path: root/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl b/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac3966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/simpleInteractionTrack.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
+# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
+if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
+ error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
+set w .simple_interation_track
+catch {destroy $w}
+toplevel $w
+wm title $w "Zinc Track Interaction Demonstration"
+wm iconname $w TrackInteraction
+set defaultfont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+frame $w.buttons
+pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
+button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
+pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
+# Zinc
+zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font 10x20 -borderwidth 0
+pack $w.zinc
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+$w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text {This toy-appli shows some interactions on different parts of a flight track item.
+ The following operations are possible:
+ - Drag Button 1 on the track to move it.
+ Please Note the position history past positions
+ - Enter/Leave flight label fields
+ - Enter/Leave the speedvector symbol i.e. current position label leader} -font 9x15
+# Track
+#the label format 6 formats for 6 fields#
+set labelformat {x80x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x30a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
+#the track#
+set x 250
+set y 200
+set track [$w.zinc add track 1 6 -labelformat $labelformat -position "$x $y" -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 10]
+# moving the track to display past positions
+for {set i 0} {$i<=5} {incr i} {
+ $w.zinc coords "$track" "[expr $x+$i*10] [expr $y-$i*5]"
+#fields of the label#
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $track 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
+# Events on the track
+# Enter/Leave a field of the label of the track
+for {set field 0} {$field<=5} {incr field} {
+ #Entering the field $field higlights it#
+ $w.zinc bind "$track:$field" "<Enter>" "highlight_enter $field"
+ #Leaving the field cancels the highlight of $field#
+ $w.zinc bind "$track:$field" "<Leave>" "highlight_leave $field"
+proc highlight_enter {field} {
+ if {$field ==0} {
+ higlight_label_on
+ } else {
+ highlight_fields_on $field
+ }
+proc highlight_leave {field} {
+ if {$field==0} {
+ higlight_label_off
+ } else {
+ if {$field==1} {
+ highlight_field1_off
+ } else {
+ highlight_other_fields_off $field
+ }
+ }
+proc higlight_label_on {} {
+ global w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor red -border contour
+proc higlight_label_off {} {
+ global w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure current 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
+proc highlight_fields_on {field} {
+ global w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border contour -filled 1 -color white
+proc highlight_field1_off {} {
+ global w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure current 1 -border "" -filled 1 -color black -backcolor gray60
+proc highlight_other_fields_off {field} {
+ global w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure current $field -border "" -filled 0 -color black -backcolor gray65
+# Enter/Leave other parts of the track
+$w.zinc bind "$track:position" <Enter> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -symbolcolor red}
+$w.zinc bind "$track:position" <Leave> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -symbolcolor black }
+$w.zinc bind "$track:speedvector" <Enter> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -speedvectorcolor red }
+$w.zinc bind "$track:speedvector" <Leave> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -speedvectorcolor black }
+$w.zinc bind "$track:leader" <Enter> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -leadercolor red }
+$w.zinc bind "$track:leader" <Leave> {$w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -leadercolor black }
+# Drag and drop the track
+#Binding to ButtonPress event -> "move_on" state#
+$w.zinc bind "$track" <1> {
+ select_color_on
+ move_on %x %y
+#"move_on" state#
+proc move_on {x y} {
+ global track w
+ global xi yi
+ set xi $x
+ set yi $y
+ #ButtonPress event not allowed on track
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <ButtonPress-1> ""
+ #Binding to Motion event -> move the track#
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <Motion> "bind_motion %x %y"
+ #Binding to ButtonRelease event -> "move_off" state#
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <ButtonRelease-1> {
+ select_color_off
+ move_off
+ }
+proc bind_motion { x y} {
+ global xi yi
+ move $xi $yi $x $y
+ set xi $x
+ set yi $y
+#"move_off" state#
+proc move_off {} {
+ global track w
+ #Binding to ButtonPress event -> "move_on" state#
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <ButtonPress-1> {
+ select_color_on
+ move_on %x %y
+ }
+ #Motion event not allowed on track
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <Motion> ""
+ #ButtonRelease event not allowed on track
+ $w.zinc bind "$track" <ButtonRelease-1> ""
+#move the track#
+proc move {xi yi x y} {
+ global w
+ global track
+ select_color_on
+ set coords [$w.zinc coords "$track"]
+ set X1 [lindex [lindex $coords 0] 0]
+ set Y1 [lindex [lindex $coords 0] 1]
+ $w.zinc coords "$track" "[expr $X1+$x-$xi] [expr $Y1+$y-$yi]"
+proc select_color_on {} {
+ global track w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -speedvectorcolor white -markercolor white -leadercolor white
+proc select_color_off {} {
+ global track w
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "$track" -speedvectorcolor black -markercolor black -leadercolor black