.xbm"
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -render 1 -borderwidth 20]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
-proc maskicon {x y group mask color anchor} {
- .r add icon $group -mask "@$mask" -position "$x $y" -anchor $anchor -color $color
- .r add rectangle $group [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-proc imageicon {x y group image anchor} {
- .r add icon $group -image $image -position "$x $y" -anchor $anchor
- .r add rectangle $group [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 50.0
-set y -100.0
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask yellow sw
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask pink s
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask violet se
-set x 50
-set y -150
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask lightblue w
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask blue center
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask darkblue e
-set x 50.0
-set y -200.0
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask violet nw
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask pink n
-set x [expr $x + 100.0]
-maskicon $x $y $view $mask yellow ne
-set x2 500.0
-set y2 -300.0
-imageicon $x2 $y2 $view penguin center
-.r add icon $view -image bouton -position "$x2 $y2" -anchor center
-.r add icon $view -image boutond -position [list [expr $x2 + 50] $y2] -anchor center
-.r add text $view -text essai -position "$x2 $y2"
-# Clip
-puts "crée les clips"
-set clip [.r add rectangle $view "50 -10 600 -300" -filled t \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor darkgray]
-#.r rotate $clip [expr 3.14159 / 4]; #bug le rectangle forme un bonnet
-# d'ane sous certains angles.
-.r lower $clip
-.r itemconfigure $view -clip $clip
-.r addtag test withtype icon
-.r bind test "<Shift-ButtonPress-1>" "testpress %x %y"
-.r bind test "<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>" testrelease
-proc testpress {lx ly} {
- global testx testy
- set testx $lx
- set testy $ly
- .r bind test "<Motion>" "testmotion %x %y"
-proc testmotion {lx ly} {
- global testx testy
- set it [.r find withtag test]
- if {$it != ""} {
- set it [.r group [lindex $it 0]]
- }
- set res [.r transform $it "$lx $ly $testx $testy"]
- set nx [lindex $res 0]
- set ny [lindex $res 1]
- set ox [lindex $res 2]
- set oy [lindex $res 3]
- .r translate current [expr $nx - $ox] [expr $ny - $oy]
- set testx $lx
- set testy $ly
-proc testrelease {} {
- .r bind test "<Motion>" ""
-source controls.tcl
diff --git a/sandbox/testplug.pl b/sandbox/testplug.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 418c91a..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testplug.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-use Tk;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -width => 800,
- -height => 500)->pack(-expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
-$top = 1;
-#$ent = $zinc->Entry();
-#$entryitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
-# -window => $ent,
-# -position => [100, 100]);
-$dcontainer = $zinc->Frame(-container => 1);
-$did = $dcontainer->id();
-$vcontainer = $zinc->Frame(-container => 1);
-$vid = $vcontainer->id();
-#print "container id is $id\n";
-$dlabel = $zinc->add('text', $top,
- -text => "Digistrips",
- -position => [150, 30]);
-$zinc->bind($dlabel, '<1>', sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($vlabel, -color => 'black');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($dlabel, -color => 'red');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($vcontitem, -visible => 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($dcontitem, -visible => 1); });
-$vlabel = $zinc->add('text', $top,
- -text => "Virtuosi",
- -position => [250, 30]);
-$zinc->bind($vlabel, '<1>', sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($dlabel, -color => 'black');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($vlabel, -color => 'red');
- $zinc->itemconfigure($dcontitem, -visible => 0);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($vcontitem, -visible => 1); });
-$dcontitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
- -window => $dcontainer,
- -position => [50, 75],
- -visible => 0);
-$vcontitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
- -window => $vcontainer,
- -position => [50, 75],
- -visible => 0);
-system("digistripsIII -stan --use $did -style standalone-1024x768 &");
-system("virtuosi -g 1024x768 -use $vid &");
diff --git a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a16288..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-lappend auto_path ..
-package require Tkzinc
-package require Img
-set top 1
-set lw 8
-set marker AtcSymbol9
-set arrow "8 10 6"
-# Cap Join Filled Border Relief Title
-set show {\
- {round round f 1 flat JoinRound}\
- {round bevel f 1 flat JoinBevel}\
- {round miter f 1 flat JoinMiter}\
- {butt round f 1 flat CapButt}\
- {projecting round f 1 flat CapProjecting}\
- {round round f 1 sunken Sunken}\
- {round round f 1 raised Raised}\
- {round round f 1 groove Groove}\
- {round round f 1 ridge Ridge}\
- {round round t 1 sunken FilledSunken}\
- {round round t 1 raised FilledRaised}\
- {round round t 1 groove FilledGroove}\
- {round round t 1 ridge FilledRidge}\
- {round round f 0 flat Marker}\
- {round round t 0 flat Fill}\
- {round round t 1 flat FillBorder}}
-image create photo logo -file logo.gif
-#image create photo papier -file /usr/share/toccata/images/dgtexture-dragstrip.xpm
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -render 0]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 1024 -height 800
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
-# Create the model
-set model [.r add group $view]
-set mp [.r add curve $model "50 -150 100 -50 270 -130 220 -200 200 -180 180 -300 140 -160 70 -300" \
- -linecolor yellow -fillcolor tan -fillpattern AlphaStipple8 \
- -markercolor red -tags "poly" -linewidth $lw]
-.r add rectangle $model "50 -150 100 -50"
-set bbox [.r transform $model [.r bbox $mp]]
-set x [expr ([lindex $bbox 2] + [lindex $bbox 0]) / 2]
-set y [expr [lindex $bbox 1] + 5]
-.r add text $model -text "CapRound" -color blue -alignment center -anchor s -tags "title" \
- -position "$x $y"
-# Now clone for each variation on the polygon
-proc linecol { relief } {
- if {[string compare $relief flat]} {
- return yellow
- } else {
- return tan
- }
-set col 0
-set row 0
-foreach current $show {
- foreach {cap join filled border relief title} $current {
- set grp [.r clone $model]
- .r translate $grp [expr $col * 240] [expr $row * (-290 - (2 * $lw))]
- .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "$grp*poly"] \
- -capstyle $cap -joinstyle $join -filled $filled \
- -linewidth [expr $border ? $lw : 0] -relief $relief \
- -linecolor [linecol $relief]
- .r itemconfigure [.r find withtag "$grp*title"] -text $title
- incr col
- if {$col >= 4} {
- set col 0
- incr row
- }
- }
-# Suppress the model
-.r remove $model
-# Some optional graphic features
-set closed 0
-set marks 0
-#set smooth 0
-set arrows none
-proc toggle_arrows { } {
- global arrows arrow
- if {$arrows == "none"} {
- set arrows first
- set f $arrow
- set l ""
- } elseif {$arrows == "first"} {
- set arrows last
- set f ""
- set l $arrow
- } elseif {$arrows == "last"} {
- set arrows both
- set f $arrow
- set l $arrow
- } elseif {$arrows == "both"} {
- set arrows none
- set f ""
- set l ""
- }
- .r itemconfigure poly -firstend $f -lastend $l
-proc toggle_marks { } {
- global marks marker
- set marks [expr ! $marks]
- if {$marks} {
- .r itemconfigure poly -marker $marker
- } {
- .r itemconfigure poly -marker ""
- }
-#proc toggle_smooth { } {
-# global smooth
-# set smooth [expr ! $smooth]
-# .r itemconfigure poly -smoothed $smooth
-proc toggle_closed { } {
- global closed
- set closed [expr ! $closed]
- foreach curve [.r find withtag "poly"] {
- .r itemconfigure $curve -closed $closed
- }
-focus .r
-bind .r "<a>" toggle_arrows
-bind .r "<c>" toggle_closed
-bind .r "<m>" toggle_marks
-bind .r "<Shift-1>" {set it [.r find closest %x %y]; puts "$it [.r verticeat $it %x %y]"}
-bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>" {break}
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testrect.pl b/sandbox/testrect.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4d399..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testrect.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Controls;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-# creation zinc
-$top = 1;
-$zinc_width = 800;
-$zinc_height = 500;
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray65', -relief => 'sunken');
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height);
-#$zinc->configure(-drawbboxes => 1);
-#print "cells ", $zinc->cells(), " visual ", $zinc->visual(), " ", $zinc->visualsavailable(), "\n";
-$zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => ["controls"]);
-$zinc->translate($view, 300, -200);
-$view2 = $zinc->add('group', $top);
-$zinc->translate($view2, 100, -50);
-#$rect0 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view [100, -105, 200, -305],
-# -filled => t,
-# -fillcolor => "white|cadetblue3");
-$color1 = 'darkslateblue';
-$color2 = '#f0ffff';
-$gangle = 0;
-$shades = 8;
-$rect1 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view, [-50, 100, 50, -100],
- -filled => 1,
- -relief => 'flat',
- -linewidth => 1,
- -fillpattern => 'AlphaStipple7',
- -fillcolor => "$color1|$color2/$gangle%$shades");
-# Mire
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, [-10, 0, 10, 0],
- -linecolor => 'red');
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, [0, -10, 0, 10],
- -linecolor => 'red');
-$handle = $zinc->add('arc', $view, [-3, -106, 3, -112],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'red');
-$zinc->bind($handle, '<B1-Motion>', \&adjustcontrol);
-sub adjustcontrol {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $x;
- my $y;
- my ($xo, $yo, $xc, $yc) = $zinc->coords($rect1);
- ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform($view, [$ev->x, 0]);
- if ($x < $xo) {
- $x = $xo;
- }
- elsif ($x > $xc) {
- $x = $xc;
- }
- $zinc->coords($handle, [$x - 3, $yc-6, $x + 3, $yc-12]);
- $x = ($x - $xo)*100/($xc-$xo);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1,
- -fillcolor => "$color1 0 $x|$color2/$gangle%$shades");
-# 72 61 139 = DarkSlateBlue
-# 240 255 255 = azure
-#set rect2 [.r add rectangle $view "202 -320 302 -350" -filled t -fillcolor darkgray -linewidth 2]
-#set rect3 [.r add rectangle $view "250 -100 350 -300" -filled t -relief raised -linewidth 4 -fillcolor "white|cadetblue3" -linecolor white]
-#set rect4 [.r add rectangle $view2 "0 0 101 -81" -linewidth 2 -linecolor darkgray -filled t]
-#.r itemconfigure $rect4 -fillcolor "white|darkslateblue"
-#set rect5 [.r add rectangle $view2 "0 0 101 -81" -linewidth 2 -linecolor blue -filled t -fillcolor blue -relief sunken]
-#.r translate $rect5 0 -90
-new Controls($zinc);
diff --git a/sandbox/testrelief.pl b/sandbox/testrelief.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c9a31..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testrelief.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Controls;
-$top = 1;
-$lw = 8;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -lightangle => 120,
- -render => 1);
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 1024,
- -height => 800);
-$zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => 'controls');
-sub polypoints {
- ($ox, $oy, $rad, $n, $startangle) = @_;
- $step = 2 * 3.14159 / $n;
- $startangle = $startangle*3.14159/180;
- $coords = [];
- for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
- $x = $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step + $startangle));
- $y = $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step + $startangle));
- push(@{$coords}, $x, $y);
- }
- push(@{$coords}, $coords->[0], $coords->[1]);
- return $coords
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, polypoints(200, -200, 100, 40, 0),
- -relief => 'raised',
- -linewidth => $lw,
- -smoothrelief => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'lightblue',
- -linecolor => 'lightblue',
- -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, polypoints(450, -200, 100, 40, 0),
- -relief => 'raised',
- -linewidth => $lw,
- -smoothrelief => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -linecolor => 'tan',
- -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, polypoints(700, -200, 100, 40, 0),
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -linewidth => $lw,
- -smoothrelief => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -linecolor => 'tan',
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1);
-$zinc->add('curve', $view, polypoints(200, -450, 100, 7, -45),
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -linewidth => $lw,
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -linecolor => 'tan',
- -filled => 1);
-new Controls($zinc);
diff --git a/sandbox/testrelief.tcl b/sandbox/testrelief.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e75cc71..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testrelief.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-set top 1
-set lw 8
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -lightangle 120 -render 0]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 1024 -height 800
-.r scale $top 1 -1
-set view [.r add group $top -tags controls]
-proc polypoints { ox oy rad n startangle } {
- set step [expr 2 * 3.14159 / $n]
- set startangle [expr $startangle*3.14159/180]
- set coords ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
- set x [expr $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step + $startangle))];
- set y [expr $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step + $startangle))];
- lappend coords $x $y;
- }
- lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
- return $coords
-set poly [ .r add curve $view [polypoints 200 -200 100 40 0] \
- -relief raised -linewidth $lw -smoothrelief 1 \
- -fillcolor lightblue -linecolor lightblue -filled t]
-set poly [ .r add curve $view [polypoints 450 -200 100 40 0] \
- -relief raised -linewidth $lw \
- -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan -filled t]
-set poly [ .r add curve $view [polypoints 700 -200 100 40 0] \
- -relief sunken -linewidth $lw \
- -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan -filled t]
-set poly [ .r add curve $view [polypoints 200 -450 100 4 -45] \
- -relief sunken -linewidth $lw \
- -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan -filled t]
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testshape.pl b/sandbox/testshape.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5897912..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testshape.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Controls;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$top = 1;
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -borderwidth => 0,
-# -fullreshape => 0,
- -relief => 'sunken');
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
-$zinc->gname('white:40 0 60|black 50|white 100(0 0', 'oeil');
-$zinc->gname('white:0 0 10|black:100 100/0', 'oeil2');
-$zinc->gname('white:100|black:100(-35 -25', 'boule');
-$zinc->gname('white:100|black:100(-15 -100', 'arrondi');
-$zinc->gname('white:100|black:100/45', 'cyl');
-$zinc->gname('white|black[50 0', 'path');
-# $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $top, [50, 50, 200, 100],
-# -visible => 0);
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($top, -clip => $arc);
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $top, -tags => "controls");
-# $cv = $zinc->add('curve', $view, [50, 50, 100, 150, 270, 70,
-# 220, 0, 200, 20, 180, 100,
-# 140, 40, 70, 100],
-# -visible => 1,
-# -closed => 1,
-# -filled => 1);
-$g1 = $zinc->add('group', $view);
-$zinc->translate($g1, 100, 300);
-$rect = $zinc->add('rectangle', $g1, [-40,-50, 40,50],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'path'
- );
-$g2 = $zinc->add('group', $view);
-$zinc->translate($g2, 200, 300);
-$arc = $zinc->add('arc', $g2, [0,0, 100,100],
- -filled => 1,
- -linecolor => 'white',
- -fillcolor => 'boule',
- -startangle => 120,
- -extent => 120,
- -closed => 1,
- -pieslice => 1,
-# -fillcolor => 'tan'
- );
-$arc2 = $zinc->add('arc', $view, [90,0, 160,50],
- -visible => 0,
- -linewidth => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'brown');
-$g3 = $zinc->add('group', $view);
-$zinc->translate($g3, 300, 300);
-$cv3 = $zinc->add('curve', $g3,
-# [[-50, -40], [0, 0], [-50, 40], [50, 40], [50, -40]],
- [-50, -40, 0, 0, -50, 40, 50, 40, 50, -40],
- -visible => 0,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => "#ffffff:100 0 28|#66848c:100 80|#7192aa:100 100/270"
-# -fillcolor => 'cyl'
-# $rect = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view, [200,230, 220,250],
-# -visible => 1,
-# -linewidth => 2,
-# -relief => 'sunken',
-# -filled => 1,
-# -linecolor => 'white',
-# -fillcolor => 'tan');
-$cv2 = $zinc->add('curve', $view, [],
- -visible => 1,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => 'white',
- -fillcolor => 'tan',
- -fillrule => 'positive',
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1);
-$text = $zinc->add('text', $view,
- -visible => 1,
- -text => 'Un Texte ICI°°°°°',
- -position => [200, 100],
- -color => '#008000');
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', 1, [[20, 20], [20, 100, 'c'], [120, 100], [120, 20]]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', -1, [40, 40, 80, 40, 80, 80, 40, 80]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', 1, [60, 50, 60, 60, 70, 60, 70, 50]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', -1, [90, 70, 150, 70, 150, 150, 90, 150]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', 1, [200, 200, 200, 220, 220, 220, 220, 200]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', -1, [100, 10, 180, 10, 180, 60, 100, 60]);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', 1, $arc2);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'add', 1, $text);
-# $rect2 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $view, [40,81, 80,130],
-# -visible => 1,
-# -linewidth => 1,
-# -relief => 'sunken',
-# -filled => 1,
-# -linecolor => 'white',
-# -fillcolor => 'tan');
-new Controls($zinc);
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<a>', sub {print "hop\n", $zinc->contour($cv2, 'remove', 1);});
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<b>', sub {my ($x,$y,$c) = $zinc->coords($cv2, 0, 1);
- if ($c eq 'c') {
- $zinc->coords($cv2, 0, 1, [[20, 100]]);
- }
- else {
- $zinc->coords($cv2, 0, 1, [[20, 100, 'c']]);
- }});
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<1>', sub {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $it = $zinc->find('closest', $ev->x, $ev->y);
- print "Closest: $it\n";
-# my @t = $zinc->vertexat($it, $ev->x, $ev->y);
-# print "VertexAt: ", join(', ', @t), "\n";
- $zinc->bind($cv2, '<1>', sub { print "zou\n";});
- $zinc->coords($cv2, 0, [[100,0]]);
- print $zinc->bind($cv2, '<1>'), "\n";
- });
diff --git a/sandbox/testshape.tcl b/sandbox/testshape.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed5327..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testshape.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-set top 1
-set r [zinc .r -render 0 -borderwidth 0 -fullreshape 0 -relief sunken]
-pack $r -expand t -fill both
-$r configure -width 500 -height 500
-set arc [.r add arc $top "50 50 200 150" -visible 1 -closed 0 -filled 0 -fillcolor white -extent 200 -pieslice 0]
-set cv [.r add curve $top "50 50 100 150 270 70 220 0 200 20 180 -100 140 40 70 -100" \
- -visible 0]
-.r rotate $arc [expr 3.14/10] 125 100
-.r itemconfigure $top -clip $cv
diff --git a/sandbox/testtext.tcl b/sandbox/testtext.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d3d8f..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testtext.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-lappend auto_path ..
-package require Tkzinc
-package require Img
-set mask "/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/fvwm.xbm"
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken \
- -insertbackground red -insertwidth 10 -render 0]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-# .r configure -drawbboxes t
-set top [.r add group 1]
-.r addtag controls withtag $top
-.r add rectangle $top "-50 0 +50 1" -composescale 0
-.r add rectangle $top "0 -50 1 +50" -composescale 0
-set x 50.0
-set y 100.0
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Sud Ouest" -position "$x $y" -anchor sw \
- -color yellow
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Sud" -position "$x $y" -anchor s -color pink
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Sud Est" -position "$x $y" -anchor se \
- -color violet -overstriked y
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 50
-set y 150
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Ouest" -position "$x $y" -anchor w -color lightblue
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Central" -position "$x $y" -anchor center -color blue
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Est" -position "$x $y" -anchor e -color darkblue
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 50.0
-set y 200.0
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Nord Ouest" -position "$x $y" -anchor nw \
- -color violet -underlined y
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Nord" -position "$x $y" -anchor n -color pink
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x [expr $x + 200.0]
-.r add text $top -text "Ancrage Nord Est" -position "$x $y" -anchor ne -color yellow
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 150
-set y 300
-.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- ŕ gauche\n- ŕ droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 400
-set y 300
-set anim [.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- ŕ gauche\n- ŕ droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\nLe texte central montre l'utilisation\nd'un espacement des lignes programmable." -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment center -spacing -5 -font {times 14 bold italic}]
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-set x 650
-set y 300
-.r add text $top -text "Ce texte tient sur plusieurs lignes.\nLes alignements :\n- ŕ gauche\n- ŕ droite\n- au centre\nsont également mis en évidence.\n" -position "$x $y" -anchor center -alignment right
-.r add rectangle $top [list [expr $x - 3.0] [expr $y - 3.0] \
- [expr $x + 3.0] [expr $y + 3.0]] -filled 1 -fillcolor red
-.r addtag text withtype text
-.r bind text "<1>" {textB1press %x %y}
-.r bind text "<B1-Motion>" {textB1move %x %y}
-.r bind text "<Shift-B1-Motion>" {textB1move %x %y}
-.r bind text "<Shift-1>" {.r select adjust current @%x,%y}
-.r bind text "<KeyPress>" {.r insert [.r focus] insert %A}
-.r bind text "<Shift-KeyPress>" {.r insert [.r focus] insert %A}
-.r bind text "<Return>" {.r insert [.r focus] insert \n}
-.r bind text "<Control-h>" textBs
-.r bind text "<BackSpace>" textBs
-.r bind text "<Delete>" textBs
-.r bind text "<Control-d>" {.r dchars text sel.first sel.last}
-.r bind text "<Control-v>" {.r insert [.r focus] insert [selection get]}
-proc textB1press {x y} {
- .r cursor current "@$x,$y"
- .r focus current
- focus .r
- .r select from current "@$x,$y"
-proc textB1move {x y} {
- .r select to current "@$x,$y"
-proc textBs { } {
- set item [.r focus]
- set i [expr [.r index $item insert] - 1]
- if { $i >= 0 } {
- .r dchars $item $i
- }
-# Add controls to the main group
-source controls.tcl
-# Line spacing animation (crude).
-if {0} {
- set i 0
- while {1} {
- update
- after 200
- .r itemconfigure $anim -spacing [expr ($i % 20) - 5]
- incr i
- }
diff --git a/sandbox/testwind.tcl b/sandbox/testwind.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff7f76..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testwind.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
-load ../tkzinc3.2.so
-set top 1
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-.r configure -width 800 -height 500
-.r addtag controls withtag $top
-set ent [entry .r.entry]
-set wind [.r add window $top -window $ent -position "100 100"]
-set container [frame .r.cont -container t]
-set id [winfo id $container]
-puts "container id is $id\n"
-set cont [.r add window $top -window $container -position "200 200"]
diff --git a/sandbox/testzinc.pl b/sandbox/testzinc.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f25f9de..0000000
--- a/sandbox/testzinc.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Photo;
-use Tk::ZincText;
-#use ZincText;
-use Controls;
-$map_path = "/usr/share/toccata/maps";
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "logo.gif");
-# creation zinc
-$top = 1;
-$scale = 1.0;
-$center_x = 0.0;
-$center_y = 0.0;
-$zinc_width = 800;
-$zinc_height = 500;
-$delay = 2000;
-$rate = 0.3;
-%tracks = ();
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 2, -backcolor => 'gray65', -relief => 'sunken');
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height);
-#$radar = $top;
-$radar = $zinc->add('group', $radar, -tags => ['controls', 'radar']);
-$zinc->configure(-overlapmanager => $radar);
-new ZincText($zinc);
-# Création fonctions de contrôle ŕ la souris
-new Controls($zinc);
-# creation panneau controle
-$rc = $mw->Frame()->pack();
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Up',
- -command => sub { $center_y -= 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 0,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Down',
- -command => sub { $center_y += 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 2,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Left',
- -command => sub { $center_x += 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 1);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Right',
- -command => sub { $center_x -= 30.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 3);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Expand',
- -command => sub { $scale *= 1.1;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 4);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Shrink',
- -command => sub { $scale *= 0.9;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 0);
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Reset',
- -command => sub { $scale = 1.0;
- $center_x = $center_y = 0.0;
- update_transform($zinc); })->grid(-row => 1,
- -column => 2,
- -sticky, 'ew');
-$rc->Button(-text => 'Quit',
- -command => \&exit)->grid(-row => 3,
- -column => 2);
-# Code de reconfiguration lors d'un
-# redimensionnement.
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<Configure>', [\&resize]);
-sub resize {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- my $width = $ev->w;
- my $height = $ev->h;
- my $bw = $zinc->cget(-borderwidth);
- $zinc_width = $width - 2*$bw;
- $zinc_height = $height - 2*$bw;
- update_transform($zinc);
-sub update_transform {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->treset($top);
- $zinc->translate($top, -$center_x, -$center_y);
- $zinc->scale($top, $scale, $scale);
- $zinc->scale($top, 1, -1);
- $zinc->translate($top, $zinc_width/2, $zinc_height/2);
-# Creation de pistes.
-sub create_tracks {
- my $i = 20;
- my $j;
- my $track;
- my $x;
- my $y;
- my $w = $zinc_width / $scale;
- my $h = $zinc_height / $scale;
- my $d;
- my $item;
- for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $track = {};
- $track->{'item'} = $item = $zinc->add('track', $radar, 6);
- $tracks{$item} = $track;
- $track->{'x'} = rand($w) - $w/2 + $center_x;
- $track->{'y'} = rand($h) - $h/2 + $center_y;
- $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
- $track->{'vx'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
-# $track->{'vx'} = 10;
- $d = (rand() > 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
- $track->{'vy'} = (8.0 + rand(10.0)) * $d;
-# $track->{'vy'} = -10;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item,
- -lastasfirst => 1,
- -symbolcolor => 'red',
- -position => [$track->{'x'}, $track->{'y'}],
- -speedvector => [$track->{'vx'}, $track->{'vy'}],
- -speedvectorsensitive => 1,
- -speedvectorwidth => 2,
- -speedvectormark => 1,
- -speedvectorticks => 1,
- -labeldistance => 30,
- -markersize => 20,
- -historycolor => 'gray30',
- -filledhistory => 0,
- -circlehistory => 1,
- -labelformat => "x71x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 a0a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2"
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 0,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray60',
-# -border => "contour",
- -sensitive => 1
- );
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray55',
- -text => "AFR001");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 2,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "360");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 3,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "/");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 4,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "410");
- $zinc->itemconfigure($item, 5,
- -filled => 0,
- -backcolor => 'gray65',
- -text => "Balise");
- my $b_on = sub { #print_current($zinc);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
- -border => 'contour')};
- my $b_off = sub { #print_current($zinc);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $zinc->currentpart(),
- -border => 'noborder')};
- my $tog_b = sub { my $current = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- my $curpart = $zinc->currentpart();
- if ($curpart =~ '[0-9]+') {
- my $on_off = $zinc->itemcget($current, $curpart, -sensitive);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($current, $curpart,
- -sensitive => !$on_off);
- }
- };
- for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) {
- $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Enter>', $b_on);
- $zinc->bind($item.":$j", '<Leave>', $b_off);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<1>', $tog_b);
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Shift-1>', sub {});
- }
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Enter>',
- sub { #print_current($zinc);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current',
- -historycolor => 'red',
- -symbolcolor => 'red',
- -markercolor => 'red',
- -leaderwidth => 2,
- -leadercolor => 'red',
- -speedvectorwidth => 2,
- -speedvectorcolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($item, '<Leave>',
- sub { #print_current($zinc);
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current',
- -historycolor => 'black',
- -symbolcolor => 'black',
- -markercolor => 'black',
- -leaderwidth => 1,
- -leadercolor => 'black',
- -speedvectorwidth => 1,
- -speedvectorcolor => 'black')});
- $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<1>', [\&create_route]);
- $zinc->bind($item.':position', '<Shift-1>', sub { });
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
-sub print_current {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $current;
- $current = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- print join(' ', $current), "\n";
-# print ref($zinc->itemcget($current, -position)) ? 'ref' : 'pas ref', "\n";
-# print 'tout ';
-# for $attr ($zinc->itemconfigure($current)) {
-# print (join(',', @$attr));
-# }
-# print "\n\n";
-# print '-position ', join(',', $zinc->itemconfigure($current, -position)), "\n\n";
-# creation way point
-sub create_route {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $wp;
- my $connected;
- my $x;
- my $y;
- my $i = 4;
- my $track = $tracks{$zinc->find('withtag', 'current')};
- if ($track->{'route'} == 0) {
- $x = $track->{'x'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vx'};
- $y = $track->{'y'} + 8.0 * $track->{'vy'};
- $connected = $track->{'item'};
- for ( ; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $wp = $zinc->add('waypoint', 'radar', 2,
- -position => [$x, $y],
- -connecteditem => $connected,
- -connectioncolor => 'green',
- -symbolcolor => 'green',
- -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0');
- $zinc->lower($wp, $connected);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => 'contour')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'red')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => '')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -symbolcolor => 'green')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -leadercolor => 'black')});
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', -connectioncolor => 'green')});
- $zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 0,
- -text => "$i",
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray55');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', [\&del_way_point]);
- $x += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vx'};
- $y += (2.0 + rand(8.0)) * $track->{'vy'};
- $connected = $wp;
- }
- $track->{'route'} = $wp;
- }
- else {
- $wp = $track->{'route'};
- while ($wp != $track->{'item'}) {
- $track->{'route'} = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':leader', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':connection', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Enter>', '');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':0', '<Leave>', '');
- $zinc->remove($wp);
- $wp = $track->{'route'};
- }
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
-# suppression waypoint intermediaire
-sub find_track {
- my ($zinc, $wp) = @_;
- my $connected = $wp;
- while ($zinc->type($connected) ne 'track') {
- $connected = $zinc->itemcget($connected, -connecteditem);
- }
- return $connected;
-sub del_way_point {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $wp = $zinc->find('withtag', 'current');
- my $track = $tracks{find_track($zinc, $wp)};
- my $next = $zinc->itemcget($wp, -connecteditem);
- my $prev;
- my $prevnext;
- $prev = $track->{'route'};
- if ($prev != $wp) {
- $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
- while ($prevnext != $wp) {
- $prev = $prevnext;
- $prevnext = $zinc->itemcget($prev, -connecteditem);
- }
- }
- $zinc->itemconfigure($prev, -connecteditem => $next);
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', '');
- $zinc->remove($wp);
- if ($wp == $track->{'route'}) {
- if ($next == $track->{'item'}) {
- $track->{'route'} = 0;
- }
- else {
- $track->{'route'} = $next;
- }
- }
-sub stick_wp {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent();
- if ($just_wiped) {
- $just_wiped = 0;
- return;
- }
- my ($x, $y) = $zinc->transform('radar', [$ev->x, $ev->y]);
- my $wp = $zinc->add('waypoint', 'radar', 2,
- -position => [$x, $y],
- -connectioncolor => 'red',
- -symbolcolor => 'red',
- -labelformat => 'a2a2+0+0',
- -tags => ['text']);
- $zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 0,
- -text => "$x".'@'."$y",
- -color => 'red',
- -filled => 1,
- -backcolor => 'gray55');
- $zinc->bind($wp.':position', '<1>', [\&wipe_wp]);
-sub wipe_wp {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- $zinc->remove('current');
- $just_wiped = 1;
-$zinc->Tk::bind('<2>', [\&stick_wp]);
-# creation macro
-#$macro = $zinc->add("tabular", $radar, 10,
-# -labelformat => "x40x20+0+0 x40x20+40+0"
-# );
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 0 , -text => "une");
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, 1, -text => "macro");
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($macro, -connecteditem => $track);
-#$zinc->bind($macro.":0", "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
-#$zinc->bind($macro.":0", "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
-# creation ministrip
-$ministrip = $zinc->add("tabular", $radar, 10,
- -labelformat => "x80x20+0+0",
- -position => [100, 10]);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($ministrip, 0 , -text => 'ministrip');
-$zinc->bind($ministrip.':0', '<Enter>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => 'contour')});
-$zinc->bind($ministrip.':0', '<Leave>',
- sub {$zinc->itemconfigure('current', 0, -border => '')});
-# creation map
-$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/videomap_paris-w_90_2", 0, "paris-w");
-$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/videomap_orly", 17, "orly");
-$mw->videomap("load", "$map_path/hegias_parouest_TE.vid", 0, "paris-ouest");
-$map = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray80');
- -mapinfo => 'orly');
-$map2 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray60',
- -filled => 1,
- -priority => 0,
- -fillpattern => AlphaStipple6);
- -mapinfo => 'paris-ouest');
-$map3 = $zinc->add("map", $radar,
- -color => 'gray50');
- -mapinfo => "paris-w");
-# Map info
-#$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', 'create');
-#$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', 'add', 'text', 'normal', 'simple', 0, 200, "Et voilŕ");
-#$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', 'add', 'line', 'simple', 0, 0, 0, 0, 200);
-#$mw->mapinfo('mpessai', 'add', 'line', 'simple', 5, -100, 100, 0, 0);
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($map3, -mapinfo => 'mpessai');
-#$c1= $zinc->add('curve', $radar, [],
-# -filled => 1,
-# -linewidth => 1,
-# -fillcolor => 'blue');
-#$zinc->coords($c1, [200, 200, 300, 200, 300, 300, 200, 300]);
-#$zinc->bind($c1, '<1>', sub {$zinc->coords($c1, 'remove', 0);});
-#$zinc->bind($c1, '<2>', sub {$zinc->coords($c1, 'add', 0, [0, 0]);});
-#$zinc->bind($c1, '<3>', sub {$zinc->coords($c1, []);});
-#my $c = $zinc->add('curve', $radar, [],
-# -filled => 1,
-# -fillcolor => 'red');
-#$zinc->contour($c, 'union', [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100]);
-#$zinc->contour($c, 'diff', [75, 75, 25, 75, 25, 25, 75, 25]);
-#print join(' ', $zinc->coords($c, 0)), "\n";
-#print join(' ', $zinc->coords($c, 1)), "\n";
-# Rafraichissement des pistes
-$zinc->repeat($delay, [\&refresh, $zinc]);
-sub refresh {
- my ($zinc) = @_;
- my $t;
- foreach $t (values(%tracks)) {
- $t->{'x'} += $t->{'vx'} * $rate;
- $t->{'y'} += $t->{'vy'} * $rate;
- $zinc->itemconfigure($t->{'item'},
- -position => [$t->{'x'}, $t->{'y'}]);
- }
-sub borders {
- my($widget, $onoff) = @_;
- $onoff = "on" unless $onoff;
- my $part = $zinc->currentpart;
- my $contour = "noborder";
- $contour = "contour" if ($onoff eq 'on');
- $zinc->itemconfigure('current', $part, -border => $contour) if ($part >= 0);
-sub finditems {
- my($cornerx, $cornery) = @_;
- print "--- enclosed --->",
- join('|', $zinc->find('enclosed',$origx, $origy, $cornerx, $cornery)),"\n";
- print "--- overlapping --->",
- join('|',$zinc->find('overlapping',$origx, $origy, $cornerx, $cornery)),"\n\n";
diff --git a/sandbox/textexpand.tcl b/sandbox/textexpand.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index f690281..0000000
--- a/sandbox/textexpand.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-zinc .z
-pack .z
-proc createItem {type params} {
- if 1 [concat .z add $type 1 $params]
diff --git a/sandbox/texture-bois1.xpm b/sandbox/texture-bois1.xpm
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a6e5f..0000000
--- a/sandbox/texture-bois1.xpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-/* XPM */
-static char *on[] = {
-/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
-" 256 256 57 1",
-/* colors */
-". c #f8dca8",
-"# c #f8d4a8",
-"a c #f8d4a0",
-"b c #f8d498",
-"c c #f8cca8",
-"d c #f8cca0",
-"e c #f8cc98",
-"f c #f8cc90",
-"g c #f8c4a0",
-"h c #f8c498",
-"i c #f8c490",
-"j c #f8c488",
-"k c #f8bc98",
-"l c #f8bc90",
-"m c #f8bc88",
-"n c #f8bc80",
-"o c #f8b490",
-"p c #f8b488",
-"q c #f8b480",
-"r c #f8b478",
-"s c #f8ac88",
-"t c #f8ac80",
-"u c #f8ac78",
-"v c #f8ac70",
-"w c #f8a478",
-"x c #f8a470",
-"y c #f8b488",
-"z c #f8b480",
-"A c #f8b478",
-"B c #f8ac88",
-"C c #f8ac80",
-"D c #f8ac78",
-"E c #f8ac70",
-"F c #f8ac68",
-"G c #f8a480",
-"H c #f8a478",
-"I c #f8a470",
-"J c #f8a468",
-"K c #f8ac80",
-"L c #f8ac78",
-"M c #f8ac70",
-"N c #f8a478",
-"O c #f8a470",
-"P c #f8a468",
-"Q c #f89c70",
-"R c #f89c68",
-"S c #f8ac78",
-"T c #f8a478",
-"U c #f8a470",
-"V c #f8a468",
-"W c #f89c70",
-"X c #f89c68",
-"Y c #f0a470",
-"Z c #f0a468",
-"0 c #f09c68",
-"1 c #f09068",
-"2 c #e09068",
-/* pixels */
diff --git a/sandbox/texture-paper.xpm b/sandbox/texture-paper.xpm
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f805b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/texture-paper.xpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* XPM */
-static char *on[] = {
-/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
-" 32 32 48 1",
-/* colors */
-". c #f8e0d8",
-"# c #f8e0d0",
-"a c #f8e0c0",
-"b c #f8e0b8",
-"c c #f8d4d0",
-"d c #f8d4c0",
-"e c #f8d4b8",
-"f c #f8e0e0",
-"g c #f8e0d8",
-"h c #f8e0d0",
-"i c #f8e0c0",
-"j c #f8e0b8",
-"k c #f8d4d0",
-"l c #f8d4c0",
-"m c #f8d4b8",
-"n c #f8d4b0",
-"o c #f8ccc0",
-"p c #f8ccb8",
-"q c #f8ccb0",
-"r c #f8c4b8",
-"s c #f8c4b0",
-"t c #f0e0d0",
-"u c #f0e0c0",
-"v c #f0e0b8",
-"w c #f0d4d0",
-"x c #f0d4c0",
-"y c #f0d4b8",
-"z c #f0d4b0",
-"A c #f0d4a8",
-"B c #f0ccc0",
-"C c #f0ccb8",
-"D c #f0ccb0",
-"E c #f0cca8",
-"F c #f0cca0",
-"G c #f0c4b8",
-"H c #f0c4b0",
-"I c #f0c4a8",
-"J c #f0c4a0",
-"K c #e8e0b8",
-"L c #e8d4b8",
-"M c #e8ccc0",
-"N c #e8ccb8",
-"O c #e8ccb0",
-"P c #e8cca8",
-"Q c #e8c4b8",
-"R c #e8c4b0",
-"S c #e8c4a8",
-"T c #e8c4a0",
-/* pixels */
diff --git a/sandbox/trash.xbm b/sandbox/trash.xbm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0370f11..0000000
--- a/sandbox/trash.xbm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#define trash_width 16
-#define trash_height 16
-static char trash_bits[] = {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x10, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0x10, 0x10, 0x50, 0x15,
- 0x50, 0x15, 0x50, 0x15, 0x50, 0x15, 0x50, 0x15, 0x50, 0x15, 0x50, 0x15,
- 0x50, 0x15, 0x10, 0x10, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/sandbox/triangles.pl b/sandbox/triangles.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 23dc1f0..0000000
--- a/sandbox/triangles.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Controls;
-use Tk::Photo;
-require Tk::PNG;
-$mw = MainWindow->new();
-$logo = $mw->Photo(-file => "logo.gif");
-$papier = $mw->Photo(-file => "texture-paper.xpm");
-$penguin = $mw->Photo(-format => 'png',
- -file => "xpenguin.png");
-$top = 1;
-$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -highlightthickness => 0,
- -relief => 'sunken',
- -takefocus => 1,
- -tile => $papier);
-$zinc->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
-$zinc->configure(-width => 500, -height => 500);
-$gr1 = $zinc->add('group', $top);
-$clip = $zinc->add('arc', $gr1, [50, 50, 399, 399],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => 'Pink:40',
-# -fillpattern => 'AlphaStipple4',
- -linewidth => 0);
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($gr1, -clip => $clip);
-$gr2 = $zinc->add('group', $gr1);
-$clip2 = $zinc->add('rectangle', $gr2, [200, 200, 450, 300],
- -filled => 1,
-# -fillcolor => 'white:100|white:0',
- -fillcolor => 'white:100 0|black:100 100/90',
-# -fillcolor => 'white 0 |blue 20|blue 80|black:0 100/270',
- -linewidth => 0);
-#$zinc->itemconfigure($gr2, -clip => $clip2);
-$view = $zinc->add('group', $gr2, -tags => "controls");
-new Controls($zinc);
-$cv2 = $zinc->add('curve', $view, [],
- -linewidth => 2);
-$cv3 = $zinc->add('curve', $view, [],
- -linewidth => 2);
-$tri2 = $zinc->add('triangles', $view, [50, 50, 300, 50, 150, 150, 300, 150],
- -colors => ['tan:50', '', '', 'red']);
-$zinc->contour($cv2, 'union', $tri2);
-$tri3 = $zinc->add('triangles', $view, [150, 150, 50, 50, 150, 50, 300, 50],
- -colors => ['grey50', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow'],
- -fan => 1);
-$tri4 = $zinc->clone($tri3, -colors => ['grey', 'red']);
-$zinc->translate($tri4, 100, 300);
-$zinc->contour($cv3, 'union', $tri3);
-$zinc->translate($tri3, 0, 300);
-$zinc->translate($cv3, 0, 300);
-$mw->Tk::bind('<p>', sub { print "perfs: ", join(',', $zinc->monitor()), "\n" });
-$mw->Tk::bind('<t>', sub { $zinc->remove($arc); });
-$mw->Tk::bind('<q>', sub { exit(0); });
diff --git a/sandbox/xpenguin.png b/sandbox/xpenguin.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1d352..0000000
--- a/sandbox/xpenguin.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.tcl b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a798e3b..0000000
--- a/sandbox/zinc.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-lappend auto_path .
-package require Tkzinc
-package require Img
-set top 1
-#memory info
-#memory trace on
-#memory validate on
-image create photo logo -file logo.gif
-image create photo logosmall -file logo.gif
-#image create photo bois -file texture-bois1.xpm
-#set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken -tile bois]
-set r [zinc .r -backcolor gray -relief sunken]
-pack .r -expand t -fill both
-set scale 1.0
-set centerX 0.0
-set centerY 0.0
-set zincWidth 800
-set zincHeight 500
-#.r configure -width $zincWidth -height $zincHeight
-#.r configure -drawbboxes t
-set view [.r add group $top -tags "controls"]
-frame .rc
-button .rc.up -text "Up" \
- -command {set centerY [expr $centerY+30.0]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.down -text "Down" \
- -command {set centerY [expr $centerY-30.0]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.left -text "Left" \
- -command {set centerX [expr $centerX+30.0]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.right -text "Right" \
- -command {set centerX [expr $centerX-30.0]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.expand -text "Expand" \
- -command {set scale [expr $scale*1.1]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.shrink -text "Shrink" \
- -command {set scale [expr $scale*0.9]; updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.reset -text "Reset" \
- -command {set scale 1.0; set centerX 0.0; set centerY 0.0; \
- updateTransform .r}
-button .rc.quit -text "Quit" -command "exit"
-grid .rc.up -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew
-grid .rc.down -row 2 -column 2 -sticky ew
-grid .rc.left -row 1 -column 1
-grid .rc.right -row 1 -column 3
-grid .rc.expand -row 1 -column 4
-grid .rc.shrink -row 1 -column 0
-grid .rc.reset -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ew
-grid .rc.quit -row 3 -column 2
-pack .rc
-bind .r <Configure> "ZincStyleConfig %W %w %h"
-proc ZincStyleConfig {zinc w h} {
- global zincWidth zincHeight
- set bw [$zinc cget -borderwidth]
- set zincWidth [expr $w - 2*$bw]
- set zincHeight [expr $h - 2*$bw]
- updateTransform $zinc
-proc updateTransform {zinc} {
- global zincWidth zincHeight
- global scale centerX centerY
- global top
- $zinc treset $top
- $zinc translate $top [expr -$centerX] [expr -$centerY]
- $zinc scale $top $scale $scale
- $zinc scale $top 1 -1
- $zinc translate $top [expr $zincWidth/2] [expr $zincHeight/2]
-set track [.r add track $view 6 -tags track -leaderanchors "|0|0"]
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "1 1"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "10 10"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "20 20"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "30 30"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "40 40"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "50 50"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "55 60"
-.r itemconfigure $track -position "60 70"
-.r itemconfigure $track -speedvector "20 0"
-.r itemconfigure $track -symbolcolor salmon -speedvectorcolor salmon -leadercolor salmon \
- -labeldistance 20
-.r itemconfigure $track -markersize 20 \
- -filledmarker 1 \
- -markerfillpattern AlphaStipple4 \
- -markercolor salmon
-.r itemconfigure $track -labelformat "120x40 l0l0+0+0 x80x20+0+0 x40x20+80+0 x40x20+0+20 x20x20>3>2 x60x20>1>1"
-.r itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 1 -backcolor gray -bordercolor gray -relief groove
-.r itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor tan -bordercolor tan -relief groove \
- -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17" -text "AFR451"
-.r itemconfigure $track 2 -text "WPY" \
- -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
-.r itemconfigure $track 3 -text "400" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat \
- -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
-.r itemconfigure $track 4 -text "-" -filled 1 -backcolor wheat \
- -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
-.r itemconfigure $track 5 -text "450" -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
-.r bind $track:speedvector <Enter> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
-.r bind $track:speedvector <Leave> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor salmon"
-set track2 [.r add track $view 4 -speedvector "-20 0" \
- -symbolcolor salmon -speedvectorcolor salmon -leadercolor salmon \
- -labeldx -20 -labeldy 20 -leaderanchors "%30x30" \
- -historycolor MistyRose -lastasfirst t ]
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -labelformat "a3f110+0+0 a3f110>0^0 a3f110^0>0 a3f110>2>0"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 0 -filled 1 -backcolor tan -text "BAW452"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 1 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text "450"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 2 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text "KMC"
-#.r itemconfigure $track2 3 -filled 1 -backcolor wheat -text ""
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -connecteditem $track -connectioncolor green
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "10 0"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-20 10"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-30 20"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-40 30"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-50 40"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-60 50"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-70 50"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-80 50"
-.r itemconfigure $track2 -position "-90 50"
-puts "creating way points"
-set wp [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
-.r itemconfigure $wp -symbolcolor bisque -leadercolor bisque -position "-100 120" \
- -labelformat "40x20"
-.r itemconfigure $wp 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "NCY" -tile logo -filled t
-set wp2 [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
-.r itemconfigure $wp2 -symbolcolor bisque \
- -leadercolor bisque \
- -position "50 160" \
- -labelformat "40x20" \
- -connectioncolor bisque \
- -connecteditem $wp
-.r itemconfigure $wp2 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "MPW"
-set wp3 [.r add waypoint $view 1 -tags borders]
-.r itemconfigure $wp3 -symbolcolor bisque \
- -leadercolor bisque \
- -position "200 140" \
- -labelformat "40x20" \
- -connectioncolor bisque \
- -connecteditem $wp2
-.r itemconfigure $wp3 0 -bordercolor bisque -text "ART"
-puts "creating macros"
-set macro [.r add tabular $view 10 -labelformat "x40x20+0+0 x40x20+40+0" \
- -tags f0borders -connecteditem $track]
-.r itemconfigure $macro 0 -text une
-.r itemconfigure $macro 1 -text macro
-puts "creating ministrips"
-set ministrip [.r add tabular $view 1 \
- -labelformat "60x20" -position "10 10"]
-.r itemconfigure $ministrip 0 -text "ministrip" -sensitive f
-set ministrip2 [.r add tabular $view 1 \
- -labelformat "60x20" -connecteditem $ministrip]
-.r itemconfigure $ministrip2 0 -text "ministrip2" -sensitive f
-set ministrip3 [.r add tabular $view 1 \
- -labelformat "60x20" -connecteditem $ministrip2]
-.r itemconfigure $ministrip3 0 -text "ministrip3" -sensitive f
-puts "creating maps"
-videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/videomap_paris-w_90_2" 0 paris-w
-videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/videomap_orly" 17 orly
-videomap load "/usr/share/toccata/maps/hegias_parouest_TE.vid" 0 paris-ouest
-set map [.r add map $view -color darkblue]
-.r itemconfigure $map -mapinfo orly
-set map2 [.r add map $view -color darkblue -filled 1 -priority 0 -fillpattern AlphaStipple1]
-.r itemconfigure $map2 -mapinfo paris-ouest
-set map3 [.r add map $view -color orange]
-mapinfo mpessai create
-mapinfo mpessai add text normal simple 0 200 "Et voilŕ"
-mapinfo mpessai add line simple 5 0 0 100 100
-mapinfo mpessai add line simple 0 100 100 0 200
-mapinfo mpessai add line simple 2 -100 100 0 0
-.r itemconfigure $map3 -mapinfo mpessai
-# Clip
-puts "crée les clips"
-set clip [.r add rectangle $view "-100 -100 300 200" -filled t \
- -linewidth 0 -fillcolor darkgray -visible f]
-#.r rotate $clip [expr 3.14159 / 4]
-.r lower $clip
-#.r itemconfigure $view -clip $clip
-.r add rectangle $top "-5 -5 5 5" -filled t -fillcolor red
-set topclip [.r add rectangle $top "-400 -400 400 400" \
- -filled t -fillcolor lightgray -linewidth 0 -visible t]
-.r lower $topclip
-#.r rotate $topclip [expr 3.14159 / 4]
-#.r itemconfigure $top -clip $topclip
-proc borders {onoff} {
- set part [.r currentpart]
- puts "part $part $onoff"
- set contour noborder
- if { $onoff == "on" } {
- set contour "contour oblique"
- }
- if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $part] } {
- .r itemconfigure current $part -border $contour
- }
-.r bind borders <Enter> "borders on"
-.r bind borders <Leave> "borders off"
-.r bind f0borders:0 <Enter> "borders on"
-.r bind f0borders:0 <Leave> "borders off"
-.r bind track <Enter> {puts "Entre dans item"}
-.r bind track <Leave> {puts "Sort d'item"}
-.r bind track:0 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 0"}
-.r bind track:0 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 0"}
-.r bind track:1 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 1"}
-.r bind track:1 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 1"}
-.r bind track:2 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 2"}
-.r bind track:2 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 2"}
-.r bind track:3 <Enter> {puts "Entre dans champ 3"}
-.r bind track:3 <Leave> {puts "Sort de champ 3"}
-bind .r <2> {puts "%x@%y, item: [.r find atpoint %x %y]"}
-proc finditems {cornerx cornery} {
- global origx origy
- puts "--- enclosed ---"
- puts "++ [.r find enclosed $origx $origy $cornerx $cornery] ++"
- puts "--- overlapping ---"
- puts "++ [.r find overlapping $origx $origy $cornerx $cornery] ++"
- puts ""
-bind .r <ButtonPress-1> "set origx %x; set origy %y"
-bind .r <ButtonRelease-1> "finditems %x %y"
-.r bind all <1> { if {! [catch {.r find withtag current} item] } { \
- puts "<1> in $item" } else { puts "None" } }
-#for {set j 0} {$j < 20} {incr j} {
-# memory info
-# for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
-# set a($i) [.r add icon 1 -image logo]
-# set b($i) [.r add rectangle 1 "10 10 1000 1000" -filled t -tile logosmall]
-# set c($i) [.r add curve 1 "10 10 10 100 100 100" -filled t -tile logosmall]
-# }
-# for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
-# .r remove $a($i)
-# .r remove $b($i)
-# .r remove $c($i)
-# }
-source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.test b/sandbox/zinc.test
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ce7fe..0000000
--- a/sandbox/zinc.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode:tcl -*-
-if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
-# package require tcltest
-# namespace import ::tcltest::*
- source [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] defs.tcl]
-proc setupHier {} {
- set view [.r add group 1]
- .r add rectangle $view "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "poly rectangle"
- set model [.r add group $view]
- .r add curve $model "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "poly foo"
- .r add rectangle $model "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "rectangle"
- .r add text $model -text "UnTexte" -tags "title"
- .r clone $model
- .r clone $model
- .r clone $model
- .r remove $model
-load tkzinc3.1.so
-zinc .r
-pack .r
-test FindItems-1.0 {Test subcommand 'all' with no args} {} {
- .r find all
-} {2 3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-1.1 {Test subcommand 'all' with top group} {} {
- .r find all 1
-} {2 3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-1.2 {Test subcommand 'all' with top group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find all 1 f
-} {2}
-test FindItems-1.3 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner group} {} {
- .r find all 2
-} {3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-1.4 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find all 2 f
-} {3 16 12 8}
-test FindItems-1.5 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner most group} {} {
- .r find all 8
-} {11 10 9}
-test FindItems-1.6 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner most group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find all 8 f
-} {11 10 9}
-test FindItems-2.0 {Test subcommand 'above' with id} {} {
- .r find above 9
-} {10}
-test FindItems-2.1 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag} {} {
- .r find above foo
-} {18}
-test FindItems-2.2 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag in group} {} {
- .r find above foo 8
-} {10}
-test FindItems-2.3 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag in group} {} {
- .r find above foo 2 f
-} {}
-test FindItems-3.0 {Test subcommand 'below' with id} {} {
- .r find below 10
-} {9}
-test FindItems-3.1 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag} {} {
- .r find below title
-} {10}
-test FindItems-3.2 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag in group} {} {
- .r find below title 12
-} {14}
-test FindItems-3.3 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag in group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find below title 2 f
-} {}
-test FindItems-4.0 {Test subcommand 'atpriority'} {} {
- .r find atpriority 2
-} {3 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-4.1 {Test subcommand 'atpriority' in group} {} {
- .r find atpriority 2 2
-} {3 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-4.2 {Test subcommand 'atpriority' in group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find atpriority 2 2 f
-} {3}
-test FindItems-5.0 {Test subcommand 'withtag'} {} {
- .r find withtag poly
-} {3 17 13 9}
-test FindItems-5.1 {Test subcommand 'withtag' in group} {} {
- .r find withtag poly 2
-} {3 17 13 9}
-test FindItems-5.2 {Test subcommand 'withtag' in group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find withtag poly 2 f
-} {3}
-test FindItems-6.0 {Test subcommand 'withtype'} {} {
- .r find withtype rectangle
-} {3 18 14 10}
-test FindItems-6.1 {Test subcommand 'withtype' in group} {} {
- .r find withtype rectangle 2
-} {3 18 14 10}
-test FindItems-6.2 {Test subcommand 'withtype' in group, non-recursive} {} {
- .r find withtype rectangle 2 f
-} {3}
-test FindItems-7.0 {Test tag operator '&&'} {} {
- .r find withtag {poly && rectangle}
-} {3}
-test FindItems-7.1 {Test tag operator '||'} {} {
- .r find withtag {poly || rectangle}
-} {3 18 17 14 13 10 9}
-test FindItems-7.2 {Test tag operator '!'} {} {
- .r find withtag {!rectangle&&!poly}
-} {2 16 19 12 15 8 11}
-test FindItems-7.3 {Test tag operator '^'} {} {
- .r find withtag {rectangle^poly}
-} {18 17 14 13 10 9}
-test FindItems-7.4 {Test tag grouping operator '()'} {} {
- .r find withtag {!(rectangle&&poly)}
-} {2 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
-test FindItems-7.5 {Test not using tag grouping operator '()'} {} {
- .r find withtag {!rectangle&&poly}
-} {17 13 9}
-catch {destroy .r}
-#zinc .r
-#pack .r
diff --git a/starkit.tcl.in b/starkit.tcl.in
deleted file mode 100644
index b070a8d..0000000
--- a/starkit.tcl.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# This script is intended to be run in the top directory
-# with: tclsh starkit.tcl.
-# It needs a tclkit and the sdx command as a starkit in the path.
-# Starkit structure
-# demo.tcl
-# lib
-# tkimg1.3
-# files from the Tkimg starkit
-# TkzincX.Y
-# Copyright
-# demos
-# demos files and sub-directories
-# Linux-x86
-# Tkzinc.so
-# pkgIndex.tcl
-# Windows-x86
-# Tkzinc.dll
-# zincGraphics.tcl
-# zincLogo.tcl
-# zincText.tcl
-# main.tcl
-proc Windows-x86-Compile {} {
- set cwd [pwd]
- puts "Compiling for Windows $cwd..."
- cd win
- if { [catch { exec tclsh package.tcl clean } result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- if { [catch { exec tclsh package.tcl subst } result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- if { [catch { exec tclsh package.tcl tcl } result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- #
- # Copy the dll in the root dir for updateKit.
- file copy -force [glob -directory buildtcl Tkzinc*.dll] [file join $cwd Tkzinc.dll]
- cd $cwd
-proc Linux-x86-Compile {} {
-proc updateKit { TkzincVfs } {
- set zincPath [file join $TkzincVfs lib Tkzinc$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION]
- file copy -force [file join starkit demo.tcl] [file join starkit main.tcl] $TkzincVfs
- set zincPath [file join $TkzincVfs lib Tkzinc$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION]
- file mkdir $zincPath
- file copy -force Copyright \
- [file join library zincGraphics.tcl] \
- [file join library zincLogo.tcl] \
- [file join library zincText.tcl] \
- $zincPath
- set demosPath [file join $zincPath demos]
- file mkdir $demosPath
- foreach f [glob -directory demos *.tcl] {
- file copy -force $f $demosPath
- }
- file delete -force [file join $demosPath data] [file join $demosPath images]
- file copy -force [file join demos zinc-widget] [file join demos data] [file join demos images] $demosPath
- #
- # Emit a merged pkgIndex.tcl
- #
- set fOut [open [file join $zincPath pkgIndex.tcl] w]
- puts $fOut "proc Platform {} {"
- puts -nonewline $fOut [info body Platform]
- puts $fOut "}"
- set fIn [open [file join library pkgIndex.tcl]]
- foreach line [split [read $fIn] \n] {
- if {![regexp {^\s*$|^#} $line]} {
- puts $fOut $line
- }
- }
- close $fIn
- puts -nonewline $fOut "package ifneeded Tkzinc $version "
- puts $fOut {[list load [file join $dir [Platform] Tkzinc[info sharedlibext]]]}
- close $fOut
- #
- # Copy the platform dependent libraries
- #
- if { [file exists libTkzinc$version.so] } {
- set platformPath [file join $zincPath Linux-x86]
- file mkdir $platformPath
- file copy -force libTkzinc$version.so [file join $platformPath Tkzinc.so]
- }
- if { [file exists Tkzinc.dll] } {
- set platformPath [file join $zincPath Windows-x86]
- file mkdir $platformPath
- file copy -force Tkzinc.dll [file join $platformPath Tkzinc.dll]
- }
-proc Platform {} {
- global tcl_platform
- set plat [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0]
- set mach $tcl_platform(machine)
- switch -glob -- $mach {
- sun4* { set mach sparc }
- intel -
- i*86* { set mach x86 }
- "Power Macintosh" { set mach ppc }
- }
- switch -- $plat {
- AIX { set mach ppc }
- HP-UX { set mach hppa }
- }
- return "$plat-$mach"
-# Build the current platform variant
-set TkzincVfs Tkzinc.vfs
-set TkzincKit Tkzinc.kit
-set cwd [pwd]
-cd ..
-if { ! [file exists $TkzincVfs] } {
- if { [file exists $TkzincKit] } {
- exec sdx unwrap $TkzincKit
- } else {
- puts "Unable to find either Tkzinc.kit or Tkzinc.vfs in .. , giving up."
- exit
- }
-cd $cwd
-updateKit [file join .. $TkzincVfs]
-puts "Now wrapping the starkit"
-cd ..
-exec sdx wrap $TkzincKit
diff --git a/starkit/demo.tcl b/starkit/demo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1c373..0000000
--- a/starkit/demo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-set path [file dirname [info script]]
-source [file join [lindex [glob -directory [file join $path lib] Tkzinc*] 0] demos zinc-widget]
diff --git a/starkit/main.tcl b/starkit/main.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 724f807..0000000
--- a/starkit/main.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package require starkit
-set method [starkit::startup]
-if { $method eq "sourced"} return
-array set help {
- demo { Launch a package demo
- Usage: demo package
- }
-set action [lindex $argv 0]
-set path [file dirname [info script]]
-set validActions [array names help]
-if { $action eq "" ||
- ($action eq "help" && [llength $argv] == 1 &&
- [lsearch $validActions $action] < 0) } {
- puts "Specify one of the following commands:\n"
- foreach c [array names help] {
- puts -nonewline " $c"
- }
- puts "\n\nFor more information, type: $argv0 help ?command?"
- exit
-} elseif { $action eq "help" } {
- set cmd [lindex $argv 1]
- puts $help($cmd)
- exit
-set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
-source [file join $path $action.tcl]
diff --git a/tclconfig/README.txt b/tclconfig/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9055a58..0000000
--- a/tclconfig/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-These files comprise the basic building blocks for a Tcl Extension
-Architecture (TEA) extension. For more information on TEA see:
- http://www.tcl.tk/doc/tea/
-This package is part of the Tcl project at SourceForge, and latest
-sources should be available there:
- http://tcl.sourceforge.net/
-This package is a freely available open source package. You can do
-virtually anything you like with it, such as modifying it, redistributing
-it, and selling it either in whole or in part.
-The following is a short description of the files you will find in
-the sample extension.
-README.txt This file
-install-sh Program used for copying binaries and script files
- to their install locations.
-tcl.m4 Collection of Tcl autoconf macros. Included by a package's
- aclocal.m4 to define SC_* macros.
diff --git a/tclconfig/install-sh b/tclconfig/install-sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff4b6a..0000000
--- a/tclconfig/install-sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# This comes from X11R5; it is not part of GNU.
-# $XConsortium: install.sh,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
- case $1 in
- -c) instcmd="$cpprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
- shift
- shift
- continue;;
- -s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
- shift
- continue;;
- *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
- then
- src=$1
- else
- dst=$1
- fi
- shift
- continue;;
- esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
- echo "install: no input file specified"
- exit 1
-if [ x"$dst" = x ]
- echo "install: no destination specified"
- exit 1
-# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-if [ -d $dst ]
- dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
-# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
-dstdir=`dirname $dst`
-# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
-$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; fi
-# Now rename the file to the real destination.
-$doit $rmcmd $dst
-$doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dst
-exit 0
diff --git a/tclconfig/tcl.m4 b/tclconfig/tcl.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a7e253..0000000
--- a/tclconfig/tcl.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3179 +0,0 @@
-# tcl.m4 --
-# This file provides a set of autoconf macros to help TEA-enable
-# a Tcl extension.
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ajuba Solutions.
-# Copyright (c) 2002 ActiveState Corporation.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# Locate the tclConfig.sh file and perform a sanity check on
-# the Tcl compile flags
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --with-tcl=...
-# Defines the following vars:
-# TCL_BIN_DIR Full path to the directory containing
-# the tclConfig.sh file
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- fi
- #
- # Ok, lets find the tcl configuration
- # First, look for one uninstalled.
- # the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-tcl
- #
- if test x"${no_tcl}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_tcl in case something fails here
- no_tcl=true
- AC_ARG_WITH(tcl, [ --with-tcl directory containing tcl configuration (tclConfig.sh)], with_tclconfig=${withval})
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tcl configuration])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tclconfig,[
- # First check to see if --with-tcl was specified.
- if test x"${with_tclconfig}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tclconfig}/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd ${with_tclconfig}; pwd)`
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tclconfig} directory doesn't contain tclConfig.sh])
- fi
- fi
- # then check for a private Tcl installation
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../tcl[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../../tcl[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../tcl \
- `ls -dr ../../../tcl[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${exec_prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few other private locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ${srcdir}/../tcl \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../tcl[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- ])
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}" = x ; then
- TCL_BIN_DIR="# no Tcl configs found"
- AC_MSG_WARN("Cannot find Tcl configuration definitions")
- exit 0
- else
- no_tcl=
- TCL_BIN_DIR=${ac_cv_c_tclconfig}
- AC_MSG_RESULT([found $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh])
- fi
- fi
-# Locate the tkConfig.sh file
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --with-tk=...
-# Defines the following vars:
-# TK_BIN_DIR Full path to the directory containing
-# the tkConfig.sh file
- #
- # Ok, lets find the tk configuration
- # First, look for one uninstalled.
- # the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-tk
- #
- if test x"${no_tk}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_tk in case something fails here
- no_tk=true
- AC_ARG_WITH(tk, [ --with-tk directory containing tk configuration (tkConfig.sh)], with_tkconfig=${withval})
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tk configuration])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tkconfig,[
- # First check to see if --with-tkconfig was specified.
- if test x"${with_tkconfig}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tkconfig}/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd ${with_tkconfig}; pwd)`
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tkconfig} directory doesn't contain tkConfig.sh])
- fi
- fi
- # then check for a private Tk library
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../tk \
- `ls -dr ../tk[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../tk \
- `ls -dr ../../tk[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../tk \
- `ls -dr ../../../tk[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${exec_prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few other private locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ${srcdir}/../tk \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../tk[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` ; do
- if test -f "$i/unix/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkconfig=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- ])
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}" = x ; then
- TK_BIN_DIR="# no Tk configs found"
- AC_MSG_WARN("Cannot find Tk configuration definitions")
- exit 0
- else
- no_tk=
- TK_BIN_DIR=${ac_cv_c_tkconfig}
- AC_MSG_RESULT([found $TK_BIN_DIR/tkConfig.sh])
- fi
- fi
-# Load the tclConfig.sh file
-# Arguments:
-# Requires the following vars to be set:
-# Results:
-# Subst the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for existence of $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh])
- if test -f "$TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([loading])
- . $TCL_BIN_DIR/tclConfig.sh
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([file not found])
- fi
- #
- # If the TCL_BIN_DIR is the build directory (not the install directory),
- # then set the common variable name to the value of the build variables.
- # For example, the variable TCL_LIB_SPEC will be set to the value
- # of TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC. An extension should make use of TCL_LIB_SPEC
- # instead of TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC since it will work with both an
- # installed and uninstalled version of Tcl.
- #
- if test -f $TCL_BIN_DIR/Makefile ; then
- fi
- #
- # eval is required to do the TCL_DBGX substitution
- #
- eval "TCL_LIB_FILE=\"${TCL_LIB_FILE}\""
- eval "TCL_LIB_FLAG=\"${TCL_LIB_FLAG}\""
- eval "TCL_LIB_SPEC=\"${TCL_LIB_SPEC}\""
-# Load the tkConfig.sh file
-# Arguments:
-# Requires the following vars to be set:
-# Results:
-# Sets the following vars that should be in tkConfig.sh:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for existence of ${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh])
- if test -f "${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([loading])
- . $TK_BIN_DIR/tkConfig.sh
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([could not find ${TK_BIN_DIR}/tkConfig.sh])
- fi
- #
- # If the TK_BIN_DIR is the build directory (not the install directory),
- # then set the common variable name to the value of the build variables.
- # For example, the variable TK_LIB_SPEC will be set to the value
- # of TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC. An extension should make use of TK_LIB_SPEC
- # instead of TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC since it will work with both an
- # installed and uninstalled version of Tcl.
- #
- if test -f $TK_BIN_DIR/Makefile ; then
- fi
- #
- # eval is required to do the TK_DBGX substitution
- #
- eval "TK_LIB_FILE=\"${TK_LIB_FILE}\""
- eval "TK_LIB_FLAG=\"${TK_LIB_FLAG}\""
- eval "TK_LIB_SPEC=\"${TK_LIB_SPEC}\""
-# Allows the building of shared libraries
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-shared=yes|no
-# Defines the following vars:
-# STATIC_BUILD Used for building import/export libraries
-# on Windows.
-# Sets the following vars:
-# SHARED_BUILD Value of 1 or 0
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to build libraries])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared,
- [ --enable-shared build and link with shared libraries [[yes]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "${enable_shared+set}" = set; then
- enableval="$enable_shared"
- tcl_ok=$enableval
- else
- tcl_ok=yes
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([shared])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([static])
- fi
-# Specify if thread support should be enabled. If "yes" is
-# specified as an arg (optional), threads are enabled by default.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-threads
-# Sets the following vars:
-# THREADS_LIBS Thread library(s)
-# Defines the following vars:
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(threads, [ --enable-threads build with threads [[$1]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=$1])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" != "windows" ; then
- # We are always OK on Windows, so check what this platform wants.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread,pthread_mutex_init,tcl_ok=yes,tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- # Check a little harder for __pthread_mutex_init in the
- # same library, as some systems hide it there until
- # pthread.h is defined. We could alternatively do an
- # AC_TRY_COMPILE with pthread.h, but that will work with
- # libpthread really doesn't exist, like AIX 4.2.
- # [Bug: 4359]
- AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, __pthread_mutex_init,
- tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -lpthread"
- else
- AC_CHECK_LIB(pthreads, pthread_mutex_init,
- tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -lpthreads"
- else
- AC_CHECK_LIB(c, pthread_mutex_init,
- tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB(c_r, pthread_mutex_init,
- tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- # The space is needed
- THREADS_LIBS=" -pthread"
- else
- AC_MSG_WARN("Don t know how to find pthread lib on your system - thread support disabled")
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Does the pthread-implementation provide
- # 'pthread_attr_setstacksize' ?
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS(pthread_attr_setstacksize)
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Do checking message here to not mess up interleaved configure output
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for building with threads])
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([no (default)])
- fi
- # TCL_THREADS sanity checking. See if our request for building with
- # threads is the same as the way Tcl was built. If not, warn the user.
- case ${TCL_DEFS} in
- *THREADS=1*)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "0"; then
- Building ${PACKAGE} without threads enabled, but building against a Tcl
- that IS thread-enabled.])
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1"; then
- --enable-threads requested, but attempting building against a Tcl
- that is NOT thread-enabled.])
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-# Specify if debugging symbols should be used
-# Memory (TCL_MEM_DEBUG) debugging can also be enabled.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Requires the following vars to be set:
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-symbols
-# Defines the following vars:
-# Sets to CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE if false
-# Sets to LDFLAGS_OPTIMIZE if false
-# DBGX Debug library extension
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- fi
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- tcl_dbgx=d
- else
- tcl_dbgx=g
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with symbols])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(symbols, [ --enable-symbols build with debugging symbols (yes,no,mem,all) [[no]]], [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=no])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- DBGX=""
- else
- DBGX=${tcl_dbgx}
- TCL_DBGX=${tcl_dbgx}
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (standard debugging)])
- fi
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "mem" -o "$tcl_ok" = "all"; then
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" != "yes" -a "$tcl_ok" != "no"; then
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "all"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([enabled symbols mem debugging])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([enabled $tcl_ok debugging])
- fi
- fi
-# Allows use of modern nl_langinfo check for better l10n.
-# This is only relevant for Unix.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-langinfo=yes|no (default is yes)
-# Defines the following vars:
-# HAVE_LANGINFO Triggers use of nl_langinfo if defined.
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(langinfo,
- [ --enable-langinfo use nl_langinfo if possible to determine
- encoding at startup, otherwise use old heuristic [[yes]]],
- [langinfo_ok=$enableval], [langinfo_ok=yes])
- if test "$langinfo_ok" = "yes"; then
- if test "$langinfo_ok" = "yes"; then
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(langinfo.h,[langinfo_ok=yes],[langinfo_ok=no])
- fi
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use nl_langinfo])
- if test "$langinfo_ok" = "yes"; then
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <langinfo.h>],
- [nl_langinfo(CODESET);],[langinfo_ok=yes],[langinfo_ok=no])
- if test "$langinfo_ok" = "no"; then
- langinfo_ok="no (could not compile with nl_langinfo)";
- fi
- if test "$langinfo_ok" = "yes"; then
- fi
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$langinfo_ok])
-# Try to determine the proper flags to pass to the compiler
-# for building shared libraries and other such nonsense.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines the following vars:
-# DL_OBJS - Name of the object file that implements dynamic
-# loading for Tcl on this system.
-# DL_LIBS - Library file(s) to include in tclsh and other base
-# applications in order for the "load" command to work.
-# LDFLAGS - Flags to pass to the compiler when linking object
-# files into an executable application binary such
-# as tclsh.
-# LD_SEARCH_FLAGS-Flags to pass to ld, such as "-R /usr/local/tcl/lib",
-# that tell the run-time dynamic linker where to look
-# for shared libraries such as libtcl.so. Depends on
-# the variable LIB_RUNTIME_DIR in the Makefile.
-# SHLIB_CFLAGS - Flags to pass to cc when compiling the components
-# of a shared library (may request position-independent
-# code, among other things).
-# SHLIB_LD - Base command to use for combining object files
-# into a shared library.
-# SHLIB_LD_LIBS - Dependent libraries for the linker to scan when
-# creating shared libraries. This symbol typically
-# goes at the end of the "ld" commands that build
-# shared libraries. The value of the symbol is
-# "${LIBS}" if all of the dependent libraries should
-# be specified when creating a shared library. If
-# dependent libraries should not be specified (as on
-# SunOS 4.x, where they cause the link to fail, or in
-# general if Tcl and Tk aren't themselves shared
-# libraries), then this symbol has an empty string
-# as its value.
-# SHLIB_SUFFIX - Suffix to use for the names of dynamically loadable
-# extensions. An empty string means we don't know how
-# to use shared libraries on this platform.
-# TCL_LIB_FILE - Name of the file that contains the Tcl library, such
-# as libtcl7.8.so or libtcl7.8.a.
-# TCL_LIB_SUFFIX -Specifies everything that comes after the "libtcl"
-# in the shared library name, using the $VERSION variable
-# to put the version in the right place. This is used
-# by platforms that need non-standard library names.
-# Examples: ${VERSION}.so.1.1 on NetBSD, since it needs
-# to have a version after the .so, and ${VERSION}.a
-# on AIX, since the Tcl shared library needs to have
-# a .a extension whereas shared objects for loadable
-# extensions have a .so extension. Defaults to
-# 1 means that an export file is needed to link to a
-# shared library.
-# TCL_EXP_FILE - The name of the installed export / import file which
-# should be used to link to the Tcl shared library.
-# Empty if Tcl is unshared.
-# The name of the built export / import file which
-# should be used to link to the Tcl shared library.
-# Empty if Tcl is unshared.
-# Flags used when running the compiler in debug mode
-# Flags used when running the compiler in optimize mode
-# Extra CFLAGS to pass to the compiler
-# Subst's the following vars:
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- # Can't refer to exact macro name or it will be substituted
- fi
- # Step 0: Enable 64 bit support?
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([if 64bit support is enabled])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(64bit,[ --enable-64bit enable 64bit support (where applicable) [[no]]], [do64bit=$enableval], [do64bit=no])
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$do64bit])
- # Step 0.b: Enable Solaris 64 bit VIS support?
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(64bit-vis,[ --enable-64bit-vis enable 64bit Sparc VIS support [[no]]], [do64bitVIS=$enableval], [do64bitVIS=no])
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$do64bitVIS])
- if test "$do64bitVIS" = "yes"; then
- # Force 64bit on with VIS
- do64bit=yes
- fi
- # Step 1: set the variable "system" to hold the name and version number
- # for the system. This can usually be done via the "uname" command, but
- # there are a few systems, like Next, where this doesn't work.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([system version (for dynamic loading)])
- if test -f /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version; then
- system=NEXTSTEP-`awk '/3/,/3/' /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version`
- else
- system=`uname -s`-`uname -r`
- if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([unknown (can't find uname command)])
- system=unknown
- else
- # Special check for weird MP-RAS system (uname returns weird
- # results, and the version is kept in special file).
- if test -r /etc/.relid -a "X`uname -n`" = "X`uname -s`" ; then
- system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid'`
- fi
- if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
- system=AIX-`uname -v`.`uname -r`
- fi
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- system=windows
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$system])
- fi
- fi
- # Step 2: check for existence of -ldl library. This is needed because
- # Linux can use either -ldl or -ldld for dynamic loading.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, have_dl=yes, have_dl=no)
- # Step 3: set configuration options based on system name and version.
- do64bit_ok=no
- TCL_TRIM_DOTS='`echo ${VERSION} | tr -d .`'
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
-# no-implicit-int is already included in all.
-# -Wconversion generate some pretty useless warnings
-# among more useful ones. To be used once in a while.
-# Added -W which _is_ useful, it detects comparisons
-# between unsigned and signed, empty blocks, unused
-# parameters/vars....
-# CFLAGS_WARNING="-Wall -Wconversion -Wno-implicit-int"
- else
- fi
-dnl FIXME: Replace AC_CHECK_PROG with AC_CHECK_TOOL once cross compiling is fixed.
-dnl AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR, ar, :)
- AC_CHECK_PROG(AR, ar, ar)
- STLIB_LD='${AR} cr'
- case $system in
- windows)
- # This is a 2-stage check to make sure we have the 64-bit SDK
- # We have to know where the SDK is installed.
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "x${MSSDK}x" = "xx" ; then
- MSSDK="C:/Progra~1/Microsoft SDK"
- fi
- # In order to work in the tortured autoconf environment,
- # we need to ensure that this path has no spaces
- MSSDK=`cygpath -w -s "$MSSDK" | sed -e 's!\\\!/!g'`
- if test ! -d "${MSSDK}/bin/win64" ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("could not find 64-bit SDK to enable 64bit mode")
- do64bit="no"
- else
- do64bit_ok="yes"
- fi
- fi
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "0" ; then
- runtime=-MT
- else
- runtime=-MD
- fi
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- # All this magic is necessary for the Win64 SDK RC1 - hobbs
- export CC="${MSSDK}/Bin/Win64/cl.exe \
- -I${MSSDK}/Include/prerelease -I${MSSDK}/Include/Win64/crt \
- -I${MSSDK}/Include"
- export RC="${MSSDK}/bin/rc.exe"
- export lflags="-MACHINE:IA64 -LIBPATH:${MSSDK}/Lib/IA64 \
- -LIBPATH:${MSSDK}/Lib/Prerelease/IA64"
- export STLIB_LD="${MSSDK}/bin/win64/lib.exe -nologo ${lflags}"
- export LINKBIN="${MSSDK}/bin/win64/link.exe ${lflags}"
- CFLAGS_DEBUG="-nologo -Zi -Od -W3 ${runtime}d"
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="-nologo -O2 -Gs -W2 ${runtime}"
- else
- RC="rc"
- STLIB_LD="lib -nologo"
- LINKBIN="link -link50compat"
- CFLAGS_DEBUG="-nologo -Z7 -Od -W3 -WX ${runtime}d"
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="-nologo -O2 -Gs -GD -W2 ${runtime}"
- fi
- if test "$MINGW32" = "yes"; then
- # mingw gcc mode
- SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared"
- STLIB_LD='${AR} cr'
- LDFLAGS_CONSOLE="-wl,--subsystem,console ${lflags}"
- LDFLAGS_WINDOW="-wl,--subsystem,windows ${lflags}"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="${LINKBIN} -dll -nologo"
- # For information on what debugtype is most useful, see:
- # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnvc60/html/gendepdebug.asp
- # This essentially turns it all on.
- LDFLAGS_DEBUG="-debug:full -debugtype:both -warn:2"
- LDFLAGS_CONSOLE="-link -subsystem:console ${lflags}"
- LDFLAGS_WINDOW="-link -subsystem:windows ${lflags}"
- fi
- # Bogus to avoid getting this turned off
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNone.obj"
- ;;
- AIX-*)
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" -a "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- # AIX requires the _r compiler when gcc isn't being used
- if test "${CC}" != "cc_r" ; then
- CC=${CC}_r
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([Using $CC for compiling with threads])
- fi
- LIBS="$LIBS -lc"
- if test "`uname -m`" = "ia64" ; then
- # AIX-5 uses ELF style dynamic libraries on IA-64, but not PPC
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- # AIX-5 has dl* in libc.so
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- else
- fi
- else
- SHLIB_LD="${TCL_SRC_DIR}/unix/ldAix /bin/ld -bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bE:lib.exp -H512 -T512 -bnoentry"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- # AIX v<=4.1 has some different flags than 4.2+
- if test "$system" = "AIX-4.1" -o "`uname -v`" -lt "4" ; then
- LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS tclLoadAix.o"
- DL_LIBS="-lld"
- fi
- # On AIX <=v4 systems, libbsd.a has to be linked in to support
- # non-blocking file IO. This library has to be linked in after
- # the MATH_LIBS or it breaks the pow() function. The way to
- # insure proper sequencing, is to add it to the tail of MATH_LIBS.
- # This library also supplies gettimeofday.
- #
- # AIX does not have a timezone field in struct tm. When the AIX
- # bsd library is used, the timezone global and the gettimeofday
- # methods are to be avoided for timezone deduction instead, we
- # deduce the timezone by comparing the localtime result on a
- # known GMT value.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(bsd, gettimeofday, libbsd=yes, libbsd=no)
- if test $libbsd = yes; then
- fi
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker on AIX 4+
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" -a "`uname -v`" -gt "3" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system")
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- LDFLAGS="-q64"
- AR="${AR} -X64"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- BSD/OS-2.1*|BSD/OS-3*)
- SHLIB_LD="shlicc -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- BSD/OS-4.*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-export-dynamic -fPIC"
- SHLIB_LD="cc -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-export-dynamic"
- ;;
- dgux*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- HP-UX-*.11.*)
- # Use updated header definitions where possible
- AC_CHECK_LIB(dld, shl_load, tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -b"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadShl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-E"
- fi
- # Users may want PA-RISC 1.1/2.0 portable code - needs HP cc
- #EXTRA_CFLAGS="+DAportable"
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- hpux_arch=`gcc -dumpmachine`
- case $hpux_arch in
- hppa64*)
- # 64-bit gcc in use. Fix flags for GNU ld.
- do64bit_ok=yes
- SHLIB_LD="gcc -shared"
- ;;
- *)
- AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system")
- ;;
- esac
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- HP-UX-*.08.*|HP-UX-*.09.*|HP-UX-*.10.*)
- AC_CHECK_LIB(dld, shl_load, tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -b"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadShl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-E"
- fi
- ;;
- IRIX-4.*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- ;;
- IRIX-5.*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- IRIX-6.*|IRIX64-6.5*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -n32 -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
- LDFLAGS="-mabi=n32"
- else
- case $system in
- IRIX-6.3)
- # Use to build 6.2 compatible binaries on 6.3.
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- LDFLAGS="-n32"
- fi
- ;;
- IRIX64-6.*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld -n32 -shared -rdata_shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([64bit mode not supported by gcc])
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- SHLIB_LD="ld -64 -shared -rdata_shared"
- LDFLAGS="-64"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- Linux*)
- # egcs-2.91.66 on Redhat Linux 6.0 generates lots of warnings
- # when you inline the string and math operations. Turn this off to
- # get rid of the warnings.
- if test "$have_dl" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="${CC} -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-rdynamic"
- else
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(dld.h, [
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDld.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- fi
- if test "`uname -m`" = "alpha" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mieee"
- fi
- # The combo of gcc + glibc has a bug related
- # to inlining of functions like strtod(). The
- # -fno-builtin flag should address this problem
- # but it does not work. The -fno-inline flag
- # is kind of overkill but it works.
- # Disable inlining only when one of the
- # files in compat/*.c is being linked in.
- if test x"${LIBOBJS}" != x ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS} -fno-inline"
- fi
- ;;
- GNU*)
- if test "$have_dl" = yes; then
- SHLIB_LD="${CC} -shared"
- DL_OBJS=""
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-rdynamic"
- else
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(dld.h, [
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- DL_OBJS=""
- DL_LIBS="-ldld"
- fi
- if test "`uname -m`" = "alpha" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-mieee"
- fi
- ;;
- MP-RAS-02*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- MP-RAS-*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
- ;;
- NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-[[1-2]].*|OpenBSD-*)
- # Not available on all versions: check for include file.
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(dlfcn.h, [
- # NetBSD/SPARC needs -fPIC, -fpic will not do.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- AC_EGREP_CPP(yes, [
-#ifdef __ELF__
- yes
- ],
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- )
- ], [
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ])
- # FreeBSD doesn't handle version numbers with dots.
- ;;
- FreeBSD-*)
- # FreeBSD 3.* and greater have ELF.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-export-dynamic"
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" ; then
- # The -pthread needs to go in the CFLAGS, not LIBS
- LIBS=`echo $LIBS | sed s/-pthread//`
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-pthread"
- LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pthread"
- fi
- case $system in
- FreeBSD-3.*)
- # FreeBSD-3 doesn't handle version numbers with dots.
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fno-common"
- SHLIB_LD="cc -dynamiclib \${LDFLAGS}"
- TCL_SHLIB_LD_EXTRAS="-compatibility_version ${TCL_MAJOR_VERSION} -current_version \${VERSION} -install_name \${LIB_RUNTIME_DIR}/\${TCL_LIB_FILE} -prebind -seg1addr 0xa000000"
- SHLIB_SUFFIX=".dylib"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDyld.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-prebind"
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-arch ppc -pipe"
- ;;
- SHLIB_LD="cc -nostdlib -r"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNext.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OS/390-*)
- CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE="" # Optimizer is buggy
- AC_DEFINE(_OE_SOCKETS) # needed in sys/socket.h
- ;;
- OSF1-1.0|OSF1-1.1|OSF1-1.2)
- # OSF/1 1.[012] from OSF, and derivatives, including Paragon OSF/1
- # Hack: make package name same as library name
- SHLIB_LD='ld -R -export $@:'
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadOSF.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OSF1-1.*)
- # OSF/1 1.3 from OSF using ELF, and derivatives, including AD2
- if test "$SHARED_BUILD" = "1" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="ld -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="ld -non_shared"
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- OSF1-V*)
- # Digital OSF/1
- if test "$SHARED_BUILD" = "1" ; then
- SHLIB_LD='ld -shared -expect_unresolved "*"'
- else
- SHLIB_LD='ld -non_shared -expect_unresolved "*"'
- fi
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- if test "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- fi
- # see pthread_intro(3) for pthread support on osf1, k.furukawa
- if test "${TCL_THREADS}" = "1" ; then
- LIBS=`echo $LIBS | sed s/-lpthreads//`
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- LIBS="$LIBS -lpthread -lmach -lexc"
- else
- LDFLAGS="-pthread"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- QNX-6*)
- # This may work for all QNX, but it was only reported for v6.
- SHLIB_LD="ld -Bshareable -x"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- # dlopen is in -lc on QNX
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- RISCos-*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- ;;
- SCO_SV-3.2*)
- # Note, dlopen is available only on SCO 3.2.5 and greater. However,
- # this test works, since "uname -s" was non-standard in 3.2.4 and
- # below.
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-fPIC -melf"
- LDFLAGS="-melf -Wl,-Bexport"
- else
- SHLIB_CFLAGS="-Kpic -belf"
- LDFLAGS="-belf -Wl,-Bexport"
- fi
- SHLIB_LD="ld -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- ;;
- SINIX*5.4*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- ;;
- SunOS-4*)
- SHLIB_LD="ld"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- # SunOS can't handle version numbers with dots in them in library
- # specs, like -ltcl7.5, so use -ltcl75 instead. Also, it
- # requires an extra version number at the end of .so file names.
- # So, the library has to have a name like libtcl75.so.1.0
- ;;
- SunOS-5.[[0-6]]*)
- # Note: If _REENTRANT isn't defined, then Solaris
- # won't define thread-safe library routines.
- # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
- # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="$CC -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- fi
- ;;
- SunOS-5*)
- # Note: If _REENTRANT isn't defined, then Solaris
- # won't define thread-safe library routines.
- # Check to enable 64-bit flags for compiler/linker
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" ; then
- arch=`isainfo`
- if test "$arch" = "sparcv9 sparc" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode not supported with GCC on $system")
- else
- do64bit_ok=yes
- if test "$do64bitVIS" = "yes" ; then
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-xarch=v9a"
- LDFLAGS="-xarch=v9a"
- else
- EXTRA_CFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
- LDFLAGS="-xarch=v9"
- fi
- fi
- else
- AC_MSG_WARN("64bit mode only supported sparcv9 system")
- fi
- fi
- # Note: need the LIBS below, otherwise Tk won't find Tcl's
- # symbols when dynamically loaded into tclsh.
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- SHLIB_LD="$CC -shared"
- else
- SHLIB_LD="/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z text"
- fi
- ;;
- ULTRIX-4.*)
- SHLIB_LD="echo tclLdAout $CC \{$SHLIB_CFLAGS\} | `pwd`/tclsh -r -G 0"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadAout.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-D,08000000"
- if test "$GCC" != "yes" ; then
- fi
- ;;
- UNIX_SV* | UnixWare-5*)
- SHLIB_LD="cc -G"
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadDl.o"
- DL_LIBS="-ldl"
- # Some UNIX_SV* systems (unixware 1.1.2 for example) have linkers
- # that don't grok the -Bexport option. Test that it does.
- hold_ldflags=$LDFLAGS
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld accepts -Bexport flag])
- LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-Bexport"
- AC_TRY_LINK(, [int i;], found=yes, found=no)
- LDFLAGS=$hold_ldflags
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$found])
- if test $found = yes; then
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bexport"
- else
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- if test "$do64bit" = "yes" -a "$do64bit_ok" = "no" ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN("64bit support being disabled -- don\'t know magic for this platform")
- fi
- # Step 4: If pseudo-static linking is in use (see K. B. Kenny, "Dynamic
- # Loading for Tcl -- What Became of It?". Proc. 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop,
- # New Orleans, LA, Computerized Processes Unlimited, 1994), then we need
- # to determine which of several header files defines the a.out file
- # format (a.out.h, sys/exec.h, or sys/exec_aout.h). At present, we
- # support only a file format that is more or less version-7-compatible.
- # In particular,
- # - a.out files must begin with `struct exec'.
- # - the N_TXTOFF on the `struct exec' must compute the seek address
- # of the text segment
- # - The `struct exec' must contain a_magic, a_text, a_data, a_bss
- # and a_entry fields.
- # The following compilation should succeed if and only if either sys/exec.h
- # or a.out.h is usable for the purpose.
- #
- # Note that the modified COFF format used on MIPS Ultrix 4.x is usable; the
- # `struct exec' includes a second header that contains information that
- # duplicates the v7 fields that are needed.
- if test "x$DL_OBJS" = "xtclLoadAout.o" ; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([sys/exec.h])
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/exec.h>],[
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
- ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_ok])
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- else
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([a.out.h])
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <a.out.h>],[
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_magic == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
- ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_ok])
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- else
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([sys/exec_aout.h])
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/exec_aout.h>],[
- struct exec foo;
- unsigned long seek;
- int flag;
-#if defined(__mips) || defined(mips)
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo.ex_f, foo.ex_o);
- seek = N_TXTOFF (foo);
- flag = (foo.a_midmag == OMAGIC);
- return foo.a_text + foo.a_data + foo.a_bss + foo.a_entry;
- ], tcl_ok=usable, tcl_ok=unusable)
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_ok])
- if test $tcl_ok = usable; then
- else
- DL_OBJS=""
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Step 5: disable dynamic loading if requested via a command-line switch.
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(load, [ --disable-load disallow dynamic loading and "load" command],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- DL_OBJS=""
- fi
- if test "x$DL_OBJS" != "x" ; then
- else
- echo "Can't figure out how to do dynamic loading or shared libraries"
- echo "on this system."
- DL_OBJS="tclLoadNone.o"
- DL_LIBS=""
- fi
- # If we're running gcc, then change the C flags for compiling shared
- # libraries to the right flags for gcc, instead of those for the
- # standard manufacturer compiler.
- if test "$DL_OBJS" != "tclLoadNone.o" ; then
- if test "$GCC" = "yes" ; then
- case $system in
- AIX-*)
- ;;
- BSD/OS*)
- ;;
- IRIX*)
- ;;
- NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-*|OpenBSD-*)
- ;;
- Rhapsody-*|Darwin-*)
- ;;
- RISCos-*)
- ;;
- SCO_SV-3.2*)
- ;;
- ULTRIX-4.*)
- ;;
- windows)
- if test "$MINGW32" != "yes"; then
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- fi
- if test "$SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- fi
- if test "$UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX" = "" ; then
- fi
-# Determine which interface to use to talk to the serial port.
-# Note that #include lines must begin in leftmost column for
-# some compilers to recognize them as preprocessor directives,
-# and some build environments have stdin not pointing at a
-# pseudo-terminal (usually /dev/null instead.)
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines only one of the following vars:
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/modem.h)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([termios vs. termio vs. sgtty])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_api_serial, [
-#include <termios.h>
-int main() {
- struct termios t;
- if (tcgetattr(0, &t) == 0) {
- cfsetospeed(&t, 0);
- t.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-}], tcl_cv_api_serial=termios, tcl_cv_api_serial=no, tcl_cv_api_serial=no)
- if test $tcl_cv_api_serial = no ; then
-#include <termio.h>
-int main() {
- struct termio t;
- if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &t) == 0) {
- t.c_cflag |= CBAUD | PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-}], tcl_cv_api_serial=termio, tcl_cv_api_serial=no, tcl_cv_api_serial=no)
- fi
- if test $tcl_cv_api_serial = no ; then
-#include <sgtty.h>
-int main() {
- struct sgttyb t;
- if (ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &t) == 0) {
- t.sg_ospeed = 0;
- t.sg_flags |= ODDP | EVENP | RAW;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-}], tcl_cv_api_serial=sgtty, tcl_cv_api_serial=none, tcl_cv_api_serial=none)
- fi
- if test $tcl_cv_api_serial = no ; then
-#include <termios.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-int main() {
- struct termios t;
- if (tcgetattr(0, &t) == 0
- || errno == ENOTTY || errno == ENXIO || errno == EINVAL) {
- cfsetospeed(&t, 0);
- t.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-}], tcl_cv_api_serial=termios, tcl_cv_api_serial=no, tcl_cv_api_serial=no)
- fi
- if test $tcl_cv_api_serial = no; then
-#include <termio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-int main() {
- struct termio t;
- if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &t) == 0
- || errno == ENOTTY || errno == ENXIO || errno == EINVAL) {
- t.c_cflag |= CBAUD | PARENB | PARODD | CSIZE | CSTOPB;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }], tcl_cv_api_serial=termio, tcl_cv_api_serial=no, tcl_cv_api_serial=no)
- fi
- if test $tcl_cv_api_serial = no; then
-#include <sgtty.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-int main() {
- struct sgttyb t;
- if (ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &t) == 0
- || errno == ENOTTY || errno == ENXIO || errno == EINVAL) {
- t.sg_ospeed = 0;
- t.sg_flags |= ODDP | EVENP | RAW;
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-}], tcl_cv_api_serial=sgtty, tcl_cv_api_serial=none, tcl_cv_api_serial=none)
- fi])
- case $tcl_cv_api_serial in
- esac
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_cv_api_serial])
-# Supply substitutes for missing POSIX header files. Special
-# notes:
-# - stdlib.h doesn't define strtol, strtoul, or
-# strtod insome versions of SunOS
-# - some versions of string.h don't declare procedures such
-# as strstr
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines some of the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([dirent.h])
- AC_TRY_LINK([#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>], [
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-# ifdef __Lynx__
- /*
- * Generate compilation error to make the test fail: Lynx headers
- * are only valid if really in the POSIX environment.
- */
- missing_procedure();
-# endif
-DIR *d;
-struct dirent *entryPtr;
-char *p;
-d = opendir("foobar");
-entryPtr = readdir(d);
-p = entryPtr->d_name;
-], tcl_ok=yes, tcl_ok=no)
- if test $tcl_ok = no; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_ok])
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(stdlib.h, tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0)
- AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtol, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
- AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtoul, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
- AC_EGREP_HEADER(strtod, stdlib.h, , tcl_ok=0)
- if test $tcl_ok = 0; then
- fi
- AC_CHECK_HEADER(string.h, tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0)
- AC_EGREP_HEADER(strstr, string.h, , tcl_ok=0)
- AC_EGREP_HEADER(strerror, string.h, , tcl_ok=0)
- # See also memmove check below for a place where NO_STRING_H can be
- # set and why.
- if test $tcl_ok = 0; then
- fi
- # OS/390 lacks sys/param.h (and doesn't need it, by chance).
- AC_HAVE_HEADERS(unistd.h sys/param.h)
-# Locate the X11 header files and the X11 library archive. Try
-# the ac_path_x macro first, but if it doesn't find the X stuff
-# (e.g. because there's no xmkmf program) then check through
-# a list of possible directories. Under some conditions the
-# autoconf macro will return an include directory that contains
-# no include files, so double-check its result just to be safe.
-# This should be called after TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS as setting the
-# LIBS line can confuse some configure macro magic.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Sets the following vars:
-# LIBS (appends to)
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "unix" ; then
- fi
- not_really_there=""
- if test "$no_x" = ""; then
- if test "$x_includes" = ""; then
- AC_TRY_CPP([#include <X11/XIntrinsic.h>], , not_really_there="yes")
- else
- if test ! -r $x_includes/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
- not_really_there="yes"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if test "$no_x" = "yes" -o "$not_really_there" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for X11 header files])
- XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
- AC_TRY_CPP([#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>], , XINCLUDES="nope")
- if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
- dirs="/usr/unsupported/include /usr/local/include /usr/X386/include /usr/X11R6/include /usr/X11R5/include /usr/include/X11R5 /usr/include/X11R4 /usr/openwin/include /usr/X11/include /usr/sww/include"
- for i in $dirs ; do
- if test -r $i/X11/Intrinsic.h; then
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- if test "$x_includes" != ""; then
- XINCLUDES=-I$x_includes
- else
- XINCLUDES="# no special path needed"
- fi
- fi
- if test "$XINCLUDES" = nope; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([could not find any!])
- XINCLUDES="# no include files found"
- fi
- if test "$no_x" = yes; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for X11 libraries])
- XLIBSW=nope
- dirs="/usr/unsupported/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X386/lib /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/X11R5/lib /usr/lib/X11R5 /usr/lib/X11R4 /usr/openwin/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/sww/X11/lib"
- for i in $dirs ; do
- if test -r $i/libX11.a -o -r $i/libX11.so -o -r $i/libX11.sl; then
- XLIBSW="-L$i -lX11"
- x_libraries="$i"
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- if test "$x_libraries" = ""; then
- XLIBSW=-lX11
- else
- XLIBSW="-L$x_libraries -lX11"
- fi
- fi
- if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
- AC_CHECK_LIB(Xwindow, XCreateWindow, XLIBSW=-lXwindow)
- fi
- if test "$XLIBSW" = nope ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([could not find any! Using -lX11.])
- XLIBSW=-lX11
- fi
- if test x"${XLIBSW}" != x ; then
- fi
-# The statements below check for systems where POSIX-style
-# non-blocking I/O (O_NONBLOCK) doesn't work or is unimplemented.
-# On these systems (mostly older ones), use the old BSD-style
-# FIONBIO approach instead.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines some of the following vars:
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/ioctl.h)
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/filio.h)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([FIONBIO vs. O_NONBLOCK for nonblocking I/O])
- if test -f /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version; then
- system=NEXTSTEP-`awk '/3/,/3/' /usr/lib/NextStep/software_version`
- else
- system=`uname -s`-`uname -r`
- if test "$?" -ne 0 ; then
- system=unknown
- else
- # Special check for weird MP-RAS system (uname returns weird
- # results, and the version is kept in special file).
- if test -r /etc/.relid -a "X`uname -n`" = "X`uname -s`" ; then
- system=MP-RAS-`awk '{print $3}' /etc/.relid'`
- fi
- if test "`uname -s`" = "AIX" ; then
- system=AIX-`uname -v`.`uname -r`
- fi
- fi
- fi
- case $system in
- # There used to be code here to use FIONBIO under AIX. However, it
- # was reported that FIONBIO doesn't work under AIX 3.2.5. Since
- # using O_NONBLOCK seems fine under AIX 4.*, I removed the FIONBIO
- # code (JO, 5/31/97).
- OSF*)
- ;;
- SunOS-4*)
- ;;
- ULTRIX-4.*)
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-# Checks how the system deals with time.h, what time structures
-# are used on the system, and what fields the structures have.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines some of the following vars:
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/time.h)
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gmtime_r localtime_r)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([tm_tzadj in struct tm])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_member_tm_tzadj,
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>], [struct tm tm; tm.tm_tzadj;],
- tcl_cv_member_tm_tzadj=yes, tcl_cv_member_tm_tzadj=no))
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_cv_member_tm_tzadj])
- if test $tcl_cv_member_tm_tzadj = yes ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([tm_gmtoff in struct tm])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_member_tm_gmtoff,
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>], [struct tm tm; tm.tm_gmtoff;],
- tcl_cv_member_tm_gmtoff=yes, tcl_cv_member_tm_gmtoff=no))
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_cv_member_tm_gmtoff])
- if test $tcl_cv_member_tm_gmtoff = yes ; then
- fi
- #
- # Its important to include time.h in this check, as some systems
- # (like convex) have timezone functions, etc.
- #
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([long timezone variable])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_var_timezone,
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>],
- [extern long timezone;
- timezone += 1;
- exit (0);],
- tcl_cv_timezone_long=yes, tcl_cv_timezone_long=no))
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_cv_timezone_long])
- if test $tcl_cv_timezone_long = yes ; then
- else
- #
- # On some systems (eg IRIX 6.2), timezone is a time_t and not a long.
- #
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([time_t timezone variable])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_timezone_time,
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <time.h>],
- [extern time_t timezone;
- timezone += 1;
- exit (0);],
- tcl_cv_timezone_time=yes, tcl_cv_timezone_time=no))
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$tcl_cv_timezone_time])
- if test $tcl_cv_timezone_time = yes ; then
- fi
- fi
-# Under Solaris 2.4, strtod returns the wrong value for the
-# terminating character under some conditions. Check for this
-# and if the problem exists use a substitute procedure
-# "fixstrtod" (provided by Tcl) that corrects the error.
-# Also, on Compaq's Tru64 Unix 5.0,
-# strtod(" ") returns 0.0 instead of a failure to convert.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Might defines some of the following vars:
-# strtod (=fixstrtod)
- AC_CHECK_FUNC(strtod, tcl_strtod=1, tcl_strtod=0)
- if test "$tcl_strtod" = 1; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Solaris2.4/Tru64 strtod bugs])
- extern double strtod();
- int main()
- {
- char *string = "NaN", *spaceString = " ";
- char *term;
- double value;
- value = strtod(string, &term);
- if ((term != string) && (term[-1] == 0)) {
- exit(1);
- }
- value = strtod(spaceString, &term);
- if (term == (spaceString+1)) {
- exit(1);
- }
- exit(0);
- }], tcl_ok=1, tcl_ok=0, tcl_ok=0)
- if test "$tcl_ok" = 1; then
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([buggy])
- LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS fixstrtod.o"
- AC_DEFINE(strtod, fixstrtod)
- fi
- fi
-# Search for the libraries needed to link the Tcl shell.
-# Things like the math library (-lm) and socket stuff (-lsocket vs.
-# -lnsl) are dealt with here.
-# Arguments:
-# Requires the following vars to be set in the Makefile:
-# Results:
-# Subst's the following var:
-# Might append to the following vars:
-# Might define the following vars:
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # On a few very rare systems, all of the libm.a stuff is
- # already in libc.a. Set compiler flags accordingly.
- # Also, Linux requires the "ieee" library for math to work
- # right (and it must appear before "-lm").
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- AC_CHECK_LIB(ieee, main, [MATH_LIBS="-lieee $MATH_LIBS"])
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Interactive UNIX requires -linet instead of -lsocket, plus it
- # needs net/errno.h to define the socket-related error codes.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- AC_CHECK_LIB(inet, main, [LIBS="$LIBS -linet"])
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Check for the existence of the -lsocket and -lnsl libraries.
- # The order here is important, so that they end up in the right
- # order in the command line generated by make. Here are some
- # special considerations:
- # 1. Use "connect" and "accept" to check for -lsocket, and
- # "gethostbyname" to check for -lnsl.
- # 2. Use each function name only once: can't redo a check because
- # autoconf caches the results of the last check and won't redo it.
- # 3. Use -lnsl and -lsocket only if they supply procedures that
- # aren't already present in the normal libraries. This is because
- # IRIX 5.2 has libraries, but they aren't needed and they're
- # bogus: they goof up name resolution if used.
- # 4. On some SVR4 systems, can't use -lsocket without -lnsl too.
- # To get around this problem, check for both libraries together
- # if -lsocket doesn't work by itself.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- tcl_checkBoth=0
- AC_CHECK_FUNC(connect, tcl_checkSocket=0, tcl_checkSocket=1)
- if test "$tcl_checkSocket" = 1; then
- AC_CHECK_FUNC(setsockopt, , [AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, setsockopt,
- LIBS="$LIBS -lsocket", tcl_checkBoth=1)])
- fi
- if test "$tcl_checkBoth" = 1; then
- tk_oldLibs=$LIBS
- LIBS="$LIBS -lsocket -lnsl"
- AC_CHECK_FUNC(accept, tcl_checkNsl=0, [LIBS=$tk_oldLibs])
- fi
- AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostbyname, , [AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname,
- [LIBS="$LIBS -lnsl"])])
- # Don't perform the eval of the libraries here because DL_LIBS
- # won't be set until we call TEA_CONFIG_CFLAGS
-# Check for what flags are needed to be passed so the correct OS
-# features are available.
-# Arguments:
-# None
-# Results:
-# Might define the following vars:
- AC_CACHE_VAL([tcl_cv_flag_]translit($1,[A-Z],[a-z]),
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([$2], $3, [tcl_cv_flag_]translit($1,[A-Z],[a-z])=no,
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([[#define ]$1[ 1
-]$2], $3,
- [tcl_cv_flag_]translit($1,[A-Z],[a-z])=yes,
- [tcl_cv_flag_]translit($1,[A-Z],[a-z])=no)))
- if test ["x${tcl_cv_flag_]translit($1,[A-Z],[a-z])[}" = "xyes"] ; then
- tcl_flags="$tcl_flags $1"
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for required early compiler flags])
- tcl_flags=""
- TEA_TCL_EARLY_FLAG(_ISOC99_SOURCE,[#include <stdlib.h>],
- [char *p = (char *)strtoll; char *q = (char *)strtoull;])
- TEA_TCL_EARLY_FLAG(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE,[#include <sys/stat.h>],
- [struct stat64 buf; int i = stat64("/", &buf);])
- if test "x${tcl_flags}" = "x" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([none])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${tcl_flags}])
- fi
-# Check for what is defined in the way of 64-bit features.
-# Arguments:
-# None
-# Results:
-# Might define the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for 64-bit integer type])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_type_64bit,[
- AC_TRY_COMPILE(,[__int64 value = (__int64) 0;],
- tcl_cv_type_64bit=__int64,tcl_cv_type_64bit=none
- AC_TRY_RUN([#include <unistd.h>
- int main() {exit(!(sizeof(long long) > sizeof(long)));}
- ], tcl_cv_type_64bit="long long"))])
- if test "${tcl_cv_type_64bit}" = none ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([using long])
- else
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TCL_WIDE_INT_TYPE,${tcl_cv_type_64bit})
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${tcl_cv_type_64bit}])
- # Now check for auxiliary declarations
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for struct dirent64])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_struct_dirent64,[
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/dirent.h>],[struct dirent64 p;],
- tcl_cv_struct_dirent64=yes,tcl_cv_struct_dirent64=no)])
- if test "x${tcl_cv_struct_dirent64}" = "xyes" ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${tcl_cv_struct_dirent64}])
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for struct stat64])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_struct_stat64,[
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/stat.h>],[struct stat64 p;
- tcl_cv_struct_stat64=yes,tcl_cv_struct_stat64=no)])
- if test "x${tcl_cv_struct_stat64}" = "xyes" ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${tcl_cv_struct_stat64}])
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for off64_t])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(tcl_cv_type_off64_t,[
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/types.h>],[off64_t offset;
- tcl_cv_type_off64_t=yes,tcl_cv_type_off64_t=no)])
- if test "x${tcl_cv_type_off64_t}" = "xyes" ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${tcl_cv_type_off64_t}])
- fi
-## Here ends the standard Tcl configuration bits and starts the
-## TEA specific functions
-# TEA_INIT --
-# Init various Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) variables.
-# This should be the first called TEA_* macro.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Defines and substs the following vars:
-# Defines only:
-# TEA_PLATFORM (windows or unix)
-# "cygpath" is used on windows to generate native path names for include
-# files. These variables should only be used with the compiler and linker
-# since they generate native path names.
-# Select the executable extension based on the host type. This
-# is a lightweight replacement for AC_EXEEXT that doesn't require
-# a compiler.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for correct TEA configuration])
- if test x"${PACKAGE}" = x ; then
-The PACKAGE variable must be defined by your TEA configure.in])
- fi
- case "`uname -s`" in
- *win32*|*WIN32*|*CYGWIN_NT*|*CYGWIN_9*|*CYGWIN_ME*|*MINGW32_*)
- AC_CHECK_PROG(CYGPATH, cygpath, cygpath -w, echo)
- EXEEXT=".exe"
- TEA_PLATFORM="windows"
- ;;
- *)
- CYGPATH=echo
- ;;
- esac
-# Handle the --prefix=... option by defaulting to what Tcl gave
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# If --prefix or --exec-prefix was not specified, $prefix and
-# $exec_prefix will be set to the values given to Tcl when it was
-# configured.
- # Should be AC_MSG_NOTICE, but that requires autoconf 2.50
- if test "${prefix}" = "NONE"; then
- prefix_default=yes
- if test x"${TCL_PREFIX}" != x; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([--prefix defaulting to TCL_PREFIX ${TCL_PREFIX}])
- prefix=${TCL_PREFIX}
- else
- prefix=/usr/local
- fi
- fi
- if test "${exec_prefix}" = "NONE" -a x"${prefix_default}" = x"yes" ; then
- if test x"${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}" != x; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([--exec-prefix defaulting to TCL_EXEC_PREFIX ${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}])
- exec_prefix=${TCL_EXEC_PREFIX}
- else
- exec_prefix=$prefix
- fi
- fi
-# Do compiler checks the way we want. This is just a replacement
-# for AC_PROG_CC in TEA configure.in files to make them cleaner.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Sets up CC var and other standard bits we need to make executables.
- # If the user did not set CFLAGS, set it now to keep
- # the AC_PROG_CC macro from adding "-g -O2".
- if test "${CFLAGS+set}" != "set" ; then
- fi
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # If we're using GCC, see if the compiler understands -pipe. If so, use it.
- # It makes compiling go faster. (This is only a performance feature.)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if test -z "$no_pipe" -a -n "$GCC"; then
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([if the compiler understands -pipe])
- CC="$CC -pipe"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([no]))
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Checks to see if the make program sets the $MAKE variable.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Find ranlib
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Determines the correct binary file extension (.o, .obj, .exe etc.)
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Generate a line that can be used to build a shared/unshared library
-# in a platform independent manner.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Requires:
-# Results:
-# Defines the following vars:
-# CFLAGS - Done late here to note disturb other AC macros
-# MAKE_LIB - Command to execute to build the Tcl library;
-# differs depending on whether or not Tcl is being
-# compiled as a shared library.
-# MAKE_SHARED_LIB Makefile rule for building a shared library
-# MAKE_STATIC_LIB Makefile rule for building a static library
-# MAKE_STUB_LIB Makefile rule for building a stub library
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" -a "$GCC" != "yes"; then
- MAKE_STATIC_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\[$]@ \$(\[$](PACKAGE)_OBJECTS)"
- MAKE_STUB_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} -out:\[$]@ \$(\[$](PACKAGE)stub_OBJECTS)"
- else
- MAKE_STUB_LIB="\${STLIB_LD} \[$]@ \$(\[$](PACKAGE)stub_OBJECTS)"
- fi
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- else
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shared libraries and static libraries have different names.
- # Use the double eval to make sure the ${DBGX} in the suffix is
- # substituted.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- # We force the unresolved linking of symbols that are really in
- # the private libraries of Tcl and Tk.
- if test x"${TK_BIN_DIR}" != x ; then
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Some packages build there own stubs libraries
- else
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- if test x"${TK_BIN_DIR}" != x ; then
- fi
- else
- fi
- # Some packages build there own stubs libraries
- eval eval "${PACKAGE}stub_LIB_FILE=lib${PACKAGE}stub${UNSHARED_LIB_SUFFIX}"
- fi
- # These are escaped so that only CFLAGS is picked up at configure time.
- # The other values will be substituted at make time.
- if test "${SHARED_BUILD}" = "1" ; then
- fi
-# Compute the name of an existing object library located in libdir
-# from the given base name and produce the appropriate linker flags.
-# Arguments:
-# basename The base name of the library without version
-# numbers, extensions, or "lib" prefixes.
-# extra_dir Extra directory in which to search for the
-# library. This location is used first, then
-# $prefix/$exec-prefix, then some defaults.
-# Requires:
-# TEA_INIT and TEA_PREFIX must be called first.
-# Results:
-# Defines the following vars:
-# ${basename}_LIB_NAME The computed library name.
-# ${basename}_LIB_SPEC The computed linker flags.
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1 library])
- # Look in exec-prefix for the library (defined by TEA_PREFIX).
- tea_lib_name_dir="${exec_prefix}/lib"
- # Or in a user-specified location.
- if test x"$2" != x ; then
- tea_extra_lib_dir=$2
- else
- tea_extra_lib_dir=NONE
- fi
- for i in \
- `ls -dr ${tea_extra_lib_dir}/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr ${tea_extra_lib_dir}/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr ${tea_lib_name_dir}/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr ${tea_lib_name_dir}/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr /usr/lib/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr /usr/lib/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/$1[[0-9]]*.lib 2>/dev/null ` \
- `ls -dr /usr/local/lib/lib$1[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null ` ; do
- if test -f "$i" ; then
- tea_lib_name_dir=`dirname $i`
- $1_LIB_NAME=`basename $i`
- break
- fi
- done
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"; then
- $1_LIB_SPEC=\"`${CYGPATH} ${$1_LIB_PATH_NAME} 2>/dev/null`\"
- else
- # Strip off the leading "lib" and trailing ".a" or ".so"
- tea_lib_name_lib=`echo ${$1_LIB_NAME}|sed -e 's/^lib//' -e 's/\.[[^.]]*$//' -e 's/\.so.*//'`
- $1_LIB_SPEC="-L${tea_lib_name_dir} -l${tea_lib_name_lib}"
- fi
- if test "x${$1_LIB_NAME}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([not found])
- else
- fi
-# Locate the private Tcl include files
-# Arguments:
-# Requires:
-# already been called.
-# Results:
-# Substs the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tcl private include files])
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"; then
- else
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([Using srcdir found in tclConfig.sh: ${TCL_SRC_DIR}])
-# Locate the installed public Tcl header files
-# Arguments:
-# None.
-# Requires:
-# CYGPATH must be set
-# Results:
-# Adds a --with-tclinclude switch to configure.
-# Result is cached.
-# Substs the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tcl public headers])
- AC_ARG_WITH(tclinclude, [ --with-tclinclude directory containing the public Tcl header files], with_tclinclude=${withval})
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tclh, [
- # Use the value from --with-tclinclude, if it was given
- if test x"${with_tclinclude}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tclinclude}/tcl.h" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclh=${with_tclinclude}
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tclinclude} directory does not contain tcl.h])
- fi
- else
- # Check order: pkg --prefix location, Tcl's --prefix location,
- # directory of tclConfig.sh, and Tcl source directory.
- # Looking in the source dir is not ideal, but OK.
- eval "temp_includedir=${includedir}"
- list="`ls -d ${temp_includedir} 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TCL_PREFIX}/include 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../include 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TCL_SRC_DIR}/generic 2>/dev/null`"
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" != "windows" -o "$GCC" = "yes"; then
- list="$list /usr/local/include /usr/include"
- fi
- for i in $list ; do
- if test -f "$i/tcl.h" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tclh=$i
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- ])
- # Print a message based on how we determined the include path
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tclh}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([tcl.h not found. Please specify its location with --with-tclinclude])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${ac_cv_c_tclh}])
- fi
- # Convert to a native path and substitute into the output files.
- INCLUDE_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${ac_cv_c_tclh}`
-# Locate the private Tk include files
-# Arguments:
-# Requires:
-# TK_SRC_DIR Assumes that TEA_LOAD_TKCONFIG has
-# already been called.
-# Results:
-# Substs the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tk private include files])
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows"; then
- else
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([Using srcdir found in tkConfig.sh: ${TK_SRC_DIR}])
-# Locate the installed public Tk header files
-# Arguments:
-# None.
-# Requires:
-# CYGPATH must be set
-# Results:
-# Adds a --with-tkinclude switch to configure.
-# Result is cached.
-# Substs the following vars:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Tk public headers])
- AC_ARG_WITH(tkinclude, [ --with-tkinclude directory containing the public Tk header files.], with_tkinclude=${withval})
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_tkh, [
- # Use the value from --with-tkinclude, if it was given
- if test x"${with_tkinclude}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_tkinclude}/tk.h" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkh=${with_tkinclude}
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_tkinclude} directory does not contain tk.h])
- fi
- else
- # Check order: pkg --prefix location, Tcl's --prefix location,
- # directory of tclConfig.sh, and Tcl source directory.
- # Looking in the source dir is not ideal, but OK.
- eval "temp_includedir=${includedir}"
- list="`ls -d ${temp_includedir} 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TK_PREFIX}/include 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TCL_PREFIX}/include 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../include 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d ${TK_SRC_DIR}/generic 2>/dev/null`"
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" != "windows" -o "$GCC" = "yes"; then
- list="$list /usr/local/include /usr/include"
- fi
- for i in $list ; do
- if test -f "$i/tk.h" ; then
- ac_cv_c_tkh=$i
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- ])
- # Print a message based on how we determined the include path
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_tkh}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([tk.h not found. Please specify its location with --with-tkinclude])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([${ac_cv_c_tkh}])
- fi
- # Convert to a native path and substitute into the output files.
- INCLUDE_DIR_NATIVE=`${CYGPATH} ${ac_cv_c_tkh}`
-# Locate a tclsh shell in the following directories:
-# ${TCL_BIN_DIR} ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin
-# ${exec_prefix}/bin ${prefix}/bin
-# ${PATH}
-# Arguments
-# none
-# Results
-# Subst's the following values:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for tclsh])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_tclsh, [
- search_path=`echo ${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
- for dir in $search_path ; do
- for j in `ls -r $dir/tclsh[[8-9]]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
- `ls -r $dir/tclsh*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
- if test x"$ac_cv_path_tclsh" = x ; then
- if test -f "$j" ; then
- ac_cv_path_tclsh=$j
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- ])
- if test -f "$ac_cv_path_tclsh" ; then
- TCLSH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_tclsh
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([No tclsh found in PATH: $search_path])
- fi
-# Locate a wish shell in the following directories:
-# ${TK_BIN_DIR} ${TK_BIN_DIR}/../bin
-# ${TCL_BIN_DIR} ${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin
-# ${exec_prefix}/bin ${prefix}/bin
-# ${PATH}
-# Arguments
-# none
-# Results
-# Subst's the following values:
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for wish])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_wish, [
- search_path=`echo ${TK_BIN_DIR}:${TK_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${TCL_BIN_DIR}:${TCL_BIN_DIR}/../bin:${exec_prefix}/bin:${prefix}/bin:${PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ /g'`
- for dir in $search_path ; do
- for j in `ls -r $dir/wish[[8-9]]*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` \
- `ls -r $dir/wish*${EXEEXT} 2> /dev/null` ; do
- if test x"$ac_cv_path_wish" = x ; then
- if test -f "$j" ; then
- ac_cv_path_wish=$j
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- ])
- if test -f "$ac_cv_path_wish" ; then
- WISH_PROG=$ac_cv_path_wish
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([No wish found in PATH: $search_path])
- fi
-# Locate the ${1}Config.sh file and perform a sanity check on
-# the ${1} compile flags. These are used by packages like
-# [incr Tk] that load *Config.sh files from more than Tcl and Tk.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --with-$1=...
-# Defines the following vars:
-# $1_BIN_DIR Full path to the directory containing
-# the $1Config.sh file
- #
- # Ok, lets find the $1 configuration
- # First, look for one uninstalled.
- # the alternative search directory is invoked by --with-$1
- #
- if test x"${no_$1}" = x ; then
- # we reset no_$1 in case something fails here
- no_$1=true
- AC_ARG_WITH($1, [ --with-$1 directory containing $1 configuration ($1Config.sh)], with_$1config=${withval})
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1 configuration])
- AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_c_$1config,[
- # First check to see if --with-$1 was specified.
- if test x"${with_$1config}" != x ; then
- if test -f "${with_$1config}/$1Config.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_$1config=`(cd ${with_$1config}; pwd)`
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([${with_$1config} directory doesn't contain $1Config.sh])
- fi
- fi
- # then check for a private $1 installation
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_$1config}" = x ; then
- for i in \
- ../$1 \
- `ls -dr ../$1[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../$1 \
- `ls -dr ../../$1[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ../../../$1 \
- `ls -dr ../../../$1[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ${srcdir}/../$1 \
- `ls -dr ${srcdir}/../$1[[8-9]].[[0-9]]* 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/$1Config.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_$1config=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- if test -f "$i/unix/$1Config.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_$1config=`(cd $i/unix; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- # check in a few common install locations
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_$1config}" = x ; then
- for i in `ls -d ${exec_prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- `ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
- ; do
- if test -f "$i/$1Config.sh" ; then
- ac_cv_c_$1config=`(cd $i; pwd)`
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- ])
- if test x"${ac_cv_c_$1config}" = x ; then
- $1_BIN_DIR="# no $1 configs found"
- AC_MSG_WARN("Cannot find $1 configuration definitions")
- exit 0
- else
- no_$1=
- $1_BIN_DIR=${ac_cv_c_$1config}
- AC_MSG_RESULT([found $$1_BIN_DIR/$1Config.sh])
- fi
- fi
-# Load the $1Config.sh file
-# Arguments:
-# Requires the following vars to be set:
-# $1_BIN_DIR
-# Results:
-# Subst the following vars:
-# $1_SRC_DIR
-# $1_LIB_FILE
-# $1_LIB_SPEC
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for existence of ${$1_BIN_DIR}/$1Config.sh])
- if test -f "${$1_BIN_DIR}/$1Config.sh" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([loading])
- . ${$1_BIN_DIR}/$1Config.sh
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([file not found])
- fi
- #
- # If the $1_BIN_DIR is the build directory (not the install directory),
- # then set the common variable name to the value of the build variables.
- # For example, the variable $1_LIB_SPEC will be set to the value
- # of $1_BUILD_LIB_SPEC. An extension should make use of $1_LIB_SPEC
- # instead of $1_BUILD_LIB_SPEC since it will work with both an
- # installed and uninstalled version of Tcl.
- #
- if test -f ${$1_BIN_DIR}/Makefile ; then
- AC_MSG_WARN([Found Makefile - using build library specs for $1])
- fi
diff --git a/tests/all.tcl b/tests/all.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cb36d08..0000000
--- a/tests/all.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package require Tcl 8.4
-package require tcltest 2.2
-tcltest::configure -testdir [file dir [file normalize [info script]]]
-eval tcltest::configure $argv
diff --git a/tests/rectangle.test b/tests/rectangle.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 35aa1c5..0000000
--- a/tests/rectangle.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# -*- tcl -*-
-# This file is part of the Tkzinc test suite.
-# It tests the code in Rectangle.c which implements
-# the rectangle item.
-package require tcltest 2.2
-eval tcltest::configure $argv
-lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]
-package require Tkzinc
-zinc .z -width 400 -height 300 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
-pack .z
-bind .z <1> {
- puts "button down at (%x,%y)"
-namespace eval ::rectangle::test {
- namespace import ::tcltest::*
-# testConstraint X [expr {...}]
- variable SETUP {
- #common setup code
- }
- variable CLEANUP {
- #common cleanup code
- }
- test example-1 {} -setup $SETUP {
- set i 1
- } -cleanup $CLEANUP
-# test example-2 {} -constraints emptyTest -setup $SETUP {
-# # Second test; constrained
-# } -cleanup $CLEANUP -result {...}
-# test example-3 {} {
-# # Third test; no context required
-# } {...}
- cleanupTests
-namespace delete ::rectangle::test
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tkzinc.m4 b/tkzinc.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index d165291..0000000
--- a/tkzinc.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Include the TEA standard macro set
-# Zinc specific macros below.
-# ALL the new macros here need to be modified to
-# detect the various packages needed and to get their paths.
-# Right now all this is statically defined in the macros.
-# Specify if openGL support should be used.
-# Code for managing a damage area can also be enabled.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-gl=[yes,no,damage]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# GL_INCLUDES OpenGL include files path
-# GL_LIBS additional libraries needed for GL
-# LIBS Modified to reflect the need of new
-# libraries
-# GL Defined if GL support is enabled
-# GL_DAMAGE Defined if damage support has been
-# requested
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_GL])
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with GL])
- [ --enable-gl build with openGL support (yes,no,damage) [[no]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=no])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- GL_LIBS=-lglu32 -lopengl32
- else
- GL_LIBS="-lGLU -lGL"
- GL_INCLUDES='-I/usr/include'
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "damage"; then
- fi
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "yes"; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (standard)])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes (with damage support)])
- fi
- fi
-# Specify if the anti overlapping code should be included.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-om=[yes,no]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# Om_LIB_FILE Contains the platform depent library
-# name for the pluggable overlap manager
-# OM Defined if overlap manager support
-# is enabled
-# Adjust LIBS to include the overlap manager default library.
-# May Modify LD_SEARCH_FLAGS to include the zinc install directory
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Must call TEA INIT before ENABLE_OM])
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with the overlap manager])
- [ --enable-om build with overlap manager support [[yes]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- Om_LIB_FILE=om.dll
- bin_BINARIES="\$(Om_LIB_FILE) ${bin_BINARIES}"
- else
- aux_BINARIES="\$(Om_LIB_FILE) ${bin_BINARIES}"
- fi
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-# LIBS="${LIBS} -L. -lom"
- fi
-# Specify if the X shape extension support should be included.
-# Arguments:
-# none
-# Results:
-# Adds the following arguments to configure:
-# --enable-shape=[yes,no]
-# Defines the following vars:
-# SHAPE Defined if shape support is enabled
-# Adjust LIBS to include the X extension library
- if test x"${TEA_INITED}" = x ; then
- fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build with X shape support])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(shape,
- [ --enable-shape build with X shape support (if applicable) [[yes]]],
- [tcl_ok=$enableval], [tcl_ok=yes])
- if test "$tcl_ok" = "no"; then
- else
- if test "${TEA_PLATFORM}" = "windows" ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([no (not available on windows)])
- else
- AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- LIBS="${LIBS} -lXext"
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/win/Copyright.rtf b/win/Copyright.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index a48ba8a..0000000
--- a/win/Copyright.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
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-{\title This software is copyrighted by the Centre d\'92\'e9tude de la Navigation}{\author Lecoanet}{\operator Lecoanet}{\creatim\yr2005\mo3\dy23\hr17\min11}{\revtim\yr2005\mo6\dy10\hr9\min49}{\version6}{\edmins9}{\nofpages1}{\nofwords123}{\nofchars679}
-{\*\company CENA}{\nofcharsws801}{\vern16453}}\margl1417\margr1417\margt1417\margb1417 \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphhotz425\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1984
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-{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}
-{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain
-\ql \li0\ri50\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin50\lin0\itap0\pararsid11602808 \fs24\lang1036\langfe1036\cgrid\langnp1036\langfenp1036 {\f1\fs20\insrsid16008859\charrsid16008859 Copyright (c) 2005, Centre d'\'e9tudes de la Navigation A\'e9rienne, Patrick Lecoanet
-\par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid16008859 {\f1\fs20\lang1033\langfe1036\langnp1033\insrsid16008859\charrsid16008859 All rights reserved.}{\f1\fs20\lang1033\langfe1036\langnp1033\insrsid16008859
-\par }{\f1\fs20\lang1033\langfe1036\langnp1033\insrsid13259699\charrsid16008859
-\par }\pard\plain \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx916\tx1832\tx2748\tx3664\tx4580\tx5496\tx6412\tx7328\tx8244\tx9160\tx10076\tx10992\tx11908\tx12824\tx13740\tx14656\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid9046091
-\f2\fs20\lang1036\langfe1036\cgrid\langnp1036\langfenp1036 {\f1\lang2057\langfe1036\langnp2057\insrsid9046091\charrsid9046091 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-\par }\pard \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx916\tx1832\tx2748\tx3664\tx4580\tx5496\tx6412\tx7328\tx8244\tx9160\tx10076\tx10992\tx11908\tx12824\tx13740\tx14656\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid9046091 {
-\f1\lang2057\langfe1036\langnp2057\insrsid9046091\charrsid9046091 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-\par License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-\par version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-\par This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-\par but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-\par }\pard \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx916\tx1832\tx2748\tx3664\tx4580\tx5496\tx6412\tx7328\tx8244\tx9160\tx10076\tx10992\tx11908\tx12824\tx13740\tx14656\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid9046091 {
-\f1\lang2057\langfe1036\langnp2057\insrsid9046091\charrsid9046091 Lesser General Public License for more details.
-\par }\pard \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\tx916\tx1832\tx2748\tx3664\tx4580\tx5496\tx6412\tx7328\tx8244\tx9160\tx10076\tx10992\tx11908\tx12824\tx13740\tx14656\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0\pararsid9046091 {
-\par You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-\par License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-\par Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA}{\f1\lang2057\langfe1036\langnp2057\insrsid16008859\charrsid9046091
-\par }} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Banner.bmp b/win/InstallerIcons/Banner.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fe2b6..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Banner.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Complete.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Complete.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 93a95a1..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Complete.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Custom.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Custom.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 878d3ba..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Custom.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Dialog.bmp b/win/InstallerIcons/Dialog.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbd5ed..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Dialog.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Exclam.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Exclam.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 906ce32..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Exclam.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Info.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Info.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0ff7f..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Info.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/New.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/New.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 27881df..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/New.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Remove.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Remove.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 097cafe..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Remove.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Repair.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Repair.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb6861..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Repair.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Typical.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Typical.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 94753ac..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Typical.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/InstallerIcons/Up.ico b/win/InstallerIcons/Up.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f6b5a..0000000
--- a/win/InstallerIcons/Up.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/win/Tkzinc.wxs.in b/win/Tkzinc.wxs.in
deleted file mode 100644
index bcaea67..0000000
--- a/win/Tkzinc.wxs.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1579 +0,0 @@
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- Description="Tkzinc Installer for Active Tcl/Perl/Python"
- Comments='Tkzinc is copyright CENA and Patrick Lecoanet' Manufacturer='CENA'
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- <!-- Get the version and install location of the various Active products -->
- <!-- from the registry -->
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- <Property Id="RequiredPythonVersion">245</Property>
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActiveTcl' Name='CurrentVersion' />
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActivePerl' Name='CurrentVersion' />
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActivePython' Name='CurrentVersion' />
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActiveTcl\[RequiredTclVersion]' />
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActivePerl\[RequiredPerlVersion]' />
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- Root="HKLM" Key='SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActivePython\[RequiredPythonVersion]' />
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- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_data\paper.gif' />
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- <File Id='VidParis' Name='vidparis' LongName='videomap_paris-w_90_2' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_data\videomap_paris-w_90_2' />
- <File Id='Zinc2Gif' Name='zinc.gif' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_data\zinc.gif' />
- <File Id='ZincAGif' Name='zinca.gif' LongName='zinc_anti.gif' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_data\zinc_anti.gif' />
- </Component>
- </Directory>
- <Directory Id='ActivePerlSiteLibTkDemosLib' Name='zinc_lib'>
- <Component Id='PerlDemosScripts' Guid='17C6461E-1589-4025-9878-D246DBD24ED5'>
- <File Id='AllOptPl' Name='allopt.pl' LongName='all_options.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\all_options.pl' />
- <File Id='AtomGrpPl' Name='atomgrp.pl' LongName='atomic-groups.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\atomic-groups.pl' />
- <File Id='ClippingPl' Name='clipping.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\clipping.pl' />
- <File Id='ColorCircPl' Name='colorc.pl' LongName='color-circular.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\color-circular.pl' />
- <File Id='ColorPathPl' Name='colorp.pl' LongName='color-path-and-conic.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\color-path-and-conic.pl' />
- <File Id='ColorXPl' Name='color-x.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\color-x.pl' />
- <File Id='ColorYPl' Name='color-y.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\color-y.pl' />
- <File Id='ContoursPl' Name='contours.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\contours.pl' />
- <File Id='CounterPl' Name='counter.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\counter.pl' />
- <File Id='CurveBezierPl' Name='curveb.pl' LongName='curve_bezier.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\curve_bezier.pl' />
- <File Id='FillRulePl' Name='fillrule.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\fillrule.pl' />
- <File Id='StripsGroupsPl' Name='gatcstrp.pl' LongName='groups_in_ATC_strips.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\groups_in_ATC_strips.pl' />
- <File Id='GroupsPriorityPl' Name='grppri.pl' LongName='groups_priority.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\groups_priority.pl' />
- <File Id='IconZoomResizePl' Name='iconzr.pl' LongName='icon_zoom_resize.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\icon_zoom_resize.pl' />
- <File Id='ItemsPl' Name='items.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\items.pl' />
- <File Id='LabelFormatPl' Name='lblformt.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='labelformat.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\labelformat.pl' />
- <File Id='linesPl' Name='lines.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\lines.pl' />
- <File Id='MapInfoPl' Name='mapinfo.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\mapinfo.pl' />
- <File Id='MagicLensPl' Name='magiclns.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='MagicLens.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\MagicLens.pl' />
- <File Id='PathTagsPl' Name='pathtags.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='path_tags.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\path_tags.pl' />
- <File Id='RotationPl' Name='rotation.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\rotation.pl' />
- <File Id='InteractionPl' Name='smplintr.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='simple_interaction_track.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\simple_interaction_track.pl' />
- <File Id='SimpleRadarPl' Name='smplradr.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='simpleradar.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\simpleradar.pl' />
- <File Id='TestGraphicsPl' Name='tstgraph.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='testGraphics.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\testGraphics.pl' />
- <File Id='TextInputPl' Name='txtinput.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='textInput.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\textInput.pl' />
- <File Id='TigerPl' Name='tiger.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\tiger.pl' />
- <File Id='TkZincLogoPl' Name='tkznlogo.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='tkZincLogo.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\tkZincLogo.pl' />
- <File Id='TransformsPl' Name='transfo.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='transforms.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\transforms.pl' />
- <File Id='TranslationPl' Name='transltn.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='translation.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\translation.pl' />
- <File Id='TrianglesPl' Name='triangle.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='triangles.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\triangles.pl' />
- <File Id='WheelFortunePl' Name='wheelfor.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='WheelOfFortune.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\WheelOfFortune.pl' />
- <File Id='WinContoursPl' Name='wincont.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='window-contours.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\window-contours.pl' />
- <File Id='ZetrisPl' Name='zetris.pl' DiskId='1' LongName='Zetris.pl'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\Zetris.pl' />
- <File Id='ZoomPl' Name='zoom.pl' DiskId='1'
- src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_lib\zoom.pl' />
- </Component>
- </Directory>
- <Directory Id='ActivePerlSiteLibTkDemosPm' Name='zinc_pm'>
- <Component Id='PerlDemosModules' Guid='1C7D6E9D-E841-48F9-896A-274C43C6204F'>
- <File Id='SRadCtrl' Name='sradctrl.pm' LongName='SimpleRadarControls.pm'
- DiskId='1' src='buildperl\blib\lib\Tk\demos\zinc_pm\SimpleRadarControls.pm' />
- </Component>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- </Directory>
- <!-- Assembly of the various components in selectable features and sub-features -->
- <Feature Id='Complete' Title="Tkzinc" Description='The complete package.'
- TypicalDefault='install' Display='expand' Level='1'>
- <Feature Id='ActiveTclZinc' Title='Tkzinc for Tcl'
- Description='The Tkzinc package for ActiveTcl.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <Condition Level='0'> NOT ACTIVE_TCL_VERSION = RequiredTclVersion </Condition>
- <Feature Id='ActiveTclZincLib' Title='Tkzinc Tcl module'
- Description='The Tkzinc library files and dll.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <ComponentRef Id='TclDll' />
- </Feature>
- <Feature Id='ActiveTclZincDemo' Title='Tkzinc Tcl demos' Description='The Tkzinc demo suite in Tcl.'
- TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <ComponentRef Id='TclDemos' />
- <ComponentRef Id='TclDemoImages' />
- <ComponentRef Id='TclDemoData' />
- </Feature>
- <Feature Id='ActiveTclZincDoc' Title='Tkzinc documentation'
- Description='The Tkzinc manual in HTML and pdf formats.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <ComponentRef Id='TkzincDoc' />
- </Feature>
- </Feature>
- <Feature Id='ActivePerlZinc' Title='Tkzinc for Perl'
- Description='The Tkzinc package for ActivePerl.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <Condition Level='0'> NOT ACTIVE_PERL_VERSION = RequiredPerlVersion </Condition>
- <Feature Id='ActivePerlZincLib' Title='Tkzinc Perl module'
- Description='The Tkzinc library files and dll.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDll' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlLib1' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlLib2' />
- </Feature>
- <Feature Id='ActivePerlZincDemos' Title='Tkzinc Perl demos'
- Description='The Tkzinc demo suite in Perl.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDemosBin' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDemosContrib' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDemosData' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDemosScripts' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PerlDemosModules' />
- </Feature>
- </Feature>
- <Feature Id='ActivePythonZinc' Title='Tkzinc for Python'
- Description='The Tkzinc package for ActivePython.' TypicalDefault='install' Level='1'>
- <Condition Level='0'> NOT ACTIVE_PYTHON_VERSION = RequiredPythonVersion </Condition>
- <ComponentRef Id='PythonTcl' />
- <ComponentRef Id='PythonGlue' />
- </Feature>
- </Feature>
- <!-- Icon used in the installer UI -->
- <Binary Id="Up" src="InstallerIcons\Up.ico" />
- <Binary Id="New" src="InstallerIcons\New.ico" />
- <Binary Id="custicon" src="InstallerIcons\Custom.ico" />
- <Binary Id="repairic" src="InstallerIcons\Repair.ico" />
- <Binary Id="exclamic" src="InstallerIcons\Exclam.ico" />
- <Binary Id="removico" src="InstallerIcons\Remove.ico" />
- <Binary Id="completi" src="InstallerIcons\Complete.ico" />
- <Binary Id="insticon" src="InstallerIcons\Typical.ico" />
- <Binary Id="info" src="InstallerIcons\Info.ico" />
- <Binary Id="bannrbmp" src="InstallerIcons\Banner.bmp" />
- <Binary Id="dlgbmp" src="InstallerIcons\Dialog.bmp" />
- <!-- Properties -->
- <Property Id="ALLUSERS">2</Property>
- <Property Id="ROOTDRIVE"><![CDATA[C:\]]></Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_No">&amp;No</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Install">&amp;Install</Property>
- <Property Id="Setup">Setup</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Browse">Br&amp;owse</Property>
- <Property Id="CustomSetupIcon">custicon</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Next">&amp;Next &gt;</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Back">&lt; &amp;Back</Property>
- <Property Id="InstallMode">Typical</Property>
- <Property Id="Progress2">installs</Property>
- <Property Id="IAgree">No</Property>
- <Property Id="Wizard">Setup Wizard</Property>
- <Property Id="RemoveIcon">removico</Property>
- <Property Id="ExclamationIcon">exclamic</Property>
- <Property Id="ProductID">none</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Reset">&amp;Reset</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Remove">&amp;Remove</Property>
- <Property Id="CompleteSetupIcon">completi</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Yes">&amp;Yes</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Exit">&amp;Exit</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Return">&amp;Return</Property>
- <Property Id="DialogBitmap">dlgbmp</Property>
- <Property Id="DlgTitleFont">{&amp;DlgFontBold8}</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Ignore">&amp;Ignore</Property>
- <Property Id="RepairIcon">repairic</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Resume">&amp;Resume</Property>
- <Property Id="InstallerIcon">insticon</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Finish">&amp;Finish</Property>
- <Property Id="PROMPTROLLBACKCOST">P</Property>
- <Property Id="PIDTemplate"><![CDATA[12345<#######>@@@@@]]></Property>
- <Property Id="Progress1">Installing</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Cancel">Cancel</Property>
- <Property Id="INSTALLLEVEL">3</Property>
- <Property Id="InfoIcon">info</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Repair">&amp;Repair</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_Retry">&amp;Retry</Property>
- <Property Id="BannerBitmap">bannrbmp</Property>
- <Property Id="ButtonText_OK">OK</Property>
- <!-- The "standard" installer UI starts here. Customized code is commented as such. -->
- <UI>
- <Property Id="DefaultUIFont">DlgFont8</Property>
- <Property Id="ErrorDialog">ErrorDlg</Property>
- <Dialog Id="AdminWelcomeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Server Image">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="AdminRegistrationDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="30" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] will create a server image of [ProductName] [ProductVersion], at a specified network location. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="PrepareDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" Modeless="yes">
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="ActionText" Type="Text" X="135" Y="100" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Subscribe Event="ActionText" Attribute="Text" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Please wait while the [Wizard] prepares to guide you through the installation.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ActionData" Type="Text" X="135" Y="125" Width="220" Height="30" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Subscribe Event="ActionData" Attribute="Text" />
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="ProgressDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" Modeless="yes">
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]" />
- <Control Id="ActionText" Type="Text" X="70" Y="100" Width="265" Height="10">
- <Subscribe Event="ActionText" Attribute="Text" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="35" Y="65" Width="300" Height="20">
- <Text>Please wait while the [Wizard] [Progress2] [ProductName] [ProductVersion]. This may take several minutes.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="20" Y="15" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont][Progress1] [ProductName] [ProductVersion]</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="ProgressBar" Type="ProgressBar" X="35" Y="115" Width="300" Height="10" ProgressBlocks="yes" Text="Progress done">
- <Subscribe Event="SetProgress" Attribute="Progress" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="StatusLabel" Type="Text" X="35" Y="100" Width="35" Height="10" Text="Status:" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="UserExit" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Finish" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Finish]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]" />
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard] was interrupted</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description1" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="40" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[ProductName] [ProductVersion] setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description2" Type="Text" X="135" Y="115" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="FatalError" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Finish" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Finish]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]" />
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard] ended prematurely</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description1" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="40" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[ProductName] [ProductVersion] setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description2" Type="Text" X="135" Y="115" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="ExitDialog" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Finish" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Finish]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]" />
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Completing the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="AdminBrowseDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="PathEdit" Type="PathEdit" X="84" Y="202" Width="261" Height="17" Property="TARGETDIR" />
- <Control Id="OK" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_OK]">
- <Publish Event="SetTargetPath" Value="TARGETDIR">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="240" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="Reset" Value="0">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ComboLabel" Type="Text" X="25" Y="58" Width="44" Height="10" TabSkip="no" Text="&amp;Look in:" />
- <Control Id="DirectoryCombo" Type="DirectoryCombo" X="70" Y="55" Width="220" Height="80" Property="TARGETDIR" Removable="yes" Fixed="yes" Remote="yes">
- <Subscribe Event="IgnoreChange" Attribute="IgnoreChange" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Up" Type="PushButton" X="298" Y="55" Width="19" Height="19" ToolTip="Up One Level" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="16" Text="Up">
- <Publish Event="DirectoryListUp" Value="0">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="NewFolder" Type="PushButton" X="325" Y="55" Width="19" Height="19" ToolTip="Create A New Folder" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="16" Text="New">
- <Publish Event="DirectoryListNew" Value="0">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="DirectoryList" Type="DirectoryList" X="25" Y="83" Width="320" Height="110" Property="TARGETDIR" Sunken="yes" TabSkip="no" />
- <Control Id="PathLabel" Type="Text" X="25" Y="205" Width="59" Height="10" TabSkip="no" Text="&amp;Folder name:" />
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Browse to the destination folder</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Change current destination folder</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="AdminInstallPointDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="25" Y="80" Width="320" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>&amp;Enter a new network location or click Browse to browse to one.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="PathEdit" Type="PathEdit" X="25" Y="93" Width="320" Height="18" Property="TARGETDIR" />
- <Control Id="Browse" Type="PushButton" X="289" Y="119" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Browse]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="AdminBrowseDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="AdminRegistrationDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="SetTargetPath" Value="TARGETDIR">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="20" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Please specify a network location for the server image of [ProductName] [ProductVersion] product</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Network Location</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="AdminRegistrationDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="OrganizationLabel" Type="Text" X="45" Y="71" Width="285" Height="30" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>&amp;Please enter the name of your organization in the box below. This will be used as default company name for subsequent installations of [ProductName] [ProductVersion]:</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="OrganizationEdit" Type="Edit" X="45" Y="105" Width="220" Height="18" Property="COMPANYNAME" Text="{80}" />
- <Control Id="CDKeyLabel" Type="Text" X="45" Y="130" Width="50" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>CD &amp;Key:</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CDKeyEdit" Type="MaskedEdit" X="45" Y="143" Width="250" Height="16" Property="PIDKEY" Text="[PIDTemplate]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Image="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="AdminWelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="ValidateProductID" Value="0">0</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="AdminInstallPointDlg">ProductID</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Please enter your company information</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Company Information</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="BrowseDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="PathEdit" Type="PathEdit" X="84" Y="202" Width="261" Height="18" Property="_BrowseProperty" Indirect="yes" />
- <Control Id="OK" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_OK]">
- <Publish Event="SetTargetPath" Value="[_BrowseProperty]">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="240" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="Reset" Value="0">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ComboLabel" Type="Text" X="25" Y="58" Width="44" Height="10" TabSkip="no" Text="&amp;Look in:" />
- <Control Id="DirectoryCombo" Type="DirectoryCombo" X="70" Y="55" Width="220" Height="80" Property="_BrowseProperty" Indirect="yes" Fixed="yes" Remote="yes">
- <Subscribe Event="IgnoreChange" Attribute="IgnoreChange" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Up" Type="PushButton" X="298" Y="55" Width="19" Height="19" ToolTip="Up One Level" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="16" Text="Up">
- <Publish Event="DirectoryListUp" Value="0">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="NewFolder" Type="PushButton" X="325" Y="55" Width="19" Height="19" ToolTip="Create A New Folder" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="16" Text="New">
- <Publish Event="DirectoryListNew" Value="0">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="DirectoryList" Type="DirectoryList" X="25" Y="83" Width="320" Height="110" Property="_BrowseProperty" Sunken="yes" Indirect="yes" TabSkip="no" />
- <Control Id="PathLabel" Type="Text" X="25" Y="205" Width="59" Height="10" TabSkip="no" Text="&amp;Folder name:" />
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Browse to the destination folder</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Change current destination folder</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="CancelDlg" Width="260" Height="85" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="No" Type="PushButton" X="132" Y="57" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_No]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Yes" Type="PushButton" X="72" Y="57" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Yes]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="48" Y="15" Width="194" Height="30">
- <Text>Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] [ProductVersion] installation?</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Icon" Type="Icon" X="15" Y="15" Width="24" Height="24" ToolTip="Information icon" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[InfoIcon]" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="CustomizeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes" TrackDiskSpace="yes">
- <Control Id="Tree" Type="SelectionTree" X="25" Y="85" Width="175" Height="95" Property="_BrowseProperty" Sunken="yes" TabSkip="no" Text="Tree of selections" />
- <Control Id="Browse" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="200" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Browse]">
- <Publish Event="SelectionBrowse" Value="BrowseDlg">1</Publish>
- <Condition Action="hide">Installed</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Reset" Type="PushButton" X="42" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Reset]">
- <Publish Event="Reset" Value="0">1</Publish>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionNoItems" Attribute="Enabled" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="DiskCost" Type="PushButton" X="111" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17">
- <Text>Disk &amp;Usage</Text>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="DiskCostDlg">1</Publish>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionNoItems" Attribute="Enabled" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Change"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="SetupTypeDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Custom"]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionNoItems" Attribute="Enabled" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Select the way you want features to be installed.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="25" Y="55" Width="320" Height="20">
- <Text>Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Custom Setup</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Box" Type="GroupBox" X="210" Y="81" Width="140" Height="98" />
- <Control Id="ItemDescription" Type="Text" X="215" Y="90" Width="131" Height="30">
- <Text>Multiline description of the currently selected item.</Text>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionDescription" Attribute="Text" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ItemSize" Type="Text" X="215" Y="130" Width="131" Height="45">
- <Text>The size of the currently selected item.</Text>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionSize" Attribute="Text" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Location" Type="Text" X="75" Y="200" Width="215" Height="20">
- <Text>&lt;The selection's path&gt;</Text>
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionPath" Attribute="Text" />
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionPathOn" Attribute="Visible" />
- <Condition Action="hide">Installed</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="LocationLabel" Type="Text" X="25" Y="200" Width="50" Height="10" Text="Location:">
- <Subscribe Event="SelectionPathOn" Attribute="Visible" />
- <Condition Action="hide">Installed</Condition>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="DiskCostDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="OK" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_OK]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="20" Y="20" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="20" Y="53" Width="330" Height="40">
- <Text>The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Disk Space Requirements</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="VolumeList" Type="VolumeCostList" X="20" Y="100" Width="330" Height="120" Sunken="yes" Fixed="yes" Remote="yes">
- <Text>{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="ErrorDlg" Width="270" Height="105" Title="Installer Information" ErrorDialog="yes" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="ErrorText" Type="Text" X="48" Y="15" Width="205" Height="60" TabSkip="no" Text="Information text" />
- <Control Id="Y" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Yes]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorYes">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="A" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorAbort">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="C" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorCancel">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ErrorIcon" Type="Icon" X="15" Y="15" Width="24" Height="24" ToolTip="Information icon" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[InfoIcon]" />
- <Control Id="I" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Ignore]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorIgnore">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="N" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_No]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorNo">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="O" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_OK]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorOk">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="R" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17" TabSkip="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Retry]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="ErrorRetry">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="FilesInUse" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes" KeepModeless="yes">
- <Control Id="Retry" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Retry]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Retry">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Ignore" Type="PushButton" X="235" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Ignore]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Ignore">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Exit" Type="PushButton" X="166" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Exit]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="20" Y="23" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="20" Y="55" Width="330" Height="30">
- <Text>The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Files in Use</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="List" Type="ListBox" X="20" Y="87" Width="330" Height="130" Property="FileInUseProcess" Sunken="yes" TabSkip="yes" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="LicenseAgreementDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] License Agreement" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Buttons" Type="RadioButtonGroup" X="20" Y="187" Width="330" Height="40" Property="IAgree" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="WelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="NotAvailDlg"><![CDATA[IAgree = "Yes" AND (NOT ACTIVE_TCL_VERSION = RequiredTclVersion OR NOT ACTIVE_PERL_VERSION = RequiredPerlVersion OR NOT ACTIVE_PYTHON_VERSION = RequiredPythonVersion)]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnWaitDialog" Value="WaitForCostingDlg">CostingComplete = 1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="SetupTypeDlg"><![CDATA[IAgree = "Yes" AND ACTIVE_TCL_VERSION = RequiredTclVersion AND ACTIVE_PERL_VERSION = RequiredPerlVersion AND ACTIVE_PYTHON_VERSION = RequiredPythonVersion]]></Publish>
- <Condition Action="disable"><![CDATA[IAgree <> "Yes"]]></Condition>
- <Condition Action="enable">IAgree = "Yes"</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="AgreementText" Type="ScrollableText" X="20" Y="60" Width="330" Height="120" Sunken="yes" TabSkip="no">
- <Text src="Copyright.rtf" />
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Please read the following license agreement carefully</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]End-User License Agreement</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <!-- Just to tell the user that something will be missing and asking if it is ok to continue -->
- <Dialog Id="NotAvailDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="TclWarning" Type="Text" X="45" Y="100" Width="300" Height="20">
- <Text>Active Tcl has not been found or it is not the right version: [ACTIVE_TCL_VERSION] ([RequiredTclVersion] needed)</Text>
- <Condition Action="hide">ACTIVE_TCL_VERSION = RequiredTclVersion</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="PerlWarning" Type="Text" X="45" Y="150" Width="300" Height="15">
- <Text>Active Perl has not been found or it is not at the right version: [ACTIVE_PERL_VERSION] ([RequiredPerlVersion] needed)</Text>
- <Condition Action="hide">ACTIVE_PERL_VERSION = RequiredPerlVersion</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="PythonWarning" Type="Text" X="45" Y="125" Width="300" Height="20">
- <Text>Active Python has not been found or it is not the right version: [ACTIVEPYDIR] [ACTIVE_PYTHON_VERSION] ([RequiredPythonVersion] needed)</Text>
- <Condition Action="hide">ACTIVE_PYTHON_VERSION = RequiredPythonVersion</Condition>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="ValidateProductID" Value="0">0</Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnWaitDialog" Value="WaitForCostingDlg">CostingComplete = 1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="SetupTypeDlg">ProductID</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Please enter your customer information</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Customer Information</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="ChangeLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="65" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]&amp;Modify</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="ChangeButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="65" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Modify Installation" Default="yes" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[CustomSetupIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Change">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress1" Value="Changing">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress2" Value="changes">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="CustomizeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RepairLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="114" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Re&amp;pair</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RepairButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="114" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Repair Installation" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[RepairIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Repair">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress1" Value="Repairing">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress2" Value="repaires">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyRepairDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RemoveLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="163" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]&amp;Remove</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RemoveButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="163" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Remove Installation" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[RemoveIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Remove">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress1" Value="Removing">1</Publish>
- <Publish Property="Progress2" Value="removes">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyRemoveDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]" />
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Select the operation you wish to perform.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="240" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Modify, Repair or Remove installation</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="ChangeText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="78" Width="230" Height="20">
- <Text>Allows users to change the way features are installed.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RemoveText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="176" Width="230" Height="20">
- <Text>Removes [ProductName] [ProductVersion] from your computer.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="RepairText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="127" Width="230" Height="30">
- <Text>Repairs errors in the most recent installation state - fixes missing or corrupt files, shortcuts and registry entries.</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnWaitDialog" Value="WaitForCostingDlg">CostingComplete = 1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] will allow you to change the way [ProductName] [ProductVersion] features are installed on your computer or even to remove [ProductName] from your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="OutOfDiskDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="OK" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_OK]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="20" Y="20" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Disk space required for the installation exceeds available disk space.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="20" Y="53" Width="330" Height="40">
- <Text>The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Out of Disk Space</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="VolumeList" Type="VolumeCostList" X="20" Y="100" Width="330" Height="120" Sunken="yes" Fixed="yes" Remote="yes">
- <Text>{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="OutOfRbDiskDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="No" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_No]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Yes" Type="PushButton" X="240" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Yes]">
- <Publish Event="EnableRollback" Value="False">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="20" Y="20" Width="280" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Disk space required for the installation exceeds available disk space.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="20" Y="53" Width="330" Height="40">
- <Text>The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Out of Disk Space</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="VolumeList" Type="VolumeCostList" X="20" Y="140" Width="330" Height="80" Sunken="yes" Fixed="yes" Remote="yes" ShowRollbackCost="yes">
- <Text>{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text2" Type="Text" X="20" Y="94" Width="330" Height="40">
- <Text>Alternatively, you may choose to disable the installer's rollback functionality. This allows the installer to restore your computer's original state should the installation be interrupted in any way. Click Yes if you wish to take the risk to disable rollback.</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="ResumeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Install" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Install]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnWaitDialog" Value="WaitForCostingDlg">CostingComplete = 1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfRbDiskDlg"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST)]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EnableRollback" Value="False"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfDiskDlg"><![CDATA[(OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F")]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="30" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] will complete the installation of [ProductName] [ProductVersion] on your computer. Click Install to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Resuming the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="SetupTypeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="TypicalLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="65" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]&amp;Typical</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="TypicalButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="65" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Typical Installation" Default="yes" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[InstallerIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Typical">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="SetInstallLevel" Value="3">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CustomLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="118" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]C&amp;ustom</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CustomButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="118" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Custom Installation" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[CustomSetupIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Custom">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="CustomizeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CompleteLabel" Type="Text" X="105" Y="171" Width="100" Height="10" TabSkip="no">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]C&amp;omplete</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CompleteButton" Type="PushButton" X="50" Y="171" Width="38" Height="38" ToolTip="Complete Installation" Icon="yes" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[CompleteSetupIcon]">
- <Publish Property="InstallMode" Value="Complete">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="SetInstallLevel" Value="1000">1</Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]" />
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>Choose the setup type that best suits your needs</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Choose Setup Type</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="CompleteText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="184" Width="230" Height="20">
- <Text>All program features will be installed. (Requires most disk space)</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="CustomText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="131" Width="230" Height="30">
- <Text>Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced users.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="TypicalText" Type="Text" X="105" Y="78" Width="230" Height="20">
- <Text>Installs the most common program features. Recommended for most users.</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="VerifyReadyDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes" TrackDiskSpace="yes">
- <Control Id="Install" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Install]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfRbDiskDlg"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST)]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EnableRollback" Value="False"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfDiskDlg"><![CDATA[(OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F")]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="AdminInstallPointDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Server Image"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="CustomizeDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Custom" OR InstallMode = "Change"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Repair"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="SetupTypeDlg"><![CDATA[InstallMode = "Typical" OR InstallMode = "Complete"]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] is ready to begin the [InstallMode] installation</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="20">
- <Text>Click Install to begin the installation. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Ready to Install</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="VerifyRemoveDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes" TrackDiskSpace="yes">
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Remove" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Remove]">
- <Publish Event="Remove" Value="All"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfRbDiskDlg"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST)]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EnableRollback" Value="False"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfDiskDlg"><![CDATA[(OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F")]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>You have chosen to remove the program from your computer.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="30">
- <Text>Click Remove to remove [ProductName] [ProductVersion] from your computer. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Remove [ProductName] [ProductVersion]</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="VerifyRepairDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes" TrackDiskSpace="yes">
- <Control Id="Repair" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Repair]">
- <Publish Event="ReinstallMode" Value="ecmus"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="Reinstall" Value="All"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace <> 1]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfRbDiskDlg"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST)]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Return"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="EnableRollback" Value="False"><![CDATA[OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"]]></Publish>
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="OutOfDiskDlg"><![CDATA[(OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F")]]></Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="[BannerBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="[ButtonText_Back]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] is ready to begin the repair of [ProductName] [ProductVersion].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="30">
- <Text>Click Repair to repair the installation of [ProductName] [ProductVersion]. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>[DlgTitleFont]Repair [ProductName] [ProductVersion]</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="WaitForCostingDlg" Width="260" Height="85" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Return" Type="PushButton" X="102" Y="57" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Return]">
- <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Text" Type="Text" X="48" Y="15" Width="194" Height="30">
- <Text>Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Icon" Type="Icon" X="15" Y="15" Width="24" Height="24" ToolTip="Exclamation icon" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32" Text="[ExclamationIcon]" />
- </Dialog>
- <Dialog Id="WelcomeDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Setup]" NoMinimize="yes">
- <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Next]">
- <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Cancel]">
- <Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="[DialogBitmap]" />
- <Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="[ButtonText_Back]" />
- <Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="30" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>The [Wizard] will install [ProductName] [ProductVersion] on your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].</Text>
- </Control>
- <Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
- <Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
- <Text>{\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [ProductVersion] [Wizard]</Text>
- </Control>
- </Dialog>
- <RadioButtonGroup Property="IAgree">
- <RadioButton Text="{\DlgFont8}I &amp;accept the terms in the License Agreement" Value="Yes" X="5" Y="0" Width="250" Height="15" />
- <RadioButton Text="{\DlgFont8}I &amp;do not accept the terms in the License Agreement" Value="No" X="5" Y="20" Width="250" Height="15" />
- </RadioButtonGroup>
- <TextStyle Id="DlgFont8" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
- <TextStyle Id="DlgFontBold8" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" Bold="yes" />
- <TextStyle Id="VerdanaBold13" FaceName="Verdana" Size="13" Bold="yes" />
- <UIText Id="AbsentPath" />
- <UIText Id="bytes">bytes</UIText>
- <UIText Id="GB">GB</UIText>
- <UIText Id="KB">KB</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MB">MB</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuAbsent">Entire feature will be unavailable</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuAdvertise">Feature will be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuAllCD">Entire feature will be installed to run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuAllLocal">Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuAllNetwork">Entire feature will be installed to run from network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuCD">Will be installed to run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuLocal">Will be installed on local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="MenuNetwork">Will be installed to run from network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="ScriptInProgress">Gathering required information...</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAbsentAbsent">This feature will remain uninstalled</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAbsentAdvertise">This feature will be set to be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAbsentCD">This feature will be installed to run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAbsentLocal">This feature will be installed on the local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAbsentNetwork">This feature will be installed to run from the network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAdvertiseAbsent">This feature will become unavailable</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAdvertiseAdvertise">Will be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAdvertiseCD">This feature will be available to run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAdvertiseLocal">This feature will be installed on your local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelAdvertiseNetwork">This feature will be available to run from the network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelCDAbsent">This feature will be uninstalled completely, you won't be able to run it from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelCDAdvertise">This feature will change from run from CD state to set to be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelCDCD">This feature will remain to be run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelCDLocal">This feature will change from run from CD state to be installed on the local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelChildCostNeg">This feature frees up [1] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelChildCostPos">This feature requires [1] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelCostPending">Compiling cost for this feature...</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelLocalAbsent">This feature will be completely removed</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelLocalAdvertise">This feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be set to be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelLocalCD">This feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from CD</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelLocalLocal">This feature will remain on you local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelLocalNetwork">This feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from the network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelNetworkAbsent">This feature will be uninstalled completely, you won't be able to run it from the network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelNetworkAdvertise">This feature will change from run from network state to set to be installed when required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelNetworkLocal">This feature will change from run from network state to be installed on the local hard drive</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelNetworkNetwork">This feature will remain to be run from the network</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelParentCostNegNeg">This feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelParentCostNegPos">This feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelParentCostPosNeg">This feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="SelParentCostPosPos">This feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.</UIText>
- <UIText Id="TimeRemaining">Time remaining: {[1] minutes }{[2] seconds}</UIText>
- <UIText Id="VolumeCostAvailable">Available</UIText>
- <UIText Id="VolumeCostDifference">Difference</UIText>
- <UIText Id="VolumeCostRequired">Required</UIText>
- <UIText Id="VolumeCostSize">Disk Size</UIText>
- <UIText Id="VolumeCostVolume">Volume</UIText>
- <ProgressText Action="CostFinalize">Computing space requirements</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="CostInitialize">Computing space requirements</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="FileCost">Computing space requirements</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallValidate">Validating install</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]">Copying new files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallAdminPackage" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]">Copying network install files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="CreateShortcuts" Template="Shortcut: [1]">Creating shortcuts</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="PublishComponents" Template="Component ID: [1], Qualifier: [2]">Publishing Qualified Components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="PublishFeatures" Template="Feature: [1]">Publishing Product Features</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="PublishProduct">Publishing product information</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterClassInfo" Template="Class Id: [1]">Registering Class servers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterExtensionInfo" Template="Extension: [1]">Registering extension servers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterMIMEInfo" Template="MIME Content Type: [1], Extension: [2]">Registering MIME info</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterProgIdInfo" Template="ProgId: [1]">Registering program identifiers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="AllocateRegistrySpace" Template="Free space: [1]">Allocating registry space</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="AppSearch" Template="Property: [1], Signature: [2]">Searching for installed applications</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="BindImage" Template="File: [1]">Binding executables</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="CCPSearch">Searching for qualifying products</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="CreateFolders" Template="Folder: [1]">Creating folders</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="DeleteServices" Template="Service: [1]">Deleting services</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="DuplicateFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]">Creating duplicate files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="FindRelatedProducts" Template="Found application: [1]">Searching for related applications</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallODBC">Installing ODBC components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallServices" Template="Service: [2]">Installing new services</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="LaunchConditions">Evaluating launch conditions</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="MigrateFeatureStates" Template="Application: [1]">Migrating feature states from related applications</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="MoveFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]">Moving files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="PatchFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [2], Size: [3]">Patching files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="ProcessComponents">Updating component registration</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterComPlus" Template="AppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2], Users: [3], RSN: [4]}}">Registering COM+ Applications and Components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterFonts" Template="Font: [1]">Registering fonts</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterProduct" Template="[1]">Registering product</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterTypeLibraries" Template="LibID: [1]">Registering type libraries</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RegisterUser" Template="[1]">Registering user</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveDuplicateFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9]">Removing duplicated files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveEnvironmentStrings" Template="Name: [1], Value: [2], Action [3]">Updating environment strings</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveExistingProducts" Template="Application: [1], Command line: [2]">Removing applications</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9]">Removing files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveFolders" Template="Folder: [1]">Removing folders</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveIniValues" Template="File: [1], Section: [2], Key: [3], Value: [4]">Removing INI files entries</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveODBC">Removing ODBC components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveRegistryValues" Template="Key: [1], Name: [2]">Removing system registry values</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RemoveShortcuts" Template="Shortcut: [1]">Removing shortcuts</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RMCCPSearch">Searching for qualifying products</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="SelfRegModules" Template="File: [1], Folder: [2]">Registering modules</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="SelfUnregModules" Template="File: [1], Folder: [2]">Unregistering modules</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="SetODBCFolders">Initializing ODBC directories</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="StartServices" Template="Service: [1]">Starting services</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="StopServices" Template="Service: [1]">Stopping services</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnpublishComponents" Template="Component ID: [1], Qualifier: [2]">Unpublishing Qualified Components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnpublishFeatures" Template="Feature: [1]">Unpublishing Product Features</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterClassInfo" Template="Class Id: [1]">Unregister Class servers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterComPlus" Template="AppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2]}}">Unregistering COM+ Applications and Components</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterExtensionInfo" Template="Extension: [1]">Unregistering extension servers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterFonts" Template="Font: [1]">Unregistering fonts</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterMIMEInfo" Template="MIME Content Type: [1], Extension: [2]">Unregistering MIME info</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterProgIdInfo" Template="ProgId: [1]">Unregistering program identifiers</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnregisterTypeLibraries" Template="LibID: [1]">Unregistering type libraries</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="WriteEnvironmentStrings" Template="Name: [1], Value: [2], Action [3]">Updating environment strings</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="WriteIniValues" Template="File: [1], Section: [2], Key: [3], Value: [4]">Writing INI files values</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="WriteRegistryValues" Template="Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3]">Writing system registry values</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="Advertise">Advertising application</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="GenerateScript" Template="[1]">Generating script operations for action:</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="InstallSFPCatalogFile" Template="File: [1], Dependencies: [2]">Installing system catalog</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="MsiPublishAssemblies" Template="Application Context:[1], Assembly Name:[2]">Publishing assembly information</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="MsiUnpublishAssemblies" Template="Application Context:[1], Assembly Name:[2]">Unpublishing assembly information</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="Rollback" Template="[1]">Rolling back action:</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="RollbackCleanup" Template="File: [1]">Removing backup files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnmoveFiles" Template="File: [1], Directory: [9]">Removing moved files</ProgressText>
- <ProgressText Action="UnpublishProduct">Unpublishing product information</ProgressText>
- <Error Id="0">{{Fatal error: }}</Error>
- <Error Id="1">{{Error [1]. }}</Error>
- <Error Id="2">Warning [1]. </Error>
- <Error Id="3" />
- <Error Id="4">Info [1]. </Error>
- <Error Id="5">The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is [1]. {{The arguments are: [2], [3], [4]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="6" />
- <Error Id="7">{{Disk full: }}</Error>
- <Error Id="8">Action [Time]: [1]. [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="9">[ProductName] [ProductVersion]</Error>
- <Error Id="10">{[2]}{, [3]}{, [4]}</Error>
- <Error Id="11">Message type: [1], Argument: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="12">=== Logging started: [Date] [Time] ===</Error>
- <Error Id="13">=== Logging stopped: [Date] [Time] ===</Error>
- <Error Id="14">Action start [Time]: [1].</Error>
- <Error Id="15">Action ended [Time]: [1]. Return value [2].</Error>
- <Error Id="16">Time remaining: {[1] minutes }{[2] seconds}</Error>
- <Error Id="17">Out of memory. Shut down other applications before retrying.</Error>
- <Error Id="18">Installer is no longer responding.</Error>
- <Error Id="19">Installer stopped prematurely.</Error>
- <Error Id="20">Please wait while Windows configures [ProductName] [ProductVersion]</Error>
- <Error Id="21">Gathering required information...</Error>
- <Error Id="22">Removing older versions of this application...</Error>
- <Error Id="23">Preparing to remove older versions of this application...</Error>
- <Error Id="32">{[ProductName] [ProductVersion] }Setup completed successfully.</Error>
- <Error Id="33">{[ProductName] [ProductVersion] }Setup failed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1101">Error reading from file: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1301">Cannot create the file '[2]'. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the install and try installing to a different location.</Error>
- <Error Id="1302">Please insert the disk: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1303">The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: [2]. The installation cannot continue. Log on as administrator or contact your system administrator.</Error>
- <Error Id="1304">Error writing to file: [2]. Verify that you have access to that directory.</Error>
- <Error Id="1305">Error reading from file [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1306">Another application has exclusive access to the file '[2]'. Please shut down all other applications, then click Retry.</Error>
- <Error Id="1307">There is not enough disk space to install this file: [2]. Free some disk space and click Retry, or click Cancel to exit.</Error>
- <Error Id="1308">Source file not found: [2]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1309">Error reading from file: [3]. {{ System error [2].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1310">Error writing to file: [3]. {{ System error [2].}} Verify that you have access to that directory.</Error>
- <Error Id="1311">Source file not found{{(cabinet)}}: [2]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1312">Cannot create the directory '[2]'. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, or click Cancel to exit.</Error>
- <Error Id="1313">The volume [2] is currently unavailable. Please select another.</Error>
- <Error Id="1314">The specified path '[2]' is unavailable.</Error>
- <Error Id="1315">Unable to write to the specified folder: [2].</Error>
- <Error Id="1316">A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1317">An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1318">A network error occurred while attempting to create the directory: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1319">A network error occurred while attempting to open the source file cabinet: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1320">The specified path is too long: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1321">The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: [2].</Error>
- <Error Id="1322">A portion of the folder path '[2]' is invalid. It is either empty or exceeds the length allowed by the system.</Error>
- <Error Id="1323">The folder path '[2]' contains words that are not valid in folder paths.</Error>
- <Error Id="1324">The folder path '[2]' contains an invalid character.</Error>
- <Error Id="1325">'[2]' is not a valid short file name.</Error>
- <Error Id="1326">Error getting file security: [3] GetLastError: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1327">Invalid Drive: [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1328">Error applying patch to file [2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. For more information contact your patch vendor. {{System Error: [3]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1329">A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file [2] is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.</Error>
- <Error Id="1330">A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file [2] has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.{{ Error [3] was returned by WinVerifyTrust.}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1331">Failed to correctly copy [2] file: CRC error.</Error>
- <Error Id="1332">Failed to correctly move [2] file: CRC error.</Error>
- <Error Id="1333">Failed to correctly patch [2] file: CRC error.</Error>
- <Error Id="1334">The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.</Error>
- <Error Id="1335">The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.</Error>
- <Error Id="1336">There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation.{{ Folder: [3]. System error code: [2]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1401">Could not create key: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. </Error>
- <Error Id="1402">Could not open key: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. </Error>
- <Error Id="1403">Could not delete value [2] from key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. </Error>
- <Error Id="1404">Could not delete key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. </Error>
- <Error Id="1405">Could not read value [2] from key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. </Error>
- <Error Id="1406">Could not write value [2] to key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1407">Could not get value names for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1408">Could not get sub key names for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1409">Could not read security information for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1410">Could not increase the available registry space. [2] KB of free registry space is required for the installation of this application.</Error>
- <Error Id="1500">Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.</Error>
- <Error Id="1501">Error accessing secured data. Please make sure the Windows Installer is configured properly and try the install again.</Error>
- <Error Id="1502">User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product. Your current install will now continue.</Error>
- <Error Id="1503">User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product.</Error>
- <Error Id="1601">Out of disk space -- Volume: '[2]'; required space: [3] KB; available space: [4] KB. Free some disk space and retry.</Error>
- <Error Id="1602">Are you sure you want to cancel?</Error>
- <Error Id="1603">The file [2][3] is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: [4], Id: [5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application and retry.</Error>
- <Error Id="1604">The product '[2]' is already installed, preventing the installation of this product. The two products are incompatible.</Error>
- <Error Id="1605">There is not enough disk space on the volume '[2]' to continue the install with recovery enabled. [3] KB are required, but only [4] KB are available. Click Ignore to continue the install without saving recovery information, click Retry to check for available space again, or click Cancel to quit the installation.</Error>
- <Error Id="1606">Could not access network location [2].</Error>
- <Error Id="1607">The following applications should be closed before continuing the install:</Error>
- <Error Id="1608">Could not find any previously installed compliant products on the machine for installing this product.</Error>
- <Error Id="1609">An error occurred while applying security settings. [2] is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install. {{Unable to locate the user's SID, system error [3]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1701">The key [2] is not valid. Verify that you entered the correct key.</Error>
- <Error Id="1702">The installer must restart your system before configuration of [2] can continue. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to manually restart later.</Error>
- <Error Id="1703">You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to [2] to take effect. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to manually restart later.</Error>
- <Error Id="1704">An installation for [2] is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want to undo those changes?</Error>
- <Error Id="1705">A previous installation for this product is in progress. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want to undo those changes?</Error>
- <Error Id="1706">An installation package for the product [2] cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package '[3]'.</Error>
- <Error Id="1707">Installation completed successfully.</Error>
- <Error Id="1708">Installation failed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1709">Product: [2] -- [3]</Error>
- <Error Id="1710">You may either restore your computer to its previous state or continue the install later. Would you like to restore?</Error>
- <Error Id="1711">An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install.</Error>
- <Error Id="1712">One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not be possible.</Error>
- <Error Id="1713">[2] cannot install one of its required products. Contact your technical support group. {{System Error: [3].}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1714">The older version of [2] cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group. {{System Error [3].}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1715">Installed [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1716">Configured [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1717">Removed [2]</Error>
- <Error Id="1718">File [2] was rejected by digital signature policy.</Error>
- <Error Id="1719">The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.</Error>
- <Error Id="1720">There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Custom action [2] script error [3], [4]: [5] Line [6], Column [7], [8] }}</Error>
- <Error Id="1721">There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action: [2], location: [3], command: [4] }}</Error>
- <Error Id="1722">There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action [2], location: [3], command: [4] }}</Error>
- <Error Id="1723">There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action [2], entry: [3], library: [4] }}</Error>
- <Error Id="1724">Removal completed successfully.</Error>
- <Error Id="1725">Removal failed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1726">Advertisement completed successfully.</Error>
- <Error Id="1727">Advertisement failed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1728">Configuration completed successfully.</Error>
- <Error Id="1729">Configuration failed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1730">You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, or contact your technical support group for assistance.</Error>
- <Error Id="1801">The path [2] is not valid. Please specify a valid path.</Error>
- <Error Id="1802">Out of memory. Shut down other applications before retrying.</Error>
- <Error Id="1803">There is no disk in drive [2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to go back to the previously selected volume.</Error>
- <Error Id="1804">There is no disk in drive [2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to return to the browse dialog and select a different volume.</Error>
- <Error Id="1805">The folder [2] does not exist. Please enter a path to an existing folder.</Error>
- <Error Id="1806">You have insufficient privileges to read this folder.</Error>
- <Error Id="1807">A valid destination folder for the install could not be determined.</Error>
- <Error Id="1901">Error attempting to read from the source install database: [2].</Error>
- <Error Id="1902">Scheduling reboot operation: Renaming file [2] to [3]. Must reboot to complete operation.</Error>
- <Error Id="1903">Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file [2]. Must reboot to complete operation.</Error>
- <Error Id="1904">Module [2] failed to register. HRESULT [3]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1905">Module [2] failed to unregister. HRESULT [3]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1906">Failed to cache package [2]. Error: [3]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1907">Could not register font [2]. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to install fonts, and that the system supports this font.</Error>
- <Error Id="1908">Could not unregister font [2]. Verify that you that you have sufficient permissions to remove fonts.</Error>
- <Error Id="1909">Could not create Shortcut [2]. Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1910">Could not remove Shortcut [2]. Verify that the shortcut file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1911">Could not register type library for file [2]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1912">Could not unregister type library for file [2]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1913">Could not update the ini file [2][3]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1914">Could not schedule file [2] to replace file [3] on reboot. Verify that you have write permissions to file [3].</Error>
- <Error Id="1915">Error removing ODBC driver manager, ODBC error [2]: [3]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1916">Error installing ODBC driver manager, ODBC error [2]: [3]. Contact your support personnel.</Error>
- <Error Id="1917">Error removing ODBC driver: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove ODBC drivers.</Error>
- <Error Id="1918">Error installing ODBC driver: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that the file [4] exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1919">Error configuring ODBC data source: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that the file [4] exists and that you can access it.</Error>
- <Error Id="1920">Service '[2]' ([3]) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.</Error>
- <Error Id="1921">Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be stopped. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to stop system services.</Error>
- <Error Id="1922">Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be deleted. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove system services.</Error>
- <Error Id="1923">Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.</Error>
- <Error Id="1924">Could not update environment variable '[2]'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to modify environment variables.</Error>
- <Error Id="1925">You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.</Error>
- <Error Id="1926">Could not set file security for file '[3]'. Error: [2]. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to modify the security permissions for this file.</Error>
- <Error Id="1927">Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order to complete successfully. Component Services are available on Windows 2000.</Error>
- <Error Id="1928">Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.</Error>
- <Error Id="1929">Error unregistering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.</Error>
- <Error Id="1930">The description for service '[2]' ([3]) could not be changed.</Error>
- <Error Id="1931">The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file [2] because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly. {{Package version: [3], OS Protected version: [4]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1932">The Windows Installer service cannot update the protected Windows file [2]. {{Package version: [3], OS Protected version: [4], SFP Error: [5]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1933">The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. {{SFP Error: [2]. List of protected files:\r\n[3]}}</Error>
- <Error Id="1934">User installations are disabled via policy on the machine.</Error>
- <Error Id="1935">An error occured during the installation of assembly component [2]. HRESULT: [3]. {{assembly interface: [4], function: [5], assembly name: [6]}}</Error>
- <AdminUISequence>
- <Show Dialog="FatalError" OnExit="error" />
- <Show Dialog="UserExit" OnExit="cancel" />
- <Show Dialog="ExitDialog" OnExit="success" />
- <Show Dialog="PrepareDlg" Before="CostInitialize"></Show>
- <Show Dialog="AdminWelcomeDlg" After="CostFinalize" />
- <Show Dialog="ProgressDlg" After="AdminWelcomeDlg" />
- </AdminUISequence>
- <InstallUISequence>
- <Show Dialog="FatalError" OnExit="error" />
- <Show Dialog="UserExit" OnExit="cancel" />
- <Show Dialog="ExitDialog" OnExit="success" />
- <Show Dialog="PrepareDlg" After="LaunchConditions" />
- <Show Dialog="WelcomeDlg" After="MigrateFeatureStates">NOT Installed</Show>
- <Show Dialog="ResumeDlg" After="WelcomeDlg">Installed AND (RESUME OR Preselected)</Show>
- <Show Dialog="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" After="ResumeDlg">Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected</Show>
- <Show Dialog="ProgressDlg" After="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" />
- </InstallUISequence>
- </UI>
- <AdminExecuteSequence />
- <InstallExecuteSequence>
- <RemoveExistingProducts After='InstallFinalize' />
- </InstallExecuteSequence>
- </Product>
diff --git a/win/WinPort.c b/win/WinPort.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 812165a..0000000
--- a/win/WinPort.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1031 +0,0 @@
- * WinPort.c -- Compatibility layer for Windows 2k
- *
- * Authors : Patrick Lecoanet.
- * Creation date :
- *
- * $Id$
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
- *
- * See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include "Types.h"
-#include <tkInt.h>
-#include <tkWinInt.h>
-#ifdef PTK
-#include <tkIntPlatDecls.m>
-static const char rcsid[] = "$Id";
-static const char compile_id[]="$Compile$";
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPointInRegion --
- *
- * Test whether the specified point is inside a region.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the boolean result of the test.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPointInRegion(TkRegion reg,
- int x,
- int y)
- return PtInRegion((HRGN) reg, x, y);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnUnionRegion --
- *
- * Compute the union of two regions.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnUnionRegion(TkRegion sra,
- TkRegion srb,
- TkRegion dr_return)
- CombineRgn((HRGN) dr_return, (HRGN) sra, (HRGN) srb, RGN_OR);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnOffsetRegion --
- *
- * Offset a region by the specified pixel offsets.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnOffsetRegion(TkRegion reg,
- int dx,
- int dy)
- OffsetRgn((HRGN) reg, dx, dy);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ZnPolygonRegion --
- *
- * Compute a region from a polygon.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the result in the dr_return region.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-ZnPolygonRegion(XPoint *points,
- int n,
- int fill_rule)
- POINT *pts;
- HRGN reg;
- int i;
- pts = (POINT *) ckalloc(n*sizeof(POINT));
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++, points++) {
- pts[i].x = points->x;
- pts[i].y = points->y;
- }
- reg = CreatePolygonRgn(pts, n,
- fill_rule==EvenOddRule?ALTERNATE:WINDING);
- if (!reg) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Polygon region failed: %ld, n: %d\n", GetLastError(), n);
- }
- ckfree((char *) pts);
- return (TkRegion) reg;
-#define PI 3.14159265358979
-#define XAngleToRadians(a) ((double)(a) / 64 * PI / 180);
- * Translation table between X gc functions and Win32 raster op modes.
- */
-int tkpWinRopModes[] = {
- R2_BLACK, /* GXclear */
- R2_MASKPEN, /* GXand */
- R2_MASKPENNOT, /* GXandReverse */
- R2_COPYPEN, /* GXcopy */
- R2_MASKNOTPEN, /* GXandInverted */
- R2_NOT, /* GXnoop */
- R2_XORPEN, /* GXxor */
- R2_MERGEPEN, /* GXor */
- R2_NOTMERGEPEN, /* GXnor */
- R2_NOTXORPEN, /* GXequiv */
- R2_NOT, /* GXinvert */
- R2_MERGEPENNOT, /* GXorReverse */
- R2_NOTCOPYPEN, /* GXcopyInverted */
- R2_MERGENOTPEN, /* GXorInverted */
- R2_NOTMASKPEN, /* GXnand */
- R2_WHITE /* GXset */
- * The following two raster ops are used to copy the foreground and background
- * bits of a source pattern as defined by a stipple used as the pattern.
- */
-#define COPYFG 0x00CA0749 /* dest = (pat & src) | (!pat & dst) */
-#define COPYBG 0x00AC0744 /* dest = (!pat & src) | (pat & dst) */
- * The followng typedef is used to pass Windows GDI drawing functions.
- */
-typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *WinDrawFunc) _ANSI_ARGS_((HDC dc,
- CONST POINT* points, int npoints));
-typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
- POINT *winPoints; /* Array of points that is reused. */
- int nWinPoints; /* Current size of point array. */
-} ThreadSpecificData;
-static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SetUpGraphicsPort --
- *
- * Set up the graphics port from the given GC.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The current port is adjusted.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static HPEN
- GC gc;
- DWORD style;
- if (gc->line_style == LineOnOffDash) {
- unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &(gc->dashes);
- /* pointer to the dash-list */
- /*
- * Below is a simple translation of serveral dash patterns
- * to valid windows pen types. Far from complete,
- * but I don't know how to do it better.
- * Any ideas: <mailto:j.nijtmans@chello.nl>
- */
- if (p[1] && p[2]) {
- if (!p[3] || p[4]) {
- style = PS_DASHDOTDOT; /* -.. */
- } else {
- style = PS_DASHDOT; /* -. */
- }
- } else {
- if (p[0] > (4 * gc->line_width)) {
- style = PS_DASH; /* - */
- } else {
- style = PS_DOT; /* . */
- }
- }
- } else {
- style = PS_SOLID;
- }
- if (gc->line_width < 2) {
- return CreatePen(style, gc->line_width, gc->foreground);
- } else {
- lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
- lb.lbColor = gc->foreground;
- lb.lbHatch = 0;
- style |= PS_GEOMETRIC;
- switch (gc->cap_style) {
- case CapNotLast:
- case CapButt:
- style |= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
- break;
- case CapRound:
- style |= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
- break;
- default:
- style |= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
- break;
- }
- switch (gc->join_style) {
- case JoinMiter:
- style |= PS_JOIN_MITER;
- break;
- case JoinRound:
- style |= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
- break;
- default:
- style |= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
- break;
- }
- return ExtCreatePen(style, gc->line_width, &lb, 0, NULL);
- }
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * ConvertPoints --
- *
- * Convert an array of X points to an array of Win32 points.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns the converted array of POINTs.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Allocates a block of memory in thread local storage that
- * should not be freed.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static POINT *
-ConvertPoints(points, npoints, mode, bbox)
- XPoint *points;
- int npoints;
- int mode; /* CoordModeOrigin or CoordModePrevious. */
- RECT *bbox; /* Bounding box of points. */
- ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = (ThreadSpecificData *)
- Tcl_GetThreadData(&dataKey, sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
- int i;
- /*
- * To avoid paying the cost of a malloc on every drawing routine,
- * we reuse the last array if it is large enough.
- */
- if (npoints > tsdPtr->nWinPoints) {
- if (tsdPtr->winPoints != NULL) {
- ckfree((char *) tsdPtr->winPoints);
- }
- tsdPtr->winPoints = (POINT *) ckalloc(sizeof(POINT) * npoints);
- if (tsdPtr->winPoints == NULL) {
- tsdPtr->nWinPoints = -1;
- return NULL;
- }
- tsdPtr->nWinPoints = npoints;
- }
- bbox->left = bbox->right = points[0].x;
- bbox->top = bbox->bottom = points[0].y;
- if (mode == CoordModeOrigin) {
- for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
- tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x = points[i].x;
- tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y = points[i].y;
- bbox->left = MIN(bbox->left, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x);
- bbox->right = MAX(bbox->right, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x);
- bbox->top = MIN(bbox->top, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y);
- bbox->bottom = MAX(bbox->bottom, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y);
- }
- } else {
- tsdPtr->winPoints[0].x = points[0].x;
- tsdPtr->winPoints[0].y = points[0].y;
- for (i = 1; i < npoints; i++) {
- tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x = tsdPtr->winPoints[i-1].x + points[i].x;
- tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y = tsdPtr->winPoints[i-1].y + points[i].y;
- bbox->left = MIN(bbox->left, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x);
- bbox->right = MAX(bbox->right, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].x);
- bbox->top = MIN(bbox->top, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y);
- bbox->bottom = MAX(bbox->bottom, tsdPtr->winPoints[i].y);
- }
- }
- return tsdPtr->winPoints;
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillRectangles --
- *
- * Fill multiple rectangular areas in the given drawable.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws onto the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillRectangles(display, d, gc, rectangles, nrectangles)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- XRectangle* rectangles;
- int nrectangles;
- HDC dc;
- int i;
- RECT rect;
- TkWinDCState state;
- HBRUSH brush;
- TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;
- if (d == None) {
- return;
- }
- dc = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, d, &state);
- SetROP2(dc, tkpWinRopModes[gc->function]);
- brush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground);
- if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
- SelectClipRgn(dc, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
- OffsetClipRgn(dc, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);
- }
- if ((gc->fill_style == FillStippled
- || gc->fill_style == FillOpaqueStippled)
- && gc->stipple != None) {
- TkWinDrawable *twdPtr = (TkWinDrawable *)gc->stipple;
- HBRUSH oldBrush, stipple;
- HBITMAP oldBitmap, bitmap;
- HDC dcMem;
- HBRUSH bgBrush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->background);
- if (twdPtr->type != TWD_BITMAP) {
- Tcl_Panic("unexpected drawable type in stipple");
- }
- /*
- * Select stipple pattern into destination dc.
- */
- stipple = CreatePatternBrush(twdPtr->bitmap.handle);
- SetBrushOrgEx(dc, gc->ts_x_origin, gc->ts_y_origin, NULL);
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc, stipple);
- dcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
- /*
- * For each rectangle, create a drawing surface which is the size of
- * the rectangle and fill it with the background color. Then merge the
- * result with the stipple pattern.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nrectangles; i++) {
- bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, rectangles[i].width,
- rectangles[i].height);
- oldBitmap = SelectObject(dcMem, bitmap);
- rect.left = 0;
- rect.top = 0;
- rect.right = rectangles[i].width;
- rect.bottom = rectangles[i].height;
- FillRect(dcMem, &rect, brush);
- BitBlt(dc, rectangles[i].x, rectangles[i].y, rectangles[i].width,
- rectangles[i].height, dcMem, 0, 0, COPYFG);
- if (gc->fill_style == FillOpaqueStippled) {
- FillRect(dcMem, &rect, bgBrush);
- BitBlt(dc, rectangles[i].x, rectangles[i].y,
- rectangles[i].width, rectangles[i].height, dcMem,
- 0, 0, COPYBG);
- }
- SelectObject(dcMem, oldBitmap);
- DeleteObject(bitmap);
- }
- DeleteDC(dcMem);
- SelectObject(dc, oldBrush);
- DeleteObject(stipple);
- DeleteObject(bgBrush);
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < nrectangles; i++) {
- TkWinFillRect(dc, rectangles[i].x, rectangles[i].y,
- rectangles[i].width, rectangles[i].height, gc->foreground);
- }
- }
- DeleteObject(brush);
- TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(d, dc, &state);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillRectangle --
- *
- * Fills a rectangular area in the given drawable. This procedure
- * is implemented as a call to XFillRectangles.
- *
- * Results:
- * None
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Fills the specified rectangle.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillRectangle(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- XRectangle rectangle;
- rectangle.x = x;
- rectangle.y = y;
- rectangle.width = width;
- rectangle.height = height;
- XFillRectangles(display, d, gc, &rectangle, 1);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * RenderObject --
- *
- * This function draws a shape using a list of points, a
- * stipple pattern, and the specified drawing function.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-RenderObject(dc, gc, points, npoints, mode, pen, func)
- HDC dc;
- GC gc;
- XPoint* points;
- int npoints;
- int mode;
- HPEN pen;
- WinDrawFunc func;
- RECT rect;
- HPEN oldPen;
- HBRUSH oldBrush;
- POINT *winPoints = ConvertPoints(points, npoints, mode, &rect);
- TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;
- if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
- SelectClipRgn(dc, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
- OffsetClipRgn(dc, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);
- }
- if ((gc->fill_style == FillStippled
- || gc->fill_style == FillOpaqueStippled)
- && gc->stipple != None) {
- TkWinDrawable *twdPtr = (TkWinDrawable *)gc->stipple;
- HDC dcMem;
- LONG width, height;
- HBITMAP oldBitmap;
- int i;
- HBRUSH oldMemBrush;
- if (twdPtr->type != TWD_BITMAP) {
- Tcl_Panic("unexpected drawable type in stipple");
- }
- /*
- * Grow the bounding box enough to account for line width.
- */
- rect.left -= gc->line_width;
- rect.top -= gc->line_width;
- rect.right += gc->line_width;
- rect.bottom += gc->line_width;
- width = rect.right - rect.left;
- height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- /*
- * Select stipple pattern into destination dc.
- */
- SetBrushOrgEx(dc, gc->ts_x_origin, gc->ts_y_origin, NULL);
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc, CreatePatternBrush(twdPtr->bitmap.handle));
- /*
- * Create temporary drawing surface containing a copy of the
- * destination equal in size to the bounding box of the object.
- */
- dcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
- oldBitmap = SelectObject(dcMem, CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, width,
- height));
- oldPen = SelectObject(dcMem, pen);
- BitBlt(dcMem, 0, 0, width, height, dc, rect.left, rect.top, SRCCOPY);
- /*
- * Translate the object for rendering in the temporary drawing
- * surface.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
- winPoints[i].x -= rect.left;
- winPoints[i].y -= rect.top;
- }
- /*
- * Draw the object in the foreground color and copy it to the
- * destination wherever the pattern is set.
- */
- SetPolyFillMode(dcMem, (gc->fill_rule == EvenOddRule) ? ALTERNATE
- oldMemBrush = SelectObject(dcMem, CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground));
- (*func)(dcMem, winPoints, npoints);
- BitBlt(dc, rect.left, rect.top, width, height, dcMem, 0, 0, COPYFG);
- /*
- * If we are rendering an opaque stipple, then draw the polygon in the
- * background color and copy it to the destination wherever the pattern
- * is clear.
- */
- if (gc->fill_style == FillOpaqueStippled) {
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dcMem,
- CreateSolidBrush(gc->background)));
- (*func)(dcMem, winPoints, npoints);
- BitBlt(dc, rect.left, rect.top, width, height, dcMem, 0, 0,
- }
- SelectObject(dcMem, oldPen);
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dcMem, oldMemBrush));
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dcMem, oldBitmap));
- DeleteDC(dcMem);
- } else {
- oldPen = SelectObject(dc, pen);
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc, CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground));
- SetROP2(dc, tkpWinRopModes[gc->function]);
- SetPolyFillMode(dc, (gc->fill_rule == EvenOddRule) ? ALTERNATE
- (*func)(dc, winPoints, npoints);
- SelectObject(dc, oldPen);
- }
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, oldBrush));
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawLines --
- *
- * Draw connected lines.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Renders a series of connected lines.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawLines(display, d, gc, points, npoints, mode)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- XPoint* points;
- int npoints;
- int mode;
- HPEN pen;
- TkWinDCState state;
- HDC dc;
- TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;
- if (d == None) {
- return;
- }
- dc = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, d, &state);
- if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
- SelectClipRgn(dc, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
- OffsetClipRgn(dc, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);
- }
- pen = SetUpGraphicsPort(gc);
- SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
- RenderObject(dc, gc, points, npoints, mode, pen, Polyline);
- DeleteObject(pen);
- TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(d, dc, &state);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawLine --
- *
- * Draw a single line between two points in a given drawable.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a single line segment.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawLine(display, d, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x1, y1, x2, y2; /* Coordinates of line segment. */
- XPoint points[2];
- points[0].x = x1;
- points[0].y = y1;
- points[1].x = x2;
- points[1].y = y2;
- XDrawLines(display, d, gc, points, 2, CoordModeOrigin);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillPolygon --
- *
- * Draws a filled polygon.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a filled polygon on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillPolygon(display, d, gc, points, npoints, shape, mode)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- XPoint* points;
- int npoints;
- int shape;
- int mode;
- HPEN pen;
- TkWinDCState state;
- HDC dc;
- if (d == None) {
- return;
- }
- dc = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, d, &state);
- pen = GetStockObject(NULL_PEN);
- RenderObject(dc, gc, points, npoints, mode, pen, Polygon);
- TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(d, dc, &state);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawRectangle --
- *
- * Draws a rectangle.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a rectangle on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawRectangle(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- HPEN pen, oldPen;
- TkWinDCState state;
- HBRUSH oldBrush;
- HDC dc;
- TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;
- if (d == None) {
- return;
- }
- dc = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, d, &state);
- if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
- SelectClipRgn(dc, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
- OffsetClipRgn(dc, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);
- }
- pen = SetUpGraphicsPort(gc);
- SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
- oldPen = SelectObject(dc, pen);
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
- SetROP2(dc, tkpWinRopModes[gc->function]);
- Rectangle(dc, x, y, x+width+1, y+height+1);
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, oldPen));
- SelectObject(dc, oldBrush);
- TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(d, dc, &state);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * DrawOrFillArc --
- *
- * This procedure handles the rendering of drawn or filled
- * arcs and chords.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Renders the requested arc.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-static void
-DrawOrFillArc(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height, start, extent, fill)
- Display *display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x, y; /* left top */
- unsigned int width, height;
- int start; /* start: three-o'clock (deg*64) */
- int extent; /* extent: relative (deg*64) */
- int fill; /* ==0 draw, !=0 fill */
- HDC dc;
- HBRUSH brush, oldBrush;
- HPEN pen, oldPen;
- TkWinDCState state;
- int clockwise = (extent < 0); /* non-zero if clockwise */
- int xstart, ystart, xend, yend;
- double radian_start, radian_end, xr, yr;
- TkpClipMask *clipPtr = (TkpClipMask*)gc->clip_mask;
- if (d == None) {
- return;
- }
- dc = TkWinGetDrawableDC(display, d, &state);
- if (clipPtr && clipPtr->type == TKP_CLIP_REGION) {
- SelectClipRgn(dc, (HRGN) clipPtr->value.region);
- OffsetClipRgn(dc, gc->clip_x_origin, gc->clip_y_origin);
- }
- SetROP2(dc, tkpWinRopModes[gc->function]);
- /*
- * Compute the absolute starting and ending angles in normalized radians.
- * Swap the start and end if drawing clockwise.
- */
- start = start % (64*360);
- if (start < 0) {
- start += (64*360);
- }
- extent = (start+extent) % (64*360);
- if (extent < 0) {
- extent += (64*360);
- }
- if (clockwise) {
- int tmp = start;
- start = extent;
- extent = tmp;
- }
- radian_start = XAngleToRadians(start);
- radian_end = XAngleToRadians(extent);
- /*
- * Now compute points on the radial lines that define the starting and
- * ending angles. Be sure to take into account that the y-coordinate
- * system is inverted.
- */
- if (gc->fill_style == FillStippled && gc->stipple != None) {
- xr = width / 2.0;
- yr = height / 2.0;
- }
- else {
- xr = x + width / 2.0;
- yr = y + height / 2.0;
- }
- xstart = (int)((xr + cos(radian_start)*width/2.0) + 0.5);
- ystart = (int)((yr + sin(-radian_start)*height/2.0) + 0.5);
- xend = (int)((xr + cos(radian_end)*width/2.0) + 0.5);
- yend = (int)((yr + sin(-radian_end)*height/2.0) + 0.5);
- /*
- * Now draw a filled or open figure. Note that we have to
- * increase the size of the bounding box by one to account for the
- * difference in pixel definitions between X and Windows.
- */
- pen = SetUpGraphicsPort(gc);
- oldPen = SelectObject(dc, pen);
- if (!fill) {
- /*
- * Note that this call will leave a gap of one pixel at the
- * end of the arc for thin arcs. We can't use ArcTo because
- * it's only supported under Windows NT.
- */
- SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
- Arc(dc, x, y, x+width+1, y+height+1, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
- } else {
- brush = CreateSolidBrush(gc->foreground);
- if (gc->fill_style == FillStippled && gc->stipple != None) {
- TkWinDrawable *twdPtr = (TkWinDrawable *)gc->stipple;
- HBITMAP oldBitmap;
- HDC dcMem;
- HBRUSH oldMemBrush;
- if (twdPtr->type != TWD_BITMAP) {
- Tcl_Panic("unexpected drawable type in stipple");
- }
- /*
- * Select stipple pattern into destination dc.
- */
- SetBrushOrgEx(dc, gc->ts_x_origin, gc->ts_y_origin, NULL);
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc,
- CreatePatternBrush(twdPtr->bitmap.handle));
- /*
- * Create temporary drawing surface containing a copy of the
- * destination equal in size to the bounding box of the object.
- */
- dcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
- oldBitmap = SelectObject(dcMem,
- CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, width, height));
- BitBlt(dcMem, 0, 0, width, height, dc, x, y, SRCCOPY);
- oldMemBrush = SelectObject(dcMem, brush);
- if (gc->arc_mode == ArcChord) {
- Chord(dcMem, 0, 0, width+1, height+1, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
- } else if ( gc->arc_mode == ArcPieSlice ) {
- Pie(dcMem, 0, 0, width+1, height+1, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
- }
- BitBlt(dc, x, y, width, height, dcMem, 0, 0, COPYFG);
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dcMem, oldBitmap));
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dcMem, oldMemBrush));
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, oldBrush));
- DeleteDC(dcMem);
- } else {
- oldBrush = SelectObject(dc, brush);
- if (gc->arc_mode == ArcChord) {
- Chord(dc, x, y, x+width+1, y+height+1, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
- } else if ( gc->arc_mode == ArcPieSlice ) {
- Pie(dc, x, y, x+width+1, y+height+1, xstart, ystart, xend, yend);
- }
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, oldBrush));
- }
- }
- DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, oldPen));
- TkWinReleaseDrawableDC(d, dc, &state);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XDrawArc --
- *
- * Draw an arc.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws an arc on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XDrawArc(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height, start, extent)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- int start;
- int extent;
- display->request++;
- DrawOrFillArc(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height, start, extent, 0);
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * XFillArc --
- *
- * Draw a filled arc.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Draws a filled arc on the specified drawable.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-XFillArc(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height, start, extent)
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- int start;
- int extent;
- display->request++;
- DrawOrFillArc(display, d, gc, x, y, width, height, start, extent, 1);
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
diff --git a/win/makefile.vc.in b/win/makefile.vc.in
deleted file mode 100644
index a11dc34..0000000
--- a/win/makefile.vc.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure.
-# Copyright (c) 1993 - 2005 CENA, Patrick Lecoanet --
-# See the file "Copyright" for information on usage and redistribution
-# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Revision$
-srcdir = ..
-CC = cl
-LD = link
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-# The SDK lib path should be available in the
-# environment variable %LIB%
-libpath32 = /LIBPATH:"$(LIB)"
-# The SDK include path should be available in the
-# environment variable %INCLUDE%
-include32 = /I"$(INCLUDE)" /I"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP SP2\include\GL"
-# Default location for ActiveTcl
-prefix = c:\Tcl
-exec_prefix = $(prefix)
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)\bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)\lib
-incdir = $(prefix)\include
-mandir = $(prefix)\man\man3
-windir = $(srcdir)\win
-genericdir = $(srcdir)\generic
-tmpdir = buildtcl
-tcl_inc_dir = $(srcdir)\..\tcl$(TCLTK_FULL_VER)
-tk_inc_dir = $(srcdir)\..\tk$(TCLTK_FULL_VER)
-INCLUDES = /I$(srcdir)/generic $(include32)
-# Assume that WISH is already INSTALLED
-TCLSH = $(bindir)\tclsh$(TCLTK_LIB_VER)
-WISH = $(bindir)\wish$(TCLTK_LIB_VER)
-WIN_LIBS = user32.lib gdi32.lib ws2_32.lib
-GL_LIBS = glu32.lib opengl32.lib
-TKLIBS = $(libdir)\tcl$(TCLTK_LIB_VER).lib \
- $(libdir)\tk$(TCLTK_LIB_VER).lib \
-# Recognized compilation time flags are :
-# PROFILE ask for profile support
-# OM include code for internal overlap manager
-# ATC include code for atc specific items
-# GL include code that need GL support.
-# GL_PRINT_CONFIG display the detected hardware capabilities
-# GL_DAMAGE redraw only modified areas
-# SHAPE include code for reshaping windows.
-# Max speed
-#CDEBUG = /O2 /G6 /Gs
-# Debug
-CDEBUG = /Z7 -Od
-TKCPPFLAGS = /Fp$(tmpdir)\ $(INCLUDES) /I"$(incdir)" /I$(tk_inc_dir)\generic /I$(tk_inc_dir)\win /I$(tcl_inc_dir)\generic /I$(tcl_inc_dir)\win /I$(tk_inc_dir)\xlib /D__STDC__
-#LFLAGS = /DEBUG /nologo /machine:IX86 $(libpath32) /FORCE:MULTIPLE /NODEFAULTLIB:uuid.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:OLDNAMES.lib
-LFLAGS = /nologo /machine:IX86 $(libpath32) /FORCE:MULTIPLE /NODEFAULTLIB:uuid.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:OLDNAMES.lib
-DLLLFLAGS = $(LFLAGS) /entry:_DllMainCRTStartup$(DLLENTRY) /dll
-TKDLLOBJS = $(tmpdir)\Track.obj $(tmpdir)\Tabular.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Reticle.obj $(tmpdir)\Map.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Rectangle.obj $(tmpdir)\Arc.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Curve.obj $(tmpdir)\Item.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\PostScript.obj \
-# $(tmpdir)\perfos.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\MapInfo.obj $(tmpdir)\Attrs.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Draw.obj $(tmpdir)\Geo.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\List.obj $(tmpdir)\Transfo.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Group.obj $(tmpdir)\Icon.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Text.obj $(tmpdir)\Color.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Field.obj $(tmpdir)\Triangles.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Window.obj $(tmpdir)\tkZinc.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\OverlapMan.obj $(tmpdir)\WinPort.obj \
- $(tmpdir)\Image.obj
-$(tmpdir)/$(DLL): $(tmpdir) $(TKDLLOBJS)
- @"$(WISH)" <<
- package require Tk
- pkg_mkIndex -load Tk $(tmpdir) $(DLL)
- exit
- mkdir $(tmpdir)
- $(CC) $(TKCPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(tmpdir)\ $<
- $(CC) $(TKCPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(tmpdir)\ $<
- $(RM) *.bak *~ $(tmpdir)\*.obj
- $(RM) $(tmpdir)\*.obj $(tmpdir)\*.dll $(tmpdir)\*.lib $(tmpdir)\*.exp $(tmpdir)\pkgIndex.tcl $(tmpdir)\*.pch
diff --git a/win/package.tcl b/win/package.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index fe27187..0000000
--- a/win/package.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# This script is intended to be run in the win sub-directory
-# with: tclsh build.tcl
-# actions include: tcl, perl, doc, wrap, clean. If nothing
-# is specified all actions are performed in order.
-set todo [lindex $argv 0]
-set root [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]
-# First get the configure variable values.
-set fid [open [file join $root configure.in]]
-while { ! [eof $fid] } {
- set line [gets $fid]
- if { [regexp {^MAJOR_VERSION=(.*)$} $line dummy major] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^MINOR_VERSION=(.*)$} $line dummy minor] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^PATCHLEVEL=(.*)$} $line dummy patchlevel] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^VERSION=(.*)$} $line dummy version] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^PACKAGE=(.*)$} $line dummy package] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^Tkzinc_LIB_FILE=(.*)$} $line dummy libFile] } {
- continue
- }
- if { [regexp {^Tkzincstub_LIB_FILE=(.*)$} $line dummy stubLibFile] } {
- continue
- }
-close $fid
-if { $todo eq "subst" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Substitute @variables@ in the .in registred files
- # producing their expanded equivalent into files
- # without the .in extension.
- #
- puts "Performing configuration variables substitution..."
- set registredFiles {
- { Python/library Zinc.py }
- { . starkit.tcl }
- { win makefile.vc }
- { win Tkzinc.wxs }
- }
- set libFile "${package}${major}${minor}.dll"
- set stubLibFile "${package}stub${major}${minor}.dll"
- #
- # Then substitute all occurences in known files
- #
- foreach t $registredFiles {
- set fid [open [file join $root [lindex $t 0] [lindex $t 1].in]]
- set fod [open [file join $root [lindex $t 0] [lindex $t 1]] w]
- while { ! [eof $fid] } {
- set line [gets $fid]
- regsub -all {@MAJOR_VERSION@} $line $major line
- regsub -all {@MINOR_VERSION@} $line $minor line
- regsub -all {@PATCHLEVEL@} $line $patchlevel line
- regsub -all {@VERSION@} $line $version line
- regsub -all {@PACKAGE@} $line $package line
- regsub -all {@Tkzinc_LIB_FILE@} $line $libFile line
- regsub -all {@Tkzincstub_LIB_FILE@} $line $stubLibFile line
- puts $fod $line
- }
- close $fid
- close $fod
- }
-if { $todo eq "tcl" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Make the Tcl library
- #
- set tmpdir buildtcl
- puts "Compiling the tcl variant..."
- if { [catch {exec nmake -f makefile.vc 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- #
- # Copy the library files, it makes it easier to test in situ.
- #
- foreach f [glob -directory [file join $root library] zinc*.tcl] {
- file copy -force $f $tmpdir
- }
- #
- # Build a merged pkgIndex.tcl
- #
- set fout [open [file join $tmpdir pkgIndex.tcl] a]
- set fin [open [file join $root library pkgIndex.tcl]]
- foreach line [split [read $fin] \n] {
- if {![regexp {^\s*$|^#} $line]} {
- puts $fout $line
- }
- }
- close $fin
- close $fout
- #
- # Create a demo script ending in .tcl
- #
- file copy -force [file join $root demos zinc-widget] [file join $tmpdir zinc-widget.tcl]
-if { $todo eq "perl" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Make the Tkzinc Perl library for windows
- #
- puts "Compiling the perl variant..."
- #
- # Create a perl build directory and copy the relevant
- # files in it.
- #
- set wd [pwd]
- set buildDir buildperl
- set make nmake
- puts "Creating temporary build structure for Tkzinc perl variant"
- if { [file exists $buildDir] } {
- file delete -force $buildDir
- }
- file mkdir $buildDir
- foreach f {t Zinc.xs demos README Zinc} {
- file copy -force [file join $root Perl $f] $buildDir
- }
- #
- # Add the version in Zinc.pm and Makefile.PL
- foreach f {Zinc.pm Makefile.PL} {
- set fid [open [file join $root Perl $f]]
- set fod [open [file join $buildDir $f] w]
- while { ! [eof $fid] } {
- set line [gets $fid]
- regsub -all SEEexport2cpan $line [format "%d.%d%02d" $major $minor $patchlevel] line
- puts $fod $line
- }
- close $fid
- close $fod
- }
- foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $root generic *.c] [file join $root generic *.h] \
- [file join $root win *.c] [file join $root debian changelog] \
- [file join $root debian copyright]] {
- file copy -force $f $buildDir
- }
- #
- # Build a .bat script for the Perl demos.
- #
- set fout [open [file join $buildDir demos zinc-demos.bat] w]
- set fin [open [file join $buildDir demos zinc-demos]]
- puts $fout {@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
-@echo off
-if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
-perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-goto endofperl
-perl -x -S %0 %*
-if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
-if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
-if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
-goto endofperl
-@rem ';}
- puts $fout [read $fin]
- puts $fout {__END__
- close $fin
- close $fout
- #
- # Call the perl setup and then make it.
- #
- puts "Compiling the perl variant"
- cd $buildDir
- if { [catch {exec perl Makefile.PL 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- if { [catch {exec $make 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- cd $wd
-proc DocClean { } {
- #
- # Need to get rid of some temporary files.
- #
- file delete -force log refman.aux refman.idx refman.ind refman.lof
- file delete -force refman.log refman.out refman.toc texput.log
- file delete -force idxmake.dvi idxmake.log refman.4ct refman.4dx refman.4ix
- file delete -force refman.4tc refman.dvi refman.idx refman.ilg refman.ind
- file delete -force refman.log refman.tmp refman.xref refman.lg refman.idv
-if { $todo eq "doc" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Make the pdf manual. Run the command
- # three time to make the crossrefs ok.
- #
- puts "Building the documentation..."
- set cwd [pwd]
- cd [file join $root doc]
- DocClean
- puts "First pass through pdflatex."
- if { [catch {exec pdflatex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Running makeindex."
- if { [catch {exec makeindex -o refman.ind refman.idx 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Second pass through pdflatex."
- if { [catch {exec pdflatex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Third pass through pdflatex."
- if { [catch {exec pdflatex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- DocClean
- puts "First pass through latex."
- if { [catch {exec latex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Preparing the index."
- if { [catch {exec tex {\def\filename{{refman}{idx}{4dx}{ind}}} {\input} idxmake.4ht 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Running makeindex."
- if { [catch {exec makeindex -o refman.ind refman.4dx 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Second pass through latex."
- if { [catch {exec latex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Third pass through latex."
- if { [catch {exec latex refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- puts "Buiding html."
- if { [catch {exec tex4ht refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- if { [catch {exec t4ht refman.tex 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- DocClean
- cd $cwd
-if { $todo eq "wrap" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Wrap up the msi package.
- #
- puts "Wrapping the msi package..."
- if { [catch {exec candle Tkzinc.wxs 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
- if { [catch {exec light Tkzinc.wixobj 2>log} result] } {
- puts $result
- exit
- }
-if { $todo eq "clean" || $todo eq "" } {
- #
- # Clean up after messing around
- #
- puts "Cleaning up..."
- file delete -force log pkgIndex.tcl zinc-widget.tcl zinc-demos.bat Tkzinc.wixobj
- file delete -force buildtcl
- file delete -force buildperl
- set cwd [pwd]
- cd [file join $root doc]
- file delete -force refman.pdf refman.css nayk0a01.png
- file delete -force [glob refman*.html]
- cd $cwd
diff --git a/zinclib.d/Copyright b/zinclib.d/Copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ea09b..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/Copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/zinclib.d/INSTALL b/zinclib.d/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index bd128e0..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Zinclib compilation and installation
-If you want to use zinclib in your application, compile it and
-read the 'README'
-A Makefile is provided for unix, macosX and mingw. A makefile.vc
-is provided to compile with visual C++.
-Before compiling zinclib, you need Tcl and Tk headers installed.
-They must be in a standard include path (/usr/include).
-All compilation is done into a tmp directory. Compilation produces
-a zinclib.o file. This file can then be used in your application
-as described into 'REAMDE'
-To compile zinclib :
- make
-Installing zinclib consists in copying headers and object files into
-the IntuiKit source hierarchy in order to use it in IntuiKit.
-To install zinclib into Intuikit sources to use it as a library :
- make install
-Tests check that zinclib doesn't containy any know bug.
-Tests consist in using zinclib to display items. There is not yet
-any automated check. This means that tests will display their window
-and closing them will go to next test.
-Before compiling tests you need :
-- tcl/tk >= 8.4
-- TkZinc compiled for tcl usage and installed as done by IntuiKit's ThirdParty
-- Tkimg compiled and installed on your system, see ThirdParty/README for more informations
-To run tests :
- make test
diff --git a/zinclib.d/Makefile b/zinclib.d/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9d9d9..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for zinclib #
-# default
-all: zinclib
-# IntuiKit common Makefile #
-# #
-# This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. #
-# #
-# Contributors: #
-# Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com> #
-# #
-## remove when no more in development
-DEBUG :=1
-# Default GNU compilation options
-CXX := g++
-GCC := g++
-LIBEXT := .so
-EXE :=
-LIBDIR = ./lib
-INCLUDE = -isystem ./include
-CXXFLAGS = -Wall -fpermissive $(MACRO) $(PROFILE) $(INCLUDE)
-INCLUDES = -fno-rtti
-LIBLDFLAGS = -shared $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-export-dynamic
-# Automatic architecture detection
-ifndef ARCH
-ARCH := $(shell uname -s)
-# linux
-ifeq ($(ARCH),Linux)
-LIBEXT := .so
-LDFLAGS += -ldl
-# MacOSX
-ifeq ($(ARCH),Darwin)
-LIBEXT := .dylib
-LDFLAGS += -ldl
-LIBLDFLAGS = -Wl,-single_module -dynamiclib $(LDFLAGS)
-# Windows cross compile
-ifeq ($(ARCH),win32)
-CXX := i386-mingw32msvc-g++
-GCC := i386-mingw32msvc-gcc
-LIBEXT := .dll
-EXE := .exe
-# native windows 2K, XP
-ifeq ($(ARCH),MINGW32_NT-5.1)
-LIBEXT := .dll
-EXE := .exe
-# Options handling
-##### DEBUG options
-ifdef DEBUG
-##### Profiling options
-ifdef PROF
-PROFILE = -pg -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
-DELFILES += *.gcov *.bb *.bbg *.da gmon.out
-##### Purify coverage options
-ifdef COV
-GCC := purecov $(GCC)
-DELFILES += *.pcv
-##### Purify options
-ifdef PURIFY
-GCC := purify -view-file=pure.pv $(GCC)
-DELFILES += .pure* *_pure_* pure.pv
-##### Options to display more warnings
-ifdef VERBOSE
-CXXFLAGS += -Wctor-dtor-privacy -Wnon-virtual-dtor
-CXXFLAGS += -Wold-style-cast -Woverloaded-virtual
-CXXFLAGS += -Wsign-promo -Wsynth -Wsynth -pedantic -Wchar-subscripts
-CXXFLAGS += -Wcomment -Wimplicit -Wmissing-braces -Wparentheses
-CXXFLAGS += -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wunused
-CXXFLAGS += -Wreorder -Wunknown-pragmas -W -Wsign-compare
-CXXFLAGS += -Wfloat-equal -Wundef -Wlarger-than-1000
-CXXFLAGS += -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align
-CXXFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
-CXXFLAGS += -Wmissing-noreturn -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wpacked
-CXXFLAGS += -Wredundant-decls -Wunreachable-code -Winline
-CXXFLAGS += -Wdisabled-optimization -Wconversion -Wshadow
-ifeq ($(VERBOSE),2)
-CXXFLAGS += -Wpadded -Wabi -Weffc++ -Waggregate-return -Wwrite-strings
-##### Optimization options
-CXXFLAGS += -O$(OPTIMIZE) -Wuninitialized
-# END OF IntuiKit Common #
-# specific options
-LDFLAGS += -ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4 -lTkZinc
-# easy target
-zinclib: tmp/zinclib.o
-tmp/zinclib.o: tmp/ZincObjects.o tmp/ZincPath.o tmp/Zinc.o
- ld -r -o $@ $^
-# generic target
-tmp/%.o: src/%.cpp
- @mkdir -p tmp
- $(CXX) $(LIBCXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
- rm -f tmp/*.o $(PROFFILES)
-# documentation
- cd src; doxygen ../doxyConfig
- mkdir -p doc
- rm -rf doc/html
- mv src/docs/* doc
- rmdir src/docs
-# tests
- cd test; $(MAKE)
- cd test; ./runtests.sh
-.PHONY: test doc
diff --git a/zinclib.d/README b/zinclib.d/README
deleted file mode 100644
index cae13b1..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Zinclib is a library that is made to use TkZinc into C++ code. It is
-a .o file that can be included directly into your executable.
-Zinclib has been contributed by IntuiLab (www.intuilab.com) to the open software
-community and is available as open software under the same licence as Zinc.
-Directory structure
-- src : contains C++ sources of Zinclib
-- tmp : will contain temporary compilation file and the final zinclib.o
-- test : contains Zinclib tests' sources
-- doc : contains doxygen generated documentation and some examples of
- Zinclib usage
-- gen.pl is a file that have been used to generate some of the c++
-source from TkZinc source.
-API documentation is available into the doc directory as doxygen
-files. To use Zinclib in your own code, the 'HOWTO' file explains the
-basic on getting Zinclib working.
-Compilation with zinclib
-Before using zinclib into your application you need :
-- tcl/tk >= 8.4
-- TkZinc compiled for tcl usage and installed
-- zinclib.o made as described into 'INSTALL'
-zinclib is a .o file because this is the easiest way to compile and
-use. This may change. To use a .o file just add it to your link
-command during the compilation of your applicaion.
-To link with zinklib you will need to add these option to your linker :
- -ltcl -ltk -lTkZinc zinclib.o
-Notes :
-- On some plateforms it can be -ltcl8.4 and -ltk8.4 if the linker
- doesn't find tcl and tk.
-- You need to have tkzinc compiled for TCL under the name libTkZinc.<ext>
- in your library search path.
-- this software is still in its first release, e.g. this installation process
- is still incomplete. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zinclib.d/doc/HOWTO b/zinclib.d/doc/HOWTO
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d41c5b..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/doc/HOWTO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-How to use zinclib
-Required lines
-To use zinclib in you code you need to include zinclib :
- #include "Zinc.hpp"
-Then you must load the tcl interpreter and the zinc library :
- Zinc::load (argv[0]);
-Zinc usage
-First create a zinc widget. Each widget has its own windows and
-instantly visible.
- Zinc* zn = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
-All available functions are in Zinc.hpp and ZincPath.hpp
-You can change and read properties of the widget with set and get
-commands. Ex :
- zn->setWidth (640);
-To draw in the widget, you need to create items uning itemCreate
-functions. The parent group can be NULL, in which case, the default
-one will be used.
- ZincItem* item = zn->itemCreateRectangle (NULL, 10, 10, 100, 100);
-To change item property, use itemSet functions.
- zn->itemSetFilled (item, true);
-To remove an item use itemRemove
- zn->itemRemove (item);
-Don't forget do delete item returned by itemCreate. This is different
-from removing it from zinc. Usualy, delete item is called after
-removing it, but you can delete it whenever you want.
-Many zinc function can take a tag as an argument. To use such a tag,
-create it using createTag.
- ZincItem* tag = zn->createTag ("tag");
- zn->itemSetFilled (tag, true);
diff --git a/zinclib.d/doc/html/ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html b/zinclib.d/doc/html/ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html
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--- a/zinclib.d/doc/html/ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html
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-<h1>ZincExtern.hpp</h1><a href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00015 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</span>
-00017 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ZINC_EXTERN</span>
-00018 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ZINC_EXTERN</span>
-00019 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-00021 <span class="comment">// those are function have been created within a C compiler</span>
-00022 <span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span>
-00023 {
-00025 <span class="comment">//The TkZinc function that initialises tkzinc</span>
-00026 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a1">Tkzinc_Init</a>(Tcl_Interp *interp);
-00028 <span class="comment">//The TkZinc function that creates a zinc object</span>
-00029 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a2">ZincObjCmd</a>(ClientData client_data, <span class="comment">// Main window associated with interpreter.</span>
-00030 Tcl_Interp *interp, <span class="comment">// Current interpreter. </span>
-00031 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> argc, <span class="comment">// Number of arguments.</span>
-00032 Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]); <span class="comment">// Argument objects.</span>
-00034 <span class="comment">//The TkZinc function that is called by tcl when calling ".zinc fct ..."</span>
-00035 <span class="keyword">typedef</span> int (*WidgetObjCmd)
-<a name="l00036"></a><a class="code" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">00036</a> (ClientData client_data, <span class="comment">// Information about the widget.</span>
-00037 Tcl_Interp *interp, <span class="comment">// Current interpreter.</span>
-00038 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> argc, <span class="comment">// Number of arguments.</span>
-00039 Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) <span class="comment">// Argument objects.</span>
-00040 __attribute__((cdecl));
-00042 }
-00044 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
-00045 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-</pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
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-<h1>ZincExtern.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</code><br>
-<a href="ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Typedefs</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>typedef int(*&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">WidgetObjCmd</a> )(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) __attribute__((cdecl))</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a1">Tkzinc_Init</a> (Tcl_Interp *interp)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a2">ZincObjCmd</a> (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Typedef Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincExtern.hpp::WidgetObjCmd"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> typedef int(* <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">WidgetObjCmd</a>)(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) __attribute__((cdecl))
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincExtern.hpp::Tkzinc_Init"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Tkzinc_Init </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Interp *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>interp</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html">ZincExtern.hpp</a> zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we create TkZinc library headers since they don't exist<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt; </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincExtern.hpp::ZincObjCmd"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int ZincObjCmd </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">ClientData&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>client_data</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>Tcl_Interp *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>interp</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>argc</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>Tcl_Obj *CONST&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>args</em>[]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
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-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
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-<h1>ZincInternal.hpp</h1><a href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00017 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;string&gt;</span>
-00019 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincObjects_8hpp.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>"</span>
-00020 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef BAZAR</span>
-00021 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define BAZAR</span>
-00022 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00023"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">00023</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define MAX_NUM_LENGTH 32</span>
-00024 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-00025 <span class="comment">// The base name of the TCL function that serve for callbacks</span>
-<a name="l00026"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a1">00026</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_TCLCB "zincTclCb"</span>
-00027 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-00038 <span class="comment">// make a boolean object</span>
-<a name="l00039"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a2">00039</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_BOO_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetBooleanObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</span>
-00040 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">// make an integer object</span>
-<a name="l00041"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a3">00041</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_INT_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</span>
-00042 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">// make a double object</span>
-<a name="l00043"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a4">00043</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_DBL_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetDoubleObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</span>
-00044 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">// make a string object</span>
-<a name="l00045"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a5">00045</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_STR_POOL(no, value, length) ( Tcl_SetStringObj (pool[no], \</span>
-00046 <span class="preprocessor"> value, length), \</span>
-00047 <span class="preprocessor"> pool[no] )</span>
-00048 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00057"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a6">00057</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_LST_POOL(no, value, size) ( Tcl_SetListObj (pool[no], size, value),\</span>
-00058 <span class="preprocessor"> pool[no] )</span>
-00059 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00068"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a7">00068</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_CLEANLIST(no) Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], 0)</span>
-00069 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-00076 <span class="comment">//create an option object (value prefixed by '-')</span>
-<a name="l00077"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a8">00077</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_DEFINE_ZOPT(string) Tcl_Obj* ZOPT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj ("-" #string, -1);</span>
-00078 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">//create a function object</span>
-<a name="l00079"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a9">00079</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_DEFINE_ZFCT(string) Tcl_Obj* ZFCT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);</span>
-00080 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="comment">//create an item object</span>
-<a name="l00081"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a10">00081</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_DEFINE_ZITM(string) Tcl_Obj* ZITM_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);</span>
-00082 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00089"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a11">00089</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define Z_PARENTGROUP(parentGroup) \</span>
-00090 <span class="preprocessor"> ( (parentGroup != NULL) ? parentGroup-&gt;object : DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ );</span>
-00091 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00097"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a12">00097</a> <span class="keyword">inline</span> std::string <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a12">itos</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> integer)
-00098 {
-00099 <span class="keywordtype">char</span> tmp[<a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>];
-00100 <span class="comment">// use standard function to convert</span>
-00101 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (snprintf (tmp, <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>, <span class="stringliteral">"%d"</span>, integer) &lt; 0)
-00102 {
-00103 <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> <a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> (<span class="stringliteral">"Error converting integer"</span>, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-00104 }
-00105 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> std::string (tmp);
-00106 }
-<a name="l00113"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a13">00113</a> <span class="keyword">inline</span> std::string <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a13">ltos</a> (<span class="keywordtype">long</span> l)
-00114 {
-00115 <span class="keywordtype">char</span> tmp[<a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>];
-00116 <span class="comment">// use standard function to convert</span>
-00117 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (snprintf (tmp, <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>, <span class="stringliteral">"%ld"</span>, l) &lt; 0)
-00118 {
-00119 <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> <a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> (<span class="stringliteral">"Error converting long"</span>, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-00120 }
-00121 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> std::string (tmp);
-00122 }
-<a name="l00129"></a><a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a14">00129</a> <span class="keyword">inline</span> std::string <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a14">dtos</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> d)
-00130 {
-00131 <span class="keywordtype">char</span> tmp[<a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>];
-00132 <span class="comment">// use standard function to convert</span>
-00133 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (snprintf (tmp, <a class="code" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>, <span class="stringliteral">"%f"</span>, d) &lt; 0)
-00134 {
-00135 <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> <a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> (<span class="stringliteral">"Error converting double"</span>, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-00136 }
-00137 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> std::string (tmp);
-00138 }
-00156 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
-</pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
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-<title>IntuiKit: ZincInternal.hpp File Reference</title>
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-<h1>ZincInternal.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include &lt;string&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<a href="ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Defines</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">MAX_NUM_LENGTH</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;32</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a1">Z_TCLCB</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"zincTclCb"</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a2">Z_BOO_POOL</a>(no, value)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetBooleanObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a3">Z_INT_POOL</a>(no, value)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a4">Z_DBL_POOL</a>(no, value)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetDoubleObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a5">Z_STR_POOL</a>(no, value, length)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a6">Z_LST_POOL</a>(no, value, size)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a7">Z_CLEANLIST</a>(no)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], 0)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a8">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a>(string)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZOPT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj ("-" #string, -1);</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a9">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a>(string)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZFCT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a10">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a>(string)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZITM_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a11">Z_PARENTGROUP</a>(parentGroup)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( (parentGroup != NULL) ? parentGroup-&gt;object : <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ</a> );</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>std::string&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a12">itos</a> (int integer)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>std::string&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a13">ltos</a> (long l)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>std::string&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a14">dtos</a> (double d)</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Define Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::MAX_NUM_LENGTH"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define MAX_NUM_LENGTH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;32
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html">ZincInternal.hpp</a> zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we defines macros and constants that are only used within Zinclib code<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt; David Thevenin &lt;<a href="mailto:thevenin@intuilab.com">thevenin@intuilab.com</a>&gt; </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_BOO_POOL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_BOO_POOL</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>value&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetBooleanObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-These are macro for shortness and readability of code. They take one Tcl_Obj from the pool and put one value into it. This object is returned. They all have the same signature.<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>no</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the id of the Tcl_Obj to take within the pool (max is ZINC_POOL_COUNT-1) </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the value to put in the extracted object </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the object from the pool </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a7" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_CLEANLIST"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_CLEANLIST</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], 0)
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Clear a list object. Tcl_Obj used in a list object have a refcount incremented and as such can't be reused for anything else. To free those object you need to clean the list object after use.<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>no</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the id of a Tcl_Obj within the pool which contains a list to clear </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a4" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_DBL_POOL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_DBL_POOL</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>value&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetDoubleObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a9" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">string&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZFCT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a10" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_DEFINE_ZITM</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">string&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZITM_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a8" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">string&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tcl_Obj* ZOPT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj ("-" #string, -1);
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a constant Tcl_Obj that can be reused as a parameter later<p>
-string define the name and the value ov the object </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_INT_POOL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_INT_POOL</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>value&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a6" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_LST_POOL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_LST_POOL</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>value, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>size&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>( Tcl_SetListObj (pool[no], size, value),\
- pool[no] )
-</pre></div>Make a list object<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>no</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the id of the Tcl_Obj to take within the pool </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a table of pointer to Tcl_Obj to put in the list </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>size</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the number objects in the table </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the list object from the pool </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a11" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_PARENTGROUP"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_PARENTGROUP</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">parentGroup&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;( (parentGroup != NULL) ? parentGroup-&gt;object : <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ</a> );
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Macro to return a parentGroup Tcl_Obj. If a NULL is group given, it returns the default one.<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the parent group to take </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a5" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_STR_POOL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_STR_POOL</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">no, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>value, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>length&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>( Tcl_SetStringObj (pool[no], \
- value, length), \
- pool[no] )
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::Z_TCLCB"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define Z_TCLCB&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"zincTclCb"
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a14" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::dtos"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> std::string dtos </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>d</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [inline]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Convert a double to a string<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>double</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the integer to convert </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a12" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::itos"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> std::string itos </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>integer</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [inline]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Convert an integer to a string<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>integer</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the integer to convert </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a13" doxytag="ZincInternal.hpp::ltos"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> std::string ltos </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">long&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>l</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [inline]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Convert a long to a string<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>l</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the long to convert </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
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-<h1>ZincObjects.cpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html">ZincInternal.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Zinc.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
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-<h1>ZincObjects.hpp</h1><a href="ZincObjects_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00016 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</span>
-00018 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;exception&gt;</span>
-00019 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;string&gt;</span>
-00020 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</span>
-00022 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ZINC_OBJECTS</span>
-00023 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ZINC_OBJECTS</span>
-00024 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-00025 <span class="comment">// Object representing a zinc item</span>
-<a name="l00026"></a><a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">00026</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>
-00027 {
-00028 <span class="keyword">protected</span>:
-00032 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a> ();
-00034 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-<a name="l00035"></a><a class="code" href="classZincItem.html#o0">00035</a> Tcl_Obj *<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html#o0">object</a>; <span class="comment">//the object we are storing</span>
-00042 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj);
-00047 <span class="keyword">virtual</span> <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html#a1">~ZincItem</a> ();
-00048 };
-00050 <span class="comment">// Object representing a zinc image</span>
-<a name="l00051"></a><a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">00051</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>
-00052 {
-00056 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html#a0">ZincImage</a> ();
-00058 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> madeFromInternal;
-00060 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-00066 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html#a0">ZincImage</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj);
-00073 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html#a0">ZincImage</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> internal);
-00078 <span class="keyword">virtual</span> <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html#a2">~ZincImage</a> ();
-00079 };
-00081 <span class="comment">// Object representing a zinc bitmap</span>
-<a name="l00082"></a><a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">00082</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>
-00083 {
-00087 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a> ();
-00089 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> madeFromInternal;
-00091 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-00097 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj);
-00104 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> internal);
-00111 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a> (<a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> name);
-00116 <span class="keyword">virtual</span> <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html#a3">~ZincBitmap</a> ();
-00117 };
-00119 <span class="comment">// Object representing a zinc font</span>
-<a name="l00120"></a><a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">00120</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>
-00121 {
-00125 <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a> ();
-00127 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-<a name="l00128"></a><a class="code" href="classZincFont.html#o0">00128</a> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html#o0">name</a>;
-00133 <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a> (<span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *font);
-00135 };
-<a name="l00140"></a><a class="code" href="classZincException.html">00140</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> : <span class="keyword">public</span> std::exception
-00141 {
-00143 <span class="keyword">private</span>:
-00144 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> msg; <span class="comment">// the exception message</span>
-00145 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> file; <span class="comment">// file where exception have been caught</span>
-00146 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> line; <span class="comment">// line where exception have been caught</span>
-00148 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-00154 <a class="code" href="classZincException.html#a0">ZincException</a> (<a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> msg, <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *file, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> lineNo);
-00161 <a class="code" href="classZincException.html#a0">ZincException</a> (<span class="keyword">const</span> <a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> &amp;exception);
-00166 <span class="keyword">virtual</span> <a class="code" href="classZincException.html#a2">~ZincException</a> () <span class="keywordflow">throw</span>();
-00173 <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span>* <a class="code" href="classZincException.html#a3">what</a> () <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> ();
-00174 };
-00176 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
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-<h1>ZincObjects.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;exception&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;string&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</code><br>
-<a href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Compounds</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td></tr>
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-<h1>ZincPath.cpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Zinc.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html">ZincInternal.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;math.h&gt;</code><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>double&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a1">modulo</a> (double d, double m)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Variables</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const double&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a0">convertRatio</a> = atan2 (1., 1.) * 4. / 180.</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincPath.cpp::modulo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> double modulo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>d</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>m</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [inline]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Calculate d m for doubles this is because the C works only for integers </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Variable Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincPath.cpp::convertRatio"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const double <a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a0">convertRatio</a> = atan2 (1., 1.) * 4. / 180.
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Path.cpp zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we defines The <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> object<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt; </td>
- </tr>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
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-<h1>ZincPath.hpp</h1><a href="ZincPath_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00015 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</span>
-00017 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;list&gt;</span>
-00018 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</span>
-00020 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ZINC_PATH</span>
-00021 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ZINC_PATH</span>
-00022 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00023"></a><a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">00023</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>
-00024 {
-00025 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> firstX, firstY; <span class="comment">//first point's coordinate</span>
-00026 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> lastX, lastY; <span class="comment">//last point's coordinate</span>
-00027 Tcl_Obj* path; <span class="comment">//list of points</span>
-00035 <span class="keyword">inline</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> addPoint (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> c);
-00051 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> convertFromSvg (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> x0, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y0, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;rx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;ry, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;phi,
-00052 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> larcgeArc, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> sweep, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y,
-00053 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;cx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;cy, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;theta, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> &amp;delta);
-00056 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-00062 <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00069 <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a1">~ZincPath</a> ();
-00071 <span class="comment">/******************************************</span>
-00072 <span class="comment"> ZincPath manipulation</span>
-00073 <span class="comment"> ******************************************/</span>
-00077 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a2">close</a> ();
-00084 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a3">lineTo</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00094 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a4">curveTo</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx1, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy1, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx2, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy2,
-00095 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00104 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a5">cubicBezierTo</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx1, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy1, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx2, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy2,
-00105 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00114 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a6">quadraticBezierTo</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00126 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a7">arcTo</a> (<span class="keywordtype">double</span> rx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> ry, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> xAxisRotation, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> largeArc,
-00127 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> sweepFlag, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00135 Tcl_Obj* <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html#a8">getTable</a> ();
-00137 };
-00139 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
-00140 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-</pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-<h1>ZincPath.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;list&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</code><br>
-<a href="ZincPath_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Compounds</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td></tr>
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-<title>IntuiKit: ZincTypes.hpp Source File</title>
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-<h1>ZincTypes.hpp</h1><a href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00015 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;string&gt;</span>
-00017 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ZINC_TYPES</span>
-00018 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ZINC_TYPES</span>
-00019 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00020"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">00020</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> std::string <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>;
-00022 <span class="comment">/**********************************</span>
-00023 <span class="comment"> Predeclaration of Zinc types</span>
-00024 <span class="comment">**********************************/</span>
-00025 <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a>;
-00026 <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>;
-00027 <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>;
-00028 <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>;
-00029 <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>;
-00030 <span class="keyword">struct </span><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a>;
-00032 <span class="comment">/*******************************************************</span>
-00033 <span class="comment"> Signature to use when binding with a callback</span>
-00034 <span class="comment">*******************************************************/</span>
-00035 <span class="keyword">typedef</span> void (*ZincItemCallback)
-<a name="l00036"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">00036</a> (<a class="code" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <span class="comment">// Information about the widget.</span>
-00037 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <span class="comment">// the item being evented</span>
-00038 <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, <span class="comment">// event information</span>
-00039 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *userData); <span class="comment">// user data provided with bind</span>
-00041 <span class="keyword">typedef</span> void (*ZincWidgetCallback)
-<a name="l00042"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">00042</a> (<a class="code" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <span class="comment">// Information about the widget.</span>
-00043 <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, <span class="comment">// event information</span>
-00044 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *userData); <span class="comment">// user data provided with bind</span>
-00047 <span class="comment">/***********************************</span>
-00048 <span class="comment"> Library constants</span>
-00049 <span class="comment">***********************************/</span>
-00051 <span class="comment">// Rendering model</span>
-<a name="l00052"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">00052</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">ZINC_BACKEND_X11</a> = 0;
-<a name="l00053"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">00053</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL</a> = 1;
-00056 <span class="comment">/***********************************</span>
-00057 <span class="comment"> Library enums</span>
-00058 <span class="comment">***********************************/</span>
-00060 <span class="comment">//Styles for line items</span>
-<a name="l00061"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">00061</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00062 {
-00063 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a5">lineStyle_simple</a> = 0,
-00064 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a6">lineStyle_dashed</a>,
-00065 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a7">lineStyle_mixed</a>,
-00066 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a8">lineStyle_dotted</a>
-00067 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a>;
-00069 <span class="comment">//Styles for line cap</span>
-<a name="l00070"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">00070</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00071 {
-00072 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a9">capStyle_butt</a> = 0,
-00073 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a10">capStyle_projecting</a>,
-00074 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a11">capStyle_round</a>
-00075 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a>;
-00077 <span class="comment">//List of fill rules</span>
-<a name="l00078"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">00078</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00079 {
-00080 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a12">fillRule_odd</a> = 0 ,
-00081 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a13">fillRule_nonzero</a>,
-00082 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a14">fillRule_positive</a>,
-00083 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a15">fillRule_negative</a>,
-00084 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a16">fillRule_abs_geq_2</a>
-00085 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a>;
-00087 <span class="comment">//list of join style</span>
-<a name="l00088"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">00088</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00089 {
-00090 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a17">joinStyle_bevel</a> = 0,
-00091 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a18">joinStyle_miter</a>,
-00092 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a19">joinStyle_round</a>
-00093 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a>;
-00095 <span class="comment">//list of reliefs</span>
-<a name="l00096"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">00096</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00097 {
-00098 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a20">relief_flat</a> = 0,
-00099 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a21">relief_raised</a>,
-00100 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a22">relief_sunken</a>,
-00101 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a23">relief_ridge</a>,
-00102 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a24">relief_groove</a>,
-00103 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a25">relief_roundraised</a>,
-00104 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a26">relief_roundsunken</a>,
-00105 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a27">relief_roundridge</a>,
-00106 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a28">relief_roundgroove</a>,
-00107 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a29">relief_raisedrule</a>,
-00108 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a30">relief_sunkenrule</a>
-00109 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>;
-00111 <span class="comment">//List of alignments</span>
-<a name="l00112"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">00112</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00113 {
-00114 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a31">alignment_left</a> = 0,
-00115 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a32">alignment_right</a>,
-00116 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a33">alignment_center</a>
-00117 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>;
-00119 <span class="comment">//list of anchors</span>
-<a name="l00120"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">00120</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00121 {
-00122 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a34">anchor_nw</a> = 0,
-00123 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a35">anchor_n</a>,
-00124 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a36">anchor_ne</a>,
-00125 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a37">anchor_e</a>,
-00126 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a38">anchor_se</a>,
-00127 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a39">anchor_s</a>,
-00128 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a40">anchor_sw</a>,
-00129 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a41">anchor_w</a>,
-00130 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a42">anchor_center</a>
-00131 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>;
-00133 <span class="comment">//actions to take when calling contour</span>
-<a name="l00134"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">00134</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00135 {
-00136 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a43">item_add_clockwise</a>,
-00137 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a44">item_add_counterclockwise</a>,
-00138 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a45">item_remove</a>
-00139 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">itemOperator</a>;
-00141 <span class="comment">//list of possible itemtypes</span>
-<a name="l00142"></a><a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">00142</a> <span class="keyword">typedef</span> <span class="keyword">enum</span>
-00143 {
-00144 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a46">item_group</a>,
-00145 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a47">item_arc</a>,
-00146 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a48">item_text</a>,
-00147 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a49">item_rectangle</a>,
-00148 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a50">item_curve</a>,
-00149 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a51">item_icon</a>
-00150 } <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a>;
-00152 <span class="comment">//informations contained in an event</span>
-<a name="l00153"></a><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html">00153</a> <span class="keyword">struct </span><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a>
-00154 {
-<a name="l00155"></a><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">00155</a> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">x</a>,<a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">y</a>; <span class="comment">// pointer position none -&gt; 0</span>
-<a name="l00156"></a><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">00156</a> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">k</a>; <span class="comment">// keycode none -&gt; 0</span>
-<a name="l00157"></a><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">00157</a> <span class="keywordtype">long</span> <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">t</a>; <span class="comment">// timestamp none -&gt; 0</span>
-<a name="l00158"></a><a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">00158</a> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">K</a>; <span class="comment">// keysym none -&gt; "??"</span>
-00159 };
-00163 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
-</pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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-<h1>ZincTypes.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include &lt;string&gt;</code><br>
-<a href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Compounds</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>struct &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Typedefs</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>typedef std::string&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>typedef void(*&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">ZincItemCallback</a> )(<a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, void *userData)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>typedef void(*&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">ZincWidgetCallback</a> )(<a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, void *userData)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Enumerations</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a> { <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a5">lineStyle_simple</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a6">lineStyle_dashed</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a7">lineStyle_mixed</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a8">lineStyle_dotted</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a> { <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a9">capStyle_butt</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a10">capStyle_projecting</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a11">capStyle_round</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a> { <br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a12">fillRule_odd</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a13">fillRule_nonzero</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a14">fillRule_positive</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a15">fillRule_negative</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a16">fillRule_abs_geq_2</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a> { <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a17">joinStyle_bevel</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a18">joinStyle_miter</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a19">joinStyle_round</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a> { <br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a20">relief_flat</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a21">relief_raised</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a22">relief_sunken</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a23">relief_ridge</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a24">relief_groove</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a25">relief_roundraised</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a26">relief_roundsunken</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a27">relief_roundridge</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a28">relief_roundgroove</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a29">relief_raisedrule</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a30">relief_sunkenrule</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a> { <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a31">alignment_left</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a32">alignment_right</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a33">alignment_center</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> { <br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a34">anchor_nw</a> = 0,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a35">anchor_n</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a36">anchor_ne</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a37">anchor_e</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a38">anchor_se</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a39">anchor_s</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a40">anchor_sw</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a41">anchor_w</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a42">anchor_center</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">itemOperator</a> { <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a43">item_add_clockwise</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a44">item_add_counterclockwise</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a45">item_remove</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>enum &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a> { <br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a46">item_group</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a47">item_arc</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a48">item_text</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a49">item_rectangle</a>,
-&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a50">item_curve</a>,
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a51">item_icon</a>
- }</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Variables</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">ZINC_BACKEND_X11</a> = 0</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL</a> = 1</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Typedef Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::String"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> typedef std::string <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a> zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we defines types and constants that may be usefull for a zinclib user<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt; </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::ZincItemCallback"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> typedef void(* <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">ZincItemCallback</a>)(<a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, void *userData)
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::ZincWidgetCallback"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> typedef void(* <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">ZincWidgetCallback</a>)(<a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> *zinc, <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a> *event, void *userData)
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Enumeration Type Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a57" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::alignment"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a57a31" doxytag="alignment_left"></a><em>alignment_left</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a57a32" doxytag="alignment_right"></a><em>alignment_right</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a57a33" doxytag="alignment_center"></a><em>alignment_center</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a58" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::anchor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a34" doxytag="anchor_nw"></a><em>anchor_nw</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a35" doxytag="anchor_n"></a><em>anchor_n</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a36" doxytag="anchor_ne"></a><em>anchor_ne</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a37" doxytag="anchor_e"></a><em>anchor_e</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a38" doxytag="anchor_se"></a><em>anchor_se</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a39" doxytag="anchor_s"></a><em>anchor_s</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a40" doxytag="anchor_sw"></a><em>anchor_sw</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a41" doxytag="anchor_w"></a><em>anchor_w</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a58a42" doxytag="anchor_center"></a><em>anchor_center</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a53" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::capStyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a53a9" doxytag="capStyle_butt"></a><em>capStyle_butt</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a53a10" doxytag="capStyle_projecting"></a><em>capStyle_projecting</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a53a11" doxytag="capStyle_round"></a><em>capStyle_round</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a54" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::fillRule"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a54a12" doxytag="fillRule_odd"></a><em>fillRule_odd</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a54a13" doxytag="fillRule_nonzero"></a><em>fillRule_nonzero</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a54a14" doxytag="fillRule_positive"></a><em>fillRule_positive</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a54a15" doxytag="fillRule_negative"></a><em>fillRule_negative</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a54a16" doxytag="fillRule_abs_geq_2"></a><em>fillRule_abs_geq_2</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a59" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::itemOperator"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">itemOperator</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a59a43" doxytag="item_add_clockwise"></a><em>item_add_clockwise</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a59a44" doxytag="item_add_counterclockwise"></a><em>item_add_counterclockwise</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a59a45" doxytag="item_remove"></a><em>item_remove</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a60" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::itemType"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a46" doxytag="item_group"></a><em>item_group</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a47" doxytag="item_arc"></a><em>item_arc</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a48" doxytag="item_text"></a><em>item_text</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a49" doxytag="item_rectangle"></a><em>item_rectangle</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a50" doxytag="item_curve"></a><em>item_curve</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a60a51" doxytag="item_icon"></a><em>item_icon</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a55" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::joinStyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a55a17" doxytag="joinStyle_bevel"></a><em>joinStyle_bevel</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a55a18" doxytag="joinStyle_miter"></a><em>joinStyle_miter</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a55a19" doxytag="joinStyle_round"></a><em>joinStyle_round</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a52" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::lineStyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a52a5" doxytag="lineStyle_simple"></a><em>lineStyle_simple</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a52a6" doxytag="lineStyle_dashed"></a><em>lineStyle_dashed</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a52a7" doxytag="lineStyle_mixed"></a><em>lineStyle_mixed</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a52a8" doxytag="lineStyle_dotted"></a><em>lineStyle_dotted</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a56" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::relief"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> enum <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Enumeration values: </b></dt><dd>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a20" doxytag="relief_flat"></a><em>relief_flat</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a21" doxytag="relief_raised"></a><em>relief_raised</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a22" doxytag="relief_sunken"></a><em>relief_sunken</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a23" doxytag="relief_ridge"></a><em>relief_ridge</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a24" doxytag="relief_groove"></a><em>relief_groove</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a25" doxytag="relief_roundraised"></a><em>relief_roundraised</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a26" doxytag="relief_roundsunken"></a><em>relief_roundsunken</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a27" doxytag="relief_roundridge"></a><em>relief_roundridge</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a28" doxytag="relief_roundgroove"></a><em>relief_roundgroove</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a29" doxytag="relief_raisedrule"></a><em>relief_raisedrule</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
-<tr><td valign=top><em><a name="a56a30" doxytag="relief_sunkenrule"></a><em>relief_sunkenrule</em></em>&nbsp;</td><td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Variable Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a4" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const int <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL</a> = 1
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="ZincTypes.hpp::ZINC_BACKEND_X11"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const int <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">ZINC_BACKEND_X11</a> = 0
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
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-<h1>Zinc.cpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Zinc.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html">ZincInternal.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;sstream&gt;</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;tk.h&gt;</code><br>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Defines</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a0">EVENT_COUNT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a1">WIDGETCB_COUNT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a2">ITEMCB_COUNT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>#define&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a3">z_tcl_call2</a>(fct, msg)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a20">tclCallback</a> (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) __attribute__((cdecl))</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a21">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (render)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-render" option </em> <a href="#a21"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a22">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (firstend)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-firstend" option </em> <a href="#a22"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a23">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (lastend)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-lastend" option </em> <a href="#a23"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a24">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (position)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-position" option </em> <a href="#a24"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a25">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (tags)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-tags" option </em> <a href="#a25"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a26">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (backcolor)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-backcolor" option </em> <a href="#a26"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a27">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (forecolor)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-forecolor" option </em> <a href="#a27"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a28">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (height)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-height" option </em> <a href="#a28"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a29">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (borderwidth)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-borderwidth" option </em> <a href="#a29"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a30">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (closed)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-closed" option </em> <a href="#a30"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a31">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (composealpha)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-composealpha" option </em> <a href="#a31"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a32">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (composerotation)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-composerotation" option </em> <a href="#a32"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a33">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (composescale)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-composescale" option </em> <a href="#a33"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a34">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (extent)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-extent" option </em> <a href="#a34"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a35">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (fillcolor)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-fillcolor" option </em> <a href="#a35"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a36">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (filled)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-filled" option </em> <a href="#a36"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a37">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (fillpattern)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-fillpattern" option </em> <a href="#a37"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a38">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (linecolor)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-linecolor" option </em> <a href="#a38"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a39">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (linepattern)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-linepattern" option </em> <a href="#a39"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a40">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (linestyle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-linestyle" option </em> <a href="#a40"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a41">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (linewidth)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-linewidth" option </em> <a href="#a41"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a42">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (pieslice)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-pieslice" option </em> <a href="#a42"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a43">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (priority)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-priority" option </em> <a href="#a43"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a44">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (sensitive)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-sensitive" option </em> <a href="#a44"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a45">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (startangle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-startangle" option </em> <a href="#a45"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a46">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (tile)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-tile" option </em> <a href="#a46"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a47">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (visible)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-visible" option </em> <a href="#a47"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a48">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (capstyle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-capstyle" option </em> <a href="#a48"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a49">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (fillrule)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-fillrule" option </em> <a href="#a49"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a50">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (joinstyle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-joinstyle" option </em> <a href="#a50"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a51">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (marker)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-marker" option </em> <a href="#a51"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a52">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-relief" option </em> <a href="#a52"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a53">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (smoothrelief)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-smoothrelief" option </em> <a href="#a53"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a54">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (alpha)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-alpha" option </em> <a href="#a54"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a55">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (atomic)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-atomic" option </em> <a href="#a55"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a56">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (clip)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-clip" option </em> <a href="#a56"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a57">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-anchor" option </em> <a href="#a57"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a58">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (color)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-color" option </em> <a href="#a58"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a59">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (connecteditem)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-connecteditem" option </em> <a href="#a59"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a60">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (connectionanchor)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-connectionanchor" option </em> <a href="#a60"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a61">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-image" option </em> <a href="#a61"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a62">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (mask)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-mask" option </em> <a href="#a62"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a63">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-alignment" option </em> <a href="#a63"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a64">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (font)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-font" option </em> <a href="#a64"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a65">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (overstriked)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-overstriked" option </em> <a href="#a65"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a66">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (spacing)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-spacing" option </em> <a href="#a66"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a67">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (text)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-text" option </em> <a href="#a67"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a68">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (underlined)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-underlined" option </em> <a href="#a68"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a69">Z_DEFINE_ZOPT</a> (width)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "-width" option </em> <a href="#a69"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a70">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (device)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">function constants </em> <a href="#a70"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a71">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (add)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "add" function </em> <a href="#a71"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a72">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (bind)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "bind" function </em> <a href="#a72"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a73">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (bbox)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "bbox" function </em> <a href="#a73"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a74">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (cget)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "cget" function </em> <a href="#a74"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a75">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (chggroup)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "chggroup" function </em> <a href="#a75"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a76">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (clone)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "clone" function </em> <a href="#a76"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a77">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (configure)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "configure" function </em> <a href="#a77"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a78">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (contour)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "contour" function </em> <a href="#a78"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a79">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (coords)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "coords" function </em> <a href="#a79"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a80">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (dtag)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "dtag" function </em> <a href="#a80"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a81">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (focus)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "focus" function </em> <a href="#a81"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a82">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (gettags)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "gettags" function </em> <a href="#a82"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a83">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (gname)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "gname" function </em> <a href="#a83"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a84">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (group)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "group" function </em> <a href="#a84"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a85">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (itemconfigure)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "itemconfigure" function </em> <a href="#a85"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a86">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (itemcget)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "itemcget" function </em> <a href="#a86"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a87">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (lower)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "lower" function </em> <a href="#a87"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a88">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (raise)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "raise" function </em> <a href="#a88"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a89">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (remove)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "remove" function </em> <a href="#a89"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a90">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (rotate)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "rotate" function </em> <a href="#a90"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a91">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (scale)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "scale" function </em> <a href="#a91"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a92">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (skew)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "skew" function </em> <a href="#a92"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a93">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (tget)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "tget" function </em> <a href="#a93"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a94">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (translate)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "translate" function </em> <a href="#a94"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a95">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (transform)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "transform" function </em> <a href="#a95"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a96">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (treset)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "treset" function </em> <a href="#a96"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a97">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (tset)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "tset" function </em> <a href="#a97"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a98">Z_DEFINE_ZFCT</a> (type)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "type" function </em> <a href="#a98"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a99">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (add)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "add" constant </em> <a href="#a99"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a100">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (arc)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "arc" constant </em> <a href="#a100"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a101">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (curve)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "curve" constant </em> <a href="#a101"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a102">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (icon)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "icon" constant </em> <a href="#a102"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a103">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (group)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "group" constant </em> <a href="#a103"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a104">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (rectangle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "rectangle" constant </em> <a href="#a104"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a105">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (text)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "text" constant </em> <a href="#a105"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a106">Z_DEFINE_ZITM</a> (withtag)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the "withtag" constant </em> <a href="#a106"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Variables</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ</a> = Tcl_NewIntObj (<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">DEFAULT_GROUP</a>)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a5">lineStylesStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a6">lineStyles</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a7">capStylesStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a8">capStyles</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a9">fillRulesStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a10">fillRules</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a11">joinStylesStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a12">joinStyles</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a13">reliefsStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a14">reliefs</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a15">alignmentsStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a16">alignments</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a17">anchorsStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a18">anchors</a> []</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a19">itemTypeStrings</a> []</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Define Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::EVENT_COUNT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define EVENT_COUNT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-How To call <a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> or Tcl functions:<p>
-All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj. p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments. Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that you can fill with the value you want. Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add; Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object Ex : p1[2] = <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a3">Z_INT_POOL(1, 200)</a>; Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call. p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj. To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return codes or z_command to call a <a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> command which handle all arguments too. </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::ITEMCB_COUNT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define ITEMCB_COUNT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::WIDGETCB_COUNT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define WIDGETCB_COUNT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::z_tcl_call2"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> #define z_tcl_call2</td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">fct, <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>msg&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>{ \
- <span class="keywordtype">int</span> result = (fct); \
- <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (result != TCL_OK) \
- { \
- Tcl_AppendResult (Zinc::interp, msg, NULL); \
- <span class="keywordflow">return</span> TCL_ERROR; \
- } \
- }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a20" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::tclCallback"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int tclCallback </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">ClientData&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>client_data</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>Tcl_Interp *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>interp</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>argc</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>Tcl_Obj *CONST&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>args</em>[]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Real callback used by zinc TCL<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>client_data</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the <a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> object </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>interp</em>&nbsp;</td><td>current interpreter </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>argc</em>&nbsp;</td><td>number of arguments </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>args</em>&nbsp;</td><td>table of arguments </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a98" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">type&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "type" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a97" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">tset&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "tset" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a96" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">treset&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "treset" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a95" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">transform&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "transform" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a94" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">translate&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "translate" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a93" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">tget&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "tget" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a92" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">skew&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "skew" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a91" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">scale&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "scale" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a90" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">rotate&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "rotate" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a89" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">remove&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "remove" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a88" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">raise&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "raise" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a87" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">lower&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "lower" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a86" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">itemcget&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "itemcget" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a85" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">itemconfigure&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "itemconfigure" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a84" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">group&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "group" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a83" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">gname&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "gname" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a82" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">gettags&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "gettags" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a81" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">focus&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "focus" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a80" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">dtag&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "dtag" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a79" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">coords&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "coords" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a78" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">contour&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "contour" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a77" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">configure&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "configure" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a76" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">clone&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "clone" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a75" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">chggroup&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "chggroup" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a74" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">cget&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "cget" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a73" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">bbox&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "bbox" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a72" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">bind&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "bind" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a71" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">add&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "add" function
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a70" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZFCT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZFCT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">device&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-function constants
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a106" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">withtag&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "withtag" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a105" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">text&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "text" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a104" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">rectangle&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "rectangle" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a103" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">group&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "group" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a102" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">icon&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "icon" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a101" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">curve&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "curve" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a100" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">arc&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "arc" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a99" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZITM"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZITM </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">add&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "add" constant
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a69" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">width&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-width" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a68" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">underlined&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-underlined" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a67" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">text&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-text" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a66" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">spacing&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-spacing" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a65" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">overstriked&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-overstriked" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a64" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">font&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-font" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a63" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-alignment" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a62" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">mask&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-mask" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a61" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">image&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-image" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a60" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">connectionanchor&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-connectionanchor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a59" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">connecteditem&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-connecteditem" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a58" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">color&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-color" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a57" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-anchor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a56" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">clip&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-clip" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a55" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">atomic&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-atomic" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a54" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">alpha&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-alpha" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a53" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">smoothrelief&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-smoothrelief" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a52" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-relief" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a51" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">marker&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-marker" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a50" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">joinstyle&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-joinstyle" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a49" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">fillrule&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-fillrule" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a48" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">capstyle&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-capstyle" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a47" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">visible&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-visible" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a46" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">tile&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-tile" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a45" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">startangle&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-startangle" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a44" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">sensitive&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-sensitive" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a43" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">priority&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-priority" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a42" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">pieslice&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-pieslice" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a41" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">linewidth&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-linewidth" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a40" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">linestyle&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-linestyle" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a39" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">linepattern&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-linepattern" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a38" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">linecolor&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-linecolor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a37" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">fillpattern&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-fillpattern" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a36" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">filled&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-filled" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a35" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">fillcolor&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-fillcolor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a34" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">extent&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-extent" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a33" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">composescale&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-composescale" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a32" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">composerotation&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-composerotation" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a31" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">composealpha&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-composealpha" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a30" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">closed&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-closed" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a29" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">borderwidth&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-borderwidth" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a28" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">height&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-height" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a27" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">forecolor&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-forecolor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a26" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">backcolor&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-backcolor" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a25" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">tags&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-tags" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a24" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">position&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-position" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a23" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">lastend&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-lastend" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a22" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">firstend&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-firstend" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a21" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::Z_DEFINE_ZOPT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Z_DEFINE_ZOPT </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">render&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the "-render" option
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Variable Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a16" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::alignments"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a16">alignments</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"left"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"right"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"center"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a15" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::alignmentsStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a15">alignmentsStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"left"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"right"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"center"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a18" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::anchors"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a18">anchors</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"nw"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"n"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"ne"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"e"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"se"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"s"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"sw"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"w"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"center"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a17" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::anchorsStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a17">anchorsStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"nw"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"n"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"ne"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"e"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"se"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"s"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"sw"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"w"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"center"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a8" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::capStyles"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a8">capStyles</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"butt"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"projecting"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"round"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a7" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::capStylesStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a7">capStylesStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"butt"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"projecting"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"round"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a4" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ</a> = Tcl_NewIntObj (<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">DEFAULT_GROUP</a>)<code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a10" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::fillRules"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a10">fillRules</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"odd"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"nonzero"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"positive"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"negative"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"abs_geq_2"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a9" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::fillRulesStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a9">fillRulesStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"odd"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"nonzero"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"positive"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"negative"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"abs_geq_2"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a19" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::itemTypeStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a19">itemTypeStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- <span class="stringliteral">"group"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"arc"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"text"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"rectangle"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"curve"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"icon"</span>,
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a12" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::joinStyles"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a12">joinStyles</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"bevel"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"miter"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"round"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a11" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::joinStylesStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a11">joinStylesStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"bevel"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"miter"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"round"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a6" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::lineStyles"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a6">lineStyles</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"simple"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"dashed"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"mixed"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"dotted"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a5" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::lineStylesStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a5">lineStylesStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"simple"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"dashed"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"mixed"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"dotted"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a14" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::reliefs"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a14">reliefs</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"flat"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"raised"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"sunken"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"ridge"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"groove"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"roundraised"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"roundsunken"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"roundridge"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"roundgroove"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"raisedrule"</span>, -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj (<span class="stringliteral">"sunkenrule"</span>, -1),
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a13" doxytag="Zinc.cpp::reliefsStrings"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char* <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a13">reliefsStrings</a>[]
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-<b>Initial value:</b><div class="fragment"><pre>
-{ <span class="stringliteral">"flat"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"raised"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"sunken"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"ridge"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"groove"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"roundraised"</span>,
- <span class="stringliteral">"roundsunken"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"roundridge"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"roundgroove"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"raisedrule"</span>, <span class="stringliteral">"sunkenrule"</span> }
-</pre></div> </td>
- </tr>
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-<title>IntuiKit: Zinc.hpp Source File</title>
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-<h1>Zinc.hpp</h1><a href="Zinc_8hpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001
-00016 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</span>
-00017 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincObjects_8hpp.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>"</span>
-00018 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincPath_8hpp.html">ZincPath.hpp</a>"</span>
-00019 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html">ZincExtern.hpp</a>"</span>
-00020 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</span>
-00022 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef ZINC_HEADER</span>
-00023 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define ZINC_HEADER</span>
-00024 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
-<a name="l00027"></a><a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">00027</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">ZINC_POOL_COUNT</a> = 7;
-<a name="l00029"></a><a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">00029</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a> = 10;
-<a name="l00032"></a><a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">00032</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">DEFAULT_GROUP</a> = 1;
-<a name="l00037"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html">00037</a> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a>
-00038 {
-<a name="l00039"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#n0">00039</a> <span class="keyword">friend</span> <span class="keyword">class </span><a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>;
-00041 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-<a name="l00042"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o0">00042</a> Tcl_Obj *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o0">id</a>;
-<a name="l00043"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o1">00043</a> <a class="code" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">WidgetObjCmd</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o1">objCmd</a>;
-<a name="l00044"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o2">00044</a> ClientData <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o2">wi</a>;
-<a name="l00045"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o3">00045</a> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o3">tclCb</a>;
-<a name="l00046"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o4">00046</a> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o4">znId</a>;
-<a name="l00047"></a><a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o5">00047</a> <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#o5">window</a>;
-00049 <span class="keyword">static</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s0">znCount</a>;
-00050 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s1">imgCmdInfo</a>;
-00051 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s2">fntCmdInfo</a>;
-00052 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s3">focCmdInfo</a>;
-00053 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s4">bndCmdInfo</a>;
-00054 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_Obj* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s5">pool</a>[<a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">ZINC_POOL_COUNT</a>];
-00055 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_Obj* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s6">p1</a>[<a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a>];
-00056 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_Obj* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s7">p2</a>[<a class="code" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a>];
-00058 <span class="keyword">public</span>:
-00059 <span class="keyword">static</span> Tcl_Interp *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#s8">interp</a>;
-00066 <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a0">Zinc</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> renderingMode);
-00071 <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a1">~Zinc</a> ();
-00078 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a2">setTitle</a> (String title);
-00080 <span class="comment">/*****************************************</span>
-00081 <span class="comment"> WIDGET PROPERTIES</span>
-00082 <span class="comment">*****************************************/</span>
-00089 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a3">setBackcolor</a> (String value);
-00096 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a4">getBackcolor</a> ();
-00103 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a5">setForecolor</a> (String value);
-00110 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a6">getForecolor</a> ();
-00117 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a7">setWidth</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00124 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a8">getWidth</a> ();
-00131 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a9">setHeight</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00138 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a10">getHeight</a> ();
-00145 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a11">setBorderwidth</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00152 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a12">getBorderwidth</a> ();
-00159 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a13">setFont</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>* value);
-00166 <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a14">getFont</a> ();
-00168 <span class="comment">/*****************************************</span>
-00169 <span class="comment"> WIDGET METHODS</span>
-00170 <span class="comment">*****************************************/</span>
-00179 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a15">bbox</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>* item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> bbox[4]);
-00188 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a16">relativeBbox</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>* item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> bbox[4]);
-00197 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a17">chggroup</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup);
-00205 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a18">clone</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00212 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a19">contour</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00222 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a19">contour</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, itemOperator flag, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *reference);
-00232 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a19">contour</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> add, <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *contour);
-00244 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a22">coords</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *contour, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> add,
-00245 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> contourIndex = -1, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> coordIndex = -1);
-00254 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a23">coordsRemove</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> coordIndex, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> contourIndex = -1);
-00262 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a24">addTag</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, String tag);
-00270 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a25">dTag</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, String tag = <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>(<span class="stringliteral">""</span>));
-00280 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a26">getTags</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, String*** tagList);
-00287 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a27">focus</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00295 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a28">isGname</a> (String gname);
-00303 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a29">gname</a> (String gradient, String gname);
-00311 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a30">group</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00318 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a31">lower</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00326 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a31">lower</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *belowThis);
-00333 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a33">raise</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00341 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a33">raise</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *aboveThis);
-00349 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a35">type</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00358 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a36">createTag</a>(String tag);
-00360 <span class="comment">/*****************************************</span>
-00361 <span class="comment"> ITEMS MANIPULATION</span>
-00362 <span class="comment">*****************************************/</span>
-00368 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a37">itemRemove</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item);
-00377 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a38">itemCreateGroup</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup);
-00386 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a39">itemCreateRectangle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y,
-00387 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> width, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> height);
-00396 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a40">itemCreateArc</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y,
-00397 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> width, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> height);
-00405 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a41">itemCreateText</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup);
-00414 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a42">itemCreateCurve</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <a class="code" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *path);
-00423 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *<a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a43">itemCreateIcon</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>* image);
-00426 <span class="comment">/**************************************************</span>
-00427 <span class="comment"> BINDING</span>
-00428 <span class="comment">**************************************************/</span>
-00438 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a44">bind</a> (String eventSpecification,
-00439 ZincWidgetCallback callBack, <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *userData, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> add = <span class="keyword">false</span>);
-00446 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a45">unbind</a> (String eventSpecification);
-00457 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a46">itemBind</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, String eventSpecification,
-00458 ZincItemCallback callBack, <span class="keywordtype">void</span> *userData, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> add = <span class="keyword">false</span>);
-00466 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a47">itemUnbind</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, String eventSpecification);
-00468 <span class="comment">/**************************************************</span>
-00469 <span class="comment"> TRANSFORMATION METHODS</span>
-00470 <span class="comment">**************************************************/</span>
-00478 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a48">itemTranslate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> dx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> dy);
-00487 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a48">itemTranslate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> absolute);
-00495 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> angle);
-00504 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> angle, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-00513 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> angle, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> degree);
-00523 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> angle, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y,
-00524 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> degree);
-00533 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a54">itemScale</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> ax, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> ay);
-00543 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a54">itemScale</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> ax, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> ay, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> cy);
-00553 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a56">itemSkew</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> sx, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> sy);
-00561 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a57">itemSkewX</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> sx);
-00569 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a58">itemSkewY</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> sy);
-00576 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a59">itemResetTransformation</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00584 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a60">itemSetTransformation</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item,
-00585 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> c,
-00586 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> d, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> e, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> f);
-00594 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a61">itemGetTransformation</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item,
-00595 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *c,
-00596 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *d, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *e, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *f);
-00604 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a62">itemMatrix</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item,
-00605 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> c,
-00606 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> d, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> e, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> f);
-00608 <span class="comment">/*******************************************************</span>
-00609 <span class="comment"> AUTOGENERATED METHODS (itemconfigure)</span>
-00610 <span class="comment">"code.hpp" in Tkzins/generic source from :</span>
-00611 <span class="comment"> ./gen.pl Arc.c Attrs.c Color.c Curve.c Draw.c Group.c</span>
-00612 <span class="comment"> Image.c List.c Item.c Icon.c Rectangle.c tkZinc.c Text.c</span>
-00613 <span class="comment">*******************************************************/</span>
-00620 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a63">itemSetClosed</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00627 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a64">itemGetClosed</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00634 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a65">itemSetComposealpha</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00641 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a66">itemGetComposealpha</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00648 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a67">itemSetComposerotation</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00655 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a68">itemGetComposerotation</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00662 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a69">itemSetComposescale</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00669 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a70">itemGetComposescale</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00676 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a71">itemSetExtent</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00683 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a72">itemGetExtent</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00690 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a73">itemSetFillcolor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, String value);
-00697 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a74">itemGetFillcolor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00704 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a75">itemSetFilled</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00711 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a76">itemGetFilled</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00718 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a77">itemSetFillpattern</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * value);
-00725 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a78">itemGetFillpattern</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00732 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a79">itemSetLinecolor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, String value);
-00739 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a80">itemGetLinecolor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00746 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a81">itemSetLinepattern</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * value);
-00753 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a82">itemGetLinepattern</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00760 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a83">itemSetLinestyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, lineStyle value);
-00767 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a84">itemGetLinestyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00774 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a85">itemSetLinewidth</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> value);
-00781 <span class="keywordtype">double</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a86">itemGetLinewidth</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00788 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a87">itemSetPieslice</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00795 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a88">itemGetPieslice</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00802 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a89">itemSetPriority</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00809 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a90">itemGetPriority</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00816 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a91">itemSetSensitive</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00823 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a92">itemGetSensitive</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00830 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a93">itemSetStartangle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00837 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a94">itemGetStartangle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00844 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a95">itemSetTile</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * value);
-00851 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a96">itemGetTile</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00858 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a97">itemSetVisible</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00865 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a98">itemGetVisible</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00872 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a99">itemSetCapstyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, capStyle value);
-00879 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a100">itemGetCapstyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00886 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a101">itemSetFillrule</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, fillRule value);
-00893 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a102">itemGetFillrule</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00900 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a103">itemSetJoinstyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, joinStyle value);
-00907 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a104">itemGetJoinstyle</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00914 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a105">itemSetRelief</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, relief value);
-00921 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a106">itemGetRelief</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00928 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a107">itemSetSmoothrelief</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00935 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a108">itemGetSmoothrelief</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00942 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a109">itemSetAlpha</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> value);
-00949 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a110">itemGetAlpha</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00956 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a111">itemSetAtomic</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-00963 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a112">itemGetAtomic</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00970 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a113">itemSetClip</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * value);
-00977 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a114">itemGetClip</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00984 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a115">itemSetAnchor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, anchor value);
-00991 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a116">itemGetAnchor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-00998 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a117">itemSetColor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, String value);
-01005 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a118">itemGetColor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01012 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a119">itemSetConnecteditem</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * value);
-01019 <a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a120">itemGetConnecteditem</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01026 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a121">itemSetConnectionanchor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, anchor value);
-01033 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a122">itemGetConnectionanchor</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01040 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a123">itemSetImage</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * value);
-01047 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a124">itemGetImage</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01054 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a125">itemSetMask</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * value);
-01061 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a126">itemGetMask</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01068 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a127">itemSetAlignment</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, alignment value);
-01075 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a128">itemGetAlignment</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01082 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a129">itemSetFont</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> * value);
-01089 <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> * <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a130">itemGetFont</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01096 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a131">itemSetOverstriked</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-01103 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a132">itemGetOverstriked</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01110 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a133">itemSetSpacing</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">short</span> value);
-01117 <span class="keywordtype">short</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a134">itemGetSpacing</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01124 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a135">itemSetText</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, String value);
-01131 <a class="code" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a136">itemGetText</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01138 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a137">itemSetUnderlined</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> value);
-01145 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a138">itemGetUnderlined</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01152 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a139">itemSetWidth</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> value);
-01159 <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">short</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a140">itemGetWidth</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item);
-01162 <span class="comment">/*******************************************************</span>
-01163 <span class="comment"> END OF AUTOGENERATED METHODS</span>
-01164 <span class="comment">*******************************************************/</span>
-01172 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a141">itemSetFirstend</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> c);
-01180 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a142">itemGetFirstend</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *c);
-01188 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a143">itemSetLastend</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> c);
-01196 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a144">itemGetLastend</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *a, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *b, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *c);
-01204 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a145">itemSetPosition</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> y);
-01212 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a146">itemGetPosition</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * item, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *x, <span class="keywordtype">double</span> *y);
-01219 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a147">createImageFromFile</a> (String image);
-01226 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a148">createImageFromData</a> (String image);
-01233 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a149">createBitmapFromFile</a> (String image);
-01240 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a150">createBitmapFromData</a> (String image);
-01247 <a class="code" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a151">createBitmapFromName</a> (String image);
-01256 <a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a152">createImageFromAGGBuffer</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> width, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> height, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *aggBuffer);
-01271 <a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>* <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a153">createFont</a> (String family, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> size, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> bold = -1,
-01272 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> italic = -1, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> underline = -1,
-01273 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> overstrike = -1);
-01281 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a154">getFontAscent</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>* font);
-01289 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a155">getImageWidth</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *image);
-01297 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a156">getImageHeight</a> (<a class="code" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *image);
-01299 <span class="comment">/*******************************************************</span>
-01300 <span class="comment"> STATIC PROCEDURES</span>
-01301 <span class="comment">*******************************************************/</span>
-01308 <span class="keyword">static</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#e0">loadZinc</a> (<span class="keywordtype">char</span> *argv0) <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> (<a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>);
-01313 <span class="keyword">static</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#e1">zincMainLoop</a> ();
-01315 <span class="comment">/*******************************************************</span>
-01316 <span class="comment"> errors management</span>
-01317 <span class="comment">*******************************************************/</span>
-01325 <span class="keyword">static</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#e2">z_tcl_call</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> result, <span class="keywordtype">char</span>* p_msg) <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> (<a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>);
-01337 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classZinc.html#a157">z_command</a> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> count, <span class="keywordtype">char</span>* p_msg) <span class="keywordflow">throw</span> (<a class="code" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>);
-01339 };
-01341 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
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-<title>IntuiKit: Zinc.hpp File Reference</title>
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-<h1>Zinc.hpp File Reference</h1>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincPath_8hpp-source.html">ZincPath.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include "<a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html">ZincExtern.hpp</a>"</code><br>
-<code>#include &lt;tcl.h&gt;</code><br>
-<a href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Go to the source code of this file.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Compounds</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class &nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Variables</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">ZINC_POOL_COUNT</a> = 7</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a> = 10</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">DEFAULT_GROUP</a> = 1</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Variable Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="Zinc.hpp::DEFAULT_GROUP"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const int <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">DEFAULT_GROUP</a> = 1
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Defaults zinc group </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="Zinc.hpp::ZINC_PARAM_COUNT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const int <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a> = 10
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-maximum number of parameter in a zinc function </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="Zinc.hpp::ZINC_POOL_COUNT"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const int <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">ZINC_POOL_COUNT</a> = 7
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Number of objects in the pool </td>
- </tr>
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-<h1>IntuiKit Compound List</h1>Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:<table>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-<h1>Zinc Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a24">addTag</a>(ZincItem *item, String tag)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a15">bbox</a>(ZincItem *item, double bbox[4])</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a44">bind</a>(String eventSpecification, ZincWidgetCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add=false)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s4">bndCmdInfo</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a17">chggroup</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincItem *parentGroup)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a18">clone</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a19">contour</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a20">contour</a>(ZincItem *item, itemOperator flag, ZincItem *reference)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a21">contour</a>(ZincItem *item, bool add, ZincPath *contour)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a22">coords</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincPath *contour, bool add, int contourIndex=-1, int coordIndex=-1)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a23">coordsRemove</a>(ZincItem *item, int coordIndex, int contourIndex=-1)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a150">createBitmapFromData</a>(String image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a149">createBitmapFromFile</a>(String image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a151">createBitmapFromName</a>(String image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a153">createFont</a>(String family, int size, int bold=-1, int italic=-1, int underline=-1, int overstrike=-1)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a152">createImageFromAGGBuffer</a>(int width, int height, unsigned char *aggBuffer)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a148">createImageFromData</a>(String image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a147">createImageFromFile</a>(String image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a36">createTag</a>(String tag)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a25">dTag</a>(ZincItem *item, String tag=String(""))</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s2">fntCmdInfo</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s3">focCmdInfo</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a27">focus</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a4">getBackcolor</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a12">getBorderwidth</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a14">getFont</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a154">getFontAscent</a>(ZincFont *font)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a6">getForecolor</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a10">getHeight</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a156">getImageHeight</a>(ZincImage *image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a155">getImageWidth</a>(ZincImage *image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a26">getTags</a>(ZincItem *item, String ***tagList)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a8">getWidth</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a29">gname</a>(String gradient, String gname)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a30">group</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o0">id</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s1">imgCmdInfo</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s8">interp</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a28">isGname</a>(String gname)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a46">itemBind</a>(ZincItem *item, String eventSpecification, ZincItemCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add=false)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a40">itemCreateArc</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y, double width, double height)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a42">itemCreateCurve</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincPath *path)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a38">itemCreateGroup</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a43">itemCreateIcon</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincImage *image)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a39">itemCreateRectangle</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y, double width, double height)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a41">itemCreateText</a>(ZincItem *parentGroup)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a128">itemGetAlignment</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a110">itemGetAlpha</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a116">itemGetAnchor</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a112">itemGetAtomic</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a100">itemGetCapstyle</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a114">itemGetClip</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a64">itemGetClosed</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a118">itemGetColor</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a66">itemGetComposealpha</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a68">itemGetComposerotation</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a70">itemGetComposescale</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a120">itemGetConnecteditem</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a122">itemGetConnectionanchor</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a72">itemGetExtent</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a74">itemGetFillcolor</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a76">itemGetFilled</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a78">itemGetFillpattern</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a102">itemGetFillrule</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a142">itemGetFirstend</a>(ZincItem *item, double *a, double *b, double *c)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a130">itemGetFont</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a124">itemGetImage</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a104">itemGetJoinstyle</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a144">itemGetLastend</a>(ZincItem *item, double *a, double *b, double *c)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a80">itemGetLinecolor</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a82">itemGetLinepattern</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a84">itemGetLinestyle</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a86">itemGetLinewidth</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a126">itemGetMask</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a132">itemGetOverstriked</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a88">itemGetPieslice</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a146">itemGetPosition</a>(ZincItem *item, double *x, double *y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a90">itemGetPriority</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a106">itemGetRelief</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a92">itemGetSensitive</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a108">itemGetSmoothrelief</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a134">itemGetSpacing</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a94">itemGetStartangle</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a136">itemGetText</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a96">itemGetTile</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a61">itemGetTransformation</a>(ZincItem *item, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *d, double *e, double *f)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a138">itemGetUnderlined</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a98">itemGetVisible</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a140">itemGetWidth</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a62">itemMatrix</a>(ZincItem *item, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a37">itemRemove</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a59">itemResetTransformation</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a>(ZincItem *item, double angle)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a51">itemRotate</a>(ZincItem *item, double angle, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a52">itemRotate</a>(ZincItem *item, double angle, bool degree)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a53">itemRotate</a>(ZincItem *item, double angle, double x, double y, bool degree)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a54">itemScale</a>(ZincItem *item, double ax, double ay)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a55">itemScale</a>(ZincItem *item, double ax, double ay, double cx, double cy)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a127">itemSetAlignment</a>(ZincItem *item, alignment value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a109">itemSetAlpha</a>(ZincItem *item, unsigned int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a115">itemSetAnchor</a>(ZincItem *item, anchor value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a111">itemSetAtomic</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a99">itemSetCapstyle</a>(ZincItem *item, capStyle value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a113">itemSetClip</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincItem *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a63">itemSetClosed</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a117">itemSetColor</a>(ZincItem *item, String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a65">itemSetComposealpha</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a67">itemSetComposerotation</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a69">itemSetComposescale</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a119">itemSetConnecteditem</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincItem *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a121">itemSetConnectionanchor</a>(ZincItem *item, anchor value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a71">itemSetExtent</a>(ZincItem *item, unsigned int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a73">itemSetFillcolor</a>(ZincItem *item, String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a75">itemSetFilled</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a77">itemSetFillpattern</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincBitmap *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a101">itemSetFillrule</a>(ZincItem *item, fillRule value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a141">itemSetFirstend</a>(ZincItem *item, double a, double b, double c)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a129">itemSetFont</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincFont *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a123">itemSetImage</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincImage *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a103">itemSetJoinstyle</a>(ZincItem *item, joinStyle value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a143">itemSetLastend</a>(ZincItem *item, double a, double b, double c)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a79">itemSetLinecolor</a>(ZincItem *item, String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a81">itemSetLinepattern</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincBitmap *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a83">itemSetLinestyle</a>(ZincItem *item, lineStyle value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a85">itemSetLinewidth</a>(ZincItem *item, double value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a125">itemSetMask</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincBitmap *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a131">itemSetOverstriked</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a87">itemSetPieslice</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a145">itemSetPosition</a>(ZincItem *item, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a89">itemSetPriority</a>(ZincItem *item, unsigned int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a105">itemSetRelief</a>(ZincItem *item, relief value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a91">itemSetSensitive</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a107">itemSetSmoothrelief</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a133">itemSetSpacing</a>(ZincItem *item, short value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a93">itemSetStartangle</a>(ZincItem *item, unsigned int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a135">itemSetText</a>(ZincItem *item, String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a95">itemSetTile</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincBitmap *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a60">itemSetTransformation</a>(ZincItem *item, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a137">itemSetUnderlined</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a97">itemSetVisible</a>(ZincItem *item, bool value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a139">itemSetWidth</a>(ZincItem *item, unsigned short value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a56">itemSkew</a>(ZincItem *item, double sx, double sy)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a57">itemSkewX</a>(ZincItem *item, double sx)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a58">itemSkewY</a>(ZincItem *item, double sy)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a48">itemTranslate</a>(ZincItem *item, double dx, double dy)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a49">itemTranslate</a>(ZincItem *item, double x, double y, bool absolute)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a47">itemUnbind</a>(ZincItem *item, String eventSpecification)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e0">loadZinc</a>(char *argv0)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a31">lower</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a32">lower</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincItem *belowThis)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o1">objCmd</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s6">p1</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s7">p2</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s5">pool</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a33">raise</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a34">raise</a>(ZincItem *item, ZincItem *aboveThis)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a16">relativeBbox</a>(ZincItem *item, double bbox[4])</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a3">setBackcolor</a>(String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a11">setBorderwidth</a>(int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a13">setFont</a>(ZincFont *value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a5">setForecolor</a>(String value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a9">setHeight</a>(int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a2">setTitle</a>(String title)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a7">setWidth</a>(int value)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o3">tclCb</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a35">type</a>(ZincItem *item)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a45">unbind</a>(String eventSpecification)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o2">wi</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o5">window</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a157">z_command</a>(int count, char *p_msg)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e2">z_tcl_call</a>(int result, char *p_msg)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a0">Zinc</a>(int renderingMode)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e1">zincMainLoop</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#n0">ZincPath</a> class</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [friend]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s0">znCount</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td><code> [static]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o4">znId</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a1">~Zinc</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a></td><td></td></tr>
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-<h1>Zinc Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Zinc.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<a href="classZinc-members.html">List of all members.</a><hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-This class contains a zinc widget and members to create and modify items
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a0">Zinc</a> (int renderingMode)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a1">~Zinc</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a2">setTitle</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> title)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a3">setBackcolor</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a4">getBackcolor</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a5">setForecolor</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a6">getForecolor</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a7">setWidth</a> (int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a8">getWidth</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a9">setHeight</a> (int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a10">getHeight</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a11">setBorderwidth</a> (int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a12">getBorderwidth</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a13">setFont</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a14">getFont</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a15">bbox</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double bbox[4])</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a16">relativeBbox</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double bbox[4])</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a17">chggroup</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a18">clone</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a19">contour</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a20">contour</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">itemOperator</a> flag, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *reference)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a21">contour</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool add, <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *contour)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a22">coords</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *contour, bool add, int contourIndex=-1, int coordIndex=-1)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a23">coordsRemove</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, int coordIndex, int contourIndex=-1)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a24">addTag</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> tag)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a25">dTag</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> tag=<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>(""))</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a26">getTags</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> ***tagList)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a27">focus</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a28">isGname</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> gname)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a29">gname</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> gradient, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> gname)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a30">group</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a31">lower</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a32">lower</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *belowThis)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a33">raise</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a34">raise</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *aboveThis)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a35">type</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a36">createTag</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> tag)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a37">itemRemove</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a38">itemCreateGroup</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a39">itemCreateRectangle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, double x, double y, double width, double height)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a40">itemCreateArc</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, double x, double y, double width, double height)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a41">itemCreateText</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a42">itemCreateCurve</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *path)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a43">itemCreateIcon</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *parentGroup, <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a44">bind</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> eventSpecification, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">ZincWidgetCallback</a> callBack, void *userData, bool add=false)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a45">unbind</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> eventSpecification)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a46">itemBind</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> eventSpecification, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">ZincItemCallback</a> callBack, void *userData, bool add=false)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a47">itemUnbind</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> eventSpecification)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a48">itemTranslate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double dx, double dy)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a49">itemTranslate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double x, double y, bool absolute)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a50">itemRotate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double angle)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a51">itemRotate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double angle, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a52">itemRotate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double angle, bool degree)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a53">itemRotate</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double angle, double x, double y, bool degree)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a54">itemScale</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double ax, double ay)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a55">itemScale</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double ax, double ay, double cx, double cy)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a56">itemSkew</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double sx, double sy)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a57">itemSkewX</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double sx)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a58">itemSkewY</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double sy)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a59">itemResetTransformation</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a60">itemSetTransformation</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a61">itemGetTransformation</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *d, double *e, double *f)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a62">itemMatrix</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a63">itemSetClosed</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a64">itemGetClosed</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a65">itemSetComposealpha</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a66">itemGetComposealpha</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a67">itemSetComposerotation</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a68">itemGetComposerotation</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a69">itemSetComposescale</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a70">itemGetComposescale</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a71">itemSetExtent</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, unsigned int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>unsigned int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a72">itemGetExtent</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a73">itemSetFillcolor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a74">itemGetFillcolor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a75">itemSetFilled</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a76">itemGetFilled</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a77">itemSetFillpattern</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a78">itemGetFillpattern</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a79">itemSetLinecolor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a80">itemGetLinecolor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a81">itemSetLinepattern</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a82">itemGetLinepattern</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a83">itemSetLinestyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a84">itemGetLinestyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a85">itemSetLinewidth</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>double&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a86">itemGetLinewidth</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a87">itemSetPieslice</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a88">itemGetPieslice</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a89">itemSetPriority</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, unsigned int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>unsigned int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a90">itemGetPriority</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a91">itemSetSensitive</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a92">itemGetSensitive</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a93">itemSetStartangle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, unsigned int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>unsigned int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a94">itemGetStartangle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a95">itemSetTile</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a96">itemGetTile</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a97">itemSetVisible</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a98">itemGetVisible</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a99">itemSetCapstyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a100">itemGetCapstyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a101">itemSetFillrule</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a102">itemGetFillrule</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a103">itemSetJoinstyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a104">itemGetJoinstyle</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a105">itemSetRelief</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a106">itemGetRelief</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a107">itemSetSmoothrelief</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a108">itemGetSmoothrelief</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a109">itemSetAlpha</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, unsigned int value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>unsigned int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a110">itemGetAlpha</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a111">itemSetAtomic</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a112">itemGetAtomic</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a113">itemSetClip</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a114">itemGetClip</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a115">itemSetAnchor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a116">itemGetAnchor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a117">itemSetColor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a118">itemGetColor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a119">itemSetConnecteditem</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a120">itemGetConnecteditem</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a121">itemSetConnectionanchor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a122">itemGetConnectionanchor</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a123">itemSetImage</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a124">itemGetImage</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a125">itemSetMask</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a126">itemGetMask</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a127">itemSetAlignment</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a128">itemGetAlignment</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a129">itemSetFont</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a130">itemGetFont</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a131">itemSetOverstriked</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a132">itemGetOverstriked</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a133">itemSetSpacing</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, short value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>short&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a134">itemGetSpacing</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a135">itemSetText</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a136">itemGetText</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a137">itemSetUnderlined</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, bool value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>bool&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a138">itemGetUnderlined</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a139">itemSetWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, unsigned short value)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>unsigned short&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a140">itemGetWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a141">itemSetFirstend</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double a, double b, double c)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a142">itemGetFirstend</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double *a, double *b, double *c)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a143">itemSetLastend</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double a, double b, double c)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a144">itemGetLastend</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double *a, double *b, double *c)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a145">itemSetPosition</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a146">itemGetPosition</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *item, double *x, double *y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a147">createImageFromFile</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a148">createImageFromData</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a149">createBitmapFromFile</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a150">createBitmapFromData</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a151">createBitmapFromName</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a152">createImageFromAGGBuffer</a> (int width, int height, unsigned char *aggBuffer)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a153">createFont</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> family, int size, int bold=-1, int italic=-1, int underline=-1, int overstrike=-1)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a154">getFontAscent</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *font)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a155">getImageWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a156">getImageHeight</a> (<a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *image)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a157">z_command</a> (int count, char *p_msg) throw (ZincException)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Static Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e0">loadZinc</a> (char *argv0) throw (ZincException)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e1">zincMainLoop</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e2">z_tcl_call</a> (int result, char *p_msg) throw (ZincException)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o0">id</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the id of this object </em> <a href="#o0"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">WidgetObjCmd</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o1">objCmd</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the command associated with this object </em> <a href="#o1"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>ClientData&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o2">wi</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the zinc object itself </em> <a href="#o2"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o3">tclCb</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">name of the binding callback </em> <a href="#o3"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o4">znId</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the znCount at creation time </em> <a href="#o4"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o5">window</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the window which contains the widget </em> <a href="#o5"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Static Public Attributes</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s0">znCount</a> = 0</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">count to create unique ids </em> <a href="#s0"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_CmdInfo&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s1">imgCmdInfo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the command associated with image </em> <a href="#s1"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_CmdInfo&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s2">fntCmdInfo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the command associated with font </em> <a href="#s2"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_CmdInfo&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s3">focCmdInfo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the command associated with fous </em> <a href="#s3"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_CmdInfo&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s4">bndCmdInfo</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the command associated with bind </em> <a href="#s4"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s5">pool</a> [<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">ZINC_POOL_COUNT</a>]</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">a pool of tclobj ready to be used </em> <a href="#s5"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s6">p1</a> [<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a>]</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">table of pointeur use for parameters </em> <a href="#s6"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s7">p2</a> [<a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">ZINC_PARAM_COUNT</a>]</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">table of pointeur use for parameters </em> <a href="#s7"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Interp *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s8">interp</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="mdescLeft">&nbsp;</td><td class="mdescRight">the tcl interpreter </em> <a href="#s8"></a><em><br><br></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Friends</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>class&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZinc.html#n0">ZincPath</a></td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="Zinc::Zinc"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Zinc::Zinc </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>renderingMode</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>renderingMode</em>&nbsp;</td><td>ZINC_BACKEND_X11 or ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="Zinc::~Zinc"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Zinc::~<a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public destructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a24" doxytag="Zinc::addTag"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::addTag </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>tag</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Add a tag to an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to add tag to </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>tag</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a tag to add </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a15" doxytag="Zinc::bbox"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::bbox </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>bbox</em>[4]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get the bounding box of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get bbox </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>bbox</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a table where we'll put the bounding box bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a44" doxytag="Zinc::bind"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::bind </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>eventSpecification</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">ZincWidgetCallback</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>callBack</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>void *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>userData</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>add</em> = false</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Bind a function to an event on the zinc widget<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>eventSpecification</em>&nbsp;</td><td>tcl style event specicication </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>callBack</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the function which will be called back </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>userData</em>&nbsp;</td><td>data we will give back to the callback when called </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>add</em>&nbsp;</td><td>false to replace existing bind or true to add </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a17" doxytag="Zinc::chggroup"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::chggroup </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Change the group of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to move </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>new group for the item </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a18" doxytag="Zinc::clone"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::clone </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Clone an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to clone </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the cloned item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a21" doxytag="Zinc::contour"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::contour </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>add</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>contour</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Set the contour of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item on which we set the contour </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>add</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true to add a path, false to remove </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>reference</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the new contour </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the number of contour </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a20" doxytag="Zinc::contour"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::contour </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">itemOperator</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>flag</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>reference</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Set the contour of an item to the one of an other<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item on which we set the contour </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>flag</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the operation to do on the contour </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>reference</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to set contour from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the number of contour </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a19" doxytag="Zinc::contour"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::contour </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get the number of contour of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>number of contour </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a22" doxytag="Zinc::coords"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::coords </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>contour</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>add</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>contourIndex</em> = -1, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>coordIndex</em> = -1</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Set or modify the coordinates of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to modify </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>contour</em>&nbsp;</td><td>new coords for the item </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>add</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true to add coords, false to replace </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>contourIndex</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the contour do modify </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>coordIndex</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the coordinate to modify (WARNING, path must be one point if the is not the default) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a23" doxytag="Zinc::coordsRemove"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::coordsRemove </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>coordIndex</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>contourIndex</em> = -1</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Remove coords of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to modify </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>coordIndex</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the coordinate to rmove </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>contourIndex</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the contour on which we remove </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a150" doxytag="Zinc::createBitmapFromData"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::createBitmapFromData </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a bitmap object base64 data<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the bitmap reference (a base64 String or binary data) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a149" doxytag="Zinc::createBitmapFromFile"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::createBitmapFromFile </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a bitmap object from a file<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the bitmap reference (a file name) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a151" doxytag="Zinc::createBitmapFromName"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::createBitmapFromName </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a bitmap object using a predefined name<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the bitmap reference (a name) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a153" doxytag="Zinc::createFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> * Zinc::createFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>family</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>size</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>bold</em> = -1, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>italic</em> = -1, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>underline</em> = -1, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>overstrike</em> = -1</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a font object<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>family</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the font mamily </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>size</em>&nbsp;</td><td>if a positive number, it is in points, if a negative number, its absolute value is a size in pixels. </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>bold</em>&nbsp;</td><td>1 for a bold font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>italic</em>&nbsp;</td><td>1 an italic font, 0 for a roman font, -1 for unspecified </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>underline</em>&nbsp;</td><td>1 for an underlined, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>overstrike</em>&nbsp;</td><td>1 for an overstriked font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a152" doxytag="Zinc::createImageFromAGGBuffer"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * Zinc::createImageFromAGGBuffer </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>width</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>height</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aggBuffer</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create an image object<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>width</em>&nbsp;</td><td>Width of image </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>height</em>&nbsp;</td><td>Height of image </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>aggBuffer</em>&nbsp;</td><td>An AGG buffer </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a148" doxytag="Zinc::createImageFromData"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * Zinc::createImageFromData </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create an image object using base64 data<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the image reference (a base64 String or binary data) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a147" doxytag="Zinc::createImageFromFile"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * Zinc::createImageFromFile </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create an image object from a file<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the image reference (a file name) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a36" doxytag="Zinc::createTag"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::createTag </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>tag</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a Zinc Tag that can be used in place of any item for zinc functions that must be called using tagOrId<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>tag</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the text of the tag </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>a tag item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a25" doxytag="Zinc::dTag"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::dTag </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>tag</em> = <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>("")</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Remove a tag from an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to remove tag from </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>tag</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a tag to remove (nothing to remove all tags) </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a27" doxytag="Zinc::focus"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::focus </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Set the focus to an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to set the focus to </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a4" doxytag="Zinc::getBackcolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::getBackcolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -backcolor )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>backcolor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a12" doxytag="Zinc::getBorderwidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getBorderwidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -borderwidth )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>borderwidth value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a14" doxytag="Zinc::getFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> * Zinc::getFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -font )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>font value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a154" doxytag="Zinc::getFontAscent"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getFontAscent </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>font</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get font ascent<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>font</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the font </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the font ascent </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a6" doxytag="Zinc::getForecolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::getForecolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -forecolor )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>forecolor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a10" doxytag="Zinc::getHeight"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getHeight </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -height )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>height value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a156" doxytag="Zinc::getImageHeight"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getImageHeight </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get Image height<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ZincImage</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the image to get height from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the height of the image </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a155" doxytag="Zinc::getImageWidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getImageWidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>image</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get Image width<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ZincImage</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the image to get width from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the width of the image </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a26" doxytag="Zinc::getTags"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getTags </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> ***&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>tagList</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-List all tags of an item It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table and strings<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to list tag from </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>lagList</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a pointer to a table of String containing tags </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the number of tags </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a8" doxytag="Zinc::getWidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int Zinc::getWidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;cget ( -width )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>width value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a29" doxytag="Zinc::gname"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::gname </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>gradient</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>gname</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a named gradient<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>gradient</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a gradient </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>gname</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a gradient name </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a30" doxytag="Zinc::group"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::group </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Retreive the group of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get the group from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the group </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a28" doxytag="Zinc::isGname"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::isGname </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>gname</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Tell if the name is a gradient name<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>gname</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a gradient name </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>true if the name is a gradient name, false otherwise </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a46" doxytag="Zinc::itemBind"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemBind </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>eventSpecification</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">ZincItemCallback</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>callBack</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>void *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>userData</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>add</em> = false</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Bind a function to an event on an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item on which to bind </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>eventSpecification</em>&nbsp;</td><td>tcl style event specicication </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>callBack</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the function which will be called back </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>userData</em>&nbsp;</td><td>data we will give back to the callback when called </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>add</em>&nbsp;</td><td>false to replace existing bind or true to add </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a40" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateArc"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateArc </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>width</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>height</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create an arc item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put it </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the arc item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a42" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateCurve"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateCurve </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>path</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a curve item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put it </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>path</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the path to display </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the curve item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a38" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateGroup"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateGroup </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a group item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put the new group, if NULL we create in the defaults group </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the group item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a43" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateIcon"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateIcon </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>image</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create an icon item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put it </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>image</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a zincImage to display </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the icon item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a39" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateRectangle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateRectangle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>width</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>height</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a rectangle item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put it </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the rectangle item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a41" doxytag="Zinc::itemCreateText"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemCreateText </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>parentGroup</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Create a text item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>parentGroup</em>&nbsp;</td><td>group where we'll put it </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the text item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a128" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetAlignment"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a> Zinc::itemGetAlignment </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -alignment ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get alignment from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>alignment value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a110" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetAlpha"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> unsigned int Zinc::itemGetAlpha </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -alpha ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get alpha from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>alpha value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a116" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetAnchor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> Zinc::itemGetAnchor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -anchor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get anchor from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>anchor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a112" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetAtomic"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetAtomic </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -atomic ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get atomic from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>atomic value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a100" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetCapstyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a> Zinc::itemGetCapstyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -capstyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get capstyle from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>capstyle value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a114" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetClip"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemGetClip </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -clip ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get clip from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>clip value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a64" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetClosed"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetClosed </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -closed ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get closed from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>closed value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a118" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetColor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::itemGetColor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -color ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get color from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>color value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a66" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetComposealpha"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetComposealpha </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -composealpha ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get composealpha from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>composealpha value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a68" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetComposerotation"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetComposerotation </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -composerotation ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get composerotation from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>composerotation value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a70" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetComposescale"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetComposescale </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -composescale ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get composescale from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>composescale value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a120" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetConnecteditem"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> * Zinc::itemGetConnecteditem </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -connecteditem ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get connecteditem from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>connecteditem value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a122" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetConnectionanchor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a> Zinc::itemGetConnectionanchor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -connectionanchor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get connectionanchor from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>connectionanchor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a72" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetExtent"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> unsigned int Zinc::itemGetExtent </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -extent ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get extent from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>extent value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a74" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFillcolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::itemGetFillcolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -fillcolor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get fillcolor from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>fillcolor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a76" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFilled"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetFilled </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -filled ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get filled from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>filled value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a78" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFillpattern"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::itemGetFillpattern </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -fillpattern ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get fillpattern from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>fillpattern value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a102" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFillrule"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a> Zinc::itemGetFillrule </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -fillrule ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get fillrule from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>fillrule value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a142" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFirstend"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemGetFirstend </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -firstend )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get firstend from </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c</em>&nbsp;</td><td>values used to sedwhere we'll put end </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a130" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> * Zinc::itemGetFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -font ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get font from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>font value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a124" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetImage"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> * Zinc::itemGetImage </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -image ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get image from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>image value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a104" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetJoinstyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a> Zinc::itemGetJoinstyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -joinstyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get joinstyle from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>joinstyle value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a144" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetLastend"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemGetLastend </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -lastend )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get lastend from </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c</em>&nbsp;</td><td>values used to sedwhere we'll put end </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a80" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetLinecolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::itemGetLinecolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -linecolor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get linecolor from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>linecolor value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a82" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetLinepattern"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::itemGetLinepattern </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -linepattern ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get linepattern from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>linepattern value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a84" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetLinestyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a> Zinc::itemGetLinestyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -linestyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get linestyle from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>linestyle value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a86" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetLinewidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> double Zinc::itemGetLinewidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -linewidth ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get linewidth from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>linewidth value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a126" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetMask"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::itemGetMask </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -mask ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get mask from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>mask value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a132" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetOverstriked"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetOverstriked </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -overstriked ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get overstriked from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>overstriked value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a88" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetPieslice"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetPieslice </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -pieslice ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get pieslice from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>pieslice value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a146" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetPosition"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemGetPosition </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -position )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get position from </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>position </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a90" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetPriority"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> unsigned int Zinc::itemGetPriority </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -priority ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get priority from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>priority value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a106" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetRelief"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a> Zinc::itemGetRelief </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -relief ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get relief from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>relief value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a92" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetSensitive"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetSensitive </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -sensitive ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get sensitive from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>sensitive value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a108" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetSmoothrelief"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetSmoothrelief </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -smoothrelief ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get smoothrelief from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>smoothrelief value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a134" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetSpacing"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> short Zinc::itemGetSpacing </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -spacing ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get spacing from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>spacing value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a94" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetStartangle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> unsigned int Zinc::itemGetStartangle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -startangle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get startangle from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>startangle value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a136" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetText"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> Zinc::itemGetText </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -text ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get text from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>text value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a96" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetTile"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> * Zinc::itemGetTile </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -tile ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get tile from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>tile value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a61" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetTransformation"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemGetTransformation </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>d</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>e</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>f</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get current transform matrix<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c,d,e,f</em>&nbsp;</td><td>places where we'll put the transform matrix </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a138" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetUnderlined"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetUnderlined </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -underlined ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get underlined from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>underlined value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a98" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetVisible"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> bool Zinc::itemGetVisible </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -visible ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get visible from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>visible value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a140" doxytag="Zinc::itemGetWidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> unsigned short Zinc::itemGetWidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemcget ( -width ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get width from </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>width value </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a62" doxytag="Zinc::itemMatrix"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemMatrix </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>d</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>e</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>f</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Multiply current transform by a matrix<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c,d,e,f</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the new transform matrix </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a37" doxytag="Zinc::itemRemove"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemRemove </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Suppress an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to suppress </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a59" doxytag="Zinc::itemResetTransformation"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemResetTransformation </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Reset all transformations associated with the item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a53" doxytag="Zinc::itemRotate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemRotate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>angle</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>degree</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Rotate an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>angle</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the angle to rotate in radian </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y the center of the rotation </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>degree</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a52" doxytag="Zinc::itemRotate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemRotate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>angle</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>degree</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Rotate an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>angle</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the angle to rotate </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>degree</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a51" doxytag="Zinc::itemRotate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemRotate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>angle</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Rotate an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>angle</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the angle to rotate in radian </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y the center of the rotation </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a50" doxytag="Zinc::itemRotate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemRotate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>angle</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Rotate an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>angle</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the angle to rotate in radian </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a55" doxytag="Zinc::itemScale"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemScale </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ax</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ay</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Scale an item using a specified center<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ax</em>&nbsp;</td><td>horizontal scale </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ay</em>&nbsp;</td><td>vertical scale </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx</em>&nbsp;</td><td>cy center of the scale </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a54" doxytag="Zinc::itemScale"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemScale </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ax</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ay</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Scale an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ax</em>&nbsp;</td><td>horizontal scale </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ay</em>&nbsp;</td><td>vertical scale </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a127" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetAlignment"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetAlignment </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">alignment</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -alignment ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the alignment to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a109" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetAlpha"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetAlpha </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -alpha ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the alpha to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a115" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetAnchor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetAnchor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -anchor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the anchor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a111" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetAtomic"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetAtomic </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -atomic ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the atomic to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a99" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetCapstyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetCapstyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">capStyle</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -capstyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the capstyle to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a113" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetClip"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetClip </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -clip ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the clip to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a63" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetClosed"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetClosed </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -closed ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the closed to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a117" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetColor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetColor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -color ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the color to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a65" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetComposealpha"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetComposealpha </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -composealpha ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the composealpha to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a67" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetComposerotation"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetComposerotation </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -composerotation ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the composerotation to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a69" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetComposescale"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetComposescale </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -composescale ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the composescale to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a119" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetConnecteditem"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetConnecteditem </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -connecteditem ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the connecteditem to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a121" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetConnectionanchor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetConnectionanchor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">anchor</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -connectionanchor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the connectionanchor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a71" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetExtent"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetExtent </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -extent ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the extent to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a73" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFillcolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFillcolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -fillcolor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the fillcolor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a75" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFilled"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFilled </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -filled ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the filled to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a77" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFillpattern"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFillpattern </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -fillpattern ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the fillpattern to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a101" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFillrule"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFillrule </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">fillRule</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -fillrule ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the fillrule to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a141" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFirstend"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFirstend </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -firstend )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to set firstend to </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c</em>&nbsp;</td><td>values used to set end </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a129" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -font ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the font to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a123" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetImage"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetImage </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -image ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the image to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a103" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetJoinstyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetJoinstyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">joinStyle</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -joinstyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the joinstyle to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a143" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetLastend"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetLastend </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -lastend )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to set lastend to </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c</em>&nbsp;</td><td>values used to set end </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a79" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetLinecolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetLinecolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -linecolor ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the linecolor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a81" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetLinepattern"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetLinepattern </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -linepattern ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the linepattern to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a83" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetLinestyle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetLinestyle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">lineStyle</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -linestyle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the linestyle to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a85" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetLinewidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetLinewidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -linewidth ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the linewidth to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a125" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetMask"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetMask </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -mask ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the mask to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a131" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetOverstriked"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetOverstriked </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -overstriked ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the overstriked to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a87" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetPieslice"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetPieslice </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -pieslice ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the pieslice to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a145" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetPosition"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetPosition </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -position )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get width fromset position to </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>position </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a89" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetPriority"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetPriority </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -priority ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the priority to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a105" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetRelief"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetRelief </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">relief</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -relief ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the relief to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a91" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetSensitive"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetSensitive </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -sensitive ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the sensitive to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a107" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetSmoothrelief"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetSmoothrelief </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -smoothrelief ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the smoothrelief to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a133" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetSpacing"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetSpacing </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>short&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -spacing ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the spacing to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a93" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetStartangle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetStartangle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -startangle ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the startangle to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a135" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetText"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetText </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -text ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the text to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a95" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetTile"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetTile </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -tile ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the tile to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a60" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetTransformation"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetTransformation </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>a</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>b</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>c</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>d</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>e</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>f</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Replace current transform by a matrix<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>a,b,c,d,e,f</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the new transform matrix </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a137" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetUnderlined"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetUnderlined </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -underlined ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the underlined to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a97" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetVisible"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetVisible </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -visible ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the visible to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a139" doxytag="Zinc::itemSetWidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSetWidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>unsigned short&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>value</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;itemconfigure ( -width ) <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to configure </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the width to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a56" doxytag="Zinc::itemSkew"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSkew </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>sx</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>sy</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Skew an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>sx</em>&nbsp;</td><td>horizontal skew </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>sy</em>&nbsp;</td><td>vertical skew </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a57" doxytag="Zinc::itemSkewX"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSkewX </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>sx</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Skew an item horizontaly<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>sx</em>&nbsp;</td><td>horizontal skew </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a58" doxytag="Zinc::itemSkewY"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemSkewY </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>sy</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Skew an item verticaly<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>sy</em>&nbsp;</td><td>vertical skew </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a49" doxytag="Zinc::itemTranslate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemTranslate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>absolute</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Translate the item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y translation vector </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>absolute</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true if the translation is absolute </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a48" doxytag="Zinc::itemTranslate"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemTranslate </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>dx</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>dy</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Translate the item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to which we apply the transform </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>dx</em>&nbsp;</td><td>dy translation vector </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a47" doxytag="Zinc::itemUnbind"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::itemUnbind </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>eventSpecification</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Annulate a binding<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item on which to unbind </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>eventSpecification</em>&nbsp;</td><td>tcl style event specicication </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="e0" doxytag="Zinc::loadZinc"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::loadZinc </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>argv0</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap> throw (<a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>)<code> [static]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Loads the zinc library and initialize tcl and tk<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>argv0</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the name of the execytable as passed in argv[0] </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a32" doxytag="Zinc::lower"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::lower </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>belowThis</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Reorder items to lower one<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to lower </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>belowThis</em>&nbsp;</td><td>and item that will be over item </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a31" doxytag="Zinc::lower"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::lower </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Reorder items to lower one<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to lower </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a34" doxytag="Zinc::raise"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::raise </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aboveThis</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Reorder items to raise one<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to raise </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>aboveThis</em>&nbsp;</td><td>an item that will be under item </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a33" doxytag="Zinc::raise"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::raise </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Reorder items to raise one<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to raise </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a16" doxytag="Zinc::relativeBbox"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::relativeBbox </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>item</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>bbox</em>[4]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Get the bounding box of an item in its parent group<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the item to get bbox in its parent group </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>bbox</em>&nbsp;</td><td>a table where we'll put the bounding box bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="Zinc::setBackcolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setBackcolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -backcolor )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the backcolor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a11" doxytag="Zinc::setBorderwidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setBorderwidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -borderwidth )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the borderwidth to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a13" doxytag="Zinc::setFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -font )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the font to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a5" doxytag="Zinc::setForecolor"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setForecolor </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -forecolor )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the forecolor to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a9" doxytag="Zinc::setHeight"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setHeight </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -height )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the height to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="Zinc::setTitle"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setTitle </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>title</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Change window title<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>title</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the title string </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a7" doxytag="Zinc::setWidth"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::setWidth </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>value</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Call zinc-&gt;configure ( -width )<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>value</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the width to set </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a35" doxytag="Zinc::type"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">itemType</a> Zinc::type </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>item</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Return the type of an item<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>item</em>&nbsp;</td><td>an item </td></tr>
- </table>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the type of the item </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a45" doxytag="Zinc::unbind"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::unbind </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>eventSpecification</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Annulate a binding<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>eventSpecification</em>&nbsp;</td><td>tcl style event specicication </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a157" doxytag="Zinc::z_command"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::z_command </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>count</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>p_msg</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"> throw (<a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>)</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-This is a inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized Use this to call the zinObjectCommand fuction. The call is made using the pre allocated table p1, it must contain Tcl_Obj thar are parameters to the zinObjectCommand function. A parameter indicate how many parameters are passed to the zinObjectCommand function.<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>count</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the number of parameters in p1 </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>msg</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the error message to throw in case of error </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="e2" doxytag="Zinc::z_tcl_call"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::z_tcl_call </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>result</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>p_msg</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"> throw (<a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>)<code> [static]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-This is inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized Use this when you need to call a function that can return a TCL error code.<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>fct</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the full function call </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>msg</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the error message to throw in case of error </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="e1" doxytag="Zinc::zincMainLoop"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void Zinc::zincMainLoop </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [static]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Run tk mainloop and returns when there is no more Tk window </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Friends And Related Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="n0" doxytag="Zinc::ZincPath"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> friend class <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a><code> [friend]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2>
-<a name="s4" doxytag="Zinc::bndCmdInfo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s4">Zinc::bndCmdInfo</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the command associated with bind
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s2" doxytag="Zinc::fntCmdInfo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s2">Zinc::fntCmdInfo</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the command associated with font
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s3" doxytag="Zinc::focCmdInfo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s3">Zinc::focCmdInfo</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the command associated with fous
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o0" doxytag="Zinc::id"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o0">Zinc::id</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the id of this object
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s1" doxytag="Zinc::imgCmdInfo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_CmdInfo <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s1">Zinc::imgCmdInfo</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the command associated with image
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s8" doxytag="Zinc::interp"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Interp * <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s8">Zinc::interp</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the tcl interpreter
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o1" doxytag="Zinc::objCmd"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">WidgetObjCmd</a> <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o1">Zinc::objCmd</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the command associated with this object
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s6" doxytag="Zinc::p1"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj * <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s6">Zinc::p1</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-table of pointeur use for parameters
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s7" doxytag="Zinc::p2"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj * <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s7">Zinc::p2</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-table of pointeur use for parameters
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s5" doxytag="Zinc::pool"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj * <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s5">Zinc::pool</a><code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-a pool of tclobj ready to be used
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o3" doxytag="Zinc::tclCb"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o3">Zinc::tclCb</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-name of the binding callback
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o2" doxytag="Zinc::wi"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ClientData <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o2">Zinc::wi</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the zinc object itself
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o5" doxytag="Zinc::window"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o5">Zinc::window</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the window which contains the widget
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="s0" doxytag="Zinc::znCount"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s0">Zinc::znCount</a> = 0<code> [static]</code>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-count to create unique ids
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o4" doxytag="Zinc::znId"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o4">Zinc::znId</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-the znCount at creation time
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">Zinc.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
diff --git a/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincBitmap-members.html b/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincBitmap-members.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1429f1a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
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-<title>IntuiKit: Member List</title>
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-<h1>ZincBitmap Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">object</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a1">ZincBitmap</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a2">ZincBitmap</a>(String name)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [protected]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a3">~ZincBitmap</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">~ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
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-<title>IntuiKit: ZincBitmap class Reference</title>
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-<h1>ZincBitmap Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<p>Inheritance diagram for ZincBitmap:
-<p><center><img src="classZincBitmap.png" usemap="#ZincBitmap_map" border="0" alt=""></center>
-<map name="ZincBitmap_map">
-<area href="classZincItem.html" alt="ZincItem" shape="rect" coords="0,0,75,24">
-<a href="classZincBitmap-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a0">ZincBitmap</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a1">ZincBitmap</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a2">ZincBitmap</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> name)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a3">~ZincBitmap</a> ()</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>obj</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>obj</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the object we want to store </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>obj</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>internal</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>obj</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the object we want to store </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>name</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>name</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the name of a predefined bitmap </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="ZincBitmap::~ZincBitmap"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincBitmap::~<a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [virtual]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public destructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
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Binary files differ
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-<h1>ZincException Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a3">what</a>() const</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a0">ZincException</a>(String msg, char *file, int lineNo)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a1">ZincException</a>(const ZincException &amp;exception)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a2">~ZincException</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
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-<h1>ZincException Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<a href="classZincException-members.html">List of all members.</a><hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-Exceptions that are throwed by zinclib
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a0">ZincException</a> (<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> msg, char *file, int lineNo)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a1">ZincException</a> (const <a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> &amp;exception)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a2">~ZincException</a> () throw ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>const char *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a3">what</a> () const throw ()</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincException::ZincException"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincException::ZincException </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>msg</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>file</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>int&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>lineNo</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-A public constructor with a String parameter<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>msg</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the error message </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincException::ZincException"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincException::ZincException </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">const <a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> &amp;&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>exception</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Copy constructor<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>exception</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the original exception </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincException::~ZincException"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincException::~<a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap> throw ()<code> [virtual]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Public destructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="ZincException::what"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> const char * ZincException::what </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap> const throw ()</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Retreive the exception message<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>the message </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
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deleted file mode 100644
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-<h1>ZincFont Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#o0">name</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a>(const char *font)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a></td><td></td></tr>
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-<h1>ZincFont Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<a href="classZincFont-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a> (const char *font)</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#o0">name</a></td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincFont::ZincFont"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincFont::ZincFont </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">const char *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>font</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2>
-<a name="o0" doxytag="ZincFont::name"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#o0">ZincFont::name</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></ul>
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-<h1>ZincImage Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">object</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a0">ZincImage</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a1">ZincImage</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [protected]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a2">~ZincImage</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">~ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
-</table><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-<h1>ZincImage Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<p>Inheritance diagram for ZincImage:
-<p><center><img src="classZincImage.png" usemap="#ZincImage_map" border="0" alt=""></center>
-<map name="ZincImage_map">
-<area href="classZincItem.html" alt="ZincItem" shape="rect" coords="0,0,71,24">
-<a href="classZincImage-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a0">ZincImage</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a1">ZincImage</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a2">~ZincImage</a> ()</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincImage::ZincImage"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincImage::ZincImage </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>obj</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>obj</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the object we want to store </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincImage::ZincImage"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincImage::ZincImage </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>obj</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>internal</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>obj</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the object we want to store </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincImage::~ZincImage"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincImage::~<a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [virtual]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public destructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincImage.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2d7f2..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincItem-members.html
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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-<title>IntuiKit: Member List</title>
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-<h1>ZincItem Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">object</a></td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [protected]</code></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a>(Tcl_Obj *obj)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">~ZincItem</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a></td><td><code> [virtual]</code></td></tr>
-</table><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
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-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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-<title>IntuiKit: ZincItem class Reference</title>
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-<h1>ZincItem Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<p>Inheritance diagram for ZincItem:
-<p><center><img src="classZincItem.png" usemap="#ZincItem_map" border="0" alt=""></center>
-<map name="ZincItem_map">
-<area href="classZincBitmap.html" alt="ZincBitmap" shape="rect" coords="0,56,75,80">
-<area href="classZincImage.html" alt="ZincImage" shape="rect" coords="85,56,160,80">
-<a href="classZincItem-members.html">List of all members.</a><hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-<a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a> zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we defines classes that are items in zinc<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt; David Thevenin &lt;<a href="mailto:thevenin@intuilab.com">thevenin@intuilab.com</a>&gt;
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a> (Tcl_Obj *obj)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">~ZincItem</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">object</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Protected Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#b0">ZincItem</a> ()</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="b0" doxytag="ZincItem::ZincItem"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincItem::ZincItem </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [protected]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The protected default constructor </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincItem::ZincItem"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincItem::ZincItem </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>obj</em> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>obj</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the object we want to store </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincItem::~ZincItem"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincItem::~<a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap><code> [virtual]</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public destructor </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2>
-<a name="o0" doxytag="ZincItem::object"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj* <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">ZincItem::object</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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deleted file mode 100644
index deb7fd5..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincPath-members.html b/zinclib.d/doc/html/classZincPath-members.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebc713..0000000
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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-<title>IntuiKit: Member List</title>
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-<h1>ZincPath Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a7">arcTo</a>(double rx, double ry, double xAxisRotation, bool largeArc, bool sweepFlag, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a2">close</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a5">cubicBezierTo</a>(double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a4">curveTo</a>(double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a8">getTable</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a3">lineTo</a>(double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a6">quadraticBezierTo</a>(double cx, double cy, double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a>(double x, double y)</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a1">~ZincPath</a>()</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a></td><td></td></tr>
-</table><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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-<h1>ZincPath Class Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincPath_8hpp-source.html">ZincPath.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<a href="classZincPath-members.html">List of all members.</a><hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
-Path.hpp zinclib<p>
-This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France. See at the end of the file for the complete copyright notice<p>
-Here we defines The ZincPath object<p>
-Contributors: Benoit Peccatte &lt;<a href="mailto:peccatte@intuilab.com">peccatte@intuilab.com</a>&gt;
-<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a> (double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a1">~ZincPath</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a2">close</a> ()</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a3">lineTo</a> (double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a4">curveTo</a> (double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a5">cubicBezierTo</a> (double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a6">quadraticBezierTo</a> (double cx, double cy, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>void&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a7">arcTo</a> (double rx, double ry, double xAxisRotation, bool largeArc, bool sweepFlag, double x, double y)</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>Tcl_Obj *&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a8">getTable</a> ()</td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Constructor &amp; Destructor Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a0" doxytag="ZincPath::ZincPath"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincPath::ZincPath </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public constructor<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>the initial point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a1" doxytag="ZincPath::~ZincPath"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> ZincPath::~<a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-The public destructor<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Warning:</b></dt><dd>Do not destroy a ZincPath if <a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a> is not loaded </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
-<a name="a7" doxytag="ZincPath::arcTo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::arcTo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>rx</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ry</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>xAxisRotation</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>largeArc</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>bool&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>sweepFlag</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Draw an arc from current point to x,y<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>rx</em>&nbsp;</td><td>x-radius of ellipse </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>ry</em>&nbsp;</td><td>y-radius of ellipse </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>xAxisRotation</em>&nbsp;</td><td>rotation of ellipse </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>largeArc</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true if the large part of the ellipse </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>sweepFlag</em>&nbsp;</td><td>true for a positive angle direction for the drawing </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>destination point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a2" doxytag="ZincPath::close"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::close </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Close current path </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a5" doxytag="ZincPath::cubicBezierTo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::cubicBezierTo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx1</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy1</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx2</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy2</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx1,cy1</em>&nbsp;</td><td>first control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx2,cy2</em>&nbsp;</td><td>second control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>destination point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a4" doxytag="ZincPath::curveTo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::curveTo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx1</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy1</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx2</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy2</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points call cubicBezierTo<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx1,cy1</em>&nbsp;</td><td>first control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx2,cy2</em>&nbsp;</td><td>second control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>destination point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a8" doxytag="ZincPath::getTable"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> Tcl_Obj * ZincPath::getTable </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">&nbsp;)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Return a Tcl_Obj* containing a list of coords points It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>a Tcl_Obj* of type list </dd></dl>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a3" doxytag="ZincPath::lineTo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::lineTo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Draw a line from current point to next point<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>next point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="a6" doxytag="ZincPath::quadraticBezierTo"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> void ZincPath::quadraticBezierTo </td>
- <td class="md" valign="top">(&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cx</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cy</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>x</em>, </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md" nowrap>double&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>y</em></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td class="md">)&nbsp;</td>
- <td class="md" colspan="2"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
-Draw a quadratic bezier using specified control and destination point<p>
-<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx1,cy1</em>&nbsp;</td><td>first control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>cx2,cy2</em>&nbsp;</td><td>second control point </td></tr>
- <tr><td valign=top><em>x,y</em>&nbsp;</td><td>destination point </td></tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8hpp-source.html">ZincPath.hpp</a><li><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html">ZincPath.cpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
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-<div class="qindex"><a class="qindex" href="index.html">Main&nbsp;Page</a> | <a class="qindex" href="hierarchy.html">Class&nbsp;Hierarchy</a> | <a class="qindexHL" href="classes.html">Alphabetical&nbsp;List</a> | <a class="qindex" href="annotated.html">Compound&nbsp;List</a> | <a class="qindex" href="files.html">File&nbsp;List</a> | <a class="qindex" href="functions.html">Compound&nbsp;Members</a> | <a class="qindex" href="globals.html">File&nbsp;Members</a></div>
-<h1>IntuiKit Compound Index</h1><table align=center width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><div class="ah">&nbsp;&nbsp;Z&nbsp;&nbsp;</div></td></tr></table>
-</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:44 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
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-<h1>IntuiKit File List</h1>Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:<table>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html">Zinc.cpp</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html">Zinc.hpp</a> <a href="Zinc_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html">ZincExtern.hpp</a> <a href="ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html">ZincInternal.hpp</a> <a href="ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8cpp.html">ZincObjects.cpp</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincObjects_8hpp.html">ZincObjects.hpp</a> <a href="ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html">ZincPath.cpp</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincPath_8hpp.html">ZincPath.hpp</a> <a href="ZincPath_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
- <tr><td class="indexkey"><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a> <a href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">[code]</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
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-<div class="qindex"><a class="qindex" href="#index_a">a</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_b">b</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_c">c</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_d">d</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_f">f</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_g">g</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_i">i</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_k">k</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_l">l</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_n">n</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_o">o</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_p">p</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_q">q</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_r">r</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_s">s</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_t">t</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_u">u</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_w">w</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_x">x</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_y">y</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_z">z</a> | <a class="qindex" href="#index_~">~</a></div>
-Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:<h3><a name="index_a">- a -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a24">Zinc</a><li>arcTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a7">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_b">- b -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a15">Zinc</a><li>bind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a44">Zinc</a><li>bndCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s4">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_c">- c -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a17">Zinc</a><li>clone()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a18">Zinc</a><li>close()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a2">ZincPath</a><li>contour()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a21">Zinc</a><li>coords()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a22">Zinc</a><li>coordsRemove()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a23">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromData()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a150">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromFile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a149">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromName()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a151">Zinc</a><li>createFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a153">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromAGGBuffer()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a152">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromData()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a148">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromFile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a147">Zinc</a><li>createTag()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a36">Zinc</a><li>cubicBezierTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a5">ZincPath</a><li>curveTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a4">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_d">- d -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a25">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_f">- f -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s2">Zinc</a><li>focCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s3">Zinc</a><li>focus()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a27">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_g">- g -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a4">Zinc</a><li>getBorderwidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a12">Zinc</a><li>getFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a14">Zinc</a><li>getFontAscent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a154">Zinc</a><li>getForecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a6">Zinc</a><li>getHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a10">Zinc</a><li>getImageHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a156">Zinc</a><li>getImageWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a155">Zinc</a><li>getTable()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a8">ZincPath</a><li>getTags()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a26">Zinc</a><li>getWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a8">Zinc</a><li>gname()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a29">Zinc</a><li>group()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a30">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_i">- i -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o0">Zinc</a><li>imgCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s1">Zinc</a><li>interp
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s8">Zinc</a><li>isGname()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a28">Zinc</a><li>itemBind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a46">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateArc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a40">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateCurve()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a42">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateGroup()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a38">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateIcon()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a43">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateRectangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a39">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a41">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAlignment()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a128">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAlpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a110">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAnchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a116">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAtomic()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a112">Zinc</a><li>itemGetCapstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a100">Zinc</a><li>itemGetClip()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a114">Zinc</a><li>itemGetClosed()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a64">Zinc</a><li>itemGetColor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a118">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposealpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a66">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposerotation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a68">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposescale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a70">Zinc</a><li>itemGetConnecteditem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a120">Zinc</a><li>itemGetConnectionanchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a122">Zinc</a><li>itemGetExtent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a72">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillcolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a74">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFilled()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a76">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillpattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a78">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillrule()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a102">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFirstend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a142">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a130">Zinc</a><li>itemGetImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a124">Zinc</a><li>itemGetJoinstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a104">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLastend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a144">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a80">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinepattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a82">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinestyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a84">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinewidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a86">Zinc</a><li>itemGetMask()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a126">Zinc</a><li>itemGetOverstriked()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a132">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPieslice()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a88">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPosition()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a146">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPriority()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a90">Zinc</a><li>itemGetRelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a106">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSensitive()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a92">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSmoothrelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a108">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSpacing()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a134">Zinc</a><li>itemGetStartangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a94">Zinc</a><li>itemGetText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a136">Zinc</a><li>itemGetTile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a96">Zinc</a><li>itemGetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a61">Zinc</a><li>itemGetUnderlined()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a138">Zinc</a><li>itemGetVisible()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a98">Zinc</a><li>itemGetWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a140">Zinc</a><li>itemMatrix()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a62">Zinc</a><li>itemRemove()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a37">Zinc</a><li>itemResetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a59">Zinc</a><li>itemRotate()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a53">Zinc</a><li>itemScale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a55">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAlignment()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a127">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAlpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a109">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAnchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a115">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAtomic()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a111">Zinc</a><li>itemSetCapstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a99">Zinc</a><li>itemSetClip()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a113">Zinc</a><li>itemSetClosed()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a63">Zinc</a><li>itemSetColor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a117">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposealpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a65">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposerotation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a67">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposescale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a69">Zinc</a><li>itemSetConnecteditem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a119">Zinc</a><li>itemSetConnectionanchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a121">Zinc</a><li>itemSetExtent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a71">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillcolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a73">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFilled()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a75">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillpattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a77">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillrule()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a101">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFirstend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a141">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a129">Zinc</a><li>itemSetImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a123">Zinc</a><li>itemSetJoinstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a103">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLastend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a143">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a79">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinepattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a81">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinestyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a83">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinewidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a85">Zinc</a><li>itemSetMask()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a125">Zinc</a><li>itemSetOverstriked()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a131">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPieslice()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a87">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPosition()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a145">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPriority()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a89">Zinc</a><li>itemSetRelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a105">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSensitive()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a91">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSmoothrelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a107">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSpacing()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a133">Zinc</a><li>itemSetStartangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a93">Zinc</a><li>itemSetText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a135">Zinc</a><li>itemSetTile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a95">Zinc</a><li>itemSetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a60">Zinc</a><li>itemSetUnderlined()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a137">Zinc</a><li>itemSetVisible()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a97">Zinc</a><li>itemSetWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a139">Zinc</a><li>itemSkew()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a56">Zinc</a><li>itemSkewX()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a57">Zinc</a><li>itemSkewY()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a58">Zinc</a><li>itemTranslate()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a49">Zinc</a><li>itemUnbind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a47">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_k">- k -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">ZincEvent</a><li>k
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">ZincEvent</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_l">- l -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a3">ZincPath</a><li>loadZinc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e0">Zinc</a><li>lower()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a32">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_n">- n -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#o0">ZincFont</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_o">- o -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o1">Zinc</a><li>object
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">ZincItem</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_p">- p -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s6">Zinc</a><li>p2
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s7">Zinc</a><li>pool
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s5">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_q">- q -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a6">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_r">- r -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a34">Zinc</a><li>relativeBbox()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a16">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_s">- s -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a3">Zinc</a><li>setBorderwidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a11">Zinc</a><li>setFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a13">Zinc</a><li>setForecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a5">Zinc</a><li>setHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a9">Zinc</a><li>setTitle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a2">Zinc</a><li>setWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a7">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_t">- t -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">ZincEvent</a><li>tclCb
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o3">Zinc</a><li>type()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a35">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_u">- u -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a45">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_w">- w -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a3">ZincException</a><li>wi
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o2">Zinc</a><li>window
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o5">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_x">- x -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">ZincEvent</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_y">- y -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">ZincEvent</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_z">- z -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a157">Zinc</a><li>z_tcl_call()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e2">Zinc</a><li>Zinc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a0">Zinc</a><li>ZincBitmap()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a2">ZincBitmap</a><li>ZincException()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a1">ZincException</a><li>ZincFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a><li>ZincImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a1">ZincImage</a><li>ZincItem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a><li>zincMainLoop()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e1">Zinc</a><li>ZincPath
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a>, <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#n0">Zinc</a><li>znCount
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s0">Zinc</a><li>znId
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o4">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_~">- ~ -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a1">Zinc</a><li>~ZincBitmap()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a3">ZincBitmap</a><li>~ZincException()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a2">ZincException</a><li>~ZincImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a2">ZincImage</a><li>~ZincItem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">ZincItem</a><li>~ZincPath()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a1">ZincPath</a></ul>
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-<h3><a name="index_a">- a -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a24">Zinc</a><li>arcTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a7">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_b">- b -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a15">Zinc</a><li>bind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a44">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_c">- c -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a17">Zinc</a><li>clone()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a18">Zinc</a><li>close()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a2">ZincPath</a><li>contour()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a21">Zinc</a><li>coords()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a22">Zinc</a><li>coordsRemove()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a23">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromData()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a150">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromFile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a149">Zinc</a><li>createBitmapFromName()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a151">Zinc</a><li>createFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a153">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromAGGBuffer()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a152">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromData()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a148">Zinc</a><li>createImageFromFile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a147">Zinc</a><li>createTag()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a36">Zinc</a><li>cubicBezierTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a5">ZincPath</a><li>curveTo()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a4">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_d">- d -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a25">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_f">- f -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a27">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_g">- g -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a4">Zinc</a><li>getBorderwidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a12">Zinc</a><li>getFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a14">Zinc</a><li>getFontAscent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a154">Zinc</a><li>getForecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a6">Zinc</a><li>getHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a10">Zinc</a><li>getImageHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a156">Zinc</a><li>getImageWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a155">Zinc</a><li>getTable()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a8">ZincPath</a><li>getTags()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a26">Zinc</a><li>getWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a8">Zinc</a><li>gname()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a29">Zinc</a><li>group()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a30">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_i">- i -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a28">Zinc</a><li>itemBind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a46">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateArc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a40">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateCurve()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a42">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateGroup()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a38">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateIcon()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a43">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateRectangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a39">Zinc</a><li>itemCreateText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a41">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAlignment()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a128">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAlpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a110">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAnchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a116">Zinc</a><li>itemGetAtomic()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a112">Zinc</a><li>itemGetCapstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a100">Zinc</a><li>itemGetClip()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a114">Zinc</a><li>itemGetClosed()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a64">Zinc</a><li>itemGetColor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a118">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposealpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a66">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposerotation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a68">Zinc</a><li>itemGetComposescale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a70">Zinc</a><li>itemGetConnecteditem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a120">Zinc</a><li>itemGetConnectionanchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a122">Zinc</a><li>itemGetExtent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a72">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillcolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a74">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFilled()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a76">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillpattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a78">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFillrule()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a102">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFirstend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a142">Zinc</a><li>itemGetFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a130">Zinc</a><li>itemGetImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a124">Zinc</a><li>itemGetJoinstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a104">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLastend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a144">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a80">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinepattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a82">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinestyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a84">Zinc</a><li>itemGetLinewidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a86">Zinc</a><li>itemGetMask()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a126">Zinc</a><li>itemGetOverstriked()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a132">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPieslice()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a88">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPosition()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a146">Zinc</a><li>itemGetPriority()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a90">Zinc</a><li>itemGetRelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a106">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSensitive()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a92">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSmoothrelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a108">Zinc</a><li>itemGetSpacing()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a134">Zinc</a><li>itemGetStartangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a94">Zinc</a><li>itemGetText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a136">Zinc</a><li>itemGetTile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a96">Zinc</a><li>itemGetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a61">Zinc</a><li>itemGetUnderlined()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a138">Zinc</a><li>itemGetVisible()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a98">Zinc</a><li>itemGetWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a140">Zinc</a><li>itemMatrix()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a62">Zinc</a><li>itemRemove()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a37">Zinc</a><li>itemResetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a59">Zinc</a><li>itemRotate()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a53">Zinc</a><li>itemScale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a55">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAlignment()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a127">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAlpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a109">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAnchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a115">Zinc</a><li>itemSetAtomic()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a111">Zinc</a><li>itemSetCapstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a99">Zinc</a><li>itemSetClip()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a113">Zinc</a><li>itemSetClosed()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a63">Zinc</a><li>itemSetColor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a117">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposealpha()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a65">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposerotation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a67">Zinc</a><li>itemSetComposescale()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a69">Zinc</a><li>itemSetConnecteditem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a119">Zinc</a><li>itemSetConnectionanchor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a121">Zinc</a><li>itemSetExtent()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a71">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillcolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a73">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFilled()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a75">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillpattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a77">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFillrule()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a101">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFirstend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a141">Zinc</a><li>itemSetFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a129">Zinc</a><li>itemSetImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a123">Zinc</a><li>itemSetJoinstyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a103">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLastend()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a143">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a79">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinepattern()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a81">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinestyle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a83">Zinc</a><li>itemSetLinewidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a85">Zinc</a><li>itemSetMask()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a125">Zinc</a><li>itemSetOverstriked()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a131">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPieslice()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a87">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPosition()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a145">Zinc</a><li>itemSetPriority()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a89">Zinc</a><li>itemSetRelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a105">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSensitive()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a91">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSmoothrelief()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a107">Zinc</a><li>itemSetSpacing()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a133">Zinc</a><li>itemSetStartangle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a93">Zinc</a><li>itemSetText()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a135">Zinc</a><li>itemSetTile()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a95">Zinc</a><li>itemSetTransformation()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a60">Zinc</a><li>itemSetUnderlined()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a137">Zinc</a><li>itemSetVisible()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a97">Zinc</a><li>itemSetWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a139">Zinc</a><li>itemSkew()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a56">Zinc</a><li>itemSkewX()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a57">Zinc</a><li>itemSkewY()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a58">Zinc</a><li>itemTranslate()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a49">Zinc</a><li>itemUnbind()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a47">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_l">- l -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a3">ZincPath</a><li>loadZinc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e0">Zinc</a><li>lower()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a32">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_q">- q -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a6">ZincPath</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_r">- r -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a34">Zinc</a><li>relativeBbox()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a16">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_s">- s -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a3">Zinc</a><li>setBorderwidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a11">Zinc</a><li>setFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a13">Zinc</a><li>setForecolor()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a5">Zinc</a><li>setHeight()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a9">Zinc</a><li>setTitle()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a2">Zinc</a><li>setWidth()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a7">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_t">- t -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a35">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_u">- u -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a45">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_w">- w -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a3">ZincException</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_z">- z -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a157">Zinc</a><li>z_tcl_call()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e2">Zinc</a><li>Zinc()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a0">Zinc</a><li>ZincBitmap()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a2">ZincBitmap</a><li>ZincException()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a1">ZincException</a><li>ZincFont()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#a0">ZincFont</a><li>ZincImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a1">ZincImage</a><li>ZincItem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a0">ZincItem</a><li>zincMainLoop()
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#e1">Zinc</a><li>ZincPath()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a>, <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#n0">Zinc</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_~">- ~ -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#a1">Zinc</a><li>~ZincBitmap()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html#a3">ZincBitmap</a><li>~ZincException()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincException.html#a2">ZincException</a><li>~ZincImage()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincImage.html#a2">ZincImage</a><li>~ZincItem()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#a1">ZincItem</a><li>~ZincPath()
-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a1">ZincPath</a></ul>
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-: <a class="el" href="classZincPath.html#a0">ZincPath</a>, <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#n0">Zinc</a></ul>
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-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s4">Zinc</a><li>fntCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s2">Zinc</a><li>focCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s3">Zinc</a><li>id
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o0">Zinc</a><li>imgCmdInfo
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s1">Zinc</a><li>interp
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s8">Zinc</a><li>K
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">ZincEvent</a><li>k
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">ZincEvent</a><li>name
-: <a class="el" href="classZincFont.html#o0">ZincFont</a><li>objCmd
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o1">Zinc</a><li>object
-: <a class="el" href="classZincItem.html#o0">ZincItem</a><li>p1
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s6">Zinc</a><li>p2
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s7">Zinc</a><li>pool
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s5">Zinc</a><li>t
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">ZincEvent</a><li>tclCb
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o3">Zinc</a><li>wi
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#o2">Zinc</a><li>window
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-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">ZincEvent</a><li>y
-: <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">ZincEvent</a><li>znCount
-: <a class="el" href="classZinc.html#s0">Zinc</a><li>znId
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-Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:<h3><a name="index_a">- a -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignment_center
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a33">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignment_left
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a31">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignment_right
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a32">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignments
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a16">Zinc.cpp</a><li>alignmentsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a15">Zinc.cpp</a><li>anchor
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_center
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a42">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_e
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a37">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_n
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a35">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_ne
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a36">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_nw
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a34">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_s
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a39">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_se
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a38">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_sw
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a40">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_w
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a41">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchors
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a18">Zinc.cpp</a><li>anchorsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a17">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_c">- c -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyle_butt
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a9">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyle_projecting
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a10">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyle_round
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a11">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a8">Zinc.cpp</a><li>capStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a7">Zinc.cpp</a><li>convertRatio
-: <a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a0">ZincPath.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_d">- d -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">Zinc.hpp</a><li>DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">Zinc.cpp</a><li>dtos()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a14">ZincInternal.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_e">- e -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a0">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_f">- f -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_abs_geq_2
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a16">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_negative
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a15">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_nonzero
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a13">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_odd
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a12">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_positive
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a14">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRules
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a10">Zinc.cpp</a><li>fillRulesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a9">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_i">- i -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a43">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_add_counterclockwise
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a44">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_arc
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a47">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_curve
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a50">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_group
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a46">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_icon
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a51">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_rectangle
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a49">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_remove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a45">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_text
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a48">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ITEMCB_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a2">Zinc.cpp</a><li>itemOperator
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>itemType
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>itemTypeStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a19">Zinc.cpp</a><li>itos()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a12">ZincInternal.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_j">- j -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle_bevel
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a17">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle_miter
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a18">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle_round
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a19">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a12">Zinc.cpp</a><li>joinStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a11">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_l">- l -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_dashed
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a6">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_dotted
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a8">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_mixed
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a7">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_simple
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a5">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a6">Zinc.cpp</a><li>lineStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a5">Zinc.cpp</a><li>ltos()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a13">ZincInternal.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_m">- m -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>modulo()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a1">ZincPath.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_r">- r -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_flat
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a20">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_groove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a24">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_raised
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a21">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_raisedrule
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a29">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_ridge
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a23">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundgroove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a28">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundraised
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a25">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundridge
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a27">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundsunken
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a26">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_sunken
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a22">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_sunkenrule
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a30">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>reliefs
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a14">Zinc.cpp</a><li>reliefsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a13">Zinc.cpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_s">- s -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">ZincTypes.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_t">- t -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a20">Zinc.cpp</a><li>Tkzinc_Init()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a1">ZincExtern.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_w">- w -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a1">Zinc.cpp</a><li>WidgetObjCmd
-: <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">ZincExtern.hpp</a></ul>
-<h3><a name="index_z">- z -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a2">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_CLEANLIST
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a7">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DBL_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a4">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZFCT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a98">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a9">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZITM
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a106">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a10">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZOPT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a69">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a8">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_INT_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a3">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_LST_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a6">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_PARENTGROUP
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a11">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_STR_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a5">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>z_tcl_call2
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a3">Zinc.cpp</a><li>Z_TCLCB
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a1">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ZINC_BACKEND_X11
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ZINC_PARAM_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">Zinc.hpp</a><li>ZINC_POOL_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a0">Zinc.hpp</a><li>ZincItemCallback
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a1">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ZincObjCmd()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a2">ZincExtern.hpp</a><li>ZincWidgetCallback
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a2">ZincTypes.hpp</a></ul>
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-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a0">Zinc.cpp</a><li>ITEMCB_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a2">Zinc.cpp</a><li>MAX_NUM_LENGTH
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a0">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>WIDGETCB_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a1">Zinc.cpp</a><li>Z_BOO_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a2">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_CLEANLIST
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a7">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DBL_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a4">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZFCT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a98">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a9">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZITM
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a106">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a10">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZOPT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a69">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a8">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_INT_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a3">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_LST_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a6">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_PARENTGROUP
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a11">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_STR_POOL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a5">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>z_tcl_call2
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a3">Zinc.cpp</a><li>Z_TCLCB
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>itemOperator
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>itemType
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56">ZincTypes.hpp</a></ul>
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a33">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignment_left
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a31">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>alignment_right
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a57a32">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_center
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a42">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_e
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a37">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_n
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a35">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_ne
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a36">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_nw
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a58a34">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>anchor_s
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a9">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyle_projecting
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a53a10">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>capStyle_round
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a16">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_negative
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a15">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_nonzero
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a13">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_odd
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a54a12">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>fillRule_positive
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-<h3><a name="index_i">- i -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a43">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_add_counterclockwise
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a44">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_arc
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a47">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_curve
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a50">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_group
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a46">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_icon
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a51">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_rectangle
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a60a49">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_remove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a59a45">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>item_text
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-<h3><a name="index_j">- j -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a17">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle_miter
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a55a18">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>joinStyle_round
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-<h3><a name="index_l">- l -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a6">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_dotted
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a8">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_mixed
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a52a7">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>lineStyle_simple
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-<h3><a name="index_r">- r -</a>
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a20">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_groove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a24">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_raised
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a21">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_raisedrule
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a29">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_ridge
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a23">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundgroove
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a28">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundraised
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a25">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundridge
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a27">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_roundsunken
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a26">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_sunken
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a56a22">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>relief_sunkenrule
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a14">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>itos()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a12">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>ltos()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a13">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>modulo()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a1">ZincPath.cpp</a><li>tclCallback()
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a20">Zinc.cpp</a><li>Tkzinc_Init()
-: <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a1">ZincExtern.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZFCT()
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a98">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a9">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZITM()
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a106">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a10">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>Z_DEFINE_ZOPT()
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a69">Zinc.cpp</a>, <a class="el" href="ZincInternal_8hpp.html#a8">ZincInternal.hpp</a><li>ZincObjCmd()
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-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>WidgetObjCmd
-: <a class="el" href="ZincExtern_8hpp.html#a0">ZincExtern.hpp</a><li>ZincItemCallback
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-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a16">Zinc.cpp</a><li>alignmentsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a15">Zinc.cpp</a><li>anchors
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a18">Zinc.cpp</a><li>anchorsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a17">Zinc.cpp</a><li>capStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a8">Zinc.cpp</a><li>capStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a7">Zinc.cpp</a><li>convertRatio
-: <a class="el" href="ZincPath_8cpp.html#a0">ZincPath.cpp</a><li>DEFAULT_GROUP
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a2">Zinc.hpp</a><li>DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a4">Zinc.cpp</a><li>fillRules
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a10">Zinc.cpp</a><li>fillRulesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a9">Zinc.cpp</a><li>itemTypeStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a19">Zinc.cpp</a><li>joinStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a12">Zinc.cpp</a><li>joinStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a11">Zinc.cpp</a><li>lineStyles
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a6">Zinc.cpp</a><li>lineStylesStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a5">Zinc.cpp</a><li>reliefs
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a14">Zinc.cpp</a><li>reliefsStrings
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8cpp.html#a13">Zinc.cpp</a><li>ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a4">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ZINC_BACKEND_X11
-: <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a3">ZincTypes.hpp</a><li>ZINC_PARAM_COUNT
-: <a class="el" href="Zinc_8hpp.html#a1">Zinc.hpp</a><li>ZINC_POOL_COUNT
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-<h1>IntuiKit Class Hierarchy</h1>This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZinc.html">Zinc</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincException.html">ZincException</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincFont.html">ZincFont</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincItem.html">ZincItem</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincBitmap.html">ZincBitmap</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincImage.html">ZincImage</a>
-<li><a class="el" href="classZincPath.html">ZincPath</a>
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-<h1>IntuiKit Documentation</h1>
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-<h1>ZincEvent Member List</h1>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a>, including all inherited members.<table>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">k</a></td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">K</a></td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">t</a></td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">x</a></td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td></td></tr>
- <tr class="memlist"><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">y</a></td><td><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html">ZincEvent</a></td><td></td></tr>
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-<title>IntuiKit: ZincEvent struct Reference</title>
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-<h1>ZincEvent Struct Reference</h1><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a>&gt;</code>
-<a href="structZincEvent-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-<tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">x</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">y</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">k</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top>long&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">t</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">K</a></td></tr>
-<hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2>
-<a name="o4" doxytag="ZincEvent::K"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp.html#a0">String</a> <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o4">ZincEvent::K</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o2" doxytag="ZincEvent::k"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o2">ZincEvent::k</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o3" doxytag="ZincEvent::t"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> long <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o3">ZincEvent::t</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o0" doxytag="ZincEvent::x"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o0">ZincEvent::x</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<a name="o1" doxytag="ZincEvent::y"></a><p>
-<table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="mdRow">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> int <a class="el" href="structZincEvent.html#o1">ZincEvent::y</a>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td>
- &nbsp;
- </td>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<hr>The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:<ul>
-<li><a class="el" href="ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html">ZincTypes.hpp</a></ul>
-<hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Apr 18 17:40:45 2005 for IntuiKit by
-<a href="http://www.doxygen.org/index.html">
-<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 >
-</a>1.3.3 </small></address>
diff --git a/zinclib.d/doxyConfig b/zinclib.d/doxyConfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 90d1b82..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/doxyConfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-# Doxyfile 1.3.3
-# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
-# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project
-# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored
-# The format is:
-# TAG = value [value, ...]
-# For lists items can also be appended using:
-# TAG += value [value, ...]
-# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (" ")
-# General configuration options
-# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words surrounded
-# by quotes) that should identify the project.
-# The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number.
-# This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
-# if some version control system is used.
-# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute)
-# base path where the generated documentation will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered, it will be relative to the location
-# where doxygen was started. If left blank the current directory will be used.
-# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
-# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
-# information to generate all constant output in the proper language.
-# The default language is English, other supported languages are:
-# Brazilian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese-Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
-# Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Japanese-en
-# (Japanese with English messages), Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
-# Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian.
-# This tag can be used to specify the encoding used in the generated output.
-# The encoding is not always determined by the language that is chosen,
-# but also whether or not the output is meant for Windows or non-Windows users.
-# In case there is a difference, setting the USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING tag to YES
-# forces the Windows encoding (this is the default for the Windows binary),
-# whereas setting the tag to NO uses a Unix-style encoding (the default for
-# all platforms other than Windows).
-# If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all entities in
-# documentation are documented, even if no documentation was available.
-# Private class members and static file members will be hidden unless
-# the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set to YES
-# If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a class
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file
-# will be included in the documentation.
-# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs)
-# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation.
-# If set to NO only classes defined in header files are included.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# undocumented members of documented classes, files or namespaces.
-# If set to NO (the default) these members will be included in the
-# various overviews, but no documentation section is generated.
-# This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# undocumented classes that are normally visible in the class hierarchy.
-# If set to NO (the default) these classes will be included in the various
-# overviews. This option has no effect if EXTRACT_ALL is enabled.
-# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide all
-# friend (class|struct|union) declarations.
-# If set to NO (the default) these declarations will be included in the
-# documentation.
-# If the HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS tag is set to YES, Doxygen will hide any
-# documentation blocks found inside the body of a function.
-# If set to NO (the default) these blocks will be appended to the
-# function's detailed documentation block.
-# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in
-# the file and class documentation (similar to JavaDoc).
-# Set to NO to disable this.
-# If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will prepend
-# the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description.
-# Note: if both HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS and BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC are set to NO, the
-# brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
-# If the ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC and REPEAT_BRIEF tags are both set to YES then
-# Doxygen will generate a detailed section even if there is only a brief
-# description.
-# If the INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB tag is set to YES, doxygen will show all inherited
-# members of a class in the documentation of that class as if those members were
-# ordinary class members. Constructors, destructors and assignment operators of
-# the base classes will not be shown.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then Doxygen will prepend the full
-# path before files name in the file list and in the header files. If set
-# to NO the shortest path that makes the file name unique will be used.
-# If the FULL_PATH_NAMES tag is set to YES then the STRIP_FROM_PATH tag
-# can be used to strip a user-defined part of the path. Stripping is
-# only done if one of the specified strings matches the left-hand part of
-# the path. It is allowed to use relative paths in the argument list.
-# The INTERNAL_DOCS tag determines if documentation
-# that is typed after a \internal command is included. If the tag is set
-# to NO (the default) then the documentation will be excluded.
-# Set it to YES to include the internal documentation.
-# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then Doxygen will only generate
-# file names in lower-case letters. If set to YES upper-case letters are also
-# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
-# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
-# users are advised to set this option to NO.
-# If the SHORT_NAMES tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate much shorter
-# (but less readable) file names. This can be useful is your file systems
-# doesn't support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
-# If the HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES tag is set to NO (the default) then Doxygen
-# will show members with their full class and namespace scopes in the
-# documentation. If set to YES the scope will be hidden.
-# If the SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
-# will put a list of the files that are included by a file in the documentation
-# of that file.
-# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then Doxygen
-# will interpret the first line (until the first dot) of a JavaDoc-style
-# comment as the brief description. If set to NO, the JavaDoc
-# comments will behave just like the Qt-style comments (thus requiring an
-# explict @brief command for a brief description.
-# The MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF tag can be set to YES to make Doxygen
-# treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or ///
-# comments) as a brief description. This used to be the default behaviour.
-# The new default is to treat a multi-line C++ comment block as a detailed
-# description. Set this tag to YES if you prefer the old behaviour instead.
-# If the DETAILS_AT_TOP tag is set to YES then Doxygen
-# will output the detailed description near the top, like JavaDoc.
-# If set to NO, the detailed description appears after the member
-# documentation.
-# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then an undocumented
-# member inherits the documentation from any documented member that it
-# reimplements.
-# If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline]
-# is inserted in the documentation for inline members.
-# If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES (the default) then doxygen
-# will sort the (detailed) documentation of file and class members
-# alphabetically by member name. If set to NO the members will appear in
-# declaration order.
-# If member grouping is used in the documentation and the DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC
-# tag is set to YES, then doxygen will reuse the documentation of the first
-# member in the group (if any) for the other members of the group. By default
-# all members of a group must be documented explicitly.
-# The TAB_SIZE tag can be used to set the number of spaces in a tab.
-# Doxygen uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
-# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the todo list. This list is created by putting \todo
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_TESTLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the test list. This list is created by putting \test
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_BUGLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the bug list. This list is created by putting \bug
-# commands in the documentation.
-# The GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
-# disable (NO) the deprecated list. This list is created by putting
-# \deprecated commands in the documentation.
-# This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that acts
-# as commands in the documentation. An alias has the form "name=value".
-# For example adding "sideeffect=\par Side Effects:\n" will allow you to
-# put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the documentation, which
-# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:".
-# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines.
-# The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional
-# documentation sections, marked by \if sectionname ... \endif.
-# The MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES tag determines the maximum number of lines
-# the initial value of a variable or define consists of for it to appear in
-# the documentation. If the initializer consists of more lines than specified
-# here it will be hidden. Use a value of 0 to hide initializers completely.
-# The appearance of the initializer of individual variables and defines in the
-# documentation can be controlled using \showinitializer or \hideinitializer
-# command in the documentation regardless of this setting.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources
-# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C.
-# For instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list
-# of all members will be omitted, etc.
-# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java sources
-# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for Java.
-# For instance, namespaces will be presented as packages, qualified scopes
-# will look different, etc.
-# Set the SHOW_USED_FILES tag to NO to disable the list of files generated
-# at the bottom of the documentation of classes and structs. If set to YES the
-# list will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
-# Set the SUBGROUPING tag to YES (the default) to allow class member groups of
-# the same type (for instance a group of public functions) to be put as a
-# subgroup of that type (e.g. under the Public Functions section). Set it to
-# NO to prevent subgrouping. Alternatively, this can be done per class using
-# the \nosubgrouping command.
-# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
-# The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are generated
-# by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-# The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages that are
-# generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank
-# NO is used.
-# If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate warnings
-# for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will
-# automatically be disabled.
-# If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
-# potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some
-# parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters that
-# don't exist or using markup commands wrongly.
-# The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages that
-# doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, $line, and $text
-# tags, which will be replaced by the file and line number from which the
-# warning originated and the warning text.
-WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
-# The WARN_LOGFILE tag can be used to specify a file to which warning
-# and error messages should be written. If left blank the output is written
-# to stderr.
-# configuration options related to the input files
-# The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain
-# documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or
-# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
-# with spaces.
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
-# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
-# blank the following patterns are tested:
-# *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx *.hpp
-# *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs
-# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to turn specify whether or not subdirectories
-# should be searched for input files as well. Possible values are YES and NO.
-# If left blank NO is used.
-# The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should
-# excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
-# subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag.
-# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used select whether or not files or directories
-# that are symbolic links (a Unix filesystem feature) are excluded from the input.
-# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
-# EXCLUDE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude
-# certain files from those directories.
-# The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
-# directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see
-# the \include command).
-# If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
-# EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
-# and *.h) to filter out the source-files in the directories. If left
-# blank all files are included.
-# If the EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE tag is set to YES then subdirectories will be
-# searched for input files to be used with the \include or \dontinclude
-# commands irrespective of the value of the RECURSIVE tag.
-# Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank NO is used.
-# The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or
-# directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see
-# the \image command).
-# The INPUT_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program that doxygen should
-# invoke to filter for each input file. Doxygen will invoke the filter program
-# by executing (via popen()) the command <filter> <input-file>, where <filter>
-# is the value of the INPUT_FILTER tag, and <input-file> is the name of an
-# input file. Doxygen will then use the output that the filter program writes
-# to standard output.
-# If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
-# INPUT_FILTER) will be used to filter the input files when producing source
-# files to browse (i.e. when SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES).
-# configuration options related to source browsing
-# If the SOURCE_BROWSER tag is set to YES then a list of source files will
-# be generated. Documented entities will be cross-referenced with these sources.
-# Setting the INLINE_SOURCES tag to YES will include the body
-# of functions and classes directly in the documentation.
-# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES (the default) will instruct
-# doxygen to hide any special comment blocks from generated source code
-# fragments. Normal C and C++ comments will always remain visible.
-# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default)
-# then for each documented function all documented
-# functions referencing it will be listed.
-# If the REFERENCES_RELATION tag is set to YES (the default)
-# then for each documented function all documented entities
-# called/used by that function will be listed.
-# If the VERBATIM_HEADERS tag is set to YES (the default) then Doxygen
-# will generate a verbatim copy of the header file for each class for
-# which an include is specified. Set to NO to disable this.
-# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
-# If the ALPHABETICAL_INDEX tag is set to YES, an alphabetical index
-# of all compounds will be generated. Enable this if the project
-# contains a lot of classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
-# If the alphabetical index is enabled (see ALPHABETICAL_INDEX) then
-# the COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns
-# in which this list will be split (can be a number in the range [1..20])
-# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all
-# classes will be put under the same header in the alphabetical index.
-# The IGNORE_PREFIX tag can be used to specify one or more prefixes that
-# should be ignored while generating the index headers.
-# configuration options related to the HTML output
-# If the GENERATE_HTML tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate HTML output.
-# The HTML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the HTML docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `html' will be used as the default path.
-# The HTML_FILE_EXTENSION tag can be used to specify the file extension for
-# each generated HTML page (for example: .htm,.php,.asp). If it is left blank
-# doxygen will generate files with .html extension.
-# The HTML_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML header for
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard header.
-# The HTML_FOOTER tag can be used to specify a personal HTML footer for
-# each generated HTML page. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard footer.
-# The HTML_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify a user-defined cascading
-# style sheet that is used by each HTML page. It can be used to
-# fine-tune the look of the HTML output. If the tag is left blank doxygen
-# will generate a default style sheet
-# If the HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, the members of classes,
-# files or namespaces will be aligned in HTML using tables. If set to
-# NO a bullet list will be used.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, additional index files
-# will be generated that can be used as input for tools like the
-# Microsoft HTML help workshop to generate a compressed HTML help file (.chm)
-# of the generated HTML documentation.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the CHM_FILE tag can
-# be used to specify the file name of the resulting .chm file. You
-# can add a path in front of the file if the result should not be
-# written to the html output dir.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the HHC_LOCATION tag can
-# be used to specify the location (absolute path including file name) of
-# the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty doxygen will try to run
-# the HTML help compiler on the generated index.hhp.
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the GENERATE_CHI flag
-# controls if a separate .chi index file is generated (YES) or that
-# it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
-# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES, the BINARY_TOC flag
-# controls whether a binary table of contents is generated (YES) or a
-# normal table of contents (NO) in the .chm file.
-# The TOC_EXPAND flag can be set to YES to add extra items for group members
-# to the contents of the HTML help documentation and to the tree view.
-# The DISABLE_INDEX tag can be used to turn on/off the condensed index at
-# top of each HTML page. The value NO (the default) enables the index and
-# the value YES disables it.
-# This tag can be used to set the number of enum values (range [1..20])
-# that doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
-# If the GENERATE_TREEVIEW tag is set to YES, a side panel will be
-# generated containing a tree-like index structure (just like the one that
-# is generated for HTML Help). For this to work a browser that supports
-# JavaScript, DHTML, CSS and frames is required (for instance Mozilla 1.0+,
-# Netscape 6.0+, Internet explorer 5.0+, or Konqueror). Windows users are
-# probably better off using the HTML help feature.
-# If the treeview is enabled (see GENERATE_TREEVIEW) then this tag can be
-# used to set the initial width (in pixels) of the frame in which the tree
-# is shown.
-# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
-# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate Latex output.
-# The LATEX_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the LaTeX docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default path.
-# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
-# invoked. If left blank `latex' will be used as the default command name.
-# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to
-# generate index for LaTeX. If left blank `makeindex' will be used as the
-# default command name.
-# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
-# LaTeX documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
-# save some trees in general.
-# The PAPER_TYPE tag can be used to set the paper type that is used
-# by the printer. Possible values are: a4, a4wide, letter, legal and
-# executive. If left blank a4wide will be used.
-PAPER_TYPE = a4wide
-# The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX
-# packages that should be included in the LaTeX output.
-# The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for
-# the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until
-# the first chapter. If it is left blank doxygen will generate a
-# standard header. Notice: only use this tag if you know what you are doing!
-# If the PDF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the LaTeX that is generated
-# is prepared for conversion to pdf (using ps2pdf). The pdf file will
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using a pdf viewer.
-# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, pdflatex will be used instead of
-# plain latex in the generated Makefile. Set this option to YES to get a
-# higher quality PDF documentation.
-# If the LATEX_BATCHMODE tag is set to YES, doxygen will add the \\batchmode.
-# command to the generated LaTeX files. This will instruct LaTeX to keep
-# running if errors occur, instead of asking the user for help.
-# This option is also used when generating formulas in HTML.
-# If LATEX_HIDE_INDICES is set to YES then doxygen will not
-# include the index chapters (such as File Index, Compound Index, etc.)
-# in the output.
-# configuration options related to the RTF output
-# If the GENERATE_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate RTF output
-# The RTF output is optimised for Word 97 and may not look very pretty with
-# other RTF readers or editors.
-# The RTF_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the RTF docs will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `rtf' will be used as the default path.
-# If the COMPACT_RTF tag is set to YES Doxygen generates more compact
-# RTF documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to
-# save some trees in general.
-# If the RTF_HYPERLINKS tag is set to YES, the RTF that is generated
-# will contain hyperlink fields. The RTF file will
-# contain links (just like the HTML output) instead of page references.
-# This makes the output suitable for online browsing using WORD or other
-# programs which support those fields.
-# Note: wordpad (write) and others do not support links.
-# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's
-# config file, i.e. a series of assigments. You only have to provide
-# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value.
-# Set optional variables used in the generation of an rtf document.
-# Syntax is similar to doxygen's config file.
-# configuration options related to the man page output
-# If the GENERATE_MAN tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate man pages
-# The MAN_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the man pages will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `man' will be used as the default path.
-# The MAN_EXTENSION tag determines the extension that is added to
-# the generated man pages (default is the subroutine's section .3)
-# If the MAN_LINKS tag is set to YES and Doxygen generates man output,
-# then it will generate one additional man file for each entity
-# documented in the real man page(s). These additional files
-# only source the real man page, but without them the man command
-# would be unable to find the correct page. The default is NO.
-# configuration options related to the XML output
-# If the GENERATE_XML tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate an XML file that captures the structure of
-# the code including all documentation. Note that this
-# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the
-# moment.
-# The XML_OUTPUT tag is used to specify where the XML pages will be put.
-# If a relative path is entered the value of OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be
-# put in front of it. If left blank `xml' will be used as the default path.
-# The XML_SCHEMA tag can be used to specify an XML schema,
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
-# syntax of the XML files.
-# The XML_DTD tag can be used to specify an XML DTD,
-# which can be used by a validating XML parser to check the
-# syntax of the XML files.
-# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
-# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate an AutoGen Definitions (see autogen.sf.net) file
-# that captures the structure of the code including all
-# documentation. Note that this feature is still experimental
-# and incomplete at the moment.
-# configuration options related to the Perl module output
-# If the GENERATE_PERLMOD tag is set to YES Doxygen will
-# generate a Perl module file that captures the structure of
-# the code including all documentation. Note that this
-# feature is still experimental and incomplete at the
-# moment.
-# If the PERLMOD_LATEX tag is set to YES Doxygen will generate
-# the necessary Makefile rules, Perl scripts and LaTeX code to be able
-# to generate PDF and DVI output from the Perl module output.
-# If the PERLMOD_PRETTY tag is set to YES the Perl module output will be
-# nicely formatted so it can be parsed by a human reader. This is useful
-# if you want to understand what is going on. On the other hand, if this
-# tag is set to NO the size of the Perl module output will be much smaller
-# and Perl will parse it just the same.
-# The names of the make variables in the generated doxyrules.make file
-# are prefixed with the string contained in PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX.
-# This is useful so different doxyrules.make files included by the same
-# Makefile don't overwrite each other's variables.
-# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
-# If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# evaluate all C-preprocessor directives found in the sources and include
-# files.
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION tag is set to YES Doxygen will expand all macro
-# names in the source code. If set to NO (the default) only conditional
-# compilation will be performed. Macro expansion can be done in a controlled
-# way by setting EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF to YES.
-# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES
-# then the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the
-# If the SEARCH_INCLUDES tag is set to YES (the default) the includes files
-# in the INCLUDE_PATH (see below) will be search if a #include is found.
-# The INCLUDE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
-# contain include files that are not input files but should be processed by
-# the preprocessor.
-# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
-# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
-# directories. If left blank, the patterns specified with FILE_PATTERNS will
-# be used.
-# The PREDEFINED tag can be used to specify one or more macro names that
-# are defined before the preprocessor is started (similar to the -D option of
-# gcc). The argument of the tag is a list of macros of the form: name
-# or name=definition (no spaces). If the definition and the = are
-# omitted =1 is assumed.
-# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then
-# this tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded.
-# The macro definition that is found in the sources will be used.
-# Use the PREDEFINED tag if you want to use a different macro definition.
-# If the SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS tag is set to YES (the default) then
-# doxygen's preprocessor will remove all function-like macros that are alone
-# on a line, have an all uppercase name, and do not end with a semicolon. Such
-# function macros are typically used for boiler-plate code, and will confuse the
-# parser if not removed.
-# Configuration::addtions related to external references
-# The TAGFILES option can be used to specify one or more tagfiles.
-# Optionally an initial location of the external documentation
-# can be added for each tagfile. The format of a tag file without
-# this location is as follows:
-# TAGFILES = file1 file2 ...
-# Adding location for the tag files is done as follows:
-# TAGFILES = file1=loc1 "file2 = loc2" ...
-# where "loc1" and "loc2" can be relative or absolute paths or
-# URLs. If a location is present for each tag, the installdox tool
-# does not have to be run to correct the links.
-# Note that each tag file must have a unique name
-# (where the name does NOT include the path)
-# If a tag file is not located in the directory in which doxygen
-# is run, you must also specify the path to the tagfile here.
-# When a file name is specified after GENERATE_TAGFILE, doxygen will create
-# a tag file that is based on the input files it reads.
-# If the ALLEXTERNALS tag is set to YES all external classes will be listed
-# in the class index. If set to NO only the inherited external classes
-# will be listed.
-# If the EXTERNAL_GROUPS tag is set to YES all external groups will be listed
-# in the modules index. If set to NO, only the current project's groups will
-# be listed.
-# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
-# interpreter (i.e. the result of `which perl').
-PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
-# Configuration options related to the dot tool
-# If the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate a inheritance diagram (in HTML, RTF and LaTeX) for classes with base or
-# super classes. Setting the tag to NO turns the diagrams off. Note that this
-# option is superceded by the HAVE_DOT option below. This is only a fallback. It is
-# recommended to install and use dot, since it yields more powerful graphs.
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will hide
-# inheritance and usage relations if the target is undocumented
-# or is not a class.
-# If you set the HAVE_DOT tag to YES then doxygen will assume the dot tool is
-# available from the path. This tool is part of Graphviz, a graph visualization
-# toolkit from AT&T and Lucent Bell Labs. The other options in this section
-# have no effect if this option is set to NO (the default)
-# If the CLASS_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
-# indirect inheritance relations. Setting this tag to YES will force the
-# the CLASS_DIAGRAMS tag to NO.
-# If the COLLABORATION_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will generate a graph for each documented class showing the direct and
-# indirect implementation dependencies (inheritance, containment, and
-# class references variables) of the class with other documented classes.
-# If the UML_LOOK tag is set to YES doxygen will generate inheritance and
-# collaboration diagrams in a style similiar to the OMG's Unified Modeling
-# Language.
-# If set to YES, the inheritance and collaboration graphs will show the
-# relations between templates and their instances.
-# tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each documented
-# file showing the direct and indirect include dependencies of the file with
-# other documented files.
-# HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will generate a graph for each
-# documented header file showing the documented files that directly or
-# indirectly include this file.
-# If the CALL_GRAPH and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen will
-# generate a call dependency graph for every global function or class method.
-# Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run.
-# So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected
-# functions only using the \callgraph command.
-# If the GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY and HAVE_DOT tags are set to YES then doxygen
-# will graphical hierarchy of all classes instead of a textual one.
-# The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images
-# generated by dot. Possible values are png, jpg, or gif
-# If left blank png will be used.
-# The tag DOT_PATH can be used to specify the path where the dot tool can be
-# found. If left blank, it is assumed the dot tool can be found on the path.
-# The DOTFILE_DIRS tag can be used to specify one or more directories that
-# contain dot files that are included in the documentation (see the
-# \dotfile command).
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH tag can be used to set the maximum allowed width
-# (in pixels) of the graphs generated by dot. If a graph becomes larger than
-# this value, doxygen will try to truncate the graph, so that it fits within
-# the specified constraint. Beware that most browsers cannot cope with very
-# large images.
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT tag can be used to set the maximum allows height
-# (in pixels) of the graphs generated by dot. If a graph becomes larger than
-# this value, doxygen will try to truncate the graph, so that it fits within
-# the specified constraint. Beware that most browsers cannot cope with very
-# large images.
-# The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH tag can be used to set the maximum depth of the
-# graphs generated by dot. A depth value of 3 means that only nodes reachable
-# from the root by following a path via at most 3 edges will be shown. Nodes that
-# lay further from the root node will be omitted. Note that setting this option to
-# 1 or 2 may greatly reduce the computation time needed for large code bases. Also
-# note that a graph may be further truncated if the graph's image dimensions are
-# not sufficient to fit the graph (see MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH and MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT).
-# If 0 is used for the depth value (the default), the graph is not depth-constrained.
-# If the GENERATE_LEGEND tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# generate a legend page explaining the meaning of the various boxes and
-# arrows in the dot generated graphs.
-# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES (the default) Doxygen will
-# remove the intermediate dot files that are used to generate
-# the various graphs.
-# Configuration::addtions related to the search engine
-# The SEARCHENGINE tag specifies whether or not a search engine should be
-# used. If set to NO the values of all tags below this one will be ignored.
-# The CGI_NAME tag should be the name of the CGI script that
-# starts the search engine (doxysearch) with the correct parameters.
-# A script with this name will be generated by doxygen.
-CGI_NAME = search.cgi
-# The CGI_URL tag should be the absolute URL to the directory where the
-# cgi binaries are located. See the documentation of your http daemon for
-# details.
-# The DOC_URL tag should be the absolute URL to the directory where the
-# documentation is located. If left blank the absolute path to the
-# documentation, with file:// prepended to it, will be used.
-# The DOC_ABSPATH tag should be the absolute path to the directory where the
-# documentation is located. If left blank the directory on the local machine
-# will be used.
-# The BIN_ABSPATH tag must point to the directory where the doxysearch binary
-# is installed.
-BIN_ABSPATH = /usr/local/bin/
-# The EXT_DOC_PATHS tag can be used to specify one or more paths to
-# documentation generated for other projects. This allows doxysearch to search
-# the documentation for these projects as well.
diff --git a/zinclib.d/gen.pl b/zinclib.d/gen.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index ac703d8..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/gen.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-# are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
-# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-$res = "";
-$undone = "";
-$enum = "";
-$enum2 = "";
-open CODE,">code.cpp";
-open HPP,">code.hpp";
-while (<>)
- if( /{ ZN_CONFIG_(\w+), "-(\w+)"/ )
- {
- if(defined $opt{$2})
- {
- next if($opt{$2} == $1);
- die("ERROR different TYPE\n");
- }
- $opt{$2} = $1;
- if( $1 eq "BOOL" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "bool"; $T = "BOO"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "FLAG" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "GRADIENT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "String"; $T= "STR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "UINT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "unsigned int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "INT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "LINE_STYLE" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "ineStyle"; $T="lineStyles"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "DIM" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "double"; $T= "DBL"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "ANGLE" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "unsigned int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "PRI" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "unsigned int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "RELIEF" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "relief"; $T="reliefs"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "ALPHA" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "unsigned int"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "TEXT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "String"; $T= "STR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "ALIGNMENT" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "alignment"; $T="alignments"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "USHORT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "unsigned short"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "SHORT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "short"; $T= "INT"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "STRING" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "String"; $T= "STR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "FONT" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "ZincFont *"; $T= "PSTR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "ITEM" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "ZincItem *"; $T= "PTR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "BITMAP" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "ZincBitmap *"; $T= "PTR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "IMAGE" )
- { $e = 0; $t = "ZincImage *"; $T= "PTR"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "ANCHOR" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "anchor"; $T="anchors"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "LINE_SHAPE" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "lineShape"; $T="lineShapes"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "CAP_STYLE" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "capStyle"; $T="capStyles"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "JOIN_STYLE" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "joinStyle"; $T="joinStyles"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "FILL_RULE" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "fillRule"; $T="fillRules"; }
- elsif( $1 eq "EDGE_LIST" )
- { $e = 1; $t = "edgeList"; $T="edgeLists"; }
- else
- {
- $undone .= "$2: $1\n";
- next;
- }
- $t2 = $2;
- substr($t2,0,1) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
- if($e==1)
- {
- if($en{$1}!=1)
- {
- $enum .= "$t { t_$T };\n";
- $enum2.= "const char* $T"."Strings [1] = { \"t$T\" };\n";
- $enum2.= "Tcl_Obj* $T [1] = { Tcl_NewStringObj (\"t$T\", -1) };\n";
- $en{$1}=1;
- }
- }
- print HPP " /**\n";
- print HPP " * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -$2 )\n";
- print HPP " * \@param item the item to configure\n";
- print HPP " * \@param value the $2 to set\n";
- print HPP " */\n";
- print HPP " void itemSet$t2 (ZincItem * item, $t value);\n\n";
- print HPP " /**\n";
- print HPP " * Call zinc->itemcget ( -$2 )\n";
- print HPP " * \@param item the item to get $2 from\n";
- print HPP " * \@return $2 value\n";
- print HPP " */\n";
- if ($t eq "String")
- {
- print HPP " String itemGet$t2 (ZincItem * item);\n\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print HPP " $t itemGet$t2 (ZincItem * item);\n\n";
- }
- $res .= "Z_DEFINE_ZOPT ($2); //the \"-$2\" option\n";
- print CODE "/**\n";
- print CODE " * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -$2 )\n";
- print CODE " *\n";
- print CODE " * \@param item the item to configure\n";
- print CODE " * \@param value the $2 to set\n";
- print CODE " */\n";
- print CODE "void Zinc::itemSet$t2 (ZincItem * item, $t value)\n";
- print CODE "{\n";
- print CODE " //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value\n";
- print CODE " p1[0] = id;\n";
- print CODE " p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;\n";
- print CODE " p1[2] = item->object;\n";
- print CODE " p1[3] = ZOPT_$2;\n";
- if( $e==1 )
- {
- print CODE " p1[4] = ".$T."[value];\n";
- }
- elsif ($T eq "PTR")
- {
- print CODE " p1[4] = value->object;\n";
- }
- elsif ($T eq "PSTR")
- {
- print CODE " p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (0, value->name.c_str(), value->name.length());\n";
- }
- elsif ($T eq "STR")
- {
- print CODE " p1[4] = Z_".$T."_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print CODE " p1[4] = Z_".$T."_POOL (1, value);\n";
- }
- print CODE " //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form\n";
- print CODE " z_command (5, \"itemSet$t2 Failed : \");\n";
- print CODE "}\n\n";
- print CODE "/**\n";
- print CODE " * Call zinc->itemcget ( -$2 )\n";
- print CODE " *\n";
- print CODE " * \@param item the item to get $2 from\n";
- print CODE " * \@return $2 value\n";
- print CODE " */\n";
- if ($t eq "String")
- {
- print CODE "String Zinc::itemGet$t2 (ZincItem * item)\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print CODE "$t Zinc::itemGet$t2 (ZincItem * item)\n";
- }
- print CODE "{\n";
- print CODE " Tcl_Obj* tmp;\n";
- print CODE " //discard all old results\n";
- print CODE " Tcl_ResetResult (interp);\n";
- print CODE " //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item \n";
- print CODE " p1[0] = id;\n";
- print CODE " p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;\n";
- print CODE " p1[2] = item->object;\n";
- print CODE " p1[3] = ZOPT_$2;\n";
- print CODE " //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form\n";
- print CODE " z_command (4, \"itemGet$t2 Failed : \");\n\n";
- print CODE " //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it\n";
- print CODE " tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);\n";
- if($e == 1)
- {
- print CODE " int value;\n";
- print CODE " z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,\n";
- print CODE " $T"."Strings, \n";
- print CODE " \"$T\",\n";
- print CODE " 0, &value),\n";
- print CODE " \"itemGet$t2 Failed : \")\n";
- print CODE " return $t (value);\n";
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "STR")
- {
- print CODE " return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));\n";
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "PSTR")
- {
- print CODE " return new ZincFont (String (Tcl_GetStringResult (interp)));\n";
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "PTR" )
- {
- if( $t =~ /ZincItem/ )
- {
- print CODE " return new ZincItem(tmp);\n";
- }
- else if ( $t =~ /ZincImage/ )
- {
- print CODE " return new ZincImage(tmp);\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print CODE " return new ZincBitmap(tmp);\n";
- }
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "INT" )
- {
- print CODE " int value;\n";
- print CODE " z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),\n";
- print CODE " \"itemGet$t2 Failed : \");\n";
- print CODE " return ($t)value;\n";
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "DBL" )
- {
- print CODE " double value;\n";
- print CODE " z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),\n";
- print CODE " \"itemGet$t2 Failed : \");\n";
- print CODE " return ($t)value;\n";
- }
- elsif ( $T eq "BOO" )
- {
- print CODE " int value;\n";
- print CODE " z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),\n";
- print CODE " \"itemGet$t2 Failed : \");\n";
- print CODE " return ($t)value;\n";
- }
- else
- {
- die("generationg error\n");
- }
- print CODE "}\n\n";
- $done .= "$2: $1\n";
- }
-print "--- CONSTANTES\n";
-print $res;
-print "--- ENUMS.h\n";
-print $enum;
-print "--- ENUMS.c\n";
-print $enum2;
-print "--- FAIT\n";
-print $done;
-print "--- PAS FAIT\n";
-print $undone;
diff --git a/zinclib.d/makefile.vc b/zinclib.d/makefile.vc
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e312e..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/makefile.vc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-CC = cl
-LD = link
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-# The SDK lib path should be available in the
-# environment variable %LIB%
-libpath32 = /LIBPATH:"$(LIB)"
-# The SDK include path should be available in the
-# environment variable %INCLUDE%
-include32 = /I"$(INCLUDE)" /I"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP SP2\include\GL"
-# Default location for ActiveTcl
-prefix = c:\Tcl
-exec_prefix = $(prefix)
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)\bin
-libdir = $(exec_prefix)\lib
-incdir = $(prefix)\include
-mandir = $(prefix)\man\man3
-rootdir = .
-srcdir = $(rootdir)\src
-testdir = $(rootdir)\test
-tmpdir = $(rootdir)\tmp
-INCLUDES = /I"$(incdir)" /I$(srcdir) $(include32)
-# Assume that WISH is already INSTALLED
-TCLSH = $(bindir)\tclsh$(TCLTK_LIB_VER)
-WISH = $(bindir)\wish$(TCLTK_LIB_VER)
-WIN_LIBS = user32.lib gdi32.lib ws2_32.lib
-GL_LIBS = glu32.lib opengl32.lib
-TK_LIBS = $(libdir)\tcl$(TCLTK_LIB_VER).lib \
- $(libdir)\tk$(TCLTK_LIB_VER).lib \
-LIBS = $(WIN_LIBS) $(GL_LIBS) $(TK_LIBS) $(tmpdir)/zinclib.lib
-CDEBUG = /Z7 -Od
-CFLAGS = /c /W3 /nologo /YX $(CDEBUG)
-CPPFLAGS = /Fp$(tmpdir)\ $(INCLUDES) /DBUILD_zinclib
-LFLAGS = /nologo /machine:IX86 $(libpath32) /FORCE:MULTIPLE /NODEFAULTLIB:uuid.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:OLDNAMES.lib
-OBJS = $(tmpdir)\ZincObjects.obj $(tmpdir)\ZincPath.obj $(tmpdir)\Zinc.obj
-$(tmpdir)\zinclib.lib: $(tmpdir) $(OBJS)
- lib /OUT:$@ $(OBJS)
- mkdir $(tmpdir)
- $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(tmpdir)\ $<
-demos: $(testdir)/items.exe $(testdir)/widget.exe $(testdir)/test.exe $(testdir)/itemconf.exe
-$(testdir)/items.exe: $(tmpdir)/items.obj $(tmpdir)\zinclib.lib
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) /OUT:$@ $**
-$(testdir)/widget.exe: $(tmpdir)/widget.obj $(tmpdir)\zinclib.lib
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) /OUT:$@ $**
-$(testdir)/test.exe: $(tmpdir)/test.obj $(tmpdir)\zinclib.lib
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) /OUT:$@ $**
-$(testdir)/itemconf.exe: $(tmpdir)/itemconf.obj $(tmpdir)\zinclib.lib
- $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS) /OUT:$@ $**
- $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(tmpdir)\ $<
- $(RM) *.bak *~ $(tmpdir)\*.obj
- $(RM) $(tmpdir)\*.obj $(tmpdir)\*.dll $(tmpdir)\*.lib $(tmpdir)\*.exp $(tmpdir)\*.pch
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.cpp b/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c60acf..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4540 +0,0 @@
-/** Zinc.cpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here is the definition of the Zinc object
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- * David Thevenin <thevenin@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-#include "ZincInternal.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <tk.h>
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL (1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
-//predeclare private function
-#ifdef _WIN32
-int __cdecl tclCallback (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]);
-int tclCallback (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) __attribute__((cdecl));
-int Zinc::znCount = 0; ///< count to create unique ids
-Tcl_Interp *Zinc::interp; ///< the tcl interpreter
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::topCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with toplevel
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::zncCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with zinc
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::imgCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with image
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::fntCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with font
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::focCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with focus
-Tcl_CmdInfo Zinc::bndCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with bind
-Tcl_Obj* Zinc::pool[ZINC_POOL_COUNT];///< a pool of tclobj ready to be used
-Tcl_Obj* Zinc::p1[ZINC_PARAM_COUNT]; ///< a table of pointeurs use for parameters
-Tcl_Obj* Zinc::p2[ZINC_PARAM_COUNT]; ///< a table of pointeurs use for parameters
-static Tcl_Obj *DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ = Tcl_NewIntObj (DEFAULT_GROUP);
-//option constants
-//Tcl_Obj* Z_render = Tcl_NewStringObj ("-render", -1);
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (render); ///< the "-render" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (firstend); ///< the "-firstend" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (lastend); ///< the "-lastend" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (position); ///< the "-position" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (tags); ///< the "-tags" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (backcolor); ///< the "-backcolor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (forecolor); ///< the "-forecolor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (height); ///< the "-height" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (borderwidth); ///< the "-borderwidth" option
-//autogenerated constants
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (closed); ///< the "-closed" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composealpha); ///< the "-composealpha" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composerotation); ///< the "-composerotation" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (composescale); ///< the "-composescale" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (extent); ///< the "-extent" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillcolor); ///< the "-fillcolor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (filled); ///< the "-filled" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillpattern); ///< the "-fillpattern" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linecolor); ///< the "-linecolor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linepattern); ///< the "-linepattern" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linestyle); ///< the "-linestyle" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (linewidth); ///< the "-linewidth" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (pieslice); ///< the "-pieslice" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (priority); ///< the "-priority" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (sensitive); ///< the "-sensitive" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (startangle); ///< the "-startangle" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (tile); ///< the "-tile" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (visible); ///< the "-visible" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (capstyle); ///< the "-capstyle" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (fillrule); ///< the "-fillrule" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (joinstyle); ///< the "-joinstyle" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (marker); ///< the "-marker" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (markercolor); ///< the "-markercolor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (relief); ///< the "-relief" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (smoothrelief); ///< the "-smoothrelief" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (alpha); ///< the "-alpha" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (atomic); ///< the "-atomic" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (clip); ///< the "-clip" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (anchor); ///< the "-anchor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (color); ///< the "-color" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (connecteditem); ///< the "-connecteditem" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (connectionanchor); ///< the "-connectionanchor" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (image); ///< the "-image" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (mask); ///< the "-mask" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (alignment); ///< the "-alignment" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (font); ///< the "-font" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (overstriked); ///< the "-overstriked" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (spacing); ///< the "-spacing" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (text); ///< the "-text" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (underlined); ///< the "-underlined" option
-Z_DEFINE_ZOPT (width); ///< the "-width" option
-//other constants
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (device); ///< the "device" keyword
-///< function constants
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (add); ///< the "add" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (addtag); ///< the "addtag" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (bind); ///< the "bind" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (bbox); ///< the "bbox" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (cget); ///< the "cget" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (chggroup); ///< the "chggroup" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (clone); ///< the "clone" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (configure); ///< the "configure" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (contour); ///< the "contour" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (coords); ///< the "coords" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (dtag); ///< the "dtag" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (focus); ///< the "focus" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (gettags); ///< the "gettags" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (gname); ///< the "gname" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (group); ///< the "group" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (itemconfigure); ///< the "itemconfigure" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (itemcget); ///< the "itemcget" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (lower); ///< the "lower" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (raise); ///< the "raise" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (remove); ///< the "remove" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (rotate); ///< the "rotate" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (scale); ///< the "scale" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (skew); ///< the "skew" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (tget); ///< the "tget" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (translate); ///< the "translate" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (transform); ///< the "transform" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (treset); ///< the "treset" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (tset); ///< the "tset" function
-Z_DEFINE_ZFCT (type); ///< the "type" function
-//Item constants
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (add); ///< the "add" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (arc); ///< the "arc" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (curve); ///< the "curve" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (icon); ///< the "icon" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (group); ///< the "group" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (rectangle); ///< the "rectangle" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (text); ///< the "text" constant
-Z_DEFINE_ZITM (withtag); ///< the "withtag" constant
- Prepare enum Tcl_Obj
-//lineStyles strings
-const char* lineStylesStrings [] =
-{ "simple", "dashed", "mixed", "dotted" };
-//lineStyles Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* lineStyles [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("simple", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("dashed", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("mixed", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("dotted", -1),
-//capStyles strings
-const char* capStylesStrings [] =
-{ "butt", "projecting", "round" };
-//capStyles Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* capStyles [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("butt", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("projecting", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("round", -1),
-// fillRules strings
-const char* fillRulesStrings [] =
-{ "odd", "nonzero", "positive", "negative", "abs_geq_2" };
-//fillRules Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* fillRules [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("odd", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("nonzero", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("positive", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("negative", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("abs_geq_2", -1),
-// joinStyle strings
-const char* joinStylesStrings [] =
-{ "bevel", "miter", "round" };
-// joinStyles Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* joinStyles [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("bevel", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("miter", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("round", -1),
-// reliefs strings
-const char* reliefsStrings [] =
-{ "flat", "raised", "sunken", "ridge", "groove", "roundraised",
- "roundsunken", "roundridge", "roundgroove", "raisedrule", "sunkenrule" };
-// reliefs Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* reliefs [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("flat", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("raised", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("sunken", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("ridge", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("groove", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundraised", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundsunken", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundridge", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("roundgroove", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("raisedrule", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("sunkenrule", -1),
-// alignments strings
-const char* alignmentsStrings [] =
-{ "left", "right", "center" };
-// alignments Tcl_obj
-Tcl_Obj* alignments [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("left", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("right", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("center", -1),
-// anchors strings
-const char* anchorsStrings [] =
-{ "nw", "n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "center" };
-// anchors Tcl_Obj
-Tcl_Obj* anchors [] =
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("nw", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("n", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("ne", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("e", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("se", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("s", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("sw", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("w", -1),
- Tcl_NewStringObj ("center", -1),
-// itemType strings
-const char* itemTypeStrings [] =
- "group",
- "arc",
- "text",
- "rectangle",
- "curve",
- "icon",
-//no need for Tcl_Objs because they are only used as return values
- Zinc Object
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param renderingMode ZINC_BACKEND_X11 or ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL
- */
-Zinc::Zinc (int renderingMode)
- String theId;
- //preparating id (.zn and a unique number)
- znCount++;
- theId = ".zn";
- theId += itos(znCount);
- window = ".";
- //create a new window for each other widget
- if (znCount != 1)
- {
- window = ".zwin";
- window += itos (znCount);
- //create a new toplevel window
- const char* para[2];
- para[0] = "toplevel";
- para[1] = window.c_str();
- //call the toplevel Tk function with 2 arguments
- z_tcl_call ((*topCmdInfo.proc)(topCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 2, para),
- "toplevel Failed : ");
- //adapt the zinc id to the window path
- theId = window + theId;
- }
- // String noResizeCommand = String ("wm resizable ") + window + " 0 0";
- //Tcl_Eval (interp, noResizeCommand.c_str ());
- //use a tcl_obj for the id
- id = Tcl_NewStringObj (theId.c_str (), theId.length ());
- Tcl_IncrRefCount (id);
- //get top windows for zinc widget
- Tk_Window top_w = Tk_MainWindow (interp);
- //creation of the zinc item
- // call "Zinc id -render mode
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- p1[0] = NULL;
- p1[1] = id;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_render;
- p1[3] = Z_INT_POOL (0, renderingMode);
- // call the function with 4 arguments and check non error
- z_tcl_call ((*zncCmdInfo.objProc) (ClientData (top_w), interp, 4, p1),
- "ZincObjCmd failed :");
- // get back ZnWInfo *wi and WidgetObjCmd
- Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
- int result = Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp, theId.c_str (), &cmdInfo);
- if (!result)
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("zinclib: Tcl command not found") +
- Tcl_GetStringResult (interp), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //get informations necessary to call WidgetObjCmd
- wi = cmdInfo.objClientData;
- objCmd = (WidgetObjCmd)cmdInfo.objProc;
- //call the Tk function pack
- String packCmd = String ("pack ") + theId + " -expand 1 -fill both";
- Tcl_Eval (interp, packCmd.c_str ());
- // Prepare for binding with callback (create a Tcl function)
- tclCb = String (Z_TCLCB) + itos(znCount);
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, tclCb.c_str (), tclCallback,
- (ClientData) this, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);
- //give focus to the window
- const char* para[2];
- para[0] = "focus";
- para[1] = theId.c_str();
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_tcl_call ((*focCmdInfo.proc)(focCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 2, para),
- "focus Failed : ");
- * The public destructor
- */
-Zinc::~Zinc ()
- //delete the Tcl function
- Tcl_DeleteCommand (interp, tclCb.c_str ());
- // delete the tcl_obj
- Tcl_DecrRefCount (id);
- * Change window title
- *
- * @param title the title string
- */
-void Zinc::setTitle (String title)
- //use tcl interpreter directly since this won't be called often
- String command = String ("wm title ") + window + " \"" + title + "\"";
- Tcl_Eval (interp, command.c_str ());
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Call zinc->configure ( -backcolor )
- *
- * @param value the backcolor to set
- */
-void Zinc::setBackcolor (String value)
- //call .zinc configure -backcolor value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_backcolor;
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (0, value.c_str(), value.length());
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setBackcolor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->cget ( -backcolor )
- *
- * @return backcolor value
- */
-String Zinc::getBackcolor ()
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -backcolor
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_backcolor;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getBackcolor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a string
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->configure ( -forecolor )
- *
- * @param value the forecolor to set
- */
-void Zinc::setForecolor (String value)
- //call .zinc configure -forecolor value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_forecolor;
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (0, value.c_str(), value.length());
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setForecolor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->cget ( -forecolor )
- *
- * @return forecolor value
- */
-String Zinc::getForecolor ()
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -forecolor
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_forecolor;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getForecolor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a string
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->configure ( -width )
- *
- * @param value the width to set
- */
-void Zinc::setWidth (int value)
- //call .zinc configure -width value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_width;
- p1[3] = Z_INT_POOL (0, value);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setWidth Failed : ");
- char *strid = Tcl_GetString(id);
- //call the Tk function pack
- String packCmd = String ("pack ") + strid + " -expand 1 -fill both";
- Tcl_Eval (interp, packCmd.c_str ());
- * Call zinc->cget ( -width )
- *
- * @return width value
- */
-int Zinc::getWidth ()
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -width
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_width;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getWidth Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as an integer
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getWidth Failed : ");
- return value;
- * Call zinc->configure ( -height )
- *
- * @param value the height to set
- */
-void Zinc::setHeight (int value)
- //call .zinc configure -height value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_height;
- p1[3] = Z_INT_POOL (0, value);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setHeight Failed : ");
- char *strid = Tcl_GetString(id);
- //call the Tk function pack
- String packCmd = String ("pack ") + strid + " -expand 1 -fill both";
- Tcl_Eval (interp, packCmd.c_str ());
- * Call zinc->cget ( -height )
- *
- * @return height value
- */
-int Zinc::getHeight ()
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -height
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_height;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getHeight Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as an integer
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getHeight Failed : ");
- return value;
- * Call zinc->configure ( -borderwidth )
- *
- * @param value the borderwidth to set
- */
-void Zinc::setBorderwidth (int value)
- //call .zinc configure -borderwidth value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_borderwidth;
- p1[3] = Z_INT_POOL (0, value);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setBorderwidth Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->cget ( -borderwidth )
- *
- * @return borderwidth value
- */
-int Zinc::getBorderwidth ()
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -borderwidth
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_borderwidth;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getBorderwidth Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as an integer
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getBorderwidth Failed : ");
- return value;
- * Call zinc->configure ( -font )
- *
- * @param value the font to set
- */
-void Zinc::setFont (ZincFont* value)
- //call .zinc configure -font value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_configure;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_font;
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (0, value->name.c_str(), value->name.length());
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "setFont Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->cget ( -font )
- *
- * @return font value
- */
-ZincFont* Zinc::getFont ()
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //call .zinc cget -font
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_cget;
- p1[2] = ZOPT_font;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getFont Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a string
- return new ZincFont (Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Get the bounding box of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to get bbox
- * @param bbox a table where we'll put the bounding box
- * bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc
- */
-void Zinc::bbox (ZincItem* item, double _bbox[4])
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- Tcl_Obj** list;
- int count;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc bbox item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_bbox;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "bbox Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a list
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, tmp, &count, &list),
- "bbox Failed : ");
- //extract 4 double from the list
- if (count != 4)
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("bbox Failed count=") + itos(count),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[0], &_bbox[0]),
- "bbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[1], &_bbox[1]),
- "bbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[2], &_bbox[2]),
- "bbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[3], &_bbox[3]),
- "bbox Failed");
- * Get the bounding box of an item in its parent group
- *
- * @param item the item to get bbox in its parent group
- * @param bbox a table where we'll put the bounding box
- * bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc
- */
-void Zinc::relativeBbox (ZincItem* item, double _bbox[4])
- //1) get bounding bbox
- double tempBbox[4];
- this->bbox (item, tempBbox);
- //2) call transform
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- Tcl_Obj** list;
- int count;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc transform device parentGroup {_bbox[0] _bbox[1] _bbox[2] _bbox[3]}
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_transform;
- p1[2] = ZFCT_device;
- p1[3] = item->object;
- //coordinates as a list
- p2[0] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, tempBbox[0]);
- p2[1] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, tempBbox[1]);
- p2[2] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, tempBbox[2]);
- p2[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, tempBbox[3]);
- p1[4] = Z_LST_POOL (4, p2, 4);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "relativeBbox z_command Failed : ");
- //free the list in pool No 4
- //retreive the result as a list
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, tmp, &count, &list),
- "relativeBbox z_tcl_call Failed : ");
- //3) extract 4 double from the list
- if (count != 4)
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("relativeBbox Failed count=") + itos(count),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[0], &_bbox[0]),
- "relativeBbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[1], &_bbox[1]),
- "relativeBbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[2], &_bbox[2]),
- "relativeBbox Failed");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, list[3], &_bbox[3]),
- "bbox Failed");
- * Change the group of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to move
- * @param parentGroup new group for the item
- */
-void Zinc::chggroup (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *parentGroup)
- // call .zinc chggroup item parentGroup
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_chggroup;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "chggroup Failed : ");
- * Clone an item
- *
- * @param item the item to clone
- * @return the cloned item
- */
-ZincItem* Zinc::clone (ZincItem *item)
- // call .zinc clone item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_clone;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "clone Failed: ");
- //retreive the result as a tcl_obj
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Get the number of contour of an item
- *
- * @return number of contour
- */
-int Zinc::contour (ZincItem *item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- int result;
- // call .zinc contour item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_contour;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "contour Failed: ");
- //retreive the result as an int
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &result),
- "contour Failed: ");
- return result;
- * Set the contour of an item to the one of an other
- *
- * @param item the item on which we set the contour
- * @param flag the operation to do on the contour
- * @param reference the item to set contour from
- * @return the number of contour
- */
-int Zinc::contour (ZincItem *item, itemOperator flag, ZincItem *reference)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- int result;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc contour item flag reference
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_contour;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- //different possible actions depending on the flag
- switch (flag)
- {
- case item_add_clockwise:
- p1[3] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (0, -1); //add clockwise (-1)
- break;
- case item_add_counterclockwise:
- p1[3] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (0, 1); //add counterclockwise (1)
- break;
- default:
- p1[3] = ZFCT_remove;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (0, 0); //no meaning (0)
- }
- // contour index (0)
- p1[5] = Z_INT_POOL (1, 0);
- // item reference
- p1[6] = reference->object;
- // call the function with 7 arguments
- z_command (7, "contour Failed: ");
- // retreive the result as an int
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &result),
- "contour Failed: ");
- return result;
- * Set the contour of an item
- *
- * @param item the item on which we set the contour
- * @param add true to add a path, false to remove
- * @param reference the new contour
- * @return the number of contour
- */
-int Zinc::contour (ZincItem *item, bool add, ZincPath *_contour)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- int result;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc contour item flag contour
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_contour;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- //different possible actions depending on the add flag
- if (add)
- {
- p1[3] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (0, 0); //add contour (0)
- }
- else
- {
- p1[3] = ZFCT_remove;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (0, 0); //no meaning (0)
- }
- // contour index
- p1[5] = Z_INT_POOL (1, 0);
- //contour
- p1[6] = _contour->getTable ();
- // call the function with 7 arguments
- z_command (7, "contour Failed: ");
- // retreive the result as an integer
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &result),
- "contour Failed: ");
- return result;
- * Set or modify the coordinates of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to modify
- * @param contour new coords for the item
- * @param add true to add coords, false to replace
- * @param contourIndex the contour do modify
- * @param coordIndex the coordinate to modify (WARNING, path must be one
- * point if the is not the default)
- */
-void Zinc::coords (ZincItem *item, ZincPath *_contour, bool add,
- int contourIndex, int coordIndex)
- int i;
- // call .zinc contour item ?flag? ?contourIndex? ?coordIndex? _contour
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_coords;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // use i as a variable index for parameters
- i = 3; // last parameter is p1[2]
- // do we add or not
- if (add)
- {
- p1[i++] = ZFCT_add;
- }
- //ith there a contour
- if (contourIndex != -1)
- {
- p1[i++] = Z_INT_POOL (1, contourIndex);
- //is there a coord index
- if (coordIndex != -1)
- {
- p1[i++] = Z_INT_POOL (1, coordIndex);
- }
- }
- p1[i++] = _contour->getTable ();
- // call the function with i arguments
- z_command (i, "coords Failed: ");
- * Remove coords of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to modify
- * @param coordIndex the coordinate to rmove
- * @param contourIndex the contour on which we remove
- */
-void Zinc::coordsRemove (ZincItem *item, int coordIndex, int contourIndex)
- int i;
- // call .zinc coords item remove ?contourIndex?
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_coords;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZFCT_remove;
- i = 4;
- // is there a contourIndex
- if (contourIndex != -1)
- {
- p1[i++] = Z_INT_POOL (1, contourIndex);
- }
- p1[i++] = Z_INT_POOL (1, coordIndex);
- // call the function with i arguments
- z_command (i, "coordsRemove Failed: ");
- * Add a tag to an item
- *
- * @param item the item to add tag to
- * @param tag a tag to add
- */
-void Zinc::addTag (ZincItem *item, String tag)
- // call .zinc addtag tag withtag
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_addtag;
- p1[2] = Z_STR_POOL (0, tag.c_str (), tag.length ());
- p1[3] = ZITM_withtag;
- p1[4] = item->object;
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "addTag Failed: ");
- * Remove a tag from an item
- *
- * @param item the item to remove tag from
- * @param tag a tag to remove
- */
-void Zinc::dTag (ZincItem *item, String tag)
- // call .zinc dtag item tag
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_dtag;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- int i = 3;
- //create a tg if nexessary
- if (tag != "")
- {
- p1[i++] = Z_STR_POOL (0, tag.c_str (), tag.length ());
- }
- // call the function with i arguments
- z_command (i, "dTag Failed: ");
- * List all tags of an item
- * It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table
- *
- * @param item the item to list tag from
- * @param lagList a pointer to a table of String containing tags
- * @return the number of tags
- */
-int Zinc::getTags (ZincItem *item, String*** tagList)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- Tcl_Obj** list;
- int count;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc gettags item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_gettags;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "getTags Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a list
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, tmp, &count, &list),
- "bbox Failed : ");
- // put strings into a new table
- char *str;
- //store the table into tagList
- (*tagList) = new String* [count];
- // fill the table
- for (int i (0) ; i < count ; i++)
- {
- str = Tcl_GetString (list[i]);
- (*tagList)[i] = new String (str);
- }
- return count;
- * Set the focus to an item
- *
- * @param item the item to set the focus to
- */
-void Zinc::focus (ZincItem *item)
- // .zinc focus item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_focus;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "focus Failed: ");
- * Tell if the name is a gradient name
- *
- * @param gname a gradient name
- * @return true if the name is a gradient name, false otherwise
- */
-bool Zinc::isGname (String _gname)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- int result;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc gname _gname
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_gname;
- p1[2] = Z_STR_POOL (0, _gname.c_str (), _gname.length ());
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "isGname Failed: ");
- //retreive the result as a boolean
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &result),
- "isGname Failed: ");
- return bool (result);
- * Create a named gradient
- *
- * @param gradient a gradient
- * @param gname a gradient name
- */
-void Zinc::gname (String gradient, String _gname)
- // call .zinc gname gradient gname
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_gname;
- p1[2] = Z_STR_POOL (0, gradient.c_str (), gradient.length ());
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (1, _gname.c_str (), _gname.length ());
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "gname Failed: ");
- * Retreive the group of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to get the group from
- * @return the group
- */
-ZincItem* Zinc::group (ZincItem *item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc group item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_group;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "group Failed: ");
- //retreive the result as a tcl_obj
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincItem (tmp);
- * Reorder items to lower one
- *
- * @param item the item to lower
- */
-void Zinc::lower (ZincItem *item)
- // call .zinc lower item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_lower;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "lower Failed: ");
- * Reorder items to lower one
- *
- * @param item the item to lower
- * @param belowThis and item that will be over item
- */
-void Zinc::lower (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *belowThis)
- // call .zinc lower item belowThis
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_lower;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = belowThis->object;
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "lower Failed: ");
- * Reorder items to raise one
- *
- * @param item the item to raise
- */
-void Zinc::raise (ZincItem *item)
- // call .zinc raise item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_raise;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "raise Failed: ");
- * Reorder items to raise one
- *
- * @param item the item to raise
- * @param aboveThis an item that will be under item
- */
-void Zinc::raise (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *aboveThis)
- // call .zinc raise item aboveThis
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_raise;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = aboveThis->object;
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "raise Failed: ");
- * Return the type of an item
- *
- * @param item an item
- * @return the type of the item
- */
-itemType Zinc::type (ZincItem *item)
- Tcl_Obj *tmp;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc type item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_type;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "type Failed: ");
- //retreive the result as a string
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- // convert the string to the right enum value
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- itemTypeStrings,
- "itemType",
- 0, &value),
- "type Failed : ");
- return itemType (value);
- * Create a Zinc Tag that can be used in place of any item
- * for zinc functions that must be called using tagOrId
- *
- * @param tag the text of the tag
- * @return a tag item
- */
-ZincItem* Zinc::createTag(String tag)
- //just create an item
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_NewStringObj (tag.c_str (), tag.length ()));
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Suppress an item
- *
- * @param item the item to suppress
- */
-void Zinc::itemRemove (ZincItem *item)
- //call .zinc remove item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_remove;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "itemRemove failed :");
- * Create a group item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put the new group, if NULL we create
- * in the defaults group
- * @return the group item
- */
-ZincItem *Zinc::itemCreateGroup (ZincItem *parentGroup)
- //call .zinc add group parentGroup
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_group;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "itemCreateGroup failed :");
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create a rectangle item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param x y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle
- * @return the rectangle item
- */
-ZincItem* Zinc::itemCreateRectangle (ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y,
- double width, double height)
- //call .zinc add rectangle parentGroup {coords}
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_rectangle;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- //coordinates as a list
- p2[0] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, x);
- p2[1] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, y);
- p2[2] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, width + x);
- p2[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, height + y);
- p1[4] = Z_LST_POOL (4, p2, 4); // a list with 4 items
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemCreateRectangle failed :");
- //clear the list in the pool No 4
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create an arc item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param x y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle
- * @return the arc item
- */
-ZincItem *Zinc::itemCreateArc (ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y,
- double width, double height)
- //call .zinc add arc parentGroup {coords}
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_arc;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- //coordinates as a list
- p2[0] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, x);
- p2[1] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, y);
- p2[2] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, width + x);
- p2[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, height + y);
- p1[4] = Z_LST_POOL (4, p2, 4);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemCreateArc failed :");
- //clear the list in the pool No 4 to reuse it later
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create a text item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @return the text item
- */
-ZincItem *Zinc::itemCreateText (ZincItem *parentGroup)
- //call .zinc add text parentGroup
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_text;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "itemCreateText failed :");
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create a curve item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param path the path to display
- * @return the curve item
- */
-ZincItem *Zinc::itemCreateCurve (ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincPath *path)
- Tcl_Obj *table;
- table = path->getTable ();
- //call .zinc add curve parentGroup {path}
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_curve;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- p1[4] = table;
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemCreateCurve failed :");
- return new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create an icon item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param image a zincImage to display
- * @return the icon item
- */
-ZincItem *Zinc::itemCreateIcon (ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincImage* image)
- //call .zinc add icon parentGroup
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- p1[2] = ZITM_icon;
- p1[3] = Z_PARENTGROUP (parentGroup);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "itemCreateIcon failed :");
- //retreive the result
- ZincItem *result = new ZincItem (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- //to be able to set the image
- itemSetImage (result, image);
- return result;
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Translate the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param dx dy translation vector
- */
-void Zinc::itemTranslate (ZincItem * item, double dx, double dy)
- // call .zinc translate item dx dy
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_translate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, dx);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, dy);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemTranslateRelative Failed : ");
- * Translate the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param x y translation vector
- * @param absolute true if the translation is absolute
- */
-void Zinc::itemTranslate (ZincItem * item, double x, double y, bool absolute)
- // call .zinc translate item x y absolute
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_translate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, x);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, y);
- p1[5] = Z_BOO_POOL (2, absolute);
- // call the function with 6 arguments
- z_command (6, "itemTranslateAbsolute Failed : ");
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- */
-void Zinc::itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle)
- // call .zinc rotate item angle
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_rotate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, angle);
- // call the function with 4 arguments
- z_command (4, "itemRotate (angle) Failed : ");
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- * @param x y the center of the rotation
- */
-void Zinc::itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, double x, double y)
- // call .zinc rotate item angle x y
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_rotate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, angle);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, x);
- p1[5] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, y);
- // call the function with 6 arguments
- z_command (6, "itemRotateDegree (angle,center) Failed : ");
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate
- * @param degree true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians
- */
-void Zinc::itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, bool degree)
- // call .zinc rotate item angle degree
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_rotate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, angle);
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, degree);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemRotate (angle,degree) Failed : ");
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- * @param x y the center of the rotation
- * @param degree true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians
- */
-void Zinc::itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, double x, double y,
- bool degree)
- // call .zinc rotate item angle degree x y
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_rotate;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, angle);
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, degree);
- p1[5] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, x);
- p1[6] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, y);
- // call the function with 7 arguments
- z_command (7, "itemRotate (angle,center,degree) Failed : ");
- * Scale an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param ax horizontal scale
- * @param ay vertical scale
- */
-void Zinc::itemScale (ZincItem * item, double ax, double ay)
- // call .zinc scale item ax ay
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_scale;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, ax);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, ay);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemScale Failed : ");
- * Scale an item using a specified center
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param ax horizontal scale
- * @param ay vertical scale
- * @param cx cy center of the scale
- */
-void Zinc::itemScale (ZincItem * item, double ax, double ay, double cx, double cy)
- // call .zinc scale item ax ay cx cy
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_scale;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, ax);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, ay);
- p1[5] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, cx);
- p1[6] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, cy);
- // call the function with 7 arguments
- z_command (7, "itemScale (center) Failed : ");
- * Skew an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sx horizontal skew
- * @param sy vertical skew
- */
-void Zinc::itemSkew (ZincItem * item, double sx, double sy)
- // call .zinc skew item sx sy
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_skew;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, sx);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, sy);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemSkew Failed : ");
- * Skew an item horizontaly
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sx horizontal skew
- */
-void Zinc::itemSkewX (ZincItem * item, double sx)
- // call .zinc skew item sx 0
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_skew;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, sx);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, 0);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemSkewX Failed : ");
- * Skew an item verticaly
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sy vertical skew
- */
-void Zinc::itemSkewY (ZincItem * item, double sy)
- // call .zinc skew item 0 sy
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_skew;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, 0);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, sy);
- // call the function with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemSkewY Failed : ");
- * Reset all transformations associated with the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- */
-void Zinc::itemResetTransformation (ZincItem * item)
- // call .zinc treset item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_treset;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "itemResetTransformation Failed : ");
- * Replace current transform by a matrix
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f the new transform matrix
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetTransformation (ZincItem * item,
- double a, double b, double c,
- double d, double e, double f)
- // call .zinc tset item a b c d e f
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_tset;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_DBL_POOL (0, a);
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, b);
- p1[5] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, c);
- p1[6] = Z_DBL_POOL (3, d);
- p1[7] = Z_DBL_POOL (4, e);
- p1[8] = Z_DBL_POOL (5, f);
- // call the function with 9 arguments
- z_command (9, "itemSetTransformation Failed : ");
- * Get current transform matrix
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f places where we'll put the transform matrix
- */
-void Zinc::itemGetTransformation (ZincItem * item,
- double *a, double *b, double *c,
- double *d, double *e, double *f)
- // bug in zinc (or not?), it doesn't reset result for the tget function
- // or apennd a result instead of replacing it
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc tget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_tget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- z_command (3, "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a list object
- Tcl_Obj* tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int num;
- Tcl_Obj** elems;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, tmp, &num, &elems),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- //num is necessarily 6, extract 6 double
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[0], a),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[1], b),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[2], c),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[3], d),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[4], e),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[5], f),
- "itemGetTransformation Failed : ");
- * Multiply current transform by a matrix
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f transform matrix
- */
-void Zinc::itemMatrix (ZincItem * item,
- double a, double b, double c,
- double d, double e, double f)
- double a0,b0,c0,d0,e0,f0;
- double a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1;
- // get current transform
- itemGetTransformation (item, &a0, &b0, &c0, &d0, &e0, &f0);
- //multiply
- a1 = a * a0 + d * b0;
- b1 = b * a0 + e * b0;
- c1 = c * a0 + f * b0 + c0;
- d1 = a * d0 + d * e0;
- e1 = b * d0 + e * e0;
- f1 = c * d0 + f * e0 + f0;
- // set to new transform
- itemSetTransformation (item, a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1);
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
-//number of elements in the ZincEvent structure
-#define EVENT_COUNT 10
-//number of basic parameters to a widget callback
-//number of basic parameters to an item callback
-#define ITEMCB_COUNT 4
-//the equivalent of z_tcl_call able to be called in a callback
-#define z_tcl_call2(fct,msg) \
- { \
- int result = (fct); \
- if (result != TCL_OK) \
- { \
- Tcl_AppendResult (Zinc::interp, msg, NULL); \
- return TCL_ERROR; \
- } \
- }
- * Real callback used by zinc TCL
- *
- * @param client_data the Zinc object
- * @param interp current interpreter
- * @param argc number of arguments
- * @param args table of arguments
- */
-int tclCallback (ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST args[])
- Zinc *zinc = (Zinc*) client_data;
- int cb;
- ZincItem *item;
- void *userData;
- ZincEvent *ev;
- long value;
- //count arguments
- {
- Tcl_SetResult (Zinc::interp, "Zinclib: Invalid argument count in tclCallback", NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- // skip the bind name
- args++;
- // get the item if this is an item bind
- {
- // retreive item
- z_tcl_call2 (Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, args[0], &value),
- "Zinclib: No item in tclCallback");
- item = (ZincItem*) value;
- args++;
- }
- // retreive callback
- z_tcl_call2 (Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, args[0], &value),
- "Zinclib: No callback in tclCallback");
- cb = value;
- // retreive userdata
- args++;
- z_tcl_call2 (Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, args[0], &value),
- "Zinclib: No userData in tclCallback");
- userData = (void*) value;
- // point args to events values
- args++;
- //fill event structure with all avent values we support
- ev = new ZincEvent;
- // x position of the mouse
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[0], &(ev->x)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->x = 0;
- }
- // y position of the mouse
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[1], &(ev->y)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->y = 0;
- }
- // keycode
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[2], &(ev->k)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->k = 0;
- }
- // timestamp
- if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj (interp, args[3], &(ev->t)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->t = 0;
- }
- // keysyms
- ev->K = String (Tcl_GetString (args[4]));
- // window height
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[5], &(ev->h)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->h = 0;
- }
- // window width
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[6], &(ev->w)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->w = 0;
- }
- // x position of the mouse within display
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[7], &(ev->X)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->X = 0;
- }
- // y position of the mouse within display
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[8], &(ev->Y)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->Y = 0;
- }
- // button pressed
- if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, args[9], &(ev->b)) != TCL_OK)
- {
- ev->b = 0;
- }
- // Call the callback
- {
- // this is a callback on an item
- ZincItemCallback itemCb = (ZincItemCallback)cb;
- (*itemCb) (zinc, item, ev, userData);
- }
- else
- {
- // this is a callback on the zinc widget
- ZincWidgetCallback zincCb = (ZincWidgetCallback)cb;
- (*zincCb) (zinc, ev, userData);
- }
- delete ev;
- return TCL_OK;
- * Bind a function to an event on the zinc widget
- *
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- * @param callBack the function which will be called back
- * @param userData data we will give back to the callback when called
- * @param add false to replace existing bind or true to add
- */
-void Zinc::bind (String eventSpecification,
- ZincWidgetCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add)
- // call bind .zinc eventSpec script
- const char* para[4];
- para[0] = "bind";
- para[1] = window.c_str ();
- para[2] = eventSpecification.c_str ();
- //create callback script
- // this script is a call to the tclCallback function using all arguments we need
- String script;
- // do we add or replace the callback
- if (add)
- {
- script = String("+");
- }
- script += tclCb + " "; // name of the tcl function we created
- script += ltos ((long)callBack) + " "; // the real callback (as a pointer)
- script += ltos ((long)userData) + " "; // the user data (as a pointer)
- script += "%x %y %k %t %K %h %w %X %Y %b";// arguments for the event structure
- para[3] = script.c_str ();
- //call the command with 4 arguments
- z_tcl_call ((*bndCmdInfo.proc)(bndCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 4, para),
- "bind Failed : ");
- * Annulate a binding
- *
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- */
-void Zinc::unbind (String eventSpecification)
- // call bind .zinc eventSpec ""
- const char* para[4];;
- para[0] = "bind";
- para[1] = window.c_str ();
- para[2] = eventSpecification.c_str ();
- para[3] = "";
- //call the command with 4 arguments
- z_tcl_call ((*bndCmdInfo.proc)(bndCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 4, para),
- "unbind Failed : ");
- * Bind a function to an event on an item
- *
- * @param item the item on which to bind
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- * @param callBack the function which will be called back
- * @param userData data we will give back to the callback when called
- */
-void Zinc::itemBind (ZincItem *item, String eventSpec,
- ZincItemCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add)
- // call .zinc bind item eventSpec script
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_bind;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (0, eventSpec.c_str (), eventSpec.length ());
- //create callback script
- // this script is a call to the tclCallback function using all arguments we need
- String script;
- // do we add or replace the callback
- if (add)
- {
- script = String("+");
- }
- script += tclCb + " "; // name of the tcl function we created
- script += ltos ((long)item) + " "; // the item (as a pointer)
- script += ltos ((long)callBack) + " "; // the real callback (as a pointer)
- script += ltos ((long)userData) + " "; // the user data (as a pointer)
- script += "%x %y %k %t %K %h %w %X %Y %b"; // arguments for the event structure
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, script.c_str (), script.length ());
- // call the widget command with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemBind Failed : ");
- * Annulate a binding
- *
- * @param item the item on which to unbind
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- */
-void Zinc::itemUnbind (ZincItem *item, String eventSpec)
- // call .zinc bind item eventSpec ""
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_bind;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = Z_STR_POOL (0, eventSpec.c_str (), eventSpec.length ());
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, "", -1);
- //call the command with 5 arguments
- z_command (5, "itemUnbind Failed : ");
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Loads the zinc library and initialize tcl and tk
- *
- * @param argv0 the name of the executable as passed in argv[0]
- */
-void Zinc::loadZinc (char *argv0) throw (ZincException)
- //Initialise internal TCL structure
- Tcl_FindExecutable (argv0);
- //Create an interpreter
- interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
- if (interp == NULL)
- {
- throw ZincException("Tcl_CreateInterp Error", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- // set display
- Tcl_SetVar(interp, "env", "DISPLAY", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
- //remove prompt
- Tcl_SetVar(interp, "tcl_interactive", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
- // needed for Default system startup file for Tcl-based applications
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_Init(interp), "Tcl_Init failed : ");
- //Initialize Tk
-// Tk_Init(interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tk_Init (interp), "Tk_Init failed : ");
- //Initialize Zinc
- z_tcl_call (Tkzinc_Init (interp), "Tkzinc_Init failed :");
- // Load Img package in order to handle PNG, JPEG, ..
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, "package require Img"), "Package Img not found");
- //Initialize objects pool
- for (int i(0); i<ZINC_POOL_COUNT ; i++)
- {
- pool[i] = Tcl_NewObj ();
- Tcl_IncrRefCount (pool[i]);
- }
- //initialise frame command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "toplevel", &topCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Toplevel command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //initialise zinc command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "zinc", &zncCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Zinc command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //initialise image command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "image", &imgCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Image command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //initialise font command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "font", &fntCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Font command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //initialise focus command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "focus", &focCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Focus command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- //initialise bind command info
- if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "bind", &bndCmdInfo))
- {
- throw ZincException (String ("Bind command not found"),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- * Run tk mainloop and returns when there is no more Tk window
- */
-void Zinc::zincMainLoop ()
- Tk_MainLoop();
-"code.cpp" in Tkzins/generic source from :
- ./gen.pl Arc.c Attrs.c Color.c Curve.c Draw.c Group.c
- Image.c List.c Item.c Icon.c Rectangle.c tkZinc.c Text.c
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -closed )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the closed to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetClosed (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_closed;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetClosed Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -closed )
- *
- * @param item the item to get closed from
- * @return closed value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetClosed (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_closed;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetClosed Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetClosed Failed : ");
- return bool (value);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composealpha )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composealpha to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetComposealpha (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composealpha;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetComposealpha Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composealpha )
- *
- * @param item the item to get composealpha from
- * @return composealpha value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetComposealpha (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composealpha;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetComposealpha Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetComposealpha Failed : ");
- return bool (value);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composerotation )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composerotation to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetComposerotation (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composerotation;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetComposerotation Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composerotation )
- *
- * @param item the item to get composerotation from
- * @return composerotation value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetComposerotation (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composerotation;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetComposerotation Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetComposerotation Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composescale )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composescale to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetComposescale (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composescale;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetComposescale Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composescale )
- *
- * @param item the item to get composescale from
- * @return composescale value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetComposescale (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_composescale;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetComposescale Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetComposescale Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -extent )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the extent to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetExtent (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_extent;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetExtent Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -extent )
- *
- * @param item the item to get extent from
- * @return extent value
- */
-unsigned int Zinc::itemGetExtent (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_extent;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetExtent Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetExtent Failed : ");
- return (unsigned int)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillcolor )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillcolor to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFillcolor (ZincItem * item, String value)
- //Warning, weird bug workaround
- // here is a deep copy
- // without this, on frequent calls, tcl mays segfault
- String tmp = String(value.c_str ());
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillcolor;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, tmp.c_str (), -1);
- //call the zinc function in with 5 arguments internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFillcolor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillcolor )
- *
- * @param item the item to get fillcolor from
- * @return fillcolor value
- */
-String Zinc::itemGetFillcolor (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillcolor;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFillcolor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -filled )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the filled to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFilled (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_filled;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFilled Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -filled )
- *
- * @param item the item to get filled from
- * @return filled value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetFilled (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_filled;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFilled Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetFilled Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillpattern )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillpattern to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFillpattern (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap *value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillpattern;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFillpattern Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillpattern )
- *
- * @param item the item to get fillpattern from
- * @return fillpattern value
- */
-ZincBitmap * Zinc::itemGetFillpattern (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillpattern;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFillpattern Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincBitmap (tmp, true);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linecolor )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linecolor to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetLinecolor (ZincItem * item, String value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linecolor;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetLinecolor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linecolor )
- *
- * @param item the item to get linecolor from
- * @return linecolor value
- */
-String Zinc::itemGetLinecolor (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linecolor;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetLinecolor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linepattern )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linepattern to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetLinepattern (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linepattern;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetLinepattern Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linepattern )
- *
- * @param item the item to get linepattern from
- * @return linepattern value
- */
-ZincBitmap * Zinc::itemGetLinepattern (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linepattern;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetLinepattern Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincBitmap (tmp, true);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linestyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linestyle to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetLinestyle (ZincItem * item, lineStyle value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linestyle;
- p1[4] = lineStyles[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetLinestyle Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linestyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to get linestyle from
- * @return linestyle value
- */
-lineStyle Zinc::itemGetLinestyle (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linestyle;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetLinestyle Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- lineStylesStrings,
- "lineStyles",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetLinestyle Failed : ");
- return (lineStyle)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linewidth )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linewidth to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetLinewidth (ZincItem * item, double value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linewidth;
- p1[4] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetLinewidth Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linewidth )
- *
- * @param item the item to get linewidth from
- * @return linewidth value
- */
-double Zinc::itemGetLinewidth (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_linewidth;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetLinewidth Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- double value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetLinewidth Failed : ");
- return (double)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -pieslice )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the pieslice to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetPieslice (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_pieslice;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetPieslice Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -pieslice )
- *
- * @param item the item to get pieslice from
- * @return pieslice value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetPieslice (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_pieslice;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetPieslice Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetPieslice Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -priority )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the priority to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetPriority (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_priority;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetPriority Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -priority )
- *
- * @param item the item to get priority from
- * @return priority value
- */
-unsigned int Zinc::itemGetPriority (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_priority;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetPriority Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetPriority Failed : ");
- return (unsigned int)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -sensitive )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the sensitive to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetSensitive (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_sensitive;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetSensitive Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -sensitive )
- *
- * @param item the item to get sensitive from
- * @return sensitive value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetSensitive (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_sensitive;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetSensitive Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetSensitive Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -startangle )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the startangle to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetStartangle (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_startangle;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 argumentsin internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetStartangle Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -startangle )
- *
- * @param item the item to get startangle from
- * @return startangle value
- */
-unsigned int Zinc::itemGetStartangle (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_startangle;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetStartangle Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetStartangle Failed : ");
- return (unsigned int)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -tile )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the tile to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetTile (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_tile;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetTile Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -tile )
- *
- * @param item the item to get tile from
- * @return tile value
- */
-ZincBitmap * Zinc::itemGetTile (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_tile;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetTile Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincBitmap (tmp, true);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -visible )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the visible to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetVisible (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_visible;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetVisible Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -visible )
- *
- * @param item the item to get visible from
- * @return visible value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetVisible (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_visible;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetVisible Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetVisible Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -capstyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the capstyle to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetCapstyle (ZincItem * item, capStyle value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_capstyle;
- p1[4] = capStyles[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetCapstyle Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -capstyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to get capstyle from
- * @return capstyle value
- */
-capStyle Zinc::itemGetCapstyle (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_capstyle;
- //call the zinc function with 4 argumentsin internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetCapstyle Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- capStylesStrings,
- "capStyles",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetCapstyle Failed : ");
- return (capStyle)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillrule )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillrule to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFillrule (ZincItem * item, fillRule value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillrule;
- p1[4] = fillRules[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 argumentsin internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFillrule Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillrule )
- *
- * @param item the item to get fillrule from
- * @return fillrule value
- */
-fillRule Zinc::itemGetFillrule (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_fillrule;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFillrule Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- fillRulesStrings,
- "fillRules",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetFillrule Failed : ");
- return (fillRule)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -joinstyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the joinstyle to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetJoinstyle (ZincItem * item, joinStyle value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_joinstyle;
- p1[4] = joinStyles[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetJoinstyle Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -joinstyle )
- *
- * @param item the item to get joinstyle from
- * @return joinstyle value
- */
-joinStyle Zinc::itemGetJoinstyle (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_joinstyle;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetJoinstyle Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- joinStylesStrings,
- "joinStyles",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetJoinstyle Failed : ");
- return (joinStyle)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -relief )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the relief to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetRelief (ZincItem * item, relief value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_relief;
- p1[4] = reliefs[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetRelief Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -relief )
- *
- * @param item the item to get relief from
- * @return relief value
- */
-relief Zinc::itemGetRelief (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_relief;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetRelief Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- reliefsStrings,
- "reliefs",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetRelief Failed : ");
- return (relief)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -smoothrelief )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the smoothrelief to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetSmoothrelief (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_smoothrelief;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetSmoothrelief Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -smoothrelief )
- *
- * @param item the item to get smoothrelief from
- * @return smoothrelief value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetSmoothrelief (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_smoothrelief;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetSmoothrelief Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetSmoothrelief Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -alpha )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the alpha to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetAlpha (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_alpha;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetAlpha Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -alpha )
- *
- * @param item the item to get alpha from
- * @return alpha value
- */
-unsigned int Zinc::itemGetAlpha (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_alpha;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetAlpha Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetAlpha Failed : ");
- return (unsigned int)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -atomic )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the atomic to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetAtomic (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_atomic;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function in with 5 arguments internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetAtomic Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -atomic )
- *
- * @param item the item to get atomic from
- * @return atomic value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetAtomic (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_atomic;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetAtomic Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetAtomic Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -clip )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the clip to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetClip (ZincItem * item, ZincItem * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_clip;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetClip Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -clip )
- *
- * @param item the item to get clip from
- * @return clip value
- */
-ZincItem * Zinc::itemGetClip (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_clip;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetClip Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincItem(tmp);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -anchor )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the anchor to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetAnchor (ZincItem * item, anchor value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_anchor;
- p1[4] = anchors[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetAnchor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -anchor )
- *
- * @param item the item to get anchor from
- * @return anchor value
- */
-anchor Zinc::itemGetAnchor (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_anchor;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetAnchor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- anchorsStrings,
- "anchors",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetAnchor Failed : ");
- return (anchor)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -color )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the color to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetColor (ZincItem * item, String value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_color;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetColor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -color )
- *
- * @param item the item to get color from
- * @return color value
- */
-String Zinc::itemGetColor (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_color;
- //call the zinc function with 4 argument in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetColor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -connecteditem )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the connecteditem to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetConnecteditem (ZincItem * item, ZincItem * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_connecteditem;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetConnecteditem Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -connecteditem )
- *
- * @param item the item to get connecteditem from
- * @return connecteditem value
- */
-ZincItem * Zinc::itemGetConnecteditem (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_connecteditem;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetConnecteditem Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincItem(tmp);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -connectionanchor )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the connectionanchor to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetConnectionanchor (ZincItem * item, anchor value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_connectionanchor;
- p1[4] = anchors[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetConnectionanchor Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -connectionanchor )
- *
- * @param item the item to get connectionanchor from
- * @return connectionanchor value
- */
-anchor Zinc::itemGetConnectionanchor (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_connectionanchor;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetConnectionanchor Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- anchorsStrings,
- "anchors",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetConnectionanchor Failed : ");
- return (anchor)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -image )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the image to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetImage (ZincItem * item, ZincImage * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_image;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetImage Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -image )
- *
- * @param item the item to get image from
- * @return image value
- */
-ZincImage * Zinc::itemGetImage (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_image;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetImage Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincImage(tmp, true);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -mask )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the mask to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetMask (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_mask;
- p1[4] = value->object;
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetMask Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -mask )
- *
- * @param item the item to get mask from
- * @return mask value
- */
-ZincBitmap * Zinc::itemGetMask (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_mask;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetMask Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincBitmap (tmp, true);
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -alignment )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the alignment to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetAlignment (ZincItem * item, alignment value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_alignment;
- p1[4] = alignments[value];
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetAlignment Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -alignment )
- *
- * @param item the item to get alignment from
- * @return alignment value
- */
-alignment Zinc::itemGetAlignment (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_alignment;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetAlignment Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, tmp,
- alignmentsStrings,
- "alignments",
- 0, &value),
- "itemGetAlignment Failed : ");
- return (alignment)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -font )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the font to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFont (ZincItem * item, ZincFont * value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_font;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (0, value->name.c_str(), value->name.length());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFont Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -font )
- *
- * @param item the item to get font from
- * @return font value
- */
-ZincFont * Zinc::itemGetFont (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_font;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFont Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return new ZincFont (Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -overstriked )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the overstriked to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetOverstriked (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_overstriked;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetOverstriked Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -overstriked )
- *
- * @param item the item to get overstriked from
- * @return overstriked value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetOverstriked (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_overstriked;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetOverstriked Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetOverstriked Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -spacing )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the spacing to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetSpacing (ZincItem * item, short value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_spacing;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetSpacing Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -spacing )
- *
- * @param item the item to get spacing from
- * @return spacing value
- */
-short Zinc::itemGetSpacing (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_spacing;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetSpacing Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetSpacing Failed : ");
- return (short)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -text )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the text to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetText (ZincItem * item, String value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_text;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetText Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -text )
- *
- * @param item the item to get text from
- * @return text value
- */
-String Zinc::itemGetText (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_text;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetText Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- return String (Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL));
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -underlined )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the underlined to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetUnderlined (ZincItem * item, bool value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_underlined;
- p1[4] = Z_BOO_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetUnderlined Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -underlined )
- *
- * @param item the item to get underlined from
- * @return underlined value
- */
-bool Zinc::itemGetUnderlined (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_underlined;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetUnderlined Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetUnderlined Failed : ");
- return (bool)value;
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -width )
- *
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the width to set
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetWidth (ZincItem * item, unsigned short value)
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemconfigure item attribute value
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_width;
- p1[4] = Z_INT_POOL (1, value);
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetWidth Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -width )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @return width value
- */
-unsigned short Zinc::itemGetWidth (ZincItem * item)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp;
- //discard all old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- //prepare arguments : .zinc itemcget item
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_width;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetWidth Failed : ");
- //retreive the result trough the tcl interpreter and convert it
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "itemGetWidth Failed : ");
- return (unsigned short)value;
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use z_tcl_call which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or z_command to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -firstend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @param a,b,c values used to set end
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetFirstend (ZincItem * item, double a, double b, double c)
- String value = dtos (a) + " " + dtos (b) + " " + dtos (c);
- // call .zinc itemconfigure item -firstend "a b c"
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_firstend;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetFirstend Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -firstend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @param a,b,c values used to sedwhere we'll put end
- */
-void Zinc::itemGetFirstend (ZincItem * item, double *a, double *b, double *c)
- Tcl_Obj *tmp;
- int argc;
- char * line;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc itemcget item -firstend
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_firstend;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetFirstend Failed : ");
- //get the result as a string
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- line = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL);
- //interpret the string a 3 double
- argc = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf", a, b, c);
- if (argc != 3)
- {
- throw ZincException (String("itemGetFirstend Failed"), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -lastend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @param a,b,c values used to set end
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetLastend (ZincItem * item, double a, double b, double c)
- String value = dtos (a) + " " + dtos (b) + " " + dtos (c);
- // call .zinc itemconfigure item -lastend "a b c"
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_lastend;
- p1[4] = Z_STR_POOL (1, value.c_str (), value.length ());
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetLastend Failed : ");
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -lastend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @param a,b,c values used to sedwhere we'll put end
- */
-void Zinc::itemGetLastend (ZincItem * item, double *a, double *b, double *c)
- Tcl_Obj *tmp;
- int argc;
- char * line;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc itemcget item -lastend
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_lastend;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetLastend Failed : ");
- //get the result as a string
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- line = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (tmp, NULL);
- //interpret the string a 3 double
- argc = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf", a, b, c);
- if (argc != 3)
- {
- throw ZincException (String("itemGetLastend Failed"), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -position )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width fromset position to
- * @param x,y position
- */
-void Zinc::itemSetPosition (ZincItem * item, double x, double y)
- // call .zinc itemconfigure item -position {x y}
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemconfigure;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_position;
- //make a pair
- p2[0] = Z_DBL_POOL (1, x);
- p2[1] = Z_DBL_POOL (2, y);
- p1[4] = Z_LST_POOL (3, p2, 2); // a list of 2 items
- //call the zinc function with 5 arguments in internal form
- z_command (5, "itemSetPosition Failed : ");
- // clean the list No 3 in the pool
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -position )
- *
- * @param item the item to get position from
- * @param x,y position
- */
-void Zinc::itemGetPosition (ZincItem * item, double *x, double *y)
- Tcl_Obj *tmp;
- int num;
- Tcl_Obj** elems;
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // call .zinc itemcget item -position
- p1[0] = id;
- p1[1] = ZFCT_itemcget;
- p1[2] = item->object;
- p1[3] = ZOPT_position;
- //call the zinc function with 4 arguments in internal form
- z_command (4, "itemGetPosition Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as a list
- tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_ListObjGetElements (interp, tmp, &num, &elems),
- "itemGetPosition Failed : ");
- //num is necessarily 2 extract 2 double
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[0], x),
- "itemGetPosition Failed : ");
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, elems[0], y),
- "itemGetPosition Failed : ");
- * Create an image object
- *
- * @param the image reference (a file name)
- * @param isPhoto true for a picture, false for an X11 bitmap
- */
-ZincImage* Zinc::createImageFromFile (String image)
- const char* para[5];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -file image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "photo";
- para[3] = "-file";
- para[4] = image.c_str ();
- // call the function with 5 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 5, para),
- "createImageFromFile Failed : ");
- return new ZincImage (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create an image object
- *
- * @param the image reference (a base64 String or binary data)
- * @param isPhoto true for a picture, false for an X11 bitmap
- */
-ZincImage* Zinc::createImageFromData (String image)
- const char* para[5];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -data image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "photo";
- para[3] = "-data";
- para[4] = image.c_str ();
- // call the function with 5 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 5, para),
- "createImageFromData Failed : ");
- return new ZincImage (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- * Create a bitmap object from a file
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a file name)
- */
-ZincBitmap* Zinc::createBitmapFromFile (String image)
- const char* para[5];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -file image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "bitmap";
- para[3] = "-file";
- para[4] = image.c_str ();
- // call the function with 5 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 5, para),
- "createBitmapFromFile Failed : ");
- return new ZincBitmap (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp), false);
- * Create a bitmap object base64 data
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a base64 String or binary data)
- */
-ZincBitmap* Zinc::createBitmapFromData (String image)
- const char* para[5];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -data image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "bitmap";
- para[3] = "-data";
- para[4] = image.c_str ();
- // call the function with 5 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 5, para),
- "createBitmapFromData Failed : ");
- return new ZincBitmap (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp), false);
- * Create a bitmap object using a predefined name
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a name)
- */
-ZincBitmap* Zinc::createBitmapFromName (String image)
- return new ZincBitmap (image);
- * Create an image object
- *
- * @param width Width of image
- * @param height Height of image
- * @param aggBuffer An AGG buffer
- */
-ZincImage* Zinc::createImageFromAGGBuffer (int width, int height, unsigned char *aggBuffer)
- const char* para[7];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // create a blank offscreen image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "photo";
- para[3] = "-height";
- para[4] = String(itos (height).c_str ()).c_str ();
- para[5] = "-width";
- para[6] = String(itos (width).c_str ()).c_str ();
- // call the function with 7 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 7, para),
- "createImageFromBuffer Failed : ");
- // save result
- ZincImage *result = new ZincImage (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp));
- // get tcl PhotoImage handle
- Tk_PhotoHandle photo;
- photo = Tk_FindPhoto (interp, Tcl_GetString (result->object));
- if (photo == NULL)
- {
- // todo: error
- }
- // create a PhotoImageBlock
- Tk_PhotoImageBlock block;
- block.pixelPtr = aggBuffer;
- block.width = width;
- block.height = height;
- block.pitch = block.width * 3;
- block.pixelSize = 3;
- block.offset[0] = 0;
- block.offset[1] = 1;
- block.offset[2] = 2;
- block.offset[3] = 0;
- /* copy block to photo image and leave the rest to tk */
- Tk_PhotoPutBlock(photo, &block, 0, 0, block.width, block.height, TK_PHOTO_COMPOSITE_SET);
- // return result
- return result;
- * Create a font object
- *
- * @param family the font mamily
- * @param size if a positive number, it is in points, if a negative number,
- * its absolute value is a size in pixels.
- * @param bold 1 for a bold font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified
- * @param italic 1 an italic font, 0 for a roman font, -1 for unspecified
- * @param underline 1 for an underlined, 0 for a normal font, -1 for
- * unspecified
- * @param overstrike 1 for an overstriked font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified
- */
-ZincFont* Zinc::createFont (String family, int size, int bold, int italic,
- int underline, int overstrike)
- const char* para[14];
- //quote family to avoid problems with spaces
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : font create -family family -size size
- // -weight weight -slant slant -underline underline -overstrike overstrike
- para[0] = "font";
- para[1] = "create";
- para[2] = "-family";
- para[3] = family.c_str ();
- para[4] = "-size";
- //Warning, weird bug workaround
- // here is a deep copy
- // without this, on one MDK10.1 machine tcl sees an empty string
- String tmp = String(itos (size).c_str ());
- para[5] = tmp.c_str ();
- // use i as a variable parameter pointer
- int i=6; // last parameter is para[5]
- //handle default value for weight
- if (bold != -1)
- {
- para[i++] = "-weight";
- para[i++] = bold == 1 ? "bold" : "normal";
- }
- //handle default value for italic
- if (italic != -1)
- {
- para[i++] = "-slant";
- para[i++] = italic == 1 ? "italic" : "roman";
- }
- //handle default value for underline
- if (underline != -1)
- {
- para[i++] = "-underline";
- para[i++] = underline == 1 ? "true" : "false";
- }
- //handle default value for overstrike
- if (overstrike != -1)
- {
- para[i++] = "-overstrike";
- para[i++] = overstrike == 1 ? "true" : "false";
- }
- // call the function with i arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*fntCmdInfo.proc)(fntCmdInfo.clientData, interp, i, para),
- "createFont Failed : ");
- return new ZincFont (Tcl_GetStringResult (interp));
- * Get font ascent
- *
- * @param font the font
- * @return the font ascent
- */
-int Zinc::getFontAscent (ZincFont* font)
- const char* para[4];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : font metrics font -ascent
- para[0] = "font";
- para[1] = "metrics";
- para[2] = font->name.c_str();
- para[3] = "-ascent";
- // call the function with 4 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*fntCmdInfo.proc)(fntCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 4, para),
- "getFontAscent Failed : ");
- //retreive the result as an integer
- Tcl_Obj *tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- int value;
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getFontAscent Failed : ");
- return value;
- * Get Image width
- *
- * @param ZincImage the image to get width from
- * @return the width of the image
- */
-int Zinc::getImageWidth (ZincImage *image)
- const char* para[3];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -data image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "width";
- para[2] = Tcl_GetString (image->object);
- // call the function with 3 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 3, para),
- "getImageWidth Failed : ");
- int value;
- // retreive the result as an integer
- Tcl_Obj *tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getImageWidth Failed : ");
- return value;
- * Get Image height
- *
- * @param ZincImage the image to get height from
- * @return the height of the image
- */
-int Zinc::getImageHeight (ZincImage *image)
- const char* para[3];
- //discard old results
- Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
- // prepare arguments to call : image create (photo|bitmap) -data image
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "height";
- para[2] = Tcl_GetString (image->object);
- // call the function with 3 arguments and check for error
- z_tcl_call ((*imgCmdInfo.proc)(imgCmdInfo.clientData, interp, 3, para),
- "getImageHeight Failed : ");
- int value;
- // retreive the result as an integer
- Tcl_Obj *tmp = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
- z_tcl_call (Tcl_GetIntFromObj (interp, tmp, &value),
- "getImageHeight Failed : ");
- return value;
- * This is inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized
- * Use this when you need to call a function that can return a TCL error code.
- *
- * @param fct the full function call
- * @param msg the error message to throw in case of error
- */
-void Zinc::z_tcl_call (int result, char* p_msg) throw (ZincException)
- if (result != TCL_OK)
- {
- const char *r;
- String msg = "zinclib: ";
- if (p_msg != NULL)
- {
- msg.append (p_msg);
- }
- r = Tcl_GetStringResult (interp);
- if (r != NULL)
- {
- msg.append (r);
- }
- throw ZincException (msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- * This is a inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized
- * Use this to call the zinObjectCommand fuction. The call is made using the
- * pre allocated table p1, it must contain Tcl_Obj thar are parameters to
- * the zinObjectCommand function. A parameter indicate how many parameters
- * are passed to the zinObjectCommand function.
- *
- * @param count the number of parameters in p1
- * @param msg the error message to throw in case of error
- */
-void Zinc::z_command (int count, char* p_msg) throw (ZincException)
- int result = (*objCmd) (wi, interp, (count), p1);
- if (result != TCL_OK)
- {
- const char *r;
- String msg = "zinclib: ";
- if (p_msg != NULL)
- {
- msg.append (p_msg);
- }
- r = Tcl_GetStringResult (interp);
- if (r != NULL)
- {
- msg.append (r);
- }
- throw ZincException (msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 417b697..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/Zinc.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1365 +0,0 @@
-/** Zinc.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here is the declaration of the Zinc object
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- * David Thevenin <thevenin@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "ZincTypes.hpp"
-#include "ZincObjects.hpp"
-#include "ZincPath.hpp"
-#include "ZincExtern.hpp"
-#include <tcl.h>
-#ifndef ZINC_HEADER
-#define ZINC_HEADER
-/** Number of objects in the pool */
-const int ZINC_POOL_COUNT = 7;
-/** maximum number of parameter in a zinc function */
-const int ZINC_PARAM_COUNT = 10;
-/**Defaults zinc group */
-const int DEFAULT_GROUP = 1;
- * This class contains a zinc widget and members to create and modify items
- */
-class Zinc
- friend class ZincPath;
- Tcl_Obj *id; ///< the id of this object
- WidgetObjCmd objCmd; ///< the command associated with this object
- ClientData wi; ///< the zinc object itself
- String tclCb; ///< name of the binding callback
- int znId; ///< the znCount at creation time
- String window; ///< the window which contains the widget
- static int znCount; ///< count to create unique ids
- static Tcl_CmdInfo topCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with toplevel
- static Tcl_CmdInfo zncCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with zinc
- static Tcl_CmdInfo imgCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with image
- static Tcl_CmdInfo fntCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with font
- static Tcl_CmdInfo focCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with fous
- static Tcl_CmdInfo bndCmdInfo; ///< the command associated with bind
- static Tcl_Obj* pool[ZINC_POOL_COUNT];///< a pool of tclobj ready to be used
- static Tcl_Obj* p1[ZINC_PARAM_COUNT]; ///< table of pointeur use for parameters
- static Tcl_Obj* p2[ZINC_PARAM_COUNT]; ///< table of pointeur use for parameters
- static Tcl_Interp *interp; ///< the tcl interpreter
- /**
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param renderingMode ZINC_BACKEND_X11 or ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL
- */
- Zinc (int renderingMode);
- /**
- * The public destructor
- */
- ~Zinc ();
- /**
- * Change window title
- *
- * @param title the title string
- */
- void setTitle (String title);
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -backcolor )
- *
- * @param value the backcolor to set
- */
- void setBackcolor (String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -backcolor )
- *
- * @return backcolor value
- */
- String getBackcolor ();
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -forecolor )
- *
- * @param value the forecolor to set
- */
- void setForecolor (String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -forecolor )
- *
- * @return forecolor value
- */
- String getForecolor ();
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -width )
- *
- * @param value the width to set
- */
- void setWidth (int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -width )
- *
- * @return width value
- */
- int getWidth ();
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -height )
- *
- * @param value the height to set
- */
- void setHeight (int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -height )
- *
- * @return height value
- */
- int getHeight ();
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -borderwidth )
- *
- * @param value the borderwidth to set
- */
- void setBorderwidth (int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -borderwidth )
- *
- * @return borderwidth value
- */
- int getBorderwidth ();
- /**
- * Call zinc->configure ( -font )
- *
- * @param value the font to set
- */
- void setFont (ZincFont* value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->cget ( -font )
- *
- * @return font value
- */
- ZincFont* getFont ();
- /**
- * Get the bounding box of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to get bbox
- * @param bbox a table where we'll put the bounding box
- * bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc
- */
- void bbox (ZincItem* item, double bbox[4]);
- /**
- * Get the bounding box of an item in its parent group
- *
- * @param item the item to get bbox in its parent group
- * @param bbox a table where we'll put the bounding box
- * bbox[0] = x0, bbox[1] = y0, bbox[2] = xc, bbox[3] = yc
- */
- void relativeBbox (ZincItem* item, double bbox[4]);
- /**
- * Change the group of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to move
- * @param parentGroup new group for the item
- */
- void chggroup (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *parentGroup);
- /**
- * Clone an item
- *
- * @param item the item to clone
- * @return the cloned item
- */
- ZincItem* clone (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Get the number of contour of an item
- *
- * @return number of contour
- */
- int contour (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Set the contour of an item to the one of an other
- *
- * @param item the item on which we set the contour
- * @param flag the operation to do on the contour
- * @param reference the item to set contour from
- * @return the number of contour
- */
- int contour (ZincItem *item, itemOperator flag, ZincItem *reference);
- /**
- * Set the contour of an item
- *
- * @param item the item on which we set the contour
- * @param add true to add a path, false to remove
- * @param reference the new contour
- * @return the number of contour
- */
- int contour (ZincItem *item, bool add, ZincPath *contour);
- /**
- * Set or modify the coordinates of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to modify
- * @param contour new coords for the item
- * @param add true to add coords, false to replace
- * @param contourIndex the contour do modify
- * @param coordIndex the coordinate to modify (WARNING, path must be one
- * point if the is not the default)
- */
- void coords (ZincItem *item, ZincPath *contour, bool add,
- int contourIndex = -1, int coordIndex = -1);
- /**
- * Remove coords of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to modify
- * @param coordIndex the coordinate to rmove
- * @param contourIndex the contour on which we remove
- */
- void coordsRemove (ZincItem *item, int coordIndex, int contourIndex = -1);
- /**
- * Add a tag to an item
- *
- * @param item the item to add tag to
- * @param tag a tag to add
- */
- void addTag (ZincItem *item, String tag);
- /**
- * Remove a tag from an item
- *
- * @param item the item to remove tag from
- * @param tag a tag to remove (nothing to remove all tags)
- */
- void dTag (ZincItem *item, String tag = String(""));
- /**
- * List all tags of an item
- * It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table and strings
- *
- * @param item the item to list tag from
- * @param lagList a pointer to a table of String containing tags
- * @return the number of tags
- */
- int getTags (ZincItem *item, String*** tagList);
- /**
- * Set the focus to an item
- *
- * @param item the item to set the focus to
- */
- void focus (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Tell if the name is a gradient name
- *
- * @param gname a gradient name
- * @return true if the name is a gradient name, false otherwise
- */
- bool isGname (String gname);
- /**
- * Create a named gradient
- *
- * @param gradient a gradient
- * @param gname a gradient name
- */
- void gname (String gradient, String gname);
- /**
- * Retreive the group of an item
- *
- * @param item the item to get the group from
- * @return the group
- */
- ZincItem* group (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Reorder items to lower one
- *
- * @param item the item to lower
- */
- void lower (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Reorder items to lower one
- *
- * @param item the item to lower
- * @param belowThis and item that will be over item
- */
- void lower (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *belowThis);
- /**
- * Reorder items to raise one
- *
- * @param item the item to raise
- */
- void raise (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Reorder items to raise one
- *
- * @param item the item to raise
- * @param aboveThis an item that will be under item
- */
- void raise (ZincItem *item, ZincItem *aboveThis);
- /**
- * Return the type of an item
- *
- * @param item an item
- * @return the type of the item
- */
- itemType type (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Create a Zinc Tag that can be used in place of any item
- * for zinc functions that must be called using tagOrId
- *
- * @param tag the text of the tag
- * @return a tag item
- */
- ZincItem* createTag(String tag);
- /**
- * Suppress an item
- *
- * @param item the item to suppress
- */
- void itemRemove (ZincItem *item);
- /**
- * Create a group item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put the new group, if NULL we create
- * in the defaults group
- * @return the group item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateGroup (ZincItem *parentGroup);
- /**
- * Create a rectangle item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param x y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle
- * @return the rectangle item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateRectangle (ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y,
- double width, double height);
- /**
- * Create an arc item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param x y width height the coordinates of the new rectangle
- * @return the arc item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateArc (ZincItem *parentGroup, double x, double y,
- double width, double height);
- /**
- * Create a text item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @return the text item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateText (ZincItem *parentGroup);
- /**
- * Create a curve item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param path the path to display
- * @return the curve item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateCurve (ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincPath *path);
- /**
- * Create an icon item
- *
- * @param parentGroup group where we'll put it
- * @param image a zincImage to display
- * @return the icon item
- */
- ZincItem *itemCreateIcon (ZincItem *parentGroup, ZincImage* image);
- /**
- * Bind a function to an event on the zinc widget
- *
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- * @param callBack the function which will be called back
- * @param userData data we will give back to the callback when called
- * @param add false to replace existing bind or true to add
- */
- void bind (String eventSpecification,
- ZincWidgetCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add = false);
- /**
- * Annulate a binding
- *
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- */
- void unbind (String eventSpecification);
- /**
- * Bind a function to an event on an item
- *
- * @param item the item on which to bind
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- * @param callBack the function which will be called back
- * @param userData data we will give back to the callback when called
- * @param add false to replace existing bind or true to add
- */
- void itemBind (ZincItem *item, String eventSpecification,
- ZincItemCallback callBack, void *userData, bool add = false);
- /**
- * Annulate a binding
- *
- * @param item the item on which to unbind
- * @param eventSpecification tcl style event specicication
- */
- void itemUnbind (ZincItem *item, String eventSpecification);
- /**
- * Translate the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param dx dy translation vector
- */
- void itemTranslate (ZincItem * item, double dx, double dy);
- /**
- * Translate the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param x y translation vector
- * @param absolute true if the translation is absolute
- */
- void itemTranslate (ZincItem * item, double x, double y, bool absolute);
- /**
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- */
- void itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle);
- /**
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- * @param x y the center of the rotation
- */
- void itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, double x, double y);
- /**
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate
- * @param degree true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians
- */
- void itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, bool degree);
- /**
- * Rotate an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param angle the angle to rotate in radian
- * @param x y the center of the rotation
- * @param degree true for an angle in degree, false for an angle in radians
- */
- void itemRotate (ZincItem * item, double angle, double x, double y,
- bool degree);
- /**
- * Scale an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param ax horizontal scale
- * @param ay vertical scale
- */
- void itemScale (ZincItem * item, double ax, double ay);
- /**
- * Scale an item using a specified center
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param ax horizontal scale
- * @param ay vertical scale
- * @param cx cy center of the scale
- */
- void itemScale (ZincItem * item, double ax, double ay, double cx, double cy);
- /**
- * Skew an item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sx horizontal skew
- * @param sy vertical skew
- */
- void itemSkew (ZincItem * item, double sx, double sy);
- /**
- * Skew an item horizontaly
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sx horizontal skew
- */
- void itemSkewX (ZincItem * item, double sx);
- /**
- * Skew an item verticaly
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param sy vertical skew
- */
- void itemSkewY (ZincItem * item, double sy);
- /**
- * Reset all transformations associated with the item
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- */
- void itemResetTransformation (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Replace current transform by a matrix
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f the new transform matrix
- */
- void itemSetTransformation (ZincItem * item,
- double a, double b, double c,
- double d, double e, double f);
- /**
- * Get current transform matrix
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f places where we'll put the transform matrix
- */
- void itemGetTransformation (ZincItem * item,
- double *a, double *b, double *c,
- double *d, double *e, double *f);
- /**
- * Multiply current transform by a matrix
- *
- * @param item the item to which we apply the transform
- * @param a,b,c,d,e,f the new transform matrix
- */
- void itemMatrix (ZincItem * item,
- double a, double b, double c,
- double d, double e, double f);
-"code.hpp" in Tkzins/generic source from :
- ./gen.pl Arc.c Attrs.c Color.c Curve.c Draw.c Group.c
- Image.c List.c Item.c Icon.c Rectangle.c tkZinc.c Text.c
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -closed )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the closed to set
- */
- void itemSetClosed (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -closed )
- * @param item the item to get closed from
- * @return closed value
- */
- bool itemGetClosed (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composealpha )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composealpha to set
- */
- void itemSetComposealpha (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composealpha )
- * @param item the item to get composealpha from
- * @return composealpha value
- */
- bool itemGetComposealpha (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composerotation )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composerotation to set
- */
- void itemSetComposerotation (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composerotation )
- * @param item the item to get composerotation from
- * @return composerotation value
- */
- bool itemGetComposerotation (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -composescale )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the composescale to set
- */
- void itemSetComposescale (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -composescale )
- * @param item the item to get composescale from
- * @return composescale value
- */
- bool itemGetComposescale (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -extent )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the extent to set
- */
- void itemSetExtent (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -extent )
- * @param item the item to get extent from
- * @return extent value
- */
- unsigned int itemGetExtent (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillcolor )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillcolor to set
- */
- void itemSetFillcolor (ZincItem * item, String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillcolor )
- * @param item the item to get fillcolor from
- * @return fillcolor value
- */
- String itemGetFillcolor (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -filled )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the filled to set
- */
- void itemSetFilled (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -filled )
- * @param item the item to get filled from
- * @return filled value
- */
- bool itemGetFilled (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillpattern )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillpattern to set
- */
- void itemSetFillpattern (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillpattern )
- * @param item the item to get fillpattern from
- * @return fillpattern value
- */
- ZincBitmap * itemGetFillpattern (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linecolor )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linecolor to set
- */
- void itemSetLinecolor (ZincItem * item, String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linecolor )
- * @param item the item to get linecolor from
- * @return linecolor value
- */
- String itemGetLinecolor (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linepattern )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linepattern to set
- */
- void itemSetLinepattern (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linepattern )
- * @param item the item to get linepattern from
- * @return linepattern value
- */
- ZincBitmap * itemGetLinepattern (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linestyle )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linestyle to set
- */
- void itemSetLinestyle (ZincItem * item, lineStyle value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linestyle )
- * @param item the item to get linestyle from
- * @return linestyle value
- */
- lineStyle itemGetLinestyle (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -linewidth )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the linewidth to set
- */
- void itemSetLinewidth (ZincItem * item, double value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -linewidth )
- * @param item the item to get linewidth from
- * @return linewidth value
- */
- double itemGetLinewidth (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -pieslice )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the pieslice to set
- */
- void itemSetPieslice (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -pieslice )
- * @param item the item to get pieslice from
- * @return pieslice value
- */
- bool itemGetPieslice (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -priority )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the priority to set
- */
- void itemSetPriority (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -priority )
- * @param item the item to get priority from
- * @return priority value
- */
- unsigned int itemGetPriority (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -sensitive )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the sensitive to set
- */
- void itemSetSensitive (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -sensitive )
- * @param item the item to get sensitive from
- * @return sensitive value
- */
- bool itemGetSensitive (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -startangle )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the startangle to set
- */
- void itemSetStartangle (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -startangle )
- * @param item the item to get startangle from
- * @return startangle value
- */
- unsigned int itemGetStartangle (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -tile )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the tile to set
- */
- void itemSetTile (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -tile )
- * @param item the item to get tile from
- * @return tile value
- */
- ZincBitmap * itemGetTile (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -visible )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the visible to set
- */
- void itemSetVisible (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -visible )
- * @param item the item to get visible from
- * @return visible value
- */
- bool itemGetVisible (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -capstyle )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the capstyle to set
- */
- void itemSetCapstyle (ZincItem * item, capStyle value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -capstyle )
- * @param item the item to get capstyle from
- * @return capstyle value
- */
- capStyle itemGetCapstyle (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -fillrule )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the fillrule to set
- */
- void itemSetFillrule (ZincItem * item, fillRule value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -fillrule )
- * @param item the item to get fillrule from
- * @return fillrule value
- */
- fillRule itemGetFillrule (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -joinstyle )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the joinstyle to set
- */
- void itemSetJoinstyle (ZincItem * item, joinStyle value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -joinstyle )
- * @param item the item to get joinstyle from
- * @return joinstyle value
- */
- joinStyle itemGetJoinstyle (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -relief )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the relief to set
- */
- void itemSetRelief (ZincItem * item, relief value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -relief )
- * @param item the item to get relief from
- * @return relief value
- */
- relief itemGetRelief (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -smoothrelief )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the smoothrelief to set
- */
- void itemSetSmoothrelief (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -smoothrelief )
- * @param item the item to get smoothrelief from
- * @return smoothrelief value
- */
- bool itemGetSmoothrelief (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -alpha )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the alpha to set
- */
- void itemSetAlpha (ZincItem * item, unsigned int value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -alpha )
- * @param item the item to get alpha from
- * @return alpha value
- */
- unsigned int itemGetAlpha (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -atomic )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the atomic to set
- */
- void itemSetAtomic (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -atomic )
- * @param item the item to get atomic from
- * @return atomic value
- */
- bool itemGetAtomic (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -clip )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the clip to set
- */
- void itemSetClip (ZincItem * item, ZincItem * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -clip )
- * @param item the item to get clip from
- * @return clip value
- */
- ZincItem * itemGetClip (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -anchor )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the anchor to set
- */
- void itemSetAnchor (ZincItem * item, anchor value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -anchor )
- * @param item the item to get anchor from
- * @return anchor value
- */
- anchor itemGetAnchor (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -color )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the color to set
- */
- void itemSetColor (ZincItem * item, String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -color )
- * @param item the item to get color from
- * @return color value
- */
- String itemGetColor (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -connecteditem )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the connecteditem to set
- */
- void itemSetConnecteditem (ZincItem * item, ZincItem * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -connecteditem )
- * @param item the item to get connecteditem from
- * @return connecteditem value
- */
- ZincItem * itemGetConnecteditem (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -connectionanchor )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the connectionanchor to set
- */
- void itemSetConnectionanchor (ZincItem * item, anchor value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -connectionanchor )
- * @param item the item to get connectionanchor from
- * @return connectionanchor value
- */
- anchor itemGetConnectionanchor (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -image )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the image to set
- */
- void itemSetImage (ZincItem * item, ZincImage * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -image )
- * @param item the item to get image from
- * @return image value
- */
- ZincImage * itemGetImage (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -mask )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the mask to set
- */
- void itemSetMask (ZincItem * item, ZincBitmap * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -mask )
- * @param item the item to get mask from
- * @return mask value
- */
- ZincBitmap * itemGetMask (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -alignment )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the alignment to set
- */
- void itemSetAlignment (ZincItem * item, alignment value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -alignment )
- * @param item the item to get alignment from
- * @return alignment value
- */
- alignment itemGetAlignment (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -font )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the font to set
- */
- void itemSetFont (ZincItem * item, ZincFont * value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -font )
- * @param item the item to get font from
- * @return font value
- */
- ZincFont * itemGetFont (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -overstriked )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the overstriked to set
- */
- void itemSetOverstriked (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -overstriked )
- * @param item the item to get overstriked from
- * @return overstriked value
- */
- bool itemGetOverstriked (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -spacing )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the spacing to set
- */
- void itemSetSpacing (ZincItem * item, short value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -spacing )
- * @param item the item to get spacing from
- * @return spacing value
- */
- short itemGetSpacing (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -text )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the text to set
- */
- void itemSetText (ZincItem * item, String value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -text )
- * @param item the item to get text from
- * @return text value
- */
- String itemGetText (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -underlined )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the underlined to set
- */
- void itemSetUnderlined (ZincItem * item, bool value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -underlined )
- * @param item the item to get underlined from
- * @return underlined value
- */
- bool itemGetUnderlined (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -width )
- * @param item the item to configure
- * @param value the width to set
- */
- void itemSetWidth (ZincItem * item, unsigned short value);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -width )
- * @param item the item to get width from
- * @return width value
- */
- unsigned short itemGetWidth (ZincItem * item);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -firstend )
- *
- * @param item the item to set firstend to
- * @param a,b,c values used to set end
- */
- void itemSetFirstend (ZincItem * item, double a, double b, double c);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -firstend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get firstend from
- * @param a,b,c values used to sedwhere we'll put end
- */
- void itemGetFirstend (ZincItem * item, double *a, double *b, double *c);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -lastend )
- *
- * @param item the item to set lastend to
- * @param a,b,c values used to set end
- */
- void itemSetLastend (ZincItem * item, double a, double b, double c);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -lastend )
- *
- * @param item the item to get lastend from
- * @param a,b,c values used to sedwhere we'll put end
- */
- void itemGetLastend (ZincItem * item, double *a, double *b, double *c);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemconfigure ( -position )
- *
- * @param item the item to get width fromset position to
- * @param x,y position
- */
- void itemSetPosition (ZincItem * item, double x, double y);
- /**
- * Call zinc->itemcget ( -position )
- *
- * @param item the item to get position from
- * @param x,y position
- */
- void itemGetPosition (ZincItem * item, double *x, double *y);
- /**
- * Create an image object from a file
- *
- * @param image the image reference (a file name)
- */
- ZincImage* createImageFromFile (String image);
- /**
- * Create an image object using base64 data
- *
- * @param image the image reference (a base64 String or binary data)
- */
- ZincImage* createImageFromData (String image);
- /**
- * Create a bitmap object from a file
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a file name)
- */
- ZincBitmap* createBitmapFromFile (String image);
- /**
- * Create a bitmap object base64 data
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a base64 String or binary data)
- */
- ZincBitmap* createBitmapFromData (String image);
- /**
- * Create a bitmap object using a predefined name
- *
- * @param image the bitmap reference (a name)
- */
- ZincBitmap* createBitmapFromName (String image);
- /**
- * Create an image object
- *
- * @param width Width of image
- * @param height Height of image
- * @param aggBuffer An AGG buffer
- */
- ZincImage* createImageFromAGGBuffer (int width, int height, unsigned char *aggBuffer);
- /**
- * Create a font object
- *
- * @param family the font mamily
- * @param size if a positive number, it is in points, if a negative number,
- * its absolute value is a size in pixels.
- * @param bold 1 for a bold font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified
- * @param italic 1 an italic font, 0 for a roman font, -1 for unspecified
- * @param underline 1 for an underlined, 0 for a normal font, -1 for
- * unspecified
- * @param overstrike 1 for an overstriked font, 0 for a normal font, -1 for unspecified
- */
- ZincFont* createFont (String family, int size, int bold = -1,
- int italic = -1, int underline = -1,
- int overstrike = -1);
- /**
- * Get font ascent
- *
- * @param font the font
- * @return the font ascent
- */
- int getFontAscent (ZincFont* font);
- /**
- * Get Image width
- *
- * @param ZincImage the image to get width from
- * @return the width of the image
- */
- int getImageWidth (ZincImage *image);
- /**
- * Get Image height
- *
- * @param ZincImage the image to get height from
- * @return the height of the image
- */
- int getImageHeight (ZincImage *image);
- /**
- * Loads the zinc library and initialize tcl and tk
- *
- * @param argv0 the name of the execytable as passed in argv[0]
- */
- static void loadZinc (char *argv0) throw (ZincException);
- /**
- * Run tk mainloop and returns when there is no more Tk window
- */
- static void zincMainLoop ();
- errors management
- /**
- * This is inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized
- * Use this when you need to call a function that can return a TCL error code.
- *
- * @param fct the full function call
- * @param msg the error message to throw in case of error
- */
- static void z_tcl_call (int result, char* p_msg) throw (ZincException);
- /**
- * This is a inline because it is called frequently and needs to be optimized
- * Use this to call the zinObjectCommand fuction. The call is made using the
- * pre allocated table p1, it must contain Tcl_Obj thar are parameters to
- * the zinObjectCommand function. A parameter indicate how many parameters
- * are passed to the zinObjectCommand function.
- *
- * @param count the number of parameters in p1
- * @param msg the error message to throw in case of error
- */
- void z_command (int count, char* p_msg) throw (ZincException);
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincExtern.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincExtern.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 193a684..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincExtern.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/** ZincExtern.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we create TkZinc library headers since they don't exist
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include <tcl.h>
-#ifndef ZINC_EXTERN
-#define ZINC_EXTERN
-// those are function have been created within a C compiler
-extern "C"
- //The TkZinc function that initialises tkzinc
- int Tkzinc_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp);
- //The TkZinc function that creates a zinc object
- int ZincObjCmd(ClientData client_data, // Main window associated with interpreter.
- Tcl_Interp *interp, // Current interpreter.
- int argc, // Number of arguments.
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]); // Argument objects.
- //The TkZinc function that is called by tcl when calling ".zinc fct ..."
-#ifdef _WIN32
- typedef int (__cdecl *WidgetObjCmd)
- (ClientData client_data, // Information about the widget.
- Tcl_Interp *interp, // Current interpreter.
- int argc, // Number of arguments.
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]); // Argument objects.
- typedef int (*WidgetObjCmd)
- (ClientData client_data, // Information about the widget.
- Tcl_Interp *interp, // Current interpreter.
- int argc, // Number of arguments.
- Tcl_Obj *CONST args[]) // Argument objects.
- __attribute__((cdecl));
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincInternal.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincInternal.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 63feaf2..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincInternal.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-/** ZincInternal.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines macros and constants that are only used within Zinclib code
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- * David Thevenin <thevenin@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#include "ZincObjects.hpp"
-#ifndef BAZAR
-#define BAZAR
-#define MAX_NUM_LENGTH 32
-// The base name of the TCL function that serve for callbacks
-#define Z_TCLCB "zincTclCb"
- * These are macro for shortness and readability of code.
- * They take one Tcl_Obj from the pool and put one value into it. This object
- * is returned. They all have the same signature.
- *
- * @param no the id of the Tcl_Obj to take within the pool (max is
- * @param value the value to put in the extracted object
- * @return the object from the pool
- */
-// make a boolean object
-#define Z_BOO_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetBooleanObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
-// make an integer object
-#define Z_INT_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
-// make a double object
-#define Z_DBL_POOL(no, value) ( Tcl_SetDoubleObj (pool[no], value), pool[no] )
-// make a string object
-#define Z_STR_POOL(no, value, length) ( Tcl_SetStringObj (pool[no], \
- value, length), \
- pool[no] )
- * Make a list object
- *
- * @param no the id of the Tcl_Obj to take within the pool
- * @param value a table of pointer to Tcl_Obj to put in the list
- * @param size the number objects in the table
- * @return the list object from the pool
- */
-#define Z_LST_POOL(no, value, size) ( Tcl_SetListObj (pool[no], size, value),\
- pool[no] )
- * Clear a list object. Tcl_Obj used in a list object have a refcount
- * incremented and as such can't be reused for anything else. To free those
- * object you need to clean the list object after use.
- *
- * @param no the id of a Tcl_Obj within the pool which contains a list to
- * clear
- */
-#define Z_CLEANLIST(no) Tcl_SetIntObj (pool[no], 0)
- * Create a constant Tcl_Obj that can be reused as a parameter later
- *
- * @parameter string define the name and the value ov the object
- */
-//create an option object (value prefixed by '-')
-#define Z_DEFINE_ZOPT(string) Tcl_Obj* ZOPT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj ("-" #string, -1);
-//create a function object
-#define Z_DEFINE_ZFCT(string) Tcl_Obj* ZFCT_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);
-//create an item object
-#define Z_DEFINE_ZITM(string) Tcl_Obj* ZITM_##string = Tcl_NewStringObj (#string, -1);
- * Macro to return a parentGroup Tcl_Obj. If a NULL is group given, it returns
- * the default one.
- *
- * @param parentGroup the parent group to take
- */
-#define Z_PARENTGROUP(parentGroup) \
- ( (parentGroup != NULL) ? parentGroup->object : DEFAULT_GROUP_OBJ );
- * Convert an integer to a string
- *
- * @param integer the integer to convert
- */
-inline std::string itos (int integer)
- char tmp[MAX_NUM_LENGTH];
- // use standard function to convert
- if (snprintf (tmp, MAX_NUM_LENGTH, "%d", integer) < 0)
- {
- throw ZincException ("Error converting integer", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- return std::string (tmp);
- * Convert a long to a string
- *
- * @param l the long to convert
- */
-inline std::string ltos (long l)
- char tmp[MAX_NUM_LENGTH];
- // use standard function to convert
- if (snprintf (tmp, MAX_NUM_LENGTH, "%ld", l) < 0)
- {
- throw ZincException ("Error converting long", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- return std::string (tmp);
- * Convert a double to a string
- *
- * @param double the integer to convert
- */
-inline std::string dtos (double d)
- char tmp[MAX_NUM_LENGTH];
- // use standard function to convert
- if (snprintf (tmp, MAX_NUM_LENGTH, "%f", d) < 0)
- {
- throw ZincException ("Error converting double", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
- }
- return std::string (tmp);
- * How To call Zinc or Tcl functions:
- *
- * All arguments of the function are Tcl_Obj. To accelerate their call, there
- * is a pool of preconstructed Tcl_Obj and some often used constant Tcl_Obj.
- * p1 and p2 are tables of pointers to be used for arguments.
- * Fill p1 using either predefined objects like ZITM_* or a pool objet that
- * you can fill with the value you want.
- * Ex : p1[1] = ZFCT_add;
- * Macros have been defined to fill and use a pool object
- * Ex : p1[2] = Z_INT_POOL(1, 200);
- * Do not use twice the same pool index for the same function call.
- * p2 is used to construct and argument which is a list of Tcl_Obj.
- * To call the function use Z_TCL_CALL which automaticly handle error return
- * codes or Z_COMMAND to call a Zinc command which handle all arguments too.
- */
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.cpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a0ad2d..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/** ZincObjects.cpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines classes that are items in zinc
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- * David Thevenin <thevenin@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "ZincInternal.hpp"
-#include "ZincObjects.hpp"
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
- * The protected default constructor
- */
-ZincItem::ZincItem ()
-{ }
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
-ZincItem::ZincItem (Tcl_Obj *obj)
- : object(obj)
- // manage refcount so that the tcl_obj can't be freed
- Tcl_IncrRefCount (object);
- * The public destructor
- */
-ZincItem::~ZincItem ()
- // dercrement refcount to free tcl_obj
- Tcl_DecrRefCount (object);
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
-ZincImage::ZincImage (Tcl_Obj *obj)
- : ZincItem (obj), madeFromInternal (false)
-{ }
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
-ZincImage::ZincImage (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)
- : ZincItem (obj), madeFromInternal (internal)
-{ }
- * The public destructor
- */
-ZincImage::~ZincImage ()
- // do not delete returned values
- if (madeFromInternal)
- return;
- // delete using string commands
- const char* para[5];
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "delete";
- para[2] = Tcl_GetString(object);
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- int res = (*Zinc::imgCmdInfo.proc)(Zinc::imgCmdInfo.clientData,
- Zinc::interp, 3, para);
- Zinc::z_tcl_call (res, "delete ZincImage Failed : ");
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
-ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap (Tcl_Obj *obj)
- : ZincItem (obj), madeFromInternal (false)
-{ }
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
-ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal)
- : ZincItem (obj), madeFromInternal (internal)
-{ }
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param name the name of a predefined bitmap
- */
-ZincBitmap::ZincBitmap (String name)
- : madeFromInternal (true)
- object = Tcl_NewStringObj (name.c_str(), name.length ());
- Tcl_IncrRefCount (object);
- * The public destructor
- */
-ZincBitmap::~ZincBitmap ()
- // do not delete Zinc default bitmaps or returned values
- if (madeFromInternal)
- return;
- // delete using string commands
- const char* para[5];
- para[0] = "image";
- para[1] = "delete";
- para[2] = Tcl_GetString(object);
- // call the function with 3 arguments
- int res = (*Zinc::imgCmdInfo.proc)(Zinc::imgCmdInfo.clientData,
- Zinc::interp, 3, para);
- Zinc::z_tcl_call (res, "delete ZincBitmap Failed : ");
- * The public constructor
- */
-ZincFont::ZincFont (const char *font)
- : name (String (font))
-{ }
- * A public constructor with a String parameter
- *
- * @param msg the error message
- */
-ZincException::ZincException (String p_msg, char *p_file, int p_lineNo)
- : msg (p_msg), file(p_file), line(p_lineNo)
-{ }
- * Copy constructor
- *
- * @param exception the original exception
- */
-ZincException::ZincException (const ZincException &e)
- : msg (e.msg), file(e.file), line(e.line)
-{ }
- * Public destructor
- */
-ZincException::~ZincException () throw()
-{ }
- * Retreive the exception message
- *
- * @return the message
- */
-const char* ZincException::what () const throw ()
- String result = "Zinc Exception : ";
- result += msg + " file " + file + ", line " + itos (line);
- return result.c_str ();
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dc46567..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincObjects.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-/** ZincObjects.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines classes that are items in zinc
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- * David Thevenin <thevenin@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "ZincTypes.hpp"
-#include <exception>
-#include <string>
-#include <tcl.h>
-// Object representing a zinc item
-class ZincItem
- /**
- * The protected default constructor
- */
- ZincItem ();
- Tcl_Obj *object; //the object we are storing
- /**
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
- ZincItem (Tcl_Obj *obj);
- /**
- * The public destructor
- */
- virtual ~ZincItem ();
-// Object representing a zinc image
-class ZincImage : public ZincItem
- /**
- * The private constructor
- */
- ZincImage ();
- bool madeFromInternal;
- /**
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
- ZincImage (Tcl_Obj *obj);
- /**
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
- ZincImage (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal);
- /**
- * The public destructor
- */
- virtual ~ZincImage ();
-// Object representing a zinc bitmap
-class ZincBitmap : public ZincItem
- /**
- * The private constructor
- */
- ZincBitmap ();
- bool madeFromInternal;
- /**
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
- ZincBitmap (Tcl_Obj *obj);
- /**
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param obj the object we want to store
- */
- ZincBitmap (Tcl_Obj *obj, bool internal);
- /**
- * The public constructor (redefine the inherited one)
- *
- * @param name the name of a predefined bitmap
- */
- ZincBitmap (String name);
- /**
- * The public destructor
- */
- virtual ~ZincBitmap ();
-// Object representing a zinc font
-class ZincFont
- /**
- * The public default constructor
- */
- ZincFont ();
- String name;
- /**
- * The public constructor
- */
- ZincFont (const char *font);
- * Exceptions that are throwed by zinclib
- */
-class ZincException : public std::exception
- String msg; // the exception message
- String file; // file where exception have been caught
- int line; // line where exception have been caught
- /**
- * A public constructor with a String parameter
- *
- * @param msg the error message
- */
- ZincException (String msg, char *file, int lineNo);
- /**
- * Copy constructor
- *
- * @param exception the original exception
- */
- ZincException (const ZincException &exception);
- /**
- * Public destructor
- */
- virtual ~ZincException () throw();
- /**
- * Retreive the exception message
- *
- * @return the message
- */
- const char* what () const throw ();
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.cpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a120014..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-/** Path.cpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines The ZincPath object
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-#include "ZincInternal.hpp"
-#include <math.h>
-// convert degree to radians
-const double convertRatio = atan2 (1., 1.) * 4. / 180.;
- * Calculate d % m for doubles
- * this is because the C % works only for integers
- */
-inline double modulo (double d, double m)
- return d - (floor (d / m) * m);
-// return d;
- * Append the point to the real path
- *
- * @param x,y the point coordinate
- * @param c true if the point is a control point
- */
-inline void ZincPath::addPoint (double x, double y, bool c)
- // update last control point
- lastX = x;
- lastY = y;
- // we can't use a flat list since zinc accepts flat list only for simple
- // lines
- Tcl_Obj* point[3];
- int i = 2;
- //create a point object
- //an object for x
- point[0] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj (x);
- // an object for y
- point[1] = Tcl_NewDoubleObj (y);
- // an object for 'c' only if needed
- if (c)
- {
- point[2] = Tcl_NewStringObj ("c", -1);
- i = 3;
- }
- // the point (this increments refcount)
- Tcl_Obj* tmp = Tcl_NewListObj (i, point);
- // append the point to the list
- Zinc::z_tcl_call ( Tcl_ListObjAppendElement (Zinc::interp, path, tmp),
- "addpoint Error:");
- * Convert ellipse from SVG form to centered form (used only by arcTo)
- *
- * @param x0,y0 origin of the arc
- * @param rx x-radius of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param ry y-radius of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param phi rotation of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param largeArc true if the large part of the ellipse
- * @param sweep true for a positive angle direction for the drawing
- * @param x,y destination point
- * @param cx,cy center coordinate
- * @param theta begining of arc in degree
- * @param delta extent of arc in degree
- */
-void ZincPath::convertFromSvg (double x0, double y0, double &rx, double &ry,
- double &phi, bool largeArc, bool sweep,
- double x, double y, double &cx, double &cy,
- double &theta, double &delta)
- /* all this strictly follow the script given in "SVG essentials"
- * p85 : convert an elliptical arc fo SVG to an elliptical arc
- * based around a central point
- */
- // temporary variables
- double dx2, dy2, phiR, x1, y1;
- double rxSq, rySq, x1Sq, y1Sq;
- double sign, sq, coef, radiusCheck;
- double cx1, cy1, sx2, sy2;
- double p, n, ux, uy, vx, vy;
- // compute 1/2 distance between current and final point
- dx2 = (x0 - x) / 2.;
- dy2 = (y0 - y) / 2.;
- //convert from degree to radians
- phi = modulo (phi, 360.);
- phiR = phi * convertRatio;
- //compute (x1, y1)
- x1 = cos (phiR) * dx2 + sin (phiR) * dy2;
- y1 = -sin (phiR) * dx2 + cos (phiR) * dy2;
- // make sure radii are large enough
- rx = fabs (rx); ry = fabs (ry);
- rxSq = rx * rx;
- rySq = ry * ry;
- x1Sq = x1 * x1;
- y1Sq = y1 * y1;
- radiusCheck = (x1Sq / rxSq) + (y1Sq / rySq);
- if (radiusCheck > 1.)
- {
- rx *= sqrt (radiusCheck);
- ry *= sqrt (radiusCheck);
- rxSq = rx * rx;
- rySq = ry * ry;
- }
- //step 2 compute (cx1, cy1)
- sign = (largeArc == sweep) ? -1. : 1.;
- sq = ((rxSq * rySq) - (rxSq * y1Sq) - (rySq * x1Sq)) /
- ((rxSq * y1Sq) + (rySq * x1Sq));
- sq = (sq < 0.) ? 0. : sq;
- coef = (sign * sqrt (sq));
- cx1 = coef * ((rx * y1) / ry);
- cy1 = coef * -((ry * x1) / rx);
- //step 3 : compute (cx, cy) from (cx1, cy1)
- sx2 = (x0 + x) / 2;
- sy2 = (y0 + y) / 2;
- cx = sx2 + (cos (phiR) * cx1 - sin (phiR) * cy1);
- cy = sy2 + (sin (phiR) * cx1 + cos (phiR) * cy1);
- //step 4 : compute angle start angle extent
- ux = (x1 - cx1) / rx;
- uy = (y1 - cy1) / ry;
- vx = (-x1 - cx1) / rx;
- vy = (-y1 - cy1) / ry;
- n = sqrt ((ux *ux) + (uy * uy));
- p = ux; // 1 * ux + 0 * uy
- sign = (uy < 0.) ? -1. : 1.;
- theta = sign * acos (p /n);
- theta = theta / convertRatio;
- n = sqrt ((ux * ux + uy * uy) * (vx * vx + vy * vy));
- p = ux * vx + uy * vy;
- sign = ((ux * vy - uy * vx) < 0.) ? -1. : 1.;
- delta = sign * acos (p / n);
- delta = delta / convertRatio;;
- if (!sweep && delta > 0.)
- {
- delta -= 360.;
- }
- else if (sweep && delta < 0.)
- {
- delta += 360.;
- }
-// delta = modulo (delta, 360.);
-// theta = modulo (theta, 360.);
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param x,y the initial point
- */
-ZincPath::ZincPath (double x, double y)
- : firstX (x), firstY (y)
- // create a default path
- path = Tcl_NewListObj (0, NULL);
- // the path must not be deleted by tcl
- Tcl_IncrRefCount (path);
- // add the first point
- addPoint (x, y, false);
- * The public destructor
- *
- * @warning Do not destroy a ZincPath if Zinc is not loaded
- */
-ZincPath::~ZincPath ()
- //decrement reference count on all objs in list -> free
- Tcl_SetIntObj (path, 1);
- //decrement reference count on the list -> free
- Tcl_DecrRefCount (path);
- * Close current path
- */
-void ZincPath::close ()
- addPoint (firstX, firstY, false);
- * Draw a line from current point to next point
- *
- * @param x,y next point
- */
-void ZincPath::lineTo (double x, double y)
- addPoint (x, y, false);
- * Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points
- * call cubicBezierTo
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
-void ZincPath::curveTo (double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2,
- double x, double y)
- cubicBezierTo (cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y);
- * Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
-void ZincPath::cubicBezierTo (double cx1, double cy1,
- double cx2, double cy2,
- double x, double y)
- addPoint (cx1, cy1, true);
- addPoint (cx2, cy2, true);
- addPoint (x, y, false);
- * Draw a quadratic bezier using specified control and destination point
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
-void ZincPath::quadraticBezierTo (double cx, double cy, double x, double y)
- // convert from a quadratic bezier to a cubic bezier
- // since that's what is supported by zinc
- /* [[x1, y1], [qx, qy, 'q'], [x2,y2]]
- cx1 = x1 + (qx - x1) * 2/3
- cy1 = y1 + (qy - y1) * 2/3
- cx2 = qx + (x2 - qx)/3
- cy2 = qy + (y2 - qy)/3
- */
- double cx1 = lastX + (cx - lastX) * 2/3;
- double cy1 = lastY + (cy - lastY) * 2/3;
- double cx2 = cx + (x - cx) / 3;
- double cy2 = cy + (y - cy) / 3;
- addPoint (cx1, cy1, true);
- addPoint (cx2, cy2, true);
- addPoint (x, y, false);
- * Draw an arc from current point to x,y
- *
- * @param rx x-radius of ellipse
- * @param ry y-radius of ellipse
- * @param xAxisRotation rotation of ellipse
- * @param largeArc true if the large part of the ellipse
- * @param sweepFlag true for a positive angle direction for the drawing
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
-void ZincPath::arcTo (double rx, double ry, double xAxisRotation, bool largeArc,
- bool sweepFlag, double x, double y)
- double sx, sy, start, arc;
- // convert to a centered representation
- convertFromSvg (lastX, lastY, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArc, sweepFlag,
- x, y, sx, sy, start, arc);
- // this is all taken from first case study for Intuikit
- /* convert to a curve representation
- * For a good approximation, we need 8 quadratic Bezier
- * to make a circle : the maximal angle is 45°
- */
- // local variables
- int segs;
- double segAngle, angle, angleMid;
- double cosphi, sinphi, tx, ty;
- double previousX, previousY;
- double bx, by, qx, qy;
- double cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
- //1) calculate segment counts
- segs = int (ceil (fabs (arc) / 45.));
- //let's create segments of the same angle
- //2) calculate this angle
- segAngle = arc / double(segs) * convertRatio;
- xAxisRotation = xAxisRotation * convertRatio;
- start = start * convertRatio;
- //3) Our fake starting point (relative to (x,y))
- // true start point is (x,y)
- sx = lastX - cos (start) * rx;
- sy = lastY - sin (start) * ry;
- /* 4) calculate values that will be used for a rotation
- * of centre (x,y) and angle phi
- * the matrix is :
- * cos(phi) -sin(phi) tx
- * sin(phi) cos(phi) ty
- * 0 0 1
- */
- cosphi = cos (xAxisRotation);
- sinphi = sin (xAxisRotation);
- tx = (1. - cosphi) * lastX + sinphi * lastY;
- ty = (1. - cosphi) * lastY - sinphi * lastX;
- //5) save crrent values
- previousX = lastX;
- previousY = lastY;
- angle = start;
- //6) we already got the first point
- //7) calculate segments
- for (int i(0) ; i < segs ; i++)
- {
- //7.1) increment angle
- angle += segAngle;
- //7.2) calculate intermediate angle value
- angleMid = angle - segAngle / 2.;
- //7.3) calculate last point of the segment from center and rays
- bx = sx + cos (angle) * rx;
- by = sy + sin (angle) * ry;
- //7.4) calculate control point for the quadratic bezier curve
- qx = sx + cos (angleMid) * (rx / cos (segAngle / 2.));
- qy = sy + sin (angleMid) * (ry / cos (segAngle / 2.));
- //7.5) calculate control points for the equivalent bezier curve
- cx1 = previousX + (qx - previousX) * 2. / 3.;
- cy1 = previousY + (qy - previousY) * 2. / 3.;
- cx2 = qx + (bx - qx) / 3.;
- cy2 = qy + (by - qy) / 3.;
- //7.6) add points
- addPoint (cosphi * cx1 - sinphi * cy1 + tx,
- sinphi * cx1 + cosphi * cy1 + ty, true);
- addPoint (cosphi * cx2 - sinphi * cy2 + tx,
- sinphi * cx2 + cosphi * cy2 + ty, true);
- addPoint (cosphi * bx - sinphi * by + tx,
- sinphi * bx + cosphi * by + ty, false);
- //7.7) Save last point
- previousX = bx;
- previousY = by;
- }
- * Return a table of Tcl_Obj* containing a liste of coords points
- * It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table
- *
- * @return a Tcl_Obj* of type list
- */
-Tcl_Obj* ZincPath::getTable ()
- return path;
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6fa21..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincPath.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/** Path.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines The ZincPath object
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "ZincTypes.hpp"
-#include <list>
-#include <tcl.h>
-#ifndef ZINC_PATH
-#define ZINC_PATH
-class ZincPath
- double firstX, firstY; //first point's coordinate
- double lastX, lastY; //last point's coordinate
- Tcl_Obj* path; //list of points
- /**
- * Append the point to the real path
- *
- * @param x,y the point coordinate
- * @param c true if the point is a control point
- */
- inline void addPoint (double x, double y, bool c);
- /**
- * Convert ellipse from SVG form to centered form (used only by arcTo)
- *
- * @param x0,y0 origin of the arc
- * @param rx x-radius of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param ry y-radius of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param phi rotation of ellipse in degree (can be modified)
- * @param largeArc true if the large part of the ellipse
- * @param sweep true for a positive angle direction for the drawing
- * @param x,y destination point
- * @param cx,cy center coordinate
- * @param theta begining of arc in degree
- * @param delta extent of arc in degree
- */
- void convertFromSvg (double x0, double y0, double &rx, double &ry, double &phi,
- bool larcgeArc, bool sweep, double x, double y,
- double &cx, double &cy, double &theta, double &delta);
- /**
- * The public constructor
- *
- * @param x,y the initial point
- */
- ZincPath (double x, double y);
- /**
- * The public destructor
- *
- * @warning Do not destroy a ZincPath if Zinc is not loaded
- */
- ~ZincPath ();
- /******************************************
- ZincPath manipulation
- ******************************************/
- /**
- * Close current path
- */
- void close ();
- /**
- * Draw a line from current point to next point
- *
- * @param x,y next point
- */
- void lineTo (double x, double y);
- /**
- * Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points
- * call cubicBezierTo
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
- void curveTo (double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2,
- double x, double y);
- /**
- * Draw a cubic bezier using specified control and destination points
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
- void cubicBezierTo (double cx1, double cy1, double cx2, double cy2,
- double x, double y);
- /**
- * Draw a quadratic bezier using specified control and destination point
- *
- * @param cx1,cy1 first control point
- * @param cx2,cy2 second control point
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
- void quadraticBezierTo (double cx, double cy, double x, double y);
- /**
- * Draw an arc from current point to x,y
- *
- * @param rx x-radius of ellipse
- * @param ry y-radius of ellipse
- * @param xAxisRotation rotation of ellipse
- * @param largeArc true if the large part of the ellipse
- * @param sweepFlag true for a positive angle direction for the drawing
- * @param x,y destination point
- */
- void arcTo (double rx, double ry, double xAxisRotation, bool largeArc,
- bool sweepFlag, double x, double y);
- /**
- * Return a Tcl_Obj* containing a list of coords points
- * It's up to the caller to delete the resulting table
- *
- * @return a Tcl_Obj* of type list
- */
- Tcl_Obj* getTable ();
diff --git a/zinclib.d/src/ZincTypes.hpp b/zinclib.d/src/ZincTypes.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 236ef1f..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/src/ZincTypes.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/** ZincTypes.hpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Here we defines types and constants that may be usefull for a zinclib user
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include <string>
-#ifndef ZINC_TYPES
-#define ZINC_TYPES
-typedef std::string String;
- Predeclaration of Zinc types
-class Zinc;
-class ZincPath;
-class ZincItem;
-class ZincImage;
-class ZincFont;
-struct ZincEvent;
- Signature to use when binding with a callback
-typedef void (*ZincItemCallback)
- (Zinc *zinc, // Information about the widget.
- ZincItem *item, // the item being evented
- ZincEvent *event, // event information
- void *userData); // user data provided with bind
-typedef void (*ZincWidgetCallback)
- (Zinc *zinc, // Information about the widget.
- ZincEvent *event, // event information
- void *userData); // user data provided with bind
- Library constants
-// Rendering model
-const int ZINC_BACKEND_X11 = 0;
-const int ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL = 1;
- Library enums
-//Styles for line items
-typedef enum
- lineStyle_simple = 0,
- lineStyle_dashed,
- lineStyle_mixed,
- lineStyle_dotted
-} lineStyle;
-//Styles for line cap
-typedef enum
- capStyle_butt = 0,
- capStyle_projecting,
- capStyle_round
-} capStyle;
-//List of fill rules
-typedef enum
- fillRule_odd = 0 ,
- fillRule_nonzero,
- fillRule_positive,
- fillRule_negative,
- fillRule_abs_geq_2
-} fillRule;
-//list of join style
-typedef enum
- joinStyle_bevel = 0,
- joinStyle_miter,
- joinStyle_round
-} joinStyle;
-//list of reliefs
-typedef enum
- relief_flat = 0,
- relief_raised,
- relief_sunken,
- relief_ridge,
- relief_groove,
- relief_roundraised,
- relief_roundsunken,
- relief_roundridge,
- relief_roundgroove,
- relief_raisedrule,
- relief_sunkenrule
-} relief;
-//List of alignments
-typedef enum
- alignment_left = 0,
- alignment_right,
- alignment_center
-} alignment;
-//list of anchors
-typedef enum
- anchor_nw = 0,
- anchor_n,
- anchor_ne,
- anchor_e,
- anchor_se,
- anchor_s,
- anchor_sw,
- anchor_w,
- anchor_center
-} anchor;
-//actions to take when calling contour
-typedef enum
- item_add_clockwise,
- item_add_counterclockwise,
- item_remove
-} itemOperator;
-//list of possible itemtypes
-typedef enum
- item_group,
- item_arc,
- item_text,
- item_rectangle,
- item_curve,
- item_icon
-} itemType;
-//informations contained in an event
-struct ZincEvent
- int x,y; // pointer position none -> 0
- int k; // keycode none -> 0
- long t; // timestamp none -> 0
- int w,h; // window width,heigth none -> 0
- int X,Y; // pointer position within display none -> 0
- int b; // button pressed none -> 0
- String K; // keysym none -> "??"
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/Makefile b/zinclib.d/test/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 84938e6..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# zinclib tests makefile
-# list of tests to make
-EXECS = items widget test itemconf
-# default : all tests
-all: $(EXECS)
-# usefull commons
-include ../../../v0.1/common.mk
-# specific options
-INCLUDE = -I../src
-LIBDIR = ../tmp
-LDFLAGS += -L../../../v0.1/lib -ltcl8.4 -ltk8.4 -lTkZinc $(LIBDIR)/zinclib.o
-# generic target
-%.o: %.cpp
- $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
- rm -f *.o $(PROFFILES) $(EXECS) core.* *.exe
-clean_code: clean
- rm -f *~ .\#*
-# function to create a target for each test
-define funct
-$(1): $(1).o $(LIBDIR)/zinclib.o
- $$(GCC) $$(LDFLAGS) -o $$@ $$<
-# create a target for each test
-$(foreach prog,$(EXECS),$(eval $(call funct,$(prog))))
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/itemconf.cpp b/zinclib.d/test/itemconf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fbca78..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/itemconf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-/** itemconf.cpp
- * zinclib/tests
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Some tests for zinclib
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-#include <math.h>
-//global variable
-Zinc *zn;
-//prepare constants
-//white color
-String white = String ("white");
-// red color
-String red = String ("red");
-// blue color
-String blue = String ("blue");
-// sample text
-String texte = String ("Hello world");
-// sample gradient
-String gradient = String ("=axial 0 | blue | white 50 | red");
-// sample gradient
-String gradient2 = String ("=axial 0 | yellow | green 50 | red");
-// gradient name
-String gname = "g1";
-// empty tag
-String tag = String("");
-String image =
-//Let's test all item types
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
- double a,b,c,d,e,f;
- //catch exceptions
- try
- {
- //don't forget to load zinc
- Zinc::loadZinc (argv[0]);
- //create the widget
- zn = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- //give it parameters
- zn->setWidth (800);
- zn->setHeight (600);
- ZincItem *g1;
- //create a group
- g1 = zn->itemCreateGroup (NULL);
- //create a rectangle
- ZincItem *rect;
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- // create an arc
- ZincItem *arc;
- arc = zn->itemCreateArc (NULL, 10, 10, 200, 200);
- // create a curve
- ZincPath* path = new ZincPath(200,200);
- //test lineto
- path->lineTo (250,250);
- //test quadraticBezierTo
- path->quadraticBezierTo (300,200, 300,300);
- //path->close ();
- //display the curve
- ZincItem *curve = zn->itemCreateCurve (g1, path);
- // create a sample text
- ZincItem *text = zn->itemCreateText (g1);
- zn->itemSetPosition (text, 10, 300);
- ZincItem *empty = zn->createTag(tag);
- /**************************************
- tests simple sets and gets
- **************************************/
- //transformations
- zn->itemRotate (rect, 45, true);
- zn->itemSetTransformation (rect, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- zn->itemGetTransformation (rect, &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f);
- printf ("Transformation \n%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", a, b, c, d, e, f);
- //closed
- zn->itemSetClosed (arc, 1);
- printf ("Closed %d\n",zn->itemGetClosed (arc));
- //composeAlpha
- zn->itemSetComposealpha (rect, 1);
- printf ("composeAlpha %d\n", zn->itemGetComposealpha (rect));
- //Composerotation
- zn->itemSetComposerotation (rect, 1);
- printf ("Composerotation %d\n", zn->itemGetComposerotation (rect));
- //Composescale
- zn->itemSetComposescale(rect,1);
- printf ("Composescale %d\n", zn->itemGetComposescale (rect));
- //extent
- zn->itemSetExtent (arc, 230);
- printf ("Extent %d\n", zn->itemGetExtent (arc));
- //fillcolor
- zn->itemSetFillcolor(rect, red);
- printf ("Fillcolor %s\n", zn->itemGetFillcolor (rect).c_str ());
- //filled
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- printf ("Filled %d\n", zn->itemGetFilled (rect));
- //linecolor
- zn->itemSetLinecolor (arc, blue);
- printf ("linecolor %s\n", zn->itemGetLinecolor (arc).c_str ());
- //linestyle
- zn->itemSetLinestyle (arc, lineStyle_dashed);
- printf ("linestyle %d\n", zn->itemGetLinestyle (arc));
- //linewidth
- zn->itemSetLinewidth (arc, 3);
- printf ("linewidth %f\n", zn->itemGetLinewidth (arc));
- //piesplice
- zn->itemSetPieslice (arc, 1);
- printf ("piesplice %d\n", zn->itemGetPieslice (arc));
- //priority
- zn->itemSetPriority (rect, 10);
- printf ("priority %d\n", zn->itemGetPriority (rect));
- //Sensitive
- zn->itemSetSensitive (rect, 1);
- printf ("Sensitive %d\n", zn->itemGetSensitive (rect));
- //Startangle
- zn->itemSetStartangle (arc, 90);
- printf ("Startangle %d\n", zn->itemGetStartangle (arc));
- //SetVisible
- zn->itemSetVisible (rect, 1);
- printf ("Visible %d\n", zn->itemGetVisible (rect));
- //Capstyle
- zn->itemSetCapstyle (curve, capStyle_projecting);
- printf ("Capstyle %d\n", zn->itemGetCapstyle (curve));
- //Fillrule
- zn->itemSetFillrule (curve, fillRule_negative);
- printf ("Fillrule %d\n", zn->itemGetFillrule (curve));
- //Joinstyle
- zn->itemSetJoinstyle (curve, joinStyle_miter);
- printf ("Joinstyle %d\n", zn->itemGetJoinstyle (curve));
- //Relief
- zn->itemSetRelief (curve, relief_groove);
- printf ("Relief %d\n", zn->itemGetRelief (curve));
- //Smoothrelief
- zn->itemSetSmoothrelief (curve, 1);
- printf ("Smoothrelief %d\n", zn->itemGetSmoothrelief (curve));
- //alpha
- zn->itemSetAlpha (g1, 75);
- printf ("alpha %d\n", zn->itemGetAlpha (g1));
- //Atomic
- zn->itemSetAtomic (g1, 1);
- printf ("Atomic %d\n", zn->itemGetAtomic (g1));
- //Anchor
- zn->itemSetAnchor (text, anchor_nw);
- printf ("Anchor %d\n", zn->itemGetAnchor (text));
- //Color
- zn->itemSetColor (text, blue);
- printf ("Color %s\n", zn->itemGetColor (text).c_str ());
- //ConnectedItem
- zn->itemSetConnecteditem (text, rect);
- ZincItem *it0 = zn->itemGetConnecteditem (text);
- printf ("ConnectedItem %x\n", (int)it0);
- //Connectionanchor
- zn->itemSetConnectionanchor (text, anchor_se);
- printf ("Connectionanchor %d\n", zn->itemGetConnectionanchor (text));
- //Alignment
- zn->itemSetAlignment (text, alignment_right);
- printf ("Alignment %d\n", zn->itemGetAlignment (text));
- //Overstriked
- zn->itemSetOverstriked (text, 1);
- printf ("Overstriked %d\n", zn->itemGetOverstriked (text));
- //Spacing
- zn->itemSetSpacing (text, 10);
- printf ("Spacing %d\n", zn->itemGetSpacing (text));
- //text
- zn->itemSetText (text, texte);
- printf ("text %s\n", zn->itemGetText (text).c_str ());
- //Underlined
- zn->itemSetUnderlined (text, 1);
- printf ("Underlined %d\n", zn->itemGetUnderlined (text));
- //width
- zn->itemSetWidth (text, 500);
- printf ("width %d\n", zn->itemGetWidth (text));
- //Clip
- zn->itemSetClip (g1, rect);
- ZincItem *it1 = zn->itemGetClip (g1);
- printf ("Clip %x\n", (int)it1);
- zn->itemSetClip (g1, empty);
- /**************************************
- tests more sets and gets
- **************************************/
- //firt end
- double a,b,c;
- zn->itemSetLastend (curve, 5, 6, 7);
- zn->itemGetLastend (curve, &a, &b, &c);
- printf ("lastend %f, %f, %f\n", a, b, c);
- //last end
- zn->itemSetFirstend (curve, 5, 6, 7);
- zn->itemGetFirstend (curve, &a, &b, &c);
- printf ("firstend %f, %f, %f\n", a, b, c);
- // position
- zn->itemGetPosition (text, &a, &b);
- printf ("position %f, %f\n", a, b);
- //font
- ZincFont *fn = zn->itemGetFont (text);
- printf("Font %s\n", fn->name.c_str ());
- // add tags
- zn->addTag (rect, String ("tag0"));
- zn->addTag (rect, String ("tag1"));
- //tags
- String **taglist;
- int count = zn->getTags (rect, &taglist);
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
- {
- printf("Tag %d : %s\n", i, taglist[i]->c_str ());
- }
- // delete tag
- zn->dTag (rect, String ("tag0"));
- // new rectangle
- ZincItem *r2;
- r2 = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 210, 210, 300, 300);
- //icons
- ZincImage* img = zn->createImageFromData (image);
- ZincItem *icon = zn->itemCreateIcon (g1, img);
- zn->itemTranslate (icon, 500,10);
- //getImage
- ZincImage *it2 = zn->itemGetImage (icon);
- printf("Image %x\n", (int)it2);
- //bitmaps
- ZincBitmap *bm = zn->createBitmapFromName ("AlphaStipple5");
- zn->itemSetFillpattern (r2, bm);
- //fillpattern
- zn->itemSetFillpattern (curve, bm);
- ZincBitmap *it3 = zn->itemGetFillpattern (curve);
- printf("fillpattern %x\n", (int)it3);
- //tile
- zn->itemSetTile (curve, bm);
- ZincBitmap *it4 = zn->itemGetTile (curve);
- printf("Tile %x\n", (int)it4);
- //mask
- zn->itemSetMask (icon, bm);
- ZincBitmap *it5 = zn->itemGetMask (icon);
- printf("Mask %x\n", (int)it5);
- //linepattern
- zn->itemSetLinepattern (curve, bm);
- ZincBitmap *it6 = zn->itemGetLinepattern (curve);
- printf("linepattern %x\n", (int)it6);
- /****************************************
- tests other functions for items
- ****************************************/
- // raise and lower
- zn->raise (icon);
- zn->lower (icon);
- zn->raise (icon, r2);
- zn->lower (icon, r2);
- //gradient name related
- printf("Not gname %d\n", zn->isGname (gname));
- zn->gname (gradient, gname);
- printf("Is gname %d\n", zn->isGname (gname));
- //clone
- ZincItem *i2 = zn->clone (icon);
- zn->itemTranslate (i2, 50, 50);
- // type
- printf("Type %d\n", zn->type (icon));
- //font
- delete fn;
- fn = zn->getFont ();
- printf("Font %s\n", fn->name.c_str ());
- // get contour
- printf ("n Contours %d\n", zn->contour (rect));
- // set contour
- ZincItem *curve2 = zn->itemCreateCurve (g1, path);
- zn->contour (curve2, item_add_clockwise, r2);
- zn->contour (curve2, item_add_counterclockwise, rect);
- // set coords
- zn->coords (curve2, path, false );
- zn->coords (curve2, path, true, 1, 1 );
- //remove coords
- //zn->coordsRemove (curve2, 0);
- //deletes
- delete path;
- delete empty;
- delete arc;
- delete r2;
- for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- delete taglist[i];
- }
- delete[] taglist;
- delete bm;
- delete it0;
- delete it1;
- delete it2;
- delete it3;
- delete it4;
- delete it5;
- delete it6;
- delete curve2;
- delete rect;
- delete img;
- delete icon;
- delete i2;
- delete g1;
- delete text;
- delete fn;
- delete curve;
- //run all this
- Zinc::zincMainLoop ();
- // delete the widget
- delete (zn);
- }
- catch (ZincException e)
- {
- printf("ERROR : %s\n",e.what ());
- }
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/items.cpp b/zinclib.d/test/items.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a169262..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/items.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-/** items.cpp
- * zinclib/tests
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Some tests for zinclib
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-#include <math.h>
-//global variable
-Zinc *zn;
-const double PI = atan2 (1., 1.) * 4.;
-//prepare constants
-//black color
-String black = String ("white");
-// red color
-String red = String ("red");
-// sample text
-String texte = String ("Hello world");
-// sample gradient
-String gradient = String ("=axial 0 | blue | white 50 | red");
-// sample gradient
-String gradient2 = String ("=axial 0 | yellow | green 50 | red");
-//Let's test all item types
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
- //catch exceptions
- try
- {
- //don't forget to load zinc
- Zinc::loadZinc (argv[0]);
- ZincPath *path;
- //create the widget
- zn = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- //give it parameters
- zn->setWidth (600);
- zn->setHeight (400);
- //change background color
- printf ("%s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str ());
- zn->setBackcolor (black);
- printf ("%s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str ());
- ZincItem *g1;
- ZincItem *g2;
- //create a group
- g1 = zn->itemCreateGroup (NULL);
- // create another group (with parent)
- g2 = zn->itemCreateGroup (g1);
- //create a rectangle
- ZincItem *rect;
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- // fill the rectangle
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- // remove the rectangle
- zn->itemRemove (rect);
- delete rect;
- //try a second one
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- // fill the rectangle
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- // in red
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (rect, red);
- zn->itemSetTransformation (rect, cos (PI / 4), sin (PI / 4),
- -sin (PI / 4), cos (PI / 4), 100, 0);
- delete rect;
- // create an arc
- ZincItem *arc;
- arc = zn->itemCreateArc (NULL, 10, 10, 200, 200);
- // give parameters to the arc
- zn->itemSetClosed (arc, 1);
- zn->itemSetExtent (arc, 230);
- // fill the arc
- zn->itemSetFilled (arc, 1);
- // with a gradient
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (arc, gradient);
- delete arc;
- // create a sample text
- ZincItem *text = zn->itemCreateText (g2);
- zn->itemSetText (text, texte);
- zn->itemSetPosition (text, 10, 300);
- zn->itemSetPosition (text, 10, 300);
- delete text;
- // create a curve
- path = new ZincPath(200,200);
- //test lineto
- path->lineTo (250,250);
- //test quadraticBezierTo
- path->quadraticBezierTo (300,200, 300,300);
- //test cubicBezierTo
- path->cubicBezierTo (400,400, 500,300, 400,200);
- path->curveTo (500,200, 500,100, 400,100);
- //test arcs
- path->arcTo (100, 100, 0, false, true, 300, 100);
- // test close
- path->close ();
- //display the curve
- ZincItem *pa = zn->itemCreateCurve (g2, path);
- zn->contour (pa, false, path);
- zn->contour (pa, true, path);
- delete path;
- // fill the arc
- zn->itemSetFilled (pa, 1);
- // with a gradient
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (pa, gradient2);
- zn->itemTranslate (pa, 30, 30, false);
- // test bounding box
- double bbox[4];
- zn->bbox (pa, bbox);
- printf ("bbox %f, %f, %f, %f\n", bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
- delete pa;
- // create an icon from a file
- ZincImage *image = zn->createImageFromFile ("paper.gif");
- ZincItem *icon = zn->itemCreateIcon (g2, image);
- printf("icon width %d, height %d\n",
- zn->getImageWidth (image), zn->getImageHeight (image));
- zn->itemSetPosition (icon, 200, 10);
- zn->itemTranslate (icon, -20, 10);
- zn->itemRotate (icon, 0);
- zn->itemRotate (icon, -45, 0, 0);
- zn->itemRotate (icon, 45, true);
- zn->itemRotate (icon, 45, 0, 0, true);
- delete icon;
- // another icon to test other transforms
- ZincItem *icon2 = zn->itemCreateIcon (g2, image);
- zn->itemSetPosition (icon2, 300, 10);
- zn->itemScale (icon2, 3., 3.);
- zn->itemScale (icon2, .5, .5, 0, 0);
- zn->itemSkew (icon2, 10, 10);
- zn->itemSkewX (icon2, -10);
- zn->itemSkewY (icon2, -10);
- // test bounding box
- zn->relativeBbox (icon2, bbox);
- printf ("relativeBbox %f, %f, %f, %f\n", bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);
- delete icon2;
- // another icon to test other transforms
- ZincItem *icon3 = zn->itemCreateIcon (g2, image);
- zn->itemSetPosition (icon3, 400, 10);
- zn->itemScale (icon3, 3., 3.);
- zn->itemResetTransformation (icon3);
- double a, b, c, d, e, f;
- zn->itemGetTransformation (icon3, &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f);
- printf ("Transform %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", a, b, c, d, e, f);
- zn->itemSetTransformation (icon3, a, b, c, d, e, f+20);
- zn->itemMatrix (icon3, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1);
- delete icon3;
- delete image;
- delete g1;
- delete g2;
- //run all this
- Zinc::zincMainLoop ();
- // delete the widget
- delete (zn);
- }
- catch (ZincException e)
- {
- printf("ERROR : %s\n",e.what ());
- }
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/paper-grey.gif b/zinclib.d/test/paper-grey.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 96775b5..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/paper-grey.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/paper.gif b/zinclib.d/test/paper.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3247d35..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/paper.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/runtests.sh b/zinclib.d/test/runtests.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbdf96..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/runtests.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-TEST="test items widget itemconf"
-# execution
-#pour Unix stantard
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../../v0.1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#pour MacOS X
-export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../../v0.1/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
-if ( make 1>&2 )
- for test in $TEST
- do
- ./$test
- done
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/test.cpp b/zinclib.d/test/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a6a22..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/** test.cpp
- * zinclib
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Some tests for zinclib
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-#include <stack>
-#include <queue>
-#define CNT 5000
-ZincPath *path;
-Zinc *zn;
-Zinc *zn2;
-int stop = 0;
-String gradient = String("=axial 0 | blue | red");
-std::queue<ZincItem*> pile;
-void znCb (Zinc *zinc, ZincItem *item, ZincEvent *event, void *userData)
- printf ("Callback : x=%d y=%d k=%d t=%ld K=%s\n",
- event->x, event->y, event->k, event->t, event->K.c_str ());
- try
- {
- ZincItem *rect;
- int j;
- if (stop == 0)
- {
- for (int i (0) ; i < CNT ; i++ )
- {
- j = i%300;
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (NULL, 10+j, 10+j, 100, 100);
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (rect, gradient);
- pile.push(rect);
- }
- stop = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i (0) ; i < CNT ; i++ )
- {
- rect = pile.front();
-// printf("rect %d %s\n",i,Tcl_GetString(rect->object));
- zn->itemRemove (rect);
- delete rect;
- pile.pop();
- }
- stop = 0;
- }
- }
- catch (ZincException e)
- {
- printf("ERRORCB : %s\n",e.what ());
- }
-// return 0;
-void znCb2 (Zinc *zinc, ZincItem *item, ZincEvent *event, void *userData)
- printf ("Callback2 : x=%d y=%d k=%d t=%1d K=%s\n",
- event->x, event->y, event->k, event->t, event->K.c_str ());
-/// return 0;
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
- try
- {
- Zinc::loadZinc (argv[0]);
- String black = String("white");
- String red = String("red");
- String texte = String("Bonjour lé gen");
- zn = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- zn->setWidth (600);
- zn->setHeight (400);
- printf ("%s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str());
- zn->setBackcolor (black);
- printf ("%s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str());
- ZincItem *g1;
- ZincItem *g2;
- printf("create group1\n");
- g1 = zn->itemCreateGroup (NULL);
- printf("create group2\n");
- g2 = zn->itemCreateGroup (g1);
- printf("create rect\n");
- ZincItem *rect;
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (rect, red);
- printf("create arc\n");
- ZincItem *arc;
- arc = zn->itemCreateArc (NULL, 10, 10, 200, 200);
- zn->itemSetClosed (arc, 1);
- zn->itemSetExtent (arc, 230);
- zn->itemSetFilled (arc, 1);
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (arc, gradient);
- printf ("create text\n");
- ZincItem *text = zn->itemCreateText (g2);
- zn->itemSetText (text, texte);
- zn->itemSetPosition (text, 10, 200);
- delete text;
- printf ("create curve\n");
- path = new ZincPath(5,5);
- path->lineTo (100,5);
- path->lineTo (200,100);
- ZincItem *curve = zn->itemCreateCurve (g2, path);
- path->lineTo (200,200);
- delete curve;
- printf("create icon\n");
- ZincImage *image = zn->createImageFromFile ("paper.gif");
- ZincItem *icon = zn->itemCreateIcon (g2, image);
- zn->itemSetPosition (icon, 200, 10);
- printf("binding\n");
- zn->focus (arc);
- zn->itemBind (arc, String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb, NULL);
- zn->itemBind (arc, String("<Button-1>"), znCb2, NULL);
-/* zn2 = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- ZincItem *rect2;
- rect2 = zn2->itemCreateRectangle (NULL, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- zn2->focus (rect2);
- zn2->itemSetFilled (rect2, 1);
- zn2->itemSetFillcolor (rect2, red);
- zn2->setWidth (600);
- zn2->setHeight (400);
- zn2->itemBind (rect2, String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb2, NULL);
- Zinc::zincMainLoop ();
- delete g1;
- delete g2;
- delete icon;
- delete image;
- delete arc;
- delete rect;
- delete (zn);
- }
- catch (ZincException e)
- {
- printf("ERROR : %s\n",e.what ());
- }
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/test.svg b/zinclib.d/test/test.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b81f2..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/test.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 10.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 3.0.0 Build 77) -->
-<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd" [
- <!ENTITY ns_flows "http://ns.adobe.com/Flows/1.0/">
- <!ENTITY ns_svg "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
- <!ENTITY ns_xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
-<svg xmlns="&ns_svg;" xmlns:xlink="&ns_xlink;" xmlns:a="http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/"
- width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100" overflow="visible" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve">
- <g id="Layer_1">
- <image width="100" height="100" id="XMLID_1_" xlink:href="data:;base64,R0lGODlhZABkAJEAAPX19efn5wAAAAAAACwAAAAAZABkAAAC/4QfAbnLypyBCNrZbm77zGtR0chJ
- </g>
diff --git a/zinclib.d/test/widget.cpp b/zinclib.d/test/widget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a47ba7..0000000
--- a/zinclib.d/test/widget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-/** items.cpp
- * zinclib/tests
- *
- * This software is the property of IntuiLab SA, France.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Some tests for zinclib
- *
- * 08/03/05
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Benoit Peccatte <peccatte@intuilab.com>
- *
- */
-#include "Zinc.hpp"
-//global variable
-Zinc *zn;
-Zinc *zn2;
-//prepare constants
-//black color
-String black = String("white");
-// red color
-String red = String("blue");
-// sample text
-String texte = String("Hello world");
-// sample gradient
-String gradient = String("=axial 0 | blue | white 50 | red");
-void znCb (Zinc *zinc, ZincItem *item, ZincEvent *event, void *userData)
- printf ("Callback1 : x=%d y=%d k=%d t=%ld K=%s w=%d h=%d X=%d Y=%d b=%d\n",
- event->x, event->y, event->k, event->t, event->K.c_str (),
- event->w, event->h, event->X, event->Y, event->b );
-void znCb2 (Zinc *zinc, ZincItem *item, ZincEvent *event, void *userData)
- printf ("Callback2 : x=%d y=%d k=%d t=%ld K=%s w=%d h=%d X=%d Y=%d b=%d\n",
- event->x, event->y, event->k, event->t, event->K.c_str (),
- event->w, event->h, event->X, event->Y, event->b );
-void znCb3 (Zinc *zinc, ZincEvent *event, void *userData)
- printf ("Callback3 : x=%d y=%d k=%d t=%ld K=%s w=%d h=%d X=%d Y=%d b=%d\n",
- event->x, event->y, event->k, event->t, event->K.c_str (),
- event->w, event->h, event->X, event->Y, event->b );
-//Let's test all item types
-int main (int argc, char** argv)
- //catch exceptions
- try
- {
- //don't forget to load zinc
- Zinc::loadZinc (argv[0]);
- //create the widget
- zn = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- //give it parameters
- zn->setWidth (600);
- zn->setHeight (400);
- zn->setTitle("window1");
- //change background color
- printf ("Backcolor %s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str());
- // test background color
- zn->setBackcolor (black);
- printf ("Backcolor %s\n",zn->getBackcolor ().c_str());
- //change foreground color
- printf ("Forecolor %s\n",zn->getForecolor ().c_str());
- // test foreground color
- zn->setForecolor (red);
- printf ("Forecolor %s\n",zn->getForecolor ().c_str());
- ZincItem *g1;
- ZincItem *g2;
- //create a group
- g1 = zn->itemCreateGroup (NULL);
- // create another group (with parent)
- g2 = zn->itemCreateGroup (g1);
- //create a rectangle
- ZincItem *rect;
- rect = zn->itemCreateRectangle (g1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
- // fill the rectangle
- zn->itemSetFilled (rect, 1);
- // in red
- zn->itemSetFillcolor (rect, red);
- //test change group
- zn->chggroup (rect, g2);
- ZincItem *g = zn->group (rect);
- printf("Group %x\n", (int)g);
- delete g;
- zn->chggroup (rect, g1);
- // test bindings
- zn->focus (rect);
- zn->itemBind (rect, String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb, NULL);
- zn->itemBind (rect, String("<Button-1>"), znCb2, NULL);
- zn->itemBind (rect, String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb2, NULL,true);
- //test widget properties
- printf ("Borderwidth %d\n", zn->getBorderwidth ());
- zn->setBorderwidth (3);
- printf ("Borderwidth %d\n", zn->getBorderwidth ());
- // fonts
- ZincFont *font = zn->createFont ("courier", 24);
- printf ("setFont\n");
- zn->setFont (font);
- printf ("fontAscent %d\n", zn->getFontAscent (font));
- ZincItem* text = zn->itemCreateText (NULL);
- zn->itemSetText (text, texte);
- zn->itemSetPosition (text, 10, 300);
- printf ("itemsetFont\n");
- zn->itemSetFont (text, font);
- delete text;
- delete font;
- //test a second widget
- zn2 = new Zinc (ZINC_BACKEND_OPENGL);
- zn2->setWidth (600);
- zn2->setHeight (800);
- zn2->setHeight (400);
- zn2->setHeight (600);
- zn2->setTitle("window2");
- printf("Dimension %d x %d\n",
- zn2->getWidth(), zn2->getHeight());
- ZincItem *rect2;
- //something on the 2nd widget
- rect2 = zn2->itemCreateRectangle (NULL, 100, 100, 100, 100);
- //binding on the 2nd widget directly
- zn2->focus (rect2);
- zn2->itemSetFilled (rect2, 1);
- zn2->itemSetFillcolor (rect2, gradient);
- zn2->bind (String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb3, NULL);
- zn2->bind (String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb3, NULL,true);
- zn2->unbind (String("<KeyPress-a>"));
- zn2->bind (String("<KeyPress-a>"), znCb3, NULL);
- //exception test
- try
- {
- zn->itemSetClip (rect2, rect2);
- }
- catch (ZincException &e)
- {
- printf("Exception OK SUCCESS %s OK SUCCESS\n", e.what());
- }
- delete rect;
- delete rect2;
- delete g1;
- delete g2;
- //run all this
- Zinc::zincMainLoop ();
- // delete the widget
- delete (zn);
- }
- catch (ZincException &e)
- {
- printf("ERROR : %s\n",e.what ());
- }
- catch (std::exception &e)
- {
- printf("STD ERROR : %s\n",e.what ());
- }