path: root/SimpleRadar_old/FormRadar.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SimpleRadar_old/FormRadar.cs')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SimpleRadar_old/FormRadar.cs b/SimpleRadar_old/FormRadar.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1630af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SimpleRadar_old/FormRadar.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using IvyBus;
+using System.Xml.Serialization;
+using System.IO;
+namespace SimpleRadar
+ public partial class FormRadar : Form
+ {
+ static public int COMET_LENGTH = 5;
+ public Dictionary<string, List<AircraftPosition>> RadarPlots;
+ public FormRadar()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ RadarPlots = new Dictionary<string, List<AircraftPosition>>();
+ }
+ private void FormRadar_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ IvyBus.ivy.Start(ivyDomain.Domain);
+ Bind();
+ }
+ private void Bind()
+ {
+ // ajoute la nouvelle regex
+ //TrackMovedEvent Flight=324 CallSign=LB114JQ Ssr=0452 Sector=SL Layers=F,I X=87.00 Y=-128.88 Vx=-197 Vy=265 Afl=195 Rate=2098 Heading=323 GroundSpeed=330 Tendency=1 Time=12:08:32
+ int regexp_id = IvyBus.ivy.BindMsg(@"^TrackMovedEvent Flight=([0-9]+) CallSign=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+) Ssr=([0-9]*)[ ]+Sector=(.*) Layers=(.*) X=(.+) Y=(.+) Vx=(.+) Vy=(.+) Afl=([0-9]+) Rate=(-?[0-9]+) Heading=([-\.0-9]+) GroundSpeed=([0-9]+) Tendency=(-?[0-9]) Time=([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)",
+ RecieveIvyMsgTrackMovedEvent, null);
+ regexp_id = IvyBus.ivy.BindMsg(@"SelectionEvent acc=(.*) wp=(.*) role=(.*) Flight=([0-9]+)",
+ SelectedAircraft, null);
+ // TheIvyBus.SendMsg("SelectionEvent acc=bordeaux wp=WP1 role=TC Flight=" + strip.SSR);
+ // int regexp_id1 = IvyBus.BindMsg(@"^ErasmusA Flight=(.*) Callsign=(.*) X=(.*) Y=(.*) Vx=(.*) Vy=(.*) Afl=(.*) Rate=(.*) Heading=(.*) GSpeed=(.*) EraGS=(.*) ManSta=(.*) Time=(.*)", RecieveIvyMsgErasmusSolve);
+ }
+ private void SelectedAircraft(object sender, IvyMessageEventArgs e)
+ {
+ userControlRadarView1.SelectedAircraft = e[3];
+ userControlRadarView1.Invalidate();
+ }
+ private void RecieveIvyMsgTrackMovedEvent(object sender, IvyMessageEventArgs e)
+ {
+ //Create new aircraft and store it
+ AircraftPosition pos = new AircraftPosition();
+ pos.Flight = e[0];
+ pos.CallSign = e[1];
+ pos.Ssr = e[2];
+ pos.Sector = e[3];
+ pos.Layers = e[4];
+ pos.X = double.Parse(e[5], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Y = double.Parse(e[6], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Vx = double.Parse(e[7], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Vy = double.Parse(e[8], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.AFL = int.Parse(e[9], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Rate = int.Parse(e[10], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Heading = int.Parse(e[11], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.GroundSpeed = double.Parse(e[12], IvyBus.Culture);
+ pos.Tendency = int.Parse(e[13], IvyBus.Culture);
+ //Parse the time
+ string sTime = e[14];
+ string[] time = sTime.Split(':');
+ pos.Time_Of_Plot = Convert.ToInt32(time[2]) +
+ Convert.ToInt32(time[1]) * 60 +
+ Convert.ToInt32(time[0]) * 3600;
+ AddAircraftPosition(pos);
+ UpdateView();
+ }
+ private void UpdateView()
+ {
+ userControlRadarView1.UpdateRadar(RadarPlots);
+ }
+ private void AddAircraftPosition(AircraftPosition pos)
+ {
+ if (!RadarPlots.ContainsKey(pos.CallSign))
+ {
+ //New radar Track
+ if (!RadarPlots.ContainsKey(pos.CallSign))
+ {
+ RadarPlots[pos.CallSign] = new List<AircraftPosition>();
+ }
+ }
+ //Test if no more than CometLength Item
+ if (RadarPlots[pos.CallSign].Count > COMET_LENGTH)
+ RadarPlots[pos.CallSign].RemoveAt(0);
+ RadarPlots[pos.CallSign].Add(pos);
+ }
+ }