path: root/Perl/CPANising-tkzinc.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/CPANising-tkzinc.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/CPANising-tkzinc.pl b/Perl/CPANising-tkzinc.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e13d4..0000000
--- a/Perl/CPANising-tkzinc.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# this script build the tk-zinc-n.mmm.tar.gz file which must then
-# be uploaded on the CPAN on ZINCDEV account
-# this version must be the same than those in the CVS repository
-# in CVS the tag has the following form: cpan_n_mmm
-my $version = "3.29401";
-chdir ('/tmp');
-my $cvstag = 'cpan_' . $version;
-$cvstag =~ s/\./_/ ;
-my $dirname = "tk-zinc-$version";
-system ("rm -rf $dirname $dirname.tar.gz");
-my $command = "cvs -d :ext:liszt.pii.ath.cena.fr:/pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $dirname Tkzinc";
-print "cvs: $command\n";
-system ($command) ;
-chdir ("/tmp/$dirname");
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-my $ver = MM->parse_version("Perl/Zinc.pm");
-die "version in $0 and Zinc.pm must be identical" unless $ver == $version ;
-## the debian changelog is copied and renamed in the root directory
-system ('cp -p debian/changelog Changes');
-## the CPANising-tkzinc.pl script is not supposed to be distributed
-## neither the sandbox, nor debian or redhat dirs
-system ('rm -rf sandbox debian redhat CPANising-tkzinc.pl');
-## the following tcl-needed (or python-needed) dirs are deleted:
-system ('rm -rf demos library tests');
-## warning: we still need the following directory: .../tclconfig .../Python
-# removing the .cvsignore files
-system ('find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f');
-# renaming README.PERL in README
-# the following dir and 2 files are dummy configure
-# files still needed for building Tk::Zinc for Perl.
-# They will soon disapear!
-system ('mkdir fake_TCL_libs');
-open (TCL , ">fake_TCL_libs/tclConfig.sh");
-print TCL <<EOF
-# tclConfig.sh --
-# This shell script is generated automatically by Tcl's
-# configure script.
-# It is currently necessary, but not used
-# to configure Tk::Zinc for perl.
- ;
-close TCL;
-open (TK , ">fake_TCL_libs/tkConfig.sh");
-print TK <<EOF
-# tkConfig.sh --
-# This shell script is generated automatically by Tcl's
-# configure script.
-# It is currently necessary, but not used
-# to configure Tk::Zinc for perl.
- ;
-# end of the hack!
-# creating the MANIFEST file
-use ExtUtils::Manifest qw( mkmanifest );
-$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1;
-# and finally creating the tar file, ready to upload
-chdir ("/tmp");
-system ("tar cfz $dirname.tar.gz $dirname");