path: root/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/groupsPriority.tcl')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl b/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
index f58ed27..3b5c296 100644
--- a/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
+++ b/demos/groupsPriority.tcl
@@ -6,227 +6,242 @@ if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
-set w .groupsPriority
-catch {destroy $w}
-toplevel $w
-wm title $w "Zinc Groups priority Demonstration"
-wm iconname $w Groups
-set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
-frame $w.buttons
-pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
-button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
-pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
-# Text zone
-text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 12
-pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
-$w.text insert end "There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing\n4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.\nThe following operations are possible:\n Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.\n Mouse Button 2 for dragging a colored group.\n Key + on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.\n Key - on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.\n Key l on a rectangle to lower its colored group.\n Key r on a rectangle to raise its colored group.\n Key t on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).\n Key 0-9 on a rectangle to set the priority to 0-9\nRaising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary"
-# Zinc
-set zinc_width 600
-set zinc_height 500
-zinc $w.zinc -width $zinc_width -height $zinc_height -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken
-pack $w.zinc
-# Creating the redish group
-set group1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
-set counter 0
-# Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
-foreach data { {200 100 red} {210 210 red1} {390 110 red2} {395 215 red3} } {
- set counter [expr $counter+ 2]
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together :
- # the rectangle and the text showing its name
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group1 -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add "text" $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "groupDrag $g %x %y"
+namespace eval groupsPriority {
+ variable w .groupsPriority
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Zinc Groups priority Demonstration"
+ wm iconname $w Groups
+ variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
+ grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
+ grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
+ ###########################################
+ # Text zone
+ ###########################################
+ grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 12] \
+ -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
+ $w.text insert end "There are two groups (a red one and a green one) each containing\n4 rectangles. Those rectangles display their current priority.\nThe following operations are possible:\n Mouse Button 1 for dragging objects.\n Mouse Button 2 for dragging a colored group.\n Key + on a rectangle to raise it inside its group.\n Key - on a rectangle to lower it inside its group.\n Key l on a rectangle to lower its colored group.\n Key r on a rectangle to raise its colored group.\n Key t on a rectangle to change its group (but not its color!).\n Key 0-9 on a rectangle to set the priority to 0-9\nRaising or lowering an item inside a group modify its priority if necessary"
+ ###########################################
+ # Zinc
+ ###########################################
+ variable zinc_width 600
+ variable zinc_height 500
+ grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zinc_width -height $zinc_height -font 10x20 \
+ -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+ grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
+ #########################################################################"
+ # Creating the redish group
+ variable group1 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
+ variable counter 0
+ # Adding 4 rectangles with text to redish group
+ foreach data { {200 100 red} {210 210 red1} {390 110 red2} {395 215 red3} } {
+ set counter [expr $counter+ 2]
+ set centerx [lindex $data 0]
+ set centery [lindex $data 1]
+ set color [lindex $data 2]
+ # this small group is for merging together :
+ # the rectangle and the text showing its name
+ set g [$w.zinc add group $group1 -visible 1 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
+ set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
+ set txt [$w.zinc add "text" $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
+ # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
+ $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
+ }
-# Creating the greenish group
-set group2 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
-set counter 0
+ #########################################################################"
+ # Creating the greenish group
+ variable group2 [$w.zinc add group 1 -visible 1]
+ variable counter 0
-# Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
-foreach data {{200 300 green1} {210 410 green2} {390 310 green3} {395 415 green4}} {
- incr counter
- set centerx [lindex $data 0]
- set centery [lindex $data 1]
- set color [lindex $data 2]
+ # Adding 4 rectangles with text to greenish group
+ foreach data {{200 300 green1} {210 410 green2} {390 310 green3} {395 415 green4}} {
+ incr counter
+ set centerx [lindex $data 0]
+ set centery [lindex $data 1]
+ set color [lindex $data 2]
- # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
- # and the text showing its priority
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group2 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
+ # this small group is for merging together a rectangle
+ # and the text showing its priority
+ set g [$w.zinc add group $group2 -atomic 1 -sensitive 1 -priority $counter]
- set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
+ set rec [$w.zinc add rectangle $g "[expr $centerx-100] [expr $centery-60] [expr $centerx+100] [expr $centery+60]" -fillcolor $color -filled 1]
- set txt [$w.zinc add text $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
+ set txt [$w.zinc add text $g -position "$centerx $centery" -text "pri=$counter" -anchor center]
- # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
- $w.zinc bind $g <1> "itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <2> "itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
- $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "groupDrag $g %x %y"
+ # Some bindings for dragging the rectangle or the full group
+ $w.zinc bind $g <1> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <B1-Motion> "::groupsPriority::itemDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <2> "::groupsPriority::itemStartDrag $g %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $g <B2-Motion> "::groupsPriority::groupDrag $g %x %y"
+ }
-# adding the key bindings
+ #########################################################################"
+ # adding the key bindings
-# the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
-focus $w.zinc
+ # the focus on the widget is ABSOLUTELY necessary for key bindings!
+ focus $w.zinc
-bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-r> raiseGroup
-bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-l> lowerGroup
-bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-plus> raise
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-r> ::groupsPriority::raiseGroup
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-l> ::groupsPriority::lowerGroup
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-plus> ::groupsPriority::raise
-bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> raise
-bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-minus> lower
-bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> lower
-bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-t> toggleItemGroup
+ bind $w.zinc <KP_Add> ::groupsPriority::raise
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-minus> ::groupsPriority::lower
+ bind $w.zinc <KP_Subtract> ::groupsPriority::lower
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-t> ::groupsPriority::toggleItemGroup
-for {set i 0} {$i<=9} {incr i} {
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-$i> "setPriorrity $i"
- bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-KP_$i> "setPriorrity $i"
+ for {set i 0} {$i<=9} {incr i} {
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
+ bind $w.zinc <KeyPress-KP_$i> "::groupsPriority::setPriority $i"
+ }
-# The following binding is currently not possible only text items
-# with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
-# $zinc->bind($g '<KeyPress>' [\&raise $g]
+ # The following binding is currently not possible only text items
+ # with focus can get a KeyPress or KeyRelease event
+ # $zinc->bind($g '<KeyPress>' [\&raise $g]
-# Definition of all callbacks
+ ####################################withtype#####################################"
+ # Definition of all callbacks
-proc updateLabel {group} {
- global w
- set priority [$w.zinc itemcget $group -priority]
- # we get the text item from this group:
- set textitem [$w.zinc find withtype text ".$group."]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $textitem -text "pri=$priority"
+ proc updateLabel {group} {
+ variable w
-proc setPriorrity {priority} {
- global w
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority $priority
- updateLabel $item
+ set priority [$w.zinc itemcget $group -priority]
+ # we get the text item from this group:
+ set textitem [$w.zinc find withtype text ".$group."]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $textitem -text "pri=$priority"
+ }
+ proc setPriority {priority} {
+ variable w
-# Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
-proc lower {} {
- global w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc lower $item
- updateLabel $item
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ #return unless $item
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -priority $priority
+ updateLabel $item
+ }
-# Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
-proc raise {} {
- global w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- $w.zinc raise $item
- updateLabel $item
+ # Callback to lower a small group of a rectangle and a text
+ proc lower {} {
+ variable w
-# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-proc lowerGroup {} {
- global w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc lower $coloredGroup
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ #return unless $item
+ $w.zinc lower $item
+ updateLabel $item
+ }
-# Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-proc raiseGroup {} {
- global w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- #return unless $item
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc raise $coloredGroup
- updateLabel $item
-# Callback to change puts raise
-#the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
-proc toggleItemGroup {} {
- global group1
- global group2
- global w
- # to get the item under the cursor!
- set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
- # return unless $item
- set newgroup ""
- if {$group1 == [$w.zinc group $item]} {
- set newgroup $group2
- } else {
- set newgroup $group1
+ # Callback to raise a small group of a rectangle and a text
+ proc raise {} {
+ variable w
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ #return unless $item
+ $w.zinc raise $item
+ updateLabel $item
- $w.zinc chggroup $item $newgroup 1
- updateLabel $item
-# callback for starting a drag
-set x_orig ""
-set y_orig ""
+ # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+ proc lowerGroup {} {
+ variable w
-proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
- global x_orig y_orig
- set x_orig $x
- set y_orig $y
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ #return unless $item
+ set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
+ $w.zinc lower $coloredGroup
+ }
-# Callback for moving an item
-proc itemDrag {item x y} {
- global x_orig y_orig
- global w
- $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig];
- set x_orig $x;
- set y_orig $y;
+ # Callback to raise the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+ proc raiseGroup {} {
+ variable w
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ #return unless $item
+ set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
+ $w.zinc raise $coloredGroup
+ updateLabel $item
+ }
+ # Callback to change puts raise
+ #the group of groups of a rectangle and a text
+ proc toggleItemGroup {} {
+ variable group1
+ variable group2
+ variable w
+ # to get the item under the cursor!
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ # return unless $item
+ set newgroup ""
+ if {$group1 == [$w.zinc group $item]} {
+ set newgroup $group2
+ } else {
+ set newgroup $group1
+ }
+ $w.zinc chggroup $item $newgroup 1
+ updateLabel $item
+ }
+ # callback for starting a drag
+ set xOrig ""
+ set yOrig ""
-# Callback for moving an item
-proc groupDrag {item x y} {
- global x_orig y_orig
- global w
- set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
- $w.zinc translate $coloredGroup [expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig];
- set x_orig $x;
- set y_orig $y;
+ proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
+ variable xOrig
+ variable yOrig
+ set xOrig $x
+ set yOrig $y
+ }
+ # Callback for moving an item
+ proc itemDrag {item x y} {
+ variable xOrig
+ variable yOrig
+ variable w
+ $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
+ set xOrig $x;
+ set yOrig $y;
+ }
+ # Callback for moving an item
+ proc groupDrag {item x y} {
+ variable xOrig
+ variable yOrig
+ variable w
+ set coloredGroup [$w.zinc group $item]
+ $w.zinc translate $coloredGroup [expr $x-$xOrig] [expr $y-$yOrig];
+ set xOrig $x;
+ set yOrig $y;
+ }