path: root/debian/changelog
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 1c75fe5..659af80 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,74 @@
+libivy-java (1.2.15) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New API:
+ - IvyClient.getRegexps no longer returns an Enumeration, but a
+ Collection
+ * Internals:
+ - switched to a lot of synchronized connections, in order to avoid
+ concurrent modifications Exceptions I was unable to prevent so far
+ -- Yannick Jestin <yannick.jestin@enac.fr> Fri, 27 Apr 2012 10:47:21 +0200
+libivy-java (1.2.15) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Internals:
+ - sets the default buffersize to 4096 bytes. This can be adjusted
+ through the use of the IVY_BUFFERSIZE jvm property (java
+ -DIVY_BUFFERSIZE=200 , e.g. ) This is intended to be similar to the
+ ivy C implementation, and *should* fix the buffering issues of
+ applications requiring a lot of small data exchanges (e.g:
+ transmitting mouse mouve at a high rate).
+ * New API:
+ - added sypport to the Swing Dispatch Thread in the bindAsyncMsg api.
+ this breaks the former API. Use BindType.SWING as the latter argument.
+ - severe problems throws RuntimeException instead of System.exit(),
+ allows code reuse.
+ - many methods now are protected, with accessors
+ - removed unread fields (Ivy.domainaddr, e.g.)
+ - ready message is set to appName + " READY" if null has been
+ provided, like in the C# api
+ - lowercase CheckRegexp to checkRegexp (bad practice, thanks to
+ FindBugs).
+ * Doc:
+ - javadoc updated (a bit)
+ - removed protected methods from javadoc
+ switch to apache fop + docbook for documentation translation
+ * Internals:
+ - added a lock mechanism to be sure that once a connexion
+ has been initiated, the ready message will be sent before
+ stopping the bus now: Ivy b = new Ivy(...); b.sendMsg("coucou");
+ b.stop(); should send messages (at least the ready message)
+ if there is a connexion attempt made before b.stop() is
+ effective. To be sure, there is a 200ms delay before b.stop()
+ can be effective (the Threads stopped, the sockets closed)
+ - IMPORTANT ! switch from gnu regexp (deprecated) to the
+ built in java
+ regexp.
+ - IMPORTANT ! Reintroduced a mechanism to allow the drop of a double
+ connexion attempt.
+ - use new synchronization scheme with locks (app socket, structures)
+ - add generic types to declarations, the code now won't ompile on java
+ prior to the 1.5 platform
+ - fixed a potential null pointer dereference on quit (thanks to
+ findBugs)
+ - remove the Thread.start() from the constructor, to avoid mulithread
+ issues. see
+ http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#SC_START_IN_CTOR.
+ now ,we have to call IvyClient.start() after it has been created
+ - IvyWatcher tries to fix a lock on accept() by becoming a Thread
+ instead of runnalbe (see tests/test2).
+ * Internal performance issus
+ - use of stringbuffers to concatenate strings, instead of using +,
+ which could lead to a quadractic cost in the number of iteraction (the
+ growing string was recopied in each iteration).
+ - when possible, move the regexp Pattern.compile in static areas, to
+ avoid multiple calls.
+ - recopy the filter String[] in setfilter, to avoid exposing internal
+ representation (unsafe operation).
+ - in many areas, e.g. Hashtable keys, use autoboxing for the creation
+ of Integer (instead of new Integer(int). This alows caching, avoids
+ object allocation, and the * code will be faster.
+ -- Yannick Jestin <yannick.jestin@enac.fr> Wed, 11 Apr 2012 18:10:21 +0200
libivy-java (1.2.13) unstable; urgency=low
* disables the Nagle's socket algorithm ( TCP_NO_DELAY = 1 )