path: root/demos/clipping.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/clipping.tcl')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/demos/clipping.tcl b/demos/clipping.tcl
index 435a581..e7346fa 100644
--- a/demos/clipping.tcl
+++ b/demos/clipping.tcl
@@ -5,114 +5,119 @@ if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-set w .clipping
-catch {destroy $w}
-toplevel $w
-wm title $w "Zinc Clipping Demonstration"
-wm iconname $w "Clipping"
+namespace eval clippingDemo {
+ variable w .clipping
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Zinc Clipping Demonstration"
+ wm iconname $w "Clipping"
-set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
+ variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
-frame $w.buttons
-pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
-button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
-pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
+ grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
+ grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
+ grid [zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 \
+ -relief sunken] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+ grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 2
-zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken
-pack $w.zinc
+ variable displayClippingItemBackground 0
+ variable clip 1
-set display_clipping_item_background 0
-set clip 1
+ $w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "You can drag and drop the objects.\nThere are two groups of objects a tan group and a blue group\nTry to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\nwith two contours" -anchor nw -position {10 10}
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "You can drag and drop the objects.\nThere are two groups of objects a tan group and a blue group\nTry to move them and discover the clipping area which is a curve.\nwith two contours" -anchor nw -position {10 10}
+ variable clippedGroup [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
-set clipped_group [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
+ variable clippingItem [$w.zinc add curve $clippedGroup {10 100 690 100 690 590 520 350 350 590 180 350 10 590} -closed 1 -priority 1 -fillcolor tan2 -linewidth 0 -filled $displayClippingItemBackground]
+ $w.zinc contour $clippingItem add +1 {200 200 500 200 500 250 200 250}
-set clipping_item [$w.zinc add curve $clipped_group {10 100 690 100 690 590 520 350 350 590 180 350 10 590} -closed 1 -priority 1 -fillcolor tan2 -linewidth 0 -filled $display_clipping_item_background]
-$w.zinc contour $clipping_item add +1 {200 200 500 200 500 250 200 250}
+ ############### creating the tanGroup objects ################
+ # the tanGroup is atomic that is is makes all children as a single object
+ # and sensitive to tanGroup callbacks
+ variable tanGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
-############### creating the tan_group objects ################
-# the tan_group is atomic that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to tan_group callbacks
-set tan_group [$w.zinc add group $clipped_group -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
+ $w.zinc add arc $tanGroup {200 220 280 300} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor tan
-$w.zinc add arc $tan_group {200 220 280 300} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -startangle 45 -extent 270 -pieslice 1 -closed 1 -fillcolor tan
+ $w.zinc add curve $tanGroup {400 400 440 450 400 500 500 500 460 450 500 400} -filled 1 -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan
-$w.zinc add curve $tan_group {400 400 440 450 400 500 500 500 460 450 500 400} -filled 1 -fillcolor tan -linecolor tan
+ ############### creating the blueGroup objects ################
+ # the blueGroup is atomic too that is is makes all children as a single object
+ # and sensitive to blueGroup callbacks
+ variable blueGroup [$w.zinc add group $clippedGroup -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
-############### creating the blue_group objects ################
-# the blue_group is atomic too that is is makes all children as a single object
-# and sensitive to blue_group callbacks
-set blue_group [$w.zinc add group $clipped_group -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1]
+ $w.zinc add rectangle $blueGroup {570 180 470 280} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -fillcolor blue2
-$w.zinc add rectangle $blue_group {570 180 470 280} -filled 1 -linewidth 1 -fillcolor blue2
+ $w.zinc add curve $blueGroup {200 400 200 500 300 500 300 400 300 300} -filled 1 -fillcolor blue -linewidth 0
-$w.zinc add curve $blue_group {200 400 200 500 300 500 300 400 300 300} -filled 1 -fillcolor blue -linewidth 0
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
-$w.zinc itemconfigure $clipped_group -clip $clipping_item
+ ###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
+ # for both tanGroup and blueGroup
-###################### drag and drop callbacks ############
-# for both tan_group and blue_group
+ $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $tanGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $tanGroup %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <1> "::clippingDemo::itemStartDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $blueGroup <B1-Motion> "::clippingDemo::itemDrag $blueGroup %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind $tan_group <1> "itemStartDrag $tan_group %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind $tan_group <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $tan_group %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind $blue_group <1> "itemStartDrag $blue_group %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind $blue_group <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $blue_group %x %y"
+ # callback for starting a drag
+ variable xOrig ""
+ variable yOrig ""
-# callback for starting a drag
-set x_orig ""
-set y_orig ""
-proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- global x_orig y_orig
- set x_orig $x
- set y_orig $y
-# Callback for moving an item
-proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- global x_orig y_orig
- global w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig];
- set x_orig $x;
- set y_orig $y;
+ proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
+ variable xOrig
+ variable yOrig
+ set xOrig $x
+ set yOrig $y
+ }
+ # Callback for moving an item
+ proc itemDrag {item x y} {
+ variable xOrig
+ variable yOrig
+ variable w
+ $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
+ set xOrig $x;
+ set yOrig $y;
+ }
-###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
-frame $w.row
-pack $w.row
-checkbutton $w.row.show -text "Show clipping item" -variable display_clipping_item_background -command "display_clipping_area"
-checkbutton $w.row.clip -text Clip -variable clip -command "clipcommand "
-pack $w.row.show $w.row.clip
-proc display_clipping_area {} {
- global clipping_item
- global w
- global display_clipping_item_background
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clipping_item -filled $display_clipping_item_background
+ ###################### toggle buttons at the bottom #######
+ grid [frame $w.row] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2
+ checkbutton $w.row.show -text "Show clipping item" \
+ -variable ::clippingDemo::displayClippingItemBackground \
+ -command "::clippingDemo::displayClippingArea"
+ checkbutton $w.row.clip -text Clip -variable ::clippingDemo::clip \
+ -command "::clippingDemo::clipCommand"
+ pack $w.row.show $w.row.clip -side left
-proc clipcommand {} {
- global clip
- global clipped_group
- global clipping_item
- global w
+ proc displayClippingArea {} {
+ variable clippingItem
+ variable w
+ variable displayClippingItemBackground
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippingItem -filled $displayClippingItemBackground
+ }
- if {$clip} {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clipped_group -clip $clipping_item
- } else {
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $clipped_group -clip ""
+ proc clipCommand {} {
+ variable clip
+ variable clippedGroup
+ variable clippingItem
+ variable w
+ if {$clip} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip $clippingItem
+ } else {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $clippedGroup -clip ""
+ }