path: root/generic
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2003-06-16Added a syntax describing the center and angle for conicallecoanet
2003-06-16Use of the new ZnGetGradientPixel when possible.lecoanet
2003-06-16Simplification of gradient prep.lecoanet
2003-06-16Changes in the structure to match the vector syntax andlecoanet
2003-06-16 * Added a new gradient type: conical which is describedlecoanet
2003-06-16 * Use of the new ZnGetGradientPixel when possiblelecoanet
2003-06-16Added a new quality grade for circles ZN_CIRCLE_FINERlecoanet
2003-06-16Simplified the grdient prep/drawing interface.lecoanet
2003-06-16Use of ZnGetGradientPixel in X.lecoanet
2003-06-16 * Simplified the gradient prep/drawing interface.lecoanet
2003-06-16Simplified the gradient routines interface.lecoanet
2003-05-16*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-05-16Fix the fix for Rendering text under ptk....hmmmm!!lecoanet
2003-05-16Commented out the utf8 conversion in Render (ptk)lecoanet
2003-05-16*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-05-16Added support for vector style specification of gradientlecoanet
2003-05-16Modification of gradient syntax to support vector style specificationlecoanet
2003-05-16 * (ComputeCoordinates): Modified the processing oflecoanet
2003-05-16 * (Destroy): Added a test on the patterns used inlecoanet
2003-05-16 * Fixed a bug on MAX_CHAR preventing display of accentedlecoanet
2003-05-16 * (ZnCompute...Gradient): Stopped trying to be clever aboutlecoanet
2003-05-09 * (PickCurrentItem, DoEvent): Fixed a couple of problems inlecoanet
2003-05-09 * (ZN_GRABBED_PART): Added to obtain the right Enter/Leavelecoanet
2003-05-09 * (Render): Fixed the pattern filling under openGL. Stipplinglecoanet
2003-05-09*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-05-09 * (ZnGetLeaderAnchors): Corrected a core dump on some bad syntaxlecoanet
2003-05-09 * (ZnImageTex): in perl/Tk, alpha need to be set to 255 everywhere inlecoanet
2003-05-09 * (RenderField): Fixed the pattern filling under openGL. Stipplinglecoanet
2003-05-09 * (Render): Fixed the marker stippling for openGLlecoanet
2003-05-09 * (Render, Draw): Drawing is done even for an empty text, just tolecoanet
2003-05-09 * (ZnCompute...Gradient): Test whether the shape has multiplelecoanet
2003-05-09 * (Contour): Allocation of points and control arrays is controlledlecoanet
2003-04-25Correct a misalignment between the option array andlecoanet
2003-04-24Test the allocation of textures both for images andlecoanet
2003-04-24Adjustments for a clean compile with Visual C++.lecoanet
2003-04-24Corrected glu.h include.lecoanet
2003-04-24*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-04-24Test for render before trying to allocate default font texture.lecoanet
2003-04-24Corrected glu.h include and re-ordered Types.h to correct problemslecoanet
2003-04-24In fact really nothing. Just tabulation.lecoanet
2003-04-24Corrected the glu.h include.lecoanet
2003-04-24Correct include of glu.h.lecoanet
2003-04-16*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-04-16Update from the Windows port and general cleanup/restructurelecoanet
2003-04-02*** empty log message ***lecoanet
2003-04-02 * Modifs afin que le gradient de relief utilis� pour dessinerlecoanet
2003-03-24Reprise du code d'analyse d'un nom de gradient afin d'am�liorerlecoanet
2003-03-17 * Utilisation de l'ent�te glu.h de libtess au lieu de GLU.lecoanet
2003-03-17 * (ToArea): Corrige un probleme de d�tection sur deslecoanet
2003-03-17 * (Configure): Suppression du code for�ant les composerot/scalelecoanet