path: root/demos
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
3 files changed, 512 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/demos/colorCircular.tcl b/demos/colorCircular.tcl
index bb9b75b..dbd9367 100644
--- a/demos/colorCircular.tcl
+++ b/demos/colorCircular.tcl
@@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1
pack $w.zinc
$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 80 80} -fillcolor {red|blue 50 50} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue\nin a squarre. The gradient starts from the lower right corner.\n" -anchor nw -position {120 20}
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {10 110 90 190} -fillcolor {red;40|blue;40 0 25} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Radial variation from non-transparent red to non-transparent blue\nin a squarre. The gradient starts from the lower right corner.\n" -anchor nw -position {120 20}
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {10 110 90 190} -fillcolor {red;40|blue;40 0 25} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Radial variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue\nin a disc. The gradient starts in the middle between\nthe center on the bottom point" -anchor nw -position {120 120}
+$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Radial variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue\nin a disc. The gradient starts in the middle between\nthe center on the bottom point" -anchor nw -position {120 120}
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {10 210 90 290} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40 0 0} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {10 210 90 290} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40 0 0} -filled 1
$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle of the disc. The gradient is centered." -anchor nw -position {120 220}
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Two overlaping radialy transparently colored items on a white background" -anchor nw -position {20 320}
+$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Two overlaping radialy transparently colored items on a white background" -anchor nw -position {20 320}
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {20 365 220 565} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40 0 0} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {20 365 220 565} -fillcolor {red;40|green;40 50|blue;40 0 0} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {150 365 350 565} -fillcolor {yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40 0 0} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {150 365 350 565} -fillcolor {yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40 0 0} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {280 365 480 565} -fillcolor {black;100|black;100 20|white;40 0 0} -filled 1 -linewidth 0
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {280 365 480 565} -fillcolor {black;100|black;100 20|white;40 0 0} -filled 1 -linewidth 0
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {480 365 580 500} -fillcolor {black;100|white;40 -10 16} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {480 365 580 500} -fillcolor {black;100|white;40 -10 16} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {580 410 680 580} -fillcolor {black;70|white;20 -40 -40} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {580 410 680 580} -fillcolor {black;70|white;20 40 40} -filled 1 \ No newline at end of file
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {580 410 680 580} -fillcolor {black;70|white;20 -40 -40} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add arc 1 {580 410 680 580} -fillcolor {black;70|white;20 40 40} -filled 1 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demos/colorY.tcl b/demos/colorY.tcl
index 016dde1..013cedc 100644
--- a/demos/colorY.tcl
+++ b/demos/colorY.tcl
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ set defaultfont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
zinc $w.zinc -width 700 -height 600 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -render 1
pack $w.zinc
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {@axial 90|red|blue} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 10 690 100} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red|blue} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n" -anchor nw -position {20 20}
+$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from non transparent red to non transparent blue.\n" -anchor nw -position {20 20}
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {@axial 90|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 110 690 200} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|blue;40} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue." -anchor nw -position {20 120}
+$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue." -anchor nw -position {20 120}
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {@axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 210 690 300} -fillcolor {=axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "A variation from 40%transparent red to 40% transparent blue.\nthrough a 40%green on the middle" -anchor nw -position {20 220}
$w.zinc add text 1 -font $defaultfont -text "Two overlaping transparently colored rectangles on a white background" -anchor nw -position {20 320}
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {@axial 90|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 340 690 590} -fillcolor white -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {200 350 500 580} -fillcolor {=axial 0 0|red;40|green;40 50|blue;40} -filled 1
-$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {@axial 90|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
+$w.zinc add rectangle 1 {10 400 690 500} -fillcolor {=axial 90|yellow;40|black;40 50|cyan;40} -filled 1
diff --git a/demos/transforms.tcl b/demos/transforms.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e0d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/transforms.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# $Id$
+# This simple demo has been developped by P. Lecoanet <lecoanet@cena.fr>
+# TODO:
+# Add the building of missing items
+if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
+ error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
+set w .transforms
+catch {destroy $w}
+toplevel $w
+wm title $w "Zinc Transformation Demonstration"
+wm iconname $w Transformation
+set defaultfont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+frame $w.buttons
+pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
+button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
+pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
+# Text zone
+text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 12
+pack $w.text -expand yes -fill x
+$w.text insert 0.0 {Items are always added to the current group.
+The available commands are:
+ Button 1 on the background, add an item with initial translation
+ Button 2 on the background, add a group with initial translation
+ Button 1 on item/group axes, select/deselect that item space
+ Drag Button 1 on item/group axes, translate that item space
+ Del reset the transformation
+ Shift-Del reset a group direct children transformations
+ PageUp/Down scale up/down
+ End/Home rotate right/left
+ Ins swap the Y axis
+ 4 arrows translate in the 4 directions}
+$w.text configure -state disabled
+# Zinc
+set zinc_width 600
+set zinc_height 500;
+zinc $w.zinc -width $zinc_width -height $zinc_height \
+ -font 10x20 -borderwidth 3 -relief sunken -takefocus 1 -render 0
+pack $w.zinc -expand y -fill both
+set top 1
+set inactiveAxisColor black
+set activeAxisColor red
+set worldAxisColor \#a5a5a5
+set composeRot 1
+set composeScale 1
+set drag 0
+set itemType Rectangle
+set currentItem 0
+image create photo logo -file zinc_anti.gif
+frame $w.f
+pack $w.f -expand 0 -fill x
+tk_optionMenu $w.f.types itemType Rectangle Arc Curve Icon Tabular \
+ Text Track Triangles WayPoint
+grid $w.f.types -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
+button $w.f.add -text {Add item} -command addItem
+grid $w.f.add -row 0 -column 2 -padx 10 -sticky ew
+button $w.f.addg -text {Add group} -command addGroup
+grid $w.f.addg -row 0 -column 3 -padx 10 -sticky ew
+button $w.f.remove -text Remove -command removeItem
+grid $w.f.remove -row 0 -column 4 -padx 10 -sticky ew
+checkbutton $w.f.cscale -text -composescale -command toggleComposeScale \
+ -variable composeScale
+grid $w.f.cscale -row 0 -column 6 -sticky w
+checkbutton $w.f.crot -text -composesrotation -command toggleComposeRot \
+ -variable composeRot
+grid $w.f.crot -row 1 -column 6 -sticky w
+set world [$w.zinc add group $top]
+set currentGroup $world
+$w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 80 0} -linewidth 3 \
+ -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags "axis:$world"
+$w.zinc add curve $top {0 0 0 80} -linewidth 3 \
+ -linecolor $worldAxisColor -lastend {6 8 3} -tags "axis:$world"
+$w.zinc add rectangle $top {-2 -2 2 2} -filled 1 \
+ -fillcolor $worldAxisColor -linecolor $worldAxisColor \
+ -linewidth 3 -tags "axis:$world"
+$w.zinc add text $top -text "This is the origin\nof the world" \
+ -anchor s -color $worldAxisColor -alignment center \
+ -tags [list "axis:$world" text]
+bind $w.zinc <1> "mouseAdd Item %x %y"
+bind $w.zinc <2> "mouseAdd Group %x %y"
+bind $w.zinc <Up> moveUp
+bind $w.zinc <Left> moveLeft
+bind $w.zinc <Right> moveRight
+bind $w.zinc <Down> moveDown
+bind $w.zinc <Next> scaleDown
+bind $w.zinc <Prior> scaleUp
+bind $w.zinc <Delete> reset
+bind $w.zinc <Shift-Delete> resetChildren
+bind $w.zinc <End> rotateLeft
+bind $w.zinc <Home> rotateRight
+bind $w.zinc <Insert> swapAxis
+bind $w.zinc <Configure> "resize %w %h"
+focus $w.zinc
+proc resize {width height} {
+ global w world
+ set x [expr $width/2]
+ set y [expr $height/2]
+ $w.zinc treset $world
+ $w.zinc treset "axis:$world"
+ $w.zinc translate $world $x $y
+ $w.zinc translate "axis:$world" $x $y
+proc swapAxis {} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc scale $currentitem 1 -1
+ $w.zinc scale "axisgrp:$currentItem" 1 -1
+ }
+proc toggleComposeRot {} {
+ global w currentItem composeRot
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $currentItem -composerotation $composeRot
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axisgrp:$currentItem" -composerotation $composeRot
+ }
+proc toggleComposeScale {} {
+ global w currentItem composeScale
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $currentItem -composescale $composeScale
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axisgrp:$currentItem" -composescale $composeScale
+ }
+proc dragItem {x y} {
+ global w drag currentItem
+ set drag 1
+ if {$currentItem == 0} {
+ return
+ }
+ set group [$w.zinc group $currentItem]
+ foreach {x y} [$w.zinc transform $group "$x $y"] break
+ $w.zinc treset $currentItem
+ $w.zinc treset "axisgrp:$currentItem"
+ $w.zinc translate $currentItem $x $y
+ $w.zinc translate "axisgrp:$currentItem" $x $y
+proc select {} {
+ global w
+ foreach t [$w.zinc gettags current] {
+ if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
+ changeItem $item
+ }
+ }
+proc changeItem {item} {
+ global w currentItem currentGroup
+ global drag activeAxisColor inactiveAxisColor
+ if {($currentItem != 0) && !$drag} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axis:$currentItem && !text" \
+ -linecolor $inactiveAxisColor -fillcolor $inactiveAxisColor
+ if {$currentItem != $currentGroup} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axis:$currentItem && !text" -linewidth 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {($currentItem == 0) || ($item != $currentItem)} {
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axis:$item && !text" \
+ -linecolor $activeAxisColor -fillcolor $activeAxisColor -linewidth 3
+ set currentItem $item
+ set composeRot [$w.zinc itemcget $currentItem -composerotation]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axisgrp:$currentItem" -composerotation $composeRot
+ set composeScale [$w.zinc itemcget $currentItem -composescale]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axisgrp:$currentItem" -composescale $composeScale
+ } elseif {!$drag} {
+ set currentItem 0
+ set composeRot 1
+ set composeScale 1
+ }
+ set drag 0
+proc selectGroup {} {
+ global w
+ foreach t [$w.zinc gettags current] {
+ if {[regexp {^axis:(\d+)} $t m item]} {
+ changeGroup $item
+ }
+ }
+proc changeGroup {grp} {
+ global w currentItem currentGroup world
+ changeItem $grp
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axis:$currentGroup && !text" -linewidth 1
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ set currentGroup $currentItem
+ } else {
+ set currentGroup $world
+ }
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure "axis:$currentGroup && !text" -linewidth 3
+proc reset {} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc treset $currentItem
+ $w.zinc treset "axisgrp:$currentItem"
+ }
+proc resetChildren {} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {($currentItem != 0) && ([$w.zinc type $currentItem] == "group")} {
+ $w.zinc addtag rt withtag all $currentItem 0
+ $w.zinc treset rt
+ $w.zinc dtag rt rt
+ }
+proc moveUp {} {
+ move 0 20
+proc moveDown {} {
+ move 0 -20
+proc moveRight {} {
+ move 20 0
+proc moveLeft {} {
+ move -20 0
+proc move {dx dy} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc translate $currentItem $dx $dy
+ $w.zinc translate "axisgrp:$currentItem" $dx $dy
+ }
+proc scaleUp {} {
+ scale 1.1 1.1
+proc scaleDown {} {
+ scale 0.9 0.9
+proc scale {dx dy} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc scale $currentItem $dx $dy
+ $w.zinc scale "axisgrp:$currentItem" $dx $dy
+ }
+proc rotateLeft {} {
+ rotate [expr -3.14159/18]
+proc rotateRight {} {
+ rotate [expr 3.14159/18]
+proc rotate {angle} {
+ global w currentItem
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc rotate $currentItem $angle
+ $w.zinc rotate "axisgrp:$currentItem" $angle
+ }
+proc newRectangle {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ return [$w.zinc add rectangle $currentGroup {-15 -15 15 15} \
+ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
+proc newArc {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ return [$w.zinc add arc $currentGroup {-25 -15 25 15} \
+ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
+proc newCurve {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ return [$w.zinc add curve $currentGroup {-15 -15 -15 15 15 15 15 -15} \
+ -filled 1 -linewidth 0 -fillcolor tan]
+proc newText {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set item [$w.zinc add text $currentGroup -anchor s]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item -text "Item id: $item"
+ return $item;
+proc newIcon {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ return [$w.zinc add icon $currentGroup -image logo -anchor center]
+proc newTriangles {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ return [$w.zinc add triangles $currentGroup \
+ {-25 15 -10 -15 5 15 20 -15 35 15 50 -30} \
+ -colors {tan wheat tan wheat}]
+proc newTrack {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set labelformat {x80x50+0+0 a0a0^0^0 a0a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x30a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2}
+ set item [$w.zinc add track $currentGroup 6 -labelformat $labelformat \
+ -speedvector {30 -15} -markersize 20]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 0 -bordercolor DarkGreen -border contour
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 1 -filled 1 -backcolor gray60 -text AFR6128
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 2 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 390
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 3 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text /
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 4 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text 350
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 5 -filled 0 -backcolor gray65 -text TUR
+ return $item;
+proc newWayPoint {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set labelformat {a0a0+0+0 a0a0>0^1}
+ set item [$w.zinc add waypoint $currentGroup 2 -labelformat $labelformat]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -backcolor DarkGreen -text TUR
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 1 -text >>>
+ return $item;
+proc newTabular {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set labelformat {f700f600+0+0 f700a0^0^0 f700a0^0>1 \
+ f700a0^0>2 f700a0^0>3 f700a0^0>4 f700a0^0>5}
+ set item [$w.zinc add tabular $currentGroup 7 -labelformat $labelformat]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 0 -filled 1 -border contour \
+ -bordercolor black -backcolor gray60
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 1 -alignment center -text AFR6128
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 2 -alignment center -text 390
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 3 -alignment center -text 370
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 4 -alignment center -text 350
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 5 -alignment center -text 330
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $item 6 -alignment center -text TUR
+ return $item;
+proc addAxes {item length command inFront} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set axesGroup [$w.zinc add group $currentGroup -tags "axisgrp:$item"]
+ $w.zinc add curve $axesGroup "0 0 $length 0" -linewidth 2 \
+ -lastend {6 8 3} -tags "axis:$item"
+ $w.zinc add curve $axesGroup "0 0 0 $length" -linewidth 2 \
+ -lastend {6 8 3} -tags "axis:$item"
+ $w.zinc add rectangle $axesGroup {-2 -2 2 2} -filled 1 \
+ -linewidth 0 -composescale 0 -tags "axis:$item"
+ if {$inFront} {
+ $w.zinc raise $item $axesGroup
+ }
+ $w.zinc bind "axis:$item" <B1-Motion> "dragItem %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind "axis:$item" <ButtonRelease-1> $command
+proc addItem {} {
+ global itemType
+ set length 25
+ set itemOnTop 0
+ set item [eval "new$itemType"]
+ if {($itemType == "Track") || ($itemType == "WayPoint")} {
+ set itemOnTop 1
+ }
+ addAxes $item 25 select $itemOnTop
+ changeItem $item
+proc addGroup {} {
+ global w currentGroup
+ set item [$w.zinc add group $currentGroup]
+ addAxes $item 80 selectGroup 1
+ changeGroup $item
+proc mouseAdd {itemOrGroup x y} {
+ global w currentGroup currentItem
+ foreach {x y} [$w.zinc transform $currentGroup "$x $y"] break
+ set item [$w.zinc find withtag current]
+ if {[llength $item] != 0} {
+ foreach t [$w.zinc gettags [lindex $item 0]] {
+ if {[regexp {^axis} $t]} {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval "add$itemOrGroup"
+ $w.zinc translate $currentItem $x $y
+ $w.zinc translate "axisgrp:$currentItem" $x $y
+proc removeItem {} {
+ global w currentGroup currentItem world
+ if {$currentItem != 0} {
+ $w.zinc remove $currentItem "axisgrp:$currentItem"
+ if {$currentItem == $currentGroup} {
+ set currentGroup $world
+ }
+ set currentItem 0
+ set composeScale 1
+ set composeRot 1
+ }