path: root/sandbox
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox')
8 files changed, 226 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/controls.tcl b/sandbox/controls.tcl
index 9301d1a..d865020 100644
--- a/sandbox/controls.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/controls.tcl
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ proc showbox {} {
proc hidebox {lx ly} {
- set next [.r find atpoint $lx $ly]
+ set next [.r find closest $lx $ly]
if {[llength $next] > 1} {
set next [lindex $next 0]
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ proc hidebox {lx ly} {
bind .r "<ButtonPress-1>" "start_lasso %x %y"
bind .r "<ButtonRelease-1>" fin_lasso
-bind .r "<ButtonPress-2>" {puts "at point='[.r find atpoint %x %y]'"}
+bind .r "<ButtonPress-2>" {puts "at point='[.r find closest %x %y]'"}
bind .r "<ButtonPress-3>" "press %x %y motion"
bind .r "<ButtonRelease-3>" release
diff --git a/sandbox/testbezier.tcl b/sandbox/testbezier.tcl
index 3f1f25b..528ddac 100644
--- a/sandbox/testbezier.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testbezier.tcl
@@ -124,5 +124,7 @@ focus .r
bind .r "<a>" toggle_arrows
bind .r "<c>" toggle_closed
+bind .r "<Shift-1>" {set it [.r find closest %x %y]; puts "$it [.r verticeat $it %x %y]"}
+bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>" {break}
source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testplug.pl b/sandbox/testplug.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c298881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/testplug.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+use Tk;
+$mw = MainWindow->new();
+$zinc = $mw->Zinc(-backcolor => 'gray',
+ -relief => 'sunken',
+ -width => 800,
+ -height => 500)->pack(-expand => 1,
+ -fill => 'both');
+$top = 1;
+#$ent = $zinc->Entry();
+#$entryitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
+# -window => $ent,
+# -position => [100, 100]);
+$dcontainer = $zinc->Frame(-container => 1);
+$did = $dcontainer->id();
+$vcontainer = $zinc->Frame(-container => 1);
+$vid = $vcontainer->id();
+#print "container id is $id\n";
+$dlabel = $zinc->add('text', $top,
+ -text => "Digistrips",
+ -position => [150, 30]);
+$zinc->bind($dlabel, '<1>', sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($vlabel, -color => 'black');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($dlabel, -color => 'red');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($vcontitem, -visible => 0);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($dcontitem, -visible => 1); });
+$vlabel = $zinc->add('text', $top,
+ -text => "Virtuosi",
+ -position => [250, 30]);
+$zinc->bind($vlabel, '<1>', sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($dlabel, -color => 'black');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($vlabel, -color => 'red');
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($dcontitem, -visible => 0);
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($vcontitem, -visible => 1); });
+$dcontitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
+ -window => $dcontainer,
+ -position => [50, 75],
+ -visible => 0);
+$vcontitem = $zinc->add('window', $top,
+ -window => $vcontainer,
+ -position => [50, 75],
+ -visible => 0);
+$ENV{DIGISTRIPS_PATH} = '/home/etienne/WORK/digistripsIII/src:/home/etienne/WORK/digistripsIII/data';
+$ENV{VIRTUOSI_PATH} = '/home/etienne/WORK/virtuosi/src:/home/etienne/WORK/virtuosi/data';
+system("/home/etienne/WORK/digistripsIII/src/digistrips -stan --use $did -style standalone-1024x768 &");
+system("/home/etienne/WORK/virtuosi/src/virtuosi -g 1024x768 -use $vid &");
diff --git a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
index b5637c3..2363a82 100644
--- a/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testpoly.tcl
@@ -130,11 +130,7 @@ proc toggle_closed { } {
global closed
set closed [expr ! $closed]
foreach curve [.r find withtag "poly"] {
- if {$closed} {
- .r coords $curve add [.r coords $curve 0]
- } {
- .r coords $curve remove -1
- }
+ .r itemconfigure $curve -closed $closed
@@ -144,7 +140,8 @@ focus .r
bind .r "<a>" toggle_arrows
bind .r "<c>" toggle_closed
bind .r "<m>" toggle_marks
-#bind .r "<s>" toggle_smooth
+bind .r "<Shift-1>" {set it [.r find closest %x %y]; puts "$it [.r verticeat $it %x %y]"}
+bind .r "<Shift-ButtonRelease-1>" {break}
source "controls.tcl"
diff --git a/sandbox/testwind.tcl b/sandbox/testwind.tcl
index 31723f9..8ad97e0 100644
--- a/sandbox/testwind.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/testwind.tcl
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ pack .r -expand t -fill both
.r addtag controls withtag $top
set ent [entry .r.entry]
+set wind [.r add window $top -window $ent -position "100 100"
-set wind [.r add window $top -window $ent -position "100 100"]
+set container [frame .r.cont -container t]
+set id [winfo id $container]
+puts "container id is $id\n"
+set cont [.r add window $top -window $container -position "200 200"]
diff --git a/sandbox/testzinc.pl b/sandbox/testzinc.pl
index 37dc558..8c318e3 100644
--- a/sandbox/testzinc.pl
+++ b/sandbox/testzinc.pl
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ $zinc->itemconfigure($wp,
$zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 0 ,-filled => 1 ,-backcolor => "tan",-text => "TO");
$zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 1 ,-filled => 1 ,-backcolor => "wheat",-text => "TO");
$zinc->itemconfigure($wp, 2 ,-border => "contour");
-$zinc->bind($wp, "<Enter>", [ \&borders, "on"]);
+$zinc->bind($wp, "<Enter>", \&borders);
$zinc->bind($wp, "<Leave>", [ \&borders, "off"]);
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ MainLoop;
sub borders {
my($widget, $onoff) = @_;
+ $onoff = "on" unless $onoff;
my $part = $zinc->currentpart;
my $contour = "noborder";
$contour = "contour" if ($onoff eq 'on');
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.tcl b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
index 55d09db..bcb6c69 100644
--- a/sandbox/zinc.tcl
+++ b/sandbox/zinc.tcl
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ set track [.r add track $view 6 -tags track -leaderanchors "|0|0"]
-font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
.r itemconfigure $track 5 -text "450" -font "cenapii-etiquette-m17"
-.r bind $track:-3 <Enter> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
-.r bind $track:-3 <Leave> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor salmon"
+.r bind $track:speedvector <Enter> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor red"
+.r bind $track:speedvector <Leave> ".r itemconfigure $track -speedvectorcolor salmon"
set track2 [.r add track $view 4 -speedvector "-20 0" \
-symbolcolor salmon -speedvectorcolor salmon -leadercolor salmon \
@@ -219,11 +219,12 @@ set topclip [.r add rectangle $top "-400 -400 400 400" \
proc borders {onoff} {
set part [.r currentpart]
+ puts "$part"
set contour noborder
if { $onoff == "on" } {
set contour "contour"
- if { $part >= 0 } {
+ if { [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $part] } {
.r itemconfigure current $part -border $contour
diff --git a/sandbox/zinc.test b/sandbox/zinc.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ce7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/zinc.test
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#-*- mode:tcl -*-
+if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
+# package require tcltest
+# namespace import ::tcltest::*
+ source [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]] defs.tcl]
+proc setupHier {} {
+ set view [.r add group 1]
+ .r add rectangle $view "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "poly rectangle"
+ set model [.r add group $view]
+ .r add curve $model "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "poly foo"
+ .r add rectangle $model "50 -150 100 -50" -tags "rectangle"
+ .r add text $model -text "UnTexte" -tags "title"
+ .r clone $model
+ .r clone $model
+ .r clone $model
+ .r remove $model
+load tkzinc3.1.so
+zinc .r
+pack .r
+test FindItems-1.0 {Test subcommand 'all' with no args} {} {
+ .r find all
+} {2 3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-1.1 {Test subcommand 'all' with top group} {} {
+ .r find all 1
+} {2 3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-1.2 {Test subcommand 'all' with top group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find all 1 f
+} {2}
+test FindItems-1.3 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner group} {} {
+ .r find all 2
+} {3 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-1.4 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find all 2 f
+} {3 16 12 8}
+test FindItems-1.5 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner most group} {} {
+ .r find all 8
+} {11 10 9}
+test FindItems-1.6 {Test subcommand 'all' with inner most group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find all 8 f
+} {11 10 9}
+test FindItems-2.0 {Test subcommand 'above' with id} {} {
+ .r find above 9
+} {10}
+test FindItems-2.1 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag} {} {
+ .r find above foo
+} {18}
+test FindItems-2.2 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag in group} {} {
+ .r find above foo 8
+} {10}
+test FindItems-2.3 {Test subcommand 'above' with tag in group} {} {
+ .r find above foo 2 f
+} {}
+test FindItems-3.0 {Test subcommand 'below' with id} {} {
+ .r find below 10
+} {9}
+test FindItems-3.1 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag} {} {
+ .r find below title
+} {10}
+test FindItems-3.2 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag in group} {} {
+ .r find below title 12
+} {14}
+test FindItems-3.3 {Test subcommand 'below' with tag in group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find below title 2 f
+} {}
+test FindItems-4.0 {Test subcommand 'atpriority'} {} {
+ .r find atpriority 2
+} {3 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-4.1 {Test subcommand 'atpriority' in group} {} {
+ .r find atpriority 2 2
+} {3 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-4.2 {Test subcommand 'atpriority' in group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find atpriority 2 2 f
+} {3}
+test FindItems-5.0 {Test subcommand 'withtag'} {} {
+ .r find withtag poly
+} {3 17 13 9}
+test FindItems-5.1 {Test subcommand 'withtag' in group} {} {
+ .r find withtag poly 2
+} {3 17 13 9}
+test FindItems-5.2 {Test subcommand 'withtag' in group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find withtag poly 2 f
+} {3}
+test FindItems-6.0 {Test subcommand 'withtype'} {} {
+ .r find withtype rectangle
+} {3 18 14 10}
+test FindItems-6.1 {Test subcommand 'withtype' in group} {} {
+ .r find withtype rectangle 2
+} {3 18 14 10}
+test FindItems-6.2 {Test subcommand 'withtype' in group, non-recursive} {} {
+ .r find withtype rectangle 2 f
+} {3}
+test FindItems-7.0 {Test tag operator '&&'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {poly && rectangle}
+} {3}
+test FindItems-7.1 {Test tag operator '||'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {poly || rectangle}
+} {3 18 17 14 13 10 9}
+test FindItems-7.2 {Test tag operator '!'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {!rectangle&&!poly}
+} {2 16 19 12 15 8 11}
+test FindItems-7.3 {Test tag operator '^'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {rectangle^poly}
+} {18 17 14 13 10 9}
+test FindItems-7.4 {Test tag grouping operator '()'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {!(rectangle&&poly)}
+} {2 16 19 18 17 12 15 14 13 8 11 10 9}
+test FindItems-7.5 {Test not using tag grouping operator '()'} {} {
+ .r find withtag {!rectangle&&poly}
+} {17 13 9}
+catch {destroy .r}
+#zinc .r
+#pack .r