path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 488 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 150ac41..f581609 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
CFLAGS = -g -Wall $(FPIC)
-OBJ = ivyloop.o timer.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
-GOBJ = ivyloop.o timer.o ivysocket.o givy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
-XTOBJ = ivyxtloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
-GLIBOBJ = ivyglibloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
-GLUTOBJ = ivyglutloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
-TCLOBJ = ivytcl.o timer.o ivysocket.o givy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o
+OBJ = ivyloop.o timer.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
+GOBJ = ivyloop.o timer.o ivysocket.o givy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
+XTOBJ = ivyxtloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
+GLIBOBJ = ivyglibloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
+GLUTOBJ = ivyglutloop.o ivysocket.o ivy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
+TCLOBJ = ivytcl.o timer.o ivysocket.o givy.o ivybuffer.o ivybind.o intervalRegexp.o
# WINDOWS add ivyloop.o if TCL_CHANNEL_INTEGRATION is not set
TARGETS = ivyprobe ivyperf ivyglibprobe ivyxtprobe
diff --git a/src/intervalRegexp.c b/src/intervalRegexp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6658194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intervalRegexp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "intervalRegexp.h"
+#define Perr(...) (perr ( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __VA_ARGS__))
+#define CHECK_AND_RETURN(a) if (strlen (locBuf) <= buflen) { \
+ strcpy (a, locBuf); \
+ return success; \
+ } else { \
+ return Perr ("CHECK_AND_RETURN"); }
+#define EndLocBuf (&(locBuf[strlen(locBuf)]))
+#define AddLocBuf(...) snprintf (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), __VA_ARGS__)
+typedef struct {
+ int max;
+ int rank;
+} NextMax ;
+typedef char bool;
+const bool success = 1;
+const bool fail = 0;
+static bool strictPosRegexpGen (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, long min, long max, const char* decimalPart,
+ const char* boundDecimalPart);
+static bool genAtRank (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank);
+static bool genPreRank (char *preRank, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank);
+static bool genRank (char *outRank, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank);
+static bool genPostRank (char *postRank, unsigned int buflen, int rank);
+static bool substr (char *substring, unsigned int buflen, const char* expr, int pos, int len);
+static char* reverse (char *string);
+static char* ltoa (char *string, unsigned int buflen, long n);
+static NextMax nextMax (const char *min, const char *max);
+static bool perr (const char* func, const char *fmt, ...);
+static inline int maxint (int a, int b) {return ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b));}
+static inline int minint (int a, int b) {return ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b));}
+# __ _ _ __ _____
+# / _` | | '_ \ / ____|
+# _ __ ___ | (_| | ___ __ __ | |_) | | | __ ___ _ __
+# | '__| / _ \ \__, | / _ \ \ \/ / | .__/ | | |_ | / _ \ | '_ \
+# | | | __/ __/ | | __/ > < | | | |__| | | __/ | | | |
+# |_| \___| |___/ \___| /_/\_\ |_| \_____| \___| |_| |_|
+int regexpGen (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, long min, long max, int flottant)
+ char *decimalPart = "";
+ char *boundDecimalPart = "";
+ char locBuf [8192] = "(?:";
+ if (flottant) {
+ decimalPart = "(?:\\.\\d+)?";
+ boundDecimalPart = "(?:\\.0+)?";
+ }
+ if (min > max) {
+ int nmin = max;
+ max = min;
+ min = nmin;
+ }
+ if (min == max) {
+ AddLocBuf ("%ld%s", min, decimalPart);
+ } else if (min < 0) {
+ if (max < 0) {
+ // reg = '\-(?:' . strictPosRegexpGen (-max, -min, decimalPart, boundDecimalPart). ')';
+ AddLocBuf ("\\-(?:");
+ if (strictPosRegexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), -min, -max, decimalPart,
+ boundDecimalPart) == fail) return fail;
+ AddLocBuf (")");
+ } else if (max == 0) {
+ AddLocBuf ("(?:0%s)|(?:-0%s)|-(?:", boundDecimalPart, decimalPart);
+ if (strictPosRegexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), 1, -min, decimalPart,
+ boundDecimalPart)== fail) return fail;
+ AddLocBuf (")");
+ } else {
+ //reg ='(?:' . regexpGen (min, 0,withDecimal) . '|' . regexpGen (0, max, withDecimal). ')' ;
+ AddLocBuf ("(?:");
+ if (regexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), min, 0, flottant)== fail) return fail;
+ AddLocBuf ("|");
+ if (regexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), 0, max, flottant)== fail) return fail;
+ AddLocBuf (")");
+ }
+ } else if (min == 0) {
+ // reg = "(?:0{decimalPart})|" . strictPosRegexpGen (1, max, decimalPart,boundDecimalPart) ;
+ AddLocBuf ("(?:0%s)|",decimalPart);
+ if (strictPosRegexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), 1, max, decimalPart,
+ boundDecimalPart)== fail) return fail;
+ } else {
+ if (strictPosRegexpGen (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), min, max, decimalPart,
+ boundDecimalPart)== fail) return fail;
+ }
+ AddLocBuf (")(?![\\d.])");
+ CHECK_AND_RETURN (regexp);
+# _ _ _ _____
+# | | (_) | | | __ \
+# ___ | |_ _ __ _ ___ | |_ | |__) | ___ ___
+# / __| | __| | '__| | | / __| | __| | ___/ / _ \ / __|
+# \__ \ \ |_ | | | | | (__ \ |_ | | | (_) | \__ \
+# |___/ \__| |_| |_| \___| \__| |_| \___/ |___/
+# _____ __ _ _ __ _____
+# | __ \ / _` | | '_ \ / ____|
+# | |__) | ___ | (_| | ___ __ __ | |_) | | | __ ___ _ __
+# | _ / / _ \ \__, | / _ \ \ \/ / | .__/ | | |_ | / _ \ | '_ \
+# | | \ \ | __/ __/ | | __/ > < | | | |__| | | __/ | | | |
+# |_| \_\ \___| |___/ \___| /_/\_\ |_| \_____| \___| |_| |_|
+static bool strictPosRegexpGen (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, long min, long max, const char* decimalPart,
+ const char* boundDecimalPart)
+ const int maxSubReg=64;
+ const int digitRegSize=128;
+ char regList[maxSubReg][digitRegSize];
+ char locBuf[maxSubReg*digitRegSize] ;
+ int regIndex=0,i;
+ int nbRank;
+ char maxAsString[32], minAsString[32];
+ NextMax nMax;
+ if ((min <= 0) || (max <= 0)) return Perr ("min or max <= 0");
+ if (min == max) {
+ sprintf (EndLocBuf, "%ld", max);
+ } else {
+ max--;
+ nbRank = strlen (ltoa (maxAsString, sizeof (maxAsString), max));
+ do {
+ nMax = nextMax (ltoa (minAsString, sizeof (minAsString), min),
+ ltoa (maxAsString, sizeof (maxAsString), max));
+ if (genAtRank (regList[regIndex++], digitRegSize, minAsString,
+ ltoa (maxAsString, sizeof (maxAsString),
+ nMax.max), nMax.rank) == fail) return fail;
+ if (regIndex == maxSubReg) return Perr ("regIndex == maxSubReg");
+ min = nMax.max +1;
+ } while (nMax.max != max);
+ locBuf[0] = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<regIndex; i++) {
+ sprintf (EndLocBuf, "(?:%s%s)|", regList[i], decimalPart);
+ }
+ if (locBuf[strlen(locBuf)-1] == '|') {
+ locBuf[strlen(locBuf)-1] = 0;
+ }
+ max++;
+ sprintf (EndLocBuf, "|(?:%s%s)",
+ ltoa (maxAsString, sizeof (maxAsString), max), boundDecimalPart);
+ }
+ CHECK_AND_RETURN (regexp);
+# _ __ __
+# | | | \/ |
+# _ __ ___ __ __ | |_ | \ / | __ _ __ __
+# | '_ \ / _ \ \ \/ / | __| | |\/| | / _` | \ \/ /
+# | | | | | __/ > < \ |_ | | | | | (_| | > <
+# |_| |_| \___| /_/\_\ \__| |_| |_| \__,_| /_/\_\
+static NextMax nextMax (const char *min, const char *max)
+ NextMax nextMax ={0,0};
+ char revMin[32], revMax[32];
+ int nbDigitsMin, nbDigitsMax;
+ int rankRev=0, rankForw, rank=0, i;
+ int currMax;
+ nbDigitsMin = strlen (min);
+ nbDigitsMax = strlen (max);
+ for (i=nbDigitsMin-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ revMin[nbDigitsMin-i-1]= min[i];
+ // printf ("DBG> nextMax revMin[%d]= %c\n", nbDigitsMin-i-1, min[i]);
+ }
+ for (i=nbDigitsMax-nbDigitsMin; i >= 0; i--) {
+ revMin[nbDigitsMax-i]= '0';
+ // printf ("DBG> nextMax revMin[%d]= %c\n", nbDigitsMax-i, '0');
+ }
+ for (i=nbDigitsMax-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ revMax[nbDigitsMax-i-1]= max[i];
+ }
+ revMin[nbDigitsMax] = revMax[nbDigitsMax] = 0;
+ rankForw = nbDigitsMax -1;
+ // printf ("DBG> nextMax rev(%s)=%s rev(%s)=%s rankForw=%d\n", min, revMin, max, revMax, rankForw);
+ // en partant des unitées (digit de poids faible), premier digit de min != 0
+ while ((revMin[rankRev] == '0') && (rankRev < nbDigitsMax)) rankRev++;
+ // en partant du digit de poids fort, premier digit de max != du même digit de revMin
+ while ((revMin[rankForw] == revMax[rankForw]) && rankForw > 0) rankForw--;
+ if (rankForw <= rankRev) {
+ rank = rankForw;
+ revMin[rankForw]= revMax[rankForw] - (rankForw ? 1 : 0);
+ for (i=0; i<rankForw; i++) revMin[i] = '9';
+ } else {
+ rank = rankRev;
+ for (i=0; i<=rankRev; i++) revMin[i] = '9';
+ }
+ nextMax.max = atoi (reverse (revMin));
+ nextMax.rank = rank+1;
+ currMax = atoi (max);
+ if (nextMax.max > currMax) nextMax.max = currMax;
+ // printf ("DBG> nextMax ('%s', '%s') = %d@%d\n", min, max, nextMax.max, nextMax.rank);
+ return (nextMax);
+# __ _ ____ _
+# / _` | / __ \ | |
+# | (_| | ___ _ __ / / _` | _ __ __ _ _ __ | | _
+# \__, | / _ \ | '_ \ | | (_| | | '__| / _` | | '_ \ | |/ /
+# __/ | | __/ | | | | \ \__,_| | | | (_| | | | | | | <
+# |___/ \___| |_| |_| \____/ |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |_|\_\
+static bool genAtRank (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank)
+ char locBuf [512];
+ if (genPreRank (locBuf, sizeof (locBuf), min, max, rank) == fail) return (fail);
+ if (genRank (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), min, max, rank) == fail) return (fail);
+ if (genPostRank (EndLocBuf, sizeof (locBuf)-strlen(locBuf), rank) == fail) return (fail);
+ CHECK_AND_RETURN (regexp);
+# __ _ _____ _____ _
+# / _` | | __ \ | __ \ | |
+# | (_| | ___ _ __ | |__) | _ __ ___ | |__) | __ _ _ __ | | _
+# \__, | / _ \ | '_ \ | ___/ | '__| / _ \ | _ / / _` | | '_ \ | |/ /
+# __/ | | __/ | | | | | | | | | __/ | | \ \ | (_| | | | | | | <
+# |___/ \___| |_| |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| \_\ \__,_| |_| |_| |_|\_\
+static bool genPreRank (char *preRank, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank)
+ char locBuf [512], locBufMax[512];
+ const char *lmin, *lmax;
+ int i=0, j=0;
+ while (min[i] == '0') i++;
+ while (max[j] == '0') j++;
+ lmin = &(min[i]);
+ lmax = &(max[j]);
+ // printf ("DBG> genPreRank (lmin='%s'[%d], lmax='%s'[%d], rank=%d\n", lmin, (int) strlen (lmin), lmax,
+ // (int) strlen (lmax), rank);
+ if (substr (locBuf, sizeof (locBuf), lmin, 0, strlen (lmin) - rank) == fail) return fail;
+ if (substr (locBufMax, sizeof (locBufMax), lmax, 0, strlen (lmax) - rank) == fail) return fail;
+ if (strncmp (locBuf, locBufMax, minint (sizeof (locBuf), sizeof (locBufMax))) != 0)
+ return Perr ("min=%s[%s] and max=%s[%s] should be invariants at rank %d", locBuf, min, locBufMax, max, rank);
+ // printf ("DBG> genPreRank ('%s', '%s', %d) = '%s'\n", min, max, rank, locBuf);
+# __ _ _____ _
+# / _` | | __ \ | |
+# | (_| | ___ _ __ | |__) | __ _ _ __ | | _
+# \__, | / _ \ | '_ \ | _ / / _` | | '_ \ | |/ /
+# __/ | | __/ | | | | | | \ \ | (_| | | | | | | <
+# |___/ \___| |_| |_| |_| \_\ \__,_| |_| |_| |_|\_\
+static bool genRank (char *outRank, unsigned int buflen, const char *min, const char *max, int rank)
+ char locBuf [512];
+ char a,b,lmin,lmax;
+ a = min[strlen(min)-rank];
+ b = max[strlen(max)-rank];
+ lmin = (char) minint (a,b);
+ lmax = (char) maxint (a,b);
+ if ((lmin == '0') && (lmax == '9')) {
+ strcpy (locBuf, "\\d");
+ } else if (lmin == lmax) {
+ locBuf[0] = lmin;
+ locBuf[1] = 0;
+ } else if (lmax == (lmin+1)) {
+ sprintf (locBuf, "[%c%c]", lmin, lmax);
+ } else {
+ sprintf (locBuf, "[%c-%c]", lmin, lmax);
+ }
+# __ _ _____ _ _____
+# / _` | | __ \ | | | __ \
+# | (_| | ___ _ __ | |__) | ___ ___ | |_ | |__) | __ _ _ __
+# \__, | / _ \ | '_ \ | ___/ / _ \ / __| | __| | _ / / _` | | '_ \
+# __/ | | __/ | | | | | | | (_) | \__ \ \ |_ | | \ \ | (_| | | | | |
+# |___/ \___| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |___/ \__| |_| \_\ \__,_| |_| |_|
+static bool genPostRank (char *postRank, unsigned int buflen, int rank)
+ char locBuf [512];
+ if (rank <= 1) {
+ strcpy (locBuf, "");
+ } else if (rank == 2) {
+ sprintf (locBuf, "\\d");
+ } else {
+ sprintf (locBuf, "\\d{%d}", rank -1);
+ }
+ CHECK_AND_RETURN (postRank);
+# _ _
+# | | | |
+# ___ _ _ | |__ ___ | |_ _ __
+# / __| | | | | | '_ \ / __| | __| | '__|
+# \__ \ | |_| | | |_) | \__ \ \ |_ | |
+# |___/ \__,_| |_.__/ |___/ \__| |_|
+static bool substr (char *substring, unsigned int buflen, const char* expr, int pos, int len)
+ char locBuf [512];
+ int i, j=0;
+ len = maxint (0, minint (len, strlen (expr) - pos));
+ for (i=pos; i<(pos+len); i++) {
+ locBuf[j++]= expr[i];
+ }
+ locBuf[j] = 0;
+ // printf ("DBG> substr ('%s', %d, %d) = '%s'\n", expr, pos, len, locBuf);
+ CHECK_AND_RETURN (substring);
+# _ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___
+# | '__| / _ \ \ \ / / / _ \ | '__| / __| / _ \
+# | | | __/ \ V / | __/ | | \__ \ | __/
+# |_| \___| \_/ \___| |_| |___/ \___|
+static char* reverse (char *string)
+ char *locBuf ;
+ int i;
+ int len = strlen (string);
+ locBuf = malloc (len+1);
+ for (i=len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ locBuf[len-i-1]= string[i];
+ //printf ("DBG> reverse locBuf[%d]= %c\n",len- i-1, string[i]);
+ }
+ locBuf [len] = 0;
+ // printf ("DBG> reverse '%s' = '%s'\n", string, locBuf);
+ strcpy (string, locBuf);
+ free (locBuf);
+ return (string);
+static char* ltoa (char *string, unsigned int buflen, long n)
+ snprintf (string, buflen, "%ld", n);
+ return (string);
+# _ __
+# | '_ \
+# | |_) | ___ _ __ _ __
+# | .__/ / _ \ | '__| | '__|
+# | | | __/ | | | |
+# |_| \___| |_| |_|
+static bool perr (const char* func, const char *fmt, ...)
+ char err[4096], buffer[2048];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, fmt );
+ vsprintf( buffer, fmt, args );
+ va_end( args );
+ sprintf (err, "Erreur %s @ %s\n", buffer, func);
+ fprintf (stderr, err);
+ return (fail);
diff --git a/src/intervalRegexp.h b/src/intervalRegexp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7994bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intervalRegexp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int regexpGen (char *regexp, unsigned int buflen, long min, long max, int flottant);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/ivy.c b/src/ivy.c
index e7866a5..f9d5f23 100644
--- a/src/ivy.c
+++ b/src/ivy.c
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "intervalRegexp.h"
#include "ivychannel.h"
#include "ivysocket.h"
#include "list.h"
@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ static MsgRcvPtr msg_recv = 0;
static IvyClientPtr clients = 0;
static const char *ready_message = 0;
+static void substituteInterval (IvyBuffer *src);
* function like strok but do not eat consecutive separator
@@ -753,6 +755,8 @@ IvyBindMsg (MsgCallback callback, void *user_data, const char *fmt_regex, ... )
make_message( &buffer, fmt_regex, ap );
va_end (ap );
+ substituteInterval (&buffer);
/* add Msg to the query list */
IVY_LIST_ADD_START( msg_recv, msg )
msg->id = recv_id++;
@@ -907,3 +911,44 @@ char **IvyGetApplicationMessages( IvyClientPtr app )
return messagelist;
+static void substituteInterval (IvyBuffer *src)
+ // pas de traitement couteux s'il n'y a rien à interpoler
+ if (strstr (src->data, "(?I") == NULL) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ IvyBuffer dst = {NULL, 0, 0};
+ dst.size = 8192;
+ = malloc (dst.size);
+ char *curPos = src->data;
+ char *itvPos;
+ while ((itvPos = strstr (curPos, "(?I")) != NULL) {
+ // copie depuis la position courante jusqu'à l'intervalle
+ int lenCp, min,max;
+ char withDecimal;
+ lenCp = itvPos-curPos;
+ memcpy (&([dst.offset]), curPos, lenCp);
+ curPos=itvPos;
+ dst.offset += lenCp;
+ // extraction des paramètres de l'intervalle
+ sscanf (itvPos, "(?I%d#%d%c", &min, &max, &withDecimal);
+ // printf ("DBG> substituteInterval min=%d max=%d withDecimal=%d\n",
+ // min, max, (withDecimal != 'i'));
+ // generation et copie de l'intervalle
+ regexpGen (&([dst.offset]), dst.size-dst.offset, min, max, (withDecimal != 'i'));
+ dst.offset = strlen (;
+ // consommation des caractères décrivant intervalle dans la chaine source
+ curPos = strstr (curPos, ")");
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ strncat (, curPos, dst.size-dst.offset);
+ free (src->data);
+ src->data =;
+ }