AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-27correction build packageHEADmasterAchil
2022-07-27correction build packageAchil
2022-07-27Missing compatAchil
2022-07-27Missing compatAchil
2016-05-12(no commit message)imbert
2016-05-12(no commit message)imbert
2016-05-12G.Alligier patchimbert
2016-02-24Integrates G. Alliger's fix ! Kudos to himjestin
2016-02-14(no commit message)jestin
2012-10-11(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-10-02(no commit message)imbert
2012-08-23(no commit message)jestin
2012-05-13Modified the tests to remove bus.getDomain(null)jestin
2012-05-12- minor code cleanupjestin
2012-04-27added names to the threads, in order to allow jvisualvm debugjestin
2012-04-27Updating debian changlogribet
2012-04-26Corrects a small bug on "unbind Msg" based on the regexp string. Fixes anjestin
2012-04-26Goes to a set of synchronized collections (Map, HashMap, ...) to try and avoidjestin
2012-04-12(no commit message)jestin
2012-03-25(no commit message)jestin
2012-02-20reduced the default buffer sizejestin
2011-07-22(no commit message)jestin
2011-07-22(no commit message)jestin
2011-07-22mise à jour 1.2.14jestin
2011-07-22Passage en 1.2.14jestin
2011-02-25 using getopt fcolin
2011-02-17test envoi de message a partir d'un callback Ready Messagefcolin
2009-07-28TCP NO DELAYjestin
2007-01-17etch fixesjestin
2007-01-17JP bugjestin
2006-08-03a few changes towards the tunnel managerjestin
2006-08-03*** empty log message ***jestin
2006-08-02toujours ibidjestin
2006-08-02a missing one in the Api Testerjestin
2006-08-01small steps towards the Ivy tunnel . This is work in progress...jestin
2006-08-01Changes to allow the creation of a tunnel between two (or more) ivyjestin
2006-08-01Adding a correct example of translator in XMLjestin
2006-08-01ajout d'un exemplejestin
2006-07-28rajout d'un # de ping dans le protocole ping pong - cf Alex.jestin
2006-07-24ivy.jar ...jestin
2006-07-24adding ping and pongjestin
2006-07-20nettoyage des fichiers qui ne servent plus à construire la paquet. Doc dujestin