path: root/Bezier.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Bezier.c')
1 files changed, 651 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bezier.c b/Bezier.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d363c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bezier.c
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Project : Imagine
+ * File : Bezier.c
+ * Version : $Id$
+ * Author : Patrick LECOANET
+ * Created On : Thu Mar 23 21:59:43 1995
+ * Last Modified By: Patrick Lecoanet
+ * Last Modified On: Thu Mar 23 23:10:45 1995
+ * Update Count : 21
+ * Purpose : implementation of Bezier arc item.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+/*---------------- Distribution and Copyright -------------------
+ *
+ * This software is copyright by the CENA/DGAC/FRANCE
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * No part of the material protected by this copyright notice
+ * may be reproduced or utilized for commercial use in any form
+ * without written permission of the copyright owner.
+ *
+ * It may be reproduced or utilized for R&D use in Non Profit
+ * Organization
+ *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*---------------- Disclaimer -----------------------------------
+ *
+ * This software and its documentation are provided "AS IS" and
+ * without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever.
+ * No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness
+ * for a particular purpose exist.
+ *
+ * Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under
+ * which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for
+ * a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to
+ * test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user
+ * must assume the entire risk and liability of using this
+ * software.
+ *
+ * In no event shall any person or organization of people be
+ * held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential
+ * or inconsequential damages or lost profits.
+ *
+ *-----------------END-PROLOGUE----------------------------------*/
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Included files
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+#include "ReliefStyConv.h"
+#include "RadarP.h"
+#include "ItemP.h"
+#include "GeoP.h"
+#include "DrawP.h"
+#include "ActionsP.h"
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Constants.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
+static char invalid_attribute[] = "RadarBezier : Invalid attribute.";
+static char invalid_pixmap[] = "RadarBezier : Pixmaps used in patterns must be of depth 1.";
+static char read_only_attribute[] = "This attribute is read only.";
+static RadarList smoothed_points = NULL;
+static RadarList control_points = NULL;
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Specific Bezier item record
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+typedef struct _BezierItemStruct {
+ ItemHeader header;
+ /* Public data */
+ int x1;
+ int y1;
+ int x2;
+ int y2;
+ int xc1;
+ int yc1;
+ int xc2;
+ int yc2;
+ unsigned char spline_steps;
+ unsigned int line_width;
+ Pixel line_foreground;
+ Pixmap line_pattern;
+ /* Private data */
+} BezierItemStruct, *BezierItem;
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Init --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Init(Widget rw,
+ Item item
+ )
+ RadarPart *rp = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ if (!smoothed_points)
+ smoothed_points = RadarListNew(0, sizeof(XPoint));
+ if (!control_points) {
+ control_points = RadarListNew(4, sizeof(XPoint));
+ RadarListAssertSize(control_points, 4);
+ }
+ /* Init attributes */
+ bzr->x1 = 0;
+ bzr->y1 = 0;
+ bzr->x2 = 0;
+ bzr->y2 = 0;
+ bzr->xc1 = 0;
+ bzr->yc1 = 0;
+ bzr->xc2 = 0;
+ bzr->yc2 = 0;
+ bzr->spline_steps = 10;
+ bzr->line_width = 1;
+ bzr->line_foreground = rp->foreground;
+ bzr->line_pattern = XtUnspecifiedPixmap;
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Clone --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Clone(Widget rw,
+ Item item
+ )
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ item->user_data = NULL;
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Remove --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Remove(Widget rw,
+ Item item
+ )
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Configure --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Configure(Widget rw,
+ Item item,
+ RadarList attrs,
+ Boolean *draw_item,
+ Boolean *draw_label,
+ Boolean *compute_coord,
+ Boolean init
+ )
+ RadarPart *radar = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ Cardinal i, num_attrs;
+ RadarAttr *attr;
+ Boolean b_value;
+ int value;
+ Pixmap pattern;
+ num_attrs = RadarListSize(attrs);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
+ attr = (RadarAttr *) RadarListAt(attrs, i);
+ switch (attr->name) {
+ case RadarItemX:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->x1) {
+ bzr->x1 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->y1) {
+ bzr->y1 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX2:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->xc1) {
+ bzr->xc1 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY2:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->yc1) {
+ bzr->yc1 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX3:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->xc2) {
+ bzr->xc2 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY3:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->yc2) {
+ bzr->yc2 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX4:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->x2) {
+ bzr->x2 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY4:
+ if ((int) attr->value != bzr->y2) {
+ bzr->y2 = (int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemSplineSteps:
+ value = (unsigned char) attr->value;
+ if (value > 0 &&
+ value <= 100 &&
+ value != bzr->spline_steps) {
+ bzr->spline_steps = value;
+ *draw_item = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLineWidth:
+ if (((unsigned int) attr->value) != bzr->line_width) {
+ bzr->line_width = (unsigned int) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = *compute_coord = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLineForeground:
+ if ((Pixel) attr->value != bzr->line_foreground) {
+ bzr->line_foreground = (Pixel) attr->value;
+ *draw_item = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLinePattern:
+ if (!DRAW.ValidBitmap(XtDisplay(rw), (Pixmap) attr->value, &pattern)) {
+ XtAppWarning(radar->app_context, invalid_pixmap);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pattern != bzr->line_pattern) {
+ bzr->line_pattern = pattern;
+ *draw_item = True;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ XtAppWarning(radar->app_context, invalid_attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Query --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Query(Widget rw,
+ Item item,
+ RadarList attrs
+ )
+ RadarPart *radar = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ Cardinal i, num_attrs;
+ RadarAttr *attr;
+ num_attrs = RadarListSize(attrs);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_attrs; i++) {
+ attr = (RadarAttr *) RadarListAt(attrs, i);
+ switch (attr->name) {
+ case RadarItemX:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->x1;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->y1;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX2:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->xc1;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY2:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->yc1;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX3:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->xc2;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY3:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->yc2;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemX4:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->x2;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemY4:
+ *((int *) attr->value) = bzr->y2;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemSplineSteps:
+ *((unsigned char *) attr->value) = bzr->spline_steps;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLineWidth:
+ *((unsigned int *) attr->value) = bzr->line_width;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLineForeground:
+ *((Pixel *) attr->value) = bzr->line_foreground;
+ break;
+ case RadarItemLinePattern:
+ *((Pixmap *) attr->value) = bzr->line_pattern;
+ break;
+ default:
+ XtAppWarning(radar->app_context, invalid_attribute);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * ComputeCoordinates --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+ComputeCoordinates(Widget rw,
+ Item item
+ )
+ RadarPart *rp = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ XPoint *points;
+ int i, len;
+ Dimension dev_line_width;
+ ResetBBox(&item->item_bounding_box);
+ if (!bzr->line_width)
+ return;
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(control_points);
+ points[0].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->x1);
+ points[0].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->y1);
+ points[1].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->xc1);
+ points[1].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->yc1);
+ points[2].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->xc2);
+ points[2].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->yc2);
+ points[3].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->x2);
+ points[3].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->y2);
+ item->connection_dev = points[0];
+ if (bzr->line_width > 1)
+ dev_line_width = MAX(1, LENGTH_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->line_width));
+ else
+ dev_line_width = 1;
+ RadarListEmpty(smoothed_points);
+ DRAW.GetBezierPath(control_points, bzr->spline_steps, smoothed_points);
+ len = RadarListSize(smoothed_points);
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(smoothed_points);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ AddPointToBBox(&item->item_bounding_box, points[i].x, points[i].y);
+ /*
+ * For thick lines adjust the bounding box. Add the line width in
+ * all directions, this overestimates the space but is fast.
+ */
+ if (dev_line_width > 1) {
+ item->item_bounding_box.x -= dev_line_width;
+ item->item_bounding_box.y -= dev_line_width;
+ item->item_bounding_box.width += dev_line_width*2;
+ item->item_bounding_box.height += dev_line_width*2;
+ }
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * ToArea --
+ * Tell if the object is entirely outside (-1),
+ * entirely inside (1) or in between (0).
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int
+ToArea(Widget rw,
+ Item item,
+ XRectangle *area)
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Draw --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+Draw(Widget rw,
+ Item item
+ )
+ RadarPart *radar = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ XGCValues values;
+ XPoint *points;
+ int len, i;
+ Dimension dev_line_width;
+ if (bzr->line_width) {
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(control_points);
+ points[0].x = X_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->x1);
+ points[0].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->y1);
+ points[1].x = X_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->xc1);
+ points[1].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->yc1);
+ points[2].x = X_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->xc2);
+ points[2].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->yc2);
+ points[3].x = X_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->x2);
+ points[3].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->y2);
+ if (bzr->line_width > 1)
+ dev_line_width = MAX(1, LENGTH_TO_DEVICE(radar, bzr->line_width));
+ else
+ dev_line_width = 1;
+ RadarListEmpty(smoothed_points);
+ DRAW.GetBezierPath(control_points, bzr->spline_steps, smoothed_points);
+ len = RadarListSize(smoothed_points);
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(smoothed_points);
+ values.foreground = bzr->line_foreground;
+ values.line_width = (dev_line_width == 1) ? 0 : dev_line_width;
+ if (bzr->line_pattern == XtUnspecifiedPixmap) {
+ values.fill_style = FillSolid;
+ XChangeGC(XtDisplay(rw), radar->gc,
+ GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
+ }
+ else {
+ values.fill_style = FillStippled;
+ values.stipple = bzr->line_pattern;
+ XChangeGC(XtDisplay(rw), radar->gc,
+ GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth | GCForeground, &values);
+ }
+ XDrawLines(XtDisplay(rw), radar->draw_buffer, radar->gc,
+ points, len, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Pick --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static Boolean
+Pick(Widget rw,
+ Item item,
+ XPoint *p,
+ Dimension aperture,
+ Boolean closest,
+ RadarList items)
+ RadarPart *rp = &(((RadarWidget) rw)->radar);
+ BezierItem bzr = (BezierItem) item;
+ double dist, new_dist;
+ XPoint *points;
+ int len, i;
+ Dimension dev_line_width;
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(control_points);
+ points[0].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->x1);
+ points[0].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->y1);
+ points[1].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->xc1);
+ points[1].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->yc1);
+ points[2].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->xc2);
+ points[2].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->yc2);
+ points[3].x = X_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->x2);
+ points[3].y = Y_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->y2);
+ if (bzr->line_width > 1)
+ dev_line_width = MAX(1, LENGTH_TO_DEVICE(rp, bzr->line_width));
+ else
+ dev_line_width = 1;
+ RadarListEmpty(smoothed_points);
+ DRAW.GetBezierPath(control_points, bzr->spline_steps, smoothed_points);
+ len = RadarListSize(smoothed_points);
+ points = (XPoint *) RadarListArray(smoothed_points);
+ dist = 1.0e40;
+ for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
+ new_dist = LineToPointDist(&points[i], &points[i+1], p);
+ dist = MIN(dist, new_dist);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Take the line width into account if it is meaningful.
+ */
+ if (dist != 0 && dev_line_width > 1)
+ dist = MAX(0.0, dist - (((double) dev_line_width)/2.0));
+ return ACTIONS.AddToPickedItems(items, item, RADAR_CURRENT_POSITION,
+ dist, aperture, closest);
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * PostScript --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void
+PostScript(Widget rw,
+ Item item,
+ PostScriptInfo ps_info)
+ **********************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Exported functions struct --
+ *
+ **********************************************************************************
+ */
+static ItemClassStruct BEZIER_ITEM_CLASS = {
+ sizeof(BezierItemStruct),
+ False,
+ 1,
+ Init,
+ Clone,
+ Remove,
+ Configure,
+ Query,
+ ComputeCoordinates,
+ ToArea,
+ Draw,
+ Pick,
+ PostScript
+RadarItemClassId RadarBezier = (RadarItemClassId) &BEZIER_ITEM_CLASS;