path: root/Perl/t/Text2.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/t/Text2.t')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/t/Text2.t b/Perl/t/Text2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2087bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/t/Text2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: Text2.t,v 1.1 2005-05-11 12:54:19 lecoanet Exp $
+# Author: Christophe Mertz
+# testing text item
+# this script can be used with an optionnal argument, an integer giving
+# the delay in seconds during which the graphic updates will be displayed
+# this is usefull for visual inspection!
+my $mw;
+ if (!eval q{
+# use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+ use Test::More tests => 69;
+ 1;
+ }) {
+ print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n";
+ print "1..1\n";
+ print "ok 1\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ if (!eval q{
+ use Tk::Zinc;
+ 1;
+ }) {
+ print "unable to load Tk::Zinc";
+ print "1..1\n";
+ print "ok 1\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ if (!eval q{
+ $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ 1;
+ }) {
+ print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n";
+ print "1..1\n";
+ print "ok 1\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+use strict;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
+ -width => 400, -height => 1200)->pack;
+like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created");
+my $g1 = $zinc->add('group',1, -tags => "gr1");
+my $TEXT = "";
+my @families = $mw->fontFamilies;
+#print "families=@families\n";
+my $family="";
+if ( grep /^verdana$/i , @families) {
+ $family = "verdana";
+# $family = "helvetica";
+} elsif ( grep /^helvetica$/i , @families) {
+ $family = "helvetica";
+} elsif ( grep /^arial$/i , @families) {
+ $family = "arial";
+#print "family=$family\n";
+my $topLevel = $mw->Toplevel();
+$topLevel->title("testing all ascii glyphs of $family");
+my $zinc0 = $topLevel->Zinc(-render => 1,
+ -width => 300,
+ -height => 400,)->pack;
+like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc0 has been created");
+$zinc0->fontCreate("fonta", -family => $family, -size => -20, -weight => 'normal');
+foreach my $row (2..15) {
+ my $string = "";
+ foreach my $col (0..15) {
+ $string .= chr($row*16+$col);
+ }
+ $zinc0->add('text', 1, -position => [10,$row*20-40],
+ -text => $string, -font => 'fonta');
+ $zinc0->update;
+ &pass("adding text item n°$row with a $family font of size 20 and normal weight");
+### creating text items with many different fonts:
+my $size = 8;
+my $y = 10 ;
+$zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
+### creating text items with many different fonts:
+$zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
+ -text => "$size pixels $family");
+$zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
+$zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
+ -text => "$size pixels $family");
+foreach my $size (9..60) {
+ $zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
+ $zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
+ -text => "$size pixels $family");
+ $zinc->update;
+ # deleting both the font and the text item and recreating it 10 times
+ foreach my $count (1..10) {
+ $zinc->fontDelete("font$size");
+ $zinc->remove('txt8');
+ $zinc->fontCreate("font$size", -family => $family, -size => -$size, -weight => 'normal');
+ $zinc->add('text', $g1, -position => [10,$y], -tags => ["txt$size"], -font => "font$size",
+ -text => "$size pixels $family");
+ $zinc->update;
+ }
+ &pass("creating and deleting 10 times a text item with a $family font of size $size");
+ $y += $size;
+## we should certainly test much much other things!
+sub wait {
+ $zinc->update;
+ ok (1, $_[0]);
+ my $delay = $ARGV[0];
+ if (defined $delay) {
+ $zinc->update;
+ if ($delay =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ sleep $delay;
+ } else {
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ }
+diag("############## end of text test");