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1 files changed, 41 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ae2bba4..e0c5855 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ use vars qw($VERSION);
# to compute the VERSION from the CVS tag (or if no tag, as the cvs file revision)
-my $TAG= q$Name$;
+my $TAG= q$Name: $;
my $REVISION = q$Revision$ ;
$VERSION = '1.47' ; # for Makefile.PL
($VERSION) = $TAG =~ /^\D*([\d_]+)/ ;
@@ -1372,8 +1372,10 @@ sub _getBonjour ($)
if ($appSock) {
my $flags = fcntl($appSock, F_GETFL, 0);
- $flags = fcntl($appSock, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
- or die "Can't set flags for the socket: $!\n";
+ unless (fcntl($appSock, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)) {
+ carp "Can't set flags for the socket: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
# on cree une entree pour $appSock dans la liste des regexp
$nameByHandle{$appSock}=_getHostByAddr($addr) .":$peerPort";
@@ -1387,8 +1389,7 @@ sub _getBonjour ($)
# on balance les regexps qui nous interessent a l'appli distante
$self->_sendWantedRegexp ($appSock);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
carp "Warning in Ivy::_getBonjour, connection to " .
"$peerName:$peerPort is impossible" ;
@@ -1401,21 +1402,23 @@ sub _getConnections ($)
my $self = shift;
my $appSock = $self->[connSock]->accept();
- if ($appSock) {
- my $flags = fcntl($appSock, F_GETFL, 0);
- $flags = fcntl($appSock, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
- or die "Can't set flags for the socket: $!\n";
- }
unless (defined $appSock) {
carp "Warning in Ivy::_getConnections, \$appSock not defined";
+ } else {
+ my $flags = fcntl($appSock, F_GETFL, 0);
+ unless (fcntl($appSock, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)) {
+ carp "Can't set flags for the socket: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
- else {
# printf "accepting connection from %s:%d\n",
# (gethostbyaddr ($appSock->peeraddr(),AF_INET))[0],
# $appSock->peerport() if $^W;
- }
# callback pour traiter la reception des messages
&$fileEventFunc ($appSock, [\&_getMessages, $self, $appSock]) ;
@@ -1494,10 +1497,10 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
my $method = shift @cb;
# on split sur ETX
$cb->$method($senderName, @cb, split ("\003", $valeurs)) ;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
&$cb ($senderName, @cb, split ("\003", $valeurs)) ;
if ($self->[recCbList][$id]->[2] == BIND_ONCE) {
# on vire la regexp des regexps verifiées
# print ("DBG> receive BIND ONCE message\n");
@@ -1507,17 +1510,18 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
_univSend ($self, $fd, sprintf (MSG_FMT, DELREGEXP, $id, ""));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
#_sendErrorTo ($appSock, "REEGXP ID $id inconnue");
- carp ("Warning in Ivy::_getMessages, received an unknown or double one shot message ".
+ carp ("Warning in Ivy::_getMessages, received an unknown message or double one shot message ".
"with id $id from $senderName :\n\"$mess\"") if $^W;
elsif ($type == BYE) {
#print "reception d'un bye\n";
$self->_removeFileDescriptor ($appSock); # B Y E
elsif ($type == REGEXP) { # R E G E X P
# on ajoute une fonction traitant la regexp et envoyant le
# message sur le bon fd dans la liste des fonctions de filtrage
@@ -1561,10 +1565,12 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
# }
# _EOL_
elsif ($type == ERROR) { # E R R O R
carp ("Warning in Ivy::_getMessages, error message received from ".
"$senderName : \"$valeurs\"");
elsif ($type == DELREGEXP) { # D E L R E G E X P
# on vire la regexp des regexps verifiées
$self->[sendRegList]{$appSock}->[$id] = undef ;
@@ -1573,6 +1579,7 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
my $host = _getHostByAddr ($addr);
&_scanConnStatus ($self, $senderName, 'unsubscribing', "$host:$peerPort" , $regexp);
elsif ($type == ENDREGEXP) { # E N D R E G E X P
# on envoie le message ready uniquement a celui qui nous
# a envoye le message endregexp
@@ -1591,6 +1598,7 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
my $host = _getHostByAddr ($addr);
$self->_scanConnStatus ($senderName, "new", "$host:$peerPort", undef);
elsif ($type == APP_NAME) {
# etat Connecte1558
if (($self->[appName] eq $valeurs) && $^W) {
@@ -1602,6 +1610,7 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
$self->[cnnxion]{"$addr:$peerPort"} = "\004$valeurs";
$nameByHandle{$appSock}=_getHostByAddr($addr) .":$peerPort";
elsif ($type == DIRECT_MSG) {
if (defined $self->[directCbList][$id]) {
@@ -1620,7 +1629,9 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
carp "Warning in Ivy::_getMessages, received a DIRECT message with ".
"unknown id $id from $senderName :\n\"$mess\"";
- } elsif ($type == DIE) {
+ }
+ elsif ($type == DIE) {
# il faut quitter
# on commence par appeler la callback de fin
my @cb = @{$onDieFunc};
@@ -1639,10 +1650,12 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
Ivy::exit ();
elsif ($type == PING) {
# si on recois un ping, on envoie un pong
$self->_pong ($appSock, $id);
elsif ($type == PONG) {
if (exists $self->[pongQueue]->{$appSock}) {
my ($pingid, $time, $funcRef) = @{$self->[pongQueue]->{$appSock}};
@@ -1652,6 +1665,7 @@ sub _getMessages ($$)
delete $self->[pongQueue]->{$appSock};
else {
_$self->sendErrorTo ($appSock, "TYPE DE MESS $type inconnu");
warn ("Warning in Ivy::_getMessages, received a message of unknown ".
@@ -1740,7 +1754,7 @@ sub _removeFileDescriptor ($$)
keys %{$self->[cnnxion]}))[0];
unless (defined $addrInet) {
- croak "Error in Ivy::_removeFileDescriptor, disconnection of $diedAppName with ".
+ carp "Warning in Ivy::_removeFileDescriptor, disconnection of $diedAppName with ".
"addrInet not defined\n";
@@ -2158,6 +2172,11 @@ sub _getHostByAddr ($)
my $addr = shift;
+ unless (defined $addr) {
+ warn "_getHostByAddr : invalid argument\n";
+ return "EMPTY_ADDR";
+ }
$hostNameByAddr{$addr} = gethostbyaddr ($addr, AF_INET) || inet_ntoa($addr)
unless exists $hostNameByAddr{$addr};
@@ -2208,8 +2227,8 @@ sub _regexpGen ($$$)
sub _strictPosRegexpGen ($$$$)
my ($min, $max, $decimalPart,$boundDecimalPart) = @_;
- die "min[$min] sould be <= max[$max]\n " unless ($min <= $max);
- die "min[$min] and max[$max] should be strictly positive\n " unless (($min >0) && ($max > 0));
+ carp "min[$min] sould be <= max[$max]\n " unless ($min <= $max);
+ carp "min[$min] and max[$max] should be strictly positive\n " unless (($min >0) && ($max > 0));
# my $fixBound ;
# $max -- if ($fixBound = ($decimalPart ne '') && ((int ($max /10) *10) != $max));
@@ -2299,7 +2318,7 @@ sub _genPreRank ($$$)
$max = $max + 0; # instead string (eliminate leading zeroes)
my $a = substr ($min, 0, (length ($min) - $rank));
my $b = substr ($max, 0, (length ($max) - $rank));
- die "genPreRank error $min, $max are not invariant @ rank $rank\n" if $a ne $b;
+ carp "genPreRank error $min, $max are not invariant @ rank $rank\n" if $a ne $b;
return $a;