path: root/demos/windowContours.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'demos/windowContours.tcl')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/windowContours.tcl b/demos/windowContours.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4ff75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/windowContours.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr in perl
+# tcl version by Jean-Paul Imbert imbert@cena.fr
+if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
+ error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
+set w .window-contours
+catch {destroy $w}
+toplevel $w
+wm title $w "Zinc Contours Demonstration"
+wm iconname $w Contours
+set defaultfont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+frame $w.buttons
+pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
+button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
+pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
+# Creating the zinc widget
+zinc $w.zinc -width 600 -height 500 -font 9x15 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken
+pack $w.zinc
+# The explanation displayed when running this demo
+$w.zinc add text 1 -position {10 10} -text "These windows are simply rectangles holed by 4 smaller\nrectangles. The text appears behind the window glasses.\nYou can drag text or windows" -font 10x20
+# Text in background
+set backtext [$w.zinc add text 1 -position {50 200} -text "This text appears\nthrough holes of curves" -font "-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1"]
+set window [$w.zinc add curve 1 {100 100 300 100 300 400 100 400} -closed 1 -visible 1 -filled 1 -fillcolor grey66]
+set aGlass [$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {120 120 190 240}]
+$w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
+$w.zinc translate $aGlass 90 0
+$w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
+$w.zinc translate $aGlass 0 140
+$w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
+$w.zinc translate $aGlass -90 0
+$w.zinc contour $window add +1 $aGlass
+# deleting $aGlass which is no more usefull
+$w.zinc remove $aGlass
+# cloning $window
+set window2 [$w.zinc clone $window]
+# changing its background moving it and scaling it!
+$w.zinc itemconfigure $window2 -fillcolor grey50
+$w.zinc translate $window2 30 50
+$w.zinc scale $window 0.8 0.8
+# adding drag and drop callback to the two windows and backtext
+foreach item "$window $window2 $backtext" {
+ # Some bindings for dragging the items
+ $w.zinc bind $item <1> "itemStartDrag $item %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind $item <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $item %x %y"
+# callback for starting a drag
+set x_orig ""
+set y_orig ""
+proc itemStartDrag {item x y} {
+ global x_orig y_orig
+ set x_orig $x
+ set y_orig $y
+# Callback for moving an item
+proc itemDrag {item x y} {
+ global x_orig y_orig
+ global w
+ $w.zinc translate $item [expr $x-$x_orig] [expr $y-$y_orig];
+ set x_orig $x;
+ set y_orig $y;