path: root/src/ivythroughput.cpp
diff options
authorbustico2008-03-21 09:10:43 +0000
committerbustico2008-03-21 09:10:43 +0000
commitcfb4acdef5a9fe812a95d73b3144cb894717a360 (patch)
tree28daf815b5f6d752975c93f79168a36c761a6575 /src/ivythroughput.cpp
parentfadfb64209670a7275c5b9be40e89bcd7db031f3 (diff)
files had been moved to directory tools
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ivythroughput.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/src/ivythroughput.cpp b/src/ivythroughput.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d04a9..0000000
--- a/src/ivythroughput.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
- * IvyThroughput
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008
- * Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne
- */
- TODO : ° utiliser la commande script pour logger le nb de
- ° bug pourquoi ça marche plus si plus d'un client ?
- */
-// g++ ivythroughput.cpp -o ivythroughput -L/usr/local/lib64/ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib64/ -livy -lpcrecpp
- ° traitement des options :
- -v (affi version) -b bus, -r regexp file, -m message file, -n : nombre de recepteurs
- -t [type de test => ml (memory leak), tp (throughput)
- test memory leak
- ° fork d'un emetteur et d'un recepteur : le recepteur s'abonne à toutes les regexps,
- se desabonne, se reabonne etc etc en boucle : on teste que l'empreinte mémoire
- de l'emetteur ne grossisse pas
- test throughput :
- ° fork d'un emetteur et d'un ou plusieurs recepteurs : les recepteurs s'abonnent à toutes les regexps
- ° l'emetteur envoie en boucle tous les messages du fichier de message
- ° l'emetteur note le temps d'envoi des messages
- ° l'emetteur envoie un die all et quitte
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "version.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "ivysocket.h"
-#include "ivy.h"
-#include "timer.h"
-#include "ivyloop.h"
-#include <pcrecpp.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-typedef std::list<std::string> ListOfString;
-typedef std::list<pid_t> ListOfPid;
-typedef std::map<unsigned int, bool> MapUintToBool;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int currentBind;
- unsigned int totalBind;
-} InfoBind;
-typedef std::map<string, InfoBind> MapBindByClnt;
-#define MILLISEC 1000.0
-typedef enum {memoryLeak, throughput} KindOfTest ;
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
-void recepteur (const char* bus, KindOfTest kod, unsigned int inst,
- const ListOfString& regexps);
-void emetteur (const char* bus, KindOfTest kod, int testDuration,
- const ListOfString& messages, int regexpSize);
-bool getMessages (const char*fileName, ListOfString &messages);
-bool getRegexps (const char*fileName, ListOfString &regexps);
-double currentTime();
-void binCB( IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int id, char* regexp, IvyBindEvent event ) ;
-void binCBR( IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int id, char* regexp, IvyBindEvent event ) ;
-void stopCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta);
-void sendAllMessageCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta);
-void recepteurReadyCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void otherRecepteurReadyCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void recepteurCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void startOfSeqCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void endOfSeqCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]);
-void aliveCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta);
-unsigned int nbMess=0, nbReg=0, numClients =1, globalInst;
-MapUintToBool recReady;
-KindOfTest kindOfTest = throughput;
-bool regexpAreUniq = false;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int c;
- int testDuration = 10;
- char *bus ;
- char regexpFile[1024] = "testivy/regexp.txt";
- char messageFile[1024] = "testivy/plantageradargl.ivy";
- ListOfString messages, regexps;
- pid_t pid;
- ListOfPid recPid;
- const char* helpmsg =
- "[options] \n"
- "\t -b bus\tdefines the Ivy bus to which to connect to, defaults to 127:2010\n"
- "\t -v \t prints the ivy relase number\n\n"
- "\t -t \t type of test : ml (memory leak) or tp (throughput)\n"
- "\t -r \t regexfile\tread list of regexp's from file\n"
- "\t -p \t each client will prepend regexp with uniq string to "
- "simulate N clients with differents regexps\n"
- "\t -m \t messageFile\tread list of messages from file\n"
- "\t -n \t number of clients\n"
- "\t -d \t duration of the test in seconds\n" ;
- if (getenv("IVYBUS") != NULL) {
- bus = strdup (getenv("IVYBUS"));
- } else {
- bus = strdup ("") ;
- }
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "vpb:r:m:n:t:d:")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case 'b':
- strcpy (bus, optarg);
- break;
- case 'v':
- printf("ivy c library version %d.%d\n",IVYMAJOR_VERSION, IVYMINOR_VERSION);
- break;
- case 'p':
- regexpAreUniq = true;
- break;
- case 't':
- kindOfTest = (strncasecmp (optarg, "ml", 2) == 0) ? memoryLeak : throughput;
- break;
- case 'r':
- strcpy (regexpFile, optarg);
- break;
- case 'm':
- strcpy (messageFile, optarg);
- break;
- case 'n':
- numClients = atoi (optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- testDuration = atoi (optarg);
- break;
- default:
- printf("usage: %s %s",argv[0],helpmsg);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (!getRegexps (regexpFile, regexps))
- {return (1);};
- if (kindOfTest != memoryLeak) {
- if (!getMessages (messageFile, messages))
- {return (1);};
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- ListOfString::iterator iter;
- for (iter=regexps.begin(); iter != regexps.end(); iter++) {
- std::cout << "DBG> |" << *iter << "|\n";
- }
- for (iter=messages.begin(); iter != messages.end(); iter++) {
- std::cout << "DBG> |" << *iter << "|\n";
- }
-#endif // DEBUG
- for (unsigned int i=0; i< numClients; i++) {
- if ((pid = fork ()) == 0) {
- // fils
- recepteur (bus, kindOfTest, i, regexps);
- exit (0);
- } else {
- recPid.push_back (pid);
- recReady[i]=false;
- }
- }
- emetteur (bus, kindOfTest, testDuration, messages, regexps.size());
- ListOfPid::iterator iter;
- for (iter=recPid.begin(); iter != recPid.end(); iter++) {
- kill (*iter, SIGTERM);
- }
- for (iter=recPid.begin(); iter != recPid.end(); iter++) {
- waitpid (*iter, NULL, 0);
- }
- return (0);
-# _ _
-# | | | |
-# ___ _ __ ___ ___ | |_ | |_ ___ _ _ _ __
-# / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | __| | __| / _ \ | | | | | '__|
-# | __/ | | | | | | | __/ \ |_ \ |_ | __/ | |_| | | |
-# \___| |_| |_| |_| \___| \__| \__| \___| \__,_| |_|
-void emetteur (const char* bus, KindOfTest kod, int testDuration,
- const ListOfString& messages, int regexpSize)
- printf ("DBG> emetteur start, pid=%d\n", getpid());
- IvyInit ("IvyThroughputEmit", "IvyThroughputEmit Ready", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
- // double origin = currentTime();
- IvySetBindCallback (binCB, (void *) regexpSize);
- IvyBindMsg (recepteurReadyCB, (void *) &messages,
- "^IvyThroughputReceive_(\\d+)\\s+(Bindone|Ready)");
- TimerRepeatAfter (1, testDuration *1000, stopCB, NULL);
- IvyStart (bus);
- IvyMainLoop ();
-# _ __ _
-# | '_ \ | |
-# _ __ ___ ___ ___ | |_) | | |_ ___ _ _ _ __
-# | '__| / _ \ / __| / _ \ | .__/ | __| / _ \ | | | | | '__|
-# | | | __/ | (__ | __/ | | \ |_ | __/ | |_| | | |
-# |_| \___| \___| \___| |_| \__| \___| \__,_| |_|
-void recepteur (const char* bus, KindOfTest kod, unsigned int inst,
- const ListOfString& regexps)
- std::string agentName = "IvyThroughputReceive_";
- std::stringstream stream ;
- stream << inst;
- agentName += stream.str();
- std::string agentNameReady (agentName + " Ready");
- //double origin = currentTime();
- globalInst = inst;
- static int nbOtherReady = numClients -1;
- usleep (100 * 1000);
- printf ("DBG> recepteur_%d start, pid=%d\n", inst, getpid());
- IvyInit (agentName.c_str(), agentNameReady.c_str(), NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
- unsigned int debugInt = 0;
- ListOfString::const_iterator iter;
- for (iter=regexps.begin(); iter != regexps.end(); iter++) {
- debugInt++;
- string reg = *iter;
- if (regexpAreUniq) { (reg += " ") += stream.str();}
- IvyBindMsg (recepteurCB, (void *) inst, reg.c_str());
- }
- IvyBindMsg (startOfSeqCB, NULL, "^start(OfSequence)");
- IvyBindMsg (endOfSeqCB, NULL, "^end(OfSequence)");
- IvyBindMsg (otherRecepteurReadyCB, (void *) &nbOtherReady,
- "^IvyThroughputReceive_(\\d+)\\s+Ready");
- TimerRepeatAfter (TIMER_LOOP, 1000, aliveCB, NULL);
- IvyStart (bus);
- IvyMainLoop ();
-// ===========================================================================
-# __ _ _ __ __ __ _
-# / _` | | | | \/ | / _` |
-# | (_| | ___ | |_ | \ / | ___ ___ ___ __ _ | (_| | ___
-# \__, | / _ \ | __| | |\/| | / _ \ / __| / __| / _` | \__, | / _ \
-# __/ | | __/ \ |_ | | | | | __/ \__ \ \__ \ | (_| | __/ | | __/
-# |___/ \___| \__| |_| |_| \___| |___/ |___/ \__,_| |___/ \___|
-bool getMessages (const char*fileName, ListOfString &messages)
- FILE *infile;
- char buffer [1024*64];
- pcrecpp::RE pcreg ("\"(.*)\"$");
- string aMsg;
- infile = fopen(fileName, "r");
- if (!infile) {
- fprintf (stderr, "impossible d'ouvrir %s en lecture\n", fileName);
- return false;
- }
- while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), infile) != NULL) {
- if (pcreg.PartialMatch (buffer, &aMsg)) {
- messages.push_back (aMsg);
- nbMess++;
- }
- }
- fclose (infile);
- return (true);
-# __ _ _ _____ __ _ _ __
-# / _` | | | | __ \ / _` | | '_ \
-# | (_| | ___ | |_ | |__) | ___ | (_| | ___ __ __ | |_) | ___
-# \__, | / _ \ | __| | _ / / _ \ \__, | / _ \ \ \/ / | .__/ / __|
-# __/ | | __/ \ |_ | | \ \ | __/ __/ | | __/ > < | | \__ \
-# |___/ \___| \__| |_| \_\ \___| |___/ \___| /_/\_\ |_| |___/
-bool getRegexps (const char*fileName, ListOfString &regexps)
- FILE *infile;
- char buffer [1024*64];
- pcrecpp::RE pcreg ("add regexp \\d+ : (.*)$");
- string aMsg;
- infile = fopen(fileName, "r");
- if (!infile) {
- fprintf (stderr, "impossible d'ouvrir %s en lecture\n", fileName);
- return false;
- }
- while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), infile) != NULL) {
- if (pcreg.PartialMatch (buffer, &aMsg)) {
- regexps.push_back (aMsg);
- nbReg++;
- }
- }
- fclose (infile);
- return (true);
-# _______ _
-# |__ __| (_)
-# ___ _ _ _ __ _ __ | | _ _ __ ___ ___
-# / __| | | | | | '__| | '__| | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
-# | (__ | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __/
-# \___| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \___|
-double currentTime()
- double current;
- struct timeval stamp;
- gettimeofday( &stamp, NULL );
- current = (double)stamp.tv_sec * MILLISEC + (double)(stamp.tv_usec/MILLISEC);
- return current;
-# _ _ _____ ____
-# | | (_) / ____| | _ \
-# | |__ _ _ __ | | | |_) |
-# | '_ \ | | | '_ \ | | | _ <
-# | |_) | | | | | | | | |____ | |_) |
-# |_.__/ |_| |_| |_| \_____| |____/
-void binCB( IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int id, char* regexp, IvyBindEvent event )
- string appName = IvyGetApplicationName( app );
- static MapBindByClnt bindByClnt;
- if (bindByClnt.find (appName) == bindByClnt.end()) {
- (bindByClnt[appName]).currentBind = 0;
- (bindByClnt[appName]).totalBind = (unsigned long) user_data;
- }
- switch ( event )
- {
- case IvyAddBind:
- (bindByClnt[appName]).currentBind ++;
- if ((bindByClnt[appName]).currentBind == (bindByClnt[appName]).totalBind) {
- printf("Application:%s ALL REGEXPS BINDED\n", appName.c_str());
- } else {
- // printf("Application:%s bind [%d/%d]\n", appName.c_str(),
- // (bindByClnt[appName]).currentBind, (bindByClnt[appName]).totalBind);
- }
- break;
- case IvyRemoveBind:
- printf("Application:%s bind '%s' REMOVED\n", appName.c_str(), regexp );
- break;
- case IvyFilterBind:
- printf("Application:%s bind '%s' FILTRED\n", appName.c_str(), regexp );
- break;
- case IvyChangeBind:
- printf("Application:%s bind '%s' CHANGED\n", appName.c_str(), regexp );
- break;
- }
-void stopCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta)
- IvyStop ();
-void sendAllMessageCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta)
- ListOfString *messages = (ListOfString *) user_data;
- double startTime = currentTime();
- unsigned int envoyes=0;
- IvySendMsg ("startOfSequence");
- ListOfString::iterator iter;
- for (iter=messages->begin(); iter != messages->end(); iter++) {
- envoyes += IvySendMsg ((*iter).c_str());
- }
- IvySendMsg ("endOfSequence");
- printf ("[ivy %d.%d] envoyer [%d/%d] messages filtrés par %d regexps a %d clients "
- "prends %.1f secondes\n",
- envoyes, nbMess, nbReg, numClients,
- (currentTime()-startTime) / 1000.0) ;
- TimerRepeatAfter (1, 1000, sendAllMessageCB ,user_data);
-void recepteurCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[])
- // unsigned long recN = (long) user_data;
- // printf (".");
- // if (!((argc == 1) && (strcmp (argv[0], "OfSequence")) == 0))
- nbMess++;
-void recepteurReadyCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[])
- ListOfString *messages = (ListOfString *) user_data;
- unsigned int instance = atoi( *argv++ );
- if ((strcmp (*argv, "Ready") == 0) && (numClients != 1)) {
- return;
- }
- recReady[instance] = true;
- bool readyToStart = true;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i< numClients; i++) {
- if (recReady[i]==false) {
- // printf ("Emetteur : manque recepteur [%d/%d]\n", i, numClients-1);
- readyToStart = false;
- }
- }
- if (readyToStart == true) {
- if (kindOfTest == throughput) {
- TimerRepeatAfter (1, 2000, sendAllMessageCB , messages);
- // printf ("Emetteur : tous recepteurs prets : on envoie la puree !!\n");
- }
- }
-void otherRecepteurReadyCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[])
- int *nbOtherReady = (int *) user_data;
- // printf ("DBG>> otherRecepteurReadyCB\n");
- if ((--(*nbOtherReady)) == 0) {
- IvySendMsg ("IvyThroughputReceive_%d Bindone", globalInst);
- } else {
- // printf ("IvyThroughputReceive_%d nbOtherReady=%d\n", globalInst, *nbOtherReady);
- }
-void startOfSeqCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[])
- nbMess = 0;
-void endOfSeqCB (IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[])
- //nbMess--;
- printf ("recepteur %d a recu %d messages\n", globalInst, nbMess);
-void aliveCB (TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta)
- // printf ("********* recepteur alive CALLED ***********\n");