path: root/ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp
diff options
authorfcolin2011-11-18 12:14:12 +0000
committerfcolin2011-11-18 12:14:12 +0000
commit6bcf419d2e8f739b432d4790d1ba9d48ab65365b (patch)
tree92815e16f189c8e328dff4fcfa38ebe1d0217fdd /ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp
parent487e963b081d7ffe2ddf489e11d927982c9101a6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp')
1 files changed, 1244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp b/ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b22b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ARMFCaptureD3D/ARAnalyse.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1244 @@
+#include "debug.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "ConfigFile\ConfigFile.h"
+#include "ARAnalyse.h"
+extern char* narrow( const std::wstring& str );
+extern ConfigFile *g_config;
+extern std::wstring g_camera_name;
+extern int g_camera_instance;
+extern int g_ThresholdMin;
+extern int g_ThresholdMax;
+extern bool g_read_calibrationfile;
+// Filtrage regexp IVY !!! a mettre en concordance avec les SendMsg effectué !!!
+const char *ivy_filters[] = {"MarkerAdd", "MarkerMove", "MarkerMoveCalibrated", "MarkerRemove" };
+// constructor
+ARAnalyse::ARAnalyse() :
+ m_calibration(NULL),
+ m_tracker(NULL)
+ MarkerMoveThreshold = 0.001;
+ MarkerAbsenceCount = 10;
+ MarkerWidth = 20;
+ m_calibrated = false;
+ m_calibration_enabled = false;
+ FrameCount = 0;
+ bus = NULL;
+ m_gray = NULL;
+ m_blur0 = NULL;
+ m_blur1 = NULL;
+ DownSample = 8;
+ BlurPass = 2;
+ Display = ARAnalyse::Diff;
+ filter = ARAnalyse::FMoyen;
+ MarkerWidth = g_config->read<double>("MarkerWidth");
+ MarkerMoveThreshold = g_config->read<double>("MarkerMoveThreshold");
+ MarkerAbsenceCount = g_config->read<double>("MarkerAbsenceCount");
+ MarkerSeekingThreshold = g_config->read<double>("MarkerSeekingThreshold");
+ CameraParameterFile = g_config->read<string>("CameraParameterFile","data\\");
+ MarkerSetConfigFile = g_config->read<string>("MarkerSetConfigFile", "data\\One.cfg");
+ CalibrationFile = g_config->read<string>("CalibrationFile", "data/savedCalibration.dat");
+ MarkerBorderPercentage = g_config->read<float>("MarkerBorderPercentage",0.125f);
+ MarkerSeekingThreshold = g_config->read<int>("MarkerSeekingThreshold",160);
+ MarkerType = (ARToolKitPlus::MARKER_MODE) g_config->read<int>("MarkerTraditionalOrSimpleOrBCH",ARToolKitPlus::MARKER_ID_BCH);
+ m_calibration = new Calibration(1.0, 1.0);
+ // intialize Calibration
+ int id;
+ id = g_config->read<int>("CalibrationID_TopLeft");
+ m_IdToCorner[id] = Calibration::TopLeft;
+ m_calibration_ids.insert( id );
+ id = g_config->read<int>("CalibrationID_TopRight");
+ m_IdToCorner[id] = Calibration::TopRight;
+ m_calibration_ids.insert( id );
+ id = g_config->read<int>("CalibrationID_BottomLeft");
+ m_IdToCorner[id] = Calibration::BottomLeft;
+ m_calibration_ids.insert( id );
+ id = g_config->read<int>("CalibrationID_BottomRight");
+ m_IdToCorner[id] = Calibration::BottomRight;
+ m_calibration_ids.insert( id );
+ if ( g_read_calibrationfile )
+ {
+ m_calibrated = m_calibration->RestoreCalibration( CalibrationFile );
+ }
+// destructor
+ if ( m_calibration ) delete m_calibration;
+ if ( bus )
+ {
+ bus->stop();
+ delete bus;
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::IvyInit(const char *domain)
+ // start Ivy
+ bus = new Ivy( "ARIvy", NULL, NULL );
+ bus->SetFilter( sizeof( ivy_filters ) /sizeof( char *), ivy_filters );
+ bus->start(domain);
+bool ARAnalyse::Calibrate( )
+ if ( m_calibration )
+ m_calibrated = m_calibration->Calibrate();
+ return m_calibrated;
+void ARAnalyse::SaveCalibration( )
+ if ( m_calibration )
+ m_calibration->SaveCalibration(CalibrationFile);
+void ARAnalyse::RestoreCalibration( )
+ if ( m_calibration )
+ m_calibrated = m_calibration->RestoreCalibration(CalibrationFile);
+bool ARAnalyse::ToggleAutoThreshold()
+ if ( m_tracker->isAutoThresholdActivated() )
+ {
+ // try to set manually
+ if ( MarkerSeekingThreshold > 0 )
+ {
+ m_tracker->activateAutoThreshold( false );
+ m_tracker->setThreshold( MarkerSeekingThreshold );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_tracker->activateAutoThreshold( true );
+ }
+ return m_tracker->isAutoThresholdActivated();
+bool ARAnalyse::IsCalibrationID( int ident )
+ return m_calibration_ids.find( ident ) != m_calibration_ids.end();
+bool ARAnalyse::InitialiseTracker( int width, int height, int sample_size)
+ first_calibration_done = false;
+ camera = narrow( g_camera_name );
+ int pixel_size = sample_size / width /height;
+ m_width = width;
+ m_height = height;
+ nb_pixel = width * height;
+ m_gray = new pixel_type[nb_pixel];
+ // on alloue au max pur eviter de se prendre la tete avec le malloc free , et le changement de DownSample
+ m_blur0 = new pixel_type[nb_pixel /*width /DownSample * height /DownSample*/];
+ m_blur1 = new pixel_type[nb_pixel /*width /DownSample * height /DownSample*/];
+ m_filter_h = new pixel_type[nb_pixel /*width /DownSample * height /DownSample*/];
+ m_filter_v = new pixel_type[nb_pixel /*width /DownSample * height /DownSample*/];
+ nb_images = 5;
+ m_sum = new float[nb_pixel];
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_sum[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ m_images = new float*[nb_images];
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < nb_images; i++ )
+ m_images[i] = new float[nb_pixel];
+ m_first_image = 0;
+ m_last_image = 0;
+ if ( m_tracker ) delete m_tracker;
+ // create a tracker that does:
+ // - 6x6 sized marker images (required for binary markers)
+ // - samples at a maximum of 6x6
+ // - works with luminance (gray) images
+ // - can load a maximum of 0 non-binary pattern
+ // - can detect a maximum of 8 patterns in one image
+ m_tracker = new TrackerMultiMarker(width, height, 4096, 6, 6, 6, 0);
+ // poor man pixel format chooser
+ switch ( pixel_size )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ m_tracker->setPixelFormat(ARToolKitPlus::PIXEL_FORMAT_LUM);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ m_tracker->setPixelFormat(ARToolKitPlus::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUY2);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ m_tracker->setPixelFormat(ARToolKitPlus::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB);
+ break;
+ }
+ // load a camera file.
+ if (!m_tracker->init(CameraParameterFile.c_str(),
+ MarkerSetConfigFile.c_str(),
+ 0.0f, 3000.0f))
+ {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("ERROR: InitialiseTracker() failed\n"));
+ delete m_tracker;
+ m_tracker = NULL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //m_tracker->getCamera()->printSettings();
+ m_tracker->setNumAutoThresholdRetries(2);
+ //if ( MarkerSeekingThreshold > 0 )
+ //{
+ // m_tracker->activateAutoThreshold( false );
+ // m_tracker->setThreshold( MarkerSeekingThreshold );
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ m_tracker->activateAutoThreshold( true );
+ //}
+ m_tracker->setImageProcessingMode(ARToolKitPlus::IMAGE_FULL_RES);
+ m_tracker->setPoseEstimator(ARToolKitPlus::POSE_ESTIMATOR_RPP);
+ //m_tracker->setPoseEstimator(ARToolKitPlus::POSE_ESTIMATOR_ORIGINAL_CONT);
+ // the marker in the BCH test image has a thiner border...
+ m_tracker->setBorderWidth(MarkerBorderPercentage);
+ // set a threshold. we could also activate automatic thresholding
+ //m_tracker->setThreshold(MarkerSeekingThreshold);
+ // let's use lookup-table undistortion for high-speed
+ // note: LUT only works with images up to 1024x1024
+ //m_tracker->setUndistortionMode(ARToolKitPlus::UNDIST_LUT);
+ m_tracker->setUndistortionMode(ARToolKitPlus::UNDIST_NONE);
+ m_tracker->setUseDetectLite(false);
+ // switch to simple ID based markers
+ // use the tool in tools/IdPatGen to generate markers
+ m_tracker->setMarkerMode(MarkerType);
+ // HULL mode
+ m_tracker->setHullMode(ARToolKitPlus::HULL_FULL);
+ // do the OpenGL camera setup
+ //glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
+ //glLoadMatrixf(m_tracker->getProjectionMatrix());
+ return true;
+void ARAnalyse::Analyse( double SampleTime, const unsigned char * cameraBuffer, int size )
+ static double StartTime = -1;
+ static double LastFrameTime = 0;
+ extern HWND g_hTrack; // Quick & Dirty !!!!
+ double delay = 0;
+ if ( StartTime < 0 )
+ {
+ StartTime = SampleTime;
+ LastFrameTime = SampleTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delay = SampleTime - LastFrameTime;
+ }
+ FrameCount++;
+ if ( FrameCount > 30 ) // skip first frames in calc avg Wait first Seconds video
+ {
+ frame_per_seconds.SetValue( FrameCount / ( SampleTime - StartTime ) );
+ frame_delay.SetValue( delay );
+ }
+ LastFrameTime = SampleTime;
+ if ( !m_tracker) return;
+ // here we go, just one call to find the camera pose
+ int numDetected = m_tracker->calc(cameraBuffer);
+ //DBGMSG(TEXT("\n tracker Threshold %d \n"), m_tracker->getThreshold());
+ if ( m_tracker->isAutoThresholdActivated() && FrameCount %10 == 0 )
+ {
+ SendMessage(g_hTrack, TBM_SETPOS,
+ (WPARAM) TRUE, // redraw flag
+ (LPARAM) m_tracker->getThreshold());
+ }
+ // use the result of calc() to setup the OpenGL transformation
+ //glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
+ //glLoadMatrixf(m_tracker->getModelViewMatrix());
+ //if ( numDetected )
+ // DBGMSG(TEXT("\n%d good Markers found and used for pose estimation.\n"), numDetected);
+ if ( numDetected )
+ {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("Pose-Matrix:\n "));
+ const ARFloat*matrix = m_tracker->getModelViewMatrix();
+ if ( matrix )
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("%.2f %s"), matrix[i], (i % 4 == 3) ? TEXT("\n ") : TEXT(" "));
+ }
+ std::set<int> new_ids;
+ confidence.Raz();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDetected; i++) {
+ ARToolKitPlus::ARMarkerInfo markerInfo = m_tracker->getDetectedMarker(i);
+ if (new_ids.find( != new_ids.end()) {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("One id for one marker please!!\n"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // calculate min max confidence
+ confidence.SetValue( );
+ new_ids.insert(;
+ if (markers.find( == markers.end() )
+ {
+ // Adding new marker
+ markers[].id =;
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("MarkerAdd cam=%s_%d id=%d\n"), g_camera_name.c_str(), g_camera_instance,;
+ // filtrage des ID de calibration
+ if ( bus && !IsCalibrationID( ) bus->SendMsg("MarkerAdd cam=%s_%d id=%d", camera, g_camera_instance,;
+ }
+ MyMakerInfo & info = markers[];
+ =;
+ info.absent = 0;
+ info.confidence =;
+ info.area = markerInfo.area;
+ info.dir = markerInfo.dir;
+ info.time = SampleTime - StartTime;
+ ARFloat center[2] ;
+ ARFloat matrix[3][4];
+ center[0] = 0.0f;
+ center[1] = 0.0f;
+ //ARFloat retTransMat = m_tracker->arGetTransMat(tracker, markerInfoPtr, center, (ARFloat)Properties.Settings.Default.MarkerWidth, matrix);
+ ARFloat retTransMat = m_tracker->arGetTransMatCont( &markerInfo, info.prev_matrix, center, (ARFloat)MarkerWidth, matrix);
+ //ARFloat retTransMat = m_tracker->rppGetTransMat(tracker, markerInfoPtr, center, (ARFloat)Properties.Settings.Default.MarkerWidth, matrix);
+ if (retTransMat < 0)
+ {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("Marker Skip id={0} bad transfrm{1}\n"),, retTransMat);
+ continue;
+ }
+ memcpy(info.prev_matrix, matrix, sizeof(matrix));
+ double dx = info.x - markerInfo.pos[0];
+ double dy = info.y - markerInfo.pos[1];
+ double dist = dx*dx + dy*dy; // Square Length distance
+ info.x = markerInfo.pos[0];
+ info.y = markerInfo.pos[1];
+ if ( dist >= MarkerMoveThreshold)
+ {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("MarkerMove cam=%s_%d id=%d time=%.03f confidence=%.03f area=%d dir=%d x=%.03f y=%.03f distance=%.03f \n"),
+ g_camera_name.c_str(), g_camera_instance,, info.time, info.confidence, info.area, info.dir, info.x, info.y, dist);
+ if ( bus && !IsCalibrationID(
+ bus->SendMsg("MarkerMove cam=%s_%d id=%d time=%.03f confidence=%.03f area=%d dir=%d x=%.03f y=%.03f distance=%.03f",
+ camera, g_camera_instance,, info.time, info.confidence, info.area, info.dir, info.x, info.y, dist);
+ if (m_calibrated)
+ {
+ double cal_x, cal_y;
+ m_calibration->translateCoords(info.x, info.y, &cal_x, &cal_y);
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("MarkerMoveCalibrated cam=%s_%d id=%d time=%.03f confidence=%.03f area=%d dir=%d x=%.03f y=%.03f\n"), g_camera_name.c_str(), g_camera_instance,, info.time, info.confidence, info.area, info.dir, cal_x, cal_y);
+ if ( bus && !IsCalibrationID(
+ bus->SendMsg("MarkerMoveCalibrated cam=%s_%d id=%d time=%.03f confidence=%.03f area=%d dir=%d x=%.03f y=%.03f", camera, g_camera_instance,, info.time, info.confidence, info.area, info.dir, cal_x, cal_y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove OLD markers
+ std::set<int> old_ids;
+ for (MarkersMap::iterator iter = markers.begin(); iter != markers.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ int id = iter->first;
+ if ( new_ids.find( id ) == new_ids.end() )
+ old_ids.insert( id );
+ }
+ for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = old_ids.begin(); iter != old_ids.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ int id = *iter;
+ markers[id].absent += 1;
+ if ( markers[id].absent > MarkerAbsenceCount)
+ {
+ markers.erase(id);
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("Marker Remove cam=%s_%d id=%d\n"), g_camera_name.c_str(), g_camera_instance, id);
+ if ( bus && !IsCalibrationID(id)) bus->SendMsg("MarkerRemove cam=%s_%d id=%d", camera, g_camera_instance, id);
+ }
+ }
+ /*if (titleText.Equals("")) {
+ titleText ="Markers with ID \""
+ +String.Join(", ", new_ids.Select(id => id.ToString("000")).ToArray())
+ +"\" are found!!";
+ }*/
+ // calibration point
+ m_calibration_enabled = false;
+ if (includes(new_ids.begin(), new_ids.end(), m_calibration_ids.begin(), m_calibration_ids.end() ))
+ {
+ for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = m_calibration_ids.begin(); iter != m_calibration_ids.end() ; iter++)
+ {
+ int id = *iter;
+ MyMakerInfo marker = markers[id];
+ m_calibration->SetCalibrationPoint(m_IdToCorner[id], marker.x, marker.y);
+ }
+ //all calibration points OK
+ m_calibration_enabled = true;
+ if ( !first_calibration_done )
+ {
+ first_calibration_done = Calibrate();
+ m_calibrated = first_calibration_done;
+ }
+ }
+ bool showConfig = false;
+ if (showConfig) {
+ const ARToolKitPlus::ARMultiMarkerInfoT *artkpConfig = m_tracker->getMultiMarkerConfig();
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("%d markers defined in multi marker cfg\n"), artkpConfig->marker_num);
+ printf("marker matrices:\n");
+ for (int multiMarkerCounter = 0; multiMarkerCounter < artkpConfig->marker_num; multiMarkerCounter++) {
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("marker %d, id %d:\n"), multiMarkerCounter, artkpConfig->marker[multiMarkerCounter].patt_id);
+ for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
+ for (int column = 0; column < 4; column++)
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("%.2f "), artkpConfig->marker[multiMarkerCounter].trans[row][column]);
+ DBGMSG(TEXT("\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+static void RGB2HSL(unsigned char * rgb, double& h, double& s, double& l)
+ {
+ double r = (double)rgb[0] / 255.0;
+ double g = (double)rgb[1] / 255.0;
+ double b = (double)rgb[2] / 255.0;
+ double v;
+ double m;
+ double vm;
+ double r2, g2, b2;
+ h = 0; // default to black
+ s = 0;
+ l = 0;
+ v = MAX(r, g);
+ v = MAX(v, b);
+ m = MIN(r, g);
+ m = MIN(m, b);
+ l = (m + v) / 2.0;
+ if (l <= 0.0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ vm = v - m;
+ s = vm;
+ if (s > 0.0)
+ {
+ s /= (l <= 0.5) ? (v + m) : (2.0 - v - m);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ r2 = (v - r) / vm;
+ g2 = (v - g) / vm;
+ b2 = (v - b) / vm;
+ if (r == v)
+ {
+ h = (g == m ? 5.0 + b2 : 1.0 - g2);
+ }
+ else if (g == v)
+ {
+ h = (b == m ? 1.0 + r2 : 3.0 - b2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ h = (r == m ? 3.0 + g2 : 5.0 - r2);
+ }
+ h /= 6.0;
+ }
+int CircularDistance(int index1, int index2, int steps)
+ { //circular distance
+ int dist = abs(index1 - index2);
+ return MIN(dist, abs(dist - steps));
+ }
+ void ARAnalyse::Transform( unsigned char * cameraBuffer, int size, bool moyen)
+ {
+ float min = FLT_MAX;
+ float max = FLT_MIN;
+ pixel_type *dst = m_blur0;
+ // Gray Image
+ {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[i*3];
+ value_type val = pixel[0] * 0.3 + pixel[1] * 0.59 + pixel[2] * 0.11;
+ m_gray[i] = val;
+ {
+ if ( val > max )
+ max = val;
+ else if ( val < min )
+ min = val;
+ }
+ if ( !moyen )
+ m_sum[i] = 0;
+ }
+ float a = 1.0;
+ float b = 0.0;
+ float c = (max - min);
+ if ( c != 0.0)
+ {
+ a = 1.0 / c;
+ b = - min / c;
+ }
+ a *= 255.0;
+ b *= 255.0;
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_gray[i] = m_gray[i] * a + b;
+ }
+ // Image moyenne
+ if ( moyen )
+ CalcMoyen();
+ }
+ const int steps = 10;
+ const int chromaHistoLength = steps +1;
+ int chromaHisto[chromaHistoLength];
+ double hue[1920];
+ // chroma histogram 10 steps
+ // find the 2 max
+ //if the 2 max> 1 the threashold = min (2 max) + (max2 - max1)/2
+ //Horizontal line
+ for (int y = 0; y < m_height; y++)
+ {
+ //Find min max mean median
+ for (int i = 0; i < chromaHistoLength; i++)
+ chromaHisto[i] = 0;
+ for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
+ {
+ long index = (x + y * m_width);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ double h,s,l;
+ RGB2HSL( pixel, h,s,l );
+ hue[x] = h;
+ int histIndexChroma = (int)(h * steps);
+ chromaHisto[histIndexChroma]++;
+ }
+ //Find the two max
+ int max1 = -1;
+ int chroma1 = -1;
+ int max2 = -1;
+ int chroma2 = -1;
+ //Find max1
+ for (int i = 0; i < chromaHistoLength; i++)
+ {
+ if ((chromaHisto[i] > max1) && (chromaHisto[i] != 0))
+ {
+ max1 = chromaHisto[i];
+ chroma1 = i;
+ }
+ }
+ //find max2
+ for (int i = 0; i < chromaHistoLength; i++)
+ {
+ if (CircularDistance(i, chroma1, steps) > (steps / 3))
+ if ((chromaHisto[i] > max2) && (chromaHisto[i] != 0))
+ {
+ max2 = chromaHisto[i];
+ chroma2 = i;
+ }
+ }
+ int peak = chroma1;
+ if ((max1 != -1) && (max2 != -1) && (chromaHisto[chroma2] > chromaHisto[chroma1])) peak = chroma2;
+ double delta = 3;
+ //binaries
+ if ((max1 != -1) && (max2 != -1)) //found a max1 and max 2 ?
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
+ {
+ int index = (x + y * m_width);
+ int histIndexChroma = (int)(hue[x] * steps);
+ if ( CircularDistance(histIndexChroma, peak, steps) < delta)
+ dst[index] = 255; //White
+ else
+ dst[index] = 0; //Black
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (int x = 0; x < m_width; x++)
+ {
+ int index = (x + y * m_width);
+ dst[index] = 127.0f; //no relevant histogram
+ }
+ }
+ switch ( Display )
+ {
+ case ARAnalyse::GrayScale:
+ DisplayGrayScale(cameraBuffer, m_gray );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Blur:
+ DisplayBlur(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Diff:
+ DisplayDiff(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Threshold:
+ DisplayThreshold(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Moyen:
+ DisplayMoyen(cameraBuffer, NULL );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::Transform( unsigned char * cameraBuffer, int size, bool moyen)
+ pixel_type *src;
+ pixel_type *dst;
+ float min = FLT_MAX;
+ float max = FLT_MIN;
+ //#pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (cameraBuffer,pixel_size, max, min )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[i*3];
+ value_type rgb_min = MIN(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]);
+ value_type rgb_max = MAX(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]);
+ value_type val = pixel[0] * 0.3 + pixel[1] * 0.59 + pixel[2] * 0.11;
+ //
+ //if ( pixel[0] > pixel[1] && pixel[0] > pixel[2] )
+ // val = 255;
+ //if ( pixel[2] > pixel[0] && pixel[2] > pixel[1] )
+ // val = 0;
+ //m_gray[i] = val;
+ /* Compute hue */
+ //value_type hue;
+ //if (rgb_max == pixel[0]) {
+ // hue = 0 + 43*(pixel[1] - pixel[2])/(rgb_max - rgb_min);
+ //} else if (rgb_max == pixel[1]) {
+ // hue = 85 + 43*(pixel[2] - pixel[0])/(rgb_max - rgb_min);
+ //} else /* rgb_max == rgb.b */ {
+ // hue = 171 + 43*(pixel[0] - pixel[1])/(rgb_max - rgb_min);
+ //}
+ double h,s,l;
+ RGB2HSL( pixel, h,s,l );
+ m_gray[i] = h * 255.0;
+ //#pragma omp critical
+ {
+ if ( val > max )
+ max = val;
+ else
+ if ( val < min )
+ min = val;
+ }
+ if ( !moyen )
+ m_sum[i] = 0;
+ }
+ float a = 1.0;
+ float b = 0.0;
+ float c = (max - min);
+ if ( c != 0.0)
+ {
+ a = 1.0 / c;
+ b = - min / c;
+ }
+ a *= 255.0;
+ b *= 255.0;
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_gray[i] = m_gray[i] * a + b;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( moyen )
+ CalcMoyen();
+ // Down sample
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (width,height)
+ {
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long yy = y * width + x;
+ value_type val = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < DownSample ; i++ )
+ for ( int j = 0; j < DownSample ; j++ )
+ {
+ int index = (y*DownSample+i) * m_width + x*DownSample+j;
+ val += m_gray[index];
+ }
+ val /= DownSample*DownSample;
+ //assert( val <= 255 );
+ m_blur0[yy] = val;
+ m_blur1[yy] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // blur
+ dst = m_blur0;
+#define BLUR
+#ifdef BLUR
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (width,height,src,dst)
+ {
+ static const float moyen[] = {
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0,
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0,
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0
+ };
+ static const float laplacien4[] = {
+ 0,-1,0,
+ -1,4,-1,
+ 0,-1,0
+ };
+ static const float laplacien8[] = {
+ -1,-1,-1,
+ -1,8,-1,
+ -1,-1,-1
+ };
+ static const float laplaciend[] = {
+ 1,-2,1,
+ -2,4,-2,
+ 1,-2,1
+ };
+ static const float sobelv[] = {
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 2,0,-2,
+ 1,0,-1
+ };
+ static const float sobelh[] = {
+ 1,2,1,
+ 0,0,0,
+ -1,2,-1
+ };
+ static const float prewittv[] = {
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 1,0,-1
+ };
+ static const float prewitth[] = {
+ 1,1,1,
+ 0,0,0,
+ -1,-1,-1
+ };
+ //5x5 Gaussian filter
+ static const float gaussian[] = {
+ 2/159.0, 4/159.0, 5/159.0, 4/159.0, 2/159.0,
+ 4/159.0, 9/159.0, 12/159.0, 9/159.0, 4/159.0,
+ 5/159.0, 12/159.0, 15/159.0, 12/159.0, 5/159.0,
+ 4/159.0, 9/159.0, 12/159.0, 9/159.0, 4/159.0,
+ 2/159.0, 4/159.0, 5/159.0, 4/159.0, 2/159.0
+ };
+ for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < BlurPass ; pass++ )
+ {
+ if ( (pass & 1) ==0 )
+ {
+ src = m_blur0;
+ dst = m_blur1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ src = m_blur1;
+ dst = m_blur0;
+ }
+ switch ( filter )
+ {
+ case FMoyen:
+ Filter( moyen,3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplacien4:
+ Filter( laplacien4,3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplacien8:
+ Filter( laplacien8, 3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplaciend:
+ Filter( laplaciend, 3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FSobel:
+ Filter( sobelv, 3, src, m_filter_v );
+ Filter( sobelh, 3, src, m_filter_h );
+ CombineFilter( m_filter_v, m_filter_h, dst );
+ break;
+ case FPrewitt:
+ Filter( prewittv, 3, src, m_filter_v );
+ Filter( prewitth, 3, src, m_filter_h );
+ CombineFilter( m_filter_v, m_filter_h, dst );
+ case FGaussian:
+ Filter( gaussian, 5, src, dst );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch ( Display )
+ {
+ case ARAnalyse::GrayScale:
+ DisplayGrayScale(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Blur:
+ DisplayBlur(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Diff:
+ DisplayDiff(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Threshold:
+ DisplayThreshold(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Moyen:
+ DisplayMoyen(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ }
+#define GRAY
+#ifdef GRAY
+// Gray scale & threshold
+void ARAnalyse::Transform( unsigned char * cameraBuffer, int size, bool moyen)
+ pixel_type *src;
+ pixel_type *dst;
+ float min = FLT_MAX;
+ float max = FLT_MIN;
+ //#pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (cameraBuffer,pixel_size, max, min )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[i*3];
+ value_type val = pixel[0] * 0.3 + pixel[1] * 0.59 + pixel[2] * 0.11;
+ m_gray[i] = val ;
+ //#pragma omp critical
+ {
+ if ( val > max )
+ max = val;
+ else
+ if ( val < min )
+ min = val;
+ }
+ if ( !moyen )
+ m_sum[i] = 0;
+ }
+ float a = 1.0;
+ float b = 0.0;
+ float c = (max - min);
+ if ( c != 0.0)
+ {
+ a = 1.0 / c;
+ b = - min / c;
+ }
+ a *= 255.0;
+ b *= 255.0;
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_gray[i] = m_gray[i] * a + b;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( moyen )
+ CalcMoyen();
+ // Down sample
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (width,height)
+ {
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long yy = y * width + x;
+ value_type val = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < DownSample ; i++ )
+ for ( int j = 0; j < DownSample ; j++ )
+ {
+ int index = (y*DownSample+i) * m_width + x*DownSample+j;
+ val += m_gray[index];
+ }
+ val /= DownSample*DownSample;
+ //assert( val <= 255 );
+ m_blur0[yy] = val;
+ m_blur1[yy] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // blur
+ dst = m_blur0;
+#define BLUR
+#ifdef BLUR
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared (width,height,src,dst)
+ {
+ static const float moyen[] = {
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0,
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0,
+ 1/9.0,1/9.0,1/9.0
+ };
+ static const float laplacien4[] = {
+ 0,-1,0,
+ -1,4,-1,
+ 0,-1,0
+ };
+ static const float laplacien8[] = {
+ -1,-1,-1,
+ -1,8,-1,
+ -1,-1,-1
+ };
+ static const float laplaciend[] = {
+ 1,-2,1,
+ -2,4,-2,
+ 1,-2,1
+ };
+ static const float sobelv[] = {
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 2,0,-2,
+ 1,0,-1
+ };
+ static const float sobelh[] = {
+ 1,2,1,
+ 0,0,0,
+ -1,2,-1
+ };
+ static const float prewittv[] = {
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 1,0,-1,
+ 1,0,-1
+ };
+ static const float prewitth[] = {
+ 1,1,1,
+ 0,0,0,
+ -1,-1,-1
+ };
+ //5x5 Gaussian filter
+ static const float gaussian[] = {
+ 2/159.0, 4/159.0, 5/159.0, 4/159.0, 2/159.0,
+ 4/159.0, 9/159.0, 12/159.0, 9/159.0, 4/159.0,
+ 5/159.0, 12/159.0, 15/159.0, 12/159.0, 5/159.0,
+ 4/159.0, 9/159.0, 12/159.0, 9/159.0, 4/159.0,
+ 2/159.0, 4/159.0, 5/159.0, 4/159.0, 2/159.0
+ };
+ for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < BlurPass ; pass++ )
+ {
+ if ( (pass & 1) ==0 )
+ {
+ src = m_blur0;
+ dst = m_blur1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ src = m_blur1;
+ dst = m_blur0;
+ }
+ switch ( filter )
+ {
+ case FMoyen:
+ Filter( moyen,3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplacien4:
+ Filter( laplacien4,3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplacien8:
+ Filter( laplacien8, 3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FLaplaciend:
+ Filter( laplaciend, 3, src, dst );
+ break;
+ case FSobel:
+ Filter( sobelv, 3, src, m_filter_v );
+ Filter( sobelh, 3, src, m_filter_h );
+ CombineFilter( m_filter_v, m_filter_h, dst );
+ break;
+ case FPrewitt:
+ Filter( prewittv, 3, src, m_filter_v );
+ Filter( prewitth, 3, src, m_filter_h );
+ CombineFilter( m_filter_v, m_filter_h, dst );
+ case FGaussian:
+ Filter( gaussian, 5, src, dst );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch ( Display )
+ {
+ case ARAnalyse::GrayScale:
+ DisplayGrayScale(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Blur:
+ DisplayBlur(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Diff:
+ DisplayDiff(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Threshold:
+ DisplayThreshold(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ case ARAnalyse::Moyen:
+ DisplayMoyen(cameraBuffer, dst );
+ break;
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::CombineFilter ( pixel_type *src_h, pixel_type *src_v, pixel_type *dst )
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = height-2 ; y > 0 ; y-- )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = width-2; x > 0 ; x-- )
+ {
+ long yy;
+ value_type val = 0;
+ // kernel sum
+ yy = y * width + x;
+ val += src_h[ yy ] * src_h[ yy ];
+ val += src_v[ yy ] * src_v[ yy ];
+ dst[yy] = sqrt(val);
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::Filter ( const float *krn, int k_size, pixel_type *src, pixel_type *dst )
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ const float *krn_ptr;
+ int half_kernel = k_size / 2;
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = height-1-half_kernel ; y >= half_kernel ; y-- )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = width-1-half_kernel; x >= half_kernel ; x-- )
+ {
+ long yy;
+ value_type val = 0;
+ // kernel sum
+ krn_ptr = krn;
+ yy = (y - half_kernel) * width + x ;
+ for ( int j = 0; j < k_size ; j++ )
+ {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < k_size ; i++ )
+ val += src[ yy - half_kernel + i ] * *krn_ptr++;
+ yy += width ;
+ }
+ dst[y * width + x] = val;
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::DisplayGrayScale (unsigned char * cameraBuffer, pixel_type * dest)
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared( cameraBuffer, width,height,dst )
+ {
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < m_height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < m_width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long index = (y * m_width + x);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ value_type val = m_gray[index]; //display gray scale
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::DisplayBlur (unsigned char * cameraBuffer, pixel_type * dest)
+ // Down sample
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared( cameraBuffer, width,height,dst )
+ {
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < m_height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < m_width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long index = (y * m_width + x);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ value_type blur = dest[((y/DownSample) * width + (x/DownSample))];
+ value_type val=0;
+ val = blur; // display BLUR
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::DisplayDiff (unsigned char * cameraBuffer, pixel_type * dest)
+ // Down sample
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared( cameraBuffer, width,height,dst )
+ {
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < m_height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < m_width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long index = (y * m_width + x);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ value_type blur = dest[((y/DownSample) * width + (x/DownSample))];
+ value_type val=0;
+ val = m_gray[index] - blur;
+ val += 127;
+ if ( val < 0 ) val = 0;
+ else if ( val > 255 ) val = 255;
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::DisplayThreshold (unsigned char * cameraBuffer, pixel_type * dest)
+ // Down sample
+ int width = m_width / DownSample;
+ int height = m_height / DownSample;
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared( cameraBuffer, width,height,dst )
+ {
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < m_height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < m_width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long index = (y * m_width + x);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ value_type blur = dest[((y/DownSample) * width + (x/DownSample))];
+ value_type val=0;
+ val = m_gray[index] - blur * 0.9;
+ //val = val < 0 ? 0 : 255;
+ val += 127;
+ if ( val < g_ThresholdMin ) val = 0;
+ else if ( val > g_ThresholdMax ) val = 255;
+ else val = 127;
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::DisplayMoyen (unsigned char * cameraBuffer, pixel_type * dest)
+ #pragma omp parallel //default(none) shared( cameraBuffer, width,height,dst )
+ {
+ #pragma omp for
+ for ( int y = 0; y < m_height ; y++ )
+ {
+ //#pragma omp for
+ for ( int x = 0; x < m_width ; x++ )
+ {
+ long index = (y * m_width + x);
+ unsigned char * pixel = &cameraBuffer[index*3];
+ value_type val = (m_sum[index] / nb_images);
+ pixel[0] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[1] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ pixel[2] = (unsigned char)(int)(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ARAnalyse::CalcMoyen()
+ //DBGMSG(TEXT("Before CalcMoyen Frame %d first %d, last %d:\n"), FrameCount, m_first_image, m_last_image);
+ // calcul sum - first
+ if ( FrameCount > (nb_images-1) )
+ {
+ pixel_type *first_image = m_images[m_first_image];
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_sum[i] -= first_image[i];
+ }
+ m_first_image++;
+ if ( m_first_image >= nb_images ) m_first_image = 0;
+ }
+ // calcul sum + last = m_gray !
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nb_pixel ; i++ )
+ {
+ m_sum[i] += m_gray[i];
+ m_images[m_last_image][i] = m_gray[i]; // copy input to last image
+ m_gray[i] = m_sum[i]/nb_images; // copy and calculate moyen
+ }
+ m_last_image++;
+ if ( m_last_image >= nb_images ) m_last_image = 0;
+ //DBGMSG(TEXT("After CalcMoyen first %d, last %d:\n"), m_first_image, m_last_image);
+} \ No newline at end of file